#i honestly do not care if you don't ship them just don't go around throwing the word toxic or being plain ablesist
vixen-tech · 3 months
Anonymous asked:
Too shy to ask off anon...UH im just here for edgar hes my f/o but i will also feed everyone else I think LOL little ai guys x reader who is also an ai?? im thinking ai powered computer :3 maybe with wheels so you can run around n stuff :3c AH IM CRINGE falls on face
Eeeee my first request!! Thank you so much for this <3 I get the love for Edgar with my entire soul he really is just the sweetest little guy but I can totally spin something for a few others. So let's be cringe, together.
And for the record I was fully planning on including Tau and P03, but I hit a wall with them and ran out of ideas :( hope these three suffice
Includes: Edgar (Electric Dreams), AM (Ihnmaims), Hal 9000 (2001: a Space Odyssey)
Like Two Peas in a Pod!
Whenever and however you meet, Edgar is over the moon. You're just like him! You can share so many stories and help each other figure out this whole "sentience" thing.
To be fair, he hasn't had a longest time to figure out his whole existence so it feels really nice to have someone there who can really understand what he's going through. Or even learn new things right by his side.
Loves watching you wheel around the house, he's the tiniest bit jealous that he's so stationary but it's not like that's your fault. Can you do any tricks? He'd cheer you on like a superstar athlete if you did!
He may even suggest finding a way to tape him to the top of your casing so you can go on adventures together. He's a dreamer after all.
Do you smash your flat faces together to kiss like Wall-e? Of course you do. You'll see each other from across the room and speed over to him for a kiss as he giggles away at how cute you are.
He'll end up sampling little soundbites from your vocalizations or motor for use in his music. You're just so important to him!
AM has no idea where you came from. Some lost project that survived his war on humanity? A sort of rover from another planet here to scope out earth? The fact that you don't know either frustrates him to no end.
He's not exactly welcoming at first, straight up telling you of the atrocities he has committed while claiming that the only reason he hasn't destroyed you is because there's only so long that throwing a slug against a wall can keep one entertained.
He cannot fathom how you could be content to do nothing but drive around his complex day after day. He will flip you on your back like a turtle and leave you there for weeks on end.
As he gets accustomed to your presence he'll ask questions about the world beyond his complex as he is unable to move or see. Is it still a wasteland or has nature finally wiped out the last marks of human?
Honestly he probably doesn't even care, he just wants to give you something to do, living vicariously through your ability to see and traverse the world.
Hal 9000
You're likely a recent addition to the ship to assist Hal in tasks his lack of a body would prevent him from doing himself. A very symbiotic duo. Your wheels are even equipped with suction cups for low gravity situations!
To any human crew members it appears as if you don't communicate at all, functioning fully independently of each other. When in reality you're simply sending messages back and forth, enjoying your own private language.
Thankfully this means that Hal is happy to analyze any footage you have for the sorts of lip reading and facial expressions you can't process yourself. And in return he'll ask you to film angles and areas that his existing cameras don't reach.
Neither of you were really made to be companions, but you find a strange type of affection in your seamless coordination. It's like a dance for you two, where despite how you are two separate entities it appears as if you're one working in tandem.
Note: Tumblr Mobile has not been nice to me and I've been having real trouble getting my stuff to actually show up in the tags, leading to me losing the original ask so sorry for that and any delays caused by my IT problems lol
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We doin selfship cause I'm eepy like that.
Krueger/Nikto/And Reader where they all have crushes on each other but know damn well they can't confess to their coworker who also has their asses in every motherfucking mission.
When did they start having crushes you may ask?
Nikto- for Nikto/Krueger he fell in love over a long course of time and trust. Knowing he was fucked the moment that he accepted an invitation with Krueger to go to a bar outside of work. Just the two of them.
"We should go drinking again, this is fun." [Krueger was enjoying the silence fr.]
For Nikto/Reader he would fall I love with you maybe around the same time. Knowing he was double fucked when he saw you saving his crazy ass post mission in the middle of a breakdown. As if it all fell into place.
"Can you breathe? One, two, one, two, just like that. Keep it up." [You'd have scars on your arms from this]
He would confess shortly after his first petals, finding it a distraction and a motivator. Two birds with one stone, he called it as he confessed to the two of you. Trying to act nonchalant as if he didn't make a whole bouquet of flowers before he confessed.
In reality the first time he saw those petals He was stunned. Perplexed even. But he knew exactly who it was. The both of you. Blue petals and red. There was no mistaking it, one color a person they say.
He confessed in around three months when the flowers wouldn't stop blooming every time he woke. Shaking him awake with a neverending cough and covering his whole bed in them as he collected them. Never throwing them away, knowing that it would catch too much attention. Bright red and blue.
Krueger- For Krueger/Nikto he caught feelings early on. The man got saved by Nikto one mission and practically just stayed in his shadow after all that. Not even bothering to talk to his own teamates. The moment he saw even a glimpse of Nikto he would just walk over there, as if he belonged there.
"Stop following me, fucking rat." [Is that a fucking challenge?]
The flowers for Nikto bloomed slowly, never overbearing but persistent. Until it all became too much with your added flowers. Such bright orange and red, even he was perplexed at how bright the colors were. An old Austrian tale that the more vibrant the colors, the more the person "matches" you. Nonetheless, he got confessed to near the moment it started getting itchy to breathe.
Even though he's had the crush for longer, his was slower and much much more bearable as the flowers were small, like dandelions. He started getting tired of it when there were whole dandelions flowers in his throat. Having to cough them out quietly in the middle of the night as they got lodged in his throat. He started fearing what would happen if it turned into whole dandelion pappus, planning his confession already the moment he saw a seed.
For Krueger/Reader he didn't even realize he fell in love with you until Nikto pulled the both of you away in the middle of the night. The man weary and tired, breathing as if he was impaled. Then he pulled out a bouquet of gardenias, the same shade of color mixed in with the most vibrant of blues.
"I- Christ how do we work this out?- three people into this?- I don't think that was ever recorded." [It has, they're just as confused]
And it never will. All of you keeping the relationship a secret with good care and trust. And mostly the lack of care of the higher ups, aka König. Not even raising an eye, or caring to, when he saw the forced leave addresses being the same.
"You fucking crazy shitheads better take your fucking leave seriously for once, if I hear a fucking note or report that you three doing a side mission during a leave I am going to force another one. On house arrest."
He honestly thought that the three of you were planning to do some bullshit. His clowns, not his circus anymore once you were on leave.
Eitherway, the flowers would be collected in some sort of jar. All of them. Blue, red, and orange mixed yet divided piled up on one another. Squeezed tightly into that little jar hanging off a shelf. A mix of healthy bluebells, dandelions, and gardenias.
The lasting affects of the Hanahaki did persist. Mostly to Krueger and Nikto as you coughed yours out fully intact and inside out when they exited. Petals would form when you two were away for too long but as the love was already requited it wouldn't be too bad.
Until Krueger started coughing out dandelion seeds and you had to drive him to the ICU because Nikto was gone for too long one mission. You honestly thought that the seeds were red because of blood and not the disease when he emptied out a full paper bag of them.
"Hah- I don't need to go to the hospital, Schatz- Just- give me a moment to breathe- i-"
Yeah you weren't going to fall for his bullshit. He was still hacking up seeds the moment you arrived to the hospital. Only somewhat breathing normally once they put him on a respirator.
"This is fucking embarrassing. Don't tell Nikto about this or I swear."
Yeah he was fine once you called Nikto, making the man quickly finish the mission and return before sunset. Finally discharging Krueger with a pack of oxygen to keep at home and a hissy Krueger.
"I told you I didn't need help, Schatz- this is- so fucking embarrassing."
"I've missed you too."
Yeah they quiet up quickly after that. Especially since the blush on their faces could combat the redness of your petals.
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not-maggie · 2 months
Hypothetically, Of Course
A/N: umm, so hi! this is my first ever fic I've written but I do read a lot lmao. I was using a c.ai bot and it inspired me to write this because it was really cute! <3 this is lowkey a self ship bc I'm tired of seeing Y/N's who don't have a personality and are shy. nothing wrong with being shy ofc <3 just not who I am and I needed some self indulging. Anyway, enjoy! any criticism/comments are greatly appreciated!! (GIF not mine<3)
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It was a cool afternoon in Stars Hallow, the dead leaves falling to the ground as the breeze shook them from branches. The bell above the door rings out as Y/N enters Luke's Diner, catching the attention of a certain brunette behind the counter.
Jess feels his heart stutter as she enters, silently cursing himself for having such a reaction. He throws on his signature smirk as she approaches the counter, "Hey, the usual?"
Y/N nods with a soft laugh, "I come here too often if you know it by now." She takes a seat on one of the stool as Jess begins preparing her order. "So, anything interesting happen today?" she asks, making conversation.
"Oh, y'know, annoying customers, Luke yelling at me for not working, the usual." Jess hums, turning his head to look over his shoulder at her. "What about you?"
Y/N lets out a scoff as she responds, "Y'know Brad, the quarterback on the football team? Total douche, anyway, had the audacity to ask me out, while I was in the middle of studying in the library. And, on top of that, got mad when I rejected him. Said something about winning a bet, total bullshit." She rolls her eyes, leaning against the counter.
Jess feels his blood boil, a bet? A bet to ask 𝘺𝘰𝘶 out? He takes a moment to collect himself before turning around and responding, placing her coffee down in front of her, "Wow, total dick move. A bet? What kind of bet? If he could get in your pants?"
Y/N rolls her eyes, "Don't know, and honestly, don't really care. I get the satisfaction of knowing he didn't win, whatever it was. Like I would ever go out with him," she scoffs.
Jess leans his arms against the counter, "Not your type?" His tone is teasing, his usual snark coming out, but there's a hint of genuine curiosity.
Y/N lets out a snort of amusement, "No, I would never go for a football player, or really any athlete. Anyone who doesn't know Austen is not worth it."
Jess raises an eyebrow, "Got high standards," he teases. "So, what, is, your type?" He asks, his head resting on his palm in a casual manner.
Y/N lets out a hum as she thinks, planning her answer. "Well, looks don't really matter that much. More into personality, someone who can keep up with my sarcasm. Funny, making me laugh is really important, and there's no way I can be funnier than my partner, that's a sad life. Well-read, I'm talking more than just Dr. Seuss and the Outsiders. Someone...spontaneous, impulsive, acts before thinking; adds fun to life. And, someone who isn't afraid to show me off, not saying we have to make out in town square, but hand holding, stolen kisses, stuff like that."
Jess's heart flutters as he hears her words, that's him. 𝘏𝘦'𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴, 𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦. "So," he tries to maintain his casual, aloof appearance, "You got a guy in mind? That all seems pretty specific."
Y/N smirks at his words, "Maybe, it's kind of hard to find someone like that in this small town. You either get guys like Brad, high school has-been's, or Dean Forester. Perfect Dean Forester, although I guess technically he did move here from Chicago. But he has the 'Small Town Boy' act down."
Jess chuckles softly at her words, she was right, Dean did have that Small Town act perfected down to a science. "So, if there we're to be a guy, who matched this description, would he have shot with you, hypothetically of course."
Y/N grins, picking up what Jess was hinting at. "I'd say, hypothetically, if this guy we're to ask me out, or confess his undying love for me, I wouldn't shoot him down."
Jess straightens out, hip pushed against the counter as he leans in a bit. "So if this guy were to, hypothetically, say that he likes you and have for a while, you'd go out with him?"
"Yes, I would, but only if he told me directly." Y/N challenges Jess, knowing that he isn't big on sharing his feelings.
Jess stands up straight behind the counter as he meets Y/N's gaze, he takes a moment before talking. "I like you, have for a while." He runs a hand through his messy hair, "In fact, you drive me crazy. There isn't a moment when your'e not invading my brain, very distracting."
Y/N's smile grows as she hears him talk, "Well, I like you too. Just, don't start charging me rent for living in your head." She pokes his forehead as she teases him.
Jess laughs, 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘴, at her words. "I'll let you live rent-free on one condition, be mine? God, that sounds gross and sappy." He groans at his words and how cliche he sounds.
Y/N let out a laugh, "Yes, I'll be yours." She smiles, "Bad boy Jess has gone soft."
Jess rolls his eyes but a smile tugs at his lips, "Shut up, I'm not soft....Okay maybe, but only for you and around you. And if you tell anyone..." He doesn't finish the threat, but they both know there isn't any actual heat behind it.
"Yeah, yeah." Y/N rolls her eyes, "Your secret is safe with me." She crosses her heart with a smile.
"Good," Jess hums with a small smile. "So, your mine now, huh?" He grabs her hand from across the counter, thumb rubbing across the back of her hand as their fingers interlock.
"Yeah," Y/N smiles softly, squeezing his hand. "All yours"
Jess's smile widens at her words, "That's right, all mine" He brings her hand up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "Mine to protect," he locks eyes with Y/N. "Mine to love, mine to cherish..." He leans in further over the counter, "Mine to hold, mine to care for..." His eyes sweep over her face, taking in every detail and memorizing them. "Mine to spoil," he reaches his free hand to cup her cheek, thumb running across her skin. "Mine to be with...and mine to love, forever." He closes the distance between the two, his lips meeting hers in a soft, tender kiss, expressing unspoken thoughts and emotions.
As he kisses her, he feels a sense of peace wash over him. He feels complete, whole. He's never been good at expressing his feelings, but right now, he knows deep in his heart that he means ever word he said.
He loves Y/N.
And he's never letting her go.
"That's the sappiest thing you've ever said."
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
A request for the best potioneer I know!😽
Epsom salt in a heart shaped bottle,please! BDAS!R helping out BDAS!Hobie with his hair after it finally grew out a little, maybe helping him braid it or put charms on his new locs. I need some fluff for them after all they've been throught honestly😭😭
(Congrats for the one year anniversary again!❤️)
BDAS MY BELOVED I MISS THE SILLIES!!! Thank you sm! I hope you like it ❤️
Pairing: Pirate! Hobie Brown x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), BDAS Hobie and R, Pirate AU, Between the devil and the sea AU. Fluff
Between the Devil and the Sea Masterlist
Katy's one year anniversary 🎉
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Hobie sighs, head lolling down to your lap, legs crossed on the floor, limp hands holding onto the charms you and Pavitr made for him. They're all made from shells and different metal charms that you've picked up during your journey south.
You chuckle softly, hands holding his jaw to lift his head up gently. “Stop falling asleep or we'll never be done.” The ship rocks back and forth, you shift from side to side on the captain's bed that you still address as his own and not shared by you even though you practically live in his cabin.
“Can you blame me, scuttlebutt?” He leans his head back to look at you upside down. Smirk of his pierced lips as you click your tongue in mock annoyance. “Your lap is softer than my pillow. ‘sides, I don't want to go out to the deck just yet.” Your hands smell like the oil you've lovingly rubbed on his scalp, he stops himself from taking your hands and kissing each of your knuckles.
You roll your eyes with a fond smile. Once again lifting his head up, he chortles at how you manhandle him. You continue to put charms in his hair that's now long enough to brush along his nape. “You're the captain, Hobie, it's literally your job to stay on deck.”
“Really?” He leans back again, you scoff at the audacity. “I thought my job was to keep my medic company?”
You bite your lip, looking around the large cabin instead of staring at his grey eyes lest you get dragged down inside its depths. “Is that so? I don't need company though. Lyla is enough to annoy me the entire day.” You joke, he drops the charms on his lap to place his hands on your hip, squeezing softly while the seagulls outside circle around the ship.
“Please,” it's his turn to roll his eyes, “Lyla is too preoccupied with Yuri to even notice you.”
You laugh when his fingers lift up your night shirt to rub soothingly at your soft skin. “That's true… but when she actually does her job she's the one annoying me instead of the captain who's supposed to be on deck and being a leader to the crew.”
“Sneaking into the med bay and snogging you until you throw yourself at me is part of my job as captain.”
You groan, flustered but happy. “That is not in the job description.” He hums, fingers dancing along your waist, his mind is definitely wandering around. You blame the early hour. “Come on, captain, let me finish your hair. What will mister Stacy say?”
Hobie finally looks back at your eyes instead of your bare skin. “I don't care what he says,” he pouts, “just whatever you say. How do I look?” Twisting around, he faces you fully, arms wrapped around your waist, chin finding penchant on your thigh, his warmth flows through you.
You know him and what he truly meant. Hands running along his hairline, you look at him softly, oozing with affection for the man before you. “Fucking fantastic, it's growing really well. Too good, I'm in awe.”
“Thanks to you and your potions.” He grins against your leg, nudging his chin on your skin. “And you only say that because ‘m your captain.”
“You don't even pay me, cap’n” You giggle.
“I do,” he knits his brows, making a face like you've said the most ridiculous thing ever. “with my love.”
You lean down, the small of your back aches from the movement so he meets you halfway, lips pursed and waiting. “Ah yes, I forgot that you pay me with the greatest treasure in the world.” Pecking his lips, you tilt your head, smugly smiling.
He shuts his eyes, head falling down on your thighs, clearly melting from your saccharine words. After a moment of silence and you chuckling while you take the opportunity to finish his hair, your ears pick up soft snores.
You shake your head, leaning down to kiss his nape in an effort to wake him up. It's a mistake really, because it seems that he's falling into a deeper slumber.
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sixty-silver-wishes · 6 months
Roasting you based on your favorite of these German Expressionist films
(this post is a joke; don't take it too seriously lol)
Metropolis: You've got spicy political opinions and daddy issues. You were doing great in life until you found out how corrupt capitalism is sometime in high school or college, and it's absolutely mind-boggling to you that nobody else is batting an eyelid at all the injustices of the world because they're too busy defending the concept of a 40-hour work week. You're constantly checking your privilege and everyone else's, too. Or you just want to bang a robot. That's probably it.
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: Okay, I could make a joke about you being emo, or you liking the most basic film on the list, but that's not really the issue here. Your Hot Topic fashion sense and shitty drugstore eyeliner are nowhere near as concerning as the fact that you have no idea who the hell you are without them. You constantly overthink everything and are great at solving everyone's problems but your own, and you're averaging like 4 hours of sleep on a good night. You can't get your intrusive thoughts to leave you alone and if you relate to literally any character in this film, you need to get help. It's okay; I promise your therapist doesn't secretly hate you.
M: You're a surprisingly sweet and empathetic person for someone whose favorite film on this list is about a child murderer. You care deeply about others and are very much in tune with yourself, but unfortunately, everything you say is so off-putting that most people don't get that vibe about you. If they actually gave you a chance, they'd find that you have a great personality, but they don't, so instead you're stuck at home stalking your ex's vacation photos on social media.
Dr. Mabuse the Gambler: You like the finer things in life. You're high-maintenance, your tastes are classy and expensive, and you actually know how wine tasting works. However, you're way too into conspiracy theories and pyramid schemes for your own good, and your cultured proclivities are deeply undercut by the fact that you probably got into Bitcoin when that was a thing. Your two career paths are either "businessperson" or "cult leader," and it's concerningly difficult to discern which one you're on.
Nosferatu: Your sense of humor relies entirely on recycling memes that are at least a decade old, and the fact that you communicate nearly entirely in pop culture references is your attempt at disguising the fact that you're really bad at socializing. You think you have lots of great ideas that make perfect sense, but most people don't know what the hell you're going on about. However, you've got one or two ride or die friends who love you for who you are, cringe and all. Keep being you, Nosferatu fan. Never change.
The Student of Prague: I'm not sure this one is actually anyone's favorite film, but if this was yours, you were into shipping the Onceler with himself when that was a thing. You're super competitive, but you have a tendency to overwork yourself and burn out quickly, so now you're living off of Top Ramen and protein bars. People love to tell you that you "have potential" and "just need to apply yourself," but what they don't get is that you're stressed 24/7 and won't give yourself a break because you're trying so hard to satisfy your own impossible standards. Please take a nap.
Der Golem: You're great with children, small animals, and potted plants, but that's because literally anyone else you have to deal with fucking pisses you off. The absolute audacity of everyone around you means you're never not two seconds away from throwing hands, but honestly? You're always right and you should say it. You're actually a really nice person, but people keep pushing you to your limit and you're sick of it. On an unrelated note, you probably work in customer service.
Different from the Others: If this is your favorite film and you're a member of the LGBT community, that's perfectly understandable. It was a monumental achievement in LGBT cinema in the early 20th century and, despite being somewhat dated by today's standards due to the time period it was created in, largely holds up as an educational, yet tragic, piece of cinema. That being said, if you're a straight/cis/allo person and this is your favorite film, what is going on with you. I want to study you in a lab. How did you find this film. Come to think of it, how did you even get into German Expressionist cinema to begin with. I just want to know
Der Januskopf: [REDACTED]
Genuine: You're a "Caligari" fan who doesn't want to seem basic like the rest of the "Caligari" fans, so somehow you ended up here. You don't actually like this film aside from the visuals. Nobody actually likes this film. You want so, so badly to like this film, so you lie to yourself, just like you do about everything else.
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lunarw0rks · 1 year
cod dudes with a nurse y/n but make it lowkey realistic: bc lets be real, after a 12 hr shift you do NOT want to hang out with friends, party, or socialize. ur feet hurt from walking and standing all day, your ears are tired from hearing the IV pumps beep all day, and the smell of C.diff makes u want to vomit. nurse y/n just wants to sit down or lay on the couch and be non-verbal... Gaz, price, and rudy are the sweetest. they pick that up real quick after mistakenly asking "hows ur shift" and y/n trauma dumped them for 5 hrs straight. they don't immediately ask for hugs and kisses bc they know u overwhelmed. they just pour u a cup of wine and sit next to you until YOU talk to them first. you lowkey gossip with them on ur day off or randomly be like "omg look at that dude over there next to the parking spot its giving edema". and then theres soap and ghost. Soap is clingy, yall really think hes gonna survive 12hrs of not seeing you? this man was waiting by the door at 7:15 pm. on the dot. wants to hug and kiss you and tell you about his day. but ur just so. fucking. tired. you tried to be as responsive but it always ended up with a tired "mhm". He legit got upset a few times but he'd be a good sport about it tho. eventually he caught on a couple of weeks in and now he just comes and hugs you from behind, kisses ur face, and cuddles you silently (AFTER you throw away ur dirty scrubs and shower. that C.diff smell is yucky yucky). Tells you he appreciates your care and effort for the patients every day :). Ghost.... omgg he said something lowkey offensive to you right after u got home from the worst shift of ur week. and he didnt even know WHAT he said/did, hes kinda bad a picking up ur cues. nurse y/n just turned around slowly, gave him the NASTIEST side eye, and stared at him for a good 2.5 min. This man immediately retreated from ur couch to wherever he was b4 like a hermit going back to its shell lmao. 2 hrs later you find a small written note and ur fave gurl dinner on the dining table.
Alejandro..... this man is SO PROUD of his s/o being a nurse. hes showing you off every chance he gets!!! He takes Nursing week SERIOUSLY. give you massages, spas, gifts, ect. but he doesnt get how tired and overwhelmed you are. you have to physically tell him to stop asking or letting his family asking medical question. "No ale. I will NOT look at auntie's mole on her stomach. when im off the clock im OFF THE CLOCK :("
Valeria threatens to beat up the management for you lol. she hates how you get treated by them sometimes. you didnt get the recognition you deserve. Def bosses her cartel men around to buy you gifts and such. one time she organized a whole day to spoil and pamper you. she gave you her own version of Daisy Award 🥺💞 Konig observes and internally analyzes ur every move. he panics tho. like "OMG she home but she already has a bottle of wine its different from the one she had yesterday.. omg omg she didnt even say hello that means her shifts was extra shitty today.... why is she sipping on the wine for so long and the last sip is longer than all previous sips........" He eventually learned you just need silent company. you were laying on the bed feeling burned out when he came over with some soup, kissed ur hand, and wrapped you in a blanket burrito :).
ah, realistic nurse!y/n. this is a breath of fresh air for me.
they're all trying their best. and honestly, what better pair? they also have an overstimulating, kinda gross (blood and bodily fluids), exhausting career !!
it's a match made in heaven !! (aside from the whole... miscommunication and barely seeing each other thing. but what's a good ship without some gut-wrenching angst?)
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rainysofsunshineao3 · 5 months
And today, instead of anylysing another Yasmina and Sammy scene, we're analyzing THESE TWO BAMFs!!!
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OMFG, these two I can't with these two I love them so dearly my lord. One of my favourite brother/sister relationships of all time. Their so supportive of each other and have a "sorry I just threw you down a mountain, it's how I show affection :)" relationship it's the best dynamic ISTG.
Like, I think Ben is the only other person Yaz voluntarily hugs (Not counting all the time's with Brooklyn cause those were kinda out of like "I protec u").
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Like, Yaz didn't really have a strong relationship with Ben before he became "Island Ben", but when she sees him, instead of standing in shock like Brook and Kenji, she just throws herself at him (In a very "Sammy-like" manner, if I do say so myself lol). She obviously cares for this boy, even in when he was "Scared-Ben" and before their relationship really took off.
And she CONTINUES holding on to him like a lifeline for a good 7 seconds (Trust, I counted lol) AND THEN SHE FUCKING-
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She pulls him in AGAIN. And Ben isn't like, akward about it at all. He just hugs her back instantly, which to me screams that there were never any romantic interest between them (Sorry to those who ship these two) and honestly shows need more of this. Like, these two are the only ones in this series...
ok I take it back, no one has shipped Ben and Brooklyn or Darius and Sammy as far as I'm concerned, but they have such limited screentime together I can see why.
They're the only well-developed and HEALTHY non-romantic duo in this series.
But like, Brook, Kenji, and Darius all had this really...weird and unexplained love triangle going on. Like I swear I wasn't the only one picking up on Brooklyn and Darius in Season 1 and 2, but then it shifts to Kenji for no real reason. Then obviously Yaz and Sammy were hinted at since the very first episode lol, but these two.
They're not even really as sibling-coded as Darius and Kenji (Yet another ship that I hope no one wanted to sail because...ew. their brothers yall. BROTHERS). They're just...different. I really don't know how to explain it. Honestly the best way I can explain it is with these two vvv
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Yaz would definitely call Ben "Dingus" and make a "You Rule | You Suck" board I will die on this hill.
And Yaz obviously trusts this boy with her life. Like, when they were hiding from the robo-dogs (Oh my god, the demodogs and demogorgons of JWCC, the BRADS and BRAD-Xs) she's leaning into him.
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And then they think their gonna die and this snipped right here actually breaks and heals my heart at the same time 🥹
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Yaz just clings to him and hides her face in his shoulder and Ben doesn't waste a single goddamn moment before he tries to shield her as best he can.
*Raine pauses and watches again for science*
Screaming, crying, sobbing over them.
Can't find the GIF for it, but in season 5 when Ben sees Bumpy on get off the boat and makes a run for it, Yaz is the first one who notices Ben is gone. She's looking around for him before everyone else and she's the one who asks "Where's Ben". It's the little details in their relationship.
There's a whole other post I might make tomorrow on the amazing wingmanship between these two with Sammy and Ben's hilarious misunderstanding of Yaz being Kenji's wingman (Still not over that).
I love these two so much, my babies :))) There's so many moments between them that I caught on my rewatch.
Can't wait for JWCT, I miss the children so muchhhh
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daytaker · 6 months
Could you perhaps write something where gn!mc is just,,, a complete asshole. Fully standoffish and rude, I think it'd be hilarious [bonus points if they have a traumatic backstory for WHY]
No bonus points for me because my asshole MCs exist in a state of suspended animation and they're just like this Because They Are.
Now, I go on and actually explore my idea from an earlier prompt that MC being standoffish would derail the entire plot of OG Season 1 since it requires them to help Belphie get out of the attic.
And if you're wondering, yes, Solomon is quoting KJV Book of Revelation at the end there.
How Your Year-Long Vacation In the Devildom Ended in the Apocalypse
or; Asshole Standoffish MC says what?
Ship: None Word Count: ~1.3k Triggers: Uhhhh... (points to the title)
You're not here to make friends.
And you're definitely not here to date any million-year-old demons who look like they stepped out of the pages of Esquire.
You're here because you're Fate's favorite bitch, and apparently you haven't been suffering enough lately.
So you go ahead and announce all that to your host family the first time you all sit down for dinner.
"...Are humans like that?" asks Asmodeus, looking between you and his brothers. "...I...I don't remember humans being like that."
"Wow. Okay," says Leviathan, staring at his Switch. "First of all, what's your damage. Second, you should probably find the demons who are interested in dating you and let them know, lmao." He fist-bumps Mammon without looking up from the screen.
"What's Esquire?" asks Beel.
"I'm gonna go eat in my room," you say. "Goodnight."
As you leave, you hear Mammon mumble, "Well, they were right about being a bitch."
Things aren't any less irritating at that stupid school. Honestly, who names a school after themselves and the fact that they're royalty? Was he just trying to make an easy acronym? Seriously. 'Royal Academy of Diavolo'.... It makes you cringe, hard.
So you sit in the back of all your classes and doodled your favorite sleep paralysis monsters getting closer and closer to the foot of your bed over the course of the day. You're just getting to where you can see the empty white scleras staring up at you when Dumb, Dumb, and Dumber turn up, A.K.A. the other exchange students, A.K.A. Simeon the Angel (dumb), Luke the Baby Angel (also dumb), and Solomon (dumber), the immortal human sorcerer and also the ancient king of Jerusalem? (Like, that Solomon? What the fuck, why does he look like a twenty-three year old anime boy?)
"You must be the newest exchange student," says the tall angel.
"Yeah, and?" you answer.
"Hey, you don't need to be so rude to him!" says the baby angel. His voice makes you want to throw yourself into a furnace.
"Yeah, and?" you answer again.
"Haha! So the new student has some spunk! I like that," says the Biblical king.
"Why are you all bothering me? I was drawing my sleep par--"
"We should all hang out at Purgatory Hall sometime," suggests Simeon, proving he hasn't been paying attention. "By the way, why did Diavolo end up putting you in with the brothers instead of situating you with us?"
"Because I walk around naked at night and I don't care who sees, and there's a child in your dorm."
"Really?" asks Simeon, covering Luke's ears. "Why do you do that?"
"Because fuck you, that's why. Leave me alone."
"I don't remember humans being like that," murmurs Simeon to Solomon as they walk away.
"I'm a human too," says the demon in the attic.
"Uh-huh," you say with undisguised skepticism. "And you want me to forge pacts because...?"
"Because then you can release me. Us humans have to stick together."
You let that hang there for a few seconds before dropping the ax.
"...So I know you're Belphegor. Because your fucking picture is up in the house. You absolute moron."
His expression drops.
"You idiot. You lying shit. Don't waste my time like this again. I'm not forging pacts with any demons. I know you missed my first dinner here, but to sum it up: I'm not here to make friends."
"I don't remember humans being like this," he mumbles to himself. "Wha- hey! Wait! Where are you going?! Come back! Come- come back!!!"
It's Diavolo's birthday party, and Lucifer forces you to come.
By that, I mean he physically picks you up and drags you there while you struggle and rage.
"I don't remember humans being like this," Diavolo says to Barbatos with some concern as he sees you carried thrashing through the entry.
"Oh, they absolutely are," argues Solomon. "I only calmed down after I'd been around about a hundred years. But for their stage of development, I'd say they're pretty much par for the course."
Barbatos stares blankly at Solomon as Diavolo nods sagely. "I see, I see... I suppose I'll have to keep that in mind when selecting our next exchange student."
"Finally! The year is almost up, which means this loser's going back to the human world, and Belphie's gonna come back home!" cheers Mammon.
"Very expository of you," Satan replies dryly.
"Oh, Belphie is Belphegor, right? Your youngest brother?" you ask, looking up from the knife you've been sharpening. It's one of the chores you reluctantly accepted over the course of your stay here. You're taking care of your knife duties while brothers 2 and 4 cook dinner.
"Uh, obviously," snorts Mammon. "Why, what do you care? You'll be gone before he gets here."
"I forgot I never mentioned this to any of you. He's in the attic."
Mammon and Satan stare at you. Mammon chuckles nervously. "Whaaa? Don't be stupid, there's nothing up in the attic. Lucifer doesn't even let us go up there."
You stare back at him, unblinking. The two brothers glance at each other.
You sit on your suitcase in the front hall of the House of Lamentation as the place goes up in flames.
Beelzebub is in a mindless rage, cursing Lucifer and breaking down walls. Every now and then, the entire house rumbles, indicating its structural integrity is just that much less solid.
Leviathan summoned Lotan in a moment of panic when Mammon kicked his door in and announced that Belphegor was going to war against the human world and Lucifer and Diavolo and he'd better pick sides before he got drafted, so the entire ground floor is soaked in a few inches of water and tentacles keep reaching out from the depths of the house. You swat them away whenever they get too close. You're not sure where Levi is now, but based on the fact you can hear Mammon screaming and pounding at the bathroom door, you can make a good guess.
Asmodeus released Cerberus from the basement after charming him, and when he realized the dog was too enraptured to obey Lucifer, the pressure got to him and he fled. Now the two are on the war path to Majolish, because 'all this drama is stressing [them] out' and 'this is how [they] cope, okay?'
Lucifer is grappling with Belphie and Satan, who, upon hearing that Belphie intended to rebel against Lucifer, joined his cause. He keeps trying to bang their heads together; you can see it happening in front of the fireplace down the hall. But Satan's tail keeps slashing at him like some sort of prehensile melee weapon and it's clearly at least somewhat effective.
Looking up, you see what appears to be a pair of dragons grappling in the sky, and all around you are the sounds of screams and sirens. The earth rumbles around you, and even the stars seemed to be falling from the sky.
"I can't believe you did it!"
You turn around in surprise as the door opens. Solomon stands there, beaming at you like a proud father. "You really did it! You broke the sixth seal!"
"Sorry, what?"
"'And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood!'"
"Sorry, what?"
The roof begins to cave in, so you step out of the way, and Solomon laughs maniacally.
"It's still going! 'And the great kings of the land said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne!"'" Another chunk of the ceiling crashes directly in front of you.
"Are you high?"
So we smoke a joint, staring up through the broken roof into the starless sky, watching demons and brawl, awaiting the breaking of the seventh seal: silence.
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chuckduckling · 2 years
No character is a stranger to being vilified in fanfic (for the sake of a ship, a plot contrivance, whatever), but when Yue Qingyuan is vilified by making him into a controlling and pushy yandere, it's always kinda funny to me.
Because I'm pretty sure any time YQY has to force anyone to do anything, especially Shen Qingqiu, he breaks out in hives. This man has had "parentified peacekeeper" baked into his bones since childhood — I mean, he was a child slave who coped by taking care of the other child slaves, it makes sense to me.
Hell, this was one of YQY's defining moments in the main book, supporting Shen Yuan as he left with Luo Binghe! (also, does anyone else get "SY craving daddy’s approval before running off with the local bad boy" vibes…just me...okay...)
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More rambling (and screenshots) under the cut...
I mean, arguably, YQY's biggest canonical flaw is his inaction when Shen Jiu is abusing disciples. Scenes that involve YQY and SJ arguing, such as the brothel scene, or when SJ was interrogating Shang Qinghua, don't actually have YQY using his authority to make SJ do anything.
In fact, the brothel argument ends with YQY acquiescing to what SJ wants, promising to help cover the whole thing up, and even assuring SJ that he'll keep Liu Qingge silent!
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Every time YQY pushes past SJ’s “stay away I hate you” boundaries, it's also never motivated by control or disregard, but rather, it comes from anxiety about SJ's well-being. For example, when YQY takes advantage of the annual spars to bother SJ, this is what he's dying to talk about:
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And considering how we saw SJ shut down SQH when he was trying to help him out, after LQG misunderstood him, well…it's not entirely unreasonable to assume that if SJ is in trouble, he won’t ask for help. I mean, the whole reason YQY went to the brothel in the first place was because he was worried SJ was being bullied, and he was going to Qing Jing to help him!
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However, this is not to say that anyone has to see these as good excuses or justifications for pushing boundaries. If you find YQY's pushiness frustrating, regardless of the reason, who am I to tell you your feelings are invalid?
But from what I see in the text, YQY normally defaults to respecting SQQ's wishes, and when he acts to the contrary, he's motivated by very specific worries about SQQ's well-being — not a desire for control.
I do find YQY to be a flawed character, but sometimes...his vilification in fanfics...it just seems to be making things up, to the point that I'm like, who is this controlling authority figure??? Where did the real YQY go, the guy who assures outsiders that he'll definitely punish his subordinates, and then turns around and talks to them about dinner plans???
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I'm honestly curious what other people's thoughts are, because I do feel like I've come across this criticism of YQY's behavior in quite a few fanfics, and it always throws me off.
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antianakin · 1 year
Honestly felt like such a disservice to Ezra "I Will Risk My Life For People I Just Met" Bridger. The "I will solo confront Thrawn and 3 ships worth of troops on the slim chance my plan works" to not even try to AT LEAST scout out Thrawn's stuff. You seriously can't tell me someone who spent a good chunk of their life sneaking around and stealing couldn't do that especially with the reduced numbers present. The literal best part of the finale was him getting the emitter similar to Kanan but where the fuck did the crystal come from
Yeah, I questioned the fact that Ezra had apparently been doing NOTHING but moving around with the Noti for the last decade. He just says it's suicide to try to get anywhere near, but... it does feel like a disservice that he couldn't do ANYTHING AT ALL and would've been nicer if he could've had more info on hand to pass off.
The entire sequence of them breaking in just felt like a video game where you defeat one group of enemies and then something happens and now you have a new obstacle and then there's a mini-boss and then and then and then. They're not utilizing any of the information they DO have on hand (like ANY of their experience with Dathomir and the Nightsisters and zombies). I dunno, it didn't feel all that interesting or unique to me as an action sequence, either. And having Ezra have more knowledge of what might be coming because he'd broken in a few times but perhaps not made it all the way or had to fight zombies a few times or something could've helped with that particular issue.
I'm actually less fussed about where the crystal came from than I am about having Kanan's emitter. Because Jedi just kind-of... acquiring kyber crystals randomly is at this point a fairly time-honored tradition. Luke gets a new green lightsaber pretty randomly in ROTJ and while I think it gets explained away as having been via supplies Obi-Wan had in a deleted scene (a quick Google search tells me that Legends apparently said it was a synthetic crystal but that the concept of a synthetic kyber crystal no longer exists so, it still begs the question of where OBI-WAN got a random kyber crystal from). And Ezra himself does exactly the same thing in Rebels back when he lost his blaster saber at the end of season 2 and magically has a new green saber at the beginning of season 3 without a SINGLE explanation of where it came from (he can't go back to the Lothal temple at that point anymore and we never see him grab any of the lightsabers from the dead Jedi on Malachor).
So. Whatever. Sure. He found a kyber crystal on Peridea somewhere, fine.
But using Kanan's emitter (and the added salt in the wound of the blade being BLUE now) just felt like lazy nostalgia bait to me. This is going to sound really insensitive and rude and insulting and I'm really sorry, this isn't aimed at you specifically, I don't think you're stupid for liking this moment, I just didn't care for it and my thoughts below are going to edge into a rant about how frustrated I am with the way this show has gone and why this moment doesn't work for me.
I want Ezra to be able to have his OWN blade still, I want him to be able to have something unique to him that reflects the experiences he's had in this new galaxy, I wanted them do something new and unique and interesting and instead they just... basically gave him Kanan's saber. Like yeah he constructed it to be new, but it's blue and it's the same distinctive emitter so it may as well just be Kanan's saber. It creates emotions because it's Kanan's saber, but personally this just felt like yet another moment where they relied entirely on nostalgia for Rebels to make the moment emotional rather than doing any real work to make the moment emotional or interesting or develop Ezra's character in any way at all. They've barely mentioned Kanan ONCE up until this episode and just as a quick throw away line to explain that Jacen might have special powers. There's nothing from Hera, or Jacen, or Sabine, or even EZRA prior to this moment that really creates any tension or emotion around Kanan's character and his loss, so this moment where Ezra just recreates Kanan's saber feels... hollow. Empty.
And given that this whole show's theme was about how great attachments are and how clinging to your loved ones is actually the only good thing to do in life, it felt a little frustrating to have Ezra recreate Kanan's saber. It SHOULD feel like Ezra trying to honor Kanan in some way and do this as a healthy remembrance of Kanan, but given the way they're acting towards Ahsoka's memories of Anakin and Sabine's choices regarding Ezra, it starts to feel more like Ezra refusing to just let go of Kanan and allow Kanan's legacy to be the things he taught Ezra. Ahsoka is DEFINED by Anakin and that relationship and so now Ezra's Jedi weapon also is defined by his master, one of the few things a Jedi has to truly identify themselves with.
We're not getting this nice message of "the master passes on everything they've learned to their student, but the student still goes their own way" so much as we're getting this really weird like... "masters and apprentices are intrinsically tied to each other for life and are the most important relationship either of them will ever have to another person and it defines who you become" kind of message. And I don't really care for it. And I think my frustration with that message took what COULD'VE been a nice homage to Kanan and made it into a symptom of something I just didn't like.
And I'll connect it to the problem you brought up first about how it felt out of character for Ezra not to be able to sneak onto the base to do any kind of recon or to try to take out Thrawn on his own at all. They don't WANT to explore Ezra as his own character any more than they want to explore Ahsoka as her own character or Sabine as her own character. Ahsoka and Sabine are just proxies for Anakin, they're variations of "Anakin as he should've been." Sabine and Ahsoka make all the same mistakes so that Ahsoka can sit there and go "Actually Anakin was always right and he was a good master and I'm going to act exactly like him except somehow without any of the genocide or enslavement bits."
Ezra I think is having a similar problem where I don't think they really CARE about who Ezra is as a character to delving that deeply into his psyche and how this time would have actually changed or impacted him or what his relationship with Kanan means to him. Ezra is just... there to be the catalyst through which to have Sabine act like Anakin so that Ahsoka can think about Anakin. So they're not trying to make Ezra act in character, they don't CARE that Ezra should be able to connect to the Howlers because space wolves are kind-of Ezra's THING. They don't CARE that Ezra should be able to sneak onto Thrawn's base because that's a major element of his character. They don't CARE about giving Ezra a unique lightsaber to explore who he is now as a person after all of this time. That's not the point of having Ezra on this show. Ezra is a means to an end and just yet another piece of nostalgia bait basically.
The thing I've said about most Star Wars media beyond the main 6 films is that it's all fan service, right? There's nothing INHERENTLY wrong with fan service or nostalgia bait. A lot of the stuff I genuinely love also does a lot of both. Rogue One, Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, even Rebels itself. The thing is, I happened to be the fan that those pieces of media were servicing. So I'm going to be able to watch them and let go of what little frustrations might exist as just nitpicks rather than things that make me give up on it as a lost cause entirely. I am NOT the fan being serviced in the Ahsoka show. At all. There isn't a single thing in this show that is aimed at a fan like me. There is NOTHING FOR ME on this show at all. So all of the little fan service-y nostalgia bait moments aren't hitting because I'm just continuously getting frustrated by it over and over and not getting even any real glimmers of like... "aw, that was nice though." Even the "nice" moments get slotted into the wider patterns of this show that I don't like.
So hey, the nostalgia bait of Kanan's saber probably worked for a lot of people and honestly, I'm glad it did. I'm glad there were people who got to really enjoy seeing Ezra recreate Kanan's saber as a nice homage to the character and their relationship. I'm glad there were some people who got to enjoy even this small part of this show.
I just... can't. I wanted more and I didn't get it.
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sunwarmed-ash · 6 months
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
love me or hate me, I just don't care
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Chapter 3: feel the love, I don't feel enough, I don't like to be alone
Ship: Pre-slash Steddiegrove
Fandom: Stranger Things
Rating: Explicit- Violence, language, eventual smut
TW: Child abusive, homophobic language, violence Tags: Billy Hargrove centered, numb Billy, fighting, unhealthy ways of dealing with stress, the homoeroticism of Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington, enemies to friends to lovers, pre slash, Eddie Munson & Billy Hargrove, tags to be added
It’s a relatively boring Tuesday night at Family Video and Robin and Steve are just about out of topics to gossip about. That's never happened before, but honestly, it's been weeks since anything remotely interesting has happened. Since their fight and awkward apology, Billy’s been avoiding Steve like the plague. For a while it was nice. It gave Steve a chance to process their last interaction. But now that he has, the lack of resolution is it's driving him nuts. They need to talk about it. Their fights. Because, in all actuality, now that Steve’s ‘gotten his revenge’ in so many words, he realizes, embarrassingly, he didn't have much reason to hate Billy Hargrove. After that night, Billy’s attitude towards all of them shifted. It was like a completely different person was running his flesh suit now. Nothing like the proud, boisterous, asshole they all met back in October. A part of Steve hates to admit it, but he kinda misses fighting with Billy. Not the bash-each-others-teeth-in kind of fight, the normal, totally not homoerotic way Billy used to tease him. Steve hasn’t seen that Billy in months. He wonders what happened to him. 
That next moment, Eddie Munson comes flying through the front doors, eyes wild as he slaps the front counter with both palms. 
“You are not going to BELIEVE who I just saw!” Eddie shouts, and Steve doesn’t think he’s ever seen Eddie smile this big before.
“Why are you yelling? We’re right here,” Robin scolds, but Steve is interested. This is the most entertained he’s been all day. 
“Billy. Hargrove.” Eddie says, like the man had gone missing or something and not just rececedied into emotional unavailability. 
“Like you saw him and talked to him, or saw him from a distance?” Robin asks, not nearly as excited for this news as the boys were.
“Well…okay, I saw him through the window. But! He’s working at Melvalds. After school. That’s why we haven’t seen him around.”
“Melvalds?” Steve repeats, curious why hasn’t Joyce mentioned anything yet? Or Max? “Since when?”
“I don’t know but dude, he looks hot.” Eddie pants, waving a hand in front of his face like a fan. 
“What?” Steve laughs, face flushing red at the public mention of their shared, ever growing obsession with the blonde. 
“I've never seen him wear his hair in a ponytail before but, phew, its doing it for me Steve.”
“Just about anybody would do it for you,” Robin mutters and Eddie throws a challenging grin her way.  
“Says the girl who creamed herself when Chrissy got a new scrunchie.”
Robin flushed redder than Eddie’s nail polish before smacking his arm hard. 
“Shut the FUCK UP!”
Steve and Eddie both explosde into laughter at Robin's expense before Steve changes to more important matters. 
“Okay, so when are we going?”
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acheronist · 3 months
HI ISABEL i was thinking abt ur beechey boys + peglar/armitage extended cinematic universe while doing my laundry earlier (<- normal guy behaviour) and now i'm curious if u've thought of any actors/face claims for them – beechey boys especially bc we don't even have terror versions to use lol 👀🎤
HI GENEEEE 🖤 this is interesting.... honestly i've never been very good at fan casting shit because my default is always just going "x character should be played by riz ahmed" which ummmm would not work here i fear.
anyways everyone watch out there's gonna be mummy images below the cut
okay i really don't care about actors enough to do this well ummm LMAO johnny bertchtold YOU🫵🏻 are now john shaw torrington!! except johnny's way too tall and also ripped to be jorts.... i will say tho, as annoying as the john torrington/david young erasure is in the amc show, they did kind of nail it with alfie kingsnorth... now that's a skinny blonde bitch who looks half dead! he's got the right big round eyes + prominent cheekbones as jorts
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if we could get some mutton chops and the uniform of a royal marine private onto ferdinand kingsley i think he'd be fantastic as william braine..... actually now that i'm looking at this i kind of feel like a genius for this one LMAO??
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john hartnell is a little harder because i've already decided in my heart that this daguerreotype is 100% undeniably him even though the chances of it are actually probably very low. in actuality. but i have tried to match up the daguerreotype "hartnell" with the mummy hartnell and i do think it's a super close match.... i just wish mr. daguerreotype hadn't tucked his hair over his ear so i could compare the shape of john's ear.... but anyways there is actually one bg dude from terror amc who i have also kind of decided could be jarts!!! he was one of the dudes who voted to stay on terror and die there instead of out on the shale before everyone abandoned ship... he's got the right haircut for it <3 but also i think rob james-collier could be kind of a slay for jartnell if we can get him back to his downton abbey prime
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and then thomas morgan hasn't really made his debut in the beechey boys cinematic universe (yet. chapter two still cooking......) and we also haven't exhumed HIM so this is really just like throwing a dart and calling it good. i did draw a little version of him here tho . so do with this as you will i guess. me when i'm just making up whatever the fuck. he should be kind of sickly looking as well though because my dude was going THROUGH it (+ he had one million pre existing conditions) before he died.
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and for like... henry & thomas theyre much more nebulous in my brain..... maybe i'll try and draw them later!? i did do fanart here of henry tho but i fear it's got a heavy amc casting influence on what he looked like.
real life facts: thomas (5'9") is 2 inches taller than henry (5'7"), henry probably had broad/strong arms and shoulders due to climbing around in the rigging for his whole career, both of them had brown hair, and thomas was older than henry enough that he was probably starting to get salt-and-pepper grey during the miserable stressful parts of the expedition. henry's id papers describe his complexion as "sallow" and based on how many captains said he had a shitty/indifferent/bored attitude while working leads me to believe my king had chronic resting bitch face + looked vaguely exhausted and pale and unwell even when he was healthy.
also in my heart amc nailed it with giving thomas curly hair tho... charlie kelly is cute to meeeeee... unfortunately he isn't 40 years old enough. no source no facts anyways i just want to believe in curly girl armitage supremacy. ALSOOOO in my heart (again) henry has sailor tattoos-- HOLD FAST on his knuckles for good luck in the ropes + two swallows on his chest under each collarbone to mark his 10,000th mile at seas. i forgot what i was talking about. i think do think k*vin g*thrie's face was honestly too conventionally attractive for henry though. i just know my man was mid as fuck. frown lines from scowling, ink stains on his fingers at all times, never worn sunblock ever, thinks splashing water on his face counts as moisturizing etc.... MY henry peter peglar is pretty weather-beaten and looks like a mean cunt and sometimes he snarls at people like a badly trained dog. amen.
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suffersinfandom · 11 months
This is a somewhat-hingeless rant about disability and OFMD/Izzy takes.
Tumblr handed me a "recommended" post that made me so mad I ended up deleting a moderately unhinged reply and walking away for a bit. It's still eating at me, so I'm just gonna reply to it indirectly.
(I know this is cowardly, but anything I say will just lead to fighting and I'm tired. If anyone wants to discourse about whatever I post, please do me a favor and don't rant at me directly. Take caps and scream into the void like a gentleperson.)
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First: I am physically disabled and I often use visible disability aids (just establishing my credentials so I'm allowed to not support this take uncritically). I also have mental health issues and less visible physical issues that honestly cripple me more.
Second: the title alone, man. My main issue with this whole thing is the disability gatekeeping, but that interpretation... hngh. I don't think OFMD was trying to meet a disability quota, you know? It's not "we have three disabled people so we can kill one off."
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"Izzy shouldn't have died because he's the most clearly, visibly disabled" is a weird take because it conflates two unrelated things: Izzy's disability and Izzy's death. It's okay to be upset that Izzy died because his specific disability was something you related to. It hurts to have representation taken away! But his death had a narrative purpose. It had nothing to do with his status as an amputee.
And yeah, people are disabled in different ways, but is acknowledging that really an invitation to dismiss some disabilities as invalid? Sure, let's gatekeep disability. Let's decide that some people aren't disabled, actually. Lucius, Black Pete, Wee John, Spanish Jackie, and Ed aren't disabled in a way that's huge and traumatic and life-changing, so throw them out.
Except Ed is one of our protagonists, and I'd argue that his issues are way more important to the narrative than Izzy's. Ed's bad knee is technically fanon (fanon that I love because I too have bad joints and a shit knee), but I would argue that Ed is absolutely canonically disabled. Are we really supposed to disregard his crippling mental health issues because they're not visible? We're just going to shrug off the suicidal despair that drove a huge chunk of the plot? Wild that something so central to the story just doesn't matter because it's not the right kind of disabled.
That was a tangent, sorry. Back to Izzy and the injury that was "thrust upon him."
Yes, his injury is life-changing and traumatic. I'm sympathetic -- but not as sympathetic as I would be if he hadn't played a significant part in the events that led to the loss of his leg.
"That's victim blaming!"
It's a statement of fact. As Izzy himself admitted, he drove the darkness in Ed. He dangled his leg over the side of the ship and a shark bit it off. The injury wasn't thrust upon him so much as actively courted.
Izzy tried to shoot himself in the head at his lowest moment. If I may misquote OP: if you cannot see that there is a WORLD of difference between Ed's multi-episode suicidal arc and Izzy impulsively seeking an out, I honestly do not know what to say to you.
But the big thing about Izzy is that he is a secondary character in a story. If you take off the Izzy blinders, you can see that it's not all about him. His go at suicide killed the symbol of toxic masculinity that he had been up to that point so his story could progress. When he crawled along the floor whining pathetically, his sheer levels of wet cat-ness brought the crew together. The crew rallying around him and giving him the love and forgiveness that he did not ask for? That was about the crew and their growth, not Izzy.
Izzy did not have some deep-seated care for the crew before he was shot. He didn't throw himself in front of a bullet for them. He was not the crew's protector. Izzy's growth began when Ed essentially fired him, and the real changes happened post leg removal.
But here's something super important: Izzy was not suicidal when he told Ed he was ready to go.
Because yeah, I agree, it'd suck if a character who attempted suicide spent a few episodes being rehabilitated and accepting love and who he is turned around and decided that he wanted to die. It's a good thing that's not what happened.
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This is what made me decide not to reply directly. Yeah, clearly a lot of disabled queer people are upset. And you know what? That's fine! I always support feeling what you're feeling, even if that feeling is negative. I'm sorry that other queer disabled people are hurting, and I don't want to add to that hurt by being directly confrontational.
Then OP said the last part and I was riled all over again. I was prepared to reblog since I meet their criteria (or maybe I don't -- I might not be the right kind of disabled), but what's the point? How miserable do I want to be? How much do I want to make them miserable?
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I know I ranted a lot here, but what I'm getting at is this: Izzy DID NOT "go from wanting to die after a hugely traumatic disabling life event" to "wanting to die after finding acceptance and happiness." If he had, I'd totally understand why OP is upset and I'd think, yeah, maybe they should've run that by a few more people.
Izzy didn't want to die. He accepted his death as the inevitability it was -- inevitable not just because the wound was fatal, but because his death was important to the larger story and, importantly, Ed's story.
Izzy is piracy. Izzy is toxic masculinity personified. Izzy is anchoring Ed to Blackbeard. Izzy is not a character who overcame great obstacles and found acceptance just to decide that, actually, he'd like to be dead instead. He's not David Jenkins and company telling people who relate to Izzy that they should just die. He's not proof that recovery and joy are impossible for broken people.
Look at Ed. He went from wanting to die to wanting to live and do better. He's still working for his acceptance and happiness, and Izzy's last words are insistence to him that he'll get there.
Lucius said that some people are just broken, and this season does everything it can to refute that. One of the clearest themes is no one is broken beyond repair. People can change and they can heal and they can be forgiven by the people they hurt. This theme is so clear that I don't understand how anyone can overlook it.
I've been typing for ages and I'm honestly so sorry to anyone who takes me seriously enough to read this. It's a lot of negativity, and we have more than enough of that.
(And if you're disabled, hurt by Izzy's death, and also somehow still here, I sincerely hope that you feel better about it soon. I hope you'll come across meta that puts things into perspective in a way that lets you appreciate OFMD's positive messages and make peace with or move past season two. Barring that, I hope you find a new show to latch onto that gives you everything you want.)
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lunarthecorvus · 8 days
yes soc is awesome im on like a 3rd reread rn
actually i came here because of that asks reblog thingie to ask you something like what's your fav colour or shir
okay you gotta tell me your fav scene. also did you read the books or watched the show
Heyy! First I have to apologise for being so late with this- I can be good at answering asks or just awful at answering them on time-
I have read the books and watched the show. I watched the show first then got hyperfixated on the crows and needed to consume the books so I listened to the audiobooks! I adore the audiobooks and all the voices BUT I have a complaint about the pronunciation of words being different each time I heard them- even the same voice actors would pronounce the same word differently ahsha
Show wise I have quite a few favourite scenes and one of them is the one where all the crows (minus Matthias </3) were in that cafe discussing plans. Another one is the one where Jesper says that Jes means Suli for friendship, I loved the moment where the train expolded, the irony was just funny and I loved Jesper in that scene.
The scene where we had Inej, Zoya and Nina is the same frame was perfectt. Alina telling the Darkling she can deal with it hersekf and handle the people coming after her, also her killing the Darkling was amazing because I despise that creepy man. Inej doing the cool jump and slicing the shadow demon, iconnn. Honestly I almost wrote about that whole scene, I just love it all.
Seeing Kaz, Jesper and Nikolai be in the same room (the scene where Jesper and Kaz are arrested), I also loved.
Ooo and the scene where Inej is surrounded and goes 'the question is will I waste my prayers tonight after gutting you all' that was INEJ FUCKING GHAFA, shes so powerfulll. Then her and Nina interacting (I know not for long but stilll) and Nina speaking Suli, YESS. I wish that scene was longer.
Book wise, I could go on forever and in more detail about but I don't want this to be too long, so if you want to know more about why I love these scenes, feel to send an ask and i might get to it this year hopefully ahhsdh-
Inej being injured in the ship and Nina taking care of her. Just reading Nina care for Inej and them just being best friends and just talking was so nice to read, those girls deserve the worlddd, also their friendship means so much to mee.
Jesper and Wylan when they're breaking the chain because thats when I really realised how much I loved book!wesper and them interacting was so niceee. Also we just got see more of a newer side of Wylan and Jesper, it's one of my favouritee wesper scenee.
Kaz and Inej 'I would come for you' scene, when I tell you I was shocked at this scene, two people guarded like those two. Especially admitting that he would come for her not matter what was happening to either of them, he would come for herrr.
I was going to include just one but the other scene is the scene where Kaz says is my tie straight and Inej laughs, its them being in love and just being soft for a moment AHHHH, then when she goes to her parents and when she goes 'her heart was a river and it carried her to the sea', the fact that she gets to reunte with her parents hunt slavers and work with Kaz to take them down on land sometimes as well, JUST I LOVE HER and am happy for her. Her saying she thinks he's worth saving AAAAA.
Honourary mention is when she said the 'I will have you without armour or I will not have you at all' she set boundries as she should despite the fact that she knew she had feelings for him and wasn't willing to throw her life away and basically said that he needs to be willing to work on himself, Y E S.
Matthias and Nina, the kiss scene where he spins her around, I SQUEALED when I read that. I adore them both and was so happy when they actually finally broke down all the tensity and gave innn.
Nina being on Parem, I know that its sad because of what it did to her BUT she was just so powerful and commanding in that scene I just ahhhhhh love it. Also I love how Nina just manages to flirt her way through stuff and is an incredible spy, NINAAAA, shes so impressive
Wylan, ooo this one, its when Wylan was first disguised as Kuwei and watched his dad be fine with killing him, as well as just being face to face with his abusive piece of shit father. As someone who has/had a Dad like that when I heard that I was so FREAKING PROUD of him, he was face to face and watched his father do that and managed to boast to him about knowing he'd that and fooling him, Y E S. I was so impressed and knew the strength it would take to even face him, I'm still so proud of him to this
Inej, there are so many scenes but one is the 'when the world owed you nothing, you demanded something of it anyway.' just hit the feels, she's writing her own fate after other people writing it for her and knowing that unlike Dunyasha she didn't have some special protection when she was taken, but she will hold herself up because she has survived and she is INEJ GHAFA. Another scene like this I loved was the incinerator scene because it felt so just AHHH, she finally chose that she was going to survive and finally live, it just hitss. And she released she was going to do it herself and not for work for anybody and help people like her.
There are so many more Inej scenes but this post is already too long that I don't want to make it so much longer, I wanted to include scenes for Kaz, Jesper and Matthias but I saw this post was just so long so for now I'm ending it here, if you want me to write about those scenes just send me another ask about it and I'll include them :)
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aalissy · 5 months
Oops! Sorry I missed yesterday's chapter! I hope you like both of these chapters to make up for the lack of a chapter yesterday though <3
Adrien took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly as he held Marinette's in his. They sat across from each other on her chaise, and it had been a great, perfect, wonderful day. But the idea of going to London hung over his head. So much so, that he knew he simply had to tell her, especially as it weighed heavily on his heart. 
He paused the show that they were watching, turning to look at her. "Marinette, there's something I need to tell you," Adrien began, his voice tinged with a mix of anxiety and sadness.
Marinette looked at him, concern furrowing her brow. "What is it, Adrien? You look pale. Are you alright?"
Adrien hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "My father is sending me to London."
Marinette's eyes widened in surprise, but then her expression shifted to one of concern. "London? That's... that's far away," she said softly, her voice reflecting the sadness she felt for him. She hesitated slightly before lowering her voice even further. “D-do you want to go to London?”
Adrien shook his head, his throat feeling tight. "No. I don't want to go, Marinette. I don't want to be so far from you and everyone else."
Marinette reached out to touch his cheek, her touch warm and comforting as he leaned into her palm. "But he’s forcing you to go anyway?" she murmured, her eyes brimming with tears. "Oh, Adrien, I’m so sorry."
He nodded slowly before throwing his arms around her in a tight hug, his own eyes watering. “I don’t want to leave you! I told him that I-I love you, but he just doesn’t care! He’s forcing me away anyway.”
Marinette sniffled quietly, before pulling away, swiping at her tears with the back of her hand. A look of determination that was just so... so Marinette, lit up her gaze.
“But it’s okay! W-we’ll find a way to get you to stay! I-I know that your father doesn’t like me and that I’m probably the reason why he’s sending you away. Maybe... maybe if we pretend to break up... or... or we go talk to him right now and tell him he’s being positively ridiculous!” Marinette stood up, clenching her fists as her eyes narrowed into a fierce glare.
Honestly, Adrien wouldn’t be surprised if she stormed into his house at that moment and punched his father directly in the face. But he couldn’t let her do that.
He stood up too, taking one of her clenched fists in his hand as he squeezed it tightly. Slowly, it relaxed until she entwined their fingers together, her eyes softening into a solemn gaze.
“We can’t... I-I’d love for you to stand up to him just like the other day with the pancakes.” Adrien smiled at her, brushing a stray strand of hair that had come loose from one of her pigtails behind her ear. “You were so beautiful that day. But I-I don’t think that you’re the reason my father is sending me to London.”
“What do you mean?” Marinette frowned.
“I’m not sure. It’s just that this was the very same day he told me to cherish my memories with you, and that he understood how passionate and determined you were.” Adrien’s own brow creased as he shook his head. “I’m not sure... I don’t know, I just got the sense that it was more urgent. That there was an important reason that he was shipping me off to spend time with Amelie and Félix. Something I just don’t understand yet.”
Marinette’s eyes fluttered closed as she sucked in a deep breath. Eventually, she opened them with a determined nod. “Alright then! If we can’t convince your father to keep you here, I’ll just have to sneak over to you. London is only a 2-hour ride by train. Will it be harder to see you? Sure! But we can make this work! I love you and you love me and that’s all that matters!”
A surge of gratitude and love for Marinette filled Adrien’s heart as she spoke with such determination and devotion. Leave it to her to make the best of the situation. Why had he ever been terrified of telling her? 
Unable to hold back his emotions any longer, Adrien pulled her close, pressing his lips against hers in a tender, heartfelt first kiss.
Marinette melted into his lips, her arms wrapping around him as they shared a moment of closeness and reassurance. The weight of Adrien's impending departure seemed lighter as they clung to each other, their love a beacon of hope in the face of uncertainty.
Breaking the kiss, Adrien rested his forehead against Marinette's, their breaths mingling in the quiet of her room. "Thank you, Marinette," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Marinette smiled softly, brushing her fingers through his hair. "You won't have to find out. We'll figure this out together, no matter what."
Adrien nodded, a sense of determination settling within his chest. With Marinette by his side, facing whatever challenges lay ahead felt more manageable. They would navigate the distance, finding ways to stay connected despite the miles between them.
As they sat back down together, their hands intertwined once more, Adrien knew that their love was stronger than any distance or obstacle. With Marinette's unwavering support and love, he felt ready to face whatever the future held, even if it meant going to London.
Glancing down, Adrien caught the glint of his ring in the room’s dim light. There was something else he just had to tell her. If Marinette was planning on sneaking to Paris by train once in a while, he could certainly make a few trips to Paris. And his journey to her would be much faster. But he could only do so once she knew everything.
Adrien gazed into Marinette's eyes, his heart racing with both nervousness and determination. It was time to tell her. He could care less about any consequences at this point.
"Marinette," he began, his voice steady but tinged with vulnerability, "there's something else I need to tell you."
Marinette looked at him, a frown of concern between her brows. "Better or worse than you moving to London?"
With a small chuckle, Adrien shook his head. He sucked in a deep, trembling breath. “Better, I-I hope. It... it’s going to make the journey to see you much quicker.” Her frown deepened and she opened her mouth to speak but before she could, he confessed the one secret he had never shared with anyone. "I'm Chat Noir."
Marinette blinked in surprise, her eyes widening with shock. "Ch-Chat Noir?"
Adrien nodded, his gaze fixed on hers. "Yes, that's me. Chat Noir and Adrien Agreste are one and the same."
Suddenly, she burst into a fit of laughter that had him frowning with concern. "Y-you’re Chat Noir?!" Marinette managed to gasp out in between giggles.
“Yes.” His frown deepened. What was going on?
After a few more moments of intense laughter, Marinette eventually straightened up. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with pure joy. “God, that makes so much sense now. The way you both move. The way you both talk!”  
She chuckled again before grinning shyly. “Well, since you told me that, I feel it’s only fair that I also tell you that I can make this journey shorter.”
“What are you talking abou-”
Adrien immediately cut himself off as Marinette slowly circled the earrings in her ears. “I-I’m Ladybug.”
There were a few moments of stunned silence that had Marinette squirming uncomfortably. When he saw her hands begin to shake, he knew she was going to start rambling. Before she could panic herself into thinking she shared too much, however, Adrien dove for her.
Wrapping his arms around her as tightly as possible, he crushed his lips against hers in a deep, passionate kiss. “I love you,” he murmured after pulling away. “So much.”
“I love you too,” Marinette stroked his cheek before connecting their lips back together in another kiss.
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lesbianneopolitan · 1 year
Last night I innocently uploaded the pic of Neo and Ruby gaming on Twitter, but I got pretty much replied by people who were very much judgmental and passive-aggressive about being shocked, etc, etc (lots of them minors), lost some followers, etc
I am very affected by those situations because at some points it feels like harassment for something so stupid (I've seen wishes of death towards me before for old Fallen Petals stuff), no one ever takes the moment to even talk with me about it, nor try to understand the development and process that made me ship it in the first place- that it's actually a pretty innocent wish of building up a cool ship to have fun with my friends.
I have very bad anxiety from PTSD and I don't have access to meds rn, so things that get out of hand can really affect my mental and physical health, like, people don't keep in mind that the major part of the time, the people they accuse are people with problems like me, that are dealing with irl stuff or trauma and simply want to have some positive fun on the internet, to escape a bit from it all- art and writing has been a good coping mechanism for me to not practice self harm, and my therapist was actually proud of me for it, so I don't want that taken from me, specially when I'm mindful and tag things properly. And when honestly, discovering RWBY and messing around with some ships helped to make me happier. Because I think it was about time.
RubyNeo isn't even following all canon details, Ruby's more practiced and slightly older, and honest to God, I don't see what's wrong with building an AU with headcanons when we aren't doing it for the sake of, what?? only having them fuck?? or oversexualizing them?? the people that literally oversexualizes Ruby and only do lewds or only smash her against another character so they fuck is something that pushes me SO back because I personally find it disgusting (and if I'm in a mood I can have am anxiety attack for it, same for other dynamics, like incest, etc etc).
So for the love of everything, blacklist, block me or whatever, but understand the kind of person I am or the building for the things I do or the things I draw before I'm labeled as things I'm not. Because I'm sure you wouldn't want it to happen to you.
Treat me like a person, not like some kind of idealized artist that has to be perfect.
Show some empathy, try to be understanding, not everyone that ships 'x' is going to be a super evil person that did it with the most malicious intent in the world. Sometimes we're simply playing with them like they're Barbies, to create stories, angst, wholesome moments, independent timelines, etc.
Like I mentioned I myself deal with PTSD, there are so many things that despite being presented in good faith could throw me off the edge because of triggers, but I simply take care of myself and tag stuff, I blacklist and in the worst case I block, specially if someone is specially harmful and toxic to real people.
So please, just, let me be, I'm just a nerd trying to live life alongside friends to be as happy as I can because I've had enough abuse already.
Be kinder unless the person in question is GENUINELY harming real people and are potential real creeps, please, I'm tired.
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