#i hope people understand how much i love siblings in tv shows
khainovo · 7 months
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old sendou siblings doodle comic i started and never finished and now i'm wondering if i should actually finish it
vertical version under the cut!
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enjoyertrying · 2 months
I got to say I love Maws teams for letting Kara join the team
In many Superman adaptation, unfortunately, we couldn't see much interactions between Kara and Clark. This is sad for me because I like their relationship. They are cousins, they are both from Krypton and they are the only Kryptonians who understand each other, sharing same kindness. In comics or some movies and TV shows, they merely get a chance to be together, to have a relationship just like real family.
In Maws, they interact literally with each other, and Kara is part of Clark’s team. They are going to save people together, and they share the same family. I would like to see more stories about this group: how Jimmy and Kara go on, how the relationship between Kara and Lois goes on, how Clark and Kara become the best sibling… Yeah, I can not wait to see season 3 and hope we can get Maws season 4 renewal soon.
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hxney-lemcn · 11 months
i wanted to ask if you could do brett hand x gn! reader but angst? like stuff with his family and its getting worse. hope its not a bad idea
have a good night/ day hun!!
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summery: reader tries to cheer Brett up. They find out just what is making Brett feel down and fluff ensues.
tw: toxic family relationships, hurt/comfort
a/n: ...teehee, so I'm pretty sure this was requested like...a year ago...uh...sorry for the late upload?? LMAO! If you're still interested here you go 💀
wc: 1.2k
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I couldn’t focus on the shitty 80’s movie playing when I had Brett curled into my side. I noticed he seemed to be down at work, and offered to host a sleepover. Yes it may be childish, but after learning about Brett’s shitty family and how he never really had a childhood, I thought it would be nice. 
Brett didn’t hesitate to agree. Although his demeanor was enthused, his brown eyes still showed unhappiness. Which led to our current situation. Watching classic 80’s movies and cuddling on the couch. I kept sneaking glances down towards the brunette, his eyes glued to the tv. His head rested on my chest, and my arms wrapped around his back.
At one point, his eyes started watering, which led me to pausing the movie. Clearly something was eating at him and I wasn’t gonna just watch him suffer. 
“Why’d you pause-”
“What’s wrong Brett,” I said, interrupting him. I wasn’t gonna let him bat around the bush.
“N-nothing, why do you ask?” He deflected, eyes darting all over the place. He was a terrible liar.
Bringing a hand up, I ran my fingers through his hair, which made him relax almost immediately. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” I soothed. “But I don’t want you to hold it in either. You can talk to me.” He fell limp, admitting defeat as I gently scratched at his scalp.
“It’s…” He stuttered slightly. “I-its my family.” I tensed when they came up. I’ve only met them once, and it was not a pleasant meeting. I mean, Brett literally took a bullet for his brother and he’s once again on their shit list. Which I could never understand. Brett was the sweetest man I had ever met! He listened, he cared, and he’d do anything to make his friends happy…well more like anyone happy (clearly coming from his family trauma), but still! He was an absolute sweetheart. 
All in all, I did not like his family. In fact, you could even say I hate them. I couldn’t tell Brett that though, as he still loved them dearly. Something they did not deserve. 
“What did they do this time?” I asked, trying to keep myself from letting my distaste show in my tone. 
Brett nuzzled further into the crook of my neck, “Just the usual, called me a disappointment and I never deserved to have even been considered for the 1st ranked sibling. How they don’t understand why I even bother to show my face around them anymore.”
I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I know family is important, but if my parents did that, I’d be out the door and never come back. I have no clue how Brett could be strong enough to endure his parents' neglect and emotional abuse. I know his family is important to him, but there's a certain point that people should just cut ties.
“Oh Brett,” I muttered, nuzzling the top of his head. “My sweetheart. My sweet little boy.” Brett’s hold on me grew a little tighter at the nicknames, and I felt tears hit my neck, but I paid it no mind. “You deserve so much better. They should be the ones begging for your love and attention, not the other way round. You are so accomplished, loved, and overall amazing. You’re a boss at the shadow government, you’ve got a team who loves you! …in their weird little ways of course. Not to mention that you are just a caring and loving person.”
Brett sniffled, “Then why are they so mean?”
My heart churned, feeling my own eyes water at just how beaten he sounded. 
“I’m not exactly sure of their history, but I assume it’s because that’s how their parents treated them,” I replied, trying to think how people could be so cold to their own children. “That and a mix of them not having the capacity to actually care for you and your siblings. When they look at you, they see a commodity, not a person.”
I winced as Brett let out a sob mixed with a whimper. Did I make it worse?
“But you’re not a commodity,” I muttered, pressing a kiss to his temple. “You’re an amazing, beautiful person who deserves the love you get and even more. I know you care for your family, but I think the best thing you can do is let them go. I mean you have a work family who do care for you, who want to see you succeed. I hope I’m not overstepping, but I feel like your family is holding you back. I know you can grow so much more if you learn that their affection and approval isn’t worth the pain and hurt. Because there are other people willing to give you that affection and approval.”
Brett let a sob escape him, his arms squeezing the life out of me, but I wasn’t gonna stop him. He was babbling things I couldn’t make out, but I think it was things of gratitude and love. I didn’t need to hear what he was saying to know that he was grateful. I was just glad I seemed to have gotten through to him.
“Th-they found someone to m-marry me off to,” He stuttered. “A-and I didn’t want to disappoint them, b-but I don’t want to marry them! I want to marry you! A-and I told them that, and that's when they started t-to insult m-me.”
My eyes widened at his bold proclamation, my hand halting its ministrations in his hair. They wanted to marry him off? I guess that wasn’t out of their reach. But he actually said no? Because he wanted to marry me?! I felt myself fluster at the thought. I couldn’t help but picture us standing at the altar, or podium, in front of the sea? Maybe in the woods? I wasn’t sure where, but a beautiful place, with us exchanging our vows of love, and then becoming wedded. 
I snapped out of it when Brett’s teary eyes met mine. They were big and watery, almost like a sad puppy. He seemed to be freaking out, eyes frantically searching mine.
I cupped his jaw, brushing my thumb over his cheek, “I would be honored to marry you.”
His eyes widened, cheeks warming under my touch, a bashful smile gracing his face. A tear fell down his cheek, and I wiped it away.
“I would be honored to marry you,” Brett emphasized. 
I chuckled, feeling elated, “I guess we’d be honored to marry each other.”
Brett giggled back, the brightest smile I’d ever seen on his face, “Yeah.”
Pulling his face down, I littered his face with kisses, causing his giggles to continuously fall out of his mouth. I nuzzled our noses before leaving one last kiss to his lips. He hummed in content as I wrapped my arms around his neck, the kiss being a slow, passionate, loving one. 
“Do you wanna continue the movie?” I asked after we pulled apart.
Brett’s eyes were glued to my lips, “Could…we do that again…please.”
I blinked, an explosive laugh falling from my lips, “Brett this isn’t our first kiss.”
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Live Action Thoughts!
-First of all, ya'll need to leave those child actors alone, they are babies and they didn't write the show, nor was it their idea to do it. I have seen way too many people body shaming children; leave them alone they all did well!
-I think Gordon makes Aang just as cute and small and powerful as I always saw him as!! He manages to joke around and be fun even when the storyline is a lot darker and more serious.
-I really wish Sokka was able to be more of his goofy and silly self. I understand why he isn't, and his humor is more sarcasm and dark jokes, but I saw glimpses of him in there! His excitement when he was with the Mechanist, engineering and getting to do something other than be in charge. Also when he has any older brother convo with Katara or Aang. I'm hopeful with time he'll be able to loosen up!
-(Speaking of the Mechanist, my boy Danny Pudi was SO GOOD, I love him, him and his little son).
-I wish Aang would practice waterbending with Katara :( those scenes of them practicing together were always some of my favorites in the series. Just beautiful kataang moments. I'm glad they addressed it but I missed those moments.
-I don't understand how you guys can't be having fun watching this, I get so excited waiting for little moments of lore, or when Jet and Katara were fighting in the forest I was sitting in front of the TV like "WHERE'S SMELLERBEE AND LONGSHOT. OH MY GOD NO IT'S PIPSQUEAK!" It's just so much fun! The colors are beautiful, the effects are gorgeous, and the plot and characters are entertaining. Think about the piece as it's own thing and enjoy it!
-Adaptations are just that; adaptations, and things will be changed! I think so far I haven't minded their changes, I understand why they've been made. There are things to criticize, but I think this is pretty well done.
-Zuko is fantastic; I think all the child actors are fairly good but Dallas' pissy attitude and the faces he makes are so so fun! I feel for Zuko and I'm scared of him when he shows up, and he's just as annoying and bratty as ponytail Zuko should be. His physical motions are fantastic!
-TEO WAS SO LITTLE?? Oh my god, like as a kid I thought the cartoon version of him was kinda hot so when they wheeled that tiny baby in I was HORRIFIED.
-Idk why YOU ALL weren't scared of Lizzy Yu's Azula, but her little smile in her intro scene gave me a lil chill. Maybe it's because I was away when the show first came out so I saw post after post about how bad she was, but I just.... Thought she'd be worse?? She did really well! Ya'll better be careful though or Gaten Matarazzo will come for you, that's his girl.
-So far the mushing of plots has made sense to me. Yes, I miss the silly filler episodes and the traveling the Gaang did, but it allows us to sit in a scene longer, and to colorize the world better, when we're in one place and one plot for longer. I think that's important for this type of medium and this amount of episodes. They might be able to justify more next season if this show does well enough.
-I am OBSESSED with Zuko and the 41st division oh my god, what a fantastic and well thought out addition. The reveal, and they're bowing for him when he comes back was DEVASTATING.
-They we're GIVING us Sokka and Katara best sibling moments, I loved all of them. They are so cute, they just mean so much to me.
-I don't feel Appa or Momo as characters like I did in the cartoon. I'm hoping this can change, because rn they surprise me every time they get on screen. I'm like "WHAT- oh it's Momo, he's here." How are we going to feel Appa's loss as much as we did in the cartoon if they continue to like barely be in it.
-Ken Leung SLAYED as Admiral Zhao, I watched him go literally insane as the episodes went on.
-Aang's imposter syndrome and feeling of failure being focused on I will always enjoy, even if I hope he can be silly next season too. His entire character arc this season just made me want to cry.
-Bro the coloring during the the Siege of the North was A M A Z I N G. The way the color faded in and out with fireballs and the monster koi passing nearby, just so pretty. It looked awesome.
-Making Yue a waterbender? The best. Her freezing Sokka in place so he can't stop her? Heartbreaking.
-Iroh and Zuko paddling off looking for bestie Lt. Jee?? Okay.
-They really grew this show up for us adults that watched it in 2005 and focused in on the really painful moments, themes, and details.
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breakingstanding · 3 months
I am actually devastated over Michaela… not because I care about Michael or the book, but if they’re making Francesca queer, there’s no way they’re making Eloise a lesbian (which she SO clearly is!). I saw the spoiler of Franny and thought okay they can make 2/8 queer, and then I watched and saw they made Benedict queer too! I just can’t see them doing 3, especially 2 women.
It’s so disheartening because so many people have been rooting for sapphic eloise and I think hardly anyone was wanting Franny.
I think i’m more upset with this than if none had been queer because like ugh we were SO CLOSE. We could’ve had it all. like imagine how happy we could all be right now. 😭
they’ve been setting up queer benedict and eloise since season 1 so I just don’t understand why they would do this. (sorry for venting to you- none of my friends that’s watch are caught up yet)
Always happy for a vent, and I definitely feel you! I'm personally really excited about Francesca's storyline because I really liked her this season and Michaela is EXTREMELY hot lol - but I'm also frustrated that it's the sister we've had as a side character for one season who will be getting a queer love story, and not the one we've been invested in for three seasons.
Ultimately I think the frustration we are feeling is more because this is reflective of larger issues that always pop up in fandom than being upset about not getting a storyline we wanted for a character (although I'm not going to pretend that's not a factor too!) a) There's such a pattern in fan spaces for queer people to see themselves in a character and to recognise clear queercoding, and then to have straight people come in and condescendingly say "not all characters with x trait have to be gay" - as if we have an overabundance of queer characters and are trying to get our grubby gay hands on more. So much of the discourse around Eloise amounts to people saying "not all feminist characters have to be lesbians" which is crazy to me because WHERE are all these shows that are supposedly full of feminist lesbians?? Please tell me I would love to watch them!
b) Straight fans will get all different types of characters and plotlines for the heterosexual couples and then act like queer people are being greedy if we ask for more than one for us. Just within Bridgerton there have been three straight main couples already - and of the queer siblings we've also gotten to see a cute romance between Francesca and a man, and will likely see Benedict fall in love with a woman (this is not to diminish their queerness, obviously bisexual stories are incredibly important regardless of the gender of the love interests, more just pointing out the sheer quantity of m/f love stories straight fans get to enjoy).
It absolutely sucks that we exist in a TV landscape where instead of being excited about what looks to be a delightful relationship between Francesca and Michaela we are instead mourning the loss of other another character's queer potential. It's absurd that we are so rarely allowed to have multiple sapphic characters (who aren't each other's love interest) on the same show - particularly because in real life queer people tend to flock together!
The feeling reminds me of being part of the 100 fandom nearly a decade ago. I distinctly remember when it was leaked that Clarke and Lexa were going to kiss. The sapphic side of the fandom were definitely very excited - but there was also this strange sense of dread too. I saw countless posts of people bemoaning that now that she was gay they were definitely going to kill her off - and they were right! Bury your gays was such a common trope that we could see it coming a mile off.
This has felt like a very similar reaction. Queer fans spend a lot of time dealing with subtext and are very good at recognising tropes and patterns, and we know that the chances of Netflix allowing one their tentpole shows to have two sapphic main characters is slim to none.
I hope we are wrong and things are changing for the better, I really do.
I think the best thing we can do now is swallow our disappointment and make sure we support Francesca/Michaela fiercely to prove that there is an audience for sapphic stories.
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darthstitch · 2 years
That Goddamn Fishbowl
Let's talk about Dream and that "fishbowl."
From a story and plot perspective, Dream's imprisonment starts off his story arc. This is where we first get to meet the King of Dreams, an entity imprisoned by a greedy, avaricious man who just wanted power, prestige and wealth. The comics don't even give Roderick Burgess a conveniently dead son to humanize him. He's just an asshole who wants to get one up on Aleister Crowley, a real person who was pretty well known in occult circles as "the wickedest man in the world."
I've seen some fans like to rationalize this as Desire's attempt to get the stick out of Dream's arse, knock him down a few pegs, stop him from becoming a complete monster. That the fishbowl was a "timeout" that was "good" for Dream and led to his character growth. So Desire had a point, right? Maybe Desire wasn't so bad after all.
People still continued to dream, right? Maybe Dream wasn't really needed to perform his function. Desire is the stronger of the two, after all, at the end of the Sandman series, Dream breaks. Dream as Morpheus comes to realize that in order for him to change, he should just die. The universe doesn't need Morpheus - they needed a Dream who was young, still capable of hope, a clean slate - hence, the rise of Daniel Hall as Dream - a pure, literal white knight who could lead the Dreaming better than Morpheus ever could.
The tragedy of Desire, to be honest, is this. Dream is the third eldest of the Endless for a reason. He is absolutely more powerful than Desire because dreams are where desires originate, where they are shaped and given form. It's not a coincidence that Destruction is fourth eldest after Dream, that just as Dream defines Reality, Destruction defines Creation, the logical next step when you're inspired to imagine and wonder. That's what Desire can't accept, because they're just as proud and as arrogant as Dream is, and ultimately, they're even more cruel and less self-aware.
If this was a bid for Dream's attention, then it's even more sad and pathetic. Dream loved Desire once and trusted them completely. And then Desire destroyed that love, affection and trust by messing around with Kilalla of the Glow and laughing in Dream's face about it. Was Kilalla a good match for Dream? Absolutely the hell not - she did not understand who Dream truly was, but she'd eagerly "traded up" when the star Sto-Oa courted her, dropping poor Dream like a hot potato. Could the relationship have developed better, given time and space to communicate? Maybe - they were still dating when all of this happened. We'll never know because Desire stomped all over that relationship and broke Dream's heart. It started off Dream's long string of disaster romances, where he could never trust and give into his desires in a healthy fashion, always afraid that his sibling was meddling and messing shit up.
The ironic thing is I can see that Alianora had to be Desire's attempt at a peace offering, but how would Dream accept that, knowing that this particular sibling just loved to fuck with his head? That he'd been manipulated and deceived before?
Dream is flawed but it's not impossible to talk to him. Death proves it when she points out how much of an asshole he had been to Nada. Death doesn't imprison Dream in a fishbowl to get him to calm his tits down and listen - instead, she literally helps him to make a friend in Hob Gadling. One mortal turned immortal - imagine that, you can actually drive home a point and make your little brother learn a lesson without emotional and physical abuse. Amazing!
There is nothing good about Dream's time in the fishbowl. The TV show only shows us the death of Jessamy - who absolutely did not deserve to die trying to save her lord - and Unity, who had spent her life in dreams and was actually raped and impregnated by Desire in a twisted plot to get Dream to spill family blood. The comics makes it clear that thousands of people died because of the sleepy sickness - little stories like the one of Ellie Marsden, Daniel Bustamonte and Stefan Wasserman. They didn't deserve this bullshit.
Ultimately, the Sandman is a tragic tale. Dream of the Endless attempts to change - to try and be a better ruler, a better friend, a better brother, lover, husband and parent. In the comics, many of his relationships and failings are repaired and fixed - Nada is freed from hell, Calliope is freed from Richard Madoc and closure is reached with her, Dream makes it to his meeting with Hob and calls him friend, Orpheus is finally set free from his living death. But it now has the sense of a person quietly closing out his affairs, having realized how terrible and unlovable and unworthy he is. That it's time to set down his crown and his powers and pass it on to someone worthy. It's a long suicide note, accomplished with the elegance and flair that Dream is known for, but it is suicide. Morpheus is dead. A wake is held for him. And his remains are set off in a Viking-style funeral - on a wooden boat set to sail straight into the heart of a star.
The last time we see Dream as Morpheus, he is with his brother Destruction, appearing one more time to Hob Gadling, in the same way dead loved ones appear to say a final farewell.
Where is Morpheus now? The text isn't clear, really. We are invited to imagine. Perhaps he is wandering between the stars and universes with his brother, free at last from function and duty. After all, there are many versions of Dream in the multiverse, and this version of Morpheus is just one of them. Perhaps he is now human, getting to grow old and creaky like the rest of us, living a mortal lifetime, ready to greet his sister when his time comes.
Maybe he's just some writer named Neil, grumpily answering inane asks in his Tumblr inbox.
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reader meeting Florence’s family? being really nervous cause they’re American and worrying about how they won’t understand the British banter. also wanting to wear long sleeves to cover up their tats for flops parents just in case and flo is like “you’re so cute but you’re an idiot”
── ⋆。゚☁︎ 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗱𝗼𝘂𝗯𝘁
paring: florence pugh x gn!reader
tag(s): fluff, established relationship, flo being an amazing gf, short blurb
warning(s): grammatical errors, unedited, not proofread, mentions of self doubt (?), overthinking
word count: 959
note: I'm aware that the title is shitty, so is the ending, but I tried my best. I really hope you like it, anon. It's so short is embarrassing and for that I'm sorry. I wrote this with a fem reader in mind, but I think it also works for a gn one. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you guys enjoy <3
requests are open! + check my rules here <3
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Staring at yourself in the mirror, you couldn’t help but let doubt fill your thoughts.
Your mind was going through every single little flaw that you had. The day had just begun and all you wanted to do was wrap yourself in a blanket and watch tv the whole day. You knew that day was inevitable. You had postponed it for a while now, but Florence wasn’t having that anymore. 
She wasn’t mad at you, she understood how you were feeling. She felt the same way when she met your family. But she knew you had nothing to worry about. Deborah Mackin and Clinton Pugh were the chilliest parents ever in history. I mean her mother got high with Snoop Dogg of all people. And her siblings weren’t a problem, they will like you immediately. She knew you were going to be more than okay. 
“Why can’t we just stay at home?” you said, while looking at the reflection of Florence in the mirror. 
“Y/n…” Florence trailed off, getting closer to you.
“Yeah, let’s just stay, okay? I can make that dish you love, or we could–”
“Babe, stop,” she chuckled at you and grabbed your shoulders, softly squeezing them trying to calm you down. “We’ve already talked about this. You’ll be more than fine, okay? They are going to love you, as much as I love you.”
“Is just…” you were second guessing sharing your worries with her, afraid that you’ll sound stupid.
“What is it?” but she saw right through you, like she always did.
“What if I can’t understand them because of their accent? They’ve been in the UK their whole lives, their accent must be stronger than yours. They probably speak like Louis Tomlinson and I won’t be able to understand anything of what they’re saying.”
“Baby, you’re being silly,” she tried to soothe you.
“I’m not. Have you ever listened to that guy speaking? It’s like he’s speaking gibberish.”
“You’ll understand them. You can understand my mumbling better than no one else, it’ll be okay.”
“Okay, you’re right about that,” but still her words didn’t reassure you. “What if they don’t like me?”
“I’ve been telling them about you since the day we met, they can’t wait to finally meet you. They are going to love everything about you," she left a kiss on your forehead, she knew how much those little kisses soothe you and although you wanted them to work, it only made you more anxious. “Hey, why are you wearing long sleeves? It’s hot outside, baby.”
“I just, I don’t think it is appropriate if I’m showing my tattoos.”
“Are you being serious right now?”
“I’m dead serious. I don’t want to give the wrong impression,” Florence just playfully rolled her eyes at you. “What if they think I’m part of a gang or something? That I’m a bad influence, huh?
“You’re so cute, but you’re an idiot. You are the sweetest person I know on earth, there’s no way for you to give a wrong impression. Plus, you’re a ray of sunshine, they can't possible think you are part of a gang” she placed her hand on your cheek and you leaned in her touch, finding some comfort in her warmth. 
“But what if–”
“No, stop it. They are going to love every single little thing about you, and if they don’t I will force them to, but that won’t be necessary.”
“Okay. Yeah, you’re right, everything’s going to be fine. I’m just worrying over nothing,” you breathed out all the anxiety and stress you were holding in. 
“I’m always right,” a cocky smile forming on her lips. 
“That’s debatable,” you chuckled at her. 
“Let’s just go, okay? You ready?”
“Put me in the car before I change my mind,” even though you were joking, Florence knew that you were also telling her the truth. So she rushed the both of you to her car and quickly started the car. 
“Please, come back soon, okay? We will love to have you again,” Deborah, Florence’s mum, said to the two of you before walking out the door. Your smile only grew bigger at her words. 
“We sure will, Deb,” you called her by the nickname she told you to. You looked over at Florence, a smile as big as yours on her face. 
“It was lovely to finally meet you, Y/n,” Clinton said, getting closer to you to hug you goodbye. 
“The pleasure was all mine.”
“Okay, I’m gonna have to interfere here, before you two take them away from me,” you all chuckled at Florence's words, still she held you from your waist. 
The four of you said your goodbyes, and Florence and you made your way to her car. Once inside, you let out a big laugh, Florence didn’t know what came over you, giving you a confusing look. 
“I can’t believe I was so stupid to avoid this for months, your family is the best,” she smiled at you, relief washing over her. 
“I don’t wanna say I told you so…” 
“You do wanna say I told you so,” you mumbled.
“But I told you so,” she finished, you rolled her eyes at her, trying to hold your smile. But how could you? If she made you so happy by just existing. 
“I love you, Flo,” you said, failing to suppress your smile. 
“And I love you more,” she rested her hand on your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
You rested your hand on hers, grateful that she was right there with you, to reassure you when you doubted, to hold you when you were falling apart, to love you like no one else. You thanked the universe you got to call her yours only.
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now-that-i-saw-you · 9 months
2023 recap
I've lived a thousand lives this year. I also read around 40 books, watched 17 shows, 34 movies and listened to 40,214 minutes of music and I'm gonna narrow them all down to top 3 favorites of each category.
1. Midnights
I'm a swiftie forever and ever so best believe whatever album Taylor released it's gonna be my favorite album ever, but Midnights is exceptionally good. It's no surprise that most songs on my top 5 most-played are from Midnights (and the only one that isn't is seven). This is my AOTY and I want to personally thank Taylor for writing You're On Your Own, Kid.
2. Stick Season
My sixth most-played song was Dial Drunk and I think it was just a couple of streams away from entering the top. The rest of the album is just as good and as poignant. It's so folklore-esque and I adore a good story that makes me forget about my problems.
3. Good Ridddance
Did you guys know Gracie Abrams is fucking excellent? I listened to Good Riddance and it was amazing and then I listened to her earlier work and they were also amazing. Good Riddance is for girls in their 20s who feel like they mess everything up (it's so evermore-coded).
1. All For The Game
I read a lot of great books this year but this is probably the only one I've been properly obsessed with. Every single word in these books made me cry, it just made me feel so much; angry, sad, happy, but mainly hopeful.
2. She Who Became The Sun
This is objectively the best book I read this year. It's eloquent and complex and interesting and deals with subjects like gender and sexuality in such a fine, delicate way. I wanted to savour every moment with this book, read every word slowly so I could properly understand it. Ouyang is up there with Adam Parrish and Lyra Silvertongue in my Favorite Characters List.
3. Conversations With Friends
This book made me feel seen, while deeply hurting me. Turns out I kinda like the Miscommunication trope and I think it's mostly because I love it when characters feel like real people and nothing is more real than not saying what you should or saying the wrong thing.
TV Shows
1. Succession
I came to realize that what makes me love a show/book is mostly the characters. I love complicated characters that feel like real people. I love it when I can't decide whether I hate or love a character. Even my least favourite characters (Logan and Tom) were well-written and had a very satisfying storyline. I did not understand a single thing they said when talking about finance (at least I learned what a Bear Hug is...sorta) and that didn't stop me from enjoying the show and following the plot and to me that shows how entertaining it was.
2. Better Call Saul
Everyone should watch this show. This is one of the greatest corruption arcs I've ever seen on TV and Jimmy is an excellent protagonist, I love the way the writers build his character's arc and his relationship with people around him, mainly his brother but also Kim because their relationship was amazing. They were so cute and doomed by the narrative. Personally, I enjoyed every season and wasn't bored at any point. This show was done with so much love and you can feel it.
3. Totally Completely Fine
I love it when I stumble on a show because I have nothing else to watch and it turns out to be a favourite. Totally Completely Fine has everything: Humour and wit, discussing important, sensitive topics in a very appropriate manner, and an incredibly real sibling relationship. The show gives a voice and empathy to the eldest siblings, the youngest and the middle child and I'm never getting over "you took all the air."
Please watch it because I want a second season.
1. The Whale
Idk if this a controversial opinion or not but I found this film very moving. To me it's a story about healing and forgiveness being a possibilty for everyone. I really felt and cared for the main character.
2. El Camino
The Breaking Bad writers are just very good at their job. I love Jesse and I love this additional story to the universe.
3. Loving Vincent
The entire film was made by oil painting. How can I not include this? It's a beautiful film telling the story of Vincent Van Gogh's death. I encourage everyone to watch it.
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awwsd · 1 year
Death of the Endless: Show vs Comic
There has been much hoopla and many a meta about how the show (slightly) softens the Sandman’s characters, but after reading the comics I was most struck by Death of the endless and how different she is (she’s so much nicer in the show so far—) anyway I love them both so very dearly for different reasons so here are my rambly-ass thoughts in no particular order.
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My angel sweetie baby cakes the love of my life, she would never throw bread at her brother ever in her life how could you even accuse her of such a thing????
She’s near tears now actually.
She’s trying so hard not to cry rn.
God, don’t you feel awful?
Absolutely would have freed Dream if she could, Something must have come up.
Sort of falls into the Wise and Perfect Woman stereotype, but I feel like there’s so much stress built up under there.
She is everyone’s Mom, but not in the fun wholesome way, in the the parentified way.
Loves humanity, loves to watch people make mistakes and grow from them, just wishes they didn’t fear her so much.
She’s so so sad so much all the time, but she hides it by being aggressively nice to the point people become actively concerned for her self preservation instincts.
I think she has a depression hoodie.
Stress bakes. It makes her smile :)
Taught herself guitar.
Beautiful and kind but unable to handle meaningful relationships because she’s not sure she deserves them.
Empathizes So Hard All The Time.
Not sure where she ends and everyone else begins. Maybe has some individuality struggles.
Love her because she is constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown and deserves to snap and be a Little Bit Worse, as a treat.
God I hope she’s meaner in season 2.
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Is actively having a mental breakdown at all times, tries to be nice, threw bread at Dream.
Would have thrown more if she could reach it.
She’s more powerful than you, she knows this, you knows this, she doesn’t particularly care because the universe is just Like That so it’s whatever.
Doesn’t have a solid understanding of what would actually, you know, kill someone.
She’s working on it, okay?
Kind of icky to look at, but like, in a hot way.
Tired older sister energy, wants very much to stay home and watch TV with her goldfish but UGH her little brother summoned the furies AGAIN.
Gotta get him out of this mess ig.
Loves her siblings but kind of incapable of vocalizing it.
I think she probably brings them fun new souls that she thinks they’d like, sort of like a crow brings shiny trinkets or something.
Mommy issues (Listens to Mitski on a loop and cries.)
Would probably be nicer if she ever got to take a nap but she hasn’t slept in over a century.
Channels her negative energy into mild pettiness and aggressive manic pixie dream girl energy.
She’s also sad, I think that’s the throughline here.
Everyone tells her she’s So Nice and her words are So Profound.
But that’s only because they can’t tell her insults aren’t jokes.
Got beaten up by some guy once because she followed him into a dark alleyway for funsies.
Makes Faustian deals with people.
For funsies.
Love her because she means well but just kind of fails, by the cosmic nature of her very being.
It’s my favorite character trait.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 8 months
hi! i’m the anon that called u numba one 🏆 just saw ur post about living with pcos and struggling with weight loss. i don’t have pcos, but i have endometriosis and a whole arsenal of ailments that would take forever to list. oh also im a wlw like u 😁i’m not the wisest person, but i will say that you have to be kind to yourself. even when you’re crying seven times in the doctors office. feel the disappointment, and the sadness, and know that it will not go on forever. sometimes being kind to yourself is allowing yourself to be sad without feeling weak for being sad. no one knows what’s going on in your mind but you, so let it flow freely. also you’re a fantastic writer,,, i literally have your notifs on and check your page everyday, and that’s coming from someone who’s been reading fanfiction for like 10 years. not many people can envision a scene so human and translate it into words as you do. your execution is flawless, but not clinical and robotic, it evokes warmth and real emotion. you give that freely to the general public of tumblr, and you should know we love you and your beautiful brain for it. i hope you find comfort in knowing other people like you are provided with a safe escape in your writing, if only for a moment. lord knows we do.
(ps, try intermittent fasting if you haven’t already ;))
(p.p.s. call me 🏆 anon )
anon will you give me a hug
I feel like you’re the older sibling I don’t actually have- tangent but my parents aren’t exactly the best people and I’m the eldest of all my siblings so you leaving this for me in my ask box genuinely made me cry. I’m so grateful that I finally have people who care and are so kind and thoughtful 🩷 I really will try and take your advice. It’s just that I’ve felt so upset and have had so much pent up depression that it’s just so difficult for me to not think I’m a horrible person just because I’m sad all the time if you know what I mean
and yes I’m wlw and still trying to come to terms with that yk? like I wish I could be loud and proud but I just can’t bc of what’s around me
and you have notifs on??? oh my god I’m so honored!!!! I need to stop shitposting… sorry for lol of the garbage you’ve seen 🏆…
what you’ve said about my writing is on god the nicest, most wonderful thing anyone’s ever said to or about me. you don’t understand what it means to me when you say my writing evokes emotion and makes you feel things. genuinely I have no words in response to that, I’m just so honored and just happy that you think so. coming from years of just a depressed state, I’d cling to any sort of media- tv shows, films, especially x reader fanfiction because it made it like I wasn’t actually suffering and that I have someone who loves me. I know nobody wants to read about this lol but genuinely (I’ve said that a million times already), genuinely, I could die tomorrow happy knowing that my work has made people feel better or made people just happy. I’m so, so, glad that my work is an escape for you. you’re always welcome on my blog, in my ask box, in my pms, whatever. I love you so so much 🫶🏽
(I’m really trying with food… my relationship is so unhealthy with it but I’ll let you know how it goes!)
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statisticalcats2 · 11 months
StatisticalCats' gorilla family
Notes: There are other gorillas I talk about but these are the main ones. These are the gorillas from the troops in my two "local" zoos that I visit frequently.
To have even a little bit of simplification, I am only listing parents and offspring if they're one of "my" gorillas and only listing siblings if they have lived/are living together and are one of "my" gorillas.
Parents, siblings, and offspring are the only relationships I'll list, but some named gorillas have other types of relation or are even related in multiple ways with others. I'm just going for as simplified as this very unsimple thing can be fiuhwd
I will be including some gorillas who are now deceased.
Brookfield Zoo
Ramar (M) Born: 1968 Died: April 2018 Offspring: Kamba Info: Born in the wild and raised in the entertainment industry. Ramar was one of the lucky few animals in the industry whose handlers weren't violent with them. When Ramar reached adulthood, his handler realized he should be with other gorillas in a more suitable environment and Ramar was moved into zoo life. He went through several zoos without much success in fully meshing with a troop (likely a negative consequence of his upbringing away from other gorillas) before reaching Brookfield Zoo where he finally settled well enough with a troop to even father children. Ramar led the troop from 1998 to 2012, spending the remaining years "in retirement."
Jojo (M) Born: April 1980 Died: July 2022 Offspring: Azizi, Nora, Zachary, Ali Info: Jojo was born and spent many years of his life at my other frequented zoo, Lincoln Park Zoo, though the last time he lived there was before I started visiting. Jojo was quite famous inside the US zoo community, known for his excellent leadership skills. He had a unique stern look that would catch people's eye and pictures of him have featured on branded vodka bottles, book covers for the Tarzan novel, and even on a background poster in the popular tv show New Girl!
Jontu (M) Born: January 1997 (adult) Info: I first met Jontu when he was living in a bachelor troop at Saint Louis Zoo. After Jojo's passing, Jontu was chosen to move to Brookfield and become the troop's new silverback, arriving in Febrary 2023. While this is his first time leading a family troop, he was the dominant male in his bachelor troop so he has some leadership experience, though I don't know how prepared anyone could be for the strong-willed Brookfield girls! The girls love him (other than Binti who just vaguely co-exists with him but that's how she was with Jojo too) and he's settled well into the troop.
Binti Jua (F) Born: March 1988 (adult) Offspring: Koola Info: Gained fame outside of the zoo community in 1996 when she rescued a little boy who fell into the gorilla habitat. Binti's been the lowest ranking of the troop since Jojo's years, at least partially through her own choice. I've been told how many children Brookfield was hoping Jojo would father and the number makes me think they expected him to father children with Binti. That never happened which is likely by her own decision. Binti seems to have had enough with the social politics of troops and is content to stay out of the ranking and just live her life.
Koola (F) Born: February 1995 (adult) Parent: Binti Jua Offspring: Kamba, Nora, Zachary Info: Koola is the highest ranking female and actively maintains her position. If I understand things right she's held her rank since Ramar's years of leadership, she is dedicated. She's strong-willed and assertive. She actually helped Jontu to learn the schedules and procedures of his new home!
Kamba (F) Born: September 2004 (adult) Parents: Ramar and Koola Maternal siblings: Nora, Ali Offspring: Zachary Info: Kamba's lower ranking but seems to be actively trying to gain rank.
Nora (F) Born: November 2013 (adult) Parents: Jojo and Koola Maternal sibling: Kamba Paternal sibling: Zachary Full sibling: Ali Info: Nora's a very interesting personality because she's dealt with anxiety since even before the pandemic shaking things up, but she's also inherited her mother's strong will and assertiveness. She's actually actively taken rank over her older sister Kamba since Jontu's arrival. Possibly even before, as I can remember visiting after Jojo's passing but before Jontu's arrival and noticing Nora "taking charge" in interactions quite a bit! I'm very curious if in the future she'll reach even higher and try to take the highest rank from her mom who has held it for around 20 years! She loves wood wool and often hogs as much of it as she can to nest with.
Ali (F) Born: June 2018 (juvenile) Parents: Jojo and Koola Maternal sibling: Kamba Paternal sibling: Zachary Full sibling: Nora Info: Ali's the only juvenile of the troop and still has her white spot on her bottom to prove it! She's a bit of a troublemaker and loves to play with both gorillas and enrichment items including food! Also a little fun fact: I quite possibly witnessed Ali being conceived lmao
Lincoln Park Zoo
Family troop
Kwan (M) Born: March 1989 (adult) Offspring: Amare, Patty, Nayembi, Bella, Mondika, Djeke Info: Kwan grew up as the only juvenile in his troop, something that was possibly reflected in his first step into fatherhood with Amare. Amare was known to basically be allowed to do whatever he wanted. Kwan did get better at being a parent as he had more kids. He's very child-oriented and seems to see all of his kids as being equal instead of varying in rank. While there is a highest ranking female in the troop, Kwan seems to consider all the kids to be the next rank after himself. Kwan used to have a noticeable problem with the outdoors, not liking to be outside and being nervous when any of his troop was outside. He would often start displaying and trying to herd everyone back inside within 10 minutes of anyone being outdoors. He's gotten over this nervousness about the outdoors and now no one would ever guess he used to have such a problem with it!
Bahati (F) Born: September 1990 (adult) Paternal sibling: Rollie Offspring: Bella Info: Not very interested in social politics but has ended up with a higher rank more often than not anyway because life is weird.
Bana (F) Born: March 1995 Died: March 2024 Offspring: Patty, Djeke Info: Tends to be the lowest ranking but active in trying to gain a higher rank. She's a very good and protective mother. She successfully gained rank and was the highest-ranking female until her death in March 2024.
Rollie (F) Born: October 1996 (adult) Paternal sibling: Bahati Maternal sibling: Amare Offspring: Nayembi, Mondika Info: Highest ranking female and active in maintaining her position. She loves food even more than the average gorilla, her biography on display in the zoo even describes her as "very food-oriented"! More of a hands-off mother than troopmate Bana, it's been very interesting seeing such different styles of parenting happening right next to each other. My perception of her is that she's very attractive by gorilla standards, I've heard that Kwan fell in love with her at first sight and she has other family members that seem to show a trend of such things, a whole family of gorgeous gorillas!
Nyah (F) Born: September 2013 (adult) Info: Originally from Buffalo Zoo. Moved to Lincoln Park Zoo in September 2024.
Bella (F) Born: February 2015 (juvenile/teen) Parents: Kwan and Bahati Paternal siblings: Patty, Nayembi, Mondika, Djeke Info: Bella liked her independence from an early age but had an interesting phase when her younger brothers were born where she seemed to get jealous about no longer being the baby of the troop. She started napping and resting cuddled up to mom again after years of sleeping on her own and even tried to nurse again. She's since adapted to the change though and has become a good big sister!
Mondika (M) Born: May 2019 (juvenile) Parents: Kwan and Rollie Paternal siblings: Patty, Bella, Djeke Full sibling: Nayembi Info: He was born on Mother's Day which was really exciting!
Djeke (M) Born: June 2019 (juvenile) Parents: Kwan and Bana Full sibling: Patty Paternal siblings: Nayembi, Bella, Mondika Info: He and Mondika were born exactly a month apart and are very close. In some ways they're like twins because of how close they were born.
Bachelor troop
Amare (M) Born: July 2005 (adult) Parent: Kwan Maternal sibling: Rollie Paternal siblings: Patty, Nayembi Info: Amare was basically allowed to do whatever he wanted by his parents growing up which had interesting effects when the bachelor troop was formed and he was among them. In some ways Azizi had to do some fast-track parenting despite being only less than 2 years older than Amare. Amare's had some nervous characteristics but also actively tries to gain rank. He's been the lowest ranking for a time, I'm unsure where exactly he's at now. In an interesting turn of events he's seemed to switch tactics from directly challenging the highest ranking bachelor to instead playing nice and (re)befriending him!
Umande (M) Born: February 2006 (adult) Info: My special guy! The first time I visited Lincoln Park Zoo I was expecting to get most attached to Azizi because of his relation to the Brookfield troop who had been the only ones I knew at that point. But Umande really stole the attention my first visit, he actually came right up to my sister and I and knocked at the window like "Hey! Don't pay attention to Azizi, pay attention to me!" He tends to be the most visible of the bachelors and spends a lot of time by the windows. He's been a huge show-off but he's settled down some over the years. He challenges the other boys quite a bit but it's hard to tell if he genuinely wants to gain rank or just likes causing trouble! He's the gorilla that I suspect actually remembers and recognizes me from my frequent visits, which is why I call him my special guy!
Mosi (M) Born: October 2006 (adult) Info: Mosi is currently the highest ranking and actively maintains his position. It was really surprising when I learned he had overtaken Azizi! I do think it means something that it was Mosi that Azizi stepped down to, I think he would have fought harder the whole time if it had been either of the other two. Mosi has a friendly and gentle nature and has kind of been the peacemaker of the troop since it's formation. I remember when he was the smallest of the troop but he's now actually the biggest! And boy is he big! He has very long limbs too, he can leave you stunned when he's standing and that's just down on all fours. He's so big that the zoo actually called his former zoo to ask if they had expected him to grow so big, it was a shock to Lincoln Park!
Saint Louis Zoo
Zachary (M) Originally from: Brookfield Zoo Born: September 2015 (juvenile/teen) Parents: Jojo and Kamba Paternal siblings: Nora, Ali Info: Zachary was moved to Saint Louis Zoo in an exchange where Jontu was moved to Brookfield. Zachary's at an age where it could have caused problems with a new silverback for him to still be in the troop. I had been pretty concerned for him when it happened because even though he was an older juvenile he was still quite a mama's boy and he would be moving to a troop with two grown adult males. If Jojo hadn't passed away Zachary would have probably been living in his natal troop for at least a couple more years. Thankfully he's doing well in his new home, especially after being joined by another young male of a similar age! The two aren't yet living with the two older males, but they're getting along great with each other. Brookfield Zoo is one of the very few remaining AZA accredited zoos that has no outdoor habitat for their gorillas (which will thankfully change come 2025!) so this move introduced Zachary to the outdoors for the first time! I've been so happy to see pictures and videos of him outside!
Detroit Zoo
Nayembi (F) Originally from: Lincoln Park Zoo Born: November 2012 (adult) Parents: Kwan and Rollie Paternal siblings: Amare, Patty, Bella, Djeke Full sibling: Mondika Info: When Nayembi was an infant she suffered a major facial injury that required her to be removed from her troop and receive surgery. She was hand-reared by keepers for a time as she healed and was thankfully able to be successfully reintegrated with her troop, including her mother. Her past injury is noticeable but doesn't impede her in any way! She's quite rambunctious and has inherited her mom's love for food. It was really common to see her gather up an insane amount of food. I've witnessed Kwan have to get involved sometimes because she would even steal from her siblings. (She was theoretically higher-ranking than her siblings but this was an example of how Kwan seems to consider his children an equal rank.) I was surprised she was moved out before Patty, she's always been the less mature of the two. From what I've seen she's doing very well in her new home though! She gets along with the silverback Mshindi and is socially savvy enough to defer to the other females for now.
Milwaukee County Zoo
Azizi (M) Born: December 2003 (adult) Parent: Jojo Info: Azizi was the highest ranking of the Lincoln Park bachelor troop from the very start. He has a naturally dominant personality that he inherited from his dad and I've heard that he started practicing silverback responsibilities like looking out for the troop's safety from an early age. The years shook things up though and he was no longer the highest ranking by the time he moved out, though he would still try to gain his rank back. He inherited Jojo's severe facial features (my sister often jokes that Azizi looks more like Jojo than Jojo did!) The shortest and smallest of the bachelors but still over 400 pounds. He has uniquely short legs that barely reach past his belly when he's sitting with them extended! He moved to Milwaukee County Zoo in January 2024 to lead a troop of two females!
Louisville Zoo
Patty (F) Born: October 2012 (adult) Parents: Kwan and Bana Paternal siblings: Amare, Nayembi, Bella, Mondika Full sibling: Djeke Info: "Little Miss Mom". She's a very good babysitter to her younger siblings. She's very smart and mastered the voluntary memory and pattern-recognition tests faster than any of the other gorillas. I had actually assumed she would be the first of the older daughters to leave the troop but ended up being wrong. She was moved to Philadephia Zoo in April 2024, however things didn't work out there and she was moved again in July 2024 to Louisville Zoo.
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bronzeagepizzeria · 11 months
Get To Know Me
Thank you for the tag, @demdifferentstories-29 !
What is your name? Niyati
For how long have you had this account? since 2018, i think? only started using it during the pandemic though
Favourite food? i have a massive sweet tooth, so anything sweet, really. also pizza
Favourite drink? i don't drink anything interesting xD just water and even then a bitch is severely dehydrated
Do you have any siblings? yes, one older sister
Do you have pets? yessss i've got three cats!!
How old are you? 19
How many languages do you know? i'd say i'm most comfortable in english, but i can speak hindi fluently as well. i understand tamil entirely and sort of understand marathi + a few words of kannada bc i lived in bangalore for 13 years
What's your all-time favourite movie/tv show? fav movie has got to be the godfather part ii. i've watched it a million times. fav show will forever be game of thrones, no matter how badly it crashed and burned. i really imprinted on that shit lol
What are you enjoying to do in your free time? read fic hahaha. or watch movies. recently i haven't managed to watch anything except reels on instagram though, send help
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? mostly an introvert, but i think i'm just bad at small talk. i don't have issues with public speaking or anything, and i can talk about stuff i'm interested in for hours and hours to virtual strangers xD
Your favourite music genres? i don't listen to a lot of english music tbh! i'd say pop? mostly i just listen to film soundtracks and bollywood songs
Your dream place to visit? i used to be fuckin OBSESSED with australia as a child so i hope to still go there? but i'd like to visit all over, really. i haven't travelled much. definitely wanna experience living in the US/UK for a while. i plan to do my post-grad abroad
Something you wish you were better at? not procrastinating. it's a serious problem
How long do you take to respond to texts? immediately lol. sometimes i respond to ao3 comments within minutes, which must freak people out
Do you have any tattoos? If not, would like to? nope. look in theory it's a cool idea but i'm famously indecisive and if i can't even settle on a pfp for more than a month i just know i'm gonna pick a tattoo and end up fucking hating it
What's your sexuality? straight
Do you like reading? If yes what's your favourite book? i don't read much anymore, unfortunately. but i want to get back into it
Have you ever been in love before? ehhh no. i usually just trick myself into liking someone i suspect likes me lol
What's your relationship status? single
Have you ever been heartbroken? nah
Best memory you could think of? this question is super hard for me lol. recently my roommate and i did an hp rewatch and she asked me what memory i would rely on for my patronus and...i literally do not know. like i've had a decently happy life, but nothing stands out, you know? there isn't any one instance i can think of like that
Worst memory you can think of? same thing again. my 2023 has been so fucking bad it's not even sad to me anymore i just find it genuinely funny. but it hasn't been all bad either? i really don't know if i've just repressed my emotions for this year or if i'm over it already lol. maybe it'll come back to bite me in the arse later
Do you have any fears? moths and butterflies (i don't discriminate) i also don't like small birds/plants that are beginning to dry up/balloons losing air. i was a weird kid
Are you a morning or a night person? oh, night definitely. i spent the entirety of last year getting like 2hrs of sleep a night and napping during class
How many pictures do you have on your phone? 5001 + my icloud has not been backed up in 462 days
Who was your favourite childhood crush? first guy i ever liked was shahid kapoor. first guy i actively fantasized about etc has got to be chris evans. the captain america movies were my personality for a long time in middle school lmao
Are you a romantic? hmm i don't think so. i have pretty old-fashioned tastes when it comes to love and romance i guess, but i think i'm more of a cynic
What’s your dream date? showing my s/o movies/shows that i love. honestly that's my love language
What are your hobbies? i draw a little, watch movies, read fic. i used to play professional-level badminton but that hasn't been fun for me in a long time :(
Tagging: if you read all the way and you feel like it, go ahead!
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eddiediaaz · 2 years
Todays episode was such a bummer. No Eddie in buck's dream. Like I understand if the writers don't want pair them romantically but no one in their right mind can deny the importance of Eddie in buck's life. There were no logical reasons why Eddie wouldn't be in buck's dream. The writers aren't even trying to be subtle about it.
And I don't understand what is this obsession with forgiving asshole parents in Movies and TV shows. I hated how Albert tried to force a reconciliation between chimney and his father. And I hated even more how Mrs. Han tried to portray Chimney as prideful for not forgiving Mr. Han.
i have to admit, this was my first initial reaction to the lack of eddie in buck's coma dream. i get it. it's a normal surface level reaction, i think. with all the specs and clownery (affectionate) all of us do on tumblr before an episode airs, it's easy to expect something and then be disappointed when we don't get it. but!!! after some time, after some analyzing, after reading some people's takes, i have a more nuanced opinion now. sure, i would have absolutely loved to see eddie in this weird dream buck's mind cooked up, but i think what we got spoke volume. just the fact that the first two things that made him go there's something wrong here were eddie having his back, and then christopher in the tsunami? Choices Were Made. now. i'm not great at writing long and beautiful meta, i think other people have done it better than i ever could. i particularly love these posts:
this great in depth buddie meta
buck facing his childhood trauma
eddie does not fit in the parental or sibling love boxes
as for the parents storylines (the buckleys and hans)... yeah okay. i agree. i know that for some people forgiveness is important, or forgiveness is something that they need so they can move forward and not be stuck in the past. i understand that, i respect it. but i also believe that there's also a good story in not forgiving someone who has wronged you (and i don't feel like the buckleys or hans deserve their forgiveness tbh). i wish they would have gone down that path for at least one of them. i also feel like it's rushed, especially for chim and his father. i thought the reason why chim's father abandonned him was so surface level. he was too prideful? really? i mean i get what they're trying to do, but we need to see more. i really really hope we see more of it, there's much more to tell here. i absolutely love the eddie and ramon storyline, as well as the hen and toni arc. these characters had more in depth conversations, it felt more genuine and real to me, and, ultimately, not rushed. i for sure disagreed when buck said "i know you did your best" to his parents, because that is simply not the truth. but i also think it made sense for his character. buck loves people, he wants to be loved, and he wants a family so bad. so while i was disapointed to see where it's going with the buckleys, i'm not surprised. who knows, maybe there will be more!
i absolutely think this episode was about buck and his self worth, about buck and his relationship with parental figures. it wasn't about buddie at all and that's okay. i personally really enjoyed the episode, despite my initial reaction to the lack of eddie. it's for sure in my top faves, i thought it was absolutely brilliant. all the easter eggs and nods and the editing and camera work and just. i loved it!
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sinbury · 1 year
I’m relieved to hear you’re doing better!! I’m really sorry it took me a while to get to you life has really been beating me down lately and it made me nonverbal, I have thought of you though, how have you been?
I’m sorry, how’ve you been with that? I’ll never understand your loss but I do understand your bond, I have an older sibling and she means a lot to me. It’s funny huh they know how to tick you off but at the end of the day your each other’s missing piece.
Ohh okay good questions!! I do have a cat. I’ll show you pictures when I reveal myself but she’s a grey tabby!! I adore her and found her in the streets lol I have an older sister aaand my favorite hobby is crochet it gives my hands something to do yanno? I get pretty antsy so that helps. I wanna learn bass or maybe drums in the future (I heard the ladies love a girl who plays an instrument and I need something—anything to impress lol) jk I love the sound them 😊 okay, I’ll keep this short buuut I love villains because how misunderstood they are, most of them are woman and our feelings are belittled even in the media. It’s always “they’re crazy” or “you can’t excuse their behaviors because of their trauma” failing to realize that not everyone comes out of trauma as a soft uwu. Trauma isn’t pretty. And most men are forgiven by the public even after making terrible decisions. Some actions become a defensive mechanism and we just want what we deserve. People fail to see that with woman. Men get to feel rage and destruction and literally nobody bats an eye, that behavior is so normalized god forbid woman feel that same intensity of rage and selfishness without the public making entire studies about their behavior. I think 2 of my favorites that I can think of at the top of my head are Catra from shera and Jinx from Arcane. Maybe I’m bias? Now your turn, hobbies? What tv show are you currently watching? Fave season? - Red ❤️
thanks for responding!! i was starting to get worried abt u hehe xx im sorry to hear lifes been hard enough to make you nonverbal :( i dont know what thats like specifically but i know it must fucking suck. i hope u feel better soon and im sending u love 💕
grief sucks ass but its always nice to hear about other peoples siblings!! makes me feel a little bit closer to my brother sometimes :)
i am SO excited to see ur kitty!!! i love that u enjoy crochet bc i have dabbled in it myself and omg its tedious!! kudos for having that patience lmao. i def recommend learning bass too bc my brother was teaching me for a while and its SO FUN !!!!!! 1000/10 makes u feel like a sex god
i like your breakdown of villains in media too, thats always why ive been drawn to them too! especially hot sexy women who do unspeakable acts theres just something so good and cathartic about seeing that 😍😍😍 i havent seen all of she-ra or arcane but i do LOVE jinx from what little i know of her!!! probably due to my harley quinn obsession when i was in high school lmaooo
my pretty much only hobby is art. i just say art as a broad term bc i tend to skip around mediums forever and ever hehe i love all kinds of art!! im not currently watching anything new but one of my fav series is an old detective drama called Life bc the symbolism and the writing is just SO chefs kiss that ive seen it approximately 274818858 times!!! it only has 2 seasons and both are so beautiful in different ways :)
i realize now that i dont even know your pronouns smh!! tell me more abt u!!!! i need all the juicey deets >:3
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
The way that you actually searched up what the length of a novel is LMAO but omg…and you exceeded it by 1.6k words too…honestly this is top tier novel content (WAY better than um. Some interesting concepts. That get put out there….!!! I mean no shame ig but from a subjective standpoint I’d like to think so…)
I’m crying the inspo you get from tv shows though is actually really funny even if it is just a more minor detail LMAO no because that random reference had me laughing and cringing…it really brings more depth and engagement to the story though and I love it!
SAMEE ugh when they don’t know their own feelings and have to navigate through them >>>>> LMAOO yeah I don’t blame you from what I see even without being on like “mhatok” or whatever the fandom is uh….yeah….from what I have seen of the story it’s actually not awful though (you should look up a picture of Aoyama though just for the visual because I fr laughed a bit everytime I saw the name)
Wait you’re so right….we fr need a second egoist bible with more info because iirc that’s where we saw Isagis parents and Bachira’s mom???
Dense y/n is my fav in scenarios like these like DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF LMAOOOO
Otoya in his boxers too made me laugh too like it truly embodies his closeted loser go with the flow personality like that little detail fr just captured his character so well!!
Petition for you to change your header to be Karasu once (not if because surely we will will it into existence) we get a Karasu focused epinagi panel!!
Shshshs YOU GOT THIS!!! In Mira we trust pt. 10…sending inspiration your way LMAO just think about another loser who doesn’t understand what love is…./hj…….maybe listening to more tv osts and tiktok audios will help /j
Omgg enjoy!!! But stay cool SHSHSGS and I hope your nose doesn’t get assaulted any further by any odd odors…..
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO i had to know the truth!! i’ve def written book length stuff before (cough pomegranate ink cough) but 40k is right at the edge so i wasn’t sure if it technically counted or not FJDKJD i guess it does though!! PLSSS baby karasu solos booktok let’s be real /j
i like throwing in references to my obscure favs HAHAH especially that particular show omg i’ve love using lines from it it’s just so funny and nobody knows abt it so it’s like a little easter egg for me 😩 and adding in small stuff like that like you said makes everything just feel more engaging and real!!
HELP MEEE I JUST LOOKED UP AOYAMA FROM MHA I’M CRYING that is baby karasu’s biggest opp right there 😭😭😭 FHDKJD who would pick him over tabito fr 😵‍💫
i’m afraid a second egoist bible would not give us any more canon female characters LMAOO i lowkey think kaneshiro is allergic to women but ykw i honestly don’t mind i’d rather there be no women at all than poorly written ones which get slandered and sexualized by male fans (as we’ve discussed before)
NO LITERALLY WDYM YOU’LL DIE IF HE LEAVES YOU?? WDYM YOU’RE ALWAYS HUGGING HIM AND CLINGING TO HIS ARM?? WDYM YOU DON’T LIKE ANYONE IN THE WORLD AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE HIM?? like she was so so in love with karasu the entire time it was hilarious for her to be like “yeah i just see him as a little brother 🤩” especially because i have a little brother of my own LMAO like that is not how you treat a sibling girl!! tbh i based a lot of tabito and yayoi’s dynamic off of my brother and i’s interactions so hopefully it feels like a realistic sibling dynamic because i can’t even lie sometimes people write siblings so weird and you can tell they’re only children because it just sounds off 😰
OTOYA’S BOXERS >>> no the way he was just wandering through the apartment complex in the boxers during y/n and karasu’s emotional reunion cracked me up because it’s so unserious but so him 😓 he was fr putting in the WORK to get those two together
no because i’m so tempted to make my blog karasu themed but at the same time i love my current theme 😨 which is a surprise because normally i change my theme like once a month 😭 but given how much i love karasu and talk abt him i feel like it might be time to give him the spot of honor especially since nagi had his time as my theme a while ago 🤔
BFISJDSJ i tried listening to songs and audios and whatnot and it just made me think more abt karasu (and also nagi for the few songs i associate only with him) like EVERY song is abt him it’s so bad but i need to lock in and stop thinking abt him for a few hours so i can write for my requests 😩 although i’m seriously considering starting a long fic for him now because as much as i love hollyhock and will not be abandoning mr ninja it’s giving me sm second lead syndrome and karasu isn’t even a second lead or a lead at all he just exists in-verse 😓 i need to write smth extensive and insane for him too!!
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borderlinescorpio · 2 years
Criteria-fitting thoughts - Unstable Emotions (The Reality of Being a Borderline)
TW - Mental Illness , BPD, drug addiction
The reality is, that every single part of the criteria that relates to you as an individual, still won't manifest itself in the same way it does for others. This means that no one should doubt themselves when they're diagnosed, just because of issues such as they've seen other people saying they experience the opposite. The truth is, we are all valid! Please understand whether you fit 5, 6, 7, 8 or all 9, you are valid no matter how many or how they affect you as an individual.
The thing about me is, I'll always provide examples when talking about the affects of Borderline Personality Disorder. I do this for many reasons, but mostly to help people who may not be educated on BPD have an insight into the mind of a Borderline. This can help other borderlines by their FP being able to read, or their siblings, parents or friends. I can be quite an over-sharer, although I don't think I'll need a trigger warning for what I'm going to be writing about today. But I'll include one regardless just incase.
One of the weirdest things I've noticed about mood swings, is having to avoid certain people, places, conversations, even smells, in order to not have panic attacks/flashbacks?? (which automatically lead into an episode of either extremity). My favourite perfume as a teenager, I feel like all the girls had it, Fantasy by Britney, it was amazing but now it just takes me back to the trauma I was experiencing at that time. The strong smell of petrol in a car garage, chicken flavoured supernoodles.. My dad was an addict growing up and he worked as a mechanic, which explains the petrol thing. regardless of my dads life choices, I just wanted so desperately for him to love me the way other girls' dads loved them, it feels pathetic to say it now. One time, he OD'd sitting next to me on the couch, watching TV and his head was at a backwards angle.. I heard liquid coming up his throat but he didn't move, so I yanked him forward and saved that mans life. I was 8 years old, eating chicken flavoured supernoodles.
Even things people might deem as stupid can ruin my whole day, such as hard style music or certain shows or movies with disturbing plots or may have been big in the world of cinema, back in a time where my life was a living hell and i only had myself to rely on fully. Trying to mask it in front of other people is f*cking hard too. I've tried the whole 'okay I will go to the concert, maybe the environment will distract me from the negative effects the music has on my body'.. don't do it, you'll only wish you never went to begin with.
The mood swings side of BPD really does make me terrified to be a parent, like what if I do or say one thing ever that causes them trauma.. I know and I am confident in the work I have done over these past few years to get help and work on changing behaviours, but how do I know I wouldn't end up more mentally ill while being pregnant or after giving birth? Would I have to come off of my medication, which alongside therapy has been the only thing to keep me on an even keel? I'm 25 and I feel like I should be A LOT further on in life than I am..
Another curse of unstable emotions for me personally has got to be the intense lonliness I feel 24/7, due to isolating myself in the hopes that if I'm not around other people, then maybe I won't ruin my relationship with them by splitting or heading into an episode and being too much to handle. If I'm in a manic state I'm too loud and overbearing, and I do really stupid things with a lot of disorganised thinking, it can get quite dangerous. However, if I'm in a depressive episode, my negativity is too much to handle, I'm too intolerant, too aggressive. So I just simply stay away, because what else can I do to protect them from.. me. Or is it me? I'm at a point where I've let the monster take over so much, I have no idea where it stops and I begin.. I have some really good moments where I feel like myself, not possessed by the demon of darkness, but that quickly fades into bouts of nothingness.
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