#i hope this doesn't come off in a weird obsessive fan way
geniepuppet · 2 years
The way I would legit do anything to work for @wearewatcher
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yandere-sins · 5 months
"He needs to come up with hiding spots ever so often" okay so romantic yan Ghost is basically this:
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How do you think their interaction looks like? It's obviously very uncomfortable for darling. It's also because she's used to gentleness from König, so dealing with Ghost who is sharper and isn't doting like König feels like she's suddenly pushed into cold water without warning.
Honestly, I feel like Ghost would do a lot of stalking, having to kinda tiptoe around König, but also not really giving a flying fuck about whether he's seen or not by the big guy. Ghost doesn't really go out of his way to provoke him, but König is just too needy and can need the reality check that there's someone else in darling's town.
They probably don't have an official agreement on who gets to have them when and where, so Ghost just takes the darling away from König when he's not looking or has duties to fulfill. König just can't always be with darling in his position, and Ghost is there to fill the time he's not.
It probably really is a bit of a shock going from one extrem to the other. Ghost isn't a worse choice of yandere, but with the different intentions it's no wonder that it feels like it. He might come off as rougher, Ghost's passion not comparable to König's adoration. There are more edges to Ghost now that the darling is so used to König's rounded obsession, but unless the two have to hide in a space so small there's no free room between them, it can honestly be a nice change of pace for the darling.
Because Ghost dotes too. By giving them the few freedoms König doesn't. König wouldn't let them cook for themselves, giving them no chance to accidentally cut or burn their hands or worse. Ghost lets them blow up the kitchen if they want. We all know he'd like the knife between his ribs if the darling was the one stabbing him. Ghost lets them rant and have negative emotions that they might hold back in front of König as to not to hurt their friend, he takes them on fun outings like browsing through the inventory of the camp or showing them how and where to shoot with guns. Things they'd have to beg König to do but he really wouldn't be a fan of it and be a "Spaßbremse" (a buzzkill or party pooper).
Ghost loves seeing them carefree, but it's no secret that he hopes the spark he's feeling will go over to them if he's the "fun yandere" and they'll ultimately choose him over König. It might take a while, and he's not always so nice, especially if his darling gets an attitude or has weird ideas that don't suit him at all, but Ghost is patient and aims for the long game—unlike König who will get more agitated the closer his darling and Ghost get.
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ridreamir · 9 months
If you're still taking requests, could I ask for some general HCs for Kieran and maybe Drayton that take place at bb academy? If not feel free to ignore this :)
A/N: Hey! Yeah of course! I'm struggling to write the Kieran fic because I think I'm way in over my head (I'm freezin' up lol the pressure to figure it out is getting to me) so I guess I can take a break and write some headcanons instead!
I'll write for 'em both, but it's post-DLC, I hope you don't mind! Potential spoilers ahead!
These ones are a little silly in retrospect! I did em fast too, so I hope they're not too bad :p
Kieran's secretly your top fan. Not that you notice because there's no way he'd let you catch him, but he's literally dropped what he was doing to run to the entrance of the academy because your name was announced over the intercom. If you're having a match he'll actually full speed sprint to through the school just to be there, but any time you look over he instinctively hides, flush with embarrassment. You don't come and visit him in his dorm room often since you're on such different schedules, but he's had to flip over his pinboard and hide his piles of notes because they're all about you and trying to understand your strategies and, well, other things... His sister won't stop bugging him about it 'bein' weird', but she knows he's flat obsessed with trying to figure you out! The league club has a social media that posts all of your recent matches, and he's had to beg Carmine to show him how to use the phone app because he's new to having a smart phone and Arceus does he have to watch every single one. He didn't even want a phone until now, but he can't believe he's been missing out all this time. No wonder everyone has one of these things! She was reluctant, but it's Kiki after all... It should be fine, right? Well... that was before all the pinboards and sticky note nonsense that looks straight out of a detective movie or something. He's the type to not like posts because he's scared of what you might think, but accidentally hit the heart button on a match from like a month ago. He definitely drops his phone on his face and panics, trying to undo it as fast as he can. Little does he realize that it's actually Lacey who's in charge of the social media account and not you, and also that she can see who's the most active on the page.
She thinks it's cute, and since she loves cute things, she's letting it be for now. She's always giggling and hiding her smile when he pops into the clubroom to check and see if you're there. Most of the time though he ends up running off before he can say hi because he doesn't want to talk to Drayton.
Since he's gotten the phone he hasn't stopped checking it and he smiles like an idiot any time he thinks he's alone. (News flash, he's really bad at hiding what he's doing. Like he could be in the middle of the cafeteria where everyone sees him watching your battles back to back like they're a tv series.) The only reason nobody really thinks much of it is because you're practically a celebrity and not even just in the Academy but, like, big time. And Kieran is probably one of the only people to not know because he's been so chronically offline. You act so low-key, talking to someone like him like he's just, just another person that it's shocking news to find out that the whole world has probably heard your name by now! As in, his (best?) friend!! (Friend??) It gets kind of annoying now how people follow you around asking to take photos with you like you're some kind of, of tourist attraction and not a person! But there's only one thing that's worse, and it's-
"Hey bud, ready to battle?" Drayton! Kieran's... Kieran's... worst nightmare!! Drayton's gotten really buddy-buddy with you over the time that Kieran and Carmine were on break, and he's not happy about it. Unfortunately for him, Drayton's all too aware of Kieran's contempt and loves to push his buttons. As if calling him "Ex-Champ" all the time wasn't enough, you've been helping him with his homework and sparring together every day! What he wouldn't do for you to spend that much time with him...
And it grinds his gears how often Drayton nudges you or ruffles your hair like you're some sort of pet, though you never see the way their pupils shrink at the sight of each other. Kieran here, hiding behind whatever he can to stay out of sight and Drayton who knows that he's there and makes direct eye contact with him. It's infuriating the way his smile quirks just a little when he catches Kieran spying.
As if he's saying look all you want, look at what you can't have.
And Kieran takes that as a challenge.
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lavalais76 · 7 months
Jon & Sansa | Winter in my Heart
I am simply obsessed with these 2. All the Metas and Fan Fiction from you beautiful kindred souls makes me feel so alive! I appreciate each and everyone of you. @istumpysk and @esther-dot @starwarsprincess1986 @sherlokiness @stormcloudrising , you guys give me LIFE with your Metas.
I'm more of a book fan because the show did these characters no justice. We all know WHY. I hope you guys are ok with me posting all these sappy videos. Im sort of new to Tumblr, and I love it here. When I heard about the Kit and Sofie movie set at the time of "war of the roses" I became even more obsessed with Jon and Sansa.
They are obviously giving it away with this movie and trying to get the "Anti's" to get comfortable with the fact that these 2 are inevitable. Before Sansa appeared at Castle Black and even before the show begin I always wondered what the deal was with these 2. It just didn't make any sense, or as someone else put it: "Jon and Sansa are the LOUDEST SILENCE". I ALWAYS had that feeling that the girl in grey would be her. There isn't a single doubt in my mind.
I think something horrible will go down in the Vale and the Blackfish will help Sansa some sort of way to get to Jon. I read many Metas where they say Jon will come back from the dead a mindless beast, and he will have no POV. That's just impossible. Our main character/HERO a mute stuck in a wolf.
First of all I don't think Jon is dead AT ALL. I believe he is hanging on by a string due to blood loss and shock and possibly in a coma like Bran was at the beginning of the series. He will warg Ghost and find out many things about himself through Ghost while his friends (the wildings) nurse him back to life. Though VAL is not one of my favorite characters, some say she is a healer. That could be good for Jon.
Melsandra will probably burn Shrinee anyway because she thinks Stannis is dead. I also think Jon was drugged before the stabbings. The way he spoke of clumsily trying to retrieve LongClaw, and he just gave me a weird vibe. I DO NOT TRUST Satin guys. I know everyone loves him but if Jon were drugged, Satin always provided the drinks. Maybe I'm reaching too far, but that's just my gut feeling. Satin is Judas.
Cerci Lannister had plans on taking Jon off the Chess Board as well, so there is no telling if she orchestrated the whole thing or not. Whatever happens, it's gonna be real UGLY when Jon wakes up. Jon Snow as we knew him is definitely DEAD and died in the snow. The real BEAST is what we will have left of Jon. He will make the Hound look like a little poodle dog.
I do also believe he will be in those woods as Ghost while Sansa is being chased by Ramsay's hounds. He will definitely kill them all including whomever is with the dogs. There was a passage in the books if I remember correctly how when Ghost was a pup, and he was eating. A dog approached to try and steal his prize. Jon said the Dog was much bigger than Ghost, but all Ghost had to do was look at her and she ran away. Ghost got right back to his prize.
I've always wondered if that was a foreshadowing for Ghost fighting the hounds. Another thing, WHERE do Ghost go when Jon wonders of his whereabouts? Well, I'm almost done here Jonsa family. I hope I'm not boring you guys to death with this long book of a post I am writing.
I DO believe Sansa is the Girl in Grey and I'll die by that. I also think that after Ghost!Jon saves her, Brianne and Jamie or Brianne and Company will get her to Castle Black. The dying horse in my opinion is not a real Horse. It could be a person. We've already had the real dying horse with Alyas. Sansa doesn't have to be dressed in Grey either because so many other things links her to Grey.
I remember she had a green cloak in Kings Landing that belonged to the hound and if I'm not mistaken she also got on the boat with LF with that cloak on. Where is it? I do not know.
Anyway, Sansa will arrive at Castle Black shortly after Jon wakes up from his coma (refuse to believe he died and actual death) People will SAY he rose from the dead as they did Sansa when she left Kings Landing. It will be a myth, but people will believe it. Jon will NOT be the same. I believe he will have all of his memories which preserved in Ghost but he will become "THE BEAST" After he has "killed the boy." He would have tapped into his powers and possibly converse with Bran and Bloodraven.
Jon will probably forget what happened in the woods and in his wolf dreams but he will have the shock of his life to see Sansa Stark of ALL people come through those gates. She's come to the end of the world to seek HIM out. He will realize it was the wrong sister he almost got murdered behind.
Everyone will fear him at Castle Black. He will be a cold blooded killer with no humanity left until she walks through those gates. It's a craving Jon had (to see her again) but he kept that to himself. We know this from Ygritte, Alays and Val. He was looking for Sansa in all these women, and now the real deal stands right before him.
I'm not saying it's going to be an easy journey, but she will be the ONLY ONE to calm the beast. Jon will protect her of course (or steal her) but he will be mean to Sansa at first. He will eventually fall madly in love with her and vice versa. She will sing to him, annoy him, anger him, pacify him and Jon won't know what hit him.
They will fall in love because of what they both endured. Jon will be OVER protective of Sansa in the books, possibly locking her up in a tower like Stannis has Val, but this time there is a real princess in the tower that Jon WANTS to steal. I know I've reached my limits here. I am sorry for rambling or any errors, I'm just so happy to have ran across you fine people. If I didn't tag someone is because I don't remember the names and I'm still fairly new on Tumblr.
You guys are the BEST!
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Maybe it’s me shipping Donnie and Mona (wheres my IDW fans at !) would it be ok to request Yandere 12 Donnie and rise Donnie falling for mutant lizard reader ? (You can chose what type of lizard she can be ~) love to see what u come up with !
I chose Argentine Black and White Tegu bcs I love Tegus so much-
Tw: 2012 Donnie was being dumb about food and spits it out cuz he hates it-, mention of kidnapping, 2012 Donnie becomes delusional at some point-, Rise Donnie tries to control diet (not like proportions but food groups)
2012 Donald
Honestly, the initial development of obsession isn't much different, other than that he'll try to learn everything about your species' biology and behaviours. (DO NOT SEARCH UP B+W TEGU COURTSHIP HABITS)
From there he'll try to woo you using said courtship habits- except the one thing that's cursed.
He doesn't notice this, but he starts decorating things in a black and white pattern- hell- bro might make his newest inventions tegu-themed rather than turtle-themed.
Fun fact: Tegus are one of the more affectionate reptiles. And he will use it to his advantage. If you show him too much friendliness he'll become delusional and think you like him back a bit.
Since Tegus loves meat and fruits, he'll try to eat more meat/fruits to seem like "a worthy dude to date" type shit. Istg you could literally see him eating those foods way more than he usually does all of the sudden.
The biggest thing is he'll try to use your biology to get you to like him while doing his other yan behaviours ofc.
"Hey, Y/n!" Donnie greets, eating a bowl of some food.
"Hey. What are you eating?" They mutter as they lean over a bit to peer down into the bowl. Their tongue flicks in-and-out a bit, expressing that they're comfortable in their current environment.
"Oh haha-" He chuckles confidently, perhaps even cockily, "Just some chicken and mango." He eats another spoonful of the food, trying his absolute best to look cool in front of his crush.
The lizard mutant raises an eyebrow muscle in confusion, "Isn't that...An odd food combination for you?" They notice he grimaces just the slightest bit when the food touches his mouth.
"Nah~ I'm enjoying this a lot! It's the perfect sweet and salty~" Internally he was gagging, he did not like this combination. But he lived with it, all in hopes the Tegu in front of him would seem him as a more appealing guy.
"Ok, whatever you say, dude." They walk off, heading to where Mikey was to see what crazy ideas he was up to.
As soon as they were out of eyesight, Donnie opened his mouth to let the food that was sitting in his mouth be spat out again. "Ugh...I should have picked a better combination..."
Rise Diana
Again not super different in terms of the initial yan development. But, there are a few differences.
I think the biggest thing is when you're shedding. He is more protective and is careful no one disturbs the process (unless if you actually request help). If he's kidnapped you, then he'll force you to soak in a tub that he's made- (nothing weird ofc).
He's also very strict about you eating foods that are strictly similar to your Tegu diet. Sure he makes a few exceptions, but he's pretty pushy about having you eat food groups pertained to your animal part's biology. (Ex. no dairy)
Similar to 2012 Donnie he'll try to do SOME of the courtship things, but only if he's comfortable with them. Because he is not as desperate as 2012 Donnie is. (Sorry I had to say it) But- he will try his own methods more to get you to like him.
His favourite thing to do is give you small little metalwork gifts with a Tegu theme. And perhaps a turtle and Tegu with hearts around them.
Overall, much tamer in terms of differences compared to 2012 Donnie. He's just strict about following your biology make-up (without it being too weird to the human world ofc. You're not completely feral lmao)
Donnie was in his lab, creating a gift for his beloved with his metalwork skills. He was currently creating a small key chain, with a tegu and turtle sitting by side with a big heart above them as a charm for the key chain. He did the metalwork, and he could probably paint it himself, but he wanted it to be perfect, so he'll ask his brother, Mikey to do it for him.
"Hm...The shape is still not satisfactory." He mumbles to himself as he tweaks the shape of the turtle's head. This was a gift for his dear, and he ensured himself he needed it to be perfect, and that's what he'll serve.
He could already imagine their little tongue flicking in joy when he presents it to them. As his work was nothing short but absolute perfection. He always found their tongue-flicking adorable, not that he would outwardly admit it though.
"Dearest love of mine, I hope you love my admiration for you." He whispers to himself, trying to hype himself up for the time he would gift them the key chain.
And what more couldn't be cuter than a reptile couple?
Yay- I got this done under an hour-
I heart B+W Tegus so much.
- Celina
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crushedsweets · 1 year
Hello! I hope you are well!
Do you think it’s possible for you to go into Jeff and Nina’s relationship please? Like are they together or is like Jeff taking advantage of Nina liking him so much?
Sorry if you’ve already done this! I love your writing, you’re so talented 🕸️ x
its actually crazy to me that i havent actually written a thing about jeff and nina oh my god. thank you by the way you are so sweet. of course tw for manipulation, abuse, etc
nina is a year or two younger than jeff, and was only around 12-13 when she found out about jeffs murders and rampages. since she was like 7, she was always obsessed with horror movies, gore, eventually true crime and stuff . . just awful things that kids shouldnt have access to but thats what the internet does
she started behaving incredibly weird after her obsession with jeff began (though she was always odd). just really creepy true crime fan behavior in school, acted completely rebelious and eventually cut a shallow smile into her cheeks. her parents were livid and sent her to her to live with her grandparents in Mississippi.
eventually she realized jeffs brother moved to alabama, a state away. she was 18, at the lowest point in her life, and there was now speculation that jeff died after his most recent murder in the arkensaw household in tuscaloosa, alabama.
SO SHE MOVED. stole a ton of money and jewlery and stuff from her grandparents, barely managed to secure a dingy apartment in tuscaloosa, and she went On The Hunt.
she's constantly spamming fangirl rhetoric on creepy forums and catches jeffs eye. dunno exactly how, but he ends up meeting up with her, where he realizes she was just. perfect ? like, he found her annoying from the getgo and knew she was a weirdo, but he knew how easy she'd perfect to manipulate, how much shit he could get from her, and she immediately was like 'COME HOME WITH ME ILL MAKE U DINNER' . so he does. theyre about 19-20 here.
they never actually date in the traditional sense. neither of them asked the other out, jeff doesnt even touch her if he doesn't have to. he does not love her. but nina truly, fully, completely believes they're together. she swaps between calling him her boyfriend and fiance. she tells all her coworkers about how 'oh my boyfriend finally proposed! im engaged guys!' and 'ohh we're thinking about kids..!! he said he wants a girl:)' and all of that. which its all lies, she just lies and lies and lies all the damn time about how great jeff treats her and how in love they are. she does it to all the other creeps too for a period of time, telling toby and nat about how kind jeff is to her and they know shes lying.
jeffs not really mean to her most of the time. she'll make him food, do his laundry, she's lied to the police for him, she's probably been an accessory to murder ... definitely actually since she's cleaning and bleaching his bloody clothes... so he's Nice (?)
by nice i mean like. he'll let her sit and rest her head on his shoulder, let her hold his hand, let her say she loves him. he'll joke with her sometimes, play video games with her, bring her on walks or whatever. wore a bracelet she made for him once. (emphasis on once). he tells her she's pretty if she asks
but again, he's using her - just for a place to stay, some extra money, and he'll even send her on runs to go get weed or something from dealers that give discounts to pretty girls. he won't hug her, won't buy her things, won't help clean up, etc.
NONE OF THIS IS SHIPPING OR ROMANTIC LIKE ITS ALL REALLY SAD AND HORRIBLE. most of the creeps are inherently violent, half are murderers, almost none have any emotional regulation . . theyre just very . yeah.
which is why eventually, he kinda like, loses his shit - he starts screaming about how she's a dumbass who threw her life away for him, how he doesnt give a shit about her, he's shoving chairs around, knocking things off tables. eventually he stabs her, once in the side of her stomach, and leaves.
nina knows jane from the other creeps and calls her as she's frantically trying to fix her own wound, and jane swiftly gets her. jane doesnt like her but jane has morals and knows jeffs mistreating nina - but ninas losing her shit when jane mentions a hospital and refuses to go to the ER, so she ends up in jack's cabin getting stitched up.
theyre all kinda shocked that jeff didnt just kill her. its real weird for him to stab her once and leave, but jeff knew how far ninas devotion went and completely expected her to grovel at his feet and beg for forgiveness, and now he can continue using her just like before . but nina twisted it in her head and convinced herself 'oh its because he loves me! he didnt kill me because he loves me! BUT HE'S MAD AT ME AND I CAN'T FIND HIM AND WHAT IF HE'S WITH SOME OTHER GIRL I NEED TO FIX THIS' but literally nobody wants to help her 'get back' with him because like ...... why would they ?????
so she gets onto whitepages, finds liu, and ends up on his doorstep.
that's where my drawing of her crying on lius kitchen floor comes from
ive kinda hit a point in the story where like... this part is the 'current' plot ??? like this is where we are at in this very moment . so i have nothing concrete for the future...
but overall she does get over him, thats probably where ill put more emphasis on her friendship with nat/toby and her eventual little sister type relationship with liu... i just need to figure out how to do that without it coming off as like 'and she went to therapy and everything was fine !^_^'
i want jeff ... to be... vbery miserab;e....... basically.
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pumpumdemsugah · 11 months
Completely agree about fandom stuff. I’m a frequent lurker in a handful of fandoms and people have always been strange and obsessive but even comparing five years ago and now the difference is stark. I think of how people used to acknowledge that headcanons and fan theories were their own creations and that they were hoping for the best but now with all the social media access there’s a lot of entitlement and begging and it’s embarrassing to watch. Wanting better or non stereotypical, harmful writing/screentime or people with lived experiences in the writing room is one thing but seeing people insist that there’s something secret going on and then throw tantrums when the straight character ends up being straight like the show said all along or shit like that puts me off so many things. 1/2
Yes there are times when shows say one thing and present another but for the most part things are what they say they are (also stop watching if you feel jerked around? this isn’t a hostage situation) Idk I feel like any adult that can’t watch something without needing it to relate exactly to them is a major loser or whiteness/‘queerness’ has eroded their brain. They would die being a black lesbian woman and watching shit because 9/10 our representation is a joke. And I know queerbaiting is real but a lot of it is simply fan delusion especially when it comes to white guys. Like I wouldn’t have watched it anyway because it seemed uninteresting but seeing how the fans are up neil gaimans ass about his show is so pathetic. The loss of private forums to speculate and be weird and write fanfiction has done major damage. People will go on social media and fully @ creators/writers explaining why the characters they created are actually this instead of that with a straight face and their full government names attached. Grown adults too. Where is the self awareness and shame lmao 2/2
Honestly! " It isn't a hostage situation" sometimes it's just time to drop a show and mourn what could have been. There are some shows that have been ruined because creatives didn't want to piss off fans by killing off someone that needed to die
It's very entitled and it's burning up whatever good will and willingness creators have about even listening or interacting with fans because for some the only answer is treating their headcannons as just as important as the shit you created from the ground up. It's nice to hear how people interpret your art but when it's obvious they don't care about what your creation is and it's simply an empty vessel for them to occupy with no regard or actual engagement it makes you wonder what they even got from the story especially if they chronically have to do this.
Sometimes characters are written in such a way it doesn't matter and creators may change their minds because something is added they love but again this is usually behind the scenes with the input and direction of the creator
I love when something is changed and it becomes a core part of the story like with an interview with the vampire, so much is gained by Louis being black and from New Orleans. You can tell so much care and thought was put into it. The change becomes a reason why leaving humanity behind is so difficult, no wonder he locked himself away in that casket of a building in Dubai.
There's a place for everything but you have to learn how to act and learn shame
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I really like Moonpaw’s design! And I’m hoping she is secretly a NightSun kit, with like a callback to the Three, which I think would be really cool. Probably not, but she is in my heart.
I quite like it as well! I actually have multiple au versions of her because nothing is even set in clay yet, let alone stone.
I personally love the versions of her where her absorbed twin is the "scary evil voice" (or just a bit more... "Mean", not afraid to call someone a dumbass), but also the version where she is the reincarnation of Bristlefrost. Sadly, that doesn't work with WCR...
I have the Meta Commentary/Cosmic Horror/Fandom heavy version of her as a NightSun baby, at the cost of Sunbeam's life. She wants to do lots of different things, and gets more into crafting than anything, but... She wants her dad to back off. Then the Moonpool gets involved... (This version is more canon compliant, no Bramble Strike happened and Crowfeather is closer to canon, that is to say a jackass) Meta Arc 9 AU
I've got the Continuation of ASC version of her as a FringeSpire baby, coming off the heels of the Skyclan Split and Gray Wing War. She's got a lot of pressure on her, and wants to one day be Leader. She has a fascination with the Moonpool when Waspstar takes her there. (She would be protags with Brightheart, who is oraganizing a way to fight the encroaching Twolegs with Cranberrynose and Skybranch) (this one is even funnier because I already had kits planned for them named Moonkit and Poolkit, born at the Moonpool) Moon + Bright Arc 9 AU
I've got the other version of that where she's a ShellFern baby. It's much more simple, where her big desire is to be a Mediator. (She is protag with Tawnypelt, but also with Breezepelt struggling with his chronic pain and new role) ShellFern Arc 9 AU
I've got a StormCherry version, where there's pressure from being Daisykin, which has been developing quite the legacy. She's a little Poppyfrost clone! She would be the little sister of Silverspots, Flywhisker and Snaptooth, and they are already CherryStorm babies. The other protags are Leafkit, daughter of Featherpelt and Toadstep, who is hard of hearing, and Daisy, who is determined to get to the bottom of why Twolegs have begun to get closer, leading to a very... Strange discovery. Daisykin Arc 9 AU.
And then, I think my favorite little version of her, is the most WCR compliant. A WhistleFrost child found at the Moonpool the day after it was purified. The voice she hears in her head is her Nana Curlfeather arguing with other Dark Forest spirits. Is this Moonpaw going to be a hero? Maybe, maybe not. Multi-Med Cat Arc 9 AU.
Any more canon compliance and I'd make her a corrupted Ashfur/Bristlefrost fusion through Thriftear calling Queen's Rights after her journey during Thriftear's Heart. The Bristlefrost reincarnation absorbed the Ashfur reincarnation to create Moonpaw! She would carry pieces of their memories/personalities inside her, struggling with that, and with her deep connection to the Moonpool that she is growing more and more obsessed with... Reincarnation Arc 9 AU
But... All in all, I'm glad we have such a unique looking Protagonist. I still don't trust the writers, but I'm gonna give them a single point for going absolutely BONKERS with her design in ways that would make 2011 fans whine and scream. Keep going, give these kitties weird features!
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 5 months
As the local reserver, (and obsesser) I'm here to tell you things about Book! Ace Merrill!!
NOTE!!!!!! Abuse mentioned! Please note this!
In the Book, The Body, which stand by me is based off of...Ace rides a motorcycle with the Cobra gang! He's also just as calm in the book as he is tbr film, cocky too.
It's implied he's a drug dealer however, and horribly abusive to all his girlfriends, tending to slap them around and such. It's also noted that he, and the gang, aren't much older than Gordie and his gang of friends.
Gordie and his friends are ment to be right at 13, or defiantly 12 going into 13, it is a coming of age film after all...so Ace Merrill and the gang are maaaybe 16-18...is what it's implied. (Denny lachance however, was a week away from turning 20 when he died poor boy)
The age thing is so weird, becuse it's implied Ace sleeps with a bunch of girls, and it's just like...okey?? Steven King can you lay off the weird obsession with teens sleeping together- (I'm not sorry)
Also the dug part: it's implied he deals in week since it's right st the turn of the 60s, but I'm sure he gets his hands on cocaine to.
In the book, Ace isn't actually the leader of the Cobra gang, Richard "Eyeball" Chambers is! And Ace is his right hand man, which in the movie, well I get why Ace was the leader yeah, but it implies he has pretty boyfriend private from Richard who loves him I bet.
He has a looong history of stealing, and gets caught trying to break into the safe at the general store and they send him the juvenile prison for a few years at the end of the novel the body.
Also he has at least 4 other siblings. He's the second oldest and there's an infant? And then a kid kinda?? Nesr Gordie and their age but younger?? Kinda??? But he's the second oldest and hates his home life....he's named John Merrill after his uncle or dad?? And he hates that name so much he gets violent over it because he can't stand his family or to be John, and then his uncle runs that junk yard..
Not much is diffrent, other than he and the cobras ride and work on their motorcycles a lot, AND own the cars.
Then he gets mentioned in another book, and has yet ANOTHER where it's about his death.
The other book he gets mentioned in a few times, and hes an adult now, but it's vaguely mentions he's a violent alcoholic, and horribly abusive to his current life? Girlfriend? So much so she's like...missing teeth...and brushed up when another character sees her. Ace is also very much addicted to coke, and his alcohol, and it's implied the Cobra gang went separate ways and some are more functing members of society others died.
It's implied Richard like...has a steady job and wife now?? Yeah, anyways, Ace is unbearable still...but he works at a mechanic shop and a factory too I think? Just mentioned, vaguly that he works in those places...he could have been fired as well.
The next book, and then later movie, (which doesn't have kiefer..) Ace is an older adult, and it goes into more detail on him. He wound up homeless, and inherited a massive house along with a bunch of debt, he finds a tressure map in the house and much like the young biy he still is at heart I supose(or greedy desprate adult) he rushes off to try and get the money in hopes of saving his ass from debt and becoming rich.
Only to be slowly, brutally murdered by...weird??? Native american??? Burial ground ghost?? Haunted ass lands and they kill him becuse he's bad??? Okey???
Like Steven king please change it up some, all that man knows is nature American haunted land, underage sex sceans, and sad endings....CHANGE IT UP SOME!!!!!
But that's book Ace!! ...yeah🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I'm sure you can see why I like my fan version of Ace, even film Ace more...I think you can see why I made him also be Mary at times.
Also accidental thing: Deadname/hates the name John, chooses the name Mary instead~ (accidental...Bible thing, you tell me please-)
[No but on a fr note I'm definitely stickin to the movie and my thoughts on movie Ace more than the books 😤 I honestly feel like- as much as I wanted more of him in the movie, you can work with redeeming or changing up his character for later events if you'd want. YEAH. Thaaats right. Fixing him and making him try to be a better person for his GIRL and his BABIES 🫵💪💥💥]
The only thing I did keep that I researched about in the books is that he works at a mechanics shop- and that he has a motorcycle later on too.
STEVE HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO MY BOY?? ME AND MIKEY gotta write him his own story smh. If he ain't gonna give Ace a shy little girlfriend to protect and be all sweet with OR make him genderfluid and be happy as a shy darling gal like Mary she deserves to be WE WILL
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domokunrainbowkinz · 2 months
fuck it. have some more manhwa posting:
pearl boy (18+): I did NOT expect to like this one so much like if you told me 3 days ago that a comic about a boy who cums pearls will make me tear up and almost cry on multiple occasions i would've laughed in your face. the art is a little rough in the beginning but it improves by MILES and the current artstyle is so gorgeous. the relationship between the 2 leads is SO SO GOOD, they are the definition of ride or die, by ch 20 i was ready to kill everyone and then myself if anything happened to them. dooshik and jooha are so much fun, and their interactions are just *chefs kiss* they are so good man. I am a little iffy about the ending, but the side stories are making up for it (it's nice to see how jooha would've fallen in love without The Horrors looming over him). controversial opinion but I was pretty eehhhh about the sex scenes, especially bc there is A LOT of SA and sexual violence in general in the series (not between the 2 characters, they're just literally chased by the worst people ever), so even when the 2 leads are having nasty disrespectful consensual banging a part of me is like :/. despite my gripes with the ending and some of the events in the series, i still thought it was a good read. I really do hope the side stories give dooshik a chance to like heal bc I don't think he's doing so hot 😔
pizza delivery man and the golden palace (18+): I originally wasn't gonna read this one bc of the goofy ass title but it was surprisingly very sweet?? it was very nice to see 2 people at their low points meet and help each other with their issues and to heal. I really enjoyed s1, however I heard s2 isn't that good and that it unfortunately falls into a lot of typical BL tropes (derogatory), but I will hold out judgement until I finish the 2nd season.
under the green light (18+): mannnn this one is good. I originally stopped reading bc Matthew creeped me out and gave me the ick (he doesn't do anything bad, he's just a little creepy), but I decided to continue bc I love jin (I am forever biased towards confident snarky characters). I'm really glad I kept with it bc there actually was an explanation for why matthew became so fixated on jin that made me go "OHH....that makes a lot of sense". rly curious to see where the story is going, it's a mafia story so ofc I got my popcorn READY.
a tree without roots (18+): the first scene of the first chapter starts off with a bang and really sets the tone of the story, like they literally slap u over the head with "hey!!!! this is a fucked up story turn back now!!!" before flashing back 8 years, so now you're left with the question of "good lordt what HAPPENED???". as someone who likes fucked up stories and is biased towards obsessive characters, I really enjoyed s1, and I'm curious to see where s2 is going. my 1 gripe is that taekyung is a little dumb when it comes to his treatment of heeseo, like i sorta get it, but also dude...there's DEFINITELY a better way this could've been handled. anyways huge warning for non-con/dub-con between the 2 characters if u decide to check it out.
uncanny charm: I dropped this one bc I found it a little boring, it has a really interesting premise and is also a modern-day supernatural romance, but something about it just didn't click with me. the relationship between the 2 characters was pretty lukewarm, and I'm also not a huge fan of the artstyle.
limited run (18+): dropped this one bc I don't like the MC or the ML, their relationship is just bizarre and weird to me. I wasn't invested in anything that was happening, and the ML's thought process makes no sense to me. idk man I just don't like stories where the MC is like helpless or passive about their situation and grow a spine!!! weakness is not tolerated in this house >:(
cry me a river (18+): dropped bc once again I don't like the MC for being passive and weak. I got baited into reading this one bc the ML is very very pretty, but unfortunately good art is not enough for me to continue a series. once again the relationship between the 2 characters is just weird, what is it with ML's being unable to like idk express emotion?? or communicate?? anyways I also did not give a shit abt what happened so 👁👅👁
nerd project (18+): I really liked this one!! it's a fun fluffy college story about a drama and biotech student. the banter and interactions between them are such a delight to read, but I cannot BELIEVE they ended s1 in the middle of a sex scene what the fuck man 😭
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sophiacloud28 · 3 months
10, 32, 40 and 4
Because I can and it's more convenient. 😅 I hope I don't disappoint.
4.) When did you become a fan of TMNT?
Desceros, nuff said. Moving on. 🤣
Seriously, though, I ended up in the TMNT rabbit hole reading Doom Fanfiction. Yeah. You want to talk about weird connections? How about a weird obsession with an ultra-violent game turning into one for four turtles and a rat? A Doom fanfiction writer (not Desceros) with good work had me lingering on their profile page and I found this TMNT there with aged-up turtles. That got me to scour AO3 for more TMNT works while I started to read the IDW series. I fell in love with the IDW series but got caught with my pants down when I found Euclidean Line.
Needless to say, I looked into Desceros' other works and remembered the Bay Turtles as a far-off memory (rewatched the movies at that point, it was interesting) but the Rise series surprised me, not to mention the way the Krang were getting portrayed in the iteration when the worst I remembered from the Utrom and Krang were the IDW and Bay versions. Yeah. So... after starting Symphony and getting to the part where Leo explains the whole thing that happened with the Krang, I decided to do some digging.
... And the rest is history.
10.) Which version of Leonardo is your favorite?
... That's a low blow, Mel. 😆 But here goes.
Rise version. And the reason is... complicated.
See, when I started watching Rise, I had just finished catching up with IDW and had gotten to watching the Bayverse movies. And in both iterations, as much as I was fond of the Boy in Blue... It was Donatello that caught my attention. I love nerds. I fucking adore them.
So when I got to Rise, I fully expected to fall head over heels with Donatello. And, to be frank, I kind of did. I love the way he goes absolutely insane but learns throughout the series how to reign that back. And, as I expected, starting Episode 2, I grew fond of Leonardo through his pep talk and the way one could see that he had the makings of a leader in him. But then the writers of Rise did something... unexpected with Leonardo that shifted my perspective and had me... reconsider.
They gave him forethought.
See, I — I have this thing for tactics? Some might call it a turn-on. Chess masters, tacticians, or strategists fucking do it for me. One of my favorite series on Netflix is The Queen's Gambit because of this. They are observant, they listen and they play. And the better they are at it, the more it doesn't look like they're doing it.
Which happens to be the case with Rise Leo.
IDW and Bay Leo can lead their teams and, eventually, become teachers. Rise Leo takes care of a freaking army in the movie and while yes, they did lose, they held out for twenty-two years. TWENTY-TWO YEARS. That is not a small feat. That is incredible. And that is enough to skyrocket Rise Leo to the top of my favorites list, no questions asked.
32.) What was the first thing you've made for TMNT?
I wrote a Bayverse Leo Fanfiction that turned into Blurple. I still have it, too. Both versions. The premise is kind of similar to A Shot In the Dark so I don't think I'll ever publish it, but I will post parts of it at some point because I adore them so much. The Leonardo/Reader/Donatello dynamic was interesting to explore. Heck, I even had some interesting snippets with Raphael and Michelangelo.
... Hm. Considering what today is and I'm not gonna post anything for A Shot in the Dark, might as well. Hey, Miss Laundry! I'm coming for you! 🤣
40.) Do you give the turtles tails?
Abso-freaking-lutely. All my turtles have tails. It's way too freaking fun not to. (Is reminded of the Rise Leo smut. Sighs)
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apopcornkernel · 11 months
trick or treat!! 🎃🦇 (btw i loved hearing about the backstory/historical aspects of your fav wip, i’m not even in the hsr fandom but it’s so interesting)
THANK YOU <33333
(i know it's literally november 3 but shhhhh, all soul's was just yesterday it still counts—)
anyways!! the next fic i wanna talk about is... also jingfu 😭😭😭 this is embarrassing
presenting: ✨ jingfu vegas wedding ✨
there was a time i got back into asoiaf and jaime/brienne, and there's this subgenre of jb fics where they get quickly married on the quiet isle for one reason or another! and i just got obsessed with this type of wedding, and then i got to thinking about vegas weddings, and then i imagined jingfu drunk and giggly and happy and my gdocs stood NO chance
what's great about jingfu is, as i hope to never stop reminding my readers, is that they're chinese living in a chinese setting wifh chinese culture. so you can't just throw them into an actual vegas wedding situation—china has its own wedding ceremonies and the luofu must have its own technological advancements in that area too! so long story short i had a lot of fun brainstorming the wedding rituals and how it would mesh with the luofu, how people would even discover a wedding has taken place considering chinese weddings CAN technically be done without witnesses if you're feeling quirky enough (like maybe legally it's not allowed but ive seen cdramas where they do the same thing so like. me 🤝 cdramas; ignoring things for dramatic flair), and generally just trying to write their world vividly enough that it doesn't feel like Vague American Fantasy Spaceship #2432
i do think i kinda succeeded!! and even if i didn't, well, in my head i can clearly visualize it and in the end this is a fic for ME and not for yall, sorry but i come first when it comes to my fanfic :P
also i wrote my thoughts on the au while we were out with paternal relatives eating hotpot, so of course their drunken wedding feast is hotpot. i couldn't resist
It was strange to see the General and Master Diviner drinking, and even stranger to see them drinking like they were racing to their graves.
At least it would be. Extenuating circumstances, Dan Heng art thy name.
i also really like these lines i giggle everytime! because i ship jingfu but i also ship jingheng in the pathetic unrequited pining old man jing yuan kinda way.... its hilarious how down bad jing yuan still is for dan heng/dan feng and so since i needed a catalyst for the drinking i used dan heng hehe
also i researched chinese constellations for this because i needed more drunk activities and i figured i could do one of those "laying on the grass and pointing at the stars" except ofc it's the luofu so that's synthetic grass and false stars and their stars are also different and it would be very weird to mention ursa major or something! so i had to do research </3 i swear the things i do for my craft
i don't know how to end this.... i guess here's another excerpt HAHAHA
Jing Yuan, thanks be to Lan, had left behind some of his formal clothes at her residence, which meant the two of them did not have to sneak all the way back to Exalting Sanctum just to nab the appropriate garments. If they had not been drunk, the journey from the gardens to her quarters would not have taken so long. Unfortunately: they were. Unfortunately: Jing Yuan was enamored with every flower that passed him by, and Fu Xuan was busy counting the number of off-color stones in the cobbled path.
They did still make it there. Eventually.
In one of Fu Xuan’s many closets were the robes they’d worn to Qixi-jie—his a simple but elegant grey trimmed with white, and hers a dainty pink, complete with a round embroidered fan. Fu Xuan took Jing Yuan’s out, shoved it into his arms, and then shoved him out. He staggered out into the hallway, and then turned to blink at her, lost.
Fu Xuan rolled her eyes. “Well? What are you waiting for?”
“Oh,” Jing Yuan said. The light came back into his eyes. “Oh! Yes.”
Stupid, she thought, and closed the door. But apparently she’d said it out loud, because he yelled, muffled, “You’re the one marrying me!”
“I won’t if you don’t shut up!” Fu Xuan yelled back.
Immediate silence.
thank you for the ask again hehehe <3
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
at the risk of sounding extremely weird, have you ever heard of the game cookie run kingdom? if so, could you do some of your yanderes reactions to a darling that's absolutely obsessed with the game? maybe even to the point of having physical merchandise and going to events in person?
a/n: HELLO?? SHUT UP!! HAVE I HIT THE JACK POT?? THIS IS US RN!! 🥺🤝🏼🤡 (im the clown) but neway holy shit, what's the chances that id have a follower that's into yanderes and cookie run kingdom?? i don't know what to say other than thank you for winning ask of the week and here's your request! hope you enjoy! i know cotton candy cookie is from cookie run and she hasn't been transfered to cookie run kingdom but A PERSON CAN DREAM OKAY!
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warning: i definitely nerded out onto this post and im so sorry, some gacha gaming terms like whaling (putting down a lot of money to get a specific character you want) and pay to win (paying a lot of mini transations LOL)
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soren kumar ★ profile
Soren doesn't know about the app but he should. Yeong-bae has definitely mentioned it to him a good handful of times but he's bad at remembering things he's not interested in sometimes. For you, though, he'll try it. He definitely ends up not liking it though. He just doesn't get it. You sit there and watch the cookies fight the cake? Okay, and then what? You level them up so they can fight tougher cake? Interesting. The aesthetic is cute enough but he doesn't know if he'll play it in the long run. He'll definitely play it up in front of you though since he doesn't want to insult something you love
I think the one thing that'll really interest him is Parfait cookie. He knows what it feels like to busk, to have to work your ass off to get recognised, and then to finally have all that hard work be paid off. So, he likes her because he can relate to her. But he doesn't like her enough to pay to win or anything. Unfortunately, he's one of those people where he's just really lucky and he ends up pulling her multiple times (you definitely need him to press the button for you when you're pulling for cookies you want LOL)
When it comes to you, he'll indulge you. He doesn't get it at all. They're just cookies and the game isn't even that fun. But it makes you happy and there's nothing in the world he wants more than to make you happy. So, he buys you the merch, he goes to the events with you (disguised, of course, since he doesn't want the date to be cut off by paparazzi) and he lets you spend his money on the app. He does give you a cut off every month. You're only allowed to spend $500! No more! Maybe a little more on special events but-- Oh, don't give him those puppy dog eyes....
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eun-jeong yoo ★ profile
Eun-jeong is definitely just a casual fan. It's cute, it's popular, he likes the aesthetic. It's just something he uses to pass the time sometimes when he's alone in the vet office. He'll log on every day to get his dailies done and he'll make sure not to waste any freebies he gets but he also doesn't spend any money on the app at all. He's free to play all the way. Also doesn't put too much thought on his team just sticks with the automatic teams or a team of his five strongest cookies. The biggest crime is that he just arranges all of his buildings in a grid pattern and literally doesn't care about how they're organised.
His favourite cookie is Financier cookie for sure. Eun-jeong kinda looks up to Financier cookie's personality. He loves that she's so strong-willed and that she's able to protect the people that she cares about. Low-key, Eun-jeong wants to be like that for you. He wants to be able to protect you and he wants to be able to be someone you can depend on like how a lot of people depend on Financier cookie! He also loves her aesthetic a lot.
When it comes to you, Eun-jeong would definitely fuel your addiction. He won't pay for anything on his account but he'll definitely give you his card if you want to pay to win. Also would definitely go with you to events or get you merchandise of your favourite cookie (and of Financier cookie so the two of you match!)
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liam arieh ★ profile
Liam doesn't know anything about the app until you mention it and, when you do, he checks it out. He's literally only been on it for an hour but he's already dropped like $100 like it's nothing. He's pay to win all the way and he's not ashamed of it LOL. He's already got the most popular and powerful cookies because of it. He's literally out here whaling. Definitely the type to be super into it when he starts but then like slowly plays it less and less. He'll always keep going back to it though because he likes having something the two of you both do together
His favourite cookie is Clotted Cream cookie just because he likes his vibes. Personally, I think scheming cocky bastards attract each other but that's just me. Liam also just really likes his aesthetic and likes the fact that he's a really powerful cookie. Sometimes, Liam will even ask you if the two of them look like each other. Cringe
When it comes to you, of course he supports your addiction. If you think he's willing to drop money just for his account, wait till you see how much he's willing to drop for yours. He'll also be happy to go to events with you and buy you merch. In fact, he'll buy you all of the merch! Your entire room will be infested with merch of your favourite cookies (plus some of Clotted Cream cookie, unfortunately)
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ayaka yamato ★ profile
Ayaka knows the app. It's cute and it's popular so of course she's checked it out! She's definitely here for the aesthetic and the aesthetic only. She doesn't care about any of the strategy, the statistics, the gaming; nothing. She just likes that the cookies all look sweet and cute. Unlike literally anybody else on the list, her kingdom is thematic and decorated perfectly. She uses the kingdom save system so she can change her kingdom every single time her favourite color has changed. She has a set up for pinks, purples, blues-- And, of course, she's achieved this by using money to buy all the decorations and buildings, of course! All her cookies have the best skins too LOL cus, unlike everyone else, she spams the costume gacha instead of the cookie gacha.
Her favourite cookie is actually Strawberry Crepe cookie! It was a good tie between Strawberry Crepe cookie and Strawberry cookie. I think, if her darling's personality was a lot like Strawberry cookie, then Strawberry cookie would be her favourite because she finds her really really cute, her aesthetic is adorable and she's strawberries! But, if not, her favourite is Strawberry Crepe! Ayaka just relates a lot to being small and being looked down on but then absolutely kicking ass LOL And she likes that Strawberry Crepe has big dreams for herself! Plus, Strawberry Crepe cookie has the absolute cutest aesthetic too
When it comes to you, of course she'd support your addiction. She'd be way more hands-on about it though. If your kingdom looks like trash, she's taking your phone and she's fixing it! It doesn't have to be color coded like hers but c'mon, put some more effort into it! At least have little sections or something! And she'll definitely dress the two of you up in outfits inspired by your favourite cookies hwen the two of you go to events! It'll be so fun!
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ryuunosuke yamamoto ★ profile
Ryuu is already a huge fan and when he finds out that you're a fan too? He'll literally scream because the two of you can be fans together! He puts some thought into his kingdom decoration but not that much. Kind of just lines up all his shops and then decorations are in the other half LOL Definitely tries to get into the strategy part of the game but he's super bad at it and ends up just being slightly better than most players. He's only slightly pay to win but he's a recovering addict, okay! You're not supposed to go cold turkey when you quit!
His favourite cookie is Sea Fairy cookie. He's been a fan of the franchise since the original Cookie Run app and that's where he fell in love with Sea Fairy cookie! The way she's always longingly looking into the night sky, missing the love of her life (cough Moonlight cookie cough), and all the sad voice lines! He feels so sorry for her! Plus, she's his strongest cookie! And her aesthetic is so beautiful!~~
When it comes to your addiction, he'll try to do the good boyfriend thing and steer you away from it. He wants to be responsible and he knows, in the long run, it's bad to encourage it. But, oh god, he knows the pain. If you really really want to pay to win, though, you might end up dragging him back into his addictions too not that he would complain that much. Hewon't be as hesitant bringing you to events and buying you merch though! He'll get you guys matching couple stuff! Maybe you can be the Moonlight cookie to his Sea Fairy cookie?
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ryouta watanabe ★ profile
Another disgusting Cookie Run Kingdom fan LOL You might not even have to tell him you're into the game, you'll find him wearing merchandise of it or something somehow. He's the type that loves the aesthetic but also he's in the top 1% best players of the game. His team is doing like 200mil damage or some crazy shit. He's like over calculating the strats, making sure he's equipping the right stuff, etc. It also helps that he's pay to win the whole way (and it's probably the reason he's broke). He's also the guild master to one of the top guilds in the game and he's super strict about people logging in and doing their part. If you're inactive for a week, you're out! It's the top guild for a reason LOL
His favourite cookie is actually Cotton cookie and it's because she's one of the best support cookies in the game-- LOL but also because she's super cute and soft and kind and innocent which reminds him of you. No, it doesn't matter if you're some buff 6'6 guy! Cotton cookie still reminds him of you! That's how he sees you! This soft support character he needs to protect because your HP and defense stats are very low but you give him so much support and he just loves you so much!
When it comes to you, he definitely supports your addiction. In fact, he supports your addiction way too much. He'll like help you out with your team composition if you want him to, he'll let you borrow his card if you want to, he'll invite you into his guild, he'll remind you to log in every single day! He'll even log in for you if you'd like! And the two of you can just sit together on your phones, beating the asses of some cute cake hounds or something
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yeong-bae kigal ★ profile
Another idiot with way too much time on their hands LOL Yeong-bae is definitely way too into Cookie Run Kingdom and it shows. A lot of their salary goes into gacha games and mobile games. In fact, they have like several phones because of it (one phone for work, one phone for gacha games, one phone for photos, one phone for normal stuff). It's really unfortunate. But they're a lot like Ryouta where they're the 1% of players on the app because they're so good at calculating strategy and stats. Unlike Ryouta, they also care a lot about aesthetics so they make his kingdom look good too. They're both on the same guild! They're actually an officer in Ryouta's guild LOL
Their favourite cookie is Pure Vanilla cookie and, not to be repetitive, but it's because he reminds them of you! Pure Vanilla is so healing and good, someone that brings so much light to everyone around him. That's what it feels like being around you! For Yeong-bae, just standing next to you is like standing on stage, in the spotlight! And being with you, talking with you and spending time with you, is like being healed by Pure Vanilla cookie! Definitely way over-levels Pure Vanilla cookie because of this sole fact LMAO
When it comes to you, what is he earning for if not to fuel your life joys? If he can't make you happy by letting you whale or by letting you buy your favourite merchandise, what's the point in being a popstar? Unfortunately, he can't easily go to the events. He'll have to wear a mask the entire time or he'll have to wear a disguise. But it's worth it if the two of you can go on a cute date!
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
the way stas is so obsessed with colby and the fact that people still dont see it,is so crazy to me. she likes his tweets/ig posts so fast. up until recently had a pic with him pinned to her ig but still has the tiltok with him pinned on tiktok. she still likes edits of him,dedicated a whole highlights to mostly pics of him on snap (so many reposted them and i finally saw where they came from). and not to mention, she had so many photos of him not looking in her reel. this is giving less supportive friend/girl in love and more stage five clinger. he barely acknowledges her except for the occasional ig pic like. but wow i have seen so much of her ways since the so called editing retreat, im surprised people dont notice.
this might be a long answer so sorry in advance lol
i've said this a lot before, but we need to stop giving her and shea attention.
i get it, it is so easy to fall into their trap of looking at what they do with a fine tooth comb and seeing if what they posted is about colby in some way. or maybe paying attention to their likes and seeing how many edits they've liked or reposted that are shipping the two of them together. i understand it's entertaining to some degree, but mostly infuriating. and i need us all to stop playing into their hand.
they both clearly want attention, we have all established that. but what's funny is that they get the upper hand bc so many fans, regardless of what stas/shea do, assume that the things they post are about colby no matter what. stas posts a tiktok - oh she's wearing merch it's about colby. stas liked a tweet about the core four - clearly that was about her and colby. shea makes some vague tweet - it's about colby, no doubt. shea comments hearts on a pic of the two of them - she obviously wants fans to know they're back on. it's never ending !
and i get it, it's extremely easy to assume that everything they do online is about him. i don't think that's reality. and even if it is, that doesn't mean we have to pay it any mind.
and the fans that love them will never see them for who they are. maybe they will eventually. maybe they'll get older, stop paying attention to snc, and look back and be like "huh, it was a bit strange i was in a gc with a 20 something year old and she constantly talked about her friend colby and casually told us that she had a crush on him unprompted." or "oh wow, that was weird that i was in a gc with an almost 30 year old shit talking other girls that colby was close to just bc that almost 30 year old really wanted me to believe that she was dating him." i truly hope that happens. but unless a drove of fans comes out and shames them, it ain't gonna change what currently is taking place. so until then, it's best that we, the ppl that understand their shtick, move on and forget about them.
and i want to direct this to shea and stas, bc i know their fans sometimes come on here and most likely send them this shit. and if not, if stas or shea see this i want them to know: i understand that you like colby. i understand that you have a deep connection with him that no one else has. i understand he makes you feel special and wanted, and that's great. but you are absolutely lying to yourself if you think you have a chance with him. he. will. not. date. you. the years of you being friends with him has proven that. and i get that unrequited love hurts, it eats you from the inside out. it's the worse, and i get how painful it is. but why do you think acting like a fan account is gonna make him like you? why do you think liking edits or comments shipping the two of you together is gonna make him want to put a ring on it??? if you really want to live out that fantasy, just send me a request for a fic and maybe i'll fill it out for you - that way you don't make an absolute fool of yourself by constantly stooping down to fan level and acting like the young ones that freak out when colby's near a girl and leave comments like "she better back off he's mine" bc that's what you look like. you actually look worse than that, if i'm honest, bc you use fans to get the validation colby doesn't give you.
why do you even want to date him at this point? this man wears the same clothes for weeks on end. he sleeps with an old ass pillow from kansas. he had food sitting in his mini fridge that expired. i know for a fact he doesn't clean his bedding all that often, if at all. he has a better committed relationship with a teeth whitening brand than with any women he's ever known. he's more likely to marry sam than yall. stas, he took a girl that he was hooking up with on the side to a get together with the core four. you were there while he was on date. and then he continued to hang out with her on multiple occasions. that wasn't enough? shea, he was literally dicking down another girl when you were trying to tell fans yall were getting back together (or dating again, not sure which since your fans or you can't keep a story straight) when you did the last adventure buddies video. he still likes her pics occasionally and she comments on his stuff often. that wasn't enough?
he doesn't want you. at what point do you accept that and move on? i have equally as much of a chance of dating him as yall do, that's how realistic your fantasy is.
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politelymenacing · 1 year
My Series 2 rewatch thoughts that no-one asked for. Mostly random thoughts and things I've only noticed since watching series 3. Series 1 rewatch here.
The bit of Jamie on This Morning feels so wrong. There is nowhere near enough giggling on the part of Phil and Holly. The vibes are so off.
Jamie's eyes light up when he sees the little Richmond fan asking for his autograph. He is super cute with kids, actually.
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Ted says his favourite book is The Fountainhead. I haven't read it, but from what I understand the philosophy of that book really does not seem to line up with Ted's at all. If anyone has read it, I'd love to hear any insights as to why the writers chose that as his favourite.
The way that Phoebe's team looks at Roy 🥰
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There's Isaac in glasses again (I might be slightly obsessed, but in my defence, he looks so good in them).
Jamie x Dani shippers be like:
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This is the most unconvincing email I've ever seen:
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Love hearing some Queen on the soundtrack.
There has been a serious lack of Trent so far. We truly are spoilt in series 3.
Instant chemistry between Ted and Nora. I love it
Bring it On references and is that pom pom shaking, Mr Crimm? They are so embarrassing. I love them.
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Bumbercatch as always asking the important questions:
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The whole British Doll thing is soooooo weird to me. I guess this was a thing for the Americans?
There is no way that many people would be outside on Christmas day in London.
Dani and Zoreaux playing with Higgins's kids is wonderful. They really commit to the bit.
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Julie Higgins / Dani BFF agenda starts here, they are so cute.
Mr Shelby! (Damn you really do have to rewatch it all to get all their little references, huh?)
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Oh interesting. Jade is actually not particularly rude to Nate the first time they meet. It's only after he pulls his demanding shit. I had remembered her being worse. Or maybe I've just come around to her after she took none of Rupert's shit.
Kids looking at Roy with heart eyes Part 2.
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The pub lads' Bake Off chant 😂
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Gifs and screenshots truly do not capture the adorableness of Colin and Will's camouflage interaction. Will's laugh is So. Cute. (Sorry. Michael, I am still holding out hope for these two)
Also, I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but under the camouflage is a rainbow trim on Colin's jumper:
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They truly did such a good job casting Jamie's dad.
How is Sam so smooth a) at his age and b) in the presence of Rebecca??
New headcanon: The scarves that Beard and Jeremy get from the lost and found at the Crown and Anchor were Trent's.
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Jamie helping Dani walk in his dress shoes 🥰
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The lads all look great at the funeral (especially Isaac). I am living for Colin's waistcoat.
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Hearing Roy say "service station" is painful. At least he said aeroplane. (I am telling myself he was talking about a service station in America, because I don't think I have ever seen an advert for a petrol station in my life)
Ted is so happy when Trent texts him! (Maybe because he wrote 'The Independent' and it seems hella flirty if you don't know what's coming next and if you think about the fact he's texting at night)
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I'm sorry, but Trent's byline photo is so funny.
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It doesn't matter how many times I've seen it, it still hurts so much.
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Well this makes me nervous for the end of series 3....
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Still the best shot of the entire show.
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That theory about leopard print indicating a character is queer? Don't forget Mae:
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Dani giving Will a piggyback!
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Why were we surprised to learn Sam named the restaurant after his dad? He is credited as Ola:
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Thank You for taking the time to answer my ask. Yeah, I haven't been on the tag for a while but thanks to the show. I am back on it. Begin in Rose's head, she really didn't see Adrian other than a Royal Mori or give him a real honest chance. She was Dimitri obsessed. So it made way too many fans not like him. Me personally, I liked Adrian from the moment he came on in Frost Bite. And Shadow Kiss made me fall in love with his character. Adrian really was honestly a good guy and he spoke the truth. That Rose and Dimitri relationship was weird (thank God more of the Fandom has come around on calling it out). He may have partied, drank, and slept around. But you knew what he was from jump, if you were surprised by that idk what to tell you. And I think that is another reason that many of the fans didn't like him. He wasn't written to be without flaws, he was like a real life person. Had bad additions with mental health issues. Rose saying she was mad at him for drinking when his aunt did was just harsh.
Now as far as the show, I wasn't surprised once they announced who would play him. I knew what was going to be the reaction. Idk why fans haven't figured out yet, that unless they super and I mean super miscast a character. Give the actor a chance until you see their acting. The actor who is playing Adrian is doing a great job. He really captures the embodiment of him. So many forget that to get to Bloodlines Adrian, we have to get through VA Adrian. And again Rose didn't like him, so we may not see him in a good light. But the actor is doing great, we have had him in two episodes and already I want to see more of him. If anything I would be more worried about Julie Plec and her writing than the actor. Also I hope they put him in better clothes and style his hair better. Cause the actor in real life looks like a whole meal. But I think it's cause they are going to do a time jump.
But yes again! Adrian is not a bad character at all. I can give many examples from the books as I read them constantly LMAO like I think the only thing that people really hate Adrian over is just the fact that he made a deal thing that Rose should give him a chance when she gets back from Russia. That's legit it. Like he may be a flirt but he respects boundaries. When Rose wanted to have sex with him after getting rejected by Dimitri, Adrian said no because he didn't have a condom and didn't want to risk Rose's career as a Guardian. He gave her anything she wanted or needed. He gave her chance after chance after she lied to him about being over Dimitri. He tried to walk away from the relationship I think two or three times in the books but he loved her. Adrian had never read as a bad character. He has flaws yes but he isn't some terrible character as a lot of people make him out to be and that's a hill I will die on 🤣🤣 I've roleplayed him for years so I've read the books MULTIPLE times to study his character. He has bad habits that help him cope but that doesn't make him bad. I just hate how disrespectful Rose can be towards someone she claims she cares about. I honestly don't even see them as friends because even the friendship came off very one-sided to me. If Rose doesn't need something, she doesn't need you is basically how she treated Adrian. He felt like nothing but a pest to her in the books.
Show Adrian has grown on me very quickly, yes! Took me a minute but that is definitely Adrian! I just really wish they'd mess up his hair. We need Adrian's messy locks.
P.s. I'm also really excited to see Daniella and Nathan. I'm an Ivashkov hoe 🤣
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