#i just!!!! would really like to know if i am actually attracted to men lol
depresseddepot · 2 years
I'm so angry. I saw those damn military men on my dash SO MUCH that now I'm fucking hooked
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ltleflrt · 6 months
Figuring out I'm on the ace spectrum was so difficult because I have always been a horny bitch. I knew what sex was at a fairly young age, because I'd asked my mom and she's one of those good parents who'll answer questions like those, and as I grew older and would ask more complex questions, her answers would evolve along with my curiosity and understanding of the world. And I remember having fantasies as young as 9 or 10 years old, even if they were hella vague and nothing close to what sex actually is lol
So as I became a teenager, and all my friends' focus turned from playing with dolls to flirting with boys, I automatically thought I was attracted to boys. And I paid more attention to Cute Boys than I did to Cute Girls, because girls were just nice to look at while boys were People To Have Crushes On. Because of heteronormativity. Looking back on it now, I know there were girls I liked to stare at just as intently as boys, although less often because I wasn't trying to pay attention. And I certainly didn't fantasize about girls because I started reading romance novels in 5th grade, so I was fantasizing about male romantic partners because that was the fiction I was consuming. I didn't even realize fantasizing about girls was possible until I was 17, and I had a few "am I a lesbian" internal crises for years because of it.
So when I did start having sex, I had A LOT OF IT with SO MANY different guys, and eventually a couple of women once I started accepting that bisexuality was real. But it was never really fulfilling. Not like my fantasies were. Not like my books were. I was slutty because sex was fun, I was horny, there were plenty of options so I kept searching for that satisfaction I was craving.
Getting married was a relief (even though it turns out I'm aro-spec too lol) because I was tired of hunting, and even if sex with my husband was meh, at least I had someone around to scratch that itch if I had it, and he didn't mind if I occasionally took care of things on my own because I'd read an especially hot scene in a romance.
I learned about asexuality in my early 20s, but I brushed it off. Couldn't be me, I'm far too horny for that. But I think that comes from the fact that everything you hear about Aces is attached to sex-repulsion or sex-indifference. I wasn't either of those things. I was horny all the dang time. I was fantasizing about sex all the dang time. I figured actual sex was meh because my imagination was so vivid that real life could never match up. Which could be true to an extent, but I think not as much as popular opinion would have us believe. If fantasy was really that much better for everyone, then I think we'd have less incels and unplanned pregnancies than we do.
In my 30s I finally saw people talking about The Spectrum, and I started examining my past, and I figured out I wasn't really attracted to anyone I had sex with. I do occasionally find someone attractive; there are men and women and enbies who make my skin feel tight and give me a little wave of lightheadedness lol... but it's always always the fantasy that gets me really going. If given the opportunity I wouldn't have sex with any of those people. Thank you, but no thank you, I'd rather just imagine it than physically participate in the act with them.
(Ok I might go down on them, but that's less about wanting sex, and more about being able to add them to my Tally. Hell yeah I want to brag about making *insert hot person* have an orgasm. There's PRIDE in that kind of accomplishment lol)
I have a lot of respect for aces that are not horny. I understand it even if I don't share the sentiment. And I feel like most of them understand me even if they don't share the sentiment. There's a solidarity between us.
Until I go into a fandom tag for a character that the aces have glommed onto because they're canonically ace or headcanoned as ace. Good lord, the non-horny aces can turn into downright vicious bastards if a horny ace sexualizes their blorbo.
This post is for them.
Horny aces exist. Please look up "autochorissexual, lithosexual, and aegosexual."
Refer to those definitions in regards to romantic attraction as well as sexual attraction.
Some aces may not fall into one of those definitions, because asexuality is a spectrum, but they may still be horny.
Horny aces are not disrespecting you by enjoying being horny on main. We promise we'll wash the stickiness off our hands before we hold your hands in queer solidarity.
And most importantly: Your blorbo is fictional and does not need to be defended from icky sexuality. They exist in an infinite multiverse, so your blorbo and my blorbo are not the same, even if they appear to be on the surface.
This post is also for the people who are confused about themselves because they're horny but don't actually feel attraction. You're not crazy, you're not wishy washy, you're not "waiting for the right person to come along" (unless you are, in which case I hope you find them). You're just a thin strip of color on a massive rainbow that holds more unique shades than anyone can perceive at a glance.
You're valid. You're one of us too.
And don't be mean to the non-horny aces. Tag your smut so they can avoid it. (But actually so I can find it lol)
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pippin-katz · 1 year
The 5 specific details of Red, White & Royal Blue spicy scenes that make me, a demisexual, feel: 🦋🫣🦋
(not ranked in any order)
I need to write an essay about this because I want to see if I'm not the only ace-spectrum person out there that has this weird- I don't want to say "exception", but that's the only word that comes to mind- when it comes to characters. But that's a topic for another post lmfao
No. 1 - Henry shoving Alex onto the couch:
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Could you tell by how I keep bringing it up and using gifs of it in my essays?
Henry being confident suits him, even if we don't get too see it much. I love how Alex's smile drops because of how surprised and shocked he is by the action.
My stomach does a flip whenever I watch this clip lmfao
No. 2 - Alex tilting his head back with these expressions when Henry starts kissing his neck:
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Look, I am not immune to an attractive human, being attractive; it's men like Taylor (and Nick) that keep me from being a lesbian lmfao
No. 3 - this:
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I don't think I need to say anything; this feels like it should be illegal. The fact that you know when Henry actually starts *clears throat* doing what he's doing, because you can see Alex's eyes roll underneath his eyelids. Like... what the fuck Taylor? Was that really necessary??
No. 4 - Alex pushing against Henry so hard that he ends up lifting him onto the table:
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Then he continues to hold his leg and pull him back towards him. It's Alex's only real moment of leading an interaction. He's controlling where they go here; Henry is going/staying where he wants him.
No. 5 - Alex's movements & Henry's facial expressions:
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This whole scene was shot/filmed/edited so well. It shows everything without even showing anything. It's also very clearly "making love" rather than "having sex". It's soft and slow, and it's so clear that they truly cherish each other in every way.
All you see is Alex's body rolling, and that's all you need to see. Then you add in Henry's expressions that show how good he feels, but in a genuine-feeling manner.
They didn't need to show anymore than this for the viewer to understand what they're doing. There's no cut to Alex's hips to "show the action" or whatever. Henry's faces aren't unrealistic or pornographic. Neither of them are portraying over-the-top pleasure that feels like it was filmed just for the audience to get their kicks.
It feels genuine, and emotionally intimate as well as physically. It makes my little demisexual heart ache, and butterflies fly around in my stomach lol
Okay that's all! There won't be a part 2 cause there's nothing to put on it, and that's kinda the point of this post lol
Thanks for reading!! If you enjoyed this essay & would like to support me, you can give me a tip on my Ko-Fi! ☺️
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reorientation · 1 month
I'm very late to this kink but I think I've been in it for years? Not even on purpose.
I live with my roommates, me and my three guy friends 💗 which is funny because it just worked out that way. Anyway, years ago I went through this awful break up and we'll just leave at that. I was crazy about this girl and it like actually messed me up when she broke up with me. So in a really weird mental space but just trying to move on from it, I keep getting crazy drunk with my friends, partying through the pain lol
One in particular, we're pretty tight, I'll call him Zach here. So Zach and I were really close at that time, like really really close, and one night we start doing kind of sexual stuff while really drunk. This wasn't a thing between us at all before that night and I can't remember exactly what lead to it, but yeah we're doing some fool around stuff and then more and then more. I'd never done stuff with guys really, not beyond little party game things, like spin the bottle. He knew that and at one point that night he put it inside me and to be honest I wasn't sure what to think.
I remember at the time wondering if I should stop him or something? I don't know it's kind of funny to think about now, but I was thinking maybe he shouldn't do this, maybe I need to tell him this is too much? It felt really weird and I guess I didn't know if it was in a good way or a bad way yet. But he was saying things like "I can't believe you're letting me do this" and "you're letting me ruin you" and it was so hot that I let him fuck me. Those things he was saying were making me so wet and I guess that's this kink.
He never says that stuff anymore I just remember that being the point where my mind just silenced all the "should I tell him not to?" thoughts and it just went blank while he fucked me. It wasn't crazy good sex, we were really drunk, but it was hot and it was very different from what I was used to.
So all and all this made my other friends jealous because both of us told them. At the time it was really odd! No one saw it coming! So they all wanted a turn lol and I had told them that I found it weirdly hot so of course they both wanted to prove something. Okay one of them, we'll call Tom, wouldn't say that but it's kind of true.
Anyway all three of them got their chance and it just became a thing that would happen pretty frequently. Maybe a few times a week? I'm a very horny person so being single has always been hard on me and on top of that I'm an attention whore. I wouldn't say I'm not a lesbian because I'm still not attracted to men but I am definitely a big enough attention whore that it doesn't matter lol I just like that they all need to get with me.
So over the years this arrangement has been a thing I guess, when I'm single they can just fuck me whenever because my libido is really high. They don't talk about me being a lesbian while we fuck but I notice every once in awhile I find it kind of hot that they might think about getting to fuck a lesbian yknow like they think it might change something? I think about how Zach said that stuff and it still makes me wet, I think I should bring it up to him maybe? But that might be weird.
One of the really juicy things that happened recently was that Tom fucked me really hard. Tom has always been a very sweet kind of guy and he definitely is that guy in bed, but he also hasn't been fucking me at all for the past... five months maybe because he has a serious girlfriend. But a few weeks ago he came home and we were chilling and he got very intense and held me down and fucked me really hard from behind. Like toe curling hard. It was so hot and I had already found this kink so I kept thinking about it as like him trying to "break" me.
He hasn't done anything with me since but I wish they would get in on this kink without me saying anything. I feel like I can't say it because it'd be embarrassing and weird, but it'd also kind of ruin it to ask for it? Or maybe it'd just turn my brain off again when they actually said something and it wouldn't matter?
What a pure, sweet example of lesbian sexuality: a girl who's been maximum-convenience, any-time-you-want pussy for three different men for years, but "wouldn't say that I'm not a lesbian because I'm still not attracted to men".
As if it matters! As if your little categorization criterion means anything when you spend your life taking cock whenever men decide you will!
The very first time a man fucked you, he said the right words to get your mind blank and your pussy wet - and now it's years later, and you've been fucked hundreds of times.
And the funny thing is, they don't even have to earn it by playing with the dykebreaking kink. That's your idea, that you use to get off, and you're hoping that they'll indulge you in it. Countless guys get off to the idea, but I don't know if it even really occurs to the men fucking you anymore: how do you see a girl as a lesbian when you and your buddies have been emptying your balls in her for years?
But if you're too shy to ask them to think of you that way, the solution is easy enough. Have you ever spread your legs for them on top of a lesbian flag? Worn a "This is what a lesbian looks like" shirt until they took it off?
Just remind them what you claim to be, as you keep being a good fucktoy for them. With any luck, they'll laugh at you for it, as they fuck your little "lesbian" brains out.
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metalomagnetic · 3 months
I feel like I’m always harassing you with my asks (sorry!!), but bouncing off of my previous request for Black lore- what are the Blacks (that we know) like ✨in bed✨? What are they into?
I spent way too long thinking of this!
We'll start with Sirius the Grandpa Black. I have a feeling he was wild in bed, like he was wild in everything. Curiously, I spoke with a friend about this just the past week, and I said 'he made his wife very happy in bed, and exasperated outside of it'. He was a leg man- he loved long, shapely legs on a woman. In his time-period, no one could see a woman's legs, all hidden by long skirts, but he had a way of guessing beforehand lol.
Arcturus- funnily enough, in the new chapter I am writing, Sirius jokes that Arcturus probably only had sex twice in his life, because he cannot see his strict grandfather as a sexual being. And while he certainly had sex more than twice, I think he was pretty standard in bed, nothing crazy, just plain old missionary style. He was a virgin when he married and never cheated on his wife, even after she died, had no desire for anyone other than her.
Pollux and Irma (in my story she's also a Black, half, on her mother's side) have the same dynamic in bed they have in real life. Irma really likes dominating him, and in bed, he actually enjoys it.
Cygnus has a pregnancy kink 😂 That aside, poor man hadn't had much sex since his wife fell into a deep depression.
Alphard was into nerdy, quiet men with a hint of a wild side (he once had a brief crush on Tom Riddle, of course). He was a very generous partner, in bed and outside of it. His last partner, whom he'd been with on and off for like two decades, and actually lived with for the last five years of his life, almost made an appearance in Canis Major, but I had to let the scene go. Alphard left what remained of his wealth to Sirius, but he left his beautiful home to his partner, who was disowned by his family when he moved in with Alphard.
Orion, like the hypocrite he is, likes wilful, stubborn women that defy social convention. The surest way to attract his attention was to 'behave atrociously' (as he would call it) in public. He's twisted, and he enjoys pursing strong women, only to dominate them when he gets them. As soon as he 'tames' them, he loses interest in them. He's very good in bed, very open minded unlike in every other aspect of his life. No one ever left Orion's bed unsatisfied.
Orion needs intimacy- he never had a simple one night stand. Even with his briefest affairs, he still took the time to know them first, and never jumped in bed at the first opportunity, nor was he one to feel attraction for a woman just based on her looks. I think he liked 'the hunt' most of all.
That aside, if his marriage hadn't broken apart, he'd have never cheated on Walburga. Before everything went to hell, for the first ten years of their marriage, he didn't even think of other women, was 1000000% satisfied with his wife. Even after it all went down the drain, during the years, whenever Walburga gave the briefest sign she wants him back in her bed, he'd abandon whoever he was with and come *running* back home, eating up whatever scrap of affection he could get from her.
Walburga was basically into everything Orion suggested, and she had a few suggestions of her own (learned from those erotica and sometimes straight up smut novels that she loves and were mentioned very briefly in It runs) that she wanted to try out. She loves dangerous men (that's why we see her reading books with a naked, fanged vampire on the cover). I'm certain she made Orion pretend he was a vampire at least once 😂 She also had a slight exhibitionism streak when she was younger and they lived in Egypt, which put Orion on edge (but also secretly delighted him). They weren't even having full on sex back then (Orion insisted they wait until marriage) but she found ways to rile him up and play with him and drive him mad until they finally retuned to England and got married.
Bellatrix is creative and she always chases a thrill, and her sex life is fabulous. Rabastan, poor dear, had seen and heard things in that Manor that either give him nightmares, either inappropriate dreams staring his sister in law and his brother. Sometimes, Bellatrix likes duels as foreplay, so she and Rodolphus destroy parts of the Manor and then fuck in the middle of the damage. Of course, they also have calmer sex, an entire day of lazying in bed with Rodolphus, filled with gentle love-making. But when they're feeling more wild and duels come into play, whoever wins gets to dictate the encounter.
No one knows what Narcissa likes in bed, only Lucius, and it took him like a few years to find out. So whatever happens in bedrooms in Malfoy Manor, shall remain between them.
Andromeda takes after her grandmother Irma, both in bed and out of it. Ted is her boy toy. He does whatever she asks, and they both enjoy it a lot.
Regulus, the little repressed freak, once he finally gets to have sex, he lets loose, and then he feels guilty for it, because he considers whatever he did as something beneath a man of his station. Orion should have really paid more attention to him, but he was also very young when Orion died, so they didn't get to have fun sex talk like Sirius got. He's so allergic to feelings and affection, he enjoys impersonal sex the most. Regulus only knows to accept love and give it back with his mother and his brother, no one else.
Sirius is- well, we know Sirius. Because of the way he was raised and all the shit he got from his mother about liking boys, he does have certain unhealthy behaviours. He adheres to the strict gender roles when it comes to sex, so when he's with a woman, he must always be in charge. That doesn't mean he isn't adventurous, but only as long as he has control. Even when he first gets with Voldemort, he unconsciously puts Voldemort in the 'woman's role' in his head. It takes a while for him to get comfortable, and he's lucky Voldemort is a very patient dude. Obviously, after that happens, we can see Sirius definitely has some sort of Daddy kink. Not that he'd think of it like that, nor would the word 'daddy' ever be uttered while he has sex with Voldemort, but he enjoys being taken care of by an older, powerful man. He also has a big praise kink, so there's that.
He's into different things in bed, depending if he's with a man or a woman. And while he did have plenty of mindless one night stands, I think he is most satisfied when he has a deep connection with his partner. He's desperate for affection, for a true connection, even if he was also afraid of having a bond like that. It's why he tried to distance himself from Marlene, even if he wanted her, because he was simply afraid of growing too close.
You never harass me with questions! I love the questions, especially because they make me think of my lovely Blacks and their mysterious lives. ❤️
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Saw your "Yutu judging Yuu's taste" ask and thought about Rollo!Yutu being especially judgy about his parents taste in men. At the ball after the whole Fire Flower Fiasco, he tries gently broaching the subject with Yuu only for them to look at him like this
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"What, you think just because this twerp thinks Im special for being magicless I can overlook him trying to start WWV"? Which only confuses Yutu more because he's here, isn't he???
(Bonus points, if you don't count the Groovification Card lines as canon, then the only student to ask Yuu to dance at the ball is Azul. Imagine Yutu trying to digest the type of man his father is while watching his other parent dance in the arms of Azul freaking Ashengrotto).
He's watching his hands just waiting for him to be aborted from the timeline because clearly he messed up somehow, when in actuality his parents romance is a slow burn enemies to lovers fic that starts years later, like, during the apprenticeship in Senior Year/After Rollo gets counselling for his brothers death.
*Bonus bonus point, I imagine Rollo!yutu's real name is Rollo's brothers'name. Yuu can't remember why it eas so important to name their kid that, just that it was.
the exact opposite of the usual dynamic lol
That bonus point is totally true, we don't know what Rollo's bother's name is but in the book it's Jehan/Jean and that does sound like a fitting name for Rollo! Yutu. Jean likes knowing that his name was important somehow, it gives him a connection to his father that he desperately wants. Doubly so when he's at NRC and no one knows anything about him because he went to a different school. He wonders what they would have had to say if they knew the truth... seeing Yuu dance with Azul doesn't help. Seeing them dismiss Rollo outright makes him lethargic, wondering if there's anything he can do to prevent the bad future before he ceases to exist. Should he try telling Idia what's up before he dies? He doesn't know anymore...
The idea of Yuu and Rollo's relationship being a slow burn is not something I have played with before? As I am thinking about it now, the idea of Rollo having a strong instantaneous attraction to Yuu that he swallows in favor of his world ending plan, only for it to be all that he's left with is sweet in a diabolical way? Maybe he tries to learn how to use magicam in the hopes of talking with them and then he feels stupid about it because he sucks at it, but then Yuu actually starts talking to him? Maybe Yuu just wants to encourage him to seek help, and they still do that, but they really like talking to him and appreciate how aware he is of their struggles. Maybe Rollo talks to the magicless people of his city and forwards their advice, anything to get to know them better. Yuu leans back and thinks about what Yutu asked or implied and has the unfortunate realization all on their own that maybe their taste in men is bad... and desperately brushes it off as him being just a... good unique friend? Something they denied all the way up until they were doing an internship in the City of Flowers and were meeting up for coffee every single morning in a way they couldn't pretend weren't dates. Who knows how long Rollo cultivated those flowers, Yuu is something he's willing to cultivate a lot longer.
In the original timeline anyway, who knows about this one (`ω´)
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drdemonprince · 4 months
Anon who yearns after his boss here with a follow up.
First of all, thank you so much for taking the time and effort to form such a detailed reply and to include your followers, I really appreciate it!
I’d like to elaborate on what I meant when I said it would have no impact on my job. I do volunteer work, so I am not financially dependent on this job, and my boss unfortunately leaves the company in a month and I would probably wait until then to make any sort of move. So no matter how this plays out, it will pose no risk to my livelihood.
To answer your question, this is a pretty common dynamic for me. For some reason I have been in a lot of work/school/etc. settings where an attractive older man sees potential in me, I start working extra hard because of it and he starts giving me lots of attention and we fall into a really intense mentor/mentee relationship. This dynamic is so hot to me that I just end up in top of my class or employee of the month or whatever from being fueled by pure lust lol. Nothing compares. But I’ve never managed to take it to the next level because I either chicken out or play it too straight forward, which doesn't work like you said.
As for what you said about straight men looking for attention from queer men to fuel their ego, that is a very real possibility. He hides his insecurity well by being a jokester, but he's obviously a sensitive guy. It wouldn't surprise me if this is more about his ego than about attraction.
Him not viewing me as a guy is also a possibility, but I don't care too much. I get so horny that I lose any sense of self lol. He does treat me like a man though. I work at the furniture department of a second hand store and he never underestimates me to be able to lift something heavy or assemble something. He also compliments me all the time on getting stronger and handier, and all the progress I’m making.
Then on the other hand, he treats me with a certain gentleness and intimacy that I don't see him portray to my other male coworkers. We’re able to confide in eachother and get vulnerable. He tells me secrets no one else knows, like how he'll be leaving the company soon.
There's all these little moments throughout the day, like we'll be assembling a bed together and he jokes about how it has a certain eroticism to it, or how it turns him on when we work well together lol. When he sees me implement something he taught me, he's beaming at me with the biggest smile. We also have this running gag where I pretend to be his boss and tell him what to do, and he's always very obedient which is hot but also shows that he trusts me.
I love your idea about meeting up outside of work, because that's exactly what I was planning lol! He's really into photography and I asked him if he wanted to meet up sometime to show me the ropes, and he very enthusiastically agreed! So if I were to make any sort of move, it would be then.
Anyway, I’m really curious to see what you and your followers think now with all this extra information.
this is only a volunteer position?? he's leaving in a month?? he compliments you on getting stronger??? and says that assembling a bed together has a certain intimacy to it???
waht the fuck dog. my only concern now is that he's being weird and unprofessional af with volunteers. but no concern for you. you're clearly creaming your drawers for it. i say play ball.
you made this sound more forbidden than it actually was because that's exciting to you, you little minx. i see you. you've gotten us all involved in your erotic game, now you can go enjoy it.
let's re run the stats on this
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fayes-fics · 2 years
A Close Shave
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: Benedict’s wife tries to help him get clean shaven…
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI due to brief mention of vaginal sex, flirting, teasing, shaving.
Word Count: 0.8k omg actually a Drabble holy shit, shame it’s not any of the Drabbles I’m supposed to be writing
Authors Note: Unbetaed. This is not what I’m supposed to be writing at all. Just a silly tiny piece, based on this anon fic request from 4 months ago. I hope you enjoy Nonny, although at this point you probably don’t even remember sending the ask lol <3
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“Stop that”, you admonish playfully as his hands run heavily down your sides and grasp your hips, pulling you onto the growing bulge in his trousers.
“Then don’t sit on me in such an appealing way, my love,” he smiles crookedly, a clump of shaving cream sliding down his neck at the movement.
“Benedict, are you really trying to distract a woman holding a cutthroat razor?” you raise an eyebrow waving your hand slightly to show the weapon you wield.
“Your offer to shave me was not meant to include you straddling me like this,” he answers drolly.
“How else am I supposed to do it?” you frown, looking at the chair he is reclined in and your surroundings.
“Stand behind my head?” he chuckles as if the answer is obvious.
“But then your face would be upside down, and I wouldn't be able to see under your chin; that’s a stupid idea,” you sniff dismissively.
“Well, I’m quite sure a barber would not be allowed to practice if they tried this technique,” he jests gently, his hands wrapping around your back, running fingers across your spine.
“What a shame for them. It’s really a rather nice seat,” you smirk and lightly gyrate your hips, pressing down on his rapidly hardening cock.
“You are just doing this for sport, aren’t you?” He shakes his head slightly in disapproval but doesn’t exactly look upset about it.
“Maybe,” you singsong, “but hold still, darling. You want to look nice for the ball later, do you not?”
“I want to fuck you more,” he says casually, but with a tone he knows flusters you every time.
“Benedict Bridgerton!!” You exclaim in mock outrage. Then lean down and whisper in his ear, “you had better. I’m not wearing any underwear today.”
His groan is lewd, and his hands flex on your body. “For god's sake, remove this shaving cream at once. We need to go to bed right now,” he asserts, pushing his pelvis up against you so much your feet leave the ground.
“Oh, I’m sorry, husband. I will only have sex with freshly shaven men today….” you tease, running a hand up the sheet covering his chest. “So lay still, and if you let me get this done, there will be time before we have to get ready.”
He is suddenly quiet and compliant.
You take a calming breath, then start to shave near his left ear. Little gentle motions as you hear his stubble rasp under the blade, wiping the cream onto the damp rag to your side. You make steady progress and just listen to the sound of his breathing, humming gently to yourself to maintain focus. But after a while, you just can’t resist a little flirtation, a slight tease.
“You are a very handsome man, husband,” you sigh as you watch more of his face being revealed.
“Don’t”, he warns, muffled, trying not to move his lips or face too much as you pass the sharp instrument over the round of his chin.
“What? I just speak the truth,” you shrug, lowering your face right over his. “Can I not tell my husband how attractive I find him? How much he arouses me?” You are goading him now.
His breath is a harsh exhale of hot air across your lips, and there is a pained noise from the very back of his throat. “Stop teasing me,” he grouses, narrowing his eyes.
“Oh, husband, that’s not a tease,” you chuckle. “A tease would be telling you I sat in the window and touched myself watching you fence with your brothers earlier. So very commanding with your epee.”
He growls and roughly pushes away the hand that holds the razor, and in surprise, you lose your hold on it, and it clatters to the floor loudly. He grips your wrist, breathing heavily, staring at you, lips parted slightly. “You did what?”
“You heard me,” you reply, feeling a little triumphant.
He roughly tugs your dress upwards around your thighs, grabs your hips, and you squeak as he stands up in one swift, fluid motion, wrapping your legs around him. He commandingly strides out of the bathroom and towards your bed. You feel his chest heaving against yours, his cock branding hot through his trousers at your inner thigh.
He throws you down on the bed, his face still half-covered in shaving cream. Crawling over your body.
“I believe I said I would only fuck a freshly shaven husband,” you point out, but your panting reveals the lie behind the words.
He gives up fighting the layers of your dress and just grabs the material and rips it all the way to your hip with a heated snarl.
“Sorry darling, half-shaved will have to do. You can’t tell me you touched yourself and not expect this,” his tone low and dangerous. You wind your arms tight around his shoulders, hands clutching the back of his neck as he unbuttons his trousers roughly and spears into you hard, hot, and so very invasive.
“Fuckkkk,” you call out with a gusty exhale, throwing your head back and closing your eyes. God, you will never tire of that feeling.
An hour later, when Eloise asks why you have whipped cream on your neck, you realise you missed a cleanup spot. Benedict’s smirk is priceless.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
So the ‘straight with one exception’ shit that was so prevalent with straight women in fandom a few years ago. Do they find it a romantic notion? I’m bisexual so growing up in the 90s and 2000s most the queer content I could find was fan made. And don’t get me wrong I am grateful for the fandom moms of old for making queer content as a young guy in the 90s figuring myself out there was a lot of fear and self loathing but I always had fandom to make myself feel more normal. But yeah that straight with an exception thing, always really ruined my fic experiences a bit. But I’ve actually started reading older fic because it avoids a lot of the shit I find annoying about modern fics. Can’t escape this trope though it’s like negative nostalgia lol. I know you’re queer but I want to get why straight women love this trope so much. Is a bisexual man so unattractive?
I hate to break it to you, but when I started interviewing slash writers from the 70s, I heard more than one story that was like "And then I had all these weird feelings for my best friend I was writing with..."
Decades on, these women may have picked some other word than 'straight', but plenty of them did experience You're My One Exception.
Even the horny and self-aware people often find One Exception stories hot, whether it's a villain only being nice to one person or someone who has only experienced attraction one time or someone who is attracted despite their usual orientation. Like 90% of het romance novels include some barf-worthy "It's never been like this before!!!!" observation when they finally get together as though love is more special when you can put down every past partner. People just really, really, really like this trope in all its forms.
The fact that you would think this is a sign of a straight or female writer shows that you are amazingly clueless.
That said, yeah, I too found the ubiquity of this in 90s fic annoying. Not a huge fan of the internalized homophobia that everyone was kinking on back then either.
I don't think it's specifically about bi men being attractive or not within fandom, though there is a massive real world double standard against bi men on, for example, OK Cupid.
I think it's more about One Exception as a general trope plus a lot of people being profoundly clueless about bisexuality in the 90s even if they were allies and activists for gay causes.
That was the era of Anything That Moves precisely because the queer community wasn't very hip about bi stuff yet. (And arguably, in recent years, we've backslid, but that's another story.)
~Fandom moms~. Yeesh. A lot of those big authors were probably in their 20s in the 90s.
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ailendolin · 21 days
Live reaction to TRoP 2x04
I am actually so glad Amazon is releasing the episodes weekly now because I love the anticipation beforehand and all the speculation about what happens next. So let's see what episode 4 has in store
Elrond in Mithlond! We're off to a great start here. I've missed my sweet summer child in episode 3
Galadriel, please, you have no right to be even the slightest bit bitchy right now after the Sauron shit you pulled
thank Eru Elrond is having none of it. I love how unapologetically he stands his ground and refuses to engage with her childish passive-aggressiveness
epic camera shots are epic and very LotR-reminiscent
also can I just say that I love how they're including the map to help the viewer get a grasp on where the characters are?
new elves! And they have names! I have a feeling they won't survive this journey but still, hello new elves!
man I just want to give Elrond a hug. He's trying so hard and given everything that's happened it's completely understandable why he won't trust Galadriel and Nenya, and I hate that this sets him up for failure
oooooh is it Tom Bombadil time? I can't believe this show made me feel excited about a character that I couldn't have cared less about when I read the books. I blame Bear McCreary and his beautiful music
lol Tom is like one of those burrowing animals that accidentally throws dirt at someone behind it while digging
Old Man Willow desert equivalent - does Tom Bombadil just naturally attract malevolent trees?
oh I'm so glad Nori and Poppy are okay and landed together wherever they are
those two need to meet Elrond. Given their tendencies to jump off cliffs, I think they'd get along splendidly
omg Nobody! I love you! You are adorable! And your name is Merimac! Gods, I hope they'll keep you around
lol not Nori third-wheeling and being jealous
desert halflings my beloveds! Look at them! They're so different from what we've known and yet them living in holes and the children sitting around listening to stories is so beautifully familiar. I love this so much
oh they're Stoors! And they don't like the Dark Wizard. Got it. I don't like the Dark Wizard either but damn I love watching Ciarán Hinds play him
"You should not be waking." :) I still can't believe how much I love Tom Bombadil already
that flame trick was neat
omg his little hedgehog teapot! I want one!
oh no this is where we say goodbye to my new elf friends, don't we? The Barrow-downs. I always loved this part in FotR
"Fear not. Dead men are no threat." Famous last words
shit those are the horses from the messenger Gil-galad sent, right?
the Barrow-wights are giving me PotC-vibes and I'm here for it
please let Camnir survive this. Please let Camnir survive this
thank you, Elrond. I knew I could count on you
also yay for him being a bookworm and knowing how to fight the Barrow-wights
and we're back in Pelargir. Have I mentioned that I don't really care about Theo (yet)? I love that Arondir and Isildur are teaming up, though
Estrid, I don't like you. Please go away. Or get trampled by an Ent
or found out by Arondir. That works as well
have I mentioned that I miss Bronwyn?
Arondir, you're a kinder man (elf) than me. I would have let Estrid faceplant right into the dirt
lol Isildur is such an idiot and I love him for it. The way he got sucked into the mud and pulled Arondir along with him was so funny
hello mud worm! I love how many different creatures we're getting in this show
the cave art! Omg it's beautiful and perfect!
"We don't have a home." This is such a sad sentence and reminds me of the dwarves (and especially Bofur) in the Hobbit movies
Galadriel, I'm sorry, but Elrond just told you he is trying his best to save Celebrimbor (and certainly feels overwhelmed by and terrified of such a task) and you're saying all elves carry such burden? Are you serious?
fuck me, not Elrond getting captured in her vision. Is he going to be forced to watch Celebrimbor get tortured / killed?
I will not be okay if / when that happens. Just saying
also I absolutely adore Camnir and you can bet I am already thinking about writing a fic about him and Elrond
not surprised by Estrid's stunt
shoot her, Arondir. Do us all a favour and shoot her
or maybe she actually is stupid enough to get herself trampled by Ents. One can hope
getting smacked is good too
Arondir, please, was it necessary to stop the nice Entwife?
damn those shots of the Ents look pretty
also did anyone ever think we'd get to see an Ent and Entwife together? Because I didn't and my heart is full.
oh that scene between Arondir and Winterbloom was beautiful
the orcs look so good in this series. I'm so glad we went back to prosthetics
I love how calm Elrond is. He is always careful not to rush into anything, always waits and sees and it keeps saving all their asses
NO! Fuck, are you kidding me? Not Camnir. Please, not him
okay, I have forgiven you for everything you've ever done wrong, Galadriel
and I have so many Elrond and Camnir ideas right now, holy shit, that scene was everything
that flaming arrow move was badass
oh this is how she will get captured
yessss hello Adar! I've missed you! Time for Sauron's exes to team up and wreak havoc
his greeting, I can't. Perfect. I love him so much
what a great episode!
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lol you women really wish you could. if any actual biological men pretend like they accept you as a man it’s because they want to sleep with you bc there’s something about being a man we allllll know you will never understand
Okay, okay, normally I just delete these because they're stupid BUT - I'm straight. I do not date or sleep with men. All my friends who are straight, cisgender men are well aware of this fact. And they're not really interested in sleeping with me anyway. Facial hair doesn't really get them going. Calling me a woman implies you also consider trans women "biological men," and I don't think they accept me because they want to sleep with me.
There are absolutely things about being raised as a boy that I will not be able to understand, that much is true. But if you are referring to: - Being raised with emotional suppression. I was raised by a narcissistic, abusive father. Emotional expression was not a thing around him for me or my cisgender brother. - "Trouble" dating. I'm barely 5'5, I would not be considered conventionally attractive. I just happen to respect women, and people in general. Believe are not, a lot of women kind of like when the guys they're into aren't total douchebags who clench their fists every time they walk past someone with a rainbow on their shirt - The common idea many cisgender men have that they are unable to control their rage. I am being pumped full of testosterone. For AMAB people, puberty lasts about 2-5 years. My HRT puberty lasted for a year. I received the hormones at least twice as fast as the majority of cisgender men (oddly enough, I've never met a transwoman who has the rage issue), meaning I was getting much more testosterone at once. At no point did I have trouble controlling my anger, even with severe PTSD. - Anatomy. Who gives a fuck? Seriously. Why do you care if I have a dick or not?
I am a man. I have been socially presenting as male since age 15. I know the expectations, I know the social rules, and I am expected to follow them just as much as any cisgender man is. Yes, there are things I will never understand about being raised as a boy and things I do understand about being raised a girl. That does not take away from the person I am today or the person I have always been inside. To all the trans people reading this, remember this; You are not your body. The consciousness, thoughts, feelings, gender itself, is all in the brain. Your brain knows who you are, your body does not. Your body can never take away from who you are, despite what anyone says.
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luxurydumpsterfire · 20 days
Hazbin Hotel ships I like!!! 1¡!!¡(In no particular order) (Includes non-canon ships) (This is just for fun and is not meant to offend anyone!) (Okay, I'm going to stfu now).
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Let's go!
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These two live in my head rent free,all day,every day,24/7,365.
And most of the time they're kissing.
We know that they both lived in the same decade and have similar tastes in music and cuisine,which is already a great start! I also love the idea of Alastor adoring everything about Angel EXCEPT for the sex. Cause let's be real,Angel needs that. He deserves a complete and total gentleman who would never lay a finger on him; Especially after tolerating abuse from you-know-who, cough,cough,fuckyouValentino,COUGH.
Also,the tropes??? Good old fashioned lover boy x Killer Queen? Mafia x Serial killer? Hello???
10/10, Literally one of my favs.
2. Chaggie!
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My babies!
Okay, I admit these two are very cute. Since neither of these two age normally, Charlie's a hellborn and Vaggie's a fallen angel,it means they'll get to grow old together! :)
I love the opposites attract trope and these two are no exception!
I would definitely like for them to get more screen time in the second season 2,since they didn't get much in the first one,but other then that, they're perfect!
3. Nifty x Baxter
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(Do these two have a ship name? Idk?)
Baxter hasn't even come on to the show yet but I can already tell these two are going to be Chaos gremlins,in their own,lovable,concerning ways 😌
4. Lucililith
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I don't believe for a SECOND these two aren't in love,even if just a little bit.
I think it's mostly the fanart that got me hooked,lol. And the fact that I would love to have them as my parents, honestly.
5. CasinoBomb
(No photo for this one,sorry 🥲)
I...I don't know,man,@zaebeecee 's posts about them altered my brain chemistry and...I DON'T KNOW WTF HAPPENED,IDK
I just saw one of their posts and the more I thought about it,the more I liked it
Something about them just clicks,you know? It's one of those ships that makes no sense but also a lot of sense.
Also,if you don't know what characters I'm talking about, it's Husk x Cherri bomb.
5. Radiorose
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He doesn't mind her touching him 😢
They're so cute,omg 😭
Look at them!!! 💗💗💗
Although I mostly prefer them as besties, I also like the idea of them being together. You can tell he's a lot more comfortable with her then anyone else in the show and I love that ☺️
6. Radiohusk
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(Art belongs to @vadoodlevee and it will be taken down if I am asked to).
Ah yes,the two loser old men in love. GIVE THEM TO ME.
They've known each other for years and are sick and tired of each others bs. They know what the other like's and dislike's because they're begrudgingly stuck together. They actually can't stand each other.
And no, I'm not glorifing the slave x master thing. I've shipped these two HARD since the pilot,so calm down.
Alright, let's get more into the crackships/rarepairs. Not counting Casinobomb cause we know those two have actually met before,lol.
Feel free to give your own personal take on these(as long as they're not hateful)!
7. Caramel Apple!
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Apart from me just really liking their ship name,I feel like these two would be a really cute couple. Like,she would take him out to one of her parties when he's feeling down and would comfort him about his relationship with Charlie and with Lilith.
And Lucifer wouldn't be afraid to tell her when it's a good time to tone it down.
I also feel like she would be very polite to Charlie and Vaggie.
And I like the idea of them baking together ❤️
8. Angelic Ballet!
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A little hesitant on this one.
So, realistically,these two would probably hate each other. Sera was the one who approved the exterminations,resulting in the death of billions of sinners, which puts Carmila and her daughters in danger. So that's not really a great way to start a relationship...
However, I think in any other circumstances,I think these two would be a nice couple.
They both just want to protect the people they love and are willing to go to extreme measures to do just that. It could be Sera realizing not all sinners are absolute monsters,and some were just people who made mistakes in life. Kinda of like Vaggie realizing the hellborn weren't terrible upon meeting Charlie.
Also, they're both very elegant ladies who need another refined woman to treat them right 😌🏳️‍🌈
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sending in asks bc u r beloved mutual and i want to send stuff to potentially chew on 🙏
Thinking abt Evan and Barty developing feelings for eachother in ways that are completely sane and healthy for the both of them <3
Barty doesn’t really have much of a reaction to realizing he’s in love with Evan tbh. His thing with Evan hasn’t been normal ever, he’s always yearned to be merged within him, wanting to make out with him is just a facet of that (if not a natural progression in his eyes). I think it would prob take Evan a little longer to realize it? He figures out Barty has a gay little crush on him and he’s practically clicking his heels in excitement bc hes an insufferable egomaniac. He very, very much treats it like a joke they’re both in on until he has to confront he’s way too into it. Barty knows this already and he also knows Evan’s attracted to men bc…duh.
They’re just kind of stuck in this limbo of knowing that whats between them isnt completely platonic and they keep flirting with eachother and theyre way too close for “friends”. But actually talking about the implications of that is way too difficult and vulnerable so they dont do it for as long as possible (and they do the exact same thing once they start fooling around). Idk they’re just guys who deal with their queer identities in emotions in completely healthy ways and don’t compartmentalize at all!!
P.S: their friends also sense their faggotry but most of them are homophobic teenage boys and thats way too uncomfy to bring up so they just. Don’t.
Yessss throw all the stuff at me you want,,, I'm eating this up < 3
I think we need more they're something but they're not gonna talk about it rosekiller cause it's just,, it's so good
I definitely think Evan is the one who takes the longest to realise it. I love to throw a bit of religious guilt in there from Barty's side cause I am a bit of a sucker for little smartass nerd Barty who slowly grows into the degenerate we all know he really is lol
I like the thought of their friends being like,, there's something not straight about those two but also upon first glance you think they're just those idiots that sit in the back of the class and act just a smidge too homoerotic towards each other while being like "haha no homo tho"
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
tried to read wfrau as i saw people rec it, but there's something bothering me in that fic. i don't like the alpha-male-ification of remus in wfrau. remus is not a beast who can fight another beast werewolves. he was a timid, sheltered boy in canon, but it's like you're making him fit into the fanon toxic wolfstar heteronormative box. it feels weird to read. please don't make me start on why it seems like you hate sirius OR use sirius as a self-insert to indulge in your fetishization of remus. like why do you write sirius as abused, when it was canonically remus who was disabled. can you consider rewrite some points in the fic, aligned to canon?
lmao where do i even start with this. uhhhhh okay first of all to answer your question - no, i will not be rewriting to make my non-canon-compliant fic more compliant with canon. if you don't like it, i suggest you don't read it! i'm not writing the story for you, and i'm not really sure why you think it would matter to me whether you like it or not. there are plenty of other fics out there that you can go read.
this fic was explicitly written to be a werewolf-fighting ring au. if you don't like remus fighting other werewolves, then i'm baffled as to why you even started it in the first place, considering that it's clearly tagged "werewolf fighting ring." i don't agree with your interpretation of canon that he was a "timid, sheltered" boy; even if i did, this fic is specifically exploring how the characters would be different in an au, non-canon-compliant version of their world. if the gay romance between two men is too heteronormative for you, there are, again, other fics out there that you can read. and if you don't want to read about "toxic" relationships then u DEFINITELY shouldn't read this fic, because none of the relationships in it are wholesome and healthy lmao. if you think i hate sirius...i don't even know what to say lol. like yeah i hate him so much that i've written hundreds of thousands of words of fanfiction about him. that checks out! and remus is fetishized in this fic for being a werewolf, which is a topic that gets explored in-depth in his pov chapter and is not something condoned by the narrative. i'm assuming you didn't read that far, though, and that what you mean by "fetishization" is the fact that sirius finds him sexy. so. again, i think you probably should just not read this fic if characters being sexually attracted to each other bothers you. i write sirius as being abused because that's the story i wanted to tell; not really sure how remus being canonically disabled is something that would cancel that out? those are two separate things. and remus's canonical disability is his lycanthropy, which....also exists in this fic. and is another topic that gets explored throughout the story.
in conclusion i truly cannot emphasize enough that i am not the person out here reccing this fic, i am not trying to grow an audience or go viral or any of that bullshit. not sure where you got the rec from, but i have actually asked people not to post about my fics on tiktok to try and avoid them blowing up there, because i do not want people like you reading them. i include an entire warning on the first chapter about the fact that this fic is dark and deals with heavy topics; i've tagged the fic thoroughly and have also included "additional tags to be added" to remind people that it's a wip and things are subject to change. all this is to emphasize -- i really, really, really don't care if any person reading the fic dislikes it. i don't care if they dislike it so much that they have to stop reading, because i don't care how many people are reading it in the first place!! i'm writing this story purely for fun, for myself, so i'm going to write what i want to write. even if you intended for this message to be polite, it just comes off as incredibly entitled to ask a stranger on the internet to spend hours of time and labor tailoring a story to your specific tastes, and if you think this type of message is okay to send then i think you should genuinely sit down and reevaluate the way you approach fandom. nobody is making you read fics you don't like, so just....don't read them.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hii Petri, I want to request for headcanons please, it's maze runner boys x fem!reader and she was one of the first to go up in the box, she's been in the glade for enough time to pass for the transition of 'cute little girl who's happend to be there with a lot of boys' to 'really hot girl in the middle of tons os guys', and I want to see the moment that clicked for each one of them that "oh, she's a girl". I think it would be fun cause they're a bunch of virgin dudes stuck in a place with only one girl that they know since "forever" and then suddenly she's not that little kid anymore and it clicks that they'd could be the one to date her.
I am completely doing my requests out of order, but I really like this idea and headcanons are so much easier lol.
Also no Newt here, the boy likes men.
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SUMMARY: See above. Movie based fic.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, awkward teenage boys, you're the boss, everyone is useless, mild suggestive themes, the Thomas one is really bad 'cause I had no way of actually writing that based on this prompt.
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You were the first person in the Glade, a young girl with no memories or idea what you were doing. Yet, somehow, you managed to survive for a whole month on your own. Then, one after another, the boys started joining you. And you went from soft girl to a leader they could rely on - though, it takes them a bit to notice this.
Being one of the later arrivals to the Glade, Thomas doesn't have the same reaction the others do.
You're just a badass from day one to him.
He thinks you're cool and calculated and you seem to know what you're doing.
He respects you from day one.
He doesn't get to have the whole realising you're cool moment that everyone else does.
He just thinks you're sick.
And he's like, stressed as shit, so he doesn't really have the time to think otherwise.
Now, this is where it gets interesting.
Minho was one of the first boys to follow you into the Maze, just after Alby and Newt.
So he's witnessed your whole transformation.
From the early days of exploring the Maze together, to you making him Keeper, to the drunken nights where he'd had a rough day and you had to drag him to bed.
You've been together through thick and thin.
And some of Minho's confidence has definitely rubbed off on you.
The moment where Minho realised you were in face a girl, and not the one he first met was actually quite simple.
You'd had a long night, and with one of your Runners out of commission, you realised you hadn't told Minho to cover another route that day as you'd made arrangements for a new Runner to do a more simpler route- which meant switching up everyone's routines.
Fresh out of bed, wearing a sports bra and baggy trousers that hung off your hips, you went to the Map Room.
It wasn't uncommon for you to dress like this. The Glade is warm, and you basically mothered all these boys.
You whistled as you entered, gaining their attention.
"Oi, boys, listen up - I'm switching routes around today. With Sam off on sick and Darren being new, he's taking the easiest route. Minho, I need you to deal with covering the outer sections more. And Ben I need you to stick to your path for a change instead of going awol - your maps make no sense."
"Aw, what? But that's boring."
"I ain't shuckin' askin', Ben - do as you're told."
Oh God.
Minho doesn't know why this is what made it click.
His eyes fell on your body, your words becoming static as he drunk in your figure.
Had you always been this attractive?
Had you always been this assertive?
Was Minho into dominant women?
Should he be concerned?
After this point onwards, Minho started looking at you differently.
In fact, you became the only thing he couldn't take his eyes off.
Minho would go from your confident and reliant friend to slightly awkward, but also occasionally flirty.
Like he can't actually decide what to do with you now.
It'd take a while, but after some near death experiences, he'd become more outwardly flirtatious.
Though, he still wouldn't be able to get over the admiration and awe for you.
Gally would be your number one problem child in the Glade.
He always has been.
But, you normally left Alby or Newt to deal with him.
Especially at the start since he's a big dude with a big temper.
Gally always saw you unfit as a leader.
Too timid, quiet, anxious.
You name it, he thought it.
That was until the day him and Minho got in a particularly nasty fight.
You don't know why or what it was, but Gally had gone for the Runner. Alby was busy sorting out the Maps, and in light of Newt's recent injury - it was left up to you.
Jeff came running into your hut, panicking about the fight, leading you to running out after him.
"That's enough!"
You grabbed the boys, yanking Gally away by his collar.
"The shuck do you slintheads think you're doing?"
"He started it!"
"I did not!"
You'd had a hard day.
You didn't need this.
"I don't give two klunks who started it! We ain't got much choice to act like adults 'round here - and you two are actin' like diaper-klunkin' sissy babies! Get a shuckin' grip! I expect better."
Minho apologised quickly.
Gally did not.
"What? Why should I apologise when this shank can't shut his mouth?"
Well, you weren't having that.
"Because I shucking told you to. You're under my care and my order- what I say goes. You may be a Keeper, but that's up to me. Suck it up and do as you're told."
"Better. Get back to work."
The way that Gally watched you walk away made it obvious to everyone who witnessed the scene that something had changed.
He'd always seen you as weak and a pointless leader, but now?
You'd put him in his place.
Initially, he was embarrassed.
But then he started seeing everything around the Glade, the power you actually held.
He also started to notice how attractive you actually had become.
Safe to say, he started to feel things after you basically called him a bitch.
He'd start showing you more respect after that.
Maybe a bit more than respect.
Frypan has always liked you.
He's always respected you and been a good friend.
And he used to make sure that you were okay when things got too much.
But as you got older and more confident, you started to not need that comfort as much.
Unlike the others, there wouldn't be a specific moment where he realised.
He'd just be proud as he watched you grow as a person.
And you'd take charge.
It'd be a slow burn of feelings from friendship to genuinely having a crush on you.
You'd make sure his kitchen is always stocked and the Track-hoes do their job and the vegetables are up to scratch.
Though, his feelings came more with the physical transformation side of things.
You hit puberty, and went from being awkward to confident along with it.
Now, Frypan is probably one of the more respectful guys around.
But he can't help but stare when you bend over, or stretch or even just look at him with a smirk.
He's a teenage boy and you're the only girl around.
He's trying his best.
Though he did go from:
"Hey, everything okay? You look stressed."
"H-hey uh, you uh, you need help, or...?"
Man's is down bad.
Alby would probably be the person you're closest to.
He's the mouth and the power to your brain
You basically work side by side.
But, he'd always see you as someone he needed to look after and protect.
Then, as you grew up, came into yourself, that would change.
Especially when you started actually being in charge.
For the most part, he really doesn't care.
He noticed the others starting to act differently, but he didn't change much.
Apart from that one time you'd just come out of the shower.
And he just couldn't take his eyes off you.
And he kinda realised you're a woman.
But apart from that.
He's just... there.
Helping you lead.
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Sorry for disappearing, this is not my best work but I am currently in full corpse mode.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed :))
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etherealfishyfeelings · 9 months
Synastry Notes: Ascendant 1
These are essentially just my personal experiences with certain synastry aspects. Basically a rant lol.
Venus Conjunct Ascendant: honestly, I have a big love/hate relationship with this aspect as I have Venus square Ascendant as the tightest aspect in my own natal chart so when I'm the Venus person I become so envious and enchanted by the Ascendant person that it's almost suffocating. The more I look at them the less I want to be myself but I am also incredibly attracted to them in an almost poetic way. It really highlights my sense of disharmony with my own Ascendant and so usually being around the Ascendant person is quite uncomfortable regardless of the depth of my attraction to them. I usually love getting to know more about them past their Ascendant though, and regardless of what's underneath, my sense of enchantment with them doesn't really tend to fade at all over time. On the other hand, when I'm the Ascendant person, the Venus person usually doesn't make a lot of sense to me as their style of relating(aka venus) is directly clashing with my own style of relating to others. I think it only becomes more awkward when the Venus person almost seems perplexed by the switch ups that I tend to do in social situations(that I really do not want highlighted because I already feel horribly socially inadequate as it is lol) and so generally what starts out as a very enthusiastic friendship eventually turns into a lot of mixed signals and just a lot of the Venus person having absolutely no idea what to expect from me most of the time. I also tend to become a little wary of them due to how much they tend to highlight my social awkwardness and lack of consistency. (My Venus is in the 10th in Cap, directly conjunct my MC and directly squaring my Aries AC)
Mars in the 7th house/Mars opposite AC: this placement tends to end up being a little insane in my case due to my natal Venus square Ascendant so this placement usually means that their Mars is squaring my Venus too and honestly it's just too much. I tend to attract A LOT of Libra mars men(like most of the men that have chased me like their lives depended on it had their Mars in Libra, well, as much as Libra tends to chase) and initially its always fairly sweet but within the first couple of conversations it usually gets really ugly. Lots of jealousy and very sexually suggestive, impatient too and the longer we remained in contact without any romantic contact the more frustrated they seem to get and the more aggressive(not in a really bad sort of way) their hints tended to get. And because its Libra they're never really direct with it, mostly creating lots of very obviously intended scenarios that would allow me to take the lead but my Cap Venus needs a lot of time before I'll be willing to do that but my Aries AC suggests that I'm more of an impulsive go getter so they seem to expect me to be more forward than I actually am around romance. They seem very perplexed and frustrated that when it comes to romance and sex I'm very picky and take a really long time to warm up to the idea of being with someone even in a friendship sense. However, when I'm the Mars person(I have Mars in Pisces) I generally tend to be pretty attracted to the Ascendant person in a very pleasant way. I usually find them very beautiful and have a very strong urge to seek out their company. I also find that I tend to think of them as being quite talented, but I feel that might also be due to their AC trining my Venus.
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