#i had powerpoint slides to illustrate it
fkitwebhaal · 5 months
Anyway, here are my thoughts about what each of the companions would present on if they had to give the rest of the party a PowerPoint presentation:
Gale: A completely accurate and detailed lecture regarding the theories of teleportation magic, how it works, and the differences between it and plane shift. There are multiple charts and graphs.
Wyll: “Choosing your hero name: an adventurer’s guide” He does have suggestions for the entire party.
Karlach: “Ranking bars in the gate based on how much they remind me of Avernus.” She has provided illustrations that she made herself. Anything in the Upper City is ranked “like Avernus” because “occupied entirely by pricks.”
Shadowheart: “So I was wrong about Shar: a reluctant apology.” It’s mostly a debunk of Shar’s lies but the entire time it does look like she is pulling teeth. However, she cheers up considerably when she presents on some of the church’s secrets, including the weird ass code names for things that she always thought were a little silly.
Lae’zel: a very educational and complete history of her people’s war against the mind flayers. It’s all rather academic until the last slide which says “AND THIS IS WHY WE DON’T EAT THE WORMS” in all caps.
Astarion: “Ranking you by whose blood I’d want to drink most.” In order, it is as follows Gale (rancid), Karlach (spicy), Minthara (probably is poisonous after all the poison she’s been exposed to), Jaheria (that story about what she did to one of the spawn was memorable), Shadowheart (does cleric blood taste radiant?), Lae’zel (curious how Gith taste, doesn’t want to die), Minsc (large and has extra blood to spare), Halsin (can turn into a bear, think of all that real estate), Wyll (canon verified snack)
Halsin: “Foraging: what’s edible and what isn’t” Gale takes very dutiful notes given someone gave him a mushroom two ten days ago that gave the entire camp food poisoning. Astarion, the only one who did not get food poisoning, who has completely forgotten what he foraged was the culprit, takes 0 notes.
Minthara: Battle orders and tactics. All of these fools need to get whipped into shape.
Jaheria: “Get it Fucking Together: Stop Doing this Shit.” What follows is a callout of everyone’s worst habits and decisions. One slide just says “stop snitching.”
Minsc: it’s just pictures of Boo.
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🌵I don't really have a playlist mostly because I just use whatever youtube throws at me- and youtube doesn't let you save those playlists- but I do like listening to this music:
((Adam Young is Owl City- who also wrote music for Paint the Night Parade- which is another track I like to listen to whenever writing:
🐝- ((I tage people for this one, right?)) *grabs a chair and reading glasses for this* Let me just start off by saying that I appreciate you all for reading/sticking with me through these ahhh- *looks at Asha/Cepheus* strange times I guess! It's crazy to see people reading this story because ngl- when I originally made it, I was super scared because I feel like my Asha is kinda mean and a lot of it strays from being in the original Wish territory. But it's super encouraging to hear from you guys!
((I was SHOOK reading my first comment lol))
I'm sorry if I miss anybody! These are just a few I can think off the top of my head! (I just woke up and I'm not feeling too good.)
@aquamiun - I think you are a fantastic theorist- and I enjoy your theories/questions! You're super funny ((Ceph still hasn't forgotten the things you said about him tho))
@firstdove15 - I appreciate your commentary and perspective on things- especially when you pick up on Cepheus's *ahem* non-human way of thinking! ((You've inspired Asha to werk while suffering- so thank you for that!))
@tiredmiddlechild and @pinkshgumis and @millspyxis are fantastic artists- seeing your illustrations is so unreal to me?! The attention to detail/expressions/colors and everything is so amazing?! Your art gives me strength to drive Asha insane! ((I have more angst I'm waiting to unleash on @millspyxis ))
@guineapigwitch your asha among us powerpoint/slides was amazing- I can't stop laughing at how in character it was! (You also probably predicted how Nachos/Cepheus’s relationship is going to go down in the future)
@musa-style your theories are also amazing ((have you guys seen the pie charts/graphs?!)) I appreciate your comments and your little conspiracy club lol. Also RESPECT TO A FELLOW ATLANTIS LOVER!!!
@bi-pisces07 : lol you are very bad for enabling Ceph's murderous tendencies- but you are definitely one of my funniest readers/followers!
@squiggledude no joke- I feel like you've been with me for the longest (or one of the longest) and I appreciate reading your comments with every chapter (you're super encouraging!)
@iprincezzinuyoukai I appreciate reading your comments as well! You're pretty perceptive when it comes to spotting little things in the lore- that I usually try to hide. ((We'll see how well some of your comments age))
@rylxdreams I had a super good laugh when I read your comment on the noble girls ((yeah they do need water or something-))and the library chapter! ((Funny story- I rewrote that chapter like 3 times- it was KILLING me))
I once again apologize for anyone I missed (I’ll come back and update this if I missed anyone). But I do appreciate you all reading the story on AO3 and here on tumblr! (Especially all my A03 readers who don’t have a tumblr account or I may have not fond you on tumblr!)
You all are amazing! You also are in trouble! (But don’t mind that part! We’ll cross that bridge when we reach it 😌)
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flukefantasy · 10 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
I was tagged by @razielim and I just had to. How could I resist?
Favorite Pseud: Fluke
Time Zone: EST
Star Sign(s): Aquarius sun - Sagittarius moon - Libra rising
Favorite Holidays: New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day (probably because it's right after my bday lolol)
Last Meal: Vanilla coffee :'3
Current Favorite Musician: T Square, The Arcadian Wild, Shadow Academy
Last Music Listened To: According to my phone, it was "Latchkey Cats" by Louie Zong
Last Movie Watched: I think it was Muppet Christmas Carol
Last TV Show Watched: Gurren Lagann!
Last Book/Fic Finished: Dracula by Bram Stoker
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: Harrow the Ninth hfgjkh I do want to read it. Something about it makes me struggle to retain any information about it.
Currently Reading: Nothing atm
Books/Shows/Movies/etc. You Want to Get Around To: I'm about to start watching Xena Warrior Princess for the first time
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: OH! I been really into music theory as it applies to Movies, TV, and Video Games lately. Also also currently hyperfixated on Final Fantasy 14 and Half Life lore videos
Last Eureka, Breakthrough, or Neat Fact/Concept Learned: Fun fact I learned is that it's actually safer to roll over in a vehicle collision because it absorbs more of the shock into the car and not your body
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: Late night Kuroshitsuji RP on Furcadia *chef kiss*, laughing till I can't breathe in Sheith Empire, writing obscure anime crossover fic that somehow still gets comments on ff.net, my friends letting me make and present a 100+ slide PowerPoint summarizing the plot of the first 6 Star Wars films from memory
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: I talk shit, but I would don my clown wig and crawl right back into VLD if they made more content. (ask me about how pissed I am the fandom whined until the comic was cancelled)
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: the Oddworld games
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: I really want to make a visual novel but I have to learn a lot of new skills :')
Tempting Project You're 100% Going to Undertake: I would love to edit down and illustrate the Adventure Zone Balance to make it easier for new casual listeners to consume
Tagging: @red-madam @iambuggy @seasaltwish
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leoba · 2 years
Medieval Self-Insert Fan Art: Two amazing examples
Last night my favorite Discord server had an anniversary party, and we all presented to each other like the nerds we are. Usually when I present at conferences I post the talk to my blog, but this one felt like it would make a great inaugural post for this new Tumblr (which is going to be my personal-official space in the same way my Twitter account is now)
I gave a little presentation on MEDIEVAL SELF-INSERT FAN ART with two examples, and I share the slides and my comments here for you.
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The first example: Owner portraits in books of hours, for when you want to hang out with Jesus and the BVM.
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First, what are books of hours? Books of hours are...
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Books of hours can be personalized in a variety of ways (for much more about personalization check out Kate Rudy’s book Piety in Pieces: How Medieval Readers Customized their Manuscripts, which you can read for free here). Owner portraits are part of the creation of the book of hours, so it might be more correct to call them commissioners portraits (I don’t think I’ve ever seen them called that, though). The person commissioning the book would work with the artist or artists to determine in which scene they would be included. In every case I’m aware of, owners are presented in supplication - kneeling, with hands together in prayer - and on the edge of the picture, present and part of the story, but not central to it.
Following are many examples of owner portraits from several different manuscripts in Philadelphia (all of which were digitized through the Bibliotheca Philadelphiensis project).
Some portraits, like this one from PMA 1945-65-14, show the book’s original owner. This is Étienne Thirion, in his own frame, kneeling at prayer, in a page facing the Annunciation - as though he’s watching, or perhaps considering the story, but not part of it.
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More commonly, the owner is painted into the frame. Here, in this example from FLP Lewis E 112, he joins a couple of angels visiting with Mary and Baby Jesus. Unlike the previous example, we don’t know the name of the original owner.
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Owners didn’t only include themselves in happy scenes. In this example, from UPenn Ms. Codex 1056, the owner (in traditional 15th century dress and a black coif) joins the women grieving for the recently deceased Jesus.
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Here’s another happy one, from FLP Lewis E 123.
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The original owner of PMA 1924-19-1 includes two owner portraits, one with Mary and a nursing Baby Jesus and one with the deceased Jesus laying in God’s the Father’s lap.
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One more! Another woman (yes, women owned books of hours and other books, and had them made), and like the first one we looked at, she’s in her own frame, looking at or contemplating Mary and Jesus on the facing page.
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That’s the first example of self-insert in medieval art. The next example is a single manuscript, rather than a genre, and although it is religious it isn’t only religious:
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U. Glasgow MS Hunter 231 is a collection of devotional and philosophical works, copied in the 14th century (here’s a blog post about it, and this post includes photos from the blog). It includes a lot of texts by the 1st century Roman philosopher and rhetorician Seneca, which I find incredibly amusing for some reason. I guess I don’t think of Seneca as being terribly popular? But there’s a lot of him here.
Here’s a photo of the book from when it was featured on Coffee With A Codex (I forgot to hit record until 10 minutes in, oops). That’s Seneca there between Plato and Aristotle, with gray hair and a pink hat. We’ll take a closer look at this illustration later.
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More details about the contents of MS Hunter 231.
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Animation works better in PowerPoint but I’m doing my best to give you the experience. I love this manuscript for a lot of reasons but one thing that strikes me (aside from the self-insert fan art) is how oddly it contrasts with itself.
First, it has some really fantastic illuminations made by an identifiable artist (“Master of the Taymouth Hours” - so called because he is also responsible for illustrating a book of hours called the Taymouth Hours, now London, British Library, Yates Thompson MS 13). They are detailed and colorful and the gold has been incised with designs (seriously, look at the gold in the photos, it’s so well done). So whoever had this manuscript made wanted premium art.
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Second, in contrast, the script isn’t great. It’s an informal gothic cursive script. That’s it on the right; on the left, another manuscript, also written in England at about the same time, written in a more formal gothic textualis quadrata script (it’s FLP Lewis E 84, a theological miscellany). The cursive would write more quickly, take less time to write, and would thus have been less expensive. So while the texts are important to the commissioner, the writing of that text appears to be less important than the artwork.
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Third - the parchment. It’s not great! There are a lot of uncut edges (this photo is from a different manuscript, UPenn LJS 24, but this is the kind of thing you’ll see in MS Hunter 231), holes, and visible hair follicles.
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Again, this means that great parchment wasn’t the commissioner’s priority. Not great parchment, not a great script, but really fucking great art.
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And who is this commissioner? Here he is with Mary and Baby Jesus and a couple of angels - he’s pictured very much like the owners in the owner portraits, kneeling, hands held out in prayer.
His name is ROGER OF WALTHAM and we know a bit about him! We even have an idea of what he looked like: wavy gray hair, long on the sides and back but cut with a tonsure around his head, and a gray beard. He’s pretty distinctive-looking.
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This is just to give you a sense of size. It’s not a really huge book (see my hands in the screenshot further up), so that illuminated initial isn’t big. But it’s so well done!
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Here’s a close-up! Again, it’s the same style as an owner portrait (I mean... it is one, really, just in this purpose-made book and not in a book of hours). That’s Roger at the bottom, dressed in red.
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And here he is again, watching the Blessed Virgin Mary be assumed into heaven after her death.
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And again! Waiting patiently for Eucharist.
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And with Mary and Jesus! (You can really see the design in the gold in this photo)
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With Mary and Jesus again.
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... and again. (I love that patch of gray on his forehead)
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Here’s a larger illustration, Jesus crowning Mary... and there’s Roger kneeling at the bottom, yet again.
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And here he is at the Crucifixion.
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Here’s a fantastic full-page illustration. That’s the head of God at the top, with some angels, and in the middle is Saint Benedict and Saint Paul. And there? At the bottom? Who’s that?
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Let’s take a closer look.
It looks like Roger. And Roger! (I’m not 100% certain that is two Rogers, the fellow on the right could be someone else, but I wouldn’t exactly be surprised if it was two Rogers)
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Finally, Seneca. Here’s Roger hanging out with his favorite philosopher! (No beard but maybe this is young!Roger?) That’s Seneca on the left, slightly higher in the frame, with Roger below, in the position of teacher and student. This is a pretty typical artistic trope that you see a lot (I’ve included another example from FLP Lewis E 37 just below).
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And finally, the pièce de résistance: We return to this photo of Plato, Seneca, and Aristotle (we know who these are because they are labeled).
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Seneca - in the middle, facing the reader head-on, an indication of his importance - looks familiar. Take a closer look. Closer. Closer!
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The wavy gray hair? The beard? I’m not the first person to note that Seneca looks an awful lot like Roger of Waltham. His final self-insert: literally making himself into his favorite philosopher.
Thanks to Julie Gardham, Senior Librarian at the University of Glasgow who introduced me to MS Hunter 231 and Roger of Waltham’s place in it.
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gaycityrollers · 9 months
remembering the time i had to do a powerpoint in hs for chemistry and for some reason i put who pics on my slides. then in spanish class our teacher told us to make a small illustrated book for the day in the life of us or a famous person and i did it for pete lmao
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sobredunia · 1 year
Y’know as much as I may be a school hater I gotta hand it to them for teaching me something very strangely beautiful (they didnt teach it to me directly like in a class sort of deal tho. i refuse to give them that big of a W)
uhh tw mentions of ass fucking and giving premature birth for like. a single line. it literally does not matter. oh and also anime as a currency and maybe just maybe slight traumadump
you know presentations, right? you do a thing then show the class the thing and explain your thing and shit
mostly as a kid they’d have us buy this giant colored cardboard paper thing and put info about a certain topic in it. the very first one that i remember doing was with this one girl named Mar about penguins. later as we got older shit got more competitive bc the class would vote on which cardboard presentation was the best and the winner would get the cardboard hanging in the school walls for all to see. and idk i guess it hurt spending a decent amount of time in a cardboard only for another one to get voted as if your efforts werent worth anything
so yea school started with cardboards and then around 13-14 we started doing like. powerpoint presentation things. and depending on the topic and if the group project i ended up with were cool friends i got to add a lot of little gags and memes and overall have a lot of fun. and it was because these things were fun that i actually managed to remember a lot of things that we agreed to talk about during the presentation! who knew that having fun made learning better! wish they’d implement that to the school system!
over time teachers started to get more stern on not copypasting shit into the slides and then just reading it aloud for the presentation, and although having notes to read was allowed you definitely looked a lot more preofessional if you didnt have any. also with time I started to get more opportunities to do my presentations alone which i definitely enjoyed more than group ones because i could put whatever shit however i wanted and didnt have to meet up with anyone else and waste time trying to agree on what to do
which then leads into the wonderful tale of this one time in 2018-19 (cant rember) where our english teacher asked us to do a presentation. i dont know if it could be about whatever we wanted or if it had to be about money or whatever. but i chose to make it about anime as a currency. and i got a 10 of course because my english fucks severely and absolutely no one else did a presentation with as much slides and detail as mine did and honestly i think the teacher was just scared on what I’d do if i got a bad grade
but thats not the point of the story, just a highlight
then a couple months ago, since the class i was in was the Art Class, a teacher from a different subject asked us to illustrate one of the many poems that this one book had. I had different vague ideas going around in my brain but the deadline was so far away and i just didnt bother
until the deadline wasnt far away
it was very close, actually
(can you tell i write fanfiction)
so anyways adhd fucked me raw in the ass once again and i was still not done getting fucked by other things so fucking. supreme. deadline was close as shit and all the vague ideas took long ass time so I winged it as always and just read one of the poems at the end and got another idea then made the dollar store version of it and speedran that shit
and then time of presentation came and of course i was last and a buncha days passed with people just presenting their illustrations and all that wonderful time i could have spent making this shit more presentable but instead i had my cringe ass nae nae baby in my hands that i gave birth to too fucking soon for it to look more than just a sad fetus. literally any time its presenting time i either offer to go first or second or i get elected last i dont know how the fuck it happens but it happens. so anyways
instead in all those classes of classmates explaining shit with dead voices (we’re teenagers) i didnt listen in to what they said (i wouldn’t have even if i tried lmao) and instead just thought of how to present my work. i didnt have a powerpoint so through words alone it is
and then i just started coming up with beautiful tings to say about my work. How i used the most cheap materials i could find to not mock the author, who wrote in misery and made poetry out of misery, and it was now my turn to take those words engraved in pain and shape them around into something beautiful, over the ruins that got left behind, with resources available to the lowest of the low like library printers and cheap glue stick. make poetry from ruin to ruin, instead of the aristocrats noble poets of the past had focused on pleasing
and yall. i got the highest grade i’d ever gotten in anything from that class up until then. it still is
I’ve always been the goddess of just. making shit up as i go. a guy came up to me asking shit and i just lied on the fucking spot. no hesitation
and this has been a reoccurring thing, especially this past year, where i would have to present drawings (actual drawings) I’ve made and I just said some fancy cheesy shit and the teachers were swooned
and I don’t think it’s just me, either. I think this can extend to all people. the ability to look at the ugly, the neutral, the mundane, the devastation, and just make it into art. not by altering it per se, but simply talking about it. talking about things in a way that, although you might be winging every word not really believing what you say to be true, can make other people find them beautiful
i dunno, just my little thoughts
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vacantgodling · 11 months
The Fool, The Magicuan, The Emperor, The Lovers, Justice, and The Sun !!
(Might send another ask later. It was a long list and I'm currently at a lecture lmao)
HENRIKEEEE firstly thank u secondly LMAO felt i usually do most of my tumblring whilst at work 💀
00. THE FOOL: BEGINNINGS (What is the opening line to your current work?) 
hilarious cuz i haven’t written the first chapter of paramour yet. however i am counting cage as a current novel/project (it’s gonna have 20 chapters so 💀 fanfiction be damned that’s a fucking book LMAO) so here’s the first line from that (and shameless plug u can read it here!
Sometime closer to dusk when the number of airplanes he could make out crossing the horizon was fewer and fewer, and the lights of Gibraltar’s closest neighboring city La Linea began to kiss the night with her bright lights, Lena came to find him.
01. THE MAGICIAN: SPARK OF MAGIC (What inspired you to write your novel?) 
going back to paramour tho honestly the biggest jumping off point where it slowly began to take shape was crimson peak. i remember really distinctly wanting to want a story of that vibe, with ghosts and mystery but then it eventually evolved into the form it’s in now by drawing from other inspiration sources. like it’s very much Not like how i initially thought it would be LMAO but i love this version more 💛
i’m just gonna put my influences slide from my powerpoint to fully illustrate but yeah like A Lot went into getting this wip started.
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a lot of it also hinges on the development of both hya as a character (being the first Real Asshole i’ve allowed myself to write as a protagonist) and his relationship with amon—also my desire to write a romance on My Terms just for me that I Liked. ive always felt like i had to write what other people wanted to see or what was good and wholesome but like. i can write whatever i want and this story was the first step in doing that.
04. THE EMPEROR: STRUCTURE (How do you plot your novels?) 
this is a bit of a complicated question only because it’s kind of… all over the place. but in general what i usually do is i make a VERY detailed outline of all the events i want to happen in the book. chapter by chapter the whole nine. like down to adding bits of dialogue, plugging in any exploratory pieces i wrote before hand for context or to add structure
(and what i mean by exploratory is like basically i don’t tend to plot immediately, i write small blurbs to understand the vibes and feels. a old piece on this blog somewhere (perhaps) is when i wrote about hya asking amon to come to the masquerade reception with him in an extremely roundabout way, but that was written WAAAAY back when i was first trying to understand their dynamic; hell amon didn’t even have a name! and now that scene has a proper slot in the outline in chapter 9 lmao).
but i literally do this so i can KNOW what the hell im doing. i’m not a pants-person by any means literally or figuratively, so i need to be able to see the vision.
once i have an outline fully written out i can either write from the beginning down (like i’m doing with cage rn) or i can do what i’m doing with paramour and write based on interest level. writing based on interest level is probably going to be how i write my original novels just because whenever i’ve tried to write straight down (like i have with donut wip) i tend to get mad stuck. and i think it’s because especially in first drafts of my original novels i tend to have certain scenes… fuzzier than others. i need the context of the other scenes around them to build them up. or those are worldbuilding holes etc etc. either way my og novels i tend to get stuck in cuz there’s more thinking involved lmao.
06. THE LOVERS: RELATIONSHIPS (What are your favorite relationships to write about, whether romantic, familial, or platonic?) 
romantic >>>>>>> familial/platonic.
i’m just a romantic at heart generally speaking.
but on a deep level i have a weird personal struggle (it’s the ‘ism) with family and friends so like… i just find them more difficult to write because i don’t really experience them “easily” in my own life? — or at the bare minimum they just spark less joy to me than romance to me. i want to get better at writing other kinds of relationships but i also think writing them just makes me feel lonely lmao.
11. JUSTICE: TRUTH (What is the 'truth' of your novel i.e the prevalent themes or overarching motifs?) 
🤔 i think the most prevalent theme of paramour is truth itself tbh. finding truth yes, and the power of truth in itself sure, but also cultivating the truth within yourself—you’ll only be happy when you live truthfully to your desires yknow?
19. THE SUN: POSITIVITY (What is your greatest writing strength or skill?)
pretty prose in itself. i think i’m really good at creating saccharine, deep descriptions of emotions and those kinds of sentences long winding and emotional really tickle my brain personally so i put the most OOMPH into them.
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extemporaneousmusings · 11 months
Today I:
-had to take it slow, I am really freaking tired, but I'm proud of myself because I still made some progress on the powerpoint and reviewed a document of comments I received post-practice talk that will help me re-organize the beginning part of the script that needs some work
-decided to set aside my vision for a really beautiful visual point I wanted to make in the powerpoint. I would have had to spend all day tomorrow drawing new profiles, for just one slide. I can't justify that, when I could spend that time working more big picture, and sourcing some more photos of pottery to illustrate some of my other points. I feel a little sad about this, but ultimately it is a good thing and the right decision, and making this call means I can rest more tonight and feel less stressed going into tomorrow
-am going to pick myself out a nice fic before bed and get v cozy before going to sleep a little early
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ameliataylor-beken · 2 years
Brand identity
For our brand identity we began by coming up with the name of our brand. We chose Azadi, as it means freedom or liberty in Punjabi and Urdu. I feel that this is a fitting name, as it is representative of our brand's south Asian identity and also reflects our values of inclusivity and freedom for our customers to express themselves through cultural dress. The logo was also inspired by a mandala, which is a spiritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, again linking to our south Asian brand identity.
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Mandy also created 2 gifs that could be used on our Instagram and website. One which featured the A from our logo with background images from documentary photographers that inspired the prints in our designs, and the other with our mandala logo.
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To ensure continuity we agreed on a set of guidelines that would be applied across all areas of our brand. We decided all body text would be Helvetica, a sans serif typeface, know for it's clean lines and readability, and that all title text would be a custom font that we had made. Mandy made this on adobe illustrator, experimenting with physically collaging text, as well as editing existing typefaces, for example, making them more visually exciting by curving the centre of the A and the serifs on the other letters. We also agreed that our mandala logo would be at the top left of the page and our brand's name in the bottom right, as well as a colour palette that would run through our packaging and PowerPoint slides.
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memphisfaith · 2 years
Hearts of Lust: Chapter 12
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Pairing Kim Namjoon X Reader
Genre: Collage!AU, Smut
Word Count: 1.3K
Warning: Cursing, mentions of smut, smut, consumption of alcohol, mentions of violence, violence, crack personality disorders, Chaotic energy.
Summary: College is any young adult's prime years, at least that's what Lee (y/n) and Kim Namjoon thought. The two are infamous for two reasons, by two very different crowds. Among the professors they are picture perfect students with perfect scores, attendance, and image. However, among the student body they're the very essence of lust with amazing bodies, sex appeal, and skill. The two, although strikingly similar, butt heads quite a bit with competitions of everything from grades to who can get a person to drop their pants the fastest. With the two of them ready to conquer the school year it's all a matter of Go Big or Home.
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"V took the two girls to the bathroom and Jungkook left with the other," Rm sighs. I nodded my head, and began to eat my food as well as work on some PowerPoint ideas. It isn't until the two boys come back with a satisfied smile do I pull away from my work.
I look over at them with a grin. "How'd you do?" I question as I scoot over to make room for V. He throws himself into the booth with a tired but satisfied smile. "I think I did good for handling two girls," He mumbles as he leans onto my shoulder to rest. 
I place his food in front of him and he eats without leaving my shoulder. I look over at Jungkook who is just as tired. He nibbles on food as he drapes himself over RM. "I think we can take a rest." I smile.
Without so much as a breath of disagreement, the four of us relax into a more natural state rather than our lustful one. I brush my hand through Tae's hair as he eats and rests, I glance down at my watch to see we only had a half an hour of lunch left. 
"Finish your food and take a nap Tae, I'll wake you up when it's free time okay." I whisper softly. The child-like man nods as he stuffs the remainder of his food into his mouth. He then curls up into me as I throw my jacket over his leaning frame. 
I look over at Joon who seems to be doing the same with kookie. He has one arm draped over the boy's shoulders as he sleeps on his. A smile paints my lips as I go back to illustrating a background cover for a PowerPoint slide.
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When the clock hits 1:00 I shake Tae awake and he mumbles something that doesn't translate into a known language. I shake him again before he wines and sits up. His natural sleepy grumpy look forms on his face. I smile as his lips form a cute pout.
The boy stretches his arms out and a few pops echo from his bone. He falls into a slump with a huff before a yawn pours from his lips. I look over to see Joon struggling to get Kookie off his shoulder. I lean across the table and lightly pat his cheek. "Come on kookie, it's time to get up." I sing.
He moans before sitting up, Joon gives me a grateful nod before his face twisted in pain as he pulls his arm back to his side. Must have fallen asleep, I bet it'll ache from being positioned like that for a while.
Tae lets me out as I gather trash, he helps me carry it to the trash before moving back to the table. Kookie slumped in his seat, a tired expression on his face as he looked around. Joon gathers his notes and places my tablet and pen in my bag. 
When everything is gathered we leave the café and make our way back to the main aquarium. "Alright boys, you get to drag us around for an hour. So make it count." I sigh, the two previously tired boys are quick to become energetic again as they spin in all directions to look for something to do. 
Jungkook came to an erupt halt before pointing wildly in one direction. "PETTING ZOO!" He screamed, pulling on Namjoon's arm. Namjoon jerks with each pull but nods in hopes the boy will stop. 
Taehyung takes me by my arm and simply pulls me in that direction leaving Namjoon and Jungkook behind. The two of us managed to catch up to them before we could reach the entrance. The pair of boys let the both of us go before running over to different shallow tanks.
Namjoon and I walk side by side as we wander tank to tank, each of us taking turns to shoot a quick glance over to the boys to keep them in check. It isn't until we come to a crab tank do we actually decide to pet something.
I laugh as Namjoon is quick to pull off his shoes and roll up his pants to step inside the tank when he finds out he can. I watch as Namjoon squats in the shallow water to gently hold a pretty pearl white crab. Namjoon holds it in one hand before wiping the other off. He uses his dry hand to fish out his phone.
"(y/n)! take my picture." He demands as he tosses me his phone. I barely catch it in time before it hits the floor. I quickly kick off my shoes and roll up my pants before climbing into the shallow water. 
I bend down slightly with Namjoon's phone in my hand to take the picture. He carefully holds the small crab near his face. A large dimpled smile spreads onto his face as I take the picture. A smile plays on my lips as I show him the picture. 
He nods his head in approval before going back to the crabs. I keep hold of his phone and take pictures of him as he wades around in the water playing with different crabs. After fifteen minutes and at least twenty pictures later I pulled him out of the water. 
A small pout forms on his lip as he slowly puts his shoes back on. I laugh at his childish behavior as I put my own shoes on. Speaking of childish, I take a glance around the room to find the two boys but when I don't spot them I take a long hard look around the room.
I feel panic sink in when I don't spot them, "Namjoon! Our kids are gone!" I panic. Namjoon's head shoots up as he scans the room with his own eyes, and soon a panicked look spreads onto his face.
I shoot up and run around the room to look near each tank carefully. When I don't find them I run to the nearest worker, Namjoon hot on my heels. "Excuse me, It seems our kids have wandered off. Could you make an announcement to them?" I ask hurriedly.
The worker nods calmly, this probably isn't the first time this has happened. "Are they old enough to understand an announcement or do we need to send a search party?" They ask calmly. 
"No, they're old enough to understand an announcement." Namjoon sighs, the worker nods. "I can only send it through this section of the aquarium if they aren't here. You'll need to go to the main office and ask." They say, Namjoon and I both nod.
"What are their names?" The worker asks as they reach for their mic, "Jungkook and Taehyung." I answer. The worker nods before speaking into the mic, "Can Jungkook and Taehyung please make their way over to the turtle petting center please? Your parents are looking for you." They announce over the intercom. 
"Do you need me to wait here with you or are you okay?" they asked, Namjoon and I shook our heads. "Thank you," I bow before the worker walks off to deal with something else. It only takes a few seconds later to see Taehyung and Jungkook run over to us. 
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU ABOUT GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" I scold loudly. the two duck their heads in shame. "We're sorry Noona," They bow, I cross my arms with a huff. "Don't just apologize to me, You worried Namjoon as well." I spoke more calmly. 
The two turn to Namjoon and bow, "We're sorry Hyung" they apologize. "Aish, just don't go running off again. I don't want to have to trouble the workers by sending out a search party." He scolds a lot more calmly than I did. 
The two bows to us again before standing up straight. "Alright," I sigh with a light smile, "Where to next?" I ask.
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dmchatsworthproject · 11 months
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Mood Board
For this I had to create a PowerPoint slide full of the photos and inspirations I took for my 16 designs and my final illustrations by gathering as many images that I used and present them all in a specific layout. Also I added the colour pallet scheme to show what colours I used for my final designs.This is a clear collage I made to show you how it matches my designs to this PowerPoint.
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thestarsinjune · 1 year
i had an exam on friday and pulled all nighter, and when im sleep deprived i always have more vivid dreams
i dreamt that i made a very long tumblr post comparing the ""thematic parallels"" between mansfield park (yes, the austen novel) and evangelion
i have no idea what these supposed thematic similarities were meant to be because i forgot and now that im awake i can't think of any but i remember it was a very long post that i wrote very passionately and i even included some of those powerpoint slides that were really big on 2014 tumblr to illustrate my point
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fmpprojectap · 2 years
-Project Proposal-
Over the course of the last 3 projects, I have found that I excel in 3d modelling and stylized design. Starting the course I had no experience in these things and never even considered them an option. As I've had such success with design in my games, for my last project, I experimented more with materials and adobe illustrator, as well as various basic coding which I included in the game. I got a lot of positive feedback on my modelling and overall design, so I think it would be wise to continue in this area for my FMP. For my FMP I think I would like to go in a more bright-coloured and fantasy style as my projects so far have been fairly dull and lacking colour.
-Project Concept
For my FMP project, I know that I would like to carry on 3D modelling for my game, and it would work best as a 3D First person game. I'd like to experiment more with special effects in unreal and normals in Maya, as well as Working on reflections in the game. Some other software I'd like to use in my project are applications like Tree-it and ivy add-ons, which help create stylised trees and ivy in less time. The genre/theme I would like to go in the direction of is more of a comedic adventure/exploration route, I think this would give me the opportunity to work on some dialogue or cutscenes, and would also work well with the slightly cartoony style I'd like to continue in. Games that I've been inspired by for my FMP are Slime Rancher, Journey to a savage planet and Bugsnax. The art style of these games really seems to complement the games as a whole, as all three games are quite light-hearted, colourful and funny. As my last projects were quite colourless and mute, I'd like to use this project to do research on colour palettes and colour and good colour flow.
Before completing this project I'm aspiring to have completed an environment with a variety of different foliage with different areas featuring focal points in those areas, whilst keeping a consistent and otherworldly style in each section. I'd also like to have experimented with character designs and have some kind of finish outcome, for example, a 3D model.
As my project progresses I'm going to be documenting my progress through my blog, and a google slides PowerPoint. I'll set goals weekly so that every day I can refer back to my set goals and reflect on what I accomplished and what I didn't. This way I can make sure my project is moving forward consistently and I'm getting the right amount of work done. I will also be asking my peers for advice and any constructive criticism on my project ideas or design, as well as frequent playtesting, this would also be used in group projects so I can get a different perspective on my work. At the end of the project, I will be giving a final last evaluation of the project as a whole.
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kate-bashford · 2 years
FAS3002 Creating the Logo and Presentation
Now our garment illustrations are complete, I have been able to fully turn my focus onto starting the presentation as Izzy and I have become increasingly concerned about the development of our branding. Indeed, at this stage we did not have a logo or brand identity to work with, so we decided to develop our own in order to ensure our progress was not stunted. 
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Working with will, we explored various fonts that could be suitable for a logo. We focussed on creating a distinctive ampersand as this could serve as a shortened logo for us should we so need. We ended up with a shortlist of around seven fonts, which after looking at the whole font, discovered only one would be truly suitable as a logo. This is pictured above, including some of the other symbols we kept as useful motifs for our presentation in order to keep it fitting with the brand identity. To create the final logo, we moved the letter spacing to be closer to have some overlocking serifs. We then tidied up these overlaps to create smooth joins that would make it look more like a logo than simply a block of text. This is most evident on the join between the ‘R’ and ‘E’ and ‘A’ and ‘F’, which I am really pleased with as it looks rather professional for something we created in only a couple of hours. On the left of the image above there is the shortened ‘B&A’ logo, however I doubt we will use this as I am not overly happy with it. Personally, this feels too much like B&Q, H&M and B&M, which are all brands we do not want to resonate with. Hence, we might just use the ampersand as the shortened logo, as this is a more unique shape with regards to the font we used. We then changed the colours to be an off-white and a grey background which will also be the general theming of the presentation in order to remain cohesive. We decided that the text will be at the base of the background, but the actual grey background of the logo could be as long as necessary depending on where the logo is being used. This is something we shall develop more when it comes to creating labels and packaging. 
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We then moved on to creating the powerpoint, specifically focussing on developing the format for the presentation that would allow the brand identity to remain clear. The first thing we decided on was to alternate the colours of each slide; with some being grey with off-white text and vice versa. I then placed each slide's general title to ensure all aspects were covered and developed. The only slide I could instantly place the text onto was the customer slide as I had already developed all of the customer profiles last week. This has not yet been laid out to be presentable, but it is comforting to have the text on the page as a basis for the slide. I then moved to do the same to the other slides, in particular the packaging, garment, and place slides. I also left a few slides to hold narrative text, like the second and seventh slides pictured above; this will be vital in ensuring we successfully communicate our brand identity in the presentation, and it will hopefully give us more direction when it comes to planning the script and how we will show the brand. However, this still needs a lot of development and I still need to work out the exact text for these slides as what we have at the moment is only a vague outline of what we will try to say more professionally. 
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I feel significantly more at ease with the presentation now we have a logo and more focused brand identity. Izzy has also finished developing the patterns to add colour and texture to my illustrations which allows me to develop the presentation further already. To further my development, I shall continue to work on the presentation and my technical drawings to have a presentation ready to be fully rehearsed by the end of next week. I am also hoping that Tingting will provide me with a suitable mood board that includes pregnancy and competitor imagery that I can also instantly include in the presentation.
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cadmusfly · 2 years
3, 10, 11, 19, 21
send an ask: get to know your author
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
Mostly chronological because I feel better knowing that I've set things up, but there's a few documents lying about for this draft where I got too excited about future scenes and tried to write them, like the Witch Meets Boat Lads scene (which I've finally written in the main story! except i rewrote what i had written lol) and Returning To The Market With An Accountant
I feel like if I write all my favourite scenes first and then try to join them up, I'll have difficulty getting myself through those scenes in between
10 is answered here
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
every aspect of writing..? writing is improved by the act of writing
I think I'm getting slightly better with setting and scene descriptions with this draft though, but I've gotten feedback that I might be overusing slang in the witch's POV so I might tamp that back a bit
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
part of the problem with how i write is that i have ideas about plot points i want to hit but i haven't worked out the answers to all the questions i have
i have a scrivener document in which I have very vague character bios, some worldbuilding stuff - I'm trying to make sure I don't get addicted to worldbuilding, so I'm only writing down things that I'll forget like specific terminology (why did i come up with the terms "furcated thauma-ontological displacement" and "referential recontextualisation"?) and I use this only to write things down that I need to track
but a lot of the plot of SbS is kinda only existing in my brain
and in the discord conversation with my boyfriend
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
I can see where I've improved, but also I think some of the older stuff I've written is still cool! I keep saying, I write the kind of thing I like to read. In our mutual old fandom which we shall not speak of, I did some fun stuff with the setting concepts and characterization.
I've definitely improved, but hey, I'm narcissistic enough that I don't mind reading my old stuff occasionally!
... Actually this doesn't apply to the stuff I wrote when I was 13 - 15 on fanfiction.net, for obvious reasons.
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minnarr · 4 years
Don’t Talk to Me About Naboo’s Moons
Last month, I had a little too much time on my hands when I ran out of things to do at work, so I made a Powerpoint. I did not expect to have 20 slides worth of yelling about Naboo’s moons, but here we are.
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[ID: PowerPoint slide. The title, in big letters, reads “Don’t Talk to Me About Naboo’s Moons.” In smaller letters, the subtitle: “(Star Wars Writers Sure Didn’t Talk to Each Other About Them, Either)”. /end ID]
And now I’m adapting it to a Tumblr post, because why not.
How many moons does Naboo have?
I'm glad you asked
Inside the Worlds of STAR WARS Episode I (2000) stated that they had one moon, and from TPM footage it’s hard to claim for certain there’s any more than that. Apparently taking their cue from Secrets of Naboo, a supplement to the WOTC Star Wars RPG, later sources have run with three moons
Source: https://www.theforce.net/swtc/orbs.html#naboo
Thrawn: Alliances (2018) compares another system’s moons with Naboo’s: “They were small moons, smaller than any of Naboo’s three…” (Ch. 15)
Nexus of Power (supplement to the Star Wars Force and Destiny Roleplaying Game) says Naboo has “three small moons”
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[ID: Moonlight over Theed, The Phantom Menace. One obvious moon shines in the sky over Theed palace. Another bright object in the sky may also be a moon. /end ID]
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[ID: Amidala’s starship passes a moon of Naboo, The Phantom Menace. The moon in question is tan and barren-looking. /end ID]
So, we have designations for three or fewer moons, right?
There's five candidates: Ohma-D'un, Onoam, Rori, Veruna, and a “nameless mass”
Sources and Canon in Star Wars
Before we go on, let’s look at how we get information about the Star Wars universe, and how I select from contradictory information. If you’re familiar, obviously, feel free to skip ahead to the next section. The imaginary audience for the PowerPoint might not have been.
The old EU passes into Legends
On April 25, 2014, in the leadup to The Force Awakens, Lucasfilm announced that all previous Expanded Universe material would now be published under the Legends banner. All six previous movies plus The Clone Wars series “are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align.” Novels, comics, and other expanded universe material published after the changeover to Legends is now known as New Canon (or Disney Canon).
Every fan ultimately comes to their own arrangement with what they consider canon — which pieces of New Canon and Legends they stitch together to come to a satisfying understanding of the Star Wars universe.
Canon status of roleplaying game materials
The canon policy of Wookieepedia is fascinating and I have not even scratched the surface, but the section on roleplaying games makes for especially convoluted reading. Both the West End Games and Wizards of the Coast licenses for RPGs ended before the Legends changeover; these are firmly Legends. 
Fantasy Flight Games, however, gained the license to card, board, and roleplaying games in 2011, just three years before the switch to New Canon. Lucasfilm Story Group has made no public stance on whether their material is canon. 
For this reason and because their publishing time for the RPG sourcebooks stretches before and after the changeover, Wookieepedia has gone case-by-case and selected which books apply to Legends, Canon, or both for article-writing purposes.
Mainstream solutions to the three-moon problem
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[ID: A quote from Nexus of Power: “Three small moons - Ohma-D’un, Rori, and a nameless mass that is little more than an overgrown asteroid - house small colonies as well as a handful of offworld and orbital shipyard and factories.” /end iD]
Nexus of Power is an FFG sourcebook that was determined by Wookieepedia’s standards to apply to Canon as well as Legends articles. Its entry on Naboo, however, differs from the later sourcebook Rise of the Separatists, which Wookieepedia deems canon and cites in its selection of moons. 
The Rise of the Separatists entry reads:
Three moons—Ohma-D’un, Rori, and Veruna—orbit Naboo. They host small colonies with shipyards, orbital dockyards, and factories.
So even within one publishing license and one context, different moons have been attributed to Naboo.
Wookieepedia’s Canon page for Naboo lists Ohma-D’un, Onoam, and Veruna. Each of these comes from a different source:
Ohma-D’un cites Rise of the Separatists
Onoam cites Leia, Princess of Alderaan
Veruna cites Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia
They’ve made a choice—but it’s definitely not the only plausible choice. Each of the four names we’re given for Naboo’s moons has at least some backing in New Canon.
Onoam is the only moon on this list that is fully and non-dubiously canonical, as Leia spent some time there in the 2017 novel Leia, Princess of Alderaan. It is, however, the funniest name choice: someone recently pointed out to me that it’s just an anagram of “a moon”
I love this, but Claudia Gray sure muddied the Naboo Moon Name Waters by making this the only choice it is impossible to reject. No shade, though. I loved the LPOA Naboo crumbs.
Onoam has both mines (plagued in the Imperial era by corrupt leadership and miner safety issues) and luxury housing. Before his assassination, Moff Quarsh Panaka resided in a chalet on Onoam, and Queen Dalné had a home there.
Sidebar: The Mining Moons
When discussing the assassination attempt on Padmé in Attack of the Clones, Mace Windu says, “Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners on the moons of Naboo.”
Leia, Princess of Alderaan establishes that Onoam was one of these moons; it mentions strikes and minor political violence a generation before Leia’s. It also establishes that Onoam is mined for medicinal spice, which by law can only be mined by humans, not droids
In Queen’s Shadow, which takes place in 28 BBY, the mining moons “struggle to maintain the balance between the rule of Naboo and their allegiance to filling their quotas”; the mining jobs are much less lucrative than farming on Karlinus
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[ID: a rather barren, tan-colored moon /end ID]
Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia (2017) identifies the moon pictured above as Veruna. The same moon was identified as Ohma-D’un by The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (2008), according to Wookieepedia. I have access to neither, but it looks like the moon the ship passed in TPM. For being one of Wookiee’s choices, the evidence for this name is astonishingly thin, but the same can be said of some of the others
Sidebar: King Veruna and his moon
The likelihood is that Veruna (the moon) was named for Ars Veruna, Padmé’s predecessor as Naboo’s monarch in Legends novels Darth Plagueis (2012) and Cloak of Deception (2001)
It is very probable that Veruna is no longer canon, and it is certainly impossible that he served a decade-plus term that ended shortly before Padmé’s reign:
Padmé’s immediate predecessor, according to Queen’s Peril (2020), was Queen Sanandrassa
Sometime during Eirtaé’s childhood, Réillata served a single two-year term, according to Queen’s Shadow (2019)
Even if he’s placed somewhere before Sanandrassa, there’s not really room for him to have reigned that long unless there are two monarchs between him and Padmé 
Rori was named and fleshed out in the 2003 game Star Wars Galaxies, which is now Legends. While it is one of the names given in the Fantasy Flight Games sourcebooks, it doesn’t seem to have a source anywhere else in New Canon.
Ohma-D’un has one New Canon source outside of RPG sourcebooks: the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Smuggler’s Guide. In Smuggler’s Guide, Tyro Viveca (one of the owners of the in-universe book) mentioned seeing bursa-baiting on Ohma-D’un. Bursas are bear-like creatures originally from Legends material, where they were known to attack and destroy Gungan settlements.
I had a picture of a captive bursa for illustrative purposes, but honestly it made me too sad so I deleted it. Nevertheless, that’s stronger detail and evidence than we have for either Rori or Veruna.
Bonus fact: Naboo officially has no such thing as prison. When Panaka mentions this to Rabé, she says, “Only because we send everyone to the moon” (Queen’s Peril). Enjoy those implications!
While Onoam is definitely one of the moons, what you call the other two is up to each person’s discretion until something else is stated. Personally, I prefer Ohma-D’un and Rori, rather than Veruna. This partly because I don’t like Veruna the Legends figure (petty) and partly because Rori has some interesting Legends lore that could be drawn on in a pinch, which as far as I can tell Veruna does not. 
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