#i have a preferrance??? but i never told them they had to be any of my girl characters
Based on your post @sassyassblog 😁:
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P.S. I'm using the MonsterVerse Kaijus as humans since this is also from my GenAU MV Edition. So no worries.
Here's the scenario:
"Man..." thought Godzilla as he walked tiredly towards his mansion, "I need a quick nap..."
Turning around making sure no one was sneaking at him, he knelt down to the front door and snag a key he secretly kept from a carpet. He opened the door and enter before closing it shut.
The man took off his shoes and socks before putting it on a casket beside the door. His darkish black to navy blue hair is in mess due to the extreme heat back from where he work at a city and also in due course of his job. As usual, he often comes late at home since his wife, Mothra, usually is first to arrived home shortly before himself.
Still, she's not here, so maybe Godzilla need an extra free range of their cozy house. Once his wife arrived home, he smirked at the deal that he told her a few days ago.
He needs to arrange a few things.
It was already 5:15 PM, Godzilla thought about his best friends. Most likely, Rodan, Anguirus and Kong were sometimes having a sleepover with him (which Mothra denies it for their unruly manners, something that Godzilla feared for her anger), only for 2 days. Or even a week if there's an activity going around the mansion he and Mothra owned. Currently, Rodan had finally found a job as a chef from a local restaurant, Anguirus deliberately needed to pass an exam to be a history teacher, and Kong...well...he's still a policeman and work tirelessly to earn some savings for his adoptive deaf daughter Jia and her adoptive mother Ilene Andrews.
Success earns hardwork and support, that's something Mothra - yes, she is a science and art teacher - reminded them for their lives.
Anyway, just as Godzilla was about to head upstairs...
He jumped from a sudden breakout of a familiar voice that scared the shit of his pants. Well, whoever broke in to his home without permission shall get the beat out of their shit in no mercy, he swore it.
Instantly, the man heard a sound of a running water coming across the bathroom (the door was practically open slightly). Carefully not to make any noise, Godzilla tiptoed from the source, only for his eyes scanned from something he just ever seen in the entire motherfucking world.
Standing in the middle of a shower is none other than RODAN!
By the looks of it, his back was on a curtains, showering by himself, and practically naked (well, half naked to be exact). The fiery red haired Mexican man didn't seem to bother that Godzilla was there peeping. In his hand was a brush used to scrub on a skin, preferrably the ones that Mothra used it.
Damn, of all places...
Godzilla had never been slack-jawed of how fucking awesome Rodan's singing voice is. I mean, he had seen Rodan singing crazily after drinking a shot too much back from their old times sake, which he and even Kong dragged him all because of his violent manner after having a fight with some unwanted men from a bar. But this one...
"Woah..." Godzilla breathed, "Rody's not so bad with that voice, I bet some girls would swoon over him if he was a celebrity."
But as Rodan twirled around...
Rodan let out a mightiest girlish scream of the entire mansion, almost shook off the ass out of his confidence. His eyes wide as dinner plates when he saw Godzilla on the door peeping, who was indeed startled by the redhaired man's scream.
Knowing he is caught red-handed, and indeed naked, he covered himself with his arms and hands, purposely snagged a towel beside the sink and wrapped it around his waist, before marching towards Godzilla and slammed the door shut.
"What was that for, Rodan?!" Godzilla growled.
"Like indeed you are peeping me without knocking!" Rodan bites back.
"Oh really? Then you should've closed it before your bird-brain of yours!"
"You just entered my-our own house without texting me?!" Godzilla said angrily, "You know what happens when Mothra finds out just like what happened to you and Ghidorah!"
"That's in the past now, we'll never do it again! I promised!"
"Then what are you fucking doing here?!"
Rodan slowly opens the door with a dull expression...
"...I'm running out of water back from my apartment and I haven't pay a rent so..." He gave him a puppy eyes.
Oh great. Just fucking great.
Rodan had barely payed a rent just to avoid himself kicked out by the landowner. Many times, he would got himself into trouble, and Godzilla and Kong even needed to bail him out because of that.
Godzilla sighed heavily, massaging his temples just to avoid 10 times headache and all.
"Okay, fine! I'll gave you a cash."
Rodan beamed.
"But! I'm not taking any chances! You need to worked harder, and you're already hired as a chef. I'm counting on you, Rody."
"Gracias mi mejor amigo."
"Now hurry up before Mothra finds out and gonna beat you out of your daylights."
"BTW, Rodan..." Godzilla leaned over the wall, "I didn't know you have a wonderful singing voice."
"Yeah, good thing nobody would notice your quite voice and good looks..."
"And that you are indeed a good singer."
Godzilla and Rodan are startled by another voice, because that voice was no other than Godzilla's wife and His Queen, Mothra.
Sweat trickled down their foreheads, seeing the expression of the white-haired woman...
Oh boy.....
Outside, infinite babblings and pleading were heard followed by a loud smack as Godzilla and Rodan are deserved to be punished.
But at the same time, Mothra quitely likes the singing voice of the red-haired man, but hated the fact that Rodan dared to enter their house without permission.
Lesson learned, Rodan, the Fire Demon.
From @adm-starblitzsteel-4305
Also, the song Rodan sang in the bathroom was titled "Good Tonight" by Daniel Pemberton and Anthony Ramos from the movie The Bad Guys.
Also, my MV Rodan's voice actor is Anthony Ramos. I thought that would be fun since Ramos voiced Mr. Piranha. 😁
And I am still looking for MV Mothra's voice actress while my MV Godzilla's voice actor is Keith David.
Well anyway, have fun reading it!
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aotopmha · 6 months
The FF14 community has a sarcastic saying along the lines of "great community btw", which is used in cases whenever someone or some group of awful people pop up doing something shitty and which I find annoying.
I think it is really obnoxious because having a great community does not mean there will never be any awful people in that community.
Especially when you get an award for stuff like having a great community – something that in many spaces is usually based on popularity or earned via nebulous committee vote.
That's just not how people work. And putting that strange standard on every single person in that community is really unrealistic.
In fact, I think it would be creepier if occasional assholes didn't pop up. Actual cult behaviour entails a situation where nobody is frustrated, critical or says anything bad about each other ever.
And this is doubly so for stuff that is popular.
We have 30 million accounts in the game now. Do you honestly expect not one of them to be made by an awful person?
The second frustration I have is tying social media with the community. Yoshi-P and his team, don't, even in fact, straight-up can't really, moderate what happens on social media, on Twitter, Reddit, Discord etc.
And as far as I know their official accounts keep it pretty basic and chill.
So, a lot of the bad stuff is just the nature of social media and the internet.
Now, this actually does not mean the dev team bears no responsibility because what they can do is minimise the poison within the game itself.
FF14 is probably the cleanest multiplayer community I've been apart of ever. The most I've gotten is generic insults in French.
The lack of gamerwords in my 3 months of time surprised me the most, and so did the occasional actual compliments. We just either talk about the game or what issues there are with us doing the mechs or disband when stuff isn't working out and time is getting wasted.
But I also know many haven't been as lucky and some of the security features were dated even by the time the game re-released back in 2013.
The friendlist is a mess because it doesn't block properly, and I know stories of people who had to go to another region to escape their stalker.
The GMs, while preferrable to any automated moderation, still don't catch everything, sometimes for years, especially whistleblowers who signal stuff in specific codewords and technically aren't breaking the rules.
Unjust massreportings can happen.
Reporting can be clunky and from what I've explored is hidden behind some menuing instead of just being an open option like in many other online games.
So they kinda can't control Twitter or Reddit at all and they can't change human nature, but I think they can modernise a bunch of the social tab.
I also haven't experienced the game as a non-sprout/at endgame yet, which I'm told can make a difference. Part of the reason why I find the game so rewarding is because you find so many different experiences and opinions in just Duty Finder and you just sometimes get to talking with them about the game and then various other things.
Recently, many gathered to honor Akira Toriyama in many of the data centers and people were just kind of talking to each other about DB and other series.
And I've never seen anything like this in any other MMO or any multiplayer games. I know it happened for Kentaro Miura, too, when he died.
So clearly, the social element is a huge part of the identity of an MMO, so if they mean they're improving the MMO in the MMO, I hope this also includes the social tab features.
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norvillc · 1 month
Part of him feared they'd be snide about him bringing a dog, but no one questioned or even acknowledged Scooby as they were led through the halls to a cool, nearly empty room. He had started leaving him home more often over the last couple of years, his anxiety no longer as hard to deal with as it had been, but Shaggy knew he couldn't do this alone. His grip tightened on the leash in his hand, knuckles white, taking the chair pointed out to him. It made him think of his father, wonder if he was still working at the local police station back home or if he'd finally retired, and if him being home during the day was driving his mother crazy if he had. He realized then couldn't remember the last time he had thought about his parents. "Who is it you’re here about, Norville?"
The detective was a woman with sympathetic eyes and a soft voice, and he found himself thankful she didn't seem to be anything like his father. Swallowing dryly, it took him a moment to find his words, to admit they were actually gone. "Velm—" he began, but the name got stuck in his throat. He took a shaky deep breath and spoke again. "Velma Dinkley and Fred Jones." "And how are you connected to them?" "Fred is my friend, and Velma is my fiancée." He couldn't meet her gaze, attention trained on the desk between them, trying to find shapes in the woodwork. Trying to ground himself. He could see her nod out of the corner of his eye. "Do you remember the last time you spoke to both of them?" "Like," he started to speak again, but his mouth suddenly felt too dry to form a full sentence. "Sorry." "Take your time," she spoke gently, but he could feel her eyes on him as he took a sip from the water he'd been offered as he came in, the cup shaking in his hand. He felt like the floor was about to open up and swallow him whole, but he couldn't help but find that preferrable. Maybe Velma would be there. "I saw Velma the night before. She was in... I woke up sometime after midnight, and she was still there." He should have stayed awake. He should have held onto her tightly. Maybe she would still be here, then. If he had done something. He never did anything useful. "I went back to sleep," he recalled, taking another shaky breath, "and she wasn't there when... when I woke up." It had been the worst day of his life. He didn't know it in that moment, of course. He assumed she was in the kitchen, and when she wasn't, maybe the library. But the hours started to pass by. He texted her. She didn't open it. He called. She didn't answer. It didn't take long for him to know something was wrong. That was the last time he'd been here, at the police station. Breaking down right inside the doorway, begging them to find her. He hadn't known about Fred then. "Sorry," he said, again, realizing the time was passing, the silence in the room louder than any of the words he'd spoken. "I talked to Fred a few days before. I think. I can't remember. I don't..." It all seemed like a blur now. The words hung in the air, and the woman didn't say anything for a moment, waiting for him to finish. When he didn't, she moved on, satisfied enough, he guessed, with the answer he'd given. "That's okay. Can you remember if you noticed anything different about Fred or Velma in the weeks leading up to their disappearances?" "No. Like, everything was... fine." Wasn't it? "Were they hanging out with any new people lately?" Shaggy shook his head. "No, Velma always told me who she was with. She didn't— she didn't have to, I trusted her. I trust her." He caught himself on the past tense, his own words causing his chest to tighten. "I'm sure Fred made new friends, he's always talking to people, but I don't..." "Did either of them leave anything behind to suggest this was planned?" The implication, the idea that the people most important to him would just abandon him and Daphne both out of the blue... Shaggy was shaking his head no, but he really felt like the walls were closing in on him now. He wanted to tell her that they would never. That Fred would tell them all about it if he found a way out, brag about it, take them too. He wanted to say that Velma would not leave him like that, that she would never leave him. But all that came out was a quiet: "No."
"Did they ever seem interested in leaving town?" "Fred—..." He could feel his own fingernails digging into the palm of his hand from how tightly he was holding his dog's leash. "Fred and Daphne want to go back, I think, but... but Velma and I are happy here. We didn't want... she... like, I'm sorry, I feel..." Sick. Dizzy. Like he couldn't breathe, that oxygen wasn't filling his lungs despite the rapid breaths he was taking. Like the room was collapsing and him with it. His face was on fire, and the room had definitely shrank. He just wanted them back. He wanted to know Fred was okay, to tell him how much he meant to him, that he was sorry they didn't hang out more. He wanted to hug Velma, breathe in her shampoo, kiss her for an hour straight. "Okay, Norville, just one more question," the woman promised, her voice breaking through the fog briefly. "If they were able to leave town, where do you believe they would go?" "They... I don't... home, I— I guess, I don't..." He felt a nudge at his hand, Scooby trying to do his job, to calm him, but there was nothing he could do in this room. His stomach was churning. He needed to leave, he needed fresh air. He needed Velma. The tears were coming now, and he couldn't manage to catch his breath. "We're supposed to get married, I mean we're... we're going to get— she just needs t—... to come home. This home, our home." "I'm sorry. We'll do what we can. Thank you, Norville, for coming in today." She offered him a sad smile, dismissing him, but he was already halfway through the door before he heard her add: "We'll reach out if we have any more questions." He made it to the parking lot before he lost his lunch.
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unaplays · 10 months
4.2 Spiral Abyss Waning Phase Recap
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Spiral abyss has just reseted a couple days ago and changed its enemy lineup. I took a peek from my friends on Twitter and Youtube who say that this phase is quite troublesome especially if you don't have a lot of hydro characters since we'll be facing 2 pyro lectors on floor 12.
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Usually the buff and enemy of spiral abyss is suited to promote the current character banner so I thought I'd be fine since I already have Furina. But when I was doing random coop, someone told me that the spiral is more suited for Neuvillette instead of Furina since her hydro application is a mess, and I agree.
Tbh true damage buff isn't really my favorite type of buff lol. I prefer the previous abyss buff which adds elemental damage bonus. This buff can be maximized if you have Fontainean character or Furina in your team which will help drain your team's hp.
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This is my floor 12 lineup. This is probably the first time Hoyo put all the single boss on the second half. Usually they put 1 on the first half on chamber 1, and then the next boss on the second half on chamber 2, etc etc. So if you wanna bring someone like Yoimiya who specializes in single target, you can definitely put her on the second half team.
I pick my newly assembled hyper carry Neuvillette team on the first half since most of the enemies are pyro. And as always, my ultimate die hard hyperbloom team which never fails to clear the abyss for the second half.
YOU MUST BRING HYDRO for the first half. Like I said, there'll be so many enemies with pyro shield that you need to break and hydro is the fastest pyro shield breaker. If you have Furina and wants to bring her, try bringing another hydro as her hydro application is inconsistent. It's also easier if you have crowd control like Kazuha or Venti because the enemies are scattered and if you're not good at manual grouping, it's gonna take longer.
For the second half, just bring your best team that you know can tank and deal a huge amount of damage, preferrably nuker because Coppelia on the second half 12-3 is very deadly. One hit and your character's gone.
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I thought I could finish the battle in one run but I had to redo 12-3 second half because Kuki and Alhaitham died lol. I didn't expect Coppelia to hurt that much but since they were put on 12-3, the hit must be bigger than if they were in 12-1 or 12-2.
I was very nervous during 12-3 first half because grouping the pyro lectors is the key, not to mention there are also Kairagis who you need to take down at the same time, otherwise one of them is gonna recover their health and that will surely spend more of your time.
And that's how my abyss run this waning phase. If you have any question, just shoot away and I'll try my best to answer them!
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queenshelby · 2 years
Oppenheimer (Part 21)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Fluff, Angst, Depression
Words: 1,856
Please interact and comment to keep it going. I always love to know what you think.
Being blackmailed like this by your godmother Cara was not what you had expected and, at first, you didn’t believe that there was anything on the tape she had handed to you. You called her bluff because you didn’t know how she could possibly have obtained a video like this of you and Cillian.
But, when she showed you some snippets of the video which she claimed she had, you realised that she wasn’t bluffing at all. She had caught you and Cillian in a very compromising position and you were concerned that a tape like this would, indeed, ruin not only your but also Cillian’s career.
Cara’s argument was that, if the relationship between you and Cillian was to be exposed in any way, people might think that he was chosen for this role by your father not on his merit but due to the fact that he is with you. This, in turn, would give the movie a somewhat bad reputation.
In addition, your godmother Cara knew very well that age-gap relationships such as yours were frowned upon and, in her view, it is arguable that, if you were known to be together, Cillian may lose support for the movie as an actor. In Cara’s mind, it was most preferrable if he remained single, drawing different kinds of crowds to the movie with his bachelor standing. Ever since playing Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders, he gained a huge female following and being with you could potentially change this.
You knew that Cara had no real intention to expose you in any way, especially not with a sex tape like this. But you also knew that she was used to getting her way and you also believed that she would be true to her word. She had threatened you and Cara’s threads were never to be taken lightly.
The sex-tape itself would make Cara millions of dollars and this wouldn’t be the first compromising tape she had released. Rumours had it that she was involved in a few scandals like this, protecting her clients by blackmailing others. But then again, these were simply rumours and it was your parents who never believed them to be true.
Could it be that your father and mother had been fooled by her for all these years?
Unsure about what to do next and where to go from here, you packed up your things and sat down on the sofa with a cup of tea.
Tears were streaming down your face and you started feeling hopeless. You couldn’t risk your career which you had worked so hard for and you most certainly couldn’t risk a scandal like this. It would affect not only you, but also Cillian and his sons. He still hadn’t finalised his court settlement with his ex-wife. In fact, he hadn’t even finalised his divorce as it was impossible to divorce one another until you had been separated for a total of two years in the Republic of Ireland.
With that in mind, you were worried about how far Cara would go with this tape and felt as though you weren’t really left with a choice. You needed to do what she had demanded from you. You needed to end it with Cillian and resign from your position on set. But how?
By the point you made this decision it was already 10 o’clock and Cillian had already attempted to call you twice, and so had your father. You were late for work and this, in itself, was unusual.
“Where are you? Is everything okay?” Cillian asked when you finally picked up your phone on the third call and, by this point, you had to hold back your tears again.
“I am not coming to set Cills” you told him with a heavy heart and some regret.
“Why? Are you okay?” Cillian asked concerned. He could already tell that something was wrong. You weren’t yourself.
“Yes, I am. I am resigning. I’ve been offered a position at UCLA for the four weeks before I move to London” you lied, intending to simply hang around at the laboratory on campus to make the time go by quickly before you were set to move overseas.
“Really? Because, you didn’t mention anything to me about this last night. Are you sure that everything is okay?” Cillian asked. He was still concerned and could tell from the sound of your voice that you weren’t forthcoming about what really had been on your mind at that particular time.
“No…I mean…yes…” you began to stammer before breaking out in tears once again and doing what had to be done.
“I can’t keep going like this Cillian. We can’t be together” you blurted out, feeling guilty about doing this to him over the phone. But, the truth was, that you couldn’t face him. You loved him more than you had loved anyone else before and breaking up with him was simply too painful.
“Y/N, what on earth is going on?” Cillian panicked and you could tell that he was struggling to comprehend what you had just told him.
“I have been doing some thinking and us being together isn’t right. We cannot be together Cillian. I am sorry. I should never have gotten involved with you” you told him through your strained voice while the tears continued to stream from your eyes like a waterfall.
“Y/N, please. Can we just talk about this? I am begging you. You can’t just end it like this, over the fucking phone, without giving me a real fucking reason” Cillian began to say but you immediately cut him off.
“There is nothing to talk about Cillian. I am sorry. Please forgive me” you then said before hanging up on him somewhat abruptly.
Later that day…
Later that day, you arrived back home at your parent’s mansion in Hollywood and your mother was already waiting for you.
“What the fuck is going on Y/N? Your father said that you quit. Just like that” she blurted out as soon as you walked through the door and placed your bags to the side.
“Yes, I quit. I don’t like this stupid movie business. It is not for me. It is a pain in the arse and I am over it. Now, please excuse me” you yelled out in frustration before breaking out in tears again and, before your mother could even speak to you about this, you disappeared into your room and closed the door behind you.
“Lynette, please keep an eye on her, would you?” your mother said to your sister after you had stormed off and, since you had been through depression in the past, she became rather concerned when she watched you react like this.
You had been rather cheerful and happy for the past few weeks and, for some reason unknown to her, it all changed within a matter of hours. Now, you were upset and angry and your mother was worried that you would fall back into your old habits.
Matters took a turn for the worse when your father arrived back home later that day, accompanied by your godmother Cara and her husband.
They had invited themselves over for dinner and, despite the fact that your father was stressed following a difficult day on set, he agreed to order Chinese.
“You need to eat” your father said as he watched you pick through your food but little did he know that it was Cara’s presence which made you lose your appetite.
“I am not hungry” you told him and he immediately rolled his eyes at you. Clearly, he was frustrated and angry with the fact that you had resigned so abruptly.
“Eat Y/N. Your mother said that you haven’t eaten all day” he said sternly but you pushed your plate away, right into the middle of the table.
“Like I said, I am not hungry” you told your father again and received a deep and annoyed sigh from him in response.
“Chris, enough! If she isn’t hungry, then she doesn’t need to eat. She won’t die if she goes a day without food” your mother then told him calmly, knowing that something must have been wrong on set and that you probably didn’t want to talk about it.
“Perhaps some ice cream would help? It always helps me when I am a little moody” your godmother Cara then said and her simple suggestion caused you to snap.
“I don’t need any fucking ice cream, thanks” you spat at her, losing your temper.
“Please, Y/N. Watch your manners. You can’t speak to your godmother like this” your mother cautioned you but you were fuming inside.
Luckily for you, it was your father this time who intervened and decided to change the topic. But the topic he changed the conversation to wasn’t one you wanted to discuss either.
“So, Cara…how has Cillian been today? Was he alright?” your father asked your godmother and she looked at you quickly before responding.
“Fine. Why?” she asked, trying to ascertain what your father was implying.
“I was just curious because he seemed rather off today. He blew almost every fucking scene which is totally unlike him” your father said with some frustration and you felt terrible about it. You felt as though his decline in performance was your fault after you had ended your relationship in the way you did but there was nothing you could do about it.
“I am sure it was just a fluke” your godmother said to your father but your father was concerned nonetheless.
“He hasn’t had a fluke like this before, Cara. It’s fucking worrying me. I’ve worked with him on so many movies and he had always been at the top of his game” your father explained and, with that, you excused yourself.
Your eyes were starting to tear up again and you knew that you had to leave the room.
To be continued…
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onewizardgirl · 2 years
Hermione has earned herself an honorary spot as one of mollys children
Don't worry dear
Hermione loved the summer, especially the summer before a year at hogwarts. This year though, she had relocated her parents to keep them safe and was now spending all of her time with the weasleys, which were currently in grimuald place.  She had a room there that she shared with Ginny as well as one in the burrow. Her trunk with her books and robes for Hogwarts was stored neatly under her bed, her clothing stored in a shared closet with ginny. Any of her other belongings that she had at home were at the burrow, like her pictures, and things like that. Even after being sad about her parents, being with loads of magical people like her, cheered her up with all sorts of magical surprises,she had no idea what was to transpire over the month shed spend at grimuald place with the Weasley clan, Tonks, and Remus, or what would happen over the summer holidays with them. But she surely didnt expect her period to surprise her the very next morning. 
When she woke up her chestnut hair was every which way and her vision was still slightly blurred from sleep. She sat up in her bed and immediately felt the telltale squish of her blood soaking through her shorts and onto the grey sheets underneath her.  She inwardly groaned, and slowly got out of bed feeling her cramps start to go through her abdomen. She stumbled toward the door frame, stubbing her toe in the process, she continued on with the throbbing of her toe and the dull soreness in her abdomen down the stairs hoping she hadnt made to much noise with the bang of her toe against wood to wake anyone.
If she did wake anyone, she hoped it was atleast one of the women in the house, molly preferrably. 
She was unfortunately caught not by molly but fortunately by none other than the matamorphagus in the house, Tonks. 
Tonks stumbled down the stairs catching hermione's attention as she did so. 
Harsh black hair and a very tired looking tonks greeted hermione when she turned around on the stairs 
“Don’t know if you know but there’s blood on your arse,” Tonks said, walking to the stairs 
“I do, but thanks Tonks,” Hermione thanked. 
“Anytime, might wanna go get cleaned up before the boys start coming down though,” Tonks said patting Hermione’s back. surpassing her on her way down. 
Hermione nodded and continued down the stairs heading through the kitchen to get to the bathroom in the hall, going unnoticed by Molly, who had her back turned toward the girl.  Tonks walked ahead of  her in a comfortable silence until she ducked off to talk to Molly, who naturally was in charge of breakfast. Tonks hoped Molly knew where some chocolate would be, she needed to get her moods under control since her own period had surprised her this morning.
“Morning Tonks,” Molly said handing her a mug of steaming coffee. 
“Morning Molly, I got a question for yeh,” Tonks said taking a sip of the steaming liquid,  letting it ward off some of her cramps with it’s warmth. As the coffee warmed her insides the harsh black color of her messy hair faded to a dull grey, similar to the clouds outside. 
“What did my boys blow up this time?" Molly asked exasperated. 
Tonks ignored Molly's question, by asking her own, 
“Do you have any idea where some chocolate would be around this place, my period’s being a right bitch and I need some,” Tonks told explaining the situation knowing Molly’d understand.  
“Oh, of course, there you go darling, save some for Gin though, she’s due to start today, and I don't know if I'll have any time today to go to Honeydukes for more if we run out,” Molly said passing Tonks a slightly open bar of dark chocolate. 
From the hallway bathroom they heard Hermione frustratedly yell out a swear. Looking at each other awestruck, Molly broke the silence that followed Hermione’s scream. 
“Hermione never swears, Ever. she must be having a bad morning to swear like that,” 
"Must be, should I check on her?" Tonks asked the elder witch. 
"Might save us both some hassle, I remember one other time she swore like that, she was on her period and she was in her own head, she locked herself in ginny's room for nearly four hours. Poor girl's mood was all over the place. Only thing that helped her was letting the girl talk to me." Molly told 
After receiving that bit of information from Molly she thought it wise to check in on the younger witch. 
After catching Hermione’s attention with a gentle knock on the door, Tonks asked, 
“Hermione are you alright?” 
Talking a moment to answer Hermione mumbled 
"'M fine," barely audible through the thick wooden door. 
Tonks was unsure of this answer, replying,
"You sure? It didnt sound like it from what I heard," 
When she said this, hermione felt embarrassed of her outburst. Stupid period moods. She thought 
Finally she answered dismissing her feelings
"Its nothing," 
Unpersuaded by this answer but not wanting to prod any further Tonks returned to the kitchen with molly. 
“Is she alright?” Molly asked as Tonks picked up her coffee mug and resumed her postion of leaning against the counter with a bar of chocolate  
“Said she was, didn't sound like it though, "  Tonks admitted. 
After a moment of conversation, Hermione walked into the kitchen hiding herself behind Tonks near the corner of the kitchen.
“What’s bothering you dear?” Molly asked, pouring her a steaming cup of tea. 
Molly guided Hermione to sit on the little stool in the kitchen near where she was making some drop scones and bacon. 
“It’s nothing,”  Hermione said taking a seat with her tea. 
 Molly continued making breakfast while Tonks approached Hermione with a maternal aura about her, 
"It surely doesn't seem like nothing," Tonks said, running her thumb across Hermione's cheek wiping away a stray tear. 
"Take your time dear," Molly added 
Hermione sighed, knowing she would feel better if she spoke, but also feeling kind of silly that she was upset over something so small. But the slight memory of what happened the last time she bottled her emotions, made her realize she should probably say something, just to get it off her sore, swollen, chest. 
“it's just been a bad morning. Seems like it's one thing after another, i can't catch a break," 
"Sounds like my morning," tonks commented 
"Wanna talk about it?" Molly asked 
Hermione really did want to talk, but instead hesitated for a moment leaning into Tonks's gentle touch, a feeling she hadnt felt since she had to relocate her parents to austrailia. She missed it dearly. She missed them dearly. 
No longer than she took to lean into tonks' touch, she spoke 
"I woke up from a nightmare that my parents had been killed by you-know-who. Then i realized my period came on and i had bled on my bed, i stubbed my toe when i came out the room and tonks caught me with bloody shorts when i came down the stairs, there were no tampons left, and ron ate my last chocolate frog," hermione rambled immediately feeling better after explaining her woes. 
After she'd finished speaking tonks stuffed a piece of the chocolate she was holding in Hermione’s hand molly giving her a gentle hug,
“not to worry dear, i need to buy some groceries today, if you'd like you can join ginny and i, so you can get what you need, and if we have time i don't see why we can't pop into honeydukes for some chocolates,"  molly offered 
"You don't mind?" Hermione asked, feeling touched by molly's kindness 
"Not at all dear, i'd expect you would need to stock up on a few things since you're headed back to school soon your potions kit is looking mighty sparse," molly said 
"Thank you, Mrs weasley," Hermione thanked smiling for the first time that morning.
“Its no problem hermione, its my responsibility to keep you safe before uou go back to school,  now go on and get dressed, i expect we'll leave after breakfast," molly told 
Hermione gave molly a quick hug before going back upstairs 
"If you're taggimg along i suggest you get ready as well tonks," molly said, and with an unseen smile, tonks raced back her room that she shared with remus. 
An hour later, everyone was finishing up breakfast when molly called the girls to follow her to the floo in the sitting room. 
"Mum? where you lot going?" Fred asked 
"We've got to do the grocery shopping," molly said shortly. 
 "Can we come," george asked 
"No, its a girls only trip, you'll go next time," molly said stepping into the floo. 
The boys murmer frustrated they have to be left behind while ginny and hermione step into the floo. 
"Let the girls go boys, it'll be best for them to get a few hours away from us," remus said walking into the dining room after tonks had stepped into the floo. 
The boys groan and head off to do something stupid, and the girls walk diagon alley. 
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wyrddog · 5 years
so apparently the way i manipulated my ex into “not being themself” is by myself feeling like their posts they would tag their ocs in reminded me too much of me and so i tried seeing if we could just unfollow eachother from all social medias to avoid seeing eachothers posts (so they could keep oc posting and i dont hafta feel all fuckey in myself) which they didn’t want to happen and begged me not to do, so then i continue on, every other month, bringing up that i feel invalidated by seeing these things about their oc and them ignoring me or just saying “ i wont post about them anymore” which i kept saying?? i didn’t want them to do??? it was fairly clear to me that things werent wqorking out for so long but they would just convince me to stay-- anyways they randomly spring on me that they dont feel like this oc and this oc reminds them of their dad and the way their dad traumatized them making that oc militant or toxicly masc etc. and i’m like “okay sure, be whoever you wantg to be man” and then go on to say “tumblr demonized being feminine to me so now i want to be feminine” so like.... all of this shit about me trying to convince them to be feminine.... kinda smells of bullshit to me
esp since i actively let them imprint on pretty much whichever character they felt suited to at the time-- sometimes they were mj, other times they were tao-- taos not exactly what i would call feminine (neither is mj for that matter tbqh) though he can be? tao seems more masculine than me, at least traditionally.
so apparently what i end up doing is being their oc because in my mind i want to be the man of their dreams but at the same time i dont want to change so id say im their oc because if i was then anything ig whatever id be doing would already be natural for that oc, even though what im like and what this oc is like are different in various ways-- like this oc is really punk and thats kinda it but im like punk but also into psychedelic stoner shit so i’d be all of those things. and this point-- from reading all these tagged oc posts that i resonate with and hearing all these stories they tell me about this oc that i resonated with in my mind it sort of became that i just *was* that character because i keep seeing them tagged in things that remind me of myself-- so this character, in a way reminds me of me but i laos felt like i was more than just that but that being more than just that was threatening to them or that they wouldn’t like it.
so i find this [them talking about their inner voice that’s telling them to k/ themselves and that they’re worthless a series of messages but i picked this one out bc relevent];
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so apparently they felt like they weren’t good enough to be with me? which quite honestly... after what they did to me, no they aren’t good enough for me, but this insecurity seems to be what was driving them to keep begging me to stay-- i just cant find any real evidence of me telling them they have to be different though-- what i suspect is going on, however, is they were expecting a lot of the same shit they went through with their ex friend/roommate who was abusive and manipulative in ways and thought i was manipulating them to be feminine the way he did????? i just dont find myself caring enough about extrenal people to control them, all i can control is my own experience and idc about what they did but i knew the kind of person i wanted to be with and sometimes they were that person ,its just when they would change and become someone else, and not just bc of mental illness or something just become an entirely different person i couldn’t handle it and i just wanted distance
either way, my ex is clearly to me insecure and has been insecure from the get go. i only became insecure when i realized i wasn’t what they wanted :/ its like they tricked me into thinking i was but then they slowly revealed what they truly wanted and it just wasnt fully what i am so :/
#i hate to say this but it almost feels like my ex would think of things#convince themselves of something#tell me about it#i'd be like do whatever you want man#and then when we broke up they decided i convinced them to be feminine bc idk?? i like women?? i lean more towards women??#i have a preferrance??? but i never told them they had to be any of my girl characters#literally none at all#there were probably times i suggested that they reminded me of x character because of y reason#but i cant find anywhere of me telling them they have to be something#they just outright said this to me#they came to ME telling ME they wanted to be more fmeinien bc they felt like everything outside of them didn't want them to be#and listen idgaf about a lot of things but i do like a bit of consistency and stability?#heres the deal; i thought when we first started dating that they were a more feminine person#im someone who prefers women/feminine people#they said they were feminine and yeah#then we start dating and then they become masculine now#which i was like ok maybe i can learn to love this side of them#which i did#i did force myself to love every facet of them#then throughout the relationship they just keep changing and idk man#i cant keep up with that shit#im not someone whos capable of handling this many changes in personality#and i also do prefer feminine people so a lot of the time id find myself disengaging with them when they were more masc#not bc i didn't like them its just-- i couldn't see their masc side as someone i was sexually or romantically attracted to#their masc side felt like someone i go to play xbox with and smoke weed with and thats it#purely platonic#which i was ok w/ as far as how our relationship went#if they were gonna be masc then thats cool but i cant feel the same way about them idk#they just change so much when they become either masc or fem#like not just identity their personality
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damselofblueroses · 3 years
The Name of the Rose, Chapter 3
Summary: Your study-buddy Doh Kyungsoo comes with you for a long-awaited trip to Tokyo, Japan. There is a tension between you, however both of you decided to build a friendship instead of a relationship.
Chapter Summary: Kyungsoo made a mistake on his delicate relationship with the reader, then he could not find a way of apologizing. Reader made his life harder than he could imagine. They accepted that they mutually have some feelings however they could not name them. Catastrophy begins with Kyungsoo’s acceptance of reader’s interesting and unexpected offer.
Content: Unestablished relationship, AU, Hurt/Comfort, Anger, Slight Violence, Emotional Complications and Healing.
Warnings: Well, the story contains NSFW/Smut, please minors do not continue.
Note: This story was inspired by D.O.’s album, Empathy, the album of 2021 in my opinion. It is an ongoing mini project, I planned to write it as a one-shot when I started, however I realized there are a lot to say about Empathy Era and I cannot stop shut my mouth, or prevent myself from writing… So, here we go.
Chapter Word Count: 5.7k
Series Masterlist
Prettier than Roses
Perhaps Kyungsoo was still punishing himself even after all this time, whether he was aware of his regrets or not. But he was punishing himself, for not being vocal about his feelings for you. He burned for you, he followed you just as a bloody puppy dog tail, but he always kept his heart’s desires in his chest.
He was resisting the urge of confessing, the dire need of being more than a friend for you as he was performing all roles of a friend, but God, he hated his role in your life. Even though he strongly believed that he did not have a chance with you, not even in the slightest, not after he played his role very well, more than he wanted and resulted in being your very dear and close friend. A friend, but nothing more nothing less. He hated so much, if he could, he would change everything in the blink of an eye.
He knew that he had to take you back to the safety of your room immediately. Before he was going to lose his shit. Before he was going to make a mistake. Before he was going to fuck the things up so bad. He was determined to take the cab and keeping you away from himself.
He did not want any distraction, shit he fucking dreamed of ripping that bloody dress off you during the dinner, he did not wish anything but managing to lock himself inside of his room before doing something stupid.
His clenched his fists in order to focus on a different thing. When he saw the cab coming to your direction, he was on the verge of praying.
However, when he turned to you, he just lost his shit.
You were looking at him with you big-doe eyes, a pout on your lips. The city lights were painting you with a dim yellow shine, multiplying your summer rose vibe. To Kyungsoo’s dismay, the wind carried your floral fragrance to him.
He remembered what you asked him.
He remembered what you requested.
Kyungsoo would do it right, he would touch you rightly and correctly, goddamn, he was fucking dreamed of how he could touch you since years. He was not better than the men you went out with, he was fantasizing a lot about you, he felt bad since he did not have your permission, fucking hell if he would ask your permission, but at the same time he knew that he was just helpless when those thoughts about you popped up in his imagination.
Unfortunately, all those dreams were so vivid.
You were like an island to him. A place for self-isolation, a place of happy utopias, a place of loneliness, a place of joy and fruitful ways of living, a place of exile and a place of connection. You were his island, his harbour and he needed to make you his, only his.
Since the day you were asleep on his shoulder in the bloody library, Kyungsoo wanted nothing but you.
Since the day you jumped in front of Kyungsoo out of nowhere with your fucking Cheshire cat grin, Kyungsoo only wished for being able to stick to you till the end. He did not care if he was torturing himself by dreaming of you when he knew he could not have you.
Your scent was too good.
Kyungsoo did not think what the heck he was doing, his mind could not catch his actions. His breath caught in the center of his throat like he was thirsty since ages, he could feel all dryness. He watched himself out of his body, he reached to you and dragged you into the cage of his arms.
Your smell was something else and Kyungsoo was immediately drunk in your scent.
“It is okey, Kyungsoo.” he heard your sweetest voice.
Kyungsoo did not need anything more to hear. The cab just disappeared into the darkness he caressed your face.
“You are so beautiful.” the words he was desperate to say finally fell from his tongue, mingled with the air. Your eyes slightly widened, and he heard your little gasp, that was the nail of Kyungsoo’s coffin. “Goddamn, you are fucking beautiful.”
“Kyungsoo” you literally moaned his goddamn name, and if there was still a kind of sanity left in Kyungsoo’s mind, your moan unconditionally destroyed it.
He kissed you and it took your breath away, both of you.
He kissed you enough to empty your lungs, and made your mind go to mush.
You were the one who broke the kiss in order to catch your thoughts. Your mind was scattered all around. You leaned over to your shaking knees and held them tightly.
“This… This…” you were panting, trying to find an excuse in the book in order to justify the kiss he gave to you.
“This means nothing.” Kyungsoo muttered but he could also reject to his claim with two reasons. First, It definitely did not fell like fucking nothing, and he never want something more than kiss you.
“Well, it means a lot to me.” you could not help but spill the beans. “Where in the hell you learned how to kiss like this?”
“I told you that you never have a proper taste of me.” Kyungsoo tensely chuckled, hell, he was aware of he was doing everything in his not-to-do list, but the spell you put on him made him impervious to anything except you.
“If you kiss every girl like this,” you hesitated to tell what you wanted to say, then you just gave up. JesusfuckingChrist, if he did not want to hear, he would better not to kiss you. Since he turned your brain into mush, he had to listen. “There is no surprise they are chasing you every day.”
“I do not kiss every girl first and foremost.” Kyungsoo’s eyebrows were furrowed. “If they want to chase me, what can I do?”
“And now you are bragging about yourself.” Your mood quickly changed into a less pleasurable and preferrable situation. “Can we go back?”
“Yes, of course.” he nod but you knew that you just destroyed everything was building between you in the blink of eye. You bite your upper lip so hard, preventing you from crying. Not now. Not before you were going to be under your blanket.
That kiss, that fucking kiss, it was all Kyungsoo’s fault.
He gave you a proper taste of himself, and you just wanted to cry, you were deeply sad because of you were not able to have him, you could not have him. He would not come to you as he boldly stated that the kiss meant nothing.
You were angry.
You were sad.
You were disappointed of yourself.
You just wanted to go back to the safety of your room and being able to talk with Chanyeol. He would understand. You knew that Baekhyun would give you a lot of advice in order to seduce Kyungsoo, but you did not want even to hear them.
He told you the kiss meant nothing.
Hell, if you could agree with this shitty statement, you would be lying your ass off.
Fuck off, you bastard you thought. You were fighting with your tears, trying to send them back. You were a big, strong girl and you could control your feelings.
You always were extremely strong, and you were famous for your self-control. You were not going to let Kyungsoo to destroy your inner peace or seeing you in tears because of his fucking rejection. You thought Kyungsoo would do it better, kissing you better, making you feel good, but the only thing he did was dismantling your foolish dreams.
He put you in your place, he gave you a lesson about your place in his eyes.
Kyungsoo could not look at you while you two were in the cab, going back to the hotel.
He knew that he fucked the things up so bad and he could not think a way to claim back from the pit he fell down by himself.
He kissed you, goddamn, it was the best kiss of his whole life, then he just said it meant nothing.
He cursed himself, he wished for the earth cracked like an egg and swallow his worthless presence. He made you upset, that’s why he could not look at your face. He knew what he was going to see, your eyes were going to mirror his mistake.
He lost in the moment, and while he was trying to give you a justification of that kiss, he just irrevocably ruined everything.
When you arrived at the hotel, you paid for the cab without saying a single word to Kyungsoo and directly walked to the inside of the hotel.
Kyungsoo was dying to grab you and apologizing on his knees, but your face telling him not to dare touching you.
He did not enter the hotel, he just sat on a chair in the garden. He was lost in his self-hatred, dreadful overthinking that had his skull feeling stuffed and a lifeless gaze washed all his feature.
He expected nothing but long days where the minutes bled into hours, hours into days and the inability to differentiate one day from the other. He mentally prepared himself for more than self-hatred, he knew that depression, isolation, and numbness were on their way to finish him, to eat him alive. Your face expression when he told you it was nothing was carved behind his eyelids, whenever he closed his eyes.
Kyungsoo was ready for flashbacks and nightmares, disturbing recollections that would render him for the following days.
Comatose, Kyungsoo thought. It was going to be a comatose for him.
How could he think he was better than those guys you went out? They did not destroy your expectations; they did not blend your self-confidence as Kyungsoo did in the seconds.
You did not know but there was a reason why Kyungsoo hopelessly tried to spare you from his kiss. You did not know but Kyungsoo heard a conversation between you and Chanyeol for once, when Chanyeol was telling that Kyungsoo was different for you, Kyungsoo was caring you more than anyone else, Kyungsoo was always there for you before anyone else just like he forgot how to shut his mouth as he continued. Chanyeol was the one who told you about Kyungsoo’s feelings.
And you just giggled of disbelief as Chanyeol went on about everything Kyungsoo wanted to tell you. Open your eyes to the facts.
You just laughed at his feelings coming from Chanyeol’s mouth and you told him it was impossible, you declared that there was nothing could be happened between Kyungsoo and you. You told Chanyeol, Kyungsoo was a good guy, but you did not think he was for you.
He wanted to save you from an unwanted situation which Kyungsoo could put you in by kissing you. It was sake, telling him to teach you, and Kyungsoo stupidly fell for it.
Till now he preferred to hide in the shadows, dancing around the subject than jumping onto it.
But this logic that his mind was following did not change how much he hated himself right now.
He had no regrets on kissing you, god knew that. He still could taste your velvety lips under his lips, he knew that moment was going to live with him till the end of his life. That kiss was grounding but inebriating, he was feeling sane while bringing both of you to the edge of insanity, your lips burned him like a fire.
When you touched him, you marked his skin, your touch stayed on him.
But he hated himself so much, enough to made him feel suffocating.
He found himself standing up and heading to your room before he could understand what the heck he was aiming for. The deep rumble of his chest that he could almost feel vibrate through the air as he walked through the way coming to you, helped him to prepare himself to face with you.
What could it be? he asked to himself. You could tell him get the fuck off, but he was not going to obey to your wish this time.
It was going to be a rumbling, he knew your possible reactions when you were sad, Goddamnit, you were extraordinarily upset with him, but he did not let this fact to disheartened him. He was not a coward; he was going to fix his mistake.
Kyungsoo raised his hand to knock your door, but before doing it, he heard your voice. As he thought, you were talking with Chanyeol or Baekhyun, he was not sure. He came closer to the door as much as he could, and did not give a shit to the rightful concern what if someone saw him while he was leaning on a single woman’s room like a stalker pervert?
He did not care.
He only cared for hearing your words after the incident.
Your voice was cracked, and he could not hear you properly, your voice was coming and going like a goddamn ancient radio. He could hear some words but there was no consistency or no chance of building a logical sentence of your words. He could perceive his name, with couple of words which Kyungsoo hoped not to be used with his name again, some broken lines on how disappointed you were, and he caught your oh-god-fucking-damn-it type of annoyance against Kyungsoo.
He gave up and knocked your door.
There was no sign from you, and Kyungsoo was tired of patiently waiting.
He did his waiting. Seven years. In a fucking friendzone he put himself in.
He aggressively knocked on your door, and he did not stop until you gave up and opened the door.
“Shit.” he cursed when he saw your face. “You look horrible.”
Oh really? you thought.
After leaving Kyungsoo, you did not spend a single second to lock yourself in your secure and lonely room, then you just pressed the right numbers to make a call. Chanyeol was there for you, he listened your rambling and gibberish without a sign of inconvenience. He let you to curse Kyungsoo as much as you wanted, he joined you for the little party of swearing at Kyungsoo and he was generous on his vocabulary.
But you cried even when Chanyeol managed to put a broken smile on your face by telling you maybe Kyungsoo was not interested in girls, otherwise he had to be on his knees for you.
You cried for Kyungsoo more than anything made you cry till now.
Your sadness caught you off guard, even you did not expect to be upset with him like this, your feelings were like a blunt blade, it was turning in your heart over and over, using your own blood to be sharp again, then continuing its spinning in your heart. Pain made you numb; you could do only cry.
Your eyes were puffed and literally red. Your cheeks were red. Your lips were red.
Of course, you looked goddamn horrible as Kyungsoo, this asshole, proudly observed. Applause time for him for his greatest deduction.
“Nothing can escape from your eyes, Sherlock.” you murmured. “Couldn't you pay your attention on the fact that we already passed the midnight? Why are you here?”
“May I come in?” Kyungsoo kindly asked but something in his eyes were telling you to be on your toes and careful.
“No.” You congratulated yourself because of your refined answer. You were an idiot for sure, instead of playing with him and showing that he had no impacts on you, you chose to manifest how much you were broken by him. Good for you.
Transformation started in his eyes. Those chocolate brown and very warm eyes, reminding the deer’ beauty, perfectly shaped as almonds turned into crescents, and it was a bloody indicator of his mood was shifted into something dangerous. He was always quick to switch the moods, but he had never looked intimating at this level. You really could not believe what the heck he did, he just grabbed your fucking wrists, dragged you inside of your fucking room without your permission and pressed you on your fucking wall.
“Kyungsoo, fuck off!” you hissed at him, trying to save yourself from his iron grasp, swallowing hard.
“Tell me just one thing and save both of us from misery.” he whispered; his low-pitched voice gave you goosebumps which you really tried to take no notice of, but your traitor body willingly has been taking everything if the giver was Kyungsoo. “Why did you cry?”
“What if I do not want to tell you?” you lifted your chin, you needed to distance yourself from him, he already ruined the progress just a couple of hours ago. His statement clearly taught you whatever your friendship was not the best way to build a new kind of relationship, and you strongly opposed to be friends with benefits or those kinds of agreements. You would not go for them, you wanted Kyungsoo as your lover, not as your fuckbuddy.
“Do me a favor,” he enunciated each syllable and moved his right hand to your shoulder, pressing you into wall just like he wished to ground you right there. “Tell me.”
He leaned on you, his palm made contact with your shoulder, sliding up to your neck and staying there. His touch was heavy again, hotter than before.
He was goddamn close.
When you tried to save your body from him again, Kyungsoo’s hips rutted against yours.
Well, now you could feel more than before.
“Stop fucking moving!” he grunted, surprising you with the sudden and macho voice tone. He looked like very uncomfortable. “You and your idiotic behaviour!”
“If you do not like it, let me go!” you hissed, but you felt a knot was forming in the pit of your stomach. You were afraid of his impacts on you, especially after that fucking kiss. He had you over there as melted like a chocolate under heat.
Even while you were fighting to free yourself, your eyes unconsciously gravitated along his features, all you could do was thinking of him all the time you had spent with him. Those piercing brown eyes and those plump, smooth and heart-shaped lips that are always set in a witty line, the smallest moles and a couple of freckles all around his tiny nose and rosy cheeks, his long eyelashes, and that bloody soft hair of him, caused you to desire running your fingers through.
He was driving you fucking crazy, and you hated his power on you.
“Oh, believe me if I do not like even your idiotic side,” he leaned forward, closed the little proximity between your bodies and you felt the air left your lungs with your sanity. “I would not kiss you, damn woman.”
You were lost for words, you were run down, the only thing you could voice was an exasperated huff. Kyungsoo stared at you, refusing to loosen his grip around your body, instead he held you for his dear life and his gaze was nothing but absolutely penetrating.
You turned your head, trying to find something else to fix your eyes upon while you had been seeking the meaning of his words about liking your idiotic side.
Did he convey his feelings? Did he really stand for liking you, if he liked even your idiotic side, did it indicate that he liked all of you?
If he kissed you because he liked you, did that kiss imply more than nothing for him?
If yes, why he told you it meant nothing?
“Look at me.” his left hand cupped your face gently, on the contrary of his eyes, burning with fires, you could see the red was invading chocolate brown circles. “Do not avert your eyes.”
You blinked and shut your eyelids tightly. Suddenly, the silence in the room was more palpable than it was before, drowning both of you in a foggy swamp of riddles.
You were pissed off, broken and now, thanks to his complicated words, you were more than confused.
Kyungsoo was pissed off, broken and now, thanks to your complicated reactions, he was more than confused.
“If you were so keen on trying to convince yourself that I meant that kiss was nothing,” his jaw flexed, and his eyes were clouded. “I was trying to make amend for my fault. I should have not kiss you.”
You shivered, despite it was a very hot summer night, and Kyungsoo’s warm body made your temperature skyrocketed.
“Why?” you asked. “You do not make any sense, Kyungsoo.”
“Look, who is talking?” he rolled his eyes back. “You never make any sense about our fucking relationship since the beginning. I told you many times, pay your attention.”
You should be warned to follow the signs. Collect them and find the hidden meaning. Kyungsoo was sure on his patience, he could wait for you as much as you wished, he could give you time as much as you needed, but he had no patience to hide in the shadows anymore.
He knew that his constant shifting between one side to the other surprised you, hell it surprised even himself, he did not think about any of this, but since that kiss happened between you, since Kyungsoo got a taste of you, since he could touch you… Everything was changed.
He did not want to let you go.
He could not let you go.
He was aware of you did not belong to him, maybe you did not perceive Kyungsoo as a man, but he could not be your friend anymore. He wanted to tell you how much he adored you more than before. He wanted to kiss you more than before. He wanted to see your face when he woke up, he wanted to cuddle you when he was sad, he wanted to lean on your shoulder when he was broken, he wanted to cook for you, he wanted to sing for you, he wanted to make you happy, he wanted to make you feel good, he wanted to be your harbour to shelter from the stormy seas, your rock to build your home.
He wanted to live his life with you. He wanted to share even the smallest detail of his fucking life with you.
“I told you that I even like your idiotic side,” he clarified. “And you still avert your eyes from me.”
That ignited the fire of your soul.
“Hell, excuse me for my idiotic side but if I remember correctly and my memory never fails me, I told you that it was fucking okey just before you kissed me, after I shared my catastrophic first kiss experience with you,” your voice was not trembling anymore. It was firm, fuelled by your anger. “Then, all you could say was that kiss stands for nothing. What do you expect me to say?”
“Even if you are upset with me, talk to me!” he frowned. “I ask nothing but your words, truly and fully. Is this too much to expect? Hell, you were the one who said that I am a good guy but not made for you, why you are so upset with me because I made an excuse for that kiss?!”
It was your turn to froze. Kyungsoo finally let you go, he stepped back, and his arms crossed over his chest, but you froze to death. You could not move but looking at his unchanging expression like an idiot he just named it correctly.
“Yes,” you took a deep breath. If Kyungsoo said this to your face, it meant that he wanted you to face a revelation. He wanted you to know that he heard your words about him, the words which you vividly remember as you said them to Chanyeol without knowing that Kyungsoo was able to hear them. If he heard them, you owed an explanation to him. Maybe you were just searching an excuse in the book, but you gave up. You were going to tell him what you think of him. “It was me. I still have the same observation. You are damn good for me, if I would say the opposite, I would be lying my ass off.”
Kyungsoo’s face went blank.
What did you say to him? He wanted you to talk truly, however right now he was nothing but almost regretful what he had said to you. Kyungsoo hoped for you did not mean that for real, he wished it was just a gibberish.
Were you a goddamn fool?
He knew the low level of your self-confidence, but your statement was nothing but the shittiest one he has ever heard.
“What?” he murmured. “You think I am good for you?”
“Yes.” you nod. “Look at yourself, Kyungsoo! You are damn good at everything you do, you are clever, hard-working, funny, firm and always trustable, I even do not go for your physical quality, it is fucking obvious, you are handsome as fuck. Of course, I could not say anything different, you were not made for me.”
Suddenly, your hands became the focus of your attention, you fixed your eyes onto them instead of looking at Kyungsoo, who took his time before registering and recording your words in his brain. Then, his hands started were smashed together unintentionally.
“And during all this time,” he heard his own voice trembling, as if being blown by the brute force that he was trying to contain inside of his chest. “I thought you are the cleverer one.”
“I really do not understand why I think you can follow the signs I have been giving to you like a bloody idiot.” he could not help but growled at you. “In my opinion, you are the only girl who deserves to feel fucking good, and if I can be that one to bring you to such a high, I would willingly do it.”
“I do not un-
“Because you do not want to see!” Kyungsoo could not control himself but go ballistic because of your blockheadedness. How could a woman be clueless at this level? What should he do, continue to scream at you about his feelings or should he bring a testimony that was approved by lawyers?
Didn’t you understand how much he cared for you?
Didn’t you see his almost tangible desires for you?
Everyone could sense his love for you, but you could fucking not, and Kyungsoo was burned out because of your total ignorance.
“Are you,” your whisper reached to his ears. “Are you interested in me?”
Kyungsoo decided that, on the contrary of your academic success, you were literally a retard.
“Why do you think I follow you everywhere like I am your dog tail?” he clenched his fists. Quickly, he walked towards you, but stopped just in front of your trembling body. “What do you think of me, do I look like a lost puppy?”
“No.” you were offended by his words. Dog tail? Puppy? He was not that much cute at first place with his level of being witty and shitty! However, after one look at him, you were not sure anymore, even he was clearly pissed off, he was fucking gorgeous and cute. “Shit, Kyungsoo, you are annoying.”
“You are the damn annoying one.” Kyungsoo started to question himself, he wanted nothing more than to fuck this attitude out of you right there, in your double sized bed. “All I did was finding an excuse which can make you relaxed with me, and I accepted my failure. I should have neither kiss you nor lie about it. But I did, and I apologize for my misbehaviour. Let’s look at you, you are just asking goddamn questions and ignoring my answers. Who is the annoying one?”
You whipped your head around; your eyes were glistering with a layer of tears, forming in the edges.
“Are you interested in me, or not?” you cried. Kyungsoo glanced up, he registered the sudden stiffness in you, and how you consciously averting your eyes away from him. He remembered that same stiffness invaded your posture when you wanted to learn what happened to your dad while he was in emergency, or you were hopelessly driving into Busan when you received after the news of Chanyeol’s motorcycle crash.
He finally understood what you needed to hear.
You wanted his words.
You wanted him to say those words.
“I have always been interested in you.” he gave up. Your heart jumped into your throat at his blunt answer, you did not know how you feel about this information, having a place in Kyungsoo’s head was something you always hoped for, but never believe it could be real. Half of you thrilled with a delicious excitement, while the other half wanted to run away because of fear.
What if he was going to fuck around with you then ditch you?
What if he was going to try being with you then decide to leave you?
What if he was going to pour happiness into your life, you even could not dream of, then disappear?
Your dilemma was in your head. Carved into your mind, body, and soul.
Your biggest fear was losing Kyungsoo.
“I hate this eerily silence between us.” Kyungsoo cut you off before you could dig yourself into a deeper hole. How could you tell him he was everything and more you wanted from this life? How could you make him to understand how much you devoted yourself to him unconditionally? You watched him with darkening eyes, darkening with your fears, with your concerns, with your worries. Your eyes were dark as the pitch-black. “I am sorry to disturb you. See you tomorrow morning if you want to have a breakfast with me.”
Every layer of privacy and secrecy that you desperately tried to build till now in order to keep your weakest point from him were dissolved when he directly headed to the door. You did not even realize but threw yourself in order to stop him.
“Do not go.” you let the tears fall then and held his toned arm for your dear life. You could not let him to leave you behind, otherwise you would be damned. “Do not leave me, before you really have to do.”
“Why should I have to leave you?” Kyungsoo turned back to you. You saw the hesitation of his moves, he wanted to caress your face, but he was holding himself. “I cannot do it, even if I want to. You are too precious for me, bookworm.”
Your face was softened by his rich baritone voice and the nickname he gave you. Calling you as a bookworm was reserved to Kyungsoo, he beaten the shit out of even Baekhyun when he also called you like Kyungsoo.
“One day you will, Soo.” you were lost in your nightmares, mulling over horrendous scenarios your subconscious had been giving you in a fucking row. “One day someone will steal you from me, one day you will fall in love with a girl and leave me behind.”
Something told you that you should have been keeping this logic to yourself, but you were extremely emotional at the very moment. Your expectations, dreams, fears, hopes, everything was mixed up and conjoined with the amount of sake you just consumed.
You were talkative tonight, something very rare for you and Kyungsoo was happy for that. Even though you had been going through a hell of a night. He was also oversensitive, his mind was clouded by his own dreads and doubts, however when you sharply deducted on his not-existed-because-of-you love affairs, he could not help but chuckled.
“First, I have to see the girls.” his throat was like a sandpaper as he swallowed. The rosy tint on your cheeks was obviously growing, invading your skin, and heading to the south. He hardly took his eyes off your neck and the rest of the direction. “Excuse me, but I have eyes only for you.”
“You cannot say that!” you winced, by fanning your face with your hands.
“Then enlighten me.” he defended himself. “How should I say it? Sorry, but I believe in monogamy.”
Your knuckles paled as your grip around his arm tightened.
How could you name the hunger that driving you into crazy? How could you tell him even looking at him, even if you have not a single clue what was going to be happen, riling you up? You supposedly liberated yourself from Kyungsoo, but tearing his gaze away was impossible for you.
You wanted him. So, fucking bad.
You wanted his hands. His lips. His body.
You wanted his soul. His heart.
You were starting to pull him to yourself without noticing, Kyungsoo’s eyes were widened when you took the initiative to your hands.
“Do you remember what I asked to you?” you whispered.
“About?” Kyungsoo exhaled with your unexpected shifting between moods. He did not trust his voice, not now, not when you were so close to him, enough to feel your breath on his lips.
His throat was like the deserts of Egypt right now.
“About teaching me.” you murmured into his fucking ear. “When it comes to touch someone?”
“Yeah.” he swallowed very hard, biting a tsunami of cursing back.
“Will you teach me?” your hands wandered around his arms to his chest and stopped there. “For the future references?”
“If I were you,” he groaned. “I would not think about future references.”
You rolled your eyes, taking your hands back off his body. Kyungsoo caught your hands and put them back on his chest, while he was aggressively dragged you into his arms.
“I am going to teach you.” his eyebrows were furrowed. “How you should be touched.”
Kyungsoo was never going to forget how your eyes glowed after his words with excitement.
He was not sure but it seemed like you wanted him almost like how he wanted you.
Desperately and fucking needy.
He carried you to the bed.
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dreamteamspace · 4 years
So this stream I got a bit confused with what was going on with the whole spiel with schlatt and dream, and I dont actually think theres a traitor. However if there was one why not niki ya know? I mean, he kept saying how it would be way more unexpected than eret in the independance war, and literally everyone so far has been thought of as a potential traitor to pogtopia,, except well,, why not niki? She also had this letter to her "dear friend" that sounded like a new turn for her character and idk man why not?
Alright I’m a very texting type of person and you’ve got my started on my hyperfixation here we go-
My thoughts on the whole situation and why I think Fundy is the traitor:
I think from Dream’s perspective: Everything makes sense. I’m HIGHLY certain that Schlatt’s deal, which Dream said is “Something Wilbur and Tommy would never give him”, was that L’Manburg will either cease to exist (become part of the Dream SMP, and we know neither Wilbur not Tommy would ever do that), or that Dream would essentially become leader of it.
That’s why, in this flip situation, if he wins, he wins all of it. This also makes sense, as Dream is 100% alright with Wilbur just blowing it up, too: Because essentially he achieves the very same thing: L’Maburg/Manburg is no more.
Dream is absolutely right that he was never on their side or really on anybody’s side. Dream is his own side. It’s his server. He IS the Dream SMP, in that sense, just like Tommy is the spearhead of the rebellion right now.
I’m also fairly certain Dream will pull a lot more people than they think into this, and I think they ALSO know, in a meta-way, that they won’t be fighting only Schlatt and Dream and one traitor. He’s just letting them wallow in their security, although I have to say he LOVES dipping in his dramatic implications about what he’s doing or will do. In this case, he might’ve managed to keep quiet to let them think they’re safe.
So for Dream: Either they win, and L’Manburg is his/no more, or Wilbur sees they start losing, and L’Manburg is also no more. Honestly? He just has to make Wilbur panic hard enough to hit that button... and then he wins. It would be bad if he loses, though, so I do think he’ll pull together for this. He’s very competitive.
(Lot more juicy theory as to who the traitor is under the cut)
I predict that a good portion of BadboyHalo, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Punz, potentially also people like Thunder or Alyssa?, are going to join Dream’s side. Sam seems close to the rebellion, but he’s also friends with George and Sapnap, but I just can’t see those two seriously fighting against Dream. If the stakes really are high, they’ll flip over to him, although I also can’t see them convincing Sam.
Most likely, George and Sapnap are just going to stay out of it entirely, and let Sam fight on the side of the rebellion. Maybe the current pet war might change that, though, say if Sapnap develops a new hatred against Tommy or even Sam? (I dont know what the pet war’s at atm but didn’t Sapnap and Sam fight over pets?), he would join in on Dream’s side. George? I have no idea. Most likely he just won’t be there. He doesn’t want to go against Sam (Who provides him with like. Everything), but he also doesn’t wanna fight Dream. IF he fights, though, I’m tempted to say he’d be on Dream’s side, but I’m honestly not up to date enough on his streams to say for certain.
As for the traitor: I actually haven’t seen Niki’s letter (to my great regret, I saw the news float around though), since I’m very focused on watching Tommy and Wilbur’s POVs. Honestly, if it’s Niki? That would be MASSIVELY surprising, and the biggest brain move I’ve ever seen. It’s possible, but I honestly don’t think it’s likely.
They’ve kept their characters fairly consistent, and while this IS kindof meta to say, I don’t think (with how things are atm), that Niki would betray L’Manburg, UNLESS she’s doing a double-agent thing and plans on tricking Dream in the end. That I could potentially see happening.
But knowing that she changed the anthem from Wilbur’s posessive “My L’Manburg” to just “L’Manburg”, that she’s been loyal even when they kinda half left her alone with Schlatt to tax her, and even during the pet wars she never strikes blood, but rather takes hostages and wants a sincere apology... I don’t see it right now. Then again, I don’t watch Niki’s streams on the SMP, so I could be wrong, as I’m not quite familiar with the intricacies of her character on the SMP besides the surface level.
On on hand... I also doubt whether there is a traitor at all, and Dream is just hoping to drive them apart and make sure they don’t get things done as efficiently as they could, because they’re busy pointing fingers at eachother, suspecting eachother, potentially even throwing somebody out once the tension between them snaps.
He needs to win this fight. If he does, he gets EVERYTHING. What they think of him after that point doesn’t matter, so the lie doesn’t matter. They can laugh at him afterwards, but he’ll still have won. I don’t know how many actually highly important details Dream would drop into conversation like that.
Consider, he does have a traitor. Why would he tell them he has one there? Why tell them that they’ll never guess? It just sows chaos in their group, and that’s what he wants. If he DID have one, he might just not say anything.
On the other hand: He might just be dramatic like that honestly. We all know they’re meta-fighting for the next spot in a sad-ist animatic, so Dream could very well be taking a more active role to insert himself into the story and cause some drama. Even if he DOES have a traitor on the inside, saying it still sows chaos. It’s a little risky, but if it really is something they won’t guess, then the chance that they’ll suspect the wrong person might be high enough, and make it worth it.
If he DOES actually have a traitor, my top sus are honestly Fundy, Tubbo, and maybe Ponk. I’m very sure it’s NOT Wilbur, Tommy, Sam, or Quackity.
Ponk doesn’t seem like the type of person to be reliable enough. He’s just kinda in it for the ride, and he’s too quiet to set a focus on. I don’t think Dream even considered him on the side of the rebellion for certain until today. It is, however, still possible. Tommy seems to trust him, and he’s not in deep enough for them to intently interrogate him on his loyalty, cause they know he’s more laid back when it comes to that. He feels only half in the rp to begin with, just wanting to fuck around with everyone. And then, BOOM, he’s actually been playing a massive role this whole time. It’s a little bit of a safe target, too, albeit a little underwhelming.
Tubbo... listen. We all love Tubbo. Tommy loves Tubbo, and we know Tubbo cares greatly for Tommy. Tubbo also seems(?) to care for L’Manburg. But I just....
It’s Tubbo, man. I have no idea. He seemed SO close to ACTUALLY flipping over to Schlatt before the festival. Everyone keeps pushing him around like this innocent tiny kid when he has the biggest third eye out of everyone and is the only one actually doing any work.
Tubbo has stated before that his official motivation is that he just wants peace for everyone. He just doesn’t want to fight and wants to do fun stuff. So of course he sounds horrified at the prospect of having to hunt down Tommy after Tommy was exiled, but happily went along with the festival. He was excited to do his speech. Schlatt actually placed responsability on them for once. He truly did seem happy about that.
It doesn’t matter as much to Tubbo who’s who. What matters is that the fighting preferrably stops, and they all just have a good time. Dream gave the line “I’m very convincing”, so I think he did actually have to convince the traitor, if there is one, to join his side. It wasn’t automatic.
Technically speaking, if L’Manburg is no more, and they’re all part of the Dream SMP again, doesn’t the fighting stop? If there’s no nation to fight over, then there’s no reason to fight. If L’Manburg is no more, then Schlatt has 0 power, and if Dream takes over, he could’ve promised to un-exile Tommy and Wilbur. And then they’re all part of the Dream SMP! No more fighting! Everyone’s on the same side!
Tubbo seems to care less for nations or sides, and much more for people, and for the people around them to be happy. His switch to enthusiasm at Schlatt’s festival came quickly, because many of the people he cared about still partook in it, and he never did hurt Tommy, because he does care about him.
But Tubbo DID say the line “may the festival begin” after his speech, and they knew what that would start. So why? In a way, I think Tubbo waged his options. Who does he care about more? Tommy, to his knowledge, is on Wilbur’s side. He might’ve decided in a moment of uncertainty that Wilbur and Tommy’s opinions of him are more important to them than the opinions of the other people there. Mostly Tommy, because we know those two would die for eachother. They chose Tommy over everyone else at that festival, potentially even over their own motivations, over their own gut.
Fundy, in fact, has MANY reasons to be the traitor, but isn’t quite obvious in that sense. They thought he was a traitor, actually, but once he showed them his diary, he essentially convinced all of them very certainly that he’s not the traitor, and they believed him. Dream joined the call later, so it’s possible he heard that part or Fundy told him about it (They’ve all been known to listen in on convos sometimes to know whats going in. They have to in order to build a good story line.)
Fundy has all the reasons. Reason number one, to me, is Fundywastaken. It’s canon in the Dream SMP lore, they just surprisingly haven’t done anything with it. During the independance war, that wasn’t a thing yet, and since they ARE a thing in canon now... they’ve never actually fought eachother. In fact, as things are now? We’re EXPECTING to see Dream fight his canon fiancé. Fundy officially joined the fight when Tommy asked him, confirming that they can count on him and that he will fight. We know for certain that Dream will fight.
If Fundy isn’t the traitor and doesn’t become one, then Dream and Fundy are inevitably meeting in battle on the 16th.
Consider his storyline: We’ve all been highly expecting Fundy to either punch Wilbur in the face or at LEAST be dissapointed in him or SOMETHING. He hasn’t, as far as I’m aware. He’s just standing there near him, very very quietly, giving a firm but quiet “yes” when Tommy asked him if they could count on him.
Fundy hasn’t expressed much to Wilbur at all, despite heving been left alone with Schlatt by him, despite how much he deserves to be angry at him for being patronized and not trusted with anything.
And, y’know... He’s officially Dream’s fiancé. The others don’t seem to know yet, and I don’t know how many people do know or not. It’s possible they just don’t know, and of course Dream wouldn’t tell them anything, not even tell anyone, this close before a fight. Dream might not even tell his close allies out of fear that the information could spread or that they could turn on him.
So honestly... Fundy seems the most likely for me to be the traitor, especially because there’s been plenty of foreshadowing for it, there’s a good setup, he has good reasons, and it wouldn’t seem like a cheap plottwist, but rather a gradual change.
Not to mention that meta-wise, Fundy has been actively involved in the rp and been dropping some pretty good lines himself. This isn’t something that Dream would have some non-rping person do.
I’m also kindof sure it’s not Technoblade, because Dream laughed it off and half-indicated that it is (Tommy: “I bet it’s Technoblade” Dream, cracking up: “I didn’t say that, you said that”), because he profits from doing so. He profits from them thinking Technoblade is the traitor. And also I really, really don’t think Techno would team up with Dream in this rp. Then again, Dream recently proclaimed to be on the side of chaos.... so who truly knows? I’ll definitly be surprised if it’s Techno, but I suppose it is a possibility. I just don’t think Techno can be convinced to much of anything, unless of course all it took was saying “Hey it’s Schlatt and Me against like 6 people so if we want an actual fight for once-” “Finally some bloodshed and war. I’m in”. I mean, I doubt it, but I’m leaving the possibility open.
TLDR: Dream wins if he wins the fight OR if Wilbur blows everything up. The traitor is likely either Fundy, Ponk or Tubbo, and I think there will be more people fighting on Dream’s side than just Schlatt and one traitor.
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Emma's a tomboy, right? I was thinking what if she became trans, demi female, demi trans male, or somewhere along the lines if she found out about other gender options. What do u think?
I think that's very cool!!!!!! If that's your personal headcanon, go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!
I personally think demigirl fits her, but I wouldn't go as far as considering her trans male or demimale? For how I interpret her behavior -and I have no real complain towards canon in this case - I think she's ok with being considered a girl. She's a girl who enjoys physical activity and preferres wearing pants and is tomboy, but to my eyes that doesn't make her any less of a girl- there's tons of girls like her who still consider themselves girls. You see, the thing is... I don't think the children at GF were ever forced under any form of gender pressure? The farm makes it one of its most relevant points to raise the children in an healthy and happy environment, because that's considered a requirement to have their brains develop to their best. It's easy to understand that a child who's feeling oppressed won't be really happy, so I imagine any form of discrimination to be strictly prohibited.
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GF is presented since the very start as an hidilliac environment, where children can grow up healthy, educated and happy. That's an importartant element that helps building up the feeling of the series, since the perfect life the children live strongly clashes with their tragic, dark deaths. So I think it's fair to assume the lack of discrimination inside the House to be one of the requirements of the farms. Besides, Isabella is a good mama, isn't she? I mean, she's repeatedly remarked, through the whole series, as loving the children as if she was their mother. Now, even though I myself do not consider Isabella a mother to the children for obvious reasons, I do recognize that she indeed raised the children just like a loving mother would have had. Thus, I don't think Isabella would have had ever forced the children to fit into genders (or, for the matter, sexual orientations) they didn't felt like their own. If Norman one day came to Isabella and told her "Mama, I feel like I'm a boy, not a girl. I want to wear pants like other boys and be addressed with masculine pronouns", I believe she would have been perfectly fine with it, and all the other children would had as well. In this house we stan ally Isabella. She would probably die a little inside because him being male lowest his already minimal chances of survival, but Isabella has always affirmed to want to give children an happy life, so I'm 100% sure she would never oppose to children coming out as trans.
This got more long than I intended to but to put it simply: I personally find it unlikely for Emma to later start identifying herself as male, because if she felt that way, she would have probably came out as such a long time ago. That is also taking into account Emma's forward nature- if it had been Norman, he would have probably spent months or years pondering if that was really how he really felt; with Emma instead, as soon as she realized it as a young girl / boy, she would have been like "I feel it in my guts, so that must be true because my guts are always right :3"
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So no, I don't feel like many of the older escapee would come out after living in the human world, because I believe they never felt oppressed for their gender or sexual orientation in the demon world. If any of them is trans, and I fully support any headcanon that depicts them as such, they probably came out to their family already.
But that being said I really want to reiterate????? If you see Emma as being trans male or demimale or whatever, I FULLY support you. They're fictional characters, headcanon them as being whatever you want. In this case, I feel no need to change canon, because I'm cool with Emma being a girl. You know, for me there is a personal matter to it, since it's extremely rare to have female characters as shonen protagonists ahah. But if you'd like to headcanon her as such, go for it??? This was a friendly reminder to have fun with your funky little headcanons!!!!!!!
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catnaples · 4 years
You Can Run
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“sdbfibdskfkjdsfb i love your yandere suga!! can i please request a yandere suga (maybe a short fic instead of headcanons?) where the reader (preferrably girl) ends up catching on to Suga’s antics and it comes to an all time high when she sees him about to murder daichi? but can it have a semi good ending? idk i dont see enough of those. and no nsfw please? ty!!!”
Thank you so so much for sending a request in anon!! I hope that you like this! It’s not the nicest of endings, but it’s still got the potential to be, y’know? I don’t think this is the best thing I’ve written, but I really do try. So I’m sorry if this is too crappy!
TW: Implied Murder
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 You rounded the corner as quietly as you could, checking behind you for the one-hundredth time. Fear was coursing through your veins and your legs felt unsteady as you rushed through the empty halls. You had to find him before Suga did. You knew exactly what he was planning on doing, and you were banking on the fact that Suga didn’t know you were still here, sneaking around in an attempt to stop his sadistic plans.
 It had started a few months ago when Sugawara had started trying to woo you. You thought nothing of it at first, rolling your eyes behind his back. He just wasn’t your type, after all. But he eventually broke you after a few weeks, when you realized that he was the only one there for you when your friends started turning their backs to you. Luckily you still had the volleyball team, and most importantly, Suga. But this past week, you learned his dark secrets. He doesn’t think you know, and you had to use that to your advantage. 
 You had finally realized why your friends stopped talking to you. Why the ones that still did went missing. Why boys who talked to you ended up with black eyes and angry expressions when they had to face you. It was all Suga. He was the master manipulator, planning everything like a chess game so that you would fall right into his arms. You had learned how close you were to losing even the volleyball team if you hadn’t accepted his feelings when you did. 
 You spoke to Daichi as soon as you found his little box hidden at the bottom of his hamper. You had simply been trying to gather his laundry while he was showering so you could wash them. You knew how stressed he had been with school work, you just wanted to take something off of his list of things to do. But when you opened the box and found the teeth, the polaroids, the journal entries, and the lists. You instantly realized. You took pictures on your cell phone and saved them for Daichi. If anyone would believe you, maybe it would be him. 
 You hadn’t realized that Daichi then went and consulted Asahi afterwords. Suga had caught it, but luckily Daichi had never mentioned your name. Asahi may have had a less than desirable outcome, but that didn’t mean Daichi needed to. Suga was on his way to find him, last time you spoke to him. He brushed it off as needing to talk about volleyball and Kageyama, but you knew it was simply to make sure that Daichi could never reveal the information that he knew. 
 You skidded to a halt when you heard muffled voices coming from the science room down the hall. You crept forward slowly, trying your very best not to alert whoever was around. If it was Suga, you didn’t think you’d be able to manage acting like you were stupid like you had been for the last week. You continued to creep forward, now on your knees, and peeked through the cracked door. Daichi was on his knees, his arms tied behind his back and a rag in his mouth, preventing him from yelling. He had bruises on his face, and some cuts on his exposed arms. Suga stood in front of him with a knife, but you couldn’t see his facial expressions. 
 You stood up and backed away, trying to think of a way to get Suga away from him long enough to get him out of there. Your legs began shaking again as you thought about the possibilities of getting caught. A brief thought flashed through your mind. Why didn’t I just call the cops? You asked yourself, fighting back the fearful tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes. You mentally groaned. Because the cops in this godforsaken are on good terms with Sugawara. You’ve seen the way these kinds of things play out when people have connections with the police. If you had gone to them, then they would have questioned him, he would have found out it was you, he would burn the evidence, and then he would...well, you don’t exactly know what he would do to you.
 You crept back down the hallway, looking for the vent that was placed close to the floor. If you could just manage to crawl through, then you could maybe...just maybe...leave your portable radio around the corner, climb into the vent, and make your way through the tunnels to get to the science room. Then, turn the radio on with the remote you bought...and then he’d come out probably. Right? You were praying to whatever god you thought cared as you set up the trap, the radio set on its highest volume. You had brought it with you tonight for a scenario just like this after all. Then, you silently slid through the vents, making your way slowly to the science room. I hope that I’m able to get this stupid cover off. You groan in your head as you hit the on button, watching as Sugawara’s head whipped around to the door as the loud pop music began to fill the halls. “What the…” He mumbled, creeping out of the room. You silently begin pushing the vent door open as you hear his footsteps fading, and throw yourself on the ground. You land not so gracefully, rushing to Daichi who was looking at you with surprise and hope.
 You ripped the rag from his mouth and yanked his restraints off, pushing him towards the window as fast as you can as you hear the music shut off. You’re lucky that Daichi is fast, and that you’re on the first floor because as soon as Daichi is out of the window he pulls you through and softly shuts it, crouching down in the bush next to it. You both listen to Suga as realization sets in that Daichi was gone, and that he might end up getting caught. As you hear the room getting torn apart, you suddenly realize that you didn’t have your phone on you. You listened in horror as the noise abruptly stopped and you heard Sugawara laugh. “Oh, Y/N. You shouldn’t have done this.” 
 Your blood ran cold and your heart rate quickened again. “Daichi…” you whispered to him, seeing the same fear reflected in his eyes. He didn’t say anything and settled for grabbing your hand and yanking you towards the school entrance. Suga was still in the school, so you had a few short minutes to run off of the campus. You knew that your house wasn’t safe, and you thanked god that you lived alone off of a grant. Daichi, however, was a different story. You both knew that your houses weren’t safe. Suga would show up at any second. So Daichi dragged you to the bus station, using the last of his money, and pushed you on with him. You sat in silence and listened to him tell his parents not to let Suga in if he knocked at the door. They were panicked when he told them what had just happened, and told them to go to the police station immediately. Of course, the police didn’t seem to care.
 You both went into hiding after that. You didn’t graduate from Karasuno. Daichi didn’t go to nationals with the rest of his team. Sugawara was still seen as the innocent angel that he tried so hard to pretend to be. You couldn’t believe that the police didn’t even think to investigate until you had gotten into contact with Daichi’s mom the one day for him and she said that they had searched his house, but there was no evidence of any “box”, so the police dropped it immediately. They had said to her, “Tell your son and his girlfriend that they can’t go around accusing people of things like that for fun.”
 Daichi tried to maintain contact with the rest of the team while being as vague as he could to protect your anonymity, but Suga had gotten to them. He had told them “what you did”. You cheated on him with Daichi and then both moved away to hurt Sugawara even more. It was painful knowing that the people you had cared so much about believed that stupid lie, but what were you going to do? Go back and argue with him? 
 Eventually, you moved to America. You didn’t tell anyone. You and Daichi booked a one-way flight, both gained citizenship there and stayed there for a few years. You began dating, and then eventually he proposed to you. You thought that Suga had forgotten about you both. I mean, it had been 6 years that day. You were wrong, through. So very wrong. He sat there every night, for six whole years, thinking about all of the ways he’d forgive you. How you’d run back into his arms when you realized he still loved you. And when he found out Daichi was planning on marrying you? He immediately grasped his chance at bringing you back home to him.
 Imagine your surprise when Daichi flips your veil off and standing behind the bar with the evilest expression you think you’ve ever seen, is Sugawara, older, maybe even more handsome. And you know exactly what he was there for. 
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
44&45 if you want for the writing Inspiration prompt
Thanks for playing! ;)
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
I suppose any time someone tells me they’re on the xth reread of a story, or tracked it down years after because they thought of it again? People, who tell me that it helped them through a rough phase in their life, that it was something they looked forward to, that brightened an otherwise shit day or week? That kind of thing above all else, because it makes me feel like my writing had a genuine impact - beyond just being a fic that was consumed and enjoyed and that’s it.
45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
There’s always some people who... don’t really grasp the concept of criticism but think they’re giving it? That’s the worst kind of feedback in my opinion, because like anti bullshit I can roll my eyes at and tune out, but when they wrap their own opinion up as something that is supposed to be helpful feedback, that’s just ridiculous.
What I mean are people who complain about personal taste and then act offended when you say that you don’t care for their opinion and then they bitch about how they’re trying to ““help”“ with giving ““advise”“, even though it is just blatantly a matter of taste.
My personal favorite of that nonsense happened a few years back now. A reader of mine told me that I focus too much on Percy... in my Percy-centric PJatO fanfiction... and that I’d improve more if I’d shine more light on the other characters’ traumas, specially pointing out what Annabeth has been through with her stepmother and the war and how I should focus on Annabeth.
Wow. Yeah, sure, I will write a love-story about Nico/Percy that centers around Annabeth’s trauma then, huh...? I don’t care much for Annabeth in general, not beyond her dynamic with Nico and Percy. It’s why she’s a side character in my stories. If you want Annabeth-centric stories, maybe go and find an Annabeth-centric writer?
I told them as much and they got very offended that I wouldn’t take their constructive criticism and that they were trying to help me improve as a writer.
It’s just... the biggest bullshit ever. If you want a writer to write something entirely different from what they write about, you could a) make a formal request and ask them if they’re willing to do that, or b) go and look for fics that are actually about that thing you want. But don’t wrap your personal preferrence up as helpful feedback; it isn’t. It really, really isn’t.
But yeah, that is one of those things I’ll never forget. The only person I ever blocked on FFNet, aside from antis and censorship police, because this one got incredibly rude about the matter too and I just... really don’t have to put up with that.
Writer Ask Game
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seungjinmi · 5 years
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hello hello this is ivy, which come of you may remember!! i was so happy to see this place still up and running and i am so happy to be back!!! i still reside in gmt +2 yay for being alone on the dash during the day!! 
im gonna be rping the old but still good med student seungjin (an updated version, at least) so woo
(yes im gonna copy paste my old intro)
grew up in myeongcho, a true local
super wealthy, super well known doctor family
father was his literal role model
started learning medical stuff since he was little, since all of his family revolved around medicine
mother? died at childbirth, or at least seungjin was told so because he doesn’t remember her from the first five months of his life
doesn’t talk too much, he’s one of those “talk if you have something to say” kind of guys
his father was killed when he was sixteen by a gang member
never really got over it, he spent the next two years trying to find the person who killed his father, and after finally doing so, he killed them
now he knew he had a big target on his back from that day on, especially considering he never really bothered covering up his murder well enough (he didn’t leave tracks, but it was very demonstrative)
so naturally, he turned to a gang to help him out
an old friend of his pointed him to lynx
he didn’t have much to offer to the gang at first, settled for being the clean up crew, but soon got into medical school and ended up becoming a medic for the team as well as getting involved with not the best of people in the university and turning to drug producing
it makes sense, doesn’t it?
gets his prescription blanks from his uncle, so he can pretty much get any drug he wants semi-legally
back to his daily life - he doesn’t really bring that much attention to him (other than his looks, of course. a lot of people doubt his credibility as a doctor basing their assumptions on looks, but his knowledge and family history show otherwise)
quiet, but outgoing. he’s considerably a warm person, someone you really wouldn’t expect to be in a gang, has his morals sorted out quite nicely on the surface, though has no problems straight up ripping teeth out in a gang setting
he’s kind of a mess and even if he says he’s over his father’s death, he really isn’t
big secret not yet known to him but his father and mother were both killed by the same people (for reasons not yet known to me)
now for the possible plots??
the people that killed his father were from phoenix, so it’s possible that they found out about seungjin and they’re really interested in getting their revenge
childhood friends - whether it’s people he’s talked to all his life or had lost contact briefly. people who have been there all his life would probably notice the way he changed after his father’s death, and even more after a certain night when he was eighteen. other childhood friends could be members of other gangs and after seungjin finds out there could be a whole “i trusted you and you betrayed me” thing
the person who pointed them to lynx (not mandatory for them to be a member, but preferrably)
love interests? (he doesn’t get laid often, help a boy out) if it’s forbidden - even b e t t e r
rich people he’s forced to interact with because of family history?
idk im literally up for a n y t h i n g
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morethanatitle · 5 years
From Feuding to Friends
In collaboration with @evanderofscots​ read below the cut for full thread.
Erika was starting to head out with Kara to take a stroll around the castle grounds. "Slow down, young one." She said as she pulled the little one to look at her. "We do not run indoors, especially when it is not our castle." Kara groaned. "Yes. I am ruining your fun..." she replied sarcastically. As they kept going, she saw Evander coming from one of the rooms leading into the hallway. "One moment, Kara..." she called out to the girl before turning to him with a curtsy. "Good afternoon, Chancellor. What are your plans this afternoon?"
Evander exited his office that afternon with a pounding headache. He had listened to one of his laird's lament for over an hour about how the termites were destroying all his lumber. How exactly that man expected the crown to help, Evander had no idea, but he was glad to be rid of him and leave the actual handling on Alasdair's desk. Evander heard the giggling of a young girl as he exited into the hallway, and looked up to see the Lady Erika approaching with her charge. He ground his teeth, still feeling the humiliation of their match through the yellowing bruises on his ribs. Still, when she courtsied before him, he was cordial. He bowed his hed as he greeted her, "Milady Erika. A pleasure to see you again." He told her, though the words were somewhat twisted by his displeasure with their history. "I've just finished my duties for the day and was hoping to clear my mind," preferrably with a bottle of whiskey.
“That’s not what you are supposed to call her. You have a deal,” Kara spoke up as she returned to Erika’s side. “Now you need to address him properly too.” Erika replied. Kara rolled her eyes before giving the man a curtsy and muttering. “Good morning, Chancellor.”The older woman patted her head to show approval before turning back to Evander. “Well, we are about to head outside to take a walk. You are more than welcome to join us if you like.” The little girl’s face lit up. “Please join us, Thor!” Erika cleated her throat and have the girl a look to behave. “I hope you can join us, sir.” Erika has been working hard to teach her proper decorum once they were in public.
Evander's eyes traveled down to the child and he grimaced. He had never been fond of children. They were messy and loud and often interrupted at the most inopportune times, and her pointing out Evander's supposed indiscretion only made him dislike her further. But he still turned back to Erika with a smile and said, "Good afternoon, my Commander," He gritted the title out between tight teeth. He was considering politely dismissing the offer, when the Child's declaration caught his attention. He creased his eyebrows and looked from the lass back up to her governess, one eyebrow raised, "Did she just call me a God?" He asked, arrogant mischief dancing in his eyes. He still wished to chase his headache away with whiskey, but he sighed and decided a few minutes outside might do him well, and she would at least provide a pretty sight. He sighed and nodded, "I suppose I can spare myself for a few minutes."
It was hard for Erika not to laugh when she could tell how hard this was for him. She chuckled and shook her head. “She says that you remind her of Thor based on your appearance.” She smiled at him accepting the invitation. “Well, we would be happy with your company.” Kara briskly walked enough, just slow enough to be considered walking but practically running. Erika rolled her eyes in defeat. She couldn’t scold her for following the rules. “So, how are the affairs of Scotland today?” She genuinely wanted to make peace with him. He did put up a good fight, and she was always interested to learn more about fellow army leaders.
Evander took up an even pace next to Erika, arms clasped behind his back. He was happy to see the child run ahead. At least they might be able to speak as adults after all. He snorted unceremoniously at her question. "I'd much rather handle affairs on a field of battle than behind that damned desk. I didna realize being Chancellor would be so... banal." He probably should not have voiced such opinions so openly, but somehow her connection to Svala made him feel as of he could take the same candor with her.
She chuckled at his response. “I can understand that. While I am happy for my position here, I do miss commanding an army. There are clearer strategies in place for tackling a battle than there is battling a stubborn child.” She smiled with him. “It was nice to duel again. It has been quite some time for me, and I appreciated the exercise. I must admit I thought several times throughout that you were going to win. You have been trained well for someone who is used to battling on land.”
Evander understood what she said well enough, although he didn't much see the difference as he had thought more than once that herding soldiers was not much different from handling children. He looked over at her and smiled playfully at her assessment of their duel. "I have trained extensively by land and by sea. I still hold that I might have won if I hadn't gotten so cocky." The one and only time he would ever admit such a thing.
“I knew that would be your weakness, so I kept that in my mind. You are not the first man that has held that weakness when battling me. Most men are cocky when they battle me because I am a woman. But you will never make that mistake with me or any woman.” She smiled playfully back at him. It was shocking to believe he admitted to his cockiness so easily.
He gritted his teeth at her response, but replied flirtatiously, "Well hard be it for any man to keep from getting cocky with a maiden like you pressed against him."
"I definitely saw that at the duel, but I think that cockiness when you had me against you was what caused me to deliver the final blow to your most precious area." She wanted to use the term similar to cockiness, but she didn't want to have someone overhear her.
Evander smirked at her. He could see the teasing glint in her eyes and knew she was not shy about having touched him there as so many other girls might be, and he laughed, "I'll admit I had hoped to have a more enjoyable contact between you and my... cockiness." He scoffed to himself. "But as per our bet, I suppose I shall never know."
She rolled her eyes but smiled to show she was okay with his teasing. "Perhaps, but I would still like to get to know you. It may not be a date, but I have a feeling we have much in common."
He decided he liked this girl. She was unapologetic and confident, and clearly skilled. As much as he wished to bed her, he wouldnt mind calling her his friend. Perhaps it was something about Norwegian woman that they had a knack for gaining his respect. "I am quite fond of your queen," he confided in her, "It would please me to have the same relationship with you as well."
She smiled and nodded. "Well,  you will find we are very similar and yet different at the same time." She chuckled as they left the castle and the sun appeared when they stepped outside. "Now, is there anything you want to know about me?"
Given permission to pry, Evander asked the one question that had played him since their duel. "Where on earth did you learn to fight m"
She had a feeling this was going to be his first inquiry. "When my father was a child, his younger sister was killed when walking home, and he vowed if he ever had daughters that he would teach them to defend themselves. My father started my training, and I enjoyed learning it more than my younger sisters. He helped me get more formal training when I joined the Norwegian army. The more I rose through the ranks, the more training I received."
He nodded thoughtfully at her answer. So she had received both formal and informal training. That offered some explanation to her unexpected skill as he told her, "I've found that informally trained fighters provide challenges of their own. I, myself, learned everything I know here, at the palace. And the rare opponent to have bested me has often been of an informal fighting style." He explained to her, referring mostly to the pirates and bandits he managed on the seas. "And you have the advantage of both."
She nodded as she processed where his training was from. "That is true. I have learned to use both in battle to get the upper hand. That last move I used to win was one of my father's tricks. He called it that 'SING' maneuver because you hit four areas: the solaplex, instep of the foot, the nose, and the groin."
Evander gave a signature Scotish snort to learn the specifics of the move she had used to disable him so quickly he hadn't been sure what had happened. It made much more sense now. "I will have to remember that," he told her, "Although I suspect I will have far less opportunity to use it."
Erika smiled. "It could always be used if you are ever grabbed from behind. I am sure you have  had many chances to use that during your times in the war." She kept the stroll at a decent pace. "How did you come to become a soldier?"
Evander shook his head chuckling, "I'm far too tall for most to attack from behind, lass. And on the occasion someone tries to jump on me, I do as you did to me and throw them over my shoulder." Evander looked out at the horizon, where the child had already run far into the fields ahead of them. That was fine with him. She was not his responsibility. Her next question hit him in a personal spot, despite being so simple. It wasn't something he had talked about much. "Alasdair asked me to, long ago, before he was King. I had lost my wife and he had lost his father. It was the right thing for us at the time."
"I have seen taller men," she said as she assessed before chuckling. Her eyebrow raised at his comment. "You have been married?" He didn't seem like to get married. "How long ago did she pass away?" she was wondering how long he had been a soldier.
Evander laughed at her disbelief and replied, "Much to my dismay. It was not a very amicable union," He explained. "Over 15 years ago now. It was as short lived as it was loathesome."
"An arranged marriage?" She had to admit she was grateful her father never pressured that sort of thing on her or any of her sisters. "You did not get along based on your tone."
Evander nodded as he walked, "My father made the match in hopes that it would bring peace between our Clans, but her father was not so happy when she died birthing my child. I'm afraid 15 years later, there is still not much peace to be found between them." He said all this very matter of factly, no emotion attached. After all, Evander had never cared for his wife or his child, and had fo uh and it a convenience to see them both gone. "I donna have much patience for Scotish women, and they have even less patience for me. In case you hadn't guessed, I'm not much a fan of being told what to do."
Erika gasped when he explained how his wife died. To lose a wife and a child all at once must be horrible, but he seemed almost glad that she was gone? He didn't seem to mourn the child either. "I am so sorry. My sister lost her child when she was halfway through her pregnancy, and she and her husband have never been the same." She nodded in agreement. "I have noticed that a few times."
Evander waved her off, "As I said, I never got along well with my wife. And I've never wanted children. I believe I gained far more than I lost joining Alasdair in the Navy. It was the right place for me."
She stayed silent and looked at Kara down the way. "Stay where I can see you!" she called out to the little one. She thought about Svala and all they went through. "What are your most memorable times in the Navy?"
Evander looked up, considering for a moment. His most memorable moments on the next had been primarily in Alasdair's bed, but he couldn't tell her that. So instead he said, "Perhaps the times we got to watch ships sink. It's a rather stirring sight. Particularly when you've set them aflame yourself."
She nodded and smiled, understanding what he meant. "The satisfying visual of your victory. I can understand this." Erika chuckled.
He smiled, quirking one brow at her. He had never thought about it quite like that, but he supposed it was right. It was always the taste of success which he savored most. Evander watched as the young girl ran up to a group of ladies sunning on the lawn, and asked Erika, "Should she be doing that?" He asked, displeased to see her causing a commotion among the guests of his palace.
She looked over and saw Kara trying to start a conversation with the women that were sitting over there. "They don't seem bothered by her," she replied. The women seemed to chuckle with the young girl. She let the girl have a moment before calling her back over. Kara said a goodbye and got distracted by some of the dogs relaxing. The dogs seemed happy for her attention as she stroked their fur. "Bless her heart. She doesn't have anyone her age to play with. It gets lonely for her sometimes." Her attention went back to her conversation with Evander. "What is your ideal type of battle? Unarmed? Sword? Something else?"
Evander grimaced at her lack of concern with the child's behavior before he let it go, returning his attention to Erika. He question caught him off guard as it wasn't something he had considered before. "I canna say," he responded, deeper hints of his Scottish accept revealing themselves as he grew comfortable with her, "It has always just been about the thrill of the fight."
She enjoyed talking about strategy with someone. She was curious about how he got to where he was and what his fighting experience was like. "Is there a particular fight or moment during the fight that you were the most proud of? Or a favorite strategy?"
A smirk came to Evander's face as he considered this. He was an expert strategist, it was one of the things Alasdair needed him for. Whenever the King was at a loss on how to manage their troops, Evander could waltz in and cut a clear path through the enemy without a thought. But his methods were sometimes less than convention. "Hmmm..." he started, "I once took back a port from and entire fleet of English with a single ship."
She raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Did you?” she replied curiously. “Did you use some sort of “attack the weak area strategy?” She was curious how other commanders would have approached it.
Evander scoffed, "The Englishmen's primary weakness is that they are a bunch of bumbling idiots who let their guard down way too easily." He smirked at the memory, it had certainly been one of his most daring attempts, "Myself and a group of men waited until nightfall under the new moon, then sailed out to the port in dinghies. Once we were close enough, each of us swam to a different English ship, climbed inside, and lit a fuse in their legs of gun powder before jumping out into the water. 23 ships, all up in flames at once." His expression quirked for a moment as he remembered the scar on his shoulder from being hit with burning debris during that attack, "The swim back was not quite as exhilarating."
Erika listened intently as he described the strategy. “That is clever. I am personally a fan of divide and conquer situations. I believe they allow you to do the most damage to your opponent without drawing attention to yourself too early. And you were smart to resort to destroying the ship rather than attacking man to man. That was a strong use of your limited resources.” She was doing this not only to boost his ego but also show her understanding of military strategy.
Evander smirked, his chest puffing out as he preened under her praise. "Why thank you, Milady," he said theatrically, throwing her a dashing smile.
Erika realized quickly he was too focused on himself to actively ask the same questions about her. This might explain the tensions with his wife if he didn’t make an effort towards learning about her or her days.
Evander noticed a silence fall between them, but didn't understand why. Had he said something wrong? He thought about it for a second and remembered the stupid title he'd sworn to in his bet. Thinking this was the reason, he spun around to face herz stopping them in their path, "Excuse me, I mean, thank you, my... commander." He still couldn't get it out without gritting his teeth, but he smiled through it.
She chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Kara isn’t here, and no one else around us for that matter. You don’t have to call me that when it is just us,” she replied. “I am surprised you made that effort to keep calling me that. You could have refused Kara earlier.”
EvanderBOTYesterday at 8:52 AM
Evander narrowed his eyes at her in mock incredulity, "But I am a man of honor, and honorable men always keep their bets." He bellowed. Although he did feel better to hear she did not actually expect that of him. The whole thing was preposterous.
“I might remind you of the bet every now and again to keep you humble,” she teased playfully. “Did it actually seem so inconceivable that Queen Svala would have a female commander. I know you know her well enough to know she is not the conventional sort.”
Evander sighed. He supposed he should pi uldnt have been surprised that Svala would do such a thing, but it was not as if going from Commander to Governess was a common path. "It would not be hard to believe if you looked like Svala, but you do not carry yourself like a shield maiden." He commented, looking over her clean dress, although plainer and more functional that what most ladies wore, it was not like the fur and leather and armors her Queen adorned.
"I would if you saw me in battle. That is also why I wore pants to the duel." She chuckled. "When I am at court, I tend to wear dresses and gowns since that is more appropriate attire for a lady, even if I am not a noblewoman." She didn't mind wearing skirts form time to time, if she were honest. "However, I feel like the female servants should wear pants. It would make their work easier."
Evander scoffed. The idea of gaggles of servant girls running around in pants was absurd. They would look ridiculous. "You have a rather peculiar view of the world," he told her.
"What is so peculiar about it? Why shouldn't the servants wear clothing that is best for their work?" She was curious what kind of reasoning he would try to give for this.
"They would look ridiculous!" He spat our without thought. "Women, running everywhere in pants?" The image was absurd. And he thought further to the sinful thoughts he'd had of her seeing the right pants she'd worn to their duel and followed it with, "And I canna imagine why a woman would wish to worming something so... exposing."
"Why would we look ridiculous? Just because it is not common. We women have legs, do we not?" She crossed her arms. "What is the reason you don't wear your finest suit to the battlefield? Because it would not be the best for battle, correct? You wear what is best for the job. With everything servants have to do, the freedom of pants would be much better than a skirt.
Evander scoffed incredulously, "And would the unwanted attention from men be so much better too? You put them at risk for a... frivolity!" He snapped.
Erika raised her eyebrow. "I would dare for you to call it a frivolity until you have tried to win a battle in both a skirt and pants. I assure you the difference is more substantial than you give it credit for."
"I never said you should wear skirts in battle. That would be I'll advised. But to wear pants in the palace! It would be completely out of place!"
"I was simply making a point. Clearly I couldn't make you understand." She looked at him. "Why would that be so ridiculous? Men wear pants in the palace. Why can't women?"
"Because they're men!" He snapped at her, eyes going wide. How could she be so dense? He was about to go off on a rant about the temptations of women when the child ran back up to them and screamed 'WHY ARE WE YELLING?" Evander rolled his eyes and groaned, turning away. Children really were a nuissance.
"You Scottish men wear kilts, which are simply very short skirts. If you can do that, why couldn't women wear pants?" She chuckled when Kara came in. "The chancellor just got too excited." Kara nodded. "Can I ask the servant to bring some treats for the dogs?" Erika agreed as the little girl ran to find the nearest servant.
Evander stammered for a minute. He had never given much thought to the similarities between Kilts and skirts. So instead he simply stated childishly, "Well we wear kilts into battle, you should be just as capable of working in your skirts."
"But if it is not ridiculous for men to wear some sort of skirt, why is it ridiculous for women to wear pants? And our skirts with four layers and a bustle while your kilt is shorter and one layer. Fighting in our skirts may not be the same thing." She opened her eyes as if gesturing to herself. "Did you think I looked ridiculous wearing pants the other day?"
Evander scoffed indignantly, crossing his arms and looking away as her no-nonsense expression noted into him until he finally snapped meeting her eyes darkly, "I thought you looked positively fuckable, and that is exactly my point."
How many times must he make her roll her eyes? She scoffed at his comment. "I don't think that is the fault of the woman. The man should learn to think with his brain and not his cock. The pants could also be looser to not be so tempting."
Evander narrowed his eyes at her, eager to be done with this topic, "Ye can dress yer women however you like in Norway. We'll keep ours covered here in Scotland." He turned away from her and began walking again at a slow pace for a few steps before turning back and looking at her, "Are you coming?"
She rolled her eyes once more, knowing he didn't have any way to argue what she just did. Erika nodded and checked where Kara was. As she picked up pace with Evander, Kara caught on and made sure to stay where Erika could still see her.
Evander couldn't  think of much to speak about after their little tiff, and so he resorted to his typical gambit of small talk, asking, "Is it your first time in Scotland, Milady?"
"I am enjoying it. The mountain landscapes are just breathtaking." She replied as she followed him. "I am happy that we never had any wars with Scotland, so I could enjoy the landscapes properly."
Evander smiled, preening with pride for his homeland. "She is a beauty," he said fondly. "Even in days of battles there is always beauty to be found here. It makes it easy to lay one's life on the line for their country."
"I find I can never enjoy the beauty of any country when I am at war. My focus is strictly on the battle." She smiled. "Is there a specific place here in Scotland I should try before we go back to Norway?"
He considered her question and said, "There are any number of beautiful sights throughout the highlands, but most of them would be a three day trip at least. Not much fit for a tourist's journey."
"That is a shame. Perhaps I will need to come back and stay in the highlands then." She looked back to see where Kara was, and she was happily exploring some of the different flowers.
"I would be happy to show you some time, and your queen and her children as well," He said. He would much rather be alone with the two women, even if he knew he would never bed them, than with their gaggle of girls, but he knew it was unlikely to get one without the other, and he would take any excuse to explore the Scottish countryside. The thought also reminded him that her Queen had no sons, and he furrowed his brow in thought, asking absently, "Does Svala mean for her eldest daughter to rule?" It was not as if it was unnatural, such a thing. After all, Svala was a queen in her own right as well, but he knew also that the struggles of such women to retain their power when it came time for ruler's to change were not easy to overcome.
Erika looked at him and smirked. "I shall bring it up to the Queen and see if that was something she would enjoy." His next question did not surprise her. He had already shown his narrow minded perspective on women to make it not seem shocking. "Of course she does. That is why the two of us have worked hard to train the girls on self defense and basic combat. They should know how to do so as possible queens."
Evander nodded earnestly, "I hope that she can continue the amicable relationship her mother has made with Scotland." He had never given much thought to the girl. She was too young to be on his radar as a conquest, and even if she weren't his respect for Svala would never have allowed him to give her a second glance. He turned his gaze back to his companion, "And what do you think you'll do? When that time comes?"
"I believe that is the plan as long as no problems have arisen between our two countries." At his question, she looked away. "I have to admit I am not sure. Erik and Svala want to have another child, so I thought I would have some time before I need to know that step."
Evander nodded thoughtfully, "It is well enough to know your place in the world. I must say, it is not a feeling I am particularly familiar with. Except, perhaps, by his Majesty's side." It was an unusually candid confession for him, but she seemed to draw that out easily in Evander.
"It seems that both of our positions rely on the favor of the current monarch," she replied with a smile. "It does seem that the king is greatly trusting of you, and I am sure you can have his son swayed to your side as well."
Evander nodded, though he had never figured he would be at risk even if the monarchy in Scotland did change. He supposed he would return to the Navy, though upon deeper thought, any events that might culminate in Alasdair's loss of power would most certain require Evander's death as well. At the mention of the young prince, Evander grimaced slightly. "If his mother's silver tongue does not poison him first." He bit out bitterly.
Her eyebrow raised at his talk about Alasdair's mother. She was not aware that the woman had such a reputation, but he spoke as if it was common knowledge. This woman was never a queen, so what power could she possibly have over this? "Does his mother actively disapprove of your title?"
Evander raised an eyebrow at the phrasing of her question, seeing that she may have misunderstood his meaning. So he said pointedly, "The Queen Valentina and I have not yet gotten stuck of each other, but she is borne of the Medici snakes, and I do not trust that she will not betray Alasdair as she did his brother. I do not know what type of Prince she will raise his son to be." He knew he should not speak such conspiracies so openly, but he did not mind if word of his suspicion made it back to the Queen. Perhaps it would keep her on notice.
Erika couldn't help but laugh. "Oh. I thought you were referring to Alasdair's mother," she replied with a chuckle. "Well, if we are to be quite honest, I am not a supporter of the queen," she whispered. "I have the same worries for Alasdair and anyone who supports her. She has not shown any evidence to be the most faithful of sorts."
Evander was relieved to know that she was on his side, despite already knowing that Svala agreed with his sentiments. "Only time will tell," he said absently. They had wandered near a marsh, and in the distance he could see Kara jumping from one stone to another across the muddy group. He raised an eyebrow and no sooner had he said ,"I donna think that is a wise activity, " than the child lost her footing on a loose rock and tumbling into the mud with a plop.
She sighed and nodded. Their conversation was becoming very interesting when he made the comment and she paid close attention to the terrain around the rocks. Before she could call out, the little girl fell in the mud. "Kara..." she immediately ran to her and helped her up. "Are you alright?" Kara had a big smile. "Yeah! Look! I could hide in the mud to scare my enemy in battle." Erika chuckled. "Yes you could, but aren't in battle. We will need to get you changed."
Evander grimaced and the giggling soiled child. She would leave a mess trekking through the castle to get changed. Another one of the many hassles with children. He watched Erika fuss over the girl with a complete lack of ability to relate to her concern. As a boy, he had fallen into the mud many times and never worried about getting hurt. He shifted uncomfortably at the scene and said, "I suppose I should leave you to take care of this."
Erika looked up to him with an apologetic look. "I am sorry. I do have to get her cleaned up before she goes and gives the Queen a hug..." she chuckled. "Thank you for joining us on your walk. I have enjoyed your company and conversation. Perhaps we could have more of these conversations in the future?"
The image she painted of the child soiling her mother's gown only made Evander more averse to the child, even though he knew it likely wouldn't bother Svala as much as most. He nodded graciously to his companion and said, "I would like that, Milady. When you are less... occupied."
"Thank you for your understanding, Chancellor," she replied with a smile. "Of course. Perhaps I can find a time once the king and queen spend time with the children to talk with you."
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elanska · 5 years
Miss not so sidekick - chapter 90
Latte is on her way down to reception room when she heard the tower inhabitants (mages) talking between themselves. The topic is about the guests that were forcibly escorted out by their tower lord.
now, I wouldn't want to say I'm judging  (from such casual conversation, no less!), so I'm gonna just straight up accuse them of being hikkikomori as well as *rarely* interacted with girls (some fandom long ago equates wizards with engineers* and I think that's tru LOLOLOL) *I think it's pratchett, but I cannot find the quote*
anyway Latte just realized that she might become nuisance if she's intruding right where they're doing clean up after the kois rampage (and you just think they're...well, the way they're flapping their mouth, is kyuut! Okay, once she married with bunny, i can totally see them raising a nice little doggy with 3 heads and let them chase the inhabitants a bit ('they need exercise!' 'who?' 'both!') *my bad, my bad, stop thinking psychopath thought*
Latte remembers back then in her old life when she was a poor teacher, swamped with works and still told to make coffee for some newly arrived guests (urk, relatable). So she just, climb the stairs back again to help gandalf
but! a mage already notice her!
and call her a name that even *more* humiliating than 'fairy'! (oh, Arwin will not like that, only he can humiliate....I meant make latte goes red with embarassment. and this is coming from his second-in-command? what is this betrayal??). Also, since it's super long and we can't exactly remember the order, we'll call it Arobrock-trying-to-give-a-clue-how-earthshaking-and-shattering-this-woman-is-to-the-tower's-future-*cough*theonlywomanyourtowerlordkidnappickpersonally*cough*and-may-very-well-lead-to-marriage*nudgenudgewinkwink*
since no way in hell i'm gonna copy paste all that, I'm gonna call it the *nudgenudgewinkwink* 'customer' (that's right, blame it to Arobrock, guys)
anyway, red and blue mage start bickering because dude, even with unorthodox naming convention on this manga, that's still waaaay /too/ long. Ohh, it's just a title and not real name? (can't fault them, what's with count whoyoufromwhere thingie, really) and can they mess the name order? yeah guys, blame Arobrock for that, have fun make mnemonics for that *phew* so glad I have my own clever way to shortened it as *nudgenudgewinkwink* 'customer'--> totally failed in history subjects
meanwhile, Latte who just listen them bickering over *nudgenudgewinkwink' 'customer' title just like, totally confused instead totally embarassed. Hmmm, this won't do, this won't do. Maybe it hasn't sink in yet since red and blue are busy bickering and bantering and yelling on top of their lungs. Totally playground kiddos. Th...this is the tower that sells expensive scrolls right? those scrolls are made by playground kiddie?
just as Latte still reeling from earth-shattering image, a guy that looks like he'll ace any history test approach and informing her that they had prepared the reception room and to please follow him. Latte, who starting to feel the weight of her 'super embarassing' title start lamenting 'Gandalf, why u forsaken me so' while red and blue still bickering about the super long title and red just kinda give up! I'll just shorten it instead (re...red, you'll never ace your history test that way! go invent some mnemonics or other memorization technique instead!)
meanwhile the history test!ace keep showing off his brain ability to recite Arobrock's test without scrolling up and copy-paste. We're kinda sitting on the fence on this Memoria guy. On one side, we know it's not his fault for being so brainy, but on other side, we have bitter memories of test failures even after cramming up all night. can you just, showing off your brain capacity in a more mage-ish way huh? like defeating a dragon or something? surely that's mage 101 or something right? why don't you try doing that instead keeping showing off how you'd ace a history test if there's one huh? ****oy, erm guys, our mind seems starting to take it personally, we should switch topic immediately****
Latte, our sweet girl and seemingly can read our mind, come to our rescue! she ask to shorten the ludicrous title (use *nudgenudgewinkwink* 'customer'!). Ace memoria were about to suggest something (is it better than our *nudgenudgewinkwink* 'customer'? nothing is better than our *nudgenudgewinkwink* 'customer'! ****uh guys, are we seriously competing with...? sshhhh, just hold on, we're just 3 pages away from finishing this chapter. let's hope she forget about this stupid rivalry next week****) when red and blue pops out and suggesting their own version (but of course, our *nudgenudgewinkwink* 'customer' is still better) and start bickering again which one is better (ours, of course!).
Show off trying to keep his calm but finally reveal his true colors about being a bad babysitter ***uwaaa, she's starting to personally attack just because he ace history test, I feel bad for that guy *munch popcorn***** we also seen how quick to anger and violence these kids are, my my, how unsightly, what have the teacher has been doing? ****uh, should we, uh, tell her that she's been attacking bunny also? are you crazy? I don't want to get involved**** *snaps fan* then show off start manhandling those brats with his hand instead magic, haaah, can we find some competent wizards here? preferrably someone that doesn't busy showin off how he ace their memory test ****oh god! she just went full condescending mother-in-law mode! I'm gonna go get psychopath division****
Memoria told the kids to be quiet and behave in front of orange tabby kitty since she's their bunny lord's guest. Hmmm, isn't it the other way around? since she already know bunny's violent psychopath tendencies, it should be okay, right, guys? *looks over* ***sigh, come here a bit, psychopath division***
continuing on, the kids asks if Latte come here to see bunny? but Memoria said that's not the case, their lord bring her here by himself.
And those two kids like, NO WAY! but....considering they're in first floor cleaning up this whole time and Latte come from floor *above* and Arwin is the only one that can teleporting in and out the Tower (which was warded specifically against that), it....it must be true???
and Latte still smiling without understanding how special is this uwu (especially because she made narration before about how Peridot and other girls are just ignored and left at the gate; hmmm, maybe because she's a customer and they're just stans? but Arwin-Arobrock conversation in chapter 23/24? before clearly remarked that he never shown any respect to customer. But suddenly he kidnap bringing one *by himself* to the tower? (kings usually summon people, not fetching them himself) what a special...ahem *nudgenudgewinkwink* 'customer'!). By the way, just want to note that Latte ribboned mane is so messy and cute.
Anyway, the kids recalling that there are somebody that try to pass herself as the tower lord's guest before. A princess from neighbouring country (dude, a princess...Arwin, you're one sinful bunny) aaaaaannnnnd, bunny gives ultimatum for her family to take her home immediately and beat the crap out of her if they didn't want to die (ummm, dude, Arwin, you're one violent murderous bunny)
**time for a bit of discussion, guys. Arwin will hit a girl?** **I say yea. he raised in slums. Latte almost get beaten just because she stepped on somebody's foot. no difference if you're a girl or a boy there, it's a gutter, remember?** **doesn't meant he will do it himself though? I meant, he's a wizard, he has other ways to punish people using magic** **but he's also has penchant for violence** **yeah, that slum background again. but would you prefer normal beating or getting blasted by magic?** **can we say the first one is reserved for normal people? (aside thugs that attacks physically we meant, they'll get beheaded)**we never see him specifically beating up girls though, what about his stans?** **sigh. when you're in slums. where kids killing each other for bread, d'ya think being a girl granted you some special privilege? like 10 kids fighting for bread and suddenly a girl appear and demand that bread is for her and they concede to be dead of hunger because a girl asks so? no way, girl is just people. Arwin will kill a girl-stan if they /dare/ to attack him** *oohhh, interesting, totally different from kenneth who suffers from his own stan** **well, Kenneth raised in society that minded their manners and girls by default are demure and lovely lil’ critter. slums is like, survival for the fittest, and somebody that thinks it's a good idea to turn your back to a female (that will be mostly have hidden weapon on themselves somewhere, since they still survive there, you know) winning darwin award** **oh-ho, then this princess?** **well, it's not like she's attacking him physically. But still, to be sneaky and entitled towards the TOWER LORD warrants a punishment, no? and it's annoying, and what if other people start claiming as well? need to discourage them. Also, it's annoying, so beating it is** **hey, you make it sound very psychopath. why he make the family doing it?** **parent's job to raise their children?** **if the parents involved, the kids likely less to repeat them again?** **also, there might be sick SM stans that enjoys being 'punished' specifically by tower lord** **WHAAAAAAAAA!! okay, let's stop there, stop there** **and therefore likely to repeat the offense** **i told you to stop dammit! continue on!**
back at the board, the kids expressing doubt if the princess’ parents really do beat their daughter. Apparently they send picture as proof (hmmm, bunny quite foolproof). Also, why the kids have iphone while their dad have that communication orb? (eh, the artist likely get creative, it's not like Latte really turned into Jojo everytime she do her gags. but we wondered if his orb having picture gallery/memory card and if it's full of Latte's pics **Arwin mentioned he would take record of Latte's crying in the alley and show it to her everytime they meet, so it's likely is** oh...oh yeah, we forgot about that)
Memoria complaint that the kids are too loud and he got his info directly from Arobrock so it's the fact. The kids accepts it readily since Arobrock is trustworthy fellow (OR IS HE?????). Red getting hey, he totally is! we respect this man that looks like grandpa even though he's younger than us (wait, you look no older than 16! how old are you, red?) blue then started smacking red for teasing cursed people (blue seems nicer guy, but how old are them seriously? also I forgot, but Bishot is confirmed to be 19, so there's still younger people than Arobrock (or or they didn't count Bishot since he's not there? hmmm, I just think red goes exaggerating and therefore getting beaten by blue though).
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weirdstuff-blog · 5 years
Me and stephanie dancing up Christian
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"ROB SIMS presents KellyMBentley.Com in 2008! "
Female 26 years old ATLANTA, Georgia United States
Last Login: 4/13/2008
I love models and everything to do with the glamour industry. I am seriously into photography. I love to dance and I am currently learning to sing. I am crazy in love with my American Pitt Bull Terrier "Layla" and I love spending time with her playing freesbee with her and my loving fiance Django. I love fast cars preferrably American Muscle. My favorite would be a Trans Am. Long live Cassondra
Music I love all types of music, but my favorite is Classic Rock including the Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Doors, Def Lepard, AC/DC, Primus, Nine Inch Nail all kinds of artists. I love dancing to hip-hop, but I really don’t have any favorites.
Movies I love chic flicks and cartoons. I’ve never really been a fan of horror flicks. My favs include Notebook, Ratatouille, Sweet Home Alabama, Youve Got Mail…you get where this is going.
Television I love reality shows. I was on the Coyote Ugly Reality Show but I hated it. My favorites shows include Pussycat dolls, ANTM, Ghost Hunters, Dirty Jobs, Rock of Love, Make me a Supermodel….well all of them except American Idol…hate that shit!!
Books I dont read anything but war books and Cosmopolitian magazine. Oh yea and the Bible of course. Heroes All of our American Military men and women especially those close to me….Andrew Goldman, Jason Edmondson, Chris Willis, and my sweet uncle Kurt. Love and appreciate you guys. If you have a friend or relative serving I send me their name and I will post it here to show my appreciation.
The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Details
Status: In a Relationship Here for: Networking, Friends Orientation: Straight Hometown: Alabama Body type: Slim / Slender Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Zodiac Sign: Libra Smoke / Drink: No / No Education: College graduate Occupation: Model
The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Schools Southern Union State Community College Wadley, AL Graduated: 2002 Student status: Alumni Degree: Associate’s Degree Major: Computer Science
2000 to 2002
The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Companies NOPI Motorsports Atlanta, Georgia US Nopi Chic Model
Construction Cuties Atlanta, Georgia US
M Bentley Productions Atlanta, Georgia US
The Kelly M. Bentley is Taking Over the F*cking World!
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Rob Sims and Kelly Bentley 2008 (view more)
RIDE FOR LIFE…..Relay For Life Charity Event (view more)
Coyote Ugly Episode 5…Thank God its Over! (view more)
National Glamour Showcase Florida (view more)
Coyote Ugly Episode 4 (view more)
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The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Blurbs About me: Its hard to describe myself because I am constantly changing. So to start, above all else, I am a bad ass bartender. I bartend at OPERA Nightclub here in Atlanta, Geogia. Its the biggest and hottest club in Atlanta. I also bartend at the Irish Bred Carrollton where I can fulfill my bar dancing passion to AC/DC, Buckcherry (Crazy biotch!), and Def Lepard. I love serving up cocktails with a little sassy shake some come by either place and check me out!!
Second, I am a model and one of the hottest female entrepreneurs on this planet. In modeling, I specialize in glamour, fitness, and promotional modeling. I always have something going on somewhere. I’m partnering up with NOPI as a NOPI CHIC for 2008. I love doing charity work so keep updated on my events and help us out. As an entrepreneur, I own half of a calendar production company with JM Polsfuss that is responsible for the hottest calendar coming out in 2009 Construction Cuties. Watch for it!! I also just teamed up with get this…yes…The Rob Sims….which we will have my website launched by the end of Spring to help heat up the summer for you. Also watch for all the magazine covers, layouts, spreads, etc. coming soon…I told you guys I’ll be taking over the WORLD!! Lastly, I am a regular girl that had a dream and am still forcing it to come true come hell or high water. I’m from a small town, but I’m working hard to fulfill my big city dreams as well as those of other girls who want to be models with MODELICIOUS. So if you want to try modeling, don’t listen to people when they tell you that you cant do it, they said I couldn’t, and I look at me…so don’t listen, contact me and lets see what we can do. I DONT DO ANYTHING FOR FREE….so don’t ask. I have a small network of professional models I use and promote because they have become friends. Don’t ask for my contacts, because I work hard in promoting and networking myself so why should I just hand over my hard work to you. If you want my network, you pay for my network.
THINGS YOU WOULDN’T GUESS ABOUT ME: No one would ever guess that I used to be in the Army National Guard. I used to be on Active Reserve as the RA for SFC Robert Cornett. I got out in 2005. I also used to wiegh 170 lbs. I gained a huge amount of weight when I quit drinking and smoking. Yea a lot of you thought it would never happen. I quit cold turkey and the turkey went to my ass. I lost 50 lbs. on the Subway diet. I was recently on the Coyote Ugly Reality Show on CMT and hated every minute. I also have a degree in Political Science and Computer Science with a minor in Military Science. Just some cool quirks about me. TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF – The Survey Name: Kelly M Bentley Birthday: October 7th Birthplace: Anniston, Alabama Current Location: Atlanta, Georgia Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Blonde/Brunette..hell I don’t know Height: 5’5" if I’d stand up straight Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Your Heritage: Irish/German &..39;The Shoes You Wore Today:’ My beloved flip flops Your Weakness: Your Fears: airplanes, elevators, and scurrying vermon Your Perfect Pizza: cheese/pepperoni without any sauce Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Be at 8% Body Fat by the end of the year Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: I dont even know how to set that shit up… Thoughts First Waking Up: What in the hell are the Backyardigans? Your Best Physical Feature: My big ghetto booty Your Bedtime: When ever my mind decides to quit thinking Your Most Missed Memory: No clue..too much memory lost Pepsi or Coke: Caffeine free coke MacDonalds or Burger King: both are some nasty shit…I dont put it in my body! Single or Group Dates: Cant remember my last date… Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I don’t drink any tea Chocolate or Vanilla: Just hand over the chocolate and no one gets hurt Cappuccino or Coffee: Caffeine free Coffee Do you Smoke: hell no Do you Swear: I swear I cuss too much Do you Sing: Did you catch my show? Think I’ll stick to the shower. Do you Shower Daily: more than once Have you Been in Love: Only twice for sure Do you want to go to College: Been there done that Do you want to get Married: Umm….when I’m too old to know better Do you belive in yourself: more than anyother person besides Roy Do you get Motion Sickness: Do you think you are Attractive: No but others tend to disagree Are you a Health Freak: Absolutely Do you get along with your Parents: depends on the day of the week Do you like Thunderstorms: love them Do you play an Instrument: In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: don’t drink alcohol In the past month have you Smoked: I quit when I was 20 In the past month have you been on Drugs: hell no drugs are for weak people In the past month have you gone on a Date: I havent gone on a date in the past few years In the past month have you gone to a Mall: No..I hate the mall..I’m in need of another personal shopper In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: yea right…my trainer would shoot me In the past month have you eaten Sushi: I don’t eat fish In the past month have you been on Stage: too many times In the past month have you been Dumped: No In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: I wish In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No but someone stole two of my damned portfolios Ever been Drunk: Plastered on many occassions Ever been called a Tease: What girl hasnt Ever been Beaten up: No but I got launched off some steps one time Ever Shoplifted: no I only steal hearts How do you want to Die: at 200mph on the Autobahn What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I’m doing it but not grown up yet What country would you most like to Visit: Ireland In a Boy/Girl.. Favourite Eye Color: Any that don’t lie Favourite Hair Color: any that I can run my fingers through Short or Long Hair: either Height: all heights Weight: weight doesn’t matter Best Clothing Style: clothes dont make the man Number of Drugs I have taken: Don’t do drugs Number of CDs I own: not too many Number of Piercings: ears and belly button Number of Tattoos: 1 Number of things in my Past I Regret: only 1…if you know me you know what it is
Myspace Layouts – Myspace Editor – Image Hosting
Who I’d like to meet: TO ALL MODELS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS: Now that I am partnered up with Robs Sims who is the most published photographer on the planet also owner of FitBeauties and FitModels International Magazines, photographer for Oxygen, MuscleMag, InStyle, American Curves, Maxim, FHM, Mens Health…okay I’m tired already. Too many to list. Google him for the rest…lol. Rob and I will be offering photoshoots to ambitious models with the guarantee to be published. Yes there is a catch. 1)like I said I don’t do anything for FREE 2) Neither does he 3) you have to be approved by me first. Sorry ladies…I have to be picky. Feel free to submit to me for shoots with Rob. I will be honest and give you feedback. WE ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT CAN GUARANTEE YOU PUBLICATION IN MAJOR MAGAZINES.
Posted by dcsmith2752002 on 2008-06-23 13:19:11
The post Me and stephanie dancing up Christian appeared first on Good Info.
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