#i have to stop being shy about drawing gay ass art for myself only
cockyroaches · 1 year
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Hey Pikmin fandom. Fetch
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Summary: Futaba gets more than what she bargained for when she proposes Akechi is gay. Futaba/Goro
Disclaimer: I don’t Persona 5
“He’s gotta be gay.”
The other phantom thieves looked towards their youngest member curiously, blinking several times, not quite getting her statement.
“What?” Akira asked her. Futaba rolled her eyes.
“Akechi—he’s gotta be gay.” Futaba repeated. Everyone blinked at her before Ryuji starting snickering into his coffee, trying in vain to hold in his laughter.
“That’s… interesting.” Makoto was able to voice out.
“How do you know?” Ann asked. Futaba scoffed.
“Come on! Don’t tell me you guys haven’t realized it! He’s always coming in here to flirt with Akira! I’ve been watching them dance around each other and I’m waiting for my OTP to become canon!”
Akira dropped the mug he was cleaning while Ryuji spat out his coffee, laughing obnoxiously. Even the rest of the Phantom Thieves looked amused.
“F-Flirt?” Akira parroted. Futaba wagged a finger, grinning.
“Come onnnnn. He’s never once ogled Makoto, Haru, or Ann! And don’t deny it boys! I know you guys done it!” Here Yusuke, Ryuji, and Akira spluttered, faces turning red. The three mentioned girls blushed prettily at the thought of Akira ogling them.
“I-I would never degrade myself with something so improper!” Yusuke exclaimed. Futaba gave him a deadpan look.
“Says the guy who has entire drawing collections of these three.” She voiced. Now it was Makoto, Haru, and Ann turn to splutter, turning their glares onto Yusuke. He shrunk down in the booth, sweating at the women eyeing him.
“It’s purely for artistic purposes I swear!” Yusuke cried as they proceed to wail on him.
“Ha! Serves you right, Yusuke! You know our ladies are fierce!” Ryuji was dying with how much he was laughing. Futaba’s grin grew even wider.
“So I guess those pictures I found on your phone are just for art as well, Ryuji?” Futaba sang sung and the three angry women turned their attention to the blonde next. He waved his hands in front of him rapidly.
“She’s lying! I respect each and every one of you!” now it was Ryuji’s turn to fight off the girls trying to get his phone. Meanwhile Futaba busied herself with stealing Ryuji and Yusuke’s curry as Akira sighed, sliding into their empty spots. He gave her a stern look.
“You just love to tease everyone, don’t you?” he scolded, but Futaba knew he wasn’t really mad. He could never be mad at her. Futaba grinned maniacally, rubbing her hands together.
“It’s more fun that way! Life’s too short to not torment one’s friends.” Futaba answered gleefully. Akira eyed her in disapproval.
“One day it’s going to bite you in the butt, you know.” Akira remarked. Futaba shrugged.
“Oh hush, no one can out-tease me! Now, back to the matter at hand, Akira, when are you and Akechi gonna tie the knot? Do you think he’s going to confess to you? Ohhh won’t it be cute if you do some cheesy stuff like kiss in the rain?” Futaba snickered. Suddenly, Akira smirked, seeing something behind her.
“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask Akechi yourself?” Akira grinned. Futaba stopped laughing, blinking and turned to see Goro Akechi, the one and only detective prince giving her a stern look. She paled, wondering why Akechi suddenly seemed scary.
Akechi then smiled his usual polite smile, but Futaba still felt wary. There was something about Akechi that seemed off. She hoped he was just annoyed with work and not because he heard her.
“I’m sorry, what was that you were saying about me and Akira kissing, Sakura?” Akechi asked nicely, but Futaba felt warning bells go off into her head. So much for not hearing her…
“Errr… ummm…” Futaba unintelligently replied. Akechi moved closer to her, and Akira smirked.
“I’ll leave this gremlin to you Akechi. Hey guys, let’s go up to my room.” Akira called to the others. They saw Akechi looking down at Futaba, and they knew the navigator was finally caught. Not arguing, they dragged Ryuji and Yusuke’s unconscious bodies upstairs. When the door clicked, signifying she was on her own, Futaba nervously laughed.
“I-I was just joking Akechi! I always tease everybody.” Futaba tried to show no offense, but what scared her is that Akechi smirked, eyeing her darkly. Futaba gulped, backing up into the booth. Akechi came closer, kneeling into the booth.
“So my sexuality is interesting to you?” he said smoothly, looking sadistically delighted at her squirming. Futaba blushed.
“W-well! I mean! You never look at Makoto, Ann, or Haru so I just assumed…”
Here his eyes turned hungry and his smile was predatory, making her heart race. Why did he look like he wanted to eat her up?
“Perhaps someone else suits my tastes better? Did that occur to you?” he asked her, still with that smooth voice of his. Futaba felt the effects from his maxed-out charm intensely. Akechi crawled closer to her, lifting a gloved hand to finger her cheek. Futaba gulped as Akechi smirked wider.
“O-oh? W-w-who?” Futaba stuttered out. Akechi inched his face closer, his lips so close to hers, but before Futaba could freak out, he turned his lips towards her ear, one of his hands snaking up to her neck where he cradled her head and the other on her hip, drawing circles into her flesh under her shirt. Futaba blushed brighter.
“Oh, you know, she’s pretty mischievous. She likes to tease others, but it seems when it’s her turn, she turns into a shy mouse.” His tongue darted out and it licked her earlobe. Futaba gasped as Akechi started placing open mouthed kiss on her throat, biting and sucking lightly.
“I-I’m not a mouse!” Futaba protested, her breath hitching when Akechi found a sensitive spot to suck on. He chuckled, sucking the spot even harder. Futaba was sure all the blood vessels in her face were going to burst soon. “A-A-Akechi! That’s going to leave a mark!” she cried.
“Good.” He told her bluntly. His hand at her waist went under her shirt, caressing more of her skin, teasing just below her chest. Futaba gasped. “Then people will know you’re mine.”
“I didn’t agree to this!” Futaba whined, but it was cut short by a moan escaping her as Akechi towered over her, tilting her head so their mouths could meet. He ravished her mouth, tongue caressing hers possessively. Futaba squeaked.
Yup. Those blood vessels must’ve burst by now.
Futaba didn’t know what to do. She’s never kissed anyone. Akechi dominated her, aggressively wrestling her tongue with his. Video games did not prepare her for this! She shyly stroked his tongue back as her adrenaline went into overload while Akechi continue to pet her. He growled appreciatively at her response. He ripped off one of his gloves roughly, his bare hand now caressing under her breasts, skin on skin. Futaba felt hot all over, as his other hand clutched at her hair.
‘Dating sims did not prepare me for this. Dating sims did not prepare me for this. Datingsimsdidnotpreparemeforthis!!!’
“Wrap your arms around me, little mouse.” Akechi took his hand out from under her shirt and grasped one of her wrists. Futaba numbly followed, her brain pretty much short circuited already, wrapping her arms around his neck, playing with his hair a little. Akechi smirked down at her flushed face. His usual princely smile came upon his face then, laughing at her softly. “You’re so cute.”
“T-Then I can go?” Futaba asked in a daze. Akechi’s eyes darkened and Futaba knew her answer. He inched his face closer to hers, frowning.
“Now, little mouse, I have to teach you a lesson first. Not noticing my affection? I can forgive that. You’re too sheltered after all. But to outright say I’m after Joker needs to get itself out of your head as fast as possible. And the only way to do that is to stake my claim on you.” Akechi told her menacingly. Futaba gulped, feeling dizzy from his personality changes.
“Don’t I get a say in this?!” Futaba exclaimed.
“Considering you haven’t pushed me away once already tells me your answer.” Akechi smirked. Futaba spluttered.
“B-but! You maxed out your charm! It feels too good! You must have a cheat code!” Futaba cried, pointing at him. Akechi looked downright amused.
“I maxed out my charm, huh? Is it stronger than Joker’s?” Akechi teased, but Futaba could see if she picked the wrong one, there would be consequences. Futaba face was practically glowing. How have her blood vessels not burst yet???
“I-I’m not the best judge here.” Futaba tried to weasel out of the question, and her answer made Akechi’s face darken again. Futaba cursed herself. Akechi pinned her down on the booth again, biting harder on the sensitive spot on her neck.
“It seems I need to do more convincing for my little mouse to give me the correct answer.” He bit down and Futaba winced, knowing there would definitely be a bruise there. He licked the spot gently, soothing her. She slid her hands over his chest and Akechi gave a growl of approval, using a hand to cup her ass and pull her closer to him. Futaba felt every muscle he had as they rubbed against each other, and it did nothing to stop the harsh beating of her heart. On the contrary, it only served to make her more hot and bothered.
Akechi rejoining their lips didn’t help her sensory overlord either. She could smell only him. She could feel only him. She could taste only him. Her senses, her very being, was dominated by Goro Akechi and it felt so good that she felt she was going to explode, and she wasn’t sure if any revival spell could bring her back.
She snaked her hands up shyly, playing with his hair softly, an attempt to stay grounded, but even touching the skin on the back of his neck with her hands electrified her as well as him. His hand tightened on her ass as they rubbed against each other. Was she affecting him in the way he was her? Did she make his entire being ignite like an inferno with every brush of friction like he was doing to her?
As if sensing her dazed state, Akechi parted from her, staring down at her curiously. Futaba stared back, sure she was in another world, because there was no way these feelings were of this world.
Her hands reached up, cupping his cheeks, surprising Akechi before Futaba smashed their lips together clumsily, her inexperience clear. However, it didn’t matter to Akechi, who groaned in pleasure and leaned her back against the booth softly. His gloveless hand came up, caressing her neck and cheek tenderly, before slowly parting from her mouth the final time. They stared at each other, panting, unsure of what to do now.
After a few moments, Akechi seemed to have decided she had enough torment, and separated from her painstakingly slow. He stood up, replacing his glove on his hand, never taking his eyes away from Futaba, laying there, blushing prettily just for him. Not Joker.
The beast inside him was sated for now, but he knew he’d come back for her, and make her fully his. He was too greedy—too selfish—to let her out of his clutches now that he’s gotten a taste. She shouldn’t have kissed him like that. She shouldn’t have given affection.
Now he can’t let her go.
Masking his feelings, he gave her a polite grin, holding out a hand to her to help her up.
“I think you’ve kept Akira and the others waiting long enough, Sakura. I just wanted to stop by, but I’ll be heading out now.” He told her in his usual princely attitude. Futaba took his hand shakily, not easily recovered from his passion like he was. He was careful to not pull her to him again. If he got his arms around her, he’d steal her away forever.
“T-Thanks.” Futaba said, the aftereffects of their kisses leaving her body humming. She watched Akechi go before wobbling up the steps towards Akira’s room. She opened the door to see her comrades.
The Phantom Thieves took one look at her, registering the pretty blush, the multiple love bites on her neck, the dazed expression, and couldn’t help but grin.
“So… Futaba.” Akira started, grinning teasingly. “Is Akechi gay?”
Futaba just fainted.
There you go! My first Aketaba! I hope you guys liked it! Let me know if you want me to write more Akechi/Futaba!
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crowsent · 6 years
Aspect Of Winter
Let me preface this by saying that I will be biased. Any and all words coming from my mouth, typed onto this screen with my ratchet fingers, will be heavily inclined to sing good praises of this book. For two main reasons. One: it’s a gift from a darling friend of mine. Two: it’s fucking gay and my queer ass rejoices.
It is so damn good. But! Before I bust out the magnifying glass of unnecessarily big words I definitely googled to sound as extra as I physically possibly can, here’s a brief synopsis of the book.
It follows the main character, Feayr, a high-school senior who, for the sake of literally everyone, goes by Fay. For some reason, he has magical powers that enable him to essentially wield winter like his own personal mallet where everything in the world can be a nail. He’s also hella fucking gay.
Because of his powers, Fay doesn’t really feel like he fits in with normal people. Cue Janus University. It’s a magical school for people with magical potential and is essentially Fay’s ticket to having a life and a place for himself surrounded by other people like him. So he leaps on that train of opportunity with all the grace of a dying elephant and kicks off the story.
There’s magic that’s done in a very unique way, unlike Harry Potter, or Carry On, or some of the other books with magic that I’ve read. Very fresh and new. Lots of mythological creatures as well from all over the world, not just ones with Hellenic or Gaelic origins. There’s a fuckton of shit to read and enjoy and consume like the word devourer I am.
Read the book. Please read it. It is so good. I wanted to cry a few times. Read it.
Now. Onto the magnifying glass! Beware spoilers!
First thing about the book is the syntax. Easy to read, easy to understand, no less compelling. It also helps that Tom Early, the author, has such a great sense of humour. I had to put the book down to keep myself from laughing because holy shit. There are some great moments in this book. So much so that writing down all my favourite quotes would take more than one post.
It helps that Fay is hilarious in his own right. My queer ass just understands him so much. I relate to this man on so many levels and if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in the room and then myself. He’s so awkward and adorable!!!!! But. Honestly. I kind of feel bad for him.
One. His school has dick bitch homophobes who constantly tell him that he’s not worthy of anything. And, honestly, that hit hard. I’m fortunate enough that I wasn’t harassed like that in my earlier days. I’m a little more hardened now, and more than willing to throw hands, but if I heard that when I was younger, I would break.
It’s so sad seeing Fay struggle with his sexuality and try to carve a place for himself in a world that obviously fights back against him. Personally, I think that him wanting to go to Janus is a parallel to him wanting to be accepted as he is. A way to find someplace to belong, with people like him, so he would feel more normal and less weird. But that might be a stretch.
And while Fay has this awkward, shy side to him, he also has something much darker. Infinitely darker. Like. A piece of his soul dark. Kind of suspected it in the scene with the dullahan where the thing tries to take his soul but gets turned into an ice statue and shattered into a million bits instead.
That interaction paved the road for all the future dark things that Fay has the potential to do. And the things he DOES do, later on near the end of the book. It ties in nicely, subtle enough that the scene with Aria fucking floored me, mouth reaching for the floor, eyes wide like dinner plates. But it wasn’t out of the blue. There were enough hints that got my head gears whirring like the cogs of a dying clock. There were pieces for me to put together and holy shit did I fit them together. There’s so much that I sat there for a good few moments muttering “what the fuck” while I pictured Fay ripping off Aria’s wings.
It is such an intense moment in the book.
But the thing I love most about Fay is that he acknowledges his shortcomings. He KNOWS that he lets other people fight his battles for him. He knows that he doesn’t do a very good job of communicating his feelings to other people (like with Tyler and that whole spiel about him dragging Tyler into the magic world) and here’s the best part.
HE TRIES TO FIX IT. He sees what he lacks, and does his fucking best to fix it.
First encounter with the homophobes and Fay freezes, lets them have their words and their jabs, and walks off meekly with his head down. Some reflection later, and he FREEZES one of the homophobe’s lips together and walks away with his head high. Fucking proud and happy.
And after Tyler pointed out that Fay wasn’t communicating that good, Fay does what any good boyfriend (and person) should do and ACTUALLY COMMUNICATES. I fucking can’t. I am incapable of canning. This boy is so precious.
Of course, an equally precious child is Sam. I lowkey aspire to be her. One, the no-nonsense attitude that she isn’t afraid to show everyone. Two, the fact that literally everyone in school knows she can kick their collective asses and she knows it. Three, she has such a fun personality with her own little quirks that I just die on the inside.
If I met Sam when I was in highschool, I would be fucking gay for her. And in the books, Fay mentions, on multiple occasions, the crowd of men AND women flocking to Sam. Just a nice touch that I adore.
Sam is essentially both brains AND brawn. She’s fierce, she’s smart, she managed to make a simple spell that makes a Minor Orb of energy into a damn fucking shield she’s not afraid to use as a means to bash heads in.
And she’s an artist. Who draws. A lot. And I just. Sam feels so real to me and I am so taken with her character.
Of course, she has her flaws too. One that stood out to me was the fact that she can’t seem to back down from a fight. Sure, sounds like an inconsequential thing, but it was a crisis of character for her when she lost BECAUSE she didn’t back down.
She had an entire thing about her mom not being proud of her because she wasn’t good enough and I just choked.
Of course, there’s Tyler. A jock-type who happens to be bi. Reminded me a lot of Cooper from One Of Us Is Lying. Except. Tyler’s not exactly in the closet. He knows what he is and is proud of that and honestly fucking bet.
He doesn’t take shit from anyone too, and isn’t afraid to hold his ground if he needs to. Like. He stood up to Sam in a parking lot early on in the book. At this point, it has already been established that Sam is hell incarnate and is not afraid to kick someone’s teeth in. Sam can do a no hands running leap over a fence!!!
And Tyler stood his ground and looked her straight in the eye. Mad respect for that scene, honestly. The way it’s written makes it so that Tyler doesn’t back down, but he also doesn’t disrespect Sam.
More mad props to Tyler is that Fay is his first relationship with a guy. And he powers through. Sure, he’s nervous, but he still asked. Honestly, more than I could say for myself. It takes a great deal of courage to ask someone out, even more so if it’s the first date.
Tyler is goals tbh. He willingly follows Fay into battle knowing the risks because he doesn’t want to lose Fay. He struggles with his parents getting a divorce, has a lot of his own personal issues that can and will tie my tongue with how much he just continues moving forward. And just.
This man. This man. I have so much respect and feelings for this man. He’s kind and considerate and I just can’t.
While these three are the main characters, there’s a bunch more that Early gives life to.
Aiden, for instance, only appears for a few scenes but damn is he complex. At first, I was all: hot guy. Accent. Foreign. Hot. Holy shit. Then, after the attack on Fay’s home, I switched to “what the fuck?” “what the fuck????” “bitch what the fuck!??!?!??” And THEN, he became more like a rival than an antagonist and just. I can’t.
Good characters are honestly my driving force for reading literally anything, but the plot and mechanics is strong in the book as well.
As I mentioned earlier, the magic is unique. There’s the words but it’s not actually said in the book what those words are. But it doesn’t even matter because you see the characters and how they respond. How the magic responds to them,
There’s a whole scene where Sam and Fay try out spells, figure out what they do, and what’s compatible with them. Spells have compatibility. I really enjoyed the fact that magic in this universe seems alive, ancient, and more than just a hand wave. It feels like it’s part of the caster.
Sam’s minor orbs, for instance, is different from Fay’s. Fay’s looks like a damn snowball, while Sam’s doesn’t. Same spell, different casters = different lookin spell. Wards too. Sam’s ward is standard. Fay’s turns everything that hits the ward into ice. Again, same spell but because the people casting them is different, it changes. It’s a nice touch and makes the world itself come to life.
Fight scenes aren’t prevalent in the early half of the book, but holy shit does things go from 0 to 100 real quick. Aria’s first fight was brutal and I just practically vibrated with excitement when that happened. Motherfucking art.
The entire book is filled with scenes like that, actually. Made me stop, rethink my life decisions, praise every god that I managed to exists in a universe where Aspect of Winter is a thing. I love it. Can’t wait to read the next book (when I get my hands on it) and can’t wait for the third book to come out.
One scene in particular hit me with a mountain of questions and elicited a chorus of holy shits. Felt like I was about to sing Heathers Fight For Me. Right at the very end. I can quote it because it was seared into my very brain.
Bit of context.
The thing with Fay’s very soul bearing some part of winter? Yeah, that was how he managed to chill everything, and make his own ice sculptures whenever he wants. The thing that killed the dullahan. That thing that is such an integral part of him.
It was sealed.
No more ice magic.
Fay described it as feeling EMPTY.
So, you’d think that after being sealed away, the ice wouldn’t manifest anymore right? Whatever thing is inside Fay would stay there and not be a danger to him or to others anymore, right? Fucking wrong. The very last line of the book read as follows:
“Behind me, the stones on the beach were covered in a thin layer of frost.”
Like. Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!! Either the seal broke, or it wasn’t strong enough.
(Didas is also a shady bitch and I don’t trust him but I don’t think he’ll endanger the lives of everyone quite so easily.)
Either way, winter is fucking coming and I am fucking terrified.
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genzgay · 8 years
Flustered (part 2)
Pairing: Yugbam
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: more bad pickup lines, butchering BamBam’s Thai name, wearing white shirts to coffee dates 
Fluster, verb. To make (someone) agitated or confused

Yugyeom, a quiet and shy library assistant, just wants to keep the peace. BamBam, a quirky design student, knows too many pickup lines. When they exchange numbers it feels like the world turned upside down.
based off this ask
part 1
for @cutepimook
Yugyeom blazed through the campus. He was overjoyed to visit BamBam, but the Green dorms were on the exact opposite side of the campus. Yugyeom couldn’t be late for his very important date. Once he was inside building two, he found the nearest stairwell and took the stairs two by two. At the second floor, he pushed open the door and scanned for room two. There it was at the end of the hallway.
Yugyeom used the time it took to walk there to calm himself down. His heart rate had picked up again and his cheeks were most definitely a scarlet color. He took two deep breaths, then four, then two again, which always seemed to calm him down. It didn’t. He apprehensively knocked on the door of room two.
No answer.
He knocked yet again. The door opened with a click, and BamBam stood there with a finger to his lips and a phone pressed to his ear. He was speaking some language that Yugyeom couldn’t identify. It was definitely something southeastern based off BamBam’s looks- maybe Malay or one the hundreds of Indonesian languages- but Yugyeom couldn’t be sure. He followed BamBam’s motions and sat on his bed, then watched BamBam pace back and forth in the tiny closet of a room. With a big smile, BamBam ended the call.
“That was my little sister, sorry.” BamBam explained, placing his phone on his desk.
“So you’re not Korean?” Yugyeom asked. Of course he’s not Korean, you dumbass.
“You couldn’t tell from the accent?” BamBam answered with a giggle. “Nah, I’m from Thailand.” Yugyeom was experiencing the greatest ah-ha moment known to mankind.
“Oh cool! I’ve never been, unfortunately.” Yugyeom said, scratching his forehead.
“Well, maybe you’ll have to visit.” BamBam said, hopefully. He pulled a clear plastic case from his closet, opened it, and revealed a bright pink roll of measuring tape. “If you could just stand and take off your shoes.” Yugyeom followed his instructions, depositing his beat up Adidas near the door. He stood, looking at BamBam’s corkboard. “Okay, just hold your arms out.”
As BamBam completed his measurements (quite quietly, to Yugyeom’s surprise), Yugyeom had a chance to contemplate the cork board in front of him. It was divided into four sections, each with their own themed collage. The upper right section had the word “home” pinned in the center and what Yugyeom assumed to be the Thai flag pinned above it, with a map, some family photos, and some images of notable landmarks. On the lower right, the word “inspiration” was pinned in the center and hundreds of cutout pictures, drawings, and patterns in purple, black, and white blooming around it. The lower right had “dream” in the center, with pictures of boutiques, famous labels, and expensive clothes juxtaposed against pictures of nice family homes, children, and wedding rings. Lastly, the upper left, with the gay flag in the center instead of a word. Multicolored pictures of pride parades, definitions of slang in Thai, Korean, and English, and rainbows made the corner the most obvious of the four. The entire board felt raw, as if BamBam had let his soul bleed into it.
“Your cork board,” Yugyeom started, unsure of how his sentence would end, “it’s,” He couldn’t find a word to describe it and his tongue was super glued to his teeth.
“Oh.” BamBam froze. “Yeah. It’s a lot and kinda cheesy, I don’t know why I did it, like it’s so lame.” He yammered. “Like, who actually uses their cork board, and isn’t it for, um, staying organized?” He laughed, moving in front of it to block it. The collage blended around BamBam’s frame like a holy halo of himself, his purest self.
Yugyeom smiled. “No, I like how raw it is. Nobody bothers to use theirs and mine has approximately two sticky notes on it from September when I promised myself to be organized. But this, no, this is art.” He shared. BamBam’s shoulders dropped like Yugyeom had just lifted a weight.
“Really?” He asked, his eyes big and shimmery.
“Yeah.” Yugyeom went over to the inspiration section. “So, purple?”
“It looks like it’s your color.” BamBam answered. “I guess I’ll have to add you.”
Yugyeom giggled. “Oh please.” He threaded a hand through his hair.
“Yugyeom?” BamBam moved to make another measurement. Yugyeom could feel the measuring tape against his ass, but accepted it.
“Are you made of sugar?” BamBam swiveled back around, pulling Yugyeom in with the tape. “Because your ass is sweet.” Yugyeom knew his cheeks would be be crimson, but it didn’t matter, because he was eye to eye with one of the most handsome people he had seen. Summing up this feeling with a sentence would be hard, so Yugyeom tried his best.
“So, you have siblings?” Yep, he was a disaster. A flop. A failure. A wreck. He couldn’t even just take one freaking moment to relish in the fact that he could of just held his crush by the cheeks and kissed him then and there (even if they had only know each other for 48 hours). BamBam straightened himself out, leaning away from Yugyeom and turning toward the board.
“Yeah. So my sister,” He sounded disappointed. He pointed to a selfie, “Her name is Baby. I mean, it’s not her real name, that’s Hataichanok, but in Thailand everyone uses a nickname.” He waved at another photo, with two nearly matching faces. “Then there’s my oldest brother Sarunchai, or Beer, and older brother Chindanai, or Bank.” He scratched the back of his neck. “They’re all really nice and I miss them loads.” He flopped on his bed with a sad sigh.
“They seem nice.” Yugyeom said, reusing BamBam’s words. “But what’s your name?” He sat next to BamBam, careful to duck under the overhead shelf.
“BamBam.” He said, unblinking. Then the light bulb blinked in his head. “OH! Mine’s Kunpimook.”
Yugyeom knew he wasn’t going to say it right. “Kun-peh-muk?” He attempted.
“Kun-pi-mook.” BamBam stressed.
Something clicked in Yugyeom’s head. “Kunpimook?”
“Yes!” BamBam smiled, “Thai sounds good coming from you.” Yugyeom could feel the burn of BamBam’s gaze on his lips. “Want to learn more?”
“Of course.” For another two hours, Yugyeom happily subjected himself to embarrassment and confusion as he tried to make sense of BamBam’s native language. They only stopped when Yugyeom’s roommate, Jungkook, called for the fifth time. “Yes?”
“Yugyeom? Oh thank god.” He breathed into the phone and there was some mumbling. “Gyu is drunk off his ass and I can’t find my room key, plus it’s the RA’s night off.” Yugyeom’s shoulders sagged.
“I’ll be there.” Yugyeom answered. He ended the call and looked at BamBam regretfully. Their legs had intertwined messily like a beginner’s first knit scarf and it was sad to undo it.
“Guess you gotta go?” He asked.
Yugyeom nodded. “Yeah.” Another light bulb flashed in his head as he slipped on his shoes. “Want to get a coffee sometime?”
“Definitely.” BamBam’s answer gave Yugyeom enough energy to run home. 
“What drugs are you on?” Jinyoung asked, a thick eyebrow raised in suspicion. He’d just witnessed Kim Yugyeom skip gleefully across the library with an armful of two-inch thick textbooks. He was humming. The kid had been more than pleasant to any stranger that had walked in here and that alone was frightening.
Yugyeom pranced back, finishing his exercise with a huff. “Nothing!” He sang. He grabbed another pile, pivoted, and was off to re-shelve the books.
Jinyoung blinked at his rejection. “It has to be something!” He called across the library, instant on finding out what was literally making Yugyeom jump with joy.
“I thought librarians don’t yell!” He shouted from the other end. Jinyoung snorted. That was kinda funny.
“They certainly don’t skip around, either.” He retorted. Yugyeom was back within view, still bouncing. “You got the last few, right? I’ll go sort and you can take the front.” He turned to go.
“Jinyoung, wait.” Yugyeom suddenly sounded pitiful. “Actually, do you know of any cool cafés?” He was rubbing at the back of his head and his cheeks were redder than roses. “It’s,” Jinyoung just grinned.
“You’re going on a date, aren’t you?” He questioned, giggling. Yugyeom turned crimson.
“Psh, it’s not that, I just-” He played with his hands. “Just wanna check out Seoul some more.” He grinned unconvincingly.
Jinyoung decided to give Yugyeom his blessing. “Go to Cafe Chu. Have fun with BamBam and get some churros, ya nerd.”
Yugyeom was sitting in Cafe Chu with a churro and a coffee, alone. Which was fine. BamBam was only five minutes late and Yugyeom could excuse that. He could forget it happened. As it grew closer to fifteen minutes, Yugyeom was taking a bite of his lukewarm churro and staring at his phone screen. Where was BamBam? Just as he’s about to type out a text teasing BamBam for being late, the screech of a metal chair on hardwood announces his very arrival. “Hi, gosh I’m so sorry, I...” 
Yugyeom didn’t even hear BamBam’s excuse. He was much too distracted by the sinfully angelic outfit BamBam had chosen: a white button up that exposed  just enough chest and a thick black choker to match. Yugyeom prayed he wasn’t drooling because Bambam was more than forgiven. “It’s fine.”
“Phew,” BamBam wiped his forehead, “I thought I’d ruined the date.” He laughed, “Looks like you’re going to need a second churro.” The pair got up and in line, debated getting heart shaped churros over the regular stick shape (general consensus was the heart churros), then sat down to enjoy deep fried heaven. 
“Wow.” They said simultaneously. They both laughed, smiling at each other’s being. 
“So, Yugyeom, tell me about your major.” BamBam prompted. He sipped at his coffee while Yugyeom described the in and outs of a dance major. Yugyeom then sparked a discussion on tattoos, which lead to a retelling of the time BamBam attempted to runaway from home, which turned into a debate on dog breeds. “Pugs are the cutest though, with all their wrinkles and they’re just designed for cuddling.” BamBam argued. 
“Nope, Labs are more friendly, plus they just have such a gentle demeanor.” Yugyeom refuted. 
“But pugs!” BamBam fought. He swung his arms out to make his point, his right hand flying straight into his cup. The paper object did a back flip as it fell to the floor, causing the top to come loose and spray it’s latte goodness everywhere. BamBam and Yugyeom looked at each other, then the floor, then back to each other. Fuck.
“I’ll get some napkins.” They shouted simultaneously again. The two split up in order to find the maximum number of napkins possible. By the time Yugyeom had made it down to the end of the cafe and back, an employee had brought out a mop and was clearing away their sugary disaster with a flustered BamBam bowing and thanking him. Yugyeom and he decided to escape after that. 
“So long, Kim Yugyeom.” BamBam said, squeezing the taller human into a hug. “Now next time, I pick the place. Somewhere without coffee, preferably.” His white shirt was now only kinda sorta white now, so Yugyeom could see where he was coming from.
“Okay. Text me?” Yugyeom asked. He still had a hold on both of BamBam’s hands, unwilling to let him go.
“Yes!” He promised, “And Yugyeom?”
BamBam had this shit eating grin on his face. “If you were ground coffee, you would be espresso because you’re so fine!”
A message for June: Considering that I posted this at approximately 1 am, I hope you deeply enjoy this and know that I’m dedicated as fuck to getting this updated every Tuesday (or, Wednesday at 1 am EST) for you. 
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