#i guess im under the assumption that i have to feel like this 4ever
Takes place in the Fata Organa AU.
Words: 1131
Pairing: Platonic analogical
The first tickle of his throat hits in the morning, and Logan worries for a moment before getting lost in his first class of the day. By lunchtime, he seems to be coughing a bit more than usual, but he’s already focused on a new research project he wants to start, and decides to skip lunch in favor of the library. It comes as a shocking realization to Logan, later that evening, when he glances up from the book he’s reading, to realize that he’s horribly cold and his head is pounding. Shocked at this sudden onset of illness, Logan quickly packs his things up and leaves the library, but by the time he’s reached the dorm, he barely has the energy left to set a water bottle on his nightstand and huddle under the covers. He curls up, but sleep proves difficult to come by, and every time he manages to drift off, he inevitably wakes himself up with yet another coughing fit.
By the time Logan wakes, the next morning, Virgil appears to have come and gone, and with a start, he reaches for his phone to check the time. The glaringly bright screen echoes 11:30 back at him, and Logan struggles to get up, having already missed one of his classes, and determined not to miss the rest. He feels sore and moves sluggishly around the dorm room gathering his things, but just before he can leave, the door bursts open as Virgil returns.
“What are you doing?” Virgil demands, glaring at Logan with a surprising ferocity.
“I overslept. A better question is why didn’t you wake me?” Logan growls back, irritated and still ridiculously tired.
“Overslept?” Virgil barks back. “You kept both of us up half the night with your coughing fits, and you’re worried about oversleeping?!” Logan tries to formulate a response, but Virgil is already stepping forward, crowding into his personal space and herding him back towards his bed.
“Get back in bed, idiot. Hell, you didn’t even eat the breakfast I left you, before trying to book it out of here!” Virgil steps to the side, as soon as Logan sits back down, and picks a tray up from it’s resting place on his nightstand.
“What-” Logan tries to ask, but Virgil is already interrupting him.
“You need to eat something. And drink the tea, too.”Virgil offers him the tray as soon as he’s settled, and Logan examines its contents. Fruit, oatmeal, and a cup containing the tea Virgil had mentioned.
“I can’t just skip my classes, Virgil, I might miss something important,” Logan argued, though he still picked up the spoon.
“Seeing as I already spoke to your teachers about it; yes, you definitely can. You haven’t missed a single day of class yet, and in case you haven’t noticed, you’re sick.” Virgil responded evenly. “The sooner you take the time to get better, the sooner you’ll be able to go back to class.” Silence descends on the two of them for a moment, as Logan eats, and Virgil rummages around in his backpack.
“You spoke to my teachers?” Logan quietly asks a minute later.”Why?”
“I mean, you’re sick.” Virgil looks back at him warily. “What else was I supposed to do?”
“Ignore me? You’ve never displayed an interest in interacting before. I just find it -odd- that you would choose to take an interest in me now when I’m ill.”
“I guess I’m just used to taking care of sick people. I’ve got to go to class.” With that, Virgil leaves Logan alone in their room once more. Carefully, he settles in to finish eating his breakfast, though it’s much closer to lunchtime now, Logan supposes.
The next day is Friday, and if anything, Logan feels even worse, so he stays in bed once again, annoyed with his body but unable to argue in the face of Virgil’s confident assumption of control. It reminds him of being back home, with Aunt Lacey fussing over him the moment he catches a cold. He tries to read his textbooks, to study and at least pretend to be productive, but his eyes can barely stay open, let alone focus, and mostly he ends up just sitting in bed, staring at the wall in front of him, waiting for time to pass. Virgil finds him like that, when he returns from his classes, staring straight ahead with unfocused eyes.
“Jeez, you look like you’ve been given a prison sentence. I’m surprised you’re not studying, actually.” Logan started to shake his head in response but aborted the motion immediately as it set his head spinning.
“I attempted it. My eyes seem to be having trouble maintaining focus on the words.”
“Oh, well you could watch some Netflix or something? It’s honestly creepy, you just staring at the wall like that.” Virgil placed a tray with more food beside Logan, before shrugging of his backpack.
“I do not have Netflix. It seemed an inadvisable expenditure when I should be spending my time studying.” Logan frowned, focusing on the food Virgil had brought him.
“Okay, that’s just sad. Where’s your laptop?” Logan pointed at his backpack, where it lay beside his bed, wondering what Virgil wanted with it.
“Ugh. password?” Virgil asked once the machine had successfully booted up.
“Mmm,” Logan mumbled. “Tomato.”
“That didn’t work, Logan. Are delirious too?”
“Not-” Logan frowned. “Not literally tomato. The scientific name. Solanum Lycopersicum.”
“Sola- what?”
“Solanum Lycopersicum. It’s the scientific name for the tomato. Just google it.” This time, Virgil had brought Logan some kind of soup, so he sniffed at it. It smelled like chicken broth.
“Right. Of course, that’s your password.” Virgil pulled out his phone and started typing.
“What are you doing anyway?’ Logan blew into the soup, watching Virgil out of the corner of his eye.
“I’m logging you into my Netflix account. You need something to do, and it has plenty of documentaries. I’m sure one of them will interest you.” Virgil typed into the computer for a moment more. “There, your own profile and everything. Enjoy. I’m going for a run.” And once again Virgil was out the door, leaving Logan adrift in Virgil’s complete shift in personality over the past two days.
Logan’s feeling marginally better the next day, and by Sunday afternoon, he’s feeling well enough to leave their room for his meals. Logan worries temporarily that Virgil’s been infected with whatever caught hold of him, but that fear proves unfounded, and Virgil remains as healthy as ever. With Logan’s returned health, Virgil’s attitude returns mostly to normal, but Logan finds his curiosity about his aloof roommate has only been heightened after this most recent incident. He only wishes he had an idea of how to properly thank Virgil for his help.
tags taken from the fanders taglist
@sanders-sides-thuri @logically-asexual   @hissesssss @lacrimosathedark @sarcastic-anxious   @completelyclevername @watch-me-introvert  @tree4life25 @emokittenlikesgore @neko-ereri @happypappypatton @confinesofpersonalknowledge @urtrashhq @thegirlwiththedragonheart @fandergecko @too-random-for-me @deathbyvenusftw @ill-interested @just-another-transblog @tsfanart @fangirlsanonymous @ams-parker @inkyroo @staticsanders @callboxkat @allthemetalsoftherainbow @depressed-alone @theroyalramen @rileyfirstname @hikariyukino @magicmapleleaf   @pieces-of-annedrew @saphirestrike @asalwayss @anxiousoddish @romanssippycup @virgils-anxiety @redundant-statements-for-400 @skylagamingfea @clueingforblogs @ladynikitablack @dominantnellele @dibleopard @vampyrsarah @haikyuupaladin @all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2 @migraine-marathon @samidaboss3 @proudhufflepuff @alextheodd @sandersfanders @pansexual-cat @hanramz-the-fander @anastasialestina @darude-sanderstorm @anarchx-kestrel @sanders-sides-shambles @royallyanxious @thestoryofme13 @silentwhistlingwind @i-will-physically-fight-you @a-blog-just-for-sanders @the-optimism-of-the-ostriches @kurna-kovite @221biotchplease @pattonly-absurd @starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer @digitally-analog @pattykrabbies @shygirl4991 @sides-of-a-sunset @musicphanpie-b @superintrovertfangirl @sugarblob0 @silversunshine2012 @lockolocka @nightly_illustrator @virgils-hoodie @makemeaplant @today-only-happens-once @madelynnaa @rainbow-sides @koalaaquabear @deep-ocean-blues  @icbatocomeupwithausername @catsandrandomness @rose-gold-roman @virgil-has-a-houseplant @aliferous-ly @musicsavedmefromdeath @devastate-my-space @anachronistic-cat @heythereprincey @yourhappypappypatton @sanders-trash-4ever @siriuswhiskers @thenerdycube @pinkeasteregg @an_anxious_gay_mess @virgilisaneternalmood @multi-fandom-trash-x9000 @kirsten-the-freak @justabookworm39 @thepusheenqueen @artistictaurean @funsizedgremlin @pal-im-not-clever   @logan-exe @thecrimsoncodex @unknownsandersfan @yourmomsafalsehood @robanilla @dementeddracon @ive-given-up-on-it @v-blue-writer @sassy-in-glasses @blazeimagines101 @sanders-fam-ily @trashypansexual @toujours-fidele @grey-lysander @sehtah @paxtonlovestea @lowkey-logicality @do-rey-me @hottopicvirge @rptheturk @urte1108 @nottodaylogic @ffsas-side-account @shadow-walker-1201 @milomeepit @fricksonsticks @baileystarsketches @yura-brokeit @ace-of-hufflepuffs @voices-and-stardust @deadinsidebutliving @acechirou @ocotopushugs @lynisnotamused @datonerougecookeh @lana--22 @poundland-twoface @kentato-kenart @yourhappypappypatton @logically-sided @slothicity @osnapitzbc @areyousirius-noheisdead @ruuworld @aikogumi @kickthecel @floatyghosty @theworldismysupernova @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @mercythemermaid @etherealweekes @memesanddreamsinc @jade-dragon226-fan @jesusonafrickinboat @mollycassmith @nightmarejasmine   @black-and-blume @ace-v-p-d   @acrobaticcatfeline @thomas-must-get-to-sleep @sesame-icecream @dreamerhowelll @nyxwordsmith @stars-in-mine-eyes @roman-is-a-gay @reba-andthesides @thesilentbluesparrow @angered-turtle @fanatic564
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