#i have a hard relationship with it cus i wasn’t supposed to make it past 20
ace-no-isha · 1 year
one thing i can say is no one loves luffy like i do he is my baby forever i do not care
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simplive · 4 years
not really a req, but a thought: do you think (since you wrote scens for them), and of the mob boss! au dream team would ever fall in with w. reader? how would they go about falling in love? ( is this anonymous lol i can’t tell sorry )
indeed i can !! there is still love in them, damn ya love that au.. guess ya love to see it. maybe ill do relationship hcs next time, i just touched lil in here
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dream is scared of love. it’s something he hasn’t given even a thought at all this whole time. that wasn’t important at the time, wasn’t supposed to be, and yet he finds himself wanting to do things with you that seem so farfetched. no one’s ever heard of a player, and a monster sharing an intimate relationship. never able to bring it up during conversation, having a hard time looking at you in the eyes, making up excuses for him to leave ─ everything seems difficult now. way challenging than fighting off curious individuals who look up at him as a reward. so he starts to ignore you for the next few days.
do not be discouraged by that, someone is in need of a bit of time. he’s busy trying to come up with an answer of his own, desperately searching. surely these feelings will fade away on its own if he doesn’t pay them any heed... but that doesn’t work. dream’s mind still drifts to you, and he’s about a second or two from deciding to kill you to end this juncture ─ until another friend notices him seething internally at the corner of their eye.
it’s good ol’ george. he takes the time to tell his disgruntled peer that everyone adores someone at some point. there’s nothing wrong with falling in love, and it is okay to do so, even if there is no one to catch him. no need to be disheartened about the drastic differences. if you two mutually return the same desires, are you two able to overcome the toughest of obstacles.
all in the name of love.
takes him a few more days to confess to you in the most mundane way, but you’ll accept because it takes a lot of work to admit such things like this so openly.
[ relationship ting. ]
super duper protective, like, almost to the point where it’s honestly a little extreme. he should know you can handle yourself alone, it’s been proven when you defeated him for the first time... but these haunting thoughts won’t ever cease away. so don’t complain whenever he starts bickering at you for not being careful enough when getting yourself hurt, might even consider trapping you in a base if the paranoia gets too much.
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george is unsure at the start, is it possible for you to love him back? an entity who was meant to prevent you from reaching your goal by killing you, ending the last chapter in your life... though he hasn’t, as did you too. but how can he not catch some sort of interest for you if you visit his temple three times a week, ensuring that loneliness and boredom cannot get to him ─ he truly appreciates a lot of things you do.
although, when he catches that pretty smile of yours, he learns to accept it. i mean, what can possibly go wrong?
the worst thing is for you to not feel the same, which is entirely okay, but george probably won’t be able to face you afterwards. the awkwardness will soon eat at him, and eventually start to distance himself noticeably. can you blame him? rejection is something he has yet to come to understand. fortunately though, player seems just as happy to hear about the news so he doesn’t have to deal with the repercussions ─ just the whole, relationship thing. you are both new at it cus adventurers and mobs don’t typically fall for one another, and that is alright.
guess only time would tell.
[ relationship ting. ]
gentle as always, nothing new. just, expect to be pampered and cherished a lot more than usual, he will not shy away from that. in the waters, don’t expect any mob to hurt you anymore now that they know now that you’re involved with their boss. they’ll get something far worse than death :))
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unlike the rest, sapnap has no qualms against his feelings. he’s already come to terms with it as soon as realization hits him, there’s nothing wrong with feeling like a normal person. nobody can tell him that this isn’t going to work, their throat ain’t gonna work anymore if they keep talking that stupid shit any longer. fixing to straight up ask you out on a... date? is that what people called it, yeah, a date to clear some dungeons. not so romantic but, who the hell has the time to set up one?
not sapnap, he’d rather impress you in other ways.
will probably play it as a joke if you dismiss his feelings, still hurt tho too, maybe a bit spiteful about it as time passes by. not as much mischievous, his whole demeanor just changes, a lot less welcoming. probably best to just either stop being friends at that point...
but, of course we know that player feels just about the same as him in this case. no angst right now.
[ relationship ting. ]
still chaotic as ever, takes it as his goal to annoy the fuck out of you which means smothering you in all types of love. suffocating hugs, stealing kisses, all sorts of affection cus he know damn well you ain’t gonna try to stop him. some play fighting cus he wanna test your strength here and there to see if anything changed in the past few months, but that eventually shifts into a short make out session.
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stillebesat · 3 years
Christmas Eve (3/5)
Sanders Sides: Janus, Patton, Roman, Virgil Pairings: Past Roceit (was toxic), Familial Moceit (Dad Janus, Son Patton) Blurb: Of all the barriers that Janus expected to have to overcome in order to get his son a pet for Christmas, encountering his Ex, Roman, working in the pet store had never once crossed his mind. Fic Type: Christmas!Eve Fic, Past Lovers to Enemies to ??? trope, Dad!Janus, Kid!Patton, MythicalMin!AU, Frogmin!AU Overall Fic Warnings: Past Toxic Relationship Talk, Manipulation/Lying Talk Taglist in Reblog To Catch Up: Part 1 Part 2 
He supposed it was the shock of Roman actually helping him that allowed his Ex to drag him halfway through the store before Janus remembered he didn’t have to be complacent in this. 
“Seriously.” He rasped, jerking his arm, finding it difficult to focus on anything more than the burning grip of Roman’s hand around his wrist. “You don’t have to do this.” 
It sounded so flimsy soo--so trite. So insincere. Even to his own ears. Roman had to be dissecting his words and tone even now, searching for the trick--the manipulation he had used as easily as a fish breathed water all throughout his--well his entire life, even if Roman had only experienced it first hand for a couple of years during college. 
With that sort of bad history between them...of all the possibilities that had flashed through his mind when he and Roman had made eye contact...having him actually help them had never--well it had--briefly. Very very briefly. Crossed his mind. But it had been a fool’s hope. Not when their relationship had ended more explosively than the grand finale of a firework show.
“I--” He swallowed trying again as he adjusted Pattey’s weight on his hip. This wasn’t at all how he’d pictured them meeting again. He wasn’t ready for this. “We really can just leave. He’ll understand.” His son knew all too well about his history with the Prince even if it was just through bedtime stories. “You don’t have to--”
“Shut up, Dragon Witch.” Roman growled, tugging him around a corner. “I don’t want to either. But I’m not heartless.” 
“You’re not.” He agreed. Roman was anything but that. He was good. He’d been the best thing that had happened to him before Patton came into his life, and Janus had taken advantage of that in the worst ways possible, using him and then tossing him away like so much trash without realizing what a treasure Roman actually was. “But you don’t have to force yourself on my--” Janus cut off as a small hand covered his mouth, his son’s bright eyes filled with excitement. 
“Shh, Daddy.” He patted his lips. “You told me if a Prince offers to help you, you let him help! You don’t say no.”
Yes. But he hadn’t meant that to apply to himself! What he’d done--it could be considered unforgivable. No one should be treated how he’d treated Roman--or well, any of his former relationships. It had taken Patton’s birth to get him to...stop. To want to change. To be better. 
Roman had the gall to smirk at him as he stopped in front of a display of cages, letting go of Janus’s wrist so he could fish out a set of keys from his pocket. “Correct, little man. It’s a Prince’s duty to help all those he encounters in distress….even if the fair damsel turns out to be a---.”
“Aaraog!” Patton piped up.
Roman froze, looking nonplussed at the nonsequir. “Aaraog?” 
“You can’t trust them. They’re Evil.” Patton said solemnly before bouncing in Janus’s arms as he stared eagerly into the cages. “Daddy says that even though the Dragon Witch is a jerk, he still occasionally helps the Prince! And so they can’t be meanies to each other all the time like Aaraog sooo if the Prince can help the Dragon Witch then you, Prince--” 
“Roman.” Janus said softly, the name feeling like he was tasting the forbidden fruit as it rolled off his tongue. He looked away as his Ex shot him a dark look. Yah...he didn’t think they were on first name terms anymore, hence why he only ever called the Prince...well Prince. But Pattey had been upset that the Dragon Witch always fought with the Prince and always lost...so he’d told a slightly different story from the usual, using a giant spider as the villain instead. It’d been... a kind of self wish of his. Where he hoped things would eventually...maybe...work out.
“Prince Roman! And my Daddy can be friends today too as you help!”
Ha. That would be the day. He wasn’t a fool enough to believe them rekindling any sort of...friendship...would ever actually happen. Even if he wanted a redo...he was pretty sure he’d burned that bridge and then buried the ashes in a pit a hundred feet deep back in college.
“I--I--don’t think he’s...uh...I’m sure the Dragon Witch can be...nice.” Roman said, rubbing the back of his neck.
And Janus was a platypus. “Liar.” He mumbled. Roman had only ever known his manipulative nice. Not his genuine niceness. How could he? Janus had only learned how to be so after Patton had said his first word. Years after everything had...ended between them. 
“You’re one to talk.” Roman hissed. 
“Yes and?” 
Pattey looked between the two of them, before deciding that comforting his Dad was needed. His little hands squished Janus’s cheeks. “But Daddy isn’t a true Dragon Witch!” He said firmly, maintaining eye contact before he flashed his hundred watt smile, succeeding in melting Janus’s heart once again. “He’s the bestest Daddy in the whole world! Even if he doesn’t think so.” 
Janus flushed. “Liar.” He repeated. He was sure there were plenty of other Dads who were far better than he could ever be.
“Truther!” Patton grinned. “The best best best BEST Daddy!!” 
He shook his head as Roman scoffed, hoping his face wasn’t as red as a tomato--this awkward encounter was only going to get much worse if he didn’t hurry this up. Janus quickly set his son down, pushing him towards the cage his Ex had unlocked. 
“Go pick one you like.” He encouraged, staying crouched to discourage Roman from talking to him even if it did mean his Ex would be hovering over him like the Sword of Damocles. It wasn’t ideal, but it would hopefully keep himself from saying something he would regret and get them kicked out before he could buy a Frogmin for his son.
After all, Roman had to only be helping him on Patton’s behalf. If his kid hadn’t been here he was sure his Ex would have taken one look at him and thrown him right back out, no questions asked. So the sooner they could get out of here the sooner they both could forget this whole encounter. 
Not that Janus would be able to forget. Not when Pattey usually demanded a Prince story for bedtime. 
“Oh!!!” Patton pressed his face against the glass where little multi-colored frog-like humans crouched among the branches inside the cage. “Look at them, Daddy!!! LOOK! FROGMINS!! They’re here! AWWWWWW. Look at their cute little spots!!”
Janus let out a slow breath, the tension in his shoulders easing. Finally. After fifteen stores he could finally make good on his promise to his son.
“Careful. You don’t want to scare them.” Roman said, also kneeling down, keeping Pattey between them as he pointed to the half dozen Frogmins inside. “While they have frog characteristics, it’s easier to think of them as mini people. And some of them can get really scared when a giant face suddenly appears in front of them.”
His son’s eyes went wide. “Noooo. I don’t wanna scare them!” Pattey leaned back, wrapping his arms around himself as he twisted back and forth. “They’re just sooo cool! And so Princely! Cus if you kiss one they can turn large and save the day! Like the stories! But I want mine to remain small, so I’ll be very careful in my kisses. And they can hop and climb walls like--” Patton made a face and Janus had to bite back a smile at his son’s reluctance to say Spiderman. “Like superheros!! And they eat bugs! Like...like!!!....like….spiders.” He shivered. “I don’t like them.” 
Roman tilted his head, amber eyes flashing with understanding. “So you’re looking for a Frogmin to protect you from spiders?” 
Pattey nodded hard enough he looked like a bobble head. “He’ll keep me safe while I sleep!”
Roman chuckled. “A good reason to get a Frogmin. Though not all of them like to eat spiders. Just like some little boys don’t like to eat their vegetables.”
His son grimaced. “But carrots are icky!!”
“And some Frogmins think spiders are icky too.” He said gently, opening a small hatch in the side of the cage where three of the Frogmins had already gathered. “While you can just pick one that you like the look of...you could also come over here and hold out your hands--don’t reach in, but hold out your hands and ask them if any of them would like to come live with you and eat spiders...or well, like to have them as a treat as I’m sure you don’t want to feed them dried ones.” He glanced over to Janus as he spoke.
Ha. No. While he did have some dried spiders waiting at home, there was no way he’d pull out any of the creatures...even dead ones...where his son could see. One meltdown at the first pet store had been enough to convince him why having his Lilypatton see spiders--dead or alive--was a bad idea. 
Janus let out a slow breath as Pattey eagerly moved closer, his small hands held out to the opening. 
“Do you guys like to eat spiders?” He whisper-shouted to the group. “If you do, we have plenty of them at home and I really really REALLY want you to eat ALL of them. Please? Pleeeease.”
And now Roman was going to think they lived in a haunted house or something. Really, it was more of an issue of all the spiders in their backyard instead of inside. 
Janus shook his head, holding up a hand. “I have a variety of other dried insects to choose from at home if the one Pattey picks doesn’t like spiders.” He said, glancing at his Ex before turning his attention back to the cage, watching as more Frogmins crept out of the leaves towards his son. 
Sure, he knew that Pattey wanted the Frogmin mostly for their ability to eat spiders--and their connection to Princes--but he wasn’t a fool to expect that to be the only food source.
Though knowing his luck, whichever one his son picked would be extremely picky and want to eat only the most expensive of the bugs. 
Roman raised an eyebrow. “You already have everything else as well? The cage?” 
Janus rolled his eyes. Nooo he’d just spent months preparing and all day searching for a Frogmin and totally forgot about getting the creature a home to live in. “Yes.”
Roman pursed his lips, an obvious indication that he didn’t like the answer and stood, tilting his head down the aisle to where a variety of cages sat on the shelves. “Show me.”
To Be Continued. Part 4
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ipuckwithhockey · 4 years
Must Love Sleep- Travis Konecny
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a/n: This grew out of a part I took out of I’d Rather Rescue Myself. I was going to change the boy, but I just had him in mind for this one. The sleep part might also be based on how I am when I get tired... but it might not be. hope you like it :)
warnings: this is pretty soft, just some cursing 
It was Friday night and Travis was going to be coming over soon before you would eventually head out. You were supposed to be meeting your friends at a local bar in an hour and you still had no clue what to wear.
You hear the door to your apartment open, and know that it’s Travis. (He has his own key for ‘emergences’ like when he lost his own apartment key and had yours from when he watered your plants while you were on a trip. You have no idea how any of it happened, but it’s TK so you weren’t even surprised and told him to just keep the key)
“Hey you ready in there?” Travis shouts as he walks through your apartment to your room. You walk out from your closet in your sweatpants and sweatshirt combo,
“No. I don’t know what to wear, and at this point I don’t even think I care, I’m going dressed like this.”
“First of all, you’re being dramatic. And second of all, even though you always look great, I don’t think they would even let you in dressed like that.”
You scoff as you make your way over to lay on your bed and he makes his way to your closet, you don’t miss the opportunity to take in how good he looks with his hat on backwards and a tight long sleeve— wait. You’re just friends. You can’t think about him like that. You can’t think about how you love when his hair curls up from under his hat at the gape of his neck— no.
You had tried dating, but it didn’t work. Your short lived fling was fun but because you were in your last year of school and he was busy with hockey you never had much time to actually be in a relationship. Neither of you had the time to dedicate to something so committed and your platonic friendship has been super strong for over a year. You were best friends, but that didn’t stop you from checking him out every once in a while, or even reminiscing on how good his lips had felt on yours nearly a year ago. But you were sure that he didn’t see you like that anymore, and you were trapped forever in the friend zone.
Your thoughts are interrupted when bunch of fabric hit your face.
“What the-“
“Wear that. You’ll look hot, I promise.”
You sit up to look at what he’s picked out for you and you’re actually impressed. He chose black skinny jeans, and a long sleeve body suit. He’s right. The jeans he picked out made your ass look great, and with the healed booties he had sat next to the bed your legs would look fantastic. The jumpsuit was simple but it would hug your body in the right places and was definitely more comfortable than the dress you were looking at before he arrived.
Travis left you to get ready and went to sit on your couch. When you came out your hair and makeup was done, and he mentally praised himself for putting together such a great ensemble. He selfishly picked out that specific pair of jeans. They were his favorite pair, and he knew they made your ass look amazing… Not that he was looking or anything. He had just happened to notice, and what are friends for if they can’t hype each other up about how great their ass looks?
“See. I was right, you do look hot. You ready to go?”
You nod and follow him out the door, and take note that he’s been a little more generous with the compliments lately. You think maybe he’s just being a good friend, hyping you up, but something about it just seemed like more.
By the end of the night your feet are killing you. You stopped drinking over an hour ago, so now all you want to do is go home and go to bed. You like having a good time just much as the next girl, but when you’re tired, your bed was the only thing that would satisfy you.
It wasn’t uncommon for Travis to stick around you for most the night, but the subtle hand on your back and the leaning in when you went to talk to each other felt different tonight. If you weren’t so tired you may mull that over a bit more but instead you brush it off as you lean over to let Travis know you’re ready to head home, “Hey, I’m tired. And my feet hurt.”
“Ok, we can go, let me just get an Uber.”
“You don’t have to leave if you’re still having a good time, I just wanted to let you know I’m probably not staying much longer.” You mean what you say, but you secretly hope that he decides to come with you. Usually when you end up going home together at the end of the night Travis will just stay with you instead of trekking back to his place. There was never any funny business, but having him in your bed just felt right.
“No, I’m tired too, I’m ready to get home,” Travis’ tone sounds casual and he’s hoping he doesn’t seem too eager to take you home. He just can’t help it. He’s regretted telling you that he just wanted to be friends ever since he let it slip out. He just didn’t want to end up hurting you when he couldn’t be there for you. However, that didn’t stop him from relishing in staying in your bed every blue moon when he’d take you home after a late night out.
You’re walking around your room and bathroom getting ready to go to sleep. Travis would normally just plop himself down on your bed, but he was just standing there watching you move around your room. 
Really, he was just admiring how beautiful you were without your makeup on, and how cute you looked in your oversized flyers shirt that you wore to bed. You looked like a little kid in adult clothes. The way you brushed your hair out and gently turned down your covers may have seemed so routine to you but to him it was everything. It was everything he couldn’t have. He wanted all the little domestic things that he had never thought of before you met. You just made everything seems so easy. Travis couldn’t help but yearn to be next to you. To touch you and to hold you. To call you his.
“Are you staying tonight?” You ask him and watch him come back from wherever he was inside his head.
“Only if you want me to…”
“I mean it’s late, it’s probably easier and safer for you to just stay.” You have no idea why he’s being so weird. This wasn’t like him, and the awkward tension in the room was definitely unusual for the two of you.
“But do you want me to stay?” He’s looking directly at you now, and you can see in his eyes that he’s trying to say something more.
“Travis, if you have something to ask or say, just say it. I’m tired, and I really just want to go to sleep.” You have no idea what’s gotten into him, and you feel a bit bad for being so curt. It’s just that you’re exhausted and now you’re getting kind of cranky, and all you want to do is SLEEP. You turn to get into bed when he reaches for your arm. It’s gentle, and he just pulls you back around to face him,
“I know you’re tired, and that’s why you’re being such a cranky-ass, but… I just- I just can’t do this anymore.” After Travis’ little chirp he lets out a huff of air that he feels like he’s been holding for the past year, and you continue to stare back at him. Trying to be patient and trying to find some clarity, you give him a nudge to go on.
“I thought that us being together would be too hard, and that I’d eventually hurt you ‘cus I’m too busy with hockey or you’d just figure out that I’m not that great, and maybe I’m just being a selfish bastard now, but I can’t keep walking around here and going out with you and pretending that I don’t want to be the guy who gets to take you home at night.”
“…Trav, you are the guy who gets to take me home at night, and yes, I want you to stay. I always want you to stay,” You say it so casually and it just kind of falls out. It just feels right to have him around and to have him in your bed at the end of the night. Your need for sleep combined with the past year of pining after a boy who friend zoned you took over, and you gave in. You knew it was right, and so did Travis.
He’s smiling down at you when he pulls you into him, you lean into him and when your lips touch it’s like an endless crave has been satisfied for the both of you. You’re holding each other softly until you pull back to look at him,
“I’m really tired… and I think if I stay awake any longer I might just cry from exhaustion.”
He starts to laugh, “the fact that I know that’s true, and that if you did start crying I wouldn’t be surprised but would know to just sit and wait until you’ve got it out of your system because after you’ll be so much happier and then sleep like a baby, should be enough to tell you that I am absolutely, head over heels, in love with you.”
“I hate you. But i also love you. And if you don’t turn that light off and get in that damn bed right now, I might end you.”
Because he loves you (and because he doesn’t want to die), he turns the light off and gets into bed with you. For the first time in the last year, he gets to reach out to you to pull you into him. The two of you fall asleep in each others arms, and you take a mental note to make sure you show him just how much you love him in the morning ;)
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sxveme-2 · 4 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Edited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Two: The One With the Fanboy
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1854
Now lets do a quick background explanation of a pretty key player in this love story. Hunter Osborne-Harvey. The child of Scott and Lily. He was created out of what was believed to have been love. That's what Lily had believed at least. When Lily had found out she was pregnant, while juggling a relationship as well as working through medical school, she did not believe it at first. She had taken around eight pregnancy tests before she eventually ended up at the doctor's office...confirming her biggest fear.
She was expecting.
Scott proposed to Lily shortly after she had broken the news to him. Lily, who had been caught off guard, had accepted with no hesitation. The two had only been together for around a year and a half, and that really was not enough time for two people to decide whether or not they would settle down for the rest of their lives together. Not to mention, the two together had no money. Well...that was what she thought. Turns out, Scott's family had a rainy day fund for him, and the two seemed to be well taken care of.
Where the money came from? Lily was never sure. She supposed his family was most likely saving up for him to go to an ivy league school, but only had to pay for a simple engineering course instead. Leading their son into a successful career. So when Scott began to work full time, he seemed to be home even less. It was shortly after Hunter was born, when things began to really go sour between the two.
After work, Scott would typically go out with his buddies and come home piss drunk to struggling med student, Lily, rocking a fussy Hunter in her arms while studying for a large test the next day. Instead of offering help, he would stumble off to bed and pass out instantly. Leaving Lily to rely on her advanced mind to get her through med school. And somehow, she did it, with hard work, tears, and many nights sleeping at Genevieve's away from Scott.
As Hunter grew up, he seemed to face a few...development issues. He rarely spoke, and could be found sitting alone in his room staring out the window, a lost look in his deep brown eyes. Scott and Lily fought night after night over this particular issue, and a few dozen others. This carried on for seven years of Hunter's life. He would lay awake at night and listen to the insults that were hurled back and forth. His father would end up storming out of their small one story home, which cued a string of sobs from his mothers lips. On these nights, Hunter would crawl into bed with Lily and hold his broken mom close as she slept.
It was later uncovered that Hunter's IQ was off the charts, just like his mothers. Doctors suggested advanced work and study methods. This led into some of the most aggressive fights. Lily wanted her son to be taught as a regular kid, instead of being held at a higher level like she was. Constantly being singled out and then ridiculed if she got anything wrong. Scott, however, believed Hunter should be taught at an advanced rate, so in the future he can be worth billions.
That night got particularly heated, and Aunt Gen had to come and pick him up to stay at her apartment above her cafe. They stayed up all night and watched movies before falling asleep on the couch. The following day, his Grandpa and Grandma picked him up and said he'd be staying with them for a bit.
A week later, he was informed of his parents' separation.
And now, he lived happily with his mother 90% of the time, dreading the weekends he'd have to be at his fathers with his dad's new wife and baby girl. He was ignored most of the time, being left to fend for himself as Mary, his step-mom, and his father would go out to friends' homes. He had to care for Leila, his half-sister, with a useless babysitter.
Anytime he brought up a change of custody, Lily would shut the conversation down. Though she suffered all those years with scott, the blonde knew that he loved hunter. Even if he did not have a very good way of showing it. She knew Hunter would rather be home with her, grabbing breakfast at Aunt Gen's, ordering pizza for dinner while watching movies and shows. Playing in the backyard with joey.
Sleeping in Lily's bed when he heard her crying at night.
"Who's here?" Lily wondered aloud as she walked to her and Hunter's usual spot near the kitchen at a booth.
"Okay, Hunter, if I tell you, you have to swear not to go all superhero nerd on me okay?" Genevieve grinned while sliding into the booth next to the young boy, "I know your whole obsession with these righteous men and women." With a reassuring nod from the quiet boy, Lily watched as Gen began, "The one and only Captain America is here. With his two best confidants, Falcon and Winter Soldier."
Lily's eyes immediately turned towards her son. She couldn't help but grin widely at the bright and beaming smile that lit up his face after Gen broke the news. His chocolate brown eyes sparkled as the fanboy in him boiled to the brim. But, he had promised to keep his composure. Instead, Lily watched as he pursed his lips and his grin grew bigger.
"Where are they sitting?" he managed out, attempting to take deep breaths to relax an overwhelming amount of adrenaline and nerves dancing through his body.
Gen nodded her head gently towards her left side, causing both mother and son to glance slyly to where the few people in the cafe seemed to be also sneaking glances of. And sure as shit, there the three sat. Chatting lowly over coffee and pastries. Glancing back towards her son, Lily could see the excitement growing more and more the longer he looked at his heroes. All over his room, posters of Captain America, Iron Man, Black Panther, etc, littered the walls. Action figures and collectibles stacked up on his shelves. Hardcore fanboy. It was endearing to see.
"Mom! Could I go ask for an autograph?" Hunter pleaded as he looked over at his mom and aunt, who exchanged weary looks. The two shared that telepathic conversation that all best friends can do, before turning towards the boy sat opposite of them.
"Go ahead kiddo. But do not make a scene." Lily started with a gentle smile, leaning forward with her pointer finger extended. The blonde boy wrapped his pointer finger around his mothers before sliding out of the booth and towards the men he idolized, "We just made a huge mistake, didn't we?"
"Nope. You did. He will never shut up ever again," Gen chuckled while sliding out of the booth, "usual order I'm guessing? Secret blueberry pancakes for Hunter and croissant with icing sugar for you?"
"You know me so well, and I hope he doesn't shut up. It'd be nice to hear him talk from time to time." Lily chuckled as a waitress poured her coffee into a mug.
Bringing the hot liquid to her lips, Lily’s eyes turned to glance at the group her son just went to talk to. They all had sideways smiles on as they laughed at something said. Whether it be from her son or one of them. The heartwarming smile that Lily seemed to be known for stretched across her lips as she sipped the dark liquid in the white mug she held. All of the sudden, Hunter turned and pointed back towards their table, the three men's eyes following his arm. They all raised a hand and gave a gentle wave.
This in turn, caused Lily to basically spit out her coffee. Or more so...actually spit out her coffee.
One of the men, the one she recognized as the Falcon, noticed the spillage and stood from his seat, making his way over and sliding into the booth across from the young girl. Lily's eyes blew wide as her cheeks flushed a bright red against her fair skin.
"Steve has a tendency of making women spit out their drinks, something to do with his charm or something," the dark skinned man chuckled as he cleaned the coffee off the table, "Sam Wilson. And I'm guessing you know the blonde. and the rugged robocop would be Bucky Barnes."
Bucky Barnes. Lily's eyes slid from the coffee in front of her to the other two men still putting up with her obsessed son. She seemed to catch the gaze of the long haired one, the superhero mentioned prior. Right as they locked eyes, both turned away. Lily's cheeks only heated up more as she cleared her throat.
Like said before, she wasn’t much of a talker.
"Sorry about my son, he loves you all a lot," Lily said, her voice a mere murmur as held the mug up to her lips, "Oh and uh...I'm Lily. Lily Osborne."
Sam seemed almost...shocked? by the words that left the blondes lips. As though he didn't believe a part of what she had said. Was she known among the superheroes or something? Maybe her fathers botanist studies? Or the fact a young boy was in love with superheroes? But they all seemed pretty unlikely. Most young kids liked superheroes. Especially those who fit the same archetype as Hunter.
"There is no way in hell you're that young kid's mom. You're way too young." Sam laughed softly, shaking his head.
So that was why he didn't believe her. Most people have that assumption. That they were brother and sister rather than mother and son. Lily was only thirty three, and had a youthful glow to her it seemed. Though whenever she looked in the mirror, all she saw was all of those years of hard work and sadness. The weight of being a single mother weighing down the under eye skin that was now seemingly bruised. The dull aura of her busy work schedule and stress with handling a fairly difficult ex-husband.
"Yeah, he's my son. Look's more like me than his father, luckily." Lily laughed softly, nibbling at her lips. A nervous habit. Her mother used to scold her on the daily for it, saying that the precious skin on her lips was for the kiss of someone she loved, not to be pulled open by anxiety.
"Well he's a sweet kid-” Sam stated before being interrupted by Steve and Bucky calling him, as they headed towards the door, "It was nice meeting you Lily. You've got a good kid on your hands," he continued, writing down an address and number on a napkin, "Swing him by the compound one day. I'll give him a tour."
Lily gave a simple nod goodbye as she slid the napkin into her purse, grinning as her beaming son returned to their booth, looking more vibrant than ever. He began to rave about how awesome Captain America was and how quiet the other guy was. Bucky, right. Gen slid their food down in front of them before sending lily a quick wink.
"Aunt Gen these are blueberry!"
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brokutosan · 4 years
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Title. It Made Me Feel Warm Yet Scared At The Same Time
Pairing. Ushijima Wakatoshi x Fem!Reader
Summary. In which she’s hurtling towards him, but she’s scared he might not catch her. (Spoiler: he does).
Warnings. This contains manga spoilers to up to the latest chapter!
Ushijima Wakatoshi doesn’t look like someone who’s interested in relationships. Or perhaps he truly isn’t. Day in and day out his thoughts are plagued with volleyball, and Y/N isn’t sure if she can find a place she could weasel her way into those said thoughts.
Tendou Satori, her coworker and friend who had introduced her to the man in question, had once said that, “Wakatoshi-kun’s brain is basically a hollowed out volleyball.” It makes sense, though. He’s a Division 1 player that’s made his way to the National Japanese team at the age of 19, so if he wasn’t as dedicated to the sport as he is then Y/N would think his whole career is a fluke.
“Say, Y/N-chan,” Tendou hums, catching the girl’s attention, “why do you like Wakatoshi-kun anyways?” Y/N stops to think about the question. It’s a good and valid question and the eccentric man in front of her had asked it a million times. And each time Y/N does not know how to answer the question.
“Why is the sky blue?” Y/N finds herself throwing the question at Tendou after much consideration.
“Hah?” He jumps up. His reaction is totally over the top, but it’s nothing Y/N isn’t already used to. “How am I supposed to answer that?” He questions back, brows furrowing into a frown.
“That’s exactly how I feel about your question.” Y/N calmly replies, taking a sip of her drink. Tendou’s face relaxes from its frown, and he jumps up exclaiming, “Oh! I see what you did there.”
“Wait. When did we jump from finishing this paperwork to talking about my love life?” Y/N perks up, straightening her back in order to avoid premature back problems. She focuses her attention back on their forgotten paperwork, rearranging them based on importance.
“I’m just a concerned friend trying to help solve your relationship problems. Specifically your lack of one.”
“Well, thanks but no thanks.” At that, Tendou gives it a rest. Or at least Y/N thought so, before he shoots up in his seat again, gaining strange looks from the people seated near the pair in the small café. “I got it! Is it because he’s attractive?”
Y/N throws him a pointed look, one that screamed out her disappointment, before she sighs out, “I like Ushijima-san because he’s Ushijima-san.” Tendou pauses and brings a hand up to his face, indicating some sort of thought process.
“Yes yes, I totally understand.”
“Kinda feels like you don’t.”
“I do.”
Y/N accepts defeat, choosing to just stay quiet just in case Tendou starts trying to dig deeper. A few minutes of silence engulfs the two as they focus on their on work, the topic of Y/N’s ‘tragic’ love life and Ushijima Wakatoshi being forgotten amidst paperwork and deadlines.
“Aki said yes when I proposed.”
“Satori! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” This time the strange looks are pointed at Y/N, who’s leaning in from across the table to an unamused red head. “I forgot about it ‘til now.”
“So...?” Y/N muses, still standing on the balls of her feet as she shoves her face as close as possible to her surprisingly nonchalant friend. “So what?”
“When did you propose? How did you propose? When’s the wedding?” Y/N gushes, forgetting to let her friend answer her never-ending questions. “Slow down there, Y/N-chan.” Tendou chuckles and waits for her to settle down in her seat before continuing,
“I proposed last weekend over dinner and the wedding’s in four months.”
“Four months? Is that enough time to prepare?”
“It’s a simple ceremony at a shrine back home. All we care about is actually getting married.” Tendou has a dreamy look on his face, one that made Y/N slightly jealous. She hopes that someday she’ll feel it too.
Taking in her friend’s expression that screamed out ‘I’m in love!’, Y/N smiles warmly and says, from the bottom of her heart, “I’m happy for you and Aki, Satori. I really am.”
“Yeah. And I wouldn’t have met her if it weren’t for you, Y/N. So...” Tendou hints, wiggling his eyebrows and craning his neck in a way that implied he’s up to something.
“Oh no no no. No, I get where this is going, but no.” Y/N shakes her head ‘no’ vigorously, and Tendou’s almost worried for her neck but argues,
“I didn’t even say anything yet!”
“You’re grateful that I set you and Aki-chan up so now you want to do the same thing for me and Ushijima-san.”
“Damn, you’re good.” Tendou mumbles as he slouches down in his chair. “I wouldn’t be this happy if it weren’t for your help, Y/N-chan. Let me return the favor.”
“It wouldn’t be a favor if I expected something in return. Trust me Satori, I’m fine.” Y/N is hesitant to say her next sentence, but she does so anyway. “Besides...I don’t think Ushijima-san likes me like that anyways.”
“Hah?! Are you blind?!” At this point the workers are giving them dirty looks and Y/N has to physically wrestle Tendou back down to his chair. “Scream one more time and I’m telling our boss you’re finishing all of my paperwork for me.” Tendou pouts but complies anyways.
“You’re crazy if you think he doesn’t like you!” Tendou whisper-yells while making obscene gestures with his hands. “What makes you say that?”
“Look, it might not be obvious to you, but I’ve known Wakatoshi-kun since highschool!” Tendou states the obvious. Y/N looks at him unamused, but lets him continue anyways. “When he likes or dislikes something, it shows on his face!”
“His facial expression has never changed when he’s talking to me though.”
“But it does when you’re not looking! He has that small, satisfying smile on his face like when he perfects a spike or wins a game.” Y/N is skeptical, though she always is when it comes to Tendou, but she gives him the benefit of the doubt. “Okay. Say he does miraculously like me too. Then why hasn’t he made a move?”
“Why haven’t you?”
Tendou lets out a dramatic sigh and slams his head down on the table. “You’re both hopeless!”
“I’d like to think of myself more as a realist. And the reality is Ushijima-san probably sees me as your boring friend from work.” Tendou runs a hand through his face and lets out something that sounds like a mixture of a grunt and a groan. He’s overreacting, Y/N thinks to herself.
“He’s a VLeague player, Satori. Meanwhile I can barely make rent on time because my friend won’t let me get my work done.”
“You’re being unfair to yourself Y/N! Why not give it a chance?” Y/N ponders over it for a minute. She could. No, she wants to, wholeheartedly. But the thing is she’s scared of making a fool out of herself. While she’s not technically someone with an inferiority complex, it’s hard to get past the fact that the man is way out of her league.
Then again...how the hell would she know if she doesn’t even give it a shot?
“Damn.” Y/N huffs out in defeat, back slamming her chair as she dramatically drops her body on it. Tendou sees this as a sign of victory, and holds up two peace signs. “Operation Wakatoshi and Y/N is a go!”
“I hate you, Satori.”
“Oh c’mon! You love me!”
“Nope. I hate you to death.”
“You’ll thank me for this opportunity later.”
“Sure, if I don’t kill you beforehand.” Tendou lets out a laugh, or more like a cackle, and Y/N has to physically rip her phone away from her ears in order to avoid damage. She’s thankful she’s not in public, like a train or something, or else she would have died out of embarrassment.
“You can’t kill me ‘cus then no one would help you with Operation Wakatoshi and Y/N!” Tendou wheezes out as soon as he’s done with his laughing fit.
“I can help myself.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Have I said how much I hate you yet?”
“Y/N,” Tendou’s voice is clear with no more trace of laughter. If Y/N knew any better - the guy is being one hundred percent serious. “Just go to dinner with us, you won’t die from it. I’ll say Aki-chan had a free dinner for four and pay our meals in advance.”
“Isn’t that too obvious? Like why him and why me out of all of your friends?”
“Wakatoshi-kun won’t look into the finer details of these types of things. Trust me.”
“What if I freak him out? What if he thinks I’m insanely boring? What if -” Tendou cuts off her unnecessary rambling. From her end of the call, Y/N can just feel the major eyeroll Tendou was probably doing.
“Relax. All you need to do is be yourself, Y/N! Talk to him about your daily life and listen to him ramble about volleyball. If anything Aki-chan and I will be there as a buffer.”
“Thanks for the reassurance, but I’d rather die.”
“You’re so dramatic, Y/N chan.” And at that, she immediately shuts her mouth. If that phrase just came out of Tendou’s mouth of all people, then perhaps she was being just a smidge bit dramatic. Only because Tendou was set on hooking her up with his greek god of a friend.
The call ends after a bit more teasing from Tendou and some more death theats from Y/N that followed. Eventually they decide on a date after considering Ushijima’s training schedule, and it suddenly hits Y/N that it’s actually going to happen. She’s actually going to dinner with one of the finest man she’s ever seen walk the Earth.
“So...” Four pairs of eyes glance around at each other, each seemingly awkward and unfamiliar despite knowing each and everyone there on the table. It was Aki who had decided to take the liberty of breaking the silence, and Y/N silently thanks her friend who’s always been the more extroverted one among the two.
“Wakatoshi-kun, how’s volleyball training?” Aki darts her eyes at the said man, who was busy trying to ignore the awkward stares by stuffing his face with the pork curry in front of him. He coughs, obviously caught off guard, and Tendou is kind enough to pour him a glass of water (albeit he had a shit-eating grin on his face, but it’s the thought that counts).
“Ah, it’s doing well.” Ushijima replies after his mini choking scare. If he did end up choking on that piece of pork, Y/N is certified at performing the heimlich maneuver, but she’s not sure she could handle being that close to him without suddenly freaking out.
Y/N shakes her head in attempt of getting rid of the mental image of her arms wrapped around Ushijima’s torso. His very lean and toned torso. Her eyes wander a below his chest where she’s sure, hiding behind that thick sweater, is a body she’s only ever seen in movies. A testament to his strict training and diet.
“...Y/N? What do you think?” Tendou’s egging her on. She knows he saw her eyeing Ushijima like a piece of man-candy and now he’s making her pay for it. The red haired man is grinning at her, and it took everything in Y/N not to slap that grin off his face from across the table.
“Um...yes...?” It comes out a lot weaker than Y/N had intended it to, and now Tendou’s biting his cheeks to hold in his laughter. Y/N sees Aki elbow his ribs from under the table. Good. The bastard deserves it.
“Oh, so you do think that Wakatoshi-kun’s the most attractive player in the league?” Fuck. If she blurts out ‘no’ right now she’d be offending him. If she blurts out ‘yes’ she’ll be digging her own grave.
“Tendou. She doesn’t have to answer that.” Ushijima’s voice is stern yet indifferent, but good enough to shut Tendou up. Y/N weakly nods her head, a small apology for letting her thoughts wander and creating that awkward situation. He nods back in acknowledgment.
“Wakatoshi-kun, would ‘ya mind walking Y/N back to her apartment? Aki-chan and I here have a long way home and I’m worried about our friend Y/N here since it’s getting late.” There’s the catch. Y/N should have known he had a few tricks up his sleeve.
“No, it’s totally fine! My apartment is only a fifteen minute walk away, and there’s street lights everywhere! You don’t need to-”
“I was already planning on doing that.” Y/N finds herself getting more excited at those words than she should. He truly is a gentleman.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose! I know you’re probably busy with training and stuff.”
“Y/N-san. It’s only a fifteen minute walk away. I think I’ll be fine.” He says with a small smile. Ah. So he’s decided to throw her words right back at her. Clever.
The rest of their dinner goes by smoothly, with Y/N being careful Tendou doesn’t make an ass of her for the rest of the night. She learns more things about Ushijima than before, things like how his dad lives in California, and he tries to visit every once in a while. By the end of the night, Y/N feels herself getting closer to her crush. But then she remembers the dreaded 15 minute walk back to her house.
“Ushijima-san, are you sure about this? I really don’t want to be a bother.” She repeats for the nth time since walking out of the restaurant.
Ushijima offers her another smile and says, “It’s fine, L/N-san. I wouldn’t be comfortable knowing I let you walk home alone in the dark.” And at that Y/N gives it a rest, deciding to walk in silence. It lasts about three minutes, until Ushijima asks in a soft voice,
“Do you find being around me uncomfortable?” It comes out almost vulnerable, pretty ironic considering this tower of a man doesn’t look like the type who’d ask this question. Nontheless, Y/N quickly retorts,
“No! I mean...no, of course not! It’s quite the opposite, actually. I find your presence comforting, like...uh...like a giant teddy bear!” Oh god. She said that out loud. As in she said those words. As in she just called Ushijima Wakatoshi, Schweiden Adlers’ opposite hitter and the National team’s cannon, a giant teddy bear. I want to die. Y/N keeps walking ahead, not noticing that the stupidly handsome man beside her had stopped walking about five steps ago.
Y/N is so focused on mentally kicking herself in the ass that she doesn’t notice the feint small that makes its way to his face. And the laugh that follows takes her by surprise. It’s a nice sound. Y/N’s almost glad she made an ass out of herself in order to hear it.
“That’s...that’s a pretty interesting comparison.” He says once his laughter dies down. Looking back at him, Y/N finds it unfair how the moonlight is hitting his features just right, making him look almost ethereal. This man truly is out of her league. (And she just called him a giant teddy bear, Y/N’s never gonna forget that).
“Sorry, that totally came out wrong.” Y/N’s glad Tendou’s not around. The slimy bastard would never let her live it down. She could almost imagine having to go about her day with Tendou reminding her that this happened. She shudders at the thought. Ushijima notices this.
“Are you cold?” Y/N purses her lips and starts to say no, but is interrupted by him sliding off his jacket. “Here, take this.” He says warmly, closing the five-step gap between them with three long strides.
Y/N finds herself at lost for words as an oversized jacket pools her form, and Ushijima zips up the jacket with gentle hands. His face is even closer now, this much Y/N is hyperactively aware of. She feels a brush creeping up her face and curses herself for being so helpless in this situation. If only Tendou could see her now.
“Thank you, Ushijima-san. You didn’t have to.” He’s looking down at her with an unreadable expression, hands still fixed at her shoulders.
“I’m sorry?”
“Just Wakatoshi is fine.” His face breakes into a smile as the sentence causes blood to shoot up Y/N’s face, her cheeks no doubt redder than a tomato. Cute, he thinks to himself.
“A-ah, then, thank you, Wakatoshi.” She manages to squeak out, though her voice is a bit muffled from her hands covering her face. She feels warm hands grip her wrist, gently pulling her hands away from her face. Y/N is once again made aware of the fact that his face alone could be used as a deadly weapon.
“You can just call me Y/N, too.” She finds herself blurting out. Ushijima, the deadly weapon, decides to go in for the kill. “Alright. So, Y/N, would you like to have dinner with me some other day? Just the two of us this time.”
Y/N pinches herself to make sure she isn’t dreaming, and replies with a hearty grin and a, “Yeah, I’d love that.”
A/N. Another reupload! There was a certain point in time when I was obsessed with Ushiwaka. This is me praying tribute to that. As always, thank you for reading! Please leave a like if you enjoyed it! - chuu
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels
Member: Juyeon
Genre: a pinch of *TW depression/rape/abuse (not from juyeon, don’t worry)
A/N: I contemplated writing this for Seonghwa but idk i just didn’t see fit while i wrote this. and no, there will not be any crying in the club, i’m riding on the notion where you need to get over shitty times and it’s not worth crying about it 
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you were shaking your head and swallowing large gulps of air, trying to get the burp in your stomach out through your throat. you could feel the slight burn in your chest from the cider you had earlier. you pull up your phone with the music blasting loudly in your ears, the clock ticking on the screen as the large, digitalised numbers shining brightly in your eyes. 
“ah fuck... shouldn’t have stayed at the bar so late. why does school even have a bar? shit shouldn’t be allowed--” you grumble under your breath, smelling the sweet scent of the cider escaping your mouth. you burp, but you couldn’t hear it over the music in your ears. 
you look up and see your dorm building barely a five minute walk away, the only light illuminating the path you were on were the lights from the nearby faculty buildings in the area. if this wasn’t a university campus, you’d be scared shitless to even walk here. 
you walk mindlessly, only wanting to get back to your room, take a bath and knock out after a day of relentless working on your few, but tiring projects. your eyes notice a familiar figure walking across the road just about tens of metres ahead of you in your path, and you weren’t sure who it was until he started walking in your direction. 
you were pretty certain it was just someone you’ve seen around in school before, but he walks up to you and doesn’t hesitate to drape his arm over your shoulder. for a moment, you wonder if it was the cider that led your mind to play tricks on you, but you register his face under the bad lighting, immediately drawing a frown on your forehead and pulling out your earpiece to protest the action.
“what the he--”
“yah, where have you been? i thought you said you wanted to go back to your room early today?”
confusion was written all over your face, and you couldn’t choose between freaking out over the fact that someone you weren’t familiar with talk to you like you were friends, or over the fact that it was lee juyeon. 
“anni...” juyeon pulls out his phone from his right pocket, openly searching for your contact that he didn’t save, and struggles a little while typing in a message. “you said you’ll check your text messages every now and then, how was i supposed to know that you were going to go MIA?” he looks at you through the corner of his eyes, hitting send. you feel the vibration in the hand you were holding your phone with. 
there’s someone following you.
“anyway, how was your day? managed to finish whatever you needed to get done?” juyeon slips the phone back into his pocket, probably picking up on the panic that was filling your chest and your gut. 
your mind blacks out for a moment, and suddenly, a billion thoughts filled your head.
the person who was following you. there was only one person you could think of: your ex-boyfriend. things got ugly when you said you wanted to break up last year. not only did he threaten to commit suicide, but he tried to extort money from you in a bid to keep you by his side. you could never forget how he tried to make you pay him to keep your intimate secrets away from your friends and family. 
“i’ll watch you from a corner”, he said. 
‘traumatised’ might not even be the best word to use. but right now, you were scared. 
then there’s lee juyeon. it’s not that you hated him or anything. both of you knew each other, especially after you confessed to him about a month ago. not because you wanted a relationship with him, but because the knowledge that you had feelings for a boy you barely had any contact with was eating you out. you couldn’t help but to be honest with yourself, to be honest with him, and confess, for the sole reason of getting it off your chest. 
you promised him you didn’t want anything and all you wanted to do was to be honest with your feelings. 
him being arguably one of the most popular seniors who stayed in the same dorm as you didn’t really help your case of confession. 
luckily, you found out that he told only one person: hyunjae. 
after that, you never bothered to contact him again. all you wanted was for the feelings to go away as quickly as they came. 
“are you alright? you seem burnt out,” juyeon’s voice snaps you back to reality, watching you zone out and noticing that your grip on your bag straps were now tighter. your knuckles were white and the flesh on your palms were turning red from the harsh hold. 
“i’m... i’m okay.”
juyeon senses your discomfort and anxiety now that you knew someone was following you. he tilts his head subtly, noting that the stalker was still about twenty metres away from the both of you. 
juyeon continues talking and chatting like you were best friends, giving you small taps on your shoulder to encourage you to reply. his facade doesn’t falter once the entire walk to the dorm buildings, and even then, your stalker was still within sight. 
the both of you were finally at the lift lobby, where you hoped to see the security guard, but your dorm was known for having shitty security, so it wasn’t surprising to see the post empty. 
juyeon hits the button of the lift, never once lifting his arm from your shoulder. you look at him stare at the metallic lift doors while waiting for it to arrive, realising that he was observing your stalker’s reflection in the surface of the doors. he was standing barely ten metres away from the entrance of the lift lobby outside the building. 
“he’s not going to leave if i let you go up on your own.”
had he said that any lower or softer, you wouldn’t have heard it.
“i know we aren’t close, but please trust me.”
you gulp, knowing that blood was rushing away from your face and you were on the edge of passing out. your heart was racing in your chest, and you were just about on the verge of having a whole panic attack. if juyeon wasn’t here, you’d be crying by now. 
“i know it’s unfair, but please trust me,” juyeon says again, now slightly louder to ensure you heard him. you look down at your feet, trying to pull your attention away from your anxiety and the stalker while the lift arrives. 
juyeon pulls you in and turns you around so he would be looking over your head and outside the lift. you were watching your stalker in the reflection off the mirror in the lift when juyeon wraps an arm around your shoulder and uses the other to tilt your chin upwards after pressing the button for the sixth floor. 
you hear the gears of the lift doors churn, but juyeon leans forward and gives you a solid, firm kiss on your lips. your eyes remain wide open, but juyeon’s fluttered shut upon the contact. 
your eyes catch a glimpse of your stalker taking two large steps towards the lift lobby just as the doors seal shut. maybe it was juyeon’s facade and confidence that rubbed off on you, but a surge of anger and frustration motivates you to wrap your arms around juyeon’s shoulder, pulling him in closer to seal the kiss. 
you feel the lift start to move upwards, and you pull away without hesitation, using your fingers to wipe the saliva off the corners of your lips. you look away, unsure if you were embarrassed, or that the alcohol from the cider was making your face burn. 
“sorry,” juyeon licks his lips and wipes them with his finger too. “doubt he’ll be scared away if we didn’t do anything.”
“no, it’s... fine,” you stare at your feet, taking deep, large breaths to calm your breathing. you didn’t even notice how hard you were breathing until you started calming yourself. 
“are you alright? you look like you were on the verge of an anxiety attack,” juyeon sniffles, turning and leaning against the wall of the lift as if the two of you didn’t just kiss for show. 
“i was,” you huffed, pulling your bag around to the front and taking out your room key. “but thanks. i wouldn’t have known if you didn’t tell me.”
juyeon rubs an eye and watches as the lift comes to a stop on the sixth floor. he follows you out, and it triggers you to turn around, the anxiety still in your gut not making you the best person you are. 
“i’m fine now, just go.”
juyeon’s eyes widened a little, and frankly. he looked a little hurt. but that look of anguish quickly dissipates, and you wonder why he hasn’t nagged at you for being an ungrateful little bitch despite him helping you. 
“i’ll see you to your room and i’ll be camping on this floor for awhile,” he stuffs his hands into his pockets. “i don’t trust that your stalker’s gone. he’s probably just waiting for me to leave before he comes up to find you.”
you freeze, though you already weren’t moving. 
he was right.
knowing your ex-boyfriend, he was probably still downstairs, staring up at the sixth floor, waiting for juyeon to leave the building before he came up to look for you. the thought sends chills down your spine and your head to feel light-weighted. 
you hear some movements, but it wasn’t from juyeon because he wasn’t moving, and soon, you hear someone coming from behind you.
“oh? why are you-- why are you both--”
“anniya, she’s just got some notes for me, that’s all. she took a module last semester and i’m taking it now, so she’s just lending me some of her material,” juyeon walks past you and grabs hyunjae’s hand to pull him in and bump shoulders. you turn to see hyunjae with his girlfriend, who happened to be your neighbour. she smiles at you, hand in hyunjae’s.
they were probably heading to hyunjae’s room. 
“ah, arra~” hyunjae hums, giving you a bright smile as he lets juyeon go. the younger male turns to you, walking to your room and looking back at you, cuing you to follow him.
you get the door open and you nearly fall into it. your heart, though not racing anymore, was still pounding against your chest mercilessly. you dump your bag in the chair at your table, sinking down to the floor and letting your emotions eat you whole. 
you shut all your senses out while you curl up into a ball while sitting on the floor. you let your emotions and memories override you like a virus taking over a computer, and you could feel your lungs collapsing in on themselves. 
you hear nothing from juyeon, but you felt someone pat your shoulders gently and you hear him shuffle around, the friction of his pants against each other rustling as he sat down next to you. 
it didn’t matter that the boy you had feelings for was here in your room with you. you were never interested in developing a relationship with him, so this was nothing compared to what your ex-boyfriend has done to your memory and your faith in love. 
juyeon tries to unwrap you, but fails. you could feel the hot tears taking over your eye sockets and your feet starting to turn numb at the awkward position. 
“yah...” you hear juyeon call out to you, his hands still gently searching your arms and body for a way to untangle you from yourself. “it’s going to be okay. he’s not going to show up as long as he knows i’m still here, arra?”
you shake your head relentlessly, your tears finally spilling over your lids and drizzling down your cheeks. you hear juyeon sigh, and with more force now, he pulls you open. 
you fall towards your left, into juyeon’s torso as he cradles you like a baby. you tried your best not to crumble into a billion pieces, but the thought of your ex-boyfriend’s face was enough to shove you over the edge. 
“uljima,” juyeon coos into your ear, arms carefully wrapped around your shoulders and not anywhere inappropriate. you grit your teeth, completely ignoring his words as you let it all out. never have you once broken down over your ex-boyfriend in front of anybody, and you definitely didn’t expect the first person to be juyeon, someone whom you desperately wanted to avoid to prevent any awkward situations. 
you didn’t know if you blacked out from crying too hard, or the anxiety that was slowly shutting your mind off, but you wake up to a dark room, with only one source of light turned on. your swollen eyes take some time to adjust, but you see now that you were on your bed, and juyeon was at your table scrolling on his phone. 
you struggle to sit up, wondering how in the world you felt physically incapable of supporting yourself. juyeon responds to your movements, and rushes over to the space next to your bed with your water bottle. 
“drink up. your throat must feel like the sahara dessert now.”
you take the bottle and finish whatever that was left in it.
“what time is it?” you rub your eyes as juyeon locks his phone and shoves into his back pocket. 
you groan and physically face palm yourself. 
“you better head back to your room, he must’ve been gone by now.”
juyeon sighs, taking the bottle and sitting on the floor next to your bed. you look at him, too tired to make your confusion show, but you still stare at him hoping that he could see all the imaginary question marks floating above your head. 
“i’m not going anywhere after seeing you break down like that. i’ve got no morning classes tomorrow, so i’ll stay with you until you wake up,” juyeon brings his knees up to his chest and rests his chin on his right knee, looking up at you with tired eyes. 
you scratch your head, trying to stifle a yawn as the exhaustion hits you again. 
“go back to sleep. you’ll be fine as long as i’m here, i promise.”
juyeon nods backwards to your pillow, encouraging you to fall back into the mattress and shut your tired, swollen eyes. 
lee juyeon. you’re really something, huh?
Part 2: Give Your Heart A Break
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lampd-intheface · 5 years
a/n: me: *tosses virgil into the void* this b*tch empty!!! yeet!!! anhyway, idk who dragged me into this ship but im suffering and i want yall to suffer too warning: general warning for deceit who is named desmond and remus (cus some people don’t like them), angst but no comfort pairing: deceit/virgil/remus
At first, Virgil didn’t understand the empty feeling in his chest whenever he saw Patton, Roman, and Logan together.
He knew for a fact that he didn’t love them, so it wasn’t like he felt left out. Whenever Virgil saw them, it wasn’t as if he wanted to insert himself in between them. He was happy the three of them were so in love. Who was he to get in between that?
No, that wasn’t it. In fact, no matter how hard Virgil wracked his brain, he couldn’t find the answer. He never really truly understood why he felt so empty seeing them together. 
So, he went on with his life, helping Thomas, hanging out with everyone else, just generally living.
It felt... endless. Empty. It was like Virgil went through the motions without even really thinking. It was an ever-repeating cycle of nibble on some food, listen to music, have a panic attack, help someone, scroll through social media, repeat. No rest.
Instead of dwelling on it, Virgil continued with his life, not exactly content with leaving it be but definitely not wanting to think on it too much. Maybe this was just how life was supposed to be.
Then, they came.
Desmond and Remus came back, both with their sly smirks and their dark intentions. They almost looked just like how Virgil last saw them; Remus still had that ungodly mustache, and the side of Desmond's face was still as serpentine as ever.
Virgil hated the way his chest just filled. He didn't know what flooded into his rib cage, what pushed past his intestines, clamoring for room, but it was there. It was there, and it was whole, and it was all-encompassing and warm.
Suddenly, there was no mind-numbing emptiness.
Virgil hated them. He wanted Remus and Desmond gone, wanted them to stay away, wanted the emptiness back so desperately because weren't they hurting Thomas? Weren't they making Thomas a bad guy, trying to twist Thomas into something he's not, trying to change him into what they wanted him to be?
Wasn't that why Virgil left in the first place?
Yet, some higher power out there really did have it out for the anxious side. Really, Virgil should've known. He'd never had anything go his way before, so why would this?
Instead of leaving, the two dark sides stayed, and Virgil continued his love-hate relationship with the way they made him feel.
"I was pretty sure you moved allegiances because the grass was greener here, Virgil, yet, you look miserable." Desmond had stated so plainly one day like he was talking about the weather, "Could it be that the saying is true? It always is greener on the other side?"
Remus laughed like it was a joke while the other sides eyed Virgil almost accusatorily, like they weren't totally convinced that Virgil was a light side just like them.
Maybe that last part was just his imagination.
"Why would Virgil be miserable? He always looks happy to me!" Patton didn't even hesitate with his answer. Virgil nodded like, perhaps, if he pretended to believe in it, it would make his answer real.
Instead, Patton just managed to cement the dread in Virgil's stomach. Yes, Virgil was miserable, and, yes, it was all because of that emptiness in his chest that only Desmond and Remus seemed to fill and, no, the saying wasn't right.
The grass wasn't only greener on the other side. The grass had always been green wherever Desmond and Remus were.
That was the problem.
It hit Virgil almost as fast as that throwing star had hit Logan last week.
The emptiness was there because Virgil missed Desmond, missed Remus, wanted to be with them just like Patton and Logan and Roman were.
He wanted the late-night talks about things bigger than life, he wanted the gross sexual jokes and the inappropriate but welcome touching, wanted Remus' heater body pressed against his, wanted Desmond's icy skin on the other side, wanted all of it.
Remus continued to cackle in that way that Virgil loved and wanted to hate "Man, Virge, I never knew you to be the lying type. Maybe leave that job for Deceit?"
Desmond, on the other hand, grew silent, staring at Virgil in that perplexed way of his. He could probably tell exactly what Virgil was feeling, what he was thinking, what was going through his damn head.
Virgil wanted to convince himself it was because he was Deceit, but, in reality, Nobody could read his mind and know his mannerisms as well as they did. Nobody knew Virgil as well as the two of them did.
"Come, Remus." Desmond suddenly snapped, "Let's go."
Finally, that manic smile from Remus' face fell, and he looked to Virgil as if he didn't want to leave him. Virgil turned away and pretended not to see, pretended not to know, pretended his heart didn't ache.
"That's it? You're leaving, just like that?" Roman pushed the issue, but the look on Desmond's face didn't leave any arguments.
Remus and Desmond sunk in, disappearing to god-knows-where. Virgil fell too but not into the comforting darkness, not to his suffocating room with its bad memories, not to anywhere.
Instead, he sank to his knees, tears threatening to spill.
Well, at least he knew what that feeling was now.
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simplyslytherin · 4 years
The mirror part 2
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The next morning she dragged Barnaby to the gryffindor table and sat him by Ben. Ben seemed to notice her eyes where red and as soon as she said the name Talbott he was on his feet. "I'll kill him," Charlie and the rest of the quidditch team had to swarm Ben to pin him to the ground, "Barnaby kill Talbott. He made Claire cry," Barnaby sprung into action anger contorting his face, "wait don't kill him I'll kill him," Ben said while struggling under Charlie.
"Mr. Copper, I won't condone violent behavior," professor Mcgonagall said sharply, "the same goes for you Mr. Lee."
"It was my fault professor,"
"Don't be ridiculous, Miss Reyes."
"You didn't ask these boys to go murder their classmate." Both of Ben and Barnaby started fighting even harder to get away.
"Please don't punish them, I can talk them out of it."
"I would like to see you try Miss Reyes."
"I broke up with Talbott!" She felt her face heat up as both boys stopped fighting.
"Y-you did?" Ben asked.
"But your eyes are red," Ben said
"You must of been crying," Barnaby added.
"I have allergies!"
"I stand corrected," Mcgonagall said amused.
And that was the end of that. She didn't tell Ben how she felt. The mirror though a wonderful fantasy was just that fantasy. Why would good, sweet, noble, brave Ben want a deatheater's daughter?
She decided that she would just keep curling up in his robes when the dormitory felt particularly empty, it was enough. She wished Rowan was here. Rowan was the smart one she would of known what to do. Just being Ben's best friend was enough. She didn't deserve him anyway.
It wasn't till Barnaby one morning slammed his orange juice down rather violently things changed. Both Claire and Merula jumped in suprise. "You need to stop it Claire. I'm sick of it. I've been more than patient with you," Barnaby said.
"Stop what?" She looked to Merula for support but she just shrugged. However, she was wearing her, 'I know what he's saying but I can't tell you' look.
"You need to tell Ben how you feel!" He yelled face turning red with frustration.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what your talking about." Claire defended eating her toast.
"Don't lie to me." He glared at her, "I know you better. Your head over heels for him."
"I'm not! He's my best friend!"
"Oh yes you are," Merula said, "you cuddle up in his robes when your upset. And you must of invented some sort of charm to keep them smelling like him cus you sniff the sleeves!"
Claire's face burst into flame. If she could die on the spot she would of gladly done so. Perhaps she could ask the bloody baron to drive her through with a sword. "Y-you know about that?" Her voice cracked a bit.
"Oh yes I do, you've been doing it since he gave you that robe in sixth year!" Merlua said indignantly.
"You've probably been in love with him since first year," Barnaby added, "you looked like you wanted to cry when he kissed Abby." Abby as it turned out was the gryffindor girl from charms she hadn't recognize during the mirror incident.
"She was using him," Claire defended.
"Yes, using him to snog," Merula said sarcastically.
"Even if I do like him-I'm not saying I do, he's dating Abby, I couldn't just ruin his relationship he's happy."
"Does he look happy to you?" Merula asked.
She looked across the tables to see Ben hunched over his charms notebook, Abby was trying to get his attention but he ignored her continuing to work on a new spell she guessed.
"I don't know." She said finaly.
"You know," Barnaby said softly, "Abby looks a lot like you minus some key differences."
"What are you saying Barnaby?"
"It could be completely possible that Ben fancys you and is just using Abby as a place holder." He said expertly.
"When you go up to Ben he always gives you his full attention does he not?" Merlua asked.
"Yes but-"
"When you were in a coma in the hospital wing, for a week he would vist you every day and read to you, he even snuck in a slept by your side once,"
Barnaby said. Claire felt her face get redder she didn't know that.
"So why not tell him?" Merlua gently prodded.
"I don't deserve him. Its my fault Rowan-and who in their right mind would want a deatheater's daughter?"
"That's Ben's decision," Barnaby said softly. "If you don't tell him we will."
"You wouldn't."
"We already have it arranged."
"Please just a little more time-"
"Two days," Merula said firmly.
"Okay," she tried to enjoy the two days but it was hard. Ben kept hovering over her saying she was sad and it was worrying him. He had done so much to try and cheer her up, Honeydukes, her favorite tea, he even told her about a cheer up charm he was working on, (the others he used had no effect). How was she supposed to tell him that she was sad he would no longer want to be her friend? That in two days time he would be disgusted by the very sight of her. He wouldn't want a deatheater's daughter after all.
It was after dinner when she made her way to the artifact room, she had told Merula and Barnaby she would confess tonight. She held his robes as she waited for him smelling them one last time. This was it. The moment all conact with Ben would end, but at least it was on her terms.
Ben open the door smiling apologetically, "sorry Abby was a nightmare to get away from. Are you gonna finally tell me what's made you so sad?"
She shoved the robes in his arms, "I'm sorry, but I love you" and she ran. She ran out down the floors out the front doors past Hagrid's cottage all the way to the forbidden forest. Out of breath she reasoned she was far enough away to stop. Tears came quickly, she wiped them away. She couldn't bear to hear Ben's rejection, running away seemed like the best option. Cowardly yes, but it hurt less.
Suddenly a warm pair of arms wrapped around her. She fought back, she was not going to be kidnapped by a mystery person and killed, no not today.
"Its me, its okay," Ben's soft voice cane to her ears. No not Ben, she fought harder to get away. Ben was that last person she wanted to see, he was going to deliver her rejection right here and now. Eventually Ben had managed to pin her to the ground using his size and superior strength to keep her still. "Claire please stop struggling," he said gently.
"No!" She shouted trying to wriggle free, "let me go Ben please!" She begged
"Just listen to me only for a moment."
"No!" she started beating her small fists against his chest as if it would make him move off of her.
Gently he took her arm in one of his large hands, "Claire-"
"No! Don't say it!" She turned away from him.
Suddenly she felt a warm sensation on her cheek then her forehead and her chin and her nose. She wanted to die on the spot when she realized what he was doing.
She turned her head to face him, to say something anything, tell him to stop perhaps. When suddenly the warmth was on her lips. Was Ben Copper kissing her? What a strange world it was. Well, she could enjoy this while it lasted he was probably only doing it to calm her down after all. Ben's tongue seemed to be determined to maker her think otherwise, it explored her mouth not leaving a single thing untouched. Until he started to wrestle with her own tongue. When they needed air he pulled away from her face scarlett and buried his head in her neck, he said something muffled.
"What?" She asked runing her fingers through his hair.
"I love you," Ben said breathlessly in her ear.
"What about Abby?"
"We snogged once, then she thought she was my girlfriend. She's been a nightmare honestly. She keeps going on about how she saw up in the mirror and it's fate or something."
"Ben can I see what you saw in the mirror? I'll show you mine."
"I suppose so," he breathed out moving above her.
She started to gently prod his mind. "Ben think about the mirror it will make it easier," he nodded and she found it.
Ben was standing in front of the mirror and suddenly Claire appeared from behind him. She was wearing his scarf instead of Talbott's. Suddenly without prompting mirror Claire yanked on his tie and kissed him. After she finished she looked at him with adoration, mirror Ben returned the look. They had started holding hands.
Gently she started to show him what she saw in the mirror.
"You want- with me?" She just nodded, "wow, I think I could get behind that eventually."
"Ben can I do something?" He nodded and she kissed his neck before biting down, she did this till a large bruise started to form. "Abby should leave you alone now."
"Yeah, let's get back up to the castle, your a prefect, you should be getting in trouble." Ben's face turned scarlet.
"Have you met me?"
Slowly he got up off of her then helped her up. They walked back to the castle until she said, "sit with me tommarow morning."
"Of course."
It was quite amusing when Abby realized where Ben was, Claire saw her storming to them before Claire decided to have a bit of fun. Grabbing Ben's tie she pulled him down for a kiss, Ben was all to happy to oblige. She could distantly hear Abby yelling something but she didn't really care.
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imgoodloveenjoy · 5 years
Chexton isn't perfect but Sexcel is toxic.
I’ve been a fan of Chicago Med since season 1, I love the growth of the characters and seeing them come into their own and blossom through their storylines. In the beginning, I liked Marcel, he represented a wild, fun and interesting addition to the cast and characters until the writers decided to make him messy. Now, I can excuse messiness but I can’t excuse the arrogance of Marcel’s character especially with him disrespecting one of my favorite characters, April. Since April and Marcel are working closely together, the way he speaks to her rubs me the wrong way so I’ve compiled a list of instances of Marcel directly disrespecting April:
 1. Season 5, episode 3:
               * In this episode, a woman came into the ED with a newborn infant. April thought she should’ve been checked out, which I agreed with as childbirth is a traumatic vaginal, physical & emotional experience and to make sure the placenta had passed. Voicing this concern with Marcel throughout the episode, even mentioning when she had her suspicions that the baby wasn’t hers, he aggressively bit back at her just to go behind her back and do what he admonished her for suggesting (and taking credit by making it seem like him doing the tests was all of his idea) while also sedating the patient, which resulted in DCFS not being able to talk to her and possibly find the truth and help the real mother sooner. Marcel could’ve talked to April about the issue, especially since a recessed placenta can cause extreme sickness and death for a mother, and he and April could’ve worked through the issue together as teammates instead of him being authoritative & holding his position over her head.
 2. Season 5, episode 8:
               * This is the episode where Noah has been beaten. Although I agree with Marcel about Noah needing surgery, he didn't have to speak the April the way he did. That's her baby brother laying there and he should've taken her concerns into consideration, a total lack of empathy. Lanik was running point as Noah's doctor and was discussing the options for treatment with his sister and all-knowing Marcel comes in, speaks over April & telling her "It's not your call", when it's most likely that April is designated to make decisions about his care when he's unable. Being aggressive with her that she isn’t in charge of his care and, once again, disregarding her medical input just feels like an asshole. April then apologizes to Marcel when he should be apologizing to her. This situation also lets us into a little window that feels like he always has to be right even to the point of not consulting with his own patients or their guardians about how they want their care to go & what their options are. He's right, they're wrong = Connor 2.0. To directly insult her about her brother's care is sickening and full of ego.
 3. Season, 5, episode 10:
               *This episode once again shows us how Marcel isn’t very communicative with his patients or the people on his team. He has a patient who has expressed a fear of being under anesthesia and Marcel, AGAIN, goes straight for the surgery instead of offering all avenues of service to his patient and advocating for what he feels would be the best course of action. "As much as I value your input, Nurse Sexton, I am the surgeon and this is the plan" cuing Noah being visibly uncomfortable by that statement.
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Speaking with his patient would’ve told him that the father died under anesthesia and that could be evident of some kind of underlying issue, as we just had a similar issue with Elsa's patient, who was allergic to the anesthesia and had a deadly reaction. Even Noah notices that they're arguing a lot, which isn’t healthy for a work environment. Marcel tries to blame his horrid communication skills on April telling her that if the patient needs emergency surgery, it’s on her. No, it’s on you, Marcel.  I'm sure if he had just talked to his patient, there wouldn’t have been any dramatics and the patient would’ve done the surgery but since Marcel is hiding things (double entendre intended), the patient ops out, feeling uneasy. April did what Marcel should’ve done and what she suggested he do in the beginning and communicate medical action to the patient about what his options were. Marcel has no problem popping in on other people's patients offering surgery as an option, why is it so hard for him to offer non-surgical options for his patients? It's like he just wants to cut into people, almost psychopathic. In the end, April oddly apologizes when she did nothing wrong.
This brings me to another thing I've noticed: Marcel works really well with Noah because Noah is in training. Noah defers to Marcel's medical judgement and seems ready to try to please him. Meanwhile, April has been in the medical field long enough to know how some things are supposed or should go so she offers up her medical opinion, and has in the past to Will, Natalie, Connor and Ethan. Marcel probably feels like this calls in to question his judgment and snaps on her, wanting things his way while treating April as a glorified assistant. The only thing April did wrong was to not let Noah and Marcel know that she had this conversation with the patient when he requested to know his other options; Marcel was more in the wrong for not doing this in the beginning and for yelling at April, he doesn’t seem to work well with a team and April didn’t need to apologize. They will both find out that hiding things to make things go your way, won’t work.
Another thing is he relies on calling April "Nurse Sexton" as to remind her of his elevated status versus hers. It’s like he's telling her "You’re just a nurse, therefore inconsequential" as though she doesn’t know enough or have had enough experience with patients as he has, probably more as many of us in hospitals see the nurses more often than we see the doctor. April's position as a nurse isn’t because she cannot be a doctor, its due to her misogynistic upbringing where her status could be the same or better than the men in her family. She voiced this concern when Noah first came to Med and when hiding her relationship with Ethan - knowing that nurses are seen as lowly in the medical field when they're really vital.
Final thoughts: Marcel needs to pack that ego in. He’s condescending to April every time she has an idea or concern about someone’s medical care. I do think his pairing with Natalie, someone who’s always as self-righteous as he is and rarely ever apologizes, will cause him to look back at his behavior and make some changes, hopefully. Not like April who seems to cow to his behavior. It would be interesting to see him work with Dr. Latham, someone who’s just as skilled, knowing and strong willed as he is who will really challenge him on ethics. We’ll see what happens in the coming episodes.
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Written for @stingueweek​ 2019; prompt: AU
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Chapters (1/?): 1 Rating: Mature Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Rogue Cheney/Sting Eucliffe Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, Erza Scarlet, Wendy Marvell, Bora (Fairy Tail), Kagura Mikazuchi, Gajeel Redfox, Tempester (Fairy Tail), Jackal (Fairy Tail) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Thieves, Thieves Guild, Heist, Costume Parties & Masquerades, Sneaking Around, Swordfighting, Magic, Magical Artifacts, Team as Family, Con Artists, Blood and Injury, Alchemy, plans that go terribly wrong, as usual, lots of swearing, Natsu's plans are always convoluted, Gray's not sure about them, Sting and Rogue are just along for the ride, Erza's pretty sure it's gonna blow up but wants to be there for it, it's another heist, but there aren't any bees this time, Stingue Week, Tumblr: FTLGBTales Series: Part 1 of richer and cleverer than everyone else, Part 1 of Stingue Week 2019
“If we manage to get out of this alive, I’m going to cut off Natsu’s balls and feed them to the sharks.”
Sting rubbed a hand over his face and sighed noisily, then looked down at the little girl standing in front of him. She didn’t say anything, just stared up at him with wide, blue eyes and bunched the skirt of her frilled dress in her hands.
“I’m not going to hurt you, darling,” Sting reassured her, crouching down to her level and giving her what he had been told was his most charming, innocent smile. He held out his hand and she studied it for a second before reaching out and taking it. “There you go, love. You want to get out of here?”
She looked around the room, eyes landing on a small toy that was tucked onto the bed. Sting reached over and grabbed it – a small, plush cat – and handed it to her. “Better?”
She nodded and Sting squeezed her hand, then stood up and peeked out the door.
“All right,” he sighed, glad to see that the guards were still unconscious. “Since this whole thing was Natsu’s cockup, we’re going with his sure card.” He looked down at the little girl and grinned. “Let’s go burn something down.”
Continue reading on AO3
Two Weeks Earlier
“Whatever it is that you’re plotting does not count as ‘lying low’ and you know it.”
Gray scowled at Natsu, who was sitting on top of the dining room table in the guild basement looking frighteningly pleased with himself.
“Who says I’m plotting?” Natsu said, trying his best to look innocent.
“I’ve lived with you for twelve years,” Gray said, “and I’d recognize that idiotic expression from all the way across Magnolia.” He turned to Erza, throwing his hands up in exasperation. She looked up from her dinner and gave him a half-shrug, lip curling up in a smile when he groaned and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Just hear me out,” Natsu insisted. “It’s not just money – it’s magic!”
Gray stared at him. “We are not,” he said slowly, leaning forward with his hands on the table, “fucking with the bondsmagi.”
“Gods, no,” Sting interrupted from his spot at the table next to Erza. “Even Nastu isn’t that much of a twat. Right?” When Natsu didn’t answer, Sting pinched his thigh. “Right?”
“Of course not!” Natsu said brightly, batting away Sting’s hand. Gray glared at him suspiciously, then sighed and leaned back against the other table, arms crossed against his chest. “Look,” Natsu continued, “Sting and I heard some of the lads down at the alehouse talking about that new Lord in Upper.”
“Bora?” Rogue asked, eyebrows raised.
“I think you mean ‘Lord Bora of Prominence,’” Sting corrected in a ridiculous high Therin accent. Erza snorted. “Nobody else calls him that, but he’s apparently very fond of himself.”
“Well he can also apparently walk through walls,” Natsu said, “so he might be onto something.”
“Nobody can walk through walls except the bondsmagi,” Gray said darkly, “and even that’s up for debate. Does he have the marks?”
Gray gestured to his forearm, the traditional place where bondsmagi wore their circular tattoos marking their rank in the sorcerer’s guild. As a magic user, membership in the guild was mandatory, and if you didn’t want to join – well, nobody who valued breathing ever refused the bondsmagi.
“According to our sources, no.” Natsu shook his head.
“And are your sources those brats from the Half-Crowns?” Gray demanded. “Because the last time we got a tip from them, I ended up with this.” He pushed back his hair to show off the thin, white scar that ran just above his eyebrow.
“That was an accident and you know it,” Natsu protested, hopping down off the table and tugging his own shirt up to show off the bandage over the still-healing wound on his hip. “And mine’s worse.”
“I know,” Gray said, “I sutured it. And isn’t that exactly why we’re supposed to be laying low? You got stabbed on the last job!”
“Lightly stabbed,” Natsu corrected.
“You can’t get ‘lightly stabbed,’ you twit, you’re either stabbed or you aren’t.”
“All right, ladies, enough bickering.” Sting gestured for Natsu and Gray to separate. Then he turned back to Erza and added a quick, “no offense meant.” She rolled her eyes and continued eating.
“You think we should do it, right?” Natsu looked at Sting with wide eyes and Sting sighed.
“You did get stabbed very recently,” he admitted, “but there might be something to it. Maybe.” He turned to Gray. “It wasn’t just the Half Crowns. The Eight Crows and one of the sneaks from the Dragontooth Brotherhood said they saw Lord Bora disappear in the middle of a crowd. Not just running away – vanished into thin air.”
“How soused were they?” Rogue asked, kicking his feet up on the table.
“Fairly,” Sting admitted. “But Kagura said she saw him too.”
Gray raised an eyebrow. Kagura ran Mermaid Heel, the all-women's guild that took care of Magnolia’s brothels. They had been around for years, ever since a nobleman had beaten one of the girls and Kagura had cut off his cock in retaliation. After that, it had been easy to remove the rest of the men from the guild, and now every brothel and bawdy house was under Kagura and her girls’ protection. Gray had seen Kagura slit more than one man’s throat in broad daylight and had never known her to lie.
“She saw him vanish?” he asked.
Sting shook his head. “She said he was at the Inn and Out down by the docks, but he didn’t take any of the girls, just poked around a bit. Kagura cornered him ‘cause he was acting queer and she said he just turned and walked through the wall.”
“Through the wall?” Rogue leaned forward on the table. “We’re sure he’s not a bondsmagi?”
“If he was, he’d be up in Era with the rest of them,” Natsu said, waving his hand dismissively. “Off charging hundreds of thousands of solons to topple governments, not bootlicking the Don and Doña.”
“Well then how in the hells is he using magic?” Gray demanded. “Alchemy’s one thing, but it won’t get you through walls or make you disappear.”
“Kagura thinks he’s got a Remnant,” Natsu said. “A big one.” He gave them all a significant look.
“That’s... unlikely,” Erza said, setting down her utensils and leaning forward onto the table. “Nobody’s ever had one that powerful.” The tiny stones, remnants of a once-powerful crystal, could be used to do minor magic – small things like levitating a sheaf of paper, or temporarily changing one’s hair color. They were a good distraction on cons, and the guild had several in the vault, but none of them were powerful enough to make a man disappear.
“They all said he had a ring,” Natsu explained. “Big red gem, and it flashed before he used the magic. That has to be how he’s doing it.”
“So, you want to nick this ring?” Gray studied Natsu and Sting, who both nodded.
Natsu bounced on his toes and grinned at Gray. “Picture the look on Captain Lahar’s face if we got collared, and then just disappeared from the prison!”
Gray tipped his head from side to side, looking past Natsu to gauge Rogue and Erza’s reactions. If Erza shut down a plan, it wouldn’t go ahead, no matter how much Natsu wanted to do it. The one time he’d tried to go behind her back, he’d mysteriously woken up with lockjaw. He hadn’t been able to talk for a week, and it had never happened again.
Erza stared at the patterns in the oak table for a minute, then looked up at Natsu. “I might have heard,” she said slowly, “that there’s a party being held at Bora’s place in the Uppers.”
Natsu perked up even more and turned to Gray. “You love parties!”
“I do not.”
“Do so.”
“Do not.”
“You did go on quite a bit about the last party,” Rogue said, giving Gray a sly look. Gray gritted his teeth, willing his cheeks to stop burning. He’d been a bit tipsy after their last fancy job and had effused to Rogue – at length – about how fantastic Natsu’s arse had looked in his leggings.
“Well, you might have a bit of a time getting into this party,” Erza said to Natsu. “It’s a fancier’s show. Apparently, he’s been inviting all the ladies to see the lavish new winter fashions from Crocus – and the invitations was for those of the fairer sex exclusively.”
Natsu opened his mouth, then surprised Gray by frowning, considering what he might have been going to say, and deciding to not say it instead.
“Before you ask,” Erza added, “I will not be wearing a gown or accepting any sort of affections from Bora, no matter how ‘prominent’ he is.”
“What if he’s prominent…” Natsu laughed and gestured to his groin, then yelped as Erza tossed her butter knife at him. “All right, I know your inclinations run more to the cu—”
“Think hard before you finish that sentence,” Erza warned, picking up her fork and pointing it at Natsu. He put both hands up in surrender, shifting so that Sting was slightly in front of him.
“Look,” Sting said quickly, “nobody needs to get dismembered, and Erza doesn’t have to wear a dress.”
“I take it you have an idea, then?” Gray asked.
“That I do,” Sting said, wrapping his arm around Natsu and grinning at him. “Since this is Natsu’s idea, we’re going to make him into the prettiest noblewoman in Magnolia.”
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stellar-imagines · 5 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝meeting your son’s lover.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki ]
「Bakugou and your son suddenly announces that he has a girlfriend all of a sudden, surprising you two. What surprised you more was the fact that he invited her over for dinner. And another surprise, she was deaf.」
“I.....I got a girlfriend.” your son ― Yozora, muttered all of a sudden while the three of you had dinner together. Katsuki blinked a few times and had stopped midway to process what his son had said. You stopped eating for a while to stare at your son.
“You’re not joking right?” you managed to say after a few moments of silence. Your son let out a gasp of surprise, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment at your assumption. He snapped his gaze at you, looking a little offended that you thought he was just making it up.
“Of course not! I have a girlfriend!”
“So, what led you to telling us this?” Katsuki questioned calmly.
“She wants to meet you guys.....or something like that. I couldn’t refuse because she was practically begging me to bring her over so I have no other choice but to take her.” your son muttered, his cheeks bright red as he continued to eat his meal that you had prepared.
It wasn’t as if you didn’t believe your son or anything. The two of you had gone through the nerve-wracking experience together before. You’re actually pretty curious to what kind of girl your son was dating. Is she the bubbly type that smiles a lot like Uraraka? Or is she the well-mannered girl like Yaoyorozu? The only thing you talked about was what kind of person your son’s girlfriend is. Katsuki was pretty curious as well, wondering what kind of girl his own son was dating. He only hoped that she treated him well.
Soon the dreaded day came and your son couldn’t help but pray to the Gods above him that you wouldn’t embarrass him in front of his girlfriend. Now that he was standing in front of his house door with his girlfriend by his side, he was debating on going in or not. The girl squeezed his hand gently, making him turn to her. He noticed the nervous smile on her face and she rose her other hand, signing a few things. 
"I'm nervous. I hope your parents like me." 
"Don't worry, my mom is super nice and my dad is pretty much cool with everything. Even if they don't approve you, I'll always be by your side, Iroha." he said, assuring the girl's anxiety. 
He had entered the house pulling the girl along with him as he decided to use all his courage to invite her in. Yozora announced that he was home and immediately heard your footsteps coming from the kitchen. You beamed at the girl who hurriedly bowed to you to show her respect. 
"Is this your girlfriend, Sora? Come in, come in! Your dad will be home soon, just sit amd some TV while you wait. I'm almost done with dinner." you told your son as he took off his shoes at the genkan. As soon as you said that, you rushed off to the kitchen to finish cooking dinner.
Iroha glanced around the house, taking note of how large it was. Considering that both you and Katsuki were heroes, she thought that a house of this size and elegance was normal. She found herself awkwardly sitting on the couch while Yozora headed into the kitchen to grab something to drink. She was nervous and couldn't help but to fidget every now and then. The sound of the door opening was enough to make her jump.
"I'm home." 
"Katsuki! Welcome home, you don't look as tired as I expected." you placed a hand on your hip as your husband took off his boots and handed you his case which held his hero costume. 
"Yeah, villains are staying low today. And it's a fucking great thing." Katsuki uttered before pressing his lips on your forehead. 
"So, is Sora back yet?" he asked. 
"Yeah! He brought his girlfriend over! She's real pretty you know! Let's have dinner together now." you pulled your husband to the dining table and called the two kids to wait at the table.
"Are you alright? Do you not like any of these food? Should I make something else?" you fretted, noticing that the girl was fiddling with her fingers as if she was trying to say something. Instantly, she looked up with a worried look. 
"Th-That's not it, mom! Iroha is just.....!" Yozora felt her tug at his sleeve and saw her sign something at him. 
"She's deaf?" Katsuki rose an eyebrow, looking a little surprised.
“Don't tell me that you asked for those sign language books to communicate with her? Ah, you even wanted to have classes too, didn't you!" you pointed out with a wide knowing grin, now realizing your son's feats from over a year ago.
"M-Mom!" he lightly scolded you, cheeks turning bright red ― almost rivaling a tomato.
"What's so embarrassing about that!? Your dad here crashed my weekly girls night during high school all because he wanted to spend time with me. And mentioned that he didn't care if he had join the girls night." you pointed at the man sitting beside you. Katsuki put down his bowl of miso soup and lightly glared at you. 
“But that's still fine―" 
“I made his nails super pretty too! We also had those temporary tattoos and we pasted it on his biceps. It looked so cu―" 
"Here!" Katsuki shoved a piece of sushi into your mouth to stop you from babbling more about his embarrassing moments.
‘You're supposed to embarrass him and not me!" your husband grumbled in a low tone. 
"No! You should know better! Remember when I first visited Mitsuki and Masaru and they embarrassed the hell out of you? You should know how that feels! And do you want Sora to go through the same?" you questioned your husband. 
"Don't you remind me of that. Can't we just eat? For fuck's sake. The food's gonna get cold." Katsuki muttered, taking a piece of the karaage and placing it on your plate. 
Iroha who was sitting across you found herself smiling, watching as you and Katsuki argue about something ― though it seemed one-sided because Katsuki was the one yelling at you. Yozora saw the small movements coming from the girl next to him and wondered what she was thinking. The girl faced him, giving him a small smile as she raised her hand. The male watched carefully as she signed something to him. At this, you stopped whatever you were doing and watched this little scene going on. 
"What did she say? What did she say!?" you asked excitedly. 
"She said.....that we're a very lively family and that you're both amazing parents." Yozora mumbled. 
"Thank you. Now, go ahead and eat before the food gets cold." you said. 
"H-Hah!? Wh-Why do I have to tell them that?"  your son was beet red and his girlfriend flashed him a pout, tugging at his sleeve as she made a few signs with a small frown on her face. 
"I-I don't care! You can tell them any other time! It's embarrassing for me to say that in front of them." Yozora immediately excused himself and ran up the stairs. His girlfriend was left alone with the two of you, looking a little sad. You know that Yozora was always nervous when it came to expressing his feelings, he was like Katsuki back in the days. 
"What's wrong? He just ran off like that, it's pretty fucking rude to his girlfriend." Katsuki grumbled, listening to the slam of a door that came from the second floor. 
"Sorry, Sora is usually a nice guy but I wonder what's got him so riled up....." you wondered, letting your gaze wander to the stairs. The girl immediately rummaged her bag for something and pulled out a notebook and her pencil case. She began to scribble something on the very last page before showing it to the two of you.
“It was my fault. He's always easily embarrassed when I say weird things." 
"Oh, it's nothing to worry about! He got it from his father!" you patted Katsuki's back who clicked hie tongue in response. 
"I wanted to tell you how much I love your son. He's an amazing person. Hardworking, bright and friendly. He's any girl's dream. Earlier, he was embarrassed to say these kind of things to you." 
"Really? I'm so glad that he has someone like you as his girlfriend. Please continue to look after Yozora, he…can be stubborn and hard to handle sometimes. So please be patient with him. You're already a part of our family. Come and visit it any time you want." you smiled at the girl who gave you a smile before scribbling down something on another page. 
"Thank you. I'll treasure him forever." 
You ushered Iroha upstairs, not before handing her a packet of Yozora's favorite snacks and telling her where his room was. She bowed to show appreciation before going up the stairs, bringing her bag along with her. You sighed happily, resting your elbow on the table with your hands holding your cheeks. Katsuki cleared up the table and  put the dirty dishes into the sink before walking out of the kitchen to stand next to you. He noted the dreamy smile on your face and rose an eyebrow.  
“That brat finally has a girlfriend huh?” Katsuki muttered as he helped you with washing the dishes. You stacked the clean plates on the dishwasher and smiled at your husband.
“Sora is growing up. He’s already in his second year in UA so it’s not a surprise that he’s interested in having a relationship.” you pointed out.
“She’s a really sweet person so I don’t see a problem with it.” you grinned from ear to ear.
"You seem awfully happy." he commented. 
"Of course, our son has a girlfriend and she's such a nice person. How could I not be happy?! Soon he's gonna become a man." you hummed to yourself.
".....doing this and that behind our backs. Just like how we did back in the days." you smirked, lightly poking your husband in the rib. 
"Oh shut up, you were making faces like you wanted it too." Bakugou grumbled with a small pout on his lips. You giggled softly and wrapped your hands around him, pressing yourself up on his back. 
"How about you go shower while I clean up the kitchen?" you suggested. Bakugou looked over his shoulder and turned around, wrapping his arms around your waist as he flashed you a smirk. 
"Only if you join me." 
"You horny bastard." you teased.
Total: 1761 words Published: 22.04.2019
Thank you for requesting! (ㅅ•᎑•) This was pretty cute owo Hope y’all liked it!― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! Very interesting scenario to type. We hope that it came out just as you wanted it, anon. If ya’ll noticed, we used Yozora which is the same name mentioned in Lou’s work on quotev. ― author Natsuki
We posted a birthday special for Bakugou! If you’re interested, have a look here! 
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos
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theothersideofhim · 5 years
Stan Figures It Out: Part 1 (or, Asmodeus’ Super Fun Beehive Poking Text Log) (or, Nobody)
((So a few days ago me and Sarah went through a lot of really cool character development, but it was all over discord. I’d really like to have a record of it over here and let ya’ll read cuz it was GR8. 
Broke up it up into two parts since it’s so much, and this is part one. Basically Ash ( @ashenheartx ) decided to bother Stan about stealing his idea of making Merlin into a Hell puppet for a hot second, his previous relationship with God, and basically have a big old gay crush on Lucifer. Stan hates all these things and overreacts in true Stan theatrics fashion.
Warnings: NSFW descriptions and general lewd emojis. Ash being Ash. No other triggers far as I know.
Next part to come soon, probably tomorrow.))
[txt] ps fuck you for stealing my idea and then failing it btw this is overdue
[txt] well your butt was already spanked figured itd take this long for it to heal
[txt] ruling hell for you
[txt] WHA
[txt] NO
[txt] you lied so hard and fast
[txt] that was ONE nun 
[txt] well alright it was mORE than oNE nun but she was special circumstance
[txt] he is only a failure FOR NOW
[txt] he's still not a defective one like many others
[txt] and has actual power
[txt] Yeah he does I'll give him that
[txt] Can you really blame me for trying to step in and speed things up?
[txt] yes
[txt] Nope not allowed
[txt] it is allowed because now it will take TWICE AS LONG 
[txt] because now he has sex and it's not as much of a pressure point
[txt] im sorry im
[txt] ?????????? stop thinking about my son's dick
[txt] YOU MENTIONED YOUR SONS DICK and please DON'T act like you DON'T think about it
[txt] it's kind of my entire schtick to think about hidden treasure
[txt] Isn't the real hidden treasure the dicks we sucked along the way though
[txt] see now ive gone from mad to camaraderie and i dont appreciate that 
[txt] some how i doubt you have sucked any dicks tho
[txt]  🤔
[txt] proof
[txt] bitch you gave god a bj why isn't this FRONT PAGE news
[txt] pretty sure my poor dick is flacid and not in your mouth but okay
[txt] honey 
[txt] darling
[txt] you've done worse to me please
[txt] oop kink shamed the devil
[txt] If there's anything that can be said for me
[txt] It's that I don't have that as a kink
[txt] shocking honestly 
[txt] what with that mouth tum 
[txt] but really not even luci? slacking
[txt] why the FUCK would i do that? it's a good dick 
[txt] my cute butt because that's not hidden at all and you can ask luci
[txt] Is it motherfucker????????????? Is it???? You're telling me you let Lucifer fuck you in the pussy????????????????????????? Because I'm calling bullshit on that. I'm calling bullshit that you ever allow anyone to get that fucking close to you anymore.
[txt] well all of that is true, but he is aware of it i am sure. we didn't spontaneously know each other when we dropped out of the sky 
[txt] besides you probably dont share treasure like that because then how do you get to roll around in it when you want to to feel special. you dont. that's like telling people where the candy stash is
[txt] oh wait did i let the cat out of the bag for you because wow?????????????????? 
[txt] didn't you already know i had a pussy like come on man you've probably found it already 
[txt] it's pretty hard to remember some of that time when we first got down here though
[txt] oh no bitch
[txt] i definitely knew
[txt] a shame you don't reMEMBER the fun we had
[txt] but it's been a WHILE AND A HALF
[txt] must not have been all that good????????????? 
[txt] dick wasn't bomb apparently 
[txt] besides you alwyas had a thing for luci
[txt] you had a THING for luci the first day we hit Hell don't even pretend you didn't 
[txt] luci luci luci 
[txt] how else am i supposed to say his name when he poppin that puss
[txt] FUCK OFF
[txt]  💄💯✨
[txt] and lemme remind you; it pOPS 💦
[txt] if you aren't saying 'luci' when you come im not sure what you're doing with your life 
[txt] but it's the wrong thing, darling 
[txt] i'll pray for you and your weird little obsessive love affair
[If Ash is anywhere near the ninth level of Hell at that moment he might hear Stan literally screeching like a raccoon being rammed with a tennis racket. But then shortly after he wouldn't hear anything except for the illusion of Mitski's "Nobody" chorus playing on loop. It was sad and melancholy and repetitive and perfectly summed up the insult Stan WANTED to say about Ash's fucking life, but wasn't able to get past the screaming. Who the fuck cared about Ash's little opinion? Nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody....]
[Look, Ash is a CACKLIN' instead of being offended because if Stan had meant to camouflage his feelings he had instead loudly broadcasted them. So, as a final goad, he gently hit send one final time. 
[vid] it's grainy like ten years ago small cellphone quality with sound, but it sure is Lucifer getting railed from chest to between thighs. it's less than thirty seconds and includes orgasms that end with dick withdrawing with an aforementioned pop and leak of white fluid 
[txt]  ❤️ 🎵 ttyl ]
[Stan was having a HARD TIME OKAY????? He sure as fuck didn't need to be called out by Ash, and he sure as fuck couldn't keep up the illusion as soon as the video came through. That song snapped right out of Ash's reality with the same kind of swiftness as Stan's surprisingly potent jealousy boiling up within him. The phone got thrown on the ground, stomped on, punched a few times, then kicked across the motel room. 
THEN Stan got out a bat and beat the phone within an inch of it's digital life, manifested a hydraulic press and squished the phone with 12 tons of pressure per square inch, before finally mANIFESTING A GERMAN LEOPARD 2A6 TANK AND ROLLING IT THROUGH THE MOTEL LOBBY TO FINALLY DESTORY THE PHONE. 
(And then blast it with the tank's fully traversing rotating gun turret but by then he'd realized he'd never get that image out of his head no matter how much damage he did the phone.)]
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connywrites · 5 years
flesh and blood 13
start - part [12]
Sunday was probably the best day he’d had since before the night of the apparent overdose. Seeing as the 900 was a walking recorder, it wasn’t difficult to sync it to the TV so he could see the episodes of the shows he’d missed throughout the week. With the aching sting in his back turning into constant, miserable itching, it took all the willpower he had not to pry off the wrapping and start scratching at the wounds like mad.
The morning drew into evening which faded into night through a blurry haze. The ceaseless lethargy caught up to him and he spent most of his time watching TV and sleeping, pretending there was nothing else worthwhile in the world around him. Come 6PM – his now-designated dinnertime – the android gripped him by the shoulder and moved him until he stirred. Being pulled out from his snoring slumber, Gavin let out a strange noise that stuck in his throat when he sucked in a breath, awake and aware a bit too suddenly for his body to catch up with. As soon as he recognized the RK900, his eyes were wide and he jolted back, recoiling into the couch before growing still, mentally readjusting.
“It’s time to eat,” it informed him. Smelling the scent of hot and spicy basted Asian food, he stirred from his position of being sunk into the couch cushions. Sitting up, he stood up and stretched with a long yawn before pattering over to the kitchen in the more comfortable getup of sweatpants and socks alone. When he leaned forward over the island cabinet he had in the center of his kitchen to grab his meal, he felt the contact of the other body against his, with the back of his legs and rear against its hips and soon enough, the front of its chassis was pressed against his back with long, powerful arms wrapping around him. Per usual, he stiffened in place, freezing with apprehension as he was never sure what the thing would do next, always wary.
“Carry on with your meal. Don’t mind me,” it coyly assured him, pressing lukewarm lips against his neck – right next to the bandaged wound. How, exactly, it expected him to pretend as though it wasn’t looming over him with its arms trailing around his waist was beyond him, arms growing wobbly with unease while he tried to open the container of food and struggled to thumb off the lid while his mind raced for the proper thoughts and motions. Eventually, he stabbed his fork into the strips of pulled pork and Thai veggies to shove down his throat.
The difference this time was the 900 slipping its hands under his waistband instead of beneath his shirt, one dipping into a side of the v-line curve of his groin while the other made swift work of the tied knot of string that held up his pants. Lost between two places as he felt fear combined with anticipating pleasure, it didn't take much to get a response from him as his legs bent once a hand grazed in front of his loosened sweats, almost jolting with the fight against himself not to downright pull away.
"What, they give you a sex drive too?" He sounded unimpressed, shifting his weight in the attempt not to buckle. Considering he hadn't had sex in a long enough time to forget, it made him easily oversensitive to every touch, a fact he couldn't even try to deny by the way he shifted his hips forward and his breath hitched in his throat.
"Yes," it responded blatantly enough to remind him he shouldn't be surprised, yet as a new angle he hadn't adjusted to, it cued him to scoff in disbelief.
"I must strain not to make a hardware reference with this one. I think you'll understand soon enough." There was no subtlety when he felt the bump against his rear, one he knew all too well from his own personal experience. Usually he took place in the back, however, feeling the overwhelming vulnerability all over again as the squeeze to his dick forced an unsteady sigh from him. Giving up halfway through his meal, he set it down once his stomach didn't feel so ravenous anymore.
"Fuck's sake. What are you, an Eden doll? You don't need any of that."
“Watch your language," it quipped with a quick spank across his ass, creating enough distance between them to make sure he felt the graze of its hand over the fabric of his boxers in one swift, hard motion that made him jump in place.
"The thing with humans is they like to have fun. I suppose I was no exception."
"What are you, a teenager?" The thought that there weren’t any teenage androids manufactured yet only occurred to him then, and he could only imagine why the idea might not pick up.
"I hope not. That's more legal obligations than either of us want." Before Gavin could mouth back, the firm squeeze followed by a few strokes had him all but melting in the android's arms, leaning back and feeling the burning ache throbbing in the wound on his shoulderblades from the pressure of pressing against it, tired of fighting the constant pain of the wounds.
"I didn't expect this to be so easy," it cooed, kissing under Gavin's ear, tracing lips and tongue along his jaw and down his neck before suckling a warm hickey between aorta and collarbone.
"H-hey, watch it," he demanded, but in a softer tone from obedience and distraction combined.
"I can't be going around work with that."
"Oh, it'll hide under your shirt collar. You think I would leave you susceptible to trouble when you've been doing so well?" The heat on his cheeks felt like fire; somehow, that was worse, the way this thing could keep everything it’d done to him under wraps and secret, leaving everyone to assume that their relationship was agitating, but platonic and relatively safe. For a moment, he felt like the walls were crumbling around him, but the tension between his legs kept him from focusing on it too much.
"You seem to enjoy this," it mused, another long, firm stroke causing Gavin’s knees to buckle with a gasp. There was no way he could admit to it, but he was grateful he felt like he didn't really need to speak by the way he was keening under its touch, heavy breaths soon turning into reluctant grunts and low groans. By the time he'd cum, the android sunk its sharper teeth into his neck with a predatory growl, a satisfied sigh escaping both of them as Gavin's body soon grew limp after the release. Taking advantage, the 900 shifted to pick him up in its arms and take him to bed, letting him fumble to grab his food in the process before he was lifted and carried bridal style toward his room.
"That could become a routine, if you like. Orgasms help with a variety of things, from pain to sleep, and I see you could utilize the ease of tension." Completely ignoring the words as well as the warmth radiating from his body from discomfort, Gavin shoved the last of dinner into his mouth, wincing in pain once he was rolled into bed with more care than he'd expected.
For a few moments, he stared up at the android and its faux gaze of consolation; not an expression he hadn’t seen before but probably one he could expect to see again, more times than he cared to count.
"Could've washed your hands," he murmured, finding himself more tired than usual from the drop of energy, turning on his side to adjust more comfortably into the bed.
"Don't act like you actually mind."
As usual, Gavin had woken up multiple times throughout the night, with the android taking up the space next to him whether he wanted it to or not. Every time, it pulled him close, dipping its hand into the front of his underwear and making quick work of his sexual tension; he knew what it wanted by the way it pressed its own erection against his toned ass and pulled his hips back against its own, forced to experience the way it intentionally invaded his sense of physical space until he was fully naked and it was down to the dress pants it'd worn to and from work; the only outfit it had and seemed to need. Eventually he turned to face it, being the first to lock their lips the next time as he brought his hands to run through its hair while they kissed, closing his eyes with the tilt of his head that ensured their noses didn't bump while they tangled tongues and twisted legs together. Increasing the friction until he'd climaxed again and again,  the humility slowly drained from him if he didn't think about the ring of light on its head or the stiffness in its grip, losing himself in a sleepy haze and imagining the interaction being much more organic than the cold plastic beast wrapping its body around his.
Times like these, he fully appreciated that it was a secret, as his reputation would never survive the blow if anyone knew about interactions like this. Dozing off again in its arms after each round became easier and more comfortable, feeling safe and protected in its embrace despite the abuse, the knowledge it could snap his neck in a split second; then again, that might be why he felt safe, an ironic contradiction that he'd always questioned. It seemed similar to how he felt with his father as a child. One moment, they were yelling and he was smacked to the ground, but the next they'd talk over dinner and a beer like nothing had happened. Maybe that was why he was adjusting - or maybe he’d just become masochistic in favor of what he feared.
"Good morning," it offered him with a kiss to his cheek, and it disgusted him how the android treated him like a lover or an enemy depending on its apparent mood now that it had them.
"Fuck off," he murmured without thinking, only to feel a hand clenching underneath his jaw, abrupt and immediately familiar. Shit. With his head forced to turn so he was looking at the dreaded face he loathed to see, his eyes flit open as he felt more awake than any espresso mix could ever compare.
"Oh, Gavin..." Its voice held a convincing tone of disappointment.
"I thought we'd gotten past that bad habit."
"S'rry," he uttered through forcefully clenched teeth, tilting his chin up in acceptance of the touch, prompting it to loosen its grip enough to let him speak clearly.
"I wasn't thinking." That was a blatant lie, as he wanted nothing more than to repeat his actions from the night he barely remembered, envisioning blue blood spilling in sparkling streams from the machine's eyes in his mind. Every intricate, calculated behavior within the RK900 reminded him why he absolutely abhorred the artificial constructs.
Despite his halfhearted apology, it could sense his anger, casting a dismayed glare down its nose as it shifted its hand to put an index finger to his lips in a gesture for him to stay quiet. So he did.
"Suck. As if your life depended on it. For all you know, it just might."
Metal against tooth was an uncomfortable collision, and Gavin could taste cold steel and gunpowder. The nozzle slid further into his mouth, propping his jaws open awkwardly as his eyes never left the android's, visibly drained of energy with cold, distant exhaustion. The next command took a moment for him to follow through with as he hesitated before he hollowed his cheeks, wet lips curled around the barrel while he swallowed it down until he felt the end nudge against the back of his throat with most of the gun’s length out of view.
“Keep going.” Gavin flinched as he usually did while the familiar twinge of embarrassment stirred in his gut, darkening his cheeks with anxiety and humiliation once again—he couldn’t remember how many times it had put him in this kind of position by now. Still, he curled his tongue around the bottom of the barrel, sucking in a breath through his nostrils as he swallowed and tried not to grunt or moan while he the weapon was shoved down as far as it would possibly go.
Squeezing the trigger, the 900 waited for the small click to sound as Gavin flinched, squinting his eyes shut in his usual record time with tears streaming down his cheeks, nearly gagging with the noisy sobs that erupted while he tried to prepare for a bullet to fly through the back of his throat. Once he realized nothing had happened, he slowly opened his eyes to look up at 900 – who hadn’t moved, smiling with an unsettling, cocky laugh. He recognized the simulated response as one he’d have pulled in the past, an unspoken mockery of his being. It made him shudder and gag at himself with the combination of fear, agitation and self-hatred all at once. Unfortunately, it erupted an undesired response as it caused him to lurch, turning his head away while he yanked back. Within a second, there was a hand in his hair holding him in place and another deep, haunting chuckkle.
“You knew it wasn’t loaded, didn’t you?” Something between a genuine question and a taunt; that was a tone of voice the android used that Gavin already became familiar with. It didn’t make him feel any less like an incompetent fool being scolded.
“I thought it was,” he murmured, considering he was never sure what this thing was preparing to do to him next, let alone what it had touched or gotten into, behind his back or from places he couldn’t see or be around for.
“Do you think I would kill you?” Something in his mind flashed white as he wasn’t sure how to respond, only that the question roused a feeling as though he was spinning within the thought alone, images of all the deaths he’d seen in his life flashing in front of his mind at rapid speed. Gavin had been in lethal positions plenty of times, in multiple ways, but he’d never had his own life dangled in front of him on a thread like this. It was hard to hear anything through the rushing pulse and rapid breaths shaking his body as his instincts took comfort in the fact he wasn’t so close to death anymore, but his conscious mind fully feared for his life, cuing him to spring to his feet and start crawling over the bed as fast as he could.
For the time being, the RK900 merely watched. It had spent enough time cornering Gavin, but what would happen if it played cat-and-mouse, leaving him to follow where his terror-fueled, impulsive mind might drive him to, only to find himself cold and alone in the usual, repeated cycle?
Something unfamiliar stirred within it, but as it tended to do with any suspicious coding, it was quick to delete and therefor forget and discard whatever piece of unrecognizable data had wormed its way in, one way or another. So came the bearings of being a machine capable of learning, taking any external information it possibly could to store away for later; at times it simply wasn’t practical to split wires over picking apart what should be kept in its processing and what should be left behind when it didn’t understand all the commands in the first place. Such a concept might be worth paying attention to, but by now it could differentiate useful computing versus the occasional stray software getting shuffled into a place it shouldn’t, navigating RAM until all of the carefully placed pieces of information seemed ‘correct’ and ‘in order’ as to how the android’s consciousness supposedly operated. Amanda wasn’t always so easy to negotiate with, but with how much it was capable of, they were both quick to realize they would be unstoppable partners together no matter what the mission was, or what might drive them for success. She ultimately didn’t mind what it did in its leisure time as long as it got its jobs done, and with how well and hard it worked, the percentages of success had been much higher than its prototype.
There was a heavy thump as Gavin tumbled to the ground, tucking and rolling in a movement faster than he could have gone by crawling, before lunging to his feet and darting down the hall in a hustle. The android waited, leaning back in the bed until it was flat on its back, tossing the gun aside to drop onto the floor and closing its eyes in favor of drifting into rest mode. It internally preconstructed the theoretical maps Gavin would be racing along while its power cut itself into a lower portion and the internal screen went blank.
Two hours. Three. Four. Wherever Gavin went, he must have found it better than being in his own home, but if it waited too long for his return, it could be faulted for his disappearance; it couldn’t have that.
Onto its feet and outside the house, it performed a quick scan that identified Gavin’s footprints, leading the start of a long trail throughout the city as a guide to where he’d gone.
Half an hour, three buses and a taxi later, its night vision clicked on to focus and zoom in for an analysis of Gavin and his sustainability, measuring statistics over the small injuries and rapid-fire brain activity that plagued his physical as well as psychological health. There was nothing in his erratic behavior that was worthwhile to it, leaving the human and his own life to serve barely a small purpose to an ultimate goal.
Once they were through the front door, Gavin was unconscious from exhaustion, carried across town since the minute the android cared to find him. It wondered what his opinion might be when he wakes up this time, and how it might differ from the last, or how exactly the same it might remain after their intensive interactions, as unpredictability was of his nature. Anything else could be fixed. Practice made perfect, after all.
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Admiring From Afar
Combined Anon requests with Sebastian Stan x Reader
“I’m sick of admiring you from afar.”
“Please don’t leave me here with them.”
Warnings: None
You’ve been working as Sebastian Stan’s event coordinator for the past seven months. Basically you were in charge of the schedule to all the press events he went to such as interviews, cons, meet and greets, and etc. During that time, the two of you had grown very close to each other. He was always so sweet, kind, and funny. As much as you hated to admit it, you were falling hard for him. He made it impossible not to. You always did your best to maintain a professional relationship with him so you wouldn’t jeopardize your job. All you had to do was manage three more weeks of the press tour. It would be bitter sweet. On one hand, you’d be unable to see Sebastian, on the other hand, you would be able to get your feelings in check and move on with your life.
This week, the two of you were in San Diego for an interview and a meet and greet. Everything was set with the schedule for the day and seemed to be going smoothly. Sebastian would be arriving at any moment so you decided to take another walk around to double check that everything was in place.
You roll your eyes when you hear a few of the VIP fangirls making inappropriate remarks about him. This was the worst part of the job. Fans like this made Sebastian very uncomfortable, but being the sweetheart that he is, he always sucked it up and planted a smile on his face.
The screaming twenty-something year olds cued that Sebastian had finally arrived. They were like vultures, quickly invading what little personal space he already had. The desperation was unsettling. His eyes meet yours from the group and you shoot him a sympathetic smile. He excuses himself for a moment to make his way over to you.
“I warned you this group was going to be a little hard to handle.” You tease.
“Yeah you weren’t kidding. How long until I can leave?” He asks.
“Well since you’ve been here for a whole ten minutes, you’ve only got about eight hours and fifty minutes left.”
He groans a little before he places a fake smile back on his face and turns to the group again. Just then, another member of your team asked if they could borrow you to go over some more details. Sebastian notices that you’re about to leave him with the group of sexually frustrated fangirls and grabs your wrist.
“Please don’t leave me here with them.” He begs.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes.” You reassure him.
“Y/N what am I supposed to do they won’t let up.”
“Tell them nicely you have a girlfriend who doesn’t like sharing you.” You smile.
“That would be lying. You know I’m a sad single boy.” He teases.
“Yes, but they don’t know that. Just make someone up.” You say. “I’ll be back in ten minutes I promise.”
Sebastian looked relieved when you came back as you promised. You told everyone to go find their seats since the Q&A would be starting soon. As the pouting fangirls left, Sebastian collapsed dramatically on the couch.
“Hey no time for naps now, I don’t have that written in the schedule.” You smile as you sit next to him.
“Yeah is there anything in your schedule that says I can run away screaming down the street? Because I feel like that should happen.” He says.
“You already did that on Instagram a few days ago. Don’t you remember? Now get your butt up. You’re on stage in a few minutes.”
“You’re bossy today. I kinda like it.” He says winking at you.
You try to look down to hide your blushing face. “Yeah, well don’t get used to it. You only have to listen to me for three more weeks.”
His smile fell from his face. It almost looked like he had disappointment in his eyes. Before you could ask if he was okay, he put a smile back on his face before he stood up. “Guess I better get my ass out there then.” He says before he walks out of the room.
The rest of the day seems to fly by surprisingly. After the last fans got their picture and autographs, you started to wrap everything up. Sebastian looked exhausted, but grateful that so many fans made him feel so good today. It was times like this that made everything he went through worth it. He walks up to you after the last of the fans left, leaving just the even crew cleaning up.
“So am I free to go, boss?” He asks.
You playfully roll your eyes at his nickname. “You’re free as a bird. Go get some rest.”  
“What about you?” He asks.
“I’ll be leaving soon. Just want to make sure nothing is forgotten.”
“I’ll wait. Let’s go have a drink after. I need it.” He says.
“I thought you were exhausted?”
“I am, but I’m also really wired. I need to unwind for a bit. So come on have a drink with me. Please?” He asks with the puppy dog eyes. You’d be damned if you could say no to those.
“I’ll be ten minutes tops.” You smile.
After making sure everything was finished, you walk over to where Sebastian was sitting. He was staring off into space, looking like he was thinking about something serious.
“Hey, everything okay?” You ask.
“Yeah. Sorry. You ready to go?” He asks.
“Ready if you are.” You smile.
Sebastian remained silent for a while. You tried not to push him too much to talk knowing that he was probably just exhausted from today’s events. After a drink, he started to relax a little more and the two of you made conversation.
“So when our three weeks is up, what then?” Sebastian asks.
“Well I’ll be heading back to NYC like you. Then I’m not sure.” You shrug. “I’m not worried though. I’m sure they’ll have me back to work in no time.”
Sebastian throws back his drink before placing the glass on the table. “I want to ask you something, but I’m afraid it’s going to make things weird between us.”
Curiosity flowed through your thoughts, what could he mean? “Sebastian you can tell me anything I swear.”
“Okay.” He takes a deep breath. “I have feelings for you.”
“What?” Did you hear him right?
“Yeah, I know it’s probably not the best situation given we work very closely together. However I couldn’t forgive myself for not asking to have a shot with you.” He says.
You remain silent for a moment trying to come up with the words to say back to him.
“Listen, if I made things weird I’m so sorry that wasn’t my intention. I shouldn’t have said anything, I’m so sorry.” He rambles.
“Sebastian it’s not that. You just kinda caught me off guard.” You say. “I have feelings for you too.”
His eyes light up at your words. “Yeah?”
“Yeah I do, but I still work for you. It’s not a good idea to do anything right now. Especially with the rest of the press tour going on.” You say sadly.
“What about after the press tour?” He pushes. “Then we won’t be working together anymore.”
He was right. Once the press tour was over your contract would be up with him. You’d kick yourself forever if you didn’t take this shot. “Well, we’ve waited seven months. What’s three more weeks?” You smile.
“Three weeks feels like forever from now.” He smiles. “Looking forward to it.”
“Me too.”
The rest of the tour was going by excruciatingly long. You and Sebastian promised to hold off on dating, or even talking about dating until after the tour was over. However, you both would steal glances at each other when you could. He’d throw you a wink once in a while causing you to blush. It was near impossible trying to concentrate when we was being so adorable. He made your heart soar every time he even smiled at you.
After another day filled with interviews and screaming fans it was good to collapse on the bed in your hotel room. You rolled over, grabbed your phone, and opened the calendar app. Only ten more days of the tour left, you thought to yourself. It couldn’t get here soon enough. Just then, a notification popped up on your phone from Sebastian. Smiling to yourself you read the message.
“Only ten days left. :)”
You smile and text back. “That’s still too long :(.”
“I know I’m sick of admiring you from afar. Sleep well xoxo.”
Sighing contently, you place your phone on the nightstand and drift off to sleep, dreaming of Sebastian all night.
Finally, the last day of the press tour was over. It was bitter sweet, but you couldn’t be more excited for your date with Sebastian. The two of you were already back in NYC because he had back-to-back interviews with several talk show hosts. As you were saying goodbye to the rest of the crew, Sebastian made his way over to you.
“What are you doing tomorrow night?” He asks.
“My schedule is wide open now.” You smile.
“Have dinner with me?”
“I thought you would never ask.” You tease.
The date was everything you expected to be and more. The first thing he did when he arrived at your door that night was kiss you with everything he had in him. You were taken back by it at first, but quickly melted into the kiss.
The two of you ended up going on several dates that week, enjoying every moment you spent with each other. By date number six he asked you officially to be his girlfriend. Of course, you couldn’t refuse.
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elvendara · 6 years
Whoo, April's gonna be a good month then! o3o Um um ummm, how about MC and Yoosung wanting to spoil their significant others (Saeyoung and Saeran respectively). Like, they know how hard life has been for the twins, so they just want to take a day to spoil them rotten and show them how much they're loved. (Aaaahhhh its hard to think of a prompt when the sky's the limit D: )
3rd day/April Challenge
I don’t know why I always have to add the angst to the fluff! Anyway, here you go! MC and Yoosung trying to make their SO’s feel all the love!
“MC! No! You can’t add the flour yet!” Yoosung grabbed thebowl from her hands and dropped it on the counter. “Oh no.” he tried to scoopout the powder from the melted chocolate. He gave up after a few seconds.
“I’m so sorry Yoosung! I thought we were supposed to blendit together.” MC’s eyes were huge, her apron stained with cocoa powder, flour,and chocolate smears.
“We do, but not until after we add the melted butter,otherwise it won’t dissolve right and just clump up.”
“Oh.” MC felt terrible, this wasn’t going well.
“It’s fine, really, I got most of it, why don’t you get thebutter from the microwave and dump it in the bowl. In contrast to MC’s soiledapron, Yoosung’s was almost pristine. He shook his head and grinned at MC’sclumsiness. At least she was better in the kitchen than either of the twins. Although,he kind of liked Saeran in the kitchen, he usually ended up with food on hisface and it was an excuse to get his hands on him, not that he really needed anexcuse.
The twins had been going through a difficult time. Theirfather had reached out to them and it had caused all kinds of trouble. Saeyounghad wanted to bolt, change their names, and disappear. MC and Yoosung hadtalked him out of that. They had been meeting with the man for the past fewweeks and the stress was showing. Saeran had become waspish, lashing outverbally at the drop of a hat. Saeyoung had become introverted, keeping all hisemotions tightly contained and MC at arm’s length.
They had decided to have a day dedicated to relaxing themand showing them how much they were loved and appreciated. They were working ona chocolate ice cream cake which they would both enjoy. Jumin had graciouslyagreed to let them work in his kitchen so the twins wouldn’t find out what theywere doing.
They finished the rest without any incidents and began toclean up the kitchen.
“Uh, do you think the twins will like this?” MC asked. Theywere both on edge themselves, having to deal with the moods of theirsignificant others.
Yoosung shrugged. “I don’t know, but, we need to dosomething, they can’t keep going on like this, and neither can we.”
MC agreed, she hoped the worst was over, but she was stillafraid that the twin’s father back in the picture was hurting them too much,maybe they should have left when Saeyoung had suggested it.
“You’re home!” MC threwherself on Saeyoung and he had no choice but to catch her, his glasses fallingaskew.
Yoosung waited for Saeran to scoot around the couple beforetaking his hand and embracing him. Saeran clung to him as if he was a lifepreserver and the only thing keeping him from drowning.
“What? What’s all this?” Saeyoung asked, befuddled.
“We just wanted to do something to cheer you boys up, that’sall.” MC looked down and away, worried that he would just dismiss their hardwork and opt to brood in his office, staring at his computer screens instead.
He tilted her head up with his thumb and forefinger on herchin. “I love it.” He breathed, before settling a short passionate kiss on herlips. He still made her head spin and took her breath away.
“Really?” she was so relieved. He looked so haggard andtired. Bags under his eyes, his skin dry and flaky. He wasn’t staying hydrated.
“Really.” He assured her. “I know I’ve been…” MC placed her fingersover his mouth.
“No, today, we just celebrate. Yoosung and I made dinner anddesert, and we’ve got Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone cued up ready toplay! Popcorn, Honey Buddha Chips, and PhD Pepper, plus a whole ice cream cake we made for you! We just want you both to know how much we love you and care about you.
Saeran and Yoosung watched the couple and Saeran turnedtowards Yoosung. “You did all this? You didn’t have to.” Saeran shook his head,his eyes downcast.
“Of course I did, we did, we wanted to remind you what’simportant. Us, we’re your family. Whatever your father wants from you, don’tforget that.” He took Saeran’s hands into his and held them tight. “Don’t pushus away.”
Saeran and Saeyoung exchanged a knowing look and answered inunison. “We won’t.”
They ate, gorged really, watched the movie, and laughed,secure in their relationships, more loved than the twins ever thought would bepossible for them to be.
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