#i have very strong feelings about personal glory vs collective responsibility
lord-squiggletits · 2 years
Rodimus for the Bingo
IDW Rodimus:
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The only character I hate more than Drift, but unlike Drift (who I mostly hate for meta reasons like being boring, Mary Sue-ish, and other personal things), I actually hate Rodimus due to specific things he did in the story and how those were never really addressed at all XD
(Copious Rodimus hate under the cut, if he's your comfort character and you're sensitive about him then definitely don't read.)
Maybe hate is a strong word? I don't have like, a burning hatred for him like he's evil and horrible and should just die. I hate him like... I want to beat him up and steal his lunch money. I want to bully him until he cries and then laugh at him. I want to marry Optimus just so that I can give him mommy issues to match his daddy issues. I want that twink obliterated.
Like it's just so fucking funny to me because the IDW fandom in general is like "haha Rodimus is a funny himbo twink that's silly and stupid" but then I read his story and THE WAY PEOPLE TALK ABOUT HIM DIDN'T WARN ME that Rodimus does shit like be jealous of anyone who's more popular/well liked than him (literally being happy Thunderclash is dying), tell Chromedome to perform mnemosurgery on an unconscious person without their consent (imagine having fewer moral scruples than fucking MEGATRON) despite the fact that it was killing Chromedome AND Rewind didn't want Chromedome to risk his health, imprisoning Getaway under absolutely horrific conditions that not even mechs like Overlord had to suffer... Using Rung as living bait was kind of sus too even though Rodimus never intended for Rung to actually be harmed. Oh also when Overlord escaped the Lost Light, Rodimus seemed more butthurt about how HE didn't get to be the heroic one saving the ship than he was about respecting the lost lives of the people killed during his escape. Imagine being so egotistical that you're more concerned about yourself during a period of mourning than you are the crew members you're responsible for.
Oh, and on top of that he's inattentive, lazy, can't keep up with the basic logistical responsibilities of running a ship, and doesn't respect his officers (mostly Magnus). Not only is he a POS insecure little brat, he can't even handle the basic responsibilities that come with leadership. He can't even listen to Roller complaining to him about Chromedome/Rewind violating his bodily integrity without being completely apathetic and literally saying he doesn't care. BEING A LEADER MEANS LISTENING TO PEOPLE'S COMPLAINTS AND RESOLVING PERSONAL DISPUTES AND ACTING AS IF YOU CARE EVEN IF YOU'RE TIRED AND DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH IT. Rodimus wants all of the glory of being a leadership without wanting the burdens and responsibilities that come with it, whether they're large or small, and as someone who has had a couple leadership positions in my life that frankly disgusts me lmao. He's a manchild who wants to stay in the kitchen but can't take the heat and gets mad when other people are more liked than him. Because people like Thunderclash and Optimus are actually smart, talented, charismatic, heroic, and responsible, while he's just a little brat who's lead around life by his own tender, easily bruised ego. Lol. Lmao.
No wonder half the ship fucking mutinied. Rodimus is like the worst captain ever and LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON HE WASN'T REMEMBERED AS A SHIT CAPTAIN is because Getaway was an even more garbage piece of shit captain (which I've already made multiple posts regarding how I think Getaway was massively wasted as a character).
Rodimus is just a fucking awful person hiding under a cheerful facade. He's a little bitch and I want to yeet him into a horse plinko. He's a sad, strange little man, and he has my pity.
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