#i guess its the type of thing where the appeal is that you dont get to see him like this much
the-dragon-girl-27 · 11 months
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Matthew doodle
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neopuppy · 1 month
I always viewed those "you write [member] so well" comments the exact same way because indeed we do NOT know these people...
But honestly, to me, that's the appeal? As long as they're broadly good people in the sense of they're not comitting abhorrent crimes, I don't care how they are off camera and I kinda ...like? the idea of not knowing. To me the most "telling" thing is what they do decide to show of their personalities, genuine or otherwise. Like to me it's fascinating to see what they want fans to know or if it's not entitely true, I like seeing how they want to be perceived.
There's one particular aspect of this topic though that makes me laugh a lot: when idols express an "undesirable" or "opposite to their usual persona" trait and the fans just start denying it and saying they're wrong? About themselves??? 😭 An example for the former (undesirable) is Taeyong saying he struggles to be sympathetic to other people and struggles comforting others. Some fans started saying: it's not true! It can't be! And an example of something opposite to their idol persona (that I think about a lot actually because he's one of my biases) is a period in time where in some interviews the NCT 127 members said that Jungwoo is actually manly off camera. So many people were up in arms because he is "soft" etc... but we don't know him!!! Get a grip!!!
But to stop rambling, truly the only thing we can do is guess what's genuine and what's not and to finally answer your question: Jeno. I feel like Jeno's image suffers quite a bit from how people see him because of his looks. He's attractive and a "fierce" performer, so people kinda just run with this strong persona because he also has moments where he speaks bluntly, but to me he just feels like a normal dude who likes to do his job. He just clocks in, is present, then goes home to his privacy. He doesn't really give me the vibe of someone "fierce" or "mean" as I've seen some people think? Just like you I feel like he's one of the members that I don't "know" much about lol.
man I’m glad I’m not the only one. I see so many dark fic/dead dove writers I follow that get shit from readers all “WHY WOULD U WRITE *INSERT IDOL* THAT WAY?!? HE’D NEVER DO THAT, YOU MUST NOT RLY BE HIS FAN!!!”
first of all……its fucking fictional and oppa will likely never know abt some fic with a few thousand hits outs of the millions out there especially not some fic written in english posted an a website as obscure as ao3 jfc.
I agree with you, bc look @ the way fans treat idols that speak great English. its so embarrassing.. like that is not our friend, dont speak to them in a manner you would not speak to any harmless stranger💀
I’m super happy when they do share things with us and let us see parts of their personalities even tho it seems to their detriment like JCC, or when Jeno would do JSMR(big asmr fan myself and he wasnt great at it but it was super cute nonetheless), and Jungwoo’s segment with other idols/especially the ghost hunting one bc I’m a big Ghoul Boys stan I loveeee watching that type of stuff. like this is content they can do that is very niche and targeted without oversharing… I would like more of that!!!
I think where SM went wrong with NCT too in this regard is- kpop stans need content to stay interested and devoted. we barely started getting unit based shows after they separated the youtube channels for each unit and imo a lot of them were awkward to watch. idrc who doesnt agree with me on this but 127 do not all like each other and that is okay. its okay for kpop groups to be just coworkers.. this is their job afterall. also, a lot of them do not like being on camera unless they have to, understandable but also… ur an idol, suck it up.
okay the topic of “undesirable to their usual persona”
Satan help me, bc this one!!!!! THIS ONE. I really really really hate when fans back each other up like a gang go bury anything to could prove their idol isnt actually this perfect clean cut industry image(dating, clubbing, smoking, drinking, partying… living a normal fucking life).
the one abt Jungwoo being manly off camera, even how they have said he’s the most different off camera, even the rumors he’s been caught up in. as one of the few hetero(at least bi bc….hey if woo and Johnny wanna go both ways, PLSSS PLSSSS PLSSSSSS LET ME WATCH PLSSSS) Jungwoo truthers out here in the world, trust me… I gave up a long time ago. I have to enjoy him silently without engaging with other fans. even friends of mine who love 127 would laugh and make comments when I’d say Jungwoo is my bias and I’d be like?????😭(side note they let it go once I showed them my Jungwoo videos and were like oh!🤔 this isnt giving gay energy at all🤨). either way ITS HELL OUT HERE IN N CITY FOR A JUNGWOO STAN, I’LL TELL U THAT.
I stick to my beliefs that Jeno is probably not the nicest person given his behavior with the dreamies but also they are friends but also friends can be pretty harsh towards each other. I think as a fan he’s one of the best idols to stan, SUPER nice and great fan service, doesnt come off disingenuous at all either. I think he’s really talented and again, this is something I’ve learned to keep to myself as this fandom loves to make a few members the resident punching bag, Jeno being at the top of that list. saying Jeno is talented out loud in N city is like begging to be doxxed and ratioed atp🙄 same goes for Jaemin unfortunately.
other than me truthfully enjoying the way Jeno raps(gasp) and his range/tone+how powerful he is on stage/very fun to watch and finding him attractive I dont care much abt learning more. we dont even speak the same language😅
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bluhjeans · 2 months
songs i associate with dbh characters / what i think their fav songs would be
pleasee share ur own thoughts & opinions id love to hear them!! and I need to ramble abt my dbh opinions to people (+templates if u wanna make ur own)
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explaining my reasoning here if anyones curious
gavin: couldn't decide between rehab and in my feelings because theyre both just so him (and by that i mean fanon him cuz there really wasnt much to work on) 'in my feelings' because I can just imagine him to all' of the lyrics ('Sobbin' in my cup of coffee 'cause I fell for another loser' and 'Who's doper than this bitch, who's free-er than me' in particular) and rehab is a little looser of a connection, it stems from this story that ive been sorta writing that focuses on gavins relationship with alcohol aswell as his friendship with tina, and I just feel like rehab really captures his reluctance to give up the many different problems he has in the story like drinking, smoking & drugs rk900/nines: i dont really imagine he listens to music but but i kinda associate him with the pre-chorus in 'In my feelings' by LDR with the 'get that cigarette smoke out of my face' and the bridge with 'got me feeling so blue, making no sense at all, gotta leave right now' sooo duet with gavin...? 'shades of cool' (u may have noticed i like lana songs by now!!) also really matches nines IMO, the song is about her own pain and disappointment but but it also centers around this flawed love interest she wants to fix and understand, but ultimately can't, which to me just feels like nines and gavin, atleast in my own hc's (can you guess my fav ship yet) connor: whilst this song (a human's touch) could generally apply to all androids in dbh I connect it most with connor, especially in the second verse; "We were still going strong I never did you wrong Until the new me came along It was just you and me We were such a good team But now I’m alone on the boulevard of broken screens" Listening to this, I can really imagine him talking to Amanda after being introduced to his successor, the RK900 ('the new me') - I also can imagine the boulevard of broken screens being in reference to the graves of his previous bodies and I just think thattt hits yk, + whilst the second verse applies to machine connor more, the craving for human touch (connection in general) feels rather apt as by becoming deviant he has severed ties with Cyberlife, causing him to be pretty alone so yeah kara: I can just imagine her, alice and luther all singing country roads together in a car during the summer and it just warms my heart sm like its just sooo cuteee <3 I can also imagine her being a fan of Adele's music in general, I can't really explain why but she just seems like the type of person to be reaalllyyy into adele (me too) (+ i know age as a concept isnt a thing for androids really but adeles music appeals to a large age range making her music appealing 2 families so maybe im connecting adele n kara because of that) markus: I feel like I don't even need to explain history has its eyes on you... i mean come on.. but ohhh emmm geee!! I can not stress how PERFECT 'as the world caves in' is for markus atleast in my opinion, when I listen to it I can really picture this song over markus either choosing to sacrifice himself in BfD when surrounded, but generally I can just imagine this song over him doing anything really. 'run boy run' also feels like it needs little explanation, just listen to the song/look at the lyrics and youll see the connection north: I don't actually have any meaningful reasons for these songs but I just feel like north would like them but I guess 'breakin' dishes' is the one I thought about most because I can imagine her acting similarly in the same situation soo yeah chloe: Chloe doesn't really have a lot to work on with her extremely limited appearance in-game so this is completely based off a fic i read lol, where chloe was in a relationship with kamski but only in private because of his concern for his image anyways, in 'a loving feeling' mitski sings about feelings of loneliness in a relationship where her partner only shows affection alone and yeah that just feels like chloe n kamski to me!
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inqilabi · 5 months
I’m kind of surprised you started dating a lot more and are open to Islam recently, you’re one of the reasons I stopped entirely, which neither is a wrong thing to do. It’s kind of hard to do it alone but I just prioritized friendships in the time I’ve been following you. Which actually is closer to 10 years now I think, definitely since way before the pandemic. Anyway it’s just been on my mind to send this ask for a while now, you seem so successful that when I get to be where you are I know I’ll be even less interested in marriage and dating, but I guess that’s also a plus for you since you said you want kids. Good luck with it all, It’s great you were able to reconcile yourself and Islam, I’ve never felt like religion could be fulfilling, especially when you have views on gender and politics that go again the core tenants of a patriarchal religion. But I can see how the immediate community has its appeal and people are judged overly harshly when they don’t conform to societal and gender expectations of be a woman/man then have a partner/kids, and it’s not like there aren’t other good things too. Anyway I’m glad I followed you when I did because I got a new perspective and it made me more of a brave, accountable person, I’m not really afraid of being lonely and I can take accountability for my wrongs too, knowing that socialization is so deep I need to think about why and what I’m doing. You a few other people impacted me so deeply when I was 16 and trying to leave my parents home
wow this is a very sweet message. But almost makes feel scared that i had an impact on impressionable young teens I dont think my views on Islam have changed, certainly not as much as my view on dating. I still have the same criticisms of sunni jurisprudence. I think i just have less of exposure to that community now as i did back in the day, and it just use to rile me up. I was just angry, justifiably so, and wanting to dismiss everything - and it showed up in the tone of my writing.
I mean i still can't go around muslim events saying the things i actually believe. Sunni jurisprudence is undeniably patriarchal. But so long as they aren't like getting very preachy, doing halaqas and sermons on how to oppress women, im okay. In my uni days, MSAs were actually doing exactly that. That's why i was so critical. But i see now this type of thing seems to be dying down, atleast in my area. i dont find religion fulfilling but i do find likeminded people fulfilling. I still associate more with like academic type folks who either research religion, anthropology, write critiques. I went to a party full of marxists the other day. I didnt agree with everyone there. But i suppose, its discussion that's fulfilling. And sometimes muslim community and gathering can be very dismissive and not receptive to discussion. Which is a shame because in the islamic golden age, that's all they were doing.
i was honestly planning to be alone, and my plan was to solo adopt a kid if i wanted a child. I felt this way all the way up until like summer of 2022. then something did change. and i didn't want to be alone. if you had asked the 2013-2022 version of me, i would have balked at the thought of me wanting a partner. I was almost proud of it. Proud of being a single unattached woman with no men in her life. I suppose the only thing I can say now is that it's very hard to predict how and what you will feel and want at some point in the future. I was certain that I wouldn't want companionship and kids. Half my blog was dedicated to it. And that is kind of scary. I actually wrote about this on my blog back in the fall of 2022. It scared me how much something had shifted so suddenly, something that was a such long held state. If that could change, what else could change?
At your age, i would say prioritize career first ofc/financial freedom etc. If you dont have that, you wont feel ready for anything else. And ofc keep expanding your friend circle and forming connections through local activities or travel.
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smallidarityfan · 9 months
hiii i pinky promise i voted for smallidarity in the ship things both against bdubs and cleo (i had already done that) and against scarian (while looking through your blog just now) but i want to be anon so i cant prove it. anyways if it is okay instead of art i would like u to make a ship chart of whatever your favorite ships and relationship status headcanons are among the hermitcraft/empires/life series gang, like otp and divorced and qpr and whatever. no pressure to do this though i know its not exactly something you offered but given that you like smallidarity and scar/pearl i am very curious what else you like
Thank you for asking!!! i shouldve done this with or without need to rig the trafficshipping polls, so thanks for insigating me to make it anyways!!! :D
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I'll try summarize the preferences I have that I feel dont make much sense?
shipping rant belooww....
Firstly I can't really describe well why I like Pearl x Scar, but I'll try:
Life series
Scar POV about Pearl: 'Caring motherly and honest person who's smile lights up the room is just the person who I need in my life full of people I can't trust. Oh, she's traumatized? for losing all the people she loves and as a result developed abandonment issues? .... oh..... oh she just like me fr.'
Pearl POV about Scar: 'this guy is kinda wacko tbh but... now I know what he goes through, and I want to be there for him. We're in this together or some shi i guess. and his abs are kinda hot. wait who said that'
(to quote the part in Secret Life where Scar talks about not trusting alliances and Pearl saying "you're growing on me, Scar.")
Scar POV about Pearl: 'This lady creates the most gorgeous landscapes..... ohh now she wants to fix my unhealthy chest monster habits.... and she also helps me out when I need it even if i give her minimum wage..... and she also has a cute smile. wait who said that'
Pearl POV about Scar: 'Silly goof :3 also why doesn't he take care of himself well? Anyways, cleaning lady time'
I could talk about Zedango and XBralis but basically they call each other pet names and roleplay gay people just like Smallidarity but with no instance of the "doomed narrative" or "slow-burn in denial" that they have. Otherwise, Ethubs is self-explanatory.
Speaking of doomed narrative, i dont think ive heard much talk about how doomed scott x pearl is..... They were in a trio group in last-life with Cleo, fought in an honourable 4-way battle with treebark, Scott won, they're now soulmates through unpleasant means, Scott leaves with Cleo, leaving Pearl alone and hurt, they had to work with each other despite the saltiness and eventually resulted in Scott sacrificing himself in honour, for her to win. The bitterness lasted in Lim!Life with the enchanting table shtick, then in Secret Life with the whole "We have unfinished business from Double Life, Scott!!!" from Pearl. (you could also count the doggy alliance with Cleo ig)
Do you see it?!! Do you see it?!?!?!?!?!?!
I could also write about Scottyn but it's relatively the same concept of how Scott prioritizes honour against the watchers' encouragement of chaos, and Martyn listener lore ykyk. (also in Lim!Life with Martyn betraying honour, opposite of Scott yk?!)
Now to Scarian........ I love desert duo a lot. They are in fact my favourite duo overall, I just— can't picture them in a relationship? Like yeah, they tick all the marks of a great narrative pairing and they also love each other, but I personally don't think they two are the type to whisper softly 'i love you' in bed to each other with eyes of passion and romance, nor the types to get flustered over romantic gestures by the other. They are, however, each other's comfort character and would hug and cheek-kiss each other just to be a little silly. I do see the appeal of Scarian though! just not with the version of the two that's in my head...!
Joe x Cleo are cute. They just give me the QPR vibes yk. (even though i might not fully get what a QPR means)
Now to disliking Mumdoc.... I only know of their dynamic through HC8 and 9.... and I really only ever got sour vibes from their dynamic....... they then kissing just irks me ig...... (but yk ive only watched a summative 50 episodes from each of them so i dont know the full idea of who they are to each other)
Honorable mention to Stresskall who doesn't receive the attention they deserve... they're so cute.........
Otherwise, yeah that's it !!! the others I mostly dont get, but are all valid nonetheless👍👍
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daystarvoyage · 2 months
What do you think about animation’s respectability politics?
Oh man oh man where to begin with this Good one, this topic might make me emotional, Nostalgic, and transparent.
Now, I'll try to articulate as much as possible, cause there's a lot going on with today's society and how we Poc or Bipoc Are seen.
(Meaning People of Color & Black Indigenous People of color.)
This will not only affect my way or others' views of today's media from the 80s and today's 2000s cause as a person born in the 90s.
i have alot to say on how we come along way from today's media, watching all forms of animation, be it episodic or story-driven shows, of every genre, but theres one topic no one dont want to open about is how we see each other in forms of media so where gonna get donw to the first years of my life and how it effected me
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The Raging 80s & 90s (The open space for resolving politics & steppingstone to cultural appreciation.)
This was the pinnacale of golden age animation that trailblazed so many ideas, great shows and driven packed series & francshies, i feel this was a excellent time to see.Which had very provactive engaging storytelling made up for it,
(without the whole lgbt themes getting in the way be it good or bad we'll get to that soon.)
however There were certain times we never had premoninet characters, main main characters if you will, never gained any limelinght or just a magic or Token black being a side piece or disposable best friend without reasonnig leaving the show,
(Disney shows im looking at you with a bomb bastic SIDE EYES later on.)
that are underused to a degree in 80s animation which atsome point were depicted good.
(exception of kid n play show in the 90s being a prominent cast of colorful cast & movie series or fat albert being a first main character howver he has at times can promote harmful stereotypes.)
check out this beautiful empowerment article
but anything girl theme like jem from the 80s where i saw shana was ago to for black girl empowerment.
but however we have 90s example had harmful ones done in the most gaudy ways say example family matters urkel, & Great Exhibits of good poc rep Like Storm From Xmen,
may i say it was a truly a good time to be beautiful in my own skin and how to love yourself if you saw yourself in said character in your favorite show, where you had so much freedom seeing black people be powerful yet building the road for beautiful melanin folk to rise being happy in there skin.
Now for the dark days of todays
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Todays depiction of black media 2000s So on THE DARK DAYS but theres light
with black animators and viewers finally seeing the great stamp that shows our culture being on televison shows put into media set the tone and bar in todays media but,
This is the years wear we as people have been see or degraded in the disrespected, from black face on youtubers to freaking damn controversys on stars wars casting its first black warrior along the african ariel debuncle ( which i find stupid)
I feel in todays media they really dumb down our self worth to try to make a profit off our culture, seeing it done beforehand on animation
YOU GUESS IT DISNEY (which understandable they had there controversys coming,)
which there some shows that show good represnetation with bad and flawed stories that dont paced well or just written in the white eyes for the audience, cause in todays world anything can be fixed with lgbt themes at the cause of proper stories to for the sake of appealing for profit, out of our pockets. so i feel todays media run these types of steroetypes to filth 247 in media.
heres a the gloriyfied tropes they try to depct on us that are harmful to this day everyone even social meda and tiktok
At the point i feel theres alot of work for todays future animators, creators to have better inclusion and open minded options to appease to other viewrs and true fans of great storytelling to tell for generations
But it have been great positive lgbt tropes which sometimes can make or break a show
Article here
Hope this answers all Thanks from The Daystar Voyage
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narwhalandchill · 3 months
(just my 2.3 pull / general hsr rambles/rant but i get negative abt fireflys characterization again so thought id hide it for all the fans sake. good for yall & good luck pulling her i just cant get into her)
welp got my e1 gallagher (+ e2 mika) in 30 pulls on firefly so thats it from me, ill get e2 from the character selector so at least thats sth!!! i have been playing him a bit even at e0 and i do overall like how he feels so getting him to that e2 breakpoint where he rly starts to thrive as a sustain pick is v nice
anyway no early firefly which is whatever i consider her in game writing an absolute failure anyway and havent cared enough to watch Any of the trailer stuff either bc like . they lost me in 2.0 im sorry girl no matter how hypothetically good those trailers could be the writing team lost me forever at the ayaka-teppei forced date arc and thats it lmao . she couldve been an actual character but oh well what matters is shoving how cute and perfect and sad and in love with TB she is down ur throat at every fucking moment . her idle animation is so fucking bad too it made me laugh irl at how awful and cheap the fanservice is w her like yeah alright navia idle (which is already the worst idle in genshin i hate it) 💀💀💀 how do you do a characters potential this fucking dirty holy shit . we havent shilled firefly self insert ship to players enough so lets upskirt her too uwu!!!!!
But uhhh yeah thats a me being a hater thing ultimately i just physically cannot stand characters like this and first impressions do matter . Dont let me ruin her for u. nothing but props to her VA too like as much as her general characterizations appeal has been unsuccessful on me still shes been giving it the Absolute most to try to make her feel real and sympathetic and i respect that a lot
Still tho only thing that rly sucks w not just getting firefly at 4 pity or whatever and being done w it is just the. Welp Guess ill proceed to be unable to full clear any of the next 7 AS or MoC updates bc i pulled the wrong characters instead of Good Meta Dev Faves acheron and firefly like havent rly been a fan of the way the shilling has been going recently . like i just have rly shit matchups into the weaknesses of most stages these days and idk i havent even felt like Bothering to do PF 4 bc i just. DoT PF is always the fucking worst and i genuinely dont know what the hell to try to slap at it for a clear. guess my bad for not pulling swan either like truly my mistake . whatever its just a game .
Actually am i getting like burnt out ? well tracks for a honkai game i suppose. ig it also has to do w just the absolutely abysmal luck ive had now like. ive lost LC 75-25 of the 3 times i went for it TWICE . ive lost 50-50 like 5 times in a row now lmao and fully expect to lose on jade too at this point 🙃 might not even manage to get her at all . Sigh guess thats gacha at its worst for u
Sorry this got way more negative than i thought HSJSKSKSKSKSKD i hope the 2.3 story ends up being good at least so theres Sth good about it . and its not like i will die not clearing endgame content w full stars or sth it just sucks bc the way its happening just feels bad
edit: yeah im @ coffee break at work and it took me this fucking long to realize i just casually typed mika instead of misha JSJSTUHTS8J5Z9 💀💀💀💀 im so sorry misha youre way better than that nerd 😭😭😭😭😭 esp at c2 w the def shred i might even build him who knows . So sorry for this
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docilepillow · 6 months
March Media Diary Thing 2024
This one's a weirdo! I'm typing this first paragraph after the fact, because it's the 30th instead of the exact end of the month like i wanted to post it . This post's a two-phaser, just because the way i typed this one out was in a " Live thoughts as fresh as i got them on the day i did stuff " kind of format. I didn't realize that there'd be so many more embeds then in febuary and january, but i guess it's just that kind of thing where you end up doing alot or doing the same but having more to say on it because its Now and not Before? I guess? I dunno. Everything below this space was gonna be from the start of the month , approaching towards the end. Okay, see you at the end of the second media diary post, now ! I'm gonna mix up this one and like unlike the last two i'm gonna try and write to this as i finish stuff instead of leaving it all until the end of the month, i think. im wondering if it'll make my thoughts more consise or not, but honestly, i have no idea! the main thing i think that gets lost out from this is the fact that i'll probably have less personal anecdotes about the month itself. Ohhhh.... MIGHTY SWITCH FORCE! < Silliest 3DS Home Screen Jingle >
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i'm not giving this one a docism as a title just because it's kind of embarrasing to make too much more focal then it is, but the game's visual design and the way it flaunts itself does kind of make it a little distracting, but, i guess, more then anything else i've played from wayforward. um
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i dont think its nessisarily a bad game or anything its perfectly alright. its like a little short for the price it retailed at on 3ds at least but its like. mediocre good i think . its not like bad or anything. its mostly just a game that sells itself with cute girls. which is fine i guess. like the game design Holds but the games focus is kinda scattershot, but whatever. it doesnt overstay its welcome or anything. the design's sound its just kind of okay all around NO MORE HEROES 2 - DESPERATE STRUGGLE < voice clip game of all time >
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unintentional misogyny theming in this media diary oh no
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coincidentally as i was playing i learned that the day i chose to start this game came out 3 years after the first game, which, coincidentally , lines up with the game's actual in-universe timeline iif my opinions on this game lines up itll be like, (9) years until i play the next one thats for sure
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ok so my story with this series is that i played the first game accidentally completely handicapping my own experience with it because i didnt know you could upgrade your stuff in it and thus made everyone in the ggame into a big dumb hp sponge that wasnt enjoyable to figght and despite my best efforts to try and like this game more ( And, i will say, despite the very prevalent appeals to the male gaze, it CAN be charming ! ) i also took entirely way too long to learn about switching weapons worked functionally, just because despite SEEING the tutorial prompt for weapon switching, i didnt put it together because it takes a bit longer to activate then you'd expect, and thus, never used it. Oops! but yea this game mostly just stands on its own crass nature and in that respect its both very self aware and self indulgent. if you like that kind of vibe youll enjoy the game and its style or be mostly indifferent/uncomfortable with it . Shrug! shinobu is pretty cool. u get to play her after the events of the first game and its neat.
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one thing i like about this games like direction is that its very well established that nobody in this game is a good person like even remotely and in that aspect it does get to explore cool stuff i can appreciate. i like that much. i tthink my favorite boss conceptually is the big robot you fight at one point in the battle royale segment. but id mostly consider this game as kind of a gimmick. i can see elements in there that'd make it a classic to a certain brained kind of person, but it doesnt appeal to me. i did wanna try and i did get at least to the very end until the final boss, at least. people say thats one of the worst final bosses in video games period and i gotta say they didnt lie shit doesnt really work
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i got endeared by this sign , so i took a screenshot of it . i also like the crickets in the bug minigame.
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pretty good though the games just kind of middle of the road for me overall. i didnt hate it enough to not completely finish it and as of typing this and as is its only 3/9 , so i might still truck through the final battle of this game, but, i wont really guarentee or force myself after 3 hours straight of it ----- ok nevermind literally the next day first thing when i woke up i first tried the guy lol games charming its just very peculiar
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get fucked idiot SUPER MARIO BROS DELUXE
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I technically started this last month but this is the month where i actually sat down and finished it just because MAR 10 ran around so like. might as well fish out some random mario sidescroller to play next also. its short and ive heard some ssay its like definitive mario 1 but the way mario's speed + the screen crunch make it kinda sloppy in a way. limitations of a gameboy color i know but i guess as a standalone way of playing mario 1 its not like. the worst in the world . ive never actually finished mario 1 before on my own so this is a new experience for me !
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if you think the 3ds being retro in the modern day is extra fucked up, consider the fact that this version of mario 1 came out 14 years after the original....!!!! if you think the ds being retro in the modern day is extra fucked up, consider the fact that this version of mario 1 came out 14 years after the original....!!!!
Dōbutsu no Mori ( The Animal Crossing Anime Movie ) < Ough-est main character >
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Watched this one again for the second time in a discord movie night! A very sweet and nice little movie with very very very cute characterrs. i see the able sisters on the screen and i clap
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whats wrong with her
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shes like a frog anyway the movies cute and theres aliens at the end. id describe it as a very loving adaptation of an animal crossing player's imagined version of events going on in an animal crossing gamecube-era town. though the biggest thing of all that endears me is AI i think theyre so silly looking
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Pictured : Another Silly Subject KERO BLASTER
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another game ive played many times before, but, considering my recent cave story fix, i felt drawn to playing it again. i still think its a cute and extremely solid sidescroller game..aaaa ithink everyone should give it a try if thats ur kind of game. also theres lots of very good video game enemies in this
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very simple but effective art direction theres like a very nice feeling of atmosphere to it ( cool game ) idk what else to say ive playedd this game like five times before and this is a media diary for documenting new feelings and thoughts and not for like full on game reviews, i think. < Mid-Month Side Note >
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i still havent completed this game's story mode to this day, but, recently, cus' the efforts of the team 0% team ( group of crazy freaks with the sole goal of making sure every mario maker 1 / 2 level gets cleared ) ive been driven to try and finish my super world recently. i might feel like showing off the levels ive made at the end of the week,as well, but it's honestly really satisfying, even if i know that the userbase for this game's comparitively shrunk since launch. idk! its fun to make mario levels. i think its satisfying and ill do it even if nobody plays them. also apparently i forgot to turn off my nso subscription so thats why im extra driven to upload lots of levels while i have it. I still hate how NSO is a paid service attached to online. it just kind of paywalls large swaths of games that don't need it and it's just dumb, evil, corporate greed. Ugh! That's the price of gaming in the modern era, i guess....
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PETAL CRASH < Thank you, Bison...! >
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game i've only played very recently, and arguably, doesnt fall under regular completion criteria, as it's mostly meant to be played on a whim in short bursts ( it does have a short story mode, though, plus a bunch of challenges i haven't played yet..! ) ( I might not be smart enough, for those... ) , but that doesnt really matter! This game is absurdly , amazingly, adorably adorable! !! !
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Look at these things!
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Fairy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aside from having an adorable fairy character that appeals to every aestetic i love, its also a decently digestable GBC styled puzzle game ! thats really fun!! and ive been playing it on steam deck, where, i think, it really shines!! the character design in it is really good!
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i've yet to master it , as it's pretty fast paced, but its essentially a match game that bumps stuff togetheer good with cute characters like puyo. i havent interacted with that series before but i have played kirbys avalanche and star stacker and this is pretty fun like those. if you like those games you'll like this.
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Thanks to my BF for buying this game for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth < most symphony of the night award >
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the docism is kind of demeaning but this game is really solid i finished it just now in 6 hours ( 3/21 ) ( Wait, those numbers add up to 6! wow! ) i think this games strongest suit is how drop dead gorgeous the sprite art is . like . holy shit there are giant gorgeously animated ps1 quality era crisp pixel perfect sprites just everywhere
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the picture quality google images gave me doesnt do it justice but there are just like these fantastically rendered fantasy sprites wherever you wanna look for it and it just reminds me how awesome the ladybug developer team is. i think in terms of indie studios ive gotten attached to this is definitely like a dev i eagerly cant wait to see what they do next in the metroidvania sphere. like. considering the source material the actual designs dont stray too far from like what " conventional " fantasy looks like,( A little basic ) , they still kept my attention just from the number of moving parts and shit. and like. mechanically this game is actually pretty neat. they make you juggle a whole lot of projectiles on screen, but it becomes pretty managable when you learn how the two-prong element system works to be pretty engaging ( It reminds me alot of cave story's weapon system, actually! ) ( really cool! ) https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36872249/d5f18e9ecfb93d0547f6ccf894cd2e0bab2d12c1.gif WHAT???? tumblr posts have a 20 image limit! What! i didnt know about this! i think websites should let u post as many cool images as you want. i should make a neocities for these at some point if i keep doing them...... regardless i think this game is awesome even if the story is kind of like throwaway ( saying this as someone who hasnt engaged with the source material yet, which there apparently is, so maybe thats not a fair thought. on the games steam community page though i saw a gif of the main character in an anime adaption wiggle her ears around with a silly face, so maybe it'd appeal to me if i look into it? Huh. ----- PART TWO WILL BE POSTED SOME TIME IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS FROM THE EMBEDDING ISSUE -------------------
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jyndor · 2 years
hello there, I just wanted to chime in a little in the jyn/bix discussion because. some of the anons seemed to talk about jyn and cassian as if they actually had a relationship on screen and. idk. everybody seemed to get the tragedy of the ending of their lives, or at least that's what it looked like, seeing all that content on storytelling and "they've been dead since the beginning" oresteia or else. so... why not see it through that lens? it's hardly a ship of "what they've been through" (even if they went through a lot in the film, but not really as a couple, that's what I mean), it's more like that type of ship that kills you with the possibilities. like. they could've had something, based on some scenes, because it looked like they had something going on but they just met. we didn't get to see anything develop because they died. that's most of the appeal of the ship, the same appeal of every prequel and especially of andor: the possibilities, the tragedy, that. the way they hugged at the end, the way they both gave it all to the rebellion and found comfort in not having to do it alone. like. most of the discussions feel over the point. we will never know what kind of relationship they would've had (toxic or not or some other shit I read), the point is that they're dead and we'll never get to see it. one is free to fantasize a they want but then it's just fantasy so, let's all calm down. how do people create ship wars when there's basically nothing to discuss about if not past and motifs? especially in a film + series that is so clearly not about love?
but that's just my humble opinion
lol anon I completely agree with you but also asking fans to not ship war is I guess asking people not to breathe??
like yeah the point is that they AREN'T in a relationship but probably would have ended up there if they had lived - and shippers like to explore how that could have gone. it's actually funny because with bix and cass it's also a what if kind of thing where they aren't in a relationship at the moment because they didn't work out... but what if they had the time to work on their issues? to grow up? I mean I don't think it works logistically (not sure they'll get there) because the season is gonna be fast paced and all the time jumps and idk I worry about how it would be handled with that little time to do it right. but its also a what if situation, like rebelcaptain, and that's what is so sad about cassian's story in general - it's always been what ifs since he dies so young.
but shippers are weird as hell and don't understand how to just co-exist? Idk I feel like a lot of fans haven't had relationships and don't realize that for a lot of people there isn't Only One Love for someone. love takes work and commitment and consistency, and sometimes we outgrow loves, but that doesn't make those relationships less important necessarily just because they've ended.
that said lol jyn and cassian had a romantic undertone to their relationship (I mean the general term not like ~~~dating lol) from early on in their development. the thing about them is that it is so subtle that viewers don't have to take it one way or another. but when people act like shipping rebelcaptain is weird or like idk wrong... lmao they had a ~dynamic, even if you dont like it or reject it for your own interpretation of canon. which is fine!
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little-klng · 2 years
My twitter was permanently suspended. Here's (probably) why.
oh hey!
so, my last tweets were on november 9th, where i said these things:
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and thats. it. 100% of my twitter experience. other than this, its tweets from back in august when i was complaining that some nft bro hacked my account and performed a full takeover, which i fixed myself and reported the user involved (which went nowhere btw), and some tweets from when i made my account and tried to use it in 2019.
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guess it was too much anyway! weird
to be honest? i personally cant find a single thing here that actually breaks any of the twitter rules. but just to be sure, lets check together, and you can be the judge of that:
The following is a complete list of Twitters 16 listed rules. Breaking any of the following rules can and likely will result in a temporary or permanent suspension, or even a ban. According to Elon Musk and Twitter, my account sometime around November 9th broke one of these 16 rules.
Important note: I have already sent in an appeal to Twitter, and assuming they still actually have "Support", they should have already seen it. The appeal has been in for a few days (i found out i was banned between the 29th and the 2nd) and remained completely ignored, as I havent had a reply even once. At this point, I'm posting this here to pose the question to you. Do you think that ive broken a single one of these rules? do you think that anything ive done is worth a permanent suspension? I dont actually care about getting my twitter back, since as you can clearly see i really dont use it. im posting this here because its 100% the clearest cut example of Elons Twitter banning someone for what can literally ONLY be a set, cut criteria that has otherwise only been speculated as suspendable, which is at the bottom of the post.
were any of these tweets violent? threatening violence? glorifying violence in any way?
Terrorism or Violent Extremism
did any of these tweets indicate a promotion of terrorism? were any of them indicative of extremist views? did i threaten any large groups of people based on their protected class while treating that class as a monolith?
Child Sexual Exploitation
did any of these tweets contain child sexual exploitation material?
were my tweets harassing or targeting anyone? were any of them wishing or hoping that someone experiences harm, violence, or death?
Hateful Conduct
did any of my tweets attack someone based on their protected class?
Perpetrator of Violent Attacks
did any of my tweets contain plans to commit an attack, or disseminate a violent manifesto?
Suicide or Self Harm
did i post anything, either towards myself or others, that seemed to glorify or encourage self harm or suicide?
Sensitive Media
did any of my tweets contain graphic violence or adult content?
Illegal or certain Regulated Goods or Services
were any of my tweets in reference to, containing, or attempting to advertise drugs or prostitution in or towards states or countries that regulate or criminalize that type of content?
Private Information
did i tweet out anyones private address, phone numbers, or other personal identifiable information without authorization? did my tweets incentivize others to do so?
Non Consensual Nudity
did i post adult content of someone without their permission?
Platform Manipulation and Spam
did i attempt to use twitter to advertise scams or phishing software? did i attempt to either amplify or silence information in a way that disrupted the twitter experience?
Civic Integrity
did i commit, or allege to, or spread misinformation about, election fraud?
Misleading and Deceptive Identity
does my twitter handle and twitter profile content reflect who i am? am i trying to impersonate anyone important in an attempt to mislead, confuse, or get a rise out of others?
Synthetic and Manipulated Media
do any of my tweets contain fake screenshots or altered photos in an attempt to cause reputational harm, such as in defamation?
Copyright and Trademark
do any of my tweets steal trademarked content or intellectual property?
...So, with that out of the way, heres the meat of my point. If you got this far and said no, i didnt actually break a single one of those rules, then it might interest you to know what i think i might have been banned for. I had "queer" in my bio, i had Elon Musk blocked, and i mentioned Elon Musk in a tweet. i also said in one tweet that i "wasnt a very big fan of twitters overall site layout as a new user". These are genuinely the only things in this entire account i can put close to something Elon would suspend me for. I want to highlight them, since again, there is genuinely not one single other thing to highlight here. Its the only options, until twitter support actually finds something suspendable in my account and tells me what it is directly via email. Until then, do with that what you will.
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docholligay · 2 years
Do you know anything about cognac? My sister's husband is apparently a big fan of it, but I dont know anything about it myself.
Yes, I know things about cognac! It depends of course on what you want or need me to know about cognac. I am not a huge brandy drinker, so, I'm not sure how much help i can be as far as what you should buy or something like that.
I know it's a champagne-bourbon situation, in that WHERE it's made is a huge part of its appeal and a requirement of its name, even if you can find cremants and whiskeys that taste very very similar. I assume the same is true for cognac, that you can find nice brandies that have similar complexity without the punch to the wallet.
Now, whether that is something that would APPEAL to your BIL or not, just depends on the sort of person he is. I am the type that does not give even one half of a shit if something can be legally called bourbon. I am very much a rose by any other name type. But you'll meet plenty of people in the bourbon collecting game* that swear that, i don't know, Kentucky will personally fellate you if you have bourbon, or that being willing to be in Kentucky shows the kind of commitment to craft that makes it special.
Cognac is, like most alcohols, and I guess many things, very very subject to the pull of influence, and marketing, and cultural ideas. For example, people being incredibly sweet and kind often buy me Maker's Mark as a gift. I consider Maker's Mark to be a bland, overproduced, hyperwheated nightmare that has done a BANNER job of making itself a luxury product in the eyes of consumers, and has a nice bottle. Even among people who should fucking know better they're buying Elmer T Lee when Eagle Rare is the same price and WHUPS ITS ASS, because Elmer T has good roots behind it and it might even have been a great whiskey before Buffalo Trace was tossing it out the door like the clothing of a spurned lover--ANYWAY, all this to say, cognac also, I assume, has this problem as a luxury product with a 'name' behind it, but I don't know enough about brandy to know any of the issues that might come up.
Though I think it probably DOES have the problem, especially among collectors, of size queens who or like, "Ah! The majesty of an 18 year old whiskey" Frank, I have tasted really good blends like that that DO NOT cost 400 a bottle, so I will have that. But, again, collecting is different from drinking, and I'm not a collector. You do in fact get higher qualities at higher prices, TO A POINT. There's a diminishing returns thing on aging and price, both.
Anyway, yes, I do know things about it, but it certainly is not my bailiwick!
*I suppose part of it is that collectors are, well, like this, and that's part of what makes them collectors. I just like food and drink, and I like it good, and I have no particular pride in "heritage" names of something.
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months
ok seeing as we are chatting underwear, this has opened up so many lines of enquiry for me that ive never found a forum for. i would love to hear your thoughts on this in whatever detail you like!
a family member recently exposed her crush on a girl from a band, and her shock and confusion cos she doesnt have any other queer leanings and never has. her husband was like 'i understand because women stereotypically are soft and smell good which is part of the appeal for [straight] men, whereas men stink and are dirty and hairy' lmaooooo
and i was like thats part of the appeal in a way i can't even explain. and since learning more about gay culture through byler tumblr, i have been pleasantly surprised to see all these things like... gay men can have armpit fetishes? they lick each other's armpits? and im like go for it! i have never ever had the urge to do that and dont know any female straight friends who have either, even though we too are attracted to men and masculinity. so the difference between these two types of masculine attraction fascinate me. i also tried licking my own armpit once - im a woman and it was relatively clean and hairless, and it still left a bitter, awful taste on my tongue that i literally couldnt get rid of lmaooooooooooo
so back to sears catalogue - i'm curious about this underwear as a sexual awakening for gay or queer men, because though i find men attractive, men's underwear has always been quite amusing to me? like it has to be practical in a way that women's just doesn't. so its almost like the male equivalent of a bra i guess, rather than ladies pants. but bras can be pretty and you dont often see pretty underwear for men that isn't based on feminine designs? your standard everyday men's underwear is intrinsically awkward NO SHADE - too tight and it's funny, too loose and it's considered boyish, too patterned and it's childish, too plain and it's still like a skin tight pair of shorts? i dont know, maybe all those elle girl magazine articles i read as a teen have been too influential on me.
i just think, in a way, that gay male desire is so much purer and more understanding than straight female desire. maybe because the latter comes with this sense of exotic unknowable-ness - at the end of the day, we will never truly understand men, and men won't understand us? and i suppose the other side of this coin is women being flummoxed with men finding us angelic or sweet smelling bla bla - because to women, we are just as gross as men lol. see above my armpit story !!!
so i guess i'd love to hear more details about how gay desire and attraction develops with regard to underwear/presentation/a body thats similar to your own in many ways yet also different and attractive. thanks!
This is sooooo interesting to me and I don't even know where to begin! I shall try.
In my honest opinion, sometimes... a man in just underwear (or a jock or some I guess you'd call it lingerie or whatever) is so much hotter than just full nude. And you know, I think other sexualities of many gender combos might agree, too, for what they like? It's like. Bodies are great, but so is the variation. It's how the body is framed, knowing what's underneath, it's still not the everyday thing you walk around in. It's funny you describe men's underwear as amusing and just practical because I may say the same thing about the standard bra? To me they're kind of a goofy item. But they serve a purpose. And maybe someone into women will see just the everyday bra and think it's the hottest thing ever because it's on a woman. I can understand the appeal of fancy undergarments on anyone, that makes total sense. Like I can look at a photo or whatever of a lady in a nice lingerie set and think, oh get it girl. She looks nice! But even the most basic of garments... men just look good in them? (Except boxers. I hate them hahaha. they're giving nothing.)
It's like... that first glimpse kind of sticks with people sometimes. Maybe it's not universal and everyday I am getting less and less concerned about getting personal on here lol but. It's def a thing for me? There's something so simply hot about a man in a nice pair of briefs. It's just hot? So maybe that's why I do talk about it a lot hahaha. We all have our things! It's chill! Nudity is not the be all end all.
No idea about this younger generation and how sexual desire develops, (which is an odd topic I know, but that's human nature, it doesn't have to be weird!!) because so young they all have access to the internet from the get go (I know my relative's 6 year old kid has a smartphone??? WHY) and all that is available. Before that, what did you get your hands on? What's arriving in the mail for so many? What do you see at the store? It was the 00s/10s but I wasn't looking at straight up porn online until middle school lol. I'm just speaking from personal experience, since I spoke about the department store catalogs. Can I unlock the mysteries of attraction and how people develop what? Absolutely not, gimme a call when there's a way to figure it out haha.
It's interesting the mention of the way men and woman view each other, and maybe how men view other men, women to other women. And I don't always subscribe to the idea that everything is so different, so defined. I'm sure there are women who also find the very things I'm attracted to in a man also very hot. Why do gay men have a thing for armpits? I don't know, because it's part of a man haha. Why do straight men like women's feet? Because the foot can be hot to them and it's on a woman! Why do women look at other women's hands and think that's hot? Bodies are what we've got, we're gonna be into them, if you experience attraction. None of those examples I just listed are even inherently sexual body parts. Sexuality is vaaaaaast and fascinating.
To relate this to the show in a way since this is what spawned the topic: to me the scene is comedic than anything like I didn't look at this scene and feel attraction, I'm beyond that - but the opening with Mike in s4 when he's barely dressed frantic for school? It's interesting to think, maybe that was an awakening for some young gay boy who didn't quite know themselves yet, like they like the show and they like that character a lot and didn't get why. But they see him in his underwear and it's just... one more thing that sparks something for them. Super interesting when you think about formative moments. Love the entire topic of some otherwise innocent movies or shows and there's just some scene that sticks out to you as you're young and starting to get hit with hormones and desire.
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romanarose · 4 months
Hello there ✨️ love your work 💕 I'm a long time fan 🫶🏼. I've been on tumblr a few years now, but I'd never found the courage to post anything of my own til now. I've been feeling a little optimistic these days, and genuinely excited about posting some of my writing and sharing it with the people out here. Do you have any advice on how to start posting and interacting from scratch? Cause I'm low-key nervous abt it and it seems like my target audience has already formed a solid community I don't know how to get into 🥺
Wow, this might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me wowie!!!!!!
okay let me tell my advice
The numbers don't equal quality. Certain things appeal to people more, like shorter stories, straight up smut, Joel Miller gets way more than when I write Marc. I think one of my best works was my Marc X Jewish!Reader series, Seattle, but it idnt get anywhere really even at the height of moon knight popularity bc people dont read OC's esp ethnic oc's. Put your heart into it and those who enjoy it will enjoy it. I had a William Miller series that averaged like 8-20 notes per chapter but I had a handful of readers I knew adored it and thats what mattered
This site is so much better with interaction. PLEASE DON"T ONLY INTERACT FOR THE SAKE OF GETTING FRIENDS WHO"LL REBLOG!! However, if you dont already, make sure you are reblogging stories and leaving nice words! Me personally, if someone reblogs regularly and leave nice words, espcially things that show they really paid attention, I usually just follow back bc I love friends. Im happy to get to know you!
Yes, it's hard sometimes to break it. It took a few months for me to get into the Oscar Issac writer circles, and then when I started writing Pedro it took a while too but I always reblogged and tried to communicate and I made friends. Isn't it crazy we can just.... become friends with our fav writers? Obvs Im not friends with all my favs but MOST of my favs became my friends <3
It's kinda annoying to me bc Im bad at it but aesthetics help. Title, a picture to catch eyes, summary, warnings, note. Try to make it look nice. Im really had at this LMFAOOOOOO. My lovely friends have made my best looking banners. If you have graphic design skills, use them! i wish i didn't have to but it does help catch readers when you have an interesting headers and everything looks pretty.
Few technicals. Use the readmore option. No one wants to reblog a LOOOOOONG story and clog up the feeds. Use as many correct tags as you can. Tag any triggering content. And I'm the worst at this but proof read. Im bad at proof reading, everyone who reads my work knows spelling, grammar, wrong words are a common issue I have bc Im bad at typing. When I still had word on my laptop I started typing in word and using text to speach to help me catch stuff!
Keep at it! IDK where you know my work, weather moon knight, triple frontier or tlou or whatever but all those fandoms right now are like.... a little less active. So don't be dissapointed if it takes a while. With TLOU, theres SOOOOOOO many amazing writers. With Moon Knight theres just less buzz rn. If you write for lesser known characters like Llewyn Davis or Will Miller, you probs won't reach the notes of established writers in Joel Miller. Just the reality. the point is keep going, find what you like and what gets people excited and go from there
This is the most important. Write what you want. I mean it. I love writing Will Miller because he's my special man <3 even though it's a small fanbase. My series Rooms On Fire, a lot have lost interest bc its a long series. That's okay! I love the series and it makes me happy to write it. I wrote a few Miguel O'Hara stories because, I'm being honest here, I wanted to capitalize on the hype. Guess what? They weren't good. I'm not proud of them. Since then, I write what Im inspired to.
feel free to say hi off anon! I'm always happy to get to know new people. If you like Triple Frontier, I have a discord server that is pretty much open to everyone! I'm trying to revive it and you can share your works and meet knew people!
Anon or not, let me know if you have any questions!
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spikeinthepunch · 5 months
i am playing Alan Wake 2, after after Alan Wake 1 (well. i gave up on playin bc i was not a fan of the gameplay and just watched a long LP). i think AW2 falls in line with what i see as like.. "cinematic video games that are basically movies". i know a key example of this are games like The Last of Us. These games are story focused, but they also really keep you on one track. Not just in the sense of a linear story, but physically (in game). I find these kinds of games don't often give you a lot to do in terms of branching off location wise unless its for a collectible, so even then its minor. Additionally, these games are basically always realistic in graphic/art style. I think in general theres been a huge rise on realistic looking games now that tech gets better, but it pretty much dominates this kind of game.
but what is on my mind as i play AW2 and this 'type' of game... well, im all for a story focused game. but these games i feel lack more and more significant gameplay where i kinda wonder if im "playing "playing" it at all. There are a few things considered "gameplay" in this game im sure but I will be real 90% of it wouldnt call that at all. Gameplay? Explore and fight enemies and solve some pretty simple puzzles (many of which can be considered side content anyways). What isn't actually gameplay to me? reading letters, looking at pictures, and sticking them on a wall in your mind palace. Looking at a scene and Alan saying its a new plot point he needs to write, so you open the window and click it so it happens. That's... not gameplay, its just a slightly extended way for you to see the story continue. And thats not to say all that is bad-- its simply a device to tell the story and its kinda neat i guess. But this isn't what I see as significant gameplay. You could entirely leave those actions out and it would be fine, but it would admittedly make the game feel more empty in terms of stuff to 'do' (which may be a bad sign lol)
the topic of "game that feels like a movie" is complicated. because you cant claim theyre bad because of the lack of gameplay (but its a critism to make if it doesnt help the game) because obviously.... we got the genre of... walking sims. and well, people have a lot to say about them in terms of gameplay too. i have played a number of walking sims that i love but i also guess the "point" of them is walking, you know that going in? but it doesnt make a point against the games i am talking about. because little unique gameplay doesnt mean you will have a bad game.
i like games focused on stories, i love them. and its certainly my attraction to games like AW2. i have played games that feel like im watching a real good movie and i absolutely love it when i come out on the other side feeling like i took part in that "movie". but i think where i feel detached in some of them is where you the player, get further disconnected from the main character(s). And I think this honestly happens more when you dont have gameplay that really lets you interact with it as a video game enough. less and less gameplay present and undirected interaction with the world, more and more scripted paths and forced direction. walking sims dont tend to feel similar to games like TLOU or AW2 not because they dont have combat, but because walking sims are usually presented entirely differently despite what could be said about lack of/simple gameplay-- you the player know youre walking around, and typically youre doing so to explore which already leads you to a game with open opportunities as a player, you dont know what coming in your path and thats the sense of discovery I feel like i lack in these other games. the script is written, your path can be forced. if it is too forced, too restricted then it doesnt feel like im getting to play much of a game.
the video game feels like a movie in a way i dont find appealing, when i feel like all i am really doing is moving my character on a path i must take and wait for the moment i need to shoot, then walking on the path again to the next area. to where else to look unless i need ammo. no where else to look unless i care about some random side items. (all of which i dont need at all if i font want them, and dont take me anywhere outside of my intended path) the video games that feel like a movie in a good way are ones that despite being heavily story focused, it allows enough options in gameplay and in world to let me still feel free and up to my own devices even when it does get back on track and put me in some clearly directed scenarios. i want to be excited to be in the video game's world so that i can have balance and be just as excited to continue even when they game puts me on some tracks i need to go through to see the story, before going back to feeling like a video game.
its all up to preference on what genres people like. but the AAA scene is becoming quite saturated with these linear story games with ultra realistic graphics. they look great and they can tell great stories. but sometimes i am not sure i feel like buying a $60 game that maybe... doesn't really make me feel like i am playing a game. admittedly i had expected a bit more from AW2 and its not offering much else for me to do with the gameplay.
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noctualagenaria · 8 months
violence 1-25
the character everyone gets wrong
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
-[redacted] cant top bc 1) he doesnt have the self confidence for such and 2) He Is Not Straight in anyway shape or form so even if he is with a woman That Woman is Topping Him.
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
-it wasnt on tumblr but i saw this zhongchi take where it was a mini comic of them, on a bench, childe doing the adhd leg bounce as one does and the second panel was zhongli forcibly stopping childe's leg from bouncing (one zhonglis the lord of geo so even if childe wanted or NEEDED to keep his leg bouncing itd be near impossible that cannot be a fun sensation and two Literally dont do that. Dont do that.) the third panel was childe looking at zhongli with hearts surrounding and all the comments were like "me and who 🥺" and good GOD. PEOPLE.....
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
actually they blocked me first bc i commented smth along the lines of 'stop worshipping mental illness....' ive yet to block myself on tumblr at least
worst discord server and why
[answer is found in another ask]
which ship fans are the most annoying?
.. short answer: all the Popular ones
long answer: zhongchi, kavetham, neuvithesley, kaeluc, thomato, chiluc and chaeya are also up there goddamn,,, andddddd most lumi ships too tbh,,
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
-i actually dunno, kujou sara maybe??? shrug, all the characters i hate are bc of my personal takes of canon
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
-diluc, thats it.
worst part of canon
-end user license agreement
worst part of fanon
-almost everything i hate it here
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
-at least ten but most likely more
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
worst blorboficiation
that one thing you see in fics all the time
-baizhu being there in the Having a Baby fics
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
-cishet takes on baizhu + diluc im sick of them
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
-neuvithesley bc ... they have No romantic chemistry at ALL worse than zhongchi and also neuvi is. like so much older than him and yall treat this like you would as if they were the same age and like i get the appeal for ships like that dont get me wrong i liked venkae for a time being BUT treating it the same as if they are both human and both mortals where as one is not is just Wrong. also neuvi sent wrio to prison! neuvi has personally Known Wrio since he was a kid and neuvis always been and always will be This "Age" (in a physical sense) ALSO SIGEWINNE ISNT. THIER DAUGHTER....
there should be more of this type of fic/art
more baizhluc pls... im starving
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
baizhu,,,,, and his shippability with literally anyone who isnt zhongli,,,
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
wrioney sdjhgsd i guess
part of canon you found tedious or boring
most of the quests
part of canon you think is overhyped
abyss its too focused on and sure i get focused on it too but like,, theres more to the game,,, care more about hte story and characters orz
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
the way he says these specific lines
Tumblr media
diluc is a smug ass sly ass motherfucker
ship you've unwillingly come around to
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dunno
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
kaeluc! :3 <- guy who believes the two of them are exes. you can imagine how that goes for me
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"The rewards are too little" bitch stfu we arent here to get spoiled and you know that
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ollies-outies · 7 years
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