#i have been mediaing as that is what i am on tumblr to do! 👍 out of the loop
faerociousbeast · 1 year
i do not care for drama whatsoever but if anyone needs to like. vent or something i will try my utmost to support 🫂
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rose-riot-johnson · 8 months
Well my Tumblr Peeps... I didn't think I was gonna write this, however because of atleast a couple of the fanfics I recently written, a fanfic or a few I have read, some thinking for maybe the last few days or so, I just felt inspired about writing a fanfic about a particular Blue Lock character I have written about before... And I'm starting to feel maybe I can write more about Rensuke Kunigami (fanfic wise)😃👍While I was gonna write a fanfic about the reader being a fanfic writer for a crossover fanfic I was thinking about writing and I did have thoughts of writing that for a couple different Blue Lock characters I have yet to write about, however my heart is telling me to write about the reader being the fanfic writer with Rensuke Kunigami in this type of fanfic⚽😁👍
*Note: From just realizing that I may have misspelled any part Rensuke's name for the 1st fanfic I have written about him, I sincerely apologize for it😅I get it's a minor thing to apologize, however I just figured I'd mention it😅And this fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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⚽📝Being A Fan Of Someone, Who Turned Out To Be Your Biggest Supporter📝⚽((Adult) Rensuke Kunigami x Female Reader)
Genres: Fluff, Cuddling, Kissing, and Fanfic mentions in the fanfic (Warning⚠️: Manga Spoiler(s))
When you and Rensuke Kunigami first met eachother, he was a professional football (which some people call soccer) player and you became a huge fan of his. After every football match (which some people refer as soccer (ball) game), considering you madesure to attend the football matches (some call it soccer (ball) games) he was playing at, you talked to him and he also has been opening up to you more about his time in the Blue Lock program, his opportunity to walk into the "Wild Card" door, what happened while he was in there, and the aftermath of returning from the "Wild Card" door. While he admitted to you that this is how and why he became the football (some people call it soccer) player that he is today, however he has shown to treat you very kindly, so the both of you decided to exchange cellphone numbers and both you and Rensuke have began your relationship together, since then.
A few years went by, as you and Rensuke Kunigami are still together in your relationship with him. You're even wearing your engagement ring he got for you, as the both of you have been engaged (up to reader's imagination how long ago Rensuke Kunigami has proposed to you (no longer than four years and 6 months ago and no shorter than five months ago, however)) ago. The thing is he thought he knew everything about you.
One day while Rensuke Kunigami was on vacation from professional football (some people call it soccer (ball)), as he notices you left your (laptop or cellphone screen on), while confused what social media platform you are on. While he doesn't usually snoop into your business when it comes to your stuff on your laptop and your cellphone, however he did start to get concerned about another name that is part of what you're trying to put in a post, so he figured he wanted to try to get to the bottom of what you're trying to do. Once he started to snoop on your (laptop or cellphone), he notices that name he was pertaining a character you like and he clearly read the word "reader" in it.
Once you got out of the bathroom you caught Rensuke Kunigami snooping on your cellphone, as you were confused (especially about if you should be upset or giggle or etc...), knowing it's very unlike of him to snoop into your personal stuff, including your laptop and cellphone. You then asked, "Rensuke... What are you doing, snooping my (laptop or cellphone)? Am I doing anything wrong?". He then grined and answered, "Ofcourse you didn't do anything wrong, cutie... I was just a little concerned about you, considering that I saw a name, which I thought something happened between you and a particular person, so I had to see, if someone was bothering or anything and come to find out, you seem to be writing a fanfic about a character x reader type of fanfic... I kinda find that cute... I didn't know you write fanfics on (social media platform up to the reader's imagination)...", before (closing your laptop or putting your cellphone down).
The next thing you did was replied, "I still feel that's not a good reason for you to snoop on my (laptop or cellphone), however I appreciate your concern... Anyways I'm glad you liked that I'm writing the fanfic, Kunigami... I'm not exactly the greatest at writing fanfics, however I really wanted to write them for fun, feeling inspired by other fanfic writers with the fanfics they have written, and I wanted to try to make everyone else's days and/or nights from writing the fanfics I have written and wanted to write like the other fanfic writers made my (day and/or night) with the fanfics they have written when I first started reading fanfics through (social media platform up to reader's imagination), since this was my first time reading fanfics in general, honestly...", before you started blushing. Rensuke Kunigami then replied back, "I actually find your reasons of writing fanfics pretty cool... The only thing is you can't just act like you're not confident with your own writing, sweetness... I actually think you're amazing at the fanfics you write from what I saw on your (laptop or cellphone), not too long ago... Especially with (up to the reader's imagination what character the reader is writing about) for this character x reader fanfic you're working on writing about. So, if writing fanfics is really your passion, then don't give up on it... I'm sure you will evolve, as time goes by with writing fanfics, considering I feel you are an amazing fanfic writer...", before he walked up to you and kissed your forehead to make you blush more. He then said, "Now let's start on some cuddle time, sweetheart... And by the way... I like it when you blush... I think it's cute...".
After Rensuke went inside the bedroom room you share with him, you followed him in the same room he went in. Once the both of you got on the bed together, he held you from behind, with his arm wrapped around you, as if you're his little spoon and cooed, "I missed you, so much, (Female Reader Name)... I've been waiting a while to have this moment with you...", before kissing the side and the nape of your neck, then you turned your head around just enough for both you and Rensuke to peck kiss eachother on the lips, as you replied, "I missed you too Rensuke Kunigami... I've waiting to have some time with you, especially cuddle time...", proceeding to kiss the left side of his facial cheeks. The both of you then had hours worth of cuddle time.
Once the both of you finished your cuddle time together, Rensuke Kunigami decided to cook supper, while you checked your cellphone to finish up with the fanfic you were working on. As much as Rensuke Kunigami doesn't mind you helping him with cooking, he rather that you relax while he's cooking. So you finished (and posted) the fanfic you were working on before you decided to set the table for him, since you figured he's cooking and you still want to help him with atleast something pertaining supper time.
After both you and Rensuke started eating supper together the notification sound came from your cellphone and it was multiple times your cellphone was making that sound. You were hesitant to check on your cellphone, however he smiled and said, "You can check on your cellphone, beautiful... It's not like anything bad is happening and you don't check on it often when we spend time together... I insist, (Female Reader Name)...". "Are you sure, Kunigami?", you asked. He replied, "Yes, I'm sure...", while trying to encourage you.
Once you checked your notifications, it turned out it was the notifications that was coming from the social media platform, pertaining the post of the fanfic you have written about the character you have written about. You have noticed alot of praise (and likes, shares, etcs...) pertaining the fanfic you have written about. "I take it you had some success with the fanfic you were working on today, (Female Reader Name)?", Rensuke Kunigami asked, smiling at you. "Yes, I did... And you turned out to be right about what you said about me as a fanfic writer, Rensuke...", you answered before the both of you looked into eachother's eyes, then proceeded to kiss eachother.
While you have always been a huge fan of your fiance Rensuke Kunigami, since the first time you have seen him playing a football match (to some people it's soccer (ball) game), you were surprised that he became your biggest supporter when it comes to you writing fanfics, when he first found out about you writing fanfics. Once you and Rensuke finished eating supper and tooken cared of the dishes, he picked you up and had your legs wrapped around his waist, your arms around his neck, and his arms around you (and behind your back), as the both of you passionatly kissed eachother even after both you and Rensuke Kunigami landed on the bed inside the bedroom the both of you share together (Rensuke Kunigami on top with your back laying on the bed). After the both of you finished kissing, you touched his face and he touched your face, as he said, "(Female Reader Name)... Not only you're the best thing that has ever happened to me... Aside from the day we met, the day we exchanged cellphone numbers, and the night I proposed to you, today must be one of the best days of my life... I love you very much, (Female Reader Name) and thank you for being a huge fan of mine, for all of these years...".
You replied, "You're very welcome Rensuke Kunigami and thank you, very much... I feel the same way with today, the day we met, the day we exchanged cellphone numbers with eachother, and the night you proposed to me... I'm truly grateful for you turning out to be my biggest supporter when it comes to me writing fanfics, today... And I love you too, Rensuke Kunigami.", as you and Rensuke, then gave eachother one more deep kiss before cuddling together again, while he gets you to lay on top of him (with your head on his chest). Before you fell asleep you cooed, "Good night, Rensuke... I love you...". Rensuke then replied, as he whispered in your ear, "I love you too, sweetie... And Good night, my beautiful (Female Reader Name)...", while he holds you into a tighter hug, while trying to keep you comfortable. Before he lets himself fall asleep, he madesure you're sleeping peacefully, as he enjoys watching you have a peaceful slumber and while you fall asleep, he carefully pets your head, until the both of you fall asleep.
📝⚽The End⚽📝
I do hope you enjoyed this Rensuke Kunigami fanfic my Tumblr Peeps📝⚽😃👍Anyways, if I wrote stuff that didn't make sense or might not, I do have an explanation (or so on) why I wrote the fanfic out the way I did😅 While I did want to write about Rensuke finding out the the reader writes fanfics, I also wanted to write about about Rensuke and the reader kissing, cuddling, and other stuff, because that's something that has been in my head, if not just similar stuff to this, and I really wanted come up with more than a few paragraphs for this fanfic, so I decided to mix atleast the reader writing fanfic idea and the kissing, cuddling, and other stuff pertaining the reader and Rensuke idea right in the same fanfic💡I also figured I'd come up with an ending for this particular fanfic, as well😃👍 I'm really considering writing another fanfic or so with Rensuke in the fanfic(s) and I basically have some more ideas pertaining when I do write those ideas out fanfic wise💡📝⚽😁👍
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goldensunset · 9 months
even as someone who's been into pokemon for like 15 years now yeah i get it. people act like its some kind of moral failing to still like pokemon sv?? enjoying the game and criticizing it where deserved are two things that can co-exist but also you don't have to constantly remind people who do enjoy it that its not up to snuff. we know. we are acutely aware. we are talking about kieran's character arc rn tho you can leave that for another time thanks
the point of this ask is do whatever you want my guy. block idiots who cannot help but bring up the graphics every two seconds like their life depends on it. also i very much enjoy your commentary on the games 👍
honestly it's not really this site it's mostly people on other social media who have the stalest takes on the matter ever cuz that's where the most normie and old fashioned dudebro gamers live. not even just for this topic but in general it feels like other places with more users tend to have the same dusty recycled opinions but on tumblr it's always fresh which is why i like it here. and like you're right it's very bad faith in general to assume that someone who loves a thing isn't aware of its flaws and it's also annoying when someone in an otherwise good post has to throw in a 'i know this media is bad because xyz but-' no you didn't need to say that. ok. i don't know whether it's to try to save face and try to criticize their own thing before someone else does or to be mean but it is just not necessary.
also tumblr is like the only site where you can take stories completely seriously whether it's a literary masterpiece or peppa pig or somewhere in between which is nice. you won't find character arc analysis of pokémon npcs anywhere else that's for sure. and as someone who takes everything seriously i hate when someone is like 'isn't this for eight year olds' so what. eight year olds can have nice things too. i am frolicking in the beauty of this world
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kjxlll · 2 months
10 questions for 10 writers
thank you for the tags @arokel @seasidesandstarscapes!!
1. Is writing a hobby or a way of life?
i would say writing is currently a hobby, but storytelling is a way of life. i would love for writing to become a bigger part of that one day!
2. A journal full of notes or a clean completed manuscript?
journal full of notes. it’s not the most efficient but i have art student brain 😕
3. Who or what inspired your writing?
i’ve been reading fic for nine-ish years now? but i only started writing two years ago, right after i graduated high school and retired from competitive dance. i’m not gonna lie i was throwing new hobbies at the wall. but storytelling was the most important part of dance for me, and i could get very sappy here, but i think it’s safe to say writing scratches the same itch :)
4. Which is worse: Someone you ‘idolize’ reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
i get nervous sharing drafts but i get nervous sharing final products too so i’ll go with sing. that is between me and concerts and empty cars and god.
5. Has writing from someone else’s POV changed your perspective?
mmm unfortunately i think many characters whose povs i’ve written have been thinly veiled versions of myself in some way from some point in time. however! i did break out of that while writing let the sea roll and i Will try to do it more (especially with OCs!) because i think it is an awesome motivator for research and learning 👍
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
ao3! i will not lie though i got my start reading fic on wattpad.
7. AO3 word count? And are you satisfied with it?
93,514!! i am satisfied with it but excited to expand it :)
8. What movie/book gripped you irrevocably?
ohohoh i have so many favorite comics but i’m gonna have to say kyle and yost’s x-23 (2005) and new x-men (2004), heinberg and cheung’s young avengers (2005), and hastings’ unbelievable gwenpool (2016). all four have impacted me so much and shaped the way i see comics as a medium and fiction as a whole. i have SO much love for YA and the ground it broke in queer relationships in comics. i think about gwenpool probably every other day. and i have to say the x books have made me cry harder than any other media ever. read comics!
9. What’s the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
anything about how it makes you feel! truly if you have ever said anything nice about my writing thank you i love youuuu
10. What defines your writing style?
i am definitely still finding it. and by that i mean i have no idea. god bless!
i do not know who to tag and i definitely don’t have 10. if you read this far consider yourself tagged pleak
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gummybugg · 1 year
✨️author ask tag game✨️
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✨️Feeling Extra today! Will choose to Focus on Crater City, but any future Author Tags shall be diverted to the next WIP in line✨️
Tagged here by @mariahwritesstuff! Much obliged :’)
Tagging these fine contestants: @doublegoblin @forthesanityofsome @lyralit @frostedlemonwriter @asterhaze @lostneedcoopcake @writernopal @an-theduckin @sabels-small-sphere
(1) What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
>> Free will is good 👍
>> Just because you can doesn't mean you should
>> Give life your own meaning
>> The dangers of being politically apathetic
I think these are self-explanatory! I think!
(2) What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
Kind of expanded upon this a bit, oops
For the world-building, I'm inspired by things such as Fallout New Vegas, Night Vale, and real life. Music: tends to be a mixture of classic rock + alt + vapor wave + whatever I think is nice tossed in a dryer and pummeled to death.
For more world-building + story-telling/pacing, I am very much Inspired by these webtoons:
>> Solid State
>> The Prince of Southland
>> Lovebot
>> Electric Bones
When I tell you to go check these webtoons out, I mean Go Check Them Out because they're the reason I still have the app!
For characters, they are named/inspired by objects and it just kind of stuck until their names got rearranged. Everyone generally has a symbol/color assigned to them, idk it's probably synesthesia to some degree. But it helps me categorize things + it fits their vibes. To name a few:
>> Blair: heart, red
>> Elijah: star, yellow
>> Darcy: moon, cobalt
>> Melony: Venus flytrap, bright green
I could rant all day about their vibes and mood boards! But we only have so much attention span on this single post, yeah?
(3) What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
Blair wants to prove to himself and others that he has worth and a purpose even though others/the government thinks otherwise.
Elijah wishes he could stop running from his problems and just ask for help, but that's kinda hard if [SPOILERS]. Yeah, so that's kind of a Huge bummer.
No one cares what Darcy wants. He's mean. (Any fanletters addressed to him that wind up in Frasier's pile get promptly thrown away.)
Aside from that, I've always wanted to inspire others through my work but kind of implicitly. Or like “oh have you seen that one story it's so wild” in an obscure way. Not really in a cult-following way, but like an urban legend or classic story kind of way. I would like to drop my story into the world and disappear without a trace, hehehe
(4) How many chapters is your story going to have?
(5) Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Original content! Due to its Nature, I'm planning something Much Larger than a typical novel layout. Somewhere online... or somewhere else in a Metaphysical sense. Or implanted in everyone's heads as a distant memory of what could've been, hehehe
It all comes down to if I will ever be able to code as great as Elijah someday (we both hold ourselves to very high Standards, you know).
(6) When and why did you start writing?
I started writing this story July 27, 2022. Oh wait, that date has passed, it's now been a year!
But it's ok, I often forget my own birthday.
I started writing because I became fixated on the idea of just some chill guy in a hectic world then ran with it, and here I am a year later, still as obsessed with these hooligans as ever. I like the seemingly dumbass hero and intelligent villain trope, I suppose.
(7) Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
I tend to follow accounts that inspire me to write or become a better person in general. This can range from being a better writer to positivity to pushing myself to get up and be productive because lord knows I need some good ol peer pressure to jumpstart my brain.
The parting message:
Remember why you're writing. Keep your reasons somewhere you can see it, like a sticky note on your mirror. It can be a motivation/goal as simple as “because it's what Younger Me would have wanted to see.”
Also, Please organize your files/notebooks. Future You will be so thankful for that. Don't be like Blair and cover each page head to toe with multicolored pens, highlighters, and diagrams. Be more like Frasier, stay organized:
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Blair has provided us with a Bonus Illustration for the readers whose attention has spanned thus far, Huzzah!✨️
🚗 Want to rot your brain with each sporadic Crater City post? Join the taglist! Maybe I'll finish this wip someday, who knows! (ask to be added/removed): @writeouswriter @lyra-brie @digitalsatyr23
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sweeteacrummble · 4 months
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Ayo! It has been a while. I haven't posted any art for a while now (which I will get back to doing soon).
Where have I been
For the short answer:
I have been busy. College, Home, and being a Christian
Now for the long answer:
I am going to break it up into parts while I rant cause it gonna be a minute and there are a few things I need to let off of my chest.
College Update🏫🎓:
I normally don't like sharing how I am busy with other things than art, but now I am at the point where I have a voice and I need to use it for once. Yes, I go to College for a degree in Animation. So most of the time my hiatus is because of College, especially Finals. Yeaaaaaaaah! Overall I have been busy with work. I would love to post my progress but I feel as if it is not my best. Oh well.🫤 After, I will be able to have a break in the middle of May so their some good news there.
Youtube Update📽️📺:
For my YouTube Friends/Viewers out there and newcomers joining the party, breathes THANK YOU! THANK! YOU THANK YOU! SUPER! DUPER! OH SO MUCH FOR SUBSCRIBING TO MY CHANNEL!!! 🤗😍😄😆THANK YOU LORD AND THANK YOU ALL!!! YOU ALL ARE THE BEST! I started with 7 subs and I never thought I could get 50 subscribers. But now 641+ SUBSCRIBERS!!!!! I wanted to make a special video for when I got a 100 but the numbers quickly kept going higher and higher and I was happy and yet overwhelming. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to share goofy goobers stuff with you. 🤗😊👍. Now with the question. Am I still going to do YouTube you haven't really posted any new videos yet? Yeah, I know. But Yes! I am still going to do YouTube. I am working on 2 new videos, so I will have a poll ready for you guys to vote on which one you want to see first. I finished 1 video now I am about 60% done with the 2nd video. Until then you can Vote on which video you want to see first while I do some catch-up.
link to poll: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxdoxchkFP1fHQr6LfhVp_z21IbWmKqrBm
Social Media Art Update📲📳:
I will be posting art again BUT I will stop posting in some social media accounts. For those who want to be an artist, I definitely recommend doing 1 website and then expanding if you can. But not just that, if you are a beginner/new artist and you want to know what place to post your art, Firstly I recommend posting on sites where your favorite artists post. Most of the time They have some good pointers on where to go about posting art. Secondly and MOST IMPORTANT, post art in places where you can look it up AND it will show up on Google or Bing. For instance, If you look up Mario fanart on Google and click on images, (I know it's fanart but hear me out), The sites you will see are mostly Twitter, DeviantArt, Pinterest, Reddit and sometimes Tumblr will show up. Others like Artstation too. But not much of Instagram or Facebook. That's odd? The number 1 website for artists, from what people have recommended me, is NOT showing up on Google. Well, not a lot. Why is that? IDK. All I know is that should have been a warning sign that my art wouldn't be shown to the masses in the degree I was looking for. So when I post on Instagram, It does feel like I am posting to an endless void of nothingness. Your Artwork is valuable and should be treated as such so everyone can see it (unless you don't want to).
Here is my tier list of the Social Media I use daily for entertainment and posting as a creator on these platforms.
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Update:: okie….. sooooo….. about the Mario fanart thingy. Apparently, Google has been overhearing me rant (literally) and rolling in Instagram and Facebook art on Google images which wasn’t the case before. But at least they are taking measures. But even though Google is allowing Instagram to be more recognized, I'm sorry but THE APP itself still has problems that Google can't fix. (Unless they bought it of course)
Besides YouTube, I can recommend Twitter, DeviantArt, Pinterest, Reddit, and Tumblr, just because you can post without feeling like you have to be a pro artist to be considered good, and you can grow and share with a community. And the best part is if you're an introvert (like me) You can post and worry less. I like to comment when someone comments back to help build confidence for myself but you don't have to if you feel shy. It takes small steps so don't rush yourself or your art. Another thing I would like to add is that if you love making GIF Art, you can do it on all the other platforms except…
Instagram. 😒😠😤
A literal sweat job with an inconsistent indiscriminate rate of changes left and right. Make reels, Make stories, Make post, all at once, every day, AND BOTS. Even watching reels about artists struggle just seems unhealthy to me, but Instagram loves this apparently. I mean, yes, we are struggling and there are plenty of underrated artists out there, I know it. But how are we helping them by promoting reels about art struggles and ways to get big on Instagram, instead of exploring new art techniques and trying new things when creating art. It also doesn't help that it is hard for me to refresh my feed from scratch. My bad Instagram for liking 1 Sonic fanart post, I just like 1 okay. I don't mean for you to give me all of them. Sheesh 😤There are just too many negatives of this platform I can't even begin with. Kinda like Twitter but at least Twitter hashtags work "sometimes". It is hard to trust a platform when you have bots swarming to your page and when you think that a live PERSON responded to your post BUT it is a bot recommending you to give them your art for the bot to share it. What kind of place is this? At the time I was trying to figure out where to post my art, I searched on Google, Reddit, and even YouTube, and most of the art videos I saw at that time all recommended Instagram. Well, I am here to say DON'T USE INSTAGRAM! This is a warning for someone who first uses this as their first art account. DO NOT USE IT PLEASE!
Man, this is the most negative thing I said but I'm just tired of thinking that this is okay and I need to put up with this and I don't.
In short, I will not post any future art I make on Instagram but the page will be open for those who want to see it. I may even come back to Instagram, but changes must be made for to make that move again. For now, I am happily posting on all the other platforms for now.
Being a Christian⛪✝️:
I am a Christian. I have been a Christian But I am a Sinner. I know I have done things wrong and I know I deserve hell, but I repent, repenting constantly for God to forgive me of my sins.🙏 I know I am sounding a bit Biblical but I am being serious. Heaven is real. Hell is real. And if both of those are really real then that must be God is real and the Bible is a history recorded for use to read and learn and hear from Him. No, I am not trying to convert you to Christianity, this is more for me than anyone I suppose. I have been dealing with doubts in my life and some things I just can't explain. But I know there has to be something beyond this life. There are just too many signs pointing in that direction and it is hard to keep quiet about. I know God saved my parents. I have seen it multiple times. But at the same time, I tend to forget and lose faith in Jesus at times which is sad. Is Jesus coming back again? If so then sign me up I will do my best to be closer to Him. It's just that I don't want to go to hell for all of eternity, so if I don't want to go there I need to believe in Jesus Christ. It is a lot easier said than done but I also want to share the good news with others that Jesus loves them but I don't want to offend anyone if that makes. But I guess I can tell you if you don't mind.
Jesus loves you! 💖💝
Yay, I said it! Oh I forgot to add that I don't want to rush anything that I do moving forward and take it easy. But don't worry I still draw fanart of my favorite video game characters is just that I am adding one more layer to what I post that's all.
You're still reading this?!?
I don't have anything else to say
I guess I can end it off like VeggieTales did
God made you special and He loves you very much
Buh bye👋😊
Happy Blessing
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kithtaehyung · 9 months
Hoping y'all still remember me. 🫣 Yo sorry for the disappearance again. I....got married? Hope that's a valid excuse lmao
Also, I'm almost non existent in social media these days and my sole motivation to keep the tumblr acc is "I wonder what's Ryen doing, it's been a while" 🥺 I hope you had a great time during the holidays and wishing you nothing but the best for the new year.
It's always lovely to come back to multiple 3tan updates. I guess I gotta binge till I catch up. 👉👈
- window anon
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WINDOW??? HOLY SHIT CONGRATS!! that's damn fantastic and i am so so happy for you😭😭😭 that is a very valid excuse and i hope you are having the most wonderful time right now. of course we remember you, silly! thought about you when the holidays rolled around. the window was certainly a special drabble🥹
thank you for being so kind. the holidays were fun and busy, and the new year is already looking to be the same! binge away and there is more on the docket😌👍
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altschmerzes · 1 year
Ok so I love your work (started watching 911 so I could read more of your fics lol), and I completely agree and empathize with every one of your posts about how the show has handles Jamie’s arc. This may be a bit messy but! Here we go,,
My dad is also shitty, like Jamie’s, and my mom has done so so much to protect me from that, again, like Jamie’s. I don’t talk to my dad anymore and probably never will and I certainly haven’t forgiven him and probably never will. The past couple episode really did a wee number on me (read: had a lil break down, we’re totally good tho ahahaha 😬👍) and led my mom and i to have some difficult conversations about forgiveness and the role it does or doesn’t play in our healing and growth and what not. And to put it short, the space you cultivate here on tumblr was really really helpful for me, both in processing and identifying why the episodes hurt and also in being able to verbalize and communicate it with my loved ones. Being so vulnerable is hard and sucky and I know you’ve gotten shitty asks, and I’m really sorry for all that. So,, I just wanted to thank you for being so open and genuine on this lil website, and let u know it means a lot
(on a lighter note i am so excited for like ever ted fic u are working on—the kid fic, the same story, this new fix-it—just ahhhhhhhh can’t wait!)
ahhhhhh man i am so flattered you like my work so much (i'm excited for those fics too!! been making a lot of progress with all of them and the 3x11 fic just hit 12k so full speed ahead on THAT) and i appreciate so much you taking the time and willingness to write this out and send it to me
those last couple episodes were rough for that, and i didn't have an easy time with them either. i'm so sorry you had to see that messaging for what i'm sure is the millionth time in your life - it's a horrible thing to be told over and over. but i'm also so glad you were able to communicate with the people in your life about it and that i could play even a little part in helping that happen and giving you space where those feelings are validated and you aren't alone in them is just.... man <3 i'm really glad that my choice to be open about my feelings on that stuff and why has meant something to somebody. you're right, it's a scary and difficult thing to talk openly about some of the rougher stuff i've experienced, and i've had people say some shocking things to me because of it, but it's all completely worth it for this. thank YOU, seriously.
we're coming up very shortly on what's going to be the seventh anniversary of when i went no-contact with my father, which is something i needed to do for my own safety and peace of mind and heart, after an attempt at reconciliation that went badly for me. without personal and societal pressure from people i knew, broader culture, and a lot of media narratives, i never would've let him back into my life in the first place, because it sure wasn't what i wanted. and even now, the rest of my family - who have all decided to welcome him back into the fold despite some reprehensible shit that ruined my life - is on me regularly, trying to push me into reversing my decision and speaking to him again. i've been lectured about forgiveness a lot, and stuff like the stuff we just saw just. never helps. there is only ever one story about people like us, and it's always our abusers' happy ending. never a moment considering maybe ours might be different.
anyways. seriously. thank you for this. it means a lot to hear, more than i can say. i'm really proud of you for everything you've done to protect your peace and keep yourself safe and have a good, safe, happy life away from him. that shit is so, so hard, even without the world around us constantly trying to make it harder. so in case you don't hear it enough, because none of us ever do, i'm really, really proud of you.
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dompler · 2 years
hi! i just want to inform you all that Goncharov is not a real film. with 100% sincerity and confidence i can tell you Goncharov is not real and is genuinely a work of collective fiction. stating the undeniable facts is not "ruining the joke", it's looking out for your psychotic peers.
i am psychotic, i have discussed this with multiple other psychotics, it's not fucking funny and it never has been. i have a friend who only found out two days ago it wasn't real.
"but that's the joke" you may cry! "you're ruining everyone elses fun due to your ailments!" buddy, let me sit down and tell you something;
I'm psychotic, I got diagnosed in 2018. i struggle with figuring reality from dreams on a daily basis, literally i only trust 1 person in the whole world fully. i assume most people are lying to make me look stupid or say something "incriminating" constantly. so, unless i hadn't seen a tumblr post that said it was a fucked up "meme" before i saw any of the meme posts themselves, i know for certain it would've actually and actively driven me insane. especially as someone who works with and studies lost media. because i would've somehow fooled myself into thinking it was lost media and, as shown by the amount of people on here actively gaslighting psychotics, i know for a fact someone WOULD lie to me about it and say its just that obscure and it would've like. more than likely triggered a break.
so from one psychotic to anyone who needs it;
it's not real, most gifsets and videos "from" it are stolen from The Godfather, a critically acclaimed and immensely recognizable pop culturally relevant film franchise.
The fact people are acting like people cant instantly recognize clips from said films is fucking stupid in the first place. when your joke doesnt even have a base to stand on in its "legitimacy" and said "legitimacy" is the whole punchline how do you fuck it up so badly?
the "joke" only works when people havent seen anything about it and only people discussing it like its real. but then that makes the joke "look at how we can make people not know whats real or fake". a struggle hundreds and fucking thousands of us go through every fucking day.
if you're not psychotic reblog but dont add any comments ty 👍
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jcm-b3atz-zboi · 9 months
Welcome to my page 🎶
I figured I'd make a more accessable bio, and plus, I just don't really like the bio layout here, so here I am, haha
Introduction 🎉
Ey, the name is Beatz, formally known as "Just-Call-Me Beatz." I'm 15 years old and an artist/animator. I'm currently in the fandom JSaB, I'm in high school and have a part-time job, so my activity is very inconsistent bowomp womp, I usually try to post art around every 1-3 months and post animations every month. I use emojis to not sound so serious, 👍
My content is for a 13+ audience. I will not take responsibility for those who do not heed the warning,
I'm always down to make new friends so my DMs are always open, feel free to contact me in any of the social media's below 🤙
Special thanks 🫶
I just wanted to say thank you to all the support my followers/subscribers and friends have given me over the past few years. I'll always appreciate all the little comments I get on my posts and videos because It all motivates me to keep going, and I couldn't have made it here without you guys. You all are a very important part of why I do what I do, and I couldn't thank you guys enough.
Have a wonderful day/night🌙☀️
⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ Extra Info / Socials ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
More Info :
Commission Info :
I like to have many socials, so if when people only have access to certain platforms, they can still see my content 🎉 (I will not use Twitter and Instagram as much due to AI)
Tumblr : Well, you're here, lol
X/Twitter : https://x.com/B3atZzOfficial1?t=coULsV077mKbAz5CbKhCOw&s=09
(Where my askblog is held) Instagram :
DeviantArt :
YouTube :
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kouhsuu · 1 year
hii hello who are you whats your lore!!
MY LORE okay that's a new one
Who I am? 17 year old genderfluid digital and traditional artist 👍
For my lore as an artist: My dad is a painter so from a very young age i was surrounded by art materials literally taking up half our small living room because of the easles, giant canvas rolls, wood, cabinets full of paints and brushes, etc.
Essentially I was very encouraged by him to draw lol, and it also came out of me just finding art so much fun in general. I knew that if I got good enough at it I could draw almost anything I wanted if i pushed myself to learn.
I get verrry engrossed learning anything creative and visual, whether it be making my own website, sewing, sculpting, video editing, 3d modelling, painting, woodworking, etc it's all SO! MUCH! FUN!! I also have to specify visual creativity because oh boy can i not stand trying to make music as much as i want to.
In school I was very obviously the art kid and one of the weird kids, but luckily never got bullied because i was charismatic enough and generally there weren't major major assholes at my schools somehow. I usually was involved with the special programs in my schools because of my enthusiasm to learn and participate, so I got an opportunity to enroll into an early scholarship program for LaGuardia art school in middle school which... i ended up turning down because i thought it would be too much work being in a college like that... which honestly only kind of regret because honestly now i'd rather get into drafting and architecture.
Speaking of drafting and architecture! The reason my dad became a painter is because my grandma couldn't afford to send him to school to become an architect, so he pushed me to go into the field as well now that I have the opportunity. I didn't really feel like it but it seemed kind of interesting designing buildings because if i knew how buildings were made, i could more accurately put detail into my art xD Most decisions I make are to improve my own artwork because it's my life and soul, and luckily i ended up getting interested into working with more drafting.
My first social media i posted art on was google plus, then came deviantart, then came youtube, then twitter, and now tumblr (and cohost & itaku). I still use twitter but my main account (@/hamunako) is essentially inactive, I don't care enough to keep posting there nor do i have the motivation NOR do i want to have the anxiety to feel like I have to keep posting because uh oh people wont interact with me otherwise!!!!! Now I just use a private account with less than 25 followers and its the best. I made this Tumblr account though just in case twitter finally deleted itself off of the face of the planet, and also because i've always wanted to figure out how tumblr works & instagram confused me even more than tumblr...
As for why i've been drawing SOOOO much lonely wolf treat lately??? Short answer: ADHD (possible autism too?), Long answer: A long long time ago I watched manlybadasshero's playthrough of lonely wolf treat and loved it, then i forgot about it until i went on itch a while ago and saw that nami had posted mochi in frosting so I was like WOAH THERE'S STILL NEW CHAPTERS?! I got even more into it when it turned out one of my new friends ALSO had played lonely wolf treat so we drew the characters and it allllll spiraled from there.
Can't think of anything else interesting to share regarding my lore but yeah!!! Also I take commissions, just message me and i'll show what I can do and my prices! Don't have a formal post yet but i'll get to it at some point, i'm not very formal in the first place xP
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gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
Start up venture 2
Hey there, Tumblr community! It's time to share an update on my café venture and delve into the highs, lows, and personal growth I've experienced along the way. Let's dive right in
What is working?👍😃
First and foremost, the café's atmosphere has struck a chord with our customers. The cozy ambiance, carefully curated décor, and comfortable seating have created a welcoming haven where people can unwind and connect. It's heartwarming to witness the positive energy and the loyal community that has formed around our café.
t's a joy to see customers enjoying their meals and sharing their experiences with others
What is not working?👎😢
Managing the delicate balance between creativity and profitability has been a learning curve. Introducing new menu items and experimenting with flavors is exciting but requires careful cost analysis to avoid financial strain. Striking the right balance between innovation and sustainability is an ongoing challenge.
How do I feel the project is coming?☺
The café project has been an exhilarating journey, filled with both triumphs and moments of self-doubt. Overall, I feel a sense of accomplishment as I witness the café evolving and becoming a gathering place for the community. Seeing smiles on customers' faces and receiving positive feedback reaffirms the progress we've made.
However, there are days when the weight of responsibility feels daunting. . Yet, the passion and purpose that initially drove me to embark on this venture continue to fuel my determination and excitement.
What am I learning about running a business?🗣👀
Running a café has been an incredible crash course in entrepreneurship. Here are a few key lessons I've learned along the way:
a) Time management: Balancing multiple responsibilities, from inventory management to marketing campaigns, requires effective time management skills. Prioritizing tasks and delegating when necessary has become essential.
b) Marketing strategies: Developing a strong online presence, leveraging social media platforms, and cultivating partnerships within the community have been invaluable in attracting new customers and fostering brand loyalty.
c) Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing trends, customer preferences, and unforeseen circumstances is critical. Flexibility and the willingness to embrace new ideas are essential for staying relevant in a competitive market.
What am I learning about myself?👩👌
Embarking on this café journey has provided me with numerous opportunities for self-discovery. It has illuminated my ability to handle stress and make quick decisions under pressure. I've realized the importance of perseverance and resilience when faced with challenges. Moreover, it has deepened my appreciation for the power of connection and community.
Ultimately, running a café has allowed me to embrace my passion for culinary creativity, hospitality, and creating memorable experiences for others. It's a constant reminder of the endless potential for growth, both as a business owner and as an individual.
Thanks for joining me on this adventure, Tumblr fam! Your support and enthusiasm mean the world. Stay tuned for more updates from the café! :)
Warm regards
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tea-of-destiny · 1 year
About me! 🍵
(last updated 9/26/24)
Background 🤗
Hi! I'm Peter (he/him), also known as Tea of Destiny. I'm currently on staff with a high school marching band. My academic specialties are music theory and intercultural studies, and I play the bassoon, contrabassoon, and trombone ^^
In my free time, I like to write, draw, and play video games. I identify as aroace and a transmasc enby.
Additionally, I have an online store for double reed players! I sell designs on Redbubble and bassoon reeds on Big Cartel. Check out my links section below.
Major interests ✨
Professor Layton (NWOS spoilers are currently untagged!)
Kingdom Hearts
Art and photos
Media analysis
Miraculous Ladybug
Super Mario, especially Super Mario Galaxy (my favorite game of all time)
Music, many varieties thereof
Handy links 💻
AO3 account: TeaofDestiny
Tumblr post: Some kind of fic rec list I guess
Online shops Tumblr blog: bassoonacedreeds
Double reed Redbubble: BassoonAcedDRS
Blog design credits 🎉
Icon: me :)
Header image: @/aro-sora (based on a post I made once)
Desktop theme: @/capecoding
Other possible post topics (non-exhaustive list) 👍
Ace Attorney
The World Ends With You
The Legend of Zelda
Final Fantasy
Fire Emblem
Star Wars
Avatar: The Last Airbender
A little bit from popular anime on Tumblr, e.g. Trigun, Spy x Family
The Masked Singer, primarily US Season 3
My original characters :)
Cats, turtles, weevils, other cool critters
Current global events
General life resources
Useful tags 📌
teaposts: All of my original posts
teafics: My writing
teadraws: My art
teawips: Samples of stuff I'm working on
peter's song of the day: Where I occasionally post music I've been jamming to
queueofdestiny: Posts from the queue
vintage tea: Original posts from my previous blog @/teaofdestiny
answered: For asks I've received
reference: Posts I may want to find later
ask memes: Questions or prompts you can drop in my ask box
not fandom: Things not related to a specific fandom (even if they're fandom-in-general subjects)
relevant: Relates to a fandom, but doesn't warrant fandom tagging
Additional notes about the blog 📖
I don't have any spoiler tags or content warnings consistently integrated on my posts. That said, if you follow my blog and have a reasonable request for such a tag, I am always willing to listen!
I like being included in tag games, getting asks, chatting over DMs, etc.! I'm not always the best at answering those right away, but I promise that doesn't mean I hate you or am ignoring my inbox on purpose ^^"
Also, please keep in mind that I value the ability to curate my own experience on this blog as I see fit, and I respect your right to do so as well, even if it means our experiences are incompatible. No one is owed an explanation for what someone does and does not want in their space.
That's about all I can think of right now. If you read this far, thanks for following along! Hope you enjoy my blog ^^
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queenheritageposts · 2 years
not me getting kinda sad seeing the number of dead and deactivated blogs on these posts (i mean it happens to all fandoms eventually. but still)
naurrrr you’re right 😭
it is an interesting observation on how big the fandom once was
i can’t say much about 2018 and earlier considering i didn’t become a queen fan until 2019 but even then 2019 and early 2020 a lot more blogs and accounts i feel like were still active with queen content
but like you said it happens 🫡 probably due to the hype of bohemian rhapsody dying off and after the awards some people simply got bored with either deactivating, abandoning or remaking their blogs and moving into different interests and since nothing big as a movie has been released then it’s inevitable the fandom is gonna slow down especially with a band that doesn’t make new music anymore for over 20 years and the lead singer has passed away and the bassist has retired
heck, i fell off of queen for a bit around late 2020 and didn’t come back until 2022 lol
i highly doubt the fandom will ever get to the big state it was around the film’s release unless bohemian rhapsody 2 gets announced which uhhh
anyways it’s sad but i am glad to be around again and even if it’s not the bustling fandom it once was on here, i still enjoy being a queen fan and enjoying their music ❤️ and it’s still neat to see who still sticks around or even the newer fans!
and besides even when i was in my first phase of being into queen and the fandom was still big let’s just say the fandom was hectic to say the least…instagram fandom was discourse abound lol it was chaotic time but at the same time i do still miss what a more big fandom brings at least on tumblr; seeing so much cool fanart and people having fun discussions about their albums it was pretty cool! while ofc people still do this, it seemed to have been to a much bigger extent during bo rhap’s release, but i am also at the same time glad that era is over and things died down a bit
but back to your point it is kind of sad to see all these blogs either be inactive or straight up deactivated
sometimes i find these blogs that haven’t been updated since like 2019 and it’s an interesting time capsule of once was the queen fandom lmao
these inactive blogs are like dinosaur footprint fossils…in a way idk
anyways watch as i am wrong and bohemian rhapsody 2 and like another unreleased hasn’t seen the light of day 2 hour documentary from another tour of theirs just gets dropped on us
i hope bo rhap 2 never happens but getting another documentary that nobody has seen in half a century would be cool though
also unrelated and apologies for all these tangents i went on, but i want to one day make a queen iceberg video that sounds fun honestly 🤭 and also queen lost media too? maybe i can make some posts about those topics one day idk, but i do plan on probably debunking a fake story post on here that has over 100k notes so stay tuned 👍
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rose-riot-johnson · 28 days
🍡About Rose Riot Johnson🍡
Tumblr media
🍡Welcome to my blog my Tumblr Peeps🍡
I decided to have a post about my blog (and myself), plus other stuff pertaining this blog😃👍Yes, I do change what I have as my pinned post depending on how I feel, however this post will be my pinned post (for now), until I decide to change what will be my pinned post, for any reason. While I haven't figured out how to write a masterlist, I figured I'd atleast write some some stuff I could think of for this post.
🍡Possible Fun Facts(?)🍡
*While my real 1st name is Amber, I am okay with being called "Amber" or "Rose" or "Rose Riot" or "Rose Riot Johnson"😁👍I seriously don't mind😃👍
*When I 1st started on Tumblr, I did use a different name of this blog, however I decided I wanted to change it to "Rose Riot Johnson" 🍡
*While there are things I dislike, there are alot of things I like also, especially cartoons, anime, certain shows, some movies as well😁👍
*I also have favorite characters, however favorite characters may change for me, considering I keep getting different shows, especially cartoons and anime that I like😅
*I did have this blog since late 2019 and started writing fanfics since sometime early 2020😁👍As for art I did post on Tumblr, however with some changes happening with other social media platforms that I have, I haven't done as much art, however when I do go back to doing art and posting it on Tumblr, time will tell... While I do take requests with writing fanfics, with art I don't right now...
*I like wrestling (especially WWE), so this blog can be about wrestling (even WWE) just, as well as it can be about cartoons and anime😃
*On Tumblr I have only told very people about this, however with some posts I do reblog, especially post involving autistic people, I was diagnosed as autistic at a young age. Yes, as someone who is diagnosed as autistic, I feel late diagnosed and self diagnosed is valid, wheather it's autistic, ADHD, and other neurodivergents also😁👍
*This blog is LGBTQIA+ friendly and this blog is also friendly with different skin colors and races, just as well as this blog is Neurodivergent friendly and friendly with other disabilities🌈😃👍
*I am good at spelling words, however I will choose to shorten up words in my own way, unless I'm writing a fanfic.
*Just as much as I enjoy writing fanfics, I do enjoy reading other fanfics that the other fanfic writers, as well😁👍
*On what wheather or not I do reblog certain things, I will reblog if it's something I like or something I agree with or something I know I'm not conflicted with. As for most of the posts that I am the original poster in, it will likely be about the fanfic(s) that I do write, especially if it's a requested fanfic😃👍
*When I started reading fanfics, I was very happy that I started reading fanfics (which the 1st fandom I have read about was Bleach), reading fanfics have brighten my day honestly, however when I started watching My Hero Academia, I have been reading some fanfics that pertained My Hero Academia and there are fanfic artists who really inspired to write fanfics. I really have learned that I really wanted to write fanfics, because it's fun and I figured the fanfics I do write might put a smile on their faces like reading the fanfics put a smile on my face😁👍So, yes it's does really make me happy when I noticed someone who is happy with a fanfic I do write🌞😃👍
🍡Fanfic Preferences With Writing Fanfics, About Requests, What About Asks, And Any Rules🍡
*There are plenty of fandoms (cartoons and anime especially) I do write about and I have a long list of fandoms I will write about, regardless if I have written about any characters from this fandom or not. Even tough there are atleast a few fandoms I don't write about (Such as, Harry Potter and Star Trek), and despite this I do take in consideration that every1 has different likes and dislikes, however any fandom that might caught my attention that might be controversial or that might be being boycotted and I'm aware of it, even if I have written about any characters from that fandom before, there might be a change I may not write about or may hold off on continuing to write about. That goes for having specific restaurant names (especially fast food restaurants), specific names of certain places when it comes to writing fanfics, and specific name brand names, even if I have mentioned then with writing fanfics in the past.
*Character wise, I will write about certain characters when they get requested, however some characters I do get hesitant with writing on my own terms due their reputations, however certain characters I have written on my own (especially multiple times) if I do write that character who I notice getting hate, it will be probably rare I might write about that particular character, on my own.
*While I do hate turning down fanfic requests, I am not obligated either, however depending on the request, especially when I figure out how to write the fanfic you are requesting, there's a good chance I will definitely write the fanfic you requested😃👍
*With The Fanfics I have written in 2020 and 2021, I do apologize for not writing certain characters without mentioning "adult (character name), however with certain characters I have been writing them, as "adult (character name)", however if I do forget to write "adult (character name)" in any fanfics I do write, I did get into a rush or I ended up not remembering to write that down for any specific character. Those who dislike me writing "adult (character name)" with any character for any reason, please scroll past that particular fanfic...
*It has caught my attention some fanfic artists (from Tumblr) that have dealt with getting their fanfics copied by other blogs or others from different platforms without crediting the originators of their fanfics, if you do see me write credit to any specific fanfic artist (even if their accounts are deactivated on Tumblr) or credits to any fanfic artists in general depending on what they written, or if I credit someone for giving me the fanfic idea or if I credit any1 for any reason, I rather not risk any trouble, especially guilt of not giving credits, especially when I feel in my heart that I should give credits✏️✍️📝📖👩‍💻
*When it comes to others sending me asks, I'm fine with it, however if I am more than uncomfortable with this ask or if I feel guilty for not answering the ask within a long period of time (even if it's not a fanfic) or if I feel it's rude, there could be a chance I could delete that ask. So, apologies ahead of time, if I don't answer the ask right away, or if it takes me a long time to complete the ask or if I do delete the ask for any other reason (if I feel I need to do so).
*While you are not obligated to like and reblog, the fanfics I do write, however you are also allowed to, so it's encouraged🙂 With other people's blogs if I do read about "not to follow back" or anything about having any specific rules not to spam like and/or spam reblog I will try my best to respect this boundaries (or these boundaries)🤝💫
*If I do write fanfics about actual people (other than the reader) it would be very rare, for now. I do include wrestlers, as real people, too. While I have rebloged posts pertaining wrestling, rebloged posts about wrestlers (especially a fanfic or so before), and might actually work on a post about wrestling (especially a wrestler) someday, I just am more comfortable writing the characters for now😅
*When I do write fanfics, unless there's something specific fanfic request you prefer to have or not for me to write for a particular fanfic (if I plan on accepting this request) or I plan to accommodate for a specific blog, otherwise I will write a fanfic that I have ideas for, as long as I feel it's not being boycotted or controversial.
*If you want to request a fanfic for me to write, you can send an ask or send me a message😁👍 While I can be quick with completing a request, however depending on how my schedule is or if anything else comes up or depending on how long it takes me to come up with these ideas on how to complete the request, I may take a week, if not longer, however I do tend to take more time when it comes to trying to complete the request if your request is sent through a message. Either way, there is a chance I will write what you requested, especially depending on how you request in a fanfic, too😃👍
*I usually will write a character x reader, especially character x female reader, character x they/them reader, and character x male reader, however I also have been a little more opened to writing ship drabbles😁👍
*And also before I do start on a fanfic request, if you prefer not to be tagged in any particular posts, please kindly let me know. I just figured I'd mention this, because while every1 I have done fanfic requests for I have tagged are atleast content (unless it's an anon request obviously) so far, however I will respect your boundaries if you're someone who prefers not to be tagged in a fanfic request, before I do start on a fanfic you requested. And if the fanfic request is through an ask, once I do start on a requested fanfic, aside from reblogging posts, I will be prioritize writing a requested fanfic, otherwise.
🍡What About This Blog's DNI Rules And What You Will Block Others For, That Could Be Thought Of Mentioning?🍡
Where should I start with talking about DNI (which is obviously Do Not Interact) and Blocking?🤔💡
*If I suspect you might be a bot (especially a porn bot). While I have written smut fanfics and +18, when I suspect you might be a bit, especially porn bot, this is why I have blocked you.
*While constructive criticism is good, however poking fun at any fanfics I do write is not cool, especially very negative comments with any fanfics I write. Seriously... Poking fun at fanfics in anyway is not cool! It may seem or sound "childish" when I do mention this, however there's a fine line with constructive criticism and poking fun at fanfics and just like everyone else, I have boundaries! What else is definitely "NOT COOL" is poking fun at other blogs or me for any reason! So if you want to be rude or poke fun at fanfics, either scroll past it and not come back to the fanfic you scrolled past or be prepared to be blocked🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️Don't be surprised if I do block you for these reasons I mentioned👎👎👎If you poke fun other posts, especially posts I make (includes this post) you will be block, as well🤷‍♀️👎
*If I feel that you are rude to me, especially in my asks, I will block you. If you an anon (anonymous) who is being rude to me, I am not obligated to answer an ask that I feel is rude. While every1 is entitled to their own preferences, I have a right to not answer anything if I feel is rude or something I feel might be toxic to me. Plus just like with stuff pertaining the fanfics I write, there is a fine line between constructive criticism and being rude (and/or hateful). I haven't dealt with that part yet, however I'm aware that there are other blogs who have dealt with rude and/or hateful anons. I tend to be, too nice, however I just don't have time for any1 being rude to me, especially anons who I feel who are hateful and/ or rude to me 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
*Racism (especially against people with different skin colors (especially colored)), Ableism, and being anti LGBTQIA+ are things that are also not cool🤦‍♀️I get every1 wants to be respected, however I have my reasons why I have this for this post. So, please be respectful when you interact with this blog🤦‍♀️So, if I find out you're racist, an ableist, and anti LGBTQIA+, I will block you👎
*I also won't waste my energy, if you comment on any fanfics (or posts) mentioning about mental illnesses or sensitive topics or even make comments, especially when any posts that I reblog or any posts I originally made (including fanfics) doesn't talk about any forms of it, unless the post mentions about them, especially posts I've made! So depending on how it's mentioned while there's a chance you could be curious about me with certain things, I do get concern or worried that you could be trying to drain my energy, because to me depending on how you mention these things, unless it's mentioned in the rebloged posts or posts I originally did, I'm gonna feel it's an unsolicited comment. Yes, I'm autistic! However if you mentioned about mental illnesses or any sensitive topics, I will likely not reply to you, as I might block or delete your comment (or both), unless I did talk about mental illnesses or sensitive topics, so you better have a good reason for saying this in the posts I rebloged or in the posts (especially fanfics) that I originally posted. So if I am comfortable talking about sensitive topics, "mental illnesses", and other personal stuff pertaining myself I either will and/or mention about it, if I decide to reply, or a post, or even message you about it! I don't know if I'm being mean or heartless for saying this, the thing is this is part of my boundaries and just as well as every1else has their boundaries I have my boundaries too, so if I'm being cruel for mentioning about this as my boundaries, then I'm not responsible for you not liking or being upset over talking about this being part of my boundaries! If I do reply then depending on how I do reply I will either try to be nice about it or I could lose my cool, which I do hope I never end up doing when replying to your comment... And if I haven't lost my cool on Tumblr yet, then hopefully it will never happen on here...
So far this is all I can think of for what to have in this post, my Tumblr Peeps😃👍For those who are atleast curious about what rules I have and other stuff, here it is for now and hope this will be okay💫For any1 who dislikes what I mention about in this post for this blog, especially rules and the DNI stuff amd what I haven't writen, I do apologize. This is how I feel about this blog and I don't plan to compromise about what I said in this post. I hope I didn't come across, too harsh or anything. I just figured mention what I feel is need and that I could think of. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day and/or night☀️🌞🌕🌝
🍡Post started in spring 2024 & Post completed at the end of August 2024🍡
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*Updated (9/3/2024): Any1 curious, if requests are opened, fanfic requests are definitely opened🍡🍡🍡
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soopod · 28 days
ok hiiiii tumblr..... intro post since i Really wanna start hanging out on here more....
i am martin! i use he him and it its.
i am an undiagnosed chronic pain haver. need to figure out what's going on with that. cane user off and on! thought that was worth mentioning. + i'm neurodivergent :p
i am the queerest over old men. yall don't get them like i do. i have ocs! ill probably open an ask thingie! they are my pride and joys. please talk to me about my ocs. there will be plenty of posts about them around.
reanimator fan (if you can't tell), falsettos, jerma985, half life, alien, you name pieces of media related to science and i will flock towards it with the intent of getting attached to a old, male, queer-coded scientist. i am a theatre enjoyer And performer--ive been in a bunch of local shows + stuff in more professional settings. super big on having a sense of self though so i don't major in theatre or anything. guess what! i'll just grow with my skills actually. i don't need to be taught. ill kill you
my insta is sssopod, tiktok is corruptdoctorr (disc is the same), pinterest is frreakthing . i post more on tiktok 👍
ok that is all thank you
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