#i just can't get myself to fully remove his :} face
ratcandy · 7 months
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ah no the moth is in my head permanently
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reiderwriter · 2 months
Well, Are You Mine?
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Final Chapter of I Can't Help Myself
Summary: Spencer adjusts to fatherhood alone.
Warnings: Angst, hopeful ending, mentions Canon character death (Gideon), mentions of new parent stress, single parenthood, etc.
A/N: I'm back! The final chapter is finally here, and I'm so very happy!! Thank you all for waiting patiently while I recovered from my illness. It's monsoon season here right now, so I've been hit with just depressing wave after wave of coughs, colds, fevers, and general rainy season ailments. But now this is finished! Thank you for joining ke on this three month journey. I'll be publishing a much happier, much fluffier epilogue within the week, so please look forward to that~♡ Without further ado, The End.
In the six weeks since his daughter had been born, Spencer Reid had experienced what he could solidly call the most terrifying weeks of his life.
The baby cried, and his heart beat out of his chest. Rain or shine, fully awake or fully knocked out, a single gargle or a full on scream and he was sprinting to her side to coo her back to blissful sleep, or to change her, or just to hold her close.
In the six weeks up to her birth, he'd pointedly avoided parenting books on the whole, doing his best to drown out all the memories from reading similar books when JJ was pregnant. Every memory stung as he clawed his way back to the family that was prematurely ripped from him.
But the baby was here now. The baby was safe, and the baby was crying, which he knew was absolutely healthy and nothing to worry about, and completely and totally fine, except it dropped his heart to his stomach everytime she did it.
It wasn't as if your daughter was a particularly fussy child. She was a newborn, she was a healthy weight and size, and the doctors who had checked her over at the hospital after her birth had reassured him multiple times that she was totally healthy. A miracle, all things considered.
And she was his miracle. For six weeks, she'd been his little wonder.
The team had banded together to fix up his apartment while she'd been observed in the hospital for the first few days of her life.
He'd sat and watched her through the newborn window at the hospital while Penelope had cleaned up his apartment, and Luke had built him a crib.
Emily and JJ had gone hunting for baby clothes and found probably a lifetime supply of 0-3 months, 3-6 months, and 6-9 months babygrows, t-shirts, dresses, and matching little hair bows for everything.
The first time he'd seen the socks, he'd broken down.
Arriving back with his newborn daughter to his apartment, he'd carried her to her new room, desk removed and crib added, though the walls were still shelved with books he really needed to do something with. He'd opened the sock drawer and been faced with a drawer full of single socks. There wasn't a matching pair in sight.
He'd pulled his daughter into his arms and held her close as the tears fell once again.
It had been six weeks since you'd delivered your first baby, and Spencer was sure that if you had the opportunity, you'd be cussing him out continuously.
Because as much as he doted on his daughter, his sweet baby, who he swore was already smiling sweetly up at him each time she grabbed his pinkie with her whole tiny fist, he had still not given her a a name.
“We can't just call her baby,” Emily complained to him after three days, already getting restless with Spencer's lack of decisiveness.
“I won't name her without Y/N,” he'd replied, and Emily had shut her mouth, not willing to open up that can of worms around him just yet. The sudden silence whenever he mentioned you was deafening. Spencer felt the team growing rigid each time he said something even slightly hopeful, then gently tried to lead him back to being ‘realistic.’
It had been six weeks since you'd given birth, and smiled at him sweetly as you brought you'd daughter into the world and six weeks since you'd quietly slipped into a peaceful coma.
The first week, he'd been told to prepare himself for the worst. The second week, he'd been told there was nothing more that they could do.
But in the third week, you'd moved. Just your hand, just a twitch, but a sign of life the doctors had been trying to convince him wasn't there before.
In the fourth week, you'd recovered enough to be taken off the ventilator.
You were clawing your way back to consciousness, readying yourself to meet your precious, sweet baby.
In the sixth week after Spencer Reid became a father, he took his daughter back to the hospital to meet her mother again. With some expert baby-sitting from Penelope, he'd managed to visit you once every two days at least in the last few months, but with the little-one still only small, hospital visits to trauma wards weren't exactly recommended.
When they'd transferred you to a regular ward, he'd packed his bags immediately and gathered the baby up, strapping her into her carrier and waiting desperately for visiting hours to begin.
After thirty minutes, he made a call.
“Emily? Can I… can we get a ride?”
Of course, she'd agreed. While no one else had been letting themselves hope, they had absolutely been at his beck and call. He'd been swamped with guilt calling JJ at 3am asking how to settle you because he'd tried everything, and constantly relying on Penelope to come and help him and Luke and Emily, picking up extra hours to finish his paperwork because his paternity leave still hadn't been approved.
He felt guilty, overwhelmed, and stressed, and he needed you to wake up so goddamn much that he feared if he got any bad news, he would shatter. And he didn't know how to be a father, because really he hadn't had one before he was 20 and Gideon became his, and even he had left when things got hard. So how could he be sure he wouldn't.
So he hadn't given his daughter a name. And, yes, it was because he wanted to do it with you, to pick out a name together, but also it was because he didn't think he could stand knowing it if he was too weak and ran from her.
The pressure built and built for six weeks, as he fell in love with his daughter, who deserved better than his love, and then Emily pulled up in his car, and he started sobbing.
“Spencer!” Emily exclaimed, not expecting the outburst at all, the loneliness of the last five months catching up to him finally.
“Emily… Emily, I'm a terrible father-”
“No! No, sweetie, you're-”
“My daughter doesn't have a name!”
Emily switched the engine off and then grabbed Spencer's shoulder, roughly turning him to face her if he wouldn't meet her in the eyes.
“You have survived this job for nearly two decades. You have survived gunshots, and murderers, and loss that I can not begin to comprehend, and you love that child. You are grieving, and you are stressed, and it is so totally, completely normal to not be okay after everything you've been through,” Emily held her breath, waiting for his reply. Just as he opened his mouth to whisper more doubts, the baby in the back seat began to fuss and cry.
Unable to stop himself, Spencer laughed. Emily laughed with him. They sat giggling in the car together, tears in their eyes as his daughter kicked up a fuss.
“She doesn't like hearing you talk badly about her daddy,” Emily joked and started the engine again.
When Spencer finally made it to your room, his daughter had stopped fussing. A quick bottle in the parking lot had mollified her, and she was gurgling softly now, still pink, her eyes tightly closed. He'd dressed her up nicely, or as nicely as he could muster. A cute pink newborn dress for his tiny baby and a matching pink hair bow.
He gathered the baby carrier in his arms and let the hospital doors open for him.
Finding your new ward wasn't hard. The nurses were helpful enough and honestly, he'd taken a look at the building blueprints weeks before, when he'd been obsessing over every small detail of your care, so he practically knew the route by himself.
Straight, then a left turn, then straight again, and a right turn and keep going until there was a final turn into your ward.
He let out a deep sigh as soon as he reached the nurses station and readied himself to ask for you.
“Hello, I'm here to see my Y/N, I was told she was transferred here this morning?”
The nurses on the station looked up at him in shock and blinked at him a few times before speaking up. If ever there was a time to hear the words “you haven't heard?” uttered from the mouth of a nurse in a hospital where your comatose girlfriend was being treated, then it likely wasn't when he held a newborn in his already weak arms.
The panic set in quickly as he tuned the noise out. An older nurse walked around the side of the desk to comfort him, sticking by his side and grabbing the baby carrier before he could accidentally let it go in his shock.
Another nurse came to his side to take care of the baby, and quickly, they both ushered him down another hall to an adjacent ward. He drowned out every word as they tried to comfort and reassure him, his brain jumping to the worst conclusions.
His teammates were right when they said he shouldn't hope. He needed to be realistic now. If you were gone, he had to call your family and organize the funeral. He had to pack up your stuff. He had to settle the hospital bills and decide how you would be seen off.
He had to name his daughter.
The nurses pushed him towards the room quickly, and he mentally prepared himself to say goodbye, but as the doors swung open, he saw you, and he fell to his knees.
In the two hours since you'd woken up, you'd been poked, prodded, hydrated, fed, rubbed down, and spoken over like you were still somewhat asleep.
No one had explained exactly what had happened, and no one explained where your baby was, and you'd kicked and screamed yourself hoarse, as the doctors noted down that you still had use of your vocal chords and all four limbs.
So seeing Spencer crash into your room at full force through your tear filled eyes was the best experience you'd had in months, especially when you spotted the nurse with the baby sized car seat coming in behind him.
“Is that my baby? Is that my baby? Please-” You pushed sheets off your body as a nurse tried to hold you still, not wanting you to pull the IV from your arm or the oxygen tubes from your face.
And suddenly Spencer was there, and he'd regained his strength, and his hope, and his happiness because you were awake, and talking and god you remembered.
It was all he could do not to grab you, bundle you up, and carry you away to safety, but the nurse propping you up was stern-looking, and he had a daughter to tend to.
He pulled your face into his hands and kissed you as softly as he could, holding back his emotion as he held you like you would break, feeling your wet tears on his skin.
“I missed you,” he whispered, dropping his forehead to yours as he gently stepped back and allowed the nurses to help you get comfortable.
Then he turned quickly and grabbed your daughter, and your breath caught in your throat as he held her out to you.
“What do I…? Where should I put my hands- Oh god, I'm so unprepared, I-” your eyes welled again, but it was joy as you saw her serene little sleeping face for the first time and he slowly lowered her into your arms. It turns out, no-one needed to help you out holding her at all, because she was so precious and perfect and yours that she slotted into your arms completely, like it was a spot made completely for her, like you'd been purpose made to hold her and be her mother and love her and cherish her.
You cried and looked up at Spencer and laughed. He rested on the side of the bed and pulled you into his arms, and you felt that completeness a second time, and you knew that you were made for him the way she was made for you.
Your family.
It had almost been taken for you, but it was yours, and it was fate.
With a quiet whisper that only Spencer could hear, you leant down to your baby's ear and said your first words to her.
“I wish that I could be your mother in every lifetime, my sweet Angel.”
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miicapitann · 3 months
Yuri Briar x Seme Male Reader
It's impossible to find any male reader fics about Yuri Briar from Spy x family, and I've had some ideas. I figured I may as well write them down, whether they end up being for myself or if others end up enjoying them.. I would like to continue this one, at least.
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Summary: Yuri Briar finds himself with a new coworker, a mercenary by the codename Snake Eyes. After working with the man once, he finds him to be a few things: incredibly unaware, incredibly efficient, incredibly strong, and kind of hot?? Not that he can see the mercenary's face.. Tall, fully armed, and respecting his sister, whom he hasn't even met? Just Yuri's type!
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Walking into his superior's office, Yuri removed his hat with his left hand, held it over his chest, and used his right hand to salute his boss.
"SIR!! How can I help you!" He shouted out, with what his boss interpreted as the enthusiasm of a puppy.
"A man who's been murdering civilians was brought in today; I'm assigning you to interrogate him with the 'officer' who caught him in the room." He paused, his more serious demeanor dropping as he looked up at Yuri, smiling. "You haven't worked with Snake Eyes yet, have you? He's a highly skilled mercenary who we've managed to secure under our belt; you two would get along." His smile changed from a grin as he tapped his cigar into the ashtray on his desk. Sometimes, his demeanor almost seemed like a schoolgirl's..
Yuri was mildly confused. He had never even heard of a mercenary working with the State Security Service, something he questioned his boss about. He was only told that this Snake Eyes fellow handled their most dangerous cases.
"Here's the file on the suspect. You're in charge of the interrogation; Snake Eyes is only there for intimidation tactics and keeping the perp in line. There's a list of what we need to know in the envelope. Do your best, Second-Lieutenant Briar!!" His boss beams at the end, shooing Yuri out to complete the interrogation.
As he walked from his superior's office to the interrogation room, he looked over the file quickly but thoroughly. Usually, he had much more time to brief himself on the situation and the suspect and even gather his own evidence. On this occasion, Yuri hadn't even been aware of a murderer being afoot, though he figured it may have been due to the fact that a case like this was certainly something that the Lieutenant would handle. Or perhaps it was how overworked and exhausted he was that something like this never reached him. Yuri neared the room that the 'scum of the earth murderer' was held in, having read his name to be Halbert Johnson.
'What a terrible name... I can't believe garbage like this walks the same earth as my dear Yor..' He thought to himself; his enraged feelings could be seen clearly on his face. And expression that was clearly seen by the Lieutenant, who walked toward him from in front of the interrogation room.
"Second-Lieutenant Briar." He started. Speaking calmly and controlled. Stiffening, Yuri saluted.
"Lieutenant Sir!" he said, with that puppy-like attitude that his boss had noticed.
The lieutenant had decided that if the interrogation with Halbert went well, not only would Yuri be trusted with more important tasks, but he may be paired with Snake Eyes more if they seemed to work well together. The second 'privilege' being a request of the big man in charge. He walked Yuri back toward the direction that he had come from, toward where the Second-Lieutenant was originally headed, the interrogation room.
"I'm sure you were informed that you would be working with Snake Eyes." He asked. A rhetorical question. "He's the guy in the combat gear. Introduce yourself and begin when you're ready." He finished, walking away right after.
Yuri turned his attention to the man 'in the combat gear' with whom he would be working. His gaze started at the other man's feet, dragging upwards, a climb that seemed to go on forever.
'This guy is gigantic!!' Yuri thought to himself, his emotions, this time shock, evident on his face. This was Snake Eyes.
Snake Eyes was incredibly tall; the top of Yuri's head barely reached the guy's collarbones. He was dressed in combat boots with a visible steel toe, black cargo pants cinched in around his thighs with straps that held heavy-duty weaponry, ranging from combat knives to guns and-
'IS THAT A FUCKING GRENADE??' Yuri wasn't really sure if the other man was allowed to have that, but given the fact that he also wasn't really sure what the station of the other man was other than mercenary, he decided not to question it. He was in the headquarters of the SSS. If he wasn't authorized to have it, he wouldn't.
The straps on the mercenary's thighs connected to a belt that sat around his hips, weaving through the loops on his pants. This belt held more gear, one of which was clearly a pistol. He wore a form-fitting dark green T-shirt, matching the green color of the SSS uniform, underneath a bulletproof vest. His arms were concealed with a long-sleeved black compression shirt that he wore under the T-shirt, and his hands were adorned with black and green gloves with small orange details that seemed to have armored knuckles. Strapped to his back was a submachine gun.
Yuri wasn't sure if he should be more afraid of the submachine gun, the grenades, or perhaps the man himself. But as he looked toward the other's face, finally ready to introduce himself, he noticed that Snake Eyes wore a black balaclava helmet and reflective goggles, his identity completely concealed aside from his eye-catching tall stature. He looked like he could stop a truck bare-handed, or at least, that was what was on Yuri's mind as he stuck his hand out to greet his new coworker or whatever he was.
"Hello, I'm Second-Lieutenant Yuri Briar. It's nice to meet you. I was told we are working together today," he said. his tone was formal, yet the slight confusion and nervousness were pretty evident on his face.
"𝚂𝚗𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜," the other man introduced himself, grabbing Yuri's outstretched hand and giving it an incredibly firm shake but not strong enough to hurt Yuri. "𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞."
The gear he was wearing muffled his voice, enough that Yuri couldn't match the voice if he heard it elsewhere, but not enough to make him unable to hear the other man clearly, and certainly not enough to make him unable to tell how incredibly deep the man's voice was either. What Yuri couldn't make out was any sort of tone in the tall man's speech nor the smile directed at him as they shook hands.
The two of them chatted for a moment, discussing the circumstance and who they were interrogating. This led Yuri to discover that while Snake Eyes was the one who brought Halbert in, he hadn't known the man's name prior to Yuri debriefing him. While he was confused and almost put off by the lack of information that the mercenary had, he sort of admired the fact that he was so committed to protecting the country that he focused on apprehending villains dutifully without worrying about the details, trusting his superiors fully. This was not at all why the other man was so ill-informed. He just didn't care; he was shown a face and given a location, and the rest was history, though it went over much more peacefully than he was used to.
Yuri stepped into the interrogation room first, slipping on his black leather gloves as Snake Eyes followed behind him, ducking through the doorway.
"Mr. Halbert Johnson, a murderer. I'm appalled a disgusting wretch like you was in the same city as my lovely sister." Yuri began.
His love for his sister and his dedication to protecting her showed immediately. Halbert did not respond, being aware that what you don't say cannot be used against you. Yuri settled at the seat across the table from Halbert, though opting to stand, leaning his weight on the table with his arms as he tilted forward toward the suspect, while Snake Eyes stood to Yuri's left, at the end of the table, facing the two of them with his back against the wall and his arms crossed, he said nothing. The other SSS officer in the room was unnamed to the mercenary, but he sat at a separate table directly across from him and faced Snake Eyes, writing down everything that had happened. Yuri continued to intimidate the murder suspect in front of him, making sure he knew that lying and withholding information was not to be tolerated while also very frequently mentioning and praising his beloved sister.
"The body of Patricia Phillips was found at the job site of a construction company that you work for. Significant evidence points in your direction; admit to your crimes." Yuri glared at the angry man in front of him. Seemingly having enough of Yuri's chatter, Halbert stood quickly, raising a fist to punch the Second-Lieutenant and shouting at him.
"FUCK YOU AND YOUR DUMBASS SISTER, I DIDN'T DO SHIT!!" He spat, figuratively and literally, as he put his full force into his fist.
Stepping in quickly, Snake Eyes lifted his arm, gripping Halbert by the face and slamming him down onto the floor where he lay on his back, the mercenary's hand still holding the sides of Halbert's head tightly and forcing him downward, the killer's legs squirming as his hands gripped at the much stronger man's arm desperately. Yuri stood up away from the table, shocked and in a cold sweat from almost being punched.
"𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍-𝙻𝚒𝚎𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝙱𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚛," Snake Eyes spoke up, his hand squeezing tighter for a moment. "𝙰𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚒𝚖, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛.." He finished, gripping Halbert from the collar of his shirt, lifting him off of his feet, and tossing him back into his chair. Halbert froze but was forced to speak when a kick hit the leg of the chair he sat in just as the man in combat gear settled back into his position at the end of the table.
"I.." Halbert choked on his words, fear evident on his face. "I'M SORRY!! I'M SURE YOUR SISTER IS LOVELY.. AND INTELLIGENT!! I'LL TELL YOU ANYTHING!" He shook.
Yuri was shocked by the entire situation, and the initial act of violence made by Halbert scared him. He could not have reacted fast enough to block it himself, though it would not have injured him too badly. However, he was most baffled by Snake Eyes' actions, not only because he stepped in to protect Yuri but also because he made Halbert apologize for trying to hit him and for insulting his sister. He flushed a bit at that, feeling admiration toward the tall man and secretly loving the fact that he protected him. Yuri cleared his throat, shooing the redness on his cheeks away as much as he could.
"Did you kill Patricia Phi-" He was cut off.
"Yes!" Halbert admitted.
"𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚒𝚗��𝚎𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝚑𝚒𝚖." Snake Eyes said as he checked the number of bullets in his pistol, effectively giving the criminal a new fear. That fear was him, of course.
"sorry.." Halbert said meekly.
As the short interaction between the man in combat gear and the murderer went down, the officer documenting the whole thing sat stiffly, in secondhand fear of Snake Eyes, while Yuri scolded himself for being attracted to how the man scolded the criminal like a child for interrupting him. No one had ever really defended him or taken care of him like that besides his sister.
"How many others have you killed," Yuri asked cooly, with fake composure, as he thought fondly of the mercenary in the room with him. Halbert hesitated but answered immediately when he heard Snake Eyes cock his gun, something that made every man in the room flinch.
"Thirteen! I-Including the woman!!" Halbert yelped. His attitude significantly changed from the cool and irritated front he had put on when they originally entered the room.
Yuri continued to ask the man questions, discovering the whereabouts of each victim's body, the people Halbert worked with, and the names of the people he had killed, ending the integration, not without Snake Eyes striking fear into everyone in the room a few more times, of course. Exiting the interrogation room, Yuri peeled his leather gloves off, sighing and relaxing his shoulders.
"Thank you for helping with the interrogation. It would have taken impossibly long without you. I doubt we would have gotten so much information out of him, too." Yuri praised the armored man beside him.
"𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔?" Snake Eyes said, leaning down to speak closer to his ears. He did not like to raise his voice much. He was confused at what the smaller man was talking about. Yuri was baffled, not understanding how the mercenary was unaware of all the help he provided.
"He wouldn't have talked if he wasn't so afraid of you. You destroyed his confidence." He smiled up at the other, placing a hand appreciatively on the man's bicep.
He almost flinched at the feeling of the other's muscled arm underneath his hand. Sure, his undershirt was skin-tight, and his T-shirt was relatively form-fitting as well, but even by touching his arm himself, Yuri knew that he could only imagine how shredded Snake Eyes was under all his gear. The mercenary hummed in response to what Yuri had said, probably still somewhat confused. He was about to speak up when the Second-Lieutenant spoke again.
"So, where does the codename Snake Eyes come from? If it's okay to ask.." He trailed off, suddenly fidgety and nervous. His face reddened as the pause in the conversation grew.
"𝙸 𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝙸 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜.." The man admitted, feeling a little foolish for his reasoning. "𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚘 𝙸 𝚐𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜." he continued.
There was a short pause. Yuri was processing what had happened, surprised by how much he was willing to talk to him, given that he had been warned that the man was usually very quiet. He was snapped out of his jumbled thoughts when the taller laughed.
"𝙸 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚍. 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝙸 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗." He finished. Yuri blushed heavily and sputtered for a moment before he could speak clearly.
"I-I think it makes sense to protect yourself and your family. Well, I'm a little confused about using it in the SSS, but you are a mercenary!" He fidgeted as he spoke, afraid of scaring the other away with the things he said.
"𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝. 𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎... 𝙰𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚎, 𝚜𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎..." He trailed off for a moment. "𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎 (𝚈/𝙽) 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑." He gave his real name, for once seeming nervous himself.
Yuri was ecstatic that (Y/N) had decided that he trusted him enough to give his real name; he rolled the name through his head over and over, repeating it in his thoughts, even analyzing it, 'Where was it from? Certainly not Ostania.' he thought.
"Ah! You can call me Yuri; there's no need for the Second-Lieutenant stuff!!" he stuttered. An intense blush rushed to his face, spreading to his ears and the back of his neck. As he stumbled around with his words, (Y/N) undid the clip on his helmet and pushed it back a bit, leaning down and pressing his forehead against Yuri's.
"𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚔? 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚍." He said, removing one of his gloves, the velcro sending a crackling sound through the air as he pressed his bare hand against the back of Yuri's neck. Though some of the man's hair and skin were revealed at this moment, Yuri saw none of it. The blush spread down his shoulders and even appeared on his fingertips as his entire body went hot. He Passed out.
(2,623 words)
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rispwr · 16 days
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If i were you i'd do me - JK - MDNI - 2
pairings : fuckboy! jk x fem! reader, established relationship, mentions of smart! namjoon x oc, slow burn, enemies to lovers
contents/warnings : rich! oc, nepo! oc, fuckboy! jk, rich! jk, slight love triangle, smut, spoiled! oc, jk, big c! jk, fingering, semi-public xxx
taglist : comment if yall wanna be added
context : Jungkook, the notorious campus heartbreaker and player, unexpectedly becomes your groupmate alongside Namjoon, the guy you’ve secretly admired for ages. However, it seems your feelings have started shifting from Namjoon to someone else entirely unexpected…
two or three part series
It had been a week and a half since the group project began, and we only had two days left before we were supposed to present. I couldn't believe how fast the deadline was approaching. Surprisingly, Jungkook and I had managed to get along a little better in the past few days, although our relationship was still complicated. There was definitely more tension between us—lots of bickering over small details in the project, but there was also something else. A weird undercurrent of sexual tension seemed to creep into our interactions, though I tried to ignore it as much as possible.
We were in class, and the professor was droning on about something I wasn't paying much attention to. My mind wandered, thinking about how we were going to pull everything together in just two days. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate in my lap. Curious, I glanced down at my screen under the table to see who had texted me. It was Jungkook.
Jungkook: Hey, princess. Got any plans after class?
I rolled my eyes, my lips curling into a small smirk. Of course, he couldn't just ask normally. I typed a quick response.
Y/N: Not unless you're counting trying to save our sorry excuse for a project.
Almost immediately, my phone buzzed again.
Jungkook: Touché. How about we finish it at my place? You, me... Namjoon. Group work, you know?
Y/N: Why at your place?
Jungkook: Because my place is more fun. And I can make you a proper coffee. You know you want to.
Y/N: Fine. But this better be about the project and nothing else.
Jungkook: Can't promise that ;) See you after class.
I shook my head at his winking emoji but couldn't deny the tiny thrill that ran through me. Whether it was the impending deadline or something else, the air between Jungkook and me had been charged with an underlying tension lately. I wasn't sure how to feel about it, but it was becoming harder to brush off.
Once we settled in Jungkook's place, the tension between us was unbearable. It had been building for days, and now, in the quiet of his living room, it felt like we were teetering on the edge of something we couldn't take back.
Jungkook sat next to me on the couch, his casual demeanor masking the intensity in the air. I opened my laptop, pretending to focus on the project, but my mind was far from it. I could feel his eyes on me, and when his hand casually drifted to rest on my thigh again, I froze.
"Have you eaten yet?" he asked, his voice low and smooth, like he wasn't fully paying attention to his own words but to the way my body tensed at his touch.
I forced myself to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "wow. you suddenly care about my wellbeing now?"
He smirked, that familiar cocky grin that always seemed to piss me off. "What? Can't a guy ask a simple question?"
I rolled my eyes and turned my gaze back to the screen. "Yeah, I ate. Did you?"
"Mmhmm," he murmured, not removing his hand, his fingers starting to gently trace little patterns on my thigh. "Just making sure you're not starving before we start working."
I bit my lip, trying to focus, but every nerve in my body was screaming at me to pay attention to his touch. His fingers were moving now, grazing my skin in slow, deliberate strokes, each one lighting a fire in my core.
I couldn't take it anymore. 
The tension, 
his hand, 
his stupid smirk
—it was all too much. I turned to face him, my chest rising and falling with barely concealed frustration. Before I could think about what I was doing, 
I grabbed his face and crashed my lips onto his.
The kiss was messy,
 desperate, fueled by all the frustration and tension that had been boiling over between us for weeks. He responded immediately, his hand tightening on my thigh, pulling me closer as he kissed me back just as fiercely. His other hand tangled in my hair, and for a moment, it felt like nothing else mattered except the way his lips moved against mine.
In between the kiss, he pulled back just a fraction, enough to murmur, "Thought you hated me."
I barely registered his words, my breath coming in short, heavy pants. "I do," I whispered, my voice a mix of defiance and something else. "I think."
Jungkook chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against my lips as he leaned back in, his hand now traveling up my side, slipping under my shirt. His touch was slow, teasing, as if he was testing just how far he could push before I stopped him. But I didn't stop him. I couldn't. The warmth of his palm against my skin sent shivers through my entire body, and I leaned into him, craving more.
His lips were on mine again, but this time, the kiss was deeper, slower, like we were savoring every second of this moment. His hand moved higher, grazing the edge of my bra, and I let out a quiet whimper, the sound muffled against his mouth.
"Still think you hate me?" he teased between kisses, his lips brushing against the corner of my mouth, trailing down to my jaw.
I tried to answer, but my thoughts were a jumbled mess, lost in the haze of his touch and the overwhelming heat building inside me. Instead, all I could manage was a shaky, "Shut up."
Jungkook grinned against my skin, his breath hot against my neck as his hand slipped further under my shirt, his fingers ghosting over my breast. "You know," he murmured, his voice low and full of that damn cockiness, "I'm not even doing anything, and you're already..... horny?."
I swallowed hard, trying to regain some control, but the way his hand felt on me, the way his lips moved against my skin, it was impossible to think straight. I opened my mouth to say something, to tell him to stop...or maybe to tell him not to stop, but before I could, 
I heard the sound of the door opening.
Panic shot through me, and I jerked away from him, pulling my shirt back down and scrambling to sit up straight. Namjoon had just walked in, completely oblivious to the tension that had just filled the room.
Jungkook, on the other hand, didn't even flinch. He stayed where he was, leaning back casually with a smug grin on his face, like he was savoring the fact that he had completely undone me in a matter of minutes. He rubbed his lips with his thumb, his eyes glinting with amusement as he watched me try to pull myself together.
Namjoon, blissfully unaware of what he'd just interrupted, smiled and waved as he set his bag down. "Hey, sorry I'm late."
"Uh, it's fine," I mumbled, still feeling the heat in my cheeks as I avoided Jungkook's gaze. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened—or what almost happened.
Jungkook finally sat up, stretching lazily as he glanced at Namjoon. "We were just getting started," he said, his tone casual, though the smirk on his face told me he was still very much enjoying the moment.
Namjoon nodded, pulling out his laptop. "Cool, let's get to work then."
I shot a glare at Jungkook, who only grinned wider, clearly reveling in the fact that I was still flustered. And as much as I wanted to punch him, I couldn't deny the way my body still buzzed from his touch.
This was going to be a long night.
As the three of us sat around Jungkook's living room table, trying to focus on the project, I couldn't help but feel the lingering tension between us. My mind kept drifting back to the kiss, the way his hands felt on me, and it didn't help that Jungkook kept sending me these playful glances when Namjoon wasn't looking.
We were supposed to be reviewing some notes Namjoon had brought, but my attention was elsewhere. Namjoon was talking animatedly about his ideas, while I pretended to follow along, nodding occasionally. Meanwhile, Jungkook, who sat way too close for comfort on my other side, started to shift, his knee brushing against mine under the table.
I froze for a second, my heart racing, but I didn't move. I didn't pull away. Instead, I shot him a quick look out of the corner of my eye. He glanced back, smirking, and then, without warning, his hand slipped under the table and onto my thigh again.
This time, though, it wasn't innocent.
His fingers began to creep higher, just brushing the hem of my skirt. I tensed up, glancing at Namjoon, who was completely focused on the work in front of him. Jungkook's hand continued its slow, deliberate journey under my skirt, and I couldn't help the way my breath hitched.
I should've stopped him. I should've pushed his hand away, but I didn't. My body reacted on its own, allowing him to continue as my heart pounded in my chest. I swallowed hard, trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy as Namjoon droned on about the project.
Jungkook's fingers slowly rubbed my clothed clit, and I bit my lip, trying to suppress a gasp. I shifted slightly in my seat, hoping Namjoon wouldn't notice. Jungkook, of course, noticed everything. He leaned in just a little closer, whispering softly, "You okay?"
I shot him a glare, though it lacked any real conviction. He chuckled under his breath, clearly enjoying the fact that I was letting him get away with this. His hand traveled higher, pushing my panties to the side enough for him to enter. 
i then let out a slight whimper catching their attention. jungkook smirking as he inserts another finger into me "are you okay y/n?" namjoon asks concerned about me "a-ahh no no..haha i-i stubbed my toe" i tried to reply as i was unable to talk normally. the pleasure was too good. 
now i know why girls love to throw themselves at jungkook
i held onto jungkooks shirt tightening my grip as i felt my orgasm being near. jungkook sensed it as my walls then starts to tighten around his fingers, he then fastened his pace, making my heart race faster. he then looks at me as i struggle, biting my lips trying not to make any sounds but my legs were shaking. 
i finally came. my white liquid coating his fingers as he pulls out making a 'plop' sound. 
i breathed heavily trying to pull myself together as i lick my lips, turning to jungkook watching him as he licks his fingers, cleaning my cum that was on his fingers.
once we were done with our study session Namjoon stood up to leave, an awkward silence settled in the room for a brief second. He gathered his things, explaining something about a school board meeting that he couldn't miss. I nodded along, thankful for the distraction from the tension that had been building between Jungkook and me for the past hour. Jungkook, on the other hand, remained calm, though I could sense the playful energy still simmering beneath the surface.
Namjoon finally said his goodbyes and left, closing the door behind him. The silence between Jungkook and me felt thick, heavy with the weight of everything we weren't saying. I didn't dare look at him at first, knowing that the second I did, we wouldn't be able to hold back any longer.
i then got up from the couch as i got on his lap, ruffling and playing with his hair. i tilt my head keeping eye contact with him giving him a smile as his hands starts travelling it's way to undo my bra until my phone suddenly rang distrupting our moment. 
i got up to get my phone and it's hoseok. 
i answered the call but jungkook took it 
"hey y/n where are you?" hoseok asks concerned as it has already been past 6 pm.
"she's with her boyfriend" jungkook answers making me shook my head in panic as i try to get my phone from him "what the fuck jungkook!" i got up on him trying to get the phone as i heard hoseok mutter "what the fuck is happening" on the phone. "kiss first" jungkook points at his lips hinting me to kiss him. 
and without hesitation i kissed him. i pull away looking at him in the eye as i spoke softly "can i get my phone now?" "say please" he replies making me annoyed. "can i please get my phone now?" i answered him as he slowly gave me the phone giving a cocky grin.
i yanked the phone from him a little bit harsh but i was already annoyed. 
"hey hoseok? i'm sorry that was jungkook" i said  awkwardly
"i was right then?" he asks 
"you like him do youuu??" he teases 
"hell nah what the fuck" i shook my head
jungkook then interrupts and yell on the phone "says the girl who kissed me and wanted to make out with me!" i hit jungkooks shoulder playfully as hoseok on the phone "omygod!! jimin and jin has to know about this bye!!" 
"wait hoseok no-" before i could speak hoseok ends the call.
"what the fuck?" i said to him annoyed 
"sorryyy princess" he gives me a peck on the cheek and points at his hard bulge
"i made you cum and i didn't get to cum" he pouts 
"my precious pussy doesn't deserve a cock that goes in other pussies that we don't even know it clean. maybe stop fucking other girls and i'll let you, hm?" i cup his face as i answered softly 
i then sat down on the couch to relax, closing my eyes, i couldn't stop thinking about what had happened today with jungkook.
After everything that happened, Jungkook broke the silence with a smirk, his usual confidence returning. "Let me take you home," he offered, tilting his head towards the door. "You know, on my bike."
"Sure," I said, keeping my voice steady, though internally I was anything but calm.
As we walked out of his house and towards his bike, I could feel the unspoken tension between us, a silent reminder of the unresolved tension lingering in the air. Jungkook handed me a helmet, his fingers brushing lightly against mine. I couldn't help but notice how his eyes lingered on me for a second longer than necessary before he turned his attention back to the bike.
"You sure you trust me on this thing?" he teased, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he adjusted his helmet.
I rolled my eyes, but a small smile crept onto my face despite myself. "Just don't kill me, Jeon," I said, slipping the helmet on.
Jungkook chuckled before straddling the bike. "Wouldn't dream of it," he replied, patting the seat behind him. "Hop on."
I hesitated for a second before sliding onto the seat behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. The moment my body pressed against his back, I could feel the firm muscles under his shirt, the warmth radiating from him. I mentally cursed myself for feeling flustered by something as simple as a bike ride, but there was no denying the electricity that sparked between us. The memory of his hands on me, his lips, kept flashing in my mind. God, what had happened to me?
As soon as the engine revved to life, the city streets blurred past us, and I tightened my grip on Jungkook. The wind whipped around us, the cool night air contrasting with the warmth of his body. My chest was pressed firmly against him, my heart pounding in my ears, and I couldn't help but bury my face into his back. Being this close to him, especially after everything that had just happened, made it hard to think straight.
The ride home was both exhilarating and maddening. Every second, I was hyper-aware of how close we were, the subtle movements of his body as he steered the bike, the way my arms tightened around him with every turn. I had never ridden on a motorcycle before, and the adrenaline only added to the charged atmosphere. As much as I hated to admit it, part of me didn't want the ride to end.
But all too soon, we pulled up in front of my house. Jungkook parked the bike, cutting the engine, and I reluctantly let go of him, sliding off the seat. My legs were a little unsteady, whether from the ride or the emotions swirling inside me, I wasn't sure. I pulled off the helmet, my fingers brushing through my hair as I handed it back to him.
As soon as Jungkook and I stepped through the front door, my mom, ever the gracious host, immediately beamed at Jungkook, practically pulling him inside with an invitation to stay for tea. I was trying to mentally prepare myself for the inevitable barrage of questions from her, but before I could even process that, I heard the familiar voice of my best friend, Hoseok, from the living room.
"Y/N! Guess what? I found—oh..." Hoseok's words trailed off when he saw Jungkook behind me, his eyes widening in surprise. His playful grin faltered for a second, replaced by curiosity as he glanced between the two of us. "Wait, what's going on here? You're bringing home the infamous Jeon Jungkook?"
I shot Hoseok a warning look, but he only raised his eyebrows, clearly amused. Of course, he would be staying over tonight. Hoseok was practically family at this point—my mom loved him, and he often stayed over when he was in town. I should have known he'd be here, lounging on the couch like he owned the place.
Before I could answer, my mom jumped in, leading Jungkook toward the living room, where she immediately started gushing over him. "Oh, it's so nice to meet one of Y/N's friends from school! She never brings anyone home. Please, make yourself comfortable."
Jungkook chuckled softly, giving my mom his signature charming smile. "Thank you, ma'am. It's nice to meet you too."
I could see my mom's eyes light up at his politeness, and I mentally groaned, knowing she was going to absolutely love him by the end of the night. Great, just what I needed—my mom falling for Jungkook's charm.
While my mom was busy fawning over him, I made my way over to Hoseok, who was sitting on the couch with an overly dramatic grin plastered on his face. The moment I sat down next to him, he leaned in, lowering his voice.
"So... you and Jungkook, huh?" Hoseok's tone was dripping with playful curiosity. "Did I just sense some serious tension there, or am I imagining things?"
I rolled my eyes, trying to act casual, though I could feel my cheeks warming up. "It's nothing. We're just working on a group project together."
Hoseok snorted, clearly unconvinced. "Yeah, sure. A group project. Is that what we're calling it now? What happened, huh? Did you two—" He paused, his eyes widening. "Wait, don't tell me you guys really kissed."
I froze, my heart skipping a beat as I glanced at Hoseok. I didn't need to say anything; the look on my face was enough to confirm his suspicions.
Hoseok gasped dramatically, his voice dropping even lower. "You did kiss! Oh my god, Y/N! I knew there was something going on between you two."
I nudged him with my elbow, whispering harshly, "Will you keep it down? My mom's right there."
Hoseok grinned, completely unbothered by my attempt to hush him. "How was it? Was it good? Was it like... you know, fireworks?"
I shot him a look. "Hoseok, seriously, now is not the time."
But Hoseok, being the relentless best friend he was, wasn't about to drop it. He leaned closer, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Come on, spill the tea. I've got to know. You can't just drop a bomb like that and expect me to stay quiet."
I sighed, knowing he wasn't going to let this go. "Fine," I muttered under my breath. "We kissed. "
Hoseok's grin widened. "And? How was it? You can't just say it happened and leave me hanging."
I glanced over at Jungkook, who was still talking with my mom, oblivious to the conversation Hoseok and I were having. "It was...something. he uhh you know?" i glanced down at my bottom area hinting him what had happened
Hoseok raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "OMYGOD! So, like... good or bad?"
I gave him a pointed look. "What do you think?"
Hoseok let out a low whistle, shaking his head in disbelief. "Wow. You and Jeon Jungkook. Who would've thought? The bad boy and the good girl. This is like some kind of drama."
I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "Please, don't make this a thing."
"Oh, it's already a thing, Y/N," Hoseok teased, nudging me with his shoulder. "You're in deep now."
I glared at him, though I couldn't help but smile a little. "You're impossible."
Hoseok just laughed, but before he could say anything else, Jungkook walked over, finally free from my mom's grasp. He glanced at me and Hoseok, a curious look in his eyes, but didn't say anything. Instead, he leaned against the wall, arms crossed, his gaze briefly meeting mine before flicking away.
"You guys talking about something interesting?" Jungkook asked, his voice casual, but there was a hint of playfulness there.
Hoseok, of course, jumped on the opportunity. "Oh, nothing much. Just talking about how Y/N never brings anyone home. Guess you must be special, Jungkook."
I shot Hoseok a look, silently telling him to shut up, but he just grinned back at me, enjoying every second of this.
Jungkook smirked, his eyes locking with mine for a moment. "Yeah, I guess I am," he said, his tone teasing.
I rolled my eyes, feeling the heat rise to my face again. "Hobi, don't you have something else to do?"
Hoseok shrugged, standing up from the couch with a stretch. "Nah, I think I've caused enough trouble for one night. I'll leave you two to... whatever it is you're doing."
I watched as he sauntered off, but not before giving me a wink. I let out a breath, mentally preparing myself for the inevitable interrogation that would come from him later. But for now, I turned my attention back to Jungkook, who was still watching me with that same playful glint in his eyes.
"So," Jungkook said, his voice low enough that only I could hear. "You really couldn't stop talking about me, huh?"
I narrowed my eyes at him, crossing my arms defensively. "Don't get cocky, Jeon."
But he just grinned, clearly enjoying the effect he had on me. "Too late."
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circusofthelastdays · 6 months
foreplay & fingering with halsin
warnings: MDNI, NSFW, virgin reader, afab fem reader, dom halsin, submissive reader, foreplay, fingering, praise kink, edging, multiple orgasms, squirting, cum eating if you squint
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"Oh my heart, look at you..." Halsin speaks in a sultry tone, placing a few sloppy kisses on your neck. He pulls your back tightly against his chest as you squirm under the onslaught of pleasure he offers you.
He's been toying with your clit far too long, leaving you oversensitive and soaking through your panties. His fingers move in a precise pattern over the nub, one meant to draw you close to another high, without a care that your thighs are starting to tremble and your cries are getting desperate.
With your head thrown back onto his shoulder, lewd whines and moans escape your lips- you mumble complaints about the intensity of his sensuous touch. "mm 's too much..."
"Shh shh, I must continue. I must prep you, we wouldn't want it to hurt when I give you what you truly want, now would we?" he chides, chuckling at the little noises you make as he slips his hand away and pulls off your panties.
Halsin lets out an audible groan upon seeing you fully bare for him, "so pretty..." he says, dragging a finger through your dripping folds. "I can't believe I'm the only person who has had the pleasure to touch you like this."
He hooks his middle finger into your sopping cunt, moving it at a languorous pace, careful to let you adjust to the sudden intrusion before adding his index finger. He haults the movement of his hand only momentarily when he hears you whimper. He wants you to feel nothing but pleasure from his hands.
"You're doing so well for me, my heart." he praises you, beginning to move his fingers within you again, angling them just right to hit exactly where he must to ensure you the most pleasure. He is precise in the manner that he makes sure to grind his palm against your clit too. He feels you clenching around his fingers already, and he can't help but smirk knowing that he has you close again. It's an easy task, really, you're so sensitive- so responsive to touch because of your inexperience... and not to mention he's been edging you since your last orgasm.
"Just one more, okay?" he assures you, mumbling against your skin as he trails more kisses over the back of your neck and shoulders to push you further into bliss.
He knows you're almost there, he can tell in the way you sound, moans climbing up from the back of your throat that are so beautifully sinful to listen to, the way your thighs tremble and threaten to squeeze around his hand, the way you try to arch your back away from his chest-
He keeps you locked in place with his free hand. He keeps the same pace with his occupied hand, not daring to change a single thing about the way he is touching you because consistency is key. Another groan of arousal leaves him when you come undone from his fingers alone, his pupils practically dilating from the sight of you soaking his lap as you come, your body trembling from the intensity of it all as you tumble over the edge.
"Good girl, shh it's okay, you're okay..." he says, coaxing you through your second orgasm of the night, that appeared to be much stronger than the first. That much is clear from the mess you made and your cries of pleasure that only get increasingly louder. He works you through it with a slow pace, not stilling his fingers once until you have come down from your high, and you're no longer trembling.
Halsin removes his hand from your drenched pussy when your body goes slack against his chest, eagerly licking the arousal from his fingers. Your eyes go wide at the sight, face flushing in embarrassment, "Halsin, stop that... that's so-" you start to say, but he cuts you off.
"What?" he says, "dirty? gross? no. you taste delicious. on another night I shall have to taste you directly from the source, but for now... I cannot hold myself back any longer from fucking that pretty pussy of yours."
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check out my masterlist for more like this!
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Lucifer x Reader - Trying to hide his demonic traits from you (Hurt/comfort; slightly spicy)
This is for @citrusbatsandhoneybees and @rosen-und-mondlicht because I love them <3
You and Lucifer have been dating for a little bit; he is always the perfect gentleman and there is never a hair out of place
At one point, things start to get a little hot and heavy during an intense make out session between the two of you as you slowly start peeling clothes off of each other
After a few minutes of feeling his tongue forced down your throat while his hips shift against yours, he suddenly gasps and pulls away
You're about ask him what's wrong but his hand is quick to hop out of your lap and cover your eyes
This was the farthest you've ever gone with him, so you assume he's a bit nervous but Lucifer seemed fine up until this point; what changed.
"J-Just give me a minute, darling, I'm sorry..."
"Lucifer, what's wrong? Are you alright? Is this too much?"
"N-Nothing! Nothing's wrong! You're perfect...I just...during situations like this, I have a hard time controlling...certain changes..."
You laugh a little. "Isn't that the point, Luci?"
"Not those kinds of changes. When I fell, I gained new...features...Typically I can hide them easily but when I lose too much control...I just don't think you should have to see them."
"Oh. But why?"
"Because I'm a monster..."
You go to lift his hands off of your eyes but he uses his other hand to stop you.
"Please, don't...the last thing I want to do is scare you away..."
"Lucifer, do you think I'm with you because of the way you look?"
"I-I...no, but..."
"You're not going to scare me, I promise. I love you for you, I need you to know that." You once again try to lift his hand out of the way; Lucifer doesn't resist much.
"Love, please..."
You remove his hand from your face and finally see what he was trying to hide from you
His eyes were now a crimson red with yellow irises, demonic horns had sprouted from his temple, and a thin black tail flicked back and forth behind him
He buries his face in his lap, his tail wrapping around himself
"Lucifer, will you look at me?"
He shakes his head
"For what it's worth, I think you're beautiful."
"You can't mean that..."
"Of course I do! I love everything about you, it doesn't matter to me. I know you may not like these parts of yourself, but they are a part of you. And if you can't love every part of yourself, I will."
You lean in and plant and kiss on one of his horns and start to caress the tip of his tail.
He lifts his head in utter disbelief at your actions, tears forming in his eyes. He clings to you as he begins to sob quietly, and you hold him close to your chest
"I'm sorry if I made you feel like you had to hide this part of yourself from me."
"No, no, you did nothing of the sort. This...this is my fault. My insecurities. I never once doubted your love for me. Even after all these years, I could never fully accept myself as I was...I just didn't want to mess this up..."
"You haven't, and you won't. I love you, Luci, all of you."
"And I you."
He kisses you passionately once more, emboldened by your comforting and sincere words; but then he pulls back and smiles
"Now, where were we?~"
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cherryskyies · 1 year
The slashers w an insecure s/o
Includes: Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Thomas Hewitt
slowly getting through this major writers block. my writing might be dog shit for a few posts but I'm forcing myself to work through it 🩷
Reader is female
Warnings: descriptions of sex (mostly bo section), praise, low self-esteem.
Masterlist || Navigation || ao3
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Vincent Sinclair
Vincent doesn't understand it. 
The moment he laid eyes on you he was in awe, knowing immediately he needed you alive. There wasn't enough wax in the world to sculpt you the ways he desired. 
So to see your hesitance at removing your clothing, he was scared you had changed your mind about him — the thought of you being insecure hadn't crossed his mind until you admitted it.
Your cheeks are hot from embarrassment, apologies slipping off your tongue as you dropped your head against his chest. "I'm sorry Vin, I've never liked my body."
He's quick to silently reassure you that he loves all of you, even the parts he hasn't seen with soft hands roaming your delicate body; finger tips gliding over your curves, stopping to lift your face to his – it's a promise.
Vincent will worship the very ground you walk on, making it his goal to show you your beauty through his gentle touches and precise sculptures. You will fill his work space.
Bo Sinclair
"What'dya mean you don't like your body? You've got the best piece of ass I've seen in my life!" Bo exclaims, genuinely confused at your insecurities. 
There is not a chance he'll fully understand, regardless of his own insecurities. Bo looks at you and sees the perfect woman — so what if you have some imperfections? He might as well be blind because he can't see them.
He is very gentle with you though, thoroughly fucking the insecurities away and praising you every chance he gets.
"Look how beautiful you are, cumming all over my cock," Bo praises, forcing you to watch yourself in the mirror he's placed across the room. "So perfect."
Would definitely make you point out features you like on yourself before you can cum. Just seems like that kind of guy.
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas would be so heartbroken to hear you say you don't like your appearance. He'd think it's his fault for not appreciating you enough.
The first time you say it, you're both a nervous wreck. 
"It's not you, Tommy. I just.. I've never liked my appearance," you admit, eyes downcast while your hand holds his at the hem of your shirt.
He whines, nuzzling his face in your neck. It's not fair that you feel this way he thinks, you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen. 
But he understands, having his own insecurities; so the two of you make a deal to leave the lights off and keep your shirts on until you are more comfortable — which doesn't take long with the way he worships your body. 
With Thomas your insecurities are a thing of the past. 
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osaemu · 11 months
hii could i please request watching n sitting under sakura trees as the blossoms fall w gojo ! missing him 😓
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the gojo estate is a beautiful residence, but even with all its fountains and antiques, your favorite part is the courtyard. countless sakura trees line the massive courtyard, each fully grown with thousands of pink blossoms fluttering in the wind.
as you rest in the shade of your particular favorite, a picnic blanket spread out underneath you, you hear the soft crunch of heavy shoes on the leaf-ridden ground.
"took you long enough," you say playfully, not bothering to turn and look over at satoru. he sits by you with a soft exhale and rests his back against the tree.
"sorry, darling, got hung up with some of my dad's associates," satoru sighs, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his lap. he hardly has to exert any effort to do so—after all, he's the strongest. but when it comes to you, he feels just a little bit weaker than he ought to. especially when you tilt your head like a puppy and smile at him, cherry blossoms fluttering around you in the wind.
satoru can't help but smile when a pink petal nestles itself in your hair, and he uses it as an excuse to run his calloused hands through your hair. you say something about not wanting to get your hair tangled, but as usual, satoru pays no heed to your words.
"satoru," you whine, flicking at his arm in a feeble effort to get him to remove his hand from your hair. "it's just a petal, stop tangling my hair!" you swat at satoru's hand again, but he only hums in response. "satoru!"
"okay, okay," he grumbles, extracting his hand from your hair and resting it on your thigh instead. "happy?"
you nod and lean against his chest, breathing in the cool, floral air of the gojo estate's courtyard. a couple moments pass in silence as you take some time to just admire the view, but of course, satoru has to interrupt.
"oh, by the way," satoru starts casually. "my parents want us to get married."
satoru's tone is awfully nonchalant for a topic like this, and because of that, it takes a second for his words to sink in. you blink a couple times before turning your head and meeting his soft blue eyes. "wait, what?"
"you heard me," satoru shrugs, wrapping his arms around you tighter. "it's nothing urgent, but they think i'm too old to still be unmarried. heh, like i'd have any trouble gettin' myself a wife anyways." he pauses and studies your face. "but really, i just want you. and my parents know that, so they thankfully dropped all of that arranged marriage bullshit."
your mouth falls open a little as a flood of information sweeps through your head. one second, you're just sitting under sakura trees with your boyfriend, and the next, he's casually bringing up marriage?
"satoru, this is . . . a lot to just dump on me right now," you say slowly. "i—"
his eyes widen and a small laugh slips out of his lips. "oh, i didn't mean it that way!" satoru says quickly. "i was just tellin' you what we were talking about in there," he clarifies, vaguely gesturing to the main building in the gojo estate. "there's nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about, m'kay? i'll actually have this talk with you when i think we're ready, not when a bunch of old geezers want us to."
you smile at that, shaking your head endearingly at satoru's words. "you need to start watching your mouth, sweetheart. it'll get you in trouble someday," you tsk.
satoru scoffs lightheartedly and grabs your chin, pulling you onto his lips for a soft, floral kiss. "and you'll be there to drag me out of it, won't ya?"
yeah, you probably will be.
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cloudyzeusy · 11 months
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He's not gay? ||
pairing: katsuki bakugou X top reader
warnings: afab, creampie
"Let's go around in a circle and say your sexuality." Mina exclaimed excitedly.
Everyone went around till the last people were me and Katsuki left. "I'm bi." I said nonchalantly.
We all turned to Katsuki and he huffed. "I'm straight."
"Your straight?" I questioned.
"Tch yeah what about it." He scoffed glaring at me.
"I just don't believe you." The rest of class 1A looked between us confused at what was going on
"Well extra don't care what you think." He said gritting his teeth he stormed away to his dorm i made a mental note to go after him.
I stayed with the others and we played games and watched a movie before we all decided it was time to go. But I didn't go back to my dorm I went too Katsuki's I'm surprised to see his door was opened I went in and I saw him in just shorts and a hoodie lying on his bed.
"(name) what are you doing here." He said surprised and wary of me
"You said you were straight right?" I grinned ignoring his question.
"So you are saying i didn't see you on grindr nor did i see that secret stash of lingerie and skirts you've got." He had no response to that and just fidgeted in his spot.
He watched me carefully as moved closer to him nervous about what i would do next. I sat on his bed and grabbed him putting him on my lap I lifted up his shirt feeling his bare skin underneath
"Wait (name) what are you doing." He said apphrensively trying to stop my wandering hands with his smaller on
"If you don't like this then tell me no and I'll stop right now." He stayed quiet so I took that as the confirmation i needed and tweaked his nipples making him moan out loud in suprise. His ears reddened at the embarrassment at his noise.
"If you are straight you have no problem letting me fuck you right here and after if you are still straight... I'll leave you alone forever." I smirked.
"Fine it won't matter because I'm straight." He said confidently but i knew he wouldnt feel the same tomorrow.
"Bet just a heads up don't be suprised when you can't walk tomorrow."
I then turned him over so he was lying on his back facing me i took off his hoodie and his shorts i could tell he felt humiliated as he was naked and I was fully dressed. I was shocked at what laid underneath his clothes this whole time.
"Kats you have a pussy!."
He flushed red "If you have a problem with that leave ." He said getting up.
I pushed him back down and reaffirmed him "No I was just shocked it doesn't matter to me, now wheres the lube." He pointed to his draw and I got out the lube
I squirted some of my fingers I'm inserted one i let him get used to it before inserting two more and began finger fucking him. I could tell he was starting to get close so I removed them he whined at that. Making me smirk "I thought you said you were straight yet you are acting like a hungry slut." I could tell he was about to say something so I shushed him and unzipped my trousers.
He looked on in shock as he saw what laid beneath. "(name)! theres no way thats going to fit!." He stuttered gaze stuck on my cock.
I slowly jerked myself off while waiting for him to calm down when i saw he was ready i slowly entered myself into him. He cursed from the sudden pain i sheathed myself in and waited till he felt comfortable grinding in making him more wet.
"Y-you can move now." That was all I needed as I began thrusting into him. His wet pussy felt too good and sucked me in as I tried to leave.
"uh ah~ ah" He moaned as I used his body like a ragdoll my cock constantly pushing against his prostate.
"p-please its too much." He tried pushing me away as he tried to run.
I moved his hands away grabbing his waist as a better handle for fucking him. "Imagine your friends could see you now drooling and whining for cock in you."
"no augh~."
"no what? come on slut you too fucked out to talk." He tightened up around me making me groan.
I felt myself getting closer to my release as my thrusts became more sloppier. "Where do you want me to cum huh? You want me to fill you up pl-plug you up so while you walk around UA you are reminded of you belong to?"
"please~ please I need it it feels sho good." He whined pleading me I laughed all along he needed someone dick him down. Then he would act normal.
I obliged with his begs filling him up as he wished he shook as he collapsed cumming all over me. I slowly left him making a wet plap! sound he looked like a fucked out mess and I was proud. I took a picture with my mind burning the image there forever.
I won't ever look at him the same that was for sure. I tidied him up and I was about to leave him there when he whispered "please.. stay."
I groaned I was about to leave but he looked so cute. Whatever I'll leave in the morning.
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archangeldyke-all · 10 months
Ever thought about knight!sevika x reader princess that she has to protect and sevika get feelings for her
men and minors dni
you could kill your mom you're so angry. if it wouldn't get you hung for treason, you would.
"you can't be serious!" you shout. your mother rolls her eyes from where she sits at the head of the breakfast table. she's trying to assign you a personal guard-- another one. "mom, i'm not even next in line for the throne! i'm fifth! i barely ever leave the palace walls and i never get into trouble-- what was the point of all those fencing lessons you made me take if you won't even let me defend myself?"
"darling, i told you if you scared off the last one that i'd just get you a new one. you knew this would happen." she says. "it's what happens every time."
it's true. you've had countless personal guards since you turned 18. now that you're eligible for marriage your mother thinks it's imperative that you're constantly protected, lest you're kidnapped and married off to the prince of a rival kingdom. you wouldn't have such a problem with it if your mother stopped picking total assholes to fill the roll. you've endured man after man after man, all assigned to protect you, all complete idiots. some of them are unassigned from you for falling in love with you, some of them you caught sneaking glances at you while you change, the perverts. some of them are intimidated by you, angry that a woman can outwit them or unwilling to work for a woman with more intelligence than them. (which is ironic, considering they've sworn away their lives to serve your mother.)
after you got rid of the last one, sir samuel, you'd had a lovely month long break from having someone constantly following you around, and you figured your mother had given up her efforts. apparently, you were wrong.
"this is bullshit." you grumble. behind your mother, one of the fully armed faceless steel figures' shoulders shake in silent laughter.
"i think you'll like this one, darling, i took some time to find you the perfect match." your mother says with a smirk. you scoff.
"i can't believe this." you mumble. your mother raises her hand, beckoning one of her knights toward her. the tallest, the one who had been laughing, steps forward.
"sir sevika, this is my daughter. darling, sevika." your mother introduces. you roll your eyes.
"what kinda man is named se--" you trail off as the knight removes his steel helmet. "oh shit." you whisper. her steel helmet. it's a woman, chuckling at your shocked face. she's got a little gap between her front teeth, her lips and eyes painted black. her brown skin is clear besides the scars littering the left side of her face, and her silver eyes are sparkling. she's... pretty. you gulp.
"it's an honor to be serving you, princess." the woman speaks. you blink at her and nod.
"yes, well..." you trail off as your eyes dart across the knight's face. your mother chuckles, and shoots you a knowing look from across the table. you groan and sink into your seat.
sevika's the best personal guard you've ever had. she's only been assigned to you for three months, but in that short time she's quickly become your best friend.
she's the first thing you see each morning, lightly shaking you awake with a gentle smile and a cup of tea. the two of you chat as you get dressed, sevika sometimes helping you pick out your outfits, zipping dresses and tightening corsets for you. of course, you don't need the help, you've been dressing yourself for years (the royal esquires of dress are reserved only for your mother and oldest brother) but you prefer sevika's gentle touch to your own.
sevika's smart, well versed in history and politics. you enjoy taking breakfast on your balcony with her, picking her brain about current events as you share scones and fruit. in the presence of others sevika is silent and stoic, and when she's required to talk she keeps her answers brief and curt. but when it's just the two of you, sevika lets her gruff guard down, joking and playing and constantly chatting with you. she's gotten you in trouble several times, leaning down to whisper scathing comments about various nobles into your ear at balls and galas, causing you to unattractively snort and giggle and then elbow her when your mother shoots you a glare from across the dinner table.
sevika's the first of your personal guards to ever agree to spar with you. the rest refused-- too scared to injure a princess, or convinced that a woman would never be able to hold her own against a royal knight. sevika's better than you by a mile, but she tones down her skill to scrimmage with you, teaching you as she goes, smiling brightly each time you manage to catch her off guard and get a good jab in.
on rainy days, you spend your afternoons in the royal library, reading to sevika or having her read to you by the roaring fire. one or both of you always falls asleep against each other, waking up when a servant finds you for dinner.
in the evenings, sevika 'guards' you as you bathe, her back turned to you, her face toward the door. you always laugh and tell her it's completely unnecessary-- both the guarding and the modesty-- but she insists.
she leaves you in your room each night with a gentle bow and a 'sweet dreams, princess,' and every night you asleep looking forward to the next morning, when you'll get to see your friend's face again.
you're in love with sevika. it's obvious to everyone except her. your mother teases you for it relentlessly; how you fell for the first woman she put on your guard, how you look at your knight with lovesick puppy eyes, the way you sulk on sevika's days off when a replacement guard takes her place.
"she'd be a good addition to the family." your mother whispers to you one evening as you dance together in the ballroom. you try to bite back the smile the words cause to form on your lips. your mother chuckles as she spins you.
"i don't think she feels that way about me." you admit. your mother scoffs. "what?" you ask.
"you were able to clock sir henry's crush on you before he could even complete his first week as your guard. where's that discernment, dear?" she asks. you chuckle.
"sir henry kept 'accidentally' walking in on me naked. sevika won't even look at me when i'm in the bath, covered in bubbles." you say. your mother rolls her eyes.
"sevika is a gentlewoman. you're a princess. sir henry came from a family of nobles, he was a presumptuous, power hungry boy. sevika's different, you know that." she says. you sigh, resting your forehead against your mother's shoulder as she sways the two of you around the ballroom.
she's right. sevika is different. you know this. sevika's parents were peasants, and she worked her way up the ranks with countless sacrifices and patience. she'd given her arm to protect your kingdom, to protect your mother. she was a genuine, loyal, knight, not some pretentious asshole playing dress up on his daddy's dime.
"still." you say. "she hasn't shown any interest in me." your mother laughs. you frown at her. "what?" you ask.
"you're a princess dear! she works for you. she's sworn her life away to protect you, to make you happy, to make all of your wishes come true. she's not going to show interest until you make it abundantly clear that you want her to show interest." she says. "your father was so scared approaching me when we were young that he--"
"i know. he spent years painting you before he even spoke a word to you." you say. you've heard the story countless times. your father was the royal artist, deeply in love with your mother when she was still a princess.
"but do you know what gave him the courage to finally speak to me?" your mom asks.
"no." you say. she grins.
"i kissed him. he'd just finished a portrait of me, it was so beautiful and detailed, and he had that proud look about him, his adorable shy smile, his beautiful sparkling eyes-- i just had to kiss him. and once i did, he came to life. not a day has passed since then where he hasn't made it abundantly clear how much he loves me."
you sigh. you suppose she's right. sevika would never do something to betray her duties or risk her position-- at least not without a bit of a push first. you bite your lip. "you're sure she feels the same?" you ask. the last thing you want to do is make a fool of yourself trying to seduce your personal guard and lose your best friend because of it. your mother laughs a loud bellowing laugh that echoes throughout the ballroom. you smile. even though she's laughing at you, it's good to hear her laugh.
"oh darling." she says as she brushes a few tears away from her eyes and catches her breath. "i needed that. whew. thank you." she says, pressing a kiss to your cheek. you chuckle and roll your eyes.
"i'm certain, darling. and, on the off chance i'm wrong, i'll hang her for breaking my baby's heart." she says. you laugh, and kiss your mother's cheek.
sevika is tall and handsome and charming and suave. she's courageous and composed-- she could have anyone she wants.
and yet she's speechless and flustered each time you flirt with her.
it's adorable. it gives you butterflies, seeing her react so strongly to your gentle touches and longing gazes.
the first time it happened was the morning after your chat with your mom. that night, after sevika had left your chambers with her usual bow, you quickly changed out of the cozy night gown you were dressed in, dawning a sheer, short sleep dress and giggling as you climbed in bed. you tossed and turned that night, eager for the sun to rise and for sevika to come wake you up. eventually, you fell asleep.
you awoke to a crash and a curse. snapping up in bed, you gawked at the scene you found on the floor beside you. sevika was flat on her back on the floor, the teacup that had been in her hands is in pieces on the floor, and sevika's eyes were wide, her mouth open, gawking at you. you giggled and pushed your covers away, carefully avoiding the shards of porcelain as you helped sevika to her feet.
a blush crept up her cheeks as her eyes darted down to look at your naked body, clearly visible under the thin lace fabric of your pajamas. "you okay?" you asked. she choked, her eyes snapping back up to yours.
"y-yeah. tripped." she stuttered out.
oh, this is gonna be fun. you thought with a chuckle.
since then, you've been laying it on thick. holding sevika's hand as the two of you walk down the winding halls of the palace, letting her tackle you to the ground during your fencing practices to sling your hands around her shoulders and blink up at her, kissing her cheek each night before she leaves your chambers.
sevika's been reacting the same, blushing, stuttering and gulping, before nervously laughing and shaking her head. it's killing you. as adorable as it is, you're dying for her to just fucking do something about it already. you don't know what else you can do besides throwing yourself at her.
you sigh, sinking into the couch. you're in the library, hoping that the smell of books and dust can calm your sexual frustrations. it's not working, of course, because sevika's sitting beside you, a furrow in her brow as her eyes scan a scroll. you bite your lip. she's so fucking pretty it drives you crazy. you reach your hand up to start playing with her hair, twirling the short soft strands around your fingers. sevika's body stiffens next to you. you sigh again.
"you're so pretty." you whisper. sevika blinks down at the scroll, then, she shyly looks over at you. you smile.
"so are you." she says, her voice just as quiet. you chuckle.
"you think so?" you ask. sevika nods. you sigh.
"what?" she asks. you shrug.
"i dunno. there's someone i've been trying to court and they don't seem to be interested." you say. sevika sputters beside you.
"who!?" she demands. you chuckle.
"why would i tell you that?"
"so i can beat some sense into them!" she says. you grin.
"i don't think that would work. she's pretty clueless." you say. your choice in pronoun doesn't go unnoticed. sevika freezes beside you.
"she?" she asks.
"...is that a problem?" you ask. sevika gulps and shakes her head.
"no! i just-- i didn't know."
"you didn't know!?" you exclaim. sevika shrugs. you burst into laughter. sevika huffs beside you.
"it's not that funny."
"it's hilarious!" you giggle. "everything makes sense now!" you say.
"what-- what are you talking about?" sevika asks. you roll your eyes.
"what do you think i've been doing, sev? you think i just like sleeping in lingerie for no reason?" you ask as you slowly scoot closer to her on the couch. "or that i kiss all my friends goodnight?"
"i thought-- what are you saying?" sevika asks, her eyes wide, her knuckles white where she's clutching the cushion beneath her.
"take a guess." you whisper, your face inches from hers.
sevika bites her lip, her eyes darting from your lips to your eyes and back again, her breaths are shaky. "princess, i don't--"
"oh, for fuck's sake, sevika." you groan as you pull her forward and press your lips to hers.
sevika's stiff at first, inhaling a shaky surprised breath through her nose, before she melts against the couch and lets out the sweetest little moan against you. you giggle against her lips, and her arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into her lap as she parts her lips to kiss you deeper. you bury one hand into her hair, the other clutching her bicep as your tongues meet and you moan against each other. sevika's grip on your hips is bruising, and it's making you light headed. you whimper, and sevika pulls away with the brightest smile you've ever seen her wear. you grin.
"oh." she says. "it's me?" she asks, her eyes dreamy and her smile disbelieving. you giggle and kiss her again.
"yeah. is that okay?" you ask. sevika gulps and nods.
"yeah. yes. very okay." she says. "i--" she pauses. you raise your eyebrow at her and she takes a deep breath. slowly, her hands run up your waist, until they're cupping your jaw. sevika brings your face forward until your foreheads are pressed together, her thumbs rubbing across your cheeks in gentle sweeps. "i was ready to kill whoever was fuckin' with your heart." she says. you chuckle against her.
"please don't. i'm kinda obsessed with you." you say. sevika smirks.
"your mom won't mind?"
"she's the one who told me to go for it. i think she was playing matchmaker when she was lookin' for sir samuel's replacement." you admit. sevika giggles.
"that explains all the weird questions she asked me. what side of the bed i sleep on and whether or not i was single." she says. after a moment of shared laughter, sevika frowns. you can feel her brow furrow against yours, and you dart forward to kiss the pout off her lips.
"what?" you ask. sevika sighs.
"i don't-- i don't know how the whole royal courting thing goes." she admits. you laugh.
"i'll help you through it."
"i know, but can i do something out of order now?" she asks. you smirk.
"depends on what it is. i feel like my bed might be more comfortable than this cou--"
"no!" she interrupts, scandalized. "i mean yes, please, obviously, but that's not--" you cut her off with another kiss, and she sighs against you. "i'm in love with you, your highness." she whispers. "i have been since i first laid eyes on you. i remember it so clearly, you were bitching at your mom and begging her not to assign you a new guard and i thought this'll be a breeze. i'd happily lay down my life for a woman like her."
the butterflies in your stomach soar, and tears well up in your eyes. you take a shaky breath and smile. "my knight in shining armor." you whisper. "i love you too."
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa
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thefaefiction · 2 years
Distraction. [Connor x Reader] [DBH]
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PAIRING: Connor x Reader GENRE: Smut WARNINGS: This is an 18+ piece of writing with mature and sexual themes. Read at your own discretion. Includes: Penetrative sex, praise, work relationship, power dynamics SUMMARY: After meeting the respectable Connor you've known at the station for months after hours, his advances on you shock you enough to want to find out more.
A/N: connor is a deviant who still works for the dpd! ** finally finished this btw it's no longer a wip <33
You and Connor had just gotten back from an unusual case involving an Android robbery at an auction house in downtown Detroit. You had successfully prevented the android from executing the order's of one man's dirty work; and to top it all off, you looked great doing it. You'd been dressed in a loose black dress that glimmered under the dim light of the auctioning room, a pair of sheer tights that hugged your legs beneath the short and strappy heels which pained your feet more than any other shoe you'd ever worn, and a sheer shawl that sat over your shoulders, providing absolutely zero warmth in the cold weather that bit outside.
As you closed the door to the rental car, you let out a sigh of relief and a light laugh. "I didn't expect to have to solve crime in heels today," You jest, quickly removing the heels that had, quite frankly, become more of a problem than the enemy at large.
Connor grins. "You and I made quite the team back there, lieutenant," He pauses and adjusts his tie. "Even if your shoes put a damper on our probability of success."
You laugh. "It's so frustrating that they gave you a suit, something you can be fully mobile in, and I get..." You sigh, your hands gesturing frustratingly to your outfit, "This."
"Well," Connor begins, "I must say it succeeded in distracting the thief. He looked rather... preoccupied when it came to your questioning." He turns, looking at your outfit. "I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a bit difficult to stay on task myself."
His words came as a shock to you, heat rising to your cheeks and your head feeling slightly dizzy. All night, while your mind should have been running with how to handle your case, you'd been preoccupied with how damn dazzling Connor looked in a black suit. Everything about him made you crazy, and it was frustrating, especially when his assertive questioning voice is causing some unwanted feelings in some inconvenient areas of your body.
"Lieutenant?" His voice interrupts your thoughts, shaking your head and stopping your staring. "Are you alright?"
"Yes," You laugh. "Just thinking. Sorry."
Connor nods, furrowing his eyebrows. "About what?"
You could feel your face begin paling at the thought of telling him, truthfully, what was on your mind. You didn't dare. "Just the case," You said, far too quickly. "Just, like, the numbers. And stuff." That made no sense. You were completely blowing it, and not in the way you'd like. "Ready to get going?"
"Lieutenant, I can't help but notice your body temperature becoming abnormally high." His voice was silky, coated in an emotion that you hadn't yet seen him express. "Is there anything I can do for you?"
Your head begins pounding, butterflies clouding your chest and your skin tingling. "No," You spit out. "No, I'm alright. Thank you though." You cough, looking away from him.
"Lieutenant... I'm afraid you've forgotten that I can read you like an open book," He turns his body towards you in his seat, leaning slightly over the center console. You feel him staring. "Are you certain that there's not a way I'm able to assist you?"
You turn and face him, his face much closer than you anticipated it being. His LED lit yellow, trying to decipher your next move, but it had completely taken him aback when your mouth collided with his hungrily. He pulled away and whispered, staring longingly at your lips, “Perhaps we should take this to the back?”
Without a word you crawled to the back seats, Connor sitting with his legs spread and his tie loose around his neck. He gripped your hips, pulling you on top of him, and you started tearing away at your dress. You lifted it over your head and threw it into the passenger seat, Connor smirking as he rapidly removed his blazer from his body.
You pried your tights off of your legs, ripping them in the process but not paying enough attention to care, and Connor unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it along with his tie to the front. He was gorgeous, of course. Why wouldn't he be? He was sculpted by people to be the perfect man in every way, it makes perfect sense that he would be sculpted and defined in a way that made Zeus envy him.
"You're so gorgeous," Connor mumbled, eyeing your bra and scanning your body. "That poor thief. If I saw a woman like you I'd have trouble with my words too." He put his hands on your hips, molding the fat to his hands. "This is the most human desire I've ever felt."
"Fuck, Connor," You groaned. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting this." Your hips had instinctively began grinding down on him, like they had a mind and a plan of their own. It shocked you when Connor let out a gasp, rolling his head back. You grinned.
Connor shifted to his belt, rapidly sliding it out of his pants and unbuttoning them. You could feel him twitch beneath you, desire growing stronger and stronger with every little movement each of you made. With eagerness and ferocity, he brought his hands to your back and unclasped your bra, tearing it off of your body and tossing it to the side. The cool air hit your breasts and you shivered, determined to get more intimate and feel his body heat against you.
And then, without breaking eye contact, he pulled out his cock and prepared with a few long strokes.
He was big. Much bigger than you've ever taken before.
Of course he was.
You pulled yourself forward and pushed your underwear aside. Connor grabbed your hips and slowly eased you down on to him; he groaned loudly, letting his head roll back and hit the seat. "Fuck," He cursed. "Taking me so well," He praised.
Shivers ran down your spine with his words, whimpering as you let him bottom out and take his length fully. The pressure of his cock inside you was unlike anything you'd ever felt before -- and god did it feel amazing. "Connor," You moaned, falling forward into him and resting your forehead against his. "Oh my god Connor," Your breath mixed with his and your body tingled. In your peripheral, you could see the windows of the car begin to fog up.
Connor's hands gripped your hips, hard, and began helping you move back and forth on him. Your hips rolled on his lap, pleasure heavy in the air, harsh breaths being released with every roll.
"Feel so good, Y/n," Connor commented, his hips beginning to buck up every time you moved forward. He moved forward and kissed your neck, sucking and biting and definitely leaving a bruise. He kissed all the way down until he reached your breasts, you felt him smile on your skin.
"Please Connor," You begged. The entire scene was the hottest image you'd ever seen -- something that made porn feel miniscule. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pushing his head forward while you continued to push and pull with your hips -- He began licking and sucking on your nipples, bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm. "Gonna come Con," You mumbled, "Need to come,"
He pulled away and stared into your eyes with intent. "Go ahead, doll," He moaned. "Doing so well for me, gonna come right inside of you,"
That was one of the benefits of fucking an android. No real sperm.
"Shit!" You yelled, lolling your head back and speeding up your pace. "Holy fuck!" And there it was -- Connor bucked his hips up and you came together, much harder than you'd ever come before.
You stayed on him, rolling your hips out of your orgasm, and Connor looked at your face, the sweat beads falling from your forehead and your trembling legs. He brought his hand to your face, wiping it clean and pushing the fallen hair from your face. "You did so well Y/n," He praised. You smiled.
"Jesus Connor," You said, breathless, laughing at the scene. "You're about to be the death of me."
Connor hummed. "I won't let that happen, Lieutenant." He brought your lips together, kissing you with passion, "And I don't fail my missions."
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c-o-t-o · 11 months
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Shower scene, Aki arc (Denji x reader -> Aki x reader) PART 1
(Takes place after Part 1 with Denji here)
(Part 2 here)
(Part 3 here (end) )
Author: c-o-t-o
Character: transitions from Denji x fem reader to Aki x fem reader
CW: 18+ only, sexual content/smut, explicit language, choking, BDSM/dominance (some CWs apply to different parts
Misc: ~3.5k words, Part 1. ***Alternate story line that deviates from Denji Shower Scene, please read Part 1 of that (linked below title)***
About: After helping a weak Denji shower and giving him your blood to heal him, things take a turn when Aki interrupts the shower. Instead of spending the night with Denji, you go to Aki's room after he insinuates that he'll be waiting for you.
*Do not remove info or credit from posts when reblogging or sharing!*
Denji's face hovers just above yours with his hands on the floor on both sides of your head. The realization fully hits you now that you and Denji are both lying naked on the shower floor together and that he's fully conscious now. Your chest rises and falls quickly as your breath quickens. Actually, Denji is so close to you that you can see your breath moving his hair. You remain frozen in his gaze, unsure of what to do now. 
You see small amounts of blood flowing from your neck down the floor to the shower drain. It makes you wonder if your wetness absolutely pouring out of you would be noticeable flowing away from you as well. You want nothing more than to lean up and kiss him, but now that you're in the moment, you freeze. 'Why? Why can I bring myself to do it? What's stopping me…?'
Denji's mouth slightly drops open at the sight of your boobs, your nipples hard from being out of the water and getting cold. With his free hand he starts moving his hand down towards your chest but stops right above them. He looks back up at you and swallows hard, practically drooling at the prospect of finally getting to squeeze a girl's boobs. You know that Denji's had a few girlfriends, but nothing ever got serious enough for him to cop a feel or sleep with one of them.
Although you still can't bring yourself to look at him, you manage to nod your head up and down, caught up in the heat of the moment. Immediately Denji's face becomes flushed and his mouth opens more in disbelief that you're letting him do this.
He gently cups the side first and lets out a slight gasp at how soft they are. His fingertips seem to melt into them as he tests the suppleness. His thumb slowly drifts over to your nipple which hardened even more at his touch. Not realizing how hard your nipple is, he unintentionally ends up flicking it with his thumb as you let out a moan.
So loud, in fact, that it echoes through the shower.
"---? Denji?" You hear a muffled voice coming from somewhere… 
Suddenly the shower door swings open, Aki standing in the doorway. All he sees is Denji pinning your wrists above your head on the shower floor, him grabbing your boob, and blood seeping from your neck.
"Denji, what the fuck??! Get off her! What did you do?!" Aki grabs Denji's arm pulling him off of you. All you see before they're out the door is Denji reaching out to you with the saddest look on his face.
"Aki, wait, she-!" And in an instant they were out the door, Aki slamming the door shut behind them. You lay there on the shower floor, water still running… face beet red and soaking wet between your thighs. You grab your boob that Denji was just touching and sigh.
"How far would Denji have gone if Aki didn't stop him?" Sure you've both flirted, but you didn't expect this to take the turn it did. 
Later on while in the living room, Aki hands you a cup of tea while you and Denji sit at the kotatsu. "You have to imagine what was running through my mind when I opened the door, your blood washing away and Denji pinning you down…" Aki clears his throat and sits down with the two of you. "I didn't realize he was weak and you offered him your blood." He takes a sip of his drink and looks away from you, slightly flustered. "I didn't know I was… interrupting something."
You and Denji both wave your hands out as if to assure Aki nothing was happening, insisting that it was a misunderstanding. He looks at you, then turns and glares at Denji.
"What??" Denji asks, annoyed.
"Nothing." Aki swirls his finger around the rim of his cup. "I'm glad it was just a misunderstanding."
Suddenly you feel a hand on your leg, but don't know who it's from.
"Because you don't treat a lady like that, DENJI." Aki retorted to Denji's attitude. "Or anyone, for that matter." Aki faces you, cheeks flush, but you don't know if it's from the tea or if he's blushing at you.
"I'll be in my room," Aki says at the same time that you feel the fingers lazily drag down your thigh and grip your knee at the end. As the hand pulls away, Aki stands up at the same time. You put two and two together easily enough, but… why?
"Who cares." Denji mutters, face looking away. Aki locks eyes with you for a moment, then leaves. 
"Shuuuuuttt uuppp!!" Power groans, sliding off the couch upside down. "I'm tryin ta sleep here! What are you all doing in my room?!" Denji rolls his eyes.
"You're in the living room, Powe-"
"SHUT UP POWER! Ughh… I'm gonna go to bed." Denji looks back to you with a pout on his face.
I'm… I'm sorry if I scared ya before. But thanks for helping me." Denji mutters. 
"Denji, please… you didn't…" you plead. As you affirm for him that you're fine, you can see relief spread on his face.
"Kay, cool." Denji smiles and throws up a peace sign, then leaves for his room.
You think back to when you and Denji were in the shower and start shaking your head. 'It's for the best that Aki stopped him. Me and Denji might have gone too far and who knows how that would've changed the dynamic of me living here' you think to yourself. 
But now your thoughts turn to Aki, almost forgetting how he was just running his fingers down your thigh. The fact that he brought up the shower thing all these hours later… was he thinking about this all day? You feel your cheeks start blushing in slight embarrassment when you wonder if he saw you naked after he pulled Denji off of you. You squirm a little in place as your sensitive areas tingle for a moment.
"What am I doing…" you say out loud to yourself and fall back to the floor with your legs still under the kotatsu. Sure you and Denji have flirted plenty while living together, but nothing ever came of it. You've tried to flirt playfully with Aki, too, but he never seemed to understand that's what you were doing. He always responded so matter-of-factly to you.
'Does he want me to go to his room?' You wonder, and at the very least you decide to go so that you can thank him for stopping Denji.
As soon as you knock on Aki's door he opens it immediately, you wonder if he was standing there waiting for you.
"Come in," he gestures to his room and closes the door behind you two. "Please, sit." He motions to his bed while he sits at his desk chair. Aki's room lighting is very dim, but you can see that it’s so neat and organized, save for the messy pile of work papers and documents on his desk. 'Was he home the whole time until he heard us in the shower?'
You both begin talking at the same time, but Aki lets you go first.
"I wanted to thank you for stopping Denji earlier. I'm sorry you had to see that. I only meant to help him shower and give him blood because I… I thought nobody else was home to help me…" you let your voice trail off, hoping Aki will chime in, which he does. He has his hands folded, his elbows on his knees, leaning forward. 
" I, um, I'm embarrassed to admit that I fell asleep at my desk working on some paperwork. But I woke up to some… sounds… I heard. I'm glad I pulled Denji off before he went too far." Aki clears his throat and looks somewhat embarrassed.
"I also need to apologize. I may have accidentally…" he clears his throat again, "I may have seen… some things… after pulling Denji off. I thought you should know. It didn't seem right for me to keep that a secret to myself." Your face immediately reddens as you look past Aki, eyes fixated on nothing, as you process the fact that he saw you naked.
Aki sits next to you on his bed. As if trying to boost his courage, he straightens his back and looks at you straight in the face.
"I wanted to say that I think you're beautiful. So… please don't be embarrassed. Also, I thought it would only be fair-" his voice stops abruptly as he kneels before you, taking your hand. "I thought it would only be fair and make things right if you were to see me, too."
Aki brushes your hair from your face, searching you for an answer.
"All those times you'd say nice things to me or try to flirt with me around the house… I've never really flirted with anyone before, so I never knew what to say back. But I was thinking about how many times you'd say those things and how much it made me want to find a way to reciprocate that. I…" Aki straightens up again and looks you right in the eyes, still holding your hands. "I really like you."
"Oh, Aki, I…" you are at a loss for words. Of course you liked Aki, too, how could you not? Living with him and Denji, you couldn't help but feel attracted to both of them. Although you had a bit of a crush on Denji, you had a deeper attraction to Aki. He was older, mature, muscular, and strong. He also took care of everyone and you loved seeing him whenever he let his guard down. So now you wonder what it would be like to see him in a moment of vulnerability, offering for you to see him naked.
Before you can even answer, Aki takes your hand up to his lips and kisses it, eyes still locked onto yours. It's an incredibly sweet gesture and it makes your heart skip a beat.
"Aki, you don't have to let me see you like that, it's fine. It was an accident."
He kneels up on his knees, fingers delicately sliding up your cheek to cradle the side of your face. "Then you can consider this an accident, if you want." Aki whispers in your ear, and kisses your cheek. Your heart aches in your chest and you feel such a sudden yearning for him, a burning urge to kiss him. Would this be his first kiss? Has Aki ever been with anyone? You think that he's been too dedicated to work to spend time with anyone else, and you've never heard about him ever dating anyone.
Without you even meaning to, your face turns halfway towards Aki, your cheeks and temples nuzzling each other's. He slowly slides his face over, lips dragging across your cheek until you are forehead to forehead. You hear him swallow hard and breathe out nervously.
Aki brushes your hair out of your face and behind your ears, then gently cups your face with both hands. He tilts his head to the side, his nose finding its place next to yours, when your lips slowly (and kind of sensually) meet. As your lips delicately part there's a faint smacking sound. Aki holds position right in front of your face, looking down at your lips, waiting to see if you'll kiss him back as a sign for him to continue everything.
Heart racing, you give in to your desires and kiss him back. You didn't know what to expect from Aki or what he would be like romantically, but you find him far more sensual and gentle than you expected. Treating you as if you're something to be cherished. The way his thumb rubs against your cheek as he kisses you deeply, or runs his fingers through your hair… even when he slips his tongue into your mouth, he lets out small delicate moans that make you want to whimper. You run your shaky hands over Aki's arms and feel the firmness of his muscles through his t-shirt. You slide your hands up his sleeves and feel your heart twinge, feeling his smooth skin and defined muscles. 
Noticing you feeling him, Aki leans back and calmly lifts his shirt up over his head, gently placing it on the chair behind him. He takes your hands and places them on his chest. Your heart melts as you get the chance to touch him like you've always wanted to. You feel the rigidness of his collar bones and sternum, and sleek, soft skin beneath your fingers. You look down at his toned body and gasp quietly. Your hands slide over his strong shoulders and run your fingertips into his shoulder blades. He lets out a small moan.
Aki stands up, again clearing his throat. He looks down at you with his hands on the button of his pants, hesitating, to make sure that you're okay with this. When you don't protest, Aki nods his head.
"Well then," he unbuttons and unzips his pants. "I'm going to take these off now," he announces so properly, taking such precaution as to not upset or startle you. He slides the pant legs off, stepping out carefully, then folding his pants in half and placing them on the chair as well so they don't wrinkle. 
Even in the dim, ambient lighting in his room, you can still see that Aki is wearing black boxer briefs. Making sure not to rush anything, he kneels down before you again. 
"Aki, this is fine, you don't have to undress just to make this even. This is good enough-" you get cut off from him kissing you again.
"Fair is fair." He stands up, ready to pull his underwear off when you grab his wrist to stop him.
"Wait, why don't you…" you try to think of some kind of alternative so that he doesn't strip openly in front of you. Not that you don't want to see that (because you really do), but you know it'll make you look so embarrassed to just sit there watching him. "Why don't you come under the blanket with me? And we can ease into me seeing you." You pull the blankets on his bed back and get underneath. As Aki watches you get into his bed, he swallows hard and you notice a bulge forming in his tight boxer briefs. He nods, still finding it hard to believe that you're in his bed.
He slides in under the blanket with you, sandwiching you between him and the wall. He lays leaning on his arm, head resting in his hand, and you can't look away from his chiseled torso and muscular arms. You could practically drool from the sight. In this moment you make up your mind that you'll put yourself out there with Aki and see where it goes. You like him so much that with him undressing in front of you, looking the way he does, it was enough to validate those feelings in you.
You try to nonchalantly take your shirt off as well when Aki stops you.
"You don't have to do that, I'm doing this to make things fair…" Aki pleads. You put your hands on Aki's to lower them from you.
"I want to." You look away blushing with a shy smile forming on your lips. "I… I really like you too, Aki." Seeing red spread across his cheeks, he freezes as you continue to lift your shirt up off of yourself, following your movements with just his eyes. He looks all around you, taking in the sight of you up close, blushing again. 
His fingers drag along your shoulder, moving straight down between your breasts to your stomach. 
"You're so beautiful," Aki sighs at you, leaning forward and kissing your shoulder. He stops when he sees the bitemarks left behind by Denji, groaning. "I can't believe he did this to you, I wish I had come in sooner. Does it hurt?" Aki asks, concerned.
"No, not anymore." You reassure him.
Aki nods his head and kisses the mark gently, as if trying to make up for the pain that was there before. You both lean back onto the pillows, you laying on your back, Aki still on his side. He keeps kissing your shoulder, making his way down to your chest. You feel him hesitate and you reassure him that you want to do this.
Aki begins by kissing your breasts, feeling the suppleness with his lips. As your nipple hardens, he takes it into his mouth and swirls his tongue around it. He delicately sucks and licks it, causing you to moan out loud. He does it really expertly but so gently at the same time, practically massaging it with his tongue. You try to run your fingers through his hair but forget that it’s up in a ponytail. You'd take it out, but… you really like how he looks with it. You feel his bulge against your leg and without even thinking about it, find your hand moving down towards it. You graze your fingers along the length of it over the fabric, and you feel his entire body twitch in response. Your nipple pops out of his mouth when he looks up at you, face completely and utterly red with surprise and slight embarrassment.
“Wh- what are you doing? You don’t have to, I’m doing all of this for you…” He looks somewhat guilty, when you lightly grip his bulge in response. You love seeing these expressions on his face because you never have before.
“Aki, I think we’re already past that, with you… doing that to me…” you look down with your eyes as if to gesture to him sucking on you. “I told you that I really like you, too. And I’m topless in your bed with you. So…” You both look at each other for seconds in silence. “Well, do I really have to say it, Aki?” Your face blushes and you pull the blanket up to cover your face out of embarrassment. He finally gets the hint and moves back up to you, hands on both sides of your head, leaning above you. The sight of him holding himself up above you turns you on so much that you immediately feel yourself getting wet.
“Do you really want to do this with me?” His eyes lit up with disbelief and excitement. While still covering your face, eyes looking away from his, you nod your head up and down.
“I have for a while,” you speak into the blanket, slightly muffling your voice. It was still clear enough for Aki to hear, though. He tilts his head affectionately. Aki lowers the blanket, holding your face, kissing you slowly and deeply. With him above you like this, you run your hands down his abs and under the waistband of his underwear, slowly sliding it off of him. Aki drags it down the rest of the way, letting it fall off the side of the bed, unable to take his eyes off of yours all the while. He rests his head in the nape of your neck kissing it, when you reach down and find his incredibly hard cock with your hand. You wrap your fingers around it, fingertips barely able to meet around the other side of it. His breath hitches in his throat and you hear him moan into you. His moans are so deep that you can practically feel them vibrating into you. It makes you shudder and cringe.
You begin pumping up and down, Aki kissing your neck more fervently as you pick up the pace. You gasp out loud when, all of a sudden, you feel his fingertip rubbing on your underwear. He somehow got his hand up your shorts without you even noticing because of the way he was kissing your neck, almost making you feel drunk with lust. You stop stroking him to pull your own shorts and underwear off, throwing it over the side of the bed. Getting caught up in the heat of the moment, Aki immediately reaches down and starts sliding his fingers up and down through your wetness, making you gasp out loud. You cover your mouth to stifle your voice. Aki laughs breathily through his nose.
“You don’t have to worry, I want you to enjoy yourself. Even if it means letting your moans out.” Aki says into your neck.
“I don’t want anyone to hear me, though…” Your voice cuts off with a gasp as Aki licks the outside of your ear, tenderly nibbling on your earlobe.
“And if they do? They won’t dare bring it up. This is my home, and I’ll do what I like here,” Aki says with a voice so deep it makes your body shudder. You gasp loudly, feeling Aki slide his fingers into you, slowly moving them in and out with a curl. “Including you.”
---------- To be continued ----------
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peacefulpianist · 1 year
The Green Dress
Loki x Fem. Reader (no y/n)
Wow hi everyone, I can't say I ever thought I would be doing this, but I've written something! I've been an avid reader for a few years now and have finally convinced myself to give it a shot. Any constructive criticism is more than welcome, but please do bear in mind this is the first thing I've written since year 8 English that isn't an academic paper of sorts. Anyway I hope you enjoy!
I'm tagging a few members of the SAS who I think may like this? But if you want to be removed please do let me know - no hard feelings at all : @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @acidcasualties @muddyorbsblr @wheredafandomat @liminalpebble
Description: When Stark invites you last minute to one of his infamous parties, you've not got many options on hand to wear until Nat suggests you wear the green dress you had bought months ago. Perhaps it will be enough to inspire a certain god to finally make his move.
w/c: 4.2k whoops I didn't intend for it to be nearly this long
My Masterlist
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“How many times do I need to tell you that you absolutely can not do that Stark!” You exclaimed in exasperation over the cluttered lab table once more.
“But if I just ignored that little thing-” the glare you sent from over the top of your glasses quickly shut his remark down before it could continue any further. Looking contrite, but rather worryingly still determined, Stark pushed back from the table, going slightly further than expected in his chair and trying to style it out as intentional as he almost collided into several rather important projects. 
“Well since you’ve thoroughly pooped on that party Brainiac, I’m declaring we call it a day here, and hey speaking of parties, you are coming later aren’t you?” He asked whilst trying not to fall of his chair and catching a rather dangerous looking item falling off one of the nearby tables he had knocked into. 
A wave of panic washed through you at the mention of the event later; you had been hoping that as no one had specifically invited you to it, only mentioned it in passing, that you would be able to give it a miss unnoticed. It wasn’t that you disliked Starks events or even parties in general, you just happened to be aware of who else would be there and definitely couldn’t trust yourself to keep up a front with the copious alcohol that would no doubt find its way into your system. Not that you were totally innocent in how it found its way there. You had been hoping to avoid a direct invitation like this, purely because you had a real issue saying no to people, especially those you liked and admired. It was because of this, and only this - not the fact you would get to see Loki in one of his impeccably tailored suits again as a helpful voice in your head supplied, that you found yourself blurting out the following. 
“Uh yeah sure, of course, wouldn’t miss it for the world boss!” 
You had hoped that it had come out in a convincing tone, but the slight frown emerging on Starks face said otherwise. However, as quick as it had appeared on his face it was gone, replaced by a trademark smile as he slapped his thighs and stood.
“Well then, you better be off to prepare and polish your elbows, or whatever it is you ladies manage to do to fill so much time getting ready before these events,” his face quickly faltered after realising what he had actually just said and quickly followed up with “not saying of course that it isn’t absolutely worth it, especially if Pepper asks”. 
In an effort to allow Tony to leave the interaction without digging himself an even deeper hole, you stood too, gathering your bag as you went, giving a slightly awkward wave over your shoulder as you walked out the door. 
It was only when you made it back to your room upstairs that you fully understood what you had actually agreed to. Not only were you going to have to be in the same room as Loki, desperately trying to hide your feelings towards him, whilst watching him flirt with practically everyone in attendance, but also work out what the hell you were going to wear to a party at such short notice. Unlike many of the other inhabitants of the tower, your wardrobe wasn’t exactly equipped for these kinds of events. You had always preferred to skip out on anything that required this level of formal wear, the comfort of your staple jeans and a hoody was something you had always chosen over the tighter fitting, more formal attire required at Stark’s parties. 
In a somewhat unhelpful move, you decided that putting off the outfit dilemma was the best course of action, as a frantic full-body shower was needed, and of course there was no point choosing an outfit before you’d done your hair and makeup after the shower as well. You had told yourself that the outfit choices could be mulled over during this time as well, but realistically knew that you were just lying to yourself and would inevitably put it off until the last moment. 
A frantic search of your wardrobe, which involved many an outfit being taken out, only to be thrown into the rejection pile on the floor moments later, left you coming up short and in the middle of a ring of discarded outfits whilst still in just your towel. You sank to the floor, just staring despondently at the chaos around you, contemplating whether Tony would actually notice if you didn’t go after all. 
It was in that state exactly that Nat found you minutes later after she had knocked, not waited for an answer and entered anyway, only to stop in her tracks and abandon whatever purpose she had come with upon seeing you in such a state. 
“Well that outfit is sure to grab everyone’s attention, not what I would choose personally but good for you girl!” Nat said with a smirk, leaning on your doorframe.
“Don’t even start with that right now, I wasn’t planning on going to this until and hour ago, and I appear to have greatly underestimated my wardrobe deficiencies. Some actual help right now would be greatly appreciated.” Your reply came from the floor, all hope of being able to avoid Stark’s shindig fading with the sound of the door closing behind Natasha. 
“I’m sure your so called deficiency isn’t nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be,” her voice somewhat muffled as she rooted through what was left of your clothes in you’re wardrobe. 
“I mean look right here, what was wrong with this option, it’s even green, perfect to catch you-know-who’s attention!” The smile on her face dropped when she turned to face you, brandishing the green dress you had bought months ago on a whim when out with some friends, only to realise you would never be comfortable enough to wear it out in public when you had tried it on at home later that evening. 
“Woah, what’s so wrong with this one that it makes you pull that face? It’s a stunning dress I can’t see what you could possibly have against this one, its perfect for tonight.” Nat questioned with a confused frown, after seeing the vehement refusal on your face at the suggestion. 
“It is a beautiful dress, just not on me, I don’t-” before you could even finish the thought, Nat had pulled you up, and was pushing you quite forcefully back towards the bathroom, throwing you in there along with the dress and your raciest, laciest underwear that you hadn’t even seen her grab.
“I’m not even going to dignify that with a response, you should know better than to speak like that about one of my closest friends by now, by the time I’m back after getting changed myself, I want you wearing that dress so I can prove to you how wrong you are when you see everyone’s faces when we walk in later” Nate reply was somewhat muffled behind the bathroom door, but the fierceness, and her love for you, was still conveyed perfectly through the wood. 
“Besides if it truly makes you feel that bad after wearing it tonight, we’ll burn it together tomorrow, I’m not having you keeping it if its going to make you feel this way whenever you see it.” The finality in her tone and promise of being able to get rid of the thing tomorrow was enough to get you to follow her orders, that alongside the fact that you were still rather scared of her, even after having been friends with her for a few years now. 
With Natasha momentarily gone, it gave you the chance to ruminate in your thoughts, the dress was truly stunning, a deep emerald green that displayed your decolletage beautifully, with a daring slit from ankle to high up on your thigh. While you could see that the dress itself was objectively great, when it was you wearing it, it didn’t seem that way anymore. Instead of being able to focus on all of the ways it could highlight your beauty, all you could see was the way the closer fit of the dress clung to your stomach slightly, and how the slit showed off your thighs, and just seemed to emphasise how big they were. 
It was in this downward spiral that Nat found you in upon her return, a frown once again set on her face as when she saw the malice behind your eyes, directed solely at yourself. 
The way you could only ever focus on the parts of yourself that you saw as problems had always hurt Natasha, and how it impacted the way you behaved as well. It wasn’t just a matter of wearing baggier clothes that covered your insecurities, but the way you let it decide where you belonged socially. She was intimately familiar with your growing feelings towards a certain god of mischief who had taken up residence in the tower little over a year earlier, but also with your pessimistic view towards your chances of the feelings being reciprocated. Ever since you had realised that your feelings were more than that of just friendship you had immediately resigned yourself to remaining in the friend zone, refusing to believe that he would ever see you as something more because “he’s a god and I’m, well, I mean just look at me.” Nat had tried countless times to reassure you that the way you saw yourself, was not in fact the way others saw you, but had also at this point come to the understanding that your self perception wasn’t based in logic, and reasoning as such wasn’t going to make enough of an impact to change how you saw yourself. 
It was with this in mind that she approached you, an arm reaching round you and pulling you into her side for a hug, while smiling at you in the mirror, before grabbing your hand and pulling you out of your room and to the party on the floor above. 
Your outfit dilemma had delayed the two of you a little, so when you arrived upstairs, the party was already in full swing; with music blaring and alcohol clearly flowing freely if the state that some of the guests were in already was any indication. As such you were easily able to slip in behind Natasha unnoticed, before heading straight over to the bar, feeling the need to indulge a little more than normal tonight. 
From your vantage point at the bar up on the mezzanine, you could see almost all of the goings on down below you, from Lang absolutely busting it up on the dance floor to Tony trailing around after Pepper, seemingly trying to make up for something that was undoubtedly his fault, but wasn’t actually remorseful for. Unfortunately it also meant that you had the perfect view of Loki and his apparent flavour of the night. Despite knowing how unproductive it was, you found yourself comparing yourself to her, noting all the ways she was traditionally attractive, only to seemingly find yourself lacking in the same places in comparison. Even though you had accepted months ago that Loki was never going to reciprocate your feelings, and having desperately tried to allocate him into the friend box in your head unsuccessfully, it still hurt deeply to see him so close with other women, knowing what he would be doing with them that night, only to move on to the next when it suited him. 
This knowledge had one advantage for you though, it had made it much easier for you to become friends with the god. As you knew nothing romantic was ever going to happen between the two of you, you had found it that much easier to relax and joke around him, even going as far to return his flirty remarks, as there was no pressure behind it for you, and the potential embarrassment behind behaving more boldly was removed. Since he flirted with everyone that way, it obviously didn’t mean anything to him, so it made it much easier for you to jokingly flirt back. It was because of this new found confidence, that you had struck up a strong friendship with the god and had come to call him one of your closest friends. It had only added to your mental torture.
After a few more self indulgent moments, agonising a little more over what could have been you turned to the bartender, and took another drink with a polite thanks and a smile before deciding that even if you did still regret coming, and especially wearing the dress, you were going to make the most of the evening. Besides how many people could say they got to drink and dance with the avengers, who they were friends with. 
It was with this new found resilience that you stood from your place and made your way down to the dance floor, having caught Nat and Wanda’s eyes before and been summoned. 
The next few hours passes in a slight blur of laughter and dancing for you, after a few, chaotic but incredibly fun dances with Nat and Wanda some of the other men began to join in, requesting a dance with you. Between the fun of teaching Steve how people actually danced in clubs now alongside Nat, and Bucky whirling you round the floor like an absolute professional - after complementing your outfit for the evening with an all too knowing look, you had almost forgotten about your preconceptions for the evening, but whenever you danced with one of the men, however gracious and smooth they were, you couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like if it were Loki instead of them; comparing the feel of their hand on your back to what you had imagined Loki’s would be like if he were there instead. 
Just when you were about to take a break from dancing, a slightly cooler hand came to rest on your back, as its owner leant down to speak into your ear over the music.
“Darling, I think its about time we show them how its really done don’t you?”
The feeling of his breath over your neck as he leant in closer sent a jolt down your spine, that you were almost certain he must have felt in his hand, still placed firmly in the middle of your back, exactly where you had imagined it being all night. 
Quickly composing yourself, you managed a somewhat natural reply, rather impressed with your own neurones for still being able to function at least somewhat normally whilst Loki was so close to you, having not moved away under the pretence of needing to be closer to be able to hear you over the music.
“Ah of course your majesty, I’m sure us mere mortals couldn’t possibly live up to the prowess of a god”
His low reply was barely heard over the thumping of the bass, in a way that made you question whether he had actually intended for your to hear it, if it wasn’t for the sly wink he sent towards you after.
“Yes I find that is the case in many areas darling, especially when it comes to moving their bodies”
The raised eyebrow you gave in reply expressed all you needed him to know, and covered for the fact that your mind had been sent in a downward spiral imagining his trademark snake hips dance move, in areas other than the dance floor. 
Whilst you were somewhat distracted in your thoughts, he moved the hand from your back to loop his arm round your waist and bring you back into the middle of the dance floor, beginning to sensually move his hips and draw you into to him to do the same. 
What you didn’t know was that Loki and been subtly watching you all evening, ever since you had walked in the door, many may not have noticed your entrance behind the Black Widow, but at this point Loki’s body was finely attuned to your presence and he hadn’t been able to draw his sight away from you for more than a few seconds at a time. You were wearing his colours. His green. But it wasn’t just your choice in attire tonight that had drawn his attention, as delightful as that dress was, you’d had it for many months before this point. Initially you had been a curiosity to Loki, kind to him when many others weren’t immediately following his return to Midgard, but after talking to you the first few times it was your intelligence that had captured Loki’s heart. He had found you to be one of the few midgardians to match his voracious appetite for knowledge, both in reading and in your chosen profession as a biologist working alongside Stark and Banner, but much less insufferable than the other two. 
When Loki had first come to terms with his interest in you, he had thought his subtle flirtations would be enough to alert you to his intentions, but when these failed to elicit any kind of response from you he had slowly become more and more bold with his innuendoes and flirtatious comments when in your presence. At first he had thought he was finally getting somewhere with you when you had began to match him in conversations, but when you made no sign of anything more, he had found himself stumped. At one point he had even stooped so low as to flirt with others in your presence in the hope that it would inspire enough jealously within you to reveal your feelings towards him, alas it did not work. No one had ever taken this long to fall victim to his seduction. He had admitted to himself that this time was different to his previous experiences as truly desired more with you than just a roll in the bed, not to say that did not also desire that with you, he had thought about that extensively, but he was not sure how to progress from here. 
When you had walked in tonight though, looking exquisite in his colours he had decided that enough was enough, tonight he was going to finally bite the bullet and just ask you outright if you would be with him. It was not a decision that he had come to lightly, but he had finally come to the realisation that if he wanted something to happen he was going to have to do something about it for himself. 
You didn’t know whether Loki had bribed the DJ before approaching you, or it was a shear unfortunate coincidence but as you continued dancing, each song seemed to get progressively dirtier and more sensual. This combined with finally dancing with him after having imagined it all night, the enticing smell of him from being in such close proximity, and the one or two drinks you’d had early were practically sending you into an early death.
Simultaneously Loki was experiencing a similar issue, when she wasn’t looking, Loki found his eyes being drawn from her face down to her chest, which with his height he had a fabulous view down, and combined with the lyrics and music he hands had seemingly began to move of his own accord and were veering dangerously further south. He decided he needed to do something soon, or he was going to have a very hard time of it.
As he leant down once again to speak into your ear, your breath hitched ever so slightly, and a faint flush bloomed across your cheeks- a fact that didn’t go entirely unnoticed by the god, and one that made his own pulse race. All hope that you felt the same way as him was not lost.
“Are you alright there darling? You’re looking awfully flushed. You’re not too warm in here are you?”
You had barely managed to stutter out what you could only imagine would have been a terrible excuse before he continued;
“Unless of course it is for the same reason as I.”
The hope that formed in your chest from the one sentence alone caused you to whip your head up, needing to search his gaze to see if he was really implying what you thought he was, surely he couldn’t be, there was no way that he could have felt the same way towards you as you did to him. Before you could continue with your self deprecation, he interrupted your thoughts once again;
“Now now darling stop that immediately, I can tell you are already overthinking this before I have even truly started. I do not know what it is that makes you doubt yourself so, but you must know that whatever it is I do not share that same belief.”
You held his breath as he said this, still not truly believing that this could be going where you wished it was, but not daring to do anything to break the spell just yet
“I was almost sure you would have known by now, but apparently I have not been clear enough in my appreciation or my advances towards you. I very much like you min elskling, you have well and truly captivated me heart and mind, body and soul. I would be honoured if you wished to court me, or as I believe you mortals say, go on a date with me” Loki finished with a release of breath, like saying all that had released a burden from upon his chest and he could finally breath deeply again now it was done.
You just stood there frozen in the middle of the dance floor, unsure if what you had heard was really happening, surely this was all some wonderful fever induced dream, and you were going to wake up face down on one of the desks in the lab any moment. 
However Loki was reading your silence as rejection, and the insecurities that he had previously pushed aside were starting to flood back.
“Of course darling, if you do not feel the same then, I would be more than happy to just remain as friends,” it was of course a lie, but one that he would guard closely if that were the case, as he would never want for you to feel guilty for making an honest decision, and would much rather keep your friendship than not have you in his life at all.
“And I can completely understand why of course if you do not return my feelings, after all with my heritage I know-” before he could finish his sentence though you had reached up and pulled his face down to your height, before promptly pushing your mouth onto his in a scorching kiss. In the time Loki had began to panic and ramble, it had finally registered what Loki had been saying, and that it was in fact real, so before he could spiral any further you had to display your feelings towards him, and this had seemed like the most direct course of action.
After a brief moment in which Loki’s brain had to catch up to what was actually going on right now, he swiftly took charge of the kiss, both of you melting into it, especially as Loki opened his mouth to let he tongue dance along your lips before slowly meeting your own. At the same time, Lokis hands began to wander more actively, finally sliding that last little distance down to your behind, which he grasped firmly before sliding one hand down to bring your leg up and round his hip, letting you feel exactly what you were doing to him. Your own hands had found their way into his silky hair, finally fulfilling the desire you had held for many months to feel what it was like between your fingers, and when you gave it a gentle tug in the passion of the moment, a low growl made its way up Lokis throat, only enticing you in further. 
It was only as a few wolf whistles broke through your bubble that you remembered exactly where you both were and that it was perhaps not the best place for what was clearly on its way to happening. It was with the same thought that Loki took your hand and began leading you out of the room, stopping only briefly first to growl lowly into your ear “we need to leave now darling, don’t you agree?” Before nipping your earlobe and pulling back to grin at you. 
With absolutely no objections, and no subtlety either, you nodded before taking the lead taking you both in the direction your room, before stopping to remember the state you had left it in before the party in your distress to find an outfit. You blushed at the memory and changed direction slightly to lead you both to his rooms instead. Loki however took no notice, or simply did not care for the slight moment of hesitation, as at this point he didn’t particularly care where you were headed as long as it was close by, you were finally his and now it was time for him to claim you as such. 
Part Two here:
Thank you so much for reading if you made it this far! Please do let me know what you think x
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etheries1015 · 10 months
so long story i rewatched corpse bride had a brainrot of it + vil brainrot and i was wondering about a corpse bride au vil x reader (like possibly vil being a corpse/undead groom (idk if i used that word correctly) if that makes sense, and the reader just reciting their wedding vows and accidentally marrying him
tldr: vil x reader corpse bride au where vil is an undead groom request
This was actually kind of fun to write, Lol. I surprised myself with how interesting this was! Thank you for the fun lil' request <3
My (perfect) undead groom
Vil X reader
General warnings: Gender neutral reader, corpse bride au
You stood at the altar to be married off with some...stranger. Riddled with nerves you could not help but become a shaking stuttering mess, after managing to set your soon-to-be mother-in-law on fire and stumbling over your vows, you left in a moment of embarrassment and weakness.
You wandered into the forest, rubbing the engagement ring in your hand with your thumb as you swung your legs back and forth sighing.
"How can I possibly be so stupid," You grumbled to yourself, "Can't even remember just a few silly words? I swear I had them down earlier! why can't I just..."
You took a deep breath with your eyes closed, holding the ring in your hand with a tight grip before exhaling and slowly opening your eyes. With one hand on your chest and the other holding the ring up to the sky, you began to perfectly, clearly, and confidently speak your vows. As you came to the finishing line, you gracefully placed the ring onto a thin branch before your final declaration, and your ultimate life sentence;
"Will you marry me?" A moment of silence, the wind blowing through the leafless trees as you let out a breathless sigh and a pitiful smile with sad eyes. The moment you bent down to retrieve the ring, the branches seemed to come alive as your wrist was suddenly grasped tightly within the brambles, pulling you to the ground. You let out a screech of shock as you pulled your arm roughly back from nature's grasp, falling to the ground. Before you had the chance to get back up, a tall figure was looming over you.
Whoever it was, was incredibly handsome. Strangely, you couldn't really describe how uneasy yet...attracted it made you feel. The man had skin of a blue tint, sunken cheeks, and torn-up wedding attire. One arm was fully shown to be a skeleton, with a portion of his rib bones showing in an opening of his torn tuxedo. Despite this...he was tall, with his blue-tinted skin free from impurities and hair forming his facial features elegantly. His arms were crossed, staring down at your trembling body.
"Hmm," He said, bending over to get a better look at you with a finger up to his chin in thought. With a tilted head, his beautifully decorated yet empty amethyst eyes looked you up and down- you suddenly felt incredibly insecure at the sudden attention.
"Unkempt outfit, unconfident gaze, and the resemblance of a half-priced sack of potatoes," You shook your head and furrowed your eyebrows, flabbergasted at his brazen comments. You opened your mouth to protest before he roughly grabbed your cheeks and turned your head left and right. "However, confident vows, elegant execution, and heartfelt emotions" You felt yourself side-eye awkwardly, feeling this very one-sided conversation further your confusion (and lowkey hurt your ego while inflating it all the same.)
"You could use some work, but.." He removed his skeleton hand from your face to take a look at the ring you had put upon what was a branch only moments before, admiring the way it glittered in the moonlight. The strange man smiled fondly before looking back down at you.
"I do."
"You do what?" You exasperated.
"I will marry you, potato."
You suddenly scrambled to your feet and began to spit out incoherent words of protest- all falling upon deaf ears. The tall, mysterious man grabbed you by your hand and began to lead you into his world.
"I must introduce you to Rook and Epel," He said, turning to you with a handsome smile, "They must know I have finally found myself a spouse. And I need all the help I can get to fix you up to be suitable to be called mine."
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captainfern · 4 months
hi fern! i hope something nice happens to you today! i just wanted to drop this little thought in your askbox.
so i'm quitting smoking, yay! it's hard but i'm so proud of myself. it's been a month since my last cigarette but i still have cravings and i just can't get it out of my head that gaz would be the best at supporting me (why are they always worse after i've eaten?! or i'm tired?!). so i've been sucking on a lot of lollipops and well... obviously my mind drifted to other things i could suck to alleviate my cravings....
(if you're not comfortable sharing this, that's totally fine! i know smoking is gross and no one is comfortable writing about it so feel free to delete this! either way, have a wonderful day!)
congratulations i’m super proud of you !!
gaz is too lol
18+ fem!reader (m!receiving oral bbyyy)
there’s something so erotic about it. about the way he’s looking at you. looking at you with those deep brown eyes, molasses-thick and warm with admiration.
the situation isn’t overtly kinky, or laden with excruciating levels of lustrous allure. it just feels so intimate, so hot and heavy, and he’s barely even touched you.
but that’s what gaz does to you. what he’s always done to you.
when you told him you’d quit smoking, he was so incredibly happy for you (although, conversations of him quitting were whittled down to nothing more than i’m a casual smoker, sweetheart. nothing regular, i promise). you’d then confided in him, a month-or-so in, that you felt like you needed something to… suck on. to chew on. to occupy the parched cavern of your mouth and entertain your restless mind.
like the sweetheart he was, he bought you all kinds of sweets— things to chew on, things to suck on, things to roll around along the ridges of your lower molars. but soon, the cravings went beyond the odd lollipop.
and that’s what led you to this very moment.
gaz’s thumb hooked into the corner of your mouth, gently prying your lips apart as you kneeled in front of him, hands splayed across his strong thighs. he stood, towering over you, unhinging your jaw with the soft, gentle beckon of his thumb. your eyes remained locked on his the entire time, butterflies filling your stomach.
you were completely naked. stripped bare— on your own accord— and situated on your knees, soft carpet beneath you (he wouldn’t let you kneel on the kitchen tiles, where you originally proposed this idea). gaz was dressed almost fully, his toned abdomen covered by his t-shirt. but you could see the prominent V-line, the dips in his muscle, paired with a thin line of hair, right to the base of his hard cock.
the cock which he was slowly feeding into your open mouth. thumb still hooked into the corner of your mouth, gaz held the back of your head with his other hand as he guided his cock past your lips. gently, slowly, inch-by-inch. you watched him, and the way his beautiful face flickered with restrained pleasure.
your tongue instinctively curled a bit to meet the width of him, of the hard length sliding over it. saliva built behind your teeth, your breaths falling in laboured pants as gaz pushed in further and further. further, still, until the tip of his cock nudged the back of your throat, making you gag. he drew back a few centimetres, with the hand on the back of your head petting you fondly.
“my perfect girl…” gaz muttered, slowly pulling out until the flared head of his cock was all that remained inside your mouth. he removed his thumb, instead moving it to rest against the rear of the bed he was leaning against.
you suctioned your lips around the head of his cock, sucking gently and dispersing the saliva. gaz groaned, the hand on your head tightening. he canted his hips forward, shoving his cock back into the tight heat of your mouth. you whined around him, the vibrations hitting him straight-on, forcing a low moan from his chest.
“so perfect,” he whispered, eyelids lowered.
he then let you set the pace. bobbing your head back and forth, you took one of your hands and wrapped it around the base of his cock, coating your palm and fingers in your saliva. you gripped him there, twisting lightly while your mouth suctioned around him, tongue rubbing flat along the vein curled up the underside.
he watched you with those heated brown eyes, long lashes casting shadows across his cheekbones beneath the low light. he continued to pet your head, massaging you, as you took more and more of his cock. his pretty girlfriend, naked and on her knees for him, cock in her mouth. what a sight.
your cheeks were slowly beginning to hurt as you hollowed them, sliding his cock in and out, taking time to jerk him off while you licked around the tip with the point of your tongue. you could taste him— not at all unpleasant and not too salty. it almost tasted good. it suited him.
you slowly took him to the root again, lips brushing along the thatch of thick hair at the base. the leaking tip brushed the back of your throat, and this time you managed to withhold a gag. you closed your eyes momentarily, willing tears away, before starting your rhythm back up again.
gaz moaned at the wet warmth, the tightness of your pretty mouth. god, you were so fucking perfect.
“you like that, baby?” gaz cooed, rubbing the back of your head. “you like keeping that pretty mouth busy, huh? y’like sucking on things, don’t you?”
you did, but not that you could answer anyway. the butterflies in your stomach were going wild, the heat in your core blooming, pulsing in time with the beating of your heart. you imagined that you’d have slick running down your thighs soon.
gaz moaned, tossing his head back. he looked so pretty like this. “yeah, that’s it. suck my cock, sweetheart.”
you wanted him to come in your mouth. you wanted to feel his cock twitch against your tongue, and feel the heat of his seed splash down your throat. or maybe you wanted it to fill the crevices of your mouth, so you could hold it there with a triumphant smile, before swallowing it and showing him your barren tongue. hopefully you’d taste him for days.
like the universe was listening to your innermost thoughts, you felt gaz’s cock twitching against the flat of your tongue. his balls were drawing up tight, low groans filtering from his mouth, breathing turning into panting— desperate, pent-up panting.
“oh god,” he whimpered out, hips bucking. “oh god, oh god— fuck, fuck— baby, holy fuck.”
you kept your pace steady as the hand on the back of your head started to hijack your efforts. your boyfriend fucked himself into you, forcing his cock to the back of your throat again and again, neglecting your breathing as he chased his high. you’d forgive him. hell, you weren’t even mad at him, to be honest.
and he sounded so fucking good. this whole thing was meant to appease you, but now it was starting to feel a whole lot more like you were appeasing him. appeasing a god, clearly.
“oh fuck, m’gonna come, sweetheart. can— oh, fuck— can i come in your mouth?”
you looked up at him with tears blurring your vision and you hummed a yes, unable to nod. the hums were a buzz against the smooth, sensitive ridges of his cock, and he found himself moaning your name in desperation as he came.
it was the first option. your second favourite option of the two, but you weren’t really complaining.
his cum, warm and, well, a lot, emptied down the channel of your throat. you wanted to cough, but the head of his cock pushed it all aside— including your breath— as his cock twitched and jerked against the soft muscle of your tongue, still writhing around him. he moaned your name again. again and again until his cock settled, semi-hard inside your mouth.
he stroked the back of your head, pulling his cock out of your throat but letting it rest between the softness of your lips. he didn’t look like he was going to pull out any time soon. so you swallowed, and attempted to give him a smile.
“beautiful girl,” he said, other hand shifting to cup your cheek, thumb running along your cheekbone, feeling the heat there. “i’m so proud of you.”
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venvellan · 4 months
Anniversary - Sunday
fluff ♡. wedding anniversary cuddling w sunday it's actually that simple. gn reader. reader is halovian bc it makes the most sense for sunday (to me) for,,, family reasons. let sunday be happy and in love or motherfucker i will do it myself
cw: none, except love and joy. slightly suggestive at the end ig but it's tame. word count: 780.
(happy boothill day!!!! :D we will pull him in one warp :3♡♡)
Today marks your fourth year as Consort to the Oak family, and it's been a wonderful day. Your doting husband presses a line of kisses up your neck, stopping in the middle to run his fingertips over the soft arch of your wings, before he takes your chin in his gentle grasp and turns your head to him.
"Angel," he mutters. His eyes linger on your lips, then rise to finally meet your own, and he smiles. Aeons, his smile.
You smile back at him reflexively. You feel utterly exposed under his gaze — not because it's scrutinizing, and not because it makes you uncomfortable — it's simply his effect on you (that, and those gorgeous yellow eyes, no doubt). Something in him has always stirred you. Something in you has always stirred him. You wouldn't want it any other way.
"Sunday," you whisper back. Your arms rise to wrap delicately around his neck and rest atop his shoulders.
He pulls you in by your waist and holds you against him. His nose meets yours in the middle and the tips of your noses rub lightly against each other. It's playful. Innocent. It's the gentlest kiss he can give you. He closes his eyes and in his softest voice, the one you've been missing — aching for — for weeks now, he breathes, "I love you..."
He closes the short distance between your lips with a kiss and hums into it, and his hands press against your lower back as he keeps you flush against him.
You had plans for the day. A romantic breakfast, a walk together across the city, a big lunch — a whole day filled to the brim with activities — but you only made it to lunch before losing steam.
It's his one off day. The one day in months that he's been able to promise you, "Yes, my love, the day is yours," and in theory, it sounds wonderful to spend it wandering the town, looking out at the people and breathing the cool air in. In practice, however, you're both exhausted, and you both know it.
When he's not knee-deep in paperwork, he's out on the town anyway, doing one of a million different things. And you, quite frankly, are just sick of his absence. You'll do anything he wants today, as long as it means getting to be with him, and you know that deep down, he just wants to lay in bed all day.
You acquiesce to him. It's only just after noon, but already, you two decide the day is done. You remove your jewelry and outerwear piece by piece, placing it to the side haphazardly, and pull your halo off from where it floats atop your head. You do the same for Sunday, saving him the effort, and lay his things in a pile with yours. Even your items are happy to cuddle up together.
You pull him backwards onto the bed. He catches himself above you, smiling warmly, and buries his face into your neck. His breath tickles the sensitive skin of your wing and it reflexively grazes his face in return.
Your heart swells, knowing you've won; knowing he's happy with this. "Sunday?"
He hums softly against your skin. His wings flutter ever so lightly.
You bring your hand up into his hair and comb through it gently. "I love you more."
You feel his smile against your neck and can't resist smiling back. You could hold onto this moment forever, if it were possible. You could, in fact, live this moment over and over again forever in the dreamscape if you wished, but you don't. The moment is beautiful, not in spite of, but rather because of its fleeting nature. You will cherish it in your loneliest moments, when he spends days in a row working from dawn til dusk.
Loving Sunday means missing him, aching in his absence, and you will do it proudly.
He relaxes fully into you and you immediately sense him falling asleep. Oh, how sweet he is, how intimate an experience to share.
Already half asleep, he mumbles against your neck, "Wake me up soon, darling... I will cherish this day with you. I will– I need to be with you... I love you..." His mumbles become airy whispers at the end, and in moments he's fallen asleep.
You turn your head slightly to rub your cheek into his hair and sigh contentedly, smiling still. This is all you need. You could die happily in this moment — holding him as he sleeps, petting his gorgeous fluffy hair, feeling his gentle breaths on your neck and admiring the blissfully serene expression on his perfect face. You will, however, honor his wish to be woken from his beauty sleep, as you honor his every wish always.
In a couple hours you'll wake him, gently, and he will have a renewed excitement to have you. To be your husband. He will wake up and remember his desire to honor — no, worship — you, as you do him.
It will keep you up, and then it will tire you out.
But you know that. He is your husband, after all, and you know him best.
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