#i hadnt seen a new video in so long
wanghedi · 1 year
Realest comment i saw today is someone saying they bought the iqiyi membership to watch destined and got so bored a few eps in and they eneded up watching all of clj instead lmao thats so me core
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simplygyuu · 2 years
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Nouvelle Crown : 010 - Soobin hyung?
synopsis : choi beomgyu, the second prince of the royal choi family doesnt have much of a life outside of his duties. even then hes not allowed to do much, his brother is the crown prince after all. but when he meets you, a regular commoner girl, through his brothers friend soobin he cant help but be intrigued. commoner life is so different from what he knows and you are the only person to treat him like the normal teenager he always longed to be. with you he gets to experience the normal, teenager life behind the backs of his overbearing family.
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Beomgyu couldn't help the way he gnawed at his bottom lip, his hands clasped together behind his back as he tried not to pick at his fingers. Following Soobin around the many machines and into the back of the arcade where they couldn't be seen felt like he was walking to his death. Was Soobin mad at him? He hasn't spoken to him in almost two years now.
Finally, Soobin stopped behind a big machine that was playing faint video game music, turning around to face Beomgyu with crossed arms. The silence could be cut with a knife and Beomgyu couldn't even bring himself to look up at Soobin's face. He didn't want to see whatever expression he sported.
“Beomgyu.” Soobin spoke in that monotone voice he used on occasion, causing Beomgyu to tense up a bit. It wasn't noticeable to a normal person, Beomgyu knew how to hide his reactions well. He was in the public eye pretty often. But Soobin still knew the Choi brothers like the back of his hand and could see how wary the youngest brother seemed.
“I missed you so much!” And suddenly a body was colliding with Beomgyus' own, arms getting wrapped around him. The prince froze in surprise and Soobin gave him a tight hug after not seeing the boy in so long.
“How have you grown even taller? Ahh, I must've missed so much! Look at you~” Soobin cooed, backing out of the hug to hold Beomgyus' shoulders and observe him. Beomgyus lips were parted slightly in shock as he stared up at Soobin.
Soobin had been more of an older brother to him than Yeonjun ever had. Not that his brother never took care of him, but it was never to the extent that Soobin did. Soobin used to be in tune to his every emotion, able to tell whatever Beomgyu felt at a glance. But around two years ago Beomgyu fell into a deep hole of self doubt and hatred. He pushed everyone away from him and once he got a new phone it was the perfect opportunity to completely be alone, so he couldn't be a burden. He never gave Soobin his new number and never left his room much, Soobin doesn't come to the palace anymore either. Not since his mother wasn't needed as a nanny for the brothers anymore. It led to Beomgyu being completely alone, only having his family and Kai who had been persistent enough to keep Beomgyu company.
(He was immensely grateful for that. Beomgyu knows how hard he used to be to deal with, how he was lashing out at everyone during that dark time. Kai had stuck with him throughout it, it's one of the reasons why they're so close now).
“What's up with the mask and all, were inside the empty arcade. You don't need to worry about reporters.” Soobin then questioned, which made Beomgyu tense again.
“I uh.. have yet to tell Y/n yet..” He mumbled in a nervous tone, back to that formal way of speaking. He had done his best to drop it with Y/n but he hadnt seen Soobin in so long, he couldn't really help it.
“You haven't told her you're a prince?!” Soobin exclaimed in a whisper, eyes wide. Then he brought a fast hand up to flick Beomgyu on the forehead, causing the younger to whine. “You idiot. She won't care! Hell, Yeonjun hyung has hung out with us before.”
That made Beomgyu pause where he had been rubbing his forehead. His brother has hung out with them before? That's.. not a very good feeling.
“I am just scared, you wont tell her right? Please dont.”
A sigh filled the silence between them as Soobin shook his head in exasperation. “Of course you would do something like this… but fine. I won't say anything yet.” He responded before pointing at Beomgyu. “But just because you're like my little brother doesn't mean I'll let you keep this from her for a really long time, okay? It'll hurt her feelings. You've got about two more weeks tops before I say something.”
“But Hyung!”
“Nope! I'm not hearing it!” Soobin said stubbornly, sticking his chin up as he looked away. “Now c'mon let's go back.”
Once they finally reunited with the rest of the group, Beomgyu stuck close to you. Anywhere you were he would be close by. He wasn't very good at arcade games, it was cute. You couldn't help but watch him attempt to play game after game with a fond smile. His brows would furrow in concentration and every time he lost (which was a lot) he would jump away from the machine with a cry.
It seemed like he was enjoying himself and your friends were being as welcoming as you had expected. Soobin warmed up to Gyu weirdly fast. It was different for Soobin and Gyu seemed comfortable around him as well. Perhaps both of them being introverted canceled out and helped them be friends.
Either way, it was a fun night for everyone. When you were walking home with Taehyun after bidding everyone goodbye, he even told you about how he took a liking to Gyu.
It seems nobody is able to resist Gyu’s weird but unique charms.
previous masterlist next
notes : soob is a sweetheart sorry for scaring u..😝 ALSO i hope uve noticed that when its y/ns pov i use gyu instead of beomgyu, hopefully that helps decipher when it changes
reposts and replies are really really appreciated and keep me motivated :)
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send me an ask or message to be added to the taglist! i wont add from replies :)
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alyimoss · 28 days
For the ask game!!
9. What's your all time favourite movie/tv show?
oughh see i am the worst bitch to ask this kinda question bc i just. do not watch movies/shows. i dont have the attention span for them, and most of the time just. cannot get into new stuff, either bc of lack of interest or because im scared ill hyperfixate and die.
to compensate, i will tell you about a movie that is not my favorite in the slightest and the most recent show i watched!
so i watched this movie in ?? first grade?? in russia. its called arthur and the invisibles, it a french (?) movie abt some fucking kid whos. trying to save his grandfathers farm/house/farmhouse?? and in the process gets shrunk down to teeny size and helps the teeny people. do. something idkf. i remember very little about it other than some details that were forcibly injected into my brain fairly recently and the fact that the like. pre-teen or teen protag had a love interest twice his age. and it was!! uncomfortable!! and i dont know how they let that slide, but that movie was made it. idk what year, but if i had to guess, probably early 2000s?? so. yeah those werent really the best times...
anyway yeah i was almost completely convinced id hallucinated that movie until maybe 2 or 3 months ago?? when i watched a wayneradiotv vod (or highlights video god if i remember) where he played a game based on that movie. and it was bad. and i am upset that it turned out to be real. and it had at least one sequel for some fucking reason?? so thats. interesting.
the most recent show i watched was steven universe! which i rewatched the entirety of in like. a week. and i liked it! i hadnt watched it since. idfk when, actually, but its been a long time. i hadnt watched a lot of the season 5 episodes, id only seen the finale bc everyone was talking abt it (and how bad it was) when it aired and i wanted to see for myself. and id never seen the movie or future before, so that was an experience. annd yeah now i have a lot to say abt that show which can be summarized with "if it was allowed to run for several more seasons it wouldve been godlike" bc. that show is based on time. thats the number one thing abt it. that it takes time to heal. time is the center of its fucking pilot they knew what they were doing. so ofc when it was rushed it showed and was bad, that show cant be rushed in order to be good. no show can, really, but especially not that one. anyway
yeahh not really a movies/shows guy lmao. envy those who are, but. ill just stick to. the one thing im hyperfixating on and virtually nothing else. forever.
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gremlindoesthings · 1 year
part 2 - cw: pet play, toys, confusion, humilation
The One With The Gift
Sam had gotten home from work earlier than Liv one day and had cleaned up the house some, making sure it felt comfortable for them both. When Liv walked in, he kissed her cheek and she wrapped her arms around him tight.
"Hey, baby. How was your day today?" His arms engulfed her and he felt her sink into him.
"Not bad, just a long day. Glad to be home for sure." She finally pulled away and set her bag down on the table, now noticing the cleared off table and the gift box sitting in the middle. Her eyes lit up and her hands went to her cheeks in shock. "Is it for me?"
Sam shook his head and laughed, slowly reaching for the box. "You always ask that as if a gift that is quite clearly presented and displayed, *wouldnt* be for you. Of course its for you. Though this time, its going to be much different." He tossed the box up in the air justa bit and grinned as he nodded his head at the living room. "Come on, lets get comfortable."
Liv tilted her head in confusion but followed him the living room. He sat down on the couch and had her sit on the floor in front of him with her legs crossed as she normally would.
Liv gave him another curious look and he held the box in front of him, between his spread out legs, with both hands firmly placed on each side.
"Have you ever seen those pet subscription boxes?" He questioned but this only confused Liv more.
"Of course. But we had said-"
"Have you ever seen how curious dogs get on the first one? How they sniff it and get so curious that they toss it around or whatever else?" Sam interrupted her.
"Yes? George's dog would get really excited for them but his first box, George sent us the video of Max just jumping on it." She had no idea where he was going with this. Did he decide he wanted to go ahead? It had only been a few weeks since they talked about getting a puppy but admittedly, she still wasnt ready. "Sam, I-"
"So you know how they normally react! Perfect. Show me."
"What?" Livs head pulled back some, trying to make sense of what he said. "What do you mean? Do you want the video of Max specifically or-"
Sam gave her an evil grin and chuckled, laughing as she spoke before he leaned forward, his forearms on his knees and his body more tense than before. He cut her off again. "Guess who got a special treat today? Yeah, look- its just for you, girl. Come see whats inside."
Livs body had stiffened and her eyes were wide as she stared up at him. She had hoped that night he would take her home and they would try new ideas but he hadnt mentioned it since that day. Hearing him jump right in to it....she didnt know *why* but despite being incredibly confused and embarassed, she was also incredibly intrigued and a bit turned on. Sam sat the box in front of him and pointde at it. Liv stared at the box but didnt move, her thoughts reeling again.
Slowly she reached for the box but Sam put his foot on the top of it. "No, thats not how its done. Try again."
Liv attempted again and Sam stopped her once more. "Why was it that you told me all of these kinks for pet play and yet when I offer the chance, you cant even remember what a puppy acts like. I thought we could start at the basics but maybe we should try a good bit slower."
Liv shook her head and her brows furrowed a bit. She knew slower would be torture. An absolute hell. She looked at him and whimpered. "But I dont know-"
"How? Yes, you do. You just think Im going to hate it. But in all honesty, all i want is you on all fours, opening that box with just your paws and mouth, whining when you cant get it open all the way."
Liv couldnt help it; her jaw dropped. "But-!"
"And I think youve been watching too many cartoons because puppies *definitely* dont talk."
Liv wanted to hide. To bolt into their room, crawl under the covers, and never come back out. But she also was so incredibly turned on by the humiliation, that she couldnt leave the room even if she tried. She was too curious, too excited, too humiliated, and too wet to just leave. She glanced down at the box and shifted to her knees and then all fours. She crawled over to the box and gave a weak little push at the box with her hand.
Sam inhaled deeply and glared down at her. "Sniff it. Go on. You know *exactly* how its done."
Liv blushed but found herself letting out a small whimper of embarrassment. Sam grinned and ran his hand over her cheek.
"Aw, puppy, its okay! Its just for you. And I promise you can play with it all week if youd like."
She felt the cool of his hand on her flushed cheek and just barely kept herself from melting into his hand. She swallowed hard and looked back down at the box before finally leaning down and sniffing at the box.
"Louder. When puppies sniff around, theyre quite loud. I want everything about you to scream how good of a puppy you really are."
Liv wouldve hid under the pillow had they been in their room. Instead, she was ass up with her nose planted on a box. And now she was sniffing the box loudly. Liv kept herself from squeezing her thighs together.
"See, there you go. Good girl. Do you want to know whats inside?" Sam said as he ran his fingers through her hair.
Livs eyes darted away but she nodded in reply. She couldnt possibly care about his silly little rule when she was in such pain. Good pain. But pain, nonetheless. But Sam didnt seem to mind. He continued softly running his finger through her hair and smiled softly down at her.
"Then go ahead, girl. Its all yours!"
Liv wasnt sure she could blush any harder but if she could, her face wouldve been red as a stop sign. Liv pawed at the box and it fell to the side. She pawed at it again, rolling it a few times. She turned a bit and checked the bottom. There was no opening of paper, no lid, nothing. It was a fully wrapped box. Liv stared at it for a second and then looked up at Sam with pleading eyes. Sam only smiled and leaned back, crossing his arms in front of him.
Liv stared back down at the box with big eyes. He had meant for her to dedicate herself to this. He had made sure of it. Of course, she knew her safeties but he was making it to where she didnt have to question it. She just needed to do it. There was no other way. It was do it or dont.
Liv leaned down again and held the box with her hands- paws- as she tore at the paper softly with her teeth. After the first few tears, it didnt feel as overwhelming and she decided to go for it. She tore at the paper, ripping it off, tossing it to the side. On the last long piece, she had dropped it to the side but a small piece had stuck to her cheek. Sam smiled and chuckled a bit, leaning forward to brush at her cheek, just above the paper, with his thumb.
"Aw, puppy, you have some on your face!" He pulled back hand and gave another evil grin. "Get it off, girl. Youve got it! Use your paw, just like you know how to."
Liv stared at the floor and she couldnt help herself- her thighs squeezed together and she let out a small whimper. Her hand-paw- raised to her cheek and she softly pawed at it. She watched as the paper fell to the floor. Her eyes stayed glued to the paper until he tapped the top of the box. Her eyes darted to the box and he tipped it back and forth with just his index finger. She wanted to roll her eyes. She got what he wanted. But she didnt- Liv whimpered again and tried to push away the thoughts. She leaned forward, her feet now crossed, and made the box roll a few times. She noticed there was nothing special about the box except a handle on one end. Otherwise, it was just a box. No curves, no words, nothing. Just a white box with a handle. She finally gave up pawing and tossing the box around and settled on the answer. Take the box to him. He had even told her. She whined again and leaned down to put up the handle with her mouth. She failed at first but on the third try, she finally was able to get a good grip and crawl over to him. It had been a bit heavy but nothing big- which was as expected given the size. She placed it in his la and then leaned back, resting her butt on her legs.
"What is it girl? It's just a box. Im not sure what youre needing." Sam grinned and held the box directly on top of his groin. Liv whimpered and nuzzled the box in his lap.
"Its just the same as before; you still dont know whats in here. And puppies are so curious not to mention you tore off the paper and had no satisfying results."
Livs face pleaded with him but she felt herself shift as he spoke, her leg now wet with her excitement. Liv leaned forward, her face in his lap, hovering over the present as she loudly sniffed at it. She pawed at it a few times and then whimpered again. He seemed to have no response other than smiling and laughing at her. Finally, she huffed and gave him a pouty look.
"Aw, whats the matter- would you like to be my baby again and not my puppy? Is being my good little puppy too hard for you?"
He always teased with that. He knew it would help her embrace it a bit more and never had harm. She glared at him and then- she barked at him. At first, her expression stayed the same. But then his face lit up and she felt herself fill with excitement. She wiggled her butt some and he laughed again. Wiggling her butt wasnt new. But it was always random and always in response to something good. A moment passed and she felt the rush of embarassment flood through her again.
Sam brushed his fingers through her hair again. "Good girlll! You are *such* a good girl. Lets see whats in this box okay?"
Liv nodded and gave a small whimper as he opened the box and set it in front of her. It was a pink silicone dildo- big enough to sit comfortably in at least two of her holes. She blushed again as she read the note that rested on top.
Liv stared at the toy and then back up at Sam.
"Its your very first chew toy, girl! Go on, pick it up!" Sam watched as her eyes stayed glued to the toy. "Do you want to play now or would you like to take a break for now?"
Her eyes stayed glued to the toy but she reached forward with her hand- paw- and tipped the box to its side. The toy rolled out and almost perfectly rolled to the tip of Sam's shoe. She stared at the toy as if it had betrayed her. She had only meant to indicate she wanted to keep going by letting the toy fall out but instead, she apparently gave a full green light, courtesy of the pink dildo that was currently humiliating her to death.
Sam leaned down and picked up the toy, the set it to his side. He returned his gaze to her and studied her closely. "You've done such a good job today, baby. Im so proud of you. We can go slower, dont worry- I am so happy with how much you did. You are amazing."
Her heart fluttered as his hands cupped either side of her face and she kept herself from wiggling again. She wanted to scream that she was still okay but at the same time- puppies didnt talk. She finally opened her eyes, not even realizing she had closed them or that she was biting her lower lip as her plan came into place.
Sam gave her a curious look as she pulled back and crawled her way to his side. She picked up the dildo in her mouth and crawled back to him, between his legs, and dropped the toy in his lap. She nudged it with her nose but he simply stared at her. She nudged the toy once more with her nose but as she did, she felt how hard he was. She kept herself from giggling with pride and instead leaned back and barked at him again. This time much louder.
Sam's eyes beamed with fire and lust. She knew he wouldnt take her. Not on the first night of a brand new scene. He never did. But *fuck* she wanted him to tear her to bits. She didnt want to wait to "warm up to the idea." She knew it was smart and she knew shed be put in her place and reminded of his safety measures if she tried to push too hard. She hated having to wait. For anything. So she barked at him again. This time when he gave an evil grin, he tossed the toy across the croom. But this time, Liv was going to entertain his whims. Besides, playing fetch was one of the kinks she had marked on the pet play list. And he sure as hell knew it. So this time, she eagerly wiggled her butt and quickly went after the toy, bringing it back to him with it sideways in her mouth, and sitting properly in front of him after dropping it in his lap.
"Fuck." It was Sam's turn to be speechless.
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winterrhayle · 1 year
Ive been watching you and Bea go back and forth making each other rank Taylor albums and Im going to miss it SO MUCH Could you two rank the taylor swift tour videos please? I love looking at you guys' takes on things (even if yours are just complimenting every song and Bea is the one who knows how to actually criticise things 💀) love you guys <3 - an anonymous observer😉💗
TYSM :((((( SOBBING LY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @deprivedmusicaljunkie look we've been percieved ! anon ur slight diss at me for not being able to criticise things is KILLING ME HAHAHHAHAHA (ur right though)
okayy heres my tour ranking (note that there isnt an official tour video for red OR eras so this probs affects my ranking,,, more for red than eras bc i see eras content every single day online anyway)
speak now world tour - okay i may be biased because this is my favourite album,, but even if it wasnt this would be her best tour (in my opinion),, i feel like in her old concerts she was so theatrical, and parts of it kinda looked like a full broadway production,, also the iconic elements like the lyrics on the arm, also shout out to the live album recording of this bc i listen to it soooo much and its amazing and perfect and show stopping etc etc im literally gonna list a bunch of iconic moments right here: THE HAUNTED BELL, the fireworks during dear john, the koi fish guitar with the light up tree, the gold fringe dress (DROP EVERYTHING NOW) the ballgown, just the wholle thing is the best thing i have ever seen
eras tour - this tour actually is killing me with all of the nostalgia watching her sing through and acknowledge all of her old albums and past selves (except debut, rip😔). and i especially love all of the details from past concerts she has (like the fearless spins, the sparkly & koi guitars, the over head hand heart) and also the new visuals for existing tours (like the old taylors in glass cages for rep) AND the visuals for the albums that hadnt been toured before (lover, folklore, evermore, midnights) i just think that she really did her albums justice (again, apart from debut☠️) and its insane that the show is so long 3+ hours
reputation stadium tour - karyn the snake is the coolest thing ive ever seen. also the ready for it intro with the hooded bodysuit outfit is ICONIC,,, i love the choreo on this tour, like the part of i did something bad where taylor gets lifted up like a cheerleader (AHHHHHH) and i love the quiet long live / new years day moment on the piano,, its so nice
the red tour - like i said before, there isnt a tour movie for this one so i dont know as much about it, but i loveeee how fun it is, i love the ringleader outift and circus theme for the closing song, we are never ever getting back toghether (my favourite part of the show) and i love the unnecessary hairflips during all too well😭
the 1989 world tour - this tour feels like her biggest one (even though it isnt), its like the most pop artist thing ever, its less theatre-production like than any of her other tours and it feels less personal? that being said its obviously very iconic, im forever obsessed with the wildest dreams/enchanted mashup, and that one out of the woods bodysuit that she only wore once for some reason, + the FOREVER iconic rock version of wanegbt BUT THE WAY THE TOUR MOVIE IS EDITED IS SOOOO ANNOYING LIKE IT SWITCHES TO A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE EVERY 2 SECONDS😭 anyway i really do appreciate this tour bc taylor really did give it everything she had, and looking at the miss americana documentary, u can tell it was really hard to have put on that show with what she was going through
fearless tour - this is ranked last but i actually really like this one, its cute. her vocals werent as good as they are currently but idc because this show was so funny,, it had the iconicccc throwing of the red chairs in forever & always and shoudlve said no in the rain!!!!!!!!
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single-malt-scotch · 1 year
im def the type analyzing the technical or trend side of mcyt content creation (someday i will make the bdubs thumbnail analysis) and whenever jev's content comes up i really think about it. (should be said what im describing w his videos rn isnt a jab! he talked about trying to make one-off videos hitting trendy subjects and thats exactly what hes doing, and so i want to mention what i notice)
jev stated in one of his previous HC videos that his videos were on a decline. he pointed out some things that i imagine casual watchers wouldnt ever consider, but theres some key reasons as to why jev's HC series was doing poorly. Some he points out and others are things I also realized.
people are not likely to click on videos with episode numbers because they don't want to jump into a series they know nothing about. in turn, many people have started to not put episode numbers in their series titles at all (out of HC, bdubs. but youll notice this for other kinds of non-smp videos too). So when this is done, people wont assume it is a long running series, and are more likely to click it. "One off" content implies videos that are... one-off. Think snapshot reviews, build challenges, hardcore challenges... So two potential ways to improve views/have a better time in the algorithm is to drop numbers of episodes. No, not The only solution but its a pretty important thing.
this is a huge factor imo... how many recommended/home page videos do you get thrown at you related to minecraft that have nothing to do with series (or you wouldnt know due to the title)? All I get are hardcore videos, snapshot videos, and i have also gotten loads of Joel's (smallishbeans) "i did [thing] in minecraft" which have a shit ton of views. Those videos from him are a blatant example of "one off" videos that also try to pull you in with a simple title and premise.
Now looking back at jev. he said he was going to try these more one off videos, and hes started that with things like "things you didnt know about minecraft". the interesting part to me too is noticing 'repeats' of these kinds of videos... jev is not the first person to do a video like that, so you would think "why would you make it?" well, the thing is. youtub doesnt care. its gonna throw your video around and there is a good chance your "things you didnt know about minecraft" video may come up for some random person instead of someone else. it may show up for some kid who hadnt seen someone else's and so yours is the first. (and lets be real if 11 year olds are finding it they probably wont care its another and think 'oh boy, more things i didnt know about minecraft!')
On the smaller side I just notice how different some parts of newer videos have become- for some reason its kind of a thing to use shaders, a lot. most people wont use it through an entire video but often times its the intro. some people use shaders all the time. Additionally intros almost always consist of a user in f5 mode, facing the camera. I am sure that f5 mode thing started quite a while back (in terms of new mcyt) but caring about the visuals of an intro wasn't important a long time ago, it was hardly considered lol.
every time i think about these things its like im storing it in my brain for me to use but, hell if i am ever gonna make enough videos to apply it. regardless, the trend of videos can be seen in youtubers you watch if you look close enough. but even so we have lots of 'old school' people here that don't always change to fit these trends. if they have a loyal long time following, its less likely they will. (usually if its not titles- which i think is more common now- you may more obviously see it in thumbnail styles) but theres always a potential of people shifting slightly because the algorithm isnt playing very nice.
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spricket-central · 1 year
this is a memorial for a little bug who changed my life; this is a memorial for Crouton.
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i first met Crouton on the night of december 6th, 2022. i had been toying with the idea of keeping some sprickets as pets, but hadnt quite committed yet.
not until that one rainy night.
she was a tiny thing, sitting on my bedside table. normally i would have released her outside upon capturing her, but... it was so rainy, and she was so little...
she spent the night in a plastic tupperware that i had mangled the lid of in order to make some oversized air holes (that i just had to hope she wouldnt escape through), with nothing inside but a paper towel lining, a little hide made of a toilet paper roll, a plastic bottle cap with a wet cotton ball in it, and some wheat bran and a tiny bit of apple that id put on another scrap of toilet paper tube.
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the next day, i went straight to the pet shop for supplies. i got her a proper tank and some proper food, made a primitive setup, and placed her into her new home.
less than a week later, i ended up finding two adult sprickets, Biscuit and Cookie. because Crouton was so much smaller than them, i relocated her to a smaller tank where she could live until she was grown enough to live with the adults.
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and grow she did! she even had a younger roommate for a while, a young girl named Breadcrumb, but i ended up separating them as well, this time for Breadcrumbs safety!
Crouton was a shy little thing as a nymph. while the adults could be seen out and about now and then during the day, Crouton remained hidden. a Crouton sighting was a rare thing indeed! but as her body grew, so did her confidence. she would always be skittish (as all sprickets are), but in her adult life she was considerably more present, going for occasional little strolls during the day, and absolutely springing to life the moment the lights went out.
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by the time she was old enough to join the adults, Cookie had long since passed, but Biscuit and the more recent addition to the family, Peanut, were there to join her as tankmates! the three seemed to get along quite well, from what i could tell. my favorite thing was when id peek into the tank during the day and find all three of them cuddled together in a little cluster as they snoozed in their egg carton cave.
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however, Crouton would soon be alone once more. Peanut was the first to pass, followed by Biscuit soon after, both presumably of old age. but there would still be another to join her later: her former roomie, Breadcrumb, was almost done growing, and upon reaching adulthood, the pair would be reunited! the two made a dynamic duo, each with their own personalities and quirks.
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Crouton had such an energetic personality. i swear, she didnt know how to walk; only how to run. when i flicked off the lights for the night, id see the wiggling of antennae from within the egg carton cave, and within moments, there was Crouton, ready to explore! often she'd do a lap or two around the tank before finally settling down to eat. her favorite food was carrot, and she was an absolute FIEND for it! i have so many videos of her voraciously chowing down on her nightly piece.
on may 28th, Crouton even became a mother. 2 months prior, i had kept a few of the eggs id collected during that weeks tank cleaning and set them aside to "incubate" in a small container of moist soil. i had collected the eggs after Biscuits death, and i wasnt even sure if he and Crouton had ever mated, let alone if the eggs id set aside that night were fertile. but, to my surprise and joy, little Poppyseed was born. being so tiny, however, she would have to live separate from her mama and "auntie Breadcrumb."
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Crouton and Breadcrumb lived together for many happy months until suddenly, just a couple of days before july ended, Breadcrumb died, her condition having rapidly declined due to what i believe was a genetic condition that made her eggbound.
it would only be a little over a week until Crouton followed.
i had noticed her slowing down and had been bracing myself for this day for some time, but... well, no amount of preparation can prevent the wave of grief that comes with the loss of a loved one. not even when that loved one is a bug.
because Crouton, as with all of my sprickets, was NOT just a bug. just because they are small and so extremely different from a human or any other mammal doesnt mean one cant love them. they become a part of your life.
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Crouton changed my life. she was the very first spricket i ever cared for, and inspired me to care for so many other sprickets who have come into my life, and countless others who have yet to follow. she created a lineage of love that will continue to spread long after shes gone.
she will never know how much she meant to me. to her, i was an anonymous force of nature, so frighteningly and unfathomably large. she had no way of understanding that this was a force of love, to whatever extent she could even comprehend what "love" means.
but i love her. i love her so, so much, and she brought me so much joy. i always say that love is an investment in heartbreak, and the 8 months i spent with Crouton were worth every tear im shedding. I'll miss her dearly, but i can at least take comfort knowing that i gave her a life that she could never have known without a frighteningly and unfathomably large helping hand.
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Crouton, I'll always be grateful for all that youve done for me. im just a weird little monster, disabled and trying my best to recover after hitting rock bottom, and the joy you brought me has been invaluable. you helped bring meaning into a life that so often struggled to find it.
I'll take good care of your baby. I'll make sure Poppyseed grows into a beautiful little lady, just like her mama. I'll do everything i can to give her a happy life, one where she is always fed and safe and loved.
and everytime i look into her silly little cartoon dot eyes, I'll think of you. every moment that i spend loving the sprickets in my care, its me loving you too. your life may be over, but your legacy will live on.
rest easy, my beautiful baby girl. i love you so, so much. and i always will.
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12/6/2022 (caught) - 8/8/2023
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bettycrocker · 2 years
ayo so like i really like watching horror, gore, internet history, etc. youtubers but like one has just been really fucking getting on my nerves lately. dude wont stop going on about how “OOOH PEOPLE KEEP GETTING ON MY ASS ABOUT WATCHING GORE PEOPLE KEEP CALLING ME THE SATAN OF YOUTUBE I DEFINITELY DONT CARE AT ALL” every fucking video and honestly its just so lame. i dont care about your personal beef with people who dont like your brand of content, im here to hear about fucked up shit not you whine about people calling you evil for partaking in the content.
like it wouldnt piss me off so much if he hadnt covered the amouranth stuff that happened not that long ago when hes primarily known for covering content about violence and death in the real world and framed it the same way he would those videos and also trying to like call out other horror youtubers for videos they made years ago acting like he somehow has more information about the case than they do when he doesnt even brush on certain aspects of what hes talking about.
he wants so bad to seem like a fresh new face in a community thats been around for the longest time but he genuinely just comes off as a lame edgelord whos more about the commodity and potential clicks rather than explaining whats happening in what he covers. its so half-assed compared to other people who do the exact same content. this aint even getting to my gripes with his 30 second-one minute long opening sequence that either has some shitty edgy song on it or some spooooky background noise.
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animaljam67 · 1 year
My work had a team meeting last night and i dont think one specific attitude in the workplace has ever pissed me off more than what my boss did.
For context- i work at a chain consignment/resale store. There are 9 other of the same business in the PNW and surrounding area, but the one that i work at is the busiest . we get people coming in from north and south along I5. as far south as redding california and as north as eugene oregon. keep in mind this is also the only resale shop in my town. there are few in my county. and basics none in neighboring counties, that have similar populations.
a month or so before i started working with them, one manager quit and a bunch of girls went with her. pretty much all of them. we have all been told it was “girl drama”. and they had to hire all new staff. so everyone working- EVERYONE WORKING- is in training. even my manager who works in store, who for the first few weeks of my time at the job was running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to hire, interview, train, make schedules, try to manage back to school rush, and deal with firing as well.
In all- all my coworkers and myself definitely need to use this time of lull with a sufficient amount of workers after the back to school stuff to reflect on what works and doesnt work, what we want out of our jobs and vise versa, and make gameplans about how we can improve the flow of the store.
for reference, we have already been trying to do what our boss- who is the store owner, she lives in utah and came in to our store on one occasion for 4 ish days- wanted us to do. there were “task priorities” and “stations” that had been layed out for us, the girls who have watched the training videos know. though, like myself, most of us havent seen any videos, or havent gotten to that one. we were dealing with record amounts of buys. like, hundreds of bags were being processed a day. usually, its supposed to work like this: customer brings their bag in. they fill out a buy slip with all necessary information, label their bag, and leave it with us. within the next hour or so, we will have went through everything in their bag, figured out what we wanted and why and what we would give back to the customer. we text them, they come in (same day), and get the rest of their clothes, and the cash or store credit they earned. if they dont come in to pick it up within 48 hours of our text to them that their clothing has been processed, we will automatically donate what we didnt want and give them store credit. ive tryed to give people leniency when they cant come in to get their bag in the allotted time. i once had a woman an who had dropped her clothes off the day prior and they hadnt been processed yet, and i didnt know when it would be. she was pregnant and had to end up scheduling some sort of bloodwork in the hospital, her husband would have her car and she was planning to use the bus to come to our store to get her cash, but because she would have to take the bus to the doctors office to have the work done, which would take much longer since it would be across town across multiple busses, she likely couldnt come in on any other day than that present day, and i also didnt have a single clue when her buy would be processed. i personally know how long it takes to ride the bus anywhere- especially when you have to get off one route and get on another. i was hoping we could either figure out a way to process it today and she could come in or a way to hold that cash for her, since she expressed the need for that rather than the credit, which is understandable. many people come in frequently and they use the money they earn as gas money. it makes sense. but i was the only person up there. in the front. after i picked up the phone for maybe the the 2nd or 3rd time into working there. there were customers in the store, so i couldnt go to the back to ask my manager what to do. i said we would call her back later in the day, when somebody else was coming in and we could have an answer for her then. i wrote this all down on a piece if receipt paper and as soon as i could i rushed to the back to give the slip to my manager and tell her the situation. she said she would, later. im not sure if she ever did.
this problem and other ones like it wouldnt arise if we held any sort of control over the acceptance of buys. we have a strict open-to-an-hour-before-close-every-day-but-sunday schedule to bring in buys. my manager will sometimes call it herself when its midday and the bag area would be overflowing and there was going to be only three girls working for the rest of the day at the end of the hour. and technically, per our owners rules, its actually supposed to be all open hours, 7 days a week, and you stop PROCESSING buys an hour before close. ????????????
keep in mind ive worked there for a month and still have not been trained in buying. i do what is basically the equivalent of a dishwasher job and was hired for much more than that. i do warehouse work for the store, while also helping customers. girls who were hired right before me or even after me are progressing further in training and even being put into shift lead positions, but i spend every shift tagging, racking, and hanging clothes. i see every article of clothing that goes into that store. i see what sells and what doesnt. i see what we have surplus of and what we need more of. i see the duplicates. i see the 7 cropped tight fit ribbed baby doll sleeved t shirts in every color of the rainbow. im the one who has to untangle the tank top straps because there is more hangers of the rack that it can actually hold.
but, to get to the main point of this post, is how my boss interacted with me in the meeting.
We showed up, clocked in, and were handed self assessments. we start filling them out but we stop and are told to gather around my manager’s phone on facetime with the big lady. she opens the conversation with talking about how we were a family, and that she had spent the year of 2020 (when the store was closed) reflecting on what a family really needs to function and what it means to be a job that people want to work for. she also offhandedly said there was also a period of time when no one wanted to work and “aghh if any of you girls did that like ughh i dont know” and quickly went on to start explaining her personal “magic”. she frequently told us that she is working her dream job because of us which whatever it meant something to me the first time she said it but after the 4th i was just like … okay you love your job and making systems and cool alright you live in utah whatever.
she also talked about breaks- and specifically how if you are going to vape or smoke you MUST clock off because she is not paying you to smoke or vape- and thats her magic in caring for us and making our lives a bit better.
but after her spiel about the culture of the workplace she went into going over the assessment we were given, explaining and asking the group for our answers to the questions. and i talked the most out of anyone in that meeting.
this was pretty much how the whole thing went. question- whats your personal magic/what are you confident in at your job? silence. i answered- im confident in my ability to tag and rack efficiently. Cool! anybody else? (crickets) … i answered again- i think [coworker’s name] has a great ability to organize, not only in how things should get done but what big things need to get done. if theres a big pile of unsorted clothes she’ll go through it.
at one point she skips a question asking about what she or our other manager could do better. and i dont mean like, it was printed and she didnt read it, she didnt allow us any floor to speak on what we thought she could do better. and when i brought my answer to her next question- which is what could WE be doing better- back around to what she could do better, she didnt respond to that part of my reply.
this is what made me lose hope for her to ever listen to me-
at the end, after going through the questions and the breakdown of how a store should be set up (as in whos doing what when) and me providing valid criticisms to her structure to which she responded “this system has worked and works at the other 9 stores so thats how it is going to work:)” and she was sending us off with some wise words or whatever, she talks about how if we want something to be changed we should speak up for ourselves and that we should tell her if she could do something better and that communication is key for communities.
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millibelle · 4 years
right as i get the glasses that unlock all the other colors. video games decide to start designing with colorblind people in mind
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
Hi lovely Elle! Congratulations on your milestone, my friend! I’m so excited for you; your writing is always absolutely immaculate and makes my heart sing, and your compassion and integrity shine through every single thing you produce. I can’t wait to see what you create next! For the celebration, may I please request something with my favourite, Rex? For the soulmate AU, I’d be happy with whichever one you feel works best (I don’t know very much about them sorry 🙈) thank you my love and congrats again! x
hello my dear! such high praise, especially from someone as lovely and talented as you! I definitely used this as an excuse to watch videos of Rex being... Rex, since I havent written him before 😌 and obviously now I'm swooning so
I hope you enjoy!
warnings: cannon-typical angst / violence, yearning, fluff, elle writing yet another new character
soulmate requests / follower celebration
Clones did get to see colors. Not really, anyway, just the muted, modulated ones their buckets provided - not the ones that brought grown men to their knees.
The ones that made elation run through a person's veins and completion paint the world in light.
The soulmate colors.
Clones didnt get to see them, because clones weren't supposed have soulmates. Why would they? Their very existence was specifically curated not to encourage them to find themselves, not to go on adventures, or develop dreams, and certainly not to fall in love.
Still, when he stood at the corner of the mess hall, and watched his brothers quarrel and laugh, with their uncontrollable hair and skin spattered with scars, Rex wondered.
Because the more time he spent, the more he saw new painted patterns and heard annoying inside jokes, the more he thought somewhere in all those calculations, they got it wrong. They were individuals, they went on adventures, and had different dreams.
So, like scuffs collecting on shiny plastoid armor, a new determination scratched a mark somewhere deep inside him. If his brothers could be and do all that they already had? Love, even, was not quite so unrealistic.
He didnt talk about colors much - none of them did, and he of all people rarely had the time. But he thought about them more than he should, ached for them during quiet nights alone in his bunk.
The feeling was frusterating, something unreasonable to share, impossible to explain, so as time flew on, he learned to bury it. It felt like a lifetime ago when he learned to guard his mind and control his thoughts around his jedi generals. Still, there was a time when he - his friend and jedi - had been distracted, gazing into his certain someone's eyes, that Rex had watched. And just for a moment, his mind had slipped.
Another scratch in his chest, wanting - wanting - what? Just someone to look at, to really see, and... someone who would see him, too. That's all he wanted. It was a selfish thought, hot and fierce, seering his careful facade, branding another scuff before he could shake it away.
When he first saw you, even through his aging helmet, you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
You were walking, talking to someone, not relevant to his mission, but important and he wanted to walk after you, to be the one you were talking to, but... then you were gone.
Someone else asked who you were and he felt suddenly possessive, a strange feeling immediately followed by confusion. It was an illogical response, by all accounts, you had never even met before.
And then someone else answered - a trusted friend of Senator Amidala's, and he felt relief, that he hadn't been forced to choose looking foolish by asking or the much worse option: not knowing.
And it was another illogical response.
Weeks went by, stealing glimpses of you floating through the hall, and pondering his responses in his meager free time. Was there a reason he wanted to smooth the line between your brows? Or have his arm be the one you tucked your hands into as you climbed the stairs in your heavy robes?
There shouldnt have been. But when you appeared in front of him, your lovely eyes wide and thoughtful, here shouldnt have been a reason his brain short circuited, either. But it did - images of you appeared before him: you kissing his cheek lashes fluttering as you made him promise to stay alive, your head against his chest plate as your breaths thickened with peace and his own were full of pride. You, gasping his name as your hands grasped desperately against his skin, holding onto him as he took you for his and his alone.
Rex had never been quite so dysfunctional in his entire life. But before he could collect himself, you ducked your head and ran.
There were conversations Rex had never indulged before, at the bar, or between his brothers whenever they had a moment. Conversations about love and colors and... soulmates. And it had seemed selfish to listen, selfish to participate, like it would only add to his ache, and steal from his duty. Until you.
Each time he turned to see you watching him, before your eyes would widen guiltily and you'd turn your head in embarrassment, his resolve slipped away. He was already indulging, by stealing his own glances at you, and through the intentness at which he listened beyond your educated opinions for your laugh.
And when you tripped, walking quickly through a corridor opposite of him, and grabbed his arm, holding him like he could keep you steady, it snapped.
Then those conversations became like water - they were everywhere and he craved them like he needed it to survive.
"What, really?" As always, he tried to seem only politely interested.
"Honest, we only talk for a bit -"
"And admittedly he'd been drinking, but -"
"Yeah, they seemed in love. Way more than just fucking, he was acting stupid and happy."
"It was nice, you know? A vod looking like a normal dude -"
"- kept kissing and -"
" - talking about colors - "
Rex nodded and slipped away.
After long missions, his muscles would ache with scrapes and bruises, but he always told the shinies it prepared himself for the next one. He was done collecting aches - he wanted it. Soulmates or not, he wanted you.
The opportunity came sooner than expected, in long moments after a meeting had dissolved sooner than expected.
The two of you were left alone looking over a projection, and the convenience spurred his bravery.
"You do well, with all those idiots." Brave, certainly, but smooth? Not as much. You looked surprised and pleased at his praise, and pride shot through him.
"Thank you, I..." You glanced at him, and he watched your eyes trace over his marks, along the lines of his armor and then into his visor. Hands fiddling with a little dark grey pendant around your neck, you seemed like you were building courage.
"I'm sorry I've been avoiding you."
His head tilted. You had been avoiding... him? Him, specifically? Maybe Rex shouldve felt upset, but the definitive proof that you knew who he was, lit his whole body on fire.
"Why have you been avoiding me?"
"You're so admirable! And capable and," you turned away, shoulders raising a bit as you confessed - "and there's something about you that's just..."
He'd never wanted someone to finish a sentence more. It seemed impossible how much he ached for you, how right you seemed for him, how it seemed like maybe you agreed, but he had defied a world of impossibilities.
"I didnt want to seem too eager," your voice was but a whisper. Hope fueled his heat, filling his armor until it felt too much to bear.
Pulling off his helmet, Rex reached for you, saying, "You couldn't -" before his words cut off.
You looking him face to face and his whole world changed in a single moment.
"- Mesh'la."
The pendant was... a color that matched the way rain felt, and the paint on his armour, brighter than he'd thought. You were his.
And you were wearing it, looking like a dream, staring at him like you'd never seen a man like him before. And... you hadnt.
As he grabbed your hands, and your fingers fit inbetween his own, Rex knew you hadn't. Because he as in color, and he was yours.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge @horton-hears-a-honk @saradika @zinzinina
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brelione · 4 years
Pope and y/n both being inexperienced in the relationship and sex world which makes them feel better about exploring it together and not being embarrassed
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Things are kind of awkward even when it comes to kissing and stuff
You guys can talk about anything and trust eachother
Its just awkward when it comes to physical touch
He’s spent hours watching things that would get him sent to hell, reading off of sex blogs and researching different kinks.
“Dude, you watch porn now?Thats sick!There’s this one girl who looks just like (Y/N) and-fuck pretend i didnt say that.”JJ walked back out of the room, cheeks red.
He’d send you links to articles about kinks and positions and ask for your thoughts
Even though the two of you hadnt done anything yet he still wanted to know your limits, what you were into and how you felt about certain things.
You had spent a good amount of times asking Kiara all of your questions
“How bad will it hurt?”You asked, pulling at your fingernails. “I mean, it depends on how big it is and if you’re really wet.My first time with a guy was kind of painful but it wasnt awful.”She replied.
When the time came Pope had asked you a total of ten times if you were sure
He left kisses up and down your body, carefully pulling down your undies and gazing up at you.You gave him a slight nod, whimpered when he dipped his tongue into you.He had watched enough by now to know what he was doing.He slowly pushed two fingers into you, biting his lip as he watched you.You felt nervous, not understanding why you were making so many noises. Your hands were on the back of his head, guiding him along as the two of you learned what got you going, what got you to tick. He wanted to make sure he was making you feel good, that he was doing everything right. He had seen a few things in videos, thinking for a moment before he carefully lifted one of your thighs over his shoulder to get a better angle, hoping that he wouldnt mess anything up. He knew he hadnt done anything wrong when you let out a loud moan, biting your lip.
He was very careful the whole time, moving so slow that he wasnt even sure if he was moving at all.He’d stop whenever you squeezed his hand.
He’d give you time to adjust, placing kisses all over your face. “I love you.”He muttered.
He moved slowly and carefully, not wanting to hurt you. You had never felt like this before, your short nails scratching at his back. You were mumbling curses, letting out low moans and whimpers.
His thumbs would stroke your cheekbones lightly, kissing your forehead. “You’re doing such a good job.”He told you.
Kinks werent really explored until your one year anniversary when he told you that you could do whatever you wanted
That ended up with his wrists bound to the bed while you played with thim
The two of you enjoyed the experience, ready to try new things. 
He preferred you to take the lead in things so that he didnt take anything too far or make you uncomfortable.
Long discussions about how you felt about things, how he felt about things and things he’d be interested in.
@nas-marie-loves-u  @marvelstudies2020 @poguestyleskye  @lovelyelinor @annmariek8​ @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @deionswannabegirl​ @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
model citizen ricky horror x reader
college au
prompt: Character A sitting in a college 7am lecture and Character B sitting next to them pouring an energy drink into their coffee and says, "I'm going to die." (First interaction)
Song: pretty little distance by as it is
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @theoneandonlykymberlee @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @thisplace-ishaunted @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @xyours-eternallyx
i walked into the room and huffed as i took my seat, reaching into my bag for my notebook and a pen. i hated having a 9am again and missed being able to sleep-in like i did last semester. this was the first day though and i was hopeful my mind would change about it as the course went on. it probably wouldnt though. i sat there, catching a few more students walk in as i looked down at my phone.
nothing was too exciting yet and the teacher hadnt even shown up. i was more-so ready for the new art class though. it was my major after all and i was pretty well known by the professors at this point. as i sat there, a loud clatter grabbed my attention, making me look to my right. there was sat a shorter, skinny kid, with long inky black hair tucked under a beanie. my eyes went wide as he cracked the monster in his hand open, pouring it into his half=full trenta cup from Starbucks. he looked over at me and smiled.
"im going to die."
he said in the most sure-fire tone before putting the lid back on the cup and chugging it. i sat there in horror staring at him.
"are you okay?"
i asked and he shrugged, looking at me over the top of the cup. he had the bluest eyes i had ever seen, even in the low light of the art room. i was a little start struck for a second before shaking myself out of my daze, watching him put the cup down against the desk with a thud.
"if i pass out during class just push me out of the way and ill figure something out later."
he said, turning forward. i went to say something just as the teacher walked in.
"y/n! good to see you back. we missed you last semester."
professor crane said, looking to the student teacher as he ducked behind him and paced quickly to the front desk. his gaze followed him too before he shrugged and turned back to me with a smile.
"whatever, im sure he missed you too. but either way its good to have you back in class and i look forward to seeing what you come up with for the showcase in march."
i nodded with a smile before he walked away to the front of the class, instructing everyone to take their seats.
"you come here often?"
i heard from the kid next to me, hearing him laugh to himself as he took another drink of his coffee/monster concoction.
"yes, actually. im an art major."
i said a little dumbfounded. he nodded.
"cool, im here for film."
i drew my brows.
"youre doing film?"
i asked and he winked at me, looking to Brian as he turned the projector on. i opened my mouth before closing it quickly, feeling a little more confused than before.
"alright, first things first. i only make a syllabus because administration says i have to. the schedule is shit and we will most likely be doing something completely different so i suggest you keep a planner or something to keep track of your assignments. secondly, i will get to it later but i want you to start thinking about your projects for the spring showcase in march. we have a few short months so after you learn the basics of form you will be instructed to sketch something in your own style and present it to the board."
my mind went in and out after that, trying to catch quick glances at the kid next to me without being suspicious. every time he moved i could feel my heart pulse, giving me anxiety that he could actually pass out or something.
"y/n, your partner for this project will be mr olson."
brian said, standing over me and looking between the two of us. i nodded with wide eyes as he moved to the two kids behind us.
"guess that means we have pretty high chances at getting an A."
he said, raising his cup in cheers. i looked down at the assignment sheet, grazing over it and groaning. we had to come up with a comic strip in different style parts; the first panel a base sketch, the second panel a hard sketch, the third panel color blocking, and so on. god this was gonna be a nightmare.
"you dont seem too enthused."
the kid said amused. i sent him a testing look.
"im not, ive done something similar before and you have to get every step just right or they take points off. and we have to prove what parts we did."
i said, rolling my eyes. i looked over to him, blinking as a camera flash went off. i drew my brows as he looked down at the screen on it.
"where did you even get that?"
i asked, trying to inspect him. he sent me a smile.
"i always keep it on me. im ricky by the way, and you look great."
he said amused and i breathed deeply.
i said, looking back to the paper.
"well y/n i think this is going to be a great partnership-"
brian called, cutting him off.
"you have your assignments. i have nothing else for you today so you are welcome to either stay here and work until class time is over or you can leave and work on it on your own time. i dont really care either way, just get it done."
i hummed to myself before stuffing my notebook and the assignment sheet into my bag and standing up. i caught a glimpse of ricky starting at me with wide eyes as i turned to leave.
"what are you doing?"
he asked and i looked between him and the door, pointing at it.
"leaving, its not due for another week."
i started off, hearing him shuffle around before chasing after me.
"hey wait! cant we like plan what we're doing or something?"
he asked and i shrugged, looking over to him as he tried to put his paper in his backpack and hold the camera and cup of coffee. i stopped, staring at him as he struggled. i rolled my eyes, taking the cup and the camera from him. he looked to me in shock and i raised my brows.
"get to it, i dont have all day."
i said and he finished what he was doing, zipping his bag up and slinging it over it shoulder. i handed him the cup and camera back and kept walking.
"so uh, what kind of thing did you have in mind for this project?"
he asked and i looked to the sky, squinting but trying to think as we made it outside.
"i dont know, maybe a ball of some kind?"
he raised a brow, shuffling his feet as he tried to keep up with my long strides.
"like masks and large dresses?"
he asked and i nodded, opening the door to dinging hall.
"something like that yeah."
he nodded as i led us to a table.
"that sounds cool, i could get behind that."
i sent him a knowing look.
"you seem like the kind of guy who would."
i said, pulling my sketchpad out. he raised a brow, sitting beside me.
"whats that supposed to mean?"
he asked and i sent him  a look.
"im assuming you like vampires, and the Edwardian thing usually goes hand in hand with that."
he sent me a nervous smile.
"is it that obvious?"
he asked, rubbing his hands against his pants. i nodded.
"thats okay though, cause i like them too. so much so that i have costumes already, we can pose for each other. i think youd look great in this."
i said, sliding my phone across the table to show him the outfit i had for it. i just hoped it would fit him.
"you seem like youve been planning this for a while."
he said through a laugh and i shrugged.
"i just like to feel fancy, the projects on the other hand kind of fall into my lap."
i said, flipping through a few pages in my book. he placed his hand on one before taking it from me and looking over it.
"this looks insane."
he said and i looked around awkwardly.
"in a good way?"
i asked, finding his gaze.
"oh! yeah! of course in a good way. it looks super cool. i see why you wanted to do the ball thing now."
he commented, noting the sketch i had done already that was similar. it is what i was used to after all. he set the book back down in front of me and sent me a wide smile, picking his camera up and taking another picture of me.
"why do you do that?"
i asked and he laughed.
"i need models for my art and i think now that we've met you would be a great subject."
i set him a look, trying to hide the blush creeping its way up my neck.
"you really think so?"
i asked bashfully and he nodded.
"oh yeah, absolutely. and now that we're partners i think it will give me ample opportunity to find a new muse. you wanna be a subject for a music video?"
i sat back, a little taken aback.
"you want me to do what?"
i asked and he laughed, putting the camera on the table.
"in about a month my band is gonna need some girls for a video but its cool if not. i can live with us just being art project partners."
i cleared my throat, rubbing my hands together under the table.
"how about we get through this first and ill get back to you on that?"
he smiled knowingly at me, raising his coffee to me in cheers.
"sounds like a plan to me."
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shoezuki · 4 years
Do u understand the new dream drama??? I am confusion
Whoop sorry i been doin fuckery n hw All day n like. I still aint able to get on my computer rn but im gon give u a tldr without sources because lazee
I know Practically all a it beyond maybe like. Exact time frames n shit. So ill give u the runnerup to all this
John swan is a commentary youtuber w like. A devent following. I think around 200k? He definitely had 'fans' n an audience for all this n crap
At some point i believe a year ago (idk exactly How Long ago but john swan had like 6k subs on yt) dream n john swan Converged and knew each other. Whether they were friends or not im unsure. But thats not exactly relevant
But essentially john swan on discord made his account out to look like dream and messaged at LEAST one person pretending to be dream, saying slurs like the n word, horrible shit, n something about coding a 'sex mod' ??? Pointing that one out specifically cuz it has become a whole goof
This person Relayed this info to dream who confronted john swan about it. John swan essentially said 'i havent been on discord in a few days. My discord login info was on a family friends computer and a 12 yo i know did all that'
This kinda like. I dont think anything happened While it was jus happening. But at some point a bit over a week ago now, dream made a reddit post saying such about john swan, that he was 'a suspicious guy' and such things on a smaller subreddit. John swan himself screenshotted it and brought it up on twitter that dream 'has a large audience' and defamation of his character can do a Lot of damage to him, and that he was lying
Imma speedrun this cuz its gotten to kinda like. Jus twitter beef. Its essentially 'im not lying YOURE lying' between john swan n dream on twitter. There was some drama alert shit, dream's whole 'detective' stream, john swan made some 18 page length Thing i couldnt be bothered to read.
Dream's arguments the whole time like. Objectively were better and jus more understandable. Made more sense. Although some things Couldve been poked through if john swan replied well enough. For instance one point dream made about it Absolutely being john swan was that the messages sent by this '12 year old' used similar speech patterns n terminology. Which Cam be solid evidence but for some fuckin reason all ppl w followings on twitter type n text like they eat cardboard in their free time like. The blandest ass shit. Whatever
BUT it came to some kind of 'end' today because apparently some Absolute no argument Evidence came out against john swan which hadnt been revealed publically as far as i seen. John swan First admitted to it in dms with friends n other commentary yters who'd made videos n shit on the whole bullshit. Dream tweeted bout it too a thread of like how 'he and the community deserve an apology' but he didnt think itd happen.
The john swan made a tweet w an apology that was essentially. 'Yeah it was me me and a friend were messing around on discord when i had a small following and i hadnt thought it was a big deal but once dream found out and confronted me i lied and continued lying im sorry'
All around its jus wack n like. Dumb as all fuck. Like yes in a 'discourse sucks' way but also in My way that this is No Fun. Like not even that juicy drama i live for. What COULD be actually important (john swan basically admitted to using the n word???) Just Doesnt get mentioned. Wack
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ledamemangociana · 4 years
RANKING HAISUTE (or the ones i’ve seen so far)
not that anyone has asked me, but i’ve literally been so hyperfixated on these shows for MONTHS and although i’ve gotten my bestie into them now, it’s not like i can bombard them with all these deep-ish dives into these things and how much and why i love them, so i thought HEY why not just put it out into the ether coz DAMN i really wanna talk about them.
under the cut for length (HELLA LENGTH) and spoilers.
let me preface this first by saying i havent seen ALL the shows yet. i havent ever watched the first run of Itadaki No Keshiki, and i havent seen any of the new Karasuno cast shows yet, as by the time i had gotten hooked on these shows, the time to watch Strongest Challengers and Battle At The Garbage Dump on DMM.com had passed, and with my limited budget (i havent been able to work properly since literally mid-July last year), it’ll be a while before i can afford their twin pack DVD when it comes out next month. ALTHOUGH i am hoping to be able to download Fly High on DMM.com before the availability runs out in the middle of March, if i’ll actually have enough money for that.
additionally, i rank these from my least favorite to most favorite, but that does not mean that i hate or dislike any of them. in fact, i have little to zero negative things to say about any of these shows. i just happen to love some more than the others, and i think you’ll be able to tell by how long i go on about each show. i’ll TRY to keep things concise but im telling you now, i’ve already tried this once until an accidental button press erased everything i had written, and this will not be short. at all.
i’ll start first with the things i love about Haisute in general:
quite obviously, the projections. before i finally saw Haisute this year, i had only ever seen BNHA, KNY and Kuroshitsuji musicals, and while they have awesome set pieces, i had never seen video projections utilized the way Haisute does, and i think it’s so wonderful and creative, and so technically sound on everyone’s part. like, it has to be so precise with cast performance and blocking and sound and lights...like. dudes. shout-out to the tech staff of Haisute, y’all are amazing.
the acting performances in general. i dont think there’s a bad actor at all in any of these. some stiff-ish performances (Noah Ishikura as Lev, but mostly in SoE, which was his first time acting ever, so understandable), maybe, but even those actors do great when they’re having a pivotal moment, scene or dialogue. it’s hard to pick faves but somehow i do have them, lol - Kenta Suga as Hinata (obviously), Kentaro as Daichi, Hiroki Ino as Suga, Kousuke Asuma as Oikawa, literally ALL THREE BOKUTOS, literally BOTH AKAASHIS, Ami Saito as Yachi, Tatsunari Kimura as Kageyama, and my top two faves, Shori Kondo and Takato Nagata as KuroKen. for obvious reasons (see: my numerous gifsets that i still have so much to add to alkdjf).
the music is WONDERFUL. the varieties across shows, teams and characters while still maintaining the main themes are just so good. it’s easier for them to be highlighted to since there isnt any singing, and so many moments are told through the music rather than the music accompanying the moment imo.
the choreography is gold af. im sad we lose HIDALI after Tokyo Battle, but im sure the rest of the shows still keep that amazing spark. but i juST. HIDALI’s choreography is iconic. i’ll talk abt it a bit more in some of the entries in the list.
OKAY, now on to the rankings.
7. View from the Top (2nd Run) so again, I DONT HATE ANY OF THESE SHOWS. the reason this is at the bottom of my list is mostly because of what it doesnt have through no fault of its own, rather than anything that it does. i personally love watching character growth and evolution, so for the most part, the first story in anything that has multiple follow-ups tend to be my least favorite part, and i come to enjoy them more as a “look how far we’ve come” thing. that being said, i do think this was such an awesome show to kick-off what has become an iconic 2.5D franchise. so much of it feels like the transition from potential to kinetic energy. a little show that could, and then did. i do think i enjoy this more with a nostalgic sort of fondness than i do with a “look how cool this thing is!” feeling, but again, that’s coz i enjoy watching things changing rather than at the start. what definitely stands out to me here is that i came to it this as only my fourth 2.5D franchise, and the ones i’d watched before this were so different in staging and execution, and that really had me hooked. also, this franchise honestly is one of the best casting in any show i’ve ever seen in my life, like wtf, i havent seen a badly cast actor at all, even for the side characters i dont really pay that much attention to otherwise. you cant help but be sucked into the bright light that is Kenta Suga, and Kousuke Asuma has to be the most Oikawa Oikawa to ever Oikawa anything Oikawa. Tatsunari, Ryotaro and Justin absolutely jumped right out of the manga and anime and onto the stage as Kags, Tsukki and Asahi. and GAWD do i love me some Kentaro and Hiroki as DaiSuga. i went in a big fan and simp of Hiroki Ino and Sugawara, so for the first couple of watches, i was heavily focused on Ino!Suga, but by the third rewatch, Ken-chan came around a corner and smacked me in the face with a 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. when that man smiles, i just get murdered.
6. Start of the Giant i honestly had a hard time picking between this and InK for the bottom spot, not because i hate this (AGAIN, I DONT HATE ANY OF THESE SHOWS), but because of how this show feels to me. ultimately, i picked this one to win over InK because of how much character progression is shown between these two shows. stating the obvious, KAZUMA KAWAHARA. HOO BOY. and big, BIG shout-outs to Kouhei Shiota for portraying Tanaka’s emotional roller-coaster so excellently to stride alongside Ennoshita’s big journey and Kazuma’s powerhouse performance. i also wanna spotlight how much more comfortable Tatsuya Kageyama was in his second go-around as Kags, and how well Keita Tanaka and Naoki Tanaka came in as new(old)!Daichi and new!Suga. it took me a while to get to this show because i was so sad to lose Ken-chan and Hiroki after SoE, and i thought i just would not be able to love DaiSuga the same way. turns out that that’s a good thing, because they do play similar but different DaiSugas to Kentaro and Hiroki. it possibly also helped to know that KT wasn’t entirely new, and to have known of Naoki from BNHA (with Hiroki!), although i hadnt known it was him until i started the show up at last, lol. Kentaro got to play a captain who was warm and very much one of the boys, someone who was growing into the role of a captain of a team that had a very real chance of going farther than it had in a while, while KT got to play a Daichi who, fittingly, was more established as a pillar of the group (and im sure the storytelling of this show helped with that), more of that Dadchi that we know and love. Hiroki got to play a gentle but mischeivous Suga who was all about watching over and taking care of the team, watching and waiting for his turn while understanding that Kags was their best chance, while Naoki got to play a more active, more athletic Suga who was becoming more active the closer the team got to Nationals. their performances stood out not just coz they were new, but because of the theme of this story in particular, about captains and leading, so i thought it was quite a nice way to welcome them into the fold. i also of course enjoyed Johzenji and Wakunan, maybe Johzenji more than Wakunan. i saw someone say they’re a bit like Fukurodani and Nekoma lite, and i can totally see and agree with that. this show also feels a bit like Revival lite, in that it’s got a fun first half and then a more action-packed second match with an emotional gutpunch at the end. but ultimately, this is lower on my list because, through no major fault of its own, it felt like a filler show, considering what was coming after this. it felt a bit like “lets’ get on with this story so we can get on to the last hurrah that everyone is looking forward to.” of all the side teams to have been portrayed in the Engeki story, i feel like i remember johzenji and wakunan less. again, that’s not really anyone’s fault, it’s just where this show was positioned in the timeline and what it was ultimately representing. as a parting thought tho, i just wanna shout-out the new lighting scheme they did for this show, especially coming from SoE where there was a lot of darkness or back-lighting. this show is brighter lit in general than most of the shows that came before it, and idky exactly but i do appreciate that a lot.
5. Winners And Losers objectively, this is probably one of the top 3 shows in all of Haisute’s history. but it’s lower on my list because it is the most taxing to watch and rewatch, not because it’s too slow or anything like that, but because it really just is such a tiring story, and i think that’s deliberate on the part of the writers and directors. this was Karasuno’s first major loss, and it was against an opponent they thought they knew, so of course the lead-up had to be a big deal. it’s also a story that revolves quite a bit around kageyama reaching a turning point and learning a few lessons that would ultimately change him, so the story had to also execute that change happening not just in Kageyama but around him. add to that the fact that this was Tatsunari’s goodbye performance (as well as Shohei’s as Noya, but then he doesn’t really get a big emotional moment here) and it’s just heavy on the emotions all around. the comedic distraction of ShoriTaka as Tetsuko and Kenko was honestly quite welcome, lmao. quick little shout-out to Kousuke Asuma and Allen Kohatsu as IwaOi, since they got to really show off the different sides to both those characters in this, and they just are stellar in general. that bit at the end of one of their flashbacks where Iwa-chan tells Oikawa that he’s not the only one fighting, there’s six people in that team, and Oikawa breaks into laughter as Kousuke strips off the flashback jacket, and Iwa’s like “uuuhhh did i hit you too hard, or?” UGH, i love that bit, that almost creepy laugh from Kousuke and the way he comes out of it to say “suddenly im not so upset” is just SO good. im also so happy to see Hiroki get his due as Suga when he finally gets to step up to the plate - or net, as it were - and basically pinch-hit for Kags. he plays senpai!Suga so sweetly, like you really can’t help but love him coz he’s so caring. i also did not expect to be hit right in the feels with the switch back from him to Kageyama, but that bit where he says “it’s frustrating, but hinata’s expression when he’s hitting my sets is different from when it’s yours” really got me. and then when he had to leave the court, asahi and daichi send a fist bump his way, and he gives just this tiny fist bump wave that’s both tired and disappointed and sad, and it’s juST! it hurts me everytime. and before this gets long, im gonna just spotlight the last 10-15 minutes of the show, right after Karasuno loses. Kenta absolutely nails Hinata’s expression in the manga, that wide-eyed disbelief and shock. and then when Daichi tells him not to apologize because he didn’t miss, when Daichi just walks over and hugs him, good gawd. (sidebar, but i’m so glad i got to see that bit with both Ken-chan here and KT in Strongest Team.) and the way Hinata couldn’t move after thanking the audience, not even after Ukai called him back, so Daichi had to actually go get him? my heart was in PIECES. and then the fuggin dinner scene. LORD ABOVE. like, if you dont love Kenta Suga as Hinata, this is the scene that should convince you you’re wrong.
4. The Strongest Team this is right smack dab in the middle of the list because it’s probably the best staged show of all the seven that i’ve seen, but it also hurts me so much for all the obvious reasons. this is the one i’ve rewatched the least, and everytime i rewatch it, i cry as if it’s the first time im watching it. the whole show absolutely feels like a tribute to the Karasuno cast and all the growth they’ve had and contributed to Haisute over their three years with the show, and the entire thing feels so fond, if that makes any sense. everyone on the team gets a big emotional moment, and it’s so sweet to see them each paid tribute. aside from them, i gotta AGAIN shout-out kousuke as oikawa. i like aoba josai enough, i like oikawa enough as a character, but that moment when kousuke absolutely broke down in the locker room after losing to karasuno broke my heart, even more so knowing that he absolutely felt all that gratitude because he wasnt sure he’d be able to come back to the show coz of his hip injury. i think one little moment that doesnt get as talked about as it should is just after he and Iwaizumi have that short convo of always being each other’s partners even after they’ve moved on to different schools. they do their fist bump, and then Iwa walks away, but Kousuke/Oikawa is still absolutely in tears, and as Iwa walks off, he just kind of reaches out and lets out a pained “Iwa-chan!” that’s just barely audible, and that jUST. GETS ME EVERYTIME. hell, im feeling a little heartstring pull right now just thinking about it. i also wanna shout-out Shiratorizawa because Engeki made me actually care about them. like, okay - i dont hate Shiratorizawa, at all. but watching the anime, despite having an entire season be around them, i just never really latched onto them. i like Ushiwaka enough, and i just...dont like Tendou (sue me). but Engeki Haikyuu has a habit of spotlighting other teams and characters enough to make you actually think about them and care about them, and Shiratorizawa was the biggest example of that for me. their theme is awesome, it’s this big, deep, heavy thing that feels as big and broad as the players look. and i could feel their almost militaristic teamwork when the coach is on them, and it’s so good. speaking of Coach Washijo, shout-out to that flashback scene to his younger days. Kenta looked absolutely risible in the wig and giant eyebrows, but i think it was an important touch to have the person playing Hinata be the person playing younger Washijo, because their inner conflicts are basically the same, and Washijo comes to appreciate Hinata’s efforts because of it, so i thought that was a nice touch. (still dont like Tendou tho, sue me.) i gotta end this entry coz it’s getting long, so im just gonna quickly list my favorite scenes/moments:
Yamaguchi’s pinch serve, and bringing out the spear. Kairi Miura wields that spear like he’s been doing it all his life.
Tsukki’s big “GODDAMMIT I THINK I LOVE VOLLEYBALL NOW” moment. the expression on ryotaro’s face right at the end of that scene, where he’s basically saying “it’s just a club, AND YET!” uuuggggghhhh, please i love it. also, shout-out to when Hinata pointed at him and just said “...nice.” like...that always feels like only half Hinata and Tsukki, and more half-Kenta and his best friend Ryotaro, just like the “Tsukki! that one was worth a 100 points!” line that absolutely gets Ryotaro so that on the live cam he had to turn his head away before he meant to for the next bit.
that moment in the last-ish set of the match where everyone is just DESPERATE to win, so it becomes this frantic rally and volley where everyone just starts to grunt and yell louder and louder, and people are running back and forth and jumping and diving, and it’s just this cacophony of sound and blur of movement that just seems to stretch on and on, until finally Shiratorizawa just yells “SHUT UP! WE’RE STRONGER!” and knocks all of Karasuno down. WHEW. that bit is just. WHEW. i almost always forget to breathe at that point. and then the waterworks get turned on as Ukai tearfully tells them to get back up, because volleyball is a sport where you HAVE to look up. LORDDDDD.
the bit towards the end of the match, after tsukki returns from his injury, where they absolutely acted out Ushiwaka pushing Hinata and Tsukki to the floor and holding their heads down. when i first watched it, i gasped because that is straight out of the anime and manga, and then when the rest of Karasuno came in to pull Ushi off, i just turned into a giant sobbing mess.
the graduation curtain call, obviously, but in particular, the bit that will ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL, destroy me is when Kenta says “this show was so tiring and tough sometimes, but when i look back, all i can remember are the good times, the best times.” GODDAMMIT IM TEARING UP BADLY RN JUST THINKING ABOUT THAT BIT.
3. Summer Of Evolution this is where the lines between the rankings get a little bit blurred, because i love these top three equally for the most part, but i had to choose a number two (i absolutely know what my number one is), and when i really think about it, SoE just gets edged out by my number two, but barely. i think what i love the most about this show is that this, more than any of the other shows, really portrays these characters as high school kids. and that’s not just because part of the story is set in the school and it’s actually showing the school sometimes, but coz they’re going through and portraying teenage experiences and emotions. most of the other shows portray the team in matches, so we’re seeing them more as volleyball players than teenagers or students, but we get to finally see that here, and it’s really refreshing. other than that, im gonna try to just list some of my highlights and favorites again coz i dont wanna keep going too long:
im so glad to finally have girls on the show, and not just in a “YAY FEMINISM! GIRL POWER! WHOO!” kind of way. kiyoko has always felt like an inextricable part of the team for me, so it was bittersweet to have such a great Karasuno cast but without a Kiyoko, so i was REALLY happy to finally get her here! and for a first time actor ever, Shizune was so awesome! she absolutely has that gentle strength that Kiyoko has, and the way she’s been written in absolutely does feel like she’s always been there. i do wish she got more to do with the third year boys, but all in all, it’s SO good to have an actual Kiyoko who absolutely looks like she came out of the manga.
im also just so DAMN happy about Yachi and her portrayal here. i think ami saito is so dang perfect, and yachi is such a fun addition that fits right in with the chaotic fun of Karasuno. one thing that i REALLY love, though, is how she gets to just act. before Haisute, my only experience of female characters and actors on a 2.5D stage is with Uraraka (and two or three other female students) in BNHA and Elizabeth in Kuroshitsuji, and those characters are your typical cutesy girls, and their movements and body language are so typically girly, you know what i mean, those softer arms and smaller movements, looser fingers, these little “Kyaa~” things, those things. but Kiyoko, Yachi and Saeko arent like that, so that’s not how they’re portrayed here. Ami as Yachi is just as loud and expressive and active as the Karasuno boys, bar actually playing in a match. also, her chemistry with Kenta is SO GOOD. i dont really ship YachiHina, i think they’re cute friends, but BOY DID THESE TWO MAKE ME RETHINK THAT. ami’s Yachi with Kenta’s Hinata made me think “YOU KNOW WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THESE TWO GO ON A CHAPERONED DATE.” they’re adorable. a particular fave of mine is when hinata climbs a tree to help a baby bird back into its nest and he asks Yachi if she wants to climb up too, and also after Yachi finishes making the Hinata poster, she jumps onto the back of Hinata’s bike and they ride off-stage together. PLEASE IT’S SO CUTE.
OH HI FUKURODANI. they are such good chaos boys, i love them. i dont have much to say about them here just yet, but WOW im so glad to have them onstage at last.  
NEKOMA IS BACK THANK GAWD I LOVE NEKOMA. of all the teams portrayed, i think nekoma is the one that feels the most connected together (AHA!). like, even when they have a new character and/or cast member, the new ones never really stand out as new, they feel like they’ve always been there. this play really showcases the teams at their most casual so we dont get to see as much of their excellent teamwork and connection as we do in past and future shows, but you really get a sense of their family dynamic and just GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, and honestly dont get me started on ShoriTaka, i will literally never stop
shout-out to Tatsuya Kageyama, he had big shoes to fill not just in terms of character but also as an actor, since this is his first show ever. much like with KT and Naoki as DaiSuga, it does feel like he plays a similar enough Kageyama without just mimicing Tacchu. this is also the right Kags arc to introduce a new Kageyama actor with as well, since there’s a big change after that loss to Aoba Josai and Oikawa, so i think the writing of the show also absolutely helped Kage-chan ease into his role, and helped the audience ease into this new Kageyama. overall, i think he did an awesome job, and we’re really fortunate to have had two awesome Kageyamas before gen 1/1.5 changed to gen 2.
i also just noticed/realized that the backstage video for SoE starts with the introduction of Kage-chan and Fucchi as new cast members, and ends with the farewell to Ken-chan and Hiroki as graduating members, and i know that’s just natural coz the first time the Karasuno cast met the two new members was at the photoshoot for visuals, but also what a nice little circle of life there.
COMING INTO THE HOMESTRETCH NOW, if you’ve made it this far, thank you SO MUCH, im sorry, i really just have a tendency to ramble, and like i said, i dont really have anyone or an opportunity to talk this deep about these shows to, so thanks so much for your time.
2. Karasuno, Revival! WHEW okay, so idk if this is Unpopular Opinion or controversial coz objectively it is the best show so far, and i’ve put it only at number 2. BUT LISTEN: before i saw Tokyo Battle, this was absolutely my number 1 favorite. the Dateko match is so good and so fun to watch, and honestly, that rap battle gives me so much life im almost immortal now. i LOVE that they also got to show ikejiri (THANK YOU KENTA SUGA) and ken-chan as daichi got his moments because of it, and it gave us “katou tou shinakya, katenai!” as an iconic quote and theme for the show, we got a fantastic moment for Asahi that was paid off from the previous show, also honestly “otchita kyougo, tobenai garasu” is just gonna be stuck in your head forever for a while. we also got Kousuke and Allen’s excellent IwaOi back, bringing with them their “Iwa-chan, are you my mom” dynamic (and gawd the cackle i let out when Iwa yeets a volleyball at Oikawa, or that turn and yell that makes Oikawa yelp as he exits off stage lkasdjf), which is always a plus. but! BUT!! best thING FOR ME???? NEKOMA, BABY!! like im sorry, im biased, but i fuggin LOVE nekoma, kuroo is my favorite character in the entire series, and Haisute really gave them a fantastic story and dynamic, because again, there’s so much you can do on stage that you sometimes cant do in anime or manga, so they were really able to highlight Nekoma’s famous teamwork, especially when centered around Kenma. more on that later, but like. it was just such a JOY to watch Karasuno, still kind of scattered puzzle pieces at this point trying to figure out how to best go together to create one big picture, go up against the smooth teamwork of Nekoma, and learn and grow from it. also they honestly have the best team theme music and team dance, fite me. also thank you Haisute for making KuroDai so painfully real lakdsfj
1. Tokyo Battle okay okaY OKAY OKAY OKAY. i think there are some people who actually like this the least coz it’s just too different from the rest of the shows that came before it - no Karasuno, less projections, different music style, aesthetically different stage, etc. B U T. aside from me just being biased because Nekoma are my favorite team, i actually think many of those differences are what makes this show my favorite one. first of all, the music is LIT AF. the themes for each team are so distinct, they really help play up the animal motifs that are played up the most in this show than in any of the others. secondly, THAT CHOREOGRAPHY THO. good gawd. HIDALI said “it’s our last Haisute, let’s go out with a bang” and they really fuggin did. Fukurodani absolutely is TOKYO PARTY TIME, they got to really play up their party birds schtick and i love it. Nohebi i cannot HELP but love because i love snakes, but also, with Nohebi’s cast, you can tell the choreographers were so happy to finally have an actual technical dancer. they had yuu fukuzawa doing the most and then some in playing up the snake theme, and it’s literally so hypnotic to watch his pops, locks and isolations. he’s also just such an AWESOME daisho, and it helps that nohebi are written to be cunning and sneaky. i also love that he and Kuroo seem to actually have a lot of untold history, and i kind of wish we could get a bit more elaboration on that, coz Yuu’s and Shori’s chemistry as frenemy team captains is SO GOOD. and then of course. NEKOMA, BABY!! so okay. kenma absolutely should be the lead of this show, and he is, BUT he’s also, to a certain extent, inextricable from Kuroo and the rest of the team, so that you dont always get that feeling of Kenma being in the spotlight the same way Hinata is (for understandable reasons since Nekoma arent even really the main characters of the story as a whole), and i think that’s important because, again, Nekoma is all about that teamwork and connection. like, Kenma is the lead because he thinks for Nekoma, and Nekoma acts accordingly, instead of how it is usually where the story is showing Hinata’s perspective alone. it also feels like that in terms of the actors. like, technically Takato is zachou, and he is, but also several times in the curtain call speeches, the cast members refer to or mention both Takato and Shori together. even Takato says that when he had spoken to Kenta about how nervous he was about taking up the zachou mantle from him, Kenta had said “if it’s you and shori, you’ll be fine.” they are a unit, and it really comes across in their portrayals of Kuroo and Kenma as well, and even if you love nothing else about this show, you literally cannot help but love that about them. i think the show does a great job revolving the Nekoma team dynamic around that too without making it the ONLY thing that keeps Nekoma together. the star of the show is absolutely the theme of “connection” (more than the other theme of promises), and if you’ve seen the show and you dont cry at the “Tsunage” section as Nekoma wins the match against Nohebi, then are you really watching the show lmao.
OKAY OKAY I’VE REALLY RAMBLED ON, and if you made it all the way here, THANK YOU AND IM SORRY. but also, there’s still a lot of things i wanna talk about that i didnt talk about here coz im mostly a scatterbrain and live half my life radiating BDE - Bokuto Dumbass Energy. so if you’re also ridiculously obsessed with these shows and wanna talk about it, my inbox is open. someone come hyperfixate with me while i make SO MANY MORE GIFSETS OHMYGOD ALL THE GIFSETS geezas crust when i get to Tokyo Battle i will be insufferable.
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cosmosrival · 4 years
Rico besides Kama what do you think about the other indian servants?????
AHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS GOING TO GET SOOOO LONG!!!! i have a different view of the indo fam as a whole. i call them the indo fam but i mean the found family trope!!!! theyre like a group of college students sharing a dorm if that makes sense, since their servant selves are obviously different from their initial myths/human vessels!!!
OK SO. RECENTLY, i have an oomf that found books about arjuna that summarize his exploits in the mahabharata(I DONT HAVE THE STRENGTH TO READ IT ALL IM SO SORRY) and also talk about him in a more philosphical manner such as his states of mind during each event etc and i’ve been meaning to read said book because im genuinely interested in arjuna now!!! and i’d like to know more about this indo prince because from what i’ve seen, he is portrayed in a rather bad light(?) in FGO which i find extremely !!!!!!!!!!! and incrdibley !!!!!!! strange !!!!!!! the mahabharata’s conflicts can be put in a mostly grey area where there’s no good nor bad, its not black and white. so seeing arjuna get bashed because of the way his conflict with karna was written is... hm. let’s say that im REALLY starting to understand arjuna fans that dislike seeing him get mischaracterized so much. OTHER THAN THAT, his design is adorable, his travel outfit is my favourite because he deserves to relax and have some fun!!! fgo making him a chuuni is cute and his VAs little moans are cute cute cute!!!!!!!!!!! (mash grabs my shoulder and forces me to sit down) i think that arjuna deserves better and im really happy to see him have fun in his travel costume voicelines. i think we should take arjun on a date!!! he’s a great lover, we’d have the best time!! OH ALSO, kama seeing him as the student council president in their interlude makes me SOOOOOOO HAPPY its unreal, i think it fits him very very well, the seitokaichou who was elected because of everyone’s hopes and recommended by teachers because he’s suuuch a good student but because of that, the pressure to be good is constantly towering over his head and everytime he looks out the window he wishes he could ditch class and skip a day just because he felt like going to the arcade and be a bad student.......just this once........i think hes very very cute...... i want him to cook for me. HAVE YO U READ HIS BOND 4 VOICELINE ?mmmmmggg i want him to get embarrassed everytime i praise him for having such a muscular waistline. AUG
ANEWAYS i also have quite the thoughts about karna, his characterization in the game is linked to arjuna’s and thats fine but i think that forgetting how much of a little sassy bastard he can get was a mistake! did you know that in apocrypha’s german dub on netflix, when jeanne calls his name like “You’re Karna, aren’t you ? The son of the Indian Sun God !” HES LIKE “So ?” AND THAT WAS SOOOO BITCHY OF HIM, i think that karna is a good boy in fgo but the fact that he was such a fighty old man in the mahabharata shouldnt be forgotten and is a charm trait. I MEAN ???? HE THREW HANDS WITH AN 18 YEAR OLD(ARJUN) WHILE BEIN LIKE... THIRTY TWO. WHATS WITH THIS ANNOYING OLD MAN !!!!! knowing these little facts about him made me like him so much more actually !! i think karna being so nice is adorable!! but the little bitchy energy u can find in his voicelines is also very charming!! i think karna looking at me emotionless as i ask him to lend me his notes for the nth time that week and then saying “...Mn.” when i thank him is cute!!! his voiceline towards things he dislikes is interesting to me. karna seeming aloof and mean bc he doesnt know how to communicate but is actually nice underneath...... hey... thats a little delinquentcore........ i wouldnt say yankii but hes like... hes like... u know hes the handsome quiet one of the group of yankiis... u know the one...? hey where are you going
ganesha is also a character im deeply interested in but i havent played CCC so i dont know that many details about jinako herself !! my brain goes HMMMMMM it seems lord ganesha is trans in fgo ! (since kama used to be a male god originally as well!!) ganesha uses all pronouns!!! and ganesha is also special to me because they share similar traits with kama when it comes to their characterization AND mischaracterizations. ganesha isnt JUST jinako. theres a part of a god in the servant mix!!! and jinako HERSELF is actually a pretty sad character imo. the whole otaku/neet thing is obviously a facade and her true wish being that she wants to redo her whole life is also proof of how much she hates what shes become, yet at the same time, she doesnt know what else she could do. but anyways, i prefer looking at servants from a lore POV so i think that ganesha should still be considered a god and be adressed as such!! i like seeing people portray ganesha as jinako but i prefer it when a certain lavish more godly side of them is put forward. a side of jinako that managed to move on a little bit if that makes sense ? that got more serious. and became someone else entierly despite sharing similarities. needless to say their bond with karna makes me happy since he shows them respect as you should towards a god!! its a bit different from their bond in CCC... like they matured somewhat!! anyway ganesha is the one who taught everyone else in the indo fam about video games and technology and i will NEVER shut up.
ashwatthama..... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %_’(’ç_”’è_ç(è_’”545656455456545453£¨¨µ¨µMµ¨++°=)=)°+ goodness. jesus christ on earth. my love story with him makes me so embarrassed. when he got revealed i instantly fell in love with him despite knowing JACK SHIT ABOUT HIM but since i was the only one in my friend group who was hardcore into fgo at the time, i kept my love for him to myself and just... (looks away)(i drop my wallet full of picturses of him) quietly adored his everything in silence. WELL, ree having an intense crush on yankii type characters isnt new, its been my favourite trope for ages (gyarus go in hand with them!!) and im still very attached to it so thats what made me love him in the first place!!!! BUT THEN. I GOT INTO HIS MAHABHARATAN LORE. And OHHHHHHHHH BABY.......... (im twirling my hair) so theres this 7ft tall war criminal..........<3<33<3(mash leans in and informs me that the convention of geneva didnt exist at the time) SO THERES THIS 7 FTTALL IMMORTALMAN.......<233 gOD he makes me absolutely CRAZY9909840385%£%%£%%µ%µ%µ the love i have for this character is immense and whenever im sad i remember that pako exists and has a tablet and can draw and i suddenly feel so much better. ok im gonna stop horny posting a little bit. but hes my wife. AND WHAT I LOVE ABOUT HIS PORTRAYAL IN FGO IS THAT, they actually made him a good boy despite his initial roughness and misdeeds ???!!! HELLO?? ashwatthama wishing for a redemption ark is my favourite thing and his righteousness that was born because of his regrets is a very interesting drivepoint to me !!! hes a gorgeous character and im buying a ticket plane as we speak right now so i can go find him in northern india. i’ll find him. GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME !!!!!GET OFF ME !!!
miss lakshimi makes me very sad! because every female servant in the indo fam is an already known face. (... would sita count.) and lakshi being a jeanneface is a waste. well, she’s still very pretty and her lore is also quite interesting!! i havent looked into it fully yet but i think she should be kissed on the mouth. her bad luck makes me slip on a banana peel whenevr i get close to her to kiss her and i hit my head on the pavement and pass away- 
parvati is on a tough spot for me atm. i genuinely love thinking of her as the way the indian goddess herself is portrayed because thats where the fun lies for me in her character. especially when shes involved with other indian servants, thats a given!! i would like to see parvati grow, suffer and heal. because branding her as an “all-knowing mom” is easy, but every single parent makes mistakes if you follow that logic. also, since shes the sakura servant “thats closest to her initial personality”, she’s got some of the most Repulsive fans ive Ever witnessed in fandom spaces and lets say that im trying to work my way out of this hellhole and find things to like about parvati without the fandom’s influence. needless to say, im going to keep looking into her mythos and her lore by myself at my own pace and keep doing my own thing in my little corner. 
rama shouldve been a jock. THE RAMAYANA IS OLDER THAN THE MAHABHARATA, WHY IS.....Hrm well him being summoned as his baby version gives me hope for a future rama alt perhaps??? but i think that he shouldve been a total jock and he shouldve been huge with a huge red lion-like mane for his hair and a teethy grin and big biceps and intense love for his wife. SPEAKING OF SITA, her charm point is her purity but i wish.... that their artist still hadnt drawn them like That, im not a fan of lily servants and i think purity = being young is a bit of an annoying excuse!!! rama and sita looking similar is because of their shared history which is fine but... rolls my eyes............. rama shouldve been 6ft tall and sita shouldve been a milf to match...... anyways i doubt ravana would be added as a servant but i’d love to have a ramayana centric event!! where all indo servants have their own lore centric role to play!!! oh thatd be a dream.... but i have learned to not expect much from a fanservice game so im jus gonna draw my own stuff! (strikes a pose!) (mashu claps!)
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