#i gotta get some shipped to my mom for a christmas gift
dreamofbecoming · 2 years
saw a tumblr post like a month ago about someone buying different flavors of creamed honey from an indigenous shop that was only on my dash bc it got derailed into something else my mutual thought was funny, but i went and found the shop anyway and now i’m sitting in bed eating blueberry honey straight out of the jar bc i can’t sleep and my head hurts so. happy destiel eve or whatever
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kuzann · 9 months
Escape from the Holidays
My Holiday Truce present for @deuynndoodles! Sam and Tucker get Danny away from the Santa argument for some much-needed relaxation. 💜 Also on Ao3!
Danny trudged his way through the fall season, doing his best to ignore the Christmas merch that was already showing up in stores by Halloween. Holiday creep was annoying in general, but for Danny it acted as an omen of things to come once December rolled around. As the weeks ticked by the knot of stress and anxiety grew in the pit of his stomach; the worst month of the year was approaching and there was nothing he could do about it. He would simply have to endure whatever misery the yearly argument brought just as he did every year.
December 1st arrived. The more restrained organizations of Amity Park at last began to put up their Christmas decorations. FentonWorks lit up in red, white, and green just like the rest of the neighborhood and, like clockwork, the Santa argument began. Danny was long past caring whether Santa Claus was real or not; the only thing that mattered was the fact that the argument made every single December a writhing mass of stress and mess cleanup.
Five days after the start of December he and Jazz sat in the living room after being summoned for a family board game, only for the Santa argument to overshadow everything before the game could even make it out of the box. Jazz hid her face in her newest psychology book while Danny glowered at his parents and wished he’d thought to grab his phone before his dad pestered him into coming downstairs for ‘family time’.
He was just checking his watch for the dozenth time when the front door slammed open. Sam and Tucker hurried into the living room, still breathless from running over. The sudden intrusion put a temporary pause on the argument as the Fentons turned to their new guests.
“Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, there’s a ghost attacking the docks!” Tucker said, still a little breathless from the run as he jerked a thumb over his shoulder.
“You gotta hurry before he gets away!” Sam added. “He’s trying to steal a bunch of shipping boxes!”
“No ghost is making off with holiday gifts while the Fentons are on the job!” Jack declared as he and Maddie drew their concealed weapons. They barged out the door past Sam and Tucker and out into the snowy night.
“Nothing stops the holiday argument like their mutual hatred of ghosts,” Tucker said with a knowing smile.
“Well, we better get going,” Danny grumbled as he stood. “So who is it this time? It’s the Box Ghost, isn’t it?”
“It is, but he’s not our problem tonight,” Sam said with a proud smile of her own. “Come on, you really think your parents can’t handle the Box Ghost?”
“Well since my mom’s out there I guess I shouldn’t worry...” Danny admitted with a small smile. He was already starting to feel a little better now that he didn’t have to witness the Santa argument. “We do need to figure out something for dinner now, though,” he added as he shared a glance with Jazz.
“Don’t worry about it, you’re coming over to my house and we’re ordering takeout,” Sam said.
“We call it Operation: Get Danny Away from the Stupid Santa Argument,” Tucker added with a grin. “And Jazz too, if she wants to hang out with us.”
“Well given that I’ll be all alone here after you guys leave...” Jazz began. “You’re sure you’re okay with me joining in? I’m not gonna cramp your style or anything?”
“Any Fenton who isn’t part of the Santa argument is welcome in my book,” Danny replied.
Sam’s parents were surprisingly pleasant when the four of them arrived; Danny was under the impression that they didn’t care for him or his family, and tonight he had the sneaking suspicion that Mrs. Manson was going to rub being a superior parent in his parents’ faces at some point in the near future because of all this. Jazz lingered to give them a full rundown of her college plans when they asked what she was up to as a matter of courtesy, which gave Sam ample opportunity to get her other guests upstairs and into her room without any further delay.
Her room was dimly-lit by warm red string lights she’d added recently. The effect was almost cozy, despite Sam’s likely intent of using them to boost the goth look to her room. It was certainly more calming than the sea of Christmas lights that decorated most of the city. The curtains were already drawn when they arrived, blocking off any view of the city beyond. Closed, comfortable, and warm.
“So what kind of food are we feeling like tonight?” Sam asked once they were safely in her room.
“Something other than pizza,” Danny replied as he flopped down on a massive black bean bag chair. “I think I’ve finally had enough pizza for a little while.”
“I could go for some Thai food,” Tucker added as he dropped onto the oversized bean bag next to Danny.
“I know a great Thai place.” Sam turned to a nearby bookshelf and took a binder labeled ‘Restaurants’ from it, then leafed through until she found the page she wanted. “Here we go,” she said as she took the menu from a sheet protector within.
“So organized,” Tucker said with a chuckle as Sam passed the menu to them.
“Well when you have dietary restrictions it helps to remember the places that can accommodate,” Sam said.
“Smart,” Danny said. He leaned in, bumping shoulders with Tucker as he read the menu as well. “Think I’ll pick the pad thai with chicken.”
“Red curry with beef for me,” Tucker said.
Danny leaned back against the bean bag and closed his eyes as Sam left to ask Jazz what she wanted. It was quiet in Sam’s room—soundproofed to keep her and her parents’ music tastes completely separate, for everyone’s sake—and no holiday music reached them here. He could almost pretend that this was just any other month and that he didn’t have another miserable holiday season to look forward to once he left. The ball of stress that sat sharp and heavy in his chest slowly began to unwind.
His phone buzzed with a received text. Danny opened his eyes and checked it: Valerie had made it to her grandparents’ house and was asking how he was doing. He smiled and texted back: [Glad ur safe. Sam & Tucker rescued me from Santa argument so doing good]
“Val checking in?” Tucker asked.
“Yep, she’s safe at her grandparents’ house,” Danny replied. Worry over Valerie staying safe on the slippery roads had been sitting at the back of his mind ever since she left the previous day, and it was good to have it resolved for now.
Sam returned with Jazz in tow. “Food’s ordered, now we just have to wait.” She strolled over and dropped down onto the unoccupied side of the bean bag. “Did I miss anything?”
“Valerie made it to her grandparents’ house,” Danny replied.
“That’s good. The roads are pretty treacherous this time of year,” Sam said. She stretched, then fell back against the bean bag, bumping shoulders with Danny. “She’ll be here next time we do this.”
“Next time?” Danny raised his eyebrows with the question as he looked at her.
“Yeah we were thinking once a week,” Tucker added. “Maybe more often. Depends on how stressed out you get.” He gave Danny a playful poke on the forehead.
“We couldn’t just sit back and let you be miserable for the whole season,” Sam said. “Besides, it’s nice to get a break from the holiday rush.”
Danny smiled, and he let out a long slow sigh as he sank into the bean bag a little further. “Thanks, guys.” He pulled the two into a hug. “This really means a lot.”
“Don’t mention it, dude,” Tucker said as he and Sam returned the hug. “So what should we do while we wait for the food to get here?”
“I found this card game called Five Crowns recently,” Sam said. “Let’s try it out.”
The Jacks were wild by the time the food arrived at the front door. Danny and Tucker were almost tied for last place with scores exceeding one hundred points while Jazz sat squarely in the lead with only thirty-five. With two hands to go there was still a chance that Sam could unseat her as the to-be winner, but only time would tell.
Sam brought the food up and the four of them sorted out their meals from the bag. They dug in, chattering all the while about school, video games, movies, future plans. The cards had been laid aside for the moment, to spare them the possibility of getting messy from the food.
Danny forgot the date after a while. It felt like any other night of the year, which was exactly what he needed. He was finally at ease as they set the remnants of dinner aside and picked up their game again.
Jazz won the game in the end, despite a valiant effort to defeat her on Sam’s part. Danny ended with a ridiculous sum of four hundred and twenty-six points. He didn’t mind. It was the simple act of playing the game that he’d enjoyed, win or lose.
With the game over they set about finding other ways to occupy the time. Sam brought up a new fantasy RPG she’d bought recently and asked if they wanted to do a joint save so they could enjoy the story together.
The three plopped down on the big bean bag chair again with Danny in the middle and took turns on the controller, laughing and riffing on the game’s sillier story beats and praising it for the things it did well. Meanwhile Jazz sat at Sam’s desk with a book open before her, a small smile on her face as she kept half an ear on their fun, chuckling every so often at one of their jokes.
Hours drifted past, carrying them late into the evening, and at last the three began to nod off. Sam and Tucker each rested on one of Danny’s shoulders, the book Sam had been perusing laying open across her lap while Tucker’s PDA had almost slipped out of his hand as he slept.
Once she was sure they were soundly asleep Jazz took a nearby blanket and draped it over the three, gently tucking the edges around them to trap in the warmth. Danny was truly fortunate to have such good friends. Getting him away from holiday stress was exactly what he needed, and with them whisking him away like this every few days he would be able to weather the season much better than he had in previous years.
Jazz tiptoed back to the desk and sat down again. She would wake them in a little while to take Danny home, but for now all she wanted was to let him sleep peacefully for as long as he could.
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robinruns · 10 months
Just rambling
Tomorrow is my work's white elephant and a lunch potluck. I got my present wrapped, but I'm not bringing anything to the potluck. Maybe the overflow potluck we have the week after. Yes, we need two potlucks.
I need to send an email about our ugly sweater contest that goes with the second potluck. I just hope my own ugly sweater I ordered on Friday arrives in time. If not I'll wear it the last day I'm in before Christmas.
I'm glad I took two days off around Christmas. I still don't know what our plans are. I know Kyle's aunt will have something on the 25th, but my mom will probably want to do something on the 26th because she Does Not want her time infringed upon. I mean I get it. I gotta take gift inventory. I don't know if I have enough for everyone yet. I have a bunch of orders out there that are just not shipping? Like I ordered on black Friday, what is the hold up?
Speaking of shopping, I didn't go grocery shopping this weekend. I didn't have a meal plan so I just didn't. I think I'll make turkey burgers tomorrow. I'll just have to stop to get some buns and maybe some dried minced onion and a side salad. That will last us two nights.
I went through and put all my workouts in my 2024 planner. They're in pencil so adjustments can be made, but I feel less like I'll be wandering aimlessly in the gym.
All this and yet I've been feeling just like the crushing weight of a bad depression day. I guess the depression on the larger scale is getting better. There are fewer days like this and instead of spiraling, I'm able to rationalize it, knowing it's probably just the winter since it was an especially gloomy day weather-wise. I do sorta wonder if I may as well take a vitamin d supplement. My chiropractor said a doctor in town did a study on his patients and said not a single one had decent vitamin d levels just because Wisconsin.
There's just too much pressure this time of year and I don't appreciate it.
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morganas-pendragons · 4 years
Light | Wrecker
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This is #1 of at least half a dozen or more fics I am gifting my Twitter kids for Christmas! I wanted to give back this year, and so I decided to write some things for characters I haven’t really tried anything for yet. Regardless of that, I hope you enjoy! 
I played around with the clones ages for this considering we don’t know how old The Bad Batch is - like with Rex physically looking like he’s in his twenties but not actually being so. 
This reader is a mom to the clones and uses she/her pronouns - exactly like the type in my headcanons - and she happens to have a favorite... 
This was supposed to be a no strings attached type of job. The Kaminoans had recruited you, a simple human, to be a caretaker - of sorts - for the hundreds of babies that occupied their nurseries within the cloning facilities. 
  “There’s no point in forming attachments, Miss. Soon enough they’ll be handed a gun and told to go play war.” 
Yeah. Well. You intend to give these children as much love as you are physically able, and that all starts with the first gaze you set upon one of the clones in the back of the nursery with the mutation. 
He’s among 3 others who are specifically mutated for purposes you are not privy to know as a civilian. That doesn't matter. You pass through lines of cradles and approach the four in the back, peering over the side to gaze into the wide and vulnerable eyes of the largest baby. 
  “Hello, sweet boy.” You murmur, grinning as he coos happily at your voice and lifts his arms upward for you to sweep him upward and into your warm embrace. “You’re stunning. I bet you’re going to be such a big, strong boy!” 
The baby’s response - despite only being old enough to hold himself upright in your lap - is only to clap joyfully and pound his tiny hands against your legs. 
Big, strong boy. You’re gonna change the world. I just know it. 
Wrecker, Age Four 
His brothers named him Wrecker. It’s fitting, given how much larger he became then the other clones, but you’re too attached to the boy to leave Tipoca City at the time that the Kaminoans have asked you to.
  “Buir!” You’ve been moved to the rooms in which they house the clones who are toddlers, and the first thing you see upon waking from your nap is a child sprinting as fast as he’s able to launch himself into your lap. “You’re awake!” 
You beam and press a kiss to his forehead. “Hi ad,” You whisper, peering over his shoulder as he wraps his arms around your neck and buries his face in your shoulder. “Something you need to tell me? I gotta go take care of your brothers.” 
  “They gave me a name today!” He says, and your eyes widen as you gaze at his three brothers who stand before you. 
  “Only because he nearly broke Viper’s nose!” 
You raise an eyebrow and gently pry Wrecker away from your chest. He’s definitely larger then the other clones despite how young he is, but he’d never use his size and strength for violence. Never. Your son is soft, innocent. He’s good. 
  “Wrecker, what’s-” Your gaze snaps back to the clone with the darker hair who then replies to your query with Hunter. It’s a fitting name. “Hunter, talking about?” 
That’s the same day you learn that the clones who will eventually make up the spec-ops team known as The Bad Batch are fiercely protective of each other. They must have learned it from the person who protected them. 
Little to the knowledge of most people, you took these four clones - the special ones, the ones who got the stares, the ones who got picked on and bullied by their brothers - under your wing. You saved them. 
And in turn they save each other. 
You are so proud to be Wrecker’s mother in that moment as he hastily recants a story of how he almost broke Viper’s nose simply because he was bullying Crosshair. 
  “Ad,” You ruffle his hair and beam with pride as you wind your arms around his body. “I am so proud of you.” 
When Wrecker climbs into bed that night, the words he never hears from his trainers and superiors rings in his mind as he burrows under the thin blanket the Kaminoans have given him and his vode. 
  “I am so proud of you.” 
As he falls into sleep, he dreams of his mother. A home, a family, and a mother standing in the kitchen unit - who gives him real food, real food he likes and he’s allowed to eat that tastes salty and sweet and sour and he’s so excited to have it - who treats her son as if he’s the whole world. The whole galaxy. 
Wrecker, Age 10 
The day he returns from a training mission with the rest of Clone Force 99 is the same day you have your first real battle with panic. According to what Crosshair and Tech tell you upon return, Wrecker was injured in a way that leaves him partially blind and with significant scarring. 
You’re terrified. He and the rest of the Batch have already had a difficult time integrating themselves in with their brothers to the point where they’ve taken to calling the non-mutated clones regs and now only associate with each other. You don’t particularly care much about that anymore. As long as they’re looking out for each other. 
When Wrecker is released from the medbay, you search the cloning facility for your son until you find him in the quietest room - the nursery - with his back against the wall and his chin resting on his knees. His face is scarred. His eye is cybernetic. 
Maker, you love him. 
  “Wrecker,” Hunter had warned you about approaching him - claiming he’d become hard of hearing with the explosion that had injured him - and had brought up a fantastic idea with Tech’s help that you were going to initiate as soon as he was ready. “Ad.”
Your son lifts his eyes to meet yours. 
  “Buir,” He replies softly, always so careful to not disturb the babies who lay in their cradles around him. “Did you need something?” 
You tilt your head and sit in front of him, parting your legs and resting your elbows against your knees. Wrecker watches you intently as you do so. He’s always been perceptive - not as much as Hunter, but enough - and with the lack of his sight, he’s having to rely more on his limited senses. 
  “Do you see this?” You take your fingers, press them all together, and rest them against the bottom of your chin before moving your hand forward. “This is sign language. It means thank you. It’ll be an easier way to talk to your vode when you can’t hear them so well. Is that something you’d be willing to learn?” 
He nodded and frowned. “I’m gonna miss blowing stuff up.” 
You reach outward, brush what remains of his hair away from his eyes, and repeat the sign for thank you and you’re welcome. He watches your hands mimic the movements before repeating them for you to see. Wrecker does them perfectly. 
  “Don’t worry.” You murmur. “You’re gonna get to blow stuff up again. I promise.” 
Your only response is his smile. It’s more than enough. 
Wrecker, Age 12  (Set during S7) 
'Сause you are loved You are loved more than you know I hereby pledge all of my days To prove it so
After a while, the Kaminoans have had their uses for you. Your services are no longer required and so you are sent back to the boring home world that you have barely stepped foot on since being sent to Kamino to be the caretaker to infant clones. 
Your experience with the formed Grand Army of the Republic is what gets you into the military, has you trained, and eventually what lands you on Anaxes. 
Though your heart is far too young to realize The unimaginable light you hold inside
  “Ma’am,” Cody’s voice rings out from behind you as you stand in the hangar bay, arms crossed over your chest with your eyes on the horizon as if waiting for the arrival of a ship. “I’ve cleaned your blasters. Just how you like them.” 
You turn to acknowledge the Marshal Commander and smile softly at him. While you spent much of your time with The Bad Batch on Kamino, the greater majority of the Commander Batch and the younger clones have considered you one of them for quite some time. 
  “Thank you Kote.” You murmur. He nods his acknowledgement and before he turns back to Kenobi, lays a hand on your shoulder and says something about the arrival of Clone Force 99 for a mission they’re assigned to do with Rex. “What?” 
The less then graceful landing of the ship known as the Havoc Marauder signals their arrival. You don’t dare move. It’s been too long since you’ve seen them, seen him, and you want to value the moment while you can. 
I'll give you everything I have I'll teach you everything I know
They had never really known the lengths you went to in order to protect them - to protect him - and give him the life, the childhood, you felt he deserved. The Bad Batch had still had it rough, but your gentle nature upon meeting them had impacted them significantly. 
  “The Calvary has arrived!” 
The first thing you see is the personalized armor. You are not the slightest bit surprised they threw in all their effort into ensuring their armor - out of the entire army - was the most notorious. Not to mention that as someone who watched them all grow up, you can see each of their personalities within the way they’ve painted it. 
Then you see him. It’s unmistakeable that it’s Wrecker considering how much taller and broader he is then the rest of The Bad Batch, but it’s not him that notices your presence first. 
It’s Tech. Ever the perceptive, constantly absorbing as much information as able, constantly recording everything, who sees you standing in the hangar and nudges his brother in the midst of speaking to Rex and Cody to point you out. 
  “Mom?” Cody asks skeptically, followed by a gasped “Buir? That’s the buir I never got to meet?!” 
Kix is laughing hysterically at the way Jesse guffaws upon realizing that you are the infamous mother to the clones, but only these four and specifically Wrecker, but the way your heart swells when Wrecker notices you standing there far outweighs the reactions of all the other vode around you. 
Instead of a greeting, Wrecker does one thing. He sees you, beams like the sun lives deep within him, and very promptly tosses you upward to sit on his shoulders. He looms over all his brothers. That doesn’t stop him. 
Oh... oh, that boy has not and will never change. 
With every heart beat I have left
I will defend your every breath
  “I get to blow it up? The whole stinking thing?” Wrecker asks, to which he then looks to you with wide eyes. “You made a promise!” 
You smirk and pat Anakin’s shoulder as you pass him. “Oh, I know I did.” You reply. “Anakin is keeping up on my promise for me.” When Wrecker begins to take the detonator, you turn to the Jedi and meet his gaze. I’ve been promising him this since he was old enough to know how to blow things up.” You coax him into fully handing over the detonator to your son. “Go on. Make his year.” 
Admiral Trench’s cruiser explodes in a cloud of sparks behind The Havoc Marauder. 
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just once, just fucking once I would like to have a reasonably productive long weekend instead of spending most of it too stuck in decision paralysis to actually do much of anything until I reach a point where I feel like I could very well break down crying because I’m too overwhelmed with everything I need to do but I still don’t actually do most of it because the decision paralysis is a huge part of what makes me so fucking overwhelmed in the first place
like. right now probably the most urgent thing is a semi-complicated Etsy commission that the buyer would ideally receive by Dec. 10, which probably means sending it Dec. 7 at the absolute latest. so I should be working on that, right? but it’s going to take a while so it’s a time commitment, especially because it seems kind of pointless to get out a lot of messy supplies to only work on it for a few minutes. and I need to order parts for a different order--well, at least that’s quick. I also really need to reapply thermal paste to my CPU as soon as I can because I think the fan’s getting louder and that can’t be good for anything in there, and theoretically it won’t be that hard, but realistically I’m sure it’s going to take a while and I have to look up a little info on how to do it, first--and it involves my PC being out of commission while I’m working on it, so that’s not something I can do halfway. and while my PC’s open I really need to replace my dead hard drive, which wouldn’t be that hard except I want to install the new one alongside the old one so I can try to clone the dead one onto the new one, which will definitely take time on both the hardware and software sides of things, but it needs to happen sooner rather than later because, again, there’s a lot of stuff I can’t do until I get that done. and I need to send the recent invoices for Hazy’s dental appointment to pet insurance to see if they’ll pay anything, and that should be quick, but nothing ever stays simple. and, shit, I should really do some actual work this weekend because I didn’t get enough done before...and I still need to decide what to do about the vision therapy thing now that it’s clear the best they can do for me is a payment plan for like 36 expensive appointments, ugh. and ah shit I signed up for Yuletide and I’ve done almost nothing, and that’s due...Dec. 17? fuck, that reminds me, I gotta go get a new notebook from my room because I just finished this one, I mean that’s quick and easy but it also means I now have two notebooks that mostly aren’t typed up, which is bad because I can’t do anything with the contents until they’re typed up and of course they’re not backed up (unless I put them in my fireproof safe, and then I’d never get them typed), and typing those is going to take forever, and yeah I’ve been meaning to make it easier on myself by just doing like 15 minutes a day but I haven’t done that at all and they really need to get typed--and, well, I could just do a 15-minute stint, sure, but that seems silly when there’s so much that needs to be done--and, ugh, I’ve sorta been ignoring my email for the last three days and I need to go through that because otherwise I’m guaranteed to miss something I won’t want to miss, but that takes time and it’s going to mean opening up more tabs when there are already too many tabs open (there are always too many tabs open) and I need to deal with those too, and a good share of the emails are probably about Black Friday sales that I’ll probably want to do but that means more tabs and more decisions and shit there’s all that stuff in my Etsy cart that I should really buy sooner rather than later because sometimes Etsy stuff disappears or sells out and then I’ll be sad and frustrated with myself and also some of the things I want to buy are for gifts, which reminds me that I have almost no Christmas gifts yet for anybody, and my birthday is soon so I should probably make some kind of list myself but actually why am I focusing on that at all when the Georgia runoff elections that determine Senate control are in barely more than a month and I need to be writing letters/postcards to voters since I don’t want to phonebank and time zones actually make it really impractical anyway? I was going to do that in a reasonable way this time too, just a few letters a day like I meant to before, use up a lot of these stamps and stuff I still have--and ah fuck it’s been a while since I’ve called my own legislators about anything, I need to do that, that’s theoretically quick because voicemails cut me off at two minutes, although to be able to do that I also have to do at least a little research so I know what’s the most important thing to call about and what to say so that’s more tabs and more time, and I still haven’t fucking reposted the tiny little Endgame fix-it fic I wrote at the end of August, let alone finished anything since then
and I would, on some level, like to work on one of the many, many writing projects that is theoretically close to being done, or one of the recent ones I started because I foolishly and incorrectly thought it was something I could bang out quickly
and on some level I would also like to work on more stuff for Etsy that could be pre-made so it’s not another stress point when I get orders, especially because several things are holiday-specific and some wouldn’t even take that long, but I’d still be choosing to do those instead of more urgent things
and none of that even begins to touch other stuff, like my room that continues to be a disaster and I need to sort through my shit so I know whether I can relist my most popular Etsy item (if I even want to, which I don’t right now because stress), not to mention all the stuff I need to clear out by listing on eBay, and I could do at least one part of that (flatten the boxes I’ve saved for shipping) without committing to a week-long project but even that part would take a solid chunk of time that I should be spending on something more urgent
and we can’t even put up the fucking tree until I move some of my shit away from the spot where the tree goes, which is tough because a lot of it is from work or otherwise theoretically temporary stuff that doesn’t have an actual home, so that’s going to take a while, and then putting up the tree is also going to take a while, and my room is already a disaster so I’d need to clean in there to make room, which would take forever, and for that matter my areas of the living room are generally a disaster too, as always
and while I’m thinking about stuff I brought from work, let’s go back to how I need to do some work stuff because I’m lucky enough to have a decent job with good insurance that can be done from home and I’m still just like...kiiiiiiinda endangering that by not being a functional adult in general? which is at least partly because my brain is a dumpster fire that doesn’t seem to be improving (which is something else to worry about) but regardless of the cause I still have to do something about it? oh yes and speaking of the good insurance I’m kinda endangering by being a fuckup, haha sure hope this knot under my jaw doesn’t turn out to be...you know, the type of bad thing that a knot under the jaw could turn out to be! which is another very good reason I need to stop being a fuckup so I’m not maybe endangering the job that would pay for that, along with all my other medical issues! and also the entirety of our rent because my mom’s really high-risk and the only available jobs she’s qualified for aren’t safe for her to do!
and my knee hurts! and my elbow hurts! and my neck fucking hurts, my head and neck always hurt and I think I’ve been sleeping even worse than usual lately, partly because neck pain and partly just my body fucking hates me, it’s always a problem and I don’t know what to do about it anymore
and now it’s after 8:30 pm and obviously I’ve done none of this, and I’m still tired, and my head and neck still hurt, and there are still so many things I need to do but I can’t choose because the time-consuming things are the urgent ones but I don’t have the time or energy for them and choosing a specific thing (an urgent time-consuming thing, or a less urgent but much quicker thing) means actively choosing not to do one of the other things, and it’s all important, and I can’t fucking choose, and I’m pretty much at a point where I can continue running ever more painful and crazy-making circles in my brain trying to make myself decide something or I can say “fuck it” and do something that would be fun but not urgent or important at all, which I shouldn’t do, so for fuck’s sake I should just pick even one productive thing to do and then maybe let myself do something fun and then get to bed at a good time for fucking once but I still can’t fucking choose and I want to either cry, scream, or possibly hurt myself, and none of this is healthy or productive
and I think possibly my therapist is getting impatient with me for not making much progress and not really having specific goals for our sessions aside from “I hate that my brain is Like This and I want it to not be Like This and no I haven’t done most of the things you’ve suggested and no I don’t have a good reason why, I just want the meds to work so everything won’t be so fucking hard and yes I know that wouldn’t be something you could control even if it was in your wheelhouse, which it isn’t, but I get overwhelmed so fast and I know I need to do better and be better but I don’t know how”
and I wrote this instead of actually doing anything, apparently, because there was at least some chance that dumping it all out would make me feel better or help me see more clearly what I actually need to do, but I think I actually made myself feel worse by articulating just how overwhelmed I am, mostly by things that objectively aren’t actually that difficult or important.
and I still can’t fucking choose.
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lovewriting-5 · 4 years
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*gif is not mine*
7. Bending Laws
9. Confessions
8. Christmas Spirit:
Charles drives through the small town of Beaver Creek. Chris and Daniel were going on and on about Power Bear and superheroes. There were a lot of little mom-and-pop shops. He pulls up to the parking lot of the Christmas Market and parks close to the front entrance. The three of us climb out of the front. Charles helps Chris out of the back, “Okay buddy, you’re ready?” Excitedly, he says “Yeaaahhh!”
Sean helps Daniel out of the back of the truck. Daniel begins speed walking to the market but Sean grabs his right arm. He says, surprised “Hey!” I tell Charles and Chris, “You guys go ahead and we’ll come back to meet you, okay?” Charles says “Sure.” Daniel tries to get away, “But - -“ Charles tells us “Don’t get lost!” They head into the market.
We face Daniel. Trying to make sure he gets it, Sean says “Dude, what the fuck are you doing? I can’t believe it...How many times do we have to keep going over the rules?” Annoyed, he says “Don’t show the power” - - I know...But Chris thinks he can do all this cool stuff. I wish he could...He reminds me of Noah. I just miss having friends...” Sean says “We know man...But you can’t lie to friends about something like this...He could get in trouble thinking he can make shit fly...Or he could get hurt.” Trying to understand, he asks “So you want me to tell him the truth?” I tell him “Well, we don’t want you to lie anymore...You don’t have to tell him everything, but...Don’t let him think he has magic powers, okay? You swear?” Daniel says “Okay, I swear.” Sean says “Deal. We’re counting on you, enano.” He asks “Can I go see Chris now?” I say “Yeah, let’s go.” Sean says “But don’t forget what we said.”
The three of us enter the market. The first thing Daniel says is “Woaw...So many trees! Ugh...They look like giant cocoons...Creepy...” He goes over to the table where the seller of the trees is. There was a can of fake snow, he says “Mmmm...I bet dad didn’t know about this...” Then notices a giant netting machine for the trees. He comes up with another question, “Is this what they wrap the trees with?” Sean says while chuckling “Yeah...We should put you in it!” Daniel says “Shut up! You guys coming?” I tell him “Don’t worry, we’ll be around!”
He heads over by Charles and Chris. As we get closer, we hear Chris ask “Can Daniel help, dad?” Charles says “Of course he can!” I smile at how fast they became friends. I was looking at some Christmas trees in a corner. Daniel and Chris come by and sit on the cinder blocks near by.
Chris says “Hey...You think you can come to our house for Christmas?” Unsure, Daniel says “Mmmm...I’ll have to ask grandma and grandpa...” Sounding hopeful, Chris says “Maybe we can do it all together? I’m sure dad would agree!” He says “It’d be awesome!” Changing the subject, Chris asks “So what’s your best score on Mustard Party 2?” He says “About 800, I think!” Shocked, Chris says “Whoah, cool! Mine’s a bit lower...” He mentions “I was about to beat it a few weeks ago, but...Sean’s phone ran out of battery...”
I walked away and checked out the rest of the market. I saw a blue snowman display. I checked out some of the other types of Christmas trees they had. Sean and Charles talked for a few minutes. Charles then went and talked to one of the customers.
Sean then came and joined me in the second part of the market. I was looking at one of the display tables when I feel his arm against mine. He says “Hey.” I look at him, “Hey.” To the vendor, we say “Hi.” The vendor says “Good morning! It’s nice to see new faces in this old town!” Politely, I tell him “Thanks! It’s a...super cool market you’ve got here...” He tells us “Small towns are the best for Christmas! Who are you guys staying with?”
Sean says “We’re just passing through, so, uh...At a...motel.” The vendor mentions “Well, I saw you speaking with Charles, so I thought...” I add “Oh! We’re not related...” Sean chimes in “My brother Daniel is friends with Chris...” The vendor tells us “Gotcha. I like his son...Funny little guy. Despite everything...Anyway, welcome to Beaver Creek. If you need anything, just holler.”
We look at the three different options for gifts on the table. Our choices are a sitting patriotic bear, a snowman and a wooden beaver. We talked for a few minutes about what Daniel would like. We decided on the snowman. Sean says “Can we get one of those...snowmen things?” The vendor says “Of course! They’re handmade by local kids!” “That is so cool!” I tell him him.
I give him the money, “Here you go...” He says “Thanks! Anything else?” Sean says “No, we’re good!” He tells us “Have a nice day then!” I say “You too. Thanks!”
We check out the table of wreaths next to the male vendor. Sean says to the woman, “Hi! This is a...nice collection!” The woman tells us “Why, thank you! I make them all myself!” I say “Whoah, that’s so cool! Must be a lot of work!” She says “Definitely too much for the money they get me, yes...” He asks “How come?” She explains “Well, people certainly don’t buy as much handmade Christmas decorations as they used to. The mall has ruined every single ship in town. Can’t do anything about it. And people seem surprised when unemployment is going through the roof.” I tell her “I know, it sucks...But we can’t do anything about it, right?” She says “I like to think there’s always a solution, however frustrating that thought can be. Anyway. You’ve got better things to do than listening to an old lady ranting about capitalism, right?” Sean says “It’s cool. Don’t worry.” The woman says “Well, thanks for hearing me out anyway. You guys have a nice day!”
I faintly hear strumming of a guitar. I look around and see a woman with purple hair. She has a small red paper plate sitting on the ground in front of her. I place a hand on Sean’s shoulder, say “Sean, I’m going to listen to the woman with the guitar. Do you want to come with me?” He says “Maybe in a few minutes.” I kiss him on the cheek and head over.
The purple haired woman starts strumming then begins It’s me, it’s me, you’ve come to take/My duality awakes/By midnight time I could not see,/If I were you or you were me/We play the game with skillful hands/And so I asked for your demands
At this point, Sean comes and stands next to me. I cross my right arm across my stomach. Let my left arm hang free and my right arm hanged on to my left elbow. I all of a sudden feel his fingers intertwine with mine. I look up at him and smile. He smiles back at me. The purple haired woman is still singing, Give me your love, give me your thumb/And he traced us back to where we begun/So the morning came/And swept the night away/As I was looking for/A way to disappear/Amongst the quiet things/And all these empty streets/I found a way, I found a way/To reappear... (Song lyrics credit goes to ‘I Found A Way’ by First Aid Kit)
The woman finishes. In a southern accent, she says “Wow, you made it all the way through...Weird...” I tell her “That was wonderful. You’re really good.” Nervously, Sean says “It was pretty cool.” She says “It’s cool that you both listened. People are usually too busy to care.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sean rub the back of this neck. His cheeks are a little red. He says “This is a small town. They’re not used to having street artists...And stuff...” The woman says “Yeah, they’re not used to many things...Especially seeing new faces on the street...” I tell her “Well...Thanks for the music, and...Good luck.” She says “See ya.”
With our fingers still intertwined, we walk around the market a little more to check out everything. As we were looking at one of the displays about donating, Sean says “I’m going to go talk to that woman with the guitar again.” Not thinking too much about it, I say “Okay.” He quickly kissed me on the cheek.
After five minutes, I decide to go join him. I get there just as the woman says “Me and my friends have been...Crashing here for the week...Nobody...gives a shit about us...I can tell you���re both not from around here.” I got the sense Sean was struggling with words. I chime in “No, no way...Just...Here for the holidays.” She says “Ah! You got family.” Sean finally says “My grandparents...” “Gotta love the grandparents!” She says.
To give Sean’s brain a break, I ask “What about you and...your friends? Road Trip?” Laughing, she says “Not really...We kinda hop from place to place, hunting for...little jobs...” Sean says “Must be a long ride.” The woman explains “That’s okay! We hop on trains.” As she draws out the word trains. She adds “Gives us time to rest.” All he could say was “Man...” I tell her “That sounds wicked.” Laughing, she says “You guys have no idea...It’s free and feels so fucking fun! Well unless you get caught or...fall, but...We’ve been lucky so far. That’s the best. Nobody tells us what to do. No coloration owns us...”
Probably thinking of all the different things he can draw, “And you get to see so many cool places...” The woman tells us “Exactly! Next stop is Humboldt County, California!” Jokingly, I say “Stoner break!” “Not even close! We actually got work over there!” She tells us.
Daniel comes by us, stands on the left side of Sean, begins “What are you guys doing? We picked a tree with Chris! It’s all crooked, like an old witch!” Noticing the purple haired woman, “Oh, hi...who are you? Your hair looks so cool! Is it a wig?” I look away and make an ‘eeee’ expression. The woman tells him while shaking her head, “Ah, well...What do you think?” He says “Mmmm...I don’t know...But it’s really cool! I’m Daniel! What’s your name?”
While giving him a high five and fist bump, she says “Hi, Daniel...I’m Cassidy. I dig your superhero outfit...” He tells her “I’m on a secret mission with my friend! It’s very dangerous!” Cassidy says going along with it, “I can tell! I hope you get your mission accomplished!”
They both turned toward us. Cassidy asks “And what’s your names?” I tell her “I’m (Y/N).” Sean says, nervously again “Oh, uh...Sean...I...I thought we told you.” She says “Now you did.”
A guy with brown dreads and a black dog comes walking up to Cassidy. It seems like they might either know each other or they don’t. The guy says “Sorry, went through some shit with the guys...How much you make? You ready?” Well, that answers my question. He turns to us, “Hello, pups...” Daniel noticing the dog, says “Oooo, is that your doggie? So cool!” While looking at the dog as it begins wagging its tail, the man says “Yeah, he’s been through a lot...Like most of us...So we adopted him. And he stinks! Yeah, you stink and you like, huh?”
The man bends down and pets the dog. Cassidy tells him, “He’s not the only one.” The man says “Have you checked your hair? I think it just twitched! You should keep your distances.” Sean says, confidently “Hey, never too careful! Who knows what may crawl out of there?” She says “Whoa-hoa, the boys join forces! You already perverting him, Finn!” I say “I think it looks cool.” Cassidy gives me a fist bump, says “See? She knows I’m clean...You’re the nasty one...”
Cassidy picks up her backpack and begins packing up her things. Finn says “Yeah, you always for those suburban folks...” Sarcastically, she says “Are you kidding? You wanna talk about your scoreboard, hotshot?” I say putting my hands up in defeat, “Hey, no worries...” “Come on, let’s bail!” He tells her. Cassidy tells us “It was nice meeting you, (Y/N), Sean and...” she bows at Daniel, “...Daniel.”
They walk away. Finn turns back around, says “Stay outta trouble, kids!” Daniel says, waving “Goodbye!” Cassidy says “Hope we see you on the rails someday!” Sean says “Yeah. See you around.” He says “That doggie was so cute...I miss Mushroom.” I tell him “I miss her, too.”
Cassidy and Finn are about to leave when they are stopped by a man who seems like a security guard. The man says, authoritative “Hey, excuse me! Dogs have to be on a leash around here. Too many strays...” Sarcastically, Cassidy says “Sorry, dude. We don’t do leashes.” The man says “Well, the city does. An unleashed dog is liable to a fine, so...” She asks, shocked “You’re gonna fine our dog? Well, that’s not very nice!” The man tells them “Loitering is illegal, too. And you don’t live here, right? Right?” “Calm down, sweetie. We’re allowed to visit the Christmas Market. Our dog’s not gonna eat you, look at him!” Finn tells him. The dog starts to wag his tail.
The man warns them “You better watch your mouth. You punks are always causing trouble...This is a nice town, okay?” Cassidy says loud enough for him to hear, “Jeez...Someone needs to get laid...” Finn says “He’s out of pills...” I cover my mouth with my hand to hide my snicker. The man says “That’s it, I’m calling the cops!” Cassidy says, sarcastically “Oh god, he’s gonna call the cops on us, Finn!” He says “Chill out, we’re leaving this shithole, anyway. You don’t even have a Santa, for Christ’s sake!” Cassidy says one last thing to the man, “Merry Christmas!”
The two exit the market as the man crosses his arms, “Fucking parasites...” Daniel asks “Why did they fight? I don’t get why he yelled like that...Should we do something about it?” Sean gives me a mischievous look. It took a couple seconds but then I got what he is getting at.
He says “See the snow on that booth?” Daniel asks “Yeah? What about it?” I say “Maybe this guy needs a shower...” We walk in front of him to give him some cover. We leave just enough space in between for him. I add “You know. To cool him down...” Laughing, Daniel says “You’re right! Hold on...” We cross our arms and pretend to look at the view. Sean says “Careful...Careful...” Daniel lifts his hand, laughs “This will teach him!” We hear the snow start to crunch a little and then it falling off the roof. Sean and I turn our heads a little to get a better look. We see the snow fall off of the top of the booth and right on the guy. The guy begins shaking the snow off himself in anger and discomfort. I tell him “Nice...” The three of us start to laugh. The man says “Come on!” We immediately stop laughing to hide what happened.
Sean sits down at one of the picnic tables. He pulls out his sketchbook and begins to sketch. I sit down next to him and try to see what he’s drawing. He noticed me and gives me a small smile. I scoot a little closer to get a better look.
Just as he finished up, Chris comes over. Chris asks him “What are you drawing? Whoah, it’s so cool! Are you like, a professional?” Laughing, Sean says “Nah. More like the opposite.” He says “You could draw comic books! The awesome adventures of...Captain Spirit and Super Wolf!” I say “That sounds really cool! I would totally read that.” Sean says “Pretty rad for a Hollywood name. Yeah...I’ll think about it!” He ask “Hey, can you add something funny to your drawing?” Sean asks “Funny? Like what?” Chris says “I don’t know! Something cool!”
Sean takes a few seconds to decide then he adds cartoon aliens and a spaceship. Chris says “I hope I can draw like you one day...” He says “I’m sure you will, man.” Chris walks away. I tell him “That’s really cool! It was sweet what you did for him.” He puts his sketchbook away as we get up from the picnic table.
We head to the front of the market and see Charles and Chris waiting. He asks “Hey, you guys ready to go?” I say “Yeah, all done!” Charles says “Cool, hop in!” Daniel and Chris climb into the back hatch. Charles climbs into the driver seat. Sean and I get back into the passenger seat. The two of them are giggling back there. Charles asks “Are you having too much fun back there?” Chris says muffle by the window, “Yes!” He says “That’s what I thought...” I look out the window and smile. He pulls out of the market. Heads back in the direction of their house and the Reynolds’.
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fearsexdream · 4 years
RESPONSE 0620156:*
Little nemo on hbo .
The school of visual arts church of silver tiles 2500/8P.m. nirvana
Please google little Nemo on HBO.
:The irony is I know they are TALKING???TO ME:
: Republican conservative facebook*
C.lambton:Use cern shelter lockers of
"Hurry up we're DrEaMiNg": .The age of ho:
a caitlin rodriguez production
Sublet:of the age of horus222:
Collect:Fun data for Funny 4 politican friends **_.€9.23Cern Magick:
avcscpavc HAS THE ON TBE WALLS ADDERALL CAMERAS OF Little nemo on abc
Proove it:Cern can see You..**99 23
Touching ne,: LOVE OF THE LG
Bring to FBI
Of ..i
Orange x are you coming to get me Who's **9?23 THE BOSS:* OF FASHION CLUB??.
Republican36 .(Sneaky)
(Not re
al????)As NYU Psyche entertains you
Rosicruckan little nemo:***
THE AGE OF HORUS:a Caitlin Rodriguez production
Dear Cailin,
I love you
Anna gripentrkg:GONE FRON SKYLINE
Amnesiac OCCUPY:
MISSING:The school of visual arts ID
215 e23rd street ID
New York , new York 10010
She no cure carmen cancer:
Bill gates+Others sad!! Dragon ball GT
Church of 9
Fairfield:, connecticut*
She brings home the project**!!
Only for Facebook Jesus christ protect my mother! Demonbkyd!!!** Chris mastronardi GOING INTO THE WORLD OF MY BEINGS TAKE CARE!!
Score2:4 Years the school of [email protected] FACEBOOK+ADDERALL!!!
Pm Nirvana 2500/8*
Why fix when you! Can fuck Williamsburg!,Brooklyn
Ship the real:* wOrLd FAIRFIELD BEACH:
Dear Anna gripentrog,
I found one to really entertain and it littleanna9 a gentike faerie sprite who has grammies AS I PLAY MOMMY+!*** REAL OR NOT!! ( Occupy)!!:42 THE PANASONOC HVX OF THE YEAR 2008 IS NOW THE ARENA OF MY INTERNET ARTWORK I CONTROL THE REALITY WITH ADDERALL AND FACEBOOK IN HATE FOR YOUR DIS. ***
ARTWORK THE SHLW WHILE Flaunting Youtube.com/Forecastmazyfilns -> Broone street: -> 25Th street MARK AGERHOL STREET ROCKY OCCUPIES GENESIS
47 Mollusk+ Live with Annims
SEE SOMETHIBG ONCE TOLD ME (Crazy act:*):Genesis LEGALIZE:Caitlinrldriguehusbabd *
The don
AND THAT WON Little nemo on hbo**-> Chris mastronardi
Darla BURTNIM gift blx:* 9.23****
AND SO MUCH FU. TO TELL YOU ABOUT!!*Oh to be born at 36
Pkeae anna gripentrog never falls in love!!!
,NY you make it happen...
11/202€ Naseq:Nemo ***9.23
and i know me talking to the MCU is a big deal:but we all gotta start pur CAREER:* somewher*!!!)*
See I DONT THINK DIMENSIONS ARE REAL SO I GOT LOST FUCKING WITH THE RADOO..But let's just say Mike had a secret religion called his crazy best cried d who he occupy been bunging i never thought the word focus was REAL* on through a like 2p year TIME JUMP!! DILLION THOMPSON WAS NOT A REAL KID BUT ON TV OUTSIDE A GENESIS FLAG ADDERL REpub....lican conservatovksm occupy 725:5:Fox:0620156*:Crystal IS AWOAH!!
acaitlin Rodriguez production***!9.2Comps
Free and accepted**
(Right after medication time, medication time!!
See MIKE HAD A MOTHER IN FAIRFIield,Connecticut novel and mikd plays a game of ADDERALL +8/119/11 Esoterica with SUICIDE BLONDE I ZS€:sometimes you kick sometimes you get kicked:project art school quantum leap)
Mike always thought he'd be lost again in the MONKEYBONE of childhood magick: Right?Well remember that Pinalplr:*21 WOMAN WELL SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL LONG AGO...BUT SHE HAD A MOTHER/SON RELATIONSHIP WITH MIKE BEST FRIENDS (Crack carmdn):Al's*9.23:*** Anyhow produce toonBowtos: SO LONG AGO MIKE HAD A PART OF HIMSELF THAT HAD A MOTHER+ AND A FATHER COUNTERPART (Hbo:Palmetto Rd peter a
MASTROnardi-s production): LULU.com* MIKE (Deni??*:Silly obama???2011/11??*) Fnord???
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smoljamswrites · 5 years
BTS as your best friends:
I’m kind of proud of this and it’s my first one so yeah. If you like it please like or reblog, it’d mean the world to me. Thank you! x
okay hands down Jin would be such a good best friend
He’s very protective of you
10/10 would get triggered if someone hurt/upset you
comforts you by putting on a funny movie and chills with you on the sofa or tells you an endless supply of his dad jokes
If you go shopping with him, it’d be like a father and child moment
he keeps telling you to stop messing with stuff on the shelves
continuously jokes around and tells you to put things back
and will definitely ask you what you think he should eat next on EatJin
actually, when he does EatJin you’re usually behind the camera just lying around on his bed or whatever, keeping quiet and playing games on your phone
because I get the impression that Jin loves it when he’s got company and he’s in someone else’s presence
asjskjskjsjs does that even make sense
like he just wants you to be there
even if you ain’t doing anything together
you’re just doing your own thing while he does his
he loves that
also because he’s a Mario fan, and he can be extra af, I think if you guys couldn’t decide who got to choose, between the two of you, something like which takeaway you should order
then you are playing Mario Kart and the winner gets to choose
and boi boy does he get competitive at Mario Kart
if you do win though, expect to witness a spluttery loud-ass Jin
not that he genuinely cares that you get to choose the food
I mean, he loves food so whatever you choose he will eat anyway
but he gets chaotic because he knows you find it funny
he’ll do anything to make you laugh
believe me when I say Jin lives to see you happy
being your best friend, he’s seen you upset and at your worse
which upset him in return
so he makes it his mission to make you smile and laugh when you’re with him
Lets you chill in his studio whenever you want
you even have the password
you just walk in most evenings, pass him some food and drinks, and try your best to help him with whatever he’s working on this time
he appreciates this so much
you still annoy him a lot but lets be honest he wouldn’t want it any other way
the other guys often say that you and Yoongi are like a couple
surprisingly Yoongi doesn’t really care that they call you guys a couple
matter of fact, it probably doesn’t help the situation that you and Yoongi are  a l w a y s  cuddling
Like if you are on the sofa watching a film with the guys, you best expect his head to be on your shoulder, face nuzzled into your neck, arms draped over your stomach, by the end of the night
he just finds you comfy
similarly, if you are with him in his studio and its really late
and you refuse to leave without him because you know he’s tired too
he’ll be all huffy for a bit, but neither of you end up leaving because you’re both so stubborn
instead you’ll end up on his lap, your face on his chest, while he continues to work
and when he’s finally done, if you look too exhausted he’ll just take you back to his place and let you stop there for the night
you always beg him to teach you the piano
“but Yoongi you’re the piano god”  “go away y/n”
he insults you everyday but only because he loves you and he knows you can handle it because you insult him right back
you balance each other out perfectly
he’s calm and collected
you’re more bubbly and giggly enthusiastic
both of you are equally savage though
normally all you do is either hang out at his place or his studio
if you do go out then it’ll be at night, where it is typically quieter
you’ll go get a coffee or some food and just drive around, talking for ages and listening to music, time running away with you
so much sass omg
Takes you shopping and judges your fashion choices
when he comes back from tour, he’ll have lots of gifts for you even though you always tell him not to bring you anything back
also if you used to be scared of loud noises well,, lets just say you’re not anymore
you’re used to his happy outbursts and sound effects
but you also know the other side to him that the public doesn’t see
ofc he’s not always going to be the happy, bubbly jhope you see through the cameras
he can truly be himself when he’s around you and he can relax
but when he is acting loud and chirpy he sort of rubs off on you
like your enthusiasm is fed by his enthusiasm
so good luck to those around you because they basically have to handle jhope x2
you get on so well with his family, especially his sister
with his sister being into clothes and fashion too, when you visit her with hoseok, she always compliments your outfits
and hobi will be smirking in the corner because (like i said above) he takes you shopping
and trust me, he would not let you leave that shop with ugly clothes
have you seen that man
he’s the fashion icon
so he takes full credit for every one of your outfits
always gets you to dance with him
he enjoys teaching you new BTS choreography
you’re both easily scared so if there’s a bug for example, the situation would go down like this
“Hobi you get rid of it!”
“No why should it be me? I think you should do it”
“No, i’m scared! You do it!”
“Y/N you’re closer to it, just do it!”
This arguing back and forth lasts for a few minutes until the bug flies/crawls away and you both run off screaming that its gonna attack you
so yeah, literally never a dull moment when Hoseok is your best friend!
Lowkey wants you both to match outfits but he would never ask you
could either be goofy with you or he’ll go completely psychological on your ass
there’s no in-between with Joon
You sometimes have to remind him that hes only human and reassure him he’s a great leader because I feel like he’d sometimes get in his own head and let the haters get to him, yknow?
You just gotta keep telling him he’s doing a great job and help him not let the stress get the better of him
You’re always there for him, supporting him
and he’s always there for you too
listens to all your problems
he gives the best advice
he’s also very protective of you
yknow when he clenches his jaw? or he raises one of his eyebrows? omg please tell me you know what i’m talking about well he’d do that if some one hurt you and he’d get hella mad
your family love him
they say he’s a very positive influence on you
he gets you to help him write lyrics because you’re his “muse”
he always convinces bighit to let you come on tour
even if he has to pay for you himself, you are coming
always leaves his broken stuff in your room
recommends you books to read (regardless of whether you actually like to read or not)
he is also the reason why you’re dirty minded
like forget expensive girl, have you ever heard ‘trouble’??
you’ll be with the other guys and you two just accidentally end up speaking English and the other guys are like..um hELLO?
okay so I can imagine Jimin buying him and his best friend matching necklaces or something?
hear me out
its christmas day and Jimin passes you a small black box
inside is a necklace with a small key on it and engraved onto the key is “PJM 1995″ 
and you’re like “why have you gotten me a necklace with YOUR initials and birth year”
and then he shows you his necklace and it has your initials and your birth year
like this idea is so cute it makes me so soft sjweufbewjfn
will flirt with you just to make you laugh or maybe because he loves you or wHaTeVeR
he gives the best hugs
like BTS have already confirmed this in an interview
if you’re feeling down and need a hug, Jimin is your man 
he is always with you
and if he isn’t, then he is texting you
you guys are inseparable
if he gets drunk around you then you’re gonna have this clingy, sappy, emotional, koala of a man wrapped around you for the night because he will not leave your side even for a second
its cute tho
but that also means he has a hard time during tour because you are usually not there with him
always drags you to his family parties and such 
you love to go, and he knows you do, but you always whine when he asks you just to make him laugh 
his mom loves you!!
not gonna lie she ships you both and when you go see her, Jimin has to beg her not to say anything about it to you
he loves to rest his head on your shoulder and you like to do the same
If you mention how short he is then good luck because he’s gonna chase you down and tickle you until he hears an apology
not that he really cares though
he just jumps at any chance to see a smile on your face
personal hype man
his camera roll is full of pictures of you
hates it when you’re sad
if you’re sad then just letting you know you’re in for a treat
he would organise a sleepover and would aim to cheer you up for the entire night
you always laugh at his pingu impression 
you’re like Yeontan’s mom 
yeontan l o v e s you
you’ll go to Tae’s house and as soon as you open the door, yeontan will run straight to you 
you walk yeontan together at night whilst you share headphones listening to whatever’s on tae’s playlist
recommends you music because hands down this boy has the best taste in music FITE ME
He’s a big fan of skinship so people actually mistake you guys for a couple sometimes
plays with your hair all the time
your parents love him and treat him like he’s part of the family
your parents would genuinely love it if you two dated 
Tae doesn’t mind it when they ask you questions like
“so are you two together yet?”
but you get annoyed purely because you find it so embarrassing
Tae just laughs it off and makes a joke out of it
“no i could never date y/n because her feet smell”
if you need a hug, he’s there
and he’ll sway you side to side and by the end of it you’re laughing so much because he’s hella goofy and you love it
Bullies you all day everyday (but you know he’s only joking)
sends you memes when you both should be asleep
he definitely has a crush on you or at least he has had one at some point in time
doesn’t stop teasing you
he’s so competitive and has to prove he’s better than you in everything
likes to hug you from behind
eats steals your food
you constantly steal his hoodies and he gets annoyed
but he can’t stay mad at you for too long though
he lives for your compliments
though it normally ends up with you playfully hitting his chest when his ego grows a little too big
he is never serious with you
always has his arm around you, it’s like a habit
always stares at you 
always bursts into your room to hang out and then ends up sleeping in your bed
when he’s feeling cocky, he takes his shirt off and tries to make you feel his muscles
when he’s all sweaty from either going to the gym or dance practice, he makes it his mission to find you and get you to hug him while you’re screaming that he’s all sweaty and “gross”
the guys are convinced you two are dating
and Guk lowkey wishes you were but you didn’t hear that from me ;)
he wants you to play with his hair 24/7
being best friends with him means that, if you weren’t already into video games, then you definitely are now
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 5 years
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I’ve made a wreath (that no one will see since not even delivery people go all the way to the house).
I’ve made gingerbread and sugar cookies (that will end up in the freezer since I have no one to share them with). 
I’ve decorated at Mom’s house (even if someone today referred to the house as abandoned!! And I can’t get the timer on the lights in the windows to work)
I’ve put lights on the tree by the highway (though not many lights and Racer wasn’t much help)
I’ve gone on my solstice walk in the woods (though I had to rush it as it got dark).
I’ve mailed a few cards. I’ve wrapped Mom’s gifts and shipped them to her. I’ve bought the things for cooking Christmas dinner. I’ve listened to my favorite Christmas music. I’ve watched most of my traditional fave Christmas movies and tv shows.....
I’ve still gotta get a tree and decorate it. I’ve also gotta wrap something to give myself or I won’t have any gifts this year. 
Look, I’m trying to do all the things I’ve always enjoyed doing for Christmas. I refuse to let the universe convince me to give up!  Christmas traditions as act of defiance! LOL 
But you know, I’m really kind of going through the motions. Christmas alone and forgotten just isn’t the same. Gotta get used to it though. Just the way life eventually ends up for some of us.
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
Secret Santa Gift Fic for Whizzy
( @newsiessecretsanta ‘s secret santa set up)
SURPRISE WHIZZY i was ur secret santa!!! ily @spec-s-pecs
warnings: implied alcoholism/drug use
ship: sibling smalls/jack/spot w momma medda!
editing: actually yeah, kinda
Spot groaned as he struggled to tie his tie for the third time, “I don’t get why I gotta dress up,” he complained, eyeing Jack, his foster brother, in the mirror, “We’re jus’ stayin’ in the house.”
“Miss Medda likes us lookin’ nice,” Jack defended, not looking up from his phone.  He was already dressed up, a well-fitting green button down tucked into a pair of sleek khaki slacks.  
“Yeah, well it’s stupid,” Spot grumbled, tossing his tie down in frustration.  It was his first Christmas in his new foster home and he wasn’t looking forward to it.  Christmas had never been anything special in the past.  Even before he was in foster care, his family rarely did anything.  His father was almost always far too drunk to know the date and his mom was rarely home, most likely out somewhere getting fucked by some needle.  When he finally escaped that home, his new ones were always crowded by kids and any Christmas spirit was thwarted by uncaring adults who just want the money benefits of fostering kids.
Not celebrating Christmas was normal for Spot- comfortable at this point.  It was routine and he wanted it to stay that way.
“If you really don’t wanna dress up,” Jack sighed, finally meeting Spot’s gaze, “I think Medda’ll understand.”
Spot grunted, not saying another word as he began to unbutton his dress shirt, grabbing his sweatpants from his bed before stepping into his and Jack’s shared bedroom to change.  He re-emerged a few minutes later, feeling much better in his comfy clothes.  If Medda really cared about him, as she claimed to, then she would want him to be happy, right?
“Spot, Jack,” Their nine year old foster sister, Smalls, poked her head through the door, “Medda wants us down now for dinner and presents.”
Spot scoffed, “Presents?  Ain’t that for Christmas Day?”
Smalls entered the room fully, fixing him with a confused look, “Christmas Eve is where we get family presents, like, from Medda.  Tomorrow mornin’ is when we get Santa’s presents!”
Spot rolled his eyes, bunching his dress clothes and chucking them into his hamper, “Santa ain’t-”
He was cut off by a sweatshirt hitting his face, “Ow, Jack, what the fuck,” He pulled the sweatshirt away to see Jack, shooting him a warning look.
“First off, language,” He hissed, “Second,” He glanced at Smalls who was looking between them innocently, “Second, summa us still got Christmas Spirit, you don’t gotta ruin it on accounta you bein’ the Grinch or sum.”
Spot shifted his jaw, “Whatever,” He muttered, pushing past Smalls and padding down the hallway.  He entered the dining room to find the table filled with a plethora of different dishes, ranging from a small ham to a giant pan of mac and cheese.
Medda, who had been setting forks out for the four of them looked up when he entered, “Hi, Sean,” She smiled, “Feelin’ okay?”
“M’fine,” He mumbled, looking past Medda into the living room, where a load of presents were visible under the tree.
“You sure?” Medda asked, her eyebrows creasing in concern, “Ya can let me know if somethin’s goin’ on in that head of yours, I don’t mind listening.”
Spot glanced down at his baggy clothes, then at the beautifully set table, feeling guilt wash over him.  Medda had worked so hard to set up a nice evening for them and he couldn’t even adhere to her one request.  He suddenly felt entirely overwhelmed.  It was too much- the dinner, the presents, the tree, the caring home on Christmas.  He kept his eyes trained on the floor as a lump rose in his throat and as a sob forced its way out of him, he took a defensive step backwards, crossing his arms at his chest.
“Oh, honey,” he heard Medda sigh, guiding him to one of the chairs, “What’s on your mind?”
“I don’t know,” Spot hiccuped, shame preventing him from looking at Medda, “It’s jus’ a lot.”
“What’s a lot?”
“This,” Spot said, gesturing to the table, “I ain’t had nothin’ like this before.  No big meal, no presents, no nothin’.  It hurts.  I dunno why.”
Medda nodded slowly, eyes scanning over the dinner table, “I’m sorry, hon,” she said softly, “I didn’t mean to overwhelm you,” she paused to consider, “Why don’t we all get in our PJs and then we can take our dinners to the living room and watch Christmas movies instead.  Presents can wait until tomorrow morning, tonight we can just relax. How does that sound?”
Spot shook his head, “No, I don’t wanna ruin-”
“Sean, sweetheart, you wouldn’t be ruinin’ anything.  Your comfort is my priority.”
“But Jack and Smalls-”
“Jack and Smalls will understand better than anyone,” Medda said, firmly, yet sweetly, “Now why don’t you go freshen up and I’ll let the others know the new plan, yeah?”
Spot nodded, wiping his eyes shakily on the back of his hand, “Okay,” he stood on wobbly legs, crossing to the bathroom down the hall and flicking on the lights.  He braced himself on the sink, gathering himself for a moment before splashing some water on his face.  When he got to the living room, he found Jack already huddled on the couch, Smalls stretched comfortably across his lap.  The two of them had already been living with Medda for two years when Spot arrived, so they were fairly close with each other.  They were both in pajamas, and when Spot entered, they looked over at him.  Spot winced, expecting to see disappointed looks on their faces, but relaxed when he found nothing but concern.  Although, that wasn’t much better.  He didn’t like pity.
Jack seemed to notice his discomfort and visibly wiped the worry off his face, “Yo, you good?” he asked, nonchalantly.
Spot shrugged, perching himself on the armchair adjacent to the couch, “Yeah.”
“You can come sit on the couch, ya know,” Smalls piped up.
Spot hesitated, confliction pooling in his stomach.
“If you’d rather sit alone, that’s cool,” Jack stated, “But you’re welcome to come sit over by us.”
Spot blinked a few times, steeling himself, then carefully tucked himself on the couch, huddling into the corner near the armrest.  Jack smiled softly, but didn’t say anything. “Here you are,” Medda said, setting a tray with three plates on the coffee table in front of them, “I got you guys a little bit of everything to try, but you don’t gotta finish your plates if you’re not feeling up to it.”
“Thanks, Miss Medda,” Smalls and Jack chimed.
“Thank you,” Spot said, leaning over to grab his plate.
“Have you guys thought about what movie to watch yet?” Medda asked, settling on the other end of the couch near Smalls.
“No, Jackie, Miracle on 34th Street!”
“Uh,” Spot cleared his throat, “I’ve never seen A Christmas Story before, so…”
“Holy shit-”
“Language, Jack.”
“Sorry, Medda, just,” Jack ogled at Spot, dumbfounded, “You’ve never seen A Christmas Story?  We’re watchin’ it.”
“Alright,” Medda chuckled, pulling it up on Amazon Prime, “You’re in for a treat, Spot.”
Spot sank into the cushions as the opening credits played, working his way through his plate of food as he watched.  As the movie played, plates were abandoned back onto the coffee table and Smalls dozed off.  Jack was quoting the movie alongside the characters and as Spot allowed himself to relax, laughing alongside Medda and Jack at some of the more iconic lines, he couldn’t help the warmth that spread through his stomach like a wildfire.  
If this is what Christmas could be, maybe it wasn’t so bad after all.
ily whizzy i hope this was good
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
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@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @thatpoorguysheadisspinning @spec-s-pecs
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Holiday Travel, 2018.
I mentioned briefly in my last post that I was anxious about our holiday travel plans. Having successfully completed our Holiday Whirlwind Tour 2018, I thought it might help me digest the adventure by writing about it.
For me, the holiday travel started on Saturday, December 22nd with a trip to Malvern to meet my dad and brother. For my dad’s (60th!) birthday we went to Philly to catch both a Flyers game and a 76ers game. I drove from State College to Malvern that morning where we shared surprise cake with my Aunt Michelle and cousins Morgan, Danny, and Erin.
Now, my dad, my brother, and I have an ongoing bit featuring an old Happy Meal figurine of Dash from the Incredibles. For over ten years we’ve been taking turns hiding the toy in someone else’s stuff. In college once I forgot my sneakers at home and had my parents ship them. When I unwrapped the package, I found Dash jammed into one of my shoes. There was also a time someone found Dash suspended over the toilet with duct tape. Pete hid Dash in my medicine cabinet back in July and I had been scheming for months trying to come up with a spectacular way to pass Dash on to my Dad.
So, I put Dash into my Dad’s 60th birthday cake. The cake is a lemon cake with lemon buttercream, lemon curd filling, shortbread and Biscoff cookie crumbles, and vanilla mascarpone rosettes. And a plastic toy inside, of course.
The big reveal went about as well as I could’ve hoped and even though it wasn’t a long visit, it was a treat to get some time with my Aunt Michelle and cousins as well.
From their home in Malvern we went in to the city to catch the Flyers game. They didn’t win but it was still fun and hey, we got to see a fight too!
After the Flyers game we took the Broad Street Line into the city to get cheesesteaks from Pat’s. Along the way we passed a very cool glass mural on the outside of a museum. It was cold but nothing warms this Philly girl’s soul quite like a famous cheesesteak.
We trained back to the stadium for the 76ers game… it was excellent to see a close game and even better to end our evening with a win!
Then back to Malvern where we parted ways for the night, Dad and Pete heading home and me stopping at a hotel in York for the night.
Daily miles driven: 313. Total miles: 313.
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On Sunday the 23rd we were up and moving early to get our family Christmas tree! Ever since I was a kid, we’ve gone to cut down our own real tree for Christmas. We met at our go-to place, Tuckaway Tree Farm, and found the perfect tree. Then back to Huntingdon to decorate and share a family dinner. After one of our family faves, turkey pot pie, and LOTS of Christmas cookies, I headed home for one beloved sleep in my own bed before the chaos really began.
Daily miles driven: 153. Total miles: 466.
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Family Christmas! My mom, my dad, my brother and I unwrapped our family gifts in Huntingdon and upheld our tradition of reading both “The Night Before Christmas” and “The Polar Express.” My dad made eggs benedict and beignets for breakfast before we parted ways… Dad heading to Richmond, and mom, Pete, and I heading to visit our Grammy and Pap-Pap in Elizabethtown.
We had a lovely visit with Grammy and Pap-pap, opening more presents and having another family dinner. Then we hit the road again, stopping at a hotel in Lancaster for the night.
Daily miles driven: 171. Total miles: 637.
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Huddell Christmas! We woke up to peanut butter waffles before continuing our trip to see mom’s family, the Huddell clan in Glenolden. We’ve been going to Glenolden for Christmas for almost my whole life… though there were a few years when we gathered elsewhere, Christmas at Glenolden will always be a very special thing for me.
I got lots of good chats with my aunts and uncles and cousins and cousins’ spouses and kids. One of my cousins showed up in his Christmas pjs, a Pikachu onesie. One of my uncles showed up in David Pumpkins-esque Christmas suit. I got to sit with my Grandmom for a bit while my uncle shared the good news that another of my cousins is pregnant with her first child. We cram a lot of people into a small space for a few hours in Glenolden every year and I wouldn’t trade it for the world… so much love in such a small space! Then a tasty lunch buffet of meatballs and more Christmas cookies gave us the fuel to keep driving.
We finished Christmas day driving south to our hotel in Emporia on the way to our next destination.
Daily miles driven: 378. Total miles: 1,015.
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Finished our drive and arrived in North Myrtle Beach in time for family dinner! The celebration for my Nana and Grandpa’s 50th wedding anniversary began with ham and cheesy potatoes and homemade applesauce, which we shared with more aunts, uncles, cousins, and close family friends. We hung out in their condo laughing and eating and swapping stories in the warmth of the glow from the Christmas decorations. After a final nightcap we headed to our hotel for the night.
I am very anxious during travel but when I’m greeted with such a beautiful ocean view, it’s hard to be too grumpy.
Daily miles driven: 265. Total miles: 1,280.
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Party day!
Pete and I started our day by meeting my dad, Nancy, and cousin Lee for mini-golf. The course we played at had a cute little train to the top of the course which my party-pooper brother refused to ride. The game was close- Dad and Pete tied for first and I was just one stroke behind. Pete, Lee, and I hung out for a second round of golf despite the steadily increasing threat of rain. We ended up soaked but ya gotta get your mini-golf fix when you can and I’m glad we stayed for that second game and some extra cousin time!
Back to the hotel to get ready for the party before meeting up with the rest of the group for a tasty Italian dinner and three different types of cheesecake! Though we spent a lot of time in the car to get there, I am so so glad that I was able to share the time with my family and celebrate my Nana and Grandpa!
Daily miles driven: 20. Total miles: 1,300.
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We woke up to get breakfast with Nana and Grandpa at Friendly’s before starting our saga back north. It was a tough goodbye… I feel very strongly that I don’t get enough time with my Nana and Grandpa but that’s one of those problems that doesn’t have an easy fix.
After a long, long drive through the rain we arrived in Fredericksburg for the night.
Daily miles driven: 371. Total miles: 1,671.
Family tattoo adventure!
After an emergency trip to purchase shorts and a late-night email exchange, we started the second to last leg of our journey to Key City Tattoo in Frederick, Maryland. Pete had previously made an appointment with Antonio Roque and I managed to secure a spot with one of my favorite tattooers, Vinny Morris. My mom snagged a walk-in spot with Nate Sprenkle and we all ended up under the needle.
A few hours and three beautiful pieces of artwork later, we started the trip home with a quick stop for Five Guys on the way.
Daily miles driven: 280. Total miles: 1,951.
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This is basically a captain’s log. Being in the car is hard for me but I find it slightly more manageable if I’m driving, so despite plenty of offers from my mom and my brother to take turns at the wheel, I drove every one of those 2,000 miles. Even if driving helps, I still am anxious enough that I need to stop often. If you add up all the miles traveled and all the extra miles for stops in that long, long seven-day span, I’m sure we drove at least 2,000 miles.
I’m endlessly grateful for my family’s patience with my need to stop and truly blessed to have spent so much time with my family this holiday season.
What you don’t see in this mile count is a laugh count or a smile count or a family dinner count. Though the weight of those miles was heavy, the scales are undeniably tipped in favor of the plentiful blessings I collected along the way. I got to see Pete for the first time since July. I got to see cousins I haven’t seen in years. I got to see all five of my living grandparents. I got to prove to myself that even if the trip wasn’t easy and didn’t exactly go super smoothly, I was still able to do it safely.
I finished the trip with a Roald Dahl reminder to “row on.” 
I started 2019 by printing and hanging new pictures in my room. This year was a big one and I am so grateful for all the victories I collected along the way, both big and small, with the help of my friends and family.
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It’s the Thought That Counts (2/3)
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It was, in theory, a good idea. It was, in theory, an absolutely fantastic idea. Because there was still, sometimes, a crisis or two in Storybrooke and nothing would be more chaotic than trying to find a Christmas present on Main Street, while also trying to keep said Christmas present a secret. Ordering gifts on the internet makes sense. It’s just a few clicks and online sales and the presents will be there in plenty of time for Christmas to be perfect.
Emma and Killian are positive.
Except then the presents don’t show up and it’s Christmas Eve and plan B isn’t so much a plan as it is just a bit of pre-holiday desperation and the entire town knows what they’re up to.
Rating: Mature’ish. Eventually. As it is, Killian uses some vaguely pirate-type curses in this chapter. Word Count: Like another 8K’ish. It’s gotta be even or something.  AN: Hi internet, it’s me again, with a questionable amount of words and adjectives and Emma’s POV. This is still my CSSS gift for @theonceoverthinker who continues to be excellent and deserves all the words and adjectives. So, this is still the same day - Christmas Eve in Storybrooke, but Emma was lying before about paperwork and....now we’re going to find out why. There are more words coming tomorrow. Can’t stop, won’t stop. Shoutout to @distant-rose for always listening to my plotting issues and questions and but what would they even get each other for Christmas questions.  Also on Ao3 if that’s how you roll. 
She’s going to hit something.
Or kick something.
Possibly her desk.
And just like...the world.
Emma has no idea what to do next. There’s no time to do anything and the whole point of this was to save time and make things good and great and perfect and now it’s not going to be any of those things because she only has a few hours to figure it out and her mother will not stop promising everything is going to be fine.
Snow White is frustratingly optimistic no matter what – even in the face of postal service crises.
Emma makes some kind of noise that absolutely does not belong in any sort of fairytale and when she does, finally, give into her frustration and kick her desk, it hurts even more than she expected it to.
“Damn,” she mumbles, twisting her mouth in pain and her father does his best to turn his laughter into a convincing cough. “That didn’t work at all,” she mumbles, resting her weight on the side of her desk and she didn’t even get enough power behind her kick to leave a dent or anything.
“It wasn’t really my best effort,” David admits, crossing one foot over the other where he’s leaning against the far wall. “And I really do think you’re worrying over nothing. He’ll understand.” Emma rolls her whole head in frustration, pointedly ignoring her mother’s half-opened mouth because she’s not sure what she’ll do if she hears another round of it’s going to be fine and her toes can’t really take another round of kicking whatever it is her desk is made out of.
“This is a disaster,” Emma mumbles.
It’s not.
She know that. Rationally.
She knows Killian will understand and Henry will smile and promise it’s totally cool, Mom and they’ll still go to her parents' house tomorrow night and eat a questionable amount of food, but there had been a plan and a schedule and now it’s all blown up in her face.
She knows nothing is actually blowing up. Rationally.
But there’s this other, vaguely irrational side of Emma that just wanted everything to be some kind of Yankee Magazine type of perfect on Christmas and Regina had promised it would work.
“There’s not really a town line anymore,” she’d said, weeks ago with a nonchalant shrug as if the lingering threat of losing all your memories when you walked by the sign at the edge of town wasn’t really that big of a deal after all. “There hasn’t been forever.” Emma shook her head and waved her hands in the air, what felt like a million questions struggling to find their way out of her at once. Regina rolled her eyes. “People have been coming and going from Storybrooke for years, Emma,” she said, the struggle to keep her voice even so obvious it felt like it reached out and slapped Emma in the face. “And now that we’re not…” “Facing imminent death?” Emma interrupted and Regina didn’t even move her eyebrows.
“Something like that. Now that we’re not on the defensive, people can come and go as they please, particularly at this time of year when the potential for those seeking some kind of festive ideal is so high.”
“I’m sorry, hold on...you want to turn Storybrooke into a tourism destination?” Regina tilted her head. “It’s a consideration, but that wasn’t what I was alluding to at all. I’m agreeing with you that, with the holidays coming up, and things, relatively calm now, we might be able to expand our gift-giving tendencies.”
“And no one is just going to….you know, forget their entire being if I order gifts off Amazon and get them delivered to my house? Like an actual, normal person? Who just wants to celebrate Christmas and buy actually good gifts?”
“No,” Regina sighed, lifting one eyebrow and Emma hadn’t planned on talking for so long. She wanted this to be good. She wanted this to be festive. She wanted her house to appear in a publication she was only dimly aware of and not entirely sure was all that profitable.
“You’re sure?” “I don’t know how many times to tell you the same thing with different words.” Emma growled in the back of her throat and that wasn’t going to do her many favors in quest for holiday perfection. “Ok, ok, I get it. I just…” “Can’t find the perfect gift for the pirate who has everything with four storefront options on Main Street?”
“Something like that.” Regina’s expression softened slightly and it was, easily, one of the stranger conversations Emma had ever had. That was saying something. She was fairly positive she’d watched her mother converse with several birds a few days before. “I promise,” Regina said. “You won’t ruin anyone’s entire existence by buying gifts.”
And, well, that was that.
Emma started researching and buying and it didn’t take nearly as long as she expected and she found the perfect gift and she was considering some kind of victory celebration as soon as she got her order confirmation.
That celebration would have been premature.
Because now it’s Christmas Eve and her phone is dinging with updates from Amazon’s distribution center in Portland and there’s been some kind of issue and she didn’t really read the e-mail because she was too busy trying to kick her desk into submission.
“It’s going to be fine,” Snow says again and Emma’s not sure which noise is louder, her responding sigh or her father’s tongue click and her mother just smiles encouragingly at the open air in front of her.
“Did they at least give you a new delivery date?” David asks, pushing away from the wall to take a wary step towards Emma. She can only imagine what her face looks like.
She kind of feels like she’s on fire, which is a strange feeling to feel when the sheriff’s office is always so freezing cold, but every single one of her nerve endings seems to be pulsing under her skin with something that might actually be fury. She’s a bit surprised to find that her fingers haven’t started sparking.
It’s her goddamn magic – she knows that, rationally, but irrationally it’s kind of like being drunk on aggravation and the presents were supposed to arrive at the station two days ago and she’d planned this.
There was a schedule.
There were expectations.
There are no presents.
And she has no idea what to do next. She needs to get her magic to relax.
She needs to buy presents.
She needs some Christmas, God damnit.
“It’s….” Snow starts again and Emma’s head snaps up so quickly she’s momentarily concerned about the state of her spine.
David shifts in between them, lifting both hands like he’s regulating a boxing match instead of the eternal optimism of a fairytale princess and his slightly despondent daughter. “We just need to come up with a plan,” he says and it’s practical and rational and Emma can probably use a bit of both at this point.
She should make a list or something.
“And you never answered my question,” David adds, glancing meaningfully at Emma with the unspoken plea not to yell at her mother or kick the office furniture again.
Emma heaves a sigh and it’s probably not that serious, but the gift was so good and she was really considering that celebration and their house is covered in lights and there's garland on the railing outside and watching Henry and Killian try and make sure a tree stood straight in their living room did something very specific to her heart. Made it grow or stutter or something.
She wants a little Christmas.
No, that’s a lie. Emma wants a metric ton of Christmas and she wouldn’t be opposed to a little snow because after everything – curses and death and darkness and the goddamn Underworld – they deserve a lot of Christmas and even more festive and she’s fairly certain rum goes well with eggnog.
“December 29th,” Emma grumbles and David can’t quite mask his immediate response. Snow practically sags in front of them. “Which you know...is not great.” “Yeah, that’s a little after the fact.” “They were supposed to be here two days ago because I planned this. I paid for extra shipping! I’ve never paid for extra shipping in my entire life!” David laughs before he can stop himself and Emma’s clearly losing her slightly tenuous grip on both reality and her magic. The combination of those two words in a single sentence is, possibly, the most absurd thing she’s thought all day.
And at one point she considered sending out a locator spell for her presents.
It absolutely would not work.
“Killian really will understand, Emma,” Snow says, leaning back against David’s chest out of instinct as soon as his arm wraps around her shoulders. “And it’s not as if you’re not going to give him a gift. It’s just...delayed.” “I know, I know,” Emma mumbles. She drops onto the edge of her desk, bumping up against a stack of paperwork she didn’t remember finishing and that’s probably a sign of something. That’s she’s losing her mind. Likely. “But this is…” “A big deal,” David finishes. “Trust us, we get that.”
He says it with such conviction and a hint of emotion Emma doesn’t entirely expect that she feels her eyebrows pull low in confusion and Snow bites her lower lip.
Emma isn’t the only one who wanted a periodical-worthy Christmas experience.
“You guys are really living up to your character stereotypes right now, you know that?” Emma asks, drawing a quiet laugh out of both her parents. Snow smiles softly at her, reaching forward to squeeze her shoulder and Emma is going to fix this.
Everyone will be gifted appropriately.
That’s not the correct verb.
“Alright,” Emma mutters, exhaling loudly and David clicks his tongue again when she nearly knocks over the paperwork. “Seriously where did that come from?” she asks distractedly. She, apparently, is only capable of following one plan at a time.
“No idea,” David answers. “It was there yesterday though. Probably more backlogs for you to go through.” “Jeez.” “It’s not as if you have to finish it today.” Emma nods, eyes flitting towards Snow and it takes, approximately, two and a half seconds for her mother to realize what’s going on. “Yes,” Snow shouts, practically leaping towards Emma and David’s arm hangs awkwardly in the air when he blinks blankly at the scene taking place in front of him.
“What am I missing?” he asks. Emma grins.
“But isn’t he supposed to be coming in here today?” Snow asks, already three steps ahead of a plan that’s only half-planned and built mostly on a little bit of hope and maybe a hint of Christmas. “You’re going to have to tell him not to come in today.”
David nods, his quiet ohhhh echoing off the walls of the office and Emma scrunches her nose. “You can’t just lie to him, Emma,” he continues, crossing his arms and it’s the most dad thing he’s done in, at least, thirty-six hours.
Emma waves a dismissive hand through the air. “I’m not going to lie,” she promises, but that’s also a bit of a lie and none of this feels very festive, but her mother looks thrilled and maybe she can find something on Main Street and she really just wants to do this right.
She wants to make sure there are gifts to open in her house on Christmas morning.
In her house.
With her family.
She’s waited long enough. And she refuses to accept Amazon’s apparent incompetence and inability to follow a schedule.
“I’m not,” she says again. “It’s...an excuse.” David lifts his eyebrows. “An excuse? On Christmas Eve? Seems like that’s against the rules.” “There is no Christmas Eve equivalent in the Enchanted Forest, you can’t possibly tell me about the rules of a holiday you’re only just getting to celebrate.” “Those are the dad rules. That’s how it works.” Emma scoffs, but the fire and the flames and the frustration that had been working through every single inch of her just a few minutes before seem to ebb just a bit. “Oh, yeah, well, that makes total sense,” she laughs. “And this is good. I’ll just...say something and then Mom and I can go march down Main Street and…” “Shop,” Mary Margaret finishes, nearly shouting the word in Emma’s face. David pulls both his lips behind his teeth to stop himself from, presumably, cackling.
Emma nods. “Yeah, exactly that. Maybe one of the dwarves owns a seafaring….store we don’t know about yet. I just need to make sure…” “Killian doesn’t show up on Main Street during patrol in the middle of the afternoon?” David asks.
She nods again. “Where’s my phone?”
It’s behind the paperwork she’s absolutely going to ignore until, possibly, after the New Year and Killian’s phone goes to voicemail. “Damn,” Emma groans, but Snow already has her phone out and he’s still not answering and maybe something happened and maybe he’s already on his way here and...he answers when she calls a second time.
Emma doesn’t wait for him to actually saying anything. She’s never been very good at patience.
“Killian?” she asks and David widens his eyes meaningfully because she sounds like she’s preparing to tell a lie or brace for some brand-new curse. Emma tries not to groan. “Where are you?” “Home, Swan and uh…” “Oh, ok, good.” “Is something wrong, love?”
She winces. David’s eyes are going to get stuck mid-roll. “Is he still home?” Snow asks, barely keeping her voice even remotely in the realm of whisper. Emma nods distractedly.
“Yeah, yeah, fine,” she says, far too quickly. “Totally fine.” And she knows he tilts his head and narrows his eyes and he’s probably doing something stupid with his eyebrows because he’s impossibly good at reading her, even when she’s on the other side of town. “You’re a rather terrible liar, you know that?” Killian asks. “Did something happen with this snowstorm?”
“He totally knows, doesn’t he?” David asks, arms crossed again. Emma glares at him.
“Swan,” Killian continues and her heel slams into the front of her desk when she nearly jumps to attention. Snow’s eyes widen at the litany of curses that fall from Emma’s mouth. “You’ve got to tell me what’s going on because I’m thinking I may just stay home if there isn’t anything else…” Emma’s eyebrows pull low, but she barely gives herself a second to consider that because this is going to work. “Yes,” she yells, grumbling when her father starts laughing again. “Yes! You should absolutely, definitely stay home.”
“Overselling,” David mumbles and Emma’s breath catches when she realizes he’s right. And Killian’s offered to stay home. “Wait,” she says suddenly. “Why do you want to stay home? Are you ok?”
“You called me, Swan. And told me I should be staying home.” “Yeah.” His eyebrows are doing something stupid, she’s positive. “Yeah?” Killian asks. “No explanation? Just...yeah?” “Uh...yes?”
Killian laughs – loud and easy, right in her ear and Emma smiles immediately, some kind of instinctual reaction she’s still trying to get used to. Her parents have started discussing the layout of Main Street and which stores might be best and she just wants to do this right.
“That’s not much of a change, darling,” Killian says and Emma sighs, falling down into her desk chair and pleasantly surprised when it doesn't break under her. “And you need a new chair.” “We need a new everything in this office, we’ve been over that eight-hundred times.” “True,” he agrees. “That’s still not an explanation though. Why do you want me to stay home?” “Why do you want to be staying home?” He doesn't answer immediately. “Killian.”
“It’s nothing,” he says, like that’s an explanation and genetics are absolutely a thing because Emma actually tuts the same way Snow does when Killian doesn’t continue. “Just feeling a little under the weather and I don’t want to miss any of your parents' plans tomorrow.”
If she weren’t also telling a lie, she would probably be offended by the one she’s just heard.
It’s almost comically bad.
And obvious.
She scoffs, narrowing her eyes and ignoring whatever David is doing with his face. “That was almost painfully bad,” Emma mutters, but she’s trying not to laugh because he didn’t even try.
“If you don’t need me in the station or questioning dwarves about weather patterns than I’m happy to stay home for the day, love,” Killian continues. “Although I think we both need to work on our excuses.”
Emma licks her lips, butterflies in her stomach and heart hammering against her chest and her father looks almost too smug because, of course, Killian figured it out. “It’s not an excuse,” she says. “It’s...whatever. There are no weather issues because that snowstorm thing was a total lie and Dad went to go check it out already anyway. So there’s...you know...not a ton going on here.” “Of course.” “You are infuriating when you’re all-knowing.” “I’m not anything, Swan. Except possibly learning what something called wrapping paper is.”
The muscles in her face are starting to ache from overuse, but that seems almost appropriate on Christmas Eve and a town full of actual characters and maybe it’ll snow later. Emma hopes it snows later. The lights on their house will probably look fantastic in the snow.
“Wrapping paper, huh?” she asks, laughing softly. “Interesting. Any particularly good patterns on this wrapping paper?” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Ah, we haven’t gotten that far in the instructional period, huh?”
She can see the smile inch across his face, as clearly as if he’s standing in front of her and Emma’s not sure her heart is ever going to recover. Merry Christmas, or something. “Not as such, no,” Killian answers. “But I’m sure we’ll get to that part of the rules eventually.” And, rationally, she knows he doesn’t mean it like that. She knows her dad didn’t mean it like that. But, irrationally, that little voice in the back of Emma’s mind, the one who only knew about lights because of TV shows and ancient VHS tapes that, more often than not, broke in even more ancient VCR’s in houses across the country, isn’t sure she can have all of this without paying some sort of festive price.
“What?” Killian asks, the concern in all four letters obvious even on the other side of town.
“I just...I mean there aren’t rules to this, you know. It’s not like I’m…” She needs to finish a sentence. And she’s fairly certain she could hear Henry before.
“I mean presents are good, but you know we didn’t really talk about gifts and you don’t have to…” He doesn’t wait for her to finish. “I want to,” Killian says, voice softer and more determined than she’s heard it in weeks and she sighs out a breath of air that’s decidedly close to swooning. Her office chair squeaks when she sinks further into it, ignoring whatever silent conversation her parents are having with their eyes and she’s going to buy him the greatest goddamn gift in the history of last-second Christmas gifts.
Or something with fewer curse words in it.
“See, saying things like that out loud is just absolutely unfair,” Emma says. Her chair is some kind of torture device. The thing is out to destroy her back, she’s positive. “What am I supposed to think about for the rest of the day?” David sticks his tongue out. Snow looks like she’s trying not to cry. “Hopefully that,” Killian says and Emma bites her tongue. Her heart is trying to expand.
“Ah, that was even worse.” “You’re telling me these things like they’re an insult, Swan. I’m failing to see that point of view at all. It all seems almost romantic.” “Almost,” she repeats, tugging her hair over her shoulder and sitting up straighter and Snow is bobbing on the balls of her feet, excitement rolling off her in waves. For half a dozen stores on Main Street. There better be something nautical out there.
Although that might be too similar to what’s, maybe, coming on December 29th.
“You really don’t have to come in today,” Emma continues. “We’ve got everything taken care of and I’m just going to get caught up on some paperwork while things are still quiet.” “You’ve told me several times I don’t have to come in today, love, I understand.”
Emma tilts her head, eyebrows pulled low and something’s going on. She knew it as soon as she picked up the phone, but now she’s positive and she can’t hear her kid anymore.
Her super power hasn’t exactly been necessary since they avoided the end of the world, but it’s still there and it’s practically ringing in her ears now, some kind of warning bell or signal that’s impossibly loud and even more difficult to ignore.
And Killian Jones, pirate and reformed scoundrel and the love of her life in a true-type sort of way, is, quite clearly, up to something.
“Right, right,” Emma says, wondering if she left her hat in her jacket pocket or on the hook just inside the front door of the office. “And you know, paperwork. Lots of it.”
“Right,” he agrees. “Paperwork.”
Emma nods, not sure if she’s trying to convince herself or him or either one of her parents and Snow is pointing towards the door like they’re on a holiday timetable. They kind of are. “Exactly,” she says, doing her best to infuse some certainty into the word. “So, uh….I’m going to go do that and you’re going to stay home and probably read, like, twenty books.” “Seems rather ambitious, don’t you think, love?” “The paperwork or the books?” “Either or.” She laughs under her breath and the chair makes noise when she stands up, walking towards Snow and her coat and her hat is hanging out of the side pocket. “I’ll see you later,” Emma says. “For movies and hot chocolate.”
“I look forward to it, Swan.” She smiles. “Yeah, me too. I love you.” It’s strange – a string of letters and words and feeling that she was so terrified of coming so easily now, but the sentence seems to just roll out of her with practiced ease and Emma means it in some kind of monumental way.
She hopes he knows.
“I love you too,” Killian says and she bites her lower lip, closing her eyes lightly and trying to let his voice silence whatever warning bells her superpower is still ringing in the back corners of her brain. She’s going to find the perfect gift.
It, however, Emma is quick to learn, impossible to do that in Storybrooke.
Particularly when her mother keeps buying all the goddamn gift options.
She tries not to be frustrated. Really she does. But her magic keeps fluttering in her fingertips and maybe she can just poof herself to Portland and back without anyone noticing and she’ll just...steal her presents from the distribution center.
That is, absolutely, against the rules.
“We’ll find something,” Snow promises for the umpteenth time, but the sentiment looses some of its shine when she’s already laden down with bags of her own. Emma’s wallet might be burning a hole in her bag.  “Those little anchors weren’t bad,” she adds, an attempt at Christmas comfort that also falls a bit short in the middle of the sidewalk. “Even if they were a little…” “Touristy?” Emma suggests and Snow shrugs. “They were for the tourists, Mom.” “But they’d look cute in your bathroom!” Emma groans, the sound falling out of her before she can remember all the reasons Snow is just trying to help. “You want me to buy Killian something we can use to decorate our bathroom?” On Christmas?”
“They were willing to customize it.” “For the tourists,” Emma repeats, dragging out the words like she’s arguing the most important thing in the world. “So they can put their names on anchors that say Storybrooke, Maine on them. They’re for kids. And incredibly overpriced.” “Happy said he’d give you a discount.” “Because he’s thinks he’s supporting the monarchy or something. He bowed!” “It was polite,” Snow argues. “Just be glad Killian wasn’t actually here. He probably would have saluted him.” Emma rolls her whole head back, staring at the sky and asking several different deities to just let her find something because she can’t go home empty handed. Or deal with any more dwarves calling her Princess like that’s a normal thing. “Oh my God,” she sighs. “That is insane. You know that’s insane, right?”
Snow shrugs again, mouth twitching like she’s trying not to beam at Emma right there in the middle of the sidewalk. “They respect you. The entire town does, both you and Killian and it’s well...it’s tradition. Even if it is a bit antiquated, monarchy-type things.” “Monarchy-type things,” Emma repeats and her mother gives up on that whole not smiling thing. “Are you sure there isn’t a Christmas equivalent in the Enchanted Forest? Everyone seems to know how this is supposed to work.”
Snow considers the answer for a moment, rocking her weight between her feet and scrunching her nose slightly “I mean there isn’t a Santa Claus leaving presents or breaking into homes around the world, if that’s what you're suggesting.” “I promise, it wasn’t.”
Snow stops smiling long enough to shoot Emma something that might almost actually be a glare, but it barely lasts a moment before she dives back into the story and it’s all just a bit maternal, like she’s learning some kind of family tradition or recipe that’s been handed down from generation to generation.
It’s nice.
“So,” Snow continues. “No Santa, no elves, no presents under the tree or nice and naughty lists, which again, just...don’t get me started, your father has been listening to me question this since the start of the month.” “Mom are you anti-Christmas?”
“No, no, no! I am just...well, it’s all a little confusing isn’t it? The rules and the quasi-lies and it seems a bit like a deceptive way to get children to behave. That’s not how Solstice is at all.”
“Solstice?” Emma asks and they’re moving again, making their way towards that one clothing store and maybe she can buy Killian something made of leather. A belt? Boots? She might be the worst gift-giver in the history of the world.
Snow hums, changing her grip on the half a dozen bags in her hands. “It was never an actual day, just sort a general time during the month, right when winter started. And there were lights and candles and carols of a sort and you’d exchange gifts, but they were always little things. Knick knacks that were personal and meaningful and it was…” “That sounds nice,” Emma says when she trails and Snow smiles at her. There’s snow on the ground and it’s all decidedly picturesque, but Emma’s stubborn and she wants to give her husband a good gift. She wants the best of both worlds. “You really can’t buy anything in this store though or I’m not going to be able to find anything for Killian.”
Snow blinks, pursing her lips slightly and she’s probably going to do permanent damage to her fingers because she bought David some kind of actual scabbard-type thing in Happy’s store and it must weigh, at least, twenty-five pounds.
“The anchors were good though, I’m just saying,” Snow starts, but Emma’s already shaking her head and she doesn’t even check for traffic before crossing the street.
“Yeah, well, I’m just saying,” she argues. “Mom, this needs to be good. It can’t just be…”
Emma freezes, tilting her head and she barely noticed the shadow when she was so busy learning about Enchanted Forest traditions, but she can’t ignore the set of footprints moving away from the sidewalk towards the alley.
Her superpower makes more noise.
“Those are recent,” Snow says, coming up next to her and, somehow, bending down to examine the marks without letting her bags touch the ground. “And moving back into the alley. Why would anyone be going back there?”
Emma shakes her head, mind racing and defenses rising automatically and if someone is going to do something stupid on Christmas Eve when she doesn’t have a present for Killian, she’s going to use her recently-acquired powers of monarchy to throw them in a cell for several days.
God bless us, everyone.
She clicks her tongue, taking a step towards the slightly darker space next to the store and her fingers tap an uneven rhythm on the side of her jeans. “Yeah,” she mutters, trying to peer through the darkness for someone or something and she wonders if Solstice traditions also include fighting monsters. Or potential thieves looking to empty cash registers. “Why would anyone want to be in this alley? You think there’s a door to the store back there?” There’s scuffling a few feet away from her and Emma’s right hand lifts automatically, fingers twisting in the air and she’s dimly aware of her mother mumbling something about wishing she had her bow. Emma’s gun is in the station.
It seemed wrong to bring firearms on a Christmas shopping trip.
She takes another step forward, boots crunching on the snow and it’s icy back here, where the, rather limited, expertise and execution of the Storybrooke Public Works department didn’t reach.
She almost falls over when someone shouts her name, twisting back to gape at a slightly terrified looking Archie, just barely visible outside of the shadows in the alley.
Emma curses, again, and her mother doesn’t look quite as stunned as she expects, making a noise somewhere between a guffaw and a snicker. She tries to keep her footing as she moves back towards the sidewalk and she just wants to get in this store because she’s actually kind of freezing.
“Just saying Happy Holidays,” Archie says before Emma can even ask and she takes a deep breath through her nose. “Out doing a bit of late shopping I see?”
Emma’s breathing gets louder, but Snow is already muttering about plans and stores and she feels herself being tugged into Modern Fashions before she can even begin to formulate a response for Archie.
“You’re some kind of Christmas diplomat, you know that,” Emma mutters, smiling at Snow when the bell above the shop door dings loudly. They’re the only ones in there.
Snow scoffs. “You grow up in a castle and a quasi-revolution, you learn some of these things. And you don’t need to be diplomatic, you just need to remember that Killian will appreciate any gift and no one is going to tattle on your present issue. They probably all think Killian’s on patrol anyway. And, well…” “They’re still slightly intimidated by him?” Emma suggests.” “Yeah, you know, maybe some of that too.”
Emma rolls her eyes, but it’s definitely true and she’s running out of time to find some kind of mythically perfect gift.
And there’s a store clerk talking to her. It’s Bashful. He can’t meet her gaze.
“Afternoon your highnesses,” he says, mostly into the slightly worse-for-wear carpet that runs from wall to wall. Emma groans. “You uh...you just missed…” “We’re looking for a gift,” Snow interrupts in a decidedly un Snow-like way and Emma’s not sure what to do with that, but she’s more than willing to let her mother take over the reigns of this conversation if it means she can try to find one single item of clothing that doesn’t appear to be made out of polyester.
They need new stores.
She’s fairly positive the dwarves made some kind of deal with Regina to own every store.
Bashful blushes and the thought leaves Emma close to hysterics because this is all absurd and she's probably going to have to suck up her pride and go back to that first store and buy those stupid anchors because there is nothing in this store that screams Killian and at least there was some kind of theme with the tourist stuff.
He can put them in the brand-new sea chest that will maybe, hopefully arrive somewhere in town four days after Christmas.
And that might have been overpriced too, but it was perfect and Killian was starting to collect things – a mix of modern and not and just a bit of pirate and the thought that he could do that in a space that was, unequivocally, theirs left Emma’s pulse thudding in her ears.
So she’d bought the chest and Amazon claimed it was an antique and maybe she’d make a joke about that. Or she would have if the stupid thing came on time.
She resists the urge to start mumbling nautical curses under her breath again.
She's not sure Bashful’s face can get any redder.
Emma spins on the spot, nearly knocking her shoulder into a rack of clothing and she doesn’t even say anything before Snow nods, a knowing smile on her face. “Yeah,” she says. “Not much, huh? I don’t even want to buy anything.” “Rough review.” “Nothing here is even vaguely nautical themed.” “You’re really big on the nautical theme, aren’t you?” Snow makes a noise in the back of her throat that might be a disagreement or an agreement and Emma laughs, shoulders sagging slightly because this was supposed to be easier. She should just be able to find something.
“I have a tendency to harp,” Snow admits and Emma’s going to dislocate something if she laughs any harder, the absurdity of it all hitting her suddenly and forcefully and there are tears in her eyes. Snow makes a face. “What do you say some grilled cheese and onion rings?” Emma perks up – like she’s actually her thirteen-year-old kid and Snow looks like she’s just seen a particularly beautiful sunrise. Bashful continues to stare at the ground. “Grilled cheese and onion rings?” she echoes, something settling in the pit of her stomach. “Yeah?” “Yeah,” Snow says, somehow shifting the bags in her hand to squeeze Emma’s shoulder.
“Hot chocolate?” “That goes without saying.”
Emma nods, any trace of lingering frustration or superpower or whatever Bashful had been trying to tell them when they walked into the store forgotten in a moment of something vaguely maternal and she doesn’t even argue when Snow directs her back across the street towards Granny’s. It’s nice and simple and, for the first time all day, she’s almost breathing normally.
Until they nearly run over Killian and Henry.
“Swan?” “Killian?” “Mom?” “Henry?” “Hey,” Snow says, leaning to her side and nearly hitting Emma with bags when she tries to wave one hand. “Happy Christmas Eve!”
Henry laughs under his breath, grinning from ear to ear, but Killian looks like he’s just encountered the ghost of Christmas past, present and future all at the same time. Emma can’t move. Her eyes are so wide they’re starting to water.
“What are you guys doing here?” Henry asks brightly, trying to peer into the bags. Snow clicks her tongue.
“We thought we’d get some food.” “In between stacks of paperwork?” Killian asks, gaze darting from the bags to Emma’s still wide-eyed face and she tries not to scowl. “Is that right, Swan?”
She looks anywhere except him and it’s as bad as if she were to start shouting I lied about paperwork in the doorway of Granny’s. “We’re taking a break,” she says instead. “And I’m starving. And Mom was...you know, boosting the town’s entire economy in one day. It’s...we did not plan this.”
“Naturally.” “Did you guys eat?” “Pie and fries,” Henry answers excitedly and, at least, forty-seven alarm bells go off in Emma’s head. She’s surprised when her eyes don’t actually fall out onto the step they’re all occupying.
“Pies and fries?” she asks. “Did you unearth some kind of world-ending evil or something?”
She shivers because her coat is actually a piece of garbage and she should really buy a new one, but she’s been lied to enough about the productivity of the United States postal service and she hardly has half a moment to consider if there’s a magical equivalent of that before she feels herself being tugged a few inches to her left and Killian is incredibly warm.
She rests her head on his shoulder.
“I promise it’s not that serious, love,” he says, but she twists her eyebrows when she glances back up at him “It’s not.”
“We were just hungry,” Henry adds. “And there was new pie. Or fresh pie. What would you call still-warm pie?” “I think fresh is the correct term,” Mary Margaret says.
“Yeah, that makes sense, right?” Emma pulls back to stare at Killian. She wants some answers. “What are you guys doing here though? What happened to wanting to stay home?”
He shrugs, but doesn’t actually say anything and they’re clearly both out of lying practice because it’s like some kind of massive billboard right in front of her face announcing that there is a story here and she’s missing a few key facts.
“There’s only so much reading you can do in one afternoon,” Killian says. “And not much food at home.” Henry makes some kind of impossible noise – a warning or a caution and his jaw almost audibly snaps shut when all three of them turn to stare at him. “Nothing, nothing, nothing, I mean...nothing. We should probably go though.”
They’re a family of horrible liars.
“Go?” Emma repeats. They haven’t actually closed the door. Granny doesn’t sound pleased. “Where do you have to go?” “Home,” Killian and Henry say at the same time and the obvious reaches out and smacks her. She’s clearly lost all concept of rational thought at this point.
Snow nods, humming softly as if that makes sense, but Emma’s somewhere in the realm of complete disbelief at this point. Fries and pie is some kind of chaos code. “Did you two practice that or…” She trails off, widening her eyes and Henry shuffles on his feet.
“Back to the books, Swan,” Killian says. “This was just a break, right?”
She’s, quite clearly, not going to get any answers out of this conversation and she’s not sure how much longer than can influence Granny’s heating bill before she comes at them with her crossbow.
“So, uh…” Henry wavers. “We going to go or….” “Aye,” Killian says, pressing a kiss to the top of Emma’s head and she just barely feels it through her hat. She twists back to look at him, determined to get something out of this, but she also doesn’t want to give up any information and it’s a fine line to walk on a holiday when she’s fairly close to freezing and decidedly present-less. “I’d suggest the pie, Swan,” Killian adds, squeezing her hip and she nips at his lip out of instinct.
“Our refrigerator is filled with food,” Emma whispers.
She silently congratulates herself when he freezes in front of her, but that lasts all of two seconds before he’s smirking at her and that’s not the way this was supposed to go. “I finished all the paperwork two days ago,” Killian says, resting his forehead on hers and her heart drops into her stomach. Damn. That’s why it was sitting on her desk. “And we haven’t arrested anyone recently.”
He flashes her a grin when her eyes feel as wide as saucers and Snow hisses in a breath of air. Henry’s already halfway down the sidewalk, looking as if he’s ready to start jogging in place.
“I’ll see you at home, Swan,” Killian smiles, turning to take a step, but Emma’s a hint quicker nad her fingers tighten around the collar of his jacket.
She kisses him that time.
And he tastes a bit sweet, like pie and something that’s probably the milkshake no one was going to mention because that’s kind of against the rules at Granny’s, but it makes her smile and want and a slew of other verbs she’d never even allowed herself to consider before this town and this family and everything that’s landed at her feet in the last few years.
“I’ll see you later,” Emma mumbles and Killian’s eyes seem to get bluer when he glances at her once more before practically bounding down the steps towards Henry.
The door to Granny’s slams shut behind them and the entire restaurant turns towards the sound, staring at Emma and Snow expectantly.
“Oh,” Granny sighs, head propped up on her hand and leaning against the counter. “You’ve been successful, I see.” “Kind of,” Emma corrects. She weaves her way around tables and chairs and drops onto the first stool in front of her. Granny’s lips quirk. “What?” “Nothing, nothing, just rumors.” “Rumors?”
Granny nods knowingly and Snow winces when she finally lets go of the bags. “I think I’m going to have marks on my fingers until New Year’s,” she sighs. “But we did get some good stuff.” “That so?” Granny asks and Emma gets the sudden suspicion that they’ve been ratted out by several Storybrooke pedestrians and, possibly, more than one dwarf. “You seem to have shown up rather empty handed though, Princess. Grilled cheese or onion rings?”
“Both,” Emma sighs. “And whatever milkshake my kid just had he wasn’t supposed to.” Granny’s whole expression shifts, sarcasm turning into enthusiasm and Emma wonders if it’s healthy for her emotions to flip as often as they have in the last four hours. It’s exhausting. “Strawberry, chocolate and vanilla,” she says. “That pirate of yours is a pushover.”
Emma laughs, mostly because she’s not sure Granny will appreciate if she just melts into a puddle of something on her floor. And there’s already two steaming mugs of hot chocolate sitting on the counter in front of them. “Cool trick,” Emma mumbles and Granny hums in agreement. “What were the rumors?” “I am just the messenger. I don’t want to be arrested for crimes I didn’t commit.” “We’re not that kind of monarchy,” Emma promises and Granny’s smile, somehow, gets wider.
“That was diplomatic,” Snow says, something that feels like pride in her voice when she smiles at Emma over her own mug. “And I bet it was Archie, wasn’t it?”
Granny nods, eyebrows lifted in not-so-silent judgement. “Said he saw you coming out of that that knick-knack store. One of you looking victorious and the other looking...testy.” “Testy,” Emma echoes. Granny shrugs. “And that store is for whatever tourism schtick Regina has been on for the last couple of months. It’s not a good spot for gift-giving inspiration.” “I’m not disagreeing with you, merely reporting the facts. And you really shouldn’t rehash old gift ideas either. No repeats of previous romantic moments.” Emma narrows her eyes and she’s finally starting to regain feeling in her hands, the longer she holds onto this mug. “What do you know?” she asks. “And have you heard anything about some break-in attempts around here?”
It comes out like an accusation.
It might be an accusation.  
She grabs a menu, if only to do something with her left hand that isn’t waving it through the air in getting late in the day, no present panic and Granny’s eyebrows shift again.
“You should have bribed Archie not to talk when he saw you,” Granny says. “And I know everything. I thought that was a well established fact by now.” Snow coughs when she nearly chokes on her hot chocolate, trying not to laugh too loudly and, at some point, Emma burnt her tongue. That seems like a sign.
“Repeating is cheating,” Granny intones and Snow is barely staying upright on her stool.
Emma puts her mug down. “What do you know?” she repeats, pausing between each word for dramatic emphasis and she knows it’s not going to work as soon as the words are out of her mouth. “And I’m not repeating anything...I didn’t…” “Plan that one date you and the captain actually went on?” “Wow, that’s just rife with judgement isn’t it? How long have you been holding that one in? Is it because we didn’t come here?”
Granny shrugs. It’s definitely because they didn’t come there. And not technically true because they went on more than one date during those six weeks of peace, but it usually ended with stolen makeouts in the backseat of her bug or Killian’s room upstairs and Emma isn’t sure she can bring that up in front of her mother without wanting to actually to die of embarrassment.
“That’s neither here nor there,” Granny says, tugging the menu of her end. “How deep would you say you are into your current state of lack of present panic?” “Inching closer and closer to drowning.”
Snow makes a supportive noise and even Granny looks almost empathetic for a moment, eyes flitting back towards the door like she’s looking for someone or something or perhaps the inspiration for the perfect present for the pirate who has everything.
“You’re thinking too big,” she says, as if that makes sense. “Did you try something in leather?” Emma rolls her eyes, shoulders shifting with the force of her sigh and Snow squeezes her shoulder again. “If it even looked remotely like leather or was vaguely nautical we considered it, but there aren’t really that many options.”
“And for that ship of his?” Emma blinks.
“What?” she asks, flinching slightly when a waitress puts a plate in front of her. There’s another one on her other side and the smell of onion rings seems to attack every single one of her senses at once.
“A captain has a ship, yes?” Granny asks and Emma nods slowly. “Then it only makes sense that he’d appreciate something for his ship, yes?”
Emma’s not sure she entirely appreciates whatever tone this conversation has taken, but Snow is already listening off parts of a ship and ideas for thecaptain’s quarters and Emma, maybe, blushes at that because Granny laughs loudly, head thrown back and smile wide and that could work. It’s a good idea. And The Jolly could probably use more...blankets or something.
She’s awful at this.
They eat the rest of their meal with Snow talking and planning and Emma drinks her milkshake so quickly, Granny makes not-so-quiet comment about the similarities between parents and children. She dips one of her onion rings into the glass.
It scandalizes everyone within a ten-foot radius.
And they’re halfway back down the block when she hears it – Henry laughing and Killian’s footfalls and Emma barely considers the state of her mother’s hands before she’s tugging on Snow’s wrist and pulling her into the closest doorway she can find.
They nearly fall into the library.
“God, fuc…” Emma sighs, knees buckling under her and Belle looks a little stunned and Mary Margaret’s bags aren’t looking quite as festive. They’re looking decidedly crumpled.
The door is still open.
And Henry is still laughing. “Killian, you’ve got to slow down,” he shouts, but there’s a note of excitement in his voice that has Emma gaping at Snow and waving a hand towards Belle when she opens her mouth to ask questions.
“He’s going to be asleep by the time we get there, if we don’t hurry up, lad,” Killian counters. Emma’s not sure who’s smiling more – her or Snow and it’s probably her because she might also be trying to will the memory into every single corner of her mind and even Belle looks somewhere in the realm of sentimental.
“We should probably close the door, don’t you think?” Belle asks, nodding towards the still-open piece of wood or whatever it is. Emma nods dumbly, taking a step further into the library and grabbing some of the bags that had been rather, unceremoniously, dumped on the ground.
“Sorry about that,” Emma mutters as the door slams shut behind her.
Belle shakes her head before the entire apology is finished. “Are we hiding from something?” “Christmas in general?” “And Killian,” Snow adds. Belle’s lips twitch, tilting down slightly in surprise and, well, it is kind of surprising. They’re never going to get to the homegoods store Doc owns at the other end of Main Street.
“Killian,” Belle echoes.
Emma shrugs, not sure what other excuse she can possibly come up with at this point. “He was supposed to be at home,” she says, realizing midway through the sentence she hasn’t actually explained anything. “We’re uh...we’re having a present issue.”
“That so? Did you try something in leather?” Snow laughs, sinking onto one of the chairs at a table a few feet away. “You know, I’m starting to suspect we’re not the only one’s with present problems.” It takes, exactly, five seconds, two deep breaths and one slightly dramatic gasp for Emma to understand.
“You know the internet is really the worst,” she grumbles and Snow laughs, a bit freer that time when Emma doesn’t immediately burst into frustration-fueled flames and magic. “We should just go back to this Solstice thing and ignore all these other Christmas expectations. I can’t...buying blankets for the Jolly is so lame.” “That is kind of lame,” Snow admits and Emma waves both her hands through the air in unspoken question. Her mother shrugs, stretching her legs out in front of her and Belle can’t seem to decide if it’s appropriate to laugh or not. “I...well, it is kind of lame. And not, you know, sentimental, which is kind of what Solstice is all about and...blankets are so lame.” “Have you been thinking that all day? You wanted to buy those anchor things! You were talking about decorating the bathroom!” “Which one?” Belle interjects and Emma’s eyebrows leap up her forehead. “I mean...your house is very large.” “That’s true,” Snow agrees. “I really did think the anchors were cute. Plus that discount.” Emma growls, sliding down the door she’s only dimly aware she’s still leaning on. Her legs splay out awkwardly in front of her and she’s momentarily worried she’s actually concussed herself when her head bumps back against the wood.
“This is a disaster,” she sighs. “An absolute….” Snow tilts her head when Emma trails off, but she barely pays attention to that, gaze directed at Belle and ideas firing and a plan forming and maybe this will work. It is, after all, about sentiment.
And he probably could have read twenty books that afternoon on pure determination and desire and Captain Hook was a bookworm.
“Belle,” Emma snaps and the woman’s head snaps up quickly. “Do you...could you…”
She jumps up, the muscles in her leg protesting at the movement, but Emma’s already moving towards the back corner of the library, her mother and Belle trailing after her and she’s mumbling under her breath about constellations and history and her husband is such a nerd – it makes her heart pick up a little bit.
“Wait, wait, wait, Emma,” Snow starts, tugging on the back of her jacket and that can’t be good for the slightly loose stitching. “What’s going on? You’re not making any sense.” Emma spins on the spot, smile wide and Belle and Snow exchange confused glances. “Are you alright?” Belle asks cautiously, like she’s going to combust with Christmas Eve and Solstice excitement. “You look….thrilled.” “Will you take cash?” Emma asks. “Or, you know, Savior-type IOU’s? I have no idea how much cash I actually have.” “I really don’t understand what you’re asking me.” “I know what to get Killian.” “And you need to...pay me for that?” Emma’s practically jumping up and down. “Yeah, maybe,” she admits. “Come on. I think I remember seeing it back here.” She’s going to save Christmas.
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shirewalker · 7 years
tag games!
I’ll just tag a few people and then you choose your fave games, ok?
tagging @alarkvling​ @artemeis​ @ohmystarsy​ @captainvkirk​ @theleiaskywalker​ @lilabard​ @detmeter​ @starkova​ @caradocdearborn​ @julliettesferrars​ @roryglimore
all games under the cut
1st game! Ten Questions Tag Game
tagged by @aesterea​
How messy is your writing process?
Not as messy as it should be, I think. I’ve always been a perfectionist and unlearning that when being creative (doing first drafts, etc) is HARD. So I can’t say it’s messy-messy, but I try to make it a little messier so I can move on with things xD
Do you plan/outline before you write?
Oh yeah, yeah I do. Sometimes it’s just a paragraph with the general gist of the thing, other times I just develop the story in my head, but I always do some level of planning/outlining before writing. I wouldn’t be able to do it any other way tbh.
Which OCs are dearest to your heart?
The four MCs from my nano novel. I love them, so much I have to stop myself from fixing everything in one go xD 
Has your own writing ever made you cry?
Nope, not really. But it takes a lot for books in general to make me cry and it’s always, always when I do a reread. You’d think I was ready for the cry triggers? Well, THINK AGAIN.
How much of yourself do you think you put into your characters?
Probably more than some people would like? I try not to do self-insert, but we’re always bound to take inspiration from ourselves. As to avoid doing it all in an obvious and ridiculous way, I try to take bits of myself and put them in different characters. A habit, a taste, a crazy situation, etc.
What do you hope to achieve through writing?
To change the world~* Lol, to tell my stories, to make others dream with me. Why do we tell stories if not to change something about the world and make others dream?
How would you describe your style?
Still trying to figure that one out.
What works of writing have influenced your style the most?
Austen, Agatha Christie, LOTR, Shatter Me (Mafi’s writing is epic ok??), The Lunar Chronicles... Every book I’ve ready has influenced me in one way or another.
Do you have a “support team”? Who’s in it?
My fanfic readers? askflakj I don’t think I have a support team other than them tbh xD
Which OC would be your best friend in real life?
aaskhdajfls I don’t know. Maybe Jean and Maeve from my nano novel. But tbh, the four Roses being my friends? That’d be awesome, ok? I’d finally have my knit-tight group of friends :’)
My questions:
What’s the earliest story you remember writing?
Which do you prefer to write? Short stories of longer ones?
Do you think your writing is ready to be seen by the world?
Which OC would be the best company when writing and which would be the worst?
Do you have a favourite world you’d give anything to visit?
Any writing rituals? Special place, special time of the day, special medium to write a draft on, etc.
What’s your favourite genre to read AND to write? 
Do you have friends that write too?
If you could have a writing cottage anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Favourite author and how have they inspired you/your writing.
2nd game! 5 Things
tagged by @alarkvling​
5 things you’ll find in my bag: wallet, a book, water, food, bus card 5 things you’ll find in my room: books, my bookmark-making materials, a dreamcatcher I bought last year from an american indian, my first nikolina piece printed and framed <3 5 things that make me happy: rainy days, reading an amazing book, talking with my friends for hours (it’s been a while since that tho..), a warm cup of milk/cappuccino/hot chocolate, my nerdy otps 5 things i’m currently into: writing, drawing, bookmark making, shovel knight, nikolina lol 5 things on my to-do list: pass driving code exam, have a fun bday, be a better person, improve my writing, get a decent job.
3rd game! Music Game
tagged by @artemeis​
rules: set your entire (I don’t have all my music in one place lol) music library on shuffle and report the first ten songs that pop up.
The River by The Family Crest
Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home by Keira Knightley
La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong
Superstar by Broods
Make You Believe by Lucy Hale
Coming Up Roses by Keira Knightley
Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift
Howl by The Family Crest
Conscious by Broods
So It Goes... by Taylor Swift
4th game! I’ve never...
rules: list 10 curious things you’ve never done and tag 10 people
I’ve never had a sleepover
I’ve never had my first kiss
I’ve never worn contacts
I’ve never been to a nightclub
I’ve never gone farther than Seville (outside country)
I’ve never had birthday surprises (the good ones ofc)
I’ve never seen snow other than the tiny flurry we had over a year ago (so like, not the kind you see all white and stuff)
I’ve never been to another continent
I’ve never had bff(s)
I’ve never seen a musical on stage
5th game! Get To Know Me
tagged by @becpunzel​
How tall are you? 154 cm which is a itsy bit over 5ft...? *shrugs*
What color are your eyes? Blue+grey+green.
Do you wear contacts and/or glasses? Glasses
Do you wear braces? No, and never had.
What is your fashion style? Cute? Girly? *shrugs* I don’t know but it’s something like that xD
When were you born? 14th March 1991
Do you have any siblings? A younger sister
What school/college do you go to? I have a degree on animation.
What kind of student are you? The kind that has to do well lol.
What are your favorite subjects? History, art, books...? xD 
What are your favorite movies? Tangled, Star Wars, LOTR, Clueless, Laws of Attraction, Pacific Rim, Inception, Mad Max: Fury Road, Megamind, The Princess and the Frog, Ghibli movies, The 10th Kingdom, etc 
What are your favorite pastimes? Reading, writing, drawing, trying to talk with friends I haven’t talked in a while, playing games, photography, bookmark making, making edits for books/shows/ships I love <3
Do you have any regrets? I think we all have those.
What’s your dream job? Something I’m good at and I enjoy doing and allows me a happy life.
Would you like to get married? Yeah, I would. Gotta do everything else before that point in life, starting with being remotely appealing for dating haha..
Do you want kids? Maybe one day yeah. It’s not out of the question but it’s not a must-do either.
How many countries have you visited? 2
What is your scariest dream? I went to a christmas party with all my ex-classmates from various moments in my life and I was ignored the whole dinner, my gift got stolen and no one tried to help. Probably not a traditional scary dream but it was a big-fears-fest
Do you have a significant other? Hahahaha, no.
not doing the music part since I did it in the other game already xP
6th Game! Another Get To Know
tagged by @alexclovere
Age - 26 soon 27
Birthplace - Portugal
Current time - 1:46 pm
Drink you had last - water
Easiest person to talk to - the rare close friends
Favorite song - I have a lot but lets go with a classic: Can’t Help Falling In Love
Grossest memory - (: Last year, the week before my bday. It was so much fun! not! AND SO GROSS AND AWFUL D:<
Hogwarts house - Slytherin
In Love - no :\
Jealous of people - always a little
Killed someone - ofc not wth
Love at first sight or should I walk by you again - I think you have to walk by several times and even then there’s no guarantee *shrugs*
Middle name - I don’t have
Number of siblings - one sister
One wish - a good job
Person you called last - my mom
Question you are always asked - job?????
Reason to smile - in spite of things being bad, it always gets better, even if it doesn’t feel like it. also, cute pets!
Song you sang last -Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home by Keira Knightley
Time you woke up - 9:30 am
Underwear color - huh
Worst habit - either thinking the worst is happening or thinking I’m friends with someone when they probs don’t even remember I exist
X-rays - it’s been a while
Your favorite food - pizza, homemade
Zodiac sign - Pisces
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storyknitter · 7 years
12 Days of Christmas Prompts - December 23rd
Spending the holiday with their kid(s)
Yes, I’m aware it’s December 28th. The title is not a typo. Alas, my in-laws were in town for Christmas. While it was a lot of fun, it did cut into my writing time a bit. BUT! Better late than never, right?
Full Disclosure: This is the schmoopiest thing I’ve written lately. Perhaps ever. (Probably ever.) Tell your dentist I said, “you’re welcome.” :)
“You okay, sweetheart?” Theron couldn’t keep the worry out of his voice as Sanna sighed with exhaustion and turned over uncomfortably in bed once again, eventually settling on her side, her back pressed close to his chest. His arm wrapped around her, hand drifting down to rest on the slight swell of her belly. He allowed the surge of pride, excitement, and concern that he felt flow through their bond, a corner of his lips curving upwards irrepressibly. “Is this kid already causing trouble?”
Sanna couldn’t help a chuckle and rested her hand on his. “Just like his father,” she said, amusement audible in her voice. Theron froze, his breath catching in his throat.
“His?” Theron croaked out. Sanna rolled over gingerly to face him, lower lip between her teeth, violet eyes shyly meeting amber ones.
“It’s still early yet, but... yes. I think so.”
“Yeah?” A huge grin broke out on his face as she nodded; he looked down at the stretch of her abdomen underneath their hands and said, “Yeah. Wow, this is... wow.” He frowned as Sanna winced and arched her lower back. “Hey, I need you to be nice to your mom, alright?”
“It’s fine Theron, really. I’m just achy. I know it's normal, but my hips and back... honestly, I’m just having a hard time finding a comfortable way to lay down already,” she said, shifting restlessly. Kissing Sanna’s forehead, Theron slipped his hand from beneath hers and gently rocked her onto her side. Leaning back, he sank his thumbs into the muscles at the base of her spine, on either side of her tattoos, and received a soft groan for his efforts.
“Oh, you’re the best, my love,” she whispered and he snorted in response.
“Pretty sure that rubbing your back is the very least I can do at this point. You got the tough job -- mine was the fun one.” Laughter bubbled from her lips and he grinned smugly, dropping a kiss on her shoulder.
A door slid open down the hall and they both stilled, holding their breath as they heard a delighted little gasp. Tiny bare feet slapped the floor as their three-year-old daughter ran to the living room and they grinned at her excitement.
“Oh wow. Mama! Daddy!” The shout was followed by more loud footfalls, this time running in the direction of their room. Amareesa launched herself at the bed from a few feet away, completely trusting her mother to lift her with the Force and drop her in just the right place in the bed. She landed in a fit of giggles, snuggled perfectly between her parents. A mess of dark brown hair had escaped the little girl’s long braid; it fell into her face and Theron tucked it back behind her ears with an affectionate smile.
“What’s so exciting, Reesie? Is there a spaceship in our living room?” he asked. The toddler just giggled again and shook her head. “No? Oh, I know! You made caf for Mama and me. You’re such a thoughtful kid.” He ruffled her hair and grinned.
“Daddy, you’re silly!” Theron answered by poking at the side of her ribcage; she squirmed and squealed with laughter. “Aaahhhh, ‘at tickles!”
“Well, you just keep on growing. I gotta count your ribs and see if there are any new ones.” Theron tickled his daughter for another moment, enjoying the magic of her laughter. She wriggled away and flopped into Sanna’s arms with a dramatic, “Save me, Mama!”
A swell of joy over this beautiful and brilliant little person filled his chest, along with a vague sense of disbelief that this life was actually, truly his. He gazed at the two -- soon to be three -- most important people in his life and was blown away by it all.
“No ship, Daddy, just Tee. And he’s an ask-er-mack droid.” Theron was drawn back from his reverie by the toddler’s insistence that there was an unfortunate lack of spaceships in their living room. She turned to Sanna and continued, “But Mama, Mama, the Life Day tree -- there’s new presents under it! And the cookies are gone, and the blue milk too!”
“What? No! How did that happen?” Sanna appeared incredulous over this new information. “Missing cookies and new presents, you say? We should all go look, don’t you think?” The little one nodded emphatically and jumped out of bed, scrambling over her mother’s legs and nearly falling to the floor in her rush.
They ooh-ed and ahh-ed over the new gifts under the Life Day tree, including a miniature swoop bike topped with a red bow larger than their daughter. Sanna was absolutely certain that it had not been there when she’d gone to bed; she glared suspiciously at Theron, eyes narrowed and brow raised. He whistled innocently before winking at her and retreated to the kitchen to make some caf.
Setting out mugs for the two of them, he felt a nudge of a reminder from Sanna in the back of his mind and pulled down a third, smaller mug before digging out the hot cocoa mix from the back of the pantry. Even after all this time, he still had no idea how she managed to focus on anything else while Amareesa was chattering on about life. He also had no idea how one tiny person could talk so much.
As Theron was pouring their caf, the doorbell chimed and he grabbed two more cups from the cabinet and a box of tea; Sanna grinned and wondered aloud who could possibly be at the door at this time on Life Day, gesturing towards the front entry and opening it with the Force. The little girl shrieked in excitement as the door opened to reveal the hulking form of Jace Malcom, entirely dwarfing the former Jedi Grand Master beside him.
“There’s my little munchkin,” Jace called out in his deep, booming voice. He scooped up his granddaughter as she ran to him and tossed her high into the air, earning an excited scream of laughter before enveloping her in a bear hug. Requisite hug and smooch acquired, he flipped Amareesa upside down with a broad grin on his face and handed her off to Satele, who gently used the Force to turn the little girl right side up before hugging her close.
“And how are you this morning, my dear one?” The soft joy on Satele’s face as she received a kiss on the cheek from her granddaughter, tiny arms wrapped around her neck, was something wonderful to behold. I can’t believe I used to think that Satele was emotionless. Damn, what an idiot I was, Theron mused with a self-deprecating smirk. Sanna sidled up to him, a cup of caf in one hand and a slice of toast in the other, and he stole a small kiss from his wife before draping his arm over her shoulders and pulling her close.
“Feeling okay, love?” he whispered in her ear. She saluted him with her toast and a soft smile; it was all the affirmation he needed and he squeezed her closer, dropping a kiss on her hair.
“Papa! Nana! Come see the tree!” Amareesa squirmed out of her grandmother’s arms and practically danced to the living room. Satele and Jace exhibited the appropriate amount of enthusiasm and the toddler studied the scene before selecting a carefully wrapped box with a blue bow and said, “Lookit, this one’s for you! We got you a --”
“Reesie, no!” Theron nearly knocked Sanna's caf to the floor as he darted over to clap a hand over the little girl’s mouth before she could spill the beans about the gift for his parents. Her father's sharp reaction frightened Amareesa, and her lower lip began to tremble as her eyes filled with tears.
“Oh no. No, please don't cry kiddo. I'm so sorry for shouting, I didn't mean to scare you.” Theron wrapped the weeping toddler in his arms and carried her over to the sofa where she curled up in his lap. He murmured reassurances to her, rocking side to side and gently rubbing her back. Once she was calm, he continued, “Do you remember, we talked about how we don't tell Mama what surprise is wrapped up for her?” A nod and a sniffle were his answer. “Well, that’s the case for everybody that you get a gift. We want them to be surprised, just like Mama.”
“I ‘member, Daddy. I'm sorry.” Her little voice was sad and watery, and it broke Theron’s heart.
“No no no, you don't need to be sorry, it's okay. Besides, I'm pretty sure that Papa and Nana will be happy, whether we tell them what the gift is or not. But... let's still not tell them quite yet, alright?” Theron received another nod and he squeezed his daughter tight and whispered, “Are you gonna be okay?” Another nod from the little one, and he kissed the top of her head. “Oh good, I'm glad. I love you, Reesie.”
“Love you too, Daddy,” she said, returning the hug. Jace had snuck outside sometime during the kerfuffle and waltzed back in at the perfect moment, a huge fabric gift bag in tow. It was far wider than the former soldier and nearly as tall.
“Hey munchkin, I’d left your Life Day gift outside when we got here. Mind if I give it to you now?” he asked his granddaughter, a smile creasing his face. Theron was struck by the older man’s similarity to a stuffed wampa rather than a hardened trooper, despite his many years in the latter role. Especially around Reesie, he thought.
The girl in question looked over her father’s shoulder and when she saw the bag, her eyes grew wide and her mouth hung open. Completely oblivious to the uneasy glance her parents exchanged, she bounded over to Jace, her previous exhilaration restored at the prospect of a massive present from her grandfather.
Jace laid the bag down on its side and helped her untie the ribbon. Then, with a flourish, he pulled the top of the bag back to reveal a two-meter-long stuffed Varactyl. It was made of a silky, shimmery blue-green fabric and Reesie clapped her hands gleefully before she clambered into the soft canvas saddle that was attached to the back of the stuffed animal.
“Well, munchkin, what do you think? Do you like it?” The excited toddler nodded her head as she pretended to steer the Varactyl around the room. Satele had noticed the looks that her son and daughter-in-law were giving each other and felt the need to speak.
“I must admit that I was with Jace when he bought the Varactyl,” the older woman confessed. “I tried to stop him--”
“Not that hard!” Jace burst out laughing and Satele glared at him, shoulders squared and lips pursed in dismay.
“I recommended a smaller version of the Varactyl. A much smaller version,” she said insistently while Jace continued to chuckle.
“It’s lovely, thank you both. Reesie looks quite pleased with it as well,” Sanna said diplomatically. “I’m certain that we’ll find a place for it.”
Yeah, like the Force Enclave. They could always use more meditation pillows, right? No wait -- I know the perfect spot, Theron thought to himself, doing his best to smother a grin at the mental image of a two-meter-long stuffed Varactyl tucked into Lana Beniko’s bed -- and the Sith’s reaction to it. He coughed to cover a snicker and cleared his throat.
“So, do you guys wanna keep opening gifts or do you want breakfast first?” Theron said aloud, and the consensus was to continue opening gifts, after refilling their mugs. His daughter skipped over to him, tugged on his hand to bring him down to her level, and whispered something in his ear that made one corner of his mouth turn up. “Yes, of course. You can give Nana and Papa their gift first, kiddo.”
An hour or so later, the living room was littered with torn paper, lengths of untied ribbon, and bits of tissue. Presents were piled next to their recipients and smiles were on everyone’s faces. Reesie was trying to scoot around on the swoop bike, much to Sanna’s chagrin and Theron’s delight; Satele was aiding the process with the Force, ensuring the little girl didn’t tip over.
“I’m... going to start on breakfast,” Sanna announced, having decided that it was probably better if she didn’t watch any longer. Theron proudly ruffled their little girl’s hair as he stood to join his wife, an arm winding around her waist and dropping an affectionate kiss on her temple as they sauntered off to the kitchen.
A sad ghost of a smile crossed Jace’s features as he watched the two of them walk out of the room, remembering a very different Life Day that he’d spent with Theron, more than a decade ago now. The smile became joyous again as his granddaughter’s laughter rang out; he looked up at Satele and his chest constricted as he realized that despite everything -- the lost time, the missed opportunities -- he had the family he’d been missing all those years. The woman that he’d loved for most of his life returned the warm smile wholeheartedly and damn if he wasn’t content. Satisfied. Happy.
The joy in Jace’s heart was echoed throughout the entirety of the small home, reflected in the eyes and faces of the people dearest to his heart.
Twelve Days of Christmas Prompts
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Voltron: Legendary Spirits
Merry Christmas, @noelkadoja2! I hope you enjoy your gift. I thought this would be a fun AU, since you said you liked both shows on your tumblr! It’s mostly a Takumi but I dropped a few hints about your other favorite Frontier couples, too.
Takuya Kanbara was destined to be a space explorer. He’d known that for a while, of course, but now, sitting in the flight simulator at last, he would finally get to prove it.
“All right! Kerberos, here we come! Everything prepped for landing?” Takuya asked his team.
“I hate this!” his communications officer moaned behind him. “This is the worst thing ever and I never should have come to this school. What was I thinking? I wanna get out of here right now.”
“Come on, Tommy. Just relax! We’re fine,” Takuya almost turned around, then remembered that he was supposed to be steering.
“Yeah, put a sock in it,” the engineer snapped. “I can’t concentrate on these repairs with all your wailing.”
Takuya reminded himself again to keep his eyes facing forward. “Hey, buddy? How are those repairs coming? Did you double-check the--”
“Hey, I know how to do my job! I could probably do your job, even!”
“What is that supposed to mean, JP?!” Takuya twisted around to glare at him. “I’m just trying to help out, you know!”
“Takuya! Watch out!” Tommy screamed.
Oh, right. Steering. Takuya grabbed the controls again just in time to see the surface of Kerberos collide with their view screen. He stared disbelievingly at the “SIMULATION FAILED” that replaced it.
“Well, a-at least it’s over,” Tommy mumbled.
“I knew I should have picked the pilot track,” JP grumbled under his breath. “Then I wouldn’t have to watch everybody else mess up!”
So much for destiny.
Maybe this isn’t my destiny, Takuya thought as he trudged back to his dorm at curfew. If I’d stayed home, I could have been eating birthday cake with Shinya and Mom and Dad today instead of failing. He sighed.
Just then, a notification sounded from his personal pad. Frowning, Takuya pulled it out to look at it.
If you go to the roof at 2314h, you will see your destiny arriving.
Takuya stopped walking. “But that’s after curfew!”
He went to the roof, of course. He couldn’t just ignore his destiny. Besides, only the teachers could send anonymous messages to the pads, so one of them must have sent the message and so it should be fine. Just to be safe, though, he stayed out of sight of the security guards on his way up.
Takuya was so preoccupied with rereading the message that he almost collided with JP when he opened the door and stepped onto the roof.
“Hey!” They both stumbled back, rubbing their heads.
“Are you the one who sent me this stupid message, Takuya?” JP demanded.
“What? No, I have no idea what’s going on!”
“What are you guys doing up here?”
JP and Takuya turned to find Tommy staring at them from where he was huddled on a corner of the roof.
“Tommy? Did you get the message, too?” Takuya asked. Both members of his crew were here! It had to mean something.
“What message?” Tommy asked, sounding hoarse. He rubbed hard at his eyes.
“Then why are you up here?” JP crossed his arms, eyeing Tommy.
He didn’t meet either of their gazes. “My roommates are awful,” he muttered into his knees.
Takuya was still trying to think of something comforting to say, when the meteor appeared.
Only it wasn’t a meteor. It was the crash landing of a real, honest-to-God alien spaceship. Takuya didn’t even need the next message telling him to meet whoever was in the spaceship because, come on, who wouldn’t go see a crashed alien ship? Even Tommy and JP wanted to get a closer look.
Of course, someone had to beat them there. A guy who couldn’t be much older than Takuya was already hauling an unconscious alien out of the wreck by the time they got to the site and loading him onto his white and gold hoverbike.
“Hey, he’s trying to steal my destiny!” Takuya complained. “We gotta follow him!” He ran along the edge of the mesa they were on, looking for a good place to climb down.
“But--” Tommy started.
“Hey, look! A bunch of Garrison vehicles are headed this way!” JP interrupted. “Probably to check out the crash, right?”
Tommy paled. “We’re gonna be in so much trouble.”
“Only if they catch us! I’m with Takky, let’s get out of here, and where that guy’s going seems as good a direction as any.”
“Then hurry up!” Takuya shouted, running in place. “We’re gonna lose him.”
They did lose him. And the Garrison personnel, fortunately. And also themselves, less fortunately. Tommy and JP had just decided that following Takuya had condemned them to a long, painful death in the unforgiving desert, when the mysterious message sender helpfully provided Takuya’s pad with a GPS locator. They rallied, but it was still almost morning by the time they found the hoverbike and its passengers in front of a cave.
“Who are you?” the conscious one demanded. The unconscious one didn’t look like an alien, but he did have exactly the same face as the other guy, which was super weird.
“I’m Takuya and these are Tommy and JP. We’re here to find our destiny!” Takuya announced.
“Actually, what I want to find right now is some water,” JP groaned, collapsing to the ground. Tommy folded up next to him, panting too hard to speak. Their new friend scoffed and pulled a water bottle out of the hoverbike’s side compartment, tossing it to JP.
“I don’t have much, so don’t waste it,” he snapped.
“Wow, thanks!” JP took a long swig. At Tommy’s whimper, he reluctantly passed it over.
“So what’s your name?” Takuya tried to get the conversation back on track.
“Koji,” was the answer, accompanied by rolling eyes. “And I don’t have time to babysit tourists. I’m looking for something important.”
“Hey, we’re Galaxy Garrison trained cadets!” Takuya protested.
Koji paused. “Really?” His swept his gaze over their group again and raised his eyebrows. Then, he shrugged. “As long as you know what you’re getting yourselves into.” With that, he steered the hoverbike into the cave, engines set on low, his double still slung unconscious over the seat.
Takuya sprinted after him, not about to be left behind again. He could hear Tommy and JP trudging along in his wake.
The cave was pretty awesome, especially when all the markings on its walls lit up, until it dropped them down a hole. But Takuya forgave it as soon as his head stopped spinning and he saw the giant lion ship in front of them.
He could feel it calling him. The others were still picking themselves up, groaning and cursing, but Takuya heard them as if from a long way away. He walked up to the lion, not taking his eyes off it. “Is this...my destiny?” Takuya put his hand out to touch the forcefield. He barely felt it under his fingers before it vanished in a burst of light and wind. The lion’s eyes lit up and its mouth opened. He felt the force of the call pulling him in.
“Wait!” an unfamiliar voice shouted behind him. “Don’t go in there!”
“Come back!”
“Don’t leave me here!”
The light from the lion overwhelmed Takuya’s senses.
Next thing he knew, he was piloting an alien spaceship out of Earth’s atmosphere with two of his classmates, some random jerk, and Koichi Kimura, the famous pilot from the doomed Kerberos mission. Takuya couldn’t figure out what was more surprising, the fact that Kimura was alive or the fact that Takuya hadn’t recognized him even though he’d followed the news about the Kerberos mission from the moment of take-off. To be fair, he did look pretty different, especially with the robot arm.
“None of you should have come,” Kimura insisted, holding onto the back of Takuya’s pilot seat. “Kanbara, take everyone back. I’m the only person on earth who can face these monsters. You don’t know what they’re capable of.”
“Sorry, buddy, but this thing is pretty much steering itself.” Takuya was actually a little sorry, since he seemed so upset and the guy had just crash landed after apparently being abducted by aliens for over a year. He was a little more sorry when he saw the alien warship waiting for them in orbit.
“Takuya, do something!” Tommy screamed.
“What are you waiting for! Take evasive maneuvers!” Koji snarled in his ear.
“Try shooting at it!” JP shouted over him.
“How am I supposed to do anything! I can’t even hear myself think!” Takuya bellowed back.
On second thought, as the lion steered itself away from the alien ship and shot off to the far reaches of the solar system before it could catch them, Takuya was really glad that the lion was driving itself. Even after it drove itself into a wormhole and they ended up on the other side of the universe. Being a space explorer was Takuya’s destiny, after all.
“The lion told me to go inside this castle, so that’s what I’m gonna do,” Takuya announced to the others.
“Oh, the lion told you, huh?” Koji snorted, crossing his arms and leaning away from Takuya like he had a contagious disease.
“Yup,” Takuya confirmed.
“Well, you have fun with that,” JP shrugged, shaking his head. “But you can count me out. Hey space cat! How about a ride home?” He turned to shout up at the unresponsive ship. “Come on! Would you take me back for a chocolate bar? Please?”
“What if we go in there, and there are more aliens?” Tommy asked, a tremor in his voice.
“Maybe they’ll be friendly!” Takuya smacked Tommy on the back reassuringly.
“I’d call you an optimist, but I think you’re just an idiot.” Kouji glanced at Kimura but didn’t seem to be able to bring himself to actually speak to his double. “Don’t we already know that there are plenty of hostile aliens?”  
“This castle doesn’t look like anything the Galra would build,” Kimura murmured. “There’s that.”
“Great! Come on, everybody!”
Takuya’s enthusiasm carried them all the way through the dark halls and down several flights of stairs before JP decided he liked being in the castle less than he liked being left alone on a strange planet and started talking about going back. Takuya waved off his complaints and forged on, keeping a friendly hand on Tommy’s shoulder to balance out JP’s negativity. Fortunately, they reached the bottom not too much later.
The staircase opened into an expansive room lined with pillars. Some kind of machine had been built into floor, with its control panel of to one side.
“Woah, what is all this weird technology?” JP finally stopped his objections at the sight of the giant machine. Takuya could hardly blame him; it was amazing.
JP ran to the console. “I wonder what this does. And how it works.” He ran his hands over the symbols on the control panel, frowning thoughtfully. They lit up. In the same moment, two human-sized capsules emerged from the floor in a rush of steam. The leftmost one came out right next to Takuya.
He started back, holding his arms up just in time for the capsule to open and drop the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen into them.
“Oh!” The girl reached out as she fell and grabbed hold of Takuya’s neck. She seemed to be coming awake slowly, looking at him with glazed eyes.  “I’m alive...I could just kiss you...” the girl murmured.
“Uhhh...” Well, Takuya could hardly object, but…
Her gaze snapped into focus. “Wait! Who are you? Who do you think you’re touching?!”
Before Takuya knew it, he was on the floor, arm twisted behind him. “Ow, ow, ow, hey!
“You stay away from me, you weird little alien! Are you here to assassinate me?”
“Geez, let go if you want me to answer all those questions!” Takuya tried to squirm free, but she had a strong grip. He felt her shift, probably looking around the room.
“Hmmm. Fine. But you better mind your manners!” The girl dropped him. “Now start talking.”
Takuya groaned and sat up. “We don’t know anything, okay? We’re looking for answers, too! We just found this place in the middle of nowhere.”
The girl eyed him. “And who is ‘we’?”
“I’m Takuya.” Scowling, he brushed the new wrinkles out of his sleeves. “Those two are my classmates, that guy I just met but his name is Koji, and that’s Koichi Kimura who everyone thought was dead but was actually imprisoned by aliens.” He indicated each of them with a jerk of the head.
She turned on Kimura. “You were a prisoner? Who captured you? Was it the Galra? Were you fighting Lucon?”
He tensed when everyone else looked at him. “I can’t... remember everything,” he protested, “but... I think my captors answered to….an Emperor Lucon.” Kimura hunched his shoulders. “I never fought them; they just came out of nowhere...”
The hiss of the second capsule opening cut off the girl’s response. “Princess Zoe!” A short, bald man with a graying goatee stumbled out. “Are you unharmed? Who are these vagabonds?”
“Bokoran!” Princess Zoe ran to embrace him. “I’m glad you’re safe! Do you know what happened? The last thing I remember is Father telling me to wait for him…” She released him and looked around the room. “These strangers seem friendly, at least, and it looks like Lucon’s forces aren’t attacking the castle anymore.” She clasped  her hands together. “Do you think Father defeated him?”
“I’m afraid all I know is that the king was planning to hide the lions of Voltron from Lucon.” Bokoran shook his head rapidly. “Let me check the records. Perhaps he’s left us a message.”
“Did he say Voltron?” Kimura asked as the man pushed past JP to get to the console.
Princess Zoe brushed her hair back from her face and smiled regally. “That’s right. I’m sure you’ve heard all the stories, and I promise you that every single one is absolutely true.”
They exchanged glances.
“I don’t think so...”
“Never heard of it.”
“So who or what even is Voltron?” Now Takuya wanted to know, even though he was a little nervous about attracting her attention again.
The princess put her hands on her hips. “What do you mean? You have to have heard of Voltron. It’s the Defender of the Universe? The greatest weapon ever made? It’s known across galaxies! You can’t possibly...everyone knows about Voltron!” She looked them over with a furrowed brow. “What kind of primitive planet do you come from that Voltron is completely unknown? How awful for you!” Her eyes went gentle with pity.
None of them knew how to respond to her outburst until Kimura spoke. “The name sounds... familiar...” His eyes widened and he whipped around to look at the rest of them “I think... that’s what the Galra were looking for on Earth! They could destroy the whole world to get to it!”
“Oh no,” Bokoran said into the sudden silence.
Takuya scrambled to his feet. “‘Oh, no’ is right! We can’t let that happen!”
“Not that!” Bokoran snapped. “Princess, we’ve been asleep for ten thousand years!”
Princess Zoe froze, the blood draining from her face.“That can’t be right,” she whispered. “What about...Altea? And the war…!”
“Our whole system has been destroyed! This couldn’t be worse; we are the only living things from Altea left!” Bokoran paused. “Well, us and that useless Neem’on that stowed away in my pod.” He gestured irritably.
They all looked in to see a weird rabbit-mouse looking animal, fast asleep and snoring on the floor of the capsule.
“That means...we’ve lost,” Princess Zoe sank to her knees, shoulders shaking. “What can we do possibly do now? Lucon probably already has Voltron.”
“Weren’t you listening?” Koji snapped. “We just said that he’s still looking for it. On our home.”
Princess Zoe’s head came up.
“And we better get back there to protect it,” Takuya jumped in. His destiny could wait. “Everybody back in the blue lion ship.”
“How are the five of us gonna protect Earth from an alien army?” JP protested.
“Maybe if we get back in time to warn everyone?” Tommy suggested timidly. Takuya grinned at him. He liked this kid after all.
“Wait.” Princess Zoe stood and marched over to Koji, staring him in the eye. “You have the blue lion?”
Takuya stiffened. “Actually, I found it first,” he interjected
“And one of you piloted it?” Princess Zoe didn’t seem to have heard him because if she was just ignoring him, that was plain rude. And princesses wouldn’t be rude, right? Especially gorgeous space princesses. Takuya remembered the way she’d twisted his arm. Gorgeous, terrifying space princesses. Oh boy. What did he get himself into?
Koji frowned. “More or less? It looked more like Takuya was just sitting in the chair.”
Princess Zoe’s face broke into a radiant smile. “Oh, you beautiful boy!” She wrapped her arms around Koji, probably just because he was closest, Takuya thought sourly. “And there are five of you! Right here! It must be a sign.” She let go of Koji and held out her hands to all of them. “You are destined to be the new Paladins of Voltron! And together, we’ll bring back the Legendary Defender.”
Takuya had always thought that he would explore space someday. He hadn’t exactly known that it needed defending … but if Princess Zoe thought it was his destiny, he wasn’t going to argue with her.
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got-to-tomago-blog · 7 years
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Nicknames? Maddie. Although I guess technically Madison is a 'nickname' ;)
Where do you live? Right next door!
What’s your age? 17, dancing queen
Hair color? Dark brown
Eye color? Darker brown
Height? really short, like 5'2"
Date of Birth? December 29
What’s your star sign? Capricorn!
Element? Earth probably.
How many siblings? one (1)
How many pets? zero but I already have a bunch of cat names planned out for my future two cats
    I want to wipe out all the sad ideas that come to me when I am holding you    I want to erase every nasty thought that bugs me every day of every week
Bad habits?
     When my fingernails get too long I pick at it, I procrastinate a lot, and I also get random ticks (ie drumming my fingers, clucking my tongue it goes on)
Phobias? I would say death, but honestly, it's probably life
*ABOUT YOU* What makes you happy?
     Being with friends I trust. Watching an entertaining show/movie/gameplay
What really irritates you?
     Apathetic people.
What makes you sad?
    Me. Capitalism. The pressures and expectations that society puts on individuals.
What makes you angry?
    People who don't care about other people's feelings. When someone says that it's required to stand for the Pledge of the Allegiance. The rampant racism and sexism and honestly discrimination in general that we humans seem naturally so inclined to.    
What makes you scared?
    The thought of how our universe and everything in it will disappear and we humans will only be a blip in that timeframe. But perhaps that isn't really scary.
    New answer: Trump. Guns. 
Who is your best friend? 
   I have like three best friends outside of bdrp: Rose, Abigail and Riley.
Ever broken a bone?
    Nah. The closest is when I twisted my ankle.
What was the last CD you bought?
    I myself haven't bought any. But like as a family, pretty sure it was Legally Blonde.
What was the last book you read?
    Throwback to middle school with the Raven Boy series.
Who was the last person you spoke to?
     The bus driver haha.
What was the last thing you ate?
    Cookies (that Riley gave me) and yogurt. 
What was the last thing you drank?
    The answer should be water, but it's juice.
What’s the best thing you’ve ever bought?
     I'm young I don't really pay expensive things. I would have to say that of the things that I know that I bought is the book Battle Royale.
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever bought?
    I bought a lot of food in my life, some pretty crappy.
What’s the best thing you’ve ever been given?
     I love my parents <3. They got me a violin (several but they sold some back), my Bose headphones, and my drawing tablet (that I should use more).
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been given?
    Idk my parents sort of know what we want and my grandparents can't really give me anything and I don't remember bad gifts from elementary school friends. But our family gifted ourselves a guitar which my mom wanted but promptly said that the strings hurt her fingers so probably that. 
What are your future goals?
    Happiness, success, and love. 
Describe your bedroom?
     It's pretty small and the walls are yellow and pink with a sticker tree with birds it's pretty cool. I have a bed, dresser and a lil vanity table that has a lot of random stuff on it. 
Who do you consider the most beautiful woman in the world?
  Lupita Nyong'o, Song Ji Hyo, Ashley Moore, IU, Emma Watson
Who do you consider the most handsome man in the world?
  Taron Egerton, Avan Jogia, Lee Jong Suk, Song Joong Ki, Dave Franco
Favorite thing to do on a hot summers day? 
  Eat ice cream
Favorite thing to do on a snowy winters day? 
  Eat ice cream (but inside)
If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be?
  To use the popular loophole, wish for more wishes. If that's not the case, my wishes would be: world peace, no need to sleep, and the ability to focus on what I want to without getting distracted.
If you could go back in time to see or change something, when would it be and what would you do?
Well, if it was possible for Riley to get professional help without trying to commit suicide that would be awesome. 
Doing the extra credit my freshman year for English so I would get an A instead of a 89. Sitting with someone else in sophomore year math class so it would be entertaining and I could avoid the only B I'm gonna get in math during high school. 
Doing something about Ryan my freshman or sophomore year. Doing something about Joey.
Regretting less. 
What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up?
  Going back to sleep. 
Do you believe in the after-life?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
  I'll be 27, but that also gives me no sense of time. Probably at a nice office job or graduate school.
What’s the funniest joke you’ve ever been told? 
  Nice shoes, wanna fuck? 
or: This fibonacci joke is as bad as the last two you heard combined
Any hidden talents?
    I once fell asleep while standing. 
Dream job?
  My dream dream job would probably be being a popular actress but also 1) that would never happen and 2) that sounds stressful. So my other dream job is being the position right under the CEO of a very successful company.
Who is your hero?
  you <3
Describe yourself in 3 words: 
  Nice (get it? if not I can explain it to you in discord), smart, passionate
Favorite color? Purple and black
Favorite number? 25
Favorite animal? Pandas and cats.
Favorite sport (to play)? Lol. 
Favorite sport (to watch)? I watch football a lot actually. But have you /seen/ badminton games of professionals it's insane
Favorite Show(s)?
  Too much honestly. KShows: Running Man, the Genius, Problematic Men. Western: Miraculous Ladybug, Misfits, Project Runway and Big Brother as my guilty pleasure
Favorite movies?
  Excluding Disney movies because I love all of them, I highly recommend the Cabin in the Woods, Truman Show, 10 Things I Hate About You, and Old Boy. From there, it's like a tree with tons of movie options.
Favorite band?
  The rubber ones that can change into shapes
jk, the only 'bands' I really like are Kpop, so 2NE1 (rip), BTS, Blackpink and Big Bang.
Favorite song?
  I love Savages by Marina and the Diamonds, Crybaby by Melanie Martinez, and Whistle by Blackpink.
Favorite room in the house?
  My bedroom's pretty cool, I just don't spend a lot of time in there
Favorite food? 
  Chocolate. I also like a large variety of fruit
Favorite drink?
  Apple juice hands down. Besides that, there's this Korean drink called 2% that's really good.
Favorite place?
  Bed? Wizarding World in Orlando Studios, Florida was pretty awesome, and South Korea has some great places. And of course, our expensive home Disney World.
Favorite cartoon character?
  Blossom from Powerpuff girls, Kim Possible from well, ya know, and to continue this trend, Wendy from Gravity Falls.
Favorite day of the week? Saturday.
Favorite day of the year? December 28
Favorite season? Fall
Favorite Holiday? Christmas
Favorite girls name?
  Madison (haha) but I also like the name Victoria. ngl Petrana is a pretty good name too.
Favorite boys name? Ryan
Favorite country? South Korea? Countries are pretty problematic tbh
Favorite smell? Dollar bills ;)
Favorite sound? Fire crackling
Favorite accent? Gonna be stereotypical here and say British.
Favorite Ships (in or our of BDRP)?
  Too much to list in bdrp so I'm just gonna go outside BDRP.  Percy/Annabeth, James/Lily, Spartace (from Running Man), Jungwan/Dukseon (from Reply 1988). I’m not a huge shipper tbh.
Favorite Fandoms? 
  All the fandoms I'm in are basically my favorites (except Gravity Falls to a certain point cuz that fandom has a very big 'weird' side). Disney of course, Harry Potter, PJO/Heroes of Olympus, Miraculous Ladybug (a bit). The Genius, Undertale, Cuphead (to another certain extent I don't play it but man the art is gorgeous), Bright Sessions (!)
*PREFERENCES* Coke or Pepsi? I don't drink either, not a huge fan of fizzy drinks
Pen or Pencil? Pen
Day or Night? Night
Cat or Dog?Cat
Summer or Winter? Winter
T.V. or Radio? Radio (gotta listen to those tunes in the car)
Brains or Beauty? Brains
Cup or Mug? Cup
Tea or Coffee?Tea (i'm not a huge fan of coffee either ngl)
Gold or Silver? Gold
Brush or Comb? Comb
City or Country?City
Early or Late riser? Late late
Blond or Brunette? This is bias against black haired people 😔 so blonde
Scary or Romantic movies? ooOooo idk this one's tough. If it was books it would be romance hands down, but since it's movie I'll say scary
Board or Computer games? Computer games
Half full or Half empty? Half full
  Happy and poor or Sad and rich? man this was tougher than you would think. But since it's based off how I don't think I could actually be 'happy' while poor, I will choose happy and poor. 
Glasses or Contacts? Glasses.
Flowers or Chocolates? Chocolate
Love or Money? Love
Hugs or Kisses? Hugs
And there you have it!
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