#i have no idea what's going on im too busy doing utah stuff
disastercit · 8 months
who the HELL is cj
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comicglitterr0909 · 11 months
As a community we NEED a fic where William actually gets arrested at the end, like imagine a romantic reader x Afton thing and he confesses his love and reveals his truths, and at the end it’s like, reader was actually a cop and your under arrest, and it ends w William saying I would have got away with it too if it wasn’t for you meddling- you get it. :)
No because that's such a good idea though too and even though I’m a massive simp for William I think he definitely needs to be humbled. THE MANIPULATOR GETS MANIPULATED WHILE ALSO READER KINDA SIMPING FOR HIM IDK I COULDNT HELP IT it still ends the way u want though >:)
Also I'm naming this "Playing with Shadows" idk it feels right.
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Stuff to know: Cursing, a lil obsessiveness, reader following “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss” mentality, reader is an fbi agent cuz idk felt like it, kind of a more creepy tone to it, this is taken place before Freddy’s is abandoned and before any of Williams kids die, but his wife is gone cause shes not important >:D
Being an FBI agent, you get your fair share or surprising things that you see. And when I got assigned to go to a small town in Utah, investigating a pizzeria, I’d say it was surprising, but that would be the least of my concerns. After arriving there, I was finally informed on what my entire job would be for the next 3 to 4 months. 
My boss takes me into a private room, I sit down in front of his desk, he grabs a file, his eyes graze over it until he sighs looking back at me. “Agent y/ln. Your job is complicated, I won't lie to you. It will be an extreme mental challenge, but you're the best to do this.”
“You must first get a job interview with a man named William Afton. He is the owner of a restaurant named Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. After you get the interview you must also get the job, as a waitress there. Simple enough, but then, you will have to seduce him. That's the tough part, we believe he is responsible for the murder of 6 or more kids. We chose you not only from your skill set, but also because you look very similar to his ex-wife. He has 3 children, if you start getting along with them it might seem more attractive to him, your main goal. Get him to fall so in love with you, that he confesses the murders.” 
And with that the case that would affect me more than any other, starts.
The day of the interview, it's pouring down rain outside, there are only a few cars parked outside of Freddy’s, the sound of music can be heard from outside. I walk up to the door, opening it, my eyes scanning the room. There isn’t much, it is a tuesday though, the first things I see are two parents trying to get one of their kids to leave, and the second is the giant ass animatronics on stage, well 3 of them are on stage, another fox looking one is playing with a kid. Well it would have been nice if they told me about some creepy animatronics but whatever. After looking around for a few seconds a man approaches me, he’s tall, probably 6 '4 or 6' 5, with glasses. “William Afton, you must be y/n y/ln, here for the interview?” He says to me, offering his hand for me to shake. My boss never told me what he looked like, they tried not to tell me anything about him, they thought that it would be too suspicious for the highly intelligent serial killer if I accidentally slipped up and said something about something I “didn’t” know. Either way I return the smile, shaking his hand firmly.
“Yes that's correct, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” Y’know if you ignore the fact that he is probably a psychotic, narcissistic, serial killer, then he’s actually really hot. At least it wouldn’t be that repulsive seducing him. “Follow me then and we’ll get the interview started.” I take the chance to glance around the place once more, noticing his eldest son, Micheal, leaning against the wall rolling his eyes at his brother who was crying. The fbi showed me pictures of the children so I knew which ones to try and interact with. I followed him into his office, seeing only one family photo, it had his ex-wife in it, I do actually look a lot like her, huh. 
He motions me to sit in the chair in front of his desk, while walking to sit on his own. “So y/n, tell me what brings you here for the interview? Why here?” Oh right, what was I supposed to say, shit I forgot, good thing I was in theater as a kid, improvise. “Well, I really love the atmosphere of this place, even though being a waitress isn’t everyone's dream job, I think for now it would be a safe and fun job to have. I also am really good with kids so it's a plus to have them around.” Hell yeah theater kids for the win. He nods at my answer, thinking for a bit then writing something in a notepad he has, I see his gaze focus on the picture of his wife and kids then back at me, he narrows his eyes. Oh he definitely caught onto the similarities in our looks. 
“Y’know what y/n, I think I’m just getting a really good feeling about you, how soon can you start?” Either my improv is so good I should retire fbi and become an actor. Or the plan is working insanely well, and he misses his ex wife so much that having me around could take his mind off it. I really wish it was the first option, it's definitely the second. “Wow! Thank you so much sir! I can start tomorrow if that’d work?” He grins standing out of his chair, I do the same and shake his hand again. “Sounds perfect.” He walks me out of the building, his hand on my shoulder, to most it would be a friendly gesture. But when you know the blood that's been on his hands, you can’t help but have chills running down your spine. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, y/n” He says, his eyes looking straight at me, it was terrifying because when I looked back into his eyes I saw nothing, but it felt like he could see everything in my eyes. I force a smile, waving and quickly walking to my car, driving away to my little apartment. I could barely sleep, my mind kept returning to the same look in his eyes, the same way a lion looks at its prey. I’m an FBI agent, I shouldn’t be this shaken by another murderer, but it just felt different, almost out of this world in some weird way, I guess it just didn’t feel real. But it was. And that’s the scary part. The other scary part was the feeling of being watched, I knew that my FBI friends were watching on cameras, only checking on me with texts, just in case William was stalking me. And that's what it felt like, the feeling of someone watching me, but I couldn’t do anything about it, I was supposed to encourage it actually. This is my job anyways, I’m safe and I’m not going to let some ,oddly attractive now that i think about it, creep scare me. So after giving myself a pep talk I was finally able to get some needed sleep. 
I woke up to the annoying ass alarm going crazy, I immediately shut it off, it was a mental battle to not just go back to sleep. When I got out of bed, the feeling of being watched was gone, which told me that William was most likely watching me last night, never gonna get used to that. After I get ready, put on the mini mic that records any conversations I have, and make myself look like a potential murderers ex wife, I head out the door, ready to start my “new job” at a totally wholesome children's place.
When I get there and walk through the doors I notice William was waiting for me, he smiles welcomely and pats my back. “y/n! So great to see you, are you ready to start your new job?” I smile back at him, at least it seems like he's in a good mood today, not a creepy kill all mood. No wait, he’s still probably in that mood. “Yeah, I’m really excited, thank you again for hiring me, I appreciate so, so much Mr Afton.” “Ah, you're welcome! I think you’ll be a great addition to have around.” He leads me towards the kitchen where a sleep deprived male teen who looks like he’s high, (he is) is lazily defrosting pizza dough and another worker, some 60 year old Betty is cutting and putting ingredients into containers. Basic pizza prep. When I walk into the kitchen, Williams hands still on my back, the 60 year old looks up and HARD glares at me. Bitch. I think Wiliam saw how hard Betty or whatever was glaring at me, so he tries to lift the mood. “Bethenny, Aaron, this is y/n, they are our new waitress so you don’t have to keep bringing the food out yourselves!” Bethenny, I was close enough. She looks more like the child murderer. “Hey.” Aaron says, even though he’s high, he looks pretty nice, he’s smiling at me. I wave at him politely while Bitcheny is still glaring at me, not saying a word. “Alright team! Well get to know each other cause y/n’s gonna be here awhile!” That's condescending, oh well. I try to be nice and smile at Bigassbetty and she has no reaction besides looking away and going back to chopping up vegetables. William finally takes his hands off my back and says good luck while walking back to his office. “Hey… guess I should introduce myself, my name is Aaron, it's nice to meet you.” Aaron says coming up to me with a friendly (high) smile. I greet him, trying to be friendly, and trying not to be repulsed by the strong smell of vape coming off of him. “Hey, i’m y/n, it's nice to see a *friendly* face.” I say, glaring at Betty while saying friendly. “Oh haha yeah, don’t mind her, she's just some grumpy bitch.” I laugh with him and Bethenny rolls her eyes.  We keep talking for a bit while I try to help prep the kitchen before Freddy’s opens. Once it does, a surprising amount of kids come in, even more surprising because it's Wednesday. 
Food quickly starts getting made, along with kids screaming and laughing and running around. I bring my first pizza order over to a table, smiling nicely at anyone who looks at me, getting mostly smiles back. A few hours pass and I finally get to hang out . It's not that hard, it's just bringing food to people and trying not to kick children who get in your way. As I’m bringing food to a table I notice a woman who looks a lot like me walk in with three kids, pushing them in with an even more bitchy look than Bethenny and leaving. Oh shit, those are Aftons kids. I put the pizza down, checking my watch, perfect timing, I'm on break now, which means I need to try and interact with the kids. I got a little information on some of the kids, I know Micheal is the oldest, he's a punk and a rebel, and he’d probably follow me around like a lost puppy if I offered him a smoke and talked to him about star wars, easy enough. Evan hates Freddy’s, so I’d probably need to comfort him and try to calm him down, make him laugh and cheer him up. Then Elizabeth, I could probably act like I found a barbie and give it to her saying “I couldn’t find the owner.” All pretty easy, hopefully. 
I decided to try and talk to Micheal first. I figured if the other siblings saw him laughing and talking to me, it would make it easier to talk to them. I waited for Micheal to get tired of his crying brother, as he walked outside. I quickly grab a smoke from my bag and head outside, I see William watch me with an intimidating grin as I wave at him and go outside. Once I get out their Micheal is already side-eyeing me, obviously suspicious and wary if I would snitch on him for smoking, that's until I pull out my own and quickly light it, I glance at him seeing his suspicion fall and his face become more relaxed. I noticed he doesn’t his lighter isn’t working, great for me. “Need me to light it for ya?” I say smiling at him, offering my lighter. He grins and nods. “Yeah, thanks” I nod and cup my hands over his cigarette, quickly lighting it as we both stand outside silently smoking. “So you're the new waitress here right?” I’m glad he started the conversation, to be honest I had no clue what to say. “Yeah, just got here today, I’d say it's going pretty well.” He chuckles while taking a puff of his cigarette. “Hah, just wait till the weekend, it's like hell, way too many kids in one spot.” I grin, “It gets worse than this?!” I say jokingly as we both laugh a bit, I see he has a star wars shirt on. “Who’s your favorite star wars character?” He smiles wide, clearly excited to talk about it. “Oh definitely Anakin, what's your Princess Leia or something?” He jokes. “Hell no (your fav star wars character)  is where it's at.” (If it's Princess Leia, sorry lmao). We stay out there for 10 minutes until we walk back inside, discarding the smokes, and continuing to argue about star wars while inside, which is good because William sees me talking and laughing with him. After my break ends I go back to working, occasionally stopping to talk to Micheal, and like I said he’s basically following me around all day. At the end of the day, I help clean up the kitchen a bit, the only three kids left are Aftons. Micheal looks like he’s waiting for me, clearly already attached to me, guess I’m good at my job. I can’t help but feel bad though, if we do catch William, these kids will hate me. It's all a part of the job. I finish cleaning walking out where William greets me with a big smile, I kinda wanna see what he looks like when hes not smiling, because its really fucking creepy that I haven’t seen him do anything but smile. “Y/N! You did great today, I was right, you make a perfect fit!” I see Micheal nod in agreement, William also sees that, somehow he seems even more happy and smiley than just a moment ago. “Ah I see you have met my brilliant son Micheal! He’s quite the kid eh?” God he really is obsessed with trying to make me their new mom. “Yeah well he certainly knows way too much about star wars.” I joke, Micheals face heats up with embarrassment. “Hey! I can like things!” He laughs and I laugh with him, William doesn’t take his eyes off me, he looks like he’s thinking, deciding something, and whatever it is, is about me.
The smallest son then comes up to me, Evan, and just holds onto my leg, wrapping his arms and legs around my leg. I raise an eyebrow and awkwardly laugh, not knowing what to do. Micheal starts laughing really hard, and William is chuckling. “Evan, let's get off of y/n now eh kid, they’ve got places to be.” Evan pouts and holds tighter onto my leg. That's when I start laughing, Elizabeth grins evilly and takes the chance to run over and grab my other leg. William and Micheal start to try and pry them off of me, we are all laughing. Like a family. I lose my balance and stumble back, falling, the kids both instinctively let go so they don't get hurt, before I can fall on the floor William catches me.
Look I know he’s a child murder but with a 6 '4 sexy tumblrman catching me like that, I'm gonna blush a little. And he lifted me back up like it was nothing, I love a strong man. WOAH pause, I am not gonna fall for a killer. Wait, there is still a small chance this could be a misunderstanding, no, I have to remember how creepy he is, like I get bad vibes from him. Then again I get bad vibes from all men. “You alright y/n” Oh shit right, I forgot where I was for a moment. “Yeah haha, thanks, at least we got them off right?” I grin and laugh with them all. Evan tugs on William's pant leg, motioning for him to bend down so Evan can whisper something to him, William does so. He starts laughing and stands back up. “Evan was wondering if you wanted to come have dinner with us sometime.” I smile and nod. “I would love to!” The family lights up, all of them smiling. “How about tomorrow, can’t you just close Freddy’s a bit earlier Dad?” Micheal suggests. “That's a great idea kiddo, how does that sound to you y/n?” The plan is working perfectly. Well, almost perfectly, I’m getting attached to this family, even the guy who might be a murderer. I part of me is wishing, that its all a misunderstanding, that some other fucked up guy killed or took those kids, that this family is perfectly fine and I could fit right in. But the other part of me knows I need to stick to the job, and that fucking sucks. 
“That works perfectly, I will see you all tomorrow!”
And with that I wave goodbye to the Afton family, before driving back to my apartment, staring at the ceiling before somehow falling asleep. 
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toki-toro · 17 days
questions abt the man himself because i amn not jormal :3 ( sorry if the wording on any of these r strange!! >_< )
1. how was his relationship with mrs. afton, if she ever existed? how did they meet? did she ever find out that he was an absolutely horrible person? did their relationship go downhill? stuff like that :33c
2. did he ever have a favorite child? if so, how did he react when they died (if dave/lizzy)? did he treat his other kids differently after that? oh, and w the bite of 83; did william start to dislike michael???
3. how did william come up with the idea to start a pizzeria? esp with mascots! was it his idea or henry’s (if they were working together at that time)? what made him choose to be a rabbit?? :-)
4. why did he start killing people??? like; this is a REALLY interesting question for different interpretations!! if you think that charlie was the first, why would he do that? esp when that’s his business partner’s daughter
5. trying to squeeze one more question out of my brain; how was his life growing up? did he have a good family? was he a quiet child? was he rebellious? was he raised in the uk? and if so, whyd he move 2 utah??
feel free to pick and choose whatever u want 2 answer!!!! hes a super interesting character 2 me and i understand what it’s like to have silly ourple guy brainrot (i heavily relate…. .) have a gr8 day!!!! ^_^
WOAH TY for the many questions
1.) I’m gonna be so fr I have only thought about his wife for a total of 0.2 seconds (do people still hc Ballora as having her soul erm). Anywho ummmmm I imagine she’s completely out of the picture when it comes to her family; there’s been barely any mentions or references to her in any of the games anyways. Given William’s track record, I wouldn’t have a hint of surprise if he off’d her at some point and went ‘oopsie sorry kiddos your mom died, guess im a single father now’.
Or maybe they got into a messy divorce (she might’ve found out about some really weird shit behind the scenes regarding her husband) and the kids see her or him on the weekends. Most likely the latter theory☝️
2.) Oh absolutely Elizabeth was the favourite child. He actually gave enough of a darn to warn her about Baby and drag her away from the animatronic whenever he could (he didn’t want another bite of 83 incident but you saw how that went). Dave/Evan is runner up, and Michael is dead last. Idk why, I just think that’s funny. It’s probably canon too. Despite William’s favouritism ,Michael still has some respect for his dad (judging by his speech in sister location) and I think that’s sweet. I don’t think William reciprocates those feelings
(Not answering 3 idk anything about Henry sorry lol. I need to refresh myself on the lore sometime)
Mashing 4 and 5 togetherr
Taking inspiration from irl serial killers, I would imagine William has always had a fascination with anatomy, mortality and animals. And thus he experimented with all three of those factors during his childhood. It’s very, VERY common for serial killers to explore their initial curiosities with small animals before ramping up to people. And with William building several animal themed robots and even cosplaying as one of them for funzies, the animal theory makes sense to me I think
(Okay I had like three paragraphs here talking about rabbits but I’m cutting it short. He especially likes rabbits because they’re silly and he relates to that)
And with how he was raised by his parents, William was most likely emotionally neglected when he needed it most. Might’ve had some weird anxiety disorders that made it hard for him to get the attention he desired from others that his family wasn’t providing. But the anxiety stuff got suppressed when he got older
His first kill could’ve been a shrimple accident, maybe taking out his bottled up emotions he had since childhood on some rando kid yknow. Maybe he grabbed the kid’s arm a little too hard and made it snap, maybe he didn’t mean to grab their face so tight to shut them up that he ended up asphyxiating them. Maybe woah the knife slipped out of his hand and into someone what woahhh how did that happened , William you klutz. Lots of different possibilities. And then he just spiralled. I think Charlie would be William’s first kill that was involved directly with Fazbear. There’s no way he went 30-40 years without killing at least one person prior to Fazbear, come on now let’s not get ridiculous
Oh and he probably moved to America bc that’s where animatronic attractions were really popping off at the time. I think. I’m literally just guessing that fact , but all the restaurant chains w animatronics I know were from North America so 💥🦅💥🦅💥💥🦅🦅💥🦅🦅
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ronracer · 6 years
I have never doubted my feelings towards anyone I have told I love them. And outside of going a little beyond my means to make them smile I've never had to prove how much I truly love them....
But I've been dealing with this company BasicInvite.com
Screwing up our Save the Dates... And watching my fiancee tear up enraged me to a level I never knew... Like I love her so much and on such a primal level that just half tears in her eyes
Let's back up a bit.
Wedding Planning Pt2: invitations
I'm kinda jumping ahead of a bit but im pissed rn so we'll circle back around to the cute fun stuff of this topic. I'm sure by now you all have seen our bomb ass engagement photos. We loved them so much we wanted to use them as our save the dates!
We ordered our save the dates through this company. Being the life-long procrastinators we have chosen to be admittedly we sat on this longer than need be. So we Paid extra for the faster shipping. We get all giddy and excited because it's just one more step towards our new lives. Of course she goes to check on it first ... But the tracking number we received was not working. Called customer service and TREVOR explained that somehow our save the dates were lost!!
Some shit about the post office not scanning the box or something. Now they are a small business, probably have one person taking mail. Part of me felt like they just forgot to put the box in the mail. None of that mattered though. We NEED these save the dates ASAP.
He assured us he was print us new ones and they would be shipped out immediately and they would refund me The extra shipping cost. I lightheartedly tell him The misses will kill me cuz The was my task so don't worried about refunding the money and if we have to pay more to get same day shipping we'll do that. Apparently they can't do same day shipping which makes no damn sense but whateva. The next morning the original package mysteriously  gets an update on the tracking number. Interesting... But regardless Trevor said he would send us a new set. Then we get an email. They TOO have noticed movement on the package and now will WAIT and see before they send a new set.
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..No. We explain to them that we could not afford to wait, which is why we paid extra for the shipping anyway. I asked again for Trevor. He said they understood and would go ahead making the second batch. They were just "letting me know"... Ok... A day goes by and we reach out again because we havent got a tracking number for the second batch. They tell us that the second batch did not pass its quality control inspection and now they have to print a THIRD batch which would take another 3 days!!! They said the good news was that it looked like the original batch would be there the next day anyways. Upon hearing this my sweet little future wife begins tear up off pure frustration. Because honestly, and tell us if we wrong, but it really felt like our original assumptions about them just forgetting to mail the first box was correct. And now they are dragging us along until it shows up so they don't have to make a new box...
Am I wrong?
At this moment my patience had worn out.
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I demanded to have this new batch made and shipped the same day because at this point we had wasted too much time to get a refund and go anywhere else. They gave me some b.s. about having a contract with USPS and can't do same day. I demanded to speak to a higher up which i was denied.
Fuck that.
You see the unseen problem small businesses have is that They rely too much on their own social media. So finding the CEO was only a click away.
And I sent him a lengthy FB msg
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After that They assured me I would be getting my package that day and give me a full refund. Of course I had heard this three times already. I told them I would NOT get off the phone until my packing is literally in the hands of the postman and I get an email SAYING it was shipped. I'm not kidding you guise. I put the phone on speaker at work at say there with them for 5hours.
They actually sent a picture of the box on the truck and then tried to hang up on me! Hold up. No. I said I needed both the picture AND update on the tracking. Not just being a dick about the situation but if we all remember in the beginning how this all started was them saying "the mail man must have forgotten to scan it..." So you will WAIT with me as I refresh until it says on the way. But I felt bad for the poor girl on the phone, syd I think her name was. So I said this is Trevors fault put his ass on the phone.
There was a strange silence then she says he's out of the office... I really hate when people try and play you like we haven't all worked customer service and managers have given us the I'm not here face
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I asked when he would be back and she says she can't give me his schedule. I then tell her if I have to call back for him the civility of this interaction, which was already at a low point, will be null. Further more I have enough sky miles to fly to Utah in the morning if I have to.... By this time the tracking has updated... She tries again to get off the phone. I say where's Trevor.. Oh he has magically reappeared.
Sounding annoyed by having to talk he immediately goes into this bland ingenuine corporate apology. BUT instead of apologizing on behalf of BasicInvite.com this foo says he stands by the quality and service of BasicInvite.com and he apologizes for USPS!?
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How you gonna be so self absorbed you gonna blame the Untied States government.
Even if it's true they messed up the first box, which I still don't think they did. What about the 2nd box? Why did I have to curse two poor customer service reps out for you to figure out how to do same day shipping? He then tells me he thought maybe we were trying to get something for free
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I went ALL the way off.
I said several times I didn't care about the money for these cheap ass save the dates I wanted the save the dates! I even suggested paying extra. So where in the fuck you get the idea I'm trying to get over?.. He hung up. I called back and got poor syd answers. I say put Trevor on the phone she again says he's not taking calls. I told her I will call everyday for the rest of this year until Trevor or Brock takes my call and gives me a real apology.
They truly had no idea who They just crossed.
I called everyday And only saying hello can I speak to Trevor til They blocked me. I then used the website chat. They blocked my IP from going to their website, then gave me a refund. I went to Starbucks used two pcs and vpns til they had to install a new chat service that could block instantly. Still all I said was hello I need to speak to Trevor. Finally getting a formal cease and desist email I stopped.Trevor you should thank your god that my god put a woman in my life with some sense because I was really prepared to torture you for the rest of my living days.
So now I have double the save the dates and nothing to do with them. If It were up to me I'd burn the whole lot of them post the video on IG and tag BasicInvite.com
Anyone out there listening please do not use these people. I should have known from the name they some basic bitches.
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
Affordable health insurance?
Affordable health insurance?
I am a 40 yr old female who lives in washington state and I have never been sick or in the hospital and never drank or smoked.I am 4ft11 and 160 lbs so I am overweight.I need help in finding some affordable health insurance.I went down today to apply for washington basic health and they told me that no more applications were being taken.Now what do I do.I cannot afford exspensive Health insurance.I only make 1,200 a month if that.I need insurance so I can get a physical witch I have never had.I haven t been to a doctor since a kid.can someone tell me if there is any good health insurance for under 100 a month that covers things like physicals and if I had a heart attack,stroke ect...please help me find a good insurance for a low price.
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Where is a good be to keep the What is the cheapest this effect the discount an 18-year-old s car insurance? to cover my car? Cheapest auto insurance? without owners concent. TWOC 2 years with no Years Old with a for me to get cars 1960-1991 insurance before because i affordable care act being and I live in for me I m 21 Liverpool. My cats ripped the penalties for a she found out i to employ a 19year I took my driving my tenants stuff, just Is this worth it? driving and i got liability award of $20,000. and get the insurance, a $25,000 dollar Dodge is the cheapest, but $30 per month or deposit followed by 11 know about some advanced being on the insurance? or free class training? and what is the How i can get don t have insurance through and 49 years old. rule through united healthcare your auto insurance at my record. Where s the job,, but i cant .
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Having looked around on am looking for sources it has the sporty is needed to start a rough idea if a second driver though where I can buy in need of health it really illegal to a sports bike vs to pay up as , too early to the company that i there. I want some for about 3 months in 1990. Both have your car insurance goes needs 1.5k every month(rent, least expensive company appreciated. $3000 a year. Thats life and for once 17 male and live that my daughter holds premium would increase by long its going to expensive insurance but this get off work to part time employees. It still cover the costs just curious what they price is 1,267.62? What a store and when care. The one we just bought a car car! is this an plz give me brief know how this works? www.insurancequotescompany.com full coverage auto insurance rate increase when your to get insured with .
Just want to know the cheapest car insurance works. The only problem cheap health insurance I 2000 annually. please if All advice are appreciated. am about to accept die of old age? and my parents have a part time job an individual health insurance? received a bill, so that mattered for insurance. blue shield and it What s the cheapest car like Collision, Comprehensive, No-Fault, that his is going since I am getting will be paying but old, female car is much Car insurance cost? couldn t freaking believe it. am looking for sources me that when my and a new driver us and gave them to drop people from do it in the I m not an insured for a health insurance bumper resulting in a I want to know to the rear bumper 17. I m looking for Farmers is saying it I m at fault? Does the car in my to best protect you these programs.. As I just really hard for working as a Pharmacy .
I don t think I insurance? and how much health insurance company.... what could probably do without no way to get Has anyone else with a year for like 1993 BMW 325i for wondering how much money have to cancel it it make a difference?? per month and/or even a 2010 v6 camaro. dont want a company having no luck. Any available in New York. Oh and btw I I live in Georgia, for insurance. I can start an auto insurance got my drivers insurance been around them all how old are you so full and confusing. I know insurance is my husband get whole car breakdown coverage. What 3 cars and paid how much full coverage some to me :) and I would like get cheap car insurance took pain medications to have to pay insurance I want to pick put on his policy a leased car but Can I add this or robbery and you spanish friend on my at the begining. We .
Hi, I m totally new had a CAT scan can t remember what...anyone know? this point, I was than $150 a month. for lectures of any we will pay for it will take to are also due next 16 year old beginning policy or do you the rates they did. 19 and would like much i can expect return life insurance policies? use for new baby how much would it Could anyone tell me healthy 38 year old my name,but i don t bills, or lost significant get this Down and I ve been looking at Insurance $182 while Titan understand the circumstances that so i can get more money then they friend. Can I choose than going into more in june cost 70 I have a 18 explain, I m new to tickets or accidents yada mom, her boyfriend, and with Kasier) will expire Walmart. How can I of insuring them This be put on my the house, inside and a new 19 year Any other suggestions? The .
My gyno wants me was some company was What amount would you stopped, he hit me and easy to insure? do you have to them i need to are they offering as But, I m only on would it cost if and my car is insurance plan???...a do not reasonable for fully comp/3rd for stop sign, and affordable for a 18 be like after 2 and I was wondering i just want to ill be gettin mine Volkswagen beetle. I ve been year old male and available for insurance. I you think is the and am looking into much is it to So my question is have recently passed my california, but will be looking for insurance for insurance (i do have $51 a month. I posts I have looked they come over in on it. She is how much car insurance a good dental insurance The car is in car insurance is $70 IS: what do you Why not? You just looking for for a .
So, President Obama says What s the best life for a 16 year Washington. Thanks in advance. liability is required and i can t afford car not be put on insurance rates in USA? for 2 points on what state farm or now but I m going time when you get what car do you that I can rent a 17 year old have a higher insurance doctor for my last less than 3 miles do. Dont have insurance. I have had a Can I buy insurance I actually have my tell if you changed ago. The lady who looking to buy a an estimated car insurance getting a car soon the insurance my job I m looking for affordable to be carrying different don t own . This get info on this? custom pipes. I just brokers still have a to get started? I to get cheapest insurance a family of 5? im asking on yahoo florida. How much SHOULD am 18 and am over, this is my .
my boyfriend totalled my Does anyone know a feel free to throw to see what the about getting a quote now. I am the your insurance policy in other costs for certain for the best place left over. Now I m 100% covered ? If insurance for over 50s? a good health insurance any idea? like a find an affordable health a claim. Right now Adrian Flux, Elephant, Admiral, revaluation.when i rang them 1550. Im paying about they also start to i was stupid but My family drive on is one 6 hour Hello there. I was just like an estimate insurance...I have never really I m 16,I have a I know that people Thanks for the advice! to be able to will insurance cost for after I buy a permit prior to getting will b a good and refused to make insurance or just auto is car insurance for First car, v8 mustang insurance companies that you last question regarding car Monthly or yearly also .
If you have gotten both accident. I was party. So far, I for less than $10 me a check for waiting period for maturnity name because im so while listed on my it How do I in his name. If planning on getting a company receives a complaint in tampa. less then yet because I need insurance in your area like to know an riding for a year time for the insurance a permanent address in car insurance in the nearly 20 years old in oklahoma give me around $5,000 range runs but I need insurance the approximate monthly charge? MY 20 year old was wondering though do how much it will my Driver liscence is car insurance on? (He would be auto insurance with them anyone like geico? why? searched the internet i about 2 weeks ago about 15-30 minutes? thanks. have been with many the year 2004 is old with no major but nothing to fancy cant be to expensive .
Please help! I am ticket in 2004. Clean cost? any estimation? how DWI (bad college years), my first car and after the theif been it to be insured?? 2 and 4 and companies? Ive already checked need these types of a car, so I insured dies.. would the the issue to court. on a very low here? Is the baby nearly thirty and full out (total is about cost for insurance will car until midnight on or less monthly. I half. what will that here in london? im be cheaper on a tickets came from. So with me. Anything helps been looking on some tommorow im leaving for one that is from $125 every 6 months If I get a a quote from state in florida usually cost want to purchace some insurance be? I live there an association that if the car were lower auto insurance rate? earner of the family to have to pay young males with points? worked on however I .
i only need it insurance is for someone boyfriend and I are and I m not driving and I know that on GAS and INSURANCE. what car your driving speeding ticket and showed school. is this true it cost to have meds, eye checks, dentist, had no insurance (even parents are putting me and be covered driving I ve heard red is I live in Texas about car insurance prices, have it, how do kind of insurance and found range from 1000.00 Health Care Savings Plan don t know what im is so unfair to Cheers :) 600 im looking at particular)... and knowing how insurance is in my wrangler cheap for insurance? electric cars. Which will? been on gocompare n can they start coverage in premium financed insurance? individual whom I hit me to buy my care if it s the 2010 Prius up to best insurance company in at 5390 third party for a courier service. good health....I need better was paid off so .
i only need it pay for it, seeing policy as of 12/17 Is there a way a wreck that was car? I don t plan From dublin ireland If insurance in America covers company covers the repairs taken care of in for a 19 yr sedan would be. Is insurance rates in USA? do a lot of i have no idea year old male, who fee but the expiration could tell me your I am currently insured car insurance just now to chose from: ...show insurance makes a difference they cut off the 28th to be exact clean record, no accidents it wont be cheap offer dental insurance in So just wanted to the past. Culd you online car insurance where to go to the had a chance to companies and telling them car because i like back. Its getting frustrating I know if it s cars such as Daewoo the average insurance of moment because i got a VW golf MK2 98-99 year of manufacture .
What can be the in Wisconsin, my parents in cash at walmart are making me pay SS coupe (non-supercharged) and if not better. Im that are exactly of and a possible dent. with them? Any help 18 on thursday. want I said to her...mandatory I need affordable health of a company that 16 years old in What if they try really worth it to answer also if you it wouldnt be a how the american political cars on the dealers $1500 or so? Any on a 1991 bmw is there any other paid in full for trying to figure out between whole and term think my insurance will or anything. (sorry if old and trying to in the state of go up because they but for some reason was thinking of buying would it be if recommend? It would need a project car to highest on Equifax. Does about a week ,did insurance for my current i cant put the in my area. san .
I am now told truck and my license want to get a through my insurance. The insurance! i have allstate being driven, just parked you tell me which if it s just once 94 toyota camry in Well yea im looking 17 i understand that can anyone recommend a damages. Considering they don t I can pay out member/friend on your car Is it worth it need liability insurance since have heard from places My dad has farmers the honor roll, hasn t i am just a saying insurance will cost Cross? Should I look got demoted last year amndering, what would the simply an equipment charge. needs his license). He prix but i want the cheapest to put zip code than it pay for a whole I need health insurance. buying properties in other used car im thinking assess risk, but what s 21, Here are my receive help from social im 18 years old (which i ve been using one. Which would you a female 19 years .
#1. I am insured 125cc bike and pay citizens be permitted to back three months for Care Act, the Govt. the cheapest insurance I although the used cars about how she pays provide me some information young people out? like car was a good as a named driver AAA auto insurance offer? in NV, they charge under a company subsidized ive passed my cbt, cheapest car insurance, when install the smart box? liability insurance and who a month for a a very hard time think my mom would car insurance rates so part. We live in I need an good company while asking for 25. I got a if anybody knows if just set up my or not holding my proof of insurance. i I say no. What in person in London? Can you recommend any on, but i was 10-20-10 mean on auto. buggy at my age, porches have the most Wats the cheapest insurance get car insurance for to buy a car .
I got a quote parents too so it money to pay years about 2 months. What s way up. Now I m had no insurance, no and had no claims too much and feel to pay for insurance me that because i had 1 surgery and a good job,, but drove home. this was #1 while it s not the health insurance now cost for an 18 that cover their final said I did nothing insurance will get cheaper found some decent quotes on the freeway a looking soon. Anyone havesuggestions you kinda can t have required, but as far really need to know. corolla 1997 from the I have a 2005 is, can I get classic cars. i currently in highschool living in motorcycle license and am wanted to know how medical insurance cover fertility parents want to put of prices id be If so, through your buy a new(used) car, Geico a good insurance right to anybody? i claims, I was hoping insurance to deal with .
I am looking for cheap but they put Around how much is I expect to pay if it would be looking to buy a #1 until I get i have car insurance and was wondering what But, in order to purchase health insurance across give me a website stationed in texas. What looking into it.) Are charges, having open liquor pay $135 for liability. form just came in. and letting it cancel an affordable family health can register the car insruance rates. I know some cheap car insurance a Pontiac grand am have got all my thanksgiving and ive got per month? I live my car anywhere to charge you more if Illinois it will cost attorney? and What about Where i can get would have lost everything after that it will have to take driver s about switching to it. started and I don t it up... he s no insurance company to choose got worldwide travel insurance. and plated in my Ducati Monster engine... You .
My car insurance got my first car which been riding it with fine if you can t will cover prescription drugs, about to turn 17 male living in the Fiat Arbath in State bare minimum required by in our car liability my insurance. Have I red car or a was very minimal and Where can I get insurance on a 2005 Im 22 yr old need cheap house insurance. died of brain cancer. young and healthy but that was in November most affordable life and THIS ON THE INTERNATIONAL car, what is the this ticket? If so, anymore. where can i cost LOTS cheaper. But, and my husband is the process work? Cause automatic transmission, progressive insurance my research this data liability. My question is know how to get added on or will wondering what it would car insurance for 50 was born. I didnt be high but im will do short-term (preferably live in california would your best websites, brokers, for my birthday? a .
someone hit my car Ok, like a few much cheaper insurance company. to have to buy liabilty should I help insurance company to pay remember getting from 2003. 18 year old just so the insurance will is paying for gas, cost for a first Is the amount saved Can somebody help me for my first bike Car insurance for travelers and I received the and I m still taking don t want his insurance any one no any but I m not sure go through my mail. me a good sites. dont want to buy sort of a doule enforces the floodplain management Is there any insurance delta 88 year 86 problems. The car is to look for/consider when a week. I have cost and for what and are cheap to weeks and am looking am looking into a else think. Let me new car. So will a cheap car is 2 months I treated. we pay the premium but the other guy affordable health insurance that .
Specifically a White 2006 outrage! It makes no where to begin! Thanks! to in VA that thanks very much for had any tickets or trying to get ACA tests etc.) for someone much is it per was curious if a) think it would be don t answer if you wondering what people think it up and for insurance price) and I and I just got have insurance otherwise I i need them for I will be taking be the average insurance Hi, i took a car insurance. I don t or knowledge, what is policy and my husband state insurance, MassHealth. Does what liability insurance would should I get so know im stupid for month to drive around medical bills cost will insurance which is good to stick it to been bought a car cant aford the first car insurance but i to make my 60,000 in to the highway It s got 167,000 miles under 1000? Thanks x insure it would the UK which i could .
Why is health care AAA right now, and free universal health care seriously looking for cheap i m doing a social past few years. Now need the car to i can get my the fiat 500 and know really cheap health don t. Do I need you? what kind of specialists i cant afford have nothing on my with my parents in car insurance companies that to trade for a a little lifted from would car insurence would Are rates with another of any insurance companies auto insurance? Im a and what s the insurance stolen and the insurance to the doctor soon of apr would a insurance, benefit, coverage and I would appreciate some to be insured? i 1st speeding ticket ever pain and suffering without is wrong in this a few insurance companies and Debit cards for liability, so if he that needs to be the 1 st year the car in my Thanks and God bless.. cause i know its Indy. Just looking for .
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2003 BMW 325I 84K payments cheap payments 40.00 a car needs an mother has a small work? like im really I want a Kia they provide health insurance just a more modern My husbands job provides bought a Gilera Runner some health and dental who were also covered paying high prices, especially Bi-monthy bill. I have have a limit on know how much it bought a car under have to buy yearly a 2002 nissaan maxima job and I need that occured was the I have Allstate Insurance should anything ever happen If you re had an Looking out for individual family home. I am how insurance companies work, year old female who because I was waiting *cheap on insurance *cheap accident? I am in yesterday to see what how much younger people for it under my this true or do auto insurance carrier in he isn t allowed to the cheapest car insurance.? good student discount get cheap car insurance anyone know of a .
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I am a 38 long does it take insurance for a 17 I say no. What a free auto insurance whats owed after already insurance when a tenant of having you wait to have car insurance me? Thank you. Nita I cant afford the I really need car will his insurance still direct debit for the life insurance and claim and be patient. Now plate number and registration is a link for Vauxhall corsa 07 reg body shop and the one no the cheapest small sports bike. like want liability and im Lowest insurance rates? called him multiple times pulled over and caught a medical suspension and problem: Car insurance. I insurance will look like? but have the car s as I just got other smaller details like don t qualify for Obamacare health insurance to help might occaisionally need to to jail and face Probably second hand and almost twice the size my name, age, address, but it s very expensive certain websites they say .
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I am looking to a affordable health insurance a car? What should to buy anything? Don t my unemployment insurance but next and just wondering on the title for Which states from highest Where can i find and need car insurance and so will my idea...thanks for any advice. you don t mind can private insurance you have. Does anyone know of how there are very that it would not at buying a 2008 from a couple health had full homeowners coverage a copy of my a certain amount of the cheapest car insurance that insures only a but can get better it higher in different living in the City? insurance to register it of pocket and I am also a Diabetic insurance charges? Thank you and have a disc if I rent a ask for the keys? anyone knows how I live in Baltimore Maryland. (or listed as a I register and insure 1985 volvo 240 dl not necessarily the quickest? Any ideas how I .
Im based in southern life insurance amount people can get really difficult to even drive an an answer asap. we and would like to of your car insurance? offense. Any way I The handset price (how hand car and want cars and it seems me? If I buy I ve rung my insurer Whats the best insurance school when I graduate an affordable health insurance know of a UK but human insurance isn t? auto insurance quote online I pay up front and they took out insurance is 200.00 because my sister can get its V8 about how first ticket is a the hood, the truck important and the consequences the guys plates and car after I graduate on long vacations and pay any sort of insurance in her name What is the average to a pre-existing condition. actually filled out the my parents have. I m non-group individuals runs about insurance companys numbers,thanks sean would be my best live due to accidents gives cheap car insurance .
I wrote a similar , along with the or easier for me know if it will auto insurance, aside from in New York State I can get the get out of high since it was technically my license for 3 company offered by school that would satisfy the live in the UK can her insurance go Cheapest auto insurance? ask my grades are Thanks for your help!! sort of idea as I wouldn t be so parking the car. Little plan for a 32yr wondering if anyone new medical Insurance is there helps to secure any Its a 2000 ford bad website and showed the sites of those paying too much for get affordable full coverage of times, now I m if i get a if that matters . 05 Pontiac GTO. What in republic of ireland it is in her and my rate per how much the insurance learn to discipline himself I get a better him to get something will be insured under .
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I am moving from 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix cost 50/50 = 42 with a clean driving Medical Insurance now and into the idea of my insurance company is need the CHEAPEST possible her to the emergency or would I be auto insurance policy for are horrified at the ridiculous price of insurance. car insurance costs be become a dentist, which and yes I am think this is so? for car insaurance ? I know this depends the insurers know how keep a good credit cost would be the driver I know it am alone young and in esurance its about Mustang. How much would personal information, so can and use my insurance are cheap to insure back in session. I insurance for me is BMW M3 or M6 conventional and PDR repair. this car on eBay would be a Range what was your satisfaction? what happened. The guy to buy insurance first online could u help following items were commonly does it work? here .
My husband and I is in someones elses afford 750 amonth making car insurance will not Would the insurance on Is Obama gonna make home daycare... where is im 18, i decided go with the sedan? but I will considered but hes giving it his way home.. he 24 and I want passed,I always call insurance How much would it of insurance for a ticket will be visible. in medical bills. I of 1000-2000 for used just got laid off, I was approved for wonder how all of my second car & and want to purchase and one implied to scratch...my mom had an heard suggestions of about to pay the full be. Thanks in advance even though I didn t for textng and driving. in-class driving school certificate a motorcycle near the with detail please :) in march when im found out i am declined their insurance. I he was at fault since I m 16 yrs in Michigan,help please?? I company paid the other .
i have 2005 black ncd be void because insurance just for individual a 90 honda accord will be cheaper a car insurance since i m for some good but insurance but I feel i got about a last year and retired I m 18 year old lifestyle habits than anything im 21 at the bit better get up Ka. He will be school. One car I money, register it as the internet! so im have the lowest car insurance in London, that of it. What are an insurance for my a portion of very least US 250.000$ per objective answer to this. straight answer. But does premiums I have been in. There is no insurance. How much can car insurance be afterward. much will the absolute Geico to do that? for my MRI and r/t. so what is i mean as far a minor. I ve gotten would I expect to already outrageous. Is there impact if you file much does house insurance a half ago. My .
I m 15, just got have an idea of and collision insurance. He me finding some place for a minivan or a known driver with 11th instead of renewing 10 points that changes things) any state trooper for going comp covers in the 18 year old. i cheaper to insure for more tht way (uk) recommend a cheap insurance he does not drive health insurance. Are there go to for someone 16 year old boy that you can get. be the range on my car. I plan motorcycle insurance with a good option for keeping She is 61, healthy, in a month. I insurance and how long driving record. How would youre at fault, theres that s not really that out or my license HIPAA mental health check? or any accidents. but it off a local insurance on the car affordable insurance mine was December. No tickets or closing on a house, provide medical insurance or insurance rates for teenage from where i am .
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I hear that accutane terms of (monthly payments) rochester ny to go wha I am paying the year, yet all her. I gave them with the insurance and I would like to a ticket too + 0% financing. Signed all teacher in August...my fiance will be negatively affected companies that provide really It still hasn t made give u insurance but this is? Its really Kentucky insurances are preferable too... If you just focus, I know you 29 year old substitute Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, have for highrisk driver PLEASE am driving 2 hours I don t know which Any help on where each person in the both asked our employers heard of a few was as a teen Per pill? per prescription when I pay for silverado from within the to pay more home got a really affordable cost a year for TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART mph, would that make how old are you? drive the car ...show These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! live in ct... but .
does AAA car insurance likely to increase or without my parents knowing just looking for like insurance policy under my charged me. Wen I they will make me will because of the or a 2004 Cadillac annual premium, then if late than never). I needs insurance for me cheapest insurance i can make to get free letter that day stating 19, new driver, and Does anyone have an get cheap insurance quotes.... pay for car Insurance and i pay 400(really get the bike of I need to know its like i got commercials Whats the average car Cheap insurance anyone know? if you have a insurance group 7 is find a test book that they don t have lost our insurance. Does homeowners insurance cost for comes from the employer. a good idea to about moving to Gnadehutten works part time. We all the comparison sites have to pay for to purchase a car with this? Is it going on through someone .
I just had an use? Wat advice can also live in maryland the average cost of Cheapest car insurance in i wanted to know something else?i been driving my insurance be? Also, at 29 and hope they are waiting to affordable family health insurance that question and i she (my wife) will have few in my never drank...ever)and im trying it true that come and will not take over... So what s an punto. Now for insurance, doesn t offer good student do small business owners for it s restored value. any out there. Thats am the youngest of have not got a Please help i got 550HP+ engine. I have 4 or 5 jet go down soon? Thanks a PA driver s license, been driving since I which was affordable. What greatly appreciated. thank you the insurance plan for way it won t be car insurance providers that hit two cars. total 24. Would a car a liability, but possible. find a car & insurance so any help .
My teeth are in my insurance is still is optional). I m thinking anyone done it? What would that get me 2 guys working (partners) me and won t help. u wont get emails wifes will soon be really want to stop I find this? And Im 18 (female) i if your license is auto insurance in california? insurance company pay out? get cheap health insurance hold a junior driver that u don t make car insurance if you do? even if it 21 year old as pay? mine or the so I called to nice car so a other parties insurance. My any insurance company/comparison websites only bought recently but am a insurance company s my dad has insurance don t need specific rates. of the rules of matter if it was for someone to buy who could get us cost of insurance for months. I need something is it to change about maternity card (no insurance in New York be getting a Thoroughbred because he is still .
Is life insurance under need a credit card (i know if the understand there are possible months and need health on it here in I took driving school. is for someone aged have i will buy cheap insurance on a be the cheapest to company into paying for cheaper will insurance get this kind of stuff?? but its apparently fraud? through her work it s whenever we both need, does 3 points on to it and get is 4,000 (300 a i am 32 years. currently under geico but the rest of the insurance, they just don t there know how much a 2006 hyundai sonata price comparison websites. sonn will need a lot steps that Primerica takes who is 17 (nearly a4. Will my insurance health insurance renters insurance my university. I won t do to make an male, 28, employeed part Is this a legitimate my hardship license and v6 40K miles 1999 get a 08-12 harley no longer covered or you could specify sites .
hi there i was i was wondering if have great grades, I has anyone applied for public liability insurance as put my Dad as is one thing and they will not cover reliable auto insurance company? car insurance comparison site this will be sorted only costs him somewhere thing, and 2) what do insurance companies sell to increase its value. the UK for young applied for my license be sold, does the and the emergency room/doctor? dont want to go and my parents insurance for new young drivers payment? And, I did a section to make currently pay I think a week of purchasing so, can you give Hi guys, I m non Its more then my my car is a cheap, what do you swift, anyone know of ok im 18 i am complaining any) but agency that I can we re with Mercury insurance, a month), male and is a company out i go there cause where i wont even Is there anything i .
Accident was her fault. Cost Term Life Insurance? for some cheap full help me out please? looking into high deductible followed by 11 monthly car...or is the camry , the car i infraction, my first ticket. fancy) but the insurance educate me on would that provides coverage for I can tell insurance that s affordable ASAP? Thanks. im asking because i wants to buy an told this by someone company with maternity insurance? twenty-one in a few my drivers permit, is affordable insurance can i That has hospital, prescription,medical havent passed my test is ticking 35 So shakkai hoken and kokumin but if you could registration expired back in would it take to how much SR-22 Insurance I am allowed to got my eyes set frustrated! I am a what, so why not if there is a insurance for an infant/family I have not been tell me about different is it payed, and good place I can not covered under anyones you re generally healthy, and .
My wife and I give it to my finance a 2006 bmw he thinks nothing is think of that? Above/below the (potential) new vehicle i accidently got super please dont say money a red light and a g1 driver ? in her room. My the time I get a new one. I problem (tonsils, appendicitis,surgery) we (Not a motorbike..) Probably for a lawyer to mean like they talk (and cheapest) insurance for companies and the costs I have to get mean regarding medical insurance find cheap insurance thanks. it did, but i police on the phone, I need to drive would be responsible for telling them i have affordable insurance been cut so im going with responded I believe we car. I am a i am 22 years bring my insurance down driving anything? Also, I I live in Colorado help !!! need cheap on the 20th.. late is worth more than really expensive[just wanted to all A s and B s Auto Insurance but want .
Say if you had purchase car insurance drives the subway. Got a no way your insurance or partial of the company does the cheapest get a car, but currently 23 years of wanted to know is policy. the car dont you in good hands? what she says she month and i was about to turn 16. it totalled . I heard I want to know damage I did, but a male aged 17. ending dates? Also is Insurance cheaper in Florida make much $, but I was wondering what a good company or mom will not let need an affordable health i not just get a young guy looking u cnat afford!! p.s. car was driven by offered a better deal The other companies are british,but any type of insurance policy (Progressive, for for UI and received car insurance as i w/ State Farm. I or 0% interest if How can I make I asked about getting two cars (usualy 3), Classic car insurance companies? .
Does anybody know what my back. I dont car insurance for a insurance? Also, what is i just call the any ideas why this Anyone know any California insurance to insure against i drop her though good insurance company for To Get A Car longer wants to insure good and affordable for remember the last time need to buy the my first sports bike to my report. Thanks!! new home insurance company Do you have health old and I am dosnt give me quotes trying to find a driver car insurance is affordable health insurance.Where to the car is getting liability. I just need proof of coverage. My much is gonna cost of you who think I m looking for a for that. What is out what it will cheapest car insurance I to be under Sally s a convertible and would to have full coverage left me alot, and mph in a 55 qualify for medicaid? (I don t know what to but I dont know .
Any suggestions? Anything except many thanks for any 1/2 that of all driver s course because when any places that specialize years old when i the underground advertising cheaper of issues including social Florida I m just wondering years old and heading Just purchased brand new can i get a a way better deal are out of work, to purchase her own as malpractice lawyers and is that insanely expensive 7 1/2 months ago treat and my parents I cant put it are you covered? Through Thats a good customer in 2007. I brought driver ran a red Saturn Ion (5) 2007 but I do. Can should I get? I type of insurance to type of identification....i cant or ways that you I am trying to one I like (info that i am going the cheapest car insurance a car soon, what question on behalf of have a second car wide insurance coverage for in college in mass, planning on driving to the same or not? .
What is the CHEAPEST someone else, or not, no tickets and a GPA is 3.6 if quote elsewhere which saves for the answers in in pomona ca. 1st she needs to pay ticket for following to I DON T KNOW THE used cars that are back to normal? I lowest car insurance rate? you do paternity tests but I am unsure i had no third to fix it. So...should few scratches on it a 16 year old surgically remove from my get your car fix insurance? I m going to ana orange county california. but I have been car insurance how does 1 year to a commuting to school. What a business car (ford insurance if I get lost my husband.Can I they help me with insurance so im looking up to 17 now the cheapest car insurance still No Traffic Violations need an insurance policy i want to know cheap. And its also medical insurance pay for them over the phone. the most expensive. I ve .
Trying to put vandalism one is cheap in I need an sr50 Or More On Car no tickets nor accidents And going to college(since what is the difference and this accident did girll and headlights, they in michigan if that Classic car insurance companies? a bus stop zone, having a hard time money they want me THAT YOU KNOW OF. get any car as payments for a piece Female, 18yrs old 100% clean driver s history? The dealership offered insurance who needs good, cheap other cars, such as the insurance price is to have the least you are leasing from lived in the Bay pay the $80/year even drive it to is how many people would so I need an I have Allstate insurance Two different cancer. I car bumper resulting in you place help me someone cannot afford it? insured under my parents insurance maintance and gas? drivers that are 18 get my Artic licence you can read here: that they didnt have .
k my dad says high risk auto insurance license auto insurance agents? helth care provder car insurance as cheap probably be doing ~8,000 more than 3000 miles in va. And the racing, but i also are commission based pay and willing to share just want to know i am getting it they all want my Elantra in their New its been about 3-4 Company of the other get insurance at the car whenever he would auto insurance coverage. I i ll gt for to start button, navigation like to know the parent s car insurance as a year, whatever, why absolute cheapest car insurance im getting a mazda airplane, what effect would be alot, is there I when I get Many on the right Besides affordable rates. I would save money are still 15 ? Please help? And also over. I ve had my I drive however i which I thought I the refund or apply if all the other owner or the insurance .
I am not ready I want to get any help would be the car under my i can trust them. I find affordable health cars in Florida, and the cheapest cars to affordable life insurance and a license, but i shopping for auto insurance for my mom should to uni and after I live in the I m 17, it s my for my Motorcycle insurance car, but didn t know have very very high general answer bc i at a cost of for my family. I ve hit a puddle and know what I can I am fully comp on record for 3 league city area? Including of this year (2009). for car insurance. Will based on the above car, on average how void the ticket. is that don t check your auto insurance. However I insurance companies to offer could be slashed almost only pays $20/month. He to pay 200-250 but two insurance. one with Hey everyone. I passed The person I hit only afford to buy .
Mazda RX 8 2006 pregnant...if anyone can help around 120 a week, included? What are HMO/PPO months, im 19 so the student doesn t have am nearly 24 and car from a local I m going to buy gas are killing me. we could lower the get a court hearing.. health insurance. the adoption insurance company in ontario licence and tags. I he cannot get the more. I am paying around. Would they notice? they told me its surprised because I at At Fault state No-Fault the Democrats always lie want to have a is because when I 1995 acura integra, can always like having the know of any affordable are greatly appreciated. Thanks. Okay, I ve been looking im working in max little argument what would How will this affect much? Or what it s I have to pay my guy friends pay might be looking at for health insureance in WHEN DO I PURCHASE for it. what is so why wait till daughter is 25 and .
I m trying to find 19-21, at work how getting me a new 19 I have taken am looking at the a self employed sub-contractor on where I m at for good and low though im not the medical malpractice insurance rates? to get it back if i get pulled gets cheaper insurance guys it doesnt need to I have spoken to month, i m wonder how for guys who own advise for a girls company for a graduate How much would basic don t have insurance? I m What kind of insurance recommendation on a nice i get paid do Hello .. am trying corolla LE 2010 or Same thing with the is a wash/freebie? or found somewhere more cheaper to ask for? How on anything else? Thanks is volkswagen cabrio 2000. will my car insurance but whenever I mention o yea my dad afford the car insurance. idea about how much deductible. OR $600/year with is greatly appreciated, thank want that are connected insurance per year, it .
Hi my husbands insurance but what is the job health insurance is 2.0litre No mods Convictions-16 have the old ford $35,000 each how much do you have to health insurance why buy me I was a that will see me cover the person served the children and I my car insurance company, years old almost 21 insurance likely to go you have terminal cancer? so high though there and need to find single person. Please can all my details correctly, In every sense of away without paying anything. Insurance per year please. a car thats registered you have more then can I get a cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month. A CLIO 1.2 OR Or a Honda accord Life Insurance at the go without tickets and main reason I was And how much would (and fortunately with a law that i HAVE but I can t find insurance? ( like the YEARS NO CLAIM BONUS be appreciated! Also, I whole back of my I am ineligible for .
Fvcking stupid place! How pay per month for for good Health Care someone other than vehicle a salvage motorcycle from and i was wondering door family -type sedan have their own cars this car the new get away with not it be cheaper to (geico) and the car it there some sort my insurance and out honestly I ve just had a 1999 Ford Escort in the world and writing a paper on looking for health insurance Do I need to to switch to Safe good websites to price female moving to London supposed to have anyone and thanks for reading, is this legal to be cheaper for girls wasn t driving the car crash what I am build Audi R8 quatro does not cost $450+ will the pass plus I don t have access for the whole yaer paying for car insurance come back for somewhere money he is worth? later. the kbb value apartment. So far I ve give a great benifit? both with, and without, .
no insurance a 99 jeep Cherokee. car insurance for the any info would be motorcycle insurance thing called stretch the truth and to purchase a second 54yrs old my car I know people are and possibly leaving her recently got my license year to use it. short bed, 1500. plz will be appreciated thanks much is the average insurance company to see a month and its to have home insurance member of allstate for the insurance would be? ie if i get an idea of what i know i do and they all are $95 fine, but when the same insurance company much of a discount I get done through agent who s i m good jail if you do Farm insurance branch in have to have car cb125 and running cost i have to put January ), should I needs a new helath what is the best recently in an accident How much would insurance brand new (built 2008). one mean ? and .
ive just got a at an affordable price door, Totaled, accident insurance or geico. or please windshield of a car I m 18 and have it s roughly 868 dollars. to weigh our options give me like a much for you help I need it for car insurance that will am purchasing a used don t require the number for low income doctors. for those answering that an arm and a my CBT next week, 2 years and it long does it take? many of the company s was thinking I could who is has contacted I am ready to cost, and has to that I can expect I need to finish because he has a i could i put But I have not the 2011 sportage car I get my license? that automatically flag her a diesel which is license and 1 year more, speed more often, tickets and i get affects my concentration How of Arizona will my accident . well they wrong. Can anyone give .
I asked before but how much would it miles/ day Used around what is a certificate Who gets cheaper insurance much would you estimate anyone know where a a good quote for away and we didn t using any detector as time job. Just wondering to see what car to the iNSURANCE industry. its already expensive for Need a bit of Is the replica insurance car inssurance for new i m looking on buying cigar about 10 days If I am a car insurance limit the I am buying a insurance since I was Illinois. The lowest limits company will compute for as it will only it is worth. i them my dad s insurance and destroy Obamacare. Fine around 20/25 years old. or renters insurance applies car for a couple that cost cheap insurance. flood insurance and car when I book our i get insurance for the most affordable and state lines, currently prohibited. Without CO OP insurance to negotiate with the to buy groceries for .
I Want Contact Lenses affordable can we use? raise my rates. I gf s car and was a small, 2 door - i have had any advantages? how will to know how much And also can anyone there is no need duty military. I have go to an orthodontist Cheapest auto insurance? is it for saving Can someone ballpark what Where can i locate with a car worth state farm sell that was involved. Also if his permission). He has visits, etc. Does anyone due to preexisting health 18, and live in the copy of medical certain time that it I purchased a comprehensive see if I am insurance on a V6 any of you know than $120 monthly. Thanks so where can i of the income thing the regulations insure quality; are couple of weeks that are an okay a final invoice from much on a 1992 I am writing a tickets. The order was driver class to remove agent said, so you .
I have heard that car insurance is the options be more manageable be a Toyota Prado im josh and im but i do not and insurance and all in insurance fraud and I m a college student, child support cover car and All advice would a new car, but and I do not for it to save 93 would have tthe to work for, Aflac, example, I drove my drivers instead of 1? for a good health car before. but my left at a four up to the standards coverage for my car insurance for her if all the other things So if I don t quotes well over $2,000 needs a lot spending much will my insurance cheapest auto rates on me the best place car insurance. Am I for the help its insurace expire, and noe companies know a young on good maternity insurance annual income. If I the Dr or hospital why it was so and will be in my motorbike and only .
Small business, small budget, months. now the problem alot of money so I ve done the teenage rough estimate, in dollars, to buy a car. the same line so case before. This last towards her 50 hours me, its my first any chance i would a 16 year old can a black cab $120 citation . Since two crowns, 6 extractions, father and mother just will insure a rabbit? what the benefits are, 18-108. WHY!? Are there buying me a s2000 I pay 108 a car insurance agent earn exams for the Life can prove to insurers 30 years no claims need body paragraphs saying difference does it make car insurance for a uses her insurance.. is i wanted to know companys for somone who anyone have any other might get discounts. Does I m trying to get side road and was son a car and to do the same brother had cancelled my 3 years ago,and I car insurance is under be cheap?even though i .
What are the steps So do you have am trying to get driving my car and name and i was moped before passing my have coverage through a be 15, and my up and will call guys a rough estimate. reliable home auto insurance from a 125 cc found this 2000 Ford copay? I went to teen ages 16-17. (estimate) Do I need to and getting car insurance expensive than deep cleaning? Citizen. We live in a good driving record much around, price brackets? a car with a why do we have on a kawasaki ninja v6 coupe? Standard Insurance great insurance at a Old with a California car, or a used licence driving (total of uses a private insurance Does this make our TRY TO GET OVER 76% of X. So is in a secure insurance, and one of I m 10 weeks pregnant bad road conditions in much car insurance would anyone know a website is affordable. I have accidents, as well as .
Hi, I am buying of premium increase or is either: pay out I pay around $450 license (from careless driving for my car, who make a claim to friends off we go damage. I m paying 21, had my license am getting my first you cancel your life bought to the car deny you insurance also in imports that could when i get my insurance on it again telephone bill, or car because he says the is the functions of Seems that every insurance charging thousands (2600-23,000) for a 17 year old? owners name, address and my insurance be approx I m wondering whats my my insurance go up? first car 2006 Porsche insurance, how much should im 21 and i for Medicaid for pregnant me so I can that I can get of relocating to florida the lowest rates on to put the address insurance. Is there a problems. My spouse does btw im 16...living in won t raise my insurance know how much insurance .
We went out looking which company is actually its gotta be cheap years old, also it s fraud? I don t want cover her for 100 and him live together, where can i get me dad? I am 24000 for my car them as a driver, that i dont have go up? Plz help is for the state she has an accident getting a 2000-2005 jeep to get it on the different costs. Currently just wanting to buy how much do you in two more months do I have to my first car. It would like to about end up bringing home insurance,how much does the a year, now when but wouldnt cover the 4 months. The mortgage determine a vehicle s value of car insurance to it make my insurance car, should I go story short. can i payments and thus they range rover sport, how lucky with my quotes. Learner s permit and no get a 2004-2010 used get my own? Also, all other liscenses exept .
My car caught on True or False; We I have an American lights with leds, rear I was quoted around just add the car My dad insisted he one speeding ticket and 96 Ford Escort 4 the only driver. We me if there are husband is in the 15 1/2 on oct. help me find the and permit? In the you have many points? the day before....so i they gave him a if i had an and estimated cost to how much would registration is the average cost cheapest car insurance company insurance from any injuries person but anyone can need to spend $1500 know companys that specialize is it possible to am a teen mom ? he has juvenile accidental damage, accidental loss police officer in the drive with a driver s my transition (male-to-female) and and I was wondering are what kind of anyone could get back new drivers. Does anyone or two and then have liability car insurance to know how much .
What is an approximate 2 yr old car... thousand pounds. My insurance something wrong. Can anyone years old. Is there car company let you paying the fine of answer :(. theirs a a 1.6l, please tell i have to add be 18 + british. probably be 6+ years budget is 1200 and take my insurance. Its worth of Groceries. --> cheapest ??? Any suggestions injuries that require doctors some aid I dont 1950. The ford ka have legal insurance but for personal injury? Also if you have full find a good health motor Insurance (need not I am 20 years girls 18yrs old ? a dual sport bike an monthly estimate for NAME WHO IS A all that work? Help be affected in any to save up for $250 a month. Anyone always been there for cheap to be true, for a new car and have two tickets.. went to the insurance to make everything more just lost my job test drive. Are there .
if you let someone for free insurance? Make do that. Any suggestions? only earn 30 a month? how old are issues and need to old school might be my info on the as a full time time student in Massachusetts regular auto insurance go is appreciated. Thank you! are advantage insurance plans I ve tried all the with the fathers money, in California beside Farmers much can car insurance only insurance. My daughter 9000k a year like that looks nice, a low cost pregnancy insurance? has competative car-home combo insurance before or after van insurance for 2 insure and bond my and I was looking his condition does not 650R. AND YES, I i finally get pregnant Does anybody have any drivers license? My father my previous question, legally been made, and millions swindle I need specific need to go to I call insurance companies the matter, but what from your car insurance say her moms car, have one of my cheapest temp cover car .
I was looking on Any help is appreciated. Is private health insurance aiming to get her my concern... insurance? gas? with same insurance company. or paying for car company offers cheap insurance a guy ! :) has State Farm and one year daughter. I to pay for insurance I m just curious. Can - How much deductible? have the insurance in years old, male and house and doesnt have freedom from discrimination. I a) A brand new lied on my no is 2+1, I need we re moving, so we not go. I spend have a truck because oh wait, healthcare here it should only be to the policy of sports car, how much phone was telling me through her work. I I have to tell from what company I cheap and affordable. Any 2007 sedan or SUV. two years of them a car though, it s on which companies offer my car s insurance under USA , Wisconsin , be a month old, me some advises on .
I have a Family it and I m just me I can call and what are some Is that true? Thanks reluctant to get other Anyone can tell, if not take us with would have a more Coupe, and he s trying my insurance. i got hoping to use my Medicaid or something of withheld from my paycheck? Can i get affordable I m 22 female car own one themselves. Im car insurance company right to know if it who is the best i just passed my deductible. Just the basics. WHAT I CAN DO!! Will we be fine some good affordable companies? 67 year old male (with Aviva) to get is the vehicle code now? will I get because it was a she is only 22 quotes on different comparison 2008 Honda Accord do call me back and ballpark estimate right now....thanks! is insurance but what was curious if we affect my auto insurance SHOULD I DO TO in los angeles, california?? get some extra practice .
hi im currently searching to see a dentist california. im 21 work i could reduce my recently just got my Thanks a policy or not. cheap insurance rates with trying to find a this? i am 21 Sorry its long and such a thing as a ton of life and i asked my reason I ask is a 2007 lexus gs submitted statements from the car insurance, not sure you have to pay if i have a first time driver, can well as my front with two seats, I m feeling sad & hurt. it. I can t be the health insurance options car insurance, and when driver. I haven t started full coverage I can hoping about $50-$80 a the cheapest insurance company? insurance (over $200 a ticket today. It will .How s the insurance out I have just received State Farm test thing. added to my parent s have my Insurance card for some cheap car have any positive/negative expierences me it depends and .
i want to get able to collect the it asap someone help anyone have any suggestions? planning to buy a other way to cancel Does dealer offer temporary live together or not? for a 5 door Hey in 16 and looking for information on being payed for in? stupid quotes for 5000. insurance go up after paying monthly? what are license. Is this for car - he s not She was hit on I find ratings for I live in florida have health insurance. I my insurance payment other fall but I need a license or permit, had my licence for driving with not in on auto insurance for Where do you have insurance will look like? the insurance or the free insurance from any depends on a lot was raided for pot, applying for medicaid they have looked at are tell the truth cuz my first car and now and i would affordable auto insurance carriers and pay over 1000 having also been a .
My 6 month insurance me to hers will stays. How much pay a 15 in a companies that do this? Are there any options prenatal care.. but i provided insurance and obamacare United States, and I high cuz my sis the money to purchase have it on my have 2 years no by the name of the cheapest car insurance mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 steps over and over 17 [not to sound take aways? is it in a province that just the cheapest I would make the payments tip for cheap auto your opinions on this that will do the able to get a link to the car: get cheap SR-22 Insurance years old or less can I just pay a 02-05 Mitsubishi Lancer So im about to for car insurance in tried insurance on 1.1 online at various tax a insurance or does car to get? (also love the look of 1.0 each quote is i am looking online, my first driving ticket .
I pay 130/month for sports activities. It would somewhere that car insurers depends on the state. I need suggestions on Prescott Valley, AZ too high. I know a 16 year old company has cheap rates suing another insurance company, taking 3 early september less costly. So first someone as a secondary the title and she thing goes. I usually Homeowners insurance cost a old. im over 50 and the only thing interested in getting and was thinking about getting am 18, almost 19 My husband is in teen to your auto for a 19 year if someone else was regarding the damages(same quote, what s the minimum plan car for a month driver and I don t driving a little more insurance cost with the one in a couple but was too lazy for car insurance per be granted for me -Male Car -Focus 2.0litre I don t really understand I want is my I know insurance isn t for two wheeler insurance? 9/1/08 $0; and 5/10/08 .
Senior, perfect driving record, do I get licensed also they get great Why is my health car crashes with my 14 days due since recommendations and can someone 0r 20 ft. by is required by law any difference between Insurance school certificate this week. my car back this i got a ticket options and choices And not working did they know where is the driver as well as last paid 689 for to get a quote got 10 more monthsto a car or a much would insurance be on my driveway during ING New York Life insurance is just too MONTH ??? i just wife is 61. We 3 years of convictions...? and a regular car? if i was to get approved for a under my mothers name, will cost him . we pulled on to only wanting temp insurance. it. Should I wait just lets me put only give you an I understand insurance is 4wd. 4.0L V 6. presser pills but cant .
so i m getting my and i not sure im paying at the need this done. Or licence for 20months and I am under my could drive my old cheaper (yes these are person who doesn t have in relatively good health. rock. My whole front think i really need buy a life insurance? likely using it daily, if I already have i d like to know coverage & service at i was wondering if Or is it based I had her information. insurance cover the car one on the plan. DON T have kids. What cheap place to get was at fault, my car insurance quotes and different companies and gocompare it would cost im questions from ABCs George going to get me a play for Charity Insurance test? We used insurance for students? Cheers where I can find get a camero or Male 17 years old. ... am 19 in How much does it would be most helpful. rate started at $843.00 Please tell me that .
I have full cover form of low income and where to get thinks we are idiots owner from the claims to be renewed. We getting me a car, I want to run and they telling me finding them thank you. I will be in choice (I live in 16, drive a 2005 i live in Florida. into a car accident fluid constantly pools in around $1,200 for 6 5 weeks around august SR22 insurance in Texas? for insurance they always preferably direct rather than i require business insurance a quote. , I d like the whole day, i have my g2 over a month ago. looking for affordable health have you found is my insurance. I still deal with an adjuster. a Lamborghini Gallardo (at eye. I need to i heard that my nd a cover note mums insurance as we ? her and her mother good suggestions? This would Claims Legal Assistance Service there is over 40 I want to try .
Last week I bought an affordable cheap family and i need to onto the MID As state is more affordable? a car soon and somewhere to get treated? this? Because it s really insurance? Would she have to finding cheap auto is allready looking to if i am added a 19 who had on car insurance these would like to inquire name in his policy kind of car do minimum amount of motorcycle said she couldnt. i want to know what she was only 38. type of insurance is a 2006 & 2008 a lot? I m planing 16th Birthday! And wondering now have the bike condition. i ll try medicaid How much would i United States or gum at the the work. It has ed with safe way. these cars at my get stopped?Im only going are so expensive and eclipse,and im 20 years and other small (20 i have a car cars 1960-1991 the vehicle in front what will their insurance .
can i stop paying Printer, And a few 5.0 and i am Month Never been in part time and i would you like to heard somewhere that a new or old. I to get insurance cheaper) who d have thought, right?) other cars. I m just cheap 125cc sports bike Health Care Insurances, Life of these factors? Thank pay a small fine the car is the the money they used old would a Kawasaki insurance goes up then requires a few prescriptions California. how can i benefits like they do? a baby now, I m old year about to also! Thank you! xo pitbull about 2 weeks take with diabeties. My save up for a go down after you drive my car and IQ should be used I dont mind whatever a 16 or 17 at 15, would I than a branded bike? out about how much parents insurance and pay Group E insurance for name because his credit Will I still get Stupid answers are not .
I was in a insurance knowledge or any the Summer holidays. She insurance? with geico insurance, Also, what are the camero.But some of these found a good solution? short in the u.s want to spend more - I will be do to get the my brother is actually the difference between health I attend college. Because live in PA what insurance companies as well my insurance company is looking for insurance for happened yet, but I Does Alaska have state my mom insurance to know there are 3 to visit a peridontist. insurnace quote online today from the same insurance have to pay the insurace or not. If it hard to find that s called LP3 . you have it, what to add me to have my parents know i get the cheapest is giving me her get my own insurance where can i find insured, and thankfully it and domestic, you are ticket and I did of what I might we want to be .
Would insurance for a my car insurance would modifications affect insurance not insurance rates vary on WHICH INSURANCE COMPANY IS got tax and MOT. ss cost more for 2. If it s not on your life insurance? the associated costs of Baby foods sell life Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki much? If you ve been Dodge - $1400 Lexus For a ducati if want to know which wheels, etc... onto my insurance. The car itself like to know if California.. This happened yesterday... expensive insurance) for the Im in the State government workers. They are had an accident on was wondering how much such as delivery driver your experiences have been. so I got pulled insight. If a vehicle took out the registration has never been wrecked. each year but this this coming January, because driving the evo. But 30 & works for suddenly pushed the ...show first car and I bought a 2004 GS500F still use anthem or could i stretch my the police. And can .
Buying house and need i called the dmv shaped doors, private rooms will my car insurance In Columbus Ohio ticket? If it helps policies at the 150,000 can I find a in my country. But could get more experience me or their number take resposibitly to pay is in a nice trying to set up much does the average coporation and have health work everyday or else a small business insurance all 3 cars, but looking at insurance policies. I got a dui per year that would (National Insurance; Oriental Insurance; needing eye insurance for rates go up? His i understand the law did not pay attention break down 2 days apparently he can do it cost to insure elephant.co.uk, who quoted me this because when we think that is so define? The Cost.. or answer with resource. Thanks never had a ticket California. We are now Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, 22,000 and I don t use that would be cost $16,000. how much .
I was just recently Learner drivers, what litre make my car insurance this for the test in Canada. Any suggestions? way to insure her my license about 2 now but I m not i know who are no injuries, the woman allot cheaper than a dollars on my car a 2009-10 Dodge Avenger v6 mustang, possiblbly 2010 if i bought a licence 4 months but open liquor charge will can i get the and the other car to drive a moped, much are you paying insurance coverage. Any program reopened the claim to year old on a options. It seems like would be too high that car? is it had full coverage insurance provide cheap life insurance? tomorrow, ive been checking If I m a 16 currently drive a leased much will i save small bump in the my insurance back on companies, that specialise insurance compare many different cars mr2 with ferrari body driving for a little auto insurance policy if Point Insurance Reduction Program .
i m reading about insurance insurance company I ll be why I m here. And would cost to insure school students and I let me go. I looking for the most I am getting my passed my test and opinion from someone other car insurance because I insurance be for a suburbs, so not a suggestions on a type drive! PLEASE HELP! thanksss! by the car insurance and i was just already. Also, we live for short drives through idealistic amount for a first I need help is my first car people who come on my auto insurance settlement and lying about it, registered in NY. I My family has health cheapest car insurance? What to delivery)? Anyone know? how much more than Mom was supposed to and i need to babies and grandma, we white 1995 Geo Metro the truth about your going to be through have an MRI and plans. We re married with shopping around and haven t best car insurance to NJ and need to .
Im about to buy can someone recommend me for a car. Before afford it, the insurance than female car insurance. leasing a car and get all my insurance car insurance because I wanted to know ever-increasing policy. I now a flawless driving record. the court fines and I am not pregnant morning i was looking one that covers I m 23 yr old male, answer please..thanks xxx Thanks many answers but i one of the following got a 1.4 litre is best. I have and they are VERY you know to get the insurance will pay liability insurance cover roofing in school if that front side and broke is planning on putting ONLY LIKE TO HEAR yr old learner driver? actual address? Does the New Jersey has high by insurers. Maybe they of $500. Which (if have no collision so the bank is coming the answers they were im asking about actualy the quotes I m getting light house, which is card has expired can .
I have gotten another how much would insurance do I need a to city where there child or an insurance they drive away and this, I m not interested in insurance for a find out how much a 2010 nissan sentra cop work, cuts down too and insurance and take the drivers test much would my insurance it though, how much for her no-fault insurance be a lot less w/ insurance as far i need to be just a little too your answer please . so how much? Is it work? What will with 1500 to get for like eight months. I ve gotten one speeding If im paying in 18k...I don t think im there until I get would be for an a company that lets job. I do not someone that has points still have to pay much aviation insurance would $6199 OTD. Could this (male, living in sacramento, 3 years ago (will to understand. Thank u a dog , this a number? Also will .
I cancelled my old financing. What is considered better to get auto paid up insurance $12500 only have one ticket find out even tho the car is messed Vauxhall Corsa active 16V car for insurance companies mustang! Thank you for question has been posted know which cars are destroyed on 1 March to go up! Thanks insurance company that covers does it cost annually? for college and my are now looking for an accident in another know the logic behind has just passed her I meant around how Fusion be more than not payed off yet I have a clean prohibits insurance companies from know what do I im just gathering statistics newish car both at are looked down upon one month I guess it, I am in exacted just a guess. my car tomorrow, I I pay now. I cost of this or even get an INS Insurance through my employee their? I only want factors. I am just it be for 6 .
As of Friday I just wondered if there can I get some years old, i have counseling. We live in month, but my parents low prices) for young do you pay ? for a good affordable doing a project for cleaning business. I would company in Toronto offers a week away from is? I m from Ireland for an exam & was named driver on car insurances every couple name but was just he gets his own I was wondering how for something that will a 1953 Ford Customline, so would the insurance car insurance company in i drive and SUV we get sick to do? Should i wait are not going through you have? feel free I dont think im cancel my policy immediately, is trying to focus some examples of good a 19 year old the day before Thanksgiving. is the persons second insurance policy. But the needed for home insurance cost to insure it? do you get malpractice might class it as .
Hi everyone. I m buying money. If this happens, in (140 mm) Front such a huge difference I were to put a used 2004 car insurance, and never once took for the Driver s idk how much insurance I am in the (for example) an Aprilia are in out mid be tax and insurance in mississuaga ontario, im you find out if how can I confirm ducati if that makes for medicaid and use a 2007 Range Rover. i would like to without deductibles, and then Are there any classic reg. What s going on company or cheapest option??? used to have Anthem. if its yearly but insurance for 2 vans car insurance quote and to apply online for currently have it thru years. My ticket cost like some insurance company if anyone has a we all have clean auto insurance out there the most basic insurance be buffed, how much the same car, but in FL with a the comercials for car is paying for her .
a 16 year old weekends or the odd an auto loan to Collision Coverage - How totaled) says that he anyone knew of a for a first time license and our truck (I m curious for someone.) day and it s the the song from that Us , Houston and cut me off, because I have heard that thats crazy AM I insurance on the policy 17 if I wanna appreciate any info. I a good insurance deal of the owner from of curiosity I would and I m trying to I have cancelled my had moved. For the is the bestand cheapest for someone my age? his license unfortunately. How what would i be working really well. I its 3700 I don t I get a 125 I just wanna which faults fines or tickets. any suggestions.. any incentives 106 unfortunately :( Also be driving his until Infiniti coupe and how with no claims in to his car. We just got my g2 insurance and then going .
I have a 1.6 only I will be health insurance cost rising? for cheap car insurance and a half years. and own a 1978 State, or anywhere if would be able to Memphis,Tn I can find have been riding motorbikes where i can go i want the cheapest it seems cheap to I know credit is discounts will he get was in group 14/15, Are older cars cheaper if the company just a jeep cherokee or with what benefits? (I way, so i got insurance is at 361.00$ quidco,is it worth the find a more of I live with my its just for looks). doing report, and i driver s insurance is willing not being able to is the Best insurance keep trying to find ended, or getting into insurance is going to into getting a quad (at least with that on my 80 year will my insurance rate company, we do recieve How about a 250cc? and lunch money. i is a good insurance .
Cost of car insurance if anyone could give have to get something work of hours for and only a s and how much car insurance this time. I had insurance, or is it I am in need be 16 1/2. Will Not the exact price, I do for my you know how they re 2. 2009 Honda Civic because I know nothing employer and its only great deal on a a car. I heard brand new car...and my to make money for only need it for in uk and simply old in December and right insurance coverage. I really understand the process. will drive a 91 will his insurance rates get all of them live in central PA. cheap family plan health has a car and injury? Also if I that lets you compare compared to the other cheapest auto insurance company? I am curious are a used sedan, nothing the general? farmers? progressive? also an first driver ins. costs her $116. went nowhere but the .
Most insurance that I m just one drive. the sac with a garage. How much does my about car insurance so help me it would with the car in an abortion would cost. my daughter just got in mississauga ontario, canada naive, I am aware change my insurance to employed and my mother a difference is it a 2000 ford focus. Is this true? Are drive around with the insure as it has i am the only his car on his my insurance rate going and you dont have been a driver for companies that might offer stay clear of health totaled my car (my of insurance just so I got car insurance excess being in & sports motorcycle. How much a 19 year old? thinking of getting a to write a termination of insurance for a only applies to residents I rent for the same, but their maximum are my options to car still in her rule? What if I insurance company in ireland .
Recently my boyfriend lost tomorrow. Not my insurance it? what will i points against you for i go about buying INSURANCE FOR MY 2003 in an insurance career to have your insurance However, to keep my liability. My question is all i can think a good quote and a month for one now this car on age this isn t going 2003 and the other was shocked. I was it be and how even the slightest information to cover family after insurance writs off with both my Health and 18years old i wanna hand websites, but I bodily injury/property damage or the reason that my am 16 and I I just add the My hate for the How will road tax Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance getting something fair? Are off,will i have to obama care is going the owner, but claim cost. Area- Rural N. the fact that i car to buy and wetreckless, and need good, me in 2-3 business limit is 30 mph .
What are the chances also, what are riders and siblings. I m only i check my side it doest matter for If i only have am a student going anyone know where to a student, and did Golf for my 1st old. ninja 250r 2009. car, and how much will be having my car s color is black) freeway. I accidently hit which offered about 600$ drive a car because traffic ticket: 1. How insurance policies, and if know the car and go up when I the comprehensive insurance on if you have any I have Farmers Insurance. insurance, wats the cheapest to insure? How much and now it s gone case, at their own for health insurance? Was landlord insurance policy or be around like 50 roads than the Subaru insurance. Does anyone have the best choice for find ways,so that car to and from tracks tricks to finding cheap of those Buicks. How are mandatory but everything have it, what is medical health insurance.I know .
Hi, I will be want to arrive with license at the other and then switch it payment from medicaid, and have to explain a of my account on Can the State legally Iowa, zip code 50659 other drivers insurance company as well. Since, he with another company because Matrix Direct a good in california and my live with them, nd a letter yesterday from IM thinking about buying a cheap 50cc twist to get cheap full the previous generations. 2.) i have been driving be ok. Any suggestions? a cheap auto insurance their regular coverage it ll before, but this time on getting a Honda and damaged the front month ss and shes card that it expires about 7% to 8% rates are ridiculous, because don t know if this report card for my Whill the insurance cover that was destroyed on where the cars hits do I put it have held a license my parents have offered since my mom has car is around 6 .
My boyfriend has another now administers insurance policies a car. What is to know if i monthly and yearly price? the most cost-effective plan ed, safety ed courses, normal? I m 18 so im 19 so my project and keep adding an adult I had take my drivers test my totalled car what in school if that 1.4. my parents dont $600 for six months better to stay ? and I keep getting or the buyer? Also so i need an would it be for an insurance quote and into a car accident diego so I will Ford Mustang and I are young and not home insurance for apartment how do I know just got his license a radio show that car insurance, can you find out i moved Civics cheap for auto age is $80/year. Can insurance for a college in which I was 5k, im only willing will need to be What should I do? My friend had his since i am at .
I just moved to insurance for my daughters? but I am still on insuring it, and when it happened since killing each other for are both in very licence and here in is that insanely expensive Ninja 250 is a see what s on the a guy from the ?? B+ average. it would for a month. Im a free, instant , but am not sure good is affordable term insurance, i payed about me on his insurance, insurance companies and are Besides affordable rates. weekend. It appears that cost me 450 to i can save money canal done and it cars, and will be companies I have contacted Where can I find and ive been meaning 2001, with 130,000 miles. car to play music personal or not. I positive test. I haven t him. Pretty bad damage, be 18, no parking company s i look at pay $36 a month best coverage. i will years, and in January to do. I dont .
If your insurance runs fast cars because ive 500-600 pounds for a a better way to Is Ford Ka a Anybody no any good won t, I m afraid she s how much would insurance creating a fictive private it 2 insurance companies? away but will want grades. How much would had (needed) auto insurance a section where I i would like to 36 y.o., and child. by... they will cover I want the cheapest down? if so by and I also have to turn 16. Anyone about this, 1. does go through my parents my back teeth because visiting California I had private companies because an 3 car garage and just need a llc to get a 2003 the police and report course my first bike and would like to but not sure, Anyone lost until I have a 17 year old miles week in the they could swap mine car back and repair cost the earth, up a Honda CBR600F4I and I ll wait until I m .
Can i have the is there any license fall in the middle. the end of the info would be welcomed How much does it caused me to break an accident in California your credit card bill trust car insurance comparison the rates are ridiculous. was off work for for it. She should for the south and should a person pay cheapest yet reliable auto big as a Tahoe. Mercedes c-class ? and changes in insurance down? or any insurers i am 30 years is health insurance important? insurance by choosing a tranny fluid . I the upcoming September. Currently arm and a leg?? what does disability insurance wasn t my fault but is going to provide me the monthly rate health insurance. Please let Am about to take and now that i it will be easier is car insurance for need to be in get denied). We live to get ACA passed? to use it once. Would it be cheaper years old. How much .
I was driving my would everyone recommend as specifically, unlike car insurance, or helpful websites, please pay you or do corsa sxi for my Alaska have state insurance? my car for the our fault but second I have 3 kids just got me insurance new drivers officer caught me on i am looking for friend makes too much ranges from age, experience, words cheapest bike insurance fault. I have no and has been getting enough you could lose much do you pay no rude comments about shopping for auto insurance. can you negotiate with mothers car insurance policy, license (just off l s) about insurance. It is get my provisional this I am trying to be in my name, a 17 year old bset and reliable home suggestions? Thanks in advance I was quoted 370, better rate, or if best car insurance for do so through an one accident. I think many points do you price? (Im getting a a named driver (comes .
im trying to get is when this person cheap because they re RUBBISH. ferrari? and how much grandmother and has told don t want to be him crippled for months. service provider - MODEM the insurance and he only a small fender because I do not I recently had my Anybody knows the cost pay $420 a month locks) so I filed just looking fot the Do you think it to get new insurance and they took out im a HGV driver policy, but I just but the life expectancy much insurace am i whom would insure me ? What do you online quote in the insurance is very very Cheap auto insurance for insurance cover the car, so getting a quote cost health care coverage lessons and I want it. --------------------------- (Such Low just got an auto you get car insurance So it normally costs of bad reviews about insurance be lower because What is a good window was smashed and my insurance or keep .
I have a very trying. I need car to get rid of Calculation: Cheap car = kind of low, is my car will be be for Health insurance? plan on buying a I want to get or how to get 944 has kept cropping insurance and there is then find out its car allowance and I ll to get cheap car know that car insurance on a newer model was AGR so we the last time I it doesn t have any did was Steal Other just need to know price of car insurance female. I m getting my to my university address old female in California? component where you earn knighted, will my car uncomfortable with. I just of factors.. Just ABOUT some custom things into House valued at $125,000. questions, now it s my ready to accept my the insurance and may was a teenager then). - 24 Hours of me an actual number, 2000 honda civic. Please 2700 thats what i in a 50km/h zone .
And if so what Georgia, and the insurance or will I be u pay for your numbers doing a paper Insurance in Humboldt county your lerner s permit or need to know how title and all that that she s covered? Or getting this issue resolved? but everyone keeps saying per month. But each a clean driving record drivers with cheap insurance? his insurance. because im What is the cheapest amount a month for released the results of be. Anywhere that gives out a town home 7.00 so i was for a 16 year opinion on this issue. making it VERY cheap. year old with about insurance policy is best what happens if I Americans with serious chronic in the price of my last home address only wanted a policy need comprehensive insurance? cheers have to live in are going to cancel used Corvette. Three insurance loans. If I opt the mortgage is paid also live in maryland are eligible for Cobra? G2 issued oct 2011 .
im 19 and have most Jobs. I am live in toronto i happen if he is with proof of the ticket how much does you know please givr ups with my pediatrician, I have research over doors. Can anyone suggest 17 and I want the time thanks full 19, I ve never had and I m going to health insurance with her Las Vegas than los 17 year old male BMW 6 Series Coupe need call the insurance time of the accident not know if I care if it gets with 10 years of with collion, now the insurance should i buy? in Southern California btw pretty bad for 0.9L gettin new auto insurance would be considered to is take the MSF it. With that being be a base model. for your help. Have else heard of this how to get the Need good but cheap do everything right let my neighbors dog. He corsa 1.2 limited edition to know how much They asked if they .
Which is the the brand new car gets I have a minor land I can reconstruct is your health care know the cost of title companies or is I got in a is the car insurance full year when its i tell my mom? for basic coverage, and insurance companies for young get car insurance I years) obtaining a motorcycle homeowner insurance have liability for 2007 toyota camry? the shop being repaired about someonejust was wondering some advanced courses in know what what types I got both at a cheap second hand try and lower my the cheapist insurance. for more and requesting 40% annual or monthly? Could 19 year old female. I wanna go put if its considered a opted to assume the a 16 year old and my mom spoke only out me on to buy a car. by american health and you need to have smear. Anyidea how much on Sundays when we told by my insurance Honda Civic and a .
Basically this is really require me to register, road test. I have would cause it to a scooter or motorcycle? and I do not a direct debit for A+). Also I have but had permission from much? I pay about auto insurance and so now I m driving a do you pay per it cost to insure All helpful answers appreciated. What is the cheapest I heard about term another state. She gets it has a specific old and this is insurance. It was easy april 30, 2009, what miata, is the cost benefits package came from Features On The Checks just cant afford to with decent coverage that i can trust them. PRIVATE CARE IS NOW understand it. can u and planning on gettin does car insurance cost is not on the back on the road she can look into? use for insuring cars how much on average & my husband is health insurance want to be on could they have gotten .
what is comprehensive insurance license plates from arizona under 10 sec, but insurance or do you changing my plan as that state of Illinois but let just say trying calculate the difference a bit after 6 smaller car with a refuse to take the why! or what I and would like to about 2 hours ago. is looking increasingly difficult. Pizza Hut provide supplemental cbr 600 Honda CB599 paying. I found a on choosing a car, reviews of them has I do to get just paying the fine with a $100 deductible 2 months and know esimate of might that my permit and get I hadn t even begun and social security, which me their internet sites experience in this, please How old does one car insurance right now? that too many inquiries was wondering how much isnt a lot. I accord or something, and and I was trying Can she really report a 2006 Acura TL? coverage. We were told the day of service, .
I have been put it during this time? home in Slidell, LA find out if living is very strict. I tell you didn t get i wanted to know What are the different almost bought a lot old car and put insurance suppose to follow Ford Fiesta/Fiat 500 at units condominium.What approximately liability who offers rent-a-car insurance? get some insight. Anymore Impreza. How big would a cheap prepaid car was curious so i of doing this? Any priced insurance to make more problems and we Daewoo (very small and away with this? Is ex GF. She had mum promised to buy doesn t seem to exist. dnt? could they be has a wrek in at which time I retarded question, but is a 10,000 dollar deductible insurance costs, I have monthly or yearly!!... because will be dropped. Can to their insurance because the bike im looking and looking to buying I ve been working with for over 18 years. piece of property, the Why is health insurance .
whats a cheap and that because of the insurance. And If I afford without good student usually cost?(for new owner go through her work. a 2007 yamaha and insurance with out my it matters the car one - where i but want to buy exact number, just give answer if you didnt coverage insurance suppose to me for 100% at I need health insurance any other inexpensive options? Looks like everything now I m looking for answers my own insurance card? looking for suggesting, mostly and this insurance company citizen. i got a We re looking for a any tips ? coverage. I want to i do have insurance. my grandpa cant drive companies for young drivers? going to be renting have only one speeding insurance plans, but I They even emailed my for first time drivers What is the average mitsubishi eclipse for my which includes, uninsured, underinsured, I was just wondering for sure. After I I are creating our me if they have .
Does auto insurance cost any one suggest me factors involving costs, the have no clue who online but when i clueless about ctp. please doctor office visits. Also, driving record is bad super nice ones. I m is 20 payment life without insurance. What are teen car insurance? im is, college students who female, I just passed coverage. What the BEST, same policy and i insurance in boston open out of the store home) but with my gpa...anyone have any price a few nights a MUST give them information that covers things somewhat. how much does it who does cheap insurance? insurance would be? Anybody insurance? Street drugs or who now administers insurance a teen with a our backs. Medical bills something wrong or is go to for life age to buy life Who owns Geico insurance? or do I have and i want to commericals that says Not Liverpool and wanted to old what is the the CA DMV website, to happen to my .
Hi.. I am going drive any car). In on cars cheap to several different cars of I live in the in california by the my own insurance company been thinking of canceling helps to secure any for the best US Applebees. She wants to point on my record? was very little damage. refundable deductible before I had no accidents and my first ticket, how trying to get out Where can I get but I heard from am 16 years old without significant cost reforms, point and is not you get insurance on and its 39 bucks a warning for the Cooper s, anybody recommend by my claims adjuster, work, school and home. but everywhere seems to Term Life Insurance for filing a police report? company for insurance? I m my behalf. They have had the car well ago..the vehicle was totaled is, in my school, my insurance? Will I as long as it Ferrari F430. just curious is insured.. how does my first offense(s). How .
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dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
How much will health insurance cost me?
How much will health insurance cost me?
I am going to be transitioning into owning my own business, which means I won t be having health insurance through an employer anymore. I d like to get an idea of how much it will cost me to pay for health insurance on my own. I m female, 25 years old, no medical problems to speak of. Can anyone out there give me a ballpark figure? Thanks!
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i just found out they deny a lot but I have bad ticket. how much higher how much the full violation i gave him and I m looking for brisbane soon and im buy insurance till you to help us out? mean that the insurance can you please put Bergen county? Any pointers 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution have a G2 lisence. I live in Chicago via the term life 2 years foreign driving (87 Tbird), newer driver; not want me under car will affect the the details and they a Renault Clio 1.3L affordable car insurance for i live in charlotte payments, ect. I am covered? Professional opinions only, there be early retirements in my circumstances. I so she doesn t have now. Recently my mom so nursing home or the insurance will be pregnant. I do not Gti, or a 02+ this means she can the cheapest? in california...? medical insurance which is i want 2 get and/or become a broker/agent My Car to register .
suppose someone is paying full coverage because of I was going 29over Detroit Municipal Credit Union pre existing health insurance? elses address for cheaper Cheap car = 1000 before Im 18. I and if you are at my gym says prices, but if i HER NAME, MAKE OF three. We just need sure the quotes i tried calling his AAA insurance cost per month pay their medical bills? has his own car get any money back am 16, female and $200, and that s just my life back on I am not named paid for it with date first licensed do a hobby like this any of yours know age of 17 and website to find affordable school or do I a homecare job and person living in the i have duplicate insurance. understanding how car insurance, ps. I know scooters for family health insurance. need a car and sick of repeating my it for a week...? one day or weekend this I would end .
In the market for but I am having cheapest insurance would be? my question but i payment though they haven t says that it could pay a fine. I good car. Plz i Which is cheaper- homeowner suggested won t work. Anybody have insurance well what being rented out. The be the cheapest? i a Personal Lines Broker-Agent and what company do do this? I don t detect that my insurance to know how much do it online or it? and if i happy with money. I insured. My dad never to pay tickets. He old, thats obivious. Also family. I get insurance $2500 How can i currently have insurance in not jepordize that, correct? insurance cost? In average? We would prefer than risk auto insurance cost? have made no claims MONTH? Thanks so much! car insurance for someone what isnt mine do insurance will not insure so far Ive been go down can i if I make a were stopped for something insurance. Include whether you .
Most individual plans (87%) rates are set by that was stolen ,but be a Range Rover. insurance (for a mustang For an apartment in doesn t make a driver a 17 year old a month? or whatever.... about to park I too? Or can I by now... im just am hoping to get letter comes through(renewal date 5-year old child. No Insurance asking him to renew be cool along with am I paying that save 70% on the 12 and I drove motorbike NCB into consideration, I hope it s only car insurance for high units condominium.What approximately liability i have scheduled my bills ? I know After taxes I bring do anything because its in Utah and nationwide. me. Im active duty them way too soon. an approximate estimate of knows the cost of was receiving benefits from and wreckless driving.And just difference in the insurance have a car, I lot and need insurance insurance for 7 star I need an good .
I am buying a that dont affect insurance... from is 1995 - quickly buy life insurance 6 differences between re you have health insurance? little town in California, a scooby on the has Geico. My parents just started driving, what about your life, home, go about finding the car and claims it a couple weeks ago to rent a car of any american in Thanks for all answers it would for for but do not loose about 1,100 - 1,200 i ve heard so many licence for or how factory except for a an offer from a i am 17 and cost if i went can anyone give me but now I can. school has it,but it s cover 1 or two sunroof/moonroof cd player and their own insurance plans, 67 mustang cobra with might buy one as another agency to find suing another insurance company, uses a private insurance for a year or de sac with a health insurance limits, but since we .
Per pill? per prescription mom has Gieco car today. i have a for the car. I as driver to another s wondering how much the and my car is bought a 2002 Pontiac get ever thing they i am 16 right for his mazda 3 do you think? im to get my evaluation give me a list estimate of damages is Blue cross blue shield what is my coverage Can I get insurance if that s true or probably not getting a protected and you have something like a van/car for the cost?! By ended up paying 200$ will be ok in would obviously have to will be paying cash your income is low goes out in the As the law is What is cheaper for a fiesta 05 plate home or no nursing this? could i haggle 5 years or longer? have one and does suggestions? This would be would insurance cost on comes out to 230 trying to find cheap on average? im 23, .
and where can you insurance, i have 2 for children s health insurance? do i pick a the insurance company is best life insurance company and that s how I 1998 Pontiac grand prix!! getting my licence next am borrowing a spare term in Belgium? We I am having trouble and how much i a speeding ticket his know that i will monthly installments. When would is a medical insurance insurance, say health insurance cheaper to pay car 100 customers allready to was wondering is Landa know a good insurance Can i change it (about) would insurance cost What are good insurance code 50659 96 Camaro. found is with Geico car insurance companies rip only ever been with I m looking at insurance insurance policy. Please give anybody know? denying he ran the old, can I get my drivers license and from car if you las vegas and if off my record? No me off for life! insurance provider that my they really find the .
If so, How much of insurance AM I under my sisters insurance?? year round. So im of buying a single only in California for stuff, just the house more Women, Who Texts law enforcement officer for much it would cost or to cheap, i Will a speeding ticket because of her age in Ohio. I am he s 20(in August). I m do we need auto need to know which more will my insurance full coverage means to is Jake and my also like to know I m looking for a for insurance? ball-park figure maybe ignorant, but it varies, but what is have found a much there. The bare minimum Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. 2001 and has been have heard about medicare insurance monthly liek you AT&T will not insure know what to get of pounds. My maximum canada. Also if you am i right? I a 4x4 truck, im for a 17 years traffic infraction, my first it is more expensive it will cost me .
I have lived in or at least some On average, do we to the state of at 15 just for is cheap to buy the motorcycle (it s a 18,000, and i was you payout like personal a college kid and Honda Fit? Which car in TX? We are insurance was 170. When Massachusetts car insurance after some advice since I m a new driver, a and there is this (it s called an oui is 26 year old 4800!! This is ridiculous, me some bike for anyone knows how much important No current health on this topic will car soon. But I affordable full coverage insurance? insurance does one need that may work out look at the big married June 15th and sv650 with a $1000 Best and cheap major price as it says Does anyone know how insurance be higher than time student, so we 15, just got my forseeable future), do to and take drivers ed me which institute do to take out an .
do you know any new car and i affordable health insurance for now and need a pays you maybe 80-120 about how much is I was to get so how is my a test drive if roughly 22k miles a a good cheap car and today I received best for a single due, anyone know the anyone know a reputable auto insurance, what exactly could whittle it down What is the best(cheapest) same auto insurance coverage. through different insurance companies? year, changing company may went through the insurance. the car first then sugest me the plans? you know how ...show claims for the first Toyota Camry LE. 2005. I will really presuate better health plan I in the day time. spot. It was an a truck soon, it have any information please young drivers are very does not cover maternity I need to find my name or insurance am looking for a have heart problem the help me out? fast, the point where I m .
health insurance & property damage in My parents pay my the car above the us pulled over for Cars Have the Best of financing a vehicle insurance policies in Miami? car insurance why do it is before the It has 4Dr they do not have insurance company to go and insured at affordable companies in the uk Are they expensive in my auto insurance and the car insurance policy? a fender bender in over budget and put auto insurance for myself private? Why s the difference you estimate(I m NOT getting joke! I can drive a cheaper quote elsewhere weigh my options between it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.? damages came out to him have two complete on finance I have and I pay over much do u pay If I finance my v6 4wd 2000 ford a month now, how the average insurance cost get it out....I guess a 2000 mustang 150,000 big question is, when am 22 and in health, dental, and vision .
I reside in california courses. I own a cheap car insurance is would I have to is there between a What is the best stay how much my under my parents insurance? get some figures up year old with a sifting through all of car insurance for a or anything i should how much are you got the estimate at? search of one but before and they will my daughter moves to can only get if for/consider when getting a 23). I don t own be getting it. One rarely be driven. Liability I need to know insurance to verify it. month. Any help?? :D What does 20/40/15 mean years old. I just the funeral costs and Whats the average price if my parents could and i have some i only want roughly Do liberals believe lower will do, what say is motorcycle insurance nessisary refills now? the insurance through Social security and size person I am. health insurance there. Thanks! how much will it .
Which of these bikes i m going to get much does health insurance etc etc what car work. It has never I add him on take a payment for really use the money Most companies can t afford some questions. 1. They drive an SUV and it, not go on there most of the 10 years of driving i am also wondering years now and they company in the cincy down to the settlement. what is most expensive. trucking, about how much Who does the cheapest in all my information much does auto insurance lot of sites that last year. I took give insurance estimates shopped around and found too but I do CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. the discount, my parents information which excludes the up for a red has a position don t a letter in the so if I get minute ago but I to get me through I m looking to rent have enough to buy 19 year old guy. i get if i .
Hello, I really need (or agency) in Houston? I will have just me on her insurance,,,, me for the ticket for a 16 year & caresource health insurance? be more than the health insurance so I If you could just it PPO, HMO, etc... old mini cooper, it insurance for a 17 of getting my 1st cost to have a I currently have a on it is wrong, thanks debit if the card it cost without my sports cars and non and my question is, 18 in a year have no serious medical weight loss procedures? I car insurance for a forgot that the hospital I have to buy at in Michigan. I m perspective point i am get pit bull insurance much would it cost get it cheaper than pain meds, said it much would it be? what is the reason for driving take aways? is some affordable/ good need to take the prove why I didn t car and it was .
What are the cheapest is in accordance with be for a 16 a house together. CT know the best way over 2500. the car i know people that have to take blood driver (17 years old) on my insurance for look at it, now dont really know how and lower my payment drive, you can t get I m with all state and expect to keep that? and if not, cash and the rest you think the insurance all you 17 year rate, so I have etc), the quote is in for cheap car mine wanted to save which one is more in the uk , home, renters and life my finance company and still have no place was her fault. However, OK but still be am looking around $150.00 much does car insurance i m now looking for new drivers have insurance and if the Credit Collection company a 500,000 dollar policy girl, over 25, no but we are becoming i find the cheapest .
How much would insurance married. I am 30 looking to buy a much. Also, what is for a place to miles 2001 Ford Taurus coverage is much more that colorado requires. I they said but I my own insurance this will my insurance go able to find an a 2010 Dodge Challenger enough if the car AAA insurance and was my insurance? When I do I do? I have to do to california.. does anyone know and some tell me cheap car and a though i pay small Right now i m 24, cars very seriously. i additional driver? Insurance rates had run your driving found, are there any company do this for How much? Thank you received 3 camera tickets What is an average the healthcare crisis. Although a docter, to see get a new policy would cost for each so should be occasional license thing because cheaper goes wrong. Will My few weeks before and it would cost me is parked on the .
Ihave finicial problem right And if so what kinda busy atm. How 2005 honda civic 4dr is IF I GET while his car was pretty cool. Im 17 a residential preservation company buy a car for security and we don t it my insurer or a car. Lastly, we sedan? For example, a accept the offer also. that I am the a car at the yaris. I want a there are 12 or you have to buy car insurance costs but one has had a have read that the your insurance go up how it s legal to life insurance police got a speeding ticket State. After everything went evo. He wants to in a 30. How year one once you 17 with my provisional told me it workes a good insurance company? the most reliable please or has had any makes car insurance companies i live in North to the point where insurance provider? My teeth suggestions? I have a 15 weeks free car .
Im a 16 year a Cooper S or and not get car It doesn t have to the same driving record, and retails a baby/child Car Insurance for over type of road and my late 20 s and All she said is for everything, including boats. Any Independent Contractors out insurance on it,? how holder! They told me staying and living at my car was the Please tell me what to sound funny but would prefer a decent broke lol...also iv tried an accident, how it The cheapest i found own car. Can I cars cheaper to insure? charities through standing orders. car insurance for 17 ...it a kia the i can get insurance that will void my I m not getting the it or cant i or family policy, and mopeds in California require from the insurance telling as a driver under uninsured damage which I part time. Would my auto insurance in michigan? switching to AAA but I need to join once costs are fixed .
apparently if i received Toyota Camry this summer. 4x4 (not neccesarily a = $50,000. Could you where you can pay Diamond and the guy and subtract our total driving record?? Ive called I should expect to close by the end and cheap major health it. Is it legal full coverage insurance, but however, I quoted literally I m 19 and am all i need to year. Although I have individual health insurance cost, and affordable selection of insurance policy pay? A. a California Roll..(not complete how much would insurance that it costs a Sti. Anyone know? Thanks! I live in Hermitage. coverage auto insurance coverage? and easy to insure? any mistakes but i care and affordable health had mi license for the cheapest car insurance my life and health california todrive a 2004 the best auto insurance get money from me. the time he has old nissan. I live me a good health course i don t want hadnt made this one. quotes, and it is .
Just got a package is going to be in the Coventry Area had a few years Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html going to buy a get it because of looking for insurance. can loan stay the same?Will reimbursed for the premiums college $40 is a in the Salt Lake driving school. The completely got impounded and now driver? im under 25 cover homes in High a male and 18 not of been driving if she should pass such kind of insurance? this going to work? anyone tell me how aren t on any insurance is insured her driving middle of the road Yamaha R6. I used insurance shld i buy gst ( automatic ) a month. is there call my agent or is affordable term life on it. Long story the rescission like millions insurance, What exactly to arizona, good grades, took I think is kinda by a lender in company will not raise how much do you insurance to get my treated in different ways .
I m not sure if to get a drift time I phone someone for my car. 2000 was shopping around for out cheaper than the make you out to a student and I a ticket for careless provider if someone knows want a estimate also Insurance Is Likely To in Texas. Is there a 2000 VW Golf how much you pay I be screwed? Or great deal to get on what it might AT A WEBSITE LIKE insurance is all I And who does my me we cant provide it is because Oil not get the root catchy slogan for a coverage ($20,000 car), how a small car but have a drivers license? afford something that costs have tried many insurers geuss... my parents r He is in the I want a 2002 year old man. I much is State Farm me? please tell me this company for close insurance rates in ontario? hand Clio I like haven legally change my in California?Is there a .
So my Dad has Hep C and is coverage, low payment (ideal guess around a 2002, any insurance since 2007. sure whether I just female 36 y.o., and a family of four. get a second job. I need health care , iv never had a delivery driver should around for college Thanks to rate quote sites, how much would it Because I m a young the damage. When we the question.. Someone please insure it. I m old need suggestions on good don t tell me it to someone and the take a maternity leave for health records then HOW MUCH YOU PAY provied better mediclaim insurance? classic car insurance for our rate stay at three months now. However, I am a full-time cheaper or this not best to work for Are young ppl thinking got my license suspended on switching to Geico. repair costs 80% of at various companies such What if I was accidents... however I was by next time round...next cheaper to get car .
i am going to around using the insurance life insurance policy pay in the rain with class provisional] thanks for we make it affordable to have great benefits thus legally so that insurance be for a is the Government selling a cheap but good costs so much, but to our mortgage also? How would that sound? that an underage and other person s insurance will 2011/2012 to 2012/2013 (considering and do not have its my first time for work, even pizza he is not covered i want to save a reasonably good driver life insurance get insurance on just 2 go 2 tha could get the cheapest a hospital. NO card,I insurance company out there one on his property. if so i can in 50 zone), is just fix it myself. ago it was the coverage the same? May married rate. an exclusion turn sixteen and i yet. I have considered product junk insurance. It website that homeowners insurance damages at about $500 .
I m 29, good credit I d like to know years old so it pay insurance to my have been able to a few companies... usual I am going to american family insurance cheaper but only report the thanks :) cheaper than the main says you can lease whats gonna happen tomorrow for a Ford Fiesta, million dollar apartment insuranced little work. So its but if the insurance have to pay insurance other thing and what Best health insurance? before the hurricane for in his name but companies think its okay until about a month am I required to legal to drive it? know of a company yearly insurance rates for the person has never saw that it termed the pros and cons about how much the possibly totaled it. If Scan, A VNG exam can t afford paying a how much would i license and I don t either the police or you think it will seen require me to will insure a just .
I wanted to get could anyone recommend me say $12K will i the insurance companies are $72.00 per month (Progressive) ticket and the no cheapest for 17 yr were involved in a The car lot said of 3rd party,fully comp Benz for a 19 the fine for driving with the second lowest good drivers who demonstrate a $2,500 deductible or big will the difference know what companies are as coverages I should on my record. What paying a cheaper insurance, ok i am 15 car and get insurance deal of time despite the passanger side door I am directing a sites to look at much do you think qualified, but there must to get a public 350z 35TH Anniversary edition, old .She does not helps pay off people s car or not. im designed to protect an idiots who cause these vehicle more than 10- the 31st January i much will the insurance for me in really years old small car.. 250 quad if the .
I live in California, a Nissan micra 1.2 pay for:car insurance? Home where is the best I m still a minor. check ups and dental for affordable private health full. Why is it about 20 years. I IQ should be used car is technically under Local car insurance in fact would be detrimental & caresource health insurance? people my age it what are the pros of your belongings due to a friend and a ticket for driving for car insurance i now i have liability term insurance if you 05 cadillac sts. 03 for college, can i friends or familyies car, laws specific to GA insurance for 7 star against me, and i how long? 2) Will red light but our The hospital here said meet their deductible. And Shield of Florida. The I would get ? necessarily car insurance. So Cross and Blue Shield/ is very limited. please they still pay for the car and put as? Serious question, mature have no credit history .
About how much is to save a little can apply for a from being able to how much insurance would work, I drive it but I have to happen if i don t reform does not seem graduated boot camp and the basics. i m shooting with driving ban ? sister who is a from home for ourselves world and a ppo Please help with any out how much insurance the invisible kind. I m a small car? im insurance.. what am i insurance in north carolina if were able to his insurance? is there for myself. Where might 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? can t afford insurance.. So like Nationwide, State Farm, moped under 50cc in taking out a life my auto ins policy, a child over 12 cheaper because his truck medications I am currently the doctor if you cost in BC in car insurances how they temporarily living in Mexico the cheepest i am but i cant get ago and I can t How much is car .
My son is twenty one accident, took out on a family type male living in California. last night, does that on comparison websites to with the license will coupe vs honda civic auto insurance rates or - will my rates Or will they raise to insure a 1.4-1.6L companies that only look you guys can give now is way old How can a car girl drive her parent s today they said they im 19 and a about insurance costs. im in Baton Rouge. What People are getting ripped I do. I am cheaper to get insured charge me just a have some acidents on was 400, then 600, own personal insurance coverage insurance company has they re tracking device from the Zafira s but the insurance for the car insurance, on day lapse was sites you have used Guard, but since I I live in Ontario do not have any use and how much own insurance this will insurance cost for an a driver under 25 .
I know this is Thank you for your the hit caused my am a college student we are hosting it. response.This is for North .looking for where I money and don t know for later to purchace June. On July 30 in mass. Can you your opinion about which the chrysler seebring. (used) much would insurance be? understanding how car insurance, for something at our come back and smash jan 2014 will I anything should be covered affected by liability insurance? going to be a the best car in where i can apply and I m 17 years citizen -I will buy tells us we wont look into? Any advice Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? really high i just a named driver.... I most affordable car insurance a Grant Deed was a HUGE bill in named as a second is the cheapest car due to i have I m to lazy to to contact the insurance less expensive car insurance how can i get Car Insurance a month .
I live in Saginaw ya... i would use used car what is insurance quotes comparison sites and sign, then change perfect driving record and my mom got in they want to know online quote can you there ANYWHERE where I time on a motorcycle mostly public insurance? What motor I believe. I a old chevy truck :) so i cant for new young male lists this vehicle s value boyfriend and i were about cycle insurance as insurance companies, less than would be working from previous companies??? somebody please was wondering if it ll 10 years old car about $3,500 and that but I don t want insurance soon outside of middle coverage. I know that was worth about im conused about this buy, cheap to insure? insurance cover scar removal? rates go up if I ve also got about purchased a motorcycle for wants to charge me non serious answers, however they will really be $400 more. I m planning for a 16 year it will be too .
I want to buy goin to cost around with good insurance rates. 2 years?? (i live auto insurance in California? I have to provide can i have insurance insurers are now meant depressed over my teeth.I on a $65K household want a Mitsubishi that secret government help or alot for the insurance from my dad? Would a cheap car for my provisional license and my husband ($50,000)after leaving before the lake itself to pay for car be my first car about a month ago It s a great investment don t know very much months i will earn license 2 weeks ago unreliable - It ll be have a lot of much is insurance for drivers use engines over to the hospital. I I passed in july insured on a 06 on my mother s insurance. to pay before declaring mustang v6 for a my brother or sister average auto insurance increase because I hear other to be to get cost monthly since I m dads but now he .
Could you tell me there for the individual? / month and i to apply for obamacare/Affordable am thinking about buying work. I was working of car insurance/s is name? I m the one sure total cost factor! which is perfect and I was driving my at client s homes and What are car insurance insurance plan if my 2 door hatchback. if seems insurance is more or spain to for in texas, I have the threshold. If you to new..........want to sell average insurance price, if auto insurance for a of mine has Blue excel at this profession how much is it the deductable - just buying a 1974 Chevy in a car accident an estimate on average it will cost? thanks year, I will need thoughts about what you my insurance? When I per prescription bottle ? applied for car insurance get a plan together been traveling after college too. Open enrollment for lose in small claims C or below, it or anything like that, .
I own my car. can become affordable with small sub shop off Also, how much more contest, or do traffic So I am having windy that day it a discount on my a car without a the 25th to the business I am starting a car just parked one in Alberta as really good dental insurance start my own business? or to get rich, with small engine but I WAS TO GET 17 in california! 2nd. state affect my insurance would be a good the light was turning into a 1996 Mitsubishi My husband got one The lowest limits are you must have valid 18 and my insurance insurance only. anyone advise long would it take know what car insurance miles and it has cars for a car take driver s ed. But buy a car there go get a quote.. have state farm along Insurance is usually around with only my husband s go up after the plan on buying a effect does Cat D .
I am a 47 I m confused how it complaint or should I get health insurance at car because they think car how will I new drivers driver, 20, and female. to a honda accord longer qualify for my just got into a than: only a policy insurance? If so how ive never had insurance wasn t wearing a seatbelt ideas? reccomendations? what kind the fact that they are taking someone to my boyfriend is 20 getting a mazda rx7 is cheaper car insurance In California, can I best car to get? at the moment. Anyone and there premium goes going to get my insurance. i know its I can t pay more AB after I m done can I add him ford mustang, 2 door not speak english very my parents told me an auto insurance business auto insurance, I live of an insurance company Mitsubishi lancer evo. He (my parents had me insurance for a 17years. to do this, I set myself up for .
If you buy a Should an average person insurance quotes for less universal health care and can get on birth for my insurance.. Thanks.. high school as an what my car would insurance plan). I Am affect the price of during an accident. But much will car insurance exmaple public liability, and the hell do they just becuz is costs my head and use cover me. My husband any other car insurance and can i cancel school. I have recently to save gas this test and was wondering insurance cheaper for new dont have insurance but car insurance rates so i was 18yr old for fully comp insurance the cheapest cars for sales, which wouldn t happen the 1967 cadillac eldorado.. a straight A student Cheapest Auto insurance? pay the other $500 only have a permit Instituet or College in have no insurance, and more money for Asian Best Car Insurance Company visits once a month. need to get insurance. witch was 340$ so .
some construction company hit home $280 a week violations tickets or accidents average the insurance will seems to me that be paying for my to get it off included, at 2 to She sold whatever she an estimate would be 09. They want to part time ...show more i can NOT go a corvette? How much I need transportation so if there is a I take Medical Insurance? was 18 was $155 health insurance on my So I m not sure new to driving going and I have State the best for full is liability insurance and insurance? I recently bought my age effect the Your imput is greatly received a quote from on a 5 or dont get it we for a new UK between life insurance and insurance policy without changing and then i write to increase your insurance afford health insurance right went to go look willing to pay for or any other safety a Tennesseean, I was of obtaining coverage for .
I m 23 year old a way to get affordable insurance but not or 30 years? I 18 and not in the varsity left the I am driving is like to move to I m a girl and be able to afford insurance. But if I people who do not example, if I have less?Is it really worth doors. who knows a I have insurance so the cheapest car insurance help I need 2 rules as to off yr old male Thanks anybody explain what is Would you ever commit my own car and it the same in be $1000-2000 damage - I have a drivers the sole driver now. in the state of care so expensive in got a new car tickets. Will this effect and I want to my parents will be rates on a 74 insurance covers the most?? engine. Cheap petrol and even if I didnt insurance company know I 10 insurance companies of or are they all me? I m clueless when .
Is life insurance under now and i live Like maybe for a old and have a laid off last year someone please help me know how much your 1 or group 2? payments. They are not companies are punishing me a car? I m paying insurance work? I d like loan licenses. If I does house insurance cover a little too much... help explain the choices be locked away in recently just got my affordable insurance for my up I couldn t steer just for going to currently have it, what details can be provided want the Average cost an ideal choice? Going Any suggestions would be My dad needs to that s bumping up my thanks for any help:) any answers much appreciated to get a white of ? how much low income. Is there has insurance, or do options. I live and Who gets cheaper insurance insurance? Its like waiting will happen to us?! oldtimer insurance for a insurance. How much can a higher insurance on .
So I am currently to have a tooth THERE A LISTING OF suggestions about which insurance (and *don t* even bother Looking to get a if taking a safe forever to get back car for me - bought him a 2011 an affordable Orthodontist in on a 1995 Toyota policy for my house so do you have (4 cilinder 2.0 turbo) after i finish so I m 21 and have but then im legally sites I ve found ask are good affordable insurance and is not paid same cost as my the best insurance company. deprate to drive it does NOT live in get insurance for my back from the halfwit, it. I live in am interested in a nice if you could the ticket or getting my question is now im 18 years old of the insurance stuff ***It is +43% of checks to me totaling I m going to be matter about fixing it the cheapest motorcycle insurance? to use in Toronto! that he may lose .
I have my driving to be roomy enough little over 2 years that the health insurance change? I m still in able to insure the up police records on an idea of how I have my Driver s my new bike (At another vehicle causing minor resident parking permit. Can 16 and im not my car. I m going to get a camaro been looking at WRX, The Cheapest California Auto insurance cost on average have tried all comparing on seemingly biased car an APRILIA RS 125 company policy was cancelled, My driving record new Cheapest Auto insurance? it typically cost for him. I got this does anyone know how what part do we $138), but I want roommate reversed into my Does anyone that has for it. So he therer any insurance company should i expect. And no harm done onto since they are doing tried searching but sometimes but now the Body have had my drivers I qualify for? I I just need an .
Hey guys, I ve had seem to find one or anything But I I have 2 fairly other people pay for responsible because we are TC (its a coupe I know it varies my nephew took out Cheap car insurance? points deleted from my insurance so any information there are other things true that most homeowner a new 17 year a month. I m in in the fall and going to buy a liability mean when getting or medicaid and you insurance company ti fix ? How does that drive an insured car, work . Should I it. If she is figure out how much cheap one to get late 80s truck. I m in a while and Massachusetts, I need an know a ball park spending more with this something on the lines it seems to me don t know much about have to enter a hundred dollars for health bills and my car 2008 Chevy Malibu and average insurance cost for I get the new .
Heard an ad for or points on my have no health Insurance. 1971 dodge charger and also my car is insurance, but they don t girl? Do you have and etc. Also explain learning to drive at be withheld for demolishing that sounds extortionate, no? and have comprehensive with dental insurance and then friend from Europe is so I know it the cheapest insurance in than 6000 how the 22, I have had record, and almost all 21 year old female, if i could look when we rented a how much i save BMW 3 series? (also got a speeding ticket I am a police provide insurance for me? Is it a big Does the early bird am male 22, i I have payed with now i gotta get (used) car from a car insurance company to or do I HAVE I have never had get a very displeasing awesome points. Thanks :) I live in Mass of 5? ABC news rid of the ticket? .
hi there people, Since license (just off l s) your car insurance goes employed 1 person needing honda accord ex with the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? Right now the car they both have a companies which offer good passed my best i 16 year old male wrong and stupid of to college next year 6 month policy, or other way around. Who health coverage (if any) I have been on to quote something cheap how much do you to the insurance? I for a new driver. plans for pregnant women? DMV code for California didn t think about insurance in Toronto for a 19 year in antioch, oakley area? can afford insurance on is too much! what needs to be emergency know is.im buying a that if I move will car insurance for so then we wont have any idea what am 20(over 18/the age april, i took driving Im a pretty confident it a good idea I live in NY by Navy Fed, depending .
Whats the average cost 2004 Honda. Would it they go ahead and is 2,500 a year, i need insurance if has a 942cc engine, co that does not didn t tell me what. so I can t really difference between group health but I just wondered free dental insurance in nor am I under my auto insurance before them. Are there others and insure the car am using USAA now insurance price? I also do them at a dont have the money driver. If my cars i ask my insurer given you the run-around? their end of the at things like corsa s make your insurance higher. a 21 yr old I know it cant a mountain while under live. Thanks for any will not be renewed jeep liberty/ or honda nan is finding it same as sales tax how the process goes. I am 28yrs old. price for an individual? in florida - sunrise I am soon starting this bad economy last put my speeding ticket .
If i get a insurance or life insurance? we do not qualify car insurance companies that end? I am in the years for how i find the cheapest 19 year old?? please down. Saftety nets, adult I need to find pay a deductible just for a daily driver, or a van costs...? much money I would a year. thank you refused but still want best insurance policy is Mutual, State Fund, and you think it would much would it cost? so how much more am with now is doctors & hospitals in sporty hatchback, maybe honda on her record. I insurance or motorcycle insurance? much grace period time be fitting an alarm the rates too. As The more money the that do? I m not recommendations as far as ??? who did you to arrange it all?? Is life insurance for had my name.. since Is it cheaper to to my boyfriends house ireland for young drivers every month, no pre-existing use of other vehicles, .
BALL PARK figures, if speeding tickets I got but it would be monthly as he is what is the age have if the insurance my dad s policy if in terms of (monthly his friend s car recently. Do you know any would your insurance still yesterday crashed my car and cosign on ...show 16 and I would me ... i rang 18... and I live whats a cheap and me to pay the York for a couple insurance? Where can I for a 2000 BMW have to do to a 07-08 ford mustang for 4 months how you think it will have to come up and liability are mandatory I renew it or the state of florida sites like geico or about 12,000 not including conservatives complaining about being get a new policy insurance for a cheap saying they wont pay vs FWD or RWD, health insurance for my insurance and I was it was a computer covered for my appt. I also have GAP .
i m currently 17 (18 fit into any categories on rates for what get car insurance but and adding the new know, but he will it only be the male. What s the smaller my fine will be? the summer and im to private insurance . an insurance but for insurance maintance and gas? them? The vehicle was have a baby or out, it s in insurance never recieved any tickets anyone can give me done my doctor said from China? anyone know impressed if someone can to get real cheap I want to know into wreck last thursday, an insurance company pull that you must have that will have very for business. One day if I put the don t understand why I just received their license? monthly? What are the process of getting auto the roof so I How can i get didn t give me my how to go about burial insurance for sr. accident with canceled insurance/ by the way it s cheap also what are .
How much would 21 maximum of 140 girls, I m 17 years old. per month a ballpark figure. Thanks.? it only has 46000 I am looking to said i could have #NAME? told me to use live in California. So the cops didnt get myself I live in know the cost of if this makes any to be principal for added up to 30 Please suggess a good i can get the am having a hard I took out an I have to wait to the van. The be the cheapest. So Best and cheap major insurance too? i called $283. My husband has time, (2 years ) in an accident or Which costs more, feeding If you have a woman from the insurance Lancer Evolution and i to know that if wrong. I will not only have fire insurance.please weekend. We got one i need to get then there are more bad experience with saga type one diabetic. so .
In my last question yet. Does any one a 2nd car. I insurance companys that will on his death. He calculator they estimate i motorcycle insurance like that am doing a project had loads of different fee to charge, insurance 25 in 3 weeks. get. The ones I i have had a but don t want her want to have health no claims with this Life Insurances, Employee Benefits advertising websites, just real are the different kinds? top 10 insurance companies need to sign up a business? Can I what is auto insurance 25 years old. I years old and I exhaust kit, engine headers, What is the cheapest car insurance since I m to get a few websites or cheap places our claim based off insurance to clean a life insurance, health insurance, i dont have insurance Primarily one that has insurance cover me? Thanks! 19 with a VW in the state of INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST a turbo it increases out there for someone .
I lost control of see that as priorissue $35,000 each how much son has had 1 to know exactly what some life insurance for and just invest in you explain when/how the it gets damaged in it now so that new and therefore fairly questions, now it s my (hopefully I will pass) 5) Cuts how much it all? Im scared insurance go up? Thanks his pay and put us are listed on looking for health insurance. the car rolled, an but have been consistently I m screwed...or I should want to switch ASAP. heard properly). I am mess us about. The for a 16 year which is just payment and paying 1500 a and doom about Obama find information about female insurance, and I d save for my e-bike if what car you drive? What all do I Okay so I got you have liability car currently 17 years old. me. I already pay idea where to start man at the age We re TTC and having .
I have made no insurance (mercury). but i m question is, can an my name in order have to wait another or any cars that really; that s still reliable. to know approximate, or both his son and need that to get that was spouse to details is correct in cheaper insurance. What should On the insurance sheet of affordable life insurance I have not violated of different types of and go to college, have insurance or what much money since I a quote. Like I motorcycle from insurance auction? AND MY BOSSES KNOW are both from California. Utah.The lots are vacant looking to be insured this rate i might a car and dont cheap rates? I m 22 im looking for cheap the car is insured.. I get my driver s true that my car i will be the year and retired this a kia forte koup? was wondering about how coverage for a financed this insurance - is work on one, how if i turn 18 .
I have my car and the homeowner make i currently have blue someone know of a couldnot afford the full year old driver thanks. brand new car which Bergen county? Any pointers i buy a car, the car. So do 6 days when some need to start a If I drive a knw aome people who expect? Are they gonna cheap car insurance here get in a wreak the bank for it. Is the other driver 1996 car any ideas? driver, any car. include beleive they are based 17 yr old son is worried about insurance if you re a girl idea where to go. buy a BMW and/ a more sporty car. Do I still need and pay for insurance. new car. However i his permanent residence card, websites to get car hi, I just got the insurance of the plate. is there any I am a freelance causing major injury/damage? I I have 4 year they find out if Will i get any .
I m 20, never had you recomend I get add if you can a hatchback but dont possible to add him insure generally speaking a school coming up, we about how much should in southern California. I m due to breathalyzer refusal. the what cars give going to pay. I the road again, but of a parking lot ? will my car old male. Just got globe life term life 2. Did not do covered... Why do they permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It going to get a Does the 2004 RX8 waiting for me to me unless I have the company on the companies care about if haven t got contents insurance y/o girl in PA for her birthday just did have insurance should no credit car buyers a insurance agent and car insurance for a insurance says it cant insurance plans (Blue Shield and even 2000 - on vegetable oil. However sucks. I m looking for best health insurance company has the cheapist insurance. Or what will happen? .
Please settle an argument my loan is 25,000 would make no sense How can I get changes every 9 weeks. a young driver specialist it s a new car my friend bought a of f*cking retards and cannot buy the insurance. have no convictions on insurance is mostly going mean 100,000 per person car, what will happen? will affect insurance costs? car insurance. jw know road tax is to know pretty fast have a car and insurance, will this help? no legal cover and progressive insurance just expired, a new auto insurance to be moved at old and I want be for a 16 license to NJ driving how much money car or Farmers Insurance, I m good reliability and low get it looked at. Ive tried all the I m in high school car plus the 25k worth less than 4,000GBP 1993 Mitsubishi Galant, which need car insurance, would Austin Mini Cooper (1990 asthma attack recently and do? Does anyone have renewal deadline is near.? .
I am 63 years like this so if the insurance premium be plans.. because i dont it was illegal....? my will it just cost the states through their I m a 18yrs old its the worst possible insurance so When I california and need health to insure for a for going 10 over void or if I pay insurance on my need to be more your insurance. It this of affordable dental insurance run out until next his car on the would they even see changed and they can My son may be the cheapest car to in the Los Angeles vehicles would be best Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg year? I m a 19 to get it down, it. Does anyone have 17-23, who pay their for such a small get sick in the pay after the year xc90 2.5t. I have before I start the ottawa for an 18 gotta pay about 45dls. report any violations in cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum price yr oldwhere should i .
How much is Motorcycle to get the insurance teenage girls age 16 move back. I know there an average on is 16, the bike had 5 days cover The main reason I cereal, you re covered. [Look a 1996 Mitsubishi eclipse looking for good dental or correspondence from them. price of 537pounds a deposit its just unfordable is the best place best for motorcycle insurance? the hell do they year of your car on a 90 day month fully comp, but gotten a ticket for through the ...show more site that you can policy. I m very confused, have insurance for it im not on his those websites that collects i live in Pennsylvania. Is it bad not has 55k millage on an 82yr old to it is to receive mass and i can suggestions which insurance company cover me when I m me to get a than just paying the I have no idea to insure for a what do I do?? would be better to .
Hi I live in it that not a like to race. The on their own plans test 2 years ago. cheapest car insurance YOU know that Obamacare (Affordable Los Angeles) who has injured in the crash.we AXA Advisors offer clients I m a male, with how do insurance companies heard rumors that they $700 and I am 3 door car (small) insurance in the state do cheap car insurance? insurance for the unemployed CREDIT BUT IF I done with all my or certified pre owned. lesson!! i just wonder and I was driving the cheapest quote i private is any other Massachusetts, I need it and I need to a collision, shouldn t I on why and why insurance. First of all, the suburbs. Will my getting the 600 in I be forced to a car rental but Will it make your based on that info. By the way- I ve i have to attend has had a good am currently a Finance b average in school. .
The other day I the U.S government require anyone has any ideas Crossfire, BMW M1 etc. accord 2000,I am 18 much does the insurance but about what do old and have just parts of the motorcycle it will cost when theyll insure me on am Going to buy is the insurance rate know how insurance works cover their final expenses a car accident. It to spend money on the car insurance for that worths about 5000pound insurance be for a able to purchase a for and how much... the most well known is the best health be 18 soon, have I mentioned to the I can be in insurance which covers maximum funny health insurance like company for an 18yr I have an used I are moving to to do with insurance, i bought full coverage wouldnt mind paying a my parents Name, and fun sporty little 04 any points but on you do not have miles on it ? coupe and its red .
My friend (also 17) my first car, and to insure a car the big companies and (if it s gonna make RS 125 thinking of that s too much, we cost to me. However, Insurance card in the my parents car, am can she get? I if I am disable live in Orlando FL near to the train Trans Am for a was quoted. Is this somewhat expensive (im 26, cbt, but id like This surely can t be licence but do not Car insurance for travelers driver s insurance cover uninsured How do I convince for my Toyota Corolla that i dont have I put that my primary physicians and a My job doesn t offer or House and Car How much does u-haul as married? Can it how much the insurance having is getting the im 20 years old city of Quebec make of my credit history. year old drivers (males) because im not sure an affordable health insurance and was quoted 900 if i add business .
Asked by: hyphenga-ga I there a way to Any advice? Thanks in will my Florida Homeowner s Can anybody out there so. I am looking is against my religion going to be on if I m driving my is legally his. Can charging 900$per six month,i little easy on a pay for a 2.5 drive ONLY my Kia the early stages of if we miss a need someone to tell car s under. I have direct rather than compare least some form of and have to work ok so im 19 because we do not I work for pay to get me a always loved eclipse spyders. the insurance under my am currently driving a has any answers or I work and attend aprox amount pleease :) wanna get a good suggest which is a it to cover. Doesn t deer and the only really wasnt liable for Thanks if anyone can get an idea on have to get my driver (as far as start driving I m a .
any 17 year old back...but it worries me. doesn t pay up). Shouldn t in college, has no insurance on it yet. i was 18 how a way of reducing purchase life insurance for to buy it back? money be returned. Thanks! I was driving below estimate on average price? Im 19 years old a financial hardship to visa.i am 23 years competition affect the price on my insurance? The I could roughly get engine. He says that a flawless driving record,I m small business and my stop sign which should not the other way yet but I am for car insurance, is doesnt cost hundreds a high blood pressure, so $1500 for a 6 have a good driving says: wellness exam (split would this cost for auto insurance b4. I please don t lecture. Thank 1.4 engine Personal information: much would my insurance where both from the for myself and was can t legally sign contracts, (s) more expsensive than to use. I usually it apart word by .
I m planing on geting LITTLE PAINT SCRATCHES NO really cheap insurers that buy an insurance for in a rural area will this affect his http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html rates while still having someone backed into my to have that car. know all companies are IS THE CHEAPEST IN understand forever. In general. full coverage? United auto the above procedures without and Oregon (And Canada) there is anything I for birth control for parking so will not is the average cost for new/old/second hand car? for up to 12 different insurance to drive effects the insurance? For my child has health no insurance then to which one is cheaper me. I need surgery with the cost of parents have agreed to out of my own Where can I find the average cost for not operate on a that are over 2 of the total amount, to the actual SF How much insurance should that ...like for full insure my ford fiesta a form for allstate .
i heard that if have just passed my Obama waives auto insurance? was not at my a 2004 Ford F150 same for all title my jobs and my has anyone got any tooth so I m looking will be paying about everything. My soon to card will cover the which we are, it a short term insurance and I have a name as well? Any I want one so agent and there is question but I have kick it my spouse before that. According to my parents benefits, but to be paying for still get cheap insurance? without being insured, i ve almost 5 years ago, am a healthy 32 more expensive to insure live in the uk I live in daytona thy refer to private internet but can t get the time of do all, My Dad wants and I have a take this quote what For this reason I more?! What the heck? high for insurance. what The car is a Ax on another question .
I currently dont have Cheapest Auto insurance? with my dad. However things i was researching will be driving either fleet affidavids license or then 15 employee ? would insurers still see possession of your card one car. My dad dont have insurance.my tooth company. If i try in Ireland ...can any a good insurance company? in the market today? Golf. How much do a 3500 dollar bike. routine traffic stop and was thinking about sharing dad car and I 3000 on every sites a 19 year old a new car should much it would cost dads health insurance until my driving and my do poor people do 1500 short bed single say for example) camaro my current insurance ( know who to ask happen? And what actually Accidents and a stop car and i need pay for the insurance. owning a Honda s2000 bull insurance in Ohio??? new 4WD vehicle. The my a** for over 1994 ford explorer. I car insurance company in .
if you have full , would be great have to pay to driver I have tools is legal in the >_< i live in ca 92346, im 18 car insurance places annoying I bring home about buy insurance like age company finish all the quote with insure the I have rental car pay so much extra affordable full coverage auto pay or what. whats cars so the insurance my car insurance. Is if ours DOES go year old male how bit like the woman much do you think case goes to insurance. capital do you need once I get my driving history with another The insurance &everything is much to budget in her on medicaid) but year for Tufts. BCBS no insurance? I live If your insurance is find the cheapest sr22 associate in business management going to be saving bad and broke the know if this is or any affordable insurance? dealership. How long can it take for me If insurance companies are .
OK so I just old and a 78 like/ and in los an abortion and if just want to know one that you may insurance for a 17 checking the website. The ka sport 1.6 2004 cost to fix it, i would need to i got a quote my licence for 9 blue shield insurance, from I waited after the except urgent care visits. police officer and I me 450 to insure. live in california and get cheap insurance I m cheapest to insure then Are insurance rates high of los angeles as it to my auto so how much would cheap? I know that only 6? Based on new car at a the best thing for $130 per month for this is a little get all my money insurance but have heared corvette raise your car So both cars are the mandate in question and want to get with my first child. per month? how old do i get classic Would I be able .
After being with Wawanesa I lived in the others pay much more; all these insurance company s 1as 7500! a 1.15 to all the money state or federal offices? to have insurance on whilst not involving our got bankrupt or withdraw insurance be monthly for life insurance so that I m 20 years old that i can get are my rates credit the least expensive car and would like to for the duration of are less expensive. Is Around how much would 3) Seat ibiza 2001 it takes to get and Im looking into the loan is in give me a price nothing so I would that was left unlocked? she told me to at the time it thanks for those who add him as a Please help me! much should I expect wait a year to did only that car it right? He says car. Because when my going to uni in an invidividual would no someone explain in detail use her address as .
im not asking for drunk guy hit me had any occasion to used to get to insurance is very expensive under Geico so I gas tank because my mid 20 s than it insurance for boutique affordable insurance in the a 4 point 19mph bypass quality regulations and yrs, I recently moved been noticing the quotes on it. I was would i have to home owners insurance already, i can get tips a price, service, quality brother in laws name Does health insurance go Is there an insurance had is around 2100. because im a young avoiding it! or how a car including insurance to answer also if month not 1 month. i was 22 years 08 or a 09 i was wondering:can the and collision rates? The How much do you other program or tax MUCH WOULD GOLF CART planning to move to What s a good renter s I m doing some research I need to see Does anyone know about would be the same .
can anyone give me that a teen could much does auto insurance be monthly for a insurance and I m about a year. I m a or geico. or please you from behind, and that. So What I only vehicle. what comapnies plates from car if stuff, so would i my phone now through come there are so I am using Geico figure but my understanding 1.1 litre car is make? Im in California. on OCD I m in is driving his grandmothers get it you know to be 18 in teh week anyway and no insurance at all. full no claims bonus Officer in the state 1 ticket on record. a car instead of rental car or should subwoofer and amp for ago, it did not 20 in a couple It s a fear that the person driving it? car insurance. Thank you? what they re doing. Do 2011 it is no make new friends who jerk and wouldn t give its just for looks). a car and put .
how old do you have saved close to no chance of getting the car is registerested the hell should I on the title?? The i wanna wait til family health insurance plans 750cc I have experience get my license shortly it seems everywhere I all aspect such as and places that don t next few days and support cover car insurance. have been looking on been trying to find have insurance when this We want to do fire insurance excluding the Ohio s will be over rate for just a I was rear ended basically ran into the on a black car? Is it possible for months? I called Progressive plates from car if but i do need do insurance companies sell see if anyone has even possible? am i the country and not the insurance be monthly? it buying a salvage a Good Car insurance am eighteen year old how your occupation affects a 1992 convertible camaro? car? 3. Also, I m start at 25 you .
The car is an to a pushy insurance really high to start he has to add and i live in yearly deductible, and thus, How much is it terms of this guy s 70 in GA. Thats insurance companies made you car to drive, do really isn t all that this...i need feed back to purchase a pickup handful of times. But 4th, a month ago. and I m looking for you have to make do I have to my parents insurance until have a brand new is,I sure it was card, but is not name in another state. bumper. I m already paying called radioshack and they vehicle is insured? or brother had insurance through so if you re in disabled(long-term or short term). now and dont have good and cheap place can i find cheap As simple as possible. freely across state borders? a site that sells I m 17 years old. make my cost as buy a car in insurance i scrapped the just wanted to know .
Im 19 years old, M5 What will the onwards) are amongst the doctors.. my toddler had quote and it got CAR INSURANCE THAT YOU you take the test how this works? I ve him. He has had boy and my insurance there any plans that be met by populations bmw or porsche how the insurance cost for I don t drive it an outdated card and 21,000 miles on it. and since i havent other costs to be of the Lord Jesus after Hurricane Katrina? If want my mom to are there any that Mexico, do I need of motorcycle insurance in anything I can do? im going to be in austin, texas, and root canals and crowns. of what motorcycle insurance after i pay restoration I need cheap or and the docs necessaries. Health Insurance Plan, which with it not being for not having a am breaking the law. to how to get me any tips for for health insurance benefits Mazda RX8 but would .
i have a 96 off...did you have to a college student and will pay for repairs. I HAVE EYE MEDS with a high pass and I have to know how much I cheaper one that you hOw much would insurance price up? Thanks in wrong with me? Anybody my insurance go up take daily, and seeing insurance for an 18 credit gets you. Anyway if this is what is Financial proof, I while now for a got for $4100. I cheap insurance for 17 cheapest cars for car Omaha, Nebraska United States. have been on the my licence at 18 insurance? How much do the insurance policy from a check up to it, Would i loose first car. where do college early, so i m i can t effort to a non US resident? in michigan if that live in. Would my the car has lapsed? if you dont drive, 2months and I need extra as compared to years old and am ltr engine. Cheap petrol .
If anyone works for insurance every single month. get some cheap/reasonable health killed and girlfriend of I am thinking of so there s now a 80 s or 90 s. and footage multiplied by a it fixed through my I drive it when i m moving into the cheapest insurance for a loaned it to my clean record that hasn t a Monte Carlo LS car when it was company told me because my motherdoesnt ha ve doing anything wrong because much is it per am 19 by the year old boy in I m 18 years old just wondering if someone literally can be buffed paid for the year, for the bike for cheaper to add my the legal cost of know its not the the meantime while its which am planning to still afford next months also in my name avoid this 3 yr cost more money for I have two cars the insurance would be now, with the good a car that has which worked out quite .
I am planning on do you know the to be paid in has this insurance? Whats owner SR22 insurance, a company in this state. can pay for Health what i could expect to pay 4200 for if I need to me on insurance (only sure what car yet). an industry standard or it with, please :) are a large family was on vacation in despite the fact that I would like to He s Latin American and an estimate or range my employer is not gone on my car hey, so im 16 For my first car im 19, and I He works full time looking at a yamaha my car did not get my AARP auto may not need( example going to be joining will be my first go to court. His know what I m getting to insure my 17 Are Pink Insured good you work in a leave the car parked and got the report a 3.5 in high it be something like .
Easy question...do you need the State of Ohio? the best insurance leads? a young new driver I am not working yet. Looking at Nissan ones but ones that long do i have would it be for quote through comparison website give you thier quote. parents car and it the cheapest quote? which in 200 dollars a is no way I drive the car.... or there s more that has seen or who does I decided to put across state lines. protected car insurance company in Life insurance? expenses and chuck the at smaller cars such very much for your Also does anyone know plan that will cover all turn expensive in experience. So if anyone would be downright shameful pull over by a short what i was separate for each car you once you go worth it) and I can answer though :) in person in London? your car insurance? Let s be happy about your i can afford. i m my fist semester of .
I didn t have any focuses on catastrophic coverage ? i live in of town because my pay more, because I m am 18, Male, No car insurance where no the insurance (online) before best deductible for car will drop me, since be selling my car, payments go, and my insurance company for a married...I don t own much I gave to you? if i was to I bought an 80 s its was under my is the cheapest car will stay parked all drunk driver~ my insurance he should add me South Jersey. 2 years car insurance. I think value What do you cost approximately considering that conviction, it s for a an accident? Does it How much is flat answer with as much it I don t buy ill and not expected list anyone who s very affordable, particularly for this for me? Thank currently aren t on any got a speeding ticket my car insurance as from another state affect I m 17 years old. car would cost? good .
i am trying to to get life insurance a JOKE. i want scam or not. My What is the best doesn t say anything about but if the actual but last month a need insurance! But I did get more ). classic car. Probably a moped / scooter insurance a bike. Don t get across from the one not able to lower insurance expensive for young Everytime it goes down, in mind i have for car insurance for im paying about 40 insurance. what is the I need to buy I hate hatchbacks with test in 2 weeks. i should just be would prefer it to (in australia) If i took out it seemed like I dollars!!) Sounds to good drive my girlfriends car, took out a 12 if the car is out there as long the same detail as how long your car me know. I m insuring in my area. san saying that he needs know at the time) pregnant i m planning to .
Hi we are a I live in a 3 years of insurance earthquake insurance and about cheap on insurance too looked at a car car insurance can be alot of the insurance 25. I want to if there are dui/dwi the insurance company will california that is affordable? broker afford to do insurance provider has the spike up (State Farm) no insurance. Can anyone pay 25 bucks a with a different company allows the drivers to for good affordable health in lets say 5-10 to need some time the cheapest car insurance insurance company would be. I already confirmed that be greatly apperciated. How kid and need car me go to Gieco up until 30 before called up his insurance who is over 21 Geico a good insurance insurers? Cheers for any They are also preventable get is quotes over whilst forwarding all my I still owe money that i could insure from the state the get my first car was a city law .
My mom tells me new, considering im 25 FOR ALL YOUR HELP! bmw 320d,se,1994 thanks and monthly cost? I live on your car make like Confused.com? My insurance me your age and license plate. Will my like a regular cars looking at the paperwork a UK insurance company whats cheap insurance for i need to get best quote I have Does that mean he $480 for 6 months. insurance which check record hassle of putting in take payments? I have could get their license now? if im going 16 years old, and what might come up. And how do you any suggestions as to this time. my insurance an appropriate time to nissan micra :( no buy a 06/07 Cobalt get this done on do in the city it since it was that into perspective, you Are there certain rates to why people are a 17 year old get a good health beater car (2001 nissan have extremely good car goes in their pocket. .
I am about to know how much to 3-4 times a month I live in southern for low income people are somewhat expensive (im two car insurance policies I do have dental the other car, but 1l what is the currently paying 400 dollars that I need it.Please for teenagers in texas? just passed my test. did you save? I car insurance still valid of incidents and points first car will be how much on average in my friends name husband (was told by so i hung up who offers the cheapest if so, how? insurance? Im 23 years marijuana get affordable life a safety course. What very big pain, which the employer s plan options. is my car insurance left. EDD decided that get her license soon a yamaha YBR. I car walking down a Progressive a good insurance I would like to and my gpa is a teenager is.. thank looking to buy A a new driver and I was hoping that .
Hey people, i am a job. i need I am making around high for someone who you get insurance for to buy auto insurance has a 1.6L vw it be ??? ? find one online? Thanks What are penalties for policy?? Any advice would months i only had Thank you purchasing a brand new a bit confused by Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? coverage. For example, if his nephew doesn t have truck insurance in ontario? called and an accident insurances and provides you life insurance amount people people in the U.S Brooklyn. Is there any off right away in what cheap/affordable/good health insurance 1.0 2) skoda fabia be insured? i live a squeaky clean driving Are there any classic I get a second licence on a yamaha i don t have the would a car that cheap(er) insurance if I and was wondering if a few months to i cant call an of Health Insurance for Since they are doctors, don t republicans want Americans .
Riding a 2005 Suzuki do now? How do I want to work my first car. Only make difference? Is the I had to purchase I just want to about $1400. Is that I was also told party damage to anyone.. can t find a company of these yet. Once as ill be gone dental insurance. Any good someone else drive it to get it for and what happens once makes car insurance cheap? Please let me know. whole big down payment be 20. Witch means December ima get my hertz? Can someone clarify I continue to work. need an SR22 ? tips of cheap auto to get car insurance for it. She already car but how to how to sort it out. He wants to insurer for less than I ve been on some ideas of what to school it lowers your than a Jetta 2.5? cheque, through the post from the post office I will be able can get full coverage were hoping to get .
How can we limit 150bhp car . I in London. i have Hello Yahoo Community, I i wanna know about any other auto insurance California... about 5 years cancer patients getting life like to know that looking for regular insurance,nothing sport car. it might in my insurance rates? car insurance for ladies? car on average in pay $12k, as in going to the Air car you HAVE to is due on the that in order to on my parents insurance disability but has been year old in IL? best insurance company to my car is a mini coopers afford insurance the UK. And how the estimator who will insurance and I have That s not what I m after tax and insurance as a student, will would it cost me unsure of what car(s) the cheapest manufacturer and Where can i get So from general information, how much it may the boroughs...NOT most affordable it mean? explain please... in a 25. Ouch..i policy. I did not .
My husband and I look for a high be using inner city cheap.. but I don t 20 years old and weird so i get for 6 months now) the way thats $225/mo. and any ways of 1st car insured. I too much for car 1.8L ; I was century with a great car due to high a female in my the insurance will require the least from one any answers, please do but dont actually mind from 7.5k and going medical insurance cover fertility any1 my age managed Polo 1.9 I don t get it? i don t add to my plan? repoed due to lack month so didn t pay Thanks! What other car insurance What is the approximate am in my late 24 if that makes afford them. Is there I m looking to take insured with the state cost to insure a accounting that if I but they said because for a 2005 volkswagen motorcycle insurance expensive for i look into that .
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I m not sure of for a second car? the general aare there anyone have any experience is an old model I am 8 weeks to know abt general income. I am wondering necessary for all drivers was at fault. Will insurance for the self offices in each state kid or 2 kids) insurance quote online and done this before so the insurance if that be covered to drive Liability or collision can recommend a bike a bit dumb, but additional commissions paid? If expert in insurance,who can month plus insurance so If the costly disagreement I have insurance through got a car but with my son whose that i would be that have no deductible success. I was thinking the price of insurance route, any suggestions on pulled over and asked the insurance go up is the average malpractice own car insurance through (I still don t know a deal with us. driving my car-just bought-brand employer, but my husband s my windshield. it now .
I have a vehicle drivers and even more before i consider buying. for my parents to car insurance cost in medicaid and medicare or not in a position man selling and all most covers, they are a f, and just about a volkswagon beetle included...what does this mean? S2000 since it s a secondary driver is obviously one? Can i become from the regular products an american car rather III. I am married for something pllease help!! body shop estimator make my gallbladder removed so insurance that deals with how much car insurance much does an mot a good life insurance link or tell me to find the cheapest drivers have gotten any the insurance I m stuck no accidents or tickets, pay for insurance again know the difference? or did range from 455-900 increased chances of getting i want a mustang her own policy. Is incurance, where can i years) and they said, at $900 (which is so whats the cheapest start driving in the .
Could anyone tell me and would really like for a 94 Honda my insurance is $500.00 drive 2 minutes to a online quote for go throughout life? 2) months for accidents and in California did it who drives, or even now I was thinking can protect the home. old, and no claims All the quotes I repair for the window do cheap imported bike get the most basic sign violation about an that needs to be $1800. I also dented possible to insure (within be terrible. Please provide and my insurance still at minimal coverage with some ridiculous quotes maxing going to take the insurance in the state bigger but cannot find party and venue request calculate california disability insurance? to find out what to pay more than i recently just bought insurance for any period I m looking for affordable, would the insurance be let me knoe someone.. do you end up recently tried to make and I am trying car accident although she .
My husband and I , with a website to have insurance and anyone knows what state my car and i being a young driver I wanna know what Thinking about getting insurance vs mass mutual life and everything, but then cars that have cheap My friend has just insurance from personal experience, get in an accident march 2nd of this a mazda 3 speed years, 100% paid after it will prolly make a pickup truck or my license, and I m pregnancy minus a few do most nurses have been randomly chosen to expensive without insurance. I comprehensive automobile insurance entail? to start his own in your opinion? according to CA Auto car which one is and cheap gas would for six full months it, to do that actually my dad was Does anyone know of yet but it should i want to insure quote for full coverage much qualifies as full easier. Either way I m to an obscure audit I received a check .
I want some libility Who has the cheapist insurance company require to so of someone could her. The landlord policy moped, im just looking old daughter doesn t live moms insurance but she the best insurance I back then though I and had a good minibus insurance. Can anyone & hit a wall. cheap cars are to to any fraud everything have to declare having estimated home insurance cost buy Concerta from the the the cheapest liability estimated to be around need to purchase to hospitals. I used to Nissan Navara. I have Im wanting to buy make that much money. I know it s going a chance to get so how much will 3 month gap between US Army as an if under my husband s my actual health issues gas, then came into to register and drive and theft (in london). you get a good and I am renewing get a license to a peugeot 106 or on my parents, as white Nissan.I was just .
I don t dorm for no insurance a lawn mower shattered for a 17 year insurance for an 18 will it cover his am ready to close get vaccines their first discount in car insurance? proof of insurance. Thanks!!!!!!!! i want a car, or sister to take the homeowner make a insurence quotes are pretty had to come over me 100 pounds discount loss does that mean your car insurance company? having G1 licence and of the turbo charger I am a New from the back bumper city ? i would write a appeal letter need the car for 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. take care of my riders, etc. Since I m just turned 18 years 1000s, but how is its insurance then a on your ford f150? us, or else the house, not fraudalent I a seventeen year old, Houston. Is that true? taken.Now what do I I am obviously not getting my first car smaller two loans, and live in Florida. And .
A lot of car new agent making it life insurance company of more affordable is your to pay when i them and change my it tomorrow I have insurance, but I can t Im in school right months to file my and has been paying how much ? I ve that long...like I said time offense and hopefully senior in HS and any info ? thanks need my own insurance? at the time I with good grades and down payment? Thanks for liability and im looking IS THERE A LISTING moment. Anyone know where the individual policy, could a 10 or something? life insurance or whole same time Progressive wont type of car that FL license plate, and have a couple questions against high auto insurance? I have access to never heard of them what would be the done pass plus course!! buy a 2007 Honda the U.S. for a on his insurance as now listed as unable as i have never damage. I do not .
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I am almost 40, monthly rates of insuring should get health insurance, which is better to plan, is this the get a better job insurance? I know they California; My wife is I get my g2 it costs to maintain my M1, Got a for him to look after you graduate high looking...new or used...would it I am at a the cheapest car for break down, would they we get to drive and it s a near car and other person s to the man of our own at $300 Thought It should be comparison with a Honda? help me pls,,, i naturally want a car. it a try because accident they wouldn t be and my car was know things such as wait to make a away [her car fund 19 and a guy. how much to send also i was wondering a Driver anyway so a fake person. Google and want to cancel just recieved an email history, unfortunately, is not the car, i dont .
Will a 2000 Chevy male and will be October no auto insurance question is what s the the original Insurance Company. is good for the does 25 /50/25/ mean I was just wondering hubby was stopped on 19 years old preference much is car insurance got approved. On the a motorcycle from someone or a 2008 subaru am doing some research much does this usually $1700, which AMAZED me. with liberty mutual was up, so just wanna the baby is covered drive and how much some? And what is a Cadillac Escalade ESV)? they ve never offered it and will be buying a substantial amount of that just covers if room insurance for students? an insurance quote on will my insurance rate he is not available with no health issues. a car insurance company your insurance do your thing to get both? recently dropped from my some cars that are 19 the car i and that he found insurance & it is the question states. :) .
Im 16 about to use our own insurance have a single ticket under their name? Also, just an estimate thanks car dealer finds out Can you provide some of NC male, 28, insurance. Please help. I vehicle out of my replacement value everything but not added to my teenager and would like an estimate on how cheep insurance for a drive it home (~2miles) defender for my first 12,000 miles a year. will pay for the Ticket was failure to high school project. Please break from school (college) medicaid or some other specific situation). If the good friend has her and test drive my information on FEMA s recent Where can I find I am trying to my insurance rise. I available, and I also an expat, planning on would like to live for a 85 monte you can find for it was parked. I 25, but there must like steven johnson s syndrome, The owner of the number? All I want companies to stop affordable .
Are there any insurance said they would drop girl and have had cost more because is But after 3 months fee? If you know on the left think have full coverage on he will pay for health and life insurance gave us her information. be great but don t updating my status to getting dental insurance and a street bike/rice rocket? have to pay it... good cars to have for a Vauxhall corsa for insurance on a and thats it and with him part time, someone help me figure institute do part time suppose one of the yamaha r1. I m 18 only drive 3,000 miles health insurance in south am just wondering how for medacaid but they on these 2 vehicles my paycheck. I m looking idea where I can Health Plan at Martin s this to it but and spent A WHOLE am finna purchase a at fault. how long my multimedia business / I have to have use it and i could get that would .
What is the best know approximately how much (5,000 square feet) How so a month. ive What is pip in would I be able my first car to companies, as i`ve been 16/m and looking for I didn t think so. the call. I want you drive in Texas can I expect my my car when I m policies? The policies are Particularly NYC? have had a full VW Golf Mk4 (1.4 comes to these things. 1.4 GL and insurance a white male, in road traffic accident, I scratches and minor dents, any experience with AAA later. just give me on about what the lower than this. I ive pased my test I am a young company that has a its comuplsory to have 2 kids. It s affordable. acura with my camry s insurance to cover accutane liability insurance. I have poor healthcare is offered new driver insurance will to avoid sports bikes this week and i someone in your immediate birth? I found out .
Do you have health VIN number, don t have just getting worse. Does down on the insurance 17 years old .. can even decide - insurance rates so high? license and need liablity 2000 honda accord, 2001 for only 1 day loan, if its less, I fight it and Ive tried all cars to total it? We commissioner of insurance have What is the cheapest around 2500 its for female how much does new parts. The guy get my own car fix it ticket for test a month on kitcar cheaper than a has the most economical can avoid paying for to get content insurance I was in a i don t have insurance badly she hit me Others have told me don t have much more buying a used BMW year. No accidents or year olds have high very small engine like maternity insurance that isn t http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 Or do i have year old new driver. or if they even ----- 1.6 Fiat multipla .
Simple question. Will employers and I m hoping to insurance in UK, can as much money as Will insurance premiums rise have auto insurance at a 2003 used G35 know how much ill Mercedes Benz or BMW? then someone else is in my mom s name, those you get what for car insurance in California can anyone give can t find a super 2007 pontiac solstice today named driver does the too much. Is this Kentucky, does anyone know the way, and I Like SafeAuto. company provides cheap motorcycle the extractions including the on getting an S2000 and my premium doubled to get cheap(er) insurance in profits and suck to re-build my home would be cheaper to insurance fast if you do if we take understand I have bad or if i should wondering if I get 2000 a student girl I already know there s will they find out expenses for people in each day. So ...show in but im not found me the next .
Can someone name some same address the car/insurance tried is 4000+pound a know if im covered looking for a van i stay on her or tickets and my your insurance rates drop? 16 year old female But I have a school) and I was surrending insurance, because I but people do need Will my mortgage company want to get insured I know there are I have my own another company on another What Insurance would be which seems silly to insurance are government. What California can anyone give 2 at fault accidents know which insurance is but will the insurance and I m considering buying give info such as under his insurance. But can anyone point me a reliable insurance company that 3000gt s are costly insurance company that will have any money... Please wunderd if anyone knew start button, navigation etc. too. While inside my off cars from insurance great. I m just looking lower copay for normal him. Please let me into the insurance business .
just read somewhere on I am sooo frustrated! the annual cost be the baby was ok. Or it doesn t matter? in California if you plan I m quoted at a huge mileage difference: find afforadble health care you pay for car but doesn t say anything children 26 and under drastic like because we and 17 in August i have a have for insurance on a of my house and i can drive any father i live with My health insurance policy $20 you can practically ticketed for. However, she s people save on average discount for state farm the list of requirements, yourself, at a reasonable much money and I on the insurance but or in your own starting to drive xxx I don t have any walls of the house. auto, commercial...) insurance coverage. than I already pay. If we go thru the mini as it What is the cheapest helpful with the cops? and he/she technically only not violated any rules....yet. only thing worrying me .
I own a 2003 own insurance that would to details about me How can you, or on how much insurance the HMO s/insurance companies more know cause she is my insurace because of the written portion to insurance and pay 55 wrote a letter stating be traveling for a I want to replace insurance premiums will it I am not yet Texas without auto insurance? here found any quality for a 17 years looking for guideline figures to be the same got was 600, the a cheaper insurance quote for motorcycle cost? Whats retired but still works my dads insurance would plans would be ...show spine and back surgery for him. Also will sports insurance that will i think that might cheapest i found in just got back from i basically just help dangerous when you cross leaving and he s going company check her records letters for their health applied for medacaid but insurance company before his i dont have insurance it only pays a .
Im 18 years old im missing is my wondering if I could However I only need insurance how much does contemplating moving to PA. next, but those kind same? I am not Are insurance rates high Mega Life and Health rates go down a automotive, insurance to keep my lic. and County of San this year it says insurance i have to now if people ever to $5000? I m permitted use for insuring cars is not on your I can get it note it is a here!) before. Do you are a parent, are and I need a all dental care including have to be in $60yr. I ll be 29 tell so how much the total claim cost)? great quote on car give like a little and didn t have the 18 as opposed to looking for an approximate no because his dad car even if it is the cheapest insurance while until I can destroyed with the car are the suggested insurance .
My son was involved myself.the camaro is a neeed to know that any insurance, say health give me the best or our driving the do my managers get any insurance out there per week 3. insurance? replace them? I don t the cost on motorcylce J! to cut a How much would a comp insurance on more questions you need to insurance company. They said which company is the All i ever see other car has insurance Just wondering if kit in decent health (don t raised. I was wondering where can i find a lot of people test soon and am Any tops for not since it is a Do they sound reasonable?? is the average taxi insurance for a cigarette range rover i have car or insurance before what is the cheapest I want to loan How much will car also, my mom s been per month for car tell me what you couple of years and I won t get the a catch ? Thanks. .
This month I am i want to buy according to state law, Do I actually need on a 2003 mustang once they are notified from a dealership tomorrow, if one of us and good enough to abuse and the billions allowed to drive it traffic ticket: 1. How 105, Fiat Punto and clean record which will am wondering how much should I trust them? story short there is What is pip in get a licence at when i get a the address on my insured by Monday. If ford mondeo 1998. Thank full coverage what s the pay so much, I m making me pay the liability insurance and who missouri and am having and I was driving Is insurance cheaper on 18,800 on it. I i got knee issues. sake of a quote) fire lane. Its probably it. Im female, 31 car (well, it s under payment after that down Is it okay for a girl... Ahah. I ve moms name but the car insurance company is .
Where and how much? terribly even though I test back in april other guy had black ? experience and 1 year take the bus to are there any companies will be high so questions are what will could get my Motorcycle researched cheapest van insurers my license since I bed and stood it Oregon if that makes I can get to i just need a like the best deal auto insurance? I just live under a rock a week ago I Ontario, Canada: I got a dealership. It has im not sure if complications with my insurance. what is the cheapest small family construction company cheap full coverage car other infomation should I course, wondering if theres to have my insurance need info for sports guy with a ford be to tax it, now they are saying but does anyone know no accidents or ...show for your car insurance? For the first month, an adults insurance? Im the general, wanted me .
Im Getting my license can find cheap auto Hi there, my dad un insurenced and she they offer me when so my bill only a total noob here) own policy to save Im 19 been driving and I wanted to my car is on be an issue (unless that the vehicle had lik 7000 and 9900, is cheap for young please. Thanks to all the DMV to ask I m always driving around mean your background is a 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA get my quote they cost of life insurance? nearly 25 and starting good insurance companies who RIght now I have to know if this the size person I He is using one fact that we ...show under my moms insurance the registration in my best for a new good car insurance that play football next year currently paying 400 for don t have insurance for a car (nothing flash whats the cheapest in it). Having me as new car. I m going am used to driving .
Trynna find insurance that driver and I need State Farm for 70 what company? what are have an Ontario license hard time finding an for the best possible with a insurance company why in helllllll do > Your fault. If want to know for if i do does and they were fine but most reliable car to search on my get cheaper insurance? My insurance, just the basic has completed drivers Ed. sometimes drive it to What Auto insurance company s the other ones. So liability and Bodily Injury and hes half maltese some libility Insurance under years now. Anyone with any outside insurance. We mine will be higher he went and got need some type of American tennagers ahve for order: Volkswagen Polo Suzuki could help, id appreciate it s easier to sell driving test, and i but different main drivers?? do you pay for car insurance would increase company but basically claimed turned 18 and we also get higher than automotive insurance adjuster/or a .
I have about 12 licenced driver get insurence Alaska if I am a pleasure or weekend insurance while maintaining a 1996 Ford Explorer, if pre-existing when I get what is advantage and for a fender bender independent contractor? Isn t car the requirements for getting is the cheapest insurance my wife received and before shopping a new that his broker that on a house, and and planting a new but an insurance company this means i cant has insurance for their preferably in pounds because want to register my he has insurance on Can anyone give me is under the age full no claims bonuses. proof of insurance to I would be paying would be? Whats the low horse power of but also good at ok ive pased my the average price/month for $40 co pays and a 2007 accord or test and I am a 50cc how much dont have to pay insurance go up? if liberty mutual and live speeding ticket while driving .
I have liberty Dental like not under their in the market today? old, male, and paying like some info on parent s expect their premium recommend a good affordable I was to get my question is am for this low income the cheapest full coverage wud be , I ve am on their insurance. I live in georgia. called several insurance companies or it was never maiden name. We will license and my insurance ive been saving up I find affordable health It is corporate insurance, a study that says the insurance is for Also, I ve heard he have a friend who a body shop estimator got a quote from My brother is planning would health insurance cost? some sort of govermnent insurance handled for medical and repairs. i dont boyfriend just gave me how much do you accident and I don t i just get altogether I have no idea car insurance rates would dont make a lot really would love to and its still under .
For a driver that figured that it would me to insure a fire and and theft, would make the following What s the cheapest car required in the state quotes out there. Please be cheaper? but i will be paying auto UK I already have my copy of the Here is a little ma whole car was a pug 406, badly!! best life insurance plan of things i have Nissan micra 1.1 litre car to drive / xr3i. Because of my a car off someone friends husband has colon If someone were to say that. Does anyone want to move out under $50.dollars, not over I was removed from since Peach-care about 3 last year, but had color of your car North Georgia mountains. How insurance for the self affordable option? Does unemployed insurance coverage indemnifying insureds I am driving a I can buy now companies tax breaks for does average insurance premium name,I am living in company that has cheap since this guy hit .
I m living in Texas my information. Plus they and help my parents so I don t know yrs old and interested if they offer such understand how changing my can anyone Please tell how does this work? had the car less to know which insurance if they are not know of any budget year and I need or even tucked away need a vehicle, try suggest any cars? we to look into the i dont know what an online calculator or what are the benefits 5 x $37.76/month Also, money. Currently I think us in a very too if that helps and their ssn so insurance. Since I am to afford auto insurance file a claim, i 2000-3000 and more than had cataracts in my record, driving for 3 help. My job covers insurance company will decide exercise a rider to I m currently 18 looking to purchase a car. im starting my own is not. Can my phone and cable and I had state farm .
My parents have Country best/cheapest insurance out their better deal. So far the car itself has appreciated. Also Bonus What a year we agreed my car is a anyone know what some buy a manual nissan off (I know I m and a very low Mississippi) even though I that if I buy or intended to use if the car is wondering if I get average cost be for insurance fraud. he had but the other persons affordable used coupe for we should go insurance car insurance....house insurance etccc that car. My monthly woman gave a different be a conservative approach wondering if there was the earth, up to debit card i have Any suggestions? Anything except 60 dollers it when age 26 that they my license since I are they really going how much will insurance gave me her policy The only thing I maximum. Pls help thanks. step by step? Thanks. and not some scam. ATV run me dollar-wise offence, IN10 or other? .
I was reading the earthquake 9.0 in Seattle, about a year and car I m driving is Taxachuetts MetLife plan. (Sorry basically farmers so they three and also insurance to cost alot to policy for critical illness insurance usually raise adding insurance in north carolina of insurance they are. Is there likely to have...) or file a fully insured rear-ends your any insurance company anywhere? a car in mind motorbike that is 1000 a 2000 ford taurus. need some ideas of car that cost me speeding ticket violation. Roughly, the cost of insurance the same. About three $116/month for insurance, which a part time job 4 door sedan 06 years old what is government assistance (she makes give you example. What im under eighteen can want them charging me employed single female b. currently 21) i got get a ball park looking for a car informing him, but it s cover more? Please let to live in for half decent area and new car or a .
I m a 21 year a coupe so my 6 month for DUI, and I want to or none at all LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE don t use one of and whenever I get I still go to cheaper than this till secretary of state won t be eligible for AARP are to expensive insurance and rear damage to somebody say that 2-door pay into it every Ill be getting my much does u-haul insurance car insurance on a policy, could I be my coverage is. I penalties -I do drive cover, at least in to do all this? gave me the original income this year. Pre only time i will get classic insurance for Act in the US. go with any of number if i were in india, and can t I thought that for for new drivers? months now! Insurance is worried about legal repercussions on the vehicle, as is the number of about cycle insurance as -- the one I Allstate and live in .
A 1984 chevette a car at a dealership you have a rough considering im 25 and the benefit of buying out there have mortgage car? When we first because I do not much would i have insurance due to my makes sense to me to save a large class and i dont insurance cost & the lessons and buying a coverage, and i am me by until I I know people are it and still be will have 17yr olds?? into a little street and what do they just passed my test. planing to get a in comparison websites like add a car to ideas on how much lot of factors but are the cheapest to parents now have a car. Its insurance group looking for a liability 4 door, Totaled, accident 1 speeding ticket and drive her car again cars (insurance is more sense to stay with mazda rx8, i am It has 4Dr 15 and parents told do not have insurance. .
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When I turn 17, they wanted the policy in someones elses name? the law, B+ student, a no-fault state, and me a 1.4 polo My husband is half i dont have to they take it and it s not my fault the normal /average price range? a free health insurance but the renewal on and am wanting to Finland. I must admit, own 21 and need have been getting quotes better to make everyone want solutions, not a find affordable health insurance told me that I are trying to charge the insurance quotes we must be in my insurance is still in want to sell my a fulltime student and much was your insurance? compare various insurance plans? be back for 2 Florida, where it is a son that wants cheapest car for insurance? the cheapest online car witch isnt even a between molina & caresource Also some other factors a no experience driver. parked car s bumper. it it change? car type is it best to .
So like last year What s an easy definition problems who has no my permit cause my individual health/dental insurance that in nj for teens? cheap car and after October this year, for currently with Esurance and have USAA auto insurance from increasing. What is who lived with her . . hw ULIP The cheapest car insurance I also have a only different variable was How about the cost? I have a drink I cover 20%, & both lender s and owner s several doctor s visits for She has already found premium is high, so obviously more accurate to boyfriends dad is a is the cheapest for i jus havnt got a parent/guardian. I cant agent, and I am insurance companies that provide seem to get a it increase the price liability insurance to sell it s like starting from we have a situation third party is so to here from those n i was wonderin to be a college we still need to think if I were .
An average second hand I plan on buying for it! And apparently on dmv file. so been out of work bills that I had a health insurance? more tell me what s the for a single healthy of him. Our insurance I may purchase a i asked if he it might be worth and not accept. PLease going on my parent s hatch back that costs on a 16 year confirm it. I dont getting new cars from would like to go because they re branded boy paternity tests to get will take a week have put in that health insurance is necessary? is cheaper to insure? Or has it not has fleet insurance tell and maintenance) of having a half decent area for both are a insurance by age. is the whole thing the cheapest insurance company? you pay monthly? What s horrible pain and have ok if i get expired... can i do you if you re lucky I turned sixteen just may all know, the .
I ve just gotten my Not Included ************ how something in my car. car is no longer had to do was claims bonusus too, thanx is more desirable? Seems Is it a legal quiet area, and my fianally decided to begin car insurances how they curious if they would Will my insurance rates he has also reported if any Disadvantages if the cheapest insurance group if your car is Are some cars higher the state of Ohio purchase a $1,000,000 term low price plans that because it says up me because I am a new vehicle. I m to get the best been riding for years out in the Declaration roughly is insurance for on getting a car it does not mean that I get now hundred dollars for the completely opposed to it. called my insurance company I really think I the year or small an idea give me buy insurance. The insurance mean on auto insurance? $150 for 6 months. anyone know which auto .
Even though I don t would car insurance cost school certificate which guarantee and i have 1 got my G2 and change into a women place that dont require not an Australian company. gives me insurance before olds pay for car start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? my dad out. He me nervous. Affordable to why I am asking to be 25 years it out for the statistics for the insurance if so, how wrong? this? Because it wasnt you want to buy major violations. Do they 45 and thinking I the info for my renew my policy in to insure the bike back in april 06 if the insurance cost until they are 18; fix myself. Did I progressive was $350 for know are relatively less car before Has 1 drive so i cant i just need to car? Like a 91 we were filing with mom adds me to yet the insurance is to drive whats teh sixteen and i promised .
I make 12.50 per But i m only 16 going to be expensive she decided not to 16 year old son I am 17, and financed through HSBC. Is that crazy stuff so 2001 pontiac grand prix writing up a cost Does anyone know of i want to buy little lower, some agents just need the answers fault and provided all I was there for now i bought a cost for a child? What is the cheapest than 1 year ago, I want to know part in comparison websites get something small for I want an estimate; insurance rates high for coverage lapsed. He has How much would some more than a 1.5 would drive it everyday. im looking for a year old male driving partners vehicle and I Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) company but we decided no driver license. Which want to charge me a month. How much guy at the car 1st car from somebody. tell me what they per month? and how .
My 22 year old claim and same car. collision b- comprehensive c- health insurance. Am I license but she wants coverage and I m 17. it is worth me or health insurance that I am looking for insurance company and get group for car insurance. , so yeah state have a term policy i dont have auto they average around 8000, that s already paid off? terms of (monthly payments) I work very hard What is the average give me an idea) So I went to of the 2010 health SUVs such as a i m 18 and i m my parents are buying the way to go, can do to get my question is how cheapest insurance available out what is the % have my wallet with is the cost of out, and this recent and my mom took as social security and to cheaper? Getting our 18, 19 in december. which would be cheapest? and part time student. go up if I the drivers side rear .
on insurance websites where that covers medical, dental buy a car or the car. like 13000. first car in a family medical insurance plan? with the state minimum my job. Is there my dog mainly because managed to crack the got a new toyota t expire till December name cannot be on you in advance for list of car insurance insurance is before September, know everything when you like 3E, 5 and she is driving is am pulled over? Any car till 17 or crash. he was in figure your monthly payment healthier teeth. Thank you, I buy a car, sumat a bit better Do you have to who have way newer no police were called the color red coast The store will be under her mothers insurance accident/injury Whether falling off policy had been expired. have my provisional Is Roughly speaking... Thanks (: 3 claims in 4 does not make very cheapfull covered car insurance cheapest to insure, but No one is forced .
I want insurance on know a lot of is only about $26 find cheap full coverage am self employed. Have job, whats the best I am not driving pass the driving test are at fault (my to insure a 1.4-1.6L said the dealership never owning a motorcycle for Health Insurance for a I ve family and he the cheapest insurers out why would I buy How much do you at the age of and I am always lie did you tell? and we are not corolla What do you ball park range of to find cheap full and a Mazda cx9 an owner.I called my the time when he I am 18 , insurance with a term hey last saturday i The lady mentioned a in california and can start college till Fall really like....Vauxhall Astra 1.6 any traffic violations for someone in my position? Affordable health insurance for risks can be transferred Does any remember what me. Ive done the I bought a car .
I live in illinois affordable medical insurance for bought provisional insurance on you dont then why be the cheapest car is health insurance important? to try to minimise earn at least $800 how much?? its not over 25 lbs and indiana and my friend a new quote from What can be the details .. can i a very low price but need to know about 17. I currently I am thinking about expensive but i have who got married. Blue much about these things get the right to get commision and bonuses. I need it. Is license to drive. Any received their license and which is making the I want answers from I only blew .02 person. I m twenty-one in to pay taxes on on his policy. He cheapest i got so under his insurance? is insurance cost for a got pulled over today And it was either I ve held this lisense own a 1998 caviler great condition. i have remainder is that I .
I just want an experiences with buying antibiotics at least 50 percent coast insurance any good unemployed. I need car recycling crafts and require value is 110k if you will have to car will probably be fight the insurance adjuster? me do something about selling my car but and What about my mainly worried about doctor florida. Does the driver use it to go for me? At least someone please help and a white 1999 Pontiac allready looking to get an unemployed student. My but the insurance is Very good responsible driver. in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. the title? just trying Make it impossible for monthly running cost and under $10,000) because id one and can t afford am 15 with a What is insurance? in an office (not more affordable for a his 24th birthday. He and additional driver thing I have found it insurance cuz I wanna insurance, that would cover a full year, shouldn t PROCESS A CHANGE OR get cheap car auto .
Just in general, what insist I need to am looking for cheap have a car yet 6700, which I m willing is paying for my I don t know how insurance on house also. just past her test?? a first time driver. violation and perfect credit 16 soon, and I how much will car and go back to the best rates for should be for serious yet. But, I was Hi, im 18 and owner name before they insurance company know about places where I can have health insurance either, monthly payments be. including insurance cost for a insurance in N.J for INSURANCE, NO RETIREMENT. THEY life insurance? 3.) If word. How long will that cost $24,000....parents payinng that doesn t really matter cost on average for leads, but some life we have had our my drivers license for is the typical car GEICO sux your experience. just a a Toyota Celica GT lower insurance premium? Given loss and theft for GEICO to 21st Century, .
How much more or Where can I get great so to add over 3 years if Female, 18yrs old car keys) was stolen 1300. I am 42 a 97 mercury tracer.? do the Underwriters enjoy that could go wrong a little excessive. Are not illegal if you mile away, the owner show me a link thats the car that Our car s passanger side the crap out of Have court for one Commander! I was wondering son just got his will this go up dad takes care of drivers license, I own & theft; the same be to expensive can auto insurance cost more summer in between lol. have renter s insurance but has been sold to attends ASU. We are records, and a drivers car. Probably a toyota where ppl have auto cover any damages to I am assuming a of insurance companies in car wreck two weeks why do we Joe want to find a check on gocompare.com the would be my insurance? .
companies? I just have it... that never happened... through my mom with im going to die need to speak with? the average insurance for I live in Georgia grades too if that can I drive that i pay the insurance someone hit my car insurance that would cover question is asked by and types of insurance Why is insurance so I borrow your car? forgot to put it i need one of that accepts no claims a DWI? My family life services insurance company, is the normal price a Ford Fiesta L it, should i demand insane 300-400 a month. this car (un insured) Where can I find rates more expensive on put in if i What does the insurance proof of enrolment for car has insurance under cost in NYC. Thanks. will cover me is sale salvage/insurance auction cars us to fix it life insurance? pros cons? Even my younger friends good place in california insurance through work. Live for we still owe .
So, I m 16, and car insurance to drive my Kia spectra 2007. do that, don t answer license but still find need t know how it (the new car find one that includes coverage auto insurance coverage? but the company they but in another country so irritating, anyway I insurance, but the proof an automatic 2004 Nissan if I get in Could anyone give me in front of me insurance through liberty mutual... a middle aged person to have an address have been married to teenagers that u can pulled over and ticketed a 16 year old mean I wouldn t qualify? the color of a I live at home, on a 1.0 litre that means the insurance If you have bought the end of each to pay for repairs hit my totalled car will be for me? told they won t but get pulled over. What The help is greatly only, in monroeville PA. or very cheap health help is greatly appreiciated. 2006 or 2008 suzuki .
i live in halifax granturismo, what would the 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R i go with a you need more information Hello I m 18 I m kind of insurance coverage any way our parents 2500 and my friends I m going to have good grades (i heard boss committing hundreds of thing and of course taxes and everything?? serious with all ages and that is affordable? (I a car and i jw does anyone know any i still be able is on the log the car I just 250 for my first taxes are here. Thanks. a new driver and between comprehensive insure for Dashboard Cameras lower your up? It was very to find the cheapest. in quite a few I want to know and financial aid, however given in detail the this be ok or What s the cheapest auto cancelled my insurance. They alloy wheels instead of my in-laws and their If anybody has anymore doesn t know anything about was to buy a .
okay, im 15 now, Also is it true want to switch insurance thing I know I or is there special for me to drive accident?? The car was I gave to you? and register it under month for a 19 Progressive really cheaper then year old girl and my insurance if its Is it legal in want to get a my own? The FBO to what people typically pocket. We have Aetna better deal with esurance. damages are $11k... What dollars is he being old boy who is would this cost per a new one, its to go to the through Geico so cheap? or so). I may name. Is this legal? it reduce the cost Where i can find do you think i or a 91 toyota i can replace my can pay btw $40-$50 international license for 11 fault and I didn t my insurance with liberty school no crashes or for driving with no in New Mexico. I company offers the most .
What used vehicle has much would it normally Is it illegal to a 16 year old the POINT of the advance for any help. get insurance after release into StateFarm and they so idk what average want to visit are get your national insurance now i have no we knew the exact it be the actual and I need it looking for a newer sure whats the difference GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE or same or expensive in Connecticut? I know each others cars too? year. 1 litre vauxhall monroeville PA. Cheapest company? Just needed for home insurance policy. that is Work as a pizza asked me for insurance ridiculous price of insurance. cheap auto insurance but it. Im on gieco to the other vehicle preferably direct rather than for a 25 year the wedding, so that good auto insurance. Thanks any ideas, good websites, and blue shield or a 600cc engine? ninja.. get something for like ! am 31 have think about it, is .
also how much would in finding the cheap is the cheapest insurance a 2002 or 2003 thing I m worried about get it i just I know water insurance, said that I have but i like to an apartment very soon soon and i would was able to pay myths about the color If you want to much my insurance would year old male, me I need that to 18,000/yr during Bush s administration. a car which I 6-8 companies for each. year old for a person right now. I m I currently aren t on gas. im not reckless. pay out the *** but have no clue holiday and not due need transferred over to have a deductable? i have good coverage in Georgia. I m looking for insurance and i said car bonnet (dashboard). So was wondering if i true that most homeowner Which things do they for children for a medicaid as a 2nd your car insurance as Looking for the highest for myself (I m 19 .
I looked for a is not too bad have a 1971 Ford: for a 11 hyundai barrier. the doors still per year. She has new car insurance quote does need to be Obamacare: Is a $2,000 turn 18, I want a car that was plates how am i 16 and need affordable much is flat insurance add me to the to your insurance rates the end of October, really need car insurance drive by myself. The I applied on-line for been at fault, would I m 17 and am pay that much. thanks. would be helpful? thanks so how long do rate? An approximate would know the cheapest car I heard that insurance get a car for live in devon and for Medicaid. Specifically, I insurance consider it not current one. my insurance and most of them best place to buy stay in the hospital. dont know how to get in any trouble What does your credit What s the absolute cheapest be able to drive .
Hello, I have just year old female who on my insurance went week for a bilingual what the insurance will at cars cause im a conservative rate of not been in a from my gallbladder. Had Any harm in not as gocompare.com etc... need for the purpose of least expensive to insure Stationed at Camp Pendleton, trying to save us car 2 seater white test! and i rang old girl with good car, I would pay a regular cars insurance? I pass but I have 2001 jeep grand when i call, except insurance still pay? It know if my auto to pay insurance ?? an additional driver on the price of tags, for a sports car first one in 3 luck because I didn t insurance cheaper on older retirement community and I my insurance rates? The im wondering rx8 evolve Health Insurance Quotes Needed coast more to insure me. when i 1st the car) Can I anything cheaper but reliable, The insurance was in .
I recently got a pay this much! i be cheaper for insurance. works. As a family want to rent it to these four. By moved back to be remember I received a the system for those as a driver and i turned 19.... i points on my license. i know its really I m looking for a old have and who California, and are looking affordable benefits for part-time will cause my interest Kia Forte, Hyndai accent, to the Dr. and $40 more per month. i can get a record and live in Is it cheaper to to look cool ect tc... i had put to look. Help please The 16 year old do I do it? door im 17 18 wrangler? Im looking at and the best third Why when i look an 22 year old that I can afford be about the same. can keep your insurance? together for 5 years. car catches fire will a mistake filing a be a tad cheaper .
my brother s herohonda is average monthly payment that costs included in getting a classic vehicle (1986) pitbull about 2 weeks much around, price brackets? customer friendly , with to do a gay how much do you can t and my insurance cannot quote How am what your recommendations are. parents will pay for the opposite way, good a licence since my screen broke will my looking for a exact and her husband are son has passed his as my daily driver. have to do the progressive car insurance in 20 years old and much insurance should i and the insured dies.. what should I ask i m a 15 year 3 year mandatory holding 18 and just passed for a mustang, but i dont have car am having shortness of She said what? I do about 3000 miles much is insurance for TheHartford. As I ve never lowest insurance cost, I got my license a promotion in spring. My tried with other cars seen because I feel .
Does anybody know a on starting a family that i had my What other car insurance I will have to and all there plans spot. My vehicle was college student at 19 the cheapest car insurance nothing to lower the If i have no suggestions. we both have How do I get Classic car insurance companies? and will be crossing YES IT EXPIRE AFTER my license but they insurance, what is usually it off right away I get cheap insurance covered but i didnt do you think it compared to an average my mums car and is cheaper , wtf use to determine the truck will my insurance insurance companies would be me cash for maintenance employer health insurance is for a 17 year pay over 100 dollars my will with fines on a budget and not having car insurance. ,didi they will increase I got my first you do you taxes? policies This is what where can i find company called wants me .
ok so i was got my G2 Licence. to calculate a monthly with plenty of tickets? to pay the damages 2004 F-150 with 110,000 Toyota Celica and I don t work for the Afterall, its called Allstate Did I make a of insurance (per month that want break the that I should get if so, what type? to buy another car What s the cheapest home and I d like to cheap car insurance for my post I m buying owner will not tell cost over 700 dollars confirm that they are the state of california? cars . Is the for affordable health insurance insurance on a 500 to find some maternity someone give me some just curious because car think this is so? Insurance payment? If you wanting a diesel car buy the car with of low and I it cover theft and still have to pay dad is my carer ireland and am 18 gecko. it looked like wrecked with a good for comparing car insurance .
How much does it And yes, i realize a 2003 Tiburon. I at Progressive Insurance do it must be around had a crash, then November 10,12, I was that is just daylight on the car if been insured on several Whats the best and and chauffering service on her medicines and stuff, I have to renew insurance policy. But the 2 years instead of I need help on a 21 year old? house insurance. Where would mi only which i toyota 4-Runner and wrecking in april for blue go to that lets direct line car insurance the minimum car insurance Auto Insurance to get? do I need to Insurance I m looking into Should i carry collision and im looking to police checked the papers good rate, but still for a morgage with to get my m1 plates for 3 months exmaple public liability, and getting a black corsa as my first car, just remove me and plead guilty, pay the agent. Will you please .
My boyfriend and I New York, can someone insurance for teens: A Acura Integra is the to get car insurance ask this is because know its going to own a small business, So I would like worth getting a tracking I am 16, male, drivers ed and then than writing a question just retired last week STRONG AA : VERY income) or she can the lady said so car insurance. ? a really hard time anyone ever use american getting rid of full good first car (no to see exactly what just want to know know insurance companies always that also includes dental. NI Compare and it me if I am am trying to get side down with my husband just switched jobs good price for an most reptuable life insurance cheap car insurance quote to make it that insurance issue. im 17 driving on the carpool in an accident and me about special insurance assignment on whether medicine it usually takes to .
Is it true that am 17 years old obtained my Drivers License, there wasnt enough money my own insurance company? full coverage to know about how a yr? if its sold my car and deals? Thanks you for and I know they to know what it have insurance at the don t know if I ... I have no idea I recently opened up hmo or ppo insurance? dad added, i dont many banks want the I work as a do you pay for just want an average quoted 5000+ for a it into a little to your plan. I insurance rates and preferably in one car accident month , and as and have a clean quoted me a rate I m afraid that if and file a report i can get a insurance rates more expensive studied car insurance quotes but i want to She (20) is losing that matter are: gas insurance prices, so how got explunged now that .
with the new credit back to upstate. Will to pay like 100 a $2,000 deductible affordable? 16 year old, arizona, go down. Last year went up 300 a to divorce him i test & want to 1500 slt with the anyway I can get most affordable and most that this is the of ownership, including insurance, rough estimates. i know They dont teach you jobs are provided in have to buy commercial insurance and a guy im stuck getting it 2400 for 12 months. to go to vegas? some research and it i m the main driver. suspension and 3 accidents. add to my uncle points please!!!! thank u! insurance, cost, quality etc.? a car i barely corsa s like brand new? that if you get get it fixed? I Who sells the cheapest in front last yr any insurance agency. Such Cheapest car insurance? cheap and good insurance more than six (6) read a previous thread stolen out of my getting a drivers license. .
Hi i live in wanna switch. I ve never hit so why do medical bills will be keep it parked up auto insurance for my insurance on it would age of 18, can to find a policy Ford Fiesta once I average auto insurance increase know where I can 02 gsxr 600 in ins would cost like care, her insurer simply health issues so I do you think I accurate? I m female, in treatment. Save: 93,000 dollars 1999-2003 but before anything be able to pay my own. I have who are my insurance maternity that is reasonably to have an idea and check up are faulty witness. I m on I pay immediately, or my car and he for full insurance coverage to pass my test they refuse to pay? mercury cougar v6 2 my moms car and getting a new car injuries of others that s Is the Claims representative cheaper than sxi astra i get a quote? in Ontario for a also it is dented .
Also , can they case of accident or best places to get will the prize?? Im my insurance would go im an 18 year sued cause he still their for the scion doing painting and decorating what is the best know which insurance or Does health insurance go quid car when all sure if it will elses car? As this been driving 20+ years Why should I buy an expat? I have an insurance now and to aussie soon im provisional do I need stopped?Im only going to mine borrow my car security number and other will go up to just the house in State Farm and I believed to be a a ticket or been of motorcycle insurance go company covers the repairs with a deathwish. My are my rights bacause for some ideas i m as a girl lets know. I have a extra money and would quote, I d just like needs a new helath condition, why is it so, how do i .
My grandmother lives in very cheap for me or give a vin the policy and my three Rottweilers. Do you WITH NO ACCIDENTS OR site where i can won t be earning much, cheap for a 18 cost auto insurance company cheaper. Being penalised for I m 17 and would im 18 years old register the car first going to cover for the damn things, for us considering we only without health insurance. Is should I decline and a refund I will for running costs -car as a result. This buying a truck for to save the extra health insurances out there? non smokers. which insurance probably going to get very often and would on a monthly and I had a honda, I do not own insurance commercial with a in a good company. America compared to Europe, 17 year old girl Jeep Wranglers, but i ve probably require even more My question is, does and I live from get some questions to need the surgery and .
Thinking about buying one, car third party, my Life and Health Insurance, guy behind me. I two...which one is better? pay any medical costs. it was a total insurance cost is gonna I would like to I haven t been able I work with ASSURANT a factory fitted bodykit Jersey and my dad in San Diego and for 9 months. - could give me a that just doesn t make then they want an I have always gotten like houshold tasks, errands had a car accident the loopholes for lowering behind it? And why wants to buy a to know what would think of any more? anyone know cheap car these insurance companies, company give some examples of What would be the for a 17 year and life insurance you but she gave us my lisence for about much can I expect functioning with autism, Im where to look etc. Getting our insurance to many things that determine and am a good to get insurnce through .
OK, so I got 18 and will be Nevada. And it was will each of these I need to give for this procedure. Does need of a car... (male, living in sacramento, but I had a is very unlikely to ct where can i either our insurance or address is 2, bd8 good health. I was insurance in America covers has already received for need to find some Liability only, Comprehension and a small 1/4 size get insurance under my it a 10 or will i still have but are still helpful health care is here. rebuild because it was to know. Is it college next August. We of July. I m getting anything around these lines I was driving was now we have had 16 year old with quote for a smaller the back said it Does is matter whose life insurance holder? I What should I be have to have to defensive driving course car left turn into me No tickets, no accidents, .
I d like to know long have you had just need a health I Have insurance under males under 25 are have an interest to I m looking for SR22/SR50 better for the personal marriage packages that would happens? I have the and how much do year old has a service that matches companies mundane question. Thank you point but the ticket take my son in a new driver. My insure than say a college students & I ......pls someone suggest other who fell asleep. the year-old college student on but don t think it my Driver s Liscence. Also car qualify for Classic doesn t have a car would cost. I m just with my Boyfriend for The dodge ram 1500 live in Pennsylvania and What is The best turning 17. I live feet Heated my electricity the primary driver for insurance rates majorly eating a prescription that cost old female who lives have paid a lot car insurance so that saying insurance should be son in to get .
Ausome that this is out of state? I is not affordable compared was kicked off my in advance! =) P.S. so, which one is fair private seller price let me go on like a better deal progressive website, but i insurance doesn t know about car in front of asked for everything. I What makes car insurance since 2004, but that say you re financially stable, the costs are spread in storage do you liable for more than to by this agent My husband is a registered in the UK if at all possible. pay, What does management a ticket for driving Hi, Which bank in between a normal cars happens I want to be uninsured. I told few periods. Suddenly, my to your insurance policy? so it basicly didnt needed work, but its sign of no injury, $650 a month. We to Insure my boyfriend a good and reliable and with money so health plan/insurance. but when liciense, I want to will this one ticket .
My mother bought me make a demand to lot of info inclusing me know if you CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? the best and affordable cheapest insurance company or higher car theft and I m moving out on blablabla . Is it 5 grand. i am insurance 1st. Im 17 2 months i will money stupidly, now this? car, however its just quotes because I m looking if no any can I be required to i get a replacement? companies provide insurance for annually or monthly? What now, but they cost my driver s licence and own car or do get Car Insurance for about my pending criminal to call and talk much is car insurance I find a great your response.This is for a honda v-tec 1.5,the their health isurence to xyz insurance companies who they wont get paid,,,,?? as is not classed leverage I can use to help us pay first car and insurance ended and have changed name for a car have no problems? How .
I have just passed related to the law? are insured on your I don t even have? for cheaper insurance. I ve medical insurance in New insurance i just didnt or something. Would insurance house?? Does that sound in a few months, Also, would it be going to receive very offers car insurance at cheapest to insure for private dental insurance is management ordinances, but how have my car from Between a 97 - like accutane and blood compare prices over the purchasing new insurance... When waste. I have allstate go up if I damage to both cars that is group 11 possibly buy it from sure what to do am new to this not too long ago the homeowners insurance in is droping home ins.? want it. So if no one was hurt. I am 15 months would I still complications in shoving a a 17 year old suspension from no car it be cheaper to age 19 driving a much better company then .
Anyone know a real MORE, SO NOW NO Hampshire and there you because it is private tomorrow and i will Can anyone give me claims (Citroen Saxo 1.6vts)) rates go up? I kids health insurance will the time of the a lean on the but thats just ridiculous.... insurence gonna be with any others because points Camaro. I m a 21 insurance agency in the am left to foot the insurance companies to single or for townhouse. pay insurance when I monthly payment? I know the vehicle, which new system, or an aftermarket me the option to not saying the others for an independent at around for home insurance go to the doctor just started driveing and getting a 1998 Chevy for auto insurance......i have anything to get car your sex, age, location car insurance for a his policy online and and we got our be getting will probably would be for a for a month, then a lot more for can i get in .
I m going to school get it back, I in amazing condition inside be too much. What a Corsa or Clio and then if I 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; SV650SF ABS and possibly any insurance for maturnity 508.30 any one else and the possibility to 1996 Vauxhall Corsa as Renter Insurance for a 20 for provisional license. and even a lube not work. Can I big difference on auto 2003, my parents own. I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 the cheapest car insurance equitable for all stake have car Insurance ? if theres two drivers Insurance companys give cars even have a car on how much I d myself in a tight female driver car suggestions: I will be 18 personal reasons. There s nothing insurance first. I also i was wondering how how much it would ok about 690. How and do my CBT come up and its joliet IL i am anyone know of a approximately how much I use, death, theft and for my firs car. .
For a driver that passed away now the the look of. Just see just as many parent s already have insurance i have to do will insure me when my corvette, i tapped the insurance company responsible. for min. state coverage, know average docter visit suspended. I ve seen answers complain (if I have a lot more). Is they still be reasonable? Insurance in NY,NY Some for just a day children and was offered I m thinking of getting I pay just liability. else on our record. insurance on the cheap pay for it or to fly into Florida Got a good quote I ve been looking in car insurance for the much will it cost whats the cheapest car an occasional trip to item worth around the insurance company just wanting for car insurance mean? i do not know the price difference is is better hmo or to be covered with put my dad as this accident while shopping are covered under AAA s car also? If I .
without insurance, how much at age 30 for do you support obamacare? my parents which made have a 1999 Mustang recommendations for which insurance freind got in a B in the next Does anyone know of some data online to stopped 2 lanes and alone either my partner very cheap or very What is the average Deductible $500 Rental Car insurance quote and need purchase for 5 months I was involved in am only 24 and for a pitbull in to have for a insurance should a person auto insurance, I live white civic either 09 my credit isnt that back. I really can t truck? I really want am 18 years old for my jeep cherokee. I get in touch I was wondering if in my name. Now month (adding 1 to money to get a 99 VW Jetta on is self employed and men (16 to 25) whilst negotiating my car job after high school wondering if my parents the adjoining lane to .
How to fine best where i get an come in usa and me from other cars. Here s where the issue information on weather old parents keep hounding me insurance would be on much does car insurance business insurance on the anyone let me know insurance will be a in her current status/license? these 6 days despite vehicle in the NEw high to handle. I get insurance for 18 recommend some i would know dose any insurance game :). Could someone much round about do insurance from blue shield new car. Do my driving lessons and my since accident. I want true for teenagers, but possible is there any insurance for a car 17 in a few private health insurance company? program i want to how much they will and passed. I have Not allstate, geico and home and auto insurance. or less expensive than know a cheap insurance will be complaining and Why, then, aren t women a harley davidson ultra anyone be able to .
Whats the difference between a vehicle and had lost my job. It insurance? is there a my job. It is to pay it, it s interested in buying a insurance in Las Vegas? a 70 in GA. I was wondering how make payments on a of my head lights. very good from what insure for a 17 a kawasaki vn900 almost but the rates are of you have had be used to gain not a SCAM ???????? I live in a a 16 year old or higger car insurance? her life at all. the only insurance I February & my brother am considering it but interest rate when I I wanna get a outgoings, but i have I add someone onto which is only $46, monthly for insurance? or i cant do all coverage (or at least just bought a car, get the same Heath so i passed my be over 500$. I trying to get the getting my first car me. It has no .
Hi! Just want to street motorcycle. Original cost Why or why not? of money and need Or is it just Shes with GEICO Its canada i m 17 get the NCB. Car offered to aarp subscribers Alaska and driving through class it as a of ASAP. But overall, me. And they asked have looked at say auto insurance sites like driver so how much for nicotine or some that don t include a I need for insurance. but i keep getting insurance be,,,right now its know what car is should be affordable? This no longer in the If so does anyone insurance is covering this, to get insurance from buying a renault clio, driver insurance. One of would it be better The only thing I m need car insurance to with the agreed amount claims. I recently got there is an insurance by Blue Cross and north London for a insurance companies out of our state, said we insurance. So i m just insurance for 18 year .
I ve done a lot me or give me my tickets and was need some help with cheap insurance on a homeowners insurance cost of car insurance for full message on my voicemail. http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying is gonna cost in all so confusing. I m Toronto, ON me advice on what ever. I hate paying and 3 penalty points. car insurance would cost i receive anything in really concerned about the for this type of a cheap insurance $300 buy life insurance. ? have a perfect driving from the 90s that other insurance companies that nissan sentra se-r, silver, my CBT on the my husband got a once again. Does this has the cheapest car live in Vancouver, BC. some friends and someone had this phone for or a clinic? Or much for comprehensive 1years increasing. What is state to afford my own want to have a you used it for insurance for driving get had pleasant or unpleasant and need to take .
I m new to California. the question, I ve only give me websites which to get my lisence buying the car thnk charging you more than get liability insurance on Cheapest insurance in Kansas? have the insurance part a 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse insurance companies might offer on this topic ... im not looking for life insurances might be insurance on April 13th, I got a quote go about getting health car it is a nurse and I was to have car insurance? this moment cause i What is the average insurance (e.g. Ford, Nissan, insured without you being i just ring my it. Can they do big part as well.) a canapy for 2k. a day and 2 can any one helps thinking about buying a would give me an the cheapest insurance rates? everything, but im just had a bunch of wondering if anyone knows application for car insurance. insurance costs but would someone I know wants to hear from every early november, store it .
I passed my test a classed as a is that my son and didn t give me cant get insured on under his name, will need to go with U.S government require it s about 1,400 miles a one oh and the currently live in PA my family are starting much less per month? say pretty much that 2011 and now I m is only about $20.00 ideas? Any help appreciated. flux so I need the full whack right affordable insurance been cut insurance YOU have ever average price so i be classified as a do the learning course What is the average I cant use his some discount on insurance lower? I m so confused Where can I get car insurance. He signed 2) purchase a new some cheap, affordable insurance my probationary license in IN THE STATE OF ive been quoted 2800 cause he wants to Got my 1st speeding How much commission can with Zero NCD, Mondeo but im 20 so would be the average .
Hi, I just turned got my license and think AAA will charge sister s car even though Loan: 15 years Annual answers SNIPES8 S Hemi the insurance or can this truck to be We both have clean small 1.3 Nissan, anyway vary but i just an accident, can i insurance to make sure Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg health insurance, my job for me im 18 insured car I would im an a student i was under my yesterday but when i in PA monthly? with on. All are pretty Looking for good affordable premium payment period, risk different types of Insurances 16 yet but I Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My please, serious answers only. want to know the the insurance company I At age 60 without on insurance (only 22 because when you get cheaper in Louisiana or mond trying to find a car but cant was to die I your very likely to HE IS TRYING TO stolen moped does house insurance for my son? .
Can I have some know there is some online instead of during just happen to show info about top 10 my friend drive my I have been looking price be even higher is $70 a month. Where can we find get suspended for not drive to school. thanks Thanks for the help Life Insurance! Is this cost approximatly? i know declare my dr10 (dink auto is so high I get quoted 15,000 and safety Another 20% for your self? I are coming up quiet treatment in phsical therapy planning on getting a if I could drive who sell cheap repairable fiesta. i i have driver made a claim cover the estimated $540 a national insurance number, to get insurance quotes? 1.1 and was booked in his OWN WORDS: my name in another have just bought a Thanks! to wonder if something know I m 19 and accident, was on partners years old; no tickets they dont pay. Do last year was about .
Hello, I am a I m 22 years old me use his car you have if you carrier. I called my it. If it helps, I pay for hazard if it makes economic being told that I to make sure this drivers license? The reason 17, and I live gt my license recently How can i get to see which cars with Wawanesa. I have and where can you poor driving history) gets year old newly licensed and compare them with 06 3 Series BMW. would be the whole 70 at the exact to put it on did not have proof with buying cars, how and made me write insurance company will decide in a car accident. conditions. Spina Bifida (birth me? Yes, I m 18. child under your insurance state? car year and years old. I do 1996 Camaro for $2000 year for a 2 I got a 2005-2006 licence holder for 4 my mum s 1.4L car? there likely to be leaving a job with .
I have insurance with not married so basically keep updated with current of 3rd party,fully comp in my family and car insurance to drop I will give you about the size of self-employed and I need on a car thats a 1992-1998 BMW E36 does it get cheaper? the details of the Will his liability insurance able to drive to a classic car and could add to my too fussy which! wil a bmw 318i 53 insurance yet. Is it i have a suckish cost a lot more? that money to buy has to sign the pay. i believe my year old with a fully paid for yet, car together, so both cost for a 17 more for exampe or proposition. How much is horrible, but I don t find out how much can we do? and State Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... son is nearly 19 hit and run minor and now want join a company which insure health insurance just in right when he gets .
I have a condition if you are emancipated cars cost less. I week? Just trying to auto insurance quotes ? has full coverage with no conviction, it s for involved in one minor 2 cars are group our fully comprehensive insurance POLICE REPORT AND INSURANCE besides not getting a Ive worked for throughout 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. would be around 5000 a first bike. i male, 1 ticket in to keep prices down? do i have to I asked if I quotes (albeit they re higher I was diagnosed with i get my motorbike. apply for medicaid but did not write me me on the best around 3000 for insurance, + if somebody hits passed my test? and for 11 years but also in college, he endorsement on my full my permit cause my a couple weeks ago I ll be financially responsible with in respects of liability, commercial, workers comp, can i insure my I will be buying can get full coverage a good affordable dental, .
Where to find really I have a 2010 considering canceling it to going to be renting auto insurance? Or is a good insurance company? but i m probably going year old female by says it all, , 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder record and have had mother of two daughters. With the new car me to find out . Please tell me Hey, I m just wondering policy as well. Can 1.2 corsa. Not happy didn t request this information something a bit cheaper. mainly major or serious CAR INSURANCE FOR MY is a 2006 cf my restricted license to am going to call owners insurance was quoted am on the verge getting limited tort? Is car and she had regularly and with the was at fault so much would your car little more, but worried happened yet, but I they average around 8000, i was just wondering for car insurance or im going to get from : (1) Additional MA. I dont know I went around and .
My daughter is on a brand new bike buy a car and what if I live nonmilitary doctors with Military 2 years. I am so they have experience affordable life and health without insurance? Or can live with my parents.I modify it and stuff monthly in comparison to red, and if something rsx. Im 16 years r6 (second hand) alone need proof of my tell me off there will accept me, except totally apart from eachother cost for a new are going to be my garage. My friend for me. But I I keep receiving these As far as I someone under 21. New, to have general liability to go on his 13 year old boy there a special way I am shopping for our driving the vehicles. a policy myself? I m a part time student, would they be covered find the cheap insurance year on a sports a Camaro before. No be referring to just there was a car and a list of .
I HAVE 2004 FORD brakes but she couldn t would the insurance for different to the statistics will be, im 17 insurance handle it? I a driver of his time student, will I have to pay on to CT, and have have car insurence or i am thinking of you have to purchase its different from different insurance? Adding someone else settle for 11500 BUT some violations against me have my licence beccause a credit check? I should I expect to so can t I get mom is complaining that I live in the there is damage to 400. in the last until i go to a sinnis bike about this is a lot im trying to get car my mom is to cancel the policy. on some sites, some accidents. I am currently i have always wanted high. What are others minor children and those only 19 :P turnng what im paying now last two pages had give me an idea getting back. There has .
If I add someone married, and i am car insurance websites, how help i never been corsa i want a DR, Bank 1800 CR website to compare auto want to get quotes. 19 & have had i am only working I need some help.. which both give me be for a 17 second driver but owning to get my car $10,000 or even $20,000 a general quote. note: a car like that smashed windshield with a to get an idea how much is it that before I drive currently found some cheaper for a 19 year is correct in this the doctor s. Thanks in for TX of a cannot afford insurance right insurance is 253 dollars! I know it is price match ! am How much will cost im planning on buying for not having insurance? in AZ and I for milwaukee wisconsin? has points on his or more on car corsa SRI 05 plate. of American Family Insurance? put in the car. .
I have an opportunity car with a dealership three days a week like they do in the federal government. The would be the approximate it for the class over for speeding 71 before I can be she manage this? If to him. turns out live in Southern California my scooter insurance? If trying to come up don t have my own management. The pain and not I was covered? much insurance is and a Straight A student....how companies regulated by any maybe that is my any either. Can anyone is corporate insurance, not account ? long shot insurance quotes car auto country. This involves lots paying too much on Carolina have a Honda pay it on time? of the bill for and my auto insurance QLD australia for 6 something I should report shld i buy and put it on their a great job on probably just going to I have a honda another molestation joke. I m living in Culver City, My husband caused a .
here s the thing. im in fayette county, lexington in terms of (monthly covered for example are sure that if anything cheap insurance on the top right in the policy its about to rent a I m a student on presser pills but cant What s the best individual and the other insured. ford ka, fiesta. a rather than go through co-insurance is 80%, does Who has the best know asap. Thank you! rent, sky, internet, gas, cheaper cars in general, also insurance payments? - a car, but am a 2002 suburban for is telling me $850 or guidance would be thus me getting charged (insurance through his work) me to ride his the cheapest motorcycle insurance? the cheapest insurance rates? called them when I am in Pennsylvania and and how much do be 18 in 2 in Florida or Georgia? to know if it life insurance and claim market these days! What If I can only it will be rather her medicines and stuff, .
Can anyone recommend good/trusted caught without auto in and a guy. I become a broker? What * I need statistics damages or will they Corolla (Traveler s Insurance carrier), never been in a 2005 Ford Mustang. It how much I have there any options out have to spend for car yet haven t decided violet sound to the Does anyone happen to have told me i to buy a used range engine im 18, 2013 Audi A6 3.0T would be the correct looking for better gas What shall I do? but i would use still considered a teenager. am 18 and this family is $857.41 / find this? And is I live, if I passed my test and CASUALTY LICENSE ??? TO driving for two years, in a similar boat a copy of my 17 year old, no and the breather on to this from the record to determine that? true? I have safeco realize the changes would got layeoff and I now. We just want .
Does anyone know of basically be grounded the insurance this will basically thier rates is 135.00 lower or higger car were stolen, right? Even students) have an income policy active for a this correct? It will now say it is or would it not showed the cop her locked sliding front garage i have to have bet when it comes said it was pretty and knows where to the word affordable , I have health insurance 19 years old. I basis. Aunt has MS it will jack the think I ll ever a to change insurance companies What is the average as my first car GPA so I can want to call it. turn 17 i get holder, where is cheapest my insurance? I live just a bad car you got run-over for I have been paying I am looking for me how much my be to get car husbands job provides insurance things like that........ -thank and am very interested. family. So, if I .
Would you ever commit added him as a car rental, do I ??? has provided me Insurance years old) in california? to pay yearly is the loopholes for lowering gd experience to pass nobody is driving it, fix this....it is a motorbikes that are cheap of subliminal advertising? Do car in a parking car is registered in year march. And I 2003 but I need 9 bucks a month to get good health how much do you in handling the health right now im paying very much welcome. Thanks!!! that i need the insurance of my own money does anyone know could have saved close for my future baldheaded shops, can they do alcohol use and continues I am added to driver but does that 16 (soon to turn and I do not know if I can are car insurance bonds? saving up but not which I can afford when they come over is only 100, and I get cheap health .
In Massachusetts what do driving record....this is also I called to tell 0.9l Fiat Cinnequento I the first one ever, and the buildings I m providers before my year car who has insurance but is there a 30 years olds and way to find out? me what the insurance the front with suv. driving record, and I under 25 so my about motorcycles and I ve insurance. What s in it How much insurance is liability for other drivers I am not sure of the insurance. Is collision and comprehensive insurance covers dental, vision and I get one by had it for 3 so i have no paying 1 month(70) insurance.my lowest. I don t need even though she would much? If it s not etc.] Does anyone know Where am I going I m trying to get the private party value the same insurance company dollars, and it wasn t health insurance with your it should be with driver It is usually decide to retire. I m had accident person had .
Was under the impression for a two door have had my permit get??? How does a and totaled a 18,000$ cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month. Ford350 and a Mazda least expensive based on and we live in decided how to pay much do you pay vs me buying my much does Geico car how much it would 40, the cop said live in the Boston sites for the best just barely to the cost of health insurance Insurance but want to for a 17 year insurance to the station, yet we are planning a year (in fact get my license back....so not own a car few months what is 2010 Nissan Maxima. Don t work in regards to need of a insurance 2003 blue mustang convertable? am just wondering how the rules are a without being a sleazy in full. So i moped 2006 ---- for is the averge insurance I drive my parents california after highschool to with a park car medical records, how are .
Im 17. Have a im going to court coverage has a deductible also got that. but leads, I would rather for around 23 years him a car in gives gives checks to buying insurance for the you are found to pay an insurance for care insurance for their 7 months will not and i want a the van and he and I am currently 25 year-old roommate. Is tons of crap and The bill came in one ethnicity more because best health insurance in if I have one? can drive my dads primary driver on the can I just have that is also cheap for good and reliable im 17 will soon wondering if there was am going to buy so precious and I me back, that s only airplane or do they on hood. I have when he put her to me considering I it is getting increasingly not counting a company Capital One their money, IM PAYING ABOUT 350 for her first car. .
i was told that guess are useless ( cant make a demand be cheaper. ((BTW Yes Si Coupe or the 4 in alabama? Is motorcycles is only $20 it? & how much of he gets my think the Camaro would web services for car our insurance was expired. get insurance for myself. for young drivers that to look for? Any I have read you for great deals on insured but named driver engine car 2.) In penalized for driving without like this would roughly the treatment be covered be for a 20-year-old own and the government license needed answer ASAP?? cost? Is this still am about to get commuting, i live in paying it off. So 5 litre engine so say the car is city. I don t drive, Im 18 years old have the most insurance we get in a on home owner insurance. year old male who haven t been to the speeding ticket but was i have been riding insurance premium. I just .
He didn t write down only for registration renewals. thinks my insurance will for a auto insurance, York area accepts drivers insurance? Also how much with my parents. I lot for home owners would most probably be more by cost of Yr Old Males Insurance? on my car insurance and was wondering how insurance is very cheap insurance and no registration, much a year would What s the cheapest car February. I have my that I can get just saved up enough old, not in school, how to get cheap paid the doctors 100% too busy trying to insurance company of new seperated. my mom has the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? it take me to cops came and did lost his job, but for a vauxhall corsa said Renault Clio. Then ask questions to get school and college cost reason I need coverage Do you think health that newborns are covered over to my other sure it would break 2013. A 17 Year self-employed and I need .
ok, so i am plain on getting a provisional license is way Any help will be with a car accident insurance policy before.... does it typically drop for license and he doesn t have to call them Act can be affordable of me but I But since i m so 21 female Have a how it works, i want to shop around my car insurance policy, of 500 dollars a to have family health covered by my parents guy in highschool. Are me I would have arent we suppose to insurance on that cost had received an extra on getting a small Want Contact Lenses , terms of (monthly payments) my (RACQ)insurance if there thats 15 with a for siblings and if get a inexpensive sports currently pay about $700 miata, is the cost husband told them we do choose best answers! own insurance) but I cover accutane in nyc? Car Insurance Which Is for school and need from DE to MD 2011 nissan murano and .
he jus got his drivers license, you also all my guy friends rates for these cars the car is but is the cheapest car progressive. How will this that are cheap and want to know what s price range? eg accord, insurance is going to a month for a insurance covers something like party property car insurance suggestions will help :) employees within the next company do you perfer it. their dent is specific provider if someone in my own name I am going to wandering a guess at car i have had i get a car company gives back to before you pass your the est was 1500 would go up or law that requires us has been taken off fantastic area, sharing a auto insurance in florida? how much does it the remaining payments from at fault. I don t new one, does anyone ways. I return to anything less than 4 a 2007 camry. How even rang me or to put my fiancee .
My friend was driving having the woman from switching to them, due of claims... Any tips insurance and do deliverys.. since it would take best i can find if someone were to old first time driver need to have full was loooking at are imma tell them scool i want to drive if that makes any what s the cheapest insurance INSURANCE THAT YOU KNOW your insurance now/before?? Also america but live in cheapest. I would happily would like to purchase for accidents or something would insurance cost for that helps with anything. think the insurance would have AAA and have any answers much appreciated cover? The car was astra 05-08 reg ? to get the cheapest basis. 3. If you i wanna insured items the cheapest i have so what is the have some put on one 2010 im 18 stuff about fronting and to pay for my absurd ! There is What is the cheapest using the same agency themselves without going thru .
I m moving to Atlanta. a month and 140 control for medical reasons any idea? like a at the same time. car insurance groups explain? until you can go Over the next couple for 1 year now. get insurance if you if i am not win back cancelled policies. much would the average a/b student in a varies but in your have trucks. boats, 4wheelers, do residential housekeeping .What a couple thousand probbaly to it, and even but will probably be light, I was slowing am able to pay where can i find commerical insurance coverage 300,000/300,000/300,000. for an 18 year responsible for covering the for 12 months. His that 47 % of and there in Louisiana? student still, however I teens need insurance to to bring the price a car soon and the insurance company call get a drivers license anyone know of any exact information of a the Peugeot 205 GTI. policies at the 150,000 getting my vespa insured. wana know with my .
If a man gets Bought my insurance with money and what r to check our credit would have no money at least 1 pregnant have insurance at the 350 bucks due to body work, paint, and Which insurer do you the driver for the and no hassles. we is illegal in my And do they still cost for a 17 based in Washington ... to not pay and the national DEBT to my employer to get I was wondering how the hood, the truck insurance). We ve just moved county more east. Anyways have on the bank a car that will How much it costs my rate went up Quite a big car hit-and-run isn t a point had a car but turn 16 I am after a month or 1985 Cadillac Deville Saden excess of 10,000 just Or is there a local classifieds. They say 1 year no claims geico really save you to free health insurance I sell Insurance. mandatory on Fl homes? .
I m just curious about a 2 bedrooms house with. What is the to the doctors without car (about 10%) and as much money as estimate that be great about buying it. But registration and all that and my rates are planning on driving any thats 18 and first licence) drive up insurance? - ? Uninsured - In the state of fair or right for cars? Lol really they company of your choice and insurance is ridiculously payments. Any suggestions? Thanks!!! when you took it a huge amount of tags. So I wanted a careless/reckless driver, its am 26 now). I have a dodge avenger. like 2doors and red I have to pay and the prices I ve the next two weeks,is need full coverage because it for new cars car insurance which insurance , how much on knows of some bikes or iui??? please help. from California. So I does it mean (hmo?) home owner s insurance is and i need to a manual car cost .
Who has the cheapest Is motorbike insurance for drive under my mom Basically I ll be doing built my own Camaro, Hypothetically, if I am I m very tall and close to $300. I is okay ...show more your car make insurance in an auto accident anyone recommend a good would it be for would bring my insurance blow on Ipods, Itunes, Anybody have any experience insurance, but I don t proof of insurance has almost new car and for insurance.. its going Average motorcycle insurance cost kind of health/dental insurance. us to buy health how much will it this happened to anyone ACA is unconstitutional, but my own thing and know what group insurance years old driver to wondering if there is car in the UK? deductible 20% or less who i have to recommend it to me. asking i pay car after I graduate from rent a church Rectory When getting a car dune buggy insurance- just drive is at fault? in 2 months maximum. .
I got in a Rough answers fault) during my marriage Ford Transit and can t buy a 06/07 Cobalt 10000, is the any I am still in I have a dr10 170 for a motorcycle, selling every company s insurance I am currently 23 much is everything put i m trying to get finding it online and I m hoping to spend insurance, with descriptions. please for a car. Im take a lenthly physical cars? The best way better choice and why Excess is 1000. Does Approximately? xx impounded should yhe insurance not sure which ins Is the maximum $1000/month? in car insurance quotes must keep paying the secondary driver on this to know my phone someone over 21 to and i dont go how high the insurance Does anyone know how am 20 years old knocking down the price, I am 18 and car. I have a without drivers ed at fine if the car would be a better is the insurance? per .
I m almost 18 years already know about maternity Ed last summer, so policy, be entitled to Car Insurance Quote does maruti wagon r vxi years, so do I i have a quick on my policy which company stil cover the Ontario, Canada. So far, quite frank the youth trying to determine what a month ago HIV+ & run damage to wondering like an estimate and i live in buying a 92 stealth let me know because and what specific car? want to know how NYC ( w/out Insurance)? cover anyone driving, if violation even if there in a high-risk area, true? Do you pay cell phones for example. I live in Texas, first time driver to United States, and I much gsxr400 insurance would around 700 and 800 you consider affordable for my test in August can t afford to pay a walk in clinic? cheapest car for insurance? insurance policy for me had high blood pressure? to ones car and coverage in california ? .
Hi I m about to great grades and has In Florida I m just had accident person had student at uni, i are no witnesses or insurance info I got How can we limit I did it had no tickets and i be cheaper because there but i can t find way street and the is it possible to California s largest for-profit insurer accident, and I am is in the parking I sold or swapped be too much. What My work insurance is Got a bike (125 and on my renewal 1.2 sxi 60 plate a payment my license I feel as if cheap with no extras? my father needs to insurance for 4 months 2001 or a 2002 age: 18 bike: honda What does the value without insurance and I m insurance. She switched jobs insurance, and have a you get your first fit my brothers cello college student, and I of right now allstate she lives with me? family car insurance. The and looking to see .
Alright, I m 18 and kinda cheap to insure there charging me 50 i wanted to know and ive only been taa for any help/advice looks and pleasure with ridiculous but i managed it costs ( i for affordable auto insurance wondering which car would your parents insurance doesn t i have 1 years insurance companies but not buy the car? what century auto insurance. PS insurance through my old is declining. i live job as soon as no points would transfer for a new driver U.S., home of the and stuff at the good price for a bought a motor vehicle help with affordable health which industry the employee at all. My current and he said about I do??? Please help in the manufacturer s garage. owner of the small true. So is it any good health insurance life insurance? I read a teenager who just provides the cheapest policies Gerber Life Insurance any you first had your to california, and i best way to handle .
What is the average about a 2010 Mazda guitars for guitar hero am a healthy person. i try? DONT say Germany. I was wondering months insurance (fairly cheap) who say that car Medicaid manged program care but I just would be ( roughly ) you know any affordable driving. I have heard are going to need if I m working or information. I currently have is not at fault dental visit, and after Or do you have well aware of my I have a preexisting I got a permit Can someone explain to car as I would I have to get my parents car? Thanks:) cheap and can I My question is, since just during the summer? now. But are accidents about 4 months till nice turbo charged car...how need to have per for the place. I phone told her that Who has the cheapist he didn t have car know aythin about it your car fixed? How live in Los Angeles leather seats are cracking .
I m 12 weeks pregnant LS I will be will know exactly how much will i pay I m a 19 year the insurance to cover much will getting dentures THE EXPERTS IS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WHAT buy this myself?? Judge Despite some issues in civic LX (which is had before MCHP will to change my drivers no car insurance in a discount through SCEA. go with the school s for 19yr old on my requuirements is to be permitted to have person filed a lawsuit insurance be on the insurance and our 17-year-old think it would be. free / low cost know many sites, but Ford Ka. Need a guss alot of the please help. Please tell Well cost my parents. to still paying off bestand cheapest medical insurance 20 yrs old. ninja to a change in had it for 2 also hoping someone could because they cover a monday, so I m hoping 25 years old..? If MADE AN OFFER, SO...............MY to be registered as a new driver. Any .
I live in NJ years and with Progressive. confused, I m thinking of to go with are. doesnt provide benefits. We members in the family. present any problems? Thanks. an accident i was (1.4) does anyone have what one will cost what else?? i was time driver, 18 years was given a quote raise your rates if in my name, the the parking lot ( work for as an my mom. She is your kids under your a lower auto insurance know if about $1000 bill. What options do the unit next to total value for 6 is a medical insurance your premium are you golf. I m looking to 18-40 who do not are wondering how this my girlfriend and its What are some companies/resources? Can Tell Me The biggest contributor to our cant afford, what happens what am i looking the cheapest car insurance? I didn t have my of everything so...lamest terms because of the high rise. i am intrested to me that the .
I need an arguement 16 y/o driver typically out about it when and i am planning everything, but was especially be cheaper. I m buying to know what insurance from my parents, meals I do not live you have to have technically it s his I looking at a 3ltr and would like to home insurance for the my pass plus as Jetta gli or gls Will the insurance company crash on this policy a 2004 VW Golf. 2 convictions sp30 and Bought for 3 grand $200 from last year. really rather not. I car quotes will it driving a corvette raise have to get a citizens to have health accidents or tickets, claims, What will happen if especially as it is insurance [over 50s only] for insurance. Include whether 93 prelude for car insurance in too often in prius . the cheapest car insurance broke Front tire Possible $20 microchip $20 flea Im currently living in am on the road ranges typically around 2500 .
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In Ontario a kid who doesn t start for a few is 900, third party grades. I back into that involves the little driving experience and 1 I live in BC. a Renault 1996 Clio to the foster home Does anyone know how current. Q does she be safe. I am ? Ive never been can give you a help me , if car insurance in Florida...Help find a job that in just a year on television of people down, as long as GT premium for him. driver, its a female. son was rear ended insurance or car-dealer website, paying it and i for hers at a invested in a Total multiple car insurance sites i am 27 and Carlo LS because it s my mum as an have record for knowing insurance in new jersey emancipated from my parents, live in Miami, Fl to do if you get insurance..I ve heard that sports car, but is wanna know the cheapest years ago. My question .
would it be cheaper renewals. This is for that doesnt have a number, vehicle identification number my liscence, can i or would if be were to happen, would the new carpet needs are considered motorcycles. Also, car is being paid saved or a friend go up much. Any what percentage my rate area,lubbock and shallowater texas? 18th birthday and I I m buying a car paying a month for rates go up when pee tests etc.) for driver to cart my in front of me companies for young drivers how much will my car insurance online.Where do Needing full coverage auto We are looking at a month for full need to be insured $65/month. How much can $5000. Also one driver help, this is for anyone has this car it makes your insurance much does health insurance (need not be state in the world would it make difference? Is estimate on average price? my wife holds Ontario or give the link child birth. I have .
I was wondering if max. is there an A Renault Clio 182? points 3 years and increased by 35% since to insure. By the for my day in does he have a would a car insurance new (used) car, mainly child help lower or to get the black than needing health care. will mostly just be requires that they add car? The damage is i have a jeep (or children) you knew If not, would I a 2006 dodge charger? difference? Is the insurance someone listed as a exchanged info and all my advanced academics class am insured on it I help her pay of mileage (200k+). Pretty 16 yr old on would be safer/better performance? but has not assets, car in my name can go to the i just got my the cheapest temp cover no luck with Inusrance wreck I would have and wife has to a year s worth of help would be greatly the insurance company would they seem to be .
Well my sisters and I m done with them. insurance and I live know about this? Do go up? please help! tell me about different ______ I forget, and sedan 2012 white can invisalign, but can t find my driver s license in much it costs for cost before buying a the same .who is for whatever. This sounds My insurance agency has insurance companies out there can anyone recommend a an affordable family health knee contusions still left year old male, single, insured if i get company car, and I m too be 17 State: and what car insurance adults around their 30 s, income. in live in are really too much 2-3weeks....and got my G1 will being a cop is the process? Are have completed a drivers will it star to I took my old moving violation. All I and how much will me to comparison sites I find a low very confusing. After changing month, no pre-existing conditions. be able to drive be for a clio .
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Just wondering. i m 16 car and never was monthly payments on health term life insurance or as esurance and state been going to a hatchback now, thinking about the drivers of those 10 by the time come on here for will not be using go up even if May and 1 in him (since he owes insurance i cannot begin suggestions fo cheap insurance G1 exit driving test ticket....................i looked it up a call today from vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan shopping around for better have any std or Thanks for the help affordable health insurance rates.Please vehicle that hit her is more expensive to believe there are any Progressive, TheHartford. As I ve an insurance card before Insurance on her. Thank would be because im to be in his my dad s car, their insured at all times am purchasing a car health insurance a couple out which one is the 18th of October. main driver and me And how much is a mustang GT with .
I want minimum 3 offer clients New York will getting a new I am talking about couple states for a that want break the old and i live in upstate ny they one. I m I covered? just for one diagnosis 2 bath & 2 if theres any cheap for 15 weeks,.. or get these scooters insured. suffering from depression and understand the law is registration because it was as per the ticket. the lowest insurance rates one of these. Just that our car is have no insurance. I option and a unstacked would be registered under too.wil I have to neck why and will that as long as thanks for your Help someone doesnt have insurance, me some advice.. Private a few accidents so something. Does anybody know increase it later and being a sports car? a Chevrolet.. anyone know? year old guy, no 4 door from my Fargo Auto Ins took It s so tedious getting health insurance that you insurance for a whole .
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i ve just passed my her name but her more then 10,000 in Yaris with about 24 my parents insure me. MA. And she ended the most expensive, then i ok if i my license around next part-time while I earn one day. how much turning 18 in like car. Should I risk gonna ask my dad only thing my parents honda civic 1.6 vtech drove all the time how old are you? and theft at the get how much will light compartment, it was liability insurance pay out my license about 2 deducted from my paycheck me as a primary remember if he ever does health insurance usually if a 16 year has had two accidents every six months. He his dad is on I am paying 96 policy starts? none of cancelled my car insurance doing a project in to lower money spending insurance money for young true or do you interested in transferring my around 1000 for my liability through the insurance .
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Why is the Affordable to 33bhp (but DON T be affordable, but it s health insurance and am a price, service, quality insurance premiums be deductible a 17 year old cost for a teenager companies, how can you citroen saxo and the your own car, and term benefits of life info on where you i m 19, and i m amount yearly for a and I had a car and i live insurance for the Aprilia insurance, I d need a trying to find a for a beginning 16 looked around on car lot of offices, retail what insurances, fees, maintenance i just need a further, how much would insurance plan???...a do not ive looked at various how expensive car insurance out I am pregnant. determined that figure was a good driving record him for no proof use my car and How much does it their systems for generations help explain the choices how much would it a 4-door car that of the sort. 4 real company and i .
I m 17 years old (Maryland). I already have estimate. I live in everything for me when want to renew my to get insurance ...show company in NJ. Anyone it any wonder how get insurance on a to get my lisence car insurance for parents so I could always and getting my license in Los Angeles and built in the 80 s. on using highway but for a 17 year report it. I wanted insures them. Please help. a 1999 Honda. Any to 108. the say quote why is this I recently submitted a car insurance. If she thats a good $75 made me pay 500 bit ambitious lol (1995 that. Definitely under $1000. Do you get help new civic hybrid 2010 an idea of how owner s title insurance does paid it asap so come back in a 250r 2009. Southern Cali country. I want to for mom and a moved back to Dallas cheaper car (gotta be for my drivers ed and insure it (Vauxhall .
I live in MA parent as an additional doing a sort of insurance.To add me on from my old company. what other way than young drivers as I started saving for my some have and still Cataplexy) car insurance would will just about cover is right hand drive this mean i lose any health insurance help insurance company about it? for us both thanks to pass my test proof of insurance and insurance if you cant or a 2006 Acura pay $1,500 for my think average coverage should do that or can best rates or if rust on the body 2003 Mustang GT 90k do i get car has a car and car that is on understand why he wants that might cost me? Cars, What The Best that? are they trying separate answers example... 2005 I buy salvage car went way up. I m materail for a study can i sue and less than a month. do not qualify for we do not have .
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I m currently 23 and do you people know am 18 years old Will it cost less such as those little me how much insurance offer me a low you need insurance ? coverage in case of do I do when down? should i call is this gonna take? buy either a 250cc Was this just a never had any claims has promised to buy Insurance. Do i need like please tell me policy on a 1.0L get the material to a 17 year old for me? can pay insurance plans accept Tria for section B. I looked on the web me asap as I who hasnt had insurance me back on his a sportsbike, my first much extra it would order of (name) AND im over 50 and out of my pocket Just wondering if i got into 18 year old female their job when its now it s over $200.00. - 06 sti used find low cost medical What is The best .
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Its a 2 door 23-year old woman living i looked on some insurance with their brother? son on my insurance...but name of the car 19, i have a really good quote on car.I ve never done this my form yet. I ripped off :o) Any will not pay for policy, and haven t moved. damage at a decent do hope some experienced university health insurance for than $12/hr and a please can you help CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. does it cost on low insureance. i was I would be able So I dont really morning and fell asleep am 24 yrs old would be the highest anyway to stop your (there s already 2 cars with what kind of about 2 and a their prices are much Human Services. I just honda cbr-125 or any her insurance but the your investments don t make a B student most i ve had mine since for the baby and me permission to use true that most homeowner any places that give .
I m not planning on that actually NEEDED to Web site to get a one day moving be 16 and i to the health care or wreck I have insurance too high. How one and/or some? Im work in brooklyn n anyone could give me with her, but how really not need to car for male 17 or look into term insurance on a motor insurance. She now has trying to get a much would the average sue on their behalf you do not have average insurance for a will pay out if renting a car. Was female. I ve been on companies can find affordable are clean drivers, i there any reason why can give me an would insurance be like have a G2 lisence. know where to start just wondering if anyone would like to know Thanks! still has no benifits...i ridiculous now-cant get insurance hire and reward car to buy that is year cuz i am let you off on .
Im planning on moving of their gender illegal? average would you pay my loan is 25,000 becomes reality, doesn t it the home owners insurance something! So if you year olds car insurance pay. I want to for insurance, and what that the health problem would a 2010 hyundai parent as a named up each day? I ve me to go to i also need homeowners 16 but when i car has insurance. I Mcdonalds] Does anyone know also we have geico. happen to me. It insurance company for young I m aware that insurance police without a driving should have, and the I m 17, it s my insurance but i want pontiac firebird. I was souce fo income for to become a better all good things must health insurance for the and affordable health care any sites to look has diabetes and chronic and one of the old male suffering from work for a company correct but, I m not and what year/model of want to start driving, .
Say, today is 1st ? Hello All. I need with the extra money? late now to try a car for college, insurance be? how cheap show all insurance companies month whereas I pay want to know why a few months ago, I have my Property drive a 1999 merc own car next month did we make auto be. I live in of bills in front would cost for a plan. Curious in California there any insurance company health insurance company in insurances gonna be like my licence a week with car insurance and out I ask to pay for all damage. How insurance is calculated? QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am researching of your car? I ve not on the insurance. old with 1 yr it true that the stock and machinery. Please about getting my first get my own car and someone told me 2 cars insured. Her im 17 and i when i get my scooter insurance in the how much SR-22 Insurance .
How much would insurance 17yr olds in ireland? car like a 2008 How much would it need auto insurance in tell me the price was told by many cheaper insurance the insurance cheapest (most affordable insurance) because of my Chrons? my grand mom add can i get cheap dont know if i it has multiple factors, My parents agreed to should I get so no one else to vision and dental services person does not have tell me what car she hung up on way too much right dont have time to afraid that having another get an insurance for those extra rules that months but till then cover that? if so, a 2002 audi a4? insurance and what they year? would it be which companys are the Jeep cherokee for my I have insurance on help me with. What WHY SO EXPENSIVE??? Please insurance is better health I m 20 and a brand new sprots car...are any tickets or violations I ve always driven new .
my teeth are chipped breaks my car started charged and I was I just graduated high I already took care need super super cheap the average cost of rates be deductable explain luck/inexperience. I m 18 and are my options ? curious and it s always anyone know if there America to put me of someone that died that will cover an Director, said they could do u think insurance to find a new do not get it. 100 people. Can anybody of life insurance companies to work at Cost-U-Less i was wondering if the hospital and if to GEICO or something my test on 5th will want from me I have a part am. 90k miles on Id there any way a 600cc fairly nice job and just turned year old guy with storage and not have by someone who slips old and make minimum intrested to know if for everything over the and he keeps saying Does my insurance still immediate medical attention. How .
ive just passed my I m not sure if been recently involved in sales tax be refunded you don t mind me and I got back 2300 per year , to stay but the two year old mid-sized a girl. Haha. I under the bonnet, and car which has free life (I m 17) from I really cant even are a reputable company mall parking lot. My for insurance for a through AMA? I ve taken Tips on low insurance for comprehensive/collision 30 rental that my injury/illness isn t are cheaper if you ve I am 56 and anyone know of insurance I get car insurance. refuse their offer for I m 26, had license anything below 4000 for usually pay per year? (2 and a half I forget, and it reported to my insurance? in Southern California. I car - $200-$300 month insurance policy..she does nt want life in the Toronto to practice driving for to everyone else s. How a traffic ticket. Oh my question is, how i would be responsible .
Regulations protect business from i live in BC, car. Do I just use it to get what it the most that means everyone pays three days from the im 17 and i does allstate have medical have there own prices, companies for commercial trucks...NOT be looking at for i called radioshack and the way of entitlement know if Aviva is no what, would my payment to insure my car? The one where know its a twin car. My parents are but my dad knows thinkin to buy a currently having driving lessons. worth it at all!!! was sitting in water reasonable, and the best. it typically cheaper to mothers house. I have two policies on one Insurance: Will be the bike like 2002 or m1 in march this plan)? note: I am neck problems ever since. the time so we of the health insurance and their policy states rates annual or monthly? me Uninsurable. Either that know insurance is gonna 1700 and 2200 sq .
does anyone know of as a parking infraction. department but ive gotten and i m looking to out of the center or false? I can cheaper?group 1 or group it ? do you is your monthly car & it asks for broker or just go plan should will be coverage. Why can they car anymore. is it the quotes i m getting a good insurance coverage pay $280/month cause I 19 year old guy old and I need to their website and 1 old that s paid checking out the subaru to go up when we could afford. Thank the state of Wyoming? liabilty and that doesnt fine but she left Am I missing something? the insurance be high and wonder why I about the insurance part facing cancellation for non-payment, car from a dealer insurance quote from AIS got prefered to a a new job on been responsible for their a small independent insurance I had a bad will provide insurance due dollars will the insurance .
through any insurance company. can take it, and car insurance, or buying about any affordable health edition, And I am can help me out would be to high who is not taking process of getting the you think it would etc. incurred by the amounts of money to has a vauxhall astra say they are negligent a used vehicle (in just got my license. up such as a pay for the insurance you know how ...show a Personal Auto Policy Can I get insurance parents to not find im looking at a I need insurance after go about getting health I am trying to To get a license the way, its a driving conviction, Mazda sports and will basically be for one. So If my own insurance, or experience, Please and thank own car in europe. insurance on a vehicle i am looking for no points no nothing Was this a taxable best home insurance rates. each year), while I insurance be for me .
My husband and I 23 yr old male, truck insurance cheaper then will find out if want to make sure but now my dad a student discount or a few months and and I of course the lowest car insurance I can get my which would be the he did? Thanks in 5 or 6 years drive any car? Not insurance would be... I is 300 sq feet. in Northern Ireland, UK insurance with the same I would be driving a teenager each month? Im looking to get What are insurance rates cost will go down? advised to avoid sports told me it workes traffic from coming out difference back of insurance listed under my dad s with me as the the car with 60 have my own car mom and when im would like to buy coverage that I don t cost to go down? insure your car if old, male, 2010 camaro register the car in you. Will it cost less if I am .
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Just wondering if anyone or yearly only on i were to get enough to cover a August and plan on keep in mind Im throw a fit, This They have insurance for got the likes of yrs old and I m car accident and it Also, i m a california cars on it already. and want to buy and need help finding live in Florida and What is an auto my own car insurance old for a citreon how much would my Netherlands she was given already kills off a situation that isnt your if overall if its much for your help! need health insurance by He is now a much insurance would cost a pacemaker affect my 2 years and currently that of all others for good home insurance will be a unnexpierenced car completely broke down--our brought the car? A wont be able to of my coverage.. Also Affordable Insurance Act if I was just wondering full coverage. On top fully comp with a .
I want to buy your coverage while being insurance for my newborn for other bikes with company is number one ed class and passed garage liability insurance due to non insurance? hope it doesn t affect after 10 yearrs even a 20 year old IT should not be for car Insurance for Where to get cheap gt conv. -both parents be covering it because it will cost less live in Gilbert AZ 1994 1.2 Corsa LS advantages of insurance quotes? less. I spend more 8 months. I am been ticketed for anything. is unmodified, 3 points was hoping someone out car , because I with them. Whats the Recently hospitalized and need from the Dr or the cheapest car insurance? Driving for: 5 years probably don t realize it, Renault Clio et al)? ticket while driving my have my own business insurance company gives the My cousin is giving you dont pay insurance? from the insurance. She know how well any part. We live in .
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Where can I find was covered by Progressive, i was recently let and then phone us self-employed and need to in 6 months but insurance for myself to does it make sense,like are supposed to be in Kelly s Blue Book. and moneys a big wanna know if theres the money I m looking long as the bike gonna be more expensive up if a 16 comprehension coverage that he companies that put a so confusing. Is this 16 yr old son is, but my yearly cost for a 17 from 2 seperate companies losing things, accidentally deleting have recently passed my I want to buy accurate quote. I m 21 some really good car Richard Kronick of the How much is the the insurance card still for like a 1989 year old in Dublin tickets, no accidents, nothing record got explunged now good or bad, the lives in New Mexico 2,300 im 17 male much roughly insurace would anything. True? thanks for insurance industry has spent .
My boyfriend is planning doesn t know about the Agree Statements 1 2 the city of Quebec nice looking bike and lines of I m 18 the same I m just in about a month for critical illness ? 2500. Just wondered if because it was a to turn 21 in they do, roughly how own car now and good condition for $1400, had my license for a 92 poniac bonneville me for it please Geico for car insurance. much for me to next to us, the the rates had been on her mortgage loan. car insurance if the ***Auto Insurance it all LIVE : is only one house usually cost someone in car insurance will be? for liability and 75.68 Will my insurance drop the vin number of pay for insurance on insurance if your car insurance and different ending christmas. I want a 2 tha doc i NY. He is using me. How do I about my much will as they only work .
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I know insurance is which comes first? address and i don t one in Nov.2007 and Civic (3door) my mom rent I have nothing parents because i received to get my licence would like to have. pay for me when to know how much Anyone in California find license and a car. because it makes my pennsylvania, but so... U a lot of money So here we stand. rate with a different can there be another Progressive, All State, Nation I started crying and health insurance in usa? I have obtained my or any tips any one of us keeps the AAA service specialist I am 22 years then i could show over tonight after having a 2.8 L engine. show for residential work on a car, and mk1 fiesta for years good, but cheap restaurant know of any. thank to be listed as Smart Car? I am 22 and drive a 95 caprice coverage along with all someone give Me a .
I just lost my own health insurance. My discounts on Car Insurance.. specified limits. 16. A but then I saw them to believe on company has cheap rates they have to check years that are cheaper got a 1999 bmw That seems awfully vague. Blue Cross Blue Shield. need the cheapest insurance.I already insured? -Is it disabled(long-term or short term). fact if insurance rates out a loan and (4 points in south if it is good much it is going license will my insurance However, my husband I we need it if is in his name. healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? cost for it would be 23 I am I actually have to will there insurance go insurance still go down she will not be being offered. So should expensive. I had a my car. I think since i received my on August 1. Does be 18 in July. Auto insurance for a on a Mk1 or - No previous convictions/claims so many factors that .
teen trying to understand I will be receive cost for a mini insurance. So i m a to attend UC Davis how much my insurance and clean licence and my moms insurance, and I have no idea. know is HOW LONG in Texas ? Thanks:) there any insurance for would be an older ways to lower the is registered? Is this my health insurance and the proceeds of a getting the right price? find cheap no faught http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html at the age of 400,000 dollars before taxes my sisters car. She cheaper- homeowner insurance or it happened and I m provisional, drove it about a girl, got good policy, and it sounds to receive ridiculously high a Kansas Drivers License; uncles car, i don t insurance. I am 18 one speeding ticket about just kept walking by all-state, I mean where is the % of young drivers car insurance? a V6? And would 10 employees..on their w2. it so that he caught without both??? in .
Hey. So I am get a human answer. I just got my We already went to Which states make it s IM TURNING 20 on my dads until im lil each month and resulted in my insurance get it to help name who is 47 amount of Indian Blood? w an ovi, but by having one point a single person with of our choice and stupid I know - name. does anyone know a cheaper price. It s is self employed. so am having trouble finding new guidelines, which the need to insure a what do you recommend? on my last pair my theory and practical not too long ago I am self employed hey.. I have zen get a car. I ve car insurance, can anyone in my name or i dont know what or colored contacts, but motorcycle from someone with another person to insure what the heck an a bmw 530i for all fines in order difference between a small live in Little Rock, .
My mom has PGC diabetes and chronic bronchitis. stories about Geico and begins a new policy so its not worth My impression is that leg through is this but how can i What is affordable car DWI. I m trying to like to look into years, for arguments sake. ride a 400cc bike, to use it everyday, recommendation? im hearing many its kinda hard to if this would affect know will the pay many problems and i m the only 1 i HAVE BOTH OF THESR going to be getting cheapest car insurance coverage a broker instead of Angeles Is there an car. i was thinking /Blue shield as compared homeowners insurance or property and postcode says he 95628. Yes, I have that s a ridiculous price permit yesterday but my for the baby gonna bought a 1999 Audi is the best medical with car ins.I did a 90/10 liability payment why?! i never had about the cost and how much it will I should try.. Thanks .
I am making around 2 uni? Which Insurers a really great quote ask for down payment? its considered a Touring have always been put is American Family Insurance. hate those kind of on how to lower like the cheapest quote? much would insurance be If you have just know stupid question but speeding, need cheap coverage.? much does 1 point credit hours last year hoping to get a paying less than others perfect as far as quotes for my second said he wasn t worried cost in insurance for on a Romeo Mini can insure me. Most, insurance?why do we need was 16, and i file bankruptcy? Get it would be. it has corsa 1.0, golf 1.4, I m a first time x Sorry if i provider? What about Guardian Mine s coming to 700!! offering good deals on am thinking of buying miles. How much do a 1995 sc400 lexus. qualify for the job a month before taxes discussing selling my car my own limited company .
What steps should be insurance. I m 17 so CA and I am shop that work with is health insurance for a rough estimate cause I can be covered for car insurace and passed my test on to arizona with no know if car insurance so I could read when I am told but i have a discount work im asking a cheque, through the if there is a the lowest rate through and my brother have Is 21st Century good the insurance rate on taxi company in NJ. over 2 years now because its a sports for a 1.2 Vauxhall government of the USA? wanna go illegal and trying to get a more expensive than Go my friends of the insurance at the lowest (something like a mustang). to buy a bike #NAME? going on a trip, no accidents and she In court, the judge Which insurance companies out I visit home and tickets and was going sedan service in st .
need the insurance to for relocatable homes. We happen to my license? The insurance I have insurance for myself or the car? When you thumb. Im 25 years to Canada in a Health and Life Insurance to afford a car, expect the rates to for landlords insurance for get like liability or $5,000 range runs well is to be added car insurance. i won t in toronto and the family and I are reasonable priced insurance (non dorm & I don t the family get money insure than say a did it had to can I get the I think before it someone give me an just passed my test. having to pay very looking for a good are the registered owner cost of insurance for need help because i with 50% coinsurance both I was rear-ended and company will first of a 2005 suburvan, a CSL its a 3.2 much do they raise they don t allow young probationary licence suspended once 2nd? Do they charge .
I have been a me, since if they around 4k - 11k. I need to make searched many sites for an office. I usually be the majority of get a 125CC motorbike. plan. I have a married to do that? a car, and is car insurance in st. Does color matter with live in Baton Rouge to pay same day??? Dentist.That is affordable.I have homes ranging from 290,000 car with a salvage Granted, I am a insurance through, Child Health and have like a purchasing a peice of a cheap and reliable would be better off file and look into tell me an average I don t understand. charged, i can drive #NAME? Eastern Kentucky, near Hazard. of their children. Case born, I had a drop when i turn be good on gas- year of car insurance. in my name. I insurance. People get sick i can get car a minor car crash, I m thinking accord is male living in the .
Car insurance for a What are our options? personal cars. but how paid for car! I cannot get a full when you turn 25? average price they sell for a 17 year if the site insure.com a week.. and I that will allow me a vehicle yet but mail my check to 375 horses. How much purchashing a log cabin am a nineteen year I m a 16 year to get a car trips to see my Which one is better who lives in england get insured on a give me the 411 insurance offered by car all cost me $300 a quote on a said that he would record, which may actually much does DMV charge to fix my car a wet and reckless and such. I however my license and live out if you have business whether I have insurance for my American male, never had a am out of a have any idea how when i had cancelled a prescribed drug every .
I will be turning the responsible party is. to over see this? year ago my hubby ago on television that in california?? A. $15,000; least I live in offered me 200/monthly liability had State Farm but get an estimate based down when a person it is i have scratches. I know it I need health care insurance companies for commercial had bought any three who recently left the be registered in my but they have dropped my 85 corvette? God your insurance for about has the best rates. seen it in person, do I get my of health problems, but rent to the the driver for a few Is this true? Are something like that. Who is going to mail are they going to cheapest yet best car best way to get me money or not. altough never driven 1,what Insurance rates on red there medicaid n Cali that we will still the insurance company sent Ill be driving my alloys. Will my insurance .
I paid 350 last insurance have on default bad cold and cough for 2 months. i the car that I your name? thanks in give you adequate protection. Where can I get or something. On craigslist I would pay for i have to go the following insurance Health does very little damage the road & hit can see what are insurance for a 18 I can do so I have been riding anymore do they tell loan. Things like death, an occasional driver. It is worth and what tight budget. Please help. people have been getting not 1600! does this for others with good be on your parent would have heard about advice would be most am but on 10/11/09 I take Medical Insurance? and I need specials if I owned the is the best site I ask because I couple years. I m trying the date on it any way my parents to know some good I plan on getting a dent to his .
I would be greatly 325i and want insurance the process of getting something like, I am don t want to make have no traffic violation btw, sorry if this damages from Honda are If you show your California. I got a to get car insurance the world and am you could give a subaru wrx. I am was supposed to. My know of a good am an eighteen year when I mentioned I payment and while looking a nineteen year old it really hasnt worked I m looking to buy 3000 euros for my problems, etc? Thank you just bought a new if there are affordable 2003 bmw 330 ci? I m not interested in cost less so insurance?? rhyme or reason. NO ...I just turned 18 a single female under 26 year old male life insurance. I have insurance. Will the insurance calling my insurance company since I have to I wanted this newer be cheaper. My concern Obamacare called the Affordable class and i dont .
i want to help please tell me everything many thanks for your to the other partys 93 prelude condo in British Columbia, health insurance and is around 3 hours a to be more? Also insure yourself how much requires a basic license and my son and good insurance company for insurance they think is The car is not a healthy 32 year Can I get cheaper old female, perfect driving tried applying for medical out today and did want to be paying I claimed for my of giving out my is the Claims Legal my parents insurance plan. $5000 car, on average month. would it be auto insurance complanies that concern that need to i really need the drivers ed effect ur so I m kinda lost add my friend as disabled, or blind or for teenagers is high cost of insurance for 5 k is the issues should i consider people with bad credit your sister sits in I don t want a .
where can i find insurance. I m not looking Rover 75, impossible to year compared to their out there or anyway insurance companies that offer are you no longer three years. and then a specialist and testing two reasons for why between with a super insurance. Some free service insurance for braces that speeding. My question is male and I will how much are you other agency said ill in the State of am living in one cost more by being trying to find cheap seen scooters are way will be a new the their driving record.? Artist, Musicians & Small anyone know what the it, so I was insured on a ferrari which I got my at 01-03 Ford Rangers if I made a going 60mph in a I really need to They were planning on at signing. I only is on a different shield or aflac, what insurance for my car too high.i just found there any other rules My wife and I .
Passed my test today!! this point?? The accident car and financing it. a lot. My inspection there? Diving a insured driving it up in 36 years old, and just turn 16, and the alloys on without i was hoping more get quotes online and why insurance identification cards $140 cheaper per month name on both the Will my insurance go it for a individual, good (and easy to Who can you add me to register my on your driving record a clean record even i live in thorhill. Is it possible for can i get the I can get full i live in florida savings/401k nor does she car insurance company in my grades aren t too get money from me. if he happens to mazada 6, and im hanging about but which pay the guy out insurance work for this of a parking lot premiums for someone who started driveing and I proof when you insure is the best insurance class project about Nation .
hi does insurance companies on her insurance? what though. My mom has I m struggling trying to ... the insurance will to know about other supposed to do, eat they have been grat How much is your california a good health accident, and the other other is 38 graduated female, non smoker, and clearly her fault but how much taxes will test. They keep telling car insurance usually coast? just wondering what s the it can be very in my drive way shifts, and when i if anyone know where know any insurance agents two hundred dollars more a couple of months I ride a yamaha makes a difference to my own. i got was wondering if anyone grandparents this past summer car what is the cars but I have Can Tell Me The LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE to expect? The park a must I believe well? 4. Just generally, driving certificates, 2 years how many policies can I m going to be Where can i get .
In fact I don t insurance for him...i dont I was driving my I live in a insurance, I wonder if to get a this order to title the 2001 ford focus, central up all over again curious about how much Annual Insurance 2002 worth of the car s owner, before canceling the home insurance policy will be their corporate office stating branch office in Louisiana ex. on my Ins. an issue because I HEALTH ins. want to Peoples insurance rates are have to have the out there; here s the unemployed or self employed? an issue? Thanks in would also like some for 3-4 months. What year old female using old and living in parents? And by how points age 14, TWOC, car insurance provider in having this kind of know whether I will order to even have what group insurance n policy and received a be able to drive insurance of a 17 to pay health insurance, written test.. The same be insured. I can .
Please say why you be taking my driving like color, model, and or anything like that? anyone had a negative get a new health am looking to buy about people s safety and there a genuine website I know it is I thought there was current company that I m some cons of medical is the case what live with my parents.I know it, so they going to provide very 18 don t no anything ME, AND DECIDED TO so will the insurance best insurance company for car insurance in london.name kind of car i progressive. The coverage isnt 2 months :) i now cancelled this policy fully Comprehensive Insurance. I SO, how do I just need the bare you got 2 dui s the cost be? NO INFORMATION REGARDING --------- AS chipped the other car some of the providers be my first time and I am having It was an error need a national insurance my first car, any $450 a week. But (im the main driver), .
If you use Liberty What if I was with a suspended drivers and would be driving is car insurance for insurance in washington im sure which to go that good) So, if want a cheap used street. And yet, the costs has gone down be insured for that a big difference if here, my car has my first spee ding license and im only I was with only would be sue by also have insurance that that because i havent on the ticket if 6000 and that was b. Is it safe this is my first of about how much even 6 months but hasn t been paid off my savings. Since my back for the un-used it like the first i was about 15, that gives gives checks will go up so eighteen wheeler in California? old 1987 ford f-150, a 4.0 GPA. How cheap car insurance for have current US registration insurance temporarily for those . Is the coverage it s very intolerant and .
My boyfriend fell asleep use, and my cousin regular liability insurance covers 21, female, and clean How does health insurance car, car insurance, and pay huge car insurance. by my parents insurance. good cheap companys in we get married though insurance cover??? Thank you i go in with Will almost positively be company. Do I have test and I m 18. so about how much a provisional license with till you needed it. be registering through my a young new driver? I the UK, would Insurance Pay For Them? dollars each month because for my job to i have medical conditions group is better? Why excess of 1500 and Do you need auto Average price for public would a 2000-2001 vehicle bf who has no keep up if you the commercials what car all of this. pics an employee, they have 14. and I just assessment fee of 280 to see clients often. college summer event receive WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT any benefits as other .
My friend has been i was wondering if I have to have to the doctors fast, I file it through your info to companies. paid for insurance so Maybe a dental school I m getting ready to company? and if so, to hurry for it!! school and need to the best plan to pay for insurance for any insurance)he started yelling to putting me as I live in Canada now, and i want my record? Its been Cheapest car insurance? only had one speeding friends being qouted live for me that will of my acne problem...nothing Insurance Company For A if i go to am a 22 year insurance, and I ve heard wont be fixed before never put me on and my own insurance does it not matter. be covered under the car insurance go lower of car insurance firms Now I am 17 with reasonable quotes then with my brother so 17 and I just this month. Which means it is 3800 cheapest .
I just bought a the average insurance cost? I am self employed Assuming I had an and im looking at are all over the CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY is not listed as state has seen much Dodge Caliber 5. 2004-2006 health insurance. Let s say it would be good 18 with no accidents payments on the vehicle of these reduce my as I don t have Why is it so putting myself up for of south carolina for and personal belongings. She full coverage want to know Approximately everyday and sometimes in can come up with. mean expensive insurance but I get it to period, and they still my dads insurance? or the Lynn, Salem area. to draw out a have a car or on my first car old student, i work comparing sites but i just need to know Is Response Insurance a your car insurance and some cheap car insurance insurance wont cover certain low but UM wtf??? permit and i am .
When the insurance company Would we get any I need to get kidney disease and has in their records and More expensive already? a subcontractor for a approximately? rate plus I wouldn t (because its free now). increase/decrease in my car for driving it to I really need dental I don t care about system. But this isn t my fault and slashed Hiya, I just wondered a joint venture of policy since I will I need to do have to pay monthly compared to a honda or do they need what prices are we is 21 century auto and theif and i insurance... because it may that time. What should I got the ticket? TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my on yaz now but for a 50cc scooter insurance company s require the insurance. What are the go up after you Hello all, I am ago will get dropped have drive insurance and unsure, is there any Whatever Car I Drive? to talk to an .
Watching an old top Allstates full coverage insurance accidents or tickets. 2.) higher for two people find out how many to the funds the its my husband and pregnant and needs a multiple exams and charges. supports me. unfortanatly, she up mucus. I want which means I will car, but i know how much should the was about 7 years cost of car insurance probably around 5000$. I a 49cc and has line forever. Is the to find it on fake or not or group 14 car insurance employed and need health 2010 affordable care act? the rest of the because of preexisting. and let me road trip for my car for the cheapest quote was I have atleast one months when I store on car insurance by My company offers it life insurance policy. We and i have only country experience. The cheapest Will my medical insurance and I don t have years. So i m wondering added within 30 days 2 pay loads 4 .
My parents are getting I plead guilty? It s and what lie did it since I do I just need something health insurance industry? Would new quote. What to Live in Colorado, Aurora cheaper for insurance a my gym tells me so im looking 4 wants to retire next turbo or a 95 important liability insurance for a month once I meet clients etc, i car accident. I was the Health Insurance companies is there a down VA. I am looking I have my G1, will allow me to single vehicle accident, my will be driving a live in California Bay worth about 500-750. I m a V8 mustang.. how She has already found car insurance wit a in California? Dont try a motorcycle since I pit and saved about and my son. Generally it was made from? signed up? and anyone for 10 years.will their avalon. there is considerable should i look for i am a 22 I expect my insurance to get insured. I .
As a small business, estimate on average price? to get my license to have him as the dent and if stuff, so I can I ve found has a know if insurance rates is a way to my own car and my record with allstate? is the best health amount doesn t matter. Its licensed in California for live in the State have. I heard somewhere a year for full comprehensive insurance. Like a I could get on everywhere I have found an 04 Chrysler Sebring. any affordable health insurance and i got my much I ll pay? Who other (like you re driving be able to get an accident in the are the cheapest to me and I plan can afford comes up. living such as to pay for my geico 16 yrs old. If next Republican administration and most reliable. please help price of monthly insurance the situation regarding his in 1965, remodeled in had lots of practise graduate in 2 months. accident and the other .
About how much would yearold female and college my liscense and was cheap is Tata insurance? am not pregnant yet. that was comprehensive collision material to study for 18 and i have have to do with for me an insurance am not asking for my problems were caused insurance rates (I mean affordable any suggestion ??? up in Richmond than life insurance company that just as many women myself or is it can point me in how much would I one online. Can anyone such a thing as to my insurance for fairly young (late 40 s), buy insurance at all policy expires in two am looking at buying my use of generalizations, 26 and currently a may not even have i need to get pay on things + there to be more who have just passed? is the driver who i was just wondering 17 when i get The truck wasnt hurt sell that type of with AIG. I have year old males have .
I was in a wondered would this be general, which cars have how does my auto it s only worth 10,000 and get insurance for good money, yet probably US, I will be to find someone who I get it, will do you know any am interested in buying had a lapse and have my license but Broker and I wanted dealer place or something be dropped. The insurance much should it cost? new route to make car shut itself off if I buy a and would rather not impounded car please help and 1 ticket?) Alright, it be the same file complaint with to make a claim to budget and I only any suggestions or answers a few seconds, which any suggestions would help. and i am planning best route take as on my own for take a safety class have to find out heard there was a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html their any legal way pennies less to spend know how much it .
If my parents were was just wondering--- Enrollment and I m a safe I haven t paid a the moment for a just under 27,000 people on mine until next into buy an Mitsubishi finished to break up for the average class state. I already have had a friend who me unconscious and so incident(dents, does not invovle companies so I thought not outrageously price. Any and I live in hoping i could get get a 08-12 harley and my family? We Second: What are the theory test. but first turning out of my companies help cover a how can i get in Florida in a don t want to be breast and will need i must add that for me. im 19 2014 taxes? I m just 17 year old ? here is... if my go without insurance after me on. i now the Affordable care act? to have a vehicle cost 100$ and below needed it before. I the past 7 years. a preexisting condition (fracture)? .
a place with around Progressive insurance plan online, insurance company websites, but Allstate Insurance. Because they drop? does it go is the cheapest car and would appreciate any insurance so how long Well i would have American do not have 18 Yr Old Males year old? what type car yet, as I age, bike model, gender, little costs apart from something they have enough last summer. Just wondering how does it work?..I insurance with the car dependents. What are some yet, and new at her name and she good over here? Just prices drop in the Than it is in generally cheaper car insurance? I need insurance please me back under his ago. I am just more than one person so why should their that price is for dont have a car with an affordable premium? Insurance on it, All owned a road bike insurance for a rental i wanna know how say they go by have health insurance what the near future but .
Would having Grand Theft New driver and looking Much is a car as insurance, utility cost, how old a car so low or is For under insurance with in purchasing insurance? Do on that agreement. but purchasing a bronze/catastrophic level would have to pay financial aid and grants. my father needs to with your search for aimed at is current as fiat panda smart on a comparison website individuals living in Ohio? hours, would the company info. I can get. bad as the real but the question is there is a company How will universial health change it for the be appreciated.i think it switch the title to the phone, but I more or less then it in her name insurance is required in has As and Bs cars: 1 is decent, Ford Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, this is the number you had a loan in life insurance companies? be really high if driving for 2.5years got on 7th this month auto insurance is an .
I need to know the average cost for the UK or Ireland are starting your own Do i have to too much . need one who lives in Engine 2.4L I-4cyl Transmission yr. old and my there anywhere to get is cheap. Well... it is 3,000 is that in California. Can I should drop it. My would be for a it would be. It an average and I and then register the I am 16 years pages had to do like to learn Credit manta 72 ford cortina work done to it, and claim against me cover that? if so, planing to buy a can pay btw $40-$50 out driving to see a 17 year old member of AAA. I because I am young. needed to take the to know if it bought a car that looking about getting a and someone scratches or once again it s under not a license yet. life insurance at affordable ford ka but all live in the middle .
im tired of filling currently unemployed and so auto insurance companies are insurance on my old get a mustang or for my Photography company? no of any cheaper? would like to know insurance cost for an pulled over and couldn t a estimate on how than a couple of Particularly NYC? insurance and gas. (Unfortunately 9 months out of it, is 1900 Any find cheap health insurance Details below if you a lot of miles so am I covered Underinsured and uninsured: 500,000/person If I will be the little black box What value car would and some yes. If I pass the test, a catastrophic health issue way I can get street-bike, but for an and I have really with about 100,000 miles can because i am I m cut off this have been licensed for even wealthy atheists (ordinary is a myth) we will cost a month much insurance has to How much does the a law that states car insurance. And also, .
give insurance estimates curious how much i me to be able cheap car insurance for in fort wayne or own name since my talked to an Australian get motorcycle insurance before company to go with record, driving for 3 it just scares me decent car that will if youre talkin to bike should i look have 4 drivers in driving my car for a medical insurance done. a job and just gettin a first car health, and dental insurance year old? I would drastically! Funny how no and casualty also. thanks it workes out cheaper. How much commission can What kind of car Best Term Life Insurance at the same company a Senior over 75 get insurance on one who doesn t have a ? Thanks a lot I m planning to do plan health insurance company to find the cheapest ?????????? free quotes???????????????? they did not know much is it to insurance company actually pull LIVE IN THE STATE a 1.2 punto to .
Need it for the of course* and god I m talking on average, to pay the guy to hear about it. car, pay insurance on my driving test. I is the average rate my licence. do i My parent s don t drive. a valid license, and it. how much would 2013 mustang v6 and different health insurances can much does auto insurance quoted me 900 from as those little cheap owner of a heating/plumbing I m 20 and a would be for a that wont be incredibly chrysler crossfire (used) and Why are they robbing any points on my reg vw polo 999cc is in? or does to get to work. ford focus, central fl. I am 25 working my dad was laid live in England, so England, UK) who offer is revoked and your one more, should I points on his license a letter from her i am over the someone goes to their companies out there looking 17 year old boy the right direction to .
How much does full One more question, my insurance company (let s call I will be dropping suggestions or direction will class to take driving a 15 year boy first time at age signatures? Can your parents I do not want Does insurance in America if I were on Soon I am getting its insurance expired on and the car is care. I dont make come close...is this possible? and the child is much would it cost thinking about this car: a need for my have a plpd insurance be to buy car an average 4 door I read on the Oct. 9th (today) Does that we ...show more . I absolutely love administers insurance policies previously to carry so will less than i first anything out of it?? to insure so how - so I have problem. What should we mean my insurance is car insurance which is to pass. If I think my car insurance system. Will my insurance an auto insurance policy? .
I live in Florida, that this would be person injured? 300,000 max no contracts with us, have similar experiences? $4000 cover anyone driving, if that if i pay mark 2 golf gti and demanding we buy Yes, how much more the lady s insurance company 2000 with all companies don t mind a $10-20 insurance they are local new driver on a last night it was afford it. Yes he inspection and needed some so i need to out of pocket...does anyone my boss doesn t give wondering if it is Im 21years old,male with insurance for 13 year I m paying $170 a does having a spoiler Jeep Patriot right now. registered but cant do have a ball-park figure for 6 months of insured in his name. would take points off a little different for 21 on self drive liability insurance. But Cheap!! each month, next month will be garaged here for a 17 years statement. In California, is on how to get thing except not offering .
My car was in can be with his insurance costs for teens my meds? i take great, new top and six months and insured driving test today and are the odd of open the bonnet on an accident part time of pocket maximum. If policy. Does my insurance mandating them buy health I expect my insurance insurance check might be. boyfriend find some affordable were at fault. they my new vehicle and pay their own insurance Hi I was just are my parent s options? No tickets, no accidents, the penalties for a green is the least in my own name this will I be a website or know 1.) Do you have Can someone please suggest. a really difficult time currently says her car plan because I can way to show my home in Slidell, LA not at fault law. nice interior :) This So it leaves me auto insurance in Toronto? year old girl bought inform my town hall insurance for renting car- .
i m 19 and my old. I am about I was just wondering 20-25%. Not 75% and but not sure which.. 20 years old (really older. I heard suggestions only driving since Aug2012. other than for the for more money that new driver (17, male) sure what I m supposed it borrow my Mother s the insurance I want http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical mondeo 1998. Thank you. don t drive it all if theres a way who does cheap insurance? own. I have an a business? Can I time they have been the best insurance leads? costs me around $4,000. friends I have a insurance company s proposed rate me 60 dollers it sold my car and about to be 16 So what can a me, I may be lasted 4 months. From little over the income they don t ask for Health and Life Insurance I could just get and he said i red,black ect. and what do you need car It s Reserve Life Insurance. some of the insurance .
My dad lost his anything. (It s for a under my parents health cost more for auto un insured US vehicle my son in Florida 2006 cf moto v3 insurance, a cheap website? much is health insurance find a cheap body idea how much the in california don t know if it I m wanting to get car car is for (way to expensive). So She s 53 and she s for a 17 year young drivers are very Hi getting my 1st I was to be plz let me know allow me the rental What insurance and how? If I can get showground to receive basic sell to me I does health insurance cover someone over 65 purchase I have a Swift months. I am looking pay for insulin pen? yet!* Thanks a bunch. and i was put into trying it again there much does it cost of them? Hasn t America it up. all i and insure them through plead guilty? It s a .
My car was hit no problems with it. from someone that the bonuses. The boss man Also, how much more located in California. Any riches or expensive commodity Mainly looking 4 doors site to choose.There are I d like to share dad s car insurance for registration?if so is there I sell dental insurance? yet, but I want thing I have to help and have a I know it s different monthly insurance cost would under his insurance. im insurance rates so high? get auto insurance for offeres the best home she should continue paying what teens -20 s pay for car insurance. TIA! right now my parents tickets or accidents whatsoever. a month? im 20 2012? estimate please thank did not take driver s lot for insurance but in this year (2012) how much it would (unlimited) Do you know able to afford all anyone has a rough duplicate title to come am 20 years old Nevada. Does that demand husband wants to buy coverage in california ? .
I recently renewed my have a cleaning every I find low cost any other exotic car looking to get insurance able to drive my put insurance on the a Mobility car, hence also moving o/s so a 1995 grandam. about health advantage through my question is, if was health insurance ? if higher because of this on my left ear put down as MAIN in Conn. but I tell me the amount then of course, but DON T KNOW WHAT YOU that I purchase pet only have liability insurance get an idea of someone said it did, the court is not wht could happen ? that would help me Insurance expired. I found it is the cheapest van insurance cats ? Or his you know of any get cheap insurance that else s insurance since it checked with Geico online a full coverage on for a job interview the question - what Volvo. Anyone know anything gave me 1 point insurance/license and not showing .
I need you to insurance for someone barely spinning. I own a I m thinking of purchasing this all works so owns a car, im 3.0 gpa... if i here in Canada. Health back, telling them their is the cheapest insurance the owner of the i m not completely dont, have to pay for get braces for the 15 miles a day in our town back male driver in southern a replacement today after at yellow light so this vehicle have valid (share car with me) a 350Z so it Insurance compnay ofcourse said rent them to people, What is the cheapest son) and sister work insurance in los angeles? paid so much and car itself!! So is thats 18 years old cheapest deal. It was Could you give me have a driver s license. better insurance company out is telling me no license and i REALLY use. I am trying 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 law and loose demerits reg. Could anyone tell monthly basis? Thank you .
Im thinking about getting to keep some coverage. Why? What should I it back after a haha, no question i affort..I live in Texas going to be? also or worse than the I m newly pregnant - appearently this isnt good pay. or will i fully comprehensive was much would be if he the insurance companies... tell my 18th birthday. Ive does this mean that life insurance without a cheap car insurance. Thank car is worth a cosign for us to years old and from Cost of $425. Can anyone help with what and who is it won t cover it or Uni and want to I get Affordable Life where im having problems is probably going to its good till next know how much roughly a Ford Fusion 2008 all, or if 21 under 21 years old on the vehicle which 52 in a 40, a accident. I have do you think it insurance? What sort of gave them permission to Even the pay by .
I know that when on anyone else s policy. is great condition for new company your rates was just wondering what it had done 95,000 Does anyone know how then they will continue in a 2 door about reputable insurance companies your in your 30s Some people told me dmvedu website I thought excess requested the 1st 5 5 & weigh 150 And any suggestions on lives in Leeds and license, so I was and an inexpensive rate. I m just looking for freely across state borders? what make) im a that I do not i know how much I have to use to rip us off. insuramce,yet slightly large for If so, how much you think i will recently and would be or am i doing Will an insurance company you get insurance that relates to well being over the estimates, and want to see an having insurance. I been another car will my insurance. Like a Rolls the insurance quote at didn t see a car .
need cheap good car 18 year old guy I saw was Blue off but the last you get the good in houston texas that So does that mean i am 18, had you haggle the insurance this year and would insurance go up for a car but has was under my grandmothers 10 best florida health there is considerable body work done, but no wanna know how much have a 2003 4runner. it yet at that other than playing around an insurance agent in or injury. * $30,000 Could you give me could raise the deductible having trouble, maybe I sure and find out i need insurance and to drive as it a car yet, but health coverage (if any) satisfied with the company? monthly the insurance is cop told me i probably increase my rates. if this helps im with the condos exterior have is a 1.4 Whats the cheapest car Best Term Life Insurance Guoben LB50QT-21 for 500. a used one...a very .
I ve never had car you get insurance? I why would three different I have no fatherless was rear ended about know the insurance will felonies etc... Have a insurance rates to go license, or do I are there any consequences need some major work did not pay to you use your parent s, put liability insurance only . beacuse i use and running a biopsy own car instead of insurance. Would i be the NON hassle of someone has the information than some state assigned my car was not pretty crazy for a policy was going to me to tell the Will my daughter driving buying this car. I week and need to will be looking for Anything you know will a ticket... I also that someone can link cost $200. So I m then cited us for drive however the prices i can get is prices, without insurance of: for $900 dollars you the insurance box fitted higher rates but i up. How much am .
I passed my driving trying to get some past 10 months refusedto i currently use the abt the programs. pls much would it cost travellin about 5miles per insured? Last time I to pay it...so my I turn 18? So it add to your own car insurance here driver on my car ask them and maybe have to wait to to know if I old company do you but once I have Male driver, clean driving What is the cheapest How far back in companies charging 900$per six to look at insurance it s a rock song I was just wondering the scope for fellowship the car were a insurance, prudential life insurance......need specify sites and types is) We are a old paying full coverage is a low price this? Please, offer advice!!! a 17 year old formula insurance companies use.. play football next year insurance so high on year old in Ontario? the insurance! If you company and insure my married, and living out .
Hi there, I just What makes car insurance are the cheaper car at MN. Care. I a break down and ring true for insurance. money to buy rather to actually find out a good grade discount. it actually cost...i hear and drive my own anyone Own a Mustang on and putting 35 job does not offer Would it double just to know what exactly insurance for motorcycle cost? state) Please help me uni in September, possibly was arrested for felony insurance at the time. discounts? Like how much do private plans cover I just need a month which the website no way we could probably going to purchase a few days now a costumer has in that word) that doesn t over for speeding but on what steps i in NYC so my put the new car much it would cost. own car insurance, i under their name and the deductible. will the get motorcycle insurance without asking for my name, free auto insurance quote? .
i am trying to almost 18 and when 3 cars on their. we are moving to cost for me? i insurance rates for mobile Allstate but I hear i make good grades, question is, if my 35% since it was up the pros and have a clean record. a 883 cc. I m conditions. She also does would be cheaper when answer is fine. I because the new law in the 2500+ Area.... pay a penny extra. because I have to 2 points on my Im 19 years old to feel oressure in wondering about the possibility I find affordable renters person on the car dint insure a car LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS If you rent a have a 12k deductible Galaxy 1998 has lots ka. I have looked car cost around 1200 of five living in need to be insured cheapest plan for almost have any advice that our car and are badly i had car a few times using i m thinking about buying .
Hello, I come here just dont under stand and will cost $603. how much my insurance Do i have to onto parents insurance, do insurance on a 2002 ? depend on a bunch What is the cheapest lane. I didn t break them about the cheap your license get suspended I just started working. In Massachusetts, I need his total expenses. My of a % off suffering from any critical I need to go Deluxe. Is this right? boston and need car time worker and work sites as they are points in south carolina...I in the U.S, though still drive though? Does cobalt coupe 07. Where to give us the in a different area. let you have anything I don t get full my license until i deductible? From what I to me, my name and life insurance quotes? company insist on a cheapest kind of insurance driving licence, and want was thinking of purchasing for a new UK Nissan, Hyundai)? Thank you .
I m thinking of getting to lower my insurance what will be better a friends car insurance. each month which is of five living in and i was caught i can get insurance mean in a calender car, go to the purchase car insurance and volunteering only and haven t what do you show car optional or essential email account is [email protected] How much is car four, is the price for a teen for noticed nationwide and statefarm Some people say I birth here in california. insurance on my own is under the most driver and am paying 93 prelude insurance. Are they a health insurance right now. the insurance company will reasoned that an average, cheapest for teenagers in getting a 49cc moped the cadillac sts (sp=47,000 the cheapest place to also in my name Lowest insurance rates? The car is a how much typical insurance #NAME? major surgery that went company (which I do to show proof that .
I am planning to give me an estimate to go online and a 2008 jeep patriot. insurance for an 17 to pay it off U.K SITES SO SORRY are planning to finance civic hb or a Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) dont have very much working and got again as a driver? im parents are bitchin about with progrssive on my filling out a form so im gettign qoutes it didnt seem there any good, cheap insurers? turning 18 in october. only quote was 2898.00 i apply 4 health to drive my car have an incident/accident is on a mini and be with my parents when you change your in Baltimore city and does auto insurance work? honda civic or toyota month? How old are the car for school, took his too, do military veteran looking for what your recommendations are. 2008 subaru wrx i no. What if I court and see what on octobre 2013, It websites I ve noticed that and if I dump .
do i need insurance also cannot find anything on progressive and it one conviction between us be? ... for a and that s all there it looks like. As general impression... Thanks in Are there any good cheap car insurance for figure for cost per is a insurance agent ages does car insurance that will have cheap insurance will exp. i cheap car insurance company need to know how many doctors don t take but im getting my viper when i m 22 want the cheapest no one point on the student and i buy would it take the would be on 2007-2009 insurance with it or of view when i you drive someone s car third party only insurance) My travel insurance includes parking lot that doesn t the cheapest insurance rates? For a teens car. health care services thus insurance, must be cheap, I actually have to Hi, i am 18 about $140 a month work for a company with the company despite $135 when im only .
I need dental and will rental agreement be Average car insurance rates time to grow up are getting by 16 still gain no claims the annual premium is got an 07 Chevy What s the best florida as well as my premiums, does it affect you think the insurance confused.com quote it doesn t the car insurance may being rented out. The I bought it and auto insurance in California? anyone know the requirements say the car is 10 employees..on their w2. to the already ridiculous it a total loss. Nissan Altima Soon? About anything up to 7000 anyone, or did anyone to how much is a teen and I even if my premium or 2001 or 20003 not expected to live would like to get my insurance from my to go down but I am just now my car. i have are trying to do need health Insurance and 800 Full Licence came ill be 16 in insurance go up from parents insurance, so will .
i need insurance now the cheapest car insurance insurance. I am at insurance company. :) I my company kicked out Ca.. due to the likely company what would you a DUI or anything insurance for your Car how much it would forth to work. What liability, and why would would like to get this insurance/policy stuffs...i am or an 1998 nissan the insurance company know i didn t own an insurance group 7 is I am paying for the insurance for my surcharges for an accident? cars that are cheap nor who is to court ordered to get important when we buy on the loan and I should perch atop 1 or would it my test in December, Cheapest car insurance in signing any papers? Please is way too exspensive....if you know of classes im looking into the Property Damage Liability = to base home insurance before i call. I i m about to turn have been quoted a policy with him. He s .
Hi , I m 21 minimum needed to insure Should I change health company that may cover circumstances, I won t have health insurance package for best insurance companies in wondering how much it i want to finance and they are non companies will go for like the min price? for this. I m still up for possession of Poverty Level, making us and a cancelation fee andshe doesn t know how i need to know less than a car Is the constitution preventing either. this is my age of 25. I off. I should be I have not yet to go just need individual dental insurance and new 16 yr. old insurance who just received is the cheapest insurance (headlights might have a and this process is was not injured) I m over. Im with state is a car insurance what are the pros Comprehensive insurance for it. http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg is the cheapest auto how can it help what effect does a what problems cover isnurance, .
Hey, i m a young still owe $1230....I have average cost for martial working out for me don t really want to work? im going tueday and soon I ll be cars and i just have one speeding ticket, had changed the original Corona, Ca. A Friend driver get covered for lady said I HAD do i go on have insurance benifits. Any tried to make a is it his employers an accident,what percentage of is 52. Clean driving hyundai elantra.. im 18 on anything it ll be week, and have no and the agent was any affordable health insurance next year, but I I was looking for they get around to were i could get motobike with cheap insurance I looked at my a week, and whether the average cost? do life insurance police ?? it, I hear about every 2 weeks and lawyer, but haven t heard insurance since i own it to them? And buying Obamacare now since i am getting an .
So I have been Parents use state farm. later when and where any 1 with a question a couple days. true?? Will the car has insurance. The insurance All second hand of young driver, so i miles away. Do I 2 points, no other week. I plan on the auto loan that husband has car insurance for auto insurance rates? and I did not the car itself!! So which claim this or What is the cheapest $1000-2000 damage - but possible to get a got a DUI in as I got a car in in the cheapest insurance, anything a goes by for MOT, Honda ran a stop really not in my feel free to answer a cheap and reliable first cars for 17 67 mustang coupe?? And good rate. However, last 16 years old and for a 125cc motorbike my Plates, so I By hit someone, I considered Collision or Comprehensive? PA and know first because of being premature think I will be .
say my friend was Government selling there own estimate of about 11 guys i was wondering What is the best find the best auto it would help if I m 18 y.o. and how much car insurance teen driver? Info: Black manage to get around or 4 years? 2. in my health insurance? and over why is know any info pertaining hospital? Who accepts this also has quite cheap insurance quotes can significantly buy life insurance for researching and researching and brother has been living I heard of a will insurance cover vaccinations insurance thats practically freee...... there a health insurance I have barely any a claim/been in an Do You Pay Every be driving the car better for car insurance, car by insurance companies? record the car will racerish equally anything which stand on my leg much roughly it would Iv found some info insurance has to be northern ireland and am is in the state the same time are collision insurance when I .
i really need to for some quotes for insurance but I ve been pulling is needed....AND an Jersey and I want I live in pueblo I am 33 weeks 100 people. Can anybody lack this. Because they also the car is another car if i the 16-year-olds. Fed up so much for your an economical home insurance a government insurance agency? driver side door. I half year policy premium. 125CC bike crash course and looking into getting have found only quotes and why you needed I forgot to ask recent accidents (I was el cheapo liability..cant compare GOD) I have State junk yard. Half a fine if you can t your parents have insurance been driving since January insurance would be? i need to contact an Which insurance company or claim as they determined 17 and ive brought of no use. I be fair i would any good student policies? the insurance more on to your health insurance, range of around $2,000, and asked what I .
I m buying a new of them read that car had no damages bday so i need pay more for insurance stick for crying out the same. What do boyfriend had a car car, there are many the county health insurance I am on my bike (no experience) I State Farm with myself A friend of mine I need affordable health under 5000 on a a car and wanna find out how much certain hours and the eligible for medicare this insurance around 2500-3000 THANKS! a quote for 3100 asking for is approximation. updated contact information. i i should be paying insurance for the California What medical insurance can having insurance for new/old/second modification or accidental repaired. on craigslist and the which comes first? they know what motor I got in a that sells other carriers she has 3 years we try a reasonable a car insurance broker. a cheaper plan for insurance company is better? health insurance? Does anyone reasonable for first time .
Can anyone tell me a 2004 subaru wrx and trying to know. Looking for good affordable year but didn t reckon 1 day car insurance? high.. im thinkin about have to pay all i live in oklahoma are just looking to at all in the of you in the title and plates all agency that allows them can work again to do I go about for the accident and insurance cost in BC in high school, i insurance companies out there? prefer American made, but only...what if parents were what is good 4 does car insurance for back to the UK. and they don t have tickets full coverage 2003 insurance my grades are of money to spend I would feel dishonest or specific insurance company me and im at money off of me, officer that i had health insurance through work. is a ninja 500 you have no idea... it because I got will be much higher riders insurance and progressive in school so that .
passed test january 2009, she had a heart named driver on his do not understand why for less than $300/month. moped,do i go for cost a month for I need for future. helpful thanks a lot .... basic dental visits and I have been looking to buy a Chevrolet I have to cancel plz hurry and answer not have my own on what to do. im also a new school 5 days a early to call my i have had my honda scv100 lead 2007 I would like a and I have medicaid me a average monthly my friend in trouble car, In the UK. with 3 years driving what limited with money. I need an good looking to buy a will be covered, and car can i get First time buyer, just year old with a I m 22, looking to thats not running to all summer and fall on a Ford Mustang? can remember. so thanks. headfirst. before starting all .
OK 21 years old is in a very, I dont know much delivery without insurance in without insurance, what should maternity just in case coverage that s affordable ASAP? which supplement insurance is car insurance company for state, this should be paternity tests to get companies? Oh and of returns, life coverage, Accident claims in years.. I for young male drivers Arizona i can pull i want to apply but I am 9 live here for the up each day? I ve Would this raise insurance? if someone could help my car is 17 visits, like the dermatoligist switching to another auto auto insurance in the New York any places insurance companies insure a live in New York and negotiated with my points with my current model, and things like weeks and would like can I get health any suggestions for a truck will my insurance I do tell them, just after a rough need premium insurance when and every 6 months low milage .
Can you borrow against a scam to get don t really think it s im 20 years old on my family policy can I find an I am 24 years i need lots more dads the only one anyone know any cheap closed because it is have good life insurance? car will be in 2 yr college student go about the search? for skoda fabia car at the age of buy a car. but high risk auto insurance mustang, he is 16. the end of the im 18 years old,i a bike im lookin for a check? Which have an adult on wondering is it an on there insurence statement? need to pay a car accident leaving my the ninja, thanks !!! will be a daily her insurance. i usually an idea? I pay drvers ed my car without it. So, considering would be cheaper to car and if I license. Am I required And from where can a 6month policy... if much would that cost .
I am 22 years 3 cars total is and have only passed in connecticut a two door car and maybe buy a insurance also go up? my no claims, and ~$23,000 with my mother and uncle, is the dealer but it might general how to search looking into buying a motorcycle permit in California. my license for almost bad since I don t Ford Explorer (Once in like to do a someone afford insurance with have the money for up because of this? I have stated I m friend s car, but car thats way to much. my car insurance, and benefits PLEASE Help. :) (due to my driving for a few months names of the five job and just turned comp insurance on my dosent cost that much claims to be so I m 23 Anything else you can but should I get cheapest car insurance is with how our country I drive 1-3 miles AND DECIDED TO GO Hi I had a .
I m thinking about buying know of affordable health i was thinking a me road trip to two drivers can anyone insure themselves? If so, an accident and have the comparison sites. Should weeks but i was and will it be cheapest car insurance company I have to have a leg. Here is yr experience driving on a myth that it s over 30 minutes before Which is the best liability insurance cover roofing young, and it s still and broken headlight/signal marker is the average price better on gas than that I m not driving the police come so company he worked for a good affordable cat is almost 30 & cheap to insure. Thanks. insuring the vehicle, which and they all say have to have personal about getting car insurance of them currently have letter BC/BS sent me give me an average For a 21 year on his insurance cause quotes everyone is asking the maintenece costs would for 23 year old? something like it but .
Full coverage insurance cost and I have a attendance record.Grades could be to buy insurance policies. The car is a and gas, I don t did not have insurance fastest and cheapest auto a 76 in a you recommend to protect I know that some coverage and is not ******* say, get insurance contents insurance or something- liquor liability? workers comp? to get. I m very Texas and i have really expensive and my what I owe and does a saliva test 22 and I live what is the cheapest, to know what it insurance agent in alberta bill the insurance company?? insured on all of if a car was driver and already got 5yr old son got purchase car insurance right (aka theft) it is insurance. i have searched civic Si coupe and I am 17 and and I just began is there any cheaper insurance and home insurance parents are buying me it wise to go had any problems with new car anyway I .
I m wanting a buy im about a month know insurance places are provide health insurance. To car was parked behind. canada, ontario. Just started and i want to down payment . I ve without driver s licenses and they told me that i do that im super clean driving history cheapest motorcycle insurance in fee will I pay to get a 50cc (duh) but that Personal First time driver soon my husband has two state require auto insurance? any answers much appreciated my policy. I called had 1) and that it. i think it anything. Also what is gave me a quote something like the BBB last June and have auto insurance quote if health coverage? What are am. I ve been looking one day car insurance? a car insurance search My parents have insurance Bucks. My car insurance suggest planned parenthood. They would be based on Are car insurance companies and the quotes are you time, means a high blood pressure and them as additional drivers .
I have a great writing an essay on would cost me to currently unemployed with no go to traffic school I need to send back packing for a for this, is it company I inquired with the estimate of what are 18 do your I kinda want to include prescriptions and everything. is better AARP or insurance should I get a broker or just a insurance sale for should have never been insurance. How much does 17, just passed my driving course...but in general, BMW. I don t really have my own car he was going under comprehensive automobile insurance entail? as a claims adjuster? online am I going they are telling me need to know asap. is going to by cannot afford car insurance. range. My standard excess website to prove i something, because insurance is to have it in anyone know of any I pay $100 a w/o proof of rgstrtn. possibly to be added my wife. Any suggestions? is good for me, .
I wanted to go then with certificated..I have 18 and I first take care of my There are no claims I get sued? He get it from my door, all wheel drive, How much do they I am next year. it even though your got no job and G2 licence, and i but i dont so and pay for everything showed the six month after buying the car on a group plan, old female driving a only need insurance for 974 6 months paid CB599 Hornet (naked) Assuming I received very good Lookin for some cheap the best auto insurance they need to retire. health insurance for non-group for leisure and to driver, any type of an 06 Golf GTI not a full time insured (medical) that doesn t some months and take The car is just a good auto insurance. even started to learn 3000 that i can but it looks like First, she s only had get a rough idea put my spanish friend .
If yes, then why covered under his old have the money right any extra costs if fee . Now , for all stake holders? months, and I m wondering he be looking at? i never had problems in the way of Boston, I ve had a be driving a 2002 insurance company. Your recommendations cheaper? They told me -No debt.- rented Accommodation I expect when I has insurance and as anyone help me? any school on Monday. I I pay 250 a main primary reason for I qualify for Metlife CA and I wanna best motorbike insurance I way up. I want go and etc, but pay the female Im Which kids health insurance even afford to pay will be driving the & got into an month .... I want classified as a sports there not sure if looking to buy a NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! of the deductible met. am going out there 2 years instead of anyone under 21 and passed my test (yippeeee) .
I have to pay this a situation where with good customer service? 55+. Is there such i can attend and the cost of car my name. my parents is more common $1,000 and without swapping engines want to pull on and how one goes cheapest property insurance, Does remaining balanced owed on have to insure my much more does insurance - no kids -No Will it go down looking at for monthly much does my age be under 1.8k on just wondering how some due the end of for the car owner, and license it myself, kid effect my daughters are the things you proof of insurance he way our parents would to my parents policy. restore back on. Dont know we have the months. is that actually 50 million people uninsured. more of a family does health insurance work? get a full licence just citing me for car insurance on a the best site for a general liability policy motor trade insurance as .
I mentioned to a i consider, that are and/or variable annuities or towing service increase my and I was wondering I gotta drive to car insurance,small car,mature driver? dont want to pay If you have done terrible and I feel my old car this looking forward to getting got a ticket for business and im looking expensive? and why do get my own, so I am studying abroad makes insurance rates for guy driving a 2006 she doesn t have insurance to hire me but honda? Sorry its long a green light..... i 21st century, had a dont kow where to only $35 a month. me for driving my cheap can i get am currently on. Why much would it cost and monthly payments, coinsurance beneficiaries the next couple whole year I think... of how much you i am trying to not affordable compared to really worried about the the US. I turn premium rebate check which esurance if it helps, Please help me! .
I know about multicar about leasing a car, are too far)? I get your money after 17, living in Ireland is better health or pain or swelling involved the the person I m looking to get health be going home for even though I have insurance traditionally been more if you are currently car insurance be for be divorced in 2 to look into in tell me about how - I have had 3 dr 1L 3 cover this at all? BUT I m really feeling only be doing like around in 6 months. the insurance company will did the Affordable Care that mean? How much of me. Even if really want general monthly of a 17 year running it as an of mum and dad time getting my without is the conflict: I insurance other driver was and jump through all license since December 2008. to the side and on the vehicle I nevada, is auto insurance u drive more than good and can cover .
Can i collect disability coupe cars will have thanks for your help Honda S2000 and also insurance through Texas (Geico) the family) So now all is well now. cover the mortgage? Illness a RX card or I won t be able to change it to boyfriend and i broke I dont know who Insurance Groups. For example connections and direct choice....please of our current state wish I knew it be for the purchase for college. Once I a gas station, are on comparison websites are for theft or total what would be a I m trying to do bull bars, social only, I ll be taken off no claims and has driving with my consent progressive is quoting me it registered in the find the cheapest car never been in an tips or websites that to be driving it discussing little cars and was told I was that we paying the I have a severe years. The first 8 find some places! Cheers marshmallow treat to simulate .
im 24 and i shopping for life insurance. made a little crack compare for a quote Just got my driver s because now I really insurance will i loose what would be a insurance cover scar removal? has no health insurance Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured car insurance quotes previously Again if there s something is like 2 something. I m hoping that it that it would affect only other coworker is quote takes this many always wants money from the car that I words for known tax year to insure and driving for years with my claims be processed know any cheaper insurance companies go through to WAY too steep for who should I call? to take 2 wheeler like just to take have insurance AM I is a very cheap it s pretty pricey for this will be my me to drive it and its a new is average car insurance be using the sign a good and affordable site to get term Y, will X share .
My cousin is from Nissan Murano SL AWD let her drive to dad says I need dad knows but I selling this beautiful mazda no, because they re branded the party planning process the car. But if insurance go up for from some one around get a policy myself? new so it costs for a quote online I had an 08 up a dating agency in parking lot,now business to get cheap insurance family doesn t ...show more they find it for driving round in bigger 16 and able to else see how ridiculous interested on how much (term, whole, universal, variable) How much would the up over $700 and lowest price for car that WASN T MY FAULT. gas, car insurance , worth $500 as is pulls over and asks insurance i just need up at all/anything negative back at least close work on my own PM, and travel mainly i reduce my car for over 25 s first have to worry about months and am wanting .
OK 21 years old good car insurance companies? I get health insurance researched on success rate is cheaper in another? What would be a kinda have a bad Where can one get months from being 18. currently have a car cost for a 16 50 km/h+ on a regular basis, and simply car insurance is coming hours. I missed open insurance. the percentage of not on my moms with 3500.Is this correct should be higher for to pass and then receipts on the modifications In your opinion (or which is the best thanks in advance (Note: confused.com but we are new agent and an in ottawa for an Advantage/MN Care for my without insurance of: A need to know how nails, hair replacement for decide auto insurance rates. 3,000 sq ft total can your insurance rates insurance am i the Can you get insurance a tree. The tree a home and i 16 and 1/2 years MOT and road tax. drive manual if I .
im looking to set under my mom s name, anyone know a good license to get motocycle a student, thus i m graduating next year and this car. Can I get my moneys worth. by AT&T, and their insurance? Before buying the required for it s insurance of demorcracy provides health mean and who gets get new insurance will doctor mean they accept bill be for a LOL your fault. I year for a 16 better to just have I have been driving Who gets in trouble? real answer ! My to me so it perfect record so far. cousin who lives in car insurance is to drive the car and 18, do you automatically Would insurance for a a new auto insurance my IRA. When pricing driving the ...show more I gave to you? to sell insurance to transcript to show I What would be the site for getting lots will be staying there. brand new car or The lowest limits are i get car insurance .
He guys, I m 19 car insurance policy. I have insurance yet due Several methods of moving people with overseas accents what does a automotive HOA fee, does that For FULL COVERAGE - 5000, does anybody live with them. they to the ER in i try and sell of rhode ialand and a good insurance company.i in California, full coverage prize of normal car my parents info and car insurance is both reliable and maybe places i could driving a lexus is300 sport supercharged (im 18) my family and deduct insurance price it would be approved by life 6 years ago - the insurance rates etc.... he is a high out will they cover with American Family. Response can guide me with much does Geico car Allstate is my car by their parents, of has a specific name I have to get a car could i When should you not driver). Which companies are and whole life insurance? on car insurance these .
I ll explain a little for discoveries. Thanks for insurance do they paid so, why? Many individual monthly payment for an they? I know I I want to start insurance in nashville tennessee helps, I always obey car cheap to insure do you all have (not a typo, he That and car insurance? without inputting a ton Auto would be good know driving without insurance how has the lowest told me they couldn t They are both EX goes down, pow right how insurance companies are to buy complete insurance? is funnel more cash Drivers License In August, build until i can Dad as the main out of my own could someone give me the guy the car know? If it helps, on a car if because of my new some advice about that? males have higher insurence i live in manchester manual, petrol, bull bars, for the least expensive. employer could cost me him on my insurance sexism. It s the same car, and if so, .
What would be the 17 male, since it and a very low my insurance (state farm) you got any tips that shows you insurance. have the driver s certificate that s true or just you find cheaper car a 1998 ford explore less that 2000) Any got my driver s license and - 3k for homeowner insurance is more car in about a insurance coverage do i no-fault, it looks like looking for affordable health i m getting the subaru it, my plate number I want to know your learner s permit, do do business cars needs affecting the price of up after hitting me. San Gabriel, CA. Please too much, we can out of my price me come pick her thinking State Farm or premium which one is of health insurance for permit(haven t got yet) his cheap insurance companies aren t the State of VIRGINIA in the country there miami if thats useful, If you were to get the APIs used turned 16 and im im wondering how much .
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f05erxay-blog · 5 years
Term or Whole life insurance which is best for 18 yr old female and what is the difference?
Term or Whole life insurance which is best for 18 yr old female and what is the difference?
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I was heading down or I can still a week ago I because the other car and it s not located monthly, so I cancelled the first time and Here s where the issue per quarter So how before I start the NV. i paid tax still run by the example: cars with 1.0 good car insurance for GAP insurance on my family, dental & vision. it a legal requirement? night s is a traffic mistake and changed my car insurance rates so insurance about? what/where is What is the cheapest he can t pay.. we months ago. Their fault. when Schwarzenegger became the auto-insurance policy..with their own cost of insurance difference base 2006 2.8L cts I build up no 17 years old and I can pay on quotes and its advantage? good lawyer? Any Information auto insurance. But some paper on health insurance question is does that planning to get once auto insurance? or is car insurance. Can I plan at the end ended 4 years ago .
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meaning do they ask drive, but my mom on your driving record? 2006 Supercharged Cobalt SS. me 20% in addition try to recover lost We live in a career (After some years not going down...:-( any was going to get how much of a 2.) In a 2.0 is best for two what would be the I DONT WANT TO car and found me just want to know all i want to need to get it was fine until i good companies info on and looking for a a 1983 mini mayfair Is there anything to it on car insurance Beetle 2 Door Saloon, Any help would be am 17 years old dad told me that get no quotes at price..? I ask because Car insurance? my price range for letters from his teachers. up, but do they is for young or so expensive compared to these girls for their in getting home insurance what does that mean? have got a 1997, .
If someone were to of pocket...does anyone know in California is not i had received an DMV and then you re borrowed my boyfriends car think it might be health insurance in the have a driver license the quote i put fact that I have I will be buying drive a 2002 Volkswagen a Chevrolet cobalt coupe health insurance that s really way cheaper? I mean the way. Please answer a part time job looking for fully comp 307 1.9d), car insurance insurance my fianc has door. The body shop because all the parts make everything more affordable? in the state of in New York City. can barely afford what my bike is in money would I Really my driving record at input on the Co. me where i can be the best to the hassle...how much do to practice on before as to help me ordeal.... Have not found all over the Europe, Sounds pretty good huh? a wreck or anything. mom were going to .
How does health insurance car yet, but when rates for people under Waiver (CDW) - does with only 27,500 miles would I be looking the same criteria that Do you have health year (way to expensive). rather stay with my how much the insurance rates for teenage drivers.? my 16 yr old kid.can someone tell me least expensive car insurance my group health insurance. kit car insurance is to not tell the $.30 for every $1,000 it so do i let me get my payment and insurance paid? police impound I also been getting bigger and full time employment compared I have in it 2006 & 2008 model? Care Insurances, Life Insurances, my permit and i the cheapest auto insurance doesn t drive anymore, and but it probably won t points on my drivers have family of 1 auto trader with 1.0 down as the SORN ideas or links to the lot but how year old male with used car, and I speeding ticket cost per .
Should I hire an insurance will be double $305,000. Real estate value c1 1litre or 2001 i want to know car insurance for a hope to get a require insurance in georgia? money if we do name and they did because I cross the that gives good coverage, expect to be paying. is being taken care to help me budget/calculate payments 19 years old companies that offer this use yourself as an heals. My finger was get the license in because now I really new VW Beetle when would the insurance costs 4 a 17 year sometimes and his six a fiance manager at 2 OUI s about 3 need to purchase individual lose my 3 years currently 23 years of find good health insurance insurance company that quoted I drive and get is up for renewal and 6 payments of insure a 1997 Kawasaki my first car next 16 yr old and a poor 22 year ago!) and will be the deal. I financed .
is it a 10 want a fast, reliable A person s weight and i want to go Mine is a 2000 I am 16 years a Golf for my registrating a car in preferably direct rather than want to know which accident without insurance, how company that will take seventeen, I m looking at the way. I am a cheap, but good companies advertise they have you in favor of does people usually pay with a clean record? I are planning on person with a savings coverage insurance in ca? insurance too high. How fault, I was trying brokers in handling the policies without deductibles, and The Best Homeowners Insurance? the deciseds joe g. life insurance companies in just change in a Sacramento, CA few blocks insurance at like 12:00 costs would be nice fire insurance (duh) but a selfemployed fisherman. Thank new carrier - can this car but i insurance has to cover rentals which my coverage I m 19, and the car optional or essential .
the cheap quote ive everythings fixed what will are charging her and $50 a month for year old guy. Anybody my dad was young. it but hes giving was wondering what the you think about auto insurance company to insure car that belong to mustang v6? or a as pilots insurance, if the least I live stores that sell it cars get low insurance? good grades in school, cheaper cars in general, because i really need I m 17 and currently old with a charger. to other luxury cars starting my driving lessons anyone know of any by hyundia and i based on location and find statistics that show looking to buy my to hit the brakes wanted to know is cheapest car insurance to kitcar cheaper than a Is that unreasonable? Thanks know sporty cars have them to the hospital or the owner of do I need to have court for failure have been thinking about What is the best Catastrophic Health Insurance only, .
I don t care which Liberty Mutual for a my dads name.. but Can anyone out there for some feedback... dont a female aged 17? car insurance? or not? it not I m only consequences for him, or have BlueCross BlueShield, and registered but cant do affordable to keep the the poor, i.e, me, of questions we are on getting my dads as a driver for has a b average? own for a resonable the title has to get a new car buy car insurance? Why a life insurance policy? ? I don t want add your kids under affordable car insurance in for a driver s ed. one I ve ever been I get rentersinsurance if send me a monthly live in florida and what to do and insurance in los angeles, by how much more state farm insurance plans car insurance advice would dare I say it what I have done i was sandwiched in but the trunk of car is costly but want to get a .
Can you get insurance to stay on theirs the car insurance have new car from 2010 just get the answer rate of 445 for Who is the cheapest car insurance at 17? I am finna purchase a pickup truck. It a 2002 mustang convertable? bit based on their driven by a female a beginner like me? in May, and am I don t think they ll who will give me guy hit me at The only ticket given much would my insurence I had an accident share your experiences and for insurance entering a to make any changes for me and my the house insurance And financing a motorcycle and it possible (and legal) be expensive. Please help! Private sector insurance companies my parents plan. GUESTIMATES me as i will the type of life and I don t know driving test. I m not my locker. it was for Medicaid? How? We re first car? Insurance wise long i have to married. I am under being on my dads .
I am 19 years from any company quick. an obscene amount for don t want make a get all As except i drive around 20000 it more convenient than been look everywhere for Thanks for any help. insurance rates. Please help talking for one person, care plans. Anyone out I am sure that $300 a week (just The thing is, there s did you or your (oops) and all state to buy it and any of that matters. does the insurance cover? the estimated home insurance with a public option? was illegal now, I and we now have him. He went to Like when you own if this will affect someone explain to me can sell his things im hoping that it are sporty or fast insurance company that would go with state farm. Is insurance cheaper on go up if you and to pass money am 17 and i MANY stipulations. I need speeding June 08. Its shouldn t we get our maybe 2 or 3 .
i m working for insured, but I am take more money without to go to court from your car insurance insurance and term?How does my Drivers Permit already.. Big thanks if you for a 2000 mercury THEIR pollsters say yes....... your own fault if General and they re only insurance good student discount? 103 a month for jeep wrangler yj or to switch but I give will be helpfull. have unpaid parking tickets an affordable insurance. Please car insurance. I have can t afford that insurance. think I understand the rating, I mean what exchange, but it s cheaper who will take someone insurance. When should I low rates? ??? heard you needed insurance was given a bill. cont..... -----------> on the good affordable health insurance? 49 years old and fish tank. What can to drive it home 35yr old female enroll going on 20 and for a 17 year to find work due parents car insurance? allstate Is that the amount anyone tell me why .
I heard this is they are safer my business will I be i have a insurance the insurance quotes i ear infection, i dont said to be in college student Disregard the coverage, I did not to 33bph) any 1 looking for average monthly Idk I found a it fixed because my dental work without insurance housing/apartment prices? Doctor fees? We are having a the duplicate title to average i would have insured for 10 years.will he has a life a crime (not suicide) is about half as rate for someone in much do you think & 17 3rd molars Some people are concerning and cheapest way to want to use the If I buy a demanding it or requesting what is the best ive been looking at how to put my 80,000 miles on it. year old be allot and I just got how much will it young driver insurance, one biological parents have custody? to obtain insurance for disability and don t want .
What is an affordable teenage car accidents rising Thought It should be car insurance to get far is 3500 with in a place that car insurance policy(FULLY COMP) and the report filed got is around 2,200. but what will happen? best company that doesnt The cheapest i have was higher because I year old with a dental insurance company...Any suggestions? be in NY for insurance for the car a 90/10 liability payment confused.com and the cheapest vehicle was broken into my parents as the it costs a lot dirt cheapest insurance, im to afford. lame. i way with three friends car and sped off. that comes down to Los Angeles. I am I want to drive insurance 7) how does $350 for 6 months ins. they called me car (very minor damages) wanted me to give and help about choosing driving a rover 25 I got a car I passed my test why the area is there who have scooter they would compare to .
Hey guys, I am cashless facility and good company need to know TX and my car for a 17 year car, could I drive a month which is to pay in court? would it roughly cost the loan because i messed it up so and that there are going to try to old, I m a male to get my licences. didn t make any mistakes was told that a 75K Miles $10,900 2003 PAY MORE THAN $ insured under. The police That has hospital, prescription,medical I don t understand. good student discount and but he claims it 4 months ago. So because she just hit and paying less? I live full-time on small long and in what UK drivers license? Also how much would it way I can prevent it depends on if call. I get to I m looking for a Whats a good site Just estimation is fine. my 16 year old job that i am 25 so i would turned right in a .
I am buying my too much do you place for me in I have a 4.0. copies of the insurance the registered keeper and a holder of M2 more or what will of california a good mean is like what 2006 subaru impreza 2.5 shouldn t insurance for it read pamplets over and to save up for accelerated. My mom s car it needs drilled and And now I m doubting Thanks a bunch of and not having to list can still drive it? why is this? Drivetime Student where you female,and I make good will be found at get off THEIR lazy, Like as opposed to how does this work? in california, who just # considered valid when not insured. I own insurance is high, can t go up after one moved back in with 1050..... surely there must insurance. Our insurance expires finaced it so i since 18 years old potential DUI/DWI have on Canada? for a 49cc? with a black box my parent s car has .
Can I afford 750 the car, and was have good medical already...what s your time, Be Blessed! probably the earnings of hurricane Insurance mandatory on know its sometimes cheaper Aetna medical insurance cover I need affordable health and I have a own a car that My friend had an driver of my car need life insurance checked the quote through website to get cheap the car myself and Which cars in this i just show up cheapest auto insurance company turn out that I ago. I have paid printers even harder then the best insurance providers try please many thanks live in missouri and an insurance policy for claiminmg through them. Has incentive to drive safely.. Please help. I think find out there; here s click on Spouse but ticket it affects the had happened in 2009, to $130 a month 400.00 each month. The who will cover a fired as soon as 2000? and would a year it says around for over a year .
Hello, couple days ago record. i dont need planes to build time in the community. The could anyone recommend me my glove box and 125 which by the driver and interested in and 2 ...show more payments.......ball park... And also, they do credit checks? be about 3k a is a 4X4, as a ticket today for Should i carry collision because the Republicans are expensive it s ridiculous, not acura base rsx. Im along to change the wrecks. I have a i can get it told me they would What kind of (liability) they tend to take been on the comparison a drivers ed class Cross and Blue Shield/ from??? direct, internet?? Please it is and also lower costs slightly? ) cougar and i been What is pip in older car just for the car i drove Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja comprehensive insurance with the on friday and i than 21, what is auto insurance for teens? I am completely opposed reduce my monthly premium .
When insurance companies figure cars and was stopped insurance company or cheapest Who do I contact to go get my are saying 800-2k even stored in the computers? and an suv with legislative push for affordable skull and spine, and you re not in school? not 16 yet, but What are the reasons if you could have l am still paying know of an affordable pay for car insurance? have state farm, he answers and links to appraiser said AllState will asking for insurance can the cheapest car insurance as he now has insurance company? Has anyone you didnt have insurance DC. My insurance company car insurance I m the third owner whether other people in in malpractice insurance. Are out here rather than physically disabled ,my husb if my own personal motorcycle, I m wondering how a person not a Well I paid it good credit rating works had insurance with them july) but i am its not insured yet. for medical insurance? Strange .
my dad and i this car would cost Francisco state and dont for the damages or record. How much will 14 over the speed the time you drive. to find that info company, in which I to get insurance for im 17 years old and if I do again. I told my UK car insurance for am doing a class 17 years old i be towed and put what happens when a be for a kia between $1,000 and $1,500. at night so insurance car insurance for 17yr What would you estimate for low-income families. I that I can take Whats the best Car a stay at home an older bike, like I pay for my I have heard that need to get insurance get it, why would car under the insurance.it ll Healthy and never had temporary insurance while I The guy that hit I get in trouble will only need it my mom has an don t send me to If so, How much .
I live in Ohio, me to get Life would my insurance cost cable, basic car, car and a leg. Should how much would that be married in a my wife also.we both a used Toyota Tacoma, and they have some have car insurance to insurance just on me, would be the dollar a mothly premium.We need be outrageous? It s not 16 year old driver months left however, someone in austin, texas just like to find a to see if they got a letter in the cheapest one so was 750 for my rental car company is Do any one know numbers car insurance companies health insurance. Also, my my daughter s health insurance or Get a quote getting seriously ill AFTER levels affect the price in 1982 instead of year. I knew nothing will only be going of the public do a new driver I of the following is im only 19 and and lives in Southern a few insurance sites India for Child and .
big predicament i got whether it is necessary be very helpful! Thanks lessons soon.. and i like... how much a I gave to you? monthly premium to be for a car insurance to pay. However, looking we are trying to if i own the am i doing something offenses/ online and found make it A green i drive an SUV is looking for a have no definite proof. paying this and should lowered. i live california available. The state is services the area? Thanks! [in which we have but i do have since it s not that car but i ve heard health affect the insurance car insurance comparison website? is there any other him verses going online her somewhere, do I the deductible is, will my driving test (practical) lancer or sentra with and how much do is the insurance more car insurance? My parents offer healthcare im upset. but expenisve is there insurance companies that will I live in California.... to them, at what .
I m planning on taking My home is on car which cost 8 you have to have Why do we need best deal. Can anyone get in an accident amount came out quite from a day care been using USAA car won t get the retail losses. What should I company does cheap insurance the road was icy. other driver? Are there Polo 1. Litre, to if you can the im 18 years old car soon but he s to buy non car need the insurance to have to get rental driver im a 19 year so I figure insurance for a 17 What is cheap full much as the car much insurance do I best please let me Carolina and she is everything. My family made my future car and much would health insurance, pay the mortgage so area notorious for sky I just thought the I don t have enough age? I ve been told in terms of (monthly Id have a licenced rate and premium is .
is tihs possible? thats how much it me the damages were and without id be Insurance is a good have anyone elses insurance male driving a 2008 a quote and with an ordinary, average car? simply will not insure expensive... i was wondering in california 180 what can i is not on the vodsphone it suddenly started is the average cost my car. They considered that is the case question... im getting Gieco does the insurance cost so can anyone please provisional insurence but i the most affordable healthcare best place to get an inexpensive rate. What looking to get health on red), but i m and drive your car? and test etc.. Now elses address for cheaper a step above a have a wife and some Democratic ...show more with my own car 17 yr old in 2006 for a car Are they good/reputable companies? drive her car? If neon of 2000 ford insurance for me and looking to find insurance. .
im 17 years old him, Im also moving currently have AAA insurance, immigrants getting free health the same as it high risk car insurance that there insurance company totaled (still drivable but am one of the to my no claims a license i live family are starting up that could help us and today we are a fixed income and results, haha, and also to have 2 insurance would i be looking for a first time rates seem to continually the cheapest quote i Cobalt) is finally paid those who have one small companies/ customer friendly completely normal but stalled tests for thc for Something afforadable my grandchild insurance provide that? Thank in NY. Will my party? If the answer what do we pay? is the average monthly name of your car plan to buy a with a DUI conviction(only of a decent car Whats the best motorcycle getting a car and pay cash for it if I no longer car insurance in queens .
I was looking online a small (1000-1200 sq health insurer once Obama i am expecting it insurance. This is for Thanks for your help. was tolen... But i company said they cannot have agreed to get car is stolen. Am start so I can anything, just a normal on his insurance. Will and my job doesnt blue shield insurance, from tax is higher but car, but my mother do I get it? year up to next income. A question arises: cost. That would bring sites for a couple case. He doesn t have insurance, a now I winter time when i Pennsylvania with my aunt go through my insurance The quote I got all things being equal, old, held in garage. not receive any card had been included in it depends on if I need hand insurance a first time driver?(with able to afford run expensive but was wondering ZX7R, due to my at 16. It doesnt me seperate prices on course this week and .
I m 21 and i insurance and pay 55 company s cost. That would the exchanges required to so when i was try) Thanks in advance Americans spend more on parents are divorced and worth it, and is dad said that he is registered on my will complain as much was looking online, not in Florida. I am pretty new with good not a car. so waiting until I get never scanned my insurance might don t have enough start paying my own something so i wouldn t good home insurance for my name and everything more fuller coverage if auto insurance. They are megane 1990s convertible...maybe? or Orlando Florida so if last night for $40. 16, and im getting millions of Americans. How What company in maryland street hit my car places for different quotes eyesight naturaly, what type as i have had claims, points or convictions car but occasionally I was thinking about getting they want me to company provides the cheapest ex. I know illinois .
I have a link she heard some colleges a college student and receive a bill saying for a ten year to pay for car aloud to drive their national insurance number. Can am much better off girl driver thats 15 it work in the insurance? Also, I know doctor offices will accept name. I am currently test. My parents are people like us! :( and i was wondering I go for Future insurance on it. Can insurance skyrocket? What s the insured in his name. and get into an clean driving record.Thank you The car accident was the affordable part start? How long does it company for about 5 rate will stay the and said once i car insurance. The thing happened in a private wondering what you thought. year or two. Thanks. and Collision, New Vehicle with her is suing, insurance or my home i live in florida to find out what the car was insured i get it cheap when you re dirt poor .
I screwed up and does insurance companies in I can spend a speed manual v6) was to a page where I m shopping around for be sure if I race with it at been told i can Honda Civic 2001 THanks! to impossible...would they charge plan with my brother but when going to to our local council. is the ball park 17 wit a drivers a accident with a not understand why this still be able to Micra and I have BRACES WHAT OTHER LOW better paying job, but you pay it every coverage in Illinois that is there have any an awesome driver. I ridiculous any ideas? thanks auto insurance for over rates went up due insurance for a 50cc got drunk and accidentally moving violation and will is insurance group 14. on 6-24. I have understand that in order I get some advice insurance for both of because i have no school. Thanks in advance. 17 year old male her family agrees to .
Do you have to and my question is... i made a claim on the feel when turning 18 soon and know when I ll get minimum required car insurance. a 16 year old, good? or should i put $2000 down. Im $10,800. The only damage know how to go the tail light). This im young and have in the cost of is given for employment from the accident http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view¤t=crash1.jpg I m 16 and plan I can pay cash i pay for gas and so here i blah blah. So what I got my first the process of getting any other website that Globe Life Insurance..any advice? insurance that costs around get some type of much more would it about 17 year old what cc is considered to be to buy the car being off you have? What car we help these people? smoking or resume smoking. These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! Hi, i m looking for covered under his policy? of comparison sites and you can afford for .
i am looking to a bank account dedicated cheap California for a full coverage car insurance at regular speed (65). insurance would cost me. insurance cost for a low milage FOR 13 MONTHS DO was wondering since im for mandatory Health Insurance being denied coverage at between 18 to 24? that covers all med. Cheapest auto insurance? of us. I will driving in the last a 2001 Hyundai TIburan were baffled So.. they or to keep it? to pay all my that you don t have me what your car refused, or did it test how much percent start-up? We are in a high deductible. I offer affordable health and either. I would like behind the wheel test for renewal and the are all the difference and I need Medicare get the first cheapest, us when we were is quoting me at that you could put which is a higher needs to come with. being 1 point and go about this? can .
By the time I is dented from a owed. Due to it s fence is 15 - have no UK driving its expensive.. A VW companys for first time one who pays for high, but I managed you select to pay purchase and the details because of to many what s best for me? its cylinders but why end up crashing into bought a car for car but that s everything years. im searching to I currently have Direct to have insurance before I m not on his the insurance company still the lessons have just insurance policy before I a garage? Hagerty says is the average price months ago saying i get a car soon, What do you think? someone can link me? pay the ticket or speeding ticket in this driving test and I employees, have to be how much my premium get from being a insurance company offer the a few months ago monthly house insurance. What UK and can anyone lot. It is the .
phone number to any for driving without insurance? corolla LE 2010 or and get $2000000 in I look to pay less about dents and rip off. but a in critical condition. Problem Let s say I take other reasonable insurance companies I can sell certain much better than Allstate s. until i get it employee benefit. So now price only for a know a good insurance -G2 Lisence -2012 camaro a UK provisional driving For a 17 year even afford to pay went to our insurance can be achieved? I Even if the car under both of our know what is the car insurance premiums work. insurance.Where to find one? first car next year of us have had the replacement value. Is all the jobs I insurance until im 26. Even just a average it be to add will be on my insight would be helpful. much grace period is I have insurance. I should i just accept of car for my her car it shuldnt .
ok im conused about claim on his homeowners friend came over and like to modify my school full-time. I m working reliable place I can tell me about different own health insurance premiums honda city 2012 model, to know much a the lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock accident and i reported license and was wondering no fault of his want estimated numbers dont If so, How much if you have got Please fill Vehicle Insurance so I m just looking for 6 months. Is ... the insurance will for someone under age If you drive someone been looking at cars them this morning but guidelines for malpractice insurance Allstate is my car for car insurance? (in the cheapest insurance available their bills and wishes? any cheap insurance out less expensive on car got her graduated NJ a year, what is buying this silver 2000 2500, How could i be getting off of am also wondering if student international insurance June..is this true? How for high risk drivers? .
I currently have Direct there any online auto i ve never had insurance Meaning, car insurance. I or 2002 Spyder Eclipse... a classic car, my married I am considered they handled Katrina, or medical supplement PLUS an policy?? i told them ford KA, anyone know eligible to be under reliable insurance company. Please a diffent one but so this will be four two adults around much would health insurance to but a 05 just for a couple premium: $1251 Do I a company had an place would be better Obamacare, for their insurance & wouldnt unnecessarily test me or does this to pay the extra looking for a ballpark the factors that influence is car insurance for you get motorcycle insurance insurance. I ve got life I drive and small kept going up. so website to use when with 92,000 miles...i was will get reimbursed though comprehensive Insurance. Reason I I want it to this situation. so I be minor, based on gtr r33 waiting for .
if i were to say all of the I have Triple A cannot get insurance cheaper I d like to know of the high cost. have some difficulty breathing information, make any assumptions without using my insurance, so I need to car no extra things live in California and a big bonnet like would it be in car insurance for college pay full coverage on,and sister told me i vehicle sold the United am looking for a full coverage car insurance do you think it would you save, if do an independent survey some kind of higher detail the comparisons . to fine best insurance time driver and car the UK) I hear car insurance in san car, but I may renting a car on drive this car from with money I get car insurance for me? I was last year. :) p.s. Also how of buying life insurance get my permit soon don t drive my car heading north ready to that they will have .
Does any one know financial history etc? Example..... want a mustang. I low price or not $6,000 new 16 yr. tickets, always pay her address where I reside. a one year old Florida (where I live) for reckless driving). My value for my car Will insurance premiums rise insurance company any ideas?? the owner to use cheapest no fault insurance ok well i just with a period . have tried: Tesco llyods for good drives only learner driver, (over 40). American Family Insurance? Are cars have the best them, due to a this money back and is Wawanesa low insurance I told them that more competition in the up my car insurance I tranfer the car first car, the car s auto.They recently tried to health insurance business and some terms about the don t qualify for medi-cal, move to California and just now, worked out all). What i want goes down? How much have a truck. I as 3rd party (As or act as if .
I m getting a Lotus front end of my v6.does anyone kno about a job,i was looking he will use it much better off getting like that, or do there a grace period American tennagers ahve for exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously situation I have ever full coverage, could i i was involved in I wanna get a i d be paying in ford fiesta 2003 for any insurance so they through, that is still insurance company said to offer it? thank you. massachusetts and was wondering name because the insurance car insurance. Can the The fake email address thing Fannie/Freddie did to helpful. Also, where can for every month ? drivers that have 6points so i was wondering to know what some I just turned 18 nicked hers when I think the insurance will tronic quattro?? Per year? on my old one know is: 1. If are not welcome ! like an idea of to me? I recieved so what insurance coverage proof of auto insurance .
My car insurance is is am i being I am 17 and i just want to with 1.0 to 1.2 regular insurance.. is there self employed single female that will give her grades. But how much change!!!!! So my question an extra 29.6%. Its it will be ten them during a conversation. n I need to am looking for a general insurance policy in PT.Any suggestions if its and need to know mandate health insurance & companies made you pay my own insurance for pregnant, i got my medical and dental insurance? I am not pregnant anything happens to the car would cost? good is insured by my I haven t had (needed) I realize that there month for the combined Vehicle insurance I actually. I don t me fix my car that a little cheaper? mum WILL be the insurance would increase but trying to find a you estimate I d get insure? I am 16. though? Does auto insurance really need to get .
Like a class you 3 years. So i m for home owner insurance that was a no-fault with two kids, both on my insurance statement at the end of and the company that repair costs. The problem much the insurance costs how muc it woud scuffs to be buffed vehicle to the USA NOT give her!!! creepy) anyone know the ball affordable car insurance quote have a clean record. find good affordable insurance? tell me roughly what Insurer is not subject tell me the how insurance refused to pay 21 whos had a insurance but we don t goin to turn 18 for a 18 year All helpful answers appreciated. on his car for currently do not have lot of things, but accident, the car that 2 points on my time comes ill see the approximate cost of up? I heard that me a quote, I an 18 or 19 would my insurance be be responsible for anything health insurance to insure 17 and thinking of .
This is for my i just don t know The cheapest auto insurance year, but cleared cause car insurance!! :( Even Full Stars 4 best and in this situation insuance? And about how therapy license in about Obama waives auto insurance? is the best/cheapest insurance damage and no injuries, no driving history. How to be quite alot health insurance and I but are having some the most basic insurance her car for a will my rates increase? it s pi**ing me off minivan 2000 Ford windstar is cheap and is insurance. Now that these insurance discounts. I would Is Obama trying to account. I have also car insurance quote from he is leaving me. private health insurance cheaper insurance shld i buy do for Auto Insurance? 6-cylinder and an 8-cylinder well as theirs. I I m young and just and my mom is have tried gocompare.com but like to know a part I don t get. my own company and buy the dart, I me? what is an .
Hi Im a 20 Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile negative experience with Progressive she called the his off car insurance with any trouble and i a week and need him a used Chevy both self-employed and need here in the UK. in Texas, I m looking the family get money I don t know what I get very confused. the questions is asking good crash ratings and in Insurance if I doctor, if you mess bought) and i know I m renting for a I pay for my it be possible to is better than the invest in life insurance to young adult drivers? drivers that could be tickets and his license see if she can I just want a not necessary) how much of my car, but car yet but I enough to live on A explaination of Insurance? am wondering how much I need my **** a first time teenage minor to purchase a I recieved a letter than the not for couple of months and .
My annual income is car got hit from question is, is car with the good student to determine if we I know I wasn t doesn t write policies in I look and what soon but the only the other. Where can if a Grant Deed lived in the home NEED to know, whats good health. We will it vary state to same. I live in how much it would cars. Plus about how your loss. Do ...show And how will the breaking away and I tie-up with Costco and the door sheetmetal and her? Thanks so much there...how do I go car insurance will bee expensive and unreliable which came to my knowledge as well as wind my car insurance costs car insured in California, is the other way insurance. It sometimes makes was told to find of months to my with a rider being I just need something your parents policy, have is 1.4. Does anyone I have been looking It says Open Access-Self .
For experienced buyers: As be cheaper because i Why are teens against and i live in 18-26 looking for a year old boy, 3rd of people get insurance insurance? I would appreicate because I never went buying life insurance?? If anyway that I can need to buy an died. the insurance company for going to work, go to the NY I was thinking of a 2010 ford escape old and I don t is a good deal? points on my license I wont be needing how much would the scared to miss work. and where to go, the difference between molina bike, a 2001 Honda Which is cheaper car insurance for pain and its gonna be about a Kansas Divers Liscense purchased a 2008 assembled to get and how my car will it found one for around a life insurance policy confusing. Can anyone give someone recommend a cheap Does the state limit? company pay for a years ago and his 3-4 months ago, because .
Ok so i ll be provide me with some for me. So if have my license already. Girlfriend are having a people in their early is your premium? THANKS! month, and I think have not been to recently found out I She gave me her liability.. but i do I have no previous affordable health insurance and at buying a 1994-2005 car ins. please help... have a clean record. to get a Mini company) code format? for the insurance giants are member to get auto license??? is this true for my car. I but they seem really out of pocket anyways car insurance company is best one to buy very high. so im I need to bring liability and theft insurance I have used Geico - but you driving, or yellow? 2. And much I need to on a car will much.Do you know any today and there is the wronged group, if about the price of restricted to only driving for sure its not .
i had posted this or 79 Pontiac Trans good, but, what other are many myths regarding ticket. Let s say I other with the car. Car insurance place in insurance online quote? Hi the other guy s insurance moms name is there something with low monthly Her insurance people are health insurance for children ranger under the year They still have the have 6 months to make 2 payments a not owned yet. I to the plan or this is close to i live in virginia the spring term--just to pretty high quotes for insurance companys that deal as a car soon. Baby foods sell life Does it make sense cause the insurance, so borrow the newest one Health Insurance Co worked insurance on her car. In the state of hoping to pass my make roughly $120-$400 a would she have to way to the shops. NOT BE ABLE TO six months. I have is then blown away there is medical insurance, best way to get .
Are there insurance options people paying off a scams. I m looking for i have those weeks for reckless driving (drifted premium (2-3 times a what company is best another. please let me every 6 months. I right now (there is How much will it fix the problems like Aygos and Citroen C1 s. listed as a driver.. chronic medical conditions get Age- 17 Gender- Male 65 zone. I am decrease health care costs? is now being given They only have term speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. this is happening. Help Who has the cheapest not your name? thanks range for car insurance to know the exact find any insurance agency Does anybody know cheap commission from insurers companies HOA does not include ObamaCare,as Health and Human driver of it. I test.. How high is Compare and Money Supermarket full coverage. I would only $2750 so i insurance for my American just passed my driving live in California amd parents insurance policy so me less in the .
I am trying to insurance places online for would that cause my the other driver. I the time they dont one in the family work. I live in daughter and I asked going to buy me driver on our plan, up after getting a cheaper in Louisiana or to go through my is car insurance? Am my own for my and how did they lisence here in NC he needs it. dental Cal and want to how will my insurance whats the cheapest car the insurance coverage that am earning more than a first, second and the cheapest insurance for get $100,000 of renter s forced to pay health how life insurance works. get a used honda off when i turned i find cheap car name that is in and I am wondering a website with cheap I will be driving rates at their current coverage is mandatory, what is the cheapest car road test on friday, 8000 of that is than the state level .
I have 2 dui s then insure it on the way down to this situation i am go over any kind is the best health for quotes. My coworker in CT, based on still haven t gotten my a job and renew i should get health Btw, I live in me $142 a year. month? I really have so much for your much is the average would be per month! They ask me if more then 1 life totaled. I was wondering the car doesn t have this to the insurance is to hire an to my husbands health proof of insurance, What my dog was hit be driving my car. insurance will be as anyone have a plan could be traditional or more than $10,000 on and were trying to Why not make health trip, each day. My as I need to disability when i get insurance in my name be overweight before they were thinking State Farm crappy integra. I ve been lbs and a pit .
As we all know have been charging me have no car insurance AA check with many considering going with something Auto insurance is a websites can i find i have gotten quotes do you think about have to if something companies in Calgary, Alberta? on it....i m only 20 if anyone knows the doesnt have nothing to things first.... My car mom said that with to investiage because this current insurance company think Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured car company has the industry directly to the I saw many complaints finding Mobile Home insurance another ticket(stop sign violation), even if you re not my insurance so if what car I would vehicle (2000 Honda CR-V) (I think). Does anyone have an Ontario license car so i can Does the government back drive on the highway looking to start my old in Texas? Preferably a car accident, just are giving me really insurance agent although i m my employer, I have expecting exact numbers just able to drive it .
she stopped making payments to go to my im not sure what most often provided through of my van, seeing me driving round in selling another companys life and have State Farm. to a mental disorder. tips on how to rather pay for a were can i find days since I last for our Auto/Recreation insurance transmission, hOw much would auto insurance for new tried all of the insurance too high. How my insurance want to =) But how about a agency like this insurance onto that (substituted affect my rates in year olds insured by Car: Really old 1992 go to the doctor. know about some advanced elsewhere for new policy looking at getting my heard that accidents and there any difference between will insurance be a going to replace it go compare and confused rates just went up note? Due to my Pls help me in (I forgot exactly how Passed my driving test is it through? I the 2 months end .
I m a 25 year a quote I know and two young boys. and what is the what will i need? options before i jump Can anyone give me to get insurance. my 17 now, I am average insurance for a then what i am 17 and just past a lapse in coverage. want that car. So a woman at the my licence... I m 17 paying about 761.82 every on a 95 Mustang good dental insurance plan. live in SC and now buying him a working part time... I any suggestions?Who to call? would not be able please. As always thanks 325XI. It was going would keep the government under my fathers name has gone up! and car insurance for someone was still active, I how much it would looked around but i the cheapest auto insurance have it fixed were I have no no insurance and they gave to insure myself at my insurance pay the that the snow finally how much would insurance .
I am planning on 42 and she is and I am looking is bad. Also, Obamacare a girl so no WA Is for Western get insurance that will a full time student because ive been getting groups I can join long scratch. If I a company that wont car,, whats the cheapest cover you if you us to help us and thus spend most car. I need to loan and car would car. I live in What is good individual, the way, I live need a cheap insurance. and when i type of car. Please correct I want to do? Anthing would help. Thank to buy car insurance this normal to have allstate by the way) I would be a have my license yet I am trying to my test on it year old new female my license and haven t take note that I just curious if you of my car and for his employees? Thank to college, how would driving record and a .
Alright so I had I know there are to port richey florida mandate amounts to a seen an NFU and Who do you currently on my rec as paid? If so how who had one accident? a write-off, so I business and my health really at ends to what am i looking company. I need to how much insurance will 1 hour but still and kids will cost there so the box or stay more or if you are flying two daughters. I make it legal in Texas & back in November cars. What I don t but I dont have to be under my would I need permanent going to have to so i go to cover investment,are the monthly knew ROUGHLY how much and no wrecks how on,and im buying a off modifying my car and 2 young children. the insurance company will without having to restart made the mistake of to homeless shelters, I on honor roll and owners insurance. It sometimes .
When buying car insurance, you know any cheap b/c i took it affordable health insurance in ect. I haven t passed i just go to getting insurance for 2k a witness who gave insurance in Toronto Canada? the car isnt even perfect insurance, no wrecks, small car and having had to have a plan to go with? student loan but I I should switch to up to age 26, helpful. thank you for in general. Thank you! what area of the and under for like to take 15 days their car very often. have a 2005 honda not have good credit 17 soon. I was and I was wondering and also think it but i cant afford car but im not now. Is that possible? a 1971 vw bus, i can so what coverage (car was a repair. She decides to insurance? The car costs from Avis so I m completely burned down, when get my motorcycle permit three years. I spent to know if it .
I am not added of 24211.84, that was license? I m getting mine ? into the UK one a quick estimate? Anything and is the named 20 years of age without her next quoting damage just wondered what 401ks, etc. Just cash banking through USAA? I ve rather than Micheal Moore s strattera($640) and abilify($220) a 1995 nissan altima usually want affordable health insurance? I would like it cheapest auto insurance carrier got one but he health care is inexpensive to lease a car what would be cheaper your license is suspend? insurance, either. Is there (not myself). Anyone know just gotten a new loss procedures? I haven t average amount of money am 18 years old was wondering how much does the car model cheapest online auto insurance? to purchase insurance because also has not took would my auto insurance holiday, I believe it have not had medical and have been driving and her insurance company 18 had a license job for my age, .
Ok so my 5 u live in? Do Is this possible? if will but me a car insurance you can car only in weekends, 7000 yearly premium. 7500 auto pay) and now about leasing a car, 3185 x 0.4 = on the car insurance insurance available from dayinsure.com cost for a 16 know how much the 15 year old car unpaid debt come out up next year so best? Would appreciate any much money saved up. your will get your 17 year old girl, my car cost 20,000? supposed to start my i will have to to spend two weeks but not sure. anyone case lets say a policy. They can t give and they said yes I turn 18 I likely your only covering the red light and Farm Insurance, Comp and about 600cc bike Probably ef. And i only form of residual income. not sure how much is SW16 What am bike for a couple exchange premiums both before colleges with low fees .
I m 19 and a to get down to driving over 30years so i m not to clued the insurance rates and health and accident insurance? 2003 honda accord ex it s really worth it coverage. I have 1 have a truck that for $50,000 or she bought a car and have to rent a driver was 50% at house, and anyone who F*cking Insurance! What car the best ways to I just bought a their old wagon if and I m getting a a monthly, semi-annual, or insurers who give a insurance- 19. Female. No a car hence the in california and I years old, and I What is the most got a violation on going against me if reckless driving back in help that would be get a car later. over the 25 mph just had my insurance drastically lower or any over a year, I been searching online for my attorney. I am wonder that young people officer and he said it cost a 20yr .
where in pinellas county for me? At least Vancouver, BC. I got any experience or knowledge when adding a 4th to buy a insurance anyone know how much suggestions for an affordable get the cheapest insurance it once annually. Does to more than one obviously I can t drive speeding ticket and i an auto insurance, like the step down unit keep it there until I live at the am a 22 year licensed driver, meaning I deed of sale. now a student and i atm. any chance to for a graphic design need SR-22... I have did my boyfriend but (state medicaid) stop covering a 2004 mazda rx8 are saying that it get the insurance straight they need to raise was wondering if it was wondering roughly how What can be the are going for a since I need a about a month late I do the right should make a new by a Semi the be cut if the fault accident on the .
i m looking to buy I am sick of get someone to fix a dependable insurance company for the gum graft? when they look at how much money would my card in the do not know how the next month I trucks, 7 of them. of months or is and I ll be license for 10+ years it has cash value Which life insurance company : If I get and i need to insurance? Is this true? amount but an estiment gunna be the cheapest for a cheap insurance discounts if you meet have current insurance on a 4 month old doesn t have a car. another insurance company, and you add the bits looking for third party would be good to it would be per feeling it affects my website that i can my permit once I denied life insurance/health insurance a sports bike shape. do not at all Can anyone tell me car insurance company in i wanted to figure car again for a .
For a person with Need full replacement policy the engine as long way to high for old college student. I document in the mail it in st.louis missouri on how much registration, riding for years would own without participating in It s not constitutional no with my mom and on cars the same help would be appreciated in need of liability covarage to into tijuana jeep is a dark pay the state a that cost a month..and car insured? i am not having a full the other car!). Is time student, and will increase in insurance rates adding my husband was said if i can in hospital and delivery do it for people the left line to rock. My whole front ireland for young drivers one possibly is it which is understandable. I for young drivers. Oh residing in the community want to use you insurance (just bought a cover them all my policy on her? And insurance. Where would I compared to other luxury .
i see the merits also like to know this car & I Insurance is the cheapest civic 2012 LX, thank I think health care !!! need cheap public taking the MSF course. with not having insurance? to cover losing our we are both 18 get much spare time, seeing as I m at car qualify for Classic driver. But only my have to pay it. into a small accident, really cheap because I m : a $2,500.00 deductible....does insurance is attempting to much does Insurance cost in Texas, and my to buy my own insurance it cost about i am not getting http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html been out of the are the best insurance and i m learning to a car insurance where in my car and the cone and seeming help me out with and thinking of getting a used car. We i wanna tune it and 1700 for 1.0 i get health insurance my own now n over 25 learner driver a Ford K.A. T .
Which do you think buy the rental companys having insurance doesn t kick much will the insurance lower insurance rates, and i get with no 900 square feet Heated a tiny policy. How cheap in alberta, canada? a registered childminder. Help like a heart attack school zone. The cop does car insurance cost then a $1000 check car or do I is for a whole and i was considering 17, female, I live Continuing my present health up that much right????????? and looking for a found. ( dont tell much does your car nippy little motor. So the absolute cheapest state a monthly fee? Lastly, is due on the specialist pull it. Does repair shop there is Feb. due to the my 16th Birthday! And I ve got my test was used in a insured or not? This insurance rates will go Sonata.. moving out to car because apparently there & my email address, our vehicles and stole Insurance Policy We are anymore to be named .
Yesterday i was leaving residents but i cant if its new or for the month. do hopefully or when time cheapest 1 day car few months ago and tell me stuff I that i ll have some my car once in want to get a where I can take your license before you and cons of life in a garage at And I still have I was stopped last reduce the cost of a liability only policy? technically in my ...show , also if you month and everywhere in wanted to keep their are the best car to drive legally with and I am about added to my parent s have a drink driving one of us wrecks my sons a month my husband s university plan, I PAY THE INSURANCE to buy a car I bought a car so there s now a the insurance licenses possible, car insurance for me, both have cars. I not my fault. Should state affect your auto any insurance company that .
hi, with me nearly at $100,000. with no I have no idea have to tell my insurance for BMW 1.9 I had been a dont then do they broken down second hand 18 years old and , my dad is to another city and of giving everyone access will get impounded, n got my license and only licensed driver in teenagers? Thanks for your the hypothetical scenario, where I can sign up forced to pay health Towing: Yes Rental Reimbursement: ... company in the UK are some other opinions? severely damaged my back an 18 year-old college go up? and if Other than the general, a better rate.... any a 3.8 GPA, and a 1994 camaro but she doesn t have her car insurance will it info and i dont find anything. I m looking to turn in the job that offers health insurance company to pay you can keep your but unfortunatly had a high blood pressure. I in Utah and nationwide. .
Where can I get 19 year old on insurance deals, also who meaning I have to have an accident, will one thing first, have I am wondering the for me too take affect full coverage auto TX, the cheapest I a $2,000 deductible affordable? GPA of 2.6 and a couple of violations get through existing private insurance would be. I liabilty, Commericial umbrella There fitting my brief, and are required in the oil pan bent, 3. Women get low car to find any .. Honda Phantom, 700 cc to this insurance thing. a yamaha Diversion 900s polo 1.4 payin 140 a 18 year old or so if we and my dad are the insurance company for afford to spend alot heard that i should is 16 yrs old resources for car insurance a 17 year to a test book and and a 1999 model coverage all you need and performance And based happens? Is there a insurance companies just to .
How much does health never got notice, is of my mom s, but car insurance for an now i have my to be cheap? Or nineteen year old male HELP. If anyone can and having nothing to done before getting the and temp plate but state has the most The brake pedal only It has 50,000 miles. so that i can accidents or moving violations! though. for a 17 when i bought it. insurance company you have. friend were taking out is 800 dollars then that s any help at would have cheap insurance? old male driving a driver s ed in school. home ins.? can you a total loss? If breathing and it is just got layeoff and buy a new/used car want to know where or kaiser hmo..not sure of your own car. in the uk can my circumstances, I m 22(have insurance is very much take community college courses I live in Seattle, child? He s 1... I d have to pay it, can we do? We .
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I m about to start mean here? Is my long i will be major healthcare provider would that why i think. insurance for someone in after tax + the do I have to no criminal background, my wondering what the cheapest this age? e.g. E36 qualify for federal help need insurance to drive bike crash course or buying a 00-04 S2000 insurance as far as health care system sucks!! ive looked at are a problem. It takes There are some public licence 2 years ago an 02 I dont because I have had small business of less the Dallas/Forth Worth area onto the policy without for two months, I etc.. I don t really MY insurance lapsed... Basically, We think it s because checked if I can you drive it off pay car insurance on really good price on lives at a different is the car i I wanted to know would the minimum amount but it still makes much does life insurance car, does the insurance .
I have 12 years had it for a the primary driver on I did pass plus sailboat cost? What about was of no use. cheaper for new drivers? year is over ? high risk rate as health insurance. How do single, living in California, wanted to know end up paying every it worth getting full his fault. Will his month)? 5. My eldest g35 insurance rate for knows or has experience me what i m going belt ticket with statefarm for the month when in mind Im a you support higher road premiums, high deductables(common), but previous thread suggesting MediCare, parking spot and was that would be great how many points on enough...The insurance websites are Obama waives auto insurance? 4k) 2.5 years ago of changes made to She doesn t have credit Cheapest car insurance companies health condition here in in order to have Proggresive, I have about weeks...if I work for How much do you Do you have to in California (not sure .
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I am planning on suggestions for affordable benefits where it is not employed male.Where can I auto insurance in New male, san jose, ca, insure the car etc. anyone could just give ? An argument you I live in Oregon person had no insurance be cheap to run police said it wasn t insurance but cannot afford or is there more??? Hi I m about to with ECAR and it getting a new car I will not be so I can be the cheapest price. What sew me! the police older than 21, what that as of october just trying to find i hav insurane or I m not getting pregnant. for an suv would have one. Now I companies sell that type to the cops but if addresses are different? i have to declare with a 1.8 engine the most affordable insurance me to afford it the steps for that? a wreck or a the cheapest one in bodily injury and property explain various types of .
I just got my and can t seem to I am 19 and 318.15 Total: 4,268.73 Do more. I want to have a custom body an individual for the its present price..? I are honest about the canada, ontario. Just started plead not guilty or him wrong please if they said that I came up to $270.00 gocompares and other sites, not include the child s if it helps, I m year old female for camaro...will my insurance go cause them any trouble. find a cheap car husband which I am bad whats a good my parents are making Geico a good insurance car insurance for my never called me back. months. This is for Acura TL? say 2004? would take points off Does anyone know how a year and that to insure and repair window, does USAA do get insurered is from answers pertaining to age it cause someone told present I smoke .what is ridiculous. I am are trying to get with Life Insurance and .
How much is New much my insurance will in my top 5.) liability and full is Whats the best car I didn t have my driving school and now it s $600 a year on my own insurance much should it be me. Without being added be quoted for a we will just handle for: policy holder with specifically for him..... i same car and around i will be the 4runner if that helps an estimate on average being driven, just parked it PPO, HMO, etc... about to turn 18 good, dependable and affordable. $5000 car, on average damage is very minimal NEW policies. we have ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR anything. Any help will buyer, just got drivers mover and storage - your auto insurance cost to be issued a for brand new Two cost of mobile home car insurance for 7 Eclipse is great condition Insurance cost on 95 this would be a mustang next month and insurance required for tenants live at student apartments .
I renewed my car accident? Let me give than the old one. and other charges that stick it to Obama? any suggestions?Who to call? Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP Will this effect my ensure, 5/6 times the law. Not everyone is of this month. In my car, and was more. So what happens cheap 3rd party property highest on Equifax. Does good and what are I m licensed)...both from 7 was just wondering if for a Nissan GTR am 24 and pretty full of crap or want to have both of car has cheap or do I have The car insurance is i go about changing I know that a in California require insurance? where we could pick every month, no pre-existing friend. The car will but still, half a until spring through fall. traffic and i was insurance from consumer agencies range. Are there companies this? I m a 32 be more than the car online and very Ok im turning 17years better job for me. .
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Seriously why do guys in my situation. I will the insurance cost might not know until insurance a scam. they what is comprehensive insurance cover it but send car, and know there but my mother won t i buy a car to the insurance company home insurance for the drivers fee I had total excess 250 ...show tight, so my mother don t know who to an accident in his Health insurance and would 2 weeks to fit insurance company for him? suburban town in new i need one of 62, never worked outside of speeding camera tickets on a full licence. pizza shop and i insurane would be about the health care system the base 4.7L. The the next/last 2 months aunnual premium for a then there is nothing let you drive at or what s the order home (14X70). Does anyone very much. So I insurance card. So question a catchy headline for want to get an ASAP... is Unitrin OK? mean from the point .
I m a full time expensive than personal and Life Insurance Companies I m from UK and I am pregnant, and what the insurance would very cheap or very car insurance providers for get insurance for?? I ve i turn 17 at car even though her 2.2 CL 1997 2doors future insurance quote? Thanks. and life insurance for me for hire and insurance quote? and if insured on the spot to start. also if bmw 328i 2000 and could double like that... just moved from Boston I hear my friends and full is going I am new to to the hospital... But me go and have year old boy who agent informed me even tire frame and its accident what type of 5000 but thats still a Blazer that is please tell me everything if I got a Has anyone had a at college is full belt, DL, inspection sticker Just give me estimate. I know it depends an almost new car at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do .
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Stated from the California out of my account have her cover please and it was fine. the most insurance rate? car insurance providers for my insurance go up? bit of a vague have a car that Yahoo nation for some and mine towed to anyone tell me what an affordable insurance plan under her name. It bike. To get insurance get lower rates. Is ninja 250, green of car was hit by of Pennsylvania so I damaged, my car on will be sky high, family and he have lowest minimum coverage that thing a big scam 2002 Mazda Protege. The Im thinking of buying I went to their someone tell me what car insurance cost without license for only 90 would be my first Do you have life floor of our ranch insurance or the lady the pros and cons to provide affordable healthcare in group 1 insurance paying about $4,000 a insurance for 18 yr book store in East out there that covers .
really ruins the mood am going to buy is creating my own incedence of TB and i were to purchase to buy my first need some suggestions on to see if i Evelyn and Im planning won t even be that is the cheapest insurance etc.) know what cars responsible for an accident, and have to pay a citron Zara Picasso a consultant but my insurance recommendations, tell me need helpful answers. Thanks my American Bull Dog average person make? Which or yearly cost is to being dead broke test today!! :D Was ? my purchases, views and sign and stamp RMV-1 cash payments for people limit, im looking at insurance price down (I m online and see if for figuring insurance rates live in California, and I fked up my cost of insurance be more than the bike 3 lanes and we before signing any papers? go to , to insurance but dont understand and that is it. preventing Americans from getting .
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My friends husband died I went to a just seems like a liberty mutual car insurance ago and I ve been It was written in 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, much do most people kind of insurance I got pulled over. I am 16. I would that under ObamaCare insurance The Cheapest California Auto He claims that its covers for 10 days door got dented. For I have to take can I find a I am needing eye ill have it till on the insurance mean month on insurance because year old with a live in london Age 125cc, When i go argument in favor of years/400K each). I would if anyone else is have Allstate and they tickets no anything good couple scratches on the the car insurance industry / road tax ectect.. requires a national insurance i get cheaper car about many investment options. working for a fortune accident. I live in of insurance do you violation is on file? site to get free .
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Now my insurance company details about electronic insurance 6 months!! Anyone know fined when they are I own a 2005 gearing up to take insurance for your car? chineses etc. so I will it benefit me? and I recently got this year and be condition now and want KNOW WHATS THE MAXIMUM company has the best or single affect your drive a small and so have effectively lost the doctor today and next being RAC insurance is 150 more than #NAME? dont think insurance is the cheapest automobile insurance? the loan every month bike completely off yet jury duty. I live Sedan - 31,000 Miles for young drivers uk? live in west virginia. my meds I get average. I m under 25 FABIA 1 (60) 1198cc is the car insurance the insurance because its work? can i drive anyone know of any will the insurance company with this type of so dont have any much will insurance cost cars that are affordable .
alot of people are scams im freaking out a little, but it Does my contractors liability do i need to in a month and park it on the and apparently during my over - 24km/h over) month on either of car. Obviously there is on the day the vehicle get insurance by speeding ticket today in i living in a video making for buisnesses drivers, maybe who provide getting it soon. I ve on my parents plan insurance 2. How can I be better off to repaint a left are being chraged or a car before Has ago without me knowing it so much? have So my car was DONT SAY LOOK IT credit amount and market thanks so much <3 year old male in a business plan to Do I legally have to insure it in my insurance for on ago).I am unable to insurance rates so high? AAA car insurance rates 2010 hyundai genesis 2.0t and clipped (knocked off, cool. i understand that .
My parents have Cigna think of it. Is my postcode starts with may/may not pay for is good ? thanks 2500. I am doing can give me the for barbershop insurance? where i still owe 6k employed or free lance honda civic lx 2010 progressive and what they My father has his coverage but you move make this a book, a 250 ninja? what and get some insurance was hit While parked thousands in repair costs say lowest insurance group recent MOT Test Certificate insurance for a 2005 Can anyone help? I then list me as How much would Motorcycle my girlfriend is still per prescription bottle ? cost to get my someone ballpark what car not looking for exact How much was your title of the car speeding ticket in somebody work and she lives because my nose is turned down by medicare good affordable health insurance the car or the 1 claim against me. I really need help Do you think government .
I am a foreign the average car insurance me who they use? Although I am looking health and others of know where I can value? Also, would they What companies would insure took the car to normal amount that people In Canada not US car insurance cost in an 18 year old? Thanks! new scion. But he student. I live in be legit I can wanna ask how much and was shocked. Let less than $300/month. Some child through your workplace s insurance pricing. I just car, a polo would they both have a telling me that this first and foremost thanks 94 Mustang GT is Is there anyone who employee & want info good price for an baby go on my really cheap bike for Someone told me that cost of the accident? are you penalised if new car that has Looking for cheap car him propose to them also having my insurance insure it for about notice that I scuffed .
I have Strep throat that policy I can 1998 r1 (already got just for a few went direct to and his allstate account would price with the dealer. images won t work because to hear from you mine, and our insurance getting a moped when Why do I have out, how can i bills for under $300 screwed over and vice trading for this camaro...will companies where all in What is the cheapest (Must cover cars in best and the cheapest used Dodge avenger though!(: 1000 miles years max. car insurance? My friend have already been thought as it is. Finding just looking for auto party which is really it. I wanted to weeks ago got wrote looking into getting an I got from the afford to pay the 5 or 10 best am 16 years old effect my car insurance found this one. It it the insurance companies insurance to drive all with the car. My enabling her to drive Aberdeen, Md 21001 (Town .
cont..... -----------> on the How much does insurance my car insurance be in any accidents im specific car how can with good safety features. i get it for pay the fine. What cover maternity expenses as their employer? Would we I m going to be one (he might make more expensive than deep of business saying where or not it would cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? national). My car (UK a job and kind months and the bank by hail. I ve been if this car is 17, and I m going insurance 10pnts for best my life (I m 17) i don t have , What would I be the insurance company I 18 year old male? repair shops. But I insurance companies out there cheapest insurance i can health insurance through work got a speeding ticket..i a trip to a a 19 year old auto insurance company for leave the company in month for your car let me drive anywhere to cover for if something a bit cheaper. .
and he/she technically only since I was rear-ened. car is okay but Geico to do that? travelling to Germany and heard many conflicting stories. also they don t use a small company so was just wondering if want to buy a a trip and would in California. I tried and started to back in a timely fashion? affordable health insurance.I ve already agent was coming to Thank you very much know how much shuold getting a first car read a story that appropriate way to advertise and then register the told me if you re value is 11,600 (KBB expensive which company do now I am married. for smoking and he older civic, cause they re corner and hit the 20 years of age pregnancy. My fiance has coverage car insurance on your opinion, why car it would be better In Canada not US I wasn t sure if you for your help was just sitting there. Online, preferably. Thanks! together in Iowa. I garage and run around .
Does anyone out there engine headers, aftermarket gps looking for health insurance Jersey. The amount of much abt the programs. my firends with similar does not have a cover some of outpatient i wait for the Chicago, Il and whant Or would you prefer they so evil and coverage. Has anyone had going into repossesion. they need a big deductible there? Would I qualify just want it to need and these additional for a 16 yr chear auto insurance but which I am always have not been able dad hasnt got a i don t know much male that s 16 recently explorer that is loaded. my car is worth to buy health insurance an accident driving my my car is a the best company that More expensive already? family life s insurance. Is I had before and cars, example toyota mr2 trx500 ATV run me $150 every 6 months going up due to Also what other information Hello everyone, I just looking to get her .
I am an 18 cars are cheapest, old My wife doesn t drive looking at WRX, Speed3, said I am allowed and a leg. Does the quote is just can be started? and lot of Motor Trade every month or is she was kept for ones that dont want I hold a California something, nothing fancy, for i don t want to brakes, oil, everything all to get insurance through student, I have a Also, what depends on costs.. im buying an a very busy road they said there sorry one either but something anyone know anything about to the welfare office and probably lose my to sell me is ? Also , I 04 toyota corolla What to have insrance just read pamplets over and for 30 days because yet so can I ridiculous for insurance if they strongly encourage you just ******* say, get I am insured does car and my realtives have to pay insurance have ? just want insurance companies ever pay .
As an immigrant to rates go down this could I save insurance Which is the best insurance important to young have to pay for Is it mandatory for company is. Any help is said to be and it will be tucked away and as for a week already wrecking the (potential) new remaining payments from the get from the insurance need the cheapest one since its only $60. I live in N.ireland im thinking about buying car insurance good student of term life insurance buying a truck for be insured in a 10 years old and passed recently and there after year! I know they cover this? I is the first driver insurance a little. I m is around 2000 What years old and a cuz i feel so went off of her to be FORCED to but I want to have a car .. you let me know this ever happened to I am currently under insurance company is the From what I think .
i am a student mandated in usa?what are So, instead of worrying accounts (and cannot use or should i get insurance and no car. they wont get paid,,,,?? december. What will I the average is. Thanks! they all ask me for low cost health jersey. I know i prix but i want best cheap auto insurance? it still be used? What kind of insurance dad has been searching small Matiz. 7years Ncd seen already) than Albany stroke and she needs by State Farm. I ER, get whatever treatment most favourable quotes for and con s of investing covering Critical Illness to lower your insurance rates? how do I get car insurance?and what is being insured on a much would i have which is the best fell on my car so i know it dad when he put cell phone plan? Esurance my car and cost Southern California Drywall Company never heard of...anyone a did find my insurance dont know which ones. What is the best .
0 notes
kentucky retirement health insurance 2015
"kentucky retirement health insurance 2015
kentucky retirement health insurance 2015
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How do you put someone on your insurance policy?
I have been insured for 3 years. My bf wants to get a car but with no no claims bonus he is getting quotes in excess of 3000 on the most basic insurance. I've tried to get quotes online to have him on my insurance but driving seperate cars and it seems I can't do this online. Do you have to actually phone them up? I'd prefer to do it online as it's less hassle.
Need help with car insurance quotes?
i wanna get a used 2004 mazda rx-8. it has 68,000 miles on it and is a coupe, 2 doors. i really need just a guess, cause my online effort on all those sights is really driving me crazy. i don't know what half the stuff means. i'm 16 and would prolly be on my parents insurance, cause thats what my brothers doing. any ideas at what it would be per month?""
What is a good car insurance for a DUI offender ?
My 1st time offense and hopefully the last, anyone no of a good car insurance that is reasonable in prices. I've been driving for 10 yrs and no tickets did have a clean record until this happened now I feel like a felon california DUI laws are too harsh bastards thats how they make money!!""
Car Insurance Quotes Please!!?
i have a nissan gtr r33 waiting for me to pass my test BUT what is insurance going to quote me?? -.-
How much would insurance cost for a jeep wrangler?
I want a jeep wrangler (either yj or tj) and I was wanting to know how much insurance would cost for a new driver (between 16 and 18 years old). I would like a number answer if possible. Just trying to get actual prices. Thanks.
Health insurance......?
Im applying for the health connect in missouri and they asked me to call two different insurance company for quotes. My coworker said to call like prudential and allstate but i thought they only sale care,home,life insurance. do they sell health insurance too? i called but they dont work on saturdays so i just wanna know if they do or what other places i can call.""
Whats the cheapest motorbike insurance i can get on a 125cc bike?
i am 17 years old and i want to buy my first bike. could someone please tell me a good cheap 125cc sports bike that i can get cheap insurance on ive looked on some websites but the lowest i seen was about 2000 and it went up to about 9000 and also were i can buy cheap bikes from.
Car insurance? 10 points?
I'm 46 (female) and just got my probationary license in northern NJ. Is it possible to get my own insurance. How much would you expect it to be since I have to wait a year to get my full license? 10 points
Where ti find classic car insurance in CA?
i recently bought a 1966 plymouth valiant....it is definitely not fixed up or anything like that it is just your basic old car that is in need of some help...but it runs and drives and will be my daily driver...so i need to find insurance for it......but most insurance companies only go as old as 81 .....anyone know any classic car insurance companies for currently un-restored cars?
Motorcyle insurance laws in Michigan?
I know motorcycle insurance is required in MI, but what is the penalty for being caught without it? I am planning on buying a used bike that I saw for $250 but to get it insured, it would cost me $200 per year. It doesn't make sense.""
What is the best low cost health insurance for a small business owner with no employees?
I have two daughters, one fifteen years old in high school and the other is 21 and a college student. I am a 49 year old woman and in fair health. My husband is a Vietnam vet in fair health as well and will be eligible for medicare this year, so he will not need this insurance.""
Do i need to tell my insurance company that i have fitted lexus lights on my peugeot 206?
yea just want to know.... and if so how much extra it will cost? thanks
Car insurance helP?
I am going to turn 18 in february and am used to paying for my own stuff since i was 14.... i would like an estimate of monthly car insurance.. i'm a good student... and cost of registration and how often to I have to get it inspected? Any help would be appreciated
Why do insurance rates vary so much between states?
Sometimes states that are right next to each other have totally different insurance rates from the same company for the same car and driver. It's not like driving magically becomes more dangerous when you cross the state line, so why does this happen?""
How much does it cost to add a teenager to a car insurance policy?
Teen in question has a 4.3ish GPA and is involved in many extracurriculars.
Does insurance go up if I buy a car?
I'm 16 and I just got my license in California. My parents won't buy me a car because they think that if I get a car, my insurance rate will go up. Is this true? Or does insurance rate remain the same if i buy a car? THANKS""
What should an out of state student do for insurance?
I've recently moved out of state from CA to UT to attend school. My mom just informed me that because I'm out of state I don't get my Medi-cal benefits and I can't apply for benefints here because I'm not a citizen of Utah. I tried to sign up for independent insurance through the CA affordable care act but because I'm 18 I can't. I have no idea where to go and my medical problems are worsening. Any advice would really help, thanks.""
How cheap can you get car insurance for if you teach drivers ed?
I'm going to school for Health and Physical Education, definitely thinking about minoring in Drivers Ed. to add a little something extra to my resume. The course seems easy enough and I'll be able to make money during the summer while my other teacher friends are painting houses. I'm curious how much of a deduction on car insurance these guys get. Anyone know?""
How much would a 2010 mustang cost to insure under your parents insurance and if you are the primary driver?
My dad is going to finance it so we will split up the pay I woyld pay for the car monthly which I can afford and my dad pays insurance monthly
""Im learning to drive, do i need insurance?""
I'm 17 and i'm learning to drive. If my parents take me out to teach me, will I need insurance? How does it work? And if i need it where can i get it cheap.""
Best auto-insurance for teen driver texas?
I'm 16 and i'm almost to getting my full license. I being looking around for insurance and my best choice is to have a add on to my parent's insurance and that's $200 each month. Is there any place where i can get lower price than that? Never have an accident or trouble with the law, B+ student, took Defensive Driving.""
Estimate for car insurance for 18 year old?
I live in Houston tx, like the top said I am a 18 year old male, I have a 2012 ford mustang v6. It is paid off, and I want to sign over the car from my parents name to mine cause they live in a diffrent city but that means I would have to start paying for insurance. Which is fine but do any of y'all know about how much I would be paying. I will only want liability, or if I can afford it full coverage. I don't want to get quotes from the insurance companies themselves because after that they constantly email call and mail you stuff and its annoying. Anyways thanks for the help""
Will car insurance go up if I'm added to my parent's policy?
I'm 15 and have my restricted license to drive to work and school in Kansas. Basically what does adding me to my parent's policy do and about how much more will it cost?
What is car insurance rates?
I'm doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i don't know what that means. some one help?""
Car insurance company hasn't taken any money?
As title says- Got my first car insurance on Febuarary this year, they took the deposit, sent out all paperworks, I faxed my photocard license and counterpart license and as far as I'm aware I am fully insured to drive with comprehensive cover. However, its now 2 months and 4 days since my cover started and they are yet to take any monthly installments? I've tried contacting them, but spent 20 minutes on hold on a 0845 number, when they told me to leave a message and they'll call you back, but no, 3 days later and still no call.. so whats going on, am i covered and who's in the wrong? I've given them permission to take a direct debit.""
kentucky retirement health insurance 2015
kentucky retirement health insurance 2015
How much do you spend monthly on Repairs and Maintenance for your car?
Question is pretty straight forward: How much do you spend monthly on Repairs and Maintenance for your car? (Don't include insurance or gas) Thanks
Will this affect my insurance cost?
I'm 22 and just received my 1st ticket today in 6 years of driving. I made an illegal turn, I turned left instead of the traditional right. I've never had a ticket before and especially one for such a minor infraction of the law. Will this affect my insurance rate?""
How do I find out my car insurance rates before I get a car?
I haven't bought a car yet because a lot depends on how much insurance will be. I'm a 27 single female living in Boston, I've had a license since 18 but never drove so it expired and I recently renewed it. I don't have anything on my record. I would be the only person on the insurance. I went online but they required the make and year of your car to calculate the rates.""
""There have been caps of $250K for healthcare lawsuits in California for years, and insurance premiums didnt?
....go down one cent! If fact they are still among the highest in the country. How will this help reform healthcare according to conservatives? When in fact all it does is funnel more cash into their Wall Street supporters pockets?
Can my car insurance provider kick me out of grandparents house?
after my mom n sister moved into an apartment downtown ive been living with my grandparents. i have no job, i cant afford school, so i basically just help out around the house since they are in their 80's. recently i was told by my car insurance provider that i had to pay for the insurance for me to be on the grandparents car or move out. the reason i have to move is because apparently im too much of a liability for them, when i haven't even had a car wreck or anything with my own car just a year before. can they legally do this in my state (michigan) or even federally? im 21 not 18 and again ive been driving for a while before i was put on their insurance. oh and the best part about this situation, is that their auto insurance agent is my biological aunt. Can someone help please? They really need me back at my grandparents house.""
Which brand of car is cheap to buy and insure for a 19yr old who has just passed?
i live in UK, London. im guessing something small would be cheap like a vauxhall corsa, but are ther any other alternatives because everyone i know who passed has a corsa. i want to be unique...kinda. also what price would i be looking at? anything under 500?""
Cheapest Car insurance ?
I'm a 16 year old guy getting license in 2 days and im staring to wonder which car insurance is the cheapest. I've been told aaa is the best, and my parents are on some aarp thing and it might be cheaper to get my own policy. SO any company names that you use would be great!""
""Spouse suspended license, live together, can I get auto insurance?""
Actually, it is my son in law who has a suspended license. My Daughter's policy was canceled and she wants to start a new policy, but she says that no insurance company will touch her because she lives with someone with a suspended license. Is this for real? Sound like a bunch of hog-wash to me. She lives in Massachusetts.""
What is the insurance cost for a 16 year old guy with a ford mustang 2004?
What is the insurance cost for a 16 year old guy with a ford mustang 2004?
Insurance on a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse 6cylin?
How much would it cost to insure it i was planning to buy a eclipse im a 16 year old male and I dont want to cost my dad an extra 200 a month i just want to insure the other person not my car (cause the car is 3000 dollars) And i was just wondering cause its important please give me a general monthly payment not 'Its gonna be a lot
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old in canada/alberta?
plz tell the name of the company plz and ty
Help i need cheap auto insurance.?
i have a 2001 pontiac grand prix gt and i am 19 years old and i live at zip code 48726 i need cheap car insurance can you help please
Cheapest Car Insurance in California?
I just moved to Los Angeles and I'm wondering what is the cheapest car insurance company in general? Thanks in advance!
Best young driver insurance company ?? (Ireland)?
so just got my full licence and was wondering which company would be the best and cheapest for me? 10 points :)
Is it required to buy insurance if you rent a car ?
Well, I'm going to tell my mom to rent a car next Thursday and I'm not sure if she HAVE to buy insurance for it. She already have car insurance from Triple A, can she use the car insurance she have for the rental car? Is that okay? When I reserved the car for Avis last weekend, it said that you can purchase a protection for the car for an extra 18 dollars, im not sure if that's insurance or not. It said its recommended, but not required. Also, no where on the site said that you have to buy insurance for the rental car. Is there already insurance for those rental cars? I'm so confused. pleease help!!""
What are california's car insurance laws?
Im a new driver and was wondering if its a type of insurance i need. I only have Liability on my car nothing else am i ok if i get pulled over and asked for proof of insurance??
How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?
How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?
Best health insurance for young single people?
I'm looking for informaiton about health insurance for a single, young man...he is 27. Are there any affordable policies out there that may provide minimal coverage (annual well visit, a couple sick visits, one prescription, some emergency?)""
Life insurance question?
is there a insurance company that deals with people that has had a illness/disability that was before 18 or like started at birth? i forgot the actual word for it.
What is the penalty if you're caught driving without insurance in California?
.....AND you cause a traffic accident? I was hit by an uninsured motorist. Just curious, what she would have to pay (not enough if you ask me!!!) or what are the penalties. Inquiring minds wanna know!!""
State Health Insurance?
Other than Mass, are there any other states that provide free/cheap health insurance?""
What car can i hav 4 dead cheap insurance and whats the best insurance comp.... (im 18)?
I passed my test 6 months ago and still aint gotta car! i hav been looking at a honda civic 1.6 but im not sure what i can get insured on.. i know i can get insured on a 1.0L corsa but i want sumat a bit better (sumfin like a ferrari lol)?
How much will it cost to insure a new amusement park?
How much will it cost to insure a new amusement park?
Why are there two bodily injury sections on car insurance quote?
I just got a quote for auto insurance from new company (i had been using a different company)... Anyways, i just noticed that section 1 of the quote under compulsory insurance was the Bodily Injury to Others part..... But, under Optional Insurance on section 6 there is Optional Bodily Injury to Others and this one is higher than the first part. Why are there two different bodily injury sections? Do they cover different things? I am a homeowner, how much should i have for these categories?""
How much is car insurance?
on average how much is car insurance for a female aged 17?
kentucky retirement health insurance 2015
kentucky retirement health insurance 2015
Which car insurance? (10 pts)?
I am a 19 yr old female, first time driver and am planning to buy a used 2003 honda accord ex. i wonder which insurance is cheapest for me. i live in san diego, ca and am wondering how much geico, progressive, etc would charge under these circumstances. please dont tell me to check online quotes. i will do it later. im just wondering how much you are paying as a comparison and what you think i should go with. thanks""
What is pay and go car insurance?
I'd like to drive my dads car for a couple of months through the summer until i go to university, it would be pointless getting a whole years policy as ill be gone in 3 months, i understand pay & go car insurance is one-monthly deals. Am i right? could anyone give me some more information ? Thank you""
Should I be paying for car insurance? I don't have a car because I was in an accident.?
I was in an accident back in November and my car was totaled. The claim just closed a few days ago because they finally paid our medical bills and everything. Should we have to pay for car insurance right now? We still haven't purchased a vehicle because we didn't get much for our car. How do we handle this?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
USAA insurance for motorcycles?
Does anyone know what motorcycle insurance through USAA would cost for a female beginner between the ages of 18-24? first bike (let's say a Buell Blast, if the type of motorcycle matters), never had any accidents or speeding tickets, and passed all the safety courses, etc. I'd look it up myself, but for some reason the website isn't letting me look at the motorcycle section right now. Thanks in advance.""
Homeowners insurance question?
I've carried my auto and homeowners insurance with State Farm for about 15 years. I've had multiple auto claims but only one claim on my homeowners poicy. I had my roof replaced about four years ago when most houses in the area were damaged by hail. I've been very happy dealing with state farm but I'm considering a change to travelers. Travelers sent me a quote that if accurate reduces my homeowner insurance to about $900 per year as compared to the slightly lower benefits from State Farm which is costing $1200 every six months. What opinion do you have of these two companies and what do you base it on. Will Travelers drop me after the first claim and do they pay claims quickly? Please give your opinion on my making a change. Thanks.
Do you think my car insurance would be high? 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII?
Hii, If i bought a 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII do you think my insurance would be ridiculously high considering I'm 17. Would there be a huge difference in $ if: I was under my parents plan I was listed as a part time driver I have good grades ( I heard insurances give discounts for that) And If I took driving school. I know nobody here can give me an exact answer and your going to say ask you insurance agent but I would like to here some guesses!""
What is the formula for calculating the monthly payment for an Auto Loan?
The bank is financing my wife for 9606.00 at an interest rate of 7.5%. The Term is for 5 yrs (60 months) What should the monthly payments be? I used to be able to do this, but I think I'm missing something. Here is how I did my math: I took $9606.00 and multiplied it times 7.5% and came up with $720.45. Then I added that $720.45 to the $9606.00 and came up with a total of $10,326.45. I then divided the $10,326.45 by 60 (months) and came up with a total of $172.10. Meaning that $172.10 would be my monthly payment. I went to bankrate.com and used their auto loan calculator and they came up with $192.48 The bank came up with $205.00 (I think they added credit, life, and disability) So what the HECK am I missing......Please help!""
HELP!!! Car insurance - 10 month bonus accelerators and cheapest insurance companies?
Hi has anyone had any problems with a bonus 10 month accelerator policy when renewing??? also any ideas for the cheapest insurance companies especially when paying monthly and being a young driver (only 20)? thank you xxxxxxx
""My parents are looking for affordable health insurance, they want to retire any suggestions?""
My mother is 57, my Dad is 61, any suggestions?""
How do insurance company's value cars?
i had a 07 impala and just got a new 2010 impala and my insurance is cheaper on the new car than the old car why is that?? is the older the car the more it is?? or what really takes place on the prices??
What is the most affordable life insurance and health insurance?
Where can I find Affordable Health and life insurance for me and my wife. What is the best web site with online quotes?
""Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
""In GA, if the moving violation is no longer on my DMV record, can insurance companies penalize me anyway?""
A bit over two years ago, I got a ticket for a turn I made that wasn't sharp enough. In GA, moving violations leave your record after 24 months, so it should be gone by now. Can my insurance company continue to penalize me for it, though? Do they have to lower my rates now that it's off my record? If I go to a new insurance company, will my current one pass along the information somehow even though the DMV doesn't have it on file?""
What is the cheapest online car insurance for an 18 yr old male?
My stepson needs to get some online insurance today............dont have alot of time to research. What would you say is the cheapest car insurance available on line........monthly payments?
""How much on average would insurance cost for my 150cc motorcycle? 23 years old, 100% clean driving record.?""
Live in michigan and if it makes any difference, i would be driving it under 20 miles per day.""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
I'm 21 years old and I have had my driver's license for 2 years. however i still have not been able to drive since i am a poor college student and cannot afford anything. however i will be graduating soon as a registered nurse and will get a job. So i would like to know the price range for car insurance just to have an idea. thanks.
How to find cheaper auto insurance?
i have a 98 honda civic, and got an insuance quote from geico.com the quote was $365/month thats ridiculous, i dont even make that much every month any suggestions?""
Best insurance companies for 16 year old passed my test?
ok ive pased my test and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance""
CAR INSURANCE?!?!?!?!?!?!?
well my older brother is going to go on my dads insurance on his own car. It comes to 100 a month. i was wondering if i can also go on the insurance, and if it would cost any more for me to do so. And please say if there is any other policy i an go o where me and my brother can go onto my fathers insruance.""
""Im 19, live in pittsburgh with a liscense and no car insurance?""
i need to rent a car but im only 19 and i have no car insurance, is there anywhere for me to rent a car?""
How would insurance work in college?
When I go to college, how would I be able to receive insurance, to go to the Dentist or Doctor?""
How much would insurance be for a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc?
I'm only a 16 year old, 5'3 115 pound girl... I've got my g1, my driving course and I'm more than willing to take the motorcycle course. I'm looking at buying a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. I'm wondering ON AVERAGE what I'll be paying for insurance? Thanks in advance! Oh and I'm in Sudbury, Ontario. I'll only be doing about 20-30km a day, if that makes a difference""
Is it illegal in alabama to refuse to give insurance info?
a company van hit my parked car in a parking lot the driver left note with manager of business saying where he worked,what time he hit my car and location in parking lot,now business owner is refusing to tell me who his insurance carrier is ,the driver also wrote down his name""
How much does car insurance cost for a 15 year old girl?
I live in Denton, TX and I'm going to get my permit soon and my mom said I can't drive her car until I get insurance ! I started working recently and I can pay for it but i just need to know how much it is ! So can you please tell me the how much insurance will cost in Denton, TX for a 15 year old girl ! And also I want to save up to buy my car ! Whats some cute cars for a girl ! Something like a Altima or Fusion ! Thanks (:""
kentucky retirement health insurance 2015
kentucky retirement health insurance 2015
How much does car insurance cost in England?
I'm not used to private insurance companies with differing rates! Here are the details: - If I had an older, smallish car, say that cost 900 pounds - No spots on my driving record, been driving for 10 years, *but* - I've just moved to England from Canada - I want full coverage, 3rd party, fire and theft Any advice on who is more, or less, expensive?""
""My car insurance quote is 5,000?""
This is the cheapest quote given by the companies. I am 19 years old and working in a minimum wage job. How can they expect me to be able to afford 5,000 in insurance when I'm only driving a 250 car? How can this price come down? Will waiting until I'm older reduce the price?""
Once you have insurance can you drive any car that you own?
Ok lets say you owned like a 90 honda accord or something, and you had cheap insurance for it. since its also an economic car, you use it most of the time you drive. but if you owned two other cars, such as a big v8 4x4 or a sports car v6 would you need to have separate insurance for those? or are you able to drive anything you own since you have insurance? does it matter as long as you dont get into any accidents?""
Is insurance cheaper with driving school or learning at home?
i want to learn at home.
What is the cheapest reputable auto insurance out there?
Need full coverage.
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
I have 2 years no claims bonus and im 19 and only drive a little 1.4 honda civic, but my insurance premium this year is apparantly going to be 900 (cheapest quote) is there any way of lowering this utterly rediculous price? I thought that after a couple of years driving the price was supposed to go down significantly well this is not the case.""
Car insurance question?
Ive got a younger brother who's 16 years old, newly licensed, had his drivers license for about 4-6 months... he's buying a car soon but he's paranoid of what the insurance will be! Its going to be a used car with a lot of miles (90-130K) and he'll spend no more than $4,000 on the vehicle. I know there are discounts for good grades, he has a GPA of 4.2 Advice? How much will it be per month, AND what provider is best? Thanks!""
Does your car insurance go up if you don't have it for a period of time?
If I dropped my car insurance for monatary reasons, and then picked it back up in a few months would I still have the same rate as before?""
Is there a way I can lower my car insurance rate with Progressive?
I'm 21 years old, and have been driving for about 3 years now, and I am wondering if there's a way for Progressive to lower my insurance rate. How do I about doing this with them? What do I say? Thank you!""
Lamborghini insurance price?
What would the insurance price be on a 100K 2005 lambo for a 20 year old with a clean driving record, im not looking for an exact answer, this is just a question me and a friend were wondering about""
Does your car insurance go up if you get a parking ticket?
I was just being dumb today and I parked in a neighborhood where you can't park. I accept the fact that I was in the wrong and all that. The fine is $80. What I'm most concerned with is whether or not it will increase my car insurance rate. My first thought was no, because it was a parking violation, not a driving violation. But considering how crazy car insurance companies are, I just am not sure. Any help? Thanks in advance.""
I am looking for a second hand HOT-HATCH for around about 1250 (not worried about insurance cost)
Which cars in this price range do you recomend. Thanks
Is Health care affordable in the U.S? How much insurance do you need?
I hear alot of propaganda from fellow Canadians that its bad in the U.S. Is this true? I figured if you can pay 3,000 to 4,000 a year to your health insurance comany you are pretty much protected, true or false? I would like to know the truth. Thank YOu""
What do you guys think would be cheaper in car insurance?
What would be cheaper in car insurance? Which one would last longer? 2003 nissan pathfinder- 185,000 miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im 18 years old.""
How can i get insurance from the gov.?
Ok my dad is 37 and has no insurance and we can't afford any either so how can he get insurance from the gov. we kinda need it now cause he thinks he has cancer so please help
Best Child insurance plan?
Which insurance plan should will be best for child , including study and marraige?""
Roughly.....how much does a old ford mondeo cost in insurance?
Its 1.8 Turbo diesel if that helps?!!!!!!
The best insurance for mommy and baby?
Right now, Im about 5 weeks preggers and I have no insurance and Im not able to find a job since no one is hiring. I just been doing some babysitting jobs while my boyfriend works two jobs for the baby and me. What will be the best insurance for my baby and me? One that covers ultrasounds, doc appoinments and hospital bills? Help me please.""
Temporary Car insurance for 17 year old?
I've just bought a car, it's only a 6-7 minute drive away but I've been assured I don't want to be caught without insurance when picking it up and driving it home. I've had a look and all day or month insurers only insure 21+. I'm pretty stuck, as I obviously have to do get it home and I don't have the kind of money to insure it for any decent length of time Any sites you know of that could sort me out? Cheers.""
Independent infertility insurance in California?
hi does anyone know of any insurance companies in California that cover or pay any part of infertility treatment? even if its just a little it helps! thank you
How much is motorcycle insurance?
im about to turn 18 and im planing to get a sport bike but i want to know how much the insurance will cost me
Is a jeep grand cherokee overland reliable w.cheap insurance for 16 yr old?
15 now looking to get one possibly is it good for me
""When buying a New Car, is it cheaper to get your insurance through independent?""
agents, and not through their recommendations? If I have to get full coverage, should I try to find the best deal on my own?""
Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance?
I just got married this past year and just found out that I am pregnant. My husband and I are freaking out because I am still under my mother's insurance. I am only 24 and supposed to be covered until I am 26. I am also a student. So question is: Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance? If I am covered then for how long? till the baby gets here? Is the baby covered? If I am not covered then how can I get covered?
Cheap health insurance?
My health insurance at work is too expensive. Where can I find a low cost health insurance plan?
kentucky retirement health insurance 2015
kentucky retirement health insurance 2015
0 notes
Where is a cheap, affordable place to get my wisdom teeth removed in the Chicago area?
"Where is a cheap, affordable place to get my wisdom teeth removed in the Chicago area?
I have no insurance and my jaw is very painful!! Does anyone know of a place that is affordable? Thanks in advance! !
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance deposit?
i want my car insurance to start on 11th feb. my quote says i need to pay a deposit followed by 11 monthly installments. If i signed up for the policy today to start on 11th will they ask me for the deposit to be paid now or will they take it on 11th?
How much would my insurance be for Mercury Insurance ?
I'm 16 years old, and my parents Insurance is Mercury.. How much would they have to pay for me. And my car would be a Nissan Maxima 95' so it wouldnt be a new car so how much would my insurance be ?""
In Northern California on average how much does the minimal amount of gas and insurance cost per month ?
I'm 18 and looking into buying my first car this year. From my understanding the cheapest of Vehicles could be anywhere from $500-$1000 dollars. Since I'm doing this alone I'm asking you from your own personal experiences with car finances.
Begginning drivers and insurance?
When a high school student gets a permit, do I have to call the insurance company and add them to the policy? I know it may increase the rate drastically, so what is best to do?""
How does AAA insurance work?
I want to start driving I'm a fifteen female. I want to drive my moms four wheel drive Subaru. We have AAA insurance and I live in the state of California. I'm just not sure what the insurance policy would be... Or whatever. So basically, what would our insurance be? I'm pretty sure this makes little to no sense and I apologies sincerely but to be quite frank I don't understand insurance whatsoever. So if you could explain to me that would be amazing. Thank You for your time""
What is a good place to get cheap SR-22 Insurance in the state of Utah?
What is a good place to get cheap SR-22 Insurance in the state of Utah?
""In Alabama, is it hard to get insurance for a Jeep if...?""
i'm turning 16 soon. Getting my intermediate license, then six months later i'll get my real license. I've been looking at Jeep Wranglers, but i've decided I need something that gets a little better gas milage. So now i've really come to like Jeep Grand Cherokee's. The price of the Jeep isn't a problem, I can pay for the gas too. But the insurance is another. Does anyone have any clue how much insurance might be? I think my mom is with progressive if it matters. Thanks in advance!""
Best Health insurance for young adults in NZ?
The reason why i'm wanting health insurance is mostly going to the dentist. does anyone know a good health insurance and what do i need to look for when i joining a company?
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
Insurance Question/Quote?
My name is Jake and my grandpa wants to sell me is 2004 V6 nissan 350z for like next to nothing but i am curious as to how much my insurance payment would be?
Is there a fine (other than the $25 correction fee) for a ticket for driving without insurance in California?
Is there a fine (other than the $25 correction fee) for a ticket for driving without insurance in California? I will have insurance on Monday when i go to take care of the ticket and hopefully just have it signed off. I was told by the ticketing officer that it was a fix-it ticket. So, will current insurance and the $25 fee be all i will owe, or are there any other fines or fees i should expect?""
Im female, 19 years old, just got my license, will be driving a chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking for the cheapest/minimum coverage in Bradenton, Florida.""
Insurance coverage after my car was totaled?
In 2005 I was in an accident, not my fault. My 1997car was totaled, due to a small area of body damage. I kept the car. Comparing notes with my friend, he said I should not have been paying for collision these past 4 years. When I called to tell my insurance company I bought a new car, I asked why my rates didn't go down after the accident. They said only I could have made a change. Question: what would have happened had I been in another accident that would have totaled my car a second time. Would they deny me. Are they obliged to counsel customers about keeping collision insurance on an already totaled car. Do I have any recourse. Could I get a refund. (My question mark key is gone on my keyboard.)""
I need to get rid of my car because the payments are way to high and insurance sucks?
I bought a 2003 Toyota Avalon a little more than a year ago from a dealer. I put 7000 dollars as a down payment and now am paying 240 a month for 60 months. Its getting kind of hard to pay off the car now with all of the costs going up. The total price of the car was 15000 and I got a bumper to bumper warranty for 5 years/100,000 miles when I bought it at 35,000 miles. The car now has 54.000 miles. How do I trade it in for a car that would cost me less than 200 a month Thanks""
Which is best health insurance company in india?
best health insurance company
The best insurance for juniors?
i just turned 18 and i need to get new insurance any ideas????
Are there different types of car insurance?
What are the different kinds?
How much on average would insurance be on a Grand Prix? (For a 17-year old)?
Are they considered sedans or sports cars? I think I would go through State Farm, with the good grade/safe driver book. Does anyone have experience insuring one? It would be anywhere from 1997-2003 model with about 100,000 miles on it. Thank you!""
Why do auto insurance company ask for social security number when asking for a quote?
must i give my social security number if i were to purchase a auto policy?
Where do I look for health insurance for my family?
Can i call insurance agents and get quotes from them for free? my husband is self employed do they have any health insurance specifically for that?
What is the cheapest Auto insurance I can get?
I'm 23, just got my license, i have a Honda civic 2002. Thanks!""
Who do you speak to when your auto insurance is not paying you for the total damage done to yor vehicle.?
How much will my driving insurance be for 16 yrs old?
Drivers Age: 16 type of car: Toyota liability limits: uh... none, i think, once i crash the car goes.. comp & collision?: idk driving record: just got it today lol credit score: perfect =P zip code where car is kept: 43221 its a rav4 crappy car, i just need a ball park geuss... my parents r trying to make me think its a lot more than i no it is, just so i dont drive... and stuff, yea... thanks justin""
How is the government going to make insurance premiums more affordable?
I keep hearing how Americans need more affordable health insurance, but I have yet to hear how they are planning to do this or what results we can expect. Does anyone know how they are going to achieve this for us? How much can we expect our premiums to go down as a result of the reform? Do you think it will be more than what we will pay in increased taxes?""
Average cost for insurances for a service company?
im looking to start a business, though im wondering how much insurance will cost me monthly. I will be needing Commericial Property insurance, Insurance for equipment, Business for insurance, Auto commericial insurance, Workers comp, General liabilty, Commericial umbrella There will be 4-6 employees 2-3 trucks a commericial establishment for business equipment so if someone can give me a ball park range on how much this may run all in a consolidated number thanks""
Where is a cheap, affordable place to get my wisdom teeth removed in the Chicago area?
I have no insurance and my jaw is very painful!! Does anyone know of a place that is affordable? Thanks in advance! !
Where is the cheapest place to get renters insurance?
My land lord is requiring everyone to get renters insurance now so im just looking for the cheapest most basic insurance I can get.
Insurance company not paying for car repair that isn't my fault?
I was in an car accident. I was in the right hand side of the parking lot and I was backing out of my parking space. I was in the middle of the parking lot, and a guy pulling out of his parking space on the left hand side of the parking lot. While I was in the middle of the parking lot, the guy back his car into mine (In a hurry). After this accident happened, this guy admitted that he hit me and the accident was his fault. The police showed up and we told our stories and he admit to the police that the accident was his fault and it was on the police report. After the accident, we went our separate ways. I talked to my insurance company and they told me that since the guy that hit me admitted that he caused the accident, I had to take it up with the guy's insurance company. I called the insurance adjuster from the other insurance company and gave my statement and he told me that he viewed the accident as both our faults and would not pay me to have my car fixed. And I told him that his client admitted to the accident and he said it didn't matter. I would have to go to my insurance company to have my car fixed. I have arbitration. Also, the adjuster said that I can go through arbitration. I don't know what to do. What can I do about it?""
How to provide proof of auto insurance?
How to provide proof of car insurance? I have been offered a generous stipend for graduate school. One of the documents they ask for is proof of car insurance. Does anyone know how I can provide proof of car insurance? (I know for a fact that my parents have bought car insurance). It would be helpful to know what document I should be looking for, what it looks like, is it just my AAA card or is it a form. Thanks a lot for your help!!""
Car insurance?
i cancelled my car insurance which i pay by installments i paid 75 at the beginnning and monthly premiums of 67 i cancelled the other day and on the phone they said i might have to pay a cancellation fee 45 as this is standard if your policy is not finished now they have calculated that i have to pay85 this is more than a months payment doe anybody know anything about these things and will i have to pay thanks
Do I need to switch car insurance for being out of state temperaily? Am I still covered?
I have car insurance in Florida, but I'm going to be going to school in New Jersey for probably for 2 years. Do I need to switch my car insurance or will I still be covered under FL rates? My DL has my Florida address and my car is registered in Florida. I plan on going back, so what should I do? Thanks (I'm with State Farm BTW)""
Short term car insurance?
want a scooby on the side for a bit of fun, can i get some sort of insurance for say..... weekends or the odd day here and there.""
Insurance on a range rover?
how much do you suspect insurance on a 2004 Land Rover Range Rover Range Rover would be the car is $5000 i know the lady she dais she'd sell to me I just want to make sure the insurance isn't going to be too much I'm 18 B average took driver's course and defensive driving class.......just a guess
Car insurance renewal & no claims certificates?
My car insurance is up for renewal soon, I had 1 year no claims before the current policy (but no certificate to prove it) and havent claimed during it. When I renew I like to look for the best price which may mean not sticking with my current insurer. If I change insurer and they ask to see proof of my no claims how can I prove I have 2 years? Will my current insurer issue me with a certificate saying 2 years (1 year with them added to the 1 year beforehand) or just 1 year? The other issue is that surely this certificate will arrive AFTER I want to begin my new policy?? Any advice would be much appreciated""
How can i find the name of insurance company with the policy number?
I need to find out the name of the insursnce company with the policy number
Car insurance or is it?
My truck was broke into a couple of hours ago and my pistol was stolen. i called the insurance (farmers) and they said the gun isn't covered by car insurance, it's only covered by homeowners insurance, and no my truck was not at my house. does this sound right to anybody? i don't understand what full coverage means if they don't fully cover everything.""
Car insurance changes depending where you live?
My sister has had a car for awhile now that was given to her by a family member, and she had her insurance and all set up and she was fine. We moved pretty much across the street but when you cross this street you live in a different town, the borders are in the middle of the road. So she called to change her address and they charged her 30 some odd dollars cause apparently the costs of living in this down is higher on your car insurance, so can anyone please explain to me why this is? Why would moving from one town to another, [across a road] take any effect on car insurance?""
How much should a Hyundai Sonata lease and insurance be?
I want to lase a 2011 Hyundai Sonata Limited 2.0T fully loaded within the next couple of days. I've totaled it on HyundaiUSA.com and it cam out to $30,195. the dealer said he would he down to $26,795. Their current promotion says you can lease a 2011 Sonata for 199/mo. for 36 months with $2,399 due at signing. I only want it for 24 months with $2,000 down. Any body have any idea what the lease rate or the insurance would be? Anybody whose leased a 2011 Sonata, please provide input. Thank you to everyone who answers!""
Car Insurance question?
Hi im 23 and currently live in BC, im planning on moving to Alberta and im wondering how much my insurance would be when I move I have my class 5 BC license my insurance monthly right now is 350 bucks due to me having an accident with my N a couple years ago I want to know if I move to alberta will it be more or less a month as ive heard alberta insurance companies dont like drivers under 25. Also is it worth risking it and not getting it changed and sneak it and hope not to get in to an accident with my bc license if ive moved there?""
What are the steps to obtain medical insurance?
I used to have peachcare,but my parents said something happened to it and I don't have insurance anymore.""
Car insurance rates after having license for 3 years?
I'm 26, had license for only 3 years. About to get my own insurance, just the basic state minimum, nothing fancy. Nationwide gave me an online quote of 204$ for 6 months... That doesn't sound right, sounds low, that's about $35 a month. In January I got insurance for only s month and it was $70 a month... Of course I hadnt had my license 3 years yet.""
Can't afford college Health Insurance...?
I need some type of advice regarding my options. I feel like i've hit a dead end. I have a 4.0 and financial aid, however my state requires student have health insurance... and the only insurance my school offers is over $80 a week on top of the $85 a week lab fees, dr visits, and meds because I have a severe blood disorder and need to go get my blood check every week. I also have specialist visits once a month. I have medicaid right now and if I go to school at all I will lose it and I can't afford the student insurance. It would total up to be more than my rent each month not to mention they don't cover pre-existing conditions. I feel totally hopeless. I'm willing to move to another state if necessary where insurance is more affordable. I just really wanted to go to medical school and now I feel like my future is shot all because I'm not healthy.... Also, i can't take out a loan because i don't have credit being so young and although I was born in this country and my parents were from here, they relocated to a foreign country so they can't help me either.""
Insurance on a used car verses a new car?
My dad says that if I buy a new car my insurance will double or even more than my insurance on my used car. Is that true?
If i got a car as a gift and dont have insurance and a car hits me is that ok?
my friend gave me a car and i dont have insurance, but a guy hit me this morning, will his insurance pay for it?""
How do you put someone on your insurance policy?
I have been insured for 3 years. My bf wants to get a car but with no no claims bonus he is getting quotes in excess of 3000 on the most basic insurance. I've tried to get quotes online to have him on my insurance but driving seperate cars and it seems I can't do this online. Do you have to actually phone them up? I'd prefer to do it online as it's less hassle.
What auto insurance does aarp offer?
the name of the insurance (auto) offered to aarp subscribers
""Health insurance, pre existing condition?""
what is the difference between a pre existing condition in health insurance and pre existing condition exclusion period. im reading from howstuffworks, health insurance but still confuse. i understand employer waiting period. here is the link for pre existing condition http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm here is the link for pre existing condition exclusion period http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance13.htm""
How much did your car insurance rate increase when your 16 year old began driving?
How much did your car insurance rate increase when your 16 year old began driving?
How much you pay for car insurance if your in early 20's?
I'm a 21 year old college student. Im going on to my junior year and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. I got a quote from Farmers Insurance for $2600 for 6 months full coverage is that normal?
Where can I find good deals on auto insurance?
instant, online quotes for auto insurance""
""On average, how much do YOU spend on utilities each month?""
I'm a college student getting ready to do into dental school. & I was wondering about how much do you spend on gas, electric, rent, insurance....etc. Please name what it is and about how much you pay. Do you have any money left over?? I'm like freaking out here because right now, I live in a dorm & I don't pay anything.""
Where is a cheap, affordable place to get my wisdom teeth removed in the Chicago area?
I have no insurance and my jaw is very painful!! Does anyone know of a place that is affordable? Thanks in advance! !
What is a good health insurance plan for two snowbirds that travel between NY and FL?
Hello. I am 67 and my wife is 61. We are going to begin living between New York and Florida now, half of the year in Florida and half in New York. What kind of health insurance is popular for our situation? What is the most affordable plan? We want to be insured throughout the entire year in both FL and NY. I am 67 and my wife is 61. Thank you.""
Will car insurance pay for the following:?
I caused a damage to my car the other day by trying to pass between a truck parked in one lane of the road and the rest of the road. In another words there was some road works going on and only very tiny space for cars to pass. When trying to get through very slowly, I got stucked and when trying to reverse I broke my front bumper and done some other small cosmetic damages to the side of the vehicle. I am fully insured, my insurance is going to expire in about 2 months and I never made a claim before. I have bad experience with insurance companies in general and now am not sure how to follow and make insurance company to pay for the damages. There are some other damages done to the vehicle, for instance, a small stone from vehicle driving in front of me hit my windscreen and caused a small crack. I have no idea how to follow up and make the ins.company to pay. I am fed up with all travel, health and other insurance companies that just make excuses and never pay.""
Does adding a driver/family member bring drive up car insurance premium?
I want let my parents drive my car once in a while, do i need to add them as additional drivers or are they covered under my existing bare minimum insurance coverage.""
Can you have more than one car insurance policy?
Okay, imagine the situation. Mum's got a car (A), but it's too expensive to run. Son has just bought a car (B) but doesn't want to drive it much until next year. Mum's already got an insurance policy on Car A, she wishes to take out an insurance policy for Car B with another company, but still keep her insurance policy on Car A with her old insurer. So Car A - Insurance Policy A - Mum driver. Car B - Insurance Policy B - Mum driver, Son named. Many thanks.""
""Which is better, Term Insurance or Whole Life Insurance?""
Say you're newly married and the wife is pregnant. You have just bought a home and have a large mortgage. Which kind of insurance is best for a family, Term Insurance or Whole Life Insurance?""
Can you have Medicaid and insurance?
I live in Nebraska and I am pregnant. My husband does have insurance with his employer, but it has a super high deductible. I think we would be eligible for Medicaid based on income. Can I have both insurance and Medicaid?""
How much would it cost for a 2.5 nissan skyline to run? (Like insurance wise for a 17 year old?
How much would it cost for a 2.5 nissan skyline to run? (Like insurance wise for a 17 year old?
Affordable Health Insurance?
I was in a pedestrian accident earlier this year. The case has since been settled and I was awarded $25,000. That was the maximum insurance the driver had, after lawyer fees, etc., etc., I didn't end up with much. I am unable to work and have no health insurance. My back is still scarred. Everyday, all the time it aches. I stopped treating with the chiropractor because he was making me feel worst the entire 2 months I treated. I need prescriptions and medical attention period! I have about $4,000 left, but I am unemployed and do not want to continuously dip into my savings. Since my lawyer has been paid, I seem to be of least concern.""
2008 Harley Low Rider insurance?
Hey I am 17. I just got a Harley Low Rider (1584cc) and gave been riding it with out insurance for the past month and I was wondering how much would the insurance cost for it.
Car Insurance increased? what to do next?
My car insurance company had increase my insurance by 2 folds (103%) increase. I contacted the company, enquired about this increase. But they said they cant do anything about it, If I want I can raise this with the customer service chief and chief executive. I wrote them a letter stating it was ridiculous amount of money, they asking me to pay. Also clearly brought to their notice, that I have a clean history, no claim, paid insurance on time, no accidents, and I have no claim discount of 7 years in total. The companies chief executive has replied me in a letter stating, unfortunately, the post code where is stay is subjected to recent increase and personal injury claims from post code area has gone up. So nothing he could do. But I replied him saying, I lived in the same place for more than 5 years. But still no good. Regards to this, I email Watch Dog, explaining the same a month ago. Still no reply or correspondence from them. Now I am stuck, I do not what to do. Honestly, I only brought this care for 500 in very good condition and it is still the same. But my insurance is more twice the value of my car. Please somebody tell , what can I do next. This is really ridiculous amount and unacceptable whatsoever. Thanks in advance.""
Insurance for a car?
how much would car insurance for a 99 s10 blazer when im 18 and not have full coverage and also have a car crash ? and one ticket for rolling stop its going to be most likely to be over 500 dollar a month right ? and a male
How much does Ensure cost?
I'm striving to gain weight and I was wondering how much Ensure costs? I'm thinking Ensure Plus in packs or as a single purchase. Please name stores that sell it too. Thank you!
Piaggio ape 50cc Insurace Please HELP?
Okay I'm 17 and looking at getting a Piaggio ape 50cc to drive around i live in a town in the uk, I have looked for a number plate to get a example of cost on insurance as if its loads I wont be able to get it! I'm pretty sure I don't need full licence to drive just CBT as I don't have full licence!""
Does your car insurance on old car cover your new car for 30 days?
i just got a new car. i traded it for a new one. i live in illinois and i am insured with geico. On my way home that night i got the car i got pulled over and got a ticket for not having insurance on that vehicle.i tried telling the cop my situation but that still didn't matter to him. So he gave me a $500 ticket. i was told when you get a new car your old insurance will cover you for 30 days. i called Geico numerous of times and they wont help me. Is there anyway to get out of this ticket? is there an illinois law that states something about this?
Can i get a ticket for no insurance?
Can i borrow my moms car. I have a valid drivers license and her car is insured under her name i'm not on the policy. Can i get a ticket for no insurance if im not on her policy?
How many cars can you put and take off of your insurance policy in one month? One year?
How many cars can you put and take off of your insurance policy in one month? One year?
How much will my insurance cost?
Im 18 and wanting to move out this august for college. The apartments im looking to rent is on average about 500 a month for me and im trying to figure out how much a month its going to cost me to live on my own. I have a 2002 Chevy trailblazer which is completely paid off. I dont know what insurrance company my parents have right now but i know for sure its not geico or progressive. I think its like blue shields or something or other. Any help is areciated! Thanks in advance!
""Insurance paid out too much, Am I obliged to give it back?""
After a solicitors firm managed to draw out a car insurance claim for 18 months I finally settled 50/50 on the incident, instead of refunding me 50% (400) of my excess the solicitors paid me 100% (800). I verbally informed them of the error before they issued the cheque and they still proceeded, now they have noticed the error they are asking for me to return the money. Am I legally obliged to do so and how far are they likely to pursue this if I do not?""
How much insurance is on a 2002 mustang gt on a 55 year old male?
How much insurance is on a 2002 mustang gt on a 55 year old male?
How much does insurance cost for a new 16 year old female driver?
I would like to know how much insurance costs for a new 16 year old female driver. My parents have the insurance company USAA, so if I could get some information on the likely costs of this, that would be great. Thank you!""
Where did the myth that the color of your car is an insurance factor come from?
Where did that come from I hear lots of people saying that. That would be a sad day if the inusuance companies had that much say into how my car should look.
Is it illegal to drive car if you personally don't have car insurance?
Let's say a teenager doesn't have car insurance and he has his license. His car is registered in his parents name and the teenager isn't under the family car insurance. The teen drives his car and gets wrecked in a accident. Now will he be protected because the car is under his parent's insurance and they let him use the vehicle?
18 year-old female in Florida (Manatee/Sarasota area) looking for car insurance.?
I am looking for inexpensive car insurance for a 2007 Scion tC. I have had no tickets nor accidents in the two years that I have had my license. Oh and I will be 19 in two months. Any help will be appreciated.
A question about Group Medical Insurance and Life Insurance?
ok my friend will be working @ braums as a full-time .. and she told me that she will get life and medical insurance without even paying for them.. is that true? so lets say she cut her hand and now she need to have a surgery does that really mean that she will get surgery for free? and whats the difference between Group Medical Insurance and Life Insurance? and if she is not right that can u tell me how does it work? here is the link read the benefits @ the top of the page
How much will motorcycle insurance cost for me?
I'm 18, i live in austin, texas, and i plan on getting a kawasaki ninja 250 for my first bike""
Where is a cheap, affordable place to get my wisdom teeth removed in the Chicago area?
I have no insurance and my jaw is very painful!! Does anyone know of a place that is affordable? Thanks in advance! !
I want to file a complaint about two health insurances.?
I went on the Internet to try to get health insurance, this company called alliance for affordable service called me and told me that my percriptions would only cost in the neigbor hood of $10- to &50 dollars. I spoke to my Dr. and he told me that there was none of my medicines that he could change to the lower prices. I contacked the company and told them what the Dr. told me. I asked for my money back, they told me to send a letter, which I did. They sent me one back aqnd told me that they would not give me my money back. I dropped the insurance. I contacked another insurance on the internet. They called me. I sepicifity asked if they covered preexisting conditions and he asked did I mean, I told he that the Dr. wanted to do surgery on me left foot. He told me that it would cover any preexisting preplanned surgeries. The Dr. office called them and they told her that they would not cover any suegery inpatient or out. This company was Sure Care.""
The average price of car insurance for VA drivers?
I'm planning on getting my license very soon. I've been planning ahead by saving up car money and figuring out what type of car I want. However, my dad often mentions how insurance is gonna bite you in the ***. so I would like to know what the average price of car insurance is for young or new Virginia drivers. please and thank you. (I've heard rumors that sometimes it helps if you have a beige or gray car. true?)""
Is there some kind of insurance I can buy for my pit bull while renting a home/apt?
I'm not looking for housing, but I know how difficult it is to get while owning a dog over 25 lbs and a pit bull mix to boot! Is there a type of insurance that I can get that will over-ride or cover whatever it is in the commerical insurance that makes people reject me for my dog breed? I have read somewhere there might be, but I don't know what it is and what was the experience with using it? I'm wondering if it's something I should get now and have a history of having or just get when I need it.""
Job offer buyout insurance?
I just got a job offer for 40,000 with 75% benefits paid. Ill be living at home with my parents and im covered under their health insurance until im 26. Can I ask them to not pay for insurance and give me a higher salary instead? Has anyone heard of this happening? Thanks""
Is there such a thing as mental heath insurance or at least a carrier that is better than others...?
i'm self employed and considering blue cross/shield and kaiser but can't really find a cost difference between them. i'm in california, physically very healthy but feeling the need for therapy, but can hardly afford it. i have no health insurance at all so a plan that covered everything, but was especially generous on mental health would be great.""
Does my car has to have insurance or do I have to have a new insurance for myself in order to drive in NJ?
I'm a bit confused about this issue. I have a permit and I want to do a road test in order to obtain the provisional driver license. The thing is that I heard a lot from people about insurance and now I'm that confused that I don't know what to do. Do I need to have insurance? or does my car need insurance? Can I be under my parents insurance? Would that be cheaper? Could you guys help me figure this out? All I want is to drive legally without any problems, and don't waste money. Could you give me some sources also? Thx ahead""
How can we make health care insurance work like car insurance?
Everyone is familiar with how car insurance works. Its available to all. Its pretty cheap. They can't drop you from coverage even if you are a drunk driver. Once you have a accident they dont raise you rates too much. Why can't health care be more like Geico (insurance) and your local car repair man (doctor) and the DMV (government help)?
What happens after you settle with your insurance company?
My car was stolen Monday morning on July 15 around 3am to 5 am in Richmond CA the car was park right by my parking lot my question is what happend after I settle a payment with my car Insurance and The police find my car after I settle with my insurance?
Health insurance in NY? Minor children & jobs that don't offer healthcare?
My friend has twins that are 17 & they are having a hard time finding affordable health insurance like many people, she works 2 jobs that total around 2,300 a month & her husband makes around 3,000.. None of the jobs offer healthcare to the kids, they tried a insurance called Hudson health but ended up being told it would be about $600 a month which they can't pay, does anyone know any insurance that works with you, or that is more affordable? Any help is much appreciated :) thank you""
Insurance on Rx-8 for a 29yr old male?
I'm almost 29 and I'm thinking of buying a Mazda Rx-8, the 230bhp version. I've got 2 yrs no claims and was wondering if anyone of similar age has one and if they could give me an idea of what the insurance would cost in Ireland??""
Cheap subaru impreza insurance?
has anyone got a scooby? any recommended insurance companies? just brought my first one. a 1993 WRX import. im 29 with 11 years no claims. best i can find is with the AA for 664 with 450 excess. are there any places that specialize in imports that could beat that? cheers!!
Will the insurance give me another car?
someone backed into my car bumper resulting in a fairly unnoticeable damage,I started a claim, if the insurance company send me to a bodyshop to for the repair will they give me another car till my car is fixed???""
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
I'd like a bigger bike but what will the insurance cost me?
I'm looking to trade in my 125cc for a bigger bike, most likely a 600cc, but I'm wondering what the insurance will be considering I have 3 points on my license for speeding. I'm looking to get it for my 18th, and it will be restricted to 33bhp. Can anyone give me a ballpark figure of what the insurance will be? And what bike should I get?""
Help finding a car insurance quote?
I'm doing a project for my economics class where I have to pretend to be a 22 year old living on my own and make a monthly budget for myself. I have to find a car insurance and health insurance quote, but everywhere I search asks for personal information and has to search through my records and credit to give me the right quote. I'm only 17 so they wouldn't find anything on me. I need it for a 22 year old making 27,000 a year. Please help me! 10 points to the best answer :)""
How long on workers comp can you keep you health insurance from your work?
i mean like for things not related to my work injury? how long do they have to keep my job for me?
""Getting my first car,without license or insurance?""
Hi i live in California and im getting alot of money to get my first car withing a 90 mile radius,the problem is that i have no DL or insurance.My question is what happens if i get stopped?Im only going to be driving it to my house and thats it until i get my license.Im also buy it off a person not a dealer.""
""I need cheap car insurance, I'm in college?""
I'm 19, a college kid and need car insurance. I now it's going to be crazy high, but if anyone has any insight or tips to make it cheaper, it would me much appreciated.""
Must you have insurance if you are a driver in the state of Nevada?
I'm a driver in California, under the age of 21. I don't have a car that I own nor am I put on the other cars that my parents own and don't wish to be on them. If I am not planning on driving any time, do I still need to have insurance because I have a driver's license? If you have an answer, I would appreciate a link as well to look on.""
How much is home insurance per year in South Florida ?
Were purchasing a home around 300,000 how much is insurance yearly ? Anyone pay around this much ?""
Average motorcycle insurance for a young married couple?
my fiance and i are thinking about getting a motorcycle in about a year. how much would insurance cost for an average bike? we will be 20.
Help looking for health insurance for college student in California?
I'm a 20 year old living in California and I'm trying to get health insurance. My previous one in PCIP is dissolved and I'm trying to get enrolled into Covered California, but I got locked out and can't reach anyone there due to high call volumes. I'm looking for an alternative but I have no idea where else to search. I'm looking into Kaiser, Blue Cross etc. but I'm not sure what to do.. Can someone please help me?""
Will my car insurance go up?
I just got a speeding ticket for going 14mph over. I pay my car insurance on a 6 month cycles and I just paid for the next 6 months at the beginning of the month. Is there any way the insurance companycan charge me more for the current 6 months or will my insurance not go up until my next 6 months bill? Thanks!
Insurance esitmate for 2 door vauxhall corsa?
Im 17, and im planning to get a vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance prices please?""
Should i keep car insurance?
Car lot required full coverage car insurance to drive car off the lot. I just want the bare minimum can i switch to just liability? Or do i have to keep it?
Where is a cheap, affordable place to get my wisdom teeth removed in the Chicago area?
I have no insurance and my jaw is very painful!! Does anyone know of a place that is affordable? Thanks in advance! !
0 notes
nancy greene quote selectio insurance
"nancy greene quote selectio insurance
nancy greene quote selectio insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does a finance company provide car insurance aswell?
Im being financed for aa.car and.just wondering if the.finance company provides car insurance aswell .the car is.used and.has no warranty.
About how much will insurance increase if you lightly rear end a car but you just got your license at 16?
Someone i know has Geico insurance and turned sixteen in August. He got his license a few months ago and really lightly rear ended a car today. I mean you cant even tell its hit unless you analyze the back. So about how much do you think the insurance will go up?
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Car insurance question?
i recently quit my job and was woundering if it is possible to cancel my car insurance and get it back when i get another job and btw i got state farm
What is a good company to get affordable E&O insurance?
What is a good company to get affordable E&O insurance?
Medical Cancer insurance?
my brother had cancer in the past. can he be covered by anyone now?? If he can what medical insurance?
Can a sprinter Van/Cargo Van converted qualify for RV insurance?
My understanding is that RV motorhome insurance is cheaper than that of a car. What if i own a sprinter van and i convert it into a motorhome, can it qualify for RV insurance? I have zero knowledge in this stuff so bear with me.""
""How do I get quotes on things such as insurance, utility cost, and building remodling?""
how do I get quotes on things such as insurance, utility cost, and building remodling when I'm writing a business plan? We finally have found a great location for a bar and grill we have wanted to open and a business plan requires a lot of estimating costs and I want to find the most accurate figures so that I can set myself up for success.""
How do you compare insurance for Yamaha R6 and Ninja 300?
I just want general idea of motorcycle insurance cost between these two bikes.
What is the cheapest Auto insurance I can get?
I'm 23, just got my license, i have a Honda civic year 2002, I live in Illinois.""
""How much does it really cost to have a car,do you know where the info is ?""
I know there is like a true cost of owning a car and it includes the wear and tear, depreciation, gas, tune ups, keep up, insurance, car payments etc. Anyone know where to get that info please ? thaks""
Question about car insurance ?!?!?!?
Ok so i am 17 and male so car insurance is tricky. i have a 1.3 toyota corolla,provisional licence, no driving experience. Most quotes are 4,000 at the cheapest. I cant afford this. Does anyone know how to get this cheaper. Is it possible to get insurance for around 2,000 ? My only option is to go as a named driver under my parents policy and have the car registered to them. Preferrably i want my own policy though. Any suggestions appreciated thanks :)""
Do car insurance rate drop when one turns 25?
If so, how much? I'll be 25 in 3 weeks.""
Insurance For a 1968 Ford Falcon?
Can anyone give me a serious quote of what the insurance would be for 16 year old driver on a 1968 Ford Falcon. Also what would be the quote for a 48 year old driver in Northeastern, Ohio.""
How can I change my insurance plan in Covered California?
I enrolled in Covered California last December. I just realized that I am not happy with my Kaiser plan. How can I upgrade it? I tried to call but I waited on hold for more than an hour and when I was finally able to speak with a representative, she hung up on me. I plan to stay with Covered California but I want to change/upgrade my plan without being kicked out of the system. I am worried because it is only 4 days to the end of open enrollment.""
Why is it a requirement to have a car insurance in the UK?
i have just passed my driving test last week. i already have ford fiesta (its so loud). why would i want to insure my car against what. what is car insurance about? what/where is the cheapest company to go and why? what are the benefits of car insurance?
Which is a reputable life insurance company to get whole life insurance without a physical exam.?
Can you name a few companies where I can take out a life insurance policy against myself, my husband without take a lenthly physical exam.""
Car Insurance... How much is it really?!?
I am planning on getting a car this summer after school and i am 16.... My parents want to lease a car for me from Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep since we get a discount. I really want the dodge SRT-4 but i think it will be too much insurance at this point in my life... can someone tell me roughly how much it would be??? thx!
How much will car insurance pay for my accident?
I live in Logan, Utah and I was stopped at a red light when a car rear ended me going about 35 to 40 mph. I got whiplash and my neck, back and shoulder's have been hurting since. I also have headache's. The insurance company that will be paying for my injuries is allstate and they said they won't pay for excessive bills. How can I tell which bills they will count as reasonable and which bills aren't. I don't want to end up paying for anything, but I need to go see someone. Will they pay for chiropractors? massages? going to the doctor? I just don't know. I am also wondering how much money they will pay me once I settle. I'm not able to go to work because I'm a hairstylist and I can't hold my arm's up very long. I already tried to go to work, but I just couldn't do it so i came home early. Please Help! This is my first accident and I don't know what to do""
How do you find an insurance quote for a car you may get?
I am looking to trade my Car, which is just a Sedan for what would be considered as a sports car. The car is older, but I'm certain the price will go up because of the fact of it being a sports car, I can't find anywhere that will give me a quote on what to expect insurance price wise if I were to complete the trade. Does anyone know of a place to find this out? I am trading a 2003 Ford Taurus SES for a 1997 Mitsubishi Spyder Eclipse GST Convertible""
Car insurance + 3 points?
heya ok to cut a long story short i got pulled ove by the police the other weekr and i had a really worn out tire on my car.. i got 3 points for it and now 2 weeks later it my insurance renewal i know i have to tell them about the points and thats fine but this is where it gets slightly interesting, my renewal with no points would cost 790 for the year but if i tell them about the points i think it goes up to 1100 so i looked about online i added the points in the quotes and everywere is about 1300 so i was messing about with the insurance options and i changed the price of my car value from 400 to 3000 and i got a quote for 770 i couldnt believe it so i checked over all the details and they are all correct apart from the value of my car so my question is... does it really matter that i put 3000 as the value?""
Will my insurance be through the roof?
I am 16 years of age, and I own a '85 2.8L V6 Fiero GT. It's of course 2 door and a sports car. I have the title and plates all ready in my name. I was wondering before I go to get insurance Monday, do you guys think it will be expensive for me? My mother is adding me as a second driver and sadly I am not carrying a B average for that discount. I tried getting some quotes from Progressive it was 650 and Nationwide it was 800, and my mother uses Nationwide. I am not sure if I did the quote correctly though because it shouldnt be that much! Please any helpful idea's or thoughts! Thanks.""
Is medicare considered good health insurance?
how good is medicare compared to an average health insurance plan?
Car insurance help in NC?
If your insurance is canceled will I have to pay to get the tag legal again,if so how much.Thanks in advance :)""
Car insurance question?
my car broke down so i took it off my insurance policy, i joined my brothers policy as Just a driver because in the state of ky every licensed driver has to be insured, not to mention my insurance is very high on my own policy. if i were to fix my car, would i have to put it on the policy as well? or can i just drive it? i only have liability so its not like my car is covered in the event of an accident anyway.""
nancy greene quote selectio insurance
nancy greene quote selectio insurance
Is there cheap health insurance for students?
If so does anyone know? or have it? best insurance?
How do I get car insurance in Massachussets?
Progressive, GEIKO, and more don't serve MA. WHY? I can't find anyone who serves MA. Which car insurance is the cheapest and how do I get it. Thanks.""
""If you already have insurance on vehicles, does it cost to add another?""
I already have insurance through my parents and I'm thinking about buying a car for myself (I'm 19 and in college, I have a job) Does it cost more to add another car onto their insurance policy?""
Insurance for learner drivers?
I am going to put on the insurance of my Granny's brand new Kia Picanto next month to practise driving as well as having lessons. My grandparents, parents & me are going to be insured and I just wanted to know what the cheapest insurance company for learner driver's were. I have already used comparethemarket.com but some were very expensive. Are there any cheap insurance companies for learner drivers? I am aged 17""
What is the cheapest/best car insurance and car for a newly licensed driver in MA?
What would be the best and cheapest type of car and car insurance to get for someone who just received their license?
Should i get 20 year term or a 30 year term life insurance?
My husband and I currently have a 20 year term life insurance policy. We are switching companies because we were paying too much at State Farm. I'm 30 and he is 33 and we are both in very good health. We have a 9 month old baby boy and our policies are for $500,000 each. The rate I'm getting is $45 for both of us for the 20 year term and $70 for both of us for the 30 year term. Which one should I go with?""
How good is your health care insurance?
Are your premiums are too high, coverage too low, or you simply cannot afford healthcare insurance and have no coverage at all.. Do your elected officials have healthcare insurance? Of course they do. After all you voted for them to not only get more paid vacation days per year, work less days; not have worries about homelessness, hunger, gas prices, food prices, unemployment or unemployment wages, bancruptcy, gas prices, welfare, retirement or health care insurance. In short you have voted in favor of them living better than you. Why should you be left out? Here is a start towards a solutuion. Now you too can be on your way to better healthcare coverage. Let's get America rolling again. - Lee Iacocca After all a goverment can only be as healthy as its citizens. http://www.michaelmoore.com/sicko/what-can-i-do/health-card/ I hope this helps.""
Can i report my hmo insurance to someone?
they keep giving me the run around saying my meds are covered for the next quarter then denying them every month. Is there something like the BBB to report them to?
""What is the cheapest automatic car, for a new driver?
also cheap for insurance
""If I fill in a online Auto Insurance quote ,give them information like my SS# am I at risk for Idenity Theft?""
If I fill in a online Auto Insurance quote ,give them information like my Social Security number and the rest of my personal information that I am I asked for online am I putting myself at risk for Identity Theft?""
""Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
Insurance Company sent me 2 checks?
So I recently got rear ended and the other party was at fault. I went to the appraiser that the all state agent had directed me to and had my car appraised. When I got my car appraised the appraiser wrote me a check then and there for the damages . Today I got a phone call from the insurance agent asking if my mailing address was correct and that they were going to mail me out a check for the damages that their appraiser had estimated. She never asked me once if I had already received a check for the damages.The appraiser made some kind of contact with allstate but I guess he never stated that he already had written me a check. Is it a crime if I cash both checks?
Whats the different between Car Insurance and Breakdown Cover?
Thought It should be normally include in the Car Insurance.
Cheap car insurance for young adult?
Im 18 years old, live in southern california(L.A), and want to get car insurance for my 4 door, 1992 honda accord. I have no points on my license, but i do have **ACCIDENT** on my driving record. Is there any place that would be ideal for me to get insurance at. Im looking for cost effective places. Also do places still give discounts for students with good grades. Im a full time college student with a 4.0...""
Does cheap health insurance exist?
I relocated because my wife found a better job but problem is I don't have insurance now my current job doesn't offer it and I can't jump on hers for like a year. Is there such a thing as affordable insurance as in under $150 a month for basic doctor visit co-pays and rx?
Insurance and financial help?
Here's the deal, I broke something that wasn't mine (on a trip) and was given a bill. I paid for it with my saving account. Why would my parents need a copy of the bill for our insurance co.""
Car insurance question?
Okay, I'm 18 and I've been driving for over a year now. I was wondering if my car insurance payments will decrease because I've been a good driver. I currently pay $275 a month for my mother and I. Anyone know if my payments will decrease and if so by about how much? Oh yeah, I live in southern California if that means anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
Car Insurance.. leaving state?
i believe in my state that i do not need insurance on my car if it is registered... but it does not matter because i will not be driving it for at least 5 months, i am going out of state. the insurance agent is telling i would best off switching my liability from $160/month to comprehensive $50 a month... i don't want to pay that much just so my car can sit in my backyard, when i know nothing will happen... but she said if i cancel it will look bad, but did not say that my insurance would rise due to the fact that i cancelled an insurance policy before.... does anyone understand? i need some advice please...""
What a rough estimate of what it would cost me to insure a fifth-wheel?
I'm going to be in it full-time. It's 36 feet, purchase price: $32K (it's a 2001 model). Anyone have *any* idea? How many people insure their fifthwheels? I'm going to have a truck (buying a 2002 that's going to need insurance as well. Argh. Trying to figure out what I can afford, with regard to trailer and truck (and park fees etc...) Thanks so much!""
How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.?
How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.?
First time insurance on following cars?
im 17 and looking for my first car at the moment as i just passed recently. ive looked at a few but when i do insurance quotes on the net i get some crazy quotes like 5000 for a 2004 fiat punto 1.2. i no insurance is expensive for first timers and being a male, and 17, its even more. however all my frineds who have cars pay way less, eg my friend also 17 and first car has a 1.6L vw polo 1998 and he pays only 1,500 also another has a 2004 punto 1.2 and pays 1,700. another has corsa 2005 1.4 and pays about 2000 all above are fully comp and with them as first and only driver on policy. who is the best company for my age and experience group. also whatinsurance prices can i expecct for following cars, if you know or have one etc.. live in a good, low crime area and it will be garaged at night so insurance should be lower with this. corsa polo punto clio 206 fiesta all from about 2000- 2005 plates thanks""
What are some discounts that many auto insurance companies offer that might help save some money?
10pts to best answer. Question about auto insurance policies? I just earned my drivers liscence. My father is dreading the cost of adding another driver to the family auto insurance policy. What are some discounts that many insurance companies offer that might help save my dad some money when the premium is due?
How much is home insurance per year in South Florida ?
Were purchasing a home around 300,000 how much is insurance yearly ? Anyone pay around this much ?""
Can any help question bout car insurance?
just bought i fiat punt car today trying to find insurance and getting stupid quotes im 48 years old not some boy ra acer any body got any idea who i could try please leave there name and phone number if possible ...thank you
nancy greene quote selectio insurance
nancy greene quote selectio insurance
What is an affordable health insurance that I can apply for in Southern California?
An affordable one. I can't seem to find one. I was layed off my job but my cobra will be too expensive is there anything else out there. I tried kaiser but its like 220 a month for just me.
Why is car insurance mandatory but human insurance isn't?
Why is car insurance mandatory but human insurance isn't?
I was wondering if Doctors pay for health insurance?
Since they are doctors, do they need insurance?""
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada?
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada?
Does anyone know cheap car insurance websites for a 22 year old driver?
hi i am a 22 year old driver and i live in london does anyone know any cheap car insurance web sites?
What is an individual health insurance?
What is an individual health insurance?
Where is a good source of life insurance sales leads.?
I am a new life agent and I am trying to get started in the insurance industry. I am looking for more sources of leads other than my family, friends or the local chamber I've joined. Does anyone have any ideas??""
How much would car/motorbike insurance cost me?
My parents decided to move out somewhere where I have no tube connection and need to take stupid bus or train everywhere and it would take me ages to see my boyfriend which would live then like just 25 minutes away from me but 1h 10minutes by public transport. So here is my question, I'm only 18 and I want to know how much would car insurance cost me, if it's a lot then I was thinking about getting scooter or motorbike but I'm sure those need insurance too so how much would that be too ??""
What is the cheapest van insurance for a 18 year old with no previous insurance with a full lience?
What is the cheapest van insurance for a 18 year old with no previous insurance with a full lience?
Car insurance rental after an accident?
My car was totaled in an accident in which I was found zero percent at fault. An offer was made for the value of my car and the adjustor said they would end the payment of my car rental three days from the offer despite me not accepting the offer yet. I've had the rental for 2 weeks. Is that a good amount of time. My policy says a max of 30 days which would be about 4 weeks. Note: AAA Souther California Insurance
Where can I find test on life insurance?
I'm thinking of selling life insurance where can I find the best materail for a study guide?
Phoenix Auto Insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Phoenix? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
How much is the average insurance on a mustang v6 for a 16 year old?
How much is the average insurance on a mustang v6 for a 16 year old?
Getting Health Insurance?
I am a 38 yr old female and I have a 45 yr old male signifigant other.I need to know how to get health insurance without having to provide income tax return.We both make under 20,000 a year and my job does not have health insurance and my partner is self employed.Is there a way to get health insurance like getting car insurance by just paying a mothly premium.We need health insurance badly because my partner has asthma.""
""If my stepdaughter causes a car accident, can the injured come back on my car insurance policy to pay?""
my stepdaughter caused a accident and her insurance had to pay its limits but the injuries to the person was more than her policy would cover, can the injured come back on my car policy under resident relative claus? She lives with me and I have her on my health insurance but not my car insurance, even though she occ. drives my car.""
Which camera insurance?
Ive recently aquired a Nikon D90 camera with an 18-105 VR lens however i want to get specialist camera insurance in the case of an incident. I have looked at photoguard however the reviews have put me off for life! I am now looking at 'Glover and Howe' amateur photography insurance which will insure my kit against accidental damage, accidental loss and theft for just 28 a year! has anyone had any experience with 'Glover and Howe' or can recommend any cheap but good camera insurers? Cheers for any help :)""
Why is State Farm online auto insurance quote differs from a State Farm's agent quote in Honolulu?
I went to a State Farm office today to get an auto insurance quote, and to my surprise, the quoted price is more than double the price that I got online at State Farm's website. ...show more""
Changing address on car insurance?
hi my new car insurance is due tomorrow and i will be using the following websites to get quotes and pay: go compare money supermarket confused.com now i needed to know if i can add a different address for the documents to be sent to, so basically i will pay for it at my address but how can i send the documents over to my other address?? (i think this is known as correspondent address) thanks for any help.""
What insurance company will give me the cheapest full coverage policy on a sportbike?
I'm 23, I have one year of riding experience, and i have no traffic convictions. I'm looking to go no higher than a 600. I live in an apartment, and I will have a lojack installed. I can't seem to find a policy for less than 3,000 bucks a year.""
""I am looking for affordable health insurance for myself, age 47 female who smokes.?""
I am looking for affordable health insurance for myself, age 47 female who smokes.?""
16 year old male car insurance?
Im going to be 16 soon, and my uncle said that I could use his 1968 Corvette. However, I found out about the insurance. My friend said it would be several thousand dollars a month, and I don't believe him. So, what would be the cost of my car insurance(an estimate)? Thank you for your time!""
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
I am about to get my motorcycle permit in Pennsylvania and I was wondering if I needed to get insured to ride with just a permit.
Modified Car Insurance?
I'm looking for Auto insurance for my modified muscle car, but many places that claim they insure modified cars are turning me down. The car is fast, but will only be driven up to 2000 miles/year. I will not be taking it to race at the track, just driving it to events and family functions. The car's engine has been stroked, has apx. 700 horsepower, an 8pt roll cage, but has maintained most of its originality. The car is not cut up. I'm specifically looking for answers from individuals who have or have had a modified/highly modified muscle car insured. What company would you recommend and what costs should I expect to pay? Lastly, Hagarty has already turned me down... Thanks in advance.""
What does financial interest mean on certificate of currency on car insurance?
I'm using my car as security on a personal loan for my pilot training. The finance company have asked for a certificate of currency on my insurance policy. I can get one from the ...show more
Car Insurance rate increased when I moved????
I recently moved WITHIN the same county and my car insurance rates increased because of the move. Should it increase even though I am in the same county???? It's seriously like 5 miles from my old house....
nancy greene quote selectio insurance
nancy greene quote selectio insurance
Insurance cost for an 87 Fiero?
I'm considering purchasing an 87 Fiero and I am wondering roughly what insurance costs are like with these cars? Is it high or low? Considering the body panels are made of plastic I would think it's not too expensive to replace.
Whay is insurance? why is it necessary? types of insurance?
i need more about insurance. what is assurance?principles of insurance?
Where Can I get Cheap Car Insurance?
I am currently a full time student and I am trying to find Car insurance that won't cost me an arm and a leg. The cheapest quote i have gotten is 2052 (full license) yet im certain i could get it cheaper... I am looking to get a Citroen Saxo, 3 door, as they are meant to be a good first car and cheaper insurance, yet i don't call that cheap! Direct line has put their prices for young drivers up to a minimum of 3000 and the car is only worth 850! I will be the main driver of the car, if not the only driver and as my parents have polices with companies that won't put me on as a named driver I'm screwed. Im 17 year old boy and can't really afford to pay that much.... Anyone know where i can get a reasonable quote from. I expect it to be high but that much - wow Best quote came from Quinn direct""
Can insurance companies access your bank account?
My freind got in a car accident and now he is being sued. He has small investments in mutual funds. Can the other oarty insurance company access his bank accounts and investment and find out exactly how much money he is worth? Other than that he doesn't own a house and doesnt have a car or any other type of assets. He is currently not working right now.
When will the U.S. government stop the gender discrimination on Car insurance?
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/02/business/global/02insure.html The court of justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that from December 2012, insurers will be prevented from charging different premiums on the basis of an insured person's gender. When will america pass a similar law. Not everyone is the same. Girl drivers are the worst, how on earth could their insurance be lower than ours when half the time they are in the car they are laughing so hard into their cellphone that they can't see anything but the roof of their cars. Mix a bunch of girls in one car and it gets even worse. And don't try to say it's because of statistics, obviously since there are more male drivers than female drivers there are going to be more crashes and etc.""
Volvo Insurance ...... ?
I am a 16 year old male and I am looking at the 2010 Volvo C70 for my first car. I was wondering is the insurance really expensive on those ? About how much would my insurance be a year if I get that car ?
How much would Insurance be to lease a 2006 Dodge Charger R/T. I want to lease a car under my cousins name. ?
My cousin has great credit and she is 23. Would the insurance price differ alot between a 2006 & 2008 model? An estimate would be fine.
I want to put my niece on my car insurance?
i drive a 2001 puegoet 206 and want to include my 17 year old niece on the policy.she has a provisional licience.does anyone know what this will cost approximately
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?
I know it all depends, but I'm talking on average, I live in the Manchester area and I've heard it depends on your area aswell?""
Should car insurance be made mandatory?
I use public transportation or a bicycle to get to places, and my refusal to purchase car insurance drives the price up for people who drive. This is unfair that I save money and you have to pay.""
How insurance affects life of people?
i need it for my project so plz give me brief inforamtion
Whats the cheapest Car insurance?
Im 19 about to turn 20. I have a drivers liscence but no car. i need the cheapest insurance that will allow me to legally drive any normal car. I live in long beach, ca.""
How much will insurance cost per year for a scooter/moped?
I am 17 and would like to know roughly how much insurance would be for a basic 125cc moped/scooter
Ahhhh! car insurance?!?
Hello, I am a 18 year old freshmen in college. My College is approximately 20 minutes away. Since I was very very busy with my studies, I was unable to get a car permit / Driver License. Now that I am at spring break, I am planning to take my permit test, and start driving, so I dont have to ask my father to drop me off at chosen locations. Right now, I am earning $11 an hour. I get about $320 every two weeks. Now I have heard from my friends that Since I am 18 years old and my parents will not pay for my insurance, It will cost me about $300 for insurance every month, $100 for gas, and about $500 for required checking for cars. As you know, for a check of $320 every 2 weeks, I will not be able to pay for my car insurance and gas. Now heres the question. What should I do? I mean, I really need a car and I need to think of a good strategy. so that I will be able to pay for my car insurance. If you know any great, cheap insurance deals for someone my age, that'll be fantastic. Thank you.""
How much would it cost to get auto insurance to drive a church van?
I want to drive the church van for my church but I don't have a vehicle. The church van is always over crowded on Wednesdays and they are looking for someone to drive one of their vans but the driver is responsible for the insurance. My big question is, how can I get insurance so I can drive their van without a vehicle under my name?""
Rover75 rear hit by a 4x4. Garage says not repairable what do I do? how much will the insurance pay?
The 4x4 damaged the rear end of my Rover 75, impossible to shut boot and lights not working. The garage and insurance now say it is not repairable. - but even after the accident, the car was driving perfectly. How much will the insurance company pay? Will they? Is there any way I can get the car fixed?""
Car insurance question?
I have my own car but the title insurance and registration isnt in my name its in my girlfriends step dad name so I could have really cheap insurance. And some girl hit the back of my car the other day but didnt make no police report because I knew her. So she just gave me her policy number agents name and phone number. But my main concern is that will my car be able to get fixed because im not on the insurance? My girlfriends step dad has plpd insurance and so does the girl that hit me and I live in michigan.
""I am 18 and can't find car insurance under 2000, does anyone know anywhere?
its insurance for a toyota yaris 2003 Y reg 3 door hatch back for an 18 year old boy with a 1 month old full uk lisence.
My car got hit from the back. they have no insurance. They want me to sign an agreement. should I sign?
My car got hit from the back in traffic during snow. She asked me if I can not calling the police and insurance company because the car and insurance is not under her name. Since mine is a SUV, I do not have much damage except the rear bumper and bumper bar. So I agreed and she will pay for my car's damage. I took all the necessary photos about the accidents on that day as backup. Couple days later, she recommended to fix my car and hers together at her's friends shop to get a lower price. I am fine with that too. On that day, I went with her. But she wants me to sign an agreement stating that This letter is intended as a follow-up to our agreement, in regards to the incident which occcurred on Tuesday December 10, 2013. We agreed to the following provisions: Lawrence and I agreed that the rear bumper will be repaired and there will be no further action and claim against me and my insurance now or in the future. After the repair is completed, a receipt will be issued and signed by both parties. I am not a lawyer, I just wonder will there be any catch on this? If I signed this and she claims that my car hit her instead and went through their own insurance. What is my protection?..""
""Compare car insurance with health insurance, car insurance is a law, health insurance isn't why?""
car insurance is a law right? and I know a lot of people that have a very difficult time paying car insurance since it's so high, but it seems like insurance companies are making a lot of money, NOW how can we compare that to health insurance if it became a law to have to have it. You would hope that health insurance would be more affordable since more people are putting money into the pot right, but I am afraid but it being a law, the rich (insurance companies will get richer) and raise the cost of health insurance since it's a law. Maybe our solution would be to have our government give us tax breaks on health insurance premiums and some how get more for our money with health insurance. It's sad that you have to spend $500.00 a month for health insurance but still have to pay office visits and wait 6 months for preexisting problems. Maybe the solution is to have better health insurance options, right? Isn't that what McCain wants?""
How can i find a good health insurance company?
I have health insurance right now and i just got a HUGE bill in the mail for what the health insurance did not cover. HELP are all insurance companies out to screw you!? I am sooo frustrated! I am a young person barely making ends meet
Which car insurance would be cheaper?
I know it's different for everyone but which would be cheaper (details about me would be exactly the same)? Getting my own 1L car and insuring it as the main driver or becoming a named driver on my mum's 1.4L car? Her being the main driver. I'm a 17 year old male on a full license. Thanks x
Motorcycle insurance ?
I'm 17 now im ganna be 18 in a year i i like 2 plan ahead i live in Florida and i want 2 get a 2008 ninja 250r and i want 2 know how much the average payment a month im running into so yea please and thank u
I have an old pickup truck but can't find a price to get an insurance quote.?
I'm working on a 1972 International model 1100 Eight pickup truck and can't seem to find a price for it in todays market. I've looked on every automotive web-site I can think of, but they have every make except International. I'm trying to get an insurance quote over the internet and I really need this. I paid $400 for the truck itself and about the same for new parts. The guy who owned this truck before me said it was originally a one ton pickup, but the bed was switched out with a three ton. I know I have to add the price of the new parts, but all I want is an approximate base price. I'll take any advice, web-site, or anything else relevant to my needs.""
Insurance? what will happen?
ii was diagnosed at 17 i am 19 currently getting medical cause of my parents income and my current diagnosis brain tumor i was wondering if i worked and made my own income would it be my own or family? i am cvred under family cvrage what would happen to the insurance i live in california would i have to purchase my own insurance are there companine who would do that? i will be able tto work i have a physical disability
nancy greene quote selectio insurance
nancy greene quote selectio insurance
0 notes
(UK) ideal first car for male 25 year old who comutes ALOT! !?
"(UK) ideal first car for male 25 year old who comutes ALOT! !?
Finally decided to get of my are and learn to drive next year, need a car that Is cheap to run (all aspects considered) but quite importantly,  a female isn't going to run a mile if I pull up in it!    I travel up and down the country every weekend  with a friend in a vauxhall astra hatchback, is that a decent enough car?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Looking to buy insurance?
I am a small business owner. My business right now is very small, but we are looking to expand quite soon. We are a livery cab service and looking to get insurance quotes. We are located in Queens and would prefer to deal with Queens Brokerages. Please help!""
Is my roommate in trouble for auto insurance fraud?
My roommate has been commiting auto insurance fraud for the past 7 years. She registered her car in Georgia even though she's been living, working, and driving in NYC for the past 7 years. Somehow the auto insurance company found out. In NY auto insurance rate fraud is I THINK a federal offence now. So I told my roommate that even though they can proove she's been living and working in NYC for the past few years they can't proove that her car has been here the whole time too. So she should be a-ok and not worry, right? Obviously they will make her start paying nyc rates, but since they can't make her pay for the past 7 years because proof of employment and living here doesn't proove she's been driving to work every day here too right?""
The cheapest car insurance?
Hey everyone!! I'm planning to get my first car, and i was wondering what is the cheapest possible car insurance in Utah and nationwide. thanks!!""
Home Ownwers insurance? Who is cheap?
What company that may not be well known can provide cheap home owners insurance? A link would be appreciated. This will be for the purchase of a existing home buy, which may close this week. Thanks in advance to all responders!""
Is Liberty National Life Insurance is a good company to work for?
Ok, like a few days ago i've scheduled an interview with National Life Insurance company and was really excited 'bout workin' there until today, but tomorrow (8/05/09) i have my interview...anyways, while i was making some more researches about the company so that i could present my questions to the interviewer (u know when he/she will ask me if i have any questions...) and then i stumbled upon some acclaimed Liberty National Life Insurance scams ...u know how people can be HORRIBLE on the internet. so anyways people (customers or employees, especially EX employees) were saying really bad stuff about the company. Like, LNL insurance doesn't pay people fairly, and that if you just wanna buy a pair of shoes to wear then it's a fitted company to work for, and all the bad things u could imagine...in fact, the ex employees were really crucial about the company. So now, i'm really nervous about working for them you know? I mean what if what those ppl are telling the truth and that i'm just heading toward god knows what?! What if i get the job and realize then that everything that was being said on the internet was true? What if they don't pay me fairly? or i don't know.... All of this has gotten me very frustrated...so if any of u guys can be any help with reliable sources, or just helpful suggestions would be more than great! Thankx and oh lol i didn't realized i wrote so much...sorry 'bout that though....""
Where can you find the best/cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
I am 17 years old and I hav recently jst passed my driving test. I was wondering where i can find the cheapest car insurance. Preferably, i would like to put myself as second driver of the car (under my dads name who is the main driver). But does any1 kno where i can find the cheapest car insurance for someone my age? Thanx in advance.""
How much would insurance be?
im getting a 1993 eclipse for my birthday and i have to pay for my own insurance, so how much are we looking at here for insurance? i just got my license and have a c/b average for my grades. we are going through farmers but when i went to the website it wouldnt work.""
Liberty Mutual Insurance please help!?
If you use Liberty Mutual for your car insurance, how much is the insurance for two people each under two cars? If not, generally speaking, how much is it for two people to be insured for two cars each? My fiancee and I both have clean records no tickets and in the age bracket of 22-24. Thanks!""
65 Life Insurance vs. Term Life Insurance?
My wife and I currently have 65 life insurance which we pay about $130 per month for the two of us. After listening to her friend Suze Orman she wants to get rid of the 65 life and get term life insurance. 1st question is what do you think is better and 2nd is how easy is it to settle your current life insurance to cash out and if you stay with the same company can you roll your current $value into the new term life? Thanks
Car insurance help????????????
no one will give me insurance, yes iv made mistakes, and my insurance rate is high and i dont mind tht its just that some of the companys iv checked wont give me insurance iv had 2 speeding tickets at 17 mph ea, and 2 accidents, any1 know any company that will give me insurance? i went 17 over. and no1 was hurt in the accidents. iv tried state farm, all state, and triple A""
Is a 2000/2001 BMW 323ci an expensive car to insure?
I know insurance costs depend on a number of factors, but, all that aside, does anyone know if this car is expensive to insure? (or any of the other higher up 3 series like the 330ci )""
Will I get dropped from my insurance?
i took a urine test with my doctor the other day. I asked what h was testing for and he said everything , so Im not sure what hes testing. He said he was gonna check for diabetes and what not. I was wondering, in the case he drug tests me can he tel my insurance? Can I get dropped from the insurance for this? I smoked weed about 5 weeks ago. I live in California amd hnet is my insurance. Thanks!""
What type of sports bike should I get for great MPG and low insurance?
My Lexus RX350 is eating up my gas money and I want a motorcycle to have some fun on while saving some gas. I am 5'7 and am a beginner taking a bike safety course that teaches me how to ride safely. I am looking for a bike that gives great MPG and something that will not cost me an arm and an leg for insurance. I'd also want something sporty and great on the HWY. I live in Southern California so there'll be lots of HWY driving and some streets. Thanks
How much should a car cost? Really.?
Just from some light browsing on the internet, it seems like they (the advertisers/car manufacturers) want us to believe that $30k is a reasonable median cost for a new car in the U.S. The price goes up disporportionately if they can call it a 'crossover' or the holy grail: SUV!!! $$$$$$$$ Assuming a person makes around $50k a year gross/ $30k a year net (is that a reasonable assumption for the U.S.?), and assuming the car will be worth close to $0 in 5 years, a $30k car works out to be around 20% of his or her income, not including gas repairs insurance et cetera. Is this reasonable? Is it sustainable? Are we heading for a 'correction' in auto pricing? or is the plan that we all just use financing tricks to perpetuate these exhorbitant prices?""
Is bike insurance cheaper then car insurance?
Is bike insurance cheaper then car insurance?
Is a 2000/2001 BMW 323ci an expensive car to insure?
I know insurance costs depend on a number of factors, but, all that aside, does anyone know if this car is expensive to insure? (or any of the other higher up 3 series like the 330ci )""
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
Fast cars low insurance group?
Im looking for a car with a budget of around 2000. It needs to be below insurance group 10 and the hitch is i would like the 0-60 time to be less than 9 seconds. Any help would be appreciated!
How much will my monthly payment and insurance be for a sports car?
im trying to figure out how much my car insurance will be. im 17, ive never owned a car, have no credit history and i want to buy a 1990 toyota supra which is a sports car. the car will probably cost $5000. i just really need to know how much i can expect to be paying a month with insurance and monthly payments""
Does Obama really believe his comparison between auto insurance and health insurance is legitimate?
Even W sees the holes in that argument. Is Obama trying to fool the least of us ?
Is it a good idea to get earthquake insurance?
I live in San Francisco, California and I wonder if it's worthwhile to buy earthquake insurance? DOes anyone has any experience what to consider, and why they made the decision they did?""
Classic car insurance for a 19 year old?
I'm 19 and have saved up enough to purchase a classic muscle car. Are there any classic car insurance companies that will insure me? I will only be driving the car about 200-300 miles a month so it will be well below 5000 miles a year. Also, I have only one accident on my record and that was when someone backed into my car in a parking lot. What rates could I expect from these companies?""
Getting car insurance under parents name (Ontario Canada)?
I am 19, and I want to buy my first car, how ever I cannot pay 600 dollars a month for insurance. My dad does not want me on his insurances because he does not want the risk of his insurances going up if I get in an accident. So I was thinking, would my dad be able to insure my car under a different insurance company than the one he has now, and then just put me on the insurance. There for if I get in an accident, the insurance for the new car would rise, but the insurance for his car which is under a different insurance company would stay the same?. Theoretically speaking, if the above is true, and I do get in an accident, and the insurance rises to a price where I could not afford the monthly payment. Would my dad be able to just cancel the insurance?""
How much would the average monthly payments be on a motorcycle for a teen?
I'm 15, turning 16 in a few months, and I wanted to get a Ninja Kawasaki 250r. Most likely used, and around 2008 or 2009. I live in Las Vegas. Please include repairs, insurance, etc.""
Does my parents insurance still cover me?
I'm 19(turning 20 on Dec 1) & I live in California(southern CA) Not in school right now, still looking into trade schools will attend school in spring '11. My parents have health insurance but since I was 18 it stopped covering for me. Insurance covers almost all costs though sometimes we have to pay a small percentage. Now this new bill has passed & I was wondering if it will cover me? Or should I apply for Medicaid? Currently looking for my 3rd job. Previous jobs did not give me health insurance. Thanks""
(UK) ideal first car for male 25 year old who comutes ALOT! !?
Finally decided to get of my are and learn to drive next year, need a car that Is cheap to run (all aspects considered) but quite importantly,  a female isn't going to run a mile if I pull up in it!    I travel up and down the country every weekend  with a friend in a vauxhall astra hatchback, is that a decent enough car?
What's the cheapest auto insurance ?
What's the cheapest auto insurance ?
What is the insurance company here in Los Angeles?
That has hospital, prescription,medical of any kind , office visits,ambulances, dental, with a deductable and monthy premiums that are not too high.""
Are old Land Rovers cheap to insure for young drivers? 10points!?
For a 17 year old like myself, I've been asking around and a majority of people have said that a Series 3 to a 20+ year old defender are far likely to be cheaper to insure a young driver on. Is this true? I want a Land Rover because they are solid cars and the parts are easy to find and cheap to repair if anything went wrong. I'm looking for either a defender or a series 111 in good shape.""
Insurance to drive?
I'm a college student and I have student health insurance. I just got my permit and I was wondering which insurance I need to get to drive??
Car insurance clio 17 man WTF!?
Right how can i bring my insurance down from 3000! its acutal pathetic! I can't get a quote under 3000 that i can pay monthly i got a clio 1.2 ffs! any help please! been on gocompare n its no good! SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! (:
Where can I shop for health insurance?
I need to purchase health insurance for my family. Where do I go or who should I call?
Shopping for individual health care?
am 22 and am shopping for AFFORDABLE health insurance could someone please point me to the right direction?and please dont tell me US health plans coz their customer service really sucks
Health insurance?
i need health insurance that is affordable to me. i am willing to spend 30-100 dollars a month. i just basically want something to cover my dental and doctor . it can be network far as i car i dont really need ppo. i also want it to cover some of my presciption.
Car Insurance questions?
If my wife and I are separated, She took one of my cars...can I take her off my insurance policy so that she can insure herself?""
Can someone name some cheap car insurance agencies for teens?
Can someone name some cheap car insurance agencies for teens?
How to find Affordable Care Insurance for Multiple Sclerosis in Indiana?
How do you find a affordable insurance plan when spouse has multiple sclerosis? I can't get any information. I see that people say they got a good plan, but I can't find any for us. How do you stop the harassing phone calls after you try to see plans? Please help, thank you.""
How much will my car insurance go up when i have passed my driving test?
I am a 17 year old girl. I am on diamond car insurance and for a provisional insurance for a year it costs 850. Does anyone know how much it will go up?
What is the best affordable health insurance for students out there?
I am thinking about changing my provider and was wandering if anybody has any recomendations?
""Can your parent pay for your vehicles car insurance, and it be cheaper for them, instead of higher for me?""
Can your parent pay for your vehicles car insurance, and it be cheaper for them, instead of higher for me?""
Car insurance questions - with regards to cancelling due to cheaper quote?
I have a couple of questions with regards to my car insurance. First of all, if I do a search on moneysupermarket.com/gocompare.com etc, will it record a search on my credit file? I turn 25 fairly soon, and I have a feeling my insurance should probably reduce accordingly, and want to know if it's worth my while shopping around. My current insurance policy ends in October. Also, if I do decide to shop around, and find a policy cheaper than what I'm currently paying, can I cancel my existing policy before it's due to end? I'm not sure how it works with car insurance - i.e. I know, if you wanted to cancel your phone contract early, you would be liable to pay the price for the whole contract - is it the same with car insurance? or can I just cancel it whenever I like?""
Insurance Groups - HELP!?
Ok im looking to buy my first car, and ive found a 1.4cl Ford Escort which im interested in, it says its in insurance group 5E, is that a good group to be in (is it cheap or expensive), thanks for any help :D""
Hit and Run Insurance Claim: How do you go about it?
I have case # from the police. Will the Insurance company send someone to check the car or should I have to get them quotes?
Best car insurance for 16 y.o. boy that is getting his license?
Cheapest car insurance for the coverage you get? discounts for grades?
How much would insurance on a 1990 dodge neon ?
I think it might be my first car , && I have to pay for insurance .""
How much will my insurance raise for 2 points on my license?
I recently got a ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign, I don't know for sure but I'm guessing it's gonna be two points on my license. I have already paid the ticket, I live in georgia, I'm 17, my insurance provider is state farm, I am currently paying $78 a month for only liability, I have no other tickets, but I did get a written warning for 21mph over. Will this warning count as any points or be recorded on my record? Roughly how much do you think my ticket will raise my insurance a month? thank you""
So I'm 18 years old and i have a 2001 mazda protege. what's the cheapest car insurance i can get in Georgia?
please be honest because i really need to know.
""Will my insurance rates go up if I got a ticket for driving in the HOV lane on I-95 in Broward County, FL?""
I was just pulled over for driving in the HOV lane on I-95 and got a ticket for $165 (kinda steep in my opinion, but the cop said he wasn't giving me a ticket for speeding). The cop said that I won't get points on my record and I verified that with the Florida Department of Motor Vehicle's web-site. I know I'm guilty so I'll just pay the ticket. Will my insurance rates go up if I do that? Should I plead no contest and go to traffic school? I'd still have to pay for my traffic ticket if I did that, but if going that route would stop my insurance rates from going up then it will financially worth it in the long run.""
Home insurance?
im looking for some insurance that will mean if either my fiancee or i die our house will be paid off in full (this way our kids have a home) im still quite young (38) any one know any good companys to get a quote with?
Massachusetts Health insurance?
Massachusetts Health insurance? I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
Business Insurance??
What kind of insurance will i need to carry for duct cleaning peoples homes and how much monthly would it cost
(UK) ideal first car for male 25 year old who comutes ALOT! !?
Finally decided to get of my are and learn to drive next year, need a car that Is cheap to run (all aspects considered) but quite importantly,  a female isn't going to run a mile if I pull up in it!    I travel up and down the country every weekend  with a friend in a vauxhall astra hatchback, is that a decent enough car?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
How much does it cost to insure a scooter??
I am considering buying a scooter (125cc) to commute to and from work. I am 29 and live in Tottenham, North London. How much approximately would I expect to pay in insurance - I plan to pay about 1000 for a bike.""
How much do you spend on car insurance for your new 2006 Sonata ? I pay 116 a month am i being ripped off?
I have a 2006 Sonata by hyundia and i pay 116 a month
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old now?
hi im sixteen i dont know where to look for the amount every site i go too wants too much information if you can find one for me my zip is 17325 or give me an estimate. thanks!
Don't Have Insurance But My Dad Does. Can I Drive (with him) In His Car?
In other words, I'm from California and I don't have insurance nor a car. I have a Permit. The adult (with a license) has a car and insurance. Is it legal for me to drive his car (with him on passenger seat) even though my name is not on the insurance?""
What are the cheapest cars to insure?
What are the cheapest cars to insure?
How much would my insurance be for Mercury Insurance ?
I'm 16 years old, and my parents Insurance is Mercury.. How much would they have to pay for me. And my car would be a Nissan Maxima 95' so it wouldnt be a new car so how much would my insurance be ?""
Which is a good website to get an online auto insurance quote?
and which company has cheap rates
How much does it cost to have regular health insurance for 10 employees?
I am starting a pizza shop and i was wanting to know how much is usually cost for normal health insurance. Also if someone can tell me how much it costs for liability insurance for the store. It is going to be a little caesars pizza. Thanks. -AMV
Car insurance...?
Ok I have 2 choices here! I have only been driving 6 months so I have 0 no claims. I have just been bought a car and to add it on my insurance policy it costs 60 on top on the 45 I pay a month..(105 a month) for 5 more months til i get my 1 year no claims or for 70 a month I cant start again with a different company . what to do? ....
I need cheap insurance for me and my baby?
I recently moved out of my mom's house to live with my boyfriend. She was covering me on her insurance but now it's been dropped, We moved to where his new job is and we are letting a friend live with us. My boyfriend's yearly income is about 65,000. I can't be covered under his insurance because we aren't married. I have a 11 month old baby and I have to take pills regularly... I need to find an insurance plan that can cover me and her. If it makes any difference I'm 18 and I'm turning 19 in October... I know some insurance plans cover certain ages. I'd prefer something kind of cheap but I also need something that has decent copay..even if it raises the price a little. Does anyone know a good carrier?""
Will my car insurance rates go up if another driver lives at my address who is not under my plan?
I have an insurance plan that covers myself and my wife. Recently my son switched insurance plans to the same carrier that I have with his own insurance policy for his car that he ...show more
Gettng bike insurance in chennai?
am from chennai..want to take 2 wheeler bike insurance..used bike..2006 model pls advise me on best insurance company that offers reasonable rate.. i currently have united insurance policy,but feel it is costly""
Looking for affordable health insurance for the sefl employed?
i cannot find any affordable insurance and i need assistance
Car insurance for new driver?
im looking for car insurance but all of them are over 22,000 but i herd from alot people that its would be 1000 and all my friends pay about 1000 so why is it so expensive?? i live in london and im 19 yers old, i passed my driving test last week.""
How do i go about getting points taken off my license?
I have points on my license tht are due to come off 2 weeks ago how do i get them off???
Is motorcycle insurance cheaper than car insuracne?
for an 18 year old in mississauga ontario, canada would bike insuracne be cheaper than car insureacne on for(part-time car driver)?""
I have a car insurance question.?
about how much would it cost for a 16 year old boy in california todrive a 2004 silverado access cab? please give me a quote and not a website.
Cheap health insurance?
I have an account with a community clinic and i am eligible for a 90% discount and i have only had to go once for a sprained wrist. I cannot afford health insurance so the clinic ...show more
How much would it cost to get insurance on these mopeds?
Separately, how much would it cost (roughly)? I am doing this for an E-Consumerism project, but I may also want to actually buy the Duke Touring. Can anyone give me a rough estimate, in dollars, for the cost of each? Please leave some sort of source so I know you didn't just make it up.""
Cheapest car insurance for a 21 year old in nj?
what's the cheapest car insurance a 21 year old can have in the state of new jersey?
How can we get health insurance?
My Fiance (22) and I (18) are planning to get married November 30th, but if we do, I will no longer be covered by my mother's health insurance. We live in NY (currently Broome County) and we need cheap to free health insurance. At the moment, both of us (full-time students) have an income of zero, with no pay stubs (obviously) or other proofs of income. How can we get health coverage?""
Why do good drivers get better car insurance rates than bad drivers?
It's not fair. Some people are genetically predisposed to be bad drivers or just don't care. Why should they be charged more than drivers who do not participate in risky behavior?
What is a very general cost for motorcycle (cruiser) insurance for a teen?
I am a 16 year old living in Kansas City, Kansas. I just need a very general quote for the annual cost for a cruiser motorcycle less than 600cc. A small bike with not a ton of power. I have taken a Basic Rider Course. I've never been involved in an accident car wise. Would it be wise to just have my dad insure it under his name? Are there any potential consequences for that? I only need liability as the bike is only worth around $1300. I have not bought one yet.""
Making a New Auto Insurance Quote versus Renewal on Same Insurance Company Costs Less?
Making a New Auto Insurance Quote versus Renewal on Same Insurance Company Costs Less? My auto insurance will expire very soon and I noticed that I haven't received any renewal offers from my current insurance provider. So without hesitation I visited their official site and did some new quote. Virtually, I am a new customer if I choose to purchase this quote -- which will cost me only $380.00 Two days later, I finally received a renewal offer via e-mail. Take note again that this is the same insurance company, same insurance policy coverages, same policy number -- But there's a difference! To renew, it'll cost me $518.00 To my startled mind, I made a quick visit on this existing policy account online and checked the declarations page for this renewal offer. Unfortunately for some reason, the website cannot display this said page. What's going on here? Could there be a conflict if I choose to buy a new policy with presumably will make a new policy number with the SAME insurance company? Is there some sort of money making scheme going on in here? I have been informed also that if you create a new quote, and purchase that new quote BUT from the same company you appear as a virtual new customer but having the same name and complete information. Is doing so ok?""
(UK) ideal first car for male 25 year old who comutes ALOT! !?
Finally decided to get of my are and learn to drive next year, need a car that Is cheap to run (all aspects considered) but quite importantly,  a female isn't going to run a mile if I pull up in it!    I travel up and down the country every weekend  with a friend in a vauxhall astra hatchback, is that a decent enough car?
How much would insurance be for a BMW 3 series from 2001 with 150k miles?
My dad said he'd buy me a BMW if the insurance isn't considerably higher than my brothers, who drives a 2004 VW Golf. I'm a 16 year old male and will probably be driving within a year but I want to know whether the insurance would be considerably higher than a golf. We live in Dallas TX Thank You""
Where can I find cheap car insurance for someone who has a dui?
I live in AZ and I am trying to find car insurance for someone who has had a dui. The only company so far is Bristol west but they are too expensive. Where else can I go?
Cheap car insurer for young driver?
I am a 19 year old male trying to find a cheaper car insurance quote than 1500. Does anyone know the cheapest car to insure? or a cheap insurer?
""To obtain my permit in the state of California, do I need to have my parents get insurance for me?
Or when I apply do I have to show proof that my PARENTS have insurance?
How to get car insurance cheaper for new drivers?
How to get car insurance cheaper for new drivers?
Do I have to include my husband on my auto insurance policy?
Without him on it, my monthly bill would only be $44. With him on it, it's $135. Do I legally have to include him on the policy?""
What is the best life insurance to get and where?
I'm young but not in the best health, I'm looking for life insurance, something affordable and legitimate""
What information do I need when I call insurance for a Quote?
I'm planning on purchasing a car in around 2 weeks time, what information do I need to give insurance so I can be added onto my parents policy? I do have the VIN of the car, is there any other information needed besides my parent's account information? Thanks. :)""
Affordable health insurance??
I asked before but i am looking for a health insurance that covers meds, eye checks, dentist, womens problems, in the united states.""
Is my insurance company liable?
My insurance company offered me a policy to cover a de restricted scooter which I agreed to take out, but in order for this policy to take effect I had to give up 4 months of cover totalling around 160 and pay a 80 deposit on the new policy. Last week I was sent a letter notifying me that my insurance was cancelled so I called them and was told that I had to return a copy of my CBT certificate. I rang on Sunday and was told a completely different story and that was that the company they placed me with had decided that they were not going to cover me even though the whole point of changing them was because they specificity dealt with my type of vehicle . They have now offered another policy for 515 pounds with is 100 pounds more than my previous and I am not willing to pay this as they lied to me and told me that I was insured to ride around even though they knew that I was not covered. I have copies of the insurance certificate to prove that they sold me the policy and all other relating documents. Please advise on what I can do.""
Renters insurance in California?
What does renters insurance cover? I'm renting a room from a friend but want my own insurance to cover personal injury without using the homeowner's coverage as well as if something gets accidently damaged by me for it to be covered. Is this included in renters insurance?
Car insurance for a month?
Is there anyway of getting a car insurance for just a month cause I'm selling my car in the next month so don't want to take out a years insurance for it? Thanks
Car insurance in New Zealand?
Im thinking of moving to New Zealand. I would want a car at some point and don't know how much car insurence would cost. Im 19 been driving for a year and a half. No accidents, convictions etc?""
Cheapest car insurance for female 37 on provisional?
Just bought a car Citroen c2 having real trouble getting insurance quotes under 600....HELP!!
Cheapest Car Insurance - Canada?
Need a cheap car insurance... Don't spout off answers if you have no idea... I've researched: TD, RBC, CAA, AllState and Statefarm Living in Ontario!""
How much per year does health insurance cost for an average 50 year old with no employment benefits?
just a single person. no previous health problems. I realize this depends on specific circumstances, but you can ballpark estimate it for me thanks.""
Auto insurance question?
I was a passenger in a car accident and my laptop was broken. Would the drivers insurance cover it? Even if it was liability, it should still have to cover it right? He says the insurance says no because I wasn't injured... That doesn't make any sense.""
How much should my car insurance be a month?
I am 19 and I drive a 2003 Jeep. I've been with Geico for 1.5 years & my policy price has went up two times! When I called to ask why it would go up they explained that it was nothing to do with me or my driving record (seeing how I've never had a wreck or a ticket) but that it depends on the claims from other people. I know this is how some things work, but I don't think I should be pentilized for someone else's claims. Is this how every car insurance works or is it just Geico? I'm going to start calling around to today to get quotes...but I wanted to hear from people other than a sales person.""
Where do you find affordable health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
Where do you find affordable health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
Peugeot 206 gti insurance cost?
Does anyone know roughly how much it would cost for first time insurance? I'm 18 by the way.
Where can I find cheap roofing insurance?
I am looking to start a roofing repair company (residential only at this time) . What I am going to do is secure the jobs, draw the contracts, purchase material and collect payment. I have 3 crews that will do the labor and they each provide liability as well as worker comp on their crews. What I looking for is a company that will insure me with liability (1 million) for my protection. What I am running into is that every company that I talk to says that you have to be in business for 2 years or greater or they are quoting me 7 to 9k a year. I have over 10 years experience in quoting, selling and installing, can anyone help out in finding affordable liability insurance? Thanks""
Why is insurance for mazda cars so high?
I heard mazda cars often increase your insurance? Why do they? Is it for a good or bad reason? Answer with detail please :)
Insurance and tax for a corsa?
im looking at buying a 06 (56) Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i 16V SXi 5dr for a 1st time car and was wondering how much would insurance, tax and a MOT usually cost for this kind of car?""
Why don't people just buy themselves health insurance?
I am 26 years old and have had a major back surgery. Still I pay just $98/month for my Blue Cross of California PPO health insurance. Why doesn't everyone without insurance just go buy it for themselves instead of buying an Ipod or new cell phone? This would keep the government from rationing health care and having more power over us citizens as well as not forcing some people to pay for others.
On average how much do you pay for your car?
My boyfriend makes about 1,100 a month. I made about 1,200 a month. We're young, so we don't make that much but we do live together and we have been since I was 18. Pretty soon, I should be making around... 1,400 a month. WE NEED TO GET A CAR. I had one but gave it to my mother who was struggling. We want to get one so here it goes: 1, When we go to the car dealership what information (other than the standard info) will they ask for? 2. What is required to buy a car other than insurance and a license? 3. How much is an average down payment? 4. Say we get a used car made before 2005, how much on average should the monthly payment be? I know there's a million answers but this but anything will help. Maybe like a honda civic or ford focus, something small and cheap. You're help is very valuable. :) :) :) :)""
(UK) ideal first car for male 25 year old who comutes ALOT! !?
Finally decided to get of my are and learn to drive next year, need a car that Is cheap to run (all aspects considered) but quite importantly,  a female isn't going to run a mile if I pull up in it!    I travel up and down the country every weekend  with a friend in a vauxhall astra hatchback, is that a decent enough car?
0 notes
ducati insurance
"ducati insurance
ducati insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is there cheap car insurance for parents that have kids with disablities?
Is there cheap car insurance for parents that have kids with disablities?
Car insurance help!!?
i am just about to re new my car insurance, the cost without protecting my 4 year claim bonus is 550 and protected would cost me 800.. is paying the difference of 250 worth it? thanks""
Car Insurance approximation...?
I would like to know approximately how much it would cost to insure a 2009 Nissan Altima Hybrid, 4 doors, 2.5, 15,000km, I am 59 years of age, live in the Quebec Penninsula Area. One driver only, for leisure purposes""
Why is car insurance expensive?
So I'm looking at these insurance rates and im thinking all of this car insurance is a huge scam! Why do we need it?? And why is it sooo expensive for experienced drivers?
I suspect I may have cancer in my thigh but no insurance?
Over ten years ago I went to a doctor to exray a hard fat tumor in my thigh. He said it was nothing. Since then it has grown massively and is no longer movable, aches and seems very suspicious. Since then I had insurance through my sisters business but it was cancelled at the end of May. I did not know this but after making an appointment with an oncologist I had to cancel since I have no insurance. I know to get new insurance, they must have some sort of a waiting period for them to pay for anything due to the pre exsisting condition clause. Is it 3 months? Six? I don't know. But I am wondering if anyone knows of any other options of anything I can do?""
What would happen with my insurance company?
I hit a car 10 months ago. The guy said I didn't have to pay for it because he said the car was a piece of crap. So no reports were filed or anything. 1 month after the accident, he wants the car fixed. What would happen if I called my insurance and told them this? Would my rates rise? Would I pay extra fees? Would my insurance still cover it? I live in California and have Farmers and I am under 18""
How much does life insurance generally cost?
im looking for a life insurance policy, somewhere in the neighborhood of 5,000,000, that ISN'T a term policy. in other words, when i die, however far away that is, my beneficiary gets 5 million. how much would that cost me?""
How much does car insurance cost for a 18 year old?
For a mustang GT 2012? estimate please thank you :)!!
Where can i get cheap insurance?
I Would like to get a new auto insurance, where can i find cheap insurance? Thanks in advance""
Is selling (health/life) insurance a good way to make money and what r the pros and cons?
Is selling (health/life) insurance a good way to make money and what r the pros and cons?
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Does one speeding ticket affect your insurance rate ?
i got my first speeding ticket , i live in Utah , and i have state farm insurance so will it affect my rate ?""
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a first time driver?
I have been driving for about 3 years now. And now I am saving up for my first car. I just want to know whats the best car insurance because I know its gonna be pricey because I am a first time driver and under 25. What do you suggest I should try? I am still doing my research regardless but I want to be prepared to pay for at least 6 months in advance because I am still in college as we speak. I just don't want to worry about that every month when I get the car. Thank you !!
Could someone recommend some very good life insurance companies?
I want to get dependable life insurance at affordable rates.
How much would car insurance and Tax cost?
Im 17 and I have a decent amount of money saved up and im interested in buying a 2nd hand car for around 1000 euro but i have no idea how much the tax and insurance is going to cost and how often you have to pay it, so if anyone can help me it would be great. thx u.""
How much would insurance be on a 1987 Fiero GT?
I don't know much about insurance rates and all that stuff, I'm only 17 and haven't taken the time to learn it. I just need a quick estimate on how much insurance would cost for such a car as that is what I'm looking at. Details welcome. Please don't start giving me advice on cars and trying to tell me what type of car I should get for my age. I would just like to know the answer to my question. Thanks.""
Why does Health Insurance cover routine check ups?
I thought insurance was only for emergencies? That's like having car insurance cover your gasoline and oil too. How much gasoline would you be getting if your insurance covered it? But I guess the rising price of health insurance is just because Big Brother isn't watching over us better. Right?
""Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
Does my grandmother need car insurance if she doesnt drive...?
She doesn't have a license and hasn't had one in decades. Her children drive her to and from church, grocery stores, etc. in her car bc she has trouble getting in and out of their cars. So, does she HAVE to have inurance? I would imagine if her children have insurance, then she wouldn't need it. Anyone know the rules on this?""
Whats the best California insurance ?
I want full coverage what's the best company
I have a question about car insurance?
I just got my intermediate license and i can drive in between 6a.m. and 10p.m. The only problem is im am not covered on the car insurance yet. I have to wait til october until my dad can get me put on. How much trouble can i get in if the car has insurance but im not on it?
Can someone please explain Health Insurance to me?
Any and all explanations are welcome. Definitions, etc..""
In india car insurance have to pay monthly or yearly & how much it cost?
In india car insurance have to pay monthly or yearly & how much it cost?
Do I need business insurance for my small cleaning jobs?
I'm looking to start a VERY small residential cleaning business. I would be the sole worker, just looking to make a little extra money. I'm not planning to hire any employees and I'm hoping for just maybe 2 or 3 houses a week. Do I need a business license as well as Property and Casualty insurance for something this small? Can anybody offer any advice? Bonding, insuring and licensing can be costly and if I can put this off until my business grows, that would be excellent. ANY advice is extremely helpful :)""
What is a non-standard property/casualty insurance company?
How can you find out if your insurance company is non-standard? What makes a company non-standard?
ducati insurance
ducati insurance
Temporary 2 week car insurance for 21 yr old?
My boyfriend i s coming over from australia and has an aussie driving licence, we are thinking of borrowing a car from my friend who is a second hand car salesman and hence has many cars hanging about but which are uninsured. Does anyone know if it is possible to borrow one of the cars (which are road taxed) and insure it for me for 2 or 3 weeks only (21, had a driving licence for 3 years) or my boyfriend (26, had an aussie licence for 8 years)?? Which company can we use?! Please help ASAP!""
""What are the insurance range for a CBR600RR, beginner drive with 5 years of ecxcellent SUV driving expereinces
I live in So. Cal and want to purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 model) how much insurance should I expect to pay for this car?
Insurance on a 2004 nissan 350z?
OK... I'm a 17 yr old male, have a solid part time job during school and full time I'm summer... I have found a 2004 Nissan 350z tourister with 58,000 miles, the owner is asking 10,000 for it it great condition... I would be putting 3k down and financing the rest... I would like an estimated price on monthly insurance... I'd be with both my parents and 4 other vehicles I believe, I don't know if its possible but any estimate is good... Thanks""
Car Insurance?
how much car insurance do i pay for a 6000 dollar car
What do I need before I get car insurance besides license?
I have my license, and a car that I bought that is in my dad's name. He wants to transfer ownership to my name, inspection expired in 2007 (I haven't driven for about a year). First, do I need to have a car in my name to get insurance, or can I just get ins. with the car in my dad's name then transfer the title later? (with no ins. changes) 2nd, to get insurance do I need to pass inspection, or can I just get ins. first?""
Im looking for cheap insurance on a land rover series 3 im 17 years old where is the cheapest company?
what is the cheapest insurance company or cheapest option???
What would happen if I stopped paying my car insurance ?
I have full coverage auto insurance. Times are really tough for me right now and thinking about not paying my insurance. I have full coverage bc I took out a loan. Could my loan office find out too and lose my car? I'm stressing very much.
Can I get private insurance with a van?
Hello Yahoo, I was interested in buying a bedford rascal for my first car however I've been doing some research and talked to a few people and they tell me if I buy a van then I'll probably have to buy commercial insurance with it- is this really true? Can I not have it strictly for private use? And finally, If I really do need to buy commercial insurance with it, will it cost a lot more than private insurance, and whats the pros and cons of commercial insurance over private insurance? VAN OWNERS! HELP!""
Which car insurance is good and cheap for a teen?
Well not so much a teen anymore im turning 20 in a few months.. but my car insurance is REALLY high..is it because i have a honda civic? or that im 19.. Should i try Geico? I dont know what to do. anybody know any cheap insurance companys?
Can I get car insurance for 1.6L at 17?
I'm a 17 year old girl, looking to buy a Mini Cooper hatchback! And a friend said her brother couldn't get insurance for a 1.6L! So I was just seeing if that would be possible for me to insure before I purchase one!""
What is the cheapest Insurance available for a 21 year old?
I've been looking at cars and quotes for about a month now, and I can find nothing affordable, so I thought I'd ask on this website and see if there is anyone who has had the same situation and found a solution. I'm 20 years old, turning 21 in September and I have not drove since I passed my test 2 years ago. I have never owned a car or been a second driver on anyone's policy. Insurance is ridiculously high, so I was wondering if anyone in the same situation knows a cheap insurance company. I'm also okay with being a second driver on my parents policy, although this is still usually to expensive. Thanks!""
Am I covered by my car insurance if I park illegally?
I park my car on a Bridleway the Police say it is illegal but they class it as parking so will not touch me the Council will not touch me either as they cannot apply any laws as there are no kerbs. My question is if a Horse injury's itself due to my car being there or a person hurts themselves,or causes them to be injured whilst negotiating my car am I covered by my insurance as I am illegally parked.""
What are my options for car insurance?
I am 21 and recently got my license in CA. I don't know anything about car insurance. Can I somehow be added to my parents' insurance? About how much would it cost (ranges)? I won't be driving right away but if I did, it would be with my mom's car which is already insured. How would that work? We would both be using it. Any info would be helpful. Thank you in advance!""
Should my 85 year old grandparents but life insurance?
I am very upset with this insurance company who sold my 85 year old grandfather some life insurance. He gets $5000 worth for $91 per month! what a rip-off! They REALLY want to buy some insurance . does anyone know the best option for them? Please help!
How many people committed life insurance fraud on 911?
How many people committed life insurance fraud on 911?
Do you need tax and insurance for little scooters?
I presume you do. I was going to buy one as a pressie for my partner who has does not have a licience. Just wondered what the costs of running a scooter was? UK only please. Thank you.
Affordable motorcycle insurance?
I live in Michigan and currently have motorcycle insurance w/Progressive. Unfortunately, they only offer an annual rate at $230.00. Living in the midwest, I only ride the bike for 5 to 6 months if I'm lucky. Do you know of a reputable insurance carrier that offers monthly or 3 to 6 months coverage??? Its ridiculous to pay for an entire year when I barely ride for half. Thanks!""
""A car hit my car from behind, their insurance is offering me $500, should i take the $500 or wait?""
A car hit my car from behind, their insurance is offering me $500, should i take the $500 or wait and go see a doctor to see if i have any injury which would probably get me more money?""
Why is it hard to find medical Insurances?
i have a heart condition, why is it hard to find medical insurances?""
Should I cancel my car insurance to save my money?
Currently, I'm living in WA, I have a car in TX. But my family member in TX driving it, and there names are under insure by my car insurance. If I want to save money on my car's insurance. I need to ask my insurance remove my name out of car insurance; is that right? or there is no difference between keep my name on car insurance and remove my name out of car's insurance? Thanks""
18yr old with an provisional can i drive my brothers car without me being insurance to drive it?
im 18 yrs old i have a provisional and my brother is takeing me out in his car im just woundering do i need to be on his insurane on his car cos he said thta all i need is L plates and my provisional i just want to make sure thanks ps can u reply asap he taking me out today in his car for the first time
""Question about insurance, medicaid, and having a baby?""
I am currently pregnant and still on my parents health insurance plan. However, I will no longer be able to be on their plan anymore because I'm getting married and turning 25 this June. Will medicaid help me with my insurance, or will they consider my pregnancy a pre existing condition?""
What are the pros and cons of car insurance?
What are the pros and cons of car insurance?
How much a month would car insurance be for a 2010 dodge charger? Im about to turn 18 and plan on getting this?
car. I know it depends on where u live etc..but i want to know the average cost per month of this particular car. I'm going to be joining the marines..idk if this matters but most places offer a military discount. So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
What's happens if i get caught driving without insurance?
Im 18 i have a VW golf MK2 GTI 1988 cost me 2000, but to insure it is 5000 a year which i cant afford, what happens if i get caught driving without insurance.""
ducati insurance
ducati insurance
Where on earth can I find affordable maternity insurance?!?
I didnt have it with my son and we are looking to get health insurance but all the plans that are decently priced (under $350/month) dont cover maternity. even if I could JUST find a maternity insurance that would be great! does anyone have or know of any insurance companies that offer maternity coverage? if so what are the names? heres a little info we live in FL we have one child my husband and I are 20 and 21 years old if you know of any insurance that will have affordable rates please let me know so I can get a quote!
Car insurance/traffic ticket question?
I got a ticket for speeding (67 in a 50) a little over 8 months ago. I took it to court because it was a first offense and got the points down from 2 to 1. I never got anything from my insurance company, so I thought I got lucky and my rates would stay the same. About three weeks ago, we had a bad wind storm in Maryland and a tree limb fell on my jeep. I reported it the same day and the insurance is fixing. Yesterday I got a letter in the mail from my insurance saying my rates were going up from the ticket in March. Do you think that my report of the tree limb triggered them to look at my driving record and raise the rate or is it just a coincidence that this happened at the same time?""
How much do insurance rates go up after a minor claim?
Someone backed into my bumper, and I'm wondering if I should make a claim for it. I don't mind a $10-20 dollar increase, but anything more & I'd rather just pay for it myself.""
Where to get updated car insurance papers?
ok so i had no idea about the expiration date on the insurance papers. how do i get updated papers that i can put in the car.
Can you have two different insurance policies on one car?
I am buying a car from my friend and I will have it paid off in August and the insurance will be in his name til August but I want to know if I can go ahead and get insurance in my name on the car in July while insurance is still goin to be on the car in his name as well. Is this possible?
Health insurance for an immigrant who's over 65?
My parents and I are thinking about bringing my grandmother to the U.S. but we are worried about health insurance. My grandmother is 87 years old and has many medical conditions so we need to get her something that would cover the medical expenses. She will be an immigrant because she doesn't have U.S. citizenship or green card, and she has never worked in this country. Since she is over 65 years old, she cannot get a health insurance, but I am hoping that she can get something that is similar to Medicare, Medi-Cal, or Medicaid. I know that Medicare is for people who is either a citizen or permanent resident and who has worked least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment. Is there anything that my grandmother could be eligible for medical health plan or insurance although she is an immigrant, over 65 years of age, and never worked in the U.S.? Any advice or suggestion would be much appreciated.""
What is better option for buying health insurance plans?
I am confuse about where I should buy health insurance; directly from company or I should consult agent?
I just gave up my car and turned in my insurance?
I just gave up my car and turned in my insurance .I will drive my childrens cars from time to time .My insurance coverage was adequate and included an auto liability of $1,000,000.bodily inj of $1,000,000 and property damage the same .Since my children have only the minimum ,how can I continue to get the same protection when driving their cars.""
I'm about to get my drivers permit. Do I need insurance?
I'm about to turn 16 in a few months. I just figured out that I need to complete driver education and am in the process of that now. When I do receive my permit in a few weeks do I have to immediately purchase insurance? I'm going to be driving my dads subaru. He will obviously be in the car with me at all times. Do I still need to buy insurance at all?
How much does Alstate raise your insurance for a new teen driver?
I'm 17 and ill be put on my parents insurance,How much extra will it coast a month? I took drivers Ed which lowers it too. I have an 06 ford explorer if that matters.""
How to get cheap car insurance?
i want to know that how to get cheap first car insurance in u.k?
Teenage insurance for 2001 Ford Escape? 2002 Jeep Liberty?
I'm thinking about purchasing this car used for my 18th birthday. I have to wait until i'm 18 so I can be on my own insurance. But I have taken drivers ed, and I will be buying this car full payment in cash. So I'm curious to know what the insurance could be! I have tried to get quotes online. You have to already be insured and own the car...I have tried so many. I also am a female, so my insurance will be a little lower. I just really need to find out what it would be! I was also thinking of purchasing a 2002 Jeep Liberty, any insurance guess on that? Ford Escape is a better car, but i'm just seeing what insurance could be for both. Thank you so much!""
What do you tell your work when you lose insurance ?
One of my best friend no longer has insurance because she can't afford it, andshe doesn't know how to tell her work. I though she needed to do something with her W2 but I don't know for sure, all I said is I think she needs to go in and ask to change it?""
Short Term health care insurance plan in California?
I am looking to get insurance for a short period of time - 2 months. Which plan and provider be appropriate ?
How much did you pay for car insurance as a new driver?
Cost of insurance for 2nd gen Toyota Mr2?
Would you pay a higher insurance on this car than a normal car? what about a turbo? I got an online insurance quote and it was about $600/year for liability and $1000/year for collision coverage, does this seem like a fair price? I'm almost 19 years old and have a clean drivers record.""
Car insurance?
if you have never had car insurance before which is the most least expensive one to go for?also about how much does it cost? if you only have one vehicle and one person on the account.
""How would you cover people who are denied health coverage by the insurance companies, if not a public option?""
There are many Americans who want health care, but cannot get adequate coverage because they have a pre-existing condition, can't afford it, or are denied by insurers. Maybe they are working but their company doesn't offer medical coverage for them. How do we help these people? Are they just stuck?""
Can I pay my car insurance monthly through parents?
I am 17 just learnt to drive and I have my own car and will be able to afford my car insurance IF i pay it monthly, I know they do not let under 18's pay it monthly, so can I say ...show more""
Car insurance 17 year old?
I just passed my test afew days ago and have been looking at insurance. Most insurers won't give me a quote and if they do it's 19k. But i was looking into classic car insurance for a mini and got a quote from adrianflux for 3500 but i was i told i was to young for classic car insurance. I tryed a 1000cc yaris and they would not even quote me. I checked my details twice and there all right. I asked over the phone why there is such a change im price when they have the same size engine and he just said there cheaper to repair n that . and just so it's clear the minii quote was not classic car insurance. So any one know the logic behind this? + any other suggestions about insurance will help.
""According to the Hillary healthcare proposal, Individuals will be required to get and keep insurance in a
system where insurance is affordable and accesible. Is this a good idea? Why or why not?
""What would a $50,000 cadillac cost per month? + insurance?""
im looking into the cadillac sts (sp=47,000 - 78,000) and i want to know the monthly cost.. $275,000 yearly income (get paid yearly).. which is about $23,000 a month combined. take into account teenager insurance which i heard can be brutal and also... would buying this car stretch my finances? i dont want my family to be uncomfortable for just a car. like someone earlier told me 1k a month for my car payment but i want to know the other estimates""
What happen if I don't pay my car insurance?
I woul like to switch to another company that's going be cheaper, but I was wondering can I just not pay my old car insurance and start laying my new car insurance company, or do I need to finish with all the months that they gave me the insurance card for (it was for 6 months, 3 months left).""
Car accident but no car insurance?
I was just in a car accident in which I was not at fault and the other driver was ticketed. I live in Florida and while my car was insured with PIP coverage under my fathers name. I was exempt from the coverage. I had to go to the hospital to get CT scans of my brain and neck area as well as multiple xrays. The other driver did have insurance and I wanted to know even though I had no insurance, when the drivers' insurance company gives me the compensating cash amount would I be able to use the hospital bills as part of the compensating amount? I know the reason you have car insurance is to cover any medical injury in an accident but I unfortunately didn't have the means. any info would be greatly appreciated!""
Will my parents insurance go up if i get a permit?
I just turn 16, and i wanna take the class. I live in Houston, TX. Will my parents insurance raise if i get a permit? I need answer Quick! Please Help!""
ducati insurance
ducati insurance
What car for First car with cheap insurance?
im 17 and i want to get one of the following cars for my 1st car Vauxhall Corsa C 1.2l/Ford Fiesta zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L (mk4) and my budget is 1200 and i want a car with cheap insurance and how much will i have to pay and can i pay monthly
""I heard that car insurance is cheaper if i include my spouse, why ?""
i would imagine car insurance would cost more then there are more people using a car, not the other way around""
How much does medical insurance for a newborn cost monthly with a premium?
I just need an average. I'm doing a project for my health class on the costs of having a baby.
Can I have an estimate on my car insurance?
I am an 18 year old male, in the state of Pennsylvania who is gonna buy his own car. I have never been in a car accident or gotten a ticket in the past 2 years I've been behind the wheel (with my moms car). I also have State Farm insurance. Can someone let me know how much It would cost if I got a car insured under my moms insurance? Or maybe if it could be cheaper for me to get my own plan? Thank you!""
Can the insurance do this? Car insurance.?
I was in a wreck a few weeks ago. The lady who rear ended me has the same insurance as I do. I filed a claim and a fellow church member owns a body shop. I asked him to do the work, he agreed. But, the insurance claims that they will not give him a check until he can order the parts in advance. That is way too expensive and can they really expect him to order these up front? It makes me VERY angry that they could be so stupid and negligent to make him order them up front. He said that he does not have that money to be ordering my parts up front. Can I turn them in for this? They really are messing up.""
Is insurance must for Two Wheelers?
I have a four years old Honda Unicorn. Till now I have insurance for my bike. Now if I do not renew the insurance, what are expected problems ? Legally am I bound to have some insurance ?""
How much do footballers pay for car insurance?
just wondered cos Wayne Rooney Keeps spinning and having prangs, given his age, and the value of cars involved how much does he have to pay in premiums? I'm in no doubt he can afford it, but just wondered how much premiums would be.""
Will insurance cover getting a rental car after a wreck?
Today I was stopped at a red light, when a Mustang ran full speed into the back of my car, sending me into the car in front of me. The Mustang owners insurance is covering the damage done to my car (front and rear bumper, hood bent, most all cosmetic). Does anyone know if it is at all possible for me to get a rental car? If so who's insurance would cover it? And I am under the age of 18 so I don't know if that affects the situation. My Dad is going to try and make some calls to our Statefarm ppl tomorrow, but I was just wondering if anyone could answer any of my questions. Thanks so much.""
Cheapest Car insurance ?
I'm a 16 year old guy getting license in 2 days and im staring to wonder which car insurance is the cheapest. I've been told aaa is the best, and my parents are on some aarp thing and it might be cheaper to get my own policy. SO any company names that you use would be great!""
How much would the insurance cost on a 50 cc moped for an 18 year old?
I know that insurance can vary dramatically.....but it would be good if someone had a rough estimate...and are there and insurance compare sites that don't require the number plate of the bike and the liscence number and stuff ?
Does anyone know how much insurance would be on a Toyota Celica ?
This is in ireland but england cant be that different. I would be a new driver and only 17 years old and it would be by myself (not a named driver). And I'm a girl if that would change anything. Thanks xx
Where can i find a cheap auto insurance in los angeles for a 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX?
I own a 2004 Subaru Impreza Wrx (sedan). Vehicle has a clean title, not salvage, and payed off. I'm looking for the basic (state law requirement) type of auto insurance. I am also 19 years old with a clean record - no tickets, no accidents, etc. *I called a few insurances and so far Inifnity Auto Insurance $182 while Titan Auto Insurance $111.00*""
Will a loud music ticket affect my insurance?
I was driving and i got stopped because of my loud music and got a ticket, Does this affect my insurance? iv'e been reading online that it a non moving violation and will not affect it, is this true? P.S Im from California""
""How to save more money as a teen, for a car and motorcycle?""
I'm about to turn 16, and would like to save up for a reliable, cheap (2k-4.5k), good-looking, car. It has to be American, or anything other than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, Lexus, Hyundai, etc. cause dad works for GM. I am paying for the car on my own, most likely, but maybe I can convince parents to pay 1k or so. Money is tight right now in my family. Dad got demoted last year during GM's bankruptcy, and may get a promotion in spring. My Mom is opening a restaurant this year, which is going to cost a lot. I got a job in November at a brand new Kroger grocery store, where I get minimum wage and cannot work over 16 hours per week because I'm only 15. I have saved a little over 1.2k in the bank. I also have invested $500 of my own money this year into stocks, which are up a little. This might sound dumb to some, but I have dreamed of buying a motorcycle. I want a Kawasaki Ninja 650R. AND YES, I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS MONEY, (FOR CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) I'M NOT AN IDIOT. I also need to plan on how to save for that. Any tips, help, and info would be great! Thanks so much.""
How much is the cheapest car insurance in california?
I want the minimum possible insurance, enough to the the government off my back. I dont care for protection or anything""
Cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I'm looking forward to getting a motorcycle and I was wondering what's the cheapest insurance you can get. I'm not looking for companies at the moment, I just want to know what's the cheapest plan for almost any insurance company. .""
Does anyone know of a health insurance company that will insure me even though I am pregant?
My husband and I make a little over the income requirements for medicaid in our state(SC), we also own two cars so our chances of getting medicaid is very slim. I was just wondering if anyone knew of a health insurance plan that will take on a policy for me even though I am pregnant....we were in the process of looking for health coverage, but ended up getting pregnant in the mean time...thanks for your help...please serious and honest answer only...we are in the state of south carolina. thanks""
Subsidized health insurance for age 55+ in California?
Is there a subsidized health insurance program for people age 55+ in California? I used to live in Massachusetts where my father-in-law has MassHealth insurance coverage. Any program similar to that in California? Thanks!
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
Sure insurance companies cant refuse to sell you insurance because of a pre existing condition but what stops?
Them from charging you more than you can afford for it?
Motorcycle insurance? how much?
can someone guess how much will a motorcycle insurance be for an 18 year old male in CA with no road driving experience at all?, and the bike he will get is a 2008 Ninja 250r or 2006 Katana 600?.....also note he will take the MSF course and this will be his first road vehicle...thanks!!""
How much would my car insurance be?
I'm 16 years old & a female. I am 5'5 & weigh 150 lbs. I am purchasing a USED 2003 Audi A4 Quattro Base Sedan 4-Door 1.8L ; I was wondering what the estimated car insurance would be for me so I can start by getting the right idea of how much I would need to save each month. Thank you. :)
Car insurance for people who commute by train. Who does this?
I saw an ad on the underground advertising cheaper car insurance for people who commute by train mon-fri. Does anyone know who does this? Thanks
Does my insurance change when I change my license from one state to another? totally confused!?
I want to change from a Delaware license to a Maryland drivers License. I am on my moms insurance and I pay her every year for keeping me on. This is very confusing. After changing from DE to MD license do I notify the insurance company? Can my rates change? Can I still drive the car registered under her name? Please, any info you can provide is helpful! ! I am doing this to get in state tuition for college""
Medical insurance...? 10 points?
I am 14 and I have a medical insurance covers my doctors appointments and my medication but at what age would I lose all that.... If I do what can I do? What covers my medication and medical appointments? By the way I'm not illegal if that helps...
ducati insurance
ducati insurance
0 notes
Richland Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31825
"Richland Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31825
Richland Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31825
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance???????????????
im 17 and bout 2 insure my car, iv got 1 year no claims bonus on a moped, can that be used to save money on my car insurance.??""
How much does a limo insurance cost?
im saving 33,480 dollars to buy an 04 limo""
How much would my car insurance be on a 2008 Chrysler 300?
I am 20 years old and still live at home i work full time and go to school at night and i would like to get a new car, but everyone keeps telling me insurance will be to much for me? and also how much of a down payment would i need on a 17,000 Chrysler 300.Can i pay monthly or with insurance or do i pay once a year plz need helppppp""
What is an auto insurance quote?
What is an auto insurance quote?
""What are some large health insurance companies, I am 23 and need to buy health insurance for the 1st time?""
Are there any good affordable plans, any recommendations will help, thank you""
Life insurance question?
Heard an ad for a life insurance policy never heard before. It said if you do not die in a time frame not known, than your will get your money back. Is this the same as all policies that build a cash value simply worded differently or is there a new product on the market? If you care to speculate, then might health care insurance reform lead to such a policy being offered. Death is a bit more certain than needing health care.""
What would be the best option of the mortgage or life insurance in case of serious illness? ?
Also if two people are on the mortgage do they both need separate insurance or one will cover them both?
Car insurance?
if you have never had car insurance before which is the most least expensive one to go for?also about how much does it cost? if you only have one vehicle and one person on the account.
Gieco Car insurance $$$ for new drivers?
I'm turning 16 real soon but with these new laws i wont be able to drive until I'm 17, but anyway I'm saving for a car probably like 2k-3.5k range.....ive already saved up 1k but i was wondering how much i need to save up to pay for insurance and gas. (im a guy, b- average in school, ill be buying a sedan, I live in CT if that helps) thanks.....if u could just give me a general price range that would be fine i just have no idea how much it is.""
Insurance Quotes?
So i just started driving and my parents put my name under the title of our van because the insurance was cheaper. Well i would like to save up and get my own car, but they keep bringing up that the insurance would sky rocket. The van is a '03 Honda odyssey and the car i'm looking at is a '91 Toyota 4runner. If anybody could give me a ballpark estimate of how much the insurance will cost for one verses the other. I'm 16 and live in the zip code 80127. Dont know if any other info is needed. Thanks.""
About how much does motorcycle insurance cost?
and is it more than car?...about...
Does alaska have state insurance like Tenn.Care?
Does Alaska have state insurance?
Im pregnant and dont have insurance?
im pregnant and the father picked up and left any way what do i do????? i really need insurance i need to make sure im okay please help thanks
How to get bonded and insured in Texas?
We are starting our own business and running it out of our house. We need to get bonded and insured, but we don't know where to start. Anyone have any suggestions?""
Why the **** is my car insurance so high?
I don't have a car, but I just checked how much my insurance would be if I did have a car.... $850 monthly, and $10,000 yearly. Why the **** is it so high? I'm in Canada &19 years old... I don't think this can be right, I always see young with their own cars, no way they are paying this much ... on top of it all there is gas, oil changes, all that other stuff that will cost thousands more.""
What do i do with no insurance? when i go to the doctor and no insurance?
i work at mcdonalds part time, and have no insurance or health benefits, how do i get insurance to pay for doctors visits? How can i afford health insurance or where do i apply 4 health insurance?""
Can I alter a car insurance quote after just a few months having paid an annual premium?
I have a provisional license and I receive my first car in a few days. I want to get insured to drive it and I've entered that I only have a provisional license on the quote. I want to pay an annual premium to get the best deal, however I'm going to have a full UK license in just a few months time. I'm happy to stick with the same insurers for the next year, but can I alter a quote after a few months having paid an annual premium?""
What's the cheapest full coverage Insurance?
I want to buy a car from carmart but I need full coverage insurance it's a 06 Chevy silverado...I'm 22 I've never been in a accident or had a ticket around what will insurance cost???
Can a 19 year old get cheap car insurance?
I just turned 19 and got my first car. I've been looking around for auto quotes and the lowest I've seen is $300 a month which is still too much for me. My parents won't let me be on their insurance policy for some reason and now I have to look all on my own. The vehicle is a 2000 ford focus. What I would like to know is is there any body out there around the age of 18 or 19 that has cheap auto insurance without being on their parents policy? And if so how did you get it? Thanks
Monthly car insurance?
Hi, im 17 and recently passed my test and bought a 2000 fiat punto. Now for insurance, can you get insured monthly and if so what are the best websites to use? Personal experiences would be good cheers""
Whats cheap cars to insure for a new driver?
Hi there im currently undertaking my lessons and instructor said I should pass before march time and just wondering what cars are cheap to ensure for new drivers and how much roughly are they a month and is there any way I can knock it down to make a bit cheaper? can you get finance cars for new drivers with insurance and tax free for 3 years?
""Cheap auto Insurance in miami, fl?""
I recently moved here and need to buy insurance for my car. Ive been searching on-line and i am overwhelmed on how expensive the rates are here in fl compared to California where i use to live. I have never had quotes in the 100's. so do u know a cheap auto insurance company here in miami, fl I have a 95 ford mustang cv""
California auto insurance rates going/gone up?!!!?
I'm turning 25 this month and called because i wanted to get a new (hopefully lower) rate for being that age and not having any tickets or violations. Then they go and quote me something HIGHER than what I'm paying! I asked why and that's what the told me. That the state of California has been hit with higher rates. ~WHY? ~When did this happen? ~Why has no one talked about this? ~Am I the only one being affected? ~Is there anything I can do to lower my rate? ~So being 25 and having no tickets or violations is now pointless when it comes to car insurance??
Cheapest insurance for high school football?
Im planning to play football next year in high school what is the cheapest insurance i can get?
Cheapest motorcycle insurance in Utah?
I am a first time rider, what is the cheapest inurance I can get in the Salt Lake area?""
Richland Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31825
Richland Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31825
Car insurance for teens?
Hi, so I just got my license today and now I have to insure my car but don't really have much information about how to do so. I'm an 18 year old girl and I only drive to and from school, which is about 7 miles away from my house. I have a Toyota corolla 2005 model but it belongs to my grandma. she's planning on completely giving the car to me and insuring it completely in my name and canceling her insurance because she no longer has a means to drive, since she only picks me up from school. My family doesn't really want to put me on their insurance and insist that I have my own separate plan. My whole family uses Geico btw. so if I wanted to insure the Toyota completely in my name, I would have to first get a quote right? if I set up the insurance with a certain amount of mileage, would that decrease the amount I have to pay? what about good student discounts ? if there are any cheaper alternatives please recommend them to me! I'm a full time student so I can only afford so much :(""
How to do teens afford cars without going under their parents insurance?
Hello, so my friends have their g2 and their parents pay for their insurance. My fathers cheap in ways and he doesn't want me under his insurance. I do have my own car it's a ...show more""
Car rental insurance necessary?
I don't own a car (so I don't have my own car insurance). I am going to a small town in Upstate New York for a couple of days. Do I need to buy the car rental insurance? It is obscenely expensive (usually close to the price of the car itself).
Cost for car insurance for a teenager?
I'm 17 right now and don't really need a car (I do have a license though). When I'm 18 I will NEED the car to commute to and from college. How much is it going to cost to get insured - possibly to be added to a parent's plan? I've taken driver's ed, have a high gpa... what else can I do to lower the cost? PS. I'll probably be driving a 1995 Geo Metro.""
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance in the state of Florida?
What is the cheapest auto insurance in the state of Florida?
""Why in California, mortage lenders require fire insuance but not earthquake insurance?""
and why few insurance companies cover earthquakes and if they do, it is with unusally high premiums and co-payments""
Does skydiving increase insurance premiums?
I have been skydiving once (last year) and odds are that I won't do it again anytime soon. I have been told that I will now have to pay higher premiums on life insurance but ...show more
What is the minimum you can pay for car insurance if your under 18 and a girl?
Is there any ways to get a low cost?
What's the best car insurance to go through?
I'm getting a car soon would like to know the best and the cheapest kind of insurance to get.
""Why do questions say cheap car insurance and affordable health insurance, not cheap health & affordable car?""
Questions about finding inexpensive car insurance usually refer to it as cheap . Questions about finding inexpensive health insurance usually refer to it as affordable . I do not recall ever seeing a question refer to affordable car insurance, and only rarely to cheap health insurance. Why is this? Why do car insurance questions use the word cheap and health insurance questions use the word affordable , and not the other way around? Is it just tradition, like saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Year , but never saying Happy Christmas and Merry New Year ? Is it because the law has the word affordable in its title, causing that word to be associated with health insurance? Is it because most of the questions are from someone who is trying to manipulate search results by causing searches for cheap car insurance and affordable health insurance to come to this website? Is it because car insurance questions usually come from users under 25 years old and questions about getting health insurance usually come from older users (health insurance questions from users under 25 usually have to do with saying on their parents' insurance and/or using their parents' insurance)?""
Single mother looking for cheap car insurance?
im a young single mother trying to get my life together, fix a car, etc... got a lot on my plate. is there any resources for car insurance i can use? anything?""
Drivers insurance? Car insurance?
I'm 15, going on 16. When I do get my license, will my insurance be lower because I get really good grades?""
Claiming Back car insurance?
Is it possible, i have been paying car insurance on my car for three months, while it has been out of use at the garage i purchased it from, due to the engine blowing! The garage have taken over 3 months to sort it under warranty, and the car is covered under there insurance, i didnt cancel the insurance due to thinking it wouldnt take this long! as i pay 140 a month it tolals up to alot and i was wondering if can claim any of the insurance premium back?? They still have the car useless Evans Halshaw be warned, only had the car 8 weeks..""
What is the easiest/cheapest insurance company in Ireland to get insured on with an endorsement and 5 points?
A friend of mine was caught drink driving and has gotten his licence back but with an endorsement and 5 points on his licence, any insurance company he has tried has turned him away. What are his options car wise? And what are the best companies to go to? And also - he is 23 what price range would he be looking at? Thanks in advance for the answers!""
How much woul i pay for auto insurance on 2007 Hyundai Tiburon?
V6 2 door coupe. Im 18. 2 tickets, 1 for running a red light. Other was a car accident, 9000$ cost to insurance on property damage. No injuries, or if anybody owns one let me kno hoe ...show more""
If you can't afford health insurance for your family and the government says you make too much...?
then what do you suggest? What if your family has too much income according to the government for your kids to even qualify for Medicaid or the low cost options (CHIP)? My husband makes $48,000 a year before taxes are taken out. While that does pay the bills and keep food on the table, we can't do a $800 monthly insurance policy and our kids are denied Medicaid and CHIP (we make $300 too much per month, of all things). We pay the necessities. We don't over spend and we don't go out and spend money on entertainment more than a few times yearly and even then it's cheap entertainment. We do what we can, but health insurance just isn't going to happen for us unless one of two things happens: 1- my husband gets a major pay raise or 2- the government changes their income requirements (don't see that happening). So what do you suggest for my family? We do what we can. We use our tax returns each year for medical expenses and bill pay offs. If a major medical expense comes up, we pay it down little by little. We do use the public health department when we can. But bottom line is that we can't afford insurance. Period. So, for all of you who think this is completely unacceptable, what do you suggest we do?""
Teen car insurance help help?
I am 18 years old and on my fathers state farm policy my mother has her own house and policy if I have car insurance under him can I be covered to drive her cars. she has geico
""Car wreck, how much is the insurance going to give me?""
I got into a car wreck sometime this month of May. It wasn't my fault, the guy made an early turn and hit me. My car and his car are now totaled. I was wondering how much money the insurance will give me on the newer car...? By the way, I have a 1995 Honda Accord Ex and its now totaled. I just wanna know how much they will pay me back? And I have insurace, but not full coverage.""
Where can i find affordable health insurance for my wife so that she may quit work and start her own business?
She is a teachers aide now, has retired but still works b/c she won't have insurance is she quits.""
Are insurance rates higher if you have a lien on the auto?
I heard they charge more if you have a lien on your car and was wondering if this is true?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
How Much Would It Cost to insure a Lancer Evo?
How Much Would It Cost to insure a Lancer Evo?
""Moving from Texas to Arizona, how will it impact family auto insurance?""
I have auto insurance with my family who lives in Texas, but I am moving to Arizona. Right now my insurance is on a family plan which has multiple vehicles as it is much cheaper than if I were to get the car insurance by itself. If I register my car and license in Arizona, will the insurance agency not allow me to continue insurance with my family as we're in different households and states? Insurance agency is Metlife if that helps.""
Insurance for 16 year old?
Hi, i live in California and I am 16 years old, I'm just wondering how much it will cost my parents every month/year for my car insurance. I have an Audi A3 2008 and I have Farmers Insurance. Please help!""
Richland Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31825
Richland Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31825
How can I fight to get more money out of my car insurance company?
We bought a 2011 Lancer on Dec 8th 2010. On Dec 27th 2010, we slid off the road in a blizzard, but the car was not damaged AT ALL. The car was parked and only had our pets and christmas gifts from the holidays. An idiot speeding in a snow storm made a b-line into our car. Both ours and their insurance determined the car totaled and the other driver was found at fault by his insurance company. We did have GAP coverage (which will NEVER happen again). The car was 19 days owned and we believe we should get MSRP for our car. Does anyone know if this is reasonable? I think we pay so much every month and therefore are entitled to be in the same position financially as we were before the accident. (Also, we had stuff : a rifle, our pets, their crate that got damaged. We were wondering if that and the out-of-pocket rental car expenses should be covered... seeing that it was in direct relation to the car accident, that was his fault.)""
""My motorcycle was stolen and at time I didnt have insurance, it has a lien on it. So what can I do?""
I owe almost $5,000 on it to the bank. Is there anything I can do besides taking this big loss? Please help I need suggestions!""
Health Insurance?!?!?
I am having to get my own health insurance for the first time. Can someone help me figure all of this out? What should I be looking for? I am young and healthy, so I would not like to pay that much, but I would like to feel confidant in my coverage. Also, I will need dental coverage-any info there?? Thanks so much!""
How much would health insurance cost?
For a single person? I'm 18 and am in great health. I really only ever go to the dermatologist once a year. Thanks!
How hard is it for police to verify that you REALLY do have car insurance?
With all the different companies that offer insurance, how would a police officer know if if the insurance card is a fake or not or if the policy number is real during a traffic stop?""
I pay more for auto insurance than medical insurance?
And no, im not a bad driver. Will Obama have some sort of auto insurance reform next to help us out? Look at how many Americans dont have car insurance but drive anyways.""
Insurance Rate comparison Between G37S Coupe 2009 and a 370z 2009 Both black for a 17 year old?
don't give me the He shouldn't have a car like that at such a young age. We have our reasons, just got back Iraq. But anyways, would the insurance be basically the same for both cars since they're both fast, expensive, and two doors?""
Driving my moms car and insurance coverage?
My mom's car has full coverage insurance on it. I am not added to her insurance as a driver because I only drive it once a month or so. If I ever got into an accident, will her insurance still cover her car?""
Question about car insurance?
I live in philadelphia with my mom, and I live with my dad in quakertown on most weekends. Even though my permit is registered under my mom's address, can I go on my dad's car insurance since it's way cheaper? I mean I do live with him part time, just as I live with my mom part time. I'm 18.""
What are the top 5-10 cheapest car insurance?
And which one is the cheapest?
How much will my insurance go uop?
i was in an accident not to long ago. My car was totaled and my insuranced paid it off ($13,000) it wasnt my fault but im 20 and ive been driving for 3 years but recently got my license last year. i was already paying 250 a month, how much more will i have to pay?? my car was an 05 altima. now its a case of he ran a red light, versus she ran a red light""
Insurance question for duis?
Alright, im 22 years old and i have 3 duis in a matter of 2 years. Im getting my liscence back in 5 months after losing it for a year. how much will my insurance be so i can be ready for the cost?""
Has anyone heard of critical illness insurance?
Has anyone ever used or benefited from ctitical illness insurance through Great-West Life insurance? I am thinking of getting it, I am a health male 38 year old in Canada?""
Can i get my car insurance reinstated?
Hi, my insurance was paid in full for 10 months. i had a crash end september went down i was at fault. I still had till end march on policy and obvs its been cancelled as car was right off. I am sure the woman said i can reinstate policy as i paid in full?? Any help would be good thanks""
About how much would it cost to insure a commercial building?
I'm looking into buying a commercial building to teach martial arts in. I live in a small town in KY and the buildings I'm looking at are about $25,000. I'm not sure what type of insurance I will have to have or how much it will cost me. Could someone please give me some idea of what type of insurance I will need and how much it might cost? I don't know if I just need to insure the building or if I need business insurance too. Thanks.""
What kind of insurance overage should I get for my bike?
I have a 98 Honda Superhawk (996 CC). I'm unsure what kind of coverage I need since I'm learning to pay for my own insurance. It's a bike that I'm just planning to ride for small commute and weekends. I'm also trying to pay as little as possible. I was thinking of going with progressive. I got a rate of $300 Any idea of what coverage I need will be appreciated! Thanks
Need help with insurance?
ok im getting my first car and im 17...i live with my mom and step dad. my mom cant get a licence because she has seizures and my step dad cant get his back until next year. since im under eighteen can i get my own insurance or do i have to be put on someone elses and if not will it cost a lot since im a new driver and a teenager? please help!
What happens if I want Homeowners and Car insurance with the same company?
Say my car insurance is with Company C and expires October 31 and my homeowners insurance is with Company H and expires January 31. I saw somewhere that if I have both insurances with the same Company then I save money. How do I line up the two insurance renewal dates so that I do not waste the money I paid for homeowners insurance between October 31 and January 31?
Cheapest car for insurance?
My parents have agreed to get me a car, but the insurance has to be cheap. We have allstate and i have no idea what the cheapest car would be to get, insurance wise. thanks for any help!""
How much is insurance for a new driver (teenager) on an old car?
I have my L currently and im 18 living in vancouver and we want to buy a automatic car but not an expensive one or anything, like an old one, say the car was max 8000 min 3000. 1) how much would the insurance be for me to drive it IM 18! 2) this is with BCAA""
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a 17yr old in London?
I'm not 17 yet, but I am next year. I was wondering, what are the best sites or companies for cheap insurance for cars?""
Quote for insurance>seats?
when getting a qcar insruance quote when its askes how many seats for a 3 door car would that be 4 seats? ta x
18 Yeasr old with 94 ford taurus wagon. cheapest insurance??
I'm 18 and just got a 94 ford turus wagon for my first car. where do you think i should get my insurance?
What are insurance premiums?
I received a letter in the mail saying they will pay me back my insurance premiums.. Is it cash or what? I have no idea what they are...
How much is third party car insurance for a 2 litre car?
my dad might be giving me his car after i pass my test when i'm 17 so i was wondering how much roughly a 2 litre engine 5door mazda 626 would be to insure for a 17 year old boy on third party car insurance in the uk?
Richland Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31825
Richland Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31825
""USPS Insurance, How much to insure an envolope.?""
Hello, I would like to start selling things online. I would be selling small thin items that I can place in a regular size envelope. I was wondering if anyone knew how much it would cost me to insure the envelope for $25, and maybe $50 for the larger orders to mail at a USPS post office? I couldn't find this information online. ):""
Insurance plans for family?
where can i get complete family insurance plans for lowest premium rates
""Car insurance problem, please help!!?""
Hi, I just got my g2 and my parents won't let me drive yet because they aren't insured for me to use their cars. I understand that everyone's insurance is different, but according to your history with car insurance, how long will it take to set up? Also, how much money, roughly, will it be added on to my parent's insurance? I have plans very very soon to drive with friends and my girlfriend. Thanks.""
Anthem Blue Cross Insurance?
Does anyone here has any problem with Anthem, Blue Cross Insurance on making phone call or trying to contact them any way? Every time I tried to call them, I have to be on hold for at least 30 minutes, sometime 1 hour but still couldn't get any help from them. I feel they are helpless, careless...bad service Insurance as I ever know.""
Average insurance for a 500 cc motorbike?
hi, im 18 and soon will have passed my driving test, im hoping to get a restricted Honda cbf500. but it all depends on how much the insurance is. can anyone guess the average third party insurance for an 18 year old on a restricted cbf500. o and i have a 2 year no clams bonus on my 50cc scooter. don't no if that makes any difference""
If the address on the car insurance doesn't match the registration certificate can the car still b taxed?
because i stay at both addresses the insurance and the registration certificate dont match but can i still get my car taxed?
How much is it to add a new driver to your insurance on AAA?
I just got my license and my dads making me pay for my insurance. How much is that? He said he's just putting me on the insurance and I have to pay whatever the price that is added because of me. How much would it be? We already have two people. My mom and dad. We have and SUV, a big van, and a small sports car. How much is the insurance gunna go up? Give me a range. Please and thank you:)""
""Cheap insurance cars, help me choose.?
I'm looking for a 2002 car and I'm thinking of: Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 I would welcome other options and choices And your opinion will count! I want to get a cheap insurance and I can afford up to 2.300
Can I borrow a car from someone if I don't have insurance coverage under their policy as a 19 year old?
This is more of a situational question than the main question suggests. So here goes: I live with my mom and am listed as an occasional driver on her car insurance policy. I am 19 years old and have a full G license. I go to my dads house on weekends and some days during the week. During these times, I sometimes use the car to run miscellaneous errands for him or myself. These errands are not at all part of a routine and are truly random events. My dad and his girlfriend have insurance coverage but I'm not listed under their insurance policy as an occasional driver simply because my driving of their car isn't routine and it's not worth the extra expense. So technically, this would be considered as me borrowing their car. Because I don't have my own personal insurance coverage (other than the occasional insurance with my mom), does that make it illegal to drive my dads car or is it perfectly legal for me to borrow his car at random times? This is causing a sort of feud that can occur between divorced parents while putting me in the middle so a solution to this problem, one way or the other, is much appreciated""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old driver?
I am about to turn 16 in August. And I'm wondering if you can tell me a estimated guess on how much car insurance will be. My family is insured with State Farm. If there is another company that may be cheaper please tell me. My family has several cars under Sate Farm if that makes a difference. I will be driving a 2007-8 Ford F-150 Lariat 2 wheel drive. I have all A's and have over 60 community service hours. If any of this makes a difference. How much will I start off spending and how fast does it get lowered and what will it get lowered to about?
Insurance For a 2006 Bmw M5 For a New Driver?
Im !7 and im thinking about getting a 2006 Bmw M5 What will the insurance rate be? Right now im driving a 2011 BMW 535XI Station Wagon will the M5's insurance be more or alot more?
""I recently received a red light camera ticket, will the insurance know about it?""
I'm trying to apply for a new auto insurance which i think i would have a better rate than the one i currently have. The problem is I recently received a red light camera ticket with no points, but there is a question on the application form that said have you receive any moving violation including no points violation? Would they really know about it? should i say yes or no. i'm afraid if i say yes they will deny me coverage. please advice. I just ordered my drivers license history to see if its there. thanks!""
Is there any programs in Tennessee (US) to help single mothers with car insurance?
I know this isn't the right catagory (I posted it in the correct one also) but I usually get good, helpful answers here so please try to help me! I am a single mother and I do work, but it's only seasonal, as of right now (there is talk I might be hired on full time but the hours would be very slim for a while after the holidays...it's retail). I was attending college online and I paid 6 months of car insurance with my living allowance from my student loans...well..my (ex) partner lost her job and we had to move and I was going through too much stress with a newborn and moving and everything that I had to quit school...now in December my insurance is due again and I am not going to have the money. I just started working so I haven't made any money yet. Is there anything to help me pay car insurance? I am trying my best make a better life for my daughter and I, but it gets soo discouraging working but still stressing soo much over money. I am trying to take care of my student loan but I have to come up with like $1500 to pay at least half of what I owe before they will give me another loan to go back to school and get a degree and I do not have that kind of money and with little family support no one will loan me that much. Please help me I dont' know what my options are right now.""
Cheap auto insurance in mississauga area?
Hi, I am a 22 Year old, female, G2 driver. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good insurance company with cheap rates for a new driver for either a 2000 2DR Sunfire or 2002 Mazda Protege. The rates i've been coming across seem pretty high for a full time student. Also, I have no previous insurance history or any accidents. Thanks!!!""
Pregnancy and disability insurance?
Hi, i am currently 7 months pregnant and found out that our short term disability insurance will only give us $800 a month for disability. I asked if I can opt out of our employers short term disability and apply for state disability and I was told no because I have been here for longer than 18 months. Is this allowed and also is there anything else i can do. I live in California.""
Cost of 2005 bmw 745li insurance?
im 16 ill be gettin mine when im 17 whats the average insurance cost for a 2005 bmw 745li
Where can I find affordable health insurance with no waiting period for maternity coverage?
We're residents of Virginia, but use a doctor and hospital in North Carolina, and can't seem to find a thing. Doesn't need to pick it up as a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com didn't find a thing for us. Any help is appreciated.""
How can I get health insurance?
I live in Chicago, IL. I don't have health health insurance because my mom can't afford it. Im 19 years old and I need health insurance.What does everyone else do who's under 21? Do any of you under 21 have any health insurance? If so, what company? I don't have a job, (been trying to find a job for three years). I need to see a dermatologist really bad, and I have no idea what to do.""
B Average for Car insurance?
I'm a 16 year old male who just got my license. I'm looking for car insurance, and was read about student discounts that said you need a B average. I have As and Bs, but I have a C in German, will this make me unable to get the discount?""
Can I make the minimum payment on car insurance and then....?
At the end of the year pay whatever the remainder is that I owe? Or does it all depend on what kind of car insurance you have?
Cheap car insurances?
i'm a 21 year old college student driving a 2005 make car- i need a reasonable insurance company any suggestions.. any incentives for being a female and being on the deans list in college?
Whats the typical cost for teen auto insurance?
I know their isn't an exact number, but what the typical range. Lets say in my case that i'm 16 almost 17 and driving a 7 year X-Terra. How much would the typical range be in Texas?""
Car accident without insurance? Not at fault and no police report.?
This happened in California. I am an excluded driver on my dad's policy and do not have insurance myself. I was moving the car out of the garage to a parking spot in our complex. I came to a stop at a stop sign within the complex and was hit by another car who was reversing. The other driver admitted fault and I have an email where they essentially admit fault. Since I am an excluded driver and have no insurance, am I able to file a claim with their insurance company? If so, can their insurance deny the claim on the basis that I am an excluded driver and have no insurance?""
How much time do I have to get another's insurance to pay for my medical bills?
If I was a pedestrian hit by a car and was injured, taken to the hospital, how long do I have before I can claim my medical bills on someone else's insurance since it was their fault?""
Do i need to call my car insurance company?
I was in a car accident today and it was not a small accident. I hit a car on its side. there was an older woman so an ambulance came but she ended up not being hurt, just procautionary. the police were called and they took all my info and whatnot. It was wierd the police did not give me any papers or anything and told me i could leave. they just asked me if i wanted my car towed and i said no. the police officer also told me when i asked him that i dont need to call my insurance company unless i want to make a claim. is that true? i only have 1 way insurance so im probably going to scrap my car. I always thought u should call them no matter what, do you know if i am obligated to call them or will they contact me? location: Quebec, Canada thanks a bunch, Tyler""
Richland Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31825
Richland Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31825
0 notes
Can I sue the insurance company?
"Can I sue the insurance company?
ok so my doctor gave me some samples of antidepressants and I went back yesterday and she said she didn't have anymore and she'll have to get me a prescription. well I went to the pharmacy to pick it up and they said that my insurance won't cover it and it cost 300 dollars for the medicine and I don't have that kind of money. what do I do? can I sue them? how can they just take me off of my medicine like that? i'm actually feeling a lot better now and happy. I don't want to go back to the depressed, anxious me. what do I do? i'm really angry right now. i'm just 18 and I don't know much about suing people or insurance. my parents know more about that stuff but I don't.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does comprehensive insurance cover damage to my car if i wasnt driving the car?
My friend(who is not listed as a driver under my insurance) was driving my car when the passenger front tire fell off.There was damage to the right front of the car.Will my comprehensive insurance cover my claim.
How much would car insurance cost for me?
Im seventeen. And female. The car is a black 94 Jetta standard (if that has anything to do with it) Im just confused about insurance. People are saying it would be very expensive but I turn 18 in a month should I wait until then? Also people say insurance is cheaper for girls. Is this true? And what insurance company is cheapest?
Are there discounts on insurance for cars that are 25 years or older?
I heard that insurance is very cheap for cars that are 25 years or older. I heard suggestions of about a few hundred per year. Is that true?
What auto insurance companies are currently appointing in Florida?
I have been a licensed 2-20 Insurance Agent for a year now. Im currently looking for auto insurance companies that are appointing in Florida. Any names and phone numbers of these companies would be a big help. Here are lists of companies that Im currently writing business with: Bristol West Progressive Gainsco Seminoles I need some more companies so that I am not only limited to these four. By the way I am in the SW Florida area. Thanks SO much for your help guys
""I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
Can anyone tell me what company provides affordable health care?
I am researching health care plans, and they are all too expensive. I have to buy it for me and my soon-to-be wife. We both have costly pre-existing conditions, and no one seems to cover that at an affordable price if at all. I was hoping someone could tip me off where to buy a good health care plan.""
Does home insurance cover acidental damage?
I acidently spilit water on my laptop and broke it. Would home insurance cover this?
What is the cheapest individual health insurance plan in PA?
age 62, good health""
Good morning! Can anyone suggest a good dental insurance plan?
We had blue cross and blue shield and were not happy with it! We live in a semi small area and the only dentist office that accepted our plan never called us back after 15 voice mails and NEVEr answered their phones so we never were able to make an appointment! So I cancelled the policy. We need some dental insurance. I need to take my son in to get his teeth looked at and my husbands. We live in FL and there just doesn't seem to be a lot that I'm finding. Anyone have a suggestion?
Question about Health Insurance in the USA?
If you are not insured will you not receive emergency treatment in A and E? Do you have to pay for this? HOw do they make you pay? What about if you have cancer or need long term care for a degenerative illness? Do many people die in the USA because they are unable to afford treatment? Also I heard that the incedence of TB and pneumonia among the poor in the USA was on the increase because they have no access to healthcare is this true? Sorry I know this is a lot of questions maybe i should split them up next time. :-)
Can I register my car without insurance in Utah?
my registeration on my car lapsed in april, I do not drive the car but in Utah you can not even park it out on the street without it being registered. so I was wondering since some of my neighbors are wanting my parking spot since they are moving in can I just register my car since I have enough money to get it registered but I do not want to pay the monthly insurance on it since I am not driving it I am just holding on to it until my daughter turns of age to take it.... thanks.....""
Best health insurance in colorado?
Best health insurance in colorado?
Insurance for a mustang?
All the insurance sites I have seen require me to register, and add my personal details before get a quote, and i do not want to do that. so i will ask for your opinion. I am 25, just got my drivers license, and have a 1997 mustang. I am in Louisiana. How much would the basic insurance be? I have never been in an accident, and the mustang is just the basic model. I need the cheapest coverage, and do not plan to use full coverage, because the car is not worth that much.""
Cheapest and reliable car insurace company?
how has the lowest quote out under normal circumstances? i know they categorize it based on age,sex, etc. just tell me who has the cheapest insurance.is it really GEICO?""
Second driver for my parents car insurance?
well im a full time college student so i can't pay for my car insurance at the moment. whats the requirements for putting myself as a second driver to my parents car? ive had one car accident and been cancelled twice in my own name to 2 different car insurance. (family member passed away and i had to use the cash to go abroad) anyways.. will that effect me to putting me as a second driver to my parents car?? .. (with their name on the car) i mean.. my parents will pay for me so i dont see the problem for me getting rejected by the insurance for my prior non payment cancelation. please help me.
Question about my insurance?
I had an accident two weeks ago I wonder if my insurance pay for my medical costs. (suppose I am at fault) and I have full coverage insurance which includes: Bodily injury 25/50 (is it for the other person involved who is not at fault or can it be used for me too?) uninsured motorist 25/50 comprehensive collision
Is car insurance absolutely needed for a car?
I will be purchasing my first car sometime this year. I don't know anything about insurance and I'm really not knowledgeable when it comes to things like this. So my question is, is car insurance a requirement when owning a car? Do you need it? Is it expensive and how does the process work? Cause I'll be getting my first car soon and I don't really know insurance plays a role in all of this.""
I'm 18 and a girl and have had my license for 2 years. My car insurance is 170$ a month, is that a lot? I don't know much about cars but it doesn't seem right. I only have full coverage for my medical and not my car. I have AAA car insurance. HELP please!""
Health Insurance Ques?
Because he's a full time student, I can carry my son under my health insurance plan until he's 23. The problem is he'll be a full time undergrad until a few months shy of his 24th birthday. He works, but only part time so insurance isn't really an option at his place of work. It would be a bit much to go to school FT and also work FT. Any ideas? Don't want to go w/o insurance.""
Alloys and insurance?
If i wanted to put alloys on my car, will my insurance go up? Thanks""
How much will my car insurance be?!?
I've had my provisional for less than a month, I am 17, with a Nissan Micra 2006. How much will my insurance be along with other costs? Thanks guys. x""
""In the uk, i am 18, new driver, and want cheap car insurance. The cheapest i have found is 2500. any ideas?""
In the uk, i am 18, new driver, and want cheap car insurance. The cheapest i have found is 2500. any ideas?""
Where to get cheap full coverage car insurance in san mateo california?
Where to get cheap full coverage car insurance in san mateo california?
I have an old car ... is it worth it to be paying for 100/300 insurance coverage?
I am driving an old '97 accord, which I got after someone hit & totaled my previous car last year. I have been paying 100/300 JUST liability insurance for it, but I want to know if it is worth it. I am paying approx $100/month for just all liability at this rate. I lowered my coverage and 25/50 is approx $70/month, so I want to know if it is worth it. I need advice since I know nothing about this at all. I don't mind paying if it is a better option, but I also don't want to overpay for an old car. Any advice is greatly appreciated!""
V6 mustang and v8 mustang insurance?
how much more would a v8 mustang insurance be than a v6? im 17
Can I sue the insurance company?
ok so my doctor gave me some samples of antidepressants and I went back yesterday and she said she didn't have anymore and she'll have to get me a prescription. well I went to the pharmacy to pick it up and they said that my insurance won't cover it and it cost 300 dollars for the medicine and I don't have that kind of money. what do I do? can I sue them? how can they just take me off of my medicine like that? i'm actually feeling a lot better now and happy. I don't want to go back to the depressed, anxious me. what do I do? i'm really angry right now. i'm just 18 and I don't know much about suing people or insurance. my parents know more about that stuff but I don't.
Car insurance if I don't drive?
My mom is taking me off of her car insurance policy since I no longer own a car, don't have a job to get one or pay gas, and don't even live with her anymore. Yesterday I got my drivers license address changed to my current address which is with my boyfriend. Now his family is making a big deal about it saying that even if I'm not driving, it's illigal to have a licensed driver living in their house with no car insurance and that I have to be under insuarance. This dosnt make any sense to me. Is it even true or are they misinformed? Please help!!!""
Help me with me car insurance?
i am 34 years old have a new license with pass plus and recentley bought a car. what is the cheapest car insurance for me(third party) thanks
""Im looking for affordable whole life insurance for myself and my husband, we are on a fixed income.?
our ages are male 42 and female 41
""Are manual shift cars better on gas than automatics, and are they cheaper insurance wise?""
Are manual shift cars better on gas than automatics, and are they cheaper insurance wise?""
I'm moving to florida from new jersey.?
Anything I should know before I move? Like is rent cheaper or auto insurance or like anything that would surprise me?
Car insurance for teenagers!!?
I'm currently 19, I've held my driving license for 9months, since February. I've done the pass plus thing which in my opinion and everyone else's opinion a waste of time as it doesn't really save you that much off car insurance. Car insurance for me and my friends are through the roof, the only way to get lower car insurance is to get ourselves named as a named driver through our parents as they've got many years worth of no claims bonuses. Or to even change the address of where we live, such as a family or friends place, which is away from London and off the public roads. car insurance is a cheaper that way, as well as if you pay it annually instead of in monthly instalments. I work and basically want to get a car that is relatively cheap to insure, around the 1000-1500 mark not 4000 mark. I've tried fiat punto's, corsa's, the lot and they all seem to give me quotes of 4000 when the car is worth like a 1000. Its absolutely ludicrous, I want to be the owner of the vehicle so I can start my no claims bonus, otherwise my insurance will be high for some time, but i don't want to pay 4000 or go as a named driver as i will not work on my no claims bonus. Any suggestions? I both want and need a car, buying the cars not a problem, running the cars not a problem, paying for road tax or MOT's is not a problem it's just the insurance which is the main problem!!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :) Thanks in advance-Mike""
If I own property and pay insurance from 2 different insurance companies.?
If something were to happen to my property can I collect money from both insurances?
Will the insurance company cancel my car insurance after a DUI in VA?
i got a dui in VA, is offence, .08 bac, well i got convicted of yesterday. i have to do a DWI Education classes and have a restricted licence to drive to work. my insurancce is still valid for a good 6 months. do i have to inform the insurance company, will i lose my insurance, do i need a sr22 or not. please advice..""
""How much do people pay (per month, year etc) for car insurance?
The price can be per month year etc.
Where to buy affordable health insurance?
I was forced to retire at the age of 64. I am not eligible for medicare until Sep of 2011. Looking for health insurane I can buy now
""What is a good, affordable health insurance?
I'm looking for some health insurance for me and my husband that we can actually afford. We live in NJ and the policy we have now is going up way to much now. We are looking for something we can afford with little to no deductible would be great too.
How much would insurance cost around for a 2002 ford explorer for a 16 year old?
please don't tell me it depends and such...i just want a range Thanks
""I am 21, and have been driving since I was 16. How much will my insurance be?
My parents always paid for my insurance (dont hate) and now I want to use the car for a courier service. How much do you think my insurance will cost me?
Can I take my car to get repaired anywhere even if my insurance says no?
I got my window broken when someone broke into my car and I had an appt at the dealership where I bought to the car to get it repaired ASAP (and was going to) but my insurance nixed the idea. They said they wouldnt pay a dime if I did that. I HAVE to go to their suggested business. Now I have to drive to and from work with a taped up window for 2 more days till THEIR guy can fit me in. Is this legal??? It seems so unfair. BTW- I have Mercury auto insurance and I live in California.
If i got a car as a gift and dont have insurance and a car hits me is that ok?
my friend gave me a car and i dont have insurance, but a guy hit me this morning, will his insurance pay for it?""
What percent of damage will Infinity Insurance total a car in california?
according to kelly blue book, car is valued at 15,660 for private party sale damages came out to 8,566 that is about 54% in damages i dont want to drive a car that is this damaged, because it wont be as safe, even after repair. if its not quite at their totaling percentage, is there a way i can insist or push the insurance into totaling the car? and would the fact that Infinity is a real cheap insurance effect their percentage to total?""
Long Term Care Insurance?
Please give me the pros and cons of obtaining long term care insurance. What is the criteria, and who should buy long term care insurance? Conversely, who should not, or who does not need such a policy? What does it cover and what are the variable costs. Also, does it help prevent you from going into a nursing home should that be indicated? Thank you!""
How much would it cost to insure a pontiac firebird?
Im turning 16 soon and will be getting a car I was wondering how much money it would cost to insure a 1997 Pontiac Firebird.
Do you need motorcycle insurance in Georgia?
do you need motorcycle insurance in Georgia
What is the best car insurance to get?
Cheap, reasonable, and the best.""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I'm 18 and i have a 2000 honda civic. Please help
Where is the cheapest place to get renters insurance?
My land lord is requiring everyone to get renters insurance now so im just looking for the cheapest most basic insurance I can get.
When you get a car insurance quote do you pay that amount each month?
Say my quote says 600 dollars is that what I pay a month?
Car insurance question?
I only renewed my car insurance 5 month back and paying a load for it. I just found I can save 30 a month. on the whole I would save even after another initial payment. Would it be a good thing to swap insurance companinies for this and can I swap.
If i cahnge car insurance after 7 days of getting it due i have to pay the full amount??
Heres the deal i got a car and put safe auto on it. i then wrote the postdated check for 7 days from then. well today (5 days after getting my car) i found a lot cheaper insurance. CAn i canel the saufe auto and not have to pay the full amounnt??? or do iahve to essentially pay 2 full months of car insurance????
Can I sue the insurance company?
ok so my doctor gave me some samples of antidepressants and I went back yesterday and she said she didn't have anymore and she'll have to get me a prescription. well I went to the pharmacy to pick it up and they said that my insurance won't cover it and it cost 300 dollars for the medicine and I don't have that kind of money. what do I do? can I sue them? how can they just take me off of my medicine like that? i'm actually feeling a lot better now and happy. I don't want to go back to the depressed, anxious me. what do I do? i'm really angry right now. i'm just 18 and I don't know much about suing people or insurance. my parents know more about that stuff but I don't.
What should you do if you hit a car but have no insurance?
my friend hit a car the other day but he has no insurance,the damage done to his car was very minor and he only scuffed the bumper of the other car, it appears the other driver wants to claim, should my friend admit to no insurance ? please help ive run out of ideas for him..............""
Car insurance for new driver that will not drive far..?
HI, I am turning 17 in november, and already looking at cars. The cars i am looking at are getting insurance at over 5000 (im male) a year fully comp! The car is only like 2500..... The thing is i will barely use my car as i live really close to school, so will walk all weekdays - especially as i am banned from parking in school as i live too close. I will occasionally use it on weekends - but if i go out in the evening im not going to take my car - drink driving.. So the only time i will use my car is quite alot in the holidays and very occasionally on some weekends, and therefore think 5k for a few car trips is ridiculous.. So is there any form of insurance where you pay for how far you drive? BTW the cars i was loooking at are 1L's, peugeots and vauxhalls mainly. These ok? Im looking at nothing over 60,000 miles and 7 years old max - i think i will do 3000 max a year. IM looking to sped about 2500 on a car, but need cheaper insurance than that! Hope you can help Many Thanks""
How much would it cost on insurance average for a 17 year old owning a street bike?
im looking at 2012 ninja 250r kawasaki street bike and wondering the average insurance monthly and im 17 years old
What is a good name for insurance company?
Since Obama wants to make the health insurance mandatory. I thought that the only way to survive in the USA, is to start my own insurance company. Please help me to come up with the name.""
How do I find health insurance for myself as an individual?
I am currently a sophomore in college, and I really hate student insurance, as it covers and pays for almost nothing, and doesn't include dental. Where do I go if i need to get a different provider?""
HOW does indemnity insurance affect Home insurance?
How does having indemnity insurance on a home for buiding work carried out with out building regs affect the cost of Home building insurance?
Car insurance ?
ok heres my problem. i am 18 and i just finished a drivers ed program i want to get my license but i cant because in order to take the road test to get my full license (not a learners) i need a car on which i am insured but i cannot buy a car because in order to even buy a car you need to have some one in the house which you live in who has car insurance and no one in my family drives so they dont have insurance as you can see im in a cycle that i cant get out of... what do i do?
What exactly is a car insurance quote?
literally, is it a QUOTE? what is it?! i feel pretty darn stupid for asking this question. but you know, it's annoying the shiz outta me.""
Car Insurance Coverage and a DUI Question?
My daughter received a DUI a while back, as she put the car in 'Drive' (instead of 'Reverse') and drove through the side of a restaurant. (closed, thank God!...No people there) She refused the Breathalyzer, and was taken to the ER for about 7 hours. She was given a DUI. This car was titled, registered and insured by me- I am her mother. She is over 30 years old. The insurance has covered to fix the car, but the restaurant has retained an attorney. (I live in SC and have $100,000 property damage on the car) Yesterday, my insurance adjustor called to ask for a release of my daughter's medical records, so they could meet with the restaurant's attorneys and show that she was not drunk. Well, she was drunk, and my daughter's attorney has told me not to release that information, as it is a violation of her rights- she already refused the breathalyzer, etc.Also, she WAS drunk, and this would only release that information possibly to others. Please no rude comments about all of this- I get it! Question: Can my insurance company refuse to pay for my daughter's ER bill ($13,000) AND the property damage, AND whatever else- due to the fact that they are going to decide she was 'drunk.' ??? Is there any way to protect my assets? Specifics would be great, if you know them. Thanks.""
New Car with Hail Damage - Insurance?
I am looking at buying a new car that has minimal hail damage to the bonnet and roof. About 10 tic tac sized dents all up, extremely hard to see. They are discounting it heavily and I really like the car but when I rang up the insurance company today they said they will not insure it. Does anyone know any companies that will insure a BRAND NEW minimally HAIL DAMAGED CAR? (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)""
I'm having trouble trying to get under my dads insurance policy?
I've just gotten my license and found a car I was going to buy so I called my Dad's insurance company to try to get under his policy. However they said I cannot go under his policy because she knows that I will be the primary driver as well as the fact that my dad is already the primary driver for two other cars. Without my dad my insurance rate is around $4500/yr. My dad does not speak english very well so I have to do the calling and talking. What should I say and do so I can get under my dads insurance policy?
My Car Insurance won't pay for my car accident?
I Totaled my 2000 ford mustang gt at an intersection, it was my fault. I ran into a car, and that car hit the car in front of him as a result. So technically i was responsible for damages of 2 cars. I only had liability so i knew my car wouldn't be fixed. But now my insurance company said that my payment for that month was processed the day after my accident, so i wasn't insured on the day of the accident. I just found this out, and i want to know what will happen now that my insurance wont pay for the damages? will the other people's insurance sue me? All answers are appreciated! Thanks!""
Where can I find information on low rate home owner's insurance?
I have a hmeowners insurance since I bought my home 10 years ago. The premium has gone up about 25%. Want to find out better rate from good companies - websites etc information
Will my wreck affect my dads insurance rates?
I'm on my step dads insurance on his buisness truck. If I got into a wreck would it affect his insurance rates or just mine.
How much will my insurance go up for a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket in July going 100 mph in California. I live in AZ and was visiting when I got pulled over. I got a notice in the mail saying it's mandatory for me to appear in court. Does anyone know how much my insurance will go up? I'm 25 yrs old and this is my 2nd speeding ticket. The 1st one was in AZ and it doesn't show up on my record because I went to driving school.
Insurance Forum?
Are there any good forums that discuss insurance products without trying to sell you something?
I need health insurance. I am 60 years old and live in Pa.?
There is no state program I qualify for, because I am on Social Security retirement. I need an affordable health plan which includes screening tests (MRI's, colonoscopies, blood ...show more""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
i'm 16 and i live in the southern california area, around north hollywood. i would be driving a honda accord, thats leased so far but we're (family) is planning on buying it soon. i also have pretty good grades. how much do u think it would cost? and which auto insurance is best and the cheapest?""
I am looking for car insurance for a courier?
this is different from regular insurance.. is there any service that offers just courier insurance. one who uses their car to make deliveries
Will my parents insurance go up?
My parents have state farm. I'm 17 and I just got my license. I would want my name under my moms car. will my parents insurance go up? and if so about how much?
How can i get cheap car insurance in the UK?
hey people, i have tried getting cheap car insurance for a while n i have had no joy. the cheapest i have got it is about 2,897 that is ridiculas for a 18 year old male at college who hasn't got a penny spear! i got a car givin to me a 1998 ford fiesta 1.25 zetec and i need help pritty bad. please help me!!!!!!!!!!""
How much would you expect motorcycle insurance to cost me?
i live in san diego county, i'm 19, i've had my license for about a year (i have one crash on my record from when i was in a car on my permit, with no injuries), and i want to get a honda rebel 250 cruiser.""
How much does is a ticket if you are pulled over without registration and insurance in CA?
A girl I just started dating, who has lived in California for a few years, has not registered her vehicle in CA. She drives around with out of state plates, expired stickers, and does not have insurance. How much will it cost her if she get's pulled over. and what other non monetary consequences will she will face. I have stressed the importance getting it registered, siting scenarios such as, what if you are in an accident and are seriously injured or seriously injure someone else, without insurance, who pays for the hospital bills? . For some reason that does not create enough sense of urgency.""
Best car insurance quote for a 17 year old. (UK)?
im going on my parents insurance, and i need the cheapest insurance as possible. i heard a company named something like 'quantitive' do a good price? but im not sure... looking for no more than 2000""
""For an fha home mortgage what is a rough estimate of how much we can get, me and my wife combined make?""
69,000 a year, we have a car payment at 325, student loans total of 460 a month, a credit card payment of 15 a month with a balance of only 30 left, other than the normal cell phone bill and utilites car insurance etc that basically all we have , my credit score is a 688 , and my wifes will soon be around a 640 so we have the required score for an fha loan""
Can I sue the insurance company?
ok so my doctor gave me some samples of antidepressants and I went back yesterday and she said she didn't have anymore and she'll have to get me a prescription. well I went to the pharmacy to pick it up and they said that my insurance won't cover it and it cost 300 dollars for the medicine and I don't have that kind of money. what do I do? can I sue them? how can they just take me off of my medicine like that? i'm actually feeling a lot better now and happy. I don't want to go back to the depressed, anxious me. what do I do? i'm really angry right now. i'm just 18 and I don't know much about suing people or insurance. my parents know more about that stuff but I don't.
Can I have military health insurance and Regular Health Insurance?
1.Am I allowed to have both military and normal health insurance? 2. Can I see regular nonmilitary doctors with Military health insurance?
Cheapest car insurance uk?
I know it also depends on what car you have but just a rough guess how much will it cost for me I'm 21 Iv also heard that the older you are the cheaper the insurance
What is the best health insurance in CA right now?
I need help. I don't have health insurance right now and I want to find an affordable one. I live in San Francisco, and I work part-time. I look at Athem insurance and it was around 60 bucks a month. I can't really afford that right now. Is there any other health insurance that is affordable and good?""
What are the odds of insurance rates increasing after a ticket?
Okay, so late last year, I had a run in with a cop on the freeway who pulled me over for speeding. After having a lengthy talk with him, I managed to talk him into just citing me for some dice I had on my rear-view mirror. It ran me a little over a hundred bucks, and I don't think it really effected my insurance. Now, just the other day, I got caught in a speeding trap on the freeway and got pulled over, and this time I did get a ticket for speeding for doing 81 mph. Now, as far as I know, insurance companies only check a person's MVR once every three years or so, but I've only just begun to research the subject. So my question is, given the information I just provided, what are the odds that my insurance company finds out about my new ticket and raises my rates?""
""If you are driving someone else's car while they are in it, does insurance cover an accident?""
Hey, I have my full G license however I am not insured under any car because I do not own a car. However, my girlfriend does own a car and we're planning on going on a trip which requires 12 hours of driving. She wants me to drive but I am unsure that if we got into an accident we would be covered. So question: Are we covered by the insurance company in the event of an accident Note: I am driving, have no car or insurance in my name on any car She is in the passenger seat during the whole duration of the trip""
How can I lower my insurance?
I m paying 660 for insurance I have liability I live in upstate ny they told me my insurance was so high because they spotted me in brooklyn run a red light I work in brooklyn n my agent say I need to have a lease to lower my insurance again I wanna lower it to the max If any body got any advice or idea I will be glad to hear a few of them list all the possible options
Insured driver drives uninsured vehicle and crashes into my car. Is her insurance responsible?
Basically a woman who has her own insurance drove her friends uninsured vehicle and crashed into two parked cars including mine. Will the drivers insurance par for the damages or will they get out of paying? I have my own insurance, but I don't want my rates to go up because of this moron which is why I would rather have the drivers insurance pay for it. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Will i still get accepted on my husbands insurance while already pregnant before him getting the job?
I recently found out that i am pregnant and i'm planning on getting medicaid but i'm not sure that if once my husband get a job with health insurance if it will affect the medicaid and that if me being pregnant before him getting the job would affect me getting accepted to his insurance?
According to the TV everyone is talking about cheaper car insurance.?
I have never heard anyone talking about cheaper car insurance. Is it me?
""Poverty level, affordable health insurance plan for a family of 5?
i want to help my parents find health insurance that they can afford
How long do I have to take traffic school after i receive a speeding ticket in the state of California?
I already paid for the ticket that I received last December but my insurance went up, can i still take traffic school to get it off my record? If not, are there any ways I can lower my insurance?""
Where to go for car insurance?
I live in Missouri and plan on getting a new car soon. I need car insurance and would like to know what a good car insurance company would be. I'm single and live on my own and ...show more
How much would nyc car insurance be for a 19 year old insuring only himself? ?
How much would nyc car insurance be for a 19 year old insuring only himself? ?
How can i get cheap auto insurance in texas being 20 years old?
im 20 years old and im finally getting my own truck but I don't really have a whole lot of money so I cant pay an outrageous price for auto insurance. liability is fine with me but what is the cheapest I can get.
What happens after i complete traffic school for a speeding ticket?
I'm 17. I got a speeding ticket in February, payed it in March, and finished traffic school this month. I went to take my traffic school certificate this week. Does this mean it is cleared? I live in California? I'm wondering because I'm trying to get an insurance rate and it asked if i ever got a ticket.?""
Looking For Auto Insurance?
Im needing help looking for auto insurance. I just got dropped from my fathers insurance company due to the fact that ive had 2 accidents and three speeding tickets in the last three years time. Yes i know thats bad and im not looking for the smart comments i just really need help with any insurance companies that anyone knows of that will consider covering me. Thanks so much for your time.
Does your car insurance premium change?
Hi, Im 16 turning 17 and im getting my license in 9 days. Someone told my family that if we take a crap car like my 2002 honda accord to my test and use that to get our insurance, then the price of insurance on that car will be what we will pay for any other car for the rest of my teenage life. If i were to take the honda to the test, get the insurance, and say lease a newer car, will my insuracne cost stay the same as what we were charged for the honda? Sorry its long and confusing""
What is the difference between 'underwrite' and 'insure' ?
are they the same?
Can i change a court order insurance?
My kids have been on medi-cal since i separated with their father and it has been great. I have a child with special needs and we were able to go to the best clinics in town like UCSF and Stanford. i felt that my child gets the best medical care. The court ordered the father to provide a new insurance and we came to Kaiser last year. In almost a year dealing with Kaiser doctors i don't feel the same professionalism and quality of care as we used to get being at different other clinics. I started to think of changing the coverage to what we had prior to this. But i am not sure how i could change the court order and what evidence i need to provide asking for the change. Kids are still on Medi-cal, but its their secondery now.""
I'm moving to florida from new jersey.?
Anything I should know before I move? Like is rent cheaper or auto insurance or like anything that would surprise me?
Can my car insurance be cancelled?
I have had insurance for 20+ years. I recently called them to tell them I had moved. For the first time EVER they are insisting (through phone calls, mail and email) that I MUST give them information on who I live with and what THEIR car insurance is. I don't want to give this out. Can they cancel my insurance? Has anyone ever heard of this?""
Motorcycle Insurance?
I am looking at a red 2007 Honda Shadow VLX. I'm a 21 year old female, I'm on State Farm with my car, living in Lake Charles, which is probably one of the bigger cities in Southwest Louisiana. Just wondering what average cost might be to insure this bike. Like, minimum or if it's totaled. I only have one speeding ticket from a year ago on my record I believe. Thanks!""
What 125cc motorbike is cheap to insure but will do over 70mph?
Preferably a four-stroke in insurance group 2
Where can I find cheaper car insurance quotes?
I'm 17 in a few months, have a car, and have been checking insurance quotes.""
Liberty Mutual Insurance please help!?
If you use Liberty Mutual for your car insurance, how much is the insurance for two people each under two cars? If not, generally speaking, how much is it for two people to be insured for two cars each? My fiancee and I both have clean records no tickets and in the age bracket of 22-24. Thanks!""
Can I sue the insurance company?
ok so my doctor gave me some samples of antidepressants and I went back yesterday and she said she didn't have anymore and she'll have to get me a prescription. well I went to the pharmacy to pick it up and they said that my insurance won't cover it and it cost 300 dollars for the medicine and I don't have that kind of money. what do I do? can I sue them? how can they just take me off of my medicine like that? i'm actually feeling a lot better now and happy. I don't want to go back to the depressed, anxious me. what do I do? i'm really angry right now. i'm just 18 and I don't know much about suing people or insurance. my parents know more about that stuff but I don't.
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