#i hope i didn't make satan an asshole
bonefall · 5 months
Mapleshade Discourse O'Clock
It's that time again!!! SO I just kinda want to jot down all of my various thoughts about it as a story and just generally weigh in about Mapleshade.
I like the idea of Mapleshade more than the actual Mapleshade that is used throughout the books.
She has a really good gimmick-- to haunt Applekin though the generations. I don't like how they turn her into a generic "cat satan" for Tigerclaw's Fury and keep making her appear as a vain lackey demon.
I like her characterization in Mapleshade's Vengeance the most, of all her appearances.
But, I don't think my reading of the character depicted in MV is what the author intended.
See, I like MV as a story with no hero. The only blameless characters are the kittens who drowned and Perchpaw, while everyone else is some flavor of selfish, cruel, or vengeful. Everyone thinks they're in the right, but no one truly wins in the end.
Nothing about it was noble. Every tragedy that happened was utterly avoidable. In the end, everyone bears some responsibility for the pain and suffering that happened the day those children drowned.
BUT I'm pretty certain that the intended reading was that Mapleshade would be the one clearly in the wrong the whole time, as she justifies her own actions like a villain does.
Especially knowing how poorly the writers thought of similar female characters like Squilf and Leafp lying about the three, or Nightcloud being jealous her crummy husband is acting strange around another woman.
I feel justified in assuming that when Mapleshade is not happy she's being cheated on, or when she refuses to correct Frecklewish's record knowing it's unsafe if her kits are revealed as half clan, the writer really does think you're not supposed to take her side.
Because women should just not have emotions about being cheated on or something, and lying is unspeakably bad even if the truth puts you and your children in danger.
But. Y'know. We can all use the braincell for a moment and see that this is fucking stupid
SO when the book goes on to have Mapleshade ignore all the warnings about the swollen river, show both ThunderClan and RiverClan being obscenely cruel to her, and then walk across that bridge while insisting in her head that the deaths weren't her fault, I think the implication is obvious AND SHITTY.
Ergo I reject it completely. I can see what the book wants to say, and I think it says something trashy.
In spite of how badly the writer wants it to be Mapleshade's fault the kittens died, I say it was the asshole who threw a bunch of kittens out into the rain for being mixed race, actually.
Oakstar had the power here. Ravenwing had some power as well, but he makes it clear it wasn't his suggestion to throw the babies out into the woods.
And when it comes to Bridge Discourse, it was at least the afternoon, raining heavily, and Mapleshade was trying to get to RiverClan Camp. A straight shot across the stepping stones.
I think it is ridiculous to imagine an extremely emotional parent managing three very scared children, attempting to get out of the rain and dangerous wilderness before nightfall, would be rational enough to realize a large detour would be safer.
MAYBE the distance from ThunderClan Camp to the Bridge is equal to the distance to the Stones. But the distance between the bridge and RIVERCLAN Camp is longer.
I hope this goes without saying; but Frecklewish didn't deserve the Dark Forest.
Even in Banana World logic where she was sitting on the bank watching those kids doggy-paddle. Do not fucking jump in to save drowning people if you are not trained to do that.
I'm dead serious, this is the first thing you learn in any kind of water safety course. They WILL panic, you WILL get dragged down, you WILL become another liability someone else has to save instead of helping your initial target.
And that isn't even mentioning this being a flooded river. That's POOL safety.
In spite of how I think Mapleshade was right to lie, I do think Frecklewish being that upset and angry was understandable.
You're entitled to your feelings, but not how you treat people. She still attacked Mapleshade and called the kittens a slur.
That's what makes her interesting, though.
I don't think she deserves the Dark Forest, but Frecklewish's anger is an interesting trait. I don't like how a lot of defensive interpretations of her character end up downplaying how she acted at the exile
why does a woman being rightfully angry suddenly strike people as "unsympathetic." Girls can also say things in fury they don't fully mean. OR girls can rationalize their unjustified, ballistic response post-hoc out of pride.
Idk let girls be mad. Admit they were wrong without deserving HELL. I don't like the woobification impulse.
It's not really a hot take anymore I think, but Frecklewish is definitely only in the DF because the writing team judges women characters more harshly. Oakstar threw babies out in the rain in fury, and Ravenwing didn't stop it. But somehow only Frecklewish, a normal warrior, gets DF'd.
But what really rattles around in my head about the whole story is the way that the in-universe culture is able to suddenly value ethics like peace, forgiveness, and tolerance when MAPLESHADE is ready to throw those things out, but BEFORE then, it's well established that Clan culture is violent, vengeful, and intolerant.
One of our earliest scenes is Rainfall snarling at Mapleshade that he loves the way Birchface and Flowerpaw drowned. He's threatening that he'll kill even more ThunderClan warriors.
Over in ThunderClan, everyone is itching for revenge against Appledusk for those deaths, even though it seems to have been an accident. Oakstar even hates RiverClan well into sequel books for this.
But then later on, everyone acts Shocked Pikachu that Mapleshade actually went and GOT revenge.
And like, let's be real. This is a battle culture. Yes, by OUR standards Revenge Is Bad.
But in these books, so full of war and clan conflict...?
What I'm saying is that I wish the books let Mapleshade be a little more "controversial" in-universe. Like some cats actually frame the story very differently, and you can learn a lot about a person by who they think the hero is.
And how RiverClan responds to the drowned kids bugs me a lot tbh
We just established over in ThunderClan that there are people who think the babies were born filthy for being HalfClan.
We know everyone there stood by and watched as Oakstar threw them out into the rain-- only Ravenwing even seemed uncomfortable.
AND we know very well that in a few generations, TigerClan will rise. Which openly executed a HalfClan cat and wanted to kill 2 apprentices.
We KNOW the bigotry in Clan culture is deadly and unfair.
But then they go over to RiverClan and Darkstar is sad these three kids are dead? And RC is furious with Mapleshade for that?
Again, YES, you and me with OUR morals know that this bigotry is insane and spiteful. What I'm getting at is that IN-UNIVERSE half clan kittens and their parents face extreme discrimination. Even within this book.
It's odd to me that Darkstar refuses to let Mapleshade bury their bodies, sends her away for the death of the kids while saying it's "not the season for losing warriors" to Appledusk, and it's meant to come across as delusional that Maple thinks her babies were buried dishonorably
I wish more women in WC got so pissed off at the absolute injustice of it all that they went on a girl rampage. Perhaps it's my own taste, but I like it a lot more when the villain isn't entirely wrong and there's several angles you can read the story from. If she didn't do what she did, she would have been the only one who saw any consequences for anything that happened.
Anyway in conclusion uhhh idk murder is wrong. But Mapleshade's allowed to do it because she's a silly billy. Her greatest crime was not killing Oakstar also
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4. “You know I’d do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.”
Hi! I had a bad day and was wondering if you could do this, for me? Like honestly this two are my comfort ship
Context/Ideas: Adamsapple wedding, Heaven and Lilith intervenes to try and take the first man back and Lilith is trying to get her (ex) Husband back and trying to make him "see reason' on gow marrying Adam is a mistake. Clearly it doesn't work for them..
If you're still out there anon, I hope this brightens your day. :)
"Lilith, what are you doing here?" Lucifer asked as he stared down his ex-wife. She could not have picked a worse day to show up from her long absence.
Today him and Adam were getting married. In 20 minutes in fact. He didn't have time for her mellow drama his fiance was waiting.
"Lucifer darling, I've come to make you see reason. You don't really want to marry Adam of all people do you? I'm back now, we can be together again." Lilith said in a sweet voice. A voice that had she been here 15 years ago, he would have melted for.
Now it just pisses him off.
"You left me, remember? I've finally found someone to be happy with." He crossed his arms over his chest.
She scoffed at him. "Adam makes you happy? I know you've had needs with me being away and all. I get it, I didn't expect you to go without getting some. But marriage is too far. We are still married!" Her eyes flashed red.
Lucifers own turned red as well. "Actually, after seven years of no contact I can assume you're dead. Our marriage was over the second you walked out the damn door!" He could feel himself getting mad. "I love Adam, maybe more than I loved you."
Lilith gasped, "Take it back!"
The door behind her opened. It was Adam. "Lucifer, do you know why the fuck angels are here and-" He stopped when he saw Lilith. "Hey bitch, how was vacation?" He sneered, he didn't really give a shit. She had been on that beach for so long he was surprised her ass didn't fuse with the beach chair.
Lilith was pissed. Her true demon form came out. "YOU!" She brandished her long sharp claws. "Husband stealing prick!!" She took a swipe at him.
Adam knew he couldn't fight her, as a sinner he had no powers. He couldn't move in time. All he thought about was how this was going to fucking hurt.
So much for a happy wedding day.
He closed his eyes and waited for the pain. But it never came. Adam cracked an eye open and saw that Lucifer had come between them, holding Lilith by the wrist.
"Don't you DARE lay a hand on him. Bringing harm to a ruler of Hell is treason Lilith. You are not the queen anymore." Lucifer growled out his voice demonic.
Lilith just looked at him with a gobsmacked expression. "You can't be serious!?"
"Dead serious." With everything he had he tossed her across the room, she landed in a heep on the floor. "Now, collect your angel pals, go back to heaven and LEAVE US ALONE!"
Lilith got up and glared. "Fine. Marry that second rate loser asshole. Don't come crying to me when it doesn't last." And in a puff of smoke, she was gone.
Lucifer turned to Adam. "Are you okay? What's going on?"
"Sera was trying to get me to go back to heaven with her. I told her to go pound sand." Adam looked at him. "Why did you do that?"
Lucifer cupped Adam's face, looking into golden eyes that stole his every thought. "You know I'd do anything to keep you by my side right? Anything. That means telling her to get lost and stopping her from hurting you."
"You chose me over her?" Adam felt his heart flutter. He was always worried that if the day came that that bitch came back, Luci would choose her. For once, he was glad to be wrong.
"Of course. I love you, Adam. I'm going to marry you for Satan's sake. Speaking of, why aren't you ready?"
"Angels in the way."
Lucifer shook his head. "Well they're gone now. Go get in your suit and I'll meet you out there."
Adam smiled. "Okay. I'll see you out there."
He couldn't wait to marry the love of his life.
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anamelessfool · 6 months
Oh look! More Lore! Some thoughts about the relationship between Sister and Papa Nihil. All from my Scenes From the Void AU. I hope this motivates me to finish the next chapter of the major work. Gonna be a doozy!
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1962 and a year into Sister's reign as Mother Imperator. Sister was not the first choice, and every day of her reign so far she is reminded of this. Her personal assistant, Rebecca, is mercifully distracted by her new son whose existence cancelled Rebecca's dream of becoming Mother Imperator. Perhaps Rebecca will put her energy elsewhere, in the end. Papa Emeritus Petruchio is an asshole and is constantly clamoring to return to Italy. He wants to find his replacement there and live out the rest of his days drinking and whoring in a cushy archbishop position and every moment that Sister struggles with her poor grasp of the Italian language he crawls closer to death. The phone has been ringing off the hook daily, pleas from the old headquarters in Milan to return the Seat of the Church to its rightful home at last. Even though the structure has barely recovered from the damage of two world wars.
Rebecca suggests a tour of Italy, to drum up funds for the final repairs, and Sister agrees. Anything to get them off her case. But in Italy who gives a shit about an elderly, stiff opera singer? They need a different angle. A force of personality that would knock down doors and bring the money and acolytes rolling in. Something more modern, more exciting, more subversive, more…Satanic, of course.
“Rock music?” Rebecca suggests. Of course suggesting her own little project and father of her child Brother Zero from the New York City Church. Rebecca and Archbishop Camino of NYC had been gunning for this unknown, this Brother Zero for years and Sister doesn't understand it. He seemed at best unmanageable and at worst dull-witted. He moved to the seat of power with a partner and son. An entire family who had since quit the Church altogether due to this Zero’s proclivities for sleeping around. He was planted here clearly to be underfoot. But all of Rebecca’s praise and machinations and rebranding of the bandy-legged wanderer falls flat in Sister’s eyes. He looks more like a drooping flower than the powerhouse of charisma she needs to save face. Sister knew the church would fracture after the old Mother’s death, and so, fine, she agrees. Rebecca has the funds and Camino the influence and negotiating skills. She needs their favor. And so the Americans pit themselves against the Italians.
With some hapless Zero stuck in the middle.
Nance is gone. Primo is gone. But Nihil for a time remains cheerful, upbeat. Dreams require sacrifice, he says. Nance has a dream, he has his own. And they now need to part to pursue it alone.
Or so he tells himself.
Nihil, his name is Nihil now. Rebecca decided that if he was going to be Papa Emeritus he needed to start upping his image. Leaning into sophistication. So Nihil it is. Easy come easy go. He settles into his new path, into his new life with the steely Rebecca and son number two. He didn't realize how needy a baby was, and he has fuzzy but happy memories of Primo at this age. He doesn't realize that his late nights performing in Camino's band meant that he never really spent this much time with Primo compared to Secondo. In fact he spends more time with Secondo than Rebecca does due to Rebecca’s intense hours navigating the power struggles within the Church. He didn't realize how much babies cry, but with enough coaxing and mugging he can get some giggly Sibling to watch the child for a few hours while he wanders the quiet wilderness of the Ministry grounds. Sit on a ledge somewhere and light a joint and let the thick smoke invade his mind. He loved getting high and stupid with Nance. Creating nonsensical poems and having drifting half-baked conversations. Making love for hours and feeling every moment of connection.
Rebecca frowns on any intoxication at all. She is beautiful and intelligent but she is icy. Like an expensive collectible on a shelf. But she believed in him, and of course those little words hold sway over him. And one thing led to another and now he's sneaking around alone getting high in an unfamiliar forest.
A feeling comes over him, a new one that he has never experienced before in his life.
Regret so constant, so pervasive that he loses sleep. Feelings used to come and go within him, and despite the hardship of his life he had a general air of happiness and satisfaction. But this regret never leaves. It is his constant companion, and no substance in the world no matter how mind-expanding or euphoric has yet to exorcise the ghost of his regrets from his shoulder. And so he looks on his own new family of one unsmiling infant and one beautiful but cold partner and seethes.
He doesn't understand why he hurts people. He doesn't understand why his own heart hurts when he hurts people, and so therefore he runs to the next person he sees, trying to receive comfort from them. It's easy to get into another's good graces. Be a listening ear, be an enthusiastic supporter. Joke and smile and laugh. It happens every time, and in time (every time) they are passing a joint or a bottle between them. Every time they lean close and drown themselves in touches, in kisses. Every time they strip bare and link bodies and try to forget.
And every time he breaks another heart.
Maybe it really is all or nothing.
But it gets easier for him, as the years go on. His heart is nothing but a fine powder of glass after Nance left with Primo. Nothing but a pile of sand to blow away with the wind. He always knew he was a disappointment, a Nothing from the moment he was born. His own father told him that, and in some respects it was a comfort to fall into that destiny.
When the new Mother Imperator chooses him to be a candidate for Papa Emeritus at last, he doesn't notice the outrage from the Church. His own supposed Mentor to be, the great opera singer Papa Emeritus Petruchio, argues for weeks with Sister behind closed doors. But no big deal. The Void itself has chosen him, his new partner Rebecca is advocating for him (perhaps as a consolation prize for missing out on the Mother Imperator title herself) and in the end no mortal can question the Will of the Void. Not even if that choice is a rock musician, or even worse, another American.
The woman with everything and the man with nothing, of course they are drawn together. It is a law of the universe. Before the Elevation ceremony, before the trial of pain he must endure he takes the new Mother Imperator by the hands. “I believe in you,” he says. She looks taken back, almost angry, but for an instant he sees a moment of soft relief in her eyes. At least one person believes in her. A person who would be her first construct of the Void, who would offer up his own left eye to be sliced by her ritual knife. Who would take the boiling essence of the Void into his body to corrupt his blood and tie his soul to her for all eternity. At least that person believes.
What more does she need?
Domestic Fic about Nance, Camino & Nihil
Domestic Fic about Nance and Primo post Ministry exodus
Domestic Fic about Rebecca, Secondo, Nihil & Terzo
Scenes fromt the Void Ghost/Ministry AU
Divider by @gothdaddyissues
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piplicious · 1 year
Dip Week Day 3!!!
Hello I wrote a little something based on a conversation I had with @/pipcorn. But I have like no experience as a writer!!! So you have to be nice to me. + theres a drawing inside :3
Word count: 1366 words
Ship: Damien x Pip
Warnings: none whatsoever
Summary: it's Damien's Birthday and everything is on fire.
"By the power of all unholy and evil I command --all the mortals come to my birthday party!!!"
Despite the very clear and easy to understand demand of his highness son of Satan, no one was there. Creatures of darkness were present, of course, but that was about it. The little black demon beings were all sat at a special table, reserved specifically for them, with all the appropriate evil meals served and ready. But what about Damien's other friends (or so he'd like to think of them)? Did he not manage to make everyone in class like him by being a little asshole?
Unfortunately, Hell was going through a bit of a financial crisis, and some unplanned budget cuts had to be made. Instead of a big fancy banquet Damien had to make do with a regular size birthday party. Well, it was a bit below regular, you can't underestimate the impact inflation and excessive risk taking by systemically important financial institutions have on otherworldly dimentions. Obviously.
As a result, materialistic humans didn't really feel like attending such an underwhelming event.
The AAARGH didn't help. So strange! At least one boy should've come. One very specific little lad! And a very important one, too, but shush about that.
And yet no one was there. The party had started whole 5 minutes ago after all! Could it be… that maybe the invintations got lost? Well, no, because then Pip surely would've come. Damien made sure to personally disturb the signal in the 500 meters radius area by shooting his rubber duck-like voice all the way to Pip over the phone exactly 5 times. One time -- a month before the birthday, so that the blond has enough time to prepare the presents. Then a week before the celebration -- enough time for Pip to make sure to cancel all the plans for the special day. Then one day before the birthday - in the morning and in the evening. And don't forget the mandatory 5 AM call.
And so, utterly dissapointed, the grumpy lump of rage continued pouting even harder than usual. I'd like to say that his hope for humanity was completely gone by that time (6 minutes past the official beginning of the party), but let's be honest, it's South Park, why would it ever be there in the first place.
"Happy Birthday, son. Today is a beautiful day and you're only 9 years away from the day I tell you the truth about how you were made."
"Dad. WHE--??"
"I know, I know what you want to say, I see that half of the room is on fire already. But first I have a very important gift for you."
And there, a sudden strike of silence hit the room. Damien's instincts freezed and crashed! The "gift" that loomed out of the hallway made him unsure whether to hiss or wag his tail. Or both?
"G-good morning, Damien! I'm here to wish you a very happy birthday and hopefully entertain you for the duration of my stay here…! Hope you didn't… miss me?"
The little british boy that just came in already managed to pick up that something about Damien's reaction was off, as the later made incomprehensible noises and it was hard to read what exactly he was feeling at the moment. It would seem illogical, as Pip was the exact person lacking at the event, and yet the way he appeared rubbed the demon in a wrong way.
"Are you… mad at me? Ohh… I see… No one has come to your party? No worries!!! I understand how you feel, sogga, no one attends my celebratio--"
"Why are you wearing that!!!"
"Oh it's a clown outfit, your father asked me to--"
And so Satan had to step into the conversation between the fourthgraders. What an interesting sentence out of context!
"You see, due to the financial situation we couldn't afford a professional entertainer, and dead soul tortures are already reserved for when you get good grades, so I figured getting your buddy to pretend to be a clown for your birthday would be good enough."
"But why?"
Giving absolutely no answer, the hissy boy left the room and it almost seemed like he had a little tear in his eye. And so, Pip, Satan, and a hoard of unholy creatures whatever they are, were left astounded in a room with more fire in it than food or tables.
What a confusing situation! But of course giving up would mean missing the chance to save your lo-- your friend's important day, right? That's not a very caring behavior. Pip would not want to leave Damien behind, no. It takes some thick gloves and a lot of bravery to deal with wild kittens like that. And a heart big enough to give them all the space they need to not feel intimidated anymore.
"There, there."
Pip sat near the curled up demon, petting his back and waiting for him to cool down and relax his eyebrows at least a bit. And boy did he take his sweet time cooling down, this is not your average tray of freshly baked brownies.
"I-I don't want to rush you or anything, but could I perhaps get a hint about why you're mad at me?"
Nope. Not happening.
"It appears I have to try guessing myself… Do you want me to leave?"
Damien shook his head. Somehow everything became even more confusing.
"Are you… afraid of clowns?"
Not that either.
"I don't know what else it could be then…"
"…I wanted you to come because you want to. Not because you have to."
The boy who for some reason had to remind Pip about his birthday 5 times looked away in embarassment. Could it be that there was actually some kind of thought process happening behind those eyes? It seemed that this time his friends' intentions actually mattered to him and it wasn't just about seeming cool in front of the elite of the class. Pip was nice sincerely and it made a big difference! If he came willingly it would be clear what he came for. Damien's smile or something gay like that.
"…How much did he pay you?"
"For what?"
"For you to come."
"Oh good golly i'm going to get paid?"
The utter confusion in blonde's eyes eventually cleared up all the doubts in Damien's mind.
"Oh alrighties."
"I think I understand. Only a brit would willingly attend a party where the only food being served is unholy goop and satanic porridge."
"It's not that, Damien, I just--"
Pip started fidgeting awkwardly with the fabric of his clothes like a shy anime girl. Unusual, since most of the time when he liked someone it was extremely visible to everyone around. Well, it was, it very much was visible this time either but somehow not to Damien.
"You see, back when I was born as a little baby in a small town of--"
"I have feelings for you."
"Oh. Wait what. Wait. That's gay."
"Indeed it is, Damien. I understand if you want me to leave even harder than before now, I--"
Instead of jokingly utilizing the diverse pallete of homophobic slurs in English language the demon boy's eyes immediately brightened up. He didn't exactly know why yet, but it actually… cheered him up? His buddy was actually more than just a buddy! They could spend so much time together like those two yaois from their class! Now the hard part is actually somehow returning feelings and admitting the same thing. Oh Go-- Oh man it sure is more embarassing than he thought… But it must be oh so worth it!!!
The poor British thing just sat there waiting for any even remotely coherent answer. His anxiety was only soothed by the fact that the fire in the house began slowly extinguishing, which probably meant that Damien wasn't angry with him. Fortunately he didn't need to wait too long.
"You're my boyfriend now."
There. The hardest part is now behind, time to jump straight to the part that has handholding and fun dates in it.
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at the end of the day, I choose you
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summary : you got involved into a ridiculous case that Eddie falsely accused some kind of a "satanic cult" at school, people called him "freak" just because how he dress and listens to metal music, you didn't knew him very well but in the short amount of time you're with him, he is innocent and he is not exactly what they think about him, they would've loved him like the way you loved him
word count : not gonna make this long, I always keep my word 😩
warnings : 18+ Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, Eddie and reader are both 20, no use of y/n, Jason Carver appearance 🤮, I don't know if this is considered a warning but Eddie will face bullying, pure discrimination against him, and the townspeople will be just really mean to him, so yeah, expect this little bit soul crushing but you'll survive lol
what to expect : angst, drama, crime, thriller, suspense, romance and fluff at the near end! hehe 🤫
note to reader : I just had a thought of this, how about Eddie and reader will be at the court room without Vecna and the upside down exist? This is just an ultimate tear-jerker and romance films you've seen hahaha
author note : I just really hope you'll enjoy reading this one! 🥺🫶🏻
You're not exactly close with Eddie
You don't know him very well, but you knew him of course
You love to watch him annoying those jocks at lunch time
more like..... jerks
But you shared classes together, interacted a bit, he seems nice
You didn't care about the social cliques and about your social status
All you wanted to do is to learn, graduate and hopefully you can get to find friends
and you did.....sort of?
It's very rare for you to vibe with someone has the same age as yours
Jonathan, Steve, Robin and Nancy are the only ones you befriended
They all seem very real to you and you're grateful to have them
But most of the time, you love to bond with Will
You enjoy his company and he is very dear to you
You treat him like your own brother
"How's California?" you ask Will while you're playing with the straw of your vanilla milkshake
He popped a fry on his mouth and he stops chewing "it's good" he lies, and then he swallowed
you moved your milkshake to the side and you lean down "I know when you lie, Byers"
He rolled his eyes as he pushed away his food
"Where do I even begin?" he starts "Me and El had a hard time to adjust in the new environment" he softly says with his eyes flickering with hesitation
You quickly noticed this so you said "You know can always talk to me, right?"
"Yeah" he sheepishly smiles
"Is there someone bothering the both of you?! I would gladly to punch them all so they won't bully you guys anymore!" You jokingly says and Will threw his head back in laughter
You smile at him while he calms back down from his laughter
"There are some mouthbreathers" he admits with a glint of affliction in his eyes
You nod "I completely understand how you feel, just don't mind those assholes" you scoff
He chuckles "I just wish people could be just more open-minded and not mean, you know?"
A smile grows on your lips "This is why you're my favorite in the group" you think to yourself
"I totally get that" you paused "when you try to socialize with people and it feels like they didn't want you, that's okay, just move on and mingle again, and if it has the same energy then it's good! there are more people that willingly to be your friend and much more deserving than those mouthbreathers" you say as you finish your vanilla milkshake
He continues to eat his fries while he listens to you
"Thanks" he beamed and this time you made his eyes light up and that warms your heart
"Don't mention it" you say and you wave at him dismissively
"Have you talked to Jonathan?"
He shook his head and avoids your eyes
He is troubling opening up to his big brother, when they grew apart, the time when he is going for college, but since Jonathan is also your friend and he is always has been vocal about how much he cares for his brother... you know, nothing has changed between the two of them
"He might not be able to reach out to talk to you, but, believe me, Will, he truly does care for you and he always talks about you"
"Really?" he says softly with a small smile
"Yeah, and don't ever, my god! don't ever think of a second thought that he won't be there for you"
He snorted yet again "It's so good to be back at Hawkins"
"You missed me, don't you?" You smirk
"Well, duh" you both laugh together
You grab your purse and you pick out your wallet and slam a $10 on the table "Now, come on, let's go home before Joyce might grounded you"
He chortled and stands up after you stood up and you ruffle his hair while you hug him walking towards to your car
You're in the Hawkins High Library and you're headed towards to your next class
Until.... a boy with a varsity jacket pulled you in the corner where no else can see you
"Hey, there" it's fucking Jason Carver, you despise him
He kept hitting you up and he won't stop, you turned him down more than a million times already and you're getting exhausted of it
"What the hell, do you want, Carver?" You say bitterly with rage on your eyes, you had enough of him
"Oooh, feisty! still going on strong?" He says ignoring the way you're obviously not interested at him
You shake your head "Leave me the fuck alone!" You say in a whisper-shout and you push him
The action that you just did, angers him, he is so full of himself, thinking that all the girls want him but not you-
You would rather kill yourself than be with him
He grabs your wrist and tightens it, you try to rip it off but he won't let go
"Take your hands off at her" a serious tone coming from the other side of the room
You know that voice, you turn around and you saw Eddie
He menacingly laughs "What you gonna do about it, freak?"
Your face scrunched up of what he just called him, it's too distasteful to you
Sure, you're only classmates but come to think of it
He is more nicer than this douchebag, despite of him wearing the clothes that he's wearing that other people wouldn't approved
He made a death stare to Jason and he says sternly "I'm not going to ask you again, let.... her.... go"
He shoots a pointed look at the bully and he just looks at him up and down, he huffs
He looks back at you and he finally let go of your wrist and you wince at how hard he holds you
"You're not even worth it" Jason spews at you in frustration and you taken a back at his words and he walks away
giving Eddie a hard push at the side and he scoffed
"yeah, right, you bastard!" you shout at him
"What a dick" Eddie watches him leave and you walk past by him and he stops you by holding your hand gently
You halt your tracks as you look down where he holds you "Yes?" You ask
"Are you okay?" he says softly trying to make you look at him
"Yes, Eddie, I'm fine" you reassure him not looking into his eyes
Your eyes softens when he checks your wrist, when he runs his thumb around it, you flinched
He raises his brows at you and you click your tongue
"I'm alright, Eddie, it's just a bruise!" you shrug
"No- I'm taking you to the clinic" He says as he pulls you with him
He is much more respectful and a gentleman than most guys at the school
The fact he is a stranger.... he has much more kindness to those who claim themselves as the good person when in reality
They're the ones who have real bad intentions
Sometimes, people calling someone a "freak" have the purest hearts
after he took care of your wrist, he asks "Can I walk you to class?"
"Uh- yes, you may" you smile at him
He opens the door for you "after you" he gestures outside
You nod at him shyly
"Hello?" a voice coming from the walkie-talkie on your bedside table is making you wake up from your sleep
You groan and you turn yourself on the side and you place a pillow on your ear but the noise is still clear as day
"Hey, I know you're awake! Pick it up!" His voice becomes more maddening
you sigh and you remove the pillow from your head and you sat up on the bed and pick up the walkie-talkie
"What is it?" You say trying not to sound crabby but Dustin always caught it and you rolled your eyes
"Have you seen, Eddie?" He asks, he sounds jumpy and it confuses you
You glanced over your wrist where Eddie took care of it and you blinked
"Uh- no, I haven't yet, why?" your eyes draw side by side something feels off
"Turn on your TV, right now" he says plainly
You furrow your brows but you did what he asked you to do
You slip off from your blanket and you walked towards to turn on the TV
You sit down on the edge of your bed
"Just In : A student from Hawkins High, female, aged 18, was found dead by unknown circumstances, Jason Carver claims that Eddie Munson is a crime suspect of this murder"
"What the fuck?"
"I know, It's bullshit" Dustin says over at the walkie-talkie
"You haven't heard from him ever since?" you say still looking at the television screen
"Nope, Nada, that's why I've been asking you for over an hour ago!"
Your face crumpled up "Why are you asking me this? You should've known where he is since two of you are friends, right?"
"I know the two of you aren't close but Lucas saw you and Eddie at the clinic yesterday"
"So I'm just guessing.... maybe... you knew something else before he got missing in action"
"No, uh- after the clinic, he walked me to class and I went home afterwards"
"Uh huh, okay, well, thanks for the info"
You take a last look on the TV, this isn't right, he shouldn't be treated like this
"Can I help?"
"Oh- We don't have all day! I'll be at the Wheelers, I meet you there!" He exclaims
Not the response you expected but you get up and grab your purse and drove away
You sit back and watch all of the kids discussing about the situation
"I-it doesn't make any sense! Eddie might look scary but he would never do this" Mike paces back and forth
"Exactly, we all know that Eddie and Jason didn't get along together, but no matter how mean is Jason to him, he wouldn't lay a finger on that, man!" Lucas added
"I hope he is somewhere safe" Will says
"How can you be so sure that he didn't do it?" Max looks at Dustin in question
"You don't know him like I do, Max!" Dustin raises his voice and all of you got the attention
He glances at Lucas and he gives him a small smile as he took a deep breath
"High school can be tough, when Lucas made all of his sports friends, Mike and I we had no one" he paused
"No one except Eddie" he says as he sats down beside you and your gently rub his back
He looks at you with a light nod, he really wants to find his friend and you can tell he is worried for him
Max looks at Dustin with empathy on her eyes
"Listen, man, Jason" Lucas nervously swallows
All of you look at him in confusion
"He won't stop looking for him, he is blinded by his own rage, I-I ran away before they can get suspicious, but I guess I am also wanted too"
"What do you mean?" You ask him
"They knew that I was playing D&D and they saw the picture of us, The Hellfire Club, a-and I saw him burning it"
You, Mike, Dustin, Max and Will shared looks that are filled with disturbance
"I felt unsettled, the last thing that I heard from them, I think they're going to-" Lucas and the look in his eyes, you know what it is already
The tension in the room is dark and it feels like tying a knot into your stomach
"Oh, god" you cupped your mouth
"We need to look for him right now!" Dustin shouts
"Will you stop making fun of me, Robs?" Steve grumbles while fixing the tapes in the front desk
She flashes out a smug smile "I just love to see your face turns bright red" she laughs
Steve gives Robin a look that says "I will annihilate you"
Robin raises both of shoulders with a soft "Fine" jumps out of the seat and picks up the other VHS tapes
Hopper and Jane enters inside the Family Video
Steve and Robin eyes both light up and Jane does the same
"Hi" she says shyly
"Good day" Hopper greets them
Steve nods to him and Robin "Good day to you too, chief!" with a dramatic salute and making Jane laugh
Robin exits the front desk and walks around towards to Jane
"What can I help you?" Robin excitement in her eyes glowing
Jane looks up to Hopper and says "You go ahead"
"I want a movie with fantasy and adventure" she says with a soft smile
"With a bit of romance?" She winks, of course, she knows that this is Mike's girl
She chuckles "Yeah"
Steve and Hopper watch them as they look over the Fantasy/Adventure section
"Is she always this excited to other kids?" Hopper asks
"Uh, I guess? I see her hanging around with the others but I think she likes Jane's company a lot more" Steve leans down on the counter with his hands locked together
Hopper grows a smile on his lips while he listens "I don't blame her, she radiates positive energy, you know"
Steve agrees "Yeah, she does" he ends it with a smile on his face
Two townspeople entered the premises
Steve immediately knows who they are, Mr. Ron Cunningham and Mr. Jake Carver
They headed on the side of the room
"You don't have to do this, Jake, you know it is not right" Ron trying to convince Jake about his plan
Ignoring his words by saying
"Thank god for my boy, Jason Carver, he is like the god's messenger, what he said about Eddie Munson? is a true vessel for Satan" he delusionally said
Steve overheard their conversation as he halts to what he was doing as he quietly says "What the fuck?"
He stole a glance from Hopper, only to find out that he also heard it
They both shared a knowing look as they continue pretending not to hear about anything
The two chatted with each other, the sound becomes clearer and clearer as they walks closer to the counter
"They even made a fucking cult, what is it called again?"
"Hellfire Club" Ron answers, he exasperated sighs
"my god, I wonder some of our children got brainwashed by that kid!" He exclaims
"Look, Jake, just because that boy, Eddie Munson likes to listen metal music or play D&D doesn't mean they love to sacrifice lives?!? HE IS JUST A KID!" Ron shouts at him
Ignoring him yet, again
"Rock Music is nothing more than satanic cyanide, I bet it hypnotizes you, just a little game? That's what they wanted you to think" Jake throws the VHS on the counter
Ron rolls his eyes at him as he places his tape on the counter
Robin and Jane, overheard it while they're waiting for their turn to pay for the VHS
Their faces dropped in such tension, all of them started to wonder, what will happen to Eddie?
They're not as close to Eddie, but all of them know that it is not right to punish someone who is clearly innocent
While they're paying for the VHS, Jake recognizes Steve
"Hey, you're a Harrington right?"
Steve raises his head with a serious look and glances over to Hopper before he could answer
"Yeah, I am"
"I heard you used to be like so popular back then like Jason but now" he looks up and down at Steve disgustedly
"You're one of those freaks as well"
"Like father and son, both of them are assholes" he thinks to himself
"My son outshined you, Steve"
"Yeah, well, at least I'm not falsely accusing someone" Steve bites back but Hopper gives him a look that says "Stop"
Before Jake can respond, Ron pulled him away, dragging him outside the exit
"Sorry about that, Steve" Ron shows a small smile
Even for a short second, Steve can already pick up, he can see in his eyes, the sadness and heartache
It's Chrissy, his daughter is the one who got brutally murdered
"We need to call Dustin right now!" Robin whisper-shout
You manage to find Eddie by asking Gareth and Jeff, his safe place, the one place where he could be truly be himself
All of the gang reunited, on the search for Eddie
The house is empty with no lights are on
There is one however open, on the side of the house
The moment you opened the door
Eddie, jumps out of nowhere on Steve pins him against the wall with a broken glass bottle, startling all of you
"Eddie! It's me! It's Dustin! This is Steve!" Dustin shouts
"We're on your side" he emphasizes his point with his finger pointing to all of you and back to him "I swear on my mother!" Dustin exclaims
Even when it's dark, only flashlights that all of you using, you can see the fear in his eyes, he is terrified
"Eddie?" your soft voice eases out the tension from him
He looked back at you, seeing you standing there beside Dustin
He turns back at Steve again, with Dustin saying "Steve, would you drop the oar?"
It clatters and making Eddie bringing up the broken glass closer to him
"Eddie, please, we're with you"
He looks back at you again, he takes a double check, that it is real, he is not dreaming
It is really you
His gaze softens and as walks away from Steve
You gave him and Dustin, a moment together
Police car wails pass by the area, you saw while looking at the window
"Hey" Dustin speaks up behind you
"He wants to talk to you"
You looked over to Dustin's shoulder, you see him sitting all alone outside fidgeting with his rings
"Don't worry, he's all good" Dustin says
"Okay" you pat him back and give him a small smile
You walk towards him slowly, you say "Hi" softly
He only nod in response, you sat down beside him
"What are you doing here?" He asks not looking at you, his eyes were on the soft waves of the water
"I- uh, I just wanted to help" you say while raise your one knee close to your chest
"Do you believe it?"
"No, I don't"
Now, this time, your eyes meet, he stares at you for a while and goes back to the water
You raise a plastic bag in front of him
He furrowed his brows together, he turn his head to face you and you smiled "it's for you"
You gave it to him and he picks out a bag of pretzels, his eyes goes wide and a six pack beer
"How did you know that these are my favorite?" He asks while holding up a bag of pretzels
You shrugged "I saw you all the time with it, especially at lunchtime"
He genuinely smiles that reaches to his ears
"Thank you, sweetheart" he says while opens the bag of pretzels and he grabs a handful and chomps on it
You chuckled lightly on his action, how in the world would people think he is dangerous?
The demon in question, is literally devouring pretzels cutely
You shook your head at the thought
"For the record, I didn't only helped, Dustin"
He stops chewing for a second while he looks at you closely
"I came because I want to help you"
He blinks and he swallows, he glances at your wrist the one he took care of yesterday, still covered with a bandage
You stand up "and I don't believe them"
"What do you believe?"
"You, I believe you" you say while you give a small squeeze from his shoulder
You smiled at him and you walk away
He laughs under his breath, he watches you and opens a can of beer
He takes a sip of it, feeling oddly tingles on his stomach and brain
He became infatuated for you
A loud banging from the door, all of you woken up, you straighten yourself up
You saw the police cars outside, you saw Gareth and Jeff with Jason's goons
They looked.... beaten up
Your heart starts beating speedily, you look for Eddie, he is already staring at you, he is afraid
"Did anyone told where we are?!" Dustin with his eyes almost bulge out from his skull
"I didn't told a soul" you give a pointed look at Dustin
"Unless" Lucas says
"Unless, what?" Mike speaks up
"Someone is already watching in Gareth's place, before you came" Lucas gulped and all of you looked at each other with the same thought
"Hey, open up!" Officer Calvin Powell demands from the outside
"I'll handle this, kid" Hopper reassures Eddie sniffles and frozen in place
You walked towards to Eddie "You need to hide" you whispered to him
"I'm done hiding, I'm not running away again"
"But, Eddie, you've done nothing wrong"
"I-I know, I am not scared anymore because-" he paused tearing his eyes away from you in a moment
"You're here" his eyes roams around your features with a sad smile on his face
You sigh "Eddie- this isn't the time to be heroic-" he place a finger on your lips cutting you off, you knit your brows together
He holds both of your shoulders "you gave me hope"
Your eyes became glossy "Eddie, please, don't do this"
"It will be okay, we can get through with this" he says while he moves his hands up and down on your shoulder, raising one up to tuck your hair behind your ear
You stare at each other, smiling to one another
Before you know it, your little time together has cut off
Officer Callahan came into the scene "Eddie Munson on your knees, put your hands behind your head!"
You gasped and you frown at him, Eddie follows the instructions carefully
The protest from Dustin, Lucas, Will, Mike, Jane, Steve and Robin voices drawn out from your ear
It was loud at first until it feels all blurry to you
You can't even hear some of your friends begging not to arrest Eddie, your heart drops at the sight of him, cuffing his hands
He gave one last smile at you, "I'll see you again soon, sweetheart" he says
You hold his cheeks with sympathy on your eyes
You glanced over to Jason with infuriating look to him
He crossed both of his arms with a smug smile on his face
While heading towards the police car, Steve jogs to reach Eddie
"Hey, man, look, I know a lawyer that can help you" he points to himself and the group
"We will help you"
Eddie only chuckles "Thanks, dude, you don't need to do that, Harrington"
"Please, let us help you, Eddie" Steve sighs
Before he can respond, he heard his uncle's car arrived
He gets out of the car, just to see his nephew with cuffs on
He ran towards to him only to be stopped by other police officers
"No! What are you doing?!- Stop this! My boy is innocent!" His voice cracks up and Eddie ducks his head down, he doesn't want to see his uncle distressed
Your heart crushed into pieces when you heard his uncle cried out for his nephew
You sharply inhale and you close your eyes, if Eddie says it will be okay
Then you'll just have to trust him and have faith
Steve did kept his word for him, he found a perfect lawyer
The case goes on and on for days and weeks
The real suspect is still at large and people are just wasting their time on the wrong guy
There's got to be way to end this
You had an conversation with Chrissy's father over at diner, you thought he'll be fuming at you since the whole town is clearly.....
Hate everyone who is friends with the town freak
People seriously need to wake up
You had a couple of death threat's and it feels like the whole world is against you and your friends
Ron Cunningham stopped being friends with Jake, he had enough of his behavior
He is sick as fuck like his own son
"Of course, I was mad, but it isn't right to be violently revenge on someone who is innocent" he says while he takes a sip of his coffee
"Yes, you can be angry, you have the right to be angry of losing your loved one but I just-" he shakes his head
"It's wicked to do something like that, ending someone's life when there's like no proof at all?!?" he laughs in disbelief
You stare at him directly while listening to him "How are you so certain of this?"
He clears his throat "My daughter once told me, Eddie helped her while she's having hard time with herself, mentally and physically"
You nod and he added "She doesn't open up to me a lot but I know my daughter, I knew that fucker, Jason wasn't good for my little girl but..... she loves him so much i couldn't bear to see her like that so i let her"
"Wait- do Jason, knew about this?"
"About her personal problems?"
"Not that I'm aware of"
"Can you testify for tomorrow?"
He quickly averted his eyes from you while he looks out at the window "I-I can't"
"Why not?"
He remains silent until you know the reason why he hesitated, he is petrified of the Carver's
"You could bring justice to your own daughter, Ron and you could also do the same for Eddie"
You lean in closer "I-I know im not in the exact same world with Chrissy but I interacted with her before, she is an angel such a sweet soul"
His eyes became misty and sniffles, showing you a sad smile
"It is unacceptable to ruin someone's life, only to find out a few years later, they realized that Eddie has done nothing wrong"
"Jason and Jake are just people who need guidance for their wrong point of view at beliefs about everything" you pressed your lips together
"Whoever that person is still out there, everyone life's are in danger because they focused on the wrong person" you place a one dollar bill on the table
You stood up before you leave "I hope I'll see you in the court room, Ron"
Your words made him think deeply, he despises the Carver's, they will get karma from what they've done
While at the courtroom, you twiddle with your thumbs, anxiously or wishes a miracle would happen
"Did you get to talk with Ron?" Steve asks, scoots closer to you
"Yeah, but"
"Oh no, it went wrong didn't it?"
"No, from what I just said last night, I think I pulled a string from him"
"So, where is he then?"
"I just don't know if he'll come around"
"He is a Cunningham, those people won't let you down"
"How can you be so sure?"
"Him and my father, we're pals back then" his eyes searches for Ron but no sign of him
"Oh" you raise your brows
Eddie steals a chance to glance at you everytime he can, he thought after you found him you'll stop but there you are again
Present at all times, helping him yet again
It's unbelievable to him that someone like you are devoted to get him out of here
"Again for the last time, did you bring someone to testify?!" The judge is impatiently waiting for the 2nd consideration
If Eddie's lawyer asked for more 5 minutes, the judge will dismiss this case and declaring that he is guilty
You and Steve panicked, both don't know what to do
"They did" Ron enters the courtroom heading towards on the side
You and Steve both sigh of relief, Ron glances at you and you smiled
Mouthing a "Thank you" to him
The courtroom with him is going well, until it's shit again
is Ron Cunningham isn't enough evidence?
"I'm sorry, guys, I think we're almost there, we just need to keep trying" Ron reassures all of you
"There's definitely something's fishy in this case" Hopper agrees
"It's corruption" Lucas added
"They're fucking stalling if you asked me" Dustin scoffed
"I hope the bad guy will face conscience to what mess he just did" Will shoves his face into his hands
"I smell bribery in that place" Mike frustratingly groans
"It's a room full with liars" Jane huffs
"Jane, you're a genius!" your voice was so loud to make all of their attention goes to you
Wayne smirks and you too making them more confused than as ever
"I am?" Jane points to herself, puzzled at the situation
"My boy, Eddie never lies" Wayne says
"We need a proof that is so strong that they just can't turn it down, I gurantee tomorrow is our lucky day" you say while you whispered into Robin's ear
You told them about your plan and it is excellent idea
Robin goes back to the room saying "I called the two of our allies, they're game for tomorrow"
"Great, let's just sit tight and wait for the magic begins" you chuckled
It's the last court day
Eddie is aware of it, he is nervous as hell
You sneak up from behind, startling him, you say "sorry" softly
"It's going to be okay" you say while holding his hand, you echoed the one he told you before
Eddie looks into your eyes and all he can see is filled with bravery and confidence
He is taken a back from it "I admire all of this, sweetheart"
You smile at him making him genuinely smile at you again, you're missing this
He always asks for you to hold your hand before the case begins, it helps with his anxiety
The judge came in saying "I think it's time for the jury to-"
"Not so fast, there's one more thing left to discuss" Nancy holds up one of the folders
"Justice for Eddie!" Jonathan yells making your side of the room cheered
Eddie's lawyer tackles the mysterious folder that is given to him
He catches up to what this means already
"It seems like the paperwork that I have right here with me proves that my client is truely innocent" he starts
30 or 40 students from Hawkins High, boys and girls told the whole court that they we're bullied and harassed by Jason Carver
One student claims that he gets away with anything, stating that he never holds accountable for what he has done
Jason slumps down from his seat, his father is now pissed off at him
Jason looks at you across the room, staring daggers at you, while you just flip him off
"Eat your own medicine" you mouth to him
This commotion earned a look from the judge, the jury and some of the townspeople in the room
"Can I testify?" You get up on your feet, all of your friends turn at you shockingly
Eddie with his lips apart at your voice, you can feel his eyes on you
"You go ahead, young lady" the judge proceeds
"I admit that I don't know Eddie personally, but a few small interactions with him, he is far more different guys that I met, I felt safe whenever I'm around him, I guess Chrissy might felt the same as I did" you took a deep breath
"Eddie might look scary to some of you, but he only did that just to protect himself" your eyes meet Eddie's
You look over at the jury "Can you imagine the life of being an outcast? Bullied most of your life, of course, you need to look tough so that people will leave you alone" you holding back the tears from your eyes
"About the music, most of us, rely on that, is what keeps us going, you don't know maybe it inspires us, it helps us to whatever we're going through"
"Open your eyes and look hard enough, think deeper, be more emotionally available to your children, just listen and try to understand"
One of the jury asks "Are you saying that you trust Eddie?"
You quickly wiped a tear that escapes from your eye "Yes, I trust him"
You turn around to look at the judge "People at my school called him names "Freak" "Weirdo" and "Loser" you laugh incredulously
"Sometimes people who are seem odd to you maybe the one who saved most of your children lives"
Another one from the jury speaks up "I'm not following this"
"He gathered a group who doesn't find their place in the school's environment, he never left anyone out"
Another group of students just barge in inside (this wasn't part of your plan and it shocks you)
Claiming that Eddie Munson, helped them
You, Eddie and your friends light up at the scenario
Eddie became teary eyed, even he's a little bit far away from you, you can see his hand shaking
"I rest my case" you say as you go back from the seat with your friends
You placed a hand on Eddie's shoulder and he pats it with a grateful smile
Everyone is appalled and began rethinking decisions since the proof felt so real to all of them
"I may have come to the conclusion, a review of the alleged falsely accused crime of murder, Eddie Munson, who you people believe is a devil worshipper, when there's people out there have bad intentions, but for my observation, these people right here,"
The judge points to all of you, you feel frightened and your heart starts racing
"Spoke the truth and they indeed preach and fight for what is right, so therefore, I pledge NOT GUILTY of all the charges" he finishes with the bang of the gavel
All of you screamed in victorious mood
Dustin jumped, Steve starts whooping, Robin whistles, Mike, Lucas, Gareth and Jeff give themselves a high five, Jane and Max both said "Oh my god" at the same time, Will hugged you completely overjoyed at the success
Nancy and Jonathan salutes to you with a wink and you laugh
Hopper watches all of you, he smiles in content
"Those kids never stopped believing do they?" Ron laughs in a cheerful way
"They're not giving up that's for sure" Hopper says as he shoves his hands down on his pockets
You saw Wayne embraced Eddie, and both of them cried in such happiness, your felt your heart warmth with jubilant
You let yourself enjoy of this blissful moment
It's been 2 months since the case happened
The suspect finally turn himself in the Hawkins Police, after the case was finished, he is ashamed for what happened to Eddie, he is now put behind bars, Ron Cunningham avenged his daughter, he can feel that Chrissy is smiling down at him
Justice was served on both sides
Eddie is much more open and felt welcomed than before
He also noticed that there's an improvement after the impact that he has done
It felt good to him, felt safe and sound, the school takes bullies very seriously now
No more social cliques, no more who's popular and who is not
The hatred is gone, Eddie never felt this alive since he never knew this could happen in his life
You and your friends hang out a lot, all of you got more closer together and more caring to one another
Meanwhile, at Steve's place having a movie night, with foods and drinks for everyone
"Hey" a voice from your beloved person
"Oh! Eddie!" You didn't think twice of hugging him and he melts easily at your touch
"Can I have a word for you?" He asks in a serious tone and you got intimidated
"Uh, sure, Ed's" you beamed at him
You're in Steve's backyard and he closes the door
The gloomy breeze hits your exposed shoulders, Eddie noticed this he gets out of his jacket and offers it to you
Before you can say no, he give you a warning look and you chortled
The warmth tender that gives you from his jacket, you felt bubbly all over
"What's up, Eddie?"
"I've been meaning to ask you" his voice sounds shaky and you find his doe eyes cute
He wastes no time and he just blurted it out
"Can I ask you on a date?" He sheepishly smiles
Words got caught up on your throat but you recovered, you didn't expected this
"I would love to go out with you" you smile widely
He blinks rapidly "You do?" he grins
"Yes" you nod aggressively and it made him laugh
"You're so unreal"
"I've never knew that I will have the girl that I always wanted"
Your eyes sparks with adoration "I will always be your girl, Eddie"
He places his hand over his chest "Well, shit my darling, I think you got me all over the floor now"
You giggled "I have something to tell you too"
He nods motioning you to continue
"I-I think I've fallen in love with you, ever since the day at the clinic"
His eyes almost popped out of his skull
"How about now?" He says softly while reaches down to holds your hand and runs his thumbs over your knuckles
"I love you" you confessed
"I really do"
"There's no one else?" He looked down, he tries not to look into your eyes
You frown, you cupped his cheek to make him meet your gaze
"Eddie, why would I do that? when you captured my heart in the first place"
He chuckles, he places his hands over your shoulders, you blushed
"Sweetheart, I love you so much, you're so good to me, you're amazing and the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me, you never had a thought of giving up to me, you believe in me when no else did, you cared for me even when your life is endangered, you willing to do anything just to save me, I'm so blessed having you in my life, I am truly indebted to you" he leans in closer
You gasped, you never been this close to him before
"Thank you for everything, I wouldn't be here without you" he does the same thing, he tucks your hair behind your ear
"For all the problems, liars and dirty cheats of the world at the end of the day, I choose you"
"And we will get through all of it like we always do" he says
You make a quick kiss on his lips and he flustered by your action but he smirks
"You call that a kiss?" He raises a brow
You acted all coy and until he pulled in closer for a real kiss
He gave you a kiss like no other, it's electricfying and pure love
You both smile in the kiss fondly, he savors and treasures this moment
Having you in his arms and hugging each other
You know, you'll be okay for the rest of your life as long as you have him on your side
You got nothing else to worry about....
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 2 years
What about the Papas x reader where it’s a young sibling of sin (About 18-19ish) that looks up to them and helps them out around the ministry whether it’s bringing them snacks/drinks when they can tell Papa is stressed or knows they haven’t eaten to helping out with paperwork. They also know when Papa needs someone to talk to leading to many conversations. Perhaps to a point where they become close friends and trust each other completely?
I can't see this specific scenario turning out in a romantic way because of how young the reader is. So this will be written with the reader being seen as a younger sibling/adopted type of platonic relationship! (Which I believe you were asking for platonic, Anon. I just need to make it clear with the use of 'x' as the relationship dynamic for other readers. :) )
This didn't quite end up coming out exactly like the prompt, so I hope this still fits what you were looking for! I tried to keep it as realistic as I could see it occurring in the ministry. With each Papa having a different type of role!
Please enjoy some wholesome goodness!
Mentor/Big Brother Papas x Student/Little Sibling Reader (Platonic/Familial)
Papa Nihil: For you, it was just supposed to be a job to help rub elbows and get some ass kissing points. No one REALLY wanted to be a caretaker for an old fart like Papa Nihil, right? There were very few opening positions for someone your age in the Ministry, and certainly FEWER for serving a Papa! So you were excited when you could snatch it up! You were the youngest in a group of siblings that would rotate watching over Nihil. Honestly, you were expecting him to be an unbearable grumpy old asshole... You couldn't have dreamed of practical Satanic Royalty being the wholesome grandpa you never had. Yes, Nihil could be grumpy and needy. He had constant wants of his movies being played, of his food prepared right, and never wanting to sit down. But he treated you and his closest staff like family.
Specifically you when he found out that you were still just a young pup in the clergy! Nihil constantly informed you that you were practically a baby and had much more important things to do than attend him. During his times when he is more mellow he has admitted you remind him of his own children when they were new to the world. You suspect he misses his sons, so you don't put up a fuss when you end up watching horror movies with him or taking dinner breaks with him. Nihil asks about your life all of the time, wanting to know about you and your interests. Sometimes he even brags to the visiting Sister Imperator about the accomplishments you've had in your life! (Sister has made it clear she watches you like a hawk, but is pleased at your ability to pacify the old man.) Eventually, it becomes less like a job to you and more like getting to hang out with your grandpa all day! And everyone who sees you both together actually just assumes Nihil has a grandchild no one knew about!
Papa I: Being recognized for scholarly merit or magic comes with incredible benefits. When you joined the ministry you had no idea that you were so gifted in the occult. You were instantly chosen for higher tutoring. When you excelled at learning you were handed off to one of the most prestigious circles in the entire Ministry- Papa Emeritus I's personal apprentices. This both excited and terrified you, considering how dark and serious the eldest Emeritus Brother was. Papa spit fire and brimstone during every sermon he preached, and rumors of his deadly magic were known to every clergy outpost in the world. Being inducted by Papa, you were expecting to get dunked in blood and needing to offer flesh to unlock your training. Instead, you met with a rather blunt yet pleasant Papa. Who was well articulated during his interview and gauging where your abilities would best be nurtured.
You discovered this scary old Antipope was very calm and eager to speak of knowledge. You and the other apprentices would gather weekly under the watchful eye of your mentor. Papa overseeing your collective academics and tests. You two especially became close in time due to your own thirst for knowledge and natural aptitude for magics. Soon you found yourself a proud direct apprentices to the Papa, who was happy to teach you more one on one. He was a brilliant mentor and your bond solidified considerably. He spoke to you closer to an equal than most others, watched over your well being in and out of studies. And sometimes you both shared meals just to speak about life and your personal interests. Papa is a proud mentor to such a fine student! And you found one of the people you trust the most in the entire ministry!
Papa II: You weren't exactly Papa's ASSISTANT! You were more like the errand runner and coffee maker for Papa's Assistant. Either way, it was a good job to have in the ministry with amazing pay and tons of perks! But you'd be lying if you said you weren't terrified in the beginning. Papa II was adored widely but that didn't mean people weren't afraid to work for him. He had a reputation for being precise, detail oriented, scheduled, and unwilling to work with those he deemed incompetent. His assistant even had to teach you his precise espresso order before allowing you to go into his office. You MUST have impressed Papa with your coffee. The first time you actually got to speak to the man was giving him his espresso. He took a sip, offered a 'hmm', and politely thanked you before you knew to leave. According to his assistant... THAT'S THE BEST REACTION YOU COULD GET!
The more you worked the more you joked about being in the Satanic version of The Devil Wears Prada. Your boss was this incomprehensibly powerful man everyone was afraid of. But, you were relieved to find he was quite the gentleman. Just no room for slacking. The more time you worked and proved yourself the more chances you had to speak to Papa. Sometimes he would go out of his way to ask you questions about your thoughts in the ministry and Ghost project. And you had his routine down to not even needing to be told when he needed a break, paper work filed, or to make reservations. His assistant ended up being let go, but you were told directly he trusted you to pick up the pace. So far you are his youngest assistant in record history, but you do your job well. You're not sure if you'd call your working relationship a friendship. But for him, it's pretty darn close. Considering how private he is, that's more than many can claim! And you know that means he trusts you more than he would any other sibling!
Papa III: It's no secret that Papa is the most popular among the younger generations of the clergy! His unconventional approach to tradition and open manner makes him the easiest to relate too. Papa loves to be hands on with his congregation and build rapport and trust with every sibling he meets. In fact, you both met during one of his many meet and greets after his sermon to speak to his adoring fans flock. This was your first time receiving a blessing from THE Papa III. You were so nervous you blurted out how he inspired you finishing your seminary courses and that you wanted to work hard to join the ranks. Papa laughed and offered you a job on the spot. Truthfully, you thought he was just being funny as he immediately gave you a blessing and you went on your merry way. Nothing could prepare you for receiving the paper work to apply for a spot in his direct administration.
You were floored that all of your seminary qualifications could even LAND you an entry level position for a PAPA! According to the hiring ghoul, Papa liked your spunk! You worked your ass off from being lower administration help to fighting for the opening of one of Papa's many assistants. He always considered you the junior and almost mascot of his personal office. Your relationship grew from friendly to sibling like the more you interacted. Papa had a soft spot for your bright eyed optimism and wanting to do good in the world. He often asked for your opinion when it came to relating to the younger siblings and learning new trends and technology. You found Papa to be a surprisingly guarded and private man- but he was honest and direct when speaking with you. But he always made time for you and even took lunch breaks with you. Papa is happy to have you around, and you in turn grew to have a protective and loving big brother figure in him.
Cardinal Copia/Papa IV: You were more or less adopted by Copia years before he ever became Papa. Back before you graduated seminary and had your induction into the Clergy. Copia was a very involved Cardinal in his home cathedral, where you grew up in your final teenage years. Despite being awkward and a huge dork to your peers, you had a soft spot for the Cardinal. He was like having a very nervous uncle who helped fund all of the best field trips. When you were having some difficulties during your studies Copia's office was opened to you. It went from a few check ups to you visiting whenever you needed the support. He listened to you during your bad days, times you needed advice, or were just feeling lonely and like you needed family. Hell, you even did a small summer program that was like an internship working for him!
You both became as close as he checked on you, helped you with your homework, and even volunteered to oversee your class events. You felt safe with Copia and he grew to adore you like his own child! You knew he wasn't able to have kids for a while, and you weren't really close to your own relatives. It was nice going into Seminary feeling like you had a real parent backing you up. He's practically still your dad these days, even with his new Papa schedule! Copia keeps up on your life, your new position in the ministry, and you've both joked about him adopting you so you could put 'Emeritus' on your driving license.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
Then I will fix it for you,” Papa said. “Now. What’s the rule?”
You go fix your brain and your personality and the fact that you exist asshole
He was studying a lot lately – with Claude and by himself. 
I'm sorry, with Claude? How is Claude not in prison by now?? Oh my god, is the guy David yelled at in front of Max Claude?? Please tell me it's not?? Please tell me Claude died a painful death?
“I think you are ill,” Marcel whispered. “I think you know it too.”
HOW MANY ASSHOLE CAN EXIST IN A SINGLE CHAPTER??I'm so so glad we only get Albert in one fic. I'm so glad that in all the other ones he's already dead or not a part of David's life. Because the "he got away, he survived" always makes reading this part, learning what David has been through slightly easier. But here he hasn't and that hurts even worse. And we've never seen it in such detail. It makes me truly sick.
“Good,” Papa nodded before leaving the room. “Remember that’s how I feel every time I look at you.”
David was thirteen when he had his first kiss.
Okay I really liked how you separated Madeleine kissing him and being kissed by a boy. Because the first one didn't mean anything and the second one did. That is a very important distinction
Henry was in the choir too. Henry could sing really well. Although Henry wanted to be an actor – just like his dad.
Henry being the first male character introduced in this chapter I didn't want to throttle, we stan Henry. Thank you for existing Henry. When we first saw him in the Star Wars premiere I didn't think much of him, but he is one of the few people that made David's life a little brighter and we thank him for that, this bouquet is for him💐
When David returned to his own quarters, wiping away tears that weren’t there, his dairy was gone too.
What happened to his dairy? I'm scared, what happened to his diary??
David turned the copy of Paradise Lost in his hands, slow and careful, and smiled at the man. “Thank you, Uncle Lucien
Lucifer rebelling against God?” David asked.
“I wouldn’t call that disobedience,” Uncle Lucien tutted. “Justice perhaps. Retribution?”
Of course you wouldn't you psychopath. Can we even call Lucifer a psychopath? The actual devil doesn't seem as gratifying
Uncle Lucien smiled and touched his face. “I want you to come to Oxford
See Lucifer says he wants David in Oxford and suddenly I want David as far from Oxford as he can get. Honestly I miss TLND, the only world where David has healthy male role models/ father figures in his life (and LBAF but his memories were tampered and he is very different there plus in LBAF 5/6 we didn't get a lot of David/Jace and I feel like they are distant? Hope that never happens in TLND)
Please note that every Lucifer/David interaction kinda made my skin crawl, you've described as super creepy and his gaze kinda prickling at your skin? Amd that has been conveyed beautifully to us, I get goosebumps every time he is mentioned
I don’t need to know,” Jackson shook his head. “No reason could ever justify abuse.”
I'm so happy David always gets to have Jackson. That he is a canon event. He is to David what Malec/Rafe are to Max. Family, the person who is always there, the home you turn to when you've lost your way. It's really beautiful
He wrote the things he wanted to tell some man in the future. A man he’d probably never meet.He wrote about how he wanted to be loved. Even though he might never know what any of it might actually feel like.
I want Max to read that notebook and know he loved David in ways David himself never thought existed. He will be so proud of himself. And David will be so happy to know what he once thought was impossible is now his reality
Claude is indeed there and David is forced to spend time/share a space with him. A lot of children who are abused by people they know (which is more likely to happen than by a stranger) continue to share a space (or even a home) with their abusers, and I didn't see it being any different in David's case.
Fun fact: Marcel is mentioned in LBAF. Points if you know who he is.
I'm glad you caught the 'first kiss' bit. I was hoping someone would.
Henry was neat. Also, I named him after the rwrb character hehe.
I think a couple of people inquired about David's diary. One of the students stole it/read it. We see Albert asking Jackson to spy on David in uni. He does the same during David's school years too.
Lucifer's obsession with David reminds me (in a very different way) of Mallory's obsession with Max. I KNOW THEY ARE PERFECT. LEAVE THEM ALONE.
David and Jackson 💜
The beautiful thing is Max never has to read that poem David wrote. He loves David without being asked. He cares for David without being prompted. And that is everything to David too.
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katyspersonal · 4 months
I know it's too early to judge messmer's story based on his 30sec appearance in the trailer and obviously fromsoft will not spoil the entire lore of the dlc in their trailers but i truly hope messmer isn't going to be a cheap copy from Lucifer/Satan that's would be so boring i hope he would be more complex and fleshed out than whatever demonic archetype they're trying to force into his character
You also forgot a subtle inspiration with Vlad the Impaler, especially with how his nickname 'Dracula' does mean draconic which features Messmer also carries! :p
Also, in Fromsoft's defence, I don't think that taking heavy inspiration from an archetype or figure in myth, religion, other piece of media and so on is "cheap" personally! They have a big track record of referencing multiple other things (and not JUST Berserk, like some people think!), but never once the inspired character was 'just' that thing. Gwyn is just Zeus but he ALSO isn't, for example! You still see a character as themselves even after learning of who they reference, and they are never "cheap". Heck, I dived into Soulsborne completely clueless about 95% of the references because I live under the rock and only figured after the girls told me! And even then, characters in question were already interesting for me, and learning that something was an inspiration rather than 100% original invention didn't lessen the character's depth for me!
What I am trying to say is that even if Fromsoft heavily takes the figure, they do not fuck this up and give it new life and so much more else. There is no bad concept (heavy reference in this case), there is only bad execution (which Fromsoft doesn'd do). I'll tell you more: the faith in Miquella potentially being Griffith reference is mostly some Redditpants keeping flat fandomisation of Griffith in their minds, hence why it looks like such a boring, shallow idea! If Fromsoft actually ended up doing that reference, I guarantee you that Miquella would still will remain interesting and complex character to enjoy and analyse! Let alone Messmer referencing a well-known vain asshole or two would not make him a cardboard figure, just add flavour! Fromsoft never flopped in this regard, so why would they start now? x)
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alicedrawslesmis · 6 months
I hope my presence here hasn't been just me complaining, cause I haven't dedicated myself to art in a while lol I am Burned Out... I don't like being a negative presence
in the Positivistic sense not in the new age sense? you know? not pretending to be happy when things are bad, I want my presence to be pulsating with life even if I'm sad or angry or numb. I try not to fall into negation. Most millennial humor I grew up with is this kinda ironic 'haha I'm so depressed 🤪' thing I just don't vibe with at all. I like feeling all my feelings. If I'm depressed and numb to it all then good, lets explore that. If I'm lost and aimless then good, let's be aimless and see where this can lead me to. I want to feel the full breadth of human experience and not live life negating it. I want to reflect on what I'm doing I want to create new things! Work with the world and not despite it
but unfortunately cause I'm totally lost at sea rn this means my posts are lacking and so the internet "persona" ends up being only someone who complains. That's not where I'm at. I don't even know if this makes sense to other people who can't see my brain, am I even making sense. Anyway
I am experimenting with a lot of things art-wise to get my groove on. I've bean reading a bunch. I've been lifting weights which is turns out is super fun and I should've started ages ago. Like I didn't believe the gym could be fun, I thought people were just faking it but it turns out like. It's just self expression like any other activity. And I love to see number go up. And I love making that face you do when you're lifting heavy weights you know the one? And grunting. It's very freeing to just be able to do that. Like all my life I've been bogged down by thinking the gym is for assholes and that I should try to do the Normal Sports that I honestly fucking hate. I hate ball sports. I don't understand swimming as a sport you're trapped doing laps in that freaking pool it's the most boring sport of all time. Sure I liked thinking about nothing and swimming but laps in a pool?? Devil invention. Running is kinda the same although you can run interesting places and aren't trapped in a blue rectangle. Just do the sport you actually want to do. Go to a fight club idk. Learn to kickbox. Punch some stuff. Do push ups, I love doing push ups.
What else? I've been walking my dog for 2hours every day late in the afternoon and getting to hang with his friends at the dog park. He isn't very friendly but he's also not aggressive so it's mostly chill. He's made a friend named Draco Malfoy (she made sure to tell me it was her kid daughter's idea) and everyone calls my dog Sirius Black cause he's got black fur and is, and this is the technical term, giant. Kind of annoying that Harry Potter is still the main thing people go to to describe him. Except for one security guard who I thought was gonna say he looks like Sirius but then said he looks like Sam from Twilight. This was an awesome day
I've been trying to sew and mend my clothes. I replaced the buckle in my bag cause it was broken and I feel kind of amazing about it.
I've been writing some stuff. All unfinished yet. I want to see if I can finish the short story I've been trying to work on besides the Les Mis scripts. I have trouble finishing things I write, which is a problem that, if AO3 is any indication, is probably the world's most common roadblock in writing.
Went to the satanic themed goth club on good friday, that was so fun. We had a blast. Place was PACKED. All goths have the same sense of humor.
I guess that's it for life stuff. I do feel kinda bad that I can't get myself to make fanart right now. I'm just having thoughts on the nature of art and of fanart and the impact of it on the world as a whole. And particularly thoughts on social media and the internet and what it even *is*. What is it for? We really need to work that out.
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seraphtrevs · 8 months
my monkey brain saw fargo so i have to ask, how would you rank the seasons?
I hope you're still around anon because I love this ask. I just wanted to wait until I was finished with s5 to see if it effected my rankings, and turns out it did! Two caveats - I have only seen each season once so I don't have 100% recall on them lol and 2) I have not seen season 3 yet! which is completely insane because I love Ewan MacGregor. That's next on my to-watch list, but for now, here's my ranking of the seasons of fargo, from best to worst (I'm also going to grade them on a scale out of 10 because I think it's important to note that when I have criticisms, I still think this show is consistently excellent):
Season 2 - one of the best seasons of television in television history. An incredible work of art. This is the season that really exemplifies the kind of profound absurdity that defines the series. The comic and the tragic are perfectly blended, and the characters are all depicted with an unsentimental empathy that I found very moving and enlightening. All of the moving pieces of the plot slot together so perfectly and there is zero handholding. Like I love a show that respects me enough to not spell things out so I can have a little think for myself, as a treat. Perfect season, no notes. rating - 12/10
Season 4 - I guess there are people who don't like season 4?? I don't get it. Maybe I'm just predisposed to like it because I love the historical setting, feuding crime families, plucky girl detectives, and female serial killers. It doesn't get on the profound level of season 2 but it's very entertaining. rating - 9/10
Season 1 - there was a lot to love but i feel like they were kind of finding their footing. It's not as polished as the later seasons, and I actually find this one unpleasant because I hate Martin Freeman's character so much - like, he's meant to be hated and they did a super good job of making him hateable, so I can't knock them for it exactly. But seriously there was nothing to like about this guy and watching him was often very unpleasant. Obviously I love Malvo, because I can't resist satan-coded characters. But sometime I felt like they went a little too far with him - like sometimes his only motive is that he's just so cccrraaaazzzzzy! Like there were a couple of moments that were moriarty from sherlock kind of lameness. But those are very minor complaints. Rating - 8.5/10
Season 5 - I still really enjoyed the first half of this season, but the back half really rubbed me the wrong way. I loved Dot and I especially loved that when you discover she's a secret badass, it's not because she's really good at martial arts. Instead, her strength is in her quick thinking and ability to construct elaborate home alone traps, which is so much fun. I also love the actress - this is a great performance. John Hamm is also really good. But the whole season had this maudlin tone that was very at odds with the other seasons. Lorraine's character didn't work for me at all - like her "no daughter of mine will be held captive!" moment was supposed to make us feel good, i guess? except it felt so forced and unearned. And I really have no idea why the narrative decided that she was a cool girlboss for using her power to control people via their debt for....good, I guess, by giving the cop lady a nice job and using her influence to punish john hamm via prison violence. That last part I particularly hated - not that i have sympathy for asshole rancher john hamm but the idea that prison violence is a righteous part of the justice system is very fucking gross and they really wanted me cheering for that. the battle of the sexes aspect in general was very on the nose, and it read like a fantasy of domestic violence by a man who feels very upset and guilty over the fact that women suffer from domestic violence than a more serious look at the issue. I also HATED both of the deaths in this season - I'm not against character deaths but they both felt completely pointless and just there to add to the body count. rating - 7/10
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licensedqueerio · 2 years
Part One - The Hallucination
I haven't posted in ages, so have something I've been working on for a bit. This is a Eddie Munson ghost AU, where he was in fact a cult leader, some stuff went wrong, and ultimately lead to his death. Now he's trying to fix it.
So far, this is a three part story, I hope this first part interests you enough to keep reading. Happy holidays, and Happy New Years. Last post of 2022, whoo, thank you everyone who stuck with me through the year!
(Side note, there's a random character thrown in. I promise he's relevant later in the story)
Word count: 4.6k
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Male!Reader
Warnings: some horror stuff, character death mentioned, swearing, mention of drugs
Request Here
"Why do I have to go?" You sighed tiredly as you glared at the other three boys wrapped up in varsity jackets. Really, out of the four of you, you didn't understand why you'd been elected to go and check out the supposed 'haunted' trailer park. It was apparently a town legend.
"Because you're the skeptic," Mason, a boy on the team and your friend, said with a casual shrug. "Who better to go check out this place? Maybe it'll finally get you to believe the freaky shit that happened here."
You sighed again, "no matter how many times you say it, I'm not buying the satanic ritualistic sacrifice gone wrong," you droned, "it isn't haunted, I have so many other things I could be doing right now instead of freezing my dick off and trespassing."
"And breaking and entering," Mason completed, and frowned at the looks he received, "what?" He complained, “whatever. Do it, don't do it. You literally have nothing better to do," he claimed.
He was right of course, but you weren't about to admit that to him. You sighed and stuffed your hands back in your pockets, the cold was making them go numb. "Fifty bucks?" You asked.
Mason grinned, his cheeks dimpled, "yep. Fifty bucks, as agreed. Bring back a souvenir as proof."
Bringing back a 'souvenir' sounded like you were begging a ghost to come haunt you. You didn't say this either. You sighed and wondered how you'd gotten here, but also didn't voice that thought because you knew what Mason would say; some smartass answer like 'a car', because he was an asshole.
"Fine," you relented and snatched the flashlight out of his hands. "I fucking hate you," you muttered under your breath and stomped to the fence that sectioned the trailer park off. You got past it with relative ease and held the flashlight like a weapon as you walked through the place. It felt like a graveyard.
Fifty bucks was not worth it, you should have negotiated for more. You pulled your jacket tighter around your body as you searched for the correct trailer you were supposed to be rooting around in.
The story you were told was this; a satanic cult leader tried to murder a cheerleader in some sick ritual a handful of years ago in '83 and it had backfired. The two were both found dead inside the trailer. The inhabitants of the trailer park all soon moved away, including the boys guardian. It's been empty ever since.
Last year, apparently a girl had dared venture into the trailer and claimed she saw the undead cult leader.
When you were told this story, obviously you scoffed at it. Ghosts weren't real, and neither were satanic cult leaders. Not in Hawkins Indiana. It was a ridiculous idea to entertain.
But here you were.
You shined the light onto the trailer and squinted at the old number hanging on it. You had arrived at your destination.
You walked up the three stairs to the front door, the old wood creaked beneath your feet and you prayed they weren't too rotten and we're able to support your weight.
You turned the doorknob, unsurprised to find it unlocked. You pushed it open slowly and grimaced at the creak. You slipped inside and a punched out noise escaped your lips as you shone the light across the small trailer.
Baseball caps decorated the top of the walls, while shelves carried an assortment of mugs, all appearing to be different shapes and colors.
A layer of dust coated everything across the room, and the ceiling had a disturbing looking tear across it, with a dark stain overlaying it. Maybe mold had done it, or water damage. But directly below it was blood, stained into the carpet.
One minute you were staring at the stain of blood, and the next, you were there; in the past, staring down at the two bodies as they bled out.
Soft brown eyes snapped up to you as the boy laid dying on the carpet, his hand valiantly trying to stop the blood pouring from his neck.
Around you, you made out the face of a curly haired boy who stood in a circle with six others.
It did look like a cult.
"What are you doing here?" The dying boy mouthed, but you heard his low whispered voice directly in your ear, startling you back to the present. You whipped around to stare at the empty space beside you.
You exhaled slowly, reassuring yourself that no one was there and you were safe. You were just paranoid from all the stories you'd heard. That's all that was going on.
You shook yourself and continued to look around. Other than the blood stained on the floor it looked like a normal home. The furniture hadn't been touched, and as you continued to walk deeper into the trailer, you noticed everything on the counters had been untouched. Medication bottles, scattered papers and mail, and forgotten dishes.
You urged your feet forward into the kitchen area. Everything smelled…old, and stale. It made sense, considering how long ago everything had gone down. You were surprised to see pots of what had once been food still on the stove and dirty dishes in the sink. Nothing had changed.
"Get out," a malicious voice hissed from directly behind him.
"What the fuck!" You snapped and whirled around, shining your light from left to right, but no one was there. You were going crazy, it was official.
Wonderful. Mason owed you a hell of a lot more than fifty dollars.
You passed the kitchen, not keen on seeing moldy food or maggots.
You soon found yourself in a bedroom. It looked like it had belonged to a teenage boy once. Band and horror movie posters covered every inch of the walls. Nothing about it screamed cult leader. Maybe the metal posters could be taken the wrong way, but his taste in music didn't make him a cult leader.
You frowned as you cautiously stepped forward, sweeping the room further. There wasn't much space for things, but the two desks and the single drawer in the room were covered with things. Small figurines, books with obscure titles—a few Tolkien works, but others seemed darker. The strange thing was, nothing had dust on it. The room was in excellent condition and still looked lived in.
Directly in front of you, hanging in front of a wide mirror, was the most beautiful guitar you had perhaps ever laid eyes on.  You stepped forward and reached out to touch it.
"Get out!" The same voice repeated, Louder this time and you dropped your hand.
"Fuck you," you muttered under your breath before you could catch yourself. Great. Now you were talking to your hallucinations.
"You're brave." Mocking laughter echoed in your head, flossing through your ears. "Take the guitar," the voice suddenly urged.
You paused as you stared at said guitar. Why would you listen to a strange voice in your head? It didn't sound smart, in fact, it was probably the dumbest idea you'd ever had.
You reached out and carefully pulled the guitar down, dust sticking to your hands. You looked down at it and shine the light on it to get a better look. It was red and black, and the strings looked to still be in good shape.
It would make a good souvenir to bring back to Mason, and as you turned around to leave, you saw a boy standing in the corner with a grin on his lips.
When you did a double take to see if he was real, you found nothing.
You held the guitar by the neck and quickly hurried out of the old trailer. You weren't scared, but you didn't want to spend any more time there than you had to.
Mason and the others whooped with joy when you returned, though they quieted down once they realized you had brought back a souvenir. Almost like they hadn’t planned on you actually going through with it.
“Here,” you said and held out the guitar to Mason, “it’s still in decent condition, might have to change the strings though,” you said and shrugged, “I’m never going back there again, it’s disgusting. There’s still blood on the floor,” you said with a shudder.
“Holy shit,” Mason whispered, but immediately shied away from the guitar, “oh no, you keep that. Bad luck,” he said wisely. He dug his hand into his jean pocket and pulled out a crisp fifty dollar bill, “here. Now come on, you can buy us dinner,” he said with a grin.
“You’re delusional,” you replied with a laugh, you looked down at the guitar, and for a second, you could almost feel cold fingers wrapping around your own. You shook it off though when one of your teammates complained about being cold and climbed back into the car.
You ended up buying an extremely late night lunch anyway before heading home. You snuck back in through your window so your parents wouldn’t know you’d been sneaking around and hid the guitar in your closet. You would make up a lie for it’s sudden appearance tomorrow, but now you just wanted to sleep.
You fell face first into your bed and passed out.
There were fingers trailing across your cheek. Gently grazing your skin with featherlight pressure. It sent a chill down your spine and an involuntary shudder racked your body. The touch halted, before it disappeared entirely.
Later, you chalked it up to a dream, that you’d still been sleeping and had a strange dream that involved you and a stranger. Despite that, it weighed on the back of your mind all day and led to a split lip and bloody nose from taking a baseball to the face.
Lucky for you, this meant you were able to go home early, which you did gladly.
Then things got weird.
You walked into your bathroom, a wad of toilet paper pressed to your nose to stop the profuse bleeding. Your eyes still stung with tears brought on by the pain and with a frustrated growl you wiped them away. You missed the reflection of a boy standing behind you.
You sighed and pulled the toilet paper away from your face. You grimaced at the bruises that had already formed and sighed. You bent your head and scrubbed the blood off your hand and then wiped it off your face, careful not to aggravate your wounds.
You lifted your head back up and a startled yelp escaped your lips at the translucent boy standing over your shoulder. With a racing heart you whipped around but saw nothing but the wall. You exhaled sharply and muttered, “what the fuck?” Before you wiped your face and tried to shake the feeling of terror that had flooded you.
You leaned forward to examine the mirror and swiped a hand across it. Maybe it was just a trick of the light, or the tears in your eyes. Or a ghost. You shook your head and dispelled such silly thoughts. Ghosts didn't exist.
“Your pretty face got messed up,” a chilling voice whispered into your ear, almost as if it could hear your thoughts and had to prove you wrong. You spun around again with wide eyes and only saw a flash of translucent clothing before it was gone.
You quickly fled the bathroom with a pounding heart. You hurried down the hallway where the voice taunted, "don't be scared, darling."
You made it into your room and slammed the door shut. You pressed your back against the painted white door and heaved for breath through your panic. You tried to reassure yourself that you were fine, that you were tired and needed some sleep was all. Everything you heard was a sleep deprivation hallucination.
"Oh sweetheart, a closed door can't stop me," the same voice whispered in your ear. You held your breath as ice cold fingers grazed the back of your neck and down your spine. You could feel the chill through your shirt.
Mocking laughter filled your ears, and it got louder and louder. It overlapped itself until it was a chaotic cacophony of harsh noise, you had to slam your hands over your ears in a desperate, vain attempt to drown it out. It didn't work of course.
Your ears rang that entire night. You laid in bed, paranoid as the shadows of your room seemed to jump out at you. But you would have rather died than risk getting up and shutting them back on. So, you suffered through the night until the sun came up.
"You look like shit," Mason said, accompanied by a low whistle. "You good, man?"
No, you were not good. Your nose bridge was bruised and it had spread to your eyes. It hurt, and you still couldn't completely hear. Oh, and you were exhausted due to your restless night.
"Fuck off," you mumbled and dropped your head onto the cafeteria table. It was so loud, you were beginning to regret coming to school. "I feel like shit. Fucking face hurts you fuckwad," you grumbled under your breath.
Mason only laughed and clapped a hand on your shoulder, "I wasn't the one to hit you in the face, that honor falls on Sinclair," he responded.
"What did I do?" Sinclair asked as he sat down. He was a senior, two years older than you.
"What didn't you do," a new voice snorted.
"You busted Y/N's face up," Mason responded. "He looks like shit. Shame, his looks were the only thing that saved his shining personality."
You lifted your head, intending to punch him in the shoulder before you violently startled when you made eye contact with the boy besides Sinclair. You stared unblinking at the head of curly hair, disbelieving. What the fuck.
"Dude," Mason said, "what's wrong with you?" He asked with a frown.
"I have to— I have to go, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go," you stammered out. You nearly face planted when your foot got caught on the table's bench, but Mason grabbed your arm to steady you. You said nothing and instead tugged your arm away from him and hurried out of the cafeteria.
He had been there. The boy with curly hair was there when that kid died. He had been standing in that circle, watching as he bled out. What the fuck.
"Scared of Dustin?" The chilling voice breathed in your ear, and you stumbled. You caught yourself on the wall and ignored the looks you had received. You choked on your breath as you shoved the door open and stepped outside.
"Kids harmless," the voice taunted, "don't be scared, darling," it continued, sending a chill down your spine.
"Fuck off," you snapped and ran to the field, then past it and into the trees. You didn't know where you were going, you were just trying to outrun the voice.
"Ouch, that's not very nice," it hissed.
Suddenly, you felt something in front of your leg at the same time something shoved you from behind. You tripped and flying to meet the ground, landing on your front and wheezing for breath. "Fuck," you ground and rolled onto your back. You sucked in a deep breath and tried to calm your hammering heart.
"Get up."
You flinched and sat up instantly. You whipped your head around and tried to look for whoever was speaking. "Show yourself!" You demanded, "who the fuck are you!? Just leave me alone!" You shouted and clambered to your feet, brushing the dead leaves off your body and from your hair.
"No," the voice whispered, drifting in through one ear, then the other.
You flinched away and slammed your hands over your ears, "then go fuck yourself," you snarled and whirled around and stomped back the way you came. A chilling presence on your back alerted you to your doom half a second too late. You went sprawling on your front once more.
"You piece of shit," you groaned into the dirt.
"You aren't being nice, darling," the voice cooed, "haven't you figured it out yet? No? Well, you'll figure it out soon enough," it said and disappeared.
You stayed on the ground for half a second longer before you shoved yourself to your feet. You sighed and brushed more of the leaves off of yourself. You were going insane. That was fun. Even worse, you had talked to your hallucinations and it had responded, which was vaguely terrifying but you were much too tired to deal with it.
You got little more than an hour of sleep that night and the bruises on your face seemed to have only gotten worse, which was just great.
"What happened yesterday?" Mason immediately asked when you sat at the desk besides him. "You freaked then disappeared. And you look like shit again," he said before sighing, "I'm worried."
"Don't be, I'm fine," you responded. "Just having trouble sleeping."
Mason narrowed his eyes, "okay," he said slowly. "If you need anything, let me know, yeah? Or I can hook you up with some stuff to help you sleep," he offered.
"Naughty naughty, darling. Friends with dealers?"
You flinched and looked over your shoulder, but like always, nothing was there. God you needed to sleep. "Yeah, do that. I'll stop by your place after school," you said before he could ask what was wrong.
Mason sighed. But he nodded and turned his head to the front of the room when the teacher walked in.
You dutifully copied down notes without any incidents. Until, you looked back up at the board and saw him. He was leaning innocently against the board, staring at you with curious brown eyes.
You stared back at him. Well. That's what you get for going into that damn trailer, you were so paranoid you were hallucinating a dead boy. Something was wrong with your head. Maybe your parents dropped you on your head when you were a baby, you'd have to ask.
"Mr. L/N!"
You jolted and looked at the teacher, "sorry. What?"
"I hated her," the boy said matter of factly, though he was on the other side of the room you could still hear him directly in your ear. "She kept failing me."
You glared at him, willing him to be silent. It was your hallucination wasn't it? It could at least shut up when someone was talking.
Speaking of which, you heard nothing the teacher said and looked at her blankly. "What?"
Giggles erupted around the room and you frowned.
"Mr. L/N if you're having trouble focusing in my class, perhaps you'd do better in the office," she suggested.
"What? No, no. I'm fine," you denied. "I'm fine, I'm focusing. Sorry."
"See? Bitch," the boy hissed and glared venomously at the woman.
You ignored him.
"Well then come up here and solve this problem. Let's go," she said sharply and held out a stick of chalk.
You stood up and made your way to the front of the room. You took the piece of chalk from her and stared at the math problem at the board. After a moment, you began to write.
"Well aren't you smart, darling?" The boy purred in your ear and you shuddered, but otherwise ignored him.
You hurried to finish the problem before quickly heading back to your seat, staring at your notebook instead of the boy.
"You good? You were spacing out there, man," Mason whispered.
"I'm fine," you snapped under your breath.
Mason impatiently sighed, "whatever, dude," he muttered.
You frowned at him before sighing too. Whatever was right. Once you got your head back on straight you'd apologize, until then, he would be fine, you had more pressing issues than his hurt feelings. Like the dead boy staring at you from across the room, distracting you for the rest of class.
You didn’t see the hallucination for the rest of the day, which you were thankful for, you were going to go crazy at this rate. You knew moving to this middle of nowhere town had been a mistake. But did your parents listen to you? Of course not.
You drove out to Mason’s house in the evening, cash in your pocket from hard earned money that you deserved to spend on…pharmaceuticals. And Mason was one of the only dealers in school, and because you were friends, he was usually willing to give you discounts on the goos stuff.
It was perfect.
You walked around and into his backward and knocked sharply on his window. It took two seconds before his curtains were being yanked open and he appeared in the glass. He smiled and pulled his window up and open, “hey.”
“Hi,” you responded, head tilted back so you could look at him, “how much?”
Mason held the sealed baggie out, “free of charge,” he answered and leaned against the windowsill. “I feel bad,” he explained.
You frowned and furrowed your brow at him. Why would he feel bad?
“Because we forced you to go into that trailer. Now you’re not sleeping, I feel bad,” Mason explained, “we shouldn’t have made you go in.”
You took the baggie from him, not one to turn down free goods, and stuffed it in your pocket before you looked back at him. “Not your fault I’m going crazy,” you laughed, like you weren’t genuinely concerned for your mental state. At his curious stare you continued, “I’m hallucinating. I think because of the lack of sleep, I keep seeing that dead kid,” you confessed and scratched your jaw.
“The…dead kid?” Mason slowly repeated and frowned, expression twisting, “...Munson, you mean? That was his trailer. Why…How do you know what he looks like? You have to know what he looks like in order to hallucinate him,” he said and frowned at you, like you had said something wrong.
“Oh, go on, sweetheart. I want to hear you explain this,” the boy—Munson said in your ear, you could feel his cold breath fan over your ear and shuddered. At least you hadn’t flinched this time.
How did you know what he looked like? You didn’t know him, had never seen any photos of him. So how would you hallucinate him? Was it even possible? Were you actually seeing Munson or did your brain just tell you it was Munson and you were hallucinating a stranger you saw on the street?
“He’s waiting,” Munson unhelpfully informed.
“In-in his room,” you quickly stammered and stepped back, away from his window and judgemental facial expressions, “I saw a picture in his room. It’s where I got the guitar. I’m gonna go,” you said and nearly tripped over your own feet as you tried to get away, “thanks,” you belated called over your shoulder and hurried out of his yard and back to your car.
You made it down the street before ‘Munson’ reappeared with a “boo!” that scared you so bad you had to pull over and take a deep breath. You didn’t realize you were shaking until you took your hands off the steering wheel.
“I could have died,” you said and stared at the wheel. Was it suicide if your hallucination caused the wreck?
“It’s not as scary as the movies make it out to be,” Munson drawled from the passenger seat, and when you looked over, you saw him sitting there like it was perfectly normal. Like he wasn’t see through and a hallucination. He turned his head to stare at you, “hi.”
Your mouth opened and closed a few times, but no words came out. Munson raised a brow and pushed long, curly hair out of his face. After another second of this, he frowned and leaned forward, across the center divider and into your space.
He inspected you up close for a moment and in your bewilderment, you let him.
“So,” he said, “why can you see me? I’ve been trying to get people’s attention for the last three years and suddenly you come into my trailer and see me? Why?” He demanded.
“...you’re my hallucination, of course I can see you,” you said slowly, “I think I may be insane. Damn. My middle school bully was right.” You frowned at him.
Munson didn’t seem to find this funny and stretched a hand out and poked you in the forehead.
To both of your surprises, his finger made contact with your forehead, rather than travel through you.
“Huh,” Munson said and looked out at his hand, “I thought earlier was a fluke. That was weird, I can’t touch anyone, it’ll go through…” His voice trailed off and he poked you in the forehead again, “and I’m not a hallucination, sweetheart. I promise.” He faked a smile, “I’m a ghost. A very annoyed one. You’re not insane.”
You jerked away from his hand, “no, I’m definitely insane. You’re not a ghost. You can’t be a ghost, because ghosts aren’t real. You aren’t real.”
“Hey!” Munson said sharply and stuck his finger in your face, “I’m real. I can touch you! How am I not real? Also, who doesn’t believe in ghosts?”
“Well, now you have to believe because I’m sitting right in front of you,” he hissed and poked you in the cheek this time.
You narrowed your eyes at him, which he mirrored half a second later. The two of you stared at each other until finally, you sighed. “Fine. Let’s say I believe that this isn’t some insane hallucination slash dream my mind concocted, what do you want? Why won’t you leave me alone?”
Munson took his hand back and victoriously smiled, “I’ve been stuck like this for three painful years. I know exactly how to be human again and leave this ghost bullshit behind, but I can’t use any of my knowledge because no one can see me. Until you.”
You mocked his fake smile, “what. Do. You. Want?” You repeated.
“I need your help in getting a body. A dead one, specifically. But you have to kill him in a certain way or else it won’t work and I’ll remain a ghost. Got it?”
You recoiled, “you want me to kill someone!?” You shouted, “No! What are you, crazy? No, absolutely not, no way.”
“Yes way,” Munson said, “he’ll only be dead for like, a minute tops!” He promised, “then I can take over his body and boom! Human again!” The excitement in his voice made you pause in your panic. If, and that was a big if, he wasn’t lying, if ghosts really did exist and he was one of them, he had been stuck like this for years. Unable to talk to anyone, unable to be seen by anyone, unable to do anything but exist in the balance between life and death.
It sounded awful.
You dropped your head and stared at your lap. With a heavy sigh, you murmured, “fine. Fine, but I want you to know this is crazy. Level ‘I believe the earth is flat’ crazy,” you said and lifted your head to glare.
Munson only grinned back at you, “I know,” he excitedly laughed and punched his arms in the air, “I’m gonna be alive again. I’m gonna be alive again!” He screamed and whooped, laughing the entire time.
You couldn’t help but smile at his attitude and nodded, “I’m going to drive home and you are going to be silent. Then, you can explain everything to me and we can set up ground rules. Deal?” You asked and looked at him expectantly.
Munson stuck his hand out, after a moment, you took it. “Deal,” he echoed with a warm smile.
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Grey Asmo here - hope you are well??
Just a litte rant before I go talk about OM.
I was thinking of all the Asmodeus i know shadowhunter Asmodeus does not embody lust he is more of an embodient of Wrath (since most of the princes of hell, Leviathan (envy), Belphegor (sloth), Mammon (Greed), Lucifer (Pride), Samael (Lust - since he technically is the only prince that probably loved/loves Lilith and is willing to work together to bring distruction for her), the only time my grey Asshole only emobides lust is (hinted that him and Lilith probably had a one night stand (on many occasaions). But if you look at his son (my precious baby) Magnus Bane he is more of an emobodiment of lust.
Now on to Obey me (not connected to the firdt part but still NSFW)
SO I was with a friend and we were talking about TV shows and such, and they go on about how Asmodeus would be a pimp or exploite sinners in a way that feeds his realm)
Now this got me thinking If hell/ devildom have some Human tv channels and hell channels that contain more dark and realism stuff and MC being like what the fuck..
And Satan is like (human shows are good but the demon remakes are much better) and MC finding channels that are filled with the utmost depraved lust kinda you can imagine and being scared into their brain -
They are practically immune to the horrors of hell
(Im kinda emotionally invested in Angel Dust and Ozzie)
Hello again, Grey Asmo!
Okay, so we're talking about like potential Devildom remakes of human world TV shows? And that they're just completely messed up?? Because that sounds hilarious lol.
I like the idea that they broadcast both. So if you're a demon you could potentially watch the human world G-rated version of Spongebob then flip over to the demon version and it's all fire and brimstone.
Of course if we're talking about nsfw type stuff, I don't think that'd be too much of a stretch for some of these human world shows. Or if it was really violent... didn't they make a gay show about a guy that eats people? I've seen that on the dash a lot and it looks really bloody to me. I would think something like that would feed into the gluttony sin probably.
But it's funny to imagine an MC that has no clue about any of this accidentally turning on the TV and finding horrific stuff. Well okay only if MC can handle it and isn't messed up forever after lol.
I personally would be like what the hell is this... ah yes well we are technically in hell, so I guess it's to be expected.
Personally I do okay with gore and sexy times in media, but when things get ghosty I start to freak out. Like the Sixth Sense scared the shit out of me because I was convinced I was going to start seeing dead people everywhere. Or that they were already there and I just couldn't see them which is worse. Also I was too young when I watched that so maybe that has something to do with it.
Anyway, I didn't mean to get off on a tangent here, but I like your idea of demon TV remakes.
I think I would get invested in the demon version of Days of Our Lives. They call it Nights of Our Lives lol.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
(i submitted this one last week, but i was in a bit of a rush due to nearing the deadline, so i was hoping i could post a refined version of it, as it hadn't been posted yet) AITA for wanting to bring my friends back from the dead / AITA for following my instinct and attempting to stop a messed up looking ritual? So, this story is going to sound very confusing until about near the end (which, to be fair, it's VERY FUCKING CONFUSING FOR ME AS WELL), so just bare with me. Recently, two of my friends, I'll call them Person S (M, 15) and Person B (M, 16) had committed suicide. Person A (F, 16) had been bullying B over something that, in hindsight, was extremely petty, so she naturally felt devastated about it, feeling like it was her fault. However, a month later, Person A figured out a way to bring both of them to life! Sure, it went against a lot of her religious code, and required digging up their bodies from their graves, but she didn't care. She felt like she needed to make things right. As a bonus, this ritual would also bring back to life an old friend, Person M (F, 15), who had been dead for about four years now, also to a suicide. So, she dug up their graves, and headed into the woods to begin the ritual. Meanwhile, two ex-friends of Person A, I'll call them Person K (M, 16) and Person H (M, 19), ended up discovering what Person A was up to. From their perspective, it looked like she just couldn't let go, and was resorting to some satanic ritual that would never work, and even if it *was* an actual ritual, it was pretty fucked up to be dabbling in that. So, Person K interrupted it to confront her. Problem is, when he did that, it caused the ritual to go haywire. It brought S, B, and M back to life, but not even close as to what A intended. S & B were brought back, fused together as one person, in mind, body, and spirit. Person M & Person H were similarly fused together as well. If you don't see where this is going, I'm writing this as a fusion of Persons K & A, and I 100% feel like the asshole here, but I decided I might as well ask. Messing with some awful, heretical ritual was an awful idea, and it feels like I got exactly what I deserved for both attempting that, as well as the years of deplorable behavior, even if I was trying to atone for it. Meanwhile, I was also a complete asshole for not trusting... myself? (Like I said, this shit is confusing), and just letting the ritual play out. Although, I guess in the end, it *did* bring everyone back to life, and a lot of this wasn't really either of their faults. But like, it totally was, right? I don't know...
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mathlann · 10 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 a negotiable number of tags
Tagged by @poetikat! Thank you!
1. Selina Kyle/Catwoman- DC. One of my oldest faves, even if I don't talk about her much on here. Something is happening in Gotham City? Is Catwoman going to be there? If not, then I don't care! It's rare that a Batman writer can be normal about her but I'd rather suffer through badly written Selina than no Selina (and God have I suffered).
2. Matilda- The Monk: A Romance. One of the best villains I've read this year, I adored every page she was on! The scheming! The seduction! The audacity! She worked hard for her place in Hell and I hope Satan gave her a promotion!
3. Yennefer of Vengerberg- The Witcher 3. Ever since Geralt showed up Skellige and she gave him those party outfits knowing damn well she wasn't going to like either one of them... I loved her. I immediately got back on the boat to find the right merchant to buy the correct outfit so we could coordinate. Never made the same mistake again.
4. Arthur Morgan- Red Dead Redemption 2. My sweet cowboy! He was awful at crime and riding horses but I kept him clean, fed, and dressed in the finest Cowboy Gucci 1899 money could buy. He rode his white mare off to the Big Train Job in the Sky years ago and I still can't finish the epilogue because I miss him too much.
5. Daeran Arendae- Wrath of the Righteous. Every blessing in his life has turned out to be a curse and he deals with that by being just ....the pettiest asshole. He actively makes my KC a worse person by association but he is never allowed to leave my party. To avoid a dissertation level essay....I just think he's neat!
6. Aloth Corfiser- Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2. My favorite Team Nerd. This elf has never met a crack in the ground too small to dramatically hurt himself on, but also is regularly one of the last ones standing during boss fights. He hates me in Deadfire as of now but his general wizardly wimpiness is so endearing I can't be mad about it.
7. Alicent Hightower- House of the Dragon. Owner of the biggest, saddest eyes in Westeros. She should have been allowed to kill that old man. I wanted her to kill that old man so badly.
8. Maeve Millay- Westworld. Her and Hector altered my brain chemistry for a straight month back in 2021 (their intro! The tent scene!). That show did not do her right because Maeve should've been the special main character android rather than Dolores. The whole narrative ~bullshit~ just makes more sense if it was Maeve. I said it then, I say it now, and I'll be saying it again on my deathbed.
9. Johnny Gat- Saint's Row II. Johnny, my best friend Johnny! He never stops criticizing my Boss's driving but I take him everywhere all the same. Accidentally launched him out the front of a car so bad he didn't come back for what felt like a week. I thought I'd killed him for real and was devastated! Saints Row III is so boring without him.
10. Morrigan- Dragon Age Origins. Still one of my favorite video game character arcs. Platonically. Romantically. To me, she can do no wrong.
If y'all are up to it! Tagging @babeoffrontiers @neocores @feluka @bhaelspawn @gojuo or anyone who wants to!
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queenofbaws · 3 months
Lyrics of this dumb-funny song I found the other day *How the hell you spell chauffeur? Chauffeur. Ooh fancy-pants rich McGee over here. Fuck you!* Use how you will ^^
Hope your weekend is super so far!
"Blankets," he said, just like that too, not impressed or happy or mad or sad or anything, "hotter'n Satan's asshole out here, and your mother sees fit to send me over a pallet of blankets...there's a punchline in there somewhere, but I'll level with you Bobby, I am too old and too tired to look for it."
"It gets cold in the winter," Bobby argued, dropping the boxes, "and Ma said they're duvets, Uncle Jack, not blankets."
He didn't look up from striking his match, didn't even move his face all that much, but Bobby heard his teasing clear as day as he muttered, "Du-vays, well la-di-dah-di-dah, look an awful lot like blankets to me," around his cigar. "Here's a lesson I don't think Constance ever stopped to teach you - probably because she thought you might start catchin' wise to her hoity- and toity act - but you can put lipstick on a pig, you can slap a wig on it too, that don't make it Miss America."
He couldn't help laughing at that, stretching his arms out from the weight of all those boxes of crocheted duv - blankets, yeah - before clapping Uncle Jack on the shoulder like the good old days, snickering, "Know what - s'good to have you back!"
"I'd say it's good to be back," Uncle Jack started, taking a solid puff off his cigar before returning the smack, "but that'd make me a goddamn liar, so pardon me if I just nod my head and start pickin' through these du-vays like I'm grateful or something."
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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itzcherrybonbon · 1 year
Obey Me OC: Makoto Gushiken ~ ✰
Tumblr media
[The design is innacurate in Gacha but- just take it-]
-"I'm 20!"
-"July 3rd"
-"I'm straight, but I do support LGBTQ fellows!"
-"What about your pronouns?"
-"Things you're fond of?"
-"Wellll, I really like chocolate, photography, diving into mysteries and solving them, haunted places, nice and kind of airheads type of people..like Mammon, otome games..And I'm a huge fan of roses, dresses and cute aesthetics. Let's see, what else..Oh, I also really love mythology, especially Greek mythology. I hope I didn't forget to mention anything else..-"
-"How about things you dislike?"
-"I dislike messes, a lot. I always make sure to keep my room clean and everything to stay organized. I also really want to stay away from rude, disrespectful assholes. The nerve some people have..Lucky for them, I'm patient with others. And very much a pacifist. I don't want to get myself in too much trouble. Another thing I hate are..well, guns. The sound of them also..Loud noises in general trigger me. Oh, and I can't really handle alcohol or spice well-"
-"Favorite song?"
-"Hmm, Jenny by Studio Killers!"
-"Thoughts on everybody?"
-"This will be long..Well, I'm gonna start with:"
"Well, I'm really fond of him! I love spending time with him whenever I can. He's such a gentleman, I respect him and look up to him a lot. His friendly attitude reminds me of how protective my dad is..Ahh, I miss home.."
"I don't know how to feel about him. I don't even know if I should trust him..First he protected me from Levi and..just when it seemed we were somewhat on the right foot, he nearly killed me. I probably shouldn't have stepped in, but I had to protect Beelzebub and Luke! Had it not been for Diavolo that day, I wouldn't be here right now. Ever since then, I've been even more uncomfortable and wary of Lucifer."
"Assigned to keep an eye on me? More like the complete opposite, I've become this airhead's babysitter ever since I've stepped foot here. For some reason he spends more time in my room than in his, he's even beginning to sleep here now. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he likes me. A lot. That's cute..
To be honest, it's true that he may be kind of stupid, but that still doesn't give the others the right to treat him this badly. I hate it when the others call him names, jokingly or not. So I've been giving Mammon validation ever since. He gave me a nickname too, the guy has been calling me "Maki" a lot recently. Well, isn't that sweet..♡ "
"I'm still trying to get closer to Levi, I think the pact we made is a good start to a nice friendship? He's kind of hard to get along with, but I'm sure he'll open up eventually! I'll keep trying to get into more anime and be extra nice to him! Looking forward to playing videogames together one day. The day of the competition though..When he turned into his demon form and tried to kill me..That was really scary, but I was kinda asking for it, right..? I'm grateful Lucifer saved me. At this point, I've had near death experiences twice in a row. I'm scared for the future, I might not be so lucky next time. But, I'm determined to go back when this all ends and see my parents, so no way I'm going to die here!"
"We're not that close yet, I'm trying to decide whether or not it's a good idea to trust him. The guy is as mysterious as a snake, I can't tell what he's plotting in his mind. But I know I need to be close to him somehow, how else am I going to make a pact with him? Anywho..he seems like the second most mature and smartest beside Lucifer. In that case, this will be harder than I thought."
"For the Avatar of Lust..Asmo is really sweet, actually. I really like his company! And he's really good at doing his make-up, maybe he can give me some tips? I'm positive we can get along really well, as far as I've seen he's really such a sweetheart!"
"Honestly, I think he's another one of my favorite people here. He just..reminds me so much of Kuro..
Beel is really sweet..For some reason it breaks my heart when he says "I'm hungry" everytime. I don't want him to starve, even though he's just like that because he's the Avatar of Gluttony. I make sure to share every snack I get with him, I know he'll appreciate that a lot. Being in his presence makes me feel like Kuro is still here with me..heh.."
"Hmph..I'm genuinely not surprised to hear about how he got locked up there, knowing how Lucifer is. I am determined to help him, he deserves better than this. And Beel deserves to see his twin again, it's unfair for them to be separated like this. Sometimes I wonder if Lucifer ever thinks about the happiness of his younger siblings. Because this isn't what older brothers are supposed to do. I hope he learns his mistake once Belphegor talks to him..I'd really love to see all the brothers get along like true siblings, and actually show respect to eachother. I trust Belphegor, I think he knows what he's doing.."
"I don't really have much of an opinion on him, unfortunately..- We haven't interacted much. I hope it's okay to trust him."
"He's really friendly, and our interactions have gone pretty well! He seems to be fond of me, a lot. But despite that, he's also got this mysterious aura..I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid or my instincts are right. Guess I'll stick around and find out."
"He's really adorable, and very much talkative..A little too talkative..But hey, that's okay. I know he's a reliable kid, and trustworthy for all the matter! I'm just a human, but I'm going to protect him and try to be there as much as I can. To me, he's already like a little brother! I adore him a lot"
"Something about Solomon feels rather off, if you ask me..I'm glad I'm not the only human here but..I wonder if it's okay for me to trust him? Though, our friendship so far is going pretty well. Then..maybe I'm just being paranoid. Come on, Makoto, keep up the positivity! Me and Solomon make a good duo, I'm glad about that! When we go back to earth, will we still be friends I wonder..?"
Fun facts:
-Makoto's mother is a paranormal investigator, and her father is a private detective. She learned a few things from the both of them, and this is the reason she shows interest in mysteries and haunted places.
You have been warned!
-Makoto had a little brother, 4 years younger than her. His name was Kuro. Sadly, the school Makoto and Kuro attended was suddenly shot one day. While they were trying to escape, a masked man found them and pointed his gun at the children. Kuro stepped in to protect his older sister and got shot in the head, and another time in the stomach. Makoto got shot in the stomach. Before the man could shoot Makoto a second time, three policeman had surrounded the man and arrested him.
The injured kids were taken to the hospital immediately. Makoto survived, but Kuro didn't make it. The Gushiken family was devastated, but Makoto struggled the most. Her parents took her to therapy, also taking the opportunity to get some therapy themselves. The homelife wasn't going well ever since Kuro's death. Makoto's mother started to drink, and her father tried to make his wife snap out of it by reminding her the tension in the house wasn't good for Makoto.
Makoto's mom soon found healthier ways to cope with the grief.
-Yes. Yes, Makoto does *like* like Mammon.
-Makoto is a fan of manga and small figurines, as well as telenovelas.
-She cares a lot about her looks, taking her time to style her hair and do her make-up. She likes staying pretty ♡
-Kuro used to ask his sister for food when their parents were too busy, so Makoto would make him snacks. She gets reminded of that bittersweet memory when she makes snacks or buys candy and shares them with Beel.
-Makoto always wanted to learn to play the piano. The piano is her favorite instrument.
-She's really, really touch starved. She wants to be hugged constantly and cuddle with someone, but is a little too shy to ask.
-Mako has stomach rolls, the baby is really insecure about them :(
@amberheavendremurr Ding Dinggg! My MC's info is hereee! :33
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