#i have not yet met a girl who does not love cheese
theferalgeode · 11 months
"girls are hard to please"
B!tch just give her cheese
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rxmqnova · 10 months
How about Wanda x Reader, where yn has golden retriever energy.
Wanda and Vision broke up a few months ago, he cheated on her and she was like not believe in love anymore, until she met yn thanks to Yelena, yn is kate's older sister, and has the same energy or more than her.
The Bishop girl
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Y/N: 26 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "Y/N Bishop, why in the world do you have just one fork? Now I know where Kate gets that from" Yelena sighs, shaking her head while carrying a pot full of mac and cheese she made.
"I'm just one person, Yelena. Besides, you kinda invited yourself over, I wasn't expecting you at all today" Y/N tells her back. The girl was just enjoying her coffee when her sister and Yelena suddenly bursted through the door of her apartment.
"Once you hear why Kate and I came, you'll be glad we did" Yelena says, sitting down at the table and opening her mouth to say more. "We-"
"You'll be so happy! I can't wait to tell you!" Kate squeals, cutting Yelena off and actually making her older sister curious.
"Can you guys just tell me what's going on already?" Y/N asks them impatiently, her leg bouncing up and down from how curious she is right now.
"The three of us are going to Tony Stark's party tonight!" Kate squeals.
"Oh my god! Really?!" This time is Y/N the one to squeal, her eyes shining.
The sisters, Y/N and Kate, have had this dream to become ones of the Avengers ever since they saw Clint and Natasha fighting for New York. Kate's role model has always been Clint and that's actually why she got into her Archery thing while Y/N's has been Natasha, so she got more into fighting. And now the younger sister is actually about to become an Avenger which is the coolest thing ever for the older sister.
"I need to get ready!" Y/N rushes to her room, immidiately opening her closet and throwing her best suits and dresses on her bed.
"We'll pick you up later!" Yelena calls from the kitchen, so Y/N calls 'okay' back and get back into choosing what to wear.
After trying on everything the girl decides for her favorite black suit as she doesn't feel like wearing dress tonight. But of course she needs to do her make-up and hair first, so that's what she does before actually dressing up. She does wear heels to her suit though and then just sits on the couch and waits until Yelena and Kate pick her up.
The three arrive to the party… finally, and Yelena with Kate immediately drag Y/N to where the Avengers are standing and talking.
"Guys! This is my older sister Y/N" Kate blurts out immediately on which everyone stops talking and looks at the older sister, making her nervous.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Steve. Kate has told us a lot about you" Steve breaks the akward silence, giving Y/N a smile and stretching his hand for a handshake.
"Nice to meet you too!" The girl smiles back, shaking his hand. Y/N repeats this with most of them and they immediately include her in their conversation which finally makes the girl relax.
Her eyes land on the only present Avenger she hasn't met yet though… Wanda Maximoff. She's sitting at the bar alone, sipping her drink and she definitely looks like she needs some cheering up.
"I'll be right back, I'll just go for a drink real quick" Y/N tells her sister, earning a nod, so she heads to the bar. A simple "Hey" Is how she greets Wanda, giving her a smile as an attempt to start a conversation.
"Hi… Sorry, I'm not really in the mood for a conversation" Wanda sighs, making Y/N furrow her brows.
"Yeah. I've noticed. That's why I came here… for a drink and to cheer you up" Y/N gives the witch another smile before telling the guy behind the bar her order.
"Sorry, who are you?" Wanda asks, scanning the unknown girl with her eyes which makes Y/N shift uncomfortably a little bit.
"I'm Y/N Bishop, Kate's older sister" She introduces herself.
"Right, she speaks about you a lot. I'm Wanda" Wanda says, finally giving Y/N a small smile.
Of course Y/N knows why is Wanda sad… what happened between the famous pair… that Vision cheated on Wanda a few months ago and they broke up. Kate's been telling her older sister everything that's been happening on the compound.
That's the reason behind Wanda's not so cheerful behavior. Y/N isn't even surprised when Wanda's ex-boyfriend is currently on the dance floor with a few ladies.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Wanda… Hey, don't you think it's too loud here? Don't you maybe wanna go for a walk or something?" Y/N asks the Avenger to try to get her away from here, so she'd stop staring at her ex-boyfriend. It might be too fast, but it's worth a try, right?
"… Okay" Wanda sighs and stands up, starting to walk away, so Y/N is quick to follow behind.
The pair ends up on a balcony with the most beautiful view on the entire city which leaves Y/N breathless. She walks closer to the edge, her mouth opened at the sight.
"I know, right? I always come here when I need a moment alone" Wanda confused, a smile visible on her lips.
"I like your smile, you should smile more" Y/N says on which Wanda's cheeks turn a bit red.
Wanda shakes her head, trying to get rid off the nice feeling she's currently having. Ever since Vision cheated on her, Wanda just decided that she'd never fall in love again. She truly loved him and he betrayed her.
Vision was supposed to be her soulmate, the person she'll grow old with, but he just had to do this to her. Thanks to that, the witch slowly stopped believing in love, thinking that maybe she's just destined to stay alone after what happened to her parents, then her twin brother and now to her relationship with Vision.
"You're shivering… Here, take this" Y/N smiles warmly, taking off her suit and putting it over Wanda's shoulders.
"Thank you" Wanda smiles, a blush spreading across her cheeks as she locks eyes with the Bishop girl.
The nice feeling appears again, making Wanda wonder if love really doesn't exist. Maybe it's not how she thought? Maybe it was supposed to happen like this and someone else… maybe even the girl in front of her… is the one she's supposed to spend her life with…
I'm still confused about what golden retriever energy actually is, but I hope I'm at least close😅
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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creganslover · 2 months
Hello!! First of all I loved your Adam de Hull fanfic you wrote. I know you wanted requests to be specific so I will do my best. Could you do a (Hurt/Comfort) fanfic in which (male) OC, an old friend of Helaena Targaryen, with her is in love with, hears her scream during a nightmare about Blood and Cheese and cuddle with her to sleep since all her family seems to have better things to do? Thanks in advance and sorry if it's too or too little specific or if my english is not perfect.
hellish dream, helaena targaryen x male! OC! Velaryon! Reader
wc: 1.8k
warning/s: the dance doesn't happen, they're a functioning family, canon-typical incest, slight angst from helaena's nightmare, pining, hurt/comfort, not beta read
note: your request is perfect! and if you don't mind, I had altered it a little and I hope it's up to your liking! thank you <3 likes, reblogs, and feedbacks are greatly appreciated.
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Sleep was futile for Aerys Velaryon tonight within the Red Keep. 
It could possibly have been due to the fact that he had not walked in these walls for quite a few years now, perhaps the last time being when he was but one and ten if he recalled, before having moved to Dragonstone where he grew up. Though being back in King’s Landing with his family had its perks, specifically where he was able to reconnect with Helaena, and her brothers Aegon and Aemond, the same goes with Aerys’ own brothers, Jacaerys and Lucerys. 
All of them had been tied together in youth, getting into all sorts of mischief, mostly due to Aegon, with Jacaerys following suit, then Lucerys, and reluctantly, Aemond. Aerys had been known to participate in their occasional prank pulling or banter, however he often stayed behind and watched, yet this does not mean he would refuse a challenge or two. 
That’s when once Helaena had found Aerys sitting on the steps by the grounds of the Red Keep, an amused look on his face as Aegon and Jacaerys had been placing a bet on who could win in a game of tug-of-war on the mud between them and their brothers, and that the losers would follow whatever the victors asked.
Aerys had barely engaged with Helaena before as she had been often with herself and within the confines of her chambers, and when she had approached. Unbeknownst to Aerys, an iridescent beetle had settled upon his shoulder, shining a metallic red. The young girl had spoken right beside him which- honestly- made him jump as he wasn’t alerted of her presence, then catching sight of her as Helaena pointed at his shoulder.
 “It likes you.”
It was a simple phrase, yet it had budded a friendship between Aerys and Helaena. It seemed they had both bonded over their like and amusement for being observant, Aerys indulging in Helaena when she had seeked for him the following weeks when she felt it, to show a new critter she had in her collection, or whether it was a finished needlework, in which Aerys had always praised Helaena for and had always made time for her despite the demands of his lessons as a prince. 
They were good childhood friends, Aerys even defending Helaena from Aegon’s unnecessary jabs until their family had ultimately parted with Aerys’ mother Rhaenyra Targaryen moving to reside in Dragonstone, therefore grew in their separate ways.
Moving forward to the present, Aerys had found himself tossing and turning in his given chambers in the Red Keep, before he sighed, sitting up and moving out of bed, rubbing at his face in frustration. His feet had taken him to one of a small chest sitting on his table, fingers fiddling with the lock as it creaked open. 
There he pulled out a cloth, not just any cloth, but an embroidery of his dragon, Skysplitter, given to him by Helaena when they had last met. Even though they had glimpsed each other earlier in the dining hall after such years passed, neither had made a move. 
It was understandable since they were now both grown into a man and woman. Despite that, Aerys managed to give Helaena a smile, in which the latter only pursed her lips and averted her gaze from him in shyness. 
However, it felt as if no time had changed when the cousins Targaryen and Velaryon boys had gotten together, the whole feast spent catching up and having to tolerate Aegon’s jokes and reliving the memories of their childhood now over cups of wine. 
Aerys dragged his thumb down onto the fabric, its threads smooth and firm, Helaena had put much work and detail into it possible, even for its small size, it had depicted Skysplitter’s silver-red scales, wings spread and tail curled. 
It sent Aerys’ mouth quirking to a boyish grin, shaking his head, in all their time apart, he had not been able to let Helaena out of his thoughts, always lingering in the back of his head, even thinking about her had his heart hammering against his chest, begging to be let out so it could find its way to where it wanted to belong. 
Aerys then placed the embroidery back into the chest, shaking himself out of his foolish thoughts, closing the chest with a thud and clicking it shut, before deciding to venture out the halls, throwing a robe over on his shoulders to beat the cold that managed to seep into the castle in the night. 
Mostly everyone should have been asleep now, his family in their own respective chambers. 
Then as he had moved up the stairs, trying to challenge himself if he could remember the way to the balcony where he and Helaena often spent time together. 
Passing by large intricate doors, with guards nowhere in sight, there was a noise making Aerys halt in his steps, eyes meeting the handle. With brows knitted, Aerys knew he should not intervene, and that it was probably something else.
As he made to continue in his steps again, there was a gasp followed by a short yell, muffled through the doors. Aerys instincts kicked in, grabbing at the large door handle, pulling it open imagining someone was in need of help when darkness greeted him, except for a few candles lit. 
There were no signs of trouble, though only then Aerys realized it was another sleeping quarters, based on the heap on the bed. Aerys blinked back, he should turn away now, or it would have been a cause of immodesty for him to be found within another’s bedroom. 
Yet before he could turn back again, the voice was much clearer this time, and in distress. “No, no, not him- please!” 
Aerys inhaled a sharp breath as the realization of being in Helaena’s quarters hit, and she was there struggling with a nightmare, with no guards posted to alert her family of it. The longer she cried, Aerys broken free from his stupor as he approached where she lay on the side of the bed, hand immediately darting as he spots Helaena’s face scrunched, a stray tear rolling down her cheek in her sleep as she tossed, trying to fight her way out of the nightmare that had a hold on her. 
“Helaena, Helaena, wake up.” Aerys urged, squeezing at her shoulder and trying to shake her awake. It took a few tries with Aerys’ tone deepening in concern before Helaena had jolted awake, sitting up and looking frantically, gesturing and managing to grab a hold of Aerys’ arm, her eyes wide and stricken with grief and panic as she called out for her twins that she did not have at the moment. 
“Where are they? My- my children! Jahaerys, Jahaera- oh Jahaerys…” Helaena said, breathily, seeming as if the air had been knocked out her lungs as she was a mess, tears freely rolling down her flushed cheeks of her creamy skin.
“Helaena.” Aerys voiced firmly, Helaena gasping for air as her body shook, looking at him, mouth parting open and closed as she registered his presence. “Aerys.” She replied, almost in relief, without thinking, pulling him in an embrace, sending him to be sat upon her bed, face buried in his chest, grasping at his robes.
Only then Aerys realized how cold Helaena had been, in turn wrapping his strong arms around her delicate form, though his heart beat faster than a horse could run. Aerys rubbed up and down her back, careful of where he situated his hands as he slowly rested one upon the small of her back, the other shy of just touching her waist. 
“Shh, you are alright, there is no harm here.” Aerys comforted as Helaena’s shaking body soon started to relax, this here, Helaena being in his arms had felt right, as if something had shifted in the stars.
 “No harm will come to you, I swear of it.” Aerys voiced in a fleeting thought. Helaena stayed buried in his chest, arms clinging around him as she steadied her breath with the help of Aerys. 
“They, they took him from me, Aerys.” Never had Aerys heard such fear in her voice, Aerys knew better than to prod when Helaena was clearly distressed. “No one will take anything from you, Helaena.” He responded. He had spent a few minutes ensuring Helaena had come back down from whatever dreams plagued her mind. 
Once Helaena had gone quiet and was now breathing normally, with Aerys rested back on the bed, leaned back against the headrest with Helaena laying her head on his chest now. Aerys absentmindedly traced patterns on her arms through her sleeves of her chemise, before propriety had struck his mind like a blacksmith would hammer a forged sword. 
Shifting, Aerys waged a war within his mind, a part of him selfishly wanted to stay, another deemed that he had done his part and must now leave Helaena alone before he could get in trouble and drag her with him. 
“I think I must go, Helaena.” Aerys carefully voiced, moving and slowly trying to detangle himself from her, reluctantly. 
“Must you really?” Helaena croaked and Aerys felt his composure fracture. He had long avoided looking into Helaena’s face and he made the mistake of doing so now, gazing down at her to find her eyes still puffy and red, eyes conveying more emotions than she spoke.
“I… I would not want to get you in trouble.” Aerys swallowed down. “You could leave before the sun shows…” Helaena suggested before she was tugging onto the sleeve of Aerys’ tunic. “Tell me what endeavours have you sought to do in your years at Dragonstone?” She added, liking to hear more of Aerys’ voice which had managed to calm her tonight. 
Thus with Aerys  taking a quick glance out into the window of Helaena’s chambers, calculating that he likely had a few more hours before the keep would come alive again, he obliged. 
“-you should have seen the look on poor Lucerys’ face when he had first rode on Arrax.” Aerys could fondly remember having to steady the youngest on his feet when he got back down onto the ground, unable to even jest with his brother in between laughter. 
As he looked down at Helaena, he found her fast asleep, curled up against his side, a hand splayed on his abdomen, stirring feelings he had held back for so long with them in this position. Smoothing a few stray hairs away from her face, smiling dearly when Helaena’s nose would scrunch in turn, he placed a featherlight kiss upon the crown of her silver head. 
Whatever the Gods had in store for them now, Aerys vowed that in time and come whatever may, one way or another, was going to ask for Helaena’s hand.
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 month
back at the office.
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“Well, at least you two are on a first name basis, now. Improvement!” Mercedes pokes Mya in her side. She swats at her friend’s hand in feigned annoyance.
The pair are seated on a park bench across from the office, munching on fruit before they have to clock in for the day.
“Girl, gon’ somewhere,” she says with a laugh, “We work together and that’s about it. He’s probably not even from here!” The aloof tone of her voice betrays her actual feelings.
“Ma’am, that accent is thicker than chunky peanut butter out the freezer. Of course he’s from here. Or at least near here! Plus, I seen him at the poetry spot downtown, he could be pretty decent,” she says casually, while chomping on a chunk of watermelon.
“And just what the hell are you doing at a poetry spot? Last book you read had a big cat on the front,” Mya jabs at her friend.
“First of all, fuck you,” she’s interrupted by Mya’s snort of a laugh. “Second of all, didn’t I tell you? I met my new boo down there,” she finishes with a shimmy of the shoulders.
“How many felonies does this one have?”
“I’m gonna let that one go ‘cause I’m in a good mood. And if you quit being a punk, you can snag yourself a man, too.”
“I’m not a punk. I’m just not in the market for a man right now.” She shrugs as Mercedes rolls her eyes.
“Chile, a lie don’t care who tell it. Ray Charles can see you want his ass.”
Mya can’t contain the burst of laughter that leaves her lips.
“Why would you say that??”
“I'm just sayin’!” Mercedes continues through her own laughter.
“I’m not ‘bout to play with you today,” she dabs the tears that formed at the corners of her eyes. Glancing at her phone, she notices she’s dangerously close to being late.
“Oh shit,” she pops up from her seat grabbing her things, “Savannah’ll have our heads if we're late again.”
“Please, Savannah loves us. She’ll fire that shiftless ass Colin before she fires you,” Mercedes responds as she gathers her things at a more leisurely pace.
“Either way it goes, I’m not tryna make a habit outta being late.” She says, as they make their way inside.
“Nice of y'all to join us,” none other than Savannah herself greets them both just as they punch their timecard in the lounge.
“Hey auntie!” Mercedes cheeses, before heading out.
“So, what lil’ boy done caught your attention and got you showing up late now?” Her boss teases.
It never fails to surprise her how nothing gets past her boss, not that he was the reason for her tardiness.
“Nobody. Only thing that has my attention is work,” she lies casually, trying to breeze by her and back towards the lobby.
“Hmm. You sure it’s not that handsome young tender with the strong arms that’s always breakin’ his neck to catch a glimpse at you?”
Her ears perk up at the new piece of information, and she deftly pivots on her heels.
“He does?” she responds a little too earnestly for her own liking. Clearing an imaginary blockage from her throat, she adjusts her tone.
“He does?” She repeats, cooler this time, as she tucks a freshly straightened, cherry red tendril of hair behind her ear, a nervous tick.
“Mhm.” The all-knowing smirk on her boss’ full lips makes Mya’s cheeks redden even further.
“All the time. I’m surprised he hasn’t asked you out yet. Must be shy like you. Lord knows if I wasn’t married and old enough to be his mama…” she trails off.
As if her poor cheeks couldn’t get any rosier.
“Alright! I’m gonna start workin’ now.” She starts to back her way out of the hall toward the printer room to save herself further embarrassment.
“Hey! You're coding, for the next hour. Grab the big stack of card stock from the back to refresh your signs, before you get started.”
Grabbing her tools for the day, she heads to the big printer in the middle room, closing the door behind her.
She’d taken it upon herself to color code the system, helping everyone navigate through it just a little easier, as well as replacing the faded, white company signs with brighter, more colorful ones.
Pulling up her stool, she gets started.
A knock sounds at the door, before Isaiah steps inside, heading towards the supply closet.
“Mornin’, didn’t mean to interrupt,” coming out with a stack of copy paper in hand, he looks up to see the pretty brown girl with bright red hair that’s had mind jumbled for the last few weeks or so.
She looks up from the screen and smiles. “Mornin’,” she responds, “I’m knee-deep in this screen, I didn’t even hear you come in.”
“S’alright. Just came to refill the printer.” He replies, gesturing towards the big contraption she was currently sitting in front of.
“Oh! Let me move out of the way, sorry.” He chuckles, watching her grab her laptop and work on her feet, before he moves in to refill the tray.
“It’s alright. What you workin’ on, today?” He asks, printing a few documents.
“Coding the system to make it easier for everybody. Then, I’ve gotta redo the signs, out front. Savannah’s finally letting me loose in here.” She giggles, typing away on her keyboard with one hand.
Gathering his paper, he moves out of her way. “Sounds like a project. Can I see?”
“Sure!” She sits her laptop down and shows him the screen as she types away.
“Our plans are in green, projects are in pink and tasks are in blue, now. Holidays are highlighted, as well employee birthdays. Ooh! I really loved doing that, because I get to choose different colors for that, as well.”
He hums a laugh. “This your avenue, yeah? Projects?”
“Projects can be fun,” she turns toward him. “Imagine if she let you use photoshop on the ads that you create? It would take them to the next level!”
“You’ve seen one of the ads I’ve done in photoshop?” He asks.
“Mhm. It was up on the main computer, the other day. I didn’t know it was yours, until I saw the little eye you placed in the corner.”
“Yeah,” he laughs. “It’s like my watermark, for now.”
“It’s cute. But, your ad was nice!”
“I appreciate that. Especially, coming from you.” She blushes, as he heads toward the door.
“See you later?” He asks, hope burning behind his brown eyes.
“See you later.” She nods, mirroring his smile, before they get back to work.
About an hour and a half later, all ten of her fingers are cramped to hell and her back is killing her, but she’s finally finished with her project.
Closing the door behind her, she sighs and heads towards her own office, bumping into Savannah.
“Oh, Mya! The system is running so smooth, now! And the signs look wonderful!” She praises.
“Thank you! I’m always happy to help!”
“So am I.” She smiles.
“What do you mean?”
“I may have put a bug in someone’s ear about someone.. you can thank me, later, sweetheart.”
“A…what? Savannah, what are you talking about?”
“Your secret admirer is about to become not so secret, anymore.”
Her heart begins to beat triple time.
“Oh, God… I think I’m having a stroke.”
“Oh,” Savannah starts laughing. “You are too much, girl! Just relax! I know he’s pretty, but he’s a sweet man who’s sweet on you!”
Isaiah conveniently walks down the hall, his sight set out for Mya.
His eyes light up as he spots her talking to their boss.
“Afternoon, ladies.” He greets. “Can I steal Mya away?”
“As long as you give her back,” Savannah pats his shoulder, before heading back down the hall.
“Hey,” she waves, that intoxicating cologne of his hitting her nose.
“Hey,” he smiles, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “I was kinda hoping that you would join me for lunch.. that is, if you didn’t already have anything planned, of course.”
The corners of her mouth lift into a smile. “Well, seeing as we like the same kind of food, I would love to join you for lunch. Let me just grab my wallet.”
She moves for her office door, until he speaks, again. “I was actually hoping that I could buy your lunch, as well.”
“You’re doin’ a lot of hoping, today.” The smile never leaves her lips.
“Looks like I’m doing a whole lot scorin’ today, too.” He humbly brags.
“Does this work for you, often?”
“I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve tried.” He laughs.
They share a laugh. “Lead the way.”
☆: .☽ . :☆゚.☆:☆: .☽ .☆: .☽ · 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚☆: .☽ . :☆
“So, where exactly are you from?” Mya asks, biting into her sandwich.
The pair had decided to head over to Panera for a quick lunch.
“I’m from Texas. Dallas, to be exact.” He replies.
“Ah. I told my friend that you weren’t from here, I knew it!” She giggles.
“How’d you tell?”
“Well, no offense… but, your accent is rather thick. They don’t really sound like that, down here, too fast.”
His smile takes over his entire face at her comment. “None taken. I’ve gotten that, a lot. I like the accents out here, though.”
“Well, at least y’all sound like you come from somewhere.” She rolls her eyes.
“What do you mean? You’re from here, ain’t you?”
“Yeah, but I don’t sound like it.” She frowns.
“Yes you do,” he snorts. “You got a lil twang.”
“You’re only sayin’ that.”
“Honest,” he holds his hands up. “You do. It’s subtle, but it’s there.” He assures.
“Really?” Her brows raise. He nods.
“Mhm. Don’t trip, pretty.” He says, popping a chip in his mouth. She blushes.
Catching the three minute warning on her phone, she begins to gather her trash.
“Almost time to head back?” He eyes her movement, reluctantly doing the same.
“Yeah,” she sighs, “rest of the day’s filled with paperwork.”
“Well, we can’t all be God’s favorite and color code the system in the mornings.” She laughs at the crack he takes at her.
“It’s not just about making it pretty, mister big  arms.” She playfully rolls her eyes.
“My broadness distractin’ you, little lady?” He asks, amusement coloring his tone.
Yes. God, yes.
“We should head back.” She stands up from the table to toss her trash. His eyes travel to her derrière.
“Mm.” He remarks to himself, standing from the table to throw his own trash away, before they head back to the office.
Making plans to catch back up once the day was finally over, Mya sinks down in her chair.
Her phone begins to ring.
“Hey, mama,” she answers, turning her laptop back on.
“Hey, baby. You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m just ready for the workday to end. It started pretty great, though.”
“Yeah? What’s going up at Vannah’s that’s got you in the good spirits, besides the angel, herself?” Her mother speaks fondly of her beloved boss.
“She’s finally taken me up on my offer to brighten up the place!,” she cheeses like her mother could see her face. “I started color coding the system to make everything easier to navigate, because it was starting to give me a migraine! Nothing on this earth should ever be that dull.”
Her mother laughs. “You are something else. But, that’s amazing, sweetheart. I always knew you’d be able to showcase your talents.”
“Thanks for always believing in me.”
“Always. Now, who’s this boy that Mercedes was goin’ on about?”
Sighing aloud, she sits up in her chair. “I gotta call you back. We’ll talk about it later, I promise.”
“Is she in trouble?”
“She’s about to be. Love you.”
“Love you too, baby. Bye bye.”
Hanging up, she quickly facetimes Mercedes. “Look, I know you and my mama are cool and all, but why would you tell her about Isaiah?”
“Girl, I honestly just told her that you got a crush on somebody, like you always do! And she was like “is he cute?” And I was like “do you know your daughter? The men are always fine!” And she laughed and that was that.” She shrugs.
“You two are gonna give me grey hair.” Mya shakes her head, beginning to type away at her keyboard.
“Now, I know you FaceTimed me to spill somethin’, so please get on with it.” Mercedes laughs. Her infectious laughter grows as Mya turns her attention back to her best friend.
“Ooh, I knew it!”
“Cedes, be quiet,” Mya giggles,” he asked me to join him for lunch and offered to pay for it! So, we went to Panera and talked. He’s from Texas, by the way.” Mercedes’ mouth falls open.
“I was wrong??”
“You were! I told you, too!” She whisper yells. “He’s from the south, but it ain’t here.”
“Well, I’ll be damned. So, you got you a Dallas cowboy, then, huh?” She says, the look on her face makes Mya wanna hang up on her.
“I really don’t like you.” She tries to hold back the smirk.
“It’s okay! Cause, I really love you!” She cheeses. “And, that’s cute, seriously. He bought you lunch and made you fall in love!”
“I’m not in love!” She laughs.
“What was in that sandwich? Bacon?”
“Mercedes.” Mya calls, it falls on deaf ears.
“That bacon must’ve been extra crispy.”
“It was. Goodbye.”
“Ride ‘em, cowgirl!”  She quickly hangs up, shaking her head.
“That girl is a mess.”
Grabbing her keys, she locks her office door behind herself and heads towards the front of the building to wait for Isaiah, like they’d planned.
“Yeah, she’s great.” He smiles, telling his friend and coworker, Jane, about Mya.
“I knew you two would hit it off. She’s been eyeing you for a while.”
“Well, she wasn’t alone.”
“Don’t I know it. You’ve talked my head about her for months, Isaiah.” She laughs, patting his shoulder.
“That’s what friends are for, right? Don’t I listen to you when you go on and on about uh, whatever his name is, this week?”
She rolls her eyes. “Tell your girlfriend to enjoy you, cause I’ll be killing you, soon.”
He laughs. “Don’t be me like that, Jane Doe. I’ll catch up with you later.” They hug and part ways.
He finds Mya with her head in her phone. He walks over, her eyes locking with his as he approaches her.
“Hey, pretty.” He greets, enjoying the view of her reddened cheeks as she twists her lips up.
“Hey, handsome.”
“Can I walk you to your car?” He offers.
“Sure.” She accepts, allowing him to lead the way, opening the door for her. She mentally checks manners off her list.
“Thank you, Isaiah.” She unlocks the driver side door.
“You’re more than welcome. Before I let you go, I’d like to ask you somethin’.”
She leans against the car door. “What’s up?”
“I been meanin’ to ask you, if you’d like to accompany me to this new spot, Friday?”
Completely taken aback that he was actually asking her out, her immediate yes jumped out, before she could contain herself. Their smiles are identical.
“I would love to. What kind of spot are we talkin’?”
“S’called Tropic. You know, one of those clubs with the disco lights, like we’re still in nineteen seventy-five and the drinks got them tiny umbrellas in ‘em.” He chuckles, rambling on as she dazedly stares at him.
“Sounds like fun.” She cheeses.
“It’s a date, then," grabbing her hand into his own, he softly caresses her skin. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me, too.” Her voice came out smaller than she liked. He doesn’t tease her about it. Kissing the back of her hand, he releases her. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” She nods.
Waving goodbye, he heads to his own car, leaving her to slide inside of her own and squeal.
“A date?!”
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zombholic · 1 year
HE’S SO LUCKY — abby anderson
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summary — reader has an undying love for her best friend abby, who only has eyes for owen.
description — poc fem!reader, angsty, three-way love, listen to your sad romantic playlist, actually just listen to enchanted by taylor swift.
authors note — yall sorry this was a little long but im listening to sad songs and i had to make this 😔 NOT PROOF READ !!
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Your eyes scanned the aquarium seeing all your friends gathered up together for Manny’s birthday, he loved to go all out for his parties that not even an outbreak can stop him. You sat next to Leah on the floor with your back pressed up against the table as everyone was huddled up together in a circle on a cold winter night, all of you had snuck out of base to come here.
“I’m fucking twenty-five pendejos!” Manny drunkenly raised his beer in the air, slurring on his words having everyone cheer for him, beer bottles clanking together as splashes of beer fell. “Who’s gonna carry his ass back to base when he’s blacked out” you commented earning a couple of laughs from your friends.
Leah managed to find a record player with a couple of old school vinyls, the music playing in the back softly. Your eyes always seemed to wander back to Abby, you couldn’t lie, you were in love with the girl but there was nothing you could do, she was always going to have eyes for Owen even if Mel was carrying his child.
You saw the way she laughed a little too hard as his stupid jokes, her blue eyes glistening every time she looked at him, God, it disgusted you. Feeling your face heat up, jealousy consumed your insides as you burned holes into Owen’s stupid face “You’re making it obvious Y/n.” Leah nudged your side, blinking a few times before seeping back into reality, a heavy sigh fell from your lungs, leaning your head against the desk rolling it over to Leah who was fiddling around with her polaroid camera.
“What does she see in that thing.” your doe eyes rolled in annoyance hearing his stupid laugh over and over again “If you were straight you would understand, say cheese.” She lifted her camera to her eyes taking a quick off guard picture of you “Leah, I wasn’t ready!” you laughed pushing her shoulder softly “Hey, take a picture with us!” Mel waved her hand motioning to bring you guys over to them.
You two made your way over to the other side, you sat down beside Abby “Hey, take a picture of Me and Y/n.” Abby spoke up, wrapping her arm around your shoulder, you head leaned against her shoulder with a smile on your face as Leah snapped the picture. The frame slowly coming out before she handed it over to Abby.
“We look good together” She giggled looking over at you with her beautiful, enchanting blue eyes. You looked up at her through your lashes looking away quickly catching yourself stare at her for a bit too long. Scooting a little bit away from her you brought your knees up to your chest feeling cold from the air leaking through the cracks.
Everyone knew you were madly in love with the blonde, how could they not? they way you looked at her was not a look you gave anyone else, everyone you ever met has told you how intimidating you are, your demeanor scaring off people. You knew you were a little cold towards others but these people had your heart but nothing like how Abby did and yet she was the only one who was so clueless.
“Y/n, take any interest in anyone? it’s like you refuse to let loose.” Owen half drunkenly spoke up, he knew about your feelings towards Abby as well and he loved to take advantage of that. “No, too busy trying to fight for my life rather than getting girls pregnant.” Your snark remark has everyone hollering, “She got your ass Pendejo!” Manny laughing so hard you swore he was gonna pass out from lack of oxygen.
You saw Abby tense up from what you said, you knew she was upset over the fact Owen had gotten his girlfriend pregnant. After a couple of rounds of drinking you felt your body shoot up with confidence, you found yourself getting a little touchy with Abby, your hands would go from playing with her braid to rubbing her back. Abby couldn’t care less, she never felt uncomfortable around you quite honestly she loved the attention you were giving her since Owen was too busy making out with Mel.
“Abs, can I talk to you?” your hand ran up to the back of her neck softly rubbing it for her to look at you “Yeah, what’s wrong? want me to take you back to base?” Concern filled her face, brow’s farrowed together. “No, I— follow me.” Standing up you walked through the doors to the other side of the aquarium, Abby trailing right behind you.
“What did you wanna—“ She saw tears falling down your sweet face, rushing to cup your face in her calloused hands “Why are you crying hun?” You sniffled rolling your eyes at her “Stop doing that Abs.” You spoke barely above a whisper, avoiding eye contact with her. “Doing what Y/nn? hey, look at me.” Her eyes soften, so worried about the girl who she saw as a close friend, you looked up at her with your tear filled doe eyes.
Grabbing her face you pulled her into a kiss, your lips smashing against her soft ones. Pulling away you realized what you did, you just jeopardized the only thing that mattered to you so much, both of your eyes widened at your actions. “I— oh fuck, I’m so fucking sorry Abby.” Before she could even say anything you had ran out the doors, running back to base with tear streaming down your face endlessly, the ache in your heart had you sobbing out in pain.
Why him? why not me?
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Ages ago @floof-ghostie sent me an saying 'I'm humbly asking for Perlex headcanons🤲' but my inbox got piled up so now i can't find it :/ Thankfully i remember it clear as day so here's your Perlex food Sola!!
We got an New York raised monoracial afro-dominicano and a San Francisco raised blasian(chinese)dominicana.They're both audhd dyslexic and bptsd,punk,femmes in ways that come across as masc to normies and share the same yet opposite personality and life experiences.Match made in Elysium and not to kiss my own fat ass but i'd pay to watch a black love movie about that
Their nicknames for eachother are 'Blue' and 'Bubbles' and 'Princesa Azul' and 'Strawberry Pop' are added on when they finally end up together.'Blue' duh,'Bubbles' Lex has a boba tea addiction,'Princesa Azul' 'Principe Azul' translates to both 'Blue Prince' and 'Prince Charming' and 'Strawberry Pop' Lex is bubbly and sweet and so fucking pink and they met on the strawberry fields when Lex made blue strawberries with their Demeter kid powers for Percy when he jokingly asked
Gf who is so babydoll x Bf who is so trans gamer girl
Lex is pint-sized but thick(think Fionna Campbell)and Percy is a tank transfem.4'11 vs 6'4
Both sweet tooth people but Percy's favorite flavor is bluestrawberries and Lex's is cotton candy,fast food is a love language for them and they learned to make chinese fast food together and they're burger lovers-Percy loves double cheese burgers while Lex loves loaded burgers and they even eat the same ones together like The Lady and The Tramp😭
Lex has a 2000s Barbie flip phone they use exclusively for Percy and Percy only lets Lex touch his gaming equipment because they're special :3
Percy's love of blue is only rivaled by Lex's love of pink and they buy/make eachother goods in their fave colors
Percy does have their own unique style but they took inspo from Lex's ultimate earthy black aesthetic(by which i mean their mom is literally fuckin' DEMETER and they're her strongest mortal kid)subcounciously.There's leans into the type of darker/muter bohemian and traditional afropunk that gets confused for goth by normies
Lex on their end looks like a punk Polly Pocket and has been dressing pastel punk/solarpunk since freshman year Goode High by Rachel's helping hand.When dating started,they got Percy to participate in their femmehood and he became their gnc af bi boyfriend until The Krak(and not en)
They diy'd her estrogen,lended her their clothes she refused not to wear even though they didn't fit and did her iconic black base with a white streak mermaidcore dye job for her in an intimate moment where Percy gripped Lex's waist tightly in dysphoria at possibly looking ridicilous and they reassured her with compliments,gestures and kisses to her face
They hate regular books but love comic books and were insecure about being stupid over it until they met and bonded over it
Lex has a flavored lipgloss collection with a huge variety of increasingly out there flavors and a couple of them were gifts from Percy.NIGGA THINKS HE'S SLICK LMAOOOOOOO but yeah they make out so often
Percy has the cocky flirty punk dude thing going on but it's a Lex exclusive.You couldn't have threatend him into doing that with Annabeth and not just because she'd beat his ass for it.But back on topic,this is the type i was picturing,Perlex core:
The Outcast Godlings relathionships graph:Nico and Percy are canon compliant up until Hoo where there were no retcons so they're closer than ever,Lex briefly met Nico when Percy was showing him around camp and grew lavenders to hand to him and sweetly asked him to be nice to Percy and he happily agreed and later they found him sobbing his heart out in the mess hall's kitchen over Bianca joining The Hunters so they offered to be his new big sister and he accepted and they chugged strawberry milk tea together,the three of them rebuilt their connection inbetween Botl and Tlo,Hazel instantly approached Lex in Moa's Argo || landing on New Rome as Percy had been yapping about them ever since he bit into a Camp Jupiter strawberry that didn't taste quite the same for some reason he couldn't remember just yet that made sadness he didn't understand wash over him and invited them to the cat cafe for coffee and chatting and kitty playing and they were besties by the end of their visit and fell into Tartarus together as opposed to Percy and Annabeth and the four of them are best friends,the Dead Sea Siblings are legally siblings by Sally's post-Boo Nico and Hazel adoption,Lex is Nico and Hazel's big sister figure and Perlex are the Team Parents aka Sea Dad and Plant Mom
Nico and Hazel are punk kids and baby afrogoths who were radicalized by their punk pseudo-parents and mentors.They taught them all about actual punk culture and never let them set a foot in Hot Topic in favor of diy lessions and they all go on petty crime sprees and tagging together and ofc charity events and once the kids aren't kids anymore,they're comfortable bringing them to riots and protests too.The Outcast Godlings are well-known on the underground NY parties and shows scene and have adventures and episodic drama with it and they frequent marts for shoplifting and poc owned food trucks for paying.The skatepark is a hot spot for them too,Lex and Nico are rollerbladers and Percy and Hazel are skaters(like mother,like son,like father,like daughter)and they go thrifting a lot
They also go out for froyo every sunday as family bonding.Percy's flavor is blue raspberry and her toppings are gummy bears and rainbow sprinkles,Nico's flavor is vanilla and oreo pieces and his toppings are gummy bears once in a blue moon,Hazel's flavor is strawberry and her toppings are chocolate chips and cookie dough and sometimes fruity pebbles and Lex's flavor is s'mores and strawberry caramel swirl and their toppings are cookie dough and boba pearls.Whenever Perlex have a froyo date they get cotton candy with brownie bits and m&m's.The four of 'em also frequent the local cat cafe and are the only reason it's still in bussiness and actually helped it's publicity once by putting Percy in a cat fursuit and Lex in a catgirl maid outfit(Nico and Hazel have blackmail photos saved on Hazel's camera)
They're so autistic about video games of all kinds,from indie,to the classic Pokemon and Animal Crossing,to time management,to tamagotchis and unironically do 'gamer couple' things
Percy has a special sparkly sunflower hair charm to represent Lex he saves for special occasions(like their wedding)and Lex is a clothes thief as Percy's sea salt scent and portable heater ahh temperature is comforting
Matching Ichigo Kurosaki and Orihime Inoue/Ichihime secondhand figures,matching Bubbline icons on The Second Argonauts group chat and matching Flutterdash synergy
Also Percy's username is 'Blue with no Clues',Lex's 'Pink Hot Girl Breaker',Nico's is 'Oreos Lessreos' and Hazel's is 'Princess of The Underworld and Nunya'
Lex wears the one pink hibicius flower in your hair look for subliminal messaging
They also remind Percy of Brandy's Cinderella aka his first ever fictional crush(*subliminal messaging intensifies*)
Mixtapes,homemade pins and patches for the other's battle jacket,sharing energy drinks,carving love messages into barks,Lex playing the kalimba as Percy's head lays in their lap
Percy's piercings are an eyebrow piercing,forward helix on both ears,a spider bite and a tongue ring and Lex's piercings are industrials on both ears,a lip ring,a belly button ring and an eyebrow piercing
Teezo Touchdown bf x Frank Ocean gf.Uuhh and Pink + White are Perlex songs
As are Blue Dream by Jhené Aiko,Strawberry Mentos by Leanna Firestone,Self-Love but the pearl nightcore cover specifically,Fairy Type Girl by Yunglex,Kool by Meet Me @ The Altar,Eres from Soy Luna,Somewhere only we know by Keane,Head above water by Roll for it aaaaaand Cheeseburger Family by Jack Stauber's Micropop is an Outcast Godlings bonus!!
Their biokids are a girl named after Sally who goes by Sal because she's a tomboy and looks almost exactly like Percy but with Lex's eyes,followed by Theodoros aka Theo,Xiomar,Penelope aka Penny and the twins Helena and Rosabela
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
So, how do you think Cowboy eddie met his sweet girl? Have we discussed it yet? I was thinking about some kind of music festival in their town where reader is with her girlfriends and eddie with the boys? I don't know. At first I always thought that reader was a city girl who moved to a small city and met eddie, at the other hand how does she have any friends if she is new.? I'm so confused. I think we need to address this issue 😂
we hc on my last blog that they met at like home depot or a supply store. she was going in to buy something and he was buying wood for a fence, and she couldn't get it to fit in her car, so like the gentleman he is, eddie offered to take it in his truck.
naturally, she was like "are you a serial killer" lmao but he was like I swear I'll give you all my info and so she let him, reluctantly, realized he was a really sweet guy, especially when he offered to help her. they spent the day building the shelf she was making, and she thanked him with a shitty box mac and cheese dinner but he loved it. took her out on a real date the next night and treated her, and the rest was history lol.
she's a mf city girl and moved there bc she works near by but the rent is cheaper out there than in the actual city limits, so they met at the store out there since there's a population of like 600 people in the sticks where eddie lives.
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bastionbibi · 5 months
Question if it’s okay to ask: what is it that made Akai one of your favourites? Or at least someone that’s cool in your book
Man.... This is like asking why I love soup.  Ok, I'm not sure if I can stay coherent but I'll try, 
Ive been reading detco on and off since I was a was a wee child and even back then he was already one of my favorites because I like mystery, and he was the definition of that. 
And this way before the revelation that he was a good guy too. There was this moment of 'yeah, okay, this is it, he's the one (that im not gonna be normal about)'. Specifically, I fell in love in that one scene where he met ran on a snowy night, something about that scene was just so striking, especially something about him that, despite how intimidating he sounded or looked, didn't set off any alarms in Ran, that was the point where I knew there's more to this character, and that I love him. 
On another lighter note. I like his shinigami aesthetic, his one liner and lack of facial expression, I like his lonewolf tendency, how weirdly dependable he is and yet, he's not, in any way shape or form, charming. 
Like that time where he confronted Gin for the first time, he could've told Jodie and Conan that he had a plan to elude the BO but he didn't, he acted alone, he's extremely slow to trust but when he does, he pledge to them his true loyalty. I mean, Conan was just a child in his eyes (even though now he knows him as Shinichi), and yet since he decided to trust him, he never dismissed his words or treat him like a liability despite his 'age'. 
When he trust people, he cherished them in his own ways, and that's what I find commendable. 
He's ANNOYING. An asshole 75% of the time, we never got more backstory about him and Akemi because I refuse to believe this man with the personality as hard to love as the taste of blue cheese could land not 1 but 2 amazing ladies like cmon now. I hate how he treated Jodie but I have no doubt he would take a bullet for her if need be, I guess that’s why Jodie still likes him too to a degree but he didnt deserve her tbh (<- says the girl who will still reblog redstarling fanart whenever it crosses my dash). 
The same can be applied to his ‘rivalry’ with Rei, it doesn't matter what his true reason was, he decided that night, when he was holding the bleeding gun of a man he failed to save, he would keep the truth away from Rei and he stick by that decision till now, Rei did everything in his power to literally hunt him down over a misunderstanding and he didn't care, come hell and high waters and he will still keep Rei away from the truth because that's what he decided to do and he keeps his promises, especially ones made to himself. 
I suppose I like him because outside of 'work', while he keeps people on a distance, you don't have to second guess on where you stand, there's a sort of ease in that. 
As the story progresses, we get to see reasons as to why he ended up this way and that was pretty entertaining, seeing how affectionate he can be to his siblings and what happened in his past to make him go the extreme lengths of being an agent to another country and infiltrating a deadly organization etc, it fleshes him out, it makes me excited to see where he'll end up next. 
Also, he looks kinda handsome ngl 
ON ANOTHER NOTE!! He's also just- Really weird?? 
Like ok, sure, he faked his death like one would do but he came back from the grave as a guy 5 years younger with pink hair that's taking his masters?? Hello???? Has he even been to college before like I legit wonder if he knows how hellish a masters program is AND, I know this is based on a situation that's out of his control, out of all the personalities he can embody, he chose to be a milfy malewife who's always ready to babysit others?? Dedication to the bit is unmatched. 
(Also bc i hc him as conans dad and made a whole series about it, thats fun!)
(Anyway if youre in the gc dont u dare call me a simp i am not . ) 
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shonenlinkage · 2 years
The Linkers of La Squadra
Note: I used Picrew to make everyone’s civilian form designs. I’ll draw their Linked Forms, though!
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Trina Marino (Melone)
Trina is incredible with kids, and will often babysit for at least 5 dollars per hour. She also is a clean freak for some apparent reason- hence the maid attire.
She hails from probably Rome, and she is secretly a tech savvy genius- much like her partner!
Whenever it comes to anything fashionable, she will head straight for it. She has somewhat expensive taste, though.
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Min Kangjeon (Ghiaccio)
Min is a Korean teenage ice skater who comes from Incheon and is the son of 2 very successful figure skaters.
His favorite hobby is to go ice skating, especially when it’s outdoors in the winter on a chilly skating rink.
He is one of a good chunk of linkers to keep their glasses on even after their transformation- his just change their color from black to red.
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John Don (Prosciutto) (Made with help from @thehyperrequiem)
As the taller of the Don brothers, John is cunning and will do anything to taste victory. He is more of the diet type of person.
Despite the fact that he will often eat bacon, he only does so when it comes to setting bets. If he wins a bet, he lets the loser finish the entire plate. If he loses a bet, he finishes the plate himself.
He Surprisingly cares very much about the others. He even helps his brother Joe with his exercise plans. Both even have Brooklyn accents for some apparent reason… maybe it’s because they hail from uptown Brooklyn.
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Joe Don (Pesci) (Made with help from @thehyperrequiem)
Unlike his brother John, Joe is the more overweight of the Don brothers, with all of his weight coming from stress eating in the past.
He is more leaning towards seafood, especially tuna salad. He will make an entire tuna salad sandwich and probably offer it to you no matter what.
Although he may not be as risky as his brother, he still tries his best to follow through with his exercise plans.
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Ozzie Staley (Risotto Nero)
Ozzie is a young adult music fan hailing from Memphis, Tennessee- and he loves rock music. He does enjoy playing his acoustic guitar in his spare time.
He knows that his uncle has won a lot of music awards, but feels as if he’ll never live up to his legacy.
For some reason, he looks like Keanu Reeves (I dunno why, but that was on my part); and heck- even Risotto mistook him for Keanu’s lookalike when they first met!
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Larique Emerald (Illuso)
Larique is a young girl who comes from a wealthy family who has made their business in the French city of Chamonix.
As much as she loves looking in her reflection, she can’t help but feel insecure about herself. She wonders if being perfect is really all worth the risk.
As a matter of fact, she does her own makeup tutorials; yet still doesn’t know that they bring it who she really is inside.
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Javion Rossi (Formaggio)
Javion is probably from Austin, Texas- and he is a huge sucker for model sets. He is also a big collector and will do anything to get his hands on the latest miniature item.
As much as he wants to enjoy cheese, he’s somewhat lactose intolerant; so he has decided to go with almond milk for the time being.
But then again, he feels like that his collection of miniature items won’t get him anywhere.
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Carter and Harper Sorenson (Sorbet and Gelato)
Carter and Harper are twins who live in Myrtle Beach, and of course- they do finish their sentences and speak at the same time.
As much as they love each other; both girls dream of being recognized for who they are by everyone- especially their parents.
There’s a good way to tell apart the sisters- Carter has blonde hair and blue glasses; while Harper has dark hair and red glasses.
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ramenaddicted · 11 months
Nice and warm
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synopsis: I cook soup for my man and reminisce about how we met, also recipe included.
an: So this little ditty is part of the @love-and-lore autumn self-ship collab, so if you are not into that feel free to skip this one.
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The stage is set. My boyfriend won't know what hit him. I chuckle to myself as I continue to dice my yellow onions. The strong scent of onions stings my eyes and they start to water slightly. It’s September; that means soup season, and I aim to introduce different soups to my boyfriend through the fall and winter. My boyfriend is so picky. He only likes to eat foods that are easy to cook and easy to eat like chicken tenders and mac & cheese. There’s nothing wrong with those foods. I love a good bowl of mac & cheese every once in a while. However, I also like to get my daily intake of veggies so to increase his intake of veggies, I’m going full throttle.
As I finish chopping my onions, that’s when I start peeling and mincing my garlic. The delicious yet pungent aroma of garlic is a promise of the delicious soup that is to come. My kitchen is on the smaller side with its light green walls and the awkward color countertops. I have zero space so I have to mince all this garlic by hand. 
I turn my attention to a bowl of potatoes sitting in water, soaking and cleaning, the last of the prep for the heavy load of soup. With all of my fresh veggies neatly prepped and put into bowls, I start on the potatoes. Taking my peeler, I swiftly peel each of my potatoes and then cut them in halves. To make sure I don’t get early-onset arthritis, I bought a little gadget to help me easily dice my potatoes. I transfer them into a large bowl with cold fresh water to keep them all nice and white. 
I take a step back and marvel over my work. Wow! All of my items have been perfectly prepped, but now here comes the fun part: cooking! I decide to take out my beautiful butternut squash-colored Dutch oven and turn the fire up high on the stove.  As I feel a tiny bit of heat radiating from the pot itself, I layer the bottom half of the pot with bacon slices.
The bacon does its job and slowly cooks. I decided to take time out and measure my wet ingredients: 4 cups of chicken stock and 2 cups of milk. 
As the bacon slowly cooks, the scent radiates throughout the kitchen. It’s a wonderful smell. Hopefully, my boyfriend likes it. I had decided on a soup that was easy to make and very pleasing with the accouterments such as the bacon in the cheese.
Cooking bacon takes a while, especially when it’s still in its strip form and not chopped up like I should’ve done it. Still, who cares? As I slowly drift off into La La Land, the bottom of the pot with the bacon starts to turn brown. I am reminded why I am doing this. I'm doing this because I love my boyfriend and I want to eat soup; two birds. one stone.
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My boyfriend and I have been dating for about two years. Within those two years, I found out so much about him; I know he’s a picky eater, a hard-core gamer, and I know he has a selective group of friends whom I affectionately call the ragamuffins or the little bastards. Anywho, when I first met my boyfriend, Tomura Shigaraki, I was a bit put off by him just because he didn’t traditionally approach me.  I was just minding my business when I heard a cheery feminine voice call out to me.
“Hey! You’re Yasmin, right?” A cheery voice called.
I turned around to see who was calling me. It was a short blonde girl wearing a dark hoodie and sneakers. I could feel an invisible pair of eyes staring at my dark skin from the shadows. A small chill ran down my back.
“Yes, who’s asking?” I balked at her question.
“So my friend over there likes you and would like to get to know you,” she stated while turning behind to point at a shadowy figure trying to conceal himself by a nearby tree.
The figure in question was a tall lanky man dressed in a dark hoodie and dark sweatpants. Blazing ruby red eyes with deep bags under his eyes, chapped lips, and the aura of an enraged Discord mod*.
“Why does he look like that?” I inquired while physically taking a step back. The man wasn’t even in my personal space and I felt like I was gonna get stabbed.
“He’s just shy,” she tried to assure me.
She was not doing a good job, plus with his intense staring, he was also shooting himself in the foot.
“Naw, I’m cool.”
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Afterward, I got hounded by other people in his friend's circle. The blond girl introduced herself as Himiko Toga. We hung out more just because she was approachable and not stalking me from the shadows. A week after the informal meeting, I was approached by another man with tall dark spiky hair, turquoise, blue eyes, and a bad attitude: Dabi.
Dabi’s method of persuasion was terrible. He was more annoyed than anything as he tried listing off the non-redeemable qualities of his friend.
“Stop please,” I begged. As I would come to find out, Tomura truly has some odd friends. Dabi didn’t do a good job of painting Tomura in a good light. The heavily tattooed stranger emphasized the other was a hardcore gamer with mommy issues.
With friends like these, who needs enemies? I collected myself and turned away from Dabi.
“Listen here, if your friend wants to talk to me we can sit down at the campus coffee house and talk.” Dabi could feel my frustration as I spoke.
I turned on my heels and went in the opposite direction of the campus coffeehouse. “Otherwise I’m going to the campus police and reporting him for stalking!”
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The scent of freshly ground espresso was a welcomed scent inside the coffee house. The campus coffee house was a nice and quaint place; pastries, coffees, and teas were their game, and serving espresso and other caffeinated delights was their cash cow.
The jingling of the bell alerted the barista to my presence. They greeted me warmly as I made my way to the counter to order. I ordered my usual – a London fog tea latte and a vanilla bean scone. After paying for my goods, I went to find a nice and secluded area for me and hopefully my stalker.
After my items were done, I quickly took them and sat at the very back of the cafe with a window seat. The coffee house doorbell jingled harshly as the perpetrator entered. Lo behold, it was my skrunkly stalker. Tomura was dressed in a gray hoodie and sweatpants. His hair at the time was blue-tinged. His striking red beady eyes stared straight at me. I waved him over, and he ran towards me like his life depended on it.
"So you want to tell me why you have been stalking me from the shadows?" I asked, cutting to the chase while sipping my latte.
The silence was deafening as I sipped on my latte loudly. The poor boy was sweating bullets while trying to concoct an answer.
"Because you smell nice," His answer stunned me as he continued to explain. 
"We have some connecting classes so when I sit behind or near you…I sniff your perfume." He admitted as his cheeks blushed a furious shade of red.
"That is so creepy."
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The smell of cooked bacon pulls me from my daydream as I go to collect my bounty of cooked bacon. Swiftly picking the bacon strips out of the Dutch oven with my tongs, I put the bacon on a paper towel-clad plate and then turn the heat to low.
With the bacon secured, I quickly move on to building the soup base. Next, I add two tablespoons of butter, diced onions, and minced garlic. With those ingredients, the kitchen quickly becomes more fragrant and delicious. My onions cook down and are thoroughly translucent, and the garlic is browning in color: not burnt, but beige. 
I measure my liquids: chicken broth and heavy whipping cream. Then once the vegetables look nice and golden brown, I add half a cup of flour.
As much as Tomura’s friends would tease him about our initial courting, I wouldn’t have traded the experience for the world. After our impromptu date at the campus coffee house, Tomura went out of his way to talk to me. He still stalked me from the shadows but that kept the real creeps away from me. So a win is a win…I guess.
With the veg and flour mixture fully turned into liquid goodness via the six cups of chicken stock, I quickly add my chopped potatoes and herb mixture: rosemary, thyme, salt/pepper, and a couple of dashes of Montreal steak seasoning.
Keys jingling and the lock turning makes a smile spread across my face.
“Babe, I’m home,” Tomura calls as he waltzes into our shared apartment.
“I’m in the kitchen!” I yell.
“Smells good in here, what are we having for dinner?”
“Loaded potato soup.”
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Slender arms wrap themselves around my waist and I feel slightly chapped lips kiss the side of my cheek. I giggle at the affection my boyfriend dotes on me in private. I tell him to go wash up and that dinner will be ready in a minute. I took the time to crumble up the cooked bacon for garnish. Along with shredded cheddar cheese, chopped green onions, and the crumbled bacon on top of the piping hot soup dinner is complete.
Once back, the table is already set, and the man of the hour is wearing his at-home sweater. Dressed in a white t-shirt with a black sweater with cream lining, it gives off an academic vibe.
“Someone looks fancy,” I tease.
“I can’t help it, it's comfortable,” he playfully pouts while taking his seat across from me.
I hand him his bowl of loaded potato soup. My gremlin doesn’t even set the steaming bowl on the table before he begins chowing down on the cheesy and bacony goodness. I laugh at his antics; the man is acting like this is the first time he'd ever had my cooking.
“What’s so funny?”
“You, acting like a starving kitten.”
He blushes furiously at my taunt and looks away from me before going back to eating his soup, this time less comically.
“I’m glad you like it though,” I beam at the praise. “I thought about you while making it.”
Tomura stops eating for a moment and looks at me. Carnelian eyes glow with amusement as he reaches out for my hand on the table.
“Yaz, I don’t care if you served me those abominations from the 50’s,” I giggle at his words. “I will treasure anything you make.”
He quickly stands the both of us up, and I point to his sweater.
“I didn’t make that, but I bought it for you.”
“Doesn't matter, this was bought with the intention of making me happy.”
“And warm,” I mock him.
“And warm,” he repeats.
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all of them. unless you're uncomfortable with any
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
only with my mom
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
I last said I love you to panda
03: Do you regret anything?
yep, lots of things
04: Are you insecure?
hell yeah, plenty to not like about me but that’s the anxiety talking
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
quickly, calmly
07: What did you last eat?
08: Played any sports?
play soccer mainly, but dabbled around
09: Do you bite your nails?
unless I paint them, yes
10: When was your last physical fight?
fourth grade
11: Do you like someone?
yeah, I’m dating them
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
I hate actions not people, unless the action is unjustifiable. So like, Israeli military and my dad
14: Do you miss someone?
I miss my moots in a way of ‘we never met but I want you here way’
15: Have any pets?
yep, always lived with dogs
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
really shitty
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
nope, never even kissed someone
18: Are you scared of spiders?
nah, they’re little guys
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
nope, might get killed legally
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
haven’t yet
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
take a fucking break
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
maybe, all I know is I want to adopt
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
none, but I want basic earibgs
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
anything art related or english
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
no, I left them for a reason
26: What are you craving right now?
sleep and cuddles
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
yeah,,,,, I didn’t want to hurt them but I’m not going to date someone I don’t like back. It’s not fair.
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
I believe so, but we were being sweet and it was a while ago
30: What’s irritating you right now?
31: Does somebody love you?
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
Me, someone was trying to kill me
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my teacher when asking for stock footage
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
I think but also everyone deserves a new chance
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
don’t know, still growing
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
haven’t had one
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
when I was like one
51: Favourite food?
Cheese quesadillas
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
yeah, why else would they happen
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
hug my mom
54: Is cheating ever okay?
only on tests that don’t matter much
55: Are you mean?
playfully mean
56: How many people have you fist fought?
57: Do you believe in true love?
58: Favourite weather?
summer rain
59: Do you like the snow?
60: Do you wanna get married?
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
yeah, I love pet names
62: What makes you happy?
a lot of things
63: Would you change your name?
yes, I did
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
no? I kissed my mom on the check and I’ll do it again
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
(well as a trans male) if I was single and liked them then maybe but usually I just say I’m not interested and run off embarrassed
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
not really
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my mom
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
no, but there plenty of people I’d live for
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pheita · 9 months
Apple, Raspberry, Jam?
Hi theprissythumbelina, thanks for the ask
I'll answer this for my new WIP "The Dragon's Warrior"
APPLE - What is the most eaten meal?
Since a big chunk of people travel a lot because they are either merchants, mercenaries, or soldiers of a king, the most eaten meal across the continent is tavern food. Simple meals consisting of bread pockets filled with the leftover meat from the day before and whatever vegetables were at hand, if the tavern got a hold of it fresh meat or fish roasted over fire along with simple flatbread and cheese, or the sometimes feared tavern bread that could contain whatever the kitchen needed to use before it spoils mixed in a wet dough made from flour and buttermilk. Nutty honeyed little cakes treat the traveler's sweet tooth and are also loved little treats at home for children and adults alike.
RASPBERRY - How does the world support the story you're telling?
The world supports the story in the way that it shows the difference between Emersyn and Arkin.
Emersyn grew up as a simple girl, lost her parents as young teenager, and found shelter with a temple of the moon goddess whose high priestess became her foster mother. She grew up to become a mercenary to support herself because she never saw herself as the kind of woman who would settle down and have a family, especially not in this harsh world where kings fight for every little patch of land.
Arkin on the other side is a dragon who slumbered for centuries and remembers the world differently, what sometimes makes him naive in how he navigates situations. He is used to a world where kings of all species came together regularly to help each other out, not to fight tooth and bone against their neighbors.
She is too hardened by the world and he is too trustworthy to survive in it, which ironically means they need each other to meet their goal.
JAM - Share your favourite piece of worldbuilding information!
I think my favorite piece of the worldbuilding I have so far, is the funny thing that dragons mate for life and have this weird long ritual for mating with the first step being a way to determine if the two partners are actually a good and working match. Only if this turned out to be positive and both want to proceed, the next step starts, which means there is still the chance to call it all off when the partners met through matchmaking and don't want to mate yet.
Additional to this, the weird thing of non-dragons sometimes getting a mark that basically says they are viable as a mate for a dragon. This mark happens when one of the dragon elder's blessed the person in question, and one of the gods noticed it and decided to amplify the blessing. It is basically a +2 Uno card the gods play on the poor mortal soul.
Find the questions in this worldbuilding ask game
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All Of The Girls You Loved Before
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"Your past and mine are parallel lines Stars all aligned and they intertwined
And taught you The way you call me "baby" Treat me like a lady"
When I start talking to someone new, my mind would race and millions of questions would take up space. I would wonder who they were before they met me. Who shared their life until they met me. What made them fell for their previous lover. It goes on.
Until I heard Swift's line in All Of The Girls You Loved Before, it got me believing in things are meant to be again. Maybe not always the way I wanted it, but always in the way I needed it at the moment.
People came into my life not by some unexplainable happenstance. Maybe our souls are a part of the same pack that travels together through time. They'll come into our lives when we needed them the most. Some for a season to teach us lessons, some for a reason to stay.
I sure have a long list of ex conversationships. Each of them has their own lessons they bring with them. Some I cherished, others I regretted, but what matters is their lessons stay with me. Making me be a better person in terms of getting to know someone. Taught me a plethora of things from communications, vulnerability, boundaries, dependency, trust, reciprocity, and consistency.
If there's anything I've learned recently is that inconsistency doesn't mean I should try harder. I need to learn to let go to make space for better things yet to come. Another thing is that, people who care about me will respect my boundaries. No tug of war involved. When someone tries to turn it on me and say things like "You can't meet my needs" or even escalates it to choosing someone else while still keeping me around? Yeah that person only care about themselves, not the relationship they have with me.
Let me put it this way, there are a myriad of ways to meet a need. Just because I can't meet it the way they want me to, doesn't mean I am ignoring their needs altogether. When I say I am hungry. My hunger could be satiated in plenty of ways. If I so happened to really crave cheese pizza, but my partner's lactose intolerant, does that mean they're ignoring my needs? We could go for a middle ground, find a meal we both enjoy having. Which to me makes it more pleasurable altogether. I guess to each their own.
With this entry, I would like to take the chance to thank all of the boys I've loved before. Thank you for teaching me what love is and what it isn't. Thank you for teaching me the art of letting go. Thank you for teaching me what I want and don't want in a partner. Most of all, thank you for teaching me how to love myself.
I would also like to thank all of the girls you've loved before. Thank you for shaping them in one way or another, into the person I met when I needed them at a moment in time. Thank you for teaching them that there's good in goodbye. Most of all, thank you for teaching them to love themselves.
Bottom line is, the right person will work on the relationship together. Of course I'm not saying it's always going to have to be my way or their way. As you have it, love is not black and white, it's black and blue, red and white, as well as gold and gray. It's all of the colors and none at the same time. Love is about reciprocity and working on matters together, to find a solution that works best for the partnership. It's you and them against the problem -not one another.
Don't be a stranger,
0 notes
mr-smith-stories · 2 years
Mr. Smith #25: Cognitive Psych Class
Mr. Smith woke up early that May morning more excited than he had been since his 31st birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. He was pumped for the beginning of the summer ten week long semester at MIT, and had just changed his major back to Psychology. Mr. Smith was fascinated by the workings of the human mind, particularly in regards to intelligence and why students at the puppy farm were so much smarter than all of the so called geniuses at MIT.
Mr. Smith arrived on campus at seven o’ clock sharp, reading over the syllabus in the library to prepare for the class he was most excited to take this semester- Cognitive Psychology. Mr. Smith knew it was all about learning and intelligence, and was sure he’d learn all about students at the puppy farm and their 3,000 level IQ. Mr. Smith looked up at the clock and realized it was time to head to class, and hurried over to the Humanities building to meet his friends beforehand.
When Mr. Smith arrived, all of his friends were lingering on the first floor. He greeted them before they took the elevator up to the third floor where their class was. The doors opened and Mr. Smith gasped.
“YOU!” Mr. Smith yelled. He turned to Philip. “It’s the GAY GENIUSES! Quick, close the doors! We still have time to escape!”
Leo rolled his eyes. “You’re ridiculous. You’re literally the stupidest person I have ever met. Go on, run away like you always do.”
Next to him, several people laughed. Mr. Smith pouted. He turned to Philip. “Come on, Phil. Let’s show these chumps that WE are the TRUE geniuses here!”
“Yeah!” Philip exclaimed. “Let’s show these chumps, platonic love of my life!”
Mr. Smith and his friends hurried out of the elevator. They were a little early, so the professor wasn’t there yet. It would be another fifteen minutes before class began.
A blonde girl waiting near the front looked at Mr. Smith’s shirt, which had a flock of seagulls on it. “Are those, like, dodo birds? That’s like, so, like, cool! I love birds!”
Mr. Smith’s face lit up. “Yes! Those ARE dodo birds! You must be another TRUE genius like me! My name is Mr. Smith, what’s yours?”
The blonde girl squinted at Mr. Smith. “I’m not sure. I forget things a lot.”
Another girl piped up. “Your name is Angelina. That’s the seventh time you’ve forgotten this week.”
Angelina scratched her head. “OH! It IS Angelina! Thank you! Who are you?”
The girl rolled her eyes. “My name is Janie. I’m in your Abnormal Psych class, and I sat next to you in Sociology, Intro Psych, AND Anthropology.”
Angelina sighed. “Oh, right. You’re that girl who thinks she’s smarter than me. What are YOU doing here? This is MY class. I’M the most popular girl in High School!”
Janie sighed. “This isn’t High School. And I am smarter than you. You can’t even figure out one plus one.”
Angelina flipped her hair. “Yes I can! It’s 13.”
Leo’s jaw dropped. “One plus one is not 13!”
Angelina turned to Leo. “But it has a 1 in it!”
Janie snorted. “A lot of numbers have a 1 in them.”
Angelina looked back at Janie. “No they don’t!”
Philip chimed in. “One plus one is eleven. It’s a one and a one.”
Angelina slapped herself on the head. “Oh, silly me! That does make sense! I totally forgot 11 is a number!”
Ritchie huffed. “One plus one is TWO! Pretty sure Leo has been over this with Mr. Smith already.”
Mr. Smith chimed in, “One plus one is 14! I learned that at the puppy farm middle school equivalency program!”
Angelina gasped. “I just graduated from there! Hey, is Harold Smith your Dad?”
Mr. Smith nodded. “Yes, he is!”
Angelina gasped again. “He was both my History AND Math teacher! He’s like, so smart! He blackmailed my way into college last year! He taught me all the reasons why the puppy farm isn’t a cult!”
Mr. Smith smiled. “Harold Smith is a TRUE genius, just like us! We’re really similar, I think we’ll be friends! You can sit with us in class!”
Angelina squinted at Mr. Smith. “What class?”
Mr. Smith scratched his head. “I don’t know, I just forgot.”
Philip smiled. “Mr. Smith, this is Cognitive Psych class, remember? You picked it out.”
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things. “What is a Cognitive and why is it Psyched?”
Another new voice sighed from next to Janie. “You’re going to have a very difficult time in this class. How do you not know what Cognitive Psych is? Didn’t you take Intro to Psych?” He asked.
Mr. Smith scratched his head. “Isn’t Intro the beginning of a movie?”
The blond man’s jaw dropped. “I said Intro to PSYCH. I didn’t say anything about movies!”
Leo addressed the man. “Harry, this is that guy Ritchie and I were telling you about. Mr. Smith.”
“Oh, you mean that idiot that shows up everywhere you go?” Harry raised an eyebrow.
Mr. Smith scratched his head. “I didn’t know you two knew another Mr. Smith! My Mom says I’m the only Mr. Smith in his existence, she calls me her Little Baby Smith.”
Leo, Ritchie, and the other geniuses snickered. Just then, the professor approached the door and unlocked it, and everyone followed her inside. The geniuses all sat together, and Mr. Smith’s crew of idiots sat behind them. “Hello, class. My name is Professor Collins, but you can just call me Susan.”
Susan raised her hand. “Yes?” Professor Collins asked.
“OMGG, my name is Susan TOOO, we should start a CLUB! I can be Susan 1, because I came first, and you can be Susan 2! It would be SOOO COOL!” Susan squealed.
Angelina piped up. “Can I be Susan 3?”
Susan glanced at Angelina. “I thought your name was Angelina! You can’t be in the club!”
Angelina started to cry.
“Class!” Professor Collins snapped. “Pay attention! We need to go over some important information! Now, can anyone tell me why Cognitive Psychology is so important to the field of psychology in general?”
Mr. Smith raised his hand. “Yes?” Professor Collins asked.
“I’m hungry. Can I go to the vending machine and get a snack?” Mr. Smith asked.
“No. This is during class time. I’m trying to lecture.”
Mr. Smith pounded his fist on the desk. “But Simon is really hungry too! Don’t you care about Simon, you bitch!”
Professor Collins gritted her teeth. “Now, Mr. Smith, it’s important that you BEHAVE yourself in this class, or you will be forced to leave!”
Mr. Smith scratched his head. “I can’t leave. I haven’t been on campus in two weeks. I only made it to the classroom because Philip led the way. If I try to leave, I might get lost.”
“Then you’ll have to follow the campus map!”
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things, pointing to places in space. “What if I can’t find the map? Or I get lost leaving the building? Directions confuse me. Sometimes, I get lost in my own house.”
Professor Collins sighed. “If you behave, I won’t have to kick you out, and then you won’t get lost.”
Mr. Smith sighed. “Fine. I promise I won’t call you a bitch again. I’m SORRY. There! I said it! Now, can I stay?”
“Thank you for your apology. Now please let me teach. Now, can anyone answer my question? What is the importance of Cognitive Psychology to psychology as a field in general?”
Ritchie raised his hand. “It teaches us how humans learn, which helps us understand how they process information and the world around them.”
Professor Collins beamed. “Wonderful job, Ritchie! Someone’s paying attention! Now, let’s all keep that in mind as we approach this course. But first, I’d like to go over my syllabus with you.”
Professor Collins clicked a button for her slides. “First, there will be two tests, a Midterm and a Final.”
Mr. Smith threw his hands up in the air. “TWO tests? That’s not fair! What if I fail both of them?! Then I’ll fail the class!”
Bob began to sob. “Oh, exams! Oh, woe is me, to try and achieve the American Dream through an education and to be given these cruel instruments of nature! Tests! What havoc they wreak on the poor, hardworking American citizen! How cruel you are to test our knowledge with these tests! To rob us of our right to an easy ride! Oh, woe is me! Poor Bob!” Bob began to sob again.
Frank began to sob as well. “Tests! An instrument of the government to oppress the working class! To turn us all into mindless little minions, slaving away, reading in preparation for what? A test that we will probably fail no matter what, a failure to achieve the American Dream! Oh, what has this world come to?”
“Well, unfortunately for you, tests are just another part of being a student. You’ll be fine if you pay attention.” Professor Collins said.
“Pay attention?!” Mr. Smith yelled. “How am I supposed to do that? This class is an hour long! What if I have to go smoke crack in the bathroom in the middle with Philip and Simon and I miss half the class?!”
“Part of being a responsible student is learning to pay attention, Mr. Smith.” Professor Collins sighed.
“Why would I need to be a responsible student? Even if I fall asleep every class, Harold Smith will just blackmail you into passing me.”
Amy gasped. “I hate responsibility TOOO! One time, when I was working at Walmart, and I got fired for hoarding over the counter medications to sell to my drug dealer friend who is also a preschool teacher! For some reason it didn’t go over very well.”
Susan squealed. “OMGG! Something like that happened to me too! I was working at the movie theater, but I got fired for sneaking into the theater when I was supposed to be working to watch Terminator over and over again for free! I still don’t know why they were mad.”
Angelina raised her hand. “Yes?” Professor Collins huffed.
“Is Terminator real? Harold Smith was teaching my history class at the puppy farm high school equivalency program and he told us it was all based on real events.” Angelina started to lower her hand, but then raised it, then lowered it again.
“Do you have another question?” Professor Collins asked.
Angelina furrowed her brow. “I don’t know. Maybe.“
“I said I don’t know! Stop pressuring me! You wouldn’t like it if I pressured you to ask a question you don’t have!” Angelina pouted.
“But you raised your hand.” Professor Collins said, dumbfounded.
“I don’t know why I did that.” Angelina said.
“Okay. Let’s continue, class. We will be having homework once a month, just a quick summary of your reading for the current chapter.”
Kitty raised his hand. “Yes?” Professor Collins gritted her teeth.
“Will there be any reading about the intelligence of kitty cats in this class?” Kitty asked.
“You’re not a cat!” Alex snapped.
Kitty scratched his head. “If you can be a boy, I can be a cat. Don’t rain on my parade. Cats don’t like water.”
“There will be no readings about cats.” Professor Collins sighed.
“Then what is the point of taking this class?! I thought we’d actually learn something interesting in this class! I’m leaving, I have better things to do. I’m going to go catnap, and then maybe look for some mice to hunt.” Kitty stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
“Anyway, there will be two quizzes. They will each have twenty questions, and they will be about the previous chapter we have discussed at that point.”
Mr. Smith screamed. “What’s wrong now?” Asked Professor Collins.
Mr. Smith threw his hands up in the air. “I just realized, I forgot to do my chores at home! Harold Smith will be so mad at me!”
“Mr. Smith, you can’t just scream in the middle of class!”
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things. “Why not?”
“Because it’s disruptive!”
Mr. Smith scratched his head. “Is disruptive a volcano that has never erupted?”
“No. Just please do not do that again, or I will call security and you will be escorted away.”
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things, pointing to places in space. “Is escorted Spanish for a sports car? I have a sports car, Grandpappy Smith blackmailed the police chief into giving me his brand new Lamborghini, and to steal his rich friend’s limosuine to bring all my friends and I to school.”
Leo huffed. “Your grandfather blackmailed someone into giving you a limosuine?! Is there no limit to this ridiculous blackmail? I’m surprised you don’t have your own mansion by now, with someone else blackmailed to pay the mortgage!”
Mr. Smith stared blankly. “I do live in a mansion now. And I have a second home in France. Grandpappy Smith blackmailed the French royalty to let me and Philip spend romantic platonic summers in Versailles. I also like to visit there occasional weekends, so I displaced the French royalty completely. They are now all homeless.”
Ritchie facepalmed. “You kicked the French royalty out of Versailles? What did the French government say?”
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things. “Nothing. Harold Smith blackmailed the CEO of Hershey Chocolate to hand over all rights to the business. Harold Smith now bribed the entire French government with chocolate. Harold Smith’s word is law in France. He could even wage war if he wanted. Harold Smith says his plan for the puppy farm is to take over the world someday.”
Leo gaped and Ritchie huffed. Alex looked horrified and Chris buried his face in his hands. Janie huffed and Harry’s eyes widened. “The puppy farm is growing increasingly concerning! This could DESTROY the world!” Leo exclaimed.
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things. “Isn’t Destroy another name for a type of dessert? Is destroying the world really a bad thing? You can never have too much dessert.”
Leo sighed. “This is ridiculous. Nevermind.”
Professor Collins threw her hands in the air. “That’s it! Mr. Smith, you and your friends have been nothing but disruptive this whole class!”
“There’s no volcano in this class!” Mr. Smith said. “If there were a volcano, we’d all be too warm!”
“You’ve done nothing but interrupt this whole class! I want you to leave, right now!”
Mr. Smith pounded his fist on the desk. “No! I signed up for this class, and I want to stay! Besides, we’re only twenty minutes into the class! It’s not time for me, Simon and Philip to go smoke crack in the bathroom yet!”
“Well, I’M officially kicking you out! Goodbye, Mr. Smith! And take your friends with you!”
Mr. Smith screamed in frustration as his friends, including Angelina, got up and began to leave. Then he crossed his arms across his chest. “I’m not going!” He yelled. Five minutes later, security was called to escort Mr. Smith out of the classroom. As they tried to lift Mr. Smith up from his desk, he held on for dear life until he forgot how. Then he began kicking and screaming as the security guards picked him up, grabbing a man by the hair. Finally, they put him down outside, but Mr. Smith waited another twenty minutes to exact his revenge.
Mr. Smith knew he wouldn’t be able to sneak into the class through the same route with the security detail guarding the entrance, so he went through the door marked “staff only” and took the elevator to the roof. He then used a giant bungee he kept in his backpack instead of his textbooks for a rainy day, and used it to hang over the classroom window to try to get inside.
Mr. Smith knew he had to be sly in getting into that class like a spy with everyone in the room watching. He took out his pizza cutter to saw a circle in the window, but soon realized a pizza cutter wasn’t what had been used in that spy movie. Mr. Smith began to pound on the glass. “Let me in, you jerks! I just want to enjoy this class! Open the window!” Mr. Smith then looked down at the ground, realizing how high up he was. “Help! I’m stuck! I don’t know how to get down!”
Ten minutes later, the fire department arrived and helped Mr. Smith down. Mr. Smith, safely on the ground, screamed and ran away. The he and Philip embarked on a vacation in Versailles for the rest of the week, smoking crack in a bong.
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thatshithurted8 · 3 years
Lake Chelan
Heyy💜 so i have a req for Vinnie😍 based on this tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdaeQPS7/ So the readers that girl and they had like the most amazing date and for whatever reason vinnie forgot to ask her number so they never met again until years later the reader is actually a big tiktok star and moves in with nai. One day nai’s on live and vinnie’s watching and then the reader shows up on live and he’s like ???!!!!! And freaks out cause it’s the girl he’s never been able to forget. @canyoubuymetoast
Summary: An impromptu connection quickly turns into an unforgettable yet unrealistic one. Despite this a few years later Vinnie finally gets a second chance to reignite said connection. 
Warning: Tooth rotting fluff
Word Count: 3.4k
“You know your help would be great Vinnie.” Reggie says sarcastically while trying his best to figure out how to pitch their tent. Maria and Nate went off to scope the area since they already set up their tent, so it left the two Hacker brothers to figure out how to create their sleeping arrangements. 
“Yea yea one sec.” He responds placing his phone on the picnic table he was sitting on before looking up to see a German Shepard walking towards him. Vinnie’s eyes instantly brighten and a smile washes over his face as he calls the dog over. 
The black and brown dog trots over to Vinnie with a wagging tail and almost immediately the friendly animal starts to leave slobbery kisses all over Vinnie’s face. Vinnie lets out a laugh as he moves his face out of the way, but continues to the pet the dog. 
“Who’s dog is that?” Reggie asks walking over to his brother, giving up on the tent. 
“I don’t know it just came up to me. It’s friendly though.” 
Reggie simply shrugs his shoulders and joins his brother in petting the dog. However, just as Vinnie opened his mouth to suggest that they should call the number on the dogs collar an unfamiliar voice calls out. 
“Zeus! Where are you boy?” 
Reggie looks up from the dog and his mouth almost immediately drops open when he see’s a gorgeous girl searching the area looking for something. He nudges his brother who was still petting the dog and cooing at it in a baby voice. Vinnie looks up at Reggie annoyed before he decides to look at what his brothers line of vision was fixated on. 
As Vinnie looks over yours and his eyes simultaneously meet. Albeit cliché, Vinnie could’ve sworn he had the air knocked out of him just by making eye contact with you. He’s never felt anything like it before. 
You on the other hand quickly glance down and relief washes over you as you finally spot your dog that wandered off of your families campsite. You quickly walk over to Zeus, your dog and the two boys that were with him. 
“Zeus I should’ve known you went to mooch food off of strangers!” You exclaim to your dog who quickly walks over to your side before you finally look back up and make eye contact with the boys. As you do so seemingly the same effect you had on Vinnie, he had on you. How did you not realize how attractive he was when you were walking over to them? 
 “I’m sorry about him he does this at every campsite we go to. You would think we don’t feed him, but he’s just a glutton.” You say, heat washing over your face due to the fact your dog wandered off and found the most attractive guys you’ve ever seen. 
“No no it’s okay we needed a break.” Vinnie says nodding over to the unpitched tent while smiling at how flustered you got from his gaze on you. 
Reggie scoffs looking at you then his brother. “We needed a break?” He asks with a raised eyebrow. “Vinnie, I’ve been trying to set up the tent for the last 15 minutes while you were trying to find service so you could make a tiktok.”
It was now Vinnie’s turn to be flustered. “Pfft, that’s not true.” The blond says obviously fibbing and you simply look at him amused. 
“Do you guys need help? My family and I go camping every summer so I’m basically an expert at setting up tents.” You suggest. 
“Yea sure that would be great.” Vinnie says standing up for the first time in the last twenty minutes while smiling at you. Without another word the three of you walk over to the unpitched tent with Zeus following along. 
“My name is Y/N by the way.” You say glancing at Vinnie before kneeling down to work your magic.
“Vinnie and that’s Reggie.” 
And that was how you and Vinnie Hacker met, all thanks to your gluttonous dog who loved showing off his puppy dog eyes to strangers in return for food. Little did either of you know how much this small interaction would have an impact on the other. As the Hacker’s camping trip went on the more your family and Vinnie’s bumped into each other and finally one night your dad invited the Hacker’s over to your campsite for a bonfire. Almost instantly yours and Vinnie’s acquaintance status changed to friends. Soon enough your family and Vinnie’s family spent the rest of the camping trip together, going swimming, boating, tubbing and more. 
That was no different for the last full day of your camping trip. In fact Vinnie finally gathered up the courage to ask you on a date despite the fact you two originally lived hours away from each other. 
“Thank you.” You say glancing up to the waiter that just took away your empty plates and placed the bill on the table. You look back up at Vinnie who was already staring at you with admiration, causing heat to wash over your face. 
Too flustered to look at the boy in front of you, you take in the scenic view. You two sat out on the patio over looking the lake with mountains, foliage and the sun setting in the distance. The restaurant Vinnie took you to was one of the fancy ones in town and the two of you stood out like a sore thumb due to your clothes. Showing up to the restaurant and sitting down to eat in a normal t-shirt and shorts was the equivalent of eating at McDonald’s in a prom dress and suit. Yet, the disapproving stares from other patrons made the whole experience even more memorable. 
“This is very nice thank you Vinnie.” 
“Anything for you.” He says softly, placing his hand on the table in which you take without hesitating, causing both of your heart beats to increase. 
“Do you want to hit O’Riley’s after?” You ask, referencing the ice cream shop the two of you went to seemingly every day of the trip to cool off on your walk back to the campsite after a day full of activities. 
Vinnie pulls out his wallet from his shorts to pay for the expensive meal while looking at you with a smile on his face. “Great minds think alike.” 
Without another word you two leave the fancy restaurant hand in hand while receiving glares from the regular patrons. Throughout your short walk to the popular ice cream parlor in town the two of you reminisce about the past week and a half together. It honestly felt like a dream. 
“You know I wanted to hold your hand on the hike today, but I couldn’t keep up with you and Zeus.” Vinnie says, recalling the hike you guys went on along with Reggie and your brother. 
“Clearly you need to work on your stamina, City Boy. That incline wasn’t even that bad.” You joke poking Vinnie in the stomach before leaving his grasp to wander over to the menu of ice cream flavours. Vinnie was infatuated with everything about you and he adored how you made fun of him for being from Seattle. The blond lets out a laugh and follows you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his chin on the top of your head as he analyzed the menu as well. Almost instantly you melted into his touch. 
“Okay Snow White.” He retorts back remembering how basically every animal or even bug seemingly gravitated towards you throughout the trip. 
“What can I say Vinnie. I’m just that captivating.” You say turning to look at Vinnie before winking. 
After a few minutes of waiting in line and you changing your mind on what flavour you wanted for the fifth time the two of you finally order and make your way over to a bench nearby. You weren’t a stranger to Lake Chelan and what you loved most about the small town was how close everything was. In fact the bench you and Vinnie decided to sit down on wasn’t too far from O’Riley’s, but it was close enough to the lake to witness the scenic view in full. 
Once you two sat down you guys instantly turned to each other and tapped the other’s ice cream cones, causing some of your ice cream to transfer to Vinnie’s and some of Vinnie’s to transfer to yours. You introduced this small practice to Vinnie on the third day of hanging out together. In which the reason behind it was simply because you’ve been doing it ever since you were little for good luck and to have a small taste of the other person’s ice cream. 
Vinnie watches as you taste his flavour, red velvet while your eyes light up, causing him to smile. “Holy shit yours is good.” You say before taking a lick of your flavour which was blueberry cheese cake. The blond laughs in amusement as your face of delight quickly turns into disgust. 
“Yea I definitely should have gotten yours or moose tracks.” 
Without hesitating Vinnie softly takes your ice cream cone out of your hand and switches it with his. “There you go.” 
“Vinnie, no this is yours.” You say reaching for your ice cream back, but he simply puts his hand above you and ultimately out of your reach. 
Vinnie laughs playfully as he watches you attempt to reach the cone with your original flavour from your spot beside him. “Y/N like I said earlier, anything for you.” 
You roll your eyes at the blonds cheesiness, but you end up sitting back down placing your head on his shoulder while heat washed over your body at how he made you feel.  
The sound of kids riding their bikes, crickets and birds splashing in the lake could be heard while the setting sun continued to reflect off of the water. “It’s so beautiful here.” You say after swallowing your last bite and taking in the view in front of you. 
“Yea it is.”
You turn to Vinnie and your heart begins to race when you notice he was already looking at you. Some may think this moment was cliche, but to you it was perfect. In fact your hopeless romantic dreams were being fulfilled. 
Vinnie’s gaze on you was intense and you couldn’t bring yourself to break it. Instead you found yourself flickering your eyes down to his plump lips and back up to his brown eyes. Vinnie follows your lead and his proximity causes your breath to hitch. 
Without wasting another second Vinnie finally moves in and acts on what he has been wanting to do ever since he got to know you. His lips meet yours and you instantly kiss back, wanting for this to happen for a while yourself. 
The kiss was short yet sweet and passionate while leaving both of you flustered. You place your head back onto Vinnie’s shoulder, your hand finding his and intertwining your fingers. A comfortable silence falls upon you two as both of you take in the perfect moment.
“I don’t want this trip to end.” Vinnie says breaking the silence while rubbing his thumb across your skin and admiring the scenic view in front of him. 
It scared Vinnie how fast his feelings for you developed and continued to do so and he was quite frankly disappointed that you guys live so far away from each other. Although you both lived in the same state you lived closer to Portland while he remained in Seattle. You two created a once in a lifetime connection throughout a camping trip and it seemed as if it was going to end just like that. 
“I promise I’ll say goodbye and give you my number before we leave tomorrow don’t worry.” You say lifting your head off of Vinnie’s shoulder before placing a kiss on his cheek. The whole trip you refused to give Vinnie your number or social medias simply because you realized their was more to life than the internet. You would rather be going hiking or playing in the rain than being on your phone, which Vinnie adored considering he was so consumed with his platform on TikTok. 
However, your promise would ultimately be broken when Vinnie woke up the next morning. The blond boy walked over to your campsite with a small bouquet of wildflowers he picked along the way. He could hear the beat of his heart in every step he took, knowing this would be the last time he saw you for a while. 
When Vinnie reached your campsite his heart and the bouquet of flowers simultaneously dropped at the same time. Your site was empty. In fact, it looked as if you and your family didn’t even stay there. The only thing that proved that you were there were the tire tracks of your families RV. Now the site was ready for the next group of campers to come in and make their own memories. 
Even though you and Vinnie only spent a week and a half together it felt like you two created a lifetime worth of intimate moments and memories. He doesn’t understand how he got so attached to you in such a short amount of time, but he did. The blond boy lets out a deep sigh before turning around to go back to his site, leaving the memories you two created and flowers he brought you behind. 
Vinnie lets out a big yawn as he stretches in bed. He grabs his phone and checks the time. 2:43pm. The night before the blond streamed Valorant on twitch until 4 in the morning so there was no wonder as to why he was just waking up. Deciding to stay in bed for a little longer, Vinnie cuddles into his sheets and opens TikTok, Hera joining him a little bit later.
As he scrolls he likes a few and comments on some of his friends posts. However, his incessant scrolling comes to a stop when his for you page lands on a video of Nai’s. Vinnie watches it, but as he does so a familiar face is shown causing his heart rate to increase while butterflies erupted in his stomach. Who knew that one person could still elicit these feelings out of him two years later?
There was no way. It couldn’t be you in the video. Yet there you were in Nai’s tiktok showing off your gecko. You looked the same, but so different at the same time. Vinnie couldn’t help himself, but to watch the tiktok a few more times, every time his smile getting bigger and his heart fuller. 
Luckily for him Nai tagged you in the caption in which Vinnie took this opportunity to check out your profile and make sure it was actually you and his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him. Right away he knew it was in fact you. 
You had just under a million followers and were on the brink of getting verified. As Vinnie scrolled through your profile he finds your first tiktok that went viral and ultimately kick started your career. The video was of you eight months ago running and dancing around in the rain in the middle of the road. Vinnie smiles as he watches and he couldn’t help, but to feel flustered at the fact he finally found you after all these years. 
It made him happy to see that you seemingly stayed the same personality wise. From what he remembered you loved everything about nature and animals so there was no surprise to see your account full of videos of you enjoying what you loved. In fact your most viral videos consisted of your ring neck parakeet, Athena. 
Just as Vinnie was about to hit the follow button on your account a text from Alex popped up. 
I was planning on throwing a chill party tonight is that okay?
He clicked and stared at the message for a few seconds. Seemingly Nai would be invited which meant if you were with her still Nai would likely bring you as her plus one. 
Yea ofc. 
Vinnie spent the rest of the day going through your social media accounts. He wanted to follow you on every platform possible, but he didn’t want that to creep you out so he decided it was best to wait and see if you came tonight. After all his odds were looking in his favour as the time until the get together dwindled and you and Nai continued to post with each other. 
The blond walks out of his washroom freshly showered with a towel around his waist and into his large room. He could hear a bunch of voices and music coming from down stairs so the party must have already started. Just as Vinnie was about to drop his towel to get dressed a familiar voice is heard from the other side of his door. 
“Knock knock!” Nai shouts. 
“One sec!” Vinnie calls out quickly, throwing on boxers and a pair of black cargo pants before rummaging through his dresser for a shirt. “Come in!” 
Almost instantly the door flies open revealing Nailea in all her glory. Vinnie glances over to her in hopes you were with the brunette, but his hopes fall when he see’s you’re no where to be found. 
“You seriously need to stop making thirst traps in the shower we all thought you slipped and died with how long you were taking.” Nai says walking into the room and flopping onto Vinnie’s bed. 
Vinnie lets out a laugh while he continued to look for a shirt he wanted to wear, his mind being clouded with thoughts of you. Nai was wearing the same outfit she was wearing in the instagram stories she posted with you today so where were you? 
Just as Vinnie turns around, putting on a shirt with the intent to discretely ask Nai about you a familiar, but nostalgic voice could be heard in the hallway over Alex’s loud laugh from downstairs. “Nai?” 
“In here!” 
“Jeez this house is huge I need a map just to leave the washroom.” You say walking into the unfamiliar bedroom. As you do so your eyes lock with Vinnie’s and both of your heart rates increase significantly. Heat washes over you under Vinnie’s gaze and you couldn’t help, but to feel confused. He looked so familiar, but you couldn’t put your finger on where you recognize him from. 
Vinnie on the other hand felt as if his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Throughout the past few years he imagined scenarios where he would run into you back at home or at Lake Chelan, but finally being in your presence again caused him to not know how to act. 
“Y/N this is Vinnie the friend of mine I wanted you to meet.” Nai says looking at you. “And Vinnie this is Y/N. I think you guys will click instantly especially since you’re both from Washington.” 
“Nice to meet you. Can I sit?” You ask nodding over to Vinnie’s bed where Nai was sitting, petting Hera. 
“Y-yea of course.” The blond stutters out causing his cheeks to go red. However, a pang of hurt rings throughout the boys heart when he realizes you don’t remember him. 
Quickly you make your way over to Vinnie’s bed and without wasting another second you extend your hand out for Hera to smell before petting her. Vinnie watches as you do so. You looked even more beautiful than when he first met you two years prior, if that was even possible. Although you looked slightly different due to the fact you graciously grew into your features Vinnie could tell your personality stayed the same as you continued to gravitate towards animals. 
“What’s this cuties name?” You ask scratching under Hera’s chin, causing her to purr before you smile at Vinnie. 
“Her name is Hera.” 
You let out a gasp, “Did you know Hera was married to Zeus?” You say, recalling your past obsession of Greek Mythology. By now Nai was zoned out of your conversation and was scrolling on tiktok. 
“Yea I actually named her after a girl that I met at Lake Chelan, who’s dog was named Zeus.” Vinnie says with a toothy smile on his face. 
Your eyes widen and you look back over to the blond, your heart beating a mile a minute while you finally connected the dots. 
“City boy?” You breathe out. 
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
His Lovely Girl.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Requested: nope
Warnings: insecurity
Summary: Sebastian spoils her all the time. What has she ever done for him? When someone leaves a rude comment under her Instagram post, she can't help but rethink her entire relationship with the handsome actor.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! We're back to Marvel lol, enjoy!
"I'll see you later, dove, have fun!" Y/N grinned when her boyfriend leaned over, pressing his lips to her forehead. "Bye, Seb, I'll miss you," she whispered and he looked down at her, his heart swelling in his chest, full of appreciation for her. He loved her so much. "I'll miss you too, Y/N, but I'll only be gone for around 6 hours." Y/N pouted and he couldn't help it.
He leaned over and pressed his lips to hers in a chaste kiss. "I know. Go now, I don't want to be the reason you're late." He laughed heartily when she pushed him away with a smile. "Oh, doll, everyone knows about us, they'll know anyway." With that, he waved at her and left the apartment they shared. Y/N had moved in with him 2 years into dating.
Sebastian Stan; let's just say, he was a busy man. Y/N sighed and got up from the bed, feeling hungry. They had started dating 4 years ago, and what years those were; the most blissful ones in both their lives. They loved each other to death, and they knew that. Y/N waddled into the kitchen and looked around the various cabinets, finding a box of Mac and Cheese.
It was a funny story, actually, how they met. Y/N, at the time, was working as a barista at Starbucks. One day, Sebastian had walked into the Starbucks where she worked, and she was the one who took his order. He was extremely polite, funny and a bit awkward and just like that, she fell in love with him all over again. Y/N was a Marvel geek and Sebastian had noticed.
"I really like your hoodie, doll, where'd you get it?" he had asked her after telling her his order. And she had looked down, seeing the custom-made hoodie she wore. It was black in colour, but one of the sleeves was silver and had a red star on the bicep, just like his arm from the movie Captain America: Winter Soldier.
Bucky's trigger words were printed on the front of the hoodie. She had blushed furiously, simultaneously cursing and thanking her fate and coincidence. "I had it custom made," she had told him at the time and he had grinned so wide he thought his mouth would tear open. That was the moment where he, too, realized that he was getting a crush on the pretty barista.
And he hadn't hesitated to ask her for her number. He had taken a tissue paper, scribbled his number down and had written what's yours? ;) underneath. When he went to pay for his coffee, he purposely made sure that he wasn't giving her any change. With his notes, he slid her the tissue and she took it, giving him a confused look.
When she read it, her breath hitched. While pulling out his change, she had discreetly written her number down on the tissue, saved his on her phone and had given the tissue back to him with the coins. Both of them had grinned widely at each other when he left. While walking home, he had taken out the tissue and had seen her number written neatly under his. And his heart raced, Y/N is worth it.
*@yn_yln posted a photo*
yn_yln Mac and Cheese, anyone? :D
Y/N smiled and logged out of her Instagram account after posting the photo. She just couldn't resist; she looked good that day, one of those days where she felt confident enough to post a picture. She kept her phone away and sauntered into the sitting room to watch something on the television. An hour passed before she yawned, feeling tired.
2:05 pm, her watch displayed. Well, there's no harm in an afternoon nap, am I right? Sebastian wasn't home anyway, and it's not like she had anything to do. Grabbing her phone off the dining table, she walked into hers and Sebastian's shared bedroom, plopping down on the bed. She decided to check her Instagram before falling asleep and opened the said app.
She went through the page that displayed all the likes and comments, pausing at one comment. Her heart dropped as she clicked on the comment, her entire being filling with an uneasy feeling. You're only dating him for the money, admit it. Until then, she had never even thought… about that. Throwing her phone to the side she sat up, breathing heavily.
Y/N was currently jobless. After they started going out, she continued working at Starbucks until last year; Sebastian had suggested that she leave the job and work somewhere better, earn a higher salary. Y/N had discarded the idea at first, since the job paid enough for her to go about her daily things and where would she even find another job?
Starbucks was okay. But Sebastian wouldn't hear it. So she left the job, now jobless. She had applied to a few places but hadn't received any news as of yet. They're right. I'm living off of him. I don't even have a job. What does it look like? A broke woman dating a rich, handsome guy? Oh my God, am I leeching off his hard work? All those thoughts rushed through her head in a span of a few seconds.
The more she thought about it, the more she teared up. Blinking the tears away, she lay back down and curled up under the comfortable blankets. His blankets. She closed her eyes, trying her hardest to fall asleep but the tears were proving it to be difficult. Fortunately, she drifted off into an uneasy slumber 15 minutes later.
"Baby, I'm home!"
Silence. Sebastian frowned, carefully walking into the house. "Y/N?" he called out but there was no answer. Keeping the bag he was holding away, he walked further into the apartment, stopping at the doorway of their bedroom. "Aw," he whispered under his breath, smiling, stepping into the bedroom. He gently sat next to his sleeping girlfriend.
His knuckles traced her cheeks but he froze. Why is she so cold? His soft touch was enough to wake her up, because she stirred and blinked up at him. "Seb, hi, welcome back." Her voice was hoarse. "Y/N? Did you fall sick?" he asked worriedly as she sat up, distancing herself from him. "I'm not sick," she muttered but Sebastian wouldn't buy it.
He reached out to cup her cheek, feeling like he had been stabbed multiple times when she leaned away from his touch. "Y/N?" She shook her head and looked out of the window, bringing her knees to her chest. "Just wanna be alone right now." She didn't want to send him away. She wanted to sit in his lap, listen to him rambling about his day…
But she also didn't want to be near him. Do I even deserve him? "What happened?" he insisted, his eyes going wide when she glared at him. "Go. Away." He scrambled off the bed without another word, softly closing the door behind him as he walked into the sitting room, running a hand through his hair. He sat down on the couch and looked around.
What happened in those 6 hours that he was away? Sebastian knew she wasn't on her cycle, it still had another week to come. So it wasn't mood swings. His eyes landed on the empty bowl of Mac and Cheese sitting on the dining table but they skimmed right past it, not knowing that that bowl was the reason for Y/N's sadness. Then he stared at the designer handbag on the opposite couch.
Picking up the bag, he strode back to their room, knocking on the door. Maybe seeing a pretty purse would lighten her mood? "What?" Y/N called out from inside and he opened the door, holding the purse up. "I brought you a gift." Y/N's heart started thudding in her chest and tears glistened in her eyes anew as she stared at the bag with utmost resentment.
"I don't want it."
Sebastian went rigid. She never rejects my gifts. "Y/N—" She started shaking her head. "No. Return it. I'm not taking it. I don't want it," she repeated, her glare now directed at him. "But doll…" he tried, freezing when her jaw clenched. "Get out." Disheartened, he walked out once more, more confused than anything. Now I have to know what happened.
Inside the room, Y/N sobbed silently. The bag was so pretty, her favorite color, the sleek design… she wanted to keep it so bad, but she knew she wasn't worthy of it. Sebastian brought her gifts all the time. Most of them expensive as shit; he had the money to blow off. What had she done for him? Nothing, really. He spoiled her heartily, never once allowing her to do the same.
"You're mine, baby girl, mine to love, mine to cherish, mine to spoil."
She was definitely leeching off him. Outside the room, Sebastian took out his phone and texted Y/F/N, who was Y/N's closest friend. They rarely spoke, but Y/N told Y/F/N everything and he knew she'd have answers.
hey, do you know what's up with y/n
why what happened
she's in a really bad mood
she's angry at me and I brought her a gift but she won't take it
she usually loves them but today…
I know what happened
she texted me in the afternoon
something about a comment on Instagram or something
ig that's why she's in a bad mood
I'll check it out
He ended the conversation and opened Instagram, seeing a new post from his dear girlfriend. Sebastian couldn't help but smile as he liked the photo, commenting a heart emoji. There were only around 22 comments on the post, so he decided to go through them. Which comment had triggered her? He found it instantly and his nostrils flared.
Replying to the fairly rude comment, he typed, how about you fuck off and mind your own damn business? If you don't like her, unfollow and leave. There's literally nothing else you need to do. After hitting send, he kept his phone away and, determination shining in his eyes, ran back to the bedroom.
He threw open the door and a sob escaped the lips of the startled woman. He started taking off the annoying clothes he was wearing until he was just in his boxers, sliding into the bed next to her. She attempted to push him away but the strong man didn't budge, holding her on his lap as she thrashed. Soon, she gave up the fight and melted against him, crying her eyes out.
"I'm sorry," she apologized again and again, her breath hitching. "Hush, baby, it's okay, I'm not mad," he whispered, rubbing her back, helping her calm down. She rested her head on his shoulder, her arms tight around him. "Tell me the truth. What happened?" he asked even though he knew the answer. Tiredly, Y/N narrated everything; from the comment to all her insecurities.
Sebastian gently cupped her cheeks, wiping her tears off. "Y/N, you're mine. I love taking care of you, I love spoiling you, and I don't do it because I expect something in return, I do it because I love you. Don't listen to strangers on the internet, what better work do they have? Nothing but lowlifes. You don't have to do anything for me. I don't want you to do anything for me."
"But Seb…"
"No. No, you're my girlfriend and only the best for my girl. I love all the gifts you get me. I cherish them wholeheartedly. Just you being my girl is a gift better than anything else in the world, to be honest. But I'm going to continue looking after you whether you like it or not. You don't even have to go to work, I'm here for you. I love you." Y/N teared up again.
They were happy tears.
"I love you so much," she cried weakly and Sebastian pulled her to him, cradling her head, breathing her in. "I love you too, doll. Now will you take my gift, please?" She nodded against him and he gently lowered her on the bed, going outside to get the bag. Once back in their room he handed the bag to her, smiling at the way her eager hands reached up to accept the gift.
As he watched her admiring the bag, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, till death do them part.
His girl, his lovely girl.
A/N: Leave a like if you enjoyed, thanks for reading!
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