#i had 2 poptarts and i regret so much
dredshirtroberts · 3 months
it's been 15 years since i learned my biofamily didn't actually want me around.
I'd gone off for two weeks away to be a counselor in training at a summer camp. The intention was the potentially try and get hired for the full summer the next year, so it was a good trial run to see how i did far away from my support system for a long period of time. I was 17. I had just gone through a really rough breakup right before i'd left, and i'd been dropped off by my mother - our first time being just the two of us for longer than 3 hours since... maybe since my sister had been born, 14 years prior.
I cherished that car ride with my mother. I was really stoked about it and I thought we were having a great time. It's important to note i'd been away from home for a week or so at a time previously. I'd done sleepaway camp and i've never seen my parents get teary-eyed at dropping me off anywhere. They weren't the most emotionally-vulnerable people i already knew, so it didn't surprise me but like. A little regret and pre-missing wouldn't have hurt but like. We didn't do that as a family - that was a thing I felt alone and expressed on my own time. Expressing it to my family just made them make noises of agreement at me and then try and redirect me to how much fun i was about to have - distraction from my pre-homesickness i guess?
About 3-4 days prior to leaving, i'd been unceremoniously dumped in the middle of a documentary, he then made out with me, and then stayed until dinner was ready which took a whole monopoly game, and then STAYED FOR DINNER before leaving immediately afterwards. i was not in a great place emotionally, but my parents hadn't even noticed i'd been broken up with even when i went and sat on the couch and cried during Ghost Adventures because that had been my first ever shot at a romantic relationship and i was convinced i'd blown it. I was 17 and figured i'd lost my one and only shot at being able to get married and have kids and settle down like a Proper Girl is supposed to do. It was a 2 week "relationship", it's okay i was a slightly delusional 17yo as it was, not to mention all the patriarchy and religious crap i'd absorbed, on top of the worship of capitalism's ballsack.
this is to set the stage for how those two weeks away from everyone i knew would go.
i had a phone with one of those slide-out keyboards (this was just slightly before smartphones took off), and that was my ONLY connection to the outside world. I could technically access facebook, but the wifi in the dorms we were staying in were spotty. I didn't have money for food outside of what was provided during when the campers were on site. So on the weekend between sessions I was surviving off of poptarts from the vending machine while EVERYONE ELSE went to a waterpark together.
including the other counselor in training.
I was EXTREMELY alone for those two weeks.
I was very excited for my time away from home to be done. I wanted to go back to my room, i wanted to be in my space and talk to my friends on my computer because that was the only place i had friends. I wanted my mommy who'd left me there two weeks ago to come back and pick me up and hold me and tell me i existed and was worthy of love. I wanted my dad to hug me and tell me it was going to be okay and that it wasn't my last shot at happiness.
I was the last to be picked up. I was so excited I rushed out on my bad knee, sprinting towards them and launched myself into their arms.
They weren't ready, and quickly disengaged from the hug, teased me for being so excited, teased me for the tears I was feeling well up. Teased me for a speech pattern i didn't know i had but they'd picked up was from me in the interim time and were doing it with sly smiles and joking nudges back and forth for a LONG while before they clued me in on why they were doing that. like. Possibly not until after our lunch.
and I learned i wasn't wanted. I was a joke to my whole family. They talk about me negatively behind my back. And only negatively. They didn't miss me except the ways they could make fun of me.
I'd been gone for two weeks with no money and no support. I came back and nothing changed from that status quo for a while.
I never got hired at that camp the next year. When my application was rejected it hurt, but i also couldn't fathom going away from a summer to be rejected by my peers again and then come home to people who gave zero shits about me.
The next year I went many states away to live with my mom's cousin as a live-in nanny and do an internship at a graphic design company. I had money and more support and love in Louisiana than I'd ever found in Virginia. I never wanted to leave, but i'd already been signed up for classes at the local community college that next year back home, so I had to go back.
My parents weren't even in town to come pick me up from the train station. It was my sister and my Nana who came and got me and they were both irritated by the drive and the wait. No one was excited that I was home again.
I didn't feel missed upon coming back home until I was living with my big-E Ex and i'd gone off to be a counselor at the new camp I'd finally found friends in - it was my third or fourth year, but the first with us living together. I can speculate the actual reasons why he missed me, but the fact of the matter was that he wrapped me up in his arms when i came back and said it hadn't been the same when I was gone.
I didn't have someone miss me like that again after I left him until I met my current partner and we started talking in 2020. I moved away from Virginia to Michigan two years later to join them up here, and my parents didn't care about anything in my life until i wasn't in the same state anymore. they barely cared now that i was out, but it was enough to throw me for a loop.
Where was this interest and need to know how i was doing 15 years ago? where were you? If I'd missed you and you came to visit me and I'd run up to launch myself into your arms, would you have caught me? would you have cried? would you have held me until you absolutely had to let go because you had to go?
they wouldn't have. because it wasn't about me. they didn't miss me. they wanted to look like Good Parents. and by that point, almost 15 years later, I was done.
It's been almost a year since I cut them off more or less successfully. there was a brief allowance of breakage in the no-contact rule for my grandfather passing earlier this summer. I'm.. still working through that fucked up relationship and my feelings about it, but that's not the point. I don't think they'd be excited or happy to see me, because they never were. I don't think it's changed. I think i could be gone for ten years and they'd never miss me.
I think they think they do. but they just miss knowing what to talk about behind my back.
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splodge04 · 2 years
*waves hands hypnotically* You definitely have no clue who I am.
Coolest thing you've ever done. Could be an awesome experience. Could be something you're proudest of. Whatever comes to mind.
Biggest regret?
You get to spend 24 hours with any one person ever - living or dead. Who is it? What do you do with them?
Nooo, Anon, I have no idea who you areeee lol but your asks got me in my feels.
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1- I'm going to take this on an angle of 'a time I miss because of how amazing and special it was'. There was a period, over the space of probably 4-5 years, where I was constantly in a state of fangirling. There were always multiple events in the year. I'd travel all over the place- visiting countries I'd never gone to, places I'd never been, but each and every one would be such an absolute blast. Ireland/Sweden/Denmark/Germany/Basauri/Florida/Atlanta (D*C) etc. It was this period of absolute crack, carnage and happiness that I miss with the light of a billion candles.
Oh yes, I'm going to go to Tampa for a week before flying up to Atlanta for Dragon*Con. I'm going to eat garlic mash and steak on two different days. I'm going to go to Hooters. I'm going to sit on the beach at sunset with some of the greatest people I've ever met. We'll go to Disney, we'll go shopping at a mall, we'll go food shopping and buy all the poptarts and drink varieties. Yes, we'll watch a thunderstorm from the balcony. Yes, we'll go to see the candyman. Yes, we'll lose our shit at Dragon*Con and get no sleep. Yes, I'll travel to Basauri with my friends only a few days before an exam and have the greatest time exploring the place and being judged by the locals.
Those memories are the things I wouldn't bloody change...and I happen to think that fangirling is the coolest thing I've ever done, because actually...you can do many things, own many things, have many things...but the actual things that shine out are the experiences you have with people that have had an impact on your life (pets included btw).
That's my answer and I'm sticking to it.
2- Not gonna lie- this made me weep just writing it. But this is the thing that I regret the most for sure.
Long story short, when my Nan went into hospital a few days before she died, she was in resus with her oxygen mask on. We didn't think she was going to die to be honest, not then at least, and I'd been dragged into the room with my Aunty so that I could listen to the Dr talk about what was happening with my Nan.
I stood there listening to the Dr speak, not really paying attention and noticed that my Nan had lifted off her oxygen mask to say something. I moved over to the side of her bed and listened, but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I asked her to repeat it once, but then I got distracted by the Dr talking. I never asked her to repeat it again. That was the last moment I saw her alive, the last chance I had to hear her talk whatever words/garbled words/nonsense/actual sense, and I didn't. I don't know what she said. I have no idea if it was anything meaningful, anything funny, anything that I'd want to remember because I didn't ask her to repeat it again.
It bothers me so much that I didn't sit down with her. I should have sat there. I should have kept her company. I should have done more. Instead, my Aunty corralled me out of there, because actually, there wasn't space for us to be there...but I could have gone to the ward with her after, or spent any sort of time with her in those final days.
What did she want to tell me? Was it something funny? Was it something important? or was it just a load of garbled nothing?
I should have listened better. I should have got her to repeat it. I should have sat with her on the ward...and boy do I regret the fact that I didn't.
3- My Nan...100%. So many celebrities, so many people, but actually, I'd rather have it with someone I know and care for because it would mean a hell of a lot more.
I'd want to spend the equivalent of a Christmas/Boxing Day with her like we did when I was younger. We'd have a big Christmas Dinner and a Yule Log. We'd watch TV and play games. Then Boxing Day would come, and a big chunk of the family would turn up. She'd never want any presents, but she'd appreciate anything you got her nonetheless. We'd hear her waffle on about things we'd heard thousands of times before, never understanding how special those stories were, even more so when you realise you've forgotten so many of them. Even though you were full up for hours after your dinner, she'd also want to keep feeding you, and making sure you were never hungry like she was as a kid. That would be the perfect 24 hours for me.
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bunnyb34r · 2 years
I wish I could eat (anything) without my stomach making me want to die :')
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emmanelson · 3 years
She hadn’t realized that to be able to relish in his warmth, she had to endure the frost that followed his departure. An alternate Season 2 in which Devi agrees to tutor Paxton, but he has a whole other arrangement in mind.
The first time it happens, it’s a few days after he starts doing his schoolwork on his own. He comes to her with the idea and at first, she thinks it’s a joke. Him suggesting a friends-with-benefits relationship? Her having sex with the Paxton Hall-Yoshida?
“I’m sorry, what?” Devi had glanced up at Paxton in shock, trying her hardest to stop her mouth from dropping open from his request. She had to blink a few times to make sure she wasn’t dreaming up this scenario.
“You doing my homework for me, that was weak okay? I can admit that. It didn’t actually do me any favors because when it came time to take the exams, I still didn’t know shit. I do my own work from now on, but you are going to be my stress relief.” He could find other ways to punish her, something that benefited the both of them. Actually, he wanted to punish her, so what if had the chance to bring pleasure to her at the same time?
"So what can I do?"
"Think of it as incentive for me doing well in school." He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He wanted Devi, but he didn't trust her anymore. How could he crave her touch when his heart literally ached at the sight of her? This was the only logical solution he could come up with. "Isn’t this what you wanted to begin with? No strings-attached, only sex?”
Yes, initially she did only see him as a sex object and hastily wanted him to take her virginity. But things changed, first for the better and then for the worst. “That was before we were friends. Before we kissed, before...” I cheated on you . It hung in the air as Devi’s heart hammered in her chest.
“I’m not interested in being your friend. Not right now anyway. And I don’t see that changing anytime soon.”
He would never admit it, but finding out Devi had cheated on him with Ben Gross? That was one of the lowest points in his life.
“Won’t this get complicated?”
“Why would it? You already told the entire school that we slept together.”
Her faces flushes at the memory and she bites down on her lower lip as her cheeks threaten to turn scarlet. It only makes him want to see that look when he’s on top of her, her body withering underneath his, emitting sounds from her by his touch and his touch alone. He has to shake himself out of his own thoughts and remain nonchalant.
“Again, sorry about that.”
“Unless you’re all talk?” He raised an eyebrow, staring at her in amusement.
“Me? All talk. No, you’ve got it all wrong. This was my idea to begin with. You were the one that called it off, I was all ready to go.” She wasn’t sure if she even believed the words coming out of her very mouth, let alone if he did, but she was able to sell it the first time, why should this time be any different?
“So you’re in?”
“We can’t right now, my grandma’s home.”
“That’s part of the fun though. Seeing how quiet you can be with your grandma or mom right downstairs. If we do this correctly, you won’t even need to take off a single piece of clothing.”
Her body clenches at his words, moisture already traveling to her core.
“You could have any girl you want, what do you need me for?”
“You ruined my swimming career, caused everyone at school to give me these looks of pity, cheated on me, and worst of all with Ben Gross?”
Her silence said more than anything else so he continued, fighting back a smirk.
“Not that I give a shit, but even you could do better than that.” And then to her surprise, he leans across the kitchen table and kisses her. It had been a while since they kissed, since her party, and the accident. It hadn’t been too long that she forgot what his lips on hers felt like, but long enough to miss the sensation. Long enough to crave it in the pit of her stomach when she’s laying awake at night scrolling through his Instagram.
When they pulled away, Devi almost wanted to pout at the loss of contact. Yet she tried to stay neutral and instead shook her head. “Shouldn’t this only happen if you actually see an improvement in your grades? How is that going to work if I’m actively giving you the thing that you want?”
“I’d have an easier time forgiving someone if I wasn’t forced to only associate them with turmoil and pain.” Okay, so he was starting to be a little more than dramatic, but as her face fell, Paxton felt a satisfaction in her reaction. It served her right.
So he would actually forgive her in a quicker manner if they had sex? It sounded like a load of bullshit, but Devi chose to see the positive.
“So that whole being your overbearing Indian mother tactic won’t work?”
“Why would I want to fuck my mother Devi?”
“Let’s see how you do on your next test okay?”
“Please, you’re going to be the one begging for me to come back with a higher grade just so you have an excuse to jump me.”
“Maybe I’ll want to jump you even more after you’ve earned it.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.” Devi’s stomach fluttered, she honestly hoped that he would.
When Devi lets herself into his garage the following week, PopTart in hand, Paxton actually seemed happy to see her.
“Is that my reward for doing better in school?”
“It could be.” She handed it to him, expecting him to tear into the package as she set down her backpack but instead he put it down and motioned for her to side beside him.
“What if I’m craving something else.” He showed her his newly graded history test with a glint of something she couldn’t quite pinpoint. His eyes couldn’t help but travel to her lips and she gulped.
“You did raise your grade two whole grade letters.” Their eyes met and Devi suddenly felt a flash of heat scorch her entire body. She wanted nothing more than to rid them both of the layers of clothing that stood between them. If he was a fire, she didn’t mind getting burned.
This time, she was the one that closed the gap between them and pressed her lips against his. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer as their tongues slowly met. Her body flush tightly against his as they leaned back into the couch, Paxton pressing himself on top of her.
His hands were lightly gripping her hips, inching near her thighs, lips moving to the side to trail kisses down her neck, her body shivering under his touch. Their legs tangled together as they sank further into the couch, she didn’t know where she began and he ended. He almost wanted to leave marks on her body, just to see the look on Ben’s face when he sees them, knowing that he wasn’t the reason why. But Ben would be the least of their problems if her skin even looked a different hue, this much he knew. Not wanting his attack on her neck to last long enough to give her a hickey, their lips met once more as his tongue invaded her senses. Breaking apart for air, Paxton looked at her so intensely that she thought she would melt.
“Devi...tell  me to stop.” He panted, eyes searching hers for any sign of hesitation or refusal. Instead she peeled off her bomber jacket and dropped it below them, kicking off her shoes in the process.
“I don’t want you to.” She returned his gaze, a sly smile slowly forming on her lips which only made him to want to kiss her until they were bruised and red.
"Are you sure?" He asked, wanting to make sure she wanted to do this and wouldn't come to regret it.
"Unless you rather take care of that little problem yourself and take a cold shower." Internally, she was basically a puddle, ready to swoon that he was being so considerate. Yet she had to remind herself that this was some kind of sick punishment Paxton thought of. He probably just wanted an excuse to get laid.
"You don't need to tell me twice." She smirks against his lips when he kisses her again and soon her doubts are swallowed by his kiss. This arrangement really could benefit them both.
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mermaidenisaacs · 4 years
isaac went to college and became a fratboy, part 2
the aftermath of hooking up with isaac lahey at a frat party includes: shame, regret, and the stupid thrill of leaving him on read 
TW: sexual language, sexist language, some impure thoughts
I finally saw Isaac again. 
After a fire alarm interrupted my study session at the library (some idiot burned Poptarts in the microwave again), I was forced to evacuate to a nearby dining hall. I was annoyed by the whole ordeal until the hunger pangs kicked in. 
I was waiting in line for tacos when I saw him. He was sitting at a table by the windows, laughing with his head thrown back while another guy, presumably one of his frat bros, playfully shoved his shoulder and laughed along. He was surrounded by three attractive boys, one of which I recognized from my political science class last semester. I remembered him because he was unnaturally attractive, with swooped brown hair and warm chocolate eyes, and also because he had saved me from the embarrassment of forgetting to bring a scantron for the midterm by offering me one of his extras. His fratboy status aside, he was surprisingly decent. His name may have started with an ‘S.’ Steven maybe? Sam? 
I couldn’t focus on him for long, not when Isaac suddenly turned in my direction and met my gaze. I froze, caught in the act of staring. The corner of Isaac’s mouth tilted upwards into a smirk, and his gaze dropped shamelessly to my legs and drifted slowly back up, and in that moment, all the memories of our night together came rushing back. 
It was the first time I’d seen him since that night he had invited me to a party at his frat house, where he unceremoniously fucked me head-first into his bedroom door, then kicked me out, leaving me to retreat with my hair disheveled, makeup smudged, traces of him between my thighs. Anyone who wasn’t too drunk or high could piece together why I looked absolutely wrecked. I’m sure many girls had been seen doing the walk of shame out of Isaac’s room, and now I really was just one of the many, another notch on his bedpost. 
Isaac succeeded in living up to his fuckboy reputation. After that party, he texted almost every other midnight, snapchatted borderline nude selfies of his shirtless chest or his hand palming his erection over his sweatpants, with captions like “wyd,” “you up,” or “miss this?” That last one always sent waves of arousal, tainted with shame, reminders of the way I let Isaac degrade me and use my body, the way I loved every second of it and craved to feel it again. 
So far, I hadn’t texted him back, but I couldn’t resist leaving him on read. I smirked at the thought that Isaac might feel the sting of my cold indifference. It wasn’t much, and it was stupid, but it was the only power I could salvage back for myself. I avoided him in class too, and nearly gave myself leg cramps every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to sprint across campus and get to class early so I could choose a seat far away from our usual spots. I sat towards the front, an area I knew he wouldn’t encroach in fear that the professor would see him dozing off during lecture. He even texted me dirty things during class to get my attention. It was taxing to ignore the distraction, but I ignored the buzzing on my desk, letting Isaac’s stare burn a hole into the back of my head. 
Eventually he got the hint and the texts stopped, and it left me with the somewhat bittersweet realization that we had reached the end of our… whatever it was. 
Or so I thought. Three weeks and one burnt poptart later, there he was, staring back at me with the knowing glint in his eyes that only comes when you’ve seen someone naked. 
The only available table in the dining hall was one near the windows, and I would have to walk past Isaac’s table to get there. With my tray in hand and my bag hanging off one shoulder, I steeled myself and walked in his direction. 
I hung my head, letting my hair drape my face from his view, but my attempt at hiding was useless. He called out my name anyway. I tried to continue in my path and pretend I hadn’t heard him, but he called my name louder. Begrudgingly, I stopped and turned around. 
“Isaac.” I said.
“So, she lives. I was starting to get worried. You never responded to my messages,” he said, subtly referencing his obscene attempts at luring me back into his bed. 
I rolled my eyes and smiled back tight-lipped. “I was hoping you’d take the hint and leave me alone, but clearly you’re too dense.” 
One of Isaac’s friends snorted loudly at my remark, the one I recognized from last semester. Isaac glared at him. “Sorry,” the boy said. “First time seeing a girl call you on your bullshit. I like her.” 
I smiled at him, bashfully tucking my hair behind my ear. “Um, I remember you, but I’m blanking on your name. Sorry,” I said to him. 
“No worries! I don’t think we were ever properly introduced. I’m Scott. We had political science last semester, right?” I nodded. “Yeah, you were the girl who forgot a scantron.” 
“Yes.” I chuckled in slight embarrassment. “Thanks for that, by the way. You really saved my ass.”
“Of course! I was happy to have an excuse to talk to the pretty girl who sat next to me all semester, even if it was just for a few seconds,” he said charmingly, flashing an adorable smile. I scoffed playfully at the compliment. His gentle flirting was a welcomed change from the texts I’d been receiving from Isaac, who I noticed was suddenly glaring daggers at me. “Hey,” Scott said, “since you’re here and you know Isaac, and now you know me too, why don’t you join us?” 
My eyes went wide and my mind blanked. I stuttered for an excuse. “Oh, th-that’s okay, I don’t want to intrude. Besides, there aren’t even any empty seats--” 
“Oh no worries, I got you.” Scott stood up and looked around, then approached a nearby table. He spoke a few words to the group of girls studying there, who giggled at something he said and nodded. Scott picked up an empty chair at their table and brought it over, proudly presenting his contribution. “There! Please, sit.” He gestured towards the seat and smiled at me so sweetly, I felt it would be rude to reject his offer. I nodded and gingerly perched on the seat. I set down my bag and my food, and cordially gave a tiny wave to all the other boys at the table, who exchanged knowing grins. 
Isaac couldn’t believe you actually accepted Scott’s offer to take a seat. 
Not that Scott had left you much of a choice. He had these big brown eyes that girls usually fell for. And then there was the way he so valiantly brought a chair over for you. Isaac chewed on the flesh inside his cheek, unable to plaster on his usual easy grin. He couldn’t help it, especially now that you were sitting with him and his friends, acting all cute and polite, playing the act of the good girl again. 
Normally, his pride would swell if he saw you act all prim and proper. He could bask in the satisfaction of being the only one who knew who you really were, what you really were. He knew your ticks, your kinks, what you looked like when you were coming apart all over his cock and begging him for more. 
He couldn’t enjoy that knowledge today, not when his friends were staring at you like that. To any outsider, they just looked three boys engrossed in chit chat, but Isaac knew better. Behind their friendly, clean cut facade, they were all thinking the same thing, and it was far from clean. Isaac didn’t care who his friends slept with, and on occasion they even passed around the same girls, those special ones who didn’t care who they fucked as long as they had a good time. 
But for some reason, the thought that any one of them, Theo or Liam, or especially Scott, laying a finger on you, made Isaac’s blood boil. Isaac tried to extract this ugly feeling, this primal possesiveness he couldn’t seem to shake when he saw another guy looking at you.  
Isaac somehow managed to keep his expression neutral as you giggled at something Liam just said. The kid had managed to endear himself to you already. He was young, and in the newest pledge class, but he was a quick learner. Isaac had taken a fondness to him and decided to mentor him, taken him under his wing and transformed him into his image. Liam’s arrogance and eagerness to prove himself was something Isaac remembered from his freshman year. What he didn’t expect was that Liam would hone Isaac’s techniques to make girls fall at his feet and use them on you.
You giggled again. “Oh my god, Liam, I can’t believe you did that!” Liam had just finished telling a story about the time he knocked over a TV trying to do a drunken keg stand. “You could’ve broken your arm or something. What were you thinking?” 
Liam shrugged sheepishly and grinned. “I don’t know. There was a girl I wanted to impress and she was older than me, so I just went for it ya know?” 
You smiled fondly at him. “That is adorable. How much older was she? And what year are you?” 
“She’s a senior and… I’m a freshman.” Liam looked down shyly and rubbed the back of his head, just like Isaac had taught him to. The lesson was to use your age to your advantage. Girls loved that cute shit. 
“Aww, Liam you’re so cute! And I’m sure she thought so too.” 
“You think so? That’s good. I’m kinda into older girls.” Liam bowed his head again and smiled, and Isaac would’ve been proud of how well he’d taught him, if only you weren’t on the receiving end of his little performance. 
Thankfully, it didn’t seem to be working. You hummed casually in response. “Hm, I know what you mean. My philosophy professor last semester was so hot. She was maybe in her late 30s, and I still have no clue what she went on and on about, but it was my favorite lecture of the day.” 
Isaac inwardly grinned at the way Liam’s accomplished smile faded at your unaffected response. 
Theo snorted. “You had a crush on your female professor?” he drawled. “That’s kinda hot.” 
“Is it? It’s not really that big of a deal. Haven’t you ever found any of your male professors attractive? I feel like the place is swarming with hot male professors.” 
Theo looked at you in amusement, with a twinkle in his eyes that Isaac was all too familiar with. It was clear now Theo had his sights set on you, and usually when that happened, Theo got exactly what he wanted. “Can’t say I’ve had time to think about the men around here. I’ve been a bit too distracted with the girls.” 
When Liam flirted with you, Isaac could manage his jealousy, since the kid was still mostly innocent, all talk and no real game. With Theo, all bets were off. He didn’t have an innocent bone in his body and he wasn’t afraid to let girls know, and they were always very happy to know. Isaac knew he himself had strayed far from purity a long time ago, but Theo was something else. Isaac preferred you choose anyone over Theo, maybe even Scott, who was Isaac’s closest friend, if it meant you would stay away from Theo. 
“So, I’m curious,” Theo continued. “How exactly do you know Isaac?” 
Isaac noticed the way your eyes widened the tiniest bit. “Oh, uh, we um, have a class together,” you said. Isaac could hear the nervous wobble in your voice as you spoke, and his lip curled up in amusement at the realization that you were nervous because you were thinking about him.
author’s note: i came across a google doc of a draft i wrote 3 years ago. a continuation of a fratboy!isaac fic that made people feel some kinda way. the fic, along with all my other fics, got zapped when my old blog got terminated. but since i found the draft and remembered how many requests i got for a part 2, here it is (kinda). 3 years later. i’m sorry. 
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frozensriracha · 4 years
💙🖤Fluffy Eyeless Jack Headcanons🖤💙
he’s 6’8, built like a greek god, and could bench press you
also the most well-kept of the male pastas
showers every day, brushes and flosses his teeth 2-3 times a day (likely due to the others’ complaints about kidney breath,) wears deodorant, and does his laundry on the regular
one of slender’s secret favorites without trying
he can play the acoustic guitar! he first learned late in high school to impress a girl, and later joined a band with a couple of his buddies. he’s memorized where the strings and tuning pegs are and still knows a couple of songs, and sometimes he’ll play a song for the pastas
ej, jane, hoodie, and masky are workout buddies! sometimes they go for a run or hike in slender forest together and they occasionally pack a lunch and eat together
in school, he was that one kid everyone asked to copy the homework of
because he’s a good influence, he just helped them with it, maybe let his buds copy a problem or two they were really stuck on
however, if he really hated a person and they asked him to copy his homework, he’d get an extra copy of the work from the teacher, fill it out all wrong, and let them copy that one while his real homework was safely tucked away in his backpack
he’s not very proud of it but at the same time he has no regrets
you guys,,, ej is a big softie for dogs
not only has he joined masky in convincing slender to get some proxy attack dogs to baby and call good boys/girls, but he discovered a female hellhound and started feeding her. he named her artemis, and she’s good friends with seedeater
she recently had a litter of 4 or so puppies, and he helped deliver them, and sally got to name them
on that note, he is very sweet to sally, will 100% scare the pastas into coming to her tea party and wear a tutu for her (and maybe brimg cookies)
he’s not one for pranks and stupidity, but he is passive-aggressive as fuck
once, one of ej’s victims had prepared a lovely rare steak with roasted veggies and buttery dinner rolls, and having not had a home cooked meal in a long time (and living off kidneys, ramen, and black coffee,) ej helped himself and brought the rest home hoping to have it for lunch the next day. well, he’d made the mistake of putting it in the communal fridge and jeff ate it all. come christmastime, ej got jeff for secret santa, and so he made a rare steak, roasted veggies, and buttery dinner rolls and put it in jeff’s stocking since he clearly loves it so much.
moral of the story: don’t touch a broke young adult’s leftovers. we will fuck. you. up.
yes yes ik i’m technically 2 1/2 months away from adulthood but still don’t mess with my leftovers >:((
likes horror, sci-fi, and sometimes mystery novels along with nonfiction books (usually about biology but sometimes cody recommends a good chemistry journal) and has a large collection of them in braille and a lot of audiobooks downloaded onto his phone
he also listens to podcasts, his favorites are ologies and welcome to night vale (both fantastic, check them out!)
he and cody are science buddies, sometimes they conduct experiments together
loves heat, HATES the cold, if slender has a fire in the fireplace he spreads out in front of the fire and will not move until some of the pastas pluck up the courage to move him.
he has three tongues, one main one and two longer, thinner side ones, both of which are bifurcated like a snake’s. the main one is pierced, and he once tried to pierce the others so they matched. it didn’t end great, but it could have ended much worse.
the mom friend and voice of reason among the pastas, usually the designated driver if they go out together
that being said, he does have a rather,,,, feral side
once, toby came down for a glass of water in the middle of the night and he found ej devouring poptarts, wrapper and all. when he saw toby shining his flashlight on him, he hissed and flew up to the top of the fridge
they agreed never to talk about it
uses echolocation to hunt
ok, hot take: ej has a tail. it’s kind of like a cow’s tail, but it’s gray with a tuft of brown-auburn hair at the end and six and a half feet long
he also has pawlike hands and feet with claws, which he sometimes paints black
he can be summoned with “pspspspspspsps”
despite all the paranormal goings-on around him and being host to a demon, he remains stubbornly logical
he has tattoos on his chest and arms that look kind of like this:
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he makes nests! he has an ass-ton of blankets and pillows and a few stuffed animals that
if he’s comfy enough with someone, he’ll invite them into his nest and snuggle them ^_^
but only if they’re okay with it because CONSENT IS FUCKING IMPORTANT
he has a few demon host friends in hell that he visits via the hell portal near slender mansion (see slenderman general headcanons +mansion au headcanons to see what i’m talking about), they’ve all bonded over their demons’ mutual bullshit
and speaking of his demon’s bullshit, there’s a rather,,,,,,,,,, interesting crackship i have involving chernabog
you see, the nightwraith is also possessed by a demon: the heart of darkness. after a weird ass roleplay with someone some years ago, i started shipping the two demons. ej and nighty, however, are not together in my canon, and they don’t really appreciate it when their demons make out with each other and they’re both standing there awkwardly like 5 feet away
they’ve tried to break up their demons before, but they’ve not been successful so they’ve stopped trying and just kinda sit there and play go fish or smth while cherna and the heart smooch
god i could go on about that ship but that’s a post for another day
i could also go on about ej but i probably shouldn’t please stop me i’m procrastinating again
or don’t. ej’s amazing
@hell-isnt-that-hot @blue-mask-boii COME GET YALL JUICE >:))
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evendeadlmthehero · 5 years
The Five Year Promise: The Aftermath (7/10)
Summary: Y/N Stark, a 20 year old, makes a promise with Peter, a 16 year old, that if five years pass, and they still haven’t found love, they’d go on their first date. Then the snap happens. Y/N is gone. Peter isn’t.
Warning: angst, mentions of drugs and alcohol, NSFW, swearing
A/N: this is my interpretation of how Peter will be if this had happened to him. Also, I hope you guys like this shitty edit I did of 2023 Peter 😂😂😂
The Five Year Promise Masterlist
During Avengers: Endgame (2023)
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Five Years Later
Peter heard nothing but murmurs in Spanish and the sound of money being counted. He stood up in the roof and watched from the window, listening in with his Spider-Hearing. The night was humid, and Peter almost regretted wearing the Black coat around his noir suit.
He wore a beanie over his head with two holes near where his eyes were and a hat on top. His beard prickled against the material of the beanie. He watched as someone rolled in with a carriage filled with what he assumed was cocaine.
‘They don’t deserve to live,’ Peter thought, as he watched the men laugh, smoking illicit substances. He looked around to see if anyone else was around. When he made sure the coast was clear, he webbed himself over to the men, who got up from the sudden sound.
The men looked over to Peter, their face filling up with fear. They knew him. They heard the rumours. The man who killed others without mercy. The ‘Baba Yaga’ they called him, the man who came out of the night to kill. The man who donned a black coat and a hat. They all knew him too well.
The men then shakingly pulled out their gun ready to shoot him before Peter webbed them up. They were now stuck on the wall, fearing for their life. One of the men even let out a tear as Peter chuckled at them, taking a gun out from underneath his coat.
“P-please. I- I do this for them- the drugs- it’s- money has been hard lately-“ one of the man stuttered as Peter twirled the gun around his fingers, circling around the men as he watched them beg for their life. “Please, no, I have a family and a lover.”
Peter stalked over to them slowly, like a lion and its prey. The man begun shaking violently as the infamous man he had heard about walked over to him, pointing to cool metal towards his head. Peter had tilted his head, as he spoke the next words menacingly.
“So did I.”
Multiple bangs were heard before all the bodies of men hung from the web. The web was turning red as blood seeped from their bodies and towards Peter’s feet. He then wiped the gun with the pocket square in his coat before chucking it near the men’s feet. Lifting up the collar of his coat, Peter walked out of the cartel and into the streets of Mexico, deseperate to find a bar and drink himself to oblivion.
He takes off his mask and buttons up his coat to hide his suit, before lighting up a cigarette and placing it between his lips. Walking inside the bar, he orders 3 pints of beer, drinking it like it was water. Peter liked the way it tasted. How it made him feel. How it made him forget everything. He would be lying if he said he didn’t have a drinking problem. How could he not? Five years ago, he had lost everything. He then looked over at the watch you had given him.
2 hours, 32 mins and 5 secs.
He let out a scoff, before drinking another pint of beer, the bartender looking at him like he was crazy. Peter thought he used to be so naive, so naive to think you guys would actually go on a date. But now, he wasn’t naive. He knew how harsh the world was. And in a harsh world, you have to stand your ground.
Peter looks around until he spots a girl who smirks at him and gives him a little wave before giggling. He had noticed how she had the same colour hair as you, same colour eyes. She looked somewhat like you. But you were unique, you were too beautiful to have a doppelgänger. But the girl looked like a cousin maybe.
Peter smirked, and took another swig of the beer before placing it down. He then gave the bartender the money before walking over to the girl. He then threw his cigarette on the floor, stepping on it before nodding to the girl to follow him.
This happened everyday for Peter. It was an endless cycle. You were gone, May was gone, Ned was gone and he had cut ties with all the Avengers, including Tony who had desperately tried to stay in contact with him.
Everyday, Peter would go out murdering people who he thought didn’t deserve to live. Who he thought were villains and deserved to die in the decimation. Then he went up to the bar, drank till he saw the stars, then took the girl that resembled you the most to a motel.
The girl giggled as Peter walked her up the stairs of the motel. Peter was emotionless, as he pushed her against the wall, kissing her with no remorse. He then picked her up and chucked her on the bed before he sat down on the chair near the bed, unbuckling his pants.
“Suck,” he commanded in his now gruff and deep voice. The girl giggles, crawling over to him and placing her mouth around his member. Peter sharply inhaled as he held her hair into a ponytail, watching her go down on him.
She was teasing him, and that frustrated the man. So he grabbed her head and forced her down his cock, making her gag. The girl obliged and continued moving up and down his member. Before he could cum, he moved her head to the side and chucked her onto the bed.
He placed a condom on whilst the girl let out a cringey giggle, making Peter frustrated at her supposedly ‘dumb girl’ persona. “Shut the fuck up and be quiet.”
The girl went quiet but still smiled, looking like she was having the time of her life. Peter pushed her back before he thrusted into the girl with all his power, making the girl scream. Peter kept going, too drunk to think about anything. He looked over to the girl and for a secound he saw you. He saw your eyes looking back at him.
“Y/N,” he moaned, too drunk to care or understand what was going on. The girl also didn’t respond to the name, enjoying it too much to let him stop. He then looked over to his watch.
24 minutes and 43 secound.
After all was done, he kicked the girl out, not bothering to find out her name. He then grabbed a bottle a beer from the fridge and opened it. He looked around the dump that was his motel for the night and sighed, lying back on his bed.
Peter had given up on school, on university and on the ‘simple life’. He didn’t want neither of that. Because if you or Ned didn’t get to experience that, why should he?
He then looked at his watch that ticked away slowly on his wrist. One that you gave him and he couldn’t find himself to throw away.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
The watch beeped. Peter stared at it, his jaw clenched. The sound from the watch was like a little taunt, like it was reminding him of what could’ve been. He bit his bottom lip before picking up the bottle of beer and chucking it against the wall as it shattered against the wall. He then picked up the chair, also chucking it against the wall and breaking in half.
“Fuck!” Peter yelled, punching the wall with his fist. His knuckles bled but he kept going. “I was fucking close! I was so fucking close!”
Peter put his hands on his hips, looking at the mess he created around him, the numerous bottles of beers around him, the knives and guns he had bought and a random female’s bra near his bed.
“I was so fucking close,” Peter whispered, his tongue against the inside of his cheek as tiredness finally caught up to him.
Tony let out a sigh, standing in the middle of the lab that you used to work in. Today, it was supposed to be your 26th birthday. So every year, since you were gone, Tony would go in the lab and just look around. He had demanded the Avengers not to touch anything. To leave everything as it was the moment you guys left.
There was the birthday hat on the table from your 21st birthday. A bunch of multicoloured pens around left lying around the table. Everything was as you left it, not an speck out of place.
Tony walked over to the chair, scared to sit on it. He didn’t want to move it. He didn’t want to move anything. But it was time. Pepper told him it was time, as her and Morgan stood near the door watching him. Tony shook his head before sitting on the chair. “Come here Morgan.”
Morgan ran over to him, sitting on his lap. Tony then proceeded to play with her hair, brushing his fingers along it. “This is where your big sister used to sit and make cool things.”
“When do I get to meet her daddy?” Morgan pleaded for maybe to thousandth time these couple of years, desperate to meet her older sister that her father wouldn’t stop talking about.
“She- she’s busy right now,” Tony’s face faltered for a secound, his eyes meeting Pepper’s. She gave him an encouraging smile, telling him that he was doing well. Because for the past five years, Tony had it hard. But thankfully for him, he had Pepper. She helped him see a psychiatrist. She helped him out of bed and eat food. Made him find a purpose again.
“Okay,” Morgan spoke, her head falling in disappointment. She then looked over the table, opening a draw from a table.
“Morgan no!” Tony yelled at her, not wanting her to open or move anything. He got Morgan off her lap, who ran to her mother, crying. “You can’t just touch things that aren’t yours, okay!”
Tony was livid, but stopped when he heard the sniffles of Morgan who was clinging on to the legs of her mother. Pepper gave Tony a smile before moving down to Morgan. “Hey Morg, how about we give Daddy some alone time yeah? He’s just cranky because someone ate the last Poptart.”
“W’okay,” Morgan mumbled as her bottom lip trembled, following her mother out of the room. Tony then sighed, angry at himself for making her upset, playing with the necklace that contained your ashes. He brushed his hair back before his eyes met the eyes of a red-headed women.
“Hey,” Natasha spoke, walking around before sitting on the table where you used to work, careful not to move anything. Tony nodded at her, biting the inside of his cheek. “How are you doing?”
“Well shit, but everyone keeps telling me to move on, that it’s been five years so,” Tony trailed off, not meeting Romanoff’s eyes. “So I came here, deciding its time to you know, open things up and actually put this room to use- but I guess I can’t do that yet.”
“No one’s telling you to move on Tony. You lost your daughter. Truth is, you will never move on,” Natasha spoke, carefully watching her friend of now 13 years let out a tear. She had never seen her friend cry, so this was new to her. “I don’t think I’ll ever move on either. But Tony, Y/N would have wanted us to go on with our lives, put it to good use, even if it’s small stuff like using this room again. Because if we don’t make good use of our lives, then Thanos should’ve killed all of us.”
Tony sniffed, quickly wiping his eye before other tears fell down. “Every time I look at Morgan, I see Y/N staring back at me. And every time Morgan speaks, I feel like it’s Y/N talking back at me. Like when Morgan tells me she loves me, it’s like Y/N is out there, saying those words. I-I just wish Y/N would have met her.”
“Yeah, me too,” Natasha nodded, grabbing his hand. Tony’s eyes wandered around the room before looking at the draw that Morgan opened, his eyes squinting. His hand moved away from Natasha’s as he moved closer to a paper that had your writing in their, grabbing it to read it.
He read the calculations that you had drew, standing up from his seat. Natasha also stood up, now curious. “What’s wrong?”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, look alive,” Tony spoke, as a holographic computer came out. He then started playing around, adding numbers and equations, trying to figure out what you had written.
“Tony, what’s going on?” Natasha had asked, as she watched a concentrated Tony typing away rapidly on the screen, before the screen said ‘loading’.
“Y/N was trying to figure out why her suit healed her. It was pure accident, happened out of the blue when she was messing around with Quantum and nanotech, b-but this equation- I think she was testing to see if her suit was-“ he stopped when the words ‘SUCCESS” appeared. Tony fell back in his seat as his hand covered his mouth. His whole body was shaking as his heart started beating rapidly. “She- she didn’t know.“
He went quiet, unable to speak. Natasha shook her head, unable to understand what the equation was and why there was a circular-shaped machine now displayed on the screen. “She didn’t know what Tony?”
“That she discovered time travel.”
Peter washed the blood from his hands, the water turning a light pink before going down the sink. He turned off the tap, shaking his hands before drying them with a towel. He then took his suit off, chucking them in the washer. He then looked at himself in the mirror, the various tattoos and scars scattered around his body. His whole left and right arm was covered and so was his chest.
Peter wasn’t the scrawny kid he used to believe he was. No. He had bulked up completely. His whole appearance had changed too. He didn’t even shave his beared, leaving it to grow for a month or two before giving it a trim.
He sighed, walking over to the fridge of his new Motel in Cuba and grabbing a beer from the fridge, ready to drink himself to unconsciousness again. He had a tough day and needed to unwind.
Peter had taken down a sex trafficking ring here in Cuba, slaughtering all the men who were involved. One of them had been harder to kill, as he was enhanced. Turned out they were prepared, just in case the Baba Yaga came around just like he did to all criminals. He had received a few cuts and bruises but eventually had stabbed him multiple times, getting blood on his hands, clothes and even droplets near his face.
He cracked open the beer, ready to drink it before his hairs in his arm stood up, telling him someone was in the room. He put down the drink quietly, his hands moving slowly to grab the gun that he hid under the coffee table.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” He heard a familiar voice speak. He let out a scoff, shaking his head as his hand fell away from the gun and instead reached the now lukewarm beer on his coffee table.
“After five fucking years, the great Tony Stark decides to pay me a visit.”
“You didn’t make it easy,” Tony spoke, walking over to sit on the couch in front of him. It was now that Peter realised Tony had aged, white hairs prominent in his beard and and hair. Tony too was taken back by Peter’s new appearance. He almost didn’t recognise him. “You never answered my calls, emails-“
“Let’s cut the bullshit Tony, if you’d actually wanted to find me you would’ve done it ages ago,” Peter spat out, chugging the beer in one go. He then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“So I guess you’re not calling ‘Mr Stark’ anymore. Does that mean I don’t call you Spider-Man anymore, oh great Baba Yaga,” Tony replied back, as Peter’s face faltered for a secound before going back to his emotionless facade. “Yeah, didn’t think I’d know about that did you? Going around, killing people Pete that’s not you, you can’t just decide who lives or not.”
“He did,” Peter spoke back, rage in his eyes as he thought about the Titan. “He took away my Aunt, my best friend and the one girl I fell in love with.”
Tony’s face dropped when he heard that both his Aunt and best friend were gone. He didn’t know. “Peter, why didn’t you tell me?”
“It doesn’t matter now does it,” Peter spoke, clasping his hands together as he moved forward. “I did what I did to get through life and you did what you did. You’re free to leave if you have cleared your conscious by checking up on after all this time. Want to donate to me too? Since you do that to all your worries in life?”
“Peter you need help. You can’t just be murdering people who you think deserve to die and drink yourself to oblivion,” Tony urged him, trying to speak some sense into him. He then saw a female’s underwear near his bed, shaking his head at him. “And sleep with god knows how many women. Peter just- just come with us. We can get you help.”
“No, you can’t do that now. You’re late. Five years too late. I’m not the same Peter you think I am,” Peter spat out, before standing up and pointing towards the door. “Now if you’re done pretending to care, I really do strongly advise you leave.”
“Peter, there is one more thing I need to tell you,” Tony spoke, letting out a sigh as his face turned into one of seriousness. “But you need to sit down for this.”
Peter let out a scoff, before sitting down on the couch. He then looked at Tony like if this wasn’t important, that he was ready to kick him out.
“Y/N the suit she created, she thought it was a regenerating suit,” Tony begun, shaking his head as he stood up. Peter’s face scrunched up in anger and anguish at the mention of your name. “But that’s thing! It wasn’t!”
“Are you seriously here to talk to me about fucking suits?”
“No! Listen!” Tony interrupted him, as he paced around the room, waving his arms around. “It wasn’t a regeneration suit! I mean- it kinda was but that’s not the point! The suit didn’t heal wounds, it took it back in time to the point when she first put on the suit when she wasn’t wounded! She- she wrote this equation but before she tested it out, she was gone!”
“What are you talking about Tony?” Peter spoke, now too standing up. Tony was talking too fast and too much that it all sounded like a blur in his head.
“It means Y/N discovered Time Travel unintentionally,” Tony spoke, breathing in and out heavily from walking around the room too much. “And I didn’t know what to do until Scott Lang brought Pym Particles. Pete- it means we can travel back in time, before Thanos had the stones. Before he destroyed them. We can get everyone back Pete.”
Peter stood their in shock, not knowing what to do. He then let out a sigh, trying to hold back tears from welling in his eyes. He had been trying to forget what had happened, he had no hope left. And now Tony came in her and told him they had a chance. “Get out.”
“I said get the fuck out!” Peter yelled furiously, his whole body shaking. Tony stood still, not moving an inch. He wasn’t going to leave Peter alone again, not this time.
“Peter, I know this is a tough subject for you,” Tony begun, slowly walking over to the Parker boy. “It’s a tough subject for me as well. I lost a daughter and I also lost you. But we owe it to everyone to try. Even if it’s now or in the next ten years, if there’s a little glimmer of chance, we have to take it. For Ned, May and especially for her.”
“You can’t do this. You can’t- you can’t just come here after five fucking years and tell me you’re gonna solve things! That everything is alright!” Peter spoke, his hands still shaking from the subject of the great titan. “You guys did that last time. You tried to kill him and it didn’t do anything because he had already got rid of the stones. Please- just leave me alone.”
“No,” Tony shook his head, looking Peter directly in the eyes. “I did that five years ago and look what happened to you. I’m not doing that again.”
Peter shook his head as he clenched his fists. Tony had wanted him to come back and fight, but he wasn’t the same person as he was before. “You don’t need me to do this.”
“What makes you think we don’t?”
“I’ve changed,” Peter mumbled, sitting back on his couch and playing with his hand, a habit he had when he was nervous or guilty. “I’ve killed. I use women. I’m an alcoholic, a smoker- fuck Tony sometimes I even use the drugs from the drug dealers that I kill.”
“Peter, you’re not the only one that’s changed,” Tony spoke, walking over to sit next to the Parker kid. “Thor has a drinking problem too. Clint, he was out murdering people who he thought didn’t deserve to live. I had a drinking problem too when my parents died. And I would’ve had a drinking problem if Pepper was around. No one judges you Pete. We’ve all done things we regret.”
“Even if we want to bring everyone back,” Peter looked down on the floor, shame for what he has become slowly creeping up at the mention of you and the face of his old mentor right in front of him. He didn’t realise what he had done was wrong until the past caught up to him. “She- she wouldn’t want me back. She told me to live my life, to find love and to look after you. She made me promise her. I’ve let her down. No one would look at me the same.”
“You had to do what you’ve done to get by. She’d understand,” Tony spoke, walking over to sit next to him on the couch. “Now we have to do what we got to do to bring them back. So are you in or not?”
Peter looked at Tony, at his old mentor, his once father figure. He then thought about you, his aunt and Ned. He’d do anything to get you guys back, even if it meant dying. It didn’t matter if you wouldn’t want him anymore because of what he’s become. Because he just wanted to hear your voice again. See you again.
“I’m in.”
It was night time at the Stark Cabin. Peter and Tony stood in the lab, as Tony was playing with the computer. He was looking at all the suits he had made for Peter, before coming across the Iron-Spider suit. He then pressed start, making nanoparticles move before forming the suit.
When it had been completed, Tony picked it up and handed it over to Peter. He gently picked it up, a weird feeling consuming his body. He hadn’t been Spider-Man for almost 4 years now. He had gone as Baba Yaga, wearing a black suit. It had been a while since he wore a red and blue suit.
“I don’t know about this,” Peter spoke, as he tried to put on the ironsuit. It moulded in his body, nanotech surrounding his body. He forgot the feeling of the cool metal, always used to the fabrics of cotton and leather of his noir suit that he’d been wearing for eternity.
Looking at himself in the mirror, Peter held his breath as flashbacks started to play in his mind. He gulped, seeing flashes of planet Titan, you and that eventful day.
“It hurts so much,” you sobbed as Peter held you before you fell on the floor. He watched as dust particles formed and reformed on your hands. It was like life was continuously being ripped and reformed from your body.
Peter wasn’t listening to what you were saying when you spoke to your father. He was only thinking about you. How he promised he wouldn’t let you die, but there you were, dying in his arms again. Then you had whispered his name and all his attention had been on you.
He remembered pleading you, no, begging you not to turn off your suit. That it was the only thing giving you life. But you were in too much pain. And it was only getting worse and worse. So, you told F.R.I.D.A.Y to turn it off and Peter had to watch your body collapse like a horror movie.
Peter shook his head, trying to get rid of the images in his head. He started breathing in and out heavily, his face getting hot and his heart beating rapidly. He looked at Tony whilst grabbing his own chest. “I-I can’t do this. I can’t, I’m sorry.”
“Peter, you can, okay?” Tony spoke, walking over to him, before grabbing his shoulder. “You just need to take a breath and remind yourself about what you’re doing and why.”
“I can’t okay! I was slowly moving on and then you put this suit on me and I saw her face staring right back at me!” Peter yelled, clenching his jaw before scratching his beard. “It was a mistake, I shouldn’t have come here.”
“But you did!” Tony replied back, as he put down the pencil he’d been using to tap on the holographic computer. “It means you want to do it. You want to bring everyone back.”
“I can’t if I’m going to have a panic attack every time I put on this suit-“
“Daddy!” A scream interrupted him as a girl ran towards Tony and hugged his legs. Tony then looked away from Peter, bringing his attention to his daughter. “Mommy told me to say goodnight.”
Peter started at her, unable to believe that Tony had another child. What made it also more shocking is her resemblance to you. It was like a miniature you was walking around and for a minute there, he couldn’t breath properly. This had also managed to stop his panic attack.
“Goodnight pumpkin,” Tony spoke, picking her up to kiss her head. Morgan then faced Peter, looking at him curiously. She looked at the various tattoos that was sprawled around his neck but couldn’t see the rest that was covered by his suit. He also had a beard so Morgan knew he was ‘old’.
“Daddy who’s that?”
Peter kept looking at her, unable to get his eyes off her. Her eyes had eyelashes that gave her a cat eye look, just like you had. She had also the same dimples and nose. The only difference was the fact that Morgan had Tony’s coloured eyes, which you didn’t, you got from your mother. “She- she looks like Y/N.”
Tony stayed quiet, knowing this had sparked something in Peter. Maybe all Peter needed was a reminder, a little kickstart, to get his head back in the game. Sure, five years was hell for Peter. But if there was something that was consistent about Peter no matter what happened in his life, it was his consistent urgency to fight.
“You know Y/N!” Morgan jumped out of her father’s grip and ran over to Peter, looking up at him excitedly. “Is she here!”
Peter smiled at her, looking at Tony before giving him a nod, telling him he was ready. He was ready to get his Aunt, Ned and you back. He was ready to give life another go. And if you didn’t give him a secound chance, it would be alright. As long you were back.
“She will be soon.”
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eeveedel · 4 years
I’m very early, but I hope this makes you smile!
Happy chubby friday :) based on off your chubby actor AU!
“I can’t believe they’re making you lose all of our hard work in the next 3 months. Louis, that’s 10 pounds a month” Harry yelled from the bathroom while he was shaving his face to a tired Louis who laid under the covers ready for bed.
“I know babe but, it is part of my job. I can’t help I got cast in a film where they want my old body over this one, no matter how much we like this one more.” The frown obvious in Louis’ voice as he pulled the covers up in the cold room. The air was always running in this damn house.
Harry emerged from the bathroom and hopped under the covers next to his boy, a hand immediately going to rub the older boys soft belly. “I’m gonna miss this….like a lot.” Harry pouted, leaning down to leave a few kisses on the top of Louis head.
“I know baby, but it won’t be gone forever I promise. I’m not looking forward to this either. Working out, eating less, eating healthy….” Louis rolled his eyes and sunk into the bed “not to mention I kind of like what my body looks like like this, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so happy with my body.” He frowned even further, thinking bad to his rail thin physique he fought excruciatingly hard to keep. Harry was lucky, his body naturally stay lean and he loved to work out.
“It’ll be okay baby boy, I hope you know I think you’re sexy every which way you come. Whether that’s soft bellied and cute or lean and tiny. I love you all the same.” Harry smiled to Louis’ blushing cheeks, kissing him Goodnight and wrapping his body around the younger boy.
A few weeks later and Louis was doing well with his new regimen, much to his own displeasure. Things went back to normal in the Styles- Tomlinson home, healthy food in every corner, early morning workouts together, and Louis weighing himself on his own in the bathroom with the door shut.
But Louis was itching for a return of excitement, kinky excitement. He longed for his belly to be filled and for Harry to take care of him and fuck him senseless. Lately everything had been very vanilla and Louis was bored out of his mind.
Stepping off the scale, Louis didn’t feel much proud to know he was 10 pounds down, meaning he was 20 pounds away from his “normal” weight. He sulked out of the bathroom and landed belly first on the bed.
“Hey sweetie, what’s going on.” Harry sat down next to him as he was pulling his socks on to get groceries.
“I’m hungry” Louis mumbled into the bed, his face still buried in the comforter.
“What was that?” Harry ran his fingers down Louis’ spine playfully.
“I said I’m hungry. I’m hungry and I’m so tired of this Harry.” Louis turned his head to the side and looked up at his boy.
“Oh sweetie I’m so sorry. I wish you didn’t have to do this so quickly or we could have some fun.” Harry was right, he didn’t have any time for fuck ups or accidental stuffings, the movie shoot being only 2 months away.
“Hmmf.” Louis huffed out and wrapped his body around Harry’s torso, clinging to him like a Koala.
It was 2 in the morning and Louis couldn’t do it anymore. He was starving and his belly wouldn’t stop rumbling, there was no way he could sleep like this.
Deciding he would just go downstairs and drink some juice to settle his tummy, he pulled himself out of Harry’s embrace, lifting the younger boys hands off his tummy to slip out of bed.
Louis made his was to the kitchen, tip toeing to avoid the cold tiles on his feet.
Sure, Louis had only planned on drinking some juice, but when he opened the fridge he found Harry had been busy at the grocery store.
Ice cream had returned to the freezer, along with half of a cheese cake in the fridge freshly made and covered.
Louis looked in the cupboards and found he had also went out and bought him some of his favorite snacks, chips, those mini chocolate chip cooks, poptarts, even a bag of candy.
At that moment, Louis wasn’t thinking of the movie he had to shoot in 2 months, he was too focused on the hungry awakening at the bottom of his belly.
About an hour later Harry had flopped over to Louis’ side of the bed and realized it wasn’t warm, and it was empty. Meaning Louis must’ve left to pee awhile ago - maybe he wasn’t feeling well.
Harry got up and slipped a sweater over himself, the house always cold, and took a peak in the bathroom to find the light off and the door open.
Moving silently down the hall, his feet padding lightly on the carpet of the staircase, Harry knew immediately where he was going to find Louis if the dim light of the night time kitchen lights was any signal.
Harry crept into the kitchen, and to his surprise found Louis rubbing his belly slumped on the floor against the kitchen island. An empty bag of chips and box of poptarts strewn around him on the floor, clearly Louis must’ve been hungry.
“Here baby, let me help.” Harry sat down next to a surprised Louis and placed his large hand on his boy’s bloated belly.
“What are you doing down here in the middle of the night not waking me up?” Harry teased with a smile on his face “I would’ve made you something if you were that hungry silly.” Harry kissed Louis’ temple, the older boys cheeks flushing.
“I didn’t….I came down here for juice, but it seems like some bitch filled our house with a few things that weren’t on the grocery list.” Louis giggled and then regretted it, his belly protesting with the sudden movement.
“I didn’t even eat that much but I feel absolutely stuffed Harry.” Louis whined, stifling a burp with his hand. “My belly feels so tight” Louis huffed and set his own hand on top of Harry’s on his belly.
“I can see that baby, your poor tummy.” Harry leaned down and kissed the tortured skin.
Louis hiccuped and stifled another burp, the air shifting around in his abdomen.
“Mmmm, hey baby….” Louis blushed. 2 months be damned.
“Mhm” Harry was still trailing kisses along tanned skin.
“Can we….I mean it wouldn’t hurt to do this once, right?” Louis flushed even further if it was possible. Even when he was purposefully gaining weight it was always Harry initiating.
Harry’s head shot up, eyes wide and dark. “You think you have room for more in there? You look pretty full honey.” Harry rubbed along Louis’ lower belly, and Louis could feel himself getting hard.
“…yes. Yes please.”
Harry was up in a second, grabbing the cake from the fridge, and a spoon from the cupboard.
“Normally I would tell you to stop, but this time you tell me okay? We haven’t done this in a while and I don’t want you to get sick.” Harry smiled, kissing Louis’ still puffy cheek.
Louis smiled happily and accepted the cake, it was rich and sweet and oh how he missed the taste of sugar these last few weeks.
“Mmmm Harry this is really good.” Louis set a hand on his belly and slowly started rubbing it.
They were about 3/4’s of the way through the cake when Louis has to push Harry’s hand away.
“Can’t, belly hurts.” Louis said while trying to sit comfortably, his belly needing more room. He couldn’t settle on a position to get comfortable.
“Oh my poor baby, your belly feels so tight.” Harry was pulling Louis up to drag him to the couch in the next room.
“Mmm….I missed this.” Louis said settling a hand on the crest of his bloated belly. His stomach really ached but it wasn’t unwelcomed. It was familiar, comfortable.
Louis laid down on the couch with Harry against his side, rubbing soft circles into his hard tummy. Louis was absolutely packed full of food, in a sugary happy daze.
Reaching a hand down to push his boxers further down his waist to get the unwanted pressure off his own belly, Louis huffed as his tried to sit up under the heavy weight.
“Here baby, I got it.” Harry sat up and rolled the elastic down, seeing the red marks the tight fabric had left. Harry immediately began sucks and kissing against the red marks, Louis absolutely mesmerized by the feeling.
“Harry that feels so good.” Louis slipped out, both his hands gripping the bottom of his belly, giving it a small squeeze.
“God I missed seeing you like this. My big boy, so full and happy. Your cute chubby cheeks graced with a red tint and your tummy all tight from good food. You deserve to be full and happy baby boy. I’m sorry you can’t be all the time right now.” Harry inched the elastic of the boxers lower, Louis’ belly happy to have more room to digest gave a happy few gurgles, Louis blushing madly to Harry’s sweet words.
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moonlightflower21 · 5 years
A/N: angsty story with Donnie! I'm not so sure how I feel about this one, so let me know XD I really you guys enjoy <3
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Part 2- X 
Part 3 - X 
Part 4- X
You sucked in a breath, heart thumping when you saw his arm on her shoulder leaning into her a little too close. You knew Donnie wasn't yours, wasn't yours to take nor to keep but you damn wish he was. You would always be second favourite, never being quite the first love in his heart. And it hurt so much because in your heart, Donnie was your number one.
You were there at a moments notice when he needed you to be, dropped everything when he came crying to you. But his heart belonged to someone else. And you had no right to take that away. April laughed when he kissed her cheek, leaning in his arms. His own little adorable chuckle came promptly after, filling your ears. He sounded so happy, so in love with another human that wasn't you.
You twirled the pen in your hand, leaning on the other hand drawing the initial of yours and his name together for fun. You knew you shouldn't, your feelings would only be hurt but it was so hard not to. You caught feelings for him when you met him that first night...
You took a simple walk to clear your head from all the chaos in your life, needing fresh air to fill your lungs when someone grabbed you from behind. You knew self defence and turned around swiftly, kicking the intruder in the groin and the eyes before running away. He was persistent coming after you, cornering you in an alley.
But still, no fear shown in your eyes. He was drunk, throwing punches that were so easily avoidable, you kicked him to the ground; swiping your legs underneath them hearing that satisfying thump of his body come into contact with the hard cement.
"Leave me the fuck alone" you seethed, leaning in real close to the dirtbag who nodded quickly before scurrying away some place else. You brushed yourself off, seeing a massive cut run from your knee to your shin and wincing when you applied some pressure to it. You heard hushed voices around you and your fingers curled into fists, ready to defend yourself again.
"Hey...uh miss. You're bleeding pretty bad over there" someone spoke, their body engulfed with the darkness.
"I know that sherlock, thanks" you replied back sarcastically, squinting your eyes to see if you could make out the figure. Whoever they were, was huge. And sort of muscular. They had an outer part protecting them, or so you had thought. Their body was adorned with tech gadgets, heading some whirr in the distance.
"Jeez, sorry then" He replied, hands raised in defence and you couldn't help but let a small chuckle fall past your lips leaning down on the floor to inspect your wound further. His voice was deep yet smooth, the type of voice to make your insides both melt and heat up if he were to ever call your name in a seductive way. Well, just talking normally his voice was so hot. Get a grip, Y/N
"Who are you? And why are you here?" You asked softly, looking back up hoping you could make something of this strange intruder.
"Me and my brothers.. we were... patrolling the city..." He seemed a little hesitant to say the sentence, eyeing you down carefully. You didn't look suspicious, more so curious.
"Patrolling? What, are you guys some sort of spies?" You laughed softly, an eyebrow raised. "Spies? No, no, we're protecting the city from.... well it's pretty complicated and you're supposed to remove any signs of debris from that wound. It looks pretty deep from here" he continued and you stared at your leg before looking back up.
"Well stranger, seeing as you're quite the professional in first aid, mind helping me?" You asked, trying to see his body. You knew you shouldn't really ask help from a stranger but something about this man oozed protection and a sense of safety.
"I-I don't think that's a good idea, I better head back my brothers might be-" "wait please! I-I just want to know who you are" you stood up ignoring the pain in your leg, trying to rush to him but he stepped back further.
"No it's best if you don't, I'm not who you think I might be" he continued, speaking fast from being so nervous. "What? Why??" You raised a brow, hands shooting out to hold something and he let out a small yelp when he felt your hands on his. "What are you doing??"
"Trying to see who you really are" you answered, nudging him into the light and when you saw him; his actual self, a gasp left your lungs. He was a goddamn human mutant turtle, a good fucking head taller than you.
"Oh my gosh..." You whispered, letting go of his hand. "Please don't freak out! This is bad, this is so so bad and if Leo finds out I'm so screwed" he began ranting to himself, pacing the floor when he saw your expression, expecting disgusted slur words to leave your lips. He looked down, preparing himself for yet another human to start screaming at him.
"Can you still bandage my leg?" You asked meekly, looking at him. He stared at you wide eyes, expecting anything else but that. "Bandage..uh sure.." He gulped, thinking there was some prank but that night, a beautiful friendship had formed. You were scared of his appearance but it grew on you, he grew on you. His dorky laugh, his excitement when he found the missing component to his project, his excitement when you bought him new poptarts, the side cuddly moment with him, everything was so perfect. Until April entered that picture.
You slumped on the desk, regretting why you had come here in the first place. He was clearly more interested in April, as always. Hearing him laugh and talk excitedly about his favourite band and experiments made your heart pound sadly. Why couldn't he see you? You couldn't take this lovey dovey display of emotion, so you stood up.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry I lost track of time and- where are you going?" He chuckled sheepishly, but then stopped when he saw your face.
"I'm going out, my friend can help with this" you faked a smile, packing your stuff back into your bag. "No no I can help, I promise no distractions" he nudged your arm softly, holding your hand back. You wanted to melt into his touch until you saw April enter again, bringing you back into this cold reality that he could never love you.
"No thanks, it's fine. I'm not feeling so good. Good night Donnie" you walked past him, ignoring him calling your name. You wanted to cry, to scream, why couldn't you be his love? Why weren't you enough?
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purplesurveys · 4 years
what is a food that you’d hate to be allergic to?: Omg SEAFOOD. Can’t live without it. If I was allergic to it I’d be that person who brings tons of antihistamines everywhere I go so I can power through when eating crabs and mussels and shrimp. I just can’t live a life of being forced to watch others eat seafood while I can’t lol.
what color was the last towel you used?: Light blue.
would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter, or the same height as you? Same height or a tad bit taller is fine; I’m not super particular when it comes to height.
when was the last time your nose bled? My nose has never bled before and I dread the day it happens for the first time, because I’m totally unprepared and blood freaks me out and I will highkey probably pass out for a bit hahaha.
how old are you turning this year?: I already turned 22 last April. Considering the circumstances, my birthday had surprisingly gone really well too.
what is your favorite thing to snack on while watching a movie?: French fries from Potato Corner. My go-to bucket size is Mega and I will typically request my order to be 1/2 barbecue and 1/2 cheese fries. I’ll feel super uneasy if I don’t have that exact order when watching a movie at the cinema.
swimming pool or hot tub?: So I had to look up hot tub because I wanted to know how it’s different from a jacuzzi, and holyyyyy crap I’ve learned something new - Jacuzzi is a brand of hot tubs, wtfreak my life has been a lie I thought it was a word!!! Hahaha in any case, I do prefer hot tubs more. I’ve always felt dirty hanging around in swimming pools.
can you swim well? I’m not able to perform any of the strokes like an Olympic athlete, but I can tread well and for a good amount of time.
what body part do you wash first in the shower?: Not really a part of the body per se but I’ve always washed my hair first.
who would you allow to read your thoughts for one day? No thanks, I find that too invasive. 
what kind of first impression do you think you make? Cold and a little aloof, which isn’t too far off from the truth especially if I’m not approached first. If someone does talk to me for the first time, it’ll depend on their body language whether I’ll choose to continue to be reserved, or if I’d want to be bubbly and vibrant around them.
name your last reason for using a camera? My dad honked his horn as he parked in the carport to let us know he was home, and my dog ran up the screen door and sat patiently to wait for him to come inside, his tail wagging the whole time.
where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed? Sometimes I’ll line up our dining chairs together so it can turn to some sort of bed, and I’ve been falling asleep on that often lately.
what are you excited about? To drink the rest of this milk tea my dad bought me :) He went out to run some errands and I guess he’s been hearing me talk about how I miss having milk tea, so he went out of his way to go to a Chatime and get drinks for me and my sister.
seven days from now, will you be in a relationship? Yes.
are you a happy person? My emotions are always all over the place. I’m never consistently in a certain mood.
when was the last time you laughed really hard & why? I was bored and missing normal life last night so I went through my uploaded photos on Twitter so I can see what I used to do before everything went downhill...and by doing that, I realized that I’m quite good at tweeting HAHAHA most of my captions made me laugh and my content/photos weren’t all that bland or bad either. Idk, this is one instance where I can confidently say that I’m funny hahaha.
what are you wearing? A UP shirt and a pair of shorts.
what do you want? For my college to post the official list of graduating students for this school year so that I can finally partake in the tradition of changing my Facebook DP to my senior photo. I REALLY love how my portrait turned out and I can’t wait for my loved ones to see it.
did you enjoy your weekend? It was okay I guess. My mom was annoyingly cranky throughout Saturday for no reason, but it mellowed out by the next day and that’s good enough for me. Other than that, it was just as uneventful as the last three months have been.
do you regret anything you’ve done recently? Just little stuff that I get over quickly like, “oh I regret making this coffee at 11 PM because it’s now 3 AM and I’m jumpy as fuck.” But no big regrets recently.
is there anybody you wish you could see? For fucking sure. I don’t even have to tell y’all who it is.
have you ever kissed anyone with a name that starts with j or m? Nope. I almost went out with an M, though.
how many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 2 3/4 lol. I trust Andrew 110%...and I mooooostly trust my dad. Not with every single topic under the sun, but I still trust him a whole lot nonetheless.
do you think you’ll be married in 10 years? I hope I will be by then.
what makes you mad most about girls? Definitely wanna avoid generalizing in this question but the way some girls will fawn over men is super hypocritical and that bugs me to no end. Girls shaming other girls for a range of things is also annoying, whether it’s over wearing too much makeup, not wearing makeup, choosing to abort, physical appearances, their diet, etc. Some really need to mind their own fucking business.
have you ever been given roses? Yes.
do you even like getting flowers? I love receiving stems or bouquets but I’m not obsessed with them in that I wanna get them regularly. Giving me flowers for Valentine’s Day or on our anniversary is more than enough for me.
what’s your favorite flowers? Peonies.
could you go out in public looking like you do now? No. I’d change my shorts.
who’s the first person you texted today? I haven’t texted anyone today.
would you move to another state to be with the person you loved? That’s a toughie...it would depend on the opportunities I have wherever I live in the present, and whether there are better ones where my partner is. I’m young and still building up my career, so realistically I’d wanna look out for myself first instead of clumsily jumping in headfirst for love lol.
how’s the weather today? It’s strangely warm and humid and uncomfortable, which is annoyinggggg. News has said that the wet/rainy season already begun, so I don’t know why the sun is still hanging around and being, again, annoying.
what color are your eyes? Really dark brown, almost black.
do you like poptarts? In my country we only get the same five flavors but my favorite out of all of them is chocolate fudge. I really wish we had a wider selection though :(
where will you be 12 hours frm now? Getting ready for bed most likely.
is it easy for others to make you feel intimidated? No. I’m usually the one who involuntarily makes others feel intimidated, oops.
do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow? Not exactly but it’s definitely gonna be one of the several tops and shorts I’ve just been repeatedly wearing at home since March.
are you on a desktop or laptop? Laptop. I haven’t used a desktop in ages.
does anyone hate you for no reason? I’m sure one or two people do, but I genuinely can’t care less.
what are you planning to do today? Finish my milk tea, maybe take another survey or two, eat the salted egg chips that my dad bought, and, if it cools down later in the day, take a quick nap.
play an instrument? I can play the recorder. I also memorize several songs on the piano, but the key word there is memorize lmao. I just know which keys to press due to watching covers over and over; but I can’t read notes, I don’t know which letters match which keys, have no idea what major and minor is, and I basically know absolutely nothing about using a piano.
would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Just to get closure from certain people or events. If I can go back in time I’d spend more time with my late grandpa, for one.
where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now? I’ve already forgotten.
have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with an r? No. I’m an R though, heh.
have you ever passed out? Yeah numerous times. I’m a big fainter, which just sounds so uncool lmfao.
are you easily confused? Yes I feel lost quite easily. I’m often the butt of my friends’ jokes because of this, but I don’t mind hahaha.
do you think you would make a good wife/husband? I like to think that I would be, but I dunno. I’m still insanely young and I know I’ll be a completely different person with different priorities, mindset, attitude, etc., by the time I get married. It’s too early to tell.
what’s your favorite kind of ice cream? Cookies and cream. Queso real is also a really good flavor and it was my favorite for some time before my taste shifted to cookies and cream.
do you like coffee? Love coffee.
do you like summer? I like it when I get to go to the beach or when my family books trips out of town or the country, but I reeeeeally could do without the hot and sticky weather. It’s definitely not my favorite period of the year.
where were you at 8am this morning? I was asleep for half of it, then by 8:30 I was up and scrolling through Facebook.
do you fall for people easily? No. That is one thing I can’t do as a demisexual haha.
everything happens for a reason? This is usually my mindset, yes. It helps me process and accept circumstances better and much more quickly.
have you ever dated someone more than once? Yup, Gab and I have broken up before.
who have you texted in the last 24 hours? No one. Not really big on texting these days as I’ve been using Messenger to contact people throughout the quarantine.
what color nail polish is on your toes? My toes are never painted.
do you find members of the preferred sex confusing? People of any gender have the potential to be confusing. < This.
what are you listening to right now? Right now all I can hear is the work being done for the new house that’s being constructed in front of ours, so I’ll hear the occasional shoveling of stones and trucks coming in and out of the construction zone. The last music I listened to was the Presto from Summer of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons because Portrait of a Lady on Fire always makes me feel things.
how has the week been? It hasn’t been horrible, I’ll give it that. I’ve been revisiting my old fandoms out of boredom but it’s turned out to be a lot of fun; my mom brought home cupcakes at the start of the week; I had milk tea today; and we just had Kimi groomed this afternoon so his fur is all gone and now he looks like a giant rat.
is there something you wish you could tell someone but can’t? I wish I could have respectful debates with my Duterte- and/or Trump-supporting relatives, but I know that’s impossible.
what are your biggest turn offs? People who: can only hold shallow conversations, are disrespectful to those in the service industry; are casually homophobic, racist, sexist, transphobic, and/or fatphobic; take their religion way too seriously; and neglect their pets.
favorite shirt to wear? My CM Punk Best in the World shirt, without a doubt. I’ve been wearing it semi-regularly for nine years and have absolutely no intention of throwing it out.
favorite drink? Depends on my mood and the occasion. If I’m studying I’d wanna have coffee with me, if I’m casually dining at a restaurant I’d be happy with iced water, etc.
last person to say ‘i love you’ to you? Gab.
would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yeah, but when that’s gonna happen again I still have no idea...
what’s your favorite color gummy bear? I always find myself reaching for the red ones.
what is the nicest part of the opposite sex’s body? I don’t consistently stare at a certain part of a guy’s body.
have you ever run into a dishwasher? No, those aren’t common here.
ever had a song sung about/for you? Nope.
is there a baby in the room with you right now? No, not technically. But I do consider my pets to be my babies. < Same. Kimi, now a giant rodent, is walking around the living room at the moment but he never strays too far from me.
where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other? CAAAAAAAAAR. This is a big reason why I miss driving, I haven’t been able to belt out in a while.
what is your favorite thing that is green? I don’t own a lot of green stuff since it’s my least favorite color...buuuuut I do have a printed flowy dress that I just love to wear, and it’s mostly olive green.
what did your last text message say? It’s an automated text from a vet clinic I went to last December telling me that I should bring Kimi back for a checkup. I appreciate the gesture but I’m not going back there after how condescending the vet was acting towards me.
what is the way to your heart? Acts of service has been my love language for the longest time.
what do you smell like? I smell nothing off of me now but I do know that I don’t smell unpleasant, because if I did I would’ve noticed it immediately and would feel more conscious.
what’s in your pocket? I don’t have any.
anything in your mouth? Not right now but I’ve been sipping milk tea with pearls all afternoon.
ever hurt yourself playing wii? Only after my first day of playing Wii Sports. It was like a workout for my tiny 10 year old body and I woke up all sore the next morning.
do you have freckles? No, not a common feature here.
what’s the last movie you saw in the theater? Knives Out.
ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on? Noooooooooo. I feel like that’s super uncomfortable; I’ve always entered pools with a swimsuit or bikini. My glare is usually enough for people to understand that I wouldn’t appreciate being thrown into a pool while I still had clothes on.
are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday? Technically. I took a shower in the evening and changed into the clothes I’m wearing now, but that was in the evening so it’s not like I wore them all day yesterday.
name a song that you know all the words to: Every single Paramore song. Guaranteed.
what’s the last thing you watched on tv? If we’re really going with a physical TV, the last thing I watched was Descendants of the Sun when I used the Netflix app on our TV. The last series I watched in general was Friends.
what can you hear right now? Two fans whirring in the living room.
did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday? I’m slightly better today. I’m glad Kimi has finally been groomed since his fur had knotted up in the last couple of weeks. Plus I also have milk tea today, and that’s always a winner :)))
are you close to your siblings? With my sister, but we treat each other like buddies and are more of the tough-love type. We banter more than anything and we don’t hold heart to heart talks.
do you bite your nails? No we have a nail cutter at home that I use. If I’m going through a period of heightened anxiety I will bite my nails though.
do you like your feet? Uh, I guess. I’m not complaining about them? but I’m also not attracted to feet. Mine are just there and I’m fine with them.
do you sleep well at night? For the most part.
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my-little-echo · 4 years
Labor: Part 2
Jesse was perfect, too. There wasn’t much he could do to help me cause I don’t like being touched or distracted when I’m in pain. I like focusing on the pain cause I feel like it hurts less that way, but he did good! I just needed him to be there with me, going through the same thing I was going through, and he did that :) the only time he wasn’t there for me was when he fell asleep for a little bit, but I didn’t wanna wake him. He needed rest, especially if he was going to take care of me and the baby later, and he’d been up as long as I had :( I had pain in my butt, too, from the contractions. The medicine did make my butt go numb after awhile, and that’s when I stopped having control over my body :( I never asked, and I’d hate to even think of what all the nurses had to clean up from me, but I just had no control :( at least I was able to feel myself push this time...
I think the next time I give birth I’m going to try to have The Office playing in the background, specifically starting with episode one. It might not work, since distractions sometimes make the pain worse, but The Office has always been my go-to for soothing myself, calming down, and feeling better. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it this time around, but I’m definitely going to try that the next time...
Another thing Jesse helped with was counting for me. When it came time to push, I had to hold my breath and push three times for ten seconds each, gasping for air in between, then relaxing and waiting for the next contraction. He was very helpful in counting. It meant I could just focus on him and not on counting on top of everything else I was having to focus on... He was also given the privilege of cutting the umbilical cord, like a true daddy :) I’m very happy for him<3 he cried a little during the birth. I missed that, but I’m so happy he was happy the entire time :) he doesn’t regret having a baby daughter at all! ^.^
By the way, I have a very strong pussy, apparently. They said I was very good at pushing. They could’ve been lying, but I believe I am since I get a lot of practice using those muscles during sex and going to the bathroom. Even if they were lying, I didn’t need any stitches again! Thank God! :) Also, when she was born, I did the skin to skin thing that I read about. It wasn’t too bad. It gave me a chance to bond with her right out of the womb. I haven’t done it since that first time, though. I don’t like the idea of skin to skin, and I don’t remember why it was important other than it, apparently, helps with breastfeeding :-/ which I decided not to do, by the way.
I also haven’t mentioned yet that I threw up during labor :-/ I hate that the nurses forced that on me! They didn’t even care! I told them I needed something to eat! We even brought a poptart! But I couldn’t get up to go get it, and Jesse says he never had time to go get it while the nurses were out of the room. They were out of the room long enough for me to throw  up! Fucking bastards! I don’t remember how long it took them to move us to a different room, but it felt nice not being in labor any more, getting to focus on eating, drinking, going to the bathroom by myself once I had feeling in my legs again, and getting to focus on when they were going to take all the tubes out of my fucking body -_- since Echo was born at noon (7lbs, 12oz.), we were able to order lunch. I got to relax and watch tv, too :)
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ahufflepuffhobbit · 4 years
@alienfuckeronmain tagged me in a super long list of questions to get to know me, which I’m THRILLED about! Since I don’t think many people will want to read through 49 things about me, I’m going to tag @jessiohhh, @armiteggio, and @watsonmoony up here, to do if you want! (Yes I’m tagging you all again, but still, no pressure!)
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? black pen all the way
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? I had to actually think about this because I have always loved cities so much. BUT. I think I like the idea of living in them more than I would actually like it. I definitely prefer the peacefulness of living in the country though, especially if it’s near a body of water. Could even just be a stream or pond.
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? Hmmmm. Most of the skills I want to learn wouldn’t be useful?!? Like, learning Elvish. I suppose it would be nice to actually learn to draw. OR GROW PLANTS.
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Coffee, yes, with creamer too. Tea is had black though.
5. What was your favourite book as a child? How are we defining child? Because like. Under 10 age, it was the book called The Witches and the Singing Mice by Jenny Nimmo about these two tom cats that save the children in a village from witches who put them in a coma like thing. I fucking loved it and yes, I still have it on my shelf. 
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? showers! I’ve never been a bath person. I don’t understand it. Showers are the ultimate for chilling out and winding down, and mine tend to last like thirty minutes or as long as we have hot water. 
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? I... have no fucking clue. Fairy?? (unless we’re including hobbit in mythical, which I think we should because that’s my choice)
8. Paper or electronic books? Paper. I’ve found that if I read published books electronically, I tend to not take it as seriously or judge it more harshly. Or maybe the books I’ve read electronically just sucked. IDK.
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? I stole a hoodie from my dad when I moved out. I’m pretty sure he’s had since the nineties. It’s just light blue and soooooo soft.
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? I used to not like my name (Robyn), but I’ve learned to love it and I wouldn’t want it to be something else. 
11. Who is a mentor to you? One of my professors, probably. I still check in him with once a year, despite not having him as a teacher in about seven years. He helped me understand the psychology field a lot better, and I felt more prepared becoming a therapist because of him. 
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no. If I get famous for anything, it will be for having a trademarked expression showing my displeasure.
13. Are you a restless sleeper? Yes, indeed. I’ve had insomnia for about fourteen years. It’s worse when I’m going through the PTSD season (roughly September-December), and the rest of the year I tend to move around a lot or talk in my sleep.
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? yesssss but I think other people would disagree
15. Which element best represents you? water!
16. Who do you want to be closer to? I have gotten better at pursuing friendships, and those things take time, so I’m not sure if there’s anyone in particular that I’m like, scared to approach.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? my parents, always. Living twelve hours away sucks balls.
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. Okay. I was once brought home by a police officer when I was nine for loitering at a pet store down the street. The employee (who had to be like seventeen or something) called the fucking cops instead of just talking to me. And then I panicked and tried to run, IMMEDIATELY got caught, and then tried to lie about where I lived. Needless to say, by the time the cop got me home, he was thoroughly unimpressed and was very rude to my dad as a result and apparently made some comment about him not being a fit father because he was covered with tattoos (???). (Also, I recognize that me getting away with this is peak privilege)
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? All of freshman year, a friend and I would combine our breakfasts/snacks in our English class. This typically was strawberry poptarts, cheetos, and pink lemonade. It’s actually really fucking good. Super bad for you.
20. What are you most thankful for? the support of my partner, even though I’m currently annoyed at him.
21. Do you like spicy food? Nooooo, I cannot handle it at all
22. Have you ever met someone famous? Yes! Mostly from Cons and stuff, the highlight of which was meeting Nicholas Brendan. 
23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? not usually, but I will write things down to help with processing them. After my grandma died and the subsequent family drama, there was a lot of ‘journaling’
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? Pen! Can’t stand pencils.
25. What is your star sign? Sagittarius
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? What kind of question is this? Who likes soggy cereal?
27. What would you want your legacy to be? That I tried my best, honestly. I don’t think about it much beyond that. 
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? i LOVE reading. I’ve fallen out of the habit since I went through college and haven’t been able to get back up to where I was. The last book I read all the way through would have been Hunchback of Notre Dame, which I actually thoroughly enjoyed! Currently I’m reading my way through the History of Middle Earth, which means jumping between seven different books to do chronologically.
29. How do you show someone you love them? my love language is quality time or physical touch, so spending time and lots of hugs! 
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? In lemonade or juice drinks, yes. Everything else no - especially not water
31. What are you afraid of? Oh, so many things. Top of the list is the loss of my family or cats. 
32. What is your favourite scent? Lavender, sandalwood, or the ocean
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? I don’t tend to address anyone by their name...
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I would honestly be home a lot more and not have a TBR pile consisting of over a hundred books. 
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? I don’t really have a preference! I love water and swimming, so any body of water works for me. I won’t, however, swim in a pool when I’m near an ocean. That just seems weird to me. 
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? Probably spend it, honestly. Buy a meal for myself or something a bit fun.
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? I think so?  
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? I am except from this question because that will not be happening! I do try to make sure my niece accepts herself for how she is and that she doesn’t have to BE anything to be loved
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? Well, I have tattoos already. And I have one planned for next month! I’m getting a Sweet Pea on my forearm for my grandma, because she always called me a sweet pea. Other than that, I have plans to the ring poem by tolkien around my ankle in the black speech.
40. What can you hear now? I can’t do anything without listening to music, which is currently Pirateship by Rumahoy, because @alienfuckeronmain has gotten me into metal like I’ve never been before
41. Where do you feel the safest? In my partner’s hugs
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? hating my body
43. Of you could travel back to any era, what would it be? I don’t want to chooooooose. All of them. All of them.
44. What is your most used emoji? the crying laughing face
45. Describe yourself using one word. Random!
46. What do you regret the most? Regrets.... I guess I regret not being closer to the side of the family that has always liked/supported me until I was an adult. I could have had so many more memories with them and been closer to those cousins! Instead of the ones that straight up abandoned me. Good times. 
47. Last movie you saw? King of Staten Island, actually. It was pretty good, but I felt like it ended too early
48. Last tv show you watched? It’s always New Girl, technically, because I fall asleep watching it. Other than that, probably John Oliver last week.
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. I don’t invent words. I do, however, invent a sign language of my own that involves gesticulating wildly while trying to convey my meaning. I have no way to describe these signs in text, unfortunately.
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gromvillage · 5 years
all even numbers. do it coward
oh for fuck’s sake let’s go bois
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
depends on my mood and the situation, i feel like i’ve been a lot quieter lately 
4. Are you easy to get along with?
i’d like to think so but i know that’s not completely true, i can be pretty stubborn about ideas i have in a group setting and always kinda take charge in situations
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
people who care about me and respect me, people who are adventurous, literally anyone that can pick me up/is willing to carry me
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
this guy i’m into right now but shouldn’t be cause he’ll probably never be into me lmao
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
ohhh i don’t remember. i feel like recently i haven’t really had any deep conversations with anyone sadly
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
ohhh really into the kids see ghosts album, a bunch of hobo johnson’s stuff, grrrls by aviva (this isn’t five songs but,,,,suck it)
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
not really
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
prolly not
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
don’t remember who my first crush was but i know i don’t talk to them anymore thank you, i had horrible taste when i was younger
20. Do you like your neighbors?
yeah!! most of them are pretty cool and i’m fairly close with them! there are a few that i’m not huge on but that’s life
22. Where would you like to travel?
oh all kinds of places. i want to go to antartica and the himalayas and the andes and the atacama desert and colorado and the sierras and all america’s national parks and tons of places in europe and mongolia and so many other places
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
at the end of the day i like decompressing in my room and i also really love my art classes!
26. What do you do when you wake up?
check my phone (sadly), watch the news for like ten minutes, shower, pack my lunch/make something for breakfast, go to school
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my close friends, though recently i’ve struggled a lot with my thoughts on my relationships with those around me
30. Do you ever want to get married?
it’s not a top priority but i think if i found the right person maybe
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
ohhh boi there are many options.....timothee chalamet, bella heathcote, cara delevingne, russel wilson, harry styles, anothony ramos, tons of mountain athletes
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
i don’t play sports per say but i do a lot of stuff outdoors!! hiking, backpacking, wakeboarding, skiing, that kinda stuff
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
oh hell yeah have you even met me i am constantly liking people and not telling them
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
ummm kind the same answer as 6 but like someone who would be goofy with me and go on adventures and listen to me ramble about random shit and not get mad with me when i struggle with my thoughts
40. What do you want to do after high school?
hopefully go to college out west (fuck the south) and then get a job doing something outdoorsy!!
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
i’m either tired, pissed, sad, feeling left out, or a mix of all of em
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
ohhh tough but prolly go with space, there’s so much that we don’t know and also i wanna be weightless 
46. What are you paranoid about?
oh lots of things, my parents finding out i’m gay, being abandoned by those close to me, ending up with everyone hating me, good stuff like that
48. Have you ever been drunk?
nope, not into that kinda stuff
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
maroon! i stay wearing that color
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
i think that i’m insecure about a lot of things and internalize that insecurity and let it stew, which is unhealthy and leaves me constantly questioning the world and people around me
54. Favourite store?
really any outdoor store 
56. Favourite colour?
pretty partial to red but i also like kind of a forest green
58. Last thing you ate?
seasoned oyster crackers, those dudes slap
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
i came in third at our friendsgiving cook-off this past weekend?? i made bacon poptarts and it was cool to place cause i was competing against all adults who are pretty good cooks
62. Been arrested? For what?
negative ghostrider
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
pretty sure it was this dude in like second grade on the playground, which is hella lame
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
the only real tumblr friends i have are people i know in real life so,,,,
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
tumblr, though i’ve thought about getting a twitter recently 
70. Names of your bestfriends?
wouldn’t you like to know weather boy
72. What colour are your towels?
i have some that are blue and some that are white
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
one usually, but two if it’s sad boi hour
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
oh i don’t know that i have any?? yeah don’t think i have any 
76. What colour is your underwear?
today it’s kinda that boring peach tan color
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
really love chocolate raspberry but i also love pretty much all tillamook ice cream flavors
80. What colour pants?
today they’re a dark khaki 
82. Favourite movie?
maybe bill and ted’s excellent adventure?? they’re just out living life and aren’t super stressed about school (other than the part where it’s the whole plot) and also really dig their clothes
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
haven’t seen either
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
crush maybe? he’s just doing his thing and i dig it. also his voice is sick
88. Last person you talked to today?
90. Name a person you love?
myself, sometimes
92. In a fight with someone?
at the moment no, though my brother and i argued a ton over thanksgiving break
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
ohhh lots probably close to like 10 or 15
96. Favourite actress?
don’t really have a favorite but  saoirse ronan is pretty cool
98. Do you tan a lot?
nah, i stay pretty pale throughout the summer though i do get nice freckles! 
100. How are you feeling?
tired and stressed at the moment, but aren’t we all
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
oh yeah there are quite a few things
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
there were a couple people i was close to in elementary and middle school i would like to reconnect with 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
only my own
108. What should you be doing?
hella homework and getting ready for my scout meeting
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
there have been a couple times,,,,
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my mom a couple weeks ago
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yep!! i have traveled the country quite a bit and was lucky enough to leave the country for the first time this summer!
116. Are you listening to music right now?
yeah, nirvana’s heart shaped box
118. Do you like Chinese food?
not hugely, i’d really like to try the authentic stuff though!
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
in some cases, mostly when i’m camping 
122. Is cheating ever okay?
negative ghostrider 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
how can you love someone you’ve never talked to?
126. Are you currently bored?
somewhat with my life, though there is so much i could do to try and improve it but i just don’t put in the effort and instead just complain 
128. Would you change your name?
not really?? i liked to think about other names i wanted as a kid (tori was a particularly embarrassing one) but i’m pretty happy with my name now
130. Do you like subway?
i have to admit yes, it slaps when you’re on a road trip and stop and get a sandwich and then find a park or overlook to eat it at
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
this is the same as number 10???
134. Can you count to one million?
i’m sure i could because i know how numbers work but i don’t think i would ever want to
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed bruh gotta keep the monsters out
138. Curly or Straight hair?
oh it’s so freaking straight it doesn’t hold a curl at all
140. Summer or Winter?
winter, cause i can go skiing and sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate and cuddle up with blankets and wear jackets all the time
142. Favourite month?
big fan of december, though i like most of fall and the beginning of spring
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
dark or milk, white chocolate is the work of the devil
146. Was today a good day?
ehhh not great, we been out here struggling with a lot of stuff 
148. What’s your favourite quote?
i don’t know that i have a favorite but i like “be excellent to each other” from bill and ted’s excellent adventure, “anyone can cook” from ratatouille, and “the idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders” from edward abbey
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
the book is my bullet journal and the first thing written on the page is monday from one of my weekly spreads, which isn’t a very exciting first line
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onewaywardwitch · 6 years
Just A Typo (2/?)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Hacker!Reader
Summary: It was a simple challenge between a very competitive group of friends. A challenge that ended very differently than anticipated.
Warnings: Just a bit of language
Word Count: 2140
A/N: Ahhh the feedback on part 1 was amazing! Thank you all so much! Here’s part 2!
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There are moments in your life when you know you’ve screwed up. Like when you decide to try the new Starbucks coffee, only to realise it’s as horrible as you predicted, and you’ve wasted €5. Or when you spend all night binge-watching some show on Netflix when you know you’ve got to get up early for work the next morning. Or when you agree to hack into one of the world’s best security systems to fuel your own ego and diminish your friend’s one. And while I've found myself in the first two situations many times, the third was a new one for me.
“I promise to visit you at least once a month when you get sent to Alcatraz,” Becca sang as she all but skipped into Angie’s apartment to join the rest of us. I laughed sarcastically.
“Sent to Alcatraz for hacking? Crime expectations must be low lately if they’re sending hackers there.”
“I’m sure Tony Stark has some pull in the government to get you put away there. You know, when you get caught,” she gloated. It was obvious she thought I was heading down the same route as Sophie. Her confidence only made me want to prove her wrong even more.
Angie ignored our seemingly never-ending banter and carried on setting up my laptop and other work necessities.
“I still don’t understand why you have to have a pack of Haribo with you every time you do something illegal,” she sighed, glaring at me as I stood with Becca.
“Well it’s just common sense, Angie. I can’t have chocolate, it’ll get all over my hands. Biscuits leave crumbs everywhere and hot chocolate is a recipe for disaster,” I replied, keeping my face as straight as I could.
“No, I don’t get why you need sweets at all!”
“That’s a stupid question. You always need sweets. We can’t all live off boiled vegetables and whole-grain everything.”
Angie just looked at Becca in defeat, who shrugged her shoulders.
“Hey, if I get the job done, who cares what I eat?” I strutted over to the table that had my laptop on it. Unfortunately, my confident walk did nothing to ease my nerves as my friends watched on eagerly.
“Becca, I swear to Thor if you breathe on my neck again, I’ll break yours,” I snapped. Becca and Angie shared a nervous glance while I typed furiously, the lines and lines of code beginning to make me dizzy.
“Y/N, you’ve proven your point. Your brilliant. A mastermind. A true gift to the hacking community. You can quit now, it’s alright.” Becca was beginning to regret ever provoking me when she saw how much more advanced Stark’s system was compared to the systems we would normally attack for a laugh.
I could sense Angie about to open her mouth when the screen suddenly went blank and the three of us froze where we were; Becca leaning over my shoulder, Angie holding her third cup of herbal tea, and me with jelly rings on each of my extremely tired fingers.
The screen flashed once, before several different boxes popped up. It took each of us about seven seconds to realise we were looking at the feed from the security cameras placed around Avengers Tower.
“Holy shit,” whispered Angie.
“I am the greatest and I’m completely unappreciated in my time,” I grinned, my eyes flickering from each small screen.
“Agh! Becs, inside voice please.” Becca refused to acknowledge my complaint. Her gaze was fixated on the image of the Natasha Romanoff eating what I guessed was-
“A poptart! I have those all the time, we’re practically soulmates!” Becca exclaimed.
As Angie tried to explain to Becca that her comment was only a bit unrealistic, I gazed at each of screens on my laptop. Who would have thought that the Falcon would be spending his day holding something shiny while running away from a very angry, one-armed Winter Soldier? Or that Hawkeye drinks milk straight from the carton and puts it back in the fridge when no one’s looking?
Just as Becca started to talk about the Black Widow’s hair (“I could never pull off the red like she does!”), the laptop flashed black, before more lines of code began popping up again.
“Oh shit, we’re busted. Angie, gummy bear, now,“ I demanded, quickly returning to my state of concentration (which was difficult after seeing Captain America lifting weights). Angie grabbed the bag and put one of the bears in my mouth, only for me to spit it out in disgust.
“Not a yellow one, a red! I'm not a monster,” I yelped before turning back to the task at hand. Nervously chewing on the nicest flavoured gummy bear, I attempted to keep up with Stark’s excellent security.
“Make sure you can’t be traced. Keep the IP address hidden and get out,” I heard Angie mutter behind me. After a couple of minutes, I felt myself relax, watching the screen change to my regular background of the Supernatural cast.
“We are out and I’m going to go down in history as the greatest hacker that ever existed.” I spun in my chair, grinning at the girls as my confidence rose again. “I just hacked into Avengers Tower, admired Captain America’s incredibly toned body for a bit, before successfully leaving without giving away my location or any way for them to trace me. How was that for you Becca?”
She looked at me, a small smile growing on her face. “I'm impressed, Y/N. Shame Sophie’s not here so you could gloat to her too, but that was pretty awesome.”
“I can’t believe you pulled that off,” Angie said admirably, her herbal tea long forgotten on the nearby countertop. I winked at her and held out the nearly empty bag of Haribos.
“Yellow gummy bear anyone?”
Tony Stark was busy doing nothing in his lab with Dr Banner when F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced that someone was hacking into their system.
“Well what are you waiting for F.R.I.D.A.Y.? Flush ‘em out. And get their location.”
“Sir, they’ve already broke down our firewalls and accessed our cameras.”
That caught Tony’s attention. He looked at Bruce confusedly before again telling F.R.I.D.A.Y. to get whoever it was out of their system using whatever means necessary. As the A.I. was occupied with that, he called all the Avengers to the briefing room.
“Barnes, if you could stop murdering Wilson with your eyes for just five minutes so we can start?”
Bucky turned and aimed his glare at Tony instead, still scowling that Sam had somehow managed to steal his arm for nearly half an hour. That man knew all the best hiding places in this tower.
Tony rolled his eyes and clapped his hands together, deciding to get straight to the point. “Nothing to worry about, but someone hacked into the tower and accessed all of the cameras. We don’t know who or why, but F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s nearly got a location, I think.”
The uproar was immediate.
“I thought your security was the best there is!”
“How long have they been watching us?”
“What else have they hacked into?”
Tony grimaced as all the voices overlapped and became louder. His embarrassment that some computer nerd cracked his online defences was obvious from the lack of his usual playful tone and he wasn’t in the mood for messing about now. He opened his mouth but before he could speak, F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice rang through the room, effectively shutting everyone up.
“Sir, I believe I have the location of the hacker. It appears they made a slight typing error when concealing their IP address.”
“A typo? Rookie mistake,” Sam mumbled.
“That ‘rookie’ managed to hack into all our cameras pretty quickly,” Bruce stated, looking at Sam pointedly.
“Okay, Cap, take your brooding boyfriend in the corner and bring in whoever it is. It's nowhere near any known HYDRA bases, so my guess? A group of boys hiding out in one of their mom’s basements. Shouldn’t be too difficult.” Steve nodded at Tony and made his way over to Bucky while everyone else left the room, still discussing the infiltrator who was able to beat the great Tony Stark.
Steve looked around the apartment in surprise. This was definitely not what they were expecting. The place was clean and lacked any personal touches. That is, if he weren’t including the many Funko Pop figures that were scattered seemingly at random throughout the apartment. He moved towards the laptop that was laying carelessly on the kitchen table.
“Just talked to the landlady,” Bucky said, gesturing towards the front door where a woman in her mid-fifties stood excitedly, trying to catch a glimpse of the great Captain America. Bucky waved his flesh hand at her, hoping she’d get the message to leave them alone. Fortunately for him, one of the neighbours came out and started complaining to her about the thin walls. That made her run off quickly.
“Apartment is owned by a woman in her late twenties, early thirties. She asked to be kept off the books, and your admirer back there had no problem with that because she always paid her rent on time and by cash.”
“Does she have any idea where she could be now?” Steve asked, closing over the front door again so they wouldn’t raise any suspicions.
“She said she left around three hours ago, hopefully to get some food. Her fridge is empty. Except for a tub of ice-cream,” Bucky snorted.
They both stopped talking when they heard the rustling of keys just outside the door. Bucky went to stand beside Steve, who was back beside the laptop. He placed a hand over the gun he always carried in his trousers as the door opened. But he felt himself relax a bit when he heard a familiar tune.
“Is that… Queen?” Steve whispered as the woman began humming to herself. Natasha had taken it upon herself to educate the two veterans on all the music they had missed out on in the past seventy years, including Queen, Michael Jackson, and Adele. This was one of the few songs they actually recognised.
The woman stumbled into the kitchen, struggling to carry all the shopping bags she had tried to carry up in one trip. Her headphones were blaring Bohemian Rhapsody loud enough for the two men to hear clearly. They shared a look of surprise as she still hadn’t noticed them standing a few feet behind her.
“But now I’ve gone and thrown it all away,” I sang quietly to myself as I restocked my fridge. I was still on a high from my incredible success with Becca and Angie only a few hours ago. We were going to celebrate with Angie’s cheap champagne, before Becca realised she was about two hours late for work. I left shortly after her to buy more ice-cream, which quickly turned into buying half the grocery store.
“Mama, oooo- OH WHAT THE FUCK!” My dramatic spin while singing didn’t end as well as I had planned. I wasn’t exactly prepared for the two super soldiers who stood by my table, watching me with humour. I tugged my headphones out of my ears and stared at them dumbstruck.
“Captain America… wow such an honour… you’re very… wow. And the Winter Barnes! Oh god, there’s a ‘soldier’ in there somewhere, isn’t there? Very, very… broad.” My voice died off towards the end as the word came out of my mouth too quickly for me to recognise them. The Captain’s eyes sparkled in amusement, while the Winter Soldier was looking at me with interest. He failed to see how this woman caused Stark so much concern.
Captain America opened his mouth to speak, but at that exact moment I coped why two Avengers were standing in my apartment.
“Oh, this is about the whole Avengers Tower thing, isn’t it? The camera, the hacking… I'm not evil! I wasn’t planning on accessing any confidential information and selling it! I don’t do that, I was just messing with friends, I swear!” Apparently, I had lost all control over my own mouth and I confessed to everything without either of the men saying a word. They glanced at each other before Captain Rogers turned back to me.
“You understand we need to bring you in anyway. We have questions you need answer back at the tower.”
I nodded nervously at the pair as they escorted me downstairs to where a car was waiting outside, the Soldier bringing my laptop with him.
“This explains why Nora was in such a good mood when I passed her on the stairs earlier,” I thought to myself. “She never smiles when I pay her my rent, but one visit from America’s golden boy has her skipping to her door!”
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sa1fisher-moved · 5 years
i wasnt tagged to do this but im bored
What was your last
Drink: red bull.. Last phone call: my dad Last text: my friend group server, but my last actual phone text thing is to my dad Last song you listened to:  some breaking benjamin song Last time you cried: like last week over some stupid nonsense Have you ever dated someone: i currently am Been cheated on: i dont know.. GHFDh before kenny, my relationships usually lasted like 2 days bc i never liked the guy Kissed someone and regretted it: i havent kissed anyone before (besides the time when i was like 6 years old . but thats just cringe kid stuff) Lost someone special: i guess so. im still really upset by one of my close friends leaving unexpectedly without a proper goodbye Been drunk and thrown up: no List three fave colors: pink, light blue, purple
In the last year have you…
Made a new friend: yes! Fallen out of love: no Laughed until you cried: yeah, throwback to when my boyfriend was high on voice call and i deafened him and he didnt realize and kept singing along to that mpreg reigen tobuscus mspaint video Met someone that changed you: hm... i dont know Found out who your true friends are: yes! though like i have known that since we’ve been together since middle/high school. and my new friends ive met this year are pretty epic Found out someone was talking about you: i mean. im sure people talk about me Kissed someone on your FB friends list: uh No
How many people on your FB friends list do you know irl: like all of them Do you have any pets: 2 cats! Do you want to change your name: yeah a little bit What did you do for your last birthday: me and my friends hung out at my aunts house and swam in her pool! then we went to starbucks afterwards What time did you wake up today: 3pm for work What were you doing at midnight last night: i was watching a cringey show. Name something you CANNOT wait for: pokemon swsh and animal crossing! Last time you saw your mother: like ... a month or 2 ago? i cant remember. i rarely see her What is one thing you wish you could change about life: i wish i was happier i guess What are you listening to right now: silence Have you ever talked to a person with the name Tom: yes. we shared a bus stop in high school and he always smoked weed while we waited. and one day he came over to my house and offered me and my friends poptarts and muffins. What’s getting on your nerves: uh tumblr, my job, a lot of things bc im a prickly bastard Most visited website: tumblr, youtube, discord if that counts Nickname: i dont have any nicknames besides my boyfriend calling me “honey” and “dear” and “babe” NJGKBVF
Relationship status: taken! Zodiac sign: leo Pronouns: he / him Fave tv shows: god. i have no idea. i havent been watching any shows . Hair color: brown Long or short: short Height: 5′6ft Do you have a crush on someone: my boyfriend O_O also larry johnson What do you like about yourself: idk.... i guess my art isnt too bad Tattoos: none but it would be cool to get some Righty or Lefty: right First surgery: ive had no surgery First piercing: none, but piercings would be cool if i wasnt afraid of needles First best friend: we've known each other since kindergarten but we dont talk as much anymore since we have NOTHING in common now. we still keep in contact on facebook, like commenting and liking each others pictures First sport you joined: soccer. i wasnt any good at it though First pair of trainers: what
Right now
Eating: nothing but i did eat a sub sandwich an hour ago Drinking: red bull Listening to: nothing Want kids: no Career: i wanna be a concept artist and video game designer so bad but i’ll doubt thatll ever happen. im not sure where to start
Which is better:
Lips or eyes: eyes Hugs or kissed: hugs Shorter or taller: shorter Romantic or spontaneous: idk... spontaneous maybe? Nice stomach or nice arms: both. Sensitive or loud: what Hook up or relationship: relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: kennys facking. both.
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger: no Drank hard liquor: yeah, like once Lost glasses/contacts: yes Sex on a first date: no Broke someone’s heart: yes :( Had your own heart broken: yes but it wasnt from romantic stuff Been arrested: no Turned someone down: yes Cried when someone died: yeah when my birthdad died NJGKFS Fallen for a friend: looks at kenny
Do you believe in:
Yourself: i try to Miracles: not really Love at first sight: nah Santa Claus: when i was like 2 yeah Kiss on the first date: well. it sure can happen Angels: angels are a cool concept but i dont believe they exist
im tagging @eboysal @crgnoir @travphelps @keelloowa @kianhasfun @flwrmouth you guys dont have to do this if u dont wanna
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All :D
1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused?
Confused for the most part, kind of trying to get over a crush but holding onto the chance he might like me back
3: What if I told you that you were pretty?
I would probably deny it to the ends of the earth
4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?
In some variation, yeah
5: Are you interested in anyone right now?
7: Do you want to be single?
no ; - ;
8: Did you go out or stay in last night?
I went to someone else’s house so kind of both
9: How late did you stay up last night?
not that late, just till midnight
10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot?
yeah like two days ago when I kept catching myself looking at him and then just slowly realized ohhhhhhh shit. I think I might actually like this one
11: Last three things you had to drink?
tea, water, coffee
12: Have you pretended to like someone?
I’ve thought I liked someone and then realized I was wrong, but no, i’ve never intentionally lied about it
13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?
I don’t think so
14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?
It depends on how things ended
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?
17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?
well last afternoon I was watching romantic comedy trailers and figuring out which to binge next
18: Hold hands with anyone this week?
Yeah, we played a game where we all had to hold hands
19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
20: What would you name your future daughter?
Samantha or Victoria
21: Do you miss anyone?
My friends all live pretty far away so yeah
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?
not even close
23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
I am far too awkward for that
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
not at all considering even the people who don’t “know” who I like, totally know who I like
25: Have you ever cried from being so mad?
yeah, it’s the most sureal thing
26: Who did you last see in person?
My friends who live down the road
27: Are you listening to music right now?
I’m listening to always open podcast if that counts
28: What is something you currently want right now?
Poptarts, I’m constantly craving them lately
29: What is the last thing you said out loud?
I think just saying good morning to my mom when I got in
30: How is your heart lately?
physically? fine. Emotionally? Dying a little.
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
only if it’s raining
32: Are you wearing socks?
yes…. but they’re mismatched as per usual
33: What do people call you?
well my most recent nickname is Bambi which I love cause BAM!!!! Bi!!!!!
34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
most likely, we text pretty much everyday
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?
when isn’t there???
36: Who did you last share a bed with?
a friend of mine while I slept over
37: Did you do something bad today?
I ate poptarts, those are technically bad for my health
38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
like two days ago, most of my guy friends aren’t bothered by stuff like that
39: Do you get stressed out easily?
boy do I
40: Will you sing today?
Most definately 
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
absolutely, both good and bad 
42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?
There’s a number of friends I go to for different things, some give better advice on certain topics than others
43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?
44: What are you listening to right now?
The always open podcast I mentioned before
45: What is wrong with you right now?
there is so much wrong with me, where would I start
46: What is on your wrists right now?
actually nothing, but I usually have some hair bands there
47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing?
it’s the staff shirt I have from last summer, I use it as pjs alot 
50: Are you a good artist?
all art is good, I don’t think bad art exists
51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?
I’m starting to think so
52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?
no, I think I’m a better person now
53: Ever been on a golf cart?
Yeah, I’ve drivin one a few times
54: Do you have trust issues?
ohhhhhh yeah
55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who?
I don’t think so no
56: Do you own something from Hot Topic?
you can’t be this nerdy and not
57: Do you use chap stick?
heck yes
58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face?
yeah, but never hard, just a joke slap
59: Do you have a little sister?
I wish
60: Have you ever been to New York?
Yes, it’s lovely
61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
Excluding like my parents? then yeah, he’s a total sweatheart so I trust him on it
62: Have you hugged someone within the last week?
I’ve hugged like a billion people within the last week
63: What were you doing at midnight last night?
watching King of Queens for the first time
64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
I haven’t been kissed yet so nope
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Practically anyone, I’m a smiley person by nature
66: Were your last three kisses from the same person?
*cries in a corner from loneliness*
67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?
Okay now you’re just rubbing it in
68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
someone else. cuddle buddies are always best
69: Will next Friday be a good one?
I will make it one
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