#i hope experience making garments will help here but as long as I a)get blanket and b) use weird fabric chunks that ive had for too long
irlmagpie · 11 months
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of course, she's sound asleep until the fabric comes out, and now she's Involved and Helping!
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pigeonpeach · 9 months
I’ll take whats yours and make it mine~
Aka Yelan vs Pantalone
Cw: forced marriage, basically legal kidnapping, then illegal kidnapping, Yelan saves you dw, Wlw, reader is called ‘bride’, mild misogynistic themes,
-also fun fact: chinese wedding dresses are red with red veils and not white because white is the color of death in china.
To your surprise you had been arranged to marry a harbinger? It was quite a jarring experience and upsetting. You would be leaving behind everything to go to Snezhnaya, a completely different culture and completely different environment. You were devastated to say the least. You would never bee seeing your homeland again according to your father who seemed far too okay with this all. Apparently the Regator caught sight of you and decided he needed you for himself. You werent happy. You considered running away but you would be running from the Fatui. You couldn’t help but cry just thinking of the life you lead. Besides.. you were so close to finishing your degree in business. You had wanted to join the Tianquan someday. You had so much potential all to be thrown out because some man thought you were beautiful.
“Dearie, you’d never have to work a day in your life as his wife.” Your mother tried to comfort you but also persuade you to just go along with it.
“You don’t get it. I just got a letter from my friend Keqing who said Lady Ningguang would be interested in offering me a PAID internship! And dad just sold me to some bloodthristy harbinger!” You whined. You were going to miss Liyue, your friends, your dreams. Everything was over.
“Well.. to be fair we don’t really have a choice here… Pantalone is a force to be reckoned with and… we just wouldn’t be able to stand against him. My dear its better you go as his wife than as his prisoner. At least as his wife you would get some respect and agency. Now wipe your tears. We have to start preparing for your… depature.”
Today was the worst. Dawned in red with a thick veil over your face, stuffed into a carriage. Did you really have to travel in your wedding dress? Its such a long journey too.. its incredibly uncomfortable sitting for hours in such a tight garment. Worst off all your parents weren’t allowed to go, you tried not to cry in the carriage. Fatui were all around the outside, soldiers with stones for hearts it seemed as they seemed annoyed when you showed any semblance of struggle. You weren’t looking forward to being married into the Fatui whatsoever.
Then the carriage stopped. You paused. Was it time to camp already? You looked through the see through curtains, its evening. But they usually wouldn’t stop until they came across some inn or city? Your answer came in the form of gunshots ringing out, the carriage shook as the horses became spooked and rode off dragging you in the carriage with no rider it seemed. You held to the walls as you could hear the fight from afar. Who was fighting them? What was happening?
“Help! Someone? Whats going on?!” You cried out. But no one answered. The ride was bumpy, you couldnt really even know what was happening. Was it a ambush? Who would ambush you?
The carriage suddenly stopped vaulting your forward. You groaned as you made contact with the wooden wall infront of you. You could hear the fight continue as it seemed the Fatuus were losing… who could be so powerful? You noticed the carriage door was still unlocked. Now unguarded you could just… poke your head out maybe?
You did so, slightly to look out, you saw the horses were gone actually, the leashes holding them had been severed. You briefly hoped they were fine, then you heard someone approaching. You quickly closed the door hiding. If someone was powerful enough to take on that many fatui agents then you had absolutely no shot against them.
“I know you’re in there, come on out.” You heard a voice say, it sounded confident and sultry. You hesitated as footsteps got closer. Finally the door opened. A lady with short dark blue hair and a unique attire greeted you with a smug smile. “You’re quite the pretty bride, but I assume you don’t want to be here huh?” She said casually. You nodded. She offered you her hand. “I can get you out of here, and I’ll take you somewhere safer. You’ll never have to marry that harbinger.” Her voice sounded confident. She seemed to know what she was talking about. You hesitated before taking her hand. With that she helped you out. She lifted your veil, firmly removing it letting you now clearly look around without it.
“Those… were the millieth… they just let us past like that?” You were a bit surprised as you were led to a hotel room.
“Darling, I’m not just some robin hood stealing from the Fatui, I’m a secret agent.” She said as she helped you change out of your dress. You were blushing as you undressed with your back to her, covering your body. “I heard he was forcing some young lady to marry him and I decided to intervene. I assure you, you will be safe here. I have plenty of strings here to pull. So needless to say, you’re under the Tianquan’s protection now. You can relax.” Her words were so soothing… you felt so flustered. She’s so beautiful too. Who would’ve known you would be saved by someone like her? The lord of Geo must have heard your prayers.
“T-thank you… I-i cannot thank you enough!” You say as she hands you a new uniform. Your eyes widen as you realize its a uniform worn by the assistants of Lady Ningguang. “W-what but this is…”
“Your cover. You’re going to hide out in the Jade Chamber for a bit. You see, Lady Ningguang owes me a favor or two.. and I asked if I could house you temporarily in the Jade Chamber. One of the most secure locations in all of Liyue. No one will ever suspect you’re there. Of course you’ll be out to work but if I remember correctly that’s what you wanted yes?”
“W-wait.. you arranged all this for me? Why?” You asked. You finished putting on your uniform as you turned to her. She smiled.
“Well.. I couldn’t let a pretty face like yours be wasted on that banker. Jewels like yourself deserve better than to be treated like a trophy. I’ve always like taking from him too. And I’ve actually had my eye on you too.” Her voice was so sweet, like candy. You felt like you were being lured into a trance almost, sitting on the bed blushing as she folded up your dress. “I assure you, I’ll be taking good care of you~” she said with a wink.
“WHAT?!” Pantalone’s hands tore the report in half as his underling trembled.
“They did everything possible yet the bandit made it out with the bride.” The underling said nervously.
“I heard you the first time.” He said seething. “What I want to know is how incompetent were those agents that ONE pesky agent could work through their defenses and make off with MY bride!” Pantalone sat back down, his legs crossed as he attempted to regain his composure.
“We’re working to identify the thief but there’s no clues. We could only find the veil.”
“Must I go down there myself to find them? What are you doing standing around here anyways, shoo. Go tell them to keep searching and send out more investigators. I paid good money for that bride so either I’ll have them or I’ll have you sent to Dottore’s Laboratory!” Pantalone hissed. Immediately the underling bowed and left. He groaned as he sat in his chair.
“You’re not going to win this game, you pesky woman.” He hissed
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21stc3nturyd1gitalb0y · 3 months
Hey! I’m going to my first show soon and I’d LOVE some tips on moshing while disabled if that’s still a post you wanna make! I fully intend to throw myself in the pit and deal with the consequences after, but it would still be INCREDIBLY helpful to have some tips to remember in the hope of minimising pain.
P.S. sick blog dude!!
you guys asked for it so here we go
a guide to moshing while disabled!!
these are just some general tips but will obviously want to approach the pit differently depending on your comfort level and what your specific needs are. they’re based on my personal experiences/observations but only you can gauge your own comfort level!
-if you can, check beforehand that the venue is accessible. unfortunately shit happens and sometimes places that claim to be accessible aren’t, so be prepared for how to handle a worst case scenario
-have an exit route! make sure you have somewhere to go if you want out of the pit. people are pretty understanding and if you seem like you want to get out they will help you out
-for any wheelchair users, you guys are at a little bit of a disadvantage due to height, so you’ll probably want to either arrive early to near the front, gently push your way to the front or have someone lift you up, that said
-wheelchair users can absolutely crowdsurf, just let people know you want to get up and they’ll support your chair the same way they’d lift a person
-depending on your venue, there may be a patio outside for smoking. it’s a great place to take a break if you’re easily overstimulated, or, if you can’t stand for long periods of time, a place to sit down if no other seats are available
-large venues or music festivals may have also have general accessibility services you can take advantage of as needed. smaller/diy shows may be easier to navigate due to less traffic but are also less likely to have these options
-noise canceling headphones. get yourself a good pair. mine have never fallen off but it’s just something to be aware of as you’re moving around.
-if there are seats, get them. that doesn’t mean you have to use them the whole show, in fact, you can spend most of your time in the pit if that’s what you want to do. but moshing is physically demanding, even for abled people, so it definitely helps to have the option for yourself ahead of time and be prepared
-have pain meds on you just in case, and if you have asthma, bring an inhaler. it’s better that you have them and not need them than need them and not have them
-wear something comfortable. if you want to bring a mobility aid, bring one, and if you have any other clothing such as compression garments that make physical activity less strenuous on your body, wear those
these are just a start but i hope they can be helpful to someone!
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genderqueerdykes · 6 months
I’m a short, plus size trans guy. I have a pretty hard time with masc clothing due to it not fitting right or at least not how I wish it did. Fem clothes usually fit how I want them to so I stick with them, plus skirts are fun and surprisingly help with the bottom dysphoria cause there’s no indent of where my dick should be like pants do, so I have 2 questions.
1: is it ok for me as a trans guy to still be upset when misgendered while wearing feminine clothing?
2: any advice on how to find masc clothes that fit properly on a fat and short guy?
hello there, thanks for taking the time to ask this! sorry for the delayed reply, but i hope you've been doing well in the mean time!
it is absolutely okay for you to be upset for being misgendered regardless of what clothing you're wearing; cisgender people get misgendered while wearing their preferred clothing, as well, many butch women get misgendered and called men when they are very much women who prefer to dress, act and look masculine. cisgender men often get misgendered if they choose to wear feminine clothing, or even men's clothing that's too "fruity". if cisgender people can get upset over this, you can too.
i feel like it's 200% impossible to know what a stranger's gender is just by looking at them and that as a society we would truly progress if we stopped assuming the genders of strangers by how they dress and avoid using gendered terms until that person reveals that information, if they so choose.
as for where to find clothing that would fit well, this one can be a bit tricky. i am tall and fat, i'm about 5' 8" and 280 lbs, so i unfortunately haven't much experience in the height department on that end, but i can tell you that wearing men's pants can be a bit tricky if you have wide hips. i have 48" hips and it can make wearing men's pants uncomfortable. if you haven't already, measure your hips (at their fullest point) and your inseam, which is the length from the crotch of your pants to the bottom of the pantleg. men's pants are sized by these two measurements, with the hip width being the first number and the inseam length being the second. my example for myself is that i wear 48x32 men's pants whenever i do buy them.
here's a guide on measuring your inseam:
here's a guide on men's clothing sizes (in both inches and centimeters) and how to measure yourself for different garments:
i will say that in the past i've thrifted most of my clothing. i'd like to be able to get to a place where i can buy myself some new clothes but up until this point most of my clothes have been thrifted. i will say if you live in a smaller area finding good clothing in plus sizes is a nightmare and you have my condolences. however i can suggest looking into men's fashion and seeing what styles you like to get an idea of what kinds of clothes you're looking for. before transitioning into buying clothes from the men's section you can always look to see if there are similar cuts of clothing (like cargo pants, for example) that are sold in the women's section for the sake of finding clothes that fit your proportions a little better at least until it's easier to figure out what size men's clothes fit you
most shirts and tops shouldn't be too much of an issue as they're made to be pretty loose fitting and don't conform to one's figure- if sleeves are too long they can be hemmed or rolled up, tails of shirts can be tucked into pants, etc. be very careful with button-up style shirts, these fit me so weird due to being intersex and i find that a lot of bigger people in general don't fit into them super well. they're not made for our proportions they just size up the shirts made for thin people and don't take into consideration how our bellies, chests and shoulders look.
button up shirts (when buttoned up, lol) can also make one's chest more prominent and create stress on the buttons that draw the eyes to the chest- i never button up these types of shirts and instead wear them open. this is a very masculine look, especially with a men's t-shirt underneath. this was my go-to in my early days of transition.
as for specific stores to look at, this will vary wildly depending on where you are in the world. i would recommend being highly cautious of buying mens' clothing from places online like Amazon, Temu, Wish, etc. that have a lot of China-based sellers, because often times you will see a 2XL+ garment and buy it thinking it will fit only to realize that that is Chinese sizing and therefore much smaller. shopping online for clothes while fat can be very hard, so i urge you to shop in person when possible
anyone have more concrete suggestions for this guy? i'm totally blanking on good suggestions of where to look for clothes.
good luck out there, stay safe, and take care of yourself. i hope you're able to find more clothing that helps you feel like yourself! thanks for stopping by
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erismerald · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 (Samuel Drake x Insecure Fem! Reader) 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝚰𝚰
𝐀/𝐍: Greetings my darlings! I hope you enjoyed the first part, as promised here is the second and final part of Thunder Nights!!! I admit that writing this story has given me the motivation to write again and entertain my and your creative mind!!! Without further ado, I hope you enjoy, enjoy your reading!!!
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It's amazing how exciting and terrifying living alone can be, during a sleepless night as you think back and rethink the nights others warmed the bed of the person you loved the most, a storm of pleasure hit your door... Just the two of you in that flat, the rain and the storm drowning out the obscene sounds that the two of you were producing… A night of first experiences that neither of you would ever forget.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Insecure reader, Age gap, Nsfw, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, worship and praise kink, a huge load of fluff, Drunk Sam. first time sex
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭:
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈
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"Tell me you want me, darling, beg for me, let me be a priest who worships you, let me make you mine, and only mine…" he said between kisses and caresses, your head was light, the only thing you could hear was the sound of your heart and the pounding rain, but with effort you answered
"Yes… please."
"I promise you won't regret it my fallen angel, my beloved Y/N…" for mere seconds your eyes were locked on each other, as if you were vowing something, something so unholy that words weren't quite enough to portray it, yet you couldn't help but look away as you felt Sam's hands move slowly down your curves, your heartbeat quickening with his every touch, you were completely under his domination and that aroused and fascinated you. … the nights you had dreamt of, that you had longed for his touch, had now become a reality, and you couldn't control your breathing, with every touch you felt like you were going to suffocate with so much desire.
Your lips touched once more, once more that forbidden flavour… that one taste that you knew would be your downfall that night, his hands were firmly on your waist, pulling you tightly to him, and without warning his sinful lips travelled up to your neck, kissing lightly, causing you to release sounds of pleasure that you were trying to repress "don't repress that beautiful melody, my little dove, let that be the music to which our bodies will dance tonight" his voice resonated against your sensitive skin, his lips were quickly replaced by his teeth, leaving little marks, bites of love " so that everyone will know who you belong to darling" he whispered, as his hands slid into the fabric of your pyjamas "S-Sam-" his lips muffled his name, as his hands continued their work. … he explored your skin carefully, so as not to hurt you, until… he reached your breasts, his eyes locked on yours asking for permission, but at that moment you couldn't respond, your breathing was ragged, your heart was beating at an unthinkable pace, your face showed how much you wanted him, but that wasn't enough for Sam.
"Tell me, my love…" he began by lightly caressing them, grabbing them then massaging them "how about we remove this stubborn fabric that keeps getting in the way of my task…" he smirked in your direction when he saw that you were embarrassed at the idea of being exposed to him "Yes? Shall we?" you nodded in agreement… he laughed softly and in less than a second the garment covering your breasts disappeared. Ashamed, you tried to hide it, but Sam didn't let that happen. He grabbed your wrists with one hand and slowly raised them above your head. "Don't hide the beautiful piece of art you are… my God, you're gorgeous… you hypnotise me" he said, licking two of his fingers, from the hand that was still free, and stroking them gently against your nipple. The warmth of the humidity and the chill that the room brought made you gasp. You closed your eyes tightly as a wave of pleasure electrified your body. "Yes…please…" Sam smiled, kissing your collarbone, tracing a path of kisses down to your breasts, sensitive and eager to feel more of that sensation, but instead of being direct, he kissed the valley between them… feeling your breathing cease… you moaned softly when his lips parted from your skin "do you desire me so much that you can't bear to let me part from your skin for a second, darling? " and with that he captured one of your nipples, this time you moaned loudly and felt your hands being freed, falling into his hair and pulling him closer, his tongue danced and his teeth caused an unprecedented sensation in your body, with your legs, you wrapped around his body and pulled your bodies closer together.
"You like this, don't you, angel? "your bodies were so close together that even with your clothes on you could feel his hard member against you and you were delirious, your thoughts were wild and erotic, you fantasised about the things you wanted to do at that moment, you removed your hands from his hair and felt brave enough to explore his body, drawing pleasurable patterns on his skin, listening to his growl as he paid attention to your pleasure, until you finally reached his member, running your hand over it lightly, teasing him, watching his reaction "I'm not the only one who's enjoying this little moment of ours" you whispered in his ear, biting his lobe.
He grabbed your hands tightly and pinned you once, stealing a kiss, while your gaze locked "I'm going to be gentle darling, because if it wasn't our first time I'd already be fucking you on top of this stall, without a second thought" with one of his hands still holding yours he moved your hand to his hard member "this is what you do to me my sweet angel, you hypnotise me, you lead me to lapse into a sinful labyrinth in which my thoughts only focus on being deep inside you, the only thing you're capable of saying is begging for more" that comment made you blush even more, he knew exactly what he was doing. … he knew that it would only excite you more, but for a few moments a wave of insecurity passed through your body, reminding you of the women he had already held in his arms, reminding you that you had almost no experience, and this emotion was reflected in your gaze, his hand wrapped around your face, in a gentle way "what occupies your hermetic mind my love?" you carefully moved his body away from yours, your gaze turned away from his and you faced the floor.
"Samuel, I don't have any experience in this, in fact this is my first time… I don't know what to do, what to say, where to touch you… and I'm ashamed of it, I feel inadequate compared to the women you've been with… "For seconds you felt your eyes brimming with tears once again, Sam analysed your expression, slowly with his hand he caressed the left side of your cheeks, his touch was like hot logs feeding the burning fire underneath your skin, the anxiety was still there but with his touch, you felt your mind dissipate.
"Oh no. You’re not inferior. Those women were my mistakes. All of that was my mistake. I got involved with the wrong people. And you’re not the wrong person. You’re perfect." his lips traced a forbidden path through your flesh, led by passion and his fierce desire for your body "Oh darling… focus on me and how well your body connects with mine, I may have had other lovers before, but they only served as mere apprentices so that I could satisfy you like the mistress you are".
His words hung in the air, heavy with promise and desire. You felt his lips, warm and hungry, against your flesh, igniting flames of passion that danced along your nerves. His touch was electric, sending shivers down your spine as he explored every inch of your body with a fervor that left you breathless.
With each caress, each whispered confession of longing and need, you felt yourself surrendering to him completely. Gone was the doubt, the insecurity that had plagued you before. In his arms, you found solace, acceptance, and a love so consuming it threatened to consume you whole.
As his hands roamed over your curves, tracing the contours of your body with reverence, you let out a soft moan of pleasure. Every touch, every kiss, was a testament to his devotion, a declaration of his desire to worship you in ways you had only ever dreamed of.
And as he guided you to heights of ecstasy you had never known, you knew that this was where you belonged. In his embrace, in his bed, where his love wrapped around you like a warm embrace, banishing the shadows of doubt and insecurity forever.
Your body hummed with anticipation as he settled between your thighs, his breath hot against you skin as he gazed up at her with hunger in his eyes. She parted her legs eagerly, aching for his touch as he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her inner thigh with featherlight kisses.
With a soft sigh, you arched your hips, silently urging him closer, and he obliged, his tongue tracing a tantalizing path towards you pussy. You gasped loudly as he parted your folds with his fingers, exposing you to his starving gaze before diving in with a hunger that left you trembling.
His tongue danced over your sensitive clit, flicking and teasing with expert precision as you writhed beneath him, lost in the pleasure of his touch. You moaned his name over and over again, your fingers tangling in his hair as he devoured you with a fervor that left you breathless.
He delved deeper, exploring every inch of your core with his tongue, his lips, his fingers, driving you to the edge of sanity with his relentless reverence. You moaned loud, your body quivering with need as he brought you closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy.
And then, with a final, desperate cry, you shattered beneath him, your world exploding into a million stars as he drank in you essence, savoring the taste of your desire as you surrendered to the bliss of your release.
As you came down from the dizzying heights of pleasure, you looked down at him, your heart overflowing with love and gratitude for the man who had brought you to such heights of ecstasy. And as he crawled back up her body, his lips finding you in a tender kiss, you knew that you were truly blessed. "I… done everything right? I'm sorry if I did something that didn't please you -" Sam stopped your train of thought with another kiss, after leaving you breathless once again he looked at you and you could see the affection and desire in his gaze "Princess you were fantastic, your flavour, your voice echoing like a sweet melody, I myself felt hypnotised by every tiny movement of your body." Slowly he moved closer to you, laying your body back against the soft surface, covering every part of your body with his.
For in that moment, as you surrendered to him completely, you knew that you were not just his lover, but his equal, his partner in passion and desire. And as you melted into each other's arms, lost in a world of pleasure and devotion, you knew that this was only the beginning of a love that would burn bright and fierce for all eternity.
Your bodies melded together in a symphony of desire, each movement choreographed by an unspoken understanding of each other's needs. He traced the curve of your hip with his fingertips, leaving a trail of fire in his wake, while you arched your back, offering herself to him completely.
your lips met in a fierce, passionate kiss, tongues dancing in a primal rhythm as they sought to devour each other. With every kiss, every touch, the intensity between them grew, building to a crescendo of need and longing.
He trailed kisses down your neck, nipping at you delicate skin with just enough force to send a shiver down her spine. You gasped, your nails digging into his back as he teased you, driving you to the edge of madness with his gentle ministrations.
Please, darling, let me devour you once more, let me intoxicate myself with your sweet ambrosia, let me make you feel like the goddess you are once more, can you do that for me? can you behave yourself and let me take care of you?" His voice was raspy, you were both sore, but you didn't want to be unable to feel his touch on you. "Yes-" you were about to speak but his hands slid down to your hips, holding you steady, you could feel his hard member against your core "Not like that love" he said kissing your neck biting and leaving marks where his lips passed "beg for me… you were taking me so well, beg for me"
You were gasping for breath, your face was flushing, but the way he spoke… the way he asked you for things, no matter how embarrassed he made you, you wanted to satisfy him. "Please Sam… let me feel you, make me your muse and use my body as a canvas so that you can leave your mark on it." "Wow… I didn't expect that, love, but I loved it, I think you've been learning a thing or two from me" he laughed lightly
With a low growl of hunger, he moved lower, trailing kisses along your collarbone, your breasts, until he reached the apex of your thighs once more. There, he lingered, inhaling your scent, savoring the taste of your desire before finally giving in to the temptation that beckoned him.
His tongue flicked out, tracing slow circles around her clit, eliciting a soft cry of pleasure from her lips. He teased you, building the tension until she was writhing beneath him, her hands tangled in his hair as she begged for release.
And when he finally plunged into you, filling you with his hardness, they both cried out in ecstasy, lost in the throes of passion. Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, each thrust bringing them closer to the edge until they were teetering on the brink of oblivion.
And then, with a final, desperate cry, they fell over the edge together, consumed by the flames of their desire as they rode the waves of pleasure to completion. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them, lost in each other's embrace as they surrendered to the bliss of your union.
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thefrogdalorian · 9 months
Dincember Day 19: Coat
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Word Count: 1989 Rating: General Summary: You and Din arrive for a vacation in a picturesque snowy mountain town. There's just one problem: you brought the wrong coat. You head into town in search of the perfect coat but after a long day of fruitless searching, fortunately you have an incredibly patient and attentive Mandalorian to help you through the shopping stress. Content Warnings: Reader struggles to find a coat that fits right (not specified why) so maybe a little body image issues if you squint. Author's Note: This may or may not have been inspired by me spending the past two days looking for the right coat while shopping and now being ready to drop from exhaustion (hence the later post!) but hopefully tomorrow is the day! This one is linked pretty heavily to Day 1 and Day 12. I tried to make it as inclusive as possible in terms of why finding a coat that fit was hard, I struggle myself (I'm very tall) so if that applies to you too, I feel you. It sucks. Hope you enjoyed!
Link to read on AO3 | My Dincember Masterlist
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The moment when Din walked through the door holding a bag of shopping should have been the first clue that something was untoward. You knew that he enjoyed the occasional visit to the weekly market that passed through Nevarro with you but you had never known him to be one to shop for himself, certainly not without you. So, your curiosity was piqued when you noticed Din’s return with a mysterious bag, both at what he had bought and the reason for his apparently secretive shopping trip. Given thousands of attempts though, you would never have accurately guessed what Din had purchased. It was the last thing you expected to see.
“What have you got there?” You asked, getting straight to the point as you sat on the couch with Grogu on your lap.
“It’s for this little guy,” Din said, nodding towards Grogu as he removed his helmet and placed it on the table in front of you.
With his helmet out of the way, Din took the mystery item out of the shopping bag. He revealed it to be a little red coat with matching red trousers, complete with foot coverings, just small enough to fit Grogu. It appeared to be a snow suit of some kind. You were thoroughly confused. You looked up at Din questioningly. Nevarro was a warm planet with lava flats, you had never known there to be a day cold enough to necessitate such a garment. It was then that Din had told you that the vacation you were taking was, to your surprise, a cold planet. 
You had done your best to pack for the surprise trip that Din had told you would be to cold climes. Although that was difficult, since the selection of clothes you were working with was intended for climates much warmer than in the mountains of Corellia, where Din had brought you to vacation. After one afternoon of playing in the snow your coat had proved to be woefully inadequate, the material was not thick enough and it was completely sodden after a snowball fight with Grogu.
The first morning that you woke up in the snowy paradise, rather than being able to enjoy your surroundings, the first order of business was to procure you a more suitable coat that would protect you against the elements. The two of you were heading into town to shop for a new coat. You felt enormously guilty that your lack of preparedness had put a stop to all the fun you could be having. Plus, shopping when you needed something was not the most pleasant experience. You did not have the luxury of browsing the shops, selecting something for a treat that took your fancy. If you didn’t manage to find something suitable you would not be able to enjoy your time here.
Din had dressed in his beskar’gam for your excursion and despite how bad you felt, he would let you feel no such negative emotions. But despite his insistence that you needed to get this coat sorted so that you could enjoy your time here, you still felt awful. Plus, given Din's unsual appearance, you were painfully aware that he was turning a number of heads as you wandered through the streets of Doaba Guerfel. You doubted that the picturesque mountain town where you were staying for a festive winter retreat was used to many Mandalorians. You had done your best to ignore them though, and remain optimistic that you would find the perfect winter coat in one of the various clothing retailers dotted around the quaint town. 
But the day had dragged on, beyond even your worst fears. You had been searching for what felt like an eternity. Now, Grogu was getting restless and the number of stores left for you to visit was dwindling. Yet still, the perfect winter coat eluded you. Everything that was available seemed to be out of season. And any winter coats that you saw were either not made of the right material, not something that you felt comfortable in or not quite the right size for you. Din was doing his best to reassure you and ensure that you did not feel bad even though you could tell his patience was beginning to wear thin.
“One more store,” You sighed, already feeling defeated. 
“This is going to be the one, mesh’la, I can just feel it,” Din said as the two of you walked arm in arm towards the final store. You noted the way Din had used the Mando'a phrase for beautiful to refer to you and it touched you deeply. He clearly wanting to highlight that to you now, he could see that the amount of ill-fitting coats had perhaps made you slightly insecure. You felt instantly lighter as Din pushed the door and entered the small shop that appeared to be owned by a family, judging by the name on the door.
A friendly old man greeted you from behind the counter when you walked into the small store. The family-run business was quiet, a few people were shopping but it was a world away from the many hot, cramped stores that you had already visited today. This one was slightly off the main shopping street and appeared to be less of a tourist trap.
You felt slightly more optimistic, both from the vibes of the store and the way Din had assured you while approaching this store that this would be the one. He was so confident that you almost believed him. But cruelly, as you rounded the last rail of coats, still nothing was appropriate for you. You were dejected, disappointed and you felt terrible looking at the way Grogu was writhing impatiently on the seat Din had placed him on. He had brought you both here for a relaxing vacation, not to shop for coats. You were about to turn on your heel and storm out of the store, when the sound of Din’s voice stopped you in your tracks.
“I need to find a coat today, something warm,” Din explained, having already marched over to the counter behind which the elderly man was standing. “I have a lot of credits. It’s for my partner here,” Din gestured towards you. You felt awful that it was having to come to this, even more so that he would have to waste any more of his hard earned money on you, after he had clearly splurged on this vacation. 
“Ah… there has been quite the run on coats recently, with all the tourists at this time of year, we simply cannot meet the demand,” The old man explained, bringing up a finger to scratch his chin as though deep in thought. “However, I think I might have something in the storeroom that is just the right size.”
Din nodded slowly, then turned towards you and tilted his head as if to say, I told you so. You smiled and shook your head at him, you hadn’t even seen the coat yet and already he was so certain that it was going to be right for you. When the old shopkeeper returned with the coat in mind, you could see instantly that this was the coat for you. It appeared to be the right size, unlike most of the coats you had seen thus far today. Plus, it had a thick, fur-lined hood with equally warm lining and a waterproof material on the outside. But that wasn’t even the best part. The best part was the colour: bright red, Just like Grogu’s snowsuit. 
Your face lit up as the shopkeeper brought it over, your heart was pounding. All day you had been hoping to have the moment when you saw the coat and just knew it was right for you and finally, it seemed, that this might be it. You took the coat from his wrinkled hands, trembling slightly as you did so. Din had walked over to be by your side as you tried it on. 
As you slipped your arms into the coat, you felt a rush of euphoria. This was exactly the right coat for you. It fit you like a glove, you loved the material and it was the right colour so you could match with Grogu. 
“It fits you perfectly!” The old man exclaimed with glee once you had fastened it around you. 
“It does,” Din said, his helmet tilting to look you up and down. You felt your cheeks warm slightly out of embarrassment from knowing that he was gazing at you like this, but it was just another sign of how much he adored you. 
Din went to pay for the coat while you scooped Grogu up from the seat he had been sitting on, watching you try the coat on. He cooed happily and placed his little claws on the chest of your coat, as if to give his seal of approval at the fact you were now matching.
“Thank you for your business!” The old shopkeeper said with a wave as you left the store, “I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here!”
“Thank you for your help,” Din nodded as you stepped out of the store.
You headed back towards the cabin, Grogu in your arms, the two of you matching while the unpainted Beskar of the man beside you gleamed in the late-afternoon sunshine.
Later that evening, when you returned from the long walk that you had taken as the sun set over the mountainous paradise, your history with coats was weighing upon Din’s mind. After all, if it hadn’t been for you forgetting your coat to run a few errands on your homeplanet when a rainstorm hit, you never would have met Din. As you proudly hung your new red coat up on the pegs just inside the cabin, right next to Grogu’s much tinier one of the same colour, you heard Din walk into the hallway beside you. 
“It seems to be a pattern with you,” Din observed with a smirk as he leant against the wall.
You looked at him quizzically, not following where his mind was.
“I mean, you and coats,” Din elaborated. “We met for the first time because you forgot to wear one and there was a downpour. Now we spent an entire day shopping for a coat so you’d be wrapped up against the elements here.”
“You’re right,” You giggled. “I really am hopeless.”
“You are hopeless,” Din said teasingly as he walked towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “But that’s why I love you.”
“Well, I love you too,” You said as you leaned in to kiss Din softly. “But maybe next time you do a bit of shopping for Grogu, you could at least include me too.”
“Oh, so this is my fault,” Din huffed, pouting slightly.
“Maybe…” You mused. “But you did fix it. Thank you for helping me get what I needed in the end.”
“You’re welcome, cyare,” Din smiled. “You know I’ll always fix anything for you.”
“I do,” You sighed, looking up at Din dreamily, feeling grateful that you had such a caring man in your life.
You leaned in to kiss him again, before he placed his arm around your shoulder and the two of you walked into the main living area where Grogu was playing with the fire. 
Despite how terribly the day had begun, you had managed to turn things around with Din’s help. Now, you would be wrapped up against the elements. You could enjoy the rest of the time you had here in this idyllic mountain paradise, complete with the new red jacket to match the snowsuit Grogu had been bought by his father. It was just another story to add to the amusing history you and Din had with your apparent hopelessness at being prepared for the weather with the right coat. 
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No worries. We all got things to do. Here's a little somethings.
Steve knows his lady couldn’t have made that pie. But he was actually so rude for saying he thought about other women while he trapped one of his own. Apparently Bucky was smart to keep his girl away from Steve. Steve’s girl seems to like him to a degree but also fear him. Does it ever become too much and she tries to escape like Bucky’s girl told her she should? Does she face consequences for giving Steve’s reader the suggestion?
I have woken up and am still choosing violence.
Exit Plan
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Bucky: Just Desserts, Three’s Company
Continuation of Baked Over, Know Better
No explicit warnings but you know the tone of my work. Steve is controlling.
Please let me know what you think <3
You’re distracted. Have been for weeks. Ever since that night with Bucky’s wife and her foreboding words. And those that came after, from Steve, the ones that made you think, that sank into your stomach like a knife.
At first, you try to ignore it. The feelings of inadequacy and those of helplessness. Well, you’re not useless and you're not hopeless. Before Steve you had an apartment and a job and a life. How is that after Steve, all that disappeared?
You wipe down the counters as the aroma of your efforts rises in the air. Not quite a pie but a crisp, easier but just as good. You hope it keeps him happy, keeps him unaware. You just have to act like everything is as it was. You just have to wait.
You shake out the cloth and squeeze it out before going to dump it in the laundry room. The problem with you is how easily your mind wanders. You're behind on chores, trying to catch up before he notices. And he always does. It makes you miss your customer service job.
You toss the cloth in the bottom of the machine and turn to add the basket of laundry machine you brought down from the bedroom. You mull as you add each garment, you never wanted to be a housewife and you aren’t just yet. You’re just playing the part Steve wants. And it happened so fast.
Your first date blended into the next, before you knew it, Steve came to see after every mission. So it was that you saw him as your hero when you got the eviction notice that the whole building was being reappropriated. Before you could even figure that out, you lost your job. And he was so understanding. He could guess your lack of familial relationship by how you never mentioned it.
You sigh and add a soap pod. You shut the lid and set the mode, hitting start with a beep that triggers bright blue numbers on the tiny black screen. The washer begins to spin as you grip the corners and think.
You’ll have to start over but you did it before.
The steady whir of the machine calms you as you remain. Can you really do it? That doubt grows with each day of monotony without interruption. Of your empty inbox and lifeless phone.
“‘Thank you for your interest in the Product Expert position. While we were impressed with your skills and experience, we are sorry to inform you that your resume did not fit Clarity’s needs at this time.’” You turn to face Steve as his voice fills the room and you press yourself to the machine.
“Captain?” You round your eyes, “what’s that?”
“You know what it is,” he lowers his phone.
You gape at him, horrified. 
“Please, Captain, it’s from an old application I submitted before. You know how long it takes to get a response–”
“Oh?” He taps on his phone, standing in the door so that there is no escape around him, “application submitted… two weeks ago. You know how I feel about lying.”
You gulp and push yourself away from the machine, “I only wanted to help out more. Bring in some extra money–”
“We don’t need money,” he snarls and whips his phone away from him. Despite the case and extra sheet of protection across the screen, it falls to pieces, “don’t I give you everything you need?”
His hand balls as he comes closer and you sway as you struggle not to cower. You bite your lip as he stops in front of you and he grabs your chin harshly. You gasp as his strength forces your jaw open.
“Stop chewing your fucking lip,” he growls as he looms over you, “and tell me the fucking truth.”
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Luck or protection would be awesome
Hi Anon! This has been sitting on my drafts for so long!! I'm so sorry for making you wait. Since I've posted about protection here, let's talk a little about luck. What do we do when we want to change our luck and get the best side of life?
If you're part of the african diaspora, then I'd recommend you work your luck either on sundays, when you want to cleanse and get rid of anything holding you down, and maybe do a bath or headwash to gain clarity on how to best move forwards. That is, to guarantee the right Spirits have your back and guide your path. Or you can work on fridays, which are widely considered the luck and favor day in many traditions across the diaspora.
I also want to clarify something first. To change luck, you need to know what luck is first. To me, having luck is having favor, but not from humans. On one hand, good luck is favor from the Spirits that may be ruling whatever aspect of life you want to relieve or change. There's a few different ways to gain their favor, but most have to do with giving offerings, praise and sweet words, and knowing who to ask for aid.
On the other hand, most bad luck that people experience on a daily basis has to do with some kind of restless, angry or even just bored spirit messing with them, and in that case, what you want to do is get rid of those troublesome spirits. One way is, after receiving a bad omen (a murder of crows or a black cat crossing your path, among others, depends on each lineage and tradition) or coming across some mal aire, some place that is occuppied by restless spirits that could be offended by your presence, you want to walk backwards (I'd say, seven steps backwards), then turn around and head home using a different route than you'd normally use, better if it's a confusing zig-zagging path or one that crosses over water (as bad spirits are thought to not be able to cross and follow you). That should avoid the issue before it even sets in. Another classic way to get rid of bad luck after you start to see it play out in your life, is to wear your clothes inside-out for a day. It can be any garment, doesn't need to be easy to spot (in fact, i'd say it's better if what you're trying to do is not obvious and public, just in case).
Traditionally, if you don't know what is causing the bad luck streak (if it could be a specific kind of spirit or else), a good limpia should work either way. A barrida with herbs or a good cleansing bath. Always protect yourself first to make sure whatever you're pulling out and away from you cannot crawl back in. There's also infusions someone can take to alleviate bad luck caused by spirits, but which herbs you should use? depends on the region. Here in the Andes region it would be things like ruda, molle, or paico. If you're going to be using some herbal infusions always consult with a yerbera, curandera or herbal medical professional first. Maybe use a sahumo (smoke cleanse) instead, with incienso, ruda and copal. Then get a good bath with a splash of florida water, some milk, some honey and many colorful flowers !! that should bring in some sweetness and luck into your life.
Hope that helps!!
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prettyboyfucks · 1 year
How do I dress masc and not be seen as a tomboy?
hi friend, i appreciate you asking and i super hope that this is at least a tiny bit helpful
interesting question. my biggest piece of just general yadda yadda advice is to be comfortable and listen to your body and brain. if wearing a specific garment makes you flare up with dysphoria or feel physically uncomfortable (ie, binding for too long if you bind, wearing something too tight, itchy or hot) its not worth it!!
i've had experience with fucking up my back and ribs by binding and i still suffer with pain and posture issues almost 4 years post op top surgery; please show your body kindness, you are more than deserving
in terms of specific clothing items, i'll tell you what i've come to learn through my personal experience. everyones bodies and preferences are different!
i found that when i was really struggling with my physical presentation, i liked to do somewhat of a baggy, long sleeved button up + baggy pants/jeans combo. nu metal/skater dude vibes. beanie helps if ur having a silly hair day :P
cargo shorts that come right at/below the knee that are slightly oversized w a 'masculine' belt is a win. layers are great; flannels, vests, t shirt over long sleeves, etc. for me, oversized everything was such a savior.
also, can't go wrong with some chunky rings if you like accessories. and if you need to throat punch someone it'll really smite the motherfucker
i honestly though, above all else feel that dressing the way that makes you feel handsome is the way to go. people are so sinfully fucking stupid. if you get misgendered, it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their own ignorance. i myself am hairy as all fuck, masculine, 5"10, flat chested, deep voice; and i get misgendered every now and then to this day. my coworker, a masculine, cis man experiences the same damn thing, i've seen it firsthand. being a 'pretty' boy fucking can really blow ass sometimes, but the most important part of identity is your personal security. as trans people, we have to be our own best friends, as ridiculously hard as it is. know in your heart that regardless of other peoples' perspectives, it takes away absolutely no part of your masculinity. you deserve to feel confident in your identity. you're powerful and manly as all fuck for existing and being yourself in the social climate that we're cursed with today. like forreal dude.
i know i kind of went on a tangent, forgive me. i do hope this was a lil bit helpful. if you need a trans guy to talk to, despite the fact that i'm not the best with responding timely to messages, i'm here for you. much love
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chloeunitfive · 8 months
Technical File
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Here is my technical file. This is where I show my garment construction and how my dress came to life. I included samples of how my ideas and dress formed. I used several techniques to construct my dress such as binding, applique, top stitching, and weaving. For the making of my skirt, for the right front panel I used hundreds of strips of denim and frayed the strips and cut them into small rectangular and square shapes as I wanted to create a mosaic of bricks in denim from my inspiration of architecture. I sewed each strip on individually and tried to mimic the arts of weaving which I made on a previous sample. This was my first-time experimenting ad weaving, so I am especially proud and happy it turned out. It did take several weeks and hors on the sewing machine however I do love the outcome as it is elegant and structured but still hints at my quirky and unusual designs from an uncomplicated process yet time consuming to a strong impact design. I hope to keep experimenting with new textile pieces and keep pushing my boundaries. For my left side panel of my skirt of the dress, I used the waistbands and the seams with double thread from the jeans donated from Barnsley Hospice and applique them onto my skirt of the dress. I wanted something simpler but effective to blend but still stand out on my dress. I made previous samples before to help me see the outcome and understand how I would sew it together and construct it. I sewed down the original stitches onto my dress as my pattern was a skirt, I sewed my first waist band on the original seam of the jeans and trimmed the excess from the skirt pattern. It was still a lengthy process but not as long as my right front panel. One area challenging was sewing the skirt patterns together and sewing the skirt to the bodice as the denim made my pattern thick. So, I went slowly to not break the sewing machine and the needle it was a little effective, but I did break two needles due to the thick fabric. I had struggle with the overlocker as well but thankfully it created a nice finish and did not get stuck or broken. For my final textile technique, I used belt loops from the waistbands, and these acted as brick effect, and I sewed these on to my back bodice pieces to still have a design throughout my dress but much simpler on the back of the garment. I decided on a concealed zip for my fastening as I wanted it hidden and it was a simple but professional finish. I did struggle making it line up with my belt, so I unpicked it several times and tried again until it was right and in line. For finishing my hems, I learnt binding as a result I made a small sample to see how it would look like and construct like as well. It was simple and effective it did take long due to the length of my pieces. I choose the colour that match the chosen garment from the Hospice which was an off white / grey colour. It worked well and finished off my garment perfectly. When it was all finished, I was happy with the patients and effort I took to construct and design my dress from my illustration. I had to make a few pattern pieces, and I used closed seams throughout my construction. I included my method of construction as well.  Finally I included my specification drawing of my dress to show how I constructed my dress.
Method of Construction
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Full garment construction video
This is a quick sped up video of my garment construction. Watching it back now I see how much time and patients I took whilst working on this textiles of the skirt panels of the dress. It did take several weeks however it leaves a stunning and elegant effect of a mosaic from my theme of architecture. For my final garment I wanted to incorporate small details and ideas from architecture as many of Barnsley's building it has small hidden stone works of details. I am proud that I took the time to practice on the industrial machine in my previous project as I have clearly developed my skill and control of the machine. As I would not have managed to achieve this result on the domestic as the fabric sewing together was so thick I struggled with the industrial machine as I did not wan to break the needle which I did manage to do twice. I am happy that my seams are straighter compared to my first time using the industrial machines. There is a clear difference in improvement. I hope to keep developing and seeing and learning new techniques with textiles. I used different ideas I did not use to think to decorate my garment with using belt loops, waistband and seams from jeans so this was an interesting concept to play around with but it gives strong and structured feel to my dress.
0 notes
anywaymurder · 9 months
Goods and Nervousness
Chapter 54
As the night progresses, Raiden finds himself kept awake by his thoughts. ‘Hey Ara,’ he says to the swamp elf meditating on the other side of the room, ‘you don’t like me enough to lie to me, right?’. He asks Ara whether he thinks there’s any sense in him trying to get back into the group, after all that happened. Ara is confused by the question: Raiden is already back with the group. Unless he’s planning on leaving again? Raiden says he’s trying not to. He feels like his return is hard for Annori and Kevin to cope with, and fears that they might just be too nice to say anything. Ara counters that that is pure conjecture and he should just ask them if it’s something he’s worried about. Besides, being ‘too nice’ is not a bad thing, except when others take advantage. That only worries Raiden more: he’s been that person who takes advantage. Ara insists that he’s making a much bigger deal out of this than it is. Sure, things aren’t the same as they were before — but now they can build something new that isn’t based on lies, which is arguably better. The group simply needs to regain some trust in Raiden, and that may take some time.
Bright and early the group heads back to the tailor’s, and Althas invites them inside. She clearly hasn’t slept, and is buzzing around on some kind of manic hyperactive high. She offers a nice array of breakfast foods to the group, as well as coffee, tea and iced tea. They talk a bit about the heat and humidity that have been coming up, and Ara talks fondly of the moistness of the swamp while Annori makes disapproving gestures behind his back. Althas considers visiting the swamp for design inspiration, and wonders out loud about the trade route they were setting up with Coldvale. She asks Ara if that’s why he’s out here, and he awkwardly tries to avoid the topic. Althas quickly apologizes for her forwardness, her mind is just a little all over the place. She returns with sketches and fabric samples to show each of them. Looking at the intricate designs, Raiden wonders if she stayed up all night drawing these. She says it’s hard to keep track of time when she’s working. ‘I’m sure you’ve had the same experience when you… What is it you do?’ Raiden immediately starts talking about the iced tea and how nice it is. 
Althas takes each of their required measurements, and then lets them know that the garments should be ready for pickup tomorrow afternoon. She’ll be getting some help from local mages from the academy putting it all together  — apparently they really enjoy doing something other than studying magic books and spell components for a change. Raiden asks her if she knows a place where one might buy such items, and she refers them to a shop called Reshin’s Quaint Curios. 
Once they step outside into the late afternoon air, Annori produces the sending stone Findire gave them and suggests asking them some questions about the sister and her partner. Maybe he knows where they usually hang out and the group can spy on them a little. ‘Or do you wanna talk to Findire? After all, he is your boyfriend!’ She extends the sending stone towards Ara with a playful grin. Ara reluctantly takes it, and asks the group what he should say. As he casts sending, he repeats their suggestions  — ‘where does she hang out?’ ‘what’s her favorite animal?’. When Kevin teasingly adds an ‘I love youuu’ at the end, Ara automatically repeats it into the sending stone. He tries to backpedal but runs out of words, then turns bright red. As Annori and Kevin squeal over this development, Findire responds in Ara’s head: ‘Well, good afternoon to you too, Ara dearest. Might be too long for sending stones. Meet at my place, you know the way. See you soon.’ When they ask Ara if there’s been a response, he says no, and quickly suggests they go to the magic shop, hoping to escape further teasing by Nori and Kevin. (Sometime around this point, Rowan’s cat Morgan disconnects her from the discord call and everyone takes a minute to laugh about this) 
Reshin’s Quaint Curios is indeed a quaint place. Stepping inside, an invisible bell announces their arrival, and they feel a buzz of energy throughout the shop which the magic users among them recognize as arcane. There are many items on display, though they’ve been placed on tables and in alcoves almost carelessly. A tan halfling with short black hair enters to greet them with a proper customer service smile that doesn’t extend to their eyes. Reshin asks them what they’re looking for. Kevin mentions he’s been looking for a weapon that’s a little on the heavier side compared to his trusted rapier. Reshin leaves through a big ledger to check what they have on offer, and presents Kevin with a beautiful obsidian hand ax. Besides the exquisite craftsmanship, the weapon is also enchanted to warn the wielder for any hostile creatures around. It stands at a hefty 600GP. Annori off-handedly mentions Findire, and the shopkeep’s smile widens immediately. When she asks them about any potions they might have, Reshin almost disdainfully refers her to the nearby herbalist. Annori explains she needs a potion that would compel the drinker to speak the truth, but without them being aware of that effect. Elsewhere in the store, Raiden freezes up a little. Reshin confirms that this is too specific a potion for their store, though they do have several health potions for sale, should they be the adventuring type. Kevin is staring longingly at the beautiful hand ax and laments that he doesn’t have the money to buy it. Reshin suggests having a look at the quest boards outside, there might be a job that suits them and some of them apparently pay quite well. Ara “reminds” Kevin about the much nicer hand ax they saw at another store for cheaper. With this bit of sneakery, Kevin manages to haggle down the price to 520GP and purchases his fine new weapon. Annori sneakily asks if him spending his share of the advance Findire gave them means Kevin’s taking the job after all, but Kevin swears he’ll pay it back to them eventually. Ara then looks for shields, and Reshin points him towards one they finished crafting recently called the ‘Arrow catching shield’, which is enchanted to protect the wielder and nearby allies from arrows especially well. The item is priced at 1.000GP, but they might be willing to part with it for 900GP. Ara consults the group — this would absolutely be a useful thing to have, but it’s much more than he can afford on his own right now. Together they decide that Ara will come back for the shield once they finish their gala job and get some more cash together. Raiden purchases 4 common healing potions and 2 greater for 400GP total. Annori chips in 100GP, since they’re for the group (though Raiden half-jokingly points out that he’s usually the one passing out). Raiden then inquires with Reshin about a method of long-range communication. Reshin shows him an intricate dark metal headpiece called ‘The Spies Murmur’, to be worn curved around the ear, and explains that the wearer will be able to communicate telepathically with the wearer of another. Each individual one costs 650GP. Looking around the shop, Raidens eye falls on an inconspicuous ring laying casually in an alcove. When he goes to pick it up and see if there’s anything special about it, his hand passes right through it. Reshin explains that every item on display here is in fact an illusion — you don’t think they’d be naive enough to leave expensive items out for the taking like that, now do you? The ring Raiden was inspecting turns out to be enchanted so it can see through doors. The shopkeep remarks that Raiden seems to have an eye for these items of sneakery, though he immediately insists that each of these items also have perfectly legal applications. 
The party exits, several health potions and one fancy hand ax acquired, leaving the rest of their wish list for later. Ara says he’s had his fill of shops for today and would very much like to take a walk, alone. Annori, Kevin and Raiden head to the herbalist’s shop to see if they have Annori’s truth serum. On the way, she excitedly explains her plan: to feed the serum to Findire’s sister, and then ask her questions that would normally require a little white lie in the name of polite society. She imagines there’s quite a lot that goes unsaid at these events, that would be scandalous if it came out. Raiden has a weirdly surprised and relieved response to this plan, and with one look at him Annori realizes: he thought the truth serum was for him. She asks him about it, and he admits it crossed his mind. Annori protests that she’s not about to spike her friends’ drinks to get them to talk — not again — and she’s a little insulted that he thought that low of her. Kevin joins in, saying that he feels like he knows Raiden well enough to know when his efforts to make up for his past deed are genuine. ‘Do you, though? Do you really?’ asks the rogue. He expresses some conflicting feelings about the fact that they haven’t really talked about anything since he’s been back. As long as there is so much unspoken between them, he can’t help but feel like any steps he’s making towards redemption are empty gestures. Kevin insists he would like to get to know the real Raiden. ‘Tell us about yourself, then.’ Raiden falls quiet, and admits he might need some more specific questions to start with. Annori suggests they run their errands first, so they can think a bit on what they’d want to ask, so they can talk about it tonight.
Meanwhile, Ara’s solitary walk just so happens to take him back to the Radiant Gardens and the back entrance of the Talthanryl mansion. He finds Findire sitting in their fancy chair, who greets him happily, and Ara approaches with great unease. The weird ‘i love you’ he sent through the sending stone earlier that day hangs in the air between them like static, but Findire seems to feel Ara’s discomfort and doesn’t bring it up. They then proceed to give some answers to the questions that were asked. Ara learns that the sister’s name is Falinel, and her partner is named Astrid Cornwallis. Findire explains that while Falinel doesn’t necessarily work, she spends a lot of time out of the house with friends, and sometimes doesn’t return until quite late. He hints that her room in the mansion is usually empty from the afternoon until at least the early evening. Ara asks about their parents, and Fin tells him their mother is usually in her office all day, and dad works with the local merchants. As for Falinel’s favorite animal: it’s bunnies. Once he feels like he has all the necessary information, Ara goes to leave. Findire accompanies him to the door once more, and they stand there a while. ‘Unless there’s anything else you’d like to talk about?’ Fin asks. ‘Not really, you?’ says Ara. ‘Only if you want to,’ says Fin. ‘I don’t want to,’ sighs Ara, ‘because talking about it will make it feel more real, but not talking about it will kill me.’ Ara confesses he was only thoughtlessly repeating Kevin when he said those words, and he’s not actually there yet — though he really does like Findire. Fin is glad to hear that, and understands the situation all too well. They note Ara’s friends seem to be quite intent on them getting together, but Fin assures him that all that matters is what Ara wants, and they’re happy to call it whatever he wants to call it, and take it as slow as he needs to. Ara agrees that they still have a lot to figure out between them, and that he’s ‘technically still a baby, anyway. So… bye!’
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0 notes
kimnjss · 4 years
just perfect || jjk
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⤑  series: cherry pickers
⤑ pairing: gamer(fuckboi)!jungkook x video vixen(virgin)!reader
⤑ genre: barely any angst... smut!!
⤑ rating: explicit
⤑ word count: 7.1K // unedited.
⤑ warnings: cursing, slight dirty talk, mentions of blue balls, oral sex (f. receiving), multiple orgasms,  (mutual) masturbation, grinding/dry humping, quiet voyeurism/exhibitionism, overstimulation, handjob, fingering, jungkook is a lot whiner than you’d think, nipple play, spitting, penetrative sex, yn being a quiet dom, riding... yoongi nd hobi run in a museum.
⤑ A/N: this is out a lot later than i wanted ., but a bitch got sad nd didn’t feel like writing :/ - we good now tho . thank you for being so patient w meee .i hope you guys like this one lowkey a big one so let me know what you think x 
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MAY 16TH, 2020 | 15:56
From the moment the two of you stepped onto the shooting set, it was pretty obvious to Jungkook that you were a big deal around here. He was used to putting you on a pedestal and treating you like a princess, but the fact that the other models, the majority of the staff, and the photographer treated you the same way was a bit mind-blowing for him.
Before you're even shedding your jacket, a short woman dressed in all black is rushing over with a robe in one hand and your swimsuit in the other. Ushering you in the direction of where to get changed, all while placing a chilled sparkling water in your hand. Complete with a straw. He follows behind, only half listening as the concept is explained in great detail to you. Following you to the gigantic dressing room, just for you.
A large couch is pressed against one wall, facing a dramatic vanity with an equally dramatic cushion bench. Jungkook is plopping down onto the large couch as you're lowering yourself onto the bench, hair being pinned back by two stylists who are quick to start on your makeup.
Simple chatter flows between the three of you and Jungkook finds himself admiring you with an unwavering smile on his face. You're so pretty. Always so pretty and sweet too. He likes the way you speak to the ladies as if they're old friends, laughing along with them with the prettiest smile on your lips. He's sure he could sit here and watch you forever.
Positive of it when the ladies are finishing with a final brush of your neatly straightened hair. They're waving goodbye as you stand, shimmying out of the tight jeans that you had arrived in. Carelessly tossing them onto the couch beside him before reaching for the hem of your shirt. Getting undressed right in front of his greedy eyes, he's not even ashamed for the way he leans forward on his knees to get a better look.
Forcing a gasp down when you reach back, flicking the clasp of your bra loose. It takes everything in him not to reach forward and take hold of one of your heavy breasts while wrapping his lips around the other. The sounds you made that first time still imprinted in his head. You sounded so pretty underneath him.
“What do you think? Should we get something to eat after this or...?” You speak so casually as if you're not putting on an unexpected right in front of your sexually frustrated boyfriend.
Sexually frustrated might be a stretch, honestly. The two of you found ways to enjoy each other without actually doing the do... but there were times where he hoped, silently of course, that you'd just say fuck it. Sober minded as him to fuck you because he'd deliver no doubt. He'd be more than happy to do it. “Yeah, I could eat.”
He sounds distracted and he is. Rightfully so, because you've just discarded the tiny pair of panties to pull on an equally small bikini bottom. Giving him a pretty good look at your ass and the way it jiggled with each tug of fabric.
“Great. I'll get us something. You're not going to be bored, right?” Arm wrapped around your chest to shield your breasts from him, you toss the bikini top around in your other hand, attempting to untangle the stringy garment.
Jungkook can't even focus enough to answer you properly. He's more concerned with the growing bulge between his legs and whether or not you can tell how turned on he is right now. You do notice, but it's way much more fun to see the uncomfortable shift of his hips, the hesitant tug at the end of his shirt, and the dust of pink in his cheeks than indulging him right now.
Taking your time to secure the bikini top on to your body, you don't pull your gaze from him. And you love the tiny pout that appears on his face once your tits are disappearing from his view. You make a big show of leaning over to reach for the robe you strategically set behind him, chest in his face.
He's letting out a laugh, hands reaching out to find your waist. They're cool against your warm skin, paired with the smile you can easily feel your body heating up. He's looking at you through hooded eyes, almost as if he could devour you at any moment. “You're messing with me, huh?” Gently tugging you onto his lap, hands sliding down the sides of your body and onto your bare thighs.
You're used to being seated on his lap. It's your favorite place to be, honestly. But, with the lack of layers between the two of you, there's nothing to shield you from the very prominent bulge pushing against his pants. Pressed firmly against your core, just one calculated shift of your hips and he'd be nudging against your clit.
And with that shit-eating grin on his face, it's obvious he knows it. Definitely not one to give up control so easily, you're the first one to shift. Eyes fluttering from the drag of his length against your slit, having to force back a moan as your hands tangle themselves in his soft hair. Shooting a well-practiced look of innocence in his direction, you let a soft smile push on to your features.
“Of course not. Why would I mess with you?” He's rolling his eyes instantly, sitting up to press his forehead against yours. Lips stretched into a teasing smile, hands secured tight on your thighs. Easily using his grip to hold your body against his. “Are you sure about that?”
His voice is so deep and unbelievably sensual, you have to physically stop yourself from ripping his pants off and riding him in this dressing room. With a giggle and a shrug, you're hopping off of his lap. Leaning down to press a quick kiss to his lips, “Guess you'll never know,” You say, turning to the perfectly timed knock at the door, calling you on to set.
Jungkook is letting out a huff, used to the blue-ball feeling at this point. He doesn't say anything as he stands from his spot, following you out of the room and on to set where they want you. Watching quietly as you're told to pose. Not being able to tear his eyes from you and how good you look in that way too small bikini.
He has always been a huge fan of your confidence. Loved the way you were always so sure of yourself. Loved how you walked, how you talked, how you acted as the entire world belonged to you. It would if he had any say in it. That had to be the first thing he found himself attracted to when he first spoke to you. How confident you were even just speaking to some stranger online.
Conversations seemed to flow with you because you never second-guessed yourself, you never hesitated. You were you all of the time and he loved that. He felt like he didn't have to guess anymore, although it took some time to figure you out, now that he knew you he felt like he actually knew you. He loved that.
The way that he got to know you, the pace that you set for your own reasons really forced him to take his time with you. Not like it was a bad thing. It wasn't bad at all. Because he wasn't in such a rush to kiss you, feel you, fuck you. He was able to enjoy the experience of knowing you. Learning you. Falling in love with you.
All before sleeping with you. 
Literal chills run down his spine when your gaze meets his. Laid flat on your back with the photographer over you, finger snapping pictures insistently. You've got this real sexy look in your eyes, gaze trained on his. Shooting a kiss in his direction and he feels his cheeks darken at the act.
Unsure when exactly he became so easy, but here he was an absolute blushing mess all because his pretty girlfriend decided to blow him a kiss. 
He finds himself sitting at the edge of the seat. Waited with bated breath for the moment you'll look at him again, granting him any ounce of attention to make his heart flutter. And instantly perking up when you're allowed a break. Grinning wide when you're making your way over to him, your long robe draped over your shoulders.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Taking your rightful place on his lap without a second of hesitation. Fingers curling in the hair at the nape of his neck and forehead leaning down to bump against his.
Jungkook allows his fingers to creep beneath your robe, landing directly on your ass. Gently using his grip to pull you closer to him. “You look really good,” He's hard again and it's all your fault. Desperate for some type of attention, he can't help the way his hips lift toward you.
You ignore the movement. “Thank you.” Nails scraping against his scalp gently, knowing how much he likes when you have your fingers in his hair. “I saw the way you were looking at me. Kinda makes me wonder what we'd do if we didn't have an audience,” Words barely above a whisper, but he's hearing you loud and clear.
Every syllable going straight to his cock. He can't even think of what to say, mind reeling of all the possible things the two of you could be doing if you were alone. He wanted to taste you. Has been craving it since the first time he had you upon his face. And fuck, you always looked so good with his cock in your mouth. Jungkook loved to see how determined you were to swallow him down.
Or he could fuck you... on one of these plush circle sofas. Stretch you out and make you whine for him. Tell him how good he's making you feel. For the first time. Have you call out his name while you cum, squirming underneath him.
“You're thinking about it, aren't you?” Voice so sweet by his ear, lips grazing over the shell of it. He's on the verge of losing it while you're just enjoying yourself teasing him. Dark eyes find yours, clouded with lust and a type of need that you've never seen before. Without a word, he's nodding his head, teeth cutting into his lower lip.
A grin pushes onto your features, hand reaching up to push the hair in front of his face back. “Should we go straight home after this, then?” The pounding of your heart only picks up, knowing exactly what you're about to hint at. Yet, you've never been more sure of anything in your life.
You wanted Jungkook. You've always wanted him, but no more than ever. In ways that you never really cared to explore before him and now it's like if you don't do something about it, you'd surely explode. You wanted him to be your first. No need for the dramatics or specialties, it was simple.
Jungkook was the one you wanted to fuck for the first time. “I can't stop thinking about how good it'll feel to feel you... you know?” Brow raised with your hand between your legs, resting flat against the no doubt painful bulge in his pants. His eyes are all but popping out of his head. “Do you want to?”
He knows what you mean. The look in your eye giving way to the fact that you're speaking more than what you've been doing all along. You wanted to do more and you were sure of it. You're not nervous or hesitant, so sure of yourself like you've always been. You wouldn't have said anything if you weren't. 
“Y-yeah. I want to.” 
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MAY 16TH, 2020 | 17:03
Jimin was never a fan of museums. Not once did he think 'Oh, let's go check out this old painting that a bunch of dudes hung on a wall!'. He didn't care for them and didn't understand the hype at all. Would never be caught dead in one... unless his friend's relationship was at stake and an annoying boy with a pretty smile was dragging him into some elaborate ploy to get them together.
Only in that situation would Jimin pull out his beret and tweed jacket and drive the whole hour to the aging building. Hoseok in the front seat, chatting the entire way about how excited he was to check this place out but couldn't because of... circumstances.
He really said it like that, as if the two of them weren't more than aware of what the 'circumstances' were. That was the thing about Hobi, he liked to act like nothing was happening when literally everything was happening right in front of him. Brushed the entire argument off with Yoongi as if it was some fever dream and acted confused whenever someone asked him about it.
So wrapped up in not being seen as weak for caring, he just chose not to care. No matter how many times his friends assured them they didn't care what he did with his romantic lives... because it was literally not their business... he still kept up with the act. Which was why Jimin couldn't be so sure this plan would work.
Who's to say Hoseok wouldn't just act like he's bumping into a stranger and then turn the other way? That would do way more harm than good, hurting Yoongi way more than he needed right now. Especially since this was the first time he's gone out other than the studio in days.
Despite his worries, Jimin still goes along with the plan. Taehyung seemed sure of it, which had to mean that he knew something that he didn't. It would be fine. There was no way they could be put in a worse situation than they are now. Right?
The moment the two of them are entering the building, Hoseok is taking off in the direction of a piece he's excited to see. Jimin spends the entire time following close behind him, secretly texting Taehyung for the proper time that they can 'accidentally' cross paths. It had to be as natural as possible to keep from the two of them knowing that they've been set up.
A squinted glance across the room followed by the most believable 'Hey, isn't that...' and then absentmindedly leaving them alone so they can work out the problems that they have. It was a good plan. It was going to work. He just had to continue repeating it for it to be true, everything was going to go over just fine. Just perfect.
An hour... or six, according to Jimin pass before the long-awaited text is lighting up his phone. A one-worded message letting Jimin know where to head next. His newfound enthusiasm earns an eye raise from Hoseok, but nevertheless, he allows himself to be pulled in the direction of the next exhibit.
They're just halfway there before Jimin is stopping in his tracks, letting out a slightly forced gasp as his eyes widen. “Oh! Isn't that Taehyung... and Yoongi over there?” Hoseok's head snaps in the direction his friend is pointing, heart rate skyrocketing at the mere mention of the man's name.
Across the way, Taehyung is seen doing the exact same thing. Complete with a dramatic hand over his mouth and even wider eyes. Yoongi is not buying it, standing frozen with this scowl on his face as Hoseok and Jimin make their way over to where they're standing.
Oddly, Hobi doesn't seem reluctant to approach him. This was stupid, the avoiding each other, not talking when clearly they had a lot to talk about. While this would be his preferred method to handle things, he hated it when it came to Yoongi. All he wanted was to be close to him again and if that meant looking weak in front of his friends then so be it. He missed him.
He's prepared to say all of that, lay it all out for him, and try to work on mending things so they could get back to where they left off. The closer he gets though, the tighter Yoongi's throat gets. It feels like he's swallowed cotton balls and the sensation makes his eyes water. Heart pounding in his chest, getting louder with each step taken in his direction.
Until it's all too much to handle. Too scared to hear what Hoseok might have to say. Yoongi was out of line, he was the one in the wrong so there's no telling how upset Hoseok might be with him. He couldn't handle that. So, once he's close enough to speak Yoongi is taking off in the other direction. Running away and leaving the three men to stand there confused.
“Yoongi, wait!” Hoseok is calling after him, legs moving without giving him much of a say. Chasing after him like he should've done that night. Instead of walking away, he should've stayed. Made sure that he was okay, tried to make things better. He had been too negligent in their relationship, ignored a lot of the things that bothered him. And this was where they ended up.
He had no intention of doing that now.
Hoseok chases him until his feet ache and then a few feet after that. Catching him outside just a few blocks away from the museum. He can't help the laugh that falls from his lips when Yoongi is stopping to catch his breath, taking careful steps in his direction. “Yoongi, please stop running. I just want to talk to you.”
Too tired to keep up with the chase even if he wanted to, Yoongi is standing. This awful sad look on his face that he tries to mask with a frown, arms crossed over his chest. “I have nothing to say to you.”
Stubborn was fine. Hobi had no problem with dealing with stubbornness. At least he was talking to him. And in this case, he didn't need him to say anything. “That's okay. I have a lot to say to you. Starting with, I'm sorry.” He's moving closer to him, carefully. Not wanting to overstep and set him running again.
“I should've been more considerate of your feelings, Yoongi. You told me you didn't want to keep us a secret and I didn't listen. I'm sorry for making you feel like I wasn't proud of being with you because I am. I love being with you. I just... I didn't think it was that big of a deal? And I didn't want everyone in our business, but I was selfish and should've paid more attention to you.”
He's had a lot of time to think of what he has done and how he could make things better between the both of them. Had practiced his apology a dozen times in the mirror and then a dozen more. The real problem was working up the courage to take the first step. So seeing him here, whether or not it was a real coincidence, there was no better timing than now.
Somewhere within his apology, Yoongi seems to soften. Arms dropping to his side as he listens to what is being said to him. This whole thing, the base of their fight really could've been resolved easily. There's no doubt about that. But when pride and egos get invoked everything becomes a huge mess. But seeing Hoseok in an almost vulnerable state was new, it was nice in a weird way.
But Hobi wasn't the only one in the wrong. Yoongi knew that. “I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have tried to make you jealous. I knew how you felt and I ignored that because it wasn't what I wanted. I could've been more considerate too, it wasn't just you.” A huge smile is breaking on to Hoseok's face, taking the last few steps to close the space between them. He's landing a large hand on the side of Yoongi's neck, thumb stroking against his skin.
“Can we get back together? I don't like not being with you.” His lower lip is jutting out in the cutest little pout, Yoongi can't help but smile at him. Eyes rolling playfully as he nods his head, accepting the eager kiss that's placed on his lips.
Strong arms wrapping around his body and pulling him close. Kissing him in the middle of the street, for everyone to see.
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MAY 16TH, 2020 | 21:11
Jungkook kisses you hungrily, hands roaming around your body with purpose. That being, getting you undressed as quickly as possible. You're giving him the same treatment, teeth and tongue clashing as you fumble with the buckle of his belt. Barely entering his house before his mouth was pressed against yours, not parting for more than a second since then.
He's lifting your body onto his with ease, carrying you up the stairs and into the bedroom. The shirt that he had been wearing was left in the doorway along with your jeans and jacket. Setting you down on the bed, he takes a moment to admire you. Lipstick smudged and eyes sparkling. Your hair fanned around your head against the pillow. The rise and fall of your chest, the longer he looks at you the harder it gets to believe that you're his.
Leaning down, his face finds the crook of your neck. Hands spread your legs apart so he's able to fit between them nicely. Sucking a trail of wet kisses down the length of your neck, he's so hard pressed against you. Harder than you've ever felt him before and you're sure it comes with the anticipation of what's to come.
His fingers are tangled in your hair holding your head steady as he leaves marks against your neck. He's being cautious, careful despite his desires. Not wanting to push you too far or do too much too soon, but all you wanted was him. And you didn't want to go slow. Had done more than enough pussyfooting to last you a lifetime, you just wanted him now.
Plain and simple.
Hands work to unfasten the button on his jeans, tugging them down with motion straying far from being fluid. He laughs at your struggle, pulling back into a kneel. His large hand coming down to replace yours, watching you through a hooded gaze while dragging them down the rest of the way. It had been pretty obvious how hard he was through the fabric of his jeans, but even more so through the thin layering of briefs.
Jungkook was big, that much you already knew. Impressive even when soft and you've never seen him this hard before. Was it all going to fit inside of you? Had trouble taking just two fingers of his and he was much thicker than that. The thought of trying, though, having him stretch you out has a familiar warmth pooling between your legs. A determination settling in your chest. You wanted to be able to take him. Need to.
He's reaching for the hem of your shirt, mumbling something out about fairness. And with a quick lift, your shirt is being tossed somewhere behind him. Large hands cup your breasts, body moving to settle back between your legs. Thumb experimentally rubbing against your nipple through the thin lace and it's not enough.
It seems he has the ability to read your mind with the quickness of the way he reaches behind you, fingering at the clasps of your bra. Moving it out of the way until your breasts are resting freely on your chest. The soft moan that falls from his lips has your walls clenching around nothing. An even louder moan emitting from the back of your throat as his lips wrap around the hardened bud.
“Jungkook,” You gasp. Teeth sinking into your skin while his fingers work the other side into a peak. 
He has been embarrassingly hard this entire day and the sweet moans that leave your glossed lips do nothing but add to that. Absentmindedly his hips rut against yours, thick cock brushing against your wet core, covered by the flimsy material of his panties. It almost hurt how bad he wanted you. Mind reeling with different ways he could take you, but he was so anxious about fucking it up he seemed to be playing it safe.
And you could tell. Even the usually frantic thrusts of his hips were calculated, just barely missing your clit and not nearly as hard as normal. His mouth is releasing from around your nipple to leave a trail of wet kisses down your body, tongue painting wet streaks against your skin. But you're stopping him before he can fit his head between your legs.
“Wait. I-I want to feel you... I want to make you feel good first,” Just as much as this was something big for you, you wanted it to be the same for him. It was not only your first time ever, it was also his first time with you. It should be fun for him too, right?
His eyes are widening as if you just suggested something as bizarre as nude bungee jumping, but the sound of your giggle has his body relaxing almost instantly. He watches as you sit up, arms wrapped around his neck. Kissing him fervently, hands knotting in the soft curls of his hair.
Warm tongue parting his lips, coaxing him into a kiss that can only be described as sloppy. Teeth grazing against his lower lip while your hand palms him through his briefs, his lips fall from yours to let out a low groan. Head dropping to watch the way your hand moves against him. “Fuck,” He sighs out almost in disbelief. 
Soft curses fall from his lips as your grip tightens around him, more pressure applied to the movements of your palm. He's moving his hips along with your hand, eyes fluttering and head bowed. Trying so hard to watch the way your fingers squeeze around him, but it's too hard to concentrate on anything but how good you were making him feel.
“You're so big, Kookie. What do you want me to do?” Voice laced with seduction, it's hot enough to make his cock twitch. If you kept on like that, it won't be long before he's blowing his load. Before even taking his boxers off, how embarrassing. 
He doesn't need to think, because he knows what he wants. Has thought about it on more than one occasion and wanted to try his chances tonight. “I... touch yourself. I want to see you touch yourself,” There's obvious strain in his voice, trying to create a coherent sentence through breathy moans.
His request catches you off guard, so sure that he'd ask you to suck him off or something that would be beneficial to him. But you don't protest, the thought of him watching you do something supposedly private egging you on. It was hot, him wanting to watch you. And it was no secret how inclined you were to giving Jungkook exactly what he wanted.
You're laying on your back once again, thumbs hooking into the waistband of your panties. Making a big show of taking them off, loving the way his eyes follow the material down your legs before he's dragging his gaze up to your bare pussy. Glistening with arousal all pink and pretty.
“Like this?” Middle finger tapping against your clit, body tensing at the contact. Jungkook kneels beside you, breath caught in his throat. Not daring to look away as your finger lightly moves over your clit. “Harder,” He whines, realizing you're teasing him with how gentle you're being.
Giggling softly, you apply more pressure, rubbing perfect figure eights into the little bundle of nerves. His lower lip caught between his teeth, brows furrowed and eyes focused. He looks so hot, gently stroking himself. Cautious in his movements so he's not pushing himself too far too soon.
He watches with bated breath as your hand slips lower between your legs, finger teasing your entrance with your eyes trained on his. Your jaw falls slack as soon as the digit pushes past your walls, eyes fluttering as a soft whimper of his name leaves your lips. “Holy shit.” He groans, picking up the pace of his hand as you do the same.
Not sure if it's the fact that he's watching you or the sight of him getting himself off to the sight of you, but you're speeding toward the edge quicker than you expect. Finger curling up into yourself, just barely grazing the rough patch of skin deep within. The heel of your palm nudging against your clit with a timed accuracy. Back arching as your whines grow louder.
“Fuck. Are you gonna cum?” Wildly in tune with your body, you can't even think to deny it. “Touch me,” You plead and he doesn't need to be told twice. Springing forward and landing his fingers on your clit, rolling it around underneath his touch. Your free hand lifts to wrap around his length, wrists twisting rhythmically. You feel the stutter of his fingers from the effects of your touch. 
All at once, the pressure built in your belly is snapping. Walls clenching around your fingers as your legs shake, eyes blurring as your orgasm washes over you. Jungkook's fingers are quick to replace yours the moment you're pulling out. Pushing deep inside of you and teasing your gspot. Just barely come down and you're already being thrust into a second orgasm, hands flying to grip his forearms.
“Jungkook, fuck. Please, please...” No idea what you're begging for, but the last thing you want is for this feeling to stop. He watches the way your hips move, fucking yourself on his fingers while your arousal leaks out your tight hole. Fists gripping the sheets as you squirm.
He doesn't pull back until your body is relaxing against the mattress, chest heaving up and down as you try to catch your breath. His fingers are wet with your juices, shining in the dull light of the bedroom. Quick to push them past his lips, moaning at the sweet taste of you coating his tongue.
Through hooded eyes, you watch the way his tongue moves between his fingers. Lapping up every last drop of you. As if he had just finished a five-course meal.
“You taste so good, baby.” He's mumbling out, a shy smile pushing onto his lips realizing that you've been watching him. Lowering himself between your legs, wet fingers pushing your hair out of your face. “Are you good to continue?” He smells like you and tastes like you when you lean up to kiss him.
You'd be crazy to say no, knowing how badly he wanted you. How badly you wanted him. The quick nod of your head is all he needs to cover your lips with his one last time, before lowering his body until his face is just inches from your throbbing clit. “Could spend all day down here,” He laughs out, soft lips pressing a wet kiss against your clit.
He doesn't need you to walk you through it, has paid you enough attention to know what you like. Diving it without an ounce of hesitance, tongue lapping against your wet hole. The tip of his nose pressed firmly against your clit, bumping against it so deliciously it has to be on purpose. He's got a tight grip on your thighs, keeping your legs spread wide for him.
Whiny moans vibrate against your pussy as he sucks your folds into his mouth, hand reaching for your clit. Pressing against it more deliberately, rolling it between his fingers as he works his tongue into your tight whole. Moving like a man starved, his groans are just as loud as your moans. Fingers gripping his hair to keep his head in place, hips lifting to meet the swirls of his tongue.
So wrapped in how good he's making you feel, you almost miss the steady rut of his hips. Shamelessly grinding his throbbing cock against the bedsheets. As if he's buried deep inside of you. With his tongue flat against your clit, he's pushing two fingers past your walls. Curling them deep inside of you. And you're seeing stars, back arching off the bed as a loud cry of his name falls from your lips.
Your entire body is on fire, legs shaking while your arousal flows out of you. His fingers continue to move at a steady pace, tongue flicking slowly against your clit until your loud moans are turning into desperate whines. Lips, chin, and nose shiny with your arousal, and all he does is smile. This big toothy grin that makes your heart flutter.
Just about delirious from coming three times in a row... and he hasn't even fucked you yet. God, you wanted him to fuck you. And you could tell he was holding back from doing just that, precum leaking from the tip of his cock staining the sheets. He wanted you too. But he was stalling.
His fingers move between your legs again, teasing your slit as he leans his head back down between your legs. Ready to make you cum with his mouth again. Your cunt throbs with overstimulation, positive that you wouldn't be able to take much more and you wanted to feel him before you were out for the count.
“F-fuck me, Jungkook. Please, I'm ready.” Fingers at his bangs, pushing them back so you can get a good look at his face. The way his movements stutter to a stop, eyes widening just slightly.
But he nods, kneeling back on his knees. Raking his own fingers through his hair, desperately trying to calm the nervous tick in his heart. You were so perfect. Laying beneath him, ready for him to fuck you. And there was nothing else he wanted to do, but he couldn't help but feel a bit of anxiety over it.
It was your first time after all. What if he fucked it up? Ruined it for you and then every single time you thought back to this moment you were filled with nothing but distaste. He just wanted to be perfect for you. And with the way you were looking at him, he felt like he could be. Felt like you thought he might be.
That was something, right?
“O-okay. Uhm...let me get a condom,” Clearing his throat awkwardly, he's cursing himself a million times for not sounding as confident as he should. With a huff, he's leaning over to reach for the bedside table, fishing through the drawer until his fingers are meeting the tiny foil packet.
He puts it on away from you, not wanting you to see him fumble with it due to the nervous shake of his fingers. Once it's secure in place he's moving back between your legs, nearly choking at the sultry look on your face. Long legs wrapping around his hips to pull him closer.
And he feels like he can't breathe.
With his chest pressed against yours, you can feel the hammer of his heart almost perfectly. That paired with the flushed look on your face is enough to make you pull back, getting a better look at his face. “Are you alright? Your heart's beating so fast.”
“Yeah, I'm just nervous. Fuck and I don't even know why...” He's laughing at himself with a shake of his head. It was you. He shouldn't be nervous around you. Always felt so comfortable, so sure when he was with you.
But this was big. This was your first time and he felt like he had to be different for some reason. Better? Yet, little did he know he was exactly the way that you wanted. Just being himself. “Do you want to stop?”
He's shaking his head quickly, eyes widening as he reaches back to tighten your legs around his waist. “No! No. I want to feel you... you look so good,” The last part of his sentence comes out as a whine, his hips lifting to meet yours. The action alone pulling a soft moan from your lips. Almost knocking your train of thought from your head.
“If you're nervous...”
Jungkook is quick to cut you off with a kiss, fingers moving between your legs. Middle finger tapping against your clit before he's drawing circles over it. “Shh, shh... I'm fine.” His words are murmured against your lips, tongue jutting out to swipe over your lower lip. And with the insistent push of his cock against your thigh, you're convinced.
“Okay.” He's smiling, leaning back to take hold of himself. Large palm wrapping around his length, lining himself up with your slick entrance. Breathing out heavily before he's lifting his gaze to meet yours. “You ready?”
Legs spreading in response, you're quick to nod your head. Hands braced on either side of his torso, body laid flat on the mattress. “Mhm.”
Extremely cautious with the way he pushes past your walls, allowing you to feel every inch of him as you stretch for him. It's foreign and a little uncomfortable, he's taking his time, being careful not to hurt you. Stopping halfway to give you a chance to catch your breath, thumb rubbing circles against your clit as an attempt to soothe you.
It brings a bit of the pleasure back, but your eyes remained squeezed shut, blunt nails pressed into his skin. With his head bowed, he's allowing a glob of saliva fall from his lips and onto your pussy, treating it like a lube as he pushes the last few inches inside of you.
You can tell he's holding back, cheeks burned red, and brows furrowed. He's got a tight grip on the sheets above your head, the thick vein at the side of his neck throbbing. Slowly, he's dragging his hips back, pushing back in roughly.
“Fuck, Jungkook.” You gasp, surprised by the pleasure that mixes with the painful stretch. He repeats the action a few more times until he's feeling you loosen around him. But you're still squeezing him so tight. “You're so fucking tight, baby.” He whines, desperate to go faster, harder. Be greedy. 
He's pulling back until his mushroom head is catching against your hole, pushing forward with a loud whine. “I'm gonna cum. Fuck, you feel so good.” You're opening up nicely for him now, his cock slipping past your walls with ease and it's too good to bare. For both of you.
Much different from your fingers or his. And you're not ready for it to end yet. “Not yet.” You groan, fingers holding his hips steady you lift up to take control of the pace. Moving a lot slower, giving him the chance to collect himself. “Hold it, Kookie. Be good for me,”
Your words flip something deep inside him, turning on the compliance inside of him. He wanted to be good for you. Of course, he did, he always did. But hearing you say it just made him desire it more. But at the same time, he was right there. It would be hard to hold back, no matter how much he wanted to.
“I-I can't... Yn, baby.” Soft whines hit the shell of your ear, the grip he holds on your hips tightening, trying to get you to move faster. His face buried in the crook of your neck, sucking sloppy kisses into your skin. All while rutting against you urgently, clutching on to every bit of self-control he has not to finish until your say so.
And you can't help but enjoy it. Having him come apart for you like this. Fingers moving quickly over your clit, whining each time your walls clench around him. It's not long before the pressure is building in your stomach once again, your moans growing high pitched as his frantic thrusts become stuttered.
His head lifts, lips covering yours. His breathy moans dying on your tongue, growing as he feels the beginning effects of you cumming around him. With the flutter of your walls and the shake of your legs around him, he can't hold back anymore. “I'm...” He tries to warn you but is a second too late, already feeling the condom expanding inside of you.
Pretty moans fall from his lips as he cums, fingers continuing their movement between your legs through it all. He cums long and loudly, untimed thrusts hitting against your hips. Your fingers toy with his hair until he's calming down, placing soft kisses against the inches of skin you can reach.
He finishes with a curse, arms giving out and body collapsing onto yours. He's breathing heavily against you, vision blurry and sweat sticking your skin together. But you have no desire to move, enjoying the hammer of his heart against your chest. It matches yours.
It takes him a few moments to come to his senses, pulling out slowly when he does. You feel every inch of him on the way out, a soft moan following. He's quiet with discarded the used condom, cheeks flaming red paired with a dopey smile on his lips.
“What?” You laugh after the third time catching him staring, looking away with blushed cheeks. A soft chuckle falls from his lips, shoulders shrugging as he reaches for you. Gently tugging you into his embrace. “Nothing. I just... liked that?” His cheeks darken, eyes lifting to inspect the ceiling.
Insane how he quickly he could turn into this cute guy afraid of eye contact just seconds after begging you to let him cum. “Me too.” The tips of his fingers mindlessly trace the indents his abs make on his stomach. “It was perfect,” A large smile splits your lips, nodding your head at your own words.
Perfect was the best way to describe it. And it had everything to do with the fact that it was with him, save for anything else that occurred. It was perfect because it was Jungkook. Your head bobs in another affirmative nod, hand lifting to touch his cheek, turning his head down to you.
Kissing him sweetly for a moment, waking the butterflies in the pit of your stomach. A welcome feeling that comes each and every time his lips are on you. As if it were the first time. Everything felt like the first time when it was with Jungkook. “Yeah,” The grin grows on your lips, arms wrapping around his body and head finding his shoulder.
There's not a single thing you'd change about him. About you. About the two of you together. It was exactly what you wanted. 
“Just perfect,”
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— known for your body and surrounded by rumors about your sex life… rumors that he doesn’t think to doubt. until he’s meeting you… forced to realize there’s much more to you then the thonged shorts and lacy costumes.
⤪ masterlist ⤨
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A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. if u want to be added to the tag list, send me an ask! + if you’ve asked to be on my permanent taglist, you do not need to ask to be added to this one !!
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seiyasabi · 3 years
Yamaguchi’s Awakening
(Here’s a Yandere Yamaguchi Tadashi x Female Reader story :PP I know you only mentioned a Mommy fic, but I kinda added a lil more ‘spice’ to that lol, so I hope that’s okay! If not, feel free to message me! Also, he’s known the stutter, so I made it a bit prevalent in the story. Sorry if that’s annoying.
TW: !Noncon/dubcon!, Mommy kink!, !You are p mean lol, Painslut Yama!, Masochist Yama!, You physically fight him but he loves it, practically wrestles you to the floor!, thigh fucking, creampie!, Calls himself baby boy but alternates that w ‘pig slut!’, etc.. 
Please proceed with caution!) 
You woke up to Tadashi’s moans, eyes practically popping open in both terror and confusion. You’d taken a nap whilst waiting for him to come home from work, but you hadn’t expected to wake up to such a lewd sound. 
Pushing yourself up with shaky arms, your slip’s thin straps slide off of your moisturised shoulders, causing more of your cleavage to show in the skimpy garment. Tired eyes land on the green haired man’s slumped form, his long, lean body practically falling off of a plush chair on the other side of the room. His large hand is fisting his cock at an alarming pace, while his hips stutter upwards to meet his ministrations. 
“What the hell are you doing?” You frown in mild annoyance, scoffing in disgust. Is he really getting off to your sleeping form? 
“Mu-Mommy!” His face is pulled into the perfect Ahegao expression, tongue lolling out stupidly, as drool drips down his chin. Beads of sweat intermix with his perfectly scattered freckles, and if it weren’t for the fact that Tsukishima helped him kidnap you, you most likely would have found it arousing, “Puh-Please pu-punish me! I-I’m such a-a bad boy!” 
Screwing your face up in disgust, you practically spit venom at him, “Oh my God, you’re fucking disgusting. How dare you-” 
With a loud whine, he cums. His liquidy release coats his chest in large streaks, partially splashing himself in the face with his own spunk. The liquid creates a large puddle on the floor, demonstrating just how much semen he’s stored in his purple tinged balls. The sight before you has left you absolutely speechless, as Tadashi keens and whines for you to punish him. 
“Please, please, Mommy! I-I need you to-” 
“What the actual fuck did I just witness?” Your eyes never leave the puddle on your room’s wood look tile, “Oh my God, you’re such a disgusting pervert.”
At your words, the freckled man practically throws his naked body onto your lap, “Yu-you chose me! That means that you love me, right? A-and if Mommy loves me, she should punish me for being bad! Please hit me!” His previously softened cock is now standing back at attention, humping at your exposed legs. 
One of your perfectly manicured hands (thanks to Yamaguchi’s hard work) shoves his head off of your stomach, “Get the fuck off of me! Clearly, I chose wrong, because you’re just a slobbering pig!” Tears bead his large eyes, but the tall man doesn’t back down. He continues to try to rut against you, causing your shoves to become more violent, until you effectively shove him off of your bed. He lands on the hard ground with a ‘smack,’ as he moans on impact. 
“Ye-yes! Hi-hit me mu-more! I de-deserve it, your baby bu-boy deserves it!” He tries once more to crawl his way onto you, but you react far quicker than him. You use the ball of your foot to push him away by the forehead, dropping him back onto the cold floor. 
“Stay the fuck away from me! I knew I should’ve liked your asshole for a best friend, at least he wouldn’t be such a fucking weirdo!” You push yourself off of your bed, trying to escape to the bathroom, but it’s to no avail. Tadashi, in some sort of lucidity, drags you to the ground with him. His lean form tries to trap you to the floor, but your thrashing limbs and harsh elbows keep him from getting too close, “Stop it! Let go of me-”
“Du-don’t say you want someone else! Your precious piggy will do anything you want! Let your baby boy make his Mommy feel good!” You end up on your back, allowing your hands to worm their way between the two of you, and create a small distance. Taking full advantage of that, you get a single hand up by your face, which gives you the perfect opportunity to slap the dogshit out of the feral man. 
He moans breathily, as if he’s savouring the feeling of your harsh touches, “You’re fucking pathetic, Yamaguchi. No one would willingly choose you, which is why you lied and manipulated me!” You smack him multiple more times, his freckled, drooly cheeks quickly becoming bright red. You force your knees against his toned stomach, kneeing him uncomfortably in the ribs, which he just pushed more of his weight on. 
“Yes! Yes! Tell me more of the things you hate about me! Your harsh words are almost enough to make me cum!” Screwing up your face in absolute fury, you punch him in the throat, whilst simultaneously kicking him in the cock, causing him to cum immediately with a small scream, “Mu-Mommy, your piggy is cumming!” His hot, watery cum lands on your slip clad body, making you want to vomit. So, in a last ditch effort, you shove him off whilst he’s still recovering from a second intense orgasm. 
Scrambling to your feet, you make a break for the bathroom door, only to be dragged down to the floor by a firm grip on your ankle. Tadashi’s hot, wet body slots itself on top of yours, effectively pinning you down. Although he may be quite slim, his sheer size is enough to weigh you down. 
“Get off of me! You’re fucking sick!” He pants next to your ear, practically trying to mount you like a dog. His chest is firmly against your back, pushing down your lower half. His knees spread yours apart, allowing him to slot himself between your legs. 
You try to hit him, but because he’s behind you, your hits don’t land very hard. Both of his hands fumble whilst he tries to push your panties down, causing you to thrash even more than before. Growing tired of your ministrations, he rips the garment from your pussy. 
“Stop it! Yamaguchi, get off of me! Don’t do this to me!” Tears drip down your face in thick rivulets, as you sob in pure fury, “I-I’ll never forgive you! I’ll never forgive a pathetic fuck like you! I should have never become your friend- you don’t deserve any!” He lightly moans at your words, not quite listening to what you have to say, but enjoying your harsh tone. 
“Ye-yes, Mommy! Threaten me! I love how you belittle me so well!” He then tries to force his long cock inside of you, but is unsuccessful. You’d just barely moved your thighs together in time, blocking him from breaching your unprepared walls. But, that doesn’t seem to faze him, as he starts to hump your sweat slickened thighs, “Oh-oh my God, your thighs feel so good, Mommy! Your piggy slut loves them!” His eyes are practically rolling to the back of his head, as multiple squirts of precum escape his cock, slicking your pussy opening inadvertently. 
You throw your elbows at his head again, but he just lets them hit him, relishing your harsh blows. If anything, your attempted hits trigger him to hump you even faster. Which, in turn, unfortunately, causes him to accidentally hook his cockhead on your cunny opening, and force his prick inside of you. Your mouth gapes in both shock and pain, as you let out a shrill scream. He slams a sweaty hand over your mouth, fortunately minding your nose, letting you breathe through it. His entire body is convulsing, as he sits inside of you, relishing your twitching walls around his cock. 
“Mu-Mommy’s piggy lu-loves Mommy’s pu-pussy!” In quick, sudden movements, he bucks his hips into yours, his breeder balls slapping against your clit with every thrust. Your pants and light moans are muffled behind his hand, as you continue to cry and try to get free. Your thrashing does nothing but seat you further on his long cock, allowing him to hit your g-spot with every movement. Your pussy gushes at his ministrations, as you fall limp, “Fu-fuck, Mommy! Mommy, I-I’m gunna cum!” 
Your slack mouth tries to deny him, but your eyes practically roll up into your skull as you cum suddenly, spraying girl cum on his cock and on the floor below your chest, practically covering your entire torso. Feeling your orgasm milking his cock, Yamaguchi cums quickly after you, filling you to the brim with his watery, overabundant cum. It was like he was trying to fill every crevice inside of you with his milk, relishing how well you take him. You practically collapse to the ground, no longer having the strength to hold yourself off of the now slick wood look tile. This, in turn, causes his still cumming cock to fall out of you, spraying your ass and thighs with his seed. 
Yamaguchi strokes himself, trying to wring out as much cum as possibly on your crumpled, fucked out form. He looks down at you with an innocent grin, before smooching you kindly on the face, “Thank you, Mommy, your baby boy feels sooo much better, now that I’ve filled your pretty cunny! Do you want a bath?” 
You say nothing, seemingly still in shock at what just transpired. Yams coos at you, trying to gain your attention, but when you don’t respond, he takes it upon himself to clean you up. 
“It’s okay, sometimes when Tsukki would experiment with me, I’d be too sore to move, too! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re all pretty and clean after a long, hot bath.” 
With wobbly legs, the tall man stalks off to the bathroom, not batting an eye at your weird silence. 
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
girls need love - michael gray x reader
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a/n: i'm gonna be real guys, i don't know where this came from but i'm not mad about it. this is just pure absolute smut. i didn't know i needed this until i wrote it. hope you guys enjoy!
love, abi xxx
prompt: once michael sees you, he's got to have you. loosely based off of the song girls need love by summer walker
warnings: nsfw!! smut, daddy kink (obv), slight degradation, drug usage, reader definitely has a praise kink, michael being smug and hot as shit
Michael couldn’t stop looking at you, ever since he spotted your infectious grin from a table of some seedy pub Isaiah had dragged him out to. A light dusting of Tokyo sat around his right nostril, adding to the fire growing in him. He didn’t even know you; hadn’t seen you around here before, yet the dark purple silk number you were wearing was enough to make him walk over. Isaiah was busy fucking the barmaid, having tugged her out the back door for long enough that Michael assumed he wasn’t coming back anytime soon.
“Can I buy you a drink?” You tipsily looked up at where the deep voice was coming from, eyes landing on one of the most handsome men you’d ever seen in all of Birmingham, cigarette dangling from his light pink lips. His light brown hair was neatly combed back, blue eyes meeting yours, and you could smell his expensive cologne from where you sat a few feet away. He was clad in a dark blue three-piece suit, probably worth more than your rent for the month. One of your friends elbowed you in the ribs, encouraging you to leave the table, sending a giggle through your group of girlfriends.
“Alright,” you accepted, a slight blush creeping across your cheeks as he offered his hand to help you stand, leading you to a booth in the corner of the room, where he offered you a glass of whiskey. You accepted, hoping more liquor would calm your nerves from just being this close to him. Jesus, you didn’t even know his name yet and you already couldn’t help yourself.
“I’m Michael Grey,” he offered, smoke rolling into his nostrils as he exhaled. You recognized the name, but you were too tipsy to even register what it meant. Jesus, he was fucking sexy. You almost wanted him to take you right there in the booth, yet you managed to restrain yourself, pressing your thighs together as tightly as you could.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you replied, noticing the faint white powder smeared on his nose. The alcohol in your veins made you more honest than usual. “Been a while since I tried snow,” you admitted.
Michael grinned slyly. “So, you like it?”
“That’s one way of putting it,” you replied, downing the rest of your drink.
Michael’s right eyebrow raised as he took another drag from his cigarette. “If I offered you a line right now, would you take it?”
There was something ridiculously hot about his bluntness. Yet, in this moment, you decided to give in. You nodded, earning a smirk from the man across from you before he beckoned you closer to him. You slid over, your bare thigh brushing against his clothed one, his eyes taking the chance to travel your figure before revealing a small blue bottle, uncorking it to shake out a thick clump of the white powder onto the small silver mirror that already sat on the table. You reached into your purse, producing a pound note before rolling it up into a tight cylinder.
“Looks like you’ve got some experience, eh?” Michael murmured in your ear over the music playing in the pub, breath hot on your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Mr. Gray.” You grinned shyly, as Michael produced a razorblade, cutting up the fine powder into four lines.
“Should let me get to know you, then.” He gestured towards the snow as you leaned forward, finger on your left nostril as you held the pound note up to your right, inhaling. Almost immediately, you felt it, eyes dilating as you passed the cylinder to him. After snorting two lines, he passed it back to you, encouraging you to finish the last one. You did, giggling at some joke he had cracked before finishing the last line. Powder coated the outside of your right nostril, and Michael reached up to wipe your nose clean, cocaine sitting on his thumb. Before you could stop yourself, you had taken his thumb into your mouth and sucked it clean.
“Fuck,” Michael groaned, watching the way your cheeks hollowed around his finger, his cock beginning to harden in his pants. It was difficult to get a hard-on on blow, but with you, he was having no trouble. “Wanna get out of here?”
You nodded, releasing his thumb from your mouth from a pop with a grin, causing him to mutter a swear under his breath. Instantly, he was tugging you out of the bar, pressing you against the brick wall to kiss you roughly. You melted at the feeling of his mouth on yours, the way his teeth tugged at your lower lip for entrance. You practically whined when he pulled away, causing a cocky smirk to spread across his lips.
“M’gonna give you what you need love, don’t worry,” he crooned, before ushering you quickly into his car. You were pulling up in front of a office building shortly, Michael helping you out before tugging you into an office with his name on it, closing and locking the door behind him. The fireplace was already lit, and you stood in front of it, facing him, unsure what to do with yourself. Michael reached into his pocket, reproducing the blue bottle to shake out another pile, cutting it into six lines before offering you the pound note. You accepted, taking turns until the both of you were high beyond belief. Michael was funny, and witty, and fucking smart. Fucking christ, the combination was making you want him more than you thought previously possible. Was it wrong to want him to use you?
You sat perched on Michael’s desk, giggling at something he’d said while he snorted another line, his hands shaking slightly in an attempt to stop laughing. He straightened up, ocean blue eyes meeting yours. It might have been the blow, but the rest of the room melted away, leaving only you and him. He took a step closer to you, broad shoulders boxing you in against the desk, torso in between your legs. “Fuckin’ pretty thing like you, up to no good in a dirty town like this,” he rumbled, lips brushing against your collarbone. You couldn’t help but let your head hang back, practically presenting yourself to him, back arching in the air. His rough hands found your waist, gripping at your curves through the thin material of your dress. All you could feel was his touch, sending waves of pleasure throughout your body and he hadn’t even gotten you naked yet. Fuck.
“You gonna be good for me?” Michael’s tone was dark, eyes dilated, searching for you to respond. You looked back up at him, nodding.
“Use your words, sweetheart,” He reprimanded, awakening something in you. God, you wanted him.
“Yes, Daddy.” You had taken a chance, and by the look on Michael’s face, it had worked. He made an almost carnal noise, ridding you of your garments until you were fully naked in front of him, just how he wanted you. He couldn’t help but groan at how wet you already were for him, pussy glistening in the firelight. The innocent look on your face made him want to do the most depraved, filthy things to you.
“What do you want, darlin’?” Michael’s voice shook you out of the haze you were in, drug-addled eyes meeting his. The sudden attention made you shy, yet you knew what he was expecting and you weren’t about to lose that.
“Want you to fuck me, Daddy,” you whined, eyes wide from the snow and the pleasure that just admitting it gave you. “Want you to take me how you want.”
Michael couldn’t help reaching down to palm his cock, already stiff at the sight of you spread out for him. He stopped to slip a finger inside of you, your juices coating his finger already. The sound that left your mouth was pathetic, but fuck if it wasn’t the hottest thing he’d ever heard. He slipped another finger inside of you, thumb toying at your clit, enjoying the way you clenched around his hand.
“Please, daddy, please,” you cried out, attempting to fuck yourself back on Michael’s fingers. He reveled in the sight of you, pleading for him, tits bouncing as he fucked his fingers in and out of you, filthy sounds filling the office.
“Look at you, all desperate for my cock,” he grinned, cock standing at attention as he removed his hands from you, reaching down to grip his dick, stroking it lazily as you caught your breath. “How badly do you need me, love?”
“More than anything,” you murmured, eyes fixed on Michael as you looked up at him. “Want you in me, Daddy.” Almost instantly, Michael closed the small distance between you, cock teasing your slit, causing you to whine, before he entered you slowly, giving you time to adjust to his thickness. It didn’t take long before he was fucking himself in and out of you, your cunt pulsing around him as you cried out in pleasure.
“Fuckin’ perfect pussy, all for me. Isn’t that right, sweetheart? You mine now?” Michael cajoled as he fucked you at a bruising pace, causing your eyes to roll back in your head as your nails scratched at his back. He didn’t seem to care about the pain, increasing his speed.
“All yours, Daddy,” You managed to get out between moans, Michael’s cock bumping up against your g-spot, causing you to cry out even louder. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, but you didn’t care.
“So fucking good for me,” Michael groaned, the praise making you blush as he thrust into you, reaching a hand up to your jaw. You took his thumb in your mouth once again, moaning around it as he fucked you even harder, sending white spots across your vision as you came, walls clenching around him. It seemed he was determined to make you cum again as he fucked you through your orgasm, telling you how pretty you looked as your eyes rolled back in your head, releasing once more. The look on your face pushed him over the edge, and he spilled into you, hot and sticky between your legs. You slumped against the desk, catching your breath, vision still blurry as Michael sat back in his chair, breathing heavily as he produced a rag from one of the drawers of his desk, cleaning you up, unable to help from pressing a kiss to your left inner thigh.
“Want me to run you a bath?” You looked up at him, surprised by the genuine look on his face. He offered you a soft smile, and you nodded, pulling him towards you by the back of the neck to press a kiss to his lips. It seemed like you had a lot more to learn about Michael Gray than you thought.
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audreydoeskaren · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if you knew anything about Chinese Sleepwear! I've been trying for hours to find what would be considered traditional sleepwear and have had little clear success. I will take anything you've got on this, any kinds from any dynasty, I NEED MATERIAL. xD On a side note!: Articles on Hanfu keep popping up as well when I search 'traditional Chinese Sleepwear', were Hanfu also used as sleepwear?
Hi, sorry to tell you but there is no such thing as "traditional Chinese sleepwear". Before the 20th century, Chinese people went to sleep in their undergarments or whatever was comfortable and clean----quite a universal practice. For night-time, garments worn by Ming and Qing women included:
抹胸 moxiong or 主腰 zhuyao, a sort of unstiffened corset-like undergarment buttoned at the front or tied at the back
A plain undershirt, which could be closed by a 交领 jialong crossover collar or 对襟 duijin center front button closure, depending on the era. These wouldn't be too long, usually hip length
A plain pair of underpants; I talked about the construction of Ming and Qing women's pants in this post
If the weather is cold, an optional 肚兜 dudou, a sleeveless apron-like undergarment, underneath the undershirt. This is more of a Qing Dynasty thing though
If the woman binds her feet, then also binding cloth and a pair of slippers
I think the only item here specific to sleeping is the slippers for bound feet. Women with bound feet only wore slippers for sleeping and would put on regular shoes if going out.
In the Republican era (1912-49), more specific styles of sleepwear emerged, often heavily influenced by popular Western styles of sleepwear. Prior to the 1930s, there were pyjama sets that resembled fashionable aoku (robe and pants) in silhouette, but were made of softer, more comfortable materials. From the 1930s on, Western sleepwear like bathrobes, slip dresses and pyjama sets were more popular. These were usually made of pink or peachy colored fabrics with a satin texture, and frequently featured lace trims. An interesting sleepwear phenomenon was night- or dressing gowns with shoulder pads from the 1940s, which you could catch a glimpse of in the 1947 movie Long Live the Missus.
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Ca. 1925 lounge- or sleepwear.
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1930s pyjama sets.
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1930s sleepwear in dress form.
I'm kind of confused regarding your last question...? You talk about hanfu as if it were a single item of clothing, whereas it's just a modern term for historical Chinese clothing (well the two aren’t exactly identical, a lot of modern hanfu isn’t 100% historically accurate but you get the gist). Does it make sense to ask "was historical Chinese clothing also used as sleepwear"? Probably not because historical Chinese clothing included the category of sleepwear. The reason why your browser gives you hanfu articles for "traditional Chinese sleepwear" is likely because "hanfu" and "traditional Chinese" are related search terms, not because hanfu is a single garment that is also sleepwear. Also, the related searches on Google are, in my experience, never accurate or useful when it comes to Chinese fashion history, so I wouldn't advise being reliant on that function. Hope this helps!
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morelikedoccock · 3 years
If You Play With Fire (or Electricity) pt. 14 (Final chapter)
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Summary: You've been badly burned before, so when you encounter a man who has clearly had some sort of freak accident that left him with burns even worse than yours had been, you feel compelled to offer him help, even at the cost of your safety (and maybe also your heart).
Doc Ock x gender neutral reader
Rating: M
Tags: reader with past, gender neutral reader, Canon-Typical Violence, Burns, Scars, Choking, but not sexually, caring for burns, someone's gotta notice those, First Aid, Medical Procedures, Injury, Blood, Blood and Injury, Caring for cuts, Unconsciousness, Dreams, Feelings, oooh someone’s catching feelings, reader gets injured, Nudity, Angst, Definitely more feelings, Fluff, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Near Death Experiences, Crying, Prophetic Dreams
Inspired by this post
Link to Ao3
pt. 1  pt. 2  pt. 3  pt. 4  pt. 5  pt. 6  pt. 7  pt. 8  pt. 9  pt. 10  pt. 11  pt. 12  pt. 13
Note: This final chapter is my love letter to Otto, and it's also a love letter to all y'all who adore him too. Thank you for reading my story, and I hope you enjoyed!❤️
playlist for this chapter (and the previous chapter too): here
Chapter 14.
      You’re not entirely sure how you managed to get Otto back to your apartment unseen, but here you are, standing in your kitchen beside a sopping wet super criminal, who happens to also be the man you’re in love with. Otto is soaked, frozen, exhausted, hungry, and injured. Well, at least you have a clear set of issues to work with. 
      “You have to get out of those wet clothes,” you tell him. When he raises his eyebrows, a faint pink rising in his cheeks, you blush. 
      “Not like that! It’s first aid protocol, and also common sense.”
      “Very well,” he says. His mouth quirks slightly as he begins to pull off his coat, then he winces.
      “Let me,” you tell him, and you move forward to help. You tell yourself that there’s no ulterior motive in your touch as you gently guide his arms and actuators out of the coat, then drape it haphazardly over one of your chairs.
      “Shoes,” you say. He obediently takes them off.
      “You’re not wearing socks?” you ask, appalled. “I’m surprised you don’t have blisters!”
      “We were preoccupied,” Otto replies, his cheeks turning pink once more. “It’s hard to explain the need for socks to them.”
      The only remaining garment is— Oh lord. His pants.
       “You should, um, you should shower off the river gunk,” you mumble. “As long as you can stand a little more water, it would be best for you to get clean.”
      Rubbing the scars between your fingers, you work up the nerve to offer him an extra set of hands.
      “I, uh, don’t want this to come across as weird, but I would be happy to help— I’ve got a detachable shower head— you’re tired and hurt—”
      His eyebrows inch higher with each word, and finally, you can’t take the embarrassment and you bury your face in your palms.
      After a moment, a pair of hands gently pull your own away from your eyes, and Otto presses his lips to the backs of your fingers.
      “That’s very sweet of you. I accept.”
      Your cheeks feel like they might spontaneously combust as you lead him to the bathroom. Thoughts flit in and out of your mind, memories of the other time you had him in this tiny room, when he was bloody and unconscious. Of the things you had thought that night, kneeling between his thighs so you could stitch up his wound.
      It feels like steam might shoot out of your ears at any second.
      “You should— should probably take off your pants,” you say. The pink in Otto’s cheeks is a bright red now, but he hesitates for only a moment before undoing his fly and letting his soaked pants drop to the floor. 
      “Do you want me out of my underwear too?” he asks, sounding both amused and embarrassed. You open your mouth to reply, but only a squeak emerges. This makes him chuckle, and the sound unlocks your throat.
      “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” you tell him hastily. “You can leave them on.”
      He smiles at you, still blushing, then he climbs into the tub and slowly lowers himself until he’s sitting comfortably. The actuators sway sluggishly around him, their white lights all focused on you.
      “Are you sure more water won’t hurt you?” 
      The actuators nod. You bite your lip, then pull the shower head down and turn the water on. It takes a minute to adjust the temperature and pressure until you’re confident that it won’t aggravate his burns, then you direct the stream over his back, paying careful attention to the angry skin around the metal fused to his spine. 
      “I’m gonna rinse your hair,” you warn him, then you do just that, enjoying the way his hair curls and moves under the stream. Shampoo next. You grab a bottle from beside you and squeeze a generous dollop onto your palm, then you pause. What would be the best way to do this?
      “Can you tilt your head back as far as it’ll go?” you ask tentatively. Otto glances at you, then he obeys without complaint.
      “Close your eyes.”
      His hair is soft under your touch as you smooth the shampoo through it, moving your fingers in careful, gentle circles over his scalp. It’s silent but for the quiet sounds of your movements, and your mind starts to wander. Trying not to think too hard, you bite your lip and continue to massage the suds through his curls, doing your best to keep it out of his eyes.
      Otto moans softly. You flinch and pause, worried that you have accidentally hurt him somehow.
      “Don’t stop, please,” he whispers. Unable to help yourself, you bend and press your lips to his for a moment before beginning to lather the shampoo into his hair once more. When you can’t justify touching him for any longer, you grab the shower head and begin to rinse. Soap cascades down his body in foamy rivulets, white against the red of his burns. You can tell that it has to sting in some places, but he doesn’t move.
      “I’m sorry,” you say quietly. “I promise it’ll be better once you’re not covered in river filth.”
      He doesn’t reply, but he doesn’t need to. You reach for the soap, lather your hands, then offer the bar to him. 
      “I’ll get your back if you get your front.”
      It’s such a simple thing, to wash someone like this, but somehow it feels more intimate than anything you’ve ever done before. His shoulders are so broad under your fingers, his skin soft as silk. You swirl your hands over the expanse of his back, mindlessly lost in the feeling of his skin against your palms. When you reach the burns, you just barely ghost your fingertips over the livid skin, unwilling to cause him more pain than absolutely necessary.
      When you’re finished, you rinse his back, then rinse his front, trying not to stare at his amazingly broad chest in the process. You can feel him watching you.
      “Don’t look at me like that,” you hiss. “I’m trying to be respectful.”
      “I appreciate it, but don’t hurt yourself,” Otto replies with a grin.
      You snort.
      “I should be okay.”
      To escape this potentially embarrassing moment, you beckon to your favorite actuator. 
      “Can I rinse you off?” you ask. It slides forward without hesitation, bucking up against your palm for a moment before allowing you to cautiously begin to rinse it. You make your way along its length, and by the time you reach the place where it connects to Otto’s back, the others have slid forward, ready to be next in line.
      You giggle at their reaction. They’re being even more friendly than usual, and you wonder vaguely whether or not it has something to do with the sudden change in the color of their lights. 
      When all of the actuators are clean, you hand the shower head to Otto, who has been surveying the goings on with amusement, and gesture to his soaked boxer shorts.
      “I’ll go get you a towel while you get out of those and finish washing,” you say, nearly stumbling over your words in your haste, then you snatch his pants off the floor and practically run out of the bathroom. The pants go on top of his coat, which is now dripping steadily onto your kitchen floor. 
     Towel in hand, you approach the bathroom door with the air of someone approaching a possibly active landmine, and knock. The door opens a crack, and one of the actuators pokes through.
     “Here,” you say, offering it the towel. “If you could get me his, uh, his boxers, I’ll put them in the wash.” 
      The actuator disappears, and returns with the soaking wet boxer shorts. Only now do you realize that they’re white with red hearts printed on them. So cute. 
     “Thanks, and take your time. I’ll go start the laundry.”
      His coat isn’t the kind that you can just toss into a washing machine, so you hang it up in the kitchen with a towel beneath it. It might get dry… some day. 
      In the meantime, you figure that you might as well wash your sheets while you’re at it, so you pile his pants and boxers into a washing machine with the bedclothes, add detergent, and start the cycle. Then you stare at your reflection in the circular window.
      Your hair is tousled, your cheeks are flushed, and your eyes are wide in your face. You look more than a little hectic. Grinning, you return to your apartment.
      Otto is sitting at your kitchen table, your towel wrapped loosely around his thick waist, just below the burns around the bottom of his metal waistband. His eyes follow you as you walk inside and shut the door.
      “Feel good to be clean?” you ask with a smile. He chuckles, running a hand through his damp curls.
     “Very,” he replies. “It’s been a while since I had a real shower.” 
      “Well, I’m glad you’ve gotten the chance to take one now, at least.”
      You jog to your bedroom, grab your kit, and jog back out into the kitchen again.
      “I know you said you won’t go to the hospital for these, so I’m gonna disinfect them,” you tell him. “It might hurt a bit, so please don’t kill me.”
      You pull the bottle of disinfectant and several gauze pads out of your kit, then kneel down between his outstretched legs so you can properly see the burns on the underside of the metal band. It only belatedly occurs to you where you’re suddenly situated. And fucking hell, this time he’s awake. 
      You would like to think that you know how to learn from your mistakes, but you’re kneeling between his thighs again, and you look up at him anyway. He meets your gaze for one heart-stopping moment, then he averts his eyes, a brilliant red rising in his cheeks. You look down.
      “Sorry,” you manage, “I can’t really see the burns any other way.”
      “It’s alright,” he replies, but you can tell by the way his voice is muffled that he’s covering his mouth with one hand. The other is by his side, and it’s clenched into a fist.
      Oh lord.
      You will the heat away from your cheeks and work quickly around the front of his waist, covering the top and bottom sets of burns with disinfectant, then you stand and move around behind him with a silent sigh of relief. He leans forward so you can reach his spine a little more comfortably, and you continue to clean the open parts of the burns.
      When they’re disinfected, you cover the worst spots with gauze pads and tape, then you move in front of him again to admire your handiwork.
      “If you get blood poisoning, I’m hauling your ass to the hospital whether you like it or not,” you tell Otto. He doesn’t appear to be listening, instead his eyes are hazy, his lips parted, his gaze focused on your mouth.
      “Come here,” he murmurs. You swallow hard, then step forward. He reaches for you, dragging you gently down until he can part your lips with his, slipping his tongue through. You sigh, practically melting into his touch, reveling in the taste of him. Your fingers tangle in his hair, tilting his head up so you can deepen the kiss. He breathes your breath, gasps your gasps, and devours your quiet moans. 
      “Food and sleep,” you rasp, pulling away with great effort. “We both need food and sleep.”
      Otto looks into your eyes, then nods, looking sheepish. You relent and kiss him briefly once more before heading for the laundry room to switch over the wash.
       Something touches your leg while you’re eating some time later, and you nearly choke.
      “W-what?” you manage, looking under the table. The something is one of the actuators. It clicks up at you.
      “You’re injured too,” Otto remarks. “There’s blood on the knees of your jeans.”
      You scoot your chair back and stick out your leg, and just as he had said, there’s a red stain on your knee. A similar stain is visible on your other knee as well. You swear, suddenly remembering the shock of pain you’d only distantly felt when your legs had given way on the dock. 
      “Fuck,” you mumble. “Now I gotta deal with this too.”
      Forgetting your food, you jump up and start toward the bathroom, only to be stopped by a metal tentacle wrapping around your waist. 
      “You’re not going anywhere until you finish eating,” Otto says mildly. “After that, we can see to your knees.” 
      You begin to protest, but you stop almost immediately. He’s right. 
      “I can’t go anywhere until you let me,” you reply, patting the actuator that is still holding you. It shifts, clicks, then slowly unwinds, allowing you to sit back down at the table.
      You finish your food, then you push yourself to your feet. 
      “You’re not gonna try and stop me again, are you?” 
      Otto smiles. He looks exhausted, but there’s a lively sparkle in his eyes that warms your whole body.
      “Not stop you,” he says. “They want to assist you.” 
      An actuator coils around your waist as he speaks, while another curls into a sort of disk and slides under you, so it’s like you’re sitting in a sort of knobbly metal chair suspended above the ground. You giggle at the sudden attention, still warmed from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. 
      “I can walk, you know,” you tell them. One of the claws clicks in reply, but the coils don’t loosen. Instead, Otto gets to his feet and he and the actuators carry you to the bathroom. 
      “Am I gonna be allowed to take off my own pants?” 
      The question makes Otto blush. He turns around and faces the door, but the actuators don’t seem to want to let you do anything by yourself now. You begin to laugh helplessly as one of them unbuttons your pants and tugs them off. Yet another, having apparently been paying close attention to what you’d done before, turns on the shower head to the right temperature and pressure. Suspended over the tub, you watch in vague disbelief as the actuators carefully rinse the blood away from your scraped knees, then even more carefully rub the bar of soap over the cuts. You were right before, it stings quite a lot. Gritting your teeth, you deal with the discomfort as best you can. It begins to fade when the soap is rinsed away.
      “Now what?” you ask, leaning your elbows on the metal around your waist. “Are you gonna carry me to my bed like some sort of pampered— ouch!” 
      The claw that had been rubbing your knees with a clean towel pauses, chitters what must be an apology, and changes its tactic, patting the cuts dry instead.
      “I need to get the laundry and make the bed before anything else,” you say with a stifled laugh. It’s nice to be cared for like this, if a little strange. 
      “Show me where the sheets are, and I’ll make the bed for you,” Otto offers, still facing the door. 
     “Put me down, please?” 
     The actuators do as requested, setting you gently on your feet. You walk over to where Otto is determinedly staring at the painted wood and reach up to pat his cheek.
      “I really don’t mind if you look,” you tell him. He turns and looks down at you, then blushes again.
      “I have a confession to make,” he says suddenly. You stare at him. He gulps, then looks up at his actuators.
      “I can see anything they see,” he admits. “And they store memory, so I can remember what they remember too.”
      All the times you’d spoken to the actuators rattle through your mind. The time you'd stitched up his thigh returns to you, and you have to resist the urge to smack yourself in the forehead.
      “Let’s— let’s unpack that another day,” you finally say. “I’m too tired to think.”
      He nods, then follows you to your linen closet. 
     “The printed set, if you don’t mind,” you tell him, then you pull on a pair of very loose pants and run to retrieve the laundry.
      When you get back to your bedroom, Otto is waiting for you, your kit on the floor beside him.
      “Come sit,” he says with a soft smile. You drop the laundry onto a nearby chair and sit on the edge of the bed, then look up into his eyes. His gaze is warm as he bends to you, kissing you softly while his fingers slip beneath your waistband. You help him slide your pants down, then off. He draws back, then leans down and tenderly presses his lips to your bare thigh in a slow, lingering kiss. You swear you can feel your heart hammering against your ribs.
      “Otto,” you whisper. He straightens and cups your face in his palms.
      “You saved my life by finding me tonight,” he rasps, “the least I can do is care for you in return.”
      The actuators hand him the disinfectant and a gauze pad. His touch is exceedingly gentle as he swabs disinfectant on the scrapes, making sure to cover all the open wounds thoroughly. When he’s satisfied, the actuators take the bottle and offer him gauze pads and tape. He’s just as careful and thorough as he applies the gauze to each knee and tapes it securely down. 
      Finished, he straightens and the actuators return the supplies neatly back to their proper places in your kit. He smiles down at you, and there’s a softness there, a kindness that you don’t quite recognize. It’s as if some weight has lifted from him, some darkness having dissipated. 
     “Thank you,” you whisper, suddenly feeling unsure. This is a new Otto, or more likely this is the old Otto, finally in control of himself again. Is he still the same on the inside? Does he still…
      You hesitate, then reach shyly for him, not entirely sure how to approach him now, but you needn’t have worried. He leans down and gathers you in his arms, hugging you close, his breath hot against the side of your neck.
      “Will you stay?” you ask timidly. “I— I want you to stay.”
      Otto pulls away just enough to gently capture your lips with his, to kiss you as if he’s never tasted anything so sweet.
      “I’ll stay.”
      You wrap your arms around his neck and pour yourself into the kiss, pour everything you have to give into the fervent crush of your mouth against his. He responds, matching your passion with his own. You teeter, then fall backward onto the bed, pulling him down with you. He doesn’t quite squish you, but it’s a close call, and mirth begins to bubble up in your chest. You laugh, and Otto chuckles along with you.
      “Oh, your laundry is on the chair,” you say, reminded of this by the way that the towel around his waist is beginning to slip down. He looks around, spots the clothes, and pushes himself to his feet.
       “Is this your way of telling me I need to get dressed and go sleep on the couch?” he asks, beginning to unwrap his towel.
      “What— no!” you reply indignantly. “I didn’t mean—”
      But Otto is grinning. He winks at you, then turns and drops his towel, and you’re treated to a brief yet lovely view of his bare ass before he pulls up his boxers. When he turns back to you, he suddenly looks almost shy himself.
      “Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer that I…”
      “Absolutely not,” you say. “Come over here before I get up and haul you over myself.”
      “Alright, alright,” he says with a laugh. It takes him only a second to stride across the room and climb into the bed with you, and then he’s pulling you into his arms and kissing you with an easy, languid laziness that melts you from the inside out. 
      An actuator stretches out and flips off the lights. 
      Long minutes pass. You break away only long enough to press your lips to his collarbones, and then to the side of his neck, then you return to the soft warmth of his mouth.
      Eventually you subside into just the occasional brush of lips against lips. In the semi-darkness, you can see that he’s watching you, his eyes half-lidded with drowsiness.
      “How did you find me tonight?” he murmurs, breaking the silence. You take a moment to think, your fingers running absently through his curls.
      “I really don’t know,” you finally confess. “I had— well, I had a sort of nightmare. There was lots of fire, and then I was underwater. It felt so… real. I guess I woke up in a sort of panic, and by the time I realized what had happened I was already at the river.”
      “‘Already at the river’?” he repeats, sounding startled. “How?”
      “I don’t know.”
      There’s a long moment of silence, then Otto smiles.
      “I’m just a simple physicist. Who am I to question the miracle that is the human mind?” he says. “I suppose I will just have to accept the mystery.”
      “I guess so,” you mumble. “Sorry.”
      Otto leans down and plants a soft kiss on your forehead.
      “No need to apologize, my dear. You’ve given me a second chance, and I intend to treasure it.”
      And oh, the words are right there, right on the tip of your tongue… but you bite them back. Not yet. Instead you tilt your head up to meet his lips with yours.
      “Thanks for staying,” you whisper. His arms tighten slightly, pulling you close. You snuggle up to him, your face resting in the crook of his neck, and you let out a deep sigh. Weights settle over and around you as the actuators find comfortable spots for the night. One, you suspect you know which one, cuddles against your back, making you smile. Otto sighs, and kisses the top of your head.
      This? This is pure comfort, safety, and happiness. It’s everything you’ve been wanting for so long. As you drift off, you know that with Otto’s arms around you, you can sleep soundly. You’re safe.
       You wake that afternoon to the sight of Otto’s spectacular bed head. The same sight greets you the next morning. And the next. And the next. Time seems to fly by, but every moment is special now. Otto manages to rent out the apartment beside yours, but he spends nearly all of his time with you. You’re not even sure what he uses the extra apartment for. For work maybe, or for tinkering with his actuators. 
      You finish reading his research together. When he reads, his voice is just the way you had imagined it, deep and lilting and beautiful. Sometimes you get lost just listening to him, and then you have to ask him to repeat a paragraph or two. He doesn’t mind.
      At night, you sleep together in your bed, sometimes staying awake for hours just talking about this or that. You talk about your pasts, your passions, your hopes and fears for the future. Some nights you twine together, your lips and sometimes bodies joined in a blissful, playful dance. Other times, you simply lie together, content to just exist together in silence, fingertips drawing languid circles on each other’s skin.
       The words sit on your tongue, just waiting. They long to escape, wanting to fly free and true and impart their meaning to the one they are for, but you hold them still. For days, weeks, you hold them in, until you finally can’t take it anymore—
      And when those three words finally spill from your lips, blessedly free and joyous, the man you love doesn’t hesitate to say them back.
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