#i had a 'dont lose this' tag but.....i forgot it.... lol
fabaceous · 1 year
i was tagged by @thenelse to do 8 shows to get to know me better...ok honestly i dont watch a lot of tv. i mostly watch the same shows over and over so i actually could barely list 8. fyi the first 4 are probs my favorite shows but the rest are just shows that have impacted my life in some way. please dont judge me i swear i have good taste in other things 👍
1. yellowjackets obviously because it has literally everything i could ever ask for in a tv show. it irreparably alters my brain chemistry on a weekly basis
2. always sunny in philly. i can always bond with my girl friends’ boyfriends over this one LOL. ive seen every single episode a truly embarrassing number of times and i dream of being randomly thrust into a trivia situation where there is a question about always sunny because i have an obscene amount of knowledge on always sunny lore and am 100% confident i would nail it.
3. arrested development. second only to always sunny in the making lanie laugh category. tobias funke character of all time
4. haunting of hill house. winner of the making lanie cry category. great autumnal watch, i love rewatching around halloween. bent neck lady reveal had me legitimately in shambles
5. i mean the office i guess. i watched it in high school or maybe college,  mostly because my friends were always referencing it and i wanted to get the jokes...and lol i rly thought jim/pam was peak romance. luckily now im older and wiser and know jackieshauna is peak romance
6. back in college i watched all of friends because of a vaguely homoerotic bestie situation that later imploded and the one perk of losing her was that i was finally free to admit that show fucking sucks especially ross fuck that guy fr. me and my friends would have killed ross with hammers i can tell you that much
7. i used to watch bones with my parents when i was probably a little too young to be watching it. perhaps this is the origin of my fascination with morbid things
8. another childhood nostalgia show is monty python’s flying circus which i always watched with my dad. to this day we are capable of annoying everyone else in the room by having an entire conversation made up of monty python quotes (complete with bad fake accents)
EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT THE MOST OBVIOUS ONE I KNEW I WAS MISSING SOMETHING: DARK (the german time travel one) thats actually a legit favorite of mine, took me on so many emotional journeys and made me laugh and weep and theorize and ponder. and it was good german practice 👍
well now you know, for better or worse...probably worse...anyway i nominate @chel-c-fsea @jamesv-t @movingtoparistoshootheroin @excluded-from-the-narrative ummm ermmm ehhhm... i would also say @teabookgremlin but you already got tagged...but...get double tagged i guess? lol ok i wont be offended if any of you guys dont do this but i didnt want to be boring and not tag anyone hehe <3
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dandunn · 9 months
Fic author interview tagged by @vampirenaomi
1 How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fic that annoys me so much I disabled comments (go find it yourself lmao), Marked for Death, Tiger by the Tail, What's coming through is Alive, The Sea is Getting Rough Again
my one piece fics all have way more kudos than my recent stuff basically
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do sometimes, im usually tired from writing and editing so sometimes ill just say thanks lol
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i wrote a fic anonymously which is horrendously dark and doesnt have a happy ending but I think most other fics i write at least have a bittersweet or happy ending hdfgb
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhh i dunno man I like the ending of the fic i wrote where goemon threatens to cut one of jigen's exes' dicks off and then they go hang out by the pool. that was fun :)
7. Do you write crossovers?
not really, I've had a few ideas for them but they're hard to write and wouldnt have worked out
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not... really? i got a really weird backhanded compliment where someone talked at length about a ship i dont like (the fic wasnt about that couple) then said the first chapter was alright apart from being painfully slow (thanks) and then accused me of virtue signalling because of the difficult topics i handled in the fic.
It was really, really strange like I genuinely think they were trying to pay me a compliment but they were incredibly shit at it lol
And then in another fic I turned off comments because a minor started bitching at me about the porn I wrote not being sexy enough and when I told them to go away they harassed me for a little while. That was fun.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeas. I prefer it when smut is incorporated into the story because I kind of need the emotional stakes to be high enough otherwise I kind of lose interest. Smut without feelings is just kinda boring to me. Of course I have some exceptions but those are rare nowadays.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, though it's on wattpad apparently so I have no idea if the person doing it credited me because I dont use that site lol.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah and I dont recommend it. we only wrote like 2 chapters of it but i no longer speak to the co-author and the whole thing ended up feeling a bit disjointed and weird.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Uhh I have a couple, zoro/luffy, ace/sanji, jigen/lupin and jigen/goemon
zolu probably wins here because i have not so far written a 200k fic about anyone else lol
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
*gestures weakly at literally everything in my google docs*
I forgot how to write sorry
15. What are your writing strengths?
*tv static noise*
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
i cant speak english
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't know whether its bad or just handled badly by a lot of writers but I don't like it. Speaking as someone whos been learning japanese for the past 2+ years I hate it when I come across a word and have to either look it up myself or scroll to the bottom of the fic for any footnotes there are to explain it. Gonna use myself as an example for how I go about this kind of thing:
Fujiko tries to smile at his robotic, overly formal speech patterns, when really it's a little off-putting. She hasn't heard anyone use the word sessha, 'my humble self', for themselves outside of a period drama.
each to their own but i prefer putting in a small aside like this rather than shoving in foreign words and expecting for the reader to go and break the flow of the writing by looking it up for themselves.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
id say pokemon mystery dungeon but the first fic i wrote i instantly deleted after getting one negative comment, i think one piece is more where i cut my teeth
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
i dont really know? ive gotten into a couple of new things recently but they havent triggered my "oh i gotta write something" reaction
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
i dunno man i dont like my work very much right now heres an image if u read all of this
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
Hello! What do you think of alicent being physically harsh with ty tennant's aegon? She abuses him (it felt like that to me) and then tells aegon that his sister is a dangerous person (which she is), but at that point rhaenyra hasn't done anything, and otto is not there to advise her also but she sees rhaenyra rightly as a legitimate threat. Then when we come to tgc aegon it's like she forgot that her children's lives are in danger and fights more for rhaenyra than her own children. By then she has seen first hand how dangerous rhaenyra is with aemond, vaemond, laenor etc.
Also olivia had told somewhere that alicent is thinking in eggs coronation how rhaenyra will not reconcile with her anymore. I mean why would you care about rhaenyra then. I dont mind people having affection for childhood friends but when said friend doesn't give a shit about your kids or your own mental and physical well-being then it becomes really pathetic and an unhealthy obsesion.
Im saying I'm so confused why she keeps flip-flopping. Why the heck is she on rhaenyra's side when her kids are more into protecting her than rhaenyra. She even forced aegon to accept his crown when he said no. (If they make her poison him for rhaenyra, she will be just so terrible)
The writing is making me insane. I want to get some clarity and i thought to ask you since you have such well thought out responses. Sorry for such a long question.
hey there. thank you for having faith in my abilities to make sense of this mess. i do take it as a compliment that you guys think to come to me for help whenever you're confused by smth or pondering an issue. 💌
so, i hope you won't feel too upset, but i'm going to redirect you to the relevant tags as i've been ranting about this quite a lot already and would just end up repeating myself.
long story short: it's inconsistent writing. each episode usually had a different writer & director, each with their different take on the characters. that's fine and all, but something happened there bc the people in charge (miguel??) didn't do a good enough job to smooth things over chronologically and make sure everyone is on the same page and that the character developments are linear.
that's why alicent is antagonistic and out to get rhaenyra one episode, then the next episode she wants to be bffs. that's why the showrunners say one thing to the media, but the actors say another. look at this through the perspective that they're not going to come out having a go at each other in the press because that would be unprofessional. so we're never gonna find out what miguel actually did for sure and who's responsible for all this mixed messaging.
as for alicent being physically harsh with ty's aegon. she is, as you said, alone at court, experiencing first hand viserys' indulgence & favouritism towards rhaenyra + his unwillingness to sanction her even for grave illegalities*, so that only increases her paranoia that her children are going to suffer the consequences of this. on top of /that/, aegon himself doesn't take this seriously and she has just found out he also colludes with rhaenyra's children (the people who will order his execution in the future, but he's too blind to see it now) and bullies his own brother (aka the one he could actually trust and support, but instead alienates). she goes to viserys first but he ignores her concerns again.
so i think she just snaps in that moment and loses patience with aegon. him wanking in the middle of the day in the tommen window doesn't help his case. now, alicent is not a modern mother living in the 21st century, with a whole literature of child development & psychology at her disposal, therapists and specialists to guide her. she also has her own trauma to deal with, no help on that front either. she can't "educate" herself. she is not going to be gentle parenting aegon lol. she uses what tools she has at her disposal: first talking nicely, that doesn't work, then she starts yelling and grabs his face so that he'll listen, bc what else is she supposed to do? she literally isn't conceptually aware of any other way to get her message across
*again, that's placing your bastards in the line of succession against their trueborn relatives, not having bastards in the first place
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figula · 1 year
anyway in other news
today was pretty decent - ben got a case of the sads at about 9pm but actually recovered p fast and without any crying that i saw but he was in the bath for a bunch of the evening so i cannot verify this. the sad attacks are definitely getting more spread out + (i think from an outsider perspective) less intense. i genuinely think as well that we hadn't had sex in ages (ofc the week ana was away my period started so we didnt really bother) which made us both kind of :(
we had sex :) + read to each other. ben asked if we could do more reading out loud to each other at bedtime bc he really liked our matsuo basho reading. i liked it as well - i think i focused much better on teh words than i usually do - so ben picked a shortlist of books to read next (i haven't read a book in like 10y so there's no point me picking one) + i picked one from that + anyway we're reading "this is how you lose the time war" and im reading all of red's bits + he's doing blue. ill be honest... not fully sure about teh writing style... ben used the word florid as a compliment + i would use the same word, but as an insult lol. (very very representative of our characters i think) some of the sentences i really like but so far i cant feel much of a difference btwn red + blue - like if one of them wrote very floridly + one of them wrote very starkly i feel i'd appreciate that more bc you would be getting some insight into the characters but as it stands, the entire thing feels a bit like a creative writing exercise to me. we're not that far in tho so maybe it will capture me more as we go i should send ben some of my fanfic (look it's just a hobby) + see what he thinks lol
we played chess next to each other in bed :) he's been making some tentative little steps into learning / playing the game :)
i had intended on doing more work than i ended up doing but i think sometimes just spending hours and hours with your partner doing not much is the best way to spend a saturday
ana is back now! i forgot to say yesterday but they are back :) i did miss them a lot! whenever we're apart i yearn and pine
god, also! i forgot to say the other day but i needed something to watch while i cleaned my alpaca the other day + settled on red white and royal b lue + it was the tropiest shit ive ever seen in my life. i dont know if it's bc the author (it's an adaptation) comes from fanfic or bc the fanfic style has become indistinguishable from YA style more generally these days but it was kind of nuts to me how much the film could have just been a collection of AO3 tags?? im not even bashing fanfic bc i ahve written it since i was a kid and some fanfic is better than some published work and it's all a rich tapestry. HOWEVER this film was just crazy in its ... nothingness?? it was a perfectly fine watch i guess if you're looking for a princess diaries-y gay romance + god knows there are enough sugary romance films about straight people and those cut from the rainbow cloth also deserve their fair share of merry dross but yeah i was just surprised!! idk
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pebblethief · 2 years
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dylan!! happy birthday!! I impulsively drew you a picture of basil because I love you both!! (i think i went pretty far back in your basil tag and found a pic that deeply spoke to me, so actually the artistic credit goes to u and basil as well). I hope you have a great day :-)
omg!! baby basil!!
this is so gooood you captured his lil smiley essence PERFECTLY (also i luv the way you drew the leaves in the bg!!)
thank youuuuuuu aaaaa i love this and you so much!! will give basil some treats for being a lovely model as well :3
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rqs902 · 6 years
Mr. Tyger stage names and real names: 
林陌 Lin Mo = 林建宏 Lin Jianhong 圳南 Zhen Nan = 甘润南 Gan Runnan 展羽 Zhan Yu = 陈福 Chen Fu 靳凡 Jin Fan = 陈锐豪 Chen Ruihao 嘉羿 Jia Yi = 黄嘉新 Huang Jiaxin
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something--wicked · 2 years
I.am.tired. "can we all agree that billy is a villain and" or "can we all let him be a villain" No. We cannot ALL AGREE. Why WHY are people so obsessed with their viewpoint being the one and only true one of a planet over 7 bilion people? You want to see Billy as villain? Go ahead, the fuck do I care. But why have the arrogance of wanting everyone to agree with this? It is SO annoying I don't know how to deal with this anymore... Sorry for coming to you with this but you and several other blogs I follow are my heroes for having the energy and courage to call certain people out on their bullshit with class and facts while I can't and instead hide behind anonymity... Thank you. <3
hi anon im sorry im just now seeing this message!! but yes i agree and thank you for the kind words. i welcome you and anyone else to come to me with anything if you wanna chat or if you just want to rant its totally fine!! my response under the cut bc i went on a bit of a rant myself lol
I agree that it is extremely annoying and exhausting (which is why i dont really get involved, instead i just say things in the tags and reblog things others have said) because honestly i dont have the time or energy to constantly fight a losing battle against strangers on the internet who dont know me or my life. Honestly you shouldn't give me much credit because i dont fight nearly as much as others in this fandom do, i sort of just mind my business most of the time lol. I commend the ones who do actively engage with antis and try to have discussions with them! If i were better with words and had more time id be right there with them. Honestly, the reason its so bad right now is because st is so popular in the mainstream rn. Once the hype dies down, itll get better, and once the show ends itll get wayyy better. (honestly thats why im glad my favorite shows are older/lesser known. Like, no one is getting this worked up about fringe lol)
When it comes to antis, unfortunately, people have always been obsessed with their viewpoint being the correct one. Since our species gained sentience the thing weve used it for the most is to fight with other humans over who is right and who is wrong. religion, politics, wars are fought in the name of one viewpoint being right and better than the others. Not to compare fandom drama to literal war and historical events, but you see my point. Its just the way people are. People can be kind and arrogant and nice and nasty. We all have the capacity and the right to get upset when our views are challenged, but what matters is how we respond. I literally used to be a billy anti, (i was 17 and still living with my abusers, had a really fucked up worldview) i wasnt rabid about it and didnt really talk about it but i agreed with people when they said he was racist and a bad person and didnt think twice about his character. (honestly forgot he existed until recently.) but eventually, i grew up, i got out, and i got help. I didnt even like billy until less than a year ago. im 23 now, and im a very different person than i was when i was 17. I went back into the st fandom spaces when st4 came out and somehow ended up in the billy corner, and i listened to what they had to say. And i realized that i was wrong, and changed my opinion. I started to see what i couldnt before. I even talked to my therapist about it (and even her, my 72 year old fan of stranger things therapist, agreed that billy is the most complex and interesting character) and using him and his story, I was finally, after almost 6 years of being free from my abusers, was able to talk to her about what I went through and start processing my trauma. I realized how similar lives me and billy lived. I realized that i wished someone would have helped him the way my loved ones helped me. I wish all antis had the capacity to have calm back and forth discussions about the media that they claim to be fans of, but not everyone is capable of that. This is the internet. Most people here are incapable of that. All media is meant to be discussed and interpreted and debated. Its an art form meant to make you think, not something to base your moral compass and worldviews on. Despite that, Billy’s story is something that many real people go through, and insisting that someone who relates to his abuse and wants to explore it in a fandom space (art, fic, etc) is an evil person just because you personally don’t like his character is just straight up disgusting.
So for the ones who just want to ask questions and discuss things, thats fine. Most of us are happy to talk. For the ones who just want to troll, invade our space, say inflammatory things and hurt people just because we have differing opinions on a fictional character? The best thing to do is just block them and move on. Because they dont want their minds changed, they just want to cause drama for the sake of drama because their own lives are so sad and empty that they need a strangers vitriol to fill the attention void. They're just schoolyard bullies, desperate for a reacton. And i deal with them the same way i dealt with bullies in my school days: id stare blankly at them until they got bored or uncomfortable and left me alone. Because all they're looking for is a reaction, and i refused to give them one. I deal with anon hate the same way. Before i started posting about billy, i got anon hate maybe once or twice in the twelve years ive been here. Now, i get it at least once a week. And im not even a dedicated billy hargrove blog. I just post whatever catches my eye at that moment, so i cant even imagine what its like for the people in the fandom who are completely dedicated to billy. But my followers have never and will never see the anon hate i get, and the senders will never see my response to it. Because you know what i do with anon hate? I delete it. I delete it and forget it ever existed. Eventually, when they see that im not responding, they give up and stop. Its slowed down considerably, so i guess theyre getting tired lol. Non-reaction is a totally valid way of handling harassment, and the most successful one, in my experience. I dont need to fight to prove to strangers behind a screen that im not a racist or an abuser or evil just because they say that i am for liking a fictional character. I know im not racist, and i know im not an abuser, and i know im not evil. Im a regular person who does their best to be kind and respectful to everyone and be better every day. Im a regular person who goes to work, hangs out with friends, takes care of family, looks at silly little memes on the internet, minds my business, and lives my life.
Dont ever feel bad for not engaging in discourse. Whether its because its taxing to your mental health or you dont have the energy or because you just dont want to, youre not obligated to do anything. You arent losing points by sitting back on the sidelines and letting others fight. Its social media, not a life or death warzone. If all you wanna do is reblog some posts and chill then more power to you. Thats what i do for the most part. I very rarely ever get involved in anything, cuz im content to sit over here in my corner and reblog things, and not let things people say on the internet affect me in real life because none of it matters. Just because antis forget that life outside of internet fandom exists doesnt mean we have to as well.
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bisexuallsokka · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
tagged by @zukkaoru thank u my beloved <3
1. how many works do you have on AO3? 
2. what’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
only two on my current ao3 (les mis and atla/lok) but i also wrote harry potter and supernatural fanfic way back in the day
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
gone fishin’ 
emergency boyfriend
the one with the hot cashier
the strategy of harmony (sequel to gone fishin’)
to the moon
5. do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i try to!! i have been really bad at it recently and my inbox is overwhelmingly full rn but. i’ll get around to it. 
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 
hahahahaha. yours
7. do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written? 
8. have you ever received hate on a fic? 
probably? i cant say for sure because i just focus on the sweet sweet comments from everyone
9. do you write smut? if so what kind? 
oh my god oh my god i forgot about this until this very moment but sometime this year i wrote one smut fic and posted it under a different account but i cant for the life of me remember the name of the account or the name of the fic soooo 
10. have you ever had a fic stolen? 
yes -_- i never said anything to anyone about it but. it was pretty clear.
11. have you ever had a fic translated? 
yes! el cajero atractivo is a translation of the one with the hot cashier. i speak fluent spanish so i was like pssh i got this but thank god i had help because i do not write well in spanish lmao
12. have you ever co-written a fic before? 
i sure have!! (this love is) a long time coming was co written w the lovely sonny <3
13. what’s your all time favorite ship?
stop reading if you don’t want to lose all respect for me. everyone out? okay great. yeah stevebucky til i die i will never be over them. honorable mentions to courferre and zukka ofc
14. what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? 
ugh i have this one that takes place in the swt after sokka and zuko have gone through a break up and they obvs are still in love and get back together and i have a few scenes written for it that just. i love so much. but unfortunately if i ever try to write something outside of those things it’s a load of shit so i dont think i will ever finish. which is a shame. just know the ending is really good.
15. what are your writing strengths? 
i have been told i am good at writing dialogue! people enjoy the conversations and banter i write between characters. i have also been complimented on my characterizations, which i work really hard on
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
uhhh everything else? lol for real i really struggle with describing things or having necessary paragraphs of exposition. i just feel like they suck and want to get back to dialogue 
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? 
i think it’s fun, i like when authors include the translation in the same line or even in the author’s note
18. what was the first fandom you wrote for? 
h*rry p*tter </3
19. what’s your favorite fic you’ve written? 
ahhh i love the zukka tangled au, now that i see you, mainly because i love tangled so much and zukka so much and writing it got me through a hard time and i was just. really proud of it. (let me be) there for you and seven(teen) minutes in heaven also come to mind as others i love.
tagging @beachytablecloth @chitsangenthusiast @zukkababey @feng-xin
@verdanthoney and anyone else who wants to!
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
all i ever wanted jack daniels x reader
imo this one is much better than the last. plus we get to see more of our faves lol. i hope yall like it!
Song: youre the one by greta van fleet
tag list: @cynic-spirit
"max! come back!"
i yelled, chasing after my six year old. i heard him giggle as he ran towards the front door of the office.
i said, grabbing his hand before reaching around him and picking him, placing him against my hip with a huff.
"mommy i wanna go."
he whined and i shook my head, opening the door.
"i know baby but you have to be quiet, there are people working."
i said and he nodded, twisting his fist into my red blazer as we got in the elevator.
"do i get to see your office again?"
he asked excitedly and i sent him a smile.
"yes baby, you get to tour the lab too if ginger remembered you where coming today."
i said and he bounced against me, kicking his legs. i could barely hold onto him.
"mommy look!"
he pointed as the elevator opened, the large statesman emblem was embossed on the wall. i nodded with a smile.
"you wanna touch it?"
i asked and he nodded, leaning forward with his hand outstretched. he placed his hand against it, rubbing his fingers into the grooves like he had the last few times he'd visited.
"is that my favorite little man?"
i heard from behind me and turned to look at champ making his way down the hall.
he screamed, wiggling out of my grasp and running into his arms.
"you're getting so big."
champ said with a groan as he hoisted him up into his arms.
"im six now!"
max said loudly as we began the short walk down the hall to my office.
"six?! you're practically a grown up!"
champ said, making max giggle.
"no silly, im not that old."
he said with a smile as we rounded the corner.
"well, big man, what do we have on our list of things to do today?"
he asked as i moved to my desk to start my computer.
"ginger said i could tour the lab!"
he said loudly as champ sat in the chair opposite me, looking up to me and giving me an almost impressed look as max got comfy in his lap.
"well doesnt that sound fun."
max nodded quickly.
"hey kiddo, how about when you're done, you have ginger bring you by my office. i got a present for ya."
champ said and i sent him a look.
max said, wrapping his arms around champs neck in a hug.
he said, champ laughing a little bit as he hugged him back.
"well i gotta get back to work buddy, ill see after the tour. yeah?"
he said, holding him and standing up, setting him down in the chair.
"okay champ!"
he said with a wave and i nodded to champ as he made his way to the door.
"dont forget that mission assessment today either."
he said and i nodded.
"im meeting with jack during the tour."
i said and he nodded before closing the door behind him.
"mommy when do i get to see ginger?"
max asked impatiently as i sat, laughing a little bit.
"let me call her baby and i will let you know."
max yelled, letting go of my hand and running to her as the doors opened. to my surprise jack was standing there talking to her, looking to me with an interested look as max came barreling into ginger for a hug. she crouched down and ruffled his hair as he pulled her glasses off, tucking the temples behind his ears and smiling at her widely. i laughed a little bit.
"baby you cant just take peoples glasses without asking first."
i said and he looked to me with a frown.
he said bashfully, handing them back to her and watching her stand.
"its okay max. are we ready for that tour?"
she asked, placing them back on her face, and he nodded quickly.
"please, please, please!"
he said quickly, taking her hand.
"ill see you when we're done?"
she asked and i nodded.
"oh, i almost forgot, take him to the conference room when you're done. champ said he had something for the little mans birthday."
i said looking down at him and raising my brows.
"oh thats right."
she said, also looking down at him.
"youre what? twelve?"
she asked playfully and he laughed.
"ginger, you know i just turned six."
he informed her and she nodded, closing her eyes and acting it up.
"oh thats right! six!"
she said, leaning down to his eyes level.
"i think we have something special just for you in here too."
she said and his eyes went wide.
he asked and she nodded.
"yep, but we have to wait till we go see champ before you can have it."
she said and he nodded quickly, squeezing her hand and pulling her forward.
"lets get to it then!"
he said and i laughed, waving as they disappeared further into the room. i shook my head and looked to jack.
"ready to get that meeting started?"
i asked and he nodded, following me as i turned to walk out of the lab.
he said and i sent him a raised brow.
"whose kid?"
he asked and i huffed out a laugh.
"mine, jack, he's mine."
i said and he nodded.
"funny, you didnt mention him."
he said and i shook my head.
"forgive me for not informing the out of towner."
i said with a wink and he rolled his eyes.
"hey y/n."
tequila greeted as he rounded the corner just as we did. he tipped his hat to jack.
he said. i turned around and walked backwards to look at tequila as he got further away.
"max is in the lab with ginger, party in the conference room after their tour."
i said and he fist pumped.
"ill be there!"
i nodded once before turning back around. jack sent me a look.
i asked innocently and he shook his head.
"am i the only one that didn't know you had a kid?"
he asked and i laughed.
"guess so cowboy."
i said, opening the door to my office and letting him in.
"as your boyfriend i feel like i shouldve known before now."
he said and i snorted.
"jack you are not my boyfriend."
i reminded and he sent me a look.
"have we not been going on dates?"
he asked and i closed my eyes, shaking my head and making my way behind my desk.
"missions are not dates jack."
i pointed out and he shrugged, dropping into the chair on the other side.
"why not? if i remember correctly most missions aren't supposed to end with your tongue down my throat."
he said and i sent him a stern look.
he held his hands up.
"no, no, i get it. you dont want a relationship as much as i don't. we're on the same page."
he said and i sighed.
"jack we talked about this. we both have our reasons for not getting into it. i just... i dont want him to get used to someone and then things end badly again. hes already lost one dad, i cant live with the guilt of breaking his heart like that again."
i said and he nodded.
"darlin, i know better than anyone what its like to lose your family, but that doesnt mean we both cant move forward. we have shared experience in that department, maybe it could make our relationship stronger."
i looked to my desk for a moment.
"let me prove it to you. let me take you out on a proper date, let your kiddo get used to me as another statesman agent, and if things get serious later on down the line then great, we can let him know about us."
he said and i looked back to him, chewing the inside of my lip.
"fine. ill let him get close to you today, see if he likes you if you really do plan on hanging around for a bit."
he nodded.
"champ needs me here for a while, i wont be going back to new york long term for at least a few months. besides, you know how badly i wanted to be a dad once upon a time, let me show you i can do this."
he said and i sighed.
"alright, ill give you a shot. but for now lets just get to work. we have to finish this mission report before the tour is over."
he nodded once.
"yes ma'am."
"mommy look!"
max shouted as jack and i walked into the conference room, running to me wearing his very own black Stetson and bolo tie.
"champ said im an honorary statesman!"
he said excitedly, fixing the tie into place. i laughed a little bit, looking to champ sat at the desk before crouching down in front of him.
"and you are the cutest statesman there ever was."
i said, holding his waist lightly and kissing his cheek. he giggled at me before hugging me quickly and running back to the table.
"now you look like whiskey."
tequila joked, pointing to jack and max looked at him. his eyes went wide as he set his crayon down onto the coloring page he was working on.
"i wanna be like whiskey!"
he said boldly, sliding off the chair and standing next to him, copying the exact way he was standing. jack dropped to one knee and looked over at max.
"its like looking in a tiny mirror."
jack said, max beaming at his words. they both looked up at me.
"what do we think mom? dont we look alike?"
jack tormented and i sent him a testing look.
"i guess we have a new favorite huh?"
i said slightly amused and max side nodded.
"mommy, no one could replace you, but i cant dress like you your shoes are to hard to walk in."
he said, making us all laugh as he climbed back into the chair and went back to coloring.
"thank you baby, i appreciate that."
i said, taking the seat next to him and looking at the page he was working so diligently on.
"did we get more horses?"
i asked, looking to ginger and her nodding.
"i remembered how much he loved going to the stables last time he was here."
she said and i sent her a knowing smile.
"oh, yeah, he has been obsessed ever since."
i said, looking back to him. my gaze made its way to jack as he looked down at him coloring.
"you like horses buddy?"
he asked and max nodded.
"my favorite is the mustang. mommy even lets me watch spirit before dinner every night."
he said proudly, not looking away from his project.
"how would you like to see a real life one?"
jack asked and i sent him a look. max's head snapped in his direction quickly.
"you have a mustang?!"
he asked bewildered and jack laughed.
"yeah i do. ill make you a deal."
he said, pointing at max and max was hooked.
"next time you come in with your mommy, and she's okay with it, ill take ya to go see him. and maybe take ya for a ride around the complex."
he said and max looked to me quickly.
"mommy! mommy please! i wanna see the mustang!"
he said and i sighed, brushing some of the hairs out of his eyes.
"okay baby, next time you visit we can go see whiskeys mustang."
i said and he fist pumped the air.
"yes! thank you mommy!"
he said hugging me. i watched jack with a burning gaze as he sat on the other side of max. i looked to champ and he sent me an amused look.
"kids will be kids."
he said and i rolled my eyes.
"now, how about that birthday cake we talked about?"
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ariyadaivaris · 3 years
- i didnt realize that jiro had already moved on to nxt...well not "moved on" of course but hang on who the FUCK wore a critrole tshirt to 205 live. who are you. WHO ARE YOU. I HATE YOU. IM GOING TO BITE YOU
- i dont wanna watch thisss i already have never felt so indifferent to a new wrestler in my life. this guy is nothing to me and sunil is going to lose to him for no reason. i hate this...i just. i don't care how inevitably talented/whatever these new recruits are really. there's just nothing there! there's not a story there's just the wrestling which everyone marketing 205 has always mistakenly taken as it appeal. and it's just not! it's not at all. why was lince teamed with john morrison whadda hale.........where's gran my friend gran :( for that matter why isn't lhp on 205 still i miss them so so much. also riddle should still be killed
- oh do we have a 20 minute main event? where tony and ariya win which i know because i accidentally checked twitter? worm? maybe this will be something
- uhm i should say something about the new guy whos name i forgot but i dont want to. i don't like the look of him. the mma background the leopard print the demeanor it all feels Bad or at least like Something I've Seen Before That Should Be Taken As A Red Flag and maybe that is unfair but i don't care enough to form another opinion. c'est la vie as they say
- sorry i feel like i am complainier than usual which given how late i am to boot is not really great. i would say i haven't been doing well (which i haven't, in fairness, though when am i ever doing well lol) but to be honest i just really, really, REALLY have not wanted to watch. i don't know exactly why, knowing tony and ariya actually win this match should be a hook for me, but it's a combination of the bogus debut match and the...having to expend energy being excited about gold standie match. i know it doesn't seem like it but it takes me a lot of energy to watch 205, actually. it always has in a weird way. back when i took eight hours to dissect an episode which was a better time really even if i was cringe, to now when i spend even longer just trying to garner the enthusiasm to withstand a show that is just not something i expect things from anymore, that occasionally provides me a foothold regarding the only two characters i think about in depth anymore and that i pounce on in order to compensate for the lack of enthusiasm everywhere else. i am very passionate about 205. it's something i have worked hard to understand and that takes a lot out of me, which enjoying anything usually does. if i'm too excited about something, i can put off engaging with it for months, even years. if 205 wasn't weekly i probably still wouldn't have watched this episode. i just don't have the energy i guess. its...idk. i don't really know what i can do about it besides stop watching but...i don't want to do that either. i dunno :(
- "they know they can rely on each other. they know they can trust one another." feels VERY good to hear that about tony and ariya to be honest. healing <3 i like that for them and i think it's been really genuinely hard earned
- matching black gear. this is all i have wanted. thank you   - okay...okay i hate to say it but ariya's hair has been having a rough time of it lately huh! it happens to everyone...he’ll come back from this
- oh my god wait did tony's flexing taunt actually work...why did [pop punk lead singer newbie] take so long to come back from it. usually when tony does that it just pisses people off and just now tony had to like reassure him out of the corner. i know it was probably him being Too Mad To Speak (especially him mocking it just now) but it's SO funny to think of it as tony actually intimidating someone lol. i think he deserves it. i would LOVE to meet the person successfully unnerved by tony
- support <3
- so bored by this match they're talking about meiko satomura on commentary. listen who can blame them though? i think more people should talk about meiko satomura at all times. she is very cool. who ISN'T boring next to her
- that was...some not-good camera work!!! what else to be expected from the ole double yew double yew
- AWH there's a nice culmination of the last two weeks! tony almost taps and ariya saves him. tony is a lot more willing to tap out than ariya is, quicker to preserve his health, and this time that moment of almost surrendering is used to put him in a worse spot. ariya sees tony about to get fucked over and jumps in. i don't know how to word it entirely, but there's just that sense that they look out for each other! even if tony was going to tap, the only person to take it out on is the person putting him in that position. tony never has to tap if ariya's there to save him. that works out just fine. they care about each other a lot. if you ask me. just my opinion. :) smile
- they're doing more tag team moves teehee ^_^ also that uranage to backstabber RULES that's SO fucking brutal!!!!!!!! no one is surviving that!!!!!!!! gold standard tag team champions NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ariya's sell of that kick to the head. he's noodle
- tony save awiya...................
- who am i to deny that that springboard move was cool. i'm only human
- TONY SAVE ARIYA..................TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ARIYA AND TONY WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- i LOVE seeing them develop new tag team moves and i LOVE seeing them point and laugh whenever they beat someone. mischief! mischief and rudeness! i love them. i care gold standard
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yesdramas · 4 years
have been tagged by @gangtaes, @cuddlybitch and @mercurialhigh thank you sweeties! ♥
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? black, but it’s not a hair brush it’s a hair comb
2. Name a food you never eat. beans
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold for the summer
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? writing a fucking giant letter to my friend saying that i really miss talking to him and that i screw things up really hard this time
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? i don’t have any faves on this, i eat it all lol
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? i guess football?? but i dont quite remember.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? "fuck this” while overthinking
8. What is your favourite ice cream? cream.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? water!
10. Do you like your wallet? well it’s kinda pretty but has been empty for a while now...
11. What is the last thing you ate? i dont even remember this lol i keep skipping meals its been 4 days or something
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? yes, i bought a few stuff from SHEIN while crying and overthinking, i guess i spend money to be okay
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? i dont even remember what i did yesterday, this is hard af
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? dont eat popcorn since i put on my braces 3 years ago so yeah... i dont like it
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? another friend of mine saying that i sent my friend a reall big text
16. Ever been camping? never
17. Do you take vitamins? not anymore
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? nope
19. Do you have a tan? never.... sadly im so white i kinda shine like Edward Cullen in the sun
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? it depends on my mood
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? only if i feel like putting the soda on my milkshake cup with the straw on it
22. What color socks do you usually wear? i dont use socks at home but i ever get to leave my house with sneakers i’d rather use white or plain black
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i’m a 26yo woman with no license
24. What terrifies you? death. losing someone. and losing someone because of some shit i did. that’s the worse
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my wall
26. What chore do you hate most? washing dishes<<<<
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? cute
28. What’s your favorite soda? pepsi
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? right now i just call and they deliver to me
30. What’s your favorite number? its hard to think a fave number but i’d say i like the amount of money i have in my bank account right now: 16
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? a friend
32. Favorite meat? chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
33. Last song you listened to?  dejate llevar by juan magan
34. Last book you read? not even remember this one
35. Favorite day of the week? saturday
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? i can try if im drunk maybe
37. How do you like your coffee? cold with cold milk also
38. Favorite pair of shoes? a 15cm high heels i used to work with
39. Time you normally get up? im unemployed rn so i dont have any right time to get up, it can be morning or evening....
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets
41. How many blankets on your bed? 1. its kinda hot these days
42. Describe your kitchen plates - red wine color with a little bit of transparency
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. a hot mess because i keep leaving my dishes to my mom to wash next morning
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? tropical gin.
45. Do you play cards? uno
46. What color is your car? i dont have a car, sadlyy
47. Can you change a tire? i can’t even change me, not to mention a tire
48. Your favorite state or province? i dont visit any place or go to any travels so im just gonna answer with my state, Sao Paulo
49. Favorite job you’ve had? in 2013 i worked at the theaters. most amazing job ever. they didn’t pay well enough tho, but i watched tons of films and got a lot of friends (that one by one forgot me)
I feel like everyone has been tagged already so please, do if you’re comfortable and wants to do it. ♥
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yeetusweenus · 4 years
Big Brother Tumblr Tag Game
If you are tagged copy and paste the rules and all questions
Answer the questions
Tag 3-5 people to also complete the questions
Tagged by @birthdaykeesha , thanks Justine 💞
About You (feel free to not answer all of these if you aren’t comfortable doing so)
1. Name or nickname? Uly
2. Age/Age Group? 21
3. Zodiac Sign? Virgo
4. Favorite Color? Green
5. Favorite Animal? Sugar Gliders
6. First Season of BB you remember watching? BB15 (sadly)
7. Would you ever want to go on BB, if so, what type of player would you be? YES, omg I daydream every now and then though the reality would probably be much more different. In all honesty, I’d probably be a floater who tries to be in everyone’s good side and hope my social game is good. I’ll probably be evicted mid-jury if i’m lucky
8. Are there other CBS shows you’d want to go on, and if so, why? Survivor omg, another source of daydreams for me. I might end up getting medevaced if i do though
9. What other Reality shows do you watch? Just Survivor, BB, and RPDR honestly, though I used to watch some others like Masterchef, etc.
10. All time favorite houseguest? This is difficult so i’ll just say Da’vonne since she’s who I currently love rn
About the Show
1. What is your all time Favorite twist? I love the Ika shredding letters one and also the Loveita/Kelsey room from BBCAN (even though Kelsey came back instead of Godveita)
2. What is a twist that you like, but kind of flopped? The saboteur twist i thought was really interesting but it just didn’t pan out since miss Annie was evicted first
3. If you were the new Grodner and had to remake the show, what would you keep the same? Nothing LOL except like the general skeleton of the game probs (like HOH and vetos would still exist) 
4. What would you change? Casting is probably the main one, less archetypes, more BIPOC, more LGBTs, etc. Make the show last less days also.
5. What’s your all time favorite comp? Don’t clock me but I love the knockout quiz comps like i love the whole procedure and when it pans out correctly, it leads to so much drama (see BB12)
6. What’s your all time favorite competition? In terms of a specific competition, I like the majority rules comp that Jen won 
7. All time favorite punishment? Paulie’s baking punishment will never not make me LOL. Michelle’s unitard is also a classic and watching her flip out with it on was funny as well
8. If you could bring any houseguest back to be in the house (not to play the game) who would it be and why? I’m going to go with Britney or Da’vonne, they’re both really fun personalities
9. If you could bring any houseguest back to play, who would it be? Candace and Helen from BB15, as well as Dom and Kemi. All deserve a second chance in my opinion
10. What is your most memorable episode? For me, it would be the episode of Miichelle winning HOH in 10
11. If you could have any reality star from any other show on BB who would it be? I would love someone from Survivor, maybe Michaela or Abi Maria? LOL
12. What’s your favorite BB series outside of normal BBUS (normal BBUS does not include CBBUS or BBOTT) BBCAN2 for sure
13. Favorite Julie Chen sign off? I don’t remember ASNDKFNKLAF I’m seriously blanking
14. Is there anything from old BB that you would bring back, why or why not, and if yes, what would it be? Maybe the lack of twists and more genuine casting.
15. If you were in the BB house and you won HoH what album would be in your HoH basket and who would you want to receive a letter from? I would probably have Emotion by CRJ or folklore by TS. My letter would be from my sister probably <3
16. Favorite Alliance? Libra, Keesha, and April.💕Also Candace, Helen, and Elissa
17. Funniest BB moment? Paul losing twice :)
18. Favorite first boot? Annie from BB12 was iconique 
19. Least favorite houseguest? Pail. Cody is getting really close as well.
20. Favorite BB couple? Uhh, pass? Maybe Ika and Dem idk
This or That
1. Old School BB or New School BB? Old for sure
2. Julia or Liz Nolan? Neither tbh ASDBKFKJASB
3. Vaness Rousso or Jun Song? I didn’t watch Jun’s season so I have to pick Vanessa 👁️👄👁️
4. Cody Calafiore or Cody Nickson? Again, neither AKSJJAJSJSJ idk if this is cheating
5. Swaggy or Bayleigh? Bay 💯
6. Janelle or Kaysar? Kaysar!!
7. Orwell or the rubber duck? Who?AKKSJAJSJ Im dumb I don't get the ref
8. Hacker twist or Pandora’s Box? Pandora's box
9. Nicole A or Nicole F? Don't make me choose y'all I-
10. Dan or Will? Dan
11. Bathroom with Bathroom sand (BB18) or The Fidget Spinner Wall (BB20)? Bathroom sand was iconic lol
12. The Hive or The Spy Grils? Spy girls
13. PB&J or Slop? PB and J, slip looks rancid
14. Nerdy Guy archetype or Quirky Girl archetype? Quirky girl gave us Bridgette so-
15. The cursed liztin gif or the Maven (BB19) cum rag? AKJDJAJSJEJ DELETE THIS NEPHEW (I choose Maven tho 👀)
Tag Questions
1. First Season you blogged? I lurk all the time but this would be the first season I blog !!
2. Favorite season to blog? Can't answer this one since it's my first ajhejahs
3. Favorite Bloggers? I have to many AJDHJAHSH but bathroom-sand, maxdoesbb, pretty much anyone I follow tbh they're all Hilarious
4. Favorite tag cryptid (i.e. djmrod, the confession accounts, the bayler stan account, stella) that one Kaycee stan I forgot his name
5. Build an ideal alliance with people from the tag. I'd build an alliance with all the thirsty ones so we can bond over our thirst-
6. Favorite content creator (gifs, videos, posts). @ keesha 💕 she has good gifs
7. Person in the tag that you like but are too nervous to talk to? Don't make me expose myself AKJDJAJSJEJ
8. Have you played in any tag games (like bbdiscords, orgs, etc.,) if so what was your favorite experience? Nooo but I want to though I'm too shy
9. Favorite gate? Selfiegate and truth gate for sure
10. What opinions do you have that you feel would be unpopular in the tag? I dont care that Christmas broke her ankle AKSJJAJSJ There I said it
11. Have you thirst followed anyone after a selfiesgate? 👀 I plead the fifth
12. Whose someone in the tag that has stopped blogging bb that you miss? I haven't seen twerking-down-the-highway liveblog this season :(
13. Favorite holiday people have called Christmas? My Birthday made me cackle 🤣
14. If you could steal any url whose would it be? The Keesha or jaysar one 😭
15. Favorite tag meme? (i.e. Paul;s mistake, victim noises, claling chr*stmas anything but her name, etc.,) Calling Christmas felon or criminal KAJSJAJSJSJ it's what she deserves
Tag 3-5 people (or more or less)
I tag
@64560 @neeleyjakkson @glisteningwind @dc-gay but if anyone else wants to participate feel free 💕
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A Whole Other World
Hi, my name is _______ _______. “ I had to count that out, damn... am I alright?” I’m listening to a very strange, slightly solemn song in the name, in the what? I feel the music inside me, inside my college dorm, inside my heart, and inside my spirit. “Are they the same thing? Should I go back and add, I don’t know what I’m doing. Somehow and someplace, they are waiting for, maybe wandering, in search of me just how I am in search of them. I’m reading this over, thinking if this is ok to post? It’s alright. I’m letting them on a journey, a journey into my normal, simple mind, in a whole other world. This is practice for me. Helpful if you will. “Fixing my grammatical errors will do nothing”. “Should I have added commas there? I have class tomorrow, hopefully it isnt too much work. “Am i just pandering? Is that even the correct word?” My mind is racing left and right, and unfortuntanyl i cant do anthing about it. That’s why I’m doing this. unfiltered.... me. The thoughts coming in and the thoughts coming out. Am I doing this only for myself? or am I doing it for others. I wonder what my typing speed is. Should i have put this on tumblr? I really dont want to pay for a website domain. Does that make me a cheapskate? What really is a cheapskate? I don’t know....next thought. I live in a whole other world than others. Are the others even there? Does it matter? I have class tomorrow, hopefully I dony lose motivation to do the work. That’s what I said.... to her at least. Is it true? What is keeping me doing this work? Wow, that sentance doesnt sound great. I don’t like these red squiggly lines, i like the word squiggly. Ha, its a juxtaposition. Am I doi... I forgot. That’s what I’m listneing too! a song about dementia, thats kind of ironic. Wow it looked like my keyboard switched colors, like gatorade yellow.... will this post get lost? I really hope it does? Does the society around me dicatate the way I am writing right now? Is that even me at some point. I cant wait to go to a dance festival after COVID. damn covid sucks. masks everywhere. hahah, almost mispelled that... i mispelled that lol. This ismt a text, remmeber nmo lol. Well why did I put it in yet. Im scared for the comments this post will get. Do posts on tumblr get lost in the abyss. Getting swallowed by the abyss doesnt seem too bad as long as you are you, right? Oh well, I’m getting tired. I should prepare my schedule. Almost mispelled that lol. This isnt a text.  hmm no tags. i hope this doesnt get popular. I’m perfectly safe and okay btw. This is just me writing down everything im thinking. I’m in no danger and have no mental helath issues.... i wanted to put that out there, just in case this does get popular. I kinda wana be famous in something but maybe not this. this is for me 
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neptunebeetle · 5 years
tagged by: @outlier-roddy
name: andrew
nickname: andy i suppose! I’ve also had the nickname butters bc of my old acc name which is still fine by me ^o^ its still my name on discord anyway lol
zodiac: cancer... i think im stereotypical crybaby cancer oops
height: 5’6 :T wish i was taller.. just a lil bit....
nationality: american
languages: english like i barely tried to learn german and spanish but i RLLY want to actually learn spanish i just.... no motivation
favourite flower: agudgd yeah i really don’t know?
favourite scent: hrm... desserts.. brown sugar.. brownies... sweets in general really
favourite fictional character: HNNN I DONT KNOW? Depends on whatever piece of media i guess bc i have too many.... 😳 but i do have a list for that LOL
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate.. the only acceptable coffee is like cappuccinos or whatever and im just not into tea
dogs or cats: cats! I like dogs but they can be a teensy bit too loud or energetic for me.. also scary?? Lmao
number of blankets: one big one! I would die if i had more than one i burn up too easily
dream trip: gdusgeuydjbd idk?? Ummm i want to go to a tfcon at least once pls for the love of everything X_X
blog established: THIS blog really not that long ago, i think in january
random fact: i have a weird rare feature (not facial tho) that only 3-8% (number varies) of the population has, its pretty much pointless and nobody knows why its even a thing. Even more fun of a fact? Yeah i have TWO of them. Now what does THAT mean? I don’t know because google doesn’t know either
gender: who?
current time: ~1:10 AM typing this, ~1:30 AM posting it
favourite musical artists: god idk... technically i feel like i have to say Against Me! bc i love every single one of their songs but idk.. i really like Jack Stauber and Imagine Dragons XT basic ass mfer....
song stuck in my head: there’s a lot actually? Im listening to my playlist for songs as heard of on tiktok and i get so many of those stuck in my head... rn my brain is telling me Say So
last movie i saw: HM.... hmmm... i guess pleasantville? I already talked about it but it was okay
last thing i googled: i.. just googled the thing for that previous random fact question bc i was like “wait what Does two of them mean” like actually nothing shows up.. but before that i was looking up a word i forgot how to spell
other blogs: fuck urmm i do have other blogs im just too lazy to use them XT no side blogs for this one tho
lucky number: i don’t think i have a “lucky” number... my favorite number is 5 :o)
currently wearing: big t-shirt pj pants lolol
dream job: god like uhhhhhh i rlly wanted to be an animator but im leaning towards comics lately?? We’ll see idk i don’t want to work for a particular company or anything like that..... just.. want to draw
favourite foods: oh god don’t ask me this i hate food... that’s a lie i like it Sometimes... idk bro all i eat is fake meat and garbo trash... i like italian?
instruments: idk what that is (actually ive been told i should learn to play piano and i wouldnt mind that but ive never played any other instrument in my life)
favourite song: urmm i think overall probably Leopard by jack stauber bc it’s my actual absolute fave i love it sm..... can listen to it whenever and lose my marbles every time
I’m bad abt not tagging ppl in these sorts of games and im going to continue to not GDJHD
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
race is a flat earther and al wants to die
when i planned this fic this morning it was a lot more stupid and shit
but then this happened
so im sorry ig
warnings: none really. but angst kinda ig sorta
ship: ehhhhhh ralbert....
word count: 1030 how satisfying
His hand was wrapped tightly around the steering wheel, eyes trained on the road ahead of him, only flicking away every so often to check the rearview mirror.  It was nighttime, meaning it was easy to lose oneself in the daunting shadows of the streets, threatening to pull you under with its strength.  
Silence suffocated the atmosphere as it had often done in the past few months.  Lips stuck together, struggling to make conversation though it had once been easy.  Two hearts that had once been adjoined drifting apart by the second.  Was it a blessing or a curse?  A relief or a burden?  The answers were unclear, but they had a mutual understanding of the shared feeling.  Whatever they had was drawing to a close.  It was weirdly sickening.  Disheartening.  Feeling the grasp of something so strong slipping between their fingertips as their hands that once gripped the other’s so tight barely brushed at the edges.  It was like holding water in open hands.  
They drove in circles around their town, their stomachs full from dinner.  It was Valentine’s day and almost out of sheer obligation, and partly from literal desire, they’d decided upon a date night.  It had been a while since they had done something together, anyway.  
The night was going smoothly.  No petty arguments.  No fuck-ups or frayed ends fraying further.  It was almost like old times.  Almost.
They passed a road sign with a large, cheesy photo of the Earth on it, along with some stupid advertisement for water, and Race smiled sadly, brain wandering as a new memory invaded his mind.
“So, the Earth is flat.”
Albert groaned, letting his book drop to his lap as he scrubbed a hand over his face.
“You’re literally an astrophysics major,” Albert sighed, keeping his palms pressed over his eyes as he fought the impending headache that threatened his skull, “don’t come at me with this shit.”
“Oh come oooonnnn,” Race whined, “Think about it!  People all around the globe support this theory!”
Albert lifted his head, a bemused look etched on his face.  He opened and closed his mouth a few times before scrunching up his eyes and shaking his head.
Race bit back the urge to laugh, Albert’s reaction already better than he had imagined.
“Race, baby,” He sat up, guiding Race to sit down next to him and leaning forward to rub his temples, “I want you to say that last sentence again, but say it slowly.  People all around the globe support it?”
Race couldn’t help the spurt of giggles that passed his lips, his face sprouting into a giddy grin, “Sorry, babe, sorry,” he managed between laughs, noticing that Albert was watching him with an exasperatedly amused expression, “I just wanted to see your reaction.”
Albert studied him for a moment longer, then scoffed and picked his book back up, “You give me pain, love.”
Race situated himself so that he was tucked into Albert’s side and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “Yeah, but you love me, so…”
Albert’s gaze didn’t shift from his book, but his smile turned into something a little more genuine, “Yeah, I guess I do.”
The boys in the memory seemed to differ immensely from the boys who sat in the front seat of Race’s old RAV4 now.  They had been more carefree.  More open with each other.  Less scared to say something wrong.  But at the same time, more scared.  Less resilient to when his right to speak up was thwarted.  He had grown to be more guarded with himself.  To hold his ground better, despite how detrimental standing up for himself seemed to be.
They passed a train station and another memory resurfaced, the intimacy of that moment making it almost more painful.
Albert’s lips were soft against his, hands gripping his biceps as they kissed slowly.  It was well past midnight.  Long since the time when other pedestrians swarmed the area, looking to go home after a long day of work.  
They were alone, their solitude invigorating.
Albert lifted his hand, lacing his fingers into the back of Race’s hair and deepening their kiss.  They were close, warm, happy.  In love.
He wasn’t sure how long they had been there, listening to music and talking before losing themselves in each other, but it was amazing.  Every stupid, cheesy love movie made sense in that moment.  It was cliche, but real and raw and Race couldn’t be happier.
Albert pulled away and they broke apart completely, chests heaving and eyes glinting.  
Albert traced his fingers lovingly along Race’s jaw, placing another, softer kiss on his lips.  Race allowed his eyes to flutter shut again.
“My god, I’m in love with you,” Albert murmured, voice barely audible.
Race leaned his forehead against Albert’s, “I’m in love with you, too.”
Race swallowed, emotion rising in his throat.  He missed it.  He missed the long kisses and the strong embraces.  He missed them.  
The urge to reach out and take hold of Albert’s hand soon became too much to bear and he shifted his arm over the console.  He could see Albert’s look of surprise in his peripheral when he intertwined their fingers, but he stayed adamant and a moment later, he felt Albert squeeze back, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles.  Just like old times.
So why didn’t it feel like it?
He rounded the turn into Albert’s neighborhood, driving on mental autopilot to the house he’d driven to so many times.  He pulled up gradually, putting the car in park almost reluctantly.  Almost.
They sat in silence for a moment.
“Tonight was fun,” Race said, breaking the quiet.
Albert looked at him, smiling.  It didn’t look right.
“Yeah, it was really nice.”
His remark was genuine, but scripted.  
“I love you,” Race said, leaning forward to peck Albert on the lips, “Happy Valentine’s day.”
Albert reciprocated, but the warm feeling that once accompanied the motion was nonexistent, a weird pang of sadness taking its place.
“I love you, too,” Albert said, opening the car door, “Drive home safe.  Happy Valentine’s day.”
Race waved, watching as he walked to his front door.  They knew where they stood, but god did it hurt.
*hi wait this is me ten minutes after posting i edited it cuz i forgot to italicize memories lmao*
so happy valentine’s day lol
thanks for reading, chiefs
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Under Her Wing - Drakgo fic
Shego is instructed by Dr. Director to teach Kim a thing or two. Set after Graduation but in 2019 verse. 
TAG LIST (based on who interacted with my tag list post. If you were added by mistake or not added at all, please let me know!)
@sweet-or-sarcastic // @anavrp // @sophiecooper18 // @random-emerald-thoughts // @benjimators // @marvelousavengfulslytherin // @littlevirago // @evielovesfood // @dianenguyenbjh // @brianaisontheinterwebs // @saultnpeppah // @poisonivy123
Shego sat bored with her legs kicked up on the lab table as she watched her husband meticulously extract DNA from the toe of a Spinosaurus. For what he was going to use it for, she wasn’t entirely sure. She was just there to make sure he didn’t blow himself up. She was just his bodyguard/sidekick/liaison/mostly unwilling secretary, not his science partner. This was a guy who looked up to Doc Brown rather than Hawking.
Her phone buzzed in the pouch strapped to her leg. Things were slow that day, so she decided to take a peek. It was an email from Facebook saying she had a message on her old public profile, one she had not used since she was a hero with her brothers. Her curiosity piqued, she opened Facebook and signed out of her current, private account. She tapped the side of her phone as she tried to remember her old password.  After a few tries, she got in.
Her inbox with inundated with old and recent messages. She paid no attention to past messages from fans who were upset that she turned evil, edgelords who were threatened by a strong woman, and recent messages that praised her from turning her life around. The first message was just too shocking. It was from Kimberly Ann Possible. It read:
“Umm, hi Shego. This is Kim Possible. I don’t know if you even check this profile anymore. Dr. Director wanted me to get in contact with you, but she didn’t really tell me how lol. She wanted me to ask if you could do some training with me?”
“NO!” Shego yelled, standing straight up, her phone creaking in her grasp.
Drakken flinched, “You made me break the helix!” He whined.
“Dr. Director wants me to train Kim Possible.”
“Eww,” Drakken grimaced.
“I’m not doing this. I’m not some babysitter.” Shego exclaimed as she stormed off for Dr. Director’s office.
“Go get her, babe,” Drakken said, his mind more focused on his work.
Shego breezed past the security and barged into Director’s office, stunning the guards with her plasma. The burly men crumpled to the floor in a twitching heap.
“Ah, Mrs. Lipsky, I was wondering when you’d force yourself in here again and maim Ethan and Reid.” Director replied calmly, only glancing up at the scene “Was it last week you came in here like a bull in a china shop because we switched your husband’s lab time or was it the time before that?”
“I am not working with Kim Possible.” Shego seethed, leaning over Director’s desk and staring straight at the other woman. Director did not look up from her paperwork. Shego slammed her hands down, causing a hairline crack to form between the women.
“Did I ask?” Dr. Director countered.
Shego scoffed. “You know, this isn’t working for me. I think I’m done here.” She said as she threw her ID badge on Director’s desk and turned to walk out.
“So, you’ll give up all the comfort we’ve given you and your husband? Your home, your records totally expunged, his lab and all the resources he could ever want or need? You two are a ‘package deal’ as I believe your very own agreement states? If you leave, so does he.”
Shego stopped in her tracks.
She wouldn’t take that away from Drew. Not when he was getting the recognition he always wanted.
She turned on her heel. “I’m only staying because I haven’t gotten to use the bazooka yet.” She said through gritted teeth, pointing menacingly at Director.
“She’ll be on your doorstep at 8:15 tomorrow morning.” Dr. Director said as she threw Shego her ID badge to her.
Kim Possible didn’t get nervous about many things. She took down villains before she could even vote without a trace of fear. Today, as she drove to the address Dr. Director gave her last night, Kim Possible was nervous.
Secretly, Kim idolized Shego when she was younger. She remembered seeing Shego and her brothers on TV and followed her dutifully on what little social media existed back then. When Shego left Team Go, Kim was heartbroken, and her stomach dropped the first time she saw Shego working with Drakken. When Team Go broke up, Kim decided to take up Shego’s mantle when the opportunity presented itself. Now that Drakken and Shego went good or more likely, neutral, maybe she and Shego could be friends in the future? Kim still couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that she was going to be trained by Shego because it was Shego the hero Kim looked up to for many years and it was Shego her sworn enemy at one point.
Regardless of it all, Kim knew today would be interesting.
Meanwhile, Drakken took sleeping seriously. It’s where he got most of his ideas. When the doorbell rang at 8:00, he was not a happy camper. He groaned like a wounded animal, not even noticing Shego’s absence in bed. He haphazardly threw on a robe and stumbled down the stairs and opened the front door.
“I’ll take three Thin Mints, two Samoas and three Tagalongs,” Drakken said, yawning, handing what he thought was a fifty-dollar bill. It was really dog treats and lint.
“Um, no,” Kim said sheepishly, gently pushing his hand away. “It’s Kim…Possible? I’m here for Shego…”
Shego came down the stairs in her signature green and black catsuit.
“That’s what you’re wearing?” Shego asked, eyeing the teen up and down.
“Yeah? We’re gonna work out, right?” Kim was dressed in a tee shirt, leggings and sneakers, her red hair pulled back from her face.
Shego sighed and shook her head, “Fine, it’s whatever. Next time, wear what you’d wear on a mission. If it’s gonna be in the way, we need to know. It has to be able to perform.” She chided.
Kim felt silly for making the mistake. Shego even used her ‘teacher tone’ on her from when she substituted for Kim’s teacher. “Okay. Will do.”
Shego physically moved her half-asleep husband out of the way. “Well? Let’s go. I don’t want this to be an all-day thing.”
“Oh, uh, can I drive?” Kim asked, beaming.
A beat passed of Shego just staring at Kim in disbelief.
Shego turned to Drakken, “I want to be cremated.”
“I want Thin Mints.” The mad scientist lamented as the women walked to the car parked at the curb.
Janice was gawking at Shego as though she never saw a female body before. Shego gave a sarcastic wave.
“Who’s that?” Kim asked as they put their seatbelts on.
“The worst neighbor in the world,” Shego replied, putting sunglasses on. She flashed Janice a killer smile as they pulled out of the neighborhood.
It had already been decided for them that they would train at GJ’s onsite gym. Shego started Kim on stretches and a five-minute run, correcting her form here and there alongside her. Shego knew it was likely that Director was watching but it didn’t bother her. She was doing what she was supposed to do.
The timer on Shego’s phone went off and they slowed to a walk. She went over to a wall of equipment and took a padded strike shield and held it up.
“Let me see you punch,” Shego instructed.
Kim squared herself and threw her best one.
“No! No! No!” Shego exclaimed like a director with a cast who forgot their lines. “Who taught you to fight, your grandma?”
Kim didn’t know whether to confirm that her grandmother had indeed taught her a thing or two.
“Harder, you’re not going to hurt me,” Shego instructed. Kim wasn’t sure if she was trying to comfort or insult her.
For a period of time, Shego refined Kim’s punches and kicks.
“Now, I want you to try to take me down and restrain me.”
Kim charged at Shego, tackling the older woman to the floor. Shego knew that she had to let Kim learn, but that didn’t mean she went down easily. She was able to shake Kim off and roll away. Shego stood, about to jump away, when Kim got her in a headlock.
“Tuck your thumb in you idiot!” Shego said grabbing Kim’s four other fingers by one hand and Kim’s thumb with the other. “Do you know how easily I could rip your thumb off?”
Shego shrugged Kim off. “Again.” She ordered.
Shego let Kim get her into a headlock, this time with proper placement. They wrestled and tackled each other until Kim grabbed Shego’s hair, thinking she’d instantly surrender. Instead, Shego pushed back into Kim’s grasp, rather than wrench away.  Kim stumbled allowing Shego to escape.
“I will give you props for going for my hair.” Shego said, “I should probably start putting it in a bun. If anyone tries it with you, do what I did and push into it. You’ll knock your opponent off balance usually or lose hair if you try to pull away.”
“Right,” Kim nodded.
Kim was about to ask Shego if she wanted some water, “Hey Stepha-“
Shego immediately tackled Kim to the ground. “Do not call me that. I’m still Shego to you.”
“Okay, fine,” Kim replied, pushing Shego away.
Kim grabbed them each a bottle of water. The two sat in awkward silence on the mat.
“Who taught you all this stuff? Did you just learn on the go?” Kim asked.
“I’ve had a trainer since I was 16,” Shego answered, taking a drink.
That made sense, Kim thought. Around that time was when Team Go debuted. They must have had some training before their first mission.
Shego stood and went to get the First Aid pack and CPR dummy from the equipment wall.
“Are you going to teach me CPR?” Kim asked excitedly.
“You don’t know First Aid and CPR?” Shego asked skeptically.
“No…” Kim said, her face red with embarrassment.
“Oh my god, you’re more behind than I even thought. Do you just leave after you blow up someone’s lair? What about the populace surrounding it? What happens if you have to do search and rescue after a natural disaster? You’re a hero. You should know this stuff. It’s not all stopping heists and whatnot.”
“I’ve never done anything like that…”
“I have!”
Kim was beginning to get a greater understanding of Shego. What kind of things has she seen? Kim wasn’t going to pry and knew Shego wouldn’t tell her anything if she tried. Kim remembered that Team Go doubled as first responders at times. Kim had a vivid memory of seeing Shego being airlifted over the wreckage of a collapsed building to look for survivors on the news, her green and black feet dangling over the rubble. Shego couldn’t have been older than 17 at the time. Who pushed her into such a traumatizing and adult situation?
“Look, let’s forget about the past for right now or we won’t survive this. Truce?” Kim asked.
Shego only nodded but took Kim’s hand and pulled her up.
Kim smiled and took Shego’s leather-clad hand. It was a start; a small start, but a start nonetheless.
“Do you know how to properly headbutt someone?” Shego grinned, wickedly.
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