#i haven't watched that commencement speech
existennialmemes · 4 months
[extremely conservative voice] Moral Decay is when women have jobs and Moral Purity is when my wife is legally my property.
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goldenwilliamson · 10 months
would you maybe be able to write a fic for leah where the reader is a famous singer and goes to an arsenal or england game and then gets to meet the team after and leah is secretly a huge fan trying to play it cool (kind of like becks/posh)???
fan behaviour | leah williamson
pairing: leah williamson x reader
a/n: love this ask, feel like i miiight have read something similar to this but can't remember who wrote it, so apologies for conceptual similarities if there is any. also i reference reader wearing leah's no. 8 england jersey even though leah has worn many different numbers for england lol.
summary: reader is a famous singer who goes to an england game and goes back to meet the girls after, not knowing leah williamson thinks she is the fittest woman to walk the earth. leah's fellow lionesses taking the piss out of her a bit for her crush. reader finding it endlessly endearing, as you would.
word count: 2.1k
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When you had asked your manager if she could organise getting you tickets to see the Lionesses play, you hadn't expected that your love for the women's team would be reciprocated in any way. So you were pleasantly surprised when your manager informed you that the team wanted to meet you after the game, and agreed immediately.
You had briefly met a few of the players already at a GQ event last year, and on that occasion you had found yourself completely infatuated with the captain Leah Williamson. You had watched on in the Euros as she lead the team out with such confidence and from there you had definitely developed a small crush on the footballer. You had even sourced yourself a number 8 Williamson jersey to wear to the final at Wembley.
After the historic final you shared a photo of yourself and your family donned proudly in your England jerseys to your instagram that night with the caption 'claiming the title of the @lionesses biggest fan. the girls brought it home ⚽️🔥❤️'. Little did you know that when Leah saw your post, she had made sure everyone on the team had seen that you were wearing her jersey. She couldn't believe her eyes, or that a musician of your status was posting about the Lionesses. In a simple display of mutual affection, Leah liked the post and left a comment saying 'The feeling is mutual, thanks for the love x'.
It wasn't until later in the year that the two of you had finally met at the GQ Men of the Year event after the Euros. You had seen her across the room and made a shamless beeline for her. Though no introductions were necessary, you both introduced yourselves, and right off the bat Leah mentioned the fact that you had posted a photo of yourself in her jersey. You tried your best to play it cool, but you certainly were blushing, which Leah only found more endearing.
"I've got to back the captain haven't I?" You'd told her.
"I'm not complaining, it looked better on you than it does on me," she responded flirtatiously with practised ease.
"You're making me blush now," you pat your cheeks, feeling the warmth of your face.
"Surely you get people complimenting you in every room you walk into," Leah said matter of factly, only flattering you further.
"Leah Williamson, stop inflating my ego!" You laughed, "You live a far more respectable life than I do, and you manage to look this bloody good while doing it," you motion up and down her body with your hands to her outfit, completely blown away by her ability to look so damn good in and out of kit.
"Well I'll take the compliment, but I'll have you know I have a great respect for you and your music," she says sincerely.
"Thank you, I guess it's my turn to take the compliment too," you tell her, and sadly your conversation is cut short by an announcement that the award ceremony is about to commence and that everyone must move to their seats. The rest of the night your mind was occupied with thoughts of the English captain, especially since she was honoured with multiple speeches of people singing her praises.
And while you couldn't have known it, Leah's mind was filled with you. After that night she had strictly listened to your music on repeat for weeks, much to the annoyance of her teammates who demanded something else be played since it was Leah who had the role of team DJ.
A few months later when you decided to secure tickets to the Arnold Clark Cup game in Milton Keynes, you had secretly hoped you might get another encounter with Leah, and your manager had confirmed this at the start of the night.
When the girls were in the change room before hand, news began to travel that you were in the crowd, but it hadn't reached Leah until she queued up one of your songs in the pre-game playlist and realisation dawned on Ella Toone's face.
"Can you believe Y/N Y/L/N is here? Apparently she's going to come say hello after the game," Ella said.
"Is she really?" Leah said, her voice coming out squeaky, the excitement evident.
"Oh good Lee, maybe you can just ask her out like a normal human instead of listening to her like an obsessive fan," Georgia Stanway said loud enough for every one to hear, making the team laugh.
"Give it a rest," Leah shook her head, but she smiled, knowing Georgia had a point.
Leah knew she had spent way too much time thinking about you for only having met you that one time, but she couldn't help it. She definitely felt there was a little chemistry in your brief conversation at the GQ event. She tried not to let herself believe that but, after all, you were one of the most famous artists in the world, and she was just a footballer. She wasn't even sure that you dated women. Either way, the idea that you were in the crowd made her want to put in a good performance.
From your posh seats, which you felt extremely lucky to be in, you were enthralled in the game, cheering as loud as anyone when the girls scored their 4 goals against South Korea. You'd even come wearing a Williamson Jersey under your coat, and throughout the game your eye was consistently drawn to the blonde defender who charmed you those months ago.
When the game ended one of the many people working behind the scenes for the Lionesses came to find you at your seat to escort you and your manager through the back of the stadium down to where the team was.
You could hear the sound of Murder On The Dancefloor playing loudly as you followed your escort towards the change room where the team was clearly celebrating their win. The girls were mostly too busy dancing and shouting along with the song to notice your entrance, which made you smile. You didn't want to disrupt their celebrations by any means, but the woman who brought you down had cleared her throat to get the girls attention.
"Sorry to interrupt ladies, but I've got someone special here who has kindly come to say hello!" She announces to the room and instantly the heads turn your way.
You flash a smile and wave as the music gets turned down, "Sorry to show up in the middle of such a good song," you apologise.
"Are you kidding me? The music can wait, you're Y/N bloody Y/L/N," Ella said, making you laugh.
"And you're Ella bloody Toone, it's so good to meet you. I'm a huge fan of you all," You said, expressing your love for the entire team, looking around the room. Even though you've brushed shoulders with more celebrities than you can count, staring into a room of footballers you admire felt extremely surreal.
"We're fans of yours, especially Leah," Georgia says, gesturing across the room with her thumb towards Leah who you were only managing to see now.
She stood resting against the wall with her arms crossed, shaking her head, "Thanks for that G."
You decide it's getting a bit awkward with everyone staring at you, as if you're about to give a half time pep talk so you try to diffuse the situation a little.
"Well I'd love to get around and have a chat with all of you, but please put your music on and do your thing, I feel silly standing up here in front of you all," you say, smiling.
"You heard her girls, stop staring, play the music Leah," Millie Bright said instructively and you watched as Leah picked her phone up and pressed play on the music.
Instantly many went back to singing along to the Sophie Ellis-Bextor classic, and you made your way over towards Georgia Stanway giving her a hug hello, and sitting down with her for a chat.
"That penalty was unreal," you told Georgia, referring to the goal she scored in the game. You spoke with her easily, feeling like you were catching up with a friend.
You continued to move your way around the room, chatting with some of the girls individually and with some in smaller groups. While they all had compliments for you and questions to ask, you met them with the exact same energy. The room quickly filled up with more people who work for the team and friends and family which made you feel less like you were a lucky fan who had orchestrated a private meet and greet with the team.
The whole time you were in the room you were looking for Leah out of the corner of your eye, wanting to save her for a bit later so you could get some more time to talk with her. Once you'd basically made your rounds of the room chatting to the players and their family members you finally made your way over to Leah.
"Saving the best for last?" Leah smirks at you as you approach.
"Well I'm not one to pick favourites, but I did wear my Williamson jersey tonight," you say, pushing open your coat to show off the white England jersey tucked loosely into your pants.
"I can't get over you wearing my shirt," Leah said, her pearly white teeth on full display, which you reflected with your own face.
"Is it surreal for you? Since I hear you're such a big fan of mine and all," you say, reference Georgia's little quip from earlier which didn't fly under your radar.
"Oh, she's got banter," Leah says, an eyebrow raised.
"She tries," you shrug your shoulders.
"Well if you must know, yes I'm a fan. I may even have been told off for playing too much of your music around the girls," she admits, "But you've got my name on your back so I'd say the feeling is mutual."
"Oh, it's definitely mutual, if anything I'm underplaying how big of a fan I am," you say, your honesty laced with sarcasm.
Leah smiles, "Well if we're being honest I'm really glad you came today, I was disappointed we didn't get to chat more back at that GQ event," Leah says earnestly.
"So was I! I actually tried to find you later that night but had no luck," you said.
"Oh, you did? I was probably just sitting with Alex Scott chatting her ear off about how fit you are," Leah says, her forwardness catching you off guard just slightly.
"Well just as well I came here today then," you said, dropping your voice slightly and leaning in closer to her ear, "Because I haven't stopped thinking about you since that night."
"Well what do you say we get together for coffee soon and we can gush over each other some more?" Leah offers and you light up at the idea.
"I'd say that's a great idea," you nod, laughing, "Here let me give you my number," you motion towards the phone in her hand and she unlocks it, handing it over to you. You open her contacts and create a new one for you.
"Alright, all done," you hand her phone back to her, feeling your heart beating in your chest.
"Perfect, well, Y/N, it was a pleasure to see you again," Leah says, opening her arms for a hug, which you slip into gladly.
"Yes, always a pleasure. Make sure you text me later, don't leave me hanging," you say in your embrace, knowing that you're close enough to Leah that the other girls might not hear.
"I wouldn't dare," Leah promises.
"Alright, good," you smile as you step away.
Now that your conversation has come to an end Leah turns back to the rest of the girls, most of whom are watching your and Leah's interaction very closely.
"Alright girls, Y/N is heading off now, say your goodbyes," Leah says, using what you think must be her captain voice, sounding very assertive.
"Bye guys, it's been so good to meet you all," you tell everyone as they all say goodbye and thank you for coming. You embrace almost everyone in a hug as you slowly making your way back around to the door where your manager waits for you.
You give one last wave goodbye, and have one last look at Leah who is watching every move of yours with a small smile on her face. She waves at you as you look at her and with that you turn and leave the room.
As you walk through the stadium to the back entrance where a car is waiting for you, your manager asks how you're feeling after meeting all the girls.
You giggle like you're a teenager again as you tell her, "I think I have a date with Leah Williamson."
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almanacrat · 3 years
Hi. I know you have a Jake fic running atm but if the mood ever hits you,
I would LOVE a sweet Jake fic. It’s starting to settle into our official winter where I live in 🇨🇦 and I’m v cold, v lonely. But there’s so many fun things happening now that the lake is freezing. Like skating, ice fishing, outdoor markets, tree lightings…
Could be spicy? Could be fluffy? What ever you’re feeling.
Wintertime Wonders
Jake Kiszka x Reader
You held Jake's hand as you wandered through the outdoor market. String lights hung above your heads and the smell of freshly baked goods wafted through the air. Children ran around the market, giggling and squealing as they went. Hot steam rose from a food vendor's cart, the steam making a small cloud in the frigid Canadian air. A flurry of snow and wind swished through the air, causing a shiver to creep down your spine.
"You cold?" Jake laughed at the way your nose and cheeks had turned red.
"No." You fibbed.
"You're a terrible liar." Jake smiled and wrapped his arm around you, making you feel cozy and warm again.
"I am not." You argued back, but to no avail. Jake had spotted something that captured his interest.
"Hey, look! They have an ice skating rink." Jake exclaimed, pointing at the large circular rink with his free hand.
"Oh my god, that's groovy." You replied.
"Do you want to go?"
"I haven't been in years." You were hesitant to ice skate again, but Jake seemed so enraptured with it that it was hard to say no.
"Please?" Jake made little puppy dog eyes at you, which were impossible to resist.
"What the hell" You told yourself. "Let's go."
Jake practically ran to the rink, renting you two some skates and telling you about how he ice skates every winter with his family.
"You need some help." Jake asked as you teetered on the ice.
"Yeah." You admitted in defeat.
Jake took both of your hands in his as he skated backward, helping you with your balance as you drifted across the ice.
"Jakey, you're gonna run into someone." You laughed as he continued skating backward.
"No I'm not. I'm an expert, and I have someone really great who will tell me if I'm about to do so." He smiled back at you, his cheeks as rosy as yours.
You and Jake skated for an hour before deciding to leave the ice. You were able to skate without holding Jake's hand eventually, but still liked to hold it anyway. A tree was being lit in the town square across from the ice rink, and you suggested that you go watch that.
The strings of little colored bulbs were wrapped decoratively around the massive tree, and you could only imagine how wonderful it would be when it was lit. The man lighting the tree gave a small speech before getting ready to plug in the cord to the lights. At the exact time he commenced the lighting, Jake turned you toward him, bringing his lips to yours and enveloping you in a tender kiss. The lights were breathtaking, and they created a shroud of light around the city where the sun was fleeting. 
You and Jake cuddled on the couch at home, sipping hot cocoa and watching trashy rom-coms. The two of you laughed at the poor quality and bad acting, convinced that you could put on a better show. You readjusted yourself so you sat with your back against Jake’s chest while he wrapped one arm around your waist and rubbed your thigh with the other, peppering kisses down your neck. The sweet smell of cocoa permeated the house as you turned on another movie, content to be in Jake’s warm arms on a cold night.
Thank you for the request! 
As always, requests are always open! 
If you request and have a pronoun preference please tell me in your request!
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septembersghost · 2 years
saw a reimagining of the most famous bit of psycho but framed in a way that made it even more incredibly sad and distressing (and not for the victim), watched taylor swift give a commencement speech at nyu, hs3 coming in 24 hours and harry got his lion ring back, niall's in the studio wearing a britney shirt, bcs midseason finale on monday and they're intentionally stoking our fears about my beloved kim, i haven't slept at all and real life is a hellmouth, feeling positively deranged
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iliketowrite1996 · 6 years
Announcements and Alumni part 2
It has been a week since you and Peter became Mr. and Mrs. Parker,and you couldn’t be more thrilled. Your wedding night was spent in a small,crowded dorm room and you got a hotel room the next night, but it was wonderful. You’ve felt like you were walking on air, like you could do anything. These last few days have been stress-free for the most part, and yo and Peter loved and savored every second of it.
   Now it is the day of your joint graduation party that Mr. Tony Stark himself is hosting for you, and you feel queasy and ill.
   Because he and May still do not know that you and Peter tied the knot, exchanged vows, got hitched.
   In short, they don’t know that Mr. Parker’s plus one (okay, not really because it’s your party, too) is his wife and vice versa.
   Worse case scenario?
   They flip out and don’t speak to either of you for a really long time.
   Best case scenario?
   They just flip out.
   You're hoping for best case scenario here.
   ‘’Are you nervous,’’ Peter asks as the two of you make your way to the venue where the  event is being held.’’
   ‘’Of course I am. Aren’t you?’’
   ‘’Oh, I’m terrified. Mr. Stark and Maya Are gonna flip out when we tell them, but we knew that when we decided to go ahead and get married anyway,’’ he reminds you.
   ‘’You’re right,’’ you sigh as your short walk from the hotel room you’d booked last night to the venue ends, ‘’Are you ready?’’
   ‘’Ready,’’ Peter responds, pressing a kiss to the skin on the back of your hand before opening the door for you.
   The ballroom is extravagantly decorated, with flowers that seem to actually be glowing under the light form the crystal chandeliers that hang from above.
   The room has a soft glow to it, just like your skin (‘’Some post-wedding week, huh?,’’ Shuri had said yesterday, wiggling her eyebrows).
   ‘’This is so expensive,’’you swallow thickly, ‘’Peter…’’
   ‘’This is just in his style. He won’t be mad. We’re still graduating, we just took a different route with our relationship.’’
   That’s easy to read on paper and east for the both of you to understand, but something tells you that Mr. Stark and Aunt May won’t see things like you and Peter do.
   So you are careful not to let her see either of your hands as he pulls you both into hugs, pressing kisses to your temples and exclaiming how proud she is of you Mr. Stark or May were to bring up your nuptials, he’d definitely spill the beans.
   The sinking feeling in your stomach only intensifies, and Peter starts to look -and feel- uncomfortable.
   It isn’t until your friends are filingin that he really worried.
   Peter knows that Ned will blurt out just about anything when he’s nervous. It is for that reason that Peter Is basically attached to his hip until cocktail hour is over, and dinner is served,
   When Mr. Stark stands up to make a toast and congratulate you two on your impending graduation ceremony, you feel the rock that has sunk to the bottom of your stomach disappear only to be joined by bubbles that make you feel sick all over again.    
From the way that Peter is clutching his tummy, he probably feels the same way.
   May standing up and saying how proud she is of you two is what takes the cake, though, and you two pull her and Tony aside to talk things out.
   ‘’What’s going on, you two? Why do you look like you are about to vomit,’’ she questions, wrapping a arm around the both of you, ‘’Do I need to take you both home?’’
   ‘’No,’’ Peter gently takes her arm off of his shoulder, before taking your hand and moving you sos that you are cuddled up against his side, ‘’But we do need to tell you something.’’
   Tony and May look at each other before cooking back to you, silently urging you to continue.
   ‘’So, we’d both been thinking a lot about how you say that we are too young to get married,’’ Peter begins, spring a glance at you before continuing on, ‘’But we truly love each other. We want to be together forever. We know that we are young, but we also know that we can make this work;;
   ‘’And perhaps you can,’’ Tony begins slowly, ‘’When you are older.’’
   ‘’You both just finished yout college courses. You don’t have an apartment together  or anything. Where would you stay?’’
   ‘’In the apartment that we just paid first months’ rent on,’’ you clear your throat, ‘’We got signed yesterday.’’
   ‘’Well this is news to me,’’ Tony raises an eyebrow, ‘’May?’’
   ‘’This is my first time hearing about it, too.’’
   ‘’There’s more,’’ you say timidly taking in a deep breath before Peter continues for you.
   ‘’We got married. Last week at the courthouse.’’
   May and Tony look at you, searching for any sign that the two of you may be kidding.        Tony’s expression is unreadable, but Mya is obviously livid.
   ‘’What the f-’’
   ‘’How dare you two go against your orders,’’ Tony asks quietly, softly.
   ‘’With all due respect, Mr. Stark, you're always the one that’s telling me to chase my dreams, no matter what anyone says. And, me marrying her was my dream and now it's a reality. So if anything-’’
   ‘’Kid,’’ Tony snaps, using a phrase towards Peter that he hasn’t used since the man started college, ‘’Don’t you dare say that this was my fault. I told you to go after your dreams academically. In your career. In your work. You know full well that this was not what I meant.’’
   ‘’Have you two any idea what you’ve done? Marriage is a commitment, alright? This isn't something that you should have rushed into. You two,’’ May adds., pointing between the two of you, ‘’have made a mistake.’’
   ‘’No, we have not. We love each other. We don’t take this lightly. We asked you months ago-���’ you try to say.
   ‘’And we told you no,’’ Tony steps in, cutting you off, ‘’I can’t imagine that your family is too thrilled about this stint.’’
   ‘’We haven't’ told them yet,’’ you quietly confess, ‘’We’re going to tell them at graduation.’’
   Tony shakes his head, turning away from the both of you and looking out the large, square window that overlooks the city.
   ‘’You are children in the grand scheme of things. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. Ben and i might not have been married that long, but it was tough. It can be tough when life throws things at you.’’
   ‘’I’m sorry I was just thrown at you,’’ Peter’s voice cracks, but his facial expression never budgies, like itis st in stone.
   May fixes him with an icy look, ‘’Don’t you dare, Peter Parker. You know that I love you and I don’t regret taking you in. We all know that’s not what this is about.’’
   ‘’It’s about you two not thinking things through. We didn’t want you to get married before you get out there into the world after college. If your relationship got through that, okay, then. Get married. But you two had to rush  ahead because you think you know better than we do.’’
   ‘’Mr. Stark, it’s not like that. May, you know me better than that. Look, I’m sorry if you two can’t accept this, but it is what it is. We’re married. We’re adults. We’ve made our own decision.’’
   Tony laughs bitterly, and Peter’s hand tightness over your.
   ‘’Fine then, kid. Since you think you’re so grown, and don’t need me anymore, I’ll give you what you want. Don’t count on me coming to that graduation,’’Tony walks aps the two of you, pushing through you to make you and Peter disconnect your hands.
It feels like anomen, almost. That a relationship will be broken and never fixed again.
The feeling and the tightness in your stomach area only intensified when may leaves without another word, sparing you one last look as she shakes her head.
Decisions were made.
Relationships were tested and some seemed to have fizzled out.
In order for the star that is your marriage to continue burning bright two other relationships fixed and fell right out of the night sky and onto the cold, dark, ground.
It’s too early yet to decide if it was worth it.
You and Peter don’t talk about it that night. In fact, you barely talk at all. You go to bed,a s does he. Your backs face each other as you sleep on the blow up mattress, grateful that some of your friends helped you impromptu move in today.
Things don’t go back to normal so soon. Peter hands you your morning coffee with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes and you kiss him with passion that had long been forgotten and is now easily replaced by routine.
You don’t really talk until two days later, where you decide that just because your relationships with May and Tony, and his relations with May and Tony, ended, doesn't mean this one should be left behind, too.
So Peter holds your hand as you both enter the arena for graduation, decorated caps perched on your heads and black gowns clothing your bodies.
       Ned and Miles are talking while Shuri helps Michelle go over her speech for the commencement ceremony.
   Peter’s hand rus smooth circles on the small of your back as you watch parents and family mill in and out and around to find students and greet them before they must take either seats and you all must go to the graduate waiting room.
   T’Challa an Ramonda have come all the way form Wakanda to see Shuri.
   Michelle, Miles, and Ned’s families are all here.
   Your family is here, too, sitting off in the right balcony after having said hello to ou and Peter at breakfast this morning.
   But two people are missing, and yo and Peter know that this day could never be the same without them.
   ‘’I’m glad I’m not too late.’’
   You turn to see May dressed in a white, floral gown, carrying a small box and a bouquet of flowers.
   Peter lets go of your hand, leaving your side for the first time all day to embrace her.
   Her tears soak his graduation owners she takes in the vision of her one and only nephew, standing tall and ready to walk across the stage in just a half hour.
   ‘’I’m glad you came,’’ Peter’s voice cracks, and she presses a kiss to his cheek.
   ‘’You know I wouldn't miss this,’’ May reminds him, turning to you and opening an arm for you, initiating a hug.    
Words go unspoken, but not is not the time.
   Some things are better left unsaid anyway.
   That stands true when, lo and behold, Tony Stark shoes up moments later.
   Peter releases himself from his embrace with May, strolling over to the older man.
   Peter and Tony stare at eachother, dark brown eyes meeting hazel ones.
   No words are said but a conversation is definitely being held.
   Whatever is spoken between the two, it causes Peter to fall into Tony’s arms sobbing as the older man embraces him,
   It’s a moment that feels so private that you almost look away.
   That is until Tony motions you over, and pulls you into a hug, too.
   ‘’I’m proud of both of you. You’re adults now. Gonna have to get use to letting you make your own mistakes and your own choices.’’
   There is so much more left to say.
   Things that you don’t want to hold onto until after the ceremony, but that you'll have to.
   So you bid them a goodbye, telling them to get to their seats as you, Peter, Miles, Shur, Ned and MJ file into the room where the rest of the graduates are waiting.
   Things were left unsaid, and conversations will definitely have to be held.
   It doesn’t matter, right now though. You cheer and clap when Peter crosses the stage. He does the same for you. You and all of your friends endure the ritual of pictures being taken and even meet each other's families.
   It’s an hour after the ceremony is over that you and Peter finally walk hand-in-hand towards May, Tony, and the rest of your family.
   It shocks you that you use the word ‘’rest’’ but , then again,it doesn't’. It’s true. The conversations can, and will, wait for later. You're celebrating with your family right now.
   There will be plenty of time for everything else later.
   So you snuggle into Peter’s side as Tony tells a joke, making the whole table laugh.
   Soon, you’ll tell them you’re married,
   Then, you’ll talk to May and Tony about your plans.    
Finally, you'll fall into bed with Peter, ready to say goodnight and kiss each other before drifting off to sleep.
   ‘’I love you, Mrs. Parker,’’ Peter whispers low enough for only you to hear.
   ‘’I love you, too, Mr. Parker,’’ you respond back before giving him alight kiss.
   At least for right now, that’s definitely more than good enough.
@ashanti-notthesinger​ @destinio1​ @afraiddreamingandloving​ @starsshines-blog​ @airis-paris14​ @syreanne​ @chaneajoyyy​ @90sinspiredgirl​ @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @bidibidibombaclaat @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx
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