#i haven't changed meds food schedule anything about my lifestyle
onewakingworld · 6 months
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weabbynormalblog · 4 years
Day 19 of Canadian Quarantine.
Ground breaking method for managing stress. The Min Hoff Technic below.
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These days I count myself as lucky.
I'm lucky there's food in the fridge. I live in Canada. My meds are up to date. My family and those I care for are safe, warm and dry. No one's sick so far that I know personally. 😀💕
We all really need to appreciate all the good. Especially when things seem so bad and there's clearly more suffering in the world. Let's not add to it. The news is sensationalized there is no doubt, the truth is somewhere in the middle.
I know it's difficult to believe that there is a silver lining here. Change is happening all the time, you never know when the tide will shift again, maybe on better winds.
Being proactive about anything like health is worthwhile. Whether it's by staying home, being more self reliant, organized, getting more rest or doing less, meditation, eatting fresh produce, exercising and maybe even following a "lifestyle" schedule, or you could be learning something new like painting by Bob Ross to Taichi or a Yoga pose will be beneficial to you the reader. Under the stress of what we are all experiencing in some in epic proportions.
We all need some beneficial distraction and support. I'm here!
All we need as individuals is to manage our lives as best we can in the right now moment. True some humans are better equipped than others. Everything we do now as humanity will have the butterfly effect and will potentially ripple for years to come.
No pressure... lol
Some people are dealing well under the circumstances picking up better health regimes, learning new skills, working together as a business, as a family unit or helping out in the community. Then there's others who have lost everything. We all must pitch in and find a way to pick ourselves up and feel out our way together as we stumble out of the darkness. All of us will experience this at some point or another. Life is difficult, never predictable and we are always learning and adapting.
Everyone needs to learn to accept their fear of the unknowns. I know its really scary with all that's going on. We must learn to face our fears so we can still see and find realistic solutions.
How do we find some peace with all of this? Keep power in the facts. Have a level head. Choose to table brainstorming with your co-inhabitants. Weighing the pros, the cons, possible solutions and possible draw backs will always have better results in the long run, opposed to knee jerk reactions. Agree to disagree in the wake of what is a priority. Contact your relative branch of the government to support and maintain humanitarian efforts. We all bleed the same. Above all stay positive or at least adopt a more neutral attitude not depended on a certain outcome. Change your vocabulary. There's no such thing as perfect or normal. When we change our thoughts and vocabulary we have the power to transform our lives. Face it, we are responsible for each other now. Our very hygienic habbits and isolation abilities depend upon it. It's not through hate, fear or gluttony that humanity will prevail but in spite of everything else we will overcome, grow and adapt.
The world is changing and so are we. We can decide how to build our future. As a human animal we are evolving from this Pandemic whether or not we choose to accept it. 9/11 changed how we live in this world. It only stands to reason that this too will show us humans what we are really made of.
When lightening strikes a forest, it burns and smoldiers often causing fire, havoc and destruction and loss. In the wake of the destruction of plants, trees and animals they will return to grow and flourish again as nature dictates.
Any positive changes made to amuse our bodies and minds has serious pay outs under these global stressors. Suddenly we are forced outside our "comfort zone" for the 1st time in hundreds of years. Adversity can make you stronger. The human animal must choose to flee or stay. To support or destroy. We have time to ponder and it's never been more vital than now. How do wish to go on from here? What will we prioritize and choose to celebrate will mean so much more in the future. All that is more precious will be protected to remain.
We have time to listen, to discuss and change. Above all accept some certain hard truths about faith, science and personal beliefs. To take a leap and to choose to trust in others, to be a part of a better coalition for humanity and our planet this is important. How will the human in the future look back on us during this time. What is our message for them?
This is our wake up call people. We have the power to make this a better world, one moment at a time.
Yes our livelihoods have crumbled under the pressure of what is essential and necessary to human kind. Those who can are paying it forward, it's a beautiful thing to see. Yes some humans run from the fire, some dive underwater. Some also learn to fly. Those who lead by good example show us our gifts like inclusion, compassion and empathy. With hard times ahead we will need altruism and all kinds of usefull skills, like clear communication,creativity, patience and lots of wisdom too. We can learn so much from each other when we are not divided by prejudices. We can choose this "time" we have been given as a gift or a curse. It's all a matter of what perspective that you are experiencing it from.
I've always assumed that this world would never stop for anyone. I guess I was wrong. I used to say stop this world I want to get off. Now the world did stop. I don't have to pay my taxes till September. Maybe there's no death too, or it will be waylaid in some miraculous fashion. The human brains' perception can be tricked and fooled too so who knows. We haven't had to run or fight our "foe" for a long time. Now it's microscopic. We can still strive for greatness while serving ourselves and our neighbors good health. We can learn to become stronger, co-create more mutuality beneficial solutions. In the end we will more resilient and less fearful of the unknown because we can take care of our right now. So let go of what you can not change, accept what you can and go boldly forward into the unknown with peace in your heart.
Breath in and out as deeply and quickly that is comfortable for you, in through your nose and out your mouth to the count of 30, it's exhal and hold it untill your are comfortable to inhale and hold and then breath normally. Please note you may experience some lightheadedness as well as the ability to think clearer under situations of duress. As it helps your body to make better use if oxygenation during a stressful event or situation. This guy stoped himself from getting frostbite from using this type of breathing method. All situations were scientifically measured. Conscious breathing can be a miraculous amazing thing.
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