#i have too many things on my plate as is but if nobody does i'd love to make it into a miniseries of like videos one day
owlrageousjones · 1 year
Yes Chancellor, Pilot Script
"Chancellor, you've been asked to give your opinion on the Rimworld People's Liberation Front."
"Are they the terrorists we hate or the freedom fighters we're supporting?"
"The former, sir. The latter are the Rimworld Peoples' Liberation Front."
"... Senator, which one is it? The terrorists or the freedom fighters?"
"Well, the Rimworld People's Liberation Front are officially recognised as terrorists by the Senate, but the Rimworld Peoples' Liberation Front are-"
"Hang on, you just said the same name twice!"
"Ah, yes, I see the confusion. The Rimworld People apostrophe s Liberation Front are not at all similar to the Rimworld Peoples apostrophe Liberation Front."
"... How so?"
"Well, we're against the former and supporting the latter for starters."
"I... see."
"Now, these are their flags."
*presents two identical flags*
"Senator, these are identical."
"Nonsense, Chancellor, these are-oh, my apologies. I had the Rimworld Peoples' Liberation Front one the wrong way around."
*flips one of the flags - they remain identical*
"There, is that clearer, sir?"
"As the Swamps in Naboo, Senator."
"And there is of course the matter of the Rimworld Peoples Liberation Front to consider as well."
"... Where's the apostrophe for that one?"
"Oh, it doesn't have one, sir."
"And... what do they want?"
"Well, sir, we're not actually sure yet. It's really rather muddled things for us."
"Yes, what a shame. And it was so straightforward without them."
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demonsfate · 1 month
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shipping questions // accepting // @juanalmada1234 asked . . . shipping questions: 1, 18, 20, 22 and 28
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1. what’s the best thing about shipping for you?
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It's hard to say! There are so many great things about shipping! But I think it may just be delving deep into the characters' feelings. Often, people may behave differently toward those they are in love with. I feel that in ships, you can view a side of a character that isn't often seen. Like Jin may be more affectionate and more willing to make physical contact with a lover than he will with a friend. They may know stuff about each other than nobody else does. And we get to see just how far the characters will go for their lovers. I just think it's a great opportunity to flesh out two characters.
It's also interesting for Devil, because he used to be somebody who couldn't really love anyone. So, it's a new experience for him!
18. is there a ship you used to like, but not anymore?
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I'm trying to think but... I don't think there really is? Usually it's rare for me to start disliking a ship I've enjoyed. I guess the closest thing to this would be that I used to consider the idea of Jin & Julia (they have stuff in common!) But I pushed that aside in favor for Jun & Michelle. Dunno why! But I just prefer the moms together lol
20. is there a ship you wanted to play, but couldn’t yet?
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EEEEEYAHHHH!! As I said, I do have a soft spot for the Jin & Alisa ship, so I would not mind trying that one out!!! I also have a super secret soft spot for the Jin & Miguel ship! Y'know, it's not as toxic in MY portrayal 'cos Jin isn't actually responsible for the sister's death. But y'know, the guy who did get her killed still exists within him... so that would make things AWKWARD. Anyway, I like the Jin & Miguel ship just because it seems Jin has a thing for the hot-headed aggressive guys. And well... also just look at how TALL and HANDSOME he is! I thiiiiink those are the only ships I haven't really gotten to play yet? I'll probs get to play 'em eventually, tho! Frick, it took over a year for me to get a Xiao & Hwoarang to ship with!
22. is there any ship you will likely never play? (apart from the obvious in/cest, pe/dophilia etc, i want to believe you guys are Good)
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Hmm. I think I'm pretty lenient on who I ship Jin with - like I'm VERY easygoing when it comes to writing ships! Hell, somebody could be like "do you wanna ship?" and I'll be like "SURE!" But I do have some dealbreakers, or more so, Jin has some dealbreakers. Like for example, I don't mind the Nina & Jin ship (I don't ship it but it's not something I dislike) but... I just don't see Jin dating an assassin. I see him dating a former assassin who now wants to make amends. But he's not going to date somebody who's still actively hurting or killing people. So like, that means Anna is also off the plate! I also don't see Jin with Marduk or Ganryu either luls. And obviously, Jin would never date Ogre for obvious reasons lol. He wouldn't date Azazel either. But honestly, I don't think those two are capable of romance.
Devil, on the other hand - I feel like there would be a lot more ships I'd be willing to do with him, but it also depends on the timeline. I'd joke that pre-purified Devil would go after Ogre, and he may! But Jin's hatred for Ogre is too strong, and thus, it influences Devil to be furious with Ogre. Devil, would however, go after Marduk - purified and not purified unfortunately. Like Jin though, he wouldn't be interested in Ganryu.
28. would you play a “bitter exes” relationship?
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The funny thing is that out of all the years I've been RPing (11 years now...) I have never written a breakup with mine & my partner's muses, I've never written exes before. Isn't that weird? I always thought I'd get breakup threads 'cos I happen to frequently write problematic muses. (Like Devil - villains. Or if not villains, then morally gray / anti-heroes) Yet... nothing ever happens! The only time I wrote a breakup was in private discord RPs (back when I used to do those) and they got back together anyway lol.
But I wouldn't mind doing a bitter exes relationship! Though... I'm not sure how bitter Jin would be. I think Jin would only be very bitter if the relationship ended due to betrayal. But I'm not so sure 'cos I never had the opportunity!
Devil, on the other hand, would be a very bitter ex no matter how the relationship ended. Just because Devil, even after purification, is a jealous and possessive man. He may not be as aggressive about it as he once was, but he still feels those two emotions, and he still has to cope with them.
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soulrph · 2 years
Random advice question if you are still open for these: recently I have been getting overwhelmed with my draft/reply count. I know I will get to them and time isn't in my favor as a college student, but I often feel overwhelmed by them? Sometimes I worry I will never get to them? It's a weird, irrational fear haha. Is there any advice you have towards managing a reply count or anything regarding that?
hi my angel! first off, let me commend you for being brave enough to ask this question. it can be scary asking these things, so fair play to you for taking the first step, and congratulations on getting into college!
secondly: i'm going to present you a classic example of why you shouldn't be letting this overwhelm you. so where i'm from, when we fill out a government document, they ask you what your profession is, right? you might be a carpenter or a waitress or a doctor, OR A STUDENT!! college is considered to be a full-time profession, and it comes first, okay? nobody, and i do mean NOBODY is expecting you to sweep through your drafts and inbox on the regular while juggling assignments and deadlines. you're already doing so much, and that's plenty of stress as it is. your first priority needs to be looking after yourself. so drink plenty of water, eat good food (and if money's an issue, i happen to follow a tonne of people on instagram who provide plenty of amazing and cheap recipes for these difficult months!) and make sure to get plenty of rest and exercise, okay?
as for the drafts, you can tell people you're taking a little hiatus! just explain that activity will be slim to none until the holidays, as a result of your degree. everyone, myself included, does that! i used to have a job that was 66 hours a week, 6 days a week, and i'd tell people i wouldn't be around for a few months. nothing bad happened! people are far more understanding and appreciative of these things than your brain will convince you they're not.
anyhow! it's not an irrational fear, my darling. it's like when you see a waitress carry a huge stack of plates in a kitchen, right? it's stressful! it's scary! there's so many plates to clean off and wash and dry and put away! but they do eventually get finished off and cleaned. just one plate at a time, right? and you can do the drafts the same way, just one draft at a time! or you can delete them all. that's okay too! just make a little post and say that you're clearing out your drafts and/or inbox, and plan to start afresh. nobody will be angry, love, i promise!
this is 2022. almost 2023. we need to be looking after ourselves. it's just the rpc, my angel, and we'll be here to help you and have fun with you once you have the time!
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casspurrjoybell-19 · 4 months
Does it Matter? - Chapter 17 - Part 1
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*Warning: Adult Content*   
Brayan knocked on the door to Maric's room and then, when there was no response from within, opened it.
Dara sat at the small table at the far edge of the room, a bowl of stew and a plate of figs cut into halves in front of him. 
"Yes, sir?" Dara asked, eyes aimed at Brayan's collarbone. 
"You can stop that now, please, Dara," Brayan told him.
"Maric explained the situation to me." 
"Ah," Dara said, his eyes dropping to the food in front of him instead.
It didn't look like he'd touched it. 
Brayan walked over and sat down at the table across from him. He nodded at the food.
"Who brought you this?" 
"Oh. Mathers..."
His mouth stayed open for half a second like he'd been about to tack on a 'Sir' then closed again. 
Brayan nodded.
"He knows, then. He was acting strange about Maric and he's never brought the rest of us rabble sliced fruit for breakfast." 
Dara made a face.
"It was kind of him but unnecessary. This was what I wanted to explain to Maric but he was understandably upset. I haven't been able to heal anyone for many years. I was able to heal Maric but... it's complicated. I don't think I could do it again. I'm not a healer. Nobody needs to treat me like one." 
"I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit. Maybe Maric was too surprised by the situation to actually thank you but you may well have saved his life. In my eyes, that makes you a healer." 
Dara shook his head, clearly frustrated.
"It's not about that. I'd just rather people didn't think of me as a healer because I'm not a good one anymore. As a healer, all I can be is a disappointment and a failure. I'd prefer nobody else know." 
"I'm prepared to do a lot of things for you, Dara but not that. My men need to know the truth. You've put us all into an uncomfortable position with this lie and I won't have them put in a situation where they might be unintentionally treating you inappropriately. Perhaps it doesn't have to be public knowledge, but my men must know." 
Dara kept his head down, his hands gripping the sides of his chair.
"Nobody has treated me like a healer for years... Does it matter?" 
"How the king dealt with the situation was his choice and I won't disparage that, but he is above the law. With the exception of Maric, we're not. As far as I'm concerned, being a healer is something you're born with and something you will one day die with and you should be treated accordingly. What you want is an important consideration, but you have to understand that treating you improperly is literal treason." 
"No, I understand. There are broader concerns."
Dara poked at one of the fig halves but he didn't eat it.
"You know, I forgot how lonely this is. Everyone is nice to you but it's just... obligation. Last night, before Mathers found out, he told me he would take me back to Paige if something happened to Maric. I know that was something he offered out of respect for Maric rather than any personal feelings he had towards me but at least it was genuine. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but bringing me this nice breakfast was just... proper. I have no appetite right now, anyway." 
Brayan swiped one of the fig halves for himself and popped it into his mouth.
No sense letting it go to waste.
"Maric feels the same way about parties in his honor."
"I know. We talked about these things, a bit but what could I say without being completely honest and if I had been..."
Dara shook his head.
"I feel like that would have been the correct thing to do but I'm not sure the outcome would have been any better." 
"Certainly different." 
"Certainly that," Dara agreed.
"I don't think you can care for a healer in the same sense that he cared for me when he thought I was a bed slave." 
"You just care about a healer, right? Because a healer is a thing?" 
"Ah. You were listening." 
Brayan stole another fig half.
"Hmm. It was an interesting perspective." 
"A healer isn't allowed to be a person because people have emotions and those are messy. At first I kept the truth to myself because I thought that was the safer choice but after that, once I got to know Maric. I think I wanted to just be a person for a little while longer." 
"I respect that, in theory but in practise you put Maric in a situation where he had sex with a healer. There won't be any direct consequences for that because he's a prince but it's not a good look." 
"I know. It's a taboo. Even those guards who tortured me drew the line at anything sexual. It makes no sense, considering the reason you're not supposed to have sex with a healer and the things they did do to me but I wasn't about to draw their attention to that." 
"Hmm. Having sex with Maric doesn't seem to have had the result of traumatizing you." 
Dara's lips stretched into something that was too sad to be called a smile.
"I'm sure my old teacher would point out that I'm currently upset because I put myself in the position to form an attachment in a particularly tumultuous situation. If I'd built my sense of safety on something sustainable, maybe I would be able to actually reliably control my magic." 
"Do you agree with that?" 
"I don't think it's untrue. What do you think?" 
"I think..." Brayan swiped another fig half and ate it slowly.
"I think, when it really comes down to it, human attachments are like alcohol to a drunkard. We crave them at times but how often do they actually provide a net benefit? You and Maric were certainly attached to one another but from what I've seen it has caused you both a great deal of stress and very little real happiness." 
"I don't know. It's not exactly my area of expertise."
Dara spun one of the fig halves with his fingers.
"My parents seemed happy. Not all of the time but they always seemed glad that they were together." 
"I have no idea how my parents felt about one another or feel, I suppose. They've alive and still together. They aren't very emotionally demonstrative people in general and certainly not with one another." 
Dara looked Brayan in the eye for the first time since he'd entered the room.
"Is that why you're like this?" 
Brayan's eyebrows shot up, he didn't know whether to laugh or be angry, he settled on neither.
"And here I thought you had been completely failing to hold back your true nature. Turns out the real you is even more mouthy." 
"We're encouraged not to hold our tongues to avoid concealing any emotional issues that need to be resolved, of course, in practise I still repress my emotional issues, I just don't bother to keep my snark in check, or at least that was how I used to be when I was a healer but I was a teenager then. I guess I don't know who I am now." 
"Well, Maric has tasked me with taking care of your needs, so I would appreciate it if you would make my job easier and be direct about them." 
Dara met Brayan's gaze again but his expression was flatter now, closed off.
"I don't need anything from you, Brayan. Just go and do what you do best and update your men on the situation so that we can all continue on with our lives as smoothly as possible." 
Brayan sat back in his chair.
"I'll go once I see you eat two mouthfuls of that stew." 
"I'm not hungry." 
Brayan folded his arms over his chest.
"Then I suppose you'll have to endure my company until you are. I can have someone warm it up for you if it gets cold." 
Dara stared Brayan down for a few seconds but Brayan wasn't going anywhere.
He was willing to wait this one out. 
"Ugh," Dara said and he did as he was told.
Once he had eaten his two mouthfuls, he pushed the bowl away.
"No but I am leaving."
He stole another fig half.
"These are good. You should try them."
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seyoonlgc · 11 months
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Okay, so when Seyoon first heard about this one-on-one meeting, he was quite nervous. His first thought was oh shit, I am in trouble! Someone at the dorm finally got fed up with the fact he kept on kicking all of his dirty laundry under the bed and reported his unsanitary ass. Or maybe they noticed the five pounds he gained over the past three months because, for some reason, all the fat he gathered always went straight to his face. Perhaps it was all of the noise he was making because he was just starting some drum lessons and actually sucked...
Anyway, he still went because what else was he going to do? Flee from the window?
what do you think are your strengths right now?
"Uhhh, I think I am a...decent singer, okay performer, and not too terrible at dancing since I've been working hard on it lately...?" He should probably try to sound more confident but to be honest, he hasn't been training for that long and knew he wasn't as great as some other trainees, especially after watching a few performances at the Family Concert. "Oh, my English is fully fluent, but that's hardly anything to boast about since I am Canadian, right?" Seyoon laughed. "Does being a fast learner count as a strength? Because I learned most of my Korean after coming here post high-school graduation." The fried chicken place work experience really helped since he made tons of conversation with customers.
what are three skills that you would like to work on starting 2024?
"There are so many things I need to work on." Like his sleep schedule, but nobody needed to hear about that. "My dancing could still do with a lot more practice. I was also thinking about learning more about my best angles and how to pose for pictures...Oh, I've been wanting to learn a new instrument, maybe drums." Singing came to him naturally and his voice had always been clear and stable. What he needed to work on was technique and control, which enough time and experience should give him. Dancing, however, was a challenge. He simply wasn't gifted and should he debut, that might be something he'd have to continue working on.
if given a chance, what types of gigs would you be interested in participating?
"Project-wise, I would take anything the company gives me." Beggers can't be choosers, and as a nobody, Seyoon was well aware of the fact he was on his knees. Especially since he wasn't from a rich family and had no connections in Korea. "If I get to choose, I think participating in a musical would be fun." He would be on a stage in front of a live audience and showcase his singing and performance skills. "A drama would also be amazing. I'd be happy even with a very minor role." Like dead soldier #4, unlucky guy who first discovered the voodoo doll, the villain's brother who appeared in a random flashback or the protagonist's cousin who only get to show up once in episode 6.
during your time here in legacy, what are some of the lessons that you've learned about yourself?
This question was the only hard one of the bunch because it required more self-reflection, which Seyoon typically didn't like doing.
"I guess I learned that I am not the best and that there are always more talented people out there. In order to compete with them, I have to work hard. A lot more than I originally expected when I auditioned for Legacy." That was an honest answer. Seyoon had hoped for a smooth path but realized nobody was here to hand him anything on a plate. "Some people are way ahead with their ambition, goals and clearly organized priorities." Seyoon rested his chin over folded palms. "I think there is still a lot of growing up I have to do."
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vampirevalentineblog · 11 months
October 25 2023
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ok! hello! back to regular blogging. if you weren't aware i'm now hosting the old blog on tumblr so this should be easier for me to update than manually adding to the html and dealing with archiving past posts. best part is you can barely tell save for the photos are handled a bit odd now o_<;;
so i'd like to catch up on errrrr Feb to October LOL a whole year practically. lets see what i've been up to...
did wondercon in Anaheim, uh then KawaiiKon in Hawaii. spent some extra time there afterwards as well, I always enjoy snorkeling ^_^ you regularly see many turtles but i even saw a pufferfish! honolulu is nice and walkable if you've got sun protection! plus lots of other people also walk around with a parasol so nobody heckles you for it (like where I live :|||) their bus service is decent as well. i had a pretty greasy plate lunch the first day i was there so it had my stomach upset like, the whole time ;_; did an escape room with friends for the first time that was pretty fun! unfortunately kawaiikon's moved to being juried and apps are not even open yet ??? so no guarantees i'll be back next year :/
also did another Las Vegas con, it was meh. i don't care for the organizers of this one they steal art for their advertising, overcharge for tables, and then put us next to a loud ass stage. don't like that! i'd already done Omegamart the year before but i was staying in Freemont which i've never visited. i'll be back very soon and hopefully get to Nevada early enough in the day to visit Goodsprings bc you know I am a New Vegas girlie ehehe. also did an Anime Impulse back in Anaheim. I usually don't care for them for the same reasons as those other organizers but at least the crowd is better! this past january one they stuck us in a leaky barn ;_; for the table price its pretty ridiculous but i always come back despite it all because the attendees treat me well lmao
left off with pins last time, but since then got shirts made! there's two designs, my "fallen angel" girlie and my cherubim design.
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you can see them off to the side there, this is my booth Colossalcon East in Pennsylvania this September. super fun! great con, lovely weeby people in PA! along the top you can also see some of my new big prints i made in like 3 weeks. just drawing drawing drawing -w-!! this con i also got to meet Grey DeLise/Griffin and she signed my Azula print for me hehe <3
my plane ride home got delayed for thunder which was stressful bc immediately after i had a flight to Japan! eek! this was my second time going this year. i had been in 2022 right when it reopened to tourists so it was a much different experience this time, wayy more tourists about. ended up arriving right at the peak of a heat wave i took it easy though just doing some figure shopping and enjoying the food. i love family restaurants there so much lmfao they're so good and cheap. also met up with a friend from all the way back in middle school who also happened to be in shibuya the same night ??? made her and her partner go to Denny's with us later on lol! also visited Odaiba and Hakone this time on my birthday! Hakone is where Evangelion's Tokyo-3 is meant to be based in so they've got their own EVA store. I got a Unit 02 strawberry drink thing, should have got the matcha-taro swirl Unit 01 soft serve icecream >:)
got back and did some house keeping up until i found out there's a halloween party! i made a very quick costume out of stuff i had lying around. only spent like 5$ for some plastic fake chains. here's my alice (sans chains ofc) i made that apron in like a day out of an old pillowcase -w-;;; i don't sew much!! maybe i would be good at it if i bought plenty of fabric and followed instructions but we'll never know because i only try it out to make something silly with no pattern using scraps all in 1 day and then i get fed up and start using hot glue and hem tape. as one does! its got a little bow in the back too but i had no interfacing so its just a piece of printer paper giving it shape. this is what halloween is about!!
please ignore the background i'm in the middle of painting my bathroom lol
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up next i've got Sin City Anime in Las Vegas and Kumoricon in Portland. i like these two, completely different vibe and size but Sin City was cozy last year (they've since moved soo well see ??) and Kumori has some interesting people lmfao. i will see you guys at the swap meet +w+!! for sin city they asked if i'd be interested in an extra free booth for the 18+ lounge event and i was like ok sure why not and come to find i'm like one of 5 tables??? i don't know how it'll go over but whatever its something to do! i will have my tres leches cows and some new ones...here's a preview!
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whole milk is soOoO popular i'm so happy lmfao he is for the girls and the gays <3 i've got to do some more boys....its what the people want. maaybe a whipped cream to go with whipping ? ^_^ <3!
alright that's all for now! ttyl!
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lunarsilkscreen · 1 year
"We don't promote our best"
It's a rumor going around that the best don't get promoted, because they make the company money. I'd give it about 9% accuracy. They'll definitely be blamed for the company exploding when they leave.
And they're not promoted because they're so busy jobbing, they don't have the time to rub elbows with management. Or meet frivolous goals that management expects. The kind that don't matter in the long run but scream "team player".
Organizing company parties for example. Nothing wrong with that. Morale is valuable. But it doesn't exactly get the work done.
Promoting the person doing the job, allows them time to do more important things like writing style guides, technical manuals, and processes. All things that help the others around them do their job better. Things, typically expected from the people promoted into management, who then ask the jobbers to write those things because they were too busy with the company party to consider it.
I sound bitter. Maybe I am.
It could literally save you hiring outside consulting to promote that one individual. Which companies often hire outside consulting to cover process improvement, and they cost money to do so.
It's also why people like me studied process improvement, to be more valuable to the company. Because that's what's expected of us. It's also part of the reason recruiters see my resumè and throw it out. They think "nobody can know as many things as s/he says she does."
I have videos proving my knowledge and experience you can review. But that's beside the case. An example of my bitter heart.
The fact is, the most knowledgeable and experienced among us are often overlooked because we're "hard to get along with". You know why? Because when we see somebody at the same level as us acting like they're fresh out of training and they don't understand what they should already know.
Things like acronyms, key words, common design or work patterns. How to use the tools that come in the default toolkit. Then we start treating you like you don't know what you're talking about. We put the "kid gloves" on. And understandably, since we're "the same level", you feel patronized that I have the gall to explain to you that "clearing your cache" will help your browser get the new build off the website.
Or "righty tightly, lefty loosey" or any number of simple concepts.
And every time you say something dumb we say "aw, isn't that cute."
If you aren't knowledgeable in the job you're doing, it your job to learn. And that's why we don't insult you to your face when we know you don't know.
Cuz everybody has to start somewhere. But you also shouldn't be upset that we noticed.
In Short; management needs to take note of who is actually taking the initiative to train people in making their jobs smoother. Whether or not they're teaching above or below their rank. And, not be such a baby about it when they're called out.
And if somebody like that does get set off, maybe take note of how much stress they're under. Yeah, counsel them if they need it. But also know, their stress levels don't lower until you take work off their plate. (And no, that's not what demotions are for if they're overloaded from being short staffed. Or being the support column.)
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "@zeus.officiel_ on the road to success #monaco #millionaire #luxury #lifestyle #life" on YouTube
He's asking for it again a lot and right after he got indicted how coincidental so going to make it hurt and we're going to take him to court again and to task until he's gone and we're going to speed up on him not slow down. The same people want these cars and people don't their pieces of s*** they can't drive them and they're not street legal and he got pulled over and arrested no but the cops were telling him to go garage it and has no offenders and he says I don't have to but I will and stupid s*** like that and go ahead and does it and they said you have to actually and they're taking the plates and registration says if we catch you with it we're resting you couple minutes later you go zooming out the door so they arrested him. Been civil lawsuits against him and he says sue me so we're going to sue him for harassment because of this video
Thor Freya
What a password I'm going to put hits on that piece of s*** trump. What a great day there's so much fun watching him going there all sad beat up come out like a prick people are throwing stuff at him and pretty soon it's going to turn into that and they don't want him at the rallies his own party is telling him to go screw there's not very many trumpsters there anymore cuz they get beat up every time they go and is there trying to talk and nobody wants to hear it and they told me to get out and he's not able to speak at any engagements cuz they don't want him in any facility cuz the place gets ripped up he's trying to do speaking arrangements in squares and things like that and they say he's trying to cause a riot they arrested him twice now but they arrested a lot of his people and got information now his life is straight into a living hell and he's still here bothering my husband and he's gotten shot and killed a bunch of times and arrested he's been in prison nine times for more than 3 days he's been in prison 20 times for a day or less he's been shot in the head three times and it's not minor it's not major but he's he's kind of dead in the head and he has been shot in the body 500 times since he forced my husband here same with the son that his son got shot in the head more and I'd say it's worth it what they're doing harassing him cuz we get to see him go pretty soon he's going to be dead fully. Now I'm making a kid car and we're going to sell it and it's street legal and has dot papers and we're putting it out there shortly and we're not saying where and when but we're going to and it's a cool car and it's not yours stupid car that we wouldn't call because it looks gay John remillard
There's a certain treatment dude when someone is using your God name on people and I'm going to start it up now it's really embarrassing he has the wrong look it's not what I look like but okay yeah what he says is ridiculous too
Olympus you're so dumb Trump and people hate you so much the creaming you right now you're going out to lake Okeechobee and have your forces gone and they didn't even make it there there are 40 mi away from the perimeter of the lake area and they got wiped out and you're sending four more forces from both sides and they're going to get wiped out. Up at lake Superior you sent a huge Force like 10 trillion and they're gone and you're sending huge numbers at the Giants and they're dead and you're going to keep doing it and they'll keep dying which is great you're almost done in the Midwest and upper Midwest no but at this rate you will be you think you have like 100 trillion left so 10 more attacks and you're gone
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hiyorisarugaki · 2 years
“Girl story time! How long did it take for noodle brain and you to hook up?”
"WEll... depends how long ya have. This ain't some story that'll take six minutes! I mean... we got loads'a years 'ta cover!"
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"I've known him for at least 250 years. And I've liked him for at least 200 of them. Not that I'm countin' or nothin'. It started the moment he started tutoring me when I was in the academy. He'd tutor me, a gifted student- obviously- who had trouble with reading kidou and well... he was roped into lookin' after me. Back when he was a green bean shinigami in the twelfth division. Anyway, I treated him 'ta a meal cuz I'm a generous god and had passed the academy with his help durin' examinations, but when the order arrived, his plate looked better. He swapped ours round and well... I mean... nobody's done that for me before. It's not just the way he's casually feedin' me... but like givin' me something he was looking forward to as well. Who does that? Only... only like family does that. And I'd never had a family. Not a proper one, anyway. Certainly none enough to care 'ta give me a full portion of what they wanted. So... so I guess... I started thinkin' and noticin' him more. Seein' how popular he was. How strong he was. His talent was gonna take him far. More than just a seated officer. I had 'ta catch up if we could still be friends. It meant working my ass off every day. Especially when he became a captain and left the 12th division. I was desperate 'ta catch up and become someone important in the gotei, too. So I worked hard 'ta be lieutenant. I know some people think Hikifune-Taichou just gave me the position, but I never got anythin' just given 'ta me in my life except for my cute fangs. So yeah. I worked for everything. I made all the budgets and rotas and even filled in every position when a shinigami needed days off or wanted'a visit their family. I was relied on by Hikifune-Taichou. But yeah, I became a lieutenant. And that way, I was almost closer to Shinji too. But it still don't mean... he noticed me. Not like a woman, anyway. Like, he didn't sweep his cape of hair and go wow, that's a strong and cute woman right there. Let's make her my bride! Tch. As if. He was too busy going around flirting with so many girls. Geez. I don't even remember their long legs and stupid, swooshy hair." She obviously does remember them. Probably even better than Shinji, because she's grinding her teeth. If it wasn't for her bothering and pestering him for meals, she'd never have got his attention. And of course... she grabbed his attention in violent ways, too.
"Anyway... he never noticed a damn thing. So we get 'ta the night of the hollowfication where Sosuke reveals his slimy ass plan. We survive his experiments, but then... I kinda knew, that even if I did have a chance with him, I couldn't get with him. I mean, what.. he's stuck with me in exile, we actually got a chance now since there's no other competition... but, it ain't easy 'ta confess. Especially when Aizen's out there and we're all... dealin' with a mountain of shitty inner hollows. And then, on top of that... he's got this guilt about what happened since Aizen was his responsibility. It's too much for him. Being responsible for us and the situation and to put my feelings on top of that...?? That's... not good. Plus, I'd changed too. I... I'd lost my rank and prestige and... really anything I could offer him. I wasn't a good prospect for him. I also... had planned on killing Aizen or die trying. And... I almost did die trying. I wanted 'ta confess then,too... y'know when Gin got us. But... that would also have been shitty. Who would say no to the feelings of a dying girl?"
She takes a breath then. The things after that were murky. Or Hiyori had purposefully blanked them out because... Shinji had left. She has believed that there was nothing else she could really lose, other than her life. She'd lost her home already, her rank, her position, her ability to form rational thoughts... even her strength after the bifurcation. Really, nothing else was left for anyone to take.
But Soul Society decided it wasn't enough.
They took Shinji and her friends too.
Hiyori swallowed hard. She still does, hate Shinigami...
"Well... I guess... I guess he missed me when he became captain again. And I behaved less violently too. I mean, how can ya really smack a guy that lives a dimension away? He gained a thousand new friends in Soul Society. I was left with minus three. I think... he must've started worrying and thinking of me more then. That's how he came by often 'ta check on me. Then he kissed me. And we started courting each other and now we're married after I said I'd start looking for houses in Soul Society again. I was happy when he asked. It's like a dream come true..."
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takamakisu · 4 years
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This is a super indulgent fanfic where Mishima actually gets treated nicely by Akira and Co. so whoooo-
Being the admin of the Phan-Site, while a job of passion, was extremely tiring. Mishima spent many sleepless nights banning trolls, replying to comments, and creating forums. Life became a routine: go to school, do homework, manage the Phan-Site. Visit the shops, manage the Phan-Site. Eat, while managing the Phan-Site. Take a nap. Phan-Site. Phan-Site. 
His fingers flew like spider's legs over the keyboard of his phone and laptop, determined to carry the little world that he had created on his shoulders like a modern day Atlas. The Phantom Thieves needed him, he HAD to help them, he had to he had to-
Some jerk was going off about how the Phantom Thieves were "immoral" and "a danger to justice. Mishima automatically moved his finger to ban another troublemaker, then squinted at the username. 
Mishima blinked once, twice, and belatedly realized that Goro Akechi himself was on his site, wanting to start an argument about the moral ethics of the Phantom Thieves. A ghost of a smile flickered across Yuuki's lips, and instead of banning, he clicked the "reply" button instead. This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, why not humor it? After letting Akechi have it, an argument between the two ensues. Other users joined the fray and laughed at the detective prince, and Mishima smugly banned the annoying, stuck up guy once he'd had his fun. What a moron. Felt good, to finally be in control.
Unfortunately, Mishima hadn't been paying attention to where he was going, and he bumped into the door of the cafeteria, shaking himself to bring his surroundings to standstill. A mild blush painted itself over his cheeks and he looked around nervously to see if anybody had noticed- and of course they had. They were hiding their mouths behind their hands with shaking shoulders, and Yuuki felt a wave of irritation wash over. "Oh yeah, sure, laugh!" he snapped. "Don't you guys have anything better to do?" In a huff, he entered the cafeteria, then stationed himself at a table in the back, as always. And as always, he kept an eagle eye on the Phan-Site. It was the last thing he checked before sleeping (if he slept at all) and the first thing he looked over in the morning. The days began to blur together, and tired became his neutral state of being. But he kept at it, because they needed him, and he needed to be needed. It was the only thing he had going for him, only thing that made him worth something..
Another day at a table alone in the cafeteria, and Mishima blinked somewhat blearily at his phone, scrolling through threads as words began to blur together. And then suddenly, his device was swiped away, and the boy looked up absolutely flabbergasted into the bespectacled face of Akira Kurusu. "Hey," Yuuki cried when the shock wore off, eyebrows furrowing. "That's mine. Give it back!" He reached for it, but Akira held it up higher, and irritation erupted in Mishima's chest. Shooting up from his chair, he angrily stared the other brunet down and leaped for his phone, clawing at it desperately. "Stop it!!!!!!" 
"You are absolutely obsessed with this thing," Kurusu replied calmly, his tenor voice mellow as he kept the phone just out of reach. "Every time I see you, your face is buried in it. When was the last time you slept?" he demanded, eyes narrowing. The anger was shocked away, and Yuuki merely stared, unable to formulate a response. "You don't even remember, do you Mishima?" he frowned. Students were watching them now, mouths and eyes wide open. 
"Why do you care?" Yuuki challenged, anger washing over again. "Just give me back my phone. I need it," he hollered, and his voice broke and his vision began to blur as he reached up and up and up but it wasn't enough, it wasn't enough.
"Why do you need it, Mishima?"
"Because I have to run the Phan-Site and if I don't have my phone, I can't do that!!" Yuuki's voice shot up into the higher ranges to the point he was almost shrieking, and hot tears began to leak out of his eyes and he hated it, he hated it so much. Why couldn't people just leave him alone?! "GIVE IT BACK, I SWEAR TO GOD-"
Akira grabbed his shoulders and shook him mildly, grey eyes stormy. "STOP IT."  Mishima was stunned into silence, and his chest heaved. "Do you see what this thing-" and he held up the phone- "is DOING to you? You're so consumed with it that it's become like a part of you and you don't even know who you are without it anymore. The Phan-Site is not going to crash and burn if you're not there for one day. It is going to be fine. You, on the other hand, are running yourself into the GROUND. Do you ever take any time to yourself? Outside of this??"
"This is an intervention, Mishima," Akira declared. "You are going to take better care of yourself. And I won't take no for an answer." With that, he pocketed the phone, and Yuuki stared hollowly, eyes and cheeks red from tears. "Now, come on."
"Huh? Where are we going?"
"You're coming to sit with me." Whispers began to rise like winds, and Kurusu turned on his heel to go back to his table. Mishima moved to follow him, but his surroundings became hazy and he stumbled, unbalanced. When did everything start moving….?
He was falling. The next thing he knew he was in Akira's arms, and the whispers had gotten louder. "What's the matter?" Kurusu asked, concern heavy. Yuuki didn't answer. His head felt like somebody had stuffed it full of cotton, and he couldn't think straight. "Okay, um," the taller boy stammered, "let's just..let's go to the nurse, yeah?" Putting Mishima's arm around his shoulder, the duo made their way to the nurse's office. Thankfully Yuuki wasn't ill, merely overtired, and he drifted off after a few minutes. When he came to, Akira was back. "Mornin' sleepyhead. Time to go."
"Go?" Mishima echoed, turning his head towards Akira. "Go where?"
"Home. Classes are over for the day."
The shorter boy shot up like a rocket, eyes huge. "WHAT?! I slept that long!?" 
"Sure did. You gotta take better care of yourself," was the calm reply, and Mishima felt a prickle of shame. "And since you passed out before eating lunch, dinner's on me." Through the sea of people they walked to Leblanc, and Akira grabbed two plates of curry, setting one in front of Mishima. "Oh, I almost forgot," he said, "I got your phone still. Eat up, and then you can have it back." Yuuki began to eat quietly, and Akira did as well, comfortable with the silence. After a few minutes, Mishima put his fork down, surroundings blurring again, and bit his lip, burying his face in his arms.
"Woah, hey," the messy haired boy gasped. "What are you crying for? I knew Boss's curry was good, but I didn't know it was that good-"
"Why do you care?" Yuuki choked, scrubbing at his eyes. "Nobody else does. Not my parents, not anybody in the school, so why do- it's my fault your record was leaked it's my fault people hate you, Kurusu!" 
"Mishima, that wasn't your fault," Akira said firmly. "Stop taking burdens that aren't yours to carry. I don't hold that against you, okay?"
"I'm sorry," Yuuki muttered, because he didn't know what else to do, or say.
"It's not your fault. And to answer your question, I care because it's what friends do."
"..friends?" Mishima whispered, looking up incredulously.
"Yup, you're my friend now. So you're stuck with me. Whoohoo!" Akira grinned, and in spite of himself, Yuuki grinned back, weakly. 
"You're a great guy, you know that?"
"Nah. I'm just doin' the right thing."
"Sounds like something a Phantom Thief would say," Mishima replied with a knowing smile, and Kurusu's eyes widened slightly. "You thought you were subtle? I know that was you. I'll bet Sakamoto and Takamaki are in on it too. But don't worry! I swear not to tell a soul. That's what friends do, yeah?" he nodded, going back to his curry. "They keep‎ secrets." Akira nodded in reply. 
"Thanks for being our biggest supporter. Just remember to take care of yourself, too." 
After eating, Mishima went home, feeling significantly lighter, and he realized as he stepped inside he'd left his phone with Kurusu. 
….oh well. He'd be okay. He had a lot to think about, anyway.
The next day, Yuuki plodded along to school, and during lunchtime began to make his way to his regular seat. But a gentle hand to his wrist stopped him in his tracks. "Hey," a feminine voice said, and he looked up into Ann Takamaki's baby blues. 
"Come sit with us," she went on, gesturing with her head towards the table with Sakamoto and Kurusu. "Nobody should be sitting alone!" 
Mishima blinked twice. "I don't wanna be a bother or anything-"
"You're not. Come on, silly!" Ann chirped, pulling him along to where her friends were gathered. Ryuji grinned at him from ear to ear, toothily. 
"Hey man! What's up?" 
"I'm...good?" Mishima ventured, hesitantly taking a seat. "Thanks for letting me sit with you guys, Takamaki-san."
"Just call me Ann!" she smiled, and he nodded, slowly. 
"Oh, uh- alright." 
Lunch was nice, and Mishima felt wanted for once. After it was over, he stood to go, but Ann tapped his shoulder. "Hey."
"What's your cell? So we can keep in touch." 
"Oh uh..I don't have my phone on me."
"Really?" Ryuji questioned, eyebrows raised. "That thing's so attached to you it's like it's your girlfriend or something," he joked, playfully punching the brunet in the arm. Wordlessly, Akira passed Mishima his device, face set. A beat.
"Wait, why do YOU have-"
"Ohhh," the blondes chorused, nodding and muttering in understanding. "So, Mishima," Ryuji went on, "I'm thinking about going to the arcade after school. You wanna come with?" 
Yuuki's grin is soft but full. "That sounds fun, Sakamoto. I'd love to."
"Ay man no need to be all formal and all that. Jus' call me Ryuji."
"Ah- okay Ryuji."
"Oh, hey!" Ann piped up, pulling out her 3DS, "Almost forgot to check on my town."
"You play Animal Crossing?!" Mishima cried excitedly, then shrank in embarrassment "Ah, sorry. I just- um."
But Ann just grinned at him. "Sure do! Wanna exchange friend codes?"
"What's so excitin' about picking fruit and talkin' to animals, anyways?" Ryuji wondered. "I don't get it."
"It's relaxing!" Ann huffed, puffing up her cheeks. Mishima nodded in agreement. 
"Yeah. The guy who created the game actually did so because he missed his family and he wanted the player to experience a sense of community," he explained, moving his hands as he talked. "It's helped a lot of people feel like they had somewhere to belong, if only for a while. You actually get closer to your villagers the more you talk to them too, and- they basically become like your friends!" He's rambling, and Mishima goes quiet, embarrassed again. "Um. Yeah."
"Huh. That's pretty cool," Ryuji nodded, and Yuuki grinned. 
Ann exchanged friend codes and phone numbers, and Mishima felt ten pounds lighter for the rest of the day. The arcade was really fun too, and the four of them went out to eat afterwards and by the time it was time to go home, Yuuki was tired, but in the best way. 
...he still hadn't checked the Phan-Site. Pulling it up, he was surprised to see that a post had been made by him, with several replies. 
Hey guys! I'm not going to be quite as active for a little while, I've been super tired lately. I'll still be here of course, but I need some time to recuperate. ~Admin
To his shock, an overwhelming amount of the replies were positive. 
That's OK! Take care of yourself! 
Your health comes first man no sweat
get some rest king u deserve it 
He's crying again. Maybe people really did care. Maybe he really didn't have to put every waking moment into this. 
..but who got into his account? His phone had a password so somebody must've hacked it to- 
He'd have to thank Futaba later. For now, he was going to bed. Akira was right. It wouldn't die if he wasn't there 24/7, and he had friends now; people who cared about him. Pulling up the group chat, he sent a text:
hey guys! i had a great time today. thanks for everything. 
Three dots appeared, and then Ryuji replied.
 [no prob bro]
[we shud hang out more]
Ann was next. 
[yw! we had a good time too :)]
And then Akira.
im going to bed now gn]
[good night!]
Mishima put his phone away and drifted off, looking forward to school for the first time in a very long time. Life wasn't magically sunshine and rainbows now, but with 3 new friends, it was going to be a lot easier.
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
RP meme from "Clerks"
Man goes into cage. Cage goes into salsa. Shark's in the salsa. Our shark.
Bunch of savages in this town
There's a million fine looking girls in the world. But they don't all bring you lasagna to work. Most of them just cheat on you.
What do you mean there's no ice? You mean I gotta drink this coffee hot?
Ooh! Navy seals!
Do you have that one with that guy who was in that movie that came out last year?
That's beautiful, man
There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?
This job would be great if it wasn't for the fucking customers.
Yeah. [NAME], your a rude motherfucker, you know that? But you're cute as hell. I could go down on you, suck you, line up three other guys, make like a circus seal.
That's what life is, a series of down endings.
All 'Jedi' had was a bunch of Muppets.
My mom's been fuckin' a dead guy for 30 years. I call him dad.
They say so much, but they never tell you if it's any good.
I don't watch movies
Well, have you heard anything about either one of them?
I find it's best to stay out of other people's affairs.
I don't appreciate your ruse
Hey! You're not allowed to [THING] here anymore!
My love for you is like a truck, BERZERKER! Would you like some making fuck, BERZERKER!
Are there any balls down there?
I'm gonna fuck this bitch, I'll fuck this bitch, I'll fuck ANYTHING THAT MOVES!
Yo, what the fuck you lookin' at? I'll kick your fuckin' ass! Shit yeah.
Doesn't that mother fucker owe me 10 bucks?
You know, fuckin' tonight, we're gonna rip off this fucker's head, and tear out his fuckin' soul.
I'm gonna shit in the motherfucker's bag
What's up sluts?
Noinch, Noinch, Noinch, Schmokin Weed, Schmokin' Weed, Doin' Coke, Drinkin' Beers...
I had some girlfriends too, but all they wanted from me is weed and shit.
What's a good plate with nothing on it?
I don't care if she's my cousin or not, I'm gonna knock those boots again tonight.
Hey what you want, Grizzly Adams?
Someone jammed gum in the locks.
A woman makes a guy cum, it's standard. A guy makes a woman cum, it's talent.
You'll sleep with anything that says 'yes.'
My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!
Shocking abuse of authority.
I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule.
People say crazy shit during sex. One time I called this girl "mom."
She broke your heart and inadvertently drove men to deviant lifestyles.
That's what high school was about. Algebra, bad lunch, and infidelity.
He said he has to find the perfect dozen.
Why doesn't he mix and match?
He said it was important to have standards, and he says nobody has any pride anymore.
It's not like you laid the eggs yourself.
That seems to be the late motif in your life, ever backing down.
You always back down. You assume blame that's not yours. You come in on your day off. You buckle like a belt.
Insubordination rules.
How did you get here so fast?
Do you always talk this weird after you violate a woman?
He just sat there and let me do all the work.
We didn't just have sex in the bathroom?
Well I didn't just fuck myself!
Who the fuck's in our bathroom?
You sucked that guy's dick?
How many?! How many dicks have you sucked?!
Why couldn't you sleep with them like any other decent person?
Don't look at me like I'm the town whore, because you were plenty busy yourself before you met me!
I only had sex with the guys I loved
Try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot!
That article's accurate
Something just never sat right with me the second time around.
I'll bet they brought independent contractors in on that thing
They'd hire anybody who could do the job
Casualties of a war they had nothing to do with
Along come these left-wing militants that blast everything with their lasers
I'm a contractor myself
A [PROFESSION]'s personal politics come into play heavily when choosing jobs
I'm alive because I knew the risks involved in that particular client
Could never put my finger on it but something just wasn't right.
You knocked the casket over!
Her fucking body fell out!
He broke his neck trying to suck his own dick
Come on, haven't you ever tried to suck your own dick?
You're as curious as the rest of us
I guess everyone gets curious and tries it sometime
You haven't said anything for like twenty minutes.
My life is in the shitter right about now, so if you don't mind, I'd like to stew a bit.
You should shit or get off the pot.
You'll sit there and blame life for dealing a cruddy
hand, never once accepting the responsibility for the way your situation is.
If you hate this job and the people, and the fact that you
have to come in on your day off, then quit.
There are other jobs, and they pay better money. You're bound to be qualified for at least one of them.
This is a life of convenience for you, and any attempt to change it would shatter the pathetic microcosm you've fashioned for yourself.
I'm satisfied with my situation for now.
Melodrama coming from you seems about as natural as an oral bowel movement.
I can't make changes like that in my life.
I'm not the kind of person that disrupts things in order to
shit comfortably.
Women as lovers are basically the same, they just have to be there
Making a male climax isn't at all challenging. Insert somewhere close, preferably moist. Thrust. Repeat.
What an embarrassing way to die.
Title does not dictate behavior
I think the idea or the conception of us dating is a lot more idyllic then what actually happens when we date.
You want to blame somebody? Blame yourself.
I'm stuck in this pit, working for less than slave wages. Working on my day off, the goddamn steel shutters are closed, I deal with every backward ass fuck on the planet. I smell like shoe polish. My ex-girlfriend is catatonic after fucking a dead guy. And my present girlfriend has sucked 36 dicks.
Oh, hey [NAME], break his heart again this time, and I'll kill ya
Such a sordid state of affairs.
I'm not even supposed to be here today!
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dante1138 · 4 years
Is this the real light?
Is this just fans I see?
Calling a van ride
No escape from formalities
Open your skies
Look up to the eyes and seeeeeaaaa
I'm just I sore koi,
I need no symphony
Because I'm easy go easy come
Lil Merlot, little rum
Anyways the wins run
Does a real mat turn to fleaaaaaaaass
To fleeeeaaas
Just killed a can
Put my guns against it's bed
Squeezed my biceps now it's red
Coke had just begun
I squished a Pepsi it became a Coke
Didn't mean to make a pie
If I'm not backed against a pine tomorrow
Then I'm gone, then I'm gone
Cause nothing eats a hatter
It's two plates
There isn't one
Sent spinners down my shine
Odies baking all the thyyyyme
Good buy, very nutty
I've got a hoe
I can plant all of these wheat
And yeet this soup
I don't wanna fry
I sometimes wish I'd never ate corn at all
[gi tar so low and in strudel mental breakdown]
I see a little silver wettened cotton man
Scary moosh, scary moosh, will you cue the fan banjo
Thunder molts a light screen
Very berry white cream
Gallent lay-oh
Gallon pail
Melon mayo
Felon fail
Cali mail
Tally kale
It's a go!
Magnets are sooooooooo
I'm just a soyboy
Nobody loves trees
He's just a soyboy from a soy family
Spirits and fright are among straws and tea
Easy go,
Easy come
Will you let me run?
Bliss killed the fun
We will not let you run
It's a gun!
Bliss killed the—
We will not let you run
Let him run!
Bliss killed the—
We will not let you run
It's a gun!
Never let you run!
Let him run!
Never let you run!
Never, ever, weather, heather let me ruuuuuun
Man door hand hook car door gun
Oh Mom I need, mom I need a, mom I need a frickin sun
Bees have a sun, I would like take the sun for me
To be
A beeeeeeeeeee
[gee bar sold now too]
So you think? . . . . . Why??????!!
So you sink you can hum, please just flee to the sky
Oooooooh babies
There are so many babies
Just gotta get trout,
Just gotta get left out of tears...
Uuuuuuuwuuuuuuu owo, owo
Nothing really batters
Any tums can be
Nothing but a batter...
Nothing is more catter
Than meeeeeeeee
Every gay eats windows.....
@arc-gx (yes I’m exposing you), this is the greatest thing I have ever read in my life. Stunning. Brilliant. Amazing. 
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38. Sweat, sweat. Let the music take control. Let the rhythm move you...
Everybody dance now
Everybody dance now!
Everybody dance now!
Do you or have you ever owned a horse? Naw, but I used to take lessons and work at a horseback riding oriented summer camp.
Regardless, would you like to? That'd be grand, but in all reality, would involve several highly expensive and complicated lifestyle changes.
Have you ever watched To Catch A Predator? The guy with the plate of cookies that tricks Cho-Mo's? In college. For whatever reason we watched it often when heavily drunk.
Have you ever had a relationship that began via text? (weird, I know, but it happens…) Sort of... either a text or a comment or some social media aspect. It's primarily how most people meet or start talking nowadays, isn't it?
Are you ever quiet simply because you feel you’re expected to be? Yeah, cuz I'm not a dick. Plus, some instances are simply better quiet - like funerals, public speeches and librariesm
Can you hula-hoop? Hells yeah. Some college roomies used to Hoop Dance and I picked up a fondness for it.
Do you think you’ll ever leave? Not dark, completely ambiguous or unsettling at all. Leave what? Earth? Bed? Comfort zone?
Would you rather take typography or botany?Assuming typography has to do with typing, writing or something in that general area, I'll go with that. I love plants but my ADHD likes to forget to water them.
What’s your favorite book? Lord of the Rings, Watership Down, and of course my myriad of self-helpy psychology books.
The Bell Jar or The Great Gatsby? Haven't read the first, don't remember shit about the latter...other then the one guy calling that other guy Old Sport all the time, and then deciding to call my own friends and family Old Sport too because I found it amusing.
Do you own a pair of moccasins? Two. Love Mocs. 💚
What was your first job? Bussin' tables.
If you have a job now… how do you feel about the uniform?  I'm on the prowl for a new job. We recently stopped trucking and have moved back to AZ. Sooo...to be announced...when I know? Lol.
Did you believe in unicorns as a small child? Not that I remember. I was never really prone to believe in the fantastical or supernatural...unusually logical child.
Did you watch The Last Unicorn? Not into that X-Rated Unicorn smut. I'm just kidding. I have no idea what it is.
The Dark Crystal? I think a part of it?
Balto? Obvsss. Balto's the tits.
Scamper the Penguin? Sounds like a sketchy penguin...why's he scampering around?
What’s your background picture on your phone of? Colorado, it's an open road pic with mountains that I took when enroute to AZ.
Do you move on from relationships easily, or is it difficult? Honestly, I can't forsee how I'll handle any future instances if they arise but I'd like to think I have a much clearer understanding of my mind and emotions and could evade many of the past emotional traps I had commonly succumbed to in my past.
Would you ever dye your hair platinum blonde? I have before. I'd do it again.
Do you think there is good in everyone? Yes, but not because I'm daft or naive, but simply because shit can't be all of this or none of that. That's not how polarities work. Good can't technically exist without bad and vice versa.
Are you religious? Na. I'm not knocking it, I just prefer the freedom to form my own beliefs and thoughts about the universe and make sense of shit in a way that makes sense to me.
What’s the brand of the computer/laptop you’re on? My magical mobile cellular phone.
Have you seen Spirited Away or Kiki’s Delivery Service? Is this more Unicorn porn?
Have you ever wondered what people look like when seeing roadkill? I'd imagine it's either a look of disgust, sadness or maybe panic trying to avoid re-running over the body and fucking up the bumper.
Would you ever date a guy with longer hair than yourself? Yeah. It wouldn't phase me.
Are you comfortable with the way you look when first rolling out of bed? It's completely hit or miss and there's no science to it.
How long does/did it take you to get ready for school? It doesn't. I graduated many moons ago, dear child.
How long does/would it take you to get ready for work? I suppose that depends on what the nature of the job is.
And what about just going out? Yeah, about that...once you hit 30, sitting home, watching TruTV and filling out surveys is way more appealing than a night out 9 out of 10 times.
Do you let your hair air dry or do you blow-dry it? Air, baby.
Do you ever steal (borrow) any of your parents’ clothes? All the time, mostly from my Mom, but nobody has complete immunity. I've even jacked my brother's cubscout uniform before. It's cool looking.
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Can your mom knit or crochet? She used to needlepoint and latch-work before the wrath of arthritis.
Would you have what it takes to kill someone that was trying to kill you? That's likely one of those things you'd only be able to know in that moment. Ideally you'd like to think yes, but it's a fight or flight thing and impossible to know unless it happens.
Do you think sloths are cute or ugly? They're...unique, we'll say.
Do you know what phase the moon is in without looking? It's in it's moody, teenage angst phase...listening to screamo bands while brooding about the unbearable fucked upness of existence. Idk man.
What eyeshadow suits you best? I like dark purples or kind of sunkissed gold/copper.
And what color are your eyes? Hazel, biiiiatch.
Do you watch Teen Mom 2? I don't. I saw a few episodes of the OG season and it didn't suck me in.
What about Jenelle’s devotion to Ke$ha? Am I supposed to know what this means?
Calvins Harris or David Guetta? Um, Alan Walker!
Have you ever been to Universal Studios? I think when we went to FL when I was 5???
Are you more attracted to brunettes or blondes? Lol, absolutely doesn't make a damn difference. If I'm attracted to you, 99% chance the color of your hair wasn't the deciding factor .
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jenanigans1207 · 6 years
Hi, yes I'd like to order a "Don't Ever Do That Again," thanks. 💖💖💖
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MY DARLING @anneblyths both requested it and I know I’m 120398239487 years late but better late than never, right? We’ve got a bit of angst that the beginning which I know you love so I hope it is everything you hoped for!
For the last half an hour, Keith had been staring out the same window, waiting for the moment he saw the Red Lion. Earlier in the evening, Pidge had pulled up a report that there was a Galra ship nearby but Keith had ordered it to be left alone. As far as he could tell, it wasn’t causing any harm and it had no idea they were there. Pidge had monitored it for a few hours, confirming that it wasn’t even moving and there seemed to be no other ships coming to or leaving from it. With too many other things on their plates, Keith would be able to sleep at night knowing they hadn’t checked it out. He’d thought that was that until a little later when he’d heard the buzzer indicating that the hangar doors had been opened. By the time he got there, the Red Lion was already gone.
Finally, the Red Lion appeared out in the distance, growing larger with every passing moment. Keith watched it, hands clenched into fists at his side, until it was closer. Once it was close enough to be landing any moment, he took off out of the room, heading towards the hangar. He was fuming. Beyond fuming, honestly, but he didn’t have a word for it. He stormed down the hallway, slamming his feet into the ground with every step. He could feel the impact rattle his whole body but he didn’t even care. The anger fueled him, pushing him down that hallway and around the corner until he was practically crashing through the door of the hangar and sprinting across the room to Lance who was hopping down from Red.
“What on earth did you think you were doing?” Keith demanded from halfway across the room.
Lance, clearly expecting this reaction, tried to diffuse the tension. “Well nothing, because we’re not on earth.”
Keith halted abruptly in front of Lance, slamming a finger into his chest. “Don’t you ever do that again.”
“Do what?” Lance challenged, straightening his spine. “Save the universe?”
“Alone.” Keith emphasized. “Aren’t you the one always going on and on about being part of a team and never doing things on your own?”
“Oh, so you do listen to me.”
“Lance.” It was more exasperated than frustrated and Keith withdrew his hand from Lance’s chest, running it through his hair instead. He noted the way Lance’s eyes followed the movement, the way he seemed to swallow thickly in response.
“You’re just mad I disobeyed orders.” Lance tried, seeming to force himself to draw his eyes away from Keith’s hair.
“No,” Keith said, clasping his hands together behind his neck in an attempt to keep composed. “I’m mad that you risked your life like that.”
“Well you weren’t going to let me go.”
Keith let out a frustrated sigh. “I would’ve gone with you, Lance. I can only have your back if you let me.”
A moment of silence passed between them, before Lance let out a breath, sounding more frustrated than anything. “I’m sorry, okay? It’s already over with though, so—”
“—If there’s nothing else you want from me, I’m just gonna—” Lance gestured vaguely towards the door.
Keith took in a long breath, holding it for a few seconds before exhaling. He needed to get his temper under control and he knew it. But the idea of Lance risking his life like that— the thought that he could lose Lance and not even get a chance to tell him all the things he had to say— made Keith want to punch a hole straight through the ship wall. More than that, it made him want to go on his own crazy solo rampage, blowing up anything and everything in his path.
“You wanna talk about what I want from you?” Keith remarked, leaning slightly to his left to catch Lance’s eye again. “I want you to stop risking your life. I want to know you’re safe, here, on the ship, waiting for me. You know what? No, I don’t want that. I need it.”
They stared at each other for a long moment and Keith was able to see the exact second Lance deflated, letting go of his attitude. He watched Lance’s shoulders sag, as if he were collapsing on on himself. Keith’s heart ached as he watched, realizing for the first time that there might have been some hidden reason for Lance’s reckless actions.
“You’re being dramatic.” Lance said after a moment.
Keith looked at him then— really looked at him. He looked at Lance’s eyes and the bags that were underneath, indicating many, many nights of lost sleep. He looked at Lance’s paladin armor, noting the way it didn’t seem to fit him as snugly as it used to. He was suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to tuck Lance away, to keep him safe and warm, giving him the break he so clearly needed.
“No, I’m not.” He said gently, surprised at the tenderness in his own voice. “I’m completely serious.”
Lance took a step forward, brushing Keith off and bumping shoulders with him as he did so. Keith spun immediately, reaching out and grabbing Lance’s arm. He held firmly, stumbling a step forward but not letting go when Lance yanked roughly in an attempt to free his arm. Keith couldn’t name the emotion overwhelming him, couldn’t name the emotion that was clear on Lance’s face as he spun around to square off. All he knew is that the very core of his being, all the way to the deepest depths of his heart, was telling him that he absolutely was not to let to of Lance.
“What do you care, Keith?” Surprised by the outburst, Keith took a step closer. He was ready to respond, but Lance wasn’t done. His voice was jagged, as if each word cut him as he spoke it. They certainly cut straight to Keith’s heart. “What about what I want, huh? What I need? Do you ever stop to think about that?”
“What do you want, then? What do you need?” Keith tried his best to keep his words level, to fight against the bite that wanted to sneak in there. He knew getting upset would only worsen the situation but the anger was still boiling under his skin, bubbling away in his blood, making his entire body feel hot.
“Just forget it.” Lance said and Keith was so surprised by being shut down that he slackened his grip. Lance took advantage of it, immediately ripping his arm out of Keith’s grasp and stalking out into the hallway.
Each step Lance took away from Keith hurt as if Lance were stomping on Keith’s heart. The doors slid open and Lance was halfway through them before Keith was able to snap out of his shock and chase after him. He could feel Lance’s growing distance echoed inside of him with a spreading emptiness. It hurt, as if his own soul were being ripped out from inside of him, to watch Lance walk away from him like that. The whole point was that he didn’t want to lose Lance and somehow he had managed to push Lance away.
“Just listen, then, if you don’t want to talk.” Keith called down the hallway as he followed Lance through the doors.
Almost to the end of the hallway, Lance paused. He didn’t turn around to face Keith, but he didn’t continue away from Keith either which was all Keith could ask for. Keith took a moment to close the distance between them, coming up until he was just a few steps behind Lance. He wanted to reach out and touch Lance, to comfortingly run a hand along his back, but it was clear that Lance wouldn’t be welcoming to such contact. Instead, he jammed his shoulder into the wall, leaning into it and diving in.
“I know I’m the leader and it’s my job to care about the whole team,” He began, his voice steadier than he expected it to be given that his knees were quivering, feeling like they were a moment from buckling. “But that is nowhere near the only reason I care about you, okay? I care about you because— because your smile lights up my world, Lance. Because you brighten my day. I know I can handle anything as long as I have you by my side and I always have you by my side. You’re loyal, you’re brave, you’re clever and formidable. But at the same time, you’re gentle, and understanding. You reach out for me when nobody else does and god, Lance, if you think any part of me is willing to give that up, you are sorely mistaken.”
Lance’s head was down and Keith could see the way his shoulders were rising and falling raggedly, could see the heaving breaths he was taking in. “Do you… mean that?”
“I’ve literally never meant anything more in my life,” Keith replied.
He didn’t have time to prepare before Lance was spinning around and running to him. Lance crashed into him, his face finding the crook of Keith’s neck and his arms wrapping tightly around Keith. Startled, but not unpleasantly so, Keith wrapped his arms back around Lance, finally giving in and allowing himself to trail a hand gently up and down Lance’s back. Even with his armor on, Keith knew he could feel the comforting motion.
“I didn’t think— I just—” Lance took a shuddering breath, one Keith could feel against his chest. His heart cracked open at the sensation. “I wanted you to notice me.”
“Lance,” Keith pulled away slightly to meet his gaze. “I never stop noticing you.”
And maybe it wasn’t exactly a love confession, but it was as close as Keith thought he could come right now. He couldn’t bear to say the words, couldn’t bear to put it out in the open for fear of Lance rejecting him, but he could at least hint at it. And just like usual, Lance seemed to read between the lines— to see down to the deep corners of Keith’s heart and know what was written there. A smile broke out on his face a moment before he leaned up to catch Keith in a kiss. Instinctively, Keith pressed his hand firmly against Lance’s back, pulling their chests flush together.
After a moment they separated, Lance looking up at Keith with dazzling blue eyes. “Don’t ever stop noticing me,” He breathed after a moment.
“I won’t,” Keith confirmed, a hand settling onto Lance’s cheek. “As long as you don’t ever do that again.”
“Not without you. I don’t ever want to do anything without you.” Lance murmured.
“Then don’t.”
“Okay,” Lance said, leaning into another kiss. And even though Keith was furious with Lance for what he’d done, he could feel it melting all away into the sweetness that was Lance’s lips against his, the firmness of their chests flush together and the erratic beating of his heart that indicated that Lance was, finally, his.
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