#i have the interview with the localization team where the eng person said the push for fae to be nb is 'a surprise tool to help us later'
lillybean730 · 1 year
hey any ffxiv fans wanna help me with something? im trying to figure out if anyone in-game ever acknowledges the fae folks lack of gender outside of their pronouns. like a quick mention of "oh they have no gender btw" or something.
to be clear im not asking this for transphobic reasons or looking for someone to prove that they're nonbinary, im nb and just want to know if any characters give an in-universe perspective on it
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gimmedafood · 5 years
Alternate Zoyalai Olympic AU
So, this is just a variation of the Olympic AU/headcanons that @wafflesandkruge came up with, so I hope you enjoy.
FYI: Zoya attended her first Olympic Games when she was 16. The year is 2022. Zoya is 24 years old, Nikolai is 25. Zoya has been to 3 Olympic Games, and this is Nikolai’s first.
Chamonix Winter Olympics 2022: Events to Watch
Return of the Little Dragon
All eyes will be on the return of Zoya Nazyalensky (RUS), this year. Nicknamed the ‘Little Dragon’ by her fans, Nazyalensky became a sporting legend after her spectacular wins in Sochi, 2014, and Pyongchang, 2018.
Unfortunately, her competitive career was sidelined following a car accident nearly two years ago, an event that also caused the tragic death of her fellow Team Russia figure skater, Alina Starkov. Nazyalensky spent a year recuperating from her injuries, during which she was rarely seen in the public eye.
Nazyalensky’s return to competition at the National Championships resulted in a close win, and it is yet unclear how she will fare against international rivals. Will we witness another magnificent flight of the Little Dragon, or is this comeback doomed to disappoint?
Ice Hockey: Men’s Competition
A Sibling Rivalry
Fun fact: Nikolai Lanstov, newly crowned captain of the French Men’s Ice Hockey Team, is not the only one in his family making headlines. His half brother Vasily has been stirring up trouble at home, claiming Nikolai to be a fraud.
The brothers are known for their strained relationship, but rumor has it that Vasily may be present in the audience during his brother’s gold medal match. Will Vasily’s presence be a thorn in Lanstov’s side, or will these Winter Games lead to reconciliation? Either way, keep your eyes on the crowd!
Zoya stamped the snow off of her boots before the entrance of the Athlete’s Village cafeteria. The building itself was uninspiring, but it served food that catered to the Olympian’s strict training diets and anything more appetizing was too far away to venture without security. At least the guards kept the press and fans away from their homes for the month.
She was taking a moment to breathe on her cold hands when she become aware of someone standing beside her.
“Amazing, isn’t it?” a deep, clearly male voice said.
Zoya turned to see a tall, blonde man with a child-like smile on his face, one gloved hand pointed at the Olympic torch across the square.
She glanced over him quickly, taking in his appearance like she’d been taught to size up competition.
He was just over six foot in height, defined muscles under his Team France jacket, even though he was covered in an assortment of scarves and hats. Messy, coppery-gold hair, chocolatey hazel eyes, and a strangely familiar face. He was about her age, and he was not bad, not bad at all.
“Let me guess,” she said, smirking underneath her scarf. “This is your first Olympics?”
The man went slightly pink, “Uh, yeah.”
“You get used to it, newbie.”
The man blushed harder still, his stance shifting slightly. Zoya ignored him as she continued to slip out of her outer layers. The combination of insulated jackets and overcrowded, overheated cafeteria would result in an uncomfortable personal sauna if she wasn’t careful.
She pushed her deep blue scarf down from her face and the man’s eyes widened.
“You’re the Little Dragon!” he gasped, his tone filled with admiration. “I watched you win gold in Pyongchang. That last jump series was sensational! Almost as good as your routine in Sochi. I watched that with my roommates in college!”
Warmth rose in her cheeks and she quickly frowned to cover it. “Wow, that doesn’t make me feel old at all.”
“I didn’t mean to imply...” the man’s expression immediately shifted from awe to horror; and Zoya decided to take pity on him. It was clear that he was puppy, innocent and sweet.
“Don’t sweat it, newbie.”
The man inclined his head. “Even so, I apologize.”
His apology seemed genuine, at least. Maybe he wasn’t just another beefcake jock boy. Interesting...
“You’re from France, da?“ Her accent made the word sound more like ‘vour’ than ‘you’re.’
The question seemed to let the man bounce back from his clear embarrassment. “Yes. I’m Nikolai, Nikolai Lanstov. I’m in Men’s Hockey. It’s such an honor to meet you.”
He held out his hand to her and Zoya accepted, gently laying her small hand in his as she tried not to smile at his polite manners. Now she remembered where she had seen him before. His face was on all of the Chobani commercials she’d seen since arriving in the Olympic City.
“Zoya Nazyalensky, Figure Skating. But you already knew that, clearly.”
Nikolai chuckled at that. It was a very warm sound, happy and clear. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I was a fan.”
She couldn’t help smiling back at him. “This must be a big Games for you.”
Nikolai winced. “You don’t know the half of it. I was born in Chamonix, you know, got my start playing for the local team before I moved to America for a while. There’s a lot of expectations, even before I was made captain.”
He glanced down at the ground, letting out a long, slow breath. “Sorry, I don’t mean to sound like I’m bragging.”
“Brag away. Being Captain is a huge honor for someone as young as you and I.”
He looked up sharply, his ears turning pink in the chilly air. Really, he was too fun to tease.
“Cheer up, newbie. So you got a big break. That’s what happens in sports.”
Nikolai’s pretty face flickered between apologetic and defensive. “I just don’t want to let anyone down.”
Zoya bit her lip against the cold, the shift in the conversation making her uncomfortable. “Yeah, I know the feeling.”
Nikolai murmured something in reply that she didn’t catch, and the silence stretched between them, broken only by the muffled chatter inside the cafeteria.
“Your accent isn’t very French.” Zoya said, the silence making her blurt out the first thing that came to mind.
“I spent a lot of time in America as a kid,” he replied, seeming grateful for the distraction. “When I returned to France, I spoke English with the most New Yorker accent imaginable. My teachers hated it.”
Zoya couldn’t help it, the image of an awkward teenage Nikolai sitting in a French classroom and being scolded by his teacher made her huff out a laugh. “That’s adorable.”
His eyes crinkled, every inch of him a cute, golden retriever puppy. “I try my best.”
Zoya swallowed hard, instantly reminded of another pair of warm brown eyes and spun-gold hair. Her heart clenched.
“I’ll see you around, Nikolai.” She tried her best to keep her voice light and polite, but could hear the tremor that crept into the end.
She was turning for the doors when his voice stopped her again.
“I thought it was very brave of you to come back to competition. You know, after what happened. It must have been very hard.”
“Thanks,” She said, but she did not look back.
The Chamonix Winter Olympics Sum Up : Day Five
Nazyalensky ‘Proud’ of her result.
After months of rehabilitation and hard work, Zoya Nazyalensky (RUS) was crowned gold in the women’s figure skating finals, finishing just above newcomer Inej Ghafa (ENG) in her first Olympics.
Ghafa transitioned from gymnastics to figure skating only two years ago, after a shoulder injury rendered her incapable of competing.
When asked about the result at a post-event press conference, the ever-competitive Nazyalensky surprised onlookers by congratulating and thanking each of her competitors and coaches profoundly, something rarely seen from the notoriously cold skater. She said she was ‘happy with my result and my performance.’
When questioned further on her emotional state during the competition, Nazyalensky admitted that her late teammate and close friend, Alina Starkov, was frequently on her mind.
“Honestly, I cannot think of a day during this Games that Alina hasn’t been on my mind. Her passing inspired my routine for the finals and this medal is dedicated to her.”
‘Teammate.’ ‘Close friend.’
Zoya closed the news sight in disgust. It was true that she and Alina had always acted platonic and playfully competitive in public, and it was also true that they had never really publicized their relationship, but the ability of the press to completely miss the obvious always astounded her.
Still, at least the madness of the press conferences and interviews were mostly over with, leaving her free to enjoy the beauty of Chamonix’s many bars and frozen lakes and ponds in the lead up to the Closing Ceremony.
She was pulling on her gloves outside of the Athlete’s Village when she spotted Nikolai standing on the sidewalk, surrounded by a gaggle of chattering teenagers that she vaguely recognized as the American Figure Skating Team. They seemed to be asking him for autographs, which he was supplying readily, if a bit in surprise.
She only really recognized one of them, a tiny blonde girl who had taken bronze in the Finals, just below Zoya and Inej.
Zoya hung back, not wanting to interrupt, but then Nikolai spotted her standing in the shadow and waved cheerily, his handsome face splitting into a wide smile.
The team turned to see who he was waving at, and the tiny blonde one let out a shriek, one that Zoya didn’t understand, try as she might. Suddenly, she was surrounded by noisy teenage girls, each eagerly asking for her autograph in varying levels of Russian.
She scribbled something on each of the scraps of paper thrust at her, and even remembered to thank the pint-sized medalist for competing. As quickly as they had surrounded her, the girls ran off in a happy rabble.
Nikolai came striding over to her, his hands thrust into his pockets and a big grin splashed across his face.
“They seem to admire you.” She murmured as he drew near.
“Not nearly as much as they admire you.” His grin widened. Zoya finally finished pulling on her gloves. Contrary to rumor, she did not actually enjoy the cold in real life.
“Want to bet they have posters of you on their walls?” She jibed, smirking slightly.
“Right next to posters of you, I’m sure. They only like me for my looks.”
Zoya rolled her eyes, but she could not help the grin spreading across her face. She had forgotten what it felt like to be a role model. The thought was equally as terrifying as it was flattering.
“Congrats on your gold,” She said, nudging Nikolai with her elbow.
As predicted, Nikolai blushed a brilliant pink. “Thanks. Congrats on your gold, I- uh, I saw your interview.”
Of course he had.
“How does it feel? Being the favorite son of France?”
Nikolai let out a long breath. “It’s a relief more than anything else. It was such a close game.”
“Which you deserved to win.”
“As did you.” Nikolai seemed to lean down towards her, then pulled back as if second guessing himself. “The way you told your story was...truly magnificent.”
Oh, the man did know how to charm. Zoya gave him another once over, assessing him again. Looks like a god, probably fucks like a god too.
“So, Sobachka,” Zoya remarked, too casually as she used the new nickname she’d come up with. Puppy. “I’m sure you’ve heard how wild the post-medal parties can get?”
Nikolai blinked, confusion flickering across his face before he caught her meaning. “I did hear something to that effect.”
“Well...” she let her voice drag, an unspoken promise lingering. “I can’t say how wild things could be, but would you like to grab a drink?”
Nikolai closed his mouth then reopened it, suddenly bearing a strong resemblance to a stunned haddock. “With you?”
“No, genius, with the woman standing behind me.”
He actually looked over her head, and Zoya was about to give the suggestion up as a lost cause when Nikolai came back to his senses. “Sorry, it’s just. You were my hero. You are my hero. I may have to hit myself.”
“You mean pinch yourself?”
Nikolai nodded vigorously. “That too.”
She rolled her eyes but took his arm all the same. “C’mon, Sobachka. Let’s get us some liquor.”
Rinkside Gossip
Nikolai Lanstov: Following His Heart?
French captain Nikolai Lantsov has announced that he will be accepting a contract in the ICFR this upcoming season. While this will certainly come as a blow to France and his home team, Chamonix Foxes, it could be that Lanstov has more than a fat paycheck on his mind. Our sources have spotted him several times, sharing drinks with a certain Russian figure skater...
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