#i hold vampire Steve close to my heart
mischivarien · 1 year
Did I just write around 9k worth of a s1 vampire Steve fic? Yea. And I plan on adding more onto it.
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sideblog-ver3 · 7 months
club bang (18+)
(vampire boobs) (spider webs) (big dick steve)
“oh- oh fu- fuck me… ah- ah stevie.”
the loud bass and synth of the club music echoed through the cracks of the locked bathroom door. there was whooping and hollering, people talking loudly and screeching from intoxication just outside the door.
“you like that? my cock hitting you good?” steve’s left hand wrapped in your hair tight while his right held onto your hip as he snapped himself hard against your ass. stomach pressing into the cool countertop, left hand gripping onto the sink while you reached behind with your right to hold onto steve’s wrist.
you stared into yourself, mirrored reflection bathed in the seductive red glow of the club lighting. mouth hanging open, jaw dropping off its hinges while your eyes fluttered with each thrust and deep touch from steve’s tip. your moans started to sync in rhythm with the remixed version of a pop song, you started to whine more high pitched when steve picked up speed.
“ah ah ah ah- so- go- good- ah ah ah.” head tilting foreward, eyes catching the motion of your tits bouncing.
“atta girl. taking it like a champ, baby.” grip releases your hair, giving your scalp a moment to breath as you both catch your breath and feel steve adjust you into a new position.
his legs spreading a bit wider, palms manhandling your hands to push into the mirror then gripping at your hips again. harder this time, an excited gasp as the pressure to your skin.
“be a good girl and watch me fuck you good.” lips attacking your neck, then down to your shoulders before pulling away. you couldn’t contain the whine at the lack of kisses he’s given in the last thirty minutes. “kisses later, baby. need to fuck you badly.” a growl to steve’s words caused you to clench around his slick cock.
“oh, yeah. keep- keep doing that.” steve demanded as he bent his knees a bit and started to thrust at a different angle. tip ramming into that sweet spot steve can always find, the one that turns you into putty.
“stevie… fuck…” only able to get those two words about before more oohs and aahs dropped from your gaping mouth.
“going dumb on me? cat got your tongue, baby?” a condescending to steve’s taunt. you nodded, fully cock drunk with each thrust and grunt that followed.
changing positions again, steve dragged his left hand over your bouncing chest before letting his long, slim fingers wrap snugly along your throat. then moving his right over your exposed stomach, teasing fingers taking their time to reach your clit and starting to tease at the nub.
“ah ah, the- there, yes yes yes! oh, stevie!” using one hand to hold onto his forearm. your pussy sucked him in tighter, feeling yourself getting closer with each flick. “close- so close…” declaring to steve.
“me too, fuck. i’m gonna- gonna cum inside. it’ll stay there all night, our- our secret.” reaching to squeeze at a bouncing tit. “gonna eat you out when we go home.” purring into your ear.
“ah… stevie-“ “i know, me too. just let go.” teeth biting at your left ear lobe, lips wetting the skin as he pulled away. the action only spurred you on further, feeling your heart speeding up, legs getting shaky by the second and drool rolling from your lips.
“cum on my cock baby, you can do it. and i’ll cum in this pussy, claiming it as mine” and stars exploded behind your eyes. a loud, cracked moan flooded the tiny bathroom, steve’s low hums a second after and you could feel his warm cum mixing with your dripping arousal.
steve pressed a kiss onto the back of your neck, “that’s my baby. did so good for me.” and he slowly slid out your hole, both of you gasping at the sensation.
steve worked to slid your panties back on, making sure to give the band a snap to your hips then fixed your mini skirt into place. you worked to fix your hair and what was left of your makeup while steve tucked himself back into his levi’s.
wrapping his arms from behind, steve rested his chin onto your shoulder. love struck eyes watching your face as you smiled at him through the mirror.
“ready to go back?” he asked. you knew he meant the crowd but you shook your head and bit into your bottom lip before saying, “nah. let’s go home. wanna sixty-nine with you all night.” and who was steve to say no to you.
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formosusiniquis · 3 months
I'm in chainmail, baby I'm impressed
Squeaking in under the wire for @stevieweek day 4: Special Outfit with bonus prompts: lingerie and DnD/Fantasy. Plus I'm counting this as my @steddie-week Day Seven Free Space
Stevie Harrington/Eddie Munson WC: 3217 | M | No Archive Warnings Apply | Tags/Themes: Transfem!Steve Harrington; Transmasc!Eddie Munson; Fade to Black
It starts with a blouse.
No, that’s not right. It actually started when Stevie asked how earring a suit of armor didn’t chafe, and if a pair of keys could stab through a beer can how were arrows not sending stabby metal pieces into people.
Which actually probably means it really started with layers. Like the extra layer of leather, done up to Eddie’s chin when he called her back. “Make ‘em pay” wasn’t the send off she’d expected after the big boy and other flirting. Flirting that had made her stomach twist and her heart flutter and her brain flinch with the close but not quite of it. But maybe that’s why she’d sent her own return volley. Why she’d grabbed hold of that half done zipper and left Eddie with a pat to the chest and a promise to do just that.
She totally saved his life with that move. Her, the leather jacket, and some extra breast tissue Eddie wasn’t really using, all working together to keep razor sharp fangs from tearing flesh and puncturing any important organs.
That breast tissue maybe saved her too, when she learned just what having it made Eddie and what it meant about options she hadn’t known were there. They had a lot of time to talk in their shared bat bite isolation chamber.
Talk about layers that go under chain and metal to protect knights of the realm and their devoted squires that help them.
That started in the Upside Down, finished in the hospital. And this started in the thrift store.
The blouse was white. Pure white, basically neon, white as the virgin snow. Totally not Stevie’s color, the fresh wedding white brings out the undertones in her skin in a way that leaves her looking sallow and liver failure-y. But something about the sleeve catches her eye. The way  it balloons before gathering at the wrist. 
It’s a 70’s throwback for sure. Reminds her of the cover from the album Eddie brought over a few weeks ago, Little Queen. Robin has her face screwed up before Stevie even has it all the way off the rack. Hating it but trying to be supportive the way she has been throughout all of Stevie’s transition from Steve to who she is now.
“That is… wow!”
“It’s super ugly, and not even in a cool way.”
Robin slumps against the rack, sending a hanger cascading to the floor. She scrambles down to pick it up but Stevie doesn't miss her, “Oh thank god.”
“The best thing to happen to you was my sense of style not changing.”
“I know. You’d look good in anything, but my wardrobe offerings would have shrunk.” Seeming to remember the source of the freak out. She snaggs the shirt. “So what’s with this thing? I think even you’d struggle to make this look good.”
She takes it back from Robin’s disapproving grip. Holds it up to herself just to see the way Robin’s face contorts. The neckline is going to do nothing for her, not low cut enough to show off the way her boobs are coming in. The poof in the arms will accent her shoulders . And it’s so, so white.
“It made me think of Eddie,” she says, fingering the loose tie that’s hanging down the front of the blouse.
“It is very vampire lord,” Robin admits. “Might even make him look tan.”
Layers, knights would wear padded shirts under their armor and under those drapey shirts in cotton and linen. He’d been excited when he’d talked about it. Passionate. The way he got when he talked about Lord of the Rings or DnD. She holds the shirt even tighter against her, turns this way and that even though she can only kind of make out her reflection in the mirror at the end of the row. It’s an ugly shirt. But it makes her think of knights and Éowyn and paladins and Eddie.
Eddie flushed pink and beautiful, squirming in his seat in a different way than he usually does, talking about devotion and pledges. Duty and honor.
“I’m gonna buy it.”
“For Eddie?” Robin asks on a sigh. She already knows the answer.
“He’ll certainly get to enjoy it.”
The problem with being the one to come up with a plan is she has to be the one to follow through with it. 
Part of her knows the blouse would be enough. She could dress it up just right, flirt a little, and have Eddie eating out of the palm of her hand.
But the part of her that had a flair for the dramatic that rivaled her boyfriend’s wasn’t going to let her skimp unless she took every possible step to fully achieve her vision.
So she goes to the only person she knows who might be able to put the final and most crucial piece of the scene together.
Flopped across the Henderson couch, she’s making herself comfortable for her and Caludia’s date with Dallas. She’s too cozy to get up, decides it's easier to flop her head over the arm of the sofa to shout at Dustin while he rummages through the kitchen.
“So if I was trying to get my hands on some of that chain link armor stuff, would you know a drama club nerd who might have some?”
“Yeah, I have some.”
“You have some?” she can feel her eyebrows raised up into the middle of her forehead. She went to him for a reason, but surely she would have known if he was capable of affording something like that. Was that why she was footing the bill at the arcade every week, so he could have suit of armor money?
“Well it's not like it grew in the backyard, I made some.”
“Made some?” she flips around on the couch, this has become the kind of conversation she has to look at her brother and have him be rightside up.
He’s got his hand on his hip which isn't as commanding when he’s also holding a glass of milk in the other. It’s cute though, like he’s trying to channel her.
“What are you an echo? It's not like it was hard. You need some wire and pliers and patience.”
“And you?”
“Har har. Yes. Do you want to borrow it or not.” The threat is there even if she doesn’t think it’s that sincere. It’s fucking armor she doubts he could hide it that well if she wanted to just come in and take it.
But she makes nice anyway cause she’s a good sister. “Yes! Sorry.”
“Ma's got all that jewelry making stuff and you know I like to work with my hands when I'm talking with Suzie.”
It was a joke. But it’s a joke that sends his drink sloshing over the sides of his glass as he startles. A good friend, even if she doubts he’ll ever acknowledge it, she stifles her laugh in the palm of her hand as he turns a shade of red that is medically concerning. 
“Ew, don't be crass, Stevie,” he stutters out.
“Is this even going to fit me,” she takes pity on him, dragging the topic back to her, “you made it for yourself half-pint.” The insult barely works, a summer growth spurt has left sophomore Dustin towering over her shoulder. Well, not towering, but he can see over her shoulder now.
“I made it for Mike, actually, so he could be his paladin at that convention in September. But he wouldn't let me measure him cause I ‘know what he looks like’ and it came out too big.”
“Oh so it'll be perfect for me.” She tries to make it a joke, but hearing that it was made for human stringbean Michael Wheeler has her nervous in the place where all of her ugliest body issues live. At least if Dustin had made it for himself it would have just looked like a crop top.
“Well, it still might not fit because of your,” he gestures vaguely at her front.
“Boobs, Henderson, they're boobs. You can call them-”
“Alright!” He shrieks, “I was trying to be respectful.”
“When have you ever been respectful? And don't say it's because I'm a girl, I'll push you into Lover’s Lake.”
“I wouldn't talk about El’s or Max’s is all I'm saying.” He says into the glass in his hand.
“But I can borrow it?”
“If it fits over your boobs,” he says the word like it's in a foreign language he's neither spoken nor heard, “you can keep it. I know it's for some weird sex thing with Eddie and I don't want it in my closet knowing what it's seen.”
Honestly it's for the best, because if this goes the way she thinks it's going to she really doesn't want to have to figure out how to get stains out of aluminum. But it's hard to resist the siren song of torturing Dustin. “I can't believe you're calling my sex life weird, are you saying there's something wrong with us? That we aren't a normal couple like everyone else? I thought you were a friend.”
“Nothing about Eddie is normal and he'd be offended you tried to suggest he was so I'd feel bad.”
“Yeah, good point loser.” She snuggles back down into the couch, she never really gives the episodes of Beauty and the Beast that much attention but this one should be wrapping up soon. “If it doesn't fit over my tits and it sees zero action do you want it back then?”
“After this conversation, I'm not sure I ever want to see you again. So just keep it. I'm sure Eddie will find some kind of use for it.”
There’s another quip at the tip of her tongue that she knows will send Dustin into fits, whether they would have been of rage or denial she’ll never know. The front door is slamming open bringing with it Claudia at the end of her swing shift.
“Stevie, dear,” she always bustles into the house like she’s carrying an armload of groceries even when it’s just her coming home in her uniform, “never go into nursing. Doctors are some of the dumbest fuckers on the face of the planet.”
It occurs to her, the attitude might be a family trait. Maybe that’s why they adopted her so easily. If only she could pull off the tiny hat the way Claudia can.
All of the pieces of her plan stay hidden for weeks. Folded up carefully in an oversized hatbox in the back of her Mom’s extended closet. The hat, a monstrosity purchased for a Derby she doesn’t think they’d even gone to left to gather dust or whatever it is hatboxes are meant to prevent.
The chainmail had fit. The weight of it as surprising as the cool feeling of it against her fingers.
She has the clothes, the accessories, even bought something silky and golden yellow to go underneath. Like the armor wasn’t going to be sexy enough for Eddie. Lingerie under lingerie like a hat on a hat, but she has to feel sexy or else she’s going to feel like a complete idiot.
She kind of already feels like an idiot. Something in the knowing that the top and the chain and the yellow bra with the flowers embroidered on it are all upstairs makes her anxious in a way she hasn’t ever been with Eddie before.
Hands haven’t been wandering during their movie nights. She keeps her feet kicked back behind her, crossed at the ankle, when they’re sharing a booth at dinner. There’s always a fifteen-going-on-sixteen year old chaperone in the car with them, sometimes even in the front seat as she pretends she’s just making sure they’re getting pre-prepared for their upcoming drivers tests.
And sitting next to him on the sofa, a whole cushion between them for the first time since ever, she watches the careful way he makes each line as he sketches and cross hatches what she can just make out to be a flowing haired knight. Her resolve breaks.
Stevie craves him the way she used to want ice cream on a hot day. The taste and feel of it an almost physical feeling, she would want it so bad. That’s what horny feels like now, she’s slowly realizing.
Before she can overthink it too much more, “I wanna try something.”
Normally she thinks of Eddie as having a kind of feline grace, he slinks and when he does fall off of something he isn’t supposed to be on he grins like it was always the plan to reacquaint himself violently with the floor. But the hint of suggestion in her voice has him perked up on the couch like a dog that just heard his leash come off the hook.
It's embarrassing how badly she wants him.
“What were you thinking, baby?”
He’s better at this than she is, at the lead up. The introduction. It’s a different skill to slowly introduce the concept of the strange, a change. Different than foreplay. She feels like she’s propositioning her proposition. The thing about slow, missionary in a room with the lights dimmed, no bandaids need to be ripped off before.
“You’ve roleplayed.”
“Not the kind I think you’re suggesting.” He’s impossibly more perked. Notebook and pencil still and poised like he’s about to start taking notes. “But I’ll try anything you want to do, however you want to do it.”
Maybe it isn't healthy, but she likes that about Eddie. That he’s all in on her, obsessed maybe. Willing to push himself out of his comfort zone for the sake of letting her have what she wants or try what she thinks she wants.
She likes how a few right words will turn him into putty she can squish and meld between her fingers.
“I’m gonna go get changed.”
Now that Eddie is waiting downstairs for something spectacular, it isn't so hard to pull that box down from its hideaway and slide each layer on. She already knew it wasn’t that hard to get the chain on and off by herself, she had tried it on. Maybe squires were for the heavy metal suits like on Scooby-doo. Or maybe it was about the intimacy and the ritual even back then, sliding on pieces and parts meant to keep the other person safe from harm knowing later if there was a chance to undress again you could see just how you helped save them.
Next time, she thinks, they should do this the other way around. She can get Eddie off a couple times, clean him up, and slowly dress him in each new layer. Until he’s lying in her bed armored in metal and cocooned by her cotton sheets. Safe from anything the world might want to do to him. Under her panties, and the sports leggings she’d decided where the sexier choice of pants, she can start to see the evidence of her arousal in the full length mirror.
It’s a good thing Dustin doesn’t want his stuff back.
Her finishing touches go on next. The gold ring with the small green stone that Robin had given her slides on to her index finger. Then around her neck her holy symbol, the guitar pick from Eddie’s first post-almost dying show. Tossed at her from the stage in an act of Bon Jovi badassery. She had gently poked a hole through it and now she slides it on its dainty, gold chain around her neck.
She tugs at her hair in the mirror, the one part that isn’t quite right. In her vision it’s finally grown out, beautiful waves that would fall out of the ugly helmet she doesn’t have when she pulled it off. Waves like Brooke Shields or the girl from One Day at a Time who married the guy from the band Eddie liked have instead of the bob she’s growing out now.
But it would grow and in the meantime she looked hot.
Stevie looked really hot. Swallowing around the saliva pooling in her mouth, she remembers she has a boyfriend to show that to.
Her first reward is the sight of Eddie's jaw dropped against the floor.
“You remember the other day, you were talking about how paladins could get leveled up so high they basically became gods too?”
Stevie knew that wasn't right, but she liked watching the nerd part of him war with the boyfriend part of him. One itching to correct the mistake and the other looking for a way for her to be correct in a roundabout way. Usually, it leaves him flushed and wide eyed, like his brain is overtaxed and with just a little more stress steam will start to burst from his ears to keep his brain from melting. Last week she had him arguing with the Party that humanoid didn't mean hobbits couldn't also be little rabbits.
She decides to take pity on him now, his wheels skidding blankly on wet road.
“I want you to worship me.”
He's agreeing, she thinks, before he's even sure what he's agreeing to. Dropping to his knees in front of her just like the worshiper she imagined: awe struck and devoted. Her divine intervention on his unfinished prayer kept him alive. Eddie Munson would let her kill him if she wanted to, if it suited her whims.
Good thing she wants to keep him for forever.
His hands slide up the back of her legs. She can feel the hot trail of them from the calf up to the thigh.
“Beautiful,” he breathes. Presses a kiss to her knee, her thigh, the chain that covers her hip. “My hero, my knight.”
In the end, she didn’t need the blouse or the bra and panty set. She still has her chainmail on when she eases them both down onto the couch. Running her fingers through Eddie’s hair from his sweat damp temples to the tangling ends she’s careful to keep it from getting wrapped in the links while he rests on top of her.
“I don’t know where you came up with that, my lady, but I think that was the hottest thing to ever happen to me.”
She tugs at the end of his hair just to watch the way the lingering arousal dances across his face. “I got that from the way you creamed your jeans while you were playing with my clit.”
“I am but a man, my golden sun. When a paladin of Apollo is before me what can I do but show my utter devotion.”
“You liked it? It was good for you?”
Maybe it’s a testament to how good it was that Eddie isn’t immediately off the couch. He only shifts enough to rest his chin on her stomach. Looking her in the eyes or maybe at the bottom swell of her breasts.
“Steph, that was the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me. You’re a vision in everything you put on,” he assures, “but where did you even get this?”
“That’s the bad news, if you’re hoping for a better fitting part two I think I’m gonna have to give Dustin my measurements.”
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wingedquill · 1 year
@steddiemicrofic prompt for september! | "charm" wc 548 | rating: T | cw: (non-terminal) cancer
Steve sneaks out of his own party about two hours in.
It’s just…God, it’s overwhelming. His dad and Hopper are having some kinda macho mental breakdown in the corner, and his mom keeps pressing food into his hands, and the look on Robin’s face is just—it's joy, and pride, and fear, all directed at him, and he doesn't know what to do with it.
The whole room is heavy with his people's love for him, so strong he swears he could reach out and grab it. He'll go back in later and bathe in it, but for now, he retreats outside.
It's cold and drizzling, so of course Eddie's already there, sitting by the edge of the pool with his feet in the water. Steve pauses for a moment to just…stare at him, to take him in. The pool light wavers off his face, his freckle-dotted shoulders, the just-barely-long-enough-to-curl fuzz on his head. He looks beautiful.
He almost looks healthy.
 “Someday I’m gonna write about this,” Eddie says, as Steve kicks off his shoes and sits down next to him. “I’m gonna make us all incredibly smart, incredibly sexy action heroes who never lose, and I’m gonna twist the facts enough that Uncle Sam won’t tear my dick off, and I’m gonna make a million dollars on the film rights.”
“Yeah?” Steve snorts.
“Yeah. And I’m gonna make us vampires.”
Steve shivers, a raindrop slipping down the back of his neck and underneath his shirt. He leans into Eddie’s side, chasing his warmth.
“Vampires, huh?”
“It fits, right? Bats bite you, inject you with their weird bat venom, and your blood cells start mutating and multiplying faster than your body can keep up. Boom. Vampires.”
He winds his arm around Steve’s shoulders and pulls him closer, so close that Steve thinks he might fall right through Eddie’s skin and into his heart. It’s how they’ve gotten used to touching each other, these past six months.
Steve wonders if they’ll stop, eventually. If the fact that they have time now means they can stop holding each other like a breath.
He hopes they don’t.
“It’s a lot sexier than cancer,” Eddie says. “Isn’t it?”
“Maybe,” Steve says. “But you can’t go into remission from vampirism.”
It’s the first time he’s said the word, and it feels a bit like champagne on his tongue. Bubbly and bright and fucking intoxicating.
“Guess you can’t,” Eddie concedes. He kicks a foot forward, sending a spray of water up to meet the rain. “God. Fuck. You’re in remission.”
“I’m in remission,” Steve says. “We’re in remission. We made it.”
Eddie sniffles. Turns and presses a kiss into the side of Steve’s head.
“I feel like I should give this back to you, now,” Steve says, fiddling with the guitar pick around his neck. Eddie had given it to him the day he’d gone into remission, almost two months ago. 
My lucky charm. It got me this far, he’d said, curling Steve’s fingers around it. It’ll bring you the rest of the way.
“Fuck, no,” Eddie laughs wetly. “Keep it. You need all the luck you can get.”
“What about you?” Steve asks.
“I don’t need it. I’ve got you, don’t I?”
“Yeah,” Steve whispers as the rain comes down harder. “You’ve got me.”
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Wrong Number, Right Time Part 16: Soulmates
Masterlist: here
Tag List: @hollster88 @aysheashea @ilovemashedpotatoes @needylilgal022 @chamomileh0ney @josephquinnlover0 @clubfairy @mommybaby-witch @tlclick73 @eddiemunsonsgf2 @eddie-swhore @ohmeg @gothvamp1973 @stardustmunson @86munsonsblog @emma77645 @a-not-so-poetic-poet @parmawiolets
A/N: Here it is….the last part of this series. Thank y’all for all the love and support on this one. It turned from a silly random idea into one of my favorites. I hope y’all enjoy this and don’t worry I have more planned for these two it’s not the last you’ll see of them✨💖
*You think maybe this whole thing was a mistake but Eddie just wants to know if he’s dreaming or not*
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“Are you sure it’s loud enough?” You roll your eyes as Melissa leans against your car as you hold the handle to the boombox in one of your hands. “Maybe he isn’t home?” You let out a huff as you look at the very familiar van sitting in the driveway of the trailer that you’re currently parked in front of.
“He’s home.” You answer as you adjust your grip on the boombox, Melissa just takes a few steps so she’s only a few inches behind you, bat in hand just in case she needs it.
“How do you know? Maybe he’s out with his little gang.” You just shake your head as you look down at your feet instantly becoming nervous that this whole idea was a giant mistake. “Maybe he can’t hear it or-“
“I can hear it.” You nearly drop the boombox as you look up and see Eddie standing just a few steps in front of you. “Are you really standing in my front yard holding a boombox and blasting Metallica or is this a dream?” He asks as he takes a small step closer to you almost as if he’s worried you’ll disappear if he gets too close.
“How many times do I have to tell you it’s rude to start a conversation off with a question?” You tease as you drop the boombox and take a step towards him, Melissa just smiles as she slowly walks away giving you two your space.
Eddie can’t describe the feeling that’s rushing through him as you walk closer to him. It’s as if everything that’s happened in his life has led him to this moment and it’s as if he can feel it all clicking together like he’s exactly where he’s supposed to be. He hates to even think it but maybe Steve was right and you really are his soulmate.
“Sorry.” Eddie mumbles as he takes one more small step closer to you, so now you’re standing right in front of him. “Hi California.” You smile as you reach up and tuck some of his hair behind his ear so it’s not in his face.
You can’t explain why being around Eddie feels so natural but then again everything with Eddie has felt right, like you’ve known him your whole life. He makes you feel complete and it just took you standing in his front yard with his big brown eyes staring into yours for you to realize it. He’s your soulmate.
“Hey Vampy.” Eddie closes his eyes and leans into your touch as you rest your hand on his cheek. “You’re not dreaming by the way.” You watch a smile take over his face as he opens his eyes and looks down at you.
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asks as you drop your hand from his face, he takes this moment to finally get a good look at you and he feels his heart beat faster when his eyes lock with yours.
“Well I figured telling you that I’m in love with you in person would be better than over a text.” You state with a shrug making Eddie raise an eyebrow at you.
“You’re in love with me?” He asks as he points at himself not really believing what he’s hearing.
“It seems that I somehow have fallen in love with the Vampire Boy from Indiana.” Eddie playfully rolls his eyes at your nickname making you smile because you know he actually loves it.
“That’s good to know because I’m in love with this stranger from California.” He admits as his hands gently cup your face.
“I mean you did confess your love to me the very first time we talked so it makes sense.” Eddie just laughs as he leans down so his forehead is resting against yours as your arms wrap around his neck.
“I guess I really didn’t have the wrong number after all.” With that Eddie’s lips are on yours in a sweet kiss.
“Eddie what the-“ You pull away from Eddie to look over his shoulder to see a confused looking Steve getting out of his car.
“Uh hold it soccer mom, can’t you see they’re having a moment?” Eddie laughs as Melissa picks up her bat and stands in front of Steve who is now staring at her with raised eyebrows.
“California?” He asks making you just nod your head as Eddie drops his hands from your face. “Oh shit I’m sorry.” You just smile as you watch his eyes drift down to the bat in Melissa’s hand as Eddie wraps his arms around your waist. “Uhm nice bat.” Melissa just lets out a huff as she look up at Steve with an annoyed look on her face.
“Thanks now can you get lost? You just ruined a completely romcom worthy ending to this love story.” She snaps making Steve just take a step backwards. “Is that a bat with nails in it? Why do you have that in your backseat?” Steve turns to look at his backseat and then back to her.
“I mean well…you know I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and…not have it.” You can’t help but smile as Melissa lowers her bat and takes a step towards Steve.
“Are we getting a front row seat to the beginning of a their weird love story?” Eddie whispers in your ear causing you to laugh.
“That’s what I’m always saying! Bats make the-“
“Perfect weapon.” Steve finishes her sentence for her making her smile causing Eddie to roll his eyes, but deep down he’s happy for Steve he knows he’s been looking for love in all the wrong places so maybe Melissa is exactly who he needs.
“Can I hear you say it one more time?” You ask as you turn so you’re looking Eddie in the eyes.
“Say what? That I’m in love with you?” He can’t help but smile as he looks at you. “I’m in love with you.” You smile as he leans in and places a kiss to your lips.
“Do you believe in soulmates?” You ask as he pulls away from the kiss.
“I do now.”
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avengerscompound · 1 month
Shared Experience - Chapter 5
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Shared Experience - A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Rating:  E
Warnings:  mentions of past torture, murder, and sexual assault
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Rose Astor
Word Count: 1809
Summary:  Rose Astor met her end in 1920, joining the ranks of the living dead two years after the birth of Steve Rogers.  A century later the two meet in battle - a beacon of light clashing with a creature of the night.  Despite their differences, the two bond over their shared life experiences.  Can a vampire become an Avenger?  Can two such different beings create a life together?
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Chapter 5
It had been decades since Rose had felt as helpless and weak as she had when she’d broken down in tears in the foyer of her house.  It was such an alien and awful feeling that once the tears had run out, anger replaced them.  She was so angry that she still had it in her to feel this way.  She had thought she had become immune to that.  She thought she’d lost that part of her.  That had been the weak human in her and she’d cast it aside when she no longer needed Marcellus to teach her.
After the anger faded it left an overwhelming loneliness.  She’d been alone for so long, and for so long she thought she’d been okay with that.  It was better to be alone than to be around people as they aged and then died around her and it was definitely better than being stuck with someone like Marcellus.  She had convinced herself that she didn’t need companionship.  That she was above those mortal needs.
And just like that her worldview had shattered.
Steve led her to the living room and pulled out a handkerchief.  It was large and pale blue with blue and red stripes around the edge.  It had been so long since she’d even seen one, that it made her start laughing, which made her cry harder.  She wiped her eyes, the blood from her tears stained the delicate piece of fabric right through and she looked up at Steve and saw the blood stains smeared over his shirt.
“Oh god,” she said, uselessly trying to wipe the blood from his shirt with the handkerchief.  “I'm so sorry.  I must look ghoulish.”
Steve shook his head.  “I've seen worse.”
Rose stood and wrung the handkerchief in her hand.  “Let me go clean up.  I’ll be back.  Just… Make yourself at home.”
She waited for his go-ahead and that pause for permission made the anger boil up again.  Steve gave a short nod and she rushed off, covering her face.
When she reached the bathroom she leaned against the vanity and squeezed her eyes closed as she centered herself.  Things had gone so wrong.  It was the risk involved with starving herself, but of all the expected outcomes, being held prisoner by the Avengers, being blackmailed to join, and ending up crying blood tears in the arms of Captain America had not even made the list.
She huffed and began to wash her face.  With no reflection, it was always impossible to know if she’d gotten everything, so her ritual had always been to scrub thoroughly for longer than seemed reasonable.  Today she scrubbed harder still.  She scrubbed until her skin felt raw and continued scrubbing for some time afterward.
When she finally stopped scrubbing, she went looking for something Steve might be able to change into.  It proved to be a useless endeavor.  She was significantly smaller than Steve, so even her largest items of clothing were far too small to fit him.  There were some outfits that Marcellus had abandoned, but he’d been much thinner than Steve, and even if they did fit, the fabric was so old that when she picked it up, it began to fall apart.
She went back to Steve empty-handed.  He was standing in the drawing room, looking at her collection of vinyls that filled the shelves built into the whole back wall.  He looked over at her, holding one of the singles.  “Are you okay?” he asked.
She nodded.  “That was new for me.”
“Your tears…”
She shrugged.  “I can’t explain it.  My heart doesn’t pump, and yet everything is blood.  I’m sorry about your shirt.  I tried to find you something to change into.”
He looked down at himself and then back up at her.  “Don’t worry about it.  I’ve had to catch the train home with more blood on me than this before.  None of it’s mine this time, which is nice.”
She couldn’t help but laugh at that.  “What have you got there?” she asked, nodding to the single in his hands.
Steve looked down at it like he was startled that he was holding it.  “Oh.  I was just looking at what you had.  It goes back a long way,” he said.
She came over to him and took the single from his hands.  It was the 1939 version of Sunrise Serenade and Moonlight Serenade by the Glenn Miller Orchestra.  “I was eighteen and spending all my time in speakeasies when I died.  I’ve been in this house ever since.  My collection has only been added to over time,” she explained as she went to her record player.  It was styled to fit into the Art Nouveau style of the house but was actually only a few years old.  Despite her love of vinyls, she kept up to date with music technology and her sound system was the best that money could buy.  She put the record on, choosing the B side of Moonlight Serenade, and the clarinet and saxophone floated through the room.  If it weren’t for the slight scratch of the needle moving over the vinyl, it almost sounded as if the band were right there with them.
Steve closed his eyes and listened for a moment, swaying ever so slightly to the sound.  It made Rose want to go to him and take his hands.  It had been so long since she danced with someone, and watching Steve, she felt like the same might be true for him too.
Instead, she stayed where she was and hugged her arms around herself.  “So what do we do now?”
Steve opened his eyes and looked at her.  “Bruce is right,” he said.  “We can’t just keep you captive and force you to fight.  But - I do think you should join us.  You’ve been alone for too long, Rose.  I know you think you can do this all alone, but you don’t have to.”
“I don’t see how I could be much help to you,” Rose said.  “Fighting in the War was different.  They took us where we needed to be.  We’d wake, and it was like firing a bullet from a gun.  How will you plan your battles around the fact I only wake at night?”
“That’s a secondary issue,” he said.  “We can figure out how best you can help us.  Maybe it won’t even be in a fighting role.”
She tapped her fingers on her arms and worried at her bottom lip with her teeth.  She knew if she did that for too long, she was likely to prick it with her fangs, but she couldn’t seem to stop as she considered the offer.   “Like a spy?”
“Possibly,” he said.  “From the sound of it, you’re good at keeping secrets.”
A small bubble of laughter escaped her, taking her by surprise.  “That’s true,” she said.  “I am.  I still feel like this isn’t about you wanting me to join as much as it is about you wanting to keep an eye on me and make sure I’m not going around murdering people.”
Steve sighed and pushed his hands into his pockets as he looked down at his feet.  The record reached the end of the track and there was a whir and a click as the needle moved off and the machine flipped the record over.  The blast of wind and brass instruments startled both of them as the start of Sunrise Serenade started and Steve’s eyes met hers again.
“Can you blame me?” he asked.  “I saw you kill a man.  You drained him right in front of me.  Everything I know about vampires is that they hunt and feed off people.  And it’s not like I know you.  I swore I’d protect people and I can’t help feeling that letting you go is breaking that oath.”
She went to interrupt him on this circular conversation that it felt like they’d been having for days now but he held up his hand to stop her.  “But you did kill that man in battle and you saved a lot of lives.  And I have no reason other than mythology to believe that you’re about to go on a murder spree.  You’ve been honest with me.  So I want to trust you.  I do think you’ll be an asset to the team, and I do want to keep an eye on you.  I also think you need people.  I think we might have things in common and we might be friends.  Those aren’t conflicting ideas.”
Her fang punctured her lip and she winced and wiped her mouth.  “If I agree to this, it puts me in danger.  You’re right.  I am good at keeping secrets.  I have to be.  There’s a reason the general population doesn't know about us.  We’re completely helpless in the daytime and we’re their predators.  How many predators have been hunted to the edge of extinction by mankind?”
Steve’s eyebrows knitted together.  The reminder that the people he had promised to protect were her food had obviously been a mistake, but she needed him to understand that it wasn’t just a case of her being a risk to humanity, humanity was a risk to her too.
The upbeat melody of the song carried on for a few bars before Steve seemed to finish wrestling with his thoughts.  “We can keep people from finding out,” he said.
“I don’t just mean not announcing you have a vampire on your team.  There are people that hunt my kind and will know what I am when they see me,” she explained.  “I don’t show up on film, so you can’t do a press conference and introduce me.  And I can’t be in places where footage of me fighting will end up being public.”
“Who would hunt you if you’re an Avenger?” Steve asked.
“There’s a secret order of monster hunters who hunt us as a sport.  The followers of the Egyptian god Konshu consider us a threat to those who travel at night.  There is one of us, a day walker, who has vowed to rid the world of us.  If they know where to find me, they’ll come for me.”
Steve approached her.  “We’ll keep you under the radar,” he promised.  “And we’ll protect you.  You’ll be part of the team.  We won’t let anyone hurt you.”
 She looked up into the blue of his eyes.  Behind her the record reached the end of the song and the needle lifted and moved back to its off position and the record slowly stopped spinning.  She dragged her teeth over her bottom lip again and sighed.  “Fine.  I’ll do it.  I’ll join.  God, you are impossible.”
He smiled, his eyes twinkling.  “It’s one of my better qualities,” he joked and held out his hand.  “Welcome aboard.”
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livingfast04 · 1 year
Monster Au? - Part 8
one two three four five six seven II nine
Tw: Body Horror, mentions of disordered Eating, anxiety, dehumanization, refences to past child abuse, refences to emotional abuse, depression, suicidal thoughts, self harm, biting, vomiting, blood.
Eddie wasn’t sure what the hell, he thought this was going to go, but it sure as hell wasn’t this. Mrs. Josie, talks to Eddie more than she talks to Steve as she stitches up his arm. The bite marks are deep, they look like something else did them to Steve, as if Steve hadn’t done them to himself. Muscle ripped open, the small amount of fat- scraped down to show off the white of bone. 
If March had never happened, Eddie thinks he would have puked along with Steve.
Glancing down, his shoes were covered in bile and blood, his pants too- it was on his hands, from grabbing Steve’s face, his arm- from wiping at the younger's blood covered face. Steve’s heart pounds in his ears, slow, and thick. The spark of adrenalin that ran through the other when he’d tore through his own skin. 
Eddie’s stomach rolled.
“I think both of you are going to need showers.” Eddie nods a little numbly, and a change of clothes- and new shoes. She wasn’t as skeletal as her son, her face a little fuller, she wasn’t as unnerving to look at, but it still made his skin prickle just a bit. She gave him a slight smile, showing off her own dangerously sharp teeth.
Eddie fumbles as she starts to stand her son up, Steve dead weight and mostly limp, falling forwards against Eddie’s chest. Mrs. Josie looks him over for a minute and Eddie refuses to squirm, no matter how much he wants to. “I have to clean this up, help give my boy a shower?” Blinking a few short times, “I- I, I can? But- why?” “Because I trust you not to drop him.” I trust you not to break him. Eddie sucks in a deep breath, getting a mouthful of sick smelling blood and layers of distress sticking to Steve’s skin. “Not that, that really matters- you need a shower as much as Stephan does.” Eddie’s kind of used to smelling a little like blood, comes with being a vampire- Uncle Wayne would however lose his shit, if he went home like this. It’s a little much, even for him. Eddie holds on to Steve a little tighter, “You should know where Steve’s bathroom is.” There it is, the sting, the anger, rightfully placed anger. Mrs. Josie goes back to mopping up the puddle of blood on the floor. Steve lets out a pitiful whine as Eddie shuffles to move them towards the stairs.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, but we gotta get you cleaned up.” Steve didn’t make another noise, but he did press further against Eddie’s chest at his words, as if making sure he was still there. Eddie pressed his nose into greasy hair. Steve desperately needed a shower. Not just because he was covered in his own blood. 
Eddie stared at the stairs, and at Steve who was basically trying to bury himself in Eddie’s chest. Eddie shifted his hold on the other, cursing the Party with every mean but at least a little soft remark that he knows off the top of his head as he lifts Steve up. His heart aching as Steve lets out a startled sound, moving his limbs for the first time to cling to the back of Eddie’s shirt. 
Bracing for more weight than he thought he would be taking on, Eddie’s stomach tied itself into knots. Steve hardly weighs anything. Pressed this close together, he could feel almost every one of Steve’s bones. He whispered apologies into Steve’s hair as he climbed up the stairs.
Eddie had been upstairs a handful of times, most of the times had been in March. When the pack bonds hadn’t been as strung out, before adults got involved. Eddie doesn’t want to think about that- about the fact that they all had been fine. 
For the most part. Carrying Steve down to his bedroom, the room had been ransacked for most of the blankets, but clothes were spread all over the floor. Eddie breathed in a mouthful of stale scent of Steve. 
Eddie pushes open the attached bathroom with his foot, he shuffles things around, mostly definitely knocks things off the counter, and into the sink. It’s not exactly the picture of clean in Steve’s bathroom. Which is fine, Eddie and Wayne’s shared bathroom isn’t all that clean either. 
Steve grumbles when Eddie moves away, Eddie turns the shower on and pulls the curtain to. His socks are soaked, and it’s starting to drive him nuts. Wiggling them off getting more blood on his hands. Glancing up at Steve he jerks a little, those dark brown eyes are not brown. 
They are about six shades lighter and green. 
Not that Eddie spends time studying what color Steve’s eyes are or anything. But they are 100% not green. Steve makes an uncomfortable noise before the color changes again, back to his own brown, and Eddie just stands there. 
What the fuck. 
Shaking himself off, Eddie steps over his bloody socks and reaches out to tug Steve’s sweater off. Steve makes a clicking noise at him, but lets him pull it off. Eddie gets a good look at Steve’s bat bites for the first time since March. Holy shit. They are black around the edges, the skin that is healed or at least not basically missing, is raw and gnarled.
The little scabbing there is discolored and sunken in. Eddie’s brain screams to fix, fix, fix. They shouldn’t look like this, they shouldn’t look like that at all. Drawing his gaze up to meet Steve’s eyeline he catches the state of the younger’s back in the mirror. It’s scared over there better on his stomach, the back of his arms- 
Eddie’s going to be sick.
He goes through the motions of getting himself and Steve undressed as the mirror steams up. He doesn’t think about it, can’t think about it. Steve is like puddy, moving where Eddie wants him too, and he’s so light. 
The shower is fast, Eddie turns the water down so it's not so hot against Steve’s skin. Eddie tries to mimic at least somewhat of a hair routine, this is his second shower today; Steve leans into the soft touches, almost cat-like with the way he was pushing into Eddie’s hands. 
He was making soothing noises at himself too, and clicks- which were borderline terrifying sounds. Eddie wants to know how Steve’s avoided making them around the Party. Because they seem almost like second nature.
Steve “wakes” up as Eddie finishes washing his own hair. The water had long stopped running red. It still smells like blood, but it’s no longer one of the only things he can smell. Steve puts a little distance between them while Eddie washes his hands and arms, trying to get the scent off of him.
Eddie keeps his eyes off of Steve for as long as he can without making it awkward. “Did- did you wash my hair?” Steve’s voice startles him, taking a step back he didn’t have in the small space, his heel catching on the drain. Slipping slightly, he jerks out a hand to hold himself up on the wall. 
Steve lets out a small laugh, it’s bitter, and a little lost- but it’s a laugh. “Fuck- ah, okay, that- could have been worse.” Eddie straightened himself up, rinsing off, and turning the water off. The cold leeches back in. “Uh, yeah. It- it looked like you needed it, and you got blood in it-” 
Eddie trailed off, twisting around to open the curtain. “I puked on your socks.” Steve’s voice is quiet, Eddie hums softly in response, pulling the towel on the hook and turning around to hold out a hand to help Steve out of the tub. 
“You did.” Steve hesitated before curling his long spindly fingers around Eddie’s, he gave the younger a weak smile. Eddie wraps Steve in the towel, turning around to get another one to hand to him for his hair.
He opens the cabinet under the sink in search of the extras, four blue towels stare back at him. Eddie takes two, curling one around his waist and kicking the door shut with his foot. “I- I’m not, I’m not sure what we are doing.” Eddie looks back at Steve, he looks lost. “Drying off after taking a shower.” Simply easy, that is what they were doing. Steve furrows his eyebrows, with his hair plastered to his forehead Eddie could see all his features. 
“I know that. But what are we doing?” Eddie knows logically that Steve hasn’t accepted his apology, nor does he ever expect the other to. So the other’s words don’t sting. They hurt sure, but they are deserved. “I don’t-” “Let's get dressed and then we can talk?” It feels like a cop-out, Eddie feels gross about it, but this isn’t a conversation he wants to have naked. 
“Uh, oh right, yeah-” They shuffle out of the bathroom as a set of clumsy limbs into Steve’s room, there’s two sets of clothes and a pack of bandages on the bed. Mrs. Josie must have came in while they were in the shower-
Eddie finishes drying off his legs, before grabbing a pair of underwear off the bed. He gets dressed faster than Steve does, he watches the younger out of the corner of his eye sluggishly tug on his clothes. He watches Steve touch his fingers against the marks on his sides, the hiss of warning creeps out of Eddie’s throat without warning. 
Steve’s hands jerk away from his wounds, and Eddie quiets the noise. He doesn’t reach to touch the bites again. 
Before Steve can tug on his shirt, Eddie digs through the small box and gets out the bandages. Holding them up with a question on his lips. They stare at each other for a long moment, before Steve steps up into Eddie’s space, his heart beating nervously in Eddie’s ears. 
He wraps the bits on Steve’s stomach, taping down the edges of soft pads to his pale skin, then wraps soft cloth around his full center. The spots on the younger's back aren’t in a good spot to wrap up, but Eddie still looks them over. It’s almost intimate.
The closeness, the feeling of Steve’s breath against his wet hair, the chilliness of his body. It’s all in Eddie’s face. And he’s not sure what to do with the way his brain buzzes. Mindlessly as he sets down the bandages on the bed he picks up Steve’s shirt, the other doesn’t even reach out to take it from him-
Just lifts his arms to slide them into the armholes when Eddie straightens back up. He does it without complaint, Steve doesn’t step away when he gets his shirt on either. It’s quiet, Eddie tilts his head to the side. Drops his eyes down to stare at the scar on Steve’s neck. 
“I’m sorry.” Eddie looks back at Steve’s eyes. The other looks away, stares at the otherside of the room, “I meant what I said, you don’t have to forgive me. You don’t have to give me the time of day, but I’d like to make it up to you. If you’d let me.” Eddie’s voice is hardly above a whisper. 
Steve’s eyes filled with tears, “I hate you.” it comes out broken and wet and Eddie wilts on the inside. Steve turns back to look at him, his chin wobbles, and Eddie’s heartbreaks a little more. Part of him expected something close to vicious hate to be festering in Steve’s eyes. 
But they just look sad.
“I hate you.” It comes out even quieter, and far more wet, tears trace down Steve’s cheeks- and the whole room smells like distress, loneliness, and heartbreak. Eddie’s own eyes well up tears, Steve smells so fucking sad, and it’s Eddie’s fault. 
Eddie opens his mouth, just slightly- working his jaw, “I know.” I’m sorry, empty words, they don’t make anything better, Eddie feels terrible but it's probably a fraction of what Steve has been feeling.
Taking a small Steve back trying to give the younger some space. “I hate you. I hate you. I hate you for what you did to me, I hate you for what you’ve made me.” Eddie nods, whispers out I know again, and again- I know and I’m so sorry Steve. 
Steve’s sobbing, it shatters the quiet, it catches Eddie in the chest. It aches, “I want you to go away, I want you to leave and never come back- I want to forget you ever existed. I want you to never speak to me again. I hate you,” Steve takes a stuttering breath, hardly sucks it in as Eddie steps back, ready to leave. He ducks his head slightly, reaching backwards to grab for the door handle. Steve lets out a wounded noise, high and keening- “Please don’t leave me.” Eddie jerks his head back around, there’s tears soaking the younger’s cheeks, panic and desperation written there. Steve’s sinking down to sit on the floor, harsh sobs wracking his tiny, thin frame. 
Eddie’s moving before he can stop himself, crossing the room is long strides- his knees hit the floor with a heavy thump, the force of it rattles through his bones. It doesn’t matter, arms reaching out to curl around Steve’s form. Steve lets out a heartbreaking sounding noise, clinging to Eddie’s shirt, pulling him towards him- his nails digging into his skin, the fabric does little to drown out the pinch. “Oh sweetheart- I’m so sorry, I won’t, I won’t leave you, I’m not going anywhere. Not until you can’t stand me anymore.”
“I hate you.” Steve sobs the words into his shirt, his whole body shaking, rattling at the force of his sobs. Eddie tucks his nose into Steve’s freshly washed hair. “I know.” They sit on the bedroom floor for a long time.
Ayyy, this was on the brain, so it got done instead of me studying :D. This ones got some of that Ao3 editing on the end, because I wrote it, basically went through the motions for the last scene and then added and moved stuff around. So- with the proper motivation I'll probably be doing that to the first portion of the Fic I want to post on ao3 first soon! I apologize if the formatting is weird. All of it's been a little funky lately- !! All of you are amazing, I still have no idea where you all come from, but you are here!! So That's nice :) I crave validation it is The motivation <3
Tag list:
@theghostinmymachine @sadcanadianwinter @failedstarsandgoldenclouds @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @bisexualdisastersworld @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @estrellami-1 @raysreads @knightofthieves @sassysleeplord @gezell-igg @ledleaf @haluton @h0n3y-dw @thegingerrapunzel @finalmoondragon @warrior-616 @lexyvey @thesuninyaface @whalesharksart @two-faced-biatch @plasticcrotches @xtkxkrzrizir @minjintea @potatofist18 @just-a-tiny-void @selune2 @hellomynameismoo @princessstevemunson @plantzzsandpencilzzs @wearelosersyoudumbfuck @dbquills @pheonixashtree @sharingisntkaren @gregre369 @chaoticlovingdreamer @obliosworld @littlebluejane
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justhere4thevibez · 1 year
I got tagged by @1lostsoul0fishbowl @pipergirl17 AND @pearlypairings weeks ago for this fic challenge, so thanks for all the love guys:
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
The Interview A fun college AU that starts out with Chrissy meeting Eddie when she interviews him for her journalism class and devolves into fake dating and real falling in love. Fluff, angst, and humor bundled into a fic that's very close to my heart.
A Very Harrington Christmas Chrissy agrees to be Steve's fake girlfriend to help him get Nancy back over a Christmas ski vacation and ends up falling for Eddie along the way. A Hallmark-esque comedy of errors with Christmas shenanigans aplenty.
Hold Onto Me Vampire Eddie tries to help clairvoyant Chrissy figure out her gift - and tries not to fall for her while he does. Angst, supernatural elements, and my very first explicit smut lol.
Devil in the Woods A fairytale-esque story where Chrissy runs away from her family, only to fall right into the arms of the devil himself, Eddie Munson (who isn't quite as scary as he seems). Whimsy, magic, and a lot of hurt/comfort.
Long Is the Road Out of Hell I'd be remiss not to add this one, my most popular fic to date. Chrissy joins Hellfire club in the hopes of getting Jason to dump her, but with Eddie's help she gains a whole lot more than that. Hurt/comfort, Chrissy becoming a nerd, and the Mike Wheeler we all deserved to see.
I decided to only do long fics for this, because I never would've been able to choose otherwise lol. If anyone wants to see my top five oneshots, feel free to inbox me!
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gaysindistress · 1 year
When Night Comes - Fifteen
Summary: Who would win in a staring contest? New York’s resident mob boss and master of the side eye Bucky Barnes or the daycare teacher who really wants to go home and smoke?
pairing: Mob!Vampire!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: cursing, lowkey smutty times, talks of sex/sexual things, mentions of death/murder/dead body, angst, there's a second rat in the Strigoi gang (sorry not sorry)
Word count: 2.7k
Fourteen | masterlist
A/n: Once again the wonderful @vonalyn came in clutch and helped me with this part💕💕 I'm officially done with my bachelor's so I'll have more time to write 😭
tag list: @cakesandtom @elizacusi-blog @unaxv @hidden-treasures21 @buckybarnessimpp @vonalyn @thebuckybarnesvault
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest
March 3, 1922
New York City
Sweat beads on her brow as she shoves her exhausted body behind a brick wall. Her chest constricts when she hears the sick sounds of laughter and inhuman like growls. The group of disgusting feral men that were chasing her are nearing with every passing moment and she is running out of options. They call out to her: “Celeste, come out come out wherever you are. Your Strigoi bastard of a husband can’t protect you now.” 
Another round of sick laughter falls on her ears as she chokes back a sob when their foul smell rips into her nose. Celeste’s fight or flight senses are working themselves into the dirt but nothing is coming up to help her. Having been turned many years before, she gave up any magic that she had been born with and she pleads with her ancestors to save her just this once. 
“Please,” she begs internally as she looks tearfully to the sky. The Lycan gang is closing in on her when the dark night sky opens up and a steak of lightening answers her prayers. 
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May 25, 1923
Bucharest, Romania
“What do you mean I can’t go back?” Celeste scoffs at her husband who is refusing to look at her, “Bucky.”
He keeps his calm composure when he issues his final verdict, “It’s too dangerous. Your coven agreed to keep you safe as long as you remain here.”
“You spoke to my coven without me? You could’ve gotten yourself killed, you absolute fool! Any agreement with them will only result in your suffering, you must know that.”
“All that matters is that you’re safe, okay? End of story,” he hisses after turning to face his angry wife.
She shakes her head at his stupid decision, “when?”
When he doesn’t answer, she demands again, “When did you do this?” 
She takes a deep breath and twists the ring he had given her the night before, “What did you agree to?”
Bucky doesn’t speak for a long while and meets her stare. 
He relents but only to give up one piece of information, “As long as you’re on Romanian soil and wearing your ring, you will be safe.”
“I can’t believe you,” she whispers, “You went behind my back, made a century long deal, and hid it from me? I told you that I had this handled but of course, you had to do it yourself and make things worse in the process.”
“I did what I had to do, Celeste. We didn’t have the time to wait around another 10 months for you to negotiate with those con artists” and with that he leaves her to ponder over his words. 
Her anger boils to the surface, unable to keep itself under control. She lets out something akin to a roar and in the process, breaks Bucky’s heart. 
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January 7, 1945
Peggy smiles nervously at Celeste as they both jitter and anticipation. Bucky and Steve are awaiting the bride and her maid of honor just on the other side of the doors. Seeing as how Peggy ran away, there’s very few people in attendance at this wedding. Very few meaning quite literally only ten. Various Strigoi from other territories and witches forced there by treaties make up the small crowd. 
A townsperson well trusted by Bucky holds the doors shut. He gives them a brief and tightlipped smile before opening the doors.
Onward goes the wedding, and within moments, the happy couple are married. An elaborate celebration follows all thanks to Bucky and his love for his best friend since birth Steve. A witch that Celeste recognizes as an elder for the coven, Marguerite, beckons her towards the back of the room and away from the prying eyes. When she approaches the woman, she’s led out and that’s when Marguerite lays the worst news Celeste would be given - the full truth behind Romania’s curse.
In his efforts to protect the one he loved most, Bucky made a blood deal with her coven - one that would mean his ruination as well if it breaks. While the coven agreed to protect Celeste by banning Lycans for a century, what they did not tell him was if he didn’t do as he promised to keep her there, Celeste would no longer be protected and a ban on both Lycan and Strigoi would be put in place.
While the coven’s power pulls from Celeste’s line of doppelgängers, she had been the most powerful that was until she was turned. Becoming a Strigoi meant that her connection to her coven and the power they needed ended. If they wanted to ever regain that beacon, Celeste would need to die and soon so that the new doppelgänger could be born.
Seeing as how the Lycan had tried to kill her in the past several times, her death would be inevitable so the coven would get everything they wanted; a thought that made her skin crawl and her stomach to rotten. 
“What else did you lie to him about?” Celeste hissed at the old woman. 
Marguerite shrugged, “We did not lie to him. It is his fault if he did not ask for the full agreement.” 
“I’ll ask then, what else did he agree to?”
“He will bring us our next binecuvântat, blessed one.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
She smiled a devilish smile, “He will. We have made certain of it.”
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June 26, 1948
The Wright Lycan family had finally made true on their promise to take all that Bucky loved from him. 
The evidence? 
Celeste’s body floating lifelessly in the foul waters of the Hudson river and a picture of her nailed to the front door of their shared home. 
Steve could do nothing to console Bucky and figured it best to let the feral, grief driven man hold his wife one last time. Peggy collapsed into Steve’s arms as Bucky pulled Celeste from the water, chanting that it had been her fault, that she was supposed to be with her but wasn’t feeling good so she stayed home. 
His screams of agony could be heard for miles. All else had been fallen silent as Bucky mourned the murder of his love. 
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Sometime in 2022
The thin silver chain never bothered him but the weight of the ring that it carried was a constant reminder of the hole in his heart. 
The metal of the small band that she had worn for years burned against his neck as Bucky got out of his car to pick up Wyatt. The burn turned into a deep ache that engulfed his entire body to the point of him almost doubling over in pain. He had to grip the door handle to the school as it raked over his body. The smell of jasmine and honey instantly soothed his pain and Wyatt tackled him moments later. 
Picking up the small boy, the ache turned into a pulling sensation that wanted Bucky to follow that sweet smell and his breath left his body once again when he found the source. Before him stood Celeste or what appeared to be a doppelgänger of her. That small sweet smile was what he saw noticed first but he hopes of his love returning to him were dashed when he saw the hallow look in this woman’s eyes. Years of heart ache and misery had dampened the light that he knew used to live in her warm eyes but still the necklace begged to take its rightful place around her neck. 
“Hi, can I see your ID?” she asked. 
Wyatt giggled in his arms and brought Bucky back down to earth as he fumbled for his wallet. 
She handed back his ID, “Thank you Mr. Barnes. I’m the new site director and I’m carding all adults at pick up until I know everyone.”
Her voice nearly shattered him as he hadn’t heard it in years, “Bucky… You can call me Bucky.”
She smiled, “Sunny.”
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Luca paces the kitchen, wearing even more ruts into the ancient stone floor with his anxiety. Thor, Loki, and Ana Cristina ignore him as they hunch over their own books, all searching for something to lead them into the right direction. They had been at it for hours but nothing had been found. Loki makes a show of slamming his book shut and leaning back as he speaks,  “Maybe this isn’t something we fix, Ana. Y/N is the doppelgänger that he’s supposed to bring back and she’s here now so I don’t really see how the Lycan being here has anything to do with us.”
She shoots him an angry look, “They shouldn’t be here so yes this is something that we fix. If they’re here, that means something is wrong.”
“I don’t see it that way,” he counters, “We get to Y/N first and boom, no more problems. We get our magic restored to full strength and then we can deal with those demoni, demons.” 
Luca gasps in horror and looks around to make sure that no one else is around, “those demoni as you so brashly called them are our friends, neighbors, employers. Show them more respect than that and get back to searching for an answers.”
Thor takes his cue to speak up, “I agree with Loki. Why do we have to protect them when we could very easily get Y/N to come with us? She hates Bucky doesn’t she?” “It’s becoming quite the opposite,” another voice pipes in and the group freezes. Peggy steps out from the shadows and all but glides over to them. She lands a hand on Loki’s shoulder as she continues, “they’re starting to develop feelings, dare I say fall in love so she’s not going to just leave. You’ll have to convince her and with how stubborn she is, I doubt any of you’d be successful.”
She looks around the group and narrows her eyes on the elderly woman, “But you. You’re the only other person that she trusts besides Bucky.  It wouldn’t be that hard if you were the one to do it.”
“I would…”
Peggy waves a hand in annoyance, “‘I would never do that.’ Don’t feed me some lie about how he’s been kind to you and you could never betray his trust like that. Bucky turned your beloved doppelgänger and nearly ended your entire coven. He was the one who got her murdered and nearly cursed your people in the process. He would do it to you and you know that because he is not a loyal creature. You are though, Ana Cristina, show that loyalty and do what’s right by your coven.”
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Alix’s phone rings and John looks to her. 
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“Apparently Loki and Thor are the only ones that are willing to take one for the team,” she sneers, “Peggy is pretty much useless now so looks like we need another plan and quick before Ana and Luca blab to Bucky.”
“Already ahead of you,” John says as he drops his phone into her lap, “Juliette found a way in… well more like she found someone to get us in.”
Alix twists her head back to look at Juliette is curled into a ball, reading a book, “Oh? Finally started pulling your own weight?”
Eyes trained on the book, she says, “no, gaining trust actually takes time but it’s not like you’d know that.”
“Excuse me?”
Brock chokes on his coffee on the other side of the couch and John shots him a stern look. 
“People don’t usually respond well to physical intimidation. Didn’t your mom teach you that violence isn’t always the answer or did you beat her too?”
Alix is on her feet in seconds, her chair sliding backwards from the force of her standing. She rips the book from Juliette’s hands and pushes her further into the cushions. 
“I never beat anyone.”
Juliette can feel the Lycan in her wanting to shrink back but she can’t. She refuses to back down from this, “I saw the bruises, the marks, the handprints. I saw the way Y/N shook when you were next to her or how she’d flinch when you’d touch her. I watched her become more and more afraid of you but still stayed. I saw it all, everyone did.”
“I didn’t beat Y/N.”
“You can lie to yourself all you want but you’re not fooling anyone. Why else would you be chasing after her?”
Alix fights the urge to rip Juliette’s throat out with her teeth, “I love her.”
The former rat of the Lycan gang rolls her eyes, “No you’re abusive and pissed off that your victim got away.”
Alix growls and goes to lung at her but Brock and John are quick to pull her away before any damage is done.
Brock slides over and gently pushes Alix back, “Let it go. We need her to get to Yelena.” 
She freezes, “Yelena? That’s who your fucking contact is?”
John speaks up, “Apparently she didn’t know some things about Bucky and Peggy enlightened her for us.”
“I have a hard time believing that but,” she growls again at Juliette, “we don’t have a choice. After this, though, you’re fucking done and I’ll kill you myself.”
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“Okay okay, so what does it feel like?” 
Bucky stares up at the night sky, blue eyes scanning over the stars and the full moon. The grass under his head crunches as he turns it to look at Y/N. 
“What does what feel like?” 
“Drinking, what does it feel like?”
His brows furrow although he knows what she’s referring to. 
“Don’t make me spell it out,” she gives him a bored look but does so anyway, “what does drinking someone’s blood feel like?”
“What does drinking water feel like?”
She rolls her eyes, “I mean does it feel good?”
“It can feel like an orgasm sometimes.” 
Sharply inhaling, she quickly recovers and attempts to pick a new subject, “can you eat human food?”
He turns his head back with a smirk, “it’s like when you can’t stop thinking about someone all day and you’re so turned on that it hurts. Nothing makes it better, your hand doesn’t do the job but there isn’t a toy that compares either. The only thing that makes it even a little bit better is the person that you’ve been thinking of. When you finally do get to fuck them, you almost don’t last but when you do cum, it’s life changing. You forgot your name and how to breathe , all that you can think of is them. That’s what drinking from someone feels like.” 
While he can’t see her, he can feel how her body has gotten hotter and how she’s started to squirm so much that she accidentally brushes against his side. He didn’t need to use any of his heightened senses to tell that his little monologue had the desired effect. 
“I can show you,” he offers. 
“Show me? What are ....” She trails off when she realizes what he’s actually offering and he chuckles, “do it.”
Courage swirls in her chest albeit not for long as he moves from laying beside her to settling between her legs. The muscles of his bicep bulge as he lowers himself to whisper against her ear, “you think I don’t hear your moans at night when you touch yourself or how frustrated you get because it’s your hand and not mine?” 
Y/N’s eyes open wide at his confession and she can feel his smirk grows even bigger as he dips his head to kiss under her ear. 
“I can’t say that I’m much better though. Ever since that night, all I’ve thought about is you. Everything is you, you, you,” he emphasizes his point with wet kisses that trail down her neck and jawline, " I can't tell you how many times I’ve found myself in front of your door at night.”
“Coward,” she mutters and he freezes. 
Bucky pulls back enough to look at her, “what did you just call me?” 
Taking this opportunity, she pushes up onto her elbows and almost causes him to fall to the side. 
“I called you a coward for not doing anything,” she playfully teases him, “if you can hear me saying your name, you can definitely hear everything else I say in between.”
“I’m the coward? No no,” he leans into her, “I think you’re the coward here. My room is only two doors down, Dragă and i’ve never found you outside my door..”
“I only found that out a few days ago.”
“That’s a lie,” he snorts, “I distinctly remember pointing out my room to you when we got here. If you weren’t listening because you’re too hard headed, that’s on you.”
Y/N fully pushes him back and he does fall to the side this time. She springs to her feet and starts to walk backwards. 
“Where are you going?” He asks as he gets to his feet and she starts walking faster away from him. 
“To my room.”
“Why’s that?”
She gives him a wink and says, “to test if you’ll come into my room tonight,” before taking off in a full sprint towards the house. 
He shakes his head and chuckles before chasing after her. 
A twig snaps off to his right and a pair of gold eyes flash beyond the tree line.
Yelena curses under her breathe as she ducks behind the trees so neither Bucky nor Y/N sees her. The owner of the gold eyes comes to her side, shivering and wrapping her coat around her tighter.
“We couldn’t have met during the day?” Juliette muttered, rubbing her arms with her hands.
The blonde nervously looks toward the house before speaking, “no. I’m already doing something stupid, I don’t want to add to it.”
“Fine. Did you bring it?”
The it being a gun, Bucky’s matte black Glock 19 to be exact, that Yelena pulled from her holster.
“You can get rid of the hex, right?”
Juliette takes it from her hands and examines the gun, “I mean not entirely. I can reverse it so that the hex effects Peggy but that’s all. Will that be a problem?”
Shrugging, Yelena glances back at the house, “if you’re not lying to me, then she deserves this. Alix still thinks I’m helping you, right?”
Juliette nods, “only problem is she’s starting to get impatient so the timeline is speeding up and I don’t know how long you have anymore .”
“Don’t worry about me,” Yelena assures her, “just get the hex reversed and bring it back as soon as you can. I’m sure Bucky’s going to find out you’re here soon enough so we’ll be ready for her.”
The other woman gives her a skeptical look but let’s her worries go nonetheless. She tucks the gun into her waist and disappears into the forest behind them.
Stress grows thick in Yelena’s heart but she still knows that what she’s doing is the right thing… for Y/N. Partnering with the enemy would be frowned upon usually but if the enemy is turning against their own, it’s a different story or so she hopes.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
If you have any interest in the vampire Eddie... maybe him having the hypnosis and putting Steve in a trance and it's super relaxing and he actually loves it? (I know this has been done before, but I wish there was more)
I definitely have seen this a couple times but I love the concept so much we deserve more.
"Ok so fangs? Check. Drinking blood? Check. Wings? No. Turn into a bat? Yes. Claws? No. Pale? Yes. Hmmm what else do vampires do?"
Eddie and Dustin had been trying to figure out the extent of Eddie's "condition" since he seemingly came back from the dead a few months ago. Eddie now had his bat transforming abilities down pat, Eddie really loves flying around or sitting in Steve's polo pocket.
"Well what else does the handbook say?"
"Vampires can use psychic abilities on their victims. Maybe you can read minds like El?"
Eddie shrugs and tries to read Dustin's mind looking deep into his eyes.
"Nope not getting any weird visions about Suzie, oh shit is it eight already Steve is gonna kill me, grab my keys would you," Eddie says tugging on his boots.
Dustin silently stands, picking Eddie's keys off the table and holding them out to Eddie with a blank stare.
"Ummm Dusty, bud? You ok?"
Dustin shakes his head seemingly coming out of whatever state he was in.
"Woahhhh dude I think you have mind control powers!"
"oh shit really, that's so cool! We shall experiment further tomorrow."
Eddie pulls up to Steve's apartment, tripping over himself getting up the stairs and unlocking the door.
"Sorry I'm late sweetheart."
Steve rolls his eyes before going over to hug him, "Missed you today, work was shit."
"Oh I'm sorry baby, want to talk about it?"
Steve shakes his head, "Nah, how was Dustin? Discover any weird new vampire things?"
"Oh I think we did actually, Dustin is pretty sure I can control minds, wanna help me test it" Eddie says wiggling his eyebrows.
Steve laughs, "sure" and leads them both to the couch.
"Ok, hmmm what to make you do? Ooo should make you kiss me," this makes Steve laugh again kissing Eddie's cheek. "I do that very willingly already, Eds."
"You're right."
"Just surprise me, I trust you." And doesn't that warm Eddie's heart, he kisses Steve's cheek nodding.
"Ok here it goes," Eddie looks deep into Steve's eyes like he did with Dustin, "Come sit on my lap sweetheart," Steve seems to get a relaxed expression over his face and crawls into Eddie's lap. Eddie could see the stress of the day wrinkled into his boyfriend's face, Steve looked so tired and hadn't been sleeping much lately. "Close your eyes and sleep, darling." Steve dutifully closes his eyes and relaxes into Eddie's chest, his breathe evening out as he falls asleep.
Steve wakes up a couple hours later, with Eddie running his fingers through his hair, reading a book. "Hey there Stevie, how you feeling?"
"Like I just had the best nap ever, did it work or did I just fall asleep instead?"
"It worked, I just also told you to fall asleep you looked like you really needed it. How did it feel?"
"Like I didn't have to worry about anything anymore, I just had to listen to you and what you wanted. It was really nice actually, to let go so easily, maybe we could do this more often, and not just for sleeping."
"We'll see baby, but that's a conversation for tomorrow, I think it's time we head to bed."
"You don't even sleep!"
"Yeah but you do, plus you're cute when you sleep."
"You're lucky I love you, weirdo"
"Yeah, I am."
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elliewlums · 2 years
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞 [𝐞.𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧]
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: ANGST ALL OF THE ANGST, post eddie’s death, eddie appears to be a hallucination but it’s more complicated than that, vampire!eddie, so much pain n crying lololol
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you know it’s silly to ignore what’s happening. eddie does too. you try to force yourself through the feeling, try to let go, but your limbs won’t let you. they cling right to him, your face pressed to his chest as you soak his dio t-shirt. he rocks you, back and forth, back and forth, desperate to soothe your distress.
“c’mon, angel. it’s okay, shh, shhh.”
you sob and curl your fingers around his shirt.
“i can’t. i can’t.”
“you can. you’re my strong girl.” he nuzzles the top of your head. “you’re gonna be fine. just fine.”
something unpleasant and all too overwhelming lodges in your chest as you push yourself further into his firm body. you inhale and try to commit the smell of him to memory: his scent, how he feels under your hands, every minute detail. you slip your hands beneath his clothes and trace the moles on his back, connecting them like constellations, each one unique and his.
“please, eddie.” you’re not above resorting to begging and kicking and screaming.
“baby, you know i can’t. i have to go, birdie.” the nickname is supposed to make you laugh; it doesn’t have the desired effect. instead it just irritates the raw wounds of your broken heart: the familiar name, the fondness that came with it.
“jus’ one more minute.” your grip on him is like iron and your heart aches, the eddie shaped hole he carved through it bleeding and throbbing the closer it gets to the inevitable. “please.” you try again. your voice quivers and cracks with the weight of more tears stuck in your throat. “please, it hurts. jus’ come back and make it better, baby. please.”
his hands take hold of your shaking arms and force you to sit on the couch. he makes you look at him, those wide chocolate button eyes searching for your own tearful ones. he’s so gentle, devoted as he brushes the hair stuck to your wet face and catches your rapidly falling tears with his thumbs.
“gotta catch ‘em. wipe ‘em away, angel.” you shake your head and shuffle close to him, until you’re pressed against his body. he gazes down at you, lovesick— even now.
“i should be so mad at you,” you whisper suddenly. “how could you leave me like that? leave wayne? dustin?”
“i wasn’t thinking like that.” he says. you sniff.
“i wish you thought a little more. i wish you didn’t throw yourself to those monsters. eddie.”
“it hurts to even be alive without you, ed.” you tell him, your voice no more than a faint whisper. “i wish it was me instead of you. every day i wish it was me.”
“you can’t say that.”
“why not? what if it were me and you lived? what would you do?”
he inhales a sharp breath and his face crumples as you busy yourself twirling the ends of his hair. you can’t even look at his face without visibly cracking.
“i’m sorry.” he whispers. your eyes meet his and you force out a shaky smile.
“me too.”
he kisses your forehead, your cheek, the corner of your mouth. you sag and revel in his company, his closeness, after feeling so empty for so long. you go soft and malleable in his arms.
“birdie, it’s time.”
“one more minute,” you croak. “just ‘til i fall asleep?”
“okay.” he agrees, sweet on you and unable to deny.
“i dream about you,” you murmur. “every night you’re there.”
“mhm.” you snuggle closer, press your face to his neck. “i miss you.”
“i miss you too, birdie. go to sleep, okay? you’ll feel better.”
you close your eyes as he rocks you and hums until your breath evens out; it’s the quickest you’ve fallen asleep in months, the easiest.
you wake groggy and to a pair of hands on your face. they’re not eddie’s; they lack the cold bite of his rings, the rough callouses from years of guitar playing. you groan and push them away, try to lull yourself back to sleep. it’s not the same.
“why did you wake me up?” you demand, voice quiet. steve crouches by you.
“you don’t look comfortable.”
you start to cry and he’s startled; huge droplets cascade down your cheeks and leave tracks in their wake as you hiccup and sob, wrapping your arms around yourself for comfort.
“hey, hey,” he murmurs, lifting you into his lap. “i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have.”
you gasp and press the back of your hand to your mouth to muffle your distress. it’s a raw moment, one steve never expected to witness.
“it’s okay. shh, shh. it’s okay.”
“it hurts,” you say, your voice high.
“what hurts?” you hit your chest with a clenched fist. once, twice, then again with more force. steve traps your hands after that. “i know. i know.”
“should’ve been me. wish it was me, steve.”
“i know. but you can’t think like that; it won’t do any good.”
a pair of eyes flash into your peripheral vision through the glass of your window. you sniff and wipe tears away with the back of your hand, sitting up.
“d’ya see that?” you croak.
“see what?”
“‘s someone out there.”
from the outside of your house, eddie crouches beneath the window and winces; you saw him, you knew he was there. he couldn’t help but go to you last night. you’re in so much pain; he wanted it to go away, even for a little while.
you didn’t even realise it was him, not really. you thought he was a figment of your mind, some sick creation your consciousness gave to you. a hallucination.
eddie wants nothing more than to go to you now, but he’s terrified of hurting you. his new form scares him; the hunger he feels isn’t human and he couldn’t live with himself if something happened to you.
so for now he’ll keep his distance and let the others take care of you. he’ll visit on bad nights and rock you to sleep and try to ease some of the agony he’s put you through. maybe one day you can be together again. him and his birdie. even if it’s just for one more minute.
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
Twice Bitten, Never Shy - s.h. | e.m.
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Summary: Eddie is alive. You don't know how, but it doesn't matter, does it? He's here, except... he's not back. He's been distant; sneaking out, skipping Hellfire. But tonight? You and Steve are finally going to find out why.
Word count: 4.3k
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader x Eddie Munson
Warnings: vampire!Eddie!!! blood drinking, baby!!! if that grosses you out, maybe skip this one. I literally have no clue why Eddie would be a vampire but he is and he's still Eddie. Some self-flagellation (he chains himself up) and starving on Eddie's part, hurt comfort, angst with a fluffy ending.
A/N: oh lord. *drops this and scuttles away* Exposing myself as a vamp Eddie truther. Hope y'all like this one! In this fic, blood drinking provides a relaxing "high" for the drinked (blood provider).
BTW I wrote this with a plus sized/heavier reader in mind but there isn't much description of her body. If that bothers you then *shrug.* Eddie would think everybody's blood is fucking delicious.
Happy almost Halloween! Eddie Munson drink my blood WHEN.
divider by firefly-graphics
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"We should do something special."
"Huh?" Steve looks up from where he was stacking videos. “You mean for Halloween?"
"For Eddie," you say. "I think he could use some cheering up."
“Is something wrong?” Steve asks, immediately alert.
“No, no." You shake your head. "I’m just worried about him.”
Steve hums. “Dustin said Eddie's been missing Hellfire.”
Eddie Munson had been pronounced dead seventy-seven days ago. Dustin had returned alone and Steve had held you while you cried. The funeral had less than twenty people, limited to Wayne, Hellfire and the lunch club. After they'd lowered Eddie’s empty coffin into the ground, you’d sprinted into the church bathroom and lost your breakfast.
Two weeks later, Eddie had climbed through an open window in his trailer. He’d nearly given Wayne a heart attack. Bloody and dirty, it'd been short of a miracle no one had called the cops on him. 
But he's back. And that's all that matters. Right?
“Wayne says he hears him creep out at night,” you confess. “Won’t tell him where he’s going.”
You and Steve had found solace in each other after the earthquakes. You’d established a routine of sorts, both of you working to provide relief and comfort for the people of Hawkins. And at the end of the day, you'd slept over Steve's house more nights than not. While Hawkins had only known the earthquakes, those of you who’d experienced Vecna’s horrors up close remained haunted. Steve’s bed had been warm and he hadn't minded when you’d curled up closer to chase away the nightmares.
“Where do you think he goes?” 
You can't see Steve behind the shelves but you hear his implication. No one has an explanation for how Eddie had returned. The frightening thought that perhaps Vecna isn't as gone as you'd hoped lingers. Eddie won't talk about what happened—not with Wayne, and certainly not with any of you. 
“Please don’t make me tell you,” he’d said the first and only time you’d dared to ask. 
“I don’t know, Steve,” you reply quietly. “I wish he’d talk to us.”
He stands and approaches, movies in hand. Steve pulls you close. 
“We could check on him through a movie night?" He holds up three videos. "Eddie hasn't caught up with the new releases. No scary stuff.”
Steve tries for a smile. You mirror it, grateful he's on board. 
“Yeah," you nod eagerly. "And we’ll get food from the diner. Eddie likes their burgers. Do you think he's eating enough? I mean, he has to eat something but I keep thinking what if the Upside Down made it harder. Is Wayne noticing? Should we—"
"Y/N," Steve soothes. "Hey, hey. Deep breath."
You lean against him, forcing air into your lungs. 
“Sorry,” you whisper. “I’m just worried. I miss him. Which is stupid, 'cause he's back but it's not same."
Steve squeezes your hip gently. 
“I know. Gotta say, I miss the old Eddie too."
"I should've checked on him earlier," you lament. "Just seemed like he was avoiding all of us and I didn't wanna push but…" You throw your hands up. "I don't know!" 
"No, I get it. I think checking on him is a smart idea, baby. Eddie’s been acting off and we'll sort it out. I’m sure he’s just been working through what happened, y’know? Like the rest of us.”
“Yeah,” you say, wanting to be as confident as Steve. “You’re probably right.”
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The trailer park is dead. You suppose that's due to the fact that most people are still recovering from the earthquakes. You personally aren't too keen on being out after dark either. 
Eddie's van is outside. Wayne's truck is not. Steve jogs up the steps first and knocks on the doorframe. 
"Hey, Munson, it's us! We brought some food and movies. Thought maybe you could use a…" Steve glances at you questioningly. "Night in?" 
"With friends," you add. "If you'll have us."
“I chose the movies,” Steve offers.
“I screened them to make sure they don’t totally suck,” you grin, earning an eye roll from Steve.
No reply. You peer in through the screen door. There are a few dishes in the sink and a single lamp is on by the couch. Besides that, no sign of life. 
"Eddie?" you try again. "You there?" 
"Y/N?" croaks a voice. 
You catch a silhouette of dark curls, just out of light's reach. 
"Hey, Eds," you say softly. "It's us. Me and Steve."
"Uh," comes the reply. "H-hey. What're you guys doing here?"
"Thought you could use some company," says Steve. "We come bearing gifts. Got diner food and everything." He shakes the bag. "Your favorite heart attack on a plate."
"And movies! We can finally make Steve watch all three Star Wars."
"Yippee," deadpans Steve. 
"Oh," Eddie says thinly. "That sounds great, guys. Y’know I'd love to, it's just I'm—I'm super sick. Sick as a dog. You guys should go."
"We don't mind, Eds," you murmur. "We just didn't want you to be alone. Have you eaten? I can make you some soup."
You start to turn the handle. 
"Don't!" he yells, loud enough to startle you. 
Steve rests a hand on your back. "What's going on, man? Everything okay?" 
"Nothing's… I just can't today. Go home, please."
The shadow disappears. You glance worriedly at Steve, who shakes his head. He pulls open the door and you hesitantly follow him in. The lock chain has been snapped off.
"Eds, you don't sound okay…" 
Across the trailer, Eddie's bedroom door slams. You whip your head around. Steve steps forward, holding an arm out to keep you behind him. He sets the food on the counter. 
"Eddie?" you call out, voice getting higher. "Eddie, what’s going on?" 
"I'm fine!" is the instant response. "Go home. I'll c–catch you tomorrow."
There's a thump behind the door. Then a jangling sound, like that of metal. You peek around Steve's shoulder.
"Eddie, this isn't cool," he warns. "C'mon, man. If something's going on, tell us."
You both know what the other is thinking: had Vecna returned? Eddie had his oddities now and then, but he'd never shoot you down like this. 
Steve puts a hand on the doorknob and turns. It's locked. 
"You need to leave." Eddie's voice is sharper, like he's in pain. "I'm serious. Go."
More metal. A heavy clunk. Then Eddie cries out, quick and cut off. 
"Eddie?" you say again, jiggling the doorknob. "Eddie, let us in!" 
"Go away!" he growls, nearly unrecognizable. 
That's enough for Steve. He drags you back and throws all his weight into the door. It splinters open, and you both stumble through. 
"Steve!" You rush to him, hovering. "Oh my God. Are you okay? Anything hurt?" 
"I'm fine." He picks up his head. "I'm… holy shit."
You turn. Eddie is in his desk chair. He's hunched over, wheezing quietly. Around his wrists and chest are thick iron chains. You can see burns where the iron touched his skin. He's paler than usual, alabaster to the point of concern. But the biggest difference is Eddie's eyes. Normally a rich brown, the irises are now a dull red. And they're locked on you. 
He looks mortified you're here, though you'd bet good money he isn't as mortified to see you as you are him. 
"Eddie, oh my God. What—what are you doing? What happened to your eyes? Are you on drugs?" you blurt, going to your knees in front of the chair. “Steve, call an ambulance.”
"No! Don't touch me! Y/N, please. Both of you. You have to leave."
"I'm not leaving you, not when you're chained up! Who did this? Eddie, what's going on?" 
You struggle with the chains; you can hardly believe Eddie managed to heave them over himself. He rolls back before you have a chance to try to free him. He sags against the armrests.  
"Leave 'em," he pants. 
"They're hurting you! Steve, help me," you beg. 
Steve gets closer, then stops.
"Steve, come on," you urge. "He's in pain, what are you…"
Steve looks at you, then at Eddie. Carefully, he steps in front of you. 
"Eddie," he begins. "What happened in the Upside Down?"
"I," Eddie chokes. His eyes are glassy. "I was dead. I am dead."
You stand, about to approach. But Steve holds your arm. Wearily, Eddie watches you. He shuts his eyes and opens his mouth. Long white fangs protrude from his top gums. It's a wonder they don't cut into his lip. 
"Jesus Christ," breathes Steve. 
"Eddie?" you try meekly. "Wh-what…"
"I came back a monster!" he explodes. Steve's grip tightens on your arm. "I have to chain myself down to keep from hurting anybody. I can't eat, can't sleep. Hawkins should hunt me down."
"Don't say that," you say. Your brain is static. "You're not a monster, Eddie. Whatever it is, we can—"
"You need to leave. I can't—"
He crumples with a shout. You jerk forward, slipping out of Steve's grip. 
"Eddie! Ed, talk to me. What's wrong? Steve," you urge. "Steve, please help me get these off of him."
"No," Eddie grunts. "Steve, get her out."
"No!" you yell. "I'm not leaving you like this. Tell me what will fix it. What'll make the pain go away?" 
"I just have to wait it out," Eddie says, but his eyes are sunken, cheeks gaunt. Monster or not, Eddie is killing himself. 
"Not if you're in pain! Is it Vecna? Is he making you do things?" 
"No," Eddie sniffles. "No, he's not, and that's the worst part. It's all me. I'm the fuckin' sicko who has to chain himself up so I'll keep everybody safe."
"Safe from what?" Steve demands. 
Eddie looks at him, maroon eyes wide. And you know. You both do. 
"It's in all the D&D books," Eddie laughs wetly. "Should've seen it coming. Self-fulfilling prophecy, really."
"You… " You swallow. "You can't wait it out forever, Eds," you say. You put a hand on his knee. "You have to eat."
"I can't," he cries. "I tried so many times. But I can't keep anything down. Not even animals. I swear to you."
"I know," you soothe. "I believe you. It's okay."
You bend over him, inspecting the worst of the burns. Steve hovers, still unsure. He winces at the angry red welts criss crossed over Eddie's arms. 
"Steve," you say, swallowing hard so you won't tear up in front of Eddie. "Get the first aid kit. It's in the medicine cabinet."
You'd insisted Wayne have one after he'd sliced his finger fixing your car. 
"Whoa, hold on. What are you doing, Y/N?" Steve asks. 
"We have to tend to the burns. I'll stay with him."
"No," Eddie begs. "I don't trust myself. I don't wanna hurt you, Y/N. I can't. Please don't do this."
"Eds," you hush. "You won't hurt me. It's okay. I'm gonna help you. Steve?"
Steve, after much deliberation, hurries out to get the first aid kit. 
"I don't need first aid," Eddie mumbles. "It'll heal as soon as I take 'em off."
"I figured," you say quietly. "Just wanted Steve to take a minute alone. Will you at least let me untie your feet?"
Eddie had bound his feet with heavy duty nylon rope, and they cut into his ankles.  
"No," he grits. "I have to protect you guys."
So you crawl next to him instead. You aren't afraid. He's still Eddie. 
"How long have you been doing this?" you murmur. 
"C-couple months. Ever since I came back. At first I could ignore it but the hunger pangs got stronger."
You make a soft noise, chewing your lip. 
"You gotta eat, Eddie. This is killing you."
"Can't kill something that's already dead," he huffs. "Anything's better than hurting people. I'll never eat again if it'll keep people safe."
You put a hand to the side of your neck, feeling your blood pulse through your veins. Eddie looks away, face twisted. Steve returns then, tossing the kit beside you. He goes to his knees next to you on the floor. 
"What happened? Y/N?"
"I'm okay," you say. "Eddie's been starving himself since he got back."
Steve's mouth drops in horror. 
"That's almost three months. How are you still going?"
Eddie eyes him warily. "I did what I had to. What if I attacked somebody? Couldn't—"
He stops, whimpering in pain. It's getting worse, his hair matted with sweat. 
"Steve, get these off him," you order. 
"No no, Y/N, you don't understand," Eddie panics shakily. "This is the only thing holding me back."
"You don't have to hold back," you say softly. 
"What're you talking about?" 
You take a deep breath, trying to keep your voice measured. 
"You don't have to hold back because you'll drink from me."
Eddie throws himself backwards at that, shaking his head.
"Nope, no way. Absolutely not. No way in hell."
"Y/N," Steve starts. "Are you sure…"
"He's sick, Steve!" you burst. "This is the only way to help him. What are we supposed to do? Let him waste away?" 
"But what if something happens…"
"Eddie's not some bloodthirsty monster," you snap. "He's starved himself for months and he's still lucid and begging us to leave. He'd die before he asks for help."
Steve's resolve is slipping. Eddie's close to losing consciousness. 
"This isn't something a hospital can fix."
Who knows how much longer he can go like this?
"I can't lose him again," you beg. "He's our friend."
Steve sighs, body sagging in defeat. 
"Okay, okay. But we need ground rules. If you start feeling dizzy or anything, it stops."
"Deal," you agree.
"I'm serious, Y/N. If anything feels off, you have to say so."
"I will," you insist. "Okay?"
"No, not okay, not okay!" Eddie wails. 
"Eddie." You take his hand; it's like ice. "Let me help. I want to do this. You're not hurting me, not forcing me. I promise."
Steve lifts the chains. You help Eddie to the floor. When he doesn’t protest—or, perhaps, is too weak to do so—you scoot closer. He still won’t let you remove the rope, drawing his legs back each time. So you straddle his thighs, hyper aware of not letting all your weight sink onto him. 
"Get comfortable," Eddie says when he realizes what you’re doing. "I can take it."
"I don't wanna hurt you, Eds."
“I got you. Can do that, at least.”
His hand fits over the soft curve of your waist. You glance at Steve, who's now on the bed. He gives a single nod, leg jiggling. You turn back, cupping Eddie's shoulder. His eyes are still a cloudy red. They meet your own. 
"Are you sure about this?" 
You tip your head, presenting your carotid. 
"Yeah, Eds. I trust you."
Eddie hums, fingers digging into your plush hip. His eyes dart to Steve, then to your neck. He holds your other side like you’re made of glass. 
The first pinch of teeth stings. You focus on not reacting too much because anything amiss will spook Eddie beyond reason. His breath is hot on your skin, and as the first sip of blood coats his tongue, Eddie's grip on you tightens. He groans against your neck, hand slipping down to grab the meat of your thigh. You gasp, body growing slack as he drinks. 
"You alright?" Steve asks.
"'M fine," you reply breathily. 
The more Eddie drinks, the heavier your eyelids get. The sting turns pleasant after the first pierce of teeth. You feel oddly euphoric, limbs syrupy. Even better, Eddie's strength returns as he feeds. He holds you to his chest and bends his knees.
The rope snaps like dental floss. He grunts, pulling your thigh over his hip. You cling. It’s getting hard to keep your eyes open. You've never felt like this before. Eddie pushes against you, chest heaving as he greedily gulps.
"Eds," you gasp, hyper aware of your pulse. 
He seems to be in a trance.
"Shit, okay. That's enough, c'mon," Steve urges.
You’re slow in tapping out, feeling floaty. But as soon as you squeeze Eddie's shoulder, he’s off of you. He gasps like he’s just run a marathon. Drops of your blood smear across his lips. His tongue darts out to catch it all. 
Steve supports your weakened body, easing you off Eddie. Your head lolls but you manage a smile, not wanting to worry them. 
"Are you okay, baby? Did I hurt you?" Eddie asks, honed in on your expression.  
"No," you assure. "Feels good."
His brows rise. "It does?"
"Mmhm. Floaty. Like… sleepy but good."
Eddie looks better. Guilty as anything, but you can handle that later. He isn't comatose and that’s all you care about right now. 
"Oh, uh," he says, licking his lips. "I’m glad, then. Thank you."
"You can suck me anytime," you grin, which makes him smirk. 
Steve helps you onto Eddie's bed, and you roll over to watch him. Eddie’s more alert, not desperate for blood. But he’s drumming his fingers and bouncing his leg, something he does when he’s nervous. 
“What’s ‘a matter, Eds?”
You nod slightly. 
“Why’re you all jittery?”
Eddie immediately stills. 
“'M not. I’m okay, really.”
You frown. 
"You're still hungry."
Eddie's eyes dart to you, not dull but still nowhere as vibrant as you know they can be. 
"You need more," you realize.
Of course he needs more. After three months of starvation, it’s impossible one person would be enough. Especially when he’s not bleeding you dry.  
"I'm not drinking anymore from you, Y/N," he tells you. "Absolutely not."
"You have to recover, Eds. How can you heal if you're not properly nourishing your body?"
"I got through it without eating at all. I'll be fine on half a tank. You're staying right there."
Weakly, you push yourself up on your elbows. Steve hurries over, trying to get you to lie back down. 
"C'mon, sweetheart, you gotta rest."
"Eddie won't take care 'f himself," you protest. “What if it doesn’t work, Steve?”
"I'm fine!" Eddie insists. "Really, I feel much better."
Steve chews his lip. "Would more blood get you at one hundred percent?"
"Whether it would doesn't matter, Harrington. I'm not taking any more blood from her."
"I know," Steve shrugs. "Take it from me."
"Steve," you whisper. "Don't do it for my sake. I don't wanna push you—"
"You're not. But you're right: he needs to recover. And nothing will do it better than, uh… food."
Steve coaxes you back to bed. Then he goes to the floor and sits back on his haunches. The look he gives Eddie is pure King Steve, a ghost of the past. You know it’s all for Eddie's sake and maybe yours, this shroud of confidence. 
"So, Munson? What d'you say?" 
Eddie glances at him, shoulders stiff. 
"You don't have to do this."
"I've got more blood than her," Steve reasons. "And you need it."
"I don't need it," even though sweat had begun to gather on Eddie's brow. "And I don't wanna force you into anything."
"You're not," Steve says, gentler this time. "C'mon." 
"You're sure?" 
Steve rests his tongue on his teeth, tilting his head. 
"Yeah, I’m sure. Bite me, Munson."
"If I hurt you…" Eddie begins.
"I'll watch him, Eds. Promise," you say. "Go on, drink. It's okay."
Steve doesn’t sit as intimately as you had. But they aren't far from each other: Eddie holds the side of Steve's neck and Steve grips Eddie's forearm in return, their left legs slotted against each other. 
Steve's breath hitches at the first bite. You see his grip tighten then relax as Eddie drinks. 
"Jesus," Steve gasps. "How is this still not the weirdest thing we've ever done?"
"Nothing beats that Vecna creep," you giggle sleepily. 
Steve’s arm starts to wobble from where it supports his other side. 
"Feel okay?" you ask. 
"Mm," Steve affirms, lids drooping. "Feels kinda nice."
"Tingly, right?" 
He laughs. "Yeah. Warm, too. Sh-shit."
His arm buckles. You can't imagine trying to support yourself while Eddie drinks. The bite is meant to incapacitate, presumably. But Eddie's strong. Each time Steve slips a little further, Eddie hoists him back. Both hands now hold Steve's waist. 
"Wait, Eddie," Steve slurs, tapping Eddie's side. 
Eddie pulls off immediately, wiping the blood with the back of his hand. His eyes are fully crimson now, almost glowing in the dim light. 
"You okay? Steve?" 
"'M fine, just needa lie down. Don't have the strength."
"Oh," Eddie breathes, expression a little wild. "Okay, shit, uh—here."
And easy as anything, Eddie scoops Steve up into his arms. Steve scrambles for purchase, but you know how boneless he feels.
“Let ‘im carry you, baby,” you say. “He’s got you, ‘s okay.” 
Eddie has to do most of the labor. He sets Steve next to you on the bed. You slip your hand in Steve's, drowsily curling into him. 
"Y'want more?" Steve asks, open and trusting. "I can take it."
Eddie licks the drops of blood from where his fangs had pierced Steve's neck. Then, without hesitation, he dives back in, less delicate this time. Steve whines, hips canting slightly. You watch on in a doze, pushing Steve's hair away from his face. Your face presses against his neck, which twitches with each gulp of blood Eddie takes. Lazily, you drag your lips up to the shell of Steve's ear. He whimpers, hand slowly finding the back of your head. 
"Y/N," he gasps.
"Hmm? Y'okay, Stevie?"
"'S good," he sighs. "F-fuck."
Eddie stops before Steve taps out. He pulls back panting, wiping the corner of his mouth with a knuckle. Steve is sedative. You’re nowhere near alert.
"Fuck," Eddie grunts, chest heaving. "Fuck, fuck. All those books that talk about the blood rush made no sense. Now I get it."
As if on instinct, Eddie curls an arm around each of your waists, hefting you up so he can curl into you. You pat his head blindly. Steve only hums, draped over Eddie's shoulder. 
"Feel good, Ed?" you ask. 
"So good," Eddie mumbles. "You guys are warm. Been cold these months. Can’t shake it.”
You feel his forehead with the back of your hand. It’s fruitless, logically; Eddie is dead—or, well, undead. His body temperature isn’t going to be like yours.
Eddie chuckles, vibrating your chest. 
“Don’t think that’s gonna work, sweets. But the blood made me warmer.”
“Tha's good. Can we eat somethin’?” you ask. “Feel dizzy.”
“Oh, shit,” Eddie hisses. “Shit, shit!”
Steve startles, trying and failing to wake up.
“Wha‘s the matter?” he slurs. “Eddie?”
“You need sugar! I had to retake that bio unit twice! Fuck, fuck. Don’t worry, I’m gonna get you something. Stay there, okay? What am I saying, you have to stay there… Jesus.”
Eddie carefully sets you down and climbs over Steve’s legs to race to the kitchen. You seek out Steve, like a flower to sunlight. He hums as you snuggle into him. 
“Weirdest movie night I’ve ever had,” he mumbles.
You smile, kissing his cheek. Steve scrunches his nose happily.
“Are you okay?”
“Mm, yeah. Should recover soon. Feeling a little more clear. ‘M kinda dizzy though.”
“Yeah, we gotta get our blood sugar levels up,” you hum. “I hope Eddie knows leftover lasagna isn’t sugar-rich.”
“Got it!” you hear Eddie call back.
“Hm. Super vampire hearing. Dope,” Steve says.
“It is!” Eddie replies.
“Stop eavesdropping!” you giggle. 
“Can’t help it!”
Eddie’s back in what feels like a minute. He sets down uneven chunks of sliced apples and a sleeve of Chips Ahoy, as well as two glasses of orange juice. Steve starts to try and sit up. Eddie’s quick to help you both up, stuffing pillows behind you.
“I’ll make it more comfy, I promise,” he says, frowning at the way Steve’s head lolls. 
“‘S okay, Eds,” you yawn. “Next time.”
Eddie pauses briefly, then takes a cookie, putting it to your lips. You take it happily, chewing slowly. He brings a slice of apple to Steve, who frowns.
“I can do it, y’don’t—”
“The blood loss hit you harder, big guy. C’mon, take a little,” Eddie coaxes.
Steve pouts for another moment, but eventually opens his mouth, eyes droopy. Eddie beams.
“Good. You’re both so good, know that?”
Eddie brushes a crumb from your mouth.
“So are you, Eds,” you say. “And no more starving yourself, okay? I mean it.”
He nods, looking properly chastened. 
“‘Kay. I won’t. But I dunno where I’m gonna get blood. I suppose I could try animals, but…”
“Hellooo?” Steve huffs, rolling his eyes. “We’re right here, man.”
Eddie blinks. 
“Did you think this was a one time thing?” you ask.
“You guys can’t do this every time,” Eddie scoffs.
“Why not?” 
Steve reaches for the juice. Eddie takes it and holds it to Steve's lips before he can. You smile, heart swelling with fondness. 
“There’s two of us,” Steve continues, wiping his mouth with his hand. “It makes sense.”
“Steve, you can’t be serious—”
“The hell I’m not, Eddie. We’re not letting you get sick like that again. Now shut up and let us take care of you.”
Eddie rolls his eyes and feeds Steve another bite of apple.
“Don’t remember you being this bossy, Harrington.”
“Well, that was before earthquakes and vampires, Munson. Tell ‘em, honey.”
“Yeah, Eds,” you say softly. “We’re here.”
“Oh.” He swallows hard. “Fuck. I didn’t—you guys really…?”
You open your arms. Eddie falls into your embrace. You kiss his hair.
“We missed you,” you say. 
“Missed you too,” he whispers. “So much. ‘M sorry I kept disappearing. Was just scared.”
“We’ve got you,” Steve soothes. “No more doing this alone.”
Eddie sniffs, wiping his nose.
“Shit, guys. ‘M supposed to be this badass vampire. You’re cramping my style.”
“Your secret’s safe with us,” you laugh, patting his shoulder. 
“Can big, bad vamps still watch Halloween movies?” Steve asks. “Is that in the handbook?”
“'Course, baby.” Eddie leans in close, fanged grin on display. 
“And don’t worry. I’ll protect ya from the monsters.”
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ticklishbeans4 · 2 years
A Time For Play
This fic is for @jess-the-vampire for her AROFAM au! I absolutely love the au, and I got inspired to write! Hope Jess likes it!
The day started like any other at the mud house, the family had a chaotic breakfast, Philip and Caleb sent Hunter off to school with hugs, kisses, and well wishes. Kiki had to go into town as it was her turn for grocery shopping. Steve was… doing whatever Steve does. Which left the brothers with some rare alone time.
Which is exactly what Caleb had been waiting for. He’d tried planning this out but… He was just gonna go for it!
“Philip? Can I ask you something? A request! A bit of an odd one, but I hope you say yes!” he beamed at his little brother from across the kitchen island. Philip rose a brow as he dried the dishes from breakfast, “A request? I suppose I’ll have to hear what it is before I make a decision.” Caleb chuckled, “Of course! I… well… Do you want to play? Like we used to!”
That gave the mud man pause, “...Play? Caleb, we’re grown adults. We don’t… “play” unless you mean play a board game or-”
“No! I mean play properly!” he interrupted, “I know we’re not children anymore but… I’ve missed playing with you. We used to have such fun when we were little! Even if those times are fraught with strife… I hold the memories of our games and adventures close to my heart still. I… was just hoping that we could just… try? If you hate it we can stop! Just… please?” Philip really did try to look away, but those bit sad brown eyes stared back at him, the perfectly practiced puppy dog eyes… He sighed with a grumble, “Fine. We can try and… play something. What did you have in mind?” Caleb immediately lit up, clasping Philips hands in his own. “Come! Follow me!” Philip had no choice but to follow as Caleb pulled him out the door and into the forest. He truthfully wasn’t not looking forward to this a bit, he’d missed his brother painfully over the centuries. He held onto the memories of their games just as Caleb had. A chance to relive that… well it was tempting if nothing else. The elder Wittebane stopped as they reached a spot a fair way into the woods, “We’re gonna play hide and seek tag! One of us hides-”
“Caleb I know how to play hide and seek tag.” he deadpanned, “I may be out of practice, but I haven’t completely forgotten how to play.”
Caleb rolled his eyes, but smiled. “Alright then Mr.SmartyPants, you’re gonna be It first!”
He sighed, but there was a hint of a smile in his eyes. “Very well. But first we need ground rules. No magic allowed from either of us, the house is the safe spot, and you can hide anywhere in the woods in a mile wide radius.”
“Very well, the game is afoot dear brother! I just hope you’re up to snuff.” he smirked, flicking the younger Wittebanes bangs. Said younger Wittebane glared with no heat behind it and turned around. “You have to the count of 30. Ready? One, two, three, four…”
Caleb took off, grinning like… well like a child. There were plenty of places to hide, he could climb a tree, in a nearby cave… But he’d been through these woods enough to know the perfect spot! A decently sized waterfall was a little ways away, it had a cave behind it that was perfect! He just needed to get there in time.
”...27, 28, 29… 30! Ready or not! Hear I come!” he called, walking leisurely in the direction Caleb had headed. He wondered if Caleb thought he had the advantage. Physically he did, but Philip had lived in the woods for years, been on the run, and these woods in particular were the ones he knew best. Every nook and cranny and possible hiding spot was known to him. Plus. Caleb’s boots left tracks. So… easy.
He looked around at the red trees around him, humming to himself a bit. He was honestly a bit surprised that Caleb had asked this of him. They had plenty of fun memories since he moved in with them. Playing board games with Hunter, going on hikes with Hunter, bringing Hunter to school… the occasional play fight with Hunter… Ok, he was starting to see the reasoning of his brother. It had been awhile since they’d done something fun just the two of them. 
He sighed to himself, this could still get bad quickly. Coven scouts could come by and attack them while they were alone. A monster could try and eat Caleb while he didn’t have Flapjack. He looked around, listening and keeping ready to run at a moment's notice. He felt like some kind of skittish rabbit. 
Finally, he paused. A waterfall, one he knew, there was a good sized alcove behind it… and muddy footprints leading part of the way inside. “Is he losing his touch, or is he trying to get caught?” he mused, gliding up the path and popping his head in. “Caleb? Are you here?”
It was silent in the alcove, not counting the roaring of the waterfall. He carefully stepped in, looking around. “Caleb? I saw your footprints, I know you’re here.” A muffle giggle was his answer, and he couldn’t help but smirk. “Caleb.” Suddenly, there was a cloak in his face, and the sound of running feet passing him, as well as a boyish cackle. “CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, OLDIE!” Philip took his brother's cloak off his face, carefully folded it, tucked it into his own cloak, and took off after his brother. “YOU’RE OLDER THAN ME!”
Another bright cackling laugh was the response his brother gave. He was really enjoying himself… wasn’t he? Caleb looked over his shoulder briefly, racing through the forest with ease. Jumping over logs, ducking under branches, he barely even needed to think as he ran. Titan this was so exhilarating! It was sensational! It was fun! It was so much fun! Being chased by his brother through the woods, laughing at him and teasing him all the way! Oh it brought back such wonderful memories! “WHAT’S WRONG PIPPINS! CAN’T MOVE LIKE YOU USED TOO?”  he called, laughing at the small rock that sailed past his head. “MISS ME! MISS ME! NOW YOU GOTTA KISS ME!” “CALEB, STOP BEING A CHILD!” his baby brother called back, just prompting more laughter.
He burst through the foliage and grinned as he saw the house, “SO SORRY PIPPINS! LOOKS LIKE I-ACK!” The sudden weight on his back was certainly a surprise. “What the- Philip!” Philip let out a breath as he sat on Caleb’s back. “Gotcha. Guess this means you’re it.” Caleb blinked, then blinked again, then grinned, and then fell into a giggle fit. “Okay! Okahahay! You got me! Hehehe!” Philip couldn’t stop the chuckle that left him, his brother's laughter proving too infectious. “Alright… I’ll admit. That was pretty fun.”
“Oh we’re not done yet!” Caleb smirked, suddenly flipping Philip over and grinning down at him. “First, I’m it now, so you have to run and hide this time! And there’s lots of other games I wanna play with you today!” He enunciated this point with a poke to Philip's stomach.
Both brothers were surprised by the squeak that left the younger Wittebanes' lips. Philip’s face quickly ran the gamut from surprised, to embarrassed, to utter dread. Especially when Caleb’s face absolutely lit up. “Pip.” he gasped, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “You don’t mean to tell me… you’re still ticklish?”
Philip wiggled under his brother, looking around desperately. Mostly hoping no one came around to see this. “No! Of course not! I outgrew that centuries ago!”
“Are you suuuure?” he smirked, poking his stomach again. 
This time Philip was prepared and he didn’t make a sound. Unfortunately… he’d lied, he was still ticklish. Something he’d only realized just now. “I’m sure.” Caleb hummed, “Now, for some reason. I don’t believe you. I think I’m gonna test it! I’m pretty sure I remember your ticklish spots, from when you were just a little baby Pip!” Philip glared, trying to wriggle free. “I’m telling you I’m not! Caleb get off of me!”
Caleb did no such thing, poking at his stomach, “I remember when you were little, I’d poke your belly, and you’d curl up all cute while giggling your head off!” Philip frowned harshly, wiggling and kicking. “C-Caleb! Get o-off!” “But it wasn’t that bad of a spot.” he hummed, pointedly ignoring his brother's command. “Your worst spot waaaaas…. Oh yes! Right here!” He suddenly shoved his hands under Philip's arms, wiggling his fingers around like snakes.
Philip gasped, biting the inside of his cheek, shaking his head and wiggling harder. He fought down the rising laughter with all he had, it seemed it was still a bad spot.
“What’s wrong Pip? Does it tickle?” Caleb teased, wiggling his fingers faster, “Come on Pippy! It’s just us right now, you can laugh if you want!” Philip shook his head, “I d-don’t need to la-haugh!” “Seems like you doooo!” he sang, jiggling his hands in Philip underarms. “Come on Pip! Just a liiiittle giggle?” Damnit, the jiggling broke him. “AH! Nohohohoho! Get ohohooff! Ahahahahahaha! Caleheheheb! This is undihihhihignifihiihihied!” “There you go!” he cheered, and giggled. “Of course it’s undignified! That’s the whole point! But I mean… if you really want this to be “undignified” I can make that happen!”
“Caleb- Caleb don’t you DARE!” he cried as his shirt was lifted to expose his stomach, and his brother gave him an evil grin. “Oh… I dare.” He quickly took a deep breath, and to Philip embarrassment, blew a Titan forsaken raspberry. Which proved to be humiliatingly effective against the younger Wittebane. “AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHO! NAHAHAT THAHAHAT! KNOHOHOHOCK IT OHOHOHOFF! AHAHAHAHAAHAH!” he cried, pushing at his brother's face and kicking to try and break free.
“Never! I haven’t heard you laugh like this in years!” Caleb laughed, blowing another volley of raspberries, making Philip squeal, to his utter shame. Thank the Titan no one here to see this.
“GEHEHEHET OHOHOHOFF MEHEHEHEHE!” he cried, finally managing to get his feet under Caleb and kick him off. He rolled away, panting and giggling. “You… You will regret that…” “Uh-huh, I’m sure.” Caleb grinned from his spot on the dirt. Philip glared at him, but there was no heat behind it. Honestly… as loath as he was to admit it… That was genuinely fun. Playing games, laughing with his brother, even the tickling wasn’t as unbearable as he’d make his brother believe.
Caleb sat up, looking at his baby brother lovingly. “Hey… you still up for another round? I’m it.” Philip looked at him for a moment, smiled a bit, and without warning, took off into the forest. “CATCH ME IF YOU CAN WITTEBABY!”
Caleb beamed, “OH I WILL!” and when his brother was out of sight, he softened “I’ll always find you eventually Pip…”
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mamibaddie · 2 years
When The Heart Beats || vampire!Eddie Munson x reader
Chapter 5: I watched a change in you
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Author’s note: finally! I’m back with the next chapter. I apologize for the long break. I didn’t have the motivation to continue this but I had a random bout of inspiration, I think it’s cause it’s spooky season!! (I can’t believe I waited this long to post it, omg.) As always, please reblog, like and comment. I do not consent to my work being published elsewhere nor translated. Enjoy!
Warnings: possessive!Eddie, jealous!Eddie, blood, vampire shenanigans, SMUT (18+ only!!)
You stood in the center of your living room. You felt like this was such an awful idea, but you felt even worse keeping such a big secret from them. An hour prior, you were pacing back and forth in said living room. You were muttering to yourself, go over what exactly you would say to the gang. They knew that Eddie had been back for a while. You all had hung out on several different occasions. They wondered what happened with Eddie. Every single time they’d dance around the topic, you’d digress. They decided to let it go for a while. They enjoyed seeing you happy and Dustin felt good about the situation. But there was something pulling at them, telling them that it didn’t feel right. You began to run out of ideas after a while. Coming to a dead end. You needed to tell them the truth. Or else, it would eat you alive. You decided to keep the young ones out of it for now. Depending on how Steve, Robin, and Nancy would react; dictates if you would even tell the others. Especially Dustin.
Eddie was watching you from the darkened corner of the living room. “I don’t even know why you want to tell them.” He said, breaking your concentration. You looked at him. You weren’t completely shocked by what he said. Ever since you mentioned telling anyone, Eddie was immediately on the defense. He constantly asked why you wanted to tell them and what good it would do. It was unlike him, but you decided to brush it to the side.
“I want to tell them because we can’t keep this from them forever.”
He looked to the side before turning back to you. “Or is it because they’re wondering why you’ve been so distant lately? And by them I mainly mean Steve.”
You were taken aback by his tone. It was drenched in disgusted with a tinge of anger. Yet his body remained calm. You were becoming reclusive with them. The constant questions and Eddie’s possessiveness causing you to slowly remove yourselves from them. Robin and Nancy would call, sometimes even show up. But not at the same rate as Steve. His insistent calls and unannounced drop-ins was starting to effect Eddie. In the beginning, it was fine. Tolerable even. But after so long, it planted a seed in Eddie’s mind. One that took firm hold and began to spread quickly.
Ever since that one night, Eddie would drink from you. Whether in your thighs or your wrists. He never drank from your neck. He didn’t think he could control himself. He knew he’d never harm you, let alone kill you. He’d rather drive a stake through his heart. It was the thought of turning you like him that was the concern. Because the more he thought about it, the more he loved it. Not only did it turn him on, but the possessive side of him, the one that began to read it’s ugly head, loved the idea of having you all to himself. He wanted to feel you twitch and squirm underneath him as he sunk his teeth into your neck, lapping at your sweet, warm blood. He even fantasized about you drinking some of his blood greedily. The mere thought sending his blood coursing to his lower region. It really started since coming back, he noticed how close you had gotten with Steve Harrington. The crew knew by now that Eddie was in fact alive. At first they weren’t to keen to the idea, but Eddie got in their head and wiped out any second thoughts about the whole thing. You, for one, didn’t know he did that. You didn’t need to know. What you don’t know, won’t hurt you. But one thing that really ticked him off was you and Steve. It was all innocent and friendly. The laughs you both shared, the compliments Steve would give you, the hugs that seemed to last a little too long for Eddie’s liking. He assumed you both got close after his death. That didn’t sit well with him at all.
One time, after a night out with everyone and seeing Steve be so close to you, Eddie was a lot more possessive in bed that night. Asking you who has your heart. He asked you to open your mouth which you happily obliged. You stuck your tongue out which earned a deep moan from him that rumbled through your chest. He spit into your mouth, which both of your salivas mix. You leaned up to meet him and looked into his eyes. He knew what you wanted. You began to kiss one another, each other’s tongue battling for dominance. You had his tongue in your mouth when you began to suck on it. He moaned into your mouth and you swallowed it. You knew exactly how to drive him mad. But it still didn’t take his mind off of the one things that was bothering him lately. As the climax nears for the both of you, he makes an indent that goes across his palm. He takes your cheek in his hand, smearing blood into it in the process. “Do you love me?” It was random but you didn’t think too much of it at the time. Too wrapped up in the passion and pleasure of it all.
“Then why are you allowing Steve to get so close to you?”
His eyes looked black, filled with possession and lust. It almost scared you, his power and all the things he could do to you with his new found strength. It also turned you on a bit. He took you out of your thoughts by shaking your head. “Answer me, sweetheart. “
“I-I didn’t know I was. W-we’re just friends.”
He stopped his movement, looking into your eyes and trailing them down to your lips. He didn’t mean to do it. He didn’t mean for you to actually taste his blood. He always thought about it, and the thought became stronger the more he seen you with Steve. Overcome by jealousy and fear of losing you, he traced your lips with his finger. Smearing blood into your lips. You were so far gone in ecstasy that you subconsciously licking your lips. Eddie became impossibly hard watching his blood on the top of your tongue.
“Like I said before, Steve is just a friend.” You said sternly, looking Eddie in the eyes.
“Does Steve know that?”
He wasn’t backing down. He was determined to remind you and let Steve and everyone else know that you were his. By any means.
“Yes, Steve knows it.”
“Then tell him.”
“Excuse me?”
“While you tell them that I’m this monster, tell him that you love me.”
You just looked at him before quietly saying, “you’re being ridiculous.”
“No, no ridiculous is having to tell the love of my life that she’s a little too friendly with another man.” He stands up and moves his way over to you. Calm but firm. “Ridiculous is having to remind everyone that you’re mine.” He says, moving your hair to the side and moving to whisper in your ear. “I have half a mind to take you right here, they can watch. I bet Steve would like that. Do you want Steve to watch baby?”
As turned on as you were, you were also a bit scared. Eddie always had a small tendency to get jealous but never at this rate. You look at him with hooded eyes.
“I’ll tell him.”
“Good.” He kisses your forehead and brings you into a tight hug. “My good girl.”
The talk went over quite well, to your surprise. They were a bit shocked. But considering what they’ve seen and went through, they were open to it. After the fact, Eddie offered to order some pizza
While asking the group to stay for dinner and movie. They were okay with that and you all began to settle in. Grabbing the blankets and pillows. Eddie was picking out the movie and you thought this would be as good a time as ever to talk with Steve. you walked over towards him
“Hey Steve.”
He looked at you and smiled, “hey” and said your name.
“Can we talk for a minute? Alone?”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
You both moved to the kitchen, the living room can still be seen from it, but at least you had some privacy.
“I really appreciate you calling and checking up on Eddie and I.”
“Oh, of course! We all thought you two were hiding something from us. Maybe even thought you both left Hawkins without us knowing.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and blinked. “Why do you think we’d leave?”
“Well, we know you and Eddie had discussed it before everything happened. Plus Eddie seems like he’s even more smitten by you. If that’s even possible.”
You nodded your head slowly, “right. But um, is it okay if, you know. You tone the dial back a bit?”
“What?” He scoffed. “I-I’m sorry? I don’t understand.”
You took a heavy breath out. “Eddie thought that maybe, there was something going on between us and just wanted us to tone it down.”
“Oh.” He looked a tad bit disappointed. “Right. I understand now. That’s completely fine. I’m glad you both are okay though.”
“Yes, thank you so much for everything.”
“You’re welcome. Yeah.” He looked past you and then back to you. “I’m gonna go see if Robin needs any help finding the snacks in the car.” He moves past you.
You felt horrible. You knew that Steve meant well. You turned around and seen Eddie looked at you. He smirked before putting the VHS in. You jumped when he clapped his hands. “Alright everyone! Let’s get settled.”
He turned to you and said your name, putting a hand out.
“C’mon baby. You know you gotta be by my side.”
Taglist: @capmedusa @lunar-flwr
@celestixldarling @nxrdamp @da-disappointment @ratherdieasthedevil @saltysoftgrungeofscience @awesomesauce-abbie @sl-tfor-joseph-quinn @bb-eilish
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
wip wednesday! thank you for tagging me @thefreakandthehair, @steves-strapcollection and @stevethehairington!! 💜🥰🫶
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
Suitcase of Memories (Steddie Big Bang with @legitcookie)
Hunter and Prey (Vampire!Steve and Hunter!Eddie)
Closing Time (modern!au with barkeeper!eddie, colab with @legitcookie)
History throws its shadow over the beginning (I wore his jacket for the longest time, Eddie POV, colab with @legitcookie)
hold me close (I’m shaking apart) - Chapter 3
Snippet from our big bang under the cut
Robin's eyebrows shoot up in surprise at his obvious disinterest, and he knows there's no point in playing dumb. He's been dying to tell Robin all weekend, and here's the perfect opportunity. But there is a moment's hesitation, a moment of holding the memory close to his heart before he lets it go to share it with his best friend. "I just met someone. Sort of."
This isn't really anything new, Steve meets someone almost every week, but Robin still makes a gimme gimme gesture at him. "Details, please. Drown out the mundanity that is my love life."
Steve snorts. "It's not that big of a deal. He was playing on the corner near my bus stop, and I just... met him." Saying it like that makes it seem so insignificant when it felt anything but.
"What's his name?"
"I don't know."
"So you didn't actually meet him."
"Technically. But it was weird, Robin, he seemed so familiar. Like I've met him before. I even asked him about it, but he said no. Just gave me a line, like I'd be hard to forget."
"It wasn't a line," comes a voice from the customer's side of the table. Steve whips his head around to find his mystery man standing there with a grin on his handsome face. Steve gawks at him and the man adds, "Okay, maybe it was a little line."
"Oh, fuck - I mean, shit - hi." He wants to punch himself, hard. Smooth. So fucking smooth. The floor never opens and swallows you when you need it most.
Wednesday is long gone but I would love to have a WIP Weekend with @legitcookie, @thefreakandthehair, @steves-strapcollection, @stevesjester, @corrodedbisexual, @starrystevie, @starryeyedjanai, @stevethehairington and everyone else who feels like they need a little nudge to write more in their WIPs. Happy to gently kick your butt 💜
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catierambles · 1 year
She woke to knocking on her window that steadily increased in intensity.
"Claire!" She heard and opened her eyes, jumping slightly in surprise as she saw Mike on the other side of the window. "Let me in!"
"How the hell did you--" Maneuvering, she opened the window. "I live on the third floor!"
"Climbed the balconies," He said, "Now let me in before I fall to my severe injury!"
"Get in here!" It took some pulling on her part, but he finally got through the window, flopping sideways across her bed with a huff. "What the hell are you doing here, Mike?"
"I missed you." He admitted, turning onto his side to look at her. "I know our last conversation didn't go well..."
"I found out the guy I've been dating is a vampire." She said, "How did you expect that to go down?"
"With me going down on you?" He asked, shooting her a finger gun, and she scowled at him, making him wince. "Sorry."
"I just..." She rubbed her arms slightly, looking away from him. "I don't know how I feel about you anymore."
"Have I ever given you any reason to think I would hurt you?" Mike asked, looking at her pleadingly.
"No." She admitted with a shake of her head, "But I only found out about...it recently. I thought you were human."
"And the fact that I'm not makes you afraid of me?" He asked, "Babe, I--I would never hurt you. You know that, right?" She didn't answer. "Claire?"
"I just need time to process, Mike. Can you give me that, please?" She asked, and he sighed with a nod.
"Do you want me to go?" He asked, and she nodded, still not looking at him. "Claire, I may not be human, but I still care about you. That hasn't changed." Sitting up, he reached out, touching the side of her face gently and his heart broke a little as she flinched away from him slightly. "I'll--I'll go." He turned to the window again, but she reached out quickly, grabbing the back of his hoodie.
"Use the door, you walnut." She said and he smiled a little despite himself. At least she still cared enough that she didn't want him potentially hurting himself. She let go of him as he moved back away from the window and they slid off the bed, Clarie walking him out of the apartment.
"Can I--can I have a kiss goodnight?" He asked from the front doorway but she didn't answer him, looking away from him and holding her arms protectively. "Goodnight." He left the apartment and heard the door close and lock behind him, his chest tightening as it sounded incredibly final.
The next day he was slumped over a cafe table, an untouched coffee in front of him. She hadn't answered the good morning text he had sent hours ago. His shoulder was suddenly tapped and he looked over briefly as one of their mutual friends sat down next to him.
"Hey, man." Steve said and Mike mumbled his reply into his arm. "What's up?"
"Steve," Mike started, picking his head up, "What's..." He paused, collecting his thoughts. "What's Claire got against vampires?"
"She never told you?" Steve asked but Mike shook his head. "Yeah, it's not something she likes to talk about. She was attacked by one, Mike, a few years back. Thing nearly killed her."
"Fuck." Mike said, dropping his head back down to his arm.
"Why do you ask?" Steve asked and Mike picked his head up again, pulling his lips back from his teeth and letting his fangs drop briefly before pulling them back up again. "Oh."
"I told her a few days ago and we got into a huge fight." Mike said, "I went to her place last night but she--it's like she thinks I'm going to hurt her now. I'm not, I would never."
"And I'm sure she knows that, it's just..."
"Yeah. What happened to the guy who attacked her?"
"In prison still, as far as I know." Steve said, "A bunch of anti-vamp organizations latched onto it, tried to make her their poster girl for anti-vamp legislation. She told them to fuck off and if they tried to use her anyway to push their agenda, she'd take them to court. None tried, thankfully."
"So she knows that one vamp attacking her doesn't mean that all vamps will."
"She's not dumb, Mike, she understands that." Steve said, "But it's like the "Not All Men" thing. Yeah, not all men are going to be predators, but the bad ones aren't distinguishable from the good. Best to be wary around all of them, just to be on the safe side."
"But I won't hurt her." Mike said, "She knows that, doesn't she?"
"Like I said, I'm sure she does." Steve said, "Just give her time, man. But be prepared for it to go not how you might want it to."
"Fuck." Mike said with a defeated sound, dropping his head back to his arm.
It was a few days later when he was over at a friend's place for a house party. He still hadn't heard from her and all his texts went unanswered. Mike laughed at something someone said when he caught the scent of eucalyptus and spearmint, breathing in sharply through his nose as he looked around, catching a glimpse of her moving through the people. Making his excuses, he followed her through the house as she went out onto the back porch.
"Hey." He said and she looked at him over her shoulder.
"Hey." She responded.
"How've--how've you been?"
"Fine." She said, her voice flat and he sighed.
"Claire, I--" Shit. "I'll leave you alone. For good. You won't--you won't hear from me again."
"Mike, wait." She said and he stopped as he turned to head back into the house. "Come here." He went to her and she pushed away from the railing. They stared at each other for a moment before she sighed and stepped into him, wrapping her arms around his chest. He immediately returned the embrace, holding her tightly and burying his face in her shoulder. "I know you'd never hurt me. I just had to reconcile some things. How I felt about you with what you are."
"I know." He said, his voice muffled. "Steve told me what happened to you, that you were attacked."
"I know you would never hurt me like he did. I do." Claire said and pulled back from him to look at him. Raising herself on her toes, she kissed him and he nearly sobbed into her lips, his hands pressing to her back as his eyes closed. "Let's get out of here." She said and he nodded, taking her hand in his as he pulled away, leading them away from the house.
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