#i have truly lost my touch I DON'T REMEMBER HOW TO MAKE GOOD GIFS
bloomsblueheart · 5 months
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cutest rei
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coca-lastic · 8 months
❀ More Than Friends ❀
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Summary: You and Finnick have been friends since before he was chosen for the games. Finnick has been through things you haven't, including games, so it seemed impossible just to think that he might see you as an option.
Tw: No use of Y/N and no more, just stuff and sweet things <3
A/N: My first language is not English, so forgive me if there are some spelling mistakes, I would really appreciate it if you correct me! Also, this is the first fic I've published, but I'm trying my best so you can have a good time reading.
Spring was entering district 4. A truly beautiful season of the year, the summer heat is approaching little by little, appearing especially at midday. But then the traces of winter try to re-emerge at night, giving a continuous instability in the weather, something annoying for some people, but for you it was the best time of the year.
Especially today, another day in this spring. You were lying face down in the hot sand - thanks to the heat that your body has left there after long hours in the same place - resting your head on one of your hands to keep it up and be able to read the book in your hands, your hair is tied so as not to hinder your view and a beautiful view of the sea. Every few minutes you raised your head a little higher, explaining that you wanted to see the immensity of the sea, but there was something else that was calling your attention right there, swimming and floating next to the waves, with elegant movements and, why lie, That man looked too hot. It was normal to notice a man from time to time, especially on the beach when shirts were practically non-existent. Of course, it would only be normal if the man you have secretly admired so much was not your best friend.
Finnick Odair, that beautiful boy who time and time again made your brain push away any thoughts that weren't about him, or the boy who made your heart race every time he approached you. He is a very affectionate and sweet man, even if he is just your friend, hugs and kisses on the cheeks, forehead and head will never be missing. That only made you feel more and more lost, more crazy, more in love. The thought of what Finnick would be like as a boyfriend always intoxicates your mind, the thoughts of a soft kiss that you honestly needed too much, the thoughts of sleeping with him and not just because that day you decided to have a sleepover, sleep in each other's arms, in his bed like a custom, like normal. Hug HIM, Kiss HIM, Simply say how much you love HIM, how much you want HIM.
And once again, thinking only about him brought you consequences.
"Sweetheart, I know I'm pretty handsome, but looking at me and not taking your eyes off is a bit too much, don't you think?"
"Shut up, Odair," you said, returning your gaze to the book that you had completely forgotten at the sight of the man you loved emerging from the sea. Now, the only thing you were struggling with was not to look up, you didn't want to see those beautiful eyes and remember that he only sees you as a friend, you didn't want to see his muscular arms and remember that they will never hold you the way you want, or see that incredibly hot torso and your heart bursts, thinking of all the beauty you will never be able to claim as yours.
"How ungrateful, I give you a good view and you don't even let me talk, apparently I'm starting to be the vulnerable one of friendship" He said, sitting next to you and putting his hand on your back, trying to make you turn towards him. Sure, tour reaction to hes touch only made you nervous. The feel of his great wool along your back, his fingers completely touching your skin making you feel butterflies.
"Ha! You always have been, dear" You scoffed, opting to sit up, even though it meant making eye contact. "How was the water? Is it too cold?" Normally in spring it is difficult to decipher what temperature the water will be at, the climate is very changeable, so the sea is too.
"You're cruel..." He said as he shook his head and a smile appeared on his lips, revealing his dimples. "Anyway, the water was fine, a little colder than normal but nothing unbearable. "So why didn't you enter? We would have had a good rest competing"
"Well yeah, I was a little busy with the book"
"With the book or just seeing me?"
"God! You really won't stop joking about that, right? Well, sorry for looking at you, I know next time that offends you" you said, rolling your eyes and crawling a little closer to him, there was no reason to do that. Lastly, maybe you were just too cold to avoid the temptation of chaining him to your arms in a hug.
After a lot of laughter, sarcasm and jokes the sun began to set and the cold decided to come out. You started to shake a little and your skin broke out in goosebumps.
"Is the poor girl cold?" The blonde said, tilting his head a little and looking at you with a mocking smile.
"How the fuck can you stay warm all the time, I hate you." Something curious about Finnick, he is always warm, his hands are like a personalized rating and much more effective. "Give me your hand" you said, you were cold and you had a friend who wouldn't hesitate to help you with that, so he not only gave you his hand, he wrapped you around his big, muscular arms.
The only thing you could think about was that being in the arms of a handsome man, you feeling so small and him being so incredible was like a dream come true.
"God, sweetheart, you're freezing," he said as he began to rub his hands against your back. "We should walk home, you're going to get sick."
"But- no, you're almost never in District 4 and when you're here you don't have time, let's keep talking." Finnick was always in the capitol, apparently he had some jobs that you didn't know about. "Come on, admit that you missed spending a quiet day in the beach." You said, separating your head from his shoulder so you could look him in the eyes.
"More than that I missed you, but...yeah, I guess I needed a day like this" And there it was, a beautiful, warm smile, now your goosebumps weren't just from the cold. "But that doesn't mean you have to freeze to death."
Finnick got up from the ground, and as you were hugging, his movement forced you to do the same. You separated from the hug when they were already standing, looking at him with a pleading face, "you know I don't get sick easily, come on."
"Why do you want to spend so much time with me all of a sudden? Normally the one who begs for more talk is me" he began to walk in the opposite direction to the sea, and thus exit to the main road.
You grabbed his arm to stop him from continuing walking, when he stopped walking you stood in front of him and said "you should take advantage of the fact that I'm being loving with you, go back to the beach, hug again so you don't 'freeze to death' and- I don't know, talk about something...you know" you didn't even know, you just didn't want to go home and the next day find out that he went to the city again.
"Owww, needy girl," he said mockingly, grabbing your hand to drag you with him. But you dug your feet into the sand, removed all traces of jokes from the air and took a big step.
"Yes, yes I am...I need you Finnick." You grabbed his hands and looked him fully in the eyes, despite the nerves it caused you. "And lately we haven't been able to see each other often and I- I understand that you're busy but I need you so...let's just go back to our previous position and talk a little, please."
"I...I can't. Look, I know that all this time we have been very good friends, I know that all this time spending days like this on the beach was part of the routine and... I know that hugging you was an act completely normal between us but I...I can't do that anymore without getting nervous, without feeling like my heart is going to explode-"
"I love you"
You didn't think about it, you just said it, you loved him, there was no doubt about that. And maybe you thought that he didn't love you the same way but you don't need to finish listening to what he says to understand that maybe, and just maybe, if he is willing, you can love each other.
And there was no response, Finnick just continued looking you directly in the eyes with his mouth slightly open and his eyebrows raised. "I...I love you very, very much...so..." you repeated, you needed an answer, your heart could jump out of your body at any moment if you didn't get it.
"I...wow, I didn't expect that" he said with a small laugh, finally, it wasn't the answer he expected but at least he got out of his shock.
Of course, that answer only made you more nervous, I loved you back or you just looked stupid. Maybe you were about to be sent straight to friendsone and that scared you too much.
"I... forget it, it was an impul-" the only thing your mind could think was "DAMN, HE'S KISSING ME" because the only reason you hadn't finished your sentence was thanks to lips crashing against yours.
It didn't take you long to keep up with him, it was another dream come true, it was a moment you had been waiting for for a long time and you didn't know it was going to come true until 5 seconds ago. He had his hands on your face, holding it as if you were made of glass, with a delicacy, tenderness and love that you had never had from him.
You placed your hands on his chest, and moved closer, if that was possible, his body colliding with your lips and all you could think about now was how much you loved him.
You began to separate your lips from his, even though you didn't want to, but you no longer had any trace of air in your respiratory system.
“I guess I managed to stop your sentence in time,” he said, looking you straight in the eyes with a smile that revealed his teeth, a smile of complete happiness. "I love you too, I love you so much sweet girl"
And they joined his lips again, for the second time in the thousands or even millions of times they would do it, because they no longer loved each other as they did before, now and in the future they will be more than friends.
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Anyway, I think this part is to remind myself that this is for fun, I don't expect many likes but I'm happy to get my thoughts out of my head :v
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agronzky · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀Anyone who knows me or has rp with me knows how much I love building ambiguous — or grey, if you prefer — characters or villains. The drama, the chaos, the complex plot… It all makes everything more interesting, especially once you get bored of characters who are exclusively nice, naive and suchlike. Even so, it's a construction that needs to take several factors into account and be very delicately written so it doesn't become a trigger rather than a character.
⠀⠀⠀For this reason, below I've provided some tips on how to create villainous characters for rp, taking into account various traits, setting and also demystifying the fact that not every villain is a soulless monster. Anyway, on to the guide.
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Deep and personal motivations.
⠀⠀⠀Convincing villains usually have compelling and understandable motivations, even if their actions are highly questionable. It's the premise of them being right in their quest, but using the wrong means to achieve it and ultimately losing their reason. This brings a sense of humanity and it's even possible to feel connected to what led this person to become a villain. You can truly see how they lost the way.
⠀⠀⠀Another point is the fact that not everyone wants to conquer the world, nor do they have the ambition to have a lot of money or power. Think of plots about revenge, twisted love, the quest for justice or fear. Generally, a character's deepest motivations give them more determination to fulfill their goals because it comes from something much more internal and traumatic. Give them a proper reason and make them lose the way, this is gonna make everything feel real, convincing and interesting to developed.
Moral complexity.
⠀⠀⠀The simple truth is the days of people liking completely cartoonish characters are long gone, and nowadays many people don't like those who are evil simply for the sake of being evil. This is because it's too out of touch with reality. Obviously there are people who are like that in real life, but the vast majority is more complex than this. Humans, in the end, are very complicated and, probably, will never truly understand why we are the way we are.
⠀⠀⠀To get away of this cliché and cartoonish form when creating your character, try to develop moral nuances and internal dilemmas which can explain their actions. Put a small fragment of morality in the character, make them question themselves a few times as to whether they're on the right path… Remember yin yang: there's a little tiny good inside the evil. This tip can be used for any character, when you think about it, but it's very important for those who want to create villains.
Human traits, personality and vulnerabilities.
⠀⠀⠀Like any human being, provide your character with traits unmistakably human, such as fears, insecurities or personal relationships that will impact them, to make them more realistic. Just because someone is doing something morally wrong doesn't mean they've lost all touch with their humanity, especially since not every villain is a psychopath who has no empathy for anyone. It's always very interesting when a character believes they're doing what's right or good for someone else, and this is their motivation. 
⠀⠀⠀Also bring some weaknesses to the character, whether physical, emotional or psychological. This provides room for development and also ways for other characters to access them in a more specific way, either to get to know them better or to retaliate against them at some point.
⠀⠀⠀You know that line "Do you like my personality? I created it especially for you!"? Well, consider how the character behaves and bring in more layers when making the personality. Take into account how they behave in different situations and with different people.
Charisma and a magnetic nature.
⠀⠀⠀The fact is that bad guys aren't unbearable one hundred per cent of the time, they need to know how to live in society and captivate people. So define unique and appealing traits for the character, whether they're genuine or merely a façade. It's always interesting when, within the plot, most people don't know about the evil or wrong side of a character because it gives them more room for development. Maybe make them ashamed of what they're doing and try to hide it as best they can. And just think about real life: do we truly know the people around us?
Connection with other characters.
⠀⠀⠀Nobody lives completely alone since we're in a society and this makes us having connections, for more simple they can be. Thinking about that, create connections with other characters to bring more motivation and drama to your muse, such as an old rivalry, a complicated personal relationship or a surprising connection which generates tension. You can also create connections that actually bring their good side to light, you know? It's also always good to add a certain complexity, to have troubled moments, wounds that haven't healed fully, secrets being revelead, etc.
Questions for creating villains.
What are the character's main motivations?
What is the character's origin story? What led them to become what they are today?
What are the past traumas or events that have shaped their worldview?
How does the character justify their actions morally? Does they believe they are doing the right thing?
What are their weaknesses and vulnerabilities?
How does the character present themselves to the world? Are they masked, manipulative or showy?
What do they want to achieve through their actions?
What are their emotional reactions to obstacles and challenges?
How do they justify their actions to themselves? Is there any sense of internal validation?
How do they relate to the authorities or the law?
How do they see themselves? Do they see themselves as the hero of their own story?
How do they react when their plans fail?
What do they feel when faced with the possibility of redemption or change?
Other small (and important) advice!
Corruption arcs are also super interesting, leading a good character to become bad over time and through traumatic situations. Redemption arcs are also sensational. The point is: nobody was born a villain and nobody has to die a villain.
Leave clues indicating your character before fully revealing your motivations. Also try to leave some motivations completely secret, using them when the plot calls for a surprise. In the best "surprise, bitch!" style.
Think about how environment and culture can influence beliefs and actions.
A villain doesn't have to be a psychopath or murderer. There are arcs of revenge and corruption which can be created without going to such extremes.
It's obvious, but always respect other players and the limits they impose. As I said, a villain isn't always doing evil and being a complete asshole, so make sure you know what kind of approach the other person will prefer.
Always be careful when approaching topics which are triggers and avoid them as much as possible. As I said, it's not necessary to go down this route, but if you do, always keep a firm grounding when writing, because triggers are complex real-life situations that always need to be handled delicately.
The end, for now.
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( Be with Morgana, my good girl gone bad ♡ )
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My favorite fics of all time
For my birthday this year (I'm turning 30!!!) I thought what better way to celebrate the day I was born but also ✨ the day all my favorite characters died ✨ by giving you all some good fics! Happy May 2nd!!!
Running on Air (T): An oldy but a goody! I remember reading this a couple years ago when I rediscovered my love for drarry! I had spent my formative years on fanfic dot net obsessing over drarry and this brought it all back in one fell swoop.
Way down we go (T): I stumbled upon this one 2 years ago and I've been rereading it ever since. It's silly and lovely and they are in Alabama. What more could be said about it? A fantastic and beautiful story and I love it so much.
A big black sky (M): if I had to pick only one fic to read for the rest of my life, it would be this one. I love everything about this fic. It's sweet and loving and kind and wholesome and so sad and just wretchedly the best thing I've read. I reread this at least 2 times a year. And every reread it just gets better and better!
A pulled down shade (M): this one is newer to my list but I can already say this is a great and phenomenal fic! The author put their soul into this fic you can really tell, the effort and the love and the hard work. Truly an amazing read and an amazing story!!!
Nice things (M): I'm a sucker for an eighth year fic and this one is very good. I love a pot smoking draco something about it really gives me the vibes I don't know why. This whole fic is wholesome and it deserves so much love!
You've got the antidote for me (M): listen. Soulmate fics. I need more of them okay? I need so many. I love them so much they make me physically ill. Read this it's so good and sweet with a touch of sad.
Burn the witch (E): big fan of the bodyguard trope! This one also has Scorpius in it and I love when Scorpius is in things it makes me happy every time! But a good fic, very interesting plot and the characterization is very good and the ocs are super good too!!
I was late (you were early) (E): one of those "if we both aren't married in 10 years" fics and it's so good! There's also one in draco's pov I'll find you again (I always do)! It's a very cute story and I loved it a whole lot!
Everything a word can mean (T): a short and sweet little ficlet! It's of course a soulmate fic where they have names that their soulmates call them written somewhere on their bodies. And Harry's just so happens to be savior.
10:37 PM on the Floor of the Seventh Floor Corridor Near the Dancing Trolls (G): another short and sweet ficlet! Takes place during 6th year outside of the room of requirement! Very good and I love the characterization and I enjoy the authors take on this part of the books!
Say anything (M): professors au is one of my favorite aus!!!! And mic it with a French speaking draco and a secretly French speaking Harry! It only gets better!!
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) (T): I loved this fic a whole lot and really enjoyed the dynamic between Harry and Ginny in his oddly enough. I thought it was a very real and thought out fic that also at the same time was wholesome and sweet while going over sexuality and desire. I loved it a whole lot and it made my demisexual heart sing when I saw asexual rep.
Nearly lost things, carefully tended (E): antiques dealer draco and home owner Harry! Harry has some weird things for Draco to look at and he certainly doesn't pick the weirdest things he can find just for the blonde. Nah. Read it. It's great and silly and overall very fun!
I can't think of any more but make sure you leave comments and kudos if you like a fic!!
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zhonyua · 1 year
your wish is my command.
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soft injuries
blade x gn!reader
context: you're from the stellaron hunters and you see blade struggling with his bandages.
content: mentions of injuries, blood, cuts, bandages; a bit suggestive? but nothing more than it.
notes: sorry if blade is a little out of character; some things about the stellaron hunters are made up; i'm sorry, it's really short </3
you could say that today was a rough day. maybe because you had to 'deal' with annoying people or because you had to be scolded by kafka because you did something without thinking again. you just knew you were tired.
it wasn't easy to be great like them. they were good at everything they did. silver wolf was a great hacker, kafka was great at fighting and making strategies and blade... well, blade was truly awesome.
you could see how he usually dealt with his problems, even if he always found a way to injure himself. he was a difficult person, but maybe that was why you were so fond of him.
you didn't know how, but blade always found a way to take over your thoughts. if you were fighting, you would remember how hot he looked while threatening his enemies. if you were resting sitting on a couch, you would remember how his eyes shined when they narrowed at you. your mind was always thinking about him.
and today wasn't different. you were tired, yes, but your mind was already full of thoughts about him. you almost tripped on the stairs because you got distracted again. maybe thinking about blade wasn't so good for you. and when you saw him, alone in a room, struggling to wrap a bandage on his waist, you knew that you were already lost.
you slowly walked towards the room, trying really hard to not make any noise so he wouldn't notice you, but that was blade, so of course he heard the small creak your shoes gave each step.
"what do you want?" his stern voice resonated through the empty room and you jumped slightly from the startle. you sighed, giving up on your slow and quiet pace and walking normally towards him.
"what are you doing?" you peeked over his shoulders and he moved so his back could cover your vision. "none of your business." he said in that same tone of voice. you felt an urge to keep annoying him.
"it looks like you're struggling there." your voice sounded terribly teasing. "i'm not." blade's words were interrupted by a low grunt when the bandage roll he was holding fell on the ground. you quickly kneeled down to grab it and he immediately tried to take it from your hands, but you moved it away from his reach.
"i could help you." you said and he rolled his eyes in an annoyed way. "i don't want your help." his face had a stern look that just made you insist even more. "don't be so annoying." you said and he frowned.
your persistence was irritating him so much, that he gave up after a few more tries. "alright, i give up. just do it quickly." blade said in a low voice, as if he didn't want anyone to hear it. you couldn't hide your victorious smile, while you carefully approached him, as if he was going to bite you.
he was leaning on a table, his arms behind him, so you could have more space. you could feel that, even if he was sighing annoyed all the time, he was liking how close you were from him. your eyes traced his bare chest without any hesitation, while you slowly began to wrap the bandage around his waist.
he had bleeding cuts all over his torso, and you carefully wrapped the bandage around them all, touching his skin even so slightly. you could see how he was holding his sighs, every time your fingers rubbed against a tiny cut.
you felt his stare at you, but you ignored him. you pressed an injury a bit too much and he grunted, grabbing your hand, roughly. you looked up at him, just realizing how close your face was from his.
"you're doing it on purpose." blade's voice sounded low and his eyes didn't leave yours. "am i?" you tried your best to give him the most innocent eyes you could. "oops." you pressed the spot again, smiling when he grunted.
"stop it." his voice sounded hoarse and his eyes narrowed at you, but that just made you want to keep doing it. "and what if i don't?" you whispered, teasingly. that was the last thing you said before he grabbed your face with one hand and pulled you for a kiss.
your eyes widened with surprise, but soon your lips curled up in a smile. you couldn't hide how much you wanted that, and now that it was finally happening, you felt like it was a dream. but blade's hands sliding down to firmly hold your waist, reminded you that it wasn't.
your hands, on the other side, ignored the bandages completely, brushing his chest until your arms wrapped around his neck. his mouth felt warm and he bit your lips in the most possessive way possible.
you sighed heavily between the kiss when his hands began to move lower, but he suddenly pushed you away before you could even react. before you could ask what happened, you heard a familiar voice calling for his name.
"hey blade, did you see my..." silver wolf entered the room looking around, but when her eyes stopped on you she fell silent. "oh." she had a neutral expression, but you could feel that she was going to laugh it off later. "well, sorry, i'll ask later." she left, not before giving blade a wink.
you felt your cheeks warming and you looked away from blade, but he didn't look bothered at all.
"we're going to continue this later." it was the last thing he said, before grabbing his things and leaving you alone in the room.
suddenly, you didn't feel tired anymore.
it was the first time that doing something without thinking led you to a good thing.
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kreamcakez · 11 months
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Emotion sex- Bokuto
(Kinktober day 20)
CW: not proof read, emotion based sex, and horny ass opinions, and aged up Bokuto
AN: 😩😩😩😩 one of the many men I want! I love Bo. With this I'm just gonna throw out my thoughts for how you🫵🏽 get fucked by him, depending on his mood! Please keep rude thoughts and opinions to yourself thx! And please enjoy.
★So we all know that Bo has his different moods. So I think his moods decided on what type of sex is gonna happen. Like let's say His upset, and horny. The sex might be soft or you'll top him. But I'll explain more later. He's just a really expensive guy, and that's an amazing thing!!☺️ He uses mood lights.
★ Let's start with his Emo mode. Normally he gets like this when something happened and he needs to sulk for a moment. So what if he went into "Emo Mode" because someone said something about him? Or if he didn't do the best with a spike? Well it's your job to cheer him up.
★Emo Mode★
★Bokuto tends to be more, sexy for say when like this. He gets more bold with dirty talk and his touches. Definitely sets you on his lap and rocks his hips and whispers in your ear. Over all he becomes more bold. He's grate a dirty talk when he's like this. He also is more observant. He pays 100 times more attention then he already does. So you don't even have to ask, just him seeing you so needy makes him feel better. Or just being able to touch and feel you makes him better. Also the lights are purple 🫶🏽.
★Next I'm going to just say when he's angry, he has zero chill and becomes a real beast. He becomes the definition of that saying "Soft in the street abut a beast in the sheets" or however it goes. I can't remember if we ever have seen him truly angry in the anime or manga but probably not. He probably wouldn't only get angry if something blood boiling happened.
★In 9 words I can explain what he's like when angry and yallz are fuckin. Be. Prepared. To. Have. Lost. The. Ability. To. Walk.
★Okay but He's not gonna rail you, oh no no No. He's going to destroy you. It's like he got millions times stronger. And his thighs!? Ughh-!! He'd hold you in place with them thighs. (Possibly crush ya' head like a grape? Yuh!) His speed? Faster then Kenma when a new game comes out. He. Mother. Fuckin. Bites. Your hands are pinned by his, cuffed to the bed frame, or tied. He most definitely is gonna hold you against a wall, against a mirror. Ect.... The lights are definitely red and there's definitely music playing.
★Sad/ upset sex with Bokuto there is a chance that you're gonna be the one on top. Really he just needs you to spoil him. So it doesn't even have to be sex, it can just be time together. But these are not fluff head cannons. So 🤭
★I personally believe that when Koū is upset, he's lacking energy. So if he was horny and upset, it's best you take control. Realistically when people are upset they tend to feel drained so it makes sense that he his. But when he's upset and your on top he like when you give him praise and kisses. So things like "Your such a good boy koū" and he enjoys it. He also like when you give him kisses. Making him beg makes him feel better. He likes when you're on top or when you tell him what to do. The lights of the room are possibly blue.
★When he's felling romantic or sexy about it, you can bet he's taking things slow to save the moment. He definitely likes when you tell him what you want, so if you beg or if you just ask normally. He just likes hearing you.
★I'm gonna start with the lights are dimmed. He definitely likes the vibe it gives off. Bokuto definitely is the type to use a cheesy pick up line to tell you. But it's cute soooo!! Bo enjoys touching on both parts. So you giving him kisses you'll get them in return. He likes to tease you more when he's like this. So he'll rube and touch on your most sensitive spots. He'll tease the little spot while telling you all the things he loves about you. And why you're his baby owl. Why you're his and why he loves looking at you and being around you. He touches your lower back and whimpers in your ear telling you while you very important to him.
★Don't worry after all emotions you get the best care and affection that you could ask for!
AN: I love him so much!! I wanna give him all my kisses!!!!!!!! But yes for it all he was aged up, and yes I have lots more head cannons for his emotions it's just the don't come to mind right away— but hope you liked this ☺️
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dreamonseems · 1 year
love your writing 😍 could I please request something for erling where it’s your first time and he’s all sweet and concerned not to hurt you? 😘 xx
First Time
Erling Haaland X Female Reader
Summary: Reader remembering when she lost her virginity to Erling.
I hope this is OK. I feel like I'm so bad at writing smut, but I have such a fun time doing lol
⚠️ Warning: Smut!!!
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The moment Y/N and Erling shared their first intimate experience was nothing short of magical. Y/N could recall it as vividly as if it happened only yesterday. For her, it was an event of utmost significance, as she had not only lost her virginity but had done so with the man she loved and hoped to spend the rest of her life with.
As Y/N reminisced about that night, she could feel a tingle run down her spine. Erling had been a complete gentleman, treating her with the utmost care and tenderness. Every touch of his hands felt like a warm caress, sending shivers down her body. She could remember how his hands danced across her skin, exploring every inch of her with gentle curiosity.
It was clear to Y/N that Erling cherished and respected her body, as he took his time to message every part he could come across. The way he touched her made her feel like the most beautiful and desired woman in the world.
From the very first touch, he knew he had to take his time with her. He was patient and considerate, ensuring that she felt completely at ease in his arms. He would ask her how she felt whenever he tried something new, eager to learn what she liked and what she didn't. Her pleasure was his top priority, and he spared no effort to make sure she felt good in every possible way.
But it wasn't just his gentle touch that made her heart race. His kisses were like nothing she had ever experienced before. They were soft and tender, yet passionate and intense, leaving her breathless and yearning for more. With every kiss, she could feel his love for her, deep and true, radiating from every fiber of his being.
As she tried to reciprocate his affection and give him pleasure, he gently pushed her back, insisting that tonight was all about her. He wanted her to have a truly memorable night, and oh, did she ever. With every touch, he worked her body to perfection, sending waves of ecstasy through her being.
As his fingers brushed against her clit, a low moan escaped her lips, and she felt her body begin to quiver with pleasure. He slipped his first finger inside her, taking care to ask if she was okay and only proceeding when she said yes. He worked her nice and slow, thrusting his finger in and out as he rubbed her clit, building her up towards her first orgasm of the night.
And only then did he add another finger, asking her once again if she was okay before proceeding. He did this again when he added the third finger, and she told him that he didn't have to keep asking. But he looked deep into her eyes and told her, "I don't want to hurt you. I want you to enjoy yourself and feel good."
In that moment, she knew that she had found a lover who truly cared about her and her pleasure. And as she surrendered herself to the waves of pleasure coursing through her body, she knew that she had never felt more alive or more loved than she did in that moment.
And when was done preparing her and grabbed a condom. As he was slipping it on, she told him, "You don't have to use that. I want to feel you inside me." But he refused, telling her, "For your first time, the condom will help. It will give you more comfort with the extra lube on it. My number one goal today is to make you feel good and for it not to hurt as much."
She accepted his explanation, and he grabbed the lube and put some more on himself and her. Climbing back on top of her, he asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"
She replied with a firm "yes," assuring him that she was very sure. He slowly slipped inside her, stopping along the way to ask her if she was okay. She could see the fear of hurting her in his eyes, and she loved him even more for it.
As he was fully inside her, he stayed there for what felt like hours, letting her adjust to his size and only moving when he was one hundred percent sure she was okay. The first few thrusts, even though they were slow and gentle, hurt. Tears appeared in her eyes, and he stopped and started kissing them away, asking her if she wanted to stop. But she said no, and he let her adjust again before moving nice and slow.
Soon, the pain turned into pleasure, and she encouraged him to go faster. But he still didn't want to hurt her, so he increased the speed a little, but still keeping it slow and gentle enough. He rubbed her clit again, making her orgasm two more times that night before he came himself.
As they lay there, panting and sweating, he whispered, "I love you." And she knew, in that moment, that she had made the right choice. They had taken the next step in their relationship, and it had been perfect.
As she has these memories going through her mind. She thinks just how It was as if he had been put on this earth just for her, to love her, cherish her, and make her feel special. And as she lay there, lost in his embrace, she knew that there was no other place she'd rather be, no other person she'd rather be with. For in his arms, she found the kind of love that most people only dream of - pure, unconditional, and forever.
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vro0m · 10 months
vro0m's rewatch - 174/332
2016 Canadian GP
Alright. For some reason I don't have the pre race to this one but we'll make do anyway. (Hindsight note : not an issue because I was SO MUCH CONTENT for this one. Like several videos as well.)
The weather isn't great. 40% chance of rain, there's been showers earlier in the day. Lewis is on pole ahead of Nico and Seb. Then it's Ricciardo, Verstappen, Raikkonen, Valtteri, Massa, Hulkenberg and Alonso. 
Formation lap. 
As a reminder Lewis is now only 24 points behind Nico. 
Oh there's still people on the grid when the cars get back there. Not great. Lewis is pointing towards the inside, as he starts on the wrong side of the track. I never truly realised how close to the starting line the first corner is in Montreal. Just a few metres. 
And they're racing. 
OH MY GOD. SEB. INSANE START. HE IMMEDIATELY PULLS AHEAD OF LEWIS WHILE NICO AND HIM ARE WHEEL TO WHEEL INTO THE FIRST CORNER. HE TAKES THE LEAD! NICO AND LEWIS TOUCHED IN THE SECOND CORNER! NICO GETS OFF TRACK. HE LOSES PLACES AS A RESULT. Phew. Eventful. Sexy of Seb. Max also made it ahead of Daniel and he's in third position behind Lewis at the end of the lap. P5 is Raikkonen, then Valtteri and Massa, Alonso, Hulkenberg, and Nico is now P10! With DRS, he soon overtakes Alonso for P9. Crofty claims Lewis pushed him wide. I'm unsure about that. Waiting for the replay. Damn Seb's speed at the start is fucking insane. It drives Arrivabene crazy lol. Imo Lewis didn't push Nico wide, he stayed on his line. Magnussen also ran into Nasr btw. Nico is closing on Hulkenberg while Lewis sets the fastest lap. He's gaining on Seb now. But then Seb picks up the pace. Nico missed the chicane and lost time on Hulkenberg.
Lap 10. Seb, Lewis +1.3, Max +6.8, Ricciardo +0.4, Raikkonen +2.9, Valtteri +0.9, Massa +0.9, Hulkenberg +2.4, Nico +1.6, Alonso +4.1. Oh ho, interesting. Max is told not to hold up Daniel. I wonder if he'll comply. Annnd Jenson is stopping off track. His engine is on fire! VSC. Good thing he stopped near marshals, they put the fire out quickly while he jumps out. Seb pits! Just as the VSC ends! They're stacking the cars, Raikkonen is in as well. Seb is out in P4, then. Lewis is still widening the gap to him for now but barely. Then not anymore. Seb is gaining again. I forgot to mention Seb has to pit again anyway apparently they all have to use the softs here for some reason and he went from the ultrasofts to the supersofts so far. He's right behind Daniel now, who's still behind Max. It might slow him down a bit for a minute. It looked to me like Daniel was weaving on the straight a bit but we carry on. He's defending pretty well in the next few corners. Good positioning of the car. But it's not enough. Seb overtakes him even as he locks up. And overtakes Max quickly after. There's another DNF I don't know who, but it's happening in the garages so it doesn't hinder the race. Now Seb is gaining on Lewis really fast. 
Lap 20. I'm trying to check the top 10 but twice they showed replays right when the top 4's timings were on screen. Max pits. There we go : Lewis, Seb +8.1, Daniel +6.8, Valtteri +1.9, Massa +5.7, Nico +1.0, Hulkenberg +5.0, Max +2.4, Raikkonen +0.7, and Perez +4.1. Daniel pits. Nico pits. Hulkenberg pits. Hah, Daniel is behind Raikkonen. He's gonna be pissed about that, given he wanted to get ahead of Max. Wait. Seb just gained 2 seconds on Lewis, did he make a mistake? Ted says his German counterparts are incredibly mad at Lewis for the lap 1 touchette, and now everybody is debating, once again, whether it was a foul or not. Again, from what I saw I don't think it was, but the replays weren't great angles. Oh yeah we see now he went wide, that's how Seb got close suddenly. Valtteri pits. Any minute for Lewis now. Nico sets the fastest lap. Yep. It's now. 2.3, good job! Of course Seb is back ahead now, but remember he has to stop again. The gap is 13.1. For now, Seb is still quicker but Lewis must be managing his tyres as well. He's supposed to go to the end on them. 13.5. 13.1. 13.2. 13. 
Lap 30. Seb, Lewis +11.9, Verstappen +11.8, Raikkonen +4.9, Ricciardo +0.6, Valtteri +0.7, Nico +2.1, Perez +9.2, Massa +1.1, Hulkenberg +3.4. Seb is vehemently complaining about the backmarkers he has to lap. Perez pits. At the front, the gap is down to 10.6. There's a 4-way battle for P4 between Raikkonen, Daniel +0.3, Valtteri, +0.4, and Nico +0.8. Meanwhile Lewis is still gaining on Seb. 10.2. Raikkonen pits, releasing the others. 9.7. Then Lewis gets slowed down by the backmarkers as well. 9.9. Fastest lap. Valtteri overtook Daniel after he made a mistake. Massa is retiring. And Seb pits! 2.4 stop. Out 7.4 behind Lewis. Nico is attacking Daniel, and we see on the replay he suddenly lost his place to Valtteri because he missed the chicane. Nico overtakes Daniel, who pits, slight mishap, 4.1. 
Lap 40. Lewis, Seb +6.7 already, Max +9.9, Valtteri +6.5, Nico +1.8, Raikkonen +15.0, Ricciardo +3.7, Hulkenberg +3.1, Sainz +1.0, and Perez +12.7. Seb is gaining fast. Apparently some people are stopping for a second time, as opposed to the expectations. We're wondering if the Ferrari gamble is gonna work out as the track temperature is falling and tyres are graining. Seb sets the fastest lap. And again. He locked up behind a backmarker though. Aha. Wait a second. Nico, who's almost on Valtteri : "You got to give me more information because of the warning and everything on the steering wheel." The engineer answers : "Copy, the warnings are real." Welp. Max pits suddenly. 
Lap 50. Lewis, Seb +5.0, Valtteri +23.8, Nico +6.0, Verstappen +11.3, Raikkonen +3.0, Ricciardo +2.1, Hulkenberg +14.8, Sainz and Alonso are lapped. Nico pits because of a slow right rear puncture, right after he attacked again despite the warnings! Seb is still slowly closing on Lewis. Bit by bit. Daniel attacks Raikkonen but can't make it. 4.5 from Lewis to Seb. Ah but Seb locked up, missed the chicane and lost a chunk of time! Phew. Nico overtakes Raikkonen for P5. 
Lap 60, 10 laps to go. Lewis, Seb +5.5, Valtteri +31.2 (very nice podium in sight btw), Max +6.3, Nico +4.2, Raikkonen +4.0, Ricciardo +2.6, Hulkenberg +33.1, Sainz +2.2, and Perez +7.3. Seb locks up again. Nico is all over Max's rear now. Woohoooho Verstappen defends FIERCELY and very well. Lol Alonso is asking if he can stop but they're saying no because they might get a point if something happens to a car ahead. He grunts. Max is still defending. Nico locks up, he loses a bit of time over him. 4 laps to go. The situation at the front has clearly stabilised. Nico is gonna try again… OH! Wtf? He attacks at the end of the straight but his car goes sideways right as he gets ahead and he slides in the run-off area after the chicane! He manages to go away again.
And it's the end of the race! 
We get a wonderful Valsewis podium lol can't wait! "Get in there pal, awesome race mate, awesome race!" Bono says. Man the way he's saluting this crowd you'd think it's his home race lol. He's taking his time. 
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He jumps to his team and they pull him to the other side of the fence. He does a shuffle, shakes Seb's hand, high fives the grid girls (?). 
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Toto gives credit to their strategist who made the right call. They weren't sure the tyres would survive till the end but it worked out. 
Ahhh Seb got to the cool down room and they're just watching the times together.
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Val joins them and they barely react.
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Lewis says "I enjoyed chasing you down!" with a huge smile. "When you came in I was like???" Breathlessly he says "It was such a bad start, what the hell!" Seb grins "Mine was okay, did you notice?" IAHSGDGEHSZEUEJ THEY'RE SO AAAAAAAH fucking brat omg. Lewis chuckles, they exchange a look, and Seb elbows him.
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Lewis repeats his was very bad and then he got to turn 1 and had crazy understeer.
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Seb says yeah, tailwind all race. OHHH IS IT THE SEAGULL RACE? Seb interrupts Lewis and asks if he saw them. He says yes, Seb says he avoided them. Is that when you went (???) Lewis asks. I brake for animals, Seb talks over him. That's when you caught up! He adds. I was sleeping at that point, I don't know why, Lewis says. Seb says he looked at the seagulls and locked up.
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Suddenly it's like Lewis notices the camera and his face closes off. The conversation dies down. 
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While they're receiving their trophies Crofty says listening to Seb and Lewis he gets the feeling they enjoyed their battles and "are desperate to race each other on the track at the moment". He's basically writing fanfic. The merc representative on the podium is apparently one of the tallest men in the paddock according to the commentators and when Lewis holds him by the shoulder for a photo he indeeds looks very very smol. 
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Michael Douglas is interviewing for some reason. Of course Lewis is extremely happy. He asks about the first corner. Lewis starts by thanking everyone who came, bla bla bla Montréal is great. He says he had a very bad start, Seb and Nico got a good run, the tyres were cold, he understeered. He feels very grateful Nico and him didn't damage anything on the cars. And after that it was just trying to chase "this guy" down, who was so quick. He's happy with the car. He says he won his first GP here in 2007. Such a blessing. Seb gets a lot of cheers. Douglas congratulates him for the start and asks what the issue was after that. Seb smiles, "Lewis was a bit too quick, that was the issue." He says they might have struggled a bit because of the wind. He says they committed to a different strategy early on and the plan was to come back but the tyres lasted better than expected so Lewis stayed ahead. In the last question Lewis goes full nostalgia talking about his first win. 
Nico is very unhappy. He says Lewis did a "very hard racing manoeuvre" on him. He says he was very pissed in the moment but that's racing and in the end it's his job to make sure next time a battle such as this one comes up he's ahead. The journalist apologises for his language, he seems genuinely surprised. She tells him some words he used can't be used live on TV. "I'll apologise then, you don't have to apologise on my behalf," he says. That's good. He says it's frustrating because they had a good car, Lewis showed the car was worthy of the win. 
In RBR's corner Verstappen is happy with his race and Ricciardo is disappointed. Not too happy about Max not moving out of his way but he plays it down. Horner praises Max, points out they had to pit Danny at a bad time because he locked up and got a flat spot. About the team order he says at some point Ricciardo looked quicker but then Max's tyres cleaned up from the graining and it didn't matter anymore basically. 
Lewis shows up in the media pen bundled up and with a British flag.
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He says his practice start for the formation lap was amazing and he doesn't understand what happened with the race start. He's chuckling about it. Then again the understeer, he was under attack, and the "unfortunate collision… Tap, with Nico".
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Then he says it was hunting down Sebastian, they both had really good pace, but Seb made a few mistakes. He himself apart from one time in turn 10 didn't make any mistake so he's very happy. Great strategy, good tyre management, the team made the right calls. He keeps sighing, shrugging, shaking his head with a smile.
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He can't believe it went as well as it did. He really enjoyed the race, "smooth". For context Muhammad Ali died shortly before that so when Lewis won he said the famous sentence "fly like a butterfly sting like a bee" and he says the last 10-15 laps Ali was all he could think of. The journalist says "fly like a butterfly, these last few laps–" he interrupts her, "it really felt like that, that's why I was thinking of him." "It felt like I was floating," he adds. "everytime he did a good lap i was able pull another lap in which I'm sure was painful for him," he chuckles, "in terms of like a sting, you know?"
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She asks if he was surprised to see him pit when he did. He gets serious. He definitely was. He says his team told him to stay out. He was excited because he thought they had a race on their hands, "I wanted to race him on the track," he says with a hungry smile.
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He was worried his tyres were graining but he still made it to lap 25, then he moved to the other tyre and it was "just sweet". 
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It iiiis the seagull race. They find Lewis again in the paddock. He complains of the cold. He repeats some of the same things he said before. And then, behind his back, we see Seb walking past. A red and white sleeve appears in the frame and reaches for his shoulder.
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"He's not braking for animals!" Seb says. "You should give him a hard time because of that."
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Simon asks what this is all about, he did hear about seagulls. "2 seagulls, turn one," Seb says. Lewis tilts his head. "I feel like you're using the seagulls, I feel, I feel that they were innocent."
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Seb hasn't taken his hands off of him. "Yeah but I'm a racing driver so I have to find some sort of excuse why, why the hell you beat me!" he says, as he grabs him even tighter and shakes him. Seb tells the story while Lewis glares at him with a wide smile. "I have my eyes into turn one, and I saw these… Stupid couple of seagull sitting there, all relaxed!" Lewis interjects. "Hey man it was planned! You know I'm good with animals, right?" he says as he puts his hand on his chest.
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"I'm like doctor doolittle I told them to be there and they were there and…" Seb shakes him some more.
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Simon says they had their crew check and they couldn't find the images of the seagulls. Genuine surprise in Seb's face while Lewis laughs. "Honestly," he says. "Invisible seagulls," Simon says. "They were white doves," Lewis says bouncing up and down like a boy.
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A pause. "Well I don't know, whatever, white birds," Seb says. Lewis laughs. "It wasn't a pigeon, it was a seagull!" Seb protests still. "I could see the beak. I don't know their name but they were there!" He grabs Lewis again. "You saw them as well!"
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He nods, Seb shoves him lightly. Simon interrupts, he thinks they might have found the images, but it's not the right ones.
When we get back to them Seb has his own mic. "I will stay here until you find the lap," Seb says. We see the start. But it's still not the right lap. Seb takes time to show off his sponsors on camera "there you go".
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Simon asks questions about the Ferrari strategy mistake. "First of all I didn't want to crash your interview I'm sorry," Seb says. "No no no," Lewis answers, "It's good, it's nice! It's nice! You make it easy for me!" Seb goes on to say he'll always defend what they're doing, they have good people. He turns to Lewis : "Did you try to do, would you– honest answer. Were you always going to stay out?" – "No, no, we were going to do a two stop. That was plan… Plan A was doing a two stop as well so." They're constantly talking over one another so it's difficult to transcribe. Seb turns back to Simon and say see, in his shoes, you do the opposite. Aka they went for the two stop so Merc tried the one stop. Lewis approves but then he adds that they were staying out anyway. "Before you decided to go in we were staying out." Seb seems unconvinced. "I'd been told to stay out, so," Lewis continues "I think they'd already decided to go onto another strategy." Seb says with hindsight it's always easy. Lewis cuts him off : "They said plan B and I was like 'the hell is plan B? I don't remember what it is?'" then Simon says Ferrari is faring better and they might be able to chase the Mercedes down. Seb says it's a very ambitious plan but they're going for it. Lewis pretend-boxes him with the flag wrapped around his hand. He adds that 2 years ago they were unbeatable and now they are very close, he smiles and puts his hand on Lewis' shoulder again, shakes him lightly slides his hand down his arm.
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"He can definitely feel our breath." Simon changes subject. "In terms of the seagulls…" They are all staring at the screen, Seb points at it "Get the lap! Get the seagulls!" But Simon finished his sentence "... We can't find them." Lewis describes for the nth time when it happened. And here we go. Finally. Everybody exclaims! "Two seagulls, see?" Seb says triumphantly. Lewis is laughing again.
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"I had my eyes so deep into the apex," Seb describes with wide gestures. "I locked up!" We see the images again. "Oh my god," Lewis squeals, "They're so far away!" Seb grunts. "Mind the animals! Honestly!" Simon tries to talk but Seb is still processing. "Did you see? They stayed! Can we see that again please?" He's still pointing at the screen. "They stayed there! That's what really annoyed me. They stayed there!" he repeats, his voice high with marvel and astonishment. We see the images again. Lewis comments Seb is locking up way before the seagulls. "Yeah but look, there's a red car coming at, I don't know, a hundred something… They stay there!" he says higher still. "I'm not sure they're very clever, seagulls," Simon says. Lewis chuckles. "Maybe that's why they didn't see you coming." Seb is wild. "If you can catch these two seagulls, you might prove the opposite of what you ever find out in history about seagulls!" he jokes, looking at Simon but his eyes darting to Lewis who is still giggling. "I think I might have to buy you a couple seagulls," he says. "I don't know if they're white seagulls whatever I think you need a couple."
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Seb grabs his neck again. "You told me you had some…" he gestures with his hand. Lewis catches on. "One bird did poo on my visor at one stage," he explains to Simon, while Seb laughs. "Is that right?" Simon asks. Seb bows and hands his mic over with two hands. Taps Lewis shoulder. "Thank you, well done man," he says. Seb is gone. 
They pick up the interview where they left off before Seb's arrival as they slowly start walking down the paddock. Simon asks about Lewis' homage to Ali, and points to the "boxing glove". Lewis explains someone gave him the flag and he just wrapped it around his hand because he's freezing. Lewis explains Ali has been an inspiration to so many people etc. Explains about the end of the race again. That's it. 
In the notebook, Ted says Nico seems increasingly annoyed. "But, you know, what does Rosberg expect? Hamilton. Is. Deadly. Absolutely. Unrelenting. Unrelenting. He takes no prisoners ever in a race car. That's why he's so brilliant, that's why he's such an awesome champion."
Videos to come! Stay tuned!
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ronaestrider · 6 months
A Reunion Long In The Making [Part II]
[ Part I ]
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Ina'thia makes the long walk up the spire to the Phoenix Guard's former headquarters, motivated by the promise of wine and memories. She hopes for good memories, but if not, there's wine for that. The former Commander marches to the door, and lets out a frustrated hiss when it is, in fact, locked! She jiggles the handle, then begins pulling on it.
Ruthar makes his way up, a pair of dusty wine bottles and a pair of crystal glasses in his hand. He hears the jiggling of the locked knob. "Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised by that," he says with a chuckle. "It has been quite some time."
Ina'thia seems to be taking her anger, which had been buried deep for years, out on the door. She becomes more forceful with it. "Of course it's locked. Why wouldn't it be? Did they give me a key? Fuck if I know. I've been gone for seven - " she kicks the door once then twice. " "- YEARS." With a final kick, the door swings open in a whirl of dust and paperwork! It was exactly as it had been left, save for the layer of dust.
Ruthar opens his mouth to suggest something, but shuts it promptly as the door smashes inward. "That's one way to the put the shattered in Shattered Sun."
Ina'thia rakes a hand through her hair to toss it back over her shoulders, then steps into the office. It was small and cramped, but offered a beautiful view of the harbor. She'd lost count of how many nights she'd stayed up until the dawn here.
“I may have been a bit overealous.”
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Ruthar makes his way into the office, the memories flooding back as he moves from the main meeting room into her office. "Perhaps a touch," he offers. He places the bottles and the glasses down on the desk, pushing a document out of the way. He lifts it up in his fingers, eyeing the red ink at the top. -Classified: Decommissioning Notice-
Ina'thia turns the decommissioning notice upside down, lest it sour her mood and make her become completely overzealous. "We spent a lot of time up here, didn't we? I remember planning our mission to Draenor and telling the others to get their affairs in order and make peace with the Light, or whatever they prayed to." 
Ruthar nods, allowing a pause to settle as he moves to uncork one of the bottles. "I remember it very clearly. When I was captured in Tanaan, it was one of the things that truly kept me alive. Remembering the faces of all of you who accepted the suicidal portal mission." He pours the liquid into the glasses.
"Feels simultaenously like a lifetime ago and only yesterday."
Ina'thia pulls her gaze away from the harbor to Ruthar as he pours the wine. The pop of a cork seems to calm her heightened frustrations. "I really did think we were all going to die. Part of me thought you were dead already, and we were only going to recover your body. Gruesome times. I'm glad none of it came to pass." 
Ruthar hoists the now-filled glasses and offers one to Ina'thia. He leans upon the edge of the desk, raising his up for a small toast. "Here's to being not as dead as we should be."
Ina'thia leans on the other edge of the desk and accepts the glass, eagerly toasting. "Here's to being too stubborn to die, no matter what is thrown in our paths." 
Ruthar clinks the glass and takes a long sip, the bite of the old wine both a comfort and a memory. He looks out to the sea, holding his glass. "There is so much to discuss, even some recent things that are worth mentioning. I don't quite know where to begin - so many questions spring to mind."
Ina'thia takes a long sip of the wine as well. It's everything in her power not to drink it all in one go, but instead, savor the flavor. Just as she intended to savor the company and the locale.  - 
Ina'thia turns to face Ruthar. "You know you can ask me anything, Ruthar. You're my best friend, and always have been. A brother, even. No secrets." 
Ruthar smiles against his glass as he takes another sip. "I know," he says softly, looking down into the wine itself. "And you have no idea how good that feels to hear," he offers, thinking of recent events. "I don't think I saw you at all since the decommissioning, then the next moment I hear you've departed entirely. So what's your story? You absolutely must have had a reason."
Ina'thia can't help herself; she takes that next long drink, and soon enough, the glass is empty. She holds it out for Ruthar to refill, because this story requires alcohol. And lots of it. "Well, it's a long one... I went directly back to Kul Tiras under the Horde's banner, in and around Stormsong Valley. Bloody battles. I retired from active duty not long after, and fooled myself into thinking I could do diplomacy and politics on a Magister's arm. Or was he on my arm? Hard to tell, really." 
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Ruthar gingerly takes the empty glass from her digits and just passes her the bottle. He doesn't interrupt the tale.
Ina'thia takes the glass back, but doesn't drink just yet. "I lived in Magister Everblaze's manor for some time... and I thought the monotony was getting to me. I started hearing things, at first. Then I began seeing them. Just little shadows from the corner of my eye. Then I couldn't see or hear or dream of anything but -him- and -his- Empire. I was losing it, Ruthar. Fuck. I had to leave. What if I attacked him? Retired Knight-Lord murders esteemed Magister! Or worse, Syrie and Gatto or their kid?" 
 “I -had- to leave.”
Ruthar considers that for a moment. "Did you find the source of such thoughts and whispers?"
Ina'thia gives Ruthar an odd look over her wine glass, "...It was the old god N'zoth. Shortly after I left, spires and faceless ones started appearing everywhere." 
Ruthar blinks at that. "You...you're serious? I expected some sort of trick of the Magister, not the efforts of an Old God."
Ina'thia nods once, "Bey'ron is an absolutely insufferable asshole, but I know he would never do that to me. He was actually very kind to me while we were together. No... I was vulnerable, emotionally, after the Guard was decommissioned. Easy prey for an old god."
Ruthar looks at her with a truly concerned expression. "I'm sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how difficult those whispers were to silence. I heard so many stories from Kul Tiras, but I think you are the first I've spoken to with direct experience."
Ina'thia takes another long drink of wine, "It was a bloodbath, Ruthar. We've seen our share of combat with the Guard, but it was always for the good of Quel'Thalas or the world. We killed everyone. Farmers in their fields, their wives, their children. Even the cattle. No survivors. No resources. Burnt it all to the ground on the Warchief's order.”
Ruthar sighs, looking down into his wine. "I would have done anything for her," he admits. "She was my Ranger-General. I swore an oath that I held so firmly." He looks to her, his gaze supportive. "I would have done the very same."
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Ina'thia watches Ruthar closely, "...She was -our- Ranger-General. Farstrider or not, we all loved and admired her. Either way... I left, and I went to Kun-Lai. It's a place that has brought me peace in tumultuous times past." 
Ruthar nods. "Of course. Our. Hard to tell who still sees it that way after everything." He finishes his glass and slowly pours another. "And how was the Summit? I haven't been to Pandaria since I had a nasty incident with the mantid so many years back."
Ina'thia looks out over the harbor. "Still steep and cold as fuck. I climbed on foot, fell face-down in the snow and was dragged the rest of the way on a sled pulled by grummles." 
Ruthar raises an eybrow at that. "And yet here you stand. I assume the mission was a success?"
Ina'thia looks down at her fingertips, "Had to recover from the frostbite and exposure, first. Stayed at the temple for a few months. I was in a bad way, Ruthar. Bad. I snapped out of it when the temple was attacked and I got punched in the face by another sin'dorei who was there. We fought back the faceless ones, and I chose to continue the fight. I've been everywhere hunting them. Tanaris. Silithus. Uldum. Un'goro. All of Kalimdor, and then some." 
Ruthar nods slowly, his eyebrows still raised. "I will fully admit that this was not the story I was expecting in the least. Amazing that you could face N'Zoth's agents directly and live to tell the tale. For how long did you fight the n'raqi?"
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Ina'thia purses her lips thoughtfully, then takes another sip of wine. "...Years, I think. I lost time for parts of it. Don't you fucking repeat that, either, or I'll never get reinstated." 
Ruthar nods. "Duly noted," he says quickly. "So when did you return from it, then?"
Ina'thia rolls one shoulder, "...When I set foot back in Quel'Thalas. I took the longest route possible. Boats and zeppelins and mountain and forest trails. Gave myself every opportunity to turn around, and I kept walking. Figured I'd made it this far... it was really time to come home. Last week.”
Ruthar blinks, lowering his wineglass. "That is the kind of tale I would tell younglings at the Retreat. But here you are," he gestures to her form with his wineglass. "Alive to tell it yourself. I...don't know what to say." He lowers his glass, looking her
Ruthar over for signs of the experience. "Your return is that much more pleasing after hearing what you were up against."
Ina'thia seems to be in remarkably good health at a glance, all things considered. "Mm. And here I am, after I survived all of that, too afraid to talk to my exes. I'd rather take the years of solitude and fighting literal monsters." 
Ruthar manages a smirk at that. "You can go to the very end of the world and fight monsters of untold power, and yet you are still you." He takes a sip of wine. "Speaking of, I've had interactions with said exes it seems."
Ina'thia 's ears droop a little bit in absolute embarrassment. "For fuck's sake. I need more wine." With that, she knocked back the rest of her second glass.
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Ruthar laughs at that fully, knocking back his own and taking the empty glasses. He begins to uncork the second bottle. "But, before -that-," he begins, pausing his uncorking of the wine. "I'm...sorry for all of that. Truly." He sighs. "But what I am sorry about most is not being there to help. I'm not sure what I would have done if I had heard you were truly lost, but I know that I did not do anything to mitigate any of that. You deserve better from your friends." He finishes uncorking the wine and pours a fresh pair of very full glasses.
Ina'thia finally looks at Ruthar directly, with the unmistakable intensity of the Blood Knight he's known for years and years. Emboldened by the wine, of course. "Stop it, Ruthar. Don't pity me and don't blame yourself. I didn't -want- to be found. Sometimes, we have to do things on our own. Get lost. Be shattered. Put back the pieces. When I was ready to be found, I came back. And you were the first to find me... and I'm forever grateful for that." 
Ruthar looks out across the sea once more. "It's not that I pity you, and I entirely agree - such a pilgrimage can be important for self-reflection and soul recrafting. It's more about what you said earlier, something that seems to be a common theme." He takes a quick sip as he conjures the direct quote. "Your vulnerability after the decommissioning. That's where I feel the most guilty. I should have been there in that aftermath - for you, for everyone." He shakes his head. "It may not have actually changed anything, but the guilt feels very real. I suppose I'm just trying to do my own soul-rebuilding.”
Ina'thia sips at her refilled glass of wine. She's quiet for a long while, listening to Ruthar as she thinks on his words. "...We all lost something precious that day. Some more than most. We both should have been there. For each other, for the others." 
“I ran away, thinking I wasn't wanted.”
Ruthar looks down into his glass and then far across the sea. "Wasn't wanted," he repeated quietly. "I suppose therein lies the issue then, hmm?" He sighs. "Nothing could be further from the truth, Ina'thia." He looks to her directly. "Nothing. I may not have been the best to show it, but you are wanted. You are cared about. You are loved." His eyes glisten slightly with the sun of Quel'Danas through the balcony. "And it really is so- damn- good to have you back."
Ina'thia watches Ruthar quietly. Her remaining eye seems to shimmer just a little bit, but the ever-stalwart Blood Knight is skilled at hiding all emotions other than her frustration, anger or exasperation. "The mind plays tricks on us, Ruthar, especially when under influence of something as terrible as an old god. I know in my heart of hearts that you're speaking the truth, and have only spoken truths. But the me of seven years ago still wouldn't have believed you. That's over, though... in the past." 
“I'm looking to the future.”
Ruthar nods, his fingers tapping against the wineglass. "And the only reason it is in the past is because you pushed onward. I truly hope you never forget that." He lifts his glass again with a gentle smile. "To the future, then."
Ina'thia reaches her glass over to touch it against Ruthar's, smirking a bit as they make a little 'clink!' noise. "What are -your- plans for the future?"
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Ruthar chuckles. "I haven't given much thought to -my- future, to be perfectly honest. I can only assume that I will continue to serve the Kingdom in whatever capacity I am able." He takes a sip, seemingly more relaxed after releasing the weight from his chest. "I can, however, speak to the immediate future. There are some things in motion that are worth mentioning."
Ina'thia quirks a brow at Ruthar. "Things in motion? Go on..." 
Ruthar places his glass down, refilling it. He raises an inquisitive eyebrow to Ina'thia as he holds the bottle toward her glass.
Ina'thia finishes the rest of her wine, holding out her empty glass for another refill. A gentle dusting of red is starting to form over her cheeks. She would undoubtedly be sleeping in this office once again. "Seriously. What's going on?" 
Ruthar finishes filling the glasses and sets the wine bottle down. "Unexpectedly, quite a bit," he begins. "I had a meeting with Farstrider leadership in the Farstriders' Square not more than week ago at this point. As I began to depart to return to Valdrakken, I found myself face to face with Magister Everblaze. He had pressing information, it turns out."
Ina'thia does her best to not visibly flinch at the mention of Bey'ron. Now that she's three glasses of wine deep, it's harder to temper and hide her emotions. "Bey'ron -always- has pressing information, and it usually involves him climbing over someone else for-
Ina'thia - power." She rolls her eye, ever annoyed by the politics of Magisters.
Ruthar nods. "I would assume the same, naturally. But this was different." Ruthar sighs, looking down into the wine as his expression turns downward. "It seems that Li-Mei is a deserter in a very real sense."
Ina'thia 's other brow raises to match her inquisitive look, shifting it to genuine surprise. "...Truly? I never would have expected... she was always so loyal. Like a weird little hatchling, at times, but still loyal." 
Ruthar nods. "Truly. Admitted by her own mouth, as it turns out." He shakes his head. "Her tale is not dissimilar to your own, to be quite honest. After the decommissioning, it appears that she was a bit lost and became disenfranchised with leadership. She departed without a trace after the Fourth War. We thought her dead and updated her record accordingly, but that seems to have been in error. She reached out to Bey'ron for help returning to Quel'Thalas. He obliged, for a price."
Ina'thia furrows her brow, "Well... I had the sense to retire from active duty, at least. I was never marked AWOL." Still, she frowns. "What is Bey'ron having her do to earn her place back here?" 
Ruthar shrugs. "Something about 16 years of service or what have you. Honestly, I'm not even sure what entails." He takes another sip. "Regardless, Magistrix Starfrost is involved as well. It was really great to see her, despite the circumstances. She will be doing a magical investigation into Li-Mei's whereabouts. That particular data will help the Farstriders determine what her next moves are."
Ina'thia can't help but smile over her glass of wine, "Shit, Syrie's a full Magistrix now? I'm happy for her..." her thoughts then trail back to Li-Mei, and she sighs again. "Probably ironing his dresses and other mundane nonsense. Still, though... I hadn't thought of what would become of everyone else after the Guard was decommissioned. I'm saddened to hear that Li-Mei struggled so much."
Ruthar nods. "It weighs heavily," he admits, taking another sip. "I promoted her myself, even trained her a bit. She was...is quite talented. I don't know how this will shake out, but here we are."
Ina'thia sets her glass of wine down on the table, atop the turned over decommissioning notice. "Give her a proper hearing, let her serve consequences and earn her place back. Just as I have to earn mine. Part of picking up our shattered pieces is facing the consequences, isn't it?" 
Ruthar nods. "Indeed it is. Sadly, this one isn't up to me. Due to our professional history, I would need to recuse myself from any such proceedings. Nothing to do at this point but to wait, really."
“The silver lining here, however, is that I got the chance to reconnect with both Starfrosts.”
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Ina'thia also can't help but cringe at the mention of the Starfrosts. "And both of those things are why we have wine, Ruthar. Lots and lots of wine." 
Ruthar smirks. "You know I have it in spades. But, do tell. From how he speaks of you, it seems like there is a story."
Ina'thia 's lip curls at the idea of telling that particular story. "It was stupid, embarrassing, and wildly inappropriate bullshit that happened after the Guard was decommissioned. Gattius was jealous and I was angry. I don't know if we'll ever be able to speak to each other civilly ever again." 
“It seems that you both harbor a similar sentiment, then,” Ruthar offers.
In’athia offers a sigh. “Yeah... I imagine we probably do. It's fucked up, Ruthar. -I- fucked up. And him being mad at me is a consequence. I've endured worse. I'll live.”
Ruthar looks at her for a moment, but doesn't press the subject. "Syrie, on the other hand, sends her best. I told them both that I was following a lead to find you, so she asked me to relay her regards should I be successful."
Ina'thia smiles warmly at that, but it's a small sort of smile. "Thanks for covering for me. I don't know if I could handle seeing her anytime soon, either. She's got a kid now, it's all weird. I'm bad at this, okay? Give me a sword and an entire legion of enemies to fight, and I'll be fine." 
Ruthar scoffs. "Perhaps you are bad at it, but at least you make an effort for better or worse, speaks to a strength I falter with." He takes a sip. "That said, one final piece of new information. After Syrie and Gattius departed last evening, I happened upon Raynell A'laria in the woods of all people."
“The cosmos work in mysterious ways, really.”
Ina'thia 's mouth actually hangs open at that, "A'laria? Truly? Holy shit... everyone's coming back. All at once. The cosmos is right. Next thing you know, we'll see Calthos and Hylaudius and the world will have truly ended." 
Ruthar laughs out loud at that. "Now that would be...something," he says tactfully. “I didn't get much time with A'laria, sadly, but yes - she is returned. I do look forward to speaking with her further. By the look of her, there is quite a story to be had.”
“If they were to truly appear,” Ina’thia replies, “I think I'd die on the spot. Die dead. Cease to exist. Now, A'laria... hers is a story I would like to hear.
Ruthar chuckles as he finishes another glass. "Indeed. Though, I suspect you will hear it before I do. She was sporting the Blood Knight colours, afterall."
Ina'thia actually smiles at that, "...Good. I'm glad she still wears them. Hopefully I'm reinstated soon and can speak with her more easily." 
Ruthar nods. "If I can be of any assistance with all that, do let me know. Speaking of," he says as he picks up the now-empty bottles. "Where are you staying?"
Ina'thia puzzles out Ruthar's question, to which the answer seemed quite obvious. "...Tonight? Here. I can't be fucked to travel anywhere else right now. Tomorrow, I'll be laying in the years of dust in my apartment in the city." 
Ruthar looks around the dusty office, noting the distinct lack of comfort. "To Argus with that, you're not staying here." He gathers the bottles and takes the glasses. "Come on, I'll put you up in the inn across the way. They've got some nice beds."
Ina'thia had already started leaning on the table like she was going to curl up and sleep there. She groans loudly, but ultimately follows Ruthar. "Fine, if you insist... I guess it'd be nice to not be stiff in the morning..." 
Ruthar gathers the bottles and glassware and throws them in his pack before assisting the inebriated Ina'thia out of the former Guard headquarters. Fortunately, none of the Shattered Sun pay them any mind, most likely due to the tabard Ruthar still sports as they move toward the inn. After a quick discussion with Inaara, a nice room overlooking the Isle’s scenery is prepared for Ina’thia for some well-deserved rest.
Ruthar departed once Ina’thia was settled, returning to the former Phoenix Guard headquarters, his head beginning to throb in the wine’s aftermath. He climbed the stairs once more, making his way to the top of the building to look upon the meeting room where so much happened. As he walked around, faces and images danced through his mind, memories, both fond and painful, swirling around his head as he recalled his many companions within the Guard.
He moved over to the broken office door, the latch cracked by Ina’thia’s gusto. With the security of the office compromised, Ruthar rummaged for a dusty box to collect the paperwork left behind. He overturned the decommissioning notice with a sigh, placing it in the box first as he stared down upon it. So much had changed with one simple parchment.
After the contents of the office were collected, he scribbled a note that he left with Innkeeper Inaara for when Ina’thia rose the next morning.
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Ina’thia, With the lock and latch of your former office broken, I gathered the Guard documents and will place them in a secure location for the time being, most likely with the other high-level Farstrider records in Silvermoon. Do let me know if you need them. I do find it difficult to put in words how great it is to see you returned, so I’ll leave it there. Looking forward to more enjoyable evenings. Thank you for the opportunity to speak freely - it is an unfortunate rarity of late. Rest well, you know where to find me. Ruthar
Ruthar thanked Inaara once more for her efforts and informed her of the broken door - he didn’t want anyone thinking that the office was ransacked. He left a sum of gold with her to ensure that it was taken care of, as well as a few pieces for her troubles. With a nod of appreciation, the Ranger Captain departed Quel’Danas to return to Silvermoon.
@thefugitivemango @syrielle @arosesrambles @raynellalaria for mentions
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bloodlessbelmounte · 1 year
As Cold As Death (Sneak Peak)
You've always lived what felt like a half-life, died more times than you could count. You hadn't been expecting to be comforted by your vampiric companion.
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Astarion/Necromancer GN!Reader (Tav)
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death, blood drinking.
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“You won't get much from me if you're peckish. I'm not that nutritional and my circulation is horrid at best.” You lounged back on your elbows, peering up at him.
He stood there, arms crossed in dissatisfaction, “What? No shock? No horror? That would at least be some fun to see.”
“You thought you had fooled a necromancer? 'Star, you radiate undeath. You're paler than me and my pallor has been called deathly – not a perk of my school by the way.”
“Hmmm, you did strike me as rather sickly looking.”
“And so you thought I'd make a good snack?” You raised a quizzical eyebrow.
“Look, I'm feeling weak, anyone would do.”
“Your words wound me.” You feigned insult, putting your hand over your heart.
“...You're vexing.”
You took a moment to contemplate the pros and cons of letting him feed from you. The other party members were likely to react negatively to his vampirism and you'd rather not risk him being staked or incinerated.
You huffed a sigh, “If you're truly that weak, I guess I can oblige you. But don't take too much.”
He startled, “Really? I – Of course. Not one drop more. Shall we get comfortable?”
You laid back on your bedroll with a sense of trepidation pooling in your stomach but watched silently as the elf dropped to his knees. He cradled you in his hands and for a moment you wondered if others found his touch to be cold like yours. The thought was interrupted by the sting of his fangs piercing the delicate skin of your neck, like shards of ice. However, the feeling of your life being drained away was all too familiar.
You felt it in your fingers first, as your body started prioritising your vital organs over your extremities – the numbness creeping down from the tips of your fingers into your elbows as you fist his shirt, trying to hold on to consciousness. Next, it was your feet. They began to feel like solid ice blocks, you couldn't even wiggle your toes. Your heart began to struggle as your blood pressure dropped, if it weren't for his cradling you, your head would surely be lulling.
“A-Astar...ion. S-stop. That's... enough.” You tugged at his shirt.
By the grace of the gods he had heard you, quickly releasing you from his maw. You were surprised to see his eyebrows shoot up and his eyes widen.
“Shit, shit, shit. You're going blue! You-”
His voice was lost to you as the all to familiar sensation of death gripping your heart took you. Your face scrunching up in agony until suddenly, pleasantly, you were taken by nothingness.
You awoke with a gasp, your heart stuttering back to life. Gods you hated when that happened. How long were you gone for this time? Your eyes flickered open and you were greeted to the sight of Astarion pacing back and forth. He was mumbling to himself but you couldn't make out what he was saying. You rolled to your side with a groan and he finally looked to you.
“Your alive! But you died! Your heart stopped-”
“Shhh. Wake up the whole camp why don't you?” You shakily pushed yourself up into a sitting position. “Not like this is my first dance with death. Lucky for me it's always cut short.” You laughed dryly.
Astarion's brows pinched together as he joined you on the forest floor, “Is dying a common occurrence for you?”
“More than I'd care to admit. My first death was when I was just a babe. Just dropped dead right in front of my mother. I don't remember it by she certainly does. I've been taken to see numerous clerics and healers, all of which have been stumped. My affliction is no curse, nor is it ill health. It is simply a part of my being. Like my connection to life is weak but strong enough to keep me out of death's embrace permanently.”
There was a moment of silence as Astarion seemed to contemplate his words, “Dying is a wretched experience. I would pay any cost not to go through it again. You and I... we're more alike than I thought.”
“Tell me about it. All my life I have been compared to vampires. From my pale complexion, my sensitivity to sunlight and a touch my mother said was as cold as death. Only differences between us is that your heart is eternally still and I can't drink blood for nutrients.”
Another moment of silence and the Astarion was up and riffling through the camp supplies, producing a bottle of wine you had recently found. He then grabbed two goblets from his tent.
“I propose a drink to our newly realised mutual understanding and perhaps, an arrangement?”
He poured a glass and offered it to you.
“What would this arrangement be exactly?” You asked before taking a sip.
Astarion swirled the vintage in his goblet, "Let me feed from you, I won't take much, just enough to give me energy to find something more... filling. In return, perhaps I can help that pretty little heart of yours keep beating. To be honest, you're useful to me and I need you alive. If you need me to shepard enemies closer to you so you can sap their life force to fuel your own, who am I to judge?"
You took a moment to consider it, "Well, in that case, feel free to sink your teeth into those we battle."
"I like how you think, after all, they're just as dead. And don't worry, I'll be quiet so as not to disturb your rest when I come to your bedroll looking for a snack." He gave you a charming smile, a flash of fang, before downing his drink, "Now forgive me, as invigarating as you were, I need something more satisifying and you could use the beauty sleep, you look paler than my arm." With that, Astarion stood back up and started stalking towards the forest but he paused and looked over his shoulder at you, "This is a gift you know, I won't forget it."
That's it for the sneak peak 👻 hope you're looking forward to the real deal when it's finished.
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roseaesynstylae · 4 months
Star Wars: Republic Commando: Hard Contact, Chapters 8 & 9
Chapter 8
"Her face was a study in blank surprise. It was also fascinating in a way he couldn't define. He had never seen a human female this close, this real. He was astonished by the dappling of small brown dots across the bridge of her nose and her cheeks, and the different strands of colors in her long, unkempt hair -- light browns, golds, even reds. And she was as thin as the locals. He could see blue veins in the backs of her hands, and she smelled different from anyone he'd ever shared space with. He wasn't sure if she was pretty or downright ugly. He just knew that she was utterly alien and utterly fascinating, as alien as a gdan or a Gurlanin. It was almost stopping him from concentrating on the job."
Despite my reaction to their first meeting, Darman/Etain is the only RepComm ship that I actually like, probably because it feels like it has actual buildup and chemistry. Ignoring Etain's actions in Triple Zero (which is a discussion for another day), I find them pretty cute.
I like the little detail that Darman doesn't know what freckles are.
Chapter 9
"There is something very touching about them. They look like soldiers; they fight like soldiers; and sometimes they even talk like soldiers. They have the finest qualities of the fighting man. But behind that is nothing -- no love, no family, no happy memory that comes from having truly lived. When I see one of these men killed, I weep more for him than for any ordinary soldier who has lived a full and normal life."
-- Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi
I was not expecting to see anything in this series involving the Jedi that isn't in some way bashing them, but this pleasantly surprised me.
Ki-Adi mentioning family is a lot sadder when you remember that he lost all three of his wives and all of his children during the war.
"Atin took a bite out of the white cube and washed it down with a gulp of water from his bottle. 'He [Kal Skirata] never trained us. Heard a lot about him.'
'Trained Fi and Darman too. Our squads were all in the same battalion.'
'We had Walon Vau.'
'That explains where you get your cheery outlook.'
'Sergeant Vau taught us the importance of planning for the worst scenario,' Atin said, all loyalty. 'And maximizing your tech. Being hard is good, being hard with superior tech is better.'
'I'll bet.'
'I'd heard everyone loved Skirata, though. Even if he was a bad-tempered drunk.'
Niner had never been drunk and he didn't even know what alcohol tasted like. 'He cared what happened to us. He was one of us, pretty much. Not just because he couldn't cope with not being in the army anymore, or had to disappear. No, he was a good man.' Niner would have given a great deal to have seen Skirata come limping through the trees right then, demanding to know what they were doing lounging around like a bunch of Kaminoan nahra artists."
Oh look, our first mention of Walon Vau, problematic-est of problematic favs. (And, indirectly, my beloved Mird.)
Knowing how Atin actually feels about Vau, Niner calling him "all loyalty" here is pretty uncomfortable.
*Flatly* I don't love Kal Skirata. I love well-written fanfics with him, I do not love him in canon.
Apparently, nahra is the Kaminoan version of ballet, in which they express emotions they usually repress. Huh.
"'Why are we scraping maps in the dirt when we've got perfectly good holocharts?'
'That's what Sergeant Skirata used to do,' Darman said. 'He didn't like holos. Too transparent. He also thought that feeling the texture of dirt focused your mind.'
'And you don't need any technology to do it.'
'He was a great believer in intuition.'"
Any time Kal Skirata has any advice or does anything that I actually like (ie, anything that doesn't make me want to strangle him), I feel honor-bound to mention it.
I have to wonder if he had to explain what dirt was to his trainees. Omega definitely had no idea what dirt was when she first left Kamino. Oh, now I have this image of him reading the dictionary definition out to a very confused group of cadets.
"Etain hesitated. She had once heard someone say that they could never remove their betrothal ring, not until they died. Her Padawan braid felt equally permanent, as if her soul was woven in with it, and that removing it after so long -- even temporarily -- would rend the fabric of the universe and underscore her belief that she was not Jedi material. But it had to be done. She unfastened the single thin braid and combed the strands of wavy hair loose with her fingers.
She felt less like a Jedi than ever, and not even remotely close to a commander."
This is one of the examples of Traviss's writing that I don't have any problem with. If she stuck more with this, instead of the Jedi-bashing and Mando-shilling, I wouldn't have so much of a problem. This passage gets Etain's situation across very well. In particular, her reluctance to remove her Padawan braid despite the circumstances reminds me of how I tend to cling to specific objects no matter the situation.
Wow, I actually don't have much to pick at with these two chapters. I suspect this will occur less and less as the series goes on, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
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Jedi-Bashing: 15
Di'kut Count: 6
Main Post
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alj4890 · 2 years
Don't Let the Light Go Out
Open Heart Drabble
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Song inspiration: Don't Let the Light Go Out by Panic! At the Disco
A/N taken from book 2's attack and more as a "what if" to the canon storyline. I haven't written an Open Heart fic in a while, and certainly not one with this particular character as the main focus, LOL, so please forgive me if I mess this up. When I first heard the above song, for some reason, he was the first one I thought about for this situation.
Rating: G for angsty fluff
Not sure who to tag so I'm racking my brain for some OH tags I remember and a few on my perma list, LOL! @hopelessromantic1352 @openheartfanfics @krsnlove @lucy-268 @choicesficwriterscreations @moodmusicmonday @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam
He had to keep searching, keep thinking. There must be a way to create a cure to save her. Failure was not an option. He must ignore the dread that kept creeping up with each and every setback.
If he for a moment allowed it to seep in, then he would lose her.
Lose his light.
Nothing described her better than that. No matter what type of mood he was in, seeing her simply brightened his spirits. Even if he was in a good mood, she somehow made it even better.
But today...seeing her made him, for the first time ever, desperate.
Chris Valentine, funny and irrepressible, had a way of making it impossible to ignore her.
He knew he wasn't the only one susceptible to her charm. He eyed the others at the table who were also frantically searching for anything that could help stop the toxin from killing her. There were at least two he knew had tried to have a romantic relationship with Chris. He couldn't blame them. After all, he lost his heart to her too.
Aurora reached over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You look like you could use a break."
He glanced up, realizing he had been staring off into space for more than a minute.
"I'll be back." He needed to see his reason for being in this room.
Slipping quietly out of the room, he went to check on her.
He stood by the window and watched Chris tremble as she tugged a blanket up over her shoulders.
Glancing up, she flashed a weak smile when she saw him.
"Hey you." She greeted in a raspy voice. "What's a man like you doing in a place like this?"
Despite the circumstances, he found himself chuckling.
"You know me," he shrugged with a smug grin, "I heard there was someone here in need of the world's best diagnotician."
She rolled her eyes and groaned.
"Aren't I sick enough?" She tried to tease. "To have to deal with your ego right now is too much."
Their smiles dimmed.
"Chris." His voice cracked. "I will find a cure. I will administer it. And then you and I are no longer going to hide."
Her lips parted with a slight gasp. "You...you want to tell everyone? About us?"
He nodded, swallowing at the lump of emotion in his throat. For months now he'd tried to keep his true feelings from showing in front of those she lived and worked with. He knew their relationship could cause problems for her in her new position on the diagnostics team. How could he ruin something she was both excited for and brilliant at?
And she was brilliant. He marveled with how she came to correct conclusions with such little time in the field. It didn't matter that she claimed she had so many people in her life who pushed her on to being the best she could be. He knew deep down that she was just one of those lucky few born to be a doctor.
He swallowed once more as his eyes drifted along the features he had fallen for. From the moment he laid eyes upon her as she frantically worked over a person who had collapsed, he'd been struck with an instant attraction. Her pale skin that would turn a light pink when embarrassed or when she had too much to drink made him want to reach out and touch her. The red hair that glistened copper in the sunlight captured his attention. The stormy gray eyes that could see past his gloating and joking to the heart of who he truly was were something he couldn't fathom losing.
And what he truly was...he was hers.
"Tobias?" She licked her parched lips. "Listen, if you want to wait--"
He shook his head. "I only wanted to because of Ethan. I was worried his hatred of me would be directed towards you since Naveen was the one to put you on the team."
Chris became quiet as she gazed at him.
"What are you thinking about?" Tobias asked.
"How happy I am that I went to breakfast with Aurora that morning." Her lips curved. "She might have been the one to get a new job, but I got you instead."
Tobias chuckled once again. "You made eating pancakes look good. There was no way I was going to leave without your number."
Her laughter was hollow and quickly turned into a cough.
He gripped the metal pane, wishing he could go past this glass barrier and hold her.
Once she caught her breath, she turned tear filled eyes towards him.
"Dr. Carrick," her smile trembled, "I love you and believe that you can do anything you set out to do."
Unshed tears stung his eyes.
"I love you too, Dr. Valentine." His voice deepened. "Please, hold on a little longer for me Chris."
"I will." She promised. "I have a lot of plans for us if we're finally admitting what we are."
His cocky smile returning once more made her heart flutter.
"They'll have to wait." He pushed away from the window. "I've got some plans that will have to be done first."
She watched him disappear down the hallway.
Breathing a prayer, she turned on her side and did her best to hold on a little longer.
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misssakuramochi · 11 months
Hi! If it's okay could I possibly request a matchup for Baldur's Gate 3, pretty please?
I'm demisexual & bi so anyone will be fine.
Enneagram: 5w6 (tritype 529)
Alignment: True Neutral
Leo Sun, Cancer Moon, Capricorn Rising, Cancer Venus
I'm autistic and ADHD
I'm the friend who remembers everything. Like every detail of the night of Friend A's 21st birthday despite us all being very drunk.
I want loyalty, respect, and someone who makes me feel cherished in a relationship
I like to read, bake, and learn about all kinds of things. I like all types of music but my current music obsession is Lauren Paley.
I collect rocks, crystals, gems, and minerals.
I like to paint but because I'm not good at actually making my art look like real things I just do abstract.
I can be kind very socially awkward and oblivious to people flirting with me unless they're being very obvious.
I need to be comfortable with people before I let them touch me. Ironically I'm very touch starved.
But once I get comfortable around you I can be a hyper gremlin who dotes on the people I care about and will not shut up about my hyper fixations and random factoids.
I put a lot of thought and work into gifts for the people I care about.
I can be pretty reserved as a defense mechanism due to a lot of family trauma but once you get past my walls you will see how I love deeply and passionately. And that I'm secretly a hopeless romantic
I love to explore but I'm fairly introverted so I don't like being around large crowds.
I'm creative and love working with my hands.
I'm imaginative and can get lost in my own thoughts and daydreams
I'm introspective and avoidant but can be insightful.
I'm fantastical (which is my nice way of calling myself a weirdo)
I am intensely loyal and protective of the people I care about.
I do have a playful and sarcastic side that is reserved for the people I truly trust.
I walk the line between idealistic and realistic. sometimes it seems like I have a foot planted firmly on either side.
My fashion aesthetic is a cross between Dark Naturalism and Romantic Academia
My preferred interior design style is Hygge.
I don't know if I'd call myself frugal because sometimes I'll spend my money on stuff I don't need or have any use for but I got it because it looked cool. Other times I will actively talk myself out of buying things I do need to save money. (ex: "Yes this migraine's got me ready to puke and cry but I won't die if I don't buy more ibuprofen")
I don't necessarily have a favorite color but I do prefer either deeper shades of colors or pastels. I'm not a fan of bright shades.
I love working with animals and I especially adore cats. I will either give them over-the-top names every time.
I have 2 currently; Duchess Anne Marie Clawdia Meowington and her brother older brother Grand Duke James Whiskers Goofball Meowington the Third.
I love the smell, sound, and feel of leather. Bags, books, jackets, anything.
If you hurt someone that I care about I will avenge them. usually by scheming and destroying your whole life.
I have a quirky, dark, and self-deprecating sense of humor.
How I process things is in three steps; detach from everyone, repress/numb myself, and then move back toward everyone while wanting to be as helpful as possible.
I pick up on things other people might miss and make connections that aren't generally obvious.
Social cues are definitely my weak spot along with passive aggression. if you're upset with me about something you'll have to just outright address the issue because otherwise, I'll never get it. I may eventually realize that you're upset with me, but then I'll get stressed because I genuinely won't know why. and if you don't fill me in on what I did wrong, I'll spiral and eventually just assume that whatever our relationship is now over.
My stims include - tongue clicking, knocking on random surfaces, and rubbing my arms when I get excited.
I adore animals, especially the kinds that are less liked by society. possums, snakes, etc. though I also love cats and currently have a cat. I would have more if I could. I handraised him, and bottle-fed him after rescuing him. he's 10, spoiled rotten and I defy anyone to tell me he isn't my child. his name is Grand Duke James Clawdius Meowington the Third.
On bad days I can be a bit misanthropic.
I hope this isn't too much information and is formatted okay!
I match you with...
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○ it's the deep rooted understanding of the way one another think that finalizes this match for me. Both of you need to to process things solo, are deep thinkers, and just... get the way the other person processes and thinks. You can almost just tell when the other is daydreaming vs spiraling, and neither ever hesitates to help the other
○ The other thing was the deep passion you both carry. It takes time for both of you to open up and feel safe, to love someone, but once you do you give everything youve got. No matter how much you put in, Shadowheart will always match.
○ You help each other grow and learn to communicate. While you're definitely observant enough to know when Shadowheart wants something or is upset, anxiety clouds your judgement into skewing her emotions against you. As you grow comfortable with each other, you begin to learn that you're safe enough with her not to be so scared. She, in turn, learns to be more direct.
○ Both hopeless romantics, there are no shortage of kind gestures in your relationship. From rose petals and candles with a hit bath, to whispering the sweetest of nothings to one another as you fall asleep, romantic moments are commonplace. That keeps you both happy, satisfied, and feeling loved.
○ Shadowheart takes the I love you more competition surprisingly seriously. You get into the silliest of play arguments, bickering playfully about who loves who most. (I love you to the moon and back -- well I love you across the universe and back -- ect.) It goes as far as the two of you making grand gestures and waxing poetic at each other until the whole camp is groaning - reminding the two of you that they're still actually there
○ One of these little moments actually sparks your proposal. Shadowheart is the one to say the words, but only after goading you into saying you want to stay with her forever. She challenges you on it, asking you to marry her. The rest is history really
○ Almost all of your dates take place in the comfort of the dark, somewhere secluded. Both of you are more comfortable with no one else around, letting you really be yourselves and relax together. Night walks in the woods are commonplace.
○ You info dumping may be Shadowhearts favourite thing about you. She adores learning about you and what you love - she genuinely wants to know every detail.
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"can't keep my hands off of you"
ask: Could you pretty please write a Calum imagine where he has never been affectionate in-front of his friends or has never been big on PDA but now that he’s dating Y/N he can’t keep his hands off them!!! ❤️
an: heeyyyyy, ha ha im alive. sorry this took so long!! and i somehow lost the ask but here it is, i hope this isnt too short, this isnt my best work but i tried rlly rlly hard for u anon. i also did not edit / proof read this so if there’s a mistake it wasnt me
pairing: calum hood x reader
summary: simple, calum showing you some cute PDA
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"C'mon baby, gotta get up," you shove Calum's curls back from his forehead so you can kiss it, "we gotta get to that party, right?"
"Mmm, wanna stay right here," Calum murmurs against your ear as he pulls you into his chest, "don't want to let go of ya."
You didn’t want to leave either, you absolutely loved this soft, clingy side of Calum.
Before you guys started dating, Calum was never within arms reach, which was very offputting for you, of course. The dude you were head over heels for seemed to not want anything to do with you.
But ever since that one token night of confessed feelings, you barely remember a time where Calum’s hands weren’t on you.
Holding hands.
Running his fingers through your hair.
Arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist.
His hand on the small of your back.
He’d even stick his hand up your shirt or just far enough in your sweatpants, nothing sexual. He just, liked touching you.
“Your friends are gonna get upset you’re not there, Cal,” you soothe while Calum just grunts in response, “c’mon.”
“Fine,” Calum obliges as he reluctantly lets go of you and stands up, taking all of his warmth with him. “When are we supposed to be there?”
“Like…twenty minutes ago,” you laugh as you check your phone.
“Do we have to go then?” Calum whines like a child being forced to go to school, “I wanna stay here with you.”
Before you can begin to convince him to get his ass out of the house, he flops back down onto the bed, his body on top of yours as he nuzzles his nose into your neck.
You gasp at the sudden weight on you, “jesus- Calum, you gotta at least show your face.”
You and Calum walk into the crowded party where all of his friends are, hand in hand.
He drags you through the house and into the kitchen where the boys have gathered, all having either a drink or a blunt in their hand as they converse with music booming in the background.
Calum releases your hand and wraps his arm around your waist in one smooth motion, somehow still touching you the entire time as he begins to say his hellos to everyone.
You decide to take this opportunity to grab a drink yourself, you go to get one but Calum lightly grips your arm and hovers behind you, putting his other hand on the small of your back, “I got it babe.”
“I truly think he’d pass out if he was separated from YN for even a second,” Ashton snickers to Luke.
“You’re right, one time he-“ You begin to join their joke before Calum cuts you off.
“Nothing. I did nothing,” he hands you your drink as everyone snickers, “there’s nothing wrong with loving you a bit extra.” He presses a quick kiss to the side of your head and pulls you into a little hug.
And that’s how it was all night.
Calum’s hands were always on you, per usual.
When you guys danced, they traveled your body in the way only he could touch you.
It become possessive almost, whenever you guys seemed to be around some dudes you didn’t know all too well.
His hand would be placed right on your hip, keeping a good grip to let those people know that you were his.
He’d trail his fingertips up and down your arm as you sat next to each other while talking to a group.
Then, it got to a point.
His hand slowly trailed up your thigh, and back down, his fingertips gently grazing your leg, making you raise a brow at him.
“Really?” You chuckle, Calum just smirks in response while nodding his head at the door, asking if you want to leave.
“You guys are gonna dip and fuck again?” Michael comments, “you were basically fucking each other with your eyes all night isn’t that enough?”
“Nope. It’s not.” Calum shrugs.
“You think all the PDA would hold you over, hm?” You tease.
“A little,” Calum snickers, “but you know I can’t keep my hands off of you, sweetheart.
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supernovafeather · 2 years
No Respect For the Dead (18+)
Leto Atreides x F!Reader
Content : smut, vaginal sex, reader mourning her ex husband, angst.
Synopsis: After two years of mourning her dead husband, reader feels the need to give up on her abstinence vow.
Words : ~ 1000
Please comment and reblog of you liked it !
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You felt soiled.
How could you dare to think of Leto that way ? What would people say of your black figure walking past them in the hallway ? Your veil truly translated your sorrow over your husband's death, but your heart was slowly starting to get carried away like a powerless turtle at the stream's mercy. The memory of warm blood was still fresh in your mind, you couldn't start to think of touching the Duke in such a way.
And yet, your dark veil was a perfect partner in crime. No one could guess how many times you would look up at this handsome man from afar. He was so different from your husband yet... so charming. You couldn't tell for sure what caused your core to warm up this much in his presence. His physical appearance? Enjoyable but not enough to plunge you into this lack of respect to your dead husband. His voice ? Hot but not enough to cause that chaos. His gestures ?
There was no answer. You felt attracted to your Duke, you felt it deep in every nerve of your body, but you didn't know why nor how. You did feel it, without any hope of redemption. Any time you would start to imagine some unforgivable things with this Duke, you remembered your husband drowning in his own blood begging you to punish the man that assassinated him. You cried, you yelled, you made your soldiers torture the culprit until he forgets his own name.
"My Lady ?" The Duke called you from behind in an empty hallway.
He couldn't see your eyes fluttering shut at his soft and polite voice but how good this light feeling was.
"Yes my Lord," you started with a honey-like voice, "is there anything I can help you with ?"
Two years. Two years without feeling any warmth from anyone. Two years under this veil out of genuine grief and yet you felt ready to drop it for this man if he wanted you to undress for him, no matter if this was for an egoistical way or out of love.
"I don't want to upset you in any way, but it seems to me that you have seemed... extinct these days."
Leto was the only man here so easy to feel for. Not only for his seductive features, but for his sensitivity. He was deeply human, and right. It flattered you to have him noticing such a thing about you, you, the pile of black fabrics walking in the hallways because she hadn't the strength to get rid off of her past despite many potential lovers making their existence known.
"I... I do feel lost, it would be disrespectful to lie to you my Lord. You know me better than anyone else." You whispered.
The compassion in his eyes was so warm that you wished you could hug him like back in the days, when you were two teenagers that just risked their life in a very stupid way aboard some warship. A shame your desire didn't show up around those years, you could have lost your virginity to a febrile Atreides eager to learn his way to adulthood.
"Is there anything I can do to bring some peace to you and the rest of your family ?"
You smiled, your eyes regretting not to be able to see him fully from behind your black veil. This man was a pearl, so rare, so delicate, so distinct from the others. So handsome with his groomed beard, his hair looking as soft as silk, his oh so kissable lips. And his voice, his voice potentially capable of so many marvels when it came to sex.
"Nothing my Lord. Nothing." You replied breathless as he took your right wrist in his hands.
"I wish to help you out the best I can." He promised as he got closer. "Ask me for something and I will give you the assistance you need in memoriam of our dear friendship."
You were tempted to reveal your face to him but were afraid of his reaction. You were older than what he remembered. No need to say that you stopped taking care of yourself as much as you would back in the day where you had a husband trying to impregnate you passionately.
For a second, you doubted about the world's judgement. What would the world think of the both of you right now, as his hand removed your veil delicately from your face, his eyes eager to see your skin freed from remorse ?
"Leto." You warned him in a whisper as he grew closer.
"My Lady." He echoed as he pressed his forehead against yours.
His fingers soon sealed yours under their firm grasp, his eyes so charming as you noticed the pain in them.
"Please don't, it's against the rules." You continued.
"I can see your head turned to my direction wherever I go my Lady." He mumbled as he trespassed by rubbing your cheek with his palm.
"You shouldn't desire me like that."
"And you, you shouldn't desire me like that neither."
You failed your husband. You failed his memory as you kissed the Duke clumsily, merely capable of pressing your lips against his before retreating from him. Ashamed, you closed you eyes as his own kiss, the kind making you close your eyes under the avalanche of sensations he brought to you. You forgot about your black clothes, you welcomed the way he lifted your dress up to free your bare legs from it, his hands eager to find out about any inch of your body.
Still wearing the proof of your grief for your husband, you looked at Leto's eyes as he was grinding inside you, your body pressed against the wall. Mourning the dead was not stopping you from celebrating the pleasure the Duke was giving you. His kisses were a pleasure to feel, his hand grabbing your breast under your dress was delightfully painful.
"Leto please." You moaned with your eyes half-closed.
He was so good at making you forget your sorrow. So, so good at it. You wondered how it would have felt to be his and his only back in the day. You wouldn't be there grabbing his jacket so hard as you muffled your moans by biting his fabrics desperately after merely a dozen of thrusts. Generous with his thrusts but merciless, that was what he was.
- - - -
Thank you for reading, please comment and reblog if you liked it !
@salome-c @stevenngrant @lavenderluna10 @one-hell-of-a-disappointment @dailyreverie @thecursivej @lady-targaryen @general-latino @harrys-tittie @laura-naruto-fan1998 @later-gators12 @geo-winchester
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charliedawn · 3 years
good morning you can imagine where the slashers are watching tv and find out that the reader made a horror movie (english is not my first language so if there is any mistake, sorry)
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Pennywise :
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He wasn't really paying attention to the movie at first, but it quickly got more interesting when you showed up and visibly tensed up.
It made him look up and notice why you had so suddenly frozen. He saw you on TV, covered in blood and a twisted smile on your face.
A smile matching your own graced his face as he turned around to look at you and asked in an amused voice :
"Wanna explain, sugar ?"
You sighed loudly, knowing you couldn’t get out of this one..
"I was a collaborator to the realisation of a horror movie when I was young and played in it. There’s nothing to explain."
His smirk and interest only grew as he straightened up in his chair to have a better look at the screen. He then patted the place next to him, telling you to seat.
You knew he wouldn’t accept no for an answer so you did and Pennywise started making you nervous by looking far too serious for someone watching a movie.
At the end, he turned back towards you with a wide grin.
"I must say..You would have done one Hell of a slasher. You gave me goosebumps."
You forced yourself not to interject that he couldn’t get goosebumps and only offered him a polite smile.
"I’m glad you liked my performance. But, as I said, it was a long time ago and I didn’t know they had the movie here.."
Pennywise shrugged.
"Still. Blood looks good on you."
You gave him a disapproving look, but he only grinned boyishly before getting up and giving you the dvd back.
"Hide it. Better me than any of the others. Besides, I like to think of myself as privileged of having this little secret between us, Y/N."
It’s the first time Pennywise called you without your title in front. It was usually Nurse Y/N, mama bear or nice nurse..Somehow, it made you flustered and Pennywise picked up on the slight change in your heartbeat. He smiled.
"Be careful..You almost lost control for a second there. I wonder why ?"
The knowing twinkle in his eyes made you think that he knew more than he let on, but he only walked past you and disappeared.
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Dennis was watching it when you entered the room and it was only when you sat down next to him that he seemed to notice your presence.
"This..actress..looks a lot like you."
He said, unsure as to how you would react ?You looked up and smiled at what he was watching before nodding.
"It's because she is."
Dennis didn't really react like he was surprised, more like acknowledged it with a brief nod and you both continued watching in silence.
It was only at the very end that Dennis allowed himself to talk again.
"You're performance was pretty good..But, I must admit that I don't really like the movie."
You nodded. You understood that for a slasher, it wouldn't be as exciting..However, what he said next truly surprised you.
"There's too much blood..I wouldn't want to clean it up afterwards. It's hard to get blood out of your clothes afterwards."
You could relate to the extend that it had taken you hours to getting the fake blood stains off your clothes after the final scene.
"Yeah..I kinda understand. But, at least, you won't have to do this anymore, right ?"
You tried to cheer him up, but it only seemed to worsen his mood as he replied.
"Don't put so much faith on us..I know that someday, I'll have to clean up the mess again. Just, be grateful it isn't your blood next time.."
It wasn't a treat, but a warning.
You knew that the beast was always a big concern for the Horde and that they were battling everyday for the monster to stay trapped, but you would never be afraid of them. Never them.
Watching the movie must have made them remember bad memories of the time where the beast was in control. You felt bad now and decided to give Dennis a hug.
"I'm sorry..It must be so hard."
He tensed up under your touch, but relaxed after a while and even gave you a light squeeze of your shoulder in return.
"Don't be..As I said, you performed well."
He gave you a reassuring smile, but you knew the sadness hiding behind.
He stood up and told you goodnight before walking back to his room. You felt bad, but what could you do ?
Even though the movie showed you as a slasher, you weren't one and couldn't even imagine the suffering the Horde must have gone through from the moment they trapped the beast..
You sighed and finally switched off the TV.
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Brahms was actually excited when he saw you and immediately told you to come.
The moment you arrived, he insisted you both watched the movie together and shared snacks with you, enjoying seeing you in such a different way.
However, he couldn't help but scream at each jump scare. It wasn't a particularly scary movie, but Brahms was always a very sensitive boy.
He pretended to like it (even though it was obvious he wasn't exactly thrilled by the very scary music and the amount of blood shown)
Brahms may be a slasher, but he never really liked the sight of blood and preferred strangulation or a less messy way of killing than some of the other slashers.
Blood makes him panic.
At some point, he got so scared he tried to hide behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist impulsively, almost crushing your ribs in the process.
However, he quickly noticed and backed away and apologized.
"I'm sorry ! I didn't mean to..!"
He was on the verge of tears, but you only smiled gently at him and shuffled his hair affectionately.
"Don't worry..It's okay, Brahms. I'm not mad at you."
He quickly gained back his happy smile and nodded vividly before looking back at the you on screen and couldn't help but wince as he saw you decapitate someone.
"I..I think I prefer you in real life."
You almost laughed at his worried tone, but succeeded in restraining yourself and hid your amused smile.
"Thank you, Brahms. I think I prefer the actual version too."
He smiled brightly at you and you then both agreed on starting to watch another movie.
A horror movie was good when you were in it, but one where Brahms smiled was far better.
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Jason switched through the channels until he fell on a movie where one of the actresses strangely reminded him of you.
You noticed what he was watching and asked if he wanted to change channels ? But, he shook his head negatively, even when you told him that this was you and that the movie wasn't that good.
He insisted on watching until the end, even though he was obviously trying not to fall asleep.
Jason is not someone easily scared and he's seen more than his fair share of blood.
However, he was interested in your performance.
You seemed to genuinely enjoy playing the bad guy and he was too. He liked how your moved around, tracking your preys and taking them out one by one..
However, he groaned in frustration when one of the survivors suddenly appeared behind you and stabbed you from behind and his dog attacked you, tearing your throat to shreds.
"I hate it when good guys win.."
He finally admitted with a discontent expression at the end of the movie and you chuckled as you understood that he had actually been rooting for you in the movie.
"Don't say that. Good guys may be boring sometimes, but they always make it more interesting for the villain."
He was about to deny it, but restrained as he thought that—in some way—you were the "good guy" in his life.
He shook his head and smiled.
"Yeah..I guess not all good guys are a pain.."
You beamed at him and playfully nudged his shoulder.
"See ? I knew you would change your mind."
He wordlessly nodded and you didn't insist, even though you wanted to know who or what had changed his mind ?
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Five saw you on the screen and it didn't take him long to put two and two together. He quickly time jumped to the kitchen to get himself a cup of coffee and a bowl of popcorn before returning to the living room to finish the movie, waiting for you.
You arrived and immediately saw his smug smile. You sighed.
"What now, Five ?"
He eyed the TV screen significantly and you turned around to see the movie you had made a long time ago..A movie that nobody was supposed to see.
"Where did you get it ?"
He didn't answer, but you guessed that he must have used some of his connection and put his hands on one of the only copies remaining.
Five could be scary in his way of finding the most profound and hidden secrets you have.
He smiled enigmatically at you before putting it on, making sure the slashers would hear it or enter the living room just at that moment and enjoy the view of the nice nurse covered in blood and killing people on screen.
You then had a bunch of slashers looking at your movie as if it was a school movie and even caught Freddy taking notes..
You glared at Five who only shrugged before saying cheekily.
"It’s not my fault you never deleted your hard drive’s memory now, is it ?"
The little…
For the next month, you had to suffer Penny and Pennywise imitating wounded victims and screaming bloody murder to the rest of the staff, saying that you had lost your mind and tried to kill innocent civilians.
Fortunately, most of the members of staff had been warned of the Penny Brothers’ pranks and shapeshifting abilities, but it didn’t help when most of the slashers played along, under Five’s leadership no doubt.
One day when someone was supposed to come to pass an interview to get a job at the hospital, he came in covered in blood and pretended to be a victim (one of the only times he didn’t mind being mistaken for a normal kid).
Five : "P..Please..Help me. She stabbed me !"
He then pointed his finger towards you and pretended to faint. It took a lot of convincing to maie the interviewee not call the police.
Let’s say the potential recruit took a few months to warm up to you afterwards.
As he involved himself in your job, revenge was sweet.
Nurse Y/N *sipping a cup of coffee with a small satisfied smile* : "What’s the matter Five ? Lost something ?"
Let’s say..He didn’t talk to you for a week after that, but was still the first one to apologise.
Five : "I’m sorry..I’ll give your dvd back."
Nurse Y/N : "I’m sorry too. The coffee machine should be back tomorrow morning."
Five may go a bit too far sometimes, but he knows how to make compromises. He also likes you because he knows that you’ll handle everything and, even if he tries and pushes all of your buttons, you’ll still be there for him.
It may be a bit selfish of him, but knowing that makes him want to push your buttons even more.
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"It’s…nice ?"
Michael wasn’t exactly comfortable, but still watched politely until the end.
However, you could see a slight shift in his face during the scene where the killer used knives.
His eyes widened and a dark shadow seemed to veil his emotions for a minute; he looked emotionless and you decided to shut the TV off, which seemed to snap him out of it.
He blinked several times and then turned his head towards you with a small smile he wanted reassuring.
"I’m gonna..go."
He didn’t wait for an answer and stormed out of the room, clearly upset.
You found him cooking in the kitchen and started helping him.
Michael is not much of a talker, so making him feel comfortable is the best way to make him loosen up.
However, that time, he was too tense and you kept cooking wordlessly until he finally broke the silence by hissing after cutting his finger.
You quickly took a nearby towel to apply pressure on the wound and looked around for something to put on it, but Michael shook his head and showed your his finger..the bleeding had already stopped.
Nurse Y/N : "Are you going to tell me what’s going on ?"
Michael seemed conflicted, but finally confessed.
"It’s just…seeing you as a slasher and using knives in the movie made me lose my concentration for a bit and..lose control over the other one. I felt this urge to have a knife in my hand again.."
It was alarming, yes. But, you knew that Michael would never let Myers win.
The best way to help him ? It was to make him feel confident again. To reassure him.
You put your hand on top of his and addressed him the best reassuring smile you could muster.
"It’s okay, Michael. You’re safe here.."
He almost laughed at that and shook his head before looking around and giving you a bitter smile.
"You don’t understand, sunshine. I’m not the one who isn’t safe here. The horrors in that movie ? I did almost all of them. How much time until I do the same to you and everyone else ?"
You wanted to tell him that it wouldn’t happen, that you would stop him, that everything would be alright. But, truth be told ? You had no clue.
Yes. Michael Myers could return at any moment.
Yes. Everyone here would be in danger if it happened.
Yes. Even the other slashers could be killed. As one slasher could kill another.
But, when you looked into Michael’s eyes and saw the fear and worry in there ?
You knew you couldn’t let that happened. You wouldn’t. For him. You couldn’t let him suffer through all that pain again.
You hugged him and Michael closed his eyes before hugging you back.
He knew that you didn’t know the answers to his worries, but just holding him was good enough for now.
Michael chuckled and you raised your eyes quizzically and he answered your question with an amused smile.
"I just remembered that one of the girls in the movie died by twisting her ankle.."
You deadpanned for a few seconds before remembering that moment in the movie and couldn’t help but laugh as well.
"Yes ! Her foot got caught in some bear trap and she spent the whole movie just bleeding out.."
Michael nodded and his usual smile was back.
Michael : "Yeah. She could have bandaged it at least. I was so frustrated when she just kept walking until she died..like, what was her purpose in the movie ? Very unrealistic."
Nurse : "Right ?!"
You kept talking about the many inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the movie, laughing it off as if nothing happened.
There would be a time when you would have to talk about it again, but for now, Michael would enjoy every moment he got just being himself.
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Freddy appreciated the movie and especially your leather black ripped costume.
Freddy was the only one who watched it more than three times to memorise all of your lines and tease you afterwards.
He’s dedicated when it comes to annoying people.
He even bought your original costume, thanks to Five and made you wear it.
It spooked a few members of the staff, but it only added to his fun.
Eva : "Wha…?! Why are you dressed like that ?!"
Nurse Y/N : "Freddy took my uniform and forced me to put that on instead.."
Freddy : "Worth it !"
Freddy also bought all of the movie’s available fan merchandise and walked with a t-shirt with your head on it and the name of the movie on the back.
Freddy *kicking the door open and reciting one of your lines* : "Today is the day you die, scum ! Your blood will cover the walls of this house and your screams will resonate through the walls until the end of time !"
You rolled your eyes before clapping unenthusiastically, but Freddy decided to ignore your obvious sarcasm and bowed with a wide grin.
"Thank you ! Thank you !"
He also showed the movie to everyone and made giant posters of your horror self (selling them to some members of the staff and the slashers)
When you heard, you decided to confront him about them and barged in his room with one of the posters in hand.
"Really ?! Even in the corridors now ?!"
He replied with a cheeky grin.
"What ? Don’t you like them ?"
You rolled your eyes again, a constant habit when knowing Freddy.
"Why do you even like this movie so much ?!"
You asked, more out of frustration than genuine curiosity, but his answer left you baffled.
"A) Because you were hella hot in that one. B) Because it’s nice to see you lose your cool. You’re always so sweet and nice and it’s funny to see you have a dark side too. I mean..I don’t know if it was all play ? But, seeing you so wild is funny. I could almost imagine you as one of us."
You opened your mouth to reply, but only huffed before turning around and leaving the room.
Freddy could be very annoying sometimes, but what he said still lingered on your mind afterwards. One of them ?
You shook your head.
A slasher ? You ? No..It was only acting, nothing more.
It’s true that you did wonder a few times how it would feel ? The slashers were free. Free to do whatever they wanted..But, the price they had to pay was too great.
This constant loneliness and suffering ? It was the reason you had decided to leave your acting career to become a nurse. To help them, not become one of them.
However, it didn’t stop you from thinking about it.
How life would be if you were a slasher ?
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"I love that last line from the survivor: you got what you deserved and then bam ! Bullet to the head. Very nice end."
Arthur actually liked the movie.
He wasn't particularly interested at the beginning, but he quickly got hooked when he saw you and the main character fighting at the end.
It made him think of him and Batman.
The justice bringer all mighty and the loony sewer rat who dared stood up to the true injustice.
He wasn't keen on Batman, but he had to respect him as they aligned with the same purpose : fighting injustice.
He didn't like how most of his "successors" made him look as if he was obsessed with him..He wasn't.
The Batman may be his nemesis, but Arthur never saw him as an equal, because under all that suit hid a simple man who had never suffered as he much as he had.
Bruce Wayne would always remain a little boy who ended up with a fortune the size of a mountain..while he was left with nothing.
Arthur clenched his fists and even though the credits where rolling down, he couldn't help but glare as he thought about how he would have preferred the villain to win for once..Just once.
You noticed that Arthur seemed a little too deep into his thoughts, his nails digging in the soft material of the armchair and you gently stroked his back.
"Hey, Arthur..Are you okay ?"
He seemed to suddenly come back to reality and took several deep breaths before addressing you a weak smile.
"I'm..fine. I'll go to bed now, if it's alright with you ?"
You frowned worriedly, wondering if you should accompany him ? But, he stood up and stormed out before you could follow him.
He felt sick..
However, he didn't think you would actually follow him to his room a few seconds later.
You knocked on his door and he heard the concern in your voice as he splashed his face with cold water.
He didn't answer right away, looked up at his reflection in the mirror and couldn't help but grimace in pain as he saw the old Arthur coming back..He wanted to tear up and fall down in despair.
But, before he could, he felt two arms wrap around his middle and another face appear in the mirror. Yours.
"I'm sorry about the movie..I thought it would be a good idea. But, don't run away when you feel bad, Arthur. I'm here."
The man couldn't help but break into tears and asked in a broken voice.
"But, are you really ?!"
It wasn't the first time he would have hallucinations and he couldn't tell reality from the fake sometimes..Was anything real anyway ?
However, he felt your hold tighten around him and relaxed against you.
"I'm here. I'm not an hallucination. He can't get to you anymore...I won't let him."
You promised and Arthur closed his eyes. He knew you said that to try to make him feel better, but it truly did. Not because he thought you could stop the Batman, but because he knew you would still be there when he left..
He turned around and kissed your knuckles with a gentle smile.
"Thank you, my dear."
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Penny noticed immediately and was excited to tell everyone about it and even asked to see your old props and costumes.
This was when he fell on one of your old plastic necks filled with fake blood and decided to play a little prank on the others as he entered the room where they were still watching the movie, covered in blood and you in his arms, wearing the fake neck.
Pennywise was the only one who didn’t panic as he couldn’t smell the blood, but the others lost it and almost killed Penny before you both bursted out laughing.
Pennywise laughed as well, but Michael who saw how everyone else had worried, gave you both a time-out.
Penny could get away from it, but he felt bad leaving you alone and didn’t particularly want to face Michael's wrath if he moved an inch.
You stayed like this for at least 1 hour before Michael took pity on you and decided to end your punishment.
You both apologized to the slashers before he took your hand and teleported back into his room.
"Did you see their faces ?! Ahahah ! They were so funny !"
He started shifting his face to the different slashers with horrified expressions and laughed some more, but quickly noticed that you weren't laughing along.
He then saw your sour expression and froze.
"What is going on ?"
He asked worriedly and you shook your head.
"I'm sorry..It's just..I was just wondering what would happen if I really died ? What would they do ?"
He seemed to think about it before shrugging.
"I can't talk for them, but I know what I'd do !"
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Really ? What ?"
Suddenly, Penny's eyes changed from an innocent blue to a dark orange as he answered :
"I would eat your soul.."
You thought he was joking at first, but the lack of laughter from Penny quickly made yours die down. It quickly got a lot colder in Penny's room and you asked, more curious than really worried.
"Why ?"
He giggled, as if the answer was obvious.
"~Silly human..To keep you with me forever of course ! All the souls I've devoured stay with me..All the children are inside me and they kept me company when I was lonely.."
He patted his stomach lovingly, like a mother and, even though you had never been scared of Penny before, his answer almost broke your self-control.
His eyes raised up to meet yours and he took a long breath, as if trying to find your fear somewhere..
He smirked darkly and chuckled.
"You almost gave in to the fear, nurse..Maybe you're not as fearless as they all say you are.."
Penny giggled maniacally and it caused you to take a few steps back. However, he didn't let you escape and jumped on you, his mouth wide open and it took all of your strength not to let fear overtake you.
At the last minute, he only closed his mouth and smiled innocently at you before kissing the tip of your nose.
"Don't worry your pretty little head..I won't let anything happen to you before that."
He then opened the door and you didn't need to be asked twice as you ran out of the room, your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to calm down and immediately went to the kitchen to see Amita.
What was that about ?!
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