#i guess if i didn't do automatic refills i could get at least some things on the same schedule but i hate having to call it in
autumnrory · 1 year
had to go somewhere besides work every day last week (all minor but still annoying when you're me) and went somewhere one day of the weekend and have yet another pointless doctor's appointment on wednesday and i'm planning to see barbie sunday and based on the timing of when i finish my book i would have to go to the library on saturday UNLESS i wanna pick something else to read that i can get in an ebook it is simply too many tasks for me
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Warriors in Red Armor
Next | Masterlist
Chapter One
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Hound I
"So, are we going to 79's tonight?" Hound asked. He had meant to be subtle about it, but the question burst out of him the moment his well-worn boots crossed the threshold of the small break space allotted to members of the Coruscant Guard.
As break spaces went, the one designated for the Coruscant Guard's clone troopers was an embarrassment. Some determined being had managed to cram a table and a handful of chairs inside, but it was a tight fit. If more than a few fully armored troopers went inside at the same time, none of them would get back out without removing some armor to clear the traffic jam. The lights flickered, the faucet leaked, the floor was always sticky, and the stuffy air held a hint of the chemicals that had been stored there years ago. Since then, the previous break space had been renovated into an office for one of the few nat-born commanding officers and this one had been created for the clone troopers.
Still, the smell of caf was stronger than the smell of chemicals most days and the light from a nearby advertisement screen lit the room so brightly that the flickering lights didn't give any of the troopers a migraine anymore. Hound always was a man who liked to see the glass as half-full. Maybe even a little more than half, if that glass was sitting under the dripping faucet.
Thire snorted at Hound's question, leaning back in his chair until gravity threatened to topple him. "Well, boys? Hound wants to know if we're going to 79's this lovely Friday evening. What do we think?"
Thorn glanced around the room, looking unamused by his brother's antics. "We think I'm the only other one here, di'kut."
"Exactly!" Thire said in triumph, obviously determined to ignore his fellow commander. "It's the weekend! Why wouldn't we go to 79's?"
"Because you've finally realized that it's a glorified zoo?" Thorn snapped, tone venomous. "79's is where civvies go to stare at clone troopers so they can feel like they're being daring. In reality, they're being irritating."
Having spoken his piece, Thorn tossed back the last of his cup of caf, always consumed as dark as his mood. Hound shuddered at the thought. Corrie Guard caf was brewed at the approximate concentration of speeder fuel and could eat through duracrete. Only a trooper who hated himself would drink it black.
Thorn always drank it black.
"So you don't want to go?" Hound asked again, sounding heartbroken.
"No, I'll go," Thorn told him. "Zoo or not, 79's still has the cheapest booze on Coruscant that doesn't use poison as a mixer."
"Well, that's the most excited I've heard Thorn get about anything for a week, at least," Thire smirked. "Commander Fox, you want in on this?"
The Head Commander of the Coruscant Guard, having just stepped into the break room to fill his mug with caf, shook his head. "No, I'm on duty tonight. The Clone Rights group has been cleared to march and the Chancellor wants an extra Guard presence. Stone will be stuck here as well, monitoring any new arrivals."
"Ugh," Hound said, summarizing everyone else's point of view. "Well, we'll be thinking of you both, Commander."
Fox lowered the datapad in his hand to shoot a look in Hound's direction. "Sergeant, don't you have that ARF PR stunt tomorrow at 0800?"
Hound shrugged. "Yeah, but I can do both."
"Make sure you don't miss it," Fox ordered sternly. "The last thing I need is to have to report to the Chancellor that you missed a chance to give the GAR a boost in civil opinion."
Hound saluted and Fox turned his attention to the other break room occupants. "Thorn, if you let your stubble get any longer, it'll be considered a beard and subject to facial hair regulations. Thire, sit on the chair like a normal being, would you?"
Thorn nodded and Thire grinned as he let the chair's legs slam onto the floor. Fox rolled his eyes at their antics, refilled his cup of caf, and left the break area. Hound idly wondered how many of the gray hairs appearing at the Head Commander's temples were due to the commanding officer team. Still, the Chancellor had let Fox choose his own team of COs, so there was no one to blame but himself.
"Meet at 2100?" Thire asked. "That's prime time for 79's and there'll be plenty of talent. I'll go ahead and apologize, vode. When you look this good, you automatically get your pick of the females."
Thire brushed a hand back across his hair - meticulously trimmed to maintain the subtle horizontal lines shaved into the otherwise regulation cut - and grinned at the other two. Hound and Thire rolled their eyes, but agreed anyway.
Kai I
"Hey, do you guys want to go to 79's tonight?" Kai asked, perched on the desk she was supposed to be sitting behind. She was always restless and neither of the other women blamed her for the odd choice of seat - even though it made inter-desk communication a bit of a pain.
Arkularia - who, for the sake of Kai's sanity, allowed the others to call her 'Ark' - was the first to respond. "79's? The clone bar?"
"Do you want to drink, dance, or find a one-night stand?" Ransom asked from behind her expansive tech setup. "Because there are better places for any of those. Closer, too."
"No, I want to go to 79's," Kai said, kicking up her chin. "And as for what I want… I want all of them. All three options, please and thank you."
"Did you just try to order a night out? Like from a menu?" Ransom asked. From the tone of her voice, Kai had managed to earn a rare smile from her boss. Of course, that was only a guess since Ransom didn't emerge from her den so Kai could verify the expression.
"No… but can you imagine how much easier that would be?" Kai asked in her own defense.
"It would take some of the fun out of it, I think," Ark said slowly.
Kai chucked a wad of flimsi at her friend and co-worker's head, cheering to herself as it connected and bounced off of Ark's white-blonde hair. "I know that, Ark! C'mon guys, do you want to come to 79's with me or not?"
"I'm out," Ransom said immediately, shutting down the projector option on her desk. She was still illuminated by the ambient light from the schematics on her datapad. The cybernetic implants in Ransom's arm gleamed in the blue glow as she dragged a hand over her shaved head. "I have to work late if we have any hope of finishing our next job on time."
"Ark?" Kai asked, not too proud to sound like she was begging.
Ark sighed, pale eyes hopeless in the face of Kai's wheedling. "Fine, I'll go along."
"Ransom, are you sure you can't come, too?" Ark asked, her voice a bit desperate.
"I really do have to stay and work on this," Ransom apologized, gesturing at her assortment of datapads. "My condolences."
"We're going to a club, not facing a firing squad!" Kai admonished. "Besides, I just want to find someone fun."
"Like that last guy?" Ark asked, squinting a bit as she applied her prodigious memory to her own question. "What was his name?"
"Not sure," Kai admitted. "But he was so much fun! Great tattoos."
"So you are looking for a hookup! I knew it," Ransom crowed.
Ark frowned. "Why a clone trooper? They're never on-planet for long before they have to leave."
"Exactly," Kai said with a wink. "Love 'em and leave 'em."
"Didn't the last one stick around for a while? I thought I remembered seeing him more than a few times…" Ark pondered.
"Hardcase! His name was Hardcase," Ransom remembered. "He came by every day of his leave."
"Strange name," Ark commented.
"Strange guy," Ransom said with a shrug.
"But he was hot," Kai countered, folding a piece of flimsi to look like a tooka. At least it did in her imagination. "And so much fun. I need another someone like him."
"What happened to him?" Ark asked curiously.
Kai would have blushed if she had any shame - too bad for Coruscant that she didn't. Instead, she pouted. "He moved on with a Zeltron who works at GAR headquarters. That's the best place to meet troopers, but they don't give access to civilians unless they have official business."
"Hardcase didn't seem like the type to ghost you out of nowhere," Ransom mused.
"I… may have freaked out about him asking me to be his girlfriend," Kai admitted. "I don't want anything serious, you know? Besides, I'm the one who introduced him to the new girl. She's a sweetheart. He adores her and she's the same about him. Can't be too upset with that."
Ark and Ransom exchanged loaded glances, but Kai had no interest in a therapy session. "Right! So, Ransom, you're still out?"
"I have no interest in coming along and I have work to do here."
"Well, that was almost nice," Kai congratulated. "Ark, it's you and me. When should we go?"
Ark shrugged. "Why don't we just stop there on the way home from work?"
"Are you kidding?" Kai asked, aghast at the idea. "We aren't exactly wearing Senatorial dress, but we're still too professional for a club! No, we need to go home, change, and meet there. How long do you need?"
"I don't know… half an hour?"
"How long do you need to find an outfit that makes sense in a club setting?" Kai rephrased her question.
"Two hours," Ark corrected herself, sounding sheepish.
"That's more like it," Kai said, satisfied. Her look turned wicked as she said, "Now, let's talk about makeup…"
"Are you sure you don't need any help here, Ransom?" Ark asked their boss, her eyes widening with hidden significance.
"No, it's too late!" Kai denied. "Meet me at my apartment and I'll help you. Let's say eight."
Ark glanced back at Ransom, who gave a sympathetic shrug. Ark sighed. "Fine, eight."
A/N - Hello, and welcome to yet another Clone Wars-based story! I can't leave these poor guys alone. They deserve so much more than they got! So, you may have noticed that some of the characters are a bit different from the way they are normally portrayed in fan fiction. The first fic I read with the Coruscant Guard had Thire as a happy joking guy and Thorn as a serious doom-and-gloom trooper. I'm coming to realize that is not typical for fanon interpretations, but those characterizations are embedded in my mind. I hope you didn't find this too jarring!
I'm experimenting with a new Game of Thrones-style POV tracking format. Hopefully that will keep things from getting too confusing as we bounce back and forth across eight different POVs! I apologize for the short length of this chapter, but it's just a simple introduction of (most of) the characters.
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bangtancentricsblog · 4 years
Eccentric Halloween Special
affiliated works here
listen up, so this is first and foremost for my amazing friend and bestest hype woman @boymeetsweevil but imma call her my wife from now on because she is my biggest supporter and i love and appreaciate her wholeheartedly! thank you for always being there for me and keeping me motivated to write even when i think my ideas are dumpster fires and not worth finishing.
Warnings: mentions of past emotional and verbal abuse, there is smut (but like ion if everyone will like it lol) sexual jokes in reference to halloween songs, alcohol consumption, mentions of drug use (its just weed nothing big) let me know if i missed anything!
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there are easter eggs so if you find them/think you found one feel free to come chat my ask box is always open!
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The music is loud, bass thumping through the floor and in your ears with what you know to be a kpop song by a boy group that’s pretty catchy and says something about being an underdog. This reminds you of college and even if that shit was terrible and you never finished this atmosphere was very college like. Taehyung had left you alone some time ago whispering a soft ‘make some friends’ into your temple with a kiss, you’d gawked at his back because who did he think you were? Last you checked you weren’t rainbow fucking bright and you’d been dragged to this party for a, as he called it a ‘surprise’. The living room floor was overflowing with girls all dressed as slutty bees and butterflies, slutty anything really and you rolled your eyes because yeah this was exactly like a college party. The jungle juice didn't help, it tasted like ass but it did the trick you guess. You’d caught a glimpse of Jungkook not too long ago his hair had grown out, now long enough that he’d tied it up into a messy bun. He’d been dragging a girl behind him, one you’d seen once or twice wrapped around his form on your late night munchies run to the convenience store. 
He’s a great guy so you’re happy for him, a little too wild but still a great guy. You’ve been here for the better part of an hour just people watching from your seat on a bar stool sitting at the kitchen island of whoevers house this is. It’s a decent spot you think as you catch glimpses of people you’ve met before and have come to call acquaintances, like Lisa who’s laughing with a group of girls in the far corner by the gaudy faux leather couch. Johnny’s here too, body molded to the back of some petite brunette dressed as what you’re pretty sure is an American Horror Story witch. Hoseok is here too swapping spit with his best friend turned girlfriend, and you consider tracking Jungkook down to see if he has any space sticks on him, or at least his pen because this party sucks and Taehyung left you by yourself and if you have to do this alone you might as well be high too. 
The idea is very appealing, you chew on your lower lip weighing your options because there’s a high chance that Jungkook is fucking his cute little girlfriend in the backyard or you could find Jackson and see if he has anything on him even if his weed is shit and makes you feel sick most of the time. You groan because both those options are crap and for some fucking reason Macarena has come on and the drunks on the dance floor have begun to whoop in excitement. You refill your cup taking a sip, the mix is bitter on your tongue and you want to gag a little bit because whoever mixed it was terrible at it. God you miss Taehyung, you really want to go home to fuck him because it’s halloween and your horny but mostly because he’s got a big dick and you like the way he manhandles you. A small whine slides past your lips catching movement to your right, you peek at the couple that's just come from the hallway that you're pretty sure leads to another bathroom and the laundry room. The girl is cute, cheeks soft looking and tinted a lovely shade of ‘my boyfriend just ate my pussy’ pink. The lucky bitch you think with an internal groan. Her hair is done up in pigtails in a style you recognize automatically since Harley Quinn’s been one of your women crushes the entirety of your life, along with Lucy Lui.
Her boyfriend is sporting what looks like mint hair and a smirk you think could rival Taehyung’s. He’s kinda hot if you look closely which you aren’t because his nose doesn’t have the elegant slope that Tae’s does and neither does he have the little beauty mark. It's the alcohol you reason for the way you're comparing this very committed stranger to your very loving missing boyfriend. You just want to go home, and get some dick is that too much to ask? Thriller has played for the third time tonight when you feel the tap on your shoulder cup at your lips. You’re brows furrow,  irritation sweeping over your body at being touched so casually by someone who isn’t your boyfriend or Jungkook. It's the mint haired guy you note quirking your head slightly to better hear him over the music. 
“Hey, you’re ____, right?” 
“Piss off fuck boy, find someone else’s leg to hump.” you say around the lip of your plastic cup. A snort comes from behind him, as Harley Quinn brings her hand up to cover her mouth. He scowls at her pinching her side and she laughs harder smiling up at him, before turning her attention to you instead.
“Sorry, we should’ve introduced ourselves first.” She smiles at you, eyes creasing in a way that rings familiar in your head but can’t pinpoint at the moment. You nod anyways since Taehyung did say to make friends. 
“I’m Sweetpea and this is Yoongi, we’re friends of Tae’s.” she says hand out and you take it shaking it and Yoongi’s before pulling yours back and discreetly wiping it on your skirt. 
“Nice to meet you, I’m ____, Taehyung’s girlfriend.” you say a little sheepish since he’s usually beside you when you meet more of his friends. 
“Is Tae not here?” Sweetpea asks her voice lilting in a way that you wish yours would. 
“He’s making his rounds, I’m just waiting til he’s done catching up with everyone.” you smile it feels forced but you’re really trying.
“Does he still do that, I'd thought he’d stopped by now.” Yoongi says wrapping an arm around Sweetpea’s waist and pulling her close. You don’t mean to be, but you're jealous of Sweetpea right now, her boyfriend holds her so tenderly and the affection in his eyes is evident. Monster Mash has been replayed a second time and you really wish your boyfriend’s monster cock was smashing the shit out of your pussy right about now. Tears prick at the back of your eyes because you just want to go home, and Taehyung has seemingly abandoned you for far too long. 
“What are you dressed as anyways?” Yoongi asks, snapping you out of your little tantrum, your eyes narrowing because is he serious right now? 
“Are you, like, serious?” you say with as much ditsy tv show white girl you can muster. 
“Yeah, don't get me wrong you’ve got a nice face but it’s halloween you didn't have to dress as a nun.” he laughs and Sweetpea gives him this look. 
“I’m not a nun.” 
“Y’look like a nun to me.” 
“But I’m not, I'm dressed as Sypha from Castlevania.” you say with as much annoyance as you feel, but realize that you shouldn't have to explain your costume to him. Your cheeks feel warm with embarrassment because how dare Taehyung leave you to fend for yourself against this douche. 
“I mean anyone with a brain could put that together,” you scoff looking him up and down “what are you supposed to be, bargain bin Joker? Couldn't have mustered enough fucks to at least try?” you spit mentally shriviling up because wow how did you manage to fuck this up? Sweetpea is looking between you and Yoongi and you don’t blame her, here you were a near perfect stranger attacking her boyfriend when they’d been nice enough to pull you out of your little bubble. To your surprise Yoongi laughs, teeth and gums on display. It's kind of cute, you think, his laugh that is not him. 
“Thats a good one, couples costumes are kinda pointless. Tae wasn’t kidding when he said you were kinda surly.” 
“M’not surly, people just get on my nerves.” you pout, reaching across the island to refill your cup. If your embarrassment doesn't kill you this jungle juice will, the cup is half full when you bring it back to your lips, moving to get off your seat. Fuck it, if you have to see Jungkook’s bare ass to have a decent smoke then so be it. 
“Hey, were you going?” Sweetpea asks eyes wide, god she's pretty and she kinda reminds you of Jimin but that can’t be right. 
“Smoke, this was fun and all but my quota for meeting new people has reached its limit. See you around or something.” you say heading into the crowd of people on the dance floor because it was simpler to go through it than around them. Johnny shoots you a wink as you pass while the girl from earlier glares at you. There’s a throb growing in your temple, as the base of a new song vibrates from the floor and through your body. Lisa see’s you waving enthusiastically as you hand her your drink because you’re sure it's the toxic concoction making your head hurt. She smiles gratefully as you finally make it out the back door and much to your surprise Jungkook is seated at a patio set with the girl from the convenience store in his lap. 
The heavy base of Freaks Come Out at Night drifts out the open doors and to your left somewhere you can hear breathy moans, a voice that sounds like Hoseok encouraging his girlfriend. You purse your lips because Hoseok came off as a bit of a prude but hey it's Halloween and at least someone’s having fun. It's much colder outside than it is in the house, but you’ll make due with the warmth of what you can make out is the stench of weed in the air. Jungkook is occupied whispering things into the girls ears as you plant your ass on the chair opposite him, he pulls away from her eyes glazed over and droopy. 
“Hey where you been, we’ve been waiting for ya. You remember Shrimp right?” he asks patting Peewee’s thigh. 
“Vaguely, nice to meet you.” you say and Shrimp smiles over at you, her smile is tight and you don’t want to think too much into it. 
“So what have you guys been up to, you didn't bring her out here in the cold to fuck did’ya?” 
“Course not, too many people inside and we didn't wanna share our chocolate.” he laughs pulling a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups from beside him.
“Kook, you said Tae told you to wait out here.” Shrimp says eyes narrowed and moving to stand from her seat in his lap. 
“Don’t move you’re keeping my dick warm.” he laughs as she smacks his shoulder playfully. You’ve perked up because this is the first time all night you’ve gotten any type of word that Taehyung hadn’t just ditched you at this party. 
“Look here twerp, where the hell is my shithead boyfriend?” you ask and both Jungkook and Shrimp look thoroughly chastised even though you were only talking to the former. He widens his eyes at you tilting his head to the side in a way he does when he wants to pretend he knows nothing. 
“I don’t know what you mean, he’s around here somewhere. I’m sure he is, maybe Hoseok might know?” he breathes eyes darting to Shrimp who sits pretty in his lap like some sort of doll. 
“Okay what the actual fuck? I just wanna go home to fuck my boyfriend and he’s playing some weird game of hide and seek.” you grunt exasperated because this was weird as fuck and Tae and his friends were getting on your last nerve. You don’t mean to cry, you really don’t, but you're frustrated and your period is just around the corner and all your friends are being weird and your boyfriend is being a shithead. 
“If that's all you wanted you could've said so, but that would’ve ruined the surprise.” Taehyung says in that tone he uses when you’re on the brink of tears or already crying. Your gaze shoots over to him in an instant, tears already spilling over your cheeks flushed red in anger. He looks sheepish, but it doesn’t make you feel better. 
“Go away, I don’t wanna see you.” you say planting your head on the table to hide your face. 
“C’mon you don’t mean that.” he says, slowly lifting your face to meet your gaze. He’s standing between your thighs cupping your cheeks before he slowly moves to straddle your lap, a giggle comes from the couple in the other chair. 
“Yes I do.” you sniff the chorus of Somebody's Watching Me ringing in your ears. He chuckles at you tilting your head up, nose nuzzling yours softly before he’s molding his lips to yours. It’s always the butterflies in your tummy that surprise you, because by now you’d hoped to be used to this feeling but you’re not. You’ve never loved someone like you do Taehyung, and it's weird because before him you were sure you just weren’t made to be loved. You’d long since opened up to him of your reasons for being so detached, cold even with anyone and everyone. It’d been hard to trust people after the various years of both verbal and emotional abuse, hell even at home it wasn’t all that great. When you’d moved to Taehyung’s peaceful little neighborhood you had made sure to keep people far away from you, that way they wouldn’t be able to hurt you. No backstabbing friends and no cheating boyfriends, just you all on your lonesome. And yet Taehyung had broken through your walls and made himself a cozy little home in your heart. 
It was because of him that you were able to make progress with your therapist who was no longer your therapist and more a friend. Namjoon was a nice guy and if he hadn’t been busy tonight you would’ve invited him to this party, but he had plans with his girlfriend Bubbles. Hell you’d been shocked to learn he’d gone to school with Taehyung, because by now you were sure he was friends with pretty much everyone in town. He pulls away from the kiss forehead pressed to yours and you whine softly eyes still closed because you were sure you were dreaming. Nothing this amazing ever happened, least of all to you. 
“Ready for your surprise?” he asks breath fanning over your lips and cheeks, your eyes open then curiosity swirling in their depths and it makes Taehyung smile. He pecks your lips a few times before sliding off your lap and helping you to your feet. Jungkook and Shrimp are no longer sitting in the chair, the music has stopped too and it unnerves you a little. 
“You’re not gonna scare me are you?” you murmur voice sounding small and unsure of yourself because you will cry if he scares you. 
“No, just relax, I wouldn’t do that to you.” he laughs, arms wrapping around your shoulders. You’re still hesitant though, he’s leading you to the house where you were sure a party was in full swing not too long ago. The lights are off inside and if this is the day you die then so be it, but you’d be damned if you don't go down fighting. You’re fists clench and unclench palms growing clammy as your nerves begin to get the better of you, your glance at him from the side maybe you can still make a run for it. Taehyung seems to read your mind because in the next moment he’s standing behind you gently pushing you forward through the door and into the dark of what’s the living room. Your heart is pounding against your ribs and you’re sure you're about to die because this is too scary. 
“Ready?” He asks and a strangled noise comes from your throat in an answer. Your breathing grows heavy, lungs not taking in enough air. The lights come on as a chorus of voices yell ‘Happy Birthday’ a scream comes from your mouth followed by a loud sob, because there in the middle of what used to be the dance floor is a giant sheet cake decorated in the colors of the holiday a giant happy birthday ____ in the middle made of fondant. You’re sobbing, tears rolling down your cheeks as your friends and the crowd of strangers coo at the scene. Taehyung pulls you into a hug swaying you softly as your hands clutch at his shirt, he’s placing kisses to the crown of your head, whispering loving words into your hair. 
“We got you, didn’t we.” Jungkook giggles with a present bag in hand, in fact your small group of friends all have colorfully wrapped gifts. Your sobs have turned into soft hiccups and you smile at Jungkook with a nod. 
“My birthday was two weeks ago, why would you?” 
“Because I promised you we would celebrate but we had work and you haven't had a party since you were five. I wanted you to have some new happy memories for your birthday.” Taehyung says with a smile. Your cheeks grow warm, heart swelling in your chest, and you think to yourself that maybe coming out to this party wasn’t so bad. The cake is cute and Taehyung had told you how it took him a whole week to plan this party. He’d gotten the cake from a pastry shop owned by his friend Jin, and when he’d mention the name you’d been shocked. Illusion had been all the rave since the pastries were delicious and affordable, the best part was that the owner was rumored to be extremely handsome. You chose not to open any of the gifts because you wanted to be able to fully enjoy them, the cake was cut and you’d enjoyed all the slices you’d eaten of the devils food cake. Yoongi and Sweetpea hugged you as they handed you your gift  apologizing for anything Yoongi might’ve said to offend you. You’d laughed it off, saying that it was okay and that he hadn’t.
“So what is Taehyung exactly?” Yoongi asks playfully, smirking at you and you roll your eyes god he needed to educate himself. 
The party ended early, well for you anyways after the cake you’d dance a few songs with Taehyung’s dick pressed to the small of your back, you’d made friends with Sweetpea and Yoongi. Jimin had stopped by as they were leaving and had hugged Sweetpea so tight (which you later learned was his sister), he’d brought along a ‘friend’ who was a medical examiner in the morgue of the police station he worked at. You’d nearly choked seeing her, she introduced herself as Dove who enjoyed scaring Jimin and worked with dead people she explained. She’d come as Strawberry Shortcake, her wig a bubblegum pink and her outfit intricate with lace and frills. She talked fast which normally would've been fine but the jungle juice had been too much. Jimin had steered her away from you as you looked sleepily to Taehyung, packing up as much cake as you thought you could eat. The night however hadn’t ended with the party. Taehyung had driven you to his house which he liked to think was closer than yours, and now here you were giggling up a storm as he did his best impression of Trevor Belmont from Castlevania. 
“What say you Speaker, do you think you could handle Taehyung Belmont’s thick length?” you snort.
“Length? Who even says that?” he’s laughing body molded to yours still dressed in his costume, and you feel the laugh more than hear it. You’d been lazily kissing on his bed not long ago, making up for all the time you hadn’t kissed him earlier when you’d asked him if you could have his Magic Stick. He’d pulled away from your lips an elegant brow raised in question, you’d giggled first encouraging him into an all out cringe war. 
“Okay, enough of that.” he says going back to your neck nipping gently before smoothing his tongue over the irritated skin. He's careful to pull your costume off, hands meeting the warmth of your skin after discarding each item. You shiver the cool air nipping at your heated skin, as Taehyung trails kisses down your neck to your chest. 
“Tae.” you whine as he kisses one of your tits then the other.
“S’okay baby, I got you.” he whispers, taking a nipple in his mouth. He’s careful with you today and for some reason it warms your insides. One of his hands has trailed down your body cupping your pussy, he runs his fingers over your lips testing your wetness. A moan slips from your mouth because it never takes long to work you up, he chuckles against your tit. He teases your entrance with the tip of his finger before dragging it to your clit and applying a little bit of pressure. You’re pussy clenches growing wetter with every circle off his fingers on your clit, he slides his fingers back down slowly slipping in a single digit. It feels good, the angle just barely manages to scrape against that spot only he’s ever found. 
“Oh god” you cry softly as he slowly slides another finger in, he shushes you with a kiss to your cheek.
“You’re doing so good baby, can you take another?” 
“Y-yes, please.” Taehyung sighs into your skin adding a third finger and thrusting a little faster into your pussy. There’s a soft squelching sound as more of your slick gushes from your entrance, coating his fingers as they continue to pump in and out of your pussy. You’ve started to shift your hips thrusting into his fingers to add to the grown friction, a coil pulling tanut in your belly. A warmth settles in the low of your belly growing as you swivel your hips to meet his pace, you’ve lost the ability to think as Taehyung pulls his finger from you rubbing at your clit with his slicked up fingers and groaning as your hips jolt off the bed. 
“Tell me what you want.” he says, pulling his fingers away from your clit making you whine at the loss. 
“Want your cock.” 
“Think you’re pretty pussy can take me baby?”
“Yes, please, please.” Your eyes are glazed as you watch him pull off his shirt tossing it to the side, then yanking down his pants boxers and all. He wraps a hand around his cock pumping a few times spreading the precum that's beaded at the tip. He’s reaching over to the nightstand, when you place a hand to his arm. His eyes meet yours in a question, one that makes your cheeks heat further.  
“I want to like this.” you say suddenly shy, eyes darting away from his. He smiles softly using his clean hand to bring your gaze back to his. 
“Are you sure?” he asks, you nod spreading your legs wider to better fit his hips. He kisses you soft, just the way you like as he slides his cock through your slick and lining himself to your entrance. He’s sliding in slowly filling your pussy inch by inch watching your expression and the way he disappears inside you. He starts off slow sliding in and out of you in a way that you know is his way of making you feel every inch of him. His cock hits deep like this, it’s your favorite position because you’re surrounded by him. His hair is hanging in his face, brows furrowed, as he thrust a little faster into your heat, your pussy clenches every time his cock hits that spongy bundle of nerves his finger barely managed to scrape.
“Yes, right there” you sigh letting your eyes slip closed as he pumps his hips faster into your pussy. The squelch grows louder as do your cries, taehyung grunts at the way your pussy tightens around his cock, your chest is flushed and your hands scramble to find something to hold on to. There’s tears at your lash line pooling at the corner of your eyes ready to fall but haven’t. He drops his weight wrapping his arms around your body and switching your positions. Your eyes have fluttered open with a gasp, his cock hitting that much deeper with you on top, you feel shy again as his gaze travels over your naked chest falling to where he’s inside you. 
“C’mon baby fuck me, fuck yourself on my cock.” he says taking hold of your hands intertwining your finger and bringing them to his lips. You lift your hips dropping them quickly, your breaths are shaky as the warmth grows, you swivel your hips grinding your clit against his pelvis. Your hands are rested on your hips still intertwined with his as he thrusts up to add to the friction. The tears finally fall, your cries increase as you cum, your pussy clamping down on Taehyung's cock as he pumps his hips to prolong your high and find his own, you’ve stopped moving thighs twitching as your walls pulse around him. Your head is buried in his chest and you manage to shift your hips slightly when his muttered curses finally make it into your ears. You’re sensitive, but you’ll be damned if he doesn’t cum in you the first time you go sans condom. 
“Fuck yeah, just like that.” he groans as a new warmth fills you, he’s panting hands settled on your hips while you lay limp against his chest. 
“I love you.” you mumble against his skin feeling him stiffen beneath you.
“W-what?” he asks, you shift sitting up and lovingly gazing down at him. 
“I love you.” you repeat as he gazes at you with love in his eyes and smiles.  It’s the first time you’ve said it and its not because of the sex, but because you’re finally ready to give your heart away again, this time though you know for sure its in good hands. 
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Seyoon was unpacking all the late night snacks he had gotten onto a blanket at a secluded rooftop. Hearing footsteps he looked up to see Guerin, who looked different than usual. She didn't appear to be wearing any makeup, had her normal stud earrings but had a cute black mask with a white sharp toothy grin. She was dressed in joggers and a sweatshirt with the hood up. He cocked his head at her as she approached.
"I know, I look like shit. But it was late and I'd already gotten ready for bed. You can't expect me to spruce up after that." Guerin guessed at his expression.
"You look fine. Cozy. It's just different. Also you're late." He shrugged and patted the blanket next to him, sitting as he leaned against the wall behind him.
"I got lost..." she grumbled, "I've never been great with directions." She sat down in the spot he indicated, looking over the spread he had brought, "Good grief I thought you just wanted tteokbokki."
Seyoon smiled automatically, "You said you hadn't eaten, and I know how much you like food so I thought I should get some options." Guerin leaned her head in his direction and offered a wry smile under her mask, unable to argue with his logic. "Besides, I got this for us too." He pulled out an additional bag, from which he drew two paper cups, a bottle of soju and two cans of beer.
Guerin raised her eyebrows and sat up straight, "Oh we're drinking too?"
"We have to. It goes well with tteokbokki, fried chicken and jajangmyeon." He shrugged nonchalantly as he began opening everything up and handing Guerin some chopsticks. "Although it's blueberry soju. I thought you might like that."
"How did you figure that?" She asked, sneaking a piece of tteokbokki and pulling her mask to her chin to eat it.
"Well you said before you liked Grapefruit and Plum but I couldnt find it, so I thought blueberry was the next best option." Seyoon shrugged, separating the cups and pouring soju into them, handing one to Guerin and offering his as cheers.
She laughed in response and took her shot, "Honestly I dont know how that train of thought lines up but you aren't wrong." She watched as Seyoon refilled the cups and couldn't keep the grin from her face, "You really went all out for this, it's awesome. Thank you."
He shrugged again, looking up at her and their eyes met briefly before both looked away to select food options, "Food makes things better." He said simply.
"Cheers to that." They both took another shot and then ate in silence for a while.
"So... how are you?" Seyoon asked awkwardly, unsure of how to broach the subject.
"I'm fine, all things considered." Guerin said almost mechanically, "I keep telling people that."
"Okay... but how are you really?" Seyoon asked again, leaning back to look at Guerin. She sighed and set her chopsticks down and didn't speak for a moment.
"Well. What do you know happened?" She asked finally.
"I know you were attacked by that crazy lady. I know you were arrested but you were cleared because of video evidence. I know that she is being charged by the company. But I also know you haven't been with HEET lately." He trailed off.
Guerin reached over for one of the beers. Seyoon cracked it open and put it in her hand, grabbing his as well while she took a sip, leaned back against the wall and looked up at the sky.
"Yeah. We were worried something might happen again. So part of our plan included recording any more altercations that might occur. Self defense laws are tricky and it's usually one person's word against another. Plus as a foreigner, and a big one, we knew some witnesses might not provide unbiased information." She paused and took another sip, "The boys were so brave, they did exactly as they were supposed to. That woman had some gross stuff in that present too. Police said it was unwashed underwear, a vial of blood, another of spit..." she scrunched her nose, "stuff like that."
"Sounds like you guys have the law on your side." Seyoon said, waiting for more information.
Another sip and pause before she spoke, "Yeah, we do. We're able to press charges. The company is suing her. She might see jail time. They even made me go to the hospital to make sure they had a medical report for the court."
"Wait medical report?" Seyoon looked over at her, surprised, "What happened?" Now that she had pulled down her mask and he was looking closely he saw the cut and slight bruising at the corner of her mouth as she smiled dryly and tapped her cheek.
"I let her hit me. I figured if she looked unharmed and I was injured it would go better for us too."
"You're crazy." He sounded almost admiring as he leaned in closer, "Let me see that, does it hurt?"
"It's fine, I've been hit in the face many times, and she's probably the smallest adult that's ever taken a swing at me. It doesnt hurt at all. OW WHY?" She flinched and cried out as he poked the bruising.
His eyes widened and he let out a snort of laughter, "Doesn't hurt at all?"
"You little shit." She laughed and smacked his hand away from her face, "Of course it'll hurt if you press a bruise."
He giggled again, "Sorry. It does look like it hurts a lot. You should maybe stop letting people hit you in the face."
She laughed, "Well it hasn't always been a choice, this one was though."
"So... there's more right?" He asked after their laughter had subsided.
Guerin avoided his eyes by taking a longer drink from her beer, "Yeah. There's been some blowback. Some false stories have gotten out and theres some people that claim I'm making a bad name for HEET or that I was the one who started it, that I instigated a fight or was being rude to a fan. There's quite a lot that demanded I be removed as manager, actually."
"So they caved?" Seyoon asked disbelievingly.
"Well. Kind of?" Guerin sighed, "I've been temporarily removed. Right now with the case going and the false information it's actually less safe for HEET to be around me in case someone tries to target me. So until things are officially able to be released..." she stopped talking abruptly blinking rapidly, trying to hide it with another long gulp of beer. "It's not like I've been fired. I'm grateful for that. Another company would probably have written me off as more trouble than I'm worth. They have me doing other work right now but... I liked my job. I loved my boys, and looking after them." She couldnt hide the tears running down her face now, and didn't bother to try.
Seyoon floundered, watching her face then looking around before seeing napkins and hurriedly handing them to her. She smiled and thanked him, dabbing her cheeks half heartedly before giving up and chugging the rest of her beer through her tears. With an unconvincing smile she looked at Seyoon, "So that's what I mean when I say all things considered. I'm fine."
He didn't saying anything right away, pulling his long shirt sleeve over his hand, he leaned over and dabbed at her face to dry it. She started to pull away, shocked, but he reached out with his other hand and held her in place. "Hold still." She didn't fight back, he was so close and so handsome she couldn't help but feel somewhat transfixed, despite her stomache dropping and heart pounding, all she could do was freeze until he let her go. He picked up his chopsticks, selected a large piece of fried chicken and put it to her mouth, which she accepted without complaint.
"It's okay to be sad when bad things happen. You don't have to lie to everyone." He paused and added quietly as though he wasn't sure he should be saying it, "You don't have to lie to me."
Guerin choked, "Oh my god." She swallowed as soon as she could and laughed, "Are you using lines on me to seem cool? Is this a drama?" She laughed again.
"Yah." He protested, "I was just trying to be supportive."
Guerin laughed again then fed him some tteokbokki, "You're as adorable as a cicada." She said and pinched his cheek.
"I am so much more handsome than some bug." He protested around the food in his mouth.
"Of course you are." She put a shot of soju in his hand, cheersed and downed hers. He followed shortly.
"Thanks though." She glanced at him, "It means a lot."
He playfully shoved her and stole her chopsticks, which started a whole new bickering fit.
Charlie had been working up the nerve all morning to talk to her boss. It was a privilege to be allowed to be so hands on with animals and she didn't want her boss to think she was taking advantage... but it was such a cool opportunity. She had to at least try.
"Byun Minsoo-ssi." She lead off tentatively. The lead vet looked up from her paperwork. Perhaps she looked stern simply from Charlie's point of view but it was just as believable that she was no-nonsense in everyday life as well.
"Yes? Charlie-ssi?"
"I have a friend who is a manager for an idol group, she is friends with a group called A.C.E and I wondered if they could come behind the scenes to meet some of our animals?" Charlie ventured cautiously.
Minsoo paused for a moment before speaking "A.C.E? Your friend knows A.C.E? And they want to come here?" Her attempt to play it cool was poorly hidden and gave Charlie confidence.
"Yes! I'd like to invite my friend Guerin and A.C.E to come and see what we have. I think it would be an excellent opportunity to promote the zoo and educate on the importance of conservation!"
The normally serious Minsoo beamed at Charlie, "That's an excellent idea. Let's get in contact and organize something."
Charlie did a mental fist pump and hustled off to message her friends.
Deciding to keep the visit informal allowed the planning process to go more quickly. Approval from the higher ups and organizing with Beat Interactive took a few days. Guerin has been allowed to come as a personal guest for Charlie and A.C.E who requested she tag along. Guerin, never passing up a chance to visit the zoo, happily accepted. Charlie hoped it could provide her friend with a genuine mood boost. Guerin tended to internalize her negative emotions but Charlie could tell she wasn't her usual self.
"We'll do formal filming in the behind the scenes areas, but then we'll allow you to do your own self cam work throughout the areas of the zoo the public has regular access to." Minseok explained as A.C.E got last second touch ups.
"What animals are we seeing today?" Asked Chan excitedly. They were in the vet and quarantine areas so it was unpredictable what had been planned for them.
"It's a surprise." Charlie said, the most excited A.C.E had ever seen her.
Byun Minsoo would be taking the lead in speaking for the cameras but suggested Charlie stay by to help handle animals and manage the guests. Minsoo might be strict but she was fair, knowing Charlie wanted to do this with her friends she wasn't going to exclude her.
Guerin was hanging back with Minseok as preparations were made. "Noona do you know what we're gonna see?" Chan tried to wheedle from her, pouting slightly. Guerin stared pointedly away from him.
"Don't pull that cute stuff on me, I can't tell you." Of course she knew what animals Charlie was working with, she couldn't let some aegyo spoil the surprise. Chan pouted more and shook his shoulders in a small tantrum.
"Alright that's enough." Minseok stepped in before Guerin could cave, he redirected A.C.E to the main area so they could begin filming. The recording started with a tour of the facilities, showing equipment and how to accommodate all the different animals they had based on type and size. They explained the importance of training animals to participate in their own veterinary care voluntarily then showed them a video example of a mountain lion presenting for a blood draw, and a gorilla opening it's mouth for its teeth to be examined, or a macaque presenting its arm for an insulin injection. Minsoo continued to talk about the research and breeding that the zoo participated and how it was vital for conservation efforts and how it benefitted animals in the wild.
The boys were perfect guests, asking questions and reacting well. They saw a few animals in the quarantine area, new to the zoo and waiting to be introduced to their new homes. The last area they were taken to was for longer term housing for animals that couldnt be in the usual enclosures. A spot had been sectioned, layered with blankets, plushies and other toys. The boys, perplexed, were instructed to go in and sit down with Minsoo while Charlie disappeared momentarily. She returned with an inauspicious crate, facing it away from A.C.E she opened the door and sat with Minsoo, both grinning for the surprise.
Two young tiger cubs tottered they way out, mowing. The trepidation left A.C.E as they all exclaimed in amazement and adoration. Minsoo and Charlie showed A.C.E how to bottle feed them, then let them take turns.
"Their mother was a first time mom, and she wouldnt take care of them." Minsoo explained as the boys cooed sadly, "It's not unusual for that to happen with new mothers even in the wild. But since we are here we made the choice to step in and help raise them." Once the babies were fed they were left to roam and play. One clambered into Jun's lap and fell asleep, the other playing with a toy with Donghun and Byeongkwan. Jun couldn't control his face, his amazement and joy at being chosen as he got everyone's attention and pointed to the sleeping kitten. Seyoon and Chan scooted near him to pet the sleeping animal. Charlie couldn't stop herself from grinning, Guerin knew at least part of it was Jun's reaction and not just the cute tiger cubs.
Once it was time to say goodbye to the kittens, A.C.E did their formal goodbye with them and the filming for behind the scenes ended. The rest of the staff and guests got an opportunity to greet the tigers as well and once Guerin had her turn she flagged down Charlie as the babies were taken back to their enclosure. After a brief talk with Minsoo who let out a restrained laugh and nod, Charlie and Guerin went to a series of smaller tanks on the opposite side of the room, Guerin returning with her hands closed suspiciously.
"We have one more animal for you to meet." Charlie said with a chuckle. Donghun was the only one with the good sense to he suspicious.
"This is one of my favorite animals." Guerin said with a grin, uncovering her hand and showing a large male Madagascar Hissing Cockroach sitting placidly in her hand. All five boys instinctively recoiled, Chan and Jun exclaiming in surprise. A.C.E's reaction elicited chuckles from most of the staff if they werent busy being disgusted themselves.
"It's okay guys. They're harmless!" Guerin said holding it up. Donghun and Jun recovered the fastest, still looking apprehensive and surprised respectively. Chan was behind Jun, leaning around him curiously but still looking fearful. Beyongkwan, eyes wide, didnt move forward so quickly and Seyoon was the furthest away had a very subtle terror that could only be read in his eyes.
"They're really cool, they're called hissing cockroaches cause they hiss!" She gave the cockroach a light pet down it's back which caused it to take two steps forward and hiss quietly as it protested the contact. The boys jumped again. "So insects dont have lungs, they breath through small holes along their body called spiracles. These guys have evolved to force air out of those holes to make a hissing sound that they use to communicate to each other or even predators! Their mouths are too small to bite us so they're harmless!" She was so enthusiastic in the explanation it couldnt help but draw the boys curiosity. She explained how to tell males from females and how most cockroaches are pests at all and how vital they are to the environment. Eventually Donghun worked up the courage first to touch it when offered. Jun became somewhat enamored and greeted the insect before he touched it, but jumped when it hissed before laughing at his own reaction. Chan actually opted to hold it and Byeongkwan even moved forward but Seyoon stayed in the back.
"Come on Hyung!" Chan called to him, looking more closely at the cockroach.
"I'm just looking at stuff over here you guys go on without me." Seyoon said, pretending to examine equipment near him.
"It is kind of cute." Jun admitted, petting it again, still jumping slightly when it hissed.
"On a scale of Seyoon to a Cicada how cute is it?" Donghun joked causing Jun, Chan, Byeongkwan, Guerin and Charlie to laugh.
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