#i have clients today
eyrieofsynapses · 2 years
hey, Leverage peeps, I've got a thought. I've seen a lot of posts and memes joking about Nate's inability to understand that his clients do not want money, they want revenge. I also find this funny. but I was thinking about it and I realized something: there's a personal reason behind it. there is a very, very good reason why Nate doesn't get that.
Nate's drive to lead Leverage, outside of the crew, originated from his son's death due to his insurance company's refusal to cover the bill for the required treatment. we all know this. if his company had paid for Sam's treatment, everything would've been fine.
…or, if Nate had been a little wealthier, had a little more change to spend… maybe he could've paid for it. maybe Blackpool never would've had a say in any of it. maybe Nate would've had everything under control from the start.
we've discussed at length in the fandom how money equals safety for some of the others in the crew (Parker and Hardison grew up with little to none and know its importance to survival, Eliot needs it to stay ahead of his old enemies, etc.), but I don't know that I've seen any discussion on how it's relevant to Nate. for him, however, money equals security in healthcare and in housing (he lost the house, remember?). Nate's older than the others. he remained in the same place for much longer, and he had a stable life for a while. the others haven't been in that position before. many of their clients, however, are at that place in life.
yes, for the others, money keeps them ahead of the game and it keeps them secure. but none of them ever lost a kid because they couldn't pay for healthcare. none of them risk losing the life of someone who is completely dependent on them when they don't have enough.
(Hardison, perhaps, has the closest understanding, considering he hacked a bank to pay for his Nana's healthcare. but he never lost her.)
Nate thinks ahead, you know? he has a long-term view of things. I imagine that for him, when clients refuse the money, they're not just refusing a month's worth of groceries, or a place to stay the night, or the ability to keep running. for him, they're refusing control over their hard-earned, stable, long-term living situation. they're refusing the potential to save a family member's life.
I dunno, guys. I think that's a pretty good reason to not understand why people don't want the money.
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immensity-to-dream · 1 year
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au where claw, not yet seeking world domination, is in the business of ousting and punishing fake psychics. suzuki sends serizawa to figure out if reigen's a fraud, but he forgets to factor in the power of gay tendencies. and also its the 1970s.
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theadventurek9 · 3 months
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She is everything to me.
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savage-rhi · 2 months
Magenta 😥
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pollen · 1 month
i'm going to enroll in a personal training certification course for fun :)
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pynkhues · 9 days
Just booked a new freelance writing contract from a client I thought had ghosted me, God-is-real.gif.
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comraderoscoes · 27 days
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lunasilvis · 1 month
I feel insane since I already do a (close to) fulltimer, but I'm gearing up the hours of work I put in my UX portfolio. Alarm set at 6 now every morning + work weekends until October 1st.
I really really want to finish all my work before the deepening of fall. This I plegded to myself. But writing out the research sections in particular (whilst ensuring it also looks "creative" and original, and isn't presented as just static, dry information) is incredibly time-consuming.
Yeah I succeed in keeping my head cool, but at times I feel all that is between my future life/realizing of dreams and now, is this darn portfolio and it feels challenging not to lose my shit over that and eat my desk whole lol
Again: patience, Michelle. It truly is a hell of a virtue
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shi0n · 9 months
just had the most insane 1h 30min moment w this maintenance worker. i wanna move somewhere far away where no one knows me.. SIGHHHH
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whosname · 2 days
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[Id. Digital sketch of 1. Tatsuma smiling in full conman mode saying "Kintoki, did ya know that bags containing 50 million yen were invented by jesus?" 2. Gintoki with a confuse expression picking his nose. End Id.]
Decided to listen The Unbelievable Truth on my morning mental health walk, caught a Henning Wehn episode. He always does the same joke at the beginning of his... talk but it always cracks me up.
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princess-fairytales · 2 months
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moomoorare · 5 months
Hough just ended my second shift of first day. Holy fuck my feet
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I know it’s a southern thing but man.
Saying “yes, ma’am” and “yes, sir” makes me wanna gag every time.
Whump has not helped with it.
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noodleblade · 9 months
i hate being tired when i have to do important work things. i can't just not do the accounting today but numbers and figuring out the order of steps is so hard rn my brain can barely string two thoughts together. help me ;--------;
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zippityzap · 7 months
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it’s been a hell of a day at work
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babygirlwolverine · 1 year
y’all I literally was at work today and realized that when I go into appointments with the doctors and they introduce me to the clients in the exam rooms, they’re like, “this is saph and she’s our 4th year vet student extern who is about to be a doctor” and I literally go….
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I have literally been saying “hi” and doing the jack wave every single time the doctors introduce me to clients aljslaklalsls
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