#i have a test tomorrow i need to log off
phosawa · 1 year
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stabbysideblog · 4 days
Log 2.19
Prisoner status: Alive, remains in the corner of the cell unless otherwise prompted.
Known commands
Play dead
Roll over
Notes: Today I will shave his head. It will make the surgery easier in the long run. He does not touch his food unless told to eat. I fished 8 potatoes out of the water. He has not eaten since arriving at the prison. When I instructed him that he is to eat what I give him when he gives him it he understood. Longer commands are not lost on him. 
Log 2.19.2
Prisoner status: Sick, he ate all of the potatoes too quickly.
Notes: He still follows commands when visibly sick. 
Plan: I will be working to retrain Eat to avoid this in the future. Giving him the food should be enough without needing to also issue a command. I will only administer medicine to him in person, all other feedings will be done without me in the room. If I enter and the food is not eaten or in the process of being eaten he will lose it and receive a proportional punishment. 
Log 2.19.3
Prisoner status: unconscious, he had to be instructed to sleep again.
Notes: Sleeps very lightly. 
Log 2.20
Prisoner status: Alive. 
History: He has been better about talking today. He was working for Las Nevadas at the time of his death. He does not know how he ended up here. He has killed at least 30 people and injured countless more. All under command he claims. I am moving up the operation to install the chip. These commands need to be reworked as soon as possible. 
Log 2.20.1
Prisoner status: Untethered. 
Notes: I gave him two opposite commands. I assume he has been trained to handle complex situations like that. I told him to stand and then sit. He followed each in such quick succession it was not incorrect. Still I punished him, he is not to follow commands like a dog anymore. I worry that he will take this to mean he is not to listen at all. I will have to work on his obedience once the chip is installed. Until then I will work on correcting any followed commands. 
Log 2.20.2
Prisoner status: Distressed. 
Note: did not eat the potato that was dispensed
Log 2.20.3
Prisoner status: Hyper-responsive. 
Test results
Conclusions: Markedly different from Ardent. Will need less frontal lobe and more Parietal lobe stimulation. The Amygdala, Hippocampus, CN VIII,CN V, and CN X are all notable. 
Notes: A MW potion was given to him. Will see tomorrow if it has any adverse effects.
Log 2.21
Prisoner status: Sick, lingering potion effects
Plan: Today I will teach him that he is to relax when he is unwell, this will assist in his healing after the surgery. I will give him a command to lay down and not get up until he is no longer ill. He will receive a punishment for each command he does follow and a reward for each he does not follow after that. 
Notes: He does not remember yesterday's tests however the false memories are concerning. Will find ways to ameliorate this if it becomes a recurring issue.
Log 2.21.1
Prisoner status: Unconscious, result of punishments
Notes: Commands are proving more difficult than immediately thought to get him to disengage. Will have to adjust plans. No healing potions needed. One regen potion used. 
Log 2.21.2
Prisoner status: Alive
Test results
Conclusions: poor physical condition but well enough to handle a surgery
Log 2.22
Prisoner status: Alive
Notes: Talkative today. Did not eat the food dispensed. 
Questions asked:
What will my job be?
Am I in trouble?
Will I go back to work soon?
Notes: Last question was met with swift punishment. The prisoner should not question the warden. I am tired of being gentle. I will schedule the surgery for 1 week from now. He is a murderer and has learned nothing. I don't know what this other Sam thought he was doing but it was foolish and irresponsible. He doesn’t know what this Dream is thinking and could have lost control at any moment. I’ll admit the training is impressive and does seem to go quite deep however it’s not enough. A Dream with a weapon. Stupid. 
Log 2.22.1
Prisoner status: Unconscious from punishment
Notes: I did not account for his lack of food during the punishment. I’ll have to move the surgery back by 3 days. 
Log 2.23
Prisoner status: Alive
Day 10: First sign of “Illness”
Day 9: Medicine in food
Day 8: ML Potion
Day 7: Rest training
Day 6: ML potion
Day 5: Rest training
Day 4: Medicine in food
Day 3: ML potion, Medicine in food
Day 2: ML potion, fasting
Day 1: Date of surgery
Notes: Today will be used exclusively to assess his physical and mental state before the surgery
Log 2.23.1
Prisoner status: Alive. He has been exceptionally well behaved today
Notes: Mental state in abhorrent. Once the chip is in I won’t have to worry about that. Physical state is acceptable. I suspect the other Sam kept him in just good enough of a state to work but just torn down enough that he could overpower him. I can’t deny his work is thorough. But mine is better. He got cocky and left gaps. I will work to close them.
Log 2.24
Prisoner status: Ill, the food I gave him yesterday is taking effect. 
Notes: He is struggling to walk straight, stay focused, and be awake. He also reports nausea and general achy pain. I will lower the dose for the next nine days to make sure it does not interfere with the surgery. 
Log 2.24.1
Prisoner status: Sleeping, the first continuous time without my command.
Chip notes: I will be using a modified version V2.1.2 adjusted to fit his anatomy. It is 90% done I just have to finish building the final 3 sensors. I’ve gone over the code several times. It’s solid.
Log 2.25
Prisoner status: Anxious.
Notes: I lowered the dose but he’s still finding it hard to keep down food. He expressed worry about being punished. He does not know that I won’t punish him for the next 9 days. I reassured him it’s okay to be sick. 
Log 2.26
Prisoner status: Alive, distressed
Notes: He will not remember today so I am using it to do more mentally straining tasks. 
History: He was trained in pandora and was used to guard the prison for a time. Ironic. The four round scars on his neck are from a shock collar he had. He was owned by Sam but answered to him and Quackity. Why would I involve Quackity? He's irresponsible.
Log 2.27
Prisoner status: Resting.
Notes: Today is rest training. It is going better but not well. He responds to every command but then goes back to laying down. I can only lightly punish him for misbehaving. I worry he’s not going to understand if the punishment isn’t strong enough. 
Log 2.28
Prisoner status: Distressed and Sick
Known commands:
Play dead
Roll over
Get Dressed
Log 2.28.1
Prisoner status: Sleeping. 
Note: Had to be given medicine to help sleep despite the fatigue.
Log 2.29
Prisoner status: Resting badly. 
Notes: Still struggling on getting him to understand what it means to rest when sick. I may have to deal with this inelegantly. 
Log 2.30
Prisoner status: sick
Notes: Today I will put the finishing touches on the chip.
Log 2.30.1
Prisoner status: Quiet
Notes: It’s done. It’s late and I’ve been working all day. Ardent will miss me but this is more important. I have been watching him, he’s reacting perfectly to the situation. Now I will know how this new Dream feels. The server will be safe again once he’s fixed. I feel proud, I feel accomplished. This is not the place to be sharing these feelings, this is strictly a work log. I did miss having a large project. 
Chip DDV2I1 
I learned a lot from the other, this one shouldn’t have any problems. 
Log 2.31
Prisoner status: Scared and sick
Notes: The ML potion continues to give him disturbing false memories. He has backtracked a bit. I cannot get him to talk without a command. I can tell he’s sick from the shaking and the weakness. If this continues I will have to use drastic measures. 
Log 2.31.1
Prisoner status: Injured
Incident report: At approximately 14:36:27 the prisoner experienced a hallucination that led him to call for the warden. I was pouring a cup of coffee at that exact moment and did not hear him until the incident happened. After getting no response he began to slam his hands against the ground. At that point I was back and was able to get him to stop. Luckily it was quick enough that the broken bones were healed with a potion and only bruising remains. 
Log 2.32
Prisoner status: Resting peacefully
Notes: His stress level was getting too high. I used a command to force him to rest. The cell has been quiet and on the cameras he hasn’t moved from his spot. I regret using the command but I cannot risk anything messing this up. 
Log 2.32.1
Prisoner status: Awake
Note: I ran a few minimally invasive tests to corroborate my previous exams. He is able to handle electricity well, possibly from the use of the shock collar. He is able to handle pain well, understandable considering the condition he was found in. He is able to not move when needed. The other Sam at least made him a good patient. 
Log 2.32.2
Prisoner status: Alive, Sitting in the corner of the cell.
Note: I did a quick physical, everything is in working order. It’s time tomorrow. It’s actually happening. I have experience this one should be even better.
Log 2.32.3
Prisoner status: Asleep
Notes: It’s late. He is finally asleep. I have to set up the OR for tomorrow. That's all that is left. The bits I have to cut out in 11 months time will be all that’s left of Dream on this server. 
Log 2.33
Prisoner status: Prepped for surgery.
Notes: Finally, today is the day. I’ve been working on him for the last month. There has been some progress but I expect it to become exponentially more once the chip is installed. 
Log 2.33.1
The surgery took 10 hours. I am exhausted. I’m glad it’s done.  
Log 2.34
Prisoner status: Resting.
Notes: It’s done. 
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konigsrose · 19 days
König’s Rose is back! Writing time is nonexistent and I have so many fics that all need my attention, I’m sorry that this one fell to the bottom of the pile and was neglected so long. But, here it is, a smidge of naughtiness and a soupçon of angry sister… no proofreading we die like slugs in salt
König’s Rose Chapter 34 (Also on AO3!)
Since König’s recovery from his injury - and perhaps as a result of his injury, and resultant near death experience - he had been utterly insatiable, when it came to Rose. Every opportunity they had, his hands and lips would be on her skin, his hips grinding against her, pleading wordlessly for her. Rose didn’t mind this state of affairs at all. She loved her fiancé, and loved when he made love to her; so attentively, eagerly, and above all, skilfully. It was hard to be angry about his neediness when she was coming several times a day, and being worshipped like a deity.
However, now they were in König’s mother’s cabin, sleeping in a bedroom a log-wall’s width away from her… this neediness was a problem. König’s Mama was such a sweet, kind woman, and the thought of her being made aware of the couple doing anything more than hand-holding, or sharing a chaste and innocent kiss made Rose cringe. Of course, it didn’t stop König, as they lay in bed together, pulling Rose against him by her hips, pressing her flush against him so she could feel his thick, straining hardness through his boxers as he kissed down her throat.
“König!” Rose hissed, unsuccessfully attempting to push him off. “Not with your mother in the room next door!”
“Liebling,” he groaned, dragging her back against him, “please… can’t you feel you badly I need you?” His hands were gripping her tight, and she certainly could feel how desperate he was; the pressure of it pressed against her was really testing her resolve.
“Tomorrow,” she promised, forcing herself not to allow her hips to grind against him. “When your mother goes to church, you can have me… as loud as you want,” she pressed a kiss to just below König’s ear and murmured quietly, “you want to hear how much I enjoy you, don’t you?”
König groaned again, but let his grip on Rose’s hips loosen a little. She snuggled into his chest, and eventually, with much effort, managed to fall asleep. König lay awake much longer, trying to ignore the throbbing, and trying not to think about the sounds he would pull from Rose’s lungs tomorrow… Both attempts were unsuccessful. It took several hours for him to eventually fall asleep, soothed by Rose’s rhythmic breathing, and the warmth of her body beneath his arm.
They had breakfast with König’s mother the next morning, and tried not to let their eagerness for her to leave the house show. When she finally did leave, König didn’t even wait to undress Rose, simply pushing her dress up, pulling her underwear down, and bending her over the kitchen table with his face buried in her. Even as eager for relief as he was, he took his time to pleasure her with mouth and hands first; after all, he wanted to hear her screaming for him.
They had barely finished making love - still in the kitchen, which they had not quite managed to leave - and were adjusting their clothing when the sound of the front door opening made them move quite a lot quicker to drag, tuck and readjust themselves. Rose had only just managed to drop her dress back down, and desperately tried not to think about the fact that her underwear was most definitely soaking through with König’s release, when a call came from the hallway.
“Mama? König? Anyone home?” The voice was female, Austrian, and definitely not König’s mother.
“Anna!” König grinned as a tall, slim, dark-haired woman walked into the kitchen. She had the same blue eyes as König, and judging by the way she hugged him, Rose assumed this must be the sister who would be the last family member to decide Rose’s fate. Rose tried to smile as disarmingly as possible as the woman peered around König’s bicep while they hugged. Her smile was met with narrowed eyes and a steely gaze, which raked over Rose’s dishevelled dress and hair, and lingered on a pink bite mark that was slowly fading on Rose’s chest. If she’d had the chance, Rose would have covered it up with a cardigan or something; she had not been expecting company so soon after her and König’s tryst. Anna was released from the hug, and her brother made cheerful introductions, not noticing the look of disdain which had passed over his sister’s face.
“Liebling, this is my little sister, Anna,” König squeezed Anna’s shoulder. “Anna, this is my fiancée, my beautiful little Rose,” he grinned widely, and looked from one to the other in excited anticipation. Anna smiled a smile that felt to Rose like one that should have belonged to a shark, moving at high speed towards an injured swimmer.
“So nice to finally meet you,” Anna said, her voice cheery, but her eyes still cold. “Kö, why don’t you go get my bags from the car and take them up to the spare bedroom,” she smiled a sweet and ingratiating little smile. “Give me and little Rose time for some girl talk, get to know each other.” König nodded obediently, still grinning as he looked between the two women, and took Anna’s keys from her outstretched hand.
Left alone with Rose, Anna’s smile dropped, and her eyes narrowed once more. Rose tried to begin some polite conversation in her most friendly and sincere voice, but was quickly cut off.
“I believe you are currently a student in university?” Anna asked sharply, as if this were some kind of crime. Rose nodded, and began to speak a response, but was again cut off mid-syllable.
“And you intend to continue your studies when you’re married to my brother?” Rose’s brow furrowed in confusion, wondering what exactly Anna’s problem might be. Again, she tried to speak, but Anna seemed determined to interrupt the answers to her own questions with further questions.
“And my brother will be footing the bill I assume?”
Light dawned on Rose; suddenly Anna’s irritation made some sense. She thought Rose was using König for his money! He did have an awful lot of it, and he did like to spend it on Rose, despite her protests. Rose was a little offended at this assumption, though she had to admit, she could sort of see Anna’s logic; penniless but pretty student meets extremely wealthy and incredibly shy König, who has never had any luck with women… Rose suddenly realised Anna was still waiting for a response, while all this worked itself out in her mind.
“No, I work for the university, that’s how it’s being funded,” Rose said, almost laughing in her relief. “I don’t need König’s money,” she added, assuming this assertion would win Anna over, and perhaps melt that icy stare she was determinedly giving her.
“Really? It would be nice though, wouldn’t it, given how much he earns? For you to live on that instead?” Anna went on, undeterred by Rose’s response, as if by continuing to press Rose she might catch her out. Her eyes glanced at the bite mark again, her eyebrow arched, and Rose felt, rather than saw, the annoyance. She couldn’t really blame her for that; nobody wants to think of their brother sinking their teeth into someone, especially not when you think that someone is probably using sex as a bargaining chip to take his money from him. Rose shifted uncomfortably, and pressed her hand to the mark on her chest.
“I’ve worked very hard to get to where I am, and I’m not about to quit and sponge off your brother just because I technically could,” Rose spoke directly, feeling irritated by this continued line of questioning.
Anna’s eyebrow remained arched, and her expression somewhere between disdain, and disbelief.
“Hmm.” She did not even bother to respond in words, just a little noise of derision, her lips pursed tight. She stared Rose down, unblinking and cold.
Rose could feel her cheeks heating, the unfairness of Anna’s opinion of her fuelling her rage. How dare she? Rose was working two jobs AND researching her PhD… she practically had to fight König every time a bill needed paying, and she certainly didn’t ask for any of the gifts and treats he bought for her! And as for that judgemental little look Anna kept giving the mark on Rose’s chest, yes, they did have sex, and a lot of it - but they were damn well adults! Rose wasn’t making König buy her affection, in fact she actively tried to stop him from doing so! She clenched her fists, and tried unsuccessfully to speak calmly… the look of derision on Anna’s face as Rose spoke did not help.
“Look, Anna, I love your brother for who he is; not how much money is in his bank account. I’m not going to lie, and say he doesn’t spend his money on me, because he does - I am spoiled absolutely rotten by him - but that’s his choice.” Rose had remained fairly calm up to this point; but then Anna had rolled her blue eyes, and snorted her disgust. “If König didn’t have a penny to his name I would love him just as much,” Rose went on, her voice becoming quite heated, until she finished in a voice that wasn’t a shout, but definitely suggested shouting could be an option: “And he loves me too, and no amount of snide comments or underhanded questions from you will change that!”
Anna’s lip curled in the ugliest expression Rose had ever seen on a face, as she leaned forward, and jabbed a finger into Rose’s chest, just below the pink bite.
“We’ll see about that.” She grinned evilly, and as they heard the heavy footfalls of König returning, her grin became a false, sweet little smile, her hand dropped, and she turned to her brother as if nothing had happened.
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manasseh · 2 months
280724-030824 little focus challenge this week's goals: ☐ finish 3D model RIG ☐ edit 3 shorts ☐ nutrition + skincare + musclesss ☐ more?] habit tracker日月火水 木金土 ------------- ✗✗✗ 💊 ✗ 🚰 ✗~ 🧘‍♀️🤸‍ ✗✗ 🌸🧴 ✗✗✗✗ 🇰🇷🤓 ✗✗ ✗ ✍️👩‍🎨 ✗✗✗✗ 👾💻 ✗~ ✗ 🥦🧅 🐼️‍ watching: Eve (2022)
wednesday log > > overslept, but all is fair. fewer people expected than yesterday so I'll have more time. I will try to move some more and take care of myself today. > let's go hand rig, first of all.
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tuesday log let's GO > Spent the whole morning finishing up mealprepping and cleaning and entertaining guests agh > Did get in a quick language sesh after lunch. not done tho > But first, ☐ FOOT RIG!! ☒ plan bone hierarchies ☒ MCH ☒ drivers ☐ cleanup ☐ testing
후기: I fed about 50 people in the past couple days, not including prep for the upcoming ones. That along forgives some of my goals falling through today too, I think. Many people, still did my rigging which is prio. I played a game and went to bed too late and did not log -- ah well.
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monday log! 🎦 How "Good Design" Ruins Games Drawing: Drawabox lesson 4 (9/10) KR: Just DUO dailies and a quick-ish TOPIK writing practice bc i'm slow this morning~ 3D: ☒ LEG RIG ☒ mechanism bones ☒ FK ☒ IK ☒ Link up ☒ twists ☒ control shapes done!! she can twerk now ^^'
now i need to clean, cook and mealprep to help out the fam, and then watch dungeon meshi with snacks for the rest of the evening :) I still gotta get in some workout as well.. >> tomorrow i will do the foot rig, and with a little bit of luck and focus also the hands. i'll leave video editing for wednesday i think.
후기: Busyy. Finished all my tasks and groceries and cooked for everyone and did a shit ton of mealprep. All in all rewarding, but I'd like a break and a game soon - I didn't get to the workout and shit but I didn't have the time so it's aight. Pick your battles or whatever :)
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sunday log :-) KR: 취지 나타내기/평가하기 Drawing: Drawabox lesson 4 (9/10) 3D: ☒ ARM RIG ☒ IK controls ☒ FK controls ☒ prepping + linking deform bones ☒ drivers ☒ twist ☒ contol shapes finished!! now off to a barbeque with my brothers :D >>>
몸관리: Stretching / Pull up + squat progressions. Was planning to go over kung fu forms but I don't think drunk-teaching my brother qualifies lol Nutrition wise I did perfect- if we ignore the calories and over all destructive vibes of tequila ^^' Tried making korean multigrain mixed rice (japgokbap) while ignoring all instructions and owning 0 of the usual ingredients. still banger, I'll try it properly soon. love its texture and appreciate the huge bump in nutritional value
후기 A lovely and productive day, finished my challenging task and then spent the evening with almost all my siblings and their spouses and kids gathered for the first time in so long!! <3 I think monday can be just as great, despite the inevitable hangover.
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auckie · 5 months
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Finished my boys back panel for his new apartment. After it cures more I’m gonna install it, then the drainage layer (which I absolutely don’t need) and then the substrate. I was gonna make the bottom water proof but decided to just go with a protective mat instead. I don’t think I’ll be able to take it apart later but maybe it’ll be like. The last thing I ever move idk. Then Ill put up the UVB, his lamp, I miiiight have a heat mat on the bottom just in case but probably won’t ever use it idk, and finally his giant fucking water dish and ugly bottom hide. Then I’ll see if I can fit some of the roof/side climbing limbs I had planned. Was gonna drill them in but I don’t think the pvc will allow for it. I might try more foam/silicone *and* a bit of drilling, but we’ll see. Then the top leaf coverage (silk plants lol), and finally his giant cork log. I was also planning on putting some tiling over his ugly hide, or just replacing it completely bc he has the wall one plus the log. I also gotta test the weight capacity of the wall log tomorrow after curing. It’s resistant to heavy tugging, and he really doesn’t weigh *that* much but you never know the kind of stress he might put on it. It’s low to the ground so it wouldn’t be catastrophic but it would be difficult to fix. Eventually I would like to go full naturalistic and add plants and bio active substrate. Moving water is beyond my skill capacity/willingness to learn or spend so the static dish will have to do, but I am interested in a mister even tho I know it’s not necessary. He’s been doing well with my humidifier and just some sprays, wet corners, and the dish, but if I do pursue plants it may be crucial. Granted I know scale rot is something people warn about but I figure if I keep it high then I can avoid laden substrate. Plus the drainage layer would help.
I even bought a kitchen scale to weigh him. I was gonna get a temp gun too but that’s kinda absurd since I got like, two different humidity gauges and a temp regulator + thermometer. if I have room I may also try a slight rock border at the bottom of the back panel but I’m not really like. Interested in using foam again, either panel or expanding. Bc it sucks and i despise it. Silicone too honestly, even the aquarium rated stuff which is easier (imo) to get off skin. My dad REALLY wanted to use caulk but I was like hell no. I’ll resort to shelf pins/rivets for support before I try that lol.
I just scrolled up and realized the pic is so dark bc I just turned the overhead light off and didn’t have flash on but I’m so tired and sweaty I don’t care. It’s a cork bark/spanish moss/sphagnum moss back wall but it does just look like a mess of leaves and shit from the pic. I started really clean and then got progressively sloppier as time went on
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Here’s a before progress pic SORRY for foot
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And here’s snoopert head. He’s getting upgraded from 60 gallon to 120. Tbh if I had the room and money I’d totally have gotten the 240 one
Fuck snoopy
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stars-and-lines · 4 months
Progress Log 54
I must admit, while things are going smoothly, I am troubled by uncertainty. 
Surge has developed fully into her programming. My only concern is also her greatest strength: her sheer force of will is as inscrutable as a hurricane. She's demanding, and as such, I need to stay one step ahead of her to keep her in check. 
Which is no problem, of course. Both subjects are highly susceptible to suggestion once they wake from their hypnosis. 
Tomorrow I will be sending them out for their first real field test. No barriers, no observation within the confines of Sigma. They will truly be off leash.
… I feel as apprehensive as I was leaving them alone on my trip to White Park. I worry about whether or not they will come back. The unquestioning loyalty and the lack of direction I've programmed in, paired with the inability to understand or function within the real world, will give them plenty of reason to return to me. 
How in the world does Zavok trust his pack to behave according to that loyalty? He makes a fine point: the chaotic, unpredictable nature of a thinking person is just what I need to utilise in terms of ingenuity when backs are against the wall. But at the same time, that unpredictability means that they could simply... refuse. Turn on you. Up and walk away. We have both seen it. We have both done it. There is comfort in a mindless machine. It is unflappable. It will always come back. 
Surge's brashness and contradictory nature is a microcosm of my global dominion. The irony is not lost on me. The very thing I need to utilise for success could just as easily rip everything apart at the seams. I don't like the uncertainty. It goes against everything I’ve believed in up to this point. 
Just because I may need to learn this lesson doesn't mean I have to like it!
Sincerely yours,
⭐️ Doctor Starline
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pixiecaps · 11 months
Pix i’m so excited that the green gay ninjas are back and more motivated!!! This whole team is so great and i love their interactions with each other so much! It felt great to see them actually have more of a strategy and be on call with each other most of the time to help them out throughout the event :]
I can’t wait for tomorrow!! they’ll get the win tomorrow i believe in them 🙏
literally from the beginning till the end was incredible. fit & forever made so much progress and laid out basically the path to etoiles success today. it was so evident how much he appreciated what they had done. all fits efforts today gathering resources and diamonds so etoiles didnt have to waste as much time grinding and all that shit. bagi off stream playing THE ENTIRE TIME AND DIGGING A FUCKING HOLE. she rlly didnt need to log on but she did and she hung out with the team and helped exchange ideas with forever about the temporary egg. forever fucking went off today building the base & literally going into a singleplayer world testing and researching the mod pack and coming back with so much resourceful information. he & fit literally staying available in call despite not playing was the sweetest thing they could ever do. quackitys entire presence was just nice and an uplifter!!! hes so funny and kept etoiles company for so long along with bagi. then the completely unexpected arrival of roier which was the cherry on top tbh. he did not have to log on nobody on the team expected him to. hes fucking sick and cant even speak but he stayed and waited and grinded and mined with etoiles cracking jokes and etoiles was able to finally spend time with him hanging out!!! red team cannot go unmentioned either they were being as chaotic as usual and they helped green so much and etoiles helped them with pvp which is so fucking cute. and truly i think.. nothing could have been better about today. it was a wonderful day full of so much positive energy and the difference from all the others etoiles streams of this event to today is IMMENSE. the most rewarding part of today was hearing etoiles say he had fun. because thats what its all about<3
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sunny6677 · 28 days
Ramble about my day.
This morning started off somewhat peaceful, as I was relaxed after having drawn what I needed to. I saw my friends cat today and pet him a little. And the moon was also in the sky still so it was pretty to look at. Then the bus came—there were surprisingly not that many kids this time around so the bus wasn't that crowded. I think that's cuz there's gonna be a sports game for the school soon tho.
Wasn't able to eat breakfast this morning because they're working on some lights that like lead into the entrance of the Cafeteria—so I sat outside in the humid air while watching my phone, and also ended up getting up cuz of an ant. But the bell rung conveniently at that time, so I went to Psychology.
We're gonna do Drug PSA's for the class, so after filling stuff out on different types of drugs and what not—I chose Crack as the drug I'll be doing for the assignment, which is tomorrow. Also I didn't dream last night so I didn't get to fill out my dream thing.
In Spanish, we listened to a song since we weren't able to yesterday, and said our opinions on it—we also wrote some more stuff down in our journals and overall the mood of the class was quite cheerful.
In Chemistry—I had to cut out another copy of a thing I did because I lost the one I had previously, and I filled out some stuff on it like different chemicals and compounds and what not. And once I finished that, I glued it in my journal, and did my test review while I played Spooky Month as background noise.
In Technology, I did a small choppy animation of a ball rolling and was able to finish rather quickly, so I drew the Tom cookies and cream thing and then played a bit of Roblox afterward. Toward the end of class, I spoke with my friend again and we joked around with these two girls for a bit til the bell rung.
Due to the construction of the lights, we had to go through to the cafeteria in an alternative way which was through another end of the building with the cafeteria inside—and as always, I went to lunch, ate some chips and drank some Cola while playing Roblox. One of my friends also stole my extra bag of chips, and my other friend got dissapointed cuz he couldn't take my food like usual.
Then in English, we just ended up doing a small vocabulary test over our book which I did pretty great on—and then I did a diagnostic for this site our teacher made us log into. And once I finished, I watched Unwanted Guest and Deadly Smiles.
In Theater, I planned out a little more with my partners, with an extra guy from the last time I worked with them coming in since we needed four people and the person that was gonna be our fourth partner wasn't here. We all ended up kinda messing around, discussing, rehearsing, and then toward the end of class after a series of strangely awkward but funny skits—we performed ours. I played the role of the happy customer. I think I might have caught the person playing the salonist off though since I acted really happy jdndnsn.
And then—Geometry. It was fine at first—with me just working on my assignment. Admittedly it was kind of loud, but I could withstand it. My friend who also has sensory issues ended up sort of losing his temper though, screamed at everyone to shut up and started insulting them. I really don't like it when he screams. In all honesty, it frightens me. So I just kind of went quiet, and placed my hands over my ears. The other students didn't do much to help with his anger seeing as they began to just laugh it off, though I'm pretty sure they were just caught off guard and didn't know why he was screaming. One of them though tried to make him even angrier because that person is kind of a douche and never does his work and talks the whole time—and also started arguing with the teacher. When my teacher understandably tried to defend my friend and called out the persons hypocriticism, he just got all pissy and started going on some rant about how he never learns anything from school or anything on the site we used, and decided he'd just up and leave by grabbing his stuff and going out. One of the other ones later on after the long stiff silence ended up randomly deciding to leave as well just to tell the office what happened. My friend ended up being kind of rude to this girl who tried giving him his charger back as well. I felt like crying. My hands were trembling. And I don't know why. I wasn't the one being yelled at. I sent a short email about it to my principal afterward.
Regardless, I went to World History where we took some notes on the older history of India, and some light banter with the teacher ended up cheering me up. The class kept being kinda loud the whole time.
I was sort of overwhelmed after Geometry though, so I didn't take many pictures today. I apologize.
Photos for today:
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My father ain't getting his Christmas present today. Everyone in the house will get presents, multiple. But he won't get a damn thing from me now or probably ever again for that matter. He doesn't even love me. Why should I spend anything on him?
When my brothers and I went to go get my wheelchair I bought, my father pulled me aside and didn't even look at me as he said, "You can become magically able bodied if you just exercise and lose some weight. If you buy that thing, it has to go into storage and you have to pay for storage. You're making a big mistake." I told him then and there I don't appreciate him and he does nothing for me. Then I left.
On our way home, my father tried to physically blockade my brothers from pulling into the driveway, and said we have to take the wheelchair directly to storage. We... don't have a storage unit anywhere, and it's New Year's Eve, so none are open. Additionally, we have a double garage which you can park 2 vans inside of. We've done it before. And here was father, yelling at us that we can't fit a wheelchair inside...
A few months ago, my father tried to obtain legally confidential information from my therapist which I legally signed documents to make sure he could never get. And he sent lawyers after her and her staff, angry phone calls, and it got to the point the staff texted me and asked for assistance. Twice.
What's more is, I've gotten dozens of blood tests from half a dozen different doctors over the years. All of them confirmed I have high numbers for lupus and arthritis. There's no denying it. And yet, my father said they're wrong. My doctors are wrong, my therapist is wrong, and science is wrong. There is nothing wrong with me. He asked me, "How did you get around Universal Studios?" I told him I limped and complained about my leg pain the entire time. He said, "I don't remember that." But considering he gaslights me on a daily basis, I can promise he remembers and is lying.
And then, I remembered something else. My father has a cousin who was born with a deformed spine. She cannot walk, never has been able to, and yet, whenever my family visits her or she visits us, my father will make offhand comments when she's not looking or isn't in earshot, that she doesn't need to be in a wheelchair and she could walk if she just tried hard enough and that it would straighten out her spine if she did. She... has a shifted spinal column that's missing discs. I uhh... I don't see how you can fix that by walking.
Anyway, yeah. I'm not going to give anything to my father today, tomorrow, next year, ever. He takes my money each month just to turn off my electronic contact with the outside world whenever he's angry (he disables my phone, wifi, TV, data, etc. on all devices). You know, I learned to hack so I could hack his account to gain that access back. He somehow found out, and set up 2FA which I don't know how to get around (my guess is he was tracking when the account was logged into, from which IP, and checking the trace logs).
There's a reason I send all my messages to friends through encrypted apps, or untracked accounts, and hide all my social media posts from my father. I've learned the sounds of everyone's footsteps in the house, so I know when to be silent if my father comes around. I know to lock my door if he does. I fear him and everything he says. Nobody should have to live this way. But I do.
And sometimes, I ask myself if it's worth it to live at all when these are the conditions I'm forced into.
Here's to 2024. Maybe, somehow, it'll lead me to freedom...
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callsign-marsh · 2 months
Log #1
Alright, might as well start one of these yeah?
Been a few days since coming out of stasis. I'm somewhere pretty far out on the edge of the settled systems. I looked up the name of the planet but honestly it hardly matters right now. Should have been more specific in my discharge papers, they stuck me with an old wreck of a Mech and shipped me out to the edge, but it's worth the freedom. got myself a workshop and a place to crash as long as I help out with some basic engineering tasks around the city, and with some labor with the Mech once I get it up and running.
The NHP stopped self cycling. I've got them hooked up to a bunch of communication equipment so they can see and hear around the workshop. They're definitely receiving information, but still haven't communicated back. I'm still hopeful though. I hit download on just about every movie I could find so they could watch something while I sleep. NHPs don't sleep right? Figured I shouldn't let them be board while I'm sawing logs.
Repairing the Mech's going well. All the tampering contingencies should be out now, so now I'm just giving it a thorough once over to make sure nothing's degraded. I know the MK 1 has a... checkered past, though growing up in HA space I'm sure I got the sanitized version. regardless, it's a solid frame, lots of standardized parts so plenty of room to customize. and that reactor, Void above the things I could run off that...
there's still something wrong with the onboard computer system, which is shocking considering how simple it is. The problem is I can't tell what the issue is. error codes pop up that I can't find anywhere in any Genghis manual, but they don't seem to be impacting the performance? I went ahead and fired the thing up. It was weird, I've piloted Sherman's pretty much exclusively, I didn't expect it to feel so different through the subjectivity implants. Wasn't bad just, weird. I'm sure it's just getting used to a bigger frame...
I really need to get my hands on some SSC stuff. A top shelf flight system and some improved sync equipment would do wonders. Maybe a Vulture DMR. But that's long term. Tomorrow we'll take it out for a stress test and make sure that plasma thrower isn't gonna break on me.
Still need a name for the Mech itself, but we'll keep brainstorming on it till it's proper ready to go.
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hockybish · 8 months
hi lovies
i promise im working on stuff. ive just been busy and sick. and i needed to log off tumblr for a couple of days as my ears were ringing so bad i couldn't focus. im not back back yet. im hoping for tomorrow. if not then it'll be wednesday, i want to post blurbs for each couple for valentines day.
also have i talked about my other writing blog on here? i know a few of you follow both. anyhoo its just another hockey fic blog.
i have an au over there thats really near and dear to my heart. and due to a certain trade a chapter of it has come to an end. i've figured how i might want to continue it and add a new chapter. i just don't know if i want to put it out over on that blog. i kinda want to bring it over here.
im not quite sure if i want to expose that blog since this blog was a place where i could test the waters with a few things i was to nervous to put out there.
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lucy-268 · 2 years
Not the Right Person
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Series/Pairing/Characters: Open Heart - Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Charley Valentine); Sienna Trinh; Aurora Emery
Rating / Warnings: General
Summary: Various “Celebrations” for Valentine’s Day when you aren’t celebrating with the right person.
Comments/Notes: Written for CFWC Valentine’s Day event @choicesficwriterscreations, and Galentine’s Day, February 13, @choices-february2023.
Disclaimer: Most characters belong to PB, Charley is sort of mine
Word count: 737
Residency, Year Two:
Charley was logged onto the computer at the nurses’ station nearest the diagnostics office. She was entering notes for her cases, while alternately looking down the hall. She was surprised when the lights were turned off and Ethan stepped out into the hall, pulling the door shut behind him. He had his briefcase in one hand, and was holding his phone to his ear with the other.
As he got closer, she overheard the very end of his conversation right before he hung up. “I know I said I’d go, but I didn’t realize it was Valentine’s day when I agreed to go out with her!” He dropped his phone in his pocket and froze as he saw Charley. She quickly averted her eyes from him and back to the computer.
“Dr. Valentine, did you get the test results back on Mr. Barnett?”
She nodded. “I took care of it. Baz was right, so he’s taking care of him right now.”
Ethan nodded, and shoved his hand through his hair. “So I don’t need to stay? I’m happy to cancel my plans.”
Charley shook her head. “Baz and June have it under control. I’ll be leaving myself soon.”
“Do you have plans?” Ethan asked, not sure whether he was hoping she would or wouldn’t. He knew wanting her to not have plans was unfair as he insisted on a reset.
“Yes, I do.” She logged off the computer and gave him a tight smile. “I need to run. See you tomorrow, Dr. Ramsey.”
After turning away from Ethan, Charley hurried to the stairs, bypassing the elevator. She hurried down to the staff locker room to shower and change. Soon she met Aurora and Sienna in the atrium. Jackie was notably missing. “I hope I’m not too late.”
Aurora smiled and shook her head. “Right on time. We have plenty of time for our reservations.” She held up her car keys. “Let’s go!”
The host greeted them when they arrived and soon they were seated near the terrace. Sienna laughed. “I figured since we were a group of three on Valentine’s day, we’d be shoved into a corner!”
Aurora grinned. “It helps since I’ve known the owner and chef since first grade.”
A smiling waiter appeared, with three glasses of water. “Good evening, ladies. Do you have any questions about the menu?”
Aurora shook her head. “I think we’re ready for the started. Madeline recommended a seafood tower and sauvignon blanc to start. Is that okay?”
Charley and Sienna looked at each other and nodded. “If the chef is recommending it, I’ll try it.”
The ladies had finished their starter and ordered their main courses, salmon for Charley, Chilean sea bass for Aurora, and roasted lamb for Sienna. They had laughed, reminiscing about prior Valentine’s days. Aurora took a sip of her wine. “Oh, I don’t think someone is having a good date tonight.” She gestured toward a table by the fireplace. “I think that’s a friend of Aunt Harper’s. Tina something? Tina Richards.”
Sienna and Charley looked over. Tina was frowning at her date. Sienna agreed. “She doesn’t look happy.”
Aurora frowned, trying to remember. “Harper said she just moved to Boston. She’s looking for a fresh start after a divorce. Harper has been setting her up on blind dates.”
Charley gave a cursory glance at the table and then focused on the man. She would recognize the jaw anywhere. “Ethan.” She didn’t even realize she’d spoken aloud.
“It is!” Aurora said.
Sienna looked at Charley. “Are you okay?” she mouthed to Charley, who nodded.
This next morning Ethan was surprised when he got to the diagnostic office. Charley was already there with a cup of coffee form Derry’s. “Good morning, Dr. Valentine.”
She looked up from the latest issue of the NEMJ. “Hello, Ethan.” She nodded to a second Derry cup on his desk. “I brought you coffee.”
He picked up the cup and took a drink. “How was your… how was your… evening last night?”
Charley stared at the words in the magazine. “It was a lot of fun.” She turned to look at him. “How about you?”
Ethan opened his laptop and turned to face it. “Mine was not what I was expecting.”
Charley turned back to her magazine and Ethan pulled up a file on his computer, both thinking about how their evening could have gone better if they were with different people.
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itsbenedict · 1 year
I feel good.
I'm sitting in my house by myself, drawing something kind of indeterminate for an art game. It's due tomorrow, I'm not confident in the design, I'm worried the way I've done it might come off as too salacious, and the coloring's being a pain in the neck- but I feel good.
This morning I spent a few hours banging my head against the technical limitations of the third-party API we're relying on to implement a project for a client, a nuclear power plant who needs us to handle their training system. It's kind of high-stakes stuff, and it's looking like we might not be able to deliver, but I feel good.
I ordered a standing desk recently, and yesterday I put it together but it's going to be such a headache migrating my current desk to the new desk, the speakers don't quite reach to the standing height, I've gotta buy like, extension cables or find something solid to mount my computer on top of to reach, but... I feel good.
I spent a couple hours reading a study guide for an AWS certification that my career advancement is kind of locked behind, and there's so many finicky details in these practice tests that I'm sure I'm going to forget immediately and be lost on for the practice exam- and studying this stuff is like walking a tightrope between learning practical skills and falling for Amazon propaganda. But I feel good.
I've impulsively started coding a game engine for a side project I hadn't scheduled time for. I've got Ludum Dare coming up this weekend. I've got a stomachache. I've got to prepare a dungeon crawl for my little brothers by Thursday. I've got to log my hours for the month. Fridge is almost empty, I've got to make a grocery run. I'm lonely.
But I feel good?
Not entirely sure how that's happening. Maybe something about having my own place, being at a comfortable temperature, having nice music playing, making steady progress, sitting in a comfy chair... I dunno. There's a lot going on, but it's not overwhelming me. Weird.
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
Prim And Proper Origins: Part 16
Part 11 is here:
Part 12 is here:
Part 13 is here:
Part 14 is here:
Part 15 is here:
Over the last four years, Primrose's 'love' for Roy grew. So did her hatred towards Esme. And so did her desire to be perfect. Because of this, Primrose had gained the reputation for being quite the nasty and spoiled girl. The students did their absolute best to avoid her like the plague.
But she didn't care about what others thought. All she cared about was having Roy to herself. But unfortunately for her, that was now proving a lot more difficult than it was before.
Recently, Roy and Esme had started dating. The students weren't surprised, but they were happy for the two couple. Primrose, on the other hand, was furious. How dare Esme date the one man that she wanted so badly!
Plus, it didn't help that now, Primrose was in a different homeroom away from the two lovers. This frustrated her a lot. How was she supposed to gaze at Roy now? However, this did not mean that she was going to stop 'punishing' Esme for 'stealing' her man.
But one particular day, Primrose received a message on her computer from an unknown person. Curious, she see what this mysterious person wanted:
Anonymous: Hello.
Blinking, Primrose replied back:
Primrose: Who is this?
Almost instantly, the person replied:
Anonymous: Don't worry about my identity. Rather, I simply wish to offer something to you.
Primrose wanted to know who this person was and what they were offering. So she had a conversation with this person. One that would later change her life:
Primrose: What do you wish to offer?
Anonymous: I am crafting up a project. One that is designed to change people. Make them absolutely perfect. This project, should it be deemed a success, will make the world a perfect place.
Primrose: A project that is designed for perfection!? Now, I'm interested. How will it function?
Anonymous: This project will cause a person to immediately be perfect. They will have the proper manners, always dress proper for every occasion, and become such sophisticated beings.
Primrose: Ooh! I love the sound of this! I desire to live a perfect life!
Anonymous: How about I make you a deal? I will give you a copy of the blueprints and you will test it on some random individuals. If it works, I will let you work with me. My boss could use someone that adores perfection.
Primrose: You have a deal. I won't let you down.
Anonymous: That said, there are three conditions you must follow.
Primrose: What are these conditions?
Anonymous: 1) If you wish for me to do something for you, you must pay me with actual cash. 2) This project must ONLY be used on those that need to be perfect such as delinquent or unruly individuals. 3) Don't. Disobey. My. Boss.
Primrose: Understood. I accept these conditions.
Anonymous: Good. Meet me at the corner store tomorrow. Don't be late.
Primrose: I will.
With that, Primrose logged out of her computer. She couldn't believe it. She had just agreed to work alongside with a stranger. Normally, she would prefer to accomplish her goals alone. But this person offered her a deal that she couldn't refuse.
With a smile on her face, Primrose went back to focusing on her homework. She was now one step closer to being absolutely perfect. Maybe then, just maybe, she could finally have Roy to herself.
I don't own Madame Prim.
Roy and Esme belong to me.
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wumpyprincessdrea · 1 year
Hi all, I have another piece of The Light of the New Moon for you all! This segment is the build-up to the last component of this arc of my story. But do not be dismayed! I have so much more in store!
The Light of the New Moon
Part 5
Lorelei began to worry.  Nocturna had still not woken up.  The full moon was tomorrow.   She knew that at that point, Nocturna would be at her strongest.  She sat and puzzled over her notes.   It was day five since her last experiment.  She was starting to worry for her own safety.  What if Nocturna never woke up.... she shook her head at the thought. Erubus wanted to know how the progress was going.   They needed to be sure that Nocturna would be unstoppable when exposed to the toxin.  She was to be their key to winning this war, their secret weapon. Lorelei slammed her tome shut and then strode over to Nocturna's unconscious body.   She knelt beside her snd felt for her pulse.   It was present but much slower for a lycan.   She continued with a head to toe assessment.   She paused at Nocturna's injured ribs.   She gently ran a finger down her torso.   The skin where she applied the aconite salve had the appearance of a chemical burn.   It looked as if it were still in the early stages of healing.
"What have I done to you..." Lorelei whispered.
At the sound of these words, Nocturna sighed and spoke as if smarting off in a tired voice.  " Well, let's see, I've been here for nearly a month now.  You barely feed me enough to survive on. I am frequently subjected to your excrutiating experiments.  After which, I barely have enough time to heal before you chain me up again and perform an additional test.  I may have faked being unconscious just so I could have some respite as your experiments leave me feeling fatigued. No, I think that is an understatement!!!! However, if you must know,  my body no longer hurts, but I tell you, if I had the energy, I would tear you limb from limb!"  
Lorelei beamed hearing Nocturna speak.  "Well, I must say I am impressed.  It is encouraging to hear that your pain has subsided." 
Nocturna smirked at her words.  
"There is just one question.  How long do you intend to keep me here?"
Lorelei finished writing in her log before speaking.
"Well, there is only one more experiment.  After that, you will be free to join the rest of your pack.   My work will be done.  I only will need to see how it effects you while in your werewolf form.  So, tomorrow night, you will be subjected to one final test.  Oh, don't worry.  I intend to bind you in silver so that you will have difficulty escaping.   I have a bit more planned as well, but where is the fun in telling you everything I have in store? 
Lorelei laughed sinisterly.
"For the time being, I suggest you get some sleep."
Nocturna nodded and felt compelled to obey her captor. As much as she wanted to retort, she knew she needed the rest.
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browser5 · 2 years
Is this a Interrogation?
The following day, Adam walked around the house, trying to remember the vows, the protocol and everything else. As he walks into the living room, reading his cheat sheet, his stumbles over someones legs.
Watch it fish n chips
Shane was sitting there, playing on his phone with his feet up.
My apologies, I didn't see you there
Adam made his way out, not wanting to disturb, as Shane holds him off
Oh by the way, now that I see you, My dad asked you to go see him
Um alright...Where is he?
Second floor, door at the end.
He thanked him and walked up to the second floor. He knocked and opened the door, as there was no answer after the third knock. It was the master bedroom of the house.
He heard a “In here” behind another door. He quickly looked around and saw, to his relief, another open door to the master bathroom. That means, that surely he wasn't going to enter another bathroom, filled with a horrible odor, bringing tears to your eyes.
Reluctantly he enters the room, only to discover his father-in-law on the toilet.
There you are, right *Mmnn* on time
Adam stops, and by the look on his face, you could tell that he didn't want to go in there.
Excuse me, I'll wait til you come out
Boy get in here, you smelt the boys shit, now you can smell mine for 5 minutes. Shut the door
Adam walks in and shuts the door behind him, as Isaac asked. Not wanting to be too cruel, Isaac sprayed a little air freshener so that Adam could breath. However, still he held his hand over his nose, trying not to be rude.
So, tomorrow is the big day, finally. My little girl is getting married, and you will be the lucky groom.
Y-Yes,*cough* I'm very lucky to have your daughter as my wife. 
*grunt* Damn right boy, and you better treat my little girl right or else. 
Isaac threatened Adam as he forced out a grunt and let out a thick log of shit, the smell of his dump was by far the smelliest of the family, and to make things worse the toilet was almost overflowing with Isaac’s thick logs of shit. 
So how's Bridgette been doing? *grunt* *plop* You two planning on making us some grandkids anytime soon? That test of yours came back with good results. Me and her mother aren't getting any younger you know. 
Gosh, we haven't gotten around to talk about kids yet. 
Well I guess these things take time but *groan* we ain't got all the time in the world boy. As you can see, I made 4 beautiful babies…well I made the batter, Meera is the one who cooked them, if you catch my drift. But from the looks of your test, you shouldn’t have much trouble getting to baking.
Isaac sternly looked at Adam, squinting as he let out a booming fart followed by a nice chunk of shit, at this point the smell was so bad that Adam was sure if he didn't leave the bathroom now he would faint from the smell. With a final liquid blast from his ass, Isaac continued.
Anyways Moving on. *piss sounds* What I asked you here for was this, now that you're going to officially become part of the family, I’m going to need you to loosen up and not be so up tight, like in these “shitty situations” we been having.
*clear throat* I understand that, I just didn’t expect something like this to happen. My family has always been quite hush hush about their personal business. So um, seeing you and your sons destroying the toilet so shamelessly and open was very surprising to me.
No we don’t do none of that, a man shits where and when he wants to shit, whats gotta come out has to go out. That’s what I taught my kids and thats what they been doing. *grunt* Except Shane, that one still ain’t comfortable just doing it. Except that one time with you. And as you can see, they learnt from the best. Cans about to overflow, scuse me while I flush. 
Adam let out an inner cheer, as Isaac flushed. They both jumped a little, as the toilet flushed intensely like an airplane toilet. Adam was surprised at Isaac, was he actually welcoming him to the family? AND showing him something like compassion?? He always had the impression that his father in law didn’t think much of him and found him disappointing. But it seems that he was giving him a chance to prove himself.
My deepest apologies then sir
*Fart* Child what did I just say? You're going to be family soon, so you will call me Dad. Means that I’m still the boss around here you hear? My boys have been very excited to have a new brother in the house, so be grateful for that. 
Isaac strains a few big logs out as the water splashes. Adam coughs up a little after holding it in so well. He takes the air freshener himself and then sprays a little.
Good, glad we got that in the clear, now I’ll-
Actually si- I mean, dad. I’ve wanted to tell you something
Taken a back, he leans back and squints one more time as he let out a shart.
What is it?
I…don’t know how to say this, but Tad has been *gulp* hitting on me?
What do you mean, what did he do?
He’s been winking at me and kissing me…And from what you’re saying, shane apparently wanted to catch me in the shower? I don’t know what to make of th-
Oh that ain’t nothing, the boys just like to toy around with Bridges’ boyfriends. He seems to like you the most out of all of Bridges’ boyfriends though. It's probably because of the time you two talked while he was shittinh his brains out on the toilet while you were in the shower. Bathroom convos are usually how men in this family bond,now it's time you carry that tradition as Bridges’ boyfriend son *fart* Scuse me, fiance. Now boy, I suggest you get on out of here, I gotta wipe and it's not gonna be a pretty sight. 
Not really being reassured, Adam complied leaving his soon to be father in law to wipe his shit coated ass
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