#i hope you like your ship my dear cristina!
anakin-danvers · 4 years
*raises hand* ma’am may I please request a pairing?? about me: half-Latina, athletic/former dancer, in need of stimulation 24/7, youngest child, intellectual but also kinda (read: very) clueless, always listening to music, deep thinker, loves to laugh, anxiety & isolationism are good friends of mine, craves soft things, honorable bad boys are *sigh*
Cristina! I’m so glad you asked for a ship 🚢 and I love the description you gave!
I ship you with Han Solo!
You met the literal epitome of honorable bad boy after taking up a few jobs at the Mos Eisely cantina. He’s no stranger to the dimly lit tavern, and one night after you finish your shift early, you find yourself unwinding with a few drinks. It’s when the band plays the lively music you grew up hearing and you make your way to the sad excuse of a dance floor that Han can’t help but stare.
You move to the music as if you have it memorized. It’s second nature to you, dancing for as long as you can remember. The youngest in your family, you were often able to pick up different parts of your culture from those around you. The one that stuck to you most was dancing.
The few drinks you took to unwind take its toll on you, because as you open your eyes to find chocolate orbs staring back, you smile. And that smile is what has Han up from his seat and walking towards you.
From this, you’ve learned that as smooth as Han is with his words, his dancing doesn’t necessarily follow suit. Since that night, Han never stops dancing with you when he has the chance, the action bringing a warm feeling to your chest. Sometimes you can’t help but laugh at how lost he seems to be. But he’ll keep making a fool out of himself on the dance floor just to hear you laugh.
When you decide to travel the galaxy with him, he, to your surprise, has a music player installed to the Falcon. Han insists he always had it, but when you point out the obviously newer state it’s in compared to the rest of the ship, all he does is give you a smile to confirm your suspicions.
Later, when he meets Luke, Leia, and the Rebellion, he tells you he’ll join them only if you want to. At the gleam of hope in his eyes, hope for something better, you instantly say yes. You’re initially afraid to be a bother to the crew; they all know so much, they all seem to have their specific purpose. When Han finds you in your cot, the anxiety of not being good enough to help the Rebellion clouding your thoughts, his heart feels heavy. He assures you that the main reason he wants to help the Rebellion is to ensure a better life for you together. His words warm your heart more than the suns on Tatooine ever could, and you hug him close to you, thanking the stars for having him in your life.
Your worry is soon scrapped, as you find your immense knowledge of the history of different planets is soon put to use in the Rebellion. You love to learn, and soon pick up many things around the Rebel base. When you’re not deep in thoughtful conversations with those around you, Han will find you in the small kitchen of either the base or the Falcon (both having working ovens secretly installed by Han himself). You’ll bake your worries away, and Han is always excited to taste your newest creation. Though he loves each one, he knows nothing is quite as sweet as the taste of your lips on his.
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juliettecxi · 4 years
hiii I wanted to request julian x emma with the prompt „five more minutes?“ if you have time and want to do it🥰🥰
Prompt number 11: “Five more minutes?”
Fandom: The Dark Artifices
Ship: Jemma/Blackstairs
Genre: alternate au, slightly inspired by “to all the boys I’ve loved before” 3 (ya know, the whole thing where they go to different colleges) angst and fluff (I think there’s fluff)
Julian woke to the sound of Emma’s alarm clock. He looked down at the blonde in his arms and sighed. This was going to be the last time he got to hold her like this for a long time.
He reached over to turn off the alarm, waking Emma up in the process. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Julian. He smiled at her. “Good morning.” she whispered, and he kissed her. “Good morning.” Today’s the day huh?” she said, and their smiles disappeared, a somber atmosphere filling the room.
Emma and Julian had started dating in high school. They’d had their ups and downs, but they were very happy, and Julian couldn’t help but envision a future together. Moving in, getting married, having kids, and growing old together, but never did he think that they might go to different colleges, and spend four years apart.
While Julian had decided to go to a college nearby, Emma wanted to go to a college on the other side of the country, miles apart, and a conflict of interest nearly tore them apart. But they both didn’t want to lose each other, and they decided to maintain a long distance relationship.
He knew their love would last, but the thought of being apart for so long crushed him, and sometimes he couldn’t help but wonder if both of them would be able to pull through.
They were all at the airport, here to drop Emma off. Ty and Kit had said their goodbyes, and had taken Tavvy to one of the duty frees, while Mark, Kieran and Cristina stood with them.
“Make sure you don’t fall off the plane.” Mark said, and anyone who didn’t know him would think he was joking. Emma laughed, bright and loud and patted Mark on the shoulder. “I’ll make sure I won’t buddy.” she said, and he smiled and pulled her into a sudden hug. They pulled away and Emma looked at Cristina.
“If you don’t call me everyday and tell me how your day went, I swear I will fly over there and find you Emma!” Cristina said fiercely, but her bottom lip trembled, indicating that she tried not to cry. “I promise you, I will call.” Emma said, “I value my life way too much.” and everyone laughed. This time Emma was the one to reach in for a hug, and she pulled Cristina in for a tight one, and a small tear slid down Cristina’s face. Emma noticed this as they parted and she reached up and wiped it away. “I’m not going forever! I’ll be back for Christmas, maybe even thanksgiving!” and Cristina chuckled. “I’m going to miss you.” she whispered, and Emma smiled. “So will I..” she said.
Next up was Kieran. “All the best.” he said, and reached out to shake her hand, but much to his surprise, Emma pulled him in for a hug, and he grunted, but returned it.
They separated, and Emma looked at Julian. “Hey! Let’s go try out that coffee shop over there!” Cristina said, and pulled Mark and Kieran away, leaving Emma and Julian alone.
He took in a deep breath.
“Emma I-” Before he could finish what he was about to say Emma crashed into him, engulfing him in a hug. “I’m-” she began, and her voice broke. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his nose in her hair.
“I’m sorry.” she whispered again. “I’m sorry I’m leaving you, I’m sorry I’m hurting you.” Julian broke the embrace and lifted her chin with his finger. “We’ll all hurt Emma, but it’s not because of you. I think I’d hurt more if you stayed behind for the rest of us and gave up your dream. Emma shook her head and looked down, tears falling down her cheeks.
Julian sniffled and brushed away a tear. God he was going to miss her.
“Em, I’ll always be there if you need me, whenever you need me, you’re only a few miles away.” “More like a few thousand miles.” she said, and they both chuckled slightly.
She finally looked up at him. “These four years when we only get to see each other in person every few months, Regardless of distance, I will never forget you Jules. I’ll always think about you, and wait for you.” He kissed her then, and it was different from the other ones they’d shared. This was sweet and warm, yet sad and gloomy, like the setting sun, that gave way to the night. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, and her arms entwined around his neck.
They broke the kiss, and held each other as though they couldn’t be parted. “I have to get on my flight now.” she said and Julian held her tighter, “Five more minutes?” Julian whispered, and she nodded and kissed his neck.
And that’s how they stayed, relishing in each other’s warmth and the fact that they would have to part seemed to have been forgotten, until a voice spoke over the speakers. “Passengers for flight EJ2012 please board the plain.” 
He let her go then. He knew he had to. She stepped back, kissed him on the lips, turned around and walked towards the boarding area. She stopped, looked back, and waved one last time, and slowly disappeared out of Julian’s sight.
As he watched her go, he knew, he’d wait for her, for as long as it takes. Years, centuries, Millenia even, he’d always be waiting for his Emma, and he knew she’d do the same. 
@arangiajoan dear Kat, I really hope you like this. I’m sorry this took so long lmao, I just couldn’t find a plot I was happy with and fluff just wasn’t working for me :( .. This definitely isn’t my best (and is probably border lining on my worst.) but once again, I hope you liked it <3
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livcosmos · 5 years
Queen of Air and Darkness booktalk
Well, I am directly going in with the spoilers so if go read it and then come back to discuss, it was AMAZING so just read it.
So I don't even know where to start it had it all I cried a lot I laughed I was emotional, happy, sad, frustrated, angry I felt it all it was just wonderful, amazing and great. I took a lot of notes while reading and I have a feeling that this is going to be a very long review so let's get started.                                             
So let's start with the beginning, we started where we left Lord of shadows and oh boy that was painfull, seeing Jules so hurt was so so sad and it was so unbearable but I am happy Emma was there, ah I just love them I love Emma so much and I love Jules even more but I have to say that Jules has done some bad shit in this book and I wasn’t there for it, I was so so excited to be reunited with him after I read Lord of Shadows and had to do that reading pause because of school I was so excited to see him again but no... half of the book Jules was not Jules and jgjhgkggk but we will get to that later. So, Jules, it was so heartbreaking to see him like that and all the other Blackthorns deal with Livvy’s death but also Izzy as I wrote in my review for Lord of Shadows I was so afraid to see her suffer for her dad and we got to see that and it was so so sad, I love Izzy so much and I want her to be happy. But I am so happy Simon was there, Simon is amazing he is the sunlight that shines throw the dark he is always so funny, I want to hug him I am so happy he is there for Izzy. And from that scene, we moved on to Julian and Emma and I was like I love you guys but what in the world are you doing are you out of your minds?? Jules, I know you are in pain, your sister has just died and everything but we don't need you to take a shower with Emma it is so inappropriate to do that know and besides there is the curse and... I was happy but also sad when he left, happy because of the course and sad because he just let Emma there and went to a very dumb thing and that was to go to Magnus so that he can put that to spell on him and hgjhkgjhg I know in the end it was a good thing because if Magnus wouldn’t have done that the curse would have happened to soon but from that moment on Julian was no more my Jules and he was so mean and I couldn't handle him actions I just couldn't it was too much. When he killed Dane I seriously started to think that maybe he was like that the whole time and I was just blinded of love for him but when he was back to himself again I was again in love with him and I forgot everything but anyway that was so hard to deal with and poor Emma he hurt her so much while he was under the spell. Another emotional moment for me was when Jem came to the funeral and talked to Emma, I think it is not a secret anymore that Jem is my biggest love. I read his name and I immediately started crying I just couldn't help it, and when he told Emma that Tessa was pregnant I was crying, even more, I am so incredibly happy for them, I love them so much I can't even put into words how much I adore them. But you know who else I love? Cristina omg I love her so much I think I said that before but in this book I loved her, even more, she is just so amazing and even though it is so wired I ship her so much with Kieran and Mark and I never thought that I would ever say this after what happened in Lady Midnight but I have not only forgiven Kieran for what he has done but I really started to like him and also Mark I was unsure about him but now I can say I like him. They are both so so adorable when they don't know things from the normal mundane world and the scene with Dru and Kieran when they talk about his feeling was so funny. Mark and Kieran are so great. And I really hope things work out between them and Cristina through all the distance, I think Kieran is a great King but I also want him to be happy so I am very curious to find out how things are looking in the Wicked Powers. I know I sais I wouldn’t read them but know I am not so sure anymore because this book didn’t feel like an ending there are so many things that aren’t solved jet and I am not sure if I can handle not knowing what will happen. Oh and Mark I am so happy he is going to New York with Cristina to be part of the Shadowhunter and Downworlders Alliance that is so incredibly cool and I am so happy for him. And that I mentioned the not really ending part I also would have loved to get more informations about the Rosales family and the Eternidad how it came into the family and also those time stopping necklaces why those Cristina have one? There are so many questions. I am checking the notes I took while I am writing this and I just saw a note referring to the scene where Julian kills Dane and I have to quote myself here because it is so accurate: “Jules killer, not my Jules missing Jem hate the new Julian freaks me out”, nothing says better what I felt when I read that part then this. Now I am jumping up and down my notes and I coming off-topic so the next thing on the list is Dru. Oh, that girl gave me a hard time so I disliked her so much, in the beginning, I thought she was so so mean to Helen and she was treating her so bad when Helen only deserves the best and I was so angry with Dru. But with the time I started to understand her, not like her just understand why she has done and said some things and besides she was pretty cool at the end where she got Jamie, Diego, and Jia out of jail and in the scene where it was her idea to talk to Jules and Emma even though they could have killed her and the others. So, Jamie, I have to say something about Jamie and that is, that I love him. I really love Jamie I think he is so cool and funny and everything but I don't want him to be with Dru I know that there is the possibility for them to be together in that Wicked Powers and I am not there for this relationship I don't know it is just that I love Jamie and I don't like Dru. But there is also Tavvy I love him he is so sweet, I want to hug him. I also like that he is playing with Rafe and Max I am happy he has friends his age and I am also very excited to see him when he is a little older when he is 15 or 16 I think it would be so interesting. Now let’s talk about Horace oh this guy gave me a hard hard time, I am asking you how can you be like that? How can you be such a horrible person how? When Dianna had her incredibly badass moment where she cut his hand of I was so happy I love Dianna and she was so incredibly cool at that moment ( and besides I loved her relationship with Gwyn in this book even more than in the last one) and that’s what he gets if he is being such a terrible human being. And his daughter is as bad as him omg she freaked me out so so much she is such a bitch like omg Emma showed her mercy twice and what is she doing exactly she stabs Emma in the back. You don’t do that what kind of Shadowhunter is she, what kind of human is she you don’t stab someone who is defenseless in the back you just don’t do that. And who gave her the right to take Cortana I mean she clearly wanted to be like Emma and she thought that if she has Cortana she would be like her or what? No, my dear Zara if you have Cortana you are not even nearly as good as Emma. The moment when Cortana flew into Emma’ s hand was the best moment it was so amazing I was like there you have it you bitch, take that Zara. And that we talking of flying weapons, Gwyn also had a similar moment with his hatchet and I remember laughing out loud at that moment because it made think of Thor and how Gwyn is like a weird version of him I don't know why but I thought it was so funny. Alright so back to Julian and Emma in Feryie, so fake Julian lied to Emma and he has a copy of the black book and he wants to bring it to the Seelie Queen and oh boy I knew from the first moment that that was an incredibly bad idea of course she was going to betray them what was Julian thinking I mean hello again we are talking about the Seelie Queen. I am so happy Nene helped them she was so nice and I am happy that she is free now. So Jules and Emma are at the Unseelie Court and see Annabell and Ash so first of all Annabell she just annoyed me this whole book she was just there to make trouble every time she showed up I was like why are you still here you are just here to be annoying why don’t you die I hate you? But I must say I would have liked to see how she was when she was really alive you know, that would have been interesting and I would have also liked to know what went through her head when she murdered Robert and Livvy like why did she kill them? So and there is Ash, I knew the day had to come when the son of Sebastian and the Seelie Queen finally appears and I have no idea what to think of him, at first I liked him he seamed nice and he reminded me of Sebastian and I was like omg because even though Sebastian was so incredibly evil and mean, he is kind of my favorite villain of all time, I kind of always liked Sebastian, I know that's wired. (And then there was Sebastian of Thule and I was like how could you ever think of Sebastian in a good way are you crazy?) So Ash I still don’t know what to think of him I mean the ending of this book was so weird and open like now he is with his evil mother and evil Jace and hjgjgkhgg evil Jace wants Clary and this all can’t be good and as I said this book didn’t feel like a finale. What is going to happen? Is there going to be a fight between the two Jace’s what will happen there are so many questions! And that I mentioned Jace you know I live him and Clary extremely much and I was so incredibly happy to see him and Clary, to see that they are ok and to know that thanks to their angel blood they could use steles and seraph blades in Fearye and I more than enjoyed the parts from their point of few because I missed them so much I forgot how much I loved them it was like coming home again. And my book also had the short story where Clary is proposing to Jace and oh my goodness my heart it was so incredibly emotional I cried. It was also so emotional to see how much time has passed, through how much they have been through and how things changed. That short story was everything ist was beautiful and I am so happy that everything is ok and that there are engaged and ah I love them. Now let's talk about that battle in the Unseelie Court because in my opinion that was the best battle of all time it sounds so weird to say it but I enjoyed that battle. It was so nice to see them all fight together, to see Jace and Clary fight again and there was Kieren killing his dad and I don't know I thought that battle was so cool. And omg Julian fighting that strange rider with the figurine that Simon gave him was the best thing, it was so funny. And I forgot to mention how funny it was when the Unseelie King was like here I have an exact copy of the Black Book made by a powerfull named OfficeMax, that was so funny. But to get back to the battle when Julian and Emma jumped through that portal I was like are you two you crazy??? How many things can go wrong in one book who many? From that moment on I was trying to get used to the feeling that nothing is going to be good anymore but luckily we got through it all. It is so amazing how Cassie makes a problem that brings other thousend problems and you think that nothing is going to be good ever again that the sun will never shine again and then she just solved the problem in the easiest way, the easy way that was always there in front of your eyes but you never saw, that amazes me. So I know there was a lot to deal with in that battle but I am still asking myself why didn't someone take the King’s Krown I mean I am sure there was time and if someone would have done that, that would have spared us the whole thing with Kirean’s brother beeing the King and everything. But it was interesting anyway to see things from Manuel’s point of few, to see what he thinks but I am still asking myself does he still have that thing with Ashe’s blood in it that he took from the King because we know that that demon at the end hat a similar thing around his neck but was it really the thing with Ashe’s blood because I don’t think so. Manuel seems like he would keep something like that for himself and if he still has it I am afraid of what he is going to do with it. But now before we get into the Thule story I also wanted to mention that I really like Alenie she was so cool through this whole book and it is so lovely how she always supports Helen with everything and the way she handled the kids was so funny and her idea to save the Downworlders was so cool and funny, Alenie is just great. And I also have to say something about the Cohort, so I have no idea how these people could think that doing such horible things will do them well they were only distorting themselves their world, what they wanted to to to their world was just awful I mean burining down the Borcelindforest, wanting to separate themselves from the Downworlders almost tarting a war end everything that is so so horrible.The Cohort just angered me the whole time because of what they were doing and deciding they are so horrible. When they said they killed Kaelie, the waitress from New York I was so sad and angry how could they do such a horrible thing like that?                                                                                                                 
And how can I present to you the world gets down and so does my soul in Thule. I don't even know where to start because this Thule section had me crying the whole time. I start with the easiest thing and that is that I was more than happy to have my Jules back to have the Julian with emotions and the nice and lovely Julian that I love back that was very good and I was very happy about it and I was also happy that from there on we got more from his point of few because while he was without emotions we only got a tiny part from his point of few and I missed him so I was also happy so because of that the first note I took after the arrival in Thule was “Jules is back love love love things maybe better so happy Jules back omg” and than “Kind of like Thule” only to keep on reading and realizing that Thule is horrible so I wrote “Hate Thule hate what happens there”. But to take things in order so we meat Livvy from Thule end even though I was happy to see her this version of her was so so different from our Livvy so that I didn’t really like Thule Livvy I mean yes she is a cool badass there but I just missed the true Livvy. But Cameron was great I liked Cameron and I would have liked to see more of the Cameron from our world. It was so incredibly sad when they looked at him in Silent City it was so terrible. And omg the story that Livvy told Jules and Emma about what happened to the Blackthorn family was even more heartbreaking and it made me realized how bad Sebastian is and how bad things would have been if he would have won the battle it is so scary to think about that.But the ting that really broke, I was sobbing I was on the floor crying was the fact that Jem was death there, that he never got to be Jem again and that Tessa was suffering and when Tessa died, those things where way too much for me I know I can hardly handle only reading Jem’s name imagine how I felt when I read that sentence where Tessa says that Jem is dead, it was more than heartbreaking it was pure torture. And omg we saw Raphael, I love Raphael I was so happy to see him but it also made me very sad because I knew that the real Raphael isn’t there anymore. EAH and we saw Maia with Bat there and in the real world and eah eah eah I am still mad at her because of what happened to Jordan I will never forgive her I so so dislike her. What happened with Jordan from Thule anyway it would have been interesting to find out. But there was in Thule this beautiful scene with Julian where he started to draw again and he said those beautiful things about art, his words followed me from that moment on what he said was so beautiful. I love him so much. When they got back home from Thule I was so happy to be back home in the normal world I was so happy everything was there even though they weren't perfect I was more than glad to be back where Jem and Tessa are alive and where things are as good as they can be. But I was sad that Julian was under the spell again and that scare he made himself on his arm was so ugly end it broke my hearth that he had done that to himself so I was so happy that Magnus made it disapere. Omg so I love, Magnus I loved Magnus before but after those books, I love him, even more, he is one of the best persons. I wanted to talk about this late but I am doing it now, so Alec’s and Magnus’ wedding was so emotional I was once again crying it was so beautiful and I was so happy to finally see this wedding and to see them so happy. But I have to say I was really really sad, that Jem and Tessa weren't there at the wedding I mean Tessa is one of  Magnus’ best friends they lived together and they have been thorough so much together why didn’t they go to the wedding WHY??And I am more than proud of Alec that he is now Consul there is no other person that is better for this job I have so much faith in him. I am also happy that Diego is going to be the new Inquisitor but I personally would have liked Diana to be the new Inquisitor but Diego is going to do a great job so it’s alright. And Ragnor is back as I aid he would be in my last review and I am so happy about it I am happy for him Magnus and Caterina, that they are reunited again but I have a question why was he hiding? Where was he this whole time why didn’t he communicate with Magnus and Caterina? I would like to know those things. Let’s talk about Ty and Kit now because I didn't say anything about them and there is a lot to say. So let's start with the fact that I now like Kit as you might remember I said I wasn’t sure what to think of him but now I am ready to say, that I like him he is funny and great.The whole storyline with him and Ty was so heartbreaking. I felt so sorry for Ty it was so sad to see what he went through how he was so convinced that he is going to bring Livvy back and it was so sad to see him doing all those things he normally wouldn't do, I really thought he is going to stop all of it after he read the letter from Livvy from Thule but unfortunately he didn’t and he had changed so much and I missed the old detective Ty and I wanted to hug him and tell him that everything is going to be ok and it was so sad because Julian wasn’t there for him and when he came back from Thule he had no emotions and Ty wanted to talk to him but he brushed him off omg that was so sad. And poor Kit should have stopped him, it broke my heart to see how much he loves Ty and how Ty is only concentrated at Livvy and won't see what Kit is feeling.The scene where Livvy first came as a ghost was so so sad. And at the end when Kit was watching from the distance and how he didn’t want to say goodbye that broke my heart one more time it was so sad, those two need to be together. But I was so happy that Jem and Tessa are now Kit’s parents I am so happy, it means that we are definitely going to see Jem and Tessa in the Wicked Powers and omg that is so exciting. And it is so sweet that Kit said through the book a few times that she would like to have a sibling and now he is going to have one that is so nice and sweet. When Tessa asked him if she wanted to move with her and Jem, I cried because that was so emotional it was such a nice and sweet moment. Omg, I didn’t talk about Kit’s powers omg that scene where he saved Emma was so cool and I am so excited to know more about his powers they are so interesting. I would be so interesting to see how the Seelie Queen would react if she finds out who Kit is and I am so excited to find out what will happen, is there going to be a fight between Ash and Kit? Is Kit going to be the new King so that Kieran can live a happy life with Cristina and Mark? (Bye the way I forgot to mention how sweet it was from Adaon to give Kieran his cottage so that he could meet Cristina and Mark there.) And what are the consequences of bringing Livvy back? And even though I am not happy about how things ended between Ty and Kit I am happy that Ty is at least now a little more aware of Dru and now they can be there for each other. There was something that I didn’t know I was missing until it was there again and those things are the conversations between Emma and Mark, they had so nice conversations in the past book and I really enjoyed them but now they only got to talk to each other once and that is a little sad because I love their friendship, I love to see them together. When Julian gathered everyone together so that they can discuss what they are going to against the Cohort was so emotional it was so beautiful I had tears in my eyes and wanted to hug Julian so so so hard at that moment because he is a genius he is a freaking genius, he had planned everything so perfectly and he is so so smart and it was such a nice way to honor Livvy and ah it filled my heart with even more love for him. And the scene where they were all around the campfire, eating smores, that was another amazing scene I loved it so much again it made so emotional it was so beautiful and funny and heartwarming it was so adorable. Omg, the scene in the Silent City where Emma wanted to break the Parabatai rune was so intense and what Julian said to her was so beautiful and emotional, Julian always has the right words. I was so worried this whole time that tey were going to break all Parabatai bounds and I am so happy they didn’t I am so happy things worked out in the end so well. When Emma was dying and Julian said those beautiful things to her I was crying so so bad because they were so beautiful and it was so beautiful and sweet that after they turned back to normal they were holding hands. I am more than happy that they can now be together, I am so happy that Julian can finally take a break from being a father, that he can love his life and be a normal boy his age. The scene after they woke up, when Jem told them what happened was so emotional I was so happy I couldn't believe it, I was crying tears of happiness for them, it was so beautiful see them so happy. Ah and besides I love how even though Jem is not a Silent Brother anymore he still mind of is because he is always helping them and everything that is so funny, he is such a sweetheart I love him with all my heart. And I have to be honest I would have liked the family to find out about Julian and Emma before the Parabati bound was broken, I would have liked to see how they all react and I would have also liked Livvy to know about them she would have been so happy for them. It was very scary to see Julian and Emma turn into those things but when the whole family and friends came to talk to them it was so beautiful I know I am using the word beautiful way to much but is the word that bests describes the situation it was so beautiful and emotional and what Tavy said omg I was crying again. They are a family full of love above everything. And the most I love the friendship between Cristina and Emma. When they were getting ready for the party it made me cry because it was so nice I hope they remain best friends forever because their friendship is so beautiful and I love it. So as I was saying before Julian is more than a freaking genius with all he had planned, omg that scene where Manuel broke into the camp to kill Jace and Clary and they were just chilling there playing tic tack toe that was so amazing, my baby had everything planned perfectly. But omg why did we had to kill Julie, I liked her and oh poor Beatriz and Simon it’s so sad that she had to die. I don't understand why she and John had to die it’s so sad. But all in all, I have to say that that ending battle was very cool, omg it was so funny to see Simon fight, I don't know I am not that used jet to see him as a Shadowhunter and its just funny to see him fight as one. And I forgot to say that I think that Hypatia Vex is pretty cool, I liked how she helped them in the battle and I hope to see more of her in the future. Ok this review is literally so chaotic I am sorry but I have so much to say and as much as I am trying to them in chronological order I just can’t I am sorry but if you have come so far with reading you deserve an award, keep on reading I am almost done. So I also wanted to say how much I loved the relationship between Diego and Jaime they care so much for each other and it’s so nice and as I mentioned before I love Jamie. Oh and hahaha that scene where all the blackthorns gathered together to go to Julian and Emma, where the world was literally going down, I loved how Mark was just casually there saying to Ty that he did some very nice shots, it was so funny. And there is also another thing I forgot to mention in the beginning, so how weird is it that Ty’s phone was connected to Julians like he said that everything Julian had on his phone he had it on his to I mean like what if Emma would have sent Julian a text that was only meant for Julian if you know what I mean and Ty would have got it to ??? It’s so weird! So and now the end, the thing that happened with the Cohort, that they have Idris now, I have such a bad feeling about it can’t mean anything good they are going to do something and something very very bad is going to happen, it’s going to be very dark and twisted and I am very anxious about what will happen in the Wicked Powers. And I am not sure anymore if I wrote this earlier but it was interesting to read that ending part from the Seelie Queen’s point of few it was interesting to slip a bit inside her head.
And know the conclusion so I loved this book and I am very happy with the ending that Julian and Emma got but there still are so many other unsolved things and I need some answers. I loved that ending with the party and the wedding, that was so beautiful and in general this book had me crying almost the whole time but it was a painful but good crying. I more than enjoyed reading it and it was very hard to let go of it because I don’t want the thing to change and end in general so it was and it is hard to let go. And I am now thinking that even though I said I wouldn’t read the Wicked Powers, maybe I am going to read them because I need those answers. The story isn’t finished jet. Omg, I forgot to say two other things, so the first thing has something to do with Kieran. Kieran called Cristina a quite a few times a Princess, what is it with that? Is Cristina a real Princess, does it have something to do with her family? And the other thing is about Cortana, I would have liked to know more about what it can do, I mean hoe was it possible that Cortana send Duredal to Emma when she needed it? And it says that Cortana absorbs everything she cuts, did it absorb something from the Black Book? Why could Cortana cut the Mortal Sword why was that possible? Again there are so many questions I need an answer to but I think for now I just need to be content with what I have for now. It was beautiful and amazing and full of love and pain and everything it had everything and if I could I would like to erase my memory so that I can read it again without knowing what is going to happen. I loved it, but my favorite series still remains The Infernal Devices because I know why.
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acraftynerd · 7 years
Yes, I know I’m very late with this review – don’t shoot!
  Title: Lord of Shadows (The Dark Artifices #2)
Author: Cassandra Clare
Synopsis: Emma Carstairs has learned that the love she shares with her parabatai, Julian Blackthorn, isn’t just forbidden—it could destroy them both. She knows she should run from Julian. But how can she when the Blackthorns are threatened by enemies on all sides?
Their only hope is the Black Volume of the Dead, a spell book of terrible power. Everyone wants it. Only the Blackthorns can find it. Spurred on by a dark bargain with the Seelie Queen, Emma; her best friend, Cristina; and Mark and Julian Blackthorn journey into the Courts of Faerie, where glittering revels hide bloody danger and no promise can be trusted. Meanwhile, rising tension between Shadowhunters and Downworlders has produced the Cohort, an extremist group of Shadowhunters dedicated to registering Downworlders and “unsuitable” Nephilim. They’ll do anything in their power to expose Julian’s secrets and take the Los Angeles Institute for their own.
  When Downworlders turn against the Clave, a new threat rises in the form of the Lord of Shadows—the Unseelie King, who sends his greatest warriors to slaughter those with Blackthorn blood and seize the Black Volume. As dangers close in, Julian devises a risky scheme that depends on the cooperation of an unpredictable enemy. But success may come with a price he and Emma cannot even imagine, one that will bring with it a reckoning of blood that could have repercussions for everyone and everything they hold dear.
Rating: 5 Stars
Review: I started this book with high expectations, and those expectations were exceeded. Let me explain just how amazing this is.
Lord of Shadows takes place a short while after Lady Midnight, and the Shadowhunters of the LA Institute have been kept busy by sea demons appearing from the sea – until the Centurions from the Scholomance arrive, and bring a whole set of troubles with them. That’s not even taking into consideration the emotional problems amongst the teenagers.
Okay, so I’m going to split this up into various ships, because that’s where all my feelings are. Starting off with….
Gwyn and Diana
  Oh my god, this came out of nowhere, but I ship it so effing much now! Gwyn’s this big bear-like guy, and he’s intimidating, and rough, but he’s also a total gentleman, and he woos Diana like she deserves to be. He brings her flowers, and he listens to her backstory – representation by the way! – and ugh, they’re just so perfect!
  Ty and Kit
  This ship has now become my favourite out of the entire universe (except for Malec, obviously) and I’m dying for them to actually become a thing. Argh, slow burn relationships! So good, yet so hard! I mean, how could you not hardcore ship them after these parts:
He grinned, and the grin changed his face completely. Ty when he was still and expressionless had an intensity that fascinated Kit; when he was smiling, he was extraordinary.”
  “You want a … wait, you’ve been sleeping outside my room because you want a sort of Watson for your Sherlock Holmes?”
  Ty smiled. It was a genuine light-up-your-face-type smile, and it made Kit remember the first time he’d met Ty.
  If Ty was someone else, Kit would have tried to catch his eyes, but he knew Ty wouldn’t look at him directly.
  I mean, Kit actually understands that Ty’s autistic, and it doesn’t faze him one bit. In return, Ty sees past Kit’s brave facade, and he gets to the scared boy underneath – just, they really work well together, and I’m in love with my adorable boys.
  Her eyes were much bluer than the Thames. Ty’s eyes were really more the river’s colour.
  “Waste of a perfectly good starfish,” muttered Kit, and Ty laughed. The salt air had tangled his arrow-straight black hair, and his eyes glowed like the moonlight on the river. Kit just stared, unable to think of anything else clever to say.
  Kieran and Mark
  I have so many feelings about these two that there aren’t actually words for it. I’m just going to use a whole load of gifs, which actually express my emotional state better than words could right now. Also, this:
Intellectually, he knew the word “lover” was part of traditional speech, but he couldn’t help it: He was from Los Angeles, and as far as he was concerned, Kieran had just said, Hello, I have sex with Mark Blackthorn. What about you?”
  Julian and Emma
  To be perfectly honest? Meh. Parts of this relationship just felt like Jace and Clary, circa ‘City of Ashes’ and I wasn’t especially into them this time around. I loved them a lot more in ‘Lady Midnight’, especially Emma, but in this book they just seemed more interested in their romantic problems than anything else – even Emma, and I loved how defiant and badass she was in the first book. It was a little disappointing, but because I enjoyed this so much, I’m not going to take any stars off for it.
As for the writing overall though, I am still a huge Cassandra Clare fan, and I love how she always has a twist around the corner – still dying over that cruel, cruel ending – which always keeps me on my toes as a reader. Seriously, she could write anything, and I’d read it.
If you like fantasy, well-written LGBT characters, and complicated teenage relationships, this is a series for you.
Now, to whet your appetite, here’s a few parts from it – enjoy.
    “All I am saying is give it a week. After all”—Jace grinned—”Herondales can’t resist a challenge.”
  “You know my rules about forsoothing in my room. Also the use of the words ‘howbeit,’ ‘welladay,’ and ‘alack.’”
“What about ‘zounds’?”
“The punishment for ‘zounds’ is severe,” she told him.
  “I wonder what other family mottoes are,” Emma mused. “Do you know any?”
“The Lightwood family motto is ‘We mean well.’ ”
“Very funny.”
Julian looked over at her. “No, really, it actually is.”
“Seriously? So what’s the Herondale family motto? ‘Chiseled but angsty’?”
He shrugged. ‘If you don’t know what your last name is, it’s probably Herondale’?”
Emma burst out laughing. “What about Carstairs?” she asked, tapping Cortana. “ ‘We have a sword’? ‘Blunt instruments are for losers’?”
“Morgenstern,” offered Julian. “ ‘When in doubt, start a war’?”
    “I mean, your house is pretty screwed up, what with your agoraphhobic uncle and your weird brother.
Julian’s hands tightened on the wheel, but the only thing he said was, “Ty isn’t weird.”
“I meant Mark,” said Kit. There was an odd pause. “Ty isn’t weird,” Kit added. “He’s just autistic.”
The pause stretched out longer. Kit wondered if he’d offended Julian somehow. “It’s not a big deal,” he said finally. “Back when I went to mundane school, I knew some kids who were on the spectrum. Ty has some things in common with them.”
“What spectrum?” Julian asked.
Kit looked at him in surprise. “You really don’t know what I mean?”
  “Come to the library,” she announced. “The tentacle is starting to dissolve.”
“You drive me wild with your sexy talk,” said Jace, pulling on his gear jacket.
  “Whoa, sexy weirdness,” said Emma. “This may be more sexy weirdness than I can handle.”
“It is not weird!”
“It is,” said Emma. “You are headed for a faerie threesome. Or some kind of war.”
“Hot faerie threesome,” said Emma cheerfully. “I can say I knew you when.”
  But to me everything about him said “Love me, because nobody else has”. It was all over him, like fingerprints.”
  “Move, Kit. I want to get a closer look at that bust.”
To Kit, bust only meant one thing, but since the only breasts in the room belonged to Ty’s sister, he stepped aside with alacrity.
  “I can’t believe you’re going,” she said to Julian. “The minute you leave, Livvy and Ty start treating me like a servant.”
“Servants get paid,” Ty observed.
  [Mark] was standing with his hands behind his back, exchanging a mistrustful look with a carved stone gnome. “Your pretense does not fool me, gnome,” he muttered. “My eye will be upon you.”
  Kit recognised the words as Latin, which he’d taken three months of in school before he decided there was no point in knowing a language you couldn’t converse in with anyone but the Pope.
There was no reason to sail down Sexy Thoughts River to the Sea of Perversion when it wasn’t going to go anywhere.
“The Herondales have always been famous for their good looks,” said Bridget, “but if you ask me, the Lightwoods are the more sexually charismatic of the bunch.”
Alec spit out his tea. Magnus seemed to be keeping a straight face, but with an effort.
  Guess who FINALLY got around to reviewing #LordOfShadows? This girl! #bookreview #bookblogger Title: Lord of Shadows (The Dark Artifices #2) Author: Cassandra Clare Synopsis: Emma Carstairs has learned that the love she shares with her parabatai, Julian Blackthorn, isn’t just forbidden—it could destroy them both.
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