#i hope it happens again tbh maybe I do hate dragonfruit
the other night i had a dream that i was leo and the whole family was vacationing on a tropical island except there were these teleport spots that teleported you, so I was trying to teleport to a cool beach or reef or something but only humans could activate the teleporter and I wanted this girl (I went to camp with her) to teleport me and for some reason she was sitting on a surfboard and I think Rupert Grint and this kid in one of my classes who has great hair were also waiting so I was like “i need goggles” and I ran back to the resort which was 100% made of nicely stained wood and full of white people and small children crying there was dragonfruit in flower shapes and just like a whole melon which I took and for some reason I (Leo) distinctly remember HATING dragonfruit but I (dusky) personally love it so that was confusing but anyway I tried to go back but there was an obstacle course and the first obstacle was a 2 foot horizontal jump to some broken stairs and there was an old man facilitating and blocking my view and I could not see the rest of the course and I spent the whole rest of the dream trying to get across. The end. (This is a draft from a WHILE ago)
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loiskane · 3 years
Shadow and Bone thoughts, notes eps 4-6
Book spoilers (no Rule of Wolves spoilers)
Ep 4
Jesper and the goat!!!!!! I love him
Tbh as much as I love them, I don't love how the Crows take up a good chunk of in every episode. This part is supposed to be Alina's story. Which will be over at some point and then it will be all about them and we're not going to see her and most characters ever again or only briefly. (unless they adapt King of Scars duology please adapt them please)
"You used to hide there as a boy", i smell bullshit Aleksander when were you there as a boy. The fountain is about YOU.
I love seeing filming locations I've been to several times
I like how Marie and Nadia are actually nice to her. They're not like super close with her and probably would ignore her if she was a regular squaller or Materialki  but they’re not mean either        
Nina!! You tell him
I'm still not trilled with the backstory change and while Danielle is a great actress, she's waay thinner than Nina is in the books. She's probably not Hollywood thin, but still.
It's kinda funny how this plan is similar to what the crew in The Gilded Wolves book do. Pretending to be other people, including artists and performers to break in to a fancy event. Btw The Gilded Wolves is a really great series, and there might be similarities it's not a knock-off SoC. Would recommend it. The second book is even better.
Get away from her go to jail
I wonder if the intimate scene will be in the show (probably yes ewww)
Seeing Mal's side of the story parallel to Alina shows so much they are so tragic at this point. Even in the books it's clear he cares for her a lot, we just see it through Alina's pov who doubts
We get a little less from Alina though
Her using her powers is amazing though 
Ep 5
These backdrops are so Hungarian sometimes lol
Grisha will have new opportunities. King of Scars says no. But hopefully after Rule of wolves things will be better.
That is not what a straight person would do Genya, I don't care you're a tailor who touches people's faces all the time
They are so cute (Genya and Alina, and Genya and David too )
Book spoilers make me sad
We love an Inej and Jesper scene (I also stood in the literal spot they're standing omg last time I visited there)
What a show off I love him
They are so cuteeee sneaking out
Fedyor was just pranking them
Oh you need a FABRIKATOR to open it if only we had one of thosee
Also I'm waiting on them showing Jesper is attracted to women too, he's the bi disaster
Idunwantit.gif (to Darklina)
She's so funny
Get away from her
Omg nooooooo
He looks fine in that uniform
"I'm a terrible actor" suree
Zoyaa. Oh that's interesting.
Gay (queer) heartrenders?? Feeding each other?? Did i misread that?
It's a shame they didn't put Genya in green for this like in the book
Oh Inej
He's so arrogant I want to hit him the face
Genya WRECKED him
What is she wearing under her kefta so it’s bulletproof? Did David make something for her awww
oh shit right Genya can't heal major injuries
Oh no who's going to die in Siege and Storm if Marie's already dead?? Not Nadia I hope. They could give a bigger part to the Alkemi girl who also dies there in the books. Also how will this affect Fedyor, losing Marie is key to him betraying them to the Darkling, but since her death happens earlier and not because they opposed the Darkling, but under his rule so then why would he betray them
At least he asks for consent?? (i still hate him though)
“Maybe you're dehydrated from the heat in your hut", that was savage Alina lol
Baghra dragging the Darkling, we stan
Well the mission is not going well is it Kaz
Is Kaz Brekker really worth killing for though??
She just jumped off that balcony wow
This shows exactly who he is, dude just threatened his own mother
Ep. 6
Zoya is so pretty
Ben is doing a c t i n g
"Poor Nina". Like you actually care, beyond her being an asset
They let her gooo
Inej and Alina awww
Szentendre (aka Ryevost) - sorry i’m annoying abt filming locations but 1 of my all time favourite fantasy series gets adapted and shot in the country i live in
fuck that racist guy
Well Zoya's not wrong, she left on her own
Zoya he's not worth it
Zoya using her powers yeees
He found his way back to her!!
Sharing a bed trope always a good one
we stan the height difference (Alina & Mal)
HE SAID THE THING is this once upon a time (I will always find youuuu)
Heleen has the shares because Kaz is an idiot sometimes who does idiot stuff
See her powers don't scare him, stop saying he's intimidated by her being strong and more powerful than him he's not
The lineeeee, I will NEVER get over
Oh Matthias you'll never be back in your bed ooof
"I like it when you turn red", i mean increased circulation is good when you're cold
You are not happy people Matthias! but ofc you, a Fjerdan MAN, would say this
Askskjdf so many book lines
They are cute
Never been a huuge stan of them but they are cute
So ketfas are resistant to bullets okay (i feel this was probably in the books)
David still could've made hers though, which is cute but also messed up because Genya's kefta represents her being a servant and what the Darkling GIFTING HER to the Queen led to
Zoya's smile after scaring people i love it
Now this is interesting
Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors, works even against the Darkling
I hope they don't make this into a rivalry idk if I want the Crows to be too involved with the fight against the Darkling
Nina is so extra and shameless I love her 
She killed again, I blame Kaz 
Noo don't hit David, how DARE you Kaz
They stole his carriage looool
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