#i haven't even been rejected yet wtf is wrong with me
mybraindumps · 11 months
So, they just updated the original job opening post saying that the position has been filled and that they are closing the call for applications.
Now, I haven't heard back yet. Given I cleared the first two rounds, I have a feeling they would have the decency to reject me at least. But you can never tell with companies.
Tomorrow's the D day I suppose. Either I'll get a call telling me that it's me who has filled the position. Or I'll call them to follow up and find out I did not make it and all of it was infact overconfidence and nothing else.
The post is not very clear to be honest. Like it could just be that they got an overwhelming response which is what often happens with big organisations. And it was an individual's email, not the HR's so they just want to stop new applications.
But to say that they have filled the position means someone is selected which is very different from being shortlisted. And it's only fair to let others know that they have not been selected, right?
I am assuming you didn't call every single applicant down to your office, but if you did there's no greater asshole. (Actually there is, but that's not the point).
And I thought tomorrow could be productive. That I could sit and work on a few more applications. But instead I'll sit and wait for the call and push following up by just another hour the entire because let's give them some more time to update right.
Just before it turned 27.10.23
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creedslove · 1 year
Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.
Stupid fucking cowboy. I just can't feel bad for him. He did this to himself. Asking for forgiveness doesn't fix what he did wrong. It doesn't undo the damage. Even apologizing for his hateful attitude and cruel words in the last chapter kinda fell flat. So I for one am glad that Mom said no to them getting back together. Yes forgiveness is absolutely possible but it's like breaking a plate. It doesn't undo the brokenness.
I am curious where you're headed with her already having someone else in the wings. Clearly not someone Wyatt has met yet? Although I doubt that Jack will ever do anything to ever risk Wyatt's happiness. And he should be the one allowed to make his confession to Wyatt when he's old enough. That sort of thing is necessary in order to minimize the damage it might do to their relationship. Keeping it a secret would be wrong and a potential landmine.
I dunno if you've been paying attention to the latest drama in the fandom but some looney posted something on insta about being heartbroken by Pedro and it was so vague with so little detail as to how she and her friend approached him and how she was apparently rejected that I'm sure Pedro is in the right, but it makes me sad. I knew all those wild fan sightings and selfies and him saying how he likes it when people recognize him (admittedly this was in interviews before he got huge, it was Agent Whiskey days, lol) were going to come back and bite him in the ass. All the attention boosts his ego, he ate it up, he was so nice and accommodating and of course this attracts someone who thinks it's a good idea to cross countries and spend thousands of dollars on the outside chance she gets a celebrity encounter. But he didn't know all that background, he doesn't know her from anyone. And if she shouted it at him I'm sure it freaked him out. But anyway, the reason it makes me sad is because this is what happened in the last fandom I was in, and the attention pretty much poisoned that celebrity's relationship with his fandom and really ruined it. I really hope it doesn't happen to Pedro. Sigh.
Sorry to dump this on you, I don't really have anyone else to talk to about fandom drama, lol
Angst Anon (tonight the angst is self directed, apparently 😭🤣😏)
Aww Jack did so wrong with reader and Wyatt he still has a long way to pay and suffer the consequences of his actions. I think reader is really good for letting him in as the father of her son because as she said herself in the story, Wyatt already loves him, so she would be fighting a lost battle. Now, about their future is still uncertain, I don't think we will get to the point in the story where they will tell Wyatt what happened because that'd require him being older and I don't plan on doing time skips that could be that long, but I guess it doesn't matter who tells him the truth, it won't change the fact his heart will break. I also haven't thought much about reader's boyfriend, but that will be developed better in the upcoming chapters, that's for sure.
Now, about the whole Pedro drama from yesterday, I have to strongly disagree with you, anon. Absolutely none of that was Pedro's fault, just because he is nice accessible to his fans, it gives creepy people like that woman no right to treat him like landmark or object they can visit at any time they please. Honestly, I think Pedro is a SAINT for taking so much bullshit from people who claim to be his fans and won't respect him and the harassment of the media. But that woman, was another level. First of all, she started her text by stating she had traveled across countries just to see him, apparently she had a gift ready to hand him and she claimed to have painted her nails his favorite colors I mean please wtf and then, when people commented on her post, accusing her of being a stalker she got offended and contradicted herself by saying she was in Malta to visit friends. Her ~friend~ was a guy who had already taken a pic with Pedro there a couple of weeks ago, so they were obviously stalking him around the spots the guy knew Pedro usually hangs out during his free time.
Then, her claims of him being rude were absolutely ridiculous, whenever someone asked her how he'd been rude to her, or how she had approached him, she didn't explain at all, which is a clear sign to me that never happened at all or she was just manipulating the facts about how it happened.
I personally don't believe Pedro would be rude to her, because he isn't rude to anyone, I honestly believe she really thought she would have a fanfiction kind of experience and that he would flatter and flirt with her or something like that, and even if he were rude to her, I would totally support him because she definitely deserve it.
And then as if doing that to him while he was trying to enjoy his day off in peace, she tags him and his hair stylist (!!!) on a painfully embarrassing public post saying he BROKE HER HEART as if he were her cheating husband or something, and dude, that wasn't just a delusional teen girl, that was a DELUSIONAL WOMAN, who should have known better than to travel just to stalk a celebrity because she thinks she owns him
Apparently he had security guards because it seems it happened the same day he was seen with Joseph Quinn (? I guess that's his name? Anyway Eddie Munson from Stranger Things) so that's a relief because we never know what another person is planning, this woman was probably harmless, but we don't know anything about other people who might decide to stalk him. So I hope he stays safe and no other crazy person decides to bother him.
I really hope Pedro is able to handle this horrible side of fame with good mental health and patience, and I also hope people remember he's a human being who deserves respect ❤️
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cydie · 9 months
because he is overpredicting the future so he can stop it from happening, he fills in the blanks of the info he's receiving without the source
and then treats it as fact, and works to make it nonexistent
actually to note, i used to be like this, but then i started a trend of asking myself whether i had any rational reason to feel the way i was feeling
which then lead me to validate/double check my feelings bc how am i going to know this assumption i've created is true when i haven't given them a chance to tell me? and then i ask
but because of this, he has nuked any chance of his needs being met because he dismisses them himself for me lmao
like wtf having a half hour to an hour session of decompression after a high intensity activity is literally something i do
i will literally say "do not talk to me. i just need to check out for a bit brb"
like the amount of times the samsung group has seen me check out in the car back from brisbane - like the last time we went and i checked out (bc of my meds as well probably) i was checked out in the car where i pretended to sleep so people would think i was tired instead of anything else -which i was, i just cbf talking
but heinz was like "ari are you okay?" and i didnt even have to say anything bc jason and josh were both like "yeah she's just done with the day" and i gave a thumbs up and it was good to go
its that easy?? like just tell me ???? i've never rejected an outright line of communication from you
your perceived rejections come from how you perceive other things ive said
its so interesting to know that this relationship would have been 10x improved had he given me a chance to prove him wrong
but he hasnt yet recognised that his trauma response is not at all conducive to him, and he is single handedly setting himself up for breaking points
see stick in bike wheel meme
but i guess if it took me this long to understand how i needed to step back and be able to let some things be, he must have a longer way to go
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