#i hate albus dumbledore
watching harry potter poa after reading atyd is NOT for the weak
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temis-de-leon · 21 days
Well it’s more on what you said about Dumbledore. Like his manipulativeness and being a walking red flag. Do you think your mc (or any mc in general) grew more aware of those aspects as her time in hogwarts went on? Like the more dumbledore scolded them about getting into all the trouble but how they were also frustrated and could snap back about how he (and frankly the other adults) weren’t doing so much anyway. Do you think by the time they finished school, they could have had a jaded, so to speak, opinion? Could there be any sort of respect or regard left?
It's been a while since I've read the books and played the game, but I think the only students Dumbledore calls by name are the ones he's trying to manipulate, like Harry, Draco, Tom and the MC. All of these characters have been chosen by prophecies, power or blood to be important in the storyline and Dumbledore knows it.
By singling out a kid who is already popular among their peers, and building enough trust to use their first name instead of last, you use their sense of maturity in your favour. Besides Tom, the rest of the students know they aren't equal to Dumbledore, but they're higher than their classmates. They have special (dangerous) tasks, private discussions with him about real enemies and permission to do a lot of things.
MC is a character that accidentally and willingly puts themselves into danger and never really receives any significant help from the adults who are supposed to be looking out for them (look at how many ghosts around the castle are students), especially Dumbledore.
And I think that's because he's afraid of what you're just saying. Him being an excellent legilimens gives him an obscene amount of advantage in this situation; that's how he discovered Draco's and Snape's true feelings, after all.
The only thing he does is punish MC. Sure, sometimes they survive their adventures by pure luck and being at the right place at the right time, but MC is literally being haunted by a dark wizard, the same as Harry. Both escape death almost every year and only MC gets punished. A year working in the kitchen is supposed to be fair? That only serves as a way to keep tabs on MC, not discipline.
If I remember correctly, which I'm not sure, I think MC does point out the unfairness sometimes. They just want to get their brother back and no one except them is doing anything, so their animosity against Dumbledore would be inevitable. Involuntary and unaware, but present over time and accompanied by a lot of resentment.
In the end, MC has every reason to go against Dumbledore and I definitely would if I was there. It doesn't mean I would side with dark wizards, but I'd never go with the Order of the Phoenix.
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soraya-snape · 18 days
You know what I hate the most? It's people saying that Harry should have named Ablus Severus, Remus. And this is not even because I love Dumbledore and Snape (or at least not mainly) but because Harry already has a son called Remus and everyone saying this usually completely forgets about him. His name is EDWARD REMUS LUPIN and just because he is “only” Harry's godson doesn't mean he doesn't love him as much as his 3 biological children. On the contrary, Harry Potter the boy whose main parental figures were the parents of his best friend, his godfather, and his teachers knows this better than anyone. He knows he already has a son named after Remus.
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gellert-1899 · 2 months
So, even though I don't agree with Albus' ideas and decisions most of the time.
I don't think I have ever agreed with anyone about anything more...
I mean-
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Like... I understand you, Albus.
I totally do.
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pleeborp · 2 months
Guys I’m actually crying right now I’m so sad all the time over how Harry’s abuse is never addressed
He was ABUSED guys and NOBODY ever talked about it
And can you just imagine Harry James Potter waking up that first Christmas expecting nothing and then Ron Weasley his FIRST friend telling him he has PRESENTS. The joy the shock that boy must have felt. But can you imagine for a split second he doesn’t believe him. Can you imagine for one second that Harry thought Ron, his first friend, could be playing a cruel trick on him. You think Dudley never pulled that shit on him? You think he was never given false hope that he had presents before?
Or how about the fact that Harry probably woke up every morning for what was probably his first four months at Hogwarts at least, panicked and rushed to get up to make breakfast for the Dursley’s only to realize he didn’t have to. Can you imagine the relief? The weight off his shoulders. Or even worse can you imagine the guilt he felt? He had been raised to cook for them every morning and you think it wasn’t deeply engraved in his mind that in order to feel some sort of acceptance without doing something for others? You think he didn’t try to do things for his friends those first months at Hogwarts, believing it to be the only way he’d be accepted?
Think even harder about how as the years went on and as he did more things for people it seemingly fed into those beliefs? How every time he saved someone, every time he did something for the school, everyone loved him for it? How Hogwarts was his safe haven, but even then they always expected something from him in return. And when they hated him, and he did something else to save them, suddenly they loved him again. You think he didn’t solidify in his poor, hurt mind that in order him for him to be accepted he had to do these things for the people around him?
Or even the betrayal he MUST have felt when he learned all of this was PLANNED. That he was raised and built and forged to be nothing else other than a hero for a society that always expected that from him.
That despite the fact that he escaped the Dursley’s, he would never be without expectations and responsibilities shoved into him from those around him.
Guys I’m so upset I just want to hold him. He deserved a loving, supportive home, where he should have had no expectations other than to be a child and to be loved. This is secretly a PSA that I fucking hate Albus Dumbledore for the pressure and the manipulation he put on Harry.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Also FUCK Jk Rowling
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lilithofpenandbook · 1 month
Okay but that scene in Snape's memories in DH?
The one where Dumbledore's telling him to go take the sword and he was like I Know and then Albus was like "what are you gonna do"
And Snape didn't explain
All he did was say "I have a plan"
That scene is so powerful to me
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apicelladonna · 3 months
"Gellert." "Yes?" "Do you blame yourself?" "...What?" "Well, it's quite common for a patient to feel a kind of ..guilt." . "What situation?" . . "The accident."
-Prometheus had Blue Fire, Inferno.
Chapter 1 is already out on ao3.
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starchaserdreams · 8 months
If you could miraculously save one character from their canonical death in Harry Potter and have it make the biggest impact on the story, who do you think it would be?
I honestly think there's an argument for Regulus. He was the only person in the entire decade of the 1970s who knew about the existence of the horcruxes. That secret died with him and stayed dead for close to two decades.
Imagine if it had come out in 1979. Imagine how differently the Order would have operated if they understood their mission and the villain they were up against. Because they had no idea. Even Dumbledore didn't know. It took him 18 years to figure out what Regulus knew in 1979. If Regulus could have communicated it to someone (anyone - maybe Sirius, if not Dumbledore) it would have changed everything.
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moneypriestess · 9 months
I don't really read or write this crossover, but just a thought.
For some reason or another, danny gets summoned to hogwarts. Maybe they summon him to help with voldie, or maybe a student finds an old book in the restricted section about summoning, and they dare their friend to try it.
Whatever way danny gets summoned, he's just a chilled teenager with dorito fingers. So he chills with whoever summoned him, and then they ask if he wants a tour of hogwarts, so they head to the great hall. Opening the great doors, danny is met with his worst nightmare.
Green and red lights hung everywhere, mistletoe was protruding from every crack in the stone, and standing at least 10 feet tall was a giant decorated tree with a shiny star on top that twinkled with magic.
The summoner heard an unfamiliar sound and slowly turned to see danny fucking GROWLING and eyes ZEROED in on the tree, slitted like an animals. Drool was falling from his fangs, and his posture is one of a threatened cat with his back slightly arched and hackles raised.
The summoner had successfully talked danny into not attacking when they heard a new person enter the hall, and as soon as summoner saw who walked in, they knew that they couldn't stop danny.
Dumbledore had just walked in dressed as santa.
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lilyg415 · 2 months
dumbledore snape n mcgonagall
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temis-de-leon · 1 year
The more I play Hogwarts Mystery the more I hate Dumbledore.
I'm in fifth year, but I assure you I'm gonna write a fanfic the moment I finish this fucking game.
Barnaby will be the romantic interest, of course, but the summary will be: FUCK DUMBLEDORE.
I swear to god, I don't know how people in canon love him so much given that the only child he protects is Harry and that's because he needs him to be alive in order to kill Voldemort.
Have you ever notice that Harry and Tom Riddle are the only students he calls by their first name? I have. Notice that apart from them he only uses first names for adults. Manipulation tactic right there. Bitch is a walking red flag, but god bless he's one of the good guys.
Do you think he cared about Hermione and Ron? Nah, fam, he protected Harry's friends and that's it. (Correct me if I'm wrong, tho).
Students have died because of his incompetence.
Let me have a fist fight with him and see who wins. I'm waiting for him in the parking lot.
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I've thought that witnessing Marauders fans blame all the deaths on Dumbledore is annoying enough, until I saw DRACO fans blame Dumbledore for all the wrong choices and stupid decisions that DRACO made HIMSELF????!!!
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That person said it was Albus's fault for ignoring Draco's issues, for turning a blind eye on whatever happened to Draco in HBP and only lend a helping hand at the end of HBP.
And I was like???? 😦😦😦🤡🤡🤡??? Seriously???? Can you use your brain? At that time of the story, Dumbledore was a leader of an army and he had a mf WAR to deal with, he had plans to complete and had many other people (children, women, men) to protect. He needed to find out what was happening between Harry and Voldemort and turned that information into something useful that could make his side win the war.
He was old as fuck and still had to worry about several things, he sacrificed himself to make a way for the other, for a ray of hope. He was weak, sick and injured after destroying a Horcrux and coming through all the things in that full-of-inferiors cave. Yet he still made an unsual effort to control the situation and did his best to save as many people as he could. And you still think that he had any free time to worry about some brats putting himself in a fucked up position?
I don't say that everything happened to Draco was all Draco's fault. I know he's just a spoiled child who became cocky, rude, selfish and rac*st because of the environment he grew up in and a secret desire to satisfy his parents's expectations. I know he isn't evil at all and didn't deserve all the bad things happened to him. BUT Draco wasn't the only one who was in danger. Every other students, other children were also facing the same war. Did you see what happened to Dean, Seamus, Nevellie and their families? Did you see what happened to other creatures like the elves and goblins? Did you see what happened to Order and Ministry members when Voldemort chased after them and tortured then killed them brutally? Dumbledore was losing HIS PEOPLE one by one, the war became very dangerous for his side and he couldn't hesitate anymore, he must do something, anything to make it better.
And despite all of those terrible things, Dumbledore still cared for you all precious Draco 😀. He had a plan for saving that boys soul, soothe him with warming advices while Draco's wand was still pointing at his neck. All the things he told Draco at the moment before his death are to make Draco not feel guilty about his actions. What else do you want Dumbledore do to help Draco? How else could Dumbledore help him if Draco rejected even his favourite teacher, the one he used to respect - Snape? Things happened to Draco wasn't only because of his fault, but it also was NOT DUMBLEDORE'S.
You think they would win the war without Dumbledore? You think your favourite character died because of him? Shut up you idiot 😊😊
I'm not even a Dumbledore defender, I know that old man also made mistakes in his life but I swear those ppls and their Dumbledore slander start being annoying as fuck. NOT EVERYTHING is his fault ok???? Urrggggg I'm going to get mad because of those ppls, they start losing their sanity for real 💀💀💀, they should be banned from social media for the peace of the world 🫂🫂🫂🤗🤗🤗
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newtscamandersbf · 2 months
grindeldore invented homosexuality
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remusawoooo · 2 months
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 33
how do you read this and come out thinking dumbledore is in the wrong? I am definitely looking at you weird, sorry. It is quite literally spelled out to you why exactly he is disgusted (actually, why aren't you disgusted as well???)
("I have asked him", did you lick his boot and kiss his ass while at it? ofc he did, what am I asking?)
Snape is a little bitch who is really just a "nice guy TM" at that point. he is stinky, friendless and bitchless but really none of that compares to the fact that he is a fucking supremacist lmao. Albus just went to hear him out, took one for the team and used his privilege to conduct these deals. I am so curious of the thought process that leads one to think snape is the victim here. (totally unrelated would love to know their stance on certain issues)
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 33
Albus is so much better than me (should have said "yeah me too buddy") He is still so slayful and so cuntyyyy, what a diva. "What use would your death be to anyone?" wow, I would kms before getting on this man's bad side.
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alenablack · 3 months
Dumbledore feats because i’m tired of people acting like he was evil AND somehow weaker than 17 year old death eaters:
1. Dumbledore helped develop the philosopher stone with his friend, Nicolas Flamel
2. Created 12 different applications of dragons blood for spellwork and potions
3. First headmaster to allow a werewolf child to attend hogwarts
4. Founded the order of the phoenix milita to fight voldemort
5. Defeated Grindelwald in a duel in the 1940’s
6. Invented the deluminator
7. Attempted to protect both the longbottoms and potters from voldemort
*Most likely invented the fidelius charm that was used to hide the Potters*
8. Had several papers on the research of transfiguration, charms and potions published while still in school
9. Considered the best student of his age while attending hogwarts
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