#i guess we'll see how close I am in a couple days tho
jimilter · 2 years
Hey nim i am having a mental breakdown here🥲TD&HK !!! This fic is making me go insane 💔 i am so freaking frustrated cuz they both think that there is nothing b/w them except lust ..both are in denial that they would want each other to be more than a fuck but i guess i feel where oc is coming from jk has never truly shown any signs of love or affection towards her and his image of being a heartless chaebol who fucks around isnot doing anything good. So oc has this image of him engraved in her mind ..This did came as a shock to me that he has feelings for HER!!!😳 I feel like this misunderstanding b/w them (like jk feeling oc will never accept him for who he is) and (oc feeling that jk could never love someone) will become the path to their tragic end 😶 guess i have to accept that this annoying but endearing couple will not have their happily ever after :) ..cuz even if they confess their feelings to each other they would still need a lot of time to build trust and endless love b/w them which i guess oc will have a hard time with considering the image of jk and jk will need that too considering the insecurity he has that she will never look at him like a lover does ☺️
hello, anon, lemme join u in your breakdown 😭
your analysis is so good and pretty much spot on!!! they're both too scared to confess bec they aren't really sure if the other person feels the same which is an absolute mess of a situation :(
his image of being a heartless chaebol who fucks around isnot doing anything good
^ yes!!! exactly! man's spent a lot of time wrecking shit up and, in fact, oc has been there to clean up after him while she was made to take him under her wing in his initial days at the company. after witnessing all that from so close, she's def gonna need reassurance of his feelings.
but also - she has seen him grow and change from really up close as well. he's still a pain in her ass, but they have been exclusive in their physical relationship and he hasn't made her regret showing him her vulnerable side, so far. so he does have some brownie points in his bags - but if he withdraws from her now, they will probably all be moot :(
cuz even if they confess their feelings to each other they would still need a lot of time to build trust and endless love b/w them
^ yes, they absolutely will! they will need to communicate w each other honestly and openly and give each other a true chance if they really want to build a stable future together.
oc has never had a lot of ppl in her life - while jk is the literal opposite, w entirely too many ppl in his life. that fact also makes their dynamic a lil wonky, i guess :( he's a people person, and tho she isn't an introvert herself, trusting and opening up to people doesn't come as easy to her. yet, she has grown to trust him more in their time spent together, so maybe it'll be for good?
hehe, you'll have to wait and see what happens. there is sure to be a hell lot of angst bec there's a lot to unpack between them - but i won't go as far as to say that they cannot have a happy ending. they need to work on stuff and then we'll see how it turns out for them!
thank you so much for reading this series and sending me your honest opinions and theories, dearest reader! love you loads. 🥺❤❤❤
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It's analysis time motherfuckers, because that conversation with Dream in front of the Nether Portal was INTERESTING.
So, Technoblade owes Dream a favor. We all knew that this fact would be important, and it's shaping up to be even MORE important than we thought. Let's talk about some of the most important things that could be understood from that little conversation, shall we?
First, Techno bringing up the favor in the first place, sounding very excited. This can be taken in two possible ways. One (and probably the more likely explanation) is that Technoblade the minecraft youtuber and ex-english major is extremely excited for whatever is planned to happen when that favor gets called in, and wanted to remind the audience (and Tommy) that it's a thing, which is worrying all on its own because Technoblade likes greek mythology and greek mythology is not kind. The other explanation is that Technoblade, the anarchist pigman in a world full of government, is sick and tired of Tommy constantly messing up his plans (being the opposite of stealthy when sneaking into L'manberg, dragging random violent llamas around while trying to do a mission, stealing and wasting some of the most valuable objects he has such as slowfalling potions and gapples) and wants him gone. He was excited to bring up the idea of betraying Tommy with the excuse of a favor, because it would rid him of a loud, annoying, useless thorn in his side. Remember, SBI isn't a family to Techno. Tommy isn't really a brother. Just some random kid who used him, threw him to the side after his usefulness was complete, then came running back and demanding his aid once again when he finally was forced to face some consequences. It would be a blessing for Dream to get rid of him for Techno. The pig may be manipulating him like the god before him and the musician before him, but he isn't really getting anything out of it.
Second, Dream's response. He hesitated, mulling over whether or not to do what Techno said and cash in his favor right then and there. Either he did that and brought Tommy under his grasp once more, or he saved it for later, likely to be used during or after whatever he's planning that will make everyone hate him. However, Tommy has come to realize that Dream was manipulating him, even if he hasn't really seemed to come to terms with it fully. He told Dream to his face that he was a manipulator and told the most powerful man on the server, literally God, to go fuck himself. I imagine that Dream realized that there was no way to bring Tommy back to heel - he'd gone too far in the opposite direction, intentionally not taking a damn thing seriously and being the biggest asshole he could possibly be. It would be far too much work to make this child obedient again, if he could do so at all - no, the plan had to be changed. The same trick wouldn't work twice, at least not from the same man. So, he decided to keep that favor for later, pulling on one of his backup plans. And if there's one thing Dream has shown, it's that he's never, ever unprepared. I always think back to the behind the scenes videos on Punz's channel of the Revolutionary War, and how Dream prepared for the absolute worst-case scenario and set up three separate backup plans in case something happened that he hadn't expected, none of which even needed to be used. If that's what his planning skills were like back then... Then what the hell kind of ludicrous backup plans does he have NOW?
Third, the Disc. Dream said that he got Tommy's disc Cat back from Skeppy, who's had it longer than Tommy ever did by now. This wouldn't seem to be much of something to think about, except that the last time we saw Skeppy, he'd been infected by the Crimson. He had the disc at that point, even going so far as to toss it around and threaten to burn it. And the thing is, Skeppy has not been cured. Dream didn't get the disc from Skeppy, he got it from Red Skeppy, who has declared that his only desire is for the Crimson to grow and prosper. He doesn't even care about Bad kissing other people in front of him, and burned 14 wholeass diamond blocks because he didn't care about them. How, exactly, did Dream negotiate with him? What could he have given Red Skeppy to convince him to give up Cat? And how will this affect the Crimson arc, which has been confirmed to be important to the main plotline?
And fourth, a smaller thing that still caught my interest: Dream protesting over his supposed homelessness. Now, I firmly believe that Dream is telling the truth that he does, in fact, have a base - there is no fucking way that he carries everything on him, not when he apparently has so much stuff to throw around, and also as he evidently has at least a Piglin trading farm (he gave Sam 5 or 6 stacks of enderpearls after he asked for them for the Vault construction, all the obsidian for the New L'manberg Walls, and him making it clear that he wanted to play everything legitimately in Survival Mode), likely with other farms hidden around the server (the Trident farm that he tore down after showing where it was, and the villager trading hall that Punz found under his base while cleaning out Blood Vines). There's absolutely no way that he doesn't have a hidden base, even if just to hold all his items. The only reason that he doesn't show it to Technoblade to prove that he does, in fact, have a house is because wants to keep it actually hidden, since his last hidden base was griefed constantly the moment it was found. However, while protesting and saying that he does have a base tp Techno, he stopped himself in the middle of yelling and said "you'll see, you'll see" in a much softer tone. This makes me, personally, believe that that hidden base is indeed going to be a plot point in the future, or at the very least it'll be found and explored. This then makes me wonder about what Dream hinted at before, with him having to run away after he does something that will make the entire server hate him. Will he be chased after when he runs? Will there finally be a manhunt on the SMP run by someone who grew popular for his manhunts? And if there is, will they find Dream inside of his base, or will they find it abandoned, or is it well-hidden enough that they will never find it at all, and he'll explicitly show it to someone when the time comes for a grand reveal of whatever's hidden in there? I don't know, but I look forward to whatever the plan is!
Basically, while the lore stuff was relatively short, I'm a Dream apologist and am constantly reading too much into things to try and figure out what the hell is planned in the future. No matter what, we can be certain that things will come to a head in two days. Let's watch these fireworks, shall we?
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viscountessevie · 2 years
another s2 only watcher here. I watched the Tudum panel and it was basically my intro to the show. My 2 big takeaways were Simone and Jonny’s chemistry is 🔥🔥 and Nicola talked over everyone (the 🤧 insertion was pathetic). Her crying over the show’s diversity on KC, saying she “let” s2 have its moment, the constant clout chasing, etc really turned me off of her. And she shaded RJP huh? But she gets treated with kid gloves even by the anti 🤧
Related to this ask and gave you a emoji and nickname in this post.
I also added another ask from an anon asking about the Met Gala drama and since I mentioned that in this post yall got coupled together - second anon your answer will be under the cut!
Eyyy it's Sneezy 🤧 Anon hi! Thanks for this ask!
Honestly aside from the NC of it all, that's a pretty good intro to the show. I wish I could back to that moment. I was so happy and excited to have Jimone as Kathony who had amszing chemistry. Sweet Chari as the lovely and wholesome Edwina and a wonderfully adapted version of TVWLM that was similar to S1's close adaptation and I was interested to see how the sideplots would connect to the main story and romance while elevating the characters and setting Ben up for his season.
I was a Capital C Clown🤡🤡🤡
So I've talked abt the things you've listened do Imma just link to those previous posts so that I don't sound like a broken record:
The Time Bullshit and KC Interview are covered here
Got an ask about her being a clout chaser back in the Met Gala drama day (wow we are going THROUGH the archives today)
She's shaded Rege so many times I cannot. I can't access the Liked Tweets anymore cos girlie deactivated. Also got a recent ask, asking about Met Gala so I'm adding the ask here:
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Related to the mention of Met Gala in this ask
Here is a run down of The Met Gala bullshit:
[As for the last part of your ask anon, the last line felt like a pretty loaded jab at CC and I'm not answering anymore new asks about her for the time being and also other blogs have covered what you asked so feel free to search for those opinions 👌🏾 hence the crop]
About the Love Shirt:
[Lmao it took me an obscene amount of time to find it cos it was a story and I kept looking at her posts 🤡]
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Imma be nice and say she looks adorable here and it's always great to have an ally or maybe even a fellow Community member 👀 but I'm not one to speculate sexualities on a public platform like this so we'll leave it at this. Though the meltdown from those creeps - who ship N&N despite Newts being in loving relationship with Jade - would be funny af
The Choose Love organisation also seems to be a good cause and she does bring the eyeballs so at least the attention on the organsation is good!! Tho I am side eyeing the POC inclusion flag colours esp after the way she's treated Regé and Marina.
As for JVN Hair Deal, I can't find anything new? The last post she made was in September being excited for it to launch. Even if she is their brand girl now, honestly her getting brand deals isn't a crime. Good for her I guess if she wants she can go retire and be an influencer.
The annoying part was how Simone our S2 LEADING LADY was sidelined by production when they partnered up with Pat McGrath. I'm giving Pat McGrath the benefit of doubt in that situation (I did an ask on it here) and they didn't get to pick who from the show would rep them. Because let's be real it was founded and is being run by a black woman, the titular Pat, you think she wouldn't jump at the chance to promote the products catered to darker skin people??? So that one I fully blame production and their brand coordinator for deciding a white woman was a better representative for a black owned make up brand over their literal Indian Lead of that season.
Also for this alleged current deal - not trying to excuse it but rather explain why NC got it again - it's finally her season 😒 how can we forget they remind us every fucking second and she's friends with JVN so she has that personal connection. He probably knows her best out of the cast and asked for her. And of course as Production's Sweetheart, the show sent her to do it.
As for the kid gloves thing, it's mostly with her fans. Most people I know who dislike her now like I do after being burnt by her, we're pretty scathing towards her actions. But I will say we are very cautious of how we talk about her because her fans LOVE to scream about how every single person crictising her racially ignorant bullshit is fatphobic. I don't disagree that there is a nasty part of the fandom that is fatphobic towards her but not most of us. Like we literally do not care about her weight, that was never in the question, her personality and behaviour is. All in all I assure you there's no treating her with kid gloves here.
(Also calling you Gloves 🧤 Anon that just stuck out to me shksjs)
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deviliciousdev · 3 years
MBTI✨ The Gatsby Method🍸🎩pt.2
entp (the debater)
infj (the advocate)
budding romance
(ft. intp (the logician) x entj (the commander) couple, and enfp (the campaigner) x intj (the architect) best friend gang)
[entp's apartment. 10:30 pm. saturday night, party #2]
[intj comes storming in walking up to enfp and intp]
intj: i hope you know your little prank caused me to loose a client.
intp: wait... so you're telling me, someone who can afford an expensive architect to design their vacation home, DOESNT appreciate a handle bar mustache and penis art all over one's face??
enfp: [covers their mouth as they snorts into a giggle] 🤭😆
intj: [dead pan] i hope you two rot. [walks off]
enfp: intjjjjj, wait! [still laughing] it wasn't even me! it was intp and entp! 🤣
[intp sees entp standing adjacent to the front door, goes to investigate]
intp: [from behind in entp's ear] are you planning on using gorilla warfare tactics on infj when they show up?
entp: [flinches from being startled] god! how do you do that??
intp: um entp you forget, i was a green beret. [scoffs and sips drink]
entp: you were never even in the army.
intp: [looks with slightly squinted eyes trying to be mysterious] and that's exactly what i want you to think...
entp: oh my god.
[entp's phone buzzes]
[incoming call from infj]
entp: hey, uh where are you at?
infj over phone: i am so, so, sorry, i got called into the embassy, they're trying to get the italian ambassador extradited, and the italian consulate is having a field day- anyway it's a giant cluster fuck. i'm not gonna be able to make to the party tonight.
entp: oh well that's unfortunate, but hey you know stuff happens, [kind tone] i hope you get everything all sorted out.
infj over phone: me too. look, i'm sorry again, the italian consulate will have an answer tonight, if only the party was tomorrow... anyway i should probably go-
entp: actually the party is a um, two day event!
infj over the phone: really? two days? wouldn't this be day three, though??
entp: umm, uhuh, yeah so friday was ya know the small little wine n' cheese get together, tonight is the main event, and uh tomorrow is like uh, closing ceremonies. it's very casual tho. 😬
infj over the phone: ..... well... it's uh, ahaha definitely different, but i guess i'm glad it's a weird three day event, so i can make up for missing it twice, aha.
entp: oh yeah it's no big deal. so um see you tomorrow, 8pm??
infj over the phone: i guess you will, ahaha...
[entp goes up to intp, & entj]
entp: sooo lil snag, in the Gatsby-ing. infj is caught up in a work thing... again.
intp: right... "work thing"
entp: no, no, don't do that, don't do air quotes, i believe it. [quietly] ...kind of... anyway we need to have another party tomorrow night.
entj: what the fuck?! [throws hands up] the only way i got rid of my hang over from yesterday was drinking more tonight!...i'm so drunk... [looks off into space]
intp: [smiling, pats entj on the back]
entp: anywayyyy... the Gatsby-ing will continue tomorrow, tonight, let's see what embarrassing stuff we can get intj to do.
intp: you know i truly hate these social events. and a hungover entj is like a rabid dog mixed with a whiny over eater at a buffet when they run out of mash potatoes.
entj: wha- what dog?! we don't have any dog! [gasps] [looks at intp with puppy eyes 🥺] we should get a dogggg, oooo a lil puppppyyy!
intp: okkk, we'll get one on the way home... [shakes head smiling]
entp: look i know, i know, but tomorrow's the night, i feel it in mahhh boness!
intp: mmmhhmm. you sure are doin a lot for someone you barely know...
entp: you ever meet someone, and it just feels like you've known them your whole life...
intp: [looks over at entj in the kitchen with enfp]
intp: [looks back at entp] no, but i have met someone who continues to bewildered and intrigue me.
entp: well that's one kind, ahaha, but the one i'm talkin about is ancient...
intp: nodding along... but confused, continue.
entp: ok look i don't know how to explain it, this shit is complicated, but idk it... it feels important... or whatever... ok, so let's not make a thing of it... but it is a thing.
intp: ok. [shrugs] i'll get more red cups tomorrow.
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mochuelovelli · 4 years
Fix-It AU pt dos!
Moonvasion! Pt I:
Just a small detail but Della and Dewey come into warn Scrooge since the message from Penumbra/Donald came in that morning as the ending of the subplot from The Richest Duck in the World! Episode happened really...REALLY early in the morning. Scrooge even questions why they are up so early.
After Lunaris gives his first speech and once Louie says "I didn't know there would be an invasion the next day! Gimme a break!" Della starts to say something about how she was able to know about the invasion but Gyro interrupts her to start his scene [if need be it Gyro doesn't have to interrupt Della]
Della gets Scrooge's attention to finish her thought "Donald and Penumbra warned me about the invasion this morning after the satellites went down." Scrooge perks up at Donald's name. "Donald? What do you mean, lass?" "I don't know Uncle Scrooge, but we need to do something. Donald said Lunaris is after the kids." They do the same nod, maybe a little aways from the kids so that Dewey doesn't start yapping about Donald being on the moon just yet
The chase sequence starts but Louie's little dilemma part is cut and skips to where Huey falls
Della's next line (aside from her little sigh) starts at "If I told you the truth you wouldn't come" and sounds a bit more dejected. After Della later proclaims "I can't lose you again!" Lunaris' voice rings out (from the other ship's speaker I guess) "But you will, Della Duck!" Before the ship is harpooned and subsequently captured. Scene cuts from there.
Lunaris' final speech (for this part) also changes the line about Della to "Fear can drive away Della the only Earther left that knows about my people right into my clutches-" Scrooge's face falls and repeats the line "The only Earther left?" Cutting back to Lunaris' who went from scowling to smirking as he continues; the line is also changed slightly.
"Fear can even trick the Great Scrooge McDuck so that my people can land out great planetary engines!" Same joke happens but the camera shows other notable Moonlanders piloting the engines. 
Scrooge then turns around and yells "Where are you, you pebble loving coward?!" Lunaris scoffs, "Don't worry, I'm coming to you. We all are". Lunaris moves away to reveal Della and the kids tied up and Scrooge gasps transitions the scene.
Scene then changes to the perspective of Della and the kids after Lunaris turns off his transmission to Scrooge. He cackled to himself as he turned to face them. "Too easy." He grins. 
Della struggles in her cuffs, "You're gonna be sorry when I get out of these dumb binds you big-" Lunaris interrupts her. "Now Della, do I have to clamp your mouth shut just like I did to your brother?" The ducks all gasp.
If there is enough time, add extra chatter from the kids like: "You got Uncle Donald?" From Huey with Dewey responding "He called us this morning from the moon! I thought he would find us!" 
Della growls "What did you do to him?!" Lunaris then, while maintaining eye contact, turns on the tv to show an edited version of Donald's/Lunaris' fight. He speaks over it: "Your brother was a formidable fighter-" shows Donald punching Lunaris (maybe cut to the kids reaction) "but even he wasn't tough enough to survive trying to pilot that contraption." The screen shows the bullet exploding and Lunaris takes up the screen again to smirk at the ducks and the ep ends on "I guess that was quite farewell to Donald Duck."
Moonvasion! Pt II:
Starts off right after Lunaris speaks, only at a side angle before it cuts to Louie yelling "You're lying! This is just part of your plan to trick us into not fighting back!" His eyes betray him though as he, along with the other kids, start to cry. 
Lunaris grins wildly "My plan was to kill your pathetic uncle back on the moon after I was done questioning him, I don't like loose ends. But he did all the hard work for me and don't worry, I'm sure he was thinking of you as he was being burnt up in the atmosphere." The last half will cut back to the kids full on crying, once Lunaris is done the camera shoots up to Della who is yelling back.
"I don't believe you, I know my brother! I know he's alive!" Lunaris begins to walk close to her "You thought you knew Penumbra and she hated you. You thought you knew me and I betrayed you. You thought you knew how to fix your relationship with your family-" the word family causes Della's face to fall as Lunaris is inches away. "-but you came back and things weren't as easy as it seemed." Lunaris is right in front of her now, face to face. "So tell me, Della Duck, what do you know?"
After the intro, it cuts from the far shot of the Earth revolving around the moon to LP entering the diner. Scrooge has a more soluem line: "Kids, just give me a bit more time. I'll save you."
Cuts back to a funny but somewhat sad scene of Della and the kids being moved down to a jail cell area where some Moonlanders are playing moon marbles and one hits Della in the eye as well as Dewey.
"Mom, what are we going to do?" Huey asks. "Nothing! There isn't a Junior Woodchuck rule for escaping an alien prison! There isn't some super spy move to get out of solid gold handcuffs and I…" Louie's voice starts to quiver "I can't see a way out of this." Della looks at Louie, "We'll get out of this, kiddo. We gotta try." Another marble hits Huey this time before Webby responds "If worst comes to worst, Uncle Scrooge knows what he is doing." Scrooge's original line is the transition.
There might be an added line by Scrooge about Lunaris arriving any minute. He also probably withheld that he has the kids. Glomgold's scene is the same but the scene continues and doesn't cut back to Della and the kids until after the sharks.
Della and the kids are still trapped and look somewhat resigned, with Dewey occasionally struggling only to fall on his face before worming his way back up to the wall the rest are leaning on. 
Louie looks up at Della: "Mom?" "Yeah, buddy?" "I'm scared, which to be honest is basically what I usually am half the time. But I wanted you to know that when you came back...that was the happiest moment of my life."
Della looks to be if she is trying to keep it together before she lets out a bitter laugh "I guess a couple minutes ago was the worst moment, huh kid?" Louie just looks away which causes Della to turn forward. "You deserve a better mom, Louie." The scene turns to the other children briefly as she adds "You all do." Before it cuts back. 
"I...want you to know that if I could I would have traded places with Donald in a heartbeat." At that Louie turns back and he begins crying again, leaning into Della and the other kids join them with only small sniffles here and there. 
Della's head falls as she starts singing part of her lullaby, with the kids backing up the last line. A moment of silence before the lights turn red and Lunaris' voice calls the moonlanders in the brig to man the cannons. His face is shown scowling before it cuts to show Fethry and Gladstone riding Mitzy below the ship. Gladstone calls out "Ahoy there, you big green palookas!"
Transition back to Scrooge and the gang as it plays like the original scene only once Scrooge grabs the outfit it cuts back to Lunaris as he orders the Moonlanders to shoot Mitzy down as they are almost to Duckburg.
The trio dodges some poorly aimed lazers before Fethry begins singing his krill song which causes Mitzy to light up. The last line is about firing her own bioluminescent lazer, which she does and hits the golden spear dead on. Della and the kids are shown peering out a window, Huey simple observes this and questions when could Mitzy do that? To which Louie states "Yeah seems kinda huge plot convenience" Webby then says "Who cares! We're being saved!" 
Lunaris then becomes more agitated at his followers. "Just hit them! It's a giant bioluminescent krill! How are you missing it?!" Mitzy hits them again which causes them to crash on the Duckburg shore. 
Scene cuts back to the Engine, some moments before as the original Santa Scrooge scene plays out except with other Moonlanders instead of Lunaris and it convinces the Moonlanders to gather outside the ship to watch while the sharks/LP do their thing. Scrooge and Glomgold keep making excuses as LP tries to turn off the last engine only for Lunaris to crash. 
Lunaris gets out from the crash site and tries to find Della and the kids, however Gladstone and Fethry get to them first. The same joke that happens on the island happens here except Fethry doesn't talk about palm trees and Gladstone just clamps his mouth shut with his hands (not unlike Louie will do in S3 w/ Dewey).
They ask about Donald as they try to get the cuffs off to which the lot look dejected. Della starts to say something but Lunaris finds them. "He's gone. Just like everyone you've ever loved soon will be."  Before much can happen, Lunaris finds them and though they put up a good fight, Della and the kids are still pretty much immobilized and the cousins fail to stop Lunaris from taking them aboard the big engine ship (which I will call the Great Spear).
Fethry and Gladstone still help trying to get the ship from plugging into the Earth and it plays out about the same way as it does in canon since the Great Spear ends up leaving.
Upon convening once it exits the atmosphere, Scrooge talks to the cousins asking about Della and the kids. When they say they took off, he yells at them before asking hopefully about Donald's whereabouts. Gladstone just says "I'm...sorry Uncle Scrooge." as Fethry takes off his hat (tho the screen cuts off the top of his head or something is blocking it) and sniffles before being comforted by Gladstone. 
Scrooge doesn't say anything, he just looks heartbroken before staring back up at the Great Spear as it begins to turn back to the Earth. Scrooge scrowls before commanding LP to pilot a left over ship. Lunaris gives the same line before only it cuts to Della struggling in her binds, which ends up breaking off her metal leg, allowing her other leg to break free.
Upon hearing this Lunaris stops from almost firing at the Earth to growl out "You." At Della. To which she says "Yeah me." Lunaris and Della then start fighting, the Moonlander using his gun first which damages the interior of the ship as he misses. Della is then able to kick the gun out of his hand and it lands off screen.
Lunaris resources to his spear as Della is now on her back foot (this wasn't a pun originally I swear I forgot I wrote that she broke her leg) since his blows are strong. He ends up knocking her to the ground, he laughs madly before aiming the spear at her face but his strike ends up hitting her handcuffs as she was quick enough to block her face with them. The impact is strong enough to break them and she rolls out of the way of his next attack which gets stuck in the floor. 
Della is given enough time to try and grab the kids. She is able to reach them but Lunaris recovered too quickly and is on them again. But it is at this point where Scrooge comes in and is shown welding the gun. 
Lunaris let's them escape, but not losing the opportunity to challenge Scrooge. "It still seems like the Great Scrooge McDuck isn't as smart, sharp and tough as he makes himself out to be. You live in your own legend's shadow, Scrooge. If you were half as great as people say you are, you would be able to stop me from destroying your planet instead of running away." While they are talking they kind of follow each other by hugging the wall and walking toward/away from the other depending who they are.
"Don't worry, General, I plan to." "Ha! You know that if you leave I will just come after you. I hope you plan on losing more than one family member today Scrooge-" the McDuck/Duck family boards the getaway ship before it cuts back to Lunaris smirking as the door closes"-because you are about to lose them all." 
It cuts to the family trying to get ready to disarm the Great Spear. Della reassures her family (probably speaking to the kids more directly, or even one of them in particular) by saying after taking the initiative and hopping into the pilot seat (LP got up to help the kids out of their cuffs.) "We can do this, Ducks don't back down." This gives some hope to the family as they basically do the same sequence of shooting out the cannons except w/o Donald. 
Penumbra and Donald then are the ones that crash into the engine (Donald is in some heavy duty armour since I literally don't think he could survive w/o SOMETHING). Them crashing into the window is more heartfelt. Penny still says "Hiya, Roomie!" like a dork, Donald isn't having a good time though. The sequence is a tiny bit shorter since Della doesn't try to explain her family relationship at that moment.
The last Lunaris scene is cut down as well with it only being a shot of the team flying away from the debris, keeping it open ended.
When the Getaway Spear covers the camera, it cuts to Penny and Donald getting smothered in hugs. Waterworks happen again along with blubbering from everyone. When they finally let go, they noticed Donald's leg. Donald also sees that Della is missing hers and says "Ya know, I would let you borrow mine but I don't think it's the same size." Della then laughs before playfully punching him. "Shut up, Donald." It still hurts "Ow."
Basically the coming home scene is the same but, ya know, w/o the Penpad scene (sorry).
[Holy shit this took me 4 hrs to write as I was watching the eps to make sure I got a sense of the timing. Hope this was worth reading. I think afterwards (unsure if this would make it into a revised S3 or just like, what happens between eps I guess), Della's leg gets replaced with a golden one to match Donald's (more parallels).
I wrote the last ep with a lot less focus on Scrooge. I remember reading someone else's post that Moonvasion should have more so been Della's fight so I tried to rework it as such. Scrooge is obviously still important (as was Della but ya know), I also tweaked some character moments. 
I also wanted to hint at some potential S3 struggles the characters will face, most notably the internal ones. I made Lunaris a huge dick for a reason, I wanted to make sure he put up a mirror to Della and Scrooge (which oof sorry Della). I wanted these characters to continue questioning if what they are doing was the right thing, or if they are doing enough. ESPECIALLY Scrooge. Him not being the main focus is notable to him. You could probably even hint at him feeling less than useful in the Double 0 Duck ep as it can be seen as him doing what he usually does when he has a problem he can't solve: bury it deep down. This weak spot could also serve as something for FOWL to exploit. I also wanted Della to doubt herself as well. She (along with pretty much the rest of the cast) thought Donald was DEAD. If he actually was, She wouldn't want to adventure for a long...long while, if she ever would again. It would shatter her spirit completely because he didn't die because he was old or because he got into an accident. He died trying to get back to his family. To her, it would be all her fault. But since he isn't dead (but still injured like her) she isn't wary of adventure. She is, however, weary of herself. She continues to question her motherhood, her role as a sister, she even questions friendships old and new.]
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