#i had a guy earlier ask me about the pronouns on my nametag before going youre joking right? like ok. fuck you man
munch-mumbles · 2 years
trans people working retail should be allowed to tell one customer a day to ***
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Mafia Boss!Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: (Y/n) lives a normal life. But that’s the issue, it’s normal, it’s plain, and it’s growing boring. Everyday she wishes for something, anything to spice up her life. But, when her old school friend (and crush) shows up at her bakery with a new look (and what looks like a new life), what will it bring for her? Will their puppy love grow? Will his big secret lead to the end of them or will it spark a new beginning?
Warnings: wizards experiencing muggle items, one line about sexual temptation, illegal bribery
(Y/n) rubbed the sleep from her eyes, still tired despite going through her entire morning routine. Although she was exhausted, she also felt an extreme burst of excitement. Although she grew up wealthy for a small portion of her life, her parents had never liked to travel. They much preferred sticking to themselves and associating with other pure bloods. The furthest they had ever traveled was from their main home to their summer home and even then the two weren’t that far from one another. She nuzzled into Neville’s neck further, tightening her grasp around him as he carried her down the stairs.
When they got to the landing, he brought them to the main living room where everyone was waiting. She heard a familiar squeal causing her eyes to snap open just in time to see a camera flash.
“Sorry you guys are just so cute together! Plus who knew you were this adorable when you’re sleepy?” Twyla said, cooing as she walked over and pinching the girl’s cheek. She grumbled, smacking her hand away as she buried her head back in Neville’s neck.
“Twyla? What are you doing here? You’re coming too?” she asked, watching as the girl nodded, jumping in excitement. Her (e/c) eyes narrowed as she peeked at her. “Really? I also suspect that you requested this time off?” the blonde scratched the back of her neck, backing away from the girl slowly.
“Listen, (Y/n), baby, dear boss of mine. Permission to have time off in order to go to Italy?” she pleaded, flashing her a sickly sweet smile. 
“Request denied.” she replied almost instantaneously. She giggled some at the girl’s reaction, trying to keep the straight face she had going on. But she couldn’t, Twyla’s over dramatic scene she was causing was far too funny. “I’m only kidding Twy, there’s no one I’d rather spend time in a new country with. Well, maybe there is.” Neville squeezed at her thighs, lifting her up higher at the announcement. He went to tease her before Harrison cleared his throat, standing on a stool so the mass of people could see him.
“Alright well I’ve got some news.” he started but was cut short.
“Good or bad?” the twins said in unison, glaring at each other for having the same thought.
“Well, it’s news. Because there’s so many of us, it’d be a bit strange for us to use floo powder. It’d cause way too much attention which would already have people quite suspicious about our visit.” he said, clasping his hands together. “Which means we’ll be using muggle transportation.” The main eight chimed up, all their speech lapping over each other. Twyla whistled, causing them all to stop speaking. “Thank you. Now if there’s any questions, please ask them one at a time.”
“How the hell are we gonna drive to Italy?! Can cars go in the water?” Seamus blurted out, causing everyone in the room to give him a disappointed look. Ron smacked the back of his head, letting out a troubled sigh.
“Whoever said there was no such thing as a dumb question must’ve never met you, Finnegan.” Harrison said in a fake sweet tone. “We’re going by plane which means we’ll need to go through the muggle airport.” Neville cleared his throat, causing everyone to turn their attention to him.
“And what about our guns? Weapons? Correct me if I’m wrong, but those can’t be taken through airport security.” he said, everyone else to make noises of agreement. The bearded man sucked on his teeth, releasing a soft breath.
“Well, we’re all smart, capable people. Plus you know muggles, money talks with them. Shouldn’t be too hard to get ourselves through with our weapons intact.” he said, causing everyone to go into thought about what they’d do to evade security. “Any more questions?”
“Yeah, how long are we going to be there for? I sorta have a job.” Twyla said. (Y/n) rolled her eyes, squinting them at the back of the girl’s head which caused a small jolt of electricity to shock her. She let out a yelp, glaring knowingly at the girl. “I know that was you!”
“Alright if there’s no more questions, let’s get to the airport!”
As they got out of the car, (Y/n) looked around in awe. The airport had to be one of the busiest places she’d ever been, and she attended Hogwarts. Many different tunnels, windows, and levels all stacked as high as her sight could reach. The worst part of it all was the abundance of people, especially with them being muggles. It wasn’t that she disliked them, it was more so she feared them. She constantly felt anxious like they could see right through her and would call her out on the spot. As she felt her breath get shallow, she ran up to Neville clinging to his arm as they walked. He looked down at her smiling before intertwining their fingers.
She gasped as the door walked open automatically as they went through, eyes growing wide. Neville heard the noise looking down at her. She gave him a confused look. “I thought you said there was no magic here?” she said, confused by how the doors were doing that. He chuckled some, pecking the top of her head.
“There isn’t. It’s all muggle technology. If you think that’s cool, I’m curious what your reaction to the plane will be.” 
(Y/n) kept close to the tall man’s side, ignoring the weird looks they were receiving. She couldn’t blame them. Her and Neville were complete opposites. It was as if they both climbed out of two separate books and had formed a new one which in a way, they had. Everyone continued to follow Harrison, watching as he slid a large numbered bill to the man. He moved out of the way, letting them skip the line before they got to the metal detectors. (Y/n) began to sweat nervously knowing that every single man with her right now was fully armed and loaded.
“I’ve got this, don’t worry mini boss!” Seamus said, walking up to the front of the line. Neville groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. He cleared his throat as he stepped up to the short man in the uniform. The man crossed his arms, glaring up at him. “Hello…” he trailed off, looking at the nametag on the man, “Alfredo! Listen, why don’t you be a champ and let us by?” he said, handing the man a few 20s. However, he didn’t budge.
“You think I’m going to let you through for 40 bucks?” he snapped. “I happen to take my job as an airport security member very seriously. I’d have half the mind to call the cops on you right now for not wanting to follow the mandatory metal detector procedure.” At this point the girl was shaking. Blaise rolled his eyes, walking up to the man. He gave him a charismatic smirk. Grabbing the man’s hand he placed a kiss on his knuckles.
“Alfredo, right?” he asked, watching as the boy nodded along in a trance. “Charmed. I’m Blaise Zabini. Listen, I know my friend here insulted your character and you seem like a very nice, good boy,” he purred, staring into his eyes intently. Whipping out his wallet he pulled out four hundred dollar bills tucking them into the boy’s front pocket, leaving his hand to linger there. “So why don’t you let us through, yeah? And maybe when I come back you can give me a call.” The boy stumbled behind the machine, looking both ways before turning off the sensors. They all began to quickly file through before anyone would notice. Blaise being the last one threw the man a wink before catching up with his friends.
“That’s not fair! Blaise has pretty privilege!” Seamus whined, causing Fred to snort.
“Perhaps you should invest in some then. You seemed like you could use it back there.” he said, snickering as George joined in. Draco even gave a few chuckles before covering it with a cough.
(Y/n) looked around the airport, still curious about everything. Sure Hogwarts had a few moving floors and stairs that moved but these were..different? Maybe they were some more of that muggle technology Neville had mentioned earlier.
“You see that?” the boss said, pointing to a set of the moving stairs. She nodded, continuing to eye them curiously. “Those are called escalators. You stand on them and they move. We’re about to get on one in a second!” she gulped at that but nodded.
“U-um, will you hold my hand on it? It’s kinda scary..” she asked, jumping in surprise as he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her into his chest, embracing her tightly.
“God, you're so precious. Of course I’ll hold your hand.” he reached his hand out, grabbing her smaller one in his large one. As they neared it, she found she wasn’t as nervous as she had been previously. Especially not with the twins running up the wrong side, screaming at each other in confusion about why they weren’t moving anywhere.
“They seem to be out of order!” George said, continuing to run up them. Ron turned around glaring at his pathetic older brothers.
“They’re not broken, you’re just on the wrong side, idiots! Why do you think we got on this one?” he yelled to them, watching as they froze. As they reached the landing again they ran up the correct side, giving Ron a smack on the back of the head as they passed him.
“Oh you know, for flavor!”
As they neared the terminal, her eyes began to sparkle with curiosity. Even though the majority of it was covered by the window panes, she could see bits of the different planes in between.
“Alright for most of you, this is your spot. The boarding should be beginning soon so keep an ear peeled.” Harrison said. The extra men that had come with the nodded before making their way to the long line. They looked very out of place compared to everyone else in line. Although some had disguised themselves in Hawaiian shirts, a lot of them still adorned their usual attire of all black suits. (Y/n) went to join them but was pulled back, the tattooed man giving her a look.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“To get on the plane? I thought we were taking one?” she said, a lost look on her face. He smiled at her, dragging her along.
“Oh we are, we’re just taking one of our own.” he said, a smug look present on his face. She went to ask him what he meant but stopped as they made it to a private section of the airport, walking straight through a terminal with no line. 
“Woah! This is yours, Nev?” she asked, running around the interior. It was larger than she thought it’d be. There were a few couches inside along with a few cushioned chairs. Tables were embedded into the ground, stationed around the various seats.
“Yep! All mine, petal. Only the best for you, pretty girl.” Her heart began to race at the name, looking back at him with a smile. 
“Geez, he really is Mr.Moneybags! This thing is loaded, bigger than any plane I’ve ever been on.” Twyla chimed, throwing herself onto one of the couches with a sigh. Draco took a seat beside her, lifting her legs into his lap.
“I have one too, you know.” he said, causing her to jerk up. Giving him a teasing smile, she pinched his cheek lovingly.
“Aww! Dray’s so cute when he’s jealous! C’mere!” she said, lunging forward onto the man as she covered his face in kisses. (Y/n) giggled some letting out a small scream as a pair of arms pulled her back. Neville nuzzled his nose into her neck before littering kisses all over her face.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. You look so cute when you’re excited.” she smiled at his words, hiding her face in his chest. She still had yet to ask him about the room situation. There was only 2 hours till they were set to land so if she wanted to get it out, she had better do it soon.
“Hey Nev? I-I-I was wondering i-if you wanted to maybe..maybe um...share a room together?” Neville froze at the words, the movement of his hands ceasing. Had she really just said what he thought she had? So many thoughts were running through his head, some less savory than others. “I just thought it would be nice. I know you’ll probably be busy during the day so I-I’d enjoy being able to be with you at night. N-not like that! I just-”
“Of course, baby. I’d love to.” he said, turning her around so he could place a kiss on her lips. Before he could begin to deepen it, a childish chorus of ooo’s echoed across the plane. He pulled away, rolling his eyes as he pulled out his gun. “I’m not above using this. I don’t care how high we are.”
An hour into the flight, things had really taken off. During the small duration of time, many blunts had been rolled, meals had been eaten, and alcohol had been consumed. (Y/n) found herself looking out the window, admiring the way the clouds flew by them seemingly weightless. Her attention was pulled away from the sound of a glass breaking along with a loud thud. Seamus was on the ground, his shirt tied around his shoulders like a cape. 
“I don’t think I can drink another round. You two win.” he said, commending the twins for their effort. They exchanged a look before beginning to cackle.
“We were drinking water the whole time! Do you really think we’d drink 14 shots a piece?! Man, what a moron you are, Finnegan.” Fred said, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. George nodded along, slapping his knee in amusement.
“Right before we have to scope out the place too? Boss isn’t gonna be too happy with you.” he said in a sing-song voice. (Y/n) couldn’t help but feel bad for the boy. She knew what it was like to go and mess things up before something important. Lifting her purse, she began sifting through it carefully, stopping once she found what she had been looking for. Walking over to the boy she handed him a small potion vile.
“Here, drink this. I always give this to Twyla when she shows up black out at my house. It should sober you up in a few minutes.” The boy looked at her like she was a god before drinking the thick liquid.
“God, who knew the boss would get such a useful girlfriend? Thanks (Y/n)! ‘Ppreciate it.” he said, handing her the now empty bottle. Her face began to heat up at his words.
“O-oh I’m not his-”
“(Y/n)! Come here, I wanna show you something.” he said, motioning her over to the chair. She nodded before walking over to him, sitting in the chair. “Okay, ready?” he asked, waiting for her approval. She nodded, sending him a smile. With a press of a button, the chair she was in began vibrating, light pressure being applied to her back. She practically purred at the feeling, closing her eyes.
“What is this?” she asked, words bumping together from the sensation of the chair. He chuckled before sitting beside her, grabbing her hand in his.
“It’s called a massage chair. It’s a muggle invention. Nice innit?” he asked, watching as she purred some more, nodding brainlessly. His eyes traveled over her relaxed expression, tracing all the curves and contour of her face. However, he couldn’t help the tightening of his pants when she began to moan in pleasure at the feeling of the muggle device. If he could barely get through this, how was he supposed to survive an entire mission with her? Especially one where they’d be sleeping in the same bed, every night? 
“Showers, a lot of cold showers.” he muttered to himself. He smiled once he realized she had fallen asleep, deciding to join her in slumber.
TAGSLIST: @vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff @clancyscookies @elemental-of-magic @beewitchedlou @simpforremuslupin @mottergirl99 @princesslaiahg​ @nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend​ @redpanda-poetry​ @vibingaesthetically
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