#i hope it helped demystify this pansexual's feelings if only a little bit lol;;
rppik · 4 years
As a lesbian,what is it like to like dick? I need this answer spiritually
Aha, well... To get the spiritual food you need, I hope you don't mind that this got a little long ^^;;
I'll preface this by saying that there are lesbians who like dick as well, it's just that aforementioned dicks are usually attached to women or feminine-aligned folks, yeah~? Not saying that that necessarily applies to you, but it's worth noting. I understand you probably didn't mean any harm, but when you phrase a question like that it can come across as being transmisogynistic or erasing lesbians who date folks with penises. As such, it's important to me to address it first and foremost.
To get to the nitty gritty of the question, though, being in a relationship and doing sexual acts with someone who has a penis is,, pretty much the same as doing that stuff with anyone? By which I mean to say, no matter who you're getting into bed with, no matter what they've got in their pants, you're going to need to work out your boundaries and what you're comfortable doing with them all the same.
Every relationship is unique. Every partner you have is gonna bring different limits, wants, and needs to the table. I can't exactly generalize the experience of loving them based on their genitalia (^^;)ゞ I may as well try and describe what's it like to be into blondes, or people who are shorter than me, or folks who have love handles. Breaking up humanity into groups based on those features or on their private parts is going to yield a far too variable group for me to accurately state that "dating someone who has ___ is going to be like like ___."
As disatisfying as it may be to hear, the only honest answer I can give is that the experience of liking dicks depends on the individual people they're a part of, just like it does for anyone with any set of genitals.
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