#i just gave them a doll to use at their discretion :)
snailanimations · 6 months
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Tess is the only Jak and Daxter character i like so I made her a (better) bf. he's name is Raiden and he likes critters and using green eco to heal and restore the environment :)
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wholoveseggs · 8 months
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18+ ---- {Masterlist}
Part One
Elijah's red door is cracked open and his heart broken, so naturally Klaus takes him to a strip club to cheer him up.
~♡♡ This is part one of a series I've been writing inspired by a @klausysworld post about Elijah being in a pretty woman-esque scenario ♡♡~
3k words - Warnings: light smut, red door elijah {my interpretation of him}, drug use, adult themes, domestic abuse, violence, blood drinking.
{Part Two} {Part Three} {Part Four}{Moodboard->}
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"Laadiieess! Two whales just walked in!" Stacy announced, her heels clicking on the marble floor as she rushed into the dressing room. You were applying a new layer of lipstick in the mirror when you caught her eyes in the reflection.
"Who are they? Any hot ones?" You asked, spinning around to face her. She smirked, her eyebrows arching up.
"Oh yeah, they are brothers; I overheard Mitch talking to them out there. They're filthy rich and super hot. I heard their last name, uh, Mikaelson. That sounds familiar, don't it?" Stacy replied, adjusting her breasts in the mirror.
"I've heard other clients talk about them; they are gangsters or something. Powerful ones, like mafia-type shit," Tonya chimed in from her relaxed position in a chair, looking at her phone, her long legs gracefully draped over the arm, stiletto heels pointed in the air.
"Ooh, really? Sounds intriguing." You hummed, glancing at yourself in the mirror again. You adjusted your strapless corset, smoothed out your black lace panties, and straightened your black thigh-high stockings secured by a garter belt. Your boyfriend Jordan had bought you the lingerie; he told you the outfit would make more clients want to buy lap dances from you.
"They booked the platinum suite for the whole night; that's ten grand right there," Stacy revealed with an excited gleam in her eyes.
"Damn, it's been months since we had clients who could afford that kind of luxury," Tonya replied, a smirk playing on her lips.
"They want a private show and a lot of drinks." Stacy added; you could tell she was excited. She loved big spenders, especially the ones who gave big tips.
"Alright, I'll take them; I could use the cash." You chimed in, smoothing down your hair and checking your makeup one more time.
"Just hold on a minute; this isn't some regular party. Mitch is coming by to pick, so sit tight, sweetie." Stacy warned, her eyes narrowing at you. You frowned, Stacy was always acting like the boss, even though she was just a dancer like you.
More girls came filing into the change room, the news of the two hot, rich clients spread rapidly through the club's grapevine. They were all whispering among themselves, gossiping about the clients.
"I heard that they run this town and can have anyone killed, like snap their fingers and a dead body would appear the next day," whispered a younger girl named Tiffany.
"You know that bigwig Marcel? He's like their right hand; he does anything they tell him to," replied another girl named Samantha, tall and blonde.
"So, are they, like, dangerous?" Tiffany asked.
"Of course not, don't worry, doll. If they are, I'll protect you,” Tonya cooed, wrapping an arm around Tiffany's shoulder.
"That's if Mitch picks you, which is unlikely; he wants the best of the best for them. You know, ones with discretion," Stacy said with a laugh as she reapplied her mascara.
"Fuck you, Stacy," Tonya snapped, rolling her eyes.
A few minutes later, Mitch arrived in the change room. He was the owner of the strip club, a sleazy man who always wore a suit and had a cigar hanging from his mouth. He eyed the girls up and down, a sick grin spreading on his face. He enjoyed the power he had over the girls, being able to choose which one got the private clients. He knew how badly they all needed the cash.
"Alright, ladies, I'm sure you all heard the good news. We have a couple of VIP clients here tonight. You know the drill, line up," Mitch said, gesturing to the lineup spot in the back of the dressing room.
You all stood in line, a mixture of nerves and excitement swirling inside you. Clients like this could net you a ton of cash, and a ton of cash meant your rent paid, groceries on your table, and perhaps even a bit left over for some pills. You felt yourself growing nervous as you watched Mitch eyeing the girls. You already owed Jordan a ton of money for some drugs; he had been threatening you recently, telling you he would kick you out of the apartment if you didn't get him the cash. You needed a client like this, and the sooner, the better.
You watched as Mitch walked up and down the line of girls, taking a sip from his glass of scotch every now and then. He looked over each girl, sizing them up, picking at someone's outfit, hair, or makeup, shaking his head or sighing before moving on to the next.
"Come on, Mitch, stop playing us like this," Stacy groaned, rolling her eyes. Mitch chuckled.
"Shut it, or I won't pick you, and they are big tippers," he threatened. Stacy scowled, her eyes narrowing, but she fell silent.
Finally, Mitch reached the end of the line and paused; his eyes landed on you. His smile widened, and his eyes lit up.
"Yes, you'll do just fine," he hummed. He reached out and patted your butt, causing you to flinch.
"Alright, Stacy, Tonya, and Y/N, go to the platinum room and take care of the boys. They have requested privacy, so no interruptions, got it? And I want them happy, you get me?" Mitch added, looking at you with lust-filled eyes.
"Of course," Stacy replied, smirking. Tonya smiled and nodded her head.
"Good, go out there and get them drunk," Mitch instructed.
As you and the other girls prepared to head to the platinum room, the door creaked open, and Jordan sauntered in with an air of confidence. He was wearing nice clothes and smelled like cologne. A wide grin spread across his face as his eyes scanned the room, taking in the half-naked girls. He whistled, making a few girls giggle.
"Look at my pretty girls, all dressed up and ready to dance for some filthy rich clients. I'm jealous." He chuckled, running a hand through his slicked-back hair.
"Oh, you're jealous, baby? Don't worry, I'll save some dances for you later," you cooed, walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. He smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips, his hand on your ass.
"I brought something to help you girls relax," he said, holding up a small baggy of pills, you're drug of choice when you danced, molly.
"Ooh, thank you, babe," you said, kissing him again before taking a pill and dry swallowing it. The other girls came over and took a pill, giggling and thanking Jordan.
"You're the best, Jordy," Stacy purred, rubbing his arm and giving him a seductive smile.
"Anything for my favorite girls," he replied, winking at her.
"Alright, now get up there and earn me some money," he said, giving your butt a light smack.
You walked out of the change room and followed the girls down the hall, towards the platinum suite. The blaring music and vibrating bass filled the air, making your heart beat fast and palms sweaty. In the dim lights and smoke, you could see the writhing bodies of the other girls dancing on the stages and in the cages, and the cheering of the male audience as they waved dollar bills in the air.
"Alright, let's do this," Tonya hummed, reaching out and opening the door.
The room was dark, illuminated by blue and purple lights casting a soft glow. Leather couches lined the walls, a circular platform with a pole stood in the middle and a small bar was in the corner. A low beat played in the background. The two VIPs sat on the couch, their features partially obscured.
"Welcome, ladies," an accented voice hummed as the door shut behind you, and you could feel his eyes on you.
"Hi, boys, my name is Stacy, and this is Tonya, and Y/N," Stacy purred, stepping towards them. You watched her hips sway as she moved.
Despite sharing some features, they didn't look much like brothers. Both incredibly handsome, the one who spoke had curly blonde hair and a cocky smirk, while the other had darker hair with a brooding look on his face.
"Hello, gorgeous," The blonde one hummed, his voice smooth, there was something about them that seemed inherently dangerous.
"What can we get you boys? Drinks?" Tonya asked, taking a seat next to the blonde one as Stacy took to the stage.
The three of you had a simple but effective routine, with one dancing while the others entertained the clients. It was a tried and tested method, one you had used many times. Your job was less about seduction and more about understanding what the clients wanted. Some wanted a sexy show, others wanted to chat, and some wanted a more personal experience. You had learned how to read people, knowing which ones were the best tippers and which ones to stay away from.
"Bring me a bottle of your best scotch, and glasses for us, love," the blonde one said, his smirk widening.
"Absolutely, handsome. Anything for you, darling?" Tonya replied, looking at the brooding one.
"Whatever my brother is having will be fine, thank you," he replied, his tone polite.
Tonya's eyes darted from the blonde one to you, signaling that she wanted to approach the blonde one. Which was fine with you; the shy brooding ones were your specialty.
"I'll be right back," Tonya hummed as she stood up and walked over to the bar, where she grabbed a bottle and some glasses.
You moved to the brooding one, sitting down next to him. You could see the muscles under his suit and the sharpness of his jaw.
"And what's your name?" You purred, putting on your seductive persona.
"Elijah," he replied, his dark eyes roaming over you.
"Nice to meet you, Elijah, I'm Y/N," you said, offering him your hand. He took it and brought it up to his lips, gently kissing your knuckles.
"Lovely to meet you, Y/N," Elijah murmured, a small smile gracing his face.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you smiled back. Something about Elijah made you feel drawn to him, like a moth to a flame. You couldn't deny that he was incredibly handsome. As the song changed, you felt the familiar buzz of the drugs flowing through your veins, making your body tingle. You looked over at Tonya, who was giving the blonde one a lap dance. She made eye contact with you and winked, signaling for you to keep the conversation going.
"This would be more fun if you took off your suit jacket, hm?" You suggested, reaching out and playing with the buttons.
"I'll leave it on for now," he said softly, his eyes darkening as he watched you touch him.
"Don't mind him; my brother isn't the biggest fan of these types of places, and he's a bit broken-hearted," the blonde one said, chuckling as he looked over at Elijah.
"Klaus," Elijah hissed, his eyes narrowing. Klaus chuckled again.
"Who broke your heart, handsome?" You purred, scooting closer to him.
"His girl married someone else," Klaus chimed in before downing his scotch.
Elijah scowled, his jaw clenching, before he looked at you.
"I'd rather not talk about it," he muttered, his eyes darting away.
"That's okay; we don't have to talk at all," You hummed, moving onto his lap, straddling him. You could feel the bulge in his pants, and you smirked. He wasn't unaffected by you, no matter how cold he seemed. Elijah's breath hitched, and his eyes widened. He was tense under you, but he didn't try to move away.
You could hear Klaus chuckling in the background, clearly amused by the situation. He had his hands all over Tonya, whispering in her ear as she grinded on him.
You ran your hands down Elijah's chest, your fingers toying with the buttons on his shirt.
"What would you like to do, handsome? We can talk, or I can dance, or we could do other things," you hummed, your voice soft.
Elijah's gaze darkened, his eyes flickering down to your breasts before they darted back up to your face.
"You can dance," he murmured, his voice thick.
You smirked, knowing exactly how to work with the shy ones, to give them what they wanted without them having to admit it.
"Sure thing, handsome," you hummed, climbing off of him. You stepped onto the stage, and Stacy moved away, grabbing her drink from the side of the platform. She winked at you and gestured to the pole before taking a seat next to Klaus. Elijah's eyes were on you, the dim light reflecting in his dark irises. His jaw was clenched, and his hands were gripping the leather couch. You smirked as you wrapped your hand around the cool metal pole, feeling it under your palm. You felt the molly pulsing through your veins and you started to move, your body moving fluidly and sensually, your muscles tensing and flexing. You could feel Elijah's gaze on you, his eyes roaming over your body. You turned your head and made eye contact with him, giving him a coy smile.
"Do you like what you see?" You teased, biting your lower lip. Elijah's eyes flickered up to yours, his gaze intense.
"Yes, you are very beautiful," he replied, his voice low. Your heart fluttered, and you smiled. You usually didn't care what a client thought of you, but there was something about Elijah that made you want to please him. You continued to dance, the song changing, and the bass pounding in your ears. Klaus was enjoying his time with Tonya, who had removed her bra, her breasts inches from his face. Stacy was chatting with him, laughing and touching his arm. The three of you were experts at reading the room; Klaus was clearly the type who liked his girls all over him, while Elijah seemed like the type who liked to watch. So the three of you adjusted, keeping up with their preferences. You kept your attention focused on Elijah; his gaze was intense, his eyes tracking your every move.
You danced for the next hour, the men enjoying the show. Klaus was clearly drunk and was all over Stacy and Tonya, whispering in their ears and touching them. They were laughing and playing along, hundred-dollar bills tucked into their g-strings. Elijah removed his suit jacket, the room becoming too warm for him. Your eyes roamed his body, enjoying the way his shirt stretched over his muscles.
"I'm glad to see you are relaxing, brother," Klaus hummed, his smirk widening.
You stepped off the stage and walked towards Elijah, sitting back down in his lap. You unhooked your bra, tossing it to the side. His eyes darted down to your breasts, and you saw his jaw clench. You smirked, leaning forward and pressing yourself against his chest. He inhaled sharply, his hands moving to your waist. You took his hands and brought them up to your breasts, encouraging him to touch you.
"You can touch me, handsome. You have my permission," you whispered, a mischievous glint in your eye. Elijah's breath hitched, and his hands hesitantly caressed your breasts.
"They're soft," he breathed, his thumbs brushing over your nipples.
"I'm glad you like them," you murmured, smiling.
"Are you enjoying yourself, brother? Having a good time?" Klaus asked, his voice teasing. Stacy was slowly grinding on his lap, his hands gripping her ass.
"Mmhmm," Elijah hummed, his eyes not leaving your chest. You giggled, pressing a kiss to his neck. You could feel his pulse quickening under your lips.
"I'm glad," Klaus replied, his eyes meeting yours. There was a darkness in his gaze, something that made your heart skip a beat.
"I think he's enjoying himself, don't you?" Tonya purred, a smirk on her face as she watched the scene unfold.
"Oh, yes, I think he is," Stacy agreed.
"You should kiss me, Elijah," you hummed, cupping his cheek and leaning in. He hesitated, his eyes wide, his heart racing.
"Go on, brother. Kiss the girl," Klaus urged, his tone playful. Elijah's brow furrowed, but he didn't argue. He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours. His kiss was gentle, tentative, his hands cupping your face.
"You can kiss me harder; I won't break," you breathed, pressing your lips against his.
"You could," he replied, and something about his tone made you wonder what he meant. There was a deep sadness in his eyes, a loneliness that resonated with you.
He kissed you again, his hands sliding down your back, pulling you close, his hands exploring your body, touching your bare skin. He was a fantastic kisser, his lips moving against yours, his tongue invading your mouth. You've had hot clients before, ones that smell nice and feel good, but this was different. There was an energy between you and Elijah that made you ache for more.
You heard a strange sound coming from the direction of the others, and you pulled back, looking over. Your eyes widened, your heart stopping. Stacy was unconscious in Klaus' arms, his mouth was on her neck, his teeth sinking into her skin. Tonya was on the floor, blood trickling down her neck, staining the white marble floor.
Fear flooded your veins, and you began to scream, but Elijah covered your mouth with his hand, silencing you. You struggled against him, terror coursing through your body. He was strong, too strong, his arms wrapping around you, holding you still.
"Relax, sweetheart; you are safe with me. My brother is just a tad greedy," Elijah's voice was calm and soothing. His eyes were locked onto yours, and you felt your fear instantly dissolve. It left you feeling strange, like you were in some sort of trance. You couldn't move, couldn't speak; all you could do was stare into Elijah's deep brown eyes and feel the warmth radiating from his body.
"There, now, isn't that better?" Elijah's voice was hypnotic, lulling you into a peaceful state. You nodded, a small smile on your face.
"Good, that's good," he murmured, a pleased expression on his face. You could still see Stacy and Tonya in your peripheral vision, their bodies motionless, blood pooling on the floor. You knew you should scream, run, call security—anything. But all you could do was sit there, a serene look on your face, Elijah's voice echoing in your mind.
"Such a lovely creature, you are," Elijah's voice was smooth and hypnotic, his hands caressing your skin. His shyness was completely gone, replaced with a calm, confident demeanor. He took your hand, kissing your knuckles, a gesture that sent strange butterflies through your stomach.
"May I?" Elijah's voice was gentle as he brought his lips to your wrist. You didn't understand what he was asking, but you nodded anyway, the words trapped in your throat. Elijah smiled, a genuine smile, and his lips brushed against the sensitive skin of your wrist. He looked up at you, his dark eyes capturing yours, and his teeth pierced your flesh.
It wasn't painful; it felt like a gentle sting, and then a warm, pleasant sensation spread through your body. You were transfixed by his face, his eyes turned completely black, and gray veins appeared underneath his eyes. Elijah's lips were soft, and his tongue was warm as he licked the blood from your wrist, his fangs gently scraping your skin. It was strangely erotic; his movements were sensual, his lips sucking on your skin, drawing more blood from the wound. He pulled back, a drop of crimson liquid falling from his lips.
"Interesting," he murmured, his eyes turning back to normal. "What drugs have you done? I can taste it," he asked, licking his lips.
"Uh, a little ecstasy," you replied, your voice soft and dreamy. He chuckled, and his lips found their way to your neck. His tongue traced the artery, his teeth ghosting over your skin. You shivered, your hands finding their way to his hair, your fingers tangling in the dark strands.
"You're not a gangster, are you?" you breathed, the words tumbling from your lips.
"No, darling, I'm not," he chuckled, his breath warm against your neck.
"Are Tonya and Stacy dead?" you asked, your voice trembling.
"No, they will be fine, and they will be well compensated," Elijah replied, his voice soft and reassuring. "And so will you," he added, his hand gently tracing the lines of your face. You could see Klaus finishing up with Stacy, licking her wounds. He bit his own wrist and poured his blood into his glass, then into the mouths of both women. He smirked, satisfied with himself, and you watched as the bite marks on them healed.
"I don't understand," you said, confused.
"We aren't gangsters, darling; we are something far worse," Elijah said, his lips finding yours again. He kissed you, his lips gentle and warm, his hands caressing your body. He bit down on his own lip, drawing blood, his tongue sliding into your mouth. You tasted the metallic tang of his blood, and you found yourself moaning. He pulled away, his lips curled into a smirk, and his eyes dark.
"W-what are you?" you whispered, fear and desire mingling in your heart.
"It doesn't matter; you will forget all this soon enough," he said, his tone soothing.
"You certainly like that one," Klaus hummed, watching as Elijah gently kissed you again.
"I have an affinity for lost causes," Elijah replied, a soft smile on his face. 
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You found yourself back in the dressing room, looking down at multiple neat stacks of one-hundred-dollar bills. You couldn't remember when you received the money; all you could recall was Elijah's warm brown eyes.
Tonya and Stacy were sitting next to you, the two of them counting the money, giddy as they recounted the events.
"Twenty thousand each, can you believe it?" Stacy asked, her eyes wide.
"We didn't even have to sleep with them," Tonya added, grinning.
"Classy gentlemen they were, didn't try anything," Stacy continued, a dreamy look in her eye.
"Elijah was sweet, shy, but sweet," Tonya hummed.
"And Klaus was so charming," Stacy giggled.
"How much did you make?" Tonya asked, nudging you.
"I'm not sure; I was kind of out of it," you replied, shrugging.
"I'm tired too, I was having so much fun with them I totally lost track of time," Stacy said, yawning.
You looked down at the cash, your fingers grazing the crisp bills. You couldn't remember the last time you'd had this much money, and you could tell the other girls were struggling with the same thought.
"Just a few hours of pouring drinks and a lap dance, and now I can buy a new car," Stacy mused, a contented smile on her face.
"A new outfit, new shoes, fuck a new wardrobe!" Tonya chimed in, a gleam in her eyes.
You counted your money, thirty thousand dollars. You usually earned that much in six months, if you were lucky. You had no idea why the two men had given you so much money, and you didn't want to know.
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{Part Two} {Part Three} {Part Four}{Moodboard->}
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dejwrldarchived · 1 year
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⤷‧₊˚ driver roll up the partition, please.
┊ •° ੈ ⋆° ┊ warning readers discretion is advised — female reader, written with black reader in mind, established relationship between reader and shiu kong (engaged), gangster!shiu, fingering, usage of spit, praise kink (good girl), pet names (doll,sweetie), exhibitionism (kinda), mentions of illegal activities, mentions of reader being a wedding planner, reader calls shiu by his firt name once, mentions of other jjk characters (mainly toji), not proofread at all sorry, standalone one shot for debt, | mdni, other creations
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The two of you have been so busy that even your shared expensive loft apartment felt as if it was brand new and no one lived there. On some nights, the two of you had no energy left in your tank to do anything but crash in bed, wake up and repeat the previous day's routine. Shiu doing whatever illegal activity he had on his agenda. Then you probably planning a wedding that wasn't yours. You were planning a wedding between some lawyer's daughter and this actor. Granted, the demands the couple wanted were a bit much (requesting gold silverware for guests to eat with)—the check looked wonderfully in your bank account. So, your own planning for your wedding was put on the back burner until further notice.
This date night though, you were grateful for. You missed the quality time with your fiancé. You missed him coming inside your office with lunch and you two ate together until work tugged you out of that romantic bubble. You missed him picking you up instead of one of the many private drivers that worked under him. Obviously, you missed the lingering touches of his hands touched by sin caressing random parts of your body. From the small of your back to your feet when they were prompted in his lap after a long day of dealing with bridezillas.
"I have reservations at that restaurant you always wanted to go to." Shiu comments to break you out of the sudden trace of your own thoughts.
"How? They're booked for the rest of the year. Not even one of my clients could get a reservation for her engagement dinner." You broke your gaze from looking out the tinted windows of the car you were in to catch Shiu's reaction.
His lips curve into a smirk before sinking further into the leather seats behind his body. "Doll, you know I have connections. Perhaps the owner owes me a flavor or something." His lips curve into a smile that you couldn't quite read.
Your eyes playfully roll at him before speaking, "If I find out that restaurant is just there to clean dirty money for you, I'm going to kick your ass."
His arm snakes around your body—completely displaying his love language of physical touch. His fingers tap at plush thighs in the rhythm of the song that hummed out the car's speaker. You couldn't believe how much of a charm, the man had on. Simply putting his arm around your waist to bring you closer to him in the back of this car caused goosebumps to flutter upon your brown skin. And he knew this. You could sense his smirk as you glanced ahead humming along to the song on the radio.
Your tongue ghosts over your lips before you feel Shiu lean over to kiss your neck. The scent of his Sauvage Dior cologne swirled up your nostrils causing you to feel intoxicated for him. Your thighs clasp together tightly in the heat of the moment before you nudge him away lightly due to the driver having a clear view of the two of you.
"Kong Si-woo, don't start it!" You warned while shooting him a look.
"He's not paying attention to us—" His words were cut off as the partition of the car was rolled up as if Shiu gave him a cue to do that.
"See, doll. He doesn't care." Shiu's voice comes off as a childish whine before he's back kissing your neck. You even can hear him inhale sharply taking in the scent of your expensive flowery perfume that he adored.
His hand reaches in between your thighs to spread them apart. Now it was you who was inhaling sharply to anticipate what was to come. Your teeth nibble on your lower lip muffling a moan when you felt his fingers rub you through the black thong you wore.
Through the sheer fabric of the Versace dress you wore, your nipples hardened at the feeling of Shiu's hands rubbing your pussy through your panties. Your hips roll just a bit to feel a bit more friction, but a little desperate enough for it to be like you're riding his hand.
With your panties pushed to the side and your leg propped on Shiu's thigh to give him more excess to your pussy. Even though he already knew how wet you were, he brings his index and middle up to his mouth coating it with his saliva.
The pad of his fingers rubs at your clit and instantly sends a shock upon your body causing your legs to clasp shut. Shiu kisses his teeth before prying your thighs back off.
"Come on beautiful, you're soaked and eager for just my fingers." He peppers your jawline and neck with kisses before he tries again to fulfill his need for you—even if that is simply wanting you to cum on his hand.
His fingers rub at your wet folds before his index and middle finger sinks themselves inside you. His fingers immediately curl inside you tapping at that spot that causes your toes to bend in the expensive high heels you wore for the evening. Your body arches off the leather seats and your mouth gasps apart to let out a moan. Like a little sinner, your thighs spread apart further because you wanted more—you craved more.
You knew your Shiu was smirking at your actions before he gave you exactly what you wanted. That's the thing you loved about Shiu. You were pretty sure that he got more off at the thought and actions of you being pleased than actually ensuring he get a nut.
With his fingers knuckles deep inside of your pussy that was causing a mess on the black leather interior of the car, he removes his fingers just in time to see you let out a long drag of his name. His fingers rub at your clit in a slow circular motion to tease you because he adores seeing tears of satisfaction pool upon your lash line and the only thing you can call out is his name.
"Shiu, I'm going to—" Your voice cracks in desperation.
But he knew where this was heading. He knew your body so well that he knew you were unraveling like a fresh pack of yarn. Shiu inserts his fingers again, this time it's three and the pace is much quicker. The sound of his hand slapping against your scorching skin echoed upon the back of the car and drowned the sound of the music.
"Shit." You cursed closing your eyes tight in anticipation of your orgasm. You felt like you were on a rollercoaster and just any second as you were sitting at the top, it would drop down quickly.
"Look at me lovely," Shiu says and you couldn't look at him.
You felt so embarrassed as you were almost cumming on his fingers. The majority of the blood in your face felt like it rushed to your cheeks to make them feel so hot. Your eyes were blurred with tears of pleasure that decorated your lash line like the expensive lash extension set you just got done. Your body felt like it would explode any second and if you looked at Shiu's handsome face—oh boy were going to be a cumming mess in the backseat of this car.
Shiu's finger moves your face to look at him and you fall in love again. As the explosive feeling of your orgasm crashed into you like a reckless car accident, the look that Shiu gave you—you've seen it so many times. When you first met at Nanami's engagement party some months ago—once again you were working that day, but he still made it his mission to leave with your number. The same look when you went on your first date. The same look when you made love for the first time as if you two were the only ones on the planet. When he got on one knee in the middle of your office after a late night of work and sharing many takeout entrees. This look was engraved in the back of your mind because you were so in love.
"That's it, let it all out." His soaked fingers remove themselves from your pulsing cunt to rub at your clit steadily to get you through your orgasm. "That's my girl. Good girl."
Your body vibrates against him while you whimper out his name repeatedly like a sweet tune. Your chest heaves upward and downward as you were trying to tug yourself down the floating cloud your body was on. Shiu places a kiss on the side of your temple before he's searching for napkins to clean up the mess that you made in the backseat.
"Joon, could you just take us home for the evening. My lovely fiancé here suddenly got very tired." Shiu said after pressing the button for the partition to be put down.
"You're going have to ask for another favor from that restaurant owner for another reservation," You pointed out while fixing your underwear and dress.
"Sweetie, I'll do anything to ensure you're happy. Even if that means going to that fuckin' restaurant." He flashes you a smile that you can't help but return.
You truly did love this man.
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┍━━━━━━━♡♡♡━━━━━━━┑ dedication. @maydayaisha + @honeybleed ┕━━━━━━━♡♡♡━━━━━━━┙
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luxuriq · 1 year
A Flower Frozen, His » Ch. 1 | Sub-Zero (Bi-Han)
[ 18+, minors DNI ; dom/sub, degradation, rough, third pov ]
Summary: An elite brothel, The Red Orchid, has sent six girls to their newest client: the Lin Kuei, an old warrior clan. But the brothel is just a front for a highly secretive group of spies, and their objective might be more than simply offering entertainment for the warriors: their target none other than the Grandmaster himself. How will the girls - especially their leader, codenamed Iris - navigate their dangerous mission, and what will happen if they get caught?
→ Reader character is named for clarity reasons, but it's still a reader character, not an OC.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | ...
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Ch. 1 words: 1090
A/N: I've recently been introduced to MK1 and Bi-Han stole my heart in an instant. I mean I should be thanking him, he got me to write again after like 3 years. ( 〃▽〃)
Chapter 1
The Red Orchid was famous for being the best establishment of its kind. Even though their name was known only to people in very specific circles, they’ve earned a nation-wide reputation for their excellent services and discretion. While most brothels offered their entertainment at the location, The Red Orchid specialized in providing long-term and at-home services for their clients. That is why their primary clientele were wealthy individuals and groups, politicians, the emperors of old and even the Earthrealm’s protectors, a warrior clan of Lin Kuei.
She carefully applied some red lipstick as the final touch to the girl’s beautiful, painted face. Just enough to elevate her already natural beauty, and enough to make the girl’s lips visible through the veil, which was coming last and would complete her look.
“And you are ready!” she nodded at the girl in front of her with a smile.
They both stood up. Their preparations were complete.
The Red Orchid offered one more service, one not known to anyone outside their walls. It was only accessible through their sister establishment that served as a false front. They offered information. For the right price of course.
All five girls were perfectly dolled-up, each one in a differently coloured outfit that complemented their body, showing a bit more than appropriate, but still just enough to tease and not reveal. She gave all of them a final once-over and then nodded in satisfaction. They were ready.
She picked up her red fan, which matched her outfit, and opened it with a flick of her wrist. She looked at the girls again.
“Let’s do Madam A proud.”
Madam Azalea was the current headmistress of The Red Orchid. She was a stern but fair woman that took great pride in her work. So even when the nearly impossible request for information came in, she accepted it. Her girls were trained extremely well, and she had her complete faith in them. However, Operation Ice Blue required her best.
“You want us to gather information on who?” the girl with the fan stared at Madam Azalea in bewilderment.
The older woman let out a long puff of smoke, “You’ve heard me, Iris. The Lin Kuei have already requested a group of our girls. Reward for their warriors or something. The opportunity is too great to pass up.”
Iris tightened the grip on her fan. “It is going to be dangerous.”
Madam Azalea brought a slender pipe to her mouth and inhaled deeply, “That is why I’m sending in our very best. And you are going to lead them.”
When Iris walked out onto the makeshift stage, she was momentarily blinded by the lights. She could hear the voices though: men cheering loudly and excitedly. She stopped in the middle of the stage, the lower half of her face hidden behind her red fan. She could see them now, dozens of the famous Lin Kuei warriors, assembled in front of the stage to witness the reveal of the entertainers that The Red Orchid provided specifically for them. All of them tall and muscular, born warriors. She even spotted some women among the crowd.
“Thank you for your warm welcome, warriors of Lin Kuei!” she called. “I am Iris, the handler of The Red Orchid’s entertainers, here on behalf of Madam Azalea. Please enjoy the performance.”
She folded her fan with a loud snapping sound and pulled a silver flute out of the long sleeve of her traditional-looking outfit. As she began to play, the remaining five girls walked on stage and began their dance performance.
Handlers were The Red Orchid’s staple. They refused to just send their girls off without any kind of support. The handlers were there to take care of the girls’ well-being, emotional and physical, and to settle any kind of disagreements between the clients and The Red Orchid entertainers. Moreover, they relayed the information gathered by the spies back to The Red Orchid. As Madam Azalea’s heir, Iris was the headmistress’ most trusted handler and spy, so naturally she was her first choice for Operation Ice Blue. The young woman also had experience in martial arts, but both knew that Iris would be no match for the Lin Kuei.
“Not much is known about the Grandmaster, except for his exceptional fighting abilities. Any kind of information we can get is going to be valuable.”
Iris stared at the hastily taken photo of the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster as she listened to Madam Azalea’s instructions. He was scowling at something outside of the frame and his height and stature made him downright terrifying, but she couldn’t help to notice how handsome he was. Wooing him to bed will be quite a treat.
“His routine, his favourite food, the people important to him, any kind of weakness, anything could be important and sold for a good price, hell, tell us even how he is in bed.”
The performance ended with a thunderous applause and cheering coming from the gathered Lin Kuei.
“Dahlia!” Iris called the first girl’s name, and the latter took a step forward and bowed. “Astra!” She called all the girls on by one, presenting them to the audience. “Camellia! Peony! Jasmine!”
So far, everything was going according to the plan, and the girls performed wonderfully, singing and dancing in the most graceful and alluring way. Iris hoped the rest of the mission was going to go just as smoothly.
The girls started leaving the stage one by one, Iris being the last. Just before she walked off the podium and behind a makeshift stage curtain, she glanced at the crowd. She had spotted him immediately back when she first walked on stage. Just the amount of power and confidence he was exuding made him stand apart from the rest of the warriors. He was wearing his signature blue uniform, his hair tied in a bun with some lose strands falling onto his forehead. His stare was cold, unimpressed, even after their performance. And it was directed at her.
A shiver ran down her spine and Iris quicky averted her gaze, rushing down the two stairs into the backstage area. Her heart was beating fast. She had hoped the rest of the mission was going to go just as smoothly, but that suddenly felt like a distant dream. It is going to be dangerous, Madam Azalea’s words replayed in her mind. It was going to be so damn dangerous when the target of your spying mission is none other than the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei himself.
Next chapter »
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adoremexxs · 1 year
Sweater Weather
Chapter 1
This is a female reader so i’m sorry to everyone.
You are 17 about to turn 18, the Hantengu brothers are 18, Zohakuten is 16.
Everyone in here is 18 unless stated otherwise.
You are an only child, your parents are pretty well off but they are never home because of work.
Further on, there will be mentions of self harm, drinking, and extreme heavy topics so viewer discretion is advised.
You are very pretty and will have confidence because as you should tbh. A lot of guys (Kyojuro) like you.
Urogi is in basketball, soccer and track.
Sekido is on the football team, soccer, archery, honors and debate team. He’s avery studious.
Karaku is in every club known to man, football, soccer, track and is also in honors.
Aizetsu is in soccer, track and he does student council.
I def ain’t proof reading.
That’s all!
You were nervous. This was your first day at your new high school. You played with your hair, the nerves really getting to you! New school, new life, new everything.
You decided to put on your alter ego for now until you were comfortable. Looking down at your schedule, you attempted to find your first class. You couldn’t find it.
You weren’t happy. You wore a frown on your face as you looked around only to see a pretty girl with pink and green hair in braids running towards you…Her outfit did very little to cover her up…
“Oh my God, hi! You must be new! I’m Mitsuri. It’s so nice to meet you. Oh my Gosh, what’s your name?!”
This girl was a bit annoying. You just smile, holding down onto your tongue.
“I’m (Y/N) (L/N). Yes, I’m new here. Your name is very pretty.”
“Aw! Aren’t you such a sweetheart!” Mitsuri grins before a short girl with purple hair tips joins her side.
“Who is this, Mitsuri?”
“Shinobu! This is (Y/N)!” You started to tune them out. They were loud and annoying and Mitsuri introduced you to Shinobu but she gave weird ass vibes so you ignored her. You let them look at your schedule while you just glanced around before your breath caught in your throat, seeing the most handsome man alive!
Tall, tan, long and dark hair with the prettiest yellow eyes and the most blinding smile on his face. Pretty long lashes, pointy little canines, the way he put himself out there was hypnotic. He gave off such good and attractive energy, no wonder why he had such a large group of friends around him!
“Hey, doll.” You were snapped out of your staring by some tall blonde looking bimbo. Long blonde hair, rainbow eyes, pretty face but not as pretty as the other dude. Who was actually looking at you! Holy fuck! Don’t have a panic attack! Oh my God!
“Uh, hey?” You gave the blonde bimbo a weird look, leaning towards Mitsuri and Shinobu.
“Why don’t you come back to my place tonight and we can-“
“Oh, shut up, Douma.” Shinobu spoke up, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. “You are the biggest man whore ever!”
“I’m not as bad as Karaku! Sorry, Urogi.” Douma flashes Urogi an apologetic look and Urogi seemed to have no thoughts behind those pretty eyes.
Urogi? Well, now the pretty boy has a name.
Urogi just smiles, “None taken, Douma. Karaku even knows his own reputation.” He looks back at you, deciding to finally talk to you.
“Why don’t you come party with us? Like, actually. Partying is a good way for new people to make friends.” He actually seems to want to help you make friends. “There’s a party tonight at Douma’s place, my brothers and I will be there. Oh, sorry, I didn’t ask you your name. I’m Urogi and you?” Urogi seems to ramble a lot…
“(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N).” You didn’t care. He’s so handsome.
“She won’t be coming to your party, assholes.” Shinobu glares at the two.
Damn, okay. She has no right to act like that. Fuck you, Shinobu.
“Actually, I’ll go.” Your response makes Shinobu give you a look. Mitsuri was the only one not really judging you! Douma was smiling but Urogi’s face practically lit up so brightly.
“Okay! Cool! Nice to meet you, (Y/N). See you around!” He waves, dragging Douma away with him. You want Urogi to be your husband.
Unfortunately, Shinobu and Mitsuri dragged you off to class that you had with them. They made you sit with some flame haired dude who was too damn loud. You noticed Urogi in your class. Actually, no, this wasn’t Urogi. He looked much meaner.
Everyone was forced to play an Icebreaker. They had to go around and say their names so you learned his name was Sekido. He was devilishly handsome. Oh boy. His features were sharp and narrow, the way his eyes flickered you up and down with that scowl on his lips. Sekido was handsome.
You asked Mitsuri about him since Shinobu would just glare at you whenever you tried to pry information out of them.
“Oh! Sekido Hantengu! Star quarterback, star soccer player, one of the smartest people in the school, can shoot a bow and arrow so well! He’s the oldest of the quadruplets.” Now you were confused.
“Quadruplets…?” You tilt your head and glance over at Sekido to see him already looking at you. The way he looked at you had you weak. He didn’t look exactly like Urogi. Red eyes, long sleeves, longer bangs. His features were different as well but hell, they look pretty damn similar.
“Yeah! Sekido, Urogi, Karaku and Aizetsu.” Mitsuri explains, “All quadruplets. Most handsome guys in this school.”
“You mean the biggest assholes? Remember what Karaku did to you?” Kyojuro opened his big fat mouth and it pissed you off. You just met Urogi but he was nice!
“Why don’t you shut up?” You glared at that ugly flame dude who looks shocked you spoke to him like that. Shinobu just seemed to glare at you more. You didn’t want to be their friends anyways.
You were also curious about what Karaku did to Mitsuri who just frowned, looking a bit sad. You were about to ask her until the bell rang. They said their goodbyes and you packed your things, getting ready to leave before you dropped them everywhere.
“Fuck…” You muttered, going to pick them up. Someone beat you to it. They held out your book towards you, the usual frown on their face.
“Take it. You’ll be late to your next class.” Those beautiful ruby eyes were avoiding eye contact with yours. You thin your lips, taking the book.
“Right, thank you.” You take it back, going to say something but once again, he beats you to it.
“Urogi told me you are going to the party,” He looked a bit sad, “Please avoid Douma. All he wants is sex.” Sekido didn’t give you a chance to even respond before walking off.
Well, damn! Okay then.
You had to go to your next class which was strength and conditioning. You had some smelly, white haired guy in there. He supposedly has three girlfriends from what Mitsuri told you. And his name was like Uzui? Tengen? You didn’t know and didn’t care.
You saw a sad-looking version of Urogi in your class. He had some pretty blue eyes. You wanted to talk to him. He noticed you first though and seemed to shy away.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” You whipped your head around to see Urogi walking towards you. You were so happy because you saw Kyojuro heading your way but stopped whenever Urogi basically tackled you.
He dragged you over to the sad-looking brother.
“This is Aizetsu! Aizetsu, this is (Y/N).”
You wave at him, “Hi.”
He seemed hesitant to even talk to you. “Hey…”
Urogi went to talk until the coach started to talk and made everyone warm up and stretch before they went into the weight room. You decided to work out with Aizetsu and Urogi because you didn’t know anyone else.
Plus you felt the most comfortable with them. Kyojuro scared you. You had to squat and Urogi went to get water for you so that left with Aizetsu to spot you.
It was awkward. Aizetsu had a straight view of your butt and it definitely made him flustered and try not to look because he doesn’t want to see like a perv! This is so awkward. He can’t do it. You were struggling to get the bar up. You regularly work out so for you to squat 235 really impressed Urogi and Aizetsu. You managed to get it up. You were panting and Urogi came back with your water.
“You’re so strong!” Urogi grins, showing off those perfect teeth while Aizetsu nods shyly.
“You’re incredibly strong.”
“Aw! Thank you!” You definitely were having your ego boosted.
Kyojuro came over with his big headed ass. You were instantly annoyed. “(Y/N). Not only are you gorgeous but also strong! What a beautiful thing! We should hang out more.”
“As if she would want to hang out with someone as pathetic as you.” Aizetsu stood there with his head tilted, that sad expression on his face. “You should leave her alone…Remember what happened last time?”
Seriously! What the hell happened last time?!
Kyojuro frowned, “I do. You should watch what you say.”
“Nah, you should watch what you say, Rengkou. You’re only the football captain because your daddy is the coach. If he wasn’t, Sekido and Karaku would instantly replace you.” Urogi was giggling. You felt left out. You wanted to know all the drama between these friend groups!
“I-…Uh.” Fireball couldn’t get a word out so he just glared at the two guys before dipping.
“Okay so like, tell me the drama.” You sit on the box, grinning up at Urogi and Aizetsu.
Aizetsu just frowns, “Sekido’s ex-girlfriend cheated on him with Kyojuro. Kyojuro was rude to him, Sekido kicked his ass. Then Karaku slept with Kyojuro’s best girl friend, Mitsuri, also Kyojuro’s ex and then like Kyojuro and Karaku fought and then Tengen jumped in so then we jumped in and it’s very confusing!” He sighs, sitting a little too close next to you.
“Yeah! Basically that!” Urogi smiles.
Damn! So they got some hella beef. This should be interesting.
It wasn’t long before it was time for you to go home. And whenever you got home, you collapsed on your bed.
Time to get ready for the party, you guess!
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xdarkestdesirex · 6 months
When Faith Meets Juvenile - Chap 3
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This is a Dale Holt x reader story. There's no (y/n) insert. I'm just avoiding the use of the reader's name, and it is female-based. There are hints of physical appearance but nothing in-depth.
This writing contains highly sensitive content like violence, drugs, the use of weapons, abuse, mental illness, hostage situations, talk of suicide, religious abuse, smut, and other mature themes. Reader discretion is advised. MUST BE 18+ TO INTERACT.
I do not allow anyone to copy, alter, or repost my work as their own.
1681-word count
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Two months later
The first week of my senior year of high school has finally ended. I sat in the school library, polishing my outline for the school year. Every year, I create a timeline from the syllabus’ I get from my teachers to make sure I’m getting things done on time and staying on track with my schoolwork. My list this year wasn’t very long since I got ahead of my classes in the previous years. I technically only have three classes every day, but I still show up when school starts and leave later than most kids; ever since that one Sunday two months ago, my parents have had me on extreme lockdown. I haven’t been allowed out of the house to see friends and could only go places if one of my parents took me. The way they’ve been treating me is suffocating, and James, my brother, is loving every minute of it. They usually treat him like this for about a week or two when he gets in trouble, but I feel like they won’t stop with me. 
So I did what every average teen would do; I lied and told my parents I took some extra classes, so I would need to be at school all day. They loved that. Being here gave me the space to be away from them. The clock struck five o’clock, and I began packing my things to head outside. As I was about to exit the library, the librarian told me my father had called, saying I would need to walk home as he needed to be at the church, and my mother could not pick me up. For the past week, my father would be outside the library for at least thirty minutes before I would come out. I think he was trying to see if I would try to sneak back to the library from elsewhere. I never told them what happened and who I was with that fateful Sunday evening. I’m sure my father imagines the worst-case scenario, and I will let him believe whatever he wants. 
Thankfully, I had my MP3 in my bag, so I pulled it out, put my headphones over my head, and blasted my music while I walked on the sidewalk. The sun was setting on the horizon, creating a beautiful painting of pinks, oranges, and yellows in the sky. The air was starting to get cool at night, and the faintest shiver ran down my spine. I was coming up to a mini market that sold various snacks, drinks, alcohol, and cigarettes when I saw a familiar-looking truck. Without realizing it, my feet started to move in the direction of the car. I couldn’t fully see who was in it, but I could see a man’s head. Their hair was brown, and I could see a white t-shirt clinging onto their shoulders. A muscular arm fell out from the driver’s window, holding a cigarette with smoke billowing out into the air. When I got close enough to see the guy’s face and confirmed it was Dale, I stood there staring at him, not knowing what to do next.
“You just gonna stand there and stare at me, Doll?” He said while blowing out another cloud of smoke. 
“I-uh, sorry,” I said. He probably thinks I’m a creep now. 
“Did you want something?” His face turned directly at me, showcasing a dark bruise surrounding his eye.
“Are you okay?” Concern arose in my chest, and I instinctively moved closer to him. My arm reached out to crease his face, but he swatted my hand away with a stern look.
“It’s none of your fucking business.” He spat. 
I was slightly hurt by what he said, but at the same time, it wasn’t my business. I shouldn’t have expected him to tell me anything when we barely knew each other. Without responding to him, I reached into my bag and grabbed my notebook and a pencil. I wrote the number to my family’s phone, ripped the paper from my notebook, and handed it to him. “If you ever want to talk, here’s my number. My parents are strict, so just say you’re in my class and we’re working on a project together. They won’t question you.” It took him a moment before grabbing the paper. “I have to go. Hopefully, I’ll hear from you soon.” He didn’t say anything else as I walked away.  
It didn’t take me much longer to arrive at my house. When I walked in, my mother was finishing dinner, and my brother sat at the dining table with his collage work spread about. He attended a Christian college just a few hours away from Two Rock, studying to become a pastor like our dad. When he announced what he would do, my parents were ecstatic, and my father had already bragged about it to everyone he knew. Ever since James threatened me, our relationship had strained. I always thought he was a good big brother, and I appreciated how he used to look after me. At school, people weren’t the nicest to me, and he would always protect me. He was never rude to me before but would throw side-handed compliments every once in a while. I just thought that’s what siblings did, so I never thought about it, but it was like he saw an opportunity to be better than me. So he took it. It was nice not having him home during the weekdays, but every Friday after his classes, he would drive back home for the weekend. How everything has shifted at home has made my heart hurt in a way I didn’t know was possible.
I walked to my bedroom and set my backpack on my desk chair. Then, I headed into the bathroom and freshened up for dinner. I washed my face to clear it from the bit of makeup I wore during the day and to eliminate any grime that may have formed. I pulled my hair into a braid and returned to the dining room. My brother cleaned his mess up and helped our mother set the table. Across the table sat pasta, spaghetti sauce, salad, and bread. It was my favorite meal my mother would make. Once everyone sat at the table, my brother prayed over our meal, and we started eating. Usually, we would wait for my father to get home before eating, but he informed my mom that he wouldn’t be home until late. “How was your week, darlings?” A question my mom always asked. She acted as the sweet, doting mother in public and at home. I felt like her mask never left. Which was kind of sad to think about because I didn’t know who my mom was. I just knew this persona of her. 
“I got assigned a pretty big project in school today. It will take up the whole year, and then we have to turn it in as a part of our final.” I spoke after swallowing my food. 
“Well, I don’t doubt you’ll do a good job on it!” My mother smiled at me.
“It’s also a partner project. I gave the guy assigned as my partner our number so we could work on it over the phone together.” 
“Thank you for the heads up, sweetie.” 
I knew that telling her this in advance would show her I wasn’t hiding anything from them and that working over the phone would be better than going out with some guy. Unfortunately, I couldn’t give him a personal number because I don’t own a phone. My parents don’t think having one while I still live with them is necessary, but they said they would buy me one as a present if I were to move away for college.
“Could your partner’s name possibly be Dale?” My brother said with a devilish smirk.
I stopped mid-chew to glare at my sibling across the table. “His name is Luca Smith,” I flashed an innocent smile at my brother. I used the name of a guy in my class that my brother knew so he couldn’t question whether this person existed. 
“Who’s Dale, sweetie?” My mother inquired. My brother opened his mouth, but I spoke before he could say anything.
“Just a guy in my class who doesn’t put effort into anything and relies on others to get him a passing grade.”
“He must have made quite the name for himself if your brother knows of him,” My mother shook her head. She’s acting disapproving, but little does she know James would do the same thing.
“Oh, you have no idea,” James leaned back into his chair. He’s playing a game with me, making one move at a time until he gets a checkmate. And I don’t doubt he’ll get there eventually. Maybe I should just be honest with them? It would be better coming from me than having my brother tell them. He would probably make it out to be something it’s not, which would be even worse. And if I tell them first, it wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of ‘busting’ me. The distant ringing interrupted my thoughts, and my mother excused herself to pick up the phone stationed in the living room. I could only hear faint mumbling and then her walking back to the dining room. 
“Honey, it’s Luca,” She extended her slender arm out to me with our Nokia in the palm of her hand. 
“Oh, uh, can I be excused from dinner?” I hesitantly grabbed the phone from her.
“Of course! And don’t worry about cleaning up. Your brother can do it for you.” I said a quick thank you and walked down the hall to my bedroom. I bet my brother is happy about doing my chores. Once the door was closed behind me, I sat on my bed and took a deep, shaky breath. Why am I so nervous to talk to him on the phone? Another second passes before I hold the phone to my ear and say,
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AHHHH, YOU GUYSSS. If you haven't seen my recent news, I'M ENGAGED!!!!! I'm excited about this new chapter of my life, and so many things will change. I will be planning a wedding while also preparing to move halfway across the States to be with my fiance. In a previous post, I mentioned that he's in the military. We'd been dating for a few years before he enlisted, and it was EXTREMELY hard having him gone for about 9 months. So thank you, everyone, for being patient while he was home again so I could give him my undivided attention before he moved. Even though things will be a bit crazy, I don't plan on slacking with this story; in fact, I've been itching to write with all these ideas and storylines just floating around in my head. I'm excited for y'all to be a part of this journey with me and to have this story as my baby through it all, too, lol.
Stay tuned for another post soon 👀
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airasora · 1 year
I was listening to my old French music collection, as one does (they're songs that were popular when my dad was little and that my grandmother loved, so they're very special to me) and I came across one that gave me an idea related to the stuff you've been posting recently and especially the yandere Quasimodo post.
The song is called Les Marionnettes, by a singer named Christophe. And I've always found it a bit creepy. At first it's all happy and peppy and upbeat, with the singer explaining that he makes puppets for a living, and the material he uses, and that he would like to introduce you to them because they're all so very cute. He introduces you to "the prettiest one", who knows how to say Papa and Mama, and next to her is her brother, who can tell if it'll rain or be sunny tomorrow. The chorus about wanting to show you the pretty puppets repeats but it's kinda more forceful. Next we have "a little clown that makes us all laugh", and that turns every day into a party. Even "poor little Alexa", the puppet next to the clown, forgets that she's been crying ever since she was made. He launches on another tirade about how he makes them, but by the end he sorta sounds hysterical, and starts screaming about how the puppets will tell you, the listener, that he's their friend. And the fade-out is him dissolving into that, "I'm their friend, I'm their friend, I'm their friend!"
So the idea I had... Well, Quasimodo makes dolls, right? And they're based off real people he's seen from the roof. I was thinking of a Quaselle version of that scene with Esmeralda where he shows her his workbench and the stuff he makes. Only, there's a very special part to the collection: the puppets, the ones he took time to make fully articulate because they're his favorite. I was thinking the prettiest one is Alice, since the Papa Mama thing implies that it's a child. Her "brother" I'm not sure, Peter maybe. The happy clown is Clopin, mostly because of the clothes (the french word used can suggest a variety of types of clowns harlequins etc, not just the typical 🤡 look). And the last one I'm not sure, but it could even be Esmeralda.
Belle is super impressed by the level of craftsmanship; if the regular dolls were good, these ones look like real people!
Except, she realizes, they ARE real people. They're people Quasimodo grew to care for, one way or another, and got lured into the tower, where he turned them into dolls (what exactly he did is at your discretion, I'm thinking a painless death and preserving the body or some form of paralysis, maybe both like in that one episode of Criminal Minds) to be able to look after them and protect them from the evil world.
The next thing Belle realizes is that the door is locked.
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regallibellbright · 2 years
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[ID: Six images of a crocheted amigurumi doll of Lea from Kingdom Hearts, shown in the outfit he wears during the end credits of 3. The first shows the amigurumi as a whole, lying flat. The second shows a closeup of its hair, long red triangular spikes, viewed from the side, and the tiny collar on its plaid undershirt just above a black hooded jacket. The third focuses on its plaid shirt, here crocheted in brown with plaid embroidery. The fourth shows a side view of its jacket and sleeves. The fifth shows its legs, bent, and crocheted black boots. The sixth shows Lea sitting next to a doll of Xion, in a matching outfit, sitting on a wooden jewelry box and waving to the viewer. Xion’s legs are dangling over the side, while one of Lea’s is bent to almost lean against the edge of the box. End ID]
A (MUCH) more detailed breakdown under the cut!
Figured I may as well get around to a writeup on this guy, too! Behold! This doll gave me tendonitis for two years. (That’s reductive, of course, but I AM pretty certain those hair spikes were a turning point in the Great Repetitive Stress Injury of 2020.) Still pretty dang proud of it, though. Which is good, because where Xion’s outfit caused me trouble by being Things Not Meant For Crochet, Lea’s outfit caused me trouble by being doable, just hard.
For a start, those hair spikes. There’s somewhere in the neighborhood of 25-30 of them, of varying lengths, and NONE of them want to stay straight. I’ve managed to maintain some semblance of spike through blocking and then re-straightening them a bit by sewing red yarn back and forth through them, but there’s more than is feasible to do at a time, and frankly the hair physics in 3 are such that I don’t mind some of the twisting inwards compared to perfectly outward spikes. I figured these discrete ones would be easier than the more connected spikes I’ll eventually be doing for Roxas (don’t ask me how I plan to do Roxas’s hair. I’ll figure it out. Probably as I’m doing it,) which is one of the reasons why Lea came first.
The plaid is also less intimidating than checkerboard. I obviously had to scale the pattern size up a fair bit to stay visible and doable on a doll who’s about, eh, twelve to fourteen inches tall? I can’t find a tape measure at the moment but he’s a few inches taller than Xion, though not as much as their actual in-game height difference. Most of that’s in the legs (and therefore proportionately arms). He’s a noodle. But for someone who isn’t an embroiderer, I’m pretty happy with how it turned out - that shirt’s actually a rectangular piece of crochet that was embroidered once I made it, and then wrapped around the doll and sewn on in position. It even has a little collar! The light here doesn’t do justice to his jacket/hoodie/overshirt, but I also think that’s pretty neat shaping, at least given I’d only learned to crochet about three years before I made him. The hood at the back is stuffed to add some volume, and then the edge of the coat isn’t sewn on, so it can stay fairly loose. The sleeves were another simplification - there’s a lot of layers of fabric in play there, and adding another underlayer of sleeves that would barely be seen seemed like more trouble than it was worth for strict accuracy’s sake.
Of course, I say that, but I went to a LOT of trouble rewatching the end credits to figure out just what color that shirt and pants were. The end credits where these outfits only ever appear in sunset lighting, which causes a lot of trouble when you’re trying to find reference material. The shirt, I was happy to realize, wasn’t another black-on-black issue like Xion’s blouse (again, great look, but black yarn absorbs all detail,) but instead appears to be a gray or very dark brown under that plaid. I could work with that. Or at least, there’s enough of a brownish tint to the fabric that I could use it as an excuse to vary up the colors, since I had a brown yarn in the right general family. I was figuring this out in late 2019/early 2020 - this was a project that took MONTHS, both because there are so many moving parts and because I was still taking commissions from family at the time... and those commissions were contributing to a repetitive stress injury that would turn into two years of tendonitis.
So at the time, I had enough perfectionist tendencies in me to try and get the color JUST right. Were the shirt and pants the same color? Not quite, but probably too close to really differentiate with what I'd realistically be able to find. Okay, so what color are they? Black? Gray? Brown? Dark red? It’s hard to tell in that sunset lighting in the prerendered cutscenes, even taking screenshots.
And then reMind came out, and included a second runthrough of the end credits cutscenes. This was pretty great, and I was paying close attention as we approached the Twilight Town segment so I could get a better look.
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[ID: A close-up screenshot of Kingdom Hearts 3′s ending cutscene. Specifically, it’s a zoom on some of the details on Lea’s outfit from the ending, showing his jacket, long plaid shirt, and dark brown pants with leopard print. End ID]
I’m not even sure this was VISIBLE in the original version of the cutscene, though I’m not certain because we initially reached it with me crowding around a much smaller screen, at like 2 AM because we’d realized it was entering endgame that night after freeing Aqua and had decided to play through and, well. You all know how long the last sequence of the game after that is, right? Anyway, we reached it both overwhelmingly emotional and exhausted, and at the time I was too focused on the fact that they finally had new outfits to take in every individual detail the way I would once I actually started crocheting them. Plus, my immediate priority was Xion. I figured Lea would follow at some point.
I’m not an embroiderer. I can’t do knots, and while I’d like to pick it up it’s one of those skills where as far as I can tell I will actually need not just a demonstration, but a person who can physically move my hands through the motions once so I can imitate that. (Dyspraxia is fun.) Those pants are the tubes of Lea’s legs, and they are very narrow, and they are not stuffed, because they’re actually filled with wire that makes him bendable. I wasn’t touching the leopard print. I can by now conceive of a future where, having this whole set done, I maybe make a second set and give them to someone or donate them somewhere so I can write down Xion’s outfit pattern notes and eventually sell the patterns as a set. (Provided the second Lea doesn’t ALSO give me tendonitis.) But I don’t think I’d be able to do the leopard print even then. Just. No.
Any other notes? Let’s see - the hair is made of spikes overtop a red cap, essentially, that is itself sewn over the doll head. (Xion’s and Namine’s hair are one connected piece coming from a similar round circular ‘cap’ - I haven’t finished Namine’s hair yet, but I feel confident hers will follow the same basic principles.) The boots are, I’m pretty dang sure, done so that the round that changed to the brown of his pants was back loops only, and then the tops were done overtop that. There’s a tiny bit of sculpting there, though it’s not really visible, to add heels. I think I’ll be doing Namine’s sandals with actual heels, at least if my plan for them works, so I might end up adding Lea’s as a touch up after. Still, gives a nice effect and layering while being easy to do. He is, unsurprisingly, even more top-heavy than Xion - that hedgehog hair needs to be properly braced for him to sit upright. But it makes me happy to see them sitting on my shelf. (I am DEFINITELY going to figure out a tiny sea salt ice cream for them all once Roxas is done. Maybe tiny velcro sticks?)
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ppatricia34me · 2 years
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸Cabin Fever 🌸🌸🌸🌸
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸Part 3🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
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Warnings, this story is for people 18 and older, and may contain content others might find upsetting such as kidnapping, drugs, Yandere, and Overprotective, also I do not condone the Behaviors displayed in this story and just because I have written it with my name as the main character, does not mean I would ever do this, this is Strictly for fun and not a Reflection of who I am as a person, with that out of the way enjoy.
Also Additional chapter warning, this Chapter has a little bit of Violence in it, and Mentioning scars very briefly at the end viewer discretion is advised.
LOL one more thing, I'de like to Thank @timidpumpkin for being super nice and supportive of my writing as well as my IRL best friend for looking over my story and gaveing me wonderful feedback!!
“The crate has Several tools you're going to need because once the drugs whaer off, they won't be cute and cuddly like they will be today! They will try to fight you!” Brax spoke.
I quietly stepped toward their room, peering at them from the frame, they looked so cute all dazed and half asleep, I let out a Shaky breath, my checks were red and my eyes began to blur with tears, A Quiet Creek of the door was info to tell me Sunny and Brax left, leaving me in the quite lonely Cabin with tow men who loathed me, I sunk onto the floor, quietly sobbing, not wanting to wake up the Subdued super soldiers.
“W..Why are you crying Cupcake?”steves sleepy dazed voce spoke up.
My head swung up to meet his gaze, Steve Sloppily punched Bucky's shoulder, Bucky Let out a wine but soon softened.
“Aww baby doll, those starry eyes shold never be full of tears, only shooting stars~!” Bucky groggy spoke, A dazed smile on his Rough lips.
Steve Struggled to push the Large dark blue comforter off his body, But he did and wubled over to me.
His large arms Engulfed me as he Lifted Me off the flor and walked over to the bed, placing me in the Middle of the bed, steve soon joined us.
Bucky cuddled close to me, his face softly nuzzled into the side of my neck, and Steve's strong arms held me close, My body felt so warm and safe, my eyes Softly fluttered closed, My mind content of the possibility of this becoming the new Norm.
(The Next morning Patricia POV)
I felt a strange heaviness over my body,I tried to shift it off but I coulnt move, I could feel hot and raged breath on my neck and that's when my eyes shot open.
Pinning my wrists above my head was Steve Rogers, His large muscular frame keeping me trapped, Bucky wasnt in the bed.
“WHY DID YOU BERING US BACK, THIS IS BORDERLINE KIDNAPPING!” Steves Enraged dominant voice boomed through the cabin.
“S..Steve please, I’m not your enmay!” I Nervously exclaimed.
“YOUR NOT ANSWERING MY QUESTION, IS THIS SOME SICK GAME TO YOU!” Steve boomed back his grip on my wrists tightening.
“Its not, I...I Just want you to be happy, for all of us to be, You can live the 40’s dream!” I Squeaked out.
“YOU THINK THIS IS THE DREAM, BEING TRAPED BY SOME CRAZED FAN GIRL THAT DROOLS OVER US, AND WERE ANYTHING BUT HAPPY, WE HAVE ALOT ON US RIGHT NOW, WE DONT HAVE TIME TO PLAY HOUES WITH SOME LITTLE GIRL!” Steve cruelly snarled, he Roughly pushed me off the bed by my wrists, coseing me to Fall to the floor in a rag doll like position, at this pont I got a good look at him, Surprisingly he was in his navey blue Super suit, Heavily worn out and exposed the chainmail underbelly in several spots, any Signs of a squeaky clean Golden Boy persona were gone.
I began to crawl away from him but his Carbon fiber arm Gauntlet Shield, Punctured a piece of my dress and scratched my leg cuting it in a nasy Scratch.
I Winced and my gaze caught Buckys, he was in the door way.
“GO CALL THE POICE BUCK!” steve called out and bucky ran.
Steve grabbed me by the back of my night gown, my legs dangled off the flor, I looked at him winde eyed, he smirked and threw me once angan, my body landad with a havy thund,but thankfully i landand Close to the coffee table where my cell phone was, I weekly grabbed it and heald it close, Steves Intimidatingly footsteps were geting closer, I knew what i had to do, I opened the app and pressed a button, steve stoped and grlaerd at me, there was a beep and steve fell to his knees as pink Electricity filled his body, knocking him out.
I stringed to get up, but managed to and ran out of the cabine, I step over a knocked out Bucky and liped to the rtranger station.
I threw open the door and threw my cell phone at Brax.
They all looked at me as tears ran down my cheeks and I shook.
“I..I need to leave!” I cried out, and with that, they helped me, they booked me a hotel and Assisted my injuries, they packed my bags and i left in my car.
( Later that evening Patricia's POV)
I lay with my back on the soft queen bed, staring up at the ceiling, It was heavily decorated with cherubs and a Chandelier.
At times like these i regretted leaving my phone with Brax, I Lazily turned to my side and leaned over to grab my bag, my eyes lit up upon seeing my laptop, I knew my dear Worker bees wouldn't leave me hanging, I opened it up and taped in the password, i looked threw my emails, I smiled softly at the list of Designs my boss sent me, it was a nice Distraction, Venus Da Perla was the big boss of Heart’s Desire dating Agency, she was insatiable, always keeping her boy toys of husbands on close leaches, they never talked, even when they were on there own, they Reminded me of judgmental cats, Highly pampered And spoiled rotten to the core. 
There was a part of me that wanted what she had, and I saw her as an inspiration, Although my idea of the Perfect husband wasn't as Prissy and submissive as hers, I still wanted a man who would Drown me in affection.
 I bite my lip at the thought of sending her an email asking her how she did it?
Maybe she could give me tips for my own love life, but before i did an Extra email came in from her discussing the possibility of a video call in a few weeks to check in, I let out a sigh of relief, My eyes scanned the digital calendar and I chose a date and a Time and quickly sent it over, then I began tackling my list.
(1 week later Patricia POV)
“Three and a half days, They should be happy they werent Neutered along with the chip!” My friend Mackenzie spoke, Venom and cold laughter seeping through her tone as her eyes wondered to the Rather long scar on my leg.
I had checked out of the Hotel that morning and met up with a few friends at the mall, Sunny had Message them on my behalf.
“Give an inchen and theyll run a Mile!” My other friend Carly spoke, her voce Chillingly calm as she flipped through her book.
Mackenzie, Carly, Isabelia, Emma and Quinen were all from my cloge, Emma wroked at Heart’s Desire dating Agency too, Carly worked at a Rather serious government design agency, she Wore a white button-up and a dark royal blue cardigan with a matching pleated skirt as a uniform, Mackenzie worked for herself, she was a no nonesace kind of women, and very surprisingly was dating Brax, Isabelia Was a High fashion influencer, she came from a very rich background and worked hard to stay there, Quinen was a Photographer for an Adult magazine, he was very good at what he did, but his gaze was never lustfull towored the Models, he was very Professional for he had eyes for only one women, a sweet young women by the name rosey, she worked For a catering company and the two met by chance.
Isabelia smiled as she sundley got up, taking my arm in hers.
“Let's have some fun, make those guys' heads spin!” Isabella giggled as she pulled me up, I gave her a big smile.
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oneprompt · 2 years
Hello, Franny! How are you doing? I hope you are doing well! Don't forget to take breaks and take care of yourself!
Franny, can I please request sfw promt №13 “We both have a crush on them , don’t we?“ for Frobin x shy!fem!Reader? If it makes you uncomfortable you can delete it!
Thank you for wasting your time on me!
authors note : im doing quite alright , a bit demotivated from writing but ...! Yknow .. i'll try my best to remember to do those things as i always forget to this was so fun to write .. i love polyam stuff and frobin ?? oh , anon .. you know me all too well. please enjoy , my angel <3
Franky x Robin x Shy! F! Reader : " We both have a crush on them , don't we ? "
Robin's extra spawn of arms fastened an endearing bow around your neck, holding up your newest bikini. She insisted on taking you out shopping, buying things to break out from your 'comfort zone.' After all, it was summertime... You could certainly hide in clothing the entire time, but it would break Robin's heart to see you fall ill to the wicked forces of sun stroke. Plus, it was also an excuse for Robin to indirectly indulge in a guilty habit of hers: retail therapy. You and her originally just went for the bikini, and a shall but alas, that wasn't enough to build an adorable fit for the Sunny. You got new wedged sandals, and a pair of sunglasses to match your gal pal.
      "Come out, Y/n. I'm sure you look lovely," The older woman giggled, cheek resting in her palm. Robin was already out on the ship deck, waiting for you as you changed in the bathroom. Her outfit was more or less, like the polar opposite of the one she had just purchased for you. A small black bikini with a skirt bottom that resided down to Robin's ankles, sunglasses hiding her pearly blues, and a large sunhat preventing the sun from burning her once you two sat down.
And as if you were on a queue, you stumbled out of the bathroom. The bikini Robin had so graciously gotten for you was quaint. A light pink two piece decorated with white flowers, the heels plain white, as well as your sunglasses. You couldn't fight the rapidly expanding blush on your face once you noticed Robin's expression brighten up ever so slightly, a light chuckle slipping past her lips. "Do i look alright?" You asked, avoiding eye contact with the tall woman. Sure, Robin was your best friend but you couldn't help but get flustered around her, especially with her staring at you so intently.
    "Beautiful," she hummed, grabbing your hand. "Let's go sit down and show everyone how cute you are, mhm?" Robin used her free hand to push down her glasses ever so slightly, fluttering an endearing wink at you. From the sensation of her delicate fingers intertwined with yours, to that heart quaking wink, you felt like you were gonna explode, your face acting as the hot ticking time bomb to it all. You couldn’t do anything but nod rapidly at her words, eyes squeezed shut to try and ignore the rather... fruity thoughts that resided in your system every time you looked at Robin. 
Even as you two walked further along the ship, rearing close to the rest of the crew, Robin’s touch against your hand never ceased. She kept your hand secure in her own, holding it softly. You couldn’t help but let your thoughts grow frantic. Was your hand too clammy? Could Robin feel your hands tremble at every light squeeze she gave your palm? You were basically vibrating by the time you two reached the main deck, now on full display to the crew. 
     “You two look mm...suuuuuuper!” Franky beamed, his booming voice overshadowing Sanji’s sorry excuses of compliments and flirtation. Robin laughed quietly at her lovers praise, side eyeing him discretely. 
Robin held your hand tighter then moments prior, “you think Y/n looks pretty? I said the same, but the poor doll won’t agree,” she smirked at Franky, leaning closer to you.
Franky grinned before lowering his shades, raising an eyebrow at you. “You look suuper pretty, you sure are a sight for sore eyes.” His flirty smile only expanded at your reaction, the way you shyed away from his gaze, your cheeks returning to their crimson state. Robin laughed at the two of you, both the way you tried to hide behind your hands and the way Franky continued to unleash mountains of praise towards you, a dopey smile glued on his face. 
Your brain felt 100% discombobulated, a whorl wind of thoughts racing through you. Your brain couldn’t keep up with your heart, the way it swayed back and fourth for the couple before you. Was it weird to have a huge crush on your best friend as well as her cyborg boyfriend? Or was this normal? Curse the world for making you feel so taboo for wanting a hand spawning girlfriend and a 7 foot robotic boyfriend...! I mean, monogamy was the norm and you couldn’t help but feel wrong for craving this type of relationship. Would people look down upon you guys? Wait-! You’re getting waay ahead of yourself! How do you know Franky and Robin would ever want you in that way? What if they were just an... overly friendly couple? Surely, that’s what it was. Just too smiley, and too touchy. Right? Right.. Right! 
         “You- you two are just saying that..” You murmured, shifting your gaze from Robin to Franky every two seconds. Robin’s hand pressed onto your shoulder, looming over you with a soft smile. 
         “Don’t be so humble, Y/n. You’re adorable,” Robin’s hand wandered to your hair, giving you a slight pet before returning her hand to your shoulder. Your eyes darted away from Robin, only to be met by Franky. You peered up at him, just about to turn your head away before he went off once more. 
         “Totally! So cute,” Franky snickered, his hand looped around you and being left behind on Robin’s hand. You were like an ice cream cone beneath them, melting from the small touches that would forever linger on your skin. Being smoothered and spoiled by two tall beauties was certainly an experience. Not that you were complaining, quite the contrary. Their large frames lingering over you, hands giving you touches that left you feeling secure and loved. 
You were basically out of breath from psyching yourself up too much, your glossy lips sealed shut. You placed a hand over your heart, finally trying to catch your breath. 
        “U-um, i’ll be back! I have to quickly go fix my hair..!” You nearly gasped out, your face matching the shade of red that resided on Franky’s hawaiian shirt. Both Franky and Robin lifted their hands off of you, watching you rush away from the deck with an endearing gaze. Even as you almost tripped over your wedged heels, their looks of admiration failed to waver. 
Once the couple heard the bathroom door fly shut, they looked at one another, trading knowing smirks to one another. 
       “You like her, don’t you?” Robin pushed her sunglasses up, leaving them to rest in her hair line. Her expression was smug, eyebrows thrown upwards as she gave her lover a sly gaze. Franky laughed at her words and gaze, hands placed on his hips. 
       “Says you, you super like Y/n, too!” Franky laughed loudly, earning a giggle from Robin as she nodded her head. 
       “Soo... we both like her?” Robin’s smile graced itself into the form of a smirk, arms crossed over her chest. Once more, she earned a nod from Franky. Robin looked from him to the bathroom door, awaiting your return as she conjured up ideas. “Are you thinking what i’m thinking?” she cooed, leaning up against Franky’s side, one of her hands stroking along his arm, fingers tracing along the star tattoo that branded his wrist. 
     “Oh, ya. I know exactly what.” Franky smiled widely down at Robin, one of his large hands lingering along the small of her back. 
      “Oh, splendid.”
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isngh8n · 3 years
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wishing him good luck — sunghoon.
pairing/s : idol bf!sunghoon x fem!reader
genre : smut, suggestive, mirror sex, unprotected sex, breeding kink, oral (male receiving)
word count : 1.0k
warning/s : 18+ content, read at your own discretion, minors dni
note : lowercase intended ! didn't proofread because i immediately wrote this down after seeing the concept film (especially the scene in the pictures above), so if you see grammatical and typographical errors, please don't mind them.
today is enhypen's shoot for one of their concepts, scylla, which is for their upcoming comeback. the whole place is wrapped in tension and stress even thought everyone tried hard not to let that happen.
the production staff were running here and there, getting the backdrops and rooms ready, since this whole thing is a huge and important deal to everyone as it's the group's first full album.
a few minutes more and the shoot started. you sighed, taking a sit and continued fixing your brushes for the retouch later. yes, you're one of their make-up stylists, and to be specific, park sunghoon, your boyfriend's make-up stylist.
it is your responsibility to doll him up for this shoot and the urge to kiss him in front of everyone after applying his lip tint is overwhelming that you had to take big gulps of water.
"cut! great job, boys. everyone, let's have a 20-minute break! retouch them, too," the director said. you quickly went to the room where your boyfriend is resting, walking-sprinting with your bag of make-up clutched in your arms.
when you opened the room and found him alone, you were greet by his prince-like visuals surrounding the room as mirrors served as the wall which reflected his beauty.
"hi, how was the shoot?" you asked, setting your things on the corner, but you weren't aware of the stare he gave you. "i'm nervous and it's stressing me out," he pouted.
"aw poor hoonie, what can i do to boost you up, babe?"
he smirked knowingly at you, and before you knew it, he's kissing you hungrily as if he's starving from your taste. "let's be fast," he said as he pushed you further more until your back hits the door.
you put your arms around him and kissed him deeply, you heard the sound of the knob locking and that made you smile from the kiss. "babe, i wanna reward you first," you said.
sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and only got the hint when you dropped on your knees and started to unzip his pants. you quickly took out his semi-hardened length and gave it a few pumps and teased the tip with kitten licks.
you looked up and saw him watching you intently with pursed lips, eyes full of lust and anticipation on what are you going to do next. once he's hard enough, you decided to suck on his tip. a quiet moan came out from his mouth as the warm feeling of your tongue playing with the slit of his tip made him tremble a bit.
hearing sunghoon moan is music to your ears, you did not hesitate this time to take him whole in your mouth until the tip hits the back of your throat, making you gag. because you don't have enough time left, you bobbed up your head up and down his cock as you suck on it like a child's lollipop.
you looked up at sunghoon only to see his eyes closed, neck craned up and lips parted, breathy moans and low grunts escaping his mouth. he really sounds beautiful, not just in singing though, and only you got the privilege to hear his beautiful moans.
when you felt him twitch inside your mouth signaling he's close, he held your head and took his dick out. "stand up," he ordered. he was fast to pull your pants and underwear down, using all his strength to turn you around and bend you, facing the mirror.
"twelve minutes left," you said to him. he nodded and teased your wet entrance with his tip before sliding in without difficulties. you moaned out when you felt sunghoon go deeper than usual, he feels huge inside you. you will never get used to his size, you thought.
sunghoon pounded you from behind, eventually choking you to make you stand. he pushed you a bit unt your body is pressed against the mirror, you looked to your right and saw how he fucks you in his concept outfit.
"fuck, you're so tight," sunghoon groped one of your tits as his thrusts became faster.
"hoon, please... i'm close," you literally begged.
the room is filled with both of your moans and whimpers, the sound of skin slapping and sunghoon's grunts. the building knot in your stomach's about to explode.
"hold a little longer, baby, i'm close too..." he answered, bending you again a bit. you screamed as sunghoon hit the right spot. "oh, you like that, huh?" he asked and continued to thrust into you deep and fast.
"hoon, i'm gonna cum...!" you're clenching like crazy around him which is driving him nuts as well.
"cum for me, babe," he said and that's what it took you before moaning his name as you cum.
you felt sunghoon cum inside you as well, still thrusting into you as you both ride your highs. you met his eyes through the mirror on your left and gave each other a weak smile.
sunghoon pulled out slowly, making you whine, the feeling of being empty is back again not until he saw his cum dripping down your cunt.
"nah uh, you got to keep this inside you," he said as he collected the string of cum with his dick before inserting it inside your pussy. you moaned a bit loud due to the overstimulation.
sunghoon seems like he can't get enough of you and would risk to ditch the shoot for you, since he thrusted in you several times before actually pulling out, giving you one last hard thrust, before pulling your clothes back up and telling you to fix his make-up.
once you're done with him, you gave him a quick kiss with a slight grab on his crotch which made him moan, you leaned in and whispered, "i wish you good luck, baby. see you later when you do well," before fixing yourself and leaving the room with a dumbfounded idol inside since the break is done, walking towards your spot as if sunghoon didn't just fucked his cum inside you a few minutes ago.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝐺𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑅𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑇𝑤𝑜 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 (𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)
Warnings: NSFW content including somnophilia (obviously consensual), lactating kink. Illusions to infidelity (which I do not condone nor encourage). Read at your own discretion. Older/Aged up Ateez but age differences are still within legal boundaries.
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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Opening his eyes, Hongjoong let out a tired smile as he looked at your peacefully sleeping figure. He was glad that both of you had a good night's rest and the baby in the next room didn't wake you up. Caressing your cheek, he blushed as he remembered the previous night with you.
Getting up, he picked up his discarded sweatpants and quickly slipped them on before going over to the window. Opening up the blinds just a tiny bit to let in a little light, he looked back over when he heard you moan in your sleep.
"Hongjoong..." You whimpered unconsciously.
By the way you shifted inside the blankets, Hongjoong knew you were more than likely rubbing your thighs together. It might have been a little early, but if you needed him, how was he supposed to deny you especially when you called out so cutely for him.
You fluttered your eyes open when you felt kisses being pressed against your jaw that soon traveled to your neck, hips involuntarily bucking up when you felt your lover's hard on rub against your clit.
"Morning babygirl. Did you miss me that much already?" He teased you, a light chuckle emanating from his lips as he began inserting himself into you.
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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It was still the early hours of dawn yet Seonghwa was fully awake. His hand was tenderly caressing your hip as he continued to admire your body. Although he had done a lot of that the night before, it still wasn't enough for him. Every mark on your body that detailed the pregnancy you went through was absolutely beautiful for him.
Unable to bear it any longer, he slowly crawled his way underneath the blanket where he positioned himself right in between your thighs. He started off by peppering kisses along your stretch marks, his tongue occasionally poking out every now and then. When he finally reached your mound he didn't hesitate to start licking tenderly and slowly at your folds, trying not to abruptly wake you up.
You thought you were in a lucid dream until you opened your eyes and saw someone shuffling under the covers. Pulling some of the blanket to the side, your head rested back on the pillow as you let out a moan when you saw Seonghwa's head buried deep between your legs.
"Morning gorgeous." He greeted you as he smiled against your clit before giving it a suckle that made you want to squirm away from him, but his hands on your thighs prevented you from moving.
"Just stay down and get comfortable beautiful. I'm not coming out of here for a while."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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"I don't wanna get up just yet." You let out a croaked whine as you nestled closer against your equally half tired half awake husband.
"We don't have to, it's still pretty early." He told you as the arm that was wrapped around you lightly tapped on the side of your hip.
You tried to wrap one leg over Yunho's but your face grimaced as you felt the dull sting of his thrusts from the night before. Noticing your reaction, Yunho chuckled.
"Did I accidentally go too rough on you? Did I break you yet again?" He cooed mockingly at you as he pinched your nose, which made you irritated.
"N-no! I'm fine actually. In fact I'm so fine that I could probably ride you with no issues at all." You proudly boasted.
"Oh yeah? Prove it then baby." He taunted you, not actually expecting you to follow through but you surprised him when you got up and pulled his shirt off you and climbed on top of him, albeit with a little difficulty but you did. Yunho watched you with a smirk as you began pumping him in your hand.
"Do you still have energy left to go for another round though?" You teased him as you gave him a tight squeeze.
"Trust me doll, I never run out of energy if it means fucking your tight pussy."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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"What are you doing?" You sleepily asked when you awoke to find Yeosang staring right at you.
"Admiring you before I have to go." He answered with a hint of sadness in his eyes.
You both looked over at the clock, knowing that soon the house and its occupants would soon be bustling and it would be best if Yeosang snuck back into his room.
"I don't wanna leave. I wanna stay here with you." He huffed as he layed back down on the bed with you.
You swore he acted more like a child than his daughter did, confirmed by how now you tried to get him out of your bed, which he was very reluctant about.
"You'll see me later tonight anyways, it'll only be for a few hours." You reminded him as you helped him gather his clothes that had been scattered about on the floor.
"I'll miss you so much." He pouted at you.
You were about to roll your eyes but then you got an idea. Stopping him before he threw his shirt on, you sunk down to your knees and took hold back his cock which instantly got hard at your touch.
"Then let me leave you with something so you don't miss me too much.."
Yeosang shuddered when your lips kissed his head, your tongue dipping into his slit.
"And so you have something to look forward to tonight."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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Head thrown back against the softness and the pillow as lewd moans spewed out of your mouth, your fingers were tangled in the back of San's hair as he continued to swallow and suck at your nipples, his hands pressing hard against your squishy skin so he'd be able to gulp down more of your milk.
"Sannie...please." You whimpered out, yet he made no answers nor did he move from where he was. Calling out to him once more and even tugging his hair harshly, you finally got a response from him.
"Hmm?" He hummed quietly yet went back to his previous task of breastfeeding from you.
"Stop being selfish, that milk is also for our daughter." You reminded him as you tried to move him from your chest, which resulted in him latching into your nipple with more intensity.
"You were mine before you were her mom, I think I deserve to get my fair share of enjoying your body as I want. Don't get me wrong I love our princess and I don't regret having her, but last night was the first time in a while that I finally get you all to myself and I'm going to take advantage of it."
Dipping his tongue back in between your breasts, San let out a soft chuckle as he kneaded your mounds.
"Besides you produce more than enough milk baby mama. Got your shirts getting wet patches from all the milk pouring out of your tits."
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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You were awoken when you felt Mingi, who was still nestled inside of you, slightly pull in and out of you. You weren't too fazed by this, you guys often tried cockwarming, especially if the night before you guys were being a little naughty. There was just something heartwarming about having him stay inside you after he fucked you sore.
"Still wanna go?" Mingi asked. Even though you had explicitly told him to fuck you awake, he still wanted to make sure you'd still be up for it.
You didn't even respond, you simply pushed yourself back onto him after he had pulled out of you. Getting the hint, Mingi helped you onto all fours, which automatically excited you. Soon he was pulling moan after moan out of your mouth as his hips slammed into you from behind, one hand reaching over to stimulate you further by rubbing your clit.
"You gotta be quiet love." He teased as his other hand came over to cup over your mouth, effectively muffling all the loud noises coming out of it.
"Our angel is sleeping in the other room and if she hears us, she'll wake up."
He purposefully made it harder for you as he jolted his hips up, further ramming himself in you.
"So let's try to not get caught."
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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"She's going to wake up any second now." Although you tried to reason with Wooyoung, you made absolutely no attempt to get him off you. Instead you simply melted into his kisses and caresses, still high from the blissful night you two shared just a few hours ago.
"No she won't. She's been sleeping a lot more recently." He assured you as he raked his teeth along your shoulder blades, threatening to leave marks plastered on you.
"Yes but- oh fine. But we have to be quick about it..just in case." You told him.
"Quick you say? Ok then."
You let out a squeak when Wooyoung flipped over and pulled you on top of him with no warning. At first you were confused when he started shifting you around, but after he began turning you, you understood what he was aiming for. You let him guide you so your ass was right on top of his face, your dripping pussy inches away from his mouth. Bending over, you brought your mouth over to his cock, licking his shaft which made him jitter under you.
"Fuck! Oh shit." Not wanting to let you get away with teasing, Wooyoung layed his tongue flat on your lips before curling it upwards so it could flick at your clit, eliciting a response from your body.
"Remember, we gotta be quick about it. So start sucking baby."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Jongho looked up amusedly, sleep still in his eyes, at your tantalizing figure that was now rutting itself against one of his thighs.
"I'm up." You simply stated while continuing to grind on him.
"I can see that very well my little vixen. And now I'm up." You both laughed quietly at his double sensed joke.
Effortlessly picking you up with his hands, Jongho settled you down on his cock, now making you grind your slick folds along his thick length that was hardening even more now.
"This horny this early love?" He raised an eyebrow at you yet never stopped moving you.
"Can't help it. You left me wanting more after last night." You shyly admitted.
"Oh? Is that so? You want more. I'll give you more."
Aligning himself on your entrance, Jongho and you simultaneously hissed, you from the stretch he gave you and he from the way your walls hugged around his shaft.
"Baby, hold onto the headboard." He instructed you and you promptly obeyed with no hesitation.
"Because I'm not going easy on you. I'm starting my morning off by fucking you dumb."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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universitypenguin · 3 years
Bucky Barnes is a Traditional Man
- Bucky Barnes is a traditional man in the sense that his woman comes first.
- You have more doors held open for you than you could have imagined before you began dating Bucky.
- Door to buildings, your car door (always!), he even moves one step ahead of you when you walk down the stairs in heels so he could break your fall, just in case.
- James Buchanan Barnes is quite protective of his girlfriend.
- He’s in love with you and it finally allows some of the deeper wounds from Hydra, from the war, and losing Steve to heal.
- His heart was cold and aching before he met you. Now it’s warm and soft.
- Your perspective on the world is something that attracted him to you in the first place. You’re an optimist in a jaded world and vibrant with life in a way he’s not sure he’s even capable of.
- But somehow, being with you helps bridge the gap. He can look in the mirror and not see the Winter Soldier looking back at him. Instead he sees the man from the 1940s who loved to dance and who hoped to win a boxing title.
- You gave him that man back with your care and affection, even before the two of you fell in love. And he feels such a gratitude for that his heart throbs and his eyes glass over when he thinks about it for too long.
- Bucky is a man in love and you’re happier with him than you ever thought was possible to be. Things are so good between you two; easy, light, and sweet.
- Then one night at dinner Bucky forgets his phone. He asks to borrow your to check the score of a baseball game.
- And he accidentally finds an open porn tab. Curious, he turns the screen so no one else can see and watches. His stomach twists. The appetizer from earlier suddenly isn’t sitting so well.
- Choking.
- You watch porn with men choking their women.
- He’s not judging. He’s really not. But he’d been hoping for something he could replicate for you, and this? He can’t. Not in a million years.
- He’s afraid of hurting you.
- He doesn’t say it out loud because it feels like speaking one of his worst fears into existence. He doesn’t want even the words to pass his lips and take root in your imagination.
- You can’t see him like that. Like a monster. Too many others have and there’s enough truth behind the title for him to sleep well at night, despite all his progress. But most of the time, he sleeps well. It’s because of you and he knows it. Your comforting presence allows him to relax.
- He sleeps in bed with you nowadays. He likes how firm your mattress is.
- He struggles through dinner, the video playing through the back of his mind. When you ask him what the score of the game was he can’t figure out what you’re talking about. It’s an awkward moment.
- The thing here, is that Bucky Barnes is a traditional man. His woman comes first. So he’s going to do whatever it takes to please you and he knows it.
- You always come first. Both in the bedroom and out of it. That’s one of his rules. So he’s already forming ideas about how he’s going to accommodate your kink.
- Two weeks later is your anniversary. He gets flowers, takes you to a nice restaurant and when you get home, brings up the thing.
- “I found your porn open when I borrowed your phone. I’m guessing that you like choking, doll?”
- Your cheeks turn bright red. And you stammer.
- “Hey. Don’t be embarrassed. I want to know this stuff. I need to. How can I please you if we don’t talk about it?”
- “Bucky, you don’t have to... I would never ask you...”
- He smiles. He loves that you’re protective of him in your own way. Knowing this has done a lot for his mental well-being. It makes the relationship between you two solid and strong.
- “I want to give you everything you want in bed,” Bucky says.
- “But you already do!”
- That’s true. Too many of your ex-boyfriends were quick and rough without taking the time for foreplay.
- Bucky is an expert at foreplay. He’s able to build the tension until you fall apart for him is an addiction that he feeds as often as he can. Knowing he provides for your needs like no other man before him is a point of pride for him. (Private pride, that is. Even Sam doesn’t know anything about his sex life. Some parts of 1940’s discretion is very much ingrained in him. It’s not shame. He just likes keeping intimacy... intimate.)
- Bucky is slow and sensual in bed, warm and passionate. With him sex really does feel like making love. It was on your first night together that you’d fallen for him and his patient, gentle way of touching you.
- Orgasming had been so easy when you felt worshiped and safe. And it remained that way with him. Later, these feelings heightened your desire for rough sex with your boyfriend. Because sex with Bucky was a place of security for you. He was utterly harmless towards you and in that context, rough sex would be amazing.
- But things between you two are pretty much vanilla.
- He’s always soft with you. Things can be heightened and swirling with passion, but he’s never show even a flash of aggression or force.
- The super soldier serum means he has stamina for days. He can accomplish and position you want to try, even if it involves lifting you for long periods of time. And there’s no question if he’s going to last. Also, his recovery time is so short “round two” sometimes blurs in with round one.
- But he’s careful about using his strength against you, even more so during intimate situations.
- You’re not “breakable” and he knows that. But you’re precious to him and leaving a mark that isn’t from pure passion would wreck his mental health. Permanently. He’d never forgive himself.
- You know this too, which is why you never asked him to choke you.
- “Baby doll. I want to give you your fantasy. Will you let me? Do you want that from me?”
- You do. You really, really want to be choked by him. So you quietly respond, “Yes.”
- Before he starts, you two sit on the couch and he holds you while you tell him about your fantasies. He takes off your heels while you tell him all your darkest desires. And he gives the sore arches of your feet a massage, listening intently.
- One comforting thing for Bucky is that having been a soldier, he knows how to choke someone. He’ll be able to tell if it’s too much for you. He knows how long before it would damage you. There’s some confidence forming that this will be safe and he won’t hurt you.
- It’s nice that for once his violent past is proving helpful in your relationship. He thought agreeing to choke you might rattle him a little, stirring up old emotions, but it’s soothing. He’s enjoying using what he knows to make this experience good for you.
- He lets things get rough when you go to bed. He doesn’t hold back the passion tonight. Instead, he focuses on eating you to orgasm and holding you on the edge until you pull his hair.
- “Bucky! Please!”
- Then he slides two fingers inside of you and draws fast little circles on your g-spot until you break.
- He lets up on your clit but as the orgasm fades, slides in a third finger and pounds the spot until your pussy creams on his hand and your groans are low and raw, filled with ecstasy.
- “That’s it, doll. Just like that. So pretty when you cum for me. Keep going, baby girl. I’m right here.”
- His metal arm wraps around your waist when you arch your back, holding you so he can keep toying with the spot as your hips begin to jerk away.
- When he’s finally done with your g-spot his hand is drenched. So is the sheet and your inner thighs.
- And you’re gasping for breath from the intense orgasm. When it comes on this hard you can’t really tell if it’s one long orgasm or three separate ones that came almost back to back.
- Bucky takes you in his arms, cooing sweet nothings into your ear.
- It helps you calm down when he talks in a soft soothing voice. The man should narrate meditations.
- His voice is silky and smooth for you, yet rough with repressed need. You can hear the need and it feeds your desire.
- “Please, Bucky. I need to feel you inside of me.”
- You find yourself underneath him, with your legs pushed apart and his body selling between them.
- You love feeling the weight of him on top of you.
- Then, he gently opens the petals of your sex and guides himself inside of you.
- There’s a stretch and burn as he enters you, just like there always is. Your body never quite adjusts to his girth. Each time you have to relax for him.
- He knows it’s a challenge to take him at first. He’s always careful and there’s a tube of lubricant in the side table. It’s not always needed but he’s always prepared.
- His hips begin to roll, and he sets a steady pace that pushes the tip of his cock against your spot with each thrust. At first his thrusts are shallow but as you begin to relax around him he goes deeper. His body moves forward to cover you and he starts fucking you hard.
- Each snap of his hips has you keening. Your body is so sensitive from your earlier orgasms. He keeps up the pace steady and constant until you’re begging. Then he reaches out with his metal hand and covers your throat. At this point, your channel clenches around him, almost in orgasm.
- “You wanted my metal hand baby, didn’t you?”
- Yeah. You had. The idea had fueled your fantasies night after night.
- The cool press of metal into your throat makes you moan and tremble.
- Bucky feels the shiver and worry flashes through his eyes. “This okay, doll?”
- “Yes, harder, please!”
- He can feel your body responding and it encourages him to press down, finally choking you the way you’d dreamed of.
- You orgasm almost instantly as he chokes you through your climax.
- Bucky lets go when your fluttering muscles start to ease. Suddenly he’s driving into you hard. He drops his hand from your neck, needing both to balance his weight as he seeks his own pleasure.
- The wild, rough movement is harder than the two of you have ever gone before.
- Because he’s always been afraid of hurting you with his enhanced strength until he was too far gone to think.
- When his orgasm hits, his sight goes white and he jerks against you, pumping his seed into you. Then he collapses.
- You hold him tight, savoring the press of his body and the feeling of his release inside of you.
- “You okay, doll? I wasn’t too rough?”
- “It was perfect.”
- Your hand strokes through his hair as you lay together in the same position for several minutes. Heartbeats pounding, your minds still struggling to return to equilibrium.
- Bucky recovers first. Damn that super soldier serum. It’s not fair that you’re still limp and dazed.
- He slips out of you and rolls over, bringing you with him. Your head finds its cradle in his shoulder and your eyes drift shut.
- Recovery isn’t going to happen for you tonight. You’re just going straight to sleep. You’ve earned it.
- Bucky shifts you onto your side. He gets up and you hear water running in the bathroom before a cool cloth touches between your legs, cleaning you.
- You murmur a thanks, half asleep.
- He comes back to cuddle you into his arms, adjusting the pillows around you before he lays down.
- When you throw a leg over his hip, he draws you closer so that you’re lying almost on top of him.
- “You make such a good pillow of someone with so many hard muscles.”
- Bucky chuckles and kisses the top of your head.
- “I’m glad. Go to sleep, doll. I love you.”
- “I love you too, James.”
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sw124 · 3 years
FNAF Security breach: Baby Gregory AU
Part5: Baby and Animatronic class!
[Context: I went and did some research on how to perform the Heimlich maneuver on an infant, if the animatronics are gonna look after a baby I’m gonna make damn well sure they know their stuff!]
Well that was..an interesting night Vanessa was never going to forget, after coming back and listening to Moon explain his idea of where the baby came from; was now looking for a child in the tapes instead of an adult. Like looking for a needle in a haystack, if that wasn’t bad enough apparently corporate wasn’t interested in some random baby. They just told her to handle it discretely…an as much as she was contemplating taking the lil’guy with her, she really couldn’t. Not that she didn’t have the space it was cause Freddy wouldn’t let him go.
The big guy was utterly smitten, just seeing him leaning over that crib you’d think he was a dad who just brought his newborn home from the hospital. He wasn’t the only one, Gregory seemed to have grown on them. Before she left to finish her rounds she caught Monty leaning over the crib too, his hand reaching to stroke the babies face. Chica was cooing while Roxy..just stared at him but you couldn’t miss that smile on her face.
She couldn’t believe how she kept her composure after watching Moon try and corral the group of animatronics away from the crib, he didn’t want the kid waking up. It was just funny seeing the Daycare attendant corralling animatronics instead of kids. Well at least Gregory had some caretakers, just until they got information on where his parents were, or at least a relative that could take him in.
Well her shift was almost over, she could go home and take a breather before her next shift. Thank goodness for Sun an moon, she really owed them big time.
But the last thing he said before shoving the bots out got her curiosity peaked. What did he mean when he said;
“Come back tomorrow for lessons?”
[The next night]
“Well, glad to see you all can follow instructions.”
Roxy, Monty, Chica and Freddy were all sitting in a semi-circle around Sun, little Gregory happily sitting in a little baby floor chair while eating diced up watermelon. His little face smeared with juice and watermelon remnants. Freddy leaned over from time to time to look at him, making sure he was ok…much to Sun’s..’slight’ annoyance.
“We’re here, what else do you want?” Grumbled Monty, Roxy seconded it with a grumble of her own.
“I called you all here so I can teach you how to take care of Gregory, all of you are use to older children but are hardly ever around infants. Reason is cause in case Vanessa, Moon an or I can’t watch him one of you will have to take on the responsibility. Do I make myself clear?”
This got everyone’s attention, Freddy’s mostly. He almost looked like one of the toddlers the way he was staring, at least he finally got his ‘full’ attention now.
“First thing I’m going to show you all is how to hold a baby, how to support their head, hold them safely in your arms and what to do if they start getting fussy.”
Sun turned an went to a little box nearby, out he pulled four dolls all about Gregory’s size. To each animatronic he gave a doll, then he went and picked up Gregory. A few dabs with a damp cloth and his face was clean of all the mess.
“Ok, lesson 1: holding a baby while sitting. If your sitting on the floor hold the infant either in your lap, or in the crook of your arm like so.” Sun demonstrated, everyone copied.
Monty and Roxy…well they were ready to chuck the dolls at Sun at this point an they had only just started the lessons. It was after the third and forth lesson that finally got Roxy growling.
“Sun, we know how to hold a baby..can we learn something a little more…I don’t know ‘important’ maybe?!” groaned Roxy.
This earned her a glare from the Daycare attendant. “An what else should I teach hm?”
Roxy glared back and was about to snarl something when Freddy chimed in.
“W-Well what if he gets ahold of something small and puts it in his mouth, something..he could choke on?” This wasn’t something he really wanted to ask…but it was important, an it got Sun’s attention.
“Ok that is something, ok say Gregory got ahold of..a toy car or any small item an has accidentally swallowed it an has become lodged in his throat. What you do is quickly place him, facing down on your forearm, gripping the jaw and giving five blows on the back. Not too hard or you’ll hurt him, then turn him over and give five chests thrusts again all while facing down, then check to see if object has been dislodged, if not repeat 2 or 3 times until item is dislodged.” Sun demonstrated on a doll instead of Gregory.”
Now this got everyone focused and copying the motions, next came on what to do if he was ill or had been injured. This was all second nature to the Daycare attendant but to the others it was all brand new, Freddy was absorbing it like a sponge. After testing each one of them and making some adjustments on their techniques came to the more mundane lessons.
“Ok, as much as you guys are gonna hate me for this I’m gonna teach you all how to change a diaper.”
Yep, just like he thought, everyone was giving him the look. The ‘you can’t be serious’ look, an as much as he wish he wasn’t it was apart of child care.
“He’s a baby, if any of you are gonna look after him its only fair you learn how to do this. You are aware that if he sits in a soiled diaper it can make him sick right?” Well that quelled the looks.
He continued. “Moon an I know how to do this, its apart of our job, its not that hard when you practice it a few times. If your stuck then I can upload some of the programming I have to help you, sound fair?”
They all nodded.
“Ok good, now lets start.”
Sun could hear his brother laughing at the back of his head, Monty having trouble with the straps, Roxy getting powder in her hair, Chica put the diaper on the doll backwards an Freddy bless his heart…forgot a few steps but none the less they were getting the hang of it. What really made Moon laugh..in fact everyone laugh was Gregory trying to help Freddy out. He even tried taking Monty’s doll to play with.
This kid was too pure for this world, they all knew that. But after a few more tries everyone got the hang of diapering and general care, next came to feeding.
“Ok now we covered the basics lets move on to diet, since Gregory here doesn’t have any teeth yet he’ll need a diet of soft foods. Nothing too spicy or acidic as that could play heck with his digestion, try to stick to healthy foods. Vanessa was kind enough to provide some proper food for him…an let me make this clear, no pizza till he’s got all his baby teeth come in.”
There was a raspberry blown followed by a pout from Chica but had to agree, if she wanted to ever play with Gregory by herself that is. Sun continued with how to hold a bottle properly, knowing when they’re done and finally how to burp them. Freddy had this covered down pat while the others needed a demonstration. Thankfully that wasn’t far off as Gregory already was starting to get fussy and began whining.
“Well speak of the devil, ok time for dinner. Back in the chair ya go!” Sang the happy solar animatronic as he placed the infant in the little floor chair.
“He was just eating watermelon a few minutes ago, how can he be hungry again?!” Asked Roxy.
“If you bothered to look at the clock thats was about two hours ago, it was mostly just a snack but right now he needs something else. Thankfully a bottle will be enough, now if your done I’ll show you how to ‘bottle feed’ an tomorrow we’ll practice ‘spoon feeding’. But I’m sure we covered the basics, the important ones anyway.”
Sun shrugged an walked over to a bag, he had already prepared a bottle just in case. He really didn’t need to teach Freddy, he seemed to have a grasp on bottle feeding. Though things weren’t going smoothly right now, Gregory was acting a little fussy. He was wrestling with the bottle almost trying to pull it out of Sun’s hand. He was trying to keep it steady, milk dripping on to the infants face. He didn’t settle down till Freddy took the bottle…
“Well, seems he’ll let you feed him just fine.” Sun sighed, at least the baby was being fed.
Roxy chuckled and leaned forward, watching the little one greedily suck down the milk. She reached and dabbed away some of the milk left over on his cheek. Monty stretched and watched too, Chica just smiled and started petting his head.
Despite the glares and complaining…Sun was sure that Gregory was in more then capable hands.
End pt.5
[This was inspired by art done by @callmebread please check out their channel and PLEASE REBLOG don’t just like, reblogs help spread the love, likes are nice but thats all they do is like, please Reblog]
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missjaystone · 4 years
“Don’t Wake Up”
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader | Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary: Work keeps you busy. That's why as long as Steve's gentle and doesn't wake you up, he's free to do what he wants while you sleep, but what he wants is his best friend to feel what he feels. Word Count: 1,800
Trigger Warning(s): Somnophilia, NonCon/DubCon, Drugging Please DO NOT ignore trigger warnings and read at your own discretion.
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Life was unpredictable, anybody who knew exactly how their life would go was either omnipotent or the most boring being alive. Early on you learned to roll with life's punches and that's how you were where you were right now. A top SHIELD agent trusted with a great deal of knowledge and an almost insane amount of clearance, working closing with the Avengers. You rose thru SHIELD's ranks fairly quickly, especially for someone of your age. You were mid-level when they unfroze Captain America. You were one of the people entrusted with the task of helping Steve warm up to this new 21st-century society, pun not intended.
Once the initial shock of being thrust into this world had worn off, you and Steve developed a comfortable and vital friendship. You two spoke multiple times a day and saw each other frequently. The two of you were together so often, people used to joke that if one of you was around, the other wasn't far behind and they usually weren't wrong. It was no secret nobody was surprised when Tony loudly made a scene when he saw you two sharing a New Year's kiss. Tony shouting "I knew they'd end up together! I fucking knew it!" to everyone on the Avengers team and a handful of SHIELD agents wasn't how you two intended on exposing your relationship, but life is unpredictable.
Things around you gradually became more complex but that wasn't a surprise, you just kept rolling with the punches. The battle of New York happened, Ultron happened, Hydra's infiltration of SHIELD happened, the team grew, the entire situation with the Sokovia Accords happened, the complexities already on your plates multiplied. Of course, you stuck with Steve thru everything, you never stopped having faith in him. There were a handful of times where you could've turned and stopped fighting but how could you abandon your Captain? You loved him. Over the years all the fights, all the curveballs, everything wore on you both and the two of you had to change with the times and adapt to your surroundings. You were both changing before each other. There were times where you didn't see each other for weeks at a time; Steve would get busy with his missions around the globe and you had a mountain of SHIELD files to deal with; drives that had to be decrypted and stored properly, reports that had to go to a dozen different people, agents to recruit and review, clips to scour with minute details.
Things got a little bumpy when Bucky came to stay at the tower; Steve trying to help his oldest friend get accustomed to everything and you helping any way you could. You couldn't bear the thought of telling Steve when you started to feel uncomfortable around the brunette. The lingering stares, the prolonged hugs, the borderline-peculiar conversations; you brushed it all off. This was a man who spent 70 years as a mind-controlled assassin, he had everything ripped from him and now he had to readjust to modern society. He had to learn how to form relationships again, he had to relearn everything so there were bound to be moments of discomfort as he navigated his way. In all of that, however, you missed the small frowns and brooding moments he had whenever you and Steve were being overly affectionate together. He'd never do anything about it though, you were Steve's. He'd had his fair share of ladies back in their time but you were Steve's girl, you made Steve happy and Bucky couldn't-wouldn't take that from him.
When your workload multiplied again, you weren't as available as you used to be and it wore on Steve a bit. He and his super-soldier stamina had gotten used to a certain level of intimacy that wasn't happening anymore. It came to a head one night when Steve was in the mood but you were too tired to even pretend. Your words were mumbled as you snuggled against your pillow but Steve heard them loud and clear "do whatever you need to get off, baby, just don't wake me up." He asked if you were sure and got a hum in response but that didn't entirely suffice. He gave your shoulders a small shake until you turned to look at him. You looked tired and were so close to kicking him out of bed "Stevie, do whatever you want just please let me sleep."
You two still had sex other times, they were more intimate and personal though. In a mildly humorous way, that seemed to boost your relationship some. You'd wake up the morning feeling surprisingly peaceful for a few minutes before your work to-do list came to mind and Steve found out he enjoyed the idea of doing something he wasn't supposed to. He'd made it into his own little game; how much could he do without waking you up?
Tonight, you had your nose buried in your computer screen and papers were strewn across the bed; you were already exhausted but you still had a number of things to finish. You were pulled out of your hype focused state when the bed dipped beside you. The blue-eyed man offered you a cup of water with a sweet smile "come on, I haven't seen you drink anything in over an hour." You thanked him with a quick peck before taking a long and much-needed drink, thanking him when you set the nearly-empty cup back down.
Time felt like it began to drag on slowly, heavy tiredness slowly enveloping you throughout the next hour. You didn't even realize you'd dozed off until Steve was gently laying you down, pulling the blankets over you. "Steve, I still have work to do," you forced yourself to mumble, everything just felt heavy. "You can't even keep your eyes open, finish it in the morning," he said softly. He hushed you when you tried to object "Captain's orders, doll." You couldn't argue with that. Literally, there wasn't an ounce of strength or a grain of energy to fuel a disagreement. You were out like a light in a manner of seconds.
The blond stayed snuggled up beside you, stroking your hair soothingly to lull you into a deep sleep. No more than ten minutes had passed before the door opened and closed without a sound. An unsure Bucky stood by the dresser with his hands in his pockets and spoke quietly "are you sure about this Steve?" He nodded "I'm positive, Buck. I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't sure about it. I see the way you look at her, you deserve happiness too y'know." Bucky started to question him but Steve stopped him "she'll love you as much as she does me, Buck, it'll take some time and subliminal messages but she will."
Bucky looked at your sleeping form in thought, you were a nice person; you were smart, helpful, genuine, charming, you made him feel normal. He'd never be normal but if having you made him feel that way, who was he to pass up the opportunity? He quickly shed his pajamas while Steve moved your bottoms down. They'd been planning this for what felt like ages and they knew there'd be no going back, but it gave them a chance at a future they got to actually choose.
A thick silence filled the room as Bucky moved slowly to hover above you, lining himself up at your entrance with a slightly-shaking hand. With one last confirmation look from Steve, he slowly eased himself into you. He bit his lip roughly to keep from groaning and wake you up. The crushed-up Valium in your water should've kept you from waking up at anything but he wasn't taking a chance and getting too caught up in the moment. He finally broke the silence with a mumbled groan after finally bottoming out. Bucky's eyes fell closed and he stilled to savor the feeling, almost cumming right then.
Very slowly, he started to pull his hips back before pushing back in just as slowly. He continued like this for what he thought was ages and when the only response from you was a mumble here or a moan there, he slowly picked up his pace. Steve was in heaven watching the scene unfold in front of him. There was a slight pang in his chest for betraying your trust and not only letting but encouraging his friend to use you but he had a plan, a plan he was confident in. He started off palming his throbbing erection over his sweatpants before eventually pulling them down and fisting his member. There were a few moments where both stilled in fear when you stirred before settling. Bucky finished first, his hips jerking briefly before they stilled, a satisfied groan leaving his lips as he moved some hair out of your face. Steve finished when he watched him slowly pull out and came with a muttered 'fuck'. Steve quickly grabbed a few tissues, handing some to Bucky to clean you up while he took care of himself. Once the evidence was removed, the men shared a tight hug. Bucky actually looked a little more like himself now, he looked the slightest bit happier and more at peace.
In your unconscious and drugged state, all that you really felt was a sort of tugging pressure but you couldn't open your eyes. You heard voices conversing quietly after the pressure was completely gone and you felt the bed move as somebody got up. Despite your best efforts to listen, you couldn't make out the words. It took all of your strength to open your eyes even slightly but you could've sworn you saw a brunette figure leaving the room. There was no time to process it before your eyes fell shut again and you were entirely asleep.
You still felt a bit groggy when you woke up in the morning but nothing seemed out of place. Steve was quick to appear with a couple of mugs of coffee, handing you yours before he took a seat. He planted a sweet kiss on your temple. When you didn't say anything after taking your mug, Steve looked you over "are you feeling okay, doll? Are you coming down with something?" He asked, some concern in his eyes as he placed the back of his hand to your forehead for a temperature check. You finally took his hand and kissed his palm, sending him a smile "I'm fine, baby, just a little groggy is all. Crazy dream is all." Steve smiled sweetly at you “wanna talk about it?" An image of Bucky on top of you flashed across your mind and you shook your head “I don’t even remember what it was about.” You kissed his cheek softly and smiled. After all, it was only a dream.
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elliotofvanity · 2 years
Welcome to the Party, Elliot Vanity. Hope You Survive the Experience...
LOCATION: Diagon Alley, Nicky Edgecombe & Dirk Cresswell’s Flat DATE: June 30th, 1984 @edgeofnicky
Elliot was not generally much of one for parties. He attended them, of course, when he was invited; it would be rude not to, and mother would be cross with him besides if he didn’t go, and so he was careful never to decline too many. He rationed his refusals, saving them up like rare coins to doll out against the most egregious invitations or boorish hosts. Fortunately for his wallflower tendencies, he wasn’t a particularly popular guest, so his invitations hardly arrived in a deluge and tended to be more of an obligatory nature than an enthusiastic one—he was an unmarried heir of a certain age, after all—which meant that he could make the corresponding obligatory appearance and then find a corner that gave him a good view of the room and its dramatics, and count to be relatively undisturbed there for the bulk of the evening.
He had a feeling that this party was going to be of a rather different sort. For one thing, he remembered Nicola Edgecombe from school, and while they hadn’t retained close social bonds in the years since, he doubted she had suffered a drastic shift in personality or temperament. For another, there was the address. This wasn’t the first time he’d been invited to a party in a flat, no, but he had a feeling this was going to be a rather different sort of flat than the ones he’d been to before. Both of those factors had been enticements in favor of attending when he’d weighed the unexpected invitation in the days following its arrival, but...
Well, there was really only one factor that mattered. He was in the Order of the Phoenix now and it was on that basis that he had been invited. Hence, there had never been any question of whether or not he was going to attend. After all, he didn’t just want to meet the people he was going to be fighting alongside, for which this gathering would surely be of great use; he wanted to impress them. Which meant showing-up and socializing. A trial, to be sure, but one that he was determined to excel at. Or at least not run away from.
He still got there late, having dithered over what to wear (it didn’t seem like a dress robes sort of event, but he didn’t want to show-up underdressed and thus risk offending everyone by making it seem like he thought them low-class) and changed his mind completely seven times before finally settling on one of the natty but casual modern half-length open-front overrobes that mum hated in a natty plum color. If he got there and found everyone dressed too casually, he could always divest himself of the robe in favor of the loose-sleeved tunic and trousers he wore underneath with no one the wiser.
He appeared on the appointed street with a sharp CRACK and revolved in a slow, disoriented circle as he tried to get his bearings—ah, there, an address! Relieved to have found the right number, Elliot mounted the steps hurriedly before he could change his mind and rapped on the door. To his relief, it was answered by a familiar face instead of a stranger to whom he would have to summon the courage to introduce himself.
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“Nicky Edgecombe, my goodness, it’s been ages. I can’t tell you how delighted I was to get your invitation, thanks ever so.” Was he talking too much? Elliot felt like he was talking too much. He kept talking anyway. “How have you been? And who would have fancied finding us both here, eh? In the Order of the Phoenix, I mean, not your flat—that’s a very sensible place to find you,” he corrected himself quickly, and then even more quickly winced as he realized what he’d just said and perhaps shouldn’t have. “Oh, blimey, is it all right for me to talk about it here? I mean, it’s your home, and the invite did rather imply that it was a, you know, a member’s only sort of thing, but I swear I can be discrete if I ought to...?”
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