#i hope y’all are doing well!!!
galacticgraffiti · 2 years
hi friends!
so… i have a little surprise for y’all 👀
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✨ Coming soon… ✨
Get ready for some long awaited soft filth hehe.
I want to use this opportunity to give a huge shoutout to everyone who has stuck with me and this story through the ups and downs, the pain and the pleasure. Thank you so much for all your kind words of encouragement, praise and patience. There are few things that feel better than knowing I’ve made someone’s day even a little richer.
A special shoutout at this point to @corrabell whose beautiful comment (on my damn taglist form of all places) somehow managed to tear down my months-long writer’s block enough for me to frantically type out another chapter, bringing us closer to the ending of this story. Corra, you’re an amazing person - not just because of this, but because of all the interactions we’ve had so far. You have been nothing but kind and encouraging- as most of my readers have, and I’m so thankful for your support. ♥️
I appreciate all of you, please know that. Sometimes I don’t feel like I say it enough with all the negativity floating around online. I’m very grateful most everyone has been so kind to me so far. Thank you!
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taggies under the cut - remember to fill out my new taglist form of you haven’t yet and would like to be added!
@cyarbika @deewithani @baba-fett @ficsbynight @kote-wan @ariadnes-red-thread @rescuethewretched @twistedstitcher27 @asaucecoveredsomething @kakashibabe02 @writingbylee @purgetrooperfox @basilbumble @witchklng @lackofhonor @ashotofspotchka @sailor-blossom @misogirl828 @amyroswell @darkjedipoptarts @pinkiemme @sleepingsun501 @fett-djarin @samanthacookieone @tortor-mcgee @corrabell @lady--kenobi @elegantduckturtle @felinaone @palpipeen @wild-karrde @kik51199 @sharpbarnacle @obeydontstray @rain-on-kamino @nomercyforthewarrior @ulchabhangorm @rintheemolion
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timefospookies · 1 year
Hey y’all sorry for being so inactive I practically don’t have any day where I dont have a test and I don’t have free time
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vulcannic · 2 years
fuck i’m sorry for being so quiet on here! i’ve been wanting to share some pics from eccc here but like i get emotional looking/thinking about it so i keep putting it off lmao
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I have walked away after reading the news, made a cup of tea, and have returned more calm with a fresh meme and hot take for y’all
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
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Howdy! Sorry I’ve been super inactive this week, I got abruptly very busy and have spent much of my time running around like a chicken and then subsequently flopping about in utter exhaustion like a beached fish — but I should be able to get to unanswered asks in the next couple days, and I’m almost finished with the fem!skk comic I’ve been working on! :D (it got a bit long lol)
So anyway, in the meantime here are some extra fem!Dazai doodles I made :0
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wigglebox · 10 months
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Destiel Doodles - Volume 1 💚💙
A printable coloring book!
Thank y’all for your kind words over the last 2 months as I worked on this. I’m so happy that it is done and I can share this artwork with you in a tangible way and not just through a screen!
If you color anything and want to show me, please do! I’d love to see!
There are no rules when it comes to coloring. 🌈 Use whatever colors you want, whatever materials you want, and whatever methods you want! Coloring is meditative, creative, and all around a wonderful world to explore.
I hope you have as much fun coloring these two as much as I had drawing them! Happy coloring! 🌈💚💙✨
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yelenasdiary · 1 month
Daily reminder that;
Natasha loves you
Wanda loves you
Carol loves you
Yelena loves you
Kate loves you
Marvel women love you
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saturngalore · 9 months
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the universe of saturngalore 🪐🌈
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riality-check · 2 years
“What was it like? When you and Steve were together?” Eddie asks.
Nancy’s face takes on a grave seriousness that, honestly, scares the shit out of him. She’s Nancy Wheeler, and she’s always serious, but this is the kind of serious she gets when Eddie’s seen her talk about how awful the Hawkins Post is or the best way to aim for the kill.
This is Nancy Wheeler at her most serious. If Eddie were a lesser man, he’d be shaking in his boots. Instead, he’s only slightly aware of the way his feet are going numb in his high tops.
“Loving Steve is the easiest thing you’ll ever do,” she says. “And he’s going to find it so easy to love you back, because that’s what he does.”
Eddie wants to nod or say something to acknowledge that, but he doesn’t. He keeps sitting on the couch next to Nancy and waits for her to continue after she takes a sip of her Coke.
“Being loved by Steve is the hard part. He’s going to see you in a way that doesn’t line up with how you see yourself.”
She takes a deep breath. Unlike Eddie’s, hers doesn’t rattle in her lungs.
“Because he is only ever going to see the best parts of you, and he is going to love them with everything he has.”
She looks at him for the first time. “Do you understand?”
Eddie nods, and he wants to leave it at that. Instead, he opens his mouth and asks, “Do you think you’d still be together? If it weren’t for the monsters?”
Nancy downs the rest of her Coke like a shot. Maybe she wishes that’s what it was.
“I don’t know. I don’t know what could have been, but I do know we’re different people now.”
“I think,” Nancy says, because she’s not done and she’s a hell of a lot better with her words than Eddie is, “that people want what they didn’t have growing up. I want to make it big and get noticed and get the hell out. And Steve wants things that are big for him but little for me.”
She levels Eddie another look. Her big eyes are imploring.
Do you understand? they ask. Do you blame me?
Yes, Eddie thinks. No.
“So, as long as you can handle him loving you, and if you want the same things, I think you’ll be fine.”
“Just fine?” Eddie asks, trying to bring some levity back.
Nancy smiles for the first time. “More than fine. You’ll be better to him than I was.”
And with that, she gets off the couch and leaves Eddie alone.
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sir-lunar · 9 months
Some wholesome Moominvalley sketches I made a few days ago because yes
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I feel like I’m getting back into Moominvalley- goodness I love these characters, they make me happy :,)
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
I feel like now is a good time to announce that I’m in the process of moving blogs! Im doing so for a few reasons, the main one being paranoia, so for that reason I won’t be saying my new urls publicly so like please dm me if you’d like my new url so you can follow me there! I’ll be reblogging this post a lot so ppl can see it (so sorry if you get annoyed by that)!
I’m also remaking my discord account as well so if we’re friends on there then feel free to message me for my new username!
friends and mutuals please do reblog so shared friends/mutuals have a higher chance seeing it!
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liyazaki · 11 months
my downstairs neighbor (a saint who’s decided to adopt me): do you think you could pick me up some butter while you’re at the store?
me (thrilled she’s finally letting me do SOMETHING for her): ON IT 🫡
cut to me giving her the butter & her handing me a bag before basically running off into the night before I could give it back to her (she’s slick).
inside the bag? two sweaters she randomly bought because she thought I’d like them (I do) & she knows I’m about to go to Europe where it’s chilly, plus a freaking $20 bill.
neighbor: 1000 points; me: negative 10/🥺😭💀
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ohno-wallace · 2 years
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Oops I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while :( here’s some varigo 90s style mice doodles from a bit back. I guess I was thinking about the freebird episode in tangled but mice? Hehe
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hikirain · 1 month
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True gamers never sleep
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allmyhomieshatelawns · 7 months
anyway anyway, please enjoy another lil somethin i wrote for @djmurphy ‘s Hypno Pop AU!
“Because I’m happy, clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!” My throat stung with the words, volume rising higher with the lyrics of the song. “Dance along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do!”
Cruel irony that. I certainly didn’t want to, but that isn’t what mattered. The village needed to be happy, we were celebrating nearly twenty years of freedom from the bergens. This was a happy time!!
I continued dancing on the main stage, singing with the rasp that had developed in my voice some years ago. King Peppy said it made me sound more mature and that I should like it. And I do! I love how it sounds nothing like the angelic voice that got—
Don’t falter! I snapped back to attention just in time for the knee slide, grinning despite the harsh impact.
The entire village went wild, several in the crowd fainting, and even more screaming for an encore.
I felt tired, like my bones were crumbling away inside of me, but my smile didn’t falter.
“You guys want more? Alright! This one I’ve been working on for a while now!” My lips and throat moved on their own; I wouldn’t be getting any rest anytime soon. Might as well retreat.
Everything was on autopilot, but thankfully the screaming fans didn’t seem to notice or care. They just wanted more. They always want more. It was so wonderful that they loved my music. I loved making them all so happy!!
“Wow, Branch! I can’t believe you did three encores! Where do you get the energy? I would’ve had to stop after the first one!” Princess Poppy was at my side, practically dragging me off the stage.
I was allowed to sag into her side for a moment, it was close enough to Hug Time, it was fine. But all too soon my strings pulled me away, smiling.
“I can’t say no to my adoring fans!” I grinned, the right side of my mouth gave a violent twitch, cramping from the nonstop use. I turned away so hopefully Princess Poppy wouldn’t notice. She can’t think I’m weird, I’m normal, I’m supposed to be normal!
“Branch?” Princess Poppy’s voice was laced with concern, her hand grabbing my shoulder and spinning me around.
I tried to maintain my grin, feeling the corners twitch uncomfortably against the frames of my glasses. I tugged on my blue puffy vest, nerves trying to rise from my belly but thankfully, as always, halted in their tracks.
“What’s up, Princess Poppy?” I asked, my hands now hanging limp at my side since they weren’t allowed to do anything else.
She made a face at her title like she always did, but her hand tightened on my shoulder. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything is perfect! Why wouldn’t it be?” My mouth said, the words a little too chirpy. “The fans love me, and your celebration is going even better than projected!” That should throw her off, get her talking about the party. Everyone is happy.
It worked like a charm. Princess Poppy beamed at me like I had given her, her favorite dessert.
“Thank you, Branch! This party wouldn’t have been half as successful without you here though! You make every party more fun.” She then began prattling on about the different streamer and glitter bombs she had used this time as opposed to last year. She was so dedicated to keeping the village happy! We were so lucky to have her and King Peppy!
I relaxed, as much as I could, and smiled along. Thankfully it didn’t have to be a big smile, I could soften things for the princess.
Soon enough we were in the area considered backstage, and I expected her to peel off and go back to her friends, but instead, she pulled me into a more private dressing room area. My skin prickled at the privacy. That meant bad things. That meant I wasn’t happy enough.
“Branch, I need you to be real with me here. You’ve been acting kind of… off lately. Are you sure you’re okay?” Princess Poppy looked apologetic as she said it, but I felt the immediate effect.
A scream of pop music resounded in my ears, so loud I thought they would start bleeding. The pounding in my head got worse, like a bergen bashing my head against a tree. Even my muscles started to scream, wanting to cramp and twitch as they were forcibly pulled. I wanted to scream and cry and curl up under the bed in my pod, but I stood there beaming.
“Princess Poppy, I assure you, I’m perfectly fine. Just a little tired from the party tonight. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be just fine.” The words were straight from the string and they hurt, like they were being ripped from me. My voice even went raspier, like there was another voice speaking under mine, but I wasn’t sure if that was from the singing or not. It had been a long time since I had to have the string speak through me. I’m supposed to be better than this. Get it together, Branch. You’re perfectly happy!
Princess Poppy took a step back, a frown pulling down her lips.
No! No! I can fix this please—
“Is everything alright, Poppy? I saw you follow Branch back here.” King Peppy’s voice sent shivers across my body, locking up my joints. King Peppy is here! Oh good he’ll make everything better, like always!!
“Oh! Hey Dad, I was just congratulating Branch on his performance!” Princess Poppy lied to the king! Her face didn’t show any hint of dishonesty though, and I didn’t feel compelled to correct her, that would be rude, so I just nodded along, my smile back to the tight beam that had been on display for everyone tonight. I had worked super hard on it to make it perfect.
He looked between the two of us like he wasn’t sure it was the truth, but merely motioned me forward. I went without hesitation of course, my body still rigid and stiff despite the bounce in my step. I stopped in front of King Peppy, smiling up at him.
“Run along now, my darling. I wanted to talk with Branch about something, you know, guy talk.” King Peppy winked over my head at the princess, causing her to gag and laugh.
“Ew Dad, okay. Alright, Branch, it was awesome talking to you!” She hesitated a moment before giving me a hug, squeezing tighter than normal, like she was afraid of something.
I watched her walk away, my pink-tinted vision clouding her shape the further she got. Like I was drowning alone in suffocating pink mist.
King Peppy’s hand landed on my shoulder heavily, and he sighed like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. “I worry about her. I only hope that when it’s her time, she will continue to make the right choices, as I have. Now, come along, Branch. I’ll top you off.”
“Thank you, King Peppy!” I chirped, melting as the string was plucked, and I could just dive back into the haze of my mind. We were having to do this more frequently. It used to be, I could go for a week without having the string played for me, but that time was shortening. I didn’t want to think about what would happen to me should the string stop working altogether. That wasn’t a happy thought, and only happy thoughts were allowed!
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incorrectdaquotes · 24 days
… soon.
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