#i have ever since eating them. bc i hate chocolate cake and iceing but if u put them in front of ne i will eat yhe them
opens-up-4-nobody · 3 years
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Ahit characters food preferences / favorite foods hcs!!
This also has my hc names and stuff :3
Hat Kid / Kelpie- Kelpie's favorite foods are cookies and spaghetti. They generally just like sweets, pastries, and pastas, they also like things like ravioli, gummies, and sweet rolls
Pup hates anything with cheese or mustard, other than that pup will eat anything really
Bow Kid / Tabby- Tabby likes ice cream, especially Neapolitan and Cotton Candy. Like Kelpie she'll really at anything tho, the only thing he won't eat is stuff with gluten since she has Coeliac Disease
Meow doesn't like blackberries and most salty foods though
Mustache Girl / Penelope- Mu likes simple kiddy foods like mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, etc etc. She also really likes seafood, especially shrimp. Star doesn't like most sweets besides a rare few.
Mu is also lactose intolerant, but that never stops her.
Cooking Cat / Charlotte- cc likes almost anything, they're a chef after all, their favorite foods are any type of comfort foods. Though they don't like seafood, it's not like they won't eat it at all just not her favorite.
The only type of food cc hates is fast food the stuff makes her feel sick.
Mafia Boss / Romeo- mb has a GIANT sweet tooth, he absolutely adores anything sweet he just has a big soft spot of it. I feel like he'd mostly like chocolates and lollipops. He also likes muffins, especially chocolate (surprise surprise) and banana.
Other foods I think he'd like is pastas, I also imagine he'd adore any type of cultural food. I can't think of anything he'd dislike? Idk maybe fish? Bc working in a fish factory might make you sick of it even if you've never eaten it.
I feel like he'd just eat and like anything without question
Goofy Mafia / Sasha- Goofy likes Italian and Russian foods, and soups, idk he seems like a soup fella. His favorite is probably Ukha.
I also feel like he'd like cakes, especially cheesecake or red velvet
The Conductor / Bonnie- Con's favorite food is pumpkin pie, she just likes pies in general. Con probably enjoys any type of comfort foods, as well as simple meals.
She also enjoys quick stuff like bagels and muffins, stuff you can eat and get quickly since she's used to having them while working.
DJ Grooves / Piers- I hc Grooves as vegetarian so obviously he'd enjoy anything without meat in it. He probably likes mostly salads or pastas.
He also enjoys snack foods, like popcorn, chips, ect.
Also he's French so he probably like traditional French foods. It also has a soft spot for sweets, not that spook would ever admit it.
The Snatcher / Alaire- canonically Snat likes bacon (ew), so he probably likes other type of breakfast foods as well such as pancakes, eggs, toast ect ect. I feel like he'd also like fancy stuff, he is a prince after all! So anything that could be expensive he'd try
Queen Vanessa- Vanessa also has a major sweet tooth (like mother like son eh?) she definitely loves chocolates, candies, treats anything of the such. She also likes simple "commoners" foods, just bc she's used to eating it when seeing her people which she does a lot.
Also she likes Mexican food, but that's mostly bc I see her as Latina.
The Florist / Celestina- Celestina enjoys salads and fish, simple as that. She's pretty picky so she doesn't quite enjoy anything else besides those. Her favorites are salmon and Caesar salad
The Empress / Hoshi- Emp has high class refined tastes, so she's only eat the best most fancy foods. That's it that's all I have I ran out of ideas hehshdeg
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all of them for the ask game
babe im so bored rn thank you
1 (fav tv otp) - i have way too many, but lokius off the top of my head
2 (fav color) - maroon
3 (fav quote) - we are made of star stuff
4 (zodiac sign) - leo
5 (middle name) - three people know my name and theyre all family members
6 (when is your birthday) - august 13
7 (what is your love language) - physical touch
8 (rom com or drama) - romcom as long as its good
9 (three places you want to go) - im saying fictional places, bc ive been to a lot of the places i want to go to, so stark tower, the dragon continent in wings of fire that i can't remember the name of, the tardis
10 (fav scent) - vanilla or new books
11 (last song you listened too) - little miss perfect
12 (im giving you a plane ticket, where are you going) - los angeles
13 (chocolate or vanilla) - vanilla
14 (cake or donuts) - donuts
15 (what color would you wear for the rest of your life) - black
16 (favorite quote from a book) - i dont have any right now, but when i was in middle school i had a whole journal full of books quotes i like
17 (you are in a fight, which tumblr acc do you want to help you) - i can box so i dont know if i need help, but i feel like plank would be like cheering me on from the sidelines, so zir
18 (cotton candy or ice cream) - i havent had cotton candy in forever, so ice cream
19 (dream career) - director
20 (biggest pet peeve) - loud noises and getting squished in between people (are these pet peeves? idc i hate them)
21 (describe your style/aesthetic) - k my style is oversized cropped t shirts, jean shorts and sweaters. my aesthetic is late night writing, ice cream dripping down cones and fairy lights
22 (favorite thing about yourself) - every saturday i do my nails, since if they're bare i bite them, and so ive gotten really good at painting both my own nails and other peoples and sometimes ill get fun acrylic nails and my nails just always look so nice!!!
23 (favorite day of the week) - saturday. there's no expectations, i can just do whatever
24 (morning or night person) - night. obviously
25 (tea or coffee) - neither
26 (if you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be) - k i suck at making decision so either carry on or once and future
27 (you're stuck in a lift with your favorite tumblr account who is it) - @thedragonemperess!!!!!!!!!!
28 (do you have any siblings) - yes a younger brother he's a pain
29 (biggest fear) - dying alone
30 (favorite word and why) - eleftheria, it's greek it means freedom and death, and i like it because it kind of shows that like freedom and death are super similar AND OH LOKIUS FANFIC IDEA!!!
31 (you're in a bookstore and you can get three books, which ones) - once and future (hardback) this one doctor who book in fancy leather that i saw like five years ago that i havent forgotten about but is now out of print that i still want (hardback) the improbable adventures of sherlock holmes (hard back)
32 (comfort movie/tv show) - i have a couple. schitts creek, marvels runaways, jatp, the librarians.
33 (describe your tumblr in five words) - chaotic, fandom, queer, random, idk
34 (what celebrity/person do you look up to the most) - i dont look up to people im too tall
35 (worst tv show/movie you ever watched) - loki (/j) actually the red shoes it was this french movie i think, it was so terrible
36 (fav/lucky number) - 13
37 (favorite flower) - roses or tiger lilies
38 (favorite gemstone) - ruby, opal, peridot
39 (what color would you dye your hair) - light blue or dark red
40 (back or forward in time and where?) - no preference, actually. either sounds fun
41 (what are you eating for your last meal) - garlic bread
42 (favorite flavor of ice cream) - cherry and birthday cake specifically from my work
43 (you can have dinner with one person dead or alive who would it be) - the tenth doctor
44 (you can only use one product for the rest of your life, what is it) - i have no idea what this means
45 (favorite time of day) - 1am
46 (do you get complimented often) - kind of. my nails and eyes get complimented a bit, but other that that not really
47 (what languages do you know/want to learn) - i know english. and i would really like to know how to speak spanish, latin, and american sign language, but i dont have the patience or memory to learn languages ive tried like four times
48 (favorite fruit) - mango
49 (characters from the last tv show you watched are planning your wedding) - k im never getting married, but if i ever get platonic married, it would be planned by the librarians and i am 100 % fine with that
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yibo-wang · 4 years
thank you for the tag 💛💛💛 @gremlinmetawin @metawin (sorry im late!)
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? i usually use a widetooth comb cause a hairbrush is my hairs worst enemy. one’s wooden and another is baby blue 
2. Name a food you never eat. i once ate extremely bad lasagna so now i can never eat (it’s how it was with sushi for the two of you haha)
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm :( 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? making gifs 
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? TWIX!! also mars (i’m so glad no one in my family likes mars so i can always eat it without worrying about someone stealing my chocolates lmao)
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? nope
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “You said you’ll never watch vagabond” to my sister
8. What is your favourite ice cream? might sound basic but vanilla always!
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? same, water.
10. Do you like your wallet? yepp! i got it last year and it has tiny faces of Finn from adventure time :D i dont usually use it (i stuff money in my pockets like a proud heathen XD), it’s just in my uni bag but i really like it,
11. What is the last thing you ate? cake 
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i got a dress shirt yesterday (note: always buy shirts from men’s section,, they have better fitting lmao)
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? table tennis cause i miss it :(
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? cheese or butter 
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my cousin
16. Ever been camping? nope, but i really wanna
17. Do you take vitamins? Same! i should but i forget
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? i pray at home
19. Do you have a tan? nope the sun’s not out much these days and neither am i lol
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? both
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? if it’s available 
22. What color socks do you usually wear? yellow when i need luck??otherwise i usually wear mismatched colored socks (it’s intentional lol)
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? surprisingly i’ve only ever driven when my mom’s with me in the car and she wont let me
24. What terrifies you? let’s not talk about this rn 
25. Look to your left, what do you see? a waterbottle
26. What chore do you hate most? washing dishes it’s eek 🙄
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? 5sos?? are they still a band?? vegemite?? 
28. What’s your favorite soda? coke
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? if i’m the one driving i prefer going inside bc I hate how narrow drive thrus are and i’m always super far away from the window so its embarrassing when I’m like leaning outside my window to grab the food lmaoo but if someone else is driving, drive thru (^^ same)
30. What’s your favorite number? 5 ig
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My sister
32. Favorite meat? depends on the food but usually chicken but definitely beef if it’s a burger
33. Last song you listened to? easy by troy sivan (and it’s really catchy)
34. Last book you read? i’ve been rereading tgcf these days
35. Favorite day of the week? everyday has been the same this year lol but saturdays these days cause new tgcf ep!!
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? yes :3 (a bit rusty now but yep)
37. How do you like your coffee? milk and like very very little sugar (that is imp)
38. Favorite pair of shoes? i got a pair of baby pink rose goldish whatever that color is lol adidas and they’re literally the comfiest pair of shoes (i’d literally wear them every day)
39. Time you normally get up? since i don’t have class these days so it ranges from 8 to 12 lol otherwise it’s 7:30
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunrise (also they’re usually rare in the sense that I’m not usually awake at that time yk)
41. How many blankets on your bed? two cause it’s really cold these days
42. Describe your kitchen plates. white lol
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. clean
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? i dont drink
45. Do you play cards? not to brag but i taught half of my batchmates how to play cards in uni dshskd 
46. What color is your car? black
47. Can you change a tire? no but i really wanna learn
48. Your favorite state or province? people have those??
49. Favorite job you’ve had? I’ve only had one job and that was giving this kid tuitions lol 
tagging: @manhasetardis @aheartfullofjolllly @leonzhng @wei-gege @veronaprincess @vishcount @candicewright @morksuns if you want to ofcourse (ik its too big haha)
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stevethehairington · 4 years
tag game: 50 Qs
i was tagged by @scimitar-and-longsword and @nicolodigenovas thank you v much my dears  💕 💕
what is the color of your hairbrush? blue!
name a food you never eat: mushrooms, fuck those fungi
are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm. i deadass got into AC/heating unit wars with my roommates bc they constantly wanted the heat on even when it wasnt cold and i’d be melting lmao.
what were you doing 45 mins ago? 45 mins ago i was just getting home from work!
what’s your favorite candy bar? twix!! 
have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes i sure have, i’ve been to many. i have season tickets to my local professional soccer team’s games, and i’ve even been to the women’s world cup!!
what is the last thing you said out loud? “Oh fuck” because i dropped a piece of the chocolate shell of my klondike bar on my bed lmfaoo
what is your favorite ice cream? COOKIE DOUGH
what was the last thing you had to drink? i currently am drinking coffee! (yes at 11 at night lol)
do you like your wallet? yes? when it has money in it at least lol
what is the last thing you ate? i just had a boston cream klondike bar
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no i did not
what’s the last sporting event you watched? soccer game last saturday!
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? movie theater butter or bust!!!
who is the last person you sent a text message to? my best friend caroline
ever been camping? since im pretty sure sleeping in a tent in my backyard doesnt count as ~ real ~ camping, no lol
do you take vitamins? no
do you regularly attend a place of worship? lmfao no, ive never stepped foot in a temple or a church even (not for religious reasons anyways)
do you have a tan? no, but i used to get hella tan every summer when i was on a swim team bc spending every single day outside in the blazing sun for hours on end. i miss that tbh lol
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? tbh depends on my mood
do you drink your soda through a straw? at restaurants yeah, but like from a can or at home in a cup no
what color socks do you usually wear? omg i have So Many socks i love socks, i have harry potter, star wars, marvel, pennywise/it, a whole bunch of holiday themed socks, mickey mouse socks, a shit ton of fuzzy socks, etc etc etc lol
do you ever drive above the speed limit? ... this question feels like a trap 👀
what terrifies you? complete and utter failure to have a purpose or make an important contribution to the world before im gone 🙃
look to your left, what do you see? my wall, but more specifically the calendar on my wall
what chore do you hate most? vacuuming
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? my lovely aussie wives 💕
what’s your favorite soda? peach fanta
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? mostly the drive thru 
what’s your favorite number? 3!!
who’s the last person you talked to? in person, my mom and dad
favorite cut of beef? uhhh tenderloin?? idk man 
last song you listened to? il pescatore - live by fabrizio de andré
last book you read? i just finished crazy by pete earley the other day!
favorite day of the week?  if i have nothing going on in terms of work or school, fridays, but if i do then saturdays
can you say the alphabet backwards? if i focus enough lol
how do you like your coffee? with two spoonfulls of sugar and hella creamer lol
favorite pair of shoes? my black converse high tops that are currently so worn they are starting to fall apart 
time you normally get up? lately noon lmao
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets, but that might be heavily influenced by the fact that i am not a morning person so im not usually awake for sunrises
how many blankets on your bed? right now, just one, but i have a whole big giant pile of them in my closet for when it gets cold
describe your kitchen plates. at home, they have an eggplant purple edge, the ones i had at my apartment were rainbow and very fun
describe your kitchen at the moment. clean, empty, dark because everyone is in bed.
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? i don’t drink, so water! lol
do you play cards? yessss
what color is your car? black 
can you change a tire? nope lol
your favorite state? state like US state?? if that’s what this means then new york babyyyy
favorite job you’ve had? working as a swim coach for my swim team takes the cake for sure, it was so much fun and i got to do what i loved with some of my best friends and hang out with a whole bunch of adorable kids that always brightened my day so it really was the best. 
I tag: @peachykoya @raynertodd @lucas-mustache @teffy @zahra-art @carverly @eufry @likedestiny @silvermadi and anyone else that wants to do this! 
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alolanrain · 5 years
Found Family!AU *Christmas Addition*
Because I’m in a hella big Christmas Mood(Tm) and I talked a lot with @hiddenbyfaeries over this.
Hi yes, Gym Leader Opal is now Ash’s Great Aunt on Giovanni’s side
And also Reluctant Great Uncle Kabu is a thing as well
So like imagine little bby Ash and Gary flying to Galar with Daisy and Delia to see Graunty Opal to make a bunch of deserts for the other Galar league officials
And Grunkle Kabu gets pulled into the shenanigans and there’s so many pictures of all the younger kids covered in flour while a younger Opal and Kabu stand on the outer side of the group smiling and laughing
even tho Rose wasn’t a chairman just yet
He was shadowing the older head Chairman who Ash and Gary absolutely adored but Ash hated Rose with a passion
But just imagine Ash leaving for his journies and both he and Gary couldn’t help make cookies but they would face time Graunty Opal and Grunkle Kabu the day of Christmas together if the two boys could
But then Ash and Gou get sent to Galar for some mission or something and Opal and Kabu find out and kinda abduct the two for baking time
And Opal does the grandma thing where they guilt trip poor Gary into coming down
And THEN Bede joins in
And suddenly there’s posts from the gym leaders and Bedes acc
And everyone is like “wait WHAT!?”
Because no one knew that Opal and Kabu even had an inkling of any other family members
besides Opal having Bede but their not even technically family and a lot of people just thought that Opal was even around Bede just to train the kid enough so that the boy could take over her gym
But then everyone realize’s its fucking Champion Ash Ketchum and most of the worlds new found favorite Professor Gary Oak
Bede just brags about meeting Ash and Gary but quickly gets embarrassed because both Opal and Kabu coo over them and take a shit time of pictures to post on their rarely used Twitter and Pokegram
So Rose comes down with Leon, and Hop who was tagging along with his older brother, and Oleana bc they were Christmas shopping for their respected families together
So the. Leon gets Piers and Marnie to come as well
And all three kids kinda freak out bc there’s Leon but also ASH KETCHUM and GARY OAK
But Ash and Gary are both glaring daggers and Rose who does them back bc he still remembers the twerps after ten years still
But then Raihan and the younger Trainers got into this little fight on who can take the best Christmas picture with Ash, Gary, and Gou
And then it becomes this kind of... contest???
Where all the Gym leaders + plus the kids would try and get the most Christmas themed picture with Ash, Gary, and Gou
Even Oleana gets in it a little with a picture here and there but it’s usually with just a single person out of the trio
Like a picture of Oleana and Gary out and about with some coffee/got chocolate and they look like their Christmas shopping
A picture with Ash and her looking cute in matching Christmas sweaters by an outside fire place that looks like it’s back behind Kabu’s house
And surprisingly a picture of Her and Gou sharing a large scarf eating candy canes while watching Gary tripping over his feet on an ice rink while Ash laughed while helping him up
But like there’s a picture Leon posts on his Twitter of The trio with the little ones looking for a Christmas tree with an added video of Ash and Gary calling each other thots and other names while disagreeing with what tree they should get while Gou and the kids are laughing in the back ground.
Raihan post a picture with Melony teaching Gary and Alister how to sled down a hill properly while Ash, Gou, and Bae pelt each other with snowballs at the bottom
Nessa posts a picture with the gang + the other gym leader + Marnie and Sonia showing off their nails that were all Christmas themed decorated
And everyone else is just e a t I n g this up
And it hits the national news and every one who knows Ash and Gary are just laughing
Then Ash’s Legendary™️ bs starts uo
So Opal post pictures and videos of the Trio playing in the snow with the Legendary Doggo’s and it’s the most like/shared/retweeted post she ever had
Opal and Kabu win though because they posted a side by side picture of the four + Daisy during their first Christmas baking session and the newest picture of the four + Gou
And Daisy ReTweets with the words “I’VE BEEN REPLACED!!!!” But it’s all in good humor
Delia finds all the pictures taken while the three are up in Galar and prints them all out and past’s them in multiple scrap books with older pictures that were taken in some places during past Christmas and that would be Opals and Kabus New Years present when Delia could finally come back up there to celebrate with everyone else
But then there’s pictures of Ash and Gary teaching Gou and the three younger trainers how to make perfect cookies and other deserts
And it’s posted to Ash’s AND Gary’s account with the words:
“Teaching the new family generation how to make the best Christmas desserts! ❤️”
And their all covered in frosting, flour, other cooking stuff
And just Christmas fluff that gives everyone more insight into Ash’s and Gary’s life
God now I can imagine Ash bringing like a shit ton of his friends who don’t have good families to a party a few days before Christmas and both Opal and Kabu just adopts them all
Opal teaching Gladion, Ritchie, and Cilan how to make traditional Christmas cakes while Kabu teaches Lillie, Alain, and a few others how to properly decorate and wrap Christmas presents
It happens exactly at 12 in the morning
Ash comes bounding down the halls with the younger trainers (Max, Bonnie, Marnie, Bede, Hop, and a few more people) from outside with the war cry of “MERRY CHRISTMAS FUCKERS!!!!”
They bust into the rooms of people who get worked up the easiest and p e l t them in snowballs
Everyone gets into this since they were all staying and Opals mansion because it’s the only resident that could hold them all
Kabu is the only one out of the very older part of the family to get into the fight
Agatha, Delia, and Opal choose not to be apart in favor of recording and taking a lot of pictures
But everyone’s dressed I. Their winter gear and PJ’s screaming and having so much fun
That the war last HOURS until everyone’s near freezing to death
Then they would all go back and change into warmer Pajamas and the three women who stayed out would disperse hot chocolate and drinks with a bit of alcohol to the older trainers and parents/siblings who can drink
Ash and Gary would be determined that Opal and Kabu go first on opening their presents under the massive 20 something-foot tree
But that’s on the actual Christmas Day
Before that Opal, Kabu, and Melony would drag the trio and the younger trainers (like Alister, Bonnie, Max, the Alola crew and a few more kids) to go see the giant 40 foot tree in the town square near Opals gym light up
Then they would split up and go to different kinds of shops and meet back up for dinner somewhere
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theslayer-archive · 4 years
💘 ellis and cat, sav and rocco, and your pick from our billions of pairings.
I didn’t do a third because I didn’t realise how long this was jfdjsjds sorry
Ellis and Cat
where they first met and how I don’t remember if it was middle or high school, but they met at school when Ellis sat next to Cat in home ec and she got him booted every lesson <3 
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved I don’t think they even really had one? Maybe the time they moved in up until the new years kiss kind of counts but tbh I think they just stumbled into having feelings for one another without realising. 
who fell for who first Ellis for Cat I think? It was mutual deep down but it wasn’t until he kicked things off that she started actually realising she had those feelings. 
where their first date was and what it was like I feel like most of their dates are more low key, funnily enough. Coffee and watching movies and going for walks rather than anything fancy, and it’s a miracle that Cat is okay with that, but with Ellis there’s a sense of relaxation she doesn’t get with other people and their dates reflect that. 
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ) Ellis asked Cat out initially when he was in his boxers bc he was taking a shower after she’d dumped vodka on him. They’d just had a heart to heart after an argument, which is usually the way it goes with them. 
who proposes first Ellis does. 
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away I don’t think they really have a reason to keep it secret? Cat has nobody to tell in the first place and maybe Ellis would have wanted to wait a little after getting back together to tell people about it but I don’t see that lasting long. 
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ) I think you said he proposes in a puddle in Little Italy ksdkfdkk
if they adopt any pets together All of the dogs
who’s more dominant I think it’s fairly equal in different ways? Cat is more forceful but Ellis is definitely the driving force of their relationship. 
where their first kiss was and what it was like On the couch on new years and very confusing. 
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ) I don’t think so, their tastes are too different jsjjasjds. 
how into pda they are Cat’s fairly into it I think? Not like dry humping in the supermarket or anything but hand holding and little touches and public kissing is all fine with her. 
who holds the umbrella when it rains Ellis does. 
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable ) Probably the dog park if anywhere. 
who’s more protective Catalina
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ ) I feel like they shared a bed fairly early but as we know they didn’t have sex for like a year. 
if they argue about anything They argue about everything. 
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ) Ellis probably? 
who steals whose clothes and how often I don’t think either steal one another clothes. 
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ) I always picture them side by side with her head on his shoulder tbh. 
what their favourite nonsexual activity is I think for Cat it’s just watching movies and hanging with the dogs together. 
how long they stay mad at each other Ten seconds and ten years at the same time. 
what their usual coffee / tea orders are Cat’s is either black coffee or herbal teas, Ellis I feel like has something super sweet and super foamy. 
if they ever have any children together Posie and Leo <3
if they have any special pet names for each other Just babe I think. 
if they ever split up and / or get back together I don’t think they will break up again, butt they obviously have before. 
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? ) If Cat has anything to say about it, it’ll be quite classy and neat, with little random touches of Ellis here and there that she hasn’t noticed yet. 
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like lots of fluff and love and time with the Halls <3
what their names are in each other’s phones She just has him as Ellis with a love heart but he probably gave her a name like KitKat or something she’d hate. 
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ) I don’t think they do actually? 
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first Ellis falls asleep first and Cat wakes up first. 
who’s the big spoon / little spoon Ellis is the big spoon. 
who hogs the bathroom Cat does. 
who kills the spiders / takes them outside Cat I think loool. 
Roccos and Savannah
where they first met and how On the streets of New York over a tub of ice cream 
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved legit 2.4 seconds flat 
who fell for who first I think probably Rocco but again only by split seconds. 
where their first date was and what it was like I think it was probably like a super chill pizza date, probably followed by going around an arcade or something like that, just lots of fun. 
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ) Rocco asked Savannah out at the end of their first date.  
who proposes first Rocco for sure. 
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away They told everyone. 
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ) Initially I thought it would be a spur of the moment proposal but since they went to shit I think he’d think a bit harder about it and take it really seriously, probably asking her dad for permission. For some reason I’m 99% certain he proposes at the zoo but I have no idea why hdshahsa
if they adopt any pets together I think they definitely do later on, probably at least a dog and a cat. 
who’s more dominant Rocco
where their first kiss was and what it was like Literally just on that sidewalk with the ice cream, something really sweet and fairly innocent.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ) Oh absolutely. Rocco picks up everything he sees. 
how into pda they are Rocco is super into it, he wants to have his arm around her constantly. 
who holds the umbrella when it rains Savannah has to because Rocco gestures a lot and they end up soaked. 
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable ) Somewhere quite active? Maybe Laser Tag.
who’s more protective Idk if either is but at a push, Savannah
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ ) The day they met
if they argue about anything They argue when they misunderstand each other more than anything. I feel like when they know each other better, they’ll argue super rarely but for now they keep missing one another. 
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ) I don’t think either are the type to excessively mark but probably Rocco
who steals whose clothes and how often Savannah steals Rocco’s
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ) Definitely spooning
what their favourite nonsexual activity is For Rocco I want to say it’s ordering takeout together tbh
how long they stay mad at each other Not long at all, I don’t think either really get that mad at one another they’re both just awkward. 
what their usual coffee / tea orders are They feel like hot chocolate people to me. 
if they ever have any children together I definitely think they do. 
if they have any special pet names for each other Eventually I can definitely see this but I haven’t found it yet. 
if they ever split up and / or get back together They dont officially split up bu they need to get back together. 
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? ) Messy and chaotic and full of bright colours, it absolutely has the lived in look. 
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like When they eventually have one I feel like they’ll get up super later, eat leftover Pizza for breakfast, open gifts and then spend the day playing dumb games. 
what their names are in each other’s phones Rocco has her saved as the ginger princess emoji with a purple love heart
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ) Again, they will eventually but it’s too early in their relationship to be established. 
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first I think Savannah to both is most likely
who’s the big spoon / little spoon Rocco is the big spoon who wishes he was a little spoon. 
who hogs the bathroom Rocco
who kills the spiders / takes them outside Savannah
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luckdies · 4 years
Tagged by @unwiht​ uvu I’ll always answer questions abt me
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
black and fuchsia ... it’s like really old 
2. Name a food you never eat?
mushrooms bc i’m suspicious of them
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
it varies every 30 min tbh
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
ranting to my patient bf
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
hm.... mint kitkat
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?
Oh yes lots. As a kid my group sang the anthem at hockey games (and chirstmas carols in front of town hall). I’ve been to many baseball games
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?
something about the ppl throwing around serious words 
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
mint! chocolate! chip!
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
white grape juice nO WAIT pepsi
10. Do you like your wallet?
it’s fine, it’s a big yellow beast with pineapple designs
11. What was the last thing you ate?
a failed chocolate lava cake
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
lol I last bought clothes nearly a year ago
13. The last sporting event you watched?
uhhhhhhmmmmm.... no earthly idea
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
movie theater butter OR local fair kettlecorn if that counts
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?
my dad, unfortunately, to yell at him for opening my mail asdkhtjlf
16. Ever go camping?
Oh yeah, took a whole camping road trip from Texas to North Idaho last year
17. Do you take vitamins?
No but I probably should
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
no absolutely not that involves judgmental Catholics in 20yo dresses
19. Do you have a tan?
mm I haven’t had a tan since I got too old for swim team I think
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Chinese food bc variety babyyy
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
uhm not out of a can but if in a cup yes
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
black I think? 
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
people don’t?
24. What terrifies you?
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
a blanket pile
26. What chore do you hate?
Dishes - horrible sensory.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
hm uh. Australia?
28. What’s your favorite soda?
vanilla coke mmm
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? 
I actually rather like to sit and chill in a fast food place esp if wifi
30. Who’s the last person you talked to?
currently my housemate and friend, CC
31. Favorite cut of beef?
If it’s beef I’m eating it, no complaints.
32. Last song you listened to?
uhmmm (goes to youtube) .... Dua Lipa - IDGAF
33. Last book you read?
currently Pearls of Lutra (part of the Redwall series by Brain Jacques)
34. Favorite day of the week?
hm time is fake I lost a whole ass Tues and Wed this week so
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Yes but with difficulty.
36. How do you like your coffee?
as ice cream
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
I wear my mint green sneakers everywhere with everything
38. The time you normally go to sleep?
Hahaha god only knows when I will sleep next.
39. The time you normally get up?
*distressed laughing*
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
Sunsets feel so peaceful
41. How many blankets on your bed?
A heated blanket, a purple light fleece, a thick anime merch one, and a king size gray weighted ... so 4
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
White cornell set with dainty tiny little pink flowers on the edges
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
bourbon, preferable with cranberry juice and maybe orange zest 
44. Do you play cards?
Sure. I’m decent at spades
45. What color is your car?
I had a white one... which died a brutal death. She hasn’t been replaced.
46. Can you change a tire?
In theory. Don’t think I have the arm strength anymore
47. Your favorite province?
What is this? Canada?
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had?
Face painting at the local race track!! Kids are so funny:)
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
Cosmetic/reconstructive??? surgery on my hand (twice)
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy?
mmm I existed in the room w my housemate which they claim counts
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wingshead · 6 years
FULL NAME:  Steven Grant Rogers GENDER & SEXUALITY: male / bisexual ETHNICITY & SPECIES: Irish-American / Human BIRTHPLACE & BIRTHDATE: Upper East Side, NY / July 4th, 1920.
GUILTY PLEASURES: sweets (cupcakes, cakes, chocolate, ice-cream … it’s steve’s secret weakness bc he tries so hard to eat healthy, sweet babe), sleeping in, show boating (he’s such a fucking show off guys, it’s not even funny), acting Innocent and Unassuming to get out of trouble and frustrate people when he acts like he doesn’t know what they’re talking about lmao.
PHOBIAS: waking up to find himself in a different time era again, losing his loved ones in battle, being unable to help someone in need, becoming what he hates / adhering to modern a/immorality, failure
WHAT THEY WOULD BE INFAMOUS FOR: his Guilt Trips, accompanied by his Disapproving Frown. that, and his sometimes infuriating stubborn nature lol
WHAT HAVE THEY/WOULD THEY HAVE GOTTEN ARRESTED FOR: breaking the law & refusing to cooperate with or work for the government, ironically enough haha
CHARACTER YOU SHIP THEM WITH: steve/sharon (the otp), tony/steve ( the other otp ♡ ), steve/wanda ( !!!!!! ), thor/steve, steve/rachel, steve/sam, steve/rebecca (it was short lived but i loved them so so much)
CHARACTER MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM: red skull / baron zemo / zola / the baddie of the week. that and tony for steve being so frustratingly stubborn. also sharon. because she’s gotta deal with his bs on a daily basis lmao
FAVORITE BOOK GENRE: historical / philosophical / sci - fi
LEAST FAVORITE BOOK CLICHÉ: sensationalism / shock factors
TALENTS OR POWERS: peak human strength, agility, stamina and reflexes. eidetic memory. world leading strategist. olympic level athlete. master in dozens of fight styles in martial and mixed martial arts, accelerated healing factor, indomitable will, multilingual, doesn’t age.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: he’s considerate. he’s kind. he’s empathetic, and understanding. despite his large and intimidating stature, and his ‘take no bullshit’ attitude, steve’s just a giant teddy bear, haha. he will do his utmost to make sure people are safe and comfortable, and will help those in need - whether they’re being attacked, or they’re in emotional pain. he’s just basically The Ultimate Mom Friend
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: he’s stubborn. he refuses to compromise, and therefore refuses to go along or even listen to plans that compromise. so, steve sometimes doesn’t listen to people, even when their plan is better. because of steve’s iron will and steadfast ideals and morals, people see him as holier-than-thou. also, villains hate him ‘cause he kicks their asses, lmao.
HOW THEY CHANGE: he doesn’t. steve over the past 75 years has remained largely unchanged as a whole. he still follows the same set of ideals and morals that he did in the 1940s, and is still the same person. still thinks the same. HOWEVER, this does change from time to time when he’s been betrayed, or when his loved ones are threatened. steve gets really ugly then. he does not rule out doing some bad stuff. he has threatened to kill, has aimed to kill, has let people been tortured. he hates doing it but. he does it. shit’s bad ya’ll. apart from anything to do with his loved ones though, steve changes in his response to the world. he always aims to go bigger, to tackle the next issue. he, eventually, manages to accept guilt and blame when he’s guilty and to be blamed – like how he hasn’t helped the x-men enough.
WHY YOU LOVE THEM: okay … li s t en. i’m going to try not to get too into this and write like, a whole fucking novel on him ok. lmao. but … i’ve been a fan of steve rogers since i was a kid. my father introduced me to marvel comics. i loved him. fell out of comics for a bit in like 2009, picked them back up like two years ago after ca:tws came out. fell in love with steve rogers again and to a whole new level because i could actually understand better what he stood for. fell out of love with comics in 2016 because of the bullshit nick spencer pulled with h*dra cap. got back into it now that it’s been over for a while and the first issue of the waid/samnee run pulled at my heart strings. steve rogers is … he’s an ideal. a lot of people look up to him. i look up to him. he’s a pretty popular superhero, despite many people not seeing him as a superhero since he has no superpowers. he’s not an anti-hero, or a sometimes hero, or a hero on the weekends, he’s a hero. his ideals, his morals, his belief system, they are so simple but pointed true north. protect those who cannot protect themselves, fight for what’s right even if others push you down or refuse to listen, and help one another. steve rogers doesn’t fight for the government, or for the country. he fights for the people. first and foremost. and despite all the shit that the world has thrown at him, despite all of the loss and the death and the grief and the hits he’s taken, the insults, the betrayals, the shocks, the trauma — steve rogers has remained steve rogers this entire time. the world can fuck him up, it can beat him down, it can shove him into the dirt and spit on him, and steve doesn’t let it change who he is. steve doesn’t let corruption touch him, doesn’t let his ideals waver, doesn’t let it stop him from fighting for what’s good and what’s right and fighting for the people who need it. steve could have easily, so easily, been a completely different person. near any other man would have broken and shattered under the weight of everything he’s been through and all of the responsibility that he carries on his shoulders every single day of his life. he could have been the most bitter, jaded, despicable fuck you have ever seen in your entire life.
but he isn’t. he’s kind. he’s compassionate. he sees the flaws in society and the corruption in the government and isn’t afraid to call people out on it. he isn’t afraid to disagree or go against his government if they do something that he can’t morally stand by. steve has trained every single avenger in hand-to-hand combat himself. he considers them family. he gives them the support they need - emotional, physical, mental. a lot of avengers, new and old, are/were reformed criminals, because cap gave them a second chance and vouched for them. he believes people can change. he has a huge heart. that’s been there since before the super soldier serum. steve is just such a good man, who looks for nothing else than the chance to help people, and constantly puts them before himself. he has given up and sacrificed so much of his life and of his own personal dreams in order to keep being what the public and the world needs him to be. he helps people. first and foremost.
and he doesn’t ask for anything in return other than for others to do the same.
TAGGED BY:  no one !
TAGGING: @ukubi / @roikhoi / @armorforged / @decommed / @theimperiusrex / @bestdefender / @gamenu / & anyone who wants to do this!!
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malunedyne · 6 years
Espero que ya hayas resuelto lo del antojo de ayer porque te toca responder el ask list dulce 🎂🍰🍫🍭🍯🍮🍩🍧🍦🍡🍨
tarde pero seguro, fam
chocolate: when was your first kiss? when i was 17
french vanilla: how old are you? 23 at the current moment
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to? JAPAN!!!! England, might as well say India
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak? japanese, it would be amazing for a weeb like be
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands? uhh *sweats loudly*
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors? it depends on what we’re talking about ???????
cookie dough: do you play any instruments? the drums, though i’d like to learn to play both piano and violin (and have a never ending interest for bass)
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment? Persona 5 OST, I listen to it everyday ever since January, certainly obsessed with this one
(maaaaaan, i love Lyn’s voice so much wtf)
butter pecan: favorite songs for life? Guardians of the Galaxy vol 1 n 2 OSTs. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign? the wild-card Aquarius
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool? beach, there’s not even comparison lol (except for mexican beaches….. i hate them, people are just noisy and dirty, disgusting)
chocolate chip: what’s your most popular post? can’t believe i have to scroll through my sherlockian past's mess to find it, here it is http://malunedyne.tumblr.com/post/88104749810
bubblegum: books or movies? i enjoy both very much but c’mon, i can’t choose. they give you different experiences
pistachio: manga or anime? aaaaaa fuck. dude. oh gods. it depends. about BL, i go after manga because of the lewd stuff, i must admit that. but most of times, i always go for the anime first and then the manga if i really went nuts with the animation.
salted caramel: favorite movies? ghibli movies, bro; 2001: a space odyssey; megamind
birthday cake: favorite books? THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY SAGA, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Shakespeare’s sonnets and Twelfth Night
moose tracks: favorites for manga? Doukyuusei’s saga (I haven’t read Blanc yet but dfkjsdkjsd), Mob Psycho 100 (webcomic, but it’ll count it as manga)
orange sherbet: favorites for anime? Mob Psycho 100, Nichijou, Hetalia, Cardcaptor Sakura
peanut butter: favorite academic subject? gender, social issues, art, jungian archetypes
black raspberry: do you have any pets? currently, a blond cat
mango: when and why did you start your blog? ohh shit, somewhere in March, 2012 (thought i had already stalked periodically a couple of blogs bc i was too depressed)
mocha: ideal weather conditions? warm but not hot, also cloudy while warm (warm rain is my favorite thing in the world)
black cherry: four words that describe you? random, tired, eccentric, imaginative
neapolitan: things that stress you out? procrastination, people’s stupidity and indifference, impotency, life in general,
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music? i like a wide range from classic rock to ethnic indian music so idk, but i hardly ever listen to music in spanish tho
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy? ferrero rocher chocolate are unbeatable about things found in the common market
toffee: a card game that you’re good at? cards against humanity, hehehe
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast? barely, but yeah (i must improve this aspect though)
dark chocolate: turn ons? long hairs, knowledge, kindness, interest in art or video games
fudge: turn offs? being a huge piece of shit
peach: how do you relax? i lay down and listen to music or random noise generators
praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet? pretty much all of Latin-American’ greatest books
superman: do you like sweaters? hell YEAH
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee? i like the taste of both
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play? what a name for the ask tho
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried? oh i have, now i feel sad because that was in my college days that are now long gone…..
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have? fucking actually notifying me when a blog reblogs or posts something!!!
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs? setheverman and usbdongle are p funny; a bunch of writing advice blogs and color palettes are amongst my favourites
almond: favorite mean girls quote? why the fuck is everyone always talking about this movie??? I’ve survived 23 years of my life without watching it and plan on continuing doing so unless it’s actually inevitable lmao
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now? no color. gonna paint them silver and dark blue soon
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to? yep. 0/10 would never recommend.
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone? always a crush, never something actually serious though
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps? now and then (only when i’m too tired or having headaches or so) though i try to avoid them
mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? telling a friend some real deep psyche weaknesses of mine !oof
brownie batter: do you like sushi? YUUUUSSS -but i like ramen better hehehe-
key lime: where do you want to be right now? in my bed, -not worrying about having to go to work tomorrow !oof-
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses? nope, but i wear anti-reflective glasses
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
cookie, baileys (man, that shit is so good!!! ), chocolate, vanilla
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uzuuzuking · 7 years
all the ice cream questions. just... all of them
this is my second time answering this bc the first time my laptop glitched and i loST EVERYTHING. i’ve already answered some of them here and here so i’ll put the rest under a read more
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to? puerto rico (to see @dreadink​), canada or france (to see you), and anywhere @deeeandooong​ wants to gocoffee: favorite cosmetic brands? elf bc it’s cheap lmaomint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors? yeahcookie dough: do you play any instruments? used to play viola and guitar. now i just sing with my awful voicecheesecake: what's your zodiac sign? virgo (your least favorite, i know)toasted coconut: the beach or the pool? Y E S . i love being in water just fuck me upchocolate chip: what's your most popular post? THIS FUCKING DRAWINGbubblegum: books or movies? usually movies. i haven’t had time to read a book since the harsh winter of 1754pistachio: manga or anime? both! but mostly short mangas that i read before bed on school nightssalted caramel: favorite movies? stardust and cinderella 1997birthday cake: favorite books? again, don’t really read many books but i still like saving june by hannah harrington, just listen by sarah dessen, and don’t expect magic by kathy mccollough. not really my style of book now, but they were important to middle school me moose tracks: favorites for manga? hands down tomodachi no hanashi by kawahara kazune! it’s about the purest friendship i love it so much,,orange sherbet: favorites for anime? PRINCESS TUTUpeanut butter: favorite academic subject? my favorite what nowblack raspberry: do you have any pets? my doggomango: when and why did you start your blog? july 2013 bc i was a filthy homestuckneapolitan: things that stress you out? the real question here is what doesn’t stress me out?raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music? alternative/indie and broadway mostly. been getting more into chillstepchocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy? don’t really like candy but i’m a slut for ferrero rocher chocolatestoffee: a card game that you're good at? uuuhhhhhhh go fish?lemon custard: do you eat breakfast? do breakfast bars countdark chocolate: turn ons? moneyfudge: turn offs? i’m ace and sex-neutral, leaning more toward sex-repulsed. so what i’m saying here is that everything turns me offpeach: how do you relax? read some fics, draw lance, or lie in bed wishing for the sweet release of deathpraline: a popular book you haven't read yet? literally all of themsuperman: do you like sweaters? HELL YEAHcherry: do you drink tea or coffee? tea!dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play? piano. and i get back into guitar but i just don’t have time,,blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried? yes and it’s usually dean’s faultginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have? everything that xkit fixes. and group chats maybe (although i can see how that’d be messy..)almond: favorite mean girls quote? how am i supposed to choose between all the iconic quotes?? but my most used quote is “get in loser we’re going shopping”. but instead of shopping i’ll say something else that applies to the situation i’m in lolbutterscotch: what color are your nails right now? uhh regular? clear? idk? i’m not wearing nail polishcinnamon: have you ever been confessed to? no. the idea of anyone having a crush on me is so absurd. i’m not likable romanticallyblue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone? yeah. i hate when i catch feelingscappuccino crunch: do you take naps? no but i really should >.>mint: the most embarrassing thing you've ever done? existedbrownie batter: do you like sushi? YEETkey lime: where do you want to be right now? with deanred velvet: do you wear prescription glasses? nope! i do need to get my eyes checked tho. haven’t been to an optometrist since i was 7 and they told me i didn’t need to come back until i was 18
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wiickedxgood · 7 years
chocolate: when was your first kiss?Uhh, maybe when I was around ten? I kissed my boyfriend at that time, because it was my way to show him I really liked him.french vanilla: how old are you?Already answered!cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?Hogwarts, Camp Half Blood, and The Isle Of The Lost (The last two are real)strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?I really wanna learn Vietnamese! I know a little, but I want to speak it fluently.coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?I haven't really explored the use of make-up, so I don't have a favorite!mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?Depends. Sometimes I like indoors, and other times I like outdoors.cookie dough: do you play any instruments?I play clarinet! And I know how to play the keyboard a little bit! rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?Already answered!butter pecan: favorite songs for life?Every song I have listened to more than once! (Ones that play on the radio constantly don't count bc I hate a lot of those)cheesecake: what's your zodiac sign?I am a proud Gemini boy!toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?Both!! I love the water so much!! chocolate chip: what's your most popular post?Uhh, that headcanon about Jay using magic that I posted on the night of D2. Last time I checked, it has about 80-90 notes?bubblegum: books or movies?The books are usually better, but I like both!pistachio: manga or anime?Anime!salted caramel: favorite movies?I don't think I have any favorites.birthday cake: favorite books?The entire Percy Jackson series. And The Zodiac Legacy series. moose tracks: favorites for manga?Same as anime! I just don't read manga a lot.orange sherbet: favorites for anime?If you're talking about types, I love action and comedy animes. Plus ones that have monsters! If you're talking about my favorite animes, I have too many!peanut butter: favorite academic subject?Reading. For sure.black raspberry: do you have any pets?If my girlfriend's pets count then yeah! I have a kitten named Undyne, a big doofy pitbull named Nixie, and a rat named Yogurt. (All her pets btw) mango: when and why did you start your blog?I think last month? And because I really wanted to rp Jay! I love him so much and there just needs to be more of him, so I thought I could help with that!mocha: ideal weather conditions?All of them. I love all types of weather!black cherry: four words that describe you?Dorky, sweet, innocent, loveable. I've been called all those things btw. neapolitan: things that stress you out?Life. School. Myself. I think that's it.raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?Uhhh, rap. And hip hop, and regular pop. chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?All of them. toffee: a card game that you're good at?Uno.lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?Sometimes? It depends on how I feel or if I like what's for breakfast.dark chocolate: turn ons?TOO YOUNG I AM A GOOD BOYfudge: turn offs?I'm too young for this question eXCUSEpeach: how do you relax?Tumblr, my phone, jamming out to music. And watching tv. praline: a popular book you haven't read yet?Uhhh, idk. Probably the second and third Isle of the lost books.superman: do you like sweaters?Um, yes!! Especially big ones. cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?Tea. I had coffee once, and I didn't really like it! dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?Definitely the drums! And the guitar. I have one. I just don't know how to play.blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?I have! One time me and my girlfriend were watching Coraline, and I made a joke about someone looking like her dad (I'm evil I know) and we just couldn't stop laughing!ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?Group chats!! Because then I could talk to all my friends at once!blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?Too many to name. I'm sorry. But I hope y'all know who you are!almond: favorite mean girls quote?Confession, I've never watched it.butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?Red, white, and blue! Bc the last time I did them was for the fourth!cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?I don't think so? I can't remember if my girlfriend confessed or if it was me.blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?Yep!! I've had a lot of crushes! cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?All the time. I'm a very tired boy all the time. Mostly because I stay up on here! But naps help a lot and I love them!mint: the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?Definitely when I pantsed myself while I was trying to climb down a fence. brownie batter: do you like sushi?Never had it! But I want to super bad! My mom won't let me though. key lime: where do you want to be right now?In my bed. But I'm settling for the couch rn.red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses? Yeparooni! I have since I was around seven or eight!green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream? Uhhhh, watermelon! And triple btownie blast (I think that's it)
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methodofmancy · 7 years
This is a fb thing but I'm doing it on Tumblr because fb is trash
1. Real name:(that's a secret) 2. Nickname: Jae 3. Favorite color: Dark brown 4. Gender?: Female 5. Elementary school: i went to like six 6. Middle school: i went to two 7. High school: only went to one 💕 8. College: community college, AAS in CS (goal) and then an MB at SFSU 9.Hair color: Eh? 10. Tall or short: eh? 11. Sweats or jeans: SWEATS BOI 12. Phone or camera: i wish i had a camera lmao 13. Health freak: boi tf you think I am helll nah 14. Orange or apple: APPLE 15. Do you have a crush on someone: MY BOYFRIEND 16. Guy friends or girl friends: GUYS. 14+ of them 17. Piercings: nine total, currently 5 18. Pepsi or coke: pepsi 19. Have you been in an airplane: yes 20. Have you been in a relationship: yes :3 21. Have you been in a car accident: no 22. Have you been in a fist fight: surprisingly no 23. First piercing: ears! 24.Best Friend: i have 3 and they're all boys and I fUCKING LOVE THEM WITH ALL OF MY HEART 25. First award: reading a lot 26. First crush: Megan Fox 27. First word: idk??? 28. Any talent: innuendos 29. Last person you talked to: mom 30. Last person you texted: my boyfriend 💕 "I just accidentally whacked a snail in the face with my skirt" 31. Last person you watched a movie with: mom and brother 32. Last thing you ate: ice cream and choc cake 33. Last movie/ TV show you watched:The Huntsman 34. Last song you listened to: Car Radio 35. Last thing you bought: mcdonalds.... 36. Last person you hugged: my little brother •Favorite: 37. Food: pasta :D 38. Drink: caffe Ibis hot chocolate 39. Bottoms: me :}}}}}}}} 40. Flower: sunflowers, dandelions, wildflowers 41. Animal: OCTOPUS 42. Color: dark brown 43. Movie: lol 44. Subject: science?? •Have you ever? (Put an X in the brackets if yes.) 45. [x] fallen in love with someone 46. [x] celebrated Halloween 47. [x]Had your heart broken 48. [x]went over the minutes/ texts on your phone 49. [x]had someone like you 50. [x]hated the way someone changed 51. [ ] got pg 52. [ ] had an abortion 53. [] did something you regret 54. [x]broken a promis 55. [x] hidden a secret 56. [x] pretended to be happy 57. [x]met someone who has changed to your life 58. [x] pretended to be sick 59. [] left the country 60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it 61. [x]cried over the silliest thing 62. [x] ran a mile 63. [ ] gone to the beach with your best friend 64.[x] gotten into an argument with your friends 65. [x] disliked someone 66. [] stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever •Currently: 67. Eating: NOTHING I AM STARVING 68. Drinking: water 69. Listening to: The White Trash Period of My Life by Josh Rouse 70. Sitting or laying: sitting on a rock 71. Plans for today: coding 72. Waiting for: the bus 73. Want kids: NO 74. Want to get married: honestly yeah 75. Want to travel: HELL TO THE FUCK YEAH BOI •What do you look for in a partner? 76. Lips or eyes: EYEEEESSSSS OH MY GOD 77. Shorter or taller: taller tbh 78. Younger or older: older bc everyone is lol 79. Romantic or spontaneous: why not both 80. Trouble-maker or hesitant: idk 81. Hook up or relationship: currently in a relationship so not a hookup 82. Looks or personality: personality 💙💙💙 •Have you ever: 83. Lost glasses: yes 84. Snuck out of the house: not my own house 85. Held a gun/ knife in self defense: yes 86. Killed somebody: would i admit that 87. Broke someone's heart: yes 88. Been in love: YEESSSS 89. Cried when someone died: yes •Do you believe in: 90. Yourself: HELL TO THE FUCK YEAH (someone has to) 91. Miracles: idk about that 92. Love at first sight: nooooo 93. Heaven: in a way yes 94. Santa clause: lol nah 95. Aliens: why not 96. Ghosts/ angels: maybe •Truthfully? 97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: YEP 98. Do you know who your real friends are: YEAH BOIII 99. Do you believe in God: a couple :} 100. What are you afraid of: not a damn thing
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doctormambo · 8 years
tulip, hibiscus, rose, daisy, poinsettia, daffodil, locust, azalea, marigold
Tulip: For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for?usually just a victoria sponge with some icing. but if it’s what i actually want, definitely some crazy gothic themed red velvet cake, that would be the best :3
Hibiscus: Did you ever play an instrument? If so what?i used to be really into guitar when i was in high school, but i kinda dropped it when my depression started to kick in (and people having indie bands but no one wanting to start a metal band) but idk, maybe i might go back to it. i also learnt to play ukulele for a uni project, so that was cool cx
Amsonia: Would you ever become a vegan?i really don’t think so, like part of me is so pro-animal rights, but part of me is also a selfish asshole, so like, i love eating bacon and boy, there is no way i could live without chocolate or cheese…
Daisy: How old were you when you had your first kiss?i was like nine or something, i know i was still in primary school and it was during kiss chase, so yah.
Poinsettia: Favorite holiday dish?after reading this question, i’ve realised that my family don’t really do “holiday dishes” but bc i am super into halloween and like baking, i started making pumpkin pies and i love them a lot :3
Daffodil: What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received?since my depression got super bad, my friend bought me a giant baymax. and it’s the best bc when big hero 6 came out, i remember telling her about how sweet it was that baymax reacted to depression as something that you can’t control, but it can be treated and it helps people understand and i just really loved it bc she told me it’s so i could feel him helping with my depression when she couldn’t be there.
Locust: What was your favorite book as a child?without a doubt it was always the little prince :3
Azalea: What’s a movie you cried while watching?ah shit, i have a bad memory, but i remember re-watching shawshank redemption recently and that always makes me cry :c
Marigold: Do you listen to what’s on the radio?sometimes, it depends, if it’s like a short distance or it’s a particular show (like when bruce dickinson used to have a show) but usually, i don’t listen to the radio bc i fucking hate fade outs like end the song properly please…
thanks for asking! c:
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pierresonalthoughts · 7 years
im feeling like talking about myself to The Void™
so heres a whole ask prompt that im just gonna answer without nobody really asking for it or reading it, actually
ice cream asks
chocolate: when was your first kiss?
when i was 16, bc my best friend had kissed my our two best friends in a party, drunk off champagne, and she surprise gave me a kiss like a week later to keep it even. I answered saying ‘hey, i guess its a nice time to tell u that im gay?’. we laughed, got real awkward and never talked about that again
but if its the actual kiss that i did wanna have + w a boy, it was when i was 17, one week before the college exam for the one im currently in. bc it is technically the most difficult college exam of the country, or at least the one with biggest competition, i was so fckn nervous that i went on a tinder date with some boy who ended up being such a bad kisser, such a bad conversation and an acquaintance to like half my closest friends.
french vanilla: how old are you?
18, but nearly 19
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
germany, japan and england. i used to want to go to USA but with the whole current shituation? nope
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
im trying to learn french, german and japanese so theres those
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
no cosmetics, we die like goblins
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
depends on the mood. i love walking through the outdoors but i literally spent 70% of this semester in my bed, so thats both a reason to favor both options
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
nope, used to want to play guitar but rn ill just sing badly under my breath
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
i have a little playlist of songs that im listening ad nauseum at all times, but rn its either Praying, the whole Melodrama album or the whole Red Velvet new album
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
between two lungs, the only exception, sakura-colored time capsule
cheesecake: what's your zodiac sign?
libra sun, virgo rising and idk my moon or the rest rly
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
pool is p much bootleg beach but i love both. but the whole beach is so good? walking by the shore, the activeness of the water, beach food, the sound of waves, just all in all 10/10
chocolate chip: what's your most popular post?
absolutely this 270k post
bubblegum: books or movies?
with the books i can just savor the story for way more time so books? and i can do it like at random times and places so thats right within my aesthetic whipping out a book at random moments.
but i both wish i had time to read in my shit rushed life and i definitely need more money to spend on actual books. so i end up watchin more movies since i can just watch it at 3am and with some easy pirating
pistachio: manga or anime?
same feelings about books vs movies
salted caramel: favorite movies?
i dont even know really
birthday cake: favorite books?
probably the hitchhiker series, but i love me some classical lit like jane austen and machado de assis
moose tracks: favorites for manga?
i love kuragehime with my life, mob psycho with my soul and jojo (parts 4,6,7) with my full love for extraness
orange sherbet: favorites for anime?
oh man, im going for the ones that made the most impressions on me, like ouran, madoka, bokurano, katanagari, nichijou and psycho pass
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
like all? i shit you not that i liked all my subjects in high school and now in engineering college, i loved algorithms and data structures
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
nope but i rly want a cat
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
a friend of mine convinced me to read homestuck right after cascade, and when i read it i started following the updates here. so, since october/2011? the truly darkest times of this site. i remember seeing a full episode of doctor who in a 200 gifs gifset when photosets had no image limitation
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
i wanna say cloudy weather but that just makes me depressed. but i love when its raining enough to streets go empty but not enough to it being fully inconvenient when you have an umbrella, bc it makes for the most aesthetic strolls under a nice umbrella, with only my thoughts and music, and protected from the elements
black cherry: four words that describe you?
gay nerd depressed and supportive, i guess
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
my life, all the things i need to do and the possibility of stopping being good at the only things im good at
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
i really cant find a pattern on my music taste so idk
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
i absolutely sold my soul to Fini, not even a question
toffee: a card game that you're good at?
ill kick anyones ass in Uno and ill kick my own ass in solitaire
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
yes im one of the few people i know that eats the breakfast from my college cafeteria, but thats mostly bc breakfast food is a loophole in my hundreds of picky eating no-nos
dark chocolate: turn ons?
any boy with piercings gets instant +3 on my 1-10 scale and im a sucker for perfume
fudge: turn offs?
general shitty personality, smoking and i guess i still have some fatphobia to deconstruct too
peach: how do you relax?
haha i dont. but i guess watching anime, scrolling through this hellsite, listening to some tunes, walking around aimlessly and making a cocoon out of myself in my bed count
praline: a popular book you haven't read yet?
im so out of touch with the current trends that i cant even say what i havent read
superman: do you like sweaters?
im living in hoodies for the last month or so but the general weather here is not exactly sweater weather and my hometown only goes from 25-31 celsius everyday of the year
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
i hate tea and most of my liquid intake is in coffee with milk
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
the piano i guess
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
ofc, either with videos in the interwebs and with my friends
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
a more efficient use of internet data when in mobile, bc good god im losing my life waiting for things to load
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
i love every webcomic that i follow
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
“too gay to function” is absolutely an accurate definition of me tbh
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
no color and 6/10 were bit off
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
indirectly by a girl friend i had in my school, and by my bestfriend’s brother this may
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
hahahaha im pretty sure i had at least four painfully hopeless and debilitating crushes on straight boys ever since 2013
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
my sleeping schedule is so fucked up that i just pass out in the middle of the morning, afternoon or night, so thats both naps and my actual hours of sleep
mint: the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
hahaha nope, not unearthing any memories, nope, thank you
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
i wanna be home, in fortaleza
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
yea, ever since i was 5 and i cant see shit without them
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
neapolitan, cream and theres an ice cream shop in my hometown that has a lemon pie flavor that actually sent my soul to heaven
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