#i had a customer the other day who was from Arkansas
mobblespsycho100 · 4 months
👍 kabru, heh
thank you so much mwahaha
1. Bottom Line by Dom Fera
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I think this song is very Kabru in a this has big "customer service" vibes, lmao.
"Drive me somewhere you've been liking" -> hes a people pleaser, letting someone take the reins while he supports them and hangs back is kind of his thing. Even though he plans stuff out and chooses his words deliberately, sometimes he goes along with ppl's wants and expectations for him a bit too much...
"Order something I don't want, I'll drink it anyway" -> basically Kabru when he had to eat the harpy eggs Laios offered lmao. 'Right, i hate this so much this is Monster. okay. wow i need to kill you' hes literally triggered (in the ptsd term sense and not the. warped internet meaning of it) and he's still like okay ! i will dig in ! to prove a point ! so laios likes and trusts me! (... what point kabru . cmon man. )
"Take a little time, it's funny how you're fine when I'm away -> he needs to be needed. He needs to help others, save them even, to protect them from the tragedy he has experienced. He's used to being dismissed and he does swallow it and take it but ik he was so 🤨😧😠 abt laios ignoring him and all the attempts to get to know him... so its like take a lil tine its funny how ur fine when im away ... Kabru knows Laios is the closest to conquering the dungeon. and hes like. I rlly wanna help u do this but . ik ur probably fine without me (... man he makes me . so 😭)
"It's natural to see a bottom line with me / A bottom line I'll be" -> A bottom line in business is like the final total right. The sum of everything thats written at the bottom. The ultimate outcome... the core. The fate of the dungeon is something he wants to decide and get a say in as well. Even though he knows he isn't the one thats going to conquer it, he chooses to stop Mithrun from beating up Thistle and grabs him and they free fall into that pit. Because he decided, yeah, the fate of this dungeon the one to conquer it has to be us short-lived races/humans. He is such an action oriented character . He makes such decisions. He is so determined to make sure that Utaya doesn't repeat itself. Man.
Anyway that's song 1. moving on to song 2.
2. Smoke and Mirrors by Gotye
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This entire song is So Kabru coded its insane to me . but I grabbed these lyrics from Verse 3 Because the last line specifically makes. me go crazy.
"You're a fraud, and you know it" -> the freaking masker . he is such a liar and he knows it... theres not much else to say here. Playing the hero, the saviour, while knowing he doesn't actually have the skills to defeat the dungeon but hes just so desperate . man
"And every night and day you take the stage" -> he should get an acting award fr... always adjusting his personality and carefully planning his steps with each person he interacts with man... also inchtresting to me that he gets to be more #real with Mithrun. thats a whole nother analysis can of worms I won't get into but like they rlly drove each other's character development...
"And it always entertains, you're giving pleasure" -> To quote Holm, Kabru is the typa guy who would do anything to get someone to like him akdjskhf hes so real for that...
"And that's admirable, you tell yourself" -> (kabru voice) im so cool for this ahaha everyone loves me (guy who genuinely fucking loathes himself) /ref
"And so you'd gladly sell yourself to others" -> smile of pain. I just think hes a real business man sometimes . Goodness Kabru stop being a charismatic salesman of your own personality im going to explode .
Right. we're on to the last one I guess...
3. Dear Arkansas Daughter by Lady Lamb
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GENUINELY cannot really do this analysis lyric by lyric or I will go ... well. I'll go into the deep end but . like . right. anyway. this set of lyrics above aka the most popular line is very Kabru appearance. (Goodness i need to make an AMV of this. I will one day once the executive dysfunction stops fighting my autistic hyperfixation ass)
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THIS WHOLE . SET OF LYRICS IS JUST BIG KABRU VIBES (SOURCE: JUST TRUST ME BRO)... His heart is full of swords... the sword fighter (he is proficient in many weapons)... im not big into tarot (or well i havent researched it much) but the annotations for these lyrics said that its referencing the Three of Swords tarot card, which represents painful sorrow. and like.. man like a fundamental sorrow in Kabru is so oughh its just so . real. and again i need a whole nother analysis post for this since this is already So long
Tie my hands & knock my knees. he is so stressed he is so . nervous all the time and these r like. the freeze . trauma response. to me. he goes freeze and fawn a lot (fawn not specifically with abusers per say but like people pleasing tendencies again) and like kind of visibly looking nervous and stressed out up before saying smth next is smth he does a lot I feel.
And like the vibe of like sinking to the sea with a heavy heart but also being someone who brings hope in a way to others (ex: Rin and Mithrun, he ends up being their anchor and helping them start like living with their lives after the burden of their traumas and hellish experiences) but Kabrus own traumas are so immense and then the person who rises . who foils him and who brings him hope is Laios. like a ripe red apple like. something bright and tempting and also dangerous (smth smth the forbidden fruit symbolism. theres so much . like Kabru that I can dissect with like Biblical symbolism themes but like anyway he sees Laios as both the key to humanity's victory against the dungeon and as sin / a distraction from his goal because Laios makes him do selfish things and its just AAAAHGHH rahhhh. man. im normal)
ANYWAY YEAH ... that wraps this up. Thank you for sending this ask ❣️💌 I am very normal abt Kabru of Utaya dungeon meshi
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beca-mitchell · 8 months
Have you watched red, white and blue? I’m trying to but I can’t find it anywhere! Can you tell me what happens please I really want to know, I’ve heard Brittany is amazing in it!
Yes! I have watched it. It was up on YouTube (I posted about it) but it was only up for a limited time, likely to allow Academy members to vote for it to be nominated.
You can read my review here, but I'll put the detailed description under the read more. I do have a copy of the short film but I also know that the filmmaker said it would be available again soon-ish so we should all wait for the link again. :)
Brittany plays Rachel, who is first introduced to us as a struggling waitress living in Arkansas with two young children. She is seen holding a positive pregnancy test while she's taking a break at work and she is clearly distressed by it.
We are then introduced to her children, the oldest being Maddy who is about 10 years old. The film takes a few moments to show the family in their small apartment. The children have their bedroom and Rachel sleeps in the living room area on a pull-out couch. Rachel is shown to be very stressed about money, counting every last dime, particularly from her tips from the restaurant where she works. She also looks up abortion costs and in particular, available legal abortions out of state.
She receives a pretty generous tip from a regular-ish customer who had seen Rachel looking at her pregnancy test the day prior and it's this tip that lets her finally take the trip out of state that she so desperately needs. She takes Maddy with her and asks a friend to take care of her son for the weekend.
The road trip out of Arkansas takes up a good chunk of the short film and highlights both the mother-daughter bonding while also showing how strapped for cash Rachel still is, as she is constantly counting how much she spends on food and gas to still retain enough money for the abortion. There is also a moment where Maddy begs to go on a merry-go-round and we learn that it's her birthday, or at least it will be coming up. Rachel agrees and reminisces on when her daughter was young and they were all happier.
When they finally reach the clinic, it's packed/busy. The receptionist (or nurse?) notes that Rachel will have to get in line with all the other people who have sought out-of-state abortions, referencing the recent abortion bans across the USA. She takes down Rachel's information and Rachel provides a name and birthdate for the file.
It turns out that the person who actually needs an abortion is her daughter, Maddy, who was raped during a home invasion. We learn this through flashbacks (not graphic ones) that it happened while Rachel was at work and likely accounts for why she now brings her kids to work with her instead of leaving them at home.
The film ends with Maddy receiving the abortion she needs, then returning home where Rachel's young son also returns from babysitting and they share a tender family moment together.
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
April 2004
April 1, 2004
“hey heartbreaker, you'll never work in this town again”
I think someone is impersonating me online. Could be a joke. But if you talk to someone online and they say they are me, they aren't. I don't talk to anyone online. Texas is fun. We got some sick clandestine hoodies. They've got bats on the hoods and all. Sidenote: I love nickplan. Sorry my words don't have the same weight they usually have right now. Usually they feel stuck in my throat, today it feels okay inside my skin. Oh yeah chicagoland. We want to roadtest some of our new songs so we will be playing around unannounced on shows at really small venues in the next few months. If you snooze you lose. You never know what show we may play.
April 4, 2004
“we love life”
Texas was sex. Dallas being the most amazing. Its hot down here. We played with a band called DV8, this really young band (13-15). They were rad. The bassists bass was bigger than him. Me some rad kids in arkansas, they were starry-eyed and made me tongue-tied. I've been writing a lot lately. All my old charms and curses are back in full swing. I can't wait to get home. Well take these hearts and rename them dangerous and invincible. Well make them too hard to break.
April 7, 2004
“a man-made monster with every human emotion (clandestine explained 1)”
So a lot of people have been asking us about these hoodies and shirt with bats on them. It is not a clothing company. It is not a new band. When I was younger I had this same nightmare over and over again- so my friend tim biedron and I made a story of it (www.timbiedron.com to check out his art). The story is finished and we are waiting on some of the illustration. You may love it or hate it but its something that was stuck inside my head for a long time. We will be selling shirts and skatedecks online soon (www.clandestineindustries.com) and the story will be available this summer. Take the time to check it out if you get a chance.
Love peter
April 10, 2004
“ice age, heat wave cant complain”
i really like the new modest mouse cd. it's called good news for people who love bad news. purchase it.
April 11, 2004
“the moon has one third less gravity than your earth, i don't know if you can comprehend that”
im home. i love aqua teen hunger force. its hilarious. i wanted to let everyone know that if you haven't heard the point id suggest checking them out. a good mix of core and punk rock type stuff. i really really enjoy the hell out of them. www.thepointrock.com
still listening to modest mouse. still think you should get it. being home is nice. im full of food and really clean and im wearing my hood up. im way tired.
April 11, 2004
“I want to sleep on portraits painted as perfect as you”
Thanks for fun on tour. For the record for those in freeport- we had a little bit of fun with you. I will not ever drink. Its not my thing. So if you think there was more than water in that beer bottle, I have a bridge you might wanna buy too.
April 12, 2004
in response to a post on our messageboard, i want to say that i eat only cocoa crispies. i dont dig any other cereals.
April 14, 2004
“in case you're keeping score”
Being in a band is the ultimate friendship ruiner. Went to two shows tonight. In addition to all the smoke got to hang with: akas, beautiful mistake, dld, apo, senses fail and rufio. Being in a band is the best friendship maker. I am getting this awesome bass custom made, black with a red pick guard, no knobs, wired "on". I think it got me weird, so I dyed my hair red and black. Its sex or maybe not. I have 80 pages of lyrics to wade through. New songs soon. New love soon. Style update: I'm only gonna wear little polo tees with the collars up from now on. The clandestine webstore is almost up. I want to get "mom" tattoo for mothers day.
April 14, 2004
i just wanted to welcome the academy to the family. it's cool cause i've seen these guys go from the beginning and now we're here....
- petey
April 15, 2004
“who dares wins.”
i have been having such a rad time at home. but i must admit i haven't gotten used to sleeping with out hearing my friends breathing in hotel rooms. my bed doesn't feel the same. we leave again today. i am excited to see old friends. i am excited to see some bands too. the full clandestine website is going to launch on april 22 at www.clandestineindustries.com - we'll have some gear at the next couple of shows.
i was gonna post some pictures of my experiments with shaving and hair dye here. but i don't know how so go on over to: www.fueledbyramen.com/journal to see em.
love peterlewiskingstonwentz
i've found that liars always sing the loudest. heart in mouth, ego on sleeve. you've always got the right girl and the right line. i swear to god, take this mic and cross my heart and hope you die. i'm singing this one just flat of the key of love. liars always sing the loudest. the act is getting old but i'm sure all the fools will follow like vermin down the hole.
April 15, 2004
hey jerks. i got bored and dyed my hair red and black- oooh scary. when i am home i only wear sweatpants and don't shave. here's a look into the life of a loser:
make me say ugh nahnahnahnah
[image here]
there's that quarterback smile we all hate 
[image here]
born to lose 
[image here]
pretty emo bro, you could use this one to score on live journal 
[image here]
and here's the after shaved and ready to do some stagedives. new jersey or bust. 
[image here]
this may in fact be photo evidence that i am gay 
[image here]
now that we have that out of the way. the full clandestine site should launch on april 22. we'll be selling some gear at skateandsurf and at a couple of these shows on the way out. tour never ends. for real go and listen to my friend ben's band, it's called Not Enough Gold. they smoke. our tour this summer is gonna be called "believers never die" get into it. sorry for all the pictures, this ain't my space biatch, send me some.
1 2 3 L U V!
- petey
April 26, 2004
so much has been going on. my head has been moving too fast, i can't catch up. clandestineindustries.com is up.
i've got a picture from skate and surf in new jersey. we will have more soon, excuse the quality. you can see how insane this room was.
[image here]
- petey
0 notes
ovpwebnetwork · 11 months
October 17, 2023
Media Contact:
Danny Wimmer
Michigan Joins Settlements to Resolve Data Security Errors with ACI Worldwide and Inmediata
LANSING – Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced two settlements today involving financial and healthcare technology companies ACI Worldwide and Inmediata. ACI Worldwide is a large-scale payment processing company, Inmediata a healthcare clearinghouse that facilitates financial and clinical transactions between healthcare providers and insurers.
“We must rely on organizations such as these to secure our financial and personal data to a reasonable and robust standard,” said Nessel. “I am happy to join my colleagues in protecting consumers and holding corporations accountable when they violate that trust.”
ACI Worldwide Settlement
Michigan joined a coalition of 48 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico in announcing a $10 million settlement with payment processor ACI Worldwide over a 2021 testing error that led to the attempted unauthorized withdrawal of $2.3 billion from the accounts of mortgage holders. Michigan will receive $246,258.97 from the settlement. A private class action settlement is providing restitution to persons affected by the testing error. Affected Michigan residents who may wish to submit claim forms must do so by November 13th, and more information on the class action settlement is available here.
ACI Worldwide is a payment processor for Nationstar Mortgage, known publicly as Mr. Cooper. On April 23, 2021, ACI was testing its Speedpay platform. Due to significant defects in ACI’s privacy and data security procedures and its technical infrastructure related to the Speedpay platform, live Mr. Cooper consumer data was entered into the system. This resulted in ACI erroneously attempting to withdraw mortgage payments from hundreds of thousands of Mr. Cooper customers on a day that was not authorized or expected. The error impacted 477,000 customers, some of whom were forced to incur overdraft or insufficient funds fees.
State regulators, including Michigan’s Department of Insurance and Financial Services, have entered into a separate agreement with ACI for an additional $10 million. The regulators’ settlement also orders ACI to take steps to avoid any future incidents, including requiring the company to use artificially created data rather than real consumer data when testing systems or software and to segregate testing or development work from its consumer payment systems.
Along with Michigan, the settlement was joined by the attorneys general of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Inmediata Settlement
AG Nessel also announced that Michigan, along with 32 other state attorneys general, has reached a settlement with Inmediata, a healthcare clearinghouse that facilitates transactions between healthcare providers and insurers across the U.S. The settlement is in response to a coding issue that exposed patient information of approximately 1.5 million consumers for almost three years.
On January 15, 2019, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of Civil Rights alerted Inmediata that personal information maintained by Inmediata was available online and had been indexed by search engines, potentially allowing sensitive patient information to be viewed and downloaded by anyone with an internet connection.
Although Inmediata was alerted to the breach on January 15, 2019, the company delayed notification to impacted consumers for over three months and then sent misaddressed and unclear notices.
The settlement resolves allegations of the attorneys general that Inmediata violated state consumer protection laws, breach notification laws, and HIPAA by failing to implement reasonable data security.
Under the settlement, Inmediata has agreed to make a $1.4 million payment to the states. Michigan will receive $217,049 from the settlement. Inmediata has also agreed to overhaul its data security and breach notification practices going forward, including:
implementation of a comprehensive information security program with specific security requirements, including code review and crawling controls;
development of an incident response plan with specific policies and procedures regarding consumer notification letters; and
annual third-party security assessments for five years.
Indiana led the multistate Inmediata investigation, assisted by the Executive Committee consisting of Connecticut, Michigan, and Tennessee, and joined by Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
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Preview #2
Wayne Corso (Working Title) Chpt 2 Preview
This is still a work in progress (and only a portion of the chapter), but I hope it gives an idea of the book theme:
Chapter Two: Corso
Light from the rising sun began to flow between the tree branches as I stood outside waiting on the forensics unit. This was just another Arkansas sunrise to me, but what must it feel like to the girls who were inside this house? These victims get used and then tossed away. The dawning of a new day brings relief from the terrors of the night and the fears that it could be their last. 
As I was waiting, a couple of uniforms arrived to help secure the scene. I approached the senior officer with a few quick instructions, “We will keep the perimeter small. Mainly just this residence out to the curb. I don’t want to panic the neighbors before we even start canvassing the neighborhood. Hopefully we will get some help with that,” I trailed off at the end as I realized that my last sentence wasn’t likely to happen. “Also, if any reporters show up, tell them to contact media relations.”
 I was heavy-hearted as my mind ran through all the scenarios where I could have been here earlier, where I could have gotten here in time to stop this but I couldn’t find a way.  I always process and act upon information as quickly as I can get it, and the tip that led me here was no different.
While the individual that gave me the tip seemed like they honestly wanted to do some good, it didn’t help. When people on the street stop a police officer and give us information, it is usually because they have some type of beef with the person they are reporting. Cops often see the obvious signs of these attempts at revenge. The reporting party will usually grow more agitated and animated as they speak, throwing in extra offenses at the end. Individuals will usually stand and stare at the police officer waiting on a response of what they are going to do about the perceived injustice. When nothing they described is an actual crime they are left bitter and frustrated. 
This occurrence was different as the man simply said that a lot of young girls were at a residence with men coming and going at all hours of the night. This fit the profile cops so often see of young women being trafficked. The witness didn’t want to give me any personal information, not even a phone number. Traffickers use fear to reign supreme over the neighborhoods they infect, and this time seemed no different. Honest hardworking individuals don’t want to get involved as they could lose too much.
The witness had also stated that he could hear screams coming out of the house on occasion. This brought me to a state of alert. Groups like these will use their victims up and then throw them away. Once all the drugs and sexual abuse have left these women looking haggard, they are no longer a desirable product for the customer base. Unwanted women are of no use and too much of a liability to set free.
 “Who is Leslie Womack?” became the next nagging thought that wouldn’t let go. Have I heard or seen the name somewhere before? As a detective, I get too many bulletins and BOLO’s - Be On The Lookout- these days. It seems like there are dozens of bulletins every week in this region.  The crime in this area has skyrocketed in the last decade with no real explanation. The world has become an evil place where people are self-centered and seek nothing but what is right in their own eyes. I often wonder where it all went wrong and if there was a time in societies’ past where a few small decisions or changes could have given us a better today and brighter tomorrow.
Part of the issue is the explosion of growth in this part of the state. Northwest Arkansas has a major university, the nation’s largest retailer, the nation’s largest poultry producer, and several other large businesses that have their headquarters here. International business is done on a large scale and many corporations have satellite offices in the area with personnel coming and going from overseas. The push for growth has become more important than the customers or the people working hard to grow the company. 
 This has also led to people being left behind in the rush to excel and achieve. The homeless population increases year after year as the corporations trim the budget in an effort to streamline profitability; especially now that we are in a full blown recession.  This combination of a vulnerable population and men from all over the world traveling here for business, has caused a boom in the sex trade. It’s not just the homeless teens needing money or girls ‘working’ their way through college. It has come to the point where traffickers are snatching people from all walks of life and forcing them into sexual slavery. With sex trafficking estimated to be about $150 billion a year industry, too many have sought their slice of the pie. No care for what it does to its victims, their families, or even the families of the men who use these women for sex.  Often bringing home STD’s to their unsuspecting wives or fathering unwanted children.  This is a worldwide epidemic happening right under our noses and few seem to notice or care.
I pulled out my cell phone and began snapping pictures. I knew the forensics crew would get more than I could ever need but I didn’t want to wait on them. It could be a few days before they sent out the final reports with the photos. I could need some pictures for any number of reasons between now and then. I made sure to get good photos of the room where the note was found, hoping something would stand out later. I stood in the center of the space slowly looking around for anything that might seem out of place or stand out.
I exited the building to take photos of the exterior and was struck by a very simple thought. This looked like any other street in this area, or a lot of other places in middle America. The homes were spaced just enough apart to give breathing room yet close enough to know your neighbors. Shade trees gave comfort to those who wanted a place to sit on a warm summer day, gaining relief from the blistering southern summers. These trees decorated the front lawns like a powerful century standing guard, making one feel like this was a safe place to have a family. How could this happen here? Were there no real men left to stand in the gap; to see evil and do something about it?
The neighbors surely saw what was happening. The signs are usually obvious to anyone who observes them, but maybe these streets are controlled by fear. 
I stood observing and pondering when Kristine Delgado arrived with her forensics team and quickly got them to work.  She was one of the most professional and efficient cops I have ever known.  Her work is exemplary and helped the department close more cases than I could count. She knew her job inside and out, starting off as a beat-cop and going to school in her spare time, sacrificing so much along the way.  She is a true example of how hard work and determination breeds success. 
I met Kris during a manhunt shortly after she had graduated from the academy. I only had a few years on the force at that point, so it was my first time for a major search also. We started talking after one of the briefings and hit it off. We dated off and on for the next six years. I was working towards being a detective about the time she graduated school and started her OJT. We knew that it would be a conflict of interest as time went on and ended the relationship. Neither of us wanted to risk losing a promotion or a case due to any perceived impropriety.  The romantic side of our relationship came to a close but our friendship was strong.  This was very important to me as I let very few people get close and trust even fewer. We hung out as much as we could but the barrier had to stay in place to protect the integrity of the cases. No matter how much I cared for her, or anyone else, I loved the job even more. This will always be the albatross around my neck.
“Give me the rundown Wayne, what have we got?” Kris asked as she walked up.
“I received a tip that teenage females were here with a large amount of men coming in and out at all hours. He also said that he heard screams coming from the house.  I came to investigate and found the place deserted but with signs that someone was here recently”. I handed her the scrap of paper with the note on it. “This is all I found, that stuck out to me.”
“We will get to work on it, go get some rest and please call me later”. Kris said as she walked back to her team. She likely knew better though. I still had to canvass the neighborhood before heading to the station for report writing and running the databases for information. If nothing else, I hope Leslie had a missing persons report filled. Past contact with law enforcement would also leave a trail that could give helpful data. 
Before I started knocking on doors, I turned and watched Kris work.  She deploys her team in such a precise and professional manner that it’s obvious what kind of leader she is. If there is anything here, they will find it.
I got the usual response from the neighborhood. Many people weren’t home so I slid my card into their door frame. Most houses that did answer were less than helpful. Pay dirt was hit when I knocked on the door of a small elderly woman named Louise Alcott.
“Come in and sit down Detective,” Louise said as she moved out of the doorway and gestured for me to come in.
Photos hung all around her living room showing generations of happy family moments, prom nights, graduations, and family reunions. A well-worn but cared for living room set completed the homey feel. It was the typical busy patterns seen in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Louise caught me looking over the furniture as I took a seat on the couch and her in the recliner. 
She seemed to know what I was thinking when she spoke. “Yeah, I know living room set is a bit dated, but my generation was taught to care for things rather than replace.”
“I was just thinking how my family had similar furniture,” I said to deflect a little. I tried to bring the conversation back to where I needed it. “A moment ago, you mentioned seeing some odd activity in the neighborhood, can you tell me a little about that?”
“Yes, at that rental house down the street where all your people are working. About a month ago, I got on my robe and stepped outside to collect my Sunday paper. I saw several gentlemen come out of the home and drive away. Then it started happening at all hours,” Louise said with a concerned look on her face.
“Had you seen anyone at the house before that first night?” I asked.
“Not for a while. Ned, the owner had a FOR RENT sign out front for a long time but no one was willing to pay the high rent he was asking. Can you believe he wanted nearly $2,000 a month?” Louse said as she flushed a little with agitation. “I was hoping my youngest son could move in there to be close by and help out a little,  but not at that price.”
“Mrs Alcott, was that Sunday morning the first time you noticed groups of people there?”
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max--phillips · 2 years
I just think that women with accents
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
What are your Texas headcanons (I think he was my favorite of your team spirit drawings honestly)?
Well you're in luck, I've been adding general headcanons that pop up in my head into a doc, and I have a few Texas ones!
Texas Headcanons
Texas’s State Spirit is red and takes the form of an aura around him. Defined bull horns and ears are also present on his head as well as a wispy tail created by the aura. [#C82711]
I kept his eyes blue and gave him red rings instead as he’d be a big swatch of red otherwise and the blue contrast would let you quickly find his face.
In a more neutral emotional state, the aura only reaches from the top of his head to his hip, where his tail is formed.
When emotionally intense, Texas’ Spirit will envelop his whole body and can start showing more of a minotaur’s silhouette.
The vibe I wanted for his Spirit is big, strong, and intimidating.
I have his height as 6′ 5″. He is only beaten out by Alaska who stands at a monstrous 6′ 10″.
His eyes have light blue rings in them to make his gaze more intense. They can shrink or expand depending on how focused he is on something. Also “bullseye” imagery.
Texas has a bunch of big, golden, over the top, him-themed belt buckles that he likes to show off, rotating which ones he wears each day. He has one from Cavender’s, but most of them are custom made (mainly by Arkansas for a price).
He likes to open carry revolvers to protect himself and exercise his rights, but ironically he’d be able to do more damage more quickly with just his bare hands.
Texas is claustrophobic. (Credit to @demmetexas for this one) He doesn’t like to show weakness, but he fidgets around a lot on elevators and is the first one to get himself out of there. Texas always tries to play it off though.
Austin and Texas’ situation is actually considered abnormal by personification standards. A big city, especially a capital, almost always has their own body. There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just rare. Texas is the only state like this, where he still shares his mind and body with his capital city.
He sees himself as the best and strongest fighter of the fifty states, however, the threat of California’s potential still lingers in the back of his mind. Texas often underestimates people because he usually isn’t physically challenged by anything.
New York had been able to beat him by using dirty tactics and taking advantage of their height difference. When Texas criticized New York for not fighting fair, the latter simply said that the matchup was never fair in the first place. York was just evening the odds in his perspective.
Unlike California, Texas has excellent control of his strength because he simply uses it more often. If they physically fought, it would be more even as a contest of raw power vs. technical skill.
Despite the fact that Texas sees himself as a self-sufficient lone wolf, he really can’t handle being completely alone. Austin may cause him a lot of annoyance as a headmate, but Texas will quickly crack without his company.
On the spectrum of how much a personification likes having other people around, Texas is on the far side of the spectrum of really needing people’s company.
He starts getting anxious when he hasn’t heard Austin’s voice in a while.
Texas talks to himself a lot in private, not even as a conversation with Austin. He likes hearing his own voice.
Texas can snort like a bull when he gets angry. He also tends to paw the ground with his boot before charging to fight someone.
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katehuntington · 4 years
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Title: Black Dog - part eight Word count: 1900± words Episode summary: When Sam gets an anonymous phone call with information about his father, Dean receives a text message with coordinates to different location. The brothers clash and split up, one following orders, the other trusting his instincts. Meanwhile, in the wilderness of Cascade Range,  Washington State, Zoë loses grip on a personal case and is forced to confront her  demons. Without back up, this might very well turn out to  be her final hunt. Part eight summary: Sam finally arrives in Nashville and is about to begin the search for his father, when an unexpected call comes in. Episode warnings: Dark! NSFW, 18+ only! Angst, gore, violence, character death. Description of blood, injury and medical procedures. Supernatural creatures/entities, mentions of demon possession. Swearing, smoking, weaponry. Descriptions of  torture and murder. Illegal/criminal practices. Mentions of nightmares and   flashbacks. Descriptions of suicidal thoughts and tendencies, depression, panic attacks, hallucinations. Author’s note: Beta’d by @winchest09​​​​​​​​ & @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​​​. Thanks, girls!
Supernatural: The Sullivan Series Masterlist
S1E03 “Black Dog” Masterlist
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     Nashville, Tennessee      December 3rd, 2005 - Present Day
     With a sigh, Sam gets off the bus. The rain beats down on him straight away, but instead of being annoyed by it, he finds it refreshing. Finally, he’s in Nashville. It’s  taken him three days to get here. Three days of torture - which included waiting for his damn transport to arrive in the first place, being forced in a seat made for someone who is 4’8, and having to change twice to get to his final destination - but he’s in Nashville. 
     Of course, he could have hopped on a plane for a journey of only several hours, but he had a hunch he would have a bit of trouble getting through customs, carrying a duffel loaded with blades, guns, and ammunition. He might always be complaining about his brother’s driving skills or his collection of Metallica, Motorhead, and Black Sabbath tapes which he plays over and over again while he sings along, but seventy-six hours of traveling to get from Texas to Tennessee wasn’t a joy either. 
     He watches the touring car take off into the night, continuing its trip, the droplets that run down the side catching the light of the overhanging streetlights. The sound of the engine fades as the carrier merges into traffic again. Suddenly, he feels alone, left behind, and not just by the bus. It’s not the first time he experiences this uneasiness, because Sam has pondered about the fight he had with his older sibling more than once. Truth be told; he never expected Dean to leave him on the side of the road. He called his bluff, and when his brother didn’t give him an inch, he himself refused to surrender as well. If he’s completely honest with himself, he started regretting this impulsive act the minute he saw the Impala drive away, but he couldn’t let it show, he couldn’t let Dean win. He is so tired of being bossed around and being treated like a little kid. Stubborn? Maybe. Guess it runs in the family.
     Sam can take care of himself, but tracking his father will not be an easy task without Dean. When it comes to Dad, the oldest son knows him best and Sam realizes he’s going to be missing him on this search. He hopes the woman who set him on this path will call him again, because he could use a lead.
     So, what now? He decides it will probably be best to settle down in a motel and get online, see if he can find some information, then he will start asking questions. There’s not much he can do right at this moment, considering it’s 2.30 AM. It’s going to be quite a task, finding a man in a city covering 550 square miles with over 600.000 citizens. And all he has is the word of a girl he has never met, of which he didn’t even catch her name.      “This is insane,” he mutters, looking around.
     A voice of reason whispers in his ear again: go back. Dean’s words had some truth to them. What if this is a trap? What if he’s walking straight into it? Sam’s doubts will not make him turn around, though. He is here and he is not going to stop searching until he finds Dad. 
     Sam keeps his head low and buries his hand in his pockets, protecting himself from the rain as he shivers. It’s not particularly cold for this time of the year, but 39 °F isn’t anything near Texas. Raindrops bring down the temperature as well and continue to fall down on the hunter as clouds block out the moon.
     He starts to walk in the direction of what seems to be a hotel. The interstate, which lays directly next to the parking lot, crosses Highway 70. Lines of cars travel by, their white headlights and red tail lights lighting the road like it’s Christmas already. 
     Through the curtains of water, the young Winchester spots a neon sign at the entrance of the building he’s approaching. He was right; it is a hotel, funnily enough one from the same chain where Zoë spent the night in Paragould. The Hampton Inn Bellevue looks like a fancy place from the outside, and remembering the luxurious room of the huntress, he reckons this hotel will not be any different. Sam doesn’t like to waste money, but he will do anything for a decent bed after being crammed into that touring car like a canned sardine. Not that he’s planning to sleep much; he has better things to do. He has to find Dad, it’s all he can think of. 
     Right when he’s about to enter the establishment, he hears his cell phone ringing. Hastily, he takes his Blackberry from his pocket, hoping it to be the anonymous caller who tipped him off three days ago. The display announces the caller as ‘unidentified’, it might not be so far fetched. Sam picks up immediately.      “Hello?”      A relieved sigh sounds from the other side. “Hey, Sam.”
     It’s a feminine voice alright, but it’s not the ‘mysterious lady’, as Dean called the woman who passed him the information about their Dad. He does recognize the person on the other end, though. She is the last human being on earth he expected a call from.      “Zoë,” he concludes, stunned.      “Yeah… hey, listen,” she cuts to the chase. “I’m in deep shit.”
     Sam stops dead in his tracks. He thought she might be after she left so abruptly back in Arkansas, but the fact that she’s admitting that she’s in trouble means that this is serious.
     “Where the hell are you?” he asks.      “I’m just outside Darrington, Washington State.”      “Are you hurt?” Sam asks worriedly.      “Yeah, but that’s not the point.” She pauses for a moment, knowing what she is about to say might come as an unpleasant surprise. “Your brother’s here.”
     Completely staggered, Sam stares ahead with his phone still close to his ear. What did she just say? Dean is there? With her?! A million questions pop up in his head, but he finds it difficult to choose the first one to ask. 
     “What?!” is the only thing he can cry out.      “Yeah, I thought you might say that.”      “But, how the…? He went out to do Dad’s dirty laundry!” he recalls, stunned.      “Are you calling me dirty laundry?”      Sam’s eyebrows reach his hairline, remembering the coordinates John sent his brother. “You are Dad’s dirty laundry?”      “Apparently, but it doesn’t matter.” She interferes before the receiver of the call has the chance to ramble on. “Listen, Dean’s life is in danger. If he stays here with me, he’ll die. You have to get him out bef--”
     Now, it’s Zo who gets interrupted. Puzzled, Sam stares at his phone for a moment, assuming the connection might be bad. When the display shows three bars in the right upper corner, he presses the Blackberry against his ear again and listens carefully, trying to identify the sounds he hears. It seems like Zoë is fighting someone over the phone, then he hears Dean in the background.      “Give me the damn phone! Give it!”      “No! Let go!”      “Zoë!”      “Don’t Zoë me, you son of a--”      “Hand me the fucking phone!”
     The line cracks, but then the noise of static stabilizes. Dean has apparently won the fight over the device, because he can hear his voice loud and clear.      “Sam?”      “What?” he replies coldly.      “Whatever you do, don’t hang up,” Dean pleads before Sam does something he will regret later.      “I thought you were on Dad’s job?” the younger brother confronts, still angry with his brother.      “I am, this is the job. The coordinates led me to Zo,” he explains. “This is not some ghost hunt, Sam. This is unlike anything I’ve ever faced before.”
     The hunter hears the concern in his sibling’s voice and he immediately swallows back the smart response he had waiting for him.      “I need you to get over here, and while you’re at it look up everything you can find about hellhounds,” Dean demands, calm but stern.      “Hellhounds?” Sam repeats, perplexed. “As in the actual soul claimers of the crossroad demons?”      “Yep, and we’re on the menu.”      “How did that happen? You have to make a deal before they claim your soul at the arranged time,” Sam remembers from one of the lore he studied.      “They were let off the hook,” Dean claims. “Sam, you have to find out a way to kill them.”      “You can’t kill hellhounds, Dean,” Sam replies.      “No, you don’t understand. You have to find a way to kill them,” Dean repeats slowly, making sure the words sink in.
     The youngest gulps, realizing how much trouble Zoë and his brother are in. He has read some books that mentioned these creatures, but he never found anything about killing them. He turns around and stares up, letting the rain fall down on him, the water clumping his brown hair together in strands. The hunter scoffs; and he thought he made it to his final destination. He just traveled half the country to get east, now he has to travel all the way up north?
     “This better not be some excuse to get me away from Dad, Dean,” he warns.      “I wish it was, Sam,” Dean says, concerned. “Hurry it up, will ya?”      “Will do.”      “And - uh, about what happened down in Texas…”      “That’s not important now. We’ll talk about it later,” Sam replies to Dean’s unspoken words.
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     Knowing they both can bury their pride and work this out, the younger brother closes his eyes as a burden falls off his shoulders. It must, for him to be able to carry a much heavier weight on them. Zoë’s and Dean’s life will depend on him.
     “One more thing,” Sam states, before hanging up. “You do know what happens when these things catch you. You don’t just die…”      “I know. You go to hell,” Dean finishes.      The young Winchester nods his head, although his sibling can’t see that. A short silence follows, after which Dean ends their conversation.      “See you soon, Sammy.”
     The line disconnects and a tone beeps in his ear, but it takes a few seconds before the young hunter actually lowers the phone and puts it away. Well, that changes things. There is no time to lose; he needs to get to Washington State and fast. 
     Determined, he stalks back onto the parking lot, observing his surroundings. No bus ride this time, he needs faster transportation. His gaze glides over the parking lot. Then he spots a silver 2005 Chrysler Crossfire Roadster amongst them. He nods, approving, knowing that the vehicle would make good time, but his conscience kicks in soon enough. He can not just connect some wires and steal a car like that! Or any car! But the thought of his brother and Zoë ending up dog food because he was too civilized to go grand theft auto isn’t something he could live with either. He’s left with no other option. 
     Reluctantly, Sam groans and eyes the vehicle, but then steps towards it while shaking his head and mumbling to himself, “I am so gonna regret this.”
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Thank  you so much for reading. I appreciate every single one of you, but if you do want to give me some extra love, you are free to reblog my work or buy me coffee. Link in bio at the  top of the page.
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Sugar with a Side of Coffee Ch. 7- Raining in My Apartment
Chapter 7: Raining in My Apartment
Series Masterlist :)
Spencer awoke the next morning still sitting up on his couch, one of his blankets draped over his lap. He stared at the ceiling, piecing together the night before. His face turned red as he remembered inviting Cate over. He was sure he blew it. Who invites a girl over and then falls asleep? He really hoped he hadn’t screwed up. He finally peeled his head off the back of the couch, catching sight of his glasses and a sticky note on his coffee table. He put his glasses on his face, and picked up the note, like it would turn to dust if he wasn’t careful. 
Thanks for having me over! :) 
Sleep tight, 
Cate :)
He placed the note back and looked around his apartment. His alarm wasn’t due to go off for another five minutes according to his watch. Speaking of which, he patted his pockets for his phone, coming up empty. It wasn’t on the coffee table or the side table. Sliding his hands in between the cushions, he finally found his phone. A notification of a new voice message from Cate was lighting up the screen. As he played it, he felt the corners of his mouth turn into a smile. 
His alarm pulled him from his thoughts and he had to get up and get ready for work. He made a mental note to send her a message back later that day. Sleeping on the couch made him feel sweaty, so he needed a shower before catching the bus to work. 
Cate had rushed into The Empty Mug for her shift. The late night had made her snooze her alarm one too many times. Shrimp was no help, curled up in the bend of her knees contently before yawning and stretching as Cate flew out of bed. Cate had expected to see a voice message from Spencer, but the only text she had was from Marta. It was a gif of Snooki from Jersey Shore, saying something along the lines of “Get it, Girl!”. 
“About time!” Marta said to Cate sternly. “If Sweater Vest is going to make you late to work, I might have to disapprove of him.” Marta was flying behind the counter, making a few orders at once. 
“I know, it won’t happen again” Cate mumbled to Marta, her mouth holding a clip while Cate pulled her hair back into a half up half down style.
“Good, now when you get back, we have matters to discuss!” Marta had to cut their conversation short, not only because she was serving, but because Cate had to get out onto the cart. 
As Cate’s shift was ending, her phone was ringing in her pocket. She had no customers in sight, so she pulled it out of her pocket. Spencer’s contact was displayed on the screen.
“Hey,” Cate said, wiping the counter. “What’s up?”
“Hi, I, um, I’m sorry I fell asleep last night.” Spencer stuttered nervously. “I didn’t mean to, I was just so exhausted from the case-” Spencer rambled until Cate cut him off.
“It’s totally fine! I know your job is tough.” Cate smiled. She could almost hear Spencer smile on the other end of the line.
“Did, did you like the movie?” He asked nervously. 
“Yeah I did!” Cate wiped the counter of the cart. “But next time, I’m picking the movie.” She said with a smile. She imagined the two of them in her apartment, binging all of the Harry Potter films, snuggled on the couch with enough junk food to feed a small army. 
“Deal!” Spencer said eagerly. He wanted to make up for falling asleep, and he wanted to be conscious for their next hang out. Mostly, he was glad that Cate was so understanding about him being so relaxed he slipped into the best sleep he’d gotten in a while.
Despite The Empty Mug providing coffee for the BAU in their building, Spencer still stopped by in the mornings when he had the chance. Cate was able to keep it short and sweet, having his coffee ready and sometimes a baked item made from the night before. They kept their conversations short, so as to keep the cart’s line moving. Besides, they enjoyed their voice messages. It was like the staple to their friendship. 
On the days that Spencer didn’t show, Cate would ask him about it.  He would explain he was away on a case in another state. Cate was fascinated by the idea of a private jet for the agents. She loved flying, and loved looking out the windows on planes, unfortunately she didn’t fly often. She envied that Spencer had seen so many states and got to travel for work, but was brought back to reality when she thought of the horrific things he’d face on the job.
This particular morning, was a day where Spencer was off on a case. He didn’t tell her about the case, sometimes he didn’t even tell her what state they were in. He liked to keep her as distanced from the job as possible. Sometimes, the news channel or other customers who gossiped about the news would give away where they might be. 
“Have you heard about the missing women they found hidden in the basement in Arkansas?” an older, light haired woman asked Cate while she was fixing up her coffee.
“I haven’t heard.” Cate handed her the disposable cup. The woman lingered for a bit longer.
“The youngest one escaped, and then they arrested the guy at his job, acting like everything was normal!” she told Cate. Cate gave her a smile and looked at the next customer. The woman thankfully took the hint and left the cart, going about the rest of her day. When Spencer didn’t visit, it seemed like her shift took forever. She wasn’t sure when he’d get off his case, but he would usually send her a quick voice message when they landed safe.
Cate tried to keep Spencer out of her head as she finished her shift. She didn’t like imagining what graphic things he’d seen. She did however, like to imagine him in all his unique-ness. A nice patterned button-up, a cardigan or a sweater vest, his messy brown hair. It always seemed to be in his face, Cate wanted to reach out and tuck it behind his ear sometimes when he spoke, but didn’t want to overstep. She liked where they were as friends. She wouldn’t mind being more, she did want that. But, she liked having him as a friend. She enjoyed his presence in her life. 
Before she knew it, her shift was over. She would’ve stopped to talk with Marta, but Marta had a line of customers waiting to be tended to. Knowing she could call Marta later, Cate opted to head home to relax and get housework done. She walked home, enjoying the nice breeze and warm air. 
Upon entering her apartment, Cate was taking off her shoes when she heard the sound of water droplets. She paused, trying to find where it was coming from. She prayed that Shrimp hadn’t managed to turn the faucet on again. He had racked up quite the water bill one month. Cate walked quietly around her kitchen, looking for the source when the sink was dry. 
Cate gave an exasperated scoff when she had walked into her living room and saw her ceiling dripping. A large rust colored wet spot grew on the white ceiling. She leapt into action when she saw it had made its way onto her bookshelf. Her recipe books were safe, the laminated pages kept her family recipes waterproof. Her favorite books, however, were sopping wet. She grabbed all seven of her Harry Potter books off the shelf, bringing them to her counter for safe keeping. 
Her next mission was to find Shrimp, who despised water. Per usual, he was loafed under Cate’s bed, wide eyed. She shook a treat bag to coax him out. He stayed put. Frowning, Cate called down to maintenance to see what happened. After receiving some bad news, she called Marta to see if she could stay the night. Cate looked miserably at her favorite books on the counter. She called the only person she knew who might be able to fix this.
Spencer was still at the office, having just landed. He tidied up his desk and sorted through his messenger bag.  He was talking with Emily and JJ when his phone rang loudly. He barely got the chance to greet Cate when he heard her voice.
“I need help because you know a lot about books and you’re smart and my books are in really bad shape because my apartment is raining, I really need your help.” Cate managed in one breath. He tried very hard to not correct her about how it was impossible that her apartment would be raining.
“I’m sorry could you repeat that a little slower?” Spencer walked away, trying to find a quieter place to listen to her more carefully. 
“M-my favorite books got wet because my apartment ceiling is leaking and I need your help because I know you take good care of your books.” Cate was trying to not sound desperate, but she didn’t succeed.
“Of course,” Spencer gathered his messenger bag, sweater, and go bag. He gave Emily and JJ a wave as he made his way out. He was glad he had decided to drive to work today; he didn’t have to wait for a bus. “I’ll pick you up.” he said as he started his car. “I’ll call you when I’m out front.” he hung up and drove as fast, yet law-abiding, as he could to her apartment. He had already memorized where her building was in the image of Quantico that he could envision perfectly in his mind.
He pulled up at the front of her building and Cate was already waiting for him. She had a bag of books over one arm, a backpack on her back, and a cat carrier. He had never seen her look so sad. These books must be special, he thought to himself. She spotted Spencer’s car and started walking towards him. He got out of the car to open her door and take her backpack and books and put them in the backseat. 
“I’m sorry I know I didn’t mention Shrimp, but I couldn’t leave him. Maintenance said the people upstairs somehow burst a pipe and now I can’t be there for a week while they do construction, ugh!” Cate rubbed her face with her hands. “I cannot believe this happened.” Spencer wasn’t sure what to say to make her feel better. He could list off the limited construction knowledge he had, but it didn’t seem right. “I’m sorry, I’m not insinuating that I’m moving in. I’m living with Marta for a bit. Can you tell me about books?” Cate looked over to him, and began sticking her fingers in Shrimp’s carrier. 
“I keep my books at 68 degrees, which is the ideal temperature to store them to keep them in good condition. I control the climate in my apartment to ensure that my books stay in the best environment.” He continued to talk through the silence the whole way to his apartment. Cate followed him silently. He grabbed her backpack and book bag while Cate carried Shrimp. Spencer let Cate in first, closing the door behind them. He placed her backpack on the couch while he brought the other book bag into his study, where his bookshelf was. Cate put Shrimp’s carrier down on the living room.
“I brought a hair dryer too.” Cate told Spencer as she pulled her wet Harry Potter books out. “I know you might not be able to do anything, but I figured if anyone could try it would be you.” Cate looked at Spencer and he would do just about anything for her hopeful face. He tried not to linger his stare on her tear streaked cheeks. 
He picked up the first book. He knew deep down that they were probably unsalvageable but he would try anything. They both did not speak as she carefully removed the dust covers off of them and laid them out on Spencer’s desk. He took the hair dryer and began blowing the pages. 
“These were some of the first books I ever read on my own.” Cate confessed. She watched Spencer peel the pages apart with his long fingers. “These are my first copies that I actually read the series on for the first time.” Spencer saw her gaze on the books. 
“It’s like they’re old friends.” He told her. “I get it.” She gave him a weak smile.
“Yeah.” She saw how concentrated Spencer was and she felt like there might be hope for her books. Spencer straightened up, looking back at Cate. “Thank you for helping me.” Cate told him. He put the dryer down and faced her, his hand propping him up against the desk. 
“Anytime. I know that books can carry a lot of sentimental value.” He watched as her eyes flickered to his hands. 
“It means a lot.” Cate placed a hand on top of his. Spencer felt his heart swell. She left the room to check on Shrimp in the living room. He tried to calm himself down before he went after her, so she wouldn’t see his blush.
Cate had opened Shrimp’s crate, reaching inside to pet him. His carrier was on the couch, Cate was kneeling in front of it, and Spencer had just walked through the doorway. 
“So,” Spencer started as he knelt beside her. “Why’d you name him Shrimp?” Cate smiled, thinking back to when her cat was a kitten.
“He was so small when I first got him. Like a little orange shrimp.” Cate pulled her hand out of the crate, and Spencer reached in to pet Shrimp himself.
“Did you know that the biggest shrimp species can get up to eight inches? A kitten is a pretty accurate sizing comparison.”
Cate and Spencer spent the rest of the afternoon trying to save her books. Spencer did not want to admit that the series had been one of the few that he hadn’t picked up. After some time, Cate had asked if Spencer could drive her to Marta’s so she could let Shrimp roam around. When he returned to his apartment, he carefully picked up the first book and began to run his finger down the pages as he read the whole series in just under two hours.
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bigmafluff · 3 years
My Story Chapt.1 & 2
The Ultimate Fan fiction/Love story! Tom Hiddleston,
This is fiction it is not real I'm not this lucky! 
family!Courage ! Faith! And Kids! This book is a new life after parenthood. It is my new journey. And a not so guilty obsession. Thanks for reading!
What happens When a Single Mom Who Has devoted her Soul to her Family. receives her Empty nest papers . That the world said she would never have. Hi I'm Shannon ! I'm a writer  well I want to be . Need a Publisher first.  Where are the Best . In the U.K. Didn't count on Love too. Come find out what happened. It's a great adventure.
Chapter 1
A shocking encounter.
{I want to break free. By Queen, Hello By Lionel Richie, and I can't feel my my face. By the weekend}
A new Beginning ! Yup something I thought this would never have. You see I'm a Autism Mom and helped my sis raise her 2 kid when she couldn't by herself. I was One of those mom's that where told That .I was gonna be Raising my Son Lucas all my life. Well God and Lucas had other plans. I'm So Dang Proud!!!!!! So Kids grown. Lucas has an Aide, A Job as a Mechanic/Car dealer back Home . I think the mechanic stuff is his hobbies cause My Lucas Love's to tinker. My Nephew is working for NASA/ and Microsoft which I also think
NASA thing is the hobbies . As I said Tinker Just smaller. Now My Niece Katrina . She Is my Butterfly . Totally out side the box, 4 tour's In the Navy. She's A Young Mama and A News Caster In Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. Here's the twist Her and Her kids do Video's on YouTube for fun.
Enough about My Babies. Writing was not the only reason to Go across the Pond to America's Father land. I had recently gone through several Surgeries to fix my body after losing a extreme amount of weight from a Lifetime of Issues with my weight. 2 charities offer to help me finish that Journey but the only Plastic Surgeon willing to touch me Is at Oxford University Hospital. So Here I Go A Strange women in a strange land .
So When I was all of sudden a Empty nest . I was struck with something I haven't thought bout sense childhood . What do I do when I grow up! LOL !! So I hit my bucket List and started @ the 2 Largest and hardest things to accomplish on that list . Fix my body and Write! . So College to get my literary degree. While Extreme Yoga, Running , lil' bit of Martial art's and Lessons In all form's of skating! [Skating Hobby AKA on DA list!] God, family, and Music Made it all worth it and surprisingly easy! Dream's come when your are working hard and not Looking for it. These are one of those.
Now I'm in a UK/London Airport bundled up with 3 List's and a map on my phone .Braving the unknown, Trying to find DA Baggage claim and Customs in the rather Large Heathrow Airport . Dang!!!! it was noisy! Honestly I wasn't even paying no attention to were I was going. I was just Focused on Trying hard to get out of this busy packed Building ,Stress &Anxiety times 10!!!!!
while heading to Customs Dragging 2 rolling cases and Large tote on my shoulder. I'm walking past a group of screaming women and teens along with flashing lights from camera's Butt I was determined to stay focused on Why I'm in a hurry. I hit something head on and drop to the ground my tote spill and it was like hitting a wall and all of a sudden all the noise stopped. I don't care who says other wise, British and Aussie Ascent's are smooth and sexy and butter! The are several men in the U.K. That send my fan girl hormones into Overload. But only 3 are Single Tom Hiddleston, Henry Cavill, and Luke Evan's.
Now Tom Hiddleston is epic. Stage, screen, voice, He is it. He is melt worthy . Hint's the screamers! 6/2 160 Stormy blue eyes , He's strutting the Black dye job for a movie he just finished he is a naturally curly blonde. I'm a sucker For men's curls no Joke. Pure Killer Eye Candy !!!!!
As I try to pick my things up and apologize I see a hand also picking up my things . He touched my hand and I look up and see those wonderful blue's I start to shake to nervous to talk . I shake my head and Just finish picking up my things . I don't have time for this and I don't want to have a fainting spell from nerves it this Airport. So keeping my head down I stand . Say Thank you and Apologize again for slamming into the man and Leave before he says anything.
One hour Later!!!!!
I made it to my hotel via Uber. I changed , called family especially Lucas my Captain America. I ordered pizza {Yes ! there is Pizza in the U.K."} And was going thru everything and found my Chromebook! But my Ticket receipt and my Night Manager Novel is missing . Well that sucks 'I'm hoping I can get home on the stub. I wasn't as mad about the receipt as I was about my Book. I Just bought it. Before I left I had watched the series With my sister. She said that I had to read
the book to get the full experience. I only just got past the 2nd chapter when I landed. Anyways I was laying down and working on the next book in my children's book arsenal. When I must of passed out . Cause I woke to The ringing of my phone.
I go to answer it .Noticing it was already morning. A very groggy Lucas Wishes Mama a good morning and goodnight due to the time difference. After 45minutes for trying to tell my son I am OK and he needed to go to bed. I was finally able to shower and get ready for my day. I decided to stay and write today so my body can adjust before I go rampaging thru London looking for a publisher. I got half way thru Luca 's day in wonderland when I git a knock at My room door.
I open The door and there he is again invading my Life and charging hormones I thought long dead. Thomas William Hiddleston and he was holding my book with the receipt sticking out of it and a white rose . I'm thinking DA rose was a sign of peace. I'm standing there speechless. I think He realized I was a little Star struck so he helped me Back in to my room . Sat me down and brought me the water bottle I had on my Nightstand . I took a sip and Shook My self out of the fog I was in.
I begin to stutter and When he put His Finger over my lips. He then Said " Calm yourself Girl then we have Us a chat Yes? Where is the Tea around here ,or do you drink it" . All I could do is point to the Mini fridge. Curiously He Looks in the fridge . Then I remembered The English drink it hot . Then I said Finally calmed enough to be clear.
" Stop ! Look above it next to the coffee pot. I drink my Tea cold. I'm sorry! I think the stuff you want is in the Lil' treasure box next to The pot Sir. After a Little while Mr. Hiddleston And I Had interesting Chat . Yes we did. Basically This very conceded ,Arrogant , But Knock-out Gorgeous Man. Basically Had to find me Just because I didn't ask his name or for selfie or any thing. Honestly I think he was Just messing with me cause He Saw My Funko babies on the coffee table . Yes! There were a couple of His there.
He asked what I was doing here In his Home Across the pond. I showed him my stories on my Chromebook. Hey I was thinking he might be able to help me. I told him I was looking for a publisher . I also told him I was Do to have surgery I a couple of weeks, while I was here at the University Hospital. Hey When I get nervous thing's just spew I can't help it. So I told Him all of It Right down to my sudden empty nest. All while he read one of my Stories and nodding. He is in the middle of, Luca and The Golden Lion.
Thomas asked me some Questions about the story. I asked him some to. We bantered and I was surprisingly calm and comfy just chatting along. No longer nervous or anxious . We had been talking for hours . Tom was getting ready to leave . He handed me my book then held my hand there then whispered in my ear making me shiver." Still no selfie , no autograph, or Scream, Well Mrs. Jones. I would say You weren't a fan except for your greeting. So what is a Guy to do to get your attention. We will find out won't we, Till I see you again my Lady." I closed the door behind him as he left. Then promptly passed out right therein front of the door. Life just got interesting !
Chapter 2
Career Change Wow!
[Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the waves, Hay YA by OutKast, High hopes By Panic at the disco.]
I woke the next morning to sunshine and birdsong. It must be a sign I am on the right track. So Coffee a Shower and breakfast burrito's at McDonald's, and I'm out in London . I'm Publisher hunting. I had a call from the Hospital about my per-opp appointment for surgery. That is in a few day's. So Little nervous about that . As I walk into my first office building then I Stop in the lobby when my phone rings.
It was a local # so I answered . It was a Guy named Luke Parsons He is a free lance publisher that heard about my stories. I was shocked how did he hear about me. He asked if we could meet at his office at 3pm. I agreed,he gave me the address and hung up. I went in to the build kinda stoked . I figure I try all my options. So through out the day I went to many publishing companies all saying the same which pissed me off to no end. But did I show it NO. Just because I'm American they won't even Look at them. I couldn't even eat . I grabbed a Juice @ a convenience store, then went back to my hotel to change. I needed time to find this place for my 3:00 meeting with Mr. parsons and I want to make a good impression since I was rejected so many other times today.
So I decided to call a Uber because I felt I had been walking all day and needed a small break . When we Pulled up to the Building and guess who was standing there with a smart ass smile on his face! Yup! Tom was opening my door after paying the driver , which I didn't expect. He grabs My hand and kisses my palm. Honestly why is a guy like him even paying me any attention . I'm not the tiny,skinny little thing that he is normally with and I don't act or sing. It's frustrating and exhilarating at the same time. GOD HELP ME!!! I told my self.
I asked Tom what he was doing here and then everything clicked. He told Mr. Parson's about me. When I asked how he knew Mr. Parsons. Tom told me that Luke was a Publicist by trade but had a small publishing company on the side as a hobby. So not letting go of my hand Thomas took me inside to meet Luke. Tom stayed in the waiting room as I went into Luke's office. He didn't have a huge office, but it was still dark and intimidating. The tall blonde man in the gray suit, stood and shook my hand . And I sat in the chair across from his desk. when I was going to speak. But he straight shut mt up with a finger. He started Hounding me about Tom. Ii became Anxious and when that happens I Babble and stutter badly. I spilled everything from my weight to the confrontation @ my hotel. By that point I am crying and Thomas came in and took one look at me and Was about to give Luke the business when Luke stopped him Saying He needed to Gage my character. Do to the fact that Thomas was one of his most prominent Clients. I relaxed cause Tom did. And Luke apologized .
When all was calmed. Tom pulled a chair next to me. He told me to go ahead and give Luke my flash drive with my book copies on it . All while holding my hand and rubbing my back . I have to admit I had a small smile on my face cause I was feeling @ peace with TWH sitting and pampering me. It was nice. Mr. Parsons plugged my flash drive into his desk top. While telling me to call him Luke. He said regardless if he likes mysteries or not He is probably gonna see a lot of me because he was Tom's Publicist. I am not giving any weight to that remark not yet .AHAHAH!!!! As Luke was reading Tommy and I were talking and Honestly I needed to get a lot of my frustration's off my chest .Unfortunately Thomas was my victim , willing I might add considering he was grinning the whole time.
Once I was done giving the 3rd degree to Tommy. He squeezed my hand then answered." Well Shannon. I have been in this business for a while now and out of all my so called fans. I never had one Ignore me! They'll always wanted something from me. A picture, to Kneel,autograph,selfie,hug,any attention I would give they sucked it from me. But when you ran into me at the airport. The funko toy's spilling from your bag told me your were a fan and I saw your face you recognized me, I heard you breath hitch. Yet you said sorry and left. No selfie, No nothing. It intrigued me so much I had Luke here who was with me that day check you out using the stub and book with your name and address in America in it . Which also gave me more proof you were a fan." as he continues to explain I look at him in awe he has no clue how bad I want to fan girl and ask for all those things but my heart may be with him but my mind is on what Luke is doing because Luke has my future in his hands.
Back to Tom's explanation." Shannon I came to your room Just to give a fan a gift. On my way to my Mother's for lunch. I ended up canceling lunch when you froze on me. Then I was so humbled by your nervousness. Dearling ." He says as he caresses my face ,raising Luke's eyebrows he is reading. Tom finally finishes with," As I was leaving your room I knew I had to know you more and since you were Looking for someone to help you get your stories read I talked to Luke about it and he was happy to get a new client especially one not for the public business but for His hobby. Now that I explained everything Love turn and listen to Luke I think he has something to say."
That caught my attention. I shook off the haze from listening to Tom . Turned my head to see a smiling almost ecstatic Luke. Looking at us. Then retold me he loved my stories. He said the fan-fix he even might know someone who might want to turn it into a play with the right circumstances. The other 2 he wanted to know if this is a story arc Like the old Harry Potter Series going on cause he could make it happen if there was gonna be more. He also asked about the Illustration in the stories.
I answered him promptly,about Luca and his daydreams and how they relate to my son who is Autistic and who also did the pictures for my stories Neither of them realized I was a mother . Which took both by surprise. Luke asked if I was married . OMG ! Would I have let Tom flirt with me if I was. Yes ! I would have, But I told Luke the truth I have been separated and divorced. For many years. And my Son is almost 30. that floored Tom ! I guess he thought is was younger Ha! Wait till he finds out I'm 2 years older than him. Dang straight! Cougar Power !
Now I get excited when Luke pulls a rather large group of paper's out of his desk. And writes on them. The put's them in front of me and explains. "Now Shannon can I call you that . Of course I can!" I just nod quietly." Well Shannon this is a contact for exclusivity. So anything you write is published through our Publishing company. So any fan based Fiction, Lucas stories all of it Go through us. Do you understand that Shannon?" I nod in understanding. He continues, "I am going to pay you up front for the 3 stories you have now plus signing bonus. Although only 2 are guaranteed to hit book shelves very Quickly.
Also I am Also going out of my way and despite conflict of interest with Tom I going to take you on to navigate your public appearance as well. You will need that for book signing's and such. I will also make sure Lucas gets paid for all his pictures and any future picture's for your book's. Now one last thing that may help ease your mind a bit Shannon. Tom Has nothing to do with this contract or the merit of your stories. It was just a lucky shot for both of us that He was the one you ran into in the Airport and that he knew what Me and a few friends do in our spare time. Helping Storytellers get their stories read when no one else would is what we at Parsonage publishing are here to do most the commissions I'll receive for your book go to the Literacy foundation here in the U.K. Which is 5% but I also am taking10% for my Public work. But you won't even need to worry Shannon. I'm prepared to make you a very Popular and rich woman."
Honestly I am froze I did not think Lucas's and My stories would be this popular. Especially on there own merit. I'm speechless! Until Thomas starts shaking me to get my attention. I Turn, Tom point's to Luke. I turn and Luke asks? " Shannon Darling did you get all of it or do I need to repeat any of it?" I tell Luke as I take a look at the contraction front of me. Tom still holding my hand and I am thankful for the support. I got it surprisingly knew what the whole Author gig entails so to have Luke help me with both sides of that is a life saver, but I still have one or two questions.
" OK Luke ! I got most of it I am just got a couple questions? 1st Are you sure about the Public side I can find another if it helps your piece of mind. Also Are you sure my little stories are gonna get that popular and Last if so who has a pen. To my shock and tears. He answered all my question reassuring me of his sincerity and excitement .He also gave me a pen to sign my first almost million $Contract. I was so giddy . Luke asked for my main info like email ,cell, direct deposit > I just realized I'm not a disabled parent anymore. I am A writer/Author ,gainfully employed . I am crying Laughing and falling off my chair taking Tom with me.
While Luke gets me copy of my contract I had just signed . Tom Kisses my palm then he was kissing the my forehead. Then He shocks me by looking me straight in the eyes , Blue on Blue then asking out to Dinner tonight. WAS THIS A DATE!!!!!!????????????????
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boredout305 · 4 years
Baron of Love: Moral Giant
A chapter preview from Ross Johnson’s upcoming memoir on Spacecase Records. Out late September 2020. 
CHAPTER 30: DICKINSON As in James Luther Dickinson or Jim Dickinson or simply Dickinson as he was referred to by friends and strangers alike. I always addressed him as Jim, but if we were playing a recording session or a live gig we always wondered aloud if Dickinson was going to show up. And often he didn’t for reasons of health or personal ones that were highly private. I often felt Jim wouldn’t show up because he felt something was wrong with the context of the gig or session, that something was unlucky somehow. I never asked him about this, just a feeling I had. If he didn’t show, there was disappointment but no offense taken. If he did show up he always elevated things in what felt like a magical way, for lack of a better term        I will repeat a story here I told in the liner notes of Goner’s Make It Stop! about meeting Jim. I repeat stories verbally all too often, but I don’t like to tell the same story over in print or in filmed interviews. I was working as a sack boy in the summer of 1972 at one of the local Big Star (yep) chain groceries. Jim would usually shop for groceries there mid-afternoon Friday while my drumming idol Al Jackson Jr. shopped at the same Big Star on Friday around dusk. They were the only customers who ever tipped me for carrying their groceries out. One day I got the nerve up to speak to him as I was loading groceries into his car and said: “You’re Jim Dickinson, aren’t you, and you recorded with the Flamin’ Groovies on Teenage Head, didn’t you?” Years later Jim admitted that he thought I was going to ask about The Rolling Stones but was impressed when I mentioned the Groovies instead. We had an extended conversation in the parking lot about the Teenage Head session and he enthusiastically mentioned that he got paid $700 by producer Richard Robinson for one night of work on the record. I got in trouble with grocery store management for staying in the parking lot so long, but the conversation was worth it.         There are so many stories about Jim I could tell, but I’ll relate just a few here. When I started playing with the Panther Burns in 1979 he remembered our parking lot chat about the Flamin’ Groovies. I’ve said it before, but I always considered Jim an unofficial member of the group because he produced and played on several of our recordings as well as joining us on many live performances. Recording with Jim and Alex was not often easy; there was always some tension left over from the Sister Lovers sessions. There was also a lot of attitude on display at Panther Burns recording sessions and I often felt out of my league, musically and emotionally speaking. Jim sensed this and one day he followed me outside Phillips Recording Studio when I was taking a mental health break and he told me I had as much right to be in there as Alex, Tav and the other players. Jim could always sense what was going on psychologically among musicians at a recording session and produced accordingly. My favorite production technique that Jim used was the stories he would tell before cutting a take. Sometimes the stories were oft-repeated, but I loved hearing him tell them over and over. I often asked him to tell stories about the late, great guitarist Jesse Ed Davis. He always obliged. During the last few years we recorded together we would inevitably talk about the Klitz and his early efforts to produce them. He always thought they should have been hugely successful. I agreed.        In 2008, co-producer and Reigning Sound drummer Greg Roberson set up a pro-bono session at Jim’s Zebra Ranch Studio for me to record a number of favorite covers and one original about legendary Arkansas rockabilly singer Bobby Lee Trammell. Greg did a great job of putting a band together, drumming so I could concentrate more on “singing” (almost all my solo rant records were done live with me singing and playing drums at the same time) and co-producing the record with Jim that became Vanity Session by Jeff Evans and myself that was eventually released on Spacecase Records. Rather than using booze and pills as my muse for the session, I opted for a herbal concoction that enabled us to record 13 songs in a little over three hours.         During a break, Jim and I went outside to talk privately. Both of my parents had died not long before the session and I could tell Jim was not in the best of health himself so talk rather naturally turned to death. I won’t disclose what we said that day since the conversation was private, but the topic of death was on both of our minds. A little over a year later Jim would be dead in the late spring of 2009.        Jim was a mentor, father figure of sorts and friend to me as he was to an untold number of other musicians. I was going through a bad patch with depression in the spring of 2009 and Greg Roberson thoughtfully told Jim I was rather down at a time when he was gravely ill. Nevertheless, he penned a very encouraging email to me then which lifted my spirits considerably. He did so during a period when his own life was ebbing away. That was Jim, always involved with what others were thinking and feeling. A few years later I sent that email to his widow Mary Lindsay Dickinson because I wanted her to know how concerned Jim was about other people until his death. Of course, she already knew as did her sons, Luther and Cody, the North Mississippi All Stars. I agree with the title of Jim’s memoir, that he is merely dead but not gone. I always imagine him being onstage or in a studio when I perform live or record since his death. I couldn’t have a better revenant or muse.
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