#i hate willy more than words can explain
bigfatalligator · 2 years
thinking about scary being alone with willy and being sad :(
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incidentallysunny · 4 months
I Was Never There.
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Death Island Leon x Reader
Real!Dad Leon
Dead dove warning.
13k word count. Proof read 3 times until I got to around 11k then I stopped worrying and just skimmed. Critique is welcomed and my skin is thick for it.
I’d like to appear in the tagz pls so here’s a warning. My writing is not ever meant to be taken literally and is just for the sake of writing f*cked up content that I enjoy writing. If you do not wish to read this, please do not as my intentions are not to offend or make you intentionally uncomfortable but if you choose to read- don’t be hateful. With that out of the way, extremely sensitive content and dead dove material ahead.
Specifically blood-related incest, smut, suicidal ideation, mentions of grotesque imagery, light mentions of gore in a hypothetical scenario, daddy-issues, age-gap, overall disturbing topics.
As far as smut specifically: this includes talking of public sex, mentions of oral, fingering, unprotected sex, cream-pie (wrap your willy irl pls) praise, dirty talk, any probably some other irrelevant shit I’m forgetting my b.
PROCEED if you read the above, are okay with it, and are mentally unwell like I am. Happy reading, it’s a long one.
The drive from your college town to where your home had been all your life was as expected. Nostalgia and homesickness being mixed in your gut like a can of paint in one of those weird machines at the hardware store that your dad would take you to. Speaking of dad, you hardly remember him. He was present for a short while, your mom always excusing his absence with work this and work that. He really did get busy, though. Almost dying several times. You still remember your moms panicked phone calls, her countless prescription drugs for the same problems you now suffer from, and her late-night bathroom breakdowns. Apparently he couldn’t get out of this job though. Some real fucked up government shit he was tied to, your mom explained. All you know about him is that he saved the president’s daughter. Whatever.
So yeah- a perfect life with a perfect set of parents. One being mentally driven through the dirt and the other that you haven’t seen in 8 years or maybe more. You can’t seem to remember if the last few times you saw your dad were daisied dreams or reality. Bastard has never FaceTimed or video called you, either. Dunno if he even had a phone capable of that. Either way, it must be for the better, because your grades had been sufficient without stressors on your mind. And we all know a low-effort dad would definitely be one. But perhaps he’d rather just be there in person. Older people are like that.
You grunted, trying to drag your over-packed suitcase up the steep suburban driveway before sighing and standing in place. Sure, you didn’t need to bring so much shit home, but would you really want to risk some bitch at college stealing anything from your quad-dorm?
Before you could think and figure out how you’d even get the plastic luggage up the pristine, hand-painted porch steps and inside (without scratching them up and having your parents on your ass about their perfect house having a flaw) a voice called out to you. Unrecognized and not ringing any of the bells in your head. (If there were any left)
“Hey there, sweetheart. It’s been a while, huh?”
You turned to see a middle-aged man, similar to the last memory of your dad that had been printing-pressed into your mind for safe keeping. He was just emerging from the front door, broad chest accentuated by a well-fitted T-shirt. You immediately felt angry that his tits were bigger than yours. Would probably look better with a bra, too.
You didn’t answer.
Fuck- nerves were getting the better of you. Your palms were slick with sweat and you didn’t know if it was from the building summer humidity or anxiety. Was this normal? No the fuck it wasn’t.
“Uhh.. dad?” You queried- almost certain the gorgeous man at the door was just a hotter, older version of your dad and not actually him. The fuck is wrong with you? You’re getting this worked up over your father? Did college drinking really rewire your brain to be this fucked or is it all of the anxiety meds? Maybe both. Maybe you’re just overwhelmed. Maybe it’s because you rarely saw him and have zero attachment.
“Yeah, it’s me. Your old man. Missed you, kiddo.” There’s a pause for a moment- because you’re not sure why he’s talking so casually as if you see each other every weekend- like it hasn’t been years and years since you’ve seen him.
“Don’t remember me,huh?” He laughs satirically- like you’re supposed to be so sure. It makes you slightly furious and the feeling of anger bubbles up again- replacing any strange thoughts you were having moments ago.
No, my apologies dearest dad. I totally recognize you despite having met you enough times to count on almost two hands.
But the better part of you that managed to exist underneath the scores of problems you had just replied in jest- like someone without said scores of problems. It was best to keep the peace for now.
“You look a little different… sorry.” Is that all you can manage? It’s pitiful the state that your sullied mind is in.
He chuckles, though, like he knows your’re right. The sound is more pleasant and striking when it’s genuine. Makes you feel damp in other areas than just your armpits (thank you, heatwave).
“I suppose there’s truth to that. But It’s alright, sweetheart. I know it’s been a long time. People change, right?” His eyes scan you in an undecided way.
“But you, shit. You’ve grown into such a beautiful woman. College treating you well?” His words sound a little huffed then, he’s clearly beating around the bigger issue with a stick. But him calling you beautiful and being all fucking sappy makes your face feel hot and sticky like it’ll melt off. Got you wanting to rip the hair from your scalp to hear him say it again.
“Please?” You called out gently- gesturing to the suitcase and ignoring any other question. You were very much overstimulated- having overexerted muscles in your arms by being a weak bitch about a crammed carry-on. Just get your ass out here and help your daughter, thanks.
He shook his head- again laughing hotly while looking down as he stepped off the porch- his brown bangs were peppered with greys and they brushed his face on one side, his hair somehow pornographic on its own. Christ. He looked like one of those men you saw on Viagra commercials that obviously didn’t actually need it. Even the sight of your perfectly trimmed lawn and faux-looking home completed the scene. Where was the camera?
He walked over to you- there was a slight stiff in his stride; like he had a bad back or something. Maybe he did. Almost dying was the likely cause for that. Serves him right for leaving you with issues on top of issues. Maybe you should stop being mean, you’re the one getting hot over your own father. Again- because of him. Circle back to square one.
Leon towered over your frame as he hinged at the hips, picking up the suitcase with ease- the muscles in his arm flexed with each small movement. His face was a tinge of smug with a mix of something else…satisfaction? Maybe he was just pleased he was able to lift it without rupturing a hernia. Jesus Christ, his veins. You wonder if he has them anywhere else. No- maybe you should be wondering about taking your ass to an inpatient facility immediately. A few screws are loose and you don’t exactly have the tools to tighten them.
“I guess college did treat you well. You’re here in one piece.” He says- cutting you thickly from your thoughts and answering his own question from earlier. His blue eyes are sweet and gently lined with signs of aging. Which only makes him hotter- just like the fiery pits of hell that await you.
You scoff.
“Well, it’s not like I went to war or something.”
“Still. It’s nice to see you, sweetheart.” The word rolls off his tongue again. Your insides are trapezing around in their own miniature, fleshy circus- you’re wishing you could stab yourself in the stomach to stop the swarm of butterflies that don’t even feel metaphorical anymore. You’re sure they’re real now.
He continues, though.
“I know I haven’t been around much in your life- this fucking job and-“ You stare up at him- glossy doe-eyes and stupid look on your face. An apology- or even an explanation from your daddy might be part of what your scrambled brain needs.
“Work kept me away, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t think about you every day. I’m sorry if I wasn’t there for you like I should have been. Shit… What I mean to say, is- things will be different. I’ve retired. Your mother wanted me to tell you over dinner later but I figured you’d be happy to know. I’m not the best at keeping secrets.” He jokes at the end, but how is that true in the slightest? He’s kept his job a secret for your entire life, so he clearly can’t be that horrible at it.
“Oh.” Leaves your lips quietly, ghosting over Leon and leaving him wondering if he said something wrong. But then he realizes it’s probably just overwhelming for you. The worst part of him thinks you hate him. A feeling overcomes you though, and you rush in to wrap your arms around his waist- hugging him tightly. You now wonder why he didn’t hug you to begin with. Maybe he wasn’t an affectionate guy.
He says nothing at first- he’s even more awkward than you are if it’s possible. But he’s trying. He sets down your suitcase before returning your hold. One arm comes around the back of you and the other is overlapped on top- a hand nestling on the back of your head. Seems he’s getting a bit emotional, too. The attention from him is nice, though.
When you make a small grunt as to wanting to end the hug, his hands linger on your shoulders and he smiles at you. You actually return to, not feeling anything horrid become of your thoughts right now. Whether it be anger or incestual lust.
Your dad pushes the front door open with one of his large hands encased on the knob. Hands you immediately find attractive, wondering if they’d feel nice scissoring your cunt open. You now begin to understand why your mom was getting suicidal over him possibly not returning home. You’d kill yourself over him too. But that’s too morbid- especially after the moment you just shared.
That’s already lost to you.
He shut the door firmly, sighing, then gestures to the stairs.
You went up first, self conscious about your backside being right in front of his view but he was your dad. Wouldn’t be looking at you that way. You’re just brain-rotted and have an ill opinion of men.
Your old bedroom still looked the same, basically. Just emptier and more hollow without your things. But the walls were still painted a babydoll-pink and lined with the few girlish decorations you left on the wall. No way you would have been caught dead with those in your dorm. Not unless you wanted to endure torment and bullying that’d lead you to jumping off the dormitory roof.
He sets your luggage down and takes a seat on your bed. A groan escapes him as he puts a hand on his lower back for a moment.
“I see this room hasn’t changed much, has it?” he muses, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Your mom and I had a blast putting it together for you when she was pregnant.”
Yikes. You almost feel guilt for both the incestuous thoughts and the fact you may have ruined your parents' marriage. Maybe that’s not true. It was his work- not you. After all, he’s insinuating how happy they were to have you brought into this world. Plus- they were fine. Never argued or anything.
“I’m sorry. I dont- I don’t know what to say.” You laughed awkwardly, throwing your hands slightly up by your side.
His face doesn’t drop, though. It seems he understands perfectly fine.
“It’s okay. We can start from scratch. Not talk about… your room or childhood stuff. I know it’s a sore spot for you, sweetheart.”
Wrong. It’s more like a festering wound with the rusted knife still wedged in it. The knife being Leon and the wound your daddy issues, by the way. And having no attachment to him as a father figure makes the attraction worse. Notably when he calls you any term of endearment. He leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
What the fuck. Was he sculpted by Satan himself as some kind of hell-on-earth punishment? Is this purgatory? Everything he did now was driving you up the wall like a roach- every movement and small flex showing a vein or bulge of muscle. And his arm hair didn’t help. Fucking Christ- shave it off or something. You don’t know how you’ll be able to stand it.
“Okay…. How does that work?” You cocked your head to the side a little, shifting your weight onto one leg. A nervous habit.
“Well- what do most parents do with their kids? We could go out for dinner, catch a movie, just… hang out. I’d like to spend time with my daughter, you know.”
Okay, so maybe he did care. That’s a start.
“Uh… all three?” You questioned, an eyebrow lifting along with the infliction of your voice towards the end of your sentence. You’re indecisive like your mom.
He smiled, lines and the corners of his mouth pressed. Happy. Something you heard wasn’t common for him, anyways.
“Of course. We can go out tomorrow, honey. Your mom just wants us to all have dinner together when she gets home. She missed you- not as much as I did, I bet.” He does that stupid fucking wink again. It makes you switch emotions and want to throw something at his head. Maybe your lamp. You feel bad, It’s not his fault you’re acting like a mental freak about him. You don’t even bother to fixate on the fact you’ll have to have dinner with your cunt of a mom. Okay, maybe that’s harsh.
“Okay.” You breathe out, looking around your room. Leon takes that as a cue to stand up from your old bed- the thing creaking from his weight and leaving an indent on your comforter.
“It’s a date, then. I’m going to start dinner. As much as I love your mother, she can be…scary.” He says, still rocking that pressed-in-cheek smile and cracking your door closed behind him. By the way, what he really meant was probably ‘bitchy’- not scary. But dad seems too kind to say that. He loves your mom.
You can breathe again without his presence. It was smothering, like you had to overperform. You find yourself rushing to your dresser mirror to check how you looked. Hair looks great, face too- though a little tired from college over-studying and then driving 4 hours home with no break.
You might as well write ‘whore’ on your mirror with lipstick. Or a marker- since that’s a more permanent reminder with the way you’re acting. But part of you wanted to know what he thought of you- how he perceived you. For now though, it doesn’t matter. Had barely been 15 minutes since you arrived. You turn your attention to your suitcase and push it over flat, unzipping it before the teeth give out and some of your things spill from inside.
You had less than a sufficient amount of energy to care about it being broken now- so you just put your things away quickly before plopping onto the bed and indulging your senses with the smell of the floral detergent your mom always used on your sheets.
It’s some time later when you’re abruptly awoken by your moms manicured hand shaking you awake by the shoulder.
“I can’t believe you’re sleeping when you could be spending time with your father. He was excited for you to be home.”
‘Way to wake me up.’ You thought. She was always having a stick up her ass about this kind of thing. Or anything, really..
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Besides, we’re going out tomorrow to do a bunch of stuff.” You argue sleepily, sitting up as your back aches with your vision still adjusting. She cuts on the lamp, sizzling your retinas.
Her face perks up but is pleasantly surprised.
“Oh, okay..” silence.
“I’m sorry, honey. It was just a long day at work and I’m just over-the-moon for you two to finally have some daddy-daughter time.”
You wrinkle your face in disgust, but not fully disgust since you were just fawning over your hot dad earlier. Maybe daddy doesn’t sound so bad.
“Ew- mom. He’s just my dad. I’m not five.” She laughs, waving her hand off at you.
“Well anyhow- come down for dinner, will you? He put in a lot of effort to cook something for us.”
You cursed under your breath and straighten out your shirt- hoping she wouldn’t bitch about it being slightly wrinkled from you sleeping in it. You seat yourself at the table- adjacent from your mother sitting at the end. She’s already changed out of her office clothes and sure enough, here comes your daddy dad from the kitchen with utensils.
“Sorry ladies- almost forgot these.” He laughs, placing down everyone’s set before seating himself next to you. Fuck.
“You know- your father has only been home a few months and he’s already shown the extent of his memory loss.” She jokes, giving him a loving yet teasing look that makes you want to vomit. And yet jealousy curls up like a cat in your lap, wanting to be lavished with attention from you. The metaphorical jealousy pounces off your lap as you’re met with your dad’s hand on your denim-clad thigh. It’s an innocent gesture but you want to his hand to go further than just sitting politely.
“She’s right, but I can be useful otherwise.” He’s bantering back with her- and you realize he’s making an innuendo when you look over at his face. But it’s weird that he’s saying it while his digits cradle your thigh so gently.
“Gross.” You take a bite of your food- momentarily shocked that a dad of any sort could make such a pleasant meal, especially when he’s spent such little time doing domestic duties.
“Oh honey- you’re grown. We’re just teasing each other.” Your mom nods to Leon, taking a bite off of her fork. His hand slides off of your thigh and he grabs his whiskey glass to take a proper sip.
Jeez, he drinks that shit like its water. No grimacing. No face was made when he swallowed it. Just a guy thing you suppose.
Dinner drags on- the both of them forcing you to talk about your less-than-thrilling college experience. No mom, no boyfriend. No dad, I’m not failing. No you two, I’m not having unprotected sex- fuck off.
After that eventful meal and conversation where your parents basically eye-fucked each other over dinner, you’re left to clean up the mess while your mom gets ready for bed. She has to leave for work early in the morning- as usual. Guess she’s going to take your dad’s spot for the absent parent now that you’re grown and traumatized full and proper.
Sleep came and went- leaving you to trudge out of bed and do your morning routine. It felt out of place trying to do it back at home- but it was also a sentimental feeling to be doing just that.
Leon is already in the kitchen, shirtless and cooking. Seems impractical, but holy fuck. You’d gorilla glue your eyelids open just to not miss a single second of what you’re seeing. Maybe that wasn’t needed- because you've been staring long enough that your eyes prick with tears. You remind yourself to blink and you seat yourself at the high-top, the stool swiveling slightly when your bottom meets the material.
“Morning, sweetheart. Sleep well?” He asks, turning to look at you over his shoulder. His traps are distracting you. You want to chew your fingernails past the nail bed- bite a finger off too. You can’t stand it. For a moment- the way he talks to you- you’re pretending you’re not his daughter. And then a moment later, you’re not being delusional anymore.
“Mhm.” You mumble sleepily- wishing you’d have stayed in bed longer. But piercing morning light, lack of blackout curtains, and the chirping of birds outside made that idea inconceivable. Leon chuckled to himself- turned away from you.
You decide to scroll through your phone for a moment’s time before he slides a plate to you from across the island.
“Breakfast a la Leon.” He says- clearly being silly. Corny as fuck, anyways.
“You’re old.” You snort, setting aside your phone and grabbing a fork to pick at your food until he turns away again. You didn’t enjoy the idea of having a hot, shirtless man watching you eat.
He shakes his head, sitting down next to you at the island.
Christ. Fucking go away. It’s actually enraging now.
You want to scream at him- it’s irrational and crazy- but you do. Screaming at him and being sent away to a ward sounds more appealing than the anxiety crawling up your spine like a horde of fire ants. Potentially- just like the butterflies- they’re real too.
He seems undisturbed as he settles- taking a bite. You do the same- trying to ignore the fact he's so close you can nearly feel his arm hair touching you every second or so. He breaks the silence after a moment.
“So- after this, I’ve got a whole day planned out. Mall, movies, and dinner. Sound good?” You nod, a soft ‘mhm’ reverberating on the roof of your mouth.
He finishes before you and makes his way upstairs- the occasional pain in his back unmistakeable every few steps. And yet he wants to take you to the mall to walk around? You didn’t even know how to feel about a day with your dad. What’s a dad? What’s daddy-daughter bonding? That’s lost to you- well- more like it was never even discovered. Not even Columbus could have ventured out and conquered it.
Since he’s no longer in the room, you hastily eat the rest of your breakfast before you discard the plate and fork into the way-too-elaborate dishwasher your mom had installed (you totally didn’t spend 10 minutes trying to turn it on).
Back in your room, you settle on a simple, totally not underlyingly slutty outfit. Shorts and a crop top. Can never go wrong with that. It’s just soft/core prom enough for an outing with your dad. When you leave your room- Leon is just headed down the stairs. He turns to look at you, his smile is as jovial as it has been since you’ve seen him. For a moment though, you think you catch his eyes landing on your exposed legs- but you know you’re just crazy. You’re the one lusting after him, not the other way around. Your dad isn’t abnormal like you. His head is on correctly- even if it’s been battered and spun on his shoulders throughout the years.
“Ready?” He asks, stopping in place to wait for you. You nod stupidly, breaking from your trance to follow him in a descent down the stairs.
He’s dressed similar to how he was yesterday- jeans and a t-shirt that should be considered indecent. If you were your mom, you’d beg him to wear something that doesn’t highlight every curve and dip of his chest. Hell, if you were your mom, you’d never let him go outside. Too risky. But you’re not your mom. You’re just unusual.
As a perfect man does, he opens the door for you. Then opens the SUV door, allowing you in before shutting it behind. You’re sure you've never met a guy that does that in real life, but maybe it was a ‘you’ problem and not the guy. Who knows.
When he gets in, he cranks the vehicle only for rock music to start playing from the radio- making the corners of his mouth dimple with a pleased look. Really are the simple things for him. As for you, you’re suffocated in a Hellish torment by both his presence and the expensive scent of cologne and leather seats combo.
The ride isn’t long, nor bad. Albeit you two only talk here and there so he can focus on the road- and so you can focus on not dying (he’s not a perfect driver, but not terrible either). Just enough to keep your nerves teetering between a light anxiety attack and full blown panic.
You’re relieved to get there alive. Maybe not. Your thoughts have you thinking suicide may be your only option for now disgusting they are. And it only gets worse when he helps you down from the step up of the SUV- a hand on your exposed waist and the other on your shoulder. It’s harmless. Just a dad being gentlemanly. He was shaped and carved out in that perfect, chivalrous image with only a mallet and hammer. No reason to make it weird.
Inside the mall is a tad busy- the perfect amount to be comforting. You feel a bit more at ease in a public setting since you can now focus on anything but your dad’s chest. As long as he doesn’t require eye contact or talk to you, that is.
He looks around, arms crossed. It’s almost whorish. He has to know his arms look good. Or that his everything looks good. The fuck.
“So…” He cranes his head to the side, bangs brushing over his nose for a moment. The way he looks around makes his Adam’s apple and neck muscles a little more prominent. A perfect, stubbled spot to attack with your lips.
“What do you feel like doing first, kiddo?”
You. Is what you want to say.
He looks back to you, smiling down amused. He seems genuinely happy to be able to take you out. But really- his face is making you nauseous. Obviously not because it’s bad. But because it’s good-bad. Too good it’s bad.
“Uhh… “ you look away from him, scanning the entrance area and looking at any signs. Almost like an escape.
“How about new clothes maybe? Seems like something got ahold to the other half of your pants anyways.” He nudges you with an elbow, gesturing to your shorts with his head.
So he probably did look at your legs earlier. Maybe not in the way you think, though.
You glare at him.
Leon puts his hands up in defense. He’s always on the defense in life anyways.
“Joking, joking. You’re…grown.” His forehead lines crease when he raises his brows. You did get rather annoyed at his comment, however.
“I could always buy some even shorter.” You spit sarcastically.
“Yes- because every father wants to walk around with their daughter who has her ass out.” He’s quick to remark, this time he seems grumpier when he talks. Sorta like he’s uncomfortable with the conversation. Or that he’s mad.
“Sorry my legs make you so uncomfortable. I guess I should’ve left them at home.” The back and forth here could go on forever between you two but he catches you off guard.
“Shit- no. It’s not that- ‘s just you’ve got nice legs. Can’t have these…shitheads eying down my little girl. I may be old, but I can fight when I need to.”
You know he meant his words innocently enough, but the fact that he said nice legs has you giddy inside. Same feeling when your crush calls you pretty. Yeah- that sorta feeling. And his little girl. It has a ring to it. Could even legally change your name to it so that he can call you by it more often. Maybe he’ll even let you jump on his dick right away.
Your face is pure rose-shaded. A perfect, neutral shade to make your embarrassment pop on your skin. You’re sure it’s visible to him, too. Your mom always teased you about how blotchy it would get when you were humiliated. Particularly when she would tell awkward stories about you at family dinners. Bitch.
“What’s wrong? Don’t be pissed at me, sweetheart. I was just teasin-“
“It’s not that.” You interrupt- heart thumping into your rib cage. If it doesn’t stop, or you don’t stop your word-vomit, it might crack a rib or four. Probably more. Better have hospital bill and therapy money ready, dad.
“Then what’s the matter? I just want us to have a good time together. I’m not trying to upset y-“
“You said I have nice legs.” You’re quick to cut him off again.
“And…?” He trails off, cocking his head to the side like he’s confused. Because he is confused. You stare off to the side- eyes glued to the fountain. Maybe you could go drown yourself in the penny-flavored water that you guarantee hasn’t been changed out since you were still the unlucky sperm in your dad’s ball-sack.
“I like that. You saying that.” You speak a little lower now- afraid someone will hear. Or because the tinnitus is so loud in your ears. What you’re getting at is almost clear now. Or at least clear enough.
Leon’s expression is taken aback but still confused to an extent because he’s not even certain what you’re saying. Though, he has an idea.
“Oh- uh. Okay. Sweethea-“
“Holy fuck- stop calling me that. You’re not making this easy. Wanting to fuck you. I know- I sound mental.” You spill it out, guts on the floor and the sword still in hand. Holy shit. Just told your dad you want to fuck him. You could have backtracked- fucking dumbass. You won’t be shocked if he packs his bags and leaves off again tomorrow.
He’s silent for a moment.
“Okay- clearly I wasn’t around enough. I get that. But I mean- fuck.” He runs his hand through his hair, looking around. Probably thinking the same thing about the fountain that you did. Still- he looked hot while having a crisis and contemplating immediate suicide. He paces while your nerves are being electrocuted in your body. Why couldn’t you just be normal?
“Just- sweetheart, no. None of that’s.. I can’t.” He starts, turning back to you. It seems he can look you in the eyes now. So maybe he’s not entirely disgusted by you. His face isn’t contorted with disgust, so there’s a chance. Yeah, you’re off your rocker now. You know.
“Look- let’s not talk about this. C’mon. Let’s go catch a movie like I promised.” He starts walking- leaving you standing in a puddle of shame and embarrassment for a moment before stopping to let you catch up.
Luckily- the theater is joined to the mall. It’ll be a short walk.
Leon is lax on the couch until he hears the crunchy sound of tires on concrete. You’re home. Despite his shitty back, he's huffing as he gets up fast and is already opening the door. The air is hot as it greets his skin and he watches you struggle with your suitcase through the heat-haze that spans over the distance.
He calls out to you- making your head snap in his direction. Your face is that of awe and confusion. You don’t seem to immediately recognize him- okay. He gets it. It’s been a while. Nevertheless, you’re beautiful. He’d seen pictures of you from your mother, but he’s in awe just as you are. Though, he doesn’t think that highly of himself so he often wonders if you’re even his kid. Couldn’t have made something that perfect, in his mind. He helps you with your bag and follows you to your room. But your demeanor around him is noticeably mousey. At first, it doesn't seem like much. You’re just getting used to him.
Plus, Leon knows he can come off intimidating. Sometimes. But for him, he’s got a good eye and his job has led him to being able to read even the tiniest bits of body language. Doesn’t take him long to see how you’re worming around shyly- subconsciously smoothing your hair down and biting at your lip. Same way your mom acted around him before they started dating. But again- maybe it’s just in his head. Leon’s been wrong a time or two.
A better man would have left it alone. Leon gets that. But an innocent thigh squeeze at dinner can help him test his theory. A thigh squeeze that’s under the guise of friendly, fatherly touch. You tense- he can hear your small, sucked in breaths as long as his hand is there, along with heat radiating off your body like a wildfire. If wildfires could be horny college-aged daughters with daddy issues, that is.
The idea disgusts him. Because he should feel disgusted and just kill himself. Where did these thoughts come from? He even has the urge to let his hand wander other places. Bets that you have a cute pussy. No matter what it does or doesn’t look like, it’s yours and he knows it's cute. He’d give you two thick digits in your hole (three if you allow him) and have his tongue kitten-lick your clit.
“There we go. Good girl.” Is what he envisions saying before diving back in for a mouth full of you. Girls like you love being praised. Especially by their estranged father-figure or a middle aged man. It’s all the same. He’d pry the daddy issues right out of you with his dick. It’s long and fat enough, and solves all of his matters properly. Your mom is in a bad mood? His dick will fix that. He can’t sleep? His dick will fix that. His daughter is a horny freak and begging for it? His dick will fix that, too- obviously.
It’s only when your mom makes some stupid fucking joke about his memory loss that he snaps back into reality and he loses the momentum he had going for an erection. Which is good. Maybe thinking about fucking your mom will make him normal again. So he drops a quip right back- something about… being useful. Yeah. Again, his cock is useful. Your mom bites at his words, but you’re annoyed and disgusted with his comment- especially with his hand on you while he says it.
Trust me, baby. Much rather be splitting you open than having performative, mandatory spousal sex. It’s like a switch flipped. He’s not interested in your mom. Should’ve had that realization years ago, even. Technically he did. He’s just now saying it in his head finally. Mostly he was exhausted because she had nothing to do with Leon even when he was home (unless it was for dick). Too bad he was a golden retriever following after her every step like a good doggy. Marriage did that to a guy. He just did what he was supposed to. Kept the lights on, blew out her back occasionally, listened to her complain, and took care of the lawn when he could. Easy enough. That’s what men do, right? He doesn’t really know what being a man is, honestly. Thanks, Major Krauser. Anyhow- he chokes down his food with a smile. The need to upchuck after everything he just thought up is a given.
He takes the liberty to fuck your mom later that night as promised per (faux) flirting over dinner. He has her face down-ass up, though. For… imagination’s sake. At least fucking a pussy and imagining you is better than his hand and imagining you. Or so he tells himself. Call it killing two birds with one stone, satisfying your mom and quelling his own desires. And it’s not hard to imagine any of it, because you look so much like your mother. He lies awake for a short while after- contemplating his existence and fucked up thoughts. He’s still holding back vomit and the urge to grab his gun from the nightstand and off himself all over the wallpaper, while in the process, traumatizing your mom. After an hour of this- he figures it’s fine, men think of perverted or weird shit sometimes. Jerk off to weird shit too. He hasn’t technically done anything morally wrong… sort of. It’s denial. At least he’s good at playing the part of a genuine, loving father. Because he is! He loves his family. Always has!
Spending time with you would make you happy, him happy, your mom happy. He loves you dearly. All is great. He’s swearing that his brain won’t be smoothied in his skull by tomorrow. It’ll be normal and function rationally.
But Leon wakes up with the thoughts being real as ever while he stretches an arm out to feel around for your mother- bed empty since she leaves at the ass crack of dawn. Leon had just missed her leave, he’s still getting used to sleeping in ever since he retired.
He gets up and heads downstairs- immediately starting breakfast to take his mind off his…mind. Breakfast is his favorite meal of the day, it makes him feel better to indulge in it right now. Though, he doesn’t bother putting a shirt on at any point- just rocking those generic, green and blue tartan patterned pajama pants. Cooking shirtless is weird- but he’s hungry and part of him wonders if he’ll get to see your priceless face when you walk into the kitchen. He shakes his head- telling himself that he just had this talk with himself last night. None of that shit.
He was right about one thing. God, he could make a killing in betting. He sees your reflection behind him in the small window above the counter but you didn’t know that. Just stood, gawking. It’s okay. He’s observative, you’re not. You’re his dumb little girl. Dumb in the way you shift in your stool next to him when he sits down, dumb how you hold your breath when he’s near, dumb how you can’t even eat next to him, and dumb how your thighs seem to wriggle when his arm ‘accidentally’ brushes yours. Oh, he’s definitely not wrong.
Still- he knows when to back off. He hounds down his food, before you even make a dent in your plate, and heads upstairs to shower. He’s analyzing every detail of himself, contemplating how he can get under your skin the most- his knuckles gripping the sink with distaste for himself. Because it’s wrong. He’s acting like a teenager. This is a date with his daughter, not his highschool girlfriend.
Leon skips over shaving his face. Likes to keep it a little grown out but not too much so. Just in case he gets the chance to eat (your) pussy or kiss (your) a neck. Then comes the Dior ‘Sauvage’ body wash he never failed to keep with him. He takes pride in smelling good if anything. And this particularly expensive wash, plus the cologne, was his lifeline for that. When he traveled for work- the D.S.O. better have god damned had some sent to his room as courtesy. Ever since Raccoon City- he’s adamant about not smelling less than great. He swears he can still smell the sewer on himself sometimes, even if it’s not really there.
His hair routine was even more extensive and involved a weekly hair mask. Hey- it wasn’t wrong for a guy to have nice hair. It paid off.
Heat protectant, blow dry, hot-comb to get any cow licks or fly-aways he might have- though it’s unlikely- and a little spritz of biotin spray to keep it healthy and shiny. All of that in reasonable time, too. And no- it's not weird for him to spend longer on his hair than your mom does.
Besides, you seem to appreciate the way he looks when you come out of your bedroom- watching him descend the stairs. Leon looks back at you- eyes on your legs momentarily then coming back up. He knows it was a quick look- quick enough to make you question it. You do. Very much. Still, taking you out in public wearing those shorts is less than ideal for him, but he’s the one who needs to be watched closely. Aforementioned, Leon’s great at pretending. Pretending to be normal. Pretending to not have ulterior motives. Pretending to not want your legs on his shoulders as he-
“All ready?” He interrupts himself here. Can’t let his thoughts keep going too far. Even if he does want to rest a hand on your leg while he drives. Or veer off the road and into a tree so that he can’t continue to be disgusting. He’d die with the image of being a good, wholesome dad in everyone’s mind. And if you did or didn’t die too, at least you would have died not having been fucked silly by your old man. He manages to not kill you both, though. He wasn’t planning to- his driving is just ass. He knows whiskey with his breakfast isn’t ideal but when you’re a recovering alcoholic plus post traumatic stressed failure of a father, it helps.
Can’t complain though since he gets to put his hands on you while helping you out of the vehicle.
Now you’re both in the mall- Leon questioning what exactly he’s supposed to do now. He hasn’t been to one since… he doesn’t have enough fingers for that. But you’re seemingly calm. Until he makes a stupid joke about your shorts. Sure. As much as he’s thinking about ripping a hole in the crotch to fuck you cause he’s impatient and stupid- he said it out of genuine concern.
He still has fatherly instinct. Some sick bastard could get a glimpse of your exposed legs and go jerk off to it or take a photo. Ironic coming from him right now. The call is coming from inside the house but the dad is too busy fiending after his own daughter to answer.
You’re royally pissed. He knows it. Women don’t like having it insinuated that they’re dressed like a whore. Big whoop, though. Someone has to say it. Then you blindside him. Big, needy eyes and saying you like it when he tells you your legs are nice. Then something about how you want to fuck him. Christ. What the fuck. He’s not sure if this is some kind of screwy set-up or you’re actually just so slutty that the only dick you’ll accept is your dad’s. He’s rocking a semi now. Would be a full hard-on if he weren’t in public but his head spins cause all the blood went to his loins too fast.
Leon doesn’t accept the advances yet. Not now, anyways. He’s mortified. He really thought he had himself going in delusion about how you were behaving- but he was actually right. And now being confronted with it… he’s fucking scared - that’s for sure. Hmm. Be a morally acceptable human or fuck your needy, whore daughter silly? He shakes his head and lets out an exhale.
That question needs some thought. No, it doesn’t. He knows better than to do any of that shit, right? He takes a moment to start walking while you follow along shamefully- the two of you headed to the theater. A movie is perfect. Don’t have to talk or anything. No interacting, really. But how the fuck is he just going to forget what you said? Sure, he’s been having questionable thoughts but they’re just thoughts. Your words, however, spoke it into existence. Like a fucked up, frankenstein’s monster of father-daughter reality.
Don’t mind us, everyone. Daughter’s got it real bad for me but I’m just going to take her to the movies and pretend it’s normal. Reality was distorted for him ever since the existence of zombies and BOWs anyway.
He lets you pick the movie- telling the attendant that he needs two tickets. It’s a horror movie. Of course. Something to trigger his PTSD, maybe. Then he could say anything he did after that was just accidental. A mental slip. He goes to fork over the $60 for tickets and popcorn- god, when did shit get so expensive? As he’s pulling out the cash, he sees you give him a look like you want to say something. His mind is racing looking at you- it makes him nervous.
“Uh.. what about candy?” You ask, looking away from him and at the display.
“What? Sour worms?” He questions you, laughing. Not in a mean way- but because it’s your favorite. So insignificant but he remembers. You were still a kid when he and your mom took you to see some milked out children’s movie that was a part of an entirely too long series. He bought you two boxes of sour worms then. You were a weird kid, though. The worms were split into two colors, and you’d always bite them down the middle and make him eat the side you didn’t like. But he’d do it. Gladly.
You nod, a little befuddled that he’d remember something like that. Cute. Too bad your weird ass just told him you wanted to fuck him about 15 minutes ago. So not entirely a cute moment.
“Oh- and two boxes of Sour Worms, please.” He adds, now pulling out a little more cash.
You both respectively grab your own drinks- Leon with popcorn in tow and you, your worms and cherry soda. His hands are full but he manages to flash the movie ticket between his index and middle finger to the usher, who then ripped it in half and pointed to the left end of the hallway.
You both don’t say anything, but you immediately race to the very top row like a child once inside the screening. Leon swears under his breath as he follows you like a geriatric snail. If a snail could have lumbar issues. He’s able to make it up the stairs to you quite some time after and takes the seat next to you that’s closest to the aisle. Safety and all that jazz.
Previews are already playing so it gives him peace of mind to not address the awkwardness between the two of you. Your soda is in the cup holder that’s separating you both, but you lean over to take a sip, cheeks hollowed out while you drink. Of course Leon looks over, fuck.
Pretty little lips wrapped around the straw until you pull off of it with a satisfied sigh. Cause you were thirsty from anxiety- like someone shoved gauze and cotton into your mouth.
He shifts in his seat and looks back at the screen. He doesn’t even know if you’re doing it on purpose. You’re not, however. He’s just a perverted dickhead.
Time passes and not a single soul has come into this screening. It’s Monday at 11am, after all. Who the hell would come watch a horror movie at this time? No one except two fucking weirdos. It’s making Leon’s nails dig into the armrest with the other set scratching at his jeans.
The movie doesn’t start off bad, to Leon’s shock. He’s actually enjoying it and you seem just as entranced, pulling open the box of Sour Worms without looking down. You do wind up looking down, however, to bite one in half because it just so happened to be a blue and orange combo, and you hated the orange side.
“Here.” Leon turns to look at you- your eyes coming up to meet his blue ones that are oddly blue enough to the point that any light from the screen makes them pop. Pretty.
“The orange half. I know you don’t like them.” His voice is husky and low since the speakers are blaring some generic string-quartet horror piece. He nods down to the half chewed candy in your palm.
You pinch it between your fingers, bringing it to his mouth as your cunt throbs. He was expecting you to hand it to him, but the way you confidentially yet instinctively brought it to his lips isn’t entirely unwelcome. The emptiness of the theater makes it that way. Allows room for incest of whatever. He opens his mouth for you, and you go to place the sour treat on his tongue. His lips gently close around it, before he grabs your wrist to hold your arm in place. A hold gentle enough to tell you that if you want to snatch your hand away- feel free to do so. But you don’t. And you won’t. He knows.
Candy in cheek, he brings your fingers to his lips and nurses your knuckles with a kiss before puppeteering your hand with his larger one, working each digit so that he can equally suck each one clean. You’re amazed, aroused, and alarmed all at the same time. Amazed because he looks so gorgeous sucking on your fingers. Aroused for the obvious reason. Alarmed because duh, he’s your father and things can only go further from here.
Leon places your hand back onto the arm rest between you, chewing the halved sour worm now. As if he didn’t just give you the most visually appealing form of sexual affection in the history of womankind. The dryness of your mouth returns and you take another sip of your Cherry soda. Maybe you can drown yourself in it. No, stupid. That’s what the public bathroom toilets are for.
Right before you set the plastic cup into the cupholder again, Leon speaks.
“Ah, ah. Put it over there.” You don’t even hesitate to listen. Record timing for you doing anything. You don’t even know why you followed his instructions so quick.
“Good girl.” His words send lightning of excitement down your nerves and straight to your clit as he pushes the armrest between you upwards and out of the way. Because that’s a thing, for some reason. It’s like theaters want people to fuck, give head, and spread their diseases everywhere. And why does he know they move? You don’t even want to question it. Maybe he’s just a knowledgeable guy.
“Come here, honey. Let daddy kiss that pretty mouth.” Fucking Christ. This can’t be real. Doesn’t matter, ‘cause again, there’s zero hesitation on your part. Leon likes that. A woman that can follow orders. He’s so used to taking them, not giving them. And your mom isn’t one to listen to other people. Either way, if this goes south, Leon can always just off himself. He wasn’t around much so what difference would it make if he was permanently gone? The reassurance of being able to log out forever gives him courage here. It’s rational.
You scoot over since you’re free from any barriers or restrictions, and he puts an arm over you. You swear you almost hear your skin sizzle from the contact. You’re not a witch- and as far as you know, he’s not water. Even if he gets you wet. He brings a hand up to cup your cheek and swipe a thumb over your bottom lip- teasing you.
“D-dad.” You stutter a protest- cringing that you sounded the way you did just now. Maybe you shouldn’t be embarrassed ‘cause he’s your dad- but you are embarrassed ‘cause he’s hot. You can’t even figure out why you wanna back out suddenly. Probably because the idea was better than betraying your mom and knowing yourself as someone who fucks their dad. Anywho- didn’t he say something about kissing you? Cause he’s not even doing as promised.
Your dad leans in, his free hand is now on your neck and angling it just to show you how easy he can manhandle your body. He plants a kiss on your earlobe before saying anything.
“What’s wrong, baby? Can’t go giving daddy blue-balls now. It’s not polite to start things you don’t wanna finish.”
Leon’s words simultaneously gross you out and turn you on in a self-deprecating, disgusting kind of way. Not to mention he’s literally contradicting himself since he would gladly eat the half of the sour worms you didn’t want to finish- therefore entirely enabling you to start things you couldn’t finish. Hm. That must explain a large portion of your life, then. And besides all do that, doesn’t the know blue-balls is some kinda stupid myth or whatever?
His thumb falls down your lip and traces your jawline with intentional slowness while his eyes look over your face appreciatively- but it also seems as if he’s looking for or at something specific.
You get the courage to speak, air sucked fully into your lungs.
“Sorry, daddy.” The fuck is wrong with you? You could have said anything but that. It’ll only spur him on. But you want that, obviously.
He smirks, lips pressed together as the corners of his mouth do that same, pitted thing they do that you like so much. Must go hand in hand with how his chin is also dimpled. It’s sexy. But little do you know, it’s one of the reasons he keeps his stubble. Doesn’t feel like having his butt chin on display to the world- even if every woman that’s ever laid eye on him sees it and wants it buried in their cunt.
“That’s my girl. Didn’t even have to be around much to teach you that, did I?” Leon queries, grabbing your chin to crane your head just so that he can plant his lips onto your neck. His other hand is on your knee, unmoving. You want it to move, though. God- you’re sure whatever higher power is in the great sky is throwing up right now, moments away from pressing the reset button. The same higher power will make a new rule on humanity.
No free will and absolutely no incest. Yeah. Probably should have written that into the books ages ago, one fears.
You fidget as he kisses your neck, stubble scratching your epidermis yet tickling all the same.
“Not gonna answer me, sweetheart?” He murmurs against your throat, the neck kiss he gives it uses a bit of tongue- making your body jolt. “I know your mother taught you manners.”’
You mumble something pathetically apologetic, hands gripping the fabric over his shoulders. Hopefully your mom won’t notice his shirt being stretched out there- cause she notices everything.
“N-no, daddy. I knew it on my own.” You huff, that hand you wanted him to move is slowly doing so- fingers dragging along your inner thigh as if everything he’s doing to you is purposefully meant to be some kind of forewarning. But for what, exactly?
“Such a smart girl. Get that from daddy, you know it?” Ok, cocky…
Leon kisses his way back up your neck, jawbone, and then your cheek. It’s sweet- if being lavished with saccharine, sexual and inappropriate attention from your dad could be sweet.
You nod, feeling his grip loosen from your chin and now sliding up the back of your neck to tangle in your hair, threading it. He’s slow and deliberate- part of you wishes he’d not give you time to think about your actions. Not that you can really think anyways. Your heartbeat is muddled in your ears and the movie is still rumbling through the speakers while someone gets murdered on screen. Lucky them.
The hand on your thigh presses firmer into the skin just below the edge of your shorts, a silent telling for you to keep your attention on him.
“Sorry baby, daddy got distracted. Just so pretty.” He must be able to tell you’re impatient because he kisses your cheek (with an oddly dark undertone to it) before slimming the distance between your lips. He pauses right when they touch and you’re breathing in the taste-turned-scent of the sour worm you fed him earlier. Sugar and that weird orange flavor that is only specific to orange candy. You’re obviously not a fan, but it suits him.
You don’t get any time left to process before it’s a full on kiss- well, make out, actually. It’s slow. You can’t recall being kissed like this, ever. Normally it’s straight to tongue with guys, and not in, like, the good way. The ‘having an eel invading your oral cavity’ kind of way. Eugh.
But your dad’s tongue does brush yours, tastefully. You can actually feel the texture and it’s easy to tell there’s an erection fueling his actions- but not so much so that it takes over the whole kiss.
He uses your hair to pull you closer, teeth clashing momentarily. Not exactly the best feeling but everything else envelops your senses to the point that it’s only a flash of a moment. Your thigh is neglected by his touch, hand moving up and around onto your backside. He gives a squeeze to the fat of your ass and groans against your mouth before pulling you into his lap- legs folded on either side of his thighs.
You break the kiss, looking over your shoulder and to where the entrance is- the exit sign casting a nearby glow that gives you anxiety..
“Can’t- we’ll get caught.” You pant, that weird feeling that’s the grotesque love child of nervousness and excitement is swimming in your gut like a parasite before settling. The severity and realness of the situation sinks in.
Leon laughs low and mean, retracting his hand from your hair and moving to run it through the top of your scalp to push it back. He juts his hips upwards to prod his denimed erection into the cunt of your shorts. You mewl quietly, or maybe it was loud. The movie is just too deafening to distinguish which.
“Suppose you’re right, baby.” He tucks a loose strand behind your ear, leaning in to give you a light peck on the lips. “Told you you’re a smart girl, didn’t I? Can’t let me go around thinking with my dick, huh?”
His hand pats your thigh as if to tell you to get off.
“C’mon, sweetheart. Up.” He commands you with a huffed voice- not because he’s annoyed but because he’s a middle-aged man. Moving is hard. You ignominiously climb off of his lap, putting your bottom back onto the seat next to him. He’s looking at you, meandering a hand back onto your thigh just to rest in place.
You stare at the screen- but you can’t even register it because you’re too disassociated from what just happened. You almost want to beg him to fuck you right here- plead for forgiveness that you suggested stopping in the first place. And you can still taste that damned orange sour worm in your mouth.
Leon behaves, though. He’s good about that. Respectful. In the way of consent- not in the way of not tongue fucking his daughter in a public space. When the movie ends, he gestures for you to stand and you walk past him, carrying your empty cup and boxes of sour worms while the uncomfortable feeling of your slick clinging the gusset of your panties to your cunt. You look back at your father, the sight of him in the palely lit theater is a bit intimidating. He’s adjusting his pants for obvious reasons. You look away quickly and keep walking- a giddy feeling of satisfaction overcoming you. Shortly enough, you’re both back in the main area of the mall. You brush your shirt out and fix your hair- the thought occurs to you that maybe you look a little mussed and should have straightened up sooner.
But the daylight beaming through the sky roof brings you back to your senses.
“Hmm. What does my sweet girl want to get up to now?” Leon asks, intersecting his arms as he looks over you.
You think, mind fizzling as it short circuits. You almost smell smoke emanating from your head, too. How can you look him in the face right now?
“Uhh..” You really don’t know what to say. What can you focus on doing after everything that’s happened today?
“How about this? We can go home a little early and I’ll cook something up for lunch. The drive will give us time to work up an appetite.” He says, nonchalant. Right back to his same fatherly tone from earlier today instead of the ‘I want to split you open with my dick’ tone he had moments ago. Maybe he’s just being sweet and you’re overthinking.
You’re befuddled that he’s not saying anything else about… that. How can he so easily go from publicly groping you to acting cheery and normal? It’s frustrating. Disturbing even. Leon can see the disappointment on your face- but you don’t know that. You assume it’s well hidden, just like the fact you kissed your own father. He thinks it’s cute though. You’re just cock dumb for him. On the other hand, this whole situation is something he has to deal with.
“Got it.” You manage to say, walking a little faster than he does. This is the second time you’ve walked off from your dad, and it does irritate him because he can’t keep up like he used to. Displaced disc in his spine or whatever. Plus, he thinks you’re pissed. Which is worrying. Should have known better than to mess around with his own daughter, he supposes.
The drive back is silent and less terrifying than the previous, part of you thankful. Maybe he was only a bad driver in the morning. Unlikely, but not impossible. Maybe it was the fact that he drank whiskey with his breakfast. Hm. ‘Responsible’ in hindsight.
It’s still early in the afternoon when you arrive back home. The concrete is sizzling from the heat and the sun beats down way too uncomfortably for even a walk from the driveway to the front door.
Leon side-steps you to unlock the house before he urges you in. He may be morally reprehensible but he still didn’t want to let any cool air out- AC’s expensive. You plop down on the couch and he locks the door, walking past you and straight to the kitchen.
The tension is thick for you- but for Leon- not at all. You watch him disappear through the doorway as he goes to prep food. Why is it so hard to read his emotions? He’s like a fucking light switch. You’re annoyed- leaning back on the couch, until he calls for you. You’re quick to get up, scrambling into the kitchen.
“Hey, sweetheart. Mind giving me a hand?”
“Yeah. What is it?” You faintly cock your head to the side.
Leon looks to the side- directly at you. You’re cute when you’re confused. He can tell that all you’re thinking about is continuing where you two left off earlier. Shit, you’re no better than your mother. ‘S just that you’re not crabby and sour all the time like she is.
“Can you grab the saucepan from the bottom cabinet. Your old dad can’t exactly bend over too well.” He laughs- shaking his head. Yes, dad. I get it. I know you have a bad back.
You walk over to the cabinet where he’s leaned onto one hand which is rested on the marbled countertop. You feel a bit apprehensive to be close to him again. Mostly because you don’t trust yourself to not jump his bones, but Leon’s already ahead of you. As soon as you bend over, he pulls you back by the hips so that your ass is flush with his groin.
You’re taken aback but definitely not surprised. He’s a dirty old man, as you’ve learned.
“Gonna let daddy fuck this pussy now, or are you getting flaky on me?” He coos against your ear while he runs his hands up your sides and down again- creeping his hands to your front and over the buttons of your shorts- unhooking them through the slits.
“Yes.. want it.” You breathe in quick- the word coming out on its own. If god could hear you right now, he’d set your house ablaze with lightning.
“Need you to loosen up if I’m going to. You’re way too stiff.” Your shorts are the opposite of you, loose and unfastened fully so they fall to your ankles, and Leon nudges your feet apart with his boot. You realize he’s got a point as you feel his calloused hand glide down your hip and yank you in place. The other hand is spreading your pussy lips apart before finding that fleshy bud between them. A moan rumbles in your throat as your legs almost give out below you. He mutters a curse under his breath, and you realize his cock is now out while he rubs up against your ass- getting off on not only playing with your pussy but from dry humping you.
“Fucking christ. Got the prettiest ass, baby. Think daddy needs to see it bouncing on his cock.” You can practically feel that stupid, smug look as he grabs his dick- slapping it on your ass. It makes you cringe a little, but maybe you should be cringing at the fact your dad is the one doing it. You figure it’s just something he saw in porn, so it doesn’t leave your expectations high at the moment. Great. Leon adjusted himself back into his pants, for now.
His finger continues circling that bundle of nerves, your legs shaky as you’re being pressed into the counter, a hand is on your lower back to keep you down so he can do what he wants. You sound stupid- tears welling in your eyes as you babble nonsensically about wanting to cum. He moves his hand off of your back and sinks to his knees to be face level with you (even if it makes his back hurt a little), sliding his fingers up your inner thigh until there’s a digit prodding your hole, slowly pushing in.
He watches your cunt swallow his finger, barely able to fit it inside.
“Fucking shit, baby. Gonna have to stretch this pussy out if I want my cock in you, huh? Think you can let daddy do that?” He asks, breathy and sounding like he’s trying not to bust all over himself.
You eagerly shake your head.
“Yes, daddy. Need you to get me loose.” The words spill like a hot cup of tea from your lips, scalding Leon with desire.
“God damned. Such a polite fucking girl I’ve got. Might have to eat your mother out later to thank her for making you so respectful.”
You scrunch your face in disgust.
“That’s fucking gross.” You moan, Leon slipping a second finger into you, which should technically feel like four with how worn and big his hands are.
He tuts, planting a kiss to your asscheek.
“Now, didn’t daddy just compliment you? Could be a bit more grateful since he’s trying to make you cum” He grits, sounding a bit (terrifyingly) stern.
You apologize again.
“Sorry, daddy. Just don’t wanna hear about you and mom. Makes me jealous.” You admit, briefly thinking about their dinner conversation last night. Then about how fucking weird you are. You’re really hoping you get the courage to bash your head on the marble countertop and get amnesia.
Leon laughs, but in a way that makes you think he’s amused more than actually laughing.
“God. Want me to stop fucking my own wife just ‘cause you’ve got a needy pussy?” A third finger slips in, making an almost unbearable stretch as you feel a slight ache, but the previous two fingers already did enough work that it’s not completely unbearable.
“Maybe you’re not that grateful. Giving you three fingers here and she’s still too tight.” He twists his hand, letting the inside of you feel every inch of his knuckles and calluses. Your knuckles, however, are ghost-white as you grip at nothing.
“Maybe your fingers are just too small.” You say- mostly from built up tension and annoyance that you didn’t get to let out yet. But you regret the words.
He’s silent- which scares you. He pulls his fingers out of you- the stark contrast in emptiness is clear and the cool air stings you.
Leon groans as he stands up, kicking off his boots before yanking you by the arms to stand straight. He leans into your ear.
“C’mon. You’re gonna come sit on daddy’s dick, since you’re too fucking picky.” Goosebumps form all over you as he leads you to the couch. Leon leaves you standing there so he can get comfortable and discard his clothing, lying back with his hands behind his head. You make a mental note of how his biceps look with his arms bent in this position, even if you kinda feel like it’s lazy. But holy fuck, his toned stomach is perfect- sprinkled with a happy trail that will definitely lead you somewhere that will make you happy. Speaking of, his dick is nice. Fat. Not sure how big it is since you have not much to compare to, but you’d imagine taking it would be a bit of a proper challenge.
You step a little closer- crawling awkwardly over his lap- ass faced towards him so that you settle on his waist. It’s hard not to feel self conscious about your backside in this position, even considering the fact that he was just fingering you from the back moments ago. You’re mostly just upset you can’t gawk at his tits or stomach.
You grab him by the base, shifting yourself to hover directly over him, letting the tip graze your wet hole before slowly sinking down- a drawn out moan escaping you.
“Fuckkk. That’s it. Sit down on it. Take all of daddy.” You glance over your shoulder as you bottom him out; his eyes are half-lidded. Well, at least he’s got a pretty face while you’re fucking him. You almost failed to realize his hands moved from behind his head to your ass- gliding up your back and down again.
You take a moment to adjust, breathing shakily ‘cause his dick is so fat you think you might die. Or maybe you’re having a heart attack at your ripe age.
“Didn’t tell you to take any breaks, did I baby?” You’re annoyed at his pushiness, but you did have a bit of a sour attitude earlier. So you can only blame yourself.
You’re not sure how to entirely do this, but you move yourself up and down. Not at a fast pace, yet. Just that savoring your dad’s dick seems like a reasonable ordeal.
He doesn’t shut up, though. You’re learning just how much he likes to talk- as if he just wants to hear himself. Is he even getting off on you or the sound of his own voice? It makes you roll your eyes even if you do like hearing him say dirty shit.
"That’s my girl. So fucking good. Ride it nice and slow... Work that sweet pussy on daddy's cock.” You just might fall over dead hearing him say any of it- it’s disgusting but sweet Jesus are you eating it up. He must know it too because of how you clench around him involuntarily when he talks like that.
“You like when daddy praises you? Yeah, you love me telling you how good you are.” His words are husky and yet pleased with the previous tidbit of information.
“See how nice I am? Letting you sit on my cock after you made me wait earlier. Wasn’t very nice of you, now was it, baby?” His words have an underlyingly mocking tone, but you’d do anything to make him change it.
“No, daddy. Was really mean of me.” You whine pitifully, bouncing yourself on his dick like it’s your major in college and you’re trying to pass with flying colors.
“I know, baby. But daddy forgives you.” He murmurs, sitting up with you still on top of him. He’s flush against your back now- reaching in front of you to make those same tight circles on your clit. You both exchange your pitchy moans and his grunting and groaning- working up to a good point in both of your impending orgasms.
“Gonna cum in this pussy, got it? Daddy doesn’t like to pull out.”
You scramble a bit, squirming on his lap.
“Fuck, dad! You can’t do that!” You whine as his other arm holds you onto him- wrapped around your stomach. Your nails dig into his forearms, hopefully not leaving noticeable scratches.
“I think I can, baby. You’re squeezing me at the idea- I’m not fucking stupid.” He’s quick to be mean again, but you’d be a liar to say you’d don’t want him to cum in you. And you’re not a liar, that’s just deplorable- coming from someone who is literally fucking their dad with enough energy to power a small village for a month. And yet, you don’t stop riding him.
And your silence tells it all.
“Yeah- my baby wants a nice creampie.” He sounds more strained now, letting go of his hold on your stomach and using his hand to now guide you to roll your hips on him.
Sweat beads down Leon’s forehead, bangs sticking to his face as he watches your ass grinding against his lap.
“Fuck, baby. Just like that. I’m gonna cream this tight fucking pussy. Want that, don’t you? ‘Cause daddy’s gonna give it to you whether you want it or not.”
You should be a little more upset or concerned in any regard right now, but the last two days have made you into a proper whore to the point that you don’t even give a shit. Self respect crawled itself into a space shuttle and launched off of the planet, probably to never be seen again. Stuck in orbit, if you will.
You’re sucked out of the motions when Leon speaks again.
“Stop, stop.” He pats your bottom.
“Turn around, baby. I wanna see your face. Wanna kiss those lips while you’re on my dick.” Your stomach flutters with nervousness and a sickly sweet feeling. You lifted yourself from him with a trail of arousal to follow and maneuvered to turn around- this time he was holding his cock ready for you. Moments went by of you staring, getting a proper look of him since everything had been a quick blur so far.
“Come on, baby. Need you to mount daddy’s cock again. Told you I wanted to kiss you, didn’t I?” He exhaled, sounding a bit pent up. Jeez- seconds without pussy and he’s getting upset. Maybe he needs a therapist and anger management, not his college-aged daughter spearing herself on him.
You replied, yes, daddy. Sorry, daddy. Didn’t mean to make you wait, daddy.
You dropped yourself down onto him once more- only this time it was easier since you were able to get accustomed to his dick.
“Start moving sweetheart, make daddy cum.” He instructed, leaning in to take you in a kiss. It was more dirty than the last kiss, somehow. His tongue slipped between your lips- Leon lifted you with his hands on your waist before jutting his hips up to slam his cock snugly into your heat, groaning against your mouth delightfully.
His teeth nipped your lower lip- giving you a little further taste of just what kind of lover he is. Or maybe this is just the version you get. Either way, you can’t complain in any area. You feel lucky to receive even a sliver of it.
The familiar roughness of his thumb returns to your already throbbing bud- circling at the same pace he’s now moving at. Despite his age, he seems awfully enthusiastic to do strenuous work involving his hips. Bad back, my ass. Or maybe he’s able to put that on the back burner to please you. Probably worried if he doesn’t give you good dick then you’ll go tattle on him.
Leon didn’t break the kiss whatsoever while he pounded into you ruthlessly, he swallowed up every moan and noise you made like it was alcohol. ‘Cause that was his favorite, obviously.
When he pulled his mouth off of yours, a trail of saliva lingered- stretching out while you giggled on top of him. Something about you laughing almost made him nut immediately, but he held out just to prolong this and let it engrain into his mind for certain.
“Got the prettiest baby- look so good on my cock like this. Want daddy to bust in that pretty pussy?” He asked, looking for your approval.
“Uh-huh. Need daddy to knock me up.” The words came from god knows where, making even your eyes look bewildered for a second.
Leon laughed darkly at you.
“God, baby. Daddy’s so fucking close.” He muttered stupidly, almost like he was drunk. At least this could be an ego boost for you- but the fact it was your dad canceled that out. Dick only counts if it’s from someone that’s not related to you. His eyes did that half-lidded thing from earlier that you found so hot, and he pulled you down onto his cock one last time, spilling thick ropes into your blood-related hole. His dick pulsed as he let out a muted grunt, head lolling back and his adam's apple on full, stubbly display. You could bite it, just like a real apple.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He moaned. Jeez. He was a whore, honestly. The way he made noises and didn’t shut the fuck up was honestly… a case that should be studied. Maybe he had been turned out a time or two himself.
His cock didn’t soften though, nor did he not forget about you cumming. He lifted his head back up, looking down at where his thumb was. It was almost like he read your thoughts, not saying a word as he concentrated on making you cum. ‘Cause earlier he had been too eager to get in you and you were too eager to get on him.
Your nails dug into his shoulders (hopefully your mom wouldn’t notice any marks on him when she gets home from work later) and he gently fucked into you while you received proper attention on your aching clit. The combination of his dick keeping you full and the sensation of his digit sent you throbbing through your orgasm around him- low curses and other disgusting things coming out of both your mouths.
‘Cause you’re both disgusting.
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blookmallow · 1 year
ok the willy wonka fixation has been boiling somewhere in the back of my head ever since i had to supress it the other day so im just gonna go full stream of consciousness here until i burn out
( also yes i am aware of the upcoming prequel. i want to be excited but my expectations are low and the trailers felt very ‘trying too hard to be whimsical’ and not really genuine to me, but i refrain from judgement until ive seen it. im very open to the concept but uncertain about the potential execution)
SO ok so the thing is. i am a remake stan. in general and in the case of willy wonka. so. ok. about remakes. i genuinely think the people who reject remakes immediately on sight without giving it half a chance, and say they’re the true fans for doing so, are. hypocrites? thats not the right word. disingenuous? i dont know. my point is if you really love a story wouldnt you be excited to see a new telling of it? you dont have to like it, but people who say burton wonka sucks just Because its a remake and its not the original, thats just unfair to me
and if you dont like it because it isnt like the original - what would be the purpose of a remake if it’s exactly the same as the original? isnt the point to make it your own and put a new spin on it?
AND FURTHERMORE, gene wilder willy wonka is quite unlike the Actual Original, book wonka, to the point that roald dahl himself didnt even like the movie (i think. i havent researched that in a long time so my memory’s hazy)
and you know what! while personally i like the original more, its a major classic, nobody is gene wilder, nobody could ever be gene wilder, but johnny depp wasnt trying to Be gene wilder. he was playing his own version of the character and i respect that (you dont have to like him or his portrayal but my point is if he was just trying to be gene wilder it wouldve just been sad and weird. at least his version was unique and interesting)
so: if you hate it because its different? invalid, remakes SHOULD be different.
hate it because you hate johnny depp? fair, thats fine, you dont have to like him or his performance.
another complaint i see often is that ~they added all this weird unnecessary stuff~ and you know what????? Most of that is direct from the book. the dentist father backstory wasnt. you can criticize that. i personally dont have an issue with it but that is a departure from canon. however. the prince pondicherry story? from the book. grandpa joe used to work for wonka? from the book. wonka’s jungle adventures and how he met the oompa loompas? direct from the book. the oompa loompa songs have the direct word for word lyrics from the book for the most part. its closer to the original than the classic movie was, actually!
you know what didnt happen in the book? the fizzy lifting drinks scandal. the whole point was that charlie was a genuinely good, kind child who respected mr wonka, having him steal from him and be essentially the same as the other kids actively contradicts the point of the story! but we’re all cool with that, i guess??
another argument i see? oh its so weird to give this whimsical childrens story to tim burton, he made it so dark and offputting!
first of all. have you seen the original? remember the scary tunnel??? that shit is not in the book. that was never explained. they had no reason to put that in there but they did that for us. i love scary tunnel. but it has nothing to do with the original and is way creepier than anything tim burton did. plus you dont see the Bad Kids come out at the end so the implication that they just fucking died in there is way stronger (seeing them come out changed but alive happens in the book too!)
so, the original is possibly /scarier/, and on top of that - have you ever read a roald dahl book? any of them? this man wrote almost exclusively about horrible nasty scary things. he wrote a story about an evil crocodile who eats children (specifically, and spitefully) and then gets thrown into the sun and dies. he wrote about giants devouring children around the world every night while they sleep. he wrote about evil witches who lure children away to their horrible ghastly deaths for no reason other than They Hate Children. tim burton was a PERFECT fit and honestly i wish he’d gone darker
and dont even get me Started on “depp wonka is a pedophile!!!!!!!” because literally where the fuck did that accusation come from. again you dont have to like him. you can say hes weird and creepy and you dont like him. thats fine. but he never did Anything that remotely came across pedophillic in any sense. hes actively disgusted by children. violet hugs him and he is physically REPULSED. there are valid criticisms to be had here but he is Not A Pedophile and i am sick to death of hearing it
anyway. i think im normal now carry on
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navree · 4 months
how would you write Jason and the Batfam in the ASOIAF Universe 🤔👀
Ah, the two Great Interests (at least in terms of this week and what people want me to talk about)
The big thing is that I think Jason should get a dragon. You may be asking why Jason should have a dragon, and the simple answer is that I like dragons, and I like Jason, therefore Jason should have a dragon. This isn't even ASOIAF specific, if the main comics gave Jason Todd a dragon that he used to fuck shit up and murder all the various people who have victimized him over the years I would never speak a negative word about DC ever again for the rest of my life. #GiveJasonToddADragon
In all seriousness, Batfam can actually work in that sort of environment (which is why there are a LOT of medieval/fantasy AU fics out there for them) because they don't fall into the traditional format of the nuclear family, which is only a concept that really developed in the mid-20th century. Families in the times that ASOIAF pulls from, and thus ASOIAF by extension, are a lot more fluid, and so is the Batfam, for all that they are an actual family. I may have mentioned this before, but there are really only three of the kids that have actually considered Bruce as "Dad", no ifs ands or buts, from start to finish: Damian, as Bruce is his biological father, Cass, because David Cain is a piece of shit, and Jason, either because writers make Willis abusive to the point where Jason wants nothing to do with him, or even because he'd already been out of his life so significantly at such an early age due to jail-time and was unlikely to re-enter it so Jason just didn't really have space to view him as a father at this point. Everyone else has significant relationships with parents, particularly fathers, that's important to their characters (Steph's father is why she become a vigilante, Tim was actually really attached to his parents and has spent more time identifying primarily as a Drake than a Wayne, John Grayson's murder is a very significant and impactful event in Dick's life and someone he continuously honors for the rest of it, Barbara's dad is literally alive and present in her life and a good parent and Bruce's fuckin friend), so it does fit more into the fluidity of a world where warding and fosterage exists as part of the family dynamic, like how Ned spent more time in Eyrie with Robert due to both being fostered by Jon Arryn, and the bonds that creates.
So when it comes to Batfam, I could see, for example, Tim being the son of a more minor House being fostered by Bruce, especially if he's, like, the liege lord (and given that even in the main comics Bruce is basically more famous than God, him being a Lord Paramount of one of the Kingdoms would track), and eventually developing a bond similar to what we saw between Ned/Robert and Jon Arryn. And given that there was a tendency for brides to live among the groom's family during the betrothal period, if you wanna add some TimSteph, then that's a way to do it too (plus given the sexual mores of Westeros, you can even keep Tim two-timing both Steph and his girlfriend at the same time like in the comics! ok sorry that's the only bit of Tim-bashing you'll get I don't hate the little guy but he did do that). If you want to hew close to the comics and thus explain, for instance, why Damian wasn't raised by Bruce from the getgo but kept away for the first ten years of his life, you could have him be a bastard (from an Essosi noblewoman) that Bruce only finds out about, explaining why he has non-biological children/heirs as well. With Dick, I'd imagine him starting out not as a foster situation the way that we'd make Tim, but maybe a squire or smth while Bruce was pursuing knighthood when younger (to pull on how Bruce is significantly closer in age to Dick than his other kids and was a lot younger when he took him in) who takes on a more and more familial role as his parents die, given that young squires aren't out of keeping (Dunk and Egg, for example), and if Batman is The Dark Knight, what is Robin if not the squire?
For Jason specifically, I think you can keep a lot of his original backstory. If we assume that Bruce is lord paramount of a Kingdom with a big urban center, for instance, or even just plainly the king and thus has lands that include the largest urban center in Westeros, King's Landing, you can keep Jason's background as the child of an underprivileged family who eventually has to live on the streets and do a lot of unsavory things to survive after his parents are no longer able to take care of him. How he'd come into contact with Bruce is a bit more of a question, but as HOTD has shown us, half of these noble fuckers like to spend their time sneaking out of their castles and prancing around in hoodies to mingle with the commoners, and Jason in any universe is going to catch Bruce's eye because he's just that special (my favoritism is showing I'm aware but I don't care). And if Bruce is a lord/monarch who is unmarried and without children, and thus without heirs (especially since his family is small as Hell, Kate and her immediate fam are basically his own blood relatives until Damian comes along), then adopting a child to be his heir isn't as hard a sell (not to mention it is a common fantasy/mythological trope, to say nothing of how the Romans did this all the time).
One big change is that Jason probably doesn't die. Resurrection exists in ASOIAF, as we see with Beric Dondarrion and Catelyn/Lady Stoneheart and are likely gonna see with Jon Snow if George finishes TWOW before the 22nd century, but it operates on a much different level than how DC does it. Resurrection is an arduous, heinous process, deeply rooted in magic, and what gets brought back is never entirely the person who died. Beric doesn't remember a good chunk of his life before dying by the time we see him, nor does he really act like a human being, and Lady Stoneheart is of course entirely different to Cat, not to mention still physically quite dead due to the time that elapsed between her murder and being brought back. DC doesn't do that, resurrection doesn't have these heavy consequences for the resurrected party, as seen with Jason. Because Jason did not, in fact, come back wrong, he came back changed, and that change would have existed even if he survived, because Jason's change in morality and motivation is heavily influenced by his suffering at the hands of the Joker and the failure of those around him to prevent that or otherwise save him from it. So Jason in an ASOIAF verse likely doesn't die, but probably has something closer to the Arkham games/my theory on Rhaenys the Conqueror during the first Dornish War, in that at some point he is missing and eventually presumed dead, and likely not in a good physical place for a good chunk of time, before he somehow ends up far away from home to recuperate (in Essos? since we made Talia an Essosi noblewoman and she's key to his regaining faculties in the comics).
There'd also be a lot more social consciousness as it relates to oppression in Jason than we see in most ASOIAF characters. Jason as a character is someone who is defined by injustice, injustices done to him and injustices done to others (it's why, if I ever get a genie wish and am able to make the Batman show I literally have in my head, a lot of the focus of Jason's Robin tenure would absolutely be on how he wants to make his vigilantism something that does significantly help underprivileged communities that Bruce and Dick previously ignored because neither of them had to live on that side of the line, I have a lot of thoughts on that). So I could honestly see him inhabiting some kind of role similar to Dany, someone who focuses on liberation and equality once in the position and means to do so, because they remember what it's like to be subjugated. And honestly, if we make Bruce the King of the Seven Kingdoms, then rather than Jason's "lost days" being about him traveling the world to learn how to kill before coming back to hone the Red Hood plan in Gotham, he can actually have a sorta similar arc to Dany, though less white savior. Moreso Jason, as he travels through Essos, continues some socially aware tacts that he already had in Westeros (I'd see baby Jason under Bruce's care trying to do a lot of Rhaenys the Conqueror/Good Queen Alysanne proto-progressive movements and reforms in Westeros), repeatedly ends up joining in and helping out already existing struggles, and kinda accidentally developing a cult of personality because OMG, it seems like everywhere the masses rise up against the oppressors there seems to be this guy there helping out, let's find out who he is and band together. And then rather than Red Hood, he does his thing in Essos and invades Westeros to make Bruce's life super difficult.
Two things I'm not sure how to translate from main Batfam to ASOIAF would be 1) the women's roles, because Westeros is intensely patriarchal and deeply misogynistic in a way that the DC world isn't (it's still got a shitton of sexism, cuz our real world does, yes, but not on the level of Westeros), though I'd absolutely keep Bruce and Cass's intense connection and Barbara's disability 2) vigilantism. Bruce's, and by extension the Batfam's, vigilantism exists due to a set of circumstances that don't exist in an ASOIAF AU. Batman exists because Gotham has a structure of law and legal enforcement that is thoroughly inadequate to the point that actually using it is basically futile, so someone needs to operate outside the law to actually do anything to help people. This doesn't exist in ASOIAF because the ultimate arbiter of law in Westeros is the king and then to a lesser extent the lords paramount of each Kingdom. There is no police force or broader legal system that can so utterly fail that outside intervention is needed, there's just one guy, who is possibly even Bruce himself. He's the judge and the jury and the police and the court system all in one go, he wouldn't need Batman. So that element of it is likely removed, for more of a focus on familial intrigue and drama and dynamics.
Those are just some basic thoughts based on what started bouncing in my head when I saw this ask. I hadn't thought too much about this beforehand, so this was a fun little thought exercise! If anyone has any thoughts on expanded roles for other people I kinda brushed past or didn't mention or plot stuff, by all means feel free to add them or chitchat! This was cool!
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Three Sisters Ranch - Short Story Draft
The three sisters ranch ; my parents can't have seen the mess of it we would make after they decided to name it that, I have one sister who ran off to the big city and i only ever see when she's in need of money and another who i am doing my best to make sure she doesn't make the same mistakes as i did at her age.
We were the only female-led ranch in Mercy Parish, and probably for good reason. It would be hell on earth if it weren't the only life I knew. the long running joke was that i worked hard and stunk harder. I was up to my elbows in manure on a daily basis, between the horses that my wild-child sister Reign abandoned, and the chickens, duck, geese and every rescue animal that even remotely looked in the direction of my full-hearted empty-brained baby sister Harmony I did in fact always stink and that was before spending the majority of my day in the pasture with the heifers. Although, I always felt more comfortable with the animals than surrounded by people. Maybe I was a hermit, that hated people and loved being outside... wait im pretty sure that's a dictionary definition of a cowboy. Damn..turns out Willie and Waylon were right, you really shouldn't let your babies grow up to be cowboys...or in my case Cowgirl.
My name is Eden Hawthorn, my parents died when I was nineteen, I have been raising my two sister ever since. I have live in Mercy my whole life, I never left. I finished high school and came to work at the family ranch and I have been here ever since.
It was my one day away from the Ranch, in town for a supply run. Canning Jars, Animal Feed and Pizza. As I walked out of the feed store I heard his voice "Hey there Beautiful, nice to see you're still alive" His taunting voice always put me on edge. I turned to see his smug face. "Kade Thompson.. Do you live to torture me?" "Aww come on, you know you love me really" I just laughed as I wrestled the last bag of feed into the bed of my pick-up. I turned to face him to speak again before the feed bag began to fall. I lurched forward to grab it, before I knew it his large callused hands were wrapped around mine. We moved the bag back into the truck in unison. His hands were still on mine long after we had re-placed the bag.  “Kade!” He looked at me a little absent mindedly “Can I get my hands back?” “Oh Crap, Sorry Edie”  I whack him playfully, that nickname could only be used by two people and they were both dead.  “Sorry, Eden” He corrects before letting my hands down gently “Ahuh..” I mumble before beginning to cross the street to the Pizza Parlour. “Wait up” He follows along “You know I didn’t mean it, old habits and all” He explains  I turn to face him  “I know, we’ve been friends since Kindergarten. You wouldn’t start a fight you would definitely lose” I tease softly  He steps in front of me happily, looking around, that smug amused grin plastered on his face “Lose..who me?” He grabs me playfully lifting me off of the ground.  “Put me down Kade” I try to keep my voice serious.  “You know you love me, tell me you love me” He teases as he starts to sway us, my feet still inches off the ground. “You’re right, I do love you.. Like a brother” I grin a little maniacally He puts me down, stepping back, grabbing his heart, groaning softly “Friendzone.. Damn Eden.. you know I don’t belong there...I don’t know why you just hurry up and marry me like your parents wanted” I look at him my eyebrows raised “What so you can steal my farm and sell it to some heartless real estate mogul?” I laugh before I see the hurt of my words. His face had grown serious, his brow furrowed “I would never do that to you Eden. I’m not him..” He voice low but steady as he clenches his Jaw and begins to walk away  I follow after him, grabbing his large hand and manouvering myself to stand in front of him. I step onto my tip toes and softly kiss his stubbled cheek “That’s all you get today ... you know I didn’t mean it.”
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osakunt · 3 years
Hi!so i heard your request is open and may i request a hc where The haitanis(saperately)were in a arranged marriage and before meeting the bride they were like hating it and will make sure to run hell on their bride.BUTTT when they finally met they realise that its their crush who they are(madly)in love with.Make it Flufff
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➟ Thank you for requesting, babes ! Pls enjoy <3
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When he gets told that an arranged marriage is to happen. He was calm. But not calm enough
When asked to at least follow up and text the person he is to marry him, Ran automatically turns away acting like he didn’t hear shit.
The man cringed at the idea of even getting married with someone he didn’t know. So this is what he did
1. Made sure to text the person “just know I already dislike you”
2. Went out with random people and post on his social media because he knew you’d find out some way or another.
3. Trashed his place so the people who supervised him gave you a bad report about him. Sadly he got a little OCD and decided to clean up -
Plan A :backfired 🏃🏻‍♀️
Once it was time to finally meet each other, Ran thought it was a good idea to not get dressed formally. He wore a shirt that he specifically cut holes into and some shit colored pants and hair untamed.
“I hope (L/n) - san still goes along with this. They’ve been thinking of backing out. I understand that the peace between both gangs are on the line. And seeing how Ran has been acting, I doubt Bonten will even have a good clan to be their back bone when needed”
Hearing Kakucho talk to Kokonoi, Ran instantly stops and speed walks to the area the two were standing. “L/n ?? As in (L/n) (Y/n)… Kucho tell me it isn’t the the youngest of the (L/n) clan ….”
“It is….do you know them” Kakucho was lost as fuck but seeing the older man freak out he called in Rindou to help his brother out.
Once things were explained and cleared up, Kakucho sighs and sends the oldest Haitani to go fix up.
“Bet you were surprised it was me, Hmm ?” Ran sees your mouth moving but isn’t paying attention due to him taking in your appearance. The way you held yourself and greeted him even after the shit he had done to get you to rethink things.
“Y/n, I think this’ll work” Ran throws you a lazy smile. To think that he would throw a chance away with the person he was in the dumps for was completely stupid to him. Why would he want to throw away something that can bloom into something real. Something loving and something one and only.
“We can even get married now” he swings an arm around you, coming all up on you like Toji’s worm.
Let’s say his family wanted his bum ass to get married already so his parents said ‘fuck it, let’s arrange a marriage for him’
“The hell makes you think I’m going to go through with this ?” He yells looking at his superiors not carrying if they were his parents “ You’re 23 going onto 24. It’s time” his mother mocks him leaving the room to deal with other things. She didn’t care if he was throwing a fit.
Rindou being more snarky than Ran, he goes around making comments on how he’s fucked this big number of women and for all he knows could have children.
This is false. Yea he’s had his little sexcapades but wraps his willy cause like…fuck them kids
Anywhore ~ he found a way to get in contact with you even if the rules said that you guys couldn’t talk just yet until a certain day.
“Listen. I don’t know you and you don’t know me. If you were the one to suggest this false of a fake- fuck you. HONESTLY FUCK. YOU. who the hell do you think you are getting my family to agree to this shit” he hangs up without letting you even talk and you’re just there like ‘oh so this is how he wanna be ? Bet say less’
Seeing that Rindou isn’t going to at least try to make a good out of it, you decide to speed the meeting closer. As much as you didn’t want this, you wanted to at least meet with the big mouth who talked down to you.
The days comes and there he is. The click clack of your heels is heard on the shiny floor. Starting from you legs and traveling up to meet your stoic gaze and raised eyebrow - Rindou’s eyes widen at who was in front of him.
“Just came to say that you’re free to go. I only ever accepted cause I heard good things from your parents and cause I actually kinda liked you. Oh well it is what it is” you step to turn around but Rindou gets up from his seat in the café
“…..don’t go….I mean not yet- fuck” he can’t believe the fuck up he is going through right now.
Pushing back his hair from his face, he offers you to sit and you comply with the most professionalism you could give. “In my defense I didn’t know it was you. I wouldn’t mind having you as my wife ,ya know. To be fair I actually tolerate you.”
“I’ll accept this marriage simply because it’s you” his words caught you off guard because this bitch just cussed your ass out ?! SIR WTF !!
When Rindou got home after convincing you to continue the arrangements - he strides into his parents home to give them a hug. “Why didn’t y’all tell me it was Y/n. I thank y’all for understanding my wants” he kisses his moms cheek and hugs his father like never before
“Should I send her an apology with roses, or something…??”
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the cliché prompts: how about willex + carrying bridal style? <3
"Willie, please, I--"
"It's okay, Alex," Willie replies brusquely as he continues walking away and Alex rushes after him.
"No, please," Alex begs, "I can explain!"
"You don't have to explain," Willie says as he picks up his pace, clearly trying to lose Alex before they make it back to the village. Alex tries to keep up, begging and pleading for Willie to stop while simultaneously struggling to keep one foot in front of the other.
"Please, just let me explain!" Alex tries again once they've entered the village, which is completely empty due to the time of night.
Alex's nerves heighten as he realizes that it's very quiet and if he keeps shouting after Willie, he's surely going to draw more attention to himself. But if he doesn't try to talk to Willie now then he might never speak to him again.
"Willie," he hisses as he finally gets close enough to Willie to grab his arm, just as they're passing by the large fountain near the center of the village.
"Just stop!" Willie snaps as he wrenches his arm free from Alex's grip, and the shock of it all is the final straw - Alex loses his balance.
He stumbles backwards as he trips over his own feet, and when one of his heels hits the edge of the fountain behind him, he goes tumbling into it. Alex yelps in surprise and horror as he hits the water and in a flash, his legs disappear.
Alex looks up from his luminous scales, hating them more in this moment than he ever has before, and sees Willie staring down at him with complete shock in his eyes. Alex swallows deeply and winces as he turns away, preparing himself for the inevitable onslaught of vitriol that he's been taught to expect.
But nothing happens. Alex slowly turns his head back around, half expecting to find himself alone, but Willie's still there. He's crouched down and is staring at Alex's tail with wonder, but his eyes flick up to meet Alex's a moment later.
"I-I can explain," Alex blurts out, but it's a lie. He has no idea what to say.
Willie lets out a soft breath and lifts his hand, causing Alex to flinch.
"I'm not--" Willie says quickly as he freezes. "Alex, I'm not going to hurt you."
"You're not?" Alex asks, still holding his breath. When Willie shakes his head, he lets it out in a sigh of relief.
"I would never," Willie whispers, his eyes working their way back down to Alex's tail. "You're beautiful."
Alex shivers all over and this time when Willie goes to touch him, he doesn't recoil. Willie still pauses, asking for permission before he goes any further, and Alex slowly nods his head.
The moment Willie's fingertips touch his scales, Alex shivers even harder.
"I'm sorry," Willie says, snatching his hand back as he looks at Alex with worry. "Did I--"
"It's okay," Alex replies with a heavy breath. "You… you don't have to stop."
Willie waits a beat, licking his lips before he slowly touches Alex again. He's so gentle that Alex feels faint; he's never felt anything like this before. His eyes slowly close as Willie runs his fingers along a few more of his scales, and Alex has to bite his tongue to keep from making any noise.
"How do you…" Willie pauses and Alex opens his eyes to see Willie biting his lip. "How do you get your legs back?"
Alex huffs out a laugh as he props himself up, splashing a little more water around. "It, umm, it happens when I dry off… but…" He blushes as he gives Willie a sheepish look. "I can't really get out of here on my own."
"Oh, yeah," Willie says, laughing a little. "Right."
Before Alex can say another word, Willie steps into the fountain and scoops him up into his arms. It happens so fast that Alex hardly has a moment to think before instinct kicks in and he loops his arms around Willie's neck. Their faces are now as close as they were right before they kissed on the beach, which feels like a lifetime ago.
"Is this okay?" Willie asks, his voice nothing more than a whisper.
From this close, Alex can see the faint blush in Willie's cheeks. Above them, the clouds part to let the moon shine down on the village and Alex's breath catches; Willie looks even more stunning in the moonlight.
"Y-Yeah," he whispers back.
"I can, umm," Willie shifts Alex in his arms and carefully steps out of the fountain, "I can carry you to my house?"
"Yeah," Alex repeats, his voice cracking a little from his eagerness. "Th-That sounds good," he adds, trying to sound more casual.
"Okay." Willie laughs softly. "It's not far."
Alex nods his head, holding on tightly as Willie starts walking away from the fountain. Willie's head twists around to make sure nobody else is around to see them, but for once Alex isn't worried about someone finding out about his secret.
He just keeps staring at Willie.
filled prompts
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redheadsinmybed · 3 years
Sick days
Wanda x Natasha x Reader
Summary: Readers appendix ruptures. What happens when reader has to get surgery???
Notes: Hey guys!!! Here’s another one for ya!! Hope you enjoy!!!
Wanda wakes up to a hotter than usual weight on her chest. It was you. Uh-oh she thinks. You had just returned from a mission out in Alaska. You thought that a winter coat would be enough to keep you warm. And it did, until you fell off the ice and into the water.
When you got home you were exhausted and went right to bed with Wanda and Tasha. Wanda takes her hand and feels your forehead. You definitely had a fever.
Wanda carefully reaches over to wake up Nat. Since Natasha joined your relationship she’s been sleeping with you and Wanda every night. Wanda on your left and Nat on your right, you loved sleeping in the middle. Getting to be cuddled by not one, but two of your girlfriends.
You were on top of her right now with your head in her chest. Wanda knew that if she moved she would risk the chance of waking you up.
Wanda decided to wait to wake Nat up wanting you to get as much sleep as you needed. She sighed knowing that you probably weren’t going to feel good when you woke up.
Wanda uses her powers to carefully get you off her and cuddled up against Nat. Then she gets out of bed to get you some medicine. When she came back she noticed that Nat had woken up and had a worried look on her face.
“She has a fever,” Nat says quietly, not wanting to wake you.
“I know I was going to wake you up and tell you but I didn’t want to wake her up. I got her some medicine for when she wakes up,”
“Poor baby,” Nat says looking down at you.
You feel like sh*t. You haven’t even opened your eyes but you can hear your girlfriends talking about you. Just great, you just had to fall in a frozen ocean.
You groan when you try to snuggle closer to Tasha. Your abdomen hurt, really stinkin bad.
“Hi baby” Nat says softly.
“I know you probably don’t feel good baby, but I need you to swallow this.” Wanda says holding up a clear cup of pink medicine.
You finally open your eyes. When you see the pink medicine you instantly hide your face in Tashas chest.
“Protect me from that woman with the mean medicine” You say into her chest. You feel Natasha chuckle.
“I’m sorry baby, but I agree with Wanda. You need to take the medicine.” You launch yourself from your hiding place groaning in pain.
“Since when did my girlfriends become such meanies?” You say looking between the two.
“Take it, right now or no cuddles for the rest of the week,” Wanda threatens you. You gasp in disbelief.
“You wouldn’t” You say staring her down.
“Oh I would, Tasha too,” you look at Nat with puppy dog eyes but she just shakes her head.
“You should listen to your mama, baby,” she says.
“She’s not my mama when she’s being mean,” you pout, “And she’s only my mama when I’m little. And I’m a big girl right now.”
“You sure aren’t acting like it,” Wanda says.
“Fine” you say mumbling something about being a grinch and hating mean mamas. You take the cup and swallow it down in one go. Gagging and being dramatic about it after words.
You didn’t think it was dramatic, it tasted bad, but your girlfriends definitely thought you were overreacting. Luckily Wanda had grabbed you some juice to wash out the bad taste afterwards.
You take the cup glaring at her because you wouldn’t have needed the juice if she hadn’t made you take the medicine.
You sit on the bed pouting not looking at either of your girlfriends. Wanda and Natasha exchange looks. They definitely noticed that you were more childish when you were sick and in your big state.
You flop backwards onto the bed and whine in pain.
“You guys are the worst girlfriends ever,” you say not even look at them
“You still love us though,” you hear Wanda say. You try hard not to smile at her comment. Instead taking the defensive way out.
“No I don’t,” you say.
“Well if you don’t love us then I guess you won’t get anymore cuddles from now on,” Nat says to you. That is the second time your cuddles have been put on the line this morning and now you were mad.
“You know what,” you say sitting up carefully and getting out of bed, “I don’t need you guys or your stupid cuddles,” you say as you move to the door.
“Where are you going,” Nat asks you.
“Somewhere where my cuddles aren’t going to get repeatedly threatened,” you say as you shut the door.
“She’ll come back,” Nat says because Wanda has a worried look on her face. She just shrugs and gets back in bed with Nat.
Now what? You were walking outside the compound slowly, your abdomen still hurt. You walked around the parameter lost in thought.
Your plan was so genius that you out geniused yourself. You really thought that one of them would ask you to stay. Why didn’t one of them ask you to stay.
You start to spiral down a deep path. Maybe they didn’t want you around. Maybe they just wanted time to themselves. Maybe they didn’t… didn’t love you enough.
When you come across that thought you start to cry, switching to your little state. You keep thinking that thought on repeat as your cries got louder.
“Mama,” You say through sobbs, did she not love you enough?
Wanda sat up in the bed she was lying in. Untangling herself from Natasha where they were cuddling.
“Something is wrong…” Wanda says.
“You feel it too?” Natasha asked. Wanda and Natasha lock eyes.
“Y/N,” they say at the same time. Both jumping out of bed and getting out of the room.
“Friday where is Y/N,” Wanda says after not seeing you outside the door.
“Miss Y/N is outside the compound. She seems to be in distress.” Friday says above.
“Dang it,” Wanda says, her and Nat running outside. When Nat and Wanda see you you 're on ground curled up into a ball sobbing.
“Baby?” Nat says as she approaches you carefully.
“Mommy?” You whisper through tears. You must've dropped when you were outside Nat thought.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Wanda asks you.
“I-I fought y-you didn’t love m-me. Do y-you not love me?” You ask through tears.
“Baby of course we love you, why did you think we didn’t?” Wanda says.
“Cause you did-didn’t stop me from weaving. Fought you didn’t want me,” you say sadly.
“We always want you baby, no matter what. We should have stopped you and for that I’m sorry,” Nat says to you helping you up.
“Willy?” You ask looking up at both of them.
“Yes baby,” Nat tries to pick you up but stops when you scream out in pain.
“Hurts mommy,” You say as new tears form in your eyes.
“Where does it hurt baby girl?” Wanda asks as she wipes the tears off your face. You point to the lower right side of your abdomen. Nat and Wanda exchange worried expressions.
The medicine that they gave you should be working right now, and having a fever shouldn’t be affecting your stomach.
“Baby this is going to hurt but mama needs to carry you back inside to get you checked out by Bruce,” You nod at her trusting mama to make it hurt the least possible she could. Wanda leans down and scoops you up avoiding your stomach.
You whine out in pain and she coos at you telling you it’s going to be okay. You hide your head in the crook of her neck and suck on your thumb.
When you get back inside the three of you make your way to the medical wing.
“Friday, tell Bruce that we're coming up to have Y/N checked out,” Tasha says.
“I will do that right now,” Friday says above. When you guys arrive Bruce is already waiting for you.
Wanda tries to set you down on the bed but you whine and don’t let go of her. You start to cry when she tries to take your hand off her shoulder.
“Okay, okay. Baby don’t cry,” She coos at you as you hide your face back into her neck.
“Hi Bruce, sorry she’s shy,” Nat says to Bruce.
“That’s okay, so what is the problem?”
“Well I tried to pick her up and she screamed out in pain, and I asked her where it hurt and she pointed at her right lower abdomen. We thought she just had a cold because she has a fever, we gave her some medicine but it didn’t seem to work,” Nat explains to Bruce.
“Okay, well it sounds like she might have ruptured her appendix. Did she fall and hit her stomach or anything like that.”
Tasha looks over at Wanda. They have been with you since you got home.
“She fell off the ice and into the water on her last mission. She could have hit her stomach then,” Tasha says.
“Baby girl, mama needs you to remember when you were on your mission. Did you get hit in the abdomen at all while you were out there?” You stay still for a while just thinking about it.
You shake your head yes into mama’s neck. Bruce asks you some more questions and confirms that you ruptured your appendix and will need surgery tomorrow. Wanda and Nat thank Bruce before taking you back to their room.
Wanda lays you down on the bed into Natasha and you snuggle up into her. Then Wanda joins you two.
“Baby girl, what’s wrong,” Natasha asks.
“Swared mommy,” you say into her.
“What are you scared of, baby?” Wanda asks you.
“S- sur- surg,”
“You’re scared of the surgery baby,” Nat says more than asks.
You shake your head yes.
“Baby, it’s okay you don’t have to be scared,” Wanda says to you.
“Wut if it hurts?” You ask.
“If it hurts then mommy and I will kiss it better,” Wanda says.
“Promise?” You ask.
“Promise,” both Natasha and Wanda say.
You smile and close your eyes. It was about 2 in the afternoon, but they let you sleep for a while.
When you wake up it’s about 4. You were big and only snuggled up around Wanda this time. Wanda was watching a sitcom while you slept. You groan in pain.
“Hey sleepy head,” Wanda says to you.
“Where’s Tasha?” You ask her.
“She’s training with Clint right now. She’ll be back soon. How are you feeling?”
“Like someone took a baseball bat to my stomach.”
“Aww i’m sorry baby, you’ll feel better tomorrow.”
“Can we do something when Tasha gets back?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know something fun so I can remember it in case I die,” you say seriously.
“Baby you are not going to die. I promise I will not let that happen to you. You can’t get away from us that easily,” Wanda says to you. You nod your head. Cuddling back into Wanda and waiting for Tasha to come back.
“OOOOO!!!!!!” You say out of the blue.
“We can go to the beach and take a truck, and have a picnic in the bed of it while we watch the sunset! And- and we can fill the bed with a bunch of blankets and pillows and cuddle!!!!!” You squeal out with a huge smile on your face forgetting the pain in your abdomen.
Wanda laughs and shakes her head.
“Sounds perfect baby.”
You wait excitedly for Natasha to get done with training while you and Wanda pack food for your picnic.
“Tasha, Tasha!” You say when you see her enter the kitchen.
“I see someone is happy,” she says with a smile.
“We are going to the beach for a picnic and in the truck we’ll have lots of blankets and pillows and we are gonna watch the sunset while we cuddle!” you say with the biggest smile on your face that Nat has ever seen.
“Sounds like you got it all planned out baby”
“It’s going to be great!!!” You say with a squeal. You and Wanda finish up packing all the food. Then you go to the bedroom where you grab your love blanket and Bunny, your stuffed koala.
Wanda and Natasha grab some more blankets and pillows. You guys make your way out of your room and spot Tony.
“Hey Tony,” you say waving to him.
“Can we take one of your trucks to the beach?” You ask him.
“Hmmm, I don’t know Y/N. You were so mean to me during the play date,” Tony said to you.
“I wasn’t being mean, I just wanted to play cars with Steve, plus you only had one action figure.” You say, he seems unconvinced.
“Please, this could be my last day on earth,” you say to him with puppy dog eyes.
“What?!?” He asks, shocked.
“Yeah I could die during my appendix surgery tomorrow,” you say seriously.
“Oh, I thought you were serious.” He says
“What? I am being serious”
“Yeah I know, but you realize that the death rate for that procedure is less than 2%?”
“Okay whatever, can we use a truck, pleaseeeeeeeeee?” You ask.
“Yeah sure”
“Thank you so much” You say smiling and giving him a hug. You, Wanda, and Natasha walk out to the garage.
“You are awfully affectionate today baby,” Wanda says to you. You make a noise of agreement as you pile everything into the back seat of the truck. Wanda got in the passenger seat and Tasha got into the drivers side. That meant you had to sit all alone in the back seat.
“Wanda, will you sit with me in the back?” You ask with puppy dog eyes. Wanda could never say no to you so she gets in the back with you. You sit in the middle seat so you can cuddle up into her.
You lay your head on her shoulder and she strokes your hair. You close your eyes falling asleep on Wanda.
You feel someone shake your shoulder.
“Baby, time to wake up, we are here,” you hear Wanda say. Then you remember, the beach. Your eyes fly open and you jolt upright groaning in discomfort.
“Lets go,” you squeal excitedly getting out of the car. Wanda and Natasha following you.
You put a big king sized blanket on the bed of the truck. Then you put the rest of them on top along with the pillows, the love blanket, bunny, and the picnic basket. Wanda helps you climb up into the bed of the truck. Soon after Tasha and Wanda join you.
You eat in silence letting the waves talk to you. Once all of you are done you guys put everything back into the picnic basket and off to the side.
You arrange the pillows so that you can lean up against them where the bed meets the rest of the truck. You scoot back and Natasha and Wanda follow you. You are in the middle like always, you pick up the love blanket and throw it over Wanda and Tasha. Making sure that they are both covered by the blanket you lean into Wanda while Tasha puts her head in your lap.
You three watch as the sun sets. Yellows and Oranges slowly blend into pinks and purples. Snuggled in between your girlfriends you close your eyes feeling warm and safe drifting off to sleep.
Waking up you realize it’s morning. You are in bed cuddled up on top of Wanda, covered by your love blanket. Natasha isn’t in bed with you two, or in the room. You get off from Wanda carefully trying not to wake her. But, you do.
She yawns and stretches her arm out searching for you or Nat. When she comes up empty she whines and opens her eyes. Spotting you she sleepily smiles.
“Morning baby,” you say to her.
“Mmm morning”
“Thank you for last night,” you say, going over to her to give her a kiss. She immediately deepens it tugging at your bottom lip making you groan. She begs for entrance to your mouth and you let her. Muffled moans coming from both of you when your tongues touch.
“Ahem,” you hear pulling away. You both look up to see Nat smirking at you two.
“So this is what I miss when I try to make breakfast in bed for you two, unbelievable.” She says with a smile.
“You made breakfast? For us?” You ask. She shakes her head and rolls in the cart that has your favorite on it. Your eyes light up as you walk over to her, kissing her deeply.
“Thank you Tasha,” you say as you pull away, her lips chasing yours. You laugh and boop her nose.
“Yeah yeah, go get back in bed,” she says. You turn around and she slaps your butt playfully making you squeak and turn back around to see her smiling while biting her lip.
You get back in bed with Wanda and Nat brings the food trays over to you two then she gets in and puts her own tray in front of her.
“Wait… am I even allowed to eat before surgery?”
“Oh my god, I forgot.” Nat says as she face palms.
“Y/N I’m so sorry, I just wanted to do something nice for you,” she says as she puts her head in her hands.
“Hey Tasha, it’s okay.” You say taking her hands in yours.
“I can just have it after.”
“Are you sure?” She asks, sounding defeated.
“I’m positive, thank you for thinking of me,” you say softly kissing her.
You all avoid eating and instead cuddle until it’s time for you to go down and have your surgery. Making your way down to the medical wing you tell your girlfriends that you’ve never had surgery before and that you have no idea how you’d act when you are on the drugs.
You changed into the gown that they give you and lay down on the bed. They have to put in an IV which means you’ll have to get a shot. You hold Wanda’s and Natasha’s hand when they do it squeezing tightly.
After they give you the IV they roll you down the hall.
“I love you guys,” you say to Wanda and Natasha when they stop you right in front of the door that says ‘surgical wing permitted people only’
“We love you too,” Wanda says
“We’ll see you after surgery,” Nat assures you.
When you come out of subconscious you hear a rhythmic beeping noise. You notice that both of your hands are being held by someone. You open your eyes to see that Natasha and Wanda are the holders of your hands.
You also see that you are wrapped in your love blanket and Bunny is sitting on your bed. You squeeze both their hands the best you can.
Both their heads shoot up at the same time.
“Hi baby” Wanda says with a smile. You try to say hi back but your throat is too dry for anything to come out. Natasha gets you a cup of water and puts a straw in it for you.
“Hi,” you finally say after taking a sip of water.
“How are you feeling?” Natasha asks you.
“Tired, but good,” You say to them as silence encases you.
“God you are beautiful,” you say out loud, clearly the drugs they gave you is affecting you.
“Who?” Natasha asks you.
“Welllll you are super beautiful,” you say to Natasha.
“But have you seen her? She’s like a goddess. You say pointing to Wanda with big doe eyes.
“I wish she was my girlfriend,” you whisper to Natasha, at least you thought you whispered it to her. Wanda giggles and Natasha just smiles at you.
“Baby, I am your girlfriend,” Wanda says to you.
“Yes Tasha too,” Wanda says to you. You look at Natasha and she shakes her head agreeing.
“Wow… So have I had sex with you yet?” You ask Wanda, not remembering. Wanda blushes and Nat snorts.
“I mean cause you are, like, super beautiful, like so beautiful,” you say repeating yourself.
“You know someday when I get the chance imma marry both of you,” you say. Wanda and Natasha just look at each other surprised.
“Ooo Bunny!” You say grabbing Bunny and holding her close to your chest as you yawn.
“I’m tired,” you say out loud.
“Okay baby, close your eyes, well be here when you wake up.” Natasha says to you as you close your eyes drifting off into sleep again.
When you wake up there’s no more annoying beeping noises. You can feel two bodies on either side of you and you instantly know it’s Wanda and Natasha.
You groan in pain, the drugs long worn off. You open your eyes seeing that you are no longer in the hospital, but in your room.
“Hi baby,” Wanda coos at you.
“Hmmm,” You hum back.
“How are you feeling?” Natasha asks you
“Pain,” You groan out as you sit up.
“Here, I’ll go get your medicine,” Wanda says as she starts getting out of bed.
“No, I can get it,”
“Babe, you just got out of surgery,” Natasha says to you.
“I’m fine, I can take care of myself. You guys don’t need to fuss over me. Plus I have to go to the bathroom anyways.” Wanda and Natasha just give each other worried looks as you get out of bed.
Walking like an old hunchback you make your way to the bathroom. Filling a glass cup with water you set it down getting out the pills you need. You take your pills and put the glass back down on the counter.
You must’ve missed the counter though cause the next second you hear the glass shatter to the floor.
Wanda and Natasha hear it too and rush over to the bathroom. You had locked the door so Wanda has to use her powers to get it open.
When they open the door they see you curled up in a ball crying and wet. The sound must’ve made you drop and you had wet yourself.
“Hey baby, it’s okay it's just mama and mommy,” Wanda says as she comes near you.
“Mama, I-I’m sorry,”
“It’s okay baby girl. You just had an accident, it's okay. Did you get hurt, baby?” Wanda asks you while checking you over. You shake your head no.
“Okay baby, do you wanna take a bath?”
“Will you and mommy join me?” You ask shyly.
“Of course we will baby,” Wanda says to you. Natasha had already cleaned up the glass and started the bath.
Wanda undresses you and helps you sit down in the bath. She gets in across from you and Natasha gets in behind you holding you to her front.
Natasha and Wanda wash you up whispering sweet nothings to you. When they’re are done they help you dress and into bed.
You snuggle up to Wanda holding her with one arm and your other safely secure around Bunny. Natasha holds you from behind and you drift off into a peaceful sleep knowing you’re safe and loved.
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epicene-humanoid · 4 years
some trans Jeff thoughts:
he realized he was trans in elementary school and just went fuck it I'll just start introducing myself as Jeffery and see if anyone decides to stop me (as we know, jeff winger can get away with almost anything)
he got top surgery the second he could afford it (around the same time he started at his law firm), and probably bribed someone to keep it a secret
"I'm jeff winger and i would rather look at myself naked than the women I sleep with" are the words of a man proud of his transition
he's really insecure about his fashion sense, which is why he mostly dresses like the douchey guys at his firm in the start of the show, he thought you can't go wrong with the sleazy lawyer look
he will never admit it but he feels super good about the dean hitting on him, because the dean is a (cis) guy, acknowledging that Jeff is more manly than him
i think he starts out stealth and comes out to everyone one by one, probably starting with abed because he knows abed won't judge him and will probably just see it as an interesting backstory.
abed just says it's cool and maybe worth a prequel exploring Jeff's transition, and jeff asks him to predict how all of the members of the group will react to him coming out.
abed's predictions:
britta will be over-the-top supportive and do a ton of research about trans history, probably put together a slideshow just to prove how progressive she is, and jeff will be a little bit weirded out, but also touched that she did all that for him, though he would never let her know that
shirley will be confused, because she doesn't know how someone she trusts and knows so well could be part of a group she was raised to hate, but ultimately realizes that there's nothing actually against the lgbtq people in the bible, and, as a cool character development arch, starts to advocate against use of the bible to justify bigotry
troy will just think it over and decide that Jeff's physique and coolness are even awesomer knowing how much work he'd had to put in to be like that, and respects Jeff's manliness even more
annie will give him a hug, say something sweet about how she'll always love him, and worry about his health, because even she read somewhere that taking testosterone makes you more likely to have a heart attack, jeff will explain that the risk is still only as high a cis guy, and she'll be the one to always remind him to take his shots
peirce will say at best say "jeff winger used to be a chick?" and at worst call him a slur, either way there's sure to be a lot of misgendering from him, and pestering to know Jeff's deadname (needless to say, Jeff just doesn't tell peirce)
the whole group goes out of their way to keep their beach trips a secret from pierce (the girls don't want him there anyways, he's too liable to be creepy) even though jeff knows that even if pierce saw his scars, all he would have to do is make up a story about some childhood accident and pierce would never question it
sorry this ended up being super long. can I hear some of your headcanons for him?
YES ALL THIS!!! yes yes i’m fully accepting this as canon oh my god
i’m about to type a whole ass ESSAY at midnight because i have been DYING to talk about this for months ajfdksljk,,, this is going to be obscenely long and i might end up adding even more to it as i continue to rewatch the show because there is truly no shortage of trans jeff content (especially when you’re trans and see transness in every little thing ajdkslfkjs)
spoiler warning for literally everything about this show under the cut <3
i 100% agree, i feel like he realized he was trans super young, especially since in the show we see him as a little kid a couple of times. 
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like look at little jeff with the oversized sweatshirt and little ponytail!! that’s childhood trans fashion. not to be dramatic but part of me thinks that jeff’s dad left before he fully came out to his family (which gives him even more angst about it, because until that one Thanksgiving episode, he’s never able to prove to his dad that he’s a better man), but part of me thinks that his dad left after he came out (which adds that spicy i-should-have-stayed-in-the-closet guilt that he has to work through). 
either way, because his dad wasn’t there, he had to base his concept of masculinity on something else, which was becoming a lawyer!! there’s some line that’s like “after the dust and divorce papers were settled the only man i looked up to was [the lawyer guy]”. like, replacing your father figure in your mind with the concept of “a job where you can talk your way in and out of anything and distort other people’s concept of reality”? that’s trans.
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 and the fucking THANKSGIVING EPISODE... i struggle to watch it without crying hehe <3 yeowch! the dichotomy of willy jr. being the “wrong” kind of man because he’s “too soft” but jeff also not being enough despite adhering to all the social standards of masculinity... fuck!! this whole scene of him telling his dad “i am Not well adjusted” and talking about how he gave himself an “appendix surgery scar” when he was a kid and he still keeps the get-well-soon letters from his classmates under his bed? oh my god. the implication of people loving him not despite his scars but because of them?? trans. i can’t think about this episode for too long or i’ll start yelling.
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OH and this scene? where he talks about how his mom got him a girl costume for halloween?? and everyone said “what a cute little girl” and after a few houses he stopped correcting them?? and “once the shame and the fear wore off, i was just glad they thought i was pretty”?? THAT’S TRANS... the man needs validation oh my god... and then in all the halloween episodes we see he has these ultra-masculine costumes (a cowboy, David Beckham, one of the fast and furious guys even though he never watched the movies, a boxer with his DAD’S boxing gloves... god) costumes are about becoming something else and he always chooses to be hypermasculine and that is trans.
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THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION EPISODE!!!!!!! being uncomfortable during P.E. is a queer experience. period. but him being specifically uncomfortable in the clothes someone else is assigning to him? trans. “are we gonna talk about clothes like a girl? or use tapered sticks to hit balls around a cushioned mat like a man?” TRANS. and him eventually stripping in public? celebration of transness. and the fact that he eventually becomes comfortable in both the uniform and his own style!! trans!! god i love this episode. 
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AND AND AND!!! the gay dean coming out episode!!! where it’s the three of them discussing the best way for the dean to come out as gay despite not entirely identifying with that label!! so we have both frankie and the dean who are sort of ambiguously queer, and jeff who’s a stealth trans man who’s probably only out to only the study group at this point. this scene where the dean and jeff have this like eyebrow communication while frankie is talking is just so cute. queer-to-queer communication. “I am so curious” “oh?” “intellectually.” “oh...” ajfdksljfk this scene just screams high school GSA to me and i love it so much.
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and SPEAKING of the dean!! i totally see you on that. i feel like jeff has some internalized homophobia/biphobia (like he’d throw punches over someone else, but when it comes to himself he has a lot of shame). and also seeing the dean so confident in all his different outfits/costumes has a weird affect on him bc it’s like “okay, the dean, a cis guy, can do that, but i as a trans guy could Not because that’s Breaking the Rules”. which, like, throwback to the halloween thing. of course there’s no right way to be masculine, but mr. winger does not know that.
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another thing!! the episode where their emails get leaked? that includes his emails with his therapist. fuck!! he was outed to the whole world in that episode!! no wonder he was so fucking angry!! this whole episode (and really any time he mentions his therapist) is so interesting when you think about them as a person he talks to about his transition. OH which adds to the thing with the dean!! “and you told your therapist you wanted to be alone this weekend” and “not you jeff, i know you’ll be visiting your dad” ”I told you to stop reading my emails”. luckily his study group has his back and just makes fun of him for emailing astronauts lmao
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and WHO can forget “they’re giving out an award for most handsome young man!!!!” what else is there to say about this line besides: he’s trans. you know he didn’t get awarded enough for being a handsome young man when he was a kid, and no amount of compliments when he’s fully-grown can really make up for that. some people crash a kid’s bar mitzvah to cope with the fact that they struggled to be seen as themselves when they were a teenager <3
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also his weird relationship with pierce? where he kind of hates him (understandably lmao) but at times has this almost-friends-almost-father-son relationship with him? especially in this episode where he’s forced to bond with him and ends up having a good time by accident (at a barber shop no less, the perfect place to Be A Man with your Man Friend). idk what to say about him besides the fact that pierce says his mom wanted a girl when he was born and made him dress like a girl (and his middle name is anastasia!) so if they’re gonna do any bonding over transness it’s gonna be that. 
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okay one last thing and then i’ll shut up for the night. this episode kills me (and almost kills jeff hahahahelpi’mcrying). it’s a very Trans thing to not be able to visualize your future self, it just is. growing up trans at the time he did? i don’t know what kind of future he saw for himself, but i’m so happy that he ended up with a group of friends who became his family and love him the way they all do. i’m so emotional over this asshole it’s ridiculous. 
in conclusion:
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they’re trans, your honor <3
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
thoughts on 1950 by king princess being a dellivvy song?
bestie so so so true actually.
"I hate when dudes try to chase me
I love it when you try to save me"
Is definitely centered around Della. She's a Vacker (I know it's not her surname but I don't care rn.) So all the boys are trying to chase after her and win her love and affection because she's the perfect wife. Gorgeous, and from a prestigious family.
But Livvy isn't interested in that. She loves Della for Della and nothing else. She loves hearing her talk, and she just wants to be around Della because she wants to, not because of her family.
I could also imagine Livvy knowing that all the different boys trying to woo Della annoys her to the end of the earth, so maybe on her Winnowing Gala she sneaks in and the two run away for the rest of the night, watching the stars while all those at the house wonder where the girl of the night went.
Oh oh and
"So tell me why my gods look like you
And tell me why it's wrong"
I could totally imagine Livvy saying that. She loves Della and she knows that she's miserable in the life that she's living, so why can't she just run away with her? Why can't they just move in together and fuck the rest of the elves? What's stopping them?
"We can't just run, Livvy," Della says, gripping the sides of the sink with her hands. Her head is bent down into her chest, so Livvy can't see her face.
"Why not? You're obviously not happy here, and-"
"Because it's wrong!" Della spins around, her eyes glazed but her face twisted in fury. "Why don't you get it, Liv? I can't just go around willy-nilly, kissing girls when I feel like it!"
"Why?" Livvy asks, moving closer. She entangles her hand with Della's, surprised when she doesn't pull away. "Why can't you kiss who you want?"
"-it's wrong, yeah you said that. But explain it to me, tell me why it's wrong."
Della looks away, letting out a sigh. She closes her eyes.
"I think you should go," She says, letting go of Livvy's hand.
Livvy feels her heart drop to her stomach. "Dells..."
"I said, I think you should go."
"So, I'll wait
For you"
I can just imagine, Livvy watching Della get married, hearing about her kids and only getting a few meets for coffee. Waiting and waiting and waiting, but never truly give up. Because she would wait a thousand more years if only it meant that she could love Della Vacker openly once more.
"I hope you're happy with me in your life
I hope that you don't slip away in the night."
Della watches the happiness drain out of Livvy's eyes at every word that leaves her mouth.
She's getting engaged.
She's having a child.
She's so happy now, so fulfilled with her family. It's everything she's ever wanted and more.
But she also hopes that Livvy can read her as well as she used to. She hopes that she can see the lie in her eyes when she tells her that she's never wanted anything more than this. She hopes she can see the hidden message that Della has been trying to tell her for all these years. I want you.
But she never does.
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representshinjuku · 3 years
Aibou Back Again
(google drive link, including double trouble)
Otome: In place of all you foolish men, unable to cease your conflict--we, the women, will rule. 
Sasara: What’re you laughin’ for, Samatoki?
Samatoki: Who the hell could listen to this and not laugh? The top just picked a fight with all of us men. ‘Course I’m gonna take it up with ‘em! 
Sasara: Haha. That is something you’d do. 
Sasara: Heya there! Sasara-san’s making his gallant entrance!
Samatoki: Could you come in any louder?
Sasara: Ahaha! C’mon, don’t say that. 
Samatoki: You’re so damn…
Sasara: Huh? Why the long face? 
Samatoki: So? What’re you here for today?
Sasara: Huh? Ah, yeah, yeah. I brought your half. Here.
Samatoki: So this’s a Hypnosis Mic. 
Sasara: I applied last week. Didn’t think I’d get ‘em so fast, though. And everyone who wants can have one. I don’t get it. 
Samatoki: They’ve got some shitty ulterior motives or somethin’. 
Sasara: You can say that again.
Samatoki: Should we try ‘em out?
Sasara: Yeah.
Sasara: I dunno about the theory behind it, but these sure do some real damage.
Samatoki: More than I expected.
Sasara: Well, fightin’ with words’s better than fightin’ with fists, at least. 
Samatoki: Well, a fistfight’s still faster.
Sasara: You’re a real violent guy, y’know. But if they’re just handing ‘em out willy-nilly, somebody’s gonna try and abuse that.
Samatoki: Yeah. They will.
Sasara: If this’ll eliminate violence, you’ll stop gettin’ into fistfights, and Nemu-chan can stop worrying, right? Ahaha! ...Hahaha! ...Huh? R...Right?
Samatoki: Huh?
Sasara: Something happen? Why the long face?
Samatoki: Tsk. It was nothing.
Sasara: It definitely wasn’t nothin--
Nemu: Onii-chan! 
Samatoki: Nemu… What’s wrong?
Nemu: Everything, and you know it! Onii-chan. I told you this morning not to do it, but you still went and did something to the boys in my class, didn’t you!?
Samatoki: Something? I just found a couple a guys tryna make a pass at you and said hello.
Nemu: We were just talking!! But you grabbed his collar and said ‘If you get any closer to my little sister I’m gonna pin you up like a dead bug and make you into a human specimen, got it?’ How can you call that just ‘saying hello’!?
Samatoki: Ghh…
Sasara: Samatoki… So that’s what you did, huh. 
Nemu: You did this to me in middle school, too! And thanks to you, all of the boys were so scared they wouldn’t even talk to me!
Samatoki: Isn’t that a good thing?
Nemu: I told you to stop and you still did it again!
Sasara: Hey, hey, calm down you two!
Nemu: Onii-chan! Just stop doing violent stuff like that, okay? And, Sasara-san, sorry for bothering you!
Samatoki: Hard to believe she’s got a nice side. 
Sasara: So the reason for the long face is because you had a fight with Nemu-chan, huh. 
Samatoki: Tsk.
Sasara: I’ve been thinkin’ this, but you’re really a lil bit too protective of her, Samatoki.
Samatoki: Hell no I’m not. This’s normal, normal.
Sasara: No, it’s definitely not. Tellin’ a kid you’re gonna turn him into a human specimen makes you sound like a kid, too! I get that you’re worried, but calm down a little. Or else Nemu-chan’s really gonna start hating you.
Samatoki: ...If that happens… then it happens. 
Sasara: I know you think it’s better to go at everything alone, but you’re siblings. I think you can rely on her a little more. 
Samatoki: Shuddup! Don’t start criticising how I raise her. 
Sasara: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. 
Samatoki: This’s makin’ me sick.
Nemu: Onii-chan! 
Samatoki: What happened!?
Nemu: He was collapsed in front of your office.
Samatoki: What? Explain.
Sasara: Looks like he got beat real bad. 
Samatoki: Hey, you okay?
Samatoki’s teammate: Yes. Somehow…
Samatoki: Who did this to you?
Samatoki’s teammate: The Tobari brothers. 
Sasara: Those two fools? They ambushed you? 
Samatoki’s teammate: That’s… They were up by the station North Exit, coercing their way into money to bribe the authorities with. And then, once I found their underlings…
Sasara: They ambushed you. 
Samatoki’s teammate: Yes. They came at me all at once…
Samatoki: Those goddamn…
Nemu: Ah, onii-chan!
Sasara: Samatoki, wait! Even if you-- Damn it. That stupid idiot. Nemu-chan, look after him for a bit. 
Sasara: I lost him. He’s not thinkin’ straight… And he’s alone… How rash can you get?
Samatoki: Damn it. 
Sasara: Samatoki. You’re safe. So? What happened?
Samatoki: Their hideout was completely deserted. 
Sasara: Good. Going in alone was way too reckless. 
Samatoki: I could take a dozen of those maggots easy, all on my own.
Sasara: Hey… Can’t you think about this a little more calmly? 
Samatoki: I’ve got a hunch. I’m gonna go in and raid them. 
Sasara: Samatoki, wait!! 
Samatoki: Lemme go!
Sasara: Going alone’s too reckless!
Samatoki: Don’t care. I’m gonna beat ‘em down.
Sasara: Calm down! You’re gonna go in without a plan?!
Samatoki: I’ve got a plan! I’m gonna go and beat ‘em down. 
Sasara: You idiot! ‘Raid them’ isn’t a plan! 
Samatoki: Don’t care! Let me go!
Sasara: I won’t! 
Samatoki: Tsk. Sasara. Stop fuckin’ nagging! You’re not even my team member! Why’re you doing this?
Sasara: That’s--! (thoughts) Back then, I just waited, doing nothing. And in the end, I drove Rosho into a corner, and we disbanded. So then, I… I think of you as my partner! And if a friend is about to make a mistake, no real friend just stands back and watches! 
Samatoki: Shut up. The hell do you think you know about me, huh!? Stop talking down at me you bastard! 
Sasara: Idiot!
Samatoki: The hell!?
Sasara: You’re like this with Nemu-chan, too, but you’re always tryin’ to go off on your own! Just rely on us already, will you!? (thoughts) Oops. Might’ve gone a little too far with that one. This isn’t a lecture, it’s just me talking as your partner! 
Samatoki: Ha. Just you talking? So it doesn’t mean shit whether I listen to you or not?
Sasara: I… guess it doesn’t. 
Samatoki: Sasara! Lend me your strength!
Sasara: ...Huh? Y-Yeah! If you and me join forces, there’s nothin’ that could scare us! 
Samatoki: Those fuckin’ worms are all gonna die!
Sasara: You got it. So let’s go back to the office and start collecting intel. 
Samatoki: ...Got it. 
Sasara: What happened here?
Samatoki’s teammate: Samatoki-san… Sasara-san… I’m so sorry…
Tobari Zanen: Oh my. You’re back early. 
Tobari Zansei: This girl’s your little sis?
Nemu: Onii-chan…
Samatoki: Let Nemu go right now!
Zanen: Oh? I think it would be best if you stopped right there. If my brother’s hand were to slip, your dear little sister might become damaged goods. 
Zansei: You heard ‘im. 
Sasara: Cowards. Bringing all this support with you…
Zanen: Go on, curse at us all you like. 
Zansei: These’re all guys with a bone to pick with Samatoki. We hardly even had to ask ‘em to come. We’ll take that pretty face of yours and make it into a bloody mess!
Zanen: And, for insurance, we took care of all your little friends.
Samatoki: Too bad for you. I’ve still got a friend here!
Zanen: And what do you believe the two of you alone can do?
Sasara: When he and I join forces, there’s nothin’ that could scare us!
Zansei: Don’t underestimate us! There’s a dozen of us. We’ll make you regret acting so overconfident!
Zanen: Now, end them!
Samatoki: ...Sasara. Gimme a Mic.
Sasara: Oh? I thought a fistfight was supposed to be faster?
Samatoki: I can’t fight them in front of Nemu.
Sasara: Ahaha! Are you growing up a little?
Samatoki: Shuddup and hand it over!
Sasara: Sure, sure. No mercy for poor ol’ Sasara-san.
  Yo, don’t go layin’ a finger on Nemu, you worms
Pest control’s here to exterminate you
The strongest tag team versus the extras
If you're a CRT TV, then we play in 4K
That’s the difference in our skills
Well, you heard ‘im. We’ll take you out with a bang-bang!
Sorry in advance
Samatoki, Sasara, union of East and West
Samatoki & Sasara:
S&S, the best connection
Sasara: It took a hot second, but we blew those pesky evildoers right off. 
Samatoki: Nemu! Are you okay?
Nemu: Yeah! Thank you, onii-chan.
Samatoki: I’m glad you’re safe. 
Nemu: That Mic…
Samatoki: Ah, yeah. It’s a Hyp-whatsit Mic. 
Sasara: A real piece of work. Straight from the future, if you ask me. 
Nemu: That’s…
Samatoki: Hey, Sasara. 
Sasara: Huh? What’s up?
Samatoki: There’s gonna be more guys who try using these for evil. 
Sasara: That there are. 
Samatoki: So I… No. So we can keep cleaning up all that trash, Sasara…
Sasara: Huh?
Samatoki: You wanna take over this city?
Sasara: Hm. (thoughts) So I join with him and reform the world through rap? And then, if I could keep using my comic dialogue with this Mic… Ha! Sounds like fun. Samatoki! Let’s do it. 
Samatoki: Heh. I’m countin’ on you, partner. 
Sasara: Haha! If we’re in this, next we’ve gotta pick a team name!
Samatoki: Team name? We don’t need somethin’ like that.
Sasara: We do! Putting a name to it’s important, too.
Samatoki: Fine, I guess. What were you thinking?
Sasara: Hmm… I’m a comedian, and you hoof it like a madman, so… ‘The Comic and the One-Trick Pony’! How’s that?
Samatoki: I’m gonna kill you for that one, who the hell’s a one-trick pony?
Sasara: Don’t be a neigh-sayer, I’m just horsin’ around. 
Samatoki: Don’t be punny! 
Sasara: Don’t complain if you have no suggestions!
Samatoki: Tsk. A name… We can keep thinking about it. We don’t gotta decide it right now, do we?
Sasara: Well, I guess. We can have a naming party at your house later!
Samatoki: What? Why at my house?
Sasara: Nemu-chan? We can, right?
Nemu: Yep! Of course!
Sasara: Nemu-chan says it’s fine!
Samatoki: Tsk. Well, whatever. Just don’t leave a mess.
Sasara: Got it, got it!
Samatoki: It’s hot! Don’t cling, it’s annoying!
Sasara: Hahaha!
Samatoki: And stop laughing!
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plaidbooks · 3 years
Cabin Life - The Beginning
A/N: You all need to blame both @storiesofsvu and @berniesilvas for this! I want woodsman!Sonny to be real so fucking bad, so that he can sweep me off my feet. Anyways, this covers the Cabin in the Woods square in @storiesofsvu fall bingo!
I don’t mention it in the story, but in my mind, this takes place before he’s in SVU, even before Homicide. I have him mid-late 20s.
Tags: none, just fluff
Words: 1330
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart  @beccabarba  @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy  @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl  @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @caracalwithchips @berniesilvas​  @reading--mermaid  @averyhotchner  @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles​ @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31
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(gif by @dailypeterscanavino)
When Sonny was a kid, his parents would take him and his sisters to their vacation home; a homey cabin nestled in the New Hampshire woods. There were multiple cabins there, spread out over the land, close enough to be considered neighbors, but far enough for privacy. They had basic appliances—a fridge/freezer, a stove/oven, a sink, a bathtub, a shower, a toilet—but everything else was wooden. Dom Sr. eventually put a tv there, just in the master bedroom, so he could keep up with news and sports while they vacationed.
Sonny always loved the little community up there. Everyone was always so nice to him and his family. Which is why, after dealing with atrocities while on the force, he decided to retreat from city life. He hated being surrounded by monsters every day; sure not everyone in New York City was a creep or predator or murderer, but after seeing so much of the city’s underbelly, he was fed up.
He asked his parents if he could move to the New Hampshire house permanently. They would still be able to vacation there, of course—it was a massive, four-bedroom cabin—but he just needed to get away. He agreed to pay for everything, and he still had his cell phone so they could contact him if needed. It didn’t take much convincing for his parents to agree.
It was definitely an adjustment going from the heart of NYC to becoming a woodsman. Sonny grew his hair and beard out and bought plaid jackets—the things he saw woodsman do on tv when he was younger. The cabin needed work, especially clearing up the outside foliage, giving him some sense of purpose. And if he needed food, there were the local markets close by and a grocery store about an hour away.
The locals all remembered the scrawny little boy who spent his summers running around the woods with his sisters, and they all gladly took him under their wings. After Sonny hacked back the overgrowth, Mr. Piper taught him how to do controlled burn piles. Mr. and Mrs. Willis came over soon after, helping him measure out, then build an elevated garden. Mrs. Willis taught him how to make nutrient soil, while Mr. Willis gave him seeds, and taught him how to care for each and every vegetable.
When Sonny got the cabin, he inherited the small apple orchard, too. His pa taught him how to care for the trees while his ma taught him recipes for apple pie, cider, tarts, jams. He noticed how much he relied on bees to pollinate, and Ms. Walters, the local honey provider, taught him which wildflowers were 1) regional to them and 2) attracted bees. Sonny built another elevated garden, this time on his own, and filled it with wildflower seeds Ms. Walters gifted him with.
There was a creek nearby, and one day, Sonny found Mr. Adams fishing in it. Sonny proposed a deal; Mr. Adams gives Sonny an old rod that he wouldn’t miss, and Sonny would teach Mr. Adams the best way to clean and cook the fish. Mr. Adams agreed and gave him a sturdy rod. As Sonny went about cleaning and deboning the fish they had caught, he complimented Mr. Adams on his herb garden.
“Herb gardens aren’t the hardest thing to manage,” he said with a smile, and gifted Sonny with starters for every herb he could think of— “as payment for this phenomenal fish recipe!”
Third elevated garden up and running, Sonny fell into woodsman life easily. His muscles grew, though he was still thin; he was lean, though, not lanky anymore. Any questions he had, the locals had answers for. He grew his own food, fished his own fish, and bought (or traded) meat from the local hunters. Soon enough, the locals were calling him, asking for help with something or other. And Sonny loved all of it.
During the weekly Autumn Farmer’s Market, Sonny rented a little booth. He had brought multiple apple pies, tarts, bottles of cider, apple chips, packages of herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, lettuce, and everything else he had in abundance…that would also fit on only two tables. When he first started harvesting, he would give most away, or trade for other goods, but he also needed to make money some way. So, the extras ended up here.
He was in the middle of chatting with Mr. and Mrs. Willis about how his gardens were coming along when he saw you. He froze halfway through a sentence, his jaw hanging open, prompting the Willis’s to turn. Mrs. Willis looked back at Sonny, a knowing smile on her face.
“She just moved back in with her parents; she had been living in New York City for a little bit, trying to make a life there, but, well, as she said herself, she’s not a city girl,” Mrs. Willis explained.
Before Sonny could respond—or tear his eyes from you—you glanced over at him. You smiled warmly, and his heart beat faster. When you started coming towards his little booth, he scrambled to clean himself up, brushing his hair back off his face, smoothing down his shirt, trying to wipe some dirt off the front. Mrs. Willis gave him a smile before looping her arm with her husband and pulling him away.
“Hello! I’m new here, but I must say, your booth is probably my favorite,” you said, still smiling at him.
It took him a moment for his brain to process your words. “O-oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“All of your food looks delicious. I mean, look at this squash! It’s bigger than my head!” you announced, giggling.
He had never heard anything more magical in his life. “Do you like pie? I can give you a slice,” he replied nervously.
“How much?” you asked. You loved both apples and pie, and his looked amazing.
He gave you a soft smile. “It’s on the house; a sweet treat for a pretty woman.”
You felt your face heat and you smiled shyly as he unwrapped a pie and cut into it. He cut off a generous piece, and you opened your mouth to complain about taking it for free, but he brushed you off, placing the piece on a plate and handing it to you. You took a bite, and you swear your taste buds were dancing; it was the most delicious thing you ever tasted before, the sweetness and the tartness balanced perfectly.
You chewed thoughtfully before swallowing it. “That is the best damn pie I’ve ever had. Ever. But please, share with me, Mr.…?”
“Call me Sonny, please. Sonny Carisi,” he replied, a goofy smile pulling across his lips.
You gave him your name, then offered him a bite. You both stood and chatted while exchanging bites of apple pie. He told you about his decision to leave the city and live a simpler life, surrounded by good people. And you told him about how you had always heard of the big city and decided to live there. But after a few months, you missed the woods too much, and you came back home.
“I feel a little silly living back at home in my adult life. I’m hoping to get my own cabin one day…maybe build it from the ground up,” you finished.
Sonny nodded in understanding. “Well, if you ever need anything, anything at all, you can always ask me. I’m not the most knowledgeable about cabin life quite yet, but I have the knowledge of who to call for advice.”
“Well, thank you, Sonny. Maybe I’ll take you up on that,” you replied, and he smiled. Then you leaned over the table of his goods and kissed his scruffy cheek before winking and walking back to your parent’s booth, giving him a little wave. The smile and look of absolute adoration in his eyes would be a fixed image in your mind for a while.
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Monstrous Secrets Chapter 6
Eris Vanserra x reader
Word Count: 1970
Summary: The High Lord’s meeting.
It was by sheer bad luck that you were sitting next to your cousin when Beron and family strode into the gathering of High Lords. It was by even worse luck that Eris had his sleeves rolled up, inadvertently revealing the bargain marks that so perfectly matched yours. You could see realization dawn on each of your friends’ faces even as his family remained perfectly oblivious. You hoped with every fiber of your being that they didn’t think you’d struck a deal with him willy-nilly, even more so that you didn’t make a deal about Mor.
Rhys, if you can hear me, let me explain before you jump to conclusions.
Judging from the almost simultaneous crinkle of their noses, Rhysand and Feyre seemed to notice the scent of your bond with Eris. 
Well, at least they won’t think something worse I guess.
Nesta just raised an eyebrow.
Doesn’t matter. We don’t get along anyway.
Mor’s eyes just flitted between you and your mate, growing wider and wider in horror.
Please don’t hate me.
Cassian and Azriel, though, were the worst with their twin expressions of disgust that they didn’t even attempt to hide. 
And there goes life as I knew it . . .
Then your eyes strayed to Eris himself. The first time seeing your mate in over fifty years, and it’s like this, under these circumstances. You would not cry in front of these people, you swore to yourself. You wouldn’t. Though Cassian’s accusing scoff of, “Just tattoos, huh?” What’d you sell to him, your soul?” damn near made the tears fall despite yourself.
You studied Eris instead of acknowledging your (former?) friend, noticing the struggle etched into his face that made it look as if he wanted nothing more than to hold you.
Rhysand’s voice flitted through your mind, “So that explains why I thought I smelled you in that meeting with Keir . . .” Nothing more. Such a neutral statement that gave you no hints as to what he was thinking.
It was Feyre that reached over, across Rhys, to touch the hand you had clenching the arm of your chair. Her eyes spoke of someone who knew what it was like to have a mate that was hated and to be forced away from them. If anyone in the world would understand what you were currently suffering through, it was her. “Go to him,” she ordered softly. “We’ll sort out the rest later.”
As soon as you were on your feet, Eris was moving--family be damned, apparently--towards you. You met in that undefined no man’s land between the people of the Autumn Court and the rest of the High Lords. In an instant, you were hauled up into a desperate kiss--audience be damned this time. His hair was cut short, you noticed when you went to grab a fistful. You wondered when, exactly, he’d done it and why.
“What is the meaning of this?” Beron demanded.
When Eris pulled away slightly, you opened your eyes to see that his were still squeezed closed and his jaw was clenched.
Eris’s jaw twitched again, to the point you were worried about his teeth cracking under the strain. You leaned up on your toes, cupping his face in your hands, and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips while sending soothing feelings across your bond.
“They seem to be mate,” Rhys announced as your returned your weight to your heels, and you could just hear the cocky smirk on his face like he’d known the entire time.
“Be that as it may,” Helion spoke up, reminding the group that there were, in fact, others present beyond the Night and Autumn Courts, “we have more important matters to discuss today.”
Eris reached up to grasp one of your hands so he could kiss your knuckles before parting.
The meeting continued relatively smoothly after that, despite how tense the situation with Tamlin was or the curious/awkward/angry glances people were shooting at you and Eris. It wasn’t until you were in the suite provided for the Night Court that anyone even brought up the topic that left such a stain on the atmosphere. When they did, you couldn’t help but think about how Eris was probably going through the same and worse at the hands of his father wherever he and his family had disappeared to. The sharp pings of anxiety and pain that were slipping through the bond only made you worry more, fingers tracing over the black bands instinctively.
“How long?” Cassian demanded as Azriel vanished with Mor, neither sparing you so much as a parting glance.
You shifted your wings nervously, and your hand fell away from the tattoo, not wanting to draw even more attention to them. “Remember that first ball I went to in Spring when you all wanted me to play spy?”
He snarled as he turned and punched a nearby column, thankfully not doing much damage to the thing.
“Now, now, don’t destroy this place,” Rhys teased though you could still hear the strain in his voice and see it in the way his mouth was pinched at the corners. To you, he asked, “Why did you never tell anyone?” Tell me? he added in your head, clearly hurt.
You scoffed, arms moving to curl around your middle. Your wings were starting to cramp with how hard you had them squeezed against your back. “Can you imagine how his father would have taken that?”
“Doesn’t explain why you never told us!” Cassian shouted.
Wow, having your closest friend turn on you hurt more than you could have imagined. Still, you snapped at him, not wanting to back down. You’d earned your place, Cauldron damn it, and it wasn’t by being cowed every time a male raised his voice. “Don’t you think I wanted to?!” Now, you were toe-to-toe with the feared general. “At first I kept quiet because I was a fucking slave and an Illyrian and he was a fucking heir to one of the courts! And he was betrothed to my friend and I didn’t even know if it would go anywhere! And then--”
“And then Mor happened,” Feyre realized, “and you couldn’t because how could you tell your family that you loved a monster?”
On some level, you knew that she could relate because Rhys had a similar reputation; she had to, in order to put it into words that succinctly. Against your better judgment, you argued, “He’s not a monster.”
Cassian scoffed.
“He’s not!” Your head whirled back to his, hand whipping out to shove him back even just a step. “So only Rhys is allowed to have that sort of façade?! Eris was trying!” You knew you were broadcasting your anger in a way that was likely overwhelming to Feyre and Rhysand, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care. “You heard it from his own lips; breaking off that engagement was all he could do for her. There wasn’t time for a better plan. Not when the one he’d been working on before got blown to smithereens!”
“So you’re going to blame her?!” Cassian’s fist clenched in a way that made your stomach do the same. 
“No!” you shrieked. “Cauldron, no.” The mere thought of it brought tears to your eyes yet again. “Do I wish we’d both been more open and talked about this shit before that happened? Yes. Do I wish Eris and I had come up with a plan sooner? Absolutely. Would I ever blame her for the shit she went through? Never.” You looked at the ceiling in an attempt to blink back your tears. “She was my best friend, and I have barely been able to look her in the eye for five hundred years because of something that could have been solved easily if not for the backwards beliefs of others. You cannot imagine what it’s been like all this time. You just can’t.”
Fere seemed to notice something based on the gasp that slipped past her lips and the worried look she leveled you with. “When was the last time you saw him before today?”
Your wings shifted nervously, a tell you’d been trying to rid yourself of ever since Rhysand pointed out in your youth. Again, your hand moved to touch one of the black bands; however, that was a consions, self-calming action. “We said our vows while Amarantha was stealing the High Lords’ powers,” you admitted aloud for the first time. It felt even more horrible than any time you’d thought those words to yourself. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Rhysand’s fists clench. Even Cassian seemed taken aback by the admission. “It was too dangerous to meet after that.”
“So tonight . . .” Cassian’s voice was much calmer now, as if he was starting to understand your side. He was, after all, your closest friend even if he was pissed at you.
“Was the first time I’ve spoken to or even laid eyes on my husband in over fifty years.”
Feyre and Rhysand exchanged a look that told you everything you needed to know about whatever mental conversation they were having. No doubt, they were discussing how horrible that sort of separation from a mate would be, especially after the taste they’d gotten when she was recently undercover in Spring.
“Don’t mistake what I say next for forgiveness or finality,” Rhys said after they looked away from each other once more, “because there’s clearly a lot we need to discuss as a group and as a family.” The spark of anger in his eye, something so rarely directed towards you, made you shrink in on yourself a little. His voice slithered into your mind through the little passageway in the mental wall you kept open just for him, Especially the fact that you think of yourself as less than him because of what you are. “But he will be allowed here tonight without any harm coming to him. Just stay in your room to spare Mor and Az.”
“His father won’t let him out of his sight, Rhys. Not after this.” He’ll be lucky to make it out without blood being spilled.
He lifted a brow as if to say, “Oh, really?” as he strode over to open the door to dramatically reveal Eris Vanserra posed on the other side as if to knock. His violet eyes turned icy as he gave your mate a once-over. “From the sound of it, I’m about five hundred years to late, but if you ever hurt her--”
“You’ll let your dog finish what he started,” Eris interrupted. “I’m aware.” His gaze was locked onto yours as he spoke, and you could feel the shared urge to have your arms wrapped around the other. You could read the tension in his stance, the way he was holding himself revealing that he was in pain as well as worried about you. He was wearing a different shirt, this one with the sleeves fully covering his tattoos. None of this boded well for what he’d been enduring while you were fighting with your friends and family.
Rhys made a noise somewhere between a snort and a scoff, oblivious to the observations you’d been making. “Traded one of my cousins for the other. Just destined to be part of the family aren’t you, Vanserra?” He waved off whatever Eris was about to argue, ignored the golden flames that shone in his eyes. “Just go. Enjoy the time you have together before the world goes to shit. Again.”
Immediately, you stepped away from Cassian, who you were still close enough to feel the heat off his body because of the arguing mere minutes (had it been only minutes?) before, so you could grasp Eris’s hand and lead him to your room.
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pink-flame · 3 years
Promises Kept - A WFW Missing Scene
Soooo...I let it slip earlier to @mamirugbee that in my original plot outline for We Found Wonderland the scene where Luke finally wins the ring was there. I ended up not writing it because I thought that would be too much angst on top of everything else and you all would riot. But she wanted it and I love her so I wrote it. But then I got distracted with other angst on the way to that angst...so you also get the immediate aftermath of Julie leaving. Oops. It's 2 for 1 night for WFW angst! Just remember I WAS ASKED FOR THIS. Love you, Jenni. 💜
Luke held it together pretty well for approximately three days.
After watching Julie disappear right in front of his eyes, while he smiled...smiled to show her he would be ok...he had sunk to the ground, very much not ok. He had stayed there, just outside the garage doors, dizzy and sick to his stomach while the reality of the situation washed over him until finally the change in light alerted him to the fact hours had passed. He realized somewhere vaguely in the back of his mind through the haze of mental static that the rest of the guys would be home from school soon. He didn’t want them to see him like this. He didn’t want to be the one who had to tell them what had happened, didn't want to see the hurt in their eyes or even worse the sympathy. His instincts were screaming at him to run away from the situation, to escape like he had escaped his parents’ house when their smothering attention and rules became too much. The urge to grab his acoustic and walk out and never come back was strong, his fingers clenching and unclenching at his side as he turned the idea over in his mind.
In the end it was never really an option.
He couldn’t leave his friends.
He couldn’t leave his band.
He couldn’t leave his parents, not again.
And most of all he couldn’t leave the life Julie had almost sacrificed everything to make sure he got to live.
He had promised her a lot of things. That they would make things work somehow. That he would win her that dumb ring. That he would help her reconnect with her dad. That it would always be him and her, Luke and Julie, in it together against nosy bandmates, and questionable record labels, and the looming possibility of being separated by thousands of miles (back when that had seemed like as far apart as they could get).
And he had promised her that he would take care of their friends, and follow his dreams and do his best to be happy.
It turned out that the one promise he had made her that every inch of him was screaming out in protest against might be the only one he could actually keep.
So he would.
Luke unclenched his palms and placed his hands flat against the pavement outside the garage doors. He took a deep if shaky breath then pressed them into the firm surface until he managed to haul himself to his feet, his legs protesting as he forced them to move through their stiffness. He just had time to drag himself into the bathroom and splash cold water on his face before he heard the telltale sounds of his friends approaching, their boisterous voices carrying from all the way down the driveway. He emerged back into the studio, purposefully turning away from the doors in a desperate bid to buy himself a few extra seconds to compose himself before he had to explain Julie’s absence.
“And then I said if a platypus is a mammal where’s their nipples cause that’s how mammals feed their kids, right?”
“Reggie, I don’t know what made you think we want to hear this conversation…”
“Oh come on, Bobby, where’s your intellectual curiosity. Go on, Reggie.”
“Right, so then Mr. Gleeson said they don’t have nipples. They feed their babies by basically sweating milk through milk gutters.”
“Ok...I take it back, Bobby was right. I now know way more than I ever wanted to.”
“Luke, will get it. Hey, Luke! Guess what I…”
Luke turned slowly to face his friends and watched their faces fall as they took in his tight expression. Apparently his efforts to school his face into a neutral mask had failed epically. Luke realized his hands were shaking and shoved the offending appendages into his pockets hoping that would hide the effects of his runaway emotions.
That also seemed to be wishful thinking.
“What’s wrong?” Bobby asked bluntly, taking half a step towards Luke before stopping short when he saw the way he flinched. “Oh.”
“Luke, I’m…” Alex swallowed hard and glanced away for a moment seemingly fighting with his own emotions. “I’m so sorry.”
Reggie was the last to speak, the panic stealing over his face like a punch directly to Luke’s chest.
“Where’s Julie?”
When Luke didn’t answer right away he asked again, shaking off Alex’s attempts to place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Luke, where’s Julie?”
“Home,” He answered simply, his voice steady despite the emotions still raging inside of him.
He knew what he had to do now.
He had to honor Julie the only way he could, by helping his friends be ok.
“What? No,” Reggie protested, looking back and forth between his friends as though expecting someone to tell him it was a joke. “She wouldn’t. Not without saying goodbye.”
“She didn’t have a choice,” Luke told him gently. “The portal just appeared and she...she ran out of time.”
“Ok, ok,” Reggie ran his fingers through his hair roughly, leaving pieces standing up in all directions. “We can go to the ghost club, right? We can get Willie to help us get into Caleb’s dressing room and we can go find her.”
“That’s a good way to get killed by an evil ghost,” Bobby pointed out.
“We’ll figure it out,” Reggie insisted.
“Reg...we don’t even know...we don’t know if Caleb still trusts WIllie or not. We haven’t seen him since that night.”
Luke could hear the pain in his friend’s voice and he hated it. Alex might not have had the time to develop the same deep connection with Willie that Luke had with Julie, but he knew his friend had seen flashes of that potential in their stolen moments. The fact that Willie had been missing in action since he tried to help them save Julie weighed heavily on Alex. Luke could see it. He just couldn’t do anything about it except be there for him as much as he could.
He was going to need Alex too.
He was going to need all of them.
“Reggie, even if we could do that she didn’t want us to. She didn’t want us to leave our families or our dreams or our lives here. She fought so hard for us to have them. We have to live like it’s now or never, for her.”
He managed a small, sad smile hoping it would calm Reggie’s rising agitation but it seemed to have the opposite effect.
“Don’t quote your lyrics at me, dude,” Reggie snapped, once again brushing off Alex’s attempts to put a comforting hand on his arm. “You’re supposed to be in love with her. How can you just let her go without a fight?”
Luke felt like his throat was closing up as Reggie’s words hit him like a slap in the face. He knew his friend didn’t mean it, not really. He was just hurt and scared and mourning the loss of the little sister he loved.
It didn’t make it hurt any less to have his own doubts and guilt thrown back into his face though.
Before Luke could come up with anything else to say to comfort him, Reggie reached up to wipe at his eyes and spun on his heels, stomping out of the garage and down the driveway.
Alex shot Luke a worried look before nodding after their friend.
“I’ll check on him. I’ll be right back, ok?”
Then he was gone and Luke and Bobby were alone in the garage.
Bobby was looking at Luke like he was some kind of wounded animal and Luke wished he would stop because the longer his best friend looked at him like that the more tempting it was to totally break down. And he couldn’t do that and keep his promise to Julie. So he would hold it together. He would.
“I’m not going to ask if you’re ok because that would be a stupid question,” Bobby said, crossing the garage to sink onto the couch before patting the seat next to him expectantly.
Luke hesitated for a second or two before sighing and sinking down next to Bobby, the urge to tap his foot or drum on his knee overwhelming though he fought it down. He didn’t need to give Bobby more ammunition about his mental state. Not that he needed it.
“Look, I’m going to miss her too,” Bobby cleared his throat before reaching out to pat semi-awkwardly at Luke’s knee. “And I know it’s going to be worse for you. But I’m here for you. We all are. So just...don’t run, ok?”
Luke could have laughed at that if his mouth had seemed to remember how. His friends really did know him too well. Still. He had already ruled out that course of action.
“I won’t,” He promised.
And he didn’t.
What he did do was dive headfirst into trying to make sure their lives would go on like Julie wanted. He was there waiting when Reggie processed his feelings enough to feel bad about his outburst and showed up at the garage in the middle of the night and pulled Luke into a tight hug that lasted a long time. He was there when Alex wanted to talk about feeling anxious not knowing for sure if Julie had made it back to her time and what she had found there. He was even there when Bobby admitted that he missed Julie but he missed Queenie too and he wasn’t sure that the band was ever going to be as close as they once were. Luke did his best to reassure them all, checked in on his mom, and started calling around trying to book them a gig even though they had hardly any songs they could use and none of the bookers he spoke to seemed particularly interested.
He forced himself to tell bad jokes, and offered to go get pizza and suggest busking so they could refill their food fund.
He did all of that for three days until it was like the adrenaline he had been running off of ever since Julie disappeared into a hole in the ground finally wore off. On the fourth day he knew his friends noticed that he was quieter than normal though none of them said anything, just exchanged mildly worried looks. On the fifth day he lost his appetite, picking at the leftover pizza that Bobby had warmed up for him and refusing the variety of junk food his friend then hauled out to the garage. On the sixth day he slept most of the day, drifting in and out of fitful dreams. He had only emerged for a couple of bathroom breaks and was back curled under the blanket he usually left unused when his friends showed up after school, their worried looks no longer mild.
The 7th day was a Friday but they didn’t go to school. Instead they staged what amounted to an intervention, hovering around the couch (he didn’t bother folding it out now that the possibility of Julie crawling in next to him was gone) and refused to stop staring creepily at him until he sat up with an annoyed huff.
“Don’t you have school?” He muttered, pulling the blanket more firmly around his shoulders despite the smothering heat.
“We’re not going,” Reggie said, reaching out and yanking the blanket away from Luke in on quick movement.
“Hey!” Luke protested.
“We’re worried about you,” Alex said ignoring the way Luke was suddenly looking anywhere but at his friends. “You pretended nothing was wrong and then you crashed hard.”
“You’re depressed,” Bobby said bluntly, because of course he did.
He was annoyingly accurate and to the point at all times unless he was hiding his meaning in some obscure literary quote of course.
“I’m not,” Luke tried, feeling strangely exposed without the weight of the blanket. “I miss Julie...a lot, ok? But she wanted us to live and I’m living.”
“There’s living and there’s living,” Reggie countered, dropping down next to Luke to sling an arm around his shoulder. “And Julie would want you to be living, you know what I mean?”
“We don’t expect you to be ok,” Alex broke in quickly. “Just for you to be honest about what’s going on with you. You’ve been there for us the past few days now it’s your turn.”
“I’m fine,” Luke tried one last time, though his argument sounded half-hearted even to his own ears.
“You haven’t showered in a week,” Bobby pointed out, the softness behind his eyes easing the harshness of his words as Luke forced himself to look up and meet his friend’s eyes. “Come on, rinse the smell off and then we’re taking a field trip.”
Luke groaned but forced himself to stand and cross the distance to the bathroom, his bones aching like he had spent years in bed, not hours. He hardly remembered the shower but when he reemerged some indeterminate amount of time later his hair was dripping and he admittedly smelled a lot better. He still felt a bit like he was walking through a heavy fog though, like some slight, almost undetectable force was making each one of his steps just that little bit more difficult. He thought it might not be the weight of something slowing him down at all but the absence of something. It was like he had forgotten how to do everything right without Julie next to him. Walking and eating and breathing. He knew he had done them all before he ever knew her but that didn’t make them come any more naturally now that she was gone.
He had promised her he would try.
So he let his friends steer him out of the garage, let them lead him down the sidewalk, Alex and Bobby buffeting him on either side and Reggie walking in front, chattering away and peering back every few seconds as though afraid Luke would bolt if he didn’t keep him in his sight. Luke for his part just shuffled along, grunting out a response when asked a direct question and keeping silent the rest of the time. Apparently the plan was to head to Reggie’s house. His mom would be at work and she had bought him this brand new video game console called a Playstation that the boys were all dying to try out. That newly separated parent guilt was apparently good for a few things, like letting Reggie have ice cream every night and expensive gifts. Luke was pretty sure that none of them were particularly in the mood to play video games and were putting on the enthusiasm for his sake. He appreciated it. He just couldn’t match it.
But once they were actually in Reggie’s room, crowded around the little television he got for his last birthday, Luke had to admit he did feel a little more like a human being. He even caught himself laughing as he watched Alex and Reggie squabble over the second controller as Bobby clutched his above the fray. Reggie grinned when he saw Luke’s brief smile and shoved the controller they had been fighting over into his hands.
“Here, you try!”
And he couldn’t stand to see Reggie disappointed, not when he had seen him so hurt so recently. So Luke did try. And he let himself enjoy it. And he let himself tune out and pretend that there wasn’t someone missing.
He did such a good job at pretending that it wasn’t until they had left Reggie’s house several hours later in order to keep his mom from knowing they had skipped and headed for the ice cream shop that the gaping absence all came crashing back.
Because right around the corner from the ice cream shop was the arcade.
And right inside of the arcade entrance was a claw machine.
And inside of that claw machine he could only assume there was a purple plastic ring that would now never sit on his girl’s finger.
He couldn’t explain why his feet carried him towards the arcade but they did, seemingly without any specific direction from him.
“Luke....” Alex’s worried voice called after him but he didn’t pause until he was standing directly in front of the damn game that had been haunting him for months.
And there it was. The ring. Mocking him from the exact spot it had been in all along.
Apparently his friends had caught up to him by then because when Reggie spoke up it was from directly behind him.
“You’ve got to let that thing go, man,” His friend said carefully. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”
Luke found himself understanding Reggie’s initial reaction to the news about Julie’s departure because all of the sudden he was angry. He wasn’t just angry, he was furious.
He brought his fists down in tandem on either side of the joystick, feeling the reverberation up his recently healed arm and had just enough time to wonder if that was the smartest idea before words were bursting out of him unbidden.
“It matters,” He said fiercely, ignoring the way Reggie flinched slightly. “It matters. She matters. She matters to me and she’s gone and I said I would give her that ring and I didn’t and now I can’t and...and...it just matters, ok? It just does.”
Alex and Reggie both stared at him, eyes wide with worry seemingly unable to land on something helpful to say as they watched him finally implode. The silence stretched and Luke was just about to kick the machine just to have something to fill the gap and give him another chance to externalize the storm brewing inside of him when Bobby stepped forward calmly.
“Here,” He said, his voice calm and even. “Go ahead.”
He held out his hand and Luke instinctively stuck his out to catch whatever Bobby was trying to hand him. He folded his fingers over the mystery object to keep it from falling to the ground, before uncurling them carefully to examine it.
It was a quarter.
Luke looked up sharply expecting to see sympathy or something worse on Bobby’s face but all he saw was that look his best friend gave him when they were disagreeing on a song or when they couldn’t agree on what toppings to order for their pizza. Or maybe more like when Luke had wanted to use those fireworks for pyrotechnics or when he had suggested a book club as a viable gig. Like he didn’t approve of what Luke was doing but also like he was going to be right there behind him, letting him know he was an idiot and then helping him anyway.
Somehow it was exactly what Luke needed.
So he didn’t say anything else, just swung to face the machine and deposited his quarter in the slot before he could think better of it.
The game came to life as he swung the joystick jerkily to the right, not letting himself think too hard about the exact aim as the claw hovered over the ring in it’s plastic container. He slammed his hand down on the button to drop it probably harder than was strictly necessary but it felt good to have an excuse to hit something. The claw dropped and clutched it’s mechanical arms around the plastic container. Luke tried not to react, afterall he had gotten this far many times before, but the weak arms always released the ring long before it could actually make it to the prize shoot. But even as that hopeless thought crossed his mind the claw was rising, taking the ring with it and this time it didn’t drop back to its former spot. This time the ring remained locked in the claw’s embrace until it tumbled down into the prize shoot leaving all four boys to stare at the machine in surprise.
“Did that just…” Alex started.
“You did it,” Reggie practically whispered, disbelief clear in his voice.
Luke for his part just stared at the claw machine that had once again gone silent and still as he tried to process what had just happened. He had been so angry a minute ago and he could never win the ring and it didn’t matter because Julie was gone...Julie was gone...but it did matter and now he had won the ring and...did he really just win the ring?
Once again it was Bobby who broke them all out of their stupor, stepping forward and reaching through the metal flap to retrieve the ring, pressing the plastic container insistently into Luke’s shaking hands.
“You did it,” He said simply but firmly.
“I did it,” Luke echoed, his voice slightly choked.
“You said you would and you did,” Bobby continued. “It’s ok, Luke. You did it.”
Luke was very aware that Bobby was talking to him like a small child and he wanted to be offended, he really did, only he felt like a small child. Like nothing made sense and all of his emotions were too big for him. He had tried for so long and so hard to win that stupid ring, had seen it as a metaphor for how he felt about Julie, how he would do anything for her, how he wanted her to know that as intrinsically as she knew her own name. He had tried so hard and it had never worked and now she was gone and the very first time he tried, the first time, and he had done it.
Luke felt tears pricking at his eyes and did his best to fight them down.
“Luke…” Reggie started, his own eyes looking suspiciously wet.
Luke couldn’t bear to hear what Reggie was going to say or to make eye contact with any of his friends when he felt on the brink of breaking into sobs. He spun to face the machine again only that didn’t seem to help. His vision went blurry and his throat went tight and the next thing he knew he was breaking down into sobs. He tried to stifle them in a fit of embarrassment but there wasn’t much point. The tsunami had started and all he could do was ride the wave and pray he was in one piece on the other side.
He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against the cool glass of the claw machine, the soothing temperature doing little to slow the tears rolling down his face or the hiccuping, painful sounds that were emerging from his mouth. The ache in his chest was almost unbearable but it was matched by the sharp pain in his hand as he clutched so hard at the ring’s plastic container he was sure it would leave an angry red outline when he finally uncurled his fingers.
He loved her.
He loved her so much.
He loved her and he was never going to see her again and he won her the ring and she was never going to know it.
He was so alone.
Only he wasn’t.
Because suddenly there were warm arms wrapping around him from every direction, cheeks pressed against his shoulders and the top of his head, soft words of comfort being spoken in three different voices.
“It’s ok, Luke.”
“Let it out.”
“We’re here.”
And he did.
He had promised Julie they would do their best to be happy. He intended to keep that promise. But today all he felt was pain. And that would have to be ok too.
And it was.
And they were.
Not all at once.
Not for a long time if he was being honest.
But slowly and steadily genuine smiles, and laughter began to work their way back into their lives. They didn’t talk much about Julie at first. It hurt too much. But eventually Reggie brought up a story about her over pizza and soon they were all chiming in, recounting their favorite moments with the girl who would always live in their hearts even if she could no longer live in their world. After that they brought her up often and it hurts but it also heals.
Luke took to wearing the ring around even though it was too small for all of his fingers except his pinkie and often got stuck even then. Bobby didn't comment on the way his finger was starting to turn as purple as the ring itself, simply handed him a black cord one day for him to string it on and brushed off Luke’s rush of thankful words. After that Luke wore the ring on a cord around his neck, dangling down to thump gently against his heart as he walked, the cool plastic a constant reminder of what he lost but what he gained too.
He wasn’t living the life he would have chosen for himself but he was living the life Julie had chosen for him. He hoped the two would come together eventually. He had to have faith that they would.
Eventually he sat down to write a song for her and ended up with a poem instead.
Eventually he had the idea of sending her a message through time, a box filled with all of the things she had loved and left behind, all the ones that would fit in a small box anyway. Eventually he pried the teddy bear version of himself out of Reggie’s reluctant fingers to go inside. Eventually placed all of their carefully selected polaroids inside too.
And eventually he slid  a purple ring off of the cord he wore it on, placed it carefully back into its original container and left it for her to find with a lingering kiss pressed to its surface.
But first.
He lived.
Tag list: @futurearchaeologyprof @moreflowersthanweeds @chickwiththepurpleguitar
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kpop-cakepops · 4 years
hi !! i just thought of this really specific prompt where you and your best friend wonwoo go donate blood but afterwards he feels realllyyy sick and lightheaded so you hold onto him and help him walk bc he’s barely able to stand up. then you take him home to his bed and while trying to help him lie down, he kinda just passes out on you and he’s too heavy to move and you’re also rly tired so you kinda both just cuddle and fall asleep together
Hi Hi! This one sounds fun! Sorry I'm a bit late! I was a bit busy with my shop today! Enjoyyyy! (also I didn't get a chance to edit this so pls excuse any mistakes made)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,328
Genre: Fluff
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Snuggle Donation// Jeon WonwooxFem!Reader
"Have I ever told you I hate blood?" asked Wonwoo as he cautiously walked out of the taxi and waited for his best friend to pay the fee for him.
"Yeah, like 20 times on the way to the clinic and 20 times on the way back home" Y/N assured him lightly. Her eyes watching him closely.
"You really don't look good, Woo. Do you need me to help you up to your place?"
He shook his head adamantly. "No. Absolutely not. I'm fine!" However, it took only two steps for the young man to go stumbling into the pole right in front of him.
"WOO!" Y/N'S arms flailed in surprise as she watched the tall man drop to the ground with a whine. "Are you okay?! Oh my goodness!"
"I'm fine! I'm fine! I just tripped is all!"
"Yeah right. I knew this was going to happen. I just knew it. Wonwoo, when I told you to come with me to donate blood, I meant I would be doing the donating and you'd be doing the moral supporting. I know you better than I know myself, you're deathly afraid of needles and blood" The young woman's annoyed grumbles were hushed by Wonwoo's chest as she awkwardly tried to help his weakened limbs into the apartment complex.
"It was for a good cause" he retaliated, but Y/N knew it was about more than that. "I wanted to be a good citizen"
"Being a good citizen shouldn't equal to your fear reflex causing your blood pressure to drop so much you get SICK!" Y/N's continuous nagging caused her best friend to roll his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, okay mom"
"Shut up" she snapped and pressed the button to his floor, people in the elevator looking at the two of them dubiously. "He's not drunk. He's just an idiot" Y/N assured but it didn't exactly help with the looks.
After what would probably mark Y/N's most difficult 5-yard walk ever, the two friends arrived at the tall man's door. "Where's your key?"
He smiled shakily. "Back pocket"
"Jesus Christ. You seriously owe me for this. I'm being so serious right now. You're gonna owe me so much you won't be able to pay me back ever."
She slowly moved her hand to the back of his jeans, carefully pushing her hand into his back pocket only to freeze when a loud gasp interrupted her from behind. "Oh my... Y/N, I didn't take you for a public loving kind of girl, my god. I get that we all know you two are lowkey getting it on, but wowza, aren't you two being a little bit bold?"
The embarrassed girl didn't even have to look over her shoulder to know exactly who was standing behind them. "You have got to be kidding me. Hey Seokmin, how about instead of standing there being an idiot, you help-"
"No no, I am really sorry about this. I won't get in your way. Don't you worry a single bit. Oh and Hyung? Just a word of advice, don't be silly... wrap the willy." Y/N could hear the smirk in Seokmin's voice as he slowly retreated until eventually, all she could hear was the ding of the elevator doors opening. "Goodbyeeeeeeeee lovebirds"
"Let him go. He's an idiot. He won't come back. He's got too much 'tea to spill' as he likes to say." Wonwoo warned. "I'm seriously about to pass out here. Can you please hurry it up?"
"Wow. Just wow. I could drop you here and leave, you know that right?" Her empty threats were met by Wonwoo's uncharacteristic playfulness.
"You love me too much to do that."
The flustered girl refused to acknowledge his little tease as she finally managed to push his front door open. The struggle to keep her best friend on his feet did not lessen as she huffed and puffed moving him little by little into his bedroom.
"You are heavier than I ever thought you'd be" she admitted.
"It's all muscle mass" he smirked.
It irked her that even when he wasn't feeling his best he still managed to retort. "You're seriously annoying, ever tell you that?"
There was no further opportunity for him to answer her, it seemed that what little energy her best friend had been running on was gone. He went absolutely limp on her causing her to fall onto the bed with the very tall and very heavy man on top of her. "Oh my god. Oh my God. Oh my god." Y/N cursed internally as she felt her friend snuggle his face straight into the crook of her neck causing her skin to erupt with chilling goosebumps.
"Jeon Wonwoo" her tone was stiff as she attempted to push him off her. "No, seriously, Wonwoo I can't get you off me." All she received in response was an annoyed grunt from her sleepy friend and yet another uncalled for dose of snuggles.
Y/N had done her fair share of activities with Wonwoo. Anything from reading, to people watching, to skiing in Japan, you name it, she'd done it... but cuddling? With Wonwoo?! Out of question! Never done it, never wanted to do it... or so she thought because as she continued to lay there under him an inexplicable feeling of comfort began to take over her. The slow and steady breathing of the giant boy that lay on her lulling her slowly until eventually she too surrendered to sleep...
However, that peaceful sleep was brought to an end 2 hours later by the same obnoxious voice that had caught Y/N with her hand deep in her best friend's back pocket.
Both Y/N and Wonwoo stirred in their spot in the bed. They had somehow unknowingly shifted so Wonwoo was now lying next to her with a long arm draped over her top half, legs tangled in a sleepy mess. Anyone that happened to walk into the two of them would fOr sure get the wrong idea.
Seokmin was that anyone.
Wonwoo didn't even stand up to explain or even usher him out of the room. Instead, he grabbed the remote that was closest to him and flung it right at Seokmin's head. "I thought you said you weren't going to interrupt!" He hissed.
"No one's getting anything on. I just happened to fall asleep." She grunted as she tried to pull herself up, but Wonwoo's arms held her down and against him.
"Get out, we're tired."
Seokmin's eyes got big in realization. Wonwoo was being serious. Seokmin could see it in the way his older friend's face flushed flustered. "I- okay..." the soft smile on Seokmin's face serving to assure Wonwoo that what he had just seen would remain between the three of them.
Y/N shifted in Wonwoo's hold as soon as she heard his front door click shut in the distance. "Um, hey Woo? You can let me go now."
"No, it's warm this way," he said. "I like it."
Y/N cleared her throat awkwardly. "Uh, okay. That's okay... then." She squeaked as she nestled back into position. Her mind was racing as she felt her Best Friend snuggle back into her.
Wow, he smells good... he's so soft... since when was Wonwoo warm?
"Go back to sleep" Wonwoo murmured, his words slightly slurred letting her know he'd be sleeping again at any moment.
"Uh yeah... I'm trying" she lied.
Y/N wasn't sure what was going on or why she was liking the way they were both lying in a tangle of limbs, all she could gather in her just awoken mind was that she really liked cuddling and that she could use a few visits to the gym in the future.
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raeandwhatnot · 3 years
Hold Your Breath- Alive!Luke Patterson Imagine
Summary: You have a big test coming up, but what happens if the test happened earlier than expected?
Warnings: anxiety attack
Words: 3.8k
A/N: Hello, I am thinking of taking requests for imagines. So far, I’ve only done Luke/Charlie. However, I attached a masterlist that shows everything I am comfortable writing so far. For marvel, I can try to write for other superheroes, so that way I can learn how to write for them. But yeah, if you want me to write something, request away! I will say, I'm in college so it will take a bit. Alrighty, enjoy this imagine! 
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Beep beep beep
I wake up to the annoying noise that is my alarm clock. It was already 6:45? I barely got any sleep last night from studying for the upcoming history test. I hate taking tests, so I stress myself out by studying as much as I can so I can get a good grade. I sit up on my bed to see my textbook and papers laid out around me. I turn to my alarm and shut it off. I grab my phone from my night stand to see that Reggie texted me.
Hey, I’m going to be a little late picking you up today. I’ll be over around 7:45. See ya soon- Reg
I reply with a simple okay to let Reggie know that I got the message. I collect my textbook and papers and place them on the night stand. I didn’t feel like getting 100% ready. I walk to the bathroom and turn on the light to see what the damage looked like. My hair was a mess and I had major bags under my eyes. I brush my (Y/H/C) hair and put it in a messy bun. I decided I was going to do extra light makeup today. I normally do a natural look, but today I was going extra natural. I put some concealer under my eyes so I don’t look scary. I then put some mascara and eyebrows. I quickly brush my teeth so I don’t have to look at my reflection anymore. Once I finish in the bathroom, I walk back to my room to put on different clothes. Even though I felt like absolute crap and didn’t even feel like putting on jeans, I knew my friends would realize something was wrong if I didn’t wear jeans. I changed the shirt I slept in into a graphic band tee, and I changed from shorts to jeans. To finish the outfit, I put on my checkered vans. I grab textbook and papers from my night stand and put it in my backpack.
After zipping my backpack, I took a deep breath to try to calm me down. I could feel my heart picking up its pace as I was stressing about going to school. I don’t do well when I don’t get a goodnights rest. This past week, I haven’t been getting enough sleep and it is now starting to hit me. I tried to remind myself that it was a Thursday and that I have one more day to study before the test. I took another deep breath and shake my hands to try to get the stress out of me a little bit. I grab my backpack and head to the kitchen for breakfast.
When I get to the kitchen, I place my backpack near the kitchen table. I wasn’t entirely all that hungry, so I just grab a bagel and put it in the toaster. I get the cream cheese from the fridge and wait for my bagel to finish toasting. I suddenly hear a knock at the door. I furrow my brows and look at my phone. It was 7:40. I guess I was having a quicker morning than I thought. I walk to the door and open it to see Reggie. “Hey, (Y/N)!” Reggie smiled.
I smile back, “Hi, Reggie. I’m just heating up a bagel real quick. Come on in.” I step to the side so Reggie can walk in. He nods and steps through the door. I close it behind him as I hear my bagel pop out of the toaster.
“How has your morning been?” Reggie asks as we both walk to the kitchen.
“It’s been alright. I’m a little tired from studying last night,” I say while spreading cream cheese on the bagel.
Reggie leans against counter, “But (Y/N/N), you’ve been studying all week!”
“I know, I know. I just want to do well!” I exclaim.
“Is that why you haven’t come to Julie and the Phantoms rehearsals recently?” Reggie questions. Even though Reggie can be a bit of an airhead, he does notice a lot of things about his friends.
“Maybe,” I mumble as I finish spreading the cream cheese and put it back in the fridge.
Reggie steps over to me and grabs my shoulders to stop me from moving. “(Y/N), you are going to be fine! You always do good enough on your tests,” he says.
I slightly smile at his comforting words, “Thanks, Reg.” Reggie smiles and drops his hands from my shoulders. I grab my bagel and backpack. “Okay, I’m ready to go now!”
“Sweet,” Reggie says. “Also, sorry for being late! I was fixing my amp in the rain last night. I think it messed up my car a little bit, so I had to have my dad jump my car.”
I slowly take a bite out of my bagel listening to Reggie’s explanation. “I don’t think you should be doing that, but okay,” I whisper as we walk to Reggie’s car. We climb in the car at the same time and start heading to school. Thankfully, school wasn’t terribly far away. To be honest, I could walk to school, but who wants to do that?
I finish eating my breakfast as Reggie pulled into the parking lot. Reggie’s assigned parking space was right next to Alex’s. Alex, Luke, and Julie were clumped around Alex’s car waiting for us to join them. “Hey guys!” Reggie says as he gets out of the car. I follow him out and join the group. I keep next to Reggie as I didn’t want my boyfriend, Luke, to see me in my anxious state.
“You guys are late!” Julie exclaims.
“Yeah, that’s my bad! I tried fixing my amp while it was raining outside last night and it did something to my car,” Reggie explains to everyone. They all gave Reggie a questioning look.
“How are you still alive?” Julie asks out of the blue. We all chuckle and Reggie looked confused. Luke pats Reggie on the back as we start walking to the school building.
As we were walking, Alex tugs on my arm to slow us down and be more behind the group. “Hey, are you okay?” he asks.
I shrug my shoulders, “Yeah, of course. Why?”
“You are more quiet than normal. You also look really tired,” Alex says quietly so the rest of the group doesn’t hear. Alex also suffers from anxiety like I do, so we understand each other. It’s really hard to hide it from him, but I always try to.
I scoff at his statement, “Alex, I’m fine. I’m just tired from studying last night; that’s all!”
Alex squints his eyes at me. “Okay, if you say so. You know you can talk to me, right? Or you can talk to Luke. I know he is more than willing to help you out. You are his girlfriend after all.”
I stop at my locker. “Yes, I know. I don’t want to bother Luke with my troubles. He’s been focusing on the band a lot recently. I don’t want to put more weight on his shoulders. Anyways, hurry and get to class. First period is about to start,” I say to him while putting in the code to my locker.
“Yes, ma’am!” Alex says while walking backwards and saluting. He turns around and walks to his first class. I have class with everyone in our group. First period (History) is with Luke, second period (Art) is with Julie and Flynn, third period (Biology) is with Willy, forth period (theatre 3) is with Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Julie, fifth period is lunch with everyone, sixth period (Pre-Cal) is with Alex, and seventh period (English) is with Julie and Willy. It was nice to always have a friend in class.
I grab my art supplies from my locker as I don’t have time to swing by locker between first and second period. Since art class on the other side of school, I have to put my supplies in my backpack now or else I would be late trying to get my supplies between classes.
I close my locker to see Luke leaning against the locker next to me. “Jeez!” I jumped as Luke scared me by his presence. “You’ve got to stop doing that!”
Luke laughs at how scared I was, “Normally, that doesn’t scare you that bad. What’s going on in your mind?”
I shake my head, “Nothing important!”
Luke tilts his head, not believing what I said. “Sure, whatever you say, (Y/L/N), You ready for history?” Luke asks as he stands up from the lockers and wraps his arm around my shoulders.
I turn my heel to walk to class. “Am I ever ready for history? No! Whenever Mr. Hall teaches, it goes in one ear and straight out the other. I just have a hard time retaining history.” I answer.
As we get to Mr. Halls door, Luke unwraps his arm around me and stands in front of me. “You got this, bubs. You always do good in class!” Luke says trying to cheer me up.
“Thanks,” I murmur against my breath as I look down and play with my fingers. I was starting to feel anxious.
Luke notices and grabs my hand, “Believe me, you are insanely smart! You can do this.”
I look up at Luke who had a slight smile on his face. I nod my head, “Thanks, bubs.” He lets go of my hands and wraps his arms around my head. I hug back by wrapping my arms around his waist. I start to feel slightly less anxious with the hug. Luke always gives good hugs. He rubs my head slightly and gives me a kiss on the top of my head. I pull away from the hug to give him a double thumbs up. Luke smiles wider, snaps his fingers, and turns his heel to walk in the classroom. I take a deep breath and walk in the room. Luke and I take our spots in the back of the classroom; I sit right in front of Luke. Not too long after we sat down, the first period bell rang and the morning announcements started. I tune out whatever was being said over the intercom, not caring what they had to say. I didn’t even stand up to do the pledge of allegiance. I don’t know why I was feeling so anxious; the test is tomorrow!
Suddenly, I feel a kick on my heel. I snap my head towards Luke. “You’re shaking your desk with your leg bouncing and it’s making a squeaking sound,” Luke whispers. I didn’t even notice that I was bouncing my leg.
I immediately stop bouncing my leg, “Oh, sorry!” I turn back to face the front.
Finally, the morning announcements were over. Mr. Hall stood up from his desk to stand in front of the class, “Good morning class. I have a few things to say before we get started today. First thing, I will not be here tomorrow because we have an away baseball game.” A few boys in the class let out some hoots as they are part of the baseball team. I slightly chuckle at their actions. “I normally am here in the mornings when we have baseball games. However, it’s a few hours away, so I will be gone all day. Therefore, we are going to have our test today instead of tomorrow! Surprise! I hope you guys are ready!”
My heart sunk to the floor. This couldn’t be happening. We can’t take this test early; I’m not ready for it! “Clean off your desks, everyone. Let’s get started!” Mr. Hall announces.
I lean down to my backpack that was on the floor to grab a pencil. I open up every zipper to search for a pencil, but I couldn’t find one. I was starting to panic as my anxiety started to get worse. I then feel a tap on my shoulder. I look to see Luke handing me a pencil. I zip my backpack closed and take the pencil from him. “Hey, you okay?” Luke asks as I turn back to the front. I nod my head because I knew if I tried to speak, I would just break down crying. I set down the pencil Luke gave me and wipe my hands on my pants as they became super clammy. Mr. Hall walked by and past tests row by row. He finally placed a test packet on my desk. I pick it up to look at the back to see how many questions was on the test. There were 30 questions.
“Alright, you have until the rest of the class period to do the test. Good luck!” Mr. Hall says and sits down at his desk. My shaky hand picks up the pencil and my vision starts to get a blurry and watery as tears started to brew in my eyes. I shut my eyes hard to make sure tears don’t fall. I take a deep, shaking breath and try to read the first question.
What year did the Holocaust begin?
My mind went blank. I’ve been studying this all week, and I couldn’t remember a thing. I skip around the questions to see if I could find a question that I knew at the top of my head. There weren’t many, but thankfully I found a couple of questions I could answer confidently. I look at the clock to see we have 30 minutes left of class which is enough time to do a test. However, in my mind, it’s not enough at all!
Suddenly, I feel Luke’s foot kick my heel, again. I look up at Mr. Hall to see him on his computer. I turn around at Luke, “What?” I barely whisper. Luke tilts his head to the ground. I look down to see a folded piece of paper next to my backpack. I pick it up, glance at Mr. Hall, and open the folded paper.
Are you sure you’re okay? You keep fidgeting in your desk.
Luke’s awful handwriting was hard to read, and I didn’t have time to answer him back as I needed to finish this test. I fold the paper back and slip it in my bag.
Time passes, and I was down to three questions that were absolutely stumping me. I reread the questions about 15 times each to make sure I could understand the questions. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration and let out a heavy sigh. I look around to see almost everyone done and sitting with their phones. I turn around at Luke who was done as well. How was he already done?!
“5 more minutes!” Mr. Hall announces. I snap my head to the clock; class was almost over. My heart starts racing and beating hard in my chest. I look back to my test. Do I just BS this and guess? Do I even have time to figure the questions out? After a minute or two, I guess the last three questions as best as I can and turn in my test at the front. I try to take more deep breaths to try to calm my heart down. Tears were threatening to fall down my face.
Finally, the bell rang to end class. I grabbed my bag as quick as I could and sprinted out of class. I heard Luke calling out my name, but I couldn’t face him like this. He has never seen my anxiety so bad, and I don’t want it to be at school. I walk into the girl’s restroom, walk in a stall, and lock it. I drop my bag to the floor and lean against the wall. My breath was uneven and quick. I can’t be doing this in public. I need to calm down! I try to do the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 anxiety trick, but I couldn’t focus on anything. The tears that have been trying to fall finally fell, and I lost it. I place my hand on my mouth to try to hold the sobs coming out of my mouth.
“(Y/N)?” I hear Julie call out. I gasp as I wasn’t expecting her to know where I was? I look at the floor to see her standing in front of the stall I was in. “Hey, are you okay? Luke said you ran out of history.”
I attempt to speak clearly, but a loud sob left my mouth. “I-I’m f-f-in-ne,” I barely spoke in-between sobs.
Through my blurry vision, I saw Julie exit out of the bathroom. I exhale the breath that I didn’t know I was holding. My legs started to feel like jello; I couldn’t hold myself up anymore. Thankfully, the toilet seat was down as I sat down on the toilet. I then noticed that I was hyperventilating. I was having a full out panic attack.
“Bubs?” I hear Luke softly call out. I shake my head as I knew Julie told him I was in here. I try make my breath quiet. “Bubs, can you let me in? Please?” he asked. I could barely move. It felt as if I was a statue and I couldn’t move.
“(Y/N), I know you’re in there,” he states, not knowing I physically couldn’t move.
“I-I-“ I attempt to speak, but words couldn’t form as my hyperventilating kept me from speaking. Next thing I know, Luke drops his backpack on the floor and so does he. He crawls under the crack between the floor and the door. I back further on the toilet and look down so he couldn’t see my face.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Luke whispers and grabs my face to make me look at him. My cheeks were red and tears and tear stains on my cheeks. My nose was running from me crying. He trys to wipe away tears, but they kept falling on my hot cheeks. “Try to breath with me, okay? Inhale through the nose; exhale out of the mouth.”
I nod my head slightly. Luke moves his hands from my face and holds my hands. As Luke inhales, I inhale. As Luke exhales, I let out a shaky exhale that ended in a sob. He does it again, but as I exhaled, all that came out was a sob. I then hyperventilated again and shook my head. This wasn’t working.
“No, no, no, that was supposed to work!” Luke mumbled under his breathe. In the distance, I heard the bell ring to indicate that it was time for second period. This made me panic even more as I can’t be late for class! I squeezed Luke’s hands that my nails digged into his skin slightly. I noticed Luke defeated as he wasn’t sure what to do. Suddenly, I feel him remove his hands from mine and place them back on my face. This time, he pulled me close to him and slammed his lips on mine. My eyes widened as I was shocked at his sudden action. I finally give in a little in the kiss and close my eyes and release the breath I was accidently holding. After a minute, Luke slowly pulled away.
I open my eyes to see him looking at me with a worried look on his face. I then noticed that my breathing was slightly back to normal. “H-How did you that?” I ask.
Luke rubs his thumbs on the apples of my cheeks. “I uh, read about it actually,” Luke states. “When Alex told me he had anxiety, I skimmed some articles on how to help and support someone with anxiety. I read that holding your breath can help, and when I kissed you, you held your breath.”
I couldn’t believe what Luke was saying! “Wow, t-that’s really smart, Luke. Thank you.”
Luke slightly nods his head. He pulls down my head and slightly kisses my forehead. “How come you never mentioned your anxiety was so bad?” Luke questions.
I take Luke’s hand from my face to hold them in my own hands. “I don’t want to bother anyone with my burdens,” I say embarrassed.
“Look, bubs,” Luke whispers. “You don’t have to be embarrassed about your anxiety. I will always be here to help you if you feel really anxious or anything,” I give Luke a slight smile. “Also, I told Flynn and Julie to tell your art teacher that you wouldn’t make it into class, so don’t worry about class right now.”
“What about you?” I question, not wanting him to miss class.
Luke shrugs, “Reggie is covering for me. It’s okay.” I feel slightly guilty that he is missing class because of me. Luke stood up, “Do you want some water?” I nod my head as I slowly stand up from the toilet.  Once I stood up, I felt a little dizzy and placed my head on his chest. Luke placed a kiss on the top of my head. “You good?”
“Mmhm,” I hum quietly. My head finally stopped spinning after a minute. I took my head off of Luke’s chest and stood up straight. “I’m good.”
Luke squeezes my hand and unlocked the bathroom stall door. Thankfully, during this whole time, no one had come into the restroom. However, it might look weird that the both of us are walking out together, but I don’t care at this point. We walk out of the bathroom and head towards the cafeteria where the vending machines were.
“Wait!” I stop my tracks, still holding Luke’s hand which made him stop as well in front of me.
“What?” he questions.
I look at Luke dead in the eyes and ask in a very serious tone, “Do I hold my breathe while we kiss often?”
Luke tries to hide the smile that was forming on his face, “No?”
My mouth opens wide, “Wait, really?!” Luke laughs out loud and walks closer to me. He wraps his arms around my shoulders. “I didn’t know that!” I exclaimed.
“It’s okay, (Y/N)! You know, because you do that, I was able to help you today,” he says while unwrapping his arms around my shoulders and instead places them on my waist.
I roll my eyes and lightly punch up on the chest, “Okay, okay, that’s true. Thank you, again.”
Luke kisses my nose sweetly. “Anything for you, bubs,” he smiles. I smile back. “Hey, there’s that beautiful smile.” I blush at the comment and give him a peck on the lips.
“Let’s go get water,” I say as I grab Luke’s hand and tug towards the cafeteria.
“There’s my girl,” I hear Luke whisper as he walks next to me. As we walk next to each other hand in hand, I take my other hand, wrap it around his arm, and place my head on his bicep. I’m grateful to have Luke in my life.
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