#i hate the brits too but it's grey and colour and mum
do all 140 questions you coward i dare you ;)
jfigkgkgkg okay guys, never do this to gee because she will do it back eventually, ,,,,, 3 Fears? Never being able to get top surgery, relapsing, bad things happening to Green Day 3 things I love? Green Day, my cat, malachite 2 turns on? Oh yikes,,, i'm tryna make this blog more kid friendly but i'm pretty sure you already know my weird kinks 2 turns off? Being right wing, being a posh twatMy best friend? I don't have one.. maybe my cat lmao Sexual orientation? PanHow tall am I? 5'6"What do I miss right now? Honestly? Uni. I know that sounds lame af but I just want it to be Monday alreadyFavourite colour? I have a lot of them! I'm an artist Do I have a crush? *exhausted noises*Favourite place? I really don't know right now What am I listening to right now? Nothing Shoe size? UK 6Eye colour ? BlueHair colour? PinkMeaning behind my URL; 😂😂😂Favourite song; IdkFavourite band; Green Day How I feel right now; Okay Someone I love; Bilky My current relationship status; Uh My relationship with my parents; Weird but not badFavourite season; SummerTattoos and piercing i have; lion tattoo on my chest, pink panther in my left elbow ditch, a dotwork crown on my left middle finger, a lot of stick and pokes, septum piercing, snakebites, earlobes, tongue Tattoos and piercing i want; Too many tattoos to explain, eyebrow piercing, nose piercingThe reasons I joined Tumblr; Fuck knows 😂Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? ! !! ! !!! I sometimes get a good morning from Gee on kik Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? My phone is dead but I think probably not?? How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Uh, about five minutes unless I'm going full punk Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? Jgkhkh nope Where am I right now? My roomDo I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Depends on the setting Do I live with my Mom and Dad? I live with my mum Am I excited for anything? ! ! !! ! !!!!! ! ! ! Tomorrow Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Sounds cishet but okHow often do I wear a fake smile? Never, if i'm sad of pissed off yr gonna know about it If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Billie Joe Armstrong What do I think about most? Mad shit, food, weed, music, intrusive bpd crapDo I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? BehindWhat was the last lie I told? I don't know, I try not to lieDo I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? I'm sort of uncomfortable with both but like, the select few people I'll call usually skype me so I guess video chat Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts; dunno, aliens; fuck yea Do I believe in magic? I want toDo I believe in luck? What's there to believe in? Sometimes you have it and sometimes you don't but it exists like just by virtue of people being lucky sometimes What’s the weather like right now? GreyWhat was the last book I’ve read? Idk manDo I have any nicknames? Ya i'm itchy or itch to most of my online friends Do I spend money or save it? Idk man, I'm poor so idk Can I touch my nose with a tounge? NahFavourite animal? LionWhat was I doing last night at 12 AM? Maybe sleeping?What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Any Green Day song What is my favorite word? I don't have oneMy top 5 blogs on tumblr; yo i'm not going that I have way too manyIf the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Feed the fucking poor you heathens Do I have any relatives in jail? Not that I know ofWhat is my current desktop picture? I don't really use a computer but my tablet one is billie joe Had sex? Ya Bought condoms? NahGotten pregnant? Nope Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Yeah it was kinda not as good as it sounds Had job? Sort of Smoked weed? Ye Smoked cigarettes? YeDrank alcohol? YeAm I a vegetarian/vegan? Veggie ✌Been overweight? YeBeen underweight? Probably not Gotten my heart broken? YeBeen to prom? YeBeen in airplane? YeLearned another language? Not fluently but I can sort of speak German like, more than the average brit can speak of their Fremdsprache :0 Wore make up? YeoDyed my hair? YepHad a surgery? Not yet Met someone famous? STZA REPLIED TO MY MESSAGE LAST NIGHT HFGJG also i met jeremy corbyn a few times, eddie izzard a few times and i have a wild story abt how I almost stabbed him Stalked someone on a social network? Ye Been fishing? Nah Been rejected by a crush? YeWhat do I want for birthday? It just happened Do I like my handwriting? I guess Where do I want to live when older? Everywhere Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? YeWhat I’m really bad at? Being neurotypical What my greatest achievments are? Not dying The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me; dude in my high school found out my mum had cancer and he said i deserved for her to die What I’d do if I won in a lottery; pay people's tuition, pay people's medical bills, buy either avocado toast or a house, I haven't decided yet What do I like about myself; Lots of stuff :0 My closest Tumblr friend; The goons :0 Any question you’d like? Are you outgoing or shy? Both at different times What kind of people are you attracted to? It depends, I don't really have a type Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? God I hope not, I never want that ever again for a really long time Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Depends who with Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? RoryWhat does the most recent text that you sent say? IdkWhat are your 5 favorite songs right now? RVIVR - Resilient Bastard, Armstrongs - If There Was Ever A Time, Riverdales - Rehabilitated, New York Dolls - Personality Crisis, Green Day - The Grouch Do you like it when people play with your hair? Ye, unless I just did my mohawk in which case they can get the fuck away from me Do you think there is life on other planets? YeDo you like bubble baths? Sometimes Do you like your neighbors? Yeah!!! My next door neighbour is this lady called Lily and she encouraged me to try roller derby Where would you like to travel? A lot of places Favorite part of your daily routine? Taking my sertraline with a coffee maybe but not because it's exciting, just because it's the only thing I do every day without fail.What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? TiddiesWhat do you do when you wake up? Feed my cat Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I like it how it isDo you ever want to get married? Fuck no If your hair long enough for a pony tail? Nah Would you rather live without TV or music? TV Have you ever liked someone and never told them? YeahWhat are your favorite stores to shop in? Uh, alternative places, every city has one, Afflecks, Camden etc. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? NahDo you smile at strangers? YeahHave you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? NahEver wished you were someone else? YeahFavourite makeup brand? IdkLast thing you ate? Lasagne Ever won a competition? For what? I won a few art competitions as a kid Ever been in love? YesFacebook or Twitter? Facebook Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr Are you watching tv right now? Nah What colour are your towels? Red Favourite ice cream flavour? Cookie dough or salted caramel First person you talked to today? IdkLast person you talked to today? ??? Gee ??Name a person you hate? Theresa fucking MayName a person you love? Jeremy fucking Corbyn Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Oh god, so many people Do you tan a lot? NahHave any pets? My baby boy ! !! ! My gorgeous little lion, my Corbyn, orange boy, fav boy Do you type fast? Sort of Do you regret anything from your past? Abel lmao Ever broken someone’s heart? NahHave you ever liked someone so much it hurt? YeaIs cheating ever okay? NahDo you believe in true love? SureWhat your zodiac sign? Virgo Do you believe in ghosts? Idk Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? "Annika shrugged. She was worried about the goldfish"
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feuillesmortes · 7 years
This was inspired by a chat I had with the lovely @queenbessofyork​ and her Great Tea Discourse™. It’s especially dedicated to her. It’s set on the flatmates au verse, so I’m tagging my pal @harritudur as usual. The scene: Henry Tudor meets Elizabeth Woodville. What ensues? Awkward family conversations, of course!
The Thames smelled funny that day, Lizzie reckoned, as she paved the cobbles of Butler’s Wharf pier. It had drizzled lightly in the morning, a typical January weather, but the mist had been swept by the changing winds and now London basked in the white milky light of a winter sun. Her path along the river took her to an ancient warehouse where the tea trade once had flourished; now that building housed luxury flats and fancy laid-back restaurants. It was only fitting that her mother invite her to take afternoon tea in one of such places in Butler’s Wharf. Yet, as Lizzie walked along the dazzling sight of the skyscrapers that loomed behind the Tower of London, she could not help but worry if the place her mother had chosen would come out too expensive for them. Lizzie thought she had been the only one struggling with learning how to live on a budget; perhaps she had been wrong.
When Lizzie arrived at the restaurant she was already ten minutes late. She removed her gloves to check the location on her phone and shot a last wishful glance at the view before she entered. If not for the biting cold, they might have been able to sit on the decked terrace facing Tower Bridge. As she rushed past the entrance doors and quickly scanned the place in search of her mother, her eyes instantly found a blond head that beckoned her with a small wave and a soft smile. “Mother!” she cried merrily as she came to her side, bending down to kiss her cheek and give her a quick hug. Elizabeth Woodville York looked her up and down with an appraising eye. “My dearest Lizzie. How’s everything at uni? So far so good?” The semester had just started again and Lizzie was back at juggling her studies and a part-time job. She was glad she wouldn’t have to quit uni though, if everything really turned out as well as she hoped it would.
Lizzie took off her thick wool coat and her scarf and hung it on the back of her seat before sitting down. “It’s been fine, mum. I’ve got so many things to talk to you.” Namely, she thought, some resolutions regarding her love life and Charles. She squeezed the hand laid over the table and mused. “But first you will have to tell me why you booked this table. It’s too big for us, don’t you think?” The amused glint in her mother’s eyes and the upturned corners of her mouth told Lizzie she had some mischief in mind. “You see, they only had available this table for four, and we certainly wouldn’t fit in a table for two.” Lizzie furrowed her brows, befuddled. “Why wouldn’t we... Are you expecting company?” Her mum shushed her with a light tap on the hand. “Besides, my dear, I was not the one who made the reservation.” A rising suspicion crept on Lizzie. “Mum, please. If not you, then who made the booking?” Her mother looked over her shoulder and tilted her chin forwards. “That fine young chap coming over, I presume.” Lizzie’s head turned around so fast she thought she heard her spine snapping. One of her worst fears came alive as she saw Henry Tudor heading towards them. He looked slightly short-winded in his haste, an apologetic look crossing his features as he took off his thick scarf.
“I can’t believe you invited him, mum!” She growled in a low voice. Her levels of embarrassment reached a new high as she saw her mother donning her familiar business-like smile. “You know why I had to do it. He’s helping me with the lawsuit.” Her mother pinched her lightly on her side. “Now, come on. Don’t be rude. Smile!”
Henry stopped by their table and greeted them with a short nod. “Lizzie. And I take this is Mrs York? I am terribly sorry for the lateness.” Lizzie’s mum took the hand he extended and shook it. “No need for apologies. It’s not been five minutes since Lizzie arrived. Please sit down.” Henry took off his long overcoat and lowered himself into the seat across her mother’s, which also happened to be the one right next to Lizzie. He smoothed a hand over his sandy curls and fixed the glasses falling off his nose before he begun. “Mrs York, I do feel the need to apologise, though. I’ve just come from a couple of intership interviews in the City and I had no idea I would be held up to this hour. I’d hate to cause the wrong impression, of course.”
Lizzie glanced at the leather satchel resting next to his brand new looking shoes. Going to a couple of interviews that day rather explained his smartly fitted attire. He wore a charcoal blazer and a navy jumper over a white dress shirt. The overcoat that by now hung on the back of his seat was lighter than his blazer, almost a dove grey really. A fine finishing touch was the blue plaid tier that brought out the colour of his eyes just nicely. Lizzie had never seen him looking so... dapper, for lack of a better word. On a second note though, Lizzie mused, it was not like Henry had ever been sloppy with his dressing. She was yanked out of her reverie by her mother’s humming and the tapping of her nails on the table.
“Nonsense. My late husband worked in the City all his life. I personally know they can be very demanding, especially with aspiring young men like you.” Lizzie had to cut in. “I wish you good luck, Henry. I really do. I know you’ve wanted this for a long time.” She was looking at him fully and he thanked her with a brief smile, but he did not hold her gaze for too long. There had been something slightly off with him since that night before the holidays, that one time when she had cried on his shoulder. But again, Lizzie was almost sure he felt the same about her. Something between them had changed, and not in a comfortable way, which made this meeting all the more awkward.
A waitress came over to place the tea setting on the table - plates, pastry forks and butter knives, tea cups, saucers and teaspoons, sugar bowls and milk jugs. A pair of tiered cake stands was brought before them, one larger than the other, both fully graced with delicious-looking scones, cakes and finger sandwiches. “Oh, yes, about that.” Lizzie’s mother started, “Henry, as I was waiting I took the liberty to order a double for you and Lizzie, if that’s not a problem. I just assumed it’s cheaper that way, and as you offered to pay, I didn’t want to abuse your generosity.” Wait. So it was Henry who was going to pay for the meal? Lizzie felt her ears burning. He shot a look at Lizzie. “That’s not a problem at all, Mrs York. I mean, if Lizzie is ok with sharing, of course.” Lizzie simply nodded her consent, though at that moment she’d rather have her head stuck in the sand. 
The waitress asked them about their choice of tea and Mrs York was the first to reply. “Darjeeling tea, if you so happen to have it. You do? Brilliant. Lizzie, what about you?” As Lizzie checked the menu, she was pleasantly surprised they were still serving their holiday specials. She spotted the perfect festive tea, described as ‘a blend of red rooibos, juicy cranberries and warming vanilla’. Lizzie happily smiled to herself, for she dearly loved a good seasonal drink. “I’ll have the Rudolph Red Rooibos, please.” She caught a bemused Henry staring at her from above his menu, well on the verge of laughter. She gave him a small smile and shrugged as if to say you know I’m a Christmas freak!
“And Henry?” Her mother raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Henry doesn’t like tea, mum.” Lizzie’s voice came out sounding rather defensive. But Lord, she wished her mother would stop being such a pushover at times!
“Oh, no? Well, that’s unfortunate.”
“Actually, I’ll have Earl Grey, please.” Henry simply stated as he closed his menu, and the waitress promptly went back to fetch their tea.
“A good choice,” her mother mused, filling her plate with a couple of sandwiches from her stand. “Simple and effective. Just the right amount of flavour to the traditional tea.” 
How come Lizzie had never seen him enjoying a good old cuppa before? Granted, she had never paid much attention to what was inside his mug most of the times she found him in the kitchen. And yet, at that moment Lizzie must have looked gobsmacked, for Henry felt the need to explain himself. “I do drink tea on occasion, yes. But I like to think I’m a fairly simple Brit. I don’t care for much else as long as it’s simple tea, as black as my own heart.”
Lizzie let out a small laugh. “That’s entirely not true! You’re not fooling anyone, Henry.” She nibbled softly at a scone plastered with clotted cream and strawberries. She watched as his eyes followed the movements of her fingers. Was he looking at her scone, or at her lips? “Henry, tea is all about the brand, you see.” Lizzie’s mum quipped. “If you’re taking one of those horrid PG tips or Tetley tea bags, then you’re in for a mediocre experience. Next time you find yourself in the supermarket, buy Yorkshire Tea. It’s a proper brew with the best blend of leaves. I’ll be chuffed to bits if you like it.” Henry exchanged a bemused look with Lizzie. “I’ll make sure I’ll try it, Mrs York.”
The waitress finally came with the teapots and poured for each of them. The three enjoyed a moment of silence as the heat and steam of their beverage rose from cup to nose, bringing a cozy warm feeling to the heart. The metallic sound of Mrs York placing her teaspoon on the saucer rose them from their thoughts. “Henry, I’m afraid I didn’t come here for chin wag, as much as I love a good banter. I’ll cut the chit chat and get straight to the point. I must thank you for your help in the lawsuit.”
Henry shook his head slightly. “I did next to nothing, Mrs York, but I’m glad I introduced Bray to you. He’s been my mother’s solicitor for years. He’s very proficient at what he does and we trust him to do his best.”
Lizzie’s mum blinked, a queer glint in her eyes. “Your mother’s name is Margaret Beaufort, isn’t it? Lizzie told me so. Is that her maiden name?”
“Yes, she didn’t take my father’s when they married.”
“I have the impression I know her... I don’t know from where, though...” Mrs York took a sip from her cup and feigned a pensive look. Lizzie sometimes wondered if her mother’s cunning was as blatantly evident to other people as it was for herself. “Wait, I think I remember now. Is she the wife of Thomas Stanley?”
Henry nodded as he sipped from his cup. If he thought he was subtle by busying himself with tea instead of eating the left salmon crostini, he was entirely too wrong. Lizzie suspected he knew how much she loved a good smoked salmon, especially with cream cheese, so he scarcely touched the food. He landed his cup on the saucer with a clank. “Yes, Mrs York. He is my stepfather.”
“Is he? Stanley was one of my husband’s longtime associates. So that’s how I remember your mother... That’s quite interesting, isn’t it? We live in a small world if we think about it. Look at you and Lizzie-”
“Mum, did you know Henry’s mother has her own publishing company?” Lizzie cut in before her mother could get out of hand. “How amazing is that?” Mrs York shot a slightly confused look between Lizzie and Henry. “Why, it is indeed-”
“Her recent project is about promoting female authors.” Henry added, sharing a look with Lizzie from above his cup. She took the hint.
“A noble cause! Don’t you think, mum?”
“Quite so. Well I think-”
“It’s more like the work of a life, really. She’s very dedicated to it.” Henry stated, before he swallowed the rest of his drink with a gulp. Lizzie smiled shyly, looking down at her lap. “Oh, look!”, she said. “We’re almost done.” She gestured vaguely at the cake stands, then turned to the passing waitress nearby. “Can you bring us the check, please?” 
Mrs York cleaned her hands on the serviettes. “Well, I must say this was a pleasant meeting. Wasn’t it, Lizzie my dear? I’m afraid this whole eviction lawsuit has been a dreadful, dreadful business. My husband’s family has never liked me. It pains me to say so, but they thought me a scheming gold digger the moment I married Edward.”
“Mum!” Lizzie protested, extremely vexed. Henry didn’t need to know all the gruesome details of her family drama.
“Lizzie, you know this is true. I’m being honest with Henry, that’s all. Your father’s relatives deem themselves the icing on the cake. All because they descend from some ancient Plantagenet king. The absurdity of it all.”
Lizzie felt like dying of embarrassment. “Even so, mum.”
“It’s alright, Lizzie.” He touched her knee from beneath the table, his fingertips lingering briefly on her tights. For a moment she forgot all about her mother’s venting. As the waitress came back, they got up from the table and Henry offered to pay for the meal as her mother expected. Lizzie felt silly not protesting against it, but her mother grabbed her by the hand and told Henry they would wait for him outside. As soon as they stepped in the pier they put on their scarves and gloves, greeted as they were by the chilling wind. 
“He’s quite dashing, your Henry.” A congenial smile brightened her mother’s features as she watched Henry Tudor put on his coat before crossing the doors.
“He’s not my Henry.” Lizzie grudgingly replied.
“Perhaps not for now.” Lizzie whirled around to voice her protest, but Henry joined them before she could. “Oh, so this is where we part ways.” Her mother kissed her cheek before approaching Henry. “I’m walking to Bermondsey station. I’m taking the Jubilee line. What about you two?”
Henry shot a glance at Lizzie, as if making sure they would be walking together before he replied. “We’re taking the tube at Tower Hill.” Her mother offered him a gloved hand. “Oh, I see.” Henry shook hands with Mrs York, and Lizzie could only watch her mother’s back as she leaned in closer and not so quietly muttered “Take care of Lizzie, will you?” His eyes sought Lizzie’s instantly, and he solemnly nodded. “Trust me, I will.”
Lizzie was sure her face must have been devoid of all colour as she watched her mother go. She began to slowly walk with Henry to the station, the crisp air turning their breaths into small clouds. She eyed him walking beside her, his hands in his pockets, his thick scarf hanging loosely around his neck. “Sorry about my mother”, she awkwardly mumbled. He offered her a soft smile in return. “Don’t worry about it.”
Now daylight was fading fast as an early twilight sky fell upon them. The few Christmas decorations that still remained along the river path were already lit, as was Tower Bridge. Not so far from them, the financial buildings of the City glowed through glass windows - the Cheesegrater, the Gherkin, the Walkie-Talkie, and many others whose nicknames Lizzie didn’t know. She watched them all come alive as the winter night approached.
As they crossed the river Henry pulled Lizzie from her reverie. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Lizzie followed his gaze and understood he was talking about the Tower. He sighed softly as if suddenly knackered, taking off his blurred glasses to wipe them on his scarf. “A sight, really. How many stories does it hold?” Lizzie looked at the beige walls of the Tower of London, lit here and there by spotlights. And to think that those walls, as well as Westminster’s, once had been white. She repressed a shudder. “Every time I look at the Tower I get a strange feeling. A sense of impending doom.” His eyes turned to her, inquisitive, bright and blue. Lizzie tried to shrug the feeling off. “I don’t know why. It must be the stories.” Henry arched an eyebrow at her. “The princes in the Tower, for one?” She nodded. “A dreadful story. Do you believe an uncle could murder his own nephews?” 
Henry looked at her as if he understood her completely, as if he was seeing her for who she truly was for the first time. “I don’t think we’ll ever know the answer to that mystery, Lizzie. Not even the bodies that were found could be DNA tested at the time. In a situation like this we have two options. We can accept what we have as positive evidence and roll along with it, or... We can speculate, listen to the stories and make of them what we will.” It was true, and yet Lizzie expected nothing less from Henry. She smiled at him. “Well, you know which one is much more fun.”
He chuckled. She took the glasses he was still holding in his hands and wiped them on her own scarf. Hers was a red blanket scarf that matched her burgundy gloves, its fabric more refined than his. She then returned his glasses, getting on her tiptoes to place them above a reddened nose. As they started again their walk along Tower Bridge, she laced an arm with him. She could not pinpoint the reason, but perhaps for the first time it felt right. 
Disclaimer: Yorkshire Tea did NOT pay me to write this fic (I wish they did, though). It’s simply that good! Trust me *winks while holding a cuppa like an old wise grandma*
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