#i have no idea whats going on 💀 but uhhh. hope it gets. Better??
faerociousbeast · 1 year
i do not care for drama whatsoever but if anyone needs to like. vent or something i will try my utmost to support 🫂
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jamesunderwater · 5 months
20 Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰɪᴄ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇʀꜱ
Thanks for tagging me!! @gracelesslady23 @annabtg @kay-elle-cee this was very sweet to get to do.
Ao3 Username: itsjamespotter
1. How many works do you have on A03?
31, wow! How wild, that feels like a lot.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Show and Tell (3k, wolfstar smut)
Dead To Me (91k, wip lily evans angst)
Tall Dark and Glasses (3k, jily fluff)
"you have no idea how long i've been wanting to do that" (1k, prongsfoot smut)
Bring Your Kid to Work Day(s never end when your godfather is Sirius Black) (2k, good godfather sirius black fluff)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, or at least have the goal to, but admittedly I'm very bad at it. (not to use it as an excuse but my adhd is fully to blame.) I plan to go back and catch up on all of them soon & have a dream of being much better about it, though. I do intentionally make sure I eventually respond to the ones for my WIPs, at least.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
well, since dead to me hasn't ended yet (kidding kidding kidding kidding!!!) lmao I really thought I was gonna have a hard time finding a fic with an unhappy ending but I evidently forgot who I am. I dunno how to choose between: 1. i don't even know where you end and i begin (500 words, canon prongsfoot....you get it) 2. Promises to Keep (1k words, dorlene with canon ending....you get it)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Okay listen, do I technically have a fic that mentions living happily ever after in the last line? Yes. Am I choosing that fic? No. I'm choosing Happy Holidays, You Filthy Potters, because 1. smut, 2. sassy young Harry, and best of all, 3. sassy good godfather sirius black 😉
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten a couple of comments about Lily in Dead To Me but I've decided it's not my problem if people don't have critical analysis skills 💀
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! I write smut for a number of different ships and plan on doing others! Uhhh, what kind? the fact that I don't really know what that means probably means it's pretty vanilla 😆 there's a lot of going down on people 🤐
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Haha, no, but if I did I'd probably do PJO/HP
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. that would be so heartbreaking.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that's SO cool that people offer to do that for some fics!!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have!! @charmsandtealeaves and I co-wrote a fic for a jilychallenge last year, before we were even friends! It was my first time co-writing a fic, which was very cool and different, but also didn't feel that foreign to me -- I think because I've spent a lot more years doing para RP than I have writing fics. It was fun to kind of riff off another writer in a different way. I would definitely do it again!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Okay, this is kind of tough because I only recently got into Prongsfoot, and they are the definition of soulmates... But because I ultimately see Sirius as more of an ace/aro character, Jily wins the place of favorite ship in my heart. <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well, I really only have two WIPs posted on AO3: Dead To Me and Just This Once, and I have all of DTM outlined and plan to finish it by fall. Just This Once might be a while, but I also have a plan for it and would like to finish it at some point... But I guess there's a chance I won't finish it -- I do have a lot of other multi-chaps I am going to be starting soon.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm. I like to think I'm good at getting into the minds of my characters, really thinking through their motivations and emotions and then expressing those to the reader. I also think I'm fairly good at dialogue. I really like writing banter so I hope others think I'm good at it, haha. And based on what I've been told, my smut isn't half bad 😆
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, definitely writing descriptions of any kind. I never remember to describe the scene and when I do, I think it feels clunky. I'm not great at writing in a more direct way, either; I struggle to express a character's emotions without getting a bit flowery with it. Just generally, I think my writing could be tighter, you know? I'm sure I'll realize other things I need to work on as I write more long fics, too.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Ah, haven't done it yet, so don't have any thoughts to share.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
HP -- Jily on the Neopets forums... never 4get <3
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
If we're talking finished works, I'd have to say Tall Dark and Glasses, which I wrote for the masquerade event for Jilytober last year. To me, that fic has a certain je ne sais quois that is hard to replicate. But unfinished? Dead To Me, hands down, and once it's finished it will be very hard to ever top it. It's imperfect and there are a lot of edits I'd make if I were to go back through and polish it up, but it's the first multi chap fic I've ever written, and beyond just feeling immensely proud of that, the story itself and how I'm writing it is one of the most heartfelt and meaningful things I'll ever write in my life.
these were such a pleasure to respond to, thanks again for the tags! <3 I'm tagging: @goldenbi @abihastastybeans & @nodirectionhome-ao3
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sea-jello · 2 years
to my movie morro enjoyers yall got me curious so i did some research and tweaked the laws of youth criminal justice cause it's a movie about legos
WHOOH i expanded on this a lot and its not even all the options
uhhh should i tag the people who said they wanted to see my half ass ideas
@star-ocean-peahen @here4dragons i know hes TECHNICALLY not the villain here yet,, but its coming Soon. just ignore if you dont care SORRY BOUT THE TAG 💀💀
so morros role in the gang is he like collects intel n shit, scouts and/or recruits new members, makes plans and gives orders from the boss (preeminent) so hes sorta like the preeminents ambassador. general?? right hand man?? number 2?? something. occasionally he participates in very low key crimes where his face and identity could be hidden. never does anything big and flashy, so hes the least likely to get caught and thats one of the reasons hes so high up. the boss usually has a business to cover for the gang so the preeminent has a bar or a nightclub or something where they allow you to cover your face and morro works there to be like,, closer so its easy to recieve orders/info or something yk. when asked he says hes small for his age with a VERY obvious undertone and they leave it at that, cause so what if the nightclub is a little sketchy, goddamn this kid whips out drinks faster than anyone. hes very in the shadows undercover and thats why they couldnt catch him/had no evidence he was high ranking (i need a gang name help should it just be cursed realm?? cursed spirits maybe)
IF we want morro to just have general shenanigans with the ninja then hes on parole. if you dont know what parole is basically they let you out after 2/3rds of your sentence to let you integrate back into society or something, but youre still under supervision. so the timeline is morro starts his criminal activity at 14, gets caught and arrested at 16 and then gets released at 17. if youre worried about the 3 years in the above post trust me the logic checks out
they KNOW morros the criminal mastermind running shit behind the gang, they just cant find any way to prove it so he only gets sentenced for gang affiliation. he spends around a year or so in juvie and they let him out for the next 6 months
they let morro stay with wu cause hes like,, the head of the fucking ninja team he can handle himself, BUT he has to have security guards accompany him to school to keep an eye on him/watch for signs of him actually being highly involved in the gang. lloyd is real fucking embarrassed about it cause morro loves to come up and bother him, and it attracts even more unwanted whisperings about garmadons cousin who went to JAIL. morro bothers him even more because of it
no one knew morro was lloyds cousin, so when the ninja show up to the garage one day and find the fucking ex convict just chilling on lloyds mech theyre like ??? WHY ARE YOU HERE. they knew lloyd had a questionable cousin when he mentioned he got out of jail, but they didnt know it was HIM. like i said, morros infamous for being a mastermind escape artist (i kinda want to give him an alias so drop suggestions 👀👀) even better wu walks in and he goes "ah i see youve met my son morro!!" and the ninja go batshit cause wu had mentioned visiting his son in jail which already rose so many unanswered questions back then, but not THIS GUY
im debating on whether lloyd knows morro was a criminal during the three years or not. cause if he didnt know it would be really funny when morro/the gangs arrest was on the news and lloyd goes 👁👁 THATS MY FUCKING COUSIN. but if he DID know he sees him on the news and hes like "lmao get fucked wait till i tell uncle wu" (again,, drop the opinions)
wu knows he was a criminal pretty early on and absolutely does not give a shit cause movie wu is bat ass crazy and jaded to fuck. he sees morro on the news in his like gang getup and goes oh look at him go 😄😄 i hope he remembers to tuck in his feet like i taught him to 😄😄😄 morro was terrified when he got caught by wu, but all he did was lay out two hard rules. 1. no killing innocents and 2. no drugs. morros like ?? thats it?? and wu just sort of stares at him and goes ‘‘i believe so. now don’t you have somewhere to be?’’ and morros like yeah.. i got a bank to rob at 2. JUST TO BE CLEAR morro has NEVER ONCE KILLED ANYBODY just to be safe, even though wu was all for dismantling the dictatorship or patriarchy and whatnot. when morro gets arrested wu visits him just to laugh at him (im copy pasting most of this from tags from this post lmao)
wu absolutely makes morro train the ninja cause lets be honest theyre dogshit without the mechs. morros idea of training is jumping them all around the city at random times. he bullies them so hard jay is on the verge of tears every day
(thank you @l0on for so many of the ideas 😌😌 find them in the reblogs)
morros got the cool older cousin vibe who acts like he doesnt care and he actually doesnt care. idc what yall say he does NOT go easy on lloyd just because theyre cousins.
this is all set after the movie btw. morro only got away with so much for so long because everyone was occupied with garmadon
soo if we want him to be like the actual villain thats gonna be in another part cause god DAMN this got longer than i thought it would
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weebsinstash · 1 year
All I can say is that if Batman reader ever tried to commit “sewerslide” after being trapped, they better hope they’re successful because the after effects from the family would be insane
I mean, hypothetically, even IF Reader did die, Bruce could always idk infiltrate or cut a deal of some sort with Ra's al Ghul to dip your corpse into his magic McDonald's sprite and bring you back
But I imagine you'd basically lose every last bit of privacy. Someone would be with you at all times, even in the bathroom and when bathing, like being on suicide watch. Certain materials and media you're allowed to consume become heavily restricted based on the contents (for example if you cut yourself, suddenly Bruce doesn't think it's appropriate for you to play video games where they use blades and swords, or maybe even things like pokemon "hey, what did that move just say?" "Uhhh leaf cutter?" "Absolutely not") because "oh no what if that makes them think bad thoughts and they wanna hurt themselves again" and tv can be equally as unpredictable so they probably only let you watch certain things on streaming services that have clear ratings, or maybe they even look up spoilers and "research" before letting you watch anything. ("Oh sorry we WERE gonna let you watch that critically acclaimed movie about the deaf girl and the bully, but apparently there's attempted suicide so, let's watch Ponyo instead")
Your diet would probably drastically change in the sense that they suddenly won't let you use knives and forks. If you want meat it will usually be in a stew so you can use a spoon or a soft meatloaf (you know Alfred got that bomb cooking), Dick will spoil you with your favorite ice cream and soft pastries constantly like he's trying to buy your love with it, for some reason they don't like it when you use chopsticks either. What, do they think you're going to stab your eye out or something 🙄 or maybe you casually make that joke once when they let you use the chopsticks and they all look deadly serious and suddenly you never use chopsticks ever again 💀
They'd be extremely clingy and all manifesting their trauma in different ways. Maybe Bruce is constantly not around because he's basically being Batman 24/7 so he can "clean up the streets and make this city a safer place for you" (especially if your mental break was connected to a villain in any way, like the concussion idea I discussed) but he makes sure to be at dinner with you or check on you at least once a day. If you were going to school with Dick and Barbara like in the age regression idea, maybe one or even both of them start doing classes from home so you aren't as lonely and excluded because, obviously you are not really allowed to leave the manor, let alone the property anymore. Maybe Bruce straight up pulls you out of school and says to focus in your health and you can just collect all those credits and such and finish it later and it's like sorta helping but also making you feel like a failure
Also tons of cuddles and hugs and platonic kisses and you probably aren't allowed to sleep alone. Maybe in the rare instances Bruce actually sleeps he comes into your room to male sure you're sleeping soundly and he'll fall asleep in a chair in the corner (because he doesn't want to wake you 🥺)
For that idea and also the next one, I've also thought of the potential use of J'onn or M'gann as Martians, or even Zatanna, if Bruce is ever like, intent on getting into your head, accessing your memories, accessing your thoughts. Maybe when you have your mental break Martian Manhunter is there as a good friend to Bruce to let him know how you genuinely didn't want to hurt anyone 🥺 if you go mute or even catatonic, there's Miss Martian to maybe see that traumatic memory permanantly plastered in the forefront of you mind replaying over an over, something that absolutely broke you, maybe even something Bruce doesn't even know about
(Actually this isn't the "next idea" I was mentioning before but I've also thought of "Reader is actually good friends with Bruce/the League/basically an extended Batfam member but you bounce to another universe one day and come back a wounded traumatized mess and it turns out you were with Owlman or something and Bruce kind of terrifies you now because they look and sound the exact same, and also, universal constants so 'your' Batman is also crazy for you and now he wants to "rescue" you")
And for real though, I have actually also sat down and thought about Reader/OCs who were sidekicks or Batfam member who had to be sent to Arkham 👀 I dunno it's something about the drama and possession but idk also helplessness of them "caring" but helping you in such an extreme way (even if maybe it's what you need)
Like, say you're a Batfamily member or fellow Justice Leaguer and Bruce can tell you're starting down a mental decline. More stressed, more depressed, isolating yourself more, but you keep pushing yourself to do hero work. You start doing things he doesn't agree with, getting too rough, almost going way too far and being caught and stopped by him more than once. He's actually worried about you, but you won't confide in him, especially if you're just another superhero and not exactly "under his care". you're more independent and don't want THE Batman being disappointed in you. You don't want to have to be rescued
But eventually there's some sort of horrible breaking point, whether something awful is done to you and you completely snap or you've suffered a terrible lose or failure (like say you failed to save someone and they died, or you failed to save a LOT of someones) or you're exposed to Joker venom or Scarecrow's fear gas (I actually have some ideas for that gas ngl 👀) and you're just straight up hallucinating. You were already starting to act out and become aggressive and with your skill and depending on preference, superpowers, you could start causing real damage. You're hallucinating being attacked, and send out a force of energy to blast whoever that attacker is away, and you just tear up a city block with people still on it. Bruce or Clark or someone tries to come up and talk to you, but all your brain interprets is someone is chasing you, you have to get away, they're going to hurt you, you have to run, you have to fight back, you have to PANIC--
Arkham IS an asylum, and it's used for housing the dangerous and powerful. What else can they do? A hospital wouldn't have the security or facilities to contain you, unless they had members of the Justice League with you on standby to literally restrain you if needed, and, they've got important duties of their own. Bruce tries to visit you constantly as Batman, as the one who brought you in, but you usually refuse to speak with him or cower at the sight of him. You're kept isolated from the other patients who would absolutely tear you apart if you were allowed to walk amongst them, but you're treated well besides perhaps being forcibly medicated which is only as violent as you make it. But it's a hospital, not a prison. The asylum staff feel horrible you're even there, sympathetic. I mean, after what happened to their coworker Doctor Quinzel they would know about good people succumbing to their mental illness
You're finally showing signs of improvement and they go to release you and you've requested to be put in a halfway house or some sort of program to be independent on your own rather than be released into anyone's custody and who is there waiting outside the asylum for you? Batman. And you're either one of two ways: you're humiliated to see him and kind of want to be left alone but reluctantly go with him bc you dont have a choice, OR youre filled with absolute terror and ready to go back into the hospital because you don't want him to "get you" (which unbeknownst to everyone is true, he's totally there to take you "back home", not escort you to your next destination like they all are fooled to believe)
It's genuinely a lose-win no matter what. I mean, you can't escape, but, at least he's more than just a little dedicated to taking care of you 😅
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esta-elavaris · 1 month
Just wondering if you’d be able to share some tips on writing? Your fics are legitimately some of my all time faves, and when I was a teen a dabbled in fanfic writing but I’ve never been a strong writer if I’m being honest. But I have a fic idea that I really wanna try and write since I can’t find anything else with this specific trope 😅 would be amazing if you could give some advice on how to improve!
Thank you so much!! 💜 A lot of this is just off the top of my head but I hope some of it is useful -- good luck with your fic!
Okay so first of all one of my favourite pieces of advice is something you're literally already following by taking on an idea without being totally sure how to go about it. That's when a project always ends up being a good one, and that's what makes you improve ten times faster than like, "easy" ideas that don't have any intimidation factor to them. I'm always happiest with the fics I didn't know I'd be able to pull off in the beginning, and my crap ones are always the ones where I go in confident.
Read a lot and read broadly - books, not just fanfic. You'll end up reading a lot of stuff you didn't like, but you'll know WHY you didn't like it and it'll inform the kind of decisions you make with your own writing. And, better than that, you'll also find a lot of stuff that you didn't expect to like but actually did. Plus it opens up so many avenues for ideas to flow in from unexpected sources, even from stuff like autobiographies. And like, I think a lot of people underestimate that kind of thing because they'd go "well I'm writing romantasy, why would I need to read horror books?" but then they have no idea how to handle tense, spooky, or even angsty scenes when they do crop up - and those little moments of genre-hopping make a story feel real, anyway, because it's more true to life. Real life isn't permanently fluffy, or comedic, or even depressing all of the time without any let up, and like? That's why the best pieces of media are so good? LOTR has strong elements of fantasy (duh) but also comedy, romance, action, drama, and even bits of horror all at once and that's why it's so vivid because so does life (although in a far less dramatic way, for me at least 💀 idk what other folk get up to).
If you read consciously (critically?), too, you can go and seek out how your favourite writers handle things like exposition, or the bits that serve just to get the characters from point A to point B, or even more minor details like dialogue tags. I find that really helpful because it reminds you that not every sentence has to be like? Groundbreaking or even particularly good? "She walked over to the chair and sat down" is fine, it's golden, it serves a purpose, but when you get too in your head about wanting something to be great, it's easy to forget that and get too hung up on little throwaway lines.
Also people are gonna be sick of me saying this but the best thing I've ever done for my writing is writing every day, as a rule. If I could only ever give one piece of writing advice ever again, it'd be that. I do think folk lean too much towards the "any time the vibe is slightly off don't write a word! self care!!!" thing and uhhh not writing every single time you can find a minor excuse not to is going to be way worse for you than forcing a page down when you don't particularly want to and the real self care is the fic we forced ourselves to write along the way. I started Little By Little juuuuust before I started daily writing, I think, and comparing that to stuff I was even writing just one year later shows how quickly it forced me to improve. It's like a muscle, the more you work it, the stronger it gets - and if you show up every day, the ideas will too.
I know there's not much like? Technical advice here but honestly I don't have any of that to give? I don't approach chapters like "ah, yes, this one shall begin with dialogue because that provides an element of (literary term that I'm too tired to use as an example) which sets things up nicely for (other literary term I don't have enough brain cells to conjure)", I'm not that technical or that smart about it, if I do try to approach things that way it doesn't feel organic, I'm just out here vibing and feeling my way through it. But like I said, if you read enough and write enough, you get used to that and your gut will tell you which way to take things.
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captainaikus · 2 years
Hello again!! Saw your response to my last ask and uhhh guess I’m getting kinda predictable huh 😅? I’m sorry if it bothers or annoys you, I just like consistent communication with the people I like so like I always try to do that cause reassurance is important to me so I want the other person to feel reassured too you know? But if it’s too much let me know and I’ll dial it down promise!! Your works hitting over 200 notes is an amazing accomplishment you should be so proud of yourself and if you’re not pls know that I am. Running a blog isn’t easy, much less maintaining and putting out such amazing works. I’m glad you’re feeling better!! And yeah writing blocks are so annoying but I feel that once you hit that stride, you start running and can’t stop. If that makes sense? It’s what I’ve gone through with my experience anyways. Tbh I’ve been better. Life isn’t the best rn and I’m super busy and drained atm. I’m pretty sure it’s burnout but I’ll manage somehow. Also my favorite character is Bachira but like almost every other character ties for second so like 💀. I swear I’m like this with every show/series. I end up with my favorite character and then there’s everyone else it’s always so hard to choose like I love all my babies adhkkghkhhh. Anyways it’s always so fun to talk to you I can’t wait to read the next part of my tears your company but obv take your time. As always I hope your day goes well whenever you read this and that you’re doing good and *sends many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
✨ anon !!
Omg no bb ૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა I meant it in a good way! Like when I release any blue lock fic I look forward to the reaction you have cause the blog goes both ways with the author/writer writing and uploading fics and the reader interacting with it along with the fact that they make my day. And i like consistent communication as well!! (꜆˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)꜆ So yeah, you're always welcomed in my blog and I enjoy responding to your asks! Even if there is more than one or two or even many! (like that one time where you saw me upload the third edition and came back with the review? My roommate heard me cackle like a Hyena.)
I like seeing people ask or talk about fics or even life outside of it cause at the end of the day its another living and breathing person on the other side of the screen and conversations are important to them as much as it is to you, rest assured, I like having you in my blog and it makes me smile each time I see an ask from you or anyone okay?
You're well liked (trust me when i see the ✨ anon I get serotonin) and I don't find you annoying; you have nothing to apologize for, okay?
૮ ◜ᵕ◝ ა
And don't dial down the energy! It's what keeps me hyped and this blog going    (´,,>ω<,,`)♡  ;
its reassuring to me when i have something in my inbox cause silence when you have so many followers isn't fun yk? It kinda makes the blog blank... Interact with an author and their works, get to know them, it makes their day too ૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა and vice versa
I'm glad you think my works are amazing cause ngl when I'm reading through it I'm just sitting there like 'How did people let this mistake slip' ૮꒰- ˕ -꒱ა *groans*
Speaking of my writing block, I took a break and went on yt for a bit and found sumasumthing that gave me an idea to write for both NNN and for further part of the series (¬‿¬) no spoilers. Just wait ꒰ ⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖
But yeah it does work that way, once you overcome that block, you just keep running until you hit another, but you'll overcome that as well. <(˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)
Oh no, I'm sorry that you feel burntout :'< ; cause this was literally me a week ago. Everytime I have a burnout its cause of everything that is going on and its too much to handle sometimes so I kept telling myself three things :
'We'll cross the bridge when we get there.'
'Living in the moment happening right now is more important, what comes tomorrow comes.'
'Nothing is permanent.'
Take care of yourself; don't push too hard, push as much as you can. (づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡
ooooh Bachira!! He's sweet, I'm actually adding him and a few more characters to the fourth edition of the series. But yes !! It is so hard to choose one person Aiku stan mon ange
I mean you got 11 players + more and you even have the coaches *confused screaming insert* cause they are literally the whole bakery
My day is going fine chipped my nail polish with pistachios, been reading from my book shopping that I went for yesterday, planning to start fourth season of Haikyuu but I wanna watch this movie that I've been keeping on hold (Drive my car- cause its straight up my alley.. kinda like driving miss daisy? Yes I am THAT old in taste )
*sending back hugs* ꒰ ੭´ ˘ `૮꒱ Hope you get better soon!! Bachira sends kisses!
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monarch-boo · 2 years
With all the questioning of whether Garten of Banban is real or just making fun of what people think other indie horror is, I would actually very much prefer that it turns out to be an unironic game.
Because, 1: I just think it would actually be kind of funny watching all these people overdramatizing that this game is singlehandedly destroying the reputation of indie horror, seething.
Especially considering, no, this is not going to hurt indie horror. IF theres any actual threat this game poses, it still will not hurt anything unless you let it, imo. I feel like any intelligent person who does not like games like this would simply... not give them money or even attention. If you're so worried about games like this, just ignore this, and uplift games that are not this??? Ironically the outrage about this game is probably getting more eyes on it than any Let's Player could alone. This game is something even I may not have paid any mind to if the internet did not have a massive meltdown over it.
(Although it would also mean increased harassment against the devs which would be fucking terrible and I'm not sure what could be done about that.)
Anyway, 2: I think it would actually be WORSE if it was a joke game.
A criticism of indie horror games like Poppy Playtime is that people think them selling merch must mean they're exploiting kids for their parents money or something. Maybe some are, but as far as I can tell there's no proof any of these games are actually doing that, just assumption. Even the ones that have made dumbass decisions like PoPl's fucking NFTs, or started selling merch "too early", could just be... making stupid business decisions or making merch early. Even if I understand the suspicion about PoPl.
If Garten of Banban turned out to be fake, while selling merch, especially at the prices they are, it would literally be "We're taking the piss out of games we think are exploiting kids and Let's Players for attention and money, by ACTUALLY exploiting those demographics for attention and money because our game is an actual deliberate fake." Like, doing THIS to parody these games without letting people know it's a parody is actually scummier than what people think PoPl is up to with their merch. TheMeatly's new parody game is fucking annoying and frankly hypocritical but at least he's immediately honest about it being parody. ...Plus I'm not sure there's even actual merch for his parody.
At least at that point any anger the Banban devs would receive would be pretty rightful, however we all know the people who are shitting on them right now under the assumption that the game is in earnest, would be thinking they're awesome and funny if it turns out to be fake... there's already people saying they'd be geniuses if it was fake.
Ultimately, I'm not immediately assuming anything about whether or not the game is in earnest, but I'm seriously hoping that it is.
I will take the kind and constructive route with the devs. If I had any good experience/ideas myself I'd even like to go as far as to get in touch with them, not to be a dev myself but to give feedback. I notice they have made other games but this is only their second 3D game ever from what I can tell.
I don't actually mind these kinds of games ("Holy shit I love this kind of cake") and from what SuperHorrorBro could glean from the first chapter I actually kind of like what they're putting down story-wise. I uhhh kind of forgor 💀 already what exactly it was, but like... there's some kids that got trapped in a pit during a trip, and they're being kept in by the creatures for some reason, and there's implications that an employee sabotaged something/someone to purposefully set in motion whatever the hell happened to this place... it was more interesting than my bad description probably makes it sound, I swear.
But um. Yeah. If this game was created in earnest then it would be wonderful if more people were actually willing to help them see their idea through in better quality, rather than just shitting all over them and accusing them of ruining an entire genre somehow etc etc.
Despite the fact that they would unfortunately probably face greater harassment for it, I'm still hoping that it is an earnest game because that would actually be the non-scummy outcome, I think.
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
(Resurfaces like in the Milk Cat meme) I've returned- YOOOOOO CONGRATS ON COMPLETING YOUR FIRST ROUTE!!!! 💃🏼💃🏼🎉🎉
Shit wrong link, uhhh-
There we go :D
That is one BIIIG Milestone reached, so even if you can't complete the full game, you're definitely ready to upload a fully fledged demo👌be proud yourself, you definitely deserved it bro, and about length, I think it's a good amount, considering the short timeframe you had to work on it.
Also don't even worry about character arcs, as long as your story has Beginning/Build Up/Climax/End you're good to go 👍. Sometimes it's better when you don't have everyone's backstory explained to you ya know?
For example Michael Myers, like yeah, we saw him stabbing his sister as a kid, but we sure as hell don't know why exactly he did it and what he went through during his stay at Smith's Grove Sanitarium, yet he still managed to be one of the biggest horror icons today. (I'm strictly speaking about the OG Movie btw, idk shit about what they did to him in the sequels)
Sometimes, just some cool shit happening is enough for a story, it's not like we're expecting a full on 24 episode Anime in LN form either 🤷‍♀️ also considering that it IS a Yandere Story, having sympathy for the LIs falls a bit short, when they're probably gonna go full sicko mode on us somewhere in their routes 0_0"
Yandere: (insert sad backstory) ...and that's why I have mommy issues 😔
Darling: (chained against the wall of the Yandere's house, hasn't seen sunlight for a solid week or so) cowabummer 😐
Like don't get me wrong, it's not bad if you want to put their full backstory in the game, but it also wouldn't hurt the overall quality of their route if you didn't (also you could save time 👀)
Anyhow, I hope ya treated yourself to some fancy food and rest or smth after completing the route 😎
Also, AYO NEW LI REVEAL?? Is the fact that he's human an invitation for me to beat his ass 👀? Jkjk but at least there's a feasible chance of me winning against him, compared to Rory lmaooo
So only the Triple Threats of Christian holidays are left to be revealed rn 👀👀 (or double trouble technically, since it's just two holidays, but you did also say that Easter are twins 🤔)
-Ren'py anon
This is really funny because in one of the endings is called jack o'lantern. This is their revenge ig lmao
omae wa mou shinderu
Thank you for the silly drawings! I'm so glad I got some cute fanart already hehe
Thanks again for the congratulations! Though it's not realllly finished, I have a couple of CGs and endings sewn in! I think I wanna change a few things so it's not just blatant trauma dumping lolol + script.gui things
It's bland and cheesy asf
Yeah, I think the line up for the storyline falls into Beginning/Build Up/Climax/End. It's not like I'm writing any flashbacks of his past so 😭 ur right
LMFAOOOOO Jayce does go sicko mode pretty quick, so, him wanting a lot of sympathy and him gaslighting tf outta player does goes strong here 💀
I haven't watch the OG Michael Myers bc I have no idea which one is the actual OG soooo yeah, but I totally agree with you! The premise of it is pretty cool and is still iconic even though his motives and identity are still very vague.
That little bit with darling and yandere is SOOOO true 😭 If darling stayed really friendly with Jayce (prob out of fear) he would trauma dump but not tell them everything. He's totally is attracted and interested in player, but he's just testing the waters yk?
damn, cowabummer fr
I could just have Jayce give player a story of when he was young that fully traumatized him, buuuuuutt Jayce doesn't trust player all that much. It would make player understand why he is doing what he is doing, but I want him to be vague and just a bit cruel without any known motives other than, "I like you."
After I'm done tweaking the dialogue and putting in the appropriate images, I'll most definitely take a fat nap and binge read fics hehe
Christmas man is a bit arrogant and a broke bitch (Elliot Astros lmfao)
He be looking like black and white toothpaste rn tbh 🤷‍♀️
His design was gonna look like he was a nice guy, but I looked through my old drawing from last school year, and I saw this really hot random OC guy I drew bc I was in my Tokyo revengers, Bonten era 😜 He was realllly hot and yk what, I said fuck it and just replaced the OG design for this fine ass mf.
The twins lowkey do illegal shit, but they're nice if ur nice.
They're ginger 😁and idk their names yet BUT IT'S A WORK IN PROGRESS
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noxtivagus · 2 years
these next few weeks r gna be extra crazy oh god
#🌙.rambles#uhh school yes. we go back to onsite (i'm hyflex) soon#i really have no idea what the future holds T_T i continue to believe in myself yes but#shs. yeah.#i'm hoping that i'll meet new ppl n make more friends#n i'm really going to have to prioritize my studies. i think i'm smart enough for a scholarship when it's time for college#hoping stem doesn't kill me T_T academics aren't particularly difficult for me but the workload n my mental health is uhhh 💀#i'm really going to have to fix my sleep sched. n time management bcs i'm gna join some school orgs this year#last two school years in this pandemic have been kind of a rest time for me. idk my mental health somehow got really fucked up#anyways i wna indulge more in hobbies as well so i'm rlly gna have to manage my time n energy better >.>#n then ffxiv oh god. 6.2 coming up but i'm still catching up on 6.0 and 6.1 T_T#i'm worried about ultimate/raiding prog w the static. i shldn't worry too much bcs i shldn't play as much anyways anymore but#my ffxiv/raider life isn't smth i want to sacrifice if possible. rn w all the time issues i'll just have to wait n see of what becomes of us#when i'm older n working ik i'll rarely have time to play games so i rlly want to enjoy what i can while i'm still young#that sounds so depressing but it's not /too/ bad when my work is my passion and love anyways :')#but there lies another problem bcs it seems like my social life is gna be even more nonexistent. hopefully not but#with being busy + anxiety it's. just hard. i can't stress enough how hard it is for me#but this is shs i wna enjoy myself as much as possible 🫠#n then w recent/upcoming events i've been thinking a lot of various stuff#two friends back on twintania r getting married in-game on saturday ><#'thats kinda gay' i said n he said he actually might be 🤭 interesting#that made me think tho abt how damn#most females i'm close with are straight while most males i'm close w are gay#everyone else i'm either not interested in or they're most likely interested in someone else 🤕#idm bcs love. is not. my priority. sobs. but#we may have prom this year ??? it wld be. idk cool maybe if i cld fulfill a dream of mine when i was younger#prom's the closest i can experience ig to like those ballroom kinda stuff. i rlly had a fondness for that kinda stuff around my noctis phase#i cld go w no one ig or apollo/a friend but#wwww let me be a kid this time i wna experience going to prom w someone who's 'more than just a friend'#that sounds so unrealistic but i'd like to have that experience in highschool yk T_T
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ficsforeren · 2 years
Aight, so I’m getting my first tattoo today, which made me have an idea- Rockstar Eren takes the kids to get their first tattoos (and I think something that would be cute is that at the beginning it’s a flash back of him helping the kids putting temporary tattoos on)
Also, taking the kids to get their first haircut as well as later on helping Irene dye and cut her hair when she’s a teenager-
Maybe Irene is going through one of the experimental teenager phases and Eren doesn’t like the phase (say like a goth/emo phase or sumthin like that) but supports her anyway instead of being one of those parents that doesn’t let the kids try to find out who they are
Uhhh- I had another idea but I forgot it- wait no it was he also takes the kids to get their first piercings
Also what if Irene practices makeup and painting nails and Eren is the victim of it
And more I just thought of:
And also helps the kids learn how to drive (so they don’t end up like him in the cannon story 🤣 💀 😭)
Also catching one of the kids sneaking out to go to a party they were told not to go to
Ofc before that we would have to have Irene’s first slumber party when she is young
Uhh- later on she has a friends who thinks her dad is hot (because Eren is, so we can’t blame her friends for thinking that)
Omg what if Irene wants what every little girl wants- a pony… ACTUALLY BETTER YET- what if Irene is a badass and wants a snake 😎
Or maybe she wants both XD
Another idea- getting their first dog
Also the fish thing where one of the kids have a fish and it keeps dying so Eren has to keep replacing it without the kids knowing
I have adhd so all these ideas are everywhere
Maybe there is a camping trip at one point- now I’m thinking of having Irene being the type of girl who can be girly but also tomboyish too- so she asks Eren taking her fishing
But I also thought what if Irene likes gaming too-
OMG I AM SORRY— I just gave a million different ideas and probably way too much. If these had already been made or suggested I’m sorry to ask them, I’ve been busy and don’t always be up to date
I hope you’re doing well
Alright I’ll stop talking now 💚
Tumblr media
your brain is AMAZING OMGGGGG I've never even thought about any of these (I'm having the biggest yuuta brainrot right now so i haven't thought about DILF!eren in a while lol forgive me) but YESSS THESE ARE ALL SO CUTEEEE I LOVE THEM
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