#i have sooo many stuffed animals because if it’s a gift it stays. and i make people name the stuffed animals they give me hehe
dear friends if you have ever made me anything it’s on my wall btw
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littleelephanty · 18 days
Gift ideas for your sub? Or your little?
or even your girlfriend?
I think the most important thing about gifts is that they are personal. So maybe first think about what hobbies your girlfriend/sub/little one has, what she likes, what she talks about a lot, what makes her feel good, what she's obsessed with.
But here are some ideas that I've gotten/would like to get, or that I think some might enjoy!
Hand and ankle cuffs
Toys for your shared kinks
Vanilla toys (remote vibrator, dildo, massage wand)
A stay in a bdsm apartment
sexy underwear
Little: (Little is more difficult for me to assess because I don't know if it is NSFW or SFW)
Washi Tape
coloring books
Pacifiers (if she likes them)
Cute clothes (if you know her size and she likes them)
Stuffed animals
Crockery sets for children
Cuddly socks
Nintendo Switch/ computer games etc.
In general:
Flowers (sounds unimaginative but I'm always sooo happy about them)
Food and sweets or chocolates or drinking chocolate or something like that
Books! I love books. Even audio books or something like that.
A story you have written yourself
Concert tickets
A fan (I was so happy about this and it was so hot and it was my salvation)
Photo album or other homemade crafts (I always go on Pinterest for these)
A beauty day
A night in a wellness hotel if you have more money available
Decoration for her room
Equipment for her hobbies (e.g. if she knits then knitting yarn, if she plays table tennis and you know which balls she uses for it balls or jerseys, if she likes to make bracelets beads, if she paints colors or canvases or brushes, if she listens to music headphones, if she makes music herself sheet music…)
Jewelry (if you can afford it, it's something very nice that she can wear while thinking of you)
Vouchers for things she likes to do e.g. for the pierce or tattoo artist, water park, trampoline park, restaurants…
Advent calendar
Candles, tea lights
Tea, teapot, tea set
Massage balls
Cosmetics, creams etc. but many girls also like to choose them themselves
if she has pets, then she will certainly be happy about stuff for her pets
anything that makes you think of her
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mrs-march-ahs · 3 years
CONGRATULATIONS ON 900 !! 🥺 you deserve every single follower and you’ll be at 1K in no time!! we love you so much!! please don’t put too much pressure on yourself!
you don’t have to do this at all and it’s kind of lame but,,I’d love some evan hc’s with a (gn or male) reader who just- loves spoiling them? truth be told all of these boys have been through a lot and I just wanna take care of them yknow so 👉👈
Reader Spoiling The Evans
THANK YOU!! I LOVE YOU!! That’s sooo sweet, thank you babey<3 it’s mostly gender neutral, until half of Kai, i’m really sorry about that, but i couldn’t really think of many ways to spoil him, there are still a few things for Kai that are neutral!!
I did very specific snuggling with Tatey because @tatesimper wanted it, no problems, I got you darling<3
ALSOOOO I just really quickly wanna say that I made a 
roleplay account for James March and Kai Anderson called @murder-daddies,
if you want to send a message on anon (or off!) or follow, that’d be great! I thought it’d be really fun to have an rp account:)
okay, enjoy! :)
-Loves being spoiled with your attention more than anything else -Any sort of praise or reassurance makes him soft and blushy -He loves cuddling and would melt completely if you initiated cuddles -Him standing at the end of your bed and you open your arms - “c’mere” -He’ll timidly climb and crawl over to you and flop in your arms -He’d love to hold hands with you as you cuddle together -He would love to hear you read to him -Give him big slobbery kisses “mwah” -Obviously listen to him when he talks -Rub his back -Let him lay on your boobies/chest and play with his curls -Share your snacks with him, but feed them to him and he’ll love it -Perfect scenario is watching a film or documentary, Tate laying between your legs while you shovel popcorn into his mouth
­-The best way to spoil Kit is to do things for him or make things for him -He’s grateful every single day that you make dinner and says thank you every single day - “She’s pretty, she can cook, is there anything you can’t do?” -Baking cupcakes or cookies for him is one of his favourite treats as Kit has a huge sweet tooth -Kit loves when you buy him little gifts, even like flowers -Though you don’t have much money, so maybe stick to baking -Although Kit loved when you bought cigarettes for him, or lit them for him, or even occasionally smoked them with him, he would be willing to quit if you wanted him to -You would have to help him and support him to the nth degree -He would come home frustrated after a long day and not have anything to calm him down since he’s trying to not smoke -Let him take his frustration and anger out on you:) -Also tell him that every time he gets an urge to smoke he should kiss you -Which leads to your cheeks always being wet -Listen to him rant about work even though you don’t understand any of the specifics
Franken Kyle
-If you give him literally anything he will treasure it, because you gave it to him so it’s special -If he’s supervising (trying to help, but really just watching) as you cook, you have to give him a spatula to stand and hold so he doesn’t feel useless -He’ll stand there and take his job of holding it very very seriously, and if you take it from him to stir, you have to put it back in his hands -If you put it on the counter, he won’t pick it up he’ll just whine until you give it back to him -He absolutely adores soft cuddly things, so every stuffed animal you give him he cherishes -He earns a present when you leave him with somebody else while you have to go do adulty things -Even though you obviously can take him everywhere if you wanted to, sometimes it’s just easier to leave him at home while you quickly go out and buy food or sort things out -If you leave him with somebody, he doesn’t interact with them much and only needs them to keep an eye on him -But he’s always very whiney when you leave, so if he’s a good boy and stays at home with Cordelia or Fiona, then he gets a stuffed animal brought back -They will not leave his arms, even during dinner -He’ll try very hard to bring them into the bath with him but you won’t let him, so you compromise and leave the stuffed teddy on the sink, facing Kyle so he can watch him have a bath -If you give Kyle a kiss goodnight you have to also kiss the teddy -Kyle loves to cuddle up to you and absolutely loves when you play with his hair or stroke his shoulder or something -Whines if you stop touching him, even for a second to scratch your nose -Wants to be the sole focus of your attention -And he always is
-That boy is a snuggle machine -He loves having you close like most of them do -But he specifically melts at kisses -A single kiss on his cheek or his hand will make his entire day -He’ll automatically smile and put his hand to his cheek where you kissed him, before promptly regretting it as now he can’t feel the imprint of the kiss anymore -Loves when you show you listen to him -He’ll tell you that he’s super worried about doing a certain new act, but he’ll be rambling while you brush your teeth, assuming that you’re not even listening -But then the next day you’ll go with him to the main tent and give him a big smooooch on the cheek and tell him that he’ll kill at his new act -His whole face will light up, not even realising that you really were listening to him -He’ll be so happy and confident from your kiss that he’ll do great at his new act -To really treat him, take him somewhere -He loves the reassurance that you aren’t embarrassed to be around him -He also loves drinking so -Take him to a diner or bar, or to be super special, maybe for his birthday (June 23rd), you could take him on a mini vacation -Save up, and if Miss Elsa is in a generous mood, she can give you a few pennies to help you out -Most likely pay for the taxi to the hotel you booked -Jimmy loves spending time with you so he’ll adore being on a one-on-one holiday with you and just you -Have lots of sexy fun time
-He yearns to be with you, feel you, smell you and touch you -Spoiling him with attention and affection will make him melt inside -He also wants to feel comfortable and safe around you -Being there for him and listening to him when he’s a little down or frustrated about something means the world to him -He adores to listen to you too -Before going to bed you take it in turns to talk -Because you love his voice so much he will lay in bed with you snuggled at his side and read aloud The Great Gatsby, or a different book he’s reading -Either a literary classic or a murder mystery -If it’s your turn, you’ll snuggle up to him and stroke his hair -His hair when wet gets a little curly and you tease him about it -Wrap his little curlies around your fingers as you tell him a story about a strong knight in shining armour saving a princess called Y/N from an evil dragon - “Isn’t that a little juvenile, darling?” - “Do you want to know how it ends or not?” - “Apologies, please do continue”
-The best way to make Kai feel spoiled is just to not make his ‘job’ any harder than it already is -Don’t resist pinky powers or murder missions and just listen to him and be obedient to him -He’ll feel so much more comfortable around you if he doesn’t have to constantly fight with you -Although he wants strong people in his cult, he wants sheep that are devoted to him a lot more -If you murder somebody near him, you’re showing that you’re hard and strong but just be sweet to him -The sweeter you are to him the more vulnerable he’ll become towards you -Letting him talk to you about his parents and how he feels, even if his thoughts don’t make much sense -Honestly, the biggest compliment is Kai coming to talk to you about his feelings, even if his thoughts and feelings don’t make sense -Because if he has it all figured out, he already thought about it for a long time by himself -But if he doesn’t know what to think himself, then clearly he values your input and needs you to help him figure things out -Willingness to do everything for him -Listening to all of his plans and only contributing if he wants you to -I’m sorry, I know you requested gender neutral but the rest is about making babies, Kai is hard -If you’re willing to start a family with him he’ll convince you that the only holy way to do it is to get married first and do it properly -He’ll probably never ask you to marry him or be his s/o, because that’s a little cheesy -He’ll just take you out and take you to a jewellery store with some savings and ask you which ring you like, and then take you to get married -He’ll tell you and reassure you how good of a cause it is that you’re giving him a Messiah -You’re everything he’s ever wanted in a woman -Obedient to him but defiant against everybody else
@milly-louise  @amourtentiaa  @kitwalker02  @tatestripedsweater  @therenlover  @maria-akira         @tatesimper  @margaretboothsear  @mossybank  @ahsxual  @mxlti-fand0m-imaginess  @mrs-march-ahs-biggest-fan  @kitwalkerangel  @kitisagoldenretrieverboy @darlingkitt  @blackbat2020 @divinerulerluvr  @undeadcortez @whiiiiplaaaaash @kaismessiahbb @elaineygrace
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It's the ✨annoying little shit✨ again
The Gremlin anon😺
I'm here with my ✨update✨
I need to tell right of the bat that
So, during lunch (after my roommate almost killed Miss oh honey) we started talking about the fact that Miss oh honey is always having trouble in the building where she lives cause of her neighbors
Me and and my roommate both agree that she can stay for as much time as she wants and she ended up deciding to stay for while so she can move to another house
She insisted in helping with house bills while she stays
we tried to disuade her telling her she doesn't need to but she's adamant.
So yeah, Miss oh honey ended up staying XD
But we just remembered that there is only two rooms in this house
Mine and my roommates, and since my room is quite small (those two annoying bitches are saying that it's "my sise") and my roommates room is big enough for two people, sooo...
We all know were thid is going...
Miss oh honey insisted that we shared a room since we have been living together for a long time now and also because we don't have a problem in sleeping together we should be the ones sharing
And I-
I wanted her to win the argument-
So I teamed up with her and said that my room is almost empty (I have only my few clothes and my childhood stuffed animal in there) and guess what?
I'm gonna be sleeping every night with a greek goddess... send help ;-;/
HELP!!!! PANIC!!!!
After my panic and getting my stuff in the room, my roommate asks "You like stuffed animals?"
I FUCKING LOVE STUFFED ANIMALS SINCE I WAS A CHILD!!! I COLECTED AN ARMY OF THEM!!!! But... I lost them because to my former partner...
So I anwsered just that " I love stuffed animals and I literally had an army of them! I colected stuffed animals since I was a lityle kid! I had stuffed animals from amusement parks, other countries my parents took me to, gifts from old friends... But... My former partner didn't like that, and said it was childish and a loss space... So she forced me to get rid of them... And when I did, it was like losing memories from all those places, people, moments... When I lost them... Ifelt like I lost parts of my life, parts of me and who I am... And the only one I could keep was the oldest of them all and my only friend from many years of my chilhood... I wanted to buy more stuffed animals and get new memories but I still can't make myself buy one without feeling extremly guilty for being childish... But anyway, sorry you had to hear all this, it most stupid hearing me talkin about stuffed animals"
"What's your favorite animal?"
"uuuhh... Wolves, why?"
"Cause I'm gonna prove to you that it's not childish to like stuffed animals, and to fair, the way you talk about them is almost poetic"
I couldn't anwser them- I WAS GAY SILENT!!! MY GAY HEART!!!
After I could do anything they just hugged me tight and told me "I want you to be happy, and I will buy you all the stuffed animals you want if that's what it takes"
Then they proceed to kiss my fohead and go with Miss oh honey to her apartment to take her stuff out and talk with Miss oh honeys landlord to take care of house buisness
So... After a while I hear the door ring and I instantly get out of the sofa to help Miss oh honey and my roommate with Miss oh honeys stuff, but thing is, it wasn't them at the door step
But there she is, in my door step, looking at me with those freaky eyes...
I froze... I was near having a real panic attack...
She said something to me but I cant remember anything, I was in shock so I don't remember anything until I see My oh honey JUMPING ON HER AND HITING HER WITH A LAMP!!!
I only noticed when Miss oh honey jumped on my ex that she (my ex) had been grabing my hand so strogly that I got bruised
Shortly after, my ex grabed Miss oh honey and was chocking her but thankfully my roommate punched the crap out of my ex
My ex fainted there and my roommate called the police while I was checking Miss oh honey
Miss oh honey was okay and I only got a tiny bruise but I just-
I feel so bad about them, especially Miss oh honey... If it wasn't for my roommate she would probably be dead, along with me
The police got there and took my ex away and OH MY GOD
After all this my roommate gave me a stuffed wolf that I didn't let go for the rest of the day!!!
But honestly I was (am still am) took shocked to gay over this like I usually do
We all stayed together and didn't even bother unpacking Miss oh honeys stuff out of tiredness
So... Yeah, my internet is being shitty today, thats why I didn't update earlier and had to erite this all over again at 00:00 (now its 1:30 am)
Hope ya'll okay and safe
Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night
(also I saw the ask about your fic and... Defence... Have you been spying on me?👀 Cause what the anon said in the ask was literally my afternoon, before all the crazy stuff)
- sleepy Gremlin anon
Jesus Christ, Gremlin anon. I’m sorry that happened to you. Sounds pretty fucking scary.
(*snort* look... I’m a weak bitch for a stuffed animal so xD)
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glacecakes · 4 years
Alchemy Lullaby (3/?)
Of all the changes that came with living in the castle, becoming a father was not one he anticipated. When Eugene encounters a small child suffering like he did, he gives them the opportunity to grow up the way he never did... helping them both heal. (AU where Varian is 4 and gets adopted by Eugene)
Chapter 3: Settling in.
Art trade with the lovely @finnoky, who asked for Varian getting new clothes and a nightmare! This was so much fun to do, thank you so much for being patient with me QAQ
Previous chapters here
One thing Eugene learned fast about Varian was his hatred towards mornings.
The kid was not a morning person; while Rapunzel rose and set just like the sun, and Eugene had to get up early to help the guard, Varian would happily sleep well into the afternoon unless he was physically pulled out of bed. And even then it was a struggle to get Varian dressed, with him sleepily complaining and moaning the whole time. It didn’t help that Varian didn’t really have any clothes of his own. All they had were the clothes the King and Queen kept from their hopes of Rapunzel coming home. Depressing, and also too small.
So, when Eugene pulled Varian out of bed this morning, he decided it was high time to get Varian clothes of his own.
“Good morning, you two!” Rapunzel called, bright and cheery as ever. It had been only a few days since the dinner, but since then Varian had quickly become a staple in the castle. They were almost late to breakfast because all the maids wanted to say hi and pinch his cheeks.
But who could blame them?
“G’morning Punzel,” Varian murmured. He curled further into Eugene’s arms, safe and warm. The kid would be bouncing around after breakfast, but until then he was a little cuddlebug. Not that Eugene was complaining.
“Are you excited for today?” The princess asked, stepping into place beside Eugene as they entered the dining hall.
Varian cocked his head. “No. Why?”
She laughed, ruffling the tyke’s hair. “Eugene’s taking you into town today. You’re gonna get some new clothes, and some toys!”
“If he behaves for the tailor, he’ll get some toys.” Eugene corrected, smiling at how Varian’s eyes lit up.
“Oh come on, Eugene! What’s the harm in indulging a child every now and again?”
“Yea!” Varian nodded. “Indulge me. What’s indulge mean?”
Rapunzel bopped his nose, earning her a giggle. “It means getting you a gift just because! And I think you deserve one.”
She’s not wrong. Despite the occasional hiccup, Varian’s adjusted pretty well to his new life, maybe concerningly so. Children need boundaries, they need stability! And this may be the first time he’s ever had that. Besides, he’ll need toys eventually, all kids do.
Eugene sighed. This was a losing battle. “All right, we’ll go get some toys. But!” He sent Varian an overly dramatic stern look. “If you behave, I’ll let you get a few extra. Deal?”
Varian’s feet swung happily. He bounced up and down in the man’s arms and nodded so fast his head may as well fly into space. “Deal!”
Varian babbled happily, skipping along with one hand in Eugene’s. It was like the kid never breathed, seamlessly switching between topics like it was no big deal. In fact, he kept talking right up until they entered the tailor’s. Then, his words morphed into a “Woah,” mid sentence.
Varian gazed around the shop, overwhelmed by the bright colors. He’d never seen so many clothes! And they were all so fancy too! He never had more than a few pairs of clothes.
“Mister Fitzherbert, a pleasure,” The shopkeeper said as he approached the duo. He was a thin man, with a long, pointed beard, and his hair kept in a low ponytail. Eugene had been coming to him ever since he started living in the castle.
Varian’s happy demeanor vanished almost instantly, being replaced with an unreadable, even steely expression. Even though Varian acted upbeat and bubbly to the palace staff, he was still nervous about strangers. Eugene knew from experience that not everyone was nice on the streets, and Varian unfortunately had to learn that fast.
“Hi Francis, looking good as ever!” Eugene chimed. He kept his voice positive to calm the child. “This is Varian, he’s staying with me. Varian, this is Francis, he’s gonna help you get some new clothes, ok?”
Varian pouted. “What’s wrong with my clothes?” He liked his clothes! They kept him warm during the winter and cool during the current summer. His shoes broke halfway through his time on the streets, though. He’d been barefoot like Rapunzel up until now.
“Well…” how do you politely tell a child he was wearing rags? “You just need… new ones. Nicer ones! You gotta look your best!”
It wasn’t the best argument, judging by the way Varian fidgeted uncomfortably. He clung a little tighter to Eugene’s hand, sizing up Francis, unsure if he was safe.
The man kneeled, never letting go of Varian’s hand. “Hey, you’re safe here.” he whispered. “Francis just wants to help. Your clothes were ok on the streets, but you need different clothes for palace life. I’ll be here with you, ok?”
After a moment’s hesitation, Varian nodded. “Ok,” he mumbled.
For his part, Francis did his best to appear friendly. “Right this way, you two, I just need to get the young man measured for fitting.”
The process was pretty straight forward, with Francis keeping his tone light and Eugene showering the child in praise. Slowly but surely, Varian relaxed.
“Ow!” Varian winced, flinching when a pin poked him in the side. “Why do I need to get poked again?”
“Beauty is pain,” Eugene responded deadpan. Francis rolled his eyes.
“It’s to make sure it fits, young man.” he said. “And it won’t if you keep squirming.”
For his part, Varian seemed satisfied with the answer. He liked to ask a lot of questions, his mind constantly whirring and wondering. While Eugene adored him, it got exhausting real fast. He couldn’t keep up with Varian’s mind half the time. Before he could answer one question, the kid would ask another. It was fine when they were simple questions, like why Rapunzel was busy, or when was bedtime. But the other day Varian had asked him what air was made of. What was Eugene, an encyclopedia? He didn’t know!
Finally, Francis stepped back, giving the child an approving gaze. “Well, don’t you look handsome!” he cooed, and Eugene couldn’t help but agree.
Gone were the green rags and ruined sleeves. Instead, Varian wore a sea green sailor shirt with white buttons and a yellow clip-on tie. His white pants were stainless, but for how long who knows. The boots were near identical to Eugene’s own, practical but stylish.
To put it simply, he looked precious.
Gosh, the old him would’ve laughed at current him. Gushing over a child? Flynn, kids are cute, but come on!
For his part, Eugene kept his cool. He gave Varian a grin and a thumbs up, earning a toothy smile back.
“What do we say, kid?” Eugene chimed, mimicking the phrase that he’d heard so many times.
Varian cocked his head in confusion. “You’re welcome?”
“The other one.”
“Oh!” Varian turned to Francis. “Thank you!” Then he turned back to Eugene.
“Sooo… was I good?”
Eugene barked out a laugh. “Yeah, kid. You were good. We can get you a toy or two.”
The look on Varian’s face was brighter than the sun.
Rapunzel sighed as she stepped out of her final meeting for the day. As much as she’d wished to go with Eugene and Varian to the store, she’d sadly had other duties to attend to.
God, that kid was cute. He was so curious and sweet, and yet the pain of his past shone through the cracks. It had been a shock to see Eugene come home with a newly adopted(?) toddler to take care of, but something about him drew her in almost instantly. Motherly instinct? Fondness for Eugene’s kind heart? Something else? She couldn’t tell. Whatever it was, Varian was here to stay for as long as he wanted, and Rapunzel would treasure every minute of it.
Speaking of him, a shrill “Punzel!” sounded from down the hall, followed by the pattering of fast footsteps.
She whipped around, and oh, she might melt at his new outfit!
“Look at you!” She gasped, effortlessly scooping him up into a hug. All those years of pulling Gothel up a tower meant Varian weighed nothing to her.
“Who’s this handsome young man? If I recall correctly my Varian doesn’t wear buttons!”
The little boy laughed, delighted. “Punzel, it’s me! I wear buttons now!”
“You do!? But that can’t be! My Varian doesn’t wear shoes either!”
Varian responded by quickly removing his shoes. “See? It’s me!”
Rapunzel bit her lip, desperately trying not to burst into laughter. “There he is!” She squished their cheeks together as they hugged. “Now, where’s Eugene?”
“Over here.” a muffled voice called.
Eugene stumbled ever so slightly, face hidden by several boxes. They were filled with books, stuffed animals, and various other toys.
“So much for some toys, huh?”
A red face peaked around the boxes. “He’s very convincing.” In truth, Eugene pretty much grabbed whatever Varian so much as looked at. Kids needed boundaries, sure, but they also needed a place to start from. And Varian, before today, didn’t have a single toy. All he had were the few baby toys the King and Queen kept, not nearly enough for an almost five year old. Eugene never had much growing up either. He’d shared with the other kids in the orphanage, sure, but he himself only owned four or five toys over his entire childhood cooped up there. If he was to give Varian the childhood he deserved, the one orphanages couldn’t, that included enrichment and entertainment.
Well, that and Varian was very convincing.
“Come on, bud, let’s go put these in your room.”
The child’s room was quickly coming together. He was given a bigger guest room just down the hall of Eugene, near the stairs to Rapunzel’s room. That way, he could reach either caretaker easily. While he still didn’t have much furniture outside of the typical bed and dresser, his bed was full of plush toys, perfect for cuddling into. A plush white rug sat in front of the bed, and in the corner of the room a toy chest was now full of puzzles. The bookshelf was full of a bizarre mix of child books Eugene picked up, and the classics previously in the guest room. It was truly starting to look like a proper room to be lived in. The rest of the day passed relatively peacefully, thank goodness. The outing and following room decorating took out most of Varian’s toddler energy, leaving him pretty tame all the way up to bedtime.
But it was at bedtime things quickly went south.
The moon sat high in the sky, its full light shining down on the small figure darting through the trees. He didn’t know where he was going, but he just had to get away! Get away, get away before they hurt him! He’s not safe here!
Where was here, again?
Varian skidded to a stop, his chest heaving which each breath, tears streaking down his face and blurring his vision. He hastily wiped the tears away. Just a few feet in front of him was a familiar face.
“Momma?” He called. His mother didn’t respond. “Momma!” He tried again, running up to her…
...Only for a large, black rock to shoot up in between them.
Varian let out a shriek of terror, stepping back as another shot up. Then another, and another. Slowly they jutted out towards him, sharp points gleaming under white light. Varian took one step backwards, then another. Then, he turned around and began to race back in the other direction. The rocks only picked up in speed, trailing behind him.
“It’s your fault!” His mother cried, her voice booming. “You rotten child, I left you for a reason!”
Varian whimpered, legs aching from the running. A stray rock shot up from under his foot, and the small child went tumbling down a massive hill. Down, down, down, he rolled to a stop on the forest floor.
He tried to pull himself up, but found himself too exhausted. He was cold, scared, and tired.
Looking up to the sky, Varian cried out for help, “Eugene! Eugene please! Where are you!”
As if he had spoken Eugene into existence, his caretaker loomed over him.
Varian held out his hands, begging Eugene to pick him up. Carry him away, back to the castle where he was safe and happy with Rapunzel and Cassandra!
Eugene gazed down, eyes cold as the moon in the sky. He shook his head.
“It’s your fault,” he said emotionlessly. Then he walked away.
The tears returned tenfold. His lip wobbled, and Varian couldn’t stop the wail that escaped him.
The black rocks caught up to him, faster than before, closer and closer and closer--
Varian shot up out of bed with a heartbreaking cry.
He wheezed for breath, grabbing the first toy he could find: a stuffed raccoon. A tear fell onto the plush toy. Then another. And then a third. Soon, Varian was sobbing wildly, unable to control his tears.
It was his fault! It was always his fault!
....What was his fault again?
He hiccuped, and finally looked around. No longer was he trapped in the cold, huddling next to a building in an attempt to stay warm after another sleepless night. He was in the castle, safe, with Rapunzel upstairs and Eugene down the hall.
Varian slipped off the bed, stuffed raccoon in hand, and quickly opened the door.
The hallway was barren, empty this late at night. Moonlight shone through the windows.
Moonlight reflecting off obsidian rocks as they came closer and closer--
Varian whimpered, rushing down the hall to Eugene’s room.
Eugene was always a light sleeper. It came with never having a stable home life. If the smallest of doors creaked, he needed to be ready for an attacker at any time.
But he had a feeling this was no attacker.
He opened one eye, and sure enough, Varian was quietly staring at him from the doorway.
“Hey bud,” he whispered, sitting up. “You can come in, just give me a second.” A small part of his mind complained about being woken up. That part quickly shut up when he lit a candle and saw the tear tracks on his ward’s face. He opened up his arms, and the dam broke. A blue and black blur shot into Eugene’s arms, and the man let out a small oof.
Varian shook in his embrace, the adult’s shirt quickly becoming wet as the child cried out his fears once more. “Hey, shh, it’s ok,” Eugene whispered, pulling Varian in close. “You’re ok, you’re safe.” He rocked them both back and forth, letting Varian cry it out while he comforted him.
“You wanna tell me what happened?” Tiny fingers dug into Eugene’s night shirt.
“I had a dream you left me…” Varian whimpered, and Eugene’s heart splintered.
He sighed. “Aw bud, I’m so sorry. It was just a dream, though. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. And even if I was, I’d take you with me.”
“Sure, kid.”
That seemed to partially do the trick. The tears were rapidly drying, and Varian seemed spent, but he still clung to Eugene like a lifeline. The man weighed his options for a moment. On the one hand, Varian needed to go back to his room. Being able to sleep alone was an important step at his age. But he’d been doing ok before… So would it be ok to let him stay one night?
Eh, screw it. His kid, his rules. “You wanna stay here for tonight? Just tonight, though. Tomorrow you gotta sleep in your room.” Varian nodded into his chest. He just wanted proof that Eugene was here, that he wasn’t going to leave him.
“Alright.” Slowly, Eugene lowered them both onto the bed, Varian atop his chest. The adult pulled Varian close, tucking them in together. “I got you, Varian. You’re safe with me, I promise.” He pressed a kiss to inky black hair, and Varian hummed, content. His eyes slowly slid shut, lulled to sleep by Eugene’s steady heartbeat and the all encompassing warmth.
Eugene closed his eyes, smiling.
“Good night, kid.”
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quinncupine · 4 years
Is it bad to ask all numbers for the ask game? (╥﹏╥)
All the numbers you say? Sure, why not! Let's do it!😆
1. What song makes you feel better?
1953 by The National Parks. Its such a cute song and the love in it just makes me smile every time I hear it.
2. What's your feel-good movie?
My favorite feel good movie will always be Ever After. I absolutely love fairy tale movies this one is just amazing and warms my heart!
3. What's your favorite candle scent?
Hmm, I love a lot of scents, but I think my favorite are any that have vanilla in them. I have one right now that's like a vanilla walnut coffee cake and it smells sooo good.
4. What flower would you like to be given?
I love lilies. They are my favorite. I think white lilies are my top favorite right now!
5. Who do you feel most you around?
I would have to say my best friend! I tell her literally everything (probably too much) but i feel so comfortable around her and she is the absolute sweetest gal you'd ever meet!
6. Say three nice things about yourself (3 physical and 3 non-physical)
I think my eyes are pretty, they're hazel!
When I actually do my hair, i think it looks pretty, especially when its curly
During the summer, my freckles really start to show and I love freckles!
Sometimes I can be funny (most of the time its without meaning too😅)
Im a really good listener
Im really good a doling out smiles on the daily
7. What color brings you peace?
I think deep dark colors can bring out a calming peace, like sapphire and viridian
8. Tag someone, or multiple people who make you feel good
Well for one, you Miya! You always bring the sweetest things to me and I love you for that!
@thecindy ya always make me feel so loved!
@dorki-c girl ya crazy and I love crazy! Who else am I gonna conspire with?🤣
@miriobaby ya gorgeous lady, you're one of my biggest supporters and I'm so glad I have you as a friend!
@peachsenpie babe, you're absolutely amazing and whenever I talk with you, I always feel so much better!
@dragonsdreamoffire darling, you are so sweet and I love talking with you!
I know there are so many more, but I can't fit them all here and I'm sorry if I missed you, but know that I love you!
9. What calms you down?
Laying down and listening to music, or watching a show, or writing. Those are the main things I do to calm down.
10. What's something you're excited for?
Im excited for summer, when I can finally go to the beach again! My skin can't take much more of this cold frigid air.
11. What's your ideal date?
Ummm, let's see. I think doing something fun like going on a citywide scavenger hunt (I've done that before and it was super fun!) I would love to go to one of those piers with vendors and games and things and order from a stand then just walk along the pier and watch the water? Maybe go on a ferris wheel? I don't know, I never really thought much about it.
12. How are you?
Currently, I'm sick. I'm actually waiting for the doc to call me back. I'm trying to get some work done, but I just have no energy to really go do anything, especially anything physically rn. Hopefully I get better as the week goes on.
13. What's your comfort food?
A few favorites are: garlic bread, mashed potatoes, and my moms homemade nachos 😋
14. Favorite feel-good show?
I have a couple right now: New Girl, Shitts Creek, Psych, and The Great British Baking Show
16. Compliment someone who sent you this number
Miya, you're an amazing person and I'm so glad we're mutuals because I think the world is a better place with you in it! You're always so sweet and kind and you're not afraid to let other people know it!!🥰
17. Fairy lights or LED lights?
Definitely fairy lights. They make everything feel cozy and warm and just a bit magical.
18. Do you still loved stuffed animals?
Of course, what's not to love. They're soft and squishy and make great cuddle partners. Plus they're super cute so I don't see anything wrong with loving stuffed animals!
19. Most important thing in your life?
My family. They're everything to me. Period.
20. What do you want most in the world right now?
To see my family. I saw them once in the past year and I won't be able to see them again until summer so I'm really missing them.
21. If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
Take more risks. Don't hesitate so much on things because worrying won't do you any favors.
22. What would you say to your future self?
Can you come back and smack my past self for being a dumbass please and thank you.
23. Favorite piece of clothing?
My super soft oversized sweatshirt that says "Stay Whelmed" written on the front 😌
24. What's something you do to de-stress?
Naps. If not naps then watching something funny.
25. What's the best personal gift someone could give you?
If it's homemade, I already love it 10000% if someone loves me enough to take the time to make me something, then I know they're a keeper
26. What movie would you want to live in?
Oh boy, I dont know. I guess I would say Narnia. Now that sounds like a fun magical world to live in.
27. Which character would you want to be?
Like if I could be any character out there? I would say Momo Yaoyorozu. She's got the coolest quirk and I really just love her to pieces. She's so precious.
28. Hugs or hand holding?
Can I say both? If I had to pick one, I would choose hand holding because you can actually move around and do things with that one😊
29. Morning, afternoon, or night?
Morning. I'm a morning person (usually) i have a terrible time staying up late and I like my sleep, so I usually turn in early.
30. What reminds you of home? (Doesn't have to mean house...just the feeling of home)
I think my moms perfume, a slightly messy house, fireplace smells or bonfires at night, dogs lying around (always right in your path for some reason), sipping wine, there's always some sport playing in the background on the TV, marvel marathons, lots of throw pillows, card games, billards, country music. I could go on, but those are what immediately come to mind🥰
Thanks for the ask Miya! 🥰🙃💖 love ya!!
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stluciasstudentjail · 6 years
UFO, photo album, microscope, psyche for Cas, Cameron, Rory, Renee, and Alister.
I got my wisdom teeth out and took a nap n now I can finally answer at least one of these 2nite
Cas: One thing noticeable about Cas is his gentle demeanor. He tries too hard to get people to like him and acts as good natured as possible, but it can come off as fake. He genuinely is a friendly person, though. He probably wouldn’t identify as any specific sexuality, not because he doesn’t want to but because he’s oblivious to the terms. He’s bisexual with a preference for women.
Cameron: He makes himself known as soon as he walks into a room, so he can easily be identified by his energy. It can either brighten up a room or irritate people. He has a temper, but settles down very quickly and  rarely holds grudges. As for his sexuality, he identifies as straight but has had crushes on boys before. He’s just oblivious to it.
Rory: She seems very unapproachable, but she’s short with soft features so it doesn’t really intimidate anyone. She’s abrasive and sarcastic, especially when she’s in a bad mood. And unfortunately for her, she’s also completely straight.
Renee: She’s very open and friendly, and loves to tease and poke fun at her friends. She likes to check up on the kids every so often. When she’s irritated, she seems aloof. She’s bisexual, openly. She prefers women for the most part, with few exceptions.
Alister: He comes off as very calm and assertive, and a bit irritable. He’s honest with his friends, generally speaking. He likes to be asked for help. Usually good at staying rational outside of his own issues. He prefers women, but has dabbled in the past. He’d identify as ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (mostly straight) 
photo album
Cas: One of his favorite memories is going on vacation with his family. His father was loving, but had a hectic job so it was one of the few times they’d have a lot of time together. He mostly remembers playing with Shana, and it’s a memory he’s glad he was able to bring back to the surface.
Cameron: He has a couple good memories, I guess. He liked it when both his parents were out of the house and his brother would let him do whatever he wanted (and by that I mean he wouldn’t harpy shriek at him for getting himself a snack or something like his evil mom) n they’d hang out n make fun of the infomercials on tv because god knows their parents didn’t care about cable
Rory: Her parents liked to dote on her, so she has a lot of good memories with them. Her father used to buy her a stuffed animal whenever he had to leave for a few days (hmmm) so she remembers that fondly. All her stuff is gone tho because of you know whomst.
Renee: She has very few good memories of her childhood, but realizing she could actually connect with friends and make her own family was one of the greatest moments of comfort for her.
Alister: His better memories are probably along the same line as Cameron’s. In particular, when Cameron tried to DIY a birthday present for him. It looked like shit, so he had to try not to laugh. Nice gesture tho
Cas: May turn his sweater inside out instead of washing it in a pinch.  Has a persistent cowlick. Thinks reptiles are cool. Had a dinosaur phase as a child. Reads a range of different books, and some are Not Good. Uses five sugar cubes in his tea. Has a lot of pet hair on his clothes that he can’t seem to brush off. His favorite drink is hot chocolate, and he doesn’t care if it’s instant.
Renee: She has a gentle, good natured laugh even when she’s making fun of her friends. She likes plain green tea with honey after dinner. She’ll take way too long do decide what to buy when she’s out shopping. Good at singing, but gets flustered when she’s caught. Will buy birthday gifts weeks ahead. A dog lover. Loves have her hair played with.
Rory: Used to be self conscious about her freckles, but Renee said they’re cute so she tries to own them. Loves cute things, but thinks it’s embarrassing. Spends a lot of time brushing her hair in the morning. She actually puts a lot of effort in school and gets pretty good grades. Her classmates think she’s aloof or even shy if they haven’t talked to her. She’s very athletic and has a competitive streak.
Cameron: Will hold out wearing hoodies as long as possible even if it’s a bit warm. Doesn’t have to do much with his hair. Holds off doing his homework until the last second. Falls asleep in class sometimes. Had a lot of casual dating but didn’t really want to get anywhere with it bc he’s a bit of a romantic. Can’t hold his alcohol very well. Will scratch in a fight if he has to.
Alister: Spends maybe too much time looking out for the dumb squad. Drinks a lot of coffee, doesn’t use sugar but adds milk because he thinks it’s gross on it’s own. When he does sleep he usually does so on the couch.  Very attentive to his dog, but is really more of a cat person. Hasn’t interacted with most of his neighbors but knows all of them by name through their white trash fighting and knows all their drama. 
Cas: PTSD, definitely. And some anxiety, to top it off. He has panic attacks every so often, but controls them quite well by distracting himself. If not, he’ll call someone up and talk about something completely unrelated to get his mind off it. He’s very bad at managing his emotions in a crisis, and will go into full panic mode and be pretty much a wreck.
Cameron: Sooo many abandonment issues. He’s very insecure and is constantly seeking validation. In a crisis he’ll put on a complete facade even if he’s scared and probably end up getting himself hurt just to try and look like he’s not useless.
Renee: She’ll have flashbacks sometimes, or nightmares. Usually she just tries to be close to someone until she feels better. She manages them well for herself by trying to talk herself down. In a crisis, she’s very collected and won’t usually outwardly panic.
Rory: PTSD, panic attacks, and fear of touch… oh, and a lot of nightmares. She covers it up, but will crumple in a crisis at times because she’s just a kid. She copes outwardly by being abrasive and unapproachable.
Alister: PTSD, parentification, and a lot of abandonment issues. He copes with it through apathy and sarcasm. He also has pretty bad insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks etc. He has been known to self medicate, usually with alcohol. Probably the most collected in a crisis, and has the hardest exterior to crack.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What was the last thing you spent under $5 on? Hm. I don’t recall. How many times have you cried in the past week? A couple times.
When was the last time you saw a rainbow? It’s been a long time. 
Have you ever used your cell phone as a light source in the dark? Yeah. 
Is there anything written on the shirt you’re wearing? It says, “The Mandalorian.”
Would you rather spend 2 days in London or a week in Finland? I’d love to visit London, but Finland would be awesome as well and I get a week there, so I’m taking it. I’m not going to take a big trip like that for just 2 days.
Where were you living in 1997? In a different house than now, but same city.
How was your first kiss? Do you still talk to the person you shared it with? It was awkward, but I liked it and was just giddy about having had my first kiss. No, we haven’t talked in almost 10 years now.
Are you the oldest of your siblings? No, I’m the middle kid.
What are your initials? I’m not sharing that.
What does that middle initial stand for?
When was the last time you kissed someone? Do you regret it? It’s been 8 years now since my last kiss. No, I don’t have any regrets about it.
How long is it until your next birthday? How old will you be? Tomorrow will be 6 months exactly. I’ll be turning 32.
Do you have any tattoos? Nope.
How would you react if you found out you were pregnant right now? I’d be freaking out to say the least because I can’t have kids. I’m also a virgin, sooo.
What is your mother’s maiden name? I’m not sharing that.
How many people do you know with the same first name as you? I’ve known a lot of Stephanies. It was really common growing up.
Are you related to a Johanna? No.
Have you ever hugged an Eric? Yes.
Have you ever ridden in a car with a Brooke? No.
Have you ever kissed a Jesse? Nope.
Have you ever worked with a Heather? No.
Have you ever dated a Ryan? No.
Which of your friends would be most likely to become a stripper?
How long has it been since you showered? A day.
Where did you/do you go to high school? A local high school.
What is the nearest red object to you? There’s red on my throw blanket.
Do you have a birthmark? If so, where? Yeah, a small one on my right elbow.
Who was the last person to let you down? Myself as always.
When was the last time someone gave you flowers? I received flowers for my birthday a few years ago.
Would you ever consider getting back together with an ex? No.
What is your natural hair color? Dark brown.
Do you sleep naked? No.
Is smoking a turn-off when it comes to being interested in someone? Yes.
Have you ever dated someone who had kids? No. I’m not interested in doing so, but I know the older I get, the harder it might be to find a guy who doesn’t have kids at this point. It’s not uncommon for someone my age to have kids.
What was the last book you read? I’m currently reading, “Autumn’s Break” by Mary Stone.
Have you kissed someone 4 or more years older than you? No.
Were your parents married when you were born? No. Were you born before 1990? Yep, a year before.
Is your hair longer than your shoulders? Much longer; it goes down to my butt.
Why did you miss the last call you missed? I was asleep.
Have you ever been pulled over twice in one day? I’ve never been pulled over, ever. I don’t drive.
When you need to vent, who do you turn to? I turn to surveys and Twitter more often than a person.
When was the last time you went to the movies with someone? Last February. I miss being able to go to the movies.
Are you comfortable in your own skin? No. 
Have you ever been told you’re a flirt? No.
Are there any candles in the room with you? Yeah, there’s one. I never light candles, though, so I don’t know why I have it.
Does the last person you kissed have tattoos? No. Well, he didn’t at the time. I’m not sure if he does now.
Do you live within 20 miles of where you were born? Yes.
Is it after 5 pm? No, it’s only 7:16AM.
Is there someone you always call/text when you’re drunk? I think I drunk texted someone like twice before.
Have you ever been engaged? No.
Has anyone seen you naked in the last week? Nope.
Were you dating anyone in October 2008? No.
Where was your current profile picture taken? In my room.
Is your birthday in April? Nope, it’s in July.
Are you a Libra? No, I’m a Leo.
If you found $20, what would you spend it on? Food.
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas.
Do you believe the saying experience is the best teacher? I mean, you definitely learn a lot that way. With some things that’s the only way.
What's your current boy situation? Non-existent.
When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong? I haven’t been taking care of myself like I should be.
Do you hate the last person you had a thing with? No. I don’t have any bad feelings at all towards him.
Have you ever been out past curfew? My parents never had to set one cause I didn’t go out as a teenager. I was a homebody then, too.  
Who was the last person you cried in front of? My mom.
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? Possibly. I don’t remember.
Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize? The person who hurt me the most is myself.
What was the latest you stayed up in the past week and why? I stay up everyday until like 7AM-ish. It’s 7:20 right now. :X
Do you cry a lot and have you recently? Yes and yes.
What was on your mind mostly today? lol right now I’m thinking about what I want to eat later.
Have you held hands with anyone today? No.
What's the last thing you and your ex talked about? I don’t remember, that was years ago.
Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced? When I was sixteen and in my emo phase I wanted snakebites.
Are you interested in anyone at the moment? No.
Have you had more than three significant others at the same time? Noo. I’m only interested in monogamy. 
Is a best friend, significant other or ex pissing you off at the moment? No.
Are you in a good mood right now? I’m meh.
What's bothering you right now? I’m tired and kinda hungry.
If you were upset, who's the first girl you would go to? If I turned to anyone it would be my mom. I don’t usually turn to anyone, though.
Do you need to say anything to someone? Not at the moment.
What was the worst mistake of your life? Not taking care of myself like I should have and neglecting things.
If you had the chance to go on vacation anywhere you wanted to right now, where would you go? Well, nowhere right now or near future, unfortunately. Who knows when. :/
What color was the last thing you drank? A light brown.
How many people are you currently texting, who are they and what're you talking about? I’m not texting anyone right now.
What store do you shop at the most? Boxlunch and Hot Topic.
What's the last thing you bought for yourself and the last thing you bought for someone else? I bought myself a shirt and my brother’s birthday gift.
What color would you like your future house to be? Hm. I’m not sure.
What's your favorite flavor of pudding? I don’t like pudding; it’s a texture thing.
What's the last thing you received in the mail? My package.
What color's the sky right now? It’s gray and cloudy.
What genre is the book you're currently reading? Mystery and thriller.
What did you eat for lunch today? Nothing, yet. It’s 7 in the morning.
Did you ever enjoy the required reading in English class? Yeah, there were some I liked.
What's the closest stuffed animal to you? I have a few on my bed--a couple giraffes, a dog, a Dumbo, and two Baby Yodas.
If you were now stuck in a Pokémon game, which would you choose as a starter? Hm. I don’t know.
If you could blow a bubble into a different shape besides a sphere, what would it be? A star.
What color's the last pen you used? Pink.
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Hi guys!  My name is Kirra, and if you haven’t read any of my blog posts already, I am 10 years old and my family is traveling Australia for the year!  In this post, you will read all about our family’s adventure to O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat in Lamington National Park, Queensland, Australia.  All of the pictures, except the one of me and the bird and the one of me on the vine, were taken by ME!  Have fun reading!
Ten minutes into the ride, and I was already bored! We were heading up to a place in the mountains called [eafl id=”2062″ name=”O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat” text=”O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat”] located in [eafl id=”2063″ name=”Lamington National Park” text=”Lamington National Park”]. The ride was very scenic so far, but I didn’t want to just stare out a window for an hour and a half.  Then I remembered that I had brought a notebook and some markers!  I got my notebook, grabbed some markers, and started drawing.  I LOVE drawing!  I drew T-Shirts, puppy dogs, cars, people, and books!  Now my hands were sore!  I drew so many things that I felt like I couldn’t even pick up a pencil!
So I sat there, in the middle row, of our four-wheel drive next to Niyah, my two-year-old sister.  “Wait,” I said, “I can take pictures for my blog posts!”  “Great idea, Kirra!” my mom said as she handed me her phone.  I rolled down the window only to find that it was VERY chilly!  “Brrrrrrrrr!” I shivered.  In fact, it wasn’t chilly, it was COLD!!  We hadn’t brought jumpers (coats) or sweatshirts so I had to do without! 😦
#gallery-0-13 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-13 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
First, I took a few pictures of the bush and countryside.  Then, as we drove up the mountain, it turned into a dark green rainforest.  We were winding in and out of the paved paths on the mountainside.  It was VERY freaky at times because I felt like we were going to fall off the side of the mountain!  But the views were INCREDIBLE!!  The mountains were pale and dotted with sunlight.  The grass was rich and green, and the rivers and lakes were sparkling with the sun.  It was beautiful!
We finally got to the sign that said Lamington National Park (O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat)!  I was sooo excited!!  Maybe it was warmer up here.  But the moment I stepped out of the car into the parking lot, I had goosebumps!  It was even COLDER up here!  ‘Oh No,’ I thought, no jumpers, or sweatshirts!  Only 1 blanket that Niyah is going to use in the stroller.  Dad gave me his jumper, and then Ellie & Quinn started complaining that they didn’t have something to warm them up.  “We’ll try to find something to warm you two up!” my mom explained.  We went down to the eating area so we could have lunch.  I ate chips and guacamole, and a turkey sandwich.
After lunch, we went to the gift shop to see if there were any jumpers that we could get.  I found a black one, Ellie found a pink one, and Quinn got a scarf that he could wrap around his shoulders. (All the jumpers were too big for Quinn) Later we went to look at the stuffed animals and boomerangs.  Most of the stuff was $45.00, so I got a small wombat.  I named him Pig because he was very pudgy.   I put on my jumper so that we could go and feed the Rosellas and Lorikeets!
Next, we walked up a steep stone walkway, we got to a metal fence.  Inside the fence, there were a lot of people.  There were Rosellas on people and Lorikeets on the feeding bowls.  My dad had purchased two bowls of seeds for the amazing birds!  As we came through the opening in the gate, a Rosella flew over me and landed on Ellie’s feeding tray and started eating the seeds inside the bowl.  I held my bowl for a while and finally, a big plump Lorikeet came to feed on my bowl!  The Lorikeet left and I handed my bowl to Quinn so I could take pictures of the birds.   I got some really good photos for my posts (see below)!
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Then, we went to the beginning of the TreeTop Walk.  The TreeTop Walk is a wooden boardwalk that goes to the tops of the trees.  As we walked, we saw neon orange fungi and a chickadee!  We came to a great big vine that came down from the dark green treetops!  We each took a turn swinging on the vine!  It was so fun!  As we got closer the TreeTop Ladder, there was a bouncy wooden ‘drawbridge’.  The sign in the front of it said, ‘No bouncing’, so we carefully walked across it.  The TreeTops Ladder is a ladder that goes up past the trees and supposedly you can see a good view of the mountains from the top!  Dad, Ellie, and Quinn climbed up the ladder to see the view.  When they came back, they said that the view was overgrown with a tree branch!  That must have been frustrating!
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Last, but not least, we headed to the O’Reilly Gardens.  It was beautiful!  Green plants and vibrant flowers filled the garden!  We had to leave the stroller at the gate because the path was too bumpy.  We walked around a corner that had minty green plants!  It smelled AMAZING!  Dad, Ellie, and Quinn walked ahead, while Mom, Niyah, and I stayed behind.  Suddenly, Dad said, “Ellie, Quinn, slowly back up.” He said it very calmly.  When we got out of the gardens, Dad said, “It was a snake!”  I asked, “What type?”  He answered, “I don’t know, but you should stay away from any type of snake in Australia!”  That was very frightening to hear.  We headed back to the car so we could get back in time for dinner.
I really recommend visiting O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat if you ever go to Australia!  I hope you enjoyed hearing about my amazing adventure to O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat!  Hopefully, I can go back sometime!  Bye!
***Dad Side Note: after a little research and comparing the picture of the snake to websites about Australian snakes, my dad realized that the snake was an Australian Marsh snake (which is ‘moderately’ venomous).  Click here (and scroll down) to read more about them.***
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O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat Hi guys!  My name is Kirra, and if you haven't read any of my blog posts already, I am 10 years old and my family is traveling Australia for the year! 
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