#i gotta do some alma and pedro stuff
evostar · 5 months
so this au is called caged souls, but not literally caged souls 👌
It will be where Pedro and Alma switch (I see that sm and I just wanted to do it tooo) And where gifts switch too!! But only from the grandkids, maybe, I don’t know yet 🤷‍♀️ the timeline is a month after Antonio’s ceremony!
The switches of the gifts:
Isabela = super strength
Luisa = giftless
Mirabel = creation\manipulation plants
Dolores = shapeshifting
Camilo =communicating with animals
Antonio = super hearing
Pedro is mentally unstable in this au, not insane but not good yk, and bc of him it makes it hard for the family. He does have favorites and he doesn’t hide his favoritism at all
The order is =
1- Isabela, why? Cause ofc she looks the most like Alma, Pedro believes that she was a gift from Alma and that she is like an angel from heaven. And her super-strength makes it way more believable for him. Isabela hates the idea of being an replacement for her grandmother but she has no choice. (She mostly gets forced into the role.)
2- Dolores, why? Since age of 7 dolores often turns into Alma for him, she sits in front of him while he talks about a lot of stuff, pretending that he’s talking with the real Alma. Sometimes it can get physically (not in a weird way 💀 but abusive way because she can’t keep her form forever or bc he’s going insane) and Dolores gets told everything from him, ofc she’s forced to keep the secrets a secret. (Dolores hates being her dead grandmother.)
3- Camilo, why? Animals were a thing that Alma loved, he thinks that the connection Camilo has with animals is as close as Alma had with the animals too. The beauty being the nature Camilo and Alma had in common is a blessing for him.
4- Luisa, why? Luisa is a very kind soul, even without a gift she has proven him that she could be much more, that power doesn’t always matter no that it comes from heart. (Just like his Alma.)
5- Antonio, why? He is a bright child, with a bright future, Pedro thinks with his gift he can hear a lot of beautiful sounds, like the waterfalls (the place he would go to with Alma.) or the forest (the hangout spot he made with Alma in the forest.) but Antonio doesn’t quiet reach his eyes yet. As if Antonio still needed to prove himself.
6- and the last, Mirabel. Why? He thinks that Mirabel has NOTHING to do with Alma. (Even if he’s very very wrong) not with the personality, interest, or her gift. Sure she may has a beautiful gift, but creating flowers isn’t as special as planting them. Alma loved flowers for sure but everyone does and she loves unique ones not the basic ones, therefore, Pedro has banned Mirabel from using her gift, seeing it as complete waste.
Mirabel being the last favorite again 🥲 I LOVE HER I SWEAR BUT I JUST GOTTA MIX SOME STUFF UP 😭 also their outfits are a lot different than the original ones, more with jewelry and more detailed, he thinks it’s better if they shine brighter then anyone in town. Any thoughts or asks? 🙌
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Hey, I know your Tangled au is centered around Alma and the triplets, but will any of the grandkids show up later down the line? It'd be really interesting to see how the Madrigal grandkids would fit into all this, they would be born presumably after Alma and Pedro reunite, so they would be born and raised as royalty, I'd imagine they would be somewhat sheltered by their Abuela, who's still anxious about the outside to this day, but their parents would encourage them to go out and explore, and any conflict that arises when Alma leaves the tower for the first time would add to that dynamic. It could be this AU's version of Rapunzel's tangled adventure, where the grandkids learn more about their Abuela's magic and explore how the magic might affect the other Madrigals, as it's unclear if the triplets and grandkids have gifts like in canon due to the flower's magic, if they do have gifts, I imagine they work differently or have different gifts than in canon. But it's just an idea and something I've been curious about, I wanna know your thoughts
Oh yeah! If I were to write something of a sequel to it, than yeah! Though, I will admit I never watched the Tangled Series (nor do I really have any interest to), so I gotta look up a lot of stuff 👹
You are right in the fact that Alma would try to shelter them, at least some. She really doesn't mean to, its just her fear and paranoia never really went away. Pedro does try to help, but even he can only do so much.
She wants the best and she wants them to be happy, hence why she never stops them from going out, just like how she never stopped her kids from going out and how she encouraged them to go out; she sees herself in them in that way.
Anyway, the kids would be happy to learn about their abuela's magic! Not sure if they have gifts yet, I'm still debating, but what do you think?? But, if they do have gifts, you are also right in that they'd probably work different or be different (in some cases) in the au. Lot of them are beneficial, to someone anyway.
Glad you shared your ideas <33
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sketchncanto · 2 years
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Yet another doodle dumpppp 🌟
Been hoarding these for a while—comfort art YEAAAH
Ight I’m back on hiatus again LOL
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
"Human. Get lost." Alma glared down the little old human man who was sucking up the poor sweet boos in the mansion she had found during her walk.
Those sweet boos weren't doing anything and they had always been sweet to her and hadn't attacked her. And this human had to have come here on purpose to get this deep into Boo Kingdom territory.
Which meant he came here specifically to hunt Boos for all she knew and she did not like that idea. At all.
The little old man didn't stand a chance against Madam Soul as she physically tossed him out on his ass with one hand.
"Well well. The Soul Queen herself comes to visit my humble home and saves my subjects before I could intervene." A man's voice said and Alma's eyes snapped over to a well dressed man even taller than her.
"King Pedro of the Boo Kingdom at your service Queen Soul. As a token of my thanks perhaps you'll allow me the privilege of your company for lunch? After that I'd be happy to give you a tour of my humble home if you like." The man said with a bow and a smile.
Alma blinked. Was...was this Boo flirting with her?
This is so cute, shout out to the anon that asked for this 🤲 Stan Madame Soul for getting rid of E. Gadd
Alma and Pedro, the dream couple ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bowser Alma is def one of those characters who don’t think they’ll ever fall in love and then someone like Pedro comes along
AU by @canadasflowercrown
Two request? Hurray!
✨You’ve got mail!✨
Anon asks:
“OK remember that thing you had where housebroken, Mermaid, and cocoons universe characters all met? Can you maybe try throwing in the mama Isa AU peeps? (Wait was that snippet anon who did those-? Sorry it's a while since I saw one. 😅)”
And this one is from me; an idea my friend came up with <3:
“In the protective Madrigal AU, could you write a story on how the family would react to Mirabel being kidnapped? What would they do after finding out?”
Have fun 👹👹👹 I’ll be back a little later, gotta get some stuff done 👺👺 more asks to be answered soon
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