#i have to dye these white jeans shorts i bought
attroxx · 4 months
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my fem naruto cosplay is coming together . . . perceive it
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magicalgirlmascot · 1 year
May or may not have been inspired to create the KNPS Toa in Hero Forge. Probably also gonna do the Turaga. I’m def curious as to your thoughts on everyone’s appearances, wanna see how what I have so far compares.
I am in TEARS please please please show me when you're done!!!
I've been kind of deliberately vague about their appearances in the fic itself because last time I wrote a big long human!Bionicle fic where I was more specific about their appearances I. wound up hating it later lol. I will say though that my Bionicle Sports Anime designs aren't necessarily what I have in mind when writing! (Those are mostly just for drawing Bionicle fanart without having to draw robots and possible eventual comic reasons.)
I do have some stuff in mind, though! I'm putting it under a readmore because it wound up getting fairly long lol
Tahu: redhead, toned and fairly beefy on account of the MMA but not like dehydrated about it, jeans, t-shirts, and button-downs with the sleeves rolled up kinda guy
Kopaka: my brother thinks he should be albino but I'm on the fence there, either way he does have blue eyes and light hair cut pretty short, glasses, tall and thin
Gali: petite, curly hair usually pulled back from her face, wears a lot of long, flowy clothes (cardigans, skirts, etc.)
Onua: short af, fat, muscular, hairy, I've made Gimli jokes before but I honestly do picture him looking like Senshi DungeonMeshi with less beard, almost exclusively wears black jeans, glasses are not prescription but to help with his light sensitivity
Pohatu: tall, runner's build (muscular legs, kind of average weight distribution tbh), thick brown hair that he's been growing out, tends towards muted colours and earth tones
Lewa: fucking beanpole, tall, thin, and gangly, hair is a bird's nest 99% of the time and he has given up trying, wears green almost to the complete exclusion of other colours, loves himself some good cargo pants
Vakama: glasses and tidy beard, greying hair, middling height, wears a lot of old man sweaters/cardigans
Nokama: taller than Matau but shorter than Vakama, hair is going grey but she dyes it, carries herself with grace and poise, it's. I do picture Lucretia Adventurezone a little bit while writing her ngl
Matau: short!!! absolute manlet and either mad about it or chill with it depending on which is funnier in context, wears loud shirts
Onewa: was not a cane user at the start of the story but is one now on account of his bad back, growing his beard out, worst case of resting bitch face you've ever seen, decently tall
Whenua: tallest Turaga, thick glasses, has worn a dress shirt and tie to work every day for the last 20+ years and isn't going to stop now even if his husband makes fun of him for it >:(
Nuju: average height, long fingers, went white by age 35 (claims it's from stress but it just runs in the family, Kualus was also fully white by 35 and Matoro probably will be too), dresses nicely but not a full shirt and tie like some people
Also you didn't mention them but bonus characters bc I've been thinking about them:
Takua: built like Lewa (tall and gangling), dyes his hair blue, fashion choices are "the colours gave me a headache so I bought it immediately"
Jaller: short king, blonde, probably the most athletic kid in the class
Hahli: shorter than Takua but still pretty tall, wears jeans and sturdy clothes, solidly built
Krahka: I mean sometimes she's a fox and sometimes she's got six arms and tits the size of her head, she can look however she wants
Again please please show me when you're done!!!! I would like to see it
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greypetrel · 11 months
Alternate for all the DA OCs ❤️
Hello! :D
Thank you for asking!! oooh this is fun >:3
Tis the prompt list
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Alyra: Classy and minimal. Will sport tailleurs and suits, the most casual she'll go will be a turtleneck. She'll have a capsule wardrobe extremely cared for in a closed palette of warm greys, blacks and blues. Some brown if she's feeling casual. Will hate sweatpants with all of her might, she won't get close to jersey.
Raina: Oh she'd go for grunge. Flannel shirts, jeans and Doc Martens (the most expensive thing in her wardrobe). Just hand me downs and second hand because she's cheap and she'll stay cheap. She knits her own sweaters and scarves and hats, her favourite colour is red. She had an emo phase in her teen years. You bet she had an emo phase. She has one (1) suit she uses when she needs being fancy. She is very faithful to her father's old pair of RayBan Aviator.
Garrett: Cottagecore mixed to some grunge. Jeans and boots, band tees and flannel shirts. Lots and lots of sweaters and he loves his beanies (all knitted by Raina, some he bought). A pumpkin spice latte in his hand and he's good to go. Won't go crazy on accessories, he'll have a messenger bag if he needs to bring stuff around or just fill his pockets. I think he could have a galaxy fashion phase, yes. Begrudgingly likes ugg boots. But won't be against experimenting and trying skirts and heels, just for fun (he'd like heels).
Aisling: Ok, so. She had a severe phase as a teen between metal and punk (she listens to metal but dresses punk because there's more colour and she doesn't like black and white). She'll go to a more casual wear, lots of leggins and hoodies, tees she has from highschool (she's cheap too) and she stole from friends/family. For something more professional/formal, she'll have something more inspired by vintage fashion ('20s and '30s female fashion with pants). Will choose sandals in January because she still doesn't like socks and shoes. She's the one that will most likely dye her hair, and in crazy colours.
Radha: Something between dark academia -lots of tweeds and wools and dark colours- and something very sleek and very modern, minimalistic style. I don't remember the name of the aesthetic, it's something between Urban and Techno...? Well, still keeping on dark colours with ONE colour to lively it up. Won't be caught dress in white to save her life. One thing she keeps is jewelry: lots of gold! Will sport a new haircut every month, lots of undercuts and keeping it short.
For my own sanity it's better if I refrain from picking up any more AUs, but let's say I'm thinking of the paranormal investigators one and I would really like to write something more about it. 👀
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itsyapeepkiri · 1 month
So, I saw a short by brittanyrcoates on YouTube and I made a scenario for it. I posted this as comments, but Id thought I'd share it here too.
Short link: https://youtube.com/shorts/mCsopV4AkfU?si=tHIsniNqeAMUctk4
Short story thingy:
I had adored them all my life. Who? Well, heroes in general, but one in particularly stood out among the rest: Tidalwave. That was because she had saved me from a burning building. I may have been only 6 at the time, but I remembered it as clear as if it was yesterday. Ever since then, I had been obsessed with the lovely and charismatic hero who had stunning control over water. I had learned EVERYTHING about Tidalwave, even dyeing my hair sky blue to match her. Some people (peers, teachers, my parents, everyone I knew) called me obsessive, but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was meet my hero and thank her...
Finally, my chance came with a hero convention that had happened a couple of towns over. Tons of heroes where supposed to be there, but Tidalwave was the main speaker. She had graduated from a small town hero into a country-wide savior and was now coming home. I knew this had to be my chance and, using most of the almost 3,000 dollars I had saved up, I bought a VIP ticket. That ticket allowed me to have a luncheon with all the heroes, but the one I was interested in was of course Tidalwave. It was a a few months out, but that was okay, since it meant I could practice what I would say to her.
The days dragged on like years, but after patiently waiting, I finally had taken a bus over to the town, rented a hotel room, and showed up at the doors where the luncheon was supposed to be happening. I had taken a second, which I used to straighten my black leather jacket and black jeans, both of which had beautiful wave patterns embroidered on the edges. It was a perfect replica of Tidalwave's hero outfit, complete with foam blue freckles, sapphire blue lipstick, and her classic black choker with a circle encrusted with diamonds. I had even invested in some white contact lenses to hide the swirls in my pupils and match Tidalwave better. Feeling satisfied, I knocked on the door and a burly security guard with ginger hair, sunglasses (despite being inside), and a solid black suit opened it.
"Ticket?" I handed it to him. He stamped the paper and offered it back to be. I gratefully did, as I had wanted to keep the stub as a reminder this actually happened. "You're good to go. Just head down the hallway to the door at the end. Go through there and you'll be at the luncheon." I had nodded my thanks, my throat being too tight to let any sound out, and followed his instructions. I paused again at this door, making sure everything was perfect again. Taking a deep breath, I turned the knob.
A brilliant light flashed and hit my eyes, making me blind for a few seconds, but it didn't stop me from hearing the conversation my arrival started.
"Oh hey frien-! Wait..."
"I thought heroes were supposed to come from the back room."
"How did she get all the way over there?"
"Didn't Tidal say she wasn't gonna be ready for another few minutes?"
I was stunned by what I heard. These other heroes thought I was actually Tidalwave!! I finally opened my eyes and was greeted by a large room full of about 20 heroes, each in there hero costume. The was a few I recognized, like Inferno, Earthquake, Soarin', PetalPower, Technomech, and The Water Wizard. The last one particularly stood out, no only cause they were Tidalwave's mentor, but because they were staring straight at me with a look of tired annoyance.
"MirrorMirror, stop trying to impersonate Tidalwave. It's very rude," the long silver haired person reprimanded.
"Ummmm, that's not me," a young male hero said, obviously confused. He was covered head to toe in a reflective material, and, thinking back, that was what had blinded me in the first place. "Plus, heroes have to come from the back room, remember?" The Water Wizard huffed and opened their mouth, but another commotion interrupted what they were about to say. Out of a door on the opposite side I came in from, a blue and black figure strode out, looking more regal then I ever could in her outfit. Tidalwave had arrived.
The heroes looked between Tidalwave and I, trying to piece together what had happened.
"What is everyone doin-?" Tidalwave started to speak, noticing the silence, but cut herself off when she saw me. "MirrorMirror...?" she asked hesitantly.
"For the last time, it's not me!!" the reflective man cried, exasperated, "Plus, I can't match the eyes, you guys know this!" There were murmurs of agreement at the fact, but I was still lost.
"Ummmm, why do you think I'm that mirror dude?" I asked.
"It's because MirrorMirror can make himself look like any humanoid shaped creature he wants to," The Water Wizard replied, waving their arm toward MirrorMirror, their robes swished at the movement, colored like the deepest ocean. In response, the reflective man's form shimmered and shifted, morphing into an exact replica of The Water Wizard.
"See?" The Water Wizard double spoke, but something was off... "Well, I can't change how my voice sounds, so I use this." The disguise broke apart into light-edged fragments and shrunk into nothing, revealing MirrorMirror pointing at a small black box on a thin, but sturdy chain. "But you sound perfectly like Tidalwave! How do you do it?"
"Oh, uh," I stumbled over my words, a little unsure of how to take that. "I mean, I'm just a fan of Tidalwave... A really big fan! That's why I made this outfit to replicate hers," I replied, excitedly, mostly to the water hero across the room. I quickly walked over to her, almost breaking into a run multiple times. "H-hi Tidalwave! I'm your biggest fan!! You saved me from an apartment fire almost 12 years ago! Do you remember me? Please tell me you remember me!" By the end of my mini speech, I was on my knees in front of the hero. I had a mild thought that I had grown unknowingly obsessed with this answer, but I didn't care. Tidalwave would say she remembered me, then she would applaud my bravery, and ask me to join her team. Of course I would say yes, and then we would be the perfect pair.
"I..." Tidalwave looked up from my face to The Water Wizard behind me and then back down. "I'm sorry, I don't remember. I've stopped hundreds of apartment fires, and they kinda blur together to be honest.... I mean!! I-I wish I did remember though, cause you seem like a cool kid, but I'm sorry. But let's get eatin-..."
But I could barely hear anything after she said she didn't remember. "how could you..." Tidalwave had stopped at that.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" she asked, unsure of what to do.
"I said..." I stood up, "How could you not remember me!!" I shouted, getting more and more confused and lost. My mind had been reeling, starting to shatter from the new development. "I have done everything for you! I followed you when you went on patrols, I followed every one of your social media platforms, I defended you from haters, I analyzed every single of your fights and found ways for you to improve your fighting!! I was even going to give them to you today when you asked me to be on your hero team!!!"
"But you're a civilian, not a hero..." Tidalwave said softly, "And you could get hurt..."
"SO COULD YOU!!!" I burst out, then quickly took a breath, trying to calm down. "So could you. And yet you still fight. Plus, you could teach me! Even The Water Wizard could teach me!" I exclaimed, flinging a hand in the direction of Tidalwave's old mentor.
"But I would never forgive myself if you got hurt," the black and blue dressed hero pleaded, attempting to appeal to reason. "The villains are strong, too strong for yo-"
"Are you calling me weak?" I asked. My voice was laced with venom, but I didn't care anymore.
"Wait, no, that's not what I-" Tidalwave's eyes widened, trying desperately to backpedal.
"No, you're too late," I snapped, "I gave you my heart. Now, you will regret breaking it." With that, I turned and walked out of the room, holding myself with a regal air in an attempt to ward off tears.
"Hey, the luncheon's not done for another hour... Don't you want more time with the heroes?" the redheaded security guard at the entrance asked me on my way out.
"No, no I don't." I replied with an unnatural calmness, "They are all useless anyway." And with that, I walked back to the hotel, leaving the guard confused.
I walked into the lobby of the hotel, over to my room, and opened the door. As soon as I stepped over the threshold and closed the door behind me, I sunk down, back leaning against the wood. I sat there for a second, before starting to cry and cry and cry. I must have only been there for 5 minutes, but it felt like days. I then sat there thinking for some more time, trying to figure out what I was gonna do next. I had thought that I was gonna be accepted as Tidalwave's apprentice and go back to their base, so I had sold almost all except my essentials and moved out of my apartment. Now, I was homeless and with no plan, just a large backpack full of clothes, some random survival tools, my useless phone which I had disconnected from my provider to have more money for this luncheon, and about 1,500 dollars left over from the 3,000, thanks to the 1,000 ticket, hotel fee and other various expenses.
After I had stared at the backpack at the foot of the hotel bed for about an hour, an idea came to me. Since Tidalwave and the heroes didn't take me, there was only one other option... And it allowed me to get my revenge.
"And that's pretty much how I got here." The teal haired villainess spoke. She still had some of the same motifs as Tidalwave, but it was darker. The leather jacket was ditched for a stylized bulletproof tank top. The black jeans stayed the same, but were now also bulletproof. Both pieces of clothing had what looked to be, at first glance, the same blue embroidered wave patterns, but they were actually azure flames. The choker was the exact same one she used just 3 years prior at the hero luncheon, a grim reminder to the villainess of their origins. She also didn't hide her hypnotic spiral eyes, the sight giving a slight advantage over unsuspecting opponents.
"But why become my nemesis...?" the bruised hero sputtered through the blood dripping from multiple orifices on their face. The villainess's head snapped towards her at the noise.
"Because," the blue fire villainess replied, walking towards the chair. "You were my everything." The hero watched as the other came closer, the movements reminding her uncomfortably of a hunter stalking it's prey. "And you forgot about me."
"I didn't mean to, there was just so man-" The hero was cut off by the villainess leaping at them and holding a solid sapphire colored knife to her neck. It was pressed hard enough to draw small sparkling beads of blood, which ran down the length and decorated the villainess's fingers in ruby spots.
"Don't try to make excuses now," she growled, venom coating every syllable. "You had your chance Tidalwave." The hero carefully formed soundless words, trying to communicate around the steel against her throat. The villainess lowered the knife agonizingly slow, watching the hero's every move carefully.
"C-can I at least know w-who you a-are?" Tidalwave asked, trying to fight past the pain. For a few terse seconds, the two black and blue costumed women started at each other. Then the villainess stepped back, straightening to her full height.
"Fine, but this changes nothing." Tidalwave nodded carefully trying not to spark another altercation.
"I'm Blue Phoenix and you will rue the day you forgot who I was."
So yeah, if you made it to the end, thank you and I hope you enjoyed reading! Feel free to continue the story, just make sure to give credit. 😊
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undeadgirlboy · 4 years
battle jacket guide for baby punks
battle jackets or vests are really big in the punk scene. they also look cool as fuck. one of my favorite things about them is that each person's is different and represents their own style and interests. there are a few different steps u can follow to make one
step one. acquire the jacket
when making a battle jacket it's best to get one without any stretch to the denim bc the elastic threads in stretchy denkm break down faster than regular denim and when you're sewing things on it you might get a weird puckering effect. thrift stores like goodwill or salvation army are good places to look if you have time, but in my experience they don't have a lot of jean jackets. you can probably find one at walmart in the mens section, or target. if you'd like something with a more modern edge or higher quality denim you can check outlet stores like ross and marshalls. that's where i found mine for around 20 dollars. of course if you have the money you can get a Levi's trucker jacket or somewhere else more expensive. the color of the jacket is up to you. now that you have a base layer you can move on to customization
step two. washing the jacket
one important thing to remember about battle jackets is that they're handwash/no wash so it's best to wash your jacket before you begin. you have no idea who has worn or touched it before now. just throw it in the washing machine on cold and go blast laura jane grace for a little bit. personally i run mine through the dryer but if you'd prefer to air dry make sure you lay it flat because if not it will get stretched out shoulders.
step three. dyeing or painting
this is the part where you can possibly dye or paint your jacket. i have never dyed my jacket, but you can find fabric dye at Walmart and just follow the instructions on the bottle. i decided to spray paint mine because i had some cheap black spray paint and i wanted to know what would happen. if you're going to spray paint your jacket, make sure you do it outside and let it dry thoroughly before bringing it in. i left mine for about 18 hours so that the smell was completely gone. after that you want to turn it inside out and run it through the dryer with a couple bath towels for about 30 minutes to heat set it. spray painting your jacket will make it a bit more stiff. walmart and some craft stores sell spray paint that is made for fabric, but i didn't feel like paying for those so i used what i had on hand. i know those are pretty expensive and the bottles don't have a lot in them. if you only plan to handwash your jacket or don't plan to wash it at all, regular spray paint should work fine for you.
step four. back patch
most battle jackets that i have seen have a larger central patch in the back, with smaller ones on the front and around it. it's not essential to have a back patch but i think it helps to tie the whole jacket together. you can either make a back patch yourself or buy one. the site angryyoungandpoor.com has some back patches for popular bands. some bands also have back patches on their merch stores, or you can make one yourself. i made mine out of an old against me t-shirt. i measured around the design, cut it out, and then sewed it on the back of my jacket. if you want to make your own back patch you can do so in one of several ways that i will cover in just a second
step five. embroidering patches
there are a lot of patches out there that you can buy, but most of the time it's cheaper just to make them yourself. embroidery thread is pretty cheap at walmart, and all you need is sturdy scrap fabric to make something really cool. when you're embroidery a patch it's a good idea to get an embroidery hoop to keep your fabric taut. if you don't like the color of your scrap denim you can layer a different fabric over it. i had some stretchy cotton left over from cropping a t shirt that i layered over denim to help keep it in shape. this also makes it easier when you're sewing your patch onto your jacket. i don't recommend embroidering directly onto your jacket because it's harder to manage and if you decide you don't like how it looks and you rip it out you're left with weird holes that don't look good. it's all up to you but i wouldn't recommend it.
step six. painting patches
if you'd rather just paint your patches, you can always use fabric paint or fabric pens. it's best to avoid using acrylic paint because it wears off and cracks, but i have heard you can prevent that by mixing fabric medium into it. i have painted a few patches with acrylic paint but i used a layer of mod podge over the top to protect it. acrylic painted patches CANNOT go through the washing machine.
if you'd like to copy a particular logo or image with paint and you're not good with freehand you can make a stencil for it. the way i make stencils is by printing out my design and then covering the paper front and back with masking tape. once I've done that, i use an exacto knife to cut out the lines of my design and then i'm ready to go. you can use spray paint with a stencil or you can sponge fabric paint onto the design. if you choose to use spray paint make sure you have fabric paint in that color so you can fix up any problems with the design when you're done.
step seven. attaching your patches.
sewing is one of the most tedious parts of making a battle jacket. if you don't know how to sew you can google it. a lot of people use white embroidery floss or dental floss and whip stitch around their patch. if you're attaching an iron on patch that you bought, you should stitch around it too to secure it. make sure you're using a thimble if you're going over seams of the jacket, or sewing on an iron-on patch. at first it might seem fine, if a little time consuming, but days of finger pain isn't worth it. i prefer to pin my patches before sewing them, but you do you. for larger patches i first attach it with a thread that matches the fabric before using a contrasting whip stitch. that just makes things easier for me but it's not mandatory.
step eight. adding metal
spikes, studs and safety pins are a staple of punk clothing. safety pins are easy because you can get them anywhere and just put them anywhere. i got a bunch of varying sizes from walmart and i put them on everything. just play around and see what you like. you can find studs at your local craft store, probably in the leather working section. you just have to poke two holes in the fabric, push the prongs on your stud through, and then bend them back to secure it. you can also get studs online if you need to. i bought a couple packs of screw back spikes a little while ago, and i have since been adding those to a lot of my clothing. spikes are simple to add too. you poke a hole in the fabric, push the screw through, and then screw on the spike. some people recommend adding a dot of super glue in between the spike and screw to secure it, but personally I haven't needed to do that.
another way to add metal to your jacket is with chains. you can sew them on all the day down, or leave them hanging. it just depends on what you want to do. you can get short chains from walmart, or big rolls of chain from craft stores.
step nine. finish up
that's honestly about it. any of the information here can be applied to vests too. if your jacket is really crusty and you don't want it on your skin you can always wear a hoodie underneath, especially when it's cold. battle jackets can be worn with basically anything. mine has always been my go-to jacket for any occasion. make sure it actually represents your political beliefs and bands you listen to. get ready for people to look at you weird in the grocery store. if anyone has anything to add feel free to reblog, and if you have questions my ask box is open. you can always submit a photo of your jacket to my blog because i love seeing other people's diy stuff. wear a mask, stay safe, and fuck the pigs <3
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edupunkn00b · 3 years
hey edu ! it's me. i just finished CH 6 of And I Feel Fine; i was going to read more tonight but i got a bried view of what was in CH 7, and in consideration of the content i believe is to come, i decided to take a break for now and go to sleep.
However! i did want to ask; i'm a bit of an artist, and i have been thinking of doing a piece (or multiple? unsure) for your series. Would that be okay?
If so, i also wanted to ask if you'd be willing to give physical descriptions of them? such as height, eye color, hairstyle, significant nuances etc etc. i have picked up a few things like that Janus is taller than Roman and that (i'm pretty sure?)Remus is taller than Logan, and that Remus has (as of Happily Ever After) dyed green hair. but if you'd be willing to go into a bit more detail on their appearances, i'd love it. i totally understand if you'd prefer not to, but i figured i'd ask.
hope you are well. <3
OML i would be honored and thrilled if you wanted to draw something for the story! 🥺
Frankly, i really picture the bois mostly like Thomas, with a few exceptions:
Heights: yes, you've nailed their (perceived) height differences. Barefoot, they're all really close in height, but Remus' preferred Docs (with really thick heels) make him appear the tallest of the quad. Logan literally tends to keep his head down, so he appears shorter. Janus wore Docs, as well, in Objections, and goes for dressy loafer-style shoes with a heel, making him appear even taller than Roman, who goes for Converse and Vans.
Janus - 6'1”, Roman/Remus - 6', Logan - 5'11"
Hair: Logan has very dark, Ken-doll style hair with longish bangs; by the time of And I Feel Fine, Janus has a no nonsense short haircut, naturally medium brown; Roman has wavy auburn hair, the kind that will curl when it gets longer: Remus has green hair by the last chapter of Objections and all through the rest of the stories (except for Roceit's wedding, when Roman insisted Remus dye it brown.) Remus wears his hair long on top, and it gets curly and is very, very green.
Eyes: Logan has blue eyes, Janus hazely-brown that are very changeable based in the available light, Remus and Roman both have bright green eyes.
Roman and Remus: years of pulling faces have literally made Remus' eyes and mouth look slightly different from Roman's, as observed by Janus in Objections. [And spoiler ...]
Scars: By the time of Happily, Remus has scars from closed lip piercings (they were too much trouble to keep up). Janus has a long thin scar on his cheekbone, along with some patches of differently-textured scarred skin from the attack in Objections. By the point you're at in And I Feel Fine, Logan has a small scar on his cheekbone (red now, will fade to white by Happily) below his right eye.
Clothing: Janus likes suits. (He also liked tight pants and slinky shirt for parties in Objections.) Logan dresses preppy and will wear a tie whenever he can justify it while he's married. (He wears them near-constantly in Happily.) Remus dresses techno-punk pre-Happily, and mostly skinny jeans with obscure tech tee-shirts. (His favorite is black with green lettering, saying Anaconda, the name of a Python tool.) He bought his motorcycle jacket during And I Feel Fine and wears it layered with a hoodie during colder weather. Roman wears anything and everything and likes to experiment with different styles (he prefers his Vans, of course, because they're easy to dance in.)
Tattoos and hidden scars: Janus has a small pride flag tattoo on his forearm, near the wrist. Remus has a large tattoo of a yellow ginkgo tree on the inside of his left arm, which conceals a large number of scars. Remus also has a small tattoo of the spider from Limbo on his hip. Logan has old scars on his wrist, hidden by his ubiquitous wrist watch (he upgrades to an Apple watch by the time of Happily.) Logan also has a scar near the back of his head, partially hidden by his hair, and his left palm and ring finger are scarred.
Those are the solid details I have. I try not to include too much in the stories so that people can build the mental pictures they want.
This was a very long answer and will happily talk your ear off about these bois anytime you want!
I hope you are doing well, too!! 💙💛❤️💚
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multibug · 4 years
i'm out of my head and i know that you're scared (because hearts get broken)
chapters: 19/? (chapter one is a prelude from my love square fluff series and is included) words: 51,441 relationships: adrien agreste/marinette dupain-cheng, alya cesaire/nino lahiffe   tags: Alternate Universe - No Kwamis, Chatting & Messaging, Long-Distance Friendship, Identity Reveal, Slow Burn, Influencers, Aged-Up Character(s), Human Kwamis, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Lila Shakes Things Up summary: ren from ren and stimpy: think its the opposite u furry lookin ass
right chat: Rena, nooo!!
ren from ren and stimpy: rena yes
or, Adrien is a streamer on top of his modeling job, with the help of his long-distance friends Ladybug, Carapace, and Rena Rouge. Shenanigans ensue, and the masks they’ve hidden behind for years begins to break.
“You’re telling me that some bitch—”
Nino sputters out a mildly horrified laugh. “Alya!”
A strand of hair is tucked behind her ear by said snapback-clad boy and she huffs loudly. “What, Nino? It’s not as if I’m wrong. As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, she stole my identity?!”
A strand of hair is tucked behind her ear by said snapback-clad boy and she huffs loudly. “What, Nino? It’s not as if I’m wrong. As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, she stole my identity?!”
“Yeah, we only realized she wasn’t you when the two of you returned from your trip and messaged us,” Adrien supplies helplessly, shifting to tuck a leg under him. 
Alya gives both him and Marinette the stink eye, though Adrien’s sure it’s just a test if he knows her well enough. “How could you ever think someone like that was me?” 
“To be fair, Als,” Marinette starts off, voice gentle as she scooches closer to Adrien to lean against his arm. “We didn’t really get to talk to her. I tried messaging her on Discord and on Twitch, but she kept claiming she was busy anytime I reached out. I figured you were just upset over the breakup originally and needed your space, you know? I didn’t want to push it.” 
The redhead’s harsh exterior fades, and they’re left with a sad one instead. “Yeah, it’s just bizarre that she’d even want my account? Is she that obsessed with sunshine over here?” 
“Hey! Don’t say that.” Adrien’s cheeks flush a deep shade of red, which has Marinette pinching them. He grabs her hands and huffs. “Hey to you too!” 
Marinette’s laughter is contagious. “Hey, what’s up?” 
Alya raises an eyebrow in Marinette’s direction and leans in to whisper into her ear. Whatever Alya says has Marinette’s cheeks burning a bright shade of pink that travels to her neck and parts of her shoulders. She quickly removes her hands from Adrien’s, yet stays tucked against his side.
Both of them blinking over in Adrien’s direction has him believing it had something to do with him. 
“Whatever the case may be,” Adrien begins, flicking his hair out of his eyes. He’s not thinking about those last few seconds. Nope. “We need to be smart about this, Ren—Alya. She has your account right now and has all of our subscribers like putty in her hands.” 
“Adrien’s right. If we go about this the wrong way, they might think we’re lying, and we do not want for that to happen,” Nino chimes in, resting a reassuring hand on Alya’s shoulder as she begins to close in on herself. 
“It’s weird seeing you be reasonable,” Marinette comments idly, her hair splaying out over Adrien’s arm and shoulder. 
Nino hums. “Only when it’s needed.” 
“That’s a good way to live.” 
“Yeah, I try.” Nino flips his non-existent long hair over his shoulder. 
“So what do we do?” Alya’s voice is soft, nowhere near as confident as the girl they know. 
Marinette sends her a reassuring smile. “Max is working on getting the account back as we speak. Going through the conventional means won’t work, but if anyone can do it, it’s Max.”
“He said he’d call once he has the account back, so instead of sitting around all day like plebs, I’ve planned us a little adventure.” Nino’s lips curve into a smirk that excites Adrien. “Get dressed, lads and ladettes. We’ve places to be, things to see!” 
“Do you have any idea what he’s got planned?” Marinette asks both Adrien and Alya as Nino disappears into the guest room to supposedly finish getting ready. 
A light breeze travels in through the screen door of the balcony. It’s chillier than it’s been the last few days, though not nearly as cold as Paris is during this time of year. Birds still flock regularly on Marinette’s balcony, a few residing today with the leftovers of what she’d given them earlier. 
Adrien loves it here. 
(Marinette definitely isn’t the main reason, no. He wouldn’t admit it to himself if he was paid to.) 
“No idea,” Alya replies with a shrug, a far-off look in her eye. “I’m going to go get dressed.” As soon as the look had appeared, it vanished, and she follows Nino to change. 
“We have to keep an eye on her,” Marinette whispers, a bit too close to constitute a reasonable amount of personal space, but Adrien isn’t complaining. “I don’t like seeing her like this.” 
His heart warms at how caring she is. “You’re too nice, Bug. She’ll be okay, but we’ll be there for her if she needs us, okay?” 
He hopes his reassurance is enough to quell her worries. 
It does seem to be enough, and a huge smile breaks out on her face. “Thanks, Adrien. You’re the best.” She leaves him with a quick, slightly wet kiss on the cheek and scurries out of the room with a giggle, much to Adrien’s amusement. 
He raises his eyebrows with a smirk, shaking his head fondly. If that’s how she wants to play, then so be it. 
Game on.
— — — 
PANINI: gamers im taking the ladies out today if you guys want to come, let me know and i’ll dm you the details
Banana head: NINO, YOU IDIOT. I’M NOT A LADY. Who changed my name? I will end you.
chlo: rmbr u rmbr right?
Banana head: Chlo, I swear to all that is holy. Don’t tell that story. 
chlo: how much?
RENegade: is sHE ASKING FOR SEX???
marimba: SEX???????? wheRE?????
Kagami: Lesbian, huh? ;) 
chlo: kagami stfu is2g
Kagami: ;)
chlo: ANYWAYS how much money, adri
Banana head: You want another Louis Vuitton bag, don’t you?
Banana head: Sigh. I’ll see what I can do. 
chlo: thanks bitch! you’re the bomb bomb dot com bomb diggity someone take away my phone
Alix: hey, @Carapace, what time are you guys going out? rose, juleka and i are about to see a movie but if it’s after that, we can meet up
PANINI: we were gonna head out before the rain hit so in like five minutes
Juls: drat we can just hang out another time then :( have fun guys!!!!
Banana head: Best meme. 10/10. 
luka: how can you say that when the chicken nuggets meme exists
marimba: I ONLY HAVE 69 CENTS!! GOOD MEME!!!!!! 
luka: see even marinette knows
marimba: haha it has 69 in it haha haha ha 
Banana head: You’re such a child!!!! 
Banana head: I’M KIDDING. I’M KIDDING!!!!
marimba: that’s what i thought :) 
PANIN(o)I: y’all better be ready we leaving now let’s GO 
marimba: wITHOUT ME????
Adrien’s been ready for a bit, but he doesn’t mind waiting. 
He decided on wearing a pair of black jeans instead of shorts, just in case it rains while they’re out, and a black sweater with a thick jean jacket. His hair is a dark brown shade, still lightening at a slow rate, though he doesn’t mind it much at this shade. 
He wouldn’t dye it again to match, but he’ll let it fade as he’s enjoying the brunet life.
Marinette’s bedroom door squeaks open and she appears through the door, dressed and ready to go. 
And wow. No one should look that good, and she pulls it off so easily. 
Her bangs frame her face like curtains, her hair just past shoulder length from being straightened. Her bright blue eyes blink amusedly at him, lips arching into a smile.
The only makeup he spots is on her lips, a lip gloss that makes her lips look super kissable. “Problem, Agreste?” 
Laughter bubbles out of his lips, and he averts his eyes. “None, Dupain-Cheng. Just admiring your beauty, is all.” Lying won’t help his cause, so he might as well be honest. 
She rolls her eyes, hard enough to hurt, yet her cheeks give her away. “Sure, whatever you say!” 
His eyes flash over her attire. While she’s not dressed up by any means, the outfit she chose suits her so well. 
Wait. Is she trying to kill him?
With the impending rain and whether they’ll end up caught in the crossfire, she’s chosen a black baggy sweater, denim jeans with large holes around the knees with fishnet stockings underneath, and black old-skool vans. 
And to top it off, she’s wearing his merch. His Chat Noir sweater that’s completely black, with white lettering in the center that says, “I’m the Chat’s meow”. He hadn’t noticed at first, been too preoccupied with, er, other things—her lips—and he’d lie if he said his face didn’t get slightly hot at seeing her in person in his merch. 
“I thought you only bought the sweatpants, Bug?” He asks offhandedly, eyes averting from her for a second time. 
(He has no idea the nickname brings another bout of red to her cheeks.)
“Shut up or I will take it off right now—” 
“Oh, please d—”
She’s in front of him in a second, her hand firmly covering his mouth with a menacing look in her eyes. “Adrien Agreste, if you continue with that sentence, I will murder you and I won’t tell anyone where I hid your body—”
Adrien bursts out laughing the best he can, and it sounds so bizarre with her hand muffling it. His own hand finds her wrist and wraps around it, gently prying it away from his face. “Bug, please, you’re going to kill me!”
“You’re not wrong about that,” she affirms with her eyes narrowed. She allows him to keep hold of her wrist.
“I was kidding,” he murmurs, eyes locking with hers as he brings her wrist to his lips and presses a light kiss to her skin. With how close she is, he can feel her breath hitch, so he sends her his best smile. “I would never want to make you uncomfortable.” 
Marinette’s head tilts to the side, face softening. Her free hand finds his cheeks and she squeezes them gently. “You’ve never made me uncomfortable before, and you haven’t now. I was kidding as well.” 
His eyes brighten. “Oh, so that means you—”
“You’re absolutely hopeless!” Her forehead drops to his shoulder as she whines loudly. 
“There, there,” he says, hand wrapping around her to pat her back. “You’ll be okay, Bug, don’t worry. I’ve got you.” 
She’s warm, so warm against him that his jacket feels stifling, and he tugs her closer, enjoying—savoring this moment with her. He doesn’t have many days left in Nice, and he wants to cherish every second he can. 
There goes his heart again, pitter-pattering away, following hers like a lost puppy. 
If only she knew.
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
Fallin’ All In You (Pt. 65)
Title: Fallin’ All In You (Pt. 65)
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​​
Words: 2,271
Warnings: Soft smut, pregnancy sex
Tags: @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​, @two-unbeatable-beaters​, @randomness501​, @sevvysaurus​, @paryl​, @talesfromtheguild​, @secretsihideinside​, @agingerindenial​, @mrschiltoncat​
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711​, @fioccodineveautunnale​, @phoenixhalliwell​
Author Notes: Oooh! I loved writing this one! I loved the nesting stage of pregnancy. To prep for my little beast my husband and I decided to tie dye onesies for him. They came out really cute and I loved doing them. Feedback is always welcome!
Gif Credit: Pinterest
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         Placing a hand over your rounded stomach you sigh softly as you look around the small room. There’s opened boxes piled up in one corner of the room and the floor is littered with wall art decorations and a tall potted plant as well as other things to decorate the soon to be nursery.
         You and Jack had already painted the room a light heather grey color on three sides and on the fourth side you decided to put up three quarter length wood panels in dark hunter green and white and green leaf wallpaper. The wall is where the distressed light wood crib stood all done up with a star speckled bed sheet and a hand quilted baby blanket draped over the edge of the crib that was made by Addison. The blanket is absolutely stunning and so soft; Addison had managed to find different quilt squares with little graphics that meant something to both you and Jack. As you sat there staring at it from the floor you felt happy tears begin to pool in your eyes.
         You could see a blue square with silver sparkly stars on it, as well as a black square with green shamrocks, and then there was a square with the Statesman logo that Addison had specifically made for this project of hers. Just by staring at the blanket you could feel the love and time that she put in to the project and you were so proud of her artwork. Slowly standing from the floor you moved over to the crib and lightly traced your hand along the railing. In just a few short months your little one would here and you honestly couldn’t wait to meet them.
         You and Jack had decided that you weren’t going to find out the sex of the baby beforehand and that you would keep it a secret. And while Tequila and most of the family were annoyed about it they respected your decision. In fact if rumors were true there was a betting pool on the sex of the baby and the due date. Just last week Tequila kept hinting that he needed to go into labor two days after your due date. Smiling softly you turned from the crib and looked at the wall decorations that you had laid out to figure out where each would go.
         “Alright so I’ve got a step ladder and some tools. Have you figured out where you want the clocks?” Jack asked as he walked into the nursery carrying a step ladder and a tool box. He beamed over at you as you turned to him with a bright smile. You watched as his eyes glazed over a little and you chuckled softly. He’d been doing that a lot lately, just gazing at you with this lovey dovey look in his eyes. When you had teased him on it he had told you that you just glowed while you were pregnant with his baby. Nodding over to the corner that didn’t have the boxes in it you picked up one of the clocks and the letter decals that you had bought.
         After you had perused pinterest for ideas for the nursery you had found a very cute idea of hanging different clocks to show the different time zones of certain cities that meant something to you and Jack. The two of you had decided on three different clocks one was for Kentucky since that’s where you were stationed in Statesman, the second was for Colorado since that was where your first mission with Jack was, and the third was for Sydney since that was where the two of you had taken your honeymoon. You smiled softly as Jack set up the step ladder and began to climb it before looking down at you with a bright smile.
         “What?” you asked smiling back at him.
         “Just a different perspective of my pregnant wife.” He mused softly and you laughed brightly at him.
         “You’re such a cheeseball.” You teased him before handing him the decal for Kentucky. “So that’s going to go above the clock.” You instructed him softly and he made sure to place each word and clock on the wall to your liking.
         “So that’s where you’re going to put the rocking chair?” he asked as he moved the step ladder away from the corner.
         “Yup, figured the baby would be interested in seeing the clocks as we rocked together at bedtimes.” You mused softly with a smile. Jack wrapped his arms around your large belly from behind as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
         “That’s a good idea darlin’.” He complimented you and you smiled warmly as your hands came up to cover his own. The two of you hummed as you both felt the hard kick coming from within. “So baby’s awake huh?” he asked softly.
         “Mmhmm, it’s the active hour for them. Likes to kick and punch as hard as they can to keep me on my toes.” You said softly with a smile. You loved this period of being pregnant, you were over the morning sickness and while you were constantly tired at least now you were a little bit more used to it. But what you really loved was the nesting feeling that you constantly had now. Your body was getting ready to give birth and the feeling of getting everything ready was such a rush for you.
         “Ya know, I can help with calming them down.” Jack cooed to you and you smirked softly at his words.
         “You just want pregnant sex.” You teased him and he barked out a delighted laugh.
         “Well I ain’t gonna lie to you.” He sing songed and you shook your head with a happy smile. Jack had been smitten with you as soon as your belly began to grow. He was constantly touching you whether it actually be on the belly or anywhere on your body he was touching. And it was like his libido had been dialed up to the max as soon as your body started showing. The man just couldn’t get enough of you.
         “Let’s get the rest of these pictures up before we get to that. Okay?” you suggested softly patting his hands.
           It had only taken you and Jack another hour before the room was done up to your liking. You smiled as you looked around the room your eyes darting to each piece of artwork on the walls. You had asked certain family members and friends to each pick out a piece of artwork that meant something to them so that the little baby had a representation of each important person in their life. There was a silhouette painting of a cowboy on a bucking bronco from Tequila, there was a stunning photo of Boston’s North End from Murdock, there was pair of beautiful water color paintings of fields of flowers from both Rachel and Charlotte, there was an old photo of the Daniel’s farm from Memaw, and finally there were three framed photos of the Daniel’s family and Tequila at different holiday celebrations from Addison.
         You loved the eclectic collection of wall hangings from each family member and felt your heart do a little flutter in your chest as you saw the love from each member of the family. Taking in a deep breath you sighed.
         “It looks wonderful darlin’.” Jack said softly as he pressed a kiss to your temple as he stood next to you in the nursery. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and tugged in close to his side before he began peppering kisses all over your face.
         “Mmm, Jack. Not here.” You said softly and he lifted his head to gaze down at you. His eyes were clouded with lust as his hands skimmed up and down your sides his thumbs grazing against your swollen belly. He blinked slowly before he began to look around the room and now.
         “You’re right. Not here.” He said softly and you smiled as he quickly turned you and marched you out of the nursery and to your bedroom.
         Once there he quickly nudged you onto the bed and you fell backwards with a soft grunt. Scooting back on the bed you yelped when Jack grabbed your ankle and yanked you back over to him where he was standing at the edge of the bed. “Like this. I wanna make love to you right here.” He husked out and you felt your body flush with arousal. Nodding your head you began to tug your loose long tank top from your body. Jack’s hands came to help you as he slid them over the skin that was soon exposed.
         He hummed softly when he saw that you weren’t a bra and his large hands came to cup your growing breasts. You moaned loudly and your head flung backwards as you leaned back on your elbows. Jack grinned at how sensitive you were to his touch. Your chest was heaving now as you tried to suck in air as his caresses began to travel from your breasts to your ever growing belly. His hands glided softly across your tight skin and you moaned again in pleasure feeling the ticklish touch soothe your skin.
         Soon his fingers were hooking in the waistband of your yoga pants and he was sliding them from your body throwing them over his shoulder. His hand came up to your shoulder and pushed you to lie back on the bed. His eyes were lit with a passionate fire as he gazed down at you.
         “Damn darlin’ you look ethereal.” He husked out as his hands slid up from your knees over your thighs letting them fall open. “Absolutely stunning.” He whispered to you as his eyes settled on your covered core. You whimpered softly when you felt one of his knuckles graze lightly against your clit.
         “Jack please.” You begged him and his eyes snapped up to yours before he growled and quickly dragged your underwear from your body. “No foreplay. I’m so wet for you.” You whispered out to him and Jack grunted softly as he watched your thighs fall even farther open.
         “Fuck darlin’.” He hissed out his thumb coming up to part your lips and he groaned when he saw how slick you were for him. His hands left your body hurriedly and you heard the belt buckle on his jeans clatter and clink. Soon he was stepping closer to the edge of the bed and gripped your thighs pulling you closer to him. You tried to look down your body to see him but your belly was in the way and you huffed as you rose to your elbows. When you were finally able to see, he had his hard cock in his hand as it stroked it slowly before lining it up with your entrance. The head of his cock notched into your entrance and you moaned loudly as you fell back to the bed. Your body arched up as he slid further and further inside of you and your hands came up to grasp at your breasts. “That’s it darlin’.” Jack moaned out as he watched your hands hungrily.
         The pace was slow and languid as he gazed at you from the edge of the bed. He could see every inch of your delicious body as he thrust into you. He watched as your hands kneaded and gripped at your breasts before plucking at your nipples. Your mouth hung open as moan after moan escaped you. You were so beautiful to him and the fact that you were carrying his child made his whole body heat with arousal. “Darlin’, fuck. I’m not gonna last.” He said almost with embarrassment. He watched you thrash your head from side to side as your own pleasure coursed through you.
         “I’m so close Jack.” You whimpered out and Jack trailed his hand over your hips before his thumb connected with your clit and began rubbing soft circles around the bundle of nerves. You squealed softly at the sensation and Jack grinned knowing that he was going to be sending you into outer space in a moment. You breasts were bouncing as your chest heaved. “Oh! Jack! Jack!” you suddenly cried out and one of your hands came to latch onto his wrists as he felt your walls closing around him.
         “Fuck!” he shouted out as he buried himself deep inside of you and stayed there just feeling your walls fluttering around him. He groaned when suddenly his release burst from him. You moaned tiredly shaking your head slowly from side to side.
         When the two of you had come down from your highs Jack slowly pulled out and walked to the bathroom grabbing a warm wash cloth. He gently swiped the cloth all along your body cleaning you of the sweat you had built up and then cleaned softly between your thighs. When he discarded the washcloth he came back to lift you up in the bed and place you down on the pillows where you snuggled in under the blanket. Jack smiled softly at you as he slid in next to you and your body curled into his. You placed a soft tender kiss on his chest over where his heart beat rapidly before you hummed and settled against him.
         Jack couldn’t help the wide smile that formed on his lips as he snuggled in closer to you and slowly let his eyelids drift closed. Quickly falling asleep with you in his arms and a warm large hand resting on your belly.
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cherishingstydia · 4 years
Hi, I don't know if you are taking prompts but I love your 5+1 fics and I would love if you could write a 5 times buck wore a crop top + 1 Eddie wore one. If you can't it's ok. Thanks ❤️
The first time Buck wore a crop top around Eddie it wasn’t really intentional. He’d ordered a new shirt online and went to try it on and he’d originally just ordered a T-shirt, but they’d mixed up his order.
“Look at this.” Buck grinned walking out abs on display wearing a Tie-dye crop top and sweats hanging low on his hips. “So should I have them fix my order or just stick with this.”
Eddie looked his boyfriend up and then licked his lips.
“I think you look really good in this one, but you look even better out of it.” Eddie said as he pulled Buck into his lap before kissing him.
“Hmmm you wanna test out that theory.” Buck smiled before heading towards their bedroom.
“You know what actually...I want you to leave it on.” Eddie said as followed behind Buck.
Eddie looked at Bucks old LAFD shirt and laughed.
“What?” Buck groaned.
“You know your shirt has a big tear right?” Eddie said before reaching over and pinching his boyfriends side.
“Guess there’s just one solution.”
“Throw it away because it’s ruined?”
“No?! Make a crop top obviously!” Buck said before grabbing the scissors and beginning to cut.
“Why don’t you let me do that. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Go for it.” Buck said handing over the scissors.
“Perfect.” Eddie smiled after he had cut off all the excess material.
“Me or the shirt?” Buck winked.
“The shirt, but you’re not so bad either.” Eddie laughed.
Eddie watched the way Bucks abs glistened with sweat during his workout. Some days were a lot harder to focus during Bucks work out at the station. Today’s work our attire which include a crop top and bicycle shorts were definitely giving Eddie some NSFW thoughts.Buck looked at Eddie who was staring intently.
“So I’m sweating up a storm working out and you’re just sitting there staring? Unfair.”
“No what’s unfair is how good you’re looking right now because I can’t even do anything about it for another 10 hours when our shift ends.” Eddie let out a deep breath.
“So what I’m getting is you want me to wear crop tops more. Got it.”
“No you don’t want me to?”
“Ok Eddie I’m lost?
“I like when you wear them.” Eddie said before leaving the gym before anything embarrassing like a boner at work happened
Eddie watched as Buck washed off Abuelas car and of course he was wearing yet another crop top. This one was white and in black letters it said “be kind”. Buck was really careless and his shirt was drenched leaving even less to the imagination. Even tho Eddie already knew what he looked like underneath the layers.
“Edmundo!” Abuela yelled as she came out the door.
“Huh?” Eddie jumped.
“Making sweet Buck do all the work while you sit here doing nothing.”
“It’s ok.” Buck nodded.
“I’m getting you a lemonade.” Abuela insisted.
“I’ll take one!” Eddie smiled.
“Lemonade is for workers not sitters.” Abuela laughed before going back inside.
Eddie rushed over to Buck. “First you try to give me a boner at work and now at my abuelas? Just please stop.”
“Fine, but only because I don’t wanna scar Abuela from seeing her grandson with a boner.”
Eddie sat at the booth in the bar wondering where Buck was. They always ride together even before they started dating. Buck was pretty easy to spot once he got there. Eddie waved and he made his way over to the booth removing his denim jacket. This crop top was one Eddie hadn’t even imagined Buck wearing but he liked it. It was a black fishnet crop top. Eddie just sat there in shock staring at Buck.
“Do you like it.” Buck smirked.
“You know I do. Pretty sure you could wear literally anything and it would look good.” Eddie said admiring his boyfriend.
“This is is why we drove seperate. I wanted it to be a surprise. Well actually I took an Uber that way we can still leave together.”
“Yeah if we drove together I don’t think we would have even made it out of the house.” Eddie licked his lips.
Buck leaned over lips brushing against Eddies ear. “Glad you like it. I bought it for me, but it’s as much for me as it is for you. I knew you’d like this one.”
Eddies hand made its way to Bucks cheek before pulling him closer for a kiss. “You’re such a considerate boyfriend, but do you have to keep turning me on in public? I mean I can deal with seeing you in croptops in public because I mean you’re always hot. It’s the things you say and you know exactly what to say.”
“You like it don’t you? I know I do. Knowing how bad you want me, but knowing you have to wait until we get back to one of our places. All this teasing is definitely worth what happens later.” Buck said nipping at Eddies ear before palming him through his jeans. “Oh yeah it feels like you definitely like it.”
“Let’s go.” Eddie demanded.
“We didn’t even drink anything yet.” Buck said trying to act innocent.
“I have beer at home, or we could always take this to the bathroom, but last time we tried that you were too loud, and I wanna hear you. So do you wanna go?”
“Yeah lets go!” Buck said with flushed cheeks.
Eddie brought a bag of clothes to keep some at Bucks place that way when he sleeps over he has stuff to wear rather than just borrowing Bucks all the time. He put the clothes in the empty drawer Buck had made for him before joining Buck in the kitchen.
Eddie got himself a glass of water and “accidentally” spilled it. “Oh well good thing I have spare clothes.” Eddie laughed as he made his way to the stairs.
A few minutes later he descended down the staircase. Buck did a double take when he saw what Eddie was wearing. It was a crop top, but it was one Eddie must’ve gotten himself it was neon green. He stood there speechless watching Eddie.
“What did you think only you got to wear these. You seem to wear them all the time now, so I thought I’d give it a try, and it’s really comfortable.”
“No you look good. You should wear those more often. Buy more or borrow mine I don’t care.” Buck smirked.
“Ok anything to please my man..” Eddie grinned as walked over and pinned Buck against the counter connecting their lips.
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firstdegreefangirl · 4 years
Eddie Week Day Five: Eddie and His Idiot Husband
Word Count: 2291
Original Pub Date: 19 June 2020
Relationships: Eddie Diaz & Christopher Diaz, Eddie Diaz & Abuela
Author's Note: Me? Writing Christmas fic in June? More likely than you think.
Read on ao3 here
Usual suspects: @eddiediazweek @hearteyesforbuck @rebeccaofsbfarm @thisissirius @hearteyesforbuck @dramamineontopofme @twinien @meloingly @myemergence
It started out simply enough: Eddie was picking Buck up from the car dealership, taking him to lunch with Christopher while he waited on an oil change. As soon as Buck swung himself up into the truck seat, Chris started giggling.
“What? What’s so funny, little dude?” Buck turns around in the seat to watch him laughing, and Eddie looked up in the rearview mirror to see his son practically doubled over against his seatbelt.
“You-you guys are … you guys are TWINS!” He can hardly get the words out, but as soon as Eddie realizes what he’s said, he glances across the console at Buck
Sure enough, they’re both wearing blue jeans and the same T-shirt: plain black with the LAFD logo on the chest.
It’s an easy coincidence, especially given how many shirts they both have that are identical, city-issued for special events or fundraisers. They’re not technically uniform, but everyone wears them to work, so it only takes a few months to accumulate a pretty big collection.  
Eddie can see the moment when Buck realizes what’s happened, and he feels his heart swell at the way his face lights up.
“Well,” Buck exaggerates the way he winks at Eddie, makes sure Christopher can see the gesture, and looks to the backseat again. “One of us is going to have to change.”  
It happens again three weeks later, just a couple of days after they take Christopher to the aquarium.
(Eddie had tried to call it a “family day,” but he saw the way Buck squirmed at the notion of being part of a family, of having a family so unlike the one where he grew up, one that does things together, has special days and events for no particular reason.  
So he’d dropped it, but knows it’s something that will come up again later, something for them to work on as a family, even if they don’t call it that just yet.)
Because they are a family, and if it weren’t obvious enough, when the got through to the giftshop, Christopher had insisted on a set of three identical Stingray Bay T-shirts to commemorate the occasion. And neither of them have ever been able to tell him no, not for something as simple as that, so Buck had dropped a small fortune on them, insisted on paying after Eddie had bought the ice cream earlier in the day.  
Eddie knows he should have seen this coming, should have anticipated that Buck would show up wearing his stingray shirt on Tuesday when they met at the school to surprise Chris with lunch.  
Buck does this; every single time Christopher gives him something, he makes a point of showing it off, using it when he knows he’ll be able to see how much Buck loved the gift.
So Eddie should have known he’d pick today to debut the new shirt, should have planned ahead and picked something else, literally anything else, from his closet.  
Not that he doesn’t love the idea of matching clothes with Buck, but that he’d at least like to be a little bit more subtle about it than a pair of blue and grey tie-dye swirled T-shirts with bright yellow lettering and a cartoon stingray. He couldn’t possibly be happier than he is when he’s with Buck; the last year and a half have been the best of his life.  
But he’d rather show it off with the way they can't stop smiling when they’re together, the way they’re constantly touching, always seeking each other out. It’s a quieter, more honest demonstration of their relationship.  
But there’s not much he can do about it when he meets Buck out front of the building and they’re both wearing the shirts. It’s not like he has a closet in his truck with extra clothes, so all he can do is grin and bear it.  
It’s worth it though, for the way Buck pulls his sunglasses down and whistles as Eddie approaches.
“Nice shirt, babe. Where’d you get it?”  
“Just this place I know.” Eddie can’t help but roll his eyes. “My kid picked it out, and the hottest guy I’ve ever seen bought it for me.”  
“Oh, a hot guy? Should I be jealous?” Buck laughs and pulls the door open, settling his hand low on Eddie’s back as he kisses him gently and walks into the building.
“Only because I’m the one holding the French fries, and you know how Chris picks his favorite dad for the day.”
A month later, Eddie starts a massive load of laundry before he gets dressed for work, having put it off for long enough that he knows it’ll probably need two cycles in the dryer. Only after the machine had started filling with water did he realize that he hadn’t remembered to set aside the least-dirty shirt in the pile so he had something to wear into the station.  
Which leaves him scrambling to find a shirt, any shirt he can wear until he gets to work and puts his uniform on. There’s one left, stuck way at the back of his drawer.  
It’s the very epitome of a Laundry Day shirt, covered in garish black and white stripes. In one of his finer moments as a father, Eddie had let Christopher rope him into dressing up as a zebra for the station Halloween party so he could be a zookeeper.  
(There had been no need to rope Buck in. In fact, the whole thing had been Buck’s idea, after he’d gone with Chris on the field trip to the zoo and sat next to him while they watched the zebra feeding.)
The costume had been great, he has to admit. But as soon as the party was over, the shirt went to the back of the drawer, waiting for yardwork season.  
Or, laundry day.
Reluctantly, he pulls the shirt over his head and hopes that he’s running late enough to make it into the locker room before anyone sees him.  
But why would that go in his favor when nothing else this morning has? Eddie has just made it into the station when he collides with a black and white striped blur.
“What? Ed—” Buck steadies them both and looks Eddie up and down, checking for any injuries. “I leave you alone for one night, and you hardly make it to work on—”
Eddie watches his face as Buck realizes which shirt he’s wearing, and he’s sure it must match his own expression when he sees the same garment pulled taut across Buck’s chest.  
“—time.” Buck finishes, amusement shining in his eyes.
“Well maybe I wouldn’t be running late if someone hadn’t insisted on ‘saying goodbye’ before he went home last night.” Eddie raises an eyebrow and Buck flushes at the memory of how … thorough … his parting kiss had been. “Could’ve had the laundry in the machine last night, maybe even had a regular shirt to wear today.”  
“I’ll have you know that I happen to think this is an excellent shirt on you.” Buck runs his hand up Eddie’s torso to wrap his fingers over his shoulders.  
“Mm, there’s no way it looks better than yours does.” Eddie mirrors the gesture with a smirk. “You know my excuse; why’d you pick it out?”
He’s not sure what he’s expecting Buck to say, knows it’s nothing to do with seeing Chris since he’s at a sleepover after school tonight. But Buck still manages to surprise him when he shrugs, and responds like he’s saying the most obvious thing in the world.
“Couldn’t decide if I wanted to wear a white shirt or a black shirt today. So, both.” With his free hand, he waves up and down his body.
Eddie’s got a response all ready to go, is ready to watch the look on Buck’s face when he asks why he didn’t just split the difference and wear grey, but before he can say anything, Hen rounds the corner and bursts out laughing.
“OK,” She gasps out when she’s finally able to control her chuckles again. “Are you two only going to wear clothes from Christopher from now on? Because I’m telling you both, that is a mistake. He’s a cute kid, but the fashion doesn’t translate well to grown men.”  
Neither of them respond, and she walks away after a few moments, calling out for Chimney, who “isn’t going to believe what these idiots managed today!” Once she’s gone, they look at each other and smile.
“Laundry day?”
“Only way I was going to have a shirt for tomorrow that doesn’t have the style sense of a nine-year-old.”  
After that, the spell seems to be broken, whatever wardrobe-wavelength he and Buck were on shifted far enough that they’re dressing independently again.  
Before Eddie knows it, there’s a chill in the air – as much as there ever is in LA – and he and Buck are taking Christopher back to the mall to see Santa again.  
This year, there’s nothing stopping him from leaning against Buck while they wait in line, no reason for Buck not to tuck three of his fingers into the back pocket of Eddie’s jeans.  
While they’re waiting for Chris to come back out of the little cardboard village house, something catches Eddie’s eye in the window of the nearby department store. He turns to face Buck, putting just enough distance between them for Buck’s hand to drop back to his own side.  
“Hey, I’ll be right back. Long as that kid’s list is, you’ll still be waiting, but if not, meet you guys right here?”
“Sure.” Buck smiles, clearly unconcerned as Eddie walks away. He doesn’t waste any time, quickly finds what he’s looking for and waits in a miraculously short pre-Christmas line to check out and join Buck back in the winter wonderland.  
He sits the paper gift bag by their feet, rebuffs Buck’s attempts to find out what’s inside.
“Would you be patient?” But he’s smiling as he nudges Buck away from him. “You’ll find out in … 18 days.”  
“Fine.” Buck rolls his eyes. “But I’m not telling you what your present is either.”  
Eddie picks up a few other things along the way, loves nothing more than spoiling Buck when he has the chance, but there’s no gift he’s more excited about than the one from the mall. It had been such a hit last year that the 118 decides to celebrate en masse again, so he slips the presents into a large box and slides it into the bed of his truck before making sure Christopher's ready to go.
They make it through dinner and two rounds of presents before Eddie can’t wait any longer. When it’s Buck’s turn to unwrap something again, Eddie passes him a slim, flat package.
“Open this one. You’ve waited patiently enough.”
He watches closely as Buck peels away the paper and shakes the box to reveal a silk necktie the exact same color as his eyes. He beams at Eddie, then gasps and stands up in a hurry.
“Bobby! Eddie needs to open the next gift!”  
“Why? He gets to go again in two turns.” Bobby, ever the father figure, has been keeping track, making sure everything is handled diplomatically. Buck steps carefully through the children spread out in the middle of the floor, making his way across the room to whisper something in Bobby’s ear. His eyes widen as he considers whatever case it is that Buck’s making, and he nods. “Alright, I think we can make an exception just this once. Go get your present, son.”  
He bounds across the room and fishes a tiny, firecracker-shaped package from underneath the tree then tosses it to Eddie.
“Your turn, honeybunches.” The over-the-top pet name elicits eye rolls from around the room – Eddie included – and Buck grins as he settles himself back in the seat beside him.  
Eddie turns the present over in his hand, tries to figure out what Buck might have come up with that would be shaped like this. Finally, he gives up on trying to guess and just pulls the ribbon loose at one end, folds the wrapping back to reveal –
An identical blue necktie.
Maddie puts it together first, claps a hand over her mouth to muffle her delighted squeal.
“You bought me … your necktie?” Eddie holds it up, trying to gauge if they really are the same shade of blue.
“No. Well, yes, I did. But that wasn’t … I didn’t know you’d bought one for me. You just always look at things this color when we’re at the mall, so I figured you must like it.”  
“It’s my favorite color,” Eddie replies, his voice thick with quiet wonder. “It matches your eyes.”
On Maddie’s other side, Chimney leans in to stage-whisper, loud enough for the whole group to hear. “Gee, wonder why it’s his favorite. Could it be? Do you think? Nah …"  
She swats his arm and he yelps, but stops talking.
“Your favorite color … is my eyes?”  
“Yeah, they’re ... blue.” There are a million other thoughts going through Eddie’s head, moving so fast that he can’t pin any one of them down enough to elaborate.  
He looks up from the tie, stares into Buck’s eyes and marvels at how a ribbon of fabric was able to match the color so perfectly. As Christmas gifts go, a necktie is pretty unremarkable, but Eddie knows right away that he’ll treasure this one forever.
As the party goes on around them, Eddie’s mind wanders to the little velvet box in his pocket.  
Maybe just once, he and Buck can plan to coordinate their outfits, right down to matching neckties.  
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bedindead · 4 years
HQ Pride Headcannons Pt.2! Nekoma Edition!
I cant draw for shit but like designing clothes/outfits so ill do my best to describe them. I also ended up including random hcs and relationships.
He’s a bi boy
In a surprising contrast to Bokuto he really doesn’t do too much. He’s honestly kinda awkward with the huge crowd of Tokyo pride. He says he just doesnt want to bring too much attention to kenma, but neither of them really want to draw too many eyes.
He wears black joggers but he has a single little ruffle that ombres from pink to purple to blue that wraps around his right leg. (Akaashi customized it for him)
I have this stupid idea that his shirt says ‘It’s a vBIe’ as a weird take on ‘It’s a vibe’ and everyone laughed when they saw it, but Bokuto was like??? What’s funny about this??? Because he totally didnt realize it was spelled wrong.
He foolishly let yamamoto persuade him into temporarily dying his hair light green.
He’s wearing grey joggers and a black shirt that just says NO. The N is in the colors of the aro pride flag and the O is in the colors of the ace pride flag.
Nonbinary and still unsure how to define their sexuality.
Fukunaga just wears lightwash jeans (cuffed of course) and a black shirt that says THEY/THEM on it. I also think they wear a cute rainbow cat hair clip. Yamamoto definitely was the one who bought it for them.
Akane might have done a little makeup for them 👀
Fukunaga has to turn off their hearing aids sometimes because it gets too loud and they get overwhelmed, so in that case Yamamoto and Kenma translate their JSL. The rest of Nekoma knows basic signs, and are working on getting better, but Kenma and Yamamoto are the only ones who are almost completely fluent for them.
Slightly off topic but kenma and fukunaga as queerplatonic partners is peak content
Realized he liked Fukunaga two months ago because Kenma got tired of waiting for him to figure it out. They are now happily together, but Yamamoto is trying to decide if he identifies more as bi or pan.
That being said he has never half-assed anything before in his life and temporarily dyed his mohawk rainbow. He’s honestly such a softy so his shirt says Love is Love.
It is less of an issue when fukunaga is wearing a shirt with their pronouns on it, but Yamamoto is there and ready to correct anyone who messes up their pronouns and throw hands if it is necessary.
Trans and gay
‘Trans rights are human rights’ shirt. He’s got blue shorts and they have watermelon slices on them.
Because it is a lot of walking, Komi will give Yaku piggyback rides whenever his binder starts making it hard to breathe.
Yaku and Komi are 100% the ones who kiss in front of anti-pride protesters. They thrive on their cries.
He’s straight and plays a similar role to Konoha where he just makes sure everyone is staying safe. He’s glad that he can do something to support his friends even if it is just stopping Shibayama from getting absorbed by the crowd and keeping Lev from running off.
Did not realize he was supposed to dress up for pride. Showed up at Kuroo’s (where they all met to go together) in a Nekoma Boys Volleyball shirt and fucking cargo shorts or something. Yaku kicked him, but then proceeded to tie-dye that shirt real fast. Shibayama painted a rainbow on his cheek, so it ended okay... if you ignore the cargo shorts.
Shibayama kept getting lost in the crowd because he’s so short, and now Lev will not let go of him. He carried him on his shoulders for a bit, but it tired him out pretty quickly, so most of the time they just hold hands, or Lev will wrap an oversized arm around him.
His shirt says ‘pan-tastic’ and no one can convince me otherwise, and no one on Nekoma had the heart to make fun of it so it just stayed. He has three hair clips, one blue, one yellow, and one pink that he wears. Yellow shorts. He’s got cat socks, but that is unrelated.
Tie-dyed shirt in blue, pink, and purple. Black shorts. He also tie-dyed a pair of white converse and they look very cool.
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cowboyfairy · 5 years
passing for pre-t trans dudes from someone who’s actually pre-t
hey so this has been requested a lot. i’m a trans dude with an incredibly unsupportive family who have denied me access to gender therapists, a name change, any kind of medical transition and have threatened to disown me if i ever try to start hormones. i’ve been out for three years and i’ve learnt what works and what doesn’t in terms of passing. thought it might help some of you guys out.
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short. i know it’s sounds obvious but a lot of trans dudes go for that kinda justin beiber circa 2010-esque look and it’s really not gonna do wonders for you. ask for something basic, short back and sides is generally what to go for, and longer on top, but be careful they don’t give you that classic lesbian undercut. some trans guys are lucky and can pull off slightly longer hair, but it’s better to go short and just leave a bit of length on the top to style. get the edges of your hair squared off, or do it yourself if they didn’t do it for you. ask for a grade three/two. go to either a unisex salon or a barbers, but really don’t try your luck with a regular hairdressers, they’re either gonna give you the Ellen DeGeneres style or the can i speak to the manager style.
this was my most recent haircut. i have naturally blonde hair but darker colours often help you pass better, so i dye mine brown every time i get a haircut.
Unless you’re very talented with makeup, don’t listen to people telling you to contour to get a more masculine face shape. it doesn’t work and just makes you look feminine as you’ve got a load of makeup on your face. keep it natural. cis guys have thicker eyebrows naturally, castor oil and coconut oil can both be bought online or in health stores and can be put on your eyebrows to help them grow a bit thicker, but it doesn’t work equally as well for everyone. if you still want to try and use a little bit of makeup then eyebrows can benefit from a TINY (and i mean tiny) bit of eyeshadow to darken them up. if you want to, shave your peach fuzz, it doesn’t really do much to help you pass but it can be a dysphoria alleviater for some people.
Those humming exercises you’ve seen don’t work. nothing is gonna physically change your voice permanently except testosterone. however , speaking confidently and loudly can help as those are seen as more typically male traits. try to use your chest voice (watch a youtube vid on head voice vs chest voice if you don’t know what i mean) and look people in the eyes when you talk to them. you can’t change your voice but you can change how you talk to people. confidence can make you seem far more typically masculine.
Binding and packing:
binding is obviously super important but if you can’t do it for personal reasons then please don’t feel bad. i have three binders from gc2b, two nude ones and a dark blue one. the nudes are good for wearing white shirts as they don’t draw attention to the fact you’re wearing one, but can look a bit odd if people do see them peaking out the top of your shirt, which is why the darker one comes in handy. people assume it’s just an undershirt/vest. Personally i don’t pack as i find it creates more dysphoria than it alleviates, but there are some good youtube vids about packing.
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everyone’s style is different but i’ve found that a couple staple wardrobe items help to pass more. smart trousers with belts always look masculine, paired with a casual tee. i’m kinda into the e-boy aesthetic at the moment but all of my favourite outfits have belts to pull it together. shirts that are too baggy are gonna swamp you, so even though i know they help with the chest bump from binding, try to wear something more flattering. h&m do some really good shirts that aren’t too baggy but loose enough to cover the bump.
This outfit of mine is causal but super masc, without having to resort to a flannel shirt and shorts. i find wearing trousers and not jeans has really helped me. jeans, even from the men’s section tend to hug parts of my body i really don’t want them to, whereas trousers (pants i guess if you’re american?) fit me properly and make my legs look longer and straighter. wear shoes that make your feet look bigger if possible. i know clothing is hard for a lot of people because obviously it costs s lot of money but these nike air force 1s are definitely the most masculine pair of shoes i own despite being a unisex design. they’re rounded at the top, and give me an extra inch of height. there are shoes in similar styles to this that aren’t branded at just normal clothes stores that will be a lot cheaper.
i count this section as just other little things i’ve found that help me pass. a lot of it is body language. stand up straight and look confident even if you aren’t. look up when you walk, i know it sounds silly but it’s surprising how often i catch myself staring at the floor when i’m walking. walk with bigger strides and when you’re standing, have your feet apart and keep your arms visible so you look more confident. i get misgendered far more when ive got my arms tightly crossed in front of me and i’m hunched over. confidence radiates masculinity even if that’s sounds toxic. when you sit, manspread. cis dudes do it for a reason. do little but stereotypically masculine things like let women go through doors before you. i know this all sounds like i’m violently trying to enforce masculine gender roles but y’all understand how it feels to just want to fit in with everyone else.
this is all i could think of for now and i’m sorry if it’s super lacklustre but i tried my best :)
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mcrmadness · 3 years
Swooping in here once again xD Unusual asks: 3, 10, 30, 39, 46
Ask Game: Unusual Asks
Oooo thanks!!! :D
3. what color are your eyes?
Blue-grey. I think I also have some tiny green dots here and there but usually they're only visible when my pupils are the tiniest aka during very bright light (usually sunlight). But usually you can't see my eyes then because it's too bright to keep my eyes open and I need to wear sunglasses...
10. how would you describe your style?
Hmmm. My style doesn't really look like anything. All my clothes are in black, apart from some socks having a bit of color to them but usually they're striped, and usually the color scheme is black and/or grey and/or white.
I wear black jeans, I have a studded belt (but you can't ever see it because shirts never go into my jeans, because ym stomach looks annoyins...), I have a couple of chains hanging from my jeans. I wear either print t-shirts, mostly they are band t-shirts or something else (like video game related or so) or just plain black t-shirts; and black zipper hoodies. I also have a black (fake) leather jacket. Whenever the weather allows it, I also use my studded bracelets, and I like to paint my nails with black because I only need to do that every few weeks. (I don't use makeup because I have no interest nor time nor motivation, so nailpolish is the choice of a lazy person.)
^That might sound nice but trust me, it looks very basic. I believe. Just jeans, t-shirts and zipper hoodies and all in black, and almost always it's the same pair of jeans and the same hoodie so nothing even changes ::D Well, what goes for shoes, I've always been a sucker for shoes with thick soles and my favorite shoes are my pair of New Rock shoes I bought about 10 years ago. I love them! But I can only wear them when the weather is warm because they don't like winter. And then I also have 2 other, kinda army boot-like shoes with thicker soles for winter/autumn/spring.
I'd say my style can look either punk-ish or metallic depending on what band t-shirt I have on. I have 4 x Rammstein, 1 dä, 1 MCR and 1 Apulanta t-shirts :DD And then I of course have my dä hoodie that is way too big for me but I'm in love with that hoodie because it's just so big and comfy and soft ♥ (I'd love to have more dä merch but I don't like the colors and prints they have. I need that Schnecki tour shirt tho.)
30. whats your favorite candle scent? 
I don't like candles because I'm afraid of fire :D And most candles actually smell really bad because the smell is so strong and smells like an essence rather than any kind of natural smell - I'm very sensitive to strong smells and too strong and/or unnatural scents can cause me to have migraine. But I think vanilla is often quite mild and a smell I can stand. My mom also once had something that smelled like coffee beans, that was a nice one too. (She loves candles and I've often bought her also scented candles for Christmas. I think I once bought one that smelled like apple and that wasn't too bad either.)
39. do you have a nickname? what is it? 
No, I don't really have a nickname :( My real name, Aada, is so short and simple that it's hard to come up with anything, apart from what my parents or siblings use but those are more like something used with the family only. Anyway, my siblings started calling me as "Bumba" or "Bumbu" when I was still a teenager and occassionally they still use that.
And one friend liked to come up with random nicknames to all her friends and she used to call me as Dexter or Dexu at some point - because one of my favorite tv series was (and is) Dexter, and I also actually had a rat called Dexter at some point, too :D I don't know if she still remembers about this nickname.
But Madness is good. Anyone who knows me through internet is allowed to use that also IRL if we ever meet. Most of the time people call me as Madness or Madi online anyway, also in voice calls during video games or so even if we would be aware of our IRL names. I like that :D
46. whats your go to hair style?
I dye it black and get it cut regularly and don't really do much else about it. My ideal hairstyle is bedhead basically but I have straight hair and so sleek hair quality that I never brush it and it still never gets tangled, and my bedhead usually is very flat instead of messy and that is NOT the ideal bedhead I mean here XD So I sometimes use a bit of hair powder to give it a bit more volume and I like that already so much better. But most of the time I just get up and my hair is already ready (unless it's really flat and needs hair powder...).
Like I said, I'm extremely lazy (well actually I just have adhd) what comes to style and hair and stuff and I am always running late for everything anyway so I need something that is very quick, or lasts long, and hair powder takes maybe less than 1-2mins to be ready.
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daesungfmd · 4 years
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hwang daesung + fashion! (part one)
daesung’s only long-term goal is to live a colorful life and, in his eyes, that starts with fashion. if you open the doors to his closet, you’ll see neon colors, cheap patterns and varying materials that don’t appear to be organized in any respectable kind of way  ―  on a day to day basis, he usually picks the first item blindly and builds an outfit from there. a good enough idea, except... from how he usually dresses, you’d think that he picks every individual piece the same way. 
aesthetic 3 + headcanon 3  /  wc: 1035.
first things first, it’s important to note that fashion means a lot to daesung. to him, it’s a way to make your personality visible  ―  a way to express yourself even in silence. however, he doesn’t frequently speak up about his interest because he is (rather unfortunately) regarded as a fashion terrorist  &  he doesn’t want to get clowned any more than he absolutely has to because he’s scared it’ll make him lose his passion/interest in fashion, yk? so he just lets everyone think he doesn’t care.
but he’s pretty much always shopping either physically or online and he spends a really long time planning outfits / getting ready, so it’s not that hard to realize that he puts a lot of effort in??? it’s a lot more obvious than he thinks </3
honestly, he doesn’t even look that bad most of the time. it’s just that he doesn’t pay attention to trends, doesn’t care about wearing colors that compliment his skin tone or go with the season, doesn’t care about wearing expensive brands. he just wears whatever he wants to whenever he wants to, which results in him looking like he doesn’t know anything about fashion. he does, he just doesn’t care.
but there are times when he does simply just look bad because he’s bad at matching colors  &  doesn’t really care about what brands he wears together??? mf will wear a gucci belt with a pair of 5,000w chinos he bought from a street stall and act like he looks good.
on the topic of gucci... daesung has a few really, really expensive clothing items (more on that in the accessories post), but for the most part, he goes for cheaper brands. probably not considered cheap by the average person, but considering he doesn’t have much else to spend his money on, his tastes are surprisingly cheap. he mostly wears chinatown market, thisisneverthat, vans  &  odd future items. 
other brands he likes:  converse, supreme, trasher, adidas, nike, ripndip, santa cruz, chancechance, charm’s, tommy hilfiger, beyond closet, vetements.
for shoes, he prefers vans over anything else. he has a lot of different styles; old skool, authentic, era, slip-ons, etc. he has a few pairs that are typical colors like black  &  white, but most of them are bold or pastel colors and/or special edition styles from collabs that vans has done with other brands. converse is his second favorite shoe brand; for converse, he likes high-tops and the og low-tops. he also has a decent amount of converse in varing styles/colors, but not quite as many pairs as vans. third favorite is crocs. every time he wears them, he gets Torn To Pieces by his Loving Fans, so nowadays he only wears them if he’s just going to be chilling with a friend or something like that. he collects the little charms to express his personality/interests! other shoe brands he likes are dr martens, reebok, adidas  &  nike.
that said, these aren’t the only things you’ll find in his closet. he’s very much the type to just go strolling around on off days and pick things up that he likes in secondhand shops, from street markets, from independent shops, etc. 
he has very particular tastes, but at the same time, he’s not that picky? he views himself as being a loud  &  optimistic guy, so he prefers things that reflect this. his favorite style is tie-dye, but he also likes neon colors (especially green/yellow), reflective materials, rainbow designs, stripes, quirky patterns, etc. he likes items that are very in-your-face, blinding caution sign vibes. you’ll rarely see him wearing solid colors, and if he is, then it’s probably a neon. he likes to be seen!!!
he buys most of his clothes a size or two too big because he likes the baggy fit / he isn’t particularly comfortable with his body but that’s a story for another time. enjoys looking like a very colorful shapeless being.
for pants, he mainly wears brightly colored cargo pants, jeans with patterns sewn into them or sweats. doesn’t wear shorts all that often, but when he does, they’re usually basketball style shorts with some cartoony graphic on them.
for tops, he likes t-shirts (long sleeves or short sleeves, or layered), windbreakers  &  hoodies more than anything else. every now and then he’ll throw on a cardigan if it’s cold enough. tank tops do not exist in his wardrobe...... not a single one. hates ‘em. he has a lot of chunky knit sweaters  &  pullover sweaters, but they usually only make an appearance on the Coldest Days of the year. except for his christmas sweater collection. he’s the ugly christmas sweater king, has one for every single day of december (but has only gone through with wearing all of them One Time. never again). be on the lookout for those this month because he is in a jolly mood and ready to spread that holiday cheer.
the type to wear matching sweaters with his dog, which i imagine his fans either absolutely hate or absolutely love.
when it comes to socks, he very rarely wears plain ones. he HAS some plain ones (mainly vans/nike brand), but he thinks it’s so much more fun to wear really gimmicky ones with dumb designs on them. ~acts~ embarrassed any time he has to take his shoes off on a variety show and gets caught wearing fuckin pink panther or spongebob socks, but is actually glad he gets to show off his collection <333
any time he has to wear a suit, he makes sure to find his most ridiculously attention-grabbing socks and nonchalantly show them off on camera. can’t be Sleek and Elegant ever. it’s just not his thing.
eeevvvverrryyy now and then he’ll wear a plain/toned-down outfit because you can’t flex on ‘em all the time, right? goes for simple ~boyfriend~ looks when he doesn’t feel like standing out because they’re still fashionable enough.
doesn’t always look colorful, either  ―  he prefers to, but he also can’t really settle on a style/aesthetic because he likes a lot of different looks. is he a skater boy? an indie boy? an e-boy? a soft boy? he is simultaneously all and none of them. 
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 9
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A pause to knock at the door of your grump was used to steady yourself and call out, “House keeping.”
Shushing and low chuckles came from the room you timidly entered as Roac flew into your sights, “Come in. Come in.”
Smirking at the bird you put the tether on the door to keep it open easing the task of heading back to your cart you pulled towels from you carried inside. Into the sitting room you strolled spotting Thorin and Frerin there, the latter who stole a chance to see just why Thorin had stolen the chance to see you at work for himself and rumbled, “I do apologize for doubling your work, but the boys asked for the place to themselves tonight.”
You shook your head and Thorin said, “But, I don’t need towels tonight, he does though.” Halfway giving his brother a disapproving glare and you rolled your eyes to go check Frerin’s room.
“Honestly, you act as if I wasn’t privy to worse guests than you.”
Frerin, “Who was the worst?” He asked standing to follow you standing in the doorway while you gathered his towel and went through the basic check list taking his towel to your cart before checking Thorin’s bath.
“No need to get to protective. Your relatives have a good system in charge. If things are rowdy I mark the room to be cleaned later, we’re not to enter if there’s more than two in a room, not counting babies, of course.”
Thorin leaned in the doorway while you checked the dining area and turned to face the pair, “Of course.”
Frerin smirked saying, “I can’t help but ask if it’s too early for turndown service,” Making you smirk as he rumbled out, “More for that pant vanishing cocktail of yours.”
In a giggle you said, “Two cocktails coming up.” You said heading for two pouches to start in Frerin’s bedroom with the pair watching your effortless detailed touches to the rooms they had seen differing styles to the floors lower they usually stayed in unique to your style.
Frerin, “You wouldn’t happen to be in need of painters, would you?”
Straightening up after finishing the flower for his bed you set down, “Gloin gave me a card for painters, another relative I think, Bomb something.”
Thorin chuckled, “BomBairns, they painted our place.”
“Well I just ordered some furniture magazines, when they arrive I’ll be skimming for ideas to decorate. I know I do want a purple bedroom,” That made the brothers smirk in following you to Thorin’s room, “Maybe add some silver stripes. I know my friend has this comforter in their spare bedroom with silver and purple alternating flowers. So pretty. Itchy as hell, but pretty.” Making the pair chuckle to themselves.
Thorin, “Any other thoughts?”
“Maybe yellow, or a pale orange for the kitchen, I like deep tones, maybe some light grey thrown in too. Can’t feel comfy in a white home.”
Once completed the second bed sat ready to be crawled into and the pair moved to the bar watching as you fashioned a pair of cocktails you set out with Frerin subtly mentioning you should have a dinner some time before accepting the challenge to see if he indeed would lose his pants or not.
A text at three in the morning sat unanswered while you remained sleeping in your bed. Uncaring of what you might be missing out on lost in a dream of a visit to your family in Lindon you cuddled more with your pillow sighing contently at your comfortable spot. Though without your radio shift you only were allowed so much sleep as the arrival of the mail truck. Curiously in the window above the door Belly sat bouncing in excitement watching the same truck and neighbors passing by in their usual habits until the truck had stopped at your mailbox sending the bird off through the house to you.
Onto your shoulder his feet clenched and flapping his wings be bounced you on the bed opening your eyes, “Our box! The feather man left something in our box!”
“Feather?” Shifting onto your side you said, “Ah, mailman. Right.”
A flop down again was ended in his next flap making you bounce again, “Check it! Check it!”
“Ok. Ok. I’m up…” Onto your knees you shifted and eased a foot off the bed you had scooted to the end of starting the trudging walk ensuring your shorts had drooped enough to be visible below your baggy t shirt. A momentary fumble with the lock had you through your open front door and crossing the chilly front walk still wet with dew on the balls of your feet hurrying to the mailbox. Hastily your front gate was opened and left open to ease the trip back, though once your box was opened your head turned to spot the duo of joggers paused in place.
With a wave you said, “Hello.”
The duo blankly replied staring at Belly, “Hello.”
Belly squawked out, “We have mail.” The pair smirked at the continuation, “We never get mail.”
You collected the magazines in the crook of your arm along with the few usual advertisements and credit card offers you usually shredded right away now sent here at the proof your change of address form had kicked in. A stolen picture of Belly came in your closing the mailbox and saying, “Have a nice day.” Confused at what else to say in the silence.
“Have a nice day.” They both replied back with matching waves stunned at the proof of the rare breed of raven rumored to have been spotted now being forwarded through the Dwobbit development sure to warm everyone up to welcoming their new neighbor past the endearing story they had heard of your having a secret admirer leaving gifts on your doorstep.
Back behind your closed door after wiping your feet on the mat you locked the door behind you and walked to the kitchen where you set down the magazines and grumbled heading to your room to get your phone. Across the screen you read, ‘Off today?’
With a smirk you replied, ‘Just this morning. I will be in for my usual cup later. About to try my whale out. Any suggestions?’
Following his message you took two scoops of what he called a good brew to start with and filled the whale you settled into your favorite mug you poured the boiling water over and let it steep. Curiously you flipped through one of your magazines you found a marker to draw a star next to a chair you liked until his message to take the whale out you emptied and rinsed. A sip of the tea had you smacking your lips and hunting for a bit of honey at his suggestion when it was a bit bitter for your taste. Noting the last of your jar you made a mental reminder to head to the town market to pick some more up. It did smooth it for you and once rinsed you let your mug dry to head to your room and change for the day. Jeans and a tank top was what you chose with your favorite green flannel to go over it matching your shoes.
Tucking your hat on low you added your magazine and marker to your bag you shouldered saying goodbye to your birds. A quick stop to the market had the honey you needed in your bag and then you were off. Straight to the shopping square not far from the station and shop. Just combing your hair this morning had more blonde patches and the snow like strands made it all the more obvious what clan you were from next to your eyes, hence the hat. All the same you were off to your distant cousins who knew your struggles all too much from their own centuries of facing the same link until having set themselves apart and finding success.
Lingering around her for as long as they could Fili and Kili stayed with Mal after their night of cuddling on the couch post movie mini marathon wondering just what she could need in town taking her from their company. Fili sighed only seeing his uncles coming out of their shop that sat empty for the time being asking, “You have to go?”
Mal grinned kissing his cheek, “You’re the one off to the airport in an hour. I thought you might prefer to slip away, not have the full emotional goodbye.”
Kili latched onto her back making her smirk, “But I like the emotional goodbye part.”
Thorin leaned in the doorway with Dwalin against his side between him and Balin, the latter asking, “What’s all this? You could come inside you know.”
Kili, “Apparently Mal is trying to slip away.”
Mal rolled her eyes and Thorin rumbled, “From you or is Miss Mal expected somewhere?”
Dwalin’s elbow tapped into Thorin’s side gaining his gaze that turned further down the street straightening up the Dwarf who eased out of the doorway making Mal smirk looking him over after noticing who he was fixing himself up for. Straight up to him you strode while Dwalin chatted with the trio, “How did the honey fare?”
“Good,” you said nodding, “Bought another jar on my way here at the mini market by the house.”
Near to a purr he hummed out, “I didn’t expect you to be in so soon for more tea.”
Smirking up at him you said, “I’m actually off to re-dye my hair. Might even go blue this time, who knows.”
“No, you can’t,” your brow arched up and he hastily added, “Green, suits you.”
To which you nodded and said, “Mhmm, well I still have a couple blocks to go. See you after though.”
He nodded and stepped after you in your spinning steps towards the shop where Dwalin asked, “Back so soon?”
“Off to get my hair done.”
Mal wiggled free kissing Fili and Kili’s cheeks, “That sounds lovely. Been meaning to get my hair done.”
Fili, Kili both said, “But-,”
She kissed their cheeks again, “I will see you Monday. Enjoy your race.” She said joining you on your path down the street giggling to herself.
Lowly behind your backs Fili asked, “Are, are we just going to let them go off together?”
Kili, “Well we can’t stop them.”
Dwalin smirked saying, “They do seem like they could be friendly.”
Balin nodded, “Good sign so far.”
Thorin sighed and turned to head inside lost for what to do to distract himself until you were back again for more tea. All the guys milled after him lost in their own confusion on when the boys especially could text Mal asking about her time with you and how you got along.
The back private room was opened for you and once closed behind the twins Amrod and Amras with crimson hair tired back in high buns you removed your hat and the pair got to combing your hair smirking at the shedding of the rest of your green hair dye. Dividing your hair in half the duo got to mixing the prepped coloring in large bowls they used brushes to coat each section of your hair back to the deep forest green that made you smirk between pages of your magazine starring more items you might like.
Amrod, “We hear you’ve bought yourself a home from Glori and Echo.”
Amras grinned saying, “I fully expect there to be quite the bash once you get it furnished.”
Softly you giggled, “That may take some time.”
Making Amrod say, “No need to rush. We know how you like your pace. Anything you would want for a housewarming gift?”
Amras, “I know you liked that painting of those sheep last time you visited.”
“I am not taking your painting.”
Lowly he chuckled, “I can paint you another. Fairly simple to do I have the time.”
Amrod, “Ooh, and you did like that vase I have in the sitting room. I could make you one of those.”
Mal said, “Well my gift is coming in next week.” You glanced at her and she said, “It’s practical, I bought you set of cute bath towels you can hide in a spare bath if you don’t like them. I would have gotten you a blender but you said the birds don’t like them.”
“I never said they don’t like them.” That made her glance at you while the Elf behind her eased the top of her hair up into a bun on top of her head. “I said they can’t be near them. They like to blend things. Last time I had one I came home to find all my oranges and apples all over my kitchen.” Making her giggle while the twins pulled down another section of your hair to keep adding dye to. “I am sure the towel set will be lovely. I do have to pick themes for the spares, Naneth swears themes bring luck to homes.”
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A handful of the hair on the back of Mal’s head was grabbed and twisted then cut off near the root starting the task of trimming the section down into a triangle on the back of her head to shave a Dwarven rune for lotus out of it. The Elf would then bleach the hair there just enough to turn her maroon hair pink on that one section completing her chosen look. Carefully your curls were coated and the color soaked in as you looked over the magazine the duo stood looking over your choices themselves until it was time to rinse you.
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Next came the hard part. Once washed it had to be dried and under their propped up dryers the pair combed through your curls taking them and revealing the temptingly forest green shade making you smirk again. While Mal was off to head to her shift at the tattoo shop you were off to the tea shop and fired off a message to Thorin. “Prepare to be floored. They decided on blue.”
Lowly through a growling exhale against the wall he had walked to giving the others more space while he was distracted Thorin replied far more supportively than he had felt at the moment. “I am certain the shade will look lovely on you.”
Smirking at your phone on the last turn you replied, “Not sure, bit of an odd shade. They added some yellow to it and it’s quite an unmistakable shade.”
Under furrowed brows his eyes reread the message and he asked, “What do you mean?”
The door opening however had him glancing up to find you trotting in with a teasing grin straight up to the counter after the final person in your way had given their order luring Thorin closer. “It’s got to be the oddest shade of blue I’ve ever seen.”
“Not funny.”
With a giggle you replied, “It’s a little funny.” Making him roll his eyes, “What have you got for me today, my good Mug Dealer?”
“You’ll see.”
“That I will. Along with the answer to if I got you out of your pants twice in a row.” You teased passing him the bill in a turn for your chosen table.
Dwalin was there asking when his cousin turned, “And, just how has she gotten you out of your pants? Not once but twice?”
Thorin rumbled back, “Part of the turndown service is an offer of a cocktail. She’s got one sure to knock your pants off. Literally.”
Dwalin chuckled turning after him, “Turndown service? You followed her to the hotel?”
Thorin, “We painted. I booked a room, Tili was the one who put me on her floor.”
Dwalin purred out, “You, her, cocktails,”
“She was working.”
Dwalin patted his back teasing, “Still got your pants off though.” Making Thorin smirk and roll his eyes.
“Are you at home?” The message popped up on your phone and while Thorin was busy handling another customer you called Thranduil.
“Hey Dew Drop, what’s going on?” The fluid Vanyar had glanced stolen your way wondering what language you were speaking.
“Some house warming gifts are coming your way.”
“What did you send to my home?” You replied putting your book back in your bag signaling Dwalin over curious as to why you were leaving so early.
“We love you. No take backs.” The line cut off and you scoffed at the screen of your phone.
Dwalin beside the table asked, “Something wrong?”
Still in Vanyar you replied, “My friend sent something to my house..” you said before finishing off your tea.
“You’re gonna have to run that by me again.”
“Hmm?” You asked then repeated in the common tongue, “My friend sent something to my house. It’s being delivered.”
Dwalin nodded saying, “Ah, well come with me I’ll drive you back.”
Lowly he chuckled saying, “Don’t worry, they can manage till I get back.”
“Ok.” You said shouldering your bag to follow him through the back of the shop to his car beside Thorin’s, Balin’s and the one another employee was pulling into one of the free spots.
Dwalin all the way kept stealing glances at you in your tries to get Thranduil to tell you what you were receiving to no avail. “What language was that?” He fumbled making you turn your head.
“Oh, Vanyar. Really old Elvish.”
“Didn’t know many Elves who knew or even were Vanyar.”
“Only ones I know of are old friends who lived in Lindon, moved from Doriath when we were little. The wife and her son and grandson speak it fluently while the husband is still a bit rough. Grew up on Teleri, dialects are hard to cross.”
Outside your home he parked on the street and got out with you to help you move a rock in your front yard to prop open the front gate and hurry inside to warn your birds.
Unlocking the door you entered finding Belly upside down on one of the chandelier support arches, not foolish to hang off the fixture itself in case he was too heavy. While Kuu came out of your empty hall to the left of the entrance asking, “Jack Rabbit? It is not Thursday?”
“It is, just some friends sent a gift and it’s arriving. So some people are coming to drop whatever it is off.”
Belly said, “Ahh, I shall count the herd.” Letting go and releasing his wings to drop into an arching soar through the house to ensure the hummingbirds didn’t leave the house. Kuu however strolled back through the hallway, “I shall wait in my pantry.” The sighing comment made even Dwalin chuckle in not understanding what the bird said.
“They do not like company?”
In a glance at Dwalin you noticed the truck pulling up with a full trailer you hoped to only have a small item inside of only to sigh seeing a second truck pull up behind it with just electronics from the shop it was sent from. “That’s two trucks,” Dwalin muttered and you nodded.
“I’m gonna kill Dew Drop.” You muttered only to grin at the approaching pair of Elves from the first larger truck and accepted the tablet he held to sign for the delivery. From the back five more Elves from the cab opened your lips parted seeing the first of your many gifts, the purple fainting couch you had wanted for years with note included on top stating it was a gift from Celebrimbor.
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That was taken to your bedroom and behind them a rotating expanding circular table complete with expanding bench seats with heavy cushioning was carried in next to the dining room you informed them how to get to marked from Haldir and his brothers.
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While they set that up you guided the team in charge of setting up the Projector systems into your living room and theater with a regular flat screen and stand to be put in your bedroom from Celeborn.
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From Elrond a blue regal styled backrest having blue lounging double seated couch was settled into your theater that left ample room to add more seating if you wished later.
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Lastly from Thranduil and his family came a round lounging seat also for your study in black plushy material and a square couch with a foot rest to settle into the middle turning it into a giant cushioned surface of you wished for ample lounging or entertaining space in a grey velour.
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Final checks were given on the projector systems and the tv in your bedroom now revealed to have full media players for you to simply dig out one of your films and play it if you wished. Another signature each was given to the speedy teams who ensured everything was to your liking before leaving. Stumped for a moment on what to do with all these gifts now partially furnishing your home you shifted on your feet eyeing the dining room table once again as Dwalin gave it a curious once over trying to picture how many Durins could fit at the table barely three foot across gorgeous wooden creation.
“It’s nice.” He said noticing you were looking at him.
Weakly you giggled and he followed your move to slide the bench seats away to the walls and watched you press your fingers to a hidden latch and turn the table dropping his jaw as it grew three times over. With a cherry wood on the mahogany top growing flower design across the surface rippling up from the top while the supports branched out in interwoven vines to steady the now massive table. “I have always wanted one of these, my friend makes them. Those are the spare seats.” His head turned to the arch of benches with the decorative backs revealing a hidden design of a tree once together he had missed before with his interest in the table he helped you to spin onwards again expanding the center support with the jigsaw like pieces lowered down again meeting the retracted supportive legs.
“Wow, so, table you wanted,”
Through the house you went saying in the living room, “My friend has a couch like this, the center square here slides out,” you said removing the foot rest to convert the seat on the end to a lounger matching the one across from it. “So you can either burrow in as a spare bed or all cuddle for movies, or just have ample room for however many people pop up on you.” Making him chuckle and follow you stealing another picture to share once he got back along with notes of having the top of the line entertainment systems put in on record time.
Into your theater you said, “This would probably just be for me, so more private lounger here.” Nodding at the arm rests with hidden cubbies and a tablet stand on one side joining the compartment in the extended leg rest sections able to store blankets or spare pillows and such. He nodded snapping a picture behind your back on his phone then eyed the bed now fully expanded dropping his jaw at the sheer size of it and the round seat as fainting couch. “And these, for my study. Which I was going to have painted. So they’re here for now.”
Dwalin nodded and said, “Your friends are amazing, and love you a great deal to send such gifts.”
Sheepishly you nodded and he reached out to rub your back at a tear stopping sniffle you tried to do quietly, “Ya. They’ve tried really hard to help me. A lot of times suffering for my status.” His eyes met yours and his brows inched together trying not to tear up at the tears forming in your eyes you were fighting, “It’s been really hard, but they never turned away. I just, have to keep proving how grateful I am for them keeping me.”
“Oh come here,” he said stepping closer to give you the hug you were greatly needing right now you clenched your eyes through soaking in the warm gesture until you could be with your contact heavy friends again. Each with just as big an urge to hug and cuddle as you felt in their own busy schedules isolating them for periods of time.
Your alarm sounded and you said, “Ah, my train.” Pulling back to flash him a timid grin he returned with a wider one.
“I’ll drop you.” On the way back to the door he joined you saying, “It is all lovely. And that bed, is that the same bed from your flat?”
You nodded locking your door after bidding your birds goodbye and giving the all clear. “Ya, Troll bed, so soft.” You said with a chuckle inducing eye roll deepening his grin.
“I bet. Could fit twenty of you on it.”
“Oh I doubt it. I tend to get into battles with the people I share beds with I hear. Usually end up on top of them.” Making him chuckle again.
“Don’t we all.” He muttered walking back to the car knocking the rock away to allow you to close the gate again.
All through your shift word exploded through the Durins and all together it was mentally etched in that you needed painting done and that the place was a quarter of the way complete by their reckoning. From what they had hoped to initially be the home of a friend of a relative now lines seemed to blur as endearing comments and tales of your person has morphed you into more of a prospective relative. Bittersweet Thorin clung to the intimate moment you shared without an audience past Roac, who was busy preening so he didn’t really count. Though that moment was gone and he wondered how he could possibly work himself into popping by your tattoo appointment or even after with some comfort food to help you relax.
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Anxious didn’t come close and straight through a night of remembering the painful process of being submitted to Ruun your body felt well rested while mentally you were ragged and in use of some good tea.
A hot shower was followed by your pulling on what might seem to be an absurdly hard working corset you hooked on that hoisted your cleavage up to where even you would be unable to stare without the proper shirt. Matching silver panties were added with jean shorts over them to cover the bottom of the sleek halter top in a bright red. The top had a thick band around your neck and scooped to reveal your shoulders and well below your shoulder blades giving a glimpse of the top of your silk corset. Sock and shoes were added while waiting for your tea to brew.
Blankly you assembled your stack of magazines and markers to go with your sketch book solely for your house designs to distract you. Peas were boiled for Kuu while you cooked your filling breakfast you don’t recall finishing off. Four sips in and it seemed you blinked yourself outside Bilbo’s shop.
Note of your nerves were taken and scooping your hair up into a clip you hopped up into the lounger with a full arm rest table Bilbo set up for you. “You didn’t tell me you were getting a tattoo...” Mal’s words ended in her gaze dropping to your large scar and the tiny scars across your shoulder and bicep.
“I only got the offer last week.”
Bilbo fully gloved accepted the line transfer sheets he molded into place leaving the imprint of the feather first, choosing to simply use a marker to draw reminder lines to help border the uv parts he would add the transfers to when the feather was done. Stating softly, “Now, I think it best to start up here at the worst spot, let you ease to the gentler spots.”
“Whichever you think is best, you are the expert. And if you gotta go the other way go for it. It’s your art.”
“That, is flattering, all the same I prefer to go worst to better.” Earning another nod from you. And in your using a string to tie in your top a bit more for a tricky spot he folded a paper towel around to protect the fabric he gave you a countdown and started the tattoo while you eyed your magazine Mal stood by hoping to help you through the painful process of she could.
Page by page you inspected the magazine one handedly writing notes and drawing stars next to what intrigued you until the opening of the front door raised your eyes to the group of teens entering the shop as Mal’s focus turned more to Bilbo’s need for more coloring. Bombur, every bit as stunning a Dwarf as you could imagine Dams to believe, with the allure added of having 14 children, 6 of which were here in tow, his oldest nearly fully grown to be choosing a home of their own no doubt soon enough.
His head bowed and you nodded in return making sure not to disturb Bilbo’s work hoping the deep focused furrow of his brow was a good sign as you were a bit frightened to look down just yet. “Miss Pear, I understand this might seem to be an ambush of sorts, however we had heard you just got some furniture yesterday and were in need of some painting.” He ushered his oldest two in front of him, “My oldest, they run their own painting firm, and we thought we might be able to help you hash out some ideas on what you might want.”
1 said with a deeper twitching grin, “Family prices of course.” To which 2 nodded fervently.
Weakly you chuckled and said, “Why not. I have some ideas what I would like.”
Three hours had gone by and you had transferred on their own sketch pad drawn out your floor plan and from their booklets of color swatches you had chosen an ample amount of colors for nearly each room. The walls of which were re-sketched by you to show where you wanted each color making the job much simpler. An itemized list was made of all the paint and before you could say anything they were off rounding up supplies making you exhale sharply and glance at Bilbo in his wiping off a final bit of excess ink. “I guess I’m getting my place painted today.”
With a smirk Bilbo glanced at you from seeing Dwalin strolling through the door with Thorin in tow, then said, “Yes it does seem that way. They do mean well.”
You shook your head, “Agh, it’s fine. Might as well get it all done. It will be certainly more colorful for my first weekend in.”
Bilbo chuckled and wet another cloth to gently brush across the galaxy bubble filled feather making Dwalin let out am impressed whistle. “Well, now, if you don’t mind, we have to change chairs.” He turned to the guys, “I take it you brought refreshments?”
Thorin raised a to go mug saying, “Yup. And a sandwich. To keep up your strength.”
Bilbo nodded saying, “Uv shouldn’t take long, I’ll give you ten minutes, let’s say, to nibble and then it should all be set up for you.”
Removing his gloves he got to setting up the light while Thorin came over to you at the chair when Bilbo had laid a spare towel across your lap. Sheepishly Thorin’s gaze shifted over your feather tattoo so far asking, “Did it hurt much? It looks phenomenal.”
With one hand you raised the half of the sandwich oddly cut into the shape of a duck removing the crust then cut in half and replied before taking a bite, “Hurt less than the burn.”
With a smirk he asked seeing a pamphlet left from Bombur with your open magazine and sketch book, “Bilbo showed you a pamphlet from the painting firm?”
“Bombur and his children are off buying paint. Spent the last few hours choosing my colors.” That had his lips parting, “Apparently my home is being painted today.”
Dwalin came into your view saying, “Well we’ll watch over them if you like.”
Thorin chimed in, “Yes, you should be relaxing after this, not having to deal with all that, we can cover that.”
Mal chimed in, “And we could go shopping. Look for some more towels and such like you said earlier to help fill in your baths at least.” She said while feeding BamBam his latest bottle in the doorway of the break room.
“That could take hours.”
The statement deepening her smirk, “Wouldn’t you know, I’ve got hours.”
Finishing the sandwich between sips of the calming mug of cider you moved to the second chair to rest your lower torso against the chair you were more or less straddling while the group milled around you watching Bilbo settling his sketches and things in order before switching on the uv lamp. Again your scar lit up accenting the hidden uv bits tucked to accent the bubbles and stars in the feather while the others’ eyes honed in on the stamped uv markers revealed underneath it. A countdown came again and the first of the bird silhouettes was begun.
Steadily while Thorin tried to distract you he inspected each of your designs making certain once the teens had returned for the final run through of the plan his eyes shifted to your trembling hand. No other signs were given of your pain while Bilbo traced around the lingering uv marker in a deep scar being turned into the stem of a falling feather. Your face still trying not to show the pain you were feeling and subtly Thorin shifted laying his paw of a hand over yours to ease you through it by giving you something for your fingers to grip at least lightly if you wished until he passed the spot over.
Keys were passed over and determined to look out for your home with Dwalin, Thorin joined in the group heading over to your home with a promise nothing would be harmed and your birds would be looked after. The latter of which would be calmed from their sure huddle around the guests with a video call from you to allow the others inside to paint with a compromise of Thorin making Kuu more peas. And by the end of his own interrogation Belly outright demanded to meet Roac changing the subject to how to bond with his new prospective friend.
Lost to your planning again, or at least list forming on what you might need for each bath past your own while you watched Mal get more engrossed in her texting her beaus than planning on the store. A sharp gasp had her looking your way to say, “They’re bringing their uncle Dain to meet BamBam.”
“Good. Don’t you mind me. Go settle the little one.”
With an eager squeak she hurried upstairs to change and Bilbo said, “Nearly done now, just over the shoulder blade.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere on you.”
Softly he chuckled, “Same to you. It is looking lovely and should heal nicely.”
All the same you sat contently still continuing to flip through your magazine while Bilbo listened to your scattered ramblings on pieces you were stumped on possibly choosing only deepening his fondness of you.
A final wipe of your shoulder blade and a thin layer of goop was added giving the new art a fresh shine like your arm and chest had been laminated. In front of the mirror you stood with lips cracking apart seeing the initial tattoo and tiny prick marks from the uv ink spots before the other tattoo artist held up a lamp and Bilbo held a handheld mirror behind you. The second mirror granting you a clear shot of the art now etched into your skin stirring tears into your eyes.
The blurry turn from you came with a tight one arm hug Bilbo chuckled and melted into knowing how painful these tattoos could be emotionally for those sent to the war camps he had helped before. Grateful to have helped you in his pull back to guide you to wrap your arm in cling wrap like a plate of left overs limiting you to one arm for your shopping trip certain to end you with next to nothing with no car to fill with what you desired. Tape held the wrap in place and you undid the string on your top allowing it to sit naturally again covering part of your feather on your chest stirring a warmth in that spot.
“Now it should be healed by tomorrow night, be sure to add the goo every few hours when you feel it drying out and tonight you can shower, just let the water run over it, no scrubbing. Tomorrow the same, if you’re a once a day bather. If not tomorrow night is fine, your skin will feel itchy tomorrow and a shower will help. Pillows might help to keep you off it in your sleep. Just cram a couple under your back to prop you up.”
You nodded and thanked him again heading out of the shop, “I’ll come drop by Monday then, let you see how I’ve managed.” Earning a chuckle from him while he turned to go fetch Frodo’s diaper bag he noticed Dwalin forgot to go and run it over to your house he could share the progress of both sides to your day.
Pt 10
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shesakillerkween
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac
19 notes · View notes
starmakerdotcom · 4 years
[ IN ORBIT WITH SOLAR S3 EP3 - our flight got delayed! ]
[ february 10th, 2020 ]
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“we’re at the airport,” minjung said quietly, “i’m sitting in the waiting area, we’re waiting for our flight. we’re going somewhere to film a little bit and take some pictures.”
she flipped the camera around to show the other members. the airport was almost strangely deserted, and the dark colour of the sky through the windows made it clear that it was night. the members of solar were all spread out through the row of chairs, with honghui across from minjung in another chair, elizabeth and yongmi near the window, jihoon and hyesoo sitting on the floor, minjae sprawled out on his back on the floor, and yeonwoo asleep across at least three chairs.
honghui looked up at the camera, and minjung slowly zoomed in on his face, “there’s milo over there, hi milo~”
“aren’t we supposed to be boarding by now?” he asked. minjung shrugged in return. “look at the clock, it’s 8pm, that’s our boarding time.”
minjung turned the camera around to face herself, “maybe our flight got cancelled.”
“oh no i hope not!” minjae replied, still laying on the floor. minjung turned the camera around again and zoomed in on minjae’s face.
“oh- hi! do you like my new hair?” he asked the camera, pulling his hood down a little to reveal he had dyed it pink, “the fans don’t know yet, but they’ll know by the time this goes up, so it’s okay.”
“when we got here, there were a few fans here to say hi and mj’s hood fell down,” honghui explained, “someone shouted ‘mj has pink hair!’ and then he pulled his hood back up and said ‘no i don’t!’”
“ooh, we should show everyone all of our new hair colours!” minjae exclaimed, ignoring honghui’s little story about him, “i dyed my hair pink, min dyed her’s blonde! milo’s is still black but it’s longer. can i see the camera?”
minjung handed minjae the camera, and he made sure to zoom in on each member individually and talk about their hair. “see posie and orion right there? orion’s hair is dark blue and posie’s is blonde! over there, beth has dark red hair and leda still has blonde, she told me she wants to dye it brown. and over there... eri is asleep so you can’t really see but she has short hair now!”
“are you guys filming right now?” yongmi asked from a few chairs down. she sat near elizabeth who had her phone propped up against the windowsill, very obviously recording herself, probably for tiktok, who knows,
minjae nodded, “come over here and say hi!” he exclaimed, zooming in on her.
she walked over and sat down, “it’s so warm in here,” she said while taking off her coat and rolling it into a ball small enough to put in her carry on, “i don’t know how you guys are surviving, especially elizabeth.”
elizabeth looked over, dressed in a long sleeve shirt, leather jacket, ripped jeans, and platform sneakers that made her at least two inches taller (minjae and jihoon both didn’t like those shoes). “it’s called fashion,” she huffed, “i wanna look good, and some people wanna be comfortable.”
minjae turned and zoomed in on yeonwoo, looking like she was still asleep- although you couldn’t really tell because of the way her hat and facemask were covering her face.
“are you filming me?” yeonwoo asked from under her hat.
minjae kept zooming in, “...no.”
“are you guys judging me because i decided to dress comfy?” she asked, and minjae zoomed in on her outfit for emphasis, a hoodie and sweatpants, with a facemask and bucket hat (it matched the one that leda wore! they bought matching ones with bananas on them).
“...nope,” minjae said again.
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the video cut off, and it’s evident a few minutes have gone by. minjae still has the camera, but it’s pointed up at minjung.
“we just found out our flight is delayed an hour and a half,” minjung explained, “it’s still departing tonight but we have to wait a while.”
the conversation was suddenly interrupted by jihoon, who called out to minjung, “min! i’m hungry.”
minjae turned towards him, “me too! is there a cafe or something around here?”
“probably,” minjung said, “milo? do you mind taking them to go find somewhere to eat?”
minjae looked at minjung, “min... i’m 17, i think i can get there myself.”
“you’re gonna get lost,” minjung said, “it’s a big airport, you’ve almost gotten lost here before. milo? can you take them?”
honghui nodded, putting his phone in his pocket, “yeah, i can do that, i’d like a drink anyways.”
“get me a coffee?” yeonwoo asked from under her hat.
“not unless you come with us,” honghui replied.
“nevermind then,” yeonwoo responded, “i’ll stay here.”
“alright,” honghui said, standing from his seat, “are you guys coming?”
jihoon and minjae both nodded, also standing up and following behind honghui.
honghui waved goodbye to minjung, “we’ll be back... whenever. i don’t know yet.”
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the video cut to minjae with his face pushed right up against the camera, only his eyes and nose in frame, “guys look how stylish milo is,” he said, turning the camera around to pan up and down honghui’s outfit, a black and white patterned button up shirt, black skinny jeans, and black sneakers.
“i just threw this on this morning,” honghui explained, putting his hand on the camera and turning it back towards minjae, “this is one of my favourite shirts though, i wear it out a lot.”
“guys, there’s a little cafe right there!” jihoon exclaimed, pointing towards a store a little ahead of them. as they got closer, they could see a few tables and a person or two sitting and eating, as well as a young woman at the cash. all their faces were blurred for privacy reasons, obviously.
“okay, what do you guys want?” honghui asked the two younger boys.
“can i get a cookie? and a hot chocolate?” jihoon asked.
“can i get that too?” minjae said.
“i don’t know, that’s a lot of sugar...” honghui replied, “do you really wanna eat that much sugar this late?”
“yeah!” jihoon said, “do you not have enough money for it or something?”
“i have enough money, i just don’t think that much sugar is a good idea this late but if you want it i’ll get it. how about you two go find a place to sit while i order?”
this time, the video cut to a zoomed in scene of honghui talking to the lady at the cash. he was smiling and laughing, and she was too although it was hard to make out under the blur. minjae and jihoon were audibly giggling in the background.
“they’ve been talking for a few minutes, do you think he’s gonna shoot his shot?” minjae asked.
“no way,” jihoon laughed, “he’s too shy, he’s probably being so awkward up there.”
honghui turned around to return to the table, a tray in his hands with a few drinks and their cookies balanced on top.
“there he is!” jihoon exclaimed, “so what’s with you and that girl up there? was she nice?”
“i was literally just ordering. she recognized me and that’s what we were talking about,” honghui replied, a light rosy blush dusting his cheeks.
“what’s her name? is she your age?” minjae asked.
“can i say that? i feel like that’s kinda private,” honghui said hesitantly, “her name is pretty common though.”
“say it!” minjae exclaimed.
honghui leaned in, “her name is hayoon, don’t go find her and stalk her or anything, she’ll probably blame me. can we blur her face out?”
jihoon glanced down at the tray, noticing an extra fourth drink that didn’t look like it was for any of them. “why’d you get two coffees? isn’t one enough?” honghui didn’t respond.
“it’s for yeonwoo isn’t it?” minjae said, and honghui nodded quickly.
jihoon laughed, “you’re such a pushover.”
honghui suddenly pulled his phone out of his pocket, “i got a text from leda. where is she? oh, she found a candy shop with posie and beth, do you guys wanna go now and meet her there? you can bring your drinks.”
minjae nodded frantically, “i wanna see a candy shop!”
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six members of solar were now in frame, minjung and yeonwoo were still sitting near the terminal, and the others were in a candy shop.
“do you wanna see what i have milo saved as in my phone?” yongmi asked the camera, or more specifically minjae, who was behind the camera. she lifted up her phone to show their messages, “it’s darrel,” she giggled, “it’s an inside joke, i gave everyone english names, right, gary?”
“i don’t like being called gary,” minjae huffed.
hyesoo skipped over, a baggie of multicoloured gummies in one of her hands, “what’s going on over here?”
“oh hi sandra,” yongmi greeted hyesoo, and she laughed in return. “see? posie likes it, why can’t you respond to my jokes like that?” yongmi said to minjae.
“look at how pretty this store is,” minjae said, completely ignoring yongmi and instead moving the camera in a slow pan around the shop. the shelves were lined with rows and rows of colourful candies that would make any little kid freak. this time, particularly any little kid named hyesoo, minjae, or jihoon.
“are you gonna buy that?” yongmi asked hyesoo, referring to the gummy bag in her hand.
“probably,” hyesoo replied, “why?”
“just wondering,” yongmi answered, “i might buy something small, i’m not sure yet.”
“you should,” elizabeth appeared seemingly out of thin air, startling yongmi and hyesoo, “they’ve got these cute little- ice cream- popsicle- ...things. i don’t know what to call them but they’re cute.” she held out the little packet the frozen treat was help in in front of her.
“wait where did you find those? i want one!” yongmi said.
“come over here!” elizabeth said, leading yongmi to a different section of the shop, leaving minjae and hyesoo by themselves.
“so...” hyesoo started, “have we even talked about why we’re at the airport yet?”
“i don’t think so,” minjae answered from behind the camera.
“oh! well in that case...” hyesoo began, “we’re shouting a few scenes for our new music video! can i say the name of the song? this will probably be up after the song comes out anyway, it’s called crush! we’re also going to take some pictures, and honestly it’s mostly just a vacation more than anything. i’m excited!”
minjae nodded, “yeah, it’s exciting. but what kind of candy should i buy?”
“guys?” the two heard honghui call from a few metres away, “min just texted me... we’ve been out for an hour, our flight is gonna be here in less then thirty minutes.”
“does that mean we need to go?” jihoon asked.
“really soon, yeah,” honghui said, “hurry up and pay for your stuff so we can go back and not miss our flight, okay?”
“don’t rush me! i need to pay for my gummies!” posie called back.
“do you want to miss your flight? hurry up!” honghui yelled right back at her.
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yeonwoo had the camera now, still waiting on the terminal.
“we’re gonna board in a minute,” she explained, “milo bought me a coffee. it’s cold, but i appreciate it.”
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finally, the camera was back in minjung’s hands, and she was on the plane, sitting next to hyesoo who was asleep on her shoulder.
“we’re landing, thought i’d just update you and say we made it through the flight. i’ll come back when we’re on the ground!” she covered the camera with her hand.
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minjung took her hand off the camera, and they were in another airport, “we made it!” she tilted the camera towards yongmi who was walking beside her, she looked like she had just woken up.
“yay!” yongmi said with rather flat sounding enthusiasm, “i wanna go back to bed.”
“when we get to our hotel,” minjung said, looking at the camera, “shoot, i think it’s about to die. it’s a sign we’ve filmed too much today i think.” yongmi nodded.
“time to say bye now, i think.”
“okay,” minjung said, “it was a long day, but we made it! we’ll see you tomorrow, b-“
then the camera died, cutting off the vlog.
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