#i honestly think ink is a lesbian and pa is bi
gay-strawberry · 3 years
okay lets talk sapphics because theyre very dear to me (since im one myself)
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finding nice lesbian/bisexual women representation in media is hard and a BL was the last place i expected to find it but here we are.
i dont know if they will end up together or if we will get to see their relationship evolve (fair, ‘cause this isnt their story) but the fact that theyre both queer coded cant be denied, in this essay i will-
#1 ink’s lack of interest in men.
we see her reject pat (more than once lmao), and she makes very clear that what she had with pat in high school was just friendship (so not only she doesnt like him now, she never did).
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#2 their first interaction its them literally flirting.
god the “chracter A: i cant do it its too hard 🥺👉👈, character B: i will teach you 😏” troop its so cliche but so good 1000/10 never stop using it please
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#3 ink’s interest in pa.
she insists pa goes with them to eat (and its kinda sad when she says no)
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then when she finally gets to be with her, even if its suppose to be a date with pat, she pays way more attention to pa (and the cakes) than to him and its more than happy to be left alone with her (and to get to eat pat’s cake).
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this  ↑ ss literally summarizes the date. pat tired and rejected while ink asks pa to feed her hahsdfhjhahsdjfk i love it here.
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#4 pa’s curiosity and interest in ink.
shes helping her bro to get ink even if it goes against her own advide (dont date friends) just because its ink, just because she likes her (looks like someones living her own crush thru his brother, who she probably thinks has more chances to date ink than her anyways). 
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she likes her yall. thats all 👀👀👀
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#5 whatever the f*ck they got going on in ep 7
they were so gay in this episode. i was thriving !! like theres no straight explanation to any of their scenes,
-their encounter here is very clearly out of a romcom. the music, the stare, the smiles, 
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-them holding hands for no reason (pretty self explanatory) and pa’s face when ink calls her pretty. i cant tell whats gayer, calling your homies pretty or reacting like that to your homies calling you pretty.
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-flirting thru sweets and anonymous notes (sighs) theyre so much like episode 2 patpran, just date already 
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-ink saving pa (and her friends) from a stupid dude bro
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and look !! at pa’s face like- nngghghg shes so gay for ink. me too me too
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-pa’s friends instatly crushing on ink (me too tbh) and pa agreeing with them
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# bonus: wai is now interested on pa (cant blame him, shes the cutest prettiest girl ever). which i hope leads us to pa rejecting him and realizing thru the whole thing that she likes ink (the same way pat did with ink and pran, i do love a parallel ngl)
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anyways thats it. sorry for the rant. but not really because i will probably add to this if more happens between them.
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