#i have hobie overeat a lot and get sick from it because of how he grew up/how he’s living
milimeters-morales · 1 year
Miles, stopping by Hobie’s dimension: my mom made you tamales you better fucking appreciate this and eat it ALL
Hobie, already halfway done with them: look at me and ask yourself if you really need to be telling me this
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Some red flags
Disclaimer: not a medical professional. Not a nutritionist. Not Korean. Not trying to diagnose anyone. Only sharing my own personal thoughts as a compulsive overeater. Feel free to keep scrolling if not your thing.
In the past, Jimin has called himself an ugly pig and confessed to Hobi that he was worried because he “can’t stop eating.” And we all know about how he fainted because he went 10 days with only one meal but was constantly rehearsing. (Jimin is a perfectionist who used to rehearse until 4 in the morning during his school days, so I think it’s fair to call him an extremist.)
 But to hear him talk about it, that’s all in the past, he doesn’t starve himself any more, he eats well and he’s fine.
 And yet… in my opinion, Jimin still exhibits signs of binging (both food and alcohol) and food obsession.
 In the most recent V Live, Jimin ate for 25 minutes and commented:
·       He only feels 10% full
·       His face was too round these days
·       He can really put on weight
·       Once he starts eating, he can’t stop
·       Before he came to the US, he ate 5 meals a day and gained so much weight
·       It was really hard to lose that weight
·       He can’t have leftovers; he eats everything that’s in front of him immediately
·       He can eat an entire fried chicken by himself and then is puffy the next day
·       When dieting, he watches mukbangs (videos of other people eating)
·       He didn’t intend to eat but food was right in front of him and he couldn’t resist 
·       He no longer starves himself but he exercises a lot
 Some of this could just be differences in culture (I’m told binge drinking in Korea is quite normal, as is an obsession with diets, skincare, and plastic surgery), but when I hear Jimin talk about food, it’s just red flag after red flag for me.
 Also just my own opinion, but I think JK is exhibiting signs of an exercise obsession…
 After traveling internationally, being diagnosed with COVID (thankfully only mild symptoms), and under quarantine with orders to rest, he was dancing around and working out with weights in his hotel room. He insisted on doing this because he didn’t want “to get out of shape” or gain weight… from a few days of not exercising. (He also complained exasperatedly that all he did lately was eat and sleep... while sick with COVID.)
 On the third LV concert day, after 3+ hours performing, JK also was:
·       Running
·       Doing back lifts
·       Doing ab exercises
·       Boxing
·       Sparing
 And yet he refused to eat during the V Live, saying he’ll save it for tomorrow.
Because Jimin and Jungkook are always together (*casually looks into the camera like in The Office*), I think they both trade habits to some degree and shape each other’s perspectives.  
Overeaters Anonymous has defined as “symptoms of unhealthy food behaviors” to include:
·       Obsession with body weight, size, and shape
·       Periods of strict self-control followed by eating binges
·       Grazing on food that is there
·       Extremely restrictive diets
·       Inability to stop eating after the first bite
·       Preoccupation or obsession with food
·       Using food as a reward or for comfort
·       Over exercising 
·       Exercising to combat feelings of guilt for eating
Now I don’t know if the boys have an Eating Disorder™ but I do think they have an unhealthy relationship with food (due to their industry’s image standards--let’s not even start with Jin’s malnutrition from only eating chicken for a year). I think this because I’m a compulsive overeater and binge comfort eater myself (as are approximately 30% of the human population), and some of this just resonates loudly. I don’t mean to project, though.
 I wish with all my heart that Hybe would get each of the members their own trainer and nutritionist who will calculate their exact basal metabolic rates based on heartrate measurements during high intensity days, then ensure they get adequate calories with at least 3 meals of protein, fat, and carbs plus one snack on a daily basis. (I also think the members—like all human beings—would benefit from regular therapy sessions, but that’s a whole other post. Doubt my little tumblr blog is going to impact cultural stigmas on the other side of the world.)
 Maybe I’m way off base. Maybe they are just men in their twenties who are very active and then like to eat a lot and complaining about their lack of control is just a casual way for them as celebrities to relate to their image-conscious fans.
In any case, I hope they are doing okay. I’m gonna love and support all members of BTS even if they don’t shower or wear makeup or have pimples or stuff their faces or smoke or forget English words or fall down on stage or crack on high notes or miss their choreography from time to time. In fact that stuff often endears them to me more. I don’t love them because they are perfect; I love them because they are authentic, talented, kind-hearted people.
 These are just my thinky thoughts what I needed to think out loud. I appreciate others’ perspectives if folks feel like discussing the topic (just please keep it kind)!
Here, have a cute Jikook smiling compilation pic as a palate cleanser:
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