#i have a lot of feelings about the siblings caught in the middle of fighting
A small Mikey rant
They were yelling again.
Mikey didn't even know what it was about this time. He just knew that Raph was mad and Leo was mad and no one was stepping in to pry them apart.
Mikey used to.
He used to step in and diffuse the situation. And if that wasn't enough, he'd start to cry. That used to do something.
Because when he cried, his brothers would stop their fighting and calm him down. Then they'd sheepishly realize things had gotten out of hand and apologize.
But that was a long time ago.
Leo and Raph didn't seem to care about Mikey's tears anymore.
They screamed over his sobbing. They shouted over his pleading. Raph's eyes, sparking with red, didn't see Mikey's eyes sparkling with tears. Leo's twisted mouth spouted harsh words that squeezed Mikey's heart.
Mikey whimpered, curling into himself. His brand new subway car room was nowhere near thick enough to block out the sound. Did they have to argue in the most open part of the Lair?
Did they have to argue at all?
They shouldn't be yelling like this. It was stupid. It was always stupid. And they didn't seem to see just how stupid it was.
Mikey could.
Mikey could always see both sides of the argument.
Mikey could see that Raph was just frustrated but still cared for Leo SO MUCH. Mikey could see that Leo wanted independence and didn't UNDERSTAND that Raph was just trying to keep everyone safe. Mikey could see that they were both too stubborn to compromise.
Mikey could see their family tearing apart at the seams.
Mikey could see everything.
And if anyone saw the same things he did, they didn't seem to care.
They were yelling again.
And Mikey couldn't stop them.
They were yelling again.
And it was getting louder.
They were yelling again.
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May I request Belle (zzz) finding a long-lost gn!younger sibling that's super oblivious and airheaded while she's doing proxy work?
Belle finds her and Wise's younger sibling while she's doing proxy work
I usually don't do gn stuff anymore unless the mood hits me but I like this idea a lot so let's get to it~
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•Not many people knew it, but Belle and Wise actually have a younger sibling. Unfortunately, you were missing at the moment
•The reason being is that during the collapse of the old Eridu, they ended up being separated from you
•Hell a reason they actually started doing proxy work because they thought it might actually help find their lost sibling
•They knew the chances if you being found were slim and you actually surviving were even slimmer
•Especially since you weren't exactly the brightest person out there, you were airheaded and could be pretty oblivious at times
•That didn't stop them from holding out hope for you, though, since while you were airheaded, you are also weirdly competent and could always get yourself out of a bind
•And thankfully the siblings faith in you was rewarded
•It's took places a few months before they lost their Phaethon account
•Belle was in doing proxy work with the Cunning hares when they came across a random Agent in the middle if fighting several Ethereals
•And while normally they wouldn't interfere in such a mess, given that they didn't know who you were or if you were with Public security they still ended up watching
•Why well it was because of how despite the odds the fight was so incredible one-sided
•You skillfully and swiftly dispatched ethereals left and right dispatching them all in short time
•That when you start acting in a way completely different from when you dispatched those ethereal
•You were acting like an energetic kid, even bragging out loud about how cool you were, It was a stranger familiar feeling to Belle
•That's when you surprised everyone by suddenly popping out of nowhere right next to them and just started asking about directions
•Needless to say, everyone was confused at that point and caught off guard, with the exception of Anby who seemed to just be going with the flow seemed to be striking up a conversation with you
•That's when Belle noticed your way of speaking being extremely familiar, that being talking in the third person and your familiar hair color being a silver that fades into a dark blue
•That's when finally you stated what your name was in that energetic and ditzy way is when it finally hit her like a truck, lead to her to actually repeat your name out loud through Eos
•The way Belle had said your name caused the Cunning hares, to look at Eos with a questioning look, that's when she said your full name shocking you and asking a typical airheaded question of if she was psychic
•That's when she exclaimed in an emotional voice how you hadn't changed a bit and then called you by your childhood nickname that only your siblings knew you by leaving you stunned
•That's when you said her name out loud, shocking the cunning hares, asking if that was you
•Of course the moment ended up being broken when you asked how he ended up inside a bangboo.
•Being used to how you acted, Belle took the question in stride and introduced who you were to everyone else there
•That's when she asked the Cunning hares if they could put the current mission on hold promising them a discount on this and future missions as long as you got back safely, she wanted to get you back to random play as soon as possible to see you in person and to tell Wise the good news
•They'd finally be reunited with their younger sibling after so long, and when you finally showed up on their front door, a long and tearful reunion took place
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figureofdismay · 23 days
i keep thinking about the lines from Vince Gilligan's Drive script, the antisemitic conspiracy theorist with the pressurized head demands to know if Mulder is Jewish and if Mulder is a Jewish name, and Mulder says, "Yes, I am, and no it's not," plus there's the fact that he was buried unembalmed, which made his resurrection possible in DeadAlive, plus DD's statement that he'd decided Mulder was Jewish and to play him that way unless told to do otherwise, so despite the mess that was the Kaddish script and other culturally Christian Mulder moments, I do think there was a conscious positioning of the Mulder character as Jewish Adjacent. But they did that without any real cultural research or thought to the implications of keeping him tied up with alien conspiracy plots and eugenics, though at least he was on the 'fighting it' side. And also early 90s internet fringe conspiracy theorists weren't the radical right wing fasch of the last 10 years, I do get the sense that they were radical left instead -- that doesn't necessarily leave out the antisemitism part, though, is the thing. And I suppose i should feel grateful that CC made Mulder's son a fish mutant and not a lizard mutant and yet it's not a particularly reassuring distinction :/
The fact that they got 3/4rs of the way there in the writing but never once had Jewish Adjacent Mulder talk about the mental toll of sorting the wheat from the chaff, finding genuine abduction survivor and alien leads in amongst the mountains of antisemetic conspiracy bullshit on message boards or how he doesn't really ever know which contacts are going to meet him and decide he's the enemy because he 'looks Jewish'... it's both a missed opportunity and speaks to a lot of ignorance. It makes me pretty crazy. There are a lot of half gestures towards Mulder's Jewish background and then a lot of ugly coincidences and unfortunate implications because no one really thought about what that would mean in the context of The X-File's genre content and recurring themes.
Like, i don't think he's culturally exactly anything, caught in the middle and mostly without. It's a story familiar to me and my mother because my grandmother was also a young Jewish woman who made a hasty love match (ie she got pregnant) with a WASPy goy from a rich industrialist family, and said family held the purse strings, so keeping his mother happy was everything -- which was true even after my grandparents divorced, because of complicated inheritance reasons. She assimilated and let my mother and her siblings be raised as christmas and passover celebrating 'nothing in particular' kids, who went to shul when visiting her parents and kept shabbos sometimes with the neighbors, but still broadly steeped in cultural christianity and outside the community, because it was the 50s and 60s and she was a divorced mother in an upper middle class area who had to be careful to keep social doors open to all of them. I figure Teena and Mulder had a pretty similar situation in the 60s and 70s, with the added complication of accidentally marrying into an actual WASPy conspiracy hub who could have you disposed of for speaking out of turn.
I just... again it's the half way there implications, partly intentional, partly accidental because it's apparent that no one educated themselves on these themes beyond the surface familiar Scifi-Horror tropes. Actually getting there all the way and digging into it, or trying even 25% more to avoid the pitfalls around Mulder and Teena would have added a lot to the show. And would maybe even have insulated CC against (some of) the plot bungles in the Revival. Very frustrating all around.
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visualtaehyun · 9 months
The brothers, Day's anger, and Night & Mork
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Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
This is in part inspired (brainrot-induced? brainrot-fuelled?) by @chalkrevelations's post about the brothers and Day's behavior (go read it first if you're reading this!!) and in part just my usual language rambles observations.
Let's establish a few facts first (all pronouns presented as A/B are to be understood as I/you)
Night is older than Day - by enough that he's older even than Mork! (Mork and Porjai both call Night พี่ /phi/ while referring to Day as น้อง /nong/)
The brothers use กู/มึง /guu, mueng/ with each other, despite their age gap. These are informal pronouns that are actually pretty rude outside of using them with people you're close to because they're overly familiar -> for reference, Day, Gee and August all use these with each other, and Mork and Porjai use them with each other
Between ep. 1 and 2, Night and Mork go from the polite formal ผม/คุณ /pom, khun/ in both directions to Night using กู/มึง /guu, mueng/ and Mork using ผม/พี่ /pom, phi/ - they're friendly with each other! -> for reference, that's the exact same as you hear P'Aof and JimmySea using in the bts- P'Aof uses กู/มึง /guu, mueng/ while Jimmy and Sea use ผม/พี่ /pom, phi/ with him
Same as I've said that Mork and Day's way of speaking is getting sweeter, Day and Night are. uh. kind of the opposite. But also, they barely talk directly to each other anyway.
So let's look at that fight in the car in ep. 8
Night tries to engage Day and an awkwardly-caught-in-the-middle Mork takes up the speaking instead. When Day opts to use Mork as a middleman (just one of many instances of both brothers not speaking directly with each other), Night keeps on trying to engage him to no success. And then he just kinda- 🥴
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ส่วนห้องน้ำคนพิการอยู่ทางขวา /suan haawng naam khohn phi gaan yuu thaang khwaa/ -> คนพิการ /khohn phi gaan/ = disabled/handicapped person (don't let the /phi/ in the romanization fool you, it has nothing to do with the pronoun พี่ /phi/)
I wonder since when they've been this distant because Night here isn't looking at Day like he's a person, he's almost looking at Day only through the lens of 'person I need to take care of' - because of the responsibility their mom has put upon him and because he's the older brother - anyone who's the eldest child among siblings and feels seen please raise your hand 🙋‍♀️
Night means well, he cares about his brother - but he's also ignorant and a bit of a klutz with his words. It's being singled out as disabled and the implication of needing special treatment in everything that tick Day off enough to speak directly to Night and start getting rude:
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The word here is เหี้ย /hiia/ and it won't be the last time or the only curse word he uses.
Night is saying all the wrong things of course, while Mork is sitting in the back having to witness it all (and maybe being reminded of fights he's had with his own sister).
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มึงรู้ปะ ตอนนี้กูเห็นเหี้ยไร /mueng ruu bpa, dtaawn nee guu hen hiia rai/ = You know what the fuck I see right now? กูไม่เห็นเหี้ยไรสักอย่างไง /guu mai hen hiia rai sak yaang ngai/ = I don't see a fucking thing! แล้วทุกอย่างแม่งก็หนักขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ /laaeo tuk yaang maaeng gaaw nak khuen reuuay reuuay/ = And it's all damn getting worse.
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แล้วเพราะกูรู้ว่าแม่งแค่ฝันเนี่ยะ /laaeo phraw guu ruu waa maaeng khaae fan nia/ = And because I know it's just a damn dream, แม่งยิ่งเหี้ย /maaeng ying hiia/ = that's even more fucking shit.
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Oof. Calm down, kiddo, this is your brother ;;
Day speaks with bitterness and resentment and viciousness. I don't think this started when Day started losing his sight but long before that, the way Day talks to and about his brother:
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The only one who's looking out for Night is Mork
We actually get a lot of reaction shots of Mork silently watching and trying to parse the family dynamics, reaction shots of Night looking melancholic because of or happy for his brother, and sometimes it even looks like Night and Mork make sympathetic eye contact via reaction shots:
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Night defends Mork several times in front of their mother and later tells Mork that they're grateful to him for making Day happier! And Mork does the same, he mentions Night to Day positively. Day doesn't realize it, for some reason, but Mork and Night talk to each other. And they see how Day interacts with the other one.
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So it didn't surprise me at all to find out that Mork had gone behind Day's back yet again, after the brothers had that huge fight in the car. Of course Night knows where they are and that Day is safe. Of course Night knows. Night is constantly making sure that Day is okay without actually showing his involvement - he is just as invisible as Day and Mork were in parts of the story.
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
Hi! I'm new here but im really interested in the selkie sticks au. Can you resume and explain it to me please?
oh absolutely!!! selkie sticks is one of my favorites but you could probably already tell judging by how incessantly i post about it lol
so the summary is that selkies are not humans who can become seals in this au, but instead they're sticks who can become cursors!
after the events of AVA 1, c!Alan becomes trapped in his computer as a cursor. what he doesn't know at this point is that he's actually a selkie!
usually the progression of selkie growth goes from stick -> fluffy stick (in the shape of some sort of clothing) -> stick sheds coat, and that coat can be used to become a cursor, but since c!Alan is kind of a freak of nature he goes from cursor -> fluffy cursor -> stick with coat!
anyway throughout AVA 2 and 3, he's stuck as a cursor and none the wiser to his status as a selkie! however, he does make The Chosen One and The Dark Lord! they end up inheriting the selkie status. Chosen's coat is obviously kept away from them by Alan, though, and both Chosen and Dark's coats are destroyed too much to be actually used in AVA 3.
After AVA 3, Alan at some point sheds his coat, turning into a mostly just very confused stick, and while he's on the desktop, he ends up accidentally drawing SC! SC is also a baby for no reason other than I wanted to. anyway he's forced to go into the outernet because he has no idea how to raise a stick, and ends up living there in hopes that SC can at least be somewhat normal! SC is also a selkie though so normal is relative--
he does end up meeting king very early on and it splits into two AUs where Gold either survives (because Alan turns into a cursor to break open the minecraft machine) or dies, but for clarity's sake i'm going over the one where gold dies! King and Alan end up losing contact with each other after that point :(
but anyway! Chosen eventually ends up finding out that Alan is in the outernet after finding him caught up in the crossfire with SC after a fight with Dark, and they end up kind of following him around just to make sure he's not hurting SC! Alan does eventually find out, but ends up being okay with this because. like. yeah he was kind of terrible to them, that's fair enough
he also ends up adopting the color gang (much to Chosen's disbelief) and just raising the group in general as the closest thing to normal kids as he can manage, and Chosen ends up babysitting a lot and growing very attached to their little siblings! they don't tell Dark about any of this though because. you know. Alan.
this ends up kind of blowing up in their face when Dark ends up finding out about them anyway and trying to kill Alan, which is equivalent to the showdown!! it happens when SC and the CG are a lot younger so even though Dark doesn't end up attacking the kids SC still exhausts themself pretty badly healing Alan and taking Dark out. I don't think Dark dies in this AU, partially because SC is weaker, but no one finds that out for a while--
(Also! Dark uses the virus to make a faux coat basically since their old one is damaged too badly, but this pretty badly hurts them as well :3c)
anyway! Alan basically takes Chosen in under his wing after that since they're still pretty badly devastated by the loss of Dark, and also Alan feels just generally horrible about everything. he ends up using what's left of Dark's original coat (as well as a few pieces of his own coat) to repair Chosen's coat as a gift for them, and generally things are pretty peaceful after that up until AVA 6!
i haven't completely figured out what happens yet (i mean. kind of obvious since the arc itself isn't over) but i do know Vic ends up most likely stealing Alan's coat!
Vic is a very weird middle point between selkie and not-- they have fur, but never ended up shedding, and can use Alan's coat to transform!
anyway a few notes about the au:
a selkie giving someone their coat is more of an expression of trust than anything romantic! it's just essentially saying 'hey i trust you', the equivalent of a cat showing their belly. giving someone their coat can also be something they do to comfort someone who's going through something as it's a comforting thing for them!
selkies aren't a well-known legend in the outernet and typically someone would default to going 'oh, that's a human' before going 'oh, that's a selkie' if they saw a cursor!
alan can regrow his coat if it's destroyed; the others cannot
purple is a selkie because it's fun, i said so, and also getting hit with the Minecraft Beam fucked them up a little bit
SC thinks of King as something similar to an uncle! purple has a similar view of Alan since he helped them cope with becoming a selkie
cursor!alan is ridiculously big even for a selkie. he's actually taller than king in this form. i need you to know how scary he is to literally any stick who isn't a selkie he's so so so big
No one except MAYBE Agent (and Vic themself obv) knows that Vic is partially selkie.
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kanerallels · 4 months
Day two of @spectre-week is for our beloved Captain Hera and oh BOY did I just barely finish this fic in time. Had to scrap my old one, then finished this in a haze of panic yesterday. But I actually stand by this! (It is low key set in my Steve Miller Au but you don't need prior knowledge of it to read this. Just enjoy!)
Once upon a time, Hera Syndulla was an only child.
And then, quite suddenly, when she was six years old, she wasn’t any more. Her mother, Eleni, told her she was going to have a baby brother or sister and Hera, well, she was excited, if a little wary. She’d seen her friends playing with their siblings, though she’d also seen them bickering and stealing things from each other. 
But Eleni told her she was going to be an amazing big sister, and her father was glowing with pride and happiness, boasting to his friends and co-workers, and Hera decided it probably wouldn’t be so bad. At least she’d have someone to play starships with.
Time ticked by, and Eleni’s belly grew, and she spent more time sitting down than standing. When she got up, she groaned about her swollen ankles, but she was still happy. And so was Cham.
The day when the baby came was long, and hard. Hera hated the sound of her mother in pain, and she could tell her father did, too. He paced the length of their house again and again, and told her mother that they should go to a hospital, that she needed help.
But Eleni was insistent. She wanted a home birth, assisted by midwives, in Ryloth tradition. So Cham gritted his teeth and paced, and Hera stayed curled up in her favorite chair, wincing at every cry.
But the end came, and with it, joy, and a new baby brother. Hera sat on her mother’s bed as Cham cradled both Eleni and the new baby close, then took her little brother out to show him off to the relatives. Then she hugged her mother, who kissed her on the forehead.
“I’m fine,” she told Hera. “Just because it’s scary doesn’t mean it’s bad. Your brother is here, safe and sound.”
Hera was a little unsure about the first part— at first. But then, finally, when Cham was back, he gently put her brother in her arms. Their eyes met, wide, for the first time, and Cham said, “Hera, meet Devaar Syndulla. Your little brother.”
“He’s tiny,” Hera breathed, staring at him. His lekku were barely stubs, his skin a delicate shade of green, like she and her mother’s. His eyes were orange, though, like her father’s, and they held hers with a wondering confusion.
“You were at first, too,” Eleni said. “He’ll grow. But he’ll need a big sister to look after him.”
“I will,” Hera promised.
True to her word, Hera kept a close eye on Devaar— which everyone quickly shortened to Dev. Unfortunately, for the first several months, he didn’t do much interesting. Other than cry and sleep and eat.
But, in a way that was painstakingly slow, yet flew by, he grew. Soon he was crawling, and then Hera had a lot of work to do, helping her mother keep him out of trouble.
It only got worse when he learned to walk. Dev had inherited his parent’s propensity for trouble, according to Cham, who laughed proudly and swung him in the air, eliciting gurgles of laughter. He made bolts for the door and for the dangerous stairs, trying to grab hold of pointy things and sharp objects.
Hera got very good at distracting him, oftentimes with her toy starships. She kept her favorite (a VCX freighter) hidden on a shelf where he couldn’t chew on it or break it, but showed him how to fly around the gunships and the starfighters.
Some of them even matched the ones they began to see overhead, more and more. Hera’s father was clearly concerned about them— and one day, it came to a head. The Republic was at war, and Ryloth was caught in the middle.
Hera and her family had to go into hiding, which Dev did not appreciate. But the bombings were dangerous, and the Separatists hated Cham. The feeling was very mutual. Hera’s father spent most of his time away from them, fighting against the invaders and alongside the Jedi and Republic troops.
While she knew it was dangerous, Hera liked to watch the ships soaring overhead. There was a spot not too far from their hideout underground where she could see out of an old drainage tunnel, and she could watch the gunships passing. Sometimes— only when it was safe and her mother was napping— she brought the one year old Dev, carefully watching him to make sure he didn’t run off.
“I’ll be up there one day,” she whispered to him. “Flying, like them.”
Dev babbled something that sounded like encouragement, and Hera decided to take it as such.
After what felt like years, the bombs stopped, and Hera’s father came home, his eyes wearier than last time he’d been with them. They were safe, he said, from the Separatists. And he brought with him a company of clones, who helped Hera, Dev, her mother, and all the other refugees return home safely.
Home was a little worse for wear, but Eleni always liked a project. They started fixing things up, and Hera was just starting to wonder if life would be normal again.
And then, suddenly, it wasn’t.
Dev got sick.
It was just a cough that wouldn’t go away at first, paired with a runny nose. But then it got worse, until the cough sounded like it was tearing apart his lungs. A fever sprang to life, and Dev was wailing with pain.
They tried everything. Antibiotics, half a dozen Republic drugs and even more old remedies that Eleni’s mother had used on her. Nothing seemed to work. Dev got sicker, and sicker, his skin pale and his movements listless. Soon, he barely moved at all, and Hera could read the fear on her parent’s faces.
They thought her little brother was going to die.
He can’t, Hera thought, staring at Dev. She’d stuck by his bed since the fever started, watching over him. Giving him water and cooling him with wet cloths. To think that her little brother would just… be gone? He couldn’t be. The galaxy wouldn’t do something so cruel.
Please, she thought. I’ll do anything. We can’t lose Dev.
Her answer came two hours later, in the form of a knock at the door.
Cham and Eleni had prepared for the worse. They were crouched next to Dev’s bed, tears in Eleni’s eyes and helplessness in Cham’s. Neither of them looked up at the knock. But Hera did.
Getting up, she walked downstairs to the door, keeping her steps quiet so she wouldn’t disturb her parents. Pulling open the door, she started to tell whichever neighbor it was that they didn’t want visitors right now.
But it wasn’t a neighbor. It wasn’t anyone she’d ever met before.
The human woman was hooded and cloaked in white, but when she looked at Hera, Hera could tell she was smiling, even under the shadows. “Hello,” she said, her voice holding an unfamiliar accent. “You must be Hera. I’ve heard much about you.”
“Who are you?” Hera asked, confused. “Are you a friend of my father’s?”
“I’m afraid I’ve never had the pleasure. But the Force told me to come here. I’m here to help your brother.”
That was all Hera needed to hear. Wordlessly, she stepped aside, and the woman came inside.
Eleni didn’t move when they entered the bedroom, but Cham looked up at the sound of the woman’s arrival. Wariness flashed across his face, and he rose, making a barrier between his wife and child and the stranger. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”
“Forgive me for intruding,” the woman said, her voice soft and calm. “As I told your daughter, the Force sent me here. I believe—”
“She said she can help Dev,” Hera blurted out, and then Eleni looked up.
Gaze locking onto the woman, she rose and pushed past Cham. “Can you?” she asked, looking directly at their guest.
“I can.”
“Then please.” Eleni’s voice cracked. “Please. We cannot lose him.”
“I will do everything I can,” the woman promised.
She looked at Cham, seemingly questioning. Cham hesitated, then said, “You’re a Jedi?”
The woman seemed to hesitate briefly. “Not— exactly. But I promise, I am here to help your son. Let me try, and if you think I’m hurting him, you may remove me.”
Cham’s jaw worked, but he glanced at Eleni and Hera, then at the bed where his son lay. Then he nodded, moving to the side. “Do what you can.”
The woman was at Dev’s side in an instant, pushing back her cowl a little as she knelt. Moving to watching her, Hera saw her rest a hand, marked with geometric tattoos along the back, on Dev’s head.
“He is very weak,” she said. “But I can help. It will take a little while, so—”
“We’re not going anywhere,” Eleni said.
The woman’s smile was just visible. “Of course. You may wish to make some caf, though.”
Cham made a little, and they settled in to wait. Even Hera got a mug, and found she actually enjoyed it— with milk and a little sugar. They sat together and waited, watching and hoping desperately.
It didn’t seem like the woman was doing anything. She was just kneeling there, a hand resting on Dev’s forehead. She didn’t say anything or bring out any props. She just knelt, eyes closed, for a long time. So long that Hera was starting to nod off against her father when a noise cut through her sleepiness.
It was a cry. Dev’s voice.
Hera’s eyes flew open, and all three of them bolted to their feet as the woman rose. “He’ll be alright,” she told them, and Eleni burst into tears. “Give him some water and a little tea tonight. Tomorrow you can give him food.”
Cham, tears in his own eyes as he put an arm around Eleni, said, “How can we repay you?”
Shaking her head, the woman said, “No payment necessary.” Giving them a little bow, she headed down the stairs.
Cham and Eleni went immediately to Dev’s side, gathering him up in their arms. For a moment, Hera hesitated. Then she followed the woman.
Their mysterious guest had already made it out the door and a little ways down the street when Hera caught up with her. It was late, and three of the moons were full and bright above them.
“Wait!” Hera called out, and the woman stopped, turning to face her. Her cowl was lowered, and her face was kind, with bright blue eyes and dark tattoos.
Pausing, Hera struggled for words, then asked, “Why? Why did you help us?”
Smiling, the woman said, “Because you needed it. And because an old friend asked me to.”
“The Force flows through all living things,” the woman told her. “I just gave it a little nudge in this case.”
Hera nodded slowly, wrapping her mind around the words. “And you’re… not a Jedi?”
“Admittedly, it is a little complicated,” the woman said thoughtfully. “I was, at one point. Perhaps I still am. But I think what’s most important is that your brother is still alive. Perhaps he’ll help the galaxy someday. And so, I think, will you, Hera Syndulla.”
She smiled, and turned, walking down the road. Soon, she was out of sight.
But Hera never forgot it. Forgot what the Jedi had done for her family. Especially not, years later, when she saw someone do the same thing, far above Gorse.
It wasn’t the first miraculous thing she’d seen, and it was far from the last. Her journey was just beginning.
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𝚃𝚊𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝚃𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚛 + 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚝 (’96)
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Warnings: Controlling behaviors, Financial abuse, Mental illness, smut, mentions of physical pain (Not intentional and from a sleepwalking moment)
Notes: Taissa is such a mean lesbian and I feel like we as a fandom need to give her more love because who doesn’t love ‘96 Tai? Btw I love this format! @zhivaxo​ @g1rlsriot
                   *.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*  
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
I think Taissa is a very dominant ChapStick lesbian and would like to do more masculine performances of affection. Taissa holds the door for you, protects you with her mean standoffish personality, and tries her best to provide. She grew up in a very middle-class traditional home with still-married parents and two younger siblings, and she wants to be like her mom, the more significant breadwinner in the household. She wants to become a high-paid prosecutor, and she would want you never to have to work again. She is a big BIG act of service and Verbal reassurance, so she does a lot of hard labor for you and wants to be told she is doing good by you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Taissa is very conflicted about how far she will go for you and how much her ambitions get ahead of her. Like how she was with Allie’s leg, I feel like Tai has a lot of pent-up rage inside of her for some reason that even she doesn’t know why she has. It would have to be other Tai getting their hands dirty, acting out all of Taissa’s subconscious urges of bloodshed. I don’t think it would happen often, only when someone threatens her profoundly because she usually relies on her sliver tongue to get her out of things with you.  
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Taissa would never kidnap you because she doesn’t want to have the consequences or social isolation of being a creepy person. However, she would mock you when you act like you are trapped with her. Because are you serious? Are you in bondage? Are you locked in a cage like how she wants to? No? Then fucking get over it, baby. 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Taissa is overbearing and dominates your life in many ways. She will do things for you against your will as she files you into your license, she will let you cheat off her homework with her hovering over you to explain how to make it look like you did it all on your own, and she doesn’t let you solve any of your own problems. It’s a fucking godsend for you at the beginning of your relationship, but it becomes something of a problem when she starts fights with you and makes it about how you are being crazy. Taissa loves a good Gaslight. 
“Okay, so just make a little box in the corner and start writing the radio. So, Mrs. Goldberg can’t tell you’re coping.” Taissa says to you as she sets her homework beside your empty one. There is no judgment but just serious business in ensuring you didn’t get caught. 
“Thank you, baby, again. I just didn’t have time to do my homework last night because of my shift-”
“Don’t worry, pumpkin, I got you,” Taissa said as she kissed your temple, moving a hair behind your ear. She gently points to your writing and says, “Carry the two.” 
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Yes, she is very open but keeps certain things to herself. She doesn’t talk about her generational trauma with the man with no eyes, she doesn’t talk about the sleepwalking unless Tai has to or is forced by you, and she refuses to believe that the other Taissa is real. She didn’t want to accept she had problems because if Tai had any, she was fucking insane and destructive. Taissa is not doing her best and is not perfect, which fucking breaks Taissa apart inside. She doesn’t share that stuff. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Taissa is never wrong until proven wrong with rock-hard evidence, and she can’t believe you are fucking serious right now. She will simply double, triple, quadruple, and quintuple down because she doesn’t want to be wrong in a fight. She is the type to keep fighting even when Taissa knows she is wrong, but you don’t have enough evidence to prove her wrong, so she keeps fighting.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Taissa controls you, and she does so much for you that she doesn’t give a fuck if you are trying to leave her because you can’t. Try to find someone who will take care of you like her. She would use any means to keep you or manipulate you to anchor you to her. She came up in a very upper-middle-class family. If you were from a more similar to Natalie’s economic state, she would make you believe that you deserve how you are being treated because you are so lucky to be with her because of how much she can and does do for you.  Like, find someone who is going to buy you a car? Who can save all the money they make at their part-time job because their parents don’t need a dime from them, and they just buy you a fucking car because they just build up money for college? Or, more significantly, she would pay rent for your parents when they can’t make up this month because money is very tight. She would never outright hold it above you, but it is implied in the fabric of the relationship.   Even if you were in a better financial state than Natalie’s, Taissa would find a way for you to depend on her to provide for you. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
��Normal Taissa Never intentionally tries to hurt you physically or emotionally, but another Taissa is not ashamed to do any urge that subconsciously comes to her. Other Taissa would be physical and unwilling to listen to anything that you will say to them, which is quite terrifying, especially in the middle of the night in the wilderness. 
“Tai, Wake up, Please, wake up!” You beg her as she pulls you further and further into the dark woods. She blankly walks into the woods, letting you get hit by branches of trees as she naturally seems to duck; she ultimately lets you get hit by the wood. It has almost knocked a tooth out of your mouth, your lip is busted up, and a bruise is forming on your cheek. 
“Come.” She just says as she pulls you with a death grip on your wrist, not letting you go as she walks further into the woods. 
“FUCKING WAKE UP!! YOU’RE HURTING ME!” you cry as you pull her arm away from yours to no avail. It’s not working. She is pulling you to the cliffside. 
“He wants us here.” She stopped and stood in front of a tree. Her hands cup the sides as she starts to wake up. Taissa gasped as she felt how cold her feet were with the snow in-between her toes and her body without a coat. Her eyes are met with the same fucking symbol. 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Traditional. Taissa wants to have kids and a dog, with a red house with a white fence. She grew up that way, and she wants to grow old that way. She doesn’t care to deconstruction the patriarchal or mystical aspects of what ordinary people see marriage as because, for Taissa, it is more of a confirmation of your championship being for life. Although controlling and manipulative, she doesn’t want you to be unhappy and try pretty hard to make you happy. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Taissa is very confident in herself and is not scared of anyone taking her away from her because she is very secure in herself. She doesn’t think Jealousy is very healthy and doesn’t let herself get jealous, and she does that by controlling who you hang out with and what you are doing. She trusts you and doesn’t think anyone is special enough to take her attention away from you. 
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Taissa tries her best to be good to you but isn’t the best because she is just a teenager. She treats you like her wife and doesn’t like the idea of being with another person. She loves you and only wants to be with you; she can’t imagine why you want anyone else. She treats you like you are her lover, but she doesn’t hold as much reverence as the other girls have for you. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Taissa took a while actually to approach you with anything other than friendship. You two were a part of the soccer team since freshmen year, but you didn’t have any classes together. You two weren’t very close, but Taissa always paused when she saw you, always having to look at your beautiful face. Once you two have classes together and have a moment to talk to each other, you two become closer until she finally asks you out. Once she is your friend, it will take her a few weeks. 
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from how they act around everyone else?
The two sides of Taissa are the most challenging thing for her to mask; her personality naturally masks many of her tendencies and darkness. The Snarky smart-ass way she held herself before the crash pushed people away enough not to see those things. But I don’t believe her showing or being more verbal about her darkness to you wouldn’t break her mask because it’s just something about being with Taissa. 
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Cold shoulder and eye rolls. Taissa thinks of herself as mature and calm but still a teenager. She doesn’t know how to talk healthily about her feelings, and she doesn’t want you to hate her, so she just becomes quiet and shows her displeasure with you at every chance she can get. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
A lot of them. She would make things very strict in your relationship, and she makes sure that you follow each one or else you will be at the end of hours of lectures from her. Or worse, you will start a fight and have a bad tonight. She gives you a schedule, rules like which hallway or jobs in the group you can do, and Tai doesn’t let you do your own things. 
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Taissa doesn’t have much patience for anything and uses that impatience to work towards her ambitions. She was raised in a home that only praised her or gave her the spotlight of attention when she was going her best and excelling. She was on top of everything for some reason, and it wasn’t because she was patient. It was because she puts so many fingers in many pies and quits when it gets too annoying and lengthy.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Taissa would literally stop. Taissa would just disappear, and other Taissa would keep her going. My headcannon is that other Taissa is a splitting of Taissa’s psyche that does the things that normal Taissa doesn’t want to do. Like is closer to the spiritual, does the hunt, and eats the meat. So I believe that if you died in the wilderness, Taissa would “move on” by her brain, not letting her feel it until she returned home. I feel like Taissa would never remarry or find a new partner because you were her wife after the events of the wilderness. 
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Fuck no. Taissa isn’t being as bad as she could be and doesn’t think she is being that bad. She doesn’t understand why you think you are “trapped”; the door is right there. But you both know you can’t because of more than just not wanting to be with her anymore; you no longer have the resources you have because of her, and it would ruin your life. 
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
She got this way because of her neuroses and upbringing. Taissa grew up with very healthy parents to each other but was controlling her every move, and she learned that her parents' hovering and expectations were love and care. She was given a tight school schedule, clubs, tutoring, piano lessons, and French lessons, and she was expected to be the perfect daughter. And Taissa fucking crushed it because of that pressure; her mother once said something about it, making Taissa a Diamond. She is a tough, sharp, and beautiful person because of all of her weight since she was young. Tai’s mother didn’t see an issue with parenting style because, after all, her grandmother did that to her mother, and she is a successful doctor, now Chief of Staff. So, to Taissa, being possessive, strict, and controlling is all an act of love. 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
She is annoyed normally because she doesn’t know how to fix it. When it’s a moment of mutual sadness and vulnerability, she has no problem. It’s healing to cry together, but she is usually really not great with tears. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic Yandere?
Taissa is not verbal about her dark tendencies, which are very much kept to her chest. Because you are the same age as her, 18 years old, you just think these strict rules you both follow are because it’s how serious relationships work. I don’t think you would ever have the vocabulary to put together that she is a Yandere unless someone told you that those things are bad (bc it’s 1996 girl. These girls didn’t know what seasonal depression was) 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit to escape?
Her ego and pride. Stroke either, and be kind to her; you can do anything. She doesn’t mind too much and allows you to do your own thing on your schedule, so you have plenty of opportunities to leave her. 
You moan as Taissa kisses down your stomach, and her fingers plunge in and out of you. Your legs are open and wide just for her to have all of you. You were wet because of her. Taissa smiles as she starts to lick down on your clit. 
“Fuck! Tai-” You pant as you try to stay quiet for the girls downstairs, “Yeah, just like that. You’re so good at eating pussy.” 
Taissa feels a surge inside her as she moves her tongue faster. She loved the praise and just wanted you to be pleased with her. She loved how you tasted and how you felt against her tongue. Your hands come to her hair, and you move them to her shoulders to not mess with her hair, and you claw your fingers into her shoulder. “Yes, ah~.” 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Never intentionally; it doesn’t hurt you terribly when other Taissa doesn’t get physical. I see the other Tai grabbing and dragging you in the wilderness and letting you get hit by branches of trees, and she would drag you to where she could feel it. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Tai is like Van in that she reveres you as an angel figure. You are simply better than everyone else, and so is she. She thinks you are too good for this world and doesn’t like it when people try to silence your personality shine, and she doesn’t hold back from confronting anyone if they do that to you. 
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
She just didn’t get close to you for a while until you were meant to meet. It didn’t take her long to go for you when she knew you and became friends with you, and I would say she would take maybe a week of friendship to be like, “Okay, this is not just friendship.”
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
In the sense of independence of yourself, yes. But your will and your opinions, never that. 
Yandere Level
 7/10 (She is Controlling and very Territorial over you. She is good to you and loves you openly. But she does have problems that people outside of the relationship would notice.)
Freedom Level
 6/10 (You are not very free with your schedule and what you can do with your free will, but she doesn’t stop you from having your own opinions and hobbies. She doesn’t take your personhood away from you.)
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Vanessa    ✿  Shauna
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cyberdragoninfinity · 8 months
Could I mayhaps ask for your thoughts on each of the Box Legendary Pokemon?
*cracks knuckles* SURE! let's do this
Gold and Silver: I actually don't feel suuuuper too strongly about Ho-oh and Lugia, tbh--though i will say they both have more solid designs than. A Lot of other johto Pokemon imo LMAO. I liked Lugia a lot when I was a kid and that affection has waned a bit as I got older but I do still think it's cool. They both have pretty solid lore as far as Legendaries go, I'm just not particularly attached to 'em...something like a Legends Johto game really has the potential to do something cool with 'em (I feel like with Ho-oh especially) and I do kinda hope we eventually get to see that.
Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald: MY HOMEEEEE Hoenn box Legendary trio sooo near and dear to me...Ruby was my first game Groudon was my first Legendary but I think he's kind of just ok. I like Kyogre a lot more and I Love Rayquaza, definitely a long time favorite Legendary...they're really just a solid trio of Pokemon with some really cool designs and concepts at play, and I like the new lore and forms ORAS gave 'em. Kyogre's Pokemon Pinball boss fight kicks ass to this day and im not kidding.
Diamond, Pearl, Platinum: MY DEAR LATE MIDDLE SCHOOL/EARLY HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS I thinkkkk as a trio I think I might like Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina the best...Legendaries I never tire of seeing. Palkia is one of my all time favs, gazing so lovingly at my giant Palkia plush ive had for some 15 odd years...Giratina is too, honestly, Giratina fucking Rules (though I actually don't like its Origin form very much and never had...I'm an Altered Form Giratina girlie.) They're just all super solid designs and for Dialga and Palkia especially they really feel like perfect embodiments of The Game Theyre the Cover Of. Also I love Origin Form Dialga and Palkia sorry. Theyre my precious ugly as fuck horses.
Black, White, BW2: WELL. THESE MIGHT TRULY BE THE BEST ONES. Zekrom/Reshiram/Kyurem are not my favorite Trio, but together just everything they represent is so cool. One day we WILL see that Original Dragon so HELP ME GOD. I'm more impartial to Zekrom (i played Black and White 2) but it still has such a striking design, I have to say. Reshiram is an especially beautiful Pokemon and definitely one of my favorites. I have. So Many Reshiram cards and plushes HJFDJGDF And well some people don't like Black and White Kyurem for whatever reason, but well i simply have to say they have been making me crazy since high school and the concept of Pokemon Fusion Really in The Game will never not be fucking bonkers slash POS. i LOVE White Kyurem (go figure.) THATS MY FUCKIN FREEEAK
X & Y: i don't. like X & Y very much 🥴 I wish I liked Xerneas more but something about its design is just kind of lacking some 'oomph' ro me. It doesn't feel like a strong poster child for the Fairy type's debut. Despite everything Yveltal does go hard as fucking hell though I still like it a lot. I named the one I caught in Y HELLRAISER back in college and I was shocked they let me name it that.
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun/Moon: ok nevermind scratch what I said about DPP Sun and Moon have my favorite Legendary Trio for absolute certain. GOD I WISH SUMO/USUM WERE BETTER GAMES!!!!! SOLGALEO LUNALA AND NECROZMA ARE ALL SO FUCKING COOOOL!!!!! DUSK MANE NECROZMA AND DAWN WINGS NECROZMA ARE SO FUCKING COOOL!!!!!!!!! NECROZMA FUCKING EATS THEM FOR POWER. Just in general fantastic designs all around, and it's so cool that Solgaleo and Lunala are Legendaries That Evolve.also i played Moon/UM but I have grown deeply fond of Solgaleo over the last year or so. As if it's my fault he looks like...no, I shant say.
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Sword and Shield: I don't like SWSH very much either 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴which is a shame because Zacien and Zamazenta have really cool concepts and designs!! I love their old tattered beat up forms, I love that theyre siblings 🥺I love that the one that isnt Your box legendary goes with Hop, that's so so sweet and so so cool. I just wish SWSH had more of a..........yknow. story. to do anything else of any substance with them. Cool Legendaries in bad games...sad!
Scarlet and Violet: WELL. THESE MAY ALSO BE THE BEST ONES AND I'LL SAY IT WITH MY WHOLE CHEST. god, just. WOW. I like them both a lot but I'm especially fond of Miraidon, to absolute bits. This really feels like the most realized version of a box art Legendary that really truly is a Character in its own right, you get to spend that whole game with your dragon, it well and truly Is Your Friend and it's just fantastic. Theyre endlessly charming and silly and conceptually just so fucking cool. They killed someone. My motorcycle that eats sandwiches. My BUDDY!!! I named my Miraidon Delta Accel :^)
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avroravia · 4 months
out of curiosity, what do you think each of the mythical!readers sort of backstory is? feel free to ignore this, and i love the idea so much it’s really cool!
tysm! you’re so sweet <3
i actually already thought of these when i was typing the intro post! i’d be happy to write more specific things if anybody has any more quesions! <3
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mermaid is an only child to a soc couple. her dad was always out of town for work and never really present in her life, and when he did come home, he would essentially live in his office. her mom was a stay-at-home wife, and she really did love mermaid, but she definitely had a lot of her own issues that caused a strain in their relationship. i’d say mermaid’s parents had around a 7-10 year age gap, with her mom being younger. her mom is a pretty vain woman, and her main focus is on her appearance. she would always say things to mermaid growing up (like when she was a literal child) about her face and body that made her a bit self conscious. mermaid is an only child, but she has a million little cousins running around who she takes care of, and she loves them like they are her own siblings. these things made her super independent at a young age, and she never really caught a break from it. when mermaid eventually opened up to darry about how she grew up, it was a weird moment of realisation that people with money can have problems too. it was kind of a shared struggle that they both had to be independent at a young age, and they both felt like it was nice to share that burden with the person they love.
vampire has one older sister, who’s about 10x more scary than she is. their parents had them really young, and they don’t have a good relationship with one another or vampire and her sister. they were both alcoholics, and pretty deadbeat. i don’t think they were very physically abusive with their kids, but it was very emotional. this caused her older sister to move out right after her 18th birthday, and vampire moved out with her a few years after when she turned 17. the two of them have a very close relationship that kinda works like, ‘you’re the only person i have,’ until vampire started dating dallas. i think vampire’s sister had a brief relationship/fling with buck. dallas was into vampire the moment he met her, but when he found out she was sisters with ‘that one scary girl buck used to date’ it scared him off a bit, but he bounced back super fast. dallas never asked vampire about her home life, but he listened when she opened up about it. dallas understood it well, and it strengthened their bond further.
ghost lives a much happier life compared to her counterparts, with two loving parents and a cute baby sister. her family is lower middle-class, but they make enough to get by. ghost grew up in a small house, and when she was around 15 her parents adopted her little sister. they chose to do this because they wanted another kid, but her mom was too old for that strain on her body. ghost loves her sister to death, and her little sister definitely looks up to her. when tim met her family for the first time, they were all so sweet and polite. he had never been used to a stable home growing up, and it was a new experience for sure. angela loves ghost and her sister so much, and she’s always babysitting ghost’s sister whenever her and tim go out on a date.
dryad is a middle child and the only girl in her family. she was raised in an upper middle-class home, with her two brothers. her older brother is already married, and lives with his own partner, and her younger brother is around 9 years old. despite the 5-6 year age gap, they still fight all the time which makes their parents laugh. because dryad’s the middle child, she can sometimes feel a bit forgotten. that’s part of the reason why she loves johnny so much, because he’s so focused on dryad and he remembers everything. dryad’s parents are super polite people, and a bit on the older side. when johnny met dryad’s whole family for the first time, he was kind of surprised at how wholesome their dynamic was. her brothers aren’t the type to be super harsh with the boys their sister dates, and they were very welcoming of johnny. her older brother’s partner was also very kind and polite.
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ghidorahsrealm · 1 year
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So... hasn’t taken me a while, before I wanted to redesign Daevas. I thought she looked rather bland and not much like the hybrid of a Queen and Devil, so instead of two heads, I’ll be giving her five total and revamping her head design so that she has two sets of split jaws on each head (which is going to be an absolute pain to draw each head).
Additionally, I’m going to give them the cobra hoods I gave to my new Ghidorah design, plus give them a sort of hierarchy of horns - the two outer most heads will have smaller, more ‘stump’ like horns, and progressing to the middle head is where they are the biggest and sharpest. 
As for their limbs, I decided to revamp the inner chest limbs so that they’re bigger and more so used for stabilizing Dae, as she has a lot of front weight going on. Might make them bigger so that they’re like the outer set of limbs for better support. Her wings are being changed too to be more ragged - it bothered the hell out of me how I made the wings too streamlined, as I want to lean more heavily towards Ghidorah’s heritage than Mothra’s with this daughter. That’s pretty much it for Dae, as for the moth next to her, that’s actually a new character I’m slowly working on.
Titanus Askifro is the son of Mothra and Battra.
Askifro, I imagine, has a very posh way of speaking, almost like a Victorian style. He doesn’t enjoy short-conversations, so he’s typically advise to have something you can talk extensively about, preferably something he also enjoys - which, admittedly, isn’t a lot. He has a relatively stable relationship with both Mothra and Battra, but tends to prefer his father rather than mother. 
he’s actually the older half-brother to Dae, as Mothra first landed with Battra before reaching out to Nii (there’s a whole poly relationship going on that I’ll maybe explain later). Dae never got to meet her older half-sibling, but honestly? Askifro and Dae would surprisingly get along - she understands and respects Aski’s knowledge of things, and is actually a little upset at not meeting him sooner. Something about his presence soothes her immensely, and she feels genuinely safe around him. 
Aski doesn’t mind having Dae around, but finds it daunting to be the older sibling. He doesn’t have any trauma really, so it’s hard for him to exactly feel that connection with his younger sister - very much a advice rather than comfort guy too, but tbh his advice is just “kill your enemies and wear their skeletons as trophies” which Dae just responds with “please no”
very knowledgeable on kaiju biology, and is a pristine collector of their bodies if a kaiju is too pass. very careful, very precise. if its a fresh death, he’d likely eat the corpse then drag the remains elsewhere, or if it’s just the bones or a rotting corpse, he’d clean the flesh off of the bones and carve whatever he wants out of them
fucking hates Goji tbh, but keeps it veeeeeeeeeery close to himself. he’s not a big confronter, preferring to keep all of his secrets and opinions to himself rather than tell anyone, including his parents. WHICH REMINDS ME, SHIN AND ASKI
god, he didn’t expect her to be so blunt and outright rude towards him. he didn’t really find her intimidating though, just... kinda annoying. the most he’d do is just bap her on the head (Dae doesn’t do anything about it bc shes admittedly a little spooked of Aski despite the fucking power and height difference) and try to teach her proper manners, which Shin doesn’t actually need, she’s just being a dick
she does warm up to him after a while though, and so Aski watches over his little siblings with a lot of care, actually. HOWEVER, he definitely doesn’t want to get involved in Dae’s rivalry with Apoc. that’s a disaster in itself and while yes he cares for Dae, it’s her fight, he literally has no connection to them so he doesn’t care, plus he can probably get bodied if he got caught in the crossfire 
random thought time, after getting to know each other, Shin grows comfortable enough to gossip to Aski about stuff with the other kaiju, and he listens, hiding the smile as he hears all the tales. OH and if they were in their human form, they’d definitely braid each other’s hair and go out to get their nails done, Aski doesn’t give a fuck 
one last thing, with Aski and Dae, they have a something similar to what Goji and Mothra had - Aski sacrificing himself to give Dae power, then Dae goes absolutely ham. that is all
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((Quick OOC post, and hopefully the last one I need to say about this recent drama in my personal life for a while. In the aftermath of this stupid fucking adventure, we still have to find a place to live long-term and get unpacked.
((Once I'm good and used to working 7AM to 3:30PM again, and this emotional bullshit's smoothed over, I can get back to having fun hobbies and put some more time into RP again!
((SO! What's happening to Mick! Bullet-points edition, as little word-salad as possible (I'm a prosy kinda fruitcake):
In April we found out mom had been "robbing Peter to pay Paul," and in doing so had racked-up a 16,000 dollah electric bill.
That happened at the same time the landlady wanted to send an appraiser to the house to assess value and damage, because she and her siblings want to sell it so they can pay to put their mother in a retirement home (I have strong opinions on that).
They never communicated with us, never even offered to transfer all the money we'd already paid in rent towards, you know, buying it ourselves.
They actually were kinda dickheads about it, but it's also fine because that house is a money-pit and they deserve each-other.
Mom bullshits the electric company, the landlady doesn't immediately kick us out, but we keep slowly packing anyway.
Eviction Notice in June, extended until the 28th of August.
Things keep getting heated, blame keeps getting thrown around.
The tension keeps rising to a boil. Lots of things get left behind in the move, personal items, valuable items. My plants had to be packed into a blue-box, likely dead by now.
Dad's work puts us up in Air B&B's until we can get into a house he's trying to buy. Dad gets a loan and a realtor, and finds out that Florida is a "Spousal State," meaning he can't get a house without his wife signing for it. Their marriage is on the fritz and has been for fifteen years (at this state, this thing was fucked as soon as they said "I Do.") but he was willing to sign a contract for the next 30 years with her anyway.
Things keep getting heated and mom's grip on everyone keeps fraying further. Moving five animals and four humans (one of whom is borderline immobile and infirm) takes two trips to Gettysburg, and then two trips to Florida.
The tension rises again, mom calls dad's job to try and cow him. She'd tried that once before, fifteen years ago when they almost divorced before, and back then dad told her that, "if you ever do that again, I'm getting a divorce."
I get a job super fucking fast and already put in eightish hours
Dad and I have to take off yesterday in order for him to finally drive mom back north. She takes the smallest dog, leaving her other dog with me and dad and jay (sibling), because she can barely take care of the small baby let alone both babies.
Dad will be driving back down to florida soon,
And the rest of our lives will, I guess, start.
He also asked his realtor to help us find a rental that'll take two medium-sized dogs and two small cats.
TL;DR- Mom and dad have been fighting in a flawed marriage from the minute they put rings on, their kids have been caught in the middle and it derailed our adult lives, but the (failed) move provided the final straw that broke the camel's back, and now mom is gone and we have to get on with our lives,
and I'm too numb about it to really feel happy or sad.
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shes-homeward-bound · 2 years
Visions of Burning Skies | Chapter 1: The Reaping
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Reader
Chapters: 1/?
Warnings: violence, depictions of death, swearing
People protect who they love, even if it means dying for them. This is one of the many things Y/n Dovecote thinks about when her little brother gets called up to the stage with her. She's fierce and determined. She'll do anything to protect him, but sometimes, the odds are never in your favor
Read in A03 (I have more chapters updated in ao3)
Chapter 1: The Reaping
The air is hot and stagnant, the only reprieve the crowd gets is when the cool sea breeze wafts into the makeshift stage in front of the justice building. Once Ophelia Gaul in her ridiculous sparkly teal wig opens her mouth to say the opening remarks, you tune her out. This is your last year to be eligible for the games and you certainly weren’t going to miss standing amongst a sea of anxious children. Last year you watched the tributes from your district freeze to death and you knew this terrified all the people who wanted to volunteer. Their deaths had nothing to do with how good of a fighter they were, District 4 tributes were ill-equipped with survival skills and the majority realized that. 
Scanning the stage, you notice the victors who were seated on the stage. The victors consist of Mags an elderly lady who was the only female victor and a couple of male victors next to her. Two of them were middle-aged and the other two were younger but it was the youngest who caught your eye. Finnick Odair. You used to go to school with him and would see him working in the docks. You used to be friendly with each other but after he won he completely changed and didn’t keep in contact with his old schoolmates. Naturally, he stopped working in the docks after his win and spent a lot of time in the capitol. He was still as handsome as ever but from what you’ve heard about him, his ego, and endless lovers, it was probably better if you didn’t have a character like him in your life. 
You scan the crowd to see where your parents were standing and you could see your father wringing his hands. He hates the games, and he used to think that being a tribute was an honor but when his best friend was killed in the arena, he hates the Capitol for taking him away. Your family wasn’t wealthy enough to send their kids to the academy but he made sure his children worked hard and knew how to fight with spears, knives, and a trident. You look at the boys’ section and almost immediately you catch the eye of your younger brother Alon. Even though he was a strong and sturdy 15-year-old kid, the moment he looks at you with big doe eyes, your older sibling instincts kick in. 
“It’s going to be okay,” you mouth at him. “I promise.”
“I hope so,” he mouths back.
You turn your attention to the big screen and catch the ending of the video the capitol shows every year that recites the history of Panem and why the districts were punished for rebelling. Ophelia applauds and the crowd politely claps back. 
“Now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for, it is time to pick this year's female tribute!” said Ophelia as she briskly walked to the giant bowl that held our names. With a flair, she plucks a card and walks back to the mic stand. Everyone around you holds their breath as Ophelia painstakingly opens the card.
“Y/N Dovecote!” 
You feel like you got punched in the gut, you couldn’t tell if you weren’t breathing or hyperventilating. The girls around you give space as peacekeepers approach your shocked figure, seeing the state you were in, one of the peacekeepers put a firm hand on your arm as they led you toward the stage. You whip your head toward the direction of your parents and you could see your mother with her hands over her mouth and your father standing stoic, you know he was fuming on the inside.
“Ladies and gentlemen, let us give Miss Y/N Dovecote a round of applause!” said Ophelia. Now walking towards the glass bowl that held the male names, your stomach lurches as your reality is finally settling in. You never thought you would get reaped in a million years, you scan the crowd hoping that some proud girl with a giant ego was going to volunteer for you but no one dares to move or raise their voice. Just like you predicted, there weren’t going to be any volunteers this year. 
Clearing her throat, Ophelia slowly opens the card. “Alon Dovecote!” 
Your jaw drops as you look at Ophelia who also looked between you and the card in shock. You see the peacekeepers moving in to escort your brother to the stage. Before you could think about it, you were already screaming. “No! Someone volunteer for him! Someone volunteer!” 
Your pleas for help were ignored as the older boys put their heads down to avoid making eye contact. You start stomping over toward the boy's side of the stage but are quickly stopped by peacekeepers. Realizing your actions may affect you badly in the future, you calm yourself down as you helplessly watch your brother walk up to the stage and stand next to you. 
Taken aback by the announcement of someone who shares your last name, Ophelia snaps out of it and enthusiastically introduces Alon to the crowd and cameras. “If I’m not mistaken, you two are siblings!”
You numbly nod.
Taking your hand and Alon’s hand on her other, Ophelia raises her arms triumphantly. “May I present to you the tributes for the 69th Hunger Games, District 4’s Y/N Dovecote and Alon Dovecote!”
You look over at your little brother and he looks at you with glazed eyes, he was in shock. Steeling yourself and fighting back the tears, you gave him a firm nod. You did promise him that everything was going to be okay and you were prepared to make that his reality.
The peacekeepers bring you inside the justice building and put you and Alon in separate rooms. After a few minutes of waiting you could hear your older cousins' frantic voices outside the door. It bursts open and you fly into their arms as you start to sob, you couldn’t believe the bad luck your family was experiencing. 
“Where’s my mom and dad?” you ask through your tears. 
“They’re with Alon right now, the peacekeepers said we could switch in a few minutes.” you nod as Mariana looks at you with pain in her eyes. You knew exactly what she was thinking as you watched her memorize the details on your face. Her twin, Marlo stood next to you shaking his head in disbelief with tears threatening to stream down his face. You, Alon, and your cousins Mariana and Marlo grew up with each other and were basically your older siblings. Even though you were already family, the 4 of you were tight-knit and had a bond that only the best of friends could share. 
Grabbing both of their hands, you command their attention. “I’m going to make sure Alon wins. No matter what, I will make sure he comes back home.” 
“It’s not fair! You have a chance of winning the games, you’re strong and good with knives, but with Alon getting reaped…” choking up, Marlo couldn’t finish the sentence. 
You can only nod. “I know.” 
“Make strong allies, learn survival skills, practice new weapons… I don’t know! I just need you guys to make it till the end,” said Mariana as she clenches her fists. “They can’t just put two siblings in the arena, that’s too much!” her voice rose to a yell. “Maybe the mayor could speak to Ophelia or the president!”
You shush her. “You’re going to get in trouble if you talk like that in public! The only way out of this was for someone to volunteer for Alon and that didn’t happen. They’re going through with it, after all, we just made the hunger games much more interesting.”
A peacekeeper knocks on the door and tells you to finish up. They hug you tight knowing it was the last time. Your cousins knew you were going to fight to the death to make sure your younger brother comes back home. 
“Just in case something happens, I need you to promise me you’ll take care of my parents,” you requested. 
“Of course,” replies Mariana tearfully. 
Shortly after they leave, the door opens to reveal your mother's splotchy red face, the moment she makes eye contact with you, sobs wracked her body. Your father was behind her and also looked like a mess. They had just said goodbye to their only son and now they were going to say goodbye to their daughter. As they hold you in their arms, you relish the warmth they provide you. 
Now firmly holding your shoulders, your father looks at you sternly. “You’re smart and a good fighter. Use your wisdom and skills and the other tri-”
You cut him off. “Dad, you don’t have to do that, I know what I have to do. I’m going to make sure Alon gets back to you and mom.” 
Your dad falters. “We can’t ask you to do that, it’s not fair.”
“It’s not fair but I’m the eldest and I will make sure Alon gets out of that arena alive. I will use everything you taught me and I will do everything I can to make Alon a victor,” you said bluntly. 
“It’s so cruel,” whispers your mother as she strokes your face. “My babies don’t deserve this.”
Not knowing what to say you just hug your parents tight. No one said anything as you held each other knowing that this was the last time you would be together. You cried freely with your cousins but with your parents, they were already devastated, you couldn’t let them see you like this. Your father and another peacekeeper have to pry you and your mother apart, as they lead you out of the room to a car that would bring you to the train station. 
Seated next to Ophelia was your brother Alon. You lunge to hug Alon and Ophelia shrinks back to give you space, she wasn’t used to her tributes wanting to interact with each other. After arriving at the train station, you are ushered inside, and Ophelia gives you a little tour. District 4 was one of the wealthiest districts and you never went hungry but the level of opulence this train held was something you have never experienced. Ophelia offers you refreshments but you don’t have the appetite, you just need to sit down and process everything that happened.
Sinking into one of the velvet blue chairs, you press your palms over your eyes trying to relieve the tension that was building. After a few moments of silence, you look over at your brother. “How did this happen to us?”
Shrugging his shoulders, Alon curls onto your side just like he used to do when he was younger. “It’s not fair. Mom and dad don’t deserve this, we don’t deserve this!” he starts crying and you have no idea what to say so you just pat his arm. 
The train doors open and the sight of Finnick, Mags, and a man in his 40s make you and Alon stand up to greet them. With a flourish, Ophelia presents your mentors.
“These are your mentors Mags Flanagan, Finnick Odair, and Nyle Monti. They are going to help you train and hone your skills for the games. They will be the ones to gather sponsors that will help you in the arena.” says Ophelia. Gesturing towards you and your brother, she looks hopefully to the mentors. “They’re a strong pair this year, I can tell.” 
Finnick sticks his hand out towards Alon and introduces himself to your brother. His eyes meet yours and you notice that spark in his eye that he had when you were younger. “Y/n. You’ve changed since I last saw you.” 
You arch your eyebrow as you give him a firm handshake. “I can say the same about you, Finnick.”
“You two know each other?” asks Ophelia. 
“We used to go to school and work in the docks together,” you answer. Finnick looks into the distance as if he unlocked a memory of his life before the games.
Unexpectedly, Mags gives you and Alon a warm hug that you greatly appreciated. You didn’t realize it was dinner time until avoxes started setting the table and bringing in the dishes. Ophelia waves you over to the table and sits you next to Alon and Mags with Finnick sitting in front of you. Once the food is served, you force yourself to eat knowing that you need to keep your strength because who knows what you would face in the arena. You urge Alon to do the same and you see Finnick and Mags nod in approval. 
“If you two are ready I think it’s a great time to start talking about our strategy,” said Finnick.
Alon looks at you and you nod.
“First of all, I would like to say how sorry I am that a brother and sister were reaped together,” says Nyle. You quickly peek toward the Capitol resident but you see Ophelia nodding in sympathy. Even Ophelia the Capitol resident knew that putting a brother and sister at the same time was the worst scenario possible. 
“This is the first time siblings were reaped together so you’ve already gained national attention and we’re going to use that to your advantage,” says Finnick. “Being from District 4, people expect you to be strong and deadly and the tributes already see you as a threat. What skills do you have?”
Alon knew that the training we got from our father was technically illegal but the Capitol seems to turn a blind eye when it came to Districts 1,2 and 4. Alon hesitates and you gesture for him to continue. “Y/n and I have been working in our father’s fishing boat since we were old enough to haul things, so I guess we’re strong. I’m good with a spear and Y/n is great with knives and she can beat me up with no problem.” 
For the first time since the reaping, you crack a smile. “You’re 3 years younger than me, you’ve got a lot of learning to catch up on.”
Alon laughs. “I’m serious, she’s good and will kick the shit out of you. She can take down our cousin Marlo and he’s a big guy!”
Finnick smiles at Alon’s enthusiasm. “That’s good to hear, we’ll make sure you get trained in hand-to-hand combat. Throwing a spear from a distance is a good offense but knowing how to defend yourself will help you in the arena.”
Alon’s smile falters as he understands what Finnick was implying. “I guess we’re going to have to hurt people in the arena. I mean, I knew we had to do that but I think it just hit me… I don’t know how I’m going to kill someone.”
Nyle wracks his brain trying to come up with the right words to say. “To win the games, it is almost inevitable. Unless you can hide and wait it out, it’s hard not to kill anyone. When the games start, people will change and they will be ruthless. They want to live just as much as you do.”
Alon nods. “I guess so. I mean one of us has to win, our parents can’t lose both of their children.” 
Upset by the conversation, Alon excuses himself from the table and starts heading to his room. You contemplate standing up to console him but you decide it was better for him to just sit and process the situation. Once Alon leaves the room, you slump down on your chair and stare at your plate blinking back tears. 
Mags places her hand on top of yours. “Maybe you should go and rest, we can talk about our strategy over breakfast.”
You sat up straight as you will yourself to focus on the plan you had set for you and Alon. “I have a plan.”
Finnick raises an eyebrow and looks at the other mentors and Ophelia.  
“I will do anything to make sure my brother comes out as the victor and you’re going to help me. I can fight and I’m good with knives but I’ll need to train, I’m not going to be as good as District 1 and 2 so I have to be better. Alon was downplaying himself, he’s great with a spear and if he can hit a moving fish in the water, I know he’ll be good with bigger targets. He’ll have to learn more hand-to-hand combat but he’s a fast learner. Alon has a chance of winning this and I’m going to make sure he comes out of this alive.” 
“Y/n,” said Finnick softly. “What will happen when it comes down to you, Alon, and a couple of other tributes? Or worse, just you and Alon.” 
You steel yourself and you look Finnick dead in the eye. “Then I’ll throw myself off a cliff if I have to. Alon is going home as the victor. Period.” 
Taken aback by the ferocity, your mentors let out a breath. They aren’t used to their tributes being so concise about their plan this early on but they could see your desperation. Your eyes were wild and they couldn’t argue with you. You were an older sister protecting her little brother and from the looks of it, nothing was going to stop you.
“Will you help me? Please?” your voice cracks as you look at Ophelia and the mentors surrounding you. “Promise me?”
They grimly nod. The mentors had never had to deal with a situation like this, putting most of their efforts solely on one tribute seems worse than focusing on two tributes. It would almost feel inhumane. They’ve never had someone so capable of winning accept their demise so fast. 
Finnick examines the girl he once saw sitting a few rows from him in school or the girl that helped him unload that day's catch onto the trucks. You were the same age as Finnick and the thought fills him with sorrow. He was 18 years old and a victor, he was safe from the games, and here you were laying down your life for your brother. 
“I promise,” says Finnick.
He hates the Hunger Games.
The sound of loud chatter and utensils clinking against glass plates rouse you from your sleep. You rummage through the drawers and find that they are filled with brand-new undergarments and clothes. After taking a shower you slip on linen pants and a simple blue shirt that you stylistically tucked into your pants. You make your way to the dining room and see that everyone else has started eating the extravagant breakfast spread. Full of energy, Ophelia greets you a good morning and pats the space between her and Finnick. Alon, who was in much better spirits, smiles at you.
“Y/n! Nyle and Finnick were telling me that if we try hard enough and learn more survival skills, one of us would have a shot at winning!” says Alon.
Smiling at him, you silently thank them for boosting your brother’s confidence. “We can’t be too cocky though, we still have to make it out of the bloodbath and survive in the wild.” 
“She’s right,” says Finnick. “You must learn survival skills, you can’t depend on the cornucopia because it’s different every year. If we play our cards right, we can get both of you sponsors that will buy you food, water, and medicine.”
“How do we get sponsors?” you ask.
“You have to get people to like you and win over the Capitol. You two will have a slight advantage because you’re a sibling pair and people will be sympathetic but that’s not enough. You need to adopt a persona, and that persona depends on our strategy. Yesterday, the entire nation saw you scream for volunteers for your brother. They saw you as bold and commanding, we can work with that but we need you to be charming.” said Nyle. 
“Y/n is attractive so that’s already a huge advantage and they know she’s District 4 so they expect her to be a good fighter. ‘Y/n Dovecote, beautiful, bold, and lethal’ I can already hear Caesar saying it. The Capitol will love her,” said Finnick as he strategizes with Nyle.
Ophelia nods as she bit into her breakfast. “I agree, the Capitol will be intrigued by her natural beauty.”
It wasn’t even directed toward you but hearing Finnick say that about you gave you a shock. You fought hard to keep the blush that was crawling up your cheeks by busying yourself with dousing the french toast with syrup. 
“What about Alon?”
“I think it would be best to appear like a dynamic duo, it will help you gain popularity. Y/n will be the fearless and captivating older sister while Alon will be the endearing yet deadly little brother,” suggests Nyle.
Mags and Finnick agree. 
“Last night we discussed how we’ll work as a team, Nyle will work with Alon because he’s the best at hand-to-hand combat and they’ll work on it at the tribute apartments. Y/n, you’ll be working with me. I’ll show you how to win over the Capitol and Mags is going to bounce between you and Alon.” said Finnick.
“We’ll do whatever you think is best, thank you for your help,” you say sincerely. 
After breakfast, the mentors bring you to the couches so you could watch other districts' reapings and scan for potential threats and allies. The people who caught your attention were Districts 1, and 2, and a couple of the kids from the lower districts like 7, 10, and 11. Nyle points out the male district from 10 and said that he’s probably been working with livestock for a couple of years and that would make him strong. Some of the tributes from the other districts didn’t even seem like a threat to you, some of them were only 13 and 14 years old and were skin and bones. District 12 reaped a 12-year-old boy and you hope you wouldn’t have to be the one to kill him. You watch the District 4 reaping and seeing yourself on television was strange, at the moment when Alon’s name was called and you started pleading to the boys’ it was captivating to watch. You were scared you looked weak but you gave the opposite effect of looking angry and determined, it was perfect for the persona they wanted you to convey for the games. 
Daylight darkens as the train passes by the mountains that surround the Capitol. Once the train moved away from the shadows of the mountains, you could see the Capitol in the distance. You gasp at the sight of the city filled with skyscrapers and gold and silver adorning the city. You never thought you would see the Capitol in your life. Captivated by the view, you and Alon sit in silence with your jaws dropped, Ophelia smiles at your reactions. 
After running around and making Alon change out of his pajamas, the mentors made sure their tributes looked presentable because many people were going to be at the station to catch a glimpse of this year's tributes. They want you to smile, wave and present yourselves as a strong team. Ophelia lines the both of you at the train’s door and as she fusses over Alon’s hair you feel Finnick get close to you.
“Remember the plan Y/n, be radiant and charming and they will love you,” whispers Finnick. 
You turn your head surprised that his head was still close to your ear. “Got it,” you whisper back.
 His proximity makes you blush and once the train doors slowly open, you roll your eyes at yourself. You couldn’t believe you were blushing over Finnick Odair, it wasn’t the right time or place. The doors fully open and you snap out of your thoughts as you place a protective arm over your brother. You step out and flash the crowd your biggest smile as you wave at the horde of people dressed in the most ridiculous fashion you’ve ever seen. You always thought Ophelia dressed like that for the reapings, but from what you saw, it must be the norm. 
As Ophelia leads you out of the station, you notice a group of young men cheering as you get closer. Feeling the need to be captivating, you give them a sweet smile as you wink at them. Thankfully, the message was properly conveyed and you found them screaming your name hoping to get your attention one more time. The car ride is overwhelming as people line the streets and wave when they notice it was a car transporting tributes to the training center.
When you arrive, you get whisked off to different rooms and get bathed and prepped for the tribute parade. The prep team congratulates you for getting reaped and proceeds to harshly scrub you down with a lemon-scented soap and you had never smelled so good in your life. Giving you a robe, the prep team left the room and called in your stylist who was named Daimon. Even though Daimon had green hair, his outfit was relatively simple, wearing a dark gray suit. Looking at you up and down, he simply nods and shakes your hand in greeting.
“I was told by that delicious mentor of yours that you aim to charm the people of Panem. I’ve got the perfect outfit for you and your brother,” says Daimon as he pulls out a garment bag from the clothes rack. After he helps you into the dress, he moves you over to the mirror and you gasp in surprise. 
“It's beautiful,” you whisper as you smooth your hand over the scale-like skirt that hugged your figure. “I look like a mermaid.” The bottom half of the dress was this iridescent pattern that mimics fish scales while the top half of your dress was a corset that had shells and jewels sewn on. 
As Daimon places a crown made of shells on your head, a thought makes you laugh. “If I’m a mermaid what’s my brother wearing? Don’t tell me he’s shirtless!” you said as you laughed harder.
Daimon smiles, “He’s almost shirtless… his stylist and I wove an intricate net and he is wearing something that resembles a well-clothed merman.” explains your stylist. As Daimon fixes your hair you notice his demeanor change. “I’m sorry about you and your brother. I couldn’t believe it when I watched the reaping, what a horrible coincidence,” whispers Daimon. 
“Do you have any siblings?”
He nods. “I’m the youngest and I have three older sisters.” 
You smile at the thought of your green-haired stylist being the baby of the family. “You’re the youngest like Alon,” you said softly. “I’m going to do everything I can to make sure my brother is victorious.”
“I was afraid you were going to say something like that,” he says somberly. He quickly inspects your makeup and gives you a final tap under your chin. “I’m going to help in any way that I can. You know clothes make a powerful statement in Panem, especially in the Capitol.”
You thank him for his offer to help and thank him again for the beautiful dress. As Daimon did the finishing touches for the tribute parade, you stare at yourself in the mirror. Now that you were in the Capitol, you felt the gravity of the situation as you dressed to impress sponsors. Your impending doom is terrifying but you know you have to do it for Alon, he deserves better than this. 
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lilacthebooklover · 1 year
An analysis of Rococo (OMORI), because he doesn't get enough love :)
This is an analysis of Rococo as a character, looking into almost every word he says and interpreting them. It's time to find out just how tragic this funny little artist man can be >:]
"I've been alone for so long... but after what feels like an eternity... At last... I have... an audience!"// "PLEASE LISTEN! I'M SO LONELY!!"
He's been alone for ages, judging by Sweetheart’s long-lasting relationship with Spaceboy, him falling in love and moving in with SWH when she got her castle 'as a young donut', and his loneliness . This is someone who hasn't spoken to anyone in years and is willing to beg for a bit of company. 
He also clearly thrives on attention, both from this quote and the grand flamboyance of others, so being without that for so long must have been terrible for him. While 'what feels like an eternity' could quite probably be a hyperbole, he's had no way to tell the time since he's been literally trapped inside the walls.
The poor guy's so lonely . :[ 
"In the beginning was me... crying in a pod in the middle of space... witnessing my home planet blow up right before my eyes." // "I can still remember it all so vividly... Fire... Fire... everywhere... and then darkness." // "Even as a baby, I knew I was the sole survivor of my species... the last elf in the entire universe."
I know this is a Superman reference, but I’m going to treat it as its own separate thing for the sake of the backstory :)
Immediately, this shows us that he's lost his home as a child (being a literal baby when his planet was destroyed) alongside any family, friends or even people of the same species. He was completely alone from the start, and there's no way that something like this wouldn't cause issues later on.
Also, the fact that he remembers this shows two things: A- this affected him so deeply that it remains with him to the present day; and B- he can remember it despite being incredibly young. This means that it's likely he remembers a lot more , having such an extensive memory– e.g. everything that happened with SWH, too: them being close, her claiming 'Sweetheart is for everyone', himself getting abducted by the guards, every moment of living in the walls... It may be a stretch, but it's a possibility, and his storytelling shows that he may overdramatise his past a lot, but there are still some key facts within it.
The repetition of 'fire' makes it seem like he's almost reliving it, caught up in his memories. This is a tragic backstory already , and this is just the first 2 lines.
""So this is how it ends..." I thought."
There's no panic, no regret. Just pure, depressing acceptance. He was ready to die, knowing that he couldn't do anything to stop it and having been exposed to death so early on.
(This is also likely just something he made up remembering for the effect, but that shows that either then or later on, he realised he could very well have died in that desert. Ouch)
"Yet... In a stroke of luck, I was found by none other than a young DONUT by the name of SWEETHEART. She brought me to her family and they took me in as one of their own."
He and Sweetheart grew up in the same house, the same area of Faraway, best friends. They seemed to be like siblings, judging by her taking him in, them fighting, and knowing and caring about each other incredibly well. This makes her later betrayal all the more heartbreaking because this isn't just a woman Rococo's pined for before, but rather his entire world . 
He never mentions Donut Grandma or any other relatives outside of this, just her. They don't mention him, either.
 He doesn't have any friends, or a close bond with anybody , except  for Sweetheart, who intentionally locked him in her walls for years. Again, Rococo's completely alone.
"It was a rough childhood. We fought frequently, but she would always win... If I fought back... Well... ..." // "Anyway! I learned to run! And I got quite good at running… But... there's only so far you can run." // "Yes, it was a hard time. But even through that suffering, I stood firm."
I have... A lot of feelings about this part.
He describes his childhood as 'rough' even after he was rescued, which is immediately a red flag. He says that he and Sweetheart fought frequently, and it doesn't seem like any adults broke up their arguments.
Then, Rococo says that SWH always won. They would get mad or disagree, but even as a child, Sweetheart refused to accept she was wrong. This says a lot about her character; Sweetheart's always been like this.
'Fought back' means that Sweetheart had to be fighting him in the first place, and Rococo just had to take it. He was getting hurt, either physically or verbally, on the regular.
The frequent ellipsis throughout show how difficult it is for him to remember and share this. He cuts himself off a few times, his voice trailing off, while never explicitly saying what Sweetheart did.
However, as a result of Sweetheart having different opinions to him, Rococo 'learned to run' . This means he had to be running from something, his forced cheer at the matter and determination to change subjects and make his story dramatic and lighthearted again demonstrated through the exclamation mark. 
Then, there's the phrase, '...there's only so far you can run'. He's speaking from experience here, and it really brings to question again just what he had to run from, and why. 
Furthermore, this is immediately followed by, 'Yes, it was a hard time', showing that he found simply growing up around her– and having reason to run– difficult. This is to be expected growing up with Sweetheart, but the fact that he didn’t seem to have anyone else means that she was his only company constantly. His childhood is far sadder than I initially realised.
'Suffering' again shows us just how much he endured as a child; I'll go back into this in the next point.
"Because even then, I knew everything had a purpose. I was sent to this planet and survived for one reason and one reason only... to repopulate my entire species."
Rococo ploughed through his 'suffering' for only one reason: he felt it was his obligation to repopulate his wiped-out species. That's... Actually really disturbing, when you think about it.
Rococo doesn't think he's alive for the sake of being alive. He doesn't think he was just fortunate enough to survive. He believes that he has been kept alive by the fates solely in order to procreate.
This is an impossible goal, too, since he is the only one left. There are no other elves for him to have kids with– even if they were, options for partners would be incredibly limited and based not on love, but necessity. At best, he could make hybrid elf-donut kids with Sweetheart, but he can't repopulate his species. What he views as his only purpose is one he isn't even able to fulfil.
This is also a huge weight on his shoulders. There would always be that sense of estrangement since he is the only one of his kind, his desire to make more showcasing even that hidden hope for those like him. Because people like to be around those of the same likes, interests and species , but for Rococo, that last bit's impossible.
Loneliness is the centre of his entire backstory, and has followed him relentlessly throughout. 
"There is a conspicuous gap in my memory after this, so I'll fast-forward a few years." // "At some point... SWEETHEART and I fell deeply in love, became engaged, and moved to this giant castle together!"
This has some truly horrible implications. 
Rococo, having remembered his time as a literal baby, lost an entire chunk of his memories as a (presumable) adult? It doesn't seem likely, and 'conspicuous' only further supports this.
The fact that this is immediately followed by him and SWH falling in love seems wrong , to say the least. Rococo has just said he suffered at her hands, fought frequently with her, learned to run because of her, and now, he doesn't even remember falling in love with her.
One moment, he's living in Orange Oasis with his adoptive family. In the next, he's engaged to Sweetheart in a giant pink castle with no clue how he got there.
What seems more likely is that Sweetheart, who loves people loving her , got frustrated with Rococo's lack of blind adoration and decided to do something about it. 
It seems that here is when she encountered the Keeper of the Castle, who she begged to make the castle hers. In the Keeper's words: "That girl. She was an elaborate one.
This dwelling. It takes the shape of one's deepest desires. A place to return to. Somewhere to call home."
Her 'deepest desires' resulted in Rococo having a years-long gap in his memory before finding out he was apparently in love with and engaged to Sweetheart. He probably believed this, too, as by that point, he would have been affected by the Castle he now resided within. 
The Keeper said he gave her "A castle full of riches, servants for her to command, a stage for her to flaunt her power". He does not mention Rococo, but this tells us about SWH's desire for power and reveals that the sprout moles are either of Sweetheart’s creation/wants or were tricked into loving her.
If it is the latter, the same would have likely applied to Rococo.
"We were inseparable, her and I... and we loved each other dearly! I would do anything for her, and I mean anything!"
The ellipsis here indicates either that Rococo looks back on this fondly or with unease. The following exclamation mark again shows that he's trying to make his story seem happy, trying to convince himself that the only person he was close to genuinely cared about him as a person.
The emphasis on 'anything' once again contradicts his feelings prior to the memory gap, suggesting that Rococo's mind has, in fact, been tampered with. There is no mention of SWH doing anything for him– only the Keeper' remark on her hunger for power.
Needless to say, this doesn't suggest that their relationship was particularly healthy .
"I was ready to spend the rest of our lives together... to grow old... and to raise hundreds upon hundreds of children!" // "Hmm... Thinking about it now, I wonder if I ever made that clear to her."
Again, he longs for people of the same type and is excited to fulfil what he believes is his purpose. He made it clear quite early on that he's always wanted to be a father, so him not mentioning this to Sweetheart ever seems unlikely. 
Knowing SWH, she was probably far more focused on her own wants than Rococo's, regardless of his feelings. Their relationship was based off of what she wanted– and it seemed that Rococo grew a little too attached for her liking.
"Alas, all good times must come to an end. As SWEETHEART's fan base grew, she and I grew apart as well."
He views their relationship as 'good times', despite what he's depicted being sudden and unequally reciprocated devotion. As Sweetheart became more centred on her fame and fans, Rococo grew more and more alone. 
Again .
"She began receiving gifts and letters from suitors from all over the universe... asking for a chance to prove their love to her."
The ellipsis once again shows his hesitation. He doesn't want to remember this, yet recounts it all the same as it is an integral part of his story. She’s the only person he has, and Rococo doesn’t want to lose her.
Don't forget that by this point, he and Sweetheart were engaged . 
"Being her one true love, I was vehemently against this notion! But she wouldn't have it!" // "“SWEETHEART is for sharing!” she would say!"
They are planning on getting married by this point. Sweetheart is all Rococo has, and he has said that he would have done anything for her.
And yet, that wasn't enough for Sweetheart. Rococo is being perfectly reasonable here, yet once again, he suffered as a result. This is a sad echo of their apparent fights as children.
"..." // "So... one night while I was asleep... SWEETHEART and her servants tied me up and sealed me inside the walls of her castle."
The pause here shows his sadness at this, seeming to have to take a moment for himself before speaking. Here, his grandeur is gone, replaced by pure misery.
Sweetheart assisted in tying him up, and as the guards were manifested from her desires, them helping her get rid of him shows that she simply no longer desired Rococo.
This would have been traumatising in itself– being kidnapped in the middle of the night and aware enough to see your attackers–, but the fact that Rococo knew and trusted her so much makes this even sadder.
He had nobody else, and Sweetheart sealed him away for what was probably intended to be forever. Rococo, once again, was alone .
"I have been wandering aimlessly through the darkness inside the walls ever since... surviving off old TOAST and TOFU." // "Yes... You four are the first living beings I have seen since that fateful day."
Firstly... Toast? As in, toast that people become if they lose a fight? As in, toast that is essentially dead bodies?
Considering all of Sweetheart’s skeletons in the dungeon, it would not be a surprise if the corpses of those she executed were also thrown into the walls– anything SWH didn't want, after all.
Rococo, potentially having never been exposed to the concept of toast=person, had to survive off of this. What's even worse is that he could have known what it was yet had no choice but to eat it, supported by the use of ��living’ in the above quote. This also means he's been here for a while , long enough to start starving and for SWH to make through multiple seasons of a show and date Spaceboy.
If that isn't a horrifying thought, then what is?
Secondly, he became absolutely isolated after this. Left with no closure and no explanation, Rococo can only wonder what went so wrong for this to happen.
Living in the walls means he could have been able to hear everything SWH was doing– including her courtship of Spaceboy and 'Sweetheart Quest for Hearts'.
Either that, or he’s been exposed to no other form of human contact for years. He's also in a dungeon , with no natural light and a distinct lack of hygiene or, well, anything really.
"Sniff... Oh... SWEETHEART... Why did you do it? Was I not good enough for you?"
He doesn't blame her. He doesn't blame the fans.
Rococo blames himself .
His idea of 'not being good enough' for Sweetheart is equivalent to him being locked in her walls to rot for years. This is someone who is very much not okay.
He has to stop himself from crying here, sniffing as he laments what he views as his failure. Because Rococo has been alone for his entire life, and Sweetheart was the only exception.
He loved her more than anything, so it's hard for him even after he's found to view her as in the wrong. Sweetheart, after all, was always the one to win their arguments, to do something that caused Rococo to run if he fought back.
"Sigh... For the last few years, I've had a long time to think." // "I kind of gave up on my dreams and all that stuff now... It all seems so far away and pointless..." // "So... I've decided to drop everything and become an artist instead!"
He's given up on his dreams. Rococo's main one was to repopulate his species, but now, he can't think of anyone who loves him. It takes two people to make a child, and Rococo's all alone.
So, he's left without a purpose. He has nothing to do but utilise his surroundings– until Omori & co. find him, Rococo believes he's never going to leave the dungeon. So, he decides to use what he has available.
And that's painting supplies. He aspires to become an artist, waiting and waiting for anyone to make art for. He's desperate to be commissioned, to have a purpose again.
We never actually see him leave the dungeon, but he had to be getting those bed upgrades from somewhere . Imagine, after years of solitude, Rococo finally manages to leave the walls, only to retreat back to them at the first possible opportunity. He doesn't know how to live anymore, how to be around other people.
He feels incredibly lonely, but can't find the strength to interact with others anymore.
Art becomes his only reason for existing, Rococo devoting every bit of his time to it until he masters it. But then...
"Thank you, fellow living beings. Through these few commissions... I feel as if I had made great leaps in my quest of self-discovery in the process. I am also very rich now." // "I can do no more for you! I truly feel complete!"
'Fellow living beings'. Rococo's so socially awkward by this point that it's not even funny (okay, maybe it's a little funny). He feels the need to remind himself that he is, in fact, still alive.
He 'feels complete'. There's nothing more for him. He is ready to pass away.
Now, Rococo has managed to 'find his purpose', be it what he originally intended or not. He's become as good as he can at what he focused on doing, except...
...There's nowhere to go from there. 
Rococo will inevitably be left alone once again, trapped in a cycle of loneliness and purposelessness. If his purpose is to be an artist, how will he get any better than he already is? If he wants to spend his money, what will he use it on?
At the end of this story, just like the rest of the points throughout, Rococo is still alone. 
He has money, he has his art, he has a comfortable bed, but he still possesses a total of zero friends. Omori and co. are customers. Sweetheart is in Deeper Well, working for the Slime Girls and not giving a toss about him. None of his adoptive relatives in Orange Oasis seem to care about him.
Rococo always has been, and seemingly always will be, all by himself– all the way up until he dies, just like the rest of his kind. He was never able to complete his original goal, he is left with nothing more to do after completing his last commission, and he has nothing more to spend his money on.
Because Rococo is alone once again
The End :)
Huh, that turned out a little longer than I thought it would. Oh well :)
Rococo's such a fun character but I barely see anyone talking about him, so I hope you enjoyed this little look into him! He's so silly and dramatic and angsty :D
Thanks for getting this far lol
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kennahjune · 1 year
El and Steve Being Siblings Because I Said So :)
El didn’t quite understand the concept of “siblings”. Papa had called the other kids in the lab her brothers and sisters, but she never really knew what that meant.
Mike tried to explain it to her before, and so had Lucas and Dustin. They weren’t very good at it.
When El asked Will he said “there’s really no way of describing it that comes to mind. But you kind of just know when someone’s your sibling. They don’t have to be blood related, but— there’s some kind of bond there, and you’ll know it when you feel it.” He had given her a knowing look.
So now El sat in a chair in the living room of the cabin, her feet swinging back and forth while she hummed along to the song on the radio; Dancing Queen by ABBA.
Behind her, none other than Steve Harrington was braiding her hair.
El had worked hard over the last couple of years to grow it out. But she never knew how to maintain it. Max wasn’t much help since she never really cared about her hair as much.
So when El walked in on Steve styling his own hair she demanded he help her. Steve didn’t put up a fight.
It became a weekly thing for the 2 of them. Every Wednesday, at exactly 2:15 PM, Steve would come over to the cabin and they’d sit and do hair.
Hopper was sat at the table. El could see him just out of the corner of her eye: he was reading the paper and smoking, as per usual.
Steve went on and on about what he was doing with her hair.
“It’s a simple french braid, really. The kicker, though, is that instead of finishing them both off all the way to the ends, you stop right at the back of your head where the braids meet in the middle. Tie them off and then continue with a normal braid for the rest.”
El listened closely, following along with his words and watching him as best she could in the mirror in front of them.
“Steve,” El addressed. Steve hummed to show he was listening. “Can I have.. a ribbon?” She asked quietly. El was still getting used to asking Steve for things— that and she was still getting used to talking to others in general.
Steve perked up behind her. “A ribbon?” He never turned his attention from the braid he was working on. His voice was slightly muffled from how he was holding bobby-pins in his mouth, but El heard him loud and clear.
“Yes. Ribbon. Please,” she confirmed. Steve put in the last bobby-pin, El felt it go in with a little force but made no comment.
Steve looked at her in the mirror, a bright smile on his face. “What color or pattern?” He reached down to the coffee table and into the bag he brought. He emerged with another smaller bag that held many types of ribbon for her to choose.
“Um…” El swallowed, a bit overwhelmed with all the bright colors. Her eyes caught one at the bottom. “This one, please.” She pulled the ribbon from the rest.
It was a light baby blue with white polka dots. It was also pretty long. It was simple and cute— just El’s style.
Steve’s smile grew into a wide grin. “That one’s my favorite,” he said while grabbing the ribbon. El looked at him in the mirror threw her eyelashes since her head was angled down.
“You.. wear ribbons?”
“What else do you where?”
“Hmmm… oh! You know those really colorful rubber bands I brought over?—“ a slight nod from El “—Yeah well, I wear those a lot. Just small braids.”
El thought about that while Steve quietly sang to Bohemian Rhapsody.
“Can I..” she hesitated only a moment. “Can I put braids in your hair?”
Steve paused behind her, only briefly, before resuming securing the bow he made where the two french braids meet.
“Sure. I’ll even leave it in to sleep tonight so my hair will be curly in the morning.”
Steve smiled at her in the mirror, and El couldn’t help the giant grin that brought out her dimples. She scrambled out of the chair.
“Sit sit sit sit,” she demanded.
Steve giggled to himself but sat down nonetheless. El rummaged through his bag, taking out a few cans of hairspray, a few bottles of leave-in conditioner, a new bottle of mousse, and finally getting to his small handbag filled with hair ties. She grabbed it and took out the smaller plastic bag of rubber bands. She also grabbed the brush.
Immediately, El got to brushing Steve’s hair, she only had to stand on her toes a little bit. She was amazed by how soft his hair was despite the amount of product he used in it.
The song changed to Loverboy by Queen. El hummed along with Steve’s quiet singing while she finished up brushing.
“Is there a certain way to do this?” El asked Steve.
Steve hummed in thought. “I don’t think so.” he shrugged. “I usually just do multiple random braids in different sections to get it curly. Hence why this is usually done before bed.”
El hummed while sectioning off a part of his hair.
“What’re ya thinking super girl?”
El looked at him briefly in the mirror. “3 braids. 2 on sides one in back. French braids. Pink, blue, yellow rubber bands.” She hesitated with her next sentence. “And.. maybe a bow?”
She didn’t look at Steve in the mirror until he answered. El knew it was frowned upon for boys to wear “girly” things. Especially in Hawkins.
“Sure! Go for it.”
El looked at Steve. “Really?”
Steve nodded slightly, not wanting to disturb her work.
El grinned wide once more and continued working. Once the right braid was done she moved to the left. The style wasn’t meant to be “fashionable”— it was just her experimenting— but she didn’t want the braids to be messy, to let Steve know that she was paying attention when he explained things to her.
In no time, she had all three braids finished and tied off with the multi-colored rubber bands. El turned back to the bag and went to the decorations box Steve carried with him. It was a small wooden chest that held things like hair clips, beads, barretts, and bows. El grabbed a light blue bow with stars on the ribbon ends. They could match— kind of.
She continued humming to Girls Just Want To Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper. She focused on bringing together the ends of Steve’s braids. There wasn’t much to work with but she managed clipping the bow and turning for a can of hairspray.
One quick spray down and El deemed Steve done.
“It’s so weird seeing myself without my hair in my face,” Steve said after praising El on her braids for 3 minutes straight.
They were cleaning up now, having spent nearly 5 and a half hours doing hair and goofing off. Having Steve around was fun. It was like having a girl-friend without having a girl-friend. Yes, Max was technically a girl-friend, but her knowledge seemed to end after clothes and boys.
With Steve, El could do hair, paint nails, and dress-up. Was this how people with sisters acted?
El begged Hopper to take their picture. Just a quick 1 or 2: one of the back and one of the front.
Hopper grumbled the entire time but he took multiple photos of them despite them only asking for 2, so El figured he couldn’t be too mad.
Steve took the camera with a promise to stop by the Byers’ in the morning to ask Jonathan about processing the photos for them.
El walked Steve to the door, lingering on their conversation about the movie night at Steve’s the next night while listening to Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler.
Before Steve could fully leave El took a page out of Max’s confidence and pulled him into a hug.
Steve froze, but only for a moment before he rested an arm across her shoulder in a one-armed hug. El felt him press a soft kiss into her freshly-done hair.
“Goodnight super girl.”
“‘Night Steve.”
[BONUS: Jonathan did end up processing the photos and now Joyce, Hopper, El and Steve all have copies of them. Steve had them taped up proudly in his bedroom. El adds her’s to the photo album/scrapbook she and Hopper had started. Hopper frames the photos for his work desk. Joyce has hers on her fridge.]
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emotionlcss · 8 months
i’ve complied a LONG  list of plots that i want after digging through lots of plotting posts, so pls give this a like if you’re interested in any and i’ll message you! ( contains taboo things )
Religious girls are so fucking hot tbh. Like yeah make sure you keep that cross necklace on while you’re stretching your ass out with a plug and fucking your throat with your favorite dildo. I’m sure your God loves what he’s seeing from you 😂
ok but fuck, unhappily married corporate dude having an affair with his hot young assistant is one of my favourite trashy tropey plots someone gimme
a plot where yeah i’m dating my older brothers best friend who is also older than him and me but my brother doesn’t know and lots of sexual tension and he fingers her at the dinner table and whenever the friend sleeps over he always goes to her room and sleeps in her bed until morning until he has to get up to lay back at her brothers room to make it seem like he was there the whole night oh my god PLEASE
“i’m dating your sibling, but now i’ve met you, i’ve realized that maybe i picked the wrong sibling. but that’s not going to stop me from touching you underneath the dinner table, and screwing you in your parents bed.”
oh to be an aggressive hockey guy who gets into fights during matches and has to be patched up afterwords by the exasperated medic who has a soft spot for me who’s always telling me to be careful and sometimes we fight over my reckless attitude and maybe it gets heated one night and the medic yells “i care about you asshole!!” and i need to reevaluate our every single interaction
substitute teacher who likes giving out assignments and students hate him so much for that then one night, big brother bought a friend home and shit, it’s the substitute teacher who literally called you out for not passing your homework, and fuck, he is smirking like a total asshole.
Muse A happens to walk in on Muse B while they’re masturbating. Either Muse A offers to help after finding themselves too attracted by the sight to really turn away, or Muse B continues to work towards getting themselves off, indicating that they were masturbating with Muse A in mind.
Muse A has a friend over, who admits to having a crush on Muse A’s relative, Muse B. When Muse A confesses to having similar feelings, the two discuss the possibility of maybe coming onto Muse B with the idea of a naughty threesome in mind.
im always trash for taboo relationship plots:
- relieving him from sexual frustration with a handjob or blowjob - being his cum dump every day - fucking while hiding - riding him in the middle of the night and forcing him to cum in her - handjob in the backseat on a roadtrip - public sex outside a party - glory hole at a party or club bathroom
Also, presidents party girl daughter who has been assigned a new secret service bodyguard. He has no idea what he’s in for or the trouble she attracts. She has a problem with the word ‘no’ and he likes to say it a lot.
“it’s the middle of the night on a saturday and i’ve been thrown into holding by the cops and am i high or did i just get thrown into the same holding cell as a celebrity???” au
“while hiding from the paparazzi i ran into the first building i saw and it turns out you work here and what the fuck do you MEAN you’re closed and i have to get out, have some MERCY!” au
“i just went to one of your shows, and now an hour later you’ve tweeted about some gorgeous person you noticed in the crowd and wait why does this describe me exactly” au
this is a holy place, so you better be quiet and respectful while i screw you in the confessional booth.
I have a gigantic crush on you and you called me on the phone while I was masturbating but I picked up anyway and you caught on to what I was doing but you didn’t hang up??? Does this mean you like me??? Does this mean we’re gonna have phone sex???
I hid in your closet to scare you as a joke but when you came in you started masturbating and I can’t just get up and leave but if I get caught in your closet you’ll think I’m a pervert I regret my life choices
We’re roommates and we always look through each other’s mail and I certainly was not expecting to find a vibrator when I opened your package how much time do I have to re tape this before you get home
I bought dick popsicles as a joke but you look really hot how you’re sucking on that fuck
do clubs where you can wear a masquerade mask and be anonymously fucked and watched by dozens of people only exist in fanfiction or is there a membership card i can apply for
- we’re costars working on a film (plus points for both of them playing the love interest in one of those annoying love triangles) and fell in love backstage, sneaking around each other’s trailers and whatnot - we’re on the same sports team but one of us is still in the closet, so we make out in the showers after training and vanish from parties to kiss in the car - i thought you’re dating my sister/brother but what do you mean you’re just friends and hanging around the house because you’re interested in me?? - i’m a big rock star and you’re my opening gig, and after the show we share sweaty kisses and have our own aftershow party in the tour bus you were the first boy i kissed but we never saw each other again after that party. years later we meet again and it’s like a throwback in time - i thought i was straight but there’s this cute af boy who makes me question my sexuality and turns my world upside down - bad boy turning soft for a soft boy -  *slams fist on the table* I’M ALWAYS A SLUT FOR NERD/JOCK DYNAMICS!
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bvrnin · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
ana de armas. 37. cis woman. she/her. ― i see you met CATALINA DEVERA, huh? they have been around for… well, it will be A YEAR IN SAFE-ZONE, now. time flies when you are busy and as part of THE MILITIA, they are. if you want to meet them, they live in H4A, i think. people say they are INDEPENDENT + HUMOROUS, but don’t piss them off, okay? because they can be also QUIET + SARCASTIC, so be safe. 
⸻  BACKGROUND ( tw: death ) — catalina was born to a large family, her grandparents from both sides lived relatively close to where herself, her parents and 2 other siblings lived. which meant a lot of family dinners and celebrations. it's still to this day the most cherished memories catalina has. — getting a degree in economics, catalina thought several times about changing her degree as she was deeply unsatisfied with how it was going and she eventually did, despite her parents heavily disagreeing with her to psychology. she was about to graduate when all hell broke loose. — her family ran together, eventually being split apart. to this day catalina has no idea what befell her parents but she, with a deep heavy heart, assumed that they're dead. — together with her two other sibling they were trying to survive, going from store to store trying to find food or weapons, anything they can do to survive. in one heartbreaking moment, when they were trying to flee a horde, her young sibling got caught and killed. catalina with tears in her eyes killed them so spare them further pain. — the death of one of them took a tool on the middle sibling, who believed that their younger could've been saved. it caused the two of them to fight and eventually the middle sibling stormed off, blaming catalina. — catalina went alone for awhile until she found a group she could belong to, everything went as normal until a man and his ward joined. she would laugh with the man, tease and flirt in such an innocent way that things almost felt normal when she was with him. — when a horde of undead swarmed them they fled and got separated, the three of them and they tried to survive together and when seen by other group, a sinister one she suddenly became a wife. hold on, a wife?! she didn't have much time to think about it further before the suspicious group advanced a nd they were punished for their idiocy. — and it continued, the wife lie. or maybe it was no longer quite a lie. because when she looked at her man, she saw a future, a world beyond what they had now. ⸻  HEADCANONS — catalina's father was a ranger, so he's the only reason why she knows how to handle herself with a gun and she's thankful for that everyday since for her it feels like her father is protecting her despite not being here anymore. — catalina wears a flower neckless that was once belonged to her mother. she usually keeps in her bag but when things are calm, she wears it around her neck. — catalina has several tattoos around her arms and legs, some have meanings and others were just for fun. ⸻  WANTED CONNECTION
middle sibling — after the their younger sibling, this sibling blames catalina for leaving the young one to die and killing them, despite there would've been 0 chance of survival. in rage they got separated from catalina but deep inside they miss her deeply.
knew her parents — someone who was maybe in a group with her parents and knows about what happened to them, catalina will be glad for any detail. maybe they left some last words with this person or maybe they're still alive somewhere.
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